#Star Trek Picard s3
departmentq · 1 year
Even knowing it takes place beforehand, but with Tendi and Rutherford's technical and scientific skills, combined with Boimler and Mariner's knowledge of Starfleet history and paranoia, the ensigns would have figured out the Dominion/Borg's plot by the 20 minute mark.
(Sincerely hoping that Picard S3 gets skewered in an episode of Lower Decks.)
(sincerely praying that Todd Stashwick also lends his voice in a future episode of Lower Decks, as “some dipshit from Chicago”)
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263adder · 1 year
With all the throwaway mentions of Admiral Janeway, you think Star Trek: Picard could've mentioned Janeway married Chakotay to make the novel (Unworthy, 2009) canon. I lived for that pair in the early seasons of the show, before they forced Chakotay x Seven. They basically made a fanfic episode when they stranded them on a planet together after all!
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marystuart25 · 2 years
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thaern · 1 year
I love characters that are so pathetic and morally gray but has so much potential to be my little baby girl.
Shaw is now my pathetic girlfriend and I love him very much
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beverlycrushes · 2 years
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she's like the joker but for women <3
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alfred-e-neuman · 2 years
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Don't know if anyone else noticed this, I only noticed it because I happen to pause it at the right time, but they put the Shrike in the Star Trek opening logo sequence.
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datasbride · 1 year
If Picard s3 was an episode in another st show.
The story: The captain finds out that they have an adult son that the changelings are trying to abduct, so the borg can use him to take over the federation.
TOS: A lot of Shatner overacting. Bones looses his shit and being overly emotional. Which leads to Spock trolling him the entire time. Lots of scenes with people just walking around, so that the episode is long enough.
TNG: Two parter connecting two seasons. First part ends dramatically with the realization that the changelings are involved. Second part is where the Borg are defeated.
DS9: The prophets send a vision that confuses Sisko even more. Garak somehow knows what's going on and manipulates Bashir to fix it. Nobody knows what really happened, but someone's conscience will bug them for the rest of their life.
VOY: Tuvok mindmelds with the guy then with the changelings and the Borg. The Borg cube is destroyed. They drop the guy at a nearby planet. He is never mentioned again.
ENT: We get the background of the background story. The story is lost in the archives, so no one knows that they already met those species. Archer learns an important lesson that will be incorporated in the Federation Charter.
DSC: Half of the season is in the mirror universe.
LOW: Maybe it's the B-plot, more probably the C-plot.
SNW: Pike accepts his destiny.
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ussjellyfish · 2 years
I am excited for more Beverly next week but I am increasingly annoyed that Star Trek Picard features no women talking to women.
Seven giving orders to the bridge crew is the only time women have talked to each other.
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dragontrekkie · 2 years
does anyone else have a huge gay crush on the intrepid after one of her nacelles was broken or is that just me. i cant get any good gifs of her but when she slowly turns to the camera with smoke and light coming off the broken nacelle she is the most gorgeous starship i have laid my eyes upon and I want her to kill me
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Watching Star Trek: Picard s3 ep3, Seventeen Seconds
The show just started and then this popped onto my screen
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I'm cackling because the Titan is being attacked 😂
"This is your fault!" Dude, while not completely wrong it's still a bad idea to say this to the admiral's son😂
"Jack don't!" Oh she's 100% his mom😂
"They're gonna need us." I love Beverly so much I'm so intrigued by her storyline this season 👀
Oh *grabs chest* the day Thad was born? It hurts so much knowing that he dies😭
Oh no, was baby Thad sick too?😭
"I thought I was losing him. My unborn son." WHY 😭
"His whole future flashed before my eyes." Shit, his future didn't last long😭
"I hope one day you get to have this feeling too." Well, he didn't specify when exactly 😂
I'm right there with Deanna, I too would be so pissed if my husband left to go get drinks when we have a newborn😂
"They should study him for science." 😂
It's so funny to me that Shaw sent two people to watch their back😂
"Electrical and biological signatures."
"Well, that's fun. Anyone else wanna throw some weird shit at me?" I don't like him, but boy does he have some great lines😂
She is so bored😂
"This sounds rehearsed." Probably is😂
Seven's eyes are watering 😭
"Shaw may call you insubordinate for helping yours, but my dad wouldn't."
"Thank you." 😭🥺 "Go rest, Ensign."
"Yes Commander Seven." I love this girl🥺
Beverly is back in sickbay!😂 I love how fast Jack jumped in when the Doctor pushed Beverly back slightly, he's totally a Mama's boy and I love it
The smirk that Jack and Beverly shared is so great 😂
"Nothing she has to say can't be said in front of me."😂 My boy, what if she wants to take to your papa about the time they got it on? That's an image no one wants to picture their parents in😂
The way Beverly and Picard are standing on opposite sides of the room really shows how they have so much distance between them not just physically but mentally as well
The staring 😭
Oh my god, Picard didn't know he would never seen Beverly again? I have chills
They ended their romantic relationship for the fifth time😂
"Well,I got pregnant that night." OH MY GOD
Oh, Picard got kidnapped and that's why she didn't tell him😭
"It will be like that forever. It will be what it always was, attempts on your life."
"And you never thought if you'd have told me, it might have been different?"
"Jean-Luc, when the galaxy comes calling you, you are not put upon by it, you love it. Don't tell me you would've walked away."
I get why Beverly did what she did since Picard always went on about not wanting a family, but I agree with Picard in that she should've told him.
"I know now that I could've never been my father. But I could have learned that 20 years before." 😭
"When Jack was on his way, I was terrified. All I knew, was that if you're the son of Jean-Luc Picard, there's a target on your back. I lost my parents, then a husband, then my son Wesley, all to the same stars that own you."
"As a mother your whole being is about protecting your child. I- I thought I could protect mine. I didn't know, if I could protect yours." 😭😭😭😭
"I don't know much about you." Riker looks so sad😭
"Sometimes my mother- she'd start telling a story about all of you. And her eyes would light up. And then she'd get sad, and stop."😭
"I spent two decades in a spaceship watching you get cooked up before you were born. "😂 This is kinda scarring dude😂
"Have you got a family, Riker?"
"Feel free to call me Captain. And yes, I have a wife and a daughter. And I had a son." OOOF THIS SHIT HURTS😭
The way that Beverly and her son help people on worlds Starfleet has forgotten makes so so happy but so sad cause FUCK YOU STARFLEET
So many families are torn apart
Jack was jumped on by Fenris Rangers?! I feel like Seven might have words with these guys
"You are the only one I can trust."
Oh my god, the way that Beverly suspects that it doesn't have anything to do with Jack but has everything to do with Picard 👀👀👀
"Didn't I deserve a chance? Didn't he deserve a chance to get to know me?"
"When he was old enough I told him who you were and where to find you. I encouraged him to meet with you. He decided not to." 😭
That look Riker gave Jack 😭😂
"Immaterial? That's your son." Oh fuck, this has Riker in his feelings because he probably wishes so much that he'd get to talk to his own son again and here Picard is not even trying
"Moments with your kids, you never know what you might regret. God knows..." Ow😭😭
"It's irreparable." BULLSHIT
OOooo, the ships been hit, I hope that Shaw's dead😁 oh fuck he's still alive
"You got us into this, you're gonna get his out." 😂 YAY
Picard is Riker's Number One 😂 and I feel like that fits both this and how he has the tendency to prioritize Picard
The way that Worf is just exercising while Raffi is unconscious 😂
Raffi's boots are *chefs kiss*
"I am Worf, son Mogh, House of Martok, Son of Sergey, House of Rozhenko, bane to the Duras family, slayer of Gowron. I have made some chamomile tea, do you take suger?" The delivery of this is ✨ Perfection ✨
Raffi's in full blown fangirl mode😂
Worf's been working on himself 😂
The way he said it wasn't Raffi's time to join the dead😭
Her reaction to Worf being her handler is so great like YASSS GIRL BE ANGRY AT HIM
"Why do I do this? My life, my family, my sobriety. What is wrong with me."😭😭😭
"You have the heart of a warrior." NO SHIT SHERLOCK
"You have served me well." WTF DUDE
"You and I will track this individual together. And then we will find out who stole those weapons, learn the next phase of their plan and stop them." That's better
Raffi: 😏"Cool."
She's out here getting to hunt bad people with an idol of hers, but it totally proves never meet your heroes cause you'll be disappointed
I love how ruler is saying he's open to Picard's input, but you can totally tell he is annoyed with him still
The way that both Beverly and Jack are helping treat the patient's just makes me so happy
(about blood) "We've got plenty." Kinda concerning but ok
Damn, Beverly's saving him
Interesting how he's repeating the same thing to Jack 🤔
SEVEN? IS JACK GOING TO SEVEN?! Oh, nope, just trying to reach the bridge
Riker is really looking at Picard differently now🤔 like he's lost of respect for him
"It is not warrior gear. It is casual."
"Seriously, where do you wear that, to a Tuesday beheading?" This is golden
Aww, she still doesn't feel well :(
"Beheadings are on Wednesday's." 😂
Aw Seven is still in lockdown
JACK? They know each other?!
Oh no they didn't
"You're insane." She says that with some respect in her voice 😂
She kicked the guy's foot😂
Someone sabotaged the ship!
"We gave a saboteur." No shit Sherlock
I personally don't trust the Vulcan who keeps advising them, she seems a bit sketchy
The way that Riker say's he's taking the ship home has me thinking that he's thinking about his family
Wtf is going on?
Oh shit, Jack's mask is off and he's down, Beverly is gonna flip
"I'm having a real hard time balancing the whole work/life thing." Same Raffi, same
Oh my god, she just threatened to pull out the guy's fingernails 🫣
"You may keep your fingernails. We know that those deaths were not your fault."
Wait did Worf used to shove a sword up people's asses? Cause it seems like that's what Raffi was gonna say
"I am wiser now. I was once like her. Irrational, violent." Oh my god, he's lecturing Raffi
"I think I feel my chamomile tea coming back up."😂
Oh the guy's in withdrawal 👀
Oh Raffi is kinda scary rn🫣
The way that Seven knew to contact Picard that his son was injured 🥺
Riker's face when he says "Go."
"Oh he's fading." She sounds so upset 😭
The way that it's taking Seventeen seconds for the lift to get to sickbay 😭👀
Nooooo Jack! The way that Beverly is trying to get his heart started 😭
Oh wait
False alarm
He's alive
The lil relieved smiles that Beverly and Picard share😭🥺 so precious
Did they steal MORIARTY'S PROGRAM?
Holy shit
"Fearful of loss?" yeah this isn't gonna be good
"Sit down admiral, I'm the Captain of this ship."
"What is happening?" Same Raffi
Holy shit!
Oh my god, Odo contacted Worf🥺
"You and I Raffaela, are now partners." HOLY SHIT
Oh my god, the ship is damaged 👀
Riker's face😭 he's probably thinking about how Deanna probably told him not to go and that she was right
"You've just killed us all."
Riker looks like he's barely keeping it together 🥺
I'm sorry I ever doubted you my boy😭
Hey it was directed by Jonathan Frakes!
I'm off to go scream into my pillow now as I wait for Thursday to arrive.😁
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the47thhour · 2 years
Discussing Beverly Crusher in a clip from our Star Trek Picard Season 3 review podcast - New episodes released every Thursday!
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263adder · 1 year
Chapter 1: Wave Hello
AO3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/46882966/chapters/118096369
Summary: Only the other week it was Changelings and Admiral Picard with his Merry Men. Now there's an unidentifiable anomaly ahead and Captain Shaw is getting a headache.
Liam Shaw x Reader
Part One | Part Two
“Captain, the anomaly is expanding.” Ensign La Forge warned from the helm.
“Full shields.” Seven ordered.
“Tactical?” Shaw asked, keeping his eyes fixed on the monitor and the rapidly growing orb that had abruptly appeared in their path.
“Still assessing. The energy signature keeps fluctuating.”
“Put us on Red Alert.” Shaw said.
The lights around the bridge pulsated, warning everyone on board to head to their stations. After the departure of Picard and his merry men, the crew of the exploratory vessel had hoped for a return to normality yet that didn’t seem to be on the cards. Little time had passed since their last adventure and they appeared to be under attack again.
“Ready phasers.” Seven added, moving away from comms to take her seat beside him.
The orb shimmered and grew again, this time releasing an energy wave that crashed into the ship.
“Shields holding steady.” La Forge responded.
“Captain.” The acting science officer, Lieutenant Yana, called out. “I’ve picked up something. Whatever this is, there’s biological signs within. Reading as… human lifeforms. Multiple.”
“Open a channel.” Shaw said. “This is Captain Shaw of the USS Titan. Does anyone copy? Are you in distress or in need of assistance?”
“No response, sir.”
“Hail again.”
Another wave, accompanied by a blinding light that dazed the crew for a split second. It faded, the orb still before them.
“No response.”
“Shields still holding.”
“We’re being hit with massive displacement waves, Captain.” Yana warned.
The shock wave and light lasted longer this time.
“Shields are still up, but something is transporting aboard. I can’t block it, or get a lock on to redirect it away from us.”
“Biological?” Seven asked.
“Yes, Commander. One human lifeform. It’s being transported to… Deck 8.”
Seven, along with a security detail, head for the coordinates.
“Lieutenant, launch a probe. Let’s see what this thing is.” Shaw orders. “Helm, move us away from the anomaly. Nice and steady.”
“Aye, Captain.”
As the ship reversed, another wave, another flash then nothing lay before them except the dark, unforgiving recess of deep space. The bridge lay silent for a moment, everyone waiting to see if it would return but it appeared they were once again alone on the fringes of Federation territory.
“Captain, the anomaly has vanished.”
“I can see that Lieutenant.” Shaw replied dryly, tapping his communicator. “Shaw to Commander Seven. Report?”
“Unresponsive human female, unarmed. En route to sickbay.”
“Acknowledged, I’ll meet you there. Ensign Esmar, send a report to Star Fleet Command with the coordinates of the anomaly, more details to follow.”
“Aye, sir.”
On his way into the turbo-lift, Shaw informed: “Lieutenant Mura, you have the bridge.”
*           *           *
Commander Seven of Nine waited for him by the medbay doors, her security team stationed outside, arms folded while the doctors worked around a figure on the bio-bed that she kept a trained eye on.
“The anomaly?”
“Vanished. Our latest visitor?” Shaw asked cautiously. Whatever it was couldn’t be worse than what they’d just faced. At least he hoped it wasn’t; Shaw was getting too old to survive a third trip to the medbay in one month.
“Human female. Unconscious with internal haemorrhaging and a fractured ulna in the right forearm. It looks like the injuries were incurred on arrival. The transporter beam dropped her down a service ladder.”
“Lieutenant Yana launched a probe. Check on her progress, see if it picked up any data before the anomaly vanished. I’ve sent word to Starfleet to plot the coordinates of the anomaly so other passing vessels are on alert.” Shaw said, glancing away from their visitor to catch a thoughtful expression on his First Officer’s face.
“Yana said we were hit with displacement waves. When I worked under Admiral Janeway…”
Shaw rolled his eyes, he couldn’t resist. Just like Seven couldn’t resist a namedrop.
“…I was informed that the event which propelled them to the Delta Quadrant involved displacement waves. Lieutenant Wildman did a considerable amount of research on the matter during the expedition and after our return to the Alpha Quadrant, and how the phenomena related to the Nacene. I’ll tell Yana to consult her publications. The anomaly must have amassed significant power to penetrate our shields. It seems unlikely it could disappear so thoroughly. Perhaps there is a trail to follow.”
“You suggest we go after it?”
“It could be a danger to other vessels. And we don’t know whether the other lifeforms aboard are in danger.”
Shaw exhaled sharply through his nose.
“The day Starfleet sends through your new command can’t come soon enough.” He said wryly. “You can take another ship on these wild goose chases of yours and leave me in peace.”
Seven smirked. “Is that why you gave me a commendation?”
She got the commendation because she deserved it, but he said: “Absolutely.” With a sigh, he agreed to her plan. “Keep me updated. And downscale the security team outside. One unconscious woman probably doesn’t require an entire squadron.”
Turning his attention to the medical team, Shaw took a seat on an empty bed while he waited for a chance to speak to his new Chief Medical Officer. T’plokan was currently running a cortical scanner over her patient who Shaw got a better look at. There was no uniform, although that didn’t mean she wasn’t Starfleet. Her clothes were tattered, cut in places to access her injuries. Considering she had fallen down a Jefferies tube, however, she looked remarkably well. The work, no doubt, of the Titan’s first-class medical officers.
How this woman have been inside the anomaly? By all outward appearance it had no physical capacity to take on passengers. Perhaps it was a conduit, taking people from one location to another? And yet it had shown multiple lifeforms aboard. Where were those people now?
It was useless speculating, Shaw was an engineer by trade – not a science officer.
T’plokan addressed him when her scan was complete. “Captain.”
“We’ve reset the bone, and the haemorrhaging is under control. There is no brain damage detected, she should wake up naturally in her own time. There were some residual particle traces on her clothes; I’ve sent the details to Lieutenant Yana in case it can help identify how she got here.”
“Is she in Federation database?”
“No, there wasn’t any match on her DNA or fingerprints.”
“That’s a shame. But good work, Doctor. I’ll keep someone stationed outside in case there’s any trouble when she wakes up. Notify me if she does.”
Shaw should have suspected who Seven would place on sentry duty, almost walking into Commander Musiker when he left the medical bay. He regarded her with a suspicious eye.
“Has your transfer from Starfleet Intelligence been completed yet? I wasn’t aware you were on the roaster.”
“It’s only temporary, Captain. Security shift change. Someone will relieve me at 1500 hours.”
“Hmm. I’ll check that they have.”
“Aye, Captain.” Raffi replied, looking far too smug for his liking.
*           *           *
Yana’s initial report was waiting in his ready room. He was barely halfway through, making a few additions to it before he would forward it to Starfleet, when his communicator chirped.
“Shaw.” He answered.
“Captain.” Raffi replied calmly. “I think our guest is in need of a formal welcome.”
“Acknowledged. On my way.”
Their visitor had backed herself into a corner, holding a medical tray like a club. She swiped at an approaching Raffi who deftly dogged her. The patient winced, slumping back against the wall.
The doctor was waiting with Commander Seven, both giving the disorientated woman space to breathe. Only Raffi tried to approach, her hands raised to show she wasn’t a threat.
“I advise you not to make many sudden movements. You’re still healing.” T’plokan said.
“Just relax.” Raffi encouraged. “You’re in a hospital. We’re just trying to fix you up.”
“This doesn’t look like a hospital to me.”
Raffi followed up. “Are hospitals different where you’re from?”
“Busier. Louder.” She replied through gritted teeth. “What is this, private? Clinic? None of you are wearing scrubs. You don’t even have masks.”
“You’re aboard our ship, the USS Titan.” Raffi explained.
“I’m on a ship? That doesn’t make any sense.” She huffed, struggling to stay upright. There was pain radiating from her abdomen and her right arm was hanging uselessly by her side, too sore to move. “How did I get here?”
“We were hoping you could tell us that.” Shaw said, making himself known.
“Return to the bed.” The doctor requested. “I can administer pain relief.”
Shaking her head, the patient insisted: “Tell me what’s going on.”
“I wasn’t being insincere. We really were hoping you could tell us.” Shaw restated. “You’ve been an unexpected addition to our complement.”
“What do you remember, honey?” Raffi asked. “Where were you before you were here.”
“At home.”
“Where’s home?”
The crew shared a look. “On Earth?” Raffi clarified.
“On… obviously on Earth. What does that even mean?”
One of the computer monitors chirped, getting T’plokan’s attention.
“You haven’t told me where I am.” The patient accused, her eyes shifting rapidly between them as if expecting someone to lunge. “I thought we were sharing here.”
“Excuse me.” Shaw said apologetically, matching the woman’s dry tone. “Welcome aboard the USS Titan. We are a Constitution III class exploratory vessel, under the operation of Starfleet. I am Captain Liam Shaw. This is my First Officer, Seven of Nine. This is Doctor T’plokan and Commander Musiker.”
He pointed them all out.
“You can just call me Raffi, honey. What’s your name?”
The patient’s eyes were now fixed on Shaw, trying to process the information he had just given her through the haze of pain and disorientation. She couldn’t process how one moment she had been perfectly fine and was now in a hospital, clearly injured. But some of his words had managed to perforate her addled mind.
“What’s Starfleet?”
T’plokan took them all by surprise, using the patient’s growing unsteadiness and their confusion at her question to grab a hypospray. She rounded a bio-bed and swiftly pressed it against their patient’s neck, catching her when she lost consciousness. The tray clattered to the floor and Raffi raced forward to help get the woman back on the bio-bed.
Once the patient was situated, a neural calliper affixed to monitor her brain activity, T’plokan addressed the commanding officers.
“Lieutenant Yana finished assessing the material I sent. The fibres from the patient’s clothing has been carbon dated at over 380 years old. It came from the twenty first century.”
Shaw groaned.
A few days of peace now he was being accosted by an unidentified anomaly and a time traveller. The universe must hate him.
Raffi and Seven turned to each other.
“I know the Temporal Prime Directive told us what we could and couldn’t do in the past, but is there a procedure for someone who has travelled forward in time?” Raffi wondered.
“It would explain her lack of knowledge about how she arrived here.” Seven said. “Perhaps, like the Nacene, this anomaly used displacement waves to travel through time rather than space?”
“Do you think it brought her to the future on purpose?”
Shaw interrupted their hypothesising, his head already pulsating with annoyance. What he wouldn’t give for one straightforward mission.
“Commander Seven, send a report to Starfleet Command. I’m sure there must be a protocol in place for this kind of eventuality. Doctor, how long will the patient remain under sedation?”
“I estimate five to six hours. Ample time for her internal injuries to finish healing.”
“Well then, let’s hope Starfleet get back to us by then or we’re in for another awkward conversation. Dismissed.
* * *
I couldn't resist calling the TNG cast Picard and his merry men, because I loved Qpid. This is my first Star Trek fic and I don't often write reader inserts/OCs so be kind 😅 And thanks to @mental-bycatch for the encouragement.
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trekwanderer · 1 year
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thaern · 1 year
They really did fucking kill my pathetic girlfriend...
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mzannthropy · 2 years
So, Raffi's storyline is intriguing and I enjoyed all the scenes of Picard and Riker together, god to see old friends back in the game, but I didn't like how Riker mocked Geordi's daughter in front of the whole bridge, that was really cruel imo.
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