#the emotions i felt through this episode
deelovesbooks · 4 months
911 s7 finale liveblog!
the amount of anxiety im feeling cannot be healthy rn
omg omg omg ok ow i just stimmed too hard and hurt my hand
oh man chris :(((((((
oh shit oh shit okay yeah chris called the grandparents
mara :(((((
lmao i called that the shocked diaz parents was seeing kim
ohhhh Athena
ooooooooooooooooh Athena maam thats a bad idea thena put the gun away
i dont like this lady im suspicious fr
Maddie Han 😍
yeah in danger from you
oh is that the Prayer book eddies holding?
ok its very tense but im loving the teamwork connecting the dots. also love how up in eachothers buisness the 118+ fam is. Sketchy call from athena? better call chim
oh buck and eddie sitting in bobbys room :(
lmao that 911 nba commercial startled me i was so confused
Athena miss maam leave this man alone
i still cannot believe that we get Angela fuckin basset on our weewoo show
Aw Amir
if thats not bobby fucking waking up and fighting the intubation im gonna lose it
the fact that buck is in the same shirt for the bucktommy date as he is in the hospital rn is the only thing holding me together bc if bobby died they wouldnt have the date right?
[also jesus christ why are there so many fuckin medication commercials? america are u ok?]
lmao Athena bout to start her own fire
lmao amir and athena about even now? sorry i threatened u here let me save ur life pls dont press charges lol
OH THANK GOD ok i can untense now lol
"god i hope so" THOMAS
[ok was that just my stream or was there a weird cut edit during their conversation?]
ok yeah hes 13 he should have some choice but also hes 13. have him stay with like hen and karen or even buck for little bit if he needs space not in another state!!
Awwwwwww grant-nash family :')
please excuse me while i go cry :(((
amir :')
yes bobby accept ur a hero
oh thank god we were wrong its bobby n
i legit threw my glasses off my face onto my desk the viceral reaction i had to that motherfuckers face
i- fuck. thats the only thing i got. fuck.
there was only a minute left i assumed the angst and bittersweet part would be chris leaving and ya know he grant-nashs not having a house but then
we knew. we all as a fandom knew that it wasnt just a coincidence that gerrard was at the medal ceremony. i had hoped that it would be one of those instances where fandom read to much into it and thought about it way harder than the actual writers like what usually happens but no.
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wasyago · 1 year
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so, would you?
nothing important under the cut, you don't need to look haha
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autism0fadown · 6 months
I’ve been re-listening to dndads s1 and i just finished the last episode again… im inconsolable
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hey kevin that bit about ‘felt like i couldn’t live without him’ the FUCK WAS THAT ABOUT
not even in a quibble way it’s just that it’s such a Choice at this stage in the proceedings?? like it’s a Way of Putting It that’s got interesting ramifications both from a Watsonian and Doylist perspective given how far Juno has come and what he knows he can do (also feels a bit like an echo of Buddy's wedding vows just a bit and oh boy I'm filing that one away for further consideration)
while we're here I'm still trying to figure out where we’re at with ‘how I felt about him later’, like was that something that stayed within s4 that was foreshadowing juno’s reaction to the rest of the journal or are we looking at further payoff or is that complicated in that the layers of feelings are complicated and there's not meant to be an explicit corresponding payoff because it's inlaid in the process and continually unfolding or???
god actually i was getting a lot out of this episode i feel like i need to go back and relisten bc there were a lot of understated banger lines that felt like they had serious thematic relevance/were gonna be important later
especially the ones about memory but also Dr. Lawrence's bit about guilt bc the show has chased a number of different angles on guilt and responsibility and closure and iirc in the Q and A they talked about redemption-but-broadly-and-not-exactly-or-not-in-the-way-you're-thinking kind of redemption being a key theme for the season
also 'wrestling the octopus' is probably going up there in the gallery with ‘wow miasma ate a lot of soup’ and 'have you ever heard a goldfish scream, young man’
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petekaos · 2 years
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We’re partners.
Shahid Kapoor as Sunny and Bhuvan Arora as Firoz in
FARZI (2023), dir. Raj & DK Episode 4: Dhanrakshak
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reyesstrand · 2 years
photo from the link:
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yeah so i mean get ready for some rambling.
i think besides the fact it messes up some season one stuff and this should’ve definitely been addressed in an earlier season before carlos and tk got engaged, i’m being cautious and seeing where this goes, largely because of this quote. i don’t think it was necessary but—coming from someone who was truly blindsided because i refused to believe the theories—this makes my heart ache and does make sense with the fact that so much of his coming out and his early life was a mystery. we open the show on a confident man but he’s been hiding so much of himself to make others happy and then when he finally got a slice of that pure unfiltered happiness for himself—tk strand—and realized when tk got shot he really loved him and then realized he got to have him for real after the finale, he panicked and bottled up anything that wasn’t a perfect thing to present to him. he wanted (WANTS) tk so badly that he stuffed down his coming out not going great, he stuffed down this thing about his past that to him is an ugly reminder of how bad he was feeling and how desperate he was to be loved, and he was there for tk!! he was there for all of it, and thought he didn’t have to worry about that past again because he lost track of iris and his connection to her. and now he’s dealing with the fact he’s so caught up in his happiness and also now caught up in this thing from his past and it doesn’t make it right but it makes it understandable, and i think that’s what tk sees, too. because tk’s been able to be with him as he became more vulnerable, as he strengthened that connection with his parents by truly coming clean about his relationship, and tk’s been able to be with him as carlos helped him through so much.
does it make it some things about season one questionable and kind of null? yeah. do i think tk deserved to know way before he proposed to carlos? yeah. but i’m going to hold my breath and see what this story they planned is and how they play it out because these characters are my absolute comfort and they’re a bright spot and i think we have a lot left to see.
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reflectionsofgalaxies · 2 months
not to sound like a broken record but i love my friends so fucking much
#this week has been a rollercoaster of emotions for me but seeing my friends has been a life saver#genuinely my friends are so incredible#yesterday i went down to the river with two of them#the first two of us who got there read for a bit and then got in the water and did some really stupid splashing around#and it felt so free and it was so nice to laugh and act like an idiot and not just not feel self-conscious#but actually feel appreciated#(at one point they said ‘dude you look so gay right now’ and that’s the BEST compliment)#and then we spent like twenty minutes just throwing rocks#not skipping rocks#literally just finding big rocks and seeing how far we could throw them and enjoying the PLUNK they made#then we found a spot where the current was really strong to sit against and acted like idiots a bit more#and then our other friend got there and we all talked for a long time and read a bit more#and then today my other friend came over to body double for me while I start packing to move#and we found old books from when i was little and the things i’d written in them and had some good laughs#and then watched Babylon 5 (the episode itself was. kinda a downer and that’s an understatement. but it’s still Babylon 5)#tomorrow i’ll go see Papa again if he makes it through tonight. i think he will.#and then on the weekend i’ll see my other friend! and that’s always fun. plus i’ve been very physical affection driven lately#and they’re good for that. AND they have a cat AND a dog so like. ideal all around.#anyway my friends are my family and i’m totally not crying rn bc i’m so lucky to have them#personal
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paperbag1999 · 2 months
i’m someone who sees things in like constant shades of grey and i quite often try to see the light side of things and i think i’m constantly reminded of all the great stuff i have in my life. also i am full of gratitude all the time and also every time something bad happens to me i’m like yknow what this makes sense🫶 all these bad things suck but they lead to so many amazing things i’m hyper aware of the butterfly effect. so uhm i’m a pretty resilient person if i do say so myself. so today when i came to the realization of OH. i’m having a BAD YEAR!
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ru-inn · 11 months
my insane self decided to catch up on s2 of Loki because of tweets I saw. this is such a mistake.
i promised myself i wouldn’t and now IM BEING DELUSIONAL AGAIN
(here if anyone wants me to “stop watching”)
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fatmaclover · 6 months
watched mac finds his pride. i have a lot of thoughts. most of which are "wow rob mcelhenney can convey how internal thoughts and emotions about core gay experiences really genuinely feel entirely through his face. thats really cool. also holy shit they nailed down the internal thoughts and emotions about core gay experiences." mac feeling like hes struggling to find his place in the queer community, feeling lost and disconnected from so many other queers that youre expected to be like, how youre expected to feel about your own sexuality, trying to express how your sexuality feels internally, to other people, to the emotions and thoughts happening when youre coming out, when you feel like you cant come out, when you have to much pressure on you to not be a faggot
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library-fae · 5 months
me when being bipolar makes my mood unstable
how could they
so rude
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katya-goncharov · 10 months
the thing about the supernatural finale is that it was the first episode of supernatural i ever watched, and i watched it live which meant it was 3am in my timezone, and i'd only seen the destiel love confession clip before that and i didn't know what supernatural was like so i really thought that dean and cas might get together
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Quick question for all my Dungeons and Daddies homies out there—
Is season 2 as funny as season 1? What are the best things about season 2? How easy or difficult has it been for you to reconcile the season 1 versions of the sons versus the season 2 versions of the sons grown up? (Or in other words, how have you been able to handle the characterization differences/changes/developments that occurred in between seasons?)
I’d love to hear people’s personal experiences (especially any listening differences!) between seasons 1 and 2 :)
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welcometogrouchland · 2 years
sorry if I'm bothering you but I FINALLY FIND SOMEONE ELSE WHO PREFERS FTF BUT PURELY BECAUSE OF OUR LOVE FOR WILLOW (we're the only ones right about her) like yeah, it's DEFINITELY not a perfect episode but IT'S ABOUT THE CHARACTERS. and I LOVE TTT TOO BECAUSE OF LUZ but tbh I didn't like being in the fandom when TTT came out because THERE WAS SO MUCH STUFF ABOUT HUNTER, TO THE POINT WHERE PEOPLE THOUGHT HE SHOULD BE THE MC AND NOT LUZ??? I love my boy but I felt overwhelmed at all of this so him not getting too much in FTF was fine for me :)
Secondly I'd like to say that this is SUCH a can of worms that I've held back on talking about for A While™. Tbh it kinda feels like u read my mind I was literally thinking about this this morning.
Both episodes are really fucking good, both on their own merit and when you take into account the circumstances under which they were made. I do not want to labour this point. I hate pitting two bad bitches against each other.
I AM however interested in investigating why, when two episodes are of similar quality, but with different priorities and focuses and (for lack of a better word) Vibe™ does the fandom demonstrably prefer one over the other?
Thanks to Them is BIG on plot. It's big on "establish what the kids have been doing, introduce Lore and Mystery, do the possession, fight the bad guy, get back to the demon realm, bada bing bada boom!!". I don't think it's nearly as relentlessly paced as some people think, and I think there are definitely emotional moments to be gleaned out of characters who AREN'T Luz, Hunter or Camilla- but overall it's similar to the most plot focused episodes of season 2. Your knock knock knocking on hootys doors and your hollow minds.
But for the future is a lot more concerned with character. Everyone gets some small moment to shine, though you're correct in saying that the focus is mostly on Luz, Willow and then probably the collector. But Camilla, Gus, Amity, Hunter, King, Eda and Lilith all get more emotional depth in a few lines than like. Willow did in half of thanks to them. even Belos gets more screentime this ep than he did in thanks to them, screentime that's much more illuminating (do love the moments he had in thanks to them but they weren't huge character moments really, just him villain-ing it up).
Less plot stuff happens, if you count the main goal as "get into the titans skull" then that's only introduced about a quarter of the way through the episode, whereas "get back to the human realm" is established as the goal of thanks to them in like. Negative screentime lmao. You basically know it's the goal coming in because you've watched king's tide already. For the future isn't like this!
And I GET IT MAN! checking in on the YouTube progress bar at the 3/4 of the way through elicited pure fear in me! But I feel like the fandoms fear of plots going unresolved and questions going unanswered has created this. Like. Attitude that the episodes need to be completely spartan or they're wasting time.
Like, with bringing back Boscha and Kikimora. Some people consider that a waste of time because they weren't Big Bads in seasons prior, meaning they should be low priority and don't belong here. And ppl are entitled to feel that way!
But I don't think you can call them wasted! Or irrelevant! I think the writers put a lot of work into making their storyline fit with the themes of the show! I have an essay I may never finish in drafts about this but- one of the most popular aspects of seasons 1 and 2 was the whole corrupt government storyline, which reached it's climax in king's tide but still had no resolution, same way hexside had no resolution from what happened after labyrinth runners. The writers combined these storylines by showing how hexside wasn't going to become a mini dictatorship like the isles old system (hence the title of the episode, changing things for the better "for the future"). That's efficient storytelling! Combining two plots into one in order to resolve both at the same time!
But people don't take this as an example of efficiency because it's not Lore or Plot based. And I think that's a real shame.
Both episodes have pacing and balance issues but I don't think one is especially egregious compared to the other? Nor do they have more pacing and balance issues than say, Clouds on the Horizon, which I'd say is one of MY least favouritely paced episodes of the show. Maybe thanks to them just had more novelty factor because of the setting (not to mention it probably benefitted from having one less subplot to juggle, but eh)
And about the fandom response after each episode....yeah. yeah.
I love Hunter. He's my baby. My scrimblo bimblo. He is like my twin brother. Literally. For reasons I cannot begin to explain here, hunter the owl house is like my twin brother.
And in all fairness to the fandom, plenty of people are normal about him. I know this because I've curated my experience to entirely be the people who are normal about him.
But the people who are not normal about him...my god.
Tbh I think this issue of focus actually lands on why I prefer for the future to thanks to them (THOUGH AGAIN. THEY BOTH SLAY)
The ending of thanks to them was so abrupt and emotionally charged that it felt like a betrayal, almost. The show went so hard and so fast that afterwards there was no breathing room and I didn't fully trust the show to be able to pull back afterwards. I thought either Hunter is going to eat up more and more screentime next episode by having to deal with the implications of every that happened five minutes from the episodes end, or they are literally never going to touch on him again. The ending of thanks to them was SO MUCH in so little time that I literally could not fathom a middle road.
Whereas the ending of for the future was a lot more. Aha, eureka! Moment to me. Like "OHH so that's what we're dealing with next episode!!! Nice". There was excitement and yeah, fear that things wouldn't land, but overall there was more trust in me. And of course, they did find a lovely medium between it being the Hunter show and addressing his trauma adequately. His arc was very emotional and satisfying this ep, without the borderline hard-to-enjoy turmoil that the ending of thanks to them put me through lol.
But I think, to some people, the sheer angst of thanks to thems ending was more emotionally rewarding than the well paced stability and slight ominousness of for the future. They felt that episodes end was too "mid". Too soft. The end of the show needs to go all out all the time, so this episode that focused more on emotional arcs and early season callbacks and payoffs is weak.
And to be honest, maybe my analysis here isn't as in-depth or as in-touch with fandom complaints as it could be! I've generally avoided the people harshly criticizing for the future because I like it when fandom is fun. I don't like watching one of my favorite episodes to date get dunked on. But that in and of itself (combined with the leak situation) has led to an inability to really Go All Out with fandom engagement rn. It's a struggle!
I've seen people describe for the future as en episode where Everything happened, and yet nothing happened. I get why! I personally prefer it to thanks to them because I feel like too much happened during that episodes climax to the point where it didn't even feel like the episode had true resolution.
But also, I get that for a lot of people, it's not even about construction. It's just about expectation and preference. People weren't expecting hexside, and when they got it, they got upset. People weren't expecting Willow, and when they got it, they didn't like it. And I get that. Really I do.
But this show is so fuckin wild. It does so much and throws so many curve balls at you. Never the big twists either, always the shit u don't expect. And it's great. I've honestly grown really fond of the way this show pokes me in the ass with something I didn't really expect or consider.
Not everybody is though and like. That's fine. But I do wish sometimes people would just. Kinda. Let it go when something goes in a direction they didn't expect. Because I didn't expect the direction FTF went in at all and I loved it once I stopped to think about it. But that's just me.
I think this is only like. 25% a direct response to things you said in the ask, so to conclude by answering/engaging with your ask point by point:
Willow stans and For the Future stans unite. This is our nation. Also shout-out to the fellow willow understanders I am mutuals with/follow you guys were really keeping us going in the pre for the future times
It's not a perfect episode but circumstances considering, it never could've been, and I'm okay with most of the ways it falls short. I'm also fully willing to hold out and see whether or not watching and dreaming rectifies any of my complaints, considering several of the issues I took with thanks to them were solved this ep, lol
Luz and Camilla literally stole the show in thanks to them and while I understand that the ending of that ep was very hunter centric, hence the hunter centric fandom atmosphere afterwards, I do prefer the environment in fandom rn that's appreciating this mother daughter duo rn
Hunter is not a main character imo. Not because he couldn't be but because his story is rendered infinitely more interesting when he is a supporting character. It's one thing to tell us that Hunter lives for other people and is made to forever be a second- best underling. It's another thing to show us this with his narrative role as the ultimate foil. He Is Better Off This Way. Also this point is dumb but I fully believe Hunter would be miserable as a main character. He does not want this
Also Luz is genuinely one of my favorite main characters in television. Maybe ever. If I start talking about her we'll be here all day. Just look at literally anything sepublic has written about her it's all on point
For the future had the perfect amount of Hunter content tbh. No episode should have more or less. I'm banging my gavel like a judge decreeing this to be so
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wylansworkshop · 1 year
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flowersforjude · 2 months
𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 | Jacaerys Velaryon x Sister!Reader
𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲 | During your shared grief, you and Jace find solace in each other. 
𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐂𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭 | 3,880
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𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 | Mature Content-Explicit Descriptions Of Sex | Twin incest, Emotional hurt/comfort, Grief, Smut: Piv, Oral(fem receiving), Multiple orgasms, Implied loss of virginity, One use of y/n.
𝐀𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐍𝐨𝐭𝐞 | Something I’ve been thinking about since the first episode. Sad sex is something I didn’t know I’d be into, but I’m not mad about it? This obviously isn’t connected to my other Jace fic, Dangerous Disposition, I just used the same name for the reader’s dragon. 
𝐀𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐍𝐨𝐭𝐞² | Reposting because...I can.
masterlist | read on ao3
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Varaxs was restless. The closer you got to Dragonstone, the more ill-at-ease your mount grew. Your boy was a normally calm dragon, but something had him on edge. You were traveling home from The Vale, having secured Lady Arryn’s support for your mother. You would have expected him to be just as anxious as you were to be home after two weeks of treating with Jeyne Arryn.
You were gone longer than the week your mother had allotted, but you wanted to return only with the strongest alliance for her. You had sent word of when she could expect your arrival back, so she did not worry.
The waves crashed against the rocky edges of the island with relentless fury. Seemingly taking after your dragon’s nervous mood. You circled above the palace once, wanting to give him a chance to settle a bit before cooping him up in the pit.
Landing Varaxs on the grassland at the front of the palace, you took notice of how no one awaited you. A pit of dread dug its way into your stomach. Something was the matter.
Your footsteps upon the stairs did nothing to quiet the blood rushing through your ears. Rationality battled with your worry, trying to convince yourself that everything was as it should be.
But once you spotted your cousin Baela as the heavy doors swung open for you, your heart told you nothing short of a tragedy awaited you. The sound of your feet on stones echoed through the entry hall. Baela looked comforted to see you, but her eyes couldn’t hide their distress.
“Cousin,” you greeted with apprehension. “Where-”
“Come.” She simply said, taking your arm to link it with hers.
As she walked you through the halls, your hands shook with the weight of the unknown. “Who is it?” You urged her to tell you.
Baela said nothing. She just looked at you with sympathy before directing you to your mother’s rooms.
Jacaerys was the first person you saw as the doors opened.
“Jace!” You called out to him. He halted his nervous pacing, turning his eyes to you with a relieved gasp.
He met you on the threshold, hands shooting out to draw you to him. “Y/N.” He sighed into your hair as you clutched his shirtfront with trembling hands. His fingers dig into your waist, keeping you from pulling away.
“What has happened?” You whisper urgently into his shoulder.
You heard his breath hitch before he spoke. “Lucerys.”
He needed only to mutter your younger brother’s name for you to realize what was going on. Grief split your chest open as you wailed into the fabric of his shirt. Your lungs seized up in an attempt to draw air.
Another set of arms wrapped around you and Jace.
“My darlings.” Your mother said as she drew her two oldest children to her. No words about alliances were spoken. All thoughts on your shared grief and desperation for the comfort of each other. You stood there wounded around Jace, being held by both him and your mother for a century it felt like. Eventually, your limbs untangle from one another. Your tears stained your cheeks as your heart ached in a way you didn’t know was possible.
Lucerys was born just a year after you and Jace. With only that little time separating you, the three of you had been practically inseparable. Many nights were spent with each of you piled into one of your beds, refusing to sleep anywhere but together. Now you would have to learn to live with the space he left.
“You should go rest.” Your mother said gently, cradling your cheek. Her gaze flickered to Jace. “Both of you. I must attend to the Council before Daemon gets too far ahead of himself.”
“We’ve won The Vale, mother. Your Grace.” You corrected yourself.
She nodded proudly, pressing a kiss to the top of your head before doing the same to Jace. You went to reach for your brother’s hand again to take your leave, but your mother stopped him for a moment.
“Watch over your sister.” She whispered to him. “We only have each other.”
He nodded, his face set with determination. He took your hand in his, your fingers linking together tightly. Drawing you closer to his side, as if even an inch of space between you was unthinkable, he began to lead you from the room.
You looked back at your mother one last time, seeing a small, pleased smile spread across her sorrowful expression.
Without a word spoken between you, you and Jace made the walk to his chambers. Your grip on his hand tightened as you crossed the doorway into his room. Your breath still hadn’t fully returned to you, and the same suffocating look mangled your twin’s handsome face.
“Jace.” You spoke with a broken voice before he pulled you to him once again. He took your face in his hands, his eyes roaming wildly over your features like he was attempting to discern if you were truly alright or not.
“I was afraid… I thought…” He couldn’t even give voice to his fears. That you had been slain as well. That he not only lost his brother but his sister too. The girl he loved.
You gripped at his shirt again, needing to touch some part of him with your own hands. “I cannot-” You were breathless, trying to regain control over your emotions. “I cannot breathe; cannot think, Jace.”
You were collapsing into yourself as he surged forward. His lips claimed yours in a way only someone who knew the very essence of your soul could. You whimpered as he slid his hands from your face to secure you against him. Wrapping around your waist like a coil.
You clung to any part of him. His chest, his shoulders, and finally resting your hands in the curls of his hair. His lips molded over yours in a messy display of your desperation to ease some of the hurt with something pleasurable.
Under all your overwhelming feelings, there was a strangeness to having Jace’s mouth on yours. You and your twin had shared a single kiss before. It was your last name day and you had found yourselves with only each other for company. In the darkness of the hall outside your chambers, he had kissed you. It was soft and quick. Nothing like your current hurried hunger.
It felt right in a way nothing else ever had, though. You didn’t know anything beyond that and frankly didn’t wish to.
Soon, the clothes separating you became too great of an annoyance. You let your hands fall from his curls to unfasten the constraints of his doublet. He caught on and went to work on the clasp of your riding gown. Bit by bit, your clothes fell away, bearing you to each other.
“My heart fell from my chest when I returned, and you had not.” Jace told you as he slid his hands up your sides. You sighed when he started to undo the laces of your shift. He pulled the fabric from your body pressing heavy kisses across your collarbone to your shoulder. He dropped to his knees to continue his path down your chest to your stomach.
Wanting to see him as well, you reached down to pull his shirt over his head. He helped you by yanking it off once you got it over his shoulders. He switched his focus from kissing your skin to the laces of your riding trousers. Pulling the strings undone before shuffling them down your legs. His eyes never leave yours. He stopped for a moment once they and your boots were off, taking you in bare before him. His gaze was drawn to the space between your legs. It was tinted with a pink blush. He just looked for a moment before standing in a rush. Kicking off his boots and then hurriedly working the laces of his pants open.
His lips devoured yours once more. Bringing your naked body flush with his. His cock rested against his stomach, rigid with want.
“I need you, Jace.” You pleaded into his mouth. Both knowing and not knowing what you were begging for. All you knew was the chasm of emptiness that grew larger every second. And the fact that Jace and only Jace could make you whole again.
Circling an arm snuggly about your waist, he picked you up. Lips still pressing into yours with a frantic need as he made his way over to the bed. Tipping you down and gently situating you atop the covers.
Opening your legs, you welcomed him as he settled between them. Hips flush with yours, and his hands going to thread through your hair. Pulling on the strands to tip your head back so he could gain access to your throat. He placed harsh, bruising kisses along the column of your neck, making you gasp when he grazed the flesh with his teeth.
You were dizzy with desire and desperation. “You can never abandon me. Swear, naejot issa. Kivio issa īlon jāhor va moriot sagon hēnkirī.” (Swear, to me. Promise me we will always be together.) His cock rocked against your bundle of nerves, making that abyss of hollowness grow larger with yearning.
“I swear it,” he vowed. “I will never part from you again.” He kissed a burning path down your body. From the pulse of your throat to the valley between your breasts to your stomach. And finally, nudging your legs further apart to continue his exploration to the sensitive skin on the inside of your thighs.
You hadn’t noticed he’d gotten off the bed until he pulled your legs to dangle from the edge. You looked down and met his eyes as he kneeled before you. A question waited on your lips, but before you could voice it, Jace lowered his head to press the lightest of kisses to your center.
Any and all inquiries dissipated from thought as his tongue flicked against your pearl. His movement was hesitant, as if testing the waters of the newly discovered thirst for each other. He didn’t stop, though. His tongue returned to rake across your cunt. Licking a wide stripe from your entrance to your clit.
A gasp tore from your mouth. Your reaction seemed to encourage him as he took a second taste of you. He then wrapped his mouth around your bud, swiping his tongue over it as he gently sucked at it.
You whine at his touch, fists clutching the sheets at first, but then deciding that’s not enough. Your fingers find themselves in his hair once again. He switched from using his tongue to taking your clit in his mouth every few seconds. Not giving you time to grow used to anything he was doing. A particularly harsh tug on your pearl had your legs closing around his head.
Moving from your clit, Jace turned his attention to your entrance. Sliding his tongue between your folds, gathering your arousal with groans sounding from him. Your back arched to move closer to his face.
“Jace!” A shameless moan slipped from your mouth. You couldn’t find it in yourself to be embarrassed of the sounds he was pulling from you. Every pull and tug of his mouth on your center filled that chasm inside of you just a little bit more.
His nose nudged against your clit as he dipped his tongue briefly inside your entrance. The sensation was quick, but it had a whimper slipping past your lips and your nails digging themselves into his scalp.
Jace felt the tiny pinpricks of your nails but made no indication of discomfort. No, instead, the pain aided in driving him farther away from the cliff he dangled from. Losing himself in you as opposed to losing himself to grief or anger. The breathy gasps and whines he took from you, he collected as glittering treasures. You were perfection in his eyes; you always had been. And now he was able to show you.
The light flickering of his tongue across your clit was driving you mad. The feeling was heavy, and it was accompanied by a pool of molten fire growing in the pit of your stomach. It spilled from you, only to be collected by Jace’s tongue. He couldn’t even think about letting a single drop go to waste. He hummed against your cunt as he drank from you, his grip on your thighs becoming impossibly tight. Still switching between lapping at your entrance, to teasing your clit with the lightest jolts of pleasure. You could do nothing but lay there and whine at his every movement. Your head turning from side to side restlessly, hips moving not but an inch in his hold.
The low groans sounding from him every time you tugged on his curls only fueled your desperation. There was a cord drawn taunt in your belly, begging to be snapped free. Each kiss and pull on your pearl wound the cord tighter and tighter.
You glanced down and caught his gaze from between your legs. His eyes were dark with lust and desire as he continued his sweet torture on your cunt. “Please, Jace. Just…oh gods.” You breathed out, noticing a satisfied glint in his dark eyes.
A smirk you’ve only seen on rare occasions made an appearance, your pleading appeasing him on some level. He pressed a worshiping kiss to your clit making you jerk away from his lips slightly. “Beg like that some more, and I’ll give you anything.” His voice was low and coaxing.
You wiggled your hips, growing more and more desperate for that cord to release. And Jace found no issue with teasing you with it. “Please.” You sighed, fingers digging farther in his curls, trying to move him closer to you. “I need it, Jace. Please.”
Who was he to deny such a saccharine request from you of all people? His sweet princess, who deserved nothing less than reverence.
The peak was just within your grasp. You just needed a little bit more.
A loud cry tore from your lips as Jace took your pearl back into his mouth. He scraped it with his teeth, whether on purpose or by accident, you did not know. But by the gods, it felt good. His lips pursed around it, suckling and running his tongue over the bundle of nerves at the same time.
There was an obsessive determination in his ministrations. That unquenchable hunger strengthened its hold on him. His tongue lapping over your clit then moving to tease your entrance. His teeth kept catching on your pearl. Your thighs closing around his head told you the release was coming upon you quickly.
“Jacaerys,” you whispered breathlessly. He buried his face into your cunt, impossibly closer. The fire spilled over, causing high-pitched whines to leave your lips. As roll after roll of pleasure went through you, he continued to drink you in. Helping the bliss to stretch out longer. It lingered for a few more moments, making your thighs twitch with Jace’s head still between them.
You looked down with hazy eyes, but you could still make out the sheen of your arousal upon his face. The almost drunk look in his eyes as he rested his cheek against your thigh.
He held your gaze for a time before standing. You moved to lay back on the pillows as he rounded to the side of the bed to join you.
Now that the blazing pleasure had subsided almost completely, that emptiness returned with vengeance. Jace had laid beside you, making no movement to continue onto other things. He only pulled the blankets up to cover you. But you couldn’t stop the ache from spreading.
Grief dug its claws into your heart again. Piercing you until the pain was unbearable. You didn’t allow yourself time to think before you pushed the blankets from you, reaching out for Jace.
You pulled him down for a kiss, your arms going around his neck. He returned your affection. His lips slotted over yours and his hands coming to rest on your waist tugging you to him. The second his mouth left yours to trail down your neck, a small sob broke free.
Jace’s head shot up at the sound, eyes filling with worry. “What is it?” He asked.
You shook your head, not able to give words to the grief.
Understanding replaced the concern as Jace nodded once. “I feel it too,” he confessed. “What can I do to help?”
What can I do to help?
It brought more tears to your eyes to hear Jace’s selflessness. No thought for his own sadness; just wanting to rid you of yours.
You kissed him again, slowly this time. “Just make it go away.” You pleaded, angling your hips to press against his.
He hitched one of your legs around his hips, aligning your bodies perfectly together. Your hands danced up his arms before settling around his shoulders. Your mouths molded together, igniting the hearth of your desire for each other.
The ridgid hardness of his cock pressed into you. His breathing quickened each time you shifted your hips, trying to find some kind of friction. Soft groans slipped from his mouth to yours. He braced his weight on his forearms by your head before guiding the tip of his length just slightly into your cunt.
He looked up at you from where your bodies were joining. A question he didn’t need to voice for you to hear in his eyes. Nodding your head to let him know it was alright, that you were alright, he pressed forward. He was sure to be careful with you; your desperation not enough reason to risk hurting you.
His cock pressed deeper and deeper into you, the feeling of being split apart burning through you. But there was an underlying pleasure that came with the stretch.
A sharp exhale escaped both of you as he finally seated himself fully inside you. His arms trembled with the work of holding himself still. The blissful feeling he had was overwhelming, but he had to think of you.
Something tore inside you as he shifted, drawing out and then back in slightly. The burn was still there, but the feeling of him filling you was all you could think about. Every corner and crevice of your being was nothing but Jace. You realized that even if tragedy had not driven you both to this, you would have found your way to it eventually. There wasn’t a world where you didn’t belong to him, and he didn’t belong to you.
After checking to be sure you were ready, he pulled back slowly and began to move in a languid rhythm. You sighed out his name as you wrapped your other leg around his waist. Hands in his hair tugged at the strands, drawing a hissed curse he spoke into the crook of your neck. Your lower back arched to meet his sluggish thrusts.
Your name fell from his mouth like a needy prayer, sending a shiver through you. Your body reacts to the feel of him by erupting goosebumps down your spine.
He pressed kisses to your throat, nipping at the skin here and there. He reached a place where your shoulder and neck met, drawing the skin between his teeth. You gasped a little as he settled there.
“Jace!” You keened as he picked up his pace. The sounds of your coupling bringing a blush to your cheeks. You let one hand fall from his hair to search for his. He tangled your fingers together before flattening your joined hands beside your head and pressing them into the mattress.
Your core clenched around him suddenly, causing his breath to be stolen momentarily. He moaned lowly, thrusting into you harder, hitting against some spot deep within you that had you crying out and clenching around him again.
He looked up from your neck, locking his eyes with yours. “Ao issi ñuhon. Ao’ve va moriot issare ñuhon, pār īlon drew īlva ēlī breaths hēnkirī.” (You are mine. You’ve always been mine, since we drew our first breaths together.)
He quickened his pace more, driving into you in a way that would surely leave you sore. But you didn’t dare tell him to slow down. Chasing his strokes, you rolled your hips up to meet his, sighing as he squeezed your hand with his.
Jace had always thought you to be beautiful, but there was something otherworldly about seeing you like this. Writhing and crying out beneath him. Breathless as you greedily took the pleasure he gave you. He meant what he had said too; you were his. You came into the world together; it was only right that you remained linked throughout your lives. When he reached his hand up to withdraw yours from his hair to press it into the mattress, he imagined a ring resting on your fourth finger. The thought had him shuddering as he steadily thrusted into you.
Time lost all meaning, and neither of you had any way of knowing how much had passed. But when Jace’s pace started to falter, you knew he was close. You could tell he was trying to compose himself, maintain what control he had left. But you wanted to see him unravel. He tensed his jaw, breathing harshly through his nose. His brows were drawn together, and he had little will to put up a fight when you pulled him down for a kiss.
“Hēnkirī.” (Together.) You whispered into his mouth. “I want to do it together.”
He nodded, trailing a hand down to rub at your clit. A few more moments of Jace rocking into you, combined with his fingers on you, drove you to the end. He followed with a broken moan muffled into your neck. You felt his cock throbbing within you, thrusting gently once, twice, three times before he pulled out.
You panted heavily, his breaths ghosting across your heated skin. You threaded your fingers through his hair as you both took some time to come down from your shared high.
A giggle came from you when he began to softly kiss on your collarbone. You could feel him smile a little as he pressed his lips to you a few more times before raising his head to look at you.
His expression was one of affection, but there was a question swimming in his gaze as well. “Do you feel better?” He asked, not really knowing how to broach the subject just yet.
“I don’t want to talk about it yet.” You answered, not wanting to risk dispelling this illusive moment. Simply wishing to lay here with Jace for as long as you could and not think about anything. Because you were sure that as soon as you left this room, reality would come rushing back in.
Jace nodded in understanding before resting his head on your chest. “It can wait until tomorrow,” he agreed.
You wish you could stop time completely or turn it back. But you couldn’t, and all you could do was cling to Jace’s comfort until the pain came knocking again.
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I debated heavily on posting this or not, but I don't have anything else ready to post so enjoy!
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