#the emeralds would be more like animal companions...
fosermi · 4 months
Have the Chaos and Master Emeralds ever tried to take a Mobian-like form? You know, so they could have some form of agency?
And if so, what was it like for them?
While that is an interesting concept, no they have not. Mostly because they're not fully sentient they can react but don't have an ego.
Though if they did, they'd take the form of a chao :)
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jacesvelaryons · 1 month
The Reluctant Empress (Jacaerys Velaryon x Female!Reader)
Act II. Burgeoning
(19th Century Imperial Austria AU)
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summary: crown prince jacaerys gets to know his prospect betrothed and future bride whom he has been arranged with to marry, your sister helaena targaryen, but true to your wild spirit, you cannot help but wonder what awaits in the world behind gilded castles and royal splendour.
word count: 2.4k words
a/n: i'm so sorry this took an entire year before an update but it is finally here! i apologize as I had some health things to settle, and with brain fog and got more distracted by other fandoms but here we go! once again, please comment and share what you liked, what you'd want more for me and request and let me know as my inbox is always open <3 let me know if you want to be on the taglist or not getting tags!
series masterlist
previously: prologue | act i
requests OPEN
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“Men at some time are masters of their fates. The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars, but in ourselves, that we are underlings.” ― William Shakespeare, Julius Caesar
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Seated between her mother and sister, Y/N eyes roamed around the dining hall in the palace that hosted the royal family and her covey. Changed into an emerald green gown, wearing the necklace and earrings her father gave her on the last name day before his passing, she paid no mind to the significance of the occasion and was just glad to be there, surrounded in the splendor of the castle walls.
She knew that it was Helaena’s time to shine, and she would not want to rob her of her light, of the opportunity that would change their fortunes and not have Alicent scrabbling and worrying over the last penny of their expenses.
Twirling her fork on the pesto noodles in front of her, Y/N remained silent and just patiently listened to all the conversation around her, between her mother and her childhood friend the Queen, who inquired about Helaena’s well being, her lifestyle and assessing on how she would adjust becoming the next consort upon wedding Jacaerys.
Dazed out in a world of her own, Y/N did not hear Jacaerys reverting his attention to her aptly, until her sister nudged her ankle with her shoe, repeating her name on his tongue like it was the sweetest honey, curiosity and amusement on his features.
“Lady Y/N, what do you do in your free time, my lady?”
Stammering like a cat bit her tongue, she cleared her throat as she gathered herself and make her look and sound presentable.
“I ride horses, my prince. I hunt and I have picked up the sword a few times.” Lady Y/N bluntly replied, already feeling the burning glare of your embarrassed mother. Queen Rhaenyra only watches in amusement, how her confidante could have a daughter who was nothing like her mother.
Jacaerys was intrigued, leaning forward to hear Y/N better and scooch closer over to Her. A curious smile on his handsome, chiseled face, his curly brown hair starting to grow out and neatly groomed behind his ears.
Plates and utensils remained untouched as Y/N and Jacaerys were engrossed in an engaging, animated conversation, passionate replies to uncontrollable laughter.
The older women present at the table watched with trepidation, Lady Alicent’s habits of digging into her fingernails returned while the silver-haired queen’s expression turned unreadable.
Helaena swallowed her wounded pride of being ignored and not found as an interesting companion, playing with her knife and fork, digging at the roast beef the same way her young daughter would.
As the servants gather the finished main course meals and replace them with fresh fruit and lemon cakes for dessert, Rhaenyra swiftly suggests for the elder Targaryen sister to read out some of the poetry her mother praised earlier.
“You must share with us your talent in verse and poetry, Lady Helaena.”
Relieved, the indigo hued girl stood up at the end of the table, grabbing her little booklet hidden in the pockets of her skirt. Flipping through its parchment pages, she settles to a recent entry close to the end of the worn out leather bound book, covered with an embroidered beetle.
To want is the most natural thing Inherent in the blood through our veins The very primal urge of our being Yet we will always want, and want With no end like a black hole What better to want what is not ours? To covet what the other possesses To take away what is given as easily as it was owned?
Her raspy voice echoed through the halls mellifluously in perfectly rehearsed High Valyrian. Yet you could not help a guilty perception weighing on you, blossoming at the pit of your stomach and you could not shake it off. You were doing nothing wrong, you told yourself, wanting to believe in it but it felt wrong.
Y/N’s fears arose to the surface when she could feel a burning stare on her face intensely, as if memorizing her very form and that she would disappear into nothing anytime. You were listening as intently as you could, yet when you turned, Jacaerys did not pay mind to a single word Helaena said as his focus was fixated on you.
No, no, no. Nothing was going as planned. Everything was going wrong. She praises whatever gods intervened when the heir’s brother Prince Lucerys gracefully diverted the topic into the new cuisines created by the cooks of the Keep with the freshest catches of seafood from Driftmark.
“Y/N, what do you think you were doing out there?! Do you think I do not notice your need to always be the centre of attention?” The shrill shrieking of her mother’s voice pierced through her ear drums, yet Y/N was unsurprised and used to such altercations with her mother.
Following the uneasy supper, the three ladies from Dalston Keep returned to their chambers to change midday in preparation for the tour around the gardens with the queen and her heir again after a few hours of respite.
Silently humiliated as they reconvened in private, the illusion of propriety that Lady Alicent carried in front of the queen and prince ripped away, unleashing a ferocity unrestrained like never before.
“I did nothing, mother. I was polite and engaged in a conversation when I was spoken to.”
“You did more than that, you foolish girl! It was about your sister. All of this was about her, not you! Is it so difficult for you to tone down your tendencies for once so we can go according to the arrangement? You put our fortunes up to be desolated. You are as careless as your father!” The sting of her final words hung in the air, salt over the open wound for such a loss. Y/N knew her mother did not love her father, who was older than her own father, and only did her duty to her ailing, troubled, aging husband.
“Mother, that is enough! Do not bring father into this.” Helaena countered exasperatedly, holding onto her sister by her shoulders in defense. “Y/N did nothing wrong. It was..it was me. I should have engaged with the prince more. She did me a favour.”
Y/N gasps in disbelief, astonished her beloved sister would keep taking her side when it was clear she was the wounded party.
“Do not worry about it, mother. I promise I will remain silent from now on. I want this to be Helaena’s night.” Y/N swears sincerely, wanting to defend Helaena and stay away from any trouble from now on.
Alicent does not fully believe her youngest, but nods solemnly as she seeks to move this behind them, returning to her dignified, contemplating gaze with her perfect posture and arms clasped at her waist.
Subsequently, a drove of maids and seamstresses poured in, as Alicent went to her solitary room while the sisters shared a larger room. Each stepped on the raised wooden platform. Taking lush gowns from the closet, they plucked out a rich emerald green gown with fitted sleeves for Helaena.
Meanwhile, a muted seafoam gown was placed on Y/N, as maids scuttered behind her to tighten the corset and laces. Y/N whimpered quietly in discomfort, never finding any gratification in restrictive court dress upheld by centuries of protocol and conduct. It barred her sense of freedom, clipped off her wings from flight and reminded her of a bird in a cage.
Heirloom pieces of emerald silver lined jewelry were given to Helaena, designed to accentuate her beauty and prepare her for her upcoming role and ascent into her duty. As the daylight trickled in through the lace curtains and open windows, she looked like a future queen. A role she was raised to be. Otherworldly and ethereal, while Y/N was grounded to the earth, locks like flames and soil.
Y/N beamed in delight for her older sister, squeezing her hands in reassurance. Helaena reciprocated not as enthusiastically, the nerves still getting to her as her palms were sweating and shaking.
“You have nothing to worry about, Hel. We would not get this far if he did not consider you his bride already.”
“Truly, do you really think so?”
“I do. Without a doubt. You already look the part. It is only the formality left we are waiting for at the ball.”
The elder genuinely chuckled this time in relief, her joy finally meeting her eyes from the comfort and encouragement of her sister.
“Now, all that is left is for you to step into your destiny.”
Manicured gardens flourished in the peak of spring, cicadas chirping from the branches of oak trees. Lilies and carnations in hues of apricot and blush, while the outlying paths were paved in blue hydrangeas and violet peonies.
Queen Rhaenyra adorned a lapis lazuli blue gown adorned in gold trimmings and sapphires sewn onto her bodice, matching the stone necklace of the color on her neck and matched her tiara, a reminder of her late mother and former queen.
She pleasantly strolled with a natural confidence, carrying herself with an ease afforded by one who has known privilege and power all her life. Guiding a tour around the Red Keep at the height of its social season, Rhaenyra proudly showed off her domains, and subtly if so, the lands that Helaena would take care of as its hostess after she marries Jacaerys and becomes his queen when the time comes.
Behind her was her eldest Crown Prince Jacaerys, always without a hair or trivet out of place, the picture of perfection that she had groomed since his birth. Dressed more casually in teal with the seahorse emblem on his chest, he honoured his late father Lord Laenor Velaryon, further dispelling any rumours or uncertainty around his paternity.
Although he did not directly resemble his father, he has begun to share features with his paternal grandmother Princess Rhaenys with her Baratheon colouring, and the shape of his nose and chin mirrored her father, who was another Prince of Dragonstone, Prince Aemon the Pale Prince. As rider of Vermax, it was undeniable he was the prince long awaited by the realm, whom millions of hopes and dreams were instilled in.
Standing beside him was Lady Helaena Targaryen, his expected betrothed in everything but formality. Raised with the intention of becoming a princess consort, she was demure, shy, obedient and trusting, exactly what the people of Westeros wanted of their model future queen. Proven in her success of childbearing, onlookers examined her critically on baited breath as they wanted to know who will bear the next generation of Targaryen rulers on the Iron Throne.
Their chaperons trailed behind them, Lady Alicent arm in arm with Lady Y/N, in the same shade of muted green, but her mother had visible symbols of the Faith of the Seven from her necklace, her dark headdress and veil, and on the cuffs on her wrist and belt. Y/N distractedly took in her sights, studying every nook and cranny of the storied palace with eagerness and pursuit.
“This garden still follows the design plan created by Queen Rhaenys the Conqueror herself, yet it was only finished years after her passing in Dorne.”
The queen continued the tour of the keep, while she discreetly eavesdropped on the conversation between her heir and his expected betrothed. The two were engaging pleasantly yet amiably on the surface level, their dialogue not reaching too far. Unaware of a figure parting at the fork and heading another direction.
When she is assured she’s clear and no one can find her, Y/N Targaryen smirks victoriously as she heads straight and turns left towards the barn, near the dragonpit, where the horses and grazing animals were located.
On nimble footsteps, through the mud and manure, she makes a run for it as two stableboys turn the corner and miss her, as they forgot to close the stables and she sneaks in.
As the afternoon light trickles in, Y/N looks around curiously, before her attention is caught by this white mare, with its freshly brushed mane and shining horsehair, an anomaly among ebony and hickory. Not wanting to startle the majestic creature, she prances until she’s in front of the horse, hushing and cooing at them as she latches onto the reins.
She holds the mane by her reins, tugging gently as she walks through the barn and the empty backwaters of the ancient castle. It is quiet, with most servants resting for their annual nap and their morning duties finished, so Y/N is able to ride the stallion undiscovered.
The lingering scent of the manure and greenery turns into salty waters of aegean and spruce and the earthy, musty petrichor from the rain on the fir and cedar trees earlier in the morning.
A hint of the cool breeze tingles through her skin, a dress and not proper riding gear in its leathers and furs, but she brushes it off, as King’s Landing in the spring at this time of the year has turned warm and the rain from earlier is long gone.
She rides as far as her companion will allow, until the peripheral view of the Red Keep grows distant from over her shoulder. Y/N stops at the fork of the road before it joins the greater Kingsroad, diverting by the forest with towering trees and fallen logs. Sitting by the foot of a trunk, Y/N pauses for some stillness, her back pressing against the hard trunk as she closes her eyes, before grabbing an apple and vial of water to share with her stallion.
As she and the mare finish the fruit, she stands up to brush off any leaf and dirt on the back of her skirt, about to mount once again before she hears echoes of confrontation growing closer. Y/N has barely begun to leave the forest and return to the artery before she is surrounded by hooded, disheveled men with smug expressions.
Unable to avoid contact, she politely acknowledges them and pulls her cape over her flaming locks before she is stopped from moving in either direction. “Good morrow, sirs.”
She yelps as she’s grabbed by her wrists by the men, struggling to stay on her saddle as the mare turns skittish. “Not so fast, my lady. We need something from ya, and you gotta pay up for our silence. Comes with a price.” The men smirk, distant galloping approaching them.
Y/N yelps as she is knocked off her horse, hitting her head against the rock and all turns into darkness around her. She hears a distant echo of another mount heading her way, furious yelling and clattering swords. Her head throbs, feeling the blood dripping down her nape, as her eyes flutter closed.
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madwomansapologist · 8 months
i love everybody because i love you
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Meet Kind!Druid!Tav | More Weirdos | AO3
synopsis: It doesn't matter what their first impressions of you were, they certainly did not expect you to be so important in their lifes. And as the days passes, each one of your companions need to understand a simple fact: they love you. They all love you.
warnings: a sequel to that (you don't need to read if you don't want to). song "strawberry blond". companions (lae'zel, halsin) x druid!tav. background cast (alfira, mirkon, scratch, owlbear, shadowheart, astarion, wyll, mizora, karlach, minthara). lae'zel love language is pressing a dagger against your throat. i accidentaly made her somewhat a stalker?? there is a high chance minthara doesn't sound like her because i killed her like two onversations in. if you discover which animated character is my biggest inspiration for this tav i will give you a reward.
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In a harsh world, people are supossed to shield themselfs from even the possibility of danger. Is the only rational response to the ambiguity of chaos. What those who crave to survive must learn, what those who deserve to survive must do.
You get stronger, so you won't feel pain. Because to feel pain is to remind your soul that one day your body will perish. To get stronger is to forget about the eventual end. Is to get protected from death itself, even if as just a concept.
When not even death can catch you, you're free. When you have nothing to love, nothing to care about, you are free. That's real strength. To be invulnerable. To have nothing to lose, no one close enough to ever hurt you.
Lae'zel lost the count on how many times you bleed. How many times you fell. Burned, drowned, exhausted in pain. Arrows crossed your chest, swords cut your legs, calloused hands stopped you from breathing.
You're somewhat good at hiding it. How much things can hurt you. When someone disrespect one of your companions, when people blame you for their fates, when you did everything you could and it wasn't enough. It hurts you in a different, worst way. She can see it on your face.
Maybe you could've earned a good end, if the world worked in a different way. A peaceful life, one fit for those who don't aspire greatness. But Lae'zel knew it was only a matter of time until the tadpole took control. She felt it on herself. Saw it on you.
No one would save her, no one would save any of you, but perhaps Lae'zel could. It was an merciful act. To end you first. You failed as a leader, but you tried. Then she'll go to the others, knowing she's brave enough to kill herself after.
She thought you had surrendered yourself to her. That you had come to the same conclusion. A wise druid, after all. Then Lae'zel felt. The cold thread against the base of her neck. A dagger she didn't saw coming.
"Step back," you ordered, voice unaffected. Lae'zel never heard you like that before. She had a dagger against your throat, but you spoke as if you rule the entire world.
"Chk, you think that tiny blade of yours will stop me from free..."
"What I think doesn't matter, but what I know does." Your eyes burned her skin. "You're stronger, I'm faster. I propose you a bet. If you kill me, go on with your plan. If I kill you, that's it. I won't kill them. I won't kill myself. Even if I can, even if I must. You would've died for nothing, forever ignorant if it was the right thing to do."
Lae'zel saw you barefoot at the Emerald Grove, applauding Alfira as she sang. Crossing the river by jumping from stone to stone, talking to Mirkon as if he wasn't a kid but a dear friend. How many times did Lae'zel found a bed shaped of you on the grass right next to where Scratch and Owlbear slept?
A sacreed deer, whose even blood is ever so sweet, howled like an wolf.
Would you turn into a mindflayer out of... stubbornness? Would you let the rest of your beloved party turn into something utterly disgusting, putting in danger all those people you swore to protect, just to prove a point?
Maybe you would. Maybe you wouldn't.
No one died that night.
You intrigued Lae'zel. Before you were her supposedly defenseless prey, and now you are the object of her curiosity. Lae'zel didn't understand you. And she craved to.
So she kept a close eye on you.
You bleed. All the fucking time. You bleed, and you wept. But everytime someone crushed you down, you rose up. For every tear that fall from your eyes, you made sure to smile. You survive, and you keep on doing it.
Strength and weakness merged in the warrior's mind. She knew what strength is, she can smell weakness from afar. Lae'zel was taught everything she was supossed to know.
But you were never the one to fit in old impervious notions.
Lae'zel saw you end a hyena's suffering without flinching, and you trying to hold on the wind when you were about to fall. She heard you helping a bird decorate its nest, and the breaking of a skull of someone brave enough to maim Shadowheart when she was near you.
You yelled at Astarion as he tried to stop you from helping gnomes. Helped Wyll with herbs for his pain after Mizora's trick. Helped Gale with dinner, putting a smile to the usually frowed wizard's face. Gave Karlach her first hug in years.
She saw your every movement. Lae'zel heard you laughing, saw you dancing, watched as you helped your new friends. Sometimes it felt as if you made white lines so she could follow you. So Lae'zel could see you being good, nice, decent. Being you in a way that showed her that no, you would've never let your companions turn into mindflayers. You were bluffing, and she fell for it.
At some point, it started to ache. Anytime you laugh at some tiefling's story, something inside Lae'zel burned. At night, she could picture your smile on her eyelids. When you call her name during battle, yelling instructions that somewhat always end in victory. When you look at her.
She can still see that fire. That same flame that stopped her from killing you right then and there. But diluted, controlled. And still, just as able of burning her entire soul. You have a fire contained within your gaze, and Lae'zel doesn't mind getting burned.
Maybe you're not that weak. And maybe she's not that strong.
She's not watching you anymore. Observing your every move so she can understand your mind. Not a prey, not a walking question mark. Lae'zel is purelly admiring.
For some, you came as a tempest. Slowly, without announce your intentions, your way of being embraced them.
A few flinched, scared of what that meant about them. That by admitting you're good despite it all means they could be good too. Some welcomed it, scared of what that meant about the world. If you're good despite everything that happened, then others could be too. Others chose not to.
But you stroke Halsin as a thunderstorm, just as quickly and fiercly. In such a dark time, you were a lighthouse. A shining light that blind at first, but embraces and comforts.
The grove was in danger, his life could end at any given moment, a goblin camp separated him from the world he worked so hard to protect. But your party helped him, and it gave Halsin the right amount of hope.
You asked him to stay behind, and he did so. Halsin wouldn't be able to control himself, and you didn't need all that attention. He was hopeful, not an idiot. But when Halsin heard screams from the room beside... Knowing that Minthara was there, Halsin couldn't help himself.
A wizard focused on the goblins. As he held them in place, a cleric made sure to end them. But at the other side of the room, the only other druid he saw in weeks had a dagger deep on her chest.
Minthara had you on your knees, her nails digging on the skin of your chin. A burning tiefling didn't knew a way to react that wouldn't end within that same blade slicing your throat. She waited for an order, an instruction of any kind, and Minthara realized that you were leading the rebels.
"Is that your leader?" Minthara looked at the tiefling. Her eyes were numb, bored even, but her grin was sharp. She forced to blade deeper. "A weak druid, barely able of helding a sword? Are you that desperate?"
You should've cried. You should've beg for mercy. You should've do anything, instead of laughing. Minthara glared at you, sure that you were reduced to a crazy, desperate animal. But when you bit her hand, blood staining your chin, you were more of a beast.
Minthara stumbled, and you pulled the blade she left on your shoulder. Blood ran down your side, but that didn't stopped you from rising up. Halsin don't think anything would've.
"Maybe you're right," you hissed. With her dagger on your left hand, you took your sword from the ground. "I'm not a fighter. I wasn't educate to control the Weave. I can't heal a thing. When I can't do something, I find someone that can. Without their help, I would be dead by now."
Halsin came here to act. To help, protect, kill. But all he could do, just like everyone else in that room, was to watch you. To look at your beaming smile, to see the blood on your teath, not even trying not to get blind by it.
"Why would anyone follow someone that professes to be so weak?" She looked at the wizard, a dead goblin at his feet, her brain thinking of all the ways she could defeat your party. "What can you do that give you the right to rule them?"
Your smile seemed to grow wider. "I can beat the shit out of you."
And beat the shit out of Minthara you did.
With a first impression like that, ain't no mistery why Halsin couldn't do anything but to stay with your party. But to go on with you, deafeting the Shadowcurse and exploring Baldur's Gate. But to see you shine, feel your warmth, and let it pull a string on his heart.
At the end, it didn't matter how it started. It didn't matter how much they fought the thought back. If they lied to themselfs, made you a villain on their minds, welcomed you with open arms.
You have their hearts. Simply as it can be. You have their hearts.
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if you enjoyed, please reblog! i promise it makes a difference ♡
BALDUR'S GATE 3 TAGLIST: @citrusbunnies
@ madwomansapologist.tumblr.
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darkeunology · 8 months
♡ Touches ♡
Word Count: 1804
Pairing: Astarion x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Talks of dying, combat
Summary: You and Astarion only ever touched each other when close to death, maybe sometimes you need to be touched to live too
Not Requested
Not Proof Read
I'm only on Act 2 of the game so this has no spoilers for midway Act 2 onwards
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Never in your wildest dreams would you have ever been able to predict all that had happened to you in the last few days. From being on the Nautiloid ship and having a Mind Flayer tadpole forced into your eye - something that still makes you shiver in disgust anytime you think about it - to raiding the Goblin camp so the Tieflings finding refuge at the Emerald Grove can finally make their way out and helping every one of your companions with their memories and the help they need with other matters. As strange as these past few days have been, you wouldn’t have changed it for the world, you were having the adventure of your life with people you were getting closer with by the day. 
One person you were getting a little closer with than the others was Astarion, I mean how could you not. It had been a few nights since you were woken up by a strange feeling you had in your gut, the feeling of someone being too close next to you - opening your eyes to the sight of Asterion above your neck, fangs nearly biting you, 
“Shit.” He spoke sheepishly, backing away from you, hastily standing up as you did too. “No, no. It’s not what it looks like, I swear.” he almost pleaded, hoping to convince you as you raised your eyebrow at him, looking at him in disbelief. “I wasn’t going to hurt you, I just needed… Well… Blood.” 
The dim firelight illuminated Astarion where he stood, you scrutinised his features, something you hadn’t really had the time or need to do before. When you think about it now, you’re amazed it took so long to realise, the unnatural blood red eyes that would pierce you everytime he looked at you, the way his lips bared his teeth, two large fangs being prominent in his smile, he was a vampire. 
“I can’t believe I didn’t see it.” You started, shaking your head in shock, you recalled what had happened earlier that morning, the boar you’d found laying on the floor, you’d asked Astarion about it, him telling you that something had obviously bitten it and taken it’s blood, “We even found the boar you snacked on.” 
“It’s not what you think,” he rushed to say, “I’m not some monster.” he spoke more delicately now, as if the word ‘Monster’ was something he had carved on him. “I feed on animals. Boars, Deer, Kobolds - whatever i can get. I’m just too slow right now. Too weak. If I just had a little blood, I could think clearer. Fight better. Please.” 
“Why didn’t you tell me?” You asked, not actually that hurt that he didn’t tell you. 
“At best, I was sure you’d say no. More likely you’d ram a stake through my ribs. No. I needed you to trust me.” He moved slightly closer to you, still keeping enough distance that you wouldn’t feel threatened, “And you can trust me.” he finished, his voice becoming more sultry as he spoke, almost trying to seduce you into letting him bite you. 
“I do. I believe you.” you spoke gently, trying to not wake any of your other companions up, frankly you were amazed they hadn’t woken up yet. 
Astarion looked relieved at your words,”Thank you. Do you think you could trust me just a little further?” He asked, his voice still seductive, “I only need a taste, I swear.” 
“Fine, but not a drop more than you need.” you confirmed, not quite sure why you were actually going to let someone drink your blood. Maybe it was because his voice was doing something to you, maybe it was just because you needed Astarion to be at his best for any fights you were undoubtedly going to encounter tomorrow.  
He smirked at your answer, “Let’s get comfy then shall we?” He extended his hand towards your bedroll on the floor, signalling for you to lie back down, his body coming down on top of yours, his hand brushing some stray hair out of the way, brushing it behind your ear. Your eyes widened slightly as you felt his teeth sink into your skin, the pain burning initially before it sinks into a feeling of numbness, your bodies connecting through this moment together. It doesn’t take long until you're using your strength to push him away from you, deciding that he’d had enough. He kneels down next to you, his breath heavy, “Ah, that - that was amazing.” He smiled menacingly, standing up as he spoke, taking a few steps away from you again, “My mind is finally clear. I feel strong. I feel…Happy.” he smirked, his eyes travelling over your body.
“I’m looking forward to seeing you fight.” you spoke, remembering the reason you even allowed him to bite you in the first place, hoping that this would’ve been worth it. 
“Shouldn’t take long. So many people need killing.” Astarion smirked. “Now if you’ll excuse me, you’re invigorating, but I need something more filling.” He turned his back to you, about to walk off but giving one last comment over his shoulder to you, “This is a gift, you know. I won’t forget it.” He puts his focus back on the forest, stalking to it, much more confident as he goes to find more prey, leaving you to settle down back to bed and wonder what the hells just happened. 
Somehow the relationship between the two of you wasn’t fractured at all after this incident, in fact you’d somehow gotten stronger, allowing him to take a bit from you on certain nights, when you knew he was probably desperate for some strength and he took every moment of it, relishing in the taste of your blood that coated his lips, feeling the strength rejoin his body. 
However, there was something different between the two of you than what you had with almost everyone else in the camp. As time went on, Astarion became the person you weren’t necessarily as close to. As much as you were still friends and he would still throw you the odd flirty comment every so often - you had touched everyone else in the camp, you’d fixed Karlach’s heat issue so you could hug her now, doing so whenever she’d ask you to, knowing how much she’d missed being able to be touched. You’d danced with Wyll multiple times, him teaching you everything he knew. You’d had Gail teaching you how to do some magic. All three of them telling you plenty about their old lives. 
But you and Astarion, whilst he’d told you parts about Cazador, about his past. The two of you had only ever touched when it was necessary. When you’d be helping the other up after a particularly rough patch of combat or patching each other up at camp if any of the magic wielders were unable to heal you guys through a spell. You’d only ever touched each other when you were close to death, never touching for any other reason than necessity. 
Sleepless nights would often plague you through the Shadow-Cursed Lands, there was just something about this place that would not allow you to sleep most of the nights. During these nights, your thoughts would often stray to Astarion, and the things he had told you. You wanted nothing more than to be able to help him with everything he was going through, but you would also often wonder why you two were nowhere near as close as you were to everyone else. Maybe it was because of that night, when he was going to drink your blood without even telling you first - you often wondered how you would have woken up when it was far too late, with his fangs already piercing you, and you wonder if he would’ve actually stopped or if he would’ve drunk enough to kill you - or maybe it was just simply just because you had different feelings for Astarion than you did for Wyll for example. You couldn’t quite put your finger on what these feelings were, but you knew there was something different between you. 
Your feelings were confronted one night, after a bad fight had happened only a few hours before at the Last Light Inn, your life nearly being lost to it. Whilst you were used to nearly dying in these fights, this one for some reason hit you harder. Shadowheart had healed you almost fully when you got back to camp, but something still felt wrong as you laid down on your bedroll, tears coming to your eyes before you stubbornly blinked them away, not allowing yourself to cry when all your companions were nearby. 
“Stupid question, but are you okay?” Your eyes snapped open, Astarion standing above you, a sympathetic look on his face, he still hadn’t cleaned the blood off his face which reminded you that you hadn’t either, your face feeling stiff from the blood drying on it. 
Sitting up, you responded to him, “No.” A small sob escaped you as you spoke, causing your cheeks to heat up in embarrassment. “I didn’t want to cry in front of any of you.” you chuckled sadly, wiping your eyes. “I don’t know why this has hit me so hard. It’s not like it’s the first time I’ve nearly died.” you were confused as to why you felt like this. 
“You’re scared.” Astarion spoke, sitting down in front of you, a bowl of water now in front of him, a rag in his hand, “May I?” He asked gently, signalling to the blood on your face, 
“Please,” you whispered, your eyes scanning his face as he concentrated on getting the blood off you, being just aggressive enough to get the dried blood off but not too aggressive to hurt you any further. 
“I get scared all the time. Everytime we come back to camp after a bad fight.” he spoke gently as he cleaned you up, “All of us do. That’s what makes us human…” he paused, smirking playfully, “Well, that’s what makes all of you human.” You chuckled lightly. “Come on, let’s go to bed. It’s been a long day.” 
Astarion gently pushed you down so you were laying, he moved himself next to you. Your body tensed up for a second as you touched, his body tucking in tightly behind yours, the first time the two of you had properly touched each other. “Relax. I’m right here.” He whispered, laying a lingering kiss below your ear. You drifted away to the sound of Asterion’s breath in your ear, the comforting sound of someone being with you, holding you, keeping the monsters away for the night. 
It was strange to touch each other without one of them dying, but maybe touch was also something for the living.
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mass-effect-galaxy · 10 months
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Baldur's Gate 3 roleplaying idea: The Eilistraee Sword Dancer
(the "evil drow" variant is here)
I am still rather new to DnD lore and therefore I am still looking at what kind of characters you would actually be seeing in BG3 and how they would react and act in the story.
I became interested in the cult of Eilistraee by chance when I turned Shadowheart into a cleric of the Dark Maiden because I didn't find the altar to Selûne in the pantheon next to the Elfsong. This made me curious to learn more about that religion (other than the obvious naked drow dancing with a sword).
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I quickly realized that an Eilistraee cleric would be perfect for a Tav character. These brave men and women are used to traveling the surface, making contact with other people, and offering help and guidance wherever needed - basically what you do being the protagonist here.
Eilistraee clerics are usually, but not exclusively, drow women. This religion is open to all races and has many elf, human, and half-elf followers. For about a century now, the clergy is also open to men. So, you can be of any race and gender when playing an Eilistraee cleric. Specific orders, like the Sword Dancer, are still limited to drow, elf, or half-elf women.
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Technically, you want to have the first level as a War Domain cleric of Eilistraee and multi-class the rest into School of Sword bard. The cleric uses wisdom for spell-casting and the bard uses charisma. You should focus on charisma because Eilistraeans are supposed to solve conflicts by diplomacy, whenever possible.
As a cleric of Eilistraee, you are practically the embodiment of Good. Her clerics are expected to be proficient both in swordplay and arts, most notably dancing, singing, and playing instruments. They are supposed to offer succor with their music and protection with their swords.
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These clerics travel to communities of different races to provide whatever help is needed. They in particular travel to those regions where drow are not welcome, probably because of misdeeds done by Lolth-sworn drows. These kinds of pilgrimages are called "Run". Their purpose is not spreading the Eilistraean faith but the improvement of the peaceful coexistence of races, with the ultimate goal of making the surface a safe place for drow. Anti-racism is a pillar of the Eilistraean faith.
Even though we accidentally end up in the Emerald Grove while it is under attack by goblins and drow, that place would certainly be a place that would see the visit of Eilistraean clerics soon. The priestesses would provide healing, music, food for the needy, and protection from wild animals and dangerous monsters (the "High Hunt").
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So, that's what you do: you talk to people and offer your help. You don't ask for anything in return, and when you get rewards you use that money to buy useful things for your companions. You do not steal or plunder, and when you loot dead enemies you only take what you need (food, coin, and gear you are actually going to use).
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You try to solve conflicts without violence, as much as possible. However, this has its limits - and you don't carry around a sword because it looks good (Clerics of Eilistraee don't use bows and crossbows, BTW). You abhor slavery, and whenever you can't convince someone to let go of his slaves, you are free to strike him down. You also don't run around claiming to be a True Soul. If someone assumes that on his own, it is their business; but you won't claim it yourself - even when the outcome would be a fight. If violence is unavoidable, you should try to end it as quickly as possible with as few people as possible getting involved.
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Being a "light side" cleric in a world where all gods are real would also mean that you should respect other peoples' allegiances. I don't think that it would be right to lecture Shadowheart on her Sharran faith. I would even go as far as saying that interfering with Shar ordering Shadowheart to kill a daughter of Selûne would be overstepping your boundaries as sort of an envoy of Eilistraee. This is definitely true for Gale: It is not your place to question Mystra commanding Gale to sacrifice himself. And if he is willing to do so, you would see your part in supporting him in whatever way you can on that path - what would also be the proper ending for that playthrough (don't bring him to the end of Act 2, though).
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Even though Eilistraee is usually depicted as a nude dancer, this is not really a nudist cult. Rites are usually performed naked. During the High Hunt (in terms of BG3, the boss fights against the chosen three) clerics of Eilistraee are naked too and only armed with swords. In all other situations, a cleric of Eilistraee would be wearing practical clothing appropriate for the task; probably even less revealing and flashy than what is considered fashion amongst Lolth-sworn drow.
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On a side note, being a drow and a bard gives you the highest amount of special dialogue the game offers in one run.
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pagesfromthevoid · 6 months
Enchanted | g.d. | 2
Gale x fem!Tav
Word Count: 3.1k
Warnings: None
Author’s Note: I told you I wasn’t sorry.
Talk to Me! | Series Masterlist
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There I was again tonight
Forcing laughter, faking smiles
Same old tired, lonely place…
“We’ve certainly collected a myriad of companions,” Gale observed as he sat down beside her in camp.
A little over a week ago, Tav had been kind enough to pull him from the wall he had managed to trap himself inside of after the illithid ship had crashed. She was even kinder in allowing him to travel with her, Lae’Zel, Astarion and Shadowheart to find a cure for their tadpole problem. Since then, they had collected the Blade of Frontiers and a devil from Avernus as well and were setting out to locate the druid Halsin in order to help the Emerald Grove.
She seemed ready and willing to collect any and all strays along the way, ensuring that everyone was healed, fed, and given a warm place to rest. Her compassionate nature extended not only to humans but to animals too; she would often pause to tend to wounded creatures found on their journey, whether they were injured birds or owlbear cubs –though that was how they came to have Scratch and the very same owlbear cub she had found outside the goblin camp.
Perhaps that was why Gale was so drawn to her already; she was kind and open in a way that he had never experienced before. Her empathy seemed boundless, radiating from her in moments of danger and transformation alike. Even in the face of peril, she remained steadfast, her gentle demeanor a beacon of hope and comfort to those around her. It was as if she possessed an innate ability to soothe troubled souls and mend broken spirits with just a smile and a touch.
“The more people we have, the more likely we are to be safe from whatever we face in the coming days,” she reminded him, though she did not look up from the violin she had snagged from an abandoned caravan as she tried to re-tune it. She had used it earlier to hit a goblin, and while the instrument still worked, the strings had snapped in the process and she was trying to replace them. “Besides, I can’t imagine leaving any of you to your own devices; you were trapped in a wall. Lae’Zel was in a cage, and Karlach was being hunted by Wyll. I’m afraid if I let you wander, you’ll get yourselves killed.”
The playful conversation starts,
Counter all your quick remarks
Like passing notes in secrecy…
“Oh ye of little faith,” he chastised, chuckling some as he leaned back. “I am perfectly capable of handling myself –though I cannot attest to any of our other friends.”
Tav simply shrugged in response, looking up at him finally with a soft smile. “I’m sure you are, Gale of Waterdeep. With a title like that, I’m sure you’re a fantastic adventurer and this is just another day in paradise.”
Gale simply shrugged in response, though he couldn’t help the small smirk that tugged at the corner of his lips. They fell into a comfortable silence as she plucked at the strings of her violin, humming a soft tune to make sure the melody sounded alright. His thoughts drifted to his bard –to the note he had given to the little kobold. Had it really only been a few weeks since he left his tower? With everything that had happened, it had felt like months ago that he had sought out his bard and lost his chance.
“I think I’m going to turn in for the night,” she finally announced, standing up and stretching her arms over her head. Gale picked up her violin and held it out to her, smiling some. Tav took it, their fingers brushing against one another just briefly, with her own smile. “Goodnight, Gale. Sleep well.”
“Goodnight, Tav,” he offered, watching her retreating figure as she slipped into her tent. He averted his gaze as she bent over, looking away with a soft blush when he caught himself staring a little longer than he should have. 
“You’re a bit pathetic, you know that?” Astarion suddenly announced, appearing across from Gale as the fire simmered down.
“Excuse me?” 
Astarion sipped the wine in his hand, waving his other dismissively. “Please, it’s been a week since she picked you out of that wall and all you do is pine after like a love sick fool.”
“I do not pine. Besides –I have no time for any sort of romantic inclinations. Not with our unwanted guest in our heads.”
Gale rolled his eyes, shaking his head. What a ridiculous notion, he mused, thinking that he had any interest in beginning a relationship in the middle of all of this chaos. Even if he did find Tav attractive and kind and a lovely conversationalist – qualities that he couldn't deny – he couldn't afford to entertain such thoughts, not when the fate of their lives hung in the balance. 
Perhaps he did have a bit of a lingering crush on the de facto leader –but that meant little when he couldn't help but stray to the missive he had sent to his bard. Hope flickered within him, albeit faintly, as he imagined her response to his attempt at poetry and his thanks to her. His mind drifted to her every night, even if he didn’t see her face. He didn’t need to know what she looked like when he could hear her voice and recall her words.
Tav was lovely, but she wasn’t his bard and if Gale was to hold onto anything, it had to be her. If anything because the likelihood of ever seeing her again was minimal –less hurt for him and Tav.
“Then I don’t suppose you would be upset if I made time for her, then?” Astarion questioned, brow quirked up with the smirk that Gale had learned meant nothing good.
Gale opened his mouth to tell him, no, I would not be upset but you shouldn’t touch her still but the sentence got caught in his throat as the orb in his chest pulsed suddenly, shooting a sharp pain through his body. Astarion lurched back, surprised by Gale’s sudden cry of pain as the wizard doubled over and fell to his knees. Gods, now was not the time for this to happen –not in the middle of camp; not with everyone around. 
“What in the sweet hells is wrong with you?” Astarion demanded as Tav practically tripped out of her tent to hurry back over. Shadowheart, Wyll and Karlach approached as well.
“Gale, are you okay?” Tav asked, touching his shoulder to lay him on his back.
“I just –,” he gasped, closing his eyes for a moment as he reached up and clutched his chest. Her hand covered his, trying to look over his chest for wounds. When she found none, the pain had subsided enough for him to open his eyes and clutch her hand in his. “I suppose it’s time I tell you all that I might have what is…essentially a bomb in my chest.” She pulled back some, though she kept her hand in his as he loosened the wrap of his robe, exposing the mark of the Netherese orb that climbed up his chest and to his throat. “It’s a complicated story –long, tedious, and terribly boring, truthfully –but I need –I have to consume magic in order to prevent it from getting worse.”
“How do you consume magic?” She asked, helping him sit up now. “Like, we enchant food or what?”
He chuckled weakly, shaking his head. “My research determined that I just need magical items that I can siphon the magic from, to hold it over.”
Tav eyed him carefully, her gaze filled with concern. With a gentle yet firm touch, she flattened her hand against his chest, as if trying to soothe the orb nestled within him with just her touch. Gale could feel the warmth of her palm against his skin, a stark contrast to the icy tendrils of darkness coiling within him. 
He appreciated the gesture more than he could probably express. Her presence alone offered a semblance of comfort in the midst of his torment. But despite her efforts, the touch did little to appease the malevolent orb residing inside him. It continued to pulse with an ominous energy, defying all attempts at pacification.
“I think I picked up a helm,” Shadowheart suggested, half jogging back to her tent to go through her things.
“Oh, I picked up a fancy robe –I bet it’s magic,” Karlach offered, following suit.
“I have this.” Tav unclasped a necklace from around her neck –a simple amulet on a chain. The center held an emerald stone and it was encased in fine gold. “It’s definitely magic –it’s the Absolute Confidence Amulet. Nicked it off my old boss before I left Neverwinter a couple years ago.”
“Don’t you need it?” He asked, though he was already reaching for it.
“Not anymore, honestly,” she reassured with a promising smile. “I’m pretty confident in myself without it.”
Gale nodded solemnly, his fingers tightening around the item clutched close to his chest. With a deep breath, he released the magic contained within the amulet, allowing the orb to consume it greedily. As the magical energies dissipated, the necklace crumbled into pieces, scattering at their feet like shards of shattered dreams.
Tav watched the disintegration of the necklace with a bit of resignation. Despite the necessity of the action, there was a sense of loss in witnessing the demise of the once-cherished item. Yet, her smile held a glimmer of hope as she pulled away from him and stood. 
“Let us know if you need more. You shouldn’t keep this from us,” she lightly scolded, helping him up from the ground. “We’re in this together –I don’t know what I’d do if something were to happen to you.”
Gale nodded, his gaze softening as he looked down at Tav. For the first time in weeks, the pulsing of the orb within him dulled down. 
As she moved to pull away, a gentle breeze rustling through her hair, Gale's heart skipped a beat. In a moment of impulse, he reached out and caught her hand, holding it tenderly against his chest. She looked up at him in surprise, but didn’t move to pull away –instead her gaze softened as she smiled up at him. 
With a silent understanding passing between them, Gale nodded in response to her request, his eyes locking with hers in a silent exchange of trust and affection. In the fleeting moment, he couldn’t help himself as he covered her hand with his once more.
“Thank you, Tav. Truly.”
“Of course, Gale. 
I'll spend forever wondering if you knew
I was enchanted to meet you…
“Gale seems to be quite taken with you,” Shadowheart commented a few days later, when she and Tav were collecting firewood for the camp.
“I don’t know what you mean,” Tav countered, feeling the heat rise in her cheeks.
“I can’t tell if you’re blind or just ignoring how he looks at you.”
“I am not ignoring him,” she conceded, sitting on a fallen tree and dropping the wood in her hands. “I just –it’s complicated.”
“What, do you have someone waiting for you in Baldur’s Gate?” Shadowheart sat beside her, kicking her feet out in front of her.
“I mean, maybe.”
“Maybe? What do you mean maybe?”
Tav huffed, flushing a bit as she fished through her pockets and pulled out a folded up piece of parchment. She handed it to the cleric then dropped her hands into her lap as Shadowheart read it over.
“This is incredibly cheesy,” she laughed, handing it back to her.
“It is not,” Tav argued, shaking her head and snatching the note back. “I don’t know who wrote it, but I have spent years singing to practically no one and this stranger wrote me a poem to tell me my singing saved their life –I suppose I’m just holding out hope that I find them one day.”
“And in the meantime, you’re going to ignore someone who very clearly is in love with you –for someone who you may never meet?”  Shadowheart gave her a knowing look, crossing her ankles as she did. “Tav –we don’t have a lot of time with these tadpoles in our heads. While I am not saying you should just bed the wizard for the hells of it…I am saying that you should consider yourself fortunate to have someone that wants to share whatever time we have left with you.”
“I thought you were supposed to be the pragmatic, religious one that tells me to control myself?” 
“Usually I would,” but she shrugged and looked over towards where camp was situated. “But it’s hard to be when it feels like we’re on borrowed time.”
“It also helps to use the sexual tension to your advantage,” Lae’Zel suddenly announced, stepping out of the woods. “You two were taking too long. The wizard was growing concerned. You would do well to act on whatever affections he may hold for you while they last.”
“You’re both incredibly unhelpful and strangely horny,” Tav commented, standing up and gathering the wood in her arms again. “I don’t want to use him for anything —Gale is a good person; he deserves someone who can return his feelings entirely. Not someone who is distracted by a mysterious poet.”
“Tck. Githyanki have no use for poets; we say what we mean without masking it behind pretty words.”
“Thank you for the meaningful contribution to the conversation, Lae’Zel. I’m sure Tav is so happy for your advice.”
“As she should be.”
Tav rolled her eyes at them both, walking away as they began their usual bickering. How could they possibly give her advice when it was clear they had unresolved feelings between the two of them? Ridiculous, the both of them. Besides, she had no desire to give into her feelings for Gale (and she certainly had feelings, she couldn’t deny that). They had tadpoles in their brains and were on a mission to practically save the world. It was easier to pine for a mystery poet who may or may not be there at the end than risk falling in love with someone who not only had a bomb in their chest, but could sprout tentacles at any moment. 
No, she was better off without falling for Gale of Waterdeep. 
By the end of their day, Gale and the rest of the merry band of weirdos were exhausted. They had managed to free the Druid Halsin from the goblins (while slaughtering the whole lot of them), only for him to ask them to help with breaking a curse on the Shadowlands. And Tav —Mystra bless her —had agreed almost immediately, without hesitation. 
Bloodied, battered, and covered in dirt and grime, Gale practically collapsed onto the nearest bedroll close to the campfire. He was first on watch tonight, and while he desperately wanted to sleep, he knew there wouldn’t be a chance in the nine hells anyone would swap with him. Tav laughed at him, nudging him with her foot as she passed by. 
“Go get some sleep, Gale. I’ll keep watch,” she offered, lowering to sit at the edge of the roll. 
“Absolutely not,” he argued, sitting up to glower down at her. “It’s my turn, and you took up post the other night when the orb acted up.”
“And I’m taking up post tonight as well. Go to bed.” Her voice was firm and she was pushing him away now to get him to move. “If I get tired, I’ll wake you. Deal?”
He hesitated a moment before nodding once, standing up finally. “Deal. And do not hesitate. If I so much as hear you yawn, I’ll be out here.”
“Here’s hoping you’re a heavy sleeper then.”
Gale pushed her head gently, rolling his eyes at her. She giggled, ducking out of his reach as he retreated to the privacy of his tent. He wasn’t kidding; if she yawned before he fell asleep, he would make her swap out. It was only fair, and he couldn’t bear the idea of letting her stay up without even a short rest.
However as soon as his head hit the pillow of his own bedroll, Gale had to fight sleep. It was tempting, and usually he wouldn’t be opposed to going straight to sleep —especially when it beckoned so clearly —but he really did want to make sure she didn’t need him. Whether he wanted to admit his feelings for her or not, Gale couldn’t help but worry for her. It was almost instinctual. 
After what felt like hours —though he was certain it was hardly even ten minutes —he began to drift off. Dreams danced in the edge of his mind, words to a song he vaguely recognized from his bard. Then words he knew; his words, softly carrying through the night air. 
The lingering question kept me up
2 AM, who do you love?
I wondered till I'm wide awake
Now I'm pacing back and forth, 
wishing you were at my door
I'd open up and you would say
It was enchanting to meet you…
At first, he assumed it was a dream —it wouldn’t be the first time he had dreamt of her sweet voice, echoing his words back to him. Relaxing into the feeling of his bard’s voice, he let it wash over him. Let it pull him into the dream world that he desperately wanted to enter for a little while. It was clearer than ever; her voice was sometimes muffled by the dreamscape but not tonight. 
Please don’t be in love with someone else,
Please don’t have somebody waiting on you…
The addition to his lines confused him, prompting his eyes to open and look around his tent for a moment. Blinking away the new lines —ones he certainly didn’t recognize and had never dreamed of before —he tried to refocus on his bard and her voice once more, listening to her echo his name even if she didn’t know it yet. But the music didn’t return in his head; it was still clear, as if right outside his tent. 
Sitting up, Gale rubbed his eyes in frustration. His exhaustion must be getting to him finally. Truly, he must be hallucinating —
This is me praying that
This was the very first page,
Not where the storyline ends…
“You are absolutely hopeless, Tav, singing that silly little poem,” Shadowheart scolded from outside his tent, though he could hear her retreating to her own. “Goodnight, I hope you dream of your poet.”
Her poet?
Her poet. 
Gale was her poet. 
Tav was his bard. 
“Sweet Hells.”
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scruffyplayssonic · 6 months
Are the ArchieSonic comics actually an 80's/90's syndicated cartoon? Episode 64 - 65: Two Multi-part Finale (part 7: Sonic X #40)
Welcome back to my investigation of how Archie Comics’ Sonic the Hedgehog series was actually a syndicated cartoon from the 80’s and 90’s! 
Let me tell you - after six posts talking about the Endgame saga, the end of the Knuckles spinoff comics, and the death of the super special series, it’s a relief today to finally get to talk about something not written by Ken Penders. So you guys remember Sonic X, right? “Got ourselves a situation, stuck in a new location”?
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It was a fun little anime based around the adventures of our favourite blue hedgehog, which suffered unspeakable atrocities at the hands of the localisation team at 4Kids Entertainment. The show was about the Sonic cast being sent to Earth in an accident and befriending poor little rich boy Chris Thorndyke. The show would feature them fighting Dr. Eggman in a robot of the week format, and in the second season ran arcs adapting Sonic Adventure and Sonic Adventure 2. They also sort of did an adaptation of Sonic Battle. At the end of the second season Sonic and his friends returned to their own planet, and the third season kicked off with an older Chris Thorndyke travelling to Sonic’s world, regressing back to childhood, and joining his friends on a series of adventures in outer space fighting the dreaded Metarex. 
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Debuting in September 2005 (around the same time the third season began airing in the US) was Sonic X the comic book, which was a companion book to the anime telling new stories with the same cast and setting. There were all sorts of wacky ideas they were able to do in the comic using the setting of the anime, such as Eggman selling Chao to everyone as pets that would turn vicious and attack, Sonic and friends being trapped in the Sonic 1 video game, Vector being briefly mutated into a kaiju, and Eggman becoming a mexican wrestler named El Gran Gordo!
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The majority of this comic was set towards the end of season 2, before Sonic and friends returned to their own world. However the earlier issues played around earlier in the timeline, and we got to see things like Emerl being initially discovered and Eggman in jail following the Egg Moon incident.
Uniquely from the other finales I’m focusing on for this series, the end of the Sonic X comic was actually planned. The creative team wanted to end Sonic X before they risked jumping the shark, and launch a new spin-off - one not limited by the restrictions that the Sonic X setting and characters presented. They wanted this new spinoff to be set back in the main ArchieSonic canon, where they could have more space to explore other characters while Sonic’s adventures continued on in the main book. Essentially, it would be a return to the era of the comic when Sonic and Knuckles both had monthly comics coming out, only the new book, Sonic Universe, wouldn’t be limited to just Knuckles and his companion characters.
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Arc #1 was focused on Shadow and the formation of Team Dark, then there was one about Mobius 30 Years Later, then one about Knuckles and the Chaotix, and so on. So when the time came for the Sonic X comic to end, Ian Flynn and the rest of the team did so by making it part of a crossover story that began in Sonic the Hedgehog #195 and 196, continued on into Sonic X #40, and was completed in the first issue of Sonic Universe.
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The crossover began with Hedgehog Havoc, a meeting of hedgehogs that has never been matched before or since. Travelling to the Anti-verse, Sonic and Amy were on a mission to kick Scourge the Anti-Sonic out of Freedom HQ and send him back to his home dimension. While there, they’d also had an unfortunate encounter with Rosy the Rascal, the psychotic Anti-Amy. Next to show up was Shadow, who was now an Agent of GUN and had been helping Hope Kintobor test a device that was supposed to send him into the special zone to get a Chaos Emerald. Then Metal Sonic showed up. Having been rebuilt by Dr. Eggman, this newest model had been fitted with a special engine that allowed him to travel to alternate zones. Having not detected Sonic anywhere on Mobius, Metal Sonic travelled to Moebius to find him and join the fight. Finally Silver the Hedgehog made his first appearance, on a mission to kill the traitor that destroyed the Freedom Fighters. He was guided by Amy’s cousin, the archer Rob O’ the Hedge. And so…
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Eventually Sonic had the bright idea of convincing everyone to turn on Scourge first, and then they could all sort out their other issues after taking care of the threat he presented. Unfortunately Scourge didn’t want to go quietly, and he used some hidden “Anarchy Beryl” to transform into Super Scourge.
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Welp, that escalated quickly. Rationalising that he had no chance against Super Scourge, Metal Sonic returned to his initial directive of trying to murderise Sonic instead.
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Shadow stepped in to help, using Metal Sonic’s interdimensional engine with his own Chaos Control to warp them both out of there. So that was one less threat for Sonic to have to deal with. And that’s where the beginning of Sonic X #40 comes in.
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Now this next part is interesting to me. When Shadow and Metal Sonic crashed Cream’s tea party, there was a Sonic right there, ripe for the murdering. And that was Metal’s objective, right? To disembowel Sonic and leave a trail of squishy hedgehog organs scattered across the landscape? But no, apparently not:
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I guess the implication here is that Metal Sonic changed directives because he was now in an unknown dimension, as opposed to when he landed in the Antiverse. It raises the question of just how much Eggman knows about Scourge’s home planet, but considering that prior to his initial takeover of Mobius he travelled to Anti-Mobius to recruit Evil Sonic to locate the Giant Borg pieces scattered across the multiverse, it’s reasonable to assume that Eggman has documented it. Certainly if not then, then he might have been motivated to further research the Antiverse after Scourge invaded Freedom HQ and warned Eggman he’d also be conquering Eggman’s territories in due time.
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So after bonding over having arrived here from other planets (I love the look on Shadow’s face when Sonic told him he was dead xD), Sonic gave Shadow a tour of Station Square.
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Yeah, that kind of thing happens in Sonic X. Just smile and nod. The next stop on their little tour was Chris Thorndyke’s school, as Sonic wanted to give Chris a treat. Unfortunately he didn’t really prepare Shadow for this moment.
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I love that third panel. xD Chris: This is mine now. See you later, Sonic. Sonic: Bye, Chris! Shadow: Help… me…
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Meanwhile, Metal Sonic managed to locate the local Eggman’s base and came knocking at his front door. Bokkun, Bocoe and Decoe were all terrified of their visitor, but Eggman was giddy to be presented with a robotic version of his greatest enemy that he could boss around.
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Shadow got to meet Sam Speed next, and ask him the question that I think all of us had been asking since the first episode of Sonic X:
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I dunno, it still seems like overkill to me. Let’s just hope that police forces here in the real world don't start doing this too.
While Sam and the hedgehogs were catching up, they were unaware that the shadowy organisation S.O.N.I.C.X. (the same one that had turned Vector into a kaiju) were spying on them. 
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Well that was a lucky break for the good guys.
Sonic and Shadow then went down to the beach and this is where Eggman caught up with them. He ordered Metal Sonic to attack, but it was a very brief battle.
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In a panic Eggman raced back to his tower to check if he still had Shadow contained, puzzling over what he’d just seen when he found him right where he was supposed to be.
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Sonic went back to Chris’ house and reconnected with all his friends, with Rouge and Chris both disappointed to find that Shadow had left.
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And that’s where Sonic X, the comic, ended, with Sonic and friends anticipating their next adventure. 
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As for Shadow and Metal Sonic, their story continued in issue #1 of Sonic Universe. Shadow found himself teleported to the Sol Dimension via Chaos Control, and teamed up with Blaze and Marine to take down Metal Sonic once and for all*.
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*..well, sort of.
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But that’s another story. As for this one, it’s fine. Certainly not the greatest thing Ian Flynn has ever written, but it’s a hell of a lot more enjoyable than any of the Ken Penders stories I wrote about recently. It’s got a few funny moments, and the stuff with Chris is genuinely touching, which isn’t easy to pull off with a character that the majority of the fanbase loathes. I never really got into the Sonic X comics, unfortunately. I think I read the first 15 issues before I got bored and stopped buying them. Which is a shame, because I’ve gone back to look at the other issues more recently and there were some fun stories in there, especially the ones about El Gran Gordo.
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But this one feels like a nice way to end the series (in comic form, at least - the anime has a whole season left chronologically after this issue) as well as being the springboard to the new Sonic Universe series. Man, I miss Sonic Universe. I really hope we can get an equivalent side series to the IDW Sonic comics one day.
Speaking of the next adventure, next time I’ll be returning to the main Sonic comics as I look at a much darker time in the history of the series - the death of pre-boot ArchieSonic. I’ll be covering Sonic the Hedgehog #247 and Sonic Universe #50, but at this stage I’m not sure whether that will be one post or two. I’ll see how I go. See you then!
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tugoslovenka · 1 year
Flowers & Honey
I have returned to tumblr after about 8-9 years. I have no idea what's going on, but I do know that Halsin is a man that needs more smut written about him.
Here's my attempt.
I also post on ao3, if you would be so kind to visit!
She could not tear her eyes away. Not since their encounter in the grimy, neglected dungeons of the Temple of Selûne that is.
When they reached the cage, her Potion of Animal Speaking had worn off, which is also when she found herself face-to-face with a ferocious brown bear that had almost singlehandedly dispatched a group of goblins on watch duty.
Edith had certainly not anticipated that the beast would transform into a tall, muscular, and, well, rather handsome elf after the battle had ended. He introduced himself as Halsin, the First Druid of the Emerald Grove — and was certainly the largest elf she had ever laid her eyes on.
From that moment in the goblin camp to her current absentminded lip chewing while sat on a rickety stool in a long-forgotten inn in the depths of the Shadowlands, Edith was fairly certain she had spent a significant portion of the past few days unabashedly staring at the man's backside.
He had been polite even after she helped him solve a dispute between the Tieflings and the Druids in the Grove. Even after he had spotted some of her other companions rushing into the woods with partners of their choosing. Even after she mustered the courage to subtly invite him as well.
Too polite for her liking.
Edith's temper ran hot most days, but there was something about his gentle demeanor, his knack for resolving conflicts, his ability to discern people's intentions, and his overall kind-hearted nature that ignited a fiery passion within her, turning that spark into a full-blown wildfire.
That rang especially true after an incredibly difficult encounter with the cursed creatures and Shadows a little ways away from Last Night Inn - where she was almost certain she was going to lose him were it not for some of Shadowheart’s clerical abilities.
A few days had passed since then, and Halsin was reunited with Thaniel’s complete self. Edith still couldn't decipher some of his riddles or understand how this young boy would aid them in their battle against Thorm. She did however know not to ask too many questions on this journey, since it had gone well beyond strange.
Halsin had his back turned to her, focused on mending the broken wooden floor of the inn. They were alone in the room, bathed in the soft glow of a lantern in the corner where she perched. True to form, he declined her offer to help, since, as he noted, she had already done a world of favors to him and the others.
“Do you always study people, Edith?”
Edith’s concentration was broken momentarily when he spoke. She felt her breath hitch in her throat. Could he be hearing her thoughts? There were a couple of Potions of Mind Reading left around the place and she sincerely hoped he didn’t drink one in the past hour.
She cleared her throat and gently let herself stand on two feet. “What do you mean?”She could hear a soft chuckle come from him. “You have been observing my movements for quite some time now.” Halsin said. She tried to ascertain if he was annoyed or offended by the notion, but she couldn’t sense any irritation in his voice.
She supposed this was as good as time as any.
With a quiet prayer to all the Gods, Devils and Demons in the Forgotten Realms, she crossed her arms. “And what of it?” she challenged, a smirk forming on her lips.
Halsin turned to her in that instant, still kneeling on the floor. Even at this height, his head could probably reach the tops of her chest.
“I may be a few centuries your elder, but I am not ignorant of people’s advances. You certainly do not hide your desire for me.” he spoke in a low tone, a hint of playfulness in his voice.
Edith involuntarily laughed at his comment. “Well, you’ve also made it quite clear that you want nothing to do with my advances, which is why, I study from afar.” she retorted in response.
“I have never denied your advances, sweet Baldurian. The only time you have sought my companionship was in a very intoxicated state, and I did not wish for you to have any regrets going forward.” he explained, rising to his feet in the process.
His tall frame overshadowed hers. She was not the smallest human, but she was also acutely aware of the size difference between them. Her head barely reached his ribcage. She reckoned she could fit two of her frames into one of his.
“Maybe I needed some liquid courage to get me going.” she murmured, trying her best to remain in control while she felt a pool of heat form in her belly.
“Aye, but I would have preferred you in a sobered state, where we can explore each other to our heart’s content.”
Edith felt as though time had stopped upon hearing that. She reached behind her back to pinch at her skin, making sure she hasn’t been put to sleep. Before she could respond though, Halsin slowly made his way to her until she could feel his breath graze her face.
They had never been that close before. Not even during her embarrassing attempt at trying to seduce him had she smelled his scent. Wood, with a hint of sweat and a plant she could not recognize. She saw a small bead of sweat run down his forehead until it reached his cheek.
Halsin's hand extended, hovering just before her face. "Have I misunderstood your intentions, little flower?" he inquired, tilting his head slightly.
Little flower. It was a nickname he had given her on account of her flower picking. Having been born and raised in the Lower City of Baldur’s Gate, lush gardens and vibrant plants were not a sight she was familiar with, hence her need to collect some for her notebooks along the way.
"No," she replied, though she couldn't help but feel a pang of uncertainty as her senses overcame her. "I... We're not— There are people around."
Halsin smiled in response. His outstretched hand lowered until he held hers, which felt small and delicate in comparison. His gaze moved upwards to the ceiling, where Edith knew there was a private bath for the inn's residents to wash away the day's grime.
Without saying any other word, he began making his way through the hallways, keeping her close by while Edith tried to process what was happening. This man was good at hiding his intentions and feelings, and she was good at, well, not, but even she couldn’t help but be taken by his grace and intimidating presence.
Usually, being the loudmouth that she was, she would have opted to respond with a sly comment or attempt a few witty comebacks. However, not a word escaped her lips as her legs seemed to move on their own, following Halsin up to the second floor of the tavern, where a few Harpers were on patrol.
By the time Edith had thought of a response to give him, they were both already in the small, makeshift storage room that had one wooden bath in the center of it. The only light was the translucent glow from Isobel’s protective spell, which also illuminated Halsin’s large body as he began taking his garments off.
Edith stood there, suddenly feeling insecure as she wrapped her hands around herself. Halsin didn’t pay her any attention for the time being, ensuring to pour an adequate amount of water into the bath and tempering a metal basin with the Heat Metal spell as he mixed both thoroughly.
Once he was satisfied with the temperature, he turned his body towards hers. Her eyes immediately fixated themselves on his lower half, widening slightly once she saw his member. He was quite well-endowed, even when not standing at full attention.
Seemingly taking note of her nervousness, Halsin outstretched his hand, smiling warmly as he did so. “I realize those who do not spend their time in the wilderness are not as comfortable being in the nude, but you should not be afraid of your own body, little flower. The contours of your form are a tapestry of nature’s wonders - a mosaic of petals and blooms, an ode to the beauty of this world.”
Gods damn this man and his mouth.
Edith nodded, only being able to muster an “okay” in response. Or maybe an incoherent mumble. She wasn’t entirely too sure.
Halsin raised her hand to his lips, planting a soft kiss there before stepping into the bath. He stood waiting, a small smile playing on his lips once he saw Edith begin to step out of her garments, and then her smallclothes. She lightly grasped his hand as she carefully got into the tub.
The water was not too cold nor too hot, just perfect enough to calm the goosebumps on her skin as she lowered herself. Halsin had some difficulty in managing the manouver, scooting a few times until he finally found the right position. His knees were poking out of the water and on either side of Edith’s arms.
It was honestly a shock they had both managed to fit and not break or overflow the whole bath.
Halsin reached for some soap with one hand, while the other took hold of her hair. “Tell me, little flower.” he began massaging her scalp, making sure to dip the bar into the water before squeezing some of the soapy water onto her curls. “What is it you require of me?”
“Mmm,” Edith murmured as she slumped back onto Halsin’s chest. “Where do I start?”
Halsin leaned in until his lips found the crook of her neck. “Your efforts in helping my cause have gone above and beyond what I had expected. It is only right of me to return the favor in whatever manner you see fit.”
Edith responded with a hum. In truth, she did not anticipate any of this tonight, although she had experienced countless nights fantasizing about something similar. It always began with his fingers. Something about them, meaty and large, roaming their way across her body made her insides tingle.
She heard the sound of something small falling into the water. A beat later, his other arm wrapped itself around her belly.
So much for the bath, she thought.
“In truth, I too have desired you for quite some time now.” Halsin confessed, gently arranging a row of kisses from the crook of her neck to her shoulder blade, stopping momentarily before moving her hair so that he could reach the other side. “I was just hoping, and maybe praying to the Oakfather, that you would make an advance soon.”
“Have you, now?” Edith giggled, closing her eyes so that she could fully appreciate his affection. A moment later, the hand on her stomach reached up until she felt her nipple being tweaked, grazed over and gently pulled.
“That sound,” Halsin growled, moving his head forward until she could see his gaze from the corner of her eyes. “Do not make it unless you wish for me to lose control.”
“Halsin, that is precisely what I was hoping would happen for the past few—”
Edith gasped when she felt his fingers quickly retract from her nipples and nestle themselves between her legs. He traced the lines of her lips teasingly, and it wasn’t long before he stopped his middle finger on her clit, gently rubbing it.
It enticed a surprised moan from Edith. “Halsin…”
“How I have longed to hear you sing for me, little flower.” he confessed, keeping a slow and steady rhythm on her clit while she continued to whimper. Edith was certain everyone in the tavern could hear her noises, but she chose not to engage her current mind with future worries.
Her hips began to unconsciously grind against his fingers as she attempted to help guide him to more of her needs. “I don’t think you realize how much I have— how much I’ve— needed this. It’s not going to take much— much to make me come.” Edith moaned, turning her head so that it was resting between his neck and shoulder blade.
His looked at her. “Your eyes, my heart. They are glazed like the morning mists.” he said huskily before leaning to kiss her deeply. It was one way to swallow out her moans, because her tongue soon reached out to capture his.
The ministrations didn’t take long to get her close to the edge. What wasn’t exactly helpful was his pace, steady and slow, torturously so, but with enough pressure that she felt her hips buckle at the finger that stroked her clit. Halsin seemed to notice and switched his middle finger with this thumb, while his hand moved lower to reach her opening.
The pleasure she thought was experiencing only heightened when she felt not one but two fingers enter her gently. Edith had spent a decent amount of time getting herself off in a similar fashion, but nothing could compare to his thick digits pumping inside her — curling to the hilt as she cried out in surprise.
“You are so sensitive, little flower.” he mused, increasing the pace of his fingers while doing so. “Like a primrose, or maybe even a poppy. Do you think I could fit another finger in?”
Edith panted in response, feeling completely distracted at his words and movements. All she could focus on for the time being was the toe-curling pleasure he gave her. “Yes. Yes, please, Halsin. I need… I need—“
Halsin watched her closely, giving her temple a kiss as he moved a third finger between her legs. “You’re doing well. I can smell your release coming.”
She couldn’t stop the whine that escaped her lips once three fingers well well and truly nestled between her legs. It was almost painful, had it not been for her muscles being stimulated for some time. Her chore ached angrily and his words only helped spur on the pleasure.
Halsin groaned when he felt her squeeze his fingers, his lips moving to nip at her neck hungrily. “I need your release. Give yourself to me.”
She did not need to be told any more encouragement to let go. She felt his free hand grip onto her hips to push them down, since between her grinding and squirming, it must have seemed like she was going to escape the bath altogether. With a cry of pleasure, she felt herself shudder as one strong pulse of pleasure followed the next, a well and true release overcoming her body.
Halsin was patiently waiting for her to finish. One final ripple jolted her hips momentarily before she fully relaxed, almost sinking into the water in the process. It was only him submerging himself lower that helped feather her fall as she breathed heavily from the come down.
“Your body seems to respond well to my touch.” he grinned, reaching a hand to her hair so as to gently run his fingers through it. She was still panting heavily, her arms barely being able to find the sides of the tub to pull herself up. It exposed much of her lower back, where a lot of her scars were.
“You carry many marks for someone so fragile, little Baldurian.” he mused, clearly studying her back. Edith let out a huff in response, turning around to face him. The tub was not nearly big enough to hold both of them comfortably, which is why she settled herself on his thick thighs instead.
“And you carry quite the mouth for someone so ancient.” her hands found themselves wrapped around his neck as she closed the distance between them, ultimately sitting on his member with a swift glide. She hadn’t noticed it before, being preoccupied with his touch, but it was somehow larger and thicker than she had anticipated.
“I never quite realized how burdened I was, until I met you. The threat of the shadow curse, the politics of the Grove.” Halsin let his gaze drop for a moment, looking out into the distance, somewhere far away. “I was forgetting who I was, but you lifted the fog. Thank you.”
Edith was taken aback at the sudden change of mood. She hadn’t quite anticipated his sincerity in this state, although still deeply appreciated his nurturing nature despite what had just occurred.
“You’re welcome.” was all she could muster.
She could hear him chuckle. “You’re too modest. I wager you don’t even know how extraordinary you are. But I do.”
Edith responded by leaning in to kiss him. She had barely remembered the first time they did it, the intensity of their coupling making her forget her manners and not even allow him more than a tongue battle before he was three fingers deep inside of her.
His lips were surprisingly soft. For someone whose voice, hands and general posture were as rough as stone, the velvet on his lips was a stark contrast. She hadn’t noticed it before, but took her time in exploring his mouth. Halsin was a good kisser, letting her take the lead while his hands stayed firmly on her waist.
Her hands grabbed at his hair, now party wet from the ears down, as she gently pulled. All she longed for was to get as close as possible. This exact fantasy she had mused about many nights before, and she was determined to remember every detail of this encounter now that the initial shock had worn off.
She noted the hardness between her legs, semi-floating and partly stuck in place by her own body. Her legs were being tickled by the hair on his thighs, and she noted his muscles squeezing with every other beat. His chest was firm, as if it was made from chizeled rock, and her nipples occasionally grazed over his in the heat of the kiss. His hands were firm, holding onto her sides while she ever so slightly ground her bottom half against his.
He was trying to gain control of something. She sensed it in the kiss, too. The way his tongue suddenly fought hers, teeth occasionally knocking hers, a bite or two coming down on her lower lip.
“Halsin, are you alright?”
His eyes snapped open. The familiar chestnut brown was replaced by a yellow glow, an almost empty stare into her own. His breathing was heavier, more ragged. He was trying to focus.
“I apologize, I am— I believe nature calls to me in more ways than I had anticipated.” he said, blinking a few times before she saw the gold from his eyes transform back into a dark brown. “I am but a bear, in way.”
Edith smiled. “All this time and you’re still battling your Wildshape?”
“I have lived… a very long time. I have taken many lovers. My heart does not stir lightly. But it does now.” he said. “And you, little flower, are not helping my affliction in the slightest.”
“Affliction?” Edith retorted, crossing her arms in return. “Am I the cause of your suffering, now?”
Halsin’s grip on her waist loosened. “Forgive me, I did not mean to cause offense. I simply mean a different kind of suffering, one that—“
Edith interrupted his rambles with another kiss. She bit her lip once pulled away. “I know, old man.” she giggled in response.
That fierce grip took her by the hips this time, slamming her body down on top of his member. Halsin growled in response, and she could see those glowing eyes return. “I asked you not to make that sound.” he reminded her, his teeth finding their mark on the side of her neck.
“I’m sorry.” she gasped, half-joking as she felt his mouth start to suck at the very spot between her ear and throat. “I didn’t realize my laugh would poke the bear that easily.”
One of his hands left her hips and she soon felt it begin circling her clit instead. Edith’s hand quickly grabbed a hold of Halsin’s head, pushing him deeper into her skin at the unanticipated touch. “Fuck, Halsin.”
“This bear pokes many areas.” Halsin murmured in her skin, moving his head down until he reached her breasts. Taking one into his mouth, he suckled at the nipple until she hissed at the sudden pain of his sharp teeth. His lips moved away with a popping sound as he leaned his forehead against hers. “So I ask you again, to not invite it. Not unless you desire it in full, that is.”
Edith pondered for a moment. What would that feel like? Being taken by a beast, with no regard for any customs or strange looks? Would it feel strange or would it give her a pleasure she had never felt before? Would she be interested in exploring more of his Wildshape, maybe have a taste of different—
She must have been quiet for long, because Halsin’s praise broke the silence in the room. “My heart, my little flower,” he repeated the words over and over as his lips found their way on her breasts, her neck, her lips, anywhere that wasn’t occupied by his hands.
Desire overtook her. His words, his touch, his lips, all making her core heat up again. His member had to have been hurting by now, since she had barely paid any attention to it. If only she could find some control again and not behave like some wanton, mindless harlot.
“Halsin, I need you to fuck me.” she said breathlessly.
“Yes, my heart. As you wish.” he signed wistfully, staring down at her lips with hunger. It didn’t take long for his large hands to start digging into her soft flesh, positioning her so that she was placed along the length of his cock.
Edith reached down to touch it for the first time. The sound that Halsin let out was more rewarding than any loot at the end of a long day. It was as melodic as a harmony of birds, as sweet as the tarts in the inn — especially when his head rolled back in the process.
Her hand gently began dragging his foreskin down, making sure to keep a watchful eye of his face. She noted his sharp intake of breath and hissing when she touched the tip, which she made a mental note of to occasionally do. Her other hand had reached between her legs to keep herself occupied, since the sight alone was not enough to give her release.
Halsin seemed to notice the movements and raised his head to look at her. “I want to see you.” he demanded.
In a moment’s notice, he had her bum between his hands and raised to his feet. In another, she felt the wooden floor of the tavern as she was dropped on the boards with Halsin on top of her. Both of them were covered in water and leftover soap, panting as they looked each other in the eyes.
“Touch yourself, little flower.” he commanded, resting his body weight on one elbow while his free hand moved between his legs to grab a hold of his member.
Edith didn’t need to be told twice before her hand moved on her clit. With an index and middle finger, she began circling them around the sensitive skin while her gaze fixated on Halsin’s movements. He was doing his best to match her, although she could tell he was nearing his release.
She did not want his spend on the floorboards. She wanted it inside her.
“Halsin,” she whimpered needily. “Please fuck me.”
“I must rest, for I will not be able to contain myself.” he responded quickly, his hand massaging his cock and his eyes not leaving her own while he did so. “I will not leave your request unattended, I gave you my word.”
Edith could only moan in response. She could see the thick vein on the side of his cock, smell the musk coming from his body as her rhythmically stroked himself, almost taste the pre-come that was dripping ever so slightly from his head.
That was when she felt herself release again. Her hand paused its movement while an earth-shattering orgasm overtook her body. She bit her lip, close to bleeding, to stop herself from screaming out in pleasure. All the while, Halsin was fixated on her. His hand was no longer rubbing in a pattern, but almost forcefully pulling at his skin.
And then he stopped.
It took all the willpower he must have had to not drop his entire body on her. Rather, both elbows hit the side of her face as he almost howled in frustration. In a few short breaths, he turned his head so that it was facing hers. “I… I believe the urge has abandoned me, for now.”
Edith’s hand moved from her cunt to his lips, where she gently parted them so that he could taste her. “Not for long, I hope.” she replied, moving her other hand in his hair to stroke it.
Halsin sucked on her fingers like a needy babe. He moaned while doing so, letting his tongue go over each digit carefully. “As sweet as you smell, my nectar-filled lily,” he hummed.
Edith made a sound of disapproval in response. “I prefer lavender, actually.”
“I will roam the Feywild until the end of my days to bring you the last lavenders in this existence and beyond just to relive this very moment again.” he said once he finished working on her fingers, leaning his head down to give her a passionate kiss.
“Well, I hope that’s not it, Archdruid.” she stifled a giggle, knowing it was apparently what set him off in the first place.
As if on command, his lips moved down her body until he reached her lower belly. She couldn’t tell if it was his eagerness of the velvet in his voice, but she could’ve sworn she felt a gush between her legs. It was too simple for him to get her body going, as if it betrayed her entirely.
Edith gasped once she felt the first swipe of his tongue against her lips. She didn’t bother contemplating why he was so good at it, seeing as he had three centuries to practice. He hooked her legs over his shoulders, lapping hungrily like an animal starved, with growls leaving his throat as he did so.
“I once told you I’ve something of a sweet tooth and that honey was my favorite taste.” he said in between licks. “I was wrong. You are my favorite going forward.”
She whimpered and moaned, arching her hips towards him in need. One of his hands moved up until it reached her breasts, flicking one nipple back and forth. His tongue was circling her clit, then pressing against her lips, before adventuring across her entire cunt, so delicately, as if he hadn’t drunk in months.
Looking down, Edith saw his face. It was covered in her. It didn’t take much before she was sparkling with need. Her heels dug into his shoulders and she, once again, came with a loud, and very long moan. She felt her legs starting to shake, but he did not stop. He devoured her entirely, until her clit could no longer take the sensitivity. Her hand reached out to push on his forehead until he looked back at her, her juices dripping from his chin.
“I do believe I may just pass out if you continue this.” she uttered, just barely being able to catch her breath. He climbed atop her body, placing both palms against her head before giving her a soft kiss.
The unconscious grind against her folds was enough to tell her that he was ready to proceed. There were a few words he muttered, not loud enough for her to hear, but she was certain it was a prayer to Silvanus, one of protection or wisdom.
“May I?” he asked, smoothing the sweaty hair out of her face.
Edith bit her lip and nodded in response, spreading her legs in the process. Halsin settled his weight between her legs, and soon enough, grabbed a hold of his hard member. She gasped for air when she felt the tip of his cock press against her.
It had been quite a while since she was with anyone so… blessed. She would even wager he was the largest she had ever been with. It made her nervous, which he seemed to pick up on.
“My heart, if there is anything that will make you uncomfortable, you will let me know of it?” he whispered, kissing her deeply while sliding his head up and down her core. Edith nodded once again, opening her eyes to give him a silent approval.
She immediately let out a loud mewl when he pushed in, the initial stretch being so intense since she did not anticipate it. Her hands immediately grabbed a hold of his shoulders, squeezing down while he stood in place, being careful not to push too hard.
“Well, I can safely say I did not expect you to be big everywhere.” she joked while gasping, allowing herself to accommodate his size.
He watched for her reactions cautiously, making sure to only push further when she felt comfortable enough to say so. By the look on his face, she could tell that Halsin was holding back. The veins protruding from his arms, the shaking muscles on his thighs, the concentration on his face — all too careful.
The sensations overwhelmed her the more he moved. At some point, she wondered if he would ever stop coming. Thanks to his previous work however, she was still so incredibly slick that it was only mild resistance that he was met with. Her heels continued to dig into his back, partly from the pressure and the incoming pleasure.
She had often wondered what people meant when they craved the feeling of being full. Edith thought she finally understood. Each part of her seemed to be completed with his throbbing member, his girth stretching her to impossibility while her cunt attempted to swallow him entirely.
Halsin pressed hungry kisses on her lips, then her neck, before finally stoping at her breasts. “My heart, may I please move?” he sighed in desperation, hanging his head low while every bit of him seemed to vibrate.
He did not need to be told twice.
He began to slowly pull out, which made Edith wince. Then whimper. Then moan. Then groan. As slowly as he was inside, it felt as though he was twice as fast in pulling out. A feeling of emptiness overwhelmed her, and she could feel her own juices dripping down her thighs as he did so.
“Eager, are we?” Halsin cooed, stopping just his head was pressed against her entrance.
“Shut up and fuck me, bear.” Edith finally snapped, looking up at him with fire in her eyes.
“As the lady requires.”
His pace picked up then. Not enough to give her discomfort, but enough where he was no longer trying to be cautious in his movements. The loud groans that followed reverberated through his chest, and Edith could swear she could hear a bear growl in the midst of it.
She on the other hand, couldn’t explain how she was feeling. It was as if he was hitting new spots the more times he thrust inside, helping her feel fuller the more he did it. The gentleness of his words and touch was gone, now replaced by what seemed to be a rutting animal with only a need to release.
The feeling was mutual, in all honesty.
The Druid slid one arm underneath her head while another grabbed a hold of her thigh, raising it so that he had access to her deepest parts. His cock jabbed at her insides, and Edith swore she was seeing stars. No longer was she able to look at his face, since he was buried deep in her neck. The one thing she could focus on was the wooden ceiling of the Last Night Inn.
“Oakfathe— Father— Do not let— Preserve—“
She could feel him grow, feel more hair that was now turning into fur. For just a moment, she could see his hand turn bigger, his nails growing into that of a large animal - before he slammed his hand down onto the floor and almost breaking it.
He growled like a beast, letting out a sound that she had never heard before. “You are pooling for me, my heart.” his voice was a mixture of his own and a deep, low monstrous tone she had never heard before. “So delicate.”
Edith could only lay and observe him. Her clit was raw, her insides felt like they were being rearranged and she could only crave more. “Release inside me. I wish to be coated in your seed.”
Halsin slammed his fist on the same board again, this time cracking some parts of the wood in the process. The words seemed to spur him on and he picked up his pace, the hand under her head gripping her so tight that she felt it would pop if he pressed hard enough.
“Fuck, fuck, Halsin please,” she mewed, barely being in control of her own body as his cock assaulted her entrance over and over, the feeling turning from discomfort to pleasure to pain and comfort all in one. There was no way anyone wouldn’t hear of this, and at this point, Edith did not care.
Edith didn’t last much longer. She was crying out in pleasure, tightly coiled around the giant elf as her inner muscles clenched and released. It was the tightening of her core that lasted him two full thrusts before he released.
Trickling warmth covered her insides. It turned into a heat she did not anticipate. What surprised her though, was that it just kept coming. Halsin halted his movements entirely, and the only thing she could feel was the twitching of his cock as he kept coming inside. Thick ropes of cum, all coating her entirely. She swore she could feel some of it seep out of her entrance too.
Once he was fully spent, Halsin raised his head to look at her. The scar on his lip had some blood pooling, presumably from the bite he had self-inflicted during his rutting. There was sweat pooling down his face, his long hair stuck to the sides of it as he panted. She could feel his heartbeat on top of hers.
“What an… interesting turn of events.” Edith said breathlessly, reaching up to cup his face with her hands.
Halsin turned his head to give her palm a kiss before groaning in what seemed to be agony. Edith furrowed her brows in confusion as she followed his gaze which ended next to her head.
Another floorboard had cracked.
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tantalizingtopi · 9 months
From the Journal of Gale of Waterdeep #2
Gale x Tav (named Talia)
Word Count: 833
Disclaimer: Characters belong to Larian Studios and Baldur’s Gate 3
Gale reflects on an evening with Talia, in which he talked about Tara. This is pre-weave scene
From the Journal of Gale of Waterdeep
‘I am being foolish, I know. But tonight, the way the campfire shimmered in her eyes as she listened to Karlach’s story about, well I can’t remember at this moment because I was admittedly too busy watching our leader. I am no artist, at least when it comes to mediums outside of the weave, but I would paint her features a thousand times over. I was merely content to listen in and enjoy watching her interact with our other companions, but when Karlach decided to leave us, Talia turned her full attention to me and asked if I would like to join her on a walk.
‘And how could I possibly refuse her offer, especially when she was looking at me so earnestly? I threw another few pieces of wood onto the fire and followed her to the top of the small waterfall near our camp. She sat down on the edge and motioned for me to join her. Already this far into the venture and feeling quite foolish, I obliged, sitting a respectable distance apart from her.
‘I believe she does truly have a genuine interest in me, in all of our merry little band, as she asked me many questions about my life in Waterdeep. I told her about Tara, and mentioned how I missed her and hoped she was getting along without me. She wanted to know what I missed most, aside from my conversations with Tara, and I told her I missed stroking her fur and how she would curl up next to me.
‘I was going on, I’m certain, when the clatter of glass on stone made me pause. Here was Talia in her cat shape, having dropped a bottle of speak with animals next to me. She mewed softly and swished her tail, as if asking for my permission to approach. I was so baffled by her desire to comfort me that I didn’t even think to cast the spell on me and drank the potion.
‘She asked if it was okay, if I wanted to pet her, how she could make me more comfortable, as if she wasn’t the one providing the support. I had no other choice but to accept her offering, and she put her paw tentatively on my thigh. I brushed my fingers tentatively against her head between her ears, feeling her soft fur, so much like my dear Tara. She sighed against my touch, her purr a salve against my desolation. She pulled herself up into my lap and curled up, telling me that it felt nice.
‘I asked her if she had ever been pet before, and she regaled me with a couple of stories of children in the small village she grew up in and how they would beg her to change shape so they could play with her. How a creature could be so full of goodness, I’ll never know. Our conversation dwindled as I pet her, and I blushed when I realized she had fallen asleep in my lap. I did my best to stay still, letting her rest, remaining in the same position far longer than I should have. I shifted ever so slightly and she stretched in my lap, exposing her torso which I stroked before I realized what, and who, I was petting. She cracked her emerald green feline eyes open and looked up at me, but said nothing. I began to apologize when she cut me off, apologizing herself for falling asleep.
‘She stood in my lap and stretched briefly against me, her claws gently digging into my flesh before hopping off, changing form behind me. I scrambled to my feet, wishing to at least collect my thoughts and properly apologize for being so forward. As we walked the brief distance back to camp, Talia thanked me for the evening with a smile, ever so gracious, and we parted ways near the fire, where she paused to put some more wood on before going to her own tent. She sleeps now, I’m sure, whilst I pen this, unable to sleep for my own thoughts race now. I never dared to dream of having such an intimate moment with her, and yet when I was given the opportunity, I clearly overstepped.
‘She brings out the best in everyone in camp and always has something positive to say, even when the day’s events haven’t gone as smoothly as expected. I am grateful for the amount of time she gives me, when everyone else needs so much of her. I can only hope that I didn’t add to her hardships, and even a small part of me wishes that perhaps she was able to relax even slightly in our shared space. However, I can’t help but let my more baser thoughts of the idea of such an exquisite creature being in my lap, in a form that was all of her own. Why do I torture myself so?’
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broodwolf221 · 2 months
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Solas' jawbone
I don't (yet) have a single, solid theory about Solas’ necklace, but I do have many thoughts about it. First, let's consider its composition: it certainly represents bone, but is it really bone? In other words, is it a real jawbone or a carving of one?
If a real jawbone, why is it a solid, dark, near-black color? This may have come about as a result of fossilization, or of being subjected to intense flame. Alternatively it could be painted, stained, or otherwise colored, either intentionally or as the result of something happening to it. 
If it is real bone… who is it from? What particular creature? And is it a wolf jawbone or something else, something more like a halla? Taken largely from this post, in which people in the tags have stated that it has been confirmed to be a wolf's jawbone, but I still wonder about it, particularly because Dragon Age as a series has made canon claims that they have later disproven.
Enough questions: time for some theories. 
It is a wolf jawbone, a real one. It came from a wolf companion of Solas’ - possibly a pet of sorts, but I think it's more likely that it would be a companion who would fight alongside him in the way of the Emerald Knights, or the primary form of a spirit he had befriended.
It could have been a gift, whether real or sculpted, either mocking or sincere. A play on the “Dread Wolf,” a wolf's jaw. Because he was Mythal's “hound,” or to honor him as a liberator of slaves? It depends who gave it to him, and under what context. If mocking, then it is something he has changed the context of, decided to own somehow; if sincere, then it is more likely to be an indulgent nostalgia, a memory of a time or person long past.
If a gift - who is it from? Many options. Mythal; Andruil; Ghilan’nain; one of the slaves he liberated. Possibly figures from the books or comics, but I haven’t read them/don’t really want (more) spoilers. Of those listed…
Mythal might have gifted it to him as a way of acknowledging his strength, his determination, his loyalty (to her)... this depends on what associations the ancient Elvhen and more specifically the Evanuris had with wolves, honestly.
From Andruil, it might have been a mocking gift, a statement that he “belonged” to Mythal, her loyal hound kinda thing.
Ghilan’nain is complicated. Depending on their dynamic, it could have been a sentimental gift, one that demonstrated an affectionate relationship, or it could have been an acknowledgement of his animal aspect, just as she had her own (the halla)
From a liberated slave, it could have been an expression of gratitude that leaned into the “Dread Wolf” persona
It is unclear when exactly Solas became Fen’Harel, became the Dread Wolf, but the timing would impact the likelihood of receiving it from the Evanuris. If he was only known as Solas while working with them (in whatever capacity he did work with/for them), then it would be unlikely that he would receive it from them, unless perhaps one among their number knew what he was doing. Mythal, perhaps? Dirthamen or Falon’din? The latter two because of their mosaics being in Fen’Harel’s Sanctuary, along with Mythal’s. Perhaps they were working together?
If it was not a gift - whether mocking or genuine - then it was something he chose for himself. As stated earlier, it might have been a memento from an actual wolf or a spirit-as-a-wolf that he fought alongside or befriended. Alternatively, as with the wolf-skin cloak, it might be nothing more than a way of demonstrating who he is, or who he chose to become. A form of representative armor, something he could put on and know himself by.
Another, very different option is: the jawbone itself is important to his plans. A foci for an Eluvvian, perhaps, or some kind of magical key otherwise. It might be a tether to some part of him, or to some deep part of the Fade, or still possess traces of the ancient magic. It might somehow exist as a plot item, something necessary to his cause.
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marinerainbow · 4 months
Second of all, here are those genuine Dad!Corrupted Scarecroe Examples:
Scarecrow loving to defy Glinds every now and then (It's good for her, he tells little Una. Keeps her on her toes.) so sometimes when Una misbehaves, Scarecrow'll sneak her out of her room to hang out with him, or slip her hot chocolate and lollies, or flash her a reassuring smile and wink; assuring her that it's all okay.
Scarecrow telling Una bedtime stories of him and his old friends like he did for Ozma sometimes (When he has nothing better to do, or Glinda forced him). Sure, the way he tells them now is a little different, he calls Tin a twitterpatted twit and the the Lion an animal- and whenever Una asks about the great Dorothy he sighs at her-- but his hand is always comfortingly on her tummy or her side, rocking her to sleep with a gentle precision.
Scarecrow telling Una jokes!! They're awful (as in, gross and kinda mean), but she laughs because they make her dad laugh 🧡
Scarecrow always remembering to feed Una. Always. Glinda might go into States where all she can think about are her devious plans and cunning strategies and what next-- bit the Scarecrow will always take Una to the kitchen and spread some jam on a piece of bread for her for dinner. It's not a lot and it's not nutritious but it's more then her adoptive mother remembered to give her. And he stays with her, muttering about Glinda (sometimes complaining to Una about Glinda), while she eats, so he can send her straight to bed after (he knows he may not need it, but she does!).
I wish I could come up with more but I have to get ready for work! ^^ Hope you're having a good day ^^ See ya! 🐊🐙🦞🐳
Alright, I've had all day to brew on this XD be prepared for plenty of incohesive thoughts. For anyone else reading, be warned as this mentions a lot of gore. If you know anything about the Dorothy must Die universe, you know that it gets pretty dark. With that warning out of the way-
First off, this did get me thinking more on Una's timeline. Not just this AU, but in general. It's not perfect since I'm not quite sure how time in DmD!Oz works, nor am I too far in the books yet (I'm still in the part where Amy acquires her Glamora styled room. I need to pick these books uo again 😅). But lemme go over that real quick.
Around the time the Witch of the West took over, Una's father, a winkie named Hubert (yes I'm making that canon XD) decided it was worth the risk and set off on his own, wanting to live freely from the Witch. The other winkies were too scared to follow him, and he was gravely injured by the time he made it outside the borders. But he was alive.
A bit before Dorothy came to Oz in the first place, Hubert met Twyla, an Ozian woman who would become his wife and mother to his child. She had possessed a tiny bit of magic, and was a great painter. Being a traveling merchant, she let Hubert tag along on her way to the Emerald City, and they shortly fell in love.
They decide to build a cottage in the woods together, choosing to live away from society to avoid any trouble with the Wicked Witches. Even after the news finally reached to them about how Dorothy slayed them (which again, they live away from people. It took a while 😅), they liked the life they built and chose to stay.
At some point during the war between King Scarecrow and Jinjur, which Twyla and Hubert were fortunately blissfully unaware of because they lived so deep in the woods, they have little Una. They fill the girls head with all the stories they have heard about the Witchslayer Dorothy and her companions, as well as The Good Witch Glinda. This, along with her mothers' limited magical skills, inspires Una to learn the ways of magic one day.
When Una was just 7 years old, however, Glinda had discovered the family's secret home purely by accident. For reasons unknown (did she see a threat in the family? Was it for control? Simple entertainment?), Glinda influenced Dorothy Gale to send the now corrupted Tin Woodman on a crusade to kill anyone he found in that forest. (Hubert had been the first to die, a blade through the chest. Then Twyla, after running as far as she could with Una in her arms and her own injuries, had her head ripped off right in front of young Una. Una just barely made it out alive, now covered in her mother's blood and the terrifying metal monsters eyes flashing in her mind).
Now, in this is when her timeline diverges in the AU. In the OG timeline, Una wandered the forest, tired and starving, for a week before she came across Mombi. As you know, Mombi took her in with The Order of the Wicked, and adopted her helped raise her to become the witch she is now. But in this AU, Glinda decided to follow Tin, to make sure the family was killed. When Una survived, she saw potential in the child, and 'saved' her, before taking the girl under her wing. By the time Una turns 20-24, in either timeline, I imagine that's when Amy arrives in Oz herself.
Now that I've gotten that out of the way, let's got onto the headcannons for this AU! I got a lot so hang tight 😅 and since I haven't read the books too far, I have no idea how accurate these are.
Una and Glinda
In the OG timeline, Una's mind does block out a little of what happened because the trauma was so severe. Enough where she doesn't realize that the Tin Woodman was the one behind her parents' deaths. But in this AU, Glinda encouraged her to forget. Distracting the girl, and maybe using magic to subtly erase Una's memory. Her subconscious fought it, but now Una can't recall what really happened that night now. She has nightmares of it, and knows that her blood parents were taken from her, but Glinda made her believe the 'great danger' they're fighting in Oz killed them.
In the OG timeline, Una is pretty strong, both physically and magically. She's had excellent training in the order. But here, Glinda keeps her as weak as possible while still training her. Una has very little physical strength, and although she has the potential to be very powerful. Glinda is careful with what she teaches her. But Una, with the help of Scarecrow, is starting to suspect her mother figure.
As you can see, Glinda has a lot of influence in Una's life. She controls what she sees and learns, and makes sure that she doesn't see what's really going on- not until she knows she has Una's undying loyalty. As such, Una is rather naive, and her spirit has been damaged with Glinda's manipulative ways; Glinda sweetly putting her down at the right moment, keeping her in the dark and making sure she believes she needs her. (But damaged does not mean destroyed). Yeah, as you can see, Una and Glinda are like Rapunzel and Gothel.
Of course, Glinda fills her head with lies about her aunt Glamora, Mombie, Granny Gurt, and all the other witches. Una had thought Glamora killed her parents, but of course, she's proven wrong.
Not important, but please imagine with me; Glinda singing the Mother Knows Best reprose to Una if/when she runs away (especially if she runs away with a possible crush I'm thinking up for her 👀). Also! In the Carrie Musical How Those Boys would Dance, but Glinda trying to place doubt in Una's mind about someone she loves. Also, this scene in Steven Universe when White Diamond and Steven finally meet. I'd have to dig into a lot of why Whites words are important, but imagine if Una was 'brought' back home from the order, or she runs away, and Glinda with her fake warmth treats this like it was all just a silly game played by a girl having a temper tantrum, "Did you get everything out of your system, dear?"
Una and Scarecrow
Scarecrow being a dad for Una- even if it's not the most genuine on his part- is getting to my heart so much 🥺🥺🥺 I can't possibly raise your headcannons, but here's what I have;
Una bonded with Scare, especially when he would treat her after Glinda punished her and he would complain to her about her during their late night 'dinners' (even if Una didn't want to talk that way about her, she did agree with some things he said. Especially as she grew older. It was what inspired her to be suspicious of her mother figure and teacher in the first place). As such, he's her first choice of person to go to when she's scared or hurt, especially if by Glinda, or if she just wants a hug (I mean, he is like a pillow XD).
Because of how close she and Scare have gotten, Glinda has pretty much appointed him as her Una Spy. He reports everything he can back to her (or at least he's supposed to)
Even though Glinda is her teacher, she has gone to Scare to help her with her homework or for extra lessons. After all, if there's anybody in Oz who can teach her anything, it has to be the smartest guy in the world, huh? If Scare isn't busy with his experiments, he'll happily take the opportunity to prove how smart he is- I mean, teach the silly little girl.
When Una joins the order (when she runs away, or Mombi kidnaps her for a plan, and Una proves her worth to join the order), she was in denial about Scare the most. That's her father! How could he be such a monster?? How could he... Know what Glinda had done to her parents and not do anything?? This can't be him, can it??
Also, Una would hug Scare a lot. Everytine she sees him. It's a comforting habit she gained when she was younger, and he took care of her. Even when he's a grum about it, Una will still give her straw dad a hug ^^ it does hurt a little if he pushes her away or act like this is such an inconvenience, but it's what she knows so she doesn't let it stop her all the time.
Now, if Una got to see Scarecrow after his brain is removed and the sweet, affectionate straw man is back, it'd take her a moment to process it all. Her father is... This now? After how she grew up knowing him as a mean, kind of gross and antisocial man? How he was cold even towards her sometimes? After finding out what he did?? And... He's actually loving now? He wants her hugs?? It'd take her a moment to get used to this Scarecrow (I want Dumb!Scarecrow to learn or remember how he thought of Una and how he only showed her affection to manipulate her (mostly), and do his very best to make it up to his baby 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺)
I can see this AU actually having a better chance at the Rehabilitation AU! I mean, Una was raised with a softer heart for one. But she sees these people as her family. Even if they were so much worse than she expected, she doesn't want to give up on them.
Also not important, but when little Una got used to Scarecrows presence in her life, she showed him a lock of her hair and pointed at the hay sticking out from the seams of his body and basically said they matched 🥺🥺🥺🥺 I know he's a heartless bastard but PLEASE tell me that got to him?? Just a tiny bit????
Una and Lion
She didn't see Lion often, and was scared of his size. Though since he's the friendliest even with his corruption, I don't think it took too long for him and Una to develop an uncle and neice sort of bond. Glinda made sure he didn't eat her, of course. And didn't slip out any information that would be too troubling for the little girl.
Una has many memories of climbing onto Lion, giggling with him and listening to his great tales of the days of old (when he and his friends were still heros). She was always in awe of his great feats of bravery, and he quickly became her favorite storyteller. Yes, even over her father (Lion doesn't insult anybody while telling stories *side eyes Scarecrow*)
Lion sees her as just a little cub 🥺 yes, even now as she's grown up. She's so tiny and bright! Una actually reminds him a little of Dorothy, before everything... He promised her that someday he'd take her to see his great kingdom in the jungle, and that he wouldn't let the monster hurt her (I'm not sure if Lion would know who killed her parents, but either way, he cares about Una to protect her like Dorothy). He doesn't see her often, but when they are both at the palace, it's like old days again when she would crawl all over him. It's a nice break from her conniving family for Una.
I'm not sure if Glinda would let her learn it, but if Una could transform into other animals, she's definitely showing it off to Lion... I'm not sure if that'd be the safest thing to do around the hungry king of beasts, though 😅
Una and Tin
I think it may have taken Una a long time to see Tin. Glinda had to make sure she wouldn't recognize Tin and revert all her progress. It took around a year at least for Glinda to fully trust them meeting.
Little Una was intimidated by Tin Woodmans appearance, not believing at first that that was the same gentle hero her parents told her about. But after seeing Lion, Una approached him and reached for one of his finger blades to hold. Of course, he pulled away, a bit shocked that Glinda had a daughter. But he knew he had to treat her with respect, so he was very polite with the child.
I think that since Tin is too busy being Dorothy's authority and thinking about her, he and Una didn't see each other often. Even less than Lion, maybe? Along with Glinda telling her all about how Tin keeps the peace, Una still sees him as a hero rather than a family member like she does the others. As such, she's very cordial but polite, rather than seeking him out for comfort or loosening up around him.
Of course, they run into each other sometimes when Glinda takes her to the Emerald Palace. The more he sees her, as she gets older, maybe Tin grows more curious about her and asks Scarecrow about her? The two seem to be close, and clearly, Glinda must have big plans for the witch. Perhaps she is meant to help to protect Dorothy??
Una and Dorothy and Ozma/Pete
Una is not too familiar with Dorothy. But she had been excited to meet her. Why wouldn't she want to see the hero and queen of Oz? I'm not sure how much control Glinda has over Dorothy, really, but either way, I don't think Una would like her too much. Dorothy doesn't exactly hide her true colors. Maybe Una accidentally peeved her, and she started screeching at her (maybe Una giggled, and Dorothy took that as her laughing at her). Glinda stepped in however, and took Una aside and told her she needed to be careful around their very stressed ruler. Ever since then, Una has been... Very very conflicted about the witchslayer.
She and Ozma totally gain a sibing bond in this AU! Una was confused about the great fairy being so childish and zoned out, especially hearing that she apparently tried to hurt Dorothy. But she warmed up to the fairy as they got to live and play together. She and Ozma would huddle together when Scarecrow told stories, and they'd have many sleepovers together ^^ as Una grew older, she took it upon herself to care for her new sister, and is hoping to cure her of her memory loss and her supposed corrupted heart.
I think as she gets older and Glinda molds her into the perfect ally more, Una is taken to the palace more. She still retains her good heart though and, despite the servants being afraid of her, she wants to talk to them. Pete was the only one who was willing to approach her, and they would up becoming friends. Una isn't sure why, but something about the boy is familiar. Like she knows him already, somehow. It's strange, though, how he's always disappearing...
Also, I'm considering in this AU, Una might develop a crush on a boy in the palace named Benjamin? I'm not sure, but she wouldn't be so scared of faliing in love here (she doesn't see any risk of losing her lover in the war, unlike her OG self), and I really want to explore her falling in love and how her little family would react to it.
Also, not important, but I found a picrew and made Una! The one on the left is her in the Glinda's Apprentice AU, and the one on the right is Una in the OG timeline (I tried to rough her up as much as possible. Also, this picrew didn't have a silver color for eyes, so they're blue here XD but I promise her eyes are canonically silver. Also, ignore the ears. She has human like ears like her mother, I just liked the art style of this Picrew)
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That's all I got for now. I really need to sleep XD thank you so much for sending this in!! I hope you like this ^^
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flamemittens · 6 months
random OC ask: what is an alternate life path your OC might have gone down? how different would their life be if they'd made those decisions instead?
Thanks for the ask!
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If no Raphael and no warlock patron, Josie might have ended up having a relatively sedate life with a normal lifespan. Her family was originally from Calimshan, and she has innate magical talent, so likely would have gone further down this line. She also has some enchanting skill, so I like to think she would have developed that more and had an enchanting shop business in a large city, perhaps near other traders like blacksmiths, weaponsmiths and jewellers.
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If she hadn't become a druid and gone to the Emerald Enclave, with her affinity for animals and nature magic, she might have been a Ranger. Probably leading a reasonably comparable life actually - travelling and surviving with a beast companion. Her passion for learning and discovering would still be with her in this similar but alternate life path.
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She is a resisting dark urge, so I suppose the alternative life outcome for her would simply have been to accept Bhaal and her heritage, embrace the urges, and continue working in His name as the Chosen - and all of the horrible stuff that comes with/after that.
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spooky-spextre-arts · 6 months
The Vision
(I want to get better at posting smaller bits of writing on a more consistent basis. I'm not sure if I'll continue this, but I had a lot of fun brainstorming a new chapter in our Mirabel's life. 🦋✨)
The Vision 🟩🌎
Prompt: A year following Casita’s reconstruction, Mirabel is given a vision plate foretelling the arrival of a young (and handsome) outsider. 
“Tió…what is this…?” Mirabel trailed off, averting her stare at the emerald plate up to Bruno’s unreadable expression. “Who are they?”
Bruno shuffled, his hands wrung in front of him. “Your guess is as good as mine, kid. All I can say is that person,” he tapped the human figure’s image, “isn't someone I recognize from around here.” 
Mirabel gently took the vision in her hands, staring intently at the slate. The… boy, maybe, by the looks of it, seemed to be around her age. He (granted he was a he) was perched atop a small donkey. Two large cargo pouches - with elegantly sewn details - were latched along his companion's saddle. Tassels - similar to the ones from her own skirt - looked to have bobbed from the side of each pouch.
The Vision could only accentuate so much detail on the traveler themselves, but they appeared to have short, dark, scruffy hair and the green flecks along his chin gave Mirabel the impression of facial hair. Handsome, too, by the looks of it.
He appeared to be wearing a pair of loosely-arranged pants and a light button-up shirt with his sleeves rolled up. The top couple of buttons were undone, just barely hinting his collarbone. But Mirabel quickly caught sight of his expression. 
Unlike what she was half-expecting to see from the outside world, the boy-figure's expression didn't contain any malice or bloodlust whatsoever.  
Instead, his head was turned towards what Mirabel would guess to be the great split in the mountain range, with his animal companion mirroring a similar look. There was a look of undying awe in his features, evident in his smile and the barely noticeable twinkle in his eye had Mirabel not tilted the slate to the side.
Mirabel handed the slate back to Bruno, wiping her hands along her blouse. He slid the vision back into his ruana, looking at her with a mixed look of uncertainty and hopeful anticipation. 
“I’ve already shown this to your Abuela, and your parents and Tió and Tiá. No matter what the decision will be, there will still be many more, uh, grown-up steps to take - which would likely involve input from you and your sisters and your cousins.”
Bruno closed his eyes and quickly shook his head. “But what I want to know now is - what do you think we should do?” 
“Well…” Mirabel began slowly - cautiously, eyes darting back to the luminescent green corner of the vision plate. The mental image of the boy's expressive clothing and  joyful expression slightly eased her nerves. 
“If this traveler is going to pass through the mountains any day now... I think we should welcome him to our Encanto."
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sinister-things · 1 year
Yandere!Hypno-potamus X Fem!Reader
Y/N = Your Name
L/N = Last Name
S/C = Suit Color
Note: Human & Yokai live together peacefully
Headcanons at the end!
The Magic of Love
⚠️TW:⚠️ Stalking, delusional behavior, hypnotism, one mention of God
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"And now, the one, the only: Y/N L/N!"
The crowd cheered and clapped as you stepped on stage.
You were a young and bold magician, rising in popularity at the speed of light. It felt like just yesterday, Hypno saw you performing basic tricks outside the park, a mere few pennies thrown into a top hat.
A small fragment of Hypno was envious. After years of hard work, those snobs didn't even spare him a glance, but you managed to achieve his life long dream within a mere few months?
But, he was able to push those feelings aside when he saw how happy you looked.
The tricks you performed had a sense of originality and perfection, you having practiced them again and again.
You were his soulmate. The person he was going to marry. The woman that God had designed for him to spend the rest of his life with.
Hypno knew it.
However, you were beautiful. Your smile could rival the sun, the sound of your voice could send even the most talented singer into a frenzy, and the rose's envy the color of your lips.
And he was a hippo. An animal. A beast. He was the garbage on the side of the road compared to you.
You would be disgusted by him.
He had watched you since that very night, and now here you were: at the largest magic society in New York.
Wearing a S/C suit, you graced the stage with your shining smile and eye-catching tricks, a fiery passion in your eyes. Even John the Kaiser, inventor of the Pinky Shuffle, was holding back tears!
After half an hour, you gave a grand bow and exited the stage, the audience chanting your name in praise.
You walked off stage with a smile on your face. They loved you! You were surprised by how well the performance went, you were certain something was going to go wrong, but it all went smoothly!
"Hey, Ms. Y/N! Ms. Y/N!"
You turned around, wondering who was shouting your name.
You flinched when you saw four turtle yokai's standing before you. They all wore black suits, but the tallest wore a red mask, another one had two red streaks on his eyes and wore a blue mask, the smallest wore a bright orange mask, and the fourth dawned a purple mask. They all appeared giddy to talk to you.
"Oh, hello." You greeted them, "Can I help you?"
The blue-masked turtle repeatedly stumbled over his words, confusing you even more.
The tallest of the group cut in, putting a hand over his companions mouth. "What my brother means to say is, we're really big fans." He chuckled.
To say you were taken aback was an understatement. You had fans? You were still pretty new and it was your first performance at the most famous magician society in New York City, and you, of all people, had fans?
The smallest turtle shyly approached you. "Can you sign my pamphlet?" He asked nervously. You smiled, he was just adorable!
You signed their pamphlets and even took a picture with them. They waved you goodbye and you turned back to return to your dressing room.
As you turned the hallway, you were face-to-face with another woman. She had flowing brown locks and shining emerald eyes, wearing a low-cut dark green satin dress with an open back.
"Hey!" She greeted. "Name's Y/N, right?" She asked. "My name's Venus."
Venus de Magic? The Queen of quick-change? Talking to you?
You quickly composed yourself. "Yeah, my name's Y/N." You told her. "Can I help you?"
Venus smiled. "I just came to say I loved your performance!"
You thanked her and the two of you conversed for what felt like hours. The rumors were very much true; Venus was incredibly kind and charming, even giving you a few ideas for new tricks.
You exchanged contact information and bid each other farewell as you made your way to your dressing room.
You past numerous staff member's and other magicians, most of which showered you in praise, while a few whispered and gossiped in envy. But you just brushed the other small majority off. They weren't worth your time and thoughts.
You opened the door, relieved. The weight of the public watching you fell from your shoulders.
In the corner of your eye, you could have sworn you saw something peering at you through the window.
You shrugged it off, however, choosing to take a seat at your vanity.
Gazing into the mirror, you could only sigh.
You still couldn't believe that the girl in the mirror was you. In school, you were bullied relentlessly for wanting to be a professional magician. But here you were, a successful magician with her entire life ahead of her.
You wished you could see the look on your classmate's faces; Y/N, the famous magician, staring them dead in the face and telling them what pieces of shit they were.
Within your reflection, you saw a bouquet of rose's sitting beside your bag. Furrowing your brows, you rose from your seat.
The dozen rose's were bright and in full bloom. The smell sent a shiver down your spine, as if they were picked just yesterday.
Attached to the bouquet was a handwritten note.
The note was written in cursive, like a letter from a period drama. It was deeply personal, the writer confessing their undying love for you. The amount of information this person knew about you made goosebumps on your skin.
Impulsively, you ripped the note in half, dropping it onto the floor and stomping on it with your shoe. "I'll bring this up with security in the morning," you thought.
Meanwhile, Hypno had watched the entire situation through the window and was furious. After everything he memorized and all the time he spent planning your life together, you denied him?
This will not do.
Five Months Later...
"And in other news," The reporter smiled at the camera, "The search for famous magician Y/N L/N has reached its fifth month. She was last seen at the Magic Town House five months prior. If anyone has any information regarding this case, you are advised to call your local police department or tune in to Crime Stoppers."
Delusional + Overprotective + Obsessive
• Hypno is quite the hopeless romantic
• When he first saw you, it was love at first sight!
• While you don't even know he exists, he's convinced you're his soulmate
• Your beauty, your smile, your laugh, the way you talk, he's absolutely enchanted by you
• But he's way too nervous to speak to you
• He's a hippo. A literal animal. He's, quite literally, a beast compared to you
• He can get envious/jealous at times by your success
• But he genuinely adores you
• He is a magician, he's meant to be putting on shows and displaying tricks
• For example, leaving a bouquet of fresh roses in your dressing room
• Warren often tells him how entranced he is and how it gets in the way of plans to stop the turtles
• It's like you used hypnotism on him
• Despite his fears of you being disgusted by him and his appearance, he loves the size difference
• However, it goes without saying that Hypno does know how to be manipulative
• If you don't reciprocate his advances, he can rely on his spell
• Only a word and you're under his spell
• You'll be his pretty little puppet!
• He become's more delusional if he does hypnotize you
• This is true love
• He knows it!
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dracarialove · 3 months
📄 F it, I'm posting my finished fics here, too 📄
Heartfelt Holidays
*Check the 'heartfelt holidays' tag if you haven't read chapter 1
[Chapter 7: A Grand New Year]
Sonic convinces Knuckles to throw a New Year's party on Angel Island, promising to make sure the event goes safely and smoothly so they can enter a new year with all their friends.
"We should make trips out here more often!" Sonic rhapsodized as he nudged Tails and gave Knuckles an elated grin.
The three of them were sitting together on the steps of the Emerald Altar, chatting and reminiscing under a dull sky while the Master Emerald glittered atop the stone platform. The clouds beneath the floating island were dropping flakes of snow into the ocean, making Knuckles' post a pleasant hangout spot compared to the icy earth.
"You really enjoy disturbing my peace, don't you?" asked the guardian with a smirk.
Sonic winked mischievously and lightly smacked his friend's arm with a closed fist. "You bet! This is the dream team right here!"
He threw both arms around Tails' and Knuckles' shoulders and continued, "And what better way to keep our friendship strong than by keeping each other company on the prettiest place in the world?"
The young fox spoke up as they looked out past the ancient ruins, "Even on a dull day, this island thrives with natural beauty. Partly thanks to you, Knuckles, guarding everything to ensure its safety."
"Heh, yeah..." One large mitt removed Sonic's casual grip, awkwardly brushing off their compliments.
As his expunged hand instead pulled back to cup his chin, the blue hero looked back to Knuckles, his eyes brightening. "Taking it all in makes me think how awesome a party thrown here could be! Maybe better than anywhere else."
Catching on to Sonic's implication, the echidna's smile dropped and his brows raised. "Now, hold on, don't start thinking that! You can have your celebrations wherever else you like, but I don't want to turn Angel Island into some party destination... especially when other people might not respect the land."
"I get the concern, Knux," Sonic started, "but we're coming up on a brand-new year. You know what that means? New experiences, fresh adventures to come, chances to make more friends – a clean slate for future endeavors!"
"I'm not understanding why that means I should be inviting people to celebrate on my homeland."
Tails jumped in, "Like we said, Angel Island is beautiful! It's the best place to cleanse your soul of all the bad experiences you had over the year and be excited for the good memories you'll make."
"Plus," Sonic added, "already being outdoors means it's perfect for a fireworks show!"
"Fireworks going off over my island?" One of Knuckles' brows pulled down in agitation. "No way! That's guaranteed to be disastrous!"
"Okay, okay, how about this..." The Blue Blur scooted closer to his stubborn companion and pressed his palms together in a pleading gesture. "We can make sure no one disrespects the island while they're here – if they do, they get kicked out, no second chances, no party for them. And we'll only set the fireworks to go off over the ocean so none of the sparks fall down on us. Eh?"
"Hmph..." Not completely sold on the idea, Knuckles crossed his arms and looked away from Sonic.
Tails also scooted closer and balled his fists with determination. "You can trust us; we would never let anyone harm your home! Please, Knuckles? It would be a night to remember, for sure!"
The redhead trailed his gaze back over to his begging teammates, studying their hopeful smiles and excited eyes. The pure optimism of their speeches, coupled with the animated swish of the pilot's twin tails, ultimately cracked the shell of his staunch resolve. He sighed deeply and allowed a tiny smile to play at the corner of his mouth.
"Alright... I'm putting a lot of faith in you two-"
"Yes!" Sonic interrupted, pumping his fists into the air. "You won't regret it! I'll even do most of the legwork for ya, so leave the preparations to me. But I do have a suggestion about the invites..."
Knuckles mentally braced himself for the idea his speedy friend would undoubtedly pressure him into, steeling his expression for the worst.
Shielded from the falling snow by the tall walls and slate-colored ceiling of her downtown nightclub, Rouge and her stoic companion, Shadow, had comfortably hidden themselves away in the bat's private lounge.
Unseen by her patrons – as he preferred it – the black hedgehog rested in the singular cushioned chair that he'd unofficially claimed as his own, sitting casually with one foot propped up on the opposite knee and holding a heavy glass filled halfway with a mix of whiskey and soda.
Rouge was standing in front of the maroon loveseat, adjacent to his chair, holding a dress in each hand. She hovered one in front of her body, looking down at the long navy gown while Shadow took a swig of his drink and eyed it, as well.
"I can't believe it's the end of the year already!" she exclaimed, posing her form behind the dress before looking up at him. "This is the best time for parties, you know. People go nuts for the idea of a fresh start, so they really let loose."
"Does that mean you'll be hosting another event?"
"Hell no!" She tossed the navy dress onto the loveseat, then held the black knee-length piece against her figure. "There are so many other clubs for me to patronize! This week, we're going out!"
Shadow nearly choked on his next sip, but succeeded in holding it back; swallowing the stinging drink before clearing his throat and challenging her claim. "We?"
"Yes, we!" she snapped, furrowing her brows at him. "If I don't have to go alone, I won't, and I'd much rather you be around."
He was almost impressed by her confidence, and actually impressed by her candidness. She was bold about wanting to spend time with him and showed more candor than he could muster.
The woman's stern expression turned into one of haughtiness as she faced away from him and brattily primped her curls – a recurring action when she was feeling dramatic, he noticed.
Her voice rang out in a sassy tone, "At least be gentlemanly and pretend any party is worth it as long as you're with me."
The command made Shadow chuckle, surprising himself when it came out almost strongly enough to be considered a laugh. "So, you wish I was the romantic type, do you?"
Rouge tossed the dress to join the other and turned back to him, shoving one fist against her hip. "That wasn't my point. Although, I am convinced you're capable of much more compassion than you let on. And I think you like me more than you'll ever admit – which is clearly a lot. Can't blame you, of course!"
She smirked and gave him a wink, making the hedgehog shake his head at her and reply, "You're really arrogant, you know that?"
"Pft!" Turquoise eyes rolled in dissent. "Whatever!"
Then, from the other side of the curtain, they heard the gruff voice of the lobby bouncer shouting over the club music. "Rouge! I need to speak with you!"
The ivory bat pulled back the purple curtain enough to be seen and inquisitively asked the tall wolf, "What is it? Something urgent?"
"There's someone here to see you, waiting at the door. He won't come inside, just asked for you to meet 'im."
Puzzled and curious of her visitor, Rouge looked over her shoulder at Shadow, who shared a mutual expression of perplexion. The bouncer accompanied her to the front entrance, standing guard beside her while she opened one of the double doors.
Surprise washed over the bat's face as she stood across from her long-time rival; Knuckles held two colored sheets of paper, seemingly unfazed by the thin layer of snow collecting atop his crimson locks.
"Knuckles...!" she said with fascination, visibly taken aback by his presence. Then the corner of her lips curled upwards, and her tone gained a tinge of slyness. "How unexpected."
The echidna let out a swift, shallow sigh, then held out the plain white paper. "I'm inviting you to my end-of-year party. Don't ask why-"
"Why?" Rouge interrupted, grabbing the paper and smiling mischievously at him. "A sudden change of heart? Or are you finally warming up to me?"
His expression tightened, irritated at having been interrupted and being asked the very question he didn't want to answer.
She knew how to frustrate him, easily and severely, but he refused to give the thief the satisfaction of watching him get annoyed and flustered at her teasing.
Instead of lashing out – as his impulses desired – Knuckles sighed a little more deeply, holding eye contact with Rouge so she wouldn't feel a sense of superiority over him.
"If you must know, Sonic insisted I invite you. 'Give you a chance,' as he put it. Now, where is Shadow? Sonic told me he's been here a lot lately."
Ignoring the black sheet of paper in his other hand, Rouge upped her devilish cadence and replied, "Hm, of course Sonic would run his mouth about that... don't tell me you're jealous!"
Knuckles' unoccupied mitt balled as he attempted to hold his composure, involuntarily blushing at the accusation that he would care about how or with whom she spent her time. "I'm not, you vain bat! Just tell me, is he here or not?"
She looked over and opened the door more, revealing that Shadow was standing next to her. His proud posture and neutral expression the same as they always were, he stood quietly and waited to hear what Knuckles wanted with him. And as the guardian slipped back into his normal demeanor, the second invitation was handed forth.
Awkwardly, Knuckles repeated his earlier line – even though Shadow had certainly already heard it being said to Rouge. "I'm inviting you to my end-of-year party. Let's consider it somewhat of a fresh start, shall we? We'll enter the new year with a clean slate, and hopefully a better acquaintanceship going forward."
The words sounded scripted, and Shadow assumed if he'd planned this celebration with Sonic, that the blue hedgehog had no doubt given him a line to say.
Though, the more stolid being respected the redhead for not using the word 'friendship' – a title which their relationship hadn't ever worn, and a term he was tired of hearing from every overly-friendly person he met. Therefore, Shadow nodded silently at his offer, lowering the paper after briefly scanning its contents.
Not a moment after getting the Ultimate Lifeform's answer, Knuckles turned to Rouge again and said quickly, "There is a condition I won't be budging on: since this party is happening on my island, I won't be accepting misbehavior from any of the guests." He pointed at her. "That includes you. So, if you plan on screwing with me or causing a scene, you'll be promptly uninvited."
Slightly offended at his confrontation, the ivory bat opened her mouth, but had her words instantly cut off by Shadow's voice. "We understand the guidelines and won't be starting any trouble." He then looked at her and tacked on, "You want the parties you attend to go well, don't you, Rouge?"
The pretty jewel hunter shot him a glance of indignation, not loving his coaxing tone but being forced to accept the terms if she wanted to celebrate a new year on the beautiful Angel Island as an invited guest.
So, she held up her right hand and plastered an innocent smile on her muzzle, saying, "Of course. I promise to be a good girl."
Knuckles sensed a bit of sarcasm in her voice, but not enough to tell him that she was outright lying; rather poking more fun at his insistence that she not be her sneaky, dramatic, or thieving self.
He didn't think it was much to ask and felt she was being far too flippant towards a reasonable request, but refrained from stating his thoughts out loud.
Instead of saying goodbye, he gave each of them a nod and turned to leave, reaching for his Master Emerald stress ball to squeeze on the way home. Rouge closed the door as he left and immediately turned to her partner, the innocent smile replaced with a cheeky grin.
"We should bring Omega along," she suggested. "Even if he's not invited, what's one extra guest on such a huge island?"
Shadow smirked and crossed his arms, then nodded in agreement. "Good idea."
On the last day of December, after the sun had set and darkness fell over Angel Island, Sonic and Tails met up with Knuckles to start preparing the area just outside the ancient shrine.
The young genius began setting up transportable lighting fixtures around the grass while their team leader got to work tying up bundles of colorful balloons and placing them at the bottom of the altar's steps.
Knuckles himself tapped his foot anxiously on the stone slab as he watched them, trying to push away the doubts and show faith in his friends to keep their promise.
Soon enough, after a section of the ground had been sufficiently lit, guests started to arrive – those who were able to fly or catch a ride to the floating landmass. Among the first cluster of attendees was a group holding various instruments, who approached Sonic near the foot of the altar.
A light brown mink asked, "Hey, Sonic, do you want us to set up now?"
His green eyes lit up and he gestured to the grassy spot by the steps. "Yeah! Right here would be great. Thanks for doing this, guys – I owe ya!"
Surprised by the appearance of a band he hadn't personally invited, Knuckles walked down the stairway to where his cheerful friend stood, looking curiously between him and the musicians. "Sonic, what is this?"
"Oh, I invited some friends who know how to play music, just to liven things up." The hedgehog was grinning, clearly enthused, as he casually pointed one index finger at the sky. "I wanted to put in a little extra effort for this party; I mean, we already don't have any food, so why not make up for it with music? I told ya, 'leave the preparations to me.' I'm pretty much the host here, so you can just relax and enjoy the show."
Knuckles' guarded resolve softened, and his tense shoulders lowered at Sonic's offer to take the burden off of him. A violet gaze stared appreciatively at the speedster before his mouth curved into a smile. "Thanks."
The band started playing upbeat music at Sonic's request, incorporating instruments that would also be used for low-energy tunes later in the night.
More guests showed up, steadily occupying the celebration's designated area and being greeted by the Blue Blur while Knuckles watched from his seat on the stairway.
He looked over at Tails resting boxes of fireworks in a pile near his plane, then trailed his eyes over to the open sky past the edge of the island. Through the dimly lit darkness, he spotted a long figure coming into view, approaching and seeming to sway as it moved.
Squinting and leaning forward, the echidna soon recognized the figure as the members of Team Dark – all three of them, being brought to the party destination by their flying co-leader. Upon seeing Rouge, he felt some of his unease return, and stood up, deciding to retire to his post by the Master Emerald.
'Just in case...' he thought to himself.
The attendees chatted and danced in groups, filling the grassy area and making the nighttime party livelier while the dark indigo sky glittered with thousands of stars.
Elated guests Amy Rose and her young friend Cream started handing out sparklers from a collection they'd brought, which prompted Sonic to offer up glowsticks and wearable glow-accessories; meanwhile, Tails unloaded the fireworks and got to work setting them up near the island's edge. Team Dark landed and Rouge's eyes immediately stuck to the box of bright party favors in the blue hedgehog's hand.
Shadow and Omega stood assessing the scene as she smoothed out her dress – a sparkly silver skin-tight gown with shiny gold trim – and they both silently judged the people waving around bright crackly sticks. Rouge left their side to approach the host, who was wearing three necklaces glowing white, yellow, and green.
"Hey, Blue, give me some of those!" she said, a certain shine lingering in her eyes when she neared the box.
"Rouge! Sure, there's more than enough to go around!" replied the enthusiastic hero, holding the collection out towards the bat and letting her take what she wished.
Gloved fingers quickly snapped up a few of the necklaces and bracelets, then she turned back to her team while Sonic continued to make the rounds. Shadow's attention was back on the treasure hunter when she said, "Look, guys – accessories!"
He hardly had the chance to raise an eyebrow or snidely insult the glowing rings before Rouge invaded his space to snap a red one around his neck. It dangled in her grip for a moment before settling into rest on his chest fur, adding a bloody hue to the white hair.
"It's so you," the lady commented, giving him a devilishly sly glance. "Looks amazing!"
He rolled his eyes while her teal gaze was still on him, but the Ultimate Lifeform couldn't fight the little smile that formed at her compliment. She stepped towards Omega and held up a green necklace, then asked, "Want one, Omega? It'll add more color to our night."
"NEGATIVE. TINY TUBES ARE UNNECESSARY." Mechanical sounds whirred as his torso turned and tilted to face Rouge. "I CAN PROVIDE COLOR."
With a sharp click, followed by a monotonous hum, Omega's wrist cuffs started to gleam, rotating steadily above his hands to create a shining swirl of gold and silver. Rouge grinned and put the green necklace on herself.
"Wow, I didn't know you could do that!" She added the aqua necklace on top of the other before putting on the purple bracelets, staring at the robot's wrists. "I'm still learning so much about you boys."
"I HAVE MANY ABILITIES YOU ARE UNAWARE OF." The factual statement was as close to playful as Omega could get, and still Rouge understood the banter through his even tone.
She chuckled and responded, "Then we should hang out more!" before Shadow casually urged them to find a decent sitting spot in a more comfortable and less-crowded area.
Once Sonic had finished handing out the glowsticks, he rushed over to Tails, who was grabbing lighters from his plane. "Hey buddy, what time is it?"
The young fox picked up one of his gizmos and tapped on the screen; it lit up a bluish-green color with boxy black lines that showed numbers down to the second. "Almost midnight. About one minute to go!"
"Perfect!" Sonic chimed, then zipped near the center of their grassy venue to address the guests. "Hey, everyone! It's almost time for fireworks, so get cozy and look out at the sky!"
He pointed towards where the sparks would be going off, giving a quick glance over the crowd before looking over at the musicians. He signaled them with a nod and a thumbs-up, prompting them to switch the tone of their instrumental from energetic party music to softer, cheerful tunes. Then, the Blue Blur joined Tails by the setup of fireworks and grabbed a lighter, the two of them watching the seconds tick down.
He held one flat palm to the side of his mouth so everyone in the audience could hear him clearly. "30 more seconds and we'll be in a new year!"
There was a spattering of hoots and claps while clusters of attendees waved their sparklers and glowsticks, eager to see the display. And soon Sonic was addressing them again, this time getting everyone more involved. "Count down with me, guys! 10!"
Dozens of voices shouted in unison, "9!"
Atop the altar, Knuckles stood with both mitts cupped beside his mouth, putting power into his voice to make it carry with theirs. "8!"
The members of Team Dark all exclaimed at different volumes. "7!"
Amy and Cream shook their sparklers and bounced excitedly. "6!"
Sonic and Tails unanimously lit some of the fireworks. "5!"
They then jumped back a bit in preparation. "4!"
Tails smiled at his best friend with a white-yellow gleam dancing in his blue eyes. "3!"
Sonic grinned back. "2!"
"1!" the entire crowd shouted, just as the fireworks shot out from their tubes.
Different-colored beams of smoky light streaked into the sky and away from the island, exploding into orb-shaped specklings of white, red, turquoise, and orange.
The colors mixed into each other briefly before more pops rang out with the release of fresh fireworks, bursting new hues and patterns against the dark backdrop before the previous sparks dissipated.
"Oooooh!" the audience cooed in wonder, awestruck at the bright lights and sharp crackles rippling through the sky.
Some people started to cheer and holler praise at the show while the host and his right-hand man lit more. Pleasantly surprised by how beautiful it was, Knuckles calmly smiled and conceded – silently – that Sonic was right about Angel Island being the best destination for this tradition.
Though, he didn't know if he'd want to do it again the following year. For now, he simply enjoyed what was in front of him. On the ground, Amy let Cream have her sparkler, and the girl exuberantly traced patterns in the air while Cheese flew around them and sung in their baby-like voice.
And Team Dark sat comfortably on a small hill at the edge of the crowd, Rouge between her teammates and cupping her bent knees with both hands.
"Agreed, Omega," replied Rouge, delighted as she leaned against Shadow's shoulder. Teal eyes shimmered beneath sparkly gold makeup. "What an incredible view!"
Even the Ultimate Lifeform was content enough to smile.
The End
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the-eldritch-it-gay · 11 months
For the tav companion asks :) General 4, 6, & 8, Story 7, and Romance 4 & 5 (sorry if that's too many fkuygd i just want to hear more about majexatli always...)
2. (Gen) What sort of general actions raise or lower their approval?
Raise approval: helping people in need, killing people who are abusing power/authority, respecting nature, sneaking around, hunting
Lower approval: senseless cruelty, torturing/enjoying in others suffering, expressing disgust for monsters, abusing authority/power, taking advantage of innocent people
4. (Gen) Do they have any secrets that can be revealed?  What are the prerequisites for this secret coming to light?
They would have a couple of secrets. One, would be their worship of Malar, while there would be hints sprinkled in, it wouldn’t be until a cutscene during a long rest in the Shadow Cursed lands that they properly reveal it. The prerequisites would be finding a wounded rothé in the shadow-cursed lands that hasn’t yet succumbed to the shadow curse. The player can either use medicine or healing magic to try and heal it’s wounds, or quickly put it out of its misery. Even on a successful check to heal its wounds, Majexatli will remark that it will likely not last long in these lands, either succumbing to these wounds or another or the shadow curse. They will approve of whatever choice you make, but if you leave without doing anything, Majexatli will step in and kill it. 
During the next long rest, if you managed to heal it successfully, there will be a cutscene where you are troubled by dreams, and go on a walk to clear your head, but notice Majexatli is not at camp. As you walk past the edge of camp, you come across a clearing where you see the rothé again, but it is torn open, and a panther is eating its entrails.
If you pass a simple dc 10 passive perception check, you will see that the panthers eyes are familiar and that it is likely Majexatli in wildshape. The player can either leave them and run back to camp (Majexatli approves), or attempt to interfere. With a DC 30 persuasion or intimidation, Majexatli will reluctantly slink off into the dark (Majexatli disapproves), otherwise the player can choose to attack. Even if they attack, Majexatli will not kill the player, and the scene will lead to a wide variety of choices the player has. Either after the fight or after the player returns to camp, Majexatli will reveal their worship of Malar, their belief that this was the best outcome—death and hunting and eating are natural, the Shadow Curse is unnatural, it’s better to kill and eat the rothé than let it succumb to the shadow curse.
If the player is accepting of Majexatli’s chosen god, it is possible to come to an arrangement that will lead to the player gaining 1d8 camp supplies per long rest via Majexatli’s hunting.
Their other secret would be their history as a druid, specifically the fact that they are exiled (somewhat voluntarily) from their circle and have been for 20 years. The prerequisites for this are having good approval and having spoken with Calnys at the Emerald Grove (an npc I mentioned in another ask). Depending on the exact level of approval and whether they’re being romanced, Majexatli will share varying amount of details as to what exactly happened that lead to their exile.
8. (Gen) What do they say when the Player Character asks them to stay in camp?  How about when the Player Character asks them to come adventuring again?
When asked to stay at camp: 
Do you mean that?
(Upon confirmation that they should in fact stay at camp) Oh thank gods (immediately wildshapes and runs off to the edge of camp)
Alternatively, with low approval, they will wildshape and leave the conversation before getting confirmation.
When asked to join the active party:
(if player doesn’t currently have Speak with Animals buff) Narrator: The [insert wildshape form] eyes you warily for a moment, cocking its head to the side. It seems to regard you with understanding and joins your side.
(If player has speak with Animals buff) [Sigh] Alright, but this better be good
7. (Story) What can they be found doing at the tiefling/goblin party?
At the tiefling party, the player can notice a wolf idling around camp. If the player tries to interact with it twice, an insight check will allow the player to realize it is Majexatli. If the player uses speak with animals, they can bypass the insight check and Majexatli will immediately say “Ah, hells,” and drop their wildshape. Here the player can have their party-specific dialogue. After the dialogue, Majexatli will be found playing the lyre by the fire and lingering around Alfira.
I’ve never played/seen the goblin party, so I have limited knowledge in that regard, but I imagine Majexatli would permanently leave if the player agrees to help Minthara attack the grove, or maybe at least require a very high persuasion/intimidation check to make them stay. If they did, I imagine they would stay in wildshape unless the player passes a persuasion check and has speak with animals. After any dialogue, though, they would return to wildshape.
4. (Rom) Do they have a special romance scene at the tiefling/goblin party?
If their approval is high enough and the player flirts with them at the party, Majexatli will after a moment of consideration, give the player a potion (a dc 10 medicine check will reveal its a potion of Speak with Animals) and say they will come see them once the party dies down.
When the player goes to bed, the scene will trigger where Majexatli will approach and offers for them to join Majexatli in a hunt. (In the preliminary dialogue here, the player can ask about this hunt and why they are doing it. Majexatli will claim its a druid practice, related to circle of the moon druids, a dc 18 history check [which a druid Tav would have advantage on] will allow to player to recognize this is, in fact, not a common circle of the moon practice. A further DC 20 religion check will allow the player to realize this sort of thing is not unheard of among the followers of certain gods, though mainly gods of violence or death).
If the player agrees, then will start a scene where Majexatli is in wildshape and the player works with them to hunt a dire wolf. If they are successful in the hunt, then there’s the opportunity for a wild reckless and adrenaline-fueled sex scene.
5. (Rom) Does the romance have different branching paths, or just one route to take?
I think since I’ve mentioned the idea that Majexatli’s companion quest has 2 possible branches/endings, that there couuuld be a branching of paths, mainly revolving around whether the player encourages/accepts Majexatli’s worship of Malar vs if the player encourages them to return to worshipping Silvanus. Which would offer two different flavors of Majexatli, a raw unfiltered and messy but true Majexatli that has battles with their own emotions sometimes, or a calm stoic sage but distant Majexatli who will express devotion and love but in a rehearsed and reserved way. (Reflecting Majexatli’s view of Malar vs Silvanus, bloody and honest and flawed vs impersonal centrism and shallow emotions)
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