#the egg theory
asparkofapricity · 9 months
tw: death
death is so weird, yall. why does your body just decide, “y’know what? i’m tired of this shit,” and shut down all your organs?
is reincarnation real? are any of the religions’ afterlives real? are all of them real? do we get to see our pets and loved ones? am i going to hel? will i be reincarnated as an animal or human?
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ladyddanger · 2 years
The egg theory will require some strange biology… I am not prepared to tackle that. Is this what being the resident biologist-in-training entails? Figuring how "Mpreg" can feasibly work in a fan-work?
P.S. Happy New Year! It is now 2023 in my time zone.
exactly! The egg theory brings up questions like
Do bird hybirds ovulate?
If so do they lay unfertilized eggs like birds do?
What if a bird hybrid has a baby with a non hybrid. Do they also lay eggs?
These are the real questions that c!Quackity fans should asking.
Thank you. It’s only 11 here we still have an hour!!
Happy new year
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brucethecrocodile · 9 months
WIP plus tester and idea working for a tiktok trend I'm working on it's not close to being done but slowly but surely
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valictini · 8 months
Kind of amazed that we got 100% confirmation that yes, a cc disconnecting (or at least, being forcibly disconnected) indeed leaves their sleeping body on the spot.
I mean, for the longest time, the only concrete example for this were the egg beds, and the fact that some people rped about them 'dragging' someone else's body around because they couldn't participate in an important story beat... but overall there was a bit of a doubt about wether or not they just pop out of existence, canonically.
And the fact that we SAW the characters' physical bodies ON THE FLOOR, and the fact that the Federation HAS control over this, preventing people from waking up... it's a big deal to me
It reminds me of the convo Pomme had about how on the day Etoiles fought the code impersonating her, she was asleep, she KNEW she was asleep and she wanted to wake up, but couldn't... and how it freaked her out.
Feels like there's something there...
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dnalt-d2 · 8 months
So we all know Pomme and Richas disappeared before the testing started, and I remember seeing someone say that they went to Purgatory for the rescue without Phil
But I raise you one better
They went to GET Phil
They are currently dragging his unconscious ass to a boat and leaving as we speak
He's gonna wake up and it'll basically be like
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It would be SO fuckin funny
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thepenguisalive7 · 11 months
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Red words
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kadextra · 8 months
We got the names of more Federation departments to add to the list!! 🎉 here’s all of the ones we know now:
Census Bureau
Design Bureau
Genetics Department
Department of Convivial Condition Observation
Department of Subsistence Monitoring
Department of Permanence Surveillance
Department of System Analysis
now I’m gonna try and break down the new egg ones
“convivial condition” basically means “happiness condition.” remember how with the original eggs at the beginning it was meant to be a test for the parents, where the happiest egg by the end would win them a prize? its changed since then, but the federation has continued to observe the eggs’ happiness levels (like with the cookies) and also use them to observe the happiness of the islanders/keep them in check
“subsistence” means to survive by one’s own support. considering how pomme and tallulah were just left in the wall alone for who knows how long struggling to survive, this makes sense. probably to see how an egg left in a condition like that would develop- this does imply the hope egg, who was also left alone to survive, is the deceased member of that group. and yes these eggs are also probably used to take note of islander ability too
“permanence” is the state of being stable and long-lasting. em sunny and pepito were stuck on hellish purgatory island and lived. their conditions are being monitored as a result, and they are currently being used to “stabilize” all the traumatized parents (especially the ones who had lost an egg before)
system analysis is pretty self-explanatory. analyzing the system of the experiment/island processes, for further development. it’s different from observation, monitoring, and surveillance. though I’m not sure what that means for richas and the unknown egg or why they’re glitching, it’s worrying
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royalarchivist · 4 months
Egg lore
Bad asks if Chat figured out the Eggs’ original purpose. He says the Eggs were given something we never got to see. (5 hours 20 minutes into stream).
Bad says he has no idea how he found this out (through another creator or some other way, he can't remember) but these are the details he shares with us:
The Eggs were given something they were supposed to use in the original storyline, but they never ended up using it. "It would’ve made their original art a little bit different."
Bad says: The word rhymes with “Pomme." Chat guesses "a "bomb" and Bad confirms that they all had a little egg bomb. Bad says he doesn’t think they were meant to kill the players, but they were supposed to place them and destroy everyone’s things. They were going to be like little trolls, and Bad says he’s not sure if that would’ve ended there.
Bad says they probably wouldn’t have liked the Eggs as much, and imagines how different things would’ve been.
Bad says he prefers the Egg lore the way it went.
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orengejoshi · 4 months
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morning cat yoga (yeah those 🏳️‍⚧️ colors were chosen like this on purpose)
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kitabearuwu · 3 months
Would you be willing to draw Sammy and Ben being besties? Bonding over Bessie or Bumpy or something.
They’re such an underrated duo I need more Ben and Sammy content IMMEDIATELY
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He’s a tad bit emotional about this baby guys
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leshyleaf · 2 years
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mebis-art-dump · 7 months
the Pale King's involvement on the making of the black egg
It is already assumed by the majority that PK was involved in some way; it is a fair assessment but I feel like it's most of the time an assumption based on PK's situation relative to it
- powerful magic being
- head of the project
- smart and inventive
So decided to gather a lil bit of evidence in favor of his direct involvement
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1- The lore tablets that start with "higher beings, these words are for you alone" are more likely written by PK himself, given the one before the abyss and the fact that they open with PK's voice (plus the whispers of soul) (you could also count the world sense tablet within it).
The background that shows up behind these texts have a certain detail which in closer observation looks quite similar to the pillars of the black egg's corridor
2- both the abyss and black egg entrances are sealed with a stone door that is conjured out of thin air, with a ringed texture unlike normal shell/fossils but much like the rings of a worm (or a certain chunk of the wyrm, which is a sprite depicted here); the "key" needed to open the door displayed in white within an indentation.
Not shown in the image, but both seals (the white glowing patterns that show when casting a spell) have the glyph that represents the king's brand.
The black egg door also has a structure reminiscent of ribs, but not like the normal looking straight ribs of fossils all over crossroads (more prominent near the mawlek graveyard); rather, they're more similar to the ribs and teeth of the wyrm
Now, the seal of binding developed by the weavers seems to have been a key element in the project, but
1- it's a very specific design, which we do see within the egg but only in its central chamber
2- the pale king makes plenty use of it within the palace, so maybe it is either possible to make it in a "compact way" to be deployed afterwards at any moment and any place, or the king was able to replicate it after the first version was made
The rest of the egg could be a modified version or multiple completely different seals, but it is very likely that much of it was made by the pale king
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rockrosethistle · 6 months
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ahalliance · 7 months
Antoine, reading chat: “My favourite work/creation on QSMP?” Pomme
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cosmicjunkyard · 1 year
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The babies have hatched
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youphoriaot7 · 8 months
...oh, holy shit. Did the Federation just give us their experiment plan??
GROUP #0001 - Chayanne, Leonarda, Ramón, Dapper, Bobby, Tílin, JuanaFlippa, Trumpet Department of Convivial Condition Observation
These were the first eggs. The first batch of eight. Put out as a test, a blatant test: can you keep them happy? I wasn't around at the start of the server so I'm going off of a lot of hearsay here, but from the best I can understand the eggs were supposed to be a week or so(??) long experiment to help the two languages of the server come together and spend time with each other. The happiest egg at the end of the week(??) would "win." It was somewhat competitive if I'm remembering right?? That got thrown out the window as the eggs kept running, but initially, it was more like that. (I could be so wrong. Sorry.)
Regardless, "Convivial Condition Observation": breaking this down real quick. Convivial means "(of a person) cheerful and friendly; jovial." Essentially, happiness. Condition being the...condition of either the eggs or the islanders, or both. Observation being the act watching them that the Federation is doing.
"Convivial Condition Observation," or, let's see how well you can keep these eggs happy. And, alternatively/in addition, how happy it keeps you.
GROUP #0002 - Tallulah, Pomme, ______ Department of Subsistence Monitoring
The first thing that stuck out to me with this group was the fact that Tallulah and Pomme were found in very similar ways. Pomme was stuck hidden in the wall, and Tallulah was found hidden in the attic of the adoption center. If the third egg's name really is six blanks, and stands for MEMORY as I'm suspecting it might, then that egg was also hidden—to the point where Cellbit needed coords just to find its adoption center.
"Subsistence Monitoring" breakdown: Subsistence means "the action or fact of maintaining or supporting oneself at a minimum level." Monitoring being the act of observation that the Federation is doing.
"Subsistence Monitoring," or, let's see how well these eggs can take care of themselves without any external help.
GROUP #0003 - Sunny, Pepito, Empanada Department of Permanent Surveillance
This one is a bit alarming, I'm not gonna lie? The clear tie here between the three eggs is that all three were found on Egg Island. The name of the island could possibly have something to do with it? I really don't think I can pin down a definite decision for this answer until we know what the Federation was trying to surveillance.
"Permanent Surveillance," or, let's keep an eye on...something. Egg Island? The islanders?
GROUP #0004 - Richarlyson, ___ __ Department of System Analysis
I'm going to come in straight off the bat and tell you I have no idea what they could be doing in this group. "System Analysis" is incredibly vague, and likely intentionally so.
The best guess I can make is that the system being referred to is...the eggs. If EGG A1 is supposed to fill in the five blanks of the name, then this becomes obvious: the one time we saw this egg, ElQuackity was putting them through a parkour test. A parkour course is generally used to test skills.
...if I wanted to get really headcanon-y: Richarlyson's leg is canonically misdesigned. Running a parkour course with an egg younger than Richas could be the Feds trying to sort out what the issue with Richas' leg is/was.
Additionally, in the really headcanon-y realm, Romero Richas could be a fascinating way to show system malfunction. Just saying.
"System Analysis," or, let's make sure our experiments are working properly.
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