#the doctor: i literally just asked a question???
adilynnyuri · 2 days
hey so an exam of mine is in two days and I havent much prepared for it im dependent on pulling an all nighter before each exam but that wont help too much right so im mostly dependent on manifesting that the exam goes really well,i get asked questions that i know in the exam and then i receive atleast above 80% ( havent even studied for more than 60%) so i know that it is possible to manifest everything and I had fell into a really good place w my manifestation and also had started trusting my ability . But today i remembered that in my last exam i also did sats and thought i would get good grades or whatever but somehow it didnt happen i got okayish grades but not the ones i wanted i got full in some subjects but did really bad in others. So now ive started to doubt myself and thinking that I did the same last time and it didnt happen so why would it happen this time and all😭 even though just yesterday i manifested this one thing i wanted instantly now im starting to doubt myself i dont know what to doo
Plus on top of all this my grandfather is a dementia patient and has not been able to eat talk or get up do anything for about 4 years and was bedridden we have kept at home nurses for him and everything is done for him . But from two days his oxygen level has beennm really low and we took him to the hospital today and they are saying that he doesnt have very high chances. I dont know what to do im affirming constantly that hes absolutely fine and healthy and he will come home and all but idk
Hii love! 🤍
When speaking of your grades,
⭐ Do not accept any marks less than what you desired! "IF IT DOESN'T HAPPEN" in your physical reality, THEN STILL PERSIST AND REVISE YOUR MARKS TO YOUR DESIRED ONES. Once again coming up with same example, if you ordered a burger(ur desire) and you got chicken nuggets(undesired) , would you be sitting and accepting the chicken nuggets? You will immediately command the waiter (your subconscious) to get the burger YOU wanted right?
̶D̶O̶N'̶T ̶F̶U̶C̶K̶I̶N̶G ̶C̶O̶M̶P̶L̶I̶C̶A̶T̶E ̶Y̶O̶U̶R̶S̶E̶L̶F ̶D̶O̶U̶B̶T̶I̶N̶G ̶Y̶O̶U̶R̶S̶E̶L̶F ̶T̶H̶I̶N̶K̶I̶N̶G ̶̶Y̶̶O̶̶U̶ ̶D̶I̶D ̶̶S̶̶O̶̶M̶E̶̶T̶H̶I̶N̶G ̶W̶R̶O̶N̶G
"oh my gawd I have to pull up an all nighter orelse I won't get good grades"
"What if I don't get what I wanted? "
Shut👏🏻the👏🏻 fuck👏🏻 up
When it comes to your grandfather's condition, THE SAME GOES TO THIS TOO. You want your grandfather to be healthy? THEN ASSUME HE'S HEALTHY! DOESN'T MATTER IF THE MOST "EXPERTED DOCTOR" IS SAYING THAT THERE'S NO CHANCES!
Do you think they control your reality? ITS YOUR REALITY. YOU DECIDE WHAT MOVES AND WHAT DOESN'T!
I literally revised the death of my uncle who was dead 4 years ago! NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE!
With lots of love,
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nat-20s · 7 months
I do ship Doctor/Master but not necessarily in a romantic way. Not in a strictly platonic way either. And not quite in a queerplatonic/queermalicious way. To me they are THE ultimate icons of "whatever the fuck those two have going on". The Doctor will look at The Master with big wet eyes and be like "what are we to each other???" And The Master will be like "hmm. Shut the fuck up."
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deoidesign · 1 month
I’m a trans man that recently got diagnosed with hyper mobile eds, so now seeing Steve makes me extra happy, because cool disabled ftm rep. Thanks for making the radical dude bro, he’s funky.
same disability (waving hand emoji)
Always extremely fulfilling to know my work makes people happy in some small way, it means a lot. Thank you for sharing with me
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heartual · 1 month
had such a good experience with surgery today i can’t even fully explain
#🍄.txt#i’m so happy that fuck ass doctor referred me to another doctor in the building because he was so nice and attentive#taking the time to explain things to me and make sure i was good#even said oh well if ur really uncomfortable we can always go to the operating room! :)#when the other doctor treated me like a nuisance the whole time and like some dumb child#well if you can’t sit still they’re going to have to put you under elsewhere 🙄#I DIDNT EVEN FUCKING KNOW THEY COULD DO THAT IN THE BUILDING? SHE MADE IT SEEM LIKE I WAS INCONVENIENCING HER THE WHOLE TIME#i was asking a bunch of questions because knowing makes me feel less nervous and he answered everything so clearly even when my mom was#asking questions too#recommending me different medications to keep this from happening again etc etc etc#so fucking bare minimum for a doctor but it was so nice seriously i wish i could thank him again for making it a more#comfortable experience#he put numbing shots on the inside AND outside of my lid just in case we needed to go from the outside this time#and while it hurt obviously it was so much better than the single shot she gave me the first time three weeks ago#she told me this would be a much more extensive surgery and here i am with my eyelid barely swollen 😐#i could barely see with it open three weeks ago immediately after because it hurt too much and was so swollen#what the fuck how do you have such contrasting experiences with two people who literally work together in the same building#anyway bad doctor experiences are always so fucking bad but when you have a really good experience it just feels crazy and insane#like wow thank u for treating me like a person#did i mention i actually left with care instructions this time written out. and the medicine recommendations on a physical piece of paper#i didn’t even get that after surgery with her how is that not below bare minimum#like this actually surprised me. jesus christ
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hotgirlgraps · 11 months
this 96 year old man was a patient of mine today and he talked about his wife nonstop and showed me a picture of her from 1967 that he keeps in his wallet and if you think i didn’t cry in the car over that you’re wrong
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eats-the-stars · 2 days
hate my sister's shitty good for nothing boyfriend. can you imagine being a 30yo man with two kids who won't even scramble an egg. Not for his kids, not for his girlfriend, not for himself. literally if my sister doesn't leave out pre-made meals when he's watching the kids he will rip up bread or pour them dry cereal or open a granola bar and make himself microwave dinners. like, lowest effort possible. but if i mention this to my sis, she'll be like "no he's definitely cooked for the kids! he scrambled an egg for them once! i watched him do it!" but it's like...so he scrambled one egg in the last five years. just to like, prove he can? at your direct insistence? should we all clap? like seriously. hate this guy. had to really hold back recently because he had someone over and he was interacting with the kids more than usual for appearances, and he had to keep asking me and my sis what the 5yo was signing because he barely bothered to learn his own son's primary form of communication. i was so tempted to say "that one means 'go home' but you wouldn't know that because you don't take them anywhere." so hard to hold that in. If I had to describe this man in two words they would be these: Low Effort. Not quite bare minimum, but JUST enough to convince my sister that it would be too much hassle to get rid of him. he's stupid as fuck, but just smart enough to quickly stop shit like screaming obscenities at the kids for doing normal kid things. and he once stomped on my headphones and broke them in a fit of rage, but gave my sister money to replace them so it was "fine." Like, my sister thinks that he's just struggling with his anger issues, because he had a bad childhood, blah, blah, and oh he would never actually hurt her or the kids. and like, good for you, but i don't trust like that. genuinely hoping he gets struck by lightning and dies instantly.
#my sister and i do all the hard stuff and most of the easy stuff too tbh#cooking and cleaning and sorting out benefits and insurances and getting the kids to school and events#doctor's appointments and medications and dentist appointments and taxes#we get the groceries and care for all the pets and kids and household things#we both have jobs#i actually have 3 jobs#good for nothing boyfriend makes $12 a year plus some under the table cash as a “private trainer”#which means between that and selling his plasma and borrowing money from his mom he can...pay his super cheap tiny part of rent#and occasionally hand my sister like $20#he doesn't buy groceries or diapers or household supplies or clothing or toys or literally anything#literally the only household chore he does is fold laundry#that's it. and it's not “DO” laundry. it's just folding the clean and dry stuff#you know. the chore my parents would have us do when we were like 10 so we'd feel helpful#the 5yo is medically complex and we frequently make trips to a slightly distant hospital with him#and they literally asked us to stop bringing my sister's boyfriend along because he was disruptive and confusing#which was a polite way to say 'obnoxious and stupid as shit'#do you know how many times in one visit w/the same doctor he would ask 'so when does he get superpowers?'#he also obviously didn't know how to answer basic questions like 'how many times does he poop a day on average'#and 'how often has he been eating and what has he been eating day to day?'#like bro this man can go days without changing a diaper and will not even heat up a can of spaghettios to feed his own kids#he cannot answer those questions with any kind of accuracy#also i'm saying boyfriend because my sister desperately wanted to at least be engaged so she could say fiance in front of ppl#but just like marriage this was apparently a 'waste of effort'#not even the cheapest ring or the most underwhelming proposal or a courthouse wedding was worth his energy so...#yeah glad she hasn't married this waste of air. and i'll be praying for that lightning strike
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piningpercussionist · 16 days
I saw from a post about how many asks you have and I was wondering why not just answer one ask then use that as your daily post? (I'm pretty sure you post daily from my memory)
I'm not a writer so apologies if I sound a bit rude or oblivious. But I think you don't do that because it might get tiring to write an in-character response each day.
I'm actually an Insane Person and ideally would be posting hourly/bi-hourly, if only I ever found enough content to queue up in such a manner,,
But, basically the delays can be summed up in three parts: tired or busy (lumping these together as one problem), no idea how to respond just yet (or respond in a way that satisfies me,) or I have ideas but they're art based and take more time.
I do have some wips for some art answers saved I think, but I've got, like, a single commission remaining on my docket and I refuse to let myself do other art until it's finished (barring one sketch I did for the sake of my sanity.... I cannot stress enough how much of a fight it is to get myself to do full shading and backgrounds 💀 mistakes were made.)
Now, admittedly, it's been a minute since I took a crack at writing out some more thoughtful or lengthy responses for some of the asks I've gotten- so far as I recall, at least- but the dissatisfaction problem is Extremely Real. No joke, I've had an ask sitting in my queue for several months now because I was like "yeah this is good enough," queued it, and then just before it could post I was overcome with an Intense distaste for it. I really liked the question and thought I could do better. (And still clearly have not done better....) Writing Kim honestly comes really naturally to me, and I could never really get tired of it, but sometimes an ask throws a curveball at me in a way that I just really cannot quite wrap my head around responding to. Other times, I get asks that I just can't let myself answer in a subpar manner- either the ask itself or the implications of the answer I concoct end up mattering too much to me, so I get super in my head about finalizing the reply.
And then me being tired is just a skill issue. (I'm joking; this only applies to like the last month or so, but I actually started taking some new medications recently that have been messing with me just a little in this respect. Sometimes I get tired, and when they DO give me the pep to do things, I've admittedly been trying to direct that energy into getting my life together lol)
#i really have just kinda been busy lately. doctors appointments- my roommate moving out- SO. MANY. BIRTHDAYS-#so that's also a factor in things. im kinda floundering over here... drowning in an endless sea of shit I need to do to get my affairs in +#+order...#also i am like. an adult. so i have a life that HAS to be tended to in some respects. just kinda tacking that on bc ik some people forget +#+I'm 24. I'm not busy in the way most people my age are but I DO have things I need to do/be doing. (which unfortunately may eventually +#+lead to me being busy in the same way most people my age are. life's a bitch like that. hopefully it wont be an issue though]#i literally overthink everything and it is a Problem. look at how much rambling you're getting just here. insane#i need to go to bed i think im forcing myself to let this be the answer i have for you 💀 if you have further questions i can answer later#asks#anon#ooc#txt#actually just one more little thing. the kim rp/ask blog aspect of this blog was also very much an outlet for me as i was dealing with +#+some really frustrating things in my personal life. I'm still dealing with those things but on a smaller scale now? and I'm also no +#+longer locked into this being my ONLY coping method for it. lately I've been getting back into playing whatever games i feel like- it's +#+been very freeing. in a single session I've apparently gotten 12% of the way through rdr2's story! something i very much wouldn't have +#+felt like I was ALLOWED to do prior to now#(also if this post contains any contradictions. i am a very conflicted and contradictory person. hope that helps 👍)
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nexus-nebulae · 4 months
is it my fibromyalgia thats making me feel like im just On Fire or
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kihteyu · 2 months
I’ve seen 4 different doctors over the last two years trying to figure out what’s wrong with me to no avail. I literally had to be the one to research my symptoms and go to a doctor to say I think I have this thing. And guess what? They finally tested me for that and that was it! There’s absolutely nothing wrong with American healthcare it’s totally normal for patients without medical degrees to have to diagnose themselves
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tj-crochets · 10 months
Hey y'all, weird question time again! This one is glucocorticoid related, specifically about the side effects of short courses of steroids
Do y'all have steroid withdrawal symptoms even after short courses of glucocorticoids? I've had multiple doctors say it shouldn't be possible, but I've had pretty bad withdrawal symptoms every single time I've been on non-taper short course (like, a week or less) corticosteroids, and even with tapering I still get symptoms. Without tapering, even after only a five day course, I had a resting heart rate in the high 160s and could barely move I was so exhausted. Nowadays, I just tell all my doctors that I know it's weird but I have to taper, yes, even off of that low a dose for that short a time, I have to. So far they've all believed me and changed the prescription for a taper dose. Is that an issue you've had? Did they end up figuring out why? Initially my doctors thought it might be indicative of adrenal issues, but now my latest doc thinks it's not adrenals, and I don't know what other reason I could be this ridiculously sensitive to steroids.
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metagalacticx · 1 year
hmm… not many teen wolf thoughts lately but i just saw something on twt and i want to ask the three point five people who follow me:
do you think there should have been deeper exploration of scott’s struggle against becoming monstrous? of his fear (which imo might have been chronic) of becoming more ‘like a monster’ as he said, than a werewolf? or did we get enough of that with the berserker arc and the enduring juxtaposition between him and gerard? (and peter?) and of course monroe but let’s not talk about monroe it’s one of the few threads that (satisfyingly for me) ran throughout all the seasons but should there have been more?
as usual my thoughts are all over the place and might not even make sense but should we have got him struggling more without external forces e.g. kate + berserker or the anuk-ite influence?
normally i would say this jokingly in the tags bc i don’t think scott antis follow me?? but im being so serious rn: no anti-scott, ‘he shouldn’t have become an alpha in the first place’, ‘he should lose his alpha status’ wank, pls and thank you. he doesn’t have to be in your top ten but if you are an anti just keep scrolling dude also maybe block me
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humandisastersquad · 6 months
The amount of patients who have no fucking clue how X-rays work and yet try to explain to me how to do my job,,,,
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fingertipsmp3 · 11 months
Living in a small town for pretty much all your life is like being in a sitcom that’s been going on for way too long
#you end up being like ‘it’s season 27. why are we now bringing back a character who hasn’t been seen since season 16’#aka guy i had a crush on in secondary school’s mom is in my pilates class#ya girl never forgets a face so as soon as she walked in i was like ‘i Know her. i swear to god i know her’ my mom was like ‘you don’t know#anything’ i was like ‘hush. it’ll come to me’#it bothered me throughout the whole class but then at the end i walked out into the church car park and literally laughed#she has a personalised number plate with her surname and first initial. i turned to my mom and was like ‘don’t ever tell me i don’t know#something ever again’ she’s like ‘what’ because she’s not even familiar with this person as a concept#so i have to explain about the time this boy turned up at my house unannounced and was like ‘do you want to go for a walk’ and i was like#‘hell yeah’ so we went back to his house and his three dogs jumped all over me and his mom asked me about a bazillion questions#that was 11 years ago#i have not seen her since that day but i swear to you i remembered her. i just couldn’t figure out from where until i saw the car#anyway he’s doing like a postgrad in geology now somewhere. i bet she’s mad. she was one of those parents who hires like a billion tutors#and hopes their kid will become a doctor. babe your first mistake was sending him to a state comprehensive with a bad ofsted rating 👍🏻#literally just pretending to be catholic long enough to get him into the catholic school would’ve done way more than hiring tutors#and it would’ve been free! no one can tell me lying to the church gets you nothing#my best friend from primary school went there and got to do free violin lessons and learn german; japanese and french AND they had macs#meanwhile i was playing cricket without a bat because our school couldn’t afford bats. life isn’t fair#personal
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aiteanngaelach · 8 months
Really frustrating that this guy who's my closest friend spends so many hours talking about stuff that hes interested in to me that idgaf about that I pretend an interest in because he likes talking about it and that's what you do for your friends but he can't even fake half a minute of interest in literally anything i talk about ever. I've been making excuses for him for like a year but he literally muttered under his breath the other day 'you talk so much' when I'd been speaking like five minutes about something MASSIVE in my life like not even a hobby or interest. After he'd spent the previous day talking to me for hours about warhammer. 😐
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thebadtimewolf · 10 months
oh god. they grieved wilf's death together. i cant.
#tv: doctor who#{i. :( made my self sad}#{note: they just told you love interests was never a heal all solution for their psyche. fixing themselves to a 🤎 interest isnt healing}#{why didnt they fix themself to yaz rose sarah jane martha river: they were in the drs eyes friends but remember}#{they only consider them as friends. love interests are friends. donna isnt considered a friend. shes propped up to be his best friend}#{full stop. hell the companion reunion is set up as a group therapy in the show. shes in group therapy for the good and horrors of it all}#{yes this does mean that tentoo is separated from the doctor completely. hes just jackson lake.}#{he actually has a family: what about susan? from susan and down saw him more of a pedestal. it just stayed that way. donna didnt}#{they reiterated this over and over and over and over and OVER again. the dr doesnt need love from someone that sees them like that}#{they need love from someone that is actually willing to make him live day by day to heal to recooperate}#{after power of the doctor and then comics AND TV going back to back IM QUICK SUCCESSION OF NO REST? 14 is at full exhaustion}#{if rose told him to stop he wouldnt if martha clara sarah jane river yaz if any of them told him to stop they wouldnt listen}#{because he uses romantic love as an excuse to burn himself out AND HE DID LITERALLY 9 DOES THIS}#{it was never healthy. and then they kept going. and going and going}#{bill questioned but she couldnt stop him}#{she was the strongest cause of guilt because he retook the role of a professor role a role familiar to ace}#{only it got bill killed because he didnt slow down he didnt talk and decompress. ever. he used trenzalore as an excuse to never confide}#{in anyone and only telling stories so no would ask if HE was alright. yeah they lived but is he actually alright}#{no one talks. except. donna. 15 even states that they do rehab backwards AND THATS NOT HOW REHAB WORKS. YOU DONT GET TO SKIP TO HEALED}#{WITHOUT DOING THE ACTUAL PROCESS OF HEALING}#{he regenerate until he turn into a grain of sand but thats not healing. its just another way of avoid talking thru their grief}#{but they grieved! no they didnt. EVEN IN DW LOCKDOWN THEY DIDNT GRIEVE.}#{penelope garcia's clinical social worker said it best}#{all the things I've survived I have been absorbing trauma since I was really young and thinking I was some sort of hero for doing it.}#{newsflash she wasnt and for garcias 15 yrs vs the dr's billions on billions yrs worth of it: even when u do the right thing even when u}#{stop serial killers (or intergalactic threats) ur body is still absorbing that trauma.}#{they are not a hero for holding on to it because trauma has to be off-loaded. It has to be transformed or ur body will destroy u.}#{end quote.}#{like THATS WHAT DR HAS BEEN DOING THE WHOLE TIME AND 15 SAID: NO MORE! CONSIDER THIS 14S RETIREMENT.}#{i dont like the ending: well i do. 15 and rtd said grief n trauma therapy with donna or bust bitches}
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kirishwima · 1 year
is it reaaally a shitty shift if the ER doctor doesnt snap at you?
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