#the day lol. is that surprising or not idk but anyways. i'm learning a lot in these random podcasts that are coming up on my youtube page
roscoehamiltons · 2 months
i'm watching a random interview that will buxton did with red flags podcast and learning that he used to(?) beef w nico rosberg all the way back from the GP2 days
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problematicbyler · 7 months
i think people misunderstood me a little with the other ask lol. by saying "this stuff didn't happen in harry potter fandom" i meant no one was judging people for engaging in smut content. not that i know of anyway. i myself have read so many harry x ginny smut that holy water cannot save me lmao
on the byler tag some uers like to offer many creative variations of the word creep to refer to us, some of them being "we watched them grow up" (i can see why this can make some ppl uncomfy and i respect that as long as you don't force your personal opininon as the correct and only one) "these are teenagers you are sexualizing when you're an adult"
those things also apply to harry potter but i never came across anyone trying to cancel people the same way puritan bylers do.
I know what you meant, Nonnie!! We were just responding to the fact that another Byler somewhere in the tag did in fact argue that sexualizing teen characters didn't happen in other fandoms such as HP/PJO/etc when it very clearly did.
Not to be like *shakes fist* kids these days but I do think the anti mindset is a much more recent thing. If I'm correct in my fandom history, it really broke out with Sheith vs Klance in the Voltron days. But it's also just younger folks who don't know how to be in fandom, or folks who are mostly normies delving into Ao3 and then being surprised when the website for "freaks" has freaky shit on it. Or folks who are used to algorithms that put things on their feed instead of them having to curate their own feeds. It doesn't help that Stranger Things is a lot of people's first real fandoms.
IDK, it's a lot of factors, probably. I grew up in the Supernatural fandom where a large portion of fans were Wincest shippers and I learned very early how to filter tags, what ship-and-let-ship was, don't like don't read etc. I don't feel like many in the Byler fandom have really learned those things.
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rollercoasterwords · 7 months
Hey so I just finished reading James’ interlude (it was amazing by the way!) and the u portrayed his aromanticism was so fascinating, def one of my portrayals. I saw u answering an anon and u mentioned (correct me if I’m wrong) that his aromanticism kinda comes from him being the chosen one, and how stuff like gender and sexuality are socially constructed. This is such an interesting concept to me coz I hear that language getting thrown around a lot but I never really understood what it meant.
It kinda reminded me of a convo I had with my transmasc friend. He said that if he had been born a boy he probably would have been transfem. At first I was pretty surprised, but then I thought abt it and realised that despite being a lesbian, if I had been born a boy I probably would have been gay. This revelation really stumped me coz, for context, Income from a conservative religious background, so I’ve always latched onto the idea that being gay is smth innate, or how God made me. But after that revelation,, I was like,,, maybe I can be straight if I try hard enough?? Liking girls is not smth innate within me?? Idk.
Sorry for the rambling lol but reading ur works always gets me thinking deeper abt these kind of topics. Probs has smth to do with u studying gender studies lol.
Anyways love ur work and have a good day <33
yeah i mean. i def think it's a good idea 4 everyone 2 spend time pondering & developing their own understanding of gender; ik mine has changed significantly over the course of my life & likely will continue 2 change as i grow older & learn more, etc.
i think one thing people tend 2 get stuck on is this idea that either ur born w ur identity (whether that's gender, sexuality, etc) baked in & have 2 discover it throughout ur life (bound up in the post-Enlightenment idea of a disembodied 'soul' or 'mind') OR it's all socially constructed, so it's completely made up/shaped by outside forces and we're all just playing pretend, etc. but that's really not what i mean when i say that i think of gender (& sexuality, etc) as socially constructed.
the best metaphor i have rn 4 explaining my own worldview is the idea of an accent. obviously, there is a material component to someone's accent: the shape of their mouth, their teeth--their ears, their hearing, etc. all of these physical & material factors influence how someone's accent might develop. but none of those factors really matter until placed within a social context--depending on where & how ur raised, ur accent will vary wildly, and it won't necessarily remain static throughout the course of your life. you & your family might have different accents; you might use a different accent to speak another language; your physical body might change in some way that affects your accent and the way u speak (stroke, hearing loss, etc). but there's no single, "true" accent inside of you waiting 2 be discovered and spoken. it's a socially constructed part of ur identity that develops throughout ur life, and can only be understood & have meaning attributed to it in a social context. and once u develop an accent, it feels as natural & as much a part of u as something like hair color, etc--it's not something u can just snap ur fingers & change, despite the fact that u weren't "born that way."
obviously, this is a metaphor, and there r many ways gender identity differs from accents--but i find it useful 4 helping illustrate in a tangible way what i'm talking abt when i say something is a "social construction." w james in wfrau specifically, what i was trying 2 say in that ask was not, again, that being "the chosen one" made him aromantic; rather, what i'm hoping 2 convey is that his experience growing up as "the chosen one" has fundamentally shaped his own understanding of his inability to experience/confusion surrounding romantic love (this is also why i avoid concretely labeling him as aromantic in the tags on the fic; it's not necessarily how he understands himself). he attributes this part of his identity to his understanding of himself as a "hero," i.e. someone who is not meant 2 prioritize any one person above The Cause/The Quest, bc his inability to grasp this concept of romantic love & reciprocate it does not align w normative understandings of love & so makes him feel ashamed & isolated & as though there's something "wrong" with him, & attributing this "broken" aspect of himself 2 the fact that he's meant 2 be a "hero" helps him reconcile w this piece of his identity that he otherwise doesn't understand how 2 qualify. again, i'm less concerned w whether there's some inherent "aromanticism" baked into him or whether he'd feel the same/identify the same way in different circumstances; what i'm interested in is looking at how this specific character has been shaped by these specific circumstances. hope that makes sense lol also ty glad ur enjoying the fic!
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umepnnn · 8 months
3DOLC x ROE — results.
challenge created by @starliet and @cleostoohot 🖤
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sorry (and not sorry) for the long hiatus cuz i'm enjoying life :)
so a few days ago i came across several posts about their challenge and i decided to try it out ! i didn't plan to post or anything so there wasn't a "what i'll be manifesting" post, but the results were so insane i had too make one.
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ଓ affirmations i used:
regardless of everything...
nothing can ruin my manifestations
i always manifest within 3 days or less
i have everything i desire
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ଓ what i manifested:
always confident and friendly, good at socializing
that's exactly what i did. i feel like a social butterfly at school and it's easier for me to join in convos now. making friends and having small talk just became easier for me. and i don't overthink so much anymore
being more included in my friend groups
i have a group i hang out with at uni for like 4-5 months now but i wasn't rlly active until this challenge LMAO now i'm like so comfortable with everyone and felt more like a part of the group. it also went like this with my other friend groups that i just started hanging out since this year. i actually speak to people individually now woah :)
getting closer with an SP
idk i thought this guy was cute so i just included this and at first the situation was: he's close with my friends but he's not in any of my friend groups so we don't hang much at all. but then after 2-3 days since this challenge, our mutual friend suddenly ADDED HIM into the group out of the blue and we all started going out and he is SUCH A GENTLEMAN to me + he added my socials as well hehe
school is fun, assignments are easy & no stress
literally came to school to chit chat and i'm not stressed at all. i get my work done on time and everything goes so smooth fr. and the best part is my classmates are the sweetest ugh SCHOOL IS FUN (they are the uni friend group i just mentioned up there) and they'd always gather around my seat lol and we'd chat the whole class.
bright smooth clear skin
same skin care routine – skin clearer than ever. no longer uneven dark spots or small little bumps <3 smooth like a baby's bottom :) my mom actually thought i was wearing makeup when i literally just washed my face n removed all the makeup !!
no dark circles
i slept like usual but my dark circles rlly went away since this challenge i'm actually surprised (even tho it should go away cuz it's the law lmao) and usually they'd still show when i have my makeup on but now it's wayyy less noticeable
friends from other countries coming to mine so we could hang out
just went out with one the other day lmao so check ✔️ i guess
everyone cares about me and is very nice to me
yoo my friends were so patient and attentive to me and even the taxi drivers are nice, they'd start convos and not in a creepy way. everyone is so nice for real <333
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ଓ what i did:
i just read the list and affirm whenever i can, mostly focused on the 4D and know it's inevitable that they'd manifest <3 cuz it's already mine the moment i think i have it. and honestly the "nothing can ruin my manifestations" line helped me a lot.
other than that i did nothing in the 3D. i never initiated anything. they all just came to me just ✨ like ✨ that ✨
i got most of my desires within 3 days but i still continued affirming after 3 days cuz like why not? it's like i'm doing the challenge again or sum but yes i still get desired results after that.
btw i also listened to quite a few subliminals alongside doing this challenge just because i can xD even for the same desires and like they both manifested but anyways i'll make a separate post on my subliminal results.
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© umepnnn 2021 – all rights reserved.
[note from a later date //29 jan 2024]
i have been on a hiatus since then until now, because i was busy with a lot of stuff i didn't have much time to learn and post astrology stuff here ~
i am still busy as ever and i don't plan on coming back here anytime soon (mayyyybee idk) but i still come on tumblr quite often cuz i loveee our astrology & manifesting content
and somehow today i checked my draft and saw this whole post here from three years ago i'm like wuhhh totally forgot.
BUT! everything i said is true fr like the "friends from other countries coming to mine so we could hang out" last year literally TEN of my friends came to my place (they're from 4 different countries) and I even went on trips with some of them — mind u i havnt seen most of them in like 2 years at the time
trust me manifesting is sooo easy just think u have it and u have it
thanks for reading and stay healthy stay safe everyone <3 cya
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iraprince · 2 years
hi idk if this is a weird question but like. how do u Make Art with adhd? you mentioned in your comic that you struggled w various other creative hobbies, but like drawing feels to me always like the Big Bad Thing I Cannot Ever do. even tho i want to make it my career LOL
how'd you get past that?
not a weird question at all! this is actually a question i ask myself pretty much every day, bc generally my answer to "how do i make art with adhd" has always been: With Great Difficulty, lmfao.
it's hard! i am not always good at it! i made art my job bc i realistically couldn't imagine being truly happy with anything else; if that wasn't the case, i'm not sure i would be doing this. like, that ends up being a big divide between the hobbies mentioned in that comic vs art, which is something that it seems (according to viewing my online activity) i do "Consistently;" it is my career, so there's a level of like, urgency and necessity there that my hobbies don't have. which, like, obviously my advice is not "make it your job so that you HAVE to OR ELSE :)" because it doesn't work like that. i am spending an amount of time OR-ELSE-ing that i think might surprise ppl, and i am frankly very lucky that my wife is the primary provider for our family, because it gives me a safety net for when my brain makes a loud grinding noise and then belches a big cloud of smoke and i have to spend a week hitting it with a wrench.
ANYWAY. this is going to get long bc i have a lot of thoughts abt it. there's really no one answer to getting past it, and i am not "past it," i don't know if i think anyone ever can be! we can just try really hard to keep going in ways that won't burn us out. if i had to pull out the absolute #1 most important thing i've learned over the past few years, it is -- and i know this sounds like dumb corny bullshit but you really have to stay with me here -- being kind and patient with yourself.
i'm being so dead serious. if beating yourself up and freaking out and constantly agonizing over how much more you Could be drawing worked, you would be drawing right now. if beating ourselves up over our output worked, EVERYONE would be drawing ALL the time. it doesn't fucking work! it does not! do literally anything other than yelling at yourself. it's bullshit. it's fuckery. it does not work.
on the other hand, cultivating as much kindness and patience and compassion as i can muster -- saying, "well, it looks like i just don't have it today. that's okay, let's try again tomorrow," even if i'm saying it through clenched teeth and i don't really believe it -- THAT works, because it chips away at the idea of drawing being life or death. it's probably a very similar feeling to you describing art as The Big Bad Thing. of course if you hang all your self worth on it and let it become immense and dominating, it's going to be hard to interact with it! it's scary! it becomes easier to avoid it than to try to tackle it and then feel disappointed in yourself in a more active way (vs. just disappointed in yet another day where u didn't try). but every time i sigh and say "okay" when my brain is screaming and crying bc art just is not working, and i decide to rest and try again tomorrow, 1. it is easier to do a little bit of work the next day when i'm rested than it is to do ANY work when i chain myself to my desk for 9 hours and demand results, and 2. i learn that it is not the end of the world. it just isn't. and so art gets smaller, and less frightening, and it can just be my job (something i have to wrangle my adhd around just like anything else, like grocery shopping and keeping the house clean and keeping up with my friends) instead of some huge destructive boss battle with my identity hanging in the balance.
sometimes you have to talk to yourself like a little kid. if a little kid came to you upset and was like "i wanna draw but i just can't. i don't know why." you would (hopefully) not be like, "whatever, i guess you're just not cut out for it then!" or whatever other mean shit we say to ourselves when we can't draw. you would be like, "well, okay. do you want me to sit with you? how do we start? where's some stuff we can draw with? hm, i can't really think of what to draw either. did you see anything pretty or cool today? let's just draw some shapes." etc etc. and if the kid got frustrated and it still wasn't working you'd be like, you know what, that was a good try. let's have some lunch and try again later. and you deserve that same level of patience, and that level of CURIOUS problem-solving ("what can we try? what might be easier?") instead of, like, adversarial/blame-assigning problem solving ("what the fuck is the matter with you? why can't you just do it?")
also, shaking things up!! one of the most frustrating things abt adhd for me is i'll find a new strategy that Works, but it only works for like, two weeks or whatever, and then it stops working and i have to do something else. i have had a way better time just accepting that that's how things work vs thinking of these cycles as "failures."
if i start dreading working at my desk, i throw a block of printer paper onto a clip board and work on the couch for a few weeks. when that stops working, i get back on drawpile and do all my warmup sketches on an interactive canvas, with strangers around me (virtual coffeeshop lol?). when i get tired of that, then maybe i'm ready to be alone with clip studio again. nope, still not working? okay, let's stream while i'm working for a while then. let's start drawing differently. let's change the background color i draw on. just, like, i keep shaking things up to see if maybe i can trick my brain into feeling like we're doing something totally new for a while, and a lot of the times it works, and when it does not work i am not an asshole to myself, which is, as i keep reiterating, super vital.
when i make the most art is when i get super excited about something and i let myself go apeshit. (there's a reason my guild wars 2 stuff is corralled on a sideblog lmao.) when commissions start grinding to a halt for me, a lot of times it's bc i've let them become Tasks on a to-do list instead of remembering that each piece is a DRAWING; it can help for me to sit down and go through each piece in my queue and really look at it, and remind myself that these are DRAWINGS and i LOVE drawing, and to point out to myself stuff in the wip that i like, and stuff i'm excited to draw the next time i work on it. it's very easy to flatten stuff into just An Obligation if you stress too much about it, but it's very helpful to slow down and step back and remind yourself WHY you care that much. it's not just bc you have to.
i don't really want this to get much longer than it already is, especially when i don't really have concrete tips so much as rambling opinions and examples of stuff that Kind Of works for me Sometimes. i think the tldr is: relax, be nice, keep it fresh. i hope at least some of this is helpful!
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nightqueen1221 · 2 years
So so nervous! I've read your rules over and over again and idk why I'm so shy lol this is my first time ever sending in a request in my entire tumblr days. Anyways, umm can i have...some hcs with Korekiyo (we'll just say reader made him realize it was all manipulation and abv$e) and uhh maybee..some kokichi x a nezuko like reader? She has the same attacks and bamboo i guess I'm sososo sorry if i broke a rule aAA
No don't worry you didn't break a rule dear, it's alright. I just happy someone read my rules lol.
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(Yes this was the best picture I could find of then together.)
Korekiyo Shinguji
-When he first met you, he had a lot of questions.
-He will be respectful of your boundaries and ask questions he feels like wouldn't offend you.
-It's a bit difficult to communicate due to you being mute.
-However, he studies humans and learns easily what you mean to say with your pointing and body language.
-One of the many reasons he fell for you was because you were quite.
-Of course he would love to talk to someone and adores doing so, it's more of that fact that you're not being annoying like someone.*cough cough, Kokichi, cough*
-He'll never pester you about wearing bamboo, he is quite well acquainted with people asking about his mask.
-He is greatful of you, truly, he is.
-When you helped him realize his sister was harming him and using guilt to make him do what she wanted. He thought you would push him away.
-However you stayed, helped him get much needed therapy, and did everything in your power to make sure he recovered.
-Speaking of power, your physical and Blood Demon Art is all in all something of beauty.
-Due to your small body and kind nature, it was shocking to say the least.
-"kehehe, my love, you truly are a walking being of beauty and surprises."
Kokichi Oma
-Dude ain't got no chill or filter.
-He than gets mad that he doesn't get a clear response since, you. can't. speak.
-However this relationship works really well since you're basically Nezuko and he's... your Zenitsu.
-He's tried to run up behind you and take your bamboo off.
-...That's when he first sees any of your Blood Demon Art.
-He got a little cut from it, but you still felt terrible for harming him.
-He just clings to you constantly.
-Just carry a broom around so you can shoo him off your leg.
-He talks all big and bad about himself, than ends up hiding behind your leg when they threaten him.
-"Come on Kokichi! You can't just hide behind Y/N every time you can't keep a promise! Come out and fight like a real man!"
-"Kaito's just jealous I have a strong girlfriend to protect me. And my organization over 10,000 members from all over the world!"
-Kaito is someone who's, incredibly confused. Why him, out of everyone. You're so kind and caring, yet you chose the man who manipulates others into doing his biddings.
-He honestly thought Kokichi was blackmailing you into being his partner.
-And while Kokichi does like the power you hold, he still cares for you as his girlfriend.
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fentrashcat · 1 month
Been a while since I talked about my Tourette's gremlin but some new occurrences! I'm in a waxing period of tics ig bc I've just been GOING with them. Kinda really sucks so trying to look on the bright side and wanted to share some recent occurrences.
1. Mom and I found a new tic loop. (My mom is not diagnosed with any tic disorders but does have verbal tics, usually echolalia or like a call/response thing idk what to call it). I was playing with the puppy and was saying like "did you get got? You got got?" At that same time my mom (who was playing a game) says "Oh, I got mail". IMMEDIATELY Tourette's Gremlin goes "You've got mail" in the old AoL voice. Mom's call/response is set of and she does the little like notification jingle. Jingle set off mine again, which set off hers. We went back and forth for almost 5min before she was able to suppress hers and break the loop. Now though I'm getting the urge to tic "you've got mail" at random.
2. I swear my Tourette's gremlin is actively trolling me. So obviously I refer to him as a separate entity, and I often speak out loud to him (like telling him "we aren't doing that" "don't you fucking dare [throw food]" "are you pleased with yourself now?") The other day I was getting a bout of tongue clicks, which I usually only get 1-3 at a time but this was going on way longer. It wasn't painful or anything, just annoying so I say out loud "is this really necessary?" They stop for about 5 minutes, and then I get one more. This led to me saying "Alright then, sassy" which caused my mom to think I named the gremlin Sassy (we had a dog named Sassy). I told her "nope, its name is just gremlin." And the bout of tics came back... Maybe he does want a name lol.
3. I've talked about my older cat before in a Tourette's post, she's the one that trained herself to help my tic attacks. However my younger cat usually just ignores them. During the incident in 2, I was whistling as well. It's a semi-distinct two-tone whistle, think like the opposite of a wolf whistle (tbh, I think it's from Facebook messenger but I'm not sure). Anyway, I was doing the whistle and my younger cat came up to me, put a paw on my knee, and did a two-tone meow in the same cadence. She's mimicked before, learning how to almost say "hello", "yeah", and "no", but she'd never mimicked a tic before. I was so surprised it actually got them to stop for a bit.
4. We're getting some house repairs done and my grandfather was over talking to my mom. He said something about the ducT work, but my brain heard ducK work, and set off a "duck-duck". It confused him so much he forgot what he was talking about by the time we explained what happened, and he just kind of left. Later I was with my grandparents and my grandma was worried about a decorative duck she has up blowing away. Of course I "duck-duck"ed and grandpa goes "don't you know you're not supposed to say that? It'll trigger her." "Say what? Duck? Why not?" "I was talking about something and she heard that bird's name and set off." "Fine then, can I say water fowl? Make sure the water fowl doesn't blow away!" This is all in good fun of course, they like to tease each other and know I'm alright with my tics being used in it.
5. I think I mentioned before one of my weird triggers is fancy candy apples. Specifically the ones that are like caramel and chocolate with a bunch of toppings to make flavors (like rocky road, cookies and cream, ect). We went to a little craft show type thing and one of the vendors right up front had a big display of them. When this happens we always get me at least one (usually two), but we have to get it at the end or I'll be too excited and be ticcing the whole time. We got two before we left and, as expected, I ticced the whole way home. It was a lot of tongue roll tics (like rolling your Rs, if that makes sense). From my tongue hitting my teeth so much I ended up hurting it a bit and had to wait like 2 days until it was comfortable enough to eat even if I started ticcing again. It had to be kept in an opaque bag in the fridge so I didn't set off everytime I saw it 🤣
6. I'm currently in what I'm calling "jukebox mode" because I cannot keep the songs in my head IN my head. As soon as something reminds me of a song lyric, I HAVE to sing it a little. Some from today were "Oh the lights went out" 🎶when the lights go out in the city🎶, "that was a long fall" 🎶it's a long way down🎶, and "I've got mouths to feed" 🎶I got bills to pay and mouths to feed, ain't nothing in the world for free🎶. Also been singing Skip to my Lou, and I'm blaming airhead commercials.
7. I got reminded of a post I saw here, and almost developed a tic they have without ever meeting them or having heard it. (I don't want to say exactly what it is bc I think they read these and I don't want to accidentally get them started or anything)
8. Was playing Skyrim again, saw a skeleton, and immediately ticced "hello moto!" No idea why. I can usually find SOME connection but not this time. I've gotten that as a tic before but usually due to the commercials.
9. I've started ticcing "duck-duck" at jeeps with anything colorful visible on their dashboard. Who knows if they are actually duck-ducks everytime or what, but the gremlin says they count.
Thank you if you read this far! I can't really tell if these are actually entertaining or if I'm just looking for ANY light spots. It's been a tough few weeks, but fingers crossed it starts to lighten up soon. For anyone curious the songs were "when the lights go out" from Family Crest, "it's a long way down (to the bottom of the sea)" from I think the Longest Johns, and "no rest for the wicked" from Cage the Elephant.
I think the gremlin wants a name now though, so if you have any suggestions let me know lol.
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bcbdrums · 2 months
Any and all soul eater ships? I know crossstitch and soma but are there others?
I answered this before but I don't feel like digging up the post, lol. So here we gooooooo..... Only lightly touching on the first two.
Soul x Maka = perfection. I'll elaborate should anyone wish, heheh.
Stein x Spirit = extremely messy perfection (my fave flavor). I actually prefer them platonically but I don't knock the romance. It shows up in my fics here and there lol.
Not going into those two cuz I already do that in other posts and you already know those, so moving on....
Black Star x Tsubaki = I know a lot of folks prefer them as a found family vibe, but they're no different than Soul and Maka. Teens who once grown up, have found their other. These two with all their quirks absolutely complete each other. And it's one of those things...again like Soul and Maka, where they don't need a...big moment of love declaration, or confused and gradual realization of feelings... They already know. And it's just that matter of...coming of age to where they step into that next phase of life, you know? (manga spoiler here) aahhhhhh just imagining Black Star and Tsu raising little Angela! The absolute chaos, that would be so fantastic!
Kid x Liz = they're also a found family (with Patty) but I see them....as they get older, Liz realizing her feelings of protectiveness are something far deeper.... and she keeps it to herself, doesn't wanna mess with what they have. Until it's one day hurting her in the future, how much she loves him and can't do anything about it. And Kid notices she's not well, and asks her, so she just tells him cuz it's the easiest thing... and much, much to her surprise he fully reciprocates her feelings! Aaaaahhh!! I've mentally written that fic so many times I can hear their voices. Kid by his nature just doesn't have any of that as a priority, so he would not be the one to bring it up. It would definitely be Liz.
Stein x Marie = since they are sooooooo different between the two canons I'm still wrapping my head around my feelings for these two, in terms of how they come together. I think manga gives them a much stronger foundation. (so manga commentary here) Stein is obviously interested in her from the beginning, but the dude ain't gonna make a move it's not his nature. Marie... she has this sort of ideal picture in her head, and Stein while she loves him doesn't fit the bill so she's got her own issues to overcome. That's one of the things I love about them in manga... We don't get to see what happened offscreen sadly, but, we can surmise that just by nature of their being there for each other and the day to day stuff they had to do in exile... she was able to forget about her "gotta get married asap and do the housewife/nuclear family thing" and actually let herself....be herself. With Stein. And get to know him past her duty and her own issues. And Stein too, in a very new situation, recovering from madness and trying to figure out what on earth to do with his feelings. I need to give this more thought, but, I know they're still learning each other but also that they're good for each other. Anime... idk man, I don't feel it as hard there. (And Stein and Spirit are still soulmates in both canons regardless fite me.)
Ox x Harvar = we needed a lot more of Harvar in general but we needed Harvar pining after Ox okay? Okay. You can tell this dude will follow his meister to the ends of the Earth and beyond (like Kim and Jackie) but it's also pretty one-sided (also for Kim and Jackie, on Jackie's part.... just easier to see that in the story since the author likes girls and seems a bit anti-gay guys...). But anyway. Yeah I could see Harvar slowly and slowly winning Ox over one day with his absolute faithfulness.... ah! I love angst.
Ox x Kim = (manga spoilers) it's freaking canon first of all they're an actual dating couple, but also maaaaaan that dude's love and devotion for her....! My gosh. Those are some of my favorite chapters, absolutely phenomenal.
Black Star x Patty = chaos duo, enough said.
Sid x Naigus = that's just canon and awesome. Power couple. Also there's the vibe that she's older (like Tsu and Black Star) and that's kinda neat too, the slightly older voice of wisdom. I don't think about them much tho.
That's all that's leaping out at me... If I've forgotten something I'll add to this later. Kilik gets no one, sorry lol. I have some NOTP's as well, but you didn't ask about those haha.
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misc-obeyme · 5 months
hihi I'm back again, and here to ask who in the cast you think has the skill to do hair/up do's?
I'm 5'9, but my hair is now down to my mid thigh, and like around three feet long ?? I haven't chopped it since 2018, only trimmed it. Yet I only know how to do a simple braid, my hair basically lives in a low ponytail lol (though my mom will still do my hair if I ask her for help, which I'm grateful for)
anyway I got to read vol 2 of the manga and I remembered that the artist drew their interpretation of Lilith. So, it made me wonder if Beel or Belphie would know how to do hair, since they were the closest to her, and if she ever asked them for help?
I think Levi would be able to follow any tutorial, or figure out how to do something by trial and error since he cosplays (I bet he made his ruri-chan wig himself). I'd love to show him a picture of the heroine from whatever anime I'm watching and ask if he could help me recreate their style
Asmo we've seen in the dame cards, he's done some cute hairstyles!! I bet I could go to him if I had a fancy event.
I still think about Mammon's dame card... The chokehold it has on me is wild. We saw him do his own make-up in the art, and I think it was said he made his own outfit. So he's a maybe I could go to him? Or he'd put a lot of effort into learning because he knows it'd make me happy lolol
Barbatos also looks really pretty in the dame card !! I haven't read that devilgram, so idk if he did it himself, but what can't he do? I know in TTWF devilgram he literally makes MC's outfit and it made me SWOON
my last thought is if you can just do stuff with magic instead. Does it drain your energy to keep the style, or is it a one and done kinda spell, and don't gotta worry about it? Could a really powerful sorcerer change their hair color, and never have to worry about it fading? That'd be really cool, since I need to re dye the streaks in my hair. That would save lots of money LOL
okay I'm done 😅 time to wait ten billion years for my hair to dry now and try drawing (aiming for every other day to create something new to get better!!)
- ✨ anon
HOW do you handle having hair that long?!?
I'm 5'7" and I used to have my hair down to my low back. It was during the pandemic when I couldn't exactly go get it cut, so I just let it grow lol. And it grows dang fast, but I don't think I've ever had it past the low back area??? Do you accidentally sit on it sometimes? Or is it usually okay because you have it tied back?
All I know is I was so relieved to chop it all off lol! It's super short now, which is how I like it. It takes me ten minutes to wash and style it. I just don't have the patience to maintain it when it's long. And it's naturally curly, so having it short also means I can just let it curl and not worry about it. Ah but I am pretty envious because I always wanted to be able to have one of those really long, thick braids...
Anyway, getting off topic here, back to the question! I do think magic can be used to alter hair! I think sometimes you can get stuff that's temporary (I do believe there was a daily chat about this where Asmo put some kind of potion or something on Lucifer and Mammon?), but I would be surprised if there wasn't some kind of magic spell to permanently keep your hair whatever color you want. I think it's probably just a one and done situation so you wouldn't have to maintain it. Or at least, they'd want to develop something like that because otherwise it wouldn't be worth it right?
As for the characters, I agree with your assessments! I do think in a general sense, they'd all try their best to do your hair if you needed them to.
But as for who would already be capable without having to learn first, I think Asmo is a top contender. Barb can absolutely do anything and I don't doubt that styling hair is something a good butler should know.
I think Levi is another good option for the same reasons you said! I think he probably does have some skill at wig styling! And due to his ability to do costuming in general, I kinda think he'd be able to do a good job on real hair as well if he wanted to.
I love the idea of Beel and Belphie being good at it because of Lilith. Like I'm imagining they only know some really basic styles that were her favorites, but they're happy to do them for you any time. Maybe they get a little misty eyed while doing it because it reminds them of her so much. Awww...
I actually think Lucifer would do a good job, too, but expect to be sitting around for hours because he's gonna make sure no hair is out of place. Only perfection will suffice.
I think Mammon probably mastered whatever style he needed for his dame outfit, but I do think he would learn for you if you wanted him to.
Satan probably already learned from a book or maybe just from watching Asmo doing his hair. But I could see him wanting to do really elaborate styles or maybe using magic to style your hair.
I think Solomon would also be someone you could try, but he would absolutely use magic. I think if you really wanted him to, he would know how to do simple styles by hand. I could see him being really happy to carefully braid your hair by hand. But he wouldn't be able to resist a little bit of magic, maybe to give it an extra sparkle or a streak of color~ I think he'd develop all kinds of hair styling magic if you wanted him to lol.
Diavolo strikes me as willing but perhaps not the best at this particular thing... he doesn't exactly have experience with his own hair.
And I'm not sure about Simeon. I feel like he's pretty competent (except for technology obviously), so he would probably be able to learn how to do it fairly easily. But I don't know if he'd already have some knowledge. Same with Raphael. Though I love the idea of both of them like... doing the hair of little angels~
Mephisto would know about a bunch of fancy Devildom styles, but would he be able to do them? I think you might end up with your hair braided like a horse's mane instead.
Thirteen would know how to do everything. She's got her own long hair and there's no way that she hasn't experimented with it over the years! I love the idea of her doing your hair and her own hair in the same style so you match.
Anyway, I hope you have been able to get some drawing done! Every other day is an excellent goal! I'm rooting for you!!
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So I may have just realized your requests are open (my grandfather says I would be a terrible witness to a murder bc I am unobservant we love adhd lol) so here I am to beg!
I never see a ton (any?) fics exploring Din and Boba’s friendship and only that. Like, my blog IS the horny corner. Friendship fluff ain’t my usual reblogs but fuck it’s also like amazing??? Idk I just think Din and Boba and Cobb deserve to have time to be just guys being dudes and bonding. (I do love me some DinCobb tho don’t get me wrong) anyway, nothing specific other than learning more about how you see their friendship? They obvs respect each other and trust each other. I bet they have a lot of weird inside jokes.
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Beskar Buddies [Mando and Boba Fett]
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Warnings and Information: Not a relationship fic. This is just a silly, not-taking-itself-too-seriously friendship fic for Boba and Din Djarin. References to canon-typical violence, drugs (spice), alcohol, and some events from both The Mandalorian and The Book of Boba Fett. Minor Star Wars and real-world swearing. We're gonna make fun of Shiny Dad who doesn't know he's in Star Wars just a little bit. Din's helmet stays on. Narrative and stylistic use of italics. Minor proofreading and editing.
Word-count: 3,880
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He's supposed to be here on Tatooine for a simple bounty - it's really nothing more than a glorified errand run for some spoiled little princeling who insists on only the finest Sansanna spice from the Outer Rim. But the princeling doesn't need to know that; he'll be allowed to believe that it was necessary to spend as much time as was desired for Din Djarin to acquire enough Sansanna for this young man's birthday celebration hosted on one of the Core Worlds,  if it means Din can cleverly lighten those pockets by a few more credits in order to provide for himself and the little one a little more comfortably, even if just for a while. 
Din only meant to spend an extra day here at most before collecting the requested goods and taking them back to his client. But when word made its way to the new Daimyo, and he knew that it would, that another who clads himself in the armor typical to Mandalorians is sniffing around Mos Espa, how could he refuse the request from the Master Assassin and second-in-command to pay a visit. 
"Shand." he greets her once he's calmed the slight tremor of his heart after being taken by surprise in an alleyway in the Worker's District of Espa, and reholsters the IB-94. "I didn't expect to run into you here. Conducting business on behalf of the Daimyo?" 
"Greet every woman that way?" Fennec Shand teases him with an indicative toss of her head to the holster. "Or am I just special?" 
"You surprised me." Din admits, repeating himself that he didn't expect to run into her by this point. He knows Boba is a busy man with a syndicate to operate, and what he cannot oversee himself, he often delegates the task to the bounty hunter standing in front of Din now. 
"Good. Means I'm not losing my edge." Fennec answers, a playful purr of pride in her voice. "Serves the Daimyo well if I can maintain the element of surprise when I am tasked to carry out his bidding on a busy man's behalf. To extend an invitation of sorts: Lord Fett would like an audience with you." 
"Very well." Din agrees, playing into the façade of formality - all part of the performance of power and command that is carried out in the halls of the Palace on the fringes of the Northern Dune Sea. He relays a short message to Peli Motto over in Mos Eisley that his return for Grogu may be a little delayed, first, for peace of mind, before Din will follow Shand back to the Palace. "Lead the way." 
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Boba Fett dismisses the people within the throne room of the Palace - likely members who serve as part of the gotra or those who had come to pay tributes or give offerings of sorts to one of Espa's influential figureheads - as Fennec returns with Din as she had been asked. 
He wears his armor and (most of) his notable weaponry while seated on the throne, save for the cool, dark green helmet which sits neatly on the armrest. Displayed, rather than worn, now. "I hoped she would find you. I asked if she could extend my invitation once I heard there was someone who did not tell me he would be paying the fair city of Mos Espa a visit." Fett is teasing him, he knows, but Din cannot help feeling the need to apologize regardless of that. There are only chuckles in return as Boba climbs from the lordly seating and moves to greet Din like an old friend. 
Warm and calloused hands find their way around the other's wrist as Din and Boba first behave as if it is a simple handshake, but remain linked for some time. Old and ancient ways of checking strangers for weapons have turned to displays of trust. The longer the link, the stronger a bond, some would say. 
There both is warmth and a mischievous glint to his eyes as Boba visually takes him in, almost inspecting the gleaming beskar for imperfection or pitting that would speak to a scuffle of sorts that might make for a good story, "Your armor gleams in the light of the twin suns, Djarin, of course someone will notice you trying to skulk about my territory. Are you looking for work?" Boba had offered him payment for a place at his side once. He believed the Mandalorian to be a respectable and trustworthy fellow; Boba would gladly extend the invitation for a stable occupation once more. 
Din shakes his head, slowly, calmly, in the dim light of the throne room. He's not looking for work, he explains, he is working. "Product for a client. Princeling who wants a small crate of Sansanna spice for a party before next Taungsday. Specified that he wanted it from Tatooine of all places." 
That explains what brought him here to the planet, at least. 
"And why come to Espa to look?" Boba asks politely, keeping the conversation flowing as he pours himself and his friend something from a carafe he's kept on hand. One that Fennec is partial to, so he is sure to offer some to her as well as a silent expression of gratitude. Asking the Mandalorian to come to the palace and entertain a silly notion was a long shot when he has a foundling in his care, so Boba had cautioned Fennec that in the event he did not agree to come, it would be of no consequence. (He would prefer what's in the decanter, but he has yet to procure more, so it is untouched as it would not be enough to split among three.) "There is not much to find of the Sansanna that once belonged to the Pyke's before it was… misplaced." Boba suggests with a mirthful smile. 
"I wouldn't have come asking the mighty Daimyo first," Din retorts after a polite sip from his glass of the contents of the carafe, replacing his helmet that had been inched just high enough on his head to drink and resetting the seal, "that wouldn't have been good business, for you, or me." 
"No indeed." Boba agrees, appreciative of Din's caution given his reason for being here. Din knew to act in just the right way; ways that would not tarnish a carefully crafted image Boba had made for himself since putting an end to Bib Fortuna and laying claim to all that was once Jabba's. "Did you tell your client how long it would take?" 
Din's helmet bobs. "I did." 
"And did you tell this princeling how long it would actually take?" 
The helmet remains still, but the mouth within it must have found an upward curve as the bounty hunter implies that he was not quite so honest with his client. "It might have slipped my mind." 
Boba chuckles, almost proudly. An old trick of the trade: mislead the right clients on the right details, and you can earn yourself a few more credits. Live a little more comfortably for a time if you wanted. 
While Din could be a uniquely honest and humble bounty hunter at times, he was still a bounty hunter. Clever, resourceful, and cunning. Just the sort of thing he was looking for. "Well, I'm certain a crate or two will turn up to take back to this princeling in the morning, and he'll pay you handsomely for the spice brought in from rugged lands to boast at his party, my friend." he suggests promisingly to Din, patting the shoulder-bell that bares the profile of the Mudhorn as he leads him from the throne room, and into other areas of the palace before he lays out why he invited the Mandalorian to come. "In the meantime, I'd like you to come with me. Out beyond Espa." 
The low hum in his throat before he speaks suggests Din feels hesitant or uncertain about this idea. "Where? And why?" 
"Call it something of an impulse; I have my business to attend to here in Mos Espa as the Daimyo of course, but recently I dreamed of camping under the stars, out in the desert - " Boba answers, bringing Din to an inner chamber that is guarded at all times, where once they have passed the guards, he shows to Din two crates of spice that are contained within a vault, " - and I have not been able to shake myself of the notion since. Could I convince you to join me, my friend?" 
Din understands that the spice is being used to sweeten him to the idea of sleeping out in the sand-sprawling seas of this arid planet, where temperatures can drop dramatically within a few hours of the suns' setting, here. Even if he declined, Din Djarin doesn't believe the spice would be withheld now when it was already offered to him. 
"Why not take Shand?" he asks curiously. "Or will she be staying here at the Palace to keep an eye on things in your absence?"
"I did ask Fennec, as a matter of fact," Boba replies with a bemused expression, carefully denoting the crates with one of the guards for a moment, "and she wasn't too keen to the idea the same way I am. And, yes, she has said that if I do this she would remain with the Palace to oversee matters, should anything happen tonight." 
So it appears that Boba wants to entertain this fantasy tonight. Not just "some time in the future", but now. That in and of itself isn't surprising, but Din hesitates for one reason. 
One curiosity has been sated. Another remains. "And if I don't know how I feel about the idea? I have a friend watching Grogu for me in Mos Eisley, and I didn't make any mention that I would be leaving him with them past nightfall at the latest." 
Boba seems to give something a little thought before he asks "And who is this friend?" 
"Peli Motto." Fennec replies from the threshold, watching the two men with a cool gaze that many would perhaps find intimidating if not for a simple smile. "I did a little digging while you boys were having your fun in the vault. She's a simple mechanic." 
"A good mechanic." Din finds himself insisting. He's not at all surprised that the second-in-command to the Daimyo had recalled the frequency to and found some way to find information on Peli, but calling her a simple mechanic felt like an insult to her character and he would not let it slide so easily. 
"And are you paying this good mechanic to watch the little one for you?" Boba wonders. "If you are worried about giving her adequate payment for minding your foundling, don't. I would gladly help you settle it with Ms. Motto." 
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It takes a moment to explain that Peli will need to mind Grogu for him overnight, but Din promises to explain why in the morning. "I need you to watch Grogu for me until the morning. Something came up." 
Peli sounds worried. "Trouble?"
"Only if we make it…" Boba chuckles to himself in the background, and Fennec warns him to behave in a way that suggests this is not the first, nor the last time, she's heard him make self-entertaining remarks like this. 
"What was that? You say something, Mando?" 
Din dodges the question with some redirection. "No trouble; I just need to spend a little extra time in Mos Espa. I can explain when I come for Grogu." He hears the way the little one perks up at the sound of his name, a bright, cooing sort of noise. Peli must have pulled him closer to the receiver, because the next time he coos and babbles inquisitively, the sound is sharper, louder, but no less sweet. 
"Grogu, can you behave for Peli for me tonight? I'll be back early in the morning, I promise." 
Boba makes no further jokes or commentary in the background while allowing Din to speak to Grogu until he is satisfied that the little one understands Din will not be back tonight, but he will be back soon. Phrasing and re-phrasing his brief explanation until with a little help from Peli, the diminutive, green lifeform seemingly makes sounds of understanding.
He can imagine the way Jango would similarly caution him and repeat himself in preparation for his absences when he was perhaps too young to accompany his father on a bounty. These are memories from so long ago, now, to Boba. At least, they feel that way. He's only entering his forties, he reminds himself. Slightly older than Din, to his belief. 
But roughly similar enough in age that neither of them feels any need to take separate materials for temporary shelters. Old enough and mature enough to tolerate the shared arrangement for a single night under a canopy of stars on a bed of sand where they would lay their sleeping sacks. Din has offered to start a modest fire since Fett insists he can pitch the tent on his own. He certainly sees the influence of the Tuskens that Boba spent time with after surviving a sarlacc pit in the shelter's construction once it is firmly staked in place. 
Boba nods acceptively of the compliment, settling himself beside the fire across from Din. "I learned much in my time with the tribe of Tuskens that cared for me like one of their own before I became the Daimyo. They didn't teach me everything, but you can still learn by watching and observing." 
There's a knowing chuckle before the dark t-visor turns and looks off into a rather deliberate direction for just a moment. Freetown. They're not too far from Vanth's community, as it turns out. "Wondering how the sheriff's doing; will we need to pay a visit in the morning?" he offers half-questioningly to Din, trying to gauge and guess what is on the mind of the man clad in beskar before him. 
"Tempting. But perhaps another time." Din replies, beginning to remove a select few parts of his armor to make himself more comfortable. He did not opt to leave it behind in favor of more appropriate desert-wear, even when offered. Fett reasoned that much like his own armor, once belonging to his father in his case, the armor made of beskar carried its own significance to Din beyond a protective shell. 
"Feeling guilty for leaving the little one, again?" 
His companion shakes his head in answer as he carefully sets aside what he's removed. "Not quite. Just eager to complete this bounty and lay low for a time." 
"Smart. Have somewhere in mind?" 
"Yes." is all Din will answer. And wisely so. Telling Fett where he plans on going would defeat the entire purpose, no matter how much they each trust and respect each other. Because they do, a simple word is all the Mandalorian glowing in the light of the fire will find necessary to say. 
"Good. I wish you uneventful times when you make it there, my friend." 
They listen to the stillness of the desert together following Fett's sincere wish for Din and Grogu's safety; the crackle and muted roar of the fire, distant and slow gusts of wind, and once off in the greater distance, bantha. The deep bellows of the omnivorous quadrupeds were a strange comfort as the two men listened. 
"Have you ever ridden a bantha?" Din asks, noting the nostalgic smile evident on the other's face. The smile broadens as Boba answers. "I have. There was a bantha I once had for a mount, I think of them from time to time." 
The helmet tilts to the right with mild concern or surprise. "What happened to it?" 
"Oh, nothing bad," Boba assures his friend, giving a singular chuckle as he stokes the flame a little higher, "I simply set them free before I reclaimed my ship. Hopefully they are out there now, meeting other banthas and making baby banthas." 
"Heh. I see. Is that the strangest thing you've ever ridden that isn't a speederbike?" Din asks with a laugh, once more turning his head out to look beyond the light of the fire into the desert. Perhaps with his sensors, he could find these distant herds of wild or domesticated bantha
"That would be a rancor." 
"You're joking." 
"I'm not." Boba laughs with some insistence. "And what about you, my friend? Find a mythosaur to ride, yet?" 
"Funny… " Din replies somewhat slowly, "...there was an Ugnaught named Kuiil who claimed it should have been easy for me to learn to ride Blurrg because of my 'ancestors' who rode mythosaurs when he was trying to teach me." He grows quiet, and his body language becomes a lot less casual, less open and fluid. "I haven't thought about his remark in a while." Din admits somberly. His companion, the man who invited him for a night in the desert, under the stars, doesn't press him for anything more to say for a moment, letting the silence grow. 
"You've been busy." Boba reasons with him only when he is certain Din doesn't have anything to add. "Traveling the galaxy, collecting bounties… All while you care for the little one." The words don't seem to bring him any comfort. If anything, Boba suspects he's said the wrong thing. "Was he a friend?"
"Yes. Killed by Imperial scout troopers." 
"I am sorry, Djarin," he sympathizes, for a moment thinking to lay his hand on the other's shoulder in a gesture of comfort were Boba sitting beside him rather than across the fire. "To lose those we care for is no easy thing." 
The Mandalorian scoffs and, jokingly, asks Boba if he's certain he's as old as he claims. "You sound and look older." 
"Well, the profession ages you. And I imagine there are still a scattered few, somewhere out there, that would look just like me. Maybe even older." This is the second time Din does not seem to understand what he means judging by his silence. "Surely you've seen them. Heard about them at least, the clones?" Boba inquires, growing increasingly more confused by the lack of apparent understanding as the t-visor slowly wags in the firelight. 
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The fire is smothered out with sand following the conclusion of something of a pseudo history lesson once Boba feels he's adequately explained to Din what exactly Clone troopers are. Were. (Maybe still are? Truly, he's not certain how many men who look just like him and sound just like him remain in the galaxy.) The sand is stamped down for good measure before both men enter the tent for the first time since it had been put up and prepare to sleep. The night grows stiller and serene in a way that is entirely unique to Tatooine. 
The desert planet is not for the weak-willed and those who will not be prepared to adapt. If you traversed the Dune Seas, you had different tribes of nomadic Tuskens to contend with (and hope they would let you pass through their lands in peace for small tributes), or the wild animals that were not as docile as the bantha that called this planet home. It took grit and gumption, or no small amount of necessary self preservation skills, to live in places such as Mos Espa and Eisley where you would expect to find yourself brushing shoulders with bounty hunters and crime families. Things could get messy. 
Boba Fett and Din Djarin are no strangers to the grime and filthier aspects of what the galaxy has to offer them. Bloodshed and banthashit that would make weaker men stumble and turn away from such a profession far sooner. Sacrifices and difficult choices have been made in each of their lives. 
Tonight didn't have to be one of them. A night of simple company and some time to catch up with a friend was a welcome change for both. Boots are carefully removed before each slip into their sleeping sacks after simple ration packs are eaten in silence - backs turned to one another even in the dark - and wrappers have been taken care of. 
"We'll start our return to the palace before first light," Boba explains, "that way you can return to Mos Eisley for Grogu before Ms. Motto would begin her workday after you've secured the spice for the princeling." 
There is a soft laugh under the modulator to his left, where he can make out the general form of his friend's body beside him and sees he's already laying down. "Thank you. Hopefully he will have slept well when I retrieve him." 
He certainly hopes the little one will too, for Din's sake, with a laugh. "I have not forgotten my offer to pay Ms. Motto either. And thank you, my friend, for entertaining this idea with me." 
"Anything for the mighty Daimyo of Mos Espa." he says in all seriousness he can muster for the moment. He can't maintain the composure for long, and thankfully it's Fett who laughs first, the two of them free to laugh as loud as they would like when it's just the two of them out here for miles as far as anyone would be concerned. 
Free to spend as much time as they would like "winding down" and talking in low, golden tones until they come to realize it is coming up on first light, and they have spent the whole night in conversation without meaning to. 
At least it may not be just Grogu who has not gotten any sleep tonight, they joke together as they come up on the palace, and Boba gives Din what he was promised. Two crates of Sansanna spice to carve a deeper hole in the pockets of his client, and many words of thanks from Boba follow after Din as he secures some transport to Mos Eisley. "Safe travels, my friend. Remember-" 
"Oh I will." Din replies with a mischievous inflection, giving Fennec Shand reason to pause and consider what unfinished communication is unfolding before her as both men, Fett once more clad in his own armor in order to properly send the Mandalorian off before assuming his seat at the throne for the day. "I take it you now have… inside jokes." she grins. 
"Maybe." each reply in tandem. 
Boba smiles, nodding to Din. "Or-" 
"-Reminding me to get a little more sleep once I'm in a hyperspace lane." Din concludes, bidding them farewell once again. He was eager to return to Grogu, and Din could only hope the little one had gotten some sleep. But if he hadn't, then perhaps they would be napping together as they navigated hyperspace. It would certainly not be the first time Din would potentially need to doze off when he could when traveling with a child, or at least daydream while looking at the view from the cockpit of his ship. 
Nor will it be the last. Hopefully the same could be said for another opportunity to present itself for nights like last where Boba Fett and Din Djarin could simply spend time with a trusted friend.
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Note from Frost: The title was a placeholder name, but then it grew on me; I'm callin' them the Beskar Buddies from now on. Ideas also changed direction on me in the course of writing, so apologies for the lack of Cobb in the end. :( I have not written anything for one of my first major Star Wars crushes in a long, long time. Probably since I was 16? Poor Boba. So this was a delight, and I had a lot of fun writing it. Thank you for making the request!
[Masterlist] [Requests: OPEN]
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radellama · 17 days
Tagged by @future-dregs to answer a few questions, thank you!!
Do you make your bed?
Making sure sheets are on and the pillows and doona are in their covers? Almost always. Neatly putting the doona over the bed so it looks pretty? Rarely, the cats just undo it anyway lol. I usually leave it open for the perfect closing as soon as I get in haha, plus I think it's good to have the sheets in the sun sometimes
What's your favourite number?
What is your job?
Unemployed but looking for work......
If you could go back to school, would you?
Highschool or anything below? FUCK NO. Tertiary education? I'm considering it, I do enjoy learning, I just don't like the inherent stress of my grades/performance being tied to my income/living situation. I'd just like to learn without the extra stress that doesn't need to be there, and it's nice having the guidance from someone who knows what they're doing instead of self teaching sometimes...
Can you parallel park?
Can't drive at all lol
A job you had that would surprise people?
I feel like no one should be surprised I've been an assistant editor and done freelance video editing and illustration. Maybe the surprising one is when I was a student mentor for my uni?
Do you think aliens are real?
Yes, but I don't know if they'd be recognisable to us at first. Maybe we've already noticed them but don't know it cause we have a different understanding/classification of life. I refuse to believe we're the only life out there, but maybe we're in a quiet part of the galaxy and haven't explored far enough yet haha
Can you drive a manual car?
No... No licence can't drive
What's your guilty pleasure?
Idk. I don't really feel guilty about that stuff. Maybe a handful of games or movies or whatever that are objectively crap but I like them..?
None... Yet. Maybe I'll get some, idk
Favourite colour?
Black, purple or red. Reds a new one, but I've always loved black and purple
Favourite type of music?
Acid jazz/jazz fusion. I also like acoustic folk and funk and alt rock a lot... I just really like music there's a broad spectrum of things I like
Do you like puzzles?
Yeah I like jigsaws just fine. Don't really have the room to do them and I can't leave them out with the cats lol. Puzzle games tho, usually I like them!!
Any phobias?
Idk. Spiders and heights, but they seem reasonable lol
Favourite childhood sport?
Hate sport lol
Do you talk to yourself?
Kinda, more when I'm planning stuff or trying to work through a lot of things. I talk more to my cats lol
What movies do you adore?
Gattaca, Napoleon Dynamite, Daddy Day Care, Singin in the Rain, Terminator 1&2
Coffee or Tea?
Neither, hot choc
First thing you wanted to be when you grew up?
I think it was author or archeologist haha
Tagging @chemicalbrew @woogly-boogly @darksideofthemamon @kanonavi @fanimefreak and anyone else who wants to, no pressure ofc!
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stitching-in-time · 4 months
Voyager rewatch s2 ep20: Investigations
The episode where the spy plot finally comes to a head, this one was full of all kinds of good stuff.
We open with Neelix starting Voyager's version of a cable access show (what I wouldn't give to see all the crew's segments he mentioned lol), and we soon learn that Tom Paris is leaving Voyager for good because he just doesn't feel like he fits in, and never did. While this had been built up for a while, it never made sense or felt sincere, and I honestly don't remember if I had figured out that something was up the first time I watched it or not. With the benefit of hindsight, and knowing that it was all an act set up to help uncover who was sending messages to the Kazon, it's actually quite heartbreaking to watch Tom have to brush off all his friends showing their concern and telling him how much they care about him and don't want him to go. Robbie McNeill does a very good job walking the tightrope of playing a character who's putting on an act that has to be convincing to the other characters, while still letting the audience see little moments where Tom's true emotions want to break through.
Neelix's tribute to Tom on his little show, with shots of the whole crew throughout the ship stopping to watch, was a really nice moment, because yeah, actually, Tom is a really good person and deserves some credit for it! I'm honestly astounded by how many people on tumblr these days don't like Tom- I always liked him, even back when they still gave him a lot of bad writing, he had a lot of those selfless qualities from the very beginning. I have no idea what show people are watching if the many times Tom risked his life for someone, or gave help or advice to his friends, didn't even register. But Neelix made a bunch of darn good points that the Tom detractors should listen to.
After Tom leaves, Neelix investigates to find out who the spy could be. Of course he inadvertantly asks help from the spy himself, and almost gets attacked by him before the Doctor's zoom call interrupts. (How did the Doctor not notice Jonas right behind Neelix pointing a phaser at him?! There's no way even he's that oblivious, but idk!)
The plot thickens when Tom is kidnapped by the Kazon, but lo and behold, the Captain was hoping for just that! Tom's insubordinate behavior was a plan to entrap the Kazon and find out who the spy is! Gasp! (More of a relief than a surprise for the audience, but I love how Chakotay was so mad about being left out of the loop. Lol he's not part of Janeway and Tuvok's inner circle of space besties just yet.)
Meanwhile, on the Kazon ship, Seska questions Tom, then very stupidly leaves him alone with access to a computer, which he uses to find out who the spy is. The Kazon realize this, and come in guns blazing, but Tom gets an action hero moment as he fights off three armed Kazon singlehandedly, and escapes in one of their shuttles.
Anyway, while Tom is escaping, the warp core is going to breach back on Voyager, because apparently they can't go a day without a warp core breach on that ship (do starships come with manufacturer's warranties?? Because it seems like they should!) and while Neelix is in engineering trying to investigate the missing communication logs, Jonas realizes he's getting close to being uncovered as the spy. Jonas locks out weapons and transporters to aid the Kazon as they chase Tom back to Voyager, and Neelix realizes what he's doing. Neelix gets his own action hero moment as he wrestles with Jonas to try to stop him. A weird plasma fire suddenly appears in engineering, and as they struggle on the catwalk above it, Neelix pushes Jonas over the railing into the plasma fire below, which kills him. Weapons and transporters ate restored, and they rescue Tom before the Kazon destroy his shuttle. There's an incredibly bizarre moment where they ask Neelix what happened in engineering, and he makes some silly comment and then laughs and smiles about it- even though like, dude, you just killed a guy! You literally watched your coworker be incinerated before your eyes a few moments ago, and you're joking and laughing?? What?! Sure, he was a spy, he was a bad guy, he made very bad choices, but like, you didn't know that till a few minutes ago, and he was your shipmate for almost a year! Idk, I feel like a normal response would be sadness of some kind, some sense of loss or betrayal, not, like, a silly little chuckle, but ok then I guess!
Also, what was with that plasma fire?? It appeared out of nowhere just in time for Jonas to fall in and die, and then it magically disappeared! And there was no hole in the floor with an exposed plasma conduit, not even a burn mark on the carpet! What the heck?? I guess it was a magical plasma fire that pops up to mete out doom to Starfleet officers who are deemed impure of heart, lmao. I suppose the writers kind of had to kill him to avoid having to deal with what they were gonna do with him, since they already had Suder confined to quarters forever to deal with, but still, that was pretty lazy to kill him off so perfunctorily and have everyone just be like, cool, he's dead, great! And I think having them figure out how to deal with a spy would have been way more interesting, and had way more they could have done plot-wise with the overall arc, rather than wasting more time on crazy serial killer Suder, but they missed that boat, so we're stuck with what we got.
Tom's scene at the end where he apologizes to the crew on Neelix's show is really great. He clearly feels bad about having to lie to people as part of the mission, and the first thing he does is take responsibility for whoever's feelings he hurt, no 'I was just following orders' buck passing for him. We have our good guy Tom back at last, and I'm always a fan of seeing a man deliver a sincere apology. 10/10, no notes.
The intel Tom brings back from the Kazon ship also details more of Seska's plan to hijack Voyager, which sets up storylines for future episodes.
Tl;dr: A twisty-turny spy thriller that keeps up the suspense and entertainment value throughout, while also giving Tom Paris some particularly good scenes.
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dawnbreakersgaze · 2 months
What's your favorite thing(s) about Greyson?
Oh my god, there is so much 🥹 which is probably a funny thing to say considering there is so little we know about him.
Speaking purely canonically-
He seems so unapologetically himself, based on how he interacts with everyone at Akso. He's both helpful and annoyed by John in the anecdote, and shows his compassionate and flustered side to him pretty easily when dealing with the old man. He is very comfortable in his job and with his coworkers (and his subordinates in John's case) and is totally chill being Just A Guy™ around them. He's not trying to create that atmosphere of superiority or acting like he's so far above the hospital staff (unfortunately common with a lot of doctors. Speaking from experience 🙃)
And the same goes with how he talks with Zayne, MC, and Yv on Moments. Like this man just admits to the silliest shit and he's so unabashed about it. Like they all expect it from him anyway so why lie about it lol. His whole day is a self-inflicted disaster? Yeah he'll just outright admit that and no one is surprised 🤦🏽🤣
When you consider that he has to be one of the top cardiologists in Linkon city (if not even further out) considering the program he's a part of- it just makes it all the funnier and even more endearing imo.
This man is so smart and yet it's so clear he's just livin his life however it's coming at him has me by the throat 😩 I can't explain why I love men who are just absurdly smart and also just a complete and utter mess but I just DO. I'm compelled to hold them in my arms and protect them from their desire to lick the orange "flavored" hand sanitizer haha
And like this is a tiny little additional thing but I get the vibe from his Moments posts that he's just a very "Oh Wow!" Kind of person when he learns or sees anything new. Like he's just one of those people who are filled with wonder whenever he encounters something he finds interesting or intriguing. And idk about you but the people who are always so excited about learning new things (nerds lol) are just so very infectious and happy and a joy to be around. Grey just gives off that "look at this cool rock I found!" Vibe but about his entire life, and I love that for him 🥹
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Some random thoughts on Obey Me! Nightbringer up to lesson 10 (with LOTS of spoilers)
If you ask why I'm making a post like this in this blog is cause I will defend that this is a queer coded game to my last breath –and cause is my blog and I do what I want.
Full disclosure: I'm not done with the first game yet so no spoilers for that one please. I'm guessing I'll get spoiled by Nightbringer anyways as the story progresses, and I already did lol, but I wanna gush about this game because I love it so much already.
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Starting with the title screen, oh my gosh the art is beautiful. 10/10 would definitely buy a poster of this.
They continue using they/them for MC and that's a thing we all gotta appreciate. Thank u.
The layout and the art of the game is just SO PRETTY in general. Definitely an upgrade from the first game, credits to the designers and artists.
It's a rhythm game!! I like it, the gameplay is easy enough and in classic Obey Me fashion you gotta be really precise when you click or else, which adds a good layer of difficulty.
We don't have 8 different types of support items, just 4, which makes it easier to keep count of how many we have. I am still broke in-game to buy them tho.
WE CAN GET DEVIL POINTS BY COMPLETING LEVELS THANK U SO MUCH. In contrast, I feel like they give less materials when you clear a stage? I mean, they gotta balance it I guess, or maybe is just me.
The game was lagging like hell when I first started playing tho. Idk if it was the game or my phone that couldn't run it or what, but it's fixed now.
I love the fact they're using the character songs for the levels!!! I was waiting for the unit songs and they took a while, but they're there too. The remixes are fun and I can't believe how good they sound.
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Speaking of sound, this game's ost is SO GOOD like huh? I was kinda expecting it cause it's a big production and all but bruh. Every now and then I end up having to stop because I gotta appreciate the bgm. There was this one funny song where a banjo started playing and I straight up laughed out loud. 10/10
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MK is that you?
Coming back to the layout and the designs: THERE'S SO MUCH RURI HANA IN HERE!!!!!! Love it. 20/10. Best thing ever. Whoever decided to add that I hope they're having an amazing day.
Also, is that a Ruri Hana Miss Em?? Gosh I love this game.
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And I'm not done gushing about the designs yet cause LOOK AT HIM!!! LOOK!!!! He's so cute!!!!🧡🧡🧡
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The art for the cards is really pretty and I need more Levi cards so badly asap
Also, there's a shit ton of extra content, wow. I'm not sure how I feel about the whole 3D models yet (mostly cause my phone only gives me bad renditions of them) but the extra content is slice of life funny bits. I like that they're voice acted, they're good.
Hey so y'know how you can click on the characters and get voice messages in the home screen and how you interact with them in the surprise guest screen? In neither of those I can click on Levi's tail and I consider that a crime against all Levi stans.
OKAY SO when this game was announced and as time went on and we got little pieces of the plot, not gonna lie I was worried. When it comes to time and time travel this franchise has a, well, a record. I'm still worried how it's gonna develop but for now I really like the things they're showing in the main story regarding the characters and the plot. Just, y'know, fingers crossed it doesn't become a mess.
Honestly the timeline is a mess already as it is. We met Luke and he has apparently just started learning how to bake, but in the first game he says he's been doing it for about 300 years, so it's been only 300 years between the end of the Celestial War and the beginning of the first game? Shouldn't the time be at least a few thousand years?? I'm solving this by doing a headcanon that time moves differently in different worlds cause otherwise the lack of coherence bothers me too much.
I'm so intrigued about Nightbringer himself. You think the prologue is giving us a red herring about who he is? Will it be a new character? An old one? Us from the future? They did a good job in implementing the mystery and I can't wait.
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I was rereading this chat we have with them at the beginning of the game and something caught my eye:
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Do you think maybe we'll start jumping between time as the story continues? So that we'll be at and see different time periods with different characters?? 🤔
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This guy has an omurice for an icon when we all know he can't cook to save his life and I find that so ironic xD I like how much he's getting involved in the story so far too
I still don't know who gave them the right to go THIS HARD on a rhythm otome game. I love this thing what the hell. I wish I went this hard with my own projects.
That's all, I'll be waiting for more lessons to drop✌️
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cqtlatte · 1 year
hiii your art always make my day better, so hope u had a good day too. But can I ask what brushes you usually use in your arts? Like the way you use brushes and colors are so good TuT I can't fathom it sometimes. How do u make those kinds of textures. I'm new in this tumbler, so apologies if it's already been answered before. <33
Heyo anon, thanks for asking and no problem! I've answered this a couple of times before across all my platforms, but ig this is a good opportunity to answer and add to my carrd FAQ! <3 Let me break down what I use them for a bit too. (lots of blabbing below so I'll but a read-more tab)
 (sketching) Design pencil (default in CSP, you can probably find it on the assets store because it was from the earlier version of CSP)
(sketching/coloring/general use) G-pen
(sketching/coloring/general use) Dense watercolor (same case as the design pencil)
As for brushes that I use for texturing and painting, I use the Daub brush pack for CSP. My favorites come from the aenigma, pigmento, and basiliscus sets. You can find them on gumroad, or just google! I believe they have brushes for procreate and photoshop too but I think the brush packs aren't the same across platforms. 
For making the texture itself, it's kind of a random process that idk how to explain properly lmao. Let me link my Kokomi timelapse so you can see how much I jump around the canvas to carve out the textures:
 I like to use different blending modes and layer tons of different colors. The color jitter function is super amazing too for that purpose, but probably shouldn't be overused for the sake of balance. (personally still trying to avoid over-saturating my works with textures tbh)
To be 100000% honest though, I tend to jump around a lot, and I certainly don't use all of those brushes in every piece.
I used to lurk around a lot myself and hoard tons of brushes other artists were using, until I saw a comment of an artist I admire: "sometimes the brush you use really isn't important. Without practice the painting will be ugly."(not the most accurate translation probably because it was written in another language)
After that I had like… an epiphany moment where I really believed them, and drew a Bonanus fanart in June. I made the lineart with a g-pen (which I never used cuz I always thought I'd be somehow inhibiting my creative power using default brushes or something), and the piece ended up blowing up on twt much to my surprise.. LOL. After that, I started to care less about other's brushes and instead of looking for more, try to figure out how I could make cool textures and strokes with the ones I currently had at my disposal.
(said bonanus art)
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This isn't a statement to say "stop looking for other artist's brushes, copying brushes bad, etc" because there is a LOT that you can learn from using other artist's brush inventory.
But you can also have a lot of fun drawing when you focus less about what other's use, and more about what brushes YOU are comfortable using + feels right to you. Sometimes you may even need to tweak them a bit in their brush settings instead of using their default form before they feel comfy for you! It's a matter of exploring and figuring out what works and what doesn't in your workflow, hehe.
Anyways I hope this answer helps as we all continue our art journey together. Sending positive vibes your way anon! <3
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cryptidcalling · 9 months
Leave it to me to take a cute silly AU and make it sad. Talking abt Toy Soldier Vesper AU. It's still long tho bc I'm horrid at summaries
This is written weird AF bc it was originally a really long ramble in the tags lol Story where he was Panza's childhood toy and absolutely adores him. Panza grew out of playing with him but still treasures him and keeps him on a shelf. Panza's little sister Paruka (Rue) notices that Vesper's really worn out and a little broken so she gives him a new coat of paint and accessories because she figures Panza won't care since he never plays with the little soldier anyways. Panza is SUPER upset about it and they get into a fight. She storms off and angrily wonders aloud why he cares so much about a dumb old toy anyways
She goes to sleep and wakes up in a magical winter wonderland world where she finds Vesper but Bigger Now. At first he's kinda hostile towards her bc she took him and changed him and now he doesn't look like Panza's toy anymore. Vesper says that Panza used to come to this world and they'd play together all the time, but he doesn't remember how Panza got back home. They learn that far away there's a Fountain Of Memories which they can use to play through Vesper's old memories.
So they embark on a journey! And Along the way Vesper realizes that Rue's imagination can affect him. Like he starts with a regular sword but she's able to imagine it as a magic sword that can turn into anything and thus it becomes true, same with his hat suddenly being able to store infinite things. They bond and become friends and they start to have actually genuine fun together. Eventually, they make it to the fountain and start watching Vesper's memories of him and Panza together playing and having fun, both in the real world and the fantasy one. And they see lots of memories of Panza and Rue's parents who she barely got to know.
They realize that Panza's wish is to give Rue the happy childhood she deserves but he's become so protective of everything from the past that he's struggling to move forward. Vesper was a gift from their parents and he's one of the only things Panza has left of theirs. Rue finally realizes how hard he's been working to take care of her and why he was so angry about her changing Vesper, but Vesper gets upset because to him it seems like Panza stopped loving him because of Rue. They have a fight about it where Vesper accidentally admits that he feels hurt and betrayed that Panza abandoned him on a shelf. They're about to just go separate ways until one of Rue's very early memories starts to play in the fountain, where Panza promises her as a baby that one day he'll give Vesper to her so that he can protect her from bad guys and they can go on fun adventures just like he and Panza used to. And Vesper finally realizes that Panza never stopped loving him. It was an overprotective love that kept him stuck on the shelf. It was Rue's love that gave him new paint and imagined him new cool tricks and she's the reason he finally had another adventure. Just like Panza, he was holding too tightly onto the Past. But he and Panza have both changed now and they need to move on to be happy. The fountain finally shows them how to send Rue home (Idk how yet) and they have a big hug and a tearful goodbye.
Rue wakes up in the real world and goes to apologize to Panza, explaining how she understands now why he was so upset. Panza apologizes too for getting mad at her, and admits that it probably DID seem like he didn't care about the little toy soldier anymore since he just left him on a shelf gathering dust. Rue says that it's okay, and that she knows he wanted to keep Vesper safe because he guards his memories of Mom and Dad. Panza's surprised, but they end up having a nice (if bittersweet) talk about their parents. After a while Panza gets up and brings Vesper back to her, saying that he actually looks really nice in his new paint and complimenting how well she did. They end up actually playing with him for a while, and Rue gets to tell him about all the stuff she knows/imagined about Vesper. Panza finally chooses to give Vesper to her for real, as long as she takes good care of him. She promises. (Dw Rue is able to go back to the fantasy realm to spend time with Vesper. Also they definitely meet other characters along this adventure, so Vesper's not all alone when she's not playing with him!! I just haven't written them in Also Twisty if ur reading this ((tbh who else would be lol)) 1: Naming her Rue was not intentionally based on Rudy however 2: This AU except it's Rudy jagsdja. I dunno who Panza would be swapped with but it's fiiiiiine.)
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