#the dark souls of the nes era
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srvanderino · 6 days ago
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Ooh-wee-hoo, I look just like Trevor Belmont~! Oh-oh, and you're Sypha Belnades~! I don't care what Drac says about us anyway~! I don't care about that~!
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marchessa · 3 months ago
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schlattslonghairytoes · 4 months ago
can i come over?
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when schlatt moves to texas an unexpected storm leaves him with no where to go, will you offer up a room to your friend?
streamer reader x streamer schlatt
you had lived in texas since you attended college at texas a and m
orginally you went to ithica college, but you transfered during your sophmore year
you now had your own apartment as you were out of college
you knew a couple of other content creators who lived in the area, but not many
your closest friend, ted nivison, lived in los angeles, but you went to visit him every now and again
your phone rang, "gangnum style" blasting in your ears and groaned, you reached for your phone, only to be met with a picture of you and theodore from college freshman year
"i need your help guppie." teds face filled the screen and his dopey smile made you laugh
"you woke me up mr grouper." your nicknames came from the first time you got high together and decided to watch bubble guppies
"wakey wakey! does this fit look ok?" he set the camera down and walked away from the camera, he did a little spin before grabbing his phone again
"yes you look very fashionable theo. can i go back to sleep now?" ne nodded but very quickly realized he had something else to tell you
"wait really quick, remember schlatt? you met him during the lunch club era" you scanned your sleepy memory trying to remember this guy you probably met once.
"um, tall right? good looking?" ted nodded and laughed, sitting down at his desk
"glad to hear thats what you remember. anyways, im pretty sure hes moving out to Austin in the coming months, so you guys should talk cause he only knows a handfull of people out there." ted said
"cool. can i please sleep now." your tired brain did not care for this random man barely remember.
"yes, reach out to him ok?" he smiled at the camera
"yes theodore kennedy nivison junior. love you. byeeeee" and with that you ended the call.
you didnt really think about teds call all that much, untill around 3 months later you recieved a text from an unknown number
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even though schlatt then tried ghosting you, ted finally convinced him to man up and keep talking to one of the few people living where he was soon moving
over the span of a month you two had been constantly talking, to the point where you were starting to consider him as one of your closest friends
you would facetime atleast once a day, text everyday, and you even streamed twice together on your account
you were getting very excited to have a new friend so close by
then came the storm.
you lived alone with your dog, and you knew your house would not be ready for this shit.
you stalked up on food, blankets, flashlights
basically anything you could get your hands on
and you bunkered down at your house with your dog, getting ready to thug the next few days out
you were scrolling on your phone, on the first night of the storm, power already out, house fucking freezing, and you see schlatt had posted on his snap story
you open it to find a video of him yelling outside of a completely dark marriot
screaming about how thats where he is supposed to be staying
and you were getting very worried, like your new friend who youve never met in person, might deadass freeze to death.
so you did what any caring soul like yourself would do
you swipe up on his story with your address and a follow up message saying "pull up to mi casa papi 🍆 "
and hope he would hurry so you could go to bed
around twenty minutes later you layed cuddled with your dog bundled in over ten blankets
when felt your house fucking shake with how hard schlatt was banging on your door
you walked downstairs, and opened the door, to a giant, shivering, and covered in snow schlatt, who you immediatly wrapped in a hug and dragged upstairs
"c'mon lets get you nice and warm." you brought him to your room where you turned your bed into a nice warm spot for him "i have some clothes for you, they were my brothers so they should fit" you smiled up at him
he hadnt said much yet and you could see the stress seeping through his face, he dropped his stuff and kinda just hugged you.
"you ok?" you laugh as he pulls away from the hug. he smiles sadly before sitting down on your bed
"ive been better ill be honest" he laughed quietly.
"some first day here huh?" you pat him on the back, trying to comfort him.
"you could say that. holy shit i thought that was a stuffed animal" he says looking at your dog
"go change dumbass, bathrooms on the right" you watch as schlatt takes the clothes and walks to your bathroom, you think you even hearhim flick on the light switch.
"do you want a flashlight?" you yell out to him, to which you get a small "please" back in return, you laugh and leave a flashlight infront of the door
you get comfy in the small sofa in your room, as schlatt was not going to fit on it, and your other bedroom was turned into your office. but you didnt mind him taking the bed
he came out of the bathroom minutes later and quietly shut the door behind him when he turned around he was looking at you kinda funny
you began to ask what was wrong before he cut you off "absolutely not, im not kicking you off your bed, get up" he towered over you on the sofa
"schlatt shut the fuck up, your not fitting on this thing, i barely do."
"you have a king size bed, were sharing, me you and that oddly stuffed animal looking dog c'mon get a move on" he got into the bed and waited for you and your dof to follow him
you laughed and made your way over, your dog following closely behind. you flop down onto the bed and look at the man laying next to you
"crazy this is the first time we're meeting" he says getting comfy
you lay another blanket on the both of you as your dog jumps up on the bed and lays between the two of you "im glad ted introduced us" you take a moment to inspect him
you two had called on discord many times and FaceTimed, but nothing lived up to the real thing.
"im really happy he introduced us too."
guys i kinda hate how this turned out
sorry 😣 😥 😦 😧 😨 😪 😢 😞 😰 😿 🫤 ❤️‍🩹 ☹️ 😐
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jazzandother-blog · 4 months ago
Ray Charles and Quincy Jones
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(English / Español / Italiano)
‘Shortly after arriving in Seattle, I heard about a blind man who had shown up one night at the Elks Club on Madison Street and had blown up the place away with his playing and singing. Rumour had it that he had appeared in Seattle out of nowhere and was amazing, so I snuck in one night to hear him. He was a lanky, dark-skinned guy, and he was throwing himself around like a madman. He played piano and sang like Nat King Cole and Charles Brown, and he also played be bop on alto sax like Charlie Parker. There was even something of Bud Powell in his piano playing. I attended a whole set and then introduced myself. He told me his name was Ray Charles and it was love at first sight for both of us. I was fourteen when I met him and he was sixteen, and what I liked about him and his music was that he was independent. At sixteen, Ray Charles was already a man. […] I admired the way he did the shopping, the way he cooked, the way he did the laundry. I'd watch him cross the street without a cane or a dog, avoid traffic, do the shopping, figure out the rest, shuffle across the pavement, never missing a step, and I'd say to myself, ‘Hell, if he can do it, I can do it. [Ray was my role model at a time when I had few role models. He understood the world as I was incapable of understanding it. He told me, ‘All music has soul, Quincy. No matter what style, you have to be true to it. He refused to set limits for himself.
("Q: The Autobiography of Quincy Jones", Three Rivers Press, 2002)
«Poco después de llegar a Seattle, oí hablar de un chico ciego que se había presentado una noche en el Elks Club de Madison Street y había hecho estallar el local tocando y cantando. Se rumoreaba que había aparecido en Seattle de la nada y que era increíble, así que me colé allí una noche para escucharle. Era un tipo delgaducho, de piel morena, y se lanzaba como un loco. Tocaba el piano y cantaba como Nat King Cole y Charles Brown, y también tocaba be bop con el saxo alto como Charlie Parker. Incluso había algo de Bud Powell en su estilo al piano. Asistí a un set entero y luego me presenté. Me dijo que se llamaba Ray Charles y fue amor a primera vista para los dos. Yo tenía catorce años cuando le conocí y él dieciséis, y lo que me gustaba de él y de su música era que era independiente. A los dieciséis años, Ray Charles ya era un hombre. […] Admiraba cómo hacía la compra, cómo cocinaba y cómo lavaba la ropa. Le veía cruzar la calle sin bastón ni perro, evitar el tráfico, hacer la compra, calcular el resto, arrastrar los zapatos al pisar la acera, sin perder nunca un paso, y me decía: «Joder, si él puede hacerlo, yo también». […] Ray fue mi modelo a seguir en una época en la que tenía pocos modelos a seguir. Entendía el mundo como yo era incapaz de entenderlo. Me dijo: «Toda la música tiene alma, Quincy. No importa el estilo, tienes que ser fiel a él». Se negaba a ponerse límites».
("Q: The Autobiography of Quincy Jones", Three Rivers Press, 2002)
«Poco dopo essere arrivato a Seattle, sentii parlare di un tizio cieco che una sera si era presentato all'Elks Club di Madison Street e aveva buttato giù il locale suonando e cantando. Si diceva che fosse comparso a Seattle dal nulla e che fosse incredibile, perciò una sera mi intrufolai lì dentro per ascoltarlo. Era un ragazzo magro, dalla pelle bruna, e ci dava dentro come un matto. Suonava il pianoforte e cantava come Nat King Cole e Charles Brown, e suonava anche il be bop sul sax alto come Charlie Parker. C'era anche un po' di Bud Powell nel suo stile al pianoforte. Assistetti a un intero set e poi mi presentai. Mi disse che si chiamava Ray Charles e fu amore a prima vista per entrambi. Avevo quattordici anni quando lo incontrai per la prima volta, e lui ne aveva sedici, e ciò che mi piacque, sia di lui che della sua musica, è che era indipendente. A sedici anni, Ray Charles era un uomo. […] Ammiravo il modo in cui faceva la spesa da solo, cucinava da solo e si lavava i panni. Lo guardavo attraversare la strada senza un bastone né un cane, evitare il traffico, fare gli acquisti, calcolare il resto, strascicare le scarpe mentre saliva sul marciapiedi, senza mai mancare un passo, e mi dicevo: “Accidenti, se lo può fare lui, posso farlo anch'io”. […] Ray era il mio modello, in un momento in cui di modelli ne avevo pochi. Capiva il mondo come io non ero capace di capirlo. Diceva: “Ogni musica ha la sua anima, Quincy. Non importa in che stile sia, devi esserle fedele”. Rifiutava di porsi dei limiti»
("Q: The Autobiography of Quincy Jones", Three Rivers Press, 2002)
Source: jazzit.it
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spinningbuster98 · 1 year ago
Castlevania (NES) Part 2: Old school sclerosis
Is Classic Castlevania gameplay outdated?
I think that many newcomers might immediately say yes. How can it not be outdated? It controls super stiff and it’s bullshit hard!
Not to play the part of an old school elitist telling others to git gud, but those stiff controls? They’re not the product of their time, they’re intentionally made that way, they are largely the point of this gameplay
First off: this game was made in 1986, the first Super Mario Bros came out a year earlier and allowed you to control your jumps in mid air. Mega Man would come out just a year after and it also has mid air jump controls, so this can’t be a case of “old NES era limitations”. Even if it were then how would you explain the games keeping these controls well after Super Castlevania 4?
The reason the Belmonts can’t change the direction of their jumps mid air and can’t whip in more than a single direction is the same reason why Mega Man can’t aim in multiple directions or why Sonic can’t stop on a dime in the Genesis games: these are intentional limitations that work in-tandem with the level design and enemy placement in order to provide the player with a specific challenge. You can’t aim in multiple directions in Mega Man so you have to aim very carefully and make use of your other weapons. You can’t stop on a dime in Sonic because the focus is learning how to make the physics-based gameplay work to your advantage.
The reason why the jump is so stiff in these games is because the games want the players to be really precise and meticulous with their jumps, while also being very precise in regards to how you deal with enemies: you’ll notice that your whip attacks aren’t instantaneous, there’s a brief wind up before it hits which not only makes each hit have more punch imo but it also serves to test the player’s timing in a subtle way: if you just spam the attack button you’ll get inconsistent hit rates, you have to time your button presses precisely in order to execute attacks at a fast rate, following a sort of rythm. Keep in mind: this idea of purposefully delaying the player’s attack in order to force them to find a rythm of sorts is still used in games today, like Dark Souls
The Classic Castlevania gameplay is not outdated, it’s about tough as nails platforming and combat that requires precision, quick reflexes and for the player to find ways to circumvent the limited movement. Make no mistake: everything can be avoided and defeated with this control scheme. That’s not to say that if you don’t like it you’re a disgrace to the series’ name or “not a real gamer” or anything like that, I’m just saying that not every design decision of old retro games was due to an “outdated mentality”
... that said however the original Castlevania is indeed pretty janky at times by virtue of still being a mid 80s game
Sometimes the enemy placement is just straight up unfair, especially whenever stairs are involved: these are another intentional design element, with the fact that you can’t jump or off of them thus having to carefully maneouver on them while dealing with enemies...but when you’re dealing with enemies that have pretty much random patterns like those bone throwing skeletons and with the fact that sub weapons will often refuse to activate while you’re climbing some stairs since the command to activate your sub weapon requires you to hold up on the D Pad and that’s also what you do to climb them
Then there’s the bosses
I must give credit where it’s due: these guys have lots of personality for the time. NES bosses back then were usually not very special: Mario just had you throw Bowser in lava about 8 times. Zelda just had you fight random monsters before you finally reach Ganon. Castlevania actually features completely unique and memorable bosses for each stage a whole year before Mega Man and the fact that they’re all iconic horror monsters definitely helps out
But the actual quality of the fights leaves a lot to be desired: the giant Bat is a joke but ok it’s the first boss. Medusa won’t even know what hit her since she’s the only boss vulnerable to the Stop Watch
The Mummies of Stage 3 are where shit starts hitting the fan: these guys have no real pattern that I know of, they just lumber back and forth randomly and throw bandages at you making the process of dodging them almost impossible. Frankenstein’s monster is even worse: the Creature itself will just go back and forth like a moron but its little helper will start hopping all over the place at complete random and its invincible! This is where the tried and true Classicvania strategy starts shining through: when in doubt douse it with Holy Water
Holy Water, in these games especially, can be disgustingly OP, thus making it the best weapon against the bosses. However using it against them will often require you to do a no-death run of the stage since you usually only find it at the start of the stage (and for the love of God don’t accidentaly pick up another weapon in the process, ESPECIALLY the knife), which can...certainly be an experience though to be fair here: the stages of Castlevania 1 are pretty short and there’s only 6 of them in total
Also Wicked Child is my favorite track in the game, more than even Vampire Killer, come at me!
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bea12ful · 5 months ago
El Dungeon Crawler y la flexibilidad de un género
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El género Dungeon Crawler es uno de mis favoritos dentro de los videojuegos y juegos de mesa por igual, pero hace poco me he estado planteando cómo sus bases encajan en muchos géneros dentro del medio videojugabilístico.
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Para empezar, este género nació con las primeras ediciones de Dungeon & Dragons, cuyo único objetivo de sus primeros masters era crear mapas de mazmorras para que sus jugadores exploraran con una historia, muchas veces improvisada. Esto evolucionó y se crearon juegos de mesa tras este mismo concepto como el Descent o el juego de mesa de DOOM años más tarde mientras que el propio D&D evolucionó a lo que conocemos hoy en día gracias a sus jugadores.
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Los videojuegos, sobretodo los de rol en sus primeros años, intentaron imitar dichos juegos de rol y de mesa, por lo que no era de extrañar que empezaran a aparecer juegos que quisieran imitar la exploración de mazmorras. Uno de ellos, el cual he dejado una captura, es Rogue, culpable de la creación del género Rogue-Like. Pero ese no es el juego que nos interesa hoy, ni tampoco The Game Of Dungeons, que es el primer RPG de la historia, si no el género que estos juegos fueron formando poco a poco.
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Tanto en PC como en consolas empezaremos a ver aparecer juegos que seguían un tipo de gameplay muy concreto: ya fuera en primera o tercera persona, con un grupo o un solo personajes exploraríamos mazmorras. De ahí viene el nombre del género, inesperadísimo, lo se. Aquí es donde empieza lo que a mi me interesa y es que estos juegos empezarían a establecer las bases jugables necesarias para que un juego se considerase un Dungeon Crawler.
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Las bases son, en realidad, bastante simples. Exploramos la mazmorra y encontraremos zonas a las que no podemos acceder o caminos por los que no podemos avanzar para los cuales necesitaremos una llave, habilidad u objeto que nos permita continuar por dicha mazmorra. Muchos de estos juegos nos pone en una sola mazmorra la cual tenemos que explorar de este modo como el archiconocido Diablo, o nos ponen en un mapa mundi que hace sus veces de mazmorra gigante como le pasa al primer The Legend of Zelda de la NES. Las bases son sencillas y seguro que os empieza a sonar de algún otro género, pues estas características se comparten con muchos otros.
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Hablemos de lo que empezó el hilo mental que me llevó a hacer este post: Los Metroidvanias. Es uno de mis géneros plataformas favoritos, como para no serlo, es literalmente Dungeon Crawler plataformas. Pero hay algo que me molesta mucho de este género y es como su comunidad parece ignorar por completo que este es una variante de otro género más grande, usando el término "elementos de metroidvania" para describir elementos de su género padre dando igual el género del juego al que hacen referencia. Joder, si hasta una vez escuché a alguien hablar de como Dark Souls tiene elementos de metroidvania cuando el propio juego de From Software pertenece al género Dungeon Crawler. Se vienen mis piruetas mentales, ojo.
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El caso es que hace poco, una amiga se ha puesto a jugar por primera vez Silent Hill, el primer juego de una de mis sagas favoritas del survival horror y, viéndola jugar y guiándola, me he dado cuenta de que este género es, en realidad, una variante del Dungeon Crawler. Pensadlo bien, en este género, sobretodo en los clásicos, los protagonistas están encerrados en un lugar hostil, como una mazmorra, por el cual tienen que avanzar encontrando llaves u objetos que desbloquean partes del mapeado que antes estaban bloqueados. Esto aplica a todos los survival horror de la época de PSX y PS2 y los juegos modernos que tratan de imitar ese estilo como podría ser Signalis.
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Esta ida de olla me ha hecho darme cuenta cuán flexible es este género, pues sus garras abarcan incluso a las primeras entregas de la saga Metal Gear para MSX y PSX, es increíble como el ser tan poco concreto con lo que representa a un género puede alargar su alcance a títulos que nunca sospecharías que podrían entrar dentro de su ala.
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Espero haberos hecho pasar un buen rato y haberos abierto los ojos con respecto a este género. Espero que encontréis más juegos que encajen en estas características y que os comáis la cabeza como yo con esta ida de pinza.
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hanamukes · 11 months ago
[Translation] Symbol I:△ - Ave Mujica
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Unformatted text dump version under the read more
絵画が燃える  騎士(ナイト)が消える
何がほざく  黙らぬ夢に
私はいる  あなたの視界の陰に革命を描くの
this is the way 背筋襲う光 浮き上がる火の竜と
into the realm やがて出逢うわ西の城壁で
焼けてくロザリオ  逆巻く炎  ilala, ilala,
この記憶 孤高の記憶  神の唯一の過ち
人は皆  完全なものを語れないわ
いつの時代(とき)も残酷さが美を創り 世界は悦んで蠢き出す
闇は報い  何が救い
軋む胸に刻めよ  弔えよ霊を  名もなき英雄を
this is the way 咽せ返る薔薇の楽園に臨めば
into the realm 決まるこの心  いざいま  ゆくだろう
煌めくロザリオ  導く者 ilala, ilala,
この記憶  孤高の記憶  誰も奪えはしないわ
刻は来た  世界が私だけを忘れてく
近づいたの  行き過ぎたの  でもいいわ  すべてを取り戻せるのなら
迎えに来たのね  さあ  私を連れてゆけ
赤く咲き誇る  この哀しい空に
焼けてくロザリオ  逆巻く炎  ilala, ilala,
この記憶  孤高の記憶  神の唯一の過ち
人は皆  完全なものを語れないわ
いつの時代(とき)も残酷さが美を創り 世界は悦んで蠢き出す
Kaiga ga moeru naito ga kieru
Nani ga hozaku damaranu yume ni
Watashi wa iru anata no shikai no kage ni kakumei o egaku no
this is the way sesuji osou hikari ukiagaru hi no ryuu to
into the realm yagate deau wa nishi no jouheki de
Yaketeku rozario sakamaku honoo ilala, ilala,
Kono kioku kokou no kioku kami no yuitsu no ayamachi
Hito wa mina kanzen na mono o katarenai wa
Itsu no toki mo zankoku sa ga bi o tsukuri sekai wa yorokonde ugomekidasu
Sagashiteiru wa
Yami wa mukui nani ga sukui
Rekishi no umi ni hansha suru hoshi yo
Kishimu mune ni kizame yo tomurae yo rei o namonaki eiyuu o
this is the way musekaeru bara no rakuen ni nozomeba
into the realm kimaru kono kokoro iza ima yukudarou
Kirameku rozario michibiku mono ilala, ilala
Kono kioku kokou no kioku dare mo ubae wa shinai wa
Toki wa kita sekai ga watashi dake o wasureteku
Chizazduita no ikisugita no demo ii wa subete o torimodoseru no nara
Mukae ni kita no ne saa watashi o tsureteyuke
Akaku sakihokoru kono kanashii sora ni
Yaketeku rozario sakamaku honoo ilala, ilala,
Kono kioku kokou no kioku kami no yuitsu no ayamachi
Hito wa mina kanzen na mono o katarenai wa
Itsu no toki mo zankoku sa ga bi o tsukuri sekai wa yorokonde ugomekidasu
Sagashiteiru wa
The knights disappear as the painting burns aflame
What is this prattling dream that refuses to pipe down?
Here I stand, hidden in your very sights (shadow) planning my revolution
this is the way, the light that assails my spine takes form as a dragon of fire
into the realm, we’ll meet before long, in the castle to the west
The rosary burns with its surging blazes, ilala, ilala
This recollection, this recollection of solidarity, it’s God’s one and only error
Never once did he claim he made humans to be perfect
Each era is ruthless but finds beauty in its own way; the world certainly enjoys squirming
I’ll seek it out
What salvation do you find in the retribution of the darkness?
O star which reflects the tides of history
Engrave it into your grated heart; mourn the souls of thy nameless heroes of past
this is the way, why not attend the Eden of roses which finds itself choked in tears?
into the realm, your heart has already decided; off you go
The rosary glistens, oh one who guides stray souls, ilala, ilala
This recollection, this recollection of solidarity, nobody can ever take it away from you
The time has come; I am the only one the world has forgotten
It approaches, it goes too far, but that’s fine, for everything shall return to its rightful place
You’ve come to find me, have you? Now, take me from this place
Take me from this sorrowful emptiness, which blooms a brilliant crimson
The rosary burns with its surging blazes, ilala, ilala
This recollection, this recollection of solidarity, it’s God’s one and only error
Never once did he claim he made humans to be perfect
Each era is ruthless but finds beauty in its own way; the world certainly enjoys squirming
I’ll seek it out
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go-go-devil · 1 year ago
2,4,14 and 20 for the video game ask bestie :]
2) Top 5 games of all time.
Aaaarrrgggghhhh don't force me to narrow it down like that, bestie! There's so many great games that I love forever T_T
Well for this I'll just pick the first five that instantly come to mind: Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne, Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask, Pikmin 1, Hylics 1 & 2, and Okami
Dark Souls will definitely be on this list too. Only a little over halfway through and it's already one of the best games I've ever played 🔥🖤
4) Best game soundtrack (full album or single track)?
Katamari Damacy, no question. That game still has my absolute favorite synergy with music/gameplay of any game I've played, though I will say both it's sequel We Love Katamari and Undertale come the closest to reaching that level to me. Personally out of the three Damacy's got greater amount of my favorite songs though <3
14) Worst game you’ve ever played?
That's a really great question! I'll admit I've been pretty lucky when it came to avoiding godawful shovelware trash games as a kid, and any ones I willing play now via emulation don't count for me since I'm willing subjecting myself to them. For me a REAL worst game is one you play expecting a good time, only to be let down horribly
The winner in that regard is definitely the Finding Nemo tie-in game. I was a huge fan of the film when it came out, so I rented the game for a whole week expecting an experience that made me feel like a small fish in the open ocean, only to instead get an endless slog of the most boring gameplay ever designed. Literally just "pick up this object and place it over there" for the first several levels. It was so mind-numbing I just gave up and let the game disc waste away on my shelf before I could return it for another game.
A close runner-up though would be the time I actually tried to play the NES Ghosts n' Goblins on actual hardware at my cousin's house several years back. I'm no stranger to hard NES games, hell I even beat Castlevania 1 on the same NES I used to play this one, but fuck does Gn'G have some of the most needlessly bullshit design I've ever seen in a game of that era! I couldn't get past Level 3, but unlike w/ other hard games I didn't feel compelled to continue further. It's not hard because it's an 80's game, it's hard because the devs who ported it thought fast, awkward enemy patterns and cryptic item placement makes a game "good" -_-
20) A game that made you cry.
I remember one of the final cutscenes during the final boss of Okami made me cry. Spoilers below!
It's not that it was a "sad" scene per say, but after such a long journey meeting and helping out these characters I really grew to care for, seeing them all pray for Amaterasu to regain her full strength and defeat Yami, and then the music that started playing afterward... once that track started I just lost it. Tears were streaming down my eyes, and even with that I still had the determination to win the battle! It was the final push to make this game fall into one of my favorite pieces of art I've ever had the pleasure of experiencing :')
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videogamerzero1 · 5 days ago
Well I did it, I FINALLY beaten Final Fantasy II including Soul of Rebirth on the GBA remake & man, this is when the series started to truly established itself, FF1 was clearly the blueprint but 2 was them getting ready to make actual characters, a dark story, a perfectly hatable & entertaining villain, party members dying, environmental storytelling, just so much of what I look forward in a RPG which was as early as the NES era! And sure the one thing I do have a problem is the level system but even with that, it's by far the most underrated FF game & with Soul of Rebirth, it fleshes out more of the stakes by The Emperor who has 2 halves WITH ONE OF THEM TAKING OVER HEAVEN just for forgiveness from the party members HE KILLED & promising them to return them to life but the dead members obviously refuse due to the emperor's horrible actions even after the emperor became God because they wanna make sure the people they died for have a future, man what a great game, I'm looking forward to what IV has in store
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hipvehop · 2 months ago
2024'ün En Sevdiğim 141 Hip Hop Albümü
Geleneksel yıllık liste. İlk 9 albümden sonra sıralama pek mühim değil. Tamamen kendi sevdiğim albümler, listenin bir iddiası yok. Ne biliyim albüm keşfetmek isteyen olur, ya da geçen sene gözden kaçırdıklarına bakmak isteyen olur vs. onlar için liste işte. Yalnızca İngilizce hip hop albümleri. EP’lere yer vermedim.
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1 - Roc Marciano & The Alchemist - The Skeleton Key
2 - Jae Skeese & Superior - Testament of the Times 3 - ShrapKnel - Nobody Planning to Leave 4 - Navy Blue - Memoirs in Armour 5 - Jack Jetson & Illinformed - Winter Forever 6 - IAMGAWD & Clypto - Bloodstained Suede II 7 - Pro Dillinger & Bucky Luger - Don't Feed the Animal 8 - Leaf Dog - Don't Scare the Crows Now 9 - Leaf Dog - Outstanding in My Field
10 - Yeat - 2093 11 - JPEGMAFIA - I Lay Down My Life for You 12 - Estee Nack x BoneWeso - Systematically We Were Never Free 13 - Masta Ace & Marco Polo - Richmond Hill 14 - Chief Keef - Almighty So 2 15 - Gao the Arsonist - AND THEY MINE FOR OUR BODIES 16 - Estee Nack x Futurewave - Stone Temple Pyrex 17 - Flee Lord & Crisis - Full Court Press 18 - Sunmundi & klwn cat - Lived and Born 19 - Mach-Hommy - #RICHAXXHAITIAN 20 - Lupe Fiasco - Samurai 21 - Apollo Brown & Crimeapple - This, Is Not That 22 - Rakim - G.O.Ds Network (REB7RTH) 23 - Juicy J & Xavier Wulf - Memphis Zoo 24 - Future - Mixtape Pluto 25 - Tha God Fahim & Cookin' Soul - Supreme Dump Legend: Soul Cook Saga 26 - 21 Savage - american dream 27 - Boldy James & Your Boy Posca - 1LB 28 - Rap Man Gavin & postureless - Memories, Dreams, Reflections 29 - Terror Reid - Manifesto 30 - Lil Xelly & GRiMM Doza - Selling Weight on 808’s 3 31 - Tha God Fahim - Dump Goat 2 32 - Ransom & Harry Fraud - Lavish Misery 33 - Awon & Phoniks - Golden Era 2 34 - Blu & Exile - Love (the) Ominous World 35 - Fashawn & Little Vic - Carte Blanche 36 - Trizz & MIKE SUMMERS - Cavi En Cursive 37 - Maze Overlay & Toxværd - The Grid 38 - K.A.A.N & DJ Hoppa - Delusions of Grandeur 39 - Tha God Fahim & NicoJP - Snakes 40 - Leaf Dog - Photosynthesis 41 - Maze Overlay - Eternal Summer 42 - Lenox Hughes & Arkin - Red Dragon 43 - Ru$h & Jay NiCE - FAMILI 6 44 - Maze Overlay & Machacha - French Laundry 45 - BodyBagBen & XP the Marxman - Good Times, Bad Times 46 - Recognize Ali x A Dusty Cinema - A Kind Word & A Gun 47 - Lil Xelly - WTSC 48 - Fuego Base & OT the Real - Moving Base OT 49 - BoriRock & Whoa1.0 - Zing-Daya 50 - Da Flyy Hooligan & Wun Two - Nocturnal Hooli, Vol. 3 51 - al.divino - Firewater 52 - Leaf Dog - Scrolls of the Lost Samurai (Unreleased Tapes Vol1) 53 - Leaf Dog - Scrolls of the Lost Samurai Vol. 2 54 - CKooliènte & BhramaBull - CHALIEBull 55 - CJ Fly & NasteeLuvzYou - the PhaRaOh’S return 2: NUBIA 56 - Reks & karlitodakid - I Am Not Your Negro 57 - BVA - The Dam Builder 58 - Bloo Azul & Good Food - Bloo Appetit 59 - Sule - Written on Wides Corner 60 - Bishop Nehru - Kult Life Chapter 1: From Pain to Paintings 61 - Kota the Friend - Lyrics to Go, Vol. 5 62 - Clever 1 x Lord Beatjitzu - Master Sip, Legendary Teacher of Bruce Lo, da First Drunken 63 - Ransom - Cabrini Green
64 - Boldy James & Nicholas Craven - Penalty of Leadership 65 - ScHoolboy Q - BLUE LIPS 66 - Roc Marciano - Marciology 67 - The Game & Big Hit - Paisley Dreams 68 - Armand Hammer - BLK LBL 69 - Gangrene - Heads I Win, Tails You Lose 70 - Vince Staples - Dark Times 71 - Anonymuz - We$tside 72 - Daniel Son & Futurewave - Bushman Bodega 73 - Hus Kingpin & 9th Wonder - The Supergoat 74 - WateRR x Wavy da Ghawd - Washed Ashore 75 - Rasheed Chappell & 38 Spesh - Checks & Balances 76 - Vic Spencer x Original Super Legend - Be Double Clip Tight 77 - Jae Skeese - Ground Level 78 - Benny the Butcher - Everybody Can't Go 79 - Future & Metro Boomin - WE DON'T TRUST YOU 80 - Erick the Architect - I've Never Been Here Before 81 - Jamal Gasol & Sayzee - Smoke Wave 82 - Megan Thee Stallion - MEGAN 83 - Your Old Droog - Movie 84 - Crimeapple & MichaelAngelo - Tucibi 85 - Jack Jetson & Illinformed - Kobayashi Porcelain 86 - The Act - Omega Music Vol. 1 87 - Termanology & Tek - Teknology 88 - Chris Crack - Final B.O.S (The Chronicle of Lil Jimi) 89 - Benny the Butcher & 38 Spesh - Stabbed & Shot 2 90 - Talib Kweli & J. Rawls - The Confidence of Knowing 91 - Cordae - The Crossroads 92 - Noveliss x Hir-O - Cyberpunk Rhapsody 93 - Struggle Mike & Black Soprano Family - HONOR 94 - 300 South & Chuuwee - A Gentleman's Game 95 - Freddie Gibbs - You Only Die 1nce 96 - Daniel Son & Finn - Hare Brained Schemes 97 - Red Inf - Gilda’s Sun 98 - Maze Overlay & Wahr Season - Nightline 99 - Wuzee & Bronze Nazareth - Bulletproof Carties 100 - Nonazz - Sincerely Nazz 101 - GeneralBackPain - Holy Hands 3 (Revelations) 102 - Jamil Honesty & Hobgoblin - Martyr Musik 3 103 - DillanPonders - Onward We March 104 - Codenine & Chronic Tone - Càirdeas 105 - Apollo & Machacha - The Greater Good 106 - Tha God Fahim x Nicholas Craven - Tha Myth Who Never Quit 2 107 - Estee Nack x Giallo Point - Papitas 2 108 - Raury / Hirsh - The Blue Shell Theory 109 - The Musalini - Active & Attractive 110 - Eto - Long Way Home 111 - Mutant Academy - Keep Holly Alive 112 - Jay Worthy & MadeinTYO - Time After Time 113 - Maze Overlay - ENZO 114 - Boldy James & Harry Fraud - The Bricktionary 115 - Vega7 the Ronin & Ferris Blusa - Both Hands Wash the Face 116 - Tha God Fahim & Nicholas Craven - Dump Gawd: Hyperbolic Time Chamber Rap 3 117 - Joell Ortiz & KXNG Crooked - Tapestry 118 - Deniro and RoadsArt - Robbie Deniro 9 119 - Eligh & es.ce - Hello Youth 120 - G.S. Advance - Lycanthropy 121 - Revival Season - Golden Age of Self Snitching 122 - Killah Priest - Abraxas Rebis Simha Pleroma 123 - Joell Ortiz & The Heatmakerz - W.A.R. (With All Respect) 124 - Cognac Kingz - LO Frasier 125 - KILLY - Life I Chose 126 - 2nd Generation Wu & Dom Archey - This May Sting! 127 - Eric the Red & Illinformed - Painting da Town Red 128 - Spoda & Syer - Walk Hard: The Ronnie Walker Story 129 - LE$ & Mr. Rogers - Last Laugh: The Prelude 130 - Joyner Lucas - Not Now I'm Busy 131 - LE$ - Gourmet 132 - Custom Made - Mosaic Music 133 - Primo Profit & MichaelAngelo - On the Road 134 - New Villain x Wyzrd x Zeus the Elevated - Rogue Shinobi 135 - Reallyhiiim - The Parallax View 136 - Boldy James & WhoTheHellIsCarlo - Hidden in Plain Sight 137 - Dave East & Mike&Keys - APT 6E 138 - Elucid - INTERFERENCE PATTERN 139 - Knxwledge - WT.22 140 - Pink Siifu - GOT FOOD AT THE CRIB'! VOL. 1 141 - Blu & Bombay - Good to Be Home (Remixes) 141-2(Ekstra): Sarach - Audio*Picasso
Instrumental hip hop sevenlere de 2024 çıkışlı birkaç albüm önerisi:
1 - FloFilz - handful
2 - Funky DL - I am Reuben (Instrumentals) 3 - B3rb - Volume I 4 - Farazi - Zaman Sinekleri (Instrumentals) 5 - Observe since ‘98 - Odd Ones Vol. 3: Death’s Door 6 - Marcus D - The Keeper 7 - Necro - Instrumentals, Vol. 2 8 - Soudiere - Pirelli, Vol. 8
9 - Blockhead - Luminous Rubble 10 - Grubby Pawz - Drum Program 11 - Atmosphere - Whenever (Instrumental Version) 12 - Wun Two & Made in M - Sole Spirito 13 - MUJO情 - Miyako Temple 14 - Illsugi & August Fanon - KANAGAWAYORK 15 - August Fanon - 1+1 16 - bsd.u & bob le head - Yesterday 17 - El Michels Affair - Glorious Game (Instrumentals) 18 - bcalm - Close to Home 19 - Casiio & Kainbeats - Submerged 20 - Termanology & NasteeLuvzYou - Time Is Currency (Instrumentals) 21 - MUJO情 & Moai Beats - Waterfall 22 - DJ QUAAQUALO - SUBLIMESCHITT 23 - MUJO情 - Okinawa Rainbow
Screw Mane Flame Ekstraları: Screw Mane Flame - Chillwave Shawty 2006 Screw Mane Flame - Chillwave Shawty 2008
Son olarak, 2024 çıkışlı albümlerden-janra fark etmeksizin- favori albüm kapaklarımı derlediğim seri de burda.
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mnemomaz · 10 months ago
Torneranno, torneranno ancora, finché la Terra rossa ruoterà. Non ha mai sprecato una foglia o un albero. Pensi che sprecherebbe le anime?
The Sack of the Gods
Strangers drawn from the ends of the earth, jewelled and plumed were we; I was Lord of the Inca race, and she was Queen of the Sea. Under the stars beyond our stars where the new-forged meteors glow, Hotly we stormed Valhalla, a million years ago!
Ever 'neath high Valhalla Hall the well-tuned horns begin, When the swords are out in the underworld, and the weary Gods come in. Ever through high Valhalla Gate the Patient Angel goes, He opens the eyes that are blind with hate - he joins the hands of foes.
Dust of the stars was under our feet, glitter of stars above, Wrecks of our wrath dropped reeling down as we fought and we spurned and we strove. Worlds upon worlds we tossed aside, and scattered them to and fro, The night that we stormed Valhalla, a million years ago!
They are forgiven as they forgive all those dark wounds and deep. Their beds are made on the Lap of Time and they lie down and sleep. They are forgiven as they forgive all those old wounds that bleed. They shut their eyes from their worshippers; they sleep till the world has need.
She with the star I had marked for my own - I with my set desire - Lost in the loom of the Night of Nights - lighted by worlds afire - Met in a war against the Gods where the headlong meteors glow, Hewing our way to Valhalla, a million years ago!
They will come back - come back again, as long as the red Earth rolls. He never wasted a leaf or a tree. Do you think He would squander souls?
Rudyard Kipling
Eravamo stranieri venuti dalle estremità della terra, tempestati di gioielli e piume; Io ero il Signore della razza Inca e lei la Regina del Mare. Sotto le stelle, oltre le nostre stelle, dove brillano le meteore appena forgiate, Con ardore abbiamo preso d'assalto il Valhalla, un milione di anni fa!
Sempre sotto l'alta Sala del Valhalla iniziano i corni ben accordati, Quando le spade sono sguainate negli inferi ed entrano gli dei stanchi. Sempre attraverso l'alto Cancello del Valhalla passa l'Angelo Paziente, Apre gli occhi che sono ciechi per l’odio, unisce le mani dei nemici.
Polvere di stelle era sotto i nostri piedi, scintillio di stelle sopra, I relitti della nostra ira cadevano a terra barcollando mentre combattevamo e respingevamo e lottavamo. Mondi su mondi abbiamo gettato da parte, e dispersi qua e là, La notte in cui assaltammo il Valhalla, un milione di anni fa!
Essi vengono perdonati come perdonano tutte quelle ferite oscure e profonde. I loro letti sono fatti sul Grembo del Tempo e si coricano e dormono. Sono perdonati come perdonano tutte quelle vecchie ferite che sanguinano. Chiudono gli occhi ai loro adoratori; dormono finché il mondo ne avrà bisogno.
Lei con la stella che avevo segnato come mia - io con il mio desiderio fisso - Perduto nel telaio della Notte delle Notti - illuminata da mondi in fiamme - Incontrati in una guerra contro gli Dei dove i meteoriti precipitosamente brillano, Facendoci strada verso Valhalla, un milione di anni fa!
Torneranno, torneranno ancora, finché la Terra rossa ruoterà. Non ha mai sprecato una foglia o un albero. Pensi che sprecherebbe le anime?
La traduzione l'ho fatta io, più che altro usando strumenti on line e poca capacità discriminatoria. Forse non è proprio fatta bene. Perdonatemi. Se qualcuno vuole suggerire correzioni è il benvenuto!
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malkahpariyz · 8 months ago
God is making a way for peace to enter your life. A new thing is happening.
Scripture Analysis
Isaiah 43:19 King James Version (KJV)
“Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert.”
My gatherings: when I read this excerpt from the book of Isaiah, I can feel the life breathing and life changing energy in the words and how the Godly energy in the words have the ability to refresh the soul and spirit. When I read the words “now it springs up”, I picture a wilted and tired flower, now springing upward in a jolt of energy and light towards Heaven above… I believe this is what this scripture is meant to do for us. Remind us to keep ourselves set on what is above in Heaven and remind us that when we are feeling wilted and tired, God has the almighty power to do a new thing! Make us new again! And make a way for us out of no way! God can change our circumstances of life completely & refresh our souls and spirits; giving us brand new life symbolically and literally. God has the power to fuel us when we are tired, give us sunshine in the rain, and give us rain in a drought. Whatever we may need or want in positivity, God can give it in an instant. Where people judged you as hopeless, God can say NE unto those who judge your life. God will say to them “your feeble minds thought them as this, but see now, I am doing a new thing! Now I am springing them up, giving them a new, I am making a way for them, my light shineth upon them, do you not see it?”
Let God make a new way for you today. Go to Him with your concerns in humility and thank Him for all He will do and has done.
The Topic
There are many occasions where we see unrest before we see peace. If you are in one of these seasons where you feel like peace is coming, but what you see and feel are things “falling apart” or just many disturbances.
These chaotic scenes and disturbing moments may not be telling of this: but these instances are God at work.
Have you ever wondered why you can feel peace in the distance, calling for you, but around you is in unrest. That is because you are in the very situations God is about to destroy in order to give you peace.
I, myself is in a strange season. I am made uncomfortable by many people and I am attacked by many people. This is because my era of peace is coming, and God is removing and revealing, anyone and anything, that will stand in the way of my utter peace. God doesn’t want me taking any of the wrong things into this era. So He reveals the truth of people and situations, so that you will let Him remove them. These revealing moments may result in pain but it is for your greater peace later on in this new era you’re going into.
God wants to see you do it. He wants to see you trust that gut feeling He is giving you that someone is bad for you and your life. He wants you to trust that feeling that something is not right with a person, place, or situation. He wants you to listen to the distress call He is giving you, telling you to get out now. You’ve seen the proof of the unrest, the anger, the darkness, the falseness, the lies, the bad… in someone or something. God is waiting for you to listen and protect your own peace from the people who plan to use, manipulate, and destroy you in the future. God wants you to trust all He is telling you, so that you will run away from the people and run into His arms for this era of peace you so rightfully deserve, to commence once and for all.
You don’t need people, your life will be beautiful with or without them & in these cases your life will be more beautiful WITHOUT them… so when someone shows you who they are believe them. All these weird things & feelings are not you being emotional. You are sensing that something is not right. Get rid of them. The source of the unrest… get rid of it. Isolate. Stand with God alone, so that He can redesign your life, & give you whom is proper for you by ushering in a whole brand new set of people that you didn’t even have to search for, people that He had you meet in person at random, people who will light up your life instead of dim your light. God will continue to make you feel bothered and anxious and drained and stressed and disgusted by these people until you finally get rid of them. You will continuously feel in danger, like your peace and wellbeing is under threat constantly by these people, until you rid yourself of them.
Please choose peace. Get rid of the people. Keep God closer than the people. You only need God, so whomever else wants to die off and whither away out of your life, it’s just another day shorty, let them whither away. So that God can give you better.
Let them folks tell themselves whatever false narrative they need to tell themselves about you in order to help THEM sleep at night. God knows the truth. Forget them. Dead them. Ex them up out your life once and for all. And claim your peace. Like God wants you to.
Your spirit knows when someone is not right for you. You feel it inside your body, inside your lunges, inside your heart, inside your stomach, you feel the anxiety increasing, you feel the unrest unleashing, you feel there is an attack near.. that is because your spirit and God knows what you do not. Stay away from the people who disturb you in this way. It will not always be obvious but God will show you at some point. Keep your spiritual eyes and ears open to Gods voice.
Save yourself. You’re too beautiful on the inside to let outside energy hurt you so bad. Clear the room.
One love 💕
- The Modest Blog | Paris Dior
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blueempty · 1 year ago
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Oh yeah, its 4:30am alright
Listen kid, there's two ways to live ya life. You either post on your sky blog at 10pm because youre going to bed at 12am, or you post at demon hours because you decided it was your night to experience joy. I decided it was my night to draw
I've had big Fairune brain the past few days because I've been needing to finish the collection and I finally did. I found out there's a new one coming out this year and got excited until i saw it looks more like their games they made after Fairune which does not spark joy. I rememered having seen their game Kamiko on sale forever ago and liking the title screen art and then immediately nope'ing out when I saw what the game looked like. The old artist must've left or taken a dark path at some point because the Fairune 1 and 2 art is really really good, but then for Kamiko, Transiruby, and their slow life RPG thing I cant remember the name of, they switched to this generic early kickstarter era indie pixel art thing where the sprites legs are one pixel wide and they dont have enough frames of animation for how detailed they are and its just not great. Regardless, Kamiko is on sale on switch for $1.99 right now and I had 192 gold coins, so I bought it for 7 cents. I havent played much but uh, I wish that new Fairune was like the old ones lets just say that
I'm beginning to absolutely fucking love the PC88. The games EGG Console put out are all so fucked and jank but they arent unfun to play like bad NES or Genesis games. Silpheed is legitimately good, I'm talking more about Hydlide and Relics. I mention this because what made me play Fairune was that Hydlide wasnt on the switch lol. But I also just watched a video on Xanadu and like man. Like I dont think games should be that anti-player but literally zero games are released today that have that energy. Like imagine if the Marvelous guys were still making games like Chulip and Moon. Where theyre unbelievably charming and deep but they also fucking hate you and if you dont know all the enemies despawn if you kill them 3 times the game becomes incompletable. I guess Dark Souls 2 was like that
Anyways its my partners birthday tomorrow (cuz I havent slept yet tomorrow means friday) and were going to da zoo baybee, during a massive covid surge baybee, with non refundable tickets and N95s in our hands baybeeee. The event were going to starts late tho so I'll be fine on sleep. Lately I've been being a better employee and getting into work earlier, and actually doing my job for 7 hours than leaving and going to bed by 3am at the latest. Thats why most of my posts have been baffling or short, this shit sucks man. No time for Barony hat update. But I'm not working any extra days this weekend so i'm gonna eat all the hats that game has to offer soon
Peace and Long Life
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unarosacresciutatrairovi · 1 year ago
Ed è brutto quando inizi l'anno con una persona nella tua vita e lo finisci che quella persona non sai neanche più come sta.
Non lo leggerai mai, ma spero tu sappia che continuo a pensarti ogni giorno, a chiedermi ogni giorno come stai, cosa stai facendo, come va la tua giornata.
Continuo a chiedermi se tu mi pensi ogni tanto, se senti la mia mancanza, perché io la sento, tantissimo.
Continuo a sognarti la notte
a sognare la tua voce che mi dice "ti voglio bene chicca".
A sognare le tue braccia che, stringendomi, mi fanno sentire a casa.
A sognare la notifica del tuo messaggio in arrivo.
A sognare le nostre lunghe chiamate.
A sognare le ore passate a passeggiare per la città.
A sognare i cazziatoni che mi facevi quando facevo qualcosa di sbagliato.
A sognare i tuoi stupendi occhi guardarmi con dolcezza.
A sognare il tuo meraviglioso sorriso che mi contagiava sempre.
A sognare il suono della tua risata così sincera.
Sogno persino le notti passate a cercare di finire quel dannato Dark Souls sulla switch.
Continuo a sognare te, a sognare il giorno in cui, rincontrandoci, tu mi venga in contro abbracciandomi.
E non smetto mai di darmi la colpa, perché sì, è tutta colpa mia, sono stata una stupida, mi sono comportata da incoerente. È colpa mia perché ti avevo detto "sarei proprio stupida a permettere una cosa del genere, sarei matta." e alla fine lo sono stata, ho lasciato che accadesse.
Ma vorrei tanto che tu sapessi che ho dovuto fare una scelta e, per quanto abbia fatto male, era la cosa migliore da fare. Non ho scelto di continuare la mia strada con te, a malincuore, ma ho scelto la tua tranquillità e serenità. Ho scelto comunque te, ho messo comunque te al primo posto. Perché se avessi portato avanti il rapporto con te non avrei potuto evitarti le sofferenze che ne seguivano e non mi sarei mai perdonata per questo.
Non mi perdonerò mai neanche il fatto di averti abbandonato, ma almeno ho la consapevolezza che nessuno ti farà del male e mi va bene così, in fondo, molto in fondo.
Molto in fondo proprio perché mi fa tanto male starti lontano, ma ho sempre preferito stare male io piuttosto che lasciare che qualcuno dia problemi a te, lo hai sempre saputo.
E continuo a farlo, continuo a prendermi tutto il male che, standoti vicino, sarebbe stato destinato a te.
E continuo anche a tenerti al primo posto nel mio cuore, nonostante tutto, perché è solo grazie a te se sono rinata, se ho tirato fuori chi sono veramente e se in quest'ultimo anno non sono crollata.
Continuo a volerti bene, più di ogni altra cosa al mondo.
Continuo a portarti dentro.
Perché ripeto, "a me va bene anche distanti tanto ti porto con me" e con me rimani, solo che tu non lo sai.
E vorrei tanto dirti queste cose, credimi, lo vorrei davvero, ma ho paura di prendermi una porta in faccia. Ho paura di riportarti in fondo con me. Ho paura di farti del male.
Quindi è meglio che vada così.
Se il destino vorrà, un giorno, ci rincontreremo e le cose verranno da sé.
Mi manchi come, non so in realtà come cosa, perché non ho mai sentito un vuoto così grande per niente e per nessuno prima d'ora. Posso solo dire che mi manchi, tanto.
Buon anno.
La tua piccola rosa.
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ajoytobeheld · 1 year ago
Gareth Campesinos!' records of 2010
December 2nd, 2010
And so, the moment I’ve been waiting for, my 12 albums for 2010. That averages at one a month </justification for exceeding ten>
I was intending to do this in order of preference, but the late arrival of Kanye convinced me otherwise. Right now I can’t see that I like an album from this year more than My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy, but 12 months ago I’d have said the same about Perfume Genius’ Learning. Making a snap decision now could only cause me to cause some horrific injustice like, oooh, I dunno, suggesting the Marina And The Diamonds record is better than Kanye. Idiocy.
I cannot write about music, so please forgive these descriptions, they’re just to break up the pics, like.
So, in no particular order…
Psychorama – Bathcrones
Bright melodies bubbling atop and overflowing from slow motion beats. All sheets of synth noise and groove. An oddly uplifting record, kinda like a crack of light under the doorframe of a darkened room.
Love King – The Dream
The-Dream’s written some of modern chart music’s biggest hits (Umbrella, Single Ladies) but his solo records show an intelligence and degree of concept that very few people would expect. Dark, self obsessed stuff hidden behind MASSIVE TUNES. Our generation’s Michael Jackson, I tell you.
Carve Out The Face Of My God – Infinite Body
The most melodic shoegazy/ambient record I can recall hearing. Released on No Age’s Post Present Medium record label, this drone is modern day classical music if you ask me.
Autre Ne Veut – Autre Ne Veut
Like every annoying ten-minute trend this year, but with actual worth behind it, a set of bollocks and falsetto. Nostalgic, twisted pop-songs to make your head whir and your eyes cry ice cubes. This is one of my absolute favourites.
Blue Water White Death – Blue Water White Death
Starring Jamie Stewart and Shearwater’s Jonathan Meiburg, this, for me, harks back to La Foret era Xiu Xiu. Centred around acoustic instrumentation and eerie, threatening mantras.
LA Vampires Meets Zola Jesus – LA Vampires Meets Zola Jesus
Massively succesful year for Zola Jesus’ Nika Roza, whose Stridulum EP has seen her break into a world that I could never have imagined (though am so pleased to see her in). However this, her work with Pocahaunted’s Amanda Brown is my favourite of hers from this year. Mesmerising, minor key and dub tinged, this is pretty trippy stuff.
Dagger Paths – Forest Swords
So happy that this is receiving a late push from the likes of Pitchfork. Wirral producer Matthew Barnes is a gentleman, and produces music like nothing I can recall exactly hearing before. His cover of Aaliyah’s ‘If Your Girl’ may well be my track of the year (actually, no, that’s The-Dreams F.I.L.A., but still).
Suburban Tours – Rangers
Like early Ariel Pink, but less annoying (to my ears). Every AM radio song of the 80s recorded to cassette and played atop of each other over a melted car stereo. But sad, very sad.
Learning – Perfume Genius
The most delicate and tortured music I’ve heard since the highest (or is that lowest) points of This Mortal Coil. Just a beautiful man and his demons sat aside a piano. I’ve gone on about this record enough that if I’ve not convinced you by now, I’m sure I never will.
My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy – Kanye West
There are no words.
Mare – Julian Lynch
Hazy, folky pop songs made ‘difficult’. Soothing and rewarding.
New Love – Former Ghosts
Industrial, hyper emotional tales of the heart and soul from the composer of my favourite album of 2009. This second full length pays even more attention to detail and space. Somehow more pop and more brutal than before.
Needless to say, I’m excited for all the upcoming End Of Year Lists from certain publications, to see what brilliant stuff I’ve missed out on this year. And maybe yours too?
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shivasdarknight · 2 years ago
aight I'll bite
I write a multi-wol story but only 4 of them count as WoLs. Everybody else is a Scion or not affiliated, so I'll skip past the one's who are more WoL adjacent (eg Altan, Katsuro, W'khittri etc. - the usual back up crowd) and focus on the others
So first off:
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Not really a Scion but not a bystander, Zirnghota Zwynachtwyn is effectively a research and developer for experimental black magic and arcanima from Sharlayan. Her godfather is one of the Warriors of Light, Teodore. She's 27 as of enw so she's baby for Viera, but...is she a Viera?
Viera of the Source have more rabbit-like feet, a lot more body hair, don't grow antlers, and the women certainly aren't....7ft tall. Yet Zirnghota is, well uh, 7'2" and has antlers. To put it plainly: she's a Lepus, the Viera equivalent of the Fourth. However, she was not raised on the Fourth. When she was a child, she was ripped from the Fourth and to Meracydia on the Source, where she was found by her would-be adoptive mother, Zwynacht - a kindly Sea Wolf gleaner with too many adoptive kids with her wife, Fyrilbryda.
Due to her interest in figuring out what's wrong with her and why she's got such weak aether, she dove headfirst into her studies and have become a leading researcher in the 3rd era regarding summoning practices. As such, she's granted leave of black mage and summoner soul stones by the Forum for further study.
Her brother is Glyndwr Zwynachtsyn, her girlfriend is a mechanic from Werlyt named Athanasia, and she's the Fourth shard of the main WoL, Surkukteni. Like every Charon shard, she's not cis (intersex + trans fem, goes by she/they), she's bisexual, and she's obnoxious as all hell .w. Doesn't know how to stop meddling.
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Glyndwr Zwynachtsyn is Zirnghota's baby brother - he's 7 years younger whuch means he's 20 in enw. Like Zirn, he's a Lepus of the Fourth but he was a baby when he got ripped from there and to the Source with his sister. As a result, he remembers nothing and has been deeply warped aetherically. Both of their dark blue hair scorched white, but only Zirnghota's has begun to revert back to the original color. Glyndwr's remains...?
He's a momma's boy through and through. Once he was old enough to go traveling, he'd constantly go on gleaner trips with Zwynacht and found a love of biology, ecology and zoology. ...However, those trips didn't exactly instill a love of humanity. Quite the opposite, actually.
Yeah, Glyn's not one of the Scion rotations. He's a full on eco-terrorist whose running away is what spurs Zirn to work with the WoLs. He's so frustrated and infuriated by the damage that humanity causes that he frankly kinda would want all of em to just die. He's first seen by the WoLs in Zadnor working with Llofii against the Garleans, but he's mostly just pissed about the beast tamer units and how they abuse wildlife - especially endangered species. He's also not too fond of the main wol for having a hoarhound (Fenrir) as a companion, finding it unethical (WHICH I MEAN LIKE. YEAH. BUT SHE'S KINDA STUCK W HIM AS A FAMILIAR NOW). So yeah, a good analogy for the Lepus siblings is thar Zirnghota is a lot like Nausicaa in terms of her relationship with the environment and people: she'd rather act as a go-between and figure out a way to maintain balance. Glyndwr is like San from Mononoke if Ashitaka was never in the picture. Like, he's fucking wrathful and I can't really fault him whatsoever.
Glyn's got no notable relationships besides his sister, Zirnghota, and a somewhat friendship with Llofii. What is notable is that he is the Fourth shard of Hermes :) So things are going so well. He's also trans (trans man, he/him) and bi, so just like his dear older sister.
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Athanasia Castellanos is Zirnghota's girlfriend and a mechanic/engineer from Werlyt. She's pretty much only known life under imperial control, but that doesn't mean she necessarily is complacent in this. She's no combatant so she does what she can from the sidelines without putting the whole resistance effort at risk. Team meets her during the Werlyt questline, where her relationship with Zirnghota is revealed. Athanasia has been in and out of Werlyt for work, but managed to find a way into Garlond Ironworks well ahead of the story. She maintained contact with Cid and Jessie which led to an encounter with Zirn and they hit it off immediately.
She's strictly a civilian type, but once Werlyt is over she gets help settling into Sharlayan so she can lend her expertise with magitek to help out before moving shop to Thavnair to do the same - all as a proud engineer at the Garlond Ironworks 😌
Like I said she's dating Zirnghota. She's a transbian who goes by she/they, she's also like 7ft tall and I love these ridiculously tall gfs.
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Another civilian I've got is Qismat, who I'm still working on. He's a Viera (actual Viera this time) of Dalmasca, and like Athanasia has only ever known imperial rule. He wasn't born in the forest since his parents had left ages ago, so by birth he's Dalmascan. However, the destruction of Dalmasca and the surrounding forest forced the hand of the Wood Warders and granted Qismat effectively dual citizenship because they desperately needed people to fill the dead ranks. And all of this is why he's Qismat Djt-marouc. The elementals didn't really take too kindly to a city Viera being made a Warder and lashed out at him, though? I'm still working on the details, but the flower is literally rooted into his eye. Whether it's a punishment or monitoring, I'm not sure yet, but the elementals are...very pissy that he's needed. Like Athanasia, he's just Some Guy compared to the others. I'm even struggling to figure out if he gets the opportunity to engage with the main group, since the only things I can think of were like...various military excursions like with Zadnor, or the Camp Broken Glass stuff. Only way they could is if they spent any significant amount of time in Dalmasca, is my best guess. Either way, I just think he's a neat oc to have around even if he doesn't get used much at all.
Uhh, only goes by he/him, and he's bi. Because of course he is.
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Now Melisande is FUN. Tiny bit cheating here because she's a Scion now but not one of the WoLs and doesn't want to be; she's got her own shit going on most of the time.
Melisande's a (now former) gladiator of the Bloodsands, known as the Fury of the Bloodsands thanks to her stupid managers. If the title wasn't obvious enough, Melisande's not from Ul'dah. She's a bastard child of a minor noble house that serves House Haillenarte, and her family treated her like crap - so it's really no surprise that "Melisande Lanverlais" is not her birth name, but you'll never hear from her what it was originally, beyond being yet another Greystone. Her choices as an adult were to either get locked away in a cloyster, an option that wasn't given to her but was still on the board of having her be sealed away beneath the city to keep the history of Ishgard, or sign up for the Temple Knights to be rid of her. None of these options would've turned out well because none were what they seemed, but Melisande's choice was the Temple Knights. ...And within a few weeks of being in their ranks, she was suddenly pushed into the training for the Knights Dragoon. She is not at all qualified to be a Dragoon, never had the knack for it, and this was intentional as she was let in on the fact that it was blood money that got her there - like many other bastards that had been rushed into the training given the high mortality rate of the job.
This is why she ran. It was the only way she was making it out of the city and making out of it alive. Coordinating with her then-lover, Laniaitte, Melisande fled the See and made contact with the Heretics (pre-calamity), and downed a vial of dragon's blood to ensure that she'd be executed should her family try to drag her back. And from there, she ran off to Ul'dah where she's stayed for the good part of a decade or so.
Melisande is involved in the main story as the one who is forced to help get Ysayle back to health after Azys Lla, but she is very good friends with the WoL, Seraphin. She's looked after him for years since he's one of the refugees from Ala Mhigo (not directly Ala Mhigan himself, but a Duskwight from a clan located near the Fringes). She's also the one who acts as Surkukteni's co-tank for the Doma half of the story before disappearing to go back to Ul'dah and keep Ysayle hidden from the public eye for another year or so. She's also involved in Bozja, Sorrows of Werlyt fights, and is in and out through Endwalker.
She's not just extra manpower when needed, however. Melisande is going to be relevant as there's something off about her soul. While Zirnghota and Glyndwr have the shared issue of lesser aether due to being from the Fourth, Melisande has the opposite issue in a way that no one in the group could have ever predicted: Melisande's soul is so aetherically dense that there's not even a bit of dynamis making up its composition. It wasn't something anyone could sense, but for some reason drinking dragon's blood seemed to make it worse.
Melisande is incredibly physically strong - as in she literally intercepts Susano with no trouble whatsoever and knocks him back several yards - and often has to hold herself back in combat; her hearing is far more sensitive and even before the Echo she's been able to understand a fair amount of languages without needing exposure to them; and thanks to the dragon's blood she can shift...just...It's not the forms Heretics usually take. Less aevis and more Vishap. If she felt like wielding magic, she could probably be a devastating force. ...So what's wrong with her?
There are no shards for Melisande as her soul has only ever existed on the Source: she is the first instance of a Great Wyrm reincarnating. Everything about her - from the strength, the aetheric density, the auto translator before the echo, the weird draconic form of hers and the lack of anything explosive happening when she drank the blood initially - is due to the fact that she is the reincarnation of Ratatoskr. She's been watched over her entire life by Hydaelyn and Midgardsormr in attempts to see what would happen now that a Great Wyrm's soul was reborn into the body of a mortal - worse, an Ishgardian. It's part of why her Echo activated at such a young age since Hydaelyn was the one who granted her it as a ward of protection. The only issue is, it wound up corrupting her natural blue eye (natural heterochromia) into crystal. In time, that eye's going to get more and more draconic as it become dense in Melisande's aether. It's so cosmically cruel that she'd reincarnate not only as an Ishgardian, but a bastard immediately sent to her death as a failure of a dragoon. She joins the Scions and discovers a buried wanderlust and love of travel, but it's going to be a long while before she finds out what exactly she is. Bonus fun things: she is the reincarnation of Ratatoskr, and one of her major helpers in escaping is Estinien - well before he became the Azure Dragoon. And again, she later went on to keep an eye on Ysayle during her recovery, so she has a very deep connection with the HVW cast as is.
She's a bisexual disaster who only goes by she/her. She's not into relationships because she's trying to appear as promiscuous and boorish as possible so that if it ever gets back to her blood family it'll look so goddamned bad for them. She - personally - just doesn't care and doesn't frankly see herself living long enough to have a relationship, especially since she's still grieving the necessary breakup with Laniaitte. Though, she does end up with Yotsuyu eventually; like she harbored Ysayle, she ends up harboring Yotsuyu after Shadowbringers per Lucia's request. Which ends up with them bonding over shitty homelands and getting together.
So uhh yeah. Not a WoL, but very fun.
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Satomi is interesting because they're related to one of the WoLs (Surkukteni) and one of the WoL-adjacents (Katsuro, Surkie's twin) but wants nothing to do with any of that. Satomi is originally from Sui no Sato, and the eldest child of Kousuke Osada - as in Surkie and Katsuro's shitty father. They have one, two full siblings sure but they were made the immediate only provider for their family when their father got himself banished callously. So cue a very young au ra working their way to where they are now (39 as of ENW, so ~35 in STB when they learn of their half siblings). They're a skilled spear fisher and lance user, but they're not one to willingly enter combat.
During the events of STB when they meet their half siblings for the first time, it's a tense introduction as it's a reminder of what their father was up to when he forsook their family. But unfortunately, Satomi spends a bit too much time with these foreigners and is labeled a liability to Sui no Sato - in spite of these foreigners literally helping the town - and banished as well. Devastated by the fact she caused this, Surkukteni sets Satomi up with her old captain, Kitase, to get them passage to Limsa where her contact came through to give Satomi a place there. They end up joining the Sanguine Sirens and it turns out they have a real affinity for bow usage. While still not a major combatant, they're usually found tracking down good game for the Missing Member.
They're not a super major part of the story, besides learning more about Surkie's shitty father, but they're still fun. They go by they/she (prefer they/them), they're a lesbian and I don't know if they'll ever get with anyone! I haven't really thought much about who they'd be a good fit for.
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Now this is a fun oc. Krystsyng Keimrachwyn is a practitioner of Sharlayan astromancy, but don't let that fool you into thinking that she's a healer by trade: this woman is an agent for the Forum, which often translates into hit jobs for them. She was directly inspired by the hitmen sent after Leveva in the Astrologian quests, and she's technically involved in them. Unlike the main hitmen who withdrew, Krystsyng was ordered to stay and see if aught could be done to still finish her orders. As such, she's a temporary healer for the team for parts of Zadnor and Werlyt as an infiltrator that immediately sets the other Sharlayans off as they recognize her. She takes interest in the main WoL's abilities (Surkie has an echo that allows her to break fate when it concerns death), and suspects she may be in the presence of the rogue student of Leveva's (she is: it's Surkie).
Krystsyng is not an Astrologian by trade, however. While she may live by fortune telling and can be found doing various readings with tea leaves or her cards to plot her day, that's not her dominant magicks. She actually is a Sage by trade who's been given leave of a Black Mage soul crystal for easier clean up when necessary; Astrologian is a bit too...tame for her liking.
This makes her sound like a terrifying force to be reckoned with, and in all honesty she is? But the fact of the matter is that she's only like this when she's getting paid for it. She's the type of antagonist who could run into her target while she's off the clock and she'll idly chat with them while going about her business - she's not being paid, why should she continue to hunt or antagonize them? She's...not really true neutral, but very chaotic neutral. When the Forum orders her to stop pursuing the WoLs she still obeys, but it results in the group having a major grudge against her while she's just cordial with them and doing her damned job like nothing happened.
Krystyng is in her 40 through the main timeline (41 in HVW, 47 in ENW), and is a stone butch lesbian .w. She's not cis, but she still exclusively goes by she/her since it fucks with people who see her as a man and she enjoys it. She's currently with this capitalistic bitch, Misaki (who's also Surkie's ex), but that's just more her having a fuckbuddy than caring about Misaki. Once she's done in Eorzea, that fling is over and onto the next one. So yes, this does make Krystsyng one of my antagonistic characters - but of the ones shown here? While Glyndwr is more moralistic in his antagonism, and the next three are just batshit, Krystsyng is just antagonistic by happenstance. She doesn't give a shit nor will she ever. She may be antagonistic now, and then not next week, or may start back up again in a few months. Up to what her employers want, in all honesty. And that's fine by her :)
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So, this is one of my really weird ocs. Because Iolaine is one of three 3rd Era ocs of mine. But unlike the other two, she's still around.
Let's start with the surface level: Iolaine Monranguin is one of the surviving members of the Velodyna Duskwight clan from the Fringes of Gyr Abania. For as long as anyone could remember, she has always been the history keeper of the clan and is responsible for keeping hundreds - if not thousands - of years of their history. With the exception of a few notable survivors (like Seraphin), she holds the historical record of their existence since their destruction at the hands of the Garleans. ...But she's weird. The woman is significantly larger than all others in the clan - standing at 10'2" - and her skintone is a really strange purple if you look at it in the right light. There's just...something very off about her, and these days you can find her roaming the Black Shroud of all places, yet frequently dipped into Ala Mhigo while it was still under Garlean occupation - and without fail, every time she did more Garleans would wind up dead.
Now for the batshit level: Iolaine Monranguin was born Urth. She's an Allagan from the 3rd Era that was a bit of a double agent - more aligned with insurrectionists like Ammut than not - and worked towards the fall of the empire with her then-lover, Odin (and this specific Odin is the interpretation by @/hyllhund, who is a butch he/him lesbian). Unfortunately, the empire was starting to catch onto Urth and proposed that in order for her to prove her loyalty, she had to put down Odin - who they damn well knew was her lover. But this clearly shows the stark difference between Urth's approach to rebellion versus Ammut's: Urth fucking did it. She coordinated with Odin, of course, but she killed him and staged her death "at his hands" when the empire came in to clean up. This went into the records as the murder of Urth at what is now Urth's Font, while she walked it off and was granted immortality as a reward for her continued service and loyalty for the empire :) Ammut wasn't happy with her, but she did what she had to. ...And she wound up the one to survive him, as Ammut and his lover - Meracydian general, Macchi - were caught by Amon (Ammut's brother) and executed publicly. Urth was spared of such a fate and continued to work against the interests of Allag - including helping with the initial formation of the G tribe and getting them out of the Empire's radar.
From there she took on a new name as she blended in with everyone and laid low until about the 5th Astral Era where she integrated into the kingdom of Mhach. As a result of her time in Allag, Iolaine was already an accomplished Summoner and she took very well to Black Magic (yeah she has a soulstone and that's her stone. It's an original). However, that stint didn't last long as the War of the Magi ensued and everything fucking exploded. Instead of leaving Yafaem with the survivors to what would become Belah'dia, she instead headed east to Gyr Abania and became one of the founding Crimson Duelists. This is also about when she joined the Velodyna clan. She balanced these two identities for decades until that came to a sudden stop thanks to the Garleans. And now, she wanders.
.....But that paints her in a good light. Understand, that while this was going on, Iolaine has been maintaining a Primal that's haunted the Black Shroud for ages: Odin. How else do you think Zantetsuken got there, seeing as it's part of the Eureka Primal? Iolaine is responsible for the continued existence of this deadly Primal so that her lover might still be with her. Every time the Primal is slain, she leads new adventurers to Zantetsuken so the cycle may be started anew - it's why Gyr Abania was so damned convenient for her. While she is discovered during Stormblood as the reason why Odin still exists despite him not having a devoted following like the other Primals, that doesn't stop her. It actually makes her unfortunately far more relevant as the expansions go on as she has that tie to Ammut which means all the Fandaniel/Amon stuff and the Lunar Primals; all of this in spite of how genuinely fucked she's become - but that's just true Allagan fashion, isn't it?
Iolaine only goes by she/her. She's not really cis, but doesn't really have a label outside of gnc. She's over ~3000 years old, a chaotic bisexual, and my favorite thing about her is she sounds like Madam Suliman while her entire character inspiration is "Howl but a bisexual woman aaaannnddd oops she's just the Goblin King, Jareth now somehow"
So yeah, David Bowie and Howl vibes yet she sounds like a really suave old lady.
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Okay this one really is cheating because she's not a WoL but actually a MoL - well, was. Saoirse Ó Dubhshláine was a Beithir (13th au ra) Memoriate from the Thirteenth. She traveled with a somewhat large group of people for back then - 4 others, eventually 5 - but the notable ones were Donovich Ó Conghalaigh and his sister, Silbhé. Silbhé is the one who joined last because she was really reluctant, but she wound up doing so when she began to see Saoirse romantically.
So why is this one of the batshit ocs?
Well beyond the fact that she's from the Thirteenth, her character exists entirely now as her voidsent: The Morrigna. Saoirse was one of the original Memoriates, as in the fuckers who absorbed so much aether that they were the first to turn. While she was generally doing this for the right reason, her vanity caught up to her (fucking bards) and she was the first of the group to turn - with Donovich soon behind. ...But Donovich fled; he fled, Silbhé got swept away by something (gee it's like Silbhé is pronounced the exact same way as Cylva), and the remaining three would become known as The Morrignae.
The Morrigna is both the central figure and the trio of voidsent, but to be specific - and how they refer to themselves - The Morrigna is the leader of the Morrignae, which consists of Badb, Nemain, and Macha. All four of them are shards affiliated with the WoLs (Saoirse - Surkie, main wol. Badb - Skuld. Nemain - W'khittri. Macha - Gwendoline, a wol), while Donovich - the runaway - is none of the WoLs but rather Estinien's Thirteenth shard.
The Morrignae and their leader are near-peers (as in close but not as powerful) to the Archfiends. They've claimed substantial territory within the Void, yet The Morrigna itself is extremely irritable and continues to search madly for something. And that something is somethings: Donovich (or the voidsent, Diarmuid Ua Duibhne) for their close association when they were still mortal (mostly to claim his power for its own), and Silbhé (now Cylva/Cyella) as the two were lovers and forever bound as shards of Charon and Khione. The Morrigna is a terrifying force to be reckoned with as it's a voidsent with no set form beyond what seems to be an ever-shifting, inky, viscous entity that often takes a draconic form. It messes with fate in a cynical way of rewinding the immediate course of things and forcing you down a path that was significantly worse because it's "only realistic" - which means if it reverses something like healing and then strike you, all that effort you put into closing a wound is just gone, like undoing a bunch of steps in a word or image processing program and then immediately typing/drawing something new and erasing your previous steps forward.
The Morrigna is mostly mentioned over the course of 2.0-6.X. She exists as Surkie's ironic research focus, which eventually gives Ysayle the idea to go by the alias, Morrignette. The Morrigna was Surkukteni's original target for something to summon for herself as a personal voidsent, but she wound up summoning Diarmuid Ua Duibhne instead, making the Source a target for The Morrigna. It's not the first time, as the 3rd Era saw Diarmuid and Macha summoned into the still-living bodies of Ammut and Macchi respectively to execute them, nearly drawing The Morrigna to Allag, had Diarmuid not wrapped up his end of the deal so quickly (fun fact: Macha - and to an extent, Macchi - are where Mhach gets its name from, as it's in honor to Macha).
BUT AS OF 6.X, THE MORRIGNA IS NOW ON THE SOURCE. Instead of just sitting around, she managed to find a shard of Silbhé (Cylva) and foged a pact with her. The two are now on the source and have become antagonists for my bullshit in 6.X.
Saoirse (the Beithir) was a bisexual trans woman who went by she/it. She was in a relationship with Cylva (also trans and bi, so bi4bi t4t) up until the destruction of their home. She's now the pact holder for Philomène, in this really homoerotic summoner/voidsent relationship. She was never with Donovich (gay man), but the two were very close regardless and she still hunts for Diarmuid now that he's substantially weakened.
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The last one I can add (because mobile restrictions) is Philomène Sonrel, a Lamia of the 4th. She's Ysayle's shard, and due to the soulmate stuff that have tied Charon's and Khione's shards together, she was able to feel Zirnghota get ripped from the 4th and it subsequently left what felt like a gaping hole in her heart - and the two never met! Philomène grew up like this as a hunter trying to make ends meet, but could never explain why she always felt so achingly lonely.
Until Saoirse showed up.
Something about Saoirse clicked and managed to (mostly) fill the void in her chest that was left by Zirnghota's departure from the 4th. Something felt right, and she immediately took up the proposal of working with this voidsent (though fuck if she knew what a voidsent was). Upon the completion of the contract, it awakened Khione's latent potent magical powers and allowed her to become a powerful summoner and black mage - though by summoner it mostly means voidsent summoner as she has full command over those that The Morrigna lords over. She is no way relevant until 6.X, because she's spent the entirety of MSQ in the 4th with The Morrigna.
She is also bisexual, she goes by she/her exclusively, and she's in a very homoerotic pactbearer thing with Saoirse/The Morrigna. I can't wait to figure out how she and Zirnghota bounce off of each other once everything begins to shape up with this side story.
Okay but I wanna see ALL of the non-wol OCs, send them my way, I gotta follow more peeps. I want more FFXIV inhabitants on my dash.
Also like, let me know, what do they do, what are they like?
Please reblog for visibility so more people can poke me.
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