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headchef-tomas · 7 years ago
She was sweet, just like her name suggested, but every now and then Marie had a hard morning with a few people who rubbed her the wrong way and made her want to be anything but. Still, even after everything she couldn’t exactly bring herself to snap back, taking the verbal abuse and carrying with her all the way to work. The traffic and at calling she encountered didn’t help, but it all counted as factors to why she was so late for work. “ Hello! I’m here! Sorry about that, traffic was – I’m sorry.” She breathed out as she apologized to the staff and the waiting patients. “ Who’s first today?”
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The man could not help but check his watch once more as he waited with his children for the dentist. This was usually something Vanessa would do. She was better with bargaining with them. He had no patience for it. When Dr. Sweet came in he sat up a little bit taller. “It is fine. Magdalena is first. Right?” He looked at his children. The little girl nodded mournfully while her brother was still absorbed in playing on his iPhone. “Do you think it will be more than two hours?” Tomás asked her, thinking about his restaurant.
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headchef-tomas · 7 years ago
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“yes, actually, there is.” with slender arms crossing over her chest, tierney waltzed right up to the chef with a newfound dominance. “huh, funny you say that considering you shouldn’t be near my dock. i don’t know whether it’s you or one of the staffers that are sent to handpick their ‘catch of the day’, but i strongly advise you choose a different spot.” she was pent up with anger, aggravation. sure, massachusetts was notorious for their seafood, but to a marine biologist the cuisine itself was an absolute nightmare. “i had dozens of king crabs in traps last night and this morning they were gone. i was supposed to be analyzing their growth patterns today – come to find out they were nowhere to be found. seems skeptical considering that your special tonight is some god awful asian fusion king crab dish, huh ?”
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Tomás didn’t stop working on his prep work to even look up at the young woman as she ranted on. “I do not know what you are talking about. We get our seafood from the market. Maybe you should take it up with the fishermen instead of storming into my kitchen.”
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headchef-tomas · 7 years ago
“I still feel like an absolute moron,” Elle said with a laugh. She was always one to be particularly hard on herself. However,  she was glad he didn’t seem angry about it, though. “Alright, thank you. I’m sure I’ll be able to find them.”
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“If you can’t then I’ll need a bigger sign for the restroom.” The man said less than enthusiastically. “My sister will be annoyed with me, but that would not be new either.”
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headchef-tomas · 7 years ago
“Yes, my brother is too uptight and stressed out and it will clearly show up in the food and the customers would be complaining and this is also my kitchen and I have every right to be here.” She smirked at her older brother, clearly loving the way he was annoyed. “You shouldn’t be annoyed by my presence. I’m your loving little sister who you would give anything for.”
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“Val, if I cannot focus and prep then put customers will not have food to eat.” He gave her a pointed look. “And if I can’t take things out on chopping vegetables I don’t think you’ll like where I put that energy. What do you actually want Valentina?”
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headchef-tomas · 7 years ago
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headchef-tomas · 7 years ago
location: american seasons ; time: friday 8:03 pm 
featuring: @headchef-tomas
to say andy’s day was long was an understatement, it wasn’t just long it was always daunting, exhausting, and she had to most of the day with rich folks who spent more than six of her paychecks to be a member at the stupid clyb she worked out. she had two drinks spilled on her, and had four meals sent back for not being up to standard. if she was to be honest she didn’t mind the job itself, it was the people she couldn’t stand. she constantly talks about quitting but the just slightly above minimum wage paychecks kept her coming back in the next day. walking into the closest bar across the street from her work she hung her coat up and found a sit at the bar. grabbing some peanuts from the bowl she realized how hungry she was oh so suddenly. when the bartender walked over she looked up and ordered quickly. “can i get the world’s largest vodka tonic, and put it on the guy’s tab.” she said half joking to the dude sitting a couple stools down from her.
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It was becoming a bad habit of his, drinking alone on nights when the kids were with Vanessa. Tomás was simply desperate to forget all the bullshit he’d been through the past year. He’d already been there for nearly an hour and a half with the young woman showed up. Surprised to hear her referencing him, or at least he thought she was, the man looked up at the pretty young brunette. “Very presumptuous of you, but I suppose I can spare it... just make sure to card her. I  don’t want to get in trouble for helping you serve a minor.”
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headchef-tomas · 7 years ago
“No, there isn’t a problem,” Eloise replied, cheeks flushing red with embarrassment, clearly having ended up in the completely wrong place. “I’m an idiot and was looking for the bathroom. I apologize for disturbing you!” She really did have the worse luck some days, and unfortunately today was one of those days.
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"No need to apologize. Trust me, I have had worse disturbances.” He looked the woman over. She reminded him of his wife somewhat. “The bathrooms are to the right when you leave, in a small hallway.” The man explained easily.
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headchef-tomas · 7 years ago
“Oh, sorry. I must have gotten turned around. I was looking for the
 The restroom,” she stumbled, mesmerized by his craft. 
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He looked up at the girl. “It’s fine. You want to go back out those doors and take a left. There is a small hallway where the bathrooms are.”
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headchef-tomas · 7 years ago
Blushing at his compliment, Seneca hung her head down a bit to hide the fact that her cheeks were heating up and she let out a small laugh.  “Oh please, you’re going to make me blush,” she admitted and hid her face for a quick second to hide the fact that her cheeks were red. “I love children. They’re just so much fun to teach. They’re so curious and it’s enjoyable to have around.” Seneca placed a hand on her chest when he admitted that Maggie was going to be upset she wasn’t going to her teacher. “Oh please don’t break my heart. I adore Maggie. She’s one of my favourites.”
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“You probably would think I am a terrible person then.” The man joked as he watched her. “I am not very fond of any children besides my own.” Tomas gave a weak smile. “I was terrified when Vanessa told me was pregnant...” The memory was bitter sweet now that he was going through a divorce. “I’m sure she’ll stop by and visit, after all she is still going to be in the same building.”
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headchef-tomas · 7 years ago
Tomas ✓
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headchef-tomas · 7 years ago
“You know the best part about being a teacher?” Seneca asked, coffee in hand as she walked along the pier. “Not having to work for two months,” she admitted with a small laugh as she hand a hand through her hair. “I love kids but being surrounded by kids at home and at work, I needed a break.”
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“I can imagine. I did not realize you had children of your own. That explains why you’re such a good teacher.” The man gave her a small smile. “Maggie is beside herself about not having you as her teacher again in the fall.”
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headchef-tomas · 7 years ago
“Is there some kind of problem?” The head chef’s accent helped hide how annoyed he was to be bothered right at the beginning of service. “If there isn’t, you shouldn’t be in my kitchen.”
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headchef-tomas · 7 years ago
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headchef-tomas · 7 years ago
TOMÁS SALAZAR is 38 and has resided in Nantucket, MA for FOUR YEARS. HE works as a HEAD CHEF AT THE BOARDING HOUSE. Also, HE gets mistaken for JUAN DIEGO BOTTO all the time. [GIGI/23/SHE/PST]
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Full Name: TomĂĄs Salazar
Nicknames: N/A
Age: 38
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Date of Birth: May 7th 1980
Place of Birth: Argentina
Pronouns: He/Him
Languages: Spanish (Native), English (Fluent)
Religion: Catholic
Education: Culinary School, Bachelors in English, Yale
Occupation: Head Chef
Drinks, Smokes, & Drugs: Drinks, Smokes Socially
Zodiac Sign: Taurus
Likes: cooking, a clean house, planning, soccer/football, podcasts, history, drinking, personal space, quiet, walking
Dislikes: needing glasses, lying, tv, laziness, disorganization, uncleanliness, loud places, obnoxious people
Bad Habits: Smoking
Hobbies: Cooking, soccer/football, carpentry
Fears: N/A
Positive Traits: Hard-working, clean, responsible, disciplined, calm, eloquent, gracious, loyal, methodical, logical, active
Negative Traits: pessimist, snippy, assertive, hard headed, critical, impatient, demanding, argumentative
Other Mentionable Details: N/A
Tattoos: His kids name’s on his shoulder
Piercings: None
Reference IMG:
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Parent Names: Augustina & Thiago
Sibling Names: Martina
Other Relevant Relatives: Vanessa, Estranged Wife. 
Children: Ilan &  Magdalena
Pets: None
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headchef-tomas · 7 years ago
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