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I'd like to know about canon mounts and minions for your FFXIV OCs! If you haven't answered that already
THE MOUNTS AND MINION STUFF IS FUN and it's pretty obvious as to who has the most convoluted answer. and that's all down below - I'll cover as many as I can remember :O
Surkie's first "minion" was the coeurl kit, but it's the black coeurl kit with the normal one's story. She rescued both the coeurl kit and the wolf puppy during that one 15 quest in Aleport, but she couldn't take care of the both of them and only took the kit with her - who she named Henri! She genuinely thought this was a boy, she was wrong, that is her baby girl. Henri has traveled with her since the start and has grown up into that dark knight tank mount coeurl, and she follows Surkie around through most of her adventures. Obviously there's stuff she can't join in on so she ends up as a sort of semi-permanent fixture of the Rising Stones, but she also winds up living at the Borel Manor and is a terror upon Aymeric's cat. She's very gentle with Surkie's allies (and yes, her kids too), and is just this big lovebug despite being a huge fucking coeurl. Her first mount was Prompto, her chocobo. He's a big percheron (as in the massive feral ishgardian breed that can carry 2 people) with natural black feathers, and a really nasty attitude. He's about as stubborn as Surkie is and she's gotten into a fair number of verbal arguments with this bird, it's funny. He doesn't see as much travel as he used to due to transporting issues, but he's very well loved regardless. He's very calm around Henri (especially since he's known her since she was a cub + he could very easily do damage back if she tried anything) and they have a routine where Henri plays dead on his back to sneak her through cities. Surkie canonically has Fenrir, as she found him after the events of Azys Lla still alive and recovering from even more wounds than the ones that should have killed him when they went through Snowcloak. Even in spite of what he did to Seraphin, Surkie can't bring herself to put him down since he's one of the last remnants of Ysayle (in her eyes at this point) and heals him up and they end up fairly close. Hoarhounds can act like familiars with people they grow close to, and this bond often extends to people that the owner was close to - so he's quick to warm up to Surkie, and he winds up a much better "mount" than Prompto since Hoarhounds weird and can just find you wherever; even across the Rift. He's a trans-affirming misandrist, but he puts up with Surkie's male partners and her sons. He's very affectionate with her and Ysayle, he's grown fond of Allie, and is a big murder puppy.
Surkie has other hoarhounds which include a puppy (has grown beyond the size of the minion now) named Hati that she rescued, and Hrodvitnir from the Zadnor skirmishes who is another rescue. He's smaller and skinnier than Fenrir and also doesn't have that issue with men, so Estinien's able to help with this one without being constantly glared and growled at (at least he's not Gaius, tho, because Fenrir nearly killed him upon seeing him). She also has a LYKAON PUPPY that she smuggled out of Elpis per Hermes' request. He saw how well she handled Fenrir (even in spite of him nearly mauling Emet-Selch) and asked her for a favor. While all the adults had been put down, he didn't tell the other researchers about the den of pups. She can't take all of them, but she does take one and that's Skoll. She keeps her tucked into her armor until they can leave (she was so fkn tiny) and she's very good with the hoarhounds thankfully. Yes, there's a theme here with the names. Surkie picked Hati and Skoll because of stuff she read up on the Old Gods when Ysayle introduced her to their existence. She also has a Hellhound (that varies in size) named Sétanta, who she summons whenever she so feels like. I'm thinking about making the faepup canon to her too, but she has the Hellpup which is also a big Hellhound. Turns out, this was a voidsent that used to be under the Morrigna but responded better to Surkie. I need to decide on which one, but she does have a canon motorcycle she got from Cid back in post ARR, and she's fucking obsessed with it. I just don't know if I wanna go with what I actually use (the SDS Fenrir), or the Garlond one from the Island Sanctuary. There's also a mod I have that turns the SDS Fenrir into an Omega themed bike, and that's a strong consideration... Recently canonized the Hydaelyn lynx as something that was a gift from Venat, as that's a familiar based on her own powers. Sassy fucker, but Surkie keeps her close. If we wanna get technical, the Starbird counts here, too; except that's not the Starbird that is Actually Meteion and chills with Surkie a lot because that's....kind of her aunt in a really weird way? It's complicated, but Surkie's not complaining because she'd rather Meteion do that than....y'know. Endwalker's plot. Last thing that I'll mention is that she does have a canon mammet, but that's not her fault. During post HVW, Altan sat down and worked on a Wind-Up Iceheart mammet for Surkie and gave it to her. She figured that since Eorzeans use them as ways to immortalize loved ones and remember notable people, she thought it'd be a good thing to do for her since she was really struggling with the fact she wasn't allowed space to grieve while Katsuro (wrt Haurchefant) was. Katsuro - naturally - had less than welcomed opinions about if she should have something like that because "not good coping" but she kept it with her regardless. This does, however, make Ysayle's return in 5.3 kind of fucking funny because now there's a fkn toy version of her that Surkie just has. And yes, Altan threatened to make one for her other partners when she learned of them, and she nearly got her ass beat (they do not exist, but the threat is there).
Katsuro is the one who adopted the wolf pup after Surkie left that one behind, and that boy's name is Kerberos - which was the name of a familiar that Charon had. He has other dogs and some kamuy that I still need to figure out the names of, but he's just got so many fucking dogs and Kerberos is just. Not the wolf/direwolf model we see in game, but just this big fucking more realistic wolf that won't leave him alone he's such a needy brat. Kamuy could count as a canon mount, but I don't really think about that with him very often.
Gwendoline collects those creepy voidsent dolls that were made by that one goldsmith. She knows they're haunted, she knows the Wood Wailers wanted them destroyed, but she doesn't care and has managed to get all of them. Why. Why does she bring them along, the group finds them weird. Someone get her to stop. SHE EVEN HAS CALCA AND BRINA. For mounts, Gwendoline does have a Chocobo but I need to design them...whoops. But she did rescue that Unicorn from the cnj30 quest, and her name is Hemlock. However, the unicorn came paired with a Voidsent that wouldn't leave the unicorn's side. So two for one deal since Hemlock likes Gwen, thus she also has the Nightmare, Rosemary. They're both girls. They seem to like each other. The lesbian has lesbian horses.
Seraphin has Camilla, who he raised since she hatched. Camilla is a true griffin that he found when she was an egg, given to him by Hamujj Gah when he accidentally stumbled upon a recovery effort by the Amalj'aa after some of their drake eggs and their own eggs were stolen by an Ul'dahn black market type. Hamujj Gah found the griffin egg amongst the others and knew he was from Little Ala Mhigo, so he gave the egg as a sort of way of peace gesture that even the adults would get to deter any potential retaliation from perceiving this child as in danger, and this wound up fostering positive sentiments towards the Amalj'aa in Seraphin. Camilla was raised in Little Ala Mhigo alongside him, and his parents did what they could to get him barding for her so he could have her as a regular steed, and she basically goes wherever with him (except across the rift).
Lillith has a griffin that I need to work on because there's an obvious tie in there with his mom, but he does have a big destrier chocobo by the name of Agni. Agni is named for his fiery plumage, and is just as energetic as his owner. He's also got that Hayate puppy that needs to be named, and honest to god I'm leaning towards Dogmeat because hey do i need to remind people that he was originally a Lone Wanderer agaiiinnn or is it still obvious. Dogmeat isn't the name he picked, his dad picked it as a sort of morbid joke based on the conditions Sulivaughn found him in.
Altan mooches off of her siblings minions and mounts, but she has a lot of stuff that she tinkers with. Most notably, she made herself a Cruise Chaser that she uses in combat and as a mount. She likely also made the Rubellite Weapon minion because she thought it'd be interesting to recreate it and Allie wound up stealing it for herself (Altan...cant complain too much). She also may have helped Allie build the big Landerwaffe.
Zirnghota has Spriggan familiars that double as minions and mounts! They chill out as earrings for her, and brings them out as she needs them.
Glyndwr rescued an Alkonost that's very attached to him. He wanted to release it because ethics, but he's now stuck because it's very dependent on him now (gee i wonder why he has a bird thing).
I need to decide on if the others have anything, but for the most part these are the big notable ones. I've cycled through stuff for Surkie like the fox kit, the grani, kamuy of the nine tails, ehll tou, etc. but they got cycled out for varying reasons (eg the Grani, who WAS MY MAIN MOUNT THROUGH HVW BEFORE FUCKING ENW CAME OUT AND RUINED THAT. that lore used to be a voidsent that got attached to her, but now i can't use it without people going "emet mount". so thats Fucking Fun.). Either way, Fenrir is baby and she loves him.
#original#starstrider#answered wol question#answered#answered wol questions#writing#asks#ffxiv#final fantasy xiv#surkukteni#surkie#gwendoline#gwen#seraphin#sera#katsuro#katsu#altan#glyndwr#zirnghota#lillith#lil#oh yeah reminder Lillith is a he/him nbi butch lesbian#he is not a man and i will kill someone if they insert that#he also does not go by they/them or she/her. exclus he/him#surkie collects deadly murder pets and may have a problem#but she loves her murder babies
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aight I'll bite
I write a multi-wol story but only 4 of them count as WoLs. Everybody else is a Scion or not affiliated, so I'll skip past the one's who are more WoL adjacent (eg Altan, Katsuro, W'khittri etc. - the usual back up crowd) and focus on the others
So first off:
Not really a Scion but not a bystander, Zirnghota Zwynachtwyn is effectively a research and developer for experimental black magic and arcanima from Sharlayan. Her godfather is one of the Warriors of Light, Teodore. She's 27 as of enw so she's baby for Viera, but...is she a Viera?
Viera of the Source have more rabbit-like feet, a lot more body hair, don't grow antlers, and the women certainly aren't....7ft tall. Yet Zirnghota is, well uh, 7'2" and has antlers. To put it plainly: she's a Lepus, the Viera equivalent of the Fourth. However, she was not raised on the Fourth. When she was a child, she was ripped from the Fourth and to Meracydia on the Source, where she was found by her would-be adoptive mother, Zwynacht - a kindly Sea Wolf gleaner with too many adoptive kids with her wife, Fyrilbryda.
Due to her interest in figuring out what's wrong with her and why she's got such weak aether, she dove headfirst into her studies and have become a leading researcher in the 3rd era regarding summoning practices. As such, she's granted leave of black mage and summoner soul stones by the Forum for further study.
Her brother is Glyndwr Zwynachtsyn, her girlfriend is a mechanic from Werlyt named Athanasia, and she's the Fourth shard of the main WoL, Surkukteni. Like every Charon shard, she's not cis (intersex + trans fem, goes by she/they), she's bisexual, and she's obnoxious as all hell .w. Doesn't know how to stop meddling.

Glyndwr Zwynachtsyn is Zirnghota's baby brother - he's 7 years younger whuch means he's 20 in enw. Like Zirn, he's a Lepus of the Fourth but he was a baby when he got ripped from there and to the Source with his sister. As a result, he remembers nothing and has been deeply warped aetherically. Both of their dark blue hair scorched white, but only Zirnghota's has begun to revert back to the original color. Glyndwr's remains...?
He's a momma's boy through and through. Once he was old enough to go traveling, he'd constantly go on gleaner trips with Zwynacht and found a love of biology, ecology and zoology. ...However, those trips didn't exactly instill a love of humanity. Quite the opposite, actually.
Yeah, Glyn's not one of the Scion rotations. He's a full on eco-terrorist whose running away is what spurs Zirn to work with the WoLs. He's so frustrated and infuriated by the damage that humanity causes that he frankly kinda would want all of em to just die. He's first seen by the WoLs in Zadnor working with Llofii against the Garleans, but he's mostly just pissed about the beast tamer units and how they abuse wildlife - especially endangered species. He's also not too fond of the main wol for having a hoarhound (Fenrir) as a companion, finding it unethical (WHICH I MEAN LIKE. YEAH. BUT SHE'S KINDA STUCK W HIM AS A FAMILIAR NOW). So yeah, a good analogy for the Lepus siblings is thar Zirnghota is a lot like Nausicaa in terms of her relationship with the environment and people: she'd rather act as a go-between and figure out a way to maintain balance. Glyndwr is like San from Mononoke if Ashitaka was never in the picture. Like, he's fucking wrathful and I can't really fault him whatsoever.
Glyn's got no notable relationships besides his sister, Zirnghota, and a somewhat friendship with Llofii. What is notable is that he is the Fourth shard of Hermes :) So things are going so well. He's also trans (trans man, he/him) and bi, so just like his dear older sister.
Athanasia Castellanos is Zirnghota's girlfriend and a mechanic/engineer from Werlyt. She's pretty much only known life under imperial control, but that doesn't mean she necessarily is complacent in this. She's no combatant so she does what she can from the sidelines without putting the whole resistance effort at risk. Team meets her during the Werlyt questline, where her relationship with Zirnghota is revealed. Athanasia has been in and out of Werlyt for work, but managed to find a way into Garlond Ironworks well ahead of the story. She maintained contact with Cid and Jessie which led to an encounter with Zirn and they hit it off immediately.
She's strictly a civilian type, but once Werlyt is over she gets help settling into Sharlayan so she can lend her expertise with magitek to help out before moving shop to Thavnair to do the same - all as a proud engineer at the Garlond Ironworks 😌
Like I said she's dating Zirnghota. She's a transbian who goes by she/they, she's also like 7ft tall and I love these ridiculously tall gfs.
Another civilian I've got is Qismat, who I'm still working on. He's a Viera (actual Viera this time) of Dalmasca, and like Athanasia has only ever known imperial rule. He wasn't born in the forest since his parents had left ages ago, so by birth he's Dalmascan. However, the destruction of Dalmasca and the surrounding forest forced the hand of the Wood Warders and granted Qismat effectively dual citizenship because they desperately needed people to fill the dead ranks. And all of this is why he's Qismat Djt-marouc. The elementals didn't really take too kindly to a city Viera being made a Warder and lashed out at him, though? I'm still working on the details, but the flower is literally rooted into his eye. Whether it's a punishment or monitoring, I'm not sure yet, but the elementals are...very pissy that he's needed. Like Athanasia, he's just Some Guy compared to the others. I'm even struggling to figure out if he gets the opportunity to engage with the main group, since the only things I can think of were like...various military excursions like with Zadnor, or the Camp Broken Glass stuff. Only way they could is if they spent any significant amount of time in Dalmasca, is my best guess. Either way, I just think he's a neat oc to have around even if he doesn't get used much at all.
Uhh, only goes by he/him, and he's bi. Because of course he is.

Now Melisande is FUN. Tiny bit cheating here because she's a Scion now but not one of the WoLs and doesn't want to be; she's got her own shit going on most of the time.
Melisande's a (now former) gladiator of the Bloodsands, known as the Fury of the Bloodsands thanks to her stupid managers. If the title wasn't obvious enough, Melisande's not from Ul'dah. She's a bastard child of a minor noble house that serves House Haillenarte, and her family treated her like crap - so it's really no surprise that "Melisande Lanverlais" is not her birth name, but you'll never hear from her what it was originally, beyond being yet another Greystone. Her choices as an adult were to either get locked away in a cloyster, an option that wasn't given to her but was still on the board of having her be sealed away beneath the city to keep the history of Ishgard, or sign up for the Temple Knights to be rid of her. None of these options would've turned out well because none were what they seemed, but Melisande's choice was the Temple Knights. ...And within a few weeks of being in their ranks, she was suddenly pushed into the training for the Knights Dragoon. She is not at all qualified to be a Dragoon, never had the knack for it, and this was intentional as she was let in on the fact that it was blood money that got her there - like many other bastards that had been rushed into the training given the high mortality rate of the job.
This is why she ran. It was the only way she was making it out of the city and making out of it alive. Coordinating with her then-lover, Laniaitte, Melisande fled the See and made contact with the Heretics (pre-calamity), and downed a vial of dragon's blood to ensure that she'd be executed should her family try to drag her back. And from there, she ran off to Ul'dah where she's stayed for the good part of a decade or so.
Melisande is involved in the main story as the one who is forced to help get Ysayle back to health after Azys Lla, but she is very good friends with the WoL, Seraphin. She's looked after him for years since he's one of the refugees from Ala Mhigo (not directly Ala Mhigan himself, but a Duskwight from a clan located near the Fringes). She's also the one who acts as Surkukteni's co-tank for the Doma half of the story before disappearing to go back to Ul'dah and keep Ysayle hidden from the public eye for another year or so. She's also involved in Bozja, Sorrows of Werlyt fights, and is in and out through Endwalker.
She's not just extra manpower when needed, however. Melisande is going to be relevant as there's something off about her soul. While Zirnghota and Glyndwr have the shared issue of lesser aether due to being from the Fourth, Melisande has the opposite issue in a way that no one in the group could have ever predicted: Melisande's soul is so aetherically dense that there's not even a bit of dynamis making up its composition. It wasn't something anyone could sense, but for some reason drinking dragon's blood seemed to make it worse.
Melisande is incredibly physically strong - as in she literally intercepts Susano with no trouble whatsoever and knocks him back several yards - and often has to hold herself back in combat; her hearing is far more sensitive and even before the Echo she's been able to understand a fair amount of languages without needing exposure to them; and thanks to the dragon's blood she can shift...just...It's not the forms Heretics usually take. Less aevis and more Vishap. If she felt like wielding magic, she could probably be a devastating force. ...So what's wrong with her?
There are no shards for Melisande as her soul has only ever existed on the Source: she is the first instance of a Great Wyrm reincarnating. Everything about her - from the strength, the aetheric density, the auto translator before the echo, the weird draconic form of hers and the lack of anything explosive happening when she drank the blood initially - is due to the fact that she is the reincarnation of Ratatoskr. She's been watched over her entire life by Hydaelyn and Midgardsormr in attempts to see what would happen now that a Great Wyrm's soul was reborn into the body of a mortal - worse, an Ishgardian. It's part of why her Echo activated at such a young age since Hydaelyn was the one who granted her it as a ward of protection. The only issue is, it wound up corrupting her natural blue eye (natural heterochromia) into crystal. In time, that eye's going to get more and more draconic as it become dense in Melisande's aether. It's so cosmically cruel that she'd reincarnate not only as an Ishgardian, but a bastard immediately sent to her death as a failure of a dragoon. She joins the Scions and discovers a buried wanderlust and love of travel, but it's going to be a long while before she finds out what exactly she is. Bonus fun things: she is the reincarnation of Ratatoskr, and one of her major helpers in escaping is Estinien - well before he became the Azure Dragoon. And again, she later went on to keep an eye on Ysayle during her recovery, so she has a very deep connection with the HVW cast as is.
She's a bisexual disaster who only goes by she/her. She's not into relationships because she's trying to appear as promiscuous and boorish as possible so that if it ever gets back to her blood family it'll look so goddamned bad for them. She - personally - just doesn't care and doesn't frankly see herself living long enough to have a relationship, especially since she's still grieving the necessary breakup with Laniaitte. Though, she does end up with Yotsuyu eventually; like she harbored Ysayle, she ends up harboring Yotsuyu after Shadowbringers per Lucia's request. Which ends up with them bonding over shitty homelands and getting together.
So uhh yeah. Not a WoL, but very fun.
Satomi is interesting because they're related to one of the WoLs (Surkukteni) and one of the WoL-adjacents (Katsuro, Surkie's twin) but wants nothing to do with any of that. Satomi is originally from Sui no Sato, and the eldest child of Kousuke Osada - as in Surkie and Katsuro's shitty father. They have one, two full siblings sure but they were made the immediate only provider for their family when their father got himself banished callously. So cue a very young au ra working their way to where they are now (39 as of ENW, so ~35 in STB when they learn of their half siblings). They're a skilled spear fisher and lance user, but they're not one to willingly enter combat.
During the events of STB when they meet their half siblings for the first time, it's a tense introduction as it's a reminder of what their father was up to when he forsook their family. But unfortunately, Satomi spends a bit too much time with these foreigners and is labeled a liability to Sui no Sato - in spite of these foreigners literally helping the town - and banished as well. Devastated by the fact she caused this, Surkukteni sets Satomi up with her old captain, Kitase, to get them passage to Limsa where her contact came through to give Satomi a place there. They end up joining the Sanguine Sirens and it turns out they have a real affinity for bow usage. While still not a major combatant, they're usually found tracking down good game for the Missing Member.
They're not a super major part of the story, besides learning more about Surkie's shitty father, but they're still fun. They go by they/she (prefer they/them), they're a lesbian and I don't know if they'll ever get with anyone! I haven't really thought much about who they'd be a good fit for.

Now this is a fun oc. Krystsyng Keimrachwyn is a practitioner of Sharlayan astromancy, but don't let that fool you into thinking that she's a healer by trade: this woman is an agent for the Forum, which often translates into hit jobs for them. She was directly inspired by the hitmen sent after Leveva in the Astrologian quests, and she's technically involved in them. Unlike the main hitmen who withdrew, Krystsyng was ordered to stay and see if aught could be done to still finish her orders. As such, she's a temporary healer for the team for parts of Zadnor and Werlyt as an infiltrator that immediately sets the other Sharlayans off as they recognize her. She takes interest in the main WoL's abilities (Surkie has an echo that allows her to break fate when it concerns death), and suspects she may be in the presence of the rogue student of Leveva's (she is: it's Surkie).
Krystsyng is not an Astrologian by trade, however. While she may live by fortune telling and can be found doing various readings with tea leaves or her cards to plot her day, that's not her dominant magicks. She actually is a Sage by trade who's been given leave of a Black Mage soul crystal for easier clean up when necessary; Astrologian is a bit too...tame for her liking.
This makes her sound like a terrifying force to be reckoned with, and in all honesty she is? But the fact of the matter is that she's only like this when she's getting paid for it. She's the type of antagonist who could run into her target while she's off the clock and she'll idly chat with them while going about her business - she's not being paid, why should she continue to hunt or antagonize them? She's...not really true neutral, but very chaotic neutral. When the Forum orders her to stop pursuing the WoLs she still obeys, but it results in the group having a major grudge against her while she's just cordial with them and doing her damned job like nothing happened.
Krystyng is in her 40 through the main timeline (41 in HVW, 47 in ENW), and is a stone butch lesbian .w. She's not cis, but she still exclusively goes by she/her since it fucks with people who see her as a man and she enjoys it. She's currently with this capitalistic bitch, Misaki (who's also Surkie's ex), but that's just more her having a fuckbuddy than caring about Misaki. Once she's done in Eorzea, that fling is over and onto the next one. So yes, this does make Krystsyng one of my antagonistic characters - but of the ones shown here? While Glyndwr is more moralistic in his antagonism, and the next three are just batshit, Krystsyng is just antagonistic by happenstance. She doesn't give a shit nor will she ever. She may be antagonistic now, and then not next week, or may start back up again in a few months. Up to what her employers want, in all honesty. And that's fine by her :)

So, this is one of my really weird ocs. Because Iolaine is one of three 3rd Era ocs of mine. But unlike the other two, she's still around.
Let's start with the surface level: Iolaine Monranguin is one of the surviving members of the Velodyna Duskwight clan from the Fringes of Gyr Abania. For as long as anyone could remember, she has always been the history keeper of the clan and is responsible for keeping hundreds - if not thousands - of years of their history. With the exception of a few notable survivors (like Seraphin), she holds the historical record of their existence since their destruction at the hands of the Garleans. ...But she's weird. The woman is significantly larger than all others in the clan - standing at 10'2" - and her skintone is a really strange purple if you look at it in the right light. There's just...something very off about her, and these days you can find her roaming the Black Shroud of all places, yet frequently dipped into Ala Mhigo while it was still under Garlean occupation - and without fail, every time she did more Garleans would wind up dead.
Now for the batshit level: Iolaine Monranguin was born Urth. She's an Allagan from the 3rd Era that was a bit of a double agent - more aligned with insurrectionists like Ammut than not - and worked towards the fall of the empire with her then-lover, Odin (and this specific Odin is the interpretation by @/hyllhund, who is a butch he/him lesbian). Unfortunately, the empire was starting to catch onto Urth and proposed that in order for her to prove her loyalty, she had to put down Odin - who they damn well knew was her lover. But this clearly shows the stark difference between Urth's approach to rebellion versus Ammut's: Urth fucking did it. She coordinated with Odin, of course, but she killed him and staged her death "at his hands" when the empire came in to clean up. This went into the records as the murder of Urth at what is now Urth's Font, while she walked it off and was granted immortality as a reward for her continued service and loyalty for the empire :) Ammut wasn't happy with her, but she did what she had to. ...And she wound up the one to survive him, as Ammut and his lover - Meracydian general, Macchi - were caught by Amon (Ammut's brother) and executed publicly. Urth was spared of such a fate and continued to work against the interests of Allag - including helping with the initial formation of the G tribe and getting them out of the Empire's radar.
From there she took on a new name as she blended in with everyone and laid low until about the 5th Astral Era where she integrated into the kingdom of Mhach. As a result of her time in Allag, Iolaine was already an accomplished Summoner and she took very well to Black Magic (yeah she has a soulstone and that's her stone. It's an original). However, that stint didn't last long as the War of the Magi ensued and everything fucking exploded. Instead of leaving Yafaem with the survivors to what would become Belah'dia, she instead headed east to Gyr Abania and became one of the founding Crimson Duelists. This is also about when she joined the Velodyna clan. She balanced these two identities for decades until that came to a sudden stop thanks to the Garleans. And now, she wanders.
.....But that paints her in a good light. Understand, that while this was going on, Iolaine has been maintaining a Primal that's haunted the Black Shroud for ages: Odin. How else do you think Zantetsuken got there, seeing as it's part of the Eureka Primal? Iolaine is responsible for the continued existence of this deadly Primal so that her lover might still be with her. Every time the Primal is slain, she leads new adventurers to Zantetsuken so the cycle may be started anew - it's why Gyr Abania was so damned convenient for her. While she is discovered during Stormblood as the reason why Odin still exists despite him not having a devoted following like the other Primals, that doesn't stop her. It actually makes her unfortunately far more relevant as the expansions go on as she has that tie to Ammut which means all the Fandaniel/Amon stuff and the Lunar Primals; all of this in spite of how genuinely fucked she's become - but that's just true Allagan fashion, isn't it?
Iolaine only goes by she/her. She's not really cis, but doesn't really have a label outside of gnc. She's over ~3000 years old, a chaotic bisexual, and my favorite thing about her is she sounds like Madam Suliman while her entire character inspiration is "Howl but a bisexual woman aaaannnddd oops she's just the Goblin King, Jareth now somehow"
So yeah, David Bowie and Howl vibes yet she sounds like a really suave old lady.
Okay this one really is cheating because she's not a WoL but actually a MoL - well, was. Saoirse Ó Dubhshláine was a Beithir (13th au ra) Memoriate from the Thirteenth. She traveled with a somewhat large group of people for back then - 4 others, eventually 5 - but the notable ones were Donovich Ó Conghalaigh and his sister, Silbhé. Silbhé is the one who joined last because she was really reluctant, but she wound up doing so when she began to see Saoirse romantically.
So why is this one of the batshit ocs?
Well beyond the fact that she's from the Thirteenth, her character exists entirely now as her voidsent: The Morrigna. Saoirse was one of the original Memoriates, as in the fuckers who absorbed so much aether that they were the first to turn. While she was generally doing this for the right reason, her vanity caught up to her (fucking bards) and she was the first of the group to turn - with Donovich soon behind. ...But Donovich fled; he fled, Silbhé got swept away by something (gee it's like Silbhé is pronounced the exact same way as Cylva), and the remaining three would become known as The Morrignae.
The Morrigna is both the central figure and the trio of voidsent, but to be specific - and how they refer to themselves - The Morrigna is the leader of the Morrignae, which consists of Badb, Nemain, and Macha. All four of them are shards affiliated with the WoLs (Saoirse - Surkie, main wol. Badb - Skuld. Nemain - W'khittri. Macha - Gwendoline, a wol), while Donovich - the runaway - is none of the WoLs but rather Estinien's Thirteenth shard.
The Morrignae and their leader are near-peers (as in close but not as powerful) to the Archfiends. They've claimed substantial territory within the Void, yet The Morrigna itself is extremely irritable and continues to search madly for something. And that something is somethings: Donovich (or the voidsent, Diarmuid Ua Duibhne) for their close association when they were still mortal (mostly to claim his power for its own), and Silbhé (now Cylva/Cyella) as the two were lovers and forever bound as shards of Charon and Khione. The Morrigna is a terrifying force to be reckoned with as it's a voidsent with no set form beyond what seems to be an ever-shifting, inky, viscous entity that often takes a draconic form. It messes with fate in a cynical way of rewinding the immediate course of things and forcing you down a path that was significantly worse because it's "only realistic" - which means if it reverses something like healing and then strike you, all that effort you put into closing a wound is just gone, like undoing a bunch of steps in a word or image processing program and then immediately typing/drawing something new and erasing your previous steps forward.
The Morrigna is mostly mentioned over the course of 2.0-6.X. She exists as Surkie's ironic research focus, which eventually gives Ysayle the idea to go by the alias, Morrignette. The Morrigna was Surkukteni's original target for something to summon for herself as a personal voidsent, but she wound up summoning Diarmuid Ua Duibhne instead, making the Source a target for The Morrigna. It's not the first time, as the 3rd Era saw Diarmuid and Macha summoned into the still-living bodies of Ammut and Macchi respectively to execute them, nearly drawing The Morrigna to Allag, had Diarmuid not wrapped up his end of the deal so quickly (fun fact: Macha - and to an extent, Macchi - are where Mhach gets its name from, as it's in honor to Macha).
BUT AS OF 6.X, THE MORRIGNA IS NOW ON THE SOURCE. Instead of just sitting around, she managed to find a shard of Silbhé (Cylva) and foged a pact with her. The two are now on the source and have become antagonists for my bullshit in 6.X.
Saoirse (the Beithir) was a bisexual trans woman who went by she/it. She was in a relationship with Cylva (also trans and bi, so bi4bi t4t) up until the destruction of their home. She's now the pact holder for Philomène, in this really homoerotic summoner/voidsent relationship. She was never with Donovich (gay man), but the two were very close regardless and she still hunts for Diarmuid now that he's substantially weakened.
The last one I can add (because mobile restrictions) is Philomène Sonrel, a Lamia of the 4th. She's Ysayle's shard, and due to the soulmate stuff that have tied Charon's and Khione's shards together, she was able to feel Zirnghota get ripped from the 4th and it subsequently left what felt like a gaping hole in her heart - and the two never met! Philomène grew up like this as a hunter trying to make ends meet, but could never explain why she always felt so achingly lonely.
Until Saoirse showed up.
Something about Saoirse clicked and managed to (mostly) fill the void in her chest that was left by Zirnghota's departure from the 4th. Something felt right, and she immediately took up the proposal of working with this voidsent (though fuck if she knew what a voidsent was). Upon the completion of the contract, it awakened Khione's latent potent magical powers and allowed her to become a powerful summoner and black mage - though by summoner it mostly means voidsent summoner as she has full command over those that The Morrigna lords over. She is no way relevant until 6.X, because she's spent the entirety of MSQ in the 4th with The Morrigna.
She is also bisexual, she goes by she/her exclusively, and she's in a very homoerotic pactbearer thing with Saoirse/The Morrigna. I can't wait to figure out how she and Zirnghota bounce off of each other once everything begins to shape up with this side story.
Okay but I wanna see ALL of the non-wol OCs, send them my way, I gotta follow more peeps. I want more FFXIV inhabitants on my dash.
Also like, let me know, what do they do, what are they like?
Please reblog for visibility so more people can poke me.
#ffxiv#final fantasy xiv#ocs#original#writing#Philomène#Saoirse#Zirnghota#Glyndwr#Qismat#Satomi#Melisande#Krystsyng#Iolaine#Athanasia#I Love These Guys A Lot#also I talk way too goddamned much#ffxiv ocs#oc#ffxiv oc#this isn't even getting into misaki or tatsuya or kitase or naranbaatar and her wife narajj zoh#i just have so many GuysTM that i use to explore different ideas within this world#im a bit. ill.#im afraid it's terminal#ALSO FRANKLY AMMUT AND MACCHI OR EVEN JUST KHIONE#Lillith isn't in here because even though he's not a WoL in the surkie timeline he is one in the alt au#especially the one in which he and avian are wols together (xera i love these dumbass sapphics)#but i really have so many goddamned ocs and i keep making more#send help. please.#long post
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#wolqotd Where is your WoL/OC from? Where were they born? Did they grow up in Thanalan? Ishgard? Thavnair?
Did they grow up somewhere that’s not one of the major cities?
Y’know, let’s do a bulleted list of everybody.
Surkukteni was born on the Azim Steppe to the Borlaaq tribe and lived with them for about 11 years of her life before running away from home. She spent her teenaged years in Kugane!
Katsuro - as Surkie’s twin - was also born on the Azim Steppe to the Borlaaq tribe, but because he was a boy he got handed off to the Iriq at 1. The Iriq handed him off to the Malaguld because he’s a Raen, so he spent his entire life with his dads within the Malaguld tribe
Altan - being the younger sister of the two above - was born on the Azim Steppe to the Borlaaq tribe and is the only one of these three to have grown up entirely with them, too. At 18, she left with Katsuro to Eorzea.
Gwendoline was born and raised in Gridania to the Lacroix family (noble Gridanians), raised predominantly in the rich upper district that they hint at in the northern part of Old Gridania, but you can’t go into
Seraphin was born in the outskirts of Gyr Abania to the Velodyna Duskwight clan, but he only spent 4 years there because of the Garlean occupation of the region and the death of his birth family. He grew up in Little Ala Mhigo with his adoptive family but has spent a lot of time in Ul’dah out of necessity (which is earning money for his family)
Teodore is a Lost and was never really in a situation where he grew up under a queen, and that’s because he was born and raised in Sharlayan
W’khittri was born to the W Tribe of Alabathia’s Spine (specifically the Gyr Abanian region) and grew up within that tribe. It survived the Temple of the Fist massacres under King Theodoric (as they were apart of the temple and its theology) and managed to keep quiet under Garlean occupation up until about recently which drove W’khittri out as one of the survivors with her daughter in tow - by all means, she considers herself Ala Mhigan because she frankly is, and is pretty broken up about the fact that her very young daughter (ARR she’s like 5) won’t grow up with the tribe, seeing as she spends the next 7 years of her life (so majority of her childhood) first at the Quicksand with Momodi while W’khittri was taking on jobs, then the Waking Sands, then at the Rising Stones.
Skuld was born and raised in Sharlayan over 100 years ago, so she has no ties back to her home anymore
Melisande was born and raised in Ishgard to a minor noble family that was closely affiliated with House Haillenarte. But, she was a bastard (and Melisande isn’t even her birth name) and she doesn’t like thinking about that place. She’s been in Ul’dah for the past decade or so
Zirnghota was born on the Fourth in a fairly remote village and spent 9 years of her life there before she was ripped to the Source and flung into Meracydia with her baby brother. They were there for a few months before being found by their mother, Zwynacht, and taken to Sharlayan - where she was raised for the rest of her life. She’s one of Zwynacht and Fyrilbryda’s many adopted children
Glyndwr was also born on the Fourth, but he only spent about 2 years before he was ripped to the Source. He spent a few months in Meracydia under the care of his older sister, before the two were adopted by Zwynacht. He was then raised the rest of the time in Sharlayan, but also often went with Zywnacht on gleaner trips so he’s been just about everywhere at this point
Lillith was born in the New Sharlayan colony in the Dravanian Hinterlands, though at this point most of the people there had already left to go back to Old Sharlayan. He’s only there because his father refused to leave. He was definitely raised around the colony (and thus Idyllshire early into its existence), but they eventually moved to the outer parts of the Shroud. He hasn’t been near Gridania for very long but he goddamned loathes it all the same and just wants to go back to Dravania
Satomi was born and raised in Sui no Sato and spent the majority of their life there! But they wound up getting banished for “mingling with outsiders” and now - kicked out at 34, presently 39 - they’re living in Limsa Lominsa
Krystsyng was born and raised in Sharlayan, and continues to live and work there :)
Athanasia’s from Werlyt! She was born and raised in Terncliff and continues to live there; unfortunately she was too young to remember any life before occupation
Qismat is a similar story as he was born in Dalmasca. His family never lived in Rabanastre so they were spared Livia’s destruction, but they lived close enough to still feel the after effects. When he was a teenager, he was brought into the Wood Warders of the Golmore Jungle since their numbers were severely impacted by the Garlean occupation, thus he was half raised in his family’s town (predominantly Dalmascan, hence the name Qismat) and within the jungle as the Djt-marouc warder occasionally interacting with the Eruyt village
Misaki was born and raised in Kugane; she doesn’t know who her birth family is because she was adopted at a young age by the president of the Fujimori Mercantile Company, Toshiaki Fujimori. Was also named by him too, and she doesn’t care to know who her old family was. She was raised in the richer parts of Kugane, too
Iolaine was born within the Allagan Empire, in what is now the Yafaem swamp. Just another part of the empire, born and raised there under the name Urth. She’d return there during the Fifth Astral Era when Mhach ruled that part of the land, then integrated into the Velodyna clan of Gyr Abania - she has many stories about her origins but she’s Allagan.
Ammut was born within the Allagan Empire right in their capital, so where Mor Dhona is now. It’s also where he died :)
Macchi was born in Meracydia, in whatever nation it was that worshipped Sophia. He was from a Mithra clan from there that didn’t have many ties to the wider resistance against Allag, but he’s the one that changed it - especially with him forging that bond with Tiamat. He didn’t die on Meracydian soil, however, as he died in the Allagan capital next to Ammut
Philomène was born and raised on the Fourth. She was from a hunting family that lived a fair ways out from the kingdom’s castletown. She wound up raising herself after the age of 14, grew to adulthood like that, and has recently been ripped from the Fourth to the Source
Donovich was born and raised on the Thirteenth, and is originally from a decently sized village. His parents died when he was pretty young and wound up being predominantly raised by his older sister, Silbhé, until he reached adulthood and took off traveling as an adventurer (and one of the early Memoriates). He became Diarmuid Ua Duibhne who now resides in a deep portion of the Void to avoid the territory wars - not because he’s particularly weak (quite the opposite) but because he really can’t give a flying fuck about them
Saoirse was born and raised on the Thirteenth in a small village of mages, which worked out so well because she had the talent of a bard. She became an adventurer to seek her fortune and was one of the first Memoriates, so now she’s The Morrigna.
Bonus additions of wol kiddos:
Yukiko and Toskr were born in Ishgard but at the present time have spent more time in Thavnair, and briefly in Sharlayan (because of the End of Days stuff)
Orianne was born in Thavnair and spends a bit of time there before they head back to Ishgard
Tseren is going to be born in Ishgard
These four (+...well yknow, the others) are going to live in Ishgard for a bit but be raised elsewhere and I’m leaning towards Dravania at least for the ones that live with Surkie - I still don’t know where the Gwen/Surkie kids are going - but Euodia and Charikleia are born wherever they settle down
#original#answered wol questions#answered wol question#writing#ffxiv#final fantasy xiv#so many ocs in this#surkukteni#surkie#gwendoline#gwen#seraphin#teodore#katsuro#altan#w'khittri#Skuld Dogun#Melisande#Mellie#Ammut#Macchi#Iolaine#Donovich#Saoirse#Zirnghota#Glyndwr#Lillith#Qismat#Misaki#Athanasia
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might be fun to turn those omega rings into proper finger splints 🤔

because that's how ive been using them (at least with Zirnghota, Bolorsarnai, and now Uyanga), and i wonder if i could make something more like splints with some tweaking in blender
maybe for other fingers, too?
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#ffxiv#final fantasy xiv#viera#gpose#gposers#xivsapphics#gposer#ff#final fantasy#original#zirnghota#wol#zirn#this has got to be one of my best shots and it was totally by accident#anyways please look at my she/they jackalope bitch i love her#crystallineScreens ❅
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I'm so happy that I have Zirnghota now because I can do so much elaborate shit with her, just the most maximalist fancy goth I can muster
Did I mention she wears bell bottoms, because she wears bell bottoms
She's a disaster, I love her.
Anyways, I owe longerrpigs my life. The hat, the antlers, the earcuffs - it's perfect 🥺
#ffxiv#final fantasy xiv#wol#gpose#gposers#gposer#xivsapphics#crystallinescreens ❅#ff#final fantasy#original#Zirn#Zirnghota
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i love her so much 🥹
#xivsapphics#viera#wol#gpose#gposers#crystallinescreens ❅#Say So#ffxiv#final fantasy xiv#final fantasy#ff#original#zirnghota
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