#the dancing worms
europeanshowdown · 1 year
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blackkatdraws2 · 1 month
Grown men giggling and kicking their feet.... [Blank Scripts AU]
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rowarn · 10 months
sweet lil konig not wanting to put it all in because hes so worried you wouldn’t be able to take it:( but with the way you wrap your legs around his waist, pushing him towards you is enough to make him lose his mind:((
hes such a service dom it melts my heart.
also hi, i asked about your thoughts on soft!konig, that was literally perfect>< i loved every bit of it!
- koni
god YESSSS— WAIT bc listen
könig who is so scared of hurting u that he flat out refuses to give u all of his cock ): no matter how much u beg and cry for it, he's got the self control of a SOLDIER he's not budging.
he gives u half and can already tell he's stuffed u full so when u start squirming and trying to take more hes got a strong grip on your hips and just softly shakes his head.
"you can't take anymore, little one," he'd coo so softly and then the waterworks would start. but he knows what's best for u so as much as ur little cries make him frown...
ur not used to könig denying you. he's always willing to give u whatever your little heart desires but not this!?! not when you want it so badly that it hurts???
you start begging and if he were a weaker man he'd give in but...unlucky for you ):
so to get u to stop begging he pins a rough thumb to ur clit and makes u cum and cum until u can't even think about how u wanted more of his cock bc half of it already feels too good !!!
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novembermorgon · 2 months
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mysaria commission for @/ladymiserywp on twitter 🫶
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msexcelfractal · 9 months
I used to believe that bugs were little robots. Lots of people do, it’s the prevailing opinion next to “i’ve never thought about it”. Then I watched a mother wasp mourn her child. An animal who stretched after a nap and did little dances when her daughters returned from flight. Now she is opening her fourth capped hexagon and finding a pale white stillborn. She grasps the baby gently in her jaws and does not put it down for over 24 hours. Carries her loss, pacing back and forth the length of her enclosure. It is not the behavior of a robot.
So I think about the prior odds. Scenario A, bugs are robots. Why do I believe that? Because they are so tiny. Because if they are not robots then my world [where “insect exterminator” is a job title and I can buy a can of mass death at home depot] does not make sense. They must be insignificant.
The wasp makes me reconsider. Scenario B: her kind are like mine. cry when we are sad and happy when we play. Has this feature evolved many times? Or is it common to all the children of the precambrian worm? Every shark in the ocean swimming in their own feelings. Every bird and every cat knowing the thrill of being alive? The wasp made me realize that my whole moral picture is wrong. We’re not alone on this planet,
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artbyblastweave · 21 days
So with superhero origins, what's basically always been the case is that the writers exploit whichever area of cutting-edge science is currently in the zeitgeist, banking heavily that the audience will be unlikely to understand the actual effective limits of the science under discussion. In the pulp era many of the protocapes are getting whatever "power" they have from souped-up training regimens, healthy living, "Eastern Wisdom," whatever. In the thirties and forties it trends chemical- they're taking "miracle pills" or inhaling weird vapors or whatever, its steroids, they're on steroids, or possibly meth. In the sixties, in the atomic age, its particles, its radiation, its rays. Eventually, you know, it's pretty well understood that radiation can't do that either, so they migrate over to genetic engineering, cybernetics, nanobots. Every cape and their brother was some kind of cyborg or lab experiment in the 90s. These days it's quantum this, string-theory that, dimensional wonkery, cats in boxes. In 20 or 30 years we'll have a better sense of what all of that actually means in practice (likely not much) and then it'll be something else.
I've observed that Dr. Strange and other magical characters are actually basically immune to this treadmill, because they're magic- that's already post-modern and fluid and squishy and immune to the expectation of real-world scientific rigor. They're vulnerable to changing cultural perceptions of magic, the Strange of the 60s isn't interchangeable with the Strange from the 2010s, but it's not as drastic a shift. From the other direction Green Lantern is also kind of resistant to the treadmill because the lantern tech is, and always has been, ludicrously advanced and totally divorced from any real-world techno-logic- It's Clarke's third law shit. Flash was forcibly made immune to the treadmill through the introduction of The Speed Force into the mythos- it's not a chemical accident, it's a higher fundamental power, it's just how this universe is metaphysically structured, now stop asking questions.
In due time I suspect that all superheroic origins will converge on one of these. Unfalsifiable magic, unfalsifiable alien toys, unfalsifiable higher unifying forces. Or else they'll fall into the gaping maw of the secret fourth thing that lurks beneath and intersects with all three of these- that you got powers instead of radiation poisoning from that accident because we're in a story, the thing happened instead of not happening because it was more interesting, because "narrative" is a force as real, if not realer, than gravity. Of course it goes without saying that you need to be really, really good at writing to pull off the secret fourth thing. Start fucking around with the secret fourth thing and the result is either going to be genuinely transcendent metafiction or something so self-absorbed and tautological that it disappears up its own ass.
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ratqu33n · 1 year
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to honor my last prom today i dressed them all in silly little outfits
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gummi-stims · 11 days
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A clowncore gay stimboard!
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wweskywalker · 9 months
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“A certain Lysene dancing girl soon became his favorite. Mysaria was the name she went by, though her rivals and enemies called her Misery, the White Worm.”
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swervesbar · 1 year
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This episode was hard to bear
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gg-neptune · 6 days
My Sleep Deprived Snape HC
A/N: I haven't slept in almost 42 hours and my brain juices are mixing nicely right now. So, enjoy whatever becomes of this. Not proofreading this either so fight for your life while reading. :)))
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Snape wears fuzzy socks. Not like in his normal shoes but when he's just in his bedroom or his house he's got him on a nice pair of fuzzy socks. He also unconsciously wiggles his toes when he's just wearing these socks. If you look closely while he's teaching sometimes you can see him wiggle his toes, then too.
He sleeps in a starfish position unless someone else is with him when he's really stressed out. He will start out laying on his back like normal then when he falls asleep, he will start to move around and thrash. Eventually ending up face down face smushed into a pillow splayed out. He might drool to if he's particularly stressed. Now if someone is sleeping with him, he won't move at all and will simply cling to them tightly mooching off their warmth the entire night.
He has Professor McGonagall cut his hair.
When he is alone. Like completely alone no one to bother him he lips syncs. Passionately. Like a teenage girl and a boy band.
When he was a student in school and kids would ask him how he never failed tests he would say, "I simply just like don't man." He just refused to not get a good grade.
When there is a student, he doesn't like who is getting on his nerves really bad but hasn't done enough for him to warrant detention he will test out ingredients that could cause explosions and put it in their cauldron when they aren't looking.
He does care for all of his students but he won't show it. He shows he cares by hating them and genuinely thinks that get's his point across and wonders why he is the most hated professor.
He buys the poorer students toiletries if they need it. He just magically knows, it just appears for them. (i heard somehting like this somewhere but I can't find it but I agree so much) He don't want kids to suffer the way he did.
He invented the toe nail growing charm because Lily was complaining about the fact her pinky toe nail looked weird and was basically non-existent and when she painted them she was just painted skin. (idk if this makes sense)
He has a collection of trinkets he has aquired on his desk.
He throws stuff for no reason sometimes. When he's alone
Him and Lily used to do Kareoke
He would get into it man. Bro was getting down
Especially you put on NO SCRUBS
Bro would be belting and getting down
he was passionate about it too
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mediumdata · 2 months
Deep in a Wenis hole today.
Just walking around "everybody do the Wenis..."
But mechanically they just needed a gimmick to reset the loop. They decided that Sam would break a piece of equipment that would require a reset. But why would Sam break the equipment? Perhaps he is doing a dance? Okay, so we need a song that includes a dance that ends in him breaking a piece of equipment. Ok, let's write a viral ear-worm called the Wenis.
Everybody is a genius.
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short666bread · 1 year
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one-time-i-dreamt · 2 years
I was puking worms while Lucifer from Obey Me was shouting at me for not eating properly AND he was doing the Macarena aggressively.
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pfhwrittes · 16 days
no but wait what if werewolf!reader has a major scent kink and gets annoyed with the 141 wearing deodorant? i mean think about it, chemical smells must be offensive as fuck to such a sensitive nose.
gaz is probably the worst culprit for wearing cologne which smells wonderful to a human nose but is olfactory hell for werewolf!reader. it clings in a way that natural scents just don't, astringent and cloying on every inhalation. werewolf!reader can't help the way their nose crinkles in disgust whenever gaz walks past. unfortunately it makes him spritz a little more on after showering because gaz thinks that werewolf!reader thinks he smells "bad" (aka like a human being) and werewolf!reader ends up avoiding him to minimise the migraines his cologne causes.
don't worry he catches a clue after werewolf!reader stumbles out of their room after a 3 day migraine and faceplants directly into gaz's lap begging him to never ever wear that cologne again please. gaz switches over to arm & hammer unscented deodorant after that too. it's not completely scent free but it's way less offensive than his previous combination of cologne + deodorant and gaz is rewarded by werewolf!reader spending way more time with him than before.
price reeks of tobacco. everything he touches has a faint lingering scent of stale smoke that makes werewolf!reader smother coughs even when he isn't actively puffing on one of his admittedly expensive cigars. werewolf!reader ends up standing upwind of price as much as possible but still coughs whenever price lights up.
eventually price gets so fed up of the constant coughing and badly hidden grimaces that he slaps multiple nicotine patches on his arms and chews his way through endless packets of nicotine gum just to avoid it. werewolf!reader definitely prefers the hint of peppermint on price's breath when they're close enough to get a hint.
soap refuses to wear deodorant if he can't wear his favourite brand and somehow his favourite brand goes missing within a day of purchasing it. he tries keeping a little stash in his room, locker, gym bag but they all go missing too.
he definitely sulks and grumbles about stinkin' out the place but it's worth it when werewolf!reader seems to lean in subconsciously when they're in the gym together. he could swear he saw werewolf!reader's nostrils flare and felt them shudder happily when he slung a sweaty arm over their shoulders one time.
ghost is complicated. he has the least offensive smell to werewolf!reader but that comes with it's own set of problems. ghost constantly smells of himself, the iron tang of dried blood and something like cordite. for werewolf!reader it's positively mouthwatering. the problem is that ghost goes out of his way to avoid werewolf!reader. they're too tactile, too friendly for his liking and it makes his skin crawl that they seem to sway into his space at every opportunity.
(the less said about the way his heart skips several beats in his chest when he catches werewolf!reader burying their nose in his sweat drenched t-shirt while holed up in a safe house together the better in his opinion.)
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zimbits sound of music au where bitty is maria and jack is captain von trapp
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