#the cedars blog
themilescedars · 19 days
We are NOT planning a runaway mine train takeover. You've got nothing to worry about, and if you think you're overhearing RMT music blasted all over the park you're imagining it. Regards, @runaway-mine-train (p.s. the LoD is NOT involved either, he's just coming out of his void for, uhh, exercise.)
I don't mind what you do, so long as I'm invited!
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inksoover-sideblog · 8 months
Cedar Wood!
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I know she looks kinda lame, but I think this doll aesthetic suits her? She hasn't signed The Storybook of Legend yet so it seems logical. No story - no transformation into human.
Also she's my transfem icon.
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noseysilverfox · 3 months
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Atlas weeping cedar (lat. Cédrus atlántica).
The coniferous tree is native to the Atlas Mountains in Morocco and Algeria. It can live up to 800 years.
This post presents a decorative variety with a weeping crown, like a willow with its falling shoots. Gardeners get it only by grafting on ordinary Atlas cedar.
Interestingly, drops of resin collect on its needles. This is probably how it handles the weather conditions.🌱
Кедр атласский плакучий (лат. Cédrus atlántica). Хвойное дерево родом с Атласских гор в Марроко и Алжире. Может прожить до 800 лет. В данном посте представлен декоративный сорт с плакучей кроной, как у ивы с ее ниспадающими побегами. Садоводы его получают только при помощи прививки на обычный атласский кедр. Интересно, что на его иглах собираются капли смолы. Вероятно, так он справляется с погодными условиями.🌱
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martyn isnt queer for liking pussy LMAO its okay to be straight but find feminine guys/enbies attractive you dont need a whole new label
nonnie i need you to shut the fuck up. like. right now. do NOT police other peoples labels. it does not fucking matter if you dont understand it, what matters is that the person using the label understands it and feels comfortable with it. martyn is queer. gynosexual cis guys are queer.
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Volume 1: Isolation
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Poster is a reference to this album. Basically just some straight up knuckle dragger nonsense.
Asks from @a-spoonful-o-generosity, @foodielovethealicorn, @reversal-mushroom, and an anon.
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thisthat-ortheother · 3 months
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stiffyck · 4 months
I'm still not decided on a name. Hate this shit. Currently thinking about two names that were suggested a while ago but idk.
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livelaughwhump · 5 months
Valentine's Day
The Valentine's Day collab is finally here!
This is Elliot's POV. Cedar's POV will be on @ofclrosewriteswhump 's blog, but I will be adding both to the Worthless Masterlist.
I hope you enjoy!
Content: sickfic, an obscene amount of fluff, overwhelming gayness
Elliot had begged Lyra not to text Cedar. They'd been planning their Valentine's date for weeks and Elliot couldn't bear to be the reason it was ruined.
He'd woken up that morning feeling achy and lethargic. His throat was sore, his nose was stopped, and beads of sweat continued to appear at his hairline, no matter how many times he tried to wipe them away.
Of course, Lyra had noticed right away that something wasn't right, despite how hard he tried to hide it.
“Please, Lyra. I'm fine, I swear!” Elliot begged. “Just don't tell him, please.”
Lyra already had their phone out with Cedar's messages pulled up. “Sunshine, you're sick. Your date isn't for another week, it's no big deal.”
“But if he finds out, he'll cancel it! He'll be too worried about me. He always—” Elliot coughed and gagged as he was forced to swallow back down the phlegm that had traveled up his throat.
Lyra sighed. “I'm sorry, sunshine, but I can tell you feel awful. It's only gonna get worse if you don't rest.” They sent the text and Elliot felt his heart plummet. “Now, let's get you to bed.”
That's what led to Elliot laying in his bed, sobbing quietly into his comforter with Dumpling curled up against his side, but that was several days ago. Since then, Lyra had been doing everything they could to help him rest and heal enough before their date. However, it wasn't enough. It was the day of Valentine's, and Elliot was still bedridden. That morning, Lyra had informed him that they were going to run some errands, but that Marlie was on her way over to keep him company. That eased his worries a bit, until all that was left was the guilt of ruining Valentine's Day.
Elliot was cuddling with Dumpling while watching a movie on Lyra’s computer when the door to his room suddenly opened. He glanced up to see Marlie standing in the doorway and instantly brightened up a little.
“M-Mar—” Elliot dissolved into a coughing fit, his throat burning as he did so. His eyes watered and he reached for a tissue, only to find the box empty. Elliot groaned and laid back down on his bed.
Marlie rushed to his side, mumbling a quick “be right back,” before returning with an unopened roll of toilet paper. “Sorry, Bluebell. I wanted to be quick. Do you need water?” she asked softly, sitting next to his bed.
Elliot nodded. “I'm sorry, Marlie. You-You don't have to d-deal with this.” He ripped off a square of toilet paper and blew his nose.
Marlie put a gentle hand on his shoulder, comforting him the best she could. “I don’t mind. I want to help you.”
Elliot sniffled and threw away his makeshift tissue. “Are you sure? You-You don't h-have to.”
Marlie nodded. “Of course. I brought a couple bottles in my bag. Here, Bluebell.” She handed him a water bottle before thinking of something. “Do you want help with anything?”
Elliot shook his head. “Can-Can you just k-keep me company? I-I don't know where L-Lyra went and-and I don't wanna be alone.”
Marlie nodded, knowing he was overthinking. “Of course! Do you want to watch anything?”  She offered to hold his hand, knowing she’d get sick anyway with her weaker immune system.
Elliot shrugged. “I was just watching some m-movie that Lyra had saved. I'm not really p-paying attention.”
“Okay, want to keep watching it? It's fun being with you. Is it okay that I’m holding your hand?” Marlie spoke softly, hoping to comfort Elliot. She giggled when Dumpling’s whiskers tickled her hand.
“Are-Are you sure?” Elliot asked. “I-I don't want to g-get you sick.”
Marlie nodded. “It’s okay. I've always gotten sick easily but it’s worth it for you.” She smiled at him gently.
“O-Okay then. Um…can-can you h-hold me while-while we watch the movie?”
Marlie smiled and immediately climbed into bed next to him. She opened her arms. “Of course, Bluebell. I'm always happy to hold you.”
Elliot smiled and crawled into her waiting arms. He snuggled into the warmth of her embrace as Dumpling curled up beside the two of them. Just as Marlie repositioned Lyra’s laptop, the sound of her phone buzzing startled them both. Elliot looked up at her, confused. “Who is it?”
Marlie reached over with one hand, keeping her arm around Elliot. “Lyra, they want to know how you're feeling. Are you doing okay?”
Almost as if on cue, Elliot broke into a coughing fit, his lungs and throat burning. He reached for the glass of water Lyra had left him and downed half of it in a matter of seconds. Once he was finished, he wiped his mouth dry and set the glass back onto the bedside table to his left. His voice was raspy and nasal as he said, “N-Not r-really.”
Marlie rubbed his back. She tried her best to comfort him and make him feel better. “Do you have any cough medicine?” she asked after sending a quick text to Lyra.
“I-I'm not sure,” Elliot answered. “B-Broderick was supposed to g-get some, but-but I don't know if he's b-back yet.”
“Want me to text him?” Marlie asked, holding Elliot close and offering the comfort she could.
Elliot nodded. “If-If you don't m-mind.”
Marlie nodded. “I don't mind at all. Want me to keep holding you?” She asked, pulling out her phone to send the text. “Done.”
Elliot nodded. “Y-Yes, please.” He shivered and curled up to her.
Marlie held him close, trying to warm him up.
“Can-Can I have a blanket?”
Marlie nodded, “Of course!” She wrapped a blanket around Elliot, holding him close in her arms. “Now we wait for a response.”
It was a few minutes later that Broderick finally responded, the text reading, “Just picked up some cough medicine. Should be back in a couple minutes.”
Marlie looked at her phone, once again startled by the sudden noise. “Broderick says he'll be back soon.” She sent back a quick response, thanking him.
Elliot nodded. “Th-Thanks, Marigold.”
Marlie held him closer. “Happy to help, Bluebell.”
Elliot was still shivering, though much less so than before. “You're so w-warm.”
“I’m happy you think so.” Marlie smiled, relieved to feel Elliot relax. “Want me to ask Broderick for another blanket when he gets back?”
Elliot nodded. “Yes, please.”
Marlie brushed his hair, knowing how much he liked the feeling. “It should only be a few minutes. He’ll be here soon.”
Elliot closed his eyes and reveled in the gentle touch at the top of his head.
Marlie smiled, humming quietly until she heard footsteps approach the door.
Elliot opened his eyes just in time to see Broderick peek his head into the room. “Hey, guys,” he greeted. “I've got some cough medicine and an extra blanket.”
Marlie smiled. “Thanks.” Not knowing what else to say, she resumed brushing Elliot’s hair.
Broderick stepped into the room, set the medicine beside Elliot's bed, and handed the blanket to Marlie. “How are you feeling, sweet?”
Elliot briefly glanced up at the medic and shrugged. “N-Not great. S-Sorry for-for causing so much trouble.”
“It's no trouble at all, sweet. This is my job. Just take one of those tablets every six hours and let me know if there's anything else I can do for you, okay?” Elliot nodded, and with one last friendly smile, Broderick left the room.
Marlie helped Elliot with his medicine; the tablet being small helped. She wrapped Elliot in the fluffy blanket and held him close.
Elliot cuddled up to her and laid his head in her lap. “Marlie?” He asked.
Marlie responded with a quiet hum, continuing to gently brush Elliot’s hair while he rested his head on her lap.
“Do you think Cedar's m-mad that-that I ruined our date? I-I haven't s-seen him in almost a-a week.” Tears flooded Elliot's ocean-blue eyes as he imagined the worst. “What if he b-breaks up with me?”
Marlie looked at him worriedly. “He's not breaking up with you. He's been trying to find a way to make your date fun while you're sick. I don't know exactly what he's planning but he's been trying lots of Spanish recipes.” She gently brushed his hair.
The worry and fear in the pit of Elliot's stomach didn't fade. “Then-Then why hasn't he come to s-see me?”
“He wants to perfect it. You know how you were going stargazing? He's going to bring the stars to your bedroom. Want to call him to feel better? I'm sure he wouldn't mind. Lyra’s helping him out with the finishing touches.” Marlie softly brushed Elliot’s hair. “It was going to be a surprise so I can't tell you what exactly Cedar’s bringing for food or how he's going to make a stargazing date for the both of you. I just know he's been tracking stuff down at thrift shops and astronomy places.”
Elliot felt even more guilty. “I-I ruined the surprise?”
Marlie shook her head. “Not at all. You know the basics of it but you don't know what Cedar is bringing here. That’s not ruining the surprise.”
“O-Okay,” Elliot said. “Um…when-when is he gonna be here?”
Marlie glanced at her phone. It was around late afternoon or early evening. “About an hour. I think he wants the sun to be down before coming.”
Anxiety swelled in the pit of Elliot's stomach. “Do-Do I look okay?”
Marlie nodded, not wanting to overwhelm him. “You look great. How about putting on a skirt or your new dress if you want. I can do your hair while you're in bed too.”
Elliot nodded and quickly jumped out of bed to go change.
Marlie followed, ready to catch him if he slipped. “Careful, you're still sick. You don't have to dress up a lot. Just do what you can, okay?”
Elliot ignored her concern and quickly scanned his closet for something nice to wear. “I just wanna look nice,” he said. “If he's putting all this effort into a n-nice date, I-I don't wanna look like I've been sick.”
Marlie nodded in understanding, walking over to Elliot to help him find something he liked. “What about your flower dress?”
Elliot examined his black, floral-patterned dress. It hung to his knees and had puff shoulder sleeves. He'd gotten it recently on a trip to the mall and had yet to wear it. “Do-Do you think he would like that?”
“He’d love it.” Marlie smiles at him. She was so happy to see him excited for a date.
“O-Okay.” Elliot grabbed the dress and bolted into the bathroom to get changed.
Marlie waited patiently, petting Dumpling while Elliot changed.
When Elliot emerged, he gave a twirl to show Marlie the whole thing. “What do you think?”
Marlie beamed, eyes glowing at how happy Elliot looked. “You look amazing!”
“R-Really?” Elliot asked, giving himself a once-over in the mirror. “Do you think I need shoes or anything?”
Marlie shook her head, standing next to him. “No, you guys are staying home. Kinda like a movie date but better.”
Elliot nodded, his breathing quickening.
Marlie looked at him worriedly, guiding him to sit. “Bluebell, he wants to bring stargazing inside. You’re safe, I promise.”
Elliot's breathing didn't slow. “I-I just w-wanna be g-good enough for-for him. Wh-What if he doesn’t l-like this? What if he gets m-mad at me for-for being sick? What if he's doing this just to b-break up with me?”
Marlie brought him into a hug, knowing his past relationships were horrendous. “You're perfect to him. Bluebell, he's so happy with you and will love this. He's not mad and he won't break up with you. I promise. Want me around for support?”
Elliot melted into her embrace and tried not to cry into her shoulder. “N-No that's-that's okay. I-I don't want him to-to get m-mad.” Elliot flinched when the distant sound of the doorbell rang. He gasped. “That's-That’s h-him.”
Marlie took his hand. “He wouldn't. Want to walk to the door with me?”
Elliot nodded and shakily reached for her hand.
Marlie gently squeezed his hand. “It’s okay, he’ll be so excited to see you.”
Elliot nodded once more and nervously followed her down to the front door.
Marlie opened the door, Dawn helping Cedar carry a box of food.
Elliot's breath caught in his throat. He felt like it had been months since he'd seen Cedar, even though it had only been a week. Anxiety churned in the pit of his stomach at the sight of his tall boyfriend.
“Love? How are you feeling? I'm so happy to see you!” Cedar smiled. “Happy Valentine's day.”
Elliot couldn't help the way his cheeks warmed and the dorky smile that grew across his face. “I'm f-feeling better now. H-Happy Valentine's Day.”
Cedar’s smile matched Elliot’s eyes, smiling as he saw his boyfriend. “Ready to start the date, Love?”
Elliot nodded. “I've m-missed you.”
Cedar set the box down in Elliot’s room, Dawn and Marlie following him. “Same to you, Love. I'm so happy to see you.” Cedar smiled as he opened his arms.
Elliot smiled back and practically collapsed into his boyfriend's strong arms. He had to stand on his tiptoes in order to kiss Cedar, but it was worth it. He just hoped Cedar wouldn't end up sick after this.
Cedar caught Elliot and kissed back. “I love you so much.”
Elliot's cheeks began to ache with how wide he was smiling. “I love you too.”
Cedar’s smile grew. “Ready to start, my Love?” 
Elliot giggled and nodded before dissolving into a coughing fit.
Cedar put an arm around him, rubbing his back until it finished. “Do you need to lay down, Love?”
Elliot nodded. “S-Sorry,” he croaked.
Cedar lifted him gently onto his bed. “No worries. How about starting dinner?” 
Elliot nodded. “Th-That sounds good.”
Cedar smiled, opening the containers of food that he had brought. “Take your pick, my Love.”
As Elliot's eyes scanned the multiple containers of food, his cheeks warmed. He couldn't believe that Cedar had done all this for him. “I-I can't decide. Everything looks a-amazing. Did-Did you m-make all this?”
Cedar blushed and nodded. “I packed so many. Maybe a little bit of everything? Is that okay with you? I just made our date sick safe, my Love.”
Tears began to prick the corners of Elliot's eyes at the sound of those words. “I-I just can’t believe you d-did all of this for me.”
Cedar gently brushed his tears away, kissing his forehead. “Of course, Love. I knew it would break your heart to miss out and I wanted to see you. I'd come over even if it meant cuddling and falling asleep.”
Elliot's lower lip started wobbling. “Can-Can I have a kiss?”
Cedar replied by gently kissing him, holding him close.
Elliot melted against him, heart pounding. He couldn't believe the lengths his boyfriend had gone just to make him feel special on their first Valentine's Day together. As he looked up into Cedar's forest-green eyes, he whispered, “I may or may not have just gotten you sick.”
Cedar brushed Elliot’s hair. “That’s okay. Seeing your smile makes it worth the chance.”
Elliot's cheeks warmed and he couldn't help the giggle that escaped his throat. “You try to make me blush on purpose.”
Cedar matched Elliot’s smile, chuckling. “I try to make you smile on purpose, my Love.”
Elliot tried to force himself to stop smiling, but it remained stuck to his face. He couldn't help it. Something about looking into Cedar's eyes made him indescribably happy.
Cedar smiled back, happy to see his love smile. “Ready to start eating?”
Elliot nodded, unable to take his eyes off of his boyfriend.
Cedar kissed Elliot’s forehead, serving multiple dishes for the two of them. “How about some candles? I brought some scented ones.”
Elliot nodded, cheeks beginning to ache from the smile that wouldn't leave his face. “That sounds nice.”
Cedar kissed his head gently. “That’s great. I’ll light them.”
Elliot giggled and watched as Cedar lit the candles. As nice as they were, the sudden aromas initiated a round of several sneezes and a few coughs. He reached for a tissue, his face burning with embarrassment.
Cedar looked at him worriedly, rubbing his back. “Do you need anything, Love?”
“Can-Can you hand me my w-water?” Elliot asked as he tossed the tissue into the trash. He sniffled. “I hate being sick.”
Cedar passed the water to Elliot, rubbing his back gently. “I know, Love. It’ll be over soon. I'm just happy I could get everything ready in time for our date.”
Elliot nodded. “I-I was so worried when you d-didn't come to s-see me at all. I thought m-maybe you were b-breaking up with me.”
Cedar kissed his boyfriend’s cheek softly. “I’m sorry I didn't reach out. I wouldn't break up with you, Love.” He felt guilty, knowing how he hurt Elliot.
Elliot nodded again, blushing. “I-I know. I just o-overthink sometimes, I guess. Marlie helped c-calm me down.”
Cedar smiled at him. “She’s good at that. I'm happy you guys have each other. You're amazing.”
Elliot smiled and took a bite of the dinner Cedar had made. He was still in awe of all his boyfriend had done for him. He'd never felt so loved before.
The smile on Elliot’s face made the whole evening worth it. Cedar smiled back, eyes so full of love and adoration.
As Elliot ate his fill and set down his plate, he said, “So, M-Marlie said you were gonna b-bring the stars to me. Wh-What did she mean?”
Cedar smiled, getting up to open a suitcase and take out a few star projectors. He plugged them into the wall and the ceiling mirrored a starry sky. “This is what I did to bring you the stars, my Love.” He kissed his boyfriend’s head, lips brushing his fluffy hair.
Elliot stared in awe at the starry sky projected across the ceiling. Never, in his wildest dreams could he have imagined a date like this. “This-This is the most incredible thing anyone has ever done for me.”
Cedar held Elliot close. “Anything for you, Love. You are the best boyfriend a man could ask for.”
Tears welled in Elliot’s eyes. “Can I have a kiss?”
Cedar brought his boyfriend into a loving kiss.
Elliot melted against him. He couldn't remember the last time he felt so happy, if he ever had before. He felt safe and comforted and so, so loved. In that moment, nothing else mattered; not his illness, not Christian. If only for one moment, Elliot let himself be happy.
I hope you enjoyed this! This was so much fun to do because I'm absolutely obsessed with Elliot and Cedar's relationship.
Please be sure to go read Cedar's POV!
Not tagging the taglist because this isn't whumpy Worthless content
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echidna-enquiries · 1 month
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Bonus guests! These guys probably aren't gonna show up as much.
Coal retired as a Guardian a looong time ago, he's a chef and still runs his own restaurant, he's kinda more of a cool uncle that the others come to or get advice from. whether they want it or not! ;p
Cedar kinda never got to be a Guardian cause of his medical issues, but they're still rad. Goes off island volunteering quite a lot. He bakes a lot when he's here, so you always know when they're back.
and Knuckles! Of course he's bound to show up occasionally, he's busy a lot. He's either off island with his friends or he's busy being the newest Guardian around the island. I'm sure he's fine with not being too involved, social media never really been his thing.
Guardian line-ups one and two.
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fruity-phrog · 15 days
These fools don’t even know about Hermes/Polites
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calming-chaos · 12 days
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themilescedars · 3 months
You seem joyous :]
Good, it meant that my correction worked and I am now a better person.
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hadalrecluse · 29 days
"Another day in this hell..." -> A voice spoke softly as he moved through the various rooms of the Hadal Blacksite, flashlight in hand. He didn't want to be here, but oh well. - @windswept-ocs [CEDAR]
*There's some faint ruckus coming from somewhere to the side, which is accompanied by hissed talking*
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heyimdove · 1 year
TW: climate change, wildfires, hurricanes, woe.
Sorry, I know you follow me for Good Omens stuff, but I’m freaking out.
San Diego doesn’t get hurricanes, but one, (a category 4???) is coming for us.
I’m a born and raised San Diegan and I can’t believe I’m typing this at all. But here we are, facing Hurricane Hilary and collectively holding our breath, wondering if we’ll be okay. Wondering what we’ll look like in a few hours.
I’m a worrier. I worry. I worry for our loud wonderful parrots who wake me up every day, and for our marine wildlife who I love with all my heart. I fear for our homeless community, who have already dealt with enough this year just existing, and who are too often children. I worry for the people who believe they’ll be okay, will make a bad decision or two, and prove themselves wrong.
It all makes me think of 2003.
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For a week that October, it felt like the world was ending. The Cedar Fire, which was the biggest fire in California history (might still be) burned for a week. I was little.
We had never had snow days (the only snow we get out here comes in cone form), but suddenly white ash was falling like snow and school was canceled. This was the first revelation to me that we were really In It.
I remember sitting at the sliding glass door with my big sister, small feet pressed against the glass, as we watched the sky turn black from smoke and ash. I remember how you could only tell it was daytime because you could still see the sun behind the smoke. It was this ominous, dull red orb, like a dying ember, like Sauron’s eye, like God had abandoned us but stuck around to watch til the credits rolled. Even inside, we held wet washcloths over our noses and mouths so we wouldn’t inhale the ash that snuck into the house through cracks we didn’t know we had.
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I remember my dad, crying and clutching the phone, as he begged my grandma to follow evacuation orders to leave their house. Grandpa didn’t want to go, so he stood on the roof with a garden hose, watching a wall of fire two blocks away as it ate trees and homes. He stood up there, spraying the roof like it would make any difference, while Grandma broke down and screamed for him to escape while they still could. Dad kept saying “leave him, Mom, leave him!”
I’ll be honest: that fucked me up.
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Scripps Ranch, their part of town, has eucalyptus trees. They’re oily. They blow up when they catch fire. He only agreed to leave when he watched one explode a few houses away. My loyal, loving grandma didn’t leave him behind.
That taught me something strange about love that I haven’t been able to untangle since. I love my grandfather, but I never have forgiven him for what he put her through that day. What he prioritized under the black skies and white ash and red sun when people were dying. I wonder if he thinks he won, that he beat the fire, because their house didn’t burn in the end. I wonder if he thinks of himself as David and the fire Goliath, not realizing that his David was so small, Goliath hadn’t ever known he existed.
I hope so much that we don’t get more Davids this time around.
That people don’t hear about 19ft waves and grab their boards. Don’t drive their cars through the same place it always floods in Mission Valley, the same place people always end up drowning. Don’t try to save a house and lose a life instead.
That fire season was our worst, but fire response has improved so much since. Everyone said it was so bad because we hadn’t been prepared; now we do backburns, controlled burns, we’re better about campfire education. We’re safer now. We listen to evacuation orders. We have bug out bags and back up plans and binders where we keep our important documents. Aside from the occasional low-grade panic when I smell fire in the air that may be a barbecue, may not, I’m not really even afraid of wildfires now, only sad for the places impacted by them, like Hawaii and Canada. I find myself wondering what their sun looks like.
When I think back, I also remember how everyone came together to help. Firefighters from across the country and around the world came to help fight. Came to help us. It chokes me up as I write- especially when I think about the active fire maps and remember we only have so many firefighters.
I hope we don’t need backup this time. But I’m scared anyway.
Because we don’t have hurricane practice. This is new. The rain this year was new. The October-June winter was new. I’m scared this is is like 2003 and we’ve got a massive deadly natural event and no idea how to fight it. We didn’t build for this.
I hope this is just a dramatic response to what winds up being nothing. I was in Ireland during Hurricane Ophelia, and that was a bit of wild weather, but most people shrugged it off. I’m crossing fingers and everything else I can for an Ophelia situation.
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To any San Diegans reading: don’t shoot the Hurricane.
But if it’s worse, then I just want to say I love my city. I love the way we held each other up in 2003 and 2007 and 2020-22. I hope we never have to again, but I’m grateful I have all of you if we do.
I just sandbagged around the house, covered the windows with blankets, filled the freezer with ice. Everything’s charging, my flashlights have batteries, and my bathtub is clean and full of water. I’m not religious, but I still said a little prayer for the fish in my pond and brought in the patio umbrella. I couldn’t catch the black cat that hangs out in my yard so I said a little prayer for her, too.
I hope I reblog this on Monday to tell you I’m a silly and melodramatic idiot, but today I’m scared. Climate change is real and something must be done. I’m sick of fires and floods and this self-fulfilling prophecy that the end is nigh.
We still have options. We have addresses (figuratively speaking). We know how to build the guillotines (figuratively speaking). We outnumber those who would have our streets flood and our homes burn for personal profit- and we can permanently separate them from it (figuratively speaking). And I am tired of speaking in codes about who our enemies are now that the planet is fighting back. I’m sick of having to say I’m figuratively speaking.
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Put yourself in the box but fore real then
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cubito in a box (i am the cubito ??)
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Volume 1: Isolation
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Asks from @a-spoonful-o-generosity and @reversal-mushroom.
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