#the book and I had a rough start but its soo good
fiorett · 11 months
Wip for 'A Study in Drowning' by Ava Reid
"I will love you to ruination."
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kenlvry · 2 years
Could you write the main 4 (seperate) making out and getting caught🙏🏽🙏🏽
getting caught
kenny mccormick
you didn't know how but you and kenny are in the gym making out. that wasn't even the reason you two were there, you two were suppose to be fighting bc earlier you got mad at how this random ass girl was flirting with him and he didn't even do shit! but nonetheless you aren't complaining, you love making out with kenny, he's always passionate abt making out with you, its never sloppy or rushed. his lips were smooth, it got you questioning what lipbalm he had bc wow. his back was pressed against the wall and your waist was being held by kennys hand holding you close to him. you were so in the moment you didn't realise stan walking in ig , he was looking for you two bc he saw you drag kenny in there looking mad and when he saw what he saw he dropped the books he had on him which made you jump, you tried to turn to him but kenny held your waist hard, "hey stan wsp" this man stays embarrassing you 😞, "um... it can wait.." stan ran out "now where were we?" kenny hold your neck and pulled you in for another make out session.
stan marsh
now stan wasn't one to show pda outside but the fact he's making out with you rn at the side of the school is shocking. he pulled you aside to get you away from the man that was insisted on getting your number, and you gave him your number!! now in your defense you though he wanted to be friends, stan got all frustrated and now you two are making out. he's rough, the way he's kissing you is like he's mad at you and he is mad, although he's rough. he still holds your waist gently and cups your face gently, he looks and acts mad but he still cares for you no matter how mad he is. your back was pinned against the wall and his left arm had you pinned while the other was holding your waist, your hands was both on his shoulders enjoying the moment every now and then pulling away to take breaths but quickly going back in for the kiss. you were enjoying it but maybe too much since you couldn't hear the door open, stan not breaking the kiss opened his eyes while you remained yours close, it was the boy who asked your phone number earlier. he stood there somewhat mad and shocked, stan smirked into the kiss which you can feel and continued kissing you. now whenever you see the kid he acts all awkard , hmm wonder why 🤨🤨
kyle broflovski
you and him were on his couch, ike, his mom and his dad were out and wasn't gonna comeback in 7 hours. you two took it as a chance to do something risky, well you took the chance. kyle was too scared his parents would suddenly come in to grab smthing but you insisted and who was he to deny you? so here you two are intensely making out. kyle sitting on the couch manspreading while you sat on top of him with your knees and putting them so that his legs were in between yours, him grabbing you waist almost grabbing your ass and the other one on your thigh. for someone who was soo scared to make out he was really good, his kisses weren't sloppy but neither passionate, he's taking his time. he wanted it to last forever he loved the view he had, having to look up to you bc of the position you two were in. then suddenly the door burst open with cartman kenny and stan "no im telling you kenny it- woah." you two immediately got off each other and smiled at them. it was so obvious what you two were doing, kyle had lipstick smudged on his lips and your lipstick was too smudged, most gone. "continue, i wanna watch" "are we like.. disturbing you two" you being polite saying no but kyle wished said yes bc now cartmans asking your opinions if a tiger and a lion is a same thing, after this hes definitely continuing what you two were doing.
eric cartman
now... mans isn't one to kiss you.. let alone make out with you, yet here you were in an alley making out. it started with you kissing his face which he pushed you lightly making disgusted faces but he's clearly blushing. then you wanted it to take the next level and pulled him to an alley and kissing him, he didnt resist to kiss back, so you two were making out. you and cartman was actually also with the other three but they went in a shop to buy smthing, his kisses were sloppy yet nice. he's taking his time but at the same time its like he wanted it to be short incase someone sees,your back was pressed on the wall. he holds your face with his hand and the other on your neck, you had yours over his shoulder. if anyone passes by they couldn't see but if they were to slightly turn their head they could see. but it wasn't a busy lane for people to walk by every second so you two were okay, you loved moments like this, cartman never showed affection considering his personality but once he does its the sweetest thing ever <33 you two were so caught up that you didn't here the other three calling your name. they came to the alley and checked and js dropped whatever they brought, never in their life would they expect to see him making out with someone let alone kiss someone. cartman immediately pulled away and coughed saying its not what they think, but you laughed and whispered "there's lipstick stains on your face babe" he blushed and wiped them off, you laughed and the other three couldn't help but think how you come to love him. hes so cute<33
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goatpaste · 1 year
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Hai, mutuals have my actin up getting obsessive brain over Pillar Fam Au again and their all over my brain like ANTS
So I wanted to redo the art on the pillar fam playlist and doodle some stuff for my fav songs on the playlist
just thinking about them thinking about them thinking about them and running around and biting
every few weeks I just remember this AU is everything to me good lurd
[Commission Prices][Etsy][Buy me a Kofi]
also wanted to talk about some thoughts on the songs of the playlist just whatever, under the cut
Where Evil Grows by The Poppy Family: this one I drew for, but I heavily think of it over Joseph and Wamuu's first meeting where despite the rough first meeting, theres that spark of interest in on another. Despite unexplainable need to get close to one another, especially Joseph to Wham.
Blood in the Wine by AURORA: mostly a song I put on there for Wham, its a Wham heavy song and makes me think generally of pillar fam but also of Wham and his relationship to his pillar men family and kars. His Loyalty and devotion to the man who is his father, but ultimately having these different goals and feelings.
Electric Love by BORNS: Honestly mostly just a fun feel good song I felt had some good vibes to Pillar fam, love a good lightning motif for Joseph.
Kiss her you fool by Kids that Fly: First kiss scene, 1000% Joseph with a million thoughts about how he's trying to get out of dying, or even killing but also quickly realizing he might just be in love with this powerful warrior and that Wham just might like him back, and to make a leap of fate with a kiss.
Talk to Much COIN: Another song that fit the bill for Pillar Fam especially of a Joseph angle for suuuure
High on Humans by Oh Wonder: I think this is pretty straight forward for the wham angle of this relationship, especially when Suzi starts being in the mix and he's realizing he's soft for two humans who he should be seeing as a threat to Kar's mission. but instead his brain if fuzzy and soft around them
The Sex has Made me Stupid by Robots in Disguise: also pretty straight forward, they were going at it like rabbits because i take Wham for a guy who fucks his enemies as an equal partner for him, fighting it like gay sex to him but so is gay sex lol. Also this song is such so extremely british its just a bit of a too fitting not to include
Dirty imbecile by The Happy Fits: Kinda vauge take on Joseph, i get big joseph vibes in this song and fitting to my minds touchings of his character and relationship to family and lack there of
Step With me by MIKA: its the vibes, the specific lyrics just feel so right, the slow set by set calculations of getting close to someone like Wham in their specific situation. Both in trying to work every angle to get everyone out alive, but also dealing with big feelings for a big man who may kill him. One step at a time, just a few steps away from you. I especially take this song overlay to the idea of the height of Pillar Fam when the month is almost up and joseph's one like asking of truce between him and wham, but wham choosing to stay to his word and to kars and leaving Joseph, but stubborn Joseph not giving up quite yet.
Necessary Evil by Unknown Mortal Orchestra: i think this in a way feels a lot like similar lyrical vibes to Where Evil Grows. But bit on the horny side lol, two crazy kids defying the odds, dealing with how they feel, messy messy feelings while they nearly kill each other in a gladiatorial fight on chariots around a roaring fire.
I wont hurt you by the West Coast Pop Art Experience: THIS SONG OUHGH this is one of the big ones on the playlist to me, its soo ouch. Song that 100% in my head links to the end of the Chariot fight. Joseph and Wham have dealt out all their cards, every trick in the book to live or win. All but their final trump card, all or nothing, put it all on the line and die winning. Wham lost of sight, arms and burning a hole into his own chest. Joseph with caesars headband and the lighter fluid... But he can't do it. instead opting to drop his weapons and his guards, i wont hurt you, Yelled over the intense slicing winds as they grow nearer. Joseph's pleading one more time for Wham to stop to not kill Joseph, but more importantly, himself. That Kars wouldnt want this, Suzi wouldnt want this and Joseph wouldnt want this. He would rather lay down and accept defeat and death than be the one to remove Wham from the world. its then, Wham in his biggest moment of vulnerability stops, words reaching him. Falling to his knees and embracing Joseph in a messy bloody puddle in all the heavy silence under the blazing fire. I wont hurt you.
m'Lover by Kishi Bashi: themes of unlikely lovers? well dont mind if i do for my pillar fam playlist. Picking up right after the last one, things are finally looking right, defying the destiny that they were meant to hurt and kill each other in that pit that night instead promising themselves to each other. two loves in the night finding each other in the most unlikely way
Affection Taku Iwasaki: Its a jojo song, and it makes me sad weepy, its soft its perfect for this vibe.
Bizzare Love Triangle by New Order: I think mostly on here for the general title and 'love triangle' idea. Suzi and her two boys, their Bizzare Love Triangle
From Me, the Moon by Lav and Dark Moon by Bonnie Guitar: putting these together as their both meant to be for the same idea, Wham watching his human partners grow old. His family even with his pillar man genetics, growing older. The idea they will one day leave him behind. This reality will obviously never come as they world ends in p6. But its a lingering idea, a soft sad, but approachable topic to think about for Wham. Couldn't not include it in a playlist meant to encapsulate them and their life start to finish. Wham will be sad, but happily live out his humans long lives. As long as they'll have him.
Affection Taku Iwasaki: it was the final track of P2, just like Affection, sweet and good, how could i not make it the final track on this playlist.
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millie-multifics · 25 days
Though I Yearn • Part 8
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Masters of the Air x Reader
Secret Admirer (Revealed)
A string of anonymous letters causes a stir at Thorpe Abbotts. Who could be the author of the tender correspondence you have been recieving?
Warnings: Spoilers for the admirers identity if you have yet to read Part 7, mentions of death, implied nudity, and it’s a little cheesy.
Word Count: ~1.3k
Masterlist Previous Final Part- Coming soon!
Sorry for the long af wait but just got my cast off from breaking my dominant hand soo it’s been a rough go. I appreciate everyone’s support with this series 🩵💙
x x x
Everyone at Thorpe Abbotts had grown increasingly weary throughout the winter months, losing more men each mission while trying to recover from the great losses of autumn.
It seemed with each mission you rose earlier and earlier, eventually you ceased finding any sleep after that dreaded red light flashed for the men.
“Good morning, gentlemen.” You greeted Douglass and Blakely with a smile, two cups of steaming black coffee already prepared. It had become a ritual for a few of the men to skip breakfast with the replacements, settling for one of your hot cups of coffee and chain smoking cigarettes to ease their unsettled stomachs.
Everett could see the exhaustion in your eyes, the burden of serving these men with a smile, knowing a fraction will not return was taking its toll.
“Sleep at all?” He asked, his worry palpible by the way his eyebrows creased in the centre.
“Your feet being on solid ground allows me to breathe but sleep evades me.” You admit, reaching to smooth the front lock of his hair that frequently escapes his attempted neat styling.
“Does that mean I don’t qualify for a kiss from my guardian angel this morning?”
Douglass groaned, smothering his cigarette butt into the dirt with his heavy, polished boot. “Sometimes I miss when she would only talk to you because she was ignoring my ass.”
“He’s a little on edge right now, our little James is attempting commitment.” Everett explained, sending the bombadier an amused glare. “On the topic of commitment, the hut will be clear for a few hours tonight for Rosie’s 25th mission festivities. Maybe we can catch up on some sleep.”
“Yeah, sleep, I’m sure that is what will be happening in there.” Douglass rolled his eyes at your lovesick, teenage antics.
“Speaking of Rosie, where is the lucky bastard?” You asked, he usually cut out of breakfast early to clear his head of all the nervous replacements chatter.
“Luck has nothing to do with it, he is a damn good pilot.” Blakely mused, “If I didn’t fly so damn good myself, I’d want to be in his fort.”
“Speak of the devil… coffee?” You offered as the mustached pilot appeared under the rolling, grey clouds.
You raised your own coffee to toast, “All the best today boys, and Rosie? Give ‘em hell.”
“This it the worst part, the waiting.” Helen broke the silence in the clubmobile. You were sitting in the chairs provided, awaiting the arrival of the men before you would make your way to what had become the Interigation centre to welcome the men back, help them feel comfortable and recognize they were back on solid ground. “Do you think Rosie will make it? It feels like it has been ages since a crew has done it.”
You glanced over the spine of the book in your hands, it had been open for about an hour now but if Helen had noticed you had yet to turn the page she did not mention it. “Rosie is a great pilot, I wouldn’t start doubting his abilities now.”
You flipped your page for show, eyes drifting over the page but not reading the black ink.
“Do you truely love Everett?”
“I do.” You did not need to think as the words slipped past your lips.
“How does it feel to love someone like that?”
You shut the book, placing it on your lap as you pictured your handsome pilot in your minds eye, “It’s like having a perfect, hot cup of tea on a cold day, its a warmth that envelopes your mind, body and soul. I feel all of his emotions tenfold, when he is happy I am blessed, when he is mad I am enraged and when he struggles with sadnesss I feel his grief. I yearn for his presence when he is away and revel in it when he is near, I no longer dream of going home because Everett has become my home.”
Helen looked thoughtful for a moment, “I think I could have felt it once but I only had one marvelous evening with him, Lieutenant Nash, but he was killed on his first mission.” She confessed for the first time since it had happened. “I just hope that one day I might feel that way fully, for longer than a day.”
“And Lieutenant Nash was Rosie’s friend so you’re wandering what might have happened had he made it back that day.”
Helen nodded, solemly, opting to change the subject from the handsome young man that had swept her off her feet quite unexpectedly. “I heard some of the Red Cross Ladies may be relocated when Europe is invaded, spread the resources and morale to the men at the front.”
“Let’s not worry about that right now.”
Warmth radiated from the two wool blankets drapped over your entangled bodies, it was a stark contrast from the rain pouring down outside. You felt at peace, the harsh drops pounding on the roof above and the sounds of your calm breathing filled the silence. Everett groaned as he pulled himself to a sitting postion, reaching to the bedside table for his carton of cigarettes. You shifted lazily to rest your head on his chest, pulling the blanket with you to shield his bare torso from the chill that hung in the March air.
“There have been whispers.” You spoke quietly, afriad to break the serenity.
“About us?” Everett leaned down to place a gentle kiss on your shoulder.
You smiled, “Those whispers never stop, every time we get a new wave of replacements they love to chatter- I think Kidd will lose his head if he has to talk to us one more time about discretion.”
“What’d you hear?”
“Helen heard that some of the girls will be allocated after the invasion of Europe,” The details were unknown but it hung over the continent like an impending storm. “That could mean-“ You paused, your fingers ghosted over the chain around his neck, tracing his name etched into the cold metal. “I used to be prepared for this, when I first volenteered I had steeled myself over, I was ready to tredge through trees, mud and blood but we were placed here. Thorpe Abbotts may have its share of mud after the rain but it has been hot cups of coffee, laughter over a drink, dancing through our pain and… you. I sincerely don’t know what I would do without you by my side.”
Blakely remained silent for a moment, contemplating your worries and soft confession as he discarded his unlit cigarette and matches onto the trunk beside his small bed. “There is no shame to be scared in this world.”
“Says the brave pilot who has looked death in the eye countless times and denied its knock.”
“Would it make you think any less of me if I were to admit that I get scared? Every time that red light turns on, everytime I climbed into that Pilot seat and everytime I look at you.” He confessed, voice soft as his warm breath brushed your throat. “We should get married. Tomorrow.”
“You jest.” You met his eyes, they were wide with vulnerabilty and an unexpected sincerity.
“I am serious.” He insisted, gently manuvering your body to be seated facing him. The rough pads of his fingers caressing the soft skin of your cheeks as he pressed on, “I want to marry you, I want to spend the rest of my life with you, no matter how long that may be.”
“It does not have to be tomorrow. I can accept if you want to marry tomorrow or wait however many years, just please say yes to being my betrothed.”
Emotion overwhelmed you as you nodded your head feverantly, tears slipping down your cheeks only to be wiped away ever so softly by his thumbs. “Yes, yes, I will marry you, Everett Blakely.”
x x x
@jointherebellion215 @yorkshirekiwi @gretagerwigsmuse @seoultraveller @orchiidflwer @lucyfromtheoldhouse @kpopdistoyedmylife-blog @probabydeadbynow @claireelizabeth85 @solo-pitstop-vibes @timetowastetime8 @thebenjiblackwoodexpress @beingalive1 @bunnylil-reblogs @p-polaroid @ktredshoes @winniemaywebber @ginabaker1666
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callofdudes · 2 years
Fantasy Into Reality
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Alejandro x Rudy (librarian au)
Suggested by Annoymous ps:(I'm sorry)
PLEASE READ!! Soo... I'm a dumbass and answered the post in my inbox without actually putting the fucking writing in, and then I hit delete instead of edit!!? I'M SO SORRY! 😭
Please come back so I can fix this-
No CW, it's purely fluff, first meeting.
Word Count: 1.3K roughly
There was something so beautiful about the rows of shelves inside the small building. Each spine read of something more. Some were thicker than the first. The smell of paperback and hardcover tickled Rodolfo's senses with something almost tangible.
A smile replaced his usually minute features as he stacked books along the rows and rows of title and author coordinated writings. People moved about the background, some reading while others played quietly. It always made him feel at home.
He placed the last book on the cart atop the shelf in the fantasy section with a happy hum. It was nice to see a cart empty, ready for books to be reread and retold.
He left the empty trolly where it was for the time being and began to make his way up to the front of the library. There was only him and another co-worker in for the afternoon, so he busied himself as work came.
The sliding doors of the library opened and a few people walked inside. They seemed happy to be there, walking over to their section of the pickup line to find the books on hold that had come in for them.
Rodolfo was never the best at conversation. In fact, he liked the library simply because there wasn't much talking involved.
The doors opened again, this time only one guy came in. Rodolfo didn't pay much mind as he went back to picking up books along the front seating area to put back.
He was just about to pick up the last book when he heard a voice from behind him. "Excuse me?" His spine tingled at the words. Rough and deep. Very kind and soft, not a hint of a threat behind them.
Rudy stood and turned around to be met with a very handsome face. His short black hair was pushed back messily, a few strands falling across his face. His beard was shaved, reminisce of stubble and a toothy smile.
Rodolfo gulped.
"Hello, how may I help you?"
"Oh good, you work here." The man chuckled in a joking tone." His smile widened and Rudy swore he felt his heart skip. Just his imagination.
"I'm new here, was wondering if you could point me toward the historical section?"
Rodolfo blinked. He felt his tongue go silent of any and all syllables. He briefly looked down at the books in his hands, and noticed they were 18th century history books. "Oh... Yes, I'm headed that way if - if you'd like to follow?" Curse you Rodolfo for stuttering. He scolded himself. But the man only smiled and nodded. "Of course hermano, lead the way."
Rudy felt his stomach tingling as he turned to walk away. The man kept pace with him as they walked down the long rows of bookshelves. "By the way, my name is Alejandro Vargas, you?"
Again, Rudy wasn't the best at social circumstances. But he was far from rude. "Rodolfo Parra."
Alejandro hummed. He nodded, as if this information benefited him. In a way I guess it did.
They walked together until they reached the historical literature section. "Is there anything in particular you're looking for?" Rudy asked as he started to look for titles and authors. The books in his arms felt heavy as he read through letters.
He heard Alejandro behind him drifting through books. "Nothing in particular, I enjoy the genre. It is a useful make of my time si?"
"Si." Rodolfo found the first book and tucked it neatly in its place.
"what kind of books are you into? If I make ask?"
Rudy hummed. "Oh, I like fantasy, sci-fi and such. I like the way the author's can see these crazy and beautiful worlds in their minds."
Alejandro smiled, this time his lips were closed and it seemed to be out of contentment than happiness. "The mind is a beautiful thing."
Alejandro pulled a particular book off the shelf and looked it over. "Have you read this one?"
Rudy stopped stocking the books and came to Alejandro's side. "Schematics for old builds. Lore on the Germans and models for the first airplane of I remember correctly."
"you remember quite a lot."
This time Rudy smiled. "I enjoy books, what can I say?" Alejandro pulled another book off the shelves and looked at the cover briefly to read the title. "And this one?"
"Russian revolution and the war against Britain." Rudy answered quickly.
Alejandro tucked both books under his arm and chuckled. "Don't mind if I do. If you're pulling my leg I'll know." Alejandro chuckled with that same almost evil smile. Rudy blushed. He felt his stomach coil again, this time it was accompanied by heat in his chest. He looked down at the last book in his hands. It was fantasy. Alejandro seemed to notice and said, "I can walk with you if you don't mind?"
"if you'd like?"
Normally Rodolfo would say no, but the fuzzy feeling in his stomach was making his head do weird things. So he set off for the fantasy with Alejandro in tow.
The taller man took in what little there was to see until they reached the section. Rodolfo immediately found the section the book was missing from and reached up to place it there.
Alejandro skimmed through the spines of the books. The titles were interesting. So he pulled one out. Rodolfo noticed from the corner of his eye and all sense of shame was lost.
"Oh! That one! It's about a vampire born into a world where the sun has disappeared and these weird zombie things are after them!"
Alejandro chuckled. "You've read this one eh?"
"Si! I've read almost this entire section." Rodolfo smiled proudly. Alejandro placed the book back and skimmed over the titles. He pulled one out and Rudy started off. He explained the lore, the characters and their back stories. It was a book he'd read recently and he'd very much enjoyed it. Everything down to plot details and such. He didn't even realize he was talking until he'd run out of things to say.
But Alejandro had just stood there and not once interrupted him.
"And- oh..." Rodolfo blushed. "Apologies, I was talking to much."
"Oh no, tu narración es magnífica." (Oh no, your storytelling is magnificent.) Alejandro looked down at his watch and nodded. "Well, Rodolfo Parra, this was wonderful, thank you."
"Oh." Rudy felt his cheeks grow hot.
Alejandro stepped closer and placed the fantasy book under his arm. "You're going to read it?"
"of course."
"but," Rodolfo blinked, "I just explained it all go you?"
"yes, it sounds like an excellent read." Alejandro chuckled at the baffled expression the poor librarian must have had. "I hope I'll see you around sometime? You can tell me about more of what this place holds eh?"
"I-oh, yeah sure!"
Alejandro nodded and reached out his hand, so Rudy took it and shook it. Once Alejandro left Rudy tipped to the edge of the isle and watched as the man checked out his books and left. Not before turning back go catch Rudy's eye before he could jump away in terror.
Rodolfo's heart was pounding as he covered his face. He waited for what felt like an eternity before coming out and seeing Alejandro no longer there.
He was surpised at how disappointed he was. He was glad returning these books were mandatory.
Little librarian Au thing for a first meeting. Again, I'm so sorry about the message, it's not the first time I've accidentally done that so I will watch what buttons I press. Hopefully you'll see this! 😅🥲 Pardon any spelling mistakes.
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whoreforreid · 3 years
oh!!! we could talk about how spencer absolutely has a fancy armchair that he likes to read in that is ALSO perfect for cockwarming? cause you just know the man is TOUCH STARVED and always needs to be to touching you so whenever he’s in that chair is just code for “come sit on my cock” and it of course always ends in you riding him which is definitely one of his favourite positions cause like “tits😍”
omg ok if its like a punishment?? he makes it soo difficult for you like say hes reading something and he just has you sit on cock, looking all pretty for him as you rest your cheek against his shoulder... you aren’t allowed to do anything other that sit there, no noises no moving nothing. not even when he starts to read aloud or shuffle in his seat, and if you do youre swiftly met with harsh slap to your clit, or his hands coming to pinch at your nipples, sometimes he’ll spank you, making you count each one without making any other noise, it just depends on how you’re sat.... he reads book after book, he’s been practicing cockwarming with you for so long he can go hours with your tight cunt wrapped around his cock. eventually once thinks you’ve been a good enough girl for him he’ll allow you to slowly rock your hips, barely letting you feel anything as his fingers move to rub against your clit and still youre not allowed to make any noises, in fact he hands you the book to read and if you hesitate or stumble on your words he stops. hes a bastard. a dirty filthy teasing bastard but you love it, because once youre done with your punishment he fucks you SO good, its rough, messy and you swear the chair is going to leave marks from how harshly its moving against the floor but you dont even care, hes just fucking you so good...
bestie i had a whole soft thing written as well as a contrast but tumblr glitched on me and i do not have the strength to write it again so this is all ur getting 😭
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imnotwolverine · 4 years
LOVE IS LIKE - Sleeping Beauties and Working Life
< PART 1 | PART 2 Sleeping Beauties and Working Life | PART 3 >
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A/N: It's snowing so I'm stuck inside..writing! Hope you all have a lovely Sunday ❤️
Summary: Back to work, Henry remembers his early days in showbizz. And the banana sock wearing woman appears to have found the sneakily shared phone number.
Word count: 2.179
The song: Chaka Khan - Like Sugar
Disclaimer: mentions of great age difference sex partners, stardom, loss of partner to cancer, dieting, physical/mental insecurity as well as Henry just really loving his work
LOVE IS LIKE - Sleeping Beauties and Working Life
Hey. Thanks for the book! I figured the number written in the book was your number? If not, I’m sorry and don’t mind this message. - 08.45
It’s Aurora btw. - 08.47
The name’s Aurora I mean. - 09.04
nvm - 09.05
Thanks for the book! Good luck with everything! - 09.06
And say hi to Kal from me - 09.06
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‘Are you asleep?’ Fingers traced through Henry’s curls, their strands slightly sticky with hair products and sweat after one busy night between the sheets, the ceiling fan broken. Henry grumbled, indicating he was at least sort of awake, his lips curling in a lazy, close-eyed smile.
‘Again?’ He mumbled quietly with his young sweet voice. The woman laughed and propped herself up on one arm, eyes tracing down the soft morning silhouette of the kid who became a man.
‘No, no. You did well.’ She lowered her fingers to trace his brow, nose, cupid’s bow and lips, fingertips silky soft and gentle over Henry’s skin. Henry’s smile grew. Almost as if proud he had managed to please her.
For a moment the room was quiet. A very early Los Angeles sun was starting its slow rise over the hills somewhere far from this 70’s style abode with its paisley print curtains and yellow shag pile carpet. The interior fitted its owner quite well; her long sleek brown hair cut in bangs that hid those mysterious emeralds that had taunted his dreams ever since he met her on set. She was older. Much older. And perhaps those bangs were there just to hide her first wrinkles. But Henry rested easy beneath her trailing fingers, his eyes slowly fluttering open as she spoke again: ‘So how is Hollywood treating you?’ There was some concern in her voice and Henry looked at her. After getting busy all night they hadn't spoken quite so sincerely yet. He shrugged.
‘Hollywood is Hollywood?’
The woman moved her fingertips to his chin and used her hand to tilt his face more sharply in her direction. Her mouth opened to speak, but she hesitated. The concern had now spread to her eyes as they gleamed in the light of dawn. ‘Be careful yea? And if you ever need help with anything..? I can help..or get you help. Okay?’
‘Ok.’ Henry pushed himself up so he could cup his hand around her cheek, pulling her closer. She let him. ‘Thank you.’ He whispered, kissing her like the way they did in the movies.
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Henry stretched out in his naked morning glory, the early London air chilly on his skin. Pushing the sheets off of him and with Kal refusing to wake from his doggy dream by the foot end of the bed, Henry padded over to the ensuite. Squinting in the burst of bright lights clicking on, he stepped beneath the shower, cold water jumpstarting his day, the very air pushed out of his lungs as the radio alarm cued exactly on time. 4.30.
'Li-like sugar, so sweet Good enough -- to eat,'
Gasping softly Henry pawed his hands over his crusty eyes, waiting for the water to become more warm and soothing with every massaging drop of water. From here on his morning routine was perfected to the minute. Coffee: brazilian. Gym: ACDC. Eggs: 5. Kal: walk. Cab: thankfully on time.
It was near 9 when he walked onto set in his full gear, ready for his first run-through of the day, Leah waving him off with Kal by her side. 'Be careful yea?' She chanted, smiling as he winked at her - she always said that no matter how totally safe the day's set would be.
'I will! Have fun today.'
'You too!' Leah wanted to turn around when she felt something buzz deep inside her bag of tricks, her hand having to angle for a bit before she found Henry's phone - kept there for safe keeping.
Whatsapp - 08.45 - Hey. Thanks for the book! ..
Leah smiled.
And there was the mysterious new book owner.
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Henry let himself fall back on his bed, the frame squeaking. Suddenly Jersey felt too small. His bedroom too boyish. His clothes too normal. His dreams no fiction but real.
Flopping around on his belly he turned his attention back to his flip phone, his eyes roving over the call that had just finished. Hundreds of boys, hundreds of auditions. But he got it. He got it! Smiling only to himself he sighed, near missing the sound of feet walking over the floorboard landing.
Was that Charlie? With an excited little squeal Henry pushed himself off his bed to chase after his brother. It looked like his little brother had just lost a bet!
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'HENRYYY!!! Henry!!!' Squinting his eyes at the flash of a camera, he stepped out of the hotel's revolving doors. By his side his trusty pal Kal looked up. Fans.
'Henry! Can I take your picture? -- Can you sign-' Some pieces of paper were shoved in his face and with the blinding glare of the flash gone he finally managed to throw a smile their way, his free hand scribbling some signatures here and there as he greeted them with a warm good morning.
Some girls squealed and as the excitement finally dissipated, Henry thanked them all and bid them a good day, some few last flashes following his silhouette as he pulled Kal in the direction of the nearest Parisian park.
It truly had become a Mission Impossible to just walk his dog. And Henry couldn't help but laugh as Kal snorted in what may be disapproval.
'I know I know. I won't forget about you.'
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'H-hi. Hi?'
'It's Henry.'
'Oh, of course!'
Henry smiled as Aurora's voice greeted him back through the phone line. It was a little past snacktime, his hands holding onto his tupperware with last night's pasta. He was hungry, but with her messages waiting for him, he had decided food could wait a moment.
'So I see the book has found a good home with you?'
'It has. Hahah. Thank you again. In fact..I kind of finished it last night, dodging around some particularly benign toothmarks I think I got the jest of the story.' She laughed again, making Henry smile back as he looked out over the set, some camera men in raincoats dragging around material.
'Well there's more where that came from.'
He hesitated the moment the words were out of his mouth. OH you donkey! That..that is not something you say to -- she laughed even harder.
'Oh why that sounds both terribly enticing and terribly inappropriate hahahaha.'
'Sorry that kinda - '
'Oh please hush.' Her chuckles subsided and after some loud clatter and a yelp her voice returned to the phone. 'Hey..eh..aherm..can I-eh, DAMMIT, can I call you back?'
'Something wrong?'
'J-just me trying to manage coffee and a laptop - and failing.' It sounded like this was just another Tuesday for her. She really was clumsy huh?
'Oh! Oh yes. Of course. Hope your laptop's alright..eh.. I'm off after..6..ish?' Henry looked to his left and saw Leah return with one exhausted Kal, back from their walk.
'Alright. Goodbye..Aurora.'
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He was soo, soo hungry. Cutting never was his favourite part of dieting, though this time it was extra rough. For half a year he had just let go, not working out much at all. But then the one role that got away was back in arm's reach and for the hell of it; he couldn't let it slip by.
Gritting his teeth he focused back on the barbell on the gym mat, weights the size of two small children on either side. At least if Ellen wanted kids, I can manage them with ease, he thought, gripping his sore hands around the bar before he pushed off to lift it with all the strength he could muster. It wasn't enough. The bar only lifted halfway before his body sighed in defeat, the weight of it all crashing down on him finally as the barbell landed back on the floor with a loud thump.
Ellen hadn't called back in days.
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'Remember me?' He felt stupid for calling, but he just needed it right now.
A warm voice responded like they called all the time.
'Hey! Henry! Of course! How are you?! Are you okay dear?'
Henry settled on the airport bench, waiting for his personal cab to arrive. Stardom was great, but in silent moments like these he felt terribly alone. He felt stupid for it, but her voice was near bringing him to tears.
'Yea ehh..' His voice broke and the small boy in this Superman body returned.
'Hey-hey. No problem darling no problem. Where are you right now? Are you safe?'
Henry nodded and looked through the haze of his tears in hope nobody would see him - thankfully he was alone.
'Talk to me.'
'I'm sorry for--' He wished to hang up, forget about it all. Ellen leaving. The stress. Fatigue. The travel. But he didn't. He just hesitated, waiting for her to speak again.
'I don't know where you are Henry dear. But you must know that you're not alone, okay? And if you happen to be in town; I'm making an absolutely delicious, mean and green lasagna.'
Henry wiped away a rogue tear and smiled. He could kill for a lasagna right now. And one cheat meal couldn't hurt right? Looking up as he saw a man with a clipboard sporting his name appear, he sat a little more upright.
'I--I might just take you up on that.'
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'Okay.' Her lack of glasses and banana print socks made the woman before him near irrecognizable. She did however still have that dorky vibe about her, especially when she removed the awkwardly placed handbag before her; a stain on the right side of her tight dress appeared. She grimaced. 'It's bad isn't it?'
Henry chuckled and stood up from his seat, the chique bar a hushed daze of black furniture and fancy cocktails being carried by hipster bearded men. 'Hi Aurora.'
'Hi.' She let a chuckle escape her red painted lips and let him move out a seat for her. She smelled nice.
'I thought I could fit in one more business meeting and eat on the way. And..yea..that--' She shook her head and waited for Henry to take his seat, his face beaming with mirth.
'Stain or not, I'm glad you're here.'
'As am I.' She picked up the drinks card and immediately turned it to the snacks side. 'Do you mind if I order something on the side?'
'Oh no, no of course. I'd like some too actually.' He leaned in to look with her through the options, the both of them deciding on a cheesy snackboard.
'And here I was thinking all of Hollywood was on a diet.' She smirked, making Henry grin.
'Trust me: been there, done that. But no more. I like eating simply too much.' He winked and signaled a waiter to take their order.
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He had initially spread his arms to keep his balance as he rushed after Kal on this slippery meadow of grass. But as Kal returned on Henry's call, leaving some racing off sheep behind, Henry kept his arms up like that. Like an eagle in flight he sniffed in the countryside air, feeling blessed cold air tingle his lungs. Life was good right now. Really really good.
Halting his feet and near slipping in the process, he lowered his arms to praise Kal for listening and returning to him. Sometimes, his furry son truly could be a handful. Today, he was a good boy.
'Chasing after the ladies again huh?' He rushed his fingers through Kal's thick warm fur. 'Well there's one thing you should know Kal; gotta give them some space every now and then.' Kal looked up. 'And don't forget to listen to what they want, mkay?'
Kal borked softly. Henry laughed, being bombarded with an in-the-face-tongue-kiss.
Drinks buzzed in their veins and between all the laughter and nerding out, Henry noticed something. First he thought it was a play of light. A figmentation of his mind. But he could see it clearly now as she noted his gaze and held up her left hand: no longer there, the left-over indent from what once had been a ring.
'I'm no longer married if that's what you want to ask.' She sighed and lowered her hand again, looking at it with an unreadable expression.
'Oh eh.. no, no. I couldn't be so rude to..-'
'No, you're very much allowed to ask, Henry. Please.' Aurora smiled and took a somewhat shaky breath before finding her comfortable, confident (though slightly clumsy) self again. 'He got cancer, died two years ago. We built the company together..'
'I'm sorry for your loss.'
She smiled. 'Thank you. I do miss him, but this is just life. Can't have the good without the bad. And it's okay now. I like where I am.'
'In some dimlit bar with some weirdo you met on an airplane?'
'Absolutely.' She snickered, then shook her head. 'But no haha. You're no weirdo Henry. In fact; you are perfectly, and surprisingly..normal.' And with that she reached out that ring-less hand and brushed it over his right hand opposite the table. Her hands were so soft on his.
A comfortable silence fell and were it not for the toasty heat of the indoors, Henry would swear he was on that meadow with Kal again, feeling like he was breathing truly for the first time in a long, long while.
He smiled.
Part 3 > 
General tagsquad: @harrysthiccthighss​ @tumblnewby @magdelen69​ @thereisa8ella​ @darkbooksarwin​ @summersong69​ @madbaddic7ed​ @luclittlepond​ @maroonmolly @just-a-normal-fangirl18​ @hell1129-blog​ @agniavateira​ @tillthelandslide​ @elinesama​ @maddyreads14​
37 notes · View notes
hehehe slips this in ur ask box
Giovanna held back a laugh, pacing around her bedroom trying to figure out what to do next. Of COURSE her trick backfired. She had meant to hit the demon brothers with a truth spell, but how was she supposed to remember she had plans with Beatrix who happened to walk in and distract her enough to accidently hit them.
"Okay! This is fine. You can just stay here with me so the brothers can't annoy you, and also so I can still surprise them with it at a later date. I DID already text Lily, though. So she's on her way. But that's the only one who needs to know!" She flashed Trix her best puppy dog eyes, hoping for both forgiveness and agreement to stay in her room. Lighting up when the blonde gave in, she pulled them over to the comfortable chairs in her room.
"Soo.. While I have you here. Do I get to annoy you? Because, darling, I would love to hear about whatever's going on between you and Satan. Asmo mentioned you've been spending more time with him lately…" Gio didn't exactly want to admit why she was asking, even if a part of her knew that Trix already knew.
"Oh! I also feel I should ask how you're enjoying RAD- Working for Dia and all. I won't tell him if you hate it. But unlike Lily, you could have left so I assume you enjoy it? Wait wait another thing!" Gio paused, trying to gauge what Trix would say to what she wanted to ask. "Not to ask about the boys again, but if you decide to go for Satan, do you think As-"
Before Gio could spit the question out, Lily knocked and entered asking why the text seemed to urgent, mentioning she had to make up an excuse to get Mammon off her arm to come alone as Gio had told her to do. Upon being told she couldn't help but to laugh a bit, quieting at a look that just said "this could be you."
Joining them on the furniture, Lily stayed quiet sensing she interrupted something before blurting out
"Hey Trix? Not to bother you with questions you apparently have to answer but what's your favorite part of living down here? I mean. Not that I'm starting to or anything I'm just curious." They threw a glance at Gio, who was looking at them as if to encourage more, "And. Again, not that it's a big deal but.. The brothers. Do you think they hate me since I was so mean when I first got here" Looking at her friends faces she blushed, and stared at a painting on Giovanna's wall "You don't have to answer that one, actually pretend I didn't ask", groaning when Trix did indeed answer
Beatrix thought this would be a normal day… well more normal than the crazy antics that the brothers brought everywhere they went. Upon opening the door to Gio’s bedroom something hit them. They felt a tingle rush through them and it took them a moment to realize Giovana had put a spell on them. Her thought of a normal day hanging out with Gio was now tossed out the window as Gio explained what type of spell it was. Truth. ‘Ah this will be fun’ Trix thought to herself, as Gio pulled her in and sat her down. While she was unhappy about now spending the day trapped here, well not trapped it was a good way to escape the brothers and just have a gals day with Lily on the way, so it wouldn’t be too bad.
“You know I’ll forgive you, babes. You don’t even have to pull those puppy eyes.” She chuckled softly, wow this truth spell was strong. She’d have to get it from Gio after, it would be fun and as an agent of chaos herself Gio will need help with getting all of the brothers. Trix got comfortable, tossing a leg over the arm of the chair while the other curled under her, leaning back against the opposite corner. “Of course you do, you always can.” The first question was easy, the second..
A bright red blush rushed across her cheeks as Beatrix sat up properly. “Well I- You know..” She tried to stall, even fight the spell but it was useless. “I.. We’ve been flirting. It just happened one day like we were reading together, and he shows me a passage in his book that was a descriptive passage about the female protagonist from the love interests point of view. And I hate to admit when it hit me it was him flirting because I’m a dumbass and just went ‘Oo that’s a good passage I like that’ and went back to reading because you know I’m dumb. Anyways eventually it evolved from there into chirps and quips about the other. Like one day I scored higher than him on an exam and teased him about it all day, which I didn’t even think about pushing the Avatar of Wrath’s buttons. I just think he’s cute when he’s all flustered and pouty, y’know. So yeah we’ve been spending more time together because of that but also we talk a lot. And I dunno so it’s something but like I don’t know what but like I dunno he just, y’know!” Trix tried to explain but there was just this feeling of safe and warm whenever he was around her. They sounded crazy to themself sometimes but just something clicked and it felt right, like he belonged.
“RAD? It’s interesting. It’s not what I wanted to get into that day but something brought me here and well we know who that is now but it’s not bad here. I’ve only been to one actual school before and that wasn’t even school, it was more like a training camp, so it’s actually fun for me. I like the classes, they remind me of home and I’ve always wanted to learn more about the other realms and human books give no information about it. And getting to experience it all first hand is so amazing. I really do enjoy it here. I’m happy the interesting looks of “who the fuck just fell into Mammon’s lap” and “Why the fuck did she fall into Mammon’s lap” and “Holy shit why are you in my lap” kept me here, you know along with actually wanting to know stuff but like that was funny. Poor Mammon, his face was priceless!” Trix laughed at the memory, too distracted to even notice how the truth spell let her mouth loosen and words freely flow. “Huh?” Trix pulled back to just miss what Gio asked when Lily had entered, taking the blonde’s attention, giving a nod in a way of agreement as she got comfortable on the chair again now that the hard question was answered.
“I mean it’s just interesting. But I also like the night time here more. It’s darker and there’s a ton more stars in the sky and I mean nothing beats back home but its just fuckin’ pretty ya know. And there’s less light pollution so it’s perfect to lay out in the garden and just look up.” Trix said honestly, they loved back home but here they felt more at Home.
“Hate you? No they don’t hate you Lils, they love you. They were kinda dicks in the beginning too. But now they wouldn’t know what to do if you left. And this is about all of them, they all love you. We’ve helped them so much and gotten them to talk about their family shit, you know they’d make pacts if they hate you? No, they love and trust you so much. Powerful demons like them wouldn’t just give their power away so easily that has to be earned or you have to peak their interest. Trust me I know, I actually studied that. Plus a lesser demon is easy to bully into a pact, that’s how I got a few of these but that is a story for another day because I could go on about pacts but I won’t because you didn’t ask about that. But there is one brother that loves more than the others.
And since I’m under a truth spell I can’t ignore a question I have to answer and I have to be honest,” Truth spell or not, Trix will still be a smartass. “So you know Mammon really really loves you. Like Love Love. The boy is head over heels and it's sweet. But god you should hear how he can go on about you and how excited he gets whenever he talks about you. He might’ve been a bit rough in the beginning but that was before he got to know you and trust you. Now he’s fallen in love, and we all know you are crushing too so you should totally say something! Lils you have nothing to lose because it’ll turn out good. You deserve good things, ya know and this is something really good that is waiting for you, because you’ll probably have to make the first move because he’s a dumbass who also thinks you don’t like him like that because he misses how you look at him. Don’t deny it! We all see how you stare, so just trust your heart and don’t overthink it. You’ll be lucky hun.”
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hunghohoseok · 5 years
Punk Rock Drummer
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Disclaimer: He is actually NOT a drummer it just didn’t work out that way lol
Words: 3.8k
Genre: Smut.Fluff (if you squint)
Warnings: seeeeeex.dick piercing.tonguing panties? (is that a thing?).implied drinking.unsafe sex (stay safe my creepies).accidental voyerism
Pairing: Min Yoongi x Reader
Summary: You’ve always wanted to go to the big city, but going alone terrifies you. Your best friend tells you that her brother and his band are gonna have their big break and is inviting you to go see him in action. The thing is, you’re a sucker for a boy with tattoos.
This is part of my B.F.B MASTERLIST! Find the rest here!
Blog Masterlist
(this shit in unedited, sorry ya’ll)
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You knew, you knew, you shouldn’t have messed with him. Everyone told you that he’d hurt you, but you had a type.
Asshole, asshole is your type.
Jay was his name, breaking your heart was his game. He was hot, had a lip ring, and his hair was unruly and it made your heart flutter and your insides feel a certain way. Oh, and he had a tribal tattoo wrapped around his forearm. That was the only thing you could took at while he took you in the back of his car. It was dark enough that he didn’t notice.  
After that, he seemed to call you less, and you tried to call until you called one too many times and his phone was out of service.  
“He had ONE tattoo and you fell for him?” Your best friend Yejoon handed you another tissue and sniffed into softly.
“Why do you do this to yourself?” She asked softly.
The thought of your best friend worrying about you made you cry harder and she wrapped you into her arms and leaned you both back on the couch and you ended up falling asleep on her chest.  
After this one, you’re done, you say to yourself.
“Soo, guess what?” Yejoon leaned on the table in front of you and you looked up from your homework.
“Yes ma’am?”
“Yoongi is having a show.”
“Okay? He always has shows.” You turned your eyes back to your book, determined to read this chapter.  
“Buuuut,” she grabbed the book and closed it. Before you could complain, she put her finger on your lips, “It’s at the Bangtan Ballroom. Tonight.”
Your eyes widened. The Bangtan Ballroom holds around 500 people, and it’s in the heart of the city, where you love to go – not alone though. Yejoon doesn’t like big crowds and a fast-paced environment, so she would always refuse. You both have heard too many bad things about the city, and she took them to heart. They scared you too, lowkey, but you couldn’t help but want to go.
“You’re kidding!” You grabbed Yejoons arms and jumped around the coffee table. “Oh my God, I’m so proud of him!”
Yejoon smiled widely at you, “Me too! And guess what?” She pulled to lanyards out of her back pocket and waved them in your face.
You screamed and started jumping up again, Yejoon joining in until a hard knock from under your apartment floor made you stop in your tracks. You both giggle and she pushes you from your guys living room to her bedroom and she made a b-line for the closet.
“Gotta look good for the other bands. I could meet my true love tonight.” She pulls out a short red dress, puts it up to her chest. “Or a quickie. Same thing right?” She threw the dress back in the closet and dug once more. “Though, I don’t think Yoongi would like it.”
“How is your brother by the way?”
“Bugging me every second, ‘When are you coming to see us? You got any friends who need jobs? Know anyone single?’ I swear, if he asks me one more thing, I'll shut down a cell tower.”
“He’s single? What happened to Suzy? I thought they were ‘in loooove’.” You made a heart around your face and Yejoon threw and shirt at you.
“That ship sailed after they moved to the city for Yoongi’s band. She ‘couldn’t handle the pressure of having a famous boyfriend.’”
“Hardly, they had just formed! They were inseparable during high school.”
Yejoon finally picks out a pair of pants and takes off the ones she currently wearing. “Yeah, well I told him she was bitch from the start.”
You grinned and made your way to her closet and tried to dig out the dress she pulled out earlier.  
“Hot.” You open your mouth to reply and you see her twisted in front of the mirror. She had put on the shirt she threw at you; it was cropped and off one shoulder and you couldn’t see..
“Are you not wearing a bra?”
“Of course not, it wouldn’t be easy otherwise.”
“You really out here tryin’ to be a hoe, huh?” You snickered.
“You’re just mad that my tits are small enough to be a hoe.”
“Oh, fuck off.”  
She laughed at you as you went to your room to get ready.
“I put on the worst bra.” You were grabbing your side, trying to shove the metal piece back into it. The dress was tighter than you thought and it wasn’t helping.
“Dont’cha wish?” Yejoon gestured to herself, and she ended up wearing tight black pants and a cropped tank top.  
“Oh shut up,” You mumbled. You guys had finally made it to the ballroom and it was packed to the brim with bodies, already drunk and dancing to the music playing through the speakers. As you guys finally made your way to the back, you flashed you VIP lanyards and they let you guys though.  
“He said it was the door at the end of the hall..” Yejoon murmured to herself as people, you assume other bands pass by and she couldn’t help but stare. Taking her arm, you made your way to the last room and knocked on it and a gruff voice welcomed you.  
“Come on in!”
Yejoon pushed her way past you and you heard a gruff voice say, “Speak of the Devil.”
“And she shall appear. You were talking about me?” She leaned on Namjoon, the drummer, while he was sitting on the couch. He may have been clumsy off stage, but on stage was a different persona, grabbing the crowd's attention. With the slow beats of his base drum the crowd would hush and be at his mercy. As of now, he was at Yejoon’s attention. He sat up straighter and grinned and she tilted her head in feigned ignorance.  
“Ya, get off him.”  
A low gruff came from behind you that made you jump and turn around. Yoongi had looked different since you’ve seen hm. Granted that was 3 years ago at your high school graduation. Instead of short, spiked, black hair, it now made its way a little past his eyes and bleached His eyes were sunken in and closed halfway into a glare directed at his sister almost falling into his drummer's lap. He stood straighter now, you quickly noticed. He was at least a head taller than you and his once smooth face now had piercings; many adoring his ears, one on his eyebrow, and two small hoops on either side of his bottom lip. Out of your peripherals, you notice he’s wearing a turtleneck. Not very comfortable, you think, he’ll be sweating and that’s not a turtleneck.  
A soft black ink adorned his neck and down towards the collar of his shirt which you now see is a shirt with an unfamiliar logo on it. You don’t think much of it because your eyes go lower and see that he is covered in tattoo’s all the way down to his fingers. As the hands wave in front of you, you soon realize that he was trying to get your attention.  
“Hello? Earth to Y/N?”  
“I asked you if you wanted to sit. You seem out of it.” He gestures to a loveseat and you sit down softly. Everyone else had broken off into their respective conversations and you feel out of place now. Yoongi plops down next to you and he leans back and put his arms on the back of the sofa.
“So, how’ve been? You look good.”
“Oh! Uh, thanks, thank you.” Your hands try to drag down the fabric of your dress, and after a few tries you give up and set your hands in your lap. “You look good too. These past few years have been good to you.”
He laughed, “I could say the same about you.” His tongue peaked out and swiped across his lip and you breath hitched.  
“Um, s-so do you like the city?”  
The blond makes a face and he shrugs a bit, “It loses its touch after a while. Too fuckin’ loud honestly.”  
“Really? Ah, I’d love it.”
“I once drove with my parents through the arts district as a child. It was so beautiful, the lights so pretty, and people were talking and having fun and I just want that experience, ya know?”
You looked at him and he had a small grin on his face.  
“Nothing. Why don’t you just go?”
You hummed and leaned back on the couch. “It’s all so new. And I've heard some rough stories about the city so I don’t wanna go alone. Yejoon doesn’t like coming so.”
“She doesn’t like anything fun,” he laughed. You smiled at him and became more apparent to his arm that was on the back of seat was inching its way towards you. It’s hard to ignore the heat of his arm on you and involuntarily shiver.
He moved his body closer and whispered so only you could hear, “Well, if you want, I can take you.”  
Taking in a sharp breath, and glanced at his neck piece. You have never seen Yoongi like this. He was never a childhood crush of yours and you sure as hell wasn’t one of his.  
There was one time, in high school. Yoongi and Suzy had come down to visit and you had been spending the weekend with Yejoon and her family. In the middle of the night you had to use the bathroom which happened to be past the guest room, so no, you were not peeping and you want to make that clear. Hearing a soft groan, you stopped, half asleep, in front of the door and peeked into the light shining though the crack of the door.  
The image permanently seeped into your brain was one of Yoongi, thrusting wildly into Suzy from behind. With her head covered by a pillow, all you could see was Yoongi. How sweaty he was, how he would roll his hips before thrusts, and his abdomen – you had no idea that he worked out. Suzy’s moans were quiet but you could tell she was trying so hard to keep them that way.  
You didn’t realize how long you had been standing there until Yoongi’s eyes bolted up and you swore he made eye contact with you because he grabbed his lip in between his teeth and thrusted faster into and when you heard Suzy get louder, you finally came to your senses and scurried off to the bathroom.  
You couldn’t make eye contact with either of them the whole weekend. Yoongi never mentioned it, so you felt less like less of a pervert. Your own little secret.  
All that is coming back to you as he gazes softly at you. Glancing over to Yejoon, she’s too engrossed in a conversation with Seokjin, the singer and another one of Yoongi’s friends, to pay attention.  
You felt soft fingers on your chin, “Over here, Dollface.”
“Uh, I don’t, uh,” He grinned at your stuttering, and set his hand on your uncovered thigh.
“Tell me if I'm being too forward but,” he got even closer and whispered in your ear, “you look delectable in that dress.”
You felt a shiver down your spine, this one obvious to him, and he chuckled.
“All right guys, you’re on.”  
And just like that, he was gone, along with the rest of the band. You finally had a chance to take a breath and Yejoon took your hand to lead you backstage to watch.  
The only thing you could pay attention to though is Yoongi. The way his fingers lazily strummed the cords of his base guitar all while looking sexy. The crowd recognizes this as well, due to them chanting for him to take his shirt off.
He indulges.
The intricate linework on his chest and back makes you drool, and you hope no one saw that.
After the show, you, Yejoon, Yoongi and the rest of the guys went to a late-night sushi bar, the perks of the city.
There was laughter, drinking, yelling, and you had completely forgotten about Yoongi’s proposition earlier. But as you guys were leaving, Yejoon having been drunk, you were worried about how you guys would get home. She was in no condition to drive, and you had a few drinks and weren’t going to risk it.  
That is how you ended up in Yoongi’s car sitting in the passenger's seat while Yejoon softly sings to herself in the back.  
“Y/N, Y/N,” Yejoon leaned forward to your headrest, “d’ ‘u feel as good as I do righ’ now?”
“No, not really,” you laughed at her and she gazed at you, or at least you think it was at you. It could’ve well been the door handle she was looking at. Her eyes were glazed over and you she abruptly blew a strawberry at you and melted back into her seat.  
You guys had finally made it back to your apartment without a hitch and you and Yoongi (mostly Yoongi) lugged the singing drunk girl back into your guys home, and safely in her bed.  
Yoongi waited in the living room while you helped Yejoon out of her clothes all while she tries to grab your face and tell you how much you love her.
When you finally make it out, Yoongi is on the couch scrolling on his phone. You don’t know how he makes something so mundane look so alluring.  
“Thanks. I appreciate it. She’s a handful sometimes.”
“Oh no problem,” he stands and makes his way to you.  
“So,” you don’t make eye contact with the blond while you talk. “It was an amazing show.”  
“Thanks. Was I, uh,” Hearing him stutter made you gape at him. He was gazing softly at you and scratched his neck. “Was I out of line, back there in the green room?”
You wanted to say no immediately, but you had to think about it. Did you let him because you wanted him to, or because the ink on his arms? Yoongi was nice and from what you heard from Suzy, a grumpy but soft human being willing to make you happy in the most subtle ways. As you think back, you remember in middle school he’d give you his lunch because your family couldn’t afford it. Your first day of freshman year he stuck to you and Yejoon all day, making sure you got to your right classes safely. When he left for college the summer after, he let you and Yejoon hang out in the basement with him and his band every practice – something he claimed he hated.
You felt your chest warm up and you reached out to him. “I liked it.”
“Oh,” his face was flushed and you couldn’t tell it was from the alcohol, “cool, cool.”
He interlocked your fingers and neither of you moved for a minute. You glanced back up at him and you guys slowly made your way towards one another until your lips touched softly. That was all it took for Yoongi’s hand to leave yours and find its way to the back of your head and deepen the kiss. His other hand was on your back and yours interlocked behind his neck.
As the kiss got more intense, his tongue ran across your mouth and you stuck yours out to taste him. His mouth wrapped around the muscle and sucked on it and you couldn’t help but moan.  
He released your tongue, “Yoongi, please.”  
“Yeah?” He bent down and grabbed the back of your thighs and you jumped into his arms. Yoongi walked to the couch and settled between your legs. “Tell me what you need, Dollface.”
Your legs had to stretch apart to accommodate for his body and your dress began to roll up. You tried to pull it down, but Yoongi grabbed your wrists and put them above your head.
“Tell me.” His voice was gruff.
“I-I need you, Yoongi.”
“To do what?”
You groaned, “Touch me.”
“How Dollface? You have to be specific.”  
You groaned again and lifted your hips. You felt his growing bulge against your panties, which were now free for him to see. He took both of your writs in one hand and dragged his other hand slowly down your body to your heat and rubbed a finger over your panties and a moan makes your way out of your throat.  
“Oh? This is what you want?”  
“Yes, please.”
“Oh, well, I do aim to please Dollface.” He let go of you and moved his face toward your center. His tongue prodded at you and you hissed. Yoongi thrusted his tongue in you as far as he can, making your panties go with him and he made his way to your clit, soaking your panties as you squirm under his touch.  
“More pleeeeaaase Yoongi.”
You could hear a soft chuckle and before you knew it, his tongue was directly against your pussy, thrusting in and out while his thumb was rubbing against your clit in quick circles. Your moans got louder and you realized that no matter how drunk she is, Yejoon hear and that makes you cover you bite on you hand.  
“Let me hear you baby.”
“But - haa – she's gonna he-aah!”
Yoongi took your clit into his mouth and flicked it around with his tongue and your felt a growing heat in the pit of your stomach.
“Faster please.”
Your toes began to curl and you tried to spread your legs as far as they could go and he release your clit, spreading your lips to see how pink and wet you are.  
“Let go Dollface, cum on my tongue, please.”
Hearing his plead made you moan behind your hand and seized your clit again. He moaned into you and the rubber band snapped in the pit of your stomach and your legs shook and you hand left your mouth and onto Yoongi’s head, gabbing and pushing him closer as you ride out your orgasm.  
He finally pulls away and kisses you hard, shoving his tongue in your mouth so you can taste yourself. You feel his hands come to the neck line of your dress, trying to pull it down to look at your breasts. When it wouldn’t budge, he groaned a “sorry” into your mouth and before you could ask, you heard a loud rip.  
“Yoongi! This was Yejoon’s.”
“I’ll buy her a new one,” he sat up and made a mental picture of how wrecked you look. Chest red, a pretty black lace bra pushing your breasts together, the bottom of the dress rolled up to your waist, and your pussy on show or him. “Take it off.”
You sit up all while keeping eye contact with Yoongi. His lip was in between his teeth and starts to take off his shirt and you couldn’t help but drag your hands across his inked chest.
“You like these?” He smirked.
“I like these,” Yoongi squeezed your breast and leaned you both back down to latch his mouth on your nipple while his hand rubbed the other. “God, they’re so pretty. You’re so beautiful Dollface.”
You could feel yourself blush at the compliment, not that you could tell. “Please, I need you Yoongi.”
Your hands started unbuttoning his jeans and he grabbed your wrists again. He started rubbing himself against your center.
“I saw you, you know.”
“All those years ago, when I was home.”
“Oh God Yoongi, I-”
“You liked it, huh? Liked how good I was fucking her? How she couldn’t keep quiet while I took her over and over?”
You whimpered and moved your hips with Yoongi, “Please.”
“I knew you were there, I just couldn’t help but show off. It made it so hot knowing someone, you, were watching me.”
He reached into his pants and pulled out his hard cock and he stroked himself a few times. You looked at his red tip and you saw a silver ball at the top. Oh God, his dick is pierced, oh god, oh god-
“You want me Dollface?”
You nodded fast and he rubbed he tip against your clit. You felt your hole clench around nothing.
“I do,” You took hold of his forearms to keep your grounded while his middle finger entered you slowly.
“Oh, so easily,” he pumped a few times before adding another one, it going in easier than the last. “Jesus, okay. You want my cock this bad Dollface?”
“Just do it!” The plea in your voice made Yoongi smile this big gummy smile and you felt the heat in your stomach again. He lined his cock up to your entrance and the pressure of his cock stretching you made you clench.
“Ah, fuck,” He sighed as his hips met yours.
“C’mon, fuck me.”
“You asked for it Dollface.”
He dragged out his cock and thrusts back in and didn’t stop until you had a pace you both agreed with. Your moans were like a lullaby to his ears and he wanted the extended version. He groaned at the pleasure he was giving you and rolled his hips to hit your g-sot. Your moans got louder and high pitched and the sound of his skin slapping your made you push back harder.  
“Oh fuck, fuck, fuck.” You reached out to Yoongi and you caught a glimpse of one of his tattoos. It was a rose wrapped in thorns. So simple and bright red, but you loved it. It seemed soft and the thorns made it seem too dangerous to touch. Looking back at him, his lidded eyes were staring you down and you couldn’t help but keep eye contact with his as he fucked you.
“Please, make me cum.”
“Oh I will,” he gruffed.
His fingers found your clit and he rubbed as fast as he was thrusting and you squeezed around him feeling your orgasm coming.  
“Oh, fuck I’m close.”
“Fuck yes, cum for me Dollface. I need it. Squeeze my cock, squeeze it.”
With his words, he made you came around him, tightening your muscle and your mouth was formed an ‘o’ in a silent scream.  
A groan hit your ears and Yoongi’s thrusts were stuttering off tempo and he pulled himself out, pumped once, twice, and the third stroke set him coming across your stomach.
“Ah shit.”  
Only the sounds of your harsh breathing was heard and he fell softly on top of you and wrapped his arms around your limp body.  
“So,” he finally said after a few minutes, jolting you awake, “still want the tour of the city? I think it could make a great date.”
You smiled at him and he leaned down and gave you a kiss.  
“I think I'd like that.”
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justmywriting1313 · 4 years
I Passed (I think) And I Am Back!!! (For some time) (Fic schedule and just some FYI’s)
Heyyoooo loves!!! I hope you guys are having an amazing week besides quarantine and whatnot and are safe, happy and healthy!!!😊😊
Okay so I am posting this for a couple reasons... The first is to say I am SOOOOOO SORRYYYYY I haven’t been responding to asks, messages, and requests!!!!! If any of you take psychology or have studied it you guys know its very very very difficult. Despite enjoying it i am so close to having a mental breakdown every-time i see my book. Besides taking a stupid hard course i take 7 courses in total 😖😖... Yes I am well aware that I am very dumb for torturing myself like that haha but anyway I also have a side job of selling art (Paintings/ Portraits) so I can make some extra cash to support myself. You guys can imagine how busy that had made me!! But for the next two weeks I have no courses so I promise to reply on time (that includes the ones i am yet to reply to 😅😅) and post One fic every two three days!
The second thing I want to say is a HUGE GINORMOUS MASSIVE THANK YOU! 🥺🥺🥺 I expressed on the top of my last fic that some people had been mean to me about fic writing because I take so long (separate notes: if you put ‘You are Worth it’ together its 11 fricking thousand words...omg!!) However, the amount of people who sent in submissions and messages telling me how much they love my fics and that its okay for me to take time honestly made me tear up. I get stressed super easily so when i read them they literally made me so happy and excited to write more fics. On top of that i don’t often stand up to people cause i think why bother especially on the internet and so for the first time i did and SOO MANY OF YOU SUPPORTED MEEEEEE!!!! YYAYAYAY!!! I am so grateful and reply to each one of you but still wanted to say a collective thankyou!! 💖💖💖
Okay Third thing, So if any of you have read my bio you know I have ADHD. For those of you who dont know it roughly means organisation, attention and just focusing does not come naturally to me. Why i am telling you this is because it explains why I have a hard time texting back cause i usually put it in the back of my head and then forget about it. I cant promise ill fix it right away but ill promise to do my best that I can!!!!!
Okay Last thing which is Fic related and so you guys might notice/care about more 😂😂😂 Okay soooo I had started this blog a long time back however I didnt think I was any good at the time so I didn't continue posting stuff. Then I put the ‘You are Worth It’ fic for Lucifer and honestly the reaction I got to that was so heartwarming!!! (Ps if you ever ever ever feel that way I am right here... believe me when I say I know how it feels. I am a curvy Indian writer/ painter! You guys have no idea how much I have stood out and have felt the way the m/c in that fic did so I will always be open to listen without any judgement whatsoever if you ever feel the need to talk to someone!!!!)  So I continued writing and put out the other parts to that fic as well as a Beel fic and despite that not doing as well I am still so happy to see you guys liked it. Earlier I was going to stop putting up anymore out but i’ve decided I will continue the blog and hopefully give you guys writing you love just as much 🥰🥰🥰 However I wont lie it gets a bit overwhelming so I thought best to put a few rules up (and also tell you all the fandoms i write for).
Some of these Fics are very clearly 18+ so pretty please if you are below 18 don’t read them. I am trusting you guys enough (I have a feeling I will regret this) so if you are not 18 then don’t read them!!!!! I will make plenty of all-user-friendly ones so yeah! 
Second I refuse to write anything even remotely Racist and sexist. Also if I am not comfortable with a certain kink/ type of fic I WILL NOT WRITE IT. I am happy to write whatever you request but if I am not comfortable with it I will let you know so please understand and respect my boundaries. 
If the characters in the fandom are related I am sorry it’s not happening. If they are sharing an experience with M/C? Sure! For example Beel x M/C x Belphie? Perfect! However Beel x Belphie is NOT happening. 
Lastly Do not Harass me about a certain request. If you have requested something be patient and if you still want to now the status of it just drop me a polite message and i’ll be more than happy to tell you. (this also helps me remember just incase i forget) 
Okay now for the fic schedule of what to expect in the next month. I am not giving dates for all of them cause honestly i am scared of what you guys will do so this is just rough. Also for those who sent the ask ill tag you guys and for the anonymous ones... yeah idk hehehe 🥰 A- Angst/ F- Fluff / S- Smut. Also firstly crossed out fic titles mean i’ve already put them up and they are finished secondly once this list ends i’ll put out another fic schedule with the next fic’s that are in progress just being edited!
Also I’ll try to sprinkle in some HC’s in between so i keep giving some kind of writing!
Two can Play at that Game... (Mammon x M/C) Multiple parts and very smutty. 18+                                                                                    (Hopefully in the coming week) A/F/S
 I am Here... I’ll always be here (Diavolo x M/C) Multiple parts A/F
The Italian Way of Life (Beel x M/C) Don’t know how many parts F
Compliments (Beel x M/C) (This is the ‘You are Worth it!!’ but with Beel instead) Multiple parts A/F/S
Smile For me! (Demon bros x M/C) Multiple parts A/F
Stay (Lucifer x M/C) Two different endings A/F/S
My Own Slice of Heaven (Diavolo x M/C) Multiple Parts F/S 
Thats it for now but ill probably add more later after replying to everyones submissions and messages to see the new requests. For now lets see if i can even do all of these. 
BATBOYS (technically dc i guess) 
Okay honestly I have so many i cant even remember so as and when i remember ill add 😂😂
Okieeeee I think thats a wrap sorry thats so long but anyway please drop in more requests and asks and don’t forget to reblog!!!! Love you guysssss and byeee  
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marziblogsworld · 4 years
So finally! I am done with 9-1-1. I know i am super late and the reason i was late because i was waiting for @fandom-101 to catch up on this amazing series which in turn i have to pause and wait so then we can watch it together. So without wasting any time anymore lets jump right into the review.
I am sad and emotional because i have to wait like a whole year so see my crew again, i am missing them soo much, it was rough and after a season like that it is getting more difficult for me now to wait for new content.
Season 3 started with a blast and hit me at various places. I mean putting Christopher (Buck's baby child at risk!! ) the writers were in a daring mood especially when he was out hanging with Buck. The tsunami episodes was nerve wreacking and it kept me on the edge of my seat the whole time especially the whole Buck scenes( i applaud Oliver Stark for his outstanding performance).
BUDDIE! was literally thriving in this whole season and especially in the initial episodes. I got BUDDIE angts. I got BUDDIE hanging out.I got BUDDIE acting as a family. I literally got BUDDIE spending alone time at there houses. I think the whole fandom agrees that Eddie has a key to Buck's appartment and so does Buck and many times they have bunk beds together (oooohh it is making me blush just thinking about it).
EDDIE FUCKING DIAZ felt all alone because he couldn't talk to Buck!!!!!!!.Ladies and Gentlemen that part was fucking Cannon. EDDIE ALWAYS THINKING WITH A LEVEL HEAD DIAZ was fucking spiriling because he couldn't spend time with Buck. The writers were literally writing the script at the edge of Mount Everst cuz i could see the daring in them. FYI Eddie begins is like my favourite from all the begins uptil now.. I might change my review because i heard that they are going for a BUCK begins (and we all know that we gonna hail and love our boy). I still cant process,like i still think it was some kind of a weird lucid dream i had of Eddie feeling lonely when he couldn't talk to Buck because he filed a suit against them.
Buck! Oh oh Buckaroooo. I know you have been wronged and you deserved to know the truth from Bobby from the start (i am still pissed about that, what the hell baby captain!!). I completely support yah i didnt know you had it in you to pull a harvey specter. I feel like you were lucky that your friends have a heart of gold that they forgave you so fast and accepted you again after that details you spilled to your lawyers. EVAN FREAKING BUCKLY is Christopher Godfather, there i said it. I wont be surprised if Eddie has put his name under legal guardian and Christopher that child(oh baby boy is really so sweet, a kid who had CP and how his both parents left him when he didn't deserve any of this and still kept a smile on his face is an angel). Evan Buckly will go above and beyond for this kid and that line from Eddie soften my heart. "I trust you with Christopher". Which i have seen and was also pointed out by @fandom-101 that for Eddie giving his trust for Christopher to someone is not easy but he trust Buck with him and honey! You relax Buck is going to be an amazing dad, you dont worry. He might be an amazing husband too if you look the other way😉just a suggestion.
Oh i have a lot to say on BUDDIE alone! and i might do like each scene review on them.. From there first meeting to there current relationship.
Now back to other cast members
First in line is baby Captian Bobby Nash. What the hell dude!! You shouldn't have done that with Buck i know you were acting like a super worried dad or something but still you cant hold of his career just because you weren't ready. Buck and i were very disappointed at you. He was fighting alone and when he was trying to take one step at a time you decided to replace him that was hella wrong. Bobby up your game level man! I wanna see you more in S4 as my baby captain.
ATHENA when are you opening up a marriage and parental counselling because i need to sign up as your first client also honey i also had goosebumps over that whole fight scene, those voices were scary and during that whole time i was holding my sister hand tight cuz i felt every pain you were reflecting it (hands down to you Angela Basett). Also i am worried about you please try to talk to somebody, its a trauma and you need to let it out before it eats you up no matter how strong you are or holding the name of a greek goddess you gotta talk. I am excited to see more of that in S4.
Hen dreams change faster then a train changes its lane( sorry couldn't come with a great thing) but the feeling behind it was true. Now she wants to be a surgeon that fast. You do one aderline thing and you want to change your whole life on it. I wish i had a nerve to change career or life path like this. I fully support all of this and i dont know where they are taking with this but Henrietta where is your talk with Howie, not once you talked to him about all of this. He is your best friend and i remember it correctly how you were crying because you missed howie when he was a captain and you didnt want this dynamic to change so aren't you doing the same thing and i still dont mind if you change it but at least talk to him, he looks sad.
Howie our unsung Hero is finally getting some good in his life. Maddie pregnancy news was amazing and i am soo happy for them they are literally soo perfect and stable and healthy in a relationship, marry each other fast. Also i am more excited when they will break the news to Buck cuz we all know how he is with kids and now finding out that he is going to be uncle, everybody should just hold him before he sky rockted himself. Excited for that part.
Overall the season has its own hype and it kept me on my edge, each episode, each storyline, each character arch journey was amazing. I love 9-1-1 because of how much they are invested in every character whether they are main or side. FYI how many of you think Micheal tumour jumped off from his brain in the elevator when he met that hot Doctor. His gay vibes shrunk that fucking cancer. That tumour was like :bitch i came into his life so that he could meet up with his soulmate, i was a match maker and now i am outta here.
I miss them soo much and i cant wait for all of them to come back on my screen..... See you soon for S4 where we will cross this journey together this time
Make sure to follow me guys for more amazing reviews about your favourite shows, movies and books and if you have a recommendation tell me now!. Oh i almost forgot. I did started 9-1-1 lone star and i am actually liking it alot and i will post my review soon so follow me fast! , fast! fast!
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Another one already, but only because I’m stuck in bed with a cold.
So here is Chapter two of The Apple Doesn’t Fall Far. Once again you can click here if you want to read it on AO3.  Not too much more to say about it, besides in general I hope to get one or two chapters up a week but wont make any promises. Real life is chaos and I have most of the fic written however it currently resides in a handful of note books so transcribing it is the name of the game. And with that allow me to fling yet another chapter of an insignificant fic int yawning void that is the internet
The Apple Doesn’t Fall Far Chapter Two: One Conversation 
“Soos watch the Shack. I’m going out,” Stan barked as he headed out the door. The young man’s surprised but excited affirmative barely registered as he climbed into the Diablo and started it up. This was insane, it was noon on a Saturday in peak tourist season he should be leading tours and fleecing rubes. He shouldn't even be bothering with the woman. As far as she and the rest of the world were concerned Stanley was dead. The woman had already given him a free pass. She’d told him she’d understand if he didn’t come looking for her and bowed out. He had too many things on his plate; he had a lie to maintain to the world while trying to figure out the damned portal. She’d said he’d never see her again and he honestly believed her.
And that was why he was doing this wasn’t it? Because he couldn’t just leave well enough alone. He was far too curious, he’d always wanted kids when he was younger. He’d secretly wanted the whole shebang; a sweet little wife, a few kids, a house down the street from Sixer and his research. Of course that had derailed when he’d been kicked out and he realized he wasn’t exactly fatherly material. Worthless just like the old man said.
In retrospect he should have considered he might have a kid out there somewhere. He had spent many night is beds that weren't his own in search of warmth or some kind of fleeting companionship. And while he had normally taken steps to prevent such an outcome he had slipped up a few times. And with a list of one night stands a long as a New York phone book the odds had stacked against him. Still it hadn't really been a thought until last night when Stanley Pine’s illegitimate daughter came knocking on his door. His daughter.
The thought was still like a cold bucket of water every time. At first he’d tried to figure out how it wasn’t true. The test had been wrong after all paternity test were only 99.9% positive. She didn’t look that much like his mother her eyes had been brown like Ford’s and his. And the fact that she had six fingers…that was just a coincidence. Yeah, and pigs could fly while singing opera. He’d tried all night to find a lie convincing enough, but had failed miserably. Turned out 40 years of lying about everything wasn’t even enough practice when his own child was staring into his face.
And how the hell had she even found him? Seriously he hadn't gone by Stanley Pines for years especially when it came to women. Couldn’t risk dragging them into the shit show that was his life from the poor decision to spend a night or two with him. Yet somehow she’d not only managed to find out who he was but to track his ‘brother’ down in the middle of nowhere with proof. How the hell had she managed that? What kind of ‘friends’ did she have that obtaining federal evidence was possible? Was that even legal?
Not that she looked like she would have a problem if it wasn’t. While he knew that reading a book by its cover was never a good idea she looked rough. It wasn’t just her appearance either. There had been a hardness to her eyes that he knew too well came from years of running in dark alleys and knowing all the wrong people. And her voice had an edge to it beneath that southern drawl she had. The kind of edge that spoke of slit throats, gun fights, and darkness.
Pulling into the Twin Bed’s parking lot he spotted her bike in front of room six. He was sure there was some kind of irony or poetry or whatever in that. Shifting into park he took a deep breath.
One conversation to get some answers. That was all. He needed to know how she found him, after all if she’d dome it maybe someone else could. Sure, she thought he was Ford, but still his past coming back to haunt him in anyway was the last thing he need. That was why he was here…for answers.
Wow… a lie he almost believed.
“You can do this, Stanley. In and out,” he said as he switched off the car, but he couldn’t bring himself to get out. This was insane. He should just leave the woman be, he didn’t need more complications. Besides what could he give her besides trouble. Shaking himself his hand raised to start the car but the door to room six opened and he froze. His daughter stepped out shoving unruly black curls out of her face as she squinted up at the sun. Shaking her head she pulled something out of her pocket and lit a cigarette. Slouching against the wall she rolled her shoulders and stared off into the woods and Stan knew he couldn’t leave. Groaning he climbed out of the car and slammed the door causing her head to snap over to his direction. He froze for a split second feeling her eyes boring into him.
Smoothing his face into his mask he strode towards her calm and collected even as his brain screamed for him to run the other direction. Twenty seven steps is what it took to reach her. For a moment they just stood staring at each other before she exhaled a cloud of smoke away from him. “Well, if I was a betting woman I’d have lost,” she said with a smirk, “So…uhhh nice day, huh?”
“Uhhhh yeah real…uhhhh sunny,” he replied rubbing the back of his neck nervously. A heavy silence descended as they stared at each other. A few awkward moments passed before she stubbed the cigarette out on her boot and cleared her throat. “Look I think I’m gonna need a beer for this. You?” she said cocking an eyebrow.
“Yeah, I think you’re right,” he said and relief flashed on her face and he let out the breath he’d been holding. “Well come on in,” she said as she opened the door to her room. It was small and tidy with a twin bed and a dressed with an old TV perched on top of it. In the corner was a small table with two chairs and a mini fridge. Walking over she pulled two bottles out and popped the tops before sitting down and sliding one over towards him. Taking a seat he nodded his gratitude as he picked it up as she took a long sip of her own. Following suit he stared at her wondering how he had missed how much she looked like Ma. “So I’m sure you have a million questions so go ahead and ask away,” she said and he considered where to start.
“Sure, so uhhh how’d you find me? I mean Stanley wasn’t exactly…,” he trailed off causing her to smile.
“Forth coming with his identity,” she finished for him chuckling, “Well yeah it took a while. He told my mother his name was Stetson Pinesworth,” she admitted, “But I’m a professional P.I. so I was able to follow the strings. Once I chased down his real name it was relatively easy to find you and your older brother Sherman. I considered not going any further but…,” she shrugged, “I thought y’all might want to know that Stanley had some small part of him out there even though it seems like…he was a bit of a black sheep so to say. And I chose to come find you instead of Sherman because I figured with you being a genius and all you could make a call on if Sherman and his kid needed to know. Plus I admit I was curious of what my father looked like and since you’re twins…,” she told him with a shrug and and awkward smile as she took another drink. Letting out a huff of laughter at that he grinned back. He noticed that her words were more precise then yesterday and that her accent seemed to all but disappear. So this is her professional voice, he thought taking another small sip.
“Well sorry it couldn’t be more appealing kid. I wish I could say you got lucky and took after your mother but truth is you look like our Ma when she was young,” he said and she laughed putting him a bit more at ease.
“T’ain’t that bad. It takes a special kind a looks to rock a fez,” she added with a smirk a bit of her drawl slipping through. “Hey it sells the Mr. Mystery a bit more,” he replied, “So yur ma was…,” he asked and she scowled slightly.
“Mary Pisano. She wasn’t…the motherly type. Drink and drugs were way more interesting then her kids. Far as I can guess she got her claws into your brother at a bar and had some fun. I wouldn’t judge him too harshly if I were you though she was real good at that sort of thing. Poor sap probably had no idea what he was getting into,” she told him her voice hard and each word sharp, “She doesn’t really matter. By the time I was nine I was in the foster system. So there isn’t really much to know there,” she added and he took the hint that that wasn’t a subject she was real keen on talking about. Taking a drink he tried to remember her mother but the name meant nothing to him. He wished that he could honestly say that she’d been something special to him, one of the ones worth remembering but no. Just another nameless port of comfort in the sea of misery that was his life.
“Yeah, well he was a bit of a hound,” he said quickly taking another drink to cover his own discomfort.
“Like I said I cant blame him. She was beautiful and that can make any man stumble from time to time,” she said with a smile that he returned. For some reason  the fact that she seemed to honestly mean those words made him feel a bit relieved that he didn’t recall her mother.  
“I suppose that’s right. After all there’s a million stories about men doing dumb shit because of a pretty girl. So you got any questions for me?” he asked and she shrugged.
“I mean yeah a million but I cant really think of them now. Like I said I never really expected you to come ‘round, and I would imagine you cant answer most of them since you ain’t him,” she admitted, “I guess…I really just want to know if he was a good man,” she said after a long moment of consideration. He felt his face fall at that. He wasn’t a good man, he was a liar that sold junk to tourists. And before he’d been…well just about everything except a good man.
“Well…,” he began but she waved her hand to silence him.
“Before you go getting all squirrelly on me I literally have a collection of files on his criminal record. He was a con among other things I know that. But just because he was a criminal doesn't mean that he was a bad man,” she told him and he felt his face twist in confusion causing her to let out a low chuckle, “Look I know that just because someone was a criminal doesn't mean they were all bad. You do what you gotta to survive. So I ain’t askin’ if he was law abidin’ I’m askin’ if he was a good man? If he had a good heart,” she explained and he stared at her mouth slightly agape for a long moment. He’d never though of it like that. Was he a good man? He certainly tried to be but he felt like he’d failed. Sure he’d never hurt anyone he didn’t have to or stolen from people who couldn’t afford it. But still…
“He tried to be,” he said finally, “I mean his heart was in the right place but it always seemed to go wrong. He wanted to make things right for the family but seemed to just fall from one bad situation to the next.I don’t know if that makes him good or not,” he added finally and she nodded.
“I would think it did. I mean my opinion is to judge more by intent not out come generally,” she said with a soft sigh, “The saying is that the road to hell is paved with good intentions, but I cant dismiss the intent just because the final destination sucks,” she told him evenly They lapsed into silence for a few minutes before she finished her drink and rose to get another. He watched her move to the fridge considering her. It was strange to him that she seemed so nonpulse about the whole thing. What kind of life had she led that she could calmly dismiss his criminal record so easily?
“I see you had your extra finger removed,” she said finally breaking the silence and pulling him from his thoughts. Looking up at her he realized that she was looking at the ‘surgical scars’ he’d given himself after the funeral. He’d done it because he was tired of wearing those damned gloves all the time around the family.
“Uhhh….yeah. They were starting to lock up and I figured it would be better to do it before they got real bad,” he said quickly hoping that she didn’t see right through the lie. She seemed to be able to read him, and he guessed if she was a PI she would have to be able to tell a lie when she heard one.
“Makes since. I mean I only have it on my left hand but the docs warned me that it was prone to arthritis. Figure I’ll deal with it if it happens until then,” she shrugged and he was a bit relieved that he had chosen the right excuse. “So I gotta say you’re pleasant enough to talk to but I’m thinkin’ maybe I ain’t ready for your brother and his family just yet,” she admitted suddenly and he blinked in surprise.
“What? Why?” he asked wondering if he’d done something wrong.
“It isn’t you,” she laughed seeming to read his feelings again, “It’s me. I’ve always been out on my own. Which was fine. I’m a big girl, but I’m finding talking to you is…a lot. His family seems pretty close knit where as you seem a bit more of a loner…another reason I decided to talk to you. The idea of being introduced to any more of you right now is…Unsettling. If you even think that he would care,” she told him with a grin.
“Shermie is a big softy, he’d love to have you around,” he assured he quickly, “I suppose you could say he’s the sentimental one out of us. But yeah I can see where you’re coming from,” he admitted thinking about it for a moment. Shermie had always been the glue the bound them together. He’d always made sure to stay in touch and insisted that Stan had a relationship with his nephew and the twins (to the point that violence had been threatened if he didn’t show up at family gatherings at least once in a while). After he’d faked his own death Sherman had seemed even more hell bent to keep keep the family together, if he found out that his ‘dead’ little brother had a daughter she’d be dragged into the fold kicking and screaming if necessary. And when Stan considered what she’d just said he could only imagine how uncomfortable that would be for her.
She gave him a grateful smile and opened her mouth to speak only to be cut off by her stomach letting out a loud gurgling sound. He almost laughed out loud as she pressed her hand lightly to her stomach her cheeks coloring a bit like a guilty child.
“Sorry, I haven’t eaten in..,” she paused appearing to think about it for a moment, “…a while? Time has gotten away from me lately,” she finished lamely. Cocking an eyebrow he gave an amused smile as he shook his head.
“Day drinking on an empty stomach, huh?” he said rhetorically as he stood up, ”Not a bright idea there kid. Come on. I’ll show you the best place in town,” he offered,”We can continue awkwardly staring at each other over food,” he added and she let out a bark of laughter that broke the tension he hadn’t realized had descended on them.
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imaginesmai · 6 years
Ubbe: My Viking Prince (2)
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Soo here it’s the second part! I think it’s the longer imagine I’ve ever done, so I hope you like it! Maybe I will make like an extra part with smut, who knows! Love you all and thank you for reading me
Plot: you ‘re Alfred sister, princess Y/N. Your life is different now that prince Ubbe is in you life, and you can’t help falling in love with him. But your life is not a fairytale; or is it?
Ubbe kept his promise, and each day he would take you to walk with him. You spent time with Lagertha, who you had come to admire, and Torvi, the beautiful and intelligent wife of Bjorn. Then, the prince would take you away claiming that you paid more attention to them than to him. And after your walk, he would leave you in your room, always kissing your cheek before leaving. The weeks passed by, and you grew more and more interested in the prince. One day, you were watching Lagertha and Torvi fighting when Bjorn stopped by your side. He was taller than you, even taller than your husband, and you would be lying if you said he didn’t scare you a bit.
-          I see you have been spending a lot of time with my brother.
-          I am, he is a good friend of mine. -you said, trying not to look at him in the eye.
-          He really appreciates you.
-          I am glad to hear that, Bjorn Ironside. He seem proud of his big brother too. When he starts talking about you, it’s difficult to shut him up. -you smiled, thinking about the way Ubbe’s eyes brightened up when he talked about his big brother.
-          He is a good man. -he said quietly. -And he has a good heart. I do not wish him to have it broken by a princess who is promised.
-          We don’t…I don’t see him that way.
-          Maybe he sees you that way.
-          I’m sorry but that’s not of your business. -you were getting angry; who did he thought he was talking to?
He just smirked and left. For the rest of the day, you couldn’t stop thinking about what Bjorn said. You had been so happy with Ubbe, so happy with the things he made you feel, that you forgot about the poor boy’s heart. You stayed quiet most of your walk with the prince, and he seemed to notice your sadness.
-          I did not see you today in the hall, eating with your family. -when you didn’t respond, he pressed further. -And I noticed you had been absent all the way to the forest. Is there something bothering you?
-          There is nothing wrong, my prince. Winter is near, and I do not enjoy the cold.
-          “My prince”? I thought we didn’t need to be so formal. -after a long silence, he tried again. -Is it about king Cliven?
-          What about him?
-          I…know he is not the sweetest guy in the world. He just seems a little rough. He reminds me of a bear, kind of a brainless bear. -you laughed and he smiled. -I bet that, if he was a bear, he would crash with every damn tree in the way.
-          He is like a big armour, yeah. -once you stopped laughing, you admitted. -He is good in battle, and an experience warrior. But he is just like an armour; useful in battle but without feelings or brain.
-          Then why are you going to marry him?
-          I have to, Ubbe. -you knew that he had to ask sooner or later.
-          He is much older than you. You are beautiful, and he is rude. You are kind and selfless, and he is a brute. You don’t love him.
-          Love doesn’t matter here, Ubbe. -he was getting angrier, and you could feel a fight coming. -I am a princess, and he is a powerful king. If my country is ever under attack, I will need an army to defend myself. He has that.
-          And you are going to just give yourself to that man? You are worth more that a bunch of soldiers, Y/N!
-          I need to protect my country! -by now, you had stopped, and he was in front of you with his eyes narrowed in anger.
-          You need to protect yourself! For Odin, you and your stupid god are ridiculous. A princess should have the privilege to marry whoever she wants.
-          Well, not everyone lives in a such a carefree religion, Ubbe! Here, we care about the lives of our people.
-          You just care about what your mother says. -that hurt, because you knew that in the end, he was right. -You are not living your life, you’re just living your mother’s dream. Just like a puppet.
-          I’m keeping my family alive, Ubbe. That’s more than what you can say about yours, huh?
-          At least I can have and fuck whoever I want, and I can live my life! -he was shouting by now. -I prefer the Gods that provide better than a false God that forbid.
-          At least my brother is alive, he loves me, and I had been able to protect him! -when the words left your mouth, you regretted, and tears filled your eyes. -I-I didn’t –
-          I will see you at dinner, princess Y/N.
Before he could leave, you saw the sadness in his eyes. You thought about Bjorn’s words; you didn’t even need a weeding to break his heart, you could do it with your words. You started walking towards the castle, silent tears falling down your tears. Ubbe had been nothing but good to you, and you had broken his trust in you just with a few words.
That night you cried yourself to sleep. The next morning, you saw Ubbe in the castle, but he didn’t look at you. You were sitting in the yard, reading a book, when your brother sat beside you.
-          I can feel your sadness from kilometres away. -he could read you so well, like if you had been the same person at some point if your life. -It is because the Viking prince?
-          I don’t know.
-          What you don’t know?
-          I… I don’t know what to do, brother. -your eyes filled again with tears; it seemed that the only thing you could do was cry.
-          Do you love him?
-          I don’t know. I don’t know what I am supposed to feel, or what loving someone means. I just know what mother taught me.
-          Sometimes, I wish I hadn’t leave you. -Alfred pulled you closer. -I know mother is harsh, but she only tries to give you the best. I mean, she has a complicated impression about the best thing is.
-          I just want to make everyone happy, Alfred.
-          You make everyone happy being yourself, and that’s enough. -he stood up and hugged you.
After talking for a while with your brother, you went back to the library. It wasn’t a big place, or a luxurious one. There were some tables in the middle, where your grandad used to write, and a lot of old books. You liked it there, it was a tiny space where you could feel at ease. But today you weren’t alone. Ubbe was there, looking at a crucifix with curious eyes.
-          That’s where our God died. -you said, making the prince jump in surprise.
-          How can a God die?
-          The Bible said he send his son, Jesus, to save us. And he died so the way to heaven would be open for us. -your eyes filled with tears once again, and you looked at the ground. -I’m sorry. God, I’m such an idiot, I shouldn’t have said that. You were right, I can’t make anything by myself, and I-
-          I’m sorry too. -he said. -You may be a little stupid sometimes, I mean, who believes in a virgin mother? But you just look out for your people. Much better than me, it seems.
-          No! -you moved closer to him, so close that you had to look up to see his eyes. -You are a wonderful prince, Ubbe. Winning a war doesn’t make a king a good one. You have saved your brother, and your family. And you have been brave enough to come to a place where your enemies could have killed you!
-          Yet I am not brave enough to say you that I love you. -Ubbe’s voice was low, and his face was just a few inches away from yours. He kept looking between your eyes and your lips. -I have had the chance to know you this last weeks. Its not time enough, but… I love how you try to hide your smile when something is funny, I love how your cheeks turn red when I talk about sex, I love how your hand seems to fit perfectly in mine… and I just can’t hate the fact that you are going to be married to another man, because I know that you do it for your people; and it just makes me love you more.
He moved slowly, like if he was asking for permission, and when you nodded, he put his hand in your cheek and kissed you. When Cliven kissed you, you had to put your hands in his arms so he didn’t touch you where he shouldn’t, and his mouth bruised against you. Ubbe’s lips were gentle, caring, and you knew he was restraining himself. You put your hands around his neck, you fingers playing with his braid while he grunted loudly. Soon the kiss deepened, and he ran his tongue down your lower lip, asking for permission. You had to part his lips to breath after a while.
-          I wish I could wipe the smirk out of your face. -you smiled.
-          Maybe someday I could teach you.
You were going to kiss him again when the door opened suddenly and Cliven’s soldiers entered loudly. They took Ubbe by his arms and dragged him out of the library; king Cliven stood behind them, and without saying a word he took you by you arm and left. You were dragged across the different parts of the castle, and soon the great hall appeared in front of you. Judith stood there, next to Lagertha and some other women. King Clive threw you in the front of the room, tearing your dress apart. You tried to cover yourself the best you could, while Ubbe just screamed and kicked.
-          You promised me a virgin wife, Judith! -he screamed. -A good wife, who knew how to behave and that would always be loyal!
-          Y/N it’s not some piece of meat you can buy king Cliven. -you heard Ubbe behind you. -She is worthy of a man who loves her, not a man who intimidate her!
-          My queen, I demand the death of this…pagan and the right to take my wife to my country. -you saw in your mothers eyes the doubt, but soon it was gone. – If you do so, my queen, I promise that our deal will be the same and I will protect your country from any attacks.
-          I…I am sorry for the behaviour of my daughter, but I am sure she will make it up to you. You can leave tomorrow, king Cliven.
Everything around you seemed to disappear. You couldn’t cry, you couldn’t see your brother’s angry face while he discussed with Judith, and you couldn’t hear the cries and please from your Viking prince. Some of the soldiers took you away to the dungeons, while others took Ubbe to the front of the room. King Cliven made a move with his hand, telling the soldier to wait; he wanted you to see this. Ubbe felt angry at himself; he did not mind the blade that soon would cut his head off, he just regretted the life that you were going to suffer.
When Ubbe was put on his knees, the door was open roughly by Bjorn Ironside. He was covered in blood, and some of the men that followed him seemed hurt. He walked right in front of the throne and looked at Judith in the eye.
-          King Cliven has no longer an army to defend your kingdom. -a few gasps could be heard.
-          How dare you to say such a thing? My men could not be killed by a brainless pagan like you! -King Cliven shouted.
-          You can go and discover yourself. I have made a pile with the heads of your soldiers so they would be easier to identify.
-          You come here, saying that you have killed the army that was going to fight for me. -your mother said, while she went down the stairs of the throne slowly. -And you expect me not to kill you?
-          I have killed your army, but I offer you a greater one. My Vikings will fight with you, and I don’t need some stupid compromise to make the deal.
King Cliven tried to talk, but Judith just lifted her hand. She looked at Bjorn’s eyes for a while, and she nodded. The queen’s soldiers took King Cliven out of the hall, and Ubbe was put on his feet. He ran then to you and tried to cover your body with his capes. You took him by the hem of his shirt and kissed him, this time crying out of happiness.
A few months later, you were in your room trying to fit your wedding dress. Your mother died after the deal with Bjorn was done, and your brother Alfred became king of all Wessex. He was happy for you, and that meant that you could marry Ubbe freely. Torvi walked in your room, helping you to tie your hair.
-          You look beautiful, Y/N. More than ever.
-          Thank you Torvi. -you moved so that you were facing her. -I’m so thankful for having you here, with me… All of you have become the best of my life.
-          Don’t worry, you have made our lives much better too. Now go, I don’t think you want to keep your Viking prince waiting.
There were two ceremonies. One Christian, that you celebrated in the main church of Wessex, and one Viking, where Alfred had to run with Ubbe in, your opinion, some stupid wedding race. You had fun, and you enjoyed every second from the beginning of your new live. When the wedding had come to an end and the night had fallen, your brother approached the little bench where Ubbe and you were sitting.
-          I have a present for you, sister.
-          It’s not your birthday? -Ubbe said frowning.
-          No, you silly. It’s tradition to receive presents in your wedding, at least here in Wessex.
-          Your religion is full of stupid things, you know, Alfred? Or, should I say brother-in-law? -Ubbe laughed.
-          I’m really happy that you are married. I didn’t remember seeing her smiling like this since she went to the forest for the first time. -you snuggled closer to him, feeling the pride fillings your prince’s heart. -Ubbe, you have proven to be trustworthy, and I want to give you the lands of your father’s dream.
-          What? -he was surprised to see the papers he had wanted for so long in front of him.
-          These lands are your now. And I expect from you to farm them and to take care of them. Along with my sister, of course.
Ubbe hugged Alfred close, feeling like for the first time in his life he had a real friend; that was probably what Ragnar felt when he had Athelstan. He felt closer with his father than he ever had felt, except he wouldn’t leave the woman of his dreams. When your brother left, he took you by the back of your neck and kissed you with love and adoration. He was badmouthed, pagan and a little rough; and you felt the luckiest princess alive, because you had finally found your Viking prince.
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tfrohock · 5 years
Fieldnotes: Spanish refugees in French concentration camps
Writing historical fantasy is all about the details, so I’m always a little amused when someone tells me they didn’t know about a particular fact, because frankly, until I started writing the Los Nefilim series, I didn’t know about it, either. I’ve said it before, and I’ll reiterate here: the Spanish Civil War and the role of exiled Spaniards during World War II wasn’t taught in American schools back in the seventies and eighties. At most, the Spanish Civil War was given a bare mention as an incident that happened between World War I and World War II, and the fate of the hundreds of thousands of Spanish exiles was never broached.
Likewise, the only mention of concentration camps in any form came in reference to the Nazis during the nineteen thirties and forties. Rarely, a teacher mentioned the American concentration camps, where we interred Japanese-Americans during World War II, but the instructors were very careful not to use the term concentration camps, although that is exactly what they were.*
Before I begin the discussion, it’s important to know the difference between a concentration camp and a prison. For the purpose of this post, I’m using Anne Applebaum’s definition of concentration camps as:
“… camps constructed to incarcerate people not for what they had done, but for who they were. Unlike criminal prison camps, or prisoner-of-war camps, concentration camps were built for a particular type of noncriminal civilian prisoner, the member of an ‘enemy’ group, or at any rate of a category of people who, for reasons of their race or their presumed politics, were judged to be dangerous or extraneous to society” (Applebaum, p. xxxiv).
These camps initially came into existence through colonialism.
The Spanish were the first to utilize the term, reconcentración, in colonial Cuba in 1895, where the colonists faced a series of local insurgencies. By removing Cuban peasants from their land in order to “reconcentrate” them in camps, they found a way to deprive local insurgents of food, shelter, and support.
Sometime around 1900, the term moved into the English lexicon, and the British used a similar project to contain the Boer insurgency during the Boer Wars. From there, the term kontslager appears in Russian, probably through Trotsky, who was familiar with the Boer Wars.
In 1904, the Germans colonized South-West Africa and followed the British example, except for one important twist: the Germans added forced labor as an integral part of their camps. Members of the Herero tribe who were interred in the German camps were forced to work for the colonists. In 1905, the term Konzentrationslager (often abbreviated as either K.Z or K.L.) first appears in the German language.
While Applebaum doesn’t go into French colonialism, it’s not hard to see how the French colonists would be aware of the Spanish, British, and German measures to restrict local populaces. Regardless, the French were certainly familiar with the concept and utilized it when overwhelmed with Spanish refugees at the end of the Spanish Civil War.
France had long been a haven for refugees fleeing political persecution from many European countries; however, by the end of the nineteen thirties, France was undergoing a poor economic outlook coupled with political divisions of its own, along with the increasing threat of war with Germany. France’s Prime Minister, Édouard Daladier, was a French Radical-Socialist politician, who sought to turn France from being a refuge toward being a place of transit for those fleeing persecution.
Albert Sarraut, the French Minister of the Interior, was responsible for dealing with the arrival of Spanish refugees in 1939. Sarraut distinguished between prison camps and concentration camps when he said, “Let us repeat that: the camp of Argelés-sur-Mer will not be a penitentiary centre but a concentration camp. It is not the same thing” (Soo, pp. 6-7).
The immediate aftermath of the Spanish Civil War left over half a million Spaniards crossing the Pyrenees during a brutal winter. As they fled, Nationalist, German, and Italian planes strafed civilians with the same intensity as the military targets. One French lorry driver suspected that the children he carried were targeted deliberately:
“My lorry was crowded with children. The plane swooped so low that they must have seen it. But that did not stop them. Seventeen of the children were killed” (Soo, p. 46).
Traumatized by the war and the long journey over the Pyrenees, the Spanish found themselves treated like prisoners. They arrived in France, not to find a welcome, but instead barricades, where they were forced to leave what few possessions they might have managed to carry into their exile.
French officials confiscated personal possessions and dumped them into a ditch filled with chloride and lime. The Spanish were only allowed to carry in only what was strictly necessary. With the loss of personal possessions came the loss of identity for many people, a loss that was might have been chipped away, but never totally disappeared.
The first camp was established at Argelès-sur-Mer on 1 February, where the refugees found nothing but barbed wire. Families were separated, with men in one section and women and children in another, until Argelès overflowed and more camps were established at St. Cyprien (7 February), Barcarès (9 February) to relieve the overcrowding (Kendall, 2018).
Taking a page from the German colonists, the French put the Spanish to work in constructing the camp. Remember, this was February and the Spanish had no shelter from the cold winds and the sand. It would be months before any type of shelter would actually be constructed.
A report from the UK’s International Commission for the Assistance of Child Refugees in Spain describes the initial camp conditions:
“Aregles [sic] camp is on a sandy expanse by the sea. There is no shelter of any sort from wind, sand or rain. A bitterly cold wind from the mountains has produced a raging sandstorm for the past few days. There is a great deal of ‘dysentery’ probably from lack of good water and absence of sanitary arrangements. The refugees scoop hollows in the sand for protection against the wind, but if they go more than a few inches down it is wet. A number of women living in the camp and nearly 80 children nearly all of whom suffering conjunctivitis from the sand [sic]” (Soo, p. 60).
The French government, for their part, hoped that the horrendous conditions would prompt the Spanish Republicans to return to Spain, and the Spanish knew it. The Manchester Guardian published an extract from an internee’s letter that read:
“Am now in a concentration camp where we are treated just like infected dogs and by the Senegalese blacks … Obviously, they were ordered to be rough with us, so as to make us tired and oblige us, more or less, to go with Franco, which is what the authorities want … The food ration consists of: 8 a.m. a tin of hot dirty water, meaning to be coffee [sic]; 3 p.m. half a pound of bad bread and a tin of small and very bad sardines to be shared between three people. And that’s all … We’ll die like flies soon. It would have been better to have been killed by bombs” (Soo, p. 61).
At Argelès, French officials stated that families would only be reunited if they agreed to return to Spain. Men were given the option of joining the Foreign Legion or returning to Spain, which very few actually accepted. In the Gurs camp, only 473 Spaniards signed a repatriation agreement (Soo, p. 81).
Others did risk returning to Spain over the summer. Approximately 250,000 refugees returned, but this number might have been higher, since many could have returned clandestinely in order to avoid possible imprisonment and repression under Franco.
Those who remained in the camps, and especially any Republican soldiers who stayed in France, were instrumental in fighting for France against Germany: first in the army and then in the Resistance. But that is another story …
*Nor have we learned from the past. Immigrants seeking asylum, which is perfectly legal, are currently being housed in concentration camps in the United States.
Applebaum, Anne. Gulag: a history. New York: Anchor Books, 2004.
Kendall, Meaghan. “Internment of the Spanish Exiles in France.” August 11, 2018.
Soo, Scott. The routes to exile: France and the Spanish Civil War refugees, 1939-2009. Manchester, MI: Manchester University Press, 2013.
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comicteaparty · 5 years
September 2nd-September 8th, 2019 CTP Archive
The archive for the Comic Tea Party week long chat that occurred from September 2nd, 2019 to September 8th, 2019.  The chat focused on Home is a Distant Wish by Jurinova.
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Hello and welcome everyone to Comic Tea Party’s Week Long Book Club~! This week we’ll be focusing on Home is a Distant Wish by Jurinova~! (https://tapas.io/series/hiadw)
You are free to read and comment about the comic all week at your own pace, so stop on by whenever it suits your schedule! Remember, though, that while we allow constructive criticism, our focus is to have fun and appreciate the comic. Below you will find four questions to get you started on the discussion. However, a new question will be posted and pinned everyday (between 12:01AM and 6AM PDT), so keep checking back for more! You have until September 8th to tell us all your wonderful thoughts! With that established, let’s get going on the reading and the chatting!
QUESTION 1. What has been your favorite scene in the comic so far? What specifically did you like about it?
QUESTION 2. Given many of the characters deal with some sort of trauma, whose trauma stands out to you the most? What do you think the comic can show us in regards to how we deal with trauma in real life?(edited)
QUESTION 3. At the moment, who is your favorite character? What about that character earns them this favor?
QUESTION 4. Do you think the Keld Ores can be trusted, or was Angelo right about him being dangerous? Why do you think Mute is sheltering him, and what consequences will the others face for bringing him to Mute?
QUESTION 5. What has been your favorite illustration in the comic so far? What specifically about it do you like?
QUESTION 6. Who do you think Roara is accused of having killed, and what does this have to do with her ex? How do you think she wound up friends with Cane, and what do you think her role in the story will be now that she’s free?
1) my favorite scene is probably the couch scene where Angelo and Kipu were getting intimate. It was nice to see this sort of character development since it was a stark contrast to how everything started. And I liked just how concrete it was despite both being kind of unsure where to take things. A lot of respect going around and just overall, the scene gave me warm fuzzies and gave me hope they could both have actual relationships with other ppl despite trauma. 2) I think Roara's trauma is what stood out the most to me. While only some people have to ever deal with the sort of physical issues like part of what Kipu suffers, I think everyone has been in some position to Roara's, at least on the level of being accussed of something they didn't do and being punished for it. That can be hardcore emotional trauma. In regards to what the comic can show us about dealing with trauma, I think that everyone handles it differently. Some people need revenge (even if that's not the healthiest), some people need time, some people need hugs, some people just want to be left alone, etc. Trauma manifests differently for everyone, and some people just handle it better than others. So ya gotta have patience and an open mind to spot it.
3) My favorite character is definitely Kipu. I like the concept that Kipu has to speak through text in short statements to convey whatever Kipu is trying to say. And I like to see how that, gestures, and other stuff are integrated to create a character who, while on the quieter side, can be just as vocal and opinionated as anyone else. Plus, I've enjoyed Kipu's backstory so far the most, cause Kipu strikes me as the most sympathetic so far.
4) I think Ores is kind of in between. Like I don't think Ores will randomly go murder hobo and is a nice person. But do I believe Ores is dangerous and is willing to kill to protect certain people's lives over others? Damn straight I do. Ores, regardless of the niceness, seems to have an agenda, and people will agenda's are generally gonn do some bad things in the name of those agendas. Mute...I'm gonna be honest. I get the impression Mute was paid to shelter Ores, but also secretly supports whatever it is Ores is trying to achieve. And I think this will come bite Mute in the butt when people come for Ores and probably destroy everything Mute has tried to build because desperation and murder don't mix well.
5) My favorite illustration so far is probably this city scape https://tapas.io/episode/1188947 I love the muted color scheme so that there can be glowing highlights, expressing the nightlife atmosphere that is taking over the city. I also love the variety in building shapes going on, cause it gives the place a lot of character as well. 6) I got the impression Roara was accused of killing her ex, perhaps by someone she knew and who had enough power to get away with it. And given it's her ex, Roara of course was prime suspect and its one of those cases where the police shrugged and didnt bother looking for anyone else. Given Roara's personality, I feel like she took pity on Cane when Cane first showed up at the prison and just kind of mother henned/big sistered herself in there out of pity. And then that pity turned to a lot of love and care to want to protect Cane who seemes kind of innocence. As for her future role, I get the impression she's gonna be on the wrong side of the law cause she seems like she'd go where Cane goes, and Cane is probably gonna switch side at the rate the flashbacks are going. XD
QUESTION 7. Which characters do you enjoy seeing interact the most? What about their dynamic interests you?
QUESTION 8. Why do you think the Keld are attacking people and causing destructive and deadly incidents? What does this have to do what the senators are doing that is supposedly very risky?
Attila Polyák
Finally I got around to reading a comic here... 1, Llama alien family visit! The entire visit there is just so wholesome, even though they are clearly in a rather rough situation. And they are soo adorable. 2, There's a... I'd prefer not to. So with the first part of the question unceremoniously skipped. People are different. Their circumstances, good and bad, are also different. It's no surprise that people react to the same event(s) differently. People can, and most often do, try to understand each other but seeing and understanding how someone else deals with negativity in general in life is very iffy. You are not them, you might on an intellectual level understand that something really bad happened to them, but without their experiences and way of thinking... The best you can do is try which I guess doesn't sound too promising, but it's still a lot better than being left in the darkness. 3, Kipu. He's awesome! His way of communicating, his backstory (or what we know about it so far), his choice of clothes. Everything about him is just so intriguing. I'm looking forward to learning more about his past the most. 4, I think Ores is dangerous, but despite that he can still be trusted. He feels like someone who can go to extreme lengths for what he believes in. And I think This is the reason why Mute shelters him. Their longer term goals I feel are not the same, but I also think those goals might align one way or another.
1) I agree with @RebelVampire - the scene where Angelo and Kipu are opening up to each other is my favorite. It's just beautiful to see how far they've come since the start of the story! For the record, that's also my answer to (7). Angelo is of course a sass-master to Kipu, but it's the moments where Kipu returns fire that really sell the relationship. For 6) - while I agree Roara probably became friends with Cane because she wanted to protect him, I also get the impression that she has also been bailed out by Cane a couple times. Perhaps she tangled with someone too big for her and Cane had her back?
QUESTION 9. What sorts of art or story details have you noticed in the way the comic is crafted that you think deserves attention?
QUESTION 10. What do you think Angelo/Kilene’s relationship with Prince is, and what exactly is Prince trying to protect Angelo/Kilene from? What is Angelo/Kilene’s story in general, and what is the patch showcased several times in the story?
7) I definitely enjoy seeing Kipu and Angelo interact the most. Once again, I really like the development that goes with their relationship as they find common bonds despite basically despising each other beginning. And character growth is fun to watch. 8) I get the impression that the Keld know what the senators are up to and are trying to get people's attention and stop it. And people only pay attention when things get crappy, or something like that. As for what the senators are doing, I'm not entirely sure. Although I'm sure it's very illegal whatever it is, probably gonna chop down some liberties. Maybe they're secretly genociding the Keld or something like that. Either way, don't trust politicians.
9) I really love some of the details for the world building. For example, how different species have different naming structures. It's just one of those nice little details that really makes a species feel like a different species that developed its own non-earth culture. And it's details like these a lot of people neglect since they aren't always that important. Still, it's really great to see and adds some depth to the world. 10) I get the impression that Angelo and Prince dated before and had a mutual split. Maybe due to potential family pressures. That or they're brothers. One of the two. Either way they give off the vibe they were close and known each other for years. I get the impression that Angelo ran away though, and Prince is protecting Angelo from the repercussions from that. As for Angelo's story in general, maybe a rich kid, got into drugs, had health issues, rebelled against family. He strikes me very much as the type to have rebelled against everyone cause he didn't want to fit anybody's mold.
Attila Polyák
5, The funeral sequence is probably my favorite illustration (as morbid as that sounds). https://tapas.io/episode/522887 Just not just shows how funeral ceremonies are held, but also how important that death was in the earlier parts of the comic. The page not just looks great but also enhances previous pages by giving extra context. It's both beautiful in a grandiose way and plot important. 6, I absolutely agree with @RebelVampire about Roara. I think she's accused of killing her ex, however that couldn't be further from the truth. As for Cane. I just feel like he's a person who's willing to listen (pun absolutely intended, sorry I'm a bad person). Most people wouldn't want to be associated with someone who killed a significant other, Cane, however, I feel like not just listened to her, but believed her, and thus their friendship was formed.(edited)
Attila Polyák
7, That's a bit odd. I'm not really much of a fan of Angelo, yet whenever he interacts with literally anyone it's just... I donno, somehow charming and interesting. 8, When I read the talk about the risky stuff the senators are doing I for some reason almost immediately jumped to the conclusion that they are trying to build the Sybil System from Psychopass or something very similar. I think it's rather understandable why some would be against a system that judges you for stuff you didn't do and makes your most important life decisions instead of you (not that there are no advantages to a system like that but you know... the downsides are also obvious).  Aaaand... While I have no rational reason to expect this to be the case, I still do and I also have a feeling that the Kled know about this somehow and are trying to prevent it. Probably one of their leaders was scouted for this plan and this leader said no. Thus the Kled had an opportunity to know about what's going to happen and they believed it, but the rest of the world didn't and that's because of a simple reason: The senat obviously has power, possibly enough to turn the truth into a ridiculed rumor.
QUESTION 11. What do you think are this particular comic’s strengths? What do you think makes this comic unique? Please elaborate.
QUESTION 12. What do you think happened to Kipu and Naia, especially given they both have severe physical trauma? Overall, what do you think will be the consequences of Kipu and Cane/Naia reuiniting for everyone else in the story?
QUESTION 13. What are you most looking forward to in the comic? Also, do you have any final thoughts to share overall?
QUESTION 14. Now that Prince is free to pursue Ores, what do you think will happen to Nkapu and the rest of the crew? Will they be able to get out of the situation, or will their deeds catch up to them? In general, where do you think the story goes from here?
Attila Polyák
9, What stuck me most is how architecture looks. Yes it's futuristic as it's expected to be, but different locations, cities, villages in different places look well... Different. 10, I have the feeling that they were together in the past, both from a relatively wealthy background, but Angelo somehow thumbled down the social ladder around the same time when they broke up. Ultimately I feel like the two are unrelated, and Prince is still trying to support Angelo one way or another. 11, The scenery is gorgeous. Especially the colors during sunset/sunrise. Really eye catching. Actually... Not just the landscapes, but backgrounds in general are really well drawn and just good to look at. 12, I'm really unsure, but I have a feeling the connected events in their past happened while Kipu was attending the academy. 13, Kipu's backstory. I usually am a sucker for good backstories, but since his seems to conenct to the rest of the story in multiple different points I'm genuinely curious how both his relationships and the past events turn out. 14, In short I feel Prince will successfully go after Ores and a confrontation seems to be inevitable. However I'm really unsure as to the extent of this confrontation. Like... Mute is ultimately not just the captain of a ship, but basically the leader of a small city. We clearly see that Prince is in command of a lot of people, but Mute and co also seem to be a more than just a few and while they are not as well equipped as Prince. At this point I feel like the real question is, how much is Ores worth and how far are they willing to go to get him.
11) In my opinion the strength is probably the mesh between world and characters. When it comes to world-building, that can be an intense process. The more you develop, the more the "character" of the world can be to overshadow the actual characters. However, this comic finds a great balanced between being detailed yet having the story strictly remain about the character's and their struggles. Which creates an all around better reading experience. 12) Honestly, Kipu and Naia probably got into a war since ya know, that's kind of what they're training for. And no one expects war to be as shit as it usually turns out to be. So probably big devastating battle where everyone was scattered and everyone was just assumed dead. As for consequences about them reunited, I don't think any of Kipu's friends will care, but I think it's gonna be a big deal for Roara. She doesn't strike me as the trusting kind of person.
13) I am actually looking forward to seeing where Angelo goes from here since the comic pulled a red herring and Kipu's group is more or less probably gonna ditch Angelo now (since most never liked Angelo anyway). So I want to see what Angelo's role will transform to be now. 14) Everybody is screwed. That is what's going to happen. Things will come to a head cause Mute's group, and by association Nkapu's group, don't send a chance even if the might be able to runaway for a while. And I think this will drive Ores into a corner and cause much destruction and feelings of regret.
Hey, author of HiaDW here! Just wanted to drop by and say that reading all these comments has been wonderful and very insightful! It's interesting to see how different people read different characters and situations, not to mention how spot on some of the analysis were. Thank you so much to all who read the comic and commented!
Thank you everyone so much for reading and chatting about Home is a Distant Wish this week! Please also give a special thank you to Jurinova for volunteering the comic and creating it! If you liked Home is a Distant Wish, make sure to continue to support it via some of the links below!
Read and Comment: https://tapas.io/series/hiadw
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Jurinova’s Ko-Fi: https://ko-fi.com/jurinova
Jurinova’s Twitter: https://twitter.com/jurisaur
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walkerismychoice · 6 years
Call it Kismet (Khaan X MC)
Book: Perfect Match
Pairing: Khaan X MC
Note: This was a request from my dear friend @writtenbycandy for the prompt "I dreamt about you nearly every night."
Rating: PG-13 (Sexually suggestive but not explicit)
Word Count: ~2000
Tag List: @tmarie82 @boneandfur @debramcg1106 @enmchoices @lizeboredom @ladynonsense @damienazariostan @pens-girl-87 @blackcatkita@simplyaiden-blog @writtenbycandy
Khan and Leila sit at a trendy San Francisco restaurant. It's one of those hipster, free of everything places with industrial chic decor - dark wood and stainless steel accents, dimly lit pendant lights hang from the open ceiling that exposes the girders and pipes.
Leila sighs, "No dairy...no gluten...no meat...no fun. What am I even supposed to eat here?"
Khaan chuckles softly. "I promise the food is excellent here, but if you find your meal inedible, we can pick up some fast food on the way home.
"You agreeing to fast food? Leila arches her eyebrows. "You must be pretty confident I'll like it."
And turns out, Khaan is right. She hates to admit it to him, but her savory and aromatic tofu, kale, and quinoa bowl is quite satisfying and delicious despite the fact that she can’t identify half the grains and vegetables in it. They laugh and talk without any lull in conversation. Khaan stretches out his legs under the table and their feet intertwine. They clink their glasses of Sauvignon Blanc together and toast to normalcy. After all they've been through, Leila wouldn't trade these simple moments for anything.
Khaan signs the reciept and slips it inside the servers check holder book. "Do you mind if we head back now? I know it's early, but I want to get back to say goodnight to Hamza and tuck him into bed.
Leila reaches a hand across the table and squeezes his hand. "Of course not. That means we can get to bed sooner...if you know what I mean."
Khaan laughs and shakes his head. "I know where your priorities lie...good thing they match up pretty well with mine."
Its been an adjustment being with someone with a child, but Leila knew what she was getting into. Khaan's love for and devotion to Hamza is part of what drew her to him. It's not always easy having to share his time and attention, but she's beginning to love Hamza as her own. She happily accepts them as a packaged deal.
When they arrive home, Khaan pays the sitter and and takes Hamza to bed. Hamza negotiates an extra bedtime story, like most nights.
Just as things quiet down, Leila hears Hamza call out from his room. "Leila, come in here!"
Leila jumps up from the couch to see what he wants. "Yes, Hamza?"
"Come see my glow in the dark T-rex pajamas!" Hamza lifts up the covers and Leila peeks underneath.
"Those are so awesome, buddy!" Leila pats the soft hair atop his head.
Hamza opens up his arms. "Can I have a hug?"
Leila smiles warmly. "Of course."
Some time later, Leila and Khaan settle into bed. She’s been looking forward to some alone time with Khaan all evening. She rolls onto her side facing Khaan and presses her hips into him. He threads a hand into her brunette locks and draws her in for a kiss, his satin lips standing in contrast to his rough stubble. She’s about to start undressing him when she hears pounding on the door.
“Daddy!” Hamza cries and Khaan pops out of bed to open the door. “I had a bad dream.” Before Khaan can even respond, Hamza scurries over to the bed and climbs in, positioning himself dead center. “I’m too scared to go back to my room. Can I sleep with you?”
How can Khaan say no to that face? She knows she couldn’t. It has been just the two of them for so long, Hamza didn’t even have to question before if he was welcome in his dad’s bed, and she doesn’t want to take that away from him while he’s still so young. Khaan looks to Leila apologetically, but she shrugs it off. “Okay buddy, but why don’t you scoot over, and I’ll sleep in the middle.”
“But I want to sleep next to both of you! Please?” Hamza looks back and forth between them expectantly. 
Leila is touched that Hamza has taken to her so freely. She can’t imagine how much his life has been changed since she’s come in the picture, and he’s accepted it all so well. “Okay, but try not to hog the covers this time.” Leila jests as she climbs in next to him. “I suppose this is what King size beds were made for.” 
Thirty minutes later, Leila is finally drifting towards sleep as Hamza is lying diagonally pushing both her and Khaan to the edges of the bed with only a sliver of blanket to cover them. Nevertheless, she wouldn’t have it any other way.   
Leila rolls over and shuts her alarm off. She's confused as she looks through sleep dusted eyes to different surroundings. She's not at Khaan's place, but her own apartment in New York and the spot on the bed next to her is empty and cold.
"Damn, another one of those dreams," She mutters out loud. Dreams so realistic she finds them difficult to distinguish from real life, even after she wakes. It's been over a month since they took down Eros and almost just as long as she saw Khaan. They had spent two incredible days and nights together while Hamza was still back home with Soo-Jin, but then Khaan had to fly back across the country. Despite their connection, Khaan had still been hesitant to bring another woman into Hamza's life, so Leila had no choice but to go back home alone. She's casually been looking for jobs in San Francisco, just for an excuse to be in his life in some way, even just as friends.
It's not that she hasn't maintained a friendship with him since, but they've been careful to not get into anything too deep, both knowing if they cross the line again, there would be no going back. Leila sends him funny memes or pictures of her terrible food choices. Khaan sends her inspirational meditations and recipes for kale and wheatgrass smoothies. She's not a fan, but she's made a couple just to feel closer to him and definitely makes sure to send him photo evidence when she does.
Leila had thought over time the feelings might fade, but if anything, they are stronger than ever and the dreams aren't helping. She'd had one right away when she got back home and then another a week later. They progressed to every few days and the one prior to this was just two nights ago. She's not sure if it means something or if she's just going crazy and needs to see a therapist.
Over the next week she dreams of Khaan nearly every night. In one, they are sitting on a park bench watching Hamza play in the sand pit. The warm sun is beating down on her. A calm breeze crosses her face, bringing the scent of the Lilac bushes in bloom nearby. She feels the weight, and smooth skin of Khan's hand in hers. 
In the next dream, she and Khaan are in his guest bedroom turned yoga studio and meditation room after Hamza's gone to sleep. Khaan is giving her a one on one lesson. Khaan’s favorite sandalwood incense is wafting through the air and the only illumination comes from candle light. His hands positioning her send shivers down her spine. Heat pools in her core as her presses his firm body flush against hers into perfect alignment. The lesson quickly turns from PG to X-rated and after a lengthy session, they lie back on the yoga mat, almost too spent to get their clothes back on and go to bed. 
On Friday night, her dream is a little different. She isn’t at Khan’s place but her own apartment. The details are a little fuzzier, but Khaan is there and he pulls two plane tickets out of his pocket, and is about to say something when they are interrupted by a knock on the door. Neither moves to answer it, but whoever is behind the door keeps knocking. Leila is jarred away and she realizes the knocking is real. She throws on her robe, smooths her hair, and is flabbergasted when she peers through peep hole. 
As soon as she gains her composure, she swings the door wide open. “Khaan! What the hell are you doing here?”
“I wanted to suprise you but, I was hoping for a bit of a warmer welcome.” Khaan laughs nervously. He’s got his hands in his pockets and he’s not carrying any bags. 
A wide grin takes over Leila’s face. “Get in here,” she commands as she pulls him in by the lapels of his navy blue peacoat. He immedialtely encircles her in his arms and kisses her passionately. The kiss goes on and on until Leila decides she needs to know why he’s there. “We can get back to that in a bit, but what made you decide to fly thousands of miles to suprise me on a whim?”
Leila moves to sit down on the couch and Khaan follows. “It wasn’t exactly a whim...on my part at least. I’ve been thinking and mediting on this for weeks, and my path became clear. Have you ever hear of lucid dreaming?”
“I’ve heard the term, yes, but I don’t know much about it.” Leila replies. 
“Well, meditation can bring on a state of mindfulness that can produce vivid, lifelike dreams that can help guide you to answers you seek in everyday life. I haven’t stopped thinking of you since we parted, but you know Hamza is my number one priority. I needed to make sure I could envision you fitting into our life. Leila, I dreamt about you nearly every night this week, and I know it’s right. I need you in my life, if you’ll have me.”
Suddenly the pieces fit together and she wonders..., but no, that would be crazy. She decides to ask anyway. “I too have dreamt about you every almost every night. Does Hamza have glow in the dark T-Rex pajamas?”
Khaans jaw drops. “How did you know- Those are brand new. He didn’t have them when you stayed with us.”
“I think I've been having lucid dreams as well and I didn't understand what was happening until now. I could see, hear, smell, taste, and feel everything as if I were awake. Going on dates, with you, the park with Hamza, private lessons in your yoga studio.”
Khaan’s cheeks flush slightly and then his whole face lights up. “This is extraordinary. I’ve heard when two people are spiritually connected, they can experience shared dreams, but I never imagined I’d find that connection with anyone...not until you, but I was just too scared to give in...until now.”
"Do I dare call this Kismet?" Leila grins cheekily.
Khaan takes both her hands in his. "Call it fate, destiny, whatever you want, as long as you say you’ll come with me. I know it’s a lot to ask, but-”
“Please, Khaan,” Leila interjects. “You could have asked me back in D.C. if I’d come then, and the answer would have been the same then as it is now. One hundred percent yes."
Khaan cradles her cheeks and kisses her passionately again. “You may have noticed I didn’t bring any luggage.”
Leila smiles knowingly. “Is that because you have two plane tickets in your pocket?”
Khaan furrows his brows in confusion but then pulls the tickets from his pockets. “Now this is getting creepy.”
“I guess our connection doesn’t end when we wake. Didn't want to give me a chance to think too much about it did you?"
Khaan shrugs his shoulders. "I had faith that you'd know, and if you had to think about it or said no, I'd wouldn't want to stick around any longer than I had to. I can exchange your ticket for a later date if you need more time to get your affairs in order, but I need to get back to Hamza."
"I can just grab the essentials now and come back and deal with the rest later. I'm not letting you get away again." She wraps her arms around his waist.
Khaan presses a kiss to the top of her head. "You know, our flight isn't until later tonight if you wanted to reenact one of those dreams before you start packing."
Leila wastes no time standing up and pulls Khaan with her towards the bedroom. "Follow me. I know just the one."
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