#the blog is centered around it
minty-cofffee · 4 months
hi :D
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i broke and made a thing for oc's that were rotating in my head :)
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blazingblorbos · 1 year
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"For you? Anything."
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willowcrowned · 2 years
this is your regular reminder that writing mediocre poetry is literally so important for your health
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artoflured · 2 months
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lesbyers · 18 days
my opinion of noah will remain the same as always which is that i dislike him and was disgusted by his support of israel and that i also hope that he and every other liberal zionist like him who has stated they’re open to learning really does take the time to undo the propaganda that israel has fed them. hat being said it’s been very odd seeing people react so intensely in hating him that they resort to homophobia and antisemitism. i find it especially strange when you have actors like brett gelman who is one of the most vile and disgusting zionists on social media at the moment, getting less backlash for his violent beliefs than noah. it’s clear that this isn’t about palestinian lives to most people and is instead about their own guilt and petty drama. in general i find this type of fake activism disgusting and wish these people spent more time boosting and donating to gofundmes than grappling for moral superiority online. as for the people that support noah still, they’re equally as ignorant and need to learn more about what he did wrong and how to separate their view of will from him. in general we should not be focusing and talking abt him at all, it’s a waste of time and does no good. if you care abt palestine you won’t waste all your energy on some random boy who represents nothing that could help anyone who is suffering
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foolsocracy · 3 months
I can't get the idea out of my head, so please consider; MJ invites Peter out along with some of her friends for dancing. Results may vary
ok this has been SITTING in my inbox. I was thinking about drawing something but ive caved and im just gonna talk.
YES. That girl can DANCE and she loves it!! I feel in the 19th and 20th century everyone could do a bit of social dancing because thats just what people did for fun. I think the Parkers and the Watsons both taught their kids to dance 'older' stuff they would have done when they were younger, like a solid waltz, quadrille, two-step, polka, what have you. MJ learned them all with fervor. Pete... learned some of them.
I think MJ and Pete would probably do (east coast) swing most often. Because they are hip and of the times. I think Pete probably would have had MJ and Robbie get to know each other through dance, actually. Like Robbie was around the welfare center when MJ was and Pete immediately was like Yes, now MJ can practice with him and not me (ultimate backfire because how he's got 2 partners)! Harlem is definitely the hot spot for swing, with black Americans engineering the whole thing. MJ was totally ecstatic to have a friend over there to run into who was a ready and willing partner!
I do have to say that MJ is a total back lead when it comes to Peter. They will ARGUE on the floor (in good fun). She'll be like 'do that one move I just taught you!' or 'If you fumble this texas tommy i'll kill you' or 'ok on this next backstep we're doing Charleston... aaand triple step, back step.' And Peter will snark back. Whenever she really wants to piss him off she'll make him practice Balboa (he thinks it looks stupid).
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winecovered · 2 months
Hey all , quick reminder that we are very anti endo :^) we don't feel comfortable with non - traumagenic systems and those that support them interacting with us , thanks ^_^
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starfleetshrimps · 5 months
i love microdosing watching a show by having a mutual who reblogs extremely misleading vagueposts about it sometimes thus causing me to know even less about the actual content of the work than if I'd never heard of it once in my life
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luderailing · 2 years
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Lat 🖋️
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sstruckbycupid · 3 months
decided to shift to another reality that i haven’t visited in a while,,
been thinking about that reality all day, but more specifically,, my man in that reality
and i barely went onto amazon and the first thing i see is a symbol related to him?
i know i severely underestimate the power of my own mind,,, but this just feels surreal
every time i set the intention to shift to a certain reality i get a ton of confirmation signs and symbols
and i shouldn’t be surprised,, but i am
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feuqueerfire · 6 months
The Categories of Final Hallucinations
I noticed 2 types of visions that the characters had in the last episode, specifically in regards to Non
Non was front and center and the visions are about him
Phee: He kept continually seeing Non die in different ways, including some which were new and unseen ways. He's grieving Non's death and also feels guilty for what he's said (the "Get lost and die"). Phee was also the only person who understood that these were visions and Non wasn't real. Even in the 2 years later part (which may or may not be real - tbh I'm thinking of it as a continuation of the hallucinations in the courtyard), Phee sees Non walking into the water.
Tee: Non asks Tee to kill him with a knife on the rooftop because he’s so trapped while working for Tee’s uncle. Tee has been feeling guilty about his actions bringing Non into this world and ultimately being unable to get him out of the mess, so this manifests as a horrific way to help Non, though of course he ends up stabbing White in reality :’(
Tan: Non thanks him, then hangs himself, then thanks him again. Tan just wanted to be a good brother and in these hallucinations, after he has avenged Non, he finally is. His last vision is Non thanking him and walking into the light.
Non may or may not be there but it's mostly about their own situations/consequences/fears rather than Non
Fluke: Non is hardly there except at the end, Fluke's mostly being chased by a cop because he's deathly afraid of ruining his reputation and not getting to become a doctor. Aside: I loved that Fluke gouged his own eyes out, the eyes with which he was constantly witnessing the misbehavior against Non (Top breaking the camera, Jin taking the video) but keeping silent about
Top: He was just being chased by Non through the woods, very little depth because we hardly knew anything about him
White: he never knew Non and so his visions are about his relationship with Tee instead
Jin: I don't think Non even appeared in this but I'd have to double check. It was mostly about what if what Jin did to Non happened to Jin himself with him seeing people taking videos of him in compromising situations, including with Keng
For me, Tee's was the most shocking and horrifying because I was expecting death for Tee (especially after episode 11) but there was the vibe that maybe White is the final girl who will survive. Instead, my mouth fell open as soon as I realized what they were hinting at and I lost my mind as the sequence went on. One of the most unpredictable aspects of this whole show for me and it really is tearing me up, esp after ep 11.
Tan's and Phee's are the most tragic. I didn't cry at all during this show but for a second there, during Tan's visions, I became misty-eyed. (also I've been typing Tan as Non and having to correct... I think NewTan would like that tbh)
I think Jin's was the most disappointing to me because although he knows his actions to release that video were wrong and likely feels guilty, I was hoping Non would at least make an appearance? When Jin apologized to Non the day Non disappeared, Non didn't know what he was apologizing for and said Jin didn't have to apologize. I wanted Jin to apologize to Non while admitting to his wrongdoings, even if it's in hallucinations. Instead, it's Jin being paranoid about what he did to Non being done to him.
[Edited because the Tee/White scene did a whole number on me so I got a bit confused about their visions when I first posted this right after watching the ep]
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I love it when the people who followed me when my blog was centered on a different fandom like my posts on my new hyper fixation. Yes I shall infect you with my latest brain worm mwahahahahaha
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stardestroyer81 · 25 days
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Inspired by this post by @artpro86, I wanted an excuse to draw my latest blorbo, Cindy Bear, in a similar fashion... it didn't take me too long to be struck with an iconic reaction image to redraw with her instead.
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shipsational · 1 month
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if it seems like he's swooning, dont get it wrong, he's just doing a bad job of keeping a straight face while he tells me that for just 5 dollars a day i can help send his poor boy brain to college or something
or maybe the swooning is part of the sales pitch
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witches-come · 5 months
I don't like genital preference discourse because 99 percent of the time it's a cis person who made up a hypothetical pro trans argument and got mad at it.
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ghetto-omega · 4 months
"Incredibly common white people space" is so true
Like no shade to white people fr but as someone who is poc, I'm always like- "man.. where's the bipoc 😭"
It doesn't make feel lonely but I'd definitely feel less? Alienated if there was more melanin in the both the misces and alterhu communities
Yes absolutely !! I'm still so afraid of talking about any serious experiences I've had as a black person on here, I just don't wanna be alienated anymore than I already am both IRL and online 😭🤚🏾 it's just the little things that make you feel estranged, like if I use a lot of AAVE in a post it never gets as much interaction as it would if I just talked "properly".
Like I'm already stepping so far out of my comfort zone just making my blackness known, and like.. kinda a central part of my blog !! I just really hope other POC/BIPOC take a little comfort in it maybe U⁠^⁠ェ⁠^⁠U
Besides, I'm having a lot of fun here !! Even tho I have a couple miscecanis friends irl, they've never been really interested in the world building side of things so I'm glad I get to share it with people who DO care about that lol
Thanks for the ask anon, I love you I love you I love you U。⁠・⁠ω⁠・⁠。U
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