as previously established, everyone was having The Worst Day in journey to babel, but bones surely did reap his favorite rewards
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however much they're paying chapel, it's not enough
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Nothing like a little workout session 🦀
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Yes, but what a shame, what a shame the poor groom’s bride is
uh… Thor?
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omg so yesterday i put a salt line on the pathway to our front door because i was fucking around and my brother was pretending to be a demon
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and today we ordered pizza and the salt line was still there
and my brother went outside to sign for the pizza
and the pizzaman refused to step over the salt line, like he almost did and then he backed up and handed my bro the pizza and left; which is pretty ridiculous because it’s far from our door
so a heads up to everyone i’m pretty sure domino’s is actually run by demons??? kind of like how in men in black the post office is run by aliens
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Bouncy Moo Deng!
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The fact that Leonard Nimoy had literally directed himself curled up in Kirks arms and yet yall couldn't call this movie even a little bit gay makes me giggle.
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What trope is this, if not damsel in distress?? THAT'S HIS DAMSEL, RIGHT THERE .
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this gif broke me
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I am BEGGING for an open-world game with a functioning train or tram.
Like, you actually have to wait for it in real-time, physically step on, then wait for your stop with the ability to actually explore it and chat with the other riders
No loading screens
And when you aren’t on it, you can look over and see it doing its route without you, picking up and dropping off patrons whether you’re there or not
please i need a video game that captures the joy of free public transit
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"it was the 60s!!! they had to stand that close to each other to be in frame!!!"
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uh huh sure buddy whatever you gay- i mean gay- i mean gay- i mean say
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I saw this and felt like it should be shared here too
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I feel bad for people who’ve never experienced a corn maze bc it’s not even fun but you just have to do it
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Being the only guy who works in a beauty store is fucking hilarious sometimes. Im the only one who can sell our shitty beard shampoo and a not insignificant amount of our customers think im untrustworthy. According to my coworkers i use every mens product we have so they can get dudes to buy a shaving cream. Trying to explain to people that theres no difference between "men's" and "women's" products is like talking to a brick wall. Ive had multiple women get angry with me for sampling them out one of our "men's" moisturizers when they specifically said they wanted a mattifying one to control oil and that's the best one we have for those two things. I still think about the guy who came in asking if we had "masks for men." I contemplate ending it all every time someone returns a completely unused product that they absolutely refuse to try just because it either says or doesnt say "for men" on it. 90% of the time its the perfect product for them. I had a lady who was willing to buy a worse product for her needs that was more expensive just so it wouldnt say it was for men. Are you ever tired? Are you ever exhausted? These are the same kinds of people who say that im the one whos obsessed with gendering everything because im trans.
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some of y’all’s arguments against trans kirk just plain lazy and kinda stupid ngl not to mention transphobic but i digress like you’re always going “oh where are the top surgery scars where are the top surgery scars” bro season three episode two the enterprise incident of the original series bones does like a ten minute plastic surgery job to make jim look like a romulan and it’s so convincing that all the other romulans on the ship are just like “okay you can go into this high-security area even though we’ve never seen you before bc you look like a romulan” and you’re telling me that kirk’s not trans bc he doesn’t have scars bro even disregarding everything i just said there’s still dermal regenerators that can get rid of scars entirely not to mention the fact that not all top surgery leaves scars y’all just angry that us trans folks claimed another of your characters aren’t ya.
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