#the big sick analysis
melit0n · 8 months
Told you guys it was coming, didn't I? I apologise that this has taken a bit longer than expected, my mental health hit me like a bullet train, but I do hope it's sufficient.
Part one -> You're already here!
Part two -> Line by line analysis part 1
Part three -> Line by line analysis part 2
Part four -> Musical/intrumental notes
Part five -> The Night in Sleep Token
Part six -> Conclusion
Please note this is a general analysis. Although I do go into theories, both my own and others, this is just general thoughts. Also note when I speak of Vessel, I mean Vessel as a character, not the person, unless I specifically state so.
Tagline: @rilllvri @a-s-levynn @fivewholeminutes @euclidsvessel @tonguetyd @moonchild-in-blue @kkarmatic @branches-in-a-flood
+ Some people were worried about spam liking/reblogging the last time I did one of these big analysis posts, and I want to say please don't worry about that! I get happy when I see the same users pop up liking and reblogging my work, because it means you're interested in this enough to go through the whole thing. Feel completely free to add your own thoughts, correct any errors I've made etc. As per usual, my DMs are completely open to anybody wanting to discuss ST <3
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Let's start off with the basics. ‘Euclid’ is the anglicised version of the Greek name Eukleídes (Εὐκλείδης), mainly known via the ancient Greek mathematician Euclid of Alexandria, who is seen as the ‘father of geometry’, and most famous for his work on symmetry. Its general definition is something or someone who is renowned and or glorious (A) and the lesser known definition is something that is a copy of the same (B) (taken from Euclid’s ideas on symmetry), which we’ll come back to in a bit.
However, there is another Euclid in history that we’ll be referencing; Euclid of Megara. This Euclid, similar to our mathematician, was an ancient Greek Socratic (having been a pupil of Socrates) philosopher. I’ll be taking part of a text out of his Wikipedia article since his ideas have been explained thoroughly there.
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(we'll be coming back to him soon)
First off, this is an incredibly interesting choice of name for a song. Outside of someone's maths and philosophy class, this name doesn't exist to most, so the fact it's been chosen at all is intriguing.
Vessel has shown time and time again he enjoys sometimes elaborate references in his art, an example being chemistry and biology in TPWBYT (most notable would probably be ‘Telomeres’), so, I think it would be easy to say that, whether it be a reference to Euclid the Mathematician or Euclid the philosopher, that said reference is understood and intended by Vessel.
So, let's start with our mathematician, shall we?
What I find interesting about Euclid of Alexandria is that his life and existence outside of his work on geometry is almost completely unknown. There's almost nothing known of him, as a person, other than where he spent half of his career (Alexandria; Egypt, hence his title), where he may have studied (Platonic academy) and a general idea of when he lived (around 300BC). What is known about this insanely famous man who created the foundations of symmetry is incredibly barebones. People take Euclid at face value for his work, just like Vessel (both as an artist, and a character).
Further, we, as listeners, don't have much of an understanding of who Vessel is other than being a mouthpiece of a deity known as Sleep, someone once human now grasping at the threads of humanity and someone sharing some of his struggles in life (both with Sleep and unknown people). Like Euclid, he is barebones, we take him at face value; a vessel. He is both a mouthpiece for Sleep, a mouthpiece for his own emotions (obviously) and a mouthpiece for us. His experiences transcend being just his, due to his anonymity, therefore allowing us to connect and express our own experiences. It's music for the sake of music; expression.
Now, having talked through Euclid as a person, it's time to talk about Euclid and his symmetry. Symmetry in shapes is 'reflections, rotations, translations, and combinations of these basic operations. Under an isometric transformation, a geometric object is said to be symmetric if, after transformation, the object is indistinguishable from the object before the transformation- a copy of the same’. So, of course, this means shapes like squares, rectangles, parallelograms and circles. Circles are a representation of infinity, wholeness, unity and loops. What does Euclid do? Loop itself (starts and ends with B major, which also happens to be the same chord that TNDNBTG starts with), and loops the three albums together, musically and lyrically.
Now, onto Euclid of Megara.
Euclid was born in Megara, Athens and was a follower of Socrates (sneaking into Athens to hear him speak, and he was also present during his death). He is most known for his philosophy that good is the knowledge of simply being and that the opposite of good does not exist, aka evil. The Good is described to be a perfect, eternal, and changeless Form, existing outside space and time. A form of Heaven without a God.
This idea could be linked lore-wise with Sleep Token; Sleep could, in a way, be The Good literally. Bliss. Further, with the idea that there is no actual opposite of good, then how can anything be bad? How can Sleep, as a deity, have bad intentions if there is no actual evil?
So far, with these two notable figures in mind, we can perceive Euclid as one of two ways (and there are more ways to come). Euclid can be seen as quite literally being a form of symmetry; a parallel that Vessel lays his life on because it brings all of the produced albums, all of his stories, together. Or, we can think of Euclid as Vessel. This brings me to @euclidsvessel's post on their theory on Euclid; what if Euclid was Vessel’s name before he became a vessel?
The theory that Euclid could be Vessel’s old name is not only extremely insightful, but very plausible as well. They explained their points very well in their original post, and I don't want to repeat what they’ve already said, so I do implore you to go read that! It's not detrimental to needing to understand this post, but I highly recommend it. Despite this, I am here to both support their argument and bring my own comparison. Take a look at the cover art for Euclid:
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Let me repeat the lesser-known definition of Euclid; a copy of the same. A clone. A replacement. Held in the right hand is the decapitated head of Vessel's old (2nd gen.) mask. Specifically, the one that covers his mouth; the version that relinquishes the most amount of humanity. The album art is a representation of change portrayed in a symbolically gory way. Beheading, depending on the era you’re working from, symbolises both vengeance as well as a form of purification. By cutting off the head, you remove any ‘unholy’ thoughts. It's also among one of the most horrific and humiliating ways of killing someone (since it was typically done publicly, and sometimes the heads were placed on spikes of battlements as a warning).
Furthermore, there's a theory that's popped up a couple of times, lore-wise, that Vessel is not the first person to be turned into a vessel of Sleep, and he certainly won't be the last. So, considering the literal album art illustrates a replacement of Vessel, I’d say that theory is pretty much confirmed. In conclusion, the album art can either be interpreted as how Vessel will eventually be discarded and replaced by another vessel, or how Vessel himself will change, for better or for worse; clawing out of his own skin to become “someone new”.
So, to compare the idea of Euclid being Vessel’s old name, and to create the third perception of what or rather, who, Euclid is, what if Euclid will be the eventual replacement for Vessel?
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undeniablespice · 1 year
drowned god the weak little beast you put on this earth to write fanfiction and like greyjoys has been neglecting homework in order to reread the affc ironborn chapters and have way too many opinions about the soggiest man in the world. i have Had Some Thoughts on aeron, theon, and names
it really is striking to me just how little people refer to aeron by his name. not just in conversation, but in the narrative itself, with the most notable example of this being aeron himself in his pov chapters constantly thinking of himself not as aeron but as damphair or just The Priest. he refers to himself as damphair or The Priest instead of aeron like twenty times throughout the prophet, to the point where it's used almost as frequently as his actual name. in the drowned man it's only like eight times (which i think is mostly because the vast majority of this chapter is given over to the kingsmoot, where aeron is mostly a spectator and the narrative focus is on the events taking place rather than his reaction to them). in the forsaken, it's ten times, though while aeron is actively imprisoned he mostly thinks of himself as aeron, with damphair being used four times in flashbacks to events that took place in the past, once during a conversation with euron while aeron is defying him, and then three times after he is freed and he can see the sea again
the consistency and frequency of aeron in his own mind thinking of himself as something other than his name reads to me almost like a foil to theon and reek. the identity of the damphair allows aeron to dissociate himself from the burden of his past weaknesses and sins: his pre-drowning frivolity and alcoholism and euron's sexual abuse. for aeron, being damphair is as empowering as being reek is degrading for theon. he is constantly affirming to himself that he is a loyal servant of the drowned god and that this makes him strong. it gives him status and purpose he never had as aeron the boy, who was the youngest and weakest of his brothers. aeron-the-priest cannot be frightened by any mortal man any more than he can be frightened by the dark or by memories. kill the boy to become the man -> drown the boy to become the damphair
(although, of course, when aeron tells himself all this about how god chose him and it makes him strong and special and immune to fear, he is deluding himself. the damphair is haunted incessantly by his brothers. aeron has the tendency to reconcile his lasting fear of euron with his special god-given immunity to such mortal flaws as feeling fear by believing that euron is ungodly/an avatar of the storm god/literally the devil, and therefore not really a mortal man in the same way that balon and victarion are
which is a really interesting parallel to how euron must see himself, what with the whole apotheosis god-king thing he's got going on by twow. in a way, euron is aeron's real god. it is euron's abuse that first connected aeron with faith, and it is faith that aeron uses to cope with and overcome the lasting psychological scars of that abuse and urri's death. aeron doesn't think of euron as a mere flesh and blood human being anymore. he's mythologized the crow's eye in his own mind: euron is not just his abuser, he's a boogeyman, a devil, quite literally the thing that goes bump in the night. and euron knows this, and delights in knowing it and in taking every chance he can to tear down aeron's faith and replace the drowned god with himself as the backbone of aeron's life. which he does not actually succeed in doing, as of the forsaken! aeron keeps his faith like theon keeps his name. it cannot be taken from them)
reek, meanwhile, is not an identity that theon chooses to assume to cope with his trauma. it is forced upon him in the middle of the trauma and he has no choice but to accept it for his own self-preservation. ramsay devastates theon physically: flaying him, starving him, beating him, removing his fingers and toes and teeth and genitals. imprisonment and violence are the tools he uses to take away theon's physical strength to resist him, but reek is how he gets to all the parts of theon that can't be bruised or cut. it's the psychological equivalent of a flaying knife. reek is the weapon he uses to attack theon's identity and sense of self and personhood. though it's important to me to note that those were things theon was already struggling with well before ramsay came on the scene, and that he has an absolutely unbelievably strong will that allows him to retain a degree of his original personality under ramsay and regain his own name later in adwd even after enduring all the torture and abuse. he is a greyjoy of pyke. his name is theon, and if he dies, he will die as theon, not as reek. when he leans into being reek, it is as a means of self-preservation and protection from harm. he basically says as much to jeyne when he tells her to be arya: he believes that serving ramsay and capitulating to his whim is the best way to stay safe. you have to know your name.
ultimately, theon is as relieved to be rid of the name reek as aeron is relieved to see the ocean again at the end of the forsaken. theon's name is a source of pride to him, something that he clings to after he has lost everything else, something that will always be his even after all that has been taken away from him. aeron's name is a source of shame, something that he is reduced to when he feels weak, something that he reverts to when he is powerless at the mercy of his abuser
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ssruis · 3 months
Ruikasa posting that got away from me (again). You guys can’t be mean to me pandemonium is on engsekai in like five days. don’t blame me blame colopale.
Ruikasa is very interesting for me 2 think abt wrt rui and his hang ups bc Rui is very single-minded in going after what interests him - he taught himself robotics/engineering/a million other things, he pursued directing on his own, he would rather stick to his own paths and do what he wants to do instead of do what would make him more palatable to his peers
Rui: I wouldn't be expending my energy on something I don't intend on doing.
Tsukasa: Yes. That's the kind of person you are. You wouldn't be doing something if you didn't really want to...
Rui: right?
(Wonder Halloween)
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(Area dialogue)
I don’t feel like hunting down every instance of kids around him going “we don’t want to play with you because it’s dangerous/we think you’re weird” I think I’ve done that enough times. But my point with those instances is that he valued what he loved over attempting to become someone who would fit in.
Desiring to connect with a person beyond the level of just friendship/wanting to know way more about someone is different than studying & learning a subject though, bc it’s
1) typically a two way street in that it’s reliant on the other person to want to share things and want to connect with you in return
2) also reliant on you not fucking up the relationship, which is pretty easy to do if you come out guns blazing like “hey you fascinate me & I want to know what makes you tick. And also everything else about you.”
Both points being something rui has zero experience with. Which is also why I think he opted to ask other people about tsukasa instead of talking to him directly.
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(Kaito initial 2*)
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(Area conversation)
He’s still very curious about Whatever The Fuck is up with tsukasa tenma but he’s obviously pursuing knowledge a little less intensely/overtly than he does for other stuff
(After talking about movie directing techniques) Director Ohara: … Well, that might not be useful to you as someone who’s aiming to become a stage director.
Rui: …No.
Rui: I’d rather be taught more specific techniques.
Director Ohara: …Huh?
Rui: What I want to create is a show that everyone can enjoy regardless of any limits.
Rui: In order to make that dream come true, I want to learn about direction in all kinds of media.
Director Ohara: …Oh?
Rui: That’s why I want to absorb any ideas and ways of thinking from any field.
Rui: All of the methods you know — please teach them to me.
(Backlight lens flare - TL haruka’s penguin)
All of that to say Rui is very clearly interested in learning more about Tsukasa, but also (imo) very wary of overstepping any social boundaries that would damage their current relationship.
He mentions that he tended to rely on shows to connect to other people around him in Pandemonium -
Rui: I had always thought that I could never properly understand everyone around me.
Rui: As I started doing shows at Wonder Stage with everyone, my way of thinking and feelings began to change.
Rui: Now, I am able to understand and connect with someone without relying on shows, and I’ve come to value the beauty of laughing alongside others.
Rui: that’s why — tsukasa-kun. Thank you for giving me the chance to change.
(Pandemonium - TL tsukasa’s #3 fan)
- which is also the event where he & tsukasa connect more *outside* of shows, and the event that both he and tsukasa acknowledge as an event that made them grow a lot closer. (more recent connect live, wrt them talking abt performing fixer, iirc. I hate to “source: trust me” but we’ve reached my limit for hunting down sources & it’s finding a tweet from forever ago where someone translated what they were talking about)
Anyways. Sorry. I just love that quote & what it says about Rui. I’ll spare you the “directing as a one way street/settling for the closest thing to a connection/laughing *alongside* others instead of providing a show for the audience to laugh at (ensekai if you change that specific sentiment I’ll be so mad)” thoughts. Back to the original point.
It’s interesting to think about how rui’s hang ups wrt friendships and his very intense curiosity/very determined pursuit of knowledge on the subjects that interest him intersect. Like. Before this point, whenever he was interested in something he could just go online and read everything he needed to know and satisfy his curiosity to his heart’s content.
Having to both navigate something completely foreign and pump the brakes on obsessively learning everything he can would be a novel experience for Rui. To say the least. “If I pursue this with as much intensity as I do with any other endeavor I am going to fuck something up (he is suffering)” kind of situation.
Being interested in a *person* is so much different & so much trickier and scarier to navigate. Especially with how much Rui values his relationship to Tsukasa as someone Who Matches His Freak.
and with Rui’s whole “I should be satisfied with what I have and if I’m not then it’s because I’m greedy/selfish” :
Rui: (… Geez, I really lack a backbone. When will the time come when I find myself satisfied with the way things are?)
Rui: (While working to make my dream come true, together with everyone, I will make their dreams come true. A way to do that — let me think of one.)
Rui: (fufu, how greedy of me.)
(Curtain call - TL Arven Oven & tsukasa’s #3 fan)
(Talking abt wanting to keep doing shows with wxs and his actions in OHE) Rui: Now that I think about it, I’ve been pretty selfish.
(World link - TL haruka’s penguin)
I think Rui’s approach to it would be very “I’m asking for more when I already have a great friendship I’m The Most Selfish Person Alive & must never say anything” which, tbf, would be his reaction wrt having feelings for literally anyone, not just tsukasa. However. Since this is a ruikasa post. unfortunately. I will say that what would be exclusive to Tsukasa is “he’s already given me so much and I still want more… I’m The Most Selfish Person Alive & must never say anything.” Rui is dramatic like that.
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autos-ismos · 1 month
i keep anxiously swallowing air and hurting my stomach
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whillowed · 2 years
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thinking about this ... thinking very hard about this .... being driven absolutely mad, feral, kookoo crazy bonkers about this ... ogata doing absolutely everything he did in this entire story just to make it so that first lieutenant tsurumi would have to support HIM. he did everything he did because tsurumi wasn't paying enough attention to HIM!!! ogata i absolutely adore you, you freak
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itsbrucey · 11 months
Need to cement myself as the Darryl Wilson mutual otherwise it'll all have been for nothing
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engagemythrusters · 1 year
the closer and closer we get to Star Wars: Ahsoka, the more and more I realise I am genuinely unexcited for it.
C'mon. We know the caliber of Star Wars live action shows by now. We know damn well the producers are more interested in packaged, processed made-to-please-stockholders shows than actually creating something artful. We know the writing is lazy as shit. We know how piss-poor Ahsoka's design is. (We know Rosario Dawson is a raging transphobe.)
We also know that this is planned to be Rebels Season Five, but is a show about Ahsoka, meaning it's going to fail to be either of those things.
Sure, good things have come from the recent Star Wars shows. But not enough that I'm excited for it. I'm apprehensive and wary, and for good reason. And, clearly, I'm jaded, but for good damn cause.
I hope to high heavens that I'm wrong. I hope this is the quality everyone praises Andor for. I hope it's the quality of Rebels. But the reality is that it likely will not be.
This is culture industry at its finest. And I hate it.
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pine4pple-b0i · 1 year
playing “blessed are the peacemakers” theme as john starts his knew life on the ranch is… interesting.
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hauntingblue · 7 months
#ran out of tags at one and a half episodes...... anyways we coninue with:#episode 898#the dog is right to just run from that shit lmao ajdhaks#btw the bead necklace on the straw doll of hawkins reminds me i still havent figured out why ace wears them.... like i get its spriritual#but past that point..... if someone reads this please do not tell me this is my media analysis homework for one piece#i need to figure this out myseld lmao#also i keep thinking about stand proud and like how to this moment no op opening has surpassed it for me....#maybe the we share the world one in the aspects of boppability but not bangerism for example... and the water 7 one is on par w the epicness#idk i will keep pondering#hawkins just going up and down with his sword ajdhskdj#i forgot about the gorillas akdhaksk#schachi!!!! and bepo and penguin!!!!#AND LAW!!!!!!!!#do we think zoro is just turned around sighing bc otama being sick so young reminds him of kuina......#i feel like he is in catastrophe mode.... we need to go quick cause she is going to die so i will fight and now that she is going to be#cured she is also going to die anyways so he can't even look#zoro saying kiku is big and luffy saying big mom was eveb bigger.... exactly... many such cases of women#otama just you wait till they get you to sanji girl.... also i want her on board.... it's only fair#what are we learning from one piece today: 1) children go hungry 2) famishes are man made#relevant today#this variation on zoro's theme..... banger#when i saw those tights i though okiku revealed herself as maroimo island foreigner and was about to fight lmao#just werid associations my brain makes lmao#episode 900#<- CHRIST#talking tag#watching one piece
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hellsvestibule · 1 year
You see, if my fav does something meme tier funny and -I- reference it, it is with full understanding of all the nuance and depth to this character but when -You- a stranger who I know nothing about references it, you are boiling down a complicated character to a stereotype based on a vague understanding of their most iconic and recognizable moments, hope that helps
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colourmeastonished · 2 years
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humanmorph · 2 years
‘im talking about academics not fandom discourse. i dont even care what you people have to say’ why are you making this post on the fandom discourse website
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luveline · 18 days
Sorry if you’ve done this already, but if you’re taking Spencer Reid requests I would love to see one where his wife is struggling with morning sickness and he takes care of her. He has all the medical facts on deck and is the sweetest. 😊
“Morning sickness is super common.” A hand on your back. “It’s not known what the cause is, but they think it has something to do with low blood sugar.” He rubs your shoulder. Fingers spread, a slow side to side. “Because your hormones are changing rapidly, the body isn’t as efficient in processing your blood sugar.“ 
“Spence,” you say, breathing hard with your face in a toilet bowl, “that doesn’t make me feel any better.” 
“What about if I told you that it’s worse with twins?” 
It’s interesting.
You’re not having the most exciting of pregnancies. Some people get pregnant and feel that connection to the baby instantly, their foetus the size of a strawberry and somehow a whole world. 
So far yours just makes you sick. “I think there’s something wrong with me.” 
“Probably not.” 
Spencer hoists you back from the bowl. He clambers off of his knees to close the lid, flush, and turn to the sink where he washes his hands. You put a hand on the lid, not so sure you’re finished throwing up, but Spencer tends to know. He’s a good guess. 
“Here, dove,” he says softly, offering a face towel wet with warm water. 
He tried to wipe your face down himself last time and you couldn’t hide how much you didn’t want him to do that. He’s kind, and the gesture is sweet, but you’re feeling less human than ever lately. An in depth analysis of your face isn’t in the books for him. 
You hold the towel in both hands and drop your head. 
“Let me help you up.” 
“I’m gonna just live here, actually.”
“I don’t think so. You’re too cute to live on the floor,” Spencer says, not even slightly ironic, “you have to live in bed like every other adorable woman.” 
“I don’t feel adorable.” 
“You wouldn’t. Your organs are moving and your skin is stretching, and the valves in your veins are becoming fatigued.” 
Spencer holds both arms out to you and helps you stand. Your head pulses, forcing you to rest your head against Spencer’s arm for a few seconds while you come around properly. 
“You’ve never been this beautiful, though,” Spencer says softly, “you really do glow.” 
“Thanks,” you say, your laugh muffled in his shirt. 
“It’s because your blood flow has increased all over your body. Maybe. It’s probably just because you’re you and you’re having our baby and…” Spencer lets his head drop gently atop your own. “You know. You’re the loveliest woman I’ve ever met.”
“Even when I’m sick as a dog?” you ask. 
“At all times… you know what I said earlier, about your blood flow? You know what else that causes?” 
You bring your arms up to curl them protectively behind his neck. He takes your waist. “What?” you ask his neck. 
“Your heart doubles in size.” 
“That happened when I met you.” 
“I think being pregnant has made you flirt more,” Spencer says fondly. 
“Nope. Just a side effect of all these certified Reid facts.” You know what he’s doing, distracting you from your nausea with other things. It’s working slowly, and you appreciate the effort. You might not feel a big connection yet to your baby, but you never feel alone.  
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mo0nchhild · 2 years
feeling the urge to permanently delete all of my social media
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azaleatown · 2 months
Imagine you’re an actor and you’ve spent your entire life working shit jobs paying for acting classes moving to LA grinding out auditions and call backs. You slowly work your way into better gigs making career connections with new friends and people you despise. Finally you land yourself a role on a Netflix show. It’s big. You’re over the moon. You don’t care about the director having allegations or your cast mate being a notorious homewrecker/sociopath, you’ve made it. Seven grueling months on set filming, you grow to truly love and hate this business but at least you’re actually in a role you’re proud of and have a performance you’re not ashamed of showing off. You get curious. You wonder what people online are saying. You remember you have an old tumblr account from when you were younger. You decide to check what they think about your show. That’s where the real fans are, no networking, no fake smiles, the real fans who care about the shows and the actors. You log on. Search up the show name and then your own name. You’re excited, a little embarrassed even. Your emotions quickly change however. You’re confused. The only posts about you are terribly written fanfiction where you fall in love with another one of your fellow cast members. It’s the guy who was an anti-vaxer, he brought his kid on to set one day and yelled at his son when he wanted a snack. You feel sick. You keep scrolling. You see one post that’s not like the others. You’re relieved. It’s a real analysis of the show. You’re excited again. Your time has come. You scroll quickly to the part where they mention you. It’s the longest paragraph. You feel loved and seen. Until you notice how none of it is about your character and is about how you the actor are clearly asexual. They are using a hideous photo shoot when you first started as proof. You happen to be wearing the ace flag colors. You look down at the amount of notes on the post. One hundred thirty thousand. You close tumblr.
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toxicanonymity · 1 year
raider masterlist
dark!Joel x f!reader | updated: August 29, 2024: calling him daddy
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moodboard by @milla-frenchy 🖤 a rb will not stay up-to-date.
SUMMARY: He's a bad guy, and you're his good girl. Joel saves you from bad men, but claims you for himself. His persona starts to crack, but he gets even more possessive. You're his world, and he'll do anything to keep you. Emotional slow burn but smut the whole time. WARNINGS: 18+ canon-typical violence, noncon via implicit threat, evolving to enthusiastic dubious consent (stockholm syndrome), depraved use of praise and pet names (sweet pea, baby), unsafe P in V, exhibitionism, extreme possessiveness, dark fluff (🖤), angst, and more. NO USE of Y/N, No physical description of reader.
Spotify: raider, sweet pea (smut) Optional reference: trailer floor plan
Carter masterlist
main story
Note, non-bold links in this section were written out of order and may contain spoilers or references to future events. their placement in this list is based on timeline.
Raider: (Mar 24, 2023) - He "saves" you, then has his way with you but is kinda sweet about it. Joel POV (Oct 3, 1k)
Failed Rescue (Apr 8 - 1.9k) Your bf tries to save you. Joel makes him watch then keeps you.
Stash House (Apr 11 - 850)- Joel takes you to the stash house and shows everyone you're his. Wash Bin 🖤 (Aug 27, 1k) Shooting Practice Drabble(Jul 28, 1.6k)
Failed Escape (Apr 23, 4k)- Joel saves you from FEDRA, bathes you, amd edges you.
J. Miller (May 19, 2k) - Joel labels you with his switchblade and claims all your holes. dark. Can be skipped.
Home (May 29, 1.3k) - Joel makes dinner at home, cleans your chest, and tucks you in. 🖤
Company (Jun 9, 2.2k) - Joel brings home a girl to distract his men. dark. Extra Scene - angst.
Close (Jul 3, 2.7k) - close call with other raiders. You-almost-died sex, and later, tender sex 🖤
Gun Hug (Jul 31, 3.7k) - Joel traps 2 bad guys with some help and kills them while you. . .🖤 If you want him (1.5k) - he holds out to see🖤
Night Air (Aug 30, 3.5k) - Joel is brutal with a bad guy and his POV reveals some feelings. 🖤 Bonus blurb, wakeup pwp drabble
Hunger (Sep 29, 7k) - Joel takes you on a trek, comforts you, kills a guy, and gives you head. 🖤 He's only human (1.1k) - 👱‍♂️Carter POV, overlaps w/ hunger.
Bodies (Dec 3, 7.8k) - Strangers show up and cause a shitstorm, but Joel takes a big step. 🖤 Raider POV
No cliffhangers. Bulletin from Tox
more (drabbles, etc)
🔥 smut
Trying to use him (800) (riding) 🔥
House meeting drabble 🖤
You get sick at night drabble 🖤
He goes down on you (oral f) 🔥
If you touched his scar
if men had hurt you in the past
if you got your period 🖤
magazine and makeup 🖤
yoga pwp drabble piv 1k 🔥
boots drabble (oral f receiving) 🔥
graveyard blurb (spice)
if you bit his arm drabble (p in v) 🔥
If you snapped (emotional spice) 🖤
face sitting on sofa 🔥
being bad, looking good (2.8k, smut) 🔥
Van ride drabble (800) 🖤
sleeping beast (<1k), PWP 🔥
If Joel was sick 🖤
If you were annoying
cutting his hair 🖤
waking up on top 🔥
tired 🖤
waking up on top again 🔥
Sweet pea overhears Joel 🔥
Choking on his dick (600) 🔥
his birthday 🥺
if she called him daddy 🔥
Note: not all content is linked. Asks can lead to lore, snippets, and previews or hints of future plot points, etc. which are not added here.
Headcanons (not written like fic)
If another man has his way (Q&A)
dacryphilia - evolved update (Q&A)
if you had scars or tattoos (Q&A)
👱‍♂️raider carter Qs, face claim (Q&A)
sweet pea by herself
If you sketched Joel and Jack
Apple picking 🖤
Responding to a Nightmare
accidentally hurting her
Analysis (#raider!analysis)
why does he keep her
why did he snap (in Company extra scene)
his eye contact
his affection / feelings, trajectory 🖤
falling for sweet pea
his self hate and her feelings
the dog and joel's concern for you
awareness of growth / why keep her
Raider Tommy
Birds of prey (2.6k)
Art, etc.
Mattress by esquire magazine
Stitches by @not-a-unique-snowflake-blog
collage by @milla-frenchy
lose control edit by @survivingandenduring
🌸 sweet pea mood boards by various
6 month collage by milla-frenchy
6 month cake by not-a-unique-snowflake-blog
🌸 sweet pea cosplay from night air
👱‍♂️carter mood board by @romana-after-dark
pts. 1-3 rb mood boards by @iamasaddie
night air gif by not-a-unique-snowflake-blog
raider/sweet pea collage by milla
sweet pea's pup by @dark-scape
want it that bad gif by @dark-scape
Bodies gif by not-a-unique-snowflake-blog
👱‍♂️carter mood board by milla-frenchy
Then and now drawing by @romana-after-dark
Raider/sweet pea drawings by @lumoverheaven
our stars moodboard by milla
raiding edits by gasolinerainbowpuddles
under the anger by iamasaddie
🎥 Trailer (video) by @carminepoison
birthday sketch by @lumoverheaven
In love w raider by @milla-frenchy
✨ checks that you're ok 🐺 by milla
If I've left yours off please lmk I prob tagged improperly
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Fic recs: other raiders
🖤 If mine or another writer's work has inspired yours, it's always better late than never to share / shout-out 🖤
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