#covid fever dreams so far:
colourmeastonished · 2 years
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insightstaff · 1 year
I have this tradition where I blast my brain with colors when I'm bedridden and Pretty Cure, as a series, does a good job doing that.
That being said: Cure Chocolate is SO gender
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voidsentprinces · 5 months
Look companies may of been hamstrung by COVID but they've never been SO hamstrung they stapled two Ramuh beards to Varis, gave him a cane and then called him "Solus zos Galvus" before putting him at far enough a distance to make him a fever dream.
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rxqueenotd · 7 months
The Verdict- Chapter One
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Pairing: Vincent Renzi x OFC
Warnings: None (as of now)
A/N: I have eleven chapters of this written so far but a slew of changes to make and things to add. In order to not burn myself out, I won’t be posting this on any sort of schedule. None of this has been beta’d and I’m posting in the midst of a covid fever dream so if there’s any mistakes, simply ignore them.
The morning fog hung low over Paris, a delicate shroud that veiled the city in mystery and whispered of stories untold. Among the ancient streets and grand boulevards, a tale was about to unfold—one that would intertwine the lives of two distinctly different souls.
In the heart of the city, Vincent Renzi stood before the towering edifice of the Palais de Justice. His silhouette, a solitary figure against the sprawling architecture, was a testament to the weight he carried. At forty, Vincent had the kind of presence that commanded attention—not just for his refined appearance, but for the intensity that simmered beneath his calm exterior. Today, that intensity was sharper, fueled by the stakes of the case that awaited him inside.
Vincent was not merely a lawyer; he was a defender of justice, a role he embraced with unwavering dedication. The case he was about to undertake was personal, representing his friend Sandra, who had been caught in a nightmare she claimed was a fabrication. Accused of a crime as sensational as it was tragic—pushing her husband out of a window—Sandra's innocence was a truth Vincent held unshakeable.
As he made his way through the corridors of justice, Vincent's thoughts were on the battle ahead. The case was complex, tangled in a web of evidence and emotion, and it demanded not just legal expertise but a deep understanding of human nature. It was a challenge Vincent was ready to face, driven by a conviction that the law, in its purest form, was about protecting the innocent and uncovering the truth.
Meanwhile, thousands of miles away, an ambitious American lawyer was preparing for a journey that would change the course of her career. With a keen interest in international law and a hunger for experience beyond the confines of American courtrooms, she viewed the opportunity to shadow a French lawyer as a doorway to a new world. Little did she know, her path would lead her to Vincent Renzi, and together, they would embark on a journey that would blur the lines between professional collaboration and personal connection.
Paris awaited her with its charm and challenges, a city ripe with history and alive with the promise of adventure. As she packed her bags, she imagined the streets she would walk, the cases she would explore, and the people she would meet. Among those imagined faces was Vincent's, a partner in law she had yet to meet but whose reputation had preceded him.
The stage was set, the players drawn to their marks by fate and ambition. As the American lawyer's plane touched down on French soil, the first chapter of their story began to write itself, against the backdrop of Paris and the looming majesty of the French Alps. Little did they know, their encounter would be a confluence of minds and hearts, a trial of their beliefs and convictions, and a testament to the unexpected paths life can take.
The chambers of Vincent Renzi were a world apart from the skyscrapers and modern glass facades that the American lawyer, Leah Bardin, was accustomed to. Nestled in a historic building whose stones whispered tales of centuries past, the office was a reflection of Paris itself—timeless, elegant, and steeped in stories waiting to be told.
Leah stepped inside, her senses immediately enveloped by the rich aroma of aged books and the subtle hint of espresso—a stark contrast to the sterile bustle of her New York firm. She was greeted by walls lined with volumes of legal tomes, certificates of commendation, and an array of photographs capturing moments of triumph and camaraderie.
At the heart of this sanctuary stood Vincent, his back to the door, engrossed in a mountain of case files that sprawled across his desk. The morning light streamed through the window, casting him in a silhouette that accentuated the deliberation in his posture.
Hearing the soft click of the door, Vincent turned, his gaze meeting Leah’s for the first time. In that moment, an unspoken assessment passed between them—a lawyer's instinctive evaluation of an opponent, colleague, and unknown entity all at once.
"Mademoiselle Bardin, I presume?" Vincent's voice broke the silence, his English tinged with the melodious accent of his homeland.
Leah extended her hand, the firmness of her grip belying the flutter of anticipation she felt. "Leah Bardin. It's an honor to meet you, Monsieur Renzi."
Vincent's study of Leah was brief but thorough. Despite his initial reservations about allowing an American lawyer to shadow him, he couldn't deny the determination that shone in her eyes. It was a look he recognized—a reflection of his own passion for the law.
"Please, call me Vincent. 'Monsieur Renzi' makes me feel like one of those ancient tomes on the shelf," he said, a hint of humor softening his features. "I understand you're here to learn about international law, but I must warn you, the case we're embarking on is not for the faint of heart."
Leah’s response was immediate, her resolve clear. "I didn't come all this way for an easy lesson. I'm here to learn, to contribute in any way I can."
Vincent regarded her for a moment longer, then nodded, the initial barrier of formality giving way to a burgeoning respect. "Very well. Let's get to work."
As they delved into the details of Sandra's case, Vincent was surprised by Leah’s insightful questions and her quick grasp of the complexities involved. Leah, in turn, was captivated by Vincent's depth of knowledge and his passionate advocacy for his friend.
Their first meeting, initially marked by caution, evolved into a dynamic exchange of ideas and theories. It was clear that despite their different backgrounds, they shared a common dedication to justice. As the day wore on, the foundation of an unexpected alliance was laid, their mutual respect a testament to the potential of their collaboration.
As Leah left Vincent's office that evening, the streets of Paris bathed in the golden hue of sunset, she felt an exhilarating sense of purpose. And for Vincent, watching her silhouette disappear into the maze of the city, there was an acknowledgment, however grudging, that Leah Bardin might just be the ally he needed in the battle ahead.
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Sickfic Recs
I'm down for the count with Covid after avoiding it for three years, and thus have been reading/rereading some sickfics that have brought me comfort. I figured while I was at it, I may as well make a list of a few of my favorites, in case anyone else was in need of the same!
In no particular order:
1. A Tree of Life by aknightofthe7kingdoms
Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life. Proverbs 13:12 Crowley was certain that he wasn’t ill. He just wasn’t feeling...quite well.
2. La Grippe by LadyWallace
Summary: Aziraphale had watched it take too many lives already, he wasn't going to let it take his friend too. It was lucky then that he just happened to stumble across that deserted barn somewhere in the green fields of France. Sick!Crowley Historical backstory
3. Helped By Angels Unawares by Sodium_Azide
Summary: In the late middle ages, Aziraphale stumbles across a human tragedy that has somehow also affected his demonic adversary, and abruptly understands much more about what he is willing to do for the sake of the Serpent of Eden.
4. Fever Dreams by Lady of Prompts (Aethelflaed)
Angels don’t get sick. They can, however, burn through enough of their grace that their corporations begin to malfunction. This happens to Aziraphale far more often than to other angels. Aziraphale gets a fever and Crowley takes care of him!
5. A Matter of Opportunity by PinkPenguinParade
The pain danced sharp and angry, lit up ragged nerves. Pulled him on, toward that fuzzy promise of rest. Fifteen feet, maybe? He could do fifteen feet. Could do fifteen feet standing on his head, right?Seven feet.
He reached out for the door and slapped it once, twice, the wood pulsing against his skinned hands.
6. Such Selfish Prayers by spargelseason
Crowley, while still apparently comatose, had somehow managed to wrap himself so thoroughly around Aziraphale on their way up, that any attempt at dropping him onto the mattress without being pulled down as well proved futile.
And hence, quite defeated, Aziraphale found himself lying in a warm tangle of Crowley and blankets. He felt a little stunned.
7. The Words We Say by QixxiQ
Summary: Aziraphale calls Crowley a plague rat one time and it kinda messes him up for roughly 300 years.
8. In Sickness And In Hell by entanglednow
Summary: Crowley picks up something unpleasant while mingling in Hell, and is determined that Aziraphale not see him while he's sick.
9. Temper by TeaCub90
‘Angel, I told you not to fuss,’ Crowley croaks, somewhere underneath the blankets – and then he emerges, all tousled hair and black vest, looking both three shades paler than usual and more than a little annoyed at the absolute audacity of the angel for bringing him a hot drink.
‘It’s no bother,’ Aziraphale bats away his irritation, ‘this should be better for you, especially after you threw the Lemsip at the wall. And the hot Ribena.’
10. And In Health by Kalimyre
One of the many ways Hell is awful is the demon flu that is always going around the office. Crowley comes down with it, and this time he allows Aziraphale to help.
Indulgent, soft fluffy fic, because Crowley deserves to be taken care of sometimes.
+1 Bonus self rec (cause I'm learning how to get better at doing that)
Our Side by theshoparoundthecorner
Aziraphale gets sick. He doesn't know how, and it really shouldn't be possible, but he does and unfortunately there's nothing he can do about it. When he decides he has to cancel his plans to see Crowley, Crowley insists he come over to the bookshop with soup. When he arrives, he looks worse than Aziraphale.
Cue a mysteriously sick Angel and a mysteriously sick Demon, taking care of each other in a London Soho bookshop, drinking tea, eating soup, and having an oddly easy time of it.
Well, at least for the first forty-five minutes.
In which Crowley and Aziraphale see each other at their worst, love each other for it all the more, and learn that being on your own side isn't so bad after all.
Those ten are just a few of my favorites, and I have more that I've been reading and bookmarking, so I might do a second rec soon! Meanwhile, if anyone else has any good omens sickfic recs they want to make (or self recs!!), feel free to do so in the reblogs or comments!
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stormseattle · 4 months
Mentioned I was working on something, this isn't that. But here are some fun facts I found while digging through the WNBA website and doing far too much math!
Years of experience DO count years where a player played on hardship contracts, but NOT a year where a player played no minutes in the W.
The Wings have the most rookies of any current team with 5 (Jaelyn Brown, Lou Lopez Senechal, Jacy Sheldon, Stephanie Soares, and Sevgi Uzun)
To go along with that, the Wings have the least years of experience between all of their players---35 years between them. The Fever is second-last with 38.
The team with the MOST experience is the Sun with 71 years total (thanks to the vets that Alexis Morris wanted to 'hang it up')
The Sky have half of all 4th year players in the league currently
Alysha Clark is the only 12th year player, Courtney Vandersloot is the only 14th year player, DeWanna Bonner is the only 15th year player, and Diana Taurasi is of course the only 20th (!!) year player
Much more detailed info & stats (plus a couple of my observations) under the cut bc I don't need to be the WNBA color of the sky post
Most experienced player on each team:
Mercury: Diana Taurasi (19 years of experience)
Sun: DeWanna Bonner (14)
Liberty: Courtney Vandersloot (13)
Dream: Tina Charles (12)
Storm: Nneka Ogwumike (12)
Aces: Alysha Clark (11)
Lynx: Kayla McBride (10)
Sparks: Layshia Clarendon (10)
Mystics: Stefanie Dolson (10)
Wings: Natasha Howard (10)
Sky: Elizabeth Williams (9)
Fever: Damiras Dantas & Erica Wheeler (both 8)
Total Experience Years:
Storm: 56
Dream: 60
Sky : 46
Sun: 71
Fever: 38
Liberty: 52
Mystics: 48
Wings: 35
Aces: 65
Sparks: 46
Lynx: 45
Mercury: 65
Most of each experience group:
Most Rookies: Wings (5)
Most 2nd Year Players: Lynx (4)
Most 3rd Year Players: Dream, Fever, Mystics (3)
Most 4th Year Players: Sky (3)
Most 5th Year Players: Liberty, Wings (2)
Most 6th Year Players: Aces, Lynx (4)
Most 7th Year Players: Sky, Mystics, Sparks (2)
Most 8th Year Players: Dream, Sun, Liberty, Mystics (2)
Most 9th Year Players: Mercury (3)
Most 10th Year Players: Storm, Aces (2)
Number of players in each experience group:
Rooks: 20
2nd Year: 20
3rd Year: 16
4th Year: 6
5th Year: 8
6th Year: 18
7th Year: 12
8th Year: 9
9th Year: 12
10th Year: 7
11th Year: 6
12th Year: 1 (Alysha Clark)
13th Year: 2 (Nneka Ogwumike, Tina Charles)
14th Year: 1 (Courtney Vandersloot)
15th Year: 1 (DeWanna Bonner)
20th Year: 1 (Diana Taurasi)
I'm hypothesizing the drop for 4th year and 5th year players is because of COVID. It's interesting that there's the same number of 4th year players and 11th year players.
The Lucky Covid 4th Year WNBA Survivors:
Chennedy Carter (Sky)
Dana Evans (Sky)
Michaela Onyenwere (Sky)
DiJonai Carrington (Sun)
Temi Fagbenle* (Fever)
Aari McDonald (Sparks)
*Temi wasn't drafted in 2020 or 2021, but she does have 3 years of experience so she's part of this category. She was drafted 35th overall in the 2016 draft.
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jawritter · 2 years
Something About Fate...
Chapter 3
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Summary:  Y/N has been homeless and living on the streets of Dallas, Texas since the start of Covid. Until one day, a handsome, green eyes strange notices her and turns her whole world upside down.
Warning: Jensen’s friends aren’t too sure he’s done the right thing by taking Y/N in, meanwhile, Jensen seems to have some conflicting feelings of his own...
Pairing: Jensen Ackles x Reader (eventually).
Word Count: 2k
A/N: This series is completely unbeta’d, so all mistakes are mine! This series will contain mature content eventually, and therefore is unsuitable for persons under 18 years of age! Anyone under the age of 18 will be blocked for my blog! Thanks so much for reading! I hope you all enjoy this series!
Main Masterlist                  Series Masterlist
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Y/N’s POV: 
Jensen had absolutely refused to let Y/N take the couch that night. He insisted that the king-sized bed was more than large enough for the both of them. She was pretty sure he was far too tall to fit the couch anyway, and honestly, it looked extremely thin and uncomfortable as hotel couches tend to look. It didn’t help that it didn’t have a pull-out mattress either, which most hotel rooms with a couch did. It was very clear that when Jensen’s flight got delayed, they literally threw him in the first available room. 
Still, even though she was ‘safe’, or appeared to be safe, warm, her head on a pillow that was strangely too soft for her, and her stiff and sore body wrapped in a pile of blankets and covers while she lay on the pillowtop mattress underneath her, still did not come easy. 
Long after the ice cream had been eaten, and Jensen had fallen peacefully asleep just on the other side of the bed, she’d stayed awake, staring at the television that still played low in the corner, or the wall, or the window, or the ceiling; her mind running a thousand miles a minute. 
It didn’t feel real. Even though she’d spent the evening talking to Jensen, the pair of them telling one another about their lives so far, and even though she could feel the occasional movement of his body next to hers, she didn’t understand who this could be happening, and it was not some sort of fever dream. Surely, she must be dying, and that’s why she’s seeing this, it’s all a hallucination… But then again, if it really wasn’t real, why did it FEEL so real? Cause it sure as hell all felt very, VERY real.
She didn’t really know what time she finally fell asleep, but the first thing she heard was whispering when she started to slowly wake. At first, she thought she was dreaming it, until her sleep fogged brain started to clear slowly, and the things they were saying started to come into focus. As wrong as it was, Y/N still had a few trust issues, rightfully so, so she did what anyone in her shoes would do, and that was pretend to be asleep, and listened to the conversation that seemed to be happening in the direction of the kitchen. 
“Don’t Jensen me Jared,” Jensen whispered angrily at his friend. “I’ve made up my mind, and you’re not changing it. She’s living and working for me now, there’s no way in hell I’m sending that girl back out onto the streets!”
“I’m not saying send her back out there, but maybe take her to a homeless shelter or something, don’t just bring in some random girl off the street and hire her, move her into your home with you—dude, what if she’s some sort of addict or something! You don’t know if she’s feeding you the truth, or what she thinks you want to hear in order to keep her ass where you are buying her shit!” Jared argued. 
Y/N couldn’t even be mad about Jared’s viewpoint because that’s what any self respecting, normal person would think when it came to homeless people, and just taking strangers in off of the street. Even though she was none of those things Jared thought she was, she’d grown a little too used to the stigma apparently. She wasn’t even shocked that it was the taller man’s viewpoint, what did shock her is that it never seemed to be Jensen’s at all, and that was just odd to her. 
“I’m not taking Y/N to a shelter Jared, it’s not gonna happen,” Jensen fired back through what sounded like gritted teeth. “You can just fuck right off with that shit! She’s not some crackhead dude! She’s just someone that got dealt a bad hand, and honestly, she deserves a fucking chance! I can give her that, besides, I need the fucking help in case you haven’t noticed lately!”
“Jensen,” a female voice butted in from somewhere else in the room, Y/N assumed it was the same girl that was with the trio last night. “I agree with you, the girl definitely deserves a chance, but I wouldn’t just go and hand her my credit card information.”
Jensen let out a long, deep breath and for a moment, fear struck a chord in her that they might have convinced Jensen to turn her back out again, but it was quickly dampened down when Jensen finally broke the silence in the room. 
“I didn’t plan on just giving her my credit card information. The only thing we’ve got lined up for a few months on my end is a few cons, which are already booked and taken care of by Creation. I don’t have to do much work. It gives me time to get to know her, and also train her for what I might need her to do. I’m not an idiot.”
“I never said that you were an idiot,” she corrected him. “Like I said, I’m all behind what you are doing, I just merely said to be cautious until you get to know her as a person. You can’t trust everyone you meet; you know that. I know you will make the right decision. Right now, what you and everyone involved needs to focus on is getting the girl some clothes.”
“About that,” Jensen voiced suddenly, and Y/N’s heart rate quickened as his distinctive footsteps approached the nightstand next to his side of the bed. “I went through her clothing this morning, and these are the sizes that were on them. I assumed you might be better at this than I am, so I was going to see if I could get you to run down the street and get her some… you know… essentials that she would need, underwear, shirts, pants, pj’s, socks, shoes, cause all she has is that bag in there.”
“No problem,” she said, “I will just drop it off at the door when I get them back here, it shouldn’t take me too long. There’s no getting out of here for us for the next few days.”
“Thanks, and if you can, keep this between the three of us if that’s okay? I don’t want people swarming the room to try and get pictures of her, of a bunch of dicks on social media being dicks,” Jensen said, and Y/N heard a pair of mumbled agreements as the pair of them made their way out of the door, leaving Y/N once again alone in the room. 
She had a choice then, she could either pretend she was still asleep, or get up and face the music, because as the woman had stated, there was no leaving for the next few days, she assumed it was too cold for any planes to take off. 
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Jensen’s POV:
Jensen’s gaze shifted over the pile of covers that was Y/N and sighed heavily as he let his tired body drop heavily onto the couch he’d wandered over to. 
Drained, he was so fucking drained. That conversation felt more like a marathon than it probably should have, and even though he’d just gotten out of bed, he felt completely exhausted, as if he hadn’t slept one bit. 
He prayed that Y/N hadn’t heard what Jared had said, because if she had, he was gonna kick his ass. 
It wasn’t that Jared had made some pretty valid points; Jensen could absolutely understand what his friend was saying. It wasn’t like what he was doing was conventional, he knew that. He also knew that he couldn’t trust everyone. Hell, he’d been in the industry long enough to have figured that out the hard way. 
Still, when he saw her sitting there alone, cold, and hungry, there was no doubt in his mind that she was absolutely not going back out on the streets. His heart ached in his chest just thinking about the state he found her in, and that surprised even him. He hadn’t really felt something like that in a long, long time. But this, whatever it was, was deeper than a passing connection with a stranger, or pity felt for someone in need. This was like a heavy punch to the gut, the kind that brings a man down to his knees. He’d venture to even say it was Earth shattering. 
Part of him was terrified. Well, he was terrified of a few things actually. First being why the hell did he have these… feelings… if they could be called that, towards a virtual stranger. Second, and probably one of the most important hang ups he was having at that moment, was what was going to be the reaction of the public if word got out? Surely, word was going to get out, that’s just the law of the jungle. 
His fear wasn’t that people would talk about him, people talk about him all the damn time. No, it was that people would attack her. The general public could be cruel, and he was horrified at what they might do to her or say to her. She’d been through enough, she didn’t deserve their crap too.
Then there was thing three that seemed to be bothering him, the overwhelming, somewhat unnatural need to protect her. 
Jensen was a shy person, admittedly, but he also had a bit of a take-charge, somewhat protective personality, but never like this. He was pretty sure he’d throw himself in front of a moving vehicle for this girl. That scared the absolute shit out of him. 
Jensen’s gaze drifted back to the pile of covers that Y/N was under, and he swallowed the lump that had taken up residence in his throat as he watched the covers shift a little. He knew she’d be waking up soon, so he grabbed the menu that sat on the sofa next to him that room service had left him yesterday, and started mindlessly thumbing through it, preparing to place an order so that some food would be here when she got up. 
She was so thin, she needed to eat something. She probably needed to see a doctor too, because fuck if he knew the last time she’d actually seen a doctor. That one might be harder to get across without sounding like a freak. 
God she probably thought he was some sick pervert already. God only knows what’s happened to her, what she’s been through, he really needed to be more careful around her. He didn’t want to scare her away from him. 
Jensen pinched the bridge of his nose, suddenly unable to focus on the menu in his hand as a host of horrible scenarios swirled their way around in his head. So he reminded himself what he told her last night. One step at a time. Getting to know one another was step one. 
Maybe in the process, he could figure out why he was so damn attached to the girl already, and answer a few of his own questions.
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Jensen and Dean’s Babes
SAF tag list
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novy2sirius · 4 months
thats why i hate social media ik the irony of saying that online but ppl have normalised social media reliance so its not like we can escape it anymore.
i used to follow many tarot blogs but a lot of them either kept giving snarky replies or generic rudeness that or anons would keep overreacting to other anons and it felt more pointless than anything tbh, even if the question was quite reasonable and inoffensive or polite. that or tarot blogs i liked have been deleted due to some not nice reason or other (drama usually).
if time machines exist please can i take one? theres a few nice blogs but theyre harder to come by these days it just seems to be about popularity than actual decent interactions online for anything. every site has either turned into a pile of horseshit to use or its become that way overtime. i just want society to be somewhat normal again cause this feels like some bad fever dream that we have had to experience so far and no ones woken up from it. yet every time shit just seems to be getting weirder and weirder, im torn between being so bored of modern day society and needing something to read or watch constantly so i dont die of sheer boredom yet not caring deep enough for half the stuff online bc its so flipping boring with a capital B. its like nothing can be truly lively or joyful anymore bc the internet sucks the joy out of it, that or things often seem to be taken too literally or seriously.
u r so right. i feel like the covid lockdown is a huge part of the toxic change that was made on social media within the past 5 ish years. ppl were in their houses for so long they got bored and became these insanely judgmental and critical ppl. sure there was already toxic ppl, that’s life, but now it’s become 10x worse than it’s literally ever been before. i didn’t intend to say i hated the entire astro community tho. there’s nice ppl. the more popular ones tend to be meaner tho. no different than school
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moonshine-nightlight · 10 months
it's so fun that you post the final chapter of Nothing's Wrong With Dale exactly one month before it's 2nd birthday 🎉
also, over 155k words is crazy, well done, and thank you for giving this to us for free ❤️
i cant believe its been almost two years !! ridiculous lol its the longest thing i've written and i'm super proud of it :D
i've been turning over this idea and this story and these characters since i read that prompt and it all came to me in a COVID fever dream lol
as a bonus, see below for the first written record of NWWD
thanks so much for reading and sending in this ask ❤️
this is the first text i sent to my friend Dec 27, 2021 while I had COVID that are the first Nothing's Wrong with Dale written record lol (i had to scroll back so far to find these)
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mariacallous · 6 months
The past few weeks have been a fever dream for the online conspiracy world. Wild claims about Kate Middleton, the Princess of Wales, went from fringe corners of the internet to mainstream social media platforms, and people who don’t usually dabble in conspiracies found themselves leading the charge. Basically, the whole world fell down the rabbit hole.
WIRED talked to researchers, TikTok creators, and experts on conspiracies about what exactly happened, and how so many people so willingly threw themselves into the story. It was the perfect storm: A combination of gamified social platforms, distrust in media and government, unprecedented levels of conspiratorial thinking, and even a bot influence campaign on social media all played a part. Even now, following Middleton’s announcement that she has been diagnosed with cancer, the conspiracies have continued.
Until Friday, Middleton was last seen in public on Christmas Day. Kensington Palace later announced that she was undergoing an abdominal surgery and said Middleton was in the hospital for two weeks before returning home to recover. Conspiracies surrounding Middleton’s whereabouts had been bubbling online since early January, but they became mainstream after the palace issued a doctored photo that was retracted by AP, Reuters, and other agencies. “They were dishonest, and then they put out at least one doctored photo. So of course, at that point, they're gonna lose all credibility,” Melissa Ryan, a disinformation researcher, tells WIRED.
It seemed like the whole internet quickly became obsessed with figuring out what happened.
On social media platforms, videos discussing this issue exploded. TikTok investigators and content creators, along with their huge fanbases, obsessed over dimples on grainy photographs, images of hands, and AI-enhanced pictures. Creators who don’t typically post about royals jumped on the bandwagon because of the level of engagement this topic was receiving. These conspiracies were also able to thrive because of the unwillingness of the royal family to speak openly about what was happening, creating a void which was quickly filled by everyone from TikTok creators to blue check grifters on X and died-in-the-wool conspiracists on Telegram.
“The topic is an ideal mainstream conspiracy theory: It's low stakes, easy to obsess over, and endlessly iterative,” Caro Claire Burke, a journalist and TikTok creator based in Virginia, tells WIRED. “There's no easier build-your-own-adventure story than the one that can be built around a woman who is simultaneously famous and unknown. She's a perfect lightning rod for this kind of obsession.” Burke, who is a producer with Katie Couric Media, recently switched from posting about tradwives to Kate Middleton; she’s seen huge engagement on these posts, including several videos which racked up more than 2.5 million views each, and one which has been viewed more than 6 million times—much more than any of her previous videos.
While the volume of conspiracy content around Middleton has dramatically decreased since her statement was released on Friday, it has far from disappeared entirely. On Telegram channels and X over the weekend, conspiracies claiming that Middleton’s video statement was AI-generated spread quickly, while others claimed that her cancer was caused by the Covid vaccine which she was photographed getting in 2021.
But influencers looking for likes and clicks made up just one aspect of this perfect conspiracy storm.
WIRED found that Middleton conspiracies were being amplified by networks of bot accounts on X, with one comment posted by thousands of accounts. The comment referred to a conspiracy about a video published in The Sun of Prince William and Middleton walking at a farm shop. “Why do these big media channels want to make us believe these are Kate and William?” read the posts.
Joe Ondrak, regional investigations lead with Logically, a company that uses AI to track conspiracies and disinformation online, also discovered the same comment being shared on other social media platforms, as well as message boards and much darker conspiracy corners of the internet. Ondrak has not been able to identify who was behind the campaign, but said it could be a “bot farm for hire,” which is a company that sells services to push whatever disinformation narrative you desire on social media platforms. While most of the X accounts spreading this message are based in the UK, the ones with the highest reach are based in India.
The campaign, Ondrak believes, could have been undergone, in part, to “undermine trust in mainstream media sources.”
In the US, trust in mainstream media and government is at all time lows, meaning that these kinds of comments or explanations can be eagerly accepted and shared. A Gallup poll published last year found that 39 percent of Americans had no confidence at all in the mainstream media, a record high. Months earlier, a survey published by the Center for Countering Digital Hate found that 49 percent of Americans agree with four or more conspiracy statements related to topics like antisemitism, vaccines, climate change, and white supremacy. That figure dramatically increases to 69 percent among US teens.
“Conspiracy frameworks and the conspiracy mindset are more readily present in the cultural mindset now than it was pre-2020,” Ondrak says. “The way in which Covid [conspiracies] led to the Great Reset and led to everyone knowing someone in their family who has referenced it or shared things on Facebook—it's now just much more present.”
The British royal family is a topic that has been at the center of the conspiracy universe for decades, from wild claims that they are lizard people to QAnon’s claims about Princess Diana still being alive. The palace is also a subject of intense scrutiny from the media across the globe, meaning that audiences have been primed for years to engage with this story.
“There is no weirder Twitter than people who either love or hate the royal family, and the battle that plays out online every day,” says Ryan. “I follow it just because I've written about Meghan Markle and the hate targeting her so much. So there was already an audience sort of primed for this content.”
Now, experts who track how people are radicalized into more troubling conspiracies by seemingly benign ones worry that some of those who were captivated by the Middleton speculation in recent weeks could now find themselves obsessed with other conspiracy communities.
“I see a lot are having fun with it, but as with many conspiracy theories there's an extremity scale here,” says Brent Lee, a former conspiracist who now works to help people escape the rabbit hole. “This sliding scale always runs the risk of losing people to the extremities of the rabbit hole. It depends how far people are willing to go.”
Ondrak believes that the lack of trust in institutions and government means more and more people are susceptible to this type of thinking.
“We've seen in the past the true crime community getting far too into things that lead to Satanic Panic, and then true crime becomes QAnon.” says Ondrak. “There is always the risk that one or two people might accidentally find themselves on an on-ramp and not be able to get off.”
Still, it may not necessarily lead to anything. Since Middleton’s cancer announcement, backlash against Burke and creators has been swift.
“I genuinely did not think that people would turn this story into what they turned it into, which was that a young woman, a young mother of three, had been bullied into revealing a medical diagnosis and we should all be ashamed,” Burke said on a podcast on Sunday. “On Instagram in particular, and TikTok, I received a sudden rushing wave of profound vitriol.”
Other creators believe some, however, deserve the blame. “I do think there are a handful of creators who took advantage of the hype, spread horrible theories, and made bold claims without any fact to back it up,” says a TikTok creator known as Alyssa R from Illinois. Alyssa R has 115,000 followers, and her videos on Middleton amassed hundreds of thousands of views. “Those creators absolutely should feel ashamed for partaking in spreading misinformation and potentially putting pressure on the Princess to reveal her diagnosis.”
Ashamed or not, these creators could have inadvertently sent some of their new followers down a conspiracy rabbit hole that could be difficult to escape from. Lee says that for those teetering on the edge of looking into more extreme conspiracies, it’s important to ask basic questions: How likely is this to be true? How many people would have to be involved to pull off this conspiracy? How many people would have to be involved in covering up this conspiracy? And have I jumped to conclusions because there is a gap in my knowledge?
“It's so easy to get caught up in the hype of the rumor mill,” Lee says. “It's nothing strange or new. It's what we do. I believe the genesis of almost every conspiracy theory is gossip. My advice to anyone, be they prone to conspiracy theories or not, is to stop and think for a minute. Occam's razor is your friend. Ask yourself these questions and see if you can find easy logical answers without making assumptions.”
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spookysalem13 · 9 months
I'm home from work, infected with covid-19, yet again. As an immune compromised person, I'm starting to think covid is in love with me. This is my third infection this year alone.
I'm at the point in my infection where I'm getting worse. The old phrase "it gets worse before it gets better" comes to mind whenever I have covid.
I feel like it starts off mediocre, then you start to feel it and you're like "man this sucks"! That's when covid laughs and hits your harder.
I'm at the stage where my ears are half way plugged. It's becoming increasingly difficult to hear anything. I can't smell anymore, but I can still taste. Though taste is numbed. Nothing is like so delicious anymore it stands out. Everything kind of tastes just average.
My lungs have been burning for days now. But I haven't had a cough until today. Considering I still barely have a cough, that tells me it's still going to get worse.
My fever is so bad I'm drenched in sweat! I continuously randomly fall asleep at the drop of a hat. Due to my fever I'm having fever dreams. Shaking in my sleep even.
This isn't fun, I'm struggling with this infection. My immune system is having a rough time kicking it out.
Once again, they've put me on Paxlovid. The medication used in treating high risk patients, such as myself, for covid-19.
I'm writing all of this, even if no one reads it. Because I personally like to look back at where I was during certain times. Also, for those who do read, and are a part of my spooky community here on tumblr, just know you can probably expect me to posting more this upcoming week, as I will be stuck in bed.
And finally, because I am immune compromised. I have multiple autoimmune diseases as well as a ton of other chronic health conditions. It personally upsets me when people talk about how the pandemic is so called "over" or how covid is "irrelevant" now.
That is so far from the truth. In fact, covid is worse now than it ever was when we were on lockdown. The virus is also stronger now. It's learning to beat our vaccines. Which is why new ones keep immerging.
It's a deadly virus that's constantly mutating, it spreads at a rapid rate, especially during this time of year.
I tell you how my body is handling the virus, even before it hits its peak, so hopefully some more people can understand why this virus is dangerous. Why we must protect the vulnerable like myself. And even everyone for that matter.
One single covid-19 infection leaves life long health implications. We're already seeing it play out.
This virus was supposed to be far more complex than we understand. Please don't take it lightly and don't make jokes. Please take precautions when out in public and remember. The pandemic isn't over.
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ladybugjournal · 2 months
I'm not giving up. I'm just moving on.
3 August 2024
TW: talk of mental illness (a brief non descriptive and non explicit mention of an attempt on one's life)
I'm not giving up. I'm just moving on.
I have to keep reminding myself that I'm not giving up. Taking myself out of a bad situation, leaving a place I don't feel safe in, and moving towards a new goal does not mean I'm giving up on what I currently have. What I have is over. It's done.
That chapter is completed.
18 year old me made a plan and set certain goals. Along the way, that plan changed (mainly because of covid) but I adapted, changed the plan, made new goals. Still, I did what I set out to do. I graduated my first choice college with honors, made two short films (and worked on a many others), I got a job and have been working there for more than five years now, I made friends, I went to parties (I have never really been a party person so this was a big goal of mine. My mother even wanted me to go to parties lol), I went on dates, I went on adventures, and I grew up.
I don't regret this last chapter. Not at all. Honestly, I wouldn't change any of it. It's weird to say that because a lot of it has been shitty and I had more mental breakdowns than was healthy, but I made it through. I learned, I grew, I became me.
This last chapter of my life has been a dream. Some of it a nightmare, honestly, a lot of it was a nightmare, but still, a dream. A fever dream, really.
In 2018, I was 18 years old. I moved 1100 miles from home, alone, to a place I knew no one. I moved in with a stranger (my first roommate), I got my first job (that wasn't a summer job as a camp councilor), I got in my first fender bender (it wasn't my fault), I went on my first date after breaking up with my longterm high school boyfriend. I went to classes, had a 4.0, and I survived.
I survived moving (with that same first roommate) because our school fucked up and had to put us in with another roommate (this one wasn't good and though we only cohabitated for 3 months it was far too long). I made more friends and lost friends. I moved again with my first roommate.
It's important to note that each move was a downgrade by the school. My first roommate and I went from having separate rooms in a 2 bed 2 bath with a full kitchen, living room, and dining room. To sharing a room and bathroom and walk in closet in the second 2 bed 2 bath apartment across the living room from our other (unstable) roommate. To living on a first floor studio apartment we called "the concrete box" that had barely half a kitchen, a rod between 2 broken shelves for a closet, a bathroom we shared with our neighbor we never met (with a shower that would flood from the drain and spill into our room), where the fire alarms would go off almost every night at 2 - 4 AM. We were there when covid started which was great because we had bunkbeds and couldn't quarantine from each other if we needed to (luckily we didn't need to).
I took a break and moved back in with my parents when Covid got really bad. I did zoom classes from my parents living room while my mother worked from home from the kitchen table and my father worked from home from the kitchen island. I got drunk a lot, hung out with my high school friends when I could. It honestly wasn't horrible for me. I'm lucky to have been able to do that.
When I had to go back, I ended up moving into a 4 bedroom 2 bath apartment. There were 5 of us. I shared a room with my friend from college/work and everyone else had their own room. It wasn't horrible. Not really. Not always. I was closer with two of my roommates, but really only friends with the one I shared my room with at first. Three of us worked together, which was nice except it was covid times and one of our little trio always thought they were sick so the other two of us were forced to isolate. The other two roommates were not great, they fought like children, screaming at each other and throwing fits. One of them continuously threatened to hit me, which I did not enjoy. But I was trying to make the most of it and just get through zoom university.
One night, one of the two outside of the trio tried to take their own life. I won't go into details, not now, maybe not ever, but I had to fix it. I was asked to "fix it". I called dispatch, I talked to the paramedics, I had to keep myself held together even when I felt like I was going to vibrate out of my own skin. But, even in what could possibly be one of the most traumatic nights of my life, I still have fond memories. I played tag in the parking lot with my friend. We were distracting ourselves, grounding ourselves, trying to keep our shit together and do something, anything, that would keep us from spiraling.
Even now, years later. Even now that I'm no longer close with that friend and I don't talk to that roommate ever since we had to kick them out. Even now, I look back on that night and even though it's so dark and so horrible, even though it still makes me sick to my stomach. I still smile when I think of playing tag in the parking lot. I still laugh thinking about sitting outside of the diner at 2 am, freezing while cupping my coffee, while I distracted everyone by telling stupid stories and quizzing them on random kids movies. Those moments are light. They're special. They wouldn't have happened if it wasn't peak pandemic when the ER wouldn't let anyone sit in the waiting room, or when the diner only had outside seating.
It was horrible and I was in therapy over it for a long time, but still, I wouldn't change it.
I wouldn't change moving out in a rush because we had to break our lease. I wouldn't change our downstairs neighbor who was paranoid and horrible and threatened to have her grown children beat us, and who called the cops on us while we were sleeping for "rolling bowling balls". I wouldn't change getting sick. I wouldn't change knowing something was wrong between be and my trio but having them lie to me every time I asked. I wouldn't change feeling like I was going crazy for over a year because of their lies and their mind games.
I wouldn't change any of that because I learned the truth. I learned the truth after another horrible night where I felt rage for the first time in years. I wouldn't change finding myself once I learned the truth and realized that two people I thought were my best friends were actually not my friends at all. I wouldn't change any of that because it made me find myself.
I wouldn't change any of the bad, because then I wouldn't have any of the good.
I wouldn't have the friendship I have with my very first roommate. I wouldn't have all the memories. I wouldn't have my cat, my baby boy, I rescued from that first 4 bedroom apartment. I wouldn't know I can pack all my shit and move within a week (I had to do this twice). I wouldn't be confident that no matter what happens, I can stay calm in a crisis. I wouldn't know that I can move out on my own, completely alone (or with my cat) and still be fine.
I wouldn't be me without the good and the bad.
I wouldn't go back and change the 1-2 hour commute to campus when my school moved in my senior year. Because of that, I really don't care how long it takes me to get somewhere, anything is better than a 45 minute drive turning into a 2 hour drive when you're already late for class and then showing up to campus only to find there is no parking in the public parking that you have to pay for so you just give up and go home and cry to your mother on the way because you're having your third panic attack that week and it's only Monday. (Yeah, I still wouldn't change that).
I met my twin™️ and our other friend at that campus. We went on adventures down town because if we were going to make that drive might as well explore. I will always cherish them. We're still close and that's really nice.
Honestly, I wouldn't change going to that stupid party where everything went to shit, because that's how I found out the truth. That's what snapped me out of the blind love I had for my friends.
So yeah, it sucked, a lot of it sucked, but a lot of it was great and I wouldn't change it.
I just have to remember that leaving, starting a new chapter, going on a new adventure, getting out and going some where new, is not giving up. I didn't give up. I had so many opportunities to give up over the last six years, but I didn't. This is not giving up. This is moving on.
This is not giving up. This is moving on.
I am not giving up. I'm just moving on.
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yabagofmilfs · 5 months
6, 30, 18 (I’m greedy)
6. the word that appears the most in your current draft (wordcounter.net can tell you)
barring sid, geno, zhenya, and says it's little. how apt. :)
30. share a fic you’re especially proud of
i'm quite fond of antithetical dream girl. i was having wild dreams because i had covid with a high fever and it just plopped into my brain and wouldn't leave me alone until i made myself sit down and write it.
18. if you keep them, share a deleted sentence or paragraph from a published fic
here's a bit from the original version of sea change:
When he lifts the cup in Detroit, Sid thinks: this is the year. He tries not to think about what that could mean when he hands it over to Geno. And when Geno gathers him into a bone crushing hug and Sid feels Geno's heart beating fast and strong and in sync with his own, he tries not to wonder if the thrumming pressure inside him signals something deeper than elation and relief and the low grade longing he’s lived with for the last three years. 
It’s not that he expects it to happen–there are no guarantees for pods anymore, not this far along the winding evolutionary path–it’s just that there’s plenty of empirical evidence to suggest it should. Mario got his Change after his first cup, and Yzerman too. It would only make sense if that’s also how it happens for Sid, but he’s not letting himself count on it. 
So he doesn’t spend all summer waiting for it, but he does spend a lot of time with a hand up his shirt, absently running his fingers over his stomach trying to feel for the hint of a seam. He spends a lot of time thinking about what it would be like to walk into the locker room next season with a slit and a fertile scent. He tries not to think about Geno at all, but he wakes up most mornings sticky with sweat and come and half-formed images of Geno looming over him with a thick, sweet scent curling between them.
But nothing happens. And that’s–it’s for the best, probably.
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purplesurveys · 6 months
When was the last time you were sick? How incapacitated were you by the illness/ailment? End of November. A nasty flu had been going around, so even though I just had Covid the month before I still managed to catch the bug and had a 40-degree fever. It wasn't nearly as bad as Covid, but with that high of a fever I still felt very weak and very very cold. My skin felt like glass, and I was too lethargic to eat which didn't feel good.
Do you often reflect on your past in terms of "eras" or “milestone” time frames (eg, looking back and saying, “it’s been 10 years since X”, etc.)? Sure. It just makes things easier to remember that way, and in some ways a wholesome reminder of how far I've come.
Is there something you would like to do or be, but have pretty much accepted it won’t happen because it’s just “not the kind of person you are” or is otherwise incompatible with your personality, character, etc.? I doubt I will ever make it to the WWE just because it's such a huge, HUGE company with highly selective employment (only 800 employees, and that's including their satellite offices worldwide), plus the fact that I am not an American citizen already kills off any chance I'd have. It's a dream I'm not necessarily killing but have nonetheless accepted that it has little to no chance of ever happening.
Such is life.
When was the last time you experienced cognitive dissonance? Not sure when the last time was exactly, but the sample scenario I thought of is whenever I have a short temper at work. I need to remind myself that it, in the words of Gen Z, "it's not that serious." lol
If you use Letterboxd, what causes you to “heart”/“like” a film? I don't use Letterboxd and I don't really watch movies anymore.
Do you like people watching and is it something you do often? If so, where are your favorite locations to do so? Yeah, but I have to be in a certain disposition or location to do it. I like people-watching in foreign countries, or in my university which is open to the public.
Whether you want to have children or not, what do you think has had the greatest influence on your views of children/childrearing (eg, your parents, your own upbringing, your interactions with children as an adult, etc.)? It would be my experiences and realizations so far as I navigate being an adult. What I mean by that is in the time that I've been on this 'journey,' I've been learning that I like being alone. I'm also very focused on my career and, quite selfishly, I like keeping most of the money I earn for myself and for building my life and doing the things I'd love to experience for my own, like traveling. I don't see myself as the type of person who would go for juggling both career and family.
Is there anything that you enjoy that you simultaneously find intensely cringey? Is it so cringey that you wouldn’t normally admit to actually enjoying it? No. Life is too short to be overly conscious of things you like, and lbr people hardly give a fuck as we have our own lives to deal with.
I just spent four days straight spamming the shit out of my Instagram stories with extremely wordy reviews of the first 17 Wrestlemanias - 15-year-old Robyn would have talked herself out of doing that, worrying that people would think she is a loser lol. But I went ahead and did it anyway regardless if people would read it or not, because in the first place I did it for myself thinking it'd be lovely to have an archive of my experiences watching the shows.
When was the last time you felt someone was being dishonest with you — not necessarily downright lying to your face, but acting or responding to you in a way that seemed false or did not feel like their true self? It's been a while since I felt like this.
Similarly, when was the last time you saw a side of someone that made you question your preexisting perception of them? It's an ongoing process currently. Ange was recently transferred to my team, but I was warned that she didn't have the best reputation in her previous department as she was known for being condescending and bossy, especially towards her juniors.
I don't have a final verdict on her yet as we've only been working together for all of two weeks, but it's something I actively have my eyes on.
If you were a doll, what outfit(s) and accessories would you come with? Purple hair, a t-shirt tightly cropped just right above the belly button, denim jeans, white sneakers, and a cute lil handbag hanging on my shoulder. And an Army Bomb hehe.
What was the last bit of praise you received? People complimented my lipstick a few days ago, I guess that counts? Hahaha.
When you hear or see your name written out (as in /your/ name, not someone else who shares your name), do you immediately recognize it as your own, or is there a moment of disconnect before that recognition? Good question. There's definitely a bit of a disconnect, mainly because my name is relatively uncommon and there's that moment of "hey that's me" when I see my name spelled out hahaha
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a-ladyofwar · 1 year
This game feels like a huge fever dream. Like when I got my first COVID vaccine and I had a 105+ F fever and I just wrapped myself in my blankets and shivered while I cooked myself in my blanket burrito and had nightmares of falling endlessly in infinite space that also looked like hell from Bible™️. Yeah that’s what totk feels like so far
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legionnaireslover · 2 years
What’s  “Murphysmom67″ so upset about?
Let’s see - Murphysmom67 presents herself and a medical blogger (and Gator enables her to do so).  She claims that she is more than qualified to make highly detailed diagnosis of BC’s “problems” (both psychological and physical) and wants others to believe in her “opinions” because she wants her views to carry weight.
BUT there’s a BIG problem!  Murphysmom67 has a CREDIBITY PROBLEM.  
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This was sent in to Gator after Gator posted Murphysmom67′s completely unhinged rant about BC living a life of total mind-conrolling torture and sexual and physical abuse and claiming to be “privy to this man’s psychiatric and familial history over the last 4 years.”  
She also claimed she had the “pleasure of working with someone who has the insight and maturity to understand this man far better than I ever could” (she means Aeltri who claims to have connections with BC on the ASTAL PLANE!).
Publishing THIS on a PUBLIC FORUM opens her up to PUBLIC scrutiny.  So she shouldn’t be surprised if others answer her back.
Oh, but the Haters are INCENSED that anyone would dare question Murphysmom67′s off the wall tome!
Just look at Gator’s response!
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Note: the part below Gator’s reply with the yellow highlighting is just Msloxictea’s standard conspiratorial response.  Just ignore it.
But get a load of Gator’s denial!  Of course she doesn’t “know anything about” @murphysmom67′s opinion about vaccines!  Gator’s too laszy to do any background research on the people she touts as “medical experts” on her blog!  All she requires is that the said “expert” hates on Sophie Hunter Cumberbatch and touts the haters narrative!  Period!  
And the next point proves what BULLSHIT everything MM67 and Gator are pushing!  Gator freely admits that MM67′s information is “gleaned from helping my friend (she is referencing AELTRI) to help Ben”.  That means MM67 knows NOTHING except what AELTRI has told her!  
And then we get to the heart of the matter - GATOR doesn’t give a shit what facts the anon presents!  Because this is all about Haters reinforcing their narrative!  It isn’t about seeking the truth.  It’s about them living in their echo chamber.  And getting attention.
And here’s the final kicker - 
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Well, MM67, this anon has a right to see your opinion about Covid WHEN YOU PUBLISH IT ON A PUBLIC FORUM LIKE TWITTER!
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And if there’s any doubt Janice Allen is Murphysmom67, here’s the woman herself saying they are one and the same (so don’t come crying about someone “doxxing” you)...
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So sweetie, if you don’t like others finding out about your anitvax opinions, that’s just too bad.  You’re the one who published it for everyone to see!  
And that leads us back to CREDIBILITY.  Murphysmom67 you have ZERO credibility as a “medical professional” and you CERTAINLY don’t know SHIT about BC’s life or medical history!  Your “source” is a delusional woman who has NEVER met BC and seems to have deranged ideas about connecting with him in a fevered dream.
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