#this person might be completely open to your 5 page character analysis And like making dumb jokes you don’t really know
hellsvestibule · 1 year
You see, if my fav does something meme tier funny and -I- reference it, it is with full understanding of all the nuance and depth to this character but when -You- a stranger who I know nothing about references it, you are boiling down a complicated character to a stereotype based on a vague understanding of their most iconic and recognizable moments, hope that helps
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tatyana-dreaming · 4 years
Eugene Onegin: Finale Analysis
*apologies in advance for a LONG POST! any TYPOS! and also that the Russian has been latinized (is that what we say?)*
I have often read opinions and observations about the finale of Eugene Onegin along the lines of “there’s no new theme;” it’s “not as intense as the Letter scene;” it’s “anticlimactic...” etc. (those last two comments are found in Eugene Onegin: The Opera Lively Guide by Luiz Gazzola).
Clearly, these are just opinions and I’m not here to disprove anything... but I am here to retaliate with a whole lot of love for this particular 14 minutes of music so buckle up :) I’m going to try to mainly be objective here and just offer my observations/analysis. Maybe you’ll find some newfound appreciation along the way...and please pitch in if you have your own comments or have noticed things I haven’t necessarily picked up on!
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Before we start, you may want to pull a recording of the finale (this one is my favorite of course), and potentially your favorite CD/recording of Eugene Onegin, if you want to listen along and compare. If I had more time and skills I would have done this for you in a video or added trimmed audio bits throughout this post but alas. Maybe one day! For now, enjoy these screencaps from the 2007 Carsen production at the Met with Fleming and Hvorostovsky.
1. Gazzola points this out in his book - and thank goodness, because I’m not sure I would have made the connection myself. The final scene opens with a motif that is more or less a repetition of Gremin’s theme (in rhythm, at the very least), “Lyubvi Vsye Rozrasti Pokorni/Love conquers all ages,’” foreshadowing Tatyana’s decision/steadfastness to the mature, stable love or contement, or whatever we want to call this - we can have an analysis of ‘love’ in Eugene Onegin in another post! Already I’m thinking back to the opening of the opera when Larina and Filipyevna sing in unison “Privichka svishe name dana, zamyena shchastiyu ona / Habit is sent us from above in place of happiness.” Tatyana’s mother used to read and dream like Tayana herself and was even in love, but eventually had to marry someone else and “became resigned and settled down.”
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And as @lizlensky​ recently reminded me, of course Filipyevna did not get to marry for love either, not that Tatyana was really listening to her story. In fact, maybe I’m looking far into deeply, but it seems to me the strings underneath this “Gremin motif” at the opening of the finale and also when Tatyana eventually sings to that tune “Onegin, ya togda molozhe/Onegin, I was younger then”  are also mimicking the strings underneath Filipyevna when she sings the morning after the Letter Scene, explaining how her mind is getting older and reflecting upon her youth (I’m generalizing a bit - Tatyana certainly isn’t complaining about having an old brain but she is thinking of the past). Make of that what you will! But it gave me chills.
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2. Oh no, I’m already getting ahead of myself though. Before Onegin even comes on the scene, we also hear what some call the “Fate motif” but what I prefer to call the “Dream motif” (if it is fate, why does it follow Tatyana all over dreamy Act I but disappears except for this tiny reminiscence? But of course, up for discussion as it’s the prelude/introduction to the opera, and it comes back when Yevgeni does, haunting her like a ghost, which I suppose is fate-y). Here it is again when Tatyana sings “Kak budto snova dyevochkoi ya stala/It’s as if I’m a young girl again” - which is then followed by what I might personally call the fate theme, since it foreshadows the anguish Tatyana will face when she is rejected in Act I, and before she rejects Onegin in Act III.
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This is where I wish I had an audio clip but I think you know what I mean; it’s the really dramatic climax that comes right when Tatyana enters the stage in Scene 3 of Act III (before “Zdyez on, zdyes on, Yevgeni!”) and right before Onegin comes onstage in Act III, Scene 2. Or ha, maybe this is just “Onegin’s Arrival Theme” since there’s a similar kind of orchestral panic before he arrives in Act I (though of course, not in Scene 1 of Act III since it is Tatyana who enters rather than Onegin who was in the room already, at least in the productions I’ve seen.)
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3. Okay, so now Onegin’s here, what does he have to say for himself? We hear a bit of the Onegin aria theme -  “Mechtam i godom nyet vazvrata, nye obnovlyu dushi moyei/Dreams and years cannot return, I cannot renew my soul!” as he (in some versions) falls to Tatyana’s feet, exclaiming “O, szhaltes, szhaltes nado mnoyu!/ Have mercy on me!”  Clearly has some srs regerts. But also perhaps Tchaikovsky foreshadowing what is to come... not only that we shouldn’t expect Tatyana to act with any less honor (or prudence/reason) towards Onegin as he did towards her in Act I, and that indeed she sings “proshlogo nye vorotit/you cannot bring back the past.”  I know I’m grinding a lot out of this particular moment, but... would you expect anything less from me? Or (thinks of Petya) HIM? :)
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4. As Tatyana reminds Onegin how he rejected her and begins to question why he is suddenly in love with her now, we get to revisit some of the music from the Letter Scene - at least in the orchestra. Tatyana’s line differs slightly than her original melody in the Letter Scene when she sings “Togda, nye pravda li pustine, vdali ot suyetnoi molvi/There in that backwater, far from vain society” - and just so, as it is far from its dreamy, romantic parallel in her letter - “Y v eto samoye mgnovyenye ne ti li, miloye vidyenye/And in that very moment, wasn’t it you, beloved vision [...who whispered to me words of hope].” I find this throwback incredibly clever and gutwrenching, as I believe it’s clearly a bitter and ironic jab at the hope that Onegin crushed, even honorably as he did, and now the two of them have changed positions. Whose dreamy hopes (which are... questionable at best at the moment) are getting schooled now? Cmon’ Onegin, “learn to control yourself....”
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5. Let me take a moment to admit and agree with many analyses/critics (although Tchaikovsky knows what he is doing, convince me otherwise) that Onegin is pretty fragmented and lacks a coherent theme, and certainly has no original “love theme” of his own to offer Tatyana  - after all, Onegin as a character, especially in the book, is pretty hollow, someone who isn’t so much a “self’ as a person who knows how to go through the motions of life... He’s intelligent but not creative, full of potential but lacking any real direction. (Ohhh I am going to cry because that’s so sad but also so relatable, but crying is coming up next so I’ll hold off). The opposite of Lensky’s “poet spirit” that lives life romantically, and is in love with life itself, seeing the infinite everywhere rather than seeing life so pessmistically (with the mask of pragmatism/”maturity”) as Onegin does, a mask that keeps Onegin from truly engaging with life or his own sense of self.
So as Onegin sings, we hear that lack of originality, though I will pull a Valery Gergiev here and say one “cannot be impartial” to Onegin’s music here (*clutches chest - that’s Tchaikovsky, even though I think it’s clear Onegin is not his fav) - Onegin may not be original, but there is no less truth or heartfelt emotion in what comes through. Luckily, Tatyana knows that it’s still not a good choice... he’s still not very substantial, at best, and at worst truly is only infatuated with her because of her reputation. It would mean ruin for her either way so :( (read: Anna Karenina) (here are some sad Onegin pictures just for fun because it’s all been Tatyana mainly but also: sorry this is Tatyana’s big moment so)
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6. Time for tears! Do you hear a familiar theme when Tatyana sings “Ya plachu/I’m weeping?” It’s Lensky’s aria theme making a comeback- what!??! And particularly, the same melody as these two phrases, when Lensky sings: “Shto dyen gradushchi mnye gotovit/What does this day hold for me?” and perhaps more salient to this moment: “Pridyosh li, dveya krasoti, slezu prolit nad rannei urmoi/ Will you come, maiden, to shed a tear over my untimely urn?” Ahhh, I see what you did there, Petya.
But wait, Onegin hates crying! This isn’t explicitly in the opera of course, but Onegin in the novel all but tells Tatyana that her tears (as he rejects her) only vex him - another reason marriage would be a torment for them (not a bad reason and look, we always respected his honesty, right?). But now? I think it’s a crucial moment; it shows there has indeed been some development on Onegin’s part and uh oh, he’s actually in love (ironically in a very Lensky - that is, poetic - way)  even if it’s not for the best of reasons.
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7. Fun (pain) pact: “Tak blizhko! [happiness was] so close!” is the only time Onegin and Tatyana sing together or are on the same page, so to say. Nice. (*cries*) The only other times people sing completely lined up together like this in this opera, choruses aside, are when:
Larina and Filipyevna sing “Privichka svishe name dana, zamyena shchastiyu ona /Habit is sent to us from above in place of happiness”  in the opening scene
Onegin and Lensky sing “Nye zasmeyatsa l nam, poka ne obagrilasa ruka, ne razoitis li polyubovno? Nyet... /Shouldn’t we burst out laughing, rather than staining our hands with blood, shouldn’t we part as friends? No...”  before the duel
Moments of truth. And mostly pain. :) Again, please chime in if there are others, I’m sure I’ve missed something.
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8. Time for Tatyana to refuse! This is where I completely disagree that there is “no new major theme” in the Finale; Tatyana’s “rejection theme” holds its own in my books. Interestingly, it’s in D-flat major, just like the main themes in her Letter Scene (”Puskai pogibnu ya/Let me perish,” and “Kto ti? Moi angel/ Who are you? my [guardian] angel..” aka the descending/Russian 6th theme). Tatyana is just as earnest/decided/resigned* (yes, all three of those adjectives) in her decision in the finale as in the Letter Scene, so maybe that has something to do with it. (I always remember her words in the Letter scene: “Uvi, nye v silakh ya vladyet svoyei dushoi!/Alas, I am unable to subdue my soul!” but just like Onegin learning to be endeared by tears - she has indeed learned to subdue her soul, or perhaps she has simply matured and her priorities have changed. (And of course, who lectured her to subdue her soul in the first place, even though he meant well? Yours truly!)
*resigned might seem an interesting way to describe the Letter Scene, but don’t forget “No, tak i bit! Sudbo moyu otnine ya tebye vruchayu/So be it. Henceforth my fate belongs to you....”  I tend to interpret that as Tatyana actually taking her fate into her own hands and deciding to go all in with her decision, despite the words that seem to make her position passive. In the finale, she is ‘resigned’ in a similarly active manner - this is not a passive resignation. But I still would use the term resigned, if only to draw the parallel between Tatyana and her mother....  “I became resigned and settled down.”  And so she has, even if she has to struggle to push Onegin away from the settled life she has, loving him all the same.
And in comes some of my favorite music of all time - Onegin’s desperate, even malicious pleas and a good dose of mansplaining how Tatyana “can’t” abandon him, quoting back her letter. Extra ouch, because do you remember in Tatyana’s letter when she tells Onegin if he has any pity, “vi nye ostavite menya/you won’t abandon me.” And what does she have to beg him to do over and over until she finally runs offstage? “Ostav menya!/Leave me!” heheheheh *laugh-cries*  everything is fine.
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9. And we’ve nearly reached the very end. Almost a year into listening to this particular piece of music and I only recently realized what was going on - yeah, I know. When things get really heated at the end and pain reaches a maximum, Tatyana sings “Gluboko v syerdsta pronikayet, yevo otchayanni priziv no, pil prestupni podaviv/His anguished cries penetrate my heart, but the fire of passion has been extinguished” (well, I’m still not quite sure on the ‘correct’ English translation but it doesn’t sound good for Yevgeni regardless...)
That melody in that last line calls us back to its twin sister at the end of Scene 1 in Act I when Onegin is talking about how bored he was with his uncle, waiting for him to die. So a) I hear this as Tatyana “ending things once and for all” (parallels between the death of Onegin’s uncle, and the death of their relationship), as well as possibly (again I read 10,000% too much into things) b) Tatyana realizing that Onegin’s words to her back in the garden were true - habit [routine] would kill their love; they would become bored (or at least he would). The passion would burn out.
Which brings us back to c) heaven sends us habit in place of happiness [=passion?]- which, OH, RIGHT, OF COURSE has the same rhythm of the aforementioned “boredom” theme and “the fire of passion has been extinguished.” But you all probably already realized that because oF COURSE.. that’s how the opera OPENS... and now how it is CLOSING... AHHHH!!!
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I know I’m not original or anything for realizing that parallel, but yeah. I’m pretty happy about it.
Tchaikovsky is absolutely genius. Unbelievable. And paired with Pushkin? I’m not surprised I’ve clearly lost my mind over this masterpiece.
Anyways, this was an extremely long post but I hope you enjoyed it immensely, especially if you read this far!! Please chime in with your own comments! I LOVE THIS PIECE OF MUSIC!
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funkymbtifiction · 4 years
Hi Charity, 
Firstly, congratulations on such stellar page hits. You deserve every view <3
Secondly, I have a question about the enneagram. Since you published your enneagram profiles, I did some rigorous analysis and changed my type from INTJ 5w6 12 so/sp to 5w4 14 sx/sp. Settling into my proper iv has been comfortable, but naturally changing both my wing and fix to what they are truly, 4, has been somewhat of a shock. 
I’ve had a lot of benefit off realizing I’m a 5 core and found the key to “hacking” it in a way was emotional vulnerability - realizing the dignity of the self and people and pouring my investment into that. Its resulted in much more open and bonded intimate relationships and social relationships in general. When I previously thought I was a 6 wing, I linked it to things in my life (possible 3 disintegration - ability to blank out feelings and overwork, possible 9 integration - being chill, valuing support systems and trying to control anxiety) and definitely learnt a lot from those lessons. However I did not fully, truly, identify with the 6 fears on a wing level, and fully, embarrassingly understand the core issues of the 4 wing and see them in my life (although I will credit it as pouring into my 5 core and making me more self-aware and willing to tap into the richness of emotion). 
I’ve found settling with this 4 wing very uncomfortable and reading the 4 profile has been very much not being able to see the wood for the trees - too close to understand yet. However, I have found that its core sin, envy, is absolutely one that has risen to the surface in so much of my life. 
With that being said, could you advise with a “key” for a 4 wing, or 4 core, to combat its fears, much the way I found emotional vulnerability to be the key to understanding and countering my 5 core?
Thank you so much as always.
I had to think about this for a while, because 4s are complicated types and the heart types may have the hardest time with spiritual growth, because their way out of it (through humility) is antagonistic to their prideful center. None of them want to admit their motive is to get love from you by hiding things about themselves or showing you a specific, cultivated image to impress you (for the 2, that of a selfless person, for a 3, that of an impressive person, for a 4... that of a special ‘work of art’).
4s self-individuate themselves into being a ‘problem’ at times. They assume they are too damaged to be loved, too misunderstood to be appreciated, too borne of their traumas to be fixed (forever “triggered” and must avoid that thing at all costs, and no, I absolutely cannot deal with deactivating my triggers!), and are too proud to present themselves to others without the false trappings of their ‘special’ existence. Because showing up looking like everyone else would force them to realize... they are no more special than everyone else. No more damaged or broken than anyone else. And that is exceptionally hard for them. It’s incredibly difficult for 4 cores to stop doing any of that. To take off the mask (they are horrified to even imagine they are wearing one... but they groom their appearance and what they want to show you just as much as the 2 and the 3) and just... show up. To stop over-emphasizing their hurts.To stop being self-absorbed. To stop dwelling in their disappointments. To stop looking for reasons to be insulted, or miserable, or frustrated with life. To be satisfied.
Envy itself is a human reaction and not tied just to 4. But they are envious in the sense that envy can lead to bitterness and recrimination over the unfairness of life and how it has ‘cheated’ them.’
I don’t know if you’ve seen the movie Flash of Genius, but... the main character, Robert Kearns, invented the intermittent windshield wiper, and spent years and a lot of resentment fighting a lawsuit in which he claimed a Detroit automaker had stolen his idea. In the process, his wife left him, he became estranged from his kids, and his health suffered -- all because he could not move on from his past wound. Now, I can completely understand his anger. They stole an idea from him and started installing it in cars without paying him for it. That would be beyond devastating. But... he let that anger eat him up so much, he lost all the most important relationships in his life, because no one could stand to be around him. He got awarded millions eventually, but lost his family.
That is the risk a 4 runs -- to ruin what is good, because you are longing for something that is just out of reach. I don’t know if that gives you any ideas for a hack, but I hope so. One might be, is my response to this situation adequate and realistic, or is it an overreaction?
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The next day, Aditi opted to clear her conscience by planning for the future. The next few days, she could visit Hajime and talk out her concerns. The Trifle situation was... more difficult. She paced outside her sister’s door for.. hours it felt like. In reality, it was only five minutes of hyping herself up, only to chicken out and speed walk back to her room. Her brain being so busy with ideas and studying dreams means she felt exhausted by the end of the day. Enough to fall asleep normally instead of with alcohol.
She suspected these dreams in her sleep was a form of self-analysis. That Albert was merely a character that existed in her head, that she could use to learn about herself. But, his reactions were independent of her? That wouldn’t make much sense. Least to say, when the dream blurred into her vision, she was the first to speak this time. “Do you exist independently from these dreams?” She blurred out without giving a second to consider waiting.
“Good day to you too.” Albert responded without the usual bravado, reading through the notebook he had been writing in the whole time, clapping it shut again, the usual smile appearing back on his face as he responded casually: “I don’t see how this is relevant to our progression, Aditi. If we were here to smalltalk and dilly dally, I would have met you in a cafe.”
He smirked a little as he remarked: “Dilly dallying is quite the entertaining word, don’t you think?” He chuckled to himself as he opened a drawer in his desk, procuring some papers, eyes roaming over them.
“You’re as humorous as you are straightforward, Doctor.” Aditi muttered in annoyance.
“For today I thought we could do a little personality test. Nothing too intrusive, it is just there to distinguish your basic characteristics, like punctuality, empathy, introversion or extraversion etcetera etcetera, you can also choose not to answer if you are not comfortable. All of these questions can be responded with ‘yes’ or ‘no’, you do not need to elaborate in any way.”
Aditi folded her arms together, much like a pouting child and rolled her eyes. She figured that questioning him any further was a dead end at this point. He was fair too cryptic and waffling to let her in on secrets. With a disappointed huff, she nodded to give her agreement to the test.
He wrote Aditi’s name on the paper and then read some of the questions to her:
“When I see someone crying, I feel the urge to hug them and try to make them feel better.”
“I often miss public transportation.”
“You can find me at the club every Friday night.”
“Family is extremely important to me.”
“I need social interactions every day to function.”
“I like to try out new things.”
The first, made her pause. Did she feel the need to hug or comfort anyone she saw crying? The answer was no. Crying only immediately provoked curiosity in her. Her sympathy pains only seemed to be accessible only with her loved ones. People she knew, and already could appreciate. Both being true, her choice was to stay neutral. “No answer.”
The second was simple. The few times she relied on public transportation, she was never late. Rather she stressed about being early. “No.”
The third took no time either. Easily assumed, she was a wallflower, and hardly ever had fun at parties. Unless illegal means were involved. “No.”
Family. The ones she chose as family, yes. Celia? Trifle? Knifu? The first name, no. The second.. yes? And the third was yes. So, she decided to follow suit. “Yes.”
Did she need to interact with someone everyday? No. She went without it for years being raised by Celia. “No.”
Trying new things? Adventure. Discovery. Absolutely. “Yes.”
He nodded along to her answers, occasionally looking down to jot the right square, a smirk edging on his face at the attitude Aditi was giving him. “Are you doubting my measures? Just wait for it. By the end of this test you might be surprised by how much more I know about you. I’ll just need a day to properly evaluate it.”
Amusement was edging on his face, a weird static atmosphere starting to fill the office as he continued with his questions, making sure his voice was clear so there wouldn’t be misunderstandings.
Aditi stared back defiantly, clearly not buying his claim. Answering a few questions with yes or no wasn’t nearly enough to get an idea of what that person was like. The static noise and atmosphere didn’t phase her outside of a more narrowed sharp gaze. He continued:
“I regularly go on holidays.”
“I suffer from thoughts that don’t seem to be my own.”
“I don’t understand social cues often.”
“I have a hard time imagining myself in someone else's shoes.”
“I feel the urge to physically harm people that have done me wrong.” His eyes flicked up to her for a moment to see her reaction.
Regular holidays? That referred to taking breaks and enjoying the company of others, didn’t it? “Yes.” She nodded.
Hear thoughts that aren’t her own? She remembered struggling with this since childhood, even before Celia. “Yes.”
Social cues. At first, she struggled with them desperately. Nowadays? She was fair better at reading the room, but not too comfortable to call herself an expert. “Yes.”
This one was easy. A perspective empathy question. She often exorcised her ability to relive the memories of others, in order to gain more empathy for them. While it was intrusive, it was the fastest way to understand. “No.”
The last question caused some amount of discomfort. She clearly didn’t like the question. But she disliked her answer even more so. “... Yes.” She admitted, glancing away while doing so.
His grin widened at her answers, quickly writing down the answers and reassuring her. “You‘re doing great. Don’t worry, we are almost done...” He flipped the page, a soft singing was audible, so quiet it could almost be missed. It sounded like a little girl singing a nursery rhyme, but in another language, so it wasn’t sure what she was singing.
When he talked, it sounded like multiple voices, hushed whispers accompanying him like backup singers, but the man himself didn’t pay it any mind, continuing as if nothing weird was going on.
“I wish that I had more friends than I actually have.”
“I feel the urge to harm people for no clear reason.”
“I feel scared of what the future holds for me.”
“I feel guilty.”
“I feel disliked by people around me.”
“Get out of here.”
His voice was very quiet compared to the whispers that were accompanying him, maybe those weren’t actually the questions he was asking and just the whispers, but he looked at Aditi expectantly. The whispers were still audible, telling Aditi to leave.
Aditi listened to the whispers and singing combining together into a whirl of madness. It was much like a nightmare, one of the standard ones that showed anxiety in others. People could hear voices of disdain talking to them mostly when they themselves felt judged by others. None of this triggered her into a breakdown thankfully, only medical themes or visions of past mistakes caused her to falter. While unnerved, she pressed forward, eyes narrowing in response to his encouragement.
Did she want more friends? She has been told many times that she isn’t easy to approach, and when she takes initiative that can turn poorly as well. Part of her wishes was that she looked more inviting. “Yes.”
A desire to harm others for no reason. Generally, no. She didn’t want to hurt people without reason. Only when she lost control did she feel that impulse. Of course, she considered herself a sadist to an extent also. Those factors made this question difficult to answer. “No answer.”
Scared of the future? Who isn’t scared of the future? Of the unknown? It’s only natural to feel that way, right? “Yes.”
Guilty. She barely had to think of her answer. “Yes.”
Does she feel disliked? That’s strange too. Her whole life, she was surrounded by people who wanted to kill her, or adored her. The laboratory experiment children would’ve gladly watched her drop dead. The cultist would’ve given their lives for her. Only now was there a happy medium. But... the bitterness of the past wouldn’t let her see on the brighter side. “Yes.”
“Very good, Aditi. You are doing great. We are almost done actually.“ He jotted more stuff down, his expression looking a little off from just a few seconds ago.
“I just have 5 more questions for you and then we can end tonight’s session.“ he informed her, turning the Page, fingers tightening around the paper and crumpling it lightly. He opened his mouth, but suddenly his voice was completely gone. It was like he got muted, in his place the whispers filling the room. He still held eye contact, though it was more like he was looking through Aditi, something clearly on his mind. And instead of the questions she heard:
“I’m sorry this is all my fault.”
“You don’t deserve this.”
“It should have never come to this.”
“He’s hunting you. He’s a monster.”
“Get out of here.”
His mouth closed again and he looked at Aditi expectantly, waiting for her answers. He looked less worried and more hopeful now, a giddy glint in his eerie eyes.
While shutting out the instructive thoughts was easy enough when she could hear a voice over them. Now? No. It wasn’t easy at all. Not easy to stare straight again. Not easy to keep from flinching every time the voice asked a question. Not easy to hold her neutral gaze. It reminded her all too much of how it felt to lose control. To be consumed by despair. Her thoughts no longer being her own, only whispers and taunts, keeping her at bay, pulling her down to let her instincts do all of the work. Her head felt.. fuzzy. Aditi felt similarly at this moment. Her lips curled into an uncomfortable scowl. What the hell is this? It hadn’t been nearly this unsettling the other times they spoke. What was getting in the way?
Or.. was this the plan all along? To earn her trust more, only to make the dreams devolve into hellish nightmares? She sincerely hoped that wasn’t the case.
The whispers suddenly stopped as he opened his mouth again, asking Aditi: “Are you alright, Aditi? You look a bit pale.“
Something really didn’t want this session to continue. But if the doctor noticed, he did a good job at hiding it.
“..... I couldn’t hear your questions.” She admitted quietly, her eyes shifting around the room carefully. “Voices spoke over you. Whether they were in my head or not, I’m uncertain. They are...” She paused once again, thinking over if she should be honest or not in this situation. Ultimately, she decided against lying. “They are.. apologizing to me? Saying I do not deserve this. It should’ve never come to this? He, whoever that is, seems to be hunting me. He is a monster? They are.. telling me to leave..”
He regarded her, expression serious as he listened to Aditi, contemplating something for a few seconds, then ultimately sighing. He looked around the room again, as if he could make out the voices and silence them, ultimately deciding to try and explain: “It is probably your subconsciousness running wild from stress...“
He set the test aside, leaning forward to give Aditi a comforting touch. It was cold as ice.
“Let us end the session a little early, alright? You don’t need to answer those questions. I’ll just review the test without them.“ he reassured her, a sad glint in his eyes.
The voices were a lot quieter now, but it was probably for the better to end this meetup earlier to start better off on the last one.
“Rest easy, Aditi. I’ll see you tomorrow.“
Aditi didn’t understand. She sat with shifting eyes, looking left to right like a frightened child. It made her feel weak for her emotions to be easily sensed or stated. It felt wrong to hear her dead name be spoken aloud in her ear, so wrong that it caused her to flinch back and fumble. Her eyes narrowed so angrily at the voice, she nearly forgot to take his hand. “... This was a mistake..” Her grip on his hand was uncomfortably tight now, she seemed to seethe with contempt.
This only happened after she put faith in him and gave away sensitive information about her past. She thought it was of little consequence, yet here it was... being shoved in her face. Taunting her. This being was taunting her, wasn’t he? Mocking her. Before she could convey her distrust, the dream had faded away like the smoke of fireworks.
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kristahliaweek · 4 years
The Perfect Crime
Baron Whitney. That man had been allowed to live for far too long, considering how absolutely atrocious of a neighbor he was. His disgusting lawn had been the subject of much ire across the neighborhood, since the residents generally prided themselves on their dignity and the overgrown wilderness festering at his front door was a blight on their image, but nobody had the guts to just kill him already. All over the neighborhood website Dahlia had seen people publicly complaining that Whitney’s front lawn needed to be raided by the Homeowner’s Association effective immediately, but nothing ever came of their empty threats. Since nobody ever confronted the man, he neglected to clean up his act.
Why did Dalia have to do everything herself? Although, she supposed she wasn’t completely alone this time… she did have a co-conspirator after all.
The night was quiet enough that a gunshot would be heard almost immediately, but since base weapons such as those weren’t really Dahlia or Kristoph’s style anyway she supposed it didn’t matter. Poison was much more attractive, but even the combined power of both their maniacal brains couldn’t think of a way to poison Whitney without having to socially interact with him. Ranged weapons would be most suitable for the crime since the criminals didn’t want to step foot in the pig pen that man called a house, but neither of them knew nearly enough about bows to get reliable results. Kristoph insisted that he would make an excellent archer, but Dahlia knew he wouldn’t have the physical strength to draw the string back.
Eventually the diabolical duo settled on throwing sharp objects at him through his window, which was always open so that birds and bugs were entering Whitney’s house at all times. Whenever Dahlia looked across the street she could see the slob in his living room, asleep in his rocking chair while the television blaring at full volume. No matter where you were in the neighborhood, it was a guarantee you could hear the distant voices of soap operas characters.
The second obstacle in the assassination was transportation. In order to get Whitney in range they would have to push through the wasteland of trash and overgrown wildlife all without making a sound. Dahlia had mapped out the most convenient route after a few minutes of diligent tactical analysis, eventually deducing that the safest and most sanitary way would be to sidle along the gate before slowly creeping through the puddle of ambiguous liquid towards the porch. It wasn’t ideal, but it was what had to be done when the rest of the lawn was covered with towers of trash that could topple at the slightest disturbance, alerting the neighbors and ruining the pair’s outfits all at once.
Once they had arrived at the porch, the trouble became a matter of aiming over the piles of garbage that fortified the house both inside and out. There was a wall of trash that almost completely covered the window so that there was only a small opening for a weapon to fly through, and once it had traveled inside it would require an even greater precision not to skewer it on one of the many magazine stacks that stood between the target and the blade. Even if the weapon did manage to pierce Whitney there was no guarantee that the first injury would be fatal, so they had to be prepared to overcome all those obstacles again to land another blow. There was no way to know how many shots they were going to need, so Kristoph came prepared with his entire steak knife collection, discreetly stored inside his briefcase.
That being said, Dahlia only anticipated she would end up needing five knives at most. She and Kristoph had a dartboard in their room with a picture of Phoenix right on the bull’s-eye, and every night before bed they would both throw a dart each to see who would get the closest to his throat. In their nearly 3 years of living together, Dahlia was leading 881 to 103, and the amount of times she hit the mark exactly was around 20% compared to Kristoph’s measly 7%. Of the two of them, she was undoubtedly the more qualified for the job.
She felt every inch of the hilt as Kristoph slid a knife into her hand, “Let’s see how well you do this time.” His words were a whisper, and the same sadistic and condescending smile he always wore twisting across his face like a snake, “Remember to aim for the neck.”
Dahlia gripped the handle tightly and took aim, although finding a suitable angle was difficult when there was a narrow opening composed of stinking trash blocking her. Kristoph seemed to notice her disgust and reached inside his pocket, pulling out a small glass bottle not unlike the one Dahlia used to wear around her neck. Suddenly, an overpowering cloud of perfume had engulfed her. The flowery aroma was enough to nearly mask the repugnant odor, so she made sure to hiss back at Kristoph to show her appreciation before throwing her first knife.
The blade sliced through the air so quickly even Dahlia herself could hardly process it. She watched as it flew through the air and impaled a stack of papers right beside the sleeping old man, causing the tower to collapse directly on top of him. She heard a yelp as the man woke up and found himself buried by the avalanche of magazines, but she didn’t have time to celebrate just yet. Now that he was protected by layers and layers of pages, piercing his skin was going to be even more of a chore then it already was.
She could already feel the second knife being forcefully placed into her grip by her partner, so she took aim again while the man was still preoccupied with preventing himself from being buried alive. The weapon cut straight through the magazine pages and Dahlia soon noticed red staining a cluster of papers where his nose would be, but she couldn’t be sure the wound was fatal when he was still screaming. She kept her gaze trained on her victim and held out her hand to Kristoph, beckoning for him to supply her with another weapon, but after a few slow-motion seconds of not receiving one she was forced to briefly take her eyes off the prize and see what the delay was about.
Kristoph was preparing to throw a knife of his own. Of course that bastard would try to steal her kill! Before she had a chance to vocalize her betrayal, Whitney had burst out from under a sea of papers, wheezing as the blood flowing from his mouth stained the pages below him. Kristoph didn’t hesitate for a moment, immediately throwing the weapon with a frightening force. As always, his aim was just slightly off the mark and ended up burying itself into the drywall directly behind Whitney, but the blade still managed to tangentially slice the side of the man’s head during its travels. The wound cut deeply enough that blood began to begin dripping from his temple instantaneously, and after a shrill scream Whitney finally dropped to the ground.
“It seems I have won this round, Hawthorne.” Kristoph didn’t give Dahlia a moment to celebrate their accomplishment or to scold him for interfering, “Personally, I believe that should count as 5 points.”
Dahlia’s face twisted in anger, “You didn’t even hit the target! If this was the game you wouldn’t be getting any credit, much less five whole points! Who do you think I am?”
“If you had been paying attention, you might have noticed I did indeed hit the target.” Kristoph smirked, “How else do you explain the blood?”
“You get credit for fatal injuries!” Dahlia was struggling to keep her volume under control, “That was nothing but a flesh wound!”
Kristoph laughed a little too loudly, “Why do you think he went limp as soon as I wounded him? Surely you aren’t going to suggest it’s a coincidence. Clearly it was I who dealt the fatal blow.”
“All your little scratch did was hurry the process along!” Dahlia insisted, “I was the one who killed him! I dealt the killing blow, it just took a moment for him to actually die from it!”
“Can you prove that?” Kristoph’s smugness was reaching critical levels, “We didn’t even see the impact.”
“You would never have been able to hit him if I hadn’t trapped him under those magazines in the first place!” Dahlia could feel herself losing control of her temper, “At least give me credit for that! You know you’re a terrible shot compared to me. You can barely hit a piece of paper on a dartboard, there is no way you would have been able to even touch Whitney if I hadn’t restrained him!”
“So when I miss I’m disqualified, but when you miss it’s suddenly some sort of accomplishment?” Dahlia could see his mouth twitching, “Not that I did miss. But you must admit, your first attack even draw blood.”
“This isn’t about my first shot! All that matters is who killed Whitney!” Kristoph’s eyes were no longer visible behind his glasses, “We may not have seen the knife enter the body, but we did see the blood! If I had missed, he wouldn’t have been bleeding! Not to mention that he must have been bleeding buckets for us to have seen it under all that paper. Clearly I was the one who killed him!”
Before Kristoph could respond, a small and unfamiliar voice echoed from across the yard. The criminals whipped their heads away from each other and saw a short man standing at the front of the gate, eyes wide with terror and whimpering at what he had just witnessed. When Dahlia and Kristoph‘s murderous gaze met his, he was petrified for a moment before letting out a deafening scream and running as fast as he could in the other direction.
How inconvenient. Witnesses were always such a hassle. Dahlia supposed her argument with Kristoph must wait until they got home. She looked over to her partner and saw that he was thinking the same thing.
“We will resolve this later. Right now, we must focus on getting rid of the witness.”
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imbellarosa · 4 years
So you think Harry’s and Louis’ album are connected?
I think there is every chance of that! You don’t accidentally reference someone else’s songs (someone you know really well, at that!) multiple times throughout your album (even songs that didn’t end up on the album, at that). Every other piece of analysis under the cut, but this is my tldr haha.
I think that the fact that their albums are both 12 track albums with a sort of “breaking point” or “climax” in the sixth track which says- on both sides- that they feel more vulnerable, that they feel sad, they feel more mature, and that they feel more ready to talk about it is....not a coincidence. Or maybe that one is, but if you add that to all of the other lyrical convos these albums are having. I covered a lot of these lyrical parallels in another ask, so I won’t go through them all again, I’m just going to add some new ones (because ofc there’s more).
An older one, but one worth’s mentioning: Golden (track 1 on Fine Line) says “You're so golden/You're so golden/I'm out of my head/And I know that you're scared/Because hearts get broken” and “Just Like You” (released 2017, right after “Always You” was teased) says “Every heart breaks the same/Every tear leaves a stain/Can I just be the same?”. Like - that’s a conversation that people have ALL THE TIME. One person wants to be normal and doesn’t want to hurt and the other person says “I know you’re afraid but you’re so special”.
And I’m going to use golden one last time, because I think it like. Sets the scene for Fine Line. His super secret verse says something like “...I’m hoping that one day you (he?) could be (will be?) open/And I know that you’re scared because I’m so open” and Fearless says “Tell me the truth, tell me, do you still remember feelin' young/And strong enough to get it wrong in front of all these people?”. And L has said he wrote that song about himself, so it’s still two songs asking one person if they can be strong enough to open up.
Then there’s “Adore You”, which says that he’ll “walk through fire for you/Just let me adore you” and Only the Brave says that “[his love is] a church of burnt romances/And I’m too far gone to pray/it’s a solo song/and it’s only for the brave”. I can’t make this up. Like actually. I couldn’t make this stuff up.
And those are just the parallels. After you listen to those, you turn to the narrative of the album. Fine line is split into four sides: “A” “B” “C” and “D”, with Side A being about falling in love for the first time and thinking that could be enough, those butterflies and the fun times and all the love, but it ends with Lights Up that says “all the lights couldn’t put out the dark/running through my heart/lights up and they know who you are/do you know who you are?”. So as it turns out, if you’re not on the same page, love isn’t enough. There has to be communication, and a similar expectation of honesty (to bring it back to golden Im so sorry I love that song).
Side B is the sad side. It’s loss and grief and misery. It’s losing someone you love and then losing someone for real, and then realizing that you’re not as badass as you thought you were and you want to go home, but you also made a mistake (which, To Be So Lonely does a great job of setting “home” up as a person rather than a place, so when he references it again in Canyon Moon, you can think of home as the person he’s talking about). Anyways back to side B. Now, instead of blaming the other person, he can admit that he also made a mistake (or several), and own up to it. Side B ends with “She” which, imo is one of the trippiest songs on the album, and also one of the most complex. I think there are multiple characters involved, and the speaker isn’t like. The main character. But I think, in the end, it’s characteristic of loneliness and grief and loss and a realization. And that realization ends this side.
So Side C starts with all of the work on himself mostly done (I do love that “work” in both of these albums is never over. You work through the bad times, and then you keep working so you don’t get caught in it again.) Side C is the “I’m coming back to us” side. He gets back in touch with the person he loves in Sunflower Vol. 6, ( at the beginning he’s like “I’ve been trying hard not to talk to you”, but by the end, “ Your flowers just died/Plant new seeds in the melody/Let me inside, I wanna get to know you”, they’re getting to know each other again, as the new people they are, after they had to walk away for a bit). This is followed up up by Canyon Moon, in which he’s going home, so they fixed it, apparently. That idea of rekindling is confirmed in “Treat People With Kindness” when he says “ Givin' second chances/I don't need all the answers/Feelin' good in my skin/I just keep on dancin'”. This is SUPER cool, because by this point in the album, he’s matured enough to know that he’s okay with not knowing why about everything. He’s no longer asking his partner to be more open, because he feels good about himself and that’s all he needs, and so if he’s okay, then they’re okay. 
Side D is just Fine Line, the six minute reflection song which ends with “we’ll be alright”. And by that time, I believe it. 
On to Walls! Walls is split into two six track sides, “A” and “B”. This album, in my mind, is less of a cohesive narrative, and more like snapshots of moments, feelings, and conversations, which give you a picture of what he’s been through. I think it’s also a bit more difficult to stack this up because I don’t really know when songs were written. I think “Walls” and “Only the Brave” might have been the last two written, along with “We Made It”? Maybe? But I’m going to try anyways. 
Side A is a younger feel. It touches on how he needs the person he’s singing about ( “I don’t know what I’d do without you now!”). It talks about how they made it, and there won’t be any more hard times, it talks about outside events, and sets that scene. The other person lost someone (outside of the relationship), as is outlined in “Don’t Let it Break Your Heart” and he lost his mom ( “Two of Us”, which makes me cry every time). And around track 5 ( “Too Young”), he’s ready to sit down and have a conversation, and the other person agreed to it, after two years apart. And I think the rest of the album really outlines all of the things he needed the other person to understand.
He admits that he’d had his walls up, and that he realizes what that’s cost him. He tells the other person that he appreciates being given time and space to put himself back together, but he’s ready to go back to them because the other person makes him better, he explains that he did his very best to move on, but he couldn’t, because he carried them everywhere he went, and he says that he’s going to try and be more open ( “Now if happiness is always measured/ By the life you design, that car on the drive /Then you should feel better than ever/But you know as well as I, it's all lies/..../ Just for tonight, look inside and spark that memory of you/Strong enough to get it wrong in front of all these people”). 
And then it sort of seems like they’re back together by Perfect Now, but his partner is...a bit insecure about where they stand, and he’s trying to say that he’s in it, that the partner (he didn’t use genders in is songs, so I’m not going to either, sorry if this ends up confusing haha) is beautiful the way they are, that they should embrace it, and if his partner wanted him to, he’d tell the truth (and what a line that is: “You never do/ but if you asked me to/ I’d tell the truth/ lying next to you/ ‘cause you’re the only one/ when it’s said and done”). It always comes back to the idea of openness and telling the truth. 
The last two songs are “Defenseless” and “Only the Brave” which are my favorite two on the album. I think “Defenseless” gives a good snapshot of where the relationship is - they’re together, but it’s hard sometimes, and they still have the same problems sometimes (because things don’t magically go away), but he loves the other person, and the other person loves him, and so he’s going to be vulnerable. And Only the Brave, which talks about how scary it can be, for some people, to be brave, but it’s worth it, for him, because he found the right person ( ( “come on, when you know/ you know”). I think this song has a lot of symbolism and imagery that makes it a very pointed and poignant song, but it also finishes the album in the same way Fine Line does. They’re okay. They’ll be okay. (They being both the artist and the relationship they’re singing about)   I think that the narratives are remarkably similar in events an themes even if they’re told in different styles: Fine Line is more of a complete story, beginning to end, and Walls is more of a conversation. He’s talking to someone directly, rather than about someone. But ultimately, like. These two grew up together. It’s not like I picked out two random albums from people who don’t know each other and was like “these two! same thing!” and if it was, that would be plagiarism. They know each other, and they probably write together sometimes. I know that they have different managements, but they’ve worked with similar writers/directors/producers, right? They run in the same circles? So when two people who have known each other well for a while write albums that end up being lyrically and thematically similar, and they both cover the same story and the same ground, the most obvious conclusion is that they’re connected. 
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congadrug29 · 4 years
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Can yellow teeth become white?
The good news is that it's possible to go from yellow to white teeth and, depending on the method you choose, it can be done quickly or gradually.
Likewise, unlike some teeth whitening solutions, we utilize a mobile aspirator during treatment for a much more comfy, hygienic individual experience and enhanced results. Laser teeth whitening results differ from one person to another, but our teeth whitening system can lighten teeth generally as much as 14 shades. Considerable research study reveals laser whitening to be a risk-free technique of boosting your smile. We offer a safe non peroxide whitening system which offers you with a white smile without the pain of sensitivity and needing to wait weeks for the outcomes. They may be able to provide some different whitening gel which may function far better for your teeth. " The 'Chelsea smile' defines a pattern for teeth whitening made popular by this area in West London and those who live there. This is a a lot more natural colour for the teeth that is still white but maintains the character of the teeth and also goes with the elegant picture of several Chelsea girls/guys.
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Naturawhite creates dramatic teeth whitening results for anyone who intends to whiten his or her teeth. This includes individuals with teeth that has actually been tarnished by smoking or compounds such as coffee or tea. It additionally bleaches teeth tarnished by tetracycline, multicolor by fluoride, or hereditary discolouration. Expectant or lactating ladies or customers under 16 years of age ought to not get the Naturawhite treatment. At VANITY Oral method, our specialists are extremely knowledgeable and also conduct all laser therapies according to the most up to date medical techniques and also requirements. If you would love to learn much more, please feel free to discuss it with our laser professionals and they will explain everything to you carefully.
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Porcelain Veneers These are very popular amongst celebrities because of their incredible results. Veneers are thin, strong shells that are custom-made from dental porcelain to cover the front surface of your teeth. Your dentist will choose the perfect shade for your smile and it will stay that way for years to come.
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If you are imagining a whiter smile, we at Freeman & Rosser Dental & Implant Facility in Carmarthen can make it a fact. Home whitening packages are highly advised by dentists as well as are an easy and reliable technique of securely whitening teeth. To keep this prominent therapy as budget-friendly as feasible, we now have several of one of the most competitive teeth whitening prices in Stockport. To help you select the best teeth whitening procedure for you, we have more details below. Our dental experts concentrate on getting exactly the right color to fit you and also on lowering staining triggered by beverages or smoking cigarettes.
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If you are desiring for a whiter smile, we at Pedestrian & Associates Dental & Implant Center can make it a truth.
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As we age, our teeth normally discolour as a result of what we consume, as well as exactly how we take care of our oral wellness.
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How long does it take to whiten teeth at dentist?
The most dramatic results -- teeth generally get three to eight shades brighter -- usually take several 30- to 60-minute in-office visits. Some dentists use techniques that can be done in a single 2-hour appointment (e.g. the Zoom system). The cost of in-office tooth whitening varies, but can range from $500 to $1,000.
I haven't had any of these therapies directly, so can not supply a testimonial nonetheless, go inspect them out online for a complete checklist of thir serivces. A couple of years ago I was stressed with whitening my teeth, to the factor of getting them brilliant-white as well as even taking place a few vacations to obtain a tan, as having a tan makes your teeth look whiter. Next off came the phase of the baristas, where I was drinking coffee at the very least 4 or 5 cups a day, so my teeth slowly went from brilliant-white to a tarnished shade of yellow over this 3 year period. Laser whitened teeth balance as much as 14 tones whiter than prior to laser therapy. For friendly service, as well as for secure teeth whitening that functions, get in touch with Notting Hillside Dental Clinic on today.
A cheek retractor is put right into the mouth to maintain it open during the procedure. You'll likewise use protective glasses to shield your eyes from the laser. Our caring and also very certified scientific group will certainly chat you through the teeth whitening options available.
Dr Marques additionally described it will certainly depend upon whether you smoke and advised me to drink milky tea as well as coffee as well as prevent red wine, carbonated beverages and also refined sugar. He also discussed that a top notch electric tooth brush, like a Philips Sonicare or Dental B version, will make a distinction. Cosmetic teeth whitening has actually been included on smile transformation TELEVISION shows such as Extreme Transformation. Teeth whitening gel is then placed into the personalized tray as well as worn either overnight or for a few hours during the evening. teeth whitening solihull have actually reported their teeth appearing whiter in as low as 30 minutes when making use of Pola Day, but for the brightest results, it is suggested to utilize Pola Night overnight when sleeping. If you're taking into consideration a whiter smile, call Freeman & Rosser Dental & Implant Facility on today to schedule a consultation.
Laser whitening needs you to also buy an in your home package, which allows you bleach your teeth when it's most hassle-free for you. Simply use your trays for either one to 2 hrs a day or overnight, relying on the formula your dental professional advises. You can safeguard your brand-new teeth brightness by consuming with a straw to decrease the effect of discoloration from beverages. Make certain to see your dental professional for regular appointments and cleaning, as well as you can likewise use a whitening tooth paste to aid whiten and protect teeth. The dental expert will certainly after that use a lightening gel to the front of your teeth. According to Bupa, the gel generally has either hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide, which launches oxygen onto the surface of your teeth and also bleaches them. The dental expert will line your lips with a safety SPF cream which contains moisturisers.
Although they do not impact the all-natural colour of the tooth, they work at eliminating staining and also consequently enhancing the overall look of the tooth. Whitening tooth paste may also assist to keep up the appearance, as soon as teeth have actually been expertly lightened.
This innovative treatment can whiten teeth by up to eleven tones with the use of a bleaching gel and also special light. Your dental expert will certainly take perceptions of your teeth in order to custom-make a mouth piece. You will certainly wear the mouth piece - full of whitening gel - in your home for numerous hours daily. Dr Marques discussed to me that this also varies from person to person as well as relies on how white you want your teeth to be. I still wanted my own to look natural so I don't mind excessive that the outcomes will fade gradually but ought to last for a few years.
Both techniques use our comfy custom research laboratory made whitening trays to help maintain the whitening gel in close call with the teeth as well as not leak out and also irritate the gum tissues. The gels that we use additionally have the creative enhancement of an anti-sensitivity component which assists avoid the incident of sensitivity. The last decade has actually seen a big increase in non-professional teeth whitening being used in high road beauty parlor and also health clubs, as well as whitening gadgets you can buy online. Lasers speed up the peroxide gel used to bleach teeth, activating it with a mild warm that reduces the procedure time for the person. Laser whitening is backed by studies that have shown it is secure and reliable for your teeth as well as gums. As well as because our dental professionals suggests it, you can be sure that your outcomes will certainly correspond and also safe on any kind of fillings or reconstructions you may have.
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An analysis of Kagami’s character in season 3
Warnings: discussion of anxiety and not good parenting
I hated Oni Chan when it first came out, because it seemed like it was really butchering Kagami’s character, but I just rewatched it and... all of her actions seem really justified.   Looking at her thought process has lead me to a way deeper understanding of Kagami’s character
(under the cut because this got fairly long)
So obviously she acts way over the top while she’s akumatized, that’s how akumas work, but the parts where she’s acting of her own free will? Everything she did made perfect sense.
To review, just before being akumatized, Kagami is practicing fencing with her mother.   She gets a message on her phone, and her mother makes her wait until after she’s done practicing to open it.   Kagami looks really disappointed in herself for getting in trouble with her mom.   This is speculation, but that is her mom’s only spoken line in the entire episode, so there’s a chance that the only comment Kagami’s mother made during her entire practice was being upset at Kagami for her phone, and that would force Kagami to fixate on the message throughout practice.   She clearly wants her mother’s approval, and the message was getting in the way of it. Even if it wasn’t the only thing she said, it’s been shown that Kagami takes any criticism from her mother really hard.
Also, this episode comes before Ikari Gozen.   Kagami’s still has basically no friends (except maybe Adrien) and desperately wants to be accepted. There was a reason that she picked up her phone immediately and tried to look at the message; Kagami isn’t the type to just forget her mom’s rule.   So either getting messages on her phone is so rare that it’s something she never really had to deal with before, which would make the message something really special to her, or she just desperately wants friends enough that her eagerness to see the message won out over her strict discipline enough to make her forget the rules.
And then, after all the mental buildup, Kagami finished practicing and opens the message. So, keep in mind, on top of what I already said, that Kagami’s going to be physically exhausted because she just finished a workout, and probably also frustrated because her mother definitely didn’t give her the validation she wanted.   She’s going to be sort of on a knife’s edge anyways.   And, judging by her brief smile as she put her phone away while her mother told her off, the message was probably something that she was looking forward to as a way to ignore all the other pain.
Then comes the part that everyone criticizes. In the course of about 30 seconds, she 1) opens the message to see that it’s a selfie of Lila kissing Adrien on the cheek, 2) sort of growls as she throws her phone across the feild, 3) opens up a notebook, gently touches a photograph of her and Adrien at fencing practice that was carefully tucked between the pages, 4) pulls out the rose Adrien gave her which is now pressed, 5) we see a brief flashback Adrien handing her the rose in Frozer, and then 6) she picks up her sword, 7) we see a few tears run down her face, and then 8) she gets akumatized.   That all seems super sudden and needlessly dramatic at first viewing, but let’s break it down.
No matter what, it’s going to hurt to see the picture of Adrien who’s apparently casually hanging out with some other girl in his room.   Kagami “never hesitates” and I think it’s safe to assume that she’s already asked if she could visit him multiple times and been turned down because he’s “never allowed to have friends over” or something, so this is going to feel like a slap in the face. She doesn’t have enough time to think everything through, but just the brief suggestion that her only friend might have been lying to her to avoid her because he didn’t actually want to see her is an enormous blow to her fragile self-confidence.   Just by merit of having Adrien as her only friend, she’s going to hear a whole lot of “sorry I can’t interact with you ever my dad doesn’t want me to have friends” and by merit of being Kagami she’s got some huge doubts and trust issues, so I can almost guarantee that the fear that he was actually lying to her and just disliked her had probably been bubbling for a while and wouldn’t take much to set it off. Especially in during a post-fencing practice adrenaline high, throwing her phone was a pretty understandable reaction.
Then, there’s the photograph and the rose. So Kagami obviously cares deeply about Adrien if she’s carrying those around with her, but it makes sense.   He gave her the rose like it was something deeply special, he’d probaly be expecting her to keep it safe, and it makes sense that she’d want to preserve it forever.   And keeping photographs with friends is a pretty normal thing.  
Now, we don’t know the exact details of Kagami’s home life, but from experience interacting with my friend’s parents, her mom strikes me as the type of parent who’s obsessed with control and doesn’t believe that their children deserve privacy.   and 90% of the time, that kind of parenting leads to children who try to hide everything they can from their parents and are really good at sneaking away (like, maybe, lying to their mother about participating in a harmless game?   Knowing enough about their car’s security to hack it without a second thought?   Sneaking away from a fancy event the first chance they get?   Only having one number in their entire phone because their mom won’t let them talk to others?   Impulsively lying to their mom about interests?   I could go on forever but yeah Kagami’s a very familiar type of person that I see in a lot of my classmates and it hurts my heart.)
So back to the photograph and the rose being kept on Kagami’s person at all times: it makes total sense.   She doesn’t have any privacy anywhere else.   She’s going to be afraid to talk to her mother about any of her interests anyway for fear of being ridiculed, and even more terrified when that interest is friendship.   Look at Ikari Gozen.   Kagami brings up Adrien in front of her mom for the first time on screen, she says his first and last name like she’s trying to be really formal and distance herself emotionally from him.   Then, her mother immediately insults Adrien and you can physically see Kagami regret what she had said and try to change the conversation by just agreeing with her mother.  She knows she won’t ever change her mother’s mind and she does her own thing regardless of what her mother says, but that doesn’t make her mother’s disapproval not sting.   Of course, in a world where she has to hide any interest she has if she doesn’t want it to be attacked, she’s going to keep the photograph and the rose away from anyone else’s prying eyes.
And then, I’ll admit, at first I made fun of her impulsive reaction: where she saw a selfie of Adrien with another girl and then immediately started petting a photo of herself with him, but this time I thought about all of this from Kagami’s point of view and I had a huge realization.
I headcanon Kagami as having both anxiety and autism, and it’s pretty well supported by the show anyways, which is a conversation for another time.   But specifically, having both means that they can feed each other a lot.   If you’re having an anxiety attack because you think your friends might hate you, it’s a lot harder to break out of it if you also know that you’re terrible at reading social cues, and it’s easy to become overwhelmed by the fear that people are just subtly telling you they hate you and you’re missing their cues.   And that would relate to Kagami’s situation incredibly well: she doesn’t have anyone else to validate her, and Adrien’s nice and all but it’d be really easy, especially in the clutches of an anxiey spiral, to think that maybe his “excuses” are actually his way of tellling her that he doesn’t like her, and that her own lack of social nuance is keeping her from seeing it.  
This is obviously not a good place to be mentally, but as someone who has been there and who has a therapist, the best advice I’ve ever gotten to deal with it has been to step back and look only at concrete things, because my brain will take anything open for interpretation and turn it into an attack on myself.  
And this is exactly what Kagami does.   I’d bet that this has happened several times before, because Kagami had been overwhelmed by so much emotion that she had growled and thrown her phone; I think she was acting on instinct when she pulled the notebook out.   And it makes sense that this would be Kagami’s impulsive response: she was just flooded with an unmanageable wave of fear and doubt that Adrien had been lying to her, and then she turned to the concrete evidence she had that he did care about her.   Remember, this isn’t just about romantic fantasies, this is about the only friend she’s ever made and her own fear that she can’t even trust herself to read interactions; it’s going to be really overwhelming.   So she pulls out the photo of herself with Adrien.   It’s real, it’s proof that Adrien was there with her and acknowledges that she exists and smiles at her like that.   In the midst of a breakdown, that photograph would be a huge means of grounding herself in reality.   And then she pulls out the rose, even more solid evidence that he cares about her.   No matter what else, he did give her this rose, it’s real and it’s here.  
So I can completely see why she that was her immediate reaction: the message triggered a specific panic attack that she’s had multiple times before, she freaked out, and then she turned to calm herself down the best she could.   It may have all turned out fine and deescalated quickly.   Except, the rose is connected to a very specific memory: a very sad Adrien told Kagami that he was in love with someone who didn’t like him back when he gave it to her.
Take a second to think about this all from Kagami’s point of view: she’s ridiculously emotionally unsteady at the moment, she’s thinking about a time when Adrien was left brokenhearted by some girl who he’s still waiting on, and then she gets a photo of a girl being all flirty with Adrien.   She knows Lila Rossi specifically, I don’t know how much she knows about her lies, but she seems to know her enough to know that she’s a manipulative jerk.   So any implication at all that this could be the girl who’s continuing to break Adrien’s heart, and who he’s still loyally waiting on?   Of course Kagami’s going to go absolutely mental.   She cares about Adrien enough to want to protect him from anyone who’d toy with his emotions for their own benefit. 
I don’t know exactly why she picks up her sword, whether she was going to blow off some more steam practicing or what, but it was a time when Kagami had every right to act rashly.    Same thing goes with the fact that she started crying in that moment.  She’s so so overwhelmed.   And then of course Hawkmoth akumatizes her.
I’m almost done, but seriously, if you haven’t seen this episode in a while, please take a look at Kagami and Adrien’s interactions at the very end.   Kagami is so ridiculously happy when Adrien is nice to her, and in context of everything else, it’s almost sad.   But she very clearly does care about Adrien and wants to be able to trust him to make his own decisions.   
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berenshand · 4 years
pLease talk about why benedick and claudio are foils!! i’ve only just gotten into much ado and i’m thirsty for analysis 👀👀
hoooo eee you opened a can of worms here my friend. there is literally nothing i would rather talk about than this. im so sorry i am not kidding when i say i wrote an essay in response to this
Ok so, a big theme in Much Ado is realistic vs idealized love, and there’s also a lot of generalizations about love, but Claudio and Benedick generalize about love in totally opposite ways. At the beginning of the play, Claudio sees Hero and immediately thinks ‘she is beautiful and I would like to marry her’. Sure, he’s seen her before, but he was distracted because he was, you know, about to go to war, but in the first scene, he tells Don Pedro that he “liked her ere I went to wars.” Like, he didn’t realize he was in love with her til after, but it was love at first sight.
Claudio, through the whole play, is idealistic – he wants everything to be perfect, to be black and white. There is no room for ‘maybe’ in his character (which, unfortunately means he does not use his brain cells). When he talks about Hero, he almost always talks about her beauty or her chastity. He’s focused on the superficial, and he’s hyperbolic (almost like Romeo). He’s trying really hard to be the perfect courtly lover stereotype – he can’t just say ‘Hero is beautiful’, oh no, he has to say “she is the sweetest lady that ever I looked on”. Benedick even says Claudio used to speak “plain and to the purpose” but now his words are “fantastical”. So Claudio is way over the top.
Claudio expects everything to be perfect. Another big theme in the play is appearance vs reality. Claudio thinks that because Hero looks perfect, she must be perfect, and Claudio seems to be incapable of interpreting things beyond the surface-level, which is foreshadowed when he sees Don Pedro with Hero. He literally planned this with Don Pedro, but as soon as Don John and Borachio show up and say ‘oh by the way, DP’s in love with Hero’, Claudio’s like ‘damn, Don Pedro must be in love with Hero’. Y’all know Shakespeare loves a soliloquy, and Claudio does get one here, but it isn’t a ‘hm should I listen to Don John who is notoriously untrustworthy’ soliloquy, it’s a ‘well I guess Don Pedro screwed me over’ soliloquy. Claudio sees/hears something, has no evidence to contradict it and says ‘well, that must be true’. He doesn’t look for counter evidence or take Don John’s character into account. He’s gullible, black-and-white, and idealistic. If someone says something he can’t, for a fact, disprove, it must be true.
Later, when he accuses Hero, he says, “O Hero, what a Hero hadst thou been, / If half thy outward graces had been placed / About thy thoughts and counsels of thy heart!” He’s finally learned that people aren’t always what they seem, but HE LEARNED IT FROM THE WRONG PERSON because he always sticks with his first impression, instead of like, trusting the person he loves and wants to marry. His first instinct was to believe Don John at the party that Don Pedro isn’t a loyal friend, and a few scenes later, to believe Hero isn’t a loyal fiancée. His trust is completely based on perfection: he wants people to be perfect, and when they aren’t, he doesn’t just like. move on. He completely goes off the rails. In the party scene, he’s furious with Don Pedro, which makes him snap at Benedick and storm off in a huff (meanwhile Benedick is stood there like ????????????), and when he accuses Hero, he can’t just do it quietly. Like Beatrice complains, he waits til they are in church in front of God and everybody and completely destroys her life. He learns one negative thing about her and her perfection is destroyed and he will never love again.
Benedick, on the other hand, does not believe in love at first sight. He doesn’t believe in love at all. Nearly every single one of his lines in the first scene is him complaining about love. He says every man who marries will eventually “wear his cap with suspicion”. (This means married men have to wear caps to cover up their cuckold horns – Elizabethans had a sort of… urban legend that if your wife cheated on you, you would grow horns). So Benedick is basically saying ‘women will never be faithful’ (the irony of this is apparent later when Balthasar sings “men were deceivers ever”). However, Benedick also says a lot of stuff about being a ladies man??? He’s very inconsistent – the whole ‘appearance vs reality’ thing comes up with him too bc its like he really doesn’t want people to think he’s interested in romantic love but he also really wants them to think he can Get It. Who is the real Benedick????? We don't really know bc he keeps swapping personalities. Personally I think it’s interesting how Shakespeare seems to like flipping the connotations we expect… in Romeo and Juliet, he gives day a negative connotation and night a positive one, which is almost unheard of in western literature, and in Much Ado, the consistent character (Claudio, who is consistently gullible and idealistic) is a much less positive character then the inconsistent one (Benedick, who has no clue what he is doing ever).
A few scenes later, Benedick is in the garden complaining about how men make fun of other men who fall in love, then become the exact thing they’re complaining about by falling in love “and such a man is Claudio”. He goes on to say he will never fall in love (methinks he doth protest too much), but if he does the woman he loves will be perfect in every way. On the surface, it sounds like he has high standards, but what he’s really saying is ‘I will never marry because no such woman exists’ (not unlike Beatrice saying a man with no beard is too young for her but a man with a beard is too old – she’s saying she won’t marry because there is no such man in between – you either have a beard or you don’t). Benedick is an idiot, but not that kind of idiot. He knows the perfect woman doesn’t exist. Where Claudio is idealistic, Benedick is realistic.
……and then like one page later, he hears his friends say Beatrice loves him and he goes ‘oh hell yeah I will be horribly in love with her’. His soliloquy from earlier that said ‘men are idiots because they mock love then fall in love’? He’s proving himself right. But the difference between him and Claudio is that he can always acknowledge Beatrice’s faults. Even in the very beginning, he says Beatrice is prettier than Hero, though she is unfortunately “possessed with a fury”. Even now, when he’s deluded into thinking she loves him, and he’s listing off her virtues, he can still say she is “wise, but for loving me; by my troth, it is no addition to her wit”, and not only is he acknowledging her faults, he’s also acknowledging his. He even decides to be kind to her because he hears his friends roasting him and thinks ‘wow am I like that? I need to fix that’. While Claudio refuses to even consider that he might be wrong about distrusting Hero, Benedick is making a list of his own flaws and calling it Things I Need To Work On. Claudio’s list is more like Things I Am Right About Without Doing Any Critical Thinking.
What this all boils down to, for me, anyway, is again, that idea of realistic vs idealistic. Claudio is idealistic about himself too. He always thinks he’s right. Benedick knows he has flaws and actively tries to fix them. Claudio has unrealistic expectations of perfection. That whole ‘love is not love which alters when it alteration finds’ thing does NOT apply to him. If he finds an alteration he will not only stop loving you, he will give up on love forever, and ruin your entire life in front of every single person you know. He thinks love is nice. That it’s a warm fuzzy feeling that makes you feel like chirping birds helped you get dressed in the morning. But Benedick knows that love is a choice. His love for Beatrice isn’t love at first sight. In fact, they had a past relationship that ended badly. His feelings for Beatrice change on a dime because he decides he is going to love her, which is a crucial part of any real relationship, romantic or otherwise. We have to choose to love people in spite of their failings because everyone has failings. If we give up on everyone who fails us, we will be alone – just like Claudio and Don Pedro end up isolated from everyone in Act 4 and 5.
When Hero and Claudio reconcile, they slip right back into their dramatic overwrought nonsense – Hero’s all ‘I truly was dead, because you killed me, but I have returned to life’. Beatrice and Benedick are like “I take you for pity” and ‘here’s a shitty sonnet you wrote about me lmao’. Claudio and Hero feel like Romeo and Juliet 2.0, but Beatrice and Benedick sound like your favourite real-life married couple because they can make fun of each other. So again, Shakespeare is playing with expected connotations: the person who’s more serious should probably be a more positive character than the one who can’t take anything seriously, but it’s Benedick, who literally never stops joking around, who is the positive character, and Claudio, who takes everything Very Seriously, who ends up looking like an idiot.
This is a really long answer but basically, they’re foils because Benedick is unserious, realistic, and introspective, while Claudio is serious, idealistic, and self-righteous.
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tonishagadd-blog · 4 years
6 Years After Release, Grand Theft Auto Online Is Getting Back At More Popular
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About GTA 5 Online - A Close Analysis on What Does not and What Works
Do this, and you’ll can play on the internet securities market (see over). You’ll likewise can store and check the pictures you have taken with any of the video game’s three principal characters. The Social Club will probably be they add way extra purposeful as soon as Grand Theft Auto Online to GTA V in very early October. It would not be a Grand Theft Auto video game if you weren’t stealing lots and tons of autos regularly.
You’ll additionally wish to watch out for the shade-coded map system in GTA V. You can invest an impressive deal of time heading to objectives that your character can not finish. Blue is Michael. Environment-friendly is for Franklin, and Orange is for Trevor.
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Traveling cars, lovely residences, or even the ostentatious luxury yacht will catch players’ eyes, yet the most effective alternative is to select a goal-purchase and also job towards it. When you switch over, head to the goals on the map that have the big initials for the personality you’ve chosen. These are the primary story missions for your character, and also will undoubtedly progress the game.
You’ll locate the same diverse mix of automobiles with wheels, with wings, and also with rudders wandering the streets you did in past video games. Saving cars and trucks that you’ve taken is still an alternative. However, it functions a little in different ways GTA V. This page features all the tips and also tips we need to help you make more money in Grand Theft Auto 5 and read with our Securities market Tips guide, which is where you can make some serious cash.
We’ve assembled all the significant methods to generate income in GTA Online in our comprehensive overview below.
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I have accumulated all the best means of earning money (appropriately) in GTA Online to help gamers understand what can sometimes be a clumsily discussed and complicated subject.
How To Play GTA Online: A Quick-start Guide To Getting Money, Autos And Property
Free-roaming may look like an adjunct represents GTA games. Still, GTAV takes it to heart and offers a massive variety of random discussions, side goals, and even enjoyable minor events for gamers to complete. GTA 5 is the newest open-world story from Rockstar Studios. Like much of the games before it, they fill GTAV with collectibles, hard missions, and thousands of hours of new and enjoyable material. Whether you’re a single-player lover or a multiplayer lunatic, Los Santos has a lot to offer.
You can let these develop and also purchase a ridiculous vehicle that you desire. The break-ins are the clear standout in GTA Online regarding actual very early video game enjoyable stuff. If you toss many hours at GTA Online, you might validate investing a little from time to time for that service, automobile, or house you want, specifically since you got the ready without Legendary.
Released for last-gen gaming consoles in 2013, Rockstar has actually since wholly overhauled the game with new graphics and included material for the PS4, Xbox One, and COMPUTER, all of which are available right now. Over the past few years, Rockstar has become a growing number of generous in giving out free GTA money, only logging on throughout a particular duration. At the beginning of this year, it handed out $2 million just for transforming the game two times in two weeks.
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New players will find out that this made to make gamers invest the money as often as possible. The game features micro-transactions, so it encourages gamers to turn to spend actual money to prosper. However, while that’s an option, earning money in GTA isn’t as tough as it may seem, provided players do not spend all of it on impulsively.
Watch on Rockstar Gamings’ social networks for any similar promotions. They’re not that regular. However, they’ll usually happen twice a year, and if you’re new to the game, it’ll suffice cash to make a serious distinction.
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roseamongroses · 5 years
W.A.L: “Never Gonna Get it “(9)
Summary:It wasn’t a matter of whether or not they were worthy.It was a matter of who wanted it more. And now they were firmly on the wrong side of history. A history of unfathomable powers and all-knowing immortals, ancient forests and beasts, and a Stranger who wanted to challenge it all.
Vibes/ Tags:time is irrelevent, homophobia who?, magic and beasts, demigods
Warnings: Imprisonment, Mentions of execution, Blood/ injuries,  Mentions of past Death, repression, cursing,
Characters: Deceit(Eden) Sanders, Remy Sanders, Logan Sanders, Virgil Sanders, Patton Sanders, Roman Sanders, Emile Picani
Ship: Roceit
1) (2)   (3)  (4) (5)
(6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11)
A file slid across the table. 
Emile didn’t look up, his chair squeaking as he shifted one leg over another,   “Logan, you heard what I said, you won’t be on any field missi--”
“Until Patton recovers?” Logan finished, “His physical therapy’s been going well and he’s passed his mental health assessment.” He stood, hands clasped and stance unwavering, so much so you could hardly notice the bags under his eyes. 
Emile thumbed the pages, but didn’t open the file yet, “What about your mental health assessment?” He asked, and Logan grew still, “Ms. Dana mentioned it had been awhile since you’ve scheduled an appointment...”
“I got busy,” Logan’s lips were tight. 
“Don’t worry, I’m not scolding, only being a bit of a worry wart,” Emile poured more honey into his tea, stirring methodically, “I know it isn’t required of all apprentices, but it is recommended to help with the stress. Especially with offerings coming up…” 
“I’m fine, now.” Logan muttered, “I overreacted before. “
“Having any feelings is not an overreaction,” Emile sighed, setting down his tea cup, before flipping through the file, his face growing more grim, “This plan isn’t your best, Logan. ” he said, “But...it isn’t your worst.”
Logan nodded, “My brother is still suspected to have stronger sensory capabilities then we have on record,” he pulled out his notebook and continue  to list, “And there's always a risk that the Unknown has sensory based magic as well, or worse, strong combative magic.” 
“Yes, and…?”
“There is a strong chance,” Logan flipped a page, “A possibility,” he squinted at the blurred ink, “That Roman might drop a mountain on our heads.” 
“Can you make it so there’s no possibility?”
Logan shrugged, “I’ll make some adjustments,”
A Complete History of Creatures, Beasts, And Others Blessed by the Goddess
1001 Theories On Why The Goddess Continues to Sleep: Will We Ever Repent?
Where was the Goddess's Actual Last Resting Place: A Five Part Analysis
Dirty, Musty, Dusty Languages For Absolute Buffoons (Yes You!!!)
These among numerous others, were assigned by the Stranger, in between the strenuous exercises and questionable lectures of life advice --- which often approximated to “Repress that shit.” Which, to be fair Eden was trying. 
Dot was more useful than the Stranger, but she was useful in a kind, approachable way that made Eden uncomfortable. Maybe he was waiting for the catch. 
Still, she explained everything, showing them around the village and introducing Aleseners customs to with an almost analytical pride. She ensured the Stranger didn’t work them into an early fucking death, but she was still… odd with anything too human. As in, she knew more than any other Alesener about human customs, but most of what she knew lacked context, as if they were merely a fascinating fantasy. 
All of it was odd, to be completely honest, but as their time in the Aleseners’ village progressed, it became the new normal. Magical exercises in the mornings, creature handling in the evenings, and studying through most of the night. 
Right about now, Eden was trying not to pull out his hair. 
In front of him were strewn various guides about controlling magic, all of which were largely unhelpful for shapeshifting. Sure, he could now blend into his environment, but now he had to learn how to become other people. Which was hard. Really, really hard. 
“What about this?” Roman said, rolling over to  show a particularly dusty book. The book read: “Creatures Dead and Dying: A Complete, Extensive Report.”
“Very funny,” Eden rolled his eyes, idly scanning the pages in front of him. 
“No-nuno-Really, look!” Roman whined, shoving the book on Eden’s lap before he could protest, “Look right here,”
“That’s what you said last--” Eden took a second look, “Huh, that actually might be useful.” he admitted, reading the page more thoroughly, “The hell…”
The page detailed an old type of magic folk, Unnamed, known for their camouflage, reptilian traits, and tendency to congregate near humans. Most of them were largely driven out or killed… There are no known records of them currently living-- the Council decred them dead centuries ago-- but there are plenty of theories about how they honed their craft. 
“Find anything useful?” Roman asked leaning on Eden’s shoulder and squinting at the tiny text and darkly stained photos. 
“Some first hand accounts and…” Eden blushed, “Uh a lot about sex.” he mumbled flipping through the accounts faster,  “A ridicolous amount about sex--what the hell--” he fought through his embaressment and read through the pages again ,“Oh.”
“So you are getting a hemipe-”
Eden held up a hand, “Absolutely not, ” he shushed, still engrossed in the book.
“So you need to get laid?” R
oman said, “Is that it?”
 “For someone so modest, you’re filthy.” Eden batted Roman’s prodding hands away. 
“I’m not--it was a genuine question,” Roman’s pouted, “But what else does it say?” 
“I think...it’s an act of intimacy, cause there are some accounts talking about weddings and...funera--” Eden flipped that page abruptly, “I guess it’s easier to keep form if you know the person well, mentally, physically. Kinda like a memory, the stronger the memory is the better the shift.” Eden concluded, “Though I guess the more I do it, the less I’ll need to actually know.” 
“Oh, that’s all?” Roman said, “Do me, then.” 
“Again,  filthy,” Eden said as Roman scooted in front of him, “I’ll start with your face,” he continued hands cradling Roman’s lax face. 
He studied them, carefully tracing the dips of their face. The dimples in their cheeks, and the roundness of their nose. Eden felt his scales slowly but surely morph. Slowly, but surely he mimicked the wrinkles under Roman’s big, silver eyes and how their eyelashes fanned dark onto their cheeks. 
Roman leaned down a bit to give Eden a better look, nimble fingers digging into Eden’s shirt, legs pressed close. He was humming that lullaby. And Eden felt that song creep into the shift, softening too harsh lines, breathing life into the illusion. 
 Eden’s thumb swept the bottom of Roman’s lips, the melody warm under his hands. Roman warm under his hands, as he traced their lips, feeling the soft--
Eden’s breath hitched, and like that and the illusion was broken. 
“What happened?” Roman asked, half dazed.
“I got distracted.” he admitted. 
“What... were you distracted by?” 
“I don’t want to talk about it, “ Eden scowled, “Now stop fidgeting-- Roman,” Eden hissed -- like actually hissed -- as he caught Roman’s hands in his, while starting the process all over again. It seemed to calm Roman down a bit now that he had something to play with, but realistically Eden knew that it wouldn’t last for long so he worked quickly. 
This time it was a lot easier, but it was at such an ineffective pace he knew he’d have to get faster. He can’t do... this to every person he tries to mimic. Eden has a feeling they won’t be as willing as Roman. 
“I think,” Eden squinted,  “I’m done, how does it look?”
“Huh,’ Roman’s gaze was critical, “You’ve nearly got all my freckles.” 
“How would you even--Nearly?” Eden looked offended.
“I stare at myself a lot Eden,” Roman said sagely, “So I know when something’s off. I think you missed a few around my mouth and chin, but I doubt anyone else would notice.” 
“I would--” Eden grumbled, fighting the itch to go back and fix it--instead letting his face revert back. 
Roman rolled his eyes, “Ever the perfectionist,” he said, “What? Are you going to memorize every inch of my body--”
“Of course,” Eden said without missing a beat.
“I…” Roman gaped, wide eyed,“Are you serious?”
“Why…” Eden realized, his eyes narrowing with a calculated smile, “Why of course, I have to. It’s an intimate act, afterall Roman, what do you expect?” 
“W-well,” Roman couldn’t look away, “It doesn’t always have to be, right-”
“Maybe so, but,” Eden said, interlocking their hands with a bastard grin, “It’s my first time. I want it to be...perfect.” 
“I hate this, I hate  you,” Roman whined, rose buds popping up in his hair, “Go back to being grouchy--and broody, Goddess be damned.”  
“You’re still holding my hand,” Eden said pointedly.
“I can multitask.” 
The door was oddly foreboding. 
 It was a pristine, sterile white. Even in the hallway the distinct sting of clean was in Virgil’s nose and watering his eyes. Normally the medic bay was bustling with apprentices and careless mentors, but today it was quiet and the door was closed. The offerings and all that nonsense was getting prepped afterall. But instead of helping with preparations or even being on a mission, Virgil was here.
 He was trying to force words out of his dry throat, trying to work up the nerve to knock on the door and apologize. 
It wasn’t like he hadn’t had a chance before, these long weeks of watching Patton lay there. Simply lay there, his skin dull of any light and his eyes--when they finally opened-- weak and resigned. 
“You’re safe.” Was the only thing Patton had managed to say while being there. 
As if it was a miracle that Virgil was hardly scathed, as if Patton had not nearly been crushed to death getting Virgil out of the way. As if he hadn’t trusted every warning Virgil gave without hesitation —as if he hadn’t trusted Virgil without hesitation only to get suspicion in return. 
Virgil’s suspicion  was irrational—it was always irrational, but Virgil could never shake it. Even now, when Patton was basically out of commission, he felt dread coil tight in his gut at the thought of being friendly.
  Patton had basically saved his life, yet Virgil couldn’t trust him. Like how he could couldn’t fully trust Logan, like he could never fully trust Dr. Picani, like how he couldn’t trust himself when remembering that day. When the river ran cold between his finger tips, only the burning of the vial keeping him awake. 
Keeping him vigilant. 
Reminding him that while he got lucky that time there was always a chance he would come back—
He’s panicking. 
He needs to breathe. He’s in the medical wing, the obnoxiously white medical wing. He can taste clean on his tongue and most importantly he was safe. 
He can apologize. 
So he opened that white door, and was greeted with a white, empty bed. He didn’t even bother to read the note Logan had left behind. 
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I don't blame you at all for keeping quiet about the show. I just can't understand how the people running the CW can look at what Dabb is doing to this show and go, "Eh - good enough." It's NOT good enough. It is demonstrably terrible, and at this point I desperately hope there will be a new show runner next season who will reveal the last 2 seasons were all a dream because one of the boys was in a coma. I don't know how else to fix things without acting like the Dabb era just didn't happen.
Not sure my ask went thru… What’s up Girly-girl! Long time no comment, edit, review, rant, observation, bitch session…  we miss you! You still watching? Curious as to what you think about theses past 5 episodes. Looks like Dabb in his ultimate suckitude as a Showrunner has screwed Jensen over again and handed off his DeanMichael storyline to another. Shocker. I’ll be really pissed if he has. And it definitely looks that way.             
Hello dear!
I assume these two might have been written by you? And probably some time ago as well. I’m sorry about replying so late, but tumblr hasn’t really been a prioriy these past months. Thank you for your message though. :) I think tumblr is working perfectly alright without me though, but thank you for being sweet and saying you missed my rambles.
That being said, I don’t think there will be any rambles, specs or metas posted on my page in any foreseeable future - though I could probably just schedule the around 200 meta-, gif- and edit-posts that are still sitting in my drafts, but then again… they have collected some dust by now.
To be completely honest, it’s a combination of things why I have been silent on here. One being that my daily life with work has been pretty demanding and doesn’t leave me with a whole lot of energy after I get home, but it’s also that I simply don’t have as much to say about SPN anymore these days.
I joined fandom in the middle of S7 and my personal highlight times on here has been from S8 to S11 - those were the good old days of meta, really they were golden and I cherish that time dearly still, but fandom has changed since then (and what people deem most important as well), the show has changed and I don’t feel like I am having a place in this fandom any longer. While I also always love editing, my primary focus on tumblr and with my blog has been analysis and meta and I feel like the kind of meta I strived for, loved reading and wrote myself theme wise is no longer of any interest to the majority of people - which doesn’t really bother me, I would continue to post my views regardless, but these past 3 seasons under Dabb’s reign have been hard on me. He turned the show into something I can barely recognize as the show I fell in love with. The storytelling is a mess and so much other stuff as well that I have been very vocal about up until a few months back, but I didn’t want to be just negative any longer so I took a break hoping that maybe SPN would inspire me again to write, but Dabb’s version of SPN is so shallow, so foreseeable from miles away that it has simply not been the case.
To put it plainly, Dabb has made me fall out of love with SPN these past 3 years as he turned it into a show that has nothing in common with the show I love. Of course all of our tastes differ, but my personal favourite seasons past Kripke were the Carver years as he imo knew how to craft story, craft emotion, craft characters and he knew how to play subtle, how to set up a story and follow through, how to make your heart ache in the best way possible. His style of storytelling and showrunning is what I adored and Dabb’s style has hardy anything in common with that so the past three years watching the show, seeing canon thrown out the window, replacing deep emotion with cheap melodrama and stories that built up and had a climax to millions of stories that go nowhere has left their mark on me. It’s been a tough three years, years that were frustrating, yes even painful, it was like a relationship that you always hoped would blossom again but never did. It’s like a relationship that had all the raw potential but ended up hurting you more than it made you happy.
Don’t get me wrong, I will always love this show and there will never be another show that will have this impact on me and my life and I can guarantee that there will NEVER be a character that will mean as much to me as Dean Winchester, but Dabb era has been painful, because I cared so much about the show. I was mourning it and it’s characters while they were still there on my screen but treated with such careless hands that I needed to take a step back and to be honest, I think it was the right call. For one because no one needs a negative voice all the time, but even more so now that J2M have revealed that S15 will be the last.
I see a lot of people very broken up about it and I’d have been the same way after S8 or 9 or 10 or 11 if it had ended then, right now I feel relief - and I don’t want to hurt anybody with saying that - and strangely enough for the first time in a while interest again (I have been watching the episodes btw, but like I said… nothing that would need to be written about - aside from Jensen rocking it with his Michael struggle, which like you said now has been given to someone else, once more) and a faint bit of hope and even happiness, because this way they should be able to craft an ending that is planned from the get-go. And that is something that could be very good for the storyline - then again, sadly I doubt that someone like Dabb could pull it all together. But here’s to hoping. All I want at this point is for them to make it count, make it worth it - I’d love nothing more than seeing the first episode of S15 and feeling like writing meta again.
So, what does it all add up to? I know this is a long ramble, but I felt it was overdue given my silence on here. I don’t know how often I’ll be on here from now on, I’ll check in here and there, but I doubt I’ll be posting much. To everybody who is hurting due to SPN coming to an end: HUGS. Really selfishly I can say I truly don’t hurt or feel broken up, I feel more like resolution is finally on the horizon and potential for a wonderful ending. And something that I will always be grateful for is the people this show has brought into my life, people who’ll stay in my life way past this show, that’s what makes the show count: just like the character will transcend, keep living, so will these friendships for life and that’s how this show will become “immortal”. Not through the storylines, not through the 15 seasons it aired, it had impact through and due to the people who watched it and who found like minded people through it they can consider close friends and even family now.
Anyway, if I could have one wish fulfilled, it would be to get all of the good writers back on the show for this last hurra, Ben Edlund, Jeremy Carver, Sera Gamble, Raelle Tucker, Robbie Thompson and Adam Glass for example and of course Eric Kripke. Let them pen the ending to the show that famously once said “endings are hard, but nothing ever truly ends, does it”. And yes, I still stand by my sceanrio that I have written about many a times before in terms of endings. I’d love it if the ending scene was a shot of the Impala on some stretch of the road (the brothers may have died fighting the good fight or finally retired or whatever else) and some guy who looks to be lost, but a good soul tries the door and it swings open. He sits down, rumages through the car to find the keys and finally looks into the glove compartment where a thick envelope sits that reads:
“For you”
And the guy picks me it up and opens it and inside there’s a leather journal, reminiscent of John’s but not his and a folded piece of paper and the keys to the Impala. And you can see in Dean’s handwriting there’s written:
“May she be as much of a home to you as she was for me and my brother. Treat her well, or I swear I’ll haunt your ass.”
And the guy laughs and turns on the ignition, “Back in Black” starts blasting from the radio so that he turns down the volume and fumbles for the journal, opens it up and looks at the first page that says:
“My name is Dean Winchesters. And then is my story. Buckle up.”
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fairy-studies-blr · 6 years
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Well I’m back from break with another masterpost! This one took me a while to write, so I hope at least some people find it useful. As you can tell from the title, it’s a step-by-step guide on how to write literary analysis essay aka an essay that analyzes a literary text. Enjoy!
1. Read the book
I mean this one’s pretty obvious right? If you want to do well on a literature essay, you have to actually read the book/poem that you’ll be analyzing. While you’re reading, you should be taking note of major themes that the author is developing and the different ways in which they appear throughout the book. The following is a list of things you should be keeping an eye out for while you read (but it’s by no means exhaustive).
Things to note (potential essay topics)
historical context, aka how are the author’s background and the events going on in his/her life reflected in the text
the way characters are portrayed and their function in the story
major themes
use of literary devices (allusions, imagery, repetition, etc.)
questions you personally have about the text
writing style 
key scenes/lines
2. Develop your thesis
Now you have to come up with a thesis, or in other words your central argument. This is where your annotations will come in handy. Use them as a guide to come up with a general argument about the text. If you're getting stuck, ask yourself why a particular scene/quote/character/device is important to the text. If you can answer that question you have a thesis statement. To use a personal example, I wrote an essay on the symbolism of oranges in a partiuclary book. My thesis statement was:
While in the beginning of the novel oranges represent the religious norms that Jeanette eventually rejects, as the story progresses the color orange, and later oranges themselves, come to symbolize Jeanette’s desires for other women. The double meaning of the oranges exemplifies Winterson’s message that the Bible and what it says is always open to multiple interpretations.
Notice how specific this thesis is. It tells you exactly what argument I’m trying to make, and how that argument relates to a major theme in the text, or in other words how it contributes to our understanding of the book. Your thesis should be between 1-3 sentences. Any longer than that and it’s probably not specific enough.
Finally, one of the biggest mistakes people make is coming up with a thesis that just states a fact about the book. In other words, if you’re writing about the Sherlock Holmes stories, you can’t say, “Homes uses his powers of observation to solve the crimes.” This is not an acceptable thesis because it is not making an argument about the text, it is just stating a fact. Anyone reading the book would know this was true. Your thesis needs to be a statement that someone could potentially argue against.
3. Find quotes/evidence
Once you’ve come up with a solid thesis, you need to look through your book/poem and find the evidence that you are going to use to support your thesis. This can include things the characters say or do, descriptions, scenes, elements of the work’s structure, or specific quotes. I find that it’s normally easier to do this before making the outline itself, because it gives you an idea of what things you want to include. I recommend using post-it flags to bookmark all of the parts that you want to reference. This process will be much easier if you have already annotated the text, because you’ve probably already taken note of things you can use as evidence for your argument.
4. Outline
Start your outline by writing your thesis at the top. Then, number each paragraph/section and write down a topic sentence next to that number. Underneath the heading for each paragraph, use bullet points to expand on the topic sentence, explain your analysis, and mark down where you are going to put your evidence. You can either include your quotes in full in your outline, or you can simply write down the page numbers you will be referencing. Regardless, make sure you take note of what evidence supports your analysis in your outline, because this will allow you to spot any weak points in your argument. You don’t have to use complete sentences, but the more info you put down the better. Remember, outlines are allowed to be messy, so don’t get stressed about it not looking perfect.
5. Writing the Draft
Before you start writing your paper, make sure you have your both your text and your outline handy as well as a thesaurus/dictionary. Write down your thesis at the top of the page so that you can easily reference it as you’re typing. Typically, I like to start my papers by writing all of the body paragraphs first, and then I’ll go back and write the introduction and the conclusion. I do this because I usually end up straying from my outline and/or adjusting my thesis as I’m writing the body paragraphs. It’s easier to introduce the paper once I already know what I’ve written.
One of the biggest mistakes you can make in a literary essay is summarizing the text instead of analyzing it. Any evidence you present in your paragraphs to support your thesis must be coupled with your own analysis. You have to explain how the evidence you present supports the argument you are trying to make. You shouldn’t be taking quotes out of context either, trust me teachers can tell when you do that.
6. Revise
This step shouldn’t be that much different than revising any other papers you’ve done, but there are a couple of things you should keep in mind. Make sure you’re consistently using present tense to discuss the text that you are analyzing, because although literature may have been written in the past, it still exists today, in the present. Also, make sure you haven’t summarized the text at all.
Be careful when talking about authorial intent. Don’t assume that just because you interpret something a certain way that’s how the author wanted it to be interpreted. This doesn’t mean you can’t talk about your interpretation, it just means you might want to avoid saying things like, “he/she wants to show...” or he/she wrote x in this way because... Instead, opt for “this shows x” or “or y can be interpreted in x way.”
Also, literature papers are often formatted in MLA, so make sure your essay matches their guidelines. All of my professors would take off points if our papers were not in MLA.
If you want more general revision tips, check here and here.
And that’s the end of this post. I’m thinking of turning this into a series, where I go over how to write different kinds of essays, so if you liked this one keep an eye out for future posts. My ask box is always open if you have a question (about this post or anything else), or if you have some other tips you’d like to share put them in the comments. Happy writing!
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ariellblogus · 5 years
The Internet is a crowded place. I lately learn there are over 83,000 new weblog posts revealed each hour. Each hour!
So is it even potential to face out in a crowd anymore? Completely. It is in case you have a technique to publish and promote partaking content material.
Need to know what actually drives visitors? From brainstorming your material to scheduling your social media shares? Comply with these content material advertising ideas, and you’ll get observed. Huge time.
1. Begin By Asking Your Audience What They Want
There’s individuals out there who will inform you, “Just write 500 words a day about anything, and you’ll get traffic”. BS! Worst of all the content material advertising ideas on the market.
You might get some visitors, however at what value? A disjointed viewers who you’ll shortly lose in case you don’t work out what they actually need to study from you.
Let’s take a look at some methods you possibly can help clearly determine what your readers need.
Use Popup surveys:
That is the only method is to literally ask your readers what they need to study. I exploit a WordPress plugin referred to as Popup Surveys & Polls to ask questions like, “What are you struggling with in your business?” and “What do you want to learn more about?”.
Each visitor to my website will get surveyed with out me having to raise a finger.
Ask your e mail subscribers:
Use the email autoresponders that go out to your new subscribers to ask what they need extra of. Hey, they agreed to offer you one thing as sacred as their e mail tackle. Meaning they belief you.
Show them you trust their judgement, too, by asking your subscribers to reply with a few sentences explaining what would get them to maintain opening your emails. Information is power.
Analysis your competition
In the event you haven’t established an viewers but, research what’s working for different bloggers who are successfully reaching the viewers you’d wish to have. Google’s search results offers you a reasonably good concept of this.
Simply enter a key phrase phrase like “content marketing tips” to discover what is already rating on the primary web page for that material. Dig into some of these posts and you’ll start to see patterns.
2. Focus On Creating Evergreen Content
What’s evergreen content? It’s content that continues to realize search engine visitors long after it’s been revealed. That is a type of content advertising ideas I’m so glad I paid consideration to early on. For a extra detailed rationalization of evergreen content, take a look at this submit by Neil Patel.
To ensure the content material you publish is evergreen:
Does it stand the check of time?
Ask your self, “If someone reads this article 10 years from now, will it still be relevant? Or will they say, “Oh yeah, I remember when that was actually popular/true/in style/etc.”
Write content material that’s related all yr round.
For example, on my insurance website, I’ve obtained a submit referred to as 6 Secrets and techniques For Recruiting And Retaining Younger Brokers that gets visitors each single day of the yr. Distinction that with one other submit on my website referred to as Memorial Day Weekend Is The Most Harmful Weekend On The Roads. Are you able to guess which one is extra evergreen?
Think about removing publish dates from your posts.
There’s debate about whether this could even be filed beneath “Good Content Marketing Tips”. However I feel it’s value contemplating. Give it some thought. Ten years from now, when somebody finds your submit of their search engine outcomes, will they still click by way of if your publish date is previous and rancid?
three. Inform Stories & Be Your self
The artwork of storytelling seems to be popping up lots nowadays in numerous posts about content advertising ideas. And for good purpose. Individuals naturally need to connect with other individuals. So how are you going to do this with your personal on-line content?
Give actual life examples
For each primary idea you present to your viewers, give them an example. Inform a narrative. Convey up the time you have been goofing around and operating with the trash can from the road again to your home and tripped and fell inside. (My spouse still laughs her butt off retelling that one!)
Embrace the psychology of storytelling
Scientific studies and loads of other lists of content material advertising ideas have proven that we’re hardwired to recollect tales over details. Tales draw readers in. They help individuals make connections between what they already know and the new stuff you’re throwing at them.
Domesticate relationships
If this one appears misplaced in an inventory about content material advertising ideas, assume once more. Individuals need to develop a relationship with you, even when they’re just reading your phrases. Let your character present in what you write. For good instance of someone who writes in their very own voice, take a look at this blog submit creation guidelines from Sara Moss.
For example, my 4 years of school in Boston, after which marrying a Rhode Islander, tends to deliver the slang phrase “wicked [insert subject here]”. I don’t cover that in most of my blog posts. And the reason is that’s how I might speak if I have been having fun with a conversation with you in actual life.
4. Do (Sensible) Key phrase Analysis
Going the “publish and pray” technique isn’t the neatest of content material advertising ideas. It’s essential deliberately develop your content round keywords your ultimate viewers is looking. Luckily, there are tools out there to make key phrase analysis simpler than just guessing.
Google Keyword Planner
The Google Keyword Planner is an effective place to start out getting key phrase ideas. Just pop a couple of keywords or keyword phrases into the planner and…BOOM! Keyword ideas a a lot are ready for you. Just be mindful, these are the same keywords everybody else is seeing in the event that they used the identical search criteria.
To dig deeper for some keyword gems, copy and paste the web site tackle of considered one of your rivals into the “Your Landing Page” subject and then search. Right here’s what you may see in case you search the phrase “bakery shop”.
Buzz Sumo
When you’ve grabbed some key phrases from the Google Keyword Planner, bounce over to BuzzSumo and enter a couple of those keywords into their search subject. What you’ll get is an inventory of posts which are performing greatest for that key phrase phrase (ie: getting a ton of social media shares and web site visitors).
This can change the best way you get your content advertising ideas. Sift by means of the outcomes to get an excellent feel for the kinds of posts you may need to create. Here’s what popped up once I entered the phrase “content marketing tips”.
Google Advertisements
Seems like an unlikely place to do keyword analysis on your content material, doesn’t it? However just assume for a second. Whenever you Google one thing and see advertisements on the prime and sides of the web page, meaning you’ve searched for a keyword that marketers are paying good money for to target individuals identical to you.
Right here’s a few things to concentrate to:
Variety of advertisements on the page – The more you see, the extra in style the subject you just searched for. That’s good.
Advert copy – Refine your key phrase analysis by paying close attention to the language marketers are using to get individuals to click on on their advert.
Your personal Google Analytics results
Google used to point out you just about each key phrase visitors searched for to seek out your website. Gone are these days, my good friend. But they do nonetheless show you some keywords. Use your Google Analytics account to seek out the keyword phrases that slip via.
What you’re more likely to find are key phrases you’re not intentionally making an attempt to rank for. Use these to create new posts which might be unique variations of what you originally wrote on that matter. Look for a twist or a special approach.
In the event you’re seeing the key phrase phrase “content marketing tips” show up, attempt writing about “content marketing tips for small businesses”. The chances are infinite.
5. Create Engaging Titles
You possibly can write the shiniest, sexiest submit about constructing an effective buyer referral program. But when you’re title is “meh”, you possibly can overlook individuals truly studying it.
Writing engaging titles is crucial for content advertising success. It’s what will get readers to click on in your content material and then share it. Pay shut consideration to those next few content advertising ideas.
Lure them in.
Does your title pull the reader in? Does it beg for an answer or rationalization? An awesome example of an attractive weblog title (and an excellent submit on the subject itself) is: Easy methods to Write Killer Titles That Can Sell a Fur Coat to a Wookie. I still reference again to this submit right now when writing my titles.
Maintain it brief.
The cutoff point for what search engine outcomes display is round 60 characters. So maintain your titles brief and to the point.
Hold it relevant.
Nothing hurts your bounce price greater than utilizing a deceptive title. In the event you trick visitors into considering they’re about to get one thing they’re not, your submit gained’t present up close to the top of search outcomes for long.
Embrace your keyword phrase.
Absolutely embrace your keyword or keyword phrase in your title. For extra punch, put it at the start of your title
Make it an inventory.
By far the preferred blog posts on the internet are record posts, or “listicles”. These appear to stand the check of time more than some other sort of weblog publish. For those who take nothing else away from these content material advertising ideas, write an inventory publish.
And when applicable, use odd numbers in your listing. There’s plenty of studies that present readers are likely to view odd numbers as more reasonable.
6. Make Your Content Easier To Learn
This subsequent set of content material advertising ideas is crucial for maintaining visitors on your page longer. Longer “dwell time” is sweet in your Google rankings.
Based on CoSchedule, lower than half of your blog readers truly learn past 100 words. For probably the most half, this has to do with readability. So how do you repair this?
Write like Hemingway.
Ernest Hemingway was the grasp of writing brief sentences. You ought to be, too. ‘Nuff stated.
Hold your paragraphs brief.
I’m a former high school English instructor. It nonetheless makes me twitch once I see articles that drone on and on with no breaks. Maintain your paragraphs to no more than 3 or 4 sentences. It’s simply simpler on the eyes.
Guide your readers with headings.
Not solely do headings assist with web optimization (once you use h1 and h2 tags). Additionally they help readers who’re in a hurry scan your publish for the main points. Headings assist them shortly determine whether or not it’s what they have been on the lookout for or not. In case you information them along, they’ll stick around longer to dig deeper.
Use photographs, video and bullet points.
Utilizing rich media and bullet points additionally assist break up your content into more usable chunks. Not to mention, content with photographs and video get shared more ceaselessly than content material without.
7. Optimize Your search engine optimization
Search engine marketing (search engine optimization) is the stuff baked into your content material that gets it found when individuals put keywords into sites like Google. Loads of bloggers promoting content material advertising ideas say optimizing your search engine optimization is the primary approach to get long term visitors to your web site.
The simplest option to be sure to’re optimizing every publish is to make use of a WordPress plugin like Yoast web optimization. Here’s how it works.
Focus keyword
Start by getting into your keyword or key phrase phrase it into the Focus Key phrase section. Yoast will then guide you thru optimizing your submit round this key phrase.
search engine optimization title
Your search engine marketing title is what exhibits up in Google’s search results. It needs to look good if you’d like readers to click on. Yoast warns you when your title will get too lengthy or doesn’t include your keyword phrase.
Meta description
Your Meta Description exhibits up in Google’s search results right under your search engine optimisation Title. Should you don’t fill out this part, Google will pull in roughly the primary 160 characters of your blog publish.
So, in the event you’re following these content material advertising tips to the “T”, it’s to your advantage to make use of the Meta Description to make sure your key phrase phrase exhibits up in search results. It’s your commercial to lure searchers to learn your content material.
Page Evaluation
This part incorporates more advanced indicators of whether your submit is on monitor or not for being nicely optimized. Yoast makes it simple by shade coding every item purple, yellow or green. Principally, all you need to do is repair each merchandise until all (or most) are green.
Those I give attention to probably the most are: inner links, photographs, key phrase usage and readability score.
8. Make It Straightforward To Share
Should you’ve adopted these content advertising ideas and finished your job proper, your posts will begin seeing some visitors. It might solely trickle in at first. So ensure that your content is straightforward to share.
Use social sharing buttons
Each web site value their salt has eye-catching social sharing buttons to permit visitors to share your content material with one or two clicks. I exploit SumoMe on my websites. It’s extremely versatile and there are free versions of all their plugins.
The SumoMe Share plugin lets you:
select your most popular social buttons (even which buttons present up on desktop vs. cellular).
choose the place(s) on your page to show the buttons.
determine whether or not or to not display the variety of shares (per social community and complete for all networks).
handle which pages/posts on your website to show the share buttons.
Click on To Tweet
If you want to entice your readers to share your content material on Twitter, there’s no better WordPress plugin than Click To Tweet by TodayMade. Give it a shot by clicking the textual content under.
Make your pictures straightforward to share
The same folks that developed the Share plugin I mentioned above have additionally created a depraved easy strategy to make any picture in your website shareable. And it’s cleverly named Image Sharer.
Once installed, just choose which social sites you need to show when guests hover over photographs. That’s it!
Give it a shot by hovering on the image under and sharing it in your favourite social website. Notice how the whole title “10 Content Marketing Tips To Drive More Traffic” is about because the default share textual content. Fairly cool, huh?
Embed alt textual content in your pictures
Probably the most missed content material advertising ideas is using alt textual content in your pictures. Because serps can’t read what’s in your photographs, it is advisable to inform them what your picture represents. That’s where alt text is available in.
Whether you’re utilizing WordPress or another editor, you’ll be capable of enter alt textual content to describe your image. Ensure that to make use of your key phrase phrase the place relevant to offer your publish a bit of increase. For instance, I’ve included the phrase “content marketing tips” into several of my alt text tag for this publish.
Embrace your Twitter deal with in sharing plugins
Encouraging readers to share your content material on Twitter is a superb begin. Simply don’t overlook to attribute your arduous work to yourself.
A lot of the sharing plugins talked about here can help you embed your twitter deal with within the tweet that’s generated once they share it. Simply examine the settings for every of those plugins and you’ll discover something like this:
9. Enlist An Army Of Promoters To Unfold The Word
As with something in life, if you wish to spread the word, you want individuals’s help. With regards to advertising your content material, nothing is more necessary than creating a core group of influential associates to carry your message far and extensive.
Use the “buddy system”
As you share content, you’ll naturally develop a smaller core group of “buddies” who like what you’re throwing down. Most of my peeps are within the insurance coverage business, and most I’ve never met in individual. But we’ve turn into so intertwined, it’s like we’re all in class collectively.
If I’m writing a publish like this on content material advertising ideas, I simply ship my buddies a fast e mail to let them know I feel it’s proper up their ally. 9 occasions out of 10, they share it, without me asking them instantly. When you make somebody really feel particular by giving them one thing unconditionally, you’ll by no means need to ask for a favor.
Give first to get what you need
Be a giver. Not a taker. This works notably properly on Twitter and LinkedIn. Retweet. Retweet. Retweet.
On LinkedIn, develop relationships with different contributors by commenting on their posts and sharing them together with your community. Don’t overlook to tag them! And in case you hold the dialog happening their publish, they’ll discover you and certain return the favor the subsequent time you publish something.
Harness the facility of Twitter lists
Make an inventory in Twitter of people that persistently favorite or retweet your tweets. If they’re displaying you’re keen on, then placing them in an inventory will make it simpler so that you can:
frequently retweet their content, to keep the love practice shifting.
know who to tag in your future tweets which might be relevant to them.
10. Use Social Media Scheduling Instruments
The final and most powerful of those content material advertising ideas is to keep your content editorial calendar full. These instruments make it straightforward to constantly share your content material to drive extra visitors to your web site:
In a current submit, I went into detail about why CoSchedule is my go-to content material advertising calendar. In a nutshell, it’s a drag-and-drop advertising calendar with straightforward social media scheduling.
Probably the most powerful function about CoSchedule is the power to simply re-schedule previous blog content. Plus, it integrates tightly with WordPress, allowing you to schedule social media shares earlier than you even publish your weblog.
I grew my Twitter following by 17% in the first week of using CoSchedule just by rescheduling previous content material.
On a aspect observe, CoSchedule also places out a whole lot of great content material advertising recommendations on their blog. You may need to verify them out.
Earlier than discovering CoSchedule, Hootsuite was my principal content advertising calendar. What I exploit it for now’s scheduling posts to LinkedIn Groups.
I can make the same publish to 30+ Groups in one go utilizing HootSuite. Their API nonetheless permits this, whereas CoSchedule’s doesn’t. It saves me hours of time every week. And my posts to LinkedIn Groups get clicks and shares for weeks after being revealed via HootSuite.
The first two social media scheduling tools I discussed are nice for sharing your personal content material. However I exploit Buffer solely to schedule shares of different individuals’s posts (You down with OPP? Yeah, you realize me!)
I spend about 10 – 15 minutes each morning reading by means of my Twitter and LinkedIn feed. Anything that’s value sharing gets “buffered” using their Chrome plugin or my iPhone’s “Share Via” button.
What are your favorite content material advertising ideas?
I hope these content advertising ideas have impressed you to make some constructive modifications in your general content material advertising technique. By implementing just some of these, you need to see a big improve in visitors to your website.
Above all, write about one thing that interests you. You’re potential to persuade individuals you care about your subject is crucial to them clicking and reading your posts. In the event you’re not enthusiastic about what your writing, none of those content material advertising ideas matter.
I do love to hear from you. So let me know which content advertising ideas are driving probably the most visitors to your website in the feedback under.
The post 10 Content Marketing Tips To Drive More Traffic appeared first on Tech Amender.
1 note · View note
The Internet is a crowded place. I lately learn there are over 83,000 new weblog posts revealed each hour. Each hour!
So is it even potential to face out in a crowd anymore? Completely. It is in case you have a technique to publish and promote partaking content material.
Need to know what actually drives visitors? From brainstorming your material to scheduling your social media shares? Comply with these content material advertising ideas, and you’ll get observed. Huge time.
1. Begin By Asking Your Audience What They Want
There’s individuals out there who will inform you, “Just write 500 words a day about anything, and you’ll get traffic”. BS! Worst of all the content material advertising ideas on the market.
You might get some visitors, however at what value? A disjointed viewers who you’ll shortly lose in case you don’t work out what they actually need to study from you.
Let’s take a look at some methods you possibly can help clearly determine what your readers need.
Use Popup surveys:
That is the only method is to literally ask your readers what they need to study. I exploit a WordPress plugin referred to as Popup Surveys & Polls to ask questions like, “What are you struggling with in your business?” and “What do you want to learn more about?”.
Each visitor to my website will get surveyed with out me having to raise a finger.
Ask your e mail subscribers:
Use the email autoresponders that go out to your new subscribers to ask what they need extra of. Hey, they agreed to offer you one thing as sacred as their e mail tackle. Meaning they belief you.
Show them you trust their judgement, too, by asking your subscribers to reply with a few sentences explaining what would get them to maintain opening your emails. Information is power.
Analysis your competition
In the event you haven’t established an viewers but, research what’s working for different bloggers who are successfully reaching the viewers you’d wish to have. Google’s search results offers you a reasonably good concept of this.
Simply enter a key phrase phrase like “content marketing tips” to discover what is already rating on the primary web page for that material. Dig into some of these posts and you’ll start to see patterns.
2. Focus On Creating Evergreen Content
What’s evergreen content? It’s content that continues to realize search engine visitors long after it’s been revealed. That is a type of content advertising ideas I’m so glad I paid consideration to early on. For a extra detailed rationalization of evergreen content, take a look at this submit by Neil Patel.
To ensure the content material you publish is evergreen:
Does it stand the check of time?
Ask your self, “If someone reads this article 10 years from now, will it still be relevant? Or will they say, “Oh yeah, I remember when that was actually popular/true/in style/etc.”
Write content material that’s related all yr round.
For example, on my insurance website, I’ve obtained a submit referred to as 6 Secrets and techniques For Recruiting And Retaining Younger Brokers that gets visitors each single day of the yr. Distinction that with one other submit on my website referred to as Memorial Day Weekend Is The Most Harmful Weekend On The Roads. Are you able to guess which one is extra evergreen?
Think about removing publish dates from your posts.
There’s debate about whether this could even be filed beneath “Good Content Marketing Tips”. However I feel it’s value contemplating. Give it some thought. Ten years from now, when somebody finds your submit of their search engine outcomes, will they still click by way of if your publish date is previous and rancid?
three. Inform Stories & Be Your self
The artwork of storytelling seems to be popping up lots nowadays in numerous posts about content advertising ideas. And for good purpose. Individuals naturally need to connect with other individuals. So how are you going to do this with your personal on-line content?
Give actual life examples
For each primary idea you present to your viewers, give them an example. Inform a narrative. Convey up the time you have been goofing around and operating with the trash can from the road again to your home and tripped and fell inside. (My spouse still laughs her butt off retelling that one!)
Embrace the psychology of storytelling
Scientific studies and loads of other lists of content material advertising ideas have proven that we’re hardwired to recollect tales over details. Tales draw readers in. They help individuals make connections between what they already know and the new stuff you’re throwing at them.
Domesticate relationships
If this one appears misplaced in an inventory about content material advertising ideas, assume once more. Individuals need to develop a relationship with you, even when they’re just reading your phrases. Let your character present in what you write. For good instance of someone who writes in their very own voice, take a look at this blog submit creation guidelines from Sara Moss.
For example, my 4 years of school in Boston, after which marrying a Rhode Islander, tends to deliver the slang phrase “wicked [insert subject here]”. I don’t cover that in most of my blog posts. And the reason is that’s how I might speak if I have been having fun with a conversation with you in actual life.
4. Do (Sensible) Key phrase Analysis
Going the “publish and pray” technique isn’t the neatest of content material advertising ideas. It’s essential deliberately develop your content round keywords your ultimate viewers is looking. Luckily, there are tools out there to make key phrase analysis simpler than just guessing.
Google Keyword Planner
The Google Keyword Planner is an effective place to start out getting key phrase ideas. Just pop a couple of keywords or keyword phrases into the planner and…BOOM! Keyword ideas a a lot are ready for you. Just be mindful, these are the same keywords everybody else is seeing in the event that they used the identical search criteria.
To dig deeper for some keyword gems, copy and paste the web site tackle of considered one of your rivals into the “Your Landing Page” subject and then search. Right here’s what you may see in case you search the phrase “bakery shop”.
Buzz Sumo
When you’ve grabbed some key phrases from the Google Keyword Planner, bounce over to BuzzSumo and enter a couple of those keywords into their search subject. What you’ll get is an inventory of posts which are performing greatest for that key phrase phrase (ie: getting a ton of social media shares and web site visitors).
This can change the best way you get your content advertising ideas. Sift by means of the outcomes to get an excellent feel for the kinds of posts you may need to create. Here’s what popped up once I entered the phrase “content marketing tips”.
Google Advertisements
Seems like an unlikely place to do keyword analysis on your content material, doesn’t it? However just assume for a second. Whenever you Google one thing and see advertisements on the prime and sides of the web page, meaning you’ve searched for a keyword that marketers are paying good money for to target individuals identical to you.
Right here’s a few things to concentrate to:
Variety of advertisements on the page – The more you see, the extra in style the subject you just searched for. That’s good.
Advert copy – Refine your key phrase analysis by paying close attention to the language marketers are using to get individuals to click on on their advert.
Your personal Google Analytics results
Google used to point out you just about each key phrase visitors searched for to seek out your website. Gone are these days, my good friend. But they do nonetheless show you some keywords. Use your Google Analytics account to seek out the keyword phrases that slip via.
What you’re more likely to find are key phrases you’re not intentionally making an attempt to rank for. Use these to create new posts which might be unique variations of what you originally wrote on that matter. Look for a twist or a special approach.
In the event you’re seeing the key phrase phrase “content marketing tips” show up, attempt writing about “content marketing tips for small businesses”. The chances are infinite.
5. Create Engaging Titles
You possibly can write the shiniest, sexiest submit about constructing an effective buyer referral program. But when you’re title is “meh”, you possibly can overlook individuals truly studying it.
Writing engaging titles is crucial for content advertising success. It’s what will get readers to click on in your content material and then share it. Pay shut consideration to those next few content advertising ideas.
Lure them in.
Does your title pull the reader in? Does it beg for an answer or rationalization? An awesome example of an attractive weblog title (and an excellent submit on the subject itself) is: Easy methods to Write Killer Titles That Can Sell a Fur Coat to a Wookie. I still reference again to this submit right now when writing my titles.
Maintain it brief.
The cutoff point for what search engine outcomes display is round 60 characters. So maintain your titles brief and to the point.
Hold it relevant.
Nothing hurts your bounce price greater than utilizing a deceptive title. In the event you trick visitors into considering they’re about to get one thing they’re not, your submit gained’t present up close to the top of search outcomes for long.
Embrace your keyword phrase.
Absolutely embrace your keyword or keyword phrase in your title. For extra punch, put it at the start of your title
Make it an inventory.
By far the preferred blog posts on the internet are record posts, or “listicles”. These appear to stand the check of time more than some other sort of weblog publish. For those who take nothing else away from these content material advertising ideas, write an inventory publish.
And when applicable, use odd numbers in your listing. There’s plenty of studies that present readers are likely to view odd numbers as more reasonable.
6. Make Your Content Easier To Learn
This subsequent set of content material advertising ideas is crucial for maintaining visitors on your page longer. Longer “dwell time” is sweet in your Google rankings.
Based on CoSchedule, lower than half of your blog readers truly learn past 100 words. For probably the most half, this has to do with readability. So how do you repair this?
Write like Hemingway.
Ernest Hemingway was the grasp of writing brief sentences. You ought to be, too. ‘Nuff stated.
Hold your paragraphs brief.
I’m a former high school English instructor. It nonetheless makes me twitch once I see articles that drone on and on with no breaks. Maintain your paragraphs to no more than 3 or 4 sentences. It’s simply simpler on the eyes.
Guide your readers with headings.
Not solely do headings assist with web optimization (once you use h1 and h2 tags). Additionally they help readers who’re in a hurry scan your publish for the main points. Headings assist them shortly determine whether or not it’s what they have been on the lookout for or not. In case you information them along, they’ll stick around longer to dig deeper.
Use photographs, video and bullet points.
Utilizing rich media and bullet points additionally assist break up your content into more usable chunks. Not to mention, content with photographs and video get shared more ceaselessly than content material without.
7. Optimize Your search engine optimization
Search engine marketing (search engine optimization) is the stuff baked into your content material that gets it found when individuals put keywords into sites like Google. Loads of bloggers promoting content material advertising ideas say optimizing your search engine optimization is the primary approach to get long term visitors to your web site.
The simplest option to be sure to’re optimizing every publish is to make use of a WordPress plugin like Yoast web optimization. Here’s how it works.
Focus keyword
Start by getting into your keyword or key phrase phrase it into the Focus Key phrase section. Yoast will then guide you thru optimizing your submit round this key phrase.
search engine optimization title
Your search engine marketing title is what exhibits up in Google’s search results. It needs to look good if you’d like readers to click on. Yoast warns you when your title will get too lengthy or doesn’t include your keyword phrase.
Meta description
Your Meta Description exhibits up in Google’s search results right under your search engine optimisation Title. Should you don’t fill out this part, Google will pull in roughly the primary 160 characters of your blog publish.
So, in the event you’re following these content material advertising tips to the “T”, it’s to your advantage to make use of the Meta Description to make sure your key phrase phrase exhibits up in search results. It’s your commercial to lure searchers to learn your content material.
Page Evaluation
This part incorporates more advanced indicators of whether your submit is on monitor or not for being nicely optimized. Yoast makes it simple by shade coding every item purple, yellow or green. Principally, all you need to do is repair each merchandise until all (or most) are green.
Those I give attention to probably the most are: inner links, photographs, key phrase usage and readability score.
8. Make It Straightforward To Share
Should you’ve adopted these content advertising ideas and finished your job proper, your posts will begin seeing some visitors. It might solely trickle in at first. So ensure that your content is straightforward to share.
Use social sharing buttons
Each web site value their salt has eye-catching social sharing buttons to permit visitors to share your content material with one or two clicks. I exploit SumoMe on my websites. It’s extremely versatile and there are free versions of all their plugins.
The SumoMe Share plugin lets you:
select your most popular social buttons (even which buttons present up on desktop vs. cellular).
choose the place(s) on your page to show the buttons.
determine whether or not or to not display the variety of shares (per social community and complete for all networks).
handle which pages/posts on your website to show the share buttons.
Click on To Tweet
If you want to entice your readers to share your content material on Twitter, there’s no better WordPress plugin than Click To Tweet by TodayMade. Give it a shot by clicking the textual content under.
Make your pictures straightforward to share
The same folks that developed the Share plugin I mentioned above have additionally created a depraved easy strategy to make any picture in your website shareable. And it’s cleverly named Image Sharer.
Once installed, just choose which social sites you need to show when guests hover over photographs. That’s it!
Give it a shot by hovering on the image under and sharing it in your favourite social website. Notice how the whole title “10 Content Marketing Tips To Drive More Traffic” is about because the default share textual content. Fairly cool, huh?
Embed alt textual content in your pictures
Probably the most missed content material advertising ideas is using alt textual content in your pictures. Because serps can’t read what’s in your photographs, it is advisable to inform them what your picture represents. That’s where alt text is available in.
Whether you’re utilizing WordPress or another editor, you’ll be capable of enter alt textual content to describe your image. Ensure that to make use of your key phrase phrase the place relevant to offer your publish a bit of increase. For instance, I’ve included the phrase “content marketing tips” into several of my alt text tag for this publish.
Embrace your Twitter deal with in sharing plugins
Encouraging readers to share your content material on Twitter is a superb begin. Simply don’t overlook to attribute your arduous work to yourself.
A lot of the sharing plugins talked about here can help you embed your twitter deal with within the tweet that’s generated once they share it. Simply examine the settings for every of those plugins and you’ll discover something like this:
9. Enlist An Army Of Promoters To Unfold The Word
As with something in life, if you wish to spread the word, you want individuals’s help. With regards to advertising your content material, nothing is more necessary than creating a core group of influential associates to carry your message far and extensive.
Use the “buddy system”
As you share content, you’ll naturally develop a smaller core group of “buddies” who like what you’re throwing down. Most of my peeps are within the insurance coverage business, and most I’ve never met in individual. But we’ve turn into so intertwined, it’s like we’re all in class collectively.
If I’m writing a publish like this on content material advertising ideas, I simply ship my buddies a fast e mail to let them know I feel it’s proper up their ally. 9 occasions out of 10, they share it, without me asking them instantly. When you make somebody really feel particular by giving them one thing unconditionally, you’ll by no means need to ask for a favor.
Give first to get what you need
Be a giver. Not a taker. This works notably properly on Twitter and LinkedIn. Retweet. Retweet. Retweet.
On LinkedIn, develop relationships with different contributors by commenting on their posts and sharing them together with your community. Don’t overlook to tag them! And in case you hold the dialog happening their publish, they’ll discover you and certain return the favor the subsequent time you publish something.
Harness the facility of Twitter lists
Make an inventory in Twitter of people that persistently favorite or retweet your tweets. If they’re displaying you’re keen on, then placing them in an inventory will make it simpler so that you can:
frequently retweet their content, to keep the love practice shifting.
know who to tag in your future tweets which might be relevant to them.
10. Use Social Media Scheduling Instruments
The final and most powerful of those content material advertising ideas is to keep your content editorial calendar full. These instruments make it straightforward to constantly share your content material to drive extra visitors to your web site:
In a current submit, I went into detail about why CoSchedule is my go-to content material advertising calendar. In a nutshell, it’s a drag-and-drop advertising calendar with straightforward social media scheduling.
Probably the most powerful function about CoSchedule is the power to simply re-schedule previous blog content. Plus, it integrates tightly with WordPress, allowing you to schedule social media shares earlier than you even publish your weblog.
I grew my Twitter following by 17% in the first week of using CoSchedule just by rescheduling previous content material.
On a aspect observe, CoSchedule also places out a whole lot of great content material advertising recommendations on their blog. You may need to verify them out.
Earlier than discovering CoSchedule, Hootsuite was my principal content advertising calendar. What I exploit it for now’s scheduling posts to LinkedIn Groups.
I can make the same publish to 30+ Groups in one go utilizing HootSuite. Their API nonetheless permits this, whereas CoSchedule’s doesn’t. It saves me hours of time every week. And my posts to LinkedIn Groups get clicks and shares for weeks after being revealed via HootSuite.
The first two social media scheduling tools I discussed are nice for sharing your personal content material. However I exploit Buffer solely to schedule shares of different individuals’s posts (You down with OPP? Yeah, you realize me!)
I spend about 10 – 15 minutes each morning reading by means of my Twitter and LinkedIn feed. Anything that’s value sharing gets “buffered” using their Chrome plugin or my iPhone’s “Share Via” button.
What are your favorite content material advertising ideas?
I hope these content advertising ideas have impressed you to make some constructive modifications in your general content material advertising technique. By implementing just some of these, you need to see a big improve in visitors to your website.
Above all, write about one thing that interests you. You’re potential to persuade individuals you care about your subject is crucial to them clicking and reading your posts. In the event you’re not enthusiastic about what your writing, none of those content material advertising ideas matter.
I do love to hear from you. So let me know which content advertising ideas are driving probably the most visitors to your website in the feedback under.
The post 10 Content Marketing Tips To Drive More Traffic appeared first on Tech Amender.
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hellonerdybihippie · 5 years
The Internet is a crowded place. I lately learn there are over 83,000 new weblog posts revealed each hour. Each hour!
So is it even potential to face out in a crowd anymore? Completely. It is in case you have a technique to publish and promote partaking content material.
Need to know what actually drives visitors? From brainstorming your material to scheduling your social media shares? Comply with these content material advertising ideas, and you’ll get observed. Huge time.
1. Begin By Asking Your Audience What They Want
There’s individuals out there who will inform you, “Just write 500 words a day about anything, and you’ll get traffic”. BS! Worst of all the content material advertising ideas on the market.
You might get some visitors, however at what value? A disjointed viewers who you’ll shortly lose in case you don’t work out what they actually need to study from you.
Let’s take a look at some methods you possibly can help clearly determine what your readers need.
Use Popup surveys:
That is the only method is to literally ask your readers what they need to study. I exploit a WordPress plugin referred to as Popup Surveys & Polls to ask questions like, “What are you struggling with in your business?” and “What do you want to learn more about?”.
Each visitor to my website will get surveyed with out me having to raise a finger.
Ask your e mail subscribers:
Use the email autoresponders that go out to your new subscribers to ask what they need extra of. Hey, they agreed to offer you one thing as sacred as their e mail tackle. Meaning they belief you.
Show them you trust their judgement, too, by asking your subscribers to reply with a few sentences explaining what would get them to maintain opening your emails. Information is power.
Analysis your competition
In the event you haven’t established an viewers but, research what’s working for different bloggers who are successfully reaching the viewers you’d wish to have. Google’s search results offers you a reasonably good concept of this.
Simply enter a key phrase phrase like “content marketing tips” to discover what is already rating on the primary web page for that material. Dig into some of these posts and you’ll start to see patterns.
2. Focus On Creating Evergreen Content
What’s evergreen content? It’s content that continues to realize search engine visitors long after it’s been revealed. That is a type of content advertising ideas I’m so glad I paid consideration to early on. For a extra detailed rationalization of evergreen content, take a look at this submit by Neil Patel.
To ensure the content material you publish is evergreen:
Does it stand the check of time?
Ask your self, “If someone reads this article 10 years from now, will it still be relevant? Or will they say, “Oh yeah, I remember when that was actually popular/true/in style/etc.”
Write content material that’s related all yr round.
For example, on my insurance website, I’ve obtained a submit referred to as 6 Secrets and techniques For Recruiting And Retaining Younger Brokers that gets visitors each single day of the yr. Distinction that with one other submit on my website referred to as Memorial Day Weekend Is The Most Harmful Weekend On The Roads. Are you able to guess which one is extra evergreen?
Think about removing publish dates from your posts.
There’s debate about whether this could even be filed beneath “Good Content Marketing Tips”. However I feel it’s value contemplating. Give it some thought. Ten years from now, when somebody finds your submit of their search engine outcomes, will they still click by way of if your publish date is previous and rancid?
three. Inform Stories & Be Your self
The artwork of storytelling seems to be popping up lots nowadays in numerous posts about content advertising ideas. And for good purpose. Individuals naturally need to connect with other individuals. So how are you going to do this with your personal on-line content?
Give actual life examples
For each primary idea you present to your viewers, give them an example. Inform a narrative. Convey up the time you have been goofing around and operating with the trash can from the road again to your home and tripped and fell inside. (My spouse still laughs her butt off retelling that one!)
Embrace the psychology of storytelling
Scientific studies and loads of other lists of content material advertising ideas have proven that we’re hardwired to recollect tales over details. Tales draw readers in. They help individuals make connections between what they already know and the new stuff you’re throwing at them.
Domesticate relationships
If this one appears misplaced in an inventory about content material advertising ideas, assume once more. Individuals need to develop a relationship with you, even when they’re just reading your phrases. Let your character present in what you write. For good instance of someone who writes in their very own voice, take a look at this blog submit creation guidelines from Sara Moss.
For example, my 4 years of school in Boston, after which marrying a Rhode Islander, tends to deliver the slang phrase “wicked [insert subject here]”. I don’t cover that in most of my blog posts. And the reason is that’s how I might speak if I have been having fun with a conversation with you in actual life.
4. Do (Sensible) Key phrase Analysis
Going the “publish and pray” technique isn’t the neatest of content material advertising ideas. It’s essential deliberately develop your content round keywords your ultimate viewers is looking. Luckily, there are tools out there to make key phrase analysis simpler than just guessing.
Google Keyword Planner
The Google Keyword Planner is an effective place to start out getting key phrase ideas. Just pop a couple of keywords or keyword phrases into the planner and…BOOM! Keyword ideas a a lot are ready for you. Just be mindful, these are the same keywords everybody else is seeing in the event that they used the identical search criteria.
To dig deeper for some keyword gems, copy and paste the web site tackle of considered one of your rivals into the “Your Landing Page” subject and then search. Right here’s what you may see in case you search the phrase “bakery shop”.
Buzz Sumo
When you’ve grabbed some key phrases from the Google Keyword Planner, bounce over to BuzzSumo and enter a couple of those keywords into their search subject. What you’ll get is an inventory of posts which are performing greatest for that key phrase phrase (ie: getting a ton of social media shares and web site visitors).
This can change the best way you get your content advertising ideas. Sift by means of the outcomes to get an excellent feel for the kinds of posts you may need to create. Here’s what popped up once I entered the phrase “content marketing tips”.
Google Advertisements
Seems like an unlikely place to do keyword analysis on your content material, doesn’t it? However just assume for a second. Whenever you Google one thing and see advertisements on the prime and sides of the web page, meaning you’ve searched for a keyword that marketers are paying good money for to target individuals identical to you.
Right here’s a few things to concentrate to:
Variety of advertisements on the page – The more you see, the extra in style the subject you just searched for. That’s good.
Advert copy – Refine your key phrase analysis by paying close attention to the language marketers are using to get individuals to click on on their advert.
Your personal Google Analytics results
Google used to point out you just about each key phrase visitors searched for to seek out your website. Gone are these days, my good friend. But they do nonetheless show you some keywords. Use your Google Analytics account to seek out the keyword phrases that slip via.
What you’re more likely to find are key phrases you’re not intentionally making an attempt to rank for. Use these to create new posts which might be unique variations of what you originally wrote on that matter. Look for a twist or a special approach.
In the event you’re seeing the key phrase phrase “content marketing tips” show up, attempt writing about “content marketing tips for small businesses”. The chances are infinite.
5. Create Engaging Titles
You possibly can write the shiniest, sexiest submit about constructing an effective buyer referral program. But when you’re title is “meh”, you possibly can overlook individuals truly studying it.
Writing engaging titles is crucial for content advertising success. It’s what will get readers to click on in your content material and then share it. Pay shut consideration to those next few content advertising ideas.
Lure them in.
Does your title pull the reader in? Does it beg for an answer or rationalization? An awesome example of an attractive weblog title (and an excellent submit on the subject itself) is: Easy methods to Write Killer Titles That Can Sell a Fur Coat to a Wookie. I still reference again to this submit right now when writing my titles.
Maintain it brief.
The cutoff point for what search engine outcomes display is round 60 characters. So maintain your titles brief and to the point.
Hold it relevant.
Nothing hurts your bounce price greater than utilizing a deceptive title. In the event you trick visitors into considering they’re about to get one thing they’re not, your submit gained’t present up close to the top of search outcomes for long.
Embrace your keyword phrase.
Absolutely embrace your keyword or keyword phrase in your title. For extra punch, put it at the start of your title
Make it an inventory.
By far the preferred blog posts on the internet are record posts, or “listicles”. These appear to stand the check of time more than some other sort of weblog publish. For those who take nothing else away from these content material advertising ideas, write an inventory publish.
And when applicable, use odd numbers in your listing. There’s plenty of studies that present readers are likely to view odd numbers as more reasonable.
6. Make Your Content Easier To Learn
This subsequent set of content material advertising ideas is crucial for maintaining visitors on your page longer. Longer “dwell time” is sweet in your Google rankings.
Based on CoSchedule, lower than half of your blog readers truly learn past 100 words. For probably the most half, this has to do with readability. So how do you repair this?
Write like Hemingway.
Ernest Hemingway was the grasp of writing brief sentences. You ought to be, too. ‘Nuff stated.
Hold your paragraphs brief.
I’m a former high school English instructor. It nonetheless makes me twitch once I see articles that drone on and on with no breaks. Maintain your paragraphs to no more than 3 or 4 sentences. It’s simply simpler on the eyes.
Guide your readers with headings.
Not solely do headings assist with web optimization (once you use h1 and h2 tags). Additionally they help readers who’re in a hurry scan your publish for the main points. Headings assist them shortly determine whether or not it’s what they have been on the lookout for or not. In case you information them along, they’ll stick around longer to dig deeper.
Use photographs, video and bullet points.
Utilizing rich media and bullet points additionally assist break up your content into more usable chunks. Not to mention, content with photographs and video get shared more ceaselessly than content material without.
7. Optimize Your search engine optimization
Search engine marketing (search engine optimization) is the stuff baked into your content material that gets it found when individuals put keywords into sites like Google. Loads of bloggers promoting content material advertising ideas say optimizing your search engine optimization is the primary approach to get long term visitors to your web site.
The simplest option to be sure to’re optimizing every publish is to make use of a WordPress plugin like Yoast web optimization. Here’s how it works.
Focus keyword
Start by getting into your keyword or key phrase phrase it into the Focus Key phrase section. Yoast will then guide you thru optimizing your submit round this key phrase.
search engine optimization title
Your search engine marketing title is what exhibits up in Google’s search results. It needs to look good if you’d like readers to click on. Yoast warns you when your title will get too lengthy or doesn’t include your keyword phrase.
Meta description
Your Meta Description exhibits up in Google’s search results right under your search engine optimisation Title. Should you don’t fill out this part, Google will pull in roughly the primary 160 characters of your blog publish.
So, in the event you’re following these content material advertising tips to the “T”, it’s to your advantage to make use of the Meta Description to make sure your key phrase phrase exhibits up in search results. It’s your commercial to lure searchers to learn your content material.
Page Evaluation
This part incorporates more advanced indicators of whether your submit is on monitor or not for being nicely optimized. Yoast makes it simple by shade coding every item purple, yellow or green. Principally, all you need to do is repair each merchandise until all (or most) are green.
Those I give attention to probably the most are: inner links, photographs, key phrase usage and readability score.
8. Make It Straightforward To Share
Should you’ve adopted these content advertising ideas and finished your job proper, your posts will begin seeing some visitors. It might solely trickle in at first. So ensure that your content is straightforward to share.
Use social sharing buttons
Each web site value their salt has eye-catching social sharing buttons to permit visitors to share your content material with one or two clicks. I exploit SumoMe on my websites. It’s extremely versatile and there are free versions of all their plugins.
The SumoMe Share plugin lets you:
select your most popular social buttons (even which buttons present up on desktop vs. cellular).
choose the place(s) on your page to show the buttons.
determine whether or not or to not display the variety of shares (per social community and complete for all networks).
handle which pages/posts on your website to show the share buttons.
Click on To Tweet
If you want to entice your readers to share your content material on Twitter, there’s no better WordPress plugin than Click To Tweet by TodayMade. Give it a shot by clicking the textual content under.
Make your pictures straightforward to share
The same folks that developed the Share plugin I mentioned above have additionally created a depraved easy strategy to make any picture in your website shareable. And it’s cleverly named Image Sharer.
Once installed, just choose which social sites you need to show when guests hover over photographs. That’s it!
Give it a shot by hovering on the image under and sharing it in your favourite social website. Notice how the whole title “10 Content Marketing Tips To Drive More Traffic” is about because the default share textual content. Fairly cool, huh?
Embed alt textual content in your pictures
Probably the most missed content material advertising ideas is using alt textual content in your pictures. Because serps can’t read what’s in your photographs, it is advisable to inform them what your picture represents. That’s where alt text is available in.
Whether you’re utilizing WordPress or another editor, you’ll be capable of enter alt textual content to describe your image. Ensure that to make use of your key phrase phrase the place relevant to offer your publish a bit of increase. For instance, I’ve included the phrase “content marketing tips” into several of my alt text tag for this publish.
Embrace your Twitter deal with in sharing plugins
Encouraging readers to share your content material on Twitter is a superb begin. Simply don’t overlook to attribute your arduous work to yourself.
A lot of the sharing plugins talked about here can help you embed your twitter deal with within the tweet that’s generated once they share it. Simply examine the settings for every of those plugins and you’ll discover something like this:
9. Enlist An Army Of Promoters To Unfold The Word
As with something in life, if you wish to spread the word, you want individuals’s help. With regards to advertising your content material, nothing is more necessary than creating a core group of influential associates to carry your message far and extensive.
Use the “buddy system”
As you share content, you’ll naturally develop a smaller core group of “buddies” who like what you’re throwing down. Most of my peeps are within the insurance coverage business, and most I’ve never met in individual. But we’ve turn into so intertwined, it’s like we’re all in class collectively.
If I’m writing a publish like this on content material advertising ideas, I simply ship my buddies a fast e mail to let them know I feel it’s proper up their ally. 9 occasions out of 10, they share it, without me asking them instantly. When you make somebody really feel particular by giving them one thing unconditionally, you’ll by no means need to ask for a favor.
Give first to get what you need
Be a giver. Not a taker. This works notably properly on Twitter and LinkedIn. Retweet. Retweet. Retweet.
On LinkedIn, develop relationships with different contributors by commenting on their posts and sharing them together with your community. Don’t overlook to tag them! And in case you hold the dialog happening their publish, they’ll discover you and certain return the favor the subsequent time you publish something.
Harness the facility of Twitter lists
Make an inventory in Twitter of people that persistently favorite or retweet your tweets. If they’re displaying you’re keen on, then placing them in an inventory will make it simpler so that you can:
frequently retweet their content, to keep the love practice shifting.
know who to tag in your future tweets which might be relevant to them.
10. Use Social Media Scheduling Instruments
The final and most powerful of those content material advertising ideas is to keep your content editorial calendar full. These instruments make it straightforward to constantly share your content material to drive extra visitors to your web site:
In a current submit, I went into detail about why CoSchedule is my go-to content material advertising calendar. In a nutshell, it’s a drag-and-drop advertising calendar with straightforward social media scheduling.
Probably the most powerful function about CoSchedule is the power to simply re-schedule previous blog content. Plus, it integrates tightly with WordPress, allowing you to schedule social media shares earlier than you even publish your weblog.
I grew my Twitter following by 17% in the first week of using CoSchedule just by rescheduling previous content material.
On a aspect observe, CoSchedule also places out a whole lot of great content material advertising recommendations on their blog. You may need to verify them out.
Earlier than discovering CoSchedule, Hootsuite was my principal content advertising calendar. What I exploit it for now’s scheduling posts to LinkedIn Groups.
I can make the same publish to 30+ Groups in one go utilizing HootSuite. Their API nonetheless permits this, whereas CoSchedule’s doesn’t. It saves me hours of time every week. And my posts to LinkedIn Groups get clicks and shares for weeks after being revealed via HootSuite.
The first two social media scheduling tools I discussed are nice for sharing your personal content material. However I exploit Buffer solely to schedule shares of different individuals’s posts (You down with OPP? Yeah, you realize me!)
I spend about 10 – 15 minutes each morning reading by means of my Twitter and LinkedIn feed. Anything that’s value sharing gets “buffered” using their Chrome plugin or my iPhone’s “Share Via” button.
What are your favorite content material advertising ideas?
I hope these content advertising ideas have impressed you to make some constructive modifications in your general content material advertising technique. By implementing just some of these, you need to see a big improve in visitors to your website.
Above all, write about one thing that interests you. You’re potential to persuade individuals you care about your subject is crucial to them clicking and reading your posts. In the event you’re not enthusiastic about what your writing, none of those content material advertising ideas matter.
I do love to hear from you. So let me know which content advertising ideas are driving probably the most visitors to your website in the feedback under.
The post 10 Content Marketing Tips To Drive More Traffic appeared first on Tech Amender.
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