#the batarang scar
A list of headcanons I have for Jason Todd that are 100% canon and real trust:
1.) He’s (half) Romani
Dick and Jason are canonically supposed to look alike, and I would also like to see more Roma in media. That, and I think it would be sweet for Jason and Dick to be able to share a similar culture and language thats just for them (Romani culture & language is closed, so only people who are Romani or who married into a Romani family would have access to both)
2.) He was the smallest Robin
Bro was canonically 87 pounds and under “5’0 when he died, he was tiny as Robin and tiny when he dug himself out of the grav
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3.) Mans got some INSANE body dysmorphia
The rapid change in his appearance? The scars? He can’t even recognize himself in the mirror most days, its partly why he started out with a full helmet. It wasn’t that people he once knew would recognize him, but out of the fear that they couldn’t
4.) He is the most scarred out of the batfam
I am anti-“lazarous pit healed all his scars,” no, let him be reminded of everything hes lost and been through as a manifestation on his body
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Pre-Robin face scars:
The slit on his eyebrow is from when he was five, he got into a swordfight (stickfight) with a few friends while their parents weren’t looking and lost
The small scar on his jaw is from when he was six, he tripped in the playground and busted the skin open on the wall of the sandbox
Robin face scars:
The “J” is from the Joker, a permanent branding
Death face scars:
The small scars on his eyelids are from his funeral, its common for spiked contacts to be placed on the eyes to keep the eyelids from opening. When he was resurrected, he tore his eyelids open and repeatedly kept tearing them until the LoA found him
The little dots lining he inside of his lips are also from his funeral, his mouth was sewn shut (another common practice)
“Lost Days” face scars:
The long scar stretching across his cheek and into his hairline is from one of his trainers
Red Hood face scars:
His nose scars and scars on his bottom lip are all from his fight with Bruce during UtRH, his face was used to break so many things
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Robin torso scars:
Scars on his elbows and should rsare from the lack of elbow and shoulder pads in the first two Robin costumes, Dick has matching ones
Scars on his ribs are from the Joker, blunt force wasn’t used on his chest that much, it was mainly puncture wounds that would make it difficult to get far if he did manage to escape
There are a few scars from normal vigilante injuries aross his torso from a mix of his Robin and Red Hood days
Death torso scars:
The ovular scars at the base of his neck and below his belly button are from the embalming process. I don’t think Bruce would have an autopsy done on him for two reasons: a. he already knew how Jason died, and b. if it got leaked it could very easily poke holes in the cover story about Jasons death
The scars on his knuckles and fingertips are from digging himself out of his grave, the skin split over from all the punching and clawing at the coffin
“Lost Days” torso scars:
He has quite a few scars on him that he doesn’t remember getting, so he just blames them on his trainers
The slashes on his back, however, he truly doesn’t remember getting as it was before his dip in the pit. Spoiler alert, he got it as punishment during his stint with the LoA. Whipping and flogging
Red Hood torso scars:
Starting with the most obvious, the scar across his throat his from Bruce during their confrontation during UtTH (comic, not movie)
The scars on his wrists are from a time where he was dosed with fear toxin and tied himself down to stop himself from hurting anyone. He rubbed his wrists raw trying to get out
Like previously said, the other scars hes gotten during this time are from regular vigilante injuries
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Robin leg scars:
Knee scars = no knee pads :(. Dick has matching ones
Scars across the hamstrings, back of the knees, and Achilles tendons are all from the Joker. He didn’t want Jason to live, so the easiest way to kill a bird is to take away its flight
Other scars are caused regular vigilante injuries
5.) He and Dick are each others favorites
“Damian is Dicks fav” “Tim is Jasons fav” NO. YOU FOOLS NO. They were auite literally each others Robin, the first siblings in the Wayne family—Dick gave Jason THE original Robin costume, Dick completely lost it on Bruce after finding our what he did to Jason during Gotham Wars, Jason and Dick had an experience with each other that none of the others could have because everyone else got the Dick after Jasons death, Jason got the Dick who was an older brother.
(Am middle child trust I know an older brother when I see one and Dick does not act like one a lot of the time w/ the other bat siblings)
Dick and Jason friendship,,, my beloved,,,
6.) Jason can speak the most languages
Bro went on a whole ass world tour + grew up in a mixed part of Gotham + was raised by the Batman he knows a comical amount of languages:
a. English
b. Romani (Americanized)
c. Spanish
d. Portugese
e. Arabic
f. Tibetan
g. Tamang
h. German
6.5) His accent is all over the place
At first glance (hear?) it just sounds like a real heavy Crime Alley accent, but listening to him speak w/ other Park Row residents makes it clear that it is very much not
7.) Trians,,,,
I trans man,,, so he trans man,,,,
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kindlingkeen · 17 days
love that snippet for the Jason & Damian fic! but isn't less than 5 years old a little too young? that would mean he was conceived while Jay was living in the Manor with Bruce
Read the snippet here.
The idea for this AU (and it’s definitely an AU) came from one of the alt endings to the ADitF movie where Jason survives the warehouse in Bosnia and Bruce brings him home to heal. Jason is angry and questionably sane, blames Bruce, and ends up running away. He sets up shop killing off criminals and rogues in Gotham. Eventually Talia tracks him down and gives him baby Damian to raise. In this sequence, Damian looks to be 6-18 months old by my eye. Jason is about 16? In the movie it’s implied Jason plans to raise Damian and turn him against both the al Ghuls and the Waynes.
So, yeah, not the typical comics timeline. The AU I have in mind doesn’t use all of those details (imagine an amalgamation of the above with UtRH and then Lost Days, in that order, hehe 😉), but I stuck with the ages from it.
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candywafercutie · 1 year
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RomanJay is so good that's really all I have to say about this
That "pictures falling out of pockets" meme but it's me dropping pics of Jason with older men
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mistergreatbones · 1 month
making a jason todd playlist was a mistake because now i'll be listening to the radio and be like ah yes rolling in the deep by adele is under the red hood core
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trashbatistrash · 20 days
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hoodielord · 3 months
Batman vs Jazz: Trolley problem.
Her bruised hands rested on the table in front of her. The room was grey and dismal. The cold stare of Batman trying to burn a hole in her or drill the confession out of her. She swallowed the lump in her throat because she knew that she had to do it. It was them or her baby brother. She had to. She turned her gaze back to Batman.
“You know the trolley problem, don’t you Batman?”
He didn’t answer. But she continued.
“On a railroad, there are two paths one person is tied to one of them. Several other people on the other.” She gestures to the left and right. Her cuffs clattered on the metal table.
“There is a trolley barreling toward the two paths. And you're in front of the level that could switch the tract. Do you let it run over that one person or several people?”
Batman’s cold stare remains.
Jazz continues. “You’ve been known to have a “no-kill” rationale for your work. So what would you do? Which track would you take?” 
Still, he remains silent.
“Let’s switch up the scenario. Say that your family was on one track and the person you hurt your family was on the other. What would you do?” 
“Ms. Fenton..”
“Don’t!” She slammed her fists into the table. “Don’t call me that.”
Tears were filling her eyes.
Silent returned to the interrogation room.
“They were going to kill him….I had to save him. He’s my little brother….They were my parents but they …they did this to him.”
Jazz interrupts him “What would you have done?!” she screams as tears run down her face as she stares at Batman.
“I saved him but I had to… I had to..” her voice softens as she trails off her gaze returning to the metal table.
When she looks up again, it’s to an empty room, her only company is her reflection on the one-way window.
“That was from B’s latest interrogation.”
“Thanks, Babs.”
“ No problem, Jason.”
In Crime Alley, Red Hood rubs the scar along his neck where a batarang had nearly killed him.
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solarflare211 · 1 month
jason should be scarred. in canon. heavily. like i know he does have some especially the autopsy scar but i think the pit shouldn’t heal the scars he got from joker and whatnot. it takes away from the representation of his suffering. i think everyone bruce and the others look at him they should see the road map of his suffering. out of all them it was jason who most deserved to escape bruce’s failings as a father. he didn’t. he was just a boy who desperately wanted someone to want him, wanted to save his mother, and he was disfigured for it. i think bruce’s heart should shatter with guilt every time he even looks at jason even if he’s just standing there. because that’s bruce’s little baby boy. he did that. if he’d been the father jason deserved, or even just thought before he spoke in frustration, jason would’ve trusted him more. he would’ve opened up to him about his search for his mother. because jason had no one else. he could’ve been spared so much pain. bruce did that. every time jason shifts his head or scratches his neck or something i need him to see the scar. the batarang scar. a physical representation of every way bruce has failed jason over and over and over and over and over again. and at that point i think he should have to excuse himself to cry in a room somewhere. i think a character should make some shortsighted remark about how they’ve suffered the most and jason doesn’t understand (bonus points if it’s like physical they broke a bone or smth and now they’re bedridden and they don’t like it) and jason should stand up in his 6 ft+ figure and loom over them and ask them to repeat that. jason’s body is a painting of his story and it is so tragic.
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bitter-hibiscus · 9 days
what are some of your favorite robin jason headcanons
Commissioner Gordon isn't allowed to smoke around Robin!Jason. He WILL make puppydog eyes the entire night to try and get commish to give him one
He's the only Robin who's allowed the aud in the Batmobile because he shares Bruce's music taste
Since his room in the manor is Dick's old one, he found Dick's old Flying Graysons poster and taped it above his bed. He uses it as motivation for Robin because if Dick can still be good despite the tragedy of the Graysons then he can too
Selina is his favorite "family" member because she took him to Wildcat's boxing ring the first time they went out together AND she's the only one in that buys him batburgers
He only cooks for himself, because cooking for Bruce makes him think of Catherine's last years :)
He has a huge scar from his lip to his left eye from where Willis' wedding ring caught on his skin once
His favorite book is The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe
He spends his first two months in the manor sleeping in the closet instead of the bed
His shower in the Batcave has a bird print on the curtain (when he comes back as Red Hood, it's changed to a fox print)
Jason loves anything chocolate and hates anything strawberry EXCEPT for shortcake. Alfred makes brownies very often
Jason took a knife from the kitchen the day he moved into the manor and hid it under his pillow. Bruce knows but never asked him to give it back. Jason puts it back in the kitchen on the 3 month mark
Jason never has any money despite his allowance being hundreds of dollars because he just leaves them in his childhood friends (Max, Numbers, etc) bedrooms every time
Eddie comes over once every 2-ish months and the first time he's there and Dick comes over Dick is CONVINCED Bruce got another one. Jason runs with it and almost convinces Alfred that Eddie is his new brother
Jason has a winter version of the Robin uniform and the cape has 1) a hood and 2) fur lining. He has to replace it often because he gives it to homeless kids as a blanket more often than not. Bruce is glad to buy him new ones
If he goes to Crime Alley as a civilian, every single crook will ask him if he's "Willis' boy" because when he was still alive, Willis couldn't go more than 10 minutes without telling his coworkers about his little prince
Jason uses a leave-on conditioner for his curls that Dick recommended him. It smells like oranges, and becomes the scent that Bruce associates with him
His favorite piece of clothing is a dark red sweater with two yellow stripes that Clark sent to him for his birthday
Speaking of Clark, his Superman autograph is framed on the wall in his room
He makes friendship bracelets when he's bored!! Most of them he gives to children he rescues as Robin (it becomes Gotham Culture to compare how many Robin friendship bracelets you have. The record is 23). The ones he doesn't give to victims are usually given to Rena or Eddie (and, in one rare occasion, to Bruce. it says "Spooky." Bruce still wears it after Jason comes back)
Robin Jason looks like a doll. He has an up-tipped button nose and eyes three times the size they ought to be, big eyelashes and cupids bow lips. He looks like Sheila as Robin, and like Willis as Red Hood
He has a tattoo in the shape of a batarang on his shoulder because of Willis (which I've written about here)
Okay i just realized how long this is oh my god. I didn't even make a DENT on my Robin Jason headcanons. god help me
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justgowithitplease · 7 months
Jason Todd, Dick Grayson, and Tim Drake HCs!!
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Dick Grayson:
When I tell you this man would not leave you alone while drunk....
One glass of whiskey and he's fine
Two glasses? You will be stuck to him for the next hour or so
When in public he always has his Arms around your waist, shoulders, hips,
really anything that qualifies as being able to hug you in public without it seeming too weird
expect random wing-dings (his version of the batarang) stuck in the wall next to the bedroom light switch
He's too lazy to get up from cuddling you so he uses his horrible wonderful ranged weapon skills to shut the lights off
Has definitely tazed himself in the balls at least 10 times
Cannot spell 'indubitably' for the life of him, Too many vowels
Failed history as a child and now has a vendetta against George Washington
Spells the British way on 'accident' (totally not to spite George Washington)
Has definitely snorted an entire pixie stick for a quarter
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Y'know that scene in ELF where buddy's in the shower and he's to tall for it? That's him
Has accidentally braked his motorcycle too hard and flipped
Corner of the mouth kisses are a must
Would rather stay in than go out for date night
Why get dressed up in uncomfortable clothes and pay for overpriced food when he could cook some reasonably priced and tasting food and wear sweatpants and a hoodie
Has made it a rule that there will be no children in the house
Made this rule purely against Damian
Also has a rule against pets
Which is why he complained for, like, three days after you got your cat, Bacon (see another fic!!)
About a week after, he had fixed his sleeping position so the cat wouldn't be crushed if it slept between you two
Speaking of which, if that man falls asleep, he will not move
Man sleeps like a stack of bricks on leveled concrete
A bit sensitive about his scars, but has learned to love them
Has an allergy to kiwi
Gets flashbacks frequently, and you're one of the only things that can get him to calm down
This man is more whipped than the cream on top of pumpkin pie
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DnD and MtG nerd
made a pure crab deck based on the three-card landfall and got smacked by Damian
No other option
Poor sleep deprived man has drunken soy sauce instead of his coffee while trying to cook for you
Has alligator rolled in his sleep then gotten up, just to trip and hit his head
Hates thick sweaters
This man absolutely refuses to fall asleep if you're not home (not like he's gonna sleep anyways)
Secretly loves telanovelas
Speaks Spanish, Dutch, Russian, and Arabic
Wanted to be an astronaut when he was a kid
has slide-on slippers, cannot handle the ones that go around his heel
The only blankets on his bed are weighted blankets
All the covers are purple or taupe
Has a state information book he reads on road trips
Dresses like Eddy Burback/Ted Nivison or Mr. Rogers in his civilian life
No inbetween
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ashrayus · 19 days
soo my friend asked for jason fic recs today and i made a list (too long! for what!!!) but might as well share it with u guys too so they can get some love maybe ^_^
some bruce&jason and dick&jason and batfam and jim gordon andd jason lets go!!
Bruce and jason:
Really good after the recent issue XD the next two are the same writer i just love it https://archiveofourown.org/works/56374990
Comforting Bruce :) https://archiveofourown.org/works/15059693
AU! Very interesting https://archiveofourown.org/works/46348951?view_adult=true
Dick and jason:
Identity reveal!!! Crazy bc of this https://archiveofourown.org/works/55670443?view_adult=true
Robin to red hood jason (and nightwing)! One of the favs :)) https://archiveofourown.org/works/50454142/chapters/127479355
Another fav!! Theres a line in this that i still cant get out of my head https://archiveofourown.org/works/51592174
Cried!!!!! Love this sm https://archiveofourown.org/works/41337654
Dick centered SUCH. A good jason. Murdered me https://archiveofourown.org/works/53898520
Casual!! Very good dialogue https://archiveofourown.org/works/48957529
One of the first fics i read my bar started high bc of this XD its sad !! https://archiveofourown.org/works/50058298
Pre-red hood reveal VERY fun i adore this https://archiveofourown.org/works/47605033
kinda depressing but very nice https://archiveofourown.org/works/36039820
Dick centered. jason is Good https://archiveofourown.org/works/39360381
Really good dialogue! Gets into jasons batarang scar https://archiveofourown.org/works/47224417/chapters/118989448
Dick centered very cute robin jason https://archiveofourown.org/works/37057612
older brother jason?!! :’) https://archiveofourown.org/works/55415734/chapters/140605297
Sad! Open ending https://archiveofourown.org/works/50579647
Really nicely written i love reveals https://archiveofourown.org/works/8593255
Fflufff!!!! https://archiveofourown.org/works/48409618
Jason dies but doesnt kinda fics ft. batfam (both incredibly sad!!!! but happy ending) ⬇️
Honorable mention my fav fic from when i was into dc a couple years ago
Jim gordon and jason!! Loved it so much https://archiveofourown.org/works/12803736
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shyjusticewarrior · 17 days
What's something that's not canon nor contradicted by canon that is real to you?
Mine is Jason having a scar on his throat from the batarang.
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crow-aeris · 1 month
okay yall, the brain worms are at it again....
Jason screams, surging forward as tendrils erupted from what he had thought was an innocuous pendant.
"GO!" Dick, that self sacrificing IDIOT screams, clawing at the oily tendrils before being pulled toward the center and vanishing in a burst of golden light.
Jason jerks forward, fear like never before seizes his chest as he couldn't get his limbs to move. Terror pounded at his temples as he saw Tim hacking at the tendrils with a sharp batarang, the barest crack in his composed appearance was noticeable, and their eyes met from across the room. Even behind the domino mask, Jason could see a fierce resolution in his brother's expression (and the fear and knowing buried behind it).
"STOP STANDING THERE!" Tim shouts, and Jason barely manages to dodge the tendrils striking at him, "GO! GET HELP! G- GO!"
Jason curses, fighting back tears as Tim joined Dick in erupting into a dense smog of golden glow before rushing toward where Damian's unconscious body was hidden.
He tried to grab the kid- he tried. he TRIED- but he was too. fucking. late.
The disgusting black tendrils snatched damian right from his arms. His surroundings faded to a dull buzz for the briefest of moments before slamming back into him,
"GIVE. THEM. BACK!" Jason wailed screamed, snatching the gun from his side before pointing it at the pendant. He forced the primal terror away and ignored the third burst of gold and the sharp-pointed darkness surging toward him. He planted his feet, sucking in a shaky breath and yanked the trigger.
The sound of bullets filled the air, but… but nothing.
The tendrils snared him. The oily substance coated his skin, and he grits his jaw and continues to shoot. This was- this was their last. chance.
it doesn't work.
it doesn’t fucking work.
Jason screams, gold filling his vision as every single fiber of his body felt like it was being shredded and burned.
but just before his entirety was lost to the creeping darkness, the sound of SHATTERING filled the air, and everything… disappeared.
But… but that wasn't it, was it. No, it wasn’t, because nothing could EVER be easy when it comes to him, could it?
Against all fucking odds, Jason Peter Todd wakes up from death for the second time... but everything felt… wrong. Different. Uncanny… And why was he shorter???
He wrestles himself out of bed ignoring how achingly familiar the room was before finding a mirror suspiciously where he knew it would be, and seeing the reflection was all the confirmation needed.
He was... little. Small. Innocent, a pure little robin with his wings in tact…
Jason waits for the rage, the anger that accompanied by GREEN-GREEN-GREEN… but it never comes… Interesting…
More differences were that his hair was his natural black that gleamed a dakr red-brown in the right lighting, no white streak in sight. The scars sustained after his pit dip were also missing, and his eyes were still a brilliant cerulean hue...
What. The. Hell? Dear god, Jason utterly loathed time travel bullshit, and this entire clusterfuck was about as bull-fucking-shit as anything could ever get.
His eyes traced the image of his face incredulously, trailing down his chin before landing on a… familiar pendant. Jason snarled wordlessly, anger and frustration rising to his chest as he grabs the wretched thing and hurled it.
The pendant smashes against the wall, and Jason’s ears are suddenly filled with his brothers’ aguished and pained cries.
He lurches forward, guilt slamming into his chest as he gingerly picks up the despicable fucking fucknut of a goddamned object. If it had a mother (it’s creator?), Jason hopes the pendant has to someday watch them BURN. (And sure, it might not be logical to blame an inanimate object for his issues, but his brothers were missing, and he has to go through puberty all over again. Frankly, jason thinks he’s coping pretty fucking well compared to the duffle bag incident…)
There was a deep black string threaded through a miniscule hole at the top, not too unlike the tendrils that yanked him and his brothers away. Jason’s hands were shaking, and you could not find him dead wearing that stupid fucking bullshit-mechaniced deathtrap around his fucking neck (which was now distinctively bare of a thin scar that he had matching with tim), but he couldn’t throw it, lest Dick, Tim, and Damian’s souls were actually trapped in that godforsaken fucker of a pendant.
“Jay?” he hears his mom (could he even call her that? she- she wasn’t sheila, but catherine was a thousand times better… what was he even supposed to do???) call for him, “i heard a crash? is everything okay?”
“Y-yeah!” he calls back- oh god, was he always this- this fucking squeaky?! No fucking wonder bruce snatched him up, jesus christ. For fuck’s sake, he would’ve snatched himself up!
“Are you sure?” Catherine says, knocking gently at the door, “you don’t sound too well, jay.”
Jason swallows past the lump in his throat, feeling the sharp edges of the pendant dig uncomfortably into the palms of his uncalloused hands, “just- just a little cold, i promise!”
“…Okay, hon. Just let me know if you need anything, alright? i love you.”
“I love you too, mom,” Jason echoes, the words feeling like bitter ash on his tongue as the footsteps fade. Even if he was now a fucking pipsqueak, he needs to catalogue any injuries or changes he went through… which was how he discovers an almost tattoo-like marking of a black and gold skeletal bird resting above his beating heart. Poking at it didn’t hurt, but it made the pendant in his hand warm…
He had an idea… a plan if you will, and all it takes is a phone….
PART 2, 3, 4
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oifaaa · 8 days
Big fan of the angst of the pit getting rid of all of jasons old scars and the realization that bruce gave him a lot of his new ones (ie the batarang to the throat in utrh, repeatedly smashing jasons face into things hard enough to shatter his helmet and cut his face over multiple different fights, beating the shit out of him so bad in rhato that its implied bruce put him in a coma, etc)
You get it this is also another great way to show how actually unimportant joker is to Jason joker didn't leave jason scared but bruce sure as fuck did
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cryptid-intraining · 2 years
More Jason Todd Headcanons:
He refuses to take opiod painkillers no matter how bad he is hurting because he is terrified of getting an addiction like his mother.
To this day, Jason is the only one Alfred allows to help in the kitchen.
He never takes elevators. Self explanatory.
The other Bats have seen and heard him have nightmares before and they always assumed they were all about the Joker or maybe the League until one night when Jason ended up crashing at the Manor, Dick and Tim find him crying from the couch in his sleep and he calls out Bruce's name, begging and pleading until he wakes with a choked scream with a hand pressed tightly to the scar at his throat. They never ask but after that point both Dick and Tim struggle to look at Bruce in the eyes.
Related to that, Jason never told anyone about how Bruce cut his throat with a batarang because he always assumed none of them would believe him, that they'd just accuse him of lying.
Damian once threatened him with a crowbar and Dick had to physically restrain Jason from going after the small child with his knives. Dick had a serious talk with Damian after about not trying to re-traumatised your brothers just because they're retelling embarrassing baby stories your mother told them.
Edit because I'm bad at wording things and I've stopped caring about pissing Batman fanboys off: Jason is absolutely one of the best, if not the most formidable fighter in the Batfam. He has trained with Bruce since he was a kid, then the League, and was the only human to train with and survive the All Caste. He is fucking scary. But more than his physical prowess is his ability to get into people's heads, he studies people's flaws and weakness and uses that against them. He isn't just a great fighter, he's a intelligent fighter. One of his listed strengths on his Wiki page is literally 'tactican'.
His style of detective work isn't like Bruce's or Dick's. He grew up in Crime Alley, surrounded by crime since he was a kid, he understands how it works and how to use it to his advantage and he has resources and connections that none of the others have. He's less about the forensics and science and more about the people. What makes them tick and how he can use that to get what he needs.
Related to that, he also is insanely stubborn. He has grit, sure, but he is also afraid. He isn't afraid of death but he is so fucking scared of the possibility that if he dies again he might come back. In his words "the worse part of about his death was that it wasn't permanent." As such he will go further than most to prevent it from happening again. Even if that means enduring the worst pain imaginable because still to this day the thing that haunts him most, more than the warehouse and crowbar and Joker, was waking up in that coffin and realising no one was coming for him. That he was alone.
He hoarded food when he was first adopted by Bruce. And slept with a chair jammed under the handle of his door.
It took months for Jason to let Bruce or Alfred touch him as a kid. His only male authority figure had been Willis and it had instilled a strong distrust of older men in him.
Him and Stephanie both volunteer at shelters and food banks in their free time. Steph once invited Cass because she wanted her to see that Jason was more than just a killer.
Tim still flinches from him when he gets too close and it breaks Jason's heart a little. He's hurt people but it has always been him in control, his decision. The Pit Madness took that away from him, or at least it twisted his betrayal and hurt into rage and he still hasn't quite figured out how to apologize for that.
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brucewaynehater101 · 2 months
"It's A Wonderful Life" AU with Tim and Jason
I only know the very basic premise of this movie, so we're going off of that.
Tw: death, suicide, violence
This could be a Titan's Tower AU, but I do think this could be a bit more fun after the BruceQuest.
Tim, who's had his support systems (even the JL ripped from him) and is seething in paranoia, gets cornered by Red Hood. The last time he saw Jason alone, he got a batarang to the chest (Battle of the Cowl). Tim has no reason to suspect this interaction will be friendly.
Red Robin is geared up for a fight. Red Hood has his hands up in surrender and far away from his hip holsters. It's not exactly reassuring (Jason can probably whip out his pistols in the same amount of time it takes Tim to grab a birdarang), but it does communicate that Jason isn't looking for a fight. Tim, who's one mental breakdown away from taking over Lex Corp for the hell of it, doesn't see this as a good sign. Why would Jason, the original Cain instinct, want to talk "peacefully" with his Placeholder? What's the aim?
Jason kind of just wants to apologize and is low-key concerned with how he's so isolated from everyone. He doesn't truly care about Tim, and he doesn't think it's his place/right/ability to be the support for the kid, but he can at least say sorry. Tim doesn't need to accept it, but he deserves the acknowledgement that it was indeed fucked up and not Tim's fault in the slightest. It's not much, especially with the scar on Tim's throat and the trauma, but it's a start. He still holds some resentment for the kid, but he's starting to learn that's more Jason and Bruce's fault than Tim's.
The conversation doesn't go great. Maybe Tim is being defensive and an asshole (which is fair since Jason's attacked him twice at least). Jason gets a little upset over this and snaps back (which is not what he's trying to do and counterproductive).
They get interrupted by this magician that sighs. They explain how fucking exhausting it is hearing them continue to misunderstand each other so they will show them what the world was like if Tim was never born.
Cue something similar to the movie I described. I haven't seen it, so here's what I think happens in that movie combined with this AU.
Tim and Jason stumble around Gotham at the current date in this alternative universe.
It's hell. They constantly run into crime on every corner, and there's no order.
They find out that Bruce had died within a year of Jason dying. Gotham fell to shambles due to Batman's declining reputation at that point. They had no hope and were hostile to any heroes that tried to help (due to the last hero they had turning on them). Gotham was eventually abandoned by the US government.
With his death, people found out Bruce Wayne was Batman. This causes Alfred to be sent to jail, and Dick could never return to Gotham. Dick only survived due to the Titan's refusing to let him destroy himself. He's still not okay.
Damian never came to Gotham cause Bruce had died. He's still set to become Ra's vessel, and no one (like Dick, the JL, Jason, etc) knows about this plot.
Jim Gordon was killed, and Barbara had to move out of Gotham.
Steph joined Helena for a bit. They made a kickass team, but they didn't survive to the current day.
Duke and his family moved out of Gotham before the gates closed, but he lost his parents in the escape.
Cass was never taught language.
Jason killed the Joker and then himself.
Anyways, Gotham goes to shit and Bruce kills himself on patrol (let's himself be hit and doesn't give himself needed rest). That's the basics of what they learned in this alternative universe.
This causes Tim to feel a bit better about all the sacrifices he made. He was vital and important to the Bats. He did good. He was necessary. It doesn't erase all the pain and hurt, but it boosts his self-esteem just a small bit.
Jason didn't realize the extent of what Tim did for them. He didn't realize the impact of Tim's decision and how he saved everyone. The two of them part, and Jason starts to uncover all the sacrifices the teen made.
Tw: suicide
If you want extra angst, maybe the magician reveals that Tim was planning to kill himself before he saw that Bruce needed him (thus the world is what happened if Tim went through with his OG plan). Tim has severely unhealthy coping mechanisms now, but his tendency to help people allows himself to feel needed. Lots to unpack there.
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jasmines-library · 8 months
Unbroken Valour
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WHUMPTOBER DAY 28: Prompt ‘Sacrifice’
Fandom: Batfam
Summary: Ignoring his orders, Tim leaves to face the Joker after he escapes Arkham. Fearing for his safety, you chase after him and when he is put in a life threatening position, you don't think. You just do.
Warnings: Major character Death, description of wounds, impalement. It's just angsty. Im sorry.
Word count: 1.5k
🕸 ⋆ ⁶𖤐⁶ ࣪⋆🕸
Sometimes there is no rational reason for things happening. Sometimes things just happen whether we want them to or not. And sometimes there is no way to stop the inevitable from happening. Like there is no way to stop the sun rising in the east and setting in the west, there was no way from stopping you.
You ran. Fast. Feet pounding against the concrete. Your breath quickened, heart pounding against your ribcage. Tim was mere feet away from you now, scuffling with the Joker. He was good, but the Joker was bigger and better. Tim looked measly next to him. He wasn’t supposed to be out here alone.The Joker had just escaped from Arkham and was as gloriously out of his mind as ever.  Tim was under strict orders and you had pleaded at him not to go, but your words fell on deaf ears. So, as soon as he left you were pulling on your suit and dashing through the streets of Gotham to reach him. 
Tim ducked as the Joker swung an arc that missed his head by mere millimetres, jostling his hair. Tim slid, trying to knock the Joker’s feet from under him but missed as he stepped away. And then the haunting sound of his laughter filled the alleyway, echoing down the stone walls like a song. The villain, noticing your presence, turned to face you with a shit eating grin. 
“Aw” He pouted, “Did the little birdy have to call his big sister for backup?”
Tims head snapped up as he stared you briefly in the eye. Brief, because he used the Joker’s moment of weakness to tackle him to the ground. As the pair scuffled on the ground, delivering blows and rough punches, you slid across the ground to grab Tim’s bo staff that had been discarded on the ground at some point during the struggle. When the vigilante finally managed to free himself, you tossed the staff toward him and reddied yourself, planting your feet firmly into the ground and squeezing your brass knuckles tightly to your palm by clenching your hand into a fist. They were cold against your clammy skin. You also patted the side of your suit to ensure your batarangs were secure within the folds of the fabric. 
“What the hell are you doing here?” Tim whispered at you through his clenched jaw as the Joker weighed up his options. 
The villain surged forwards trying to tackle Tim once again, but you raised your fist back and slammed it into the side of his cheek. 
“Saving your life.” You grunted as he recoiled, bringing a calloused hand to his reddening cheek and frowning. It was an odd contrast to the lengthy scars that gave him his permanent smile. 
“Ouch.” The joker straightened, making a beeline for you. 
Dropping, you allowed your brother to make a move this time. It caught him off guard, causing him to waver unsteadily on his feet, but he didn’t fall to the ground as you hoped. Instead he reached into his pocket and brandished a slender, silver pistol. 
You and Tim shared a look. Batman had two rules. Number one, No guns. Number two, No killing. The joker was about to break both and the pair of you were helpless to stop it. There was no hesitation in the villain's face as he pressed his finger to the trigger, arm jerking with the recoil of the gun. You flinched at the noise, anticipating a scream that never came. When you opened your eyes again. A single fraying flag hung from the tip of the barrel, printed across it in bold letters it read ‘Bang! You’re dead.’.
The Joker cackled maniacally to himself. “You should have seen your faces!”
Tim allowed his body to relax slightly, releasing the tension from his shoulders when he realised that there was no bullet lodged in either of you. You however were still on high alert. Your eyes widened as the realisation dawned on you. 
“Red… Get behind me.”
The Joker pouted. "oh, Y/N? Why so serious?"
“What?” Confusion crinkled across his face as he scrunched his nose together. 
You didn’t allow Tim any more time to move as the Joker pressed his finger down onto the trigger again, sending the flag harpooning towards him. You didn’t think, just jumped in front of him, knocking him to the side. 
You gasped as it pierced through your suit, and then layers of your skin and muscle until the spear scraped across bone. You stared at the offending weapon, lodged deep within your chest gawping at the flag flapped in the breeze. Hands reaching up, you pressed your hand to the spear, feeling the warm blood pool around your fingers and soak into the front of your suit. You swayed on your feet. 
As Tim recovered from your shove, reality hit him like a brick wall. 
“What the hell did you do!?” He screamed at the suited man, chasing after him when he tried to flee, but alone and distracted, Tim stood no chance. He released a batarang which soared through the air, skimming his sleeve. Though it has found its target, the tear in his arm was nowhere near enough to stop the Joker as he vanished into the streets. 
“Y/N…” Tim hushed under his breath as he raced towards you. You swayed before collapsing to your knees with a cry of excruciating pain. He caught you as he skidded to your side and lay you gently in his arms. 
“Oh God…” He choked at the sight of the river of red flowing from your body. He didn’t know what to do. His hands shook. 
You took one in yours, not caring for the fact that you would get them all covered in blood. Although you were older than Tim, your hand was considerably smaller than his and it fit snugly laced between his fingers. Somehow, amid the panic, Tim had managed to press the emergency button on his suit. 
You smiled up at him sadly. His attention was on you and only you as you forced out a word through blood stained teeth. “Tim?”
“No.” He shook his head, not even bothering to try and hide the swell of emotions that bubbled to the surface of his voice. “No. You don’t get to do this to me. To us.”
His other hand pressed down firmly against the wound around the spear. He knew to keep it in, but he sight of it made him want to hurl, so instead he focused on your face and the way your eyebrows twitched each time there was a new jolt of pain spreading across chest. 
“You can’t stop it, Tim.” You said sadly. “There is nothing that you can do…”
“No. I can- I” He pressed harder on the wound, fumbling over his words. A rouge tear slipped down his face. “You’re not dying. You’re not. Help is coming, just don't close your eyes, Okay? You keep them open, you hear?”
“Tim…” You reached out your other hand to cup his cheek and wipe away the fresh bout of tears. 
“You promised me!” he cried. “You promised me that you would always be there for me!”
That cut deeper than the spear. Hearing your little brother say those words, you felt like someone had grabbed your heart and squeezed, ripping up your heartstrings as they went. It was a promise you had made all those years ago when he was brought in by Bruce, scared of being alone. That night you had wrapped him up closely and promised that you weren’t leaving him any time soon.
“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry…” Concentrating was getting harder now as Tim swam before you. White dots began to form in your vision and you squeezed your little brother’s hand as hard as you could with what little of your depleting strength you had left, begging him to listen this time. “Take care of Damian for me and-” You took a wheezy breath “And be good for Dick and Jason.”
“Stop it. You don’t get to do this to me now y/n-”
“Tell the boys that I love them.” You whispered. Your body began to go numb but you gave him a gentle smile anyway. “And I love you, Tim Drake. Remember that.”
Your gaze drifted from Tim as you felt your life slipping away. 
“I’ll see you around, little brother.” 
Your hand went slack in his and your body slumped against his chest. He cried your name, letting the tears flow freely as you took your last breath. 
It was then that the wretched footsteps came rushing towards them, and Dick faltered at the sight of Tim covered in your blood as he clung to you tighter, pressing down harshly on the gaping hole. The spear still sat there, cruel and relentlessly. Dick stepped forwards, but it was no use. You were already gone. 
🕸 ⋆ ⁶𖤐⁶ ࣪⋆🕸
<- DAY 27 𖤐 DAY 29->
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