#the band of the red hand
toastandjamie · 8 months
Things about the band of the red hand that I think about on the daily:
-all the nobles in the Band competing to be Mat’s Favorite Noble(the answer is Talmanes but no one tell them that)
-after the battle of Cairihan, Talmanes and Nalesian putting aside their differences to defend Mat’s honor from the perceived slight of him not getting a parade
-Talmanes clearly knowing Mat is trying to ditch them and proceeding to insist on going with Mat literally everywhere until Mat gave up
-every noble in the band preening over being on Mat’s short list of “tolerable nobles” they are very proud of this fact and will brag about the fact that Mat willingly interacts with them
-Mat, half delirious from pain, teaching the band Jak’o’shadows and immediately regretting it as the band begins to sing it at every given opportunity and adds an entirely new verse dedicated to him
-while Mat was stuck in Ebou Dar every member of the band that was not with him simultaneously feeling the Ta’veren pull like a Spiderman esque sixth sense for knowing their general is in trouble
-upon feeling the Ta’veren pull, Talmanes immediately guilting Egwene into telling him where Mat is
-the band collectively deciding that their Olver’s cool uncles and teaching him to gamble, flirt with women, use weapons, and steal horses. You know, like responsible adults.
-when Mat is at the tower of genji, Talmanes being left in charge of Olver like the worlds most reluctant babysitter
-after seeing Mat refuse Aes Sedai healing every single member of the band deciding that they to would heal the old fashioned way
-a large portion of the band going out and getting tattoos together after they officially became the Band of The Red Hand
-Mat making one off hand mention of the original Band of the Red Hand from Manethran and the Band deciding that that was now the name of their mercenary band despite Mat’s protests
-the band deciding that No, they will not serve the Dragon Reborn, instead they’ll enlist into the service of the guy who Does Not Want Them
-the band deciding that Mat was a lord on principle because he’s just that good at fighting battles
-not a single member of the band was ever revealed to be a dark friend, they all just genuinely wanted to follow Mat with no ulterior motives
-every member of the band being willing to die for Mat at any given moment
-when Mat initially showed up to warn the army that they were walking into a Shaido ambush, Talmanes calling Mat’s bluff and getting him to begrudgingly agree to leading a portion of the army
-Mat effectively death glaring the bands nobles into a meritocracy
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tildeathiwillwrite · 6 months
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(Lord of Chaos Spoilers) Especially not with an entire army following after you.
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manofbeskar · 4 months
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a penny for your thoughts or a dollar for your insides
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outlandidol · 6 months
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Of all of the cultures in WoT, Tear is among my all-time favorites. I've been wanting to take my crack at how I picture their blend of Spanish and East Asian aesthetics, and Nalesean seemed a good character to try my hand at!
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My personal take on the coalecroux official wedding rings (like they are dating and perhaps decide to do an actual wedding) is that they can look like anything but they must be enchanted. One always feels like the cold side of a pillow and the other always feels like a warm blanket. Yes the former goes to Gideon and the latter to Kremy
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rexscanonwife · 5 months
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'Came a time, where every starfall brought you to tears again
We are the very hurt you sold'
Based on my own challenge to redraw your self ship as the MCR album cover uwu
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Taglist♡: @me-myself-and-my-fos @tiny-cloud-of-flowers @sunstar-of-the-north @dearly-beeloved @adoredbyalatus @changeling-selfship @crushes-georg @cherry-bomb-ships @rosieaurora @rejaytionships @sunflawyer @in-true-blue-love @tropicalgothships @hotrodharts @1980ssunflower
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ipsiducis · 8 months
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changewingwentz · 7 months
Originally caption “iii wears more Victorian ahhhh looking fits for the teeth of God tour maybe haha” but these look too Victorian lmaaoooo
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Inspired from a character also placed in the same time period wearing the thigh high boots and iii ……in those boots guys hear me out…..
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concreteemo · 9 months
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Gray sweat pants you say? More like PINK SWEAT PANTS!
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chocochococoffee · 11 months
gordon would be so proud that his song now is a revolution anthem
for a punk/metal/indie band there's no better flattery than becoming the anthem of the people. much better if they are against the capital! and knowing gordon, he would surely get emotional at the fact <3
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29625 · 5 months
I’m always thinking about my Slider’s music taste…like, is it ooc if he liked The Cars? New Order? Bauhaus?
Then I look at this picture of Rick Rossovich and be like nvm he looks like someone from new wave/goth bands
I mean look at how gorgeous
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toastandjamie · 5 months
I like thinking about how the trauma of the series effects the Ta’veren boys and the Wondergirls- but like- have we considered how absolutely messed up, feral and dangerous Olver will be as an adult?
This kid spent his formative years participating in an active war zone. He rarely spent time with his peers instead spending time among a bunch of soldiers- not even just soldiers, mercenaries- many of which were barely adults themselves and had zero experience with raising children. His main caretaker is a dude who up until this point has not matured a day past sixteen and liked it that way. Despite Mat’s best efforts, none of them had a clue what they were doing. Now if Olver was just a little socially stunted from trauma and lack of friendships with peers that would be one thing- but this kid has also been taught an eclectic number of skills most of which are related to violence.
We are told directly that Mat and the other men in the band have taught Olver how to use: crossbows, longbows, swords, spears, and throwing knives. Kid has a whole ass arsenal he can use. He was given ample practice with both horse riding and care. Thom was teaching him to play the flute and juggle. Cards, dice, flirting with women, dancing, stones, the basics of daes de mar- stealing horses. This kid was raised as a soldier, a thief and a noble.
That’s just what we get in the books- let’s say Olver stays with Mat post-canon and is raised in Seanchen occupied Ebou Dar alongside Mat and Tuon’s child. Any skills Olver learned among the band would only perfected among the Seanchen blood.
Olver states multiple times his intention to go to the tower of ghenji and seek the Finn’s answers and gifts- now let’s say Olver manages this without Mat catching him and keeping him from doing this- the amount of possibilities for what Olver could attain from the Finn of he survived the trip is astounding. He is also fueled by a desire for revenge against the Shaido for killing his father and driving him and his mom from Cairihan resulting in her death. And famously having a revenge motive in fiction is a flashing Danger sign.
Olver and Tuon have a lot in common, small and unassuming on the surface but we’re raised to be dangerous. Raised to always be alert and ready for anything. They are both trained killers from the time they were young. Their formative years spent learning that the world is cruel and the only way to survive is by being smarter, faster, and stronger than your opponents.
This isn’t even considering any specialized training he may receive, from groups like the deathwatch guard or even warders depending on the circumstances. Or the possibility of Olver being a channeler which is always a possibility. Olver would be exceptionally dangerous as an adult- and depending on how the others in his life care for him post tarmengedon he could be a genuine threat to the dragons peace of he decides that All Aiel are guilty for the actions of the Shaido. He could also follow in Mat’s footsteps however and dedicate himself to protecting those in his life currently. The possibilities- my brain is whirring
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tildeathiwillwrite · 10 months
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(WoT Book 6 Spoilers) Mat is included in this count.
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moghedien · 1 year
I keep seeing people like "Yeah the tea is replacing the Aelfiin and Eelfinn scenes with Mat" and I'm like???
sure I guess maybe that is in some way a possibility? but literally how do you make the jump that a concept that wasn't introduced until book 4 has been cut because something extremely vaguely similar (and that's being very generous) appeared in adaptation of book 2?????
also I'm not actually ready to believe that Ishamael, the Father of Lies, was telling the truth about what that tea showed. Or that even if he was telling the truth, that he still wasn't manipulating it in some way. like....its Ishamael. he's not gonna give Mat something that makes him go "oh ok so I'm actually a great person and have nothing to be guilty about, thanks for helping me get through my mental health crisis and not worsening me for your own benefit instead"
also we just gonna ignore the fact that Mat having a bad, manipulated experience like this might actually be a motivation for him seeking out a truthful one?
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garfieldstim · 3 months
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twice around the sun stimboard 🎶
x x x / x x x / x x x
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ovcii-doodles · 9 months
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[REDACTED]: You're writing down an awful lot there. Counselor: Just my observations. Does this evaluation make you...anxious?
washed hands interview my beloved
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