#the babiessssssss
beybuniki · 4 months
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kofi request: bnha x haikyuu crossover pt. 2 🌸
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acrosstobear · 10 months
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zhouguanyu24 📸: Helmet swap! 😁 Always had huge respect to each other, had many fun memories together, let’s go & enjoy some more battles on track! 💪🏼
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How it started:
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How it's going:
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muirneach · 1 year
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our baby robins are 11(?) days old!! here are the images from yesterday and today
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faceeeeee · 2 months
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The outfits slap and all BUT DON'T LEAVE MEEEEEEEE
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calithso · 11 months
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daveyfvckingjacobs · 4 months
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wip pride drawing because my theory is if I show it to people I won’t give up on it!!
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cattoru · 1 year
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atlasdoe · 6 months
The sun was just setting when they reached the Quidditch pitch. On the grass already was the chest full of balls and both James and Mary's brooms.
“Grab your broom,” James said when they got to them. “You’re getting a private tryout.”
Mary dropped his hand and shook her head, “James I’m not doing this.”
“Why not?”
“Because I don’t want to. If I wanted to then I would’ve gone this morning like everyone else. I don’t deserve special treatment.”
“Nonsense, you’re Mary MacDonald you deserve all the special treatment in the world.”
“James, I’m serious.”
“No, you’re not, you’re Mary.”
Seeing that she was actually getting upset, James’ cheeky smile turned soft and he sat down on the grass cross-legged. He motioned for her to do the same and she did.
“What’s going on Mare?”
Mary shrugged, “I just don’t feel like playing anymore that’s all.”
“That's bullshit Mary,” he said, trying to keep his tone as gentle as possible. “You’ve never not wanted to play.”
Mary kept picking at the grass beneath them as she shrugged again. “I just don’t think it’s for me.”
James thought about her answers. He knew what this was really about. Mary had been so outgoing and proud last year, and with just one night, with just one action by one person, it was all gone. She hadn’t left her room for nearly a week after it happened, somehow Remus managed to talk her out but she was still a shell of who she once was. The worst part was that James could see that she was trying to get her old self back during the last part of the year, but now they seemed back to square one.
Just the thought of it was enough to make him on the verge of tears. Mary was the brightest person he knew, and he would’ve given everything to see her shine again.
“Do you remember how we first met?” He asked her after a minute of silence.
Mary nodded, when she looked up he saw her own tears falling down her face. “Second day of school,” she said. “Our second year.”
James nodded, giving her a reassuring smile, giving her whatever warmth he could. “We were in the common room,” he continued. “You had come down with the firsties and Evans introduced us.”
“Lily tried to introduce us,” Mary corrected. “You told us to bugger off because you were doing important Quidditch preparations.”
James turned a bright red at Mary's mocking tone. He really was a little shit when he was younger. “That I did,” he said nodding, despite his shame.
“I asked you what Quidditch was and you explained the rules,” Mary went on.
James hummed, “You then asked me if I would teach you how to play.”
Mary nodded, a small smile forming on her lips as she teased, “Do you remember what you told me?”
James’ blush brightened as he rocked back slightly before answering, “I told you that only those who can’t do, teach and you should probably ask Sirius.”
Mary laughed, but she wasn’t done embarrassing him there, “And when Sirius called you a twat, what did you respond with?”
“I told him that I was too busy and that my skills shouldn’t be wasted.”
Mary hadn’t stopped laughing, “And you wonder why people called you arrogant.”
James smiled at her, it had been a long time since he had heard her properly laugh like that. He had missed it and was now determined to never let it fade again.
“Do you want to know a secret?” He asked once she had calmed down.
Mary nodded her smile only slightly visible now.
“Not taking the opportunity to teach you is one of the biggest regrets of my life.”
Now it was Mary's turn to turn red, “You don’t mean that.”
“No, I do,” James insisted. “When I had heard that McKinnon and Bones had started their little class for you I didn’t think much of it until I saw you properly play for the first time. And arrogant little me was kicking myself at the fact that I couldn’t take credit for your skill. Mary, you were brilliant, and you still are, nothing and nobody could ever change that.”
“He changed that,” Mary said bluntly, breaking James’ heart into a million little pieces.
“No he didn’t,” he whispered back, almost in a plea.
Mary, who was now crying again, nodded slowly. “Yes, he did. He changed everything. I’m trying to ignore it, I’m trying to be my old self again, I promise I am! But I’m so tired of pretending that everything’s okay when it’s not!”
James was walking on eggshells, he was keeping his voice very level. “Mary, what happened��� We never talked about it…”
“It's not about what happened,” Mary sniffled. “Well… I mean it is but it’s… it’s so much more.”
“What else is it?”
Mary looked at him through glassy eyes and quickly did her best to wipe her face before leaning back on her hands, her leg bouncing as she shook her head. “I don’t know who else would’ve done the same,” she told him, tears freely falling again. “I don’t know how many people have already done the same just to someone different. I mean, what if Lily or Dirk or Dahlia or any other muggleborn gets hurt because some asshole thinks that they can get away with it because he did? How am I supposed to live with myself?”
“It's not your fault Mare-“
“But it is! It wasn’t random! I’ve heard what they’ve all been saying about me. How I deserved it, how I should’ve known my place, and now others are suffering because I’m a mudblood!”
James moved quickly when Mary broke, getting down on one knee before her and allowing her to hide her face in his chest as his arms wrapped around her protectively. “Don’t say that,” he whispered softly. “They’re wrong Mare, they’re so wrong.”
“But I got everyone worried over nothing,” she mumbled into his shirt. “Y’know Marlene used to sneak into my dorm room at night after it happened? She would go all the way from Ravenclaw to Gryffindor and break into the common room just to sleep with me because she kept having nightmares about it.”
“That was Marlene?” James asked, confused. “I thought we had rats!”
The sound of Mary's laugh brought his too as she slowly pulled away. “Don’t be an idiot, Potter, we both know you didn’t hear her.”
James shrugged, “Maybe,” he confessed. “But it made you laugh, so worth the lie in the end.”
“I’m sorry for dumping all of this on you. All you wanted to do was throw a ball around and I just went on a vent.”
James was shaking his head before she could even finish, “You have nothing to be sorry for,” he assured her. “I’m not going to lie to you and pretend like I know how you feel or how to make you feel better, but Mary I will do everything in my power to help you. I’m here for you, and I’m not the only one,” he said. “I really don’t think you should give up Quidditch. I don't think you want to.”
“I don’t want to give it up. But what if –”
“Ah. You don't want to give it up. End of sentence, you’re trying out.”
Mary sighed as James began to stand. Still, she followed. “But what if something happens?”
“Mary,” James said. “We will blast anyone who even thinks about hurting any muggleborn in this school, and on the off chance that something does happen, it will never be your fault. Now, I’m going to be honest with you and tell you something my mother used to tell me because it’s clear you’ve been hearing way too many lies lately, okay?”
Mary nodded, “Okay.”
“The only way you could ever bring darkness into this world is by depriving it of your light,” he said simply, taking one of her hands in his.
Mary nodded slightly as her tears came back. “Merlin, how many times am I going to cry tonight?” She asked with a laugh. “That was cheesy as fuck.”
James laughed with her and squeezed her hand. “Cry all you like,” he said. “Just make sure you don’t stop smiling.”
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Ciel, Bard, Finny, Undertaker, Ronald, Edward, and Charles Grey caring for their s/O after a serious carriage accident please!
aaaaaa they all try so hard!!
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Damn, who the hell wasn’t payin’ attention? He knows his darling must have been being careful, because they always are. He does his best not to panic; if they were in a lot of danger, surely the doctors wouldn’t have let them out of hospital. So he does something he doesn’t usually do: swallows his pride. He asks Sebastian to help more with the cooking than he typically does, so that Bard himself can focus on looking after (Name). Thankfully, the household sticks together. While he doesn’t completely neglect his work, he does pay a lot of attention to his sweetheart. Food, pain medicine, anything they might need, he’ll make sure they have it. They’ll be okay, they’ll recover fine, and he’s only too happy to help them along.
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An unfortunate turn of events, though with the way some people let their footmen drive, he supposes he isn’t shocked. Still, he’s visibly shaken in the moment, though he retains his quieter, more stoic air as he takes them home. His business is still quite important, but… he’s there if they need anything. Not only does he fully expect Sebastian to make sure (Name) is taken care of, Ciel checks on them frequently. He makes excuses to take a break from his work, and occasionally, he might take his work from his study into their room. Even though he doesn’t feel like he’s good at being… nurturing… he refuses to just let them recover all by themself. He’s there, trying, and that counts for more than he thinks.
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Oh, dear, the poor thing! He’s frantic after he hears what happens, although he’s considerably more relaxed once (Name) is back home. As long as they’ve been released, then surely they’re going to be fine. He’s very attentive, because he was scared for a while that he might lose them. Nothing bad is going to happen now that they’re back with him. He runs about doing things like making them tea, putting pillows behind their back and/or under their legs, and giving them massages to keep them from getting sore. It’s also very important to him that his S/O knows how much he loves them, and… he wants them to be more careful after this, alright?
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He almost lost them, certainly they can’t expect him to be normal about this?! At least for a while! He sometimes bursts into tears even once (Name) is home again… he knows how close they came to being irreversibly hurt or possibly just gone, that could-have-been grief still crops up. There are bad experiences he’s had that make him worry, so he makes sure that once they’re home, he has plenty of time to look after them. If possible, he wants to get them out in the garden for a while — fresh air and sunshine are good for a body. He fetches them anything they might need, and never fails to remind them that he’s very happy they’re still here with him.
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Blast it all, can’t anyone drive carefully?! There are people sharing the roads with carriages, and one of them could have taken his darling away! He’s angry more than anything, though his anger fades noticeably after (Name) comes home from hospital. They’re alright, they’re still alive, everything’s fine. Even though he’s pretty sure they both more than have the right to be angry, it’s better that he focuses on taking care of his beloved. He takes a little leave from service, maybe just a few days or a week, while Phipps fills in for him along with John and Ash. He spends a lot of time just cuddling with his S/O and ensuring they have everything they need whilst they get over the worst of their injuries. He’s here for them… whether they like it or not.
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Lord, but no one’s looking out anymore, are they? He could have lost (Name) for good… that’s terrifying. It hits him in this weird spot, because, well, he works with death all day long. He’s starting to get used to it, it no longer fazes him, and then this happens. It brings him back into a fear that his loved ones will die, having brought the possibility into sharp focus. Although he can’t just leave work without consequences, he happily shirks his duties, (perhaps bribing Grell to cover for him), so that he can be at home and care for his sweetheart. His first idea is to offer them a drink, thinking that may dull the pain. Of course, he quickly figures that isn’t a great idea, so he switches to making them tea. Suffice it to say, they get lots of kisses. He almost doesn’t want to leave them ever again! Sigh…
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God, no, not yet another person he could have lost… he’s relieved that didn’t happen. They’re not going to leave him, are they? Even though they’re hurt, (Name) is still here. Thank goodness. His own plans take a backseat, because he’s got other people to handle things for the moment. Aside from that, he’s perfectly free to take as much time as he needs away to tend to his darling. He’s eager to bring them home so he can look after them; he’s got much more faith in himself and his care than in some doctors who don’t know or care about his S/O in the same way that he does. While he’s very protective in what can occasionally be a scary way, once it’s only the two of them, he dotes, and he dotes hard. He kisses them as much as he can, he makes sure they’re drinking and eating enough, he’s the perfect devoted partner. “It’s alright, love,” he whispers, as he goes about caring for them. “Y’re jus’ fine now that y’re with me.”
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seowoobins · 5 months
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2404014 : 🫧 pm
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funkylilomen · 4 months
i am not normal about my own characters
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joelletwo · 5 months
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shouyou learns the suffer once v. suffer twice dbt philosophy
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lostmykeysie · 2 years
Me this morning: hey, I haven’t checked to see if there’s an update to the missing link in a while, maybe I’ll check it out before work-
*gets hit with the most angsty, heart-wrenching wolfstar breakup ever*
Anyways I’m absolutely loving the fic, I can’t wait to see what’s next 😊
hahahahahah SURPRISE BITCH!!!!!!!!!!!!
i'm laughing but i hate it when that happens. me in the office still gobsmacked over some mad crazy plot twist a writer's thrown in my face like NO GARY I CANNOT ANSWER YOUR TEAMS CALL I AM RECOVERING
anyways, folks...... CHAPTER THIRTEEN IS POSTED!!!!!!!!!
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tuliptiger · 1 year
In relation to the last post...
As it turns out! Humans can do anything they want forever and everything has always and will always be made up. This is the truth.
Women have always hunted and men have always gathered and women have always gathered and men have always hunted and people!!!! In general!!!!! All across the SPECTRUM of gender have done both and the same and everything. Because when you're hungry why the FUCK would you limit who does what and when you (people who believe and enforce gender roles) stupid fucking idiot.
The study is great! I'm glad someone finally "went to see what was actually out there". The shade is fully on anyone who still thinks gender roles for the whole of society is a great way for everyone to live. If that works for YOU as an INDIVIDUAL, AND if it works for your partner in a FULLY consensual way...more power to you both!!! Good for you!
I'm glad you both get to live a life you both want :) now let others do the fucking same.
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bluejaybytes · 7 months
Lost the battle (Wasn't allowed to name the new foster kittens after burrito ingredients) but won the war (Stopped my mom from giving them incredibly common celestial names and instead went with way weirder ones)
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