#the ar-kaics
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musickickztoo · 9 months ago
(all new releases)
Shop Regulars - Mischief John Cale - Shark-Shark The Ar-Kaics - Stone Love Lambrini Girls - Body Of Mine Silicone Values - GABBA Receptor Jessica Pratt - The Last Year Googon - Elmer Fudd's Stutter Busted Head Racket - Go Go Go! 10 000 Russos - Demokratia Kid Congo & The Pink Monkey Birds - Silver For My Sister The Woggles - Telling Me Lies Bloodshot Bill - Tres Tacos The Bug Club - Quality Pints Neutrals - That's Him On The Daft Stuff Again Girls In Synthesis - Lights Out Thurston Moore - Rewilding Tramhaus - Beech The Fall - Slates, Slags Etc. (Live) - The Fall
RIP Steve Albini, Duane Eddy and Chan Romero
The 7th playlist of the year!!
HEAR: https://www.mixcloud.com/Contraflow/contra2024-7-mischief-all-new-releases/
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twofielder · 29 days ago
Coin of the Day #237 (12/27/2024)
A nice silver provincial today…
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Roman Province - Cappadocia
AR Drachm - 19mm 3.09g
Hadrian 117-138 AD
Caesarea Mint
Head of Hadrian right, laureate, drapery on shoulder
Mount Argaeus surmounted by Helios standing left, holding globe and sceptre
RPC III 3084
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dustedmagazine · 9 months ago
The Ar-Kaics — See the World on Fire (Feel It/Dig/Bachelor)
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Photo by Shane Brown
See the World on Fire just came out this week, but it feels like a long-lost artifact, a Nuggets gem inexplicably left off the box set, a rough-housing snatch of Strum and Thrum that narrowly escaped revival. There’s a patina of mod-rocking, blues-blustering 1960s rubbed into this album. You’d to find it in the cheap bin at the Salvation Army store, but this band instead exists squarely in the digital age, with a bandcamp page and a deal with punk label of the moment Feel It Records.
But though it’s not a reissue, this album locks into the past, with the slow violent Link Wray-ish-ness of its opening cut “Chains,” the Neil Young channeling blues boogie of “Cornerstone” (which owes more than a little to “Southern Man”), the Seeds-y jangle of “Dawning.” The songs swell in broken crescendo, full of hopeless drama and ragged romance. They flicker in tremulous eighth note cadences. They rear up in blistering fuzz guitar solos. The call and response in “Land of the Blind” is a desperate, desolate thing, as if the leader Johnny isn’t sure there’s anyone out there, if maybe the band got lost wandering through smoldering dystopias.  
Every minute of it matters, though. There’s no let-up in the intensity, the dogged insistence on persevering, the struggle through to thrilling, climactic resolution. Even the longest cut, aptly named “Never Ending” at over nine minutes, has a grooving, sidewinding tension to it in the steady plunk of bass, the chink of closed cymbal, the flowery, rock-star vocals, part Rob Tyner, part Morrison, part Eric Burdon. It saunters slowly, but with purpose, gathering heft and significance as it goes.  And then, just past halfway, it gathers into a churning, headlong maelstrom, psychedelic and untethered. It must be a monster live, you think, and, for a minute you’re sad that you missed it. Then you remember this is not a 1960s relic. It’s still going on, and if you made the trip to Richmond, you might still be able to catch it.  
Jennifer Kelly
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asolle · 7 months ago
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Click on the link to download or stream Music Music Music fall 24 episode 5 (the alt-country playlist): https://app.box.com/s/nvzr27acc3ks1oqsa22r2t7vydtlzbze
Bill Callahan - From the Rivers to the Oceans Old 97's - Chased the Setting Sun Neko Case - Hold On, Hold On The Sadies - So Far So Few Ween - You Were the Fool/Pretty Girl Jenny Lewis and the Watson Twins - The Charging Sky Rilo Kiley - Running Around Wilco - Jesus Etc. Band of Horse - No One's Gonna Love You Sturgill Simpson - Life Ain't Fair and the World is Mean Johnny Blue Skies - If The Sun Never Rises Again Pepe Deluxe - Everybody Is The Ar-Kaics - Dawning Cola - Reprise BADBADNOTGOOD - This Must Be the Place (with Norah Jones) The Belair Lip Bombs - Stay or Go Tatyana - We're Back/It's Over Our Noise - Soul Killer Royel Otis - IHYSM Hayes Noble - Escape/In Search Of Heavy Trash - Dark Hair'd Rider/Outside Chance X - Under the Big Black Sun Hurray for the Riff Raff - Vetiver Calexico - Moon Never Rises Zach Bryan - Overtime My Morning Jacket - Lay Low Smog - Say Valley Maker
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mrbopst · 6 years ago
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Today in Bopst Design: 2016
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tamponsnsugar · 4 years ago
Happy Bandcamp Friday everyone! New playlist is up in honor of this day when Bandcamp gives 100% of sales directly to artists. Press play if you love Garage Rock, Punk Rock, Garage Punk, Trash Pop, Post Punk, No Wave and if you can please go support your favorite artists 🤘🏽 Bandcamp Friday Vol. 6 Negative Scanner - T.V. Sick Thoughts - Headache Amyl and the Sniffers - I'm Not A Loser Sunflowers - Talk Shit / People Suck Dusty Mush - I Ate Your Dog Branquias Johnson - Chavita The Ar-Kaics - To Be Free Dry Cleaning - Unsmart Lady French Vanilla - All The Time The Exbats - Everybody Loves My Mom Hayley and the Crushers - Kiss Me So I Can SadGirl - Lie Awake She/Beast - Oh, Darkness Todd Briefly - The Extensive Waterways of the United Kingdom Requin Chagrin - Adélaïde Night Thoughts - Cold World Glancing Mueran Humanos - La Gente Gris / The Grey People Box and the Twins - Ice Machine Vallens - While You Are Still Waiting Sleep Party People - Notes to You
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el-romancito · 4 years ago
Já deve tá sentindo um aroma de algo de errado não esta certo né….bom antes de começar é necessário se preparar: aqui tudo pode ser verdade, ou não. Vai depender de como quer ver.
Então, sem mais delongas, bora para a leitura!
Bodia, estamos em 2077 em Night City, nossa Deusa está com seus pais do Uruguai, sua irmã mais velhita e Enrico gravatinha tinham acabado de se mudar para um bunker que só neva..brrrrrrrlll...MAS TURUBEM, pois Celestina é congelantchy (grória gzus, seria esse mais um conto de uma fanfic kristã?). Vale lembrar que Celestina gostava muito de onde morava, lá era livre com muito sol e ar fresco da superfície, circulava por todos os kantos de seu reinado, desfrutava da companhia de seus mourangus e vivia dando rolê com seus amigos de inteligência artificial livres (pensa numa galera bem apanhada cara de sapo/sopa).
A kaçadoura koroada do Uruguai junto de sua parceira Gina (ô bichinha phoda) desbravavam os mais diversos mundos, fora as refeições que a vovó gato fornecia para elas toda vez que resolviam ir kaçar. Tinham uma vida boa, e sabiam disso. Quando essa drástica mudança veio a tona, Celestina até se lembrou de quando kaçou um Alatreon, o quanto foi difícil e do sufoco que passou, mas também lembrou que conseguiu vencer aquela etapa. Mas agora seria diferente, não era um dragão, estava com a sua família e ainda não sabe por quanto tempo ela ficaria dentro do bunker.
Seus sonhos pareciam que tinham se esvaído, o que seria da tão valente Celestina e Gina?
Assim que pisou em seu bunker sentia falta de algo, vinho não era, muito menos gin, pois ali tinha de montão (benza dêúz), as condições que se encontrava, apesar dos pesares estava bem. Gina até tentou opinar dizendo que podia ser o lado negro da força a puxando, para ceder e deixar de ser uma kaçadoura. Celestina ouviu isso e se chateou com Gina…era muito difícil para ela pensar em deixar de ser algo que era tão boa (humilde Celestina né…boa é pouco), mas esse bunker gelado fazia até a sua mais fiel escudeira Gina ceder a pensamentos obscuros.
Nossa personagem Celestina, porém, com seu interior tão puro, positivo e benevoletchy se rekusou a kogitar essa possibilidade e, mesmo chateada, kontrariou sua parceira, dizendo que deveria ser algo relacionado a UNAGUI (você deve estar se perguntando o que é isso né? A gente também, mas segue o jogo…), acreditava que precisava ir em mais uma aventura e que só seu amigo Ross, o paleontólogo, tinha mais informações para desvendar esse sentimento de falta que Celestina sentiu assim que se mudou.
Para invocar seu amigo seria necessário um ritual e Gina era uma peça importante para isso…mas como convencê-la a embarcar em mais uma aventura se ela estava sucumbindo aos pensamentos obscuros? Celestina então lembrou do dia que esteve com sua parceira, o dia que elas mais sentem saudades, mas que sempre as teletransportam para um happy place:
- É ISSO! - Celestina proclamou!
Na mesma hora começou a dançar em seu quarto com Gina e cantar “A Head Full Of Dreams” de Koldplay (não acredita? ta aqui a prova no dia 12 de fevereiro meu bem clica aqui). Gina até mudou de cor, seus pêlos ficaram rosa choque cintilante, e olha que nem era uma quarta-feira…
Celestina e Gina estavam na mesma sintonia telepática novamente e lá foram elas, desbravar vários mundos para que o ritual fosse feito e o UNAGUI recuperado. Conheceram uma pá de gentchy: Susu, a gatah gelin, Marina shy, a fodona das ilustra (mas ela nem sabe disso) e Fe, a rainha dos smurfs (só tem ela no reino) e assim fundaram o kamarote, juntas ajudaram nossas guerreiras a fazer o ritual (pov: Kaic, leia com o tom meninas superpoderosas elemento x): açúcar, tempero e tudo que a de bom, estes foram os ingredientes escolhidos para criar o ritual perfeito, mas Gina acidentalmente acrescentou um ingrediente extra na mistura: o elemento K!!! E assim nasceu o Kaic, o sensei mustache streamer, que condecorou Celestina como Mode do bunker.
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Logo em seguida do ritual, Ross, o paleontólogo, surgiu e disse a Celestina:
- Minha cara guerreira, você verá que ainda a mais por vir, não é só o UNAGUI que lhe falta. Haverá mais acontecimentos naquele bunker e você precisa se preparar em churrasco com os novos amigos e seus panos de prato.
Após o seu churrasco, Celestina viu que parecia profecia o que o Ross havia dito, ela imediatamente passou pelo MAIOR perrengue chique de sua vida, a BATALHA DO BISCOIXTO VS. BOLACHA, ela tirou tudo de si, esperou até mesmo a fatura do kartão virar para que bolacha tivesse a maior vantagem histórika do universo. A Deusa congelantchy estava prestes a desistir, se deitou para uma soneca e começou a sonhar: ouviu um sussurro bem de longe um nome conhecido, mas a muito tempo enterrado apareceu diante de seus olhos “Eduardo”, ela se perguntou o que ele fazia em meus sonhos? Imaginou que seria ele o grande salvador de sua batalha (mas aqui não arroba aqui a protagonista é Celestina que faiz o rolê akontece família).
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Gina conseguiu finalmente acordar Celestina de seu sonho e ela achou forças do além em sua LONGSWORD, deu uma reviravolta e KOMBATÊU mais uma vez. Mesmo com um desfalque do kamarote, uma das suas parças, smurfete, fazia parte da polêmica e estava do outro lado da treta. Só faltava isso para finalizar a treta da batalha:
- “Mas, como finalizar sem comprometer a parça?” - Pensou nossa heroína.
Foi ai que Celestina disse a smurfete:
- Pra que serve o pó de uma pá?”
Tal indagação fez smurfete bugar, ela foi se afastando do inimigo enquanto sussurrava:
- “Casa suja chão sujo, casa suja chão sujo, casa suja chão sujo”.
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Celestina viu a oportunidade de finalizar a tretinha, mas viu que era possível viver com bixcoito, não precisava ter cancelamento, sentiu até a vontade de usar em alguns termos como bixcoito de polvilho. Celestina novamente se provou herdeira do trono de kaçadora, ressignificou aquela batalha.
Dia de fexta, o Kamarote todo em peso tinha até mcbento, meninolukke, jhow boladao, srbigodes e patrocinador, geral se esbaldou de coquinha gelada, pipoca e cheesecake! Era open bar da moderação sem moderação. No meio de toda aquela celebração, Celestina foi atrás de seu sensei e explicou o sonho que teve e o sentimento de que ainda faltava alguma coisa, talvez ele pudesse, com suas sábias palavras, ajudar a resolver aquele enigma. Foi ai que Celestina lembrou que ele não era tão bom em puzzles, mas deu um voto de confiança. E sua intuição acertou! Kaic entregou a ela a última peça o mapa com o Kume. Celestina estava pronta, via que cada vez que se aproximava do Kume mais certeza de que ia desvendar o mistério todo.
Enfim cheguemos no Kume (ô grória das xerosas). Celestina se deparou com uma sombra misteriosa, ela já via essa sombra desde seus 19 anos, era familiar….era agora a hora de seu KUME! Celestina sabia o que tinha que fazer, era chegado a hora de revelar toda a verdade sobre ninguém mais ninguém menos que ele, Eduardo.
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Enfim disse:
- Eu sei o que você é
Eduardo em choque pede:
- Diga, em voz alta
Celestina com a voz trêmula e engasgada diz:
- Coxinha
Responsável pelas ilustrações: @marimikado_art Essa foi uma collab do kamarote raiz (susu/fe/marina) unidas para retratar a história entre uma eterna admiradoura de bolachas e bons vinhos. Uma mulher tão doce e sagaz que conquistou todos ao seu redor narrada ao som da voz daquele que tornou isso possível streamer .
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wub-fur-radio · 4 years ago
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Wub-Fur’s New Year’s Rawkin’ Eve 🎸🎉🍾
Dancing with Ourselves Quarantine Edition
A last minute holiday mix of 21 party ready indie / garage / psych / punk / whatevs rock bangers to help you ring out (and/or wring out) the old and rock in the new year. Featuring contributions from Young Fresh Fellows, the Ar-Kaics, Outtacontroller, the Beths, Bikini Beach, Annie Taylor, Slander Tongue, the Total Rejection, Painted Doll, the Special Pillow, and 11 more bands who have a feeling ’21 is gonna be a good year.
Apologies to Rabbie Burns, Lou Rawls, Pete Townshend, and Dick Clark.
▶︎ Listen on Mixcloud (or scroll down to use the embedded player below)
Running Time: 59 minutes, 52 seconds
She Does Those Things to Me (2:41) — The Ar-Kaics | Richmond, VA
Circles Around the Sun (2:24) — Thee Martian Boyfriends | Belgium
Soozie Stooge (2:39) — Slander Tongue | Berlin, Germany
Ça Plane Pour Moi (3:26) — Whyte Horses | Manchester, UK
Ha Ha Happiness (2:34) — Les Chouettes | Montreal. Québec, Canada
Love Is a Drug (2:23) — Uni Boys | Los Angeles, CA
Party (2:21) — The Flytraps | Los Angeles, CA
Party Too (3:11) — Bikini Beach | Weinfelden, Switzerland
Get You High Tonight (2:58) — Painted Doll | San Francisco, CA
She Loves You No More (2:56) — Annie Taylor | Zürich, Switzerland
Burn the Breeze (4:47) — Sheverb | Austin, TX
You're Gonna Miss Me (2:13) — Rosa Maria | Sydney, Australia
Heat (2:52) — Music Band | Nashville, TN
Bank (2:41) — The Mogs | Lyon, France
Better Next Time (1:46) — Vaguess | Los Angeles, CA
I'm Not Getting Excited (2:40) — The Beths | Auckland, New Zealand
Never Had It Bad (2:48) — Young Fresh Fellows | Seattle, WA
Solid State Heartbreak (1:39) — Outtacontroller | Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
Overgrown (2:07) — Hyper Tensions | Indianapolis, IN
Distress Signals From a Planet on the Edge of Destruction (5:51) — The Total Rejection | Bristol, UK
1921 (2:55) — The Special Pillow | Hoboken, NJ
All tracks released in 2020.
🎸🎉🍾 🎸🎉🍾 🎸🎉🍾 🎸🎉🍾 🎸🎉🍾 🎸🎉🍾 🎸🎉🍾
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tfc2211 · 5 years ago
01 - The Renegades – Thirteen Women 02 - Nervous Eaters - Loretta 03 - The Sensation – Black Eyed Woman 04 - Mud - Dynamite 05 - The Rolling Stones - It’s Only Rock n’ Roll (But I like it) 06 - La Luz – Sure as Spring 07 - The Pleasure Seekers – Never Thought You’d Leave Me 08 - Shannon and the Clams – Troublemaker 09 - Koala Temple – Beverly Musick   10 - The Shangri-Las – Shout 11 - Tender Prey – Undisputed Heavyweight Champion Of My Heart 12 - Swamp Ravens - Queen of the Hive 13 - The Ar-Kaics – Why should I? 14 - Nobunny- Nobunny Loves You
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boredout305 · 5 years ago
Eric Friedl/Goner Records Update
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Photo by Don Perry
Alongside Zac Ives, Eric Friedl is the co-owner of Goner Records. He also plays in The Oblivians and True Sons of Thunder.
           Located in Memphis, Tennessee, Goner operates as both a record label and storefront. Like Shangri-La, Goner Records has been a Memphis institution since the storefront’s opening in 2004. Every year, Goner hosts Gonerfest—a still-vibrant music festival stretching several days. For those outside of Memphis, Goner’s frequently updated online store is a hub for what’s new in esoteric music. The site’s message board is a place to get updates on touring bands, small labels’ releases and anything else music related.
           Like countless small businesses, Goner has been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. The storefront has been closed since March 16. I caught up with Friedl to talk about how Goner’s coping with these changes and what their plans are for the future. Goner is and hopefully will remain an important part of independent music’s infrastructure.  
Interview by Ryan Leach
Ryan: How’s everyone at Goner doing?
Eric: We’re good. But like everyone, we’ve fallen into a freefall. Locally, we’ve been doing door deliveries. People have been stopping by to pick up records. We’ve had some success selling online. If we really scale back and don’t spend anything for a minute, we can hang on for a little while. We might have to lay off our staff; have folks go on unemployment. Goner would be reduced to just me and Zac (Ives) as the owners. We could limp through it that way. We’re trying to figure it out.    
Ryan: Like most small businesses in America, Goner’s storefront is closed. How are these alternative strategies like doing door deliveries and having folks stop by to pick up records working?
Eric: One of our regulars just can’t stop buying records. He’ll call me up in the morning—I guess he’s unaccustomed to looking at the site—and I’ll tell him what’s come in. He’ll respond, “Oh, man, I’ve got to get that album.” We then pack his records and he comes by to grab them. We’ve delivered a few records off locally. It’s super informal. But every little bit counts. People have been helping out. It’s been great.  
Ryan: You had mentioned to me a couple of months ago that you were going to relaunch the Goner website. While the COVID-19 pandemic and economic meltdown have been an unmitigated disaster, it was at least fortuitous timing.
Eric: We were getting ready to launch the site when the coronavirus hit. We wanted to fine-tune it a little more and add some things. But once it became imperative that we be able to sell stuff online, we said, “Screw it. Here it is. We’ll fix it as we go.”
Ryan: I went to buy the Aquarium Blood LP you had recently released and it took me to a Bandcamp site initially.
Eric: (laughs) It really is a matter of working out the kinks as we go.
Ryan: While everyone’s situation has changed, in some ways Goner wasn’t a case of just punching a timeclock. Record stores are hubs and hangouts for people. When Trailer Space closed down in Austin, it was a significant loss.
Eric: It is weird. We definitely weren’t a Trailer Space-style of hangout, but people on their regular circuit would stop by and explore the used bin. On weekends, we had a big crew of normal folks buying classic rock albums. There’s absolutely no way to sell that stuff online. We were stocked for those folks and that side of the business completely died. We had a bunch of really cool events coming up. You feel like you’re right in the middle of things and then you’re isolated. That was sort of my idea with doing these video check-ins. I sent out requests for people to give us video updates. I want to show people that we’re still in this. Facebook just makes us feel like we’re on our own little islands, which we really are now. We’re isolated from one another. It doesn’t have that sense of community that you can get from other places online. We’re just hoping to keep people’s spirits up as we go forward into the unknown.
Ryan: That’s a good point. Used bins are the home of the “five-dollar record,” although I’m unsure what people are selling them for now. You’re not going to sell used copies of David Bowie’s Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars or a Led Zeppelin record online. They’re so ubiquitous that it doesn’t make much sense. However, they’re perfect for a store.
Eric: Sure. People would walk in and buy’em. We’ve had people call up and ask, “Do you have this Allman Brothers record? You do. Great, I’ll pick it up.” They can buy it on eBay. They can buy it on Discogs. But because they live locally, they can stop by the shop, purchase it, and listen to it this afternoon. It still works. The store sold a lot of meat-and-potatoes rock ‘n’ roll records. We needed that balance between selling weird, underground rock records and classic rock albums.
Ryan: Byrds, Bread and Toto records all at the same place without the shipping price and wait.  
Eric: It’s awesome. There is a little bit of that at the store. Speaking of which, if anyone out there is looking for a Sister Sledge record, we’ve got it! Call us up.  
Ryan: Talking about the atomization associated with Facebook—I think of the site’s sort of opposites. Terminal Boredom’s message board was a great place for likeminded people to share ideas about music. The Goner message board, which has been revamped, was a predecessor of sorts to Terminal’s board.
Eric: Yeah. Even for me, it’s frustrating to use the Goner board. It’s such a dinosaur. It kept chugging along for years. We need to tweak it and make it more functional. It’s hard to envision people staying on it now like they used to. But it is there, and it was a big hub for people who were into underground stuff. Terminal Boredom was too. I always felt comfortable reading that stuff up until a point. The squabbles got to be a bit much and I’d lose track of what was going on. Anyway, check out the Goner board!
Ryan: For bedroom record labels like ours (Spacecase), you could sell 15 titles almost right away by going on those boards. And you didn’t need to pay a public relations company a couple grand to do it.
Eric: You were getting your records in front of the right people.  
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Eric Friedl photo by Mor Fleisher-Leach
Ryan: Beyond COVID-19 and the global economic meltdown, in our milieu we had Apollo Masters burn down a couple months ago. I use Musicol out in Columbus, Ohio, and I know they’re going to be closed for at least a few weeks. Did the Goner label have anything in the works that’s been put on hold?
Eric: The Bloodshot Bill record is done and is supposed to come out on April 10. We’ve got those shipping soon. We did the preorders on that album, so it is in motion—if you get what I mean. We had this Optic Sink record in the works. Optic Sink is Natalie (Hoffmann) from Nots and Ben Bauermeister from the Magic Kids. It’s really cool, electronic stuff. That’s at the digitally mastered stage. The Ar-Kaics record is up there. So is the new Quintron record. We have a choice of getting these lacquers cut and then wait to press. Or we can try to hang tight and wait. I think we’re going to have to wait to minimize expenses right now. They’re all there. I think once we get through this it’s going to be a clusterfuck of people trying to rush through records. But who really knows what’s going to happen? There are all these Record Store Day LPs that supposedly got pressed or are getting pressed.
Ryan: I read that Record Store Day’s date has been pushed back to June 20, 2020. That might be a little optimistic.
Eric: Yeah. It’ll be interesting. It’s another nail in the coffin for trying to sell records. We’re limping along. If we can get our weekend regulars in to pick up records, that’ll help. But this shutdown is going to put a lot of people—obviously, record stores included—out of business. Labels are going to be in trouble too. If you’ve got records scheduled for a Record Store Day release in mid-April, that’s done. That money isn’t coming back until Record Store Day finally happens. The market was already shrinking before all of this hit.
Ryan: You’re still getting new stuff in. Goner’s site is getting updated regularly. What new records have you been listening to?
Eric: We’re trying. It’s going to be hard justifying it going forward. We were really excited to get that Dadamah record (This is Not a Dream) in. I remember it coming out in the early 1990s. That kind of dreamy, New Zealand stuff is what we want to push. However, the hard part is that everyone into that subgenre already knows about it. It’s difficult to get new people into it. We did that Chubby and the Gang record (“All Along the Uxbridge Road” 7”). That was a street punk-type of chugger. We sold a bunch of records for them. Alec (McIntyre) and Cole (Wheeler) at the shop were really into it. So, we gave it a shot. That’s been interesting—getting into the American Oi!-type stuff. We were trying to put some more of that material out when everything ground to a halt. It’s not really my scene, but it’s been interesting weeding through all of this stuff and going, “Oh, yeah, this is pretty good.” Currently, I’ve been trying to find music for the kids at home that they’ll find palatable. They’re playing really crappy stuff. It’s a constant battle. They like songs from cartoons.
Ryan: I bought that recent Exek record (Some Beautiful Species Left) off the Goner site. It was great. It had a real Neu! and Tuxedomoon feel to it.
Eric: That’s a great record. I appreciate that.
Ryan: It’ll be difficult getting inventory. Just thinking about it now—Revolver (Distribution) is closed for at least another couple of weeks.
Eric: Yep. Because all of the distributors and stores are closing, it drives the people who want those records straight to the labels. It’s bad for the stores, good for the labels. We’re a store and a label, so we kind of benefit. But it takes away from having a centralized place to buy records. Which is fine, but it’s something else to worry about down the line.
Ryan: I always looked at our (Spacecase’s) relationship with Goner as symbiotic. I always knew you were going to buy our releases. The Goner store has enabled us to kick the can down the road for a couple extra years.
Eric: For sure.
Ryan: Any closing thoughts, Eric?
Eric: We’re just another small business caught up in total economic collapse. We’re lucky in the sense that we have a pretty loyal customer base. It’s awesome. But in the end we’re very vulnerable. We have to make tough decisions on how to move forward and keep it going. We’ve always had to do that. It’s just that right now it’s so dramatic. You screw up, you’re done. It’s really heavy. At the same time, we’re not going down without a fight. We’ll see what models develop. If we can get through this—if it’s not too long—we’ll make it. If not, everyone’s going to get wiped out. But we’ll see.
 Website: goner-records.com
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Gonerfest photo courtesy of Eric Friedl
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musickickztoo · 9 months ago
CONTRA2024-SiX (all new)
Neutrals - Wish You Were Here Guided By Voices - Serene King A. Savage - I Can't Shake The Stranger Out Of You Woods - Lay With Luck The Yum Yums - Got Me Good The Ar-kaics - Dawning The Folk Implosion - Moonlit Kind Neon Kittens - Don't Get Me Started Woodfield Rd Allstars - Hippy Boys Shuffle (Tribute To Family Man) Dog Date - Nirvana Bermuda Squares - Car Accident Mister Strange - Stuck In My Head The Lovely Eggs - Memory Man Fleur - Tu Es Un Être Parfait The In-Fuzzed - Midnight CB Kiddo - Running To You Alan Vega - Mercy Einstürzende Neubauten - Isso Isso
The 6th playlist of 2024!!
HEAR: https://www.mixcloud.com/Contraflow/contra2024-six-all-new/
(probably not for you)
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twofielder · 4 months ago
Coin of the Day #136 (9/17/2024)
A good old Roman tetradrachm…
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Roman Province - Syria
AR Tetradrachm - 25mm 12.83g
Trajan 110-111 AD
Antioch Mint
Head of Trajan right, laureate, with eagle standing right and club below
Tyche seated right on rocks, holding two wheat ears and poppy, Orontes swimming right at feet
RPC III 3540
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50thirdand3rd · 5 years ago
Album of the Week: THE AR-KAICS - 'Ar​-​Kives: Volume 1'
Album of the Week: THE AR-KAICS – ‘Ar​-​Kives: Volume 1’
The raw energy of The Ar-Kaics has never been in question even with their small but mighty discography, comprised of two LPs (S/T 2014 Windian; In This Time 2018 Wick), and a fistful of highly collectible singles. For those of you that missed out on grabbing physical copies of those out of print gems, you’re in luck!   ‘Ar​-​Kives: Volume 1‘ collects these and more all remastered.
Experts at…
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wildwaxshows · 5 years ago
THE AR-KAICS (USA) EURO TOUR is happening from 18.06 - 04.07. - presented by WILDWAX SHOWS!!! Get in touch at [email protected] if you wanna set up a show!!!
The Ar-Kaics are Kevin, Johnny, Tim and Jake. They play troglodyte teenbeat 60s-style punk.
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mrbopst · 6 years ago
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Today in Bopst Design: 2015
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tamponsnsugar · 4 years ago
Here's the latest installment in the Bandcamp Friday series in support of the first Friday of the month when Bandcamp gives 100% of sales directly to artists. They've extended it through May so press play and start building your wishlist for the next one! Bandcamp Friday Vol. 4 Sleaford Mods - Elocution NNAMDÏ - Freeze Drab City - Live Free And Die When It's Cool PHÈDRE - Eterna She/Beast - Born To Fight ShitKid - Alright The Ar-Kaics - She Does Those Things To Me L.A. WITCH - Play With Fire Shannon Shaw - Broke My Own Viagra Boys - In Spite of Ourselves (Ft. Amy Taylor) Tami Neilson - 16 Miles of Chain Ritual Howls - Helm Hilary Woods - Tongues of Wild Boar Praises - I Don't Want To Ask The Soft Moon - Wasting Second Still - Opening Belgrado - No Answer WALL - Turn Around Dry Cleaning - Scratchcard Lanyard The Paranoyds - Door Crack
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