#the answer is obviously yes a kid is a kid at any age and size
britcision · 2 years
Okay listen
Team Phantom’s in Gotham
Rogue shenanigans ensue, they all end up working with the bats
Tucker and Tim? Besties
Damian and Sam? Trading stabbing tips (just because Sam doesn’t do a lot of practical stabbing doesn’t mean she lacks theory)
Dick and Jazz? Bemoaning being the older while Dick gives flagrant heart eyes and Jazz pretends she can’t tell
Batman? Watching Danny desperately vibrating with the urge to adopt
Danny? Watching Jason with those exact same eyes
Batman makes an offer for future cooperation
Danny perks up “yeah that’d be great, we just need a go between for Amity Park and Gotham!”
Before he can grab the bat-doption papers though
Danny isn’t finished
Danny lifts Jason over his head in one hand
“We’ll borrow Red Hood, you guys don’t work together much so he can relocate right?”
Sam, immediately cottoning on, grabbing Damian
“Well they don’t work together we should bring Robin for communicating, Hood can train us”
Tucker, slightly slower but sees Tim beginning to make a face
“Oh yeah! And Red Robin can come visit and check out the ghost tech!”
(*Tim orgasms*)
Jazz, sees what they’re doing, sees Batman’s paperwork headers still in his hands, makes matters worse, grabs Dick similarly in one hand
“This is a great plan guys. Nightwing and I can coordinate and keep Amity Park safe while you’re training!”
The bats, of course, can spot a pattern
All unclaimed bats latch on with feeble excuses
Bruce, befuddled, out-adopted, watching team Phantom leave will all the babies, still holding his paperwork
Alfred finds him there four hours later cuz everyone else just went upstairs for dinner but oop they broke the big bat
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vagabond-umlaut · 1 year
every rose and its 'twin prickles'
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Or: you and the two fearsome monsters, your knightly husband must wage a war against everyday, for the sake of a glimpse of you.
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▸ dad!gojo satoru x mom!reader; 1.45 wc; fluff, fluff, gallons and gallons of fluff; a pair of cute, possessive and too-wise-for-their-age babies who love their mama wayyy too much; poor miserable deprived 'toru; sprinkles of humor too added in there; implied no curses!au
▸ i dump the blame of this on @afortoru's shoulders. A, look what you made me do ▸ writing this genre for the 1st time! characters, image or divider used aren't mine. please don't plagiarize or translate or repost this. enjoy reading! ❤️
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Do you know what’s the best thing about work? 
Every evening it ends early. 
Do you know what’s the best thing about home? 
Every evening you’re there.   
Walking into the barely-lit flat, a soft smile lights up the expanse of Satoru’s face as the quiet sounds of snoring float over from the bedroom. Dumping the bag on the sofa and shrugging off the coat, the man moves silently further into the apartment – weary mind conjuring images of you in an oversized black tee [of his], curled into yourself in the king-sized bed, the cutest little pout on your lips as you babble in your sleep – then pauses, a hand on the doorknob.  
Two pairs of blue eyes sparkle at him from the almost-darkness of the room.  
Satoru closes the door behind and slumps against it.  
Two matching grins aim at his heart from the human blanket over your form. 
Sharp. Shrewd. Cruel. 
You wrap an arm round each of those two monkeys – the latter back here from their grandparents', two days before schedule.  
Ten years ago, were anyone to tell Satoru there would be a day in the future when he would have to fight for you, only to taste defeat, again and again and again, the man would have emptied his glass of champagne on their clothes, then kicked them out of the reception party. 
Yet, now... as he trudges closer to the door and extends a hand to brush a few wily wisps of hair away from your forehead – only to have it slapped away harshly by a little palm – he can’t help but wonder what sin he committed in his previous birth, to have received an angel like you as his wife, but two demons like them for his children.  
Sachiko, the older of the twins, glares up at her father. “Papa, no!! Mama’s sleeping,” She whisper-yells, eyes darting from him to you than back to him, lips tugged down in a scowl, the likes of which he has only seen in a mirror. On your other side, a mop of white hair nods, albeit not without a tiny yawn – Sachiro’s definitely inherited your sleepiness in a rainy weather.  
Satoru lifts an eyebrow in return. “I can see that, you two. Now go, play with your toys or something. I wanna cuddle with my wife.” 
“But we too wanna cuddle with Mama,” Sachiko retorts as she slips out from under your arm and sits up on the bed. The tiny ponytail on her white head stays in a complete disarray; your husband watches your daughter tug at it a couple of times, frowning, before she gives up, returning her glower to him as she continues, “So, you can’t cuddle with her. Mama is ours now.” 
Your son again gives a small “yes” at her words, followed by a yawn – a reaction which Sachiko doesn’t deem to be enough, apparently, given how she throws a glare his way next. “Hey, whose team are you on, dumbo? Mine or Papa’s?” 
The answer arrives in an instant, in the most matter-of-factly voice possible from a five-year-old. “Yours, obviously. I don’t want Papa to steal Mama away. She’s ours.” 
The smug grin directed his way next makes Satoru want to flick two foreheads pretty hard – but he doesn’t. Any rash or impulsive action can only do him more harm now, driving him further away from his goal.  
So, cogs whirring in his brain, he crouches down to his kids’ eye level and smiles.  
“What do you think of a compromise, kids? Why don’t you make a deal with me?”  
Two pairs of blue clash with the original pair of blue for a while, suspicion in one, suspicious curiosity in the other, while challenge swirls in the last; before a huff breaks the staring contest and your daughter folds her arms across her chest. Exchanging a glance and a nod with her, your son too sits up and announces, “Okay, we’re interested. What’s the deal?” 
Your husband lets out an internal whoop of victory. 
“Belgian chocolates in exchange for a cuddling session with my wife.” 
“Bleh!” Sachiko makes a disgusted face – something which takes him back to his younger days when Suguru and Shoko used to imitate his expressions – and whines, “They are so bitter, yuck! Suggest something better.” 
“A doll house for you and a car for Sachiro, if that’s the case.” 
The latter is the one to turn down this time. Tone brimmed with disappointment – something he can only ever learn from you – he says, “But you just bought us one last month, Papa! Mama always asks you to save money... why don’t you ever listen to her?” 
A knife of guilt lodges itself into his heart and twists. Satoru sighs. “I do... I try to, always, but you two make it so difficult for me to! Why are you like this? Is it so unfair to want to spend some time with her? She is as much my wife as much she’s your mom.” 
“We know,” The addressed two answer in unison with sage little nods of their head. The girl continues with a grave expression matching her brother’s, “But we can also ask you the same, Papa. She is as much our mom as she’s your wife. Is it so unfair to want to spend some time with her?”  
“Besides, you spent five extra years with her, before we were born. We just want to make up for the time lost,” Sachiro chimes in with a pout. “Tell us, Papa,” The two again speak in a heart-wrenching chorus, “Is it so unfair to want to spend some time with her?” 
“The kids are right, y’know?” A mumble pops the gravity of the situation at hand, and Satoru looks down to find you awake, cracking an amused smile at them. He huffs, rising from the floor and plopping on the bed next to you, arms folded against chest.
“Can’t believe I am so unloved and unwanted in this world. My kids don’t love me. They don’t listen to me. My wife too doesn’t love me. She never supports me. Welp, got to be the unluckiest to be in my shoes right now, I guess.” 
Your husband pauses, giving a small break for the words to sink into everyone, before you let out a long exhale and send him a minor twitch of your lips. Sachiko moves to pat his head, the same moment Sachiro reaches over to clasp his small arms around his neck. You too rise and embrace him from behind, placing a small kiss in between his shoulder blades.  
“Y’know, it’s not like that,” You say, placing your ear on his back, “Just ’cause the kids love me more doesn’t mean they don’t love you. And it’s not even your fault – my personality is so awesome, everyone can’t help but adore me the moment they see me – isn't that right, babies?” 
“Right, Mama,” A pair of wonderstruck voices ring out in reply to your jocular question – you continue in the same note, with another kiss, this time on the nape of his neck.
“And because your awesome Mama’s asking you now, will you two be good babies and let Papa too sleep here with us? Look at him: he’s so tired and sad. You don’t want your dearest Papa to be sad and tired, right? You will let him cuddle with us, won't you?” 
Satoru watches the twins look at each other for a second, then the younger acquiesce, “Papa can cuddle with us. That’s okay, maybe.” The two then proceed to shoot a particularly sharp look at him; one he responds to with a cheeky smirk, which disappears into a soft smile when he feels you manoeuvre his face towards yourself, a light grasp on his chin.  
“See, the kids agreed. Now, are you feeling loved and wanted?” 
“Infinitely more,” He replies with a peck on your lips – however, before he can deepen the kiss a tad more, you bring him into a sleeping posture beside you, the kids immediately piling on top of the two of you. You offer him something between a cute pout and a sorry smile, which earns a wink from your husband. 
Turning to one side, Satoru drags you, Sachiko lying on top of you and Sachiro lying in between him and you, into himself, letting him be lulled to sleep by the melody of your laughs and your kids’ half-hearted harrumphs.
Do you know what’s the best thing about life? 
Every tiniest bit of it he gets to spend beside you, the light of his life, and the two imps, your and his love brought into this world – even if he knows he’s going to get kicked out of bed the very microsecond you fall asleep again. 
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hello! before i start i wanna let you know i don’t mean anything hateful by this, it is my genuine curiosity, i’m not trying to be disrespectful, i’m just really interested on your morston opinions. i personally, really am disgusted by the ship. mainly because of the established dynamics in the game between them and the fact that john joined the gang at 12, and arthur would’ve already been 22, and they would’ve never seen each other that way and they basically grew up as brothers, they were raised by the same men, and at the end of the game they even call each other brother. i know you’ve reblogged some morston stuff and i don’t hold anything against you, i really enjoy your writing and you seem like a genuinely cool person, i am just curious.
Hey anon,
I'm going to see this as a question in good faith and will try my best to answer. First of all, there are a lot of posts out there that argue in favor of morston a lot more eloquently than I ever could, but I will try to give you my pov based on what you brought up in your ask.
Personally, I can see John and Arthur both as siblings or as a romantic pairing (obviously not at the same time xD). Many points have been made against it being a romantic relationship, pretty much the ones you made, and as such I have enjoyed fics and art where they are brothers and I even have written some fics that go with that viewpoint. 
Then again, I think there are also valid points to be made for a romantic relationship and arguments that sort of "invalidate" the reasoning behind them being brothers. 
Yes, they have a 10 year age gap. I personally know couples in real life with big age gaps who have perfectly healthy relationships while people close in age are horrible for each other. It's no big leap for me to think that those two characters could be in love and have a great relationship based on that. 
Did they get to know each other when John was 12? Yes. That doesn't mean Arthur perved on him from that day forward. Suggesting that always makes me wonder what weird character traits people put on Arthur. Kids are inherently unsexual. If that doesn't apply to people who hate the ship, then they should probably sort out their own feelings towards children. Fast.
Did they grow up together? While lots of people like to portrait them as brothers from an early age, I think different interpretations are valid as well. Yes, Arthur was 22. He was involved in the criminal activities of the gang and based on how you see the timeline there's a chance he's also been in a romantic relationship. The chances of him even caring about a 12 year old he doesn't know are slim. He could have very well not cared much about John at all until he was old enough to be of any relevance to him. 
I know siblings who have no relationship/love for each other despite growing up in the same house (while also actually being related by blood). So while I don't want to invalidate "found family," I can very well see it not apply here at all. Besides, I find it odd that found family supporters are so dead set on pressing the characters into a nuclear family with Dutch as the dad and Hosea or Mrs. Grimshaw as a second parent while John and Arthur are their sons. Found family is supposed to mean all kinds of different relationships.
And as an add on, while I too enjoy depictions of Arthur holding up a bratty John by his leg or the scruff of his neck, it's complete nonsense. Have people in fandom ever met a 12 year old in real life? A 12 year old boy can very well have the size of an average sized woman (and logically also weigh as much). Of course he's still a kid and needs to be treated and protected as such, but I feel like there is this fandom interpretation that depicts him like a toddler/small child to make any involvement with Arthur later on more scandalous. He was a street kid who managed to get by on his own for a long time. Infantilizing him for outrage is absurd. 
Also, in 4 years in fandom while being in contact with a large amount of morston shippers, I never encountered anyone who shipped them before John was grown up. There might be content like that out there, but I'm not in support of it.
Their established dynamics in the game can be interpreted to anybody's liking. Do they argue like siblings or haze each other to keep positive feelings they can't express without making themselves vulnerable at bay? Does Arthur go out and save John because Hosea tells him to, Abigail asks him to, he loves him like a brother or because he loves him like a romantic interest? Does Arthur tell John to go in the end because he wants to protect his brother or the love of his life? 
Yes, they call each other brothers. Just like other game members call each other brothers. If I remember correctly, Dutch even alternates between brother, son and other things. I don't see it as a fixed term that solely indicates one type of relationship. People in the past have also called each other bachelors and similar terms to not openly admit a homosexual relationship. You can take the term at face value or not.
Like I said, many of these things have been discussed in the past, so I'll skip ahead to what I consider the most important point. It doesn't matter. Nobody needs valid points to justify their ship. There are ships with characters that haven't even met in canon and ships that even cross fandoms. 
I take two characters that I vibe with and since I like romantic stories, I put them into one. I'm also especially fond of AUs which makes canon even less of a factor. 
You being disgusted by the ship is perfectly valid. I don't need to hear good reasons. If that's what you feel then I accept that. The only thing I ask is that other people do the same for me, and especially don't try to actively harm others because of their ships. There's a reason why terms like "your kink isn't my kink, but your kink is okay" and "ship and let ship" were established early on in fandoms. It's healthy for all the parties involved. I interacted a lot with fans who very much disliked morston and blacklisted the hell out of it and we still get along just fine. 
Long story short, people grow up in different circumstances with different experiences, and much likely they will project things onto characters and have a variety of interpretations of canon or simply enjoy making stuff up that isn't there. That's the beauty of fandom. 
I hope that answers your question? And thank you for your interest in another person's pov. Sadly many people in this fandom jumped to conclusions and hatred rather than taking a moment to consider other people's feelings. So kudos for that.
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simpingcowboy · 2 years
Kinktober 2022 Keep A Secret
Day 31: Free choice, Anonymous Sex // Size Kink
Pairing: Max Lord x F!Reader Word Count: 2.4 K+ Warning: SMUT, anonymous sex, piv sex, oral (f! receiving), size kink (aka big dick Max Lord), cervix stimulation, some power dynamics, some rough sex, creampie Summary: An open ad for anonymous sex lands Maxwell Lord in your bed. Can you keep a secret? A/N: No!!! I was a little late to the last day of Kinktober! But I had so much fun :) Thank you to @absurdthrist for her wonderful prompts! Decided to end the month by being a size queen for Max Lord <3
You posted it.
You really posted it.
The reality hit you like a ton of bricks when the paper came that Sunday morning. Right under the personal column. Your ad finally made it to print.
"Looking For Anonymous Sex- Help me live my ultimate fantasy. Seeking something fun and mutually beneficial. Simple. Come to my home, where I'll be waiting bare and pliant for you and use me. I don't want to know you. Not your name, or face anyways. Though I hope we can know many other things about each other. Call me any weeknight after 7pm to talk."
Ending your ad with a basic description, age, body type, ethnicity/race.
It was out there, though part of you was embarrassed to have published such a thing, a bigger part of you was waiting for your perfect knight in armor to answer your call.
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The phone rings at 7:30, half an hour past when you'd said you'd be free to call. The sound jolts you from the dishes you'd been doing. It could be anyone you tell yourself, trying to ease your nerves. There was no guarantee it was even about the ad. You grip the phone in hand tightly, anxiety screaming at you not to answer. But you do-
Max is just as nervous. Calling a stranger up about their sex ad…he felt ridiculous- stupid even. But he couldn't get it any other way. People always knew him. He got recognized everywhere. He wasn't afforded the luxury of anonymity that most people were. Most people who did try to sleep with him were after his money. It was always obvious, and always a total turn off. He just wanted a quick fuck. A tight warm hole to sink himself into after a long day- was that so much to ask for?
"Hello, I'm uh calling about-" fuck how do you even do this? "about the ad?"
"Y-yes…what about it?"
"I'm interested in what you're offering."
You smile softly to yourself. "Brilliant, well…can you tell me a bit about yourself?
Max clears his throat, "Yes. I'm in my 40's, single," he clarifies " average body- I suppose."
"And- if I may ask- how big are you, you know down there?"
You hear a small chuckle on the other end of the line. He was obviously humored by your straightforwardness. It put him a bit more at ease. After all it was your ad he was responding to, he had no reason to be shy. You both wanted this.
"Big." He states boldly. "9 inches." Max hears the small intake of breath you try to hide from him. "Is that enough for you? I keep my hair trimmed too- if that is of concern."
Enough? You think back to yourself. That thing might kill you. "Enough. Definitely enough."
A smirk grows over his face. Max's confidence was often faked, but this was all real. No faking needed. He was packing, he was good, and he knew it. "Good. Any other questions for me?"
"How do you feel about condoms?"
"I wear them every time." One kid is enough he thinks to himself.
"Good answer." You smile over the phone. He seems polite at least "I will host. What days and time work best for you?"
"I am free most weekday evenings."
You're doing it. You're really doing it. You think to yourself, all your late night fantasies are about to come true. "Tuesday 7:30, does that sound good?"
"Yes, that's perfect."
"I will host. Can you take down my address?"
"Y-yes! I'm ready." He replies, scrabbling to take his pen and paper in hand.
You offer up your address. Some nerves still rising to the surface. A stranger. You're offering up your home to a stranger. And soon you'll be giving him much more than that.
He speaks for the final time. "I will see you then. Tuesday 7:30 pm."
"Until Tuesday." With that you hang up the line. You practically fall to the floor, unable to believe it.
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And so…you wait.
On your back, legs spread on the bed. Already dripping with anticipation. You fill the time by focusing on your breathing, and running your hands over the soft sheets. Excitement building in you with each passing moment.
Max comes in and locks the door behind him.
He enters slowly. He'd driven himself there, not even wanting his driver to know where he'd gone. Looking around, he makes lots of little notes about you. You'd obviously cleaned up before he'd arrived, still there were so many little pieces of your character all over the apartment.
A shuffling noise catches his attention, his cock jumps at the sound. You're here- this is about to happen. He quietly shuffles into the bedroom, eyes going wide when he sees you. That pretty blindfold on, you probably didn't even know he was looking at you right now. He admires the sight of you. Even from the doorway he could see the glisten of your folds, the deep breaths you were taking in anticipation of his arrival. He could look at you forever, but that would have to wait another day. For right now, all his blood was rushing to a different head.
He approaches you slowly, not wanting to startle you. Max puts a hand on the bed, a silent announcement of his arrival. He slowly broaches into your space, his fingers just barely dusting over your arm. A soft whine escaping you. Electricity racing through your body as he touches you for the first time. A wave of slick flooding out of you as the sensation. He's real and he's here!
"Pretty thing…waiting so patiently for me." He purrs at you.
The stranger's voice is even nicer in person. That accent elevates a level of curiosity about him. Who was the man with the thick sultry voice? There was an odd sense of familiarity to his voice. You're almost certain you've heard it before…
His moves are emboldened by your whine, a cry for him. "I'll take care of you, Hermosa." He allows himself to slip into his mother tongue. You weren't exactly in a position to judge him either way. He runs a large hand over your chest, palming at your breasts. Enjoying the way your body reacts to his touch.
"¡Qué Bonita! I will enjoy playing with you." He affirms, giving another long glance over your frame, his eyes settling between your legs.
His breath catches at the sight. Your folds glimmered in the soft light of your room. You were already so affected by him. Max makes his way between your legs, a hand never leaving you. Without a word, he leans down taking a long lick up your core. A loud moan rips through your body at the intrusion. The stranger eagerly laps at your wet cunt, greedily taking in your taste. He suddenly pulls away from you, a whine coming from you.
"I'll do more next time, Bebita. Now I want to see what you will do for me."
A large finger burrows itself into you, letting him feel how tight you'll be. Already he was planning for next time. Planning all the ways he'd enjoy you if you let him. He pulls out all too quickly. Hand moving down to free his hard cock from his pants. He thinks briefly about taking his time to undress before deciding he doesn't want to be that vulnerable yet. Then you feel it. He rubs the length of his long cock along your mound, letting his precum leak over your sex.
"Do you feel me Hermosa?¿Te gusta? Touch." He grabs your hand, bringing it to his cock, letting you feel along the length. It's heavy. A strong pulse running through the entirety of it.
You whimper at him, desperate to have it in you. "Please? Please fuck me!"
A smirk grows along his face. "Let me put a condom on first, Cariño." He pulls back momentarily, pulling a condom from his pocket and putting it on. He returns your hand to him. "You feel it's on, yes?
This is when you decide you like this stranger. "Yes, I feel it." His thoughtfulness brings a warm heat to your face.
"Good," he smiles at your softened expression, obviously not expecting him to have shown you that he did actually put the condom on. "Are you ready?"
You nod expectedly, "Please- I want it!"
He lines himself up, rubbing the tip of his cock along your slick gathering it along his cock. "Gonna feel so good." He slowly sinks himself into you.
The thickness of his cock almost threatening to rip you open. In this moment you feel so glad he'd taken the opportunity to eat you out- even if just for a couple minutes. You'd need all the lube you could get to take him. Then he sinks and sinks and sinks into you…it almost feels like he never stops. He hits along your back wall, the sensation panging you with a soft pain. It's unlike anything you've ever experienced before. Your hand goes down to touch where you're connected, realizing he's not even in all the way yet.
"Dios mio...Gonna have to go slow…tight little thing." The stranger rocks his hips, urging you to take more of his incredible length. "Just like that."
As soon as he sunk into you it's like all his problems disappeared. The stress of these last days, weeks, months instantly being lifted off his shoulders. You felt like heaven around him, tight and perfect.
He smiled to himself as he hit along your cervix. "Sweet Bebita," He leaves a series of kisses along your neck. 'It'll fit. Just relax for me." He fucks you with slow, shallow thrusts, carving you open for him. "Qué bonita...Ay, mí pequeña princesa... Eres perfecto." His praise continues to fall from his lips as he kisses you all over.
Finally, he makes it in. His cock fully buried to the hilt. You both sigh out in relief. You're so full, and frankly- amazed he made it in all the way. The way he rubs against your cervix was a new sensation. It was a sharp feeling, not the most comfortable but not painfully either. But just knowing he was so deep in you was enough to make it worth it. Each thrust of his hips stuffing you so full.
"Good girl. Taking all of me." The stranger grips your hips tightly. "Now, I'm going to really fuck you."
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That was just the start of it. Now it'd became a regular thing. You two got more comfortable together over time. You'd also gotten much more accustomed to his length overtime, slowly you began to think you'd never be able to take anything smaller again. Eventually you even decided that condoms were no longer a necessity. Even with so much shared between you two, you held limited knowledge about him, other than the intense pleasure he provided you. But that's just how you both liked it.
This time was the same as always. He'd silently enter your home, knowing you were patiently waiting for him. No words were ever exchanged outside of an announcement of his arrival.
"There you are." He'd say, running his large hand up your body. "Missed you."
This time he had you on your hands and knees, bent over for him. Letting him fuck you an inch within your life. He was relentless. An incredible stamina for a man his age. With time and trust you'd began getting kinkier. Letting him get rougher, fill different holes, truly use you in all the ways you desire.
He fucked into you hard. Your shared cries of pleasure filling the empty space of your apartment. The harsh sound of skin on skin bounced off the walls with each brutal snap of his hips. He loves this. This arrangement was all he ever wanted, and you were always so good for him. Now that he had it, he barely knew how he ever did without it.
The stranger gripped onto your head tightly, contorting your neck up straight. He leveraged you to pound impossibly deeper, harder. Each thrust into you rubbing the long length of him against your g spot. Unknown to his, with each pull of your hair, the blindfold slowly slipped off your eyes. You didn't notice either until you'd opened your eyes. You squinted, adjusting to the light. But before you got the chance to say anything- you saw it. His reflection in the mirror.
No- it couldn't be. Oh but it could… You couldn't pry your eyes away. That usually perfectly molded blonde hair flopped in front of his brow. Those dark brown eyes, now lust blown. That perfectly crescent nose snarled up in a groan. You did know that accent…you'd heard it a million times on TV before.
Max Lord.
You'd been fucking Maxwell fucking Lord.
When you stopped moaning for him he knew something was off. His eyes snap up to meet yours in the mirror. Momentarily mesmerized by the sight of your eyes for the first time. He quickly shifts into an impassioned glare. He knew that you recognized him by the way you stared open mouthed in awe at his reflection. A large hand comes up to cover your eyes, blocking your view of him. Max leans down, his softened stomach pressing along your back. He leans in close and dangerous into your ear.
In a low growl he tells you "Shh, don't ruin this."
Within a minute, he's cumming, filling you up with ropes of his cum. He pants over you breathing heavily from his orgasm. Those large warm arms you'd grown so familiar with wrap around you in a tight embrace holding you tight to him.
"You won't say anything? Will you, Hermosa?"
Your mind races with a thousand questions…like 'Why would alleged playboy millionaire Maxwell Lord be looking for girls in the local newspaper?' but he was too good…this arrangement was too good. And you'd be damned before you gave it up that easily. "No…no I won't."
"Good girl."
He readjusts the blindfold, recovering your eyes. Max slowly slips out of you, shuffling his way off the bed.
"I'll see you next week." He says simply while redressing himself and just as always- silently slipping his way out of your home.
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atlafan · 4 years
The Good Life - One Shot
a/n: okay so we have business man!Harry, and co-worker Y/N, but also she’s the boss’ daughter???? friends to lovers???? smut??? not proofread????
words: 14.5K
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If there was one thing that Harry hated, it was a spoiled brat. He hated when people got whatever they wanted without even working for it. If he ever had kids, he would teach them the value of a dollar. You, however, were an exception to that rule.
Harry steps out of his office, and smells his favorite scent in the world. There was this perfume you’d wear that smells like raspberries. You were officially home for summer vacation, and you had to be here visiting your mother, who was Harry’s boss.
“Carol, is Y/N here?” Harry asks his secretary.
“Yes, she came by to have lunch with Cheryl. She just finished grad school, can you believe it?”
“That’s incredible…so that would make her what? Twenty-three?”
“She turns twenty-four later this summer.” She smiles.
This was good, Harry was only twenty-seven, so that wasn’t that big if an age difference. Carol knew Harry had a crush on you, even though he had never admitted it. He’d been working at the company for five years, so he’s known you for a while now. He’s always kept his distance, though. You went to a private school in high school, and you used to come to the office in your uniform after school. You were a senior at the time, but Harry still felt weird being attracted to you at that time. And sure, Harry’s had a couple of girlfriends that he really liked, even loved. It’s not like he was obsessed with you or anything. He just…thought you were cute.
You and your mother come out of her office giggling. Harry stands up straight and makes sure his tie isn’t all out of sorts.
“Harry, good I’m glad you’re here.” Cheryl starts. “You remember my daughter, Y/N.”
“Sure, hi.” He smiles.
“Hi, Mr. Styles.” You smile.
“Oh, honey, no need to be so formal, especially now that you’re joining the team.” Cheryl beams.
“What?” Harry asks.
“Harry, I know you and I usually discuss new hires, but Y/N officially has her MBA, and well, she really wants to work here.”
“I have since I was a kid. I’m really excited.”
“She’ll be your new assistant. Gotta start her somewhere.”
“But…that’s Carol’s job.”
“Carol is the office secretary, not a personal assistant. You’ve been asking for one for quite some time. I thought you’d be more excited.” She raises an eyebrow at Harry.
Harry looks at Carol, and Carol just smiles nervously.
“I think it’s great.” Carol says. “But a girl with an MBA…that’s a little too entry level, don’t you think?”
“Well, I certainly couldn’t start her as an associate director.” Cheryl laughs.
“It’s okay, I know I need to work my way up. I have, like, zero experience. This’ll be my first real job, so I really don’t mind being Harry’s assistant. I’m good at answering phones and writing messages down.” You smile. “I won’t disappoint you.”
“I didn’t think you would. This’ll be great. When do you officially start?”
“Monday. I was just coming by today to pass in some paperwork to H.R.”
Before the end of the day, Harry knocks on Cheryl’s door. She tells him to come in and he sits down.
“What can I do for you?” She smiles.
“So…why’d you choose me to work with Y/N? There’s plenty of people here that could use an assistant.”
“To be honest, Harry, I trust you. You’re close in age with her, you can give her advice on what it’s like just starting out. You were just a mail boy when you started.”
“That was when I was just an intern when I was still in school.” He chuckles.
“And we just loved you so we hired you. You’ve grown up a lot over the last five years, and you work so hard. I think she could really learn a lot from you. I’ll let you in on a little secret too, she actually asked if you needed an assistant.”
“She did?” He perks up. “I mean, uh, did she now?”
“Yes…I think she may have a small crush on you, but don’t mind her. If it makes you uncomfortable I can have her-“
“No!” He takes a deep breath. “No, it’ll be fine. She probably won’t like me much once she gets to know me anyways.”
“She knows you well enough. You’ve been to the house enough times for parties.” She laughs. “In fact, I’m hoping you and Amy will come skiing with us again this winter.”
“Oh, uh, Amy and I broke up.”
“Oh no.” She frowns. “I’m sorry, Harry.”
“It’s okay.” He shrugs. “Just wasn’t mean to be, but I’ll totally come skiing.” He grins. “Could be dating someone else by then anyways.”
“Very true.”
Monday morning you show up bright and early. You had a nice light purple blouse on with a black pencil skirt. Your mom had taken you shopping for some new work clothes, and you loved them. You had stopped off at a coffee place and grabbed a ton of different coffees and doughnuts. You wanted to make a good first impression. Most people knew you as Cheryl’s littler girl, but you were almost twenty-four, you weren’t a little girl anymore.
Harry always went to the gym before work, and would eat his breakfast in the breakroom before changing. He stops short when he sees you bent over the table making everything look nice.
“Morning.” He says, and you stand up straight right away.
“Hi, Harry…uh, coffee?” You gesture to the table of assorted drinks.
“Maybe in a bit.” He scrunches his face at the drinks. “Any of those just black?”
“Um…no…do people actually like black coffee?”
“I do.” He smirks. “You’ll want to know that. As my assistant, I’ll expect a coffee on my desk every morning.”
“Oh, uh, alright-“
“Y/N.” He chuckles. “I’m just teasing, I can get my own coffee.” Harry shakes his head and reaches to open one of the cupboards. He pulls out a box of protein bars and takes one out.
“No doughnut either?”
“Hmm….” He peers over and sees a chocolate glazed. “Save that one f’me?”
“Thanks, I’ll have it after lunch.” He slings his gym bag over his shoulder. “Now, I usually go change in my office, so, don’t come in.”
“I won’t…do you always go to the gym before work?”
“Yup, helps wake me up, gets me ready for the day.”
“Cool.” You smile.
Everyone else in the office was very quick to snatch up the things you brought in, gaining major brownie points. Your mom was happy to see you take a little initiative. For most of the day you sat in on various meetings. You and Harry didn’t even have much time to talk. He shares his calendar with you so you can see when he’s busy, and you share yours with him as well. You had a nice size desk right outside his office. You brought some things with you to decorate it, pictures of friends and what not. Right before lunch, a few people come over to Harry’s office, women. One of them is about to open his door, but you stop her.
“Sorry, Mr. Styles is busy.”
“It’s okay, I’m a friend. It’s almost lunch.”
“But he’s on a call.” Your eyes peer over to the screen where you can clearly see on his calendar that he’s busy.
She sucks her teeth and looks at the other women.
“Fine…guess we’ll see him later then.” She sighs and they all walk away. A few moment later Harry slowly opens his door.
“That was brilliant, thank you.” You turn to look at him. “Those three always try to have lunch with me, it’s pretty annoying. Now I have a barrier that they have to get through.” He checks his watch. “Gotta go. Have a good lunch.”
“Thanks, you too.”
You go into Harry’s office and place the doughnut he had asked you for on his desk. When he gets back he smiles and picks it up.
“Wanna split it?”
It looked so small in his large hand. You take the half from him and eat it happily.
“Come in around four, we can talk about your first day and what the rest of the week will look like. Sorry things have been so busy.”
“It’s okay, I feel like I’m already learning a lot.” You tuck some hair behind your ear. “I’m really glad I get to work for someone so chill. I was worried I was going to get stuck with Phil.” You laugh.
“Yeah, that would’ve been boring. He’s been here nearly thirty years. Think he has grandkids your age.”
“Gross.” You say and it makes Harry laugh.
At four you come into his office with a notepad. He had loosened his tie a bit, and his sleeves were rolled up.
“I’m really glad this place has A/C.” You say.
“Believe it or not your mum had to fight for that. It was before I started, but she made it happen.”
“Probably the hot flashes.” You start laughing and then you stop. “Sorry, TMI.”
“It’s alright. Didn’t think she went through the change yet.”
“Well, you know my oldest sibling is like…thirty-two right?”
“Ah, forgot you were the baby.”
“Hey.” You pout. “I may be the youngest, but I’m not a baby.”
“You’re the most fun. Your siblings didn’t even ski last year on that trip. They just sat around.” He rolls his eyes. “Anyways, let’s talk about your first day, how was it?”
“Good! I was a little nervous, but it was good. A lot to take in, but I’ll catch on.”
“Where do you see yourself going?”
“I want my mom’s job someday.”
“I’m willing to work for it.”
“Well, you’ll have to wait a little while because when your mum retires, I’m hoping that spot’ll be mine.”
“Okay, so I’ll take your job in the meantime.” You smirk.
“Sounds like a plan.” He chuckles. “Anyways, you have a chance to look at my calendar?”
“Mhm, you have a lot of meetings this week.”
“That’s right, so I’ll need you alert for the phone. Oh, and some meetings I’d like you in on to take notes. Makes it easier for me to pay attention if I don’t have to have my laptop in front of me.”
“This is your first real job, so I wanna make sure you know about burn out. You’ll accumulate time off, use it. Same with sick time. Mental health is important and you may feel overwhelmed at times. You’ll probably feel really tired by the end of the week. Make sure to check in with me about how you’re feeling. If there’s something you need, we’ll make sure you get it, okay?”
“Thanks, Harry.”
“Just paying it forward. This can be a really great place to work, you just need to know the right people. You know Carol, obviously. She’s the best. Don’t be afraid to go to her for help. She was amazing to me.”
“Yeah, her daughter used to babysit me.”
“Right.” He clears his throat.
“I think you’re the only person here that never saw me with braces.” You laugh. “I think you came on when I was, like, a senior in high school.”
“Sounds about right.”
“You were always so polite. I couldn’t believe it. When I got to college I always hoped the boys would be like you, but they weren’t.” You shrug.
“Okay, well, I think that’s enough for today. Why don’t you head home?”
“Would you mind walking me down to my car?”
“Oh, well, I’m not done for the day yet. I usually stay until six just to wrap things up.”
“Okay, then I’ll stay too.”
“You don’t have to.”
“I want to.”
“You’re not allowed to. Your day ends at 4:30.” He runs a hand through his hair. “But I could take the stroll down to the parking garage with you if that makes you feel more comfortable.”
“If you don’t mind, I felt sort of sketched out this morning.”
“I get here at the same time every day. You can just wait for me if you want in the mornings, and we can walk up together.”
“I’d like that.”
Working with Y/N was great. Harry absolutely loved it. You kept him organized and taken care of. You stalked the cupboards with his favorite protein bars, and had started picking up his coffee, just because you wanted to. He always praised you and told you how much he appreciated everything you did.
You were good at your work too. He could give you a project and you’d have it done within a couple of days. You were determined and efficient. He could definitely see you moving up fast, which sort of made him sad. He’d keep you forever if he could, but that would be selfish. He thought his little crush on you would be distracting, but it wasn’t. It almost made you get along even better.
Your mom always hosted a company Labor Day party. You had a huge backyard with a large in ground pool. You couldn’t believe how fast the summer went by, but you were happy to be in a routine. You loved this pool party, and now you were there as an employee. It was always catered with the best food, and your friends would come by. This year, though, you didn’t invite them. You wanted to seem professional with everyone. You even wore a one piece bathing suit with a little sheer skirt tied around your waist.
You were walking around, mingling, when you saw Harry walk in. Usually he brought some pretty date, but the only thing in his arms was a platter of food he offered to bring, and some beers. You were excited that he hadn’t gotten back together with Amy, or that he had met someone new.
“Harry!” You exclaim when you go into the kitchen.
“Hi, Y/N.”
“You don’t look dressed to swim.” You tease him.
“Not really planning on it this year.”
“But it’s so hot out.”
“Drinks will keep me cool.” He winks at you and cracks open one of his beers. “Does it ever get annoying to have so many people around your house?”
“Well, technically, this isn’t my house anymore. I moved into the pool house last month and started paying my mom rent. I wanted to have a little more freedom, you know? But it’s just her in this big place now so I felt bad wanting to fully leave. She said she’s putting the rent money in an account for me so one day when I do buy a house or something, I’ll have something to start with. Plus, it gets me in the habit of paying bills.”
“Look at you, becoming a real adult.” He nudges you and you both go outside. “You’ll be twenty-four soon, right?”
“Mhm, next weekend. I’m going away with my friends. I’m leaving early Friday, don’t forget.”
“Got it on my calendar.”
He smiles and walks away. Of course he does, he wanted to talk with the other, older people at the party. Your mother adored Harry, she always had. Your step-dad liked him a lot too. You were sipping on some wine while the sun was setting, and the party was dwindling. You go over to Harry who was backed into a corner by one of the ladies from finance.
“Oh, hi! So glad you found me, how about a tour of the pool house?”
“Excuse us, she’s been dying to show me all day.” Harry says to the woman. He grabs your wrist and leans in. “Walk fast, or she’ll follow.”
You giggle as you both basically sprint away. You key into the pool house and lead him in.
“Oh, wow, this is actually really cool.”
“Thanks! We sort of used it as a guest house anyways, so it didn’t need much work. Just some paint and new furniture. It’s like a little one bedroom apartment. I love it. My friends can come over and we don’t have to worry about being quiet or keeping anyone up. It’s been working out great for everyone so far.”
“I’m happy for you.” He says, looking around. “It’s nice having privacy, isn’t it? I remember when I had saved up enough to move out.”
“Do you have your own house?”
“Haven’t bought any property yet, no. Suppose I could, but I’m fine renting for now. My place isn’t small though.”
“How come you haven’t yet?”
“I don’t know, I just figured I’d buy a house with someone, you know?” He sits down on the arm rest of your couch. “I mean, what if I bought a house, and the girl I was with wanted a different house? I’d want to make it ours. I’ve always wanted to buy my girl the house of her dreams.”
“I thought you didn’t like buying things for people.” You smirk. “But I suppose that’s really sweet.”
“It’s one thing if it’s a gift. I just don’t believe in giving people every little thing they want. They should work for it, you know?”
“My mom was really good about that when we were growing up. She said no all the time. I mean, we were spoiled a little, but at least we’re not brats.”
“True, you could be way brattier.”
“Hey.” You put your hands on your hips.
“Just teasing.”
Just as you were about to step closer to him, your mother opened your door.
“There you are, people are leaving, and…oh…am I interrupting something?” Cheryl asks, a little too eagerly.
“No, mom.”
“She was just helping me escape from Beth in finance.”
“She’s gone.”
“Great, coast is clear.” He stands up. “Better get going myself. Thanks again for a great party. Sorry Ed had to be traveling.”
“You’ll have to come over for dinner next time he’s home.”
“Sounds good, love hearing his traveling stories.”
He gives your mouth a hug, and out he goes. You glare at your mother.
“I’m so sorry.” She says. “I did interrupt.”
“You certainly cooled things by saying that.” You groan. “I finally got him alone, we were talking about things other than work for once! He likes the way I decorated.”
“Honey…Harry’s a little older than you, and you’re fresh out of school. He may just be looking for different things, we’ve talked about this.”
“It’s not like I’m right out of undergrad. I have my MBA, and I’m doing really well at work.”
“You are, you’re doing amazing. Come on, help me say goodnight to our guests.”
Harry had already gone to lunch when you were packing up your things to leave early for your girl’s weekend. You notice a card on your desk. You open it and smile. A Visa gift card slides out.
Don’t spend it all in one place. Don’t check your email. Have a great time, and happy birthday. – H
You bite your bottom lip and try not to squeal. That was so sweet of him. You pack up your things and head out. You send him a quick text saying thank you for the gift and out you go.
He missed you the rest of the afternoon, but your thank you text made him smile. You told all of your friends about Harry. He had given you a $100 gift card, which was way too much. He had to like you, there was no way he would have given that much money to just anyone.
For Thanksgiving, your family did things a little untraditionally and went skiing. It was something your mother’s family used to scrape together to do, and she continued the tradition with you and your siblings. She bought a huge house in the mountains when you were young. Her friends would come too, sometimes Ed’s parents as well. It was just for people to get together for an entire week, and then share a good meal.
Harry and his girlfriend at the time, Amy, came last year. To be fair you had brought a boy with you too, but it was nothing serious. He would be joining again this year, and he wouldn’t be bringing anyone with him. The house had separate wings, so guests wouldn’t be on top of each other.
There were some other young people there too, along with your siblings and their partners. You were excited to spend time with so many people. None of your siblings wanted anything to do with the family business, which you couldn’t understand. You loved working for your mom.
“Harry!” You hear your mom. “How were the roads?”
“Not too bad yet, just a bit icy.”
“Y/N, help Harry to his room. Look at all the things he’s carrying.”
“She doesn’t need to-“
“Don’t be silly. I’m used to helping you.” You giggle.
You carry one of his bags to his room.
“Thanks.” He walks around and makes sure he has his own bathroom like last time. “Perfect.” He smiles. “I can’t wait to hit the slopes. Is your mum making that green bean casserole again for the holiday? It’s so good.”
“Actually, uh, I make that.”
“Really? Should have known.” He smiles. “Which wing are you in this year?”
“Oh, I’m right across the hall from you actually. My siblings have babies and I didn’t want to risk losing sleep. Is that okay that I’ll be so close by?”
“Definitely. I don’t know who else is going to be here, so it’ll be nice to have a friend so close by. Sure you don’t mind spending so much time with your boss?”
“You’re, like, the best boss ever. Don’t mind at all. Besides, you’re on my turf now.” You step closer to him.
“Oh, is that right?”
You hear your name being called from down the hall and you sigh.
“You’ll ski with me tomorrow, right?” He asks before you leave.
“Only if you use the hot tub with me. Gonna need to relax after a long of day of hitting the slopes.” You wink and off you go.
Your mom and Ed make a huge dinner for everyone that night. People were drinking and having a great time. You all head to bed early so those that plan to go skiing and snowboarding, can.
The next morning you get all your gear on, and head to the kitchen. Harry was sipping on his black coffee.
“Should I have made that for you?” You smirk and fill your own mug, adding a little creamer to it.
“You’re off the clock, remember.” He takes another sip. “Want some eggs?” He points to the pan of scrambled eggs he made up for everyone.
“Sure! Thanks, Harry.” You beam.
You both share a nice, quiet breakfast together until everyone else comes racing in. Someone makes bacon, and breakfast sausage to go along with the eggs. Harry offers to drive you up to the mountain, no one really seems to notice.
You and Harry have a great day taking runs together. You stop off for a quick lunch at the lodge. Just as you were bringing over a couple of hot chocolates you see him talking to some random girls. You watch as he laughs along at some joke. You hated watching him flirt. He was too good at it. You walk over and hand him his hot chocolate.
“There she is.” He hooks his arm around you and takes the cup of hot chocolate. “Told you ladies my girlfriend would be right back.” He looks at you with a please help me face. “Thanks for the drink, babe.”
“My pleasure.” You kiss his cheek. “Who are your new friends?”
“Oh, we were just leaving.” One of them rolls their eyes and they all leave.
“Nice touch.” He lets go of you and takes a sip of the warm drink. “Mm, this is good.”
“They were bothering you?”
“They invited me to some party. They have to be in college or something. I told them I had a girlfriend. Sorry about that.”
“No worries, it was easy to play along.” You both smile at each other, and he blushes slightly. “Hope it’s okay that I did that.”
“Didn’t mind at all.”
After a few more hours, your legs were starting to get sore. You take a shower the second you get home, and you all eat another big meal together. Ed gets a fire started. Some people play card games. Harry even gets into a game of poker with some of the guys. You announce you’re going to get the hot tub started.
“Oh, that sounds like fun.” Your sister says.
Your mom watches as Harry gets up from his chair to go to his room to change.
“Janey, honey, stay inside, would you?”
“Because I think Harry’s going to join your sister…”
“So, why not give them some privacy?” Ed says.
“Ah, I see, so you’re letting her work for you as a way to match them up?” She scoffs.
“No.” Your mother sounds offended. “I just think they’d make a cute couple, and it’s much more appropriate now, so-“
“Mum, she works for him…”
“There’s nothing against it in our H.R. policy. As long as they disclose things if they decide to date, it’s not a big deal. You also didn’t ski all day. You can use the hot tub tomorrow.”
You get a two piece on and throw a robe over yourself. You go outside to the back deck where the large hot tub was, and get the jets started. You slip your robe off and get in. A few minutes later Harry comes out with a t-shirt and trunks on.
“Alright if I join you?”
“Yeah! I basically asked you to yesterday.”
You look away as he takes his t-shirt off. You look at him once he’s in. You knew Harry was littered with tattoos. You’d seen him without a shirt on plenty of times. He’d been coming to your house and family gatherings for years. Your mom was really good at creating positive work environments where the boss didn’t need to be this person to be feared. She was a woman of the people, and that’s how you wanted to be. Harry had learned a lot of leadership skills from her, maybe that’s why he was such a great supervisor to you as well. You watch as a sigh leaves his lips and it makes you smile.
“What’s better than this?” He asks, looking at you.
“Not much.”
“Do your legs hurt much?”
“A little. I stretched quickly when I got home.”
“You looked great out there today, you’re fearless on those black diamonds.”
“Oh…thanks.” If your cheeks weren’t already flushed from the steam, they would be from his compliment. You knew he just meant your form and not necessarily your clothes, but still.
“Did I tell you that Paula invited me for Thanksgiving?”
“No!” You gasp. “You’re kidding?!”
“Nope.” He chuckles and shakes his head. “Jocelyn did too, as if neither of them knew I hang with your family. I told them and they were shocked I wanted to go skiing with the boss again. Your mum’s like family to me at this point.”
“You also don’t really celebrate Thanksgiving.” You giggle. “Why go to someone’s home you barely know when you can basically just go on an early winter getaway?”
“Exactly! I don’t understand the women we work with, honestly. The second the picture of Amy left my desk it was like…I don’t know they stopped seeing me as a colleague and more like prey.”
“Does it bother you that so many women flirt with you?”
“It’s not just the women.” He smirks. “And no…not really. It’s mostly harmless. It’s not like they’re putting their hands on me or anything. And it’s not that none of them are attractive or anything.” He sinks a little further in and rests his head on the back of the cushion provided. “I just don’t want to date someone I work with.”
Your heart falls into your stomach. Why would he say something like this to you? You two sort of flirted at work, but mostly things were professional. He met you every morning to walk you upstairs, and he’d always bring you down to your car. Even if he was in a late afternoon meeting, he’d excuse himself at 4:30 to make sure you got downstairs okay.
“I mean, what’s there to talk about when you get home? I suppose if you work in separate divisions that’s not so bad. But the other person knows what you do all day. Seems a little boring.”
“But on the flip side, that person would know exactly what you’re going through and would be able to relate and understand your schedule. Why did you and Amy break up?”
“Uhh.” Harry has to really think about it. It was so long ago now. “We had started talking about moving in together, and she couldn’t understand why I would never try to get out of work earlier so we could go look at places. I stay late so I can leave my work at work. I would try to explain that to her. And then when I would come home early I’d have to be on my laptop answering emails. She didn’t feel prioritized, which I understood was annoying.”
“See? Someone you work with would totally understand.”
“She was also a couple years older than I am, and I could tell she felt like her clock was ticking.” He shrugs. “I wasn’t ready for all the steps she was, at the time.”
“You do tend to date a lot of older women.” You chuckle. “I think one time you brought a woman almost ten years older than you to one of our dinner parties.”
“I used to go out with a lot of divorced women.” He smiles.
“I don’t know, I was young and it was easy to not commit to them. Some of them had kids and stuff, it was an easy out.”
“So you would date just to…fuck and then leave, essentially?”
“I wouldn’t phrase it like that, but I think deep down I saw it as a way that I could be with someone without fully needing to commit. Again, I was young and stupid.”
“You’re still young.”
“And maybe just a little less stupid.”
“Only a little.”
“And what about you? I think I’ve seen you bring every type of guy home with you. Jocks, artists, short guys, tall guys…”
“It’s easier to bring someone to family functions, you know how it is. Some of them were just friends. I never knew which things you were going to come to.” You say nonchalantly.
“Why would me being there matter?”
You realize now what you’ve admitted.
“You know, there’s a fridge out here full of wine, why don’t I-?” You start to get up, but he puts his hand on your shoulder to sit you back down.
“Just answer the question, Y/N.”
“Well…if we’re talking about being young…I obviously had a crush on you…back then.” You were starting to sweat, and it wasn’t from the steam popping out of the bubbles and jets. “I mean, what other teenage girl liked visiting their mom at work as much as I did? I remember the first time I saw you too, I came in after school to drop something off since I was able to drive myself, and I nearly passed out. You were talking with my mom and I felt too nervous to walk up to you. I never felt more like a child in my life. I gushed to my mom about you, and she told me you actually weren’t that much older than I was.”
“So you’d come around more just to see me? You never said more than hello?” He smirks.
“I was way too nervous. You know I almost asked you to take me to my prom?! How embarrassing.” You laugh. “One of my friends took me, obviously.”
“I remember when you came to the office in your dress.”
“It wouldn’t have been so weird if we got together. I was eighteen my entire senior year.”
“You still had a lot of growing up to do. Eighteen legally means you’re an adult, but other than that you’re still just a kid.”
“I realized that the second I got to college. I had a major culture shock. I mean, I was able to do my laundry myself, unlike other kids, but I definitely learned that a maid wasn’t coming around to make my bed or take out the trash. I grew up even more in grad school when I had my own apartment. My mom paid for it, but still.” You shrug. “I was really on my own.”
“Are you happy you went to grad school right after?”
“Yeah, I don’t think I would have gone back if I hadn’t just done it. You have your MBA, right?”
“Mhm, got it a couple years ago through this online program your mum helped me find. It was the only way I was able to move up the way I did.”
“So…it doesn’t totally weird you out that I had a thing for you?”
“Nah.” He smiles. “It’s flattering.”
You may have been willing to expose yourself, but Harry wasn’t. How could he say he had a thing for you too? It still felt weird to him. There was a reason he kept his distance from you. Now, things were less weird. You were twenty-four and he was twenty-seven, almost twenty-eight. You weren’t a child anymore.
“And it’s not weird to say this to my supervisor either?” You cock an eyebrow at him.
“We’re off the clock, away from the office. Besides that, I won’t be your supervisor forever. You’re doing really well, you’ll move up soon.”
You desperately just wanted to lunge at him, throw your whole body and mind at him and have him fuck you right there in the hot tub, but the jets slowly came to a stop.
“Think that means we’re supposed to get out. Not supposed to stay in these things long.”
You watch as Harry stands up, your eyes following the droplets of water falling from his chest. He gets out and grabs a towel quickly. He picks up your robe and hands it to you. He looks in the other direction as you stand up and grab it from him.
“Fucking cold out.” He says and you start giggling.
You both go inside and go to your wing of the house.
“You looked away when I got out.” You say as you reach your doors.
“When I stood up and got out, you looked away.”
“I was just trying to give you your privacy.”
Now Harry was sweating.
“Because I’m not a guy who ogles women, okay?”
“Are you sure about that? I see the way you glance at me in the office. You’re always complimenting my clothes.”
“You wear nice clothes. Right now, you’re not wearing much, so I didn’t look.”
“My, what a gentleman.” You step a little closer to him. “I don’t mind if you look.” You whisper and then step away from him. “Goodnight, Harry.”
“Goodnight.” He swallows hard as he watches you walk into your room. He goes into his room and locks his door. He wasn’t sure if you were playing a game, but he wouldn’t play it…not while on vacation with your family.
The next day he finds himself on the chair lift with your mother. You all had enjoyed a nice breakfast together before heading off to your various activities.
“Sleep well, Harry?”
“Yeah, beds are super comfortable.”
“You don’t mind having it to yourself this time around?”
“Not at all, I can really stretch out.” He chuckles.
“How was the hot tub? It working okay?”
“Uh…yeah…how did you know I used it?”
“Well, the second after Y/N left to go change you got up as well. Doesn’t take a rocket scientist.”
“She had mentioned it the night before. I asked her to ski with me yesterday, and she had said yes, but only if I joined her.”
“Right.” She smiles. “Was it just you two out there?”
“It was.”
“And how was that?”
“What do you mean?”
“Do you enjoy spending time with my daughter? Outside of work, I mean. You both work so well together. You’ve helped her out a lot there, you’re almost like a mentor now. She’ll move up quickly. She’ll be your equal before you know it.”
“She’s very bright.”
“She is. Anyways, outside of work, you both also make a great pair.”
They both jump off the chair once they’re at the top of the mountain.
“What exactly are you saying, Cheryl?”
“I’m saying I’m okay with it.”
“Okay with what?”
“If you wanted to date her, ask her out, whatever, I’d be okay with it. She’s grown woman, she can make her own choices. I would just hope you two weren’t scared to go for it because of me.”
“If you don’t like her like that, then I apologize for overstepping. I’m not one of those overprotective people that’s going to stand in the way. I just ask that if you two decide to date, you disclose it with H.R. and keep things as professional in the workplace as possible.”
Before Harry has a chance to say anything, she begins her run down the mountain. He was thoroughly confused. Had she essentially just given him her blessing and permission to ask you out? He wanted to, he really wanted to, but was now the right time? On a fucking family vacation?
After the tiring day of taking a crack at snowboarding, you realized skiing was definitely the winter sport for you. Harry had just finished showering and gotten dressed in a sweater and pair of slacks. You were hanging out in your room, just taking some time to scroll on your phone. You hear a knock on your door.
“It’s open!” You call, not looking up from your phone. You were laying on your stomach, with your feet hanging in the air as your knees were bent. Your door opens and you sit up immediately when you see it’s Harry. He leans in the doorway.
“How was your day?”
“Good, I tried snowboarding.”
“That’s nice. I went skiing with your mum.”
“Oh, I bet she enjoyed that.”
“She did.” He looks you up and down and squints at your comfy clothes. “Get dressed.”
“Why? We don’t need to be fancy for dinner.”
“Yes we do, because we’re going out tonight.”
“Oh, well no one told me.” You say, annoyed that the messaged hadn’t been relayed. You suppose it made sense since you’d all be cooking a lot once Thanksgiving actually came around.
“You’re misunderstanding me.”
You stop short as you reach your dresser.
“Then explain.”
“You and I are going out to eat. I’m taking you out.”
“So we can be alone.”
Your jaw nearly drops. Both of your eyebrows raise at him. It wasn’t exactly the nicest way for him to ask. This was how he spoke to people in meetings sometimes so they knew he meant business. It always sent a surge through you to see him be so…powerful.
“Would you like that?”
“Alright then, you’ve got thirty minutes.”
With that, he grabs your door handle and closes your door for you. You were stunned, but giddy. You pull out a cute sweater and a pair of jeans to wear with a nice pair of boots. You fix your hair and makeup, and you’re ready to go. Harry was waiting for you in the living room. He had already told your mother he was taking you out for dinner, and she had told everyone not to make a big fucking deal about it. He hands you your coat and out the door the two of you go. He opens the car door for you, and then he gets in on his side to start driving.
“So, where are we going?”
“Do you remember that Italian place we went to last year? I’ve got a craving for pasta and bread, lots and lots of bread.”
“Skiing all day will do that to you.” You giggle. “Works for me.”
His glove covered hand reaches for your and he intertwines his fingers with yours, resting the conjoined fist on your thigh. He doesn’t look at you, he keeps his eyes on the road. This was his subtle way of saying that was, in fact, a date. You give his hand a little squeeze to let him know that, in fact, you were okay with it.
Once you’re at the restaurant, he opens your door for you again, and leads you inside. You stay close to him for warmth, it was freezing outside.
“Hello, how many?” The hostess asks.
“Two, please.” Harry says.
“That’ll be fifteen minutes. Here’s a buzzer. Feel free to grab a drink at the bar while you wait.” She smiles and he takes the buzzer from her.
“Wanna grab a drink?” You ask him.
“No, we can just get a bottle ordered for the table.” He notices your slight disappointment. “Is that alright?”
“Yeah, makes sense.”
You both wait awkwardly until the buzzer buzzes and you’re brought to a table. You take your coat off and hang it on the back of your chair, and he does the same.
“You can pick the wine.” He says, smiling. “I’m fine with whatever you like.”
“Well, I’ll wanna pick out something that would taste good with our meal. I was thinking chicken parm.”
“You know, so was I.”
“Perfect, then a bottle of red…some merlot maybe?”
“Sounds good to me.”
A waiter comes over with water and bread, and takes your full order. You butter your bread and take a bite.
“Mm, so fresh.” You say, and dab your mouth with your napkin.
“It’s delicious. I won’t even be mad at myself if I fill up on it.”
The waiter comes back with the bottle of wine and opens it for you both. He pours the glasses and leave you alone after. You both clink your glasses together and take a sip.
“So.” You say.
“So.” He repeats.
“Why is this happening?”
“I thought you didn’t want to date people you worked with.”
“You’re the exception.”
You were the exception for a lot of things. Harry only exclusively dated older women, and here you were three years younger than he was. He hated spoiled rich kids. But here you were, not so spoiled, but definitely rich. He hated brats, but here you were, knowing full well how much of a brat you could be if you really felt like it.
“Well, don’t I feel lucky.” You say, sarcastically with a smirk of your own.
“Do you not want to be on a date with me?”
“No, I do. I have for a long time, obviously.”
“Obviously.” He repeats.
“How long have you wanted to take me out for?”
“Too long.”
You smile and bite your bottom lip as he smiles and takes a careful sip of his wine.
“You know you’re cute, come off it.” He says.
“Oh, so you only like me for that fact alone?”
“Not true. I like a lot of things about you, but I’m not going to give you the satisfaction of listing them.”
Your food is brought over and you both thank the food runner before diving in. He watches as you elegantly twirl your spaghetti with your fork onto the large spoon so you don’t make a mess. He starts with his chicken.
“This is as good as I remember.” He says. “Much better company this time around though.” He grins and it makes you blush.
“I agree.”
It’s a good date, a really good date. You were able to open up to him about things you wouldn’t normally. You talked about what your friends were doing with their lives. He talked about his friends as well. Some of them were married, some of them were traveling. He was sort of just in the middle, and fine with it. You don’t finish all of your food, the plates were far too big, but you both wrap it up to take it home. Someone was bound to eat it. You’re both given minty chocolates and Harry squares up the check.
“Thanks for paying.” You say as you get your coat back on.
“Don’t mention it.” He says, taking your hand and leading you out of the restaurant.
When he pulls into the driveway of the large house, he only pulls partially in before parking, keeping the car on, heat blasting.
“What are you doing?”
“M’not ready to go in yet. Not sure I want our date to be over already.” He unbuckles and turns slightly to look at you. You unbuckle as well so you can look at him comfortably.
“Good thing it went well, could make the rest of the week pretty awkward.”
Harry laughs at that and nods his head. He grabs a tic tac from his console and pops one in his mouth.
“Want one?”
“Please.” You hold your hand out and he shakes the small container so one comes out. “People don’t value tic tacs enough. They’re the perfect little mints, you know?” You say, sucking on it.
“You’re really cute, you know that?” He leans his are on the steering wheel so he can rest his chin on his palm. He was smiling at you, just truly enjoying your company. “I have that thought at work nearly twenty times a day, and I never get to say it loud.”
“Well, you should. Nothing wrong with an ego boost, right?”
“Y/N.” He chuckles. “Why would I say something that could so easily make you uncomfortable?” His mouth forms into a straight line. “I would never want to make anyone feel uncomfortable where they work. Why do you think I keep my distance, physically? I never lean over your desk, or get too close to you.”
“I appreciate that a lot. You definitely make me feel comfortable.”
“Good. I’d feel terrible if I ever did something…”
“Harry.” You put your hand over the one he wasn’t resting his chin on. “It’s all good.” You smile. “You’ve always been really professional, and respectful.” You give him a reassuring smile. “But we’re not at work right now, so if you wanna get a little closer to me…I wouldn’t mind.”
“So, what you’re saying is…” He lifts his chin from his palm and gently cups one of you cheeks. “If I were to kiss you right now, that would be okay?”
“More than okay.”
He smiles and leans in. You close your eyes in anticipation, and smile once his lips are on yours. You always wondered if something like this would ever happen with him. It mostly happened in unclear, faded dreams. His hand gently moves to the back your neck to pull your closer to him. Your hands find the front of his jacket so you can also tug him closer to you. It was difficult kissing in the front seats of the car, but you were trying to just focus on the way he kissed you.
He sighs happily against you. You get a little carried away and take his parted lips as an invitation to gently bite down on his bottom lip. You let go of him and look up at him through your lashes. He doesn’t let you get to far away before he slots his mouth over yours, and you both essentially grope each other. The windows in the car were starting to fog as you both started breathing heavily, and you weren’t even kissing with tongue! Not yet, anyways. You both still easily tasted like Italian food, the tic tacs only helped a little. Harry could feel the front of his pants tightening and that was when he decided to pull away.
“Right.” He clears his throat and adjusts his jacket. “They’re probably wondering, uh, where we are so.”
Before you can say anything, he throws the car in drive and gets you the rest of the way up the driveway. He gets out and opens the door for you. All you do is smile. You couldn’t stop even if you wanted to. When you get inside various people are hanging around the fireplace. Some people are playing cards, and your mother was in the kitchen getting certain dishes prepared so there was less to do on Thanksgiving itself.
“Hey, you two.” Ed says, with a smile. “There’s some hot chocolate in the crockpot if you’re interested.”
“Thanks, Ed.” Harry smiles and takes his coat off. “Would you like some?”
“Please.” You say and hang up the coats.
Harry gets two mugs and fills them up with the homemade drink. Cheryl smiles at the two of you as you walk in and take a sip.
“How was dinner?” She asks.
“Good, we went to that Italian place we all went to last year. Still just as good, if not better.” You tell her.
“Glad to hear it.” She smiles. “Everyone’s just been relaxing. I think tomorrow we’re taking a trip out for a little hike, and then in the evening we’re going to look at those ice castles. They look so much better at night. Then taking a break on Thanksgiving of course. Too much cooking to do.”
“Sounds good, mum.” You finish your drink and stick the mug in the sink. “Think I’m gonna go get cozy for the night.” You give her a kiss on the cheek and give Harry a look before going to your room.
Cheryl smirks at Harry.
“You had a good time, then?”
“Yes.” He chuckles and rinses out the two mugs. He leans against the counter and crosses his arms, studying Cheryl. “What’s your angle with all this? Mum’s usually like me, but you’re really adamant about this.”
“As Y/N’s mother, I want her to be happy. She’s gushed about you for years, and well, you’re both at an appropriate age now, I think it’s fine if you date. I know you really well, Harry. You’re not the type to hurt a girl. Even if it didn’t work out, I know you’d still be sweet about it. I trust you with her. No other angle than I think you could make her happy, I think you could make each other happy. Things didn’t work out with my first husband, that’s why divorce is a thing. Ed and I make each other happy, I didn’t have that before. I see the way you two look at each other. You have something, and it would be silly to not go for it.” She puts her knife down that she was using to chop some vegetables. “I suppose it seems like I’m trying to pimp her out, doesn’t it?” She laughs.
“Little bit.” Harry laughs with her.
“Well, I don’t mean to. She can make those choices on her own.” She looks in the direction you had walked off. “Something tells me she’s waiting for you.”
“And you’re alright with that.”
“Well, maybe just don’t get busy while we’re all under one roof, but it might be nice to have an after date chat, don’t you think? Hang out a little?”
Harry laughs and shakes his head. He makes his way down the hall where his bedroom is. He uses the bathroom, brushes his teeth, and then changes into some sweatpants. He puts a long sleeve bed shirt on as well. He opens his door and sees yours is a crack open. He taps on the door frame.
“It’s open.” You say, this time a little less loud. He opens the door and sees you on the bed in your pj’s, snuggled up. “Come in.”
He smiles and closes the door behind him. He sits down on the edge of the bed.
“Wanna watch a movie? This TV has a chromecast.”
“Great idea.” He climbs up the bed to sit next to you as you set everything up. You put an easy going comedy on.
You lean back and he puts his arm around you so you can both get really cozy. It didn’t take long until you both passed out. You woke up in the middle of the night with Harry’s arms wrapped around you, his pelvis pressed to your butt. He liked to spoon, he could sleep comfortably like this with you. You sigh and fall back to sleep easily.
Harry woke up before you. He presses kisses to your temple before getting out of your bed. When you turn over you feel where he slept was still warm. He must have gotten up to start his day. You were a sweaty mess after your hike. You couldn’t wait for the sun to set so you could go to the ice castles and see them all lit up.
Harry held your hand the entire time, he even wraps his arms around your chest as he walked behind you, pointing out different ways the lights hit the ice. It was very romantic. Or, it would have been if your siblings weren’t around with their kids. But nonetheless, it was nice.
The next day you all help cook and set up for a wonderful Thanksgiving dinner. You sit right next to Harry, and he holds your hand under the table. You had driven up with your mom, but you opt to drive home with Harry the next day. You both were desperate to just be alone together.
“Do you want me to drop you off so you can unpack and all that? I can come grab you later if you want.”
“That’d be great, and I can just drive myself to your place if that’s easier.”
“Whatever works.”
He helps you get all your things inside, and after a few minutes of kissing, he leaves you to go take care of his own things. You shower and freshen up after unpacking, and then hop in your car to Harry’s. You weren’t sure what your evening would look like, but you didn’t really care. You were just happy to maybe do a little more than kiss.
You text him when you get to his place, and the doorman lets you in. You get into the elevator and head up. You knock on his door and he opens it, yanking you in and shoving you up against the wall next to the door. Clearly, he wanted to do more than kiss as well.
He had one hand cupping your cheek, and the other on the side of your neck to keep you in place. You wrap your arms around his neck and pull him closer. His hands drift down your sides, and you feel yourself being hoisted up. You wrap your legs around his waist and he carries you down the hall to his bedroom. You tug at his hair as your tongue slips into his mouth. His molds to yours as he sets you down. He groans into you and it sends a shiver up your spine. You couldn’t take it anymore.
“Get on the bed.” You tell him. He sits down, but your shake your head. “Sit all the way back, I’m not kneeling on the hard wood.”
His eyebrows fly up when he realizes what you’re talking about. He quickly gets back further on the bed. You crawl on, and sit on his lap. He kisses on your neck while you roll your hips down on his. His hands slide to your ass to grope and squeeze at you. You nip at his lips before getting of his lap and settling between his legs. Your fingers fiddle with the button and zipper on his jeans.
“Is this okay?” You ask, looking up at him.
“Yes.” He breathes. “Do whatever you want.”
You grin and slide your hand inside his jeans, palming him above his boxers. His head rolls back from your touch alone. It was something he’s wanted for so long. You tug his jeans down, he lifts his hips to help you, and you get them all the way off. You lift his shirt slightly to kiss on his tattooed stomach as you work your way down. You tug his boxers down and his hard dick springs out, slapping against his stomach. Your eyes grow wide and you look up at him.
“Jesus.” You say under your breath as you start to rub your thumb over his tip.
“Fuck.” He breathes as his head rolls back again. He felt like he was being pampered.
You let go of him, only for a minute, to get some spit on your hand. You start pumping him up and down, slowly at first. You gets yourself settled on your knees, leaning forward so your ass was in the air, and you kiss his tip. He looks down as you swirl your tongue around him before sinking further down on his hard dick. You couldn’t take all of him, even if you tried, so you pump what won’t fit. One of his hands slides down your back and down to your ass to squeeze at you. His other hand works through your hair to hold it back for you. He moans out when you swallow around him and really start bobbing your head up and down.
“Feels so good, Y/N, fuck.” His hips buck up involuntarily, causing you to gag slightly on him. “Sorry, babe.”
You squeeze one his thighs to let him know it’s okay. Your eyes flicker to his tiger tattoo, and if you weren’t sucking him off you’d smile at it. Harry was so interesting. You couldn’t wait to learn everything about him. Like right now, you couldn’t wait to learn how he tasted, how he really tasted.
“Oh god, fuck, I’m gonna come.” He says through gritted teeth. “Y/N, you don’t have to, ah!”
One of your hands slides up to his throat. You just needed him to shut up for a second so you could focus on the task at hand. His eyes were wild while he looked down at the scene before him. Your little hand wrapped around his throat while you sucked on him vigorously. You move up to just suck his tip while his come shoots into your mouth. You suck and suck until he can’t stand it anymore. You pop off him and let his throat go free. You make eye contact with him while you swallow.
“You…you didn’t have to do that.” He says, while trying to get his breath.
“I know, I wanted to.” You wipe the corners of your mouth, and tug his boxers back up. He winces slightly from the sensitivity.
“Alright.” He lifts his shirt up overhead and pins you down, you giggle at his sudden movements. “Your turn.” He unzips, your pants, but you stop him.
“I can’t.”
“Wh-why not?” He pouts.
“I got my period this morning.”
“Of course.” He sighs and hangs his head.
“Sorry.” You giggle and runs your hand through his curls.
“It’s okay, know you have no control over it.” He sits back up against the headboard and pulls you into his arms. “That was really nice, thank you.” He pecks your lips and you smile.
“My pleasure.”
“Want me to order something for dinner? I haven’t had a chance to go grocery shopping yet.”
“How does Chinese sound?”
“Perfect.” He kisses you again before getting off his bed. You lay back and sigh. His bed was really comfy, you could get used to this.
Monday morning everyone was feeling refreshed from the holiday. You and Harry drove separately since you still finished work earlier than him. He walks you upstairs like always, only this time before he goes into his office to change out of his gym clothes, he gives you a kiss and a pat on the bum. He knew he had to be careful, though, not too much PDA in the office.
Once he was changed he comes out of his office. You had his coffee ready to go like always. He takes it happily, but decides to speak up.
“I wanna start getting my own coffee.”
“Why?” You frown.
“I feel weird with you doing that kind of stuff for me now that we’re…involved.”
“Oh, is that what we’re calling it?” You smirk.
“Hanging out, dating, whatever.” He shrugs. “Getting me coffee doesn’t fall under the umbrella other tasks as assigned.”
“But it did before?” You raise an eyebrow at him.
“Only because it was an excuse to have a nice chat in the morning.” He smiles and sips his coffee. “You understand what I’m trying to say, though, right?”
“I do.” You smile at him, and then bite your lip. “Um…when do you, I mean, should we…”
“Let’s see how things go before we go to H.R., yeah?”
He could read your mind, and it gave you some relief.
He winks at you and goes back into his office. He had a ton of emails to answer from being off last week.
“Y/N?” He calls for you and you go right in.
“Yes?” He shoots his eyes at you. “Mr. Styles.” You grin.
“If I forward you a few emails, could answer some people for me? I hate to make you the middle man, but some of this doesn’t need my attention.”
“Of course! Happy to help.” You smile.
“Thanks you.” He smiles back. “Would you mind closing my door? I have some calls to make.”
You nod and close the door behind you. He forwards you about ten emails, but you didn’t mind. It gave you something to do. You worked fast, so you often would get bored. He’s in and out of his office once his calls are made. When noon finally rolls around he comes out of his office and drums his fingers on your desk. You were standing up, thanks to having that kind of desk, and had your earbuds in. You raise an eyebrow at him and pause your music.
“It’s lunch time.” He grins.
“So it is.”
“Would you like to join me?”
“Just in my office.” He shrugs.
“Alright.” You smile. “I just need to heat my food up.”
“Great, come in when you’re all set.”
You go to the breakroom to grab your good. You lean on the counter next to the microwave as you wait for your food to heat up. Paula and a couple of other women walk in.
“Oh, hi, Y/N.” She says.
“Hi ladies, have a good Thanksgiving.”
“Yeah, it was good. Probably not as good as yours though. Must be nice to go skiing.”
“It’s an old family tradition.”
“Well, it’s not just family though, is it?” She scoffs and grabs her good out of the fridge.
“Everyone that goes might as well be.” The microwave beeps and you grab your food. “Is there a problem?”
“Not at all.” She shrugs and puts her food in the microwave. “Must be nice, is all.”
“To just get everything you want all the time.” Another woman says.
“I don’t…I work really hard for the things I have.”
“Right, must be nice to just pay mommy rent while you live in her pool house.”
“She’s alone a lot. My step-dad is a pilot, he’s not home with her when she’d like him to be. I wanted to move out and she asked me if I’d want to live in our…you know what? I don’t owe any of you an explanation. You can just be bitter.” You scoff and leave quickly. You go right into Harry’s office and sit down with a huff.
“Everything alright?”
“No.” You shake your head and angry stick your fork into your lunch. “There’s a bunch of bitches that work here, and I’m annoyed.” You sigh. “You don’t think everything’s been handed to me, do you?”
“I think you’ve lived a very blessed life, but your mum’s done a good job raising you. I’ve seen you act like a real brat before, but I wouldn’t call you spoiled or anything.”
“Gee, thanks.” You roll your eyes.
“Tell me what happened, what’s going on?”
“Paula and her crones were a little rude to me in the breakroom.”
“They’re just mad because I don’t pay them the time of day, and they’re jealous you work for me. I’m sorry you’re getting the brunt of that.”
“It’s okay…maybe we should go to H.R. sooner then. If they find out about anything before we disclose…they could just make it worse. The whole thing just feels so high school, it’s fucking stupid. Grow up.” You shake your head and take a bite of your food. You look at him. He had his chin resting on his palm, smiling at you. “What?”
“Nothing, you’re just cute when you get all fired up.”
“You think everything I do is cute.” You chuckle.
“You got me there.” He takes a bite of his own food. “We can go down a bit before you leave for the day if you like. I don’t want you feeling uncomfortable with anything. And…I mean…do you want me to talk to your mum?”
“About what?”
“I can tell her that the other women have been rude. I can tell her what they’ve said to me before too. Or I could just straight up talk to them myself. I don’t care.”
“Let’s just go to H.R. first.” You take a sip of your water. “I don’t wanna add fuel to the fire.”
“Fair enough.” He sighs. “So, how would you like to come over tonight? I have stuff to make this chicken and noodle dish in my instant pot. Only takes like thirty minutes once it’s altogether.”
“That sounds amazing, but I can’t. I make dinner with mom on Mondays. We make a big casserole that we can have during the week. You could come over if you wanted. You know how much she loves when you come over for dinner.”
“I wouldn’t want to intrude.”
“You wouldn’t be, please, come to dinner.”
“Alright.” He smiles. “Um…” His voice gets a little quieter. “How’s your, uh, are you still, um…?”
“Yes, I still have my period.” You chuckle. “I promise, once it’s done, you’ll be the first to know.”
“Thanks, I appreciate that.” He stands up from his desk and comes over to you. He cups your cheeks in his hands and leans in to kiss you. Just as his lips were on yours, there’s a knock on his door. “Jesus Christ.” He groans. He walks over to the door and opens it. “Yes?”
“Hi, Harry.”
“Oh, hi, Jennifer.”
“I came by because I have some of that pumpkin br-“ She stops when she sees you sitting. “Sorry, am I interrupting?”
“Just a little lunch meeting.” You say, standing up. “Lots of emails and meetings to get through this afternoon. Mr. Styles wanted us on the same page. Excuse me.” You stand up and look at him before leaving.
“Leave it open, please.” He says to you and you nod.
“Anyways, I brought you that pumpkin bread you like so much.”
“Ah, thank you. You didn’t have to do that.” He takes it from her and he puts it on his desk.
“Well, you raved about it last year, so I made sure to make more.” She blushes. “How was your break? You went skiing with Cheryl’s family, right?”
“Yeah…it was fun. I get along well with everyone.”
“Must be nice to be so close with the boss.”
“I suppose.”
“Anyways, um, do you have plans Friday?”
You hear her ask it, and your eyes widen with rage. You never really realized how much people through themselves at him.
“Uh, well, this is sort of awkward, but I’m sort of seeing someone, and I’ll probably be seeing them Friday, sorry.”
“Oh! I’m so sorry, Harry.” Her face goes red. “I had no idea.”
“Well, that’s the funny thing about having a personal life, it’s, uh, personal.”
You can’t help but laugh when you hear him say that. You clap your hand over your mouth so they don’t hear you. You watch Jennifer leave his office in defeat. He comes out to you.
“I’m so sorry you had to hear that.”
“Oh, it’s fine.” You shake your head. “So, you’re seeing someone, huh? I wonder how long that’ll take to spread around.” You raise an eyebrow at him.
“Very funny. What did you want me to say, that I have a girlfriend? Haven’t really had that conversation yet have we?”
“Conversation about what?” Your mom says. “Harry, we have a meeting in five, get your laptop. Phil’s in on this one.” She rolls her eyes. “Hi, honey.” She smiles at you.
“Hi.” You smile back. “Can Harry join for dinner tonight?”
“Course he can, happy to have him.” She looks back at Harry. “Let’s go.”
Harry grabs his laptop and follows your mom.
Around 4PM, Harry grabs you so you both can go see Mary in H.R.
“Hi you two.” She smiles. “To what do I owe this visit?”
“Mary, Y/N and I are, uh, seeing each other.”
“Oh! Well, that’s great. Is it serious?”
“It could become serious, it’s still new.” You say. “We just wanted to do the right thing and disclose it.”
“And did this start on company property?”
“No.” You say at the same time.
“Alright then, let me get the forms. Y/N, you know things could get sticky with Harry being your supervisor.”
“I know, we’ve discussed it.”
“And…your mother…?”
“She’s thrilled.” You say with a smile.
“Alright, here you go. Fill these out and bring them back to me tomorrow morning.”
“Can do, thanks Mary.” Harry smiles.
Harry walks you out to your car and gives you a quick peck on the cheek goodbye. He tells you he’ll be over around seven for dinner, and you tell him to bring something to sleep in.
“Wait, so has everyone in our office hit on you?” Your mom asks Harry as she spoons him some lasagna. “Why did you tell me before?”
“It wasn’t really a big deal.” He shrugs.
“It’s bound to get around that he’s seeing someone, and it’ll only be a matter of time before everyone finds out it’s me.”
“Well, then, they’ll just have to deal with it, won’t they? We’re all adults.” She shakes her head as she sits down. “If anyone has an issue, they can bring it up to me.”
Everyone takes a bite of the lasagna.
“Mm, well done, Y/N.” Your mom says.
“Yeah, it’s delicious.” Harry smiles at you.
After dinner, you and Harry say goodnight to your mom and head out to the pool house. You settle in on your couch for some TV and much needed snuggles.
“Does your mum ever leave to visit Ed on his routes?”
“On the weekends sometimes, why?”
“Well, if you don’t wanna be alone on the property, you can always stay with me.”
“Aww.” You kiss him on the cheek. “Thanks.” You shift yourself so you can straddle his lap, and bury your head in the crook of his neck. He wraps his arms around you and rubs your back.
“Feels nice to just do this.”
“Mhm.” You nuzzle into him further.
“Comfortable?” He chuckles.
“You have no idea.” You kiss his neck and sigh. “Wanted this for so long, Harry.” You kiss his neck again, and linger a little this time.
“You’re gonna get me all riled up, and I can’t do anything to you that I want to.”
“I could just take care of you again, I don’t mind.”
“But I wanna be able to take care of you, Y/N.”
You lift your head so you can look at him.
“Just a few more days, then I’m all yours.”
“Can’t wait.”
“So…do we really have plans Friday night?”
“Sure.” He smirks. “Anything you have in mind?”
“I need to go to the mall to do some holiday shopping. Feel up to it?”
“The mall on a Friday after work?” He raises his eyebrows. “You’re serious?”
“I’m an expert shopper.” You peck at his lips. “And if you come with me you’ll get a reward.”
“Oh, I like the sound of that.”
Friday after work, you and harry drive out to the mall. Everyone at work seemed pretty cool the rest of the week. Maybe a memo went out? You tried not to question it. All you could focus on was how cute Harry looked in his suit while walking around the mall with you. You at least had the sense to change.
“Let’s see, mom’s been looking for a new baking set, so let’s stop in at Crate and Barrel, first.”
“Sounds good.”
Harry basically just follows you in and out of a ton of different stores. He’s a perfect gentleman and carries all your bags. You insist you can carry some, but he tells you you’re crazy, and you just keep walking. Eventually you walk by a Victoria’s Secret. You hadn’t shopped there in a really long time since it was super overrated, but a wicked idea comes over you.
“Harry, are you getting hungry?”
“Why don’t we go to Chipotle? Just have something quick? I need to stop into a couple more stores. You know what I like form there, right?”
“The tacos.”
“Exactly, why don’t you head in and I’ll meet you, yeah?”
“Works for me.”
You watch him walk away before going into the store. Your period ended Wednesday, but you two hadn’t had time to get intimate. You look at a few things, and fine a cute little turquoise set that you think he’d like.
“Would I be able to buy this and then go change into it?” You ask the woman at the register.
“Of course, miss.”
You find Harry in Chipotle, and scarf down your tacos. He gets everything you bought into the car and off you go.
“Mine or yours, babe?” He asks.
“Let’s go to yours. Your bed is so comfy.”
“So is yours.” He rubs his hand over your thigh.
“I do my best.” You chuckle. “But I’d definitely rather go to yours tonight.”
He smiles and takes the exit for his apartment. You tell him the bags can just stay in the trunk for now. You both get upstairs, and he sighs with relief when he gets his tie off.
“Just gonna change.” He says to you.
“That’s a good idea, I’ll do the same.”
You follow him in and he raises an eyebrow at you.
“Where’s your bag?”
“Oh, I just figured you’d be give me something to wear.”
“Sure!” He turns to his dresser. “Do you want sweatpants, shorts, just a big…” he turns back to you and his jaw drops when he sees your lingerie. “When…where…what’s happening right now?”
“Why do you think I sent you off to get food?” You stroll over to his and run your hands up his chest. “Do you like it?”
“You look incredible. Been dreaming about this.”
He wraps his arms around you and kisses you. You moan when his hands run down your back and down to your ass.
“I’m gonna treat you so well, make you feel amazing because you don’t deserve anything less.”
He lays you down on the bed and strips down to his boxers. He hovers over you and kisses down your chest. He sucks on the fleshy area that’s spilling out of the top of your lacey bra. His hands move around your to unhook it, and he gets it off of you all the way. He sucks on each of your nipples, swirling his tongue around, really putting a show on for you.
“You always smell so fucking good, I love your perfume.” He says as he kisses down your stomach.
“I knew you liked it.” You run a hand through his hair. “I just had to keep wearing it.”
“Drives me crazy. It’s the sweetest smell in the world.”
He sucks a nice bruise on your hip while his thumb trails over the lace material of your panties. He could see that you’re wet for him already, he can feel it to once his thumb pushes gently inside. You groan while he does it.
“Please, don’t tease me, Harry.”
“But that’s the best part. Gotta really make sure you want it.”
“I do, I swear, please, just take them off.
“You went to all this trouble to buy these for me, shame for them to go to waste.” He kisses you through the material and your hips buck up towards his mouth. “So reactive.” He smirks.
“You know, I could easily just go home and do this myself, so if you want to-“
“Don’t be like that.” He pouts and hooks his fingers into his panties. “I’m simply trying to savor the moment. I’m about to see this precious little cunt for the first time. You have no idea how honored I feel.”
He slides your panties down your legs and tosses them aside. He kisses both of your knees before spreading your legs apart. He gazes at you.
“It’s beautiful.”
“Harry.” You giggle and kick at him. “Stop it.” You were starting to blush.
“Can’t help it.”
He gets settled between your legs and spreads you apart with his thumbs. He uses his fingers to rub around your already slick folds. He sucks the same fingers into his mouth and it makes you bite your bottom lip. His middle finger runs along your center before slowly pushing inside. You gasp when you feel the cool of his ring hit you. He pumps it in and out of you, just trying to gauge how tight you may be.
“When was the last time?”
“When was the last time what?” You grunt.
“You’re really tight, not complaining, but I don’t wanna hurt you.”
“I don’t know, um, I can’t really think right now while you’re doing that.”
“Alright.” He takes his finger away from you completely and you whimper.
“The last time it was someone, and not just one of my dildos was over the summer, alright?”
“When do you use the-“
“Not that often, only sometimes. I’ll fucking let you use one on me sometime if it means you’ll just keep working me over, please, Harry.” You pout at him.
“Can’t say no to that can I?”
He uses both of his hands to keep your legs open, and he dives right in. He licks all around you and sucks on your clit harshly.
“Oh my god.” You tug at his hair just as hard it makes him groan against you.
You feel his teeth graze over the little nub, and it makes you clench around nothing. You wanted his fingers again, but he needed his hands on your thighs to keep you open. He pulls up from you.
“Ride my face.”
“Come on, come sit on my face. I’ll fuck you with my tongue, it’ll feel great.”
He lays back with his head on the pillow and gestures for you to come to him. You shrug and straddle his face. You gasp when you feel his tongue on you again. You grip at his head board, and your eyes roll into the back of your head when you feel the slight scruff on his chin rub up against you. He gets his tongue inside you, and you essentially start riding it. His hands grip your hips, pressing bruises into your plushy skin.
“Oh my god, Harry, holy shit.”
The bed was shaking at this point. You thought you might be hurting him, but when you looked down his eyes were closed and he looked like he was in pure bliss fucking you with his tongue.
“Fuck, oh my god, fuck, fuck!” You scream as you feel your release come.
You feel Harry suck on your cunt so he doesn’t miss a drop of anything. He slowly lifts you off of him so he can get some air. His mouth, chin, and a little of his nose were wet with your slick.
“Sorry.” You use your hand to clean him up.
“Don’t be.” He licks his lips. “You taste so fucking good, could do that for hours.”
“How about you use your dick instead?”
“You’re ready for that? We don’t have to move that fast if you don’t want to.”
“Harry, I really want you to fuck me. I’ve wanted you to fuck me for five fucking years, please.”
He grabs you by your throat and pins you down on the bed.
“No need to beg, darling, all you had to do was say you wanted to.” He lets you go and kiss your lips. He stands up off the bed and takes his boxers off. “See, I’m getting nice and naked for you.” He smirks. “Do I need to use a condom or…?”
“Nah, I have an IUD. Wanna feel you.”
He smiles and gets back on the bed. He pumps himself a couple of times and spreads you back apart. He pushes inside you and you can’t help but moan loudly. You’ve been dreaming of this moment for so long, and so has he. It’s incredibly satisfying.
“Ngh, you’re so fucking big, it feels so good.” Your head rolls back as he bottoms out.
He starts moving slowly as he buries his face in your neck. He sucks on your soft skin and lets it go with a pop.
“Fuck.” You breathe.
He snakes a hand between the two of you so he rub at your throbbing clit. You knead one of your own breasts, but he swats your hand away so he can do it.
“You just need to tell me what you want, want you like, and I’ll do it, okay?”
He dips his head to suck on your nipple and your hands move to his back to dig your nails in. You start tightening around him when you feel his fingers rub your clit with more precision.
“Oh, shit. Oh my god, Harry!” You were panting. You felt like your heart was going to beat out your chest. Your back arches when you come again.
“Feel so fucking good, Y/N.” He fucks your through it, and wait for your to calm down before pulling out. You whimper at the loss of him. “Don’t worry, got a nice position for us I think you’ll like.
He sits up against the head board, and gets you in his lap, facing away from him. You were on his dick again and it felt amazing. You back was flush with his chest, and your head was on his shoulder. His tongue was in your mouth while one of his hands was rubbing your clit in rhythm with his thrusts, and the other was snaked around your chest to keep you in place.
His mouth leaves yours so he can kiss on your neck and shoulder. He looks down at the way he’s rubbing you and then at your face. Your head was rolled back into his shoulder and you were biting your bottom lip.
“Feels good, babe?”
“Feels amazing.” You tighten around him.
“Wanna come together?”
“Alright, just hold on for me.”
He stops rubbing you, and moves both of his hands to your hips. He moves you up and down faster so you were basically bouncing up and down on him. He was hitting your g-spot perfectly.
“Harry, fuck!”
“Hold on, Y/N.” He groans. “Almost there.”
“Harry, please!”
“One second.”
All of the blood in your body was rushing to your ears, you felt like you couldn’t hear anymore. Your vision was starting to go blurry as well. He nips at your earlobe and then you feel his breath on you.
“Come for me, baby.” He whispers and that’s when you let go.
You feel his warm come shoot up inside you. You cry out as your orgasm prolongs. It was so good, so very good. You both slowly catch your breaths from the ordeal. Your legs felt like gelatin as you stood. You desperately needed to pee.
When you come back out he tosses you a large t-shirt. You giggle and put it on, and then crawl into bed with him. He throws his arm around you as you snuggle up to his chest.
“I don’t wanna sound clingy, but I hope you know, I’m never letting you go.” You say, pressing kisses to cheek, neck, and chest.
“Lucky for you, I like clingy. M’not letting you go either.” He presses a kiss to your forehead, and you both get settled into a goodnight’s sleep.
After basically staying in bed with Harry all weekend, you found it difficult to concentrate at work. You had so many scenarios in your head, but the one you wanted most was for him to bend you over his desk, but he made it clear with you that the office was off limits. He explained that he didn’t want to do anything to risk losing his job. You had to respect that.
The holidays came and went. You each got each other something small since you had only been together for about a month, but you spent the New Year together and it was just wonderful. Most people at work knew you were dating Harry. It was hard not to when he’d randomly get you flowers to keep on your desk, or when he might steal glances of you during a meeting.
Once summer came around again, and you had been there for an entire year, you were up for a promotion. You were excited because it involved you having your own office, but you were sad that you wouldn’t be handling things for Harry anymore. You had to train a new assistant, and you were even less thrilled when you saw it was just some girl fresh out of her undergrad. You thought you’d be jealous, but you watched how Harry was with her. She was to only call him Mr. Styles, and he did the same things with her as he did with you. He never got too close, the door was rarely closed if they were alone together, and a picture of you was front and center on his desk. No room for funny business.
He loved staying over at your place, and swimming in the pool with you, especially at night, and especially when your mom was away. You could get away with skinny dipping, which meant getting away with getting fucked in the pool. You’d cook together and hang out almost every night.
“Hey.” He says to one Saturday afternoon as you both were laying out by the pool.
“I’m in love with you.”
“Harry.” You chuckle. “You say it like you haven’t been saying it for the last six months.” All he does is pout at you. “I’m in love with you too.”
He smiles and goes back to facing front, taking a sip of his drink. Life was good, life was very, very good.
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hazzasgayvodka · 4 years
Panty Thief - Harry Styles
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So this is kind of a trial run for this fic, I’m inclined to make this a series but I’m not sure how the response to it will be. I have lots of ideas for more parts to this but only if it’s what the people want haha. Here is my belated Valentine’s Day gift to all you lovelies I hope you enjoy this heavy daddy kink/dom harry fic I’ve been working on for ages!
p.s. everyone say thank you Nathan for giving me lots of smut inspiration this is literally based on him sorta 
pairing: daddy!harry x oc
warning: sexual content, smut, daddy kink/dom vibes so if you’re not here for that this is not for you
word count: 5k
In which Harry is a new student at Harley’s university and he seems to just keep popping up everywhere. The tension between them is palpable and she can’t get away from him, especially when he happens to knock on her door with a pair of her favorite red lace panties she left in the laundromat dangling from his finger. 
I roll my eyes as the lady in front of me in line takes out yet another handful of coupons from her purse at the checkout counter. The cashier looks almost as annoyed as I am, but still sporting a smile despite the absolute exasperation rampant in her eyes. She takes the handful of coupons and starts scanning them begrudgingly as the woman digs around in her purse for anymore and I hardly even notice my foot tapping as my eyes instinctively roll once again. I just came to get toilet roll, ice cream, and a bottle of prosecco and the universe decides today is the day coupon Karen ends up at the checkout line five minutes before I do.
“I like your hair.” A voice speaks up behind me.
I know they must be talking to me, I don’t believe any other boring college blonde in this line warrants a compliment like that but the bright purple curls I sport tend to elicit quite the reaction from bystanders, especially the uninteresting conservatives of Publix.
“How do you uh, get it that color?”
I finally turn my head over my shoulder to face the voice, a tall guy with tousled brown hair and quite the shit eating grin on his face. He’s obviously very pleased with himself finally getting me to turn around but I can’t be bothered to entertain this excited puppy of a man with more than a word.
I’ve barely even gotten the word out of my mouth before I turn back to face the cashier with an uninterested eyeroll. He scoffs behind me, clearly not giving up that easily.
“Wow,” He chuckles, “At least you’re straightforward.”
I turn back around without thinking to face him once again, “Hair dye, idiot.”
“Oh, well I could have guessed that much.”
I turn away from him again just as coupon lady finally pushes her rattling cart towards the exit doors and the cashier gestures for me to come up to the checkout. I drop my basket on the conveyor belt with a thud and she rings it up quickly, sensing my impatience and clearly wanting to get me the hell out of here as quickly as she can. I pay and grab my bags to head for the door and just before I’m home free the voice is suddenly behind me yet again.
“So, are you really not going to tell me?” He asks, catching up to me outside, “It’s going to keep me up tonight, I’m waiting with bated breath over here.”
“Tell you what exactly?” I huff, finally turning to face him.
“How you get your hair that color, of course.”
I roll my eyes, surely, he’s not keeping this bit up for the sake of hitting on me in the fucking supermarket, “Do you want something from me?”
He chuckles a bit, and I’m glad to see my utter frustration is amusing to him, “I mean,” He starts, rubbing the back of his neck, “Maybe your name would be cool.”
“No thanks.”
“Well, I’m Harry-“
I turn and walk away before he’s barely got the sentence out of his mouth. What was he even in line to buy? He wasn’t carrying any bags.
Mental note: always wear headphones to the grocery store.
“You’re late.”
I collapse in the seat next to my friend Danielle with a huff. She gives me a certain look that says something like you’ve been late the past three times too, but honestly at this point she should know to expect it.
“I’m always late,” I groan, attempting to lean back in the incredibly uncomfortable library chair, “So, why are we at the library?”
“We have a math test tomorrow, or did you forget about that?” She asks, scolding me over the top of her math book.
“Of course I remembered,” I say sarcastically, “Math is my absolute favorite subject how could I ever forget we had a test?”
She rolls her eyes, turning her book to the right page to start taking notes and I try my best to follow along, “So do you have a legitimate reason for the lateness or just regular Harley excuses?”
“Actually, I do,” I say matter-of-factly, sitting back up straight in my chair, “There was a freak at the grocery store, dude would not leave me alone.”
“What was he doing?” She asks, suddenly interested.
“Just talking? I guess? He like wanted to have a whole conversation waiting to check out.”
“So, a nice guy just struck up some conversation with you at the store and that’s a bad thing?”
“Yes,” I huff, closing the book once again, “I was just there to get groceries I didn’t need the extra human interaction.”
She opens her mouth to reply but she’s cut off as a group of guys walk in the front door of the library talking at full volume. I can feel almost every person in the room turn in the direction of the loud noise at the front and suddenly my eyes land on him. There’s no fucking way.
“Dani,” I whisper, sliding down in my seat so I can go unseen, “Dani that’s the guy, the guy from earlier.”
“What?” She whispers harshly, trying not to stare as the boys get scolded by the librarian at the front, “You mean grocery store guy?”
“Yes!” I huff, electing to sit in my chair backwards so my back is to him.
“No way Harley, it just looks like him-”
“No Dani, it’s him,” I whisper, “Tall one with the curly hair in the black hoodie.”
“That’s him?” She asks, “You had a problem with that talking to you?”
“Shh!” I huff, “God he’s going to hear you, are they still at the front?”
“They um, yeah,” She stutters, her eyes diverting to her book again, “They’re still up there, at a table now.”
“What’s wrong?” I ask, sensing the discomfort in her voice and turning around myself.
My eyes immediately lock onto his and I look away quickly, shielding my face from him with my hand and turning back towards Danielle.
“He’s staring right at you.” She says, trying not to be too obvious.
“Are you gonna go over there?”
“Why would I do that exactly?” I ask, my eyebrow raised in disbelief.
“Because a hot boy is staring you down across the fucking library!” She whispers harshly, reaching over to smack me in the arm.
“More like a fucking psychopa-”
“Hey there,” I hear his voice cut in and my whole body cringes in on itself without my volition, “Fancy meeting you here.”
I turn around in my chair, forcing myself to face him while my whole face heats and I’m sure I’m the color of a rather ripe tomato. Something about the way he says hey there in that fucking accent makes my entire body tense up.
“Hey there,” I mimic, “Long time no see.”
I feel Danielle’s eyes on me as the words come out of my mouth, her gaze flickering between the two of us and watching the horrifically awkward exchange play out in front of her.
He laughs, electing to lean on the table, “What are you doing after this?”
“She’s doing absolutely nothing.” Danielle answers for me and I kick her under the table, making her wince.
“Glad to hear it,” He grins, his eyes zeroing in on me once again.
“I’m very busy actually,” I cut in, closing my textbook and throwing it in my bag, “We both are, but um, I’ll see you around.”
Danielle is looking at me with eyes the size of dinner plates as she frantically packs up her stuff, shoving it in her bag to follow suit. I stand up from my chair, slinging my bag over my shoulder and he rounds the table to stand right in front of me, the only thing between me and the front door.
“Can I at least get your name?” He asks, his voice incredibly deep clearly for only me to hear.
“Harley,” I quip, side stepping around him, “See you later uh, Harold is it?”
He gives me a very particular look as I walk away from him, taking steps backward and relishing in the smirk on his face. He knows what I’m doing. I feel Dani’s hand grab my arm and I finally turn around to face the door, walking through it, but even as I’m outside and carrying my feet down the steps I feel his eyes on me, drilling into the back of my head.
“The hell was that?” Danielle asks, “He was so cute and you just, you just blow it like that?”
“Harmless flirting.”
“You call that flirting?”
“Oh Dani,” I sigh, taking out a cigarette and lighting it between my lips, “I call that winning.”
I’m woken up with a start when I hear the loud roar of music start from Dani’s room. She always blasts music in the morning while getting ready for class. I look over my shoulder to check the time, at least she waited until 10 to start with the noise. My head is pounding ever so slightly, and I realize why when my eyes land on the empty bottle of pink Moscato on my bedside table.
I drag myself out of bed and into the tiny common space between our two rooms, “Good morning sleeping beauty,” Danielle teases, “I noticed the bottle of wine went missing from the fridge.”
“That’s bizarre,” I joke, “Must be a wine thief in the dorms. I’ll get on that mystery right away.”
She shakes her head at me, rolling her eyes as I grab my basket of laundry from my room. I slide on a pair of slippers electing to go put it in the wash, so I hopefully have a single clean pair of jeans for class tonight. I call to Dani letting her know I’ll be right back and as soon as I open the door to the hall I’m staring at him.
“You have got to be fucking kidding me.” I groan.
He stops dead in his tracks, taking a glance over his shoulder to see me standing in my doorway. He’s dressed in only a towel, holding it closed while it hangs low on his hips. His hair is wet, clearly making his way back to his room from the showers and his chest and arms are rippling with muscles under his damp skin.
God those arms could crush me like a grape.
“Morning neighbor,” He grins, clearly getting a kick out of this, “Someone wake up on the wrong side of the bed today?”
“You’re in this building?”
“You bet, room 7C down the hall.”
“Well, neighbor, for future reference, most people in this building take their clothes to the shower with them.”
“You Americans,” He chuckles, starting to walk away from my doorway, “So prude, have a nice day Harley.”
He disappears down the hall and then behind his door and my mind gets to work on picturing what he looks like without the towel. You can nearly feel the tension between us in the air, it was palpable. I could even feel his eyes on me, looking me up and down and lingering on my lips. I squeeze my eyes shut, trying to clear my head as I take a deep breath and start on my way to the laundry room downstairs.
I put a load in the wash, briefly tuning into the dramatic soap playing on the tiny TV hung on the wall. I decide to head back to my now empty room since Danielle left for class and end up wasting most of my day away on a bad Netflix original movie, only pausing half way through to go move my clothes to the dryer.
I order a pizza for dinner before my night class and go back downstairs to grab my laundry out of the dryer. Just as I’m opening the dryer and emptying my clothes back into my basket I get a text that the pizza guy is downstairs waiting for me.
“Shit, shit, shit.” I huff under my breath, quickly shoving all my clothes in my basket and slamming the dryer shut behind me.
I rush back to my dorm, chucking the basket of clean clothes inside before heading to the stairwell and nearly sprinting down them to get to the ground floor. I meet the rather impatient pizza guy downstairs before bringing the food back up to my room. I’ve just barely finished the first slice half way through a Criminal Minds episode when there’s a knock at the door. I groan, dragging myself from the couch and tossing the blanket off.
I open the door, rolling my eyes, “Dani, you have got to start remembering your key when you-” I’m cut off as I come face to face with him rather than Dani, “Oh, um, hi?”
“Hi,” He repeats, now dressed in a pair of grey joggers and a plain black t-shirt, “I believe you dropped something in the laundry room earlier.”
He reveals his arm from behind his back, holding out his hand with my bright red lacy thong dangling from his pointer finger. I can feel my entire face heat to match the shade of my panties, but I won’t let him get the satisfaction. I go to snatch them from his hand, but he stops me, gripping them in his fist instead and using them as leverage to pull me a bit closer to him.
“Probably want to be a bit more careful where you leave your panties lying around, darling,” He smirks, “Unless you want to leave them on my bedroom floor of course.”
It’s the final straw, those few words spoken in his deliciously deep voice absolutely dripping with that amazing accented tone, on top of the way he’s dressed, every muscle visible beneath the fabric of his t-shirt. I don’t know what I’m doing until I’m pulling him to me by my own grip on the lacy underwear between us, my mouth meeting his and his teeth instantly biting my bottom lip between them.
“Yours or mine?” He breathes out, pulling away from me just long enough to get the words out.
“Where’s your roommate?” I ask breathlessly.
“Vacation,” He says, “Till Wednesday.”
“Yours,” I laugh, pressing my lips back to his, “Definitely yours.”
He walks me backwards down the hall to his dorm room, shoving me up against the wall as he unlocks the door, his lips working down my neck. As soon as the door is open he walks me through it, bending down to grab the backs of my thighs and hoisting me into the air. He kicks the door closed with his foot and I laugh against his mouth as he carries me past his bedroom doorway, slamming that behind us as well.
He lays me out on the bed, nearly tossing me right on top of the mattress, my lacy red underwear still gripped in his hand.
“Any chance you got something this cute under there?” He chuckles, holding them up in both hands to really show them off.
“Why don’t you come find out?” I tease.
He rolls his eyes, finally kneeling onto the edge of the bed and crawling over to me. He starts to lean over me, but I shove his shoulder, forcing him to lay against the mattress before swinging my leg over him. I can feel him underneath me immediately and it makes my legs clench together on either side of him.
“Hi,” I breathe, planting my hands on his chest and meeting his eyes.
“Hi,” He repeats back to me, that bright smile of his making my stomach flip, “You gonna come down here or...?”
“Oh, shut up,” I laugh finally leaning down and connecting our lips once again.
His lips are ridiculously soft against mine while the feeling of his muscles under his t-shirt are quite the opposite. He reaches up to cup my face with both hands, trying to somehow pull me closer as if we aren’t close enough as it is. I can’t figure out exactly where I want to put my hands; his shoulders, his biceps, god, in that amazing curly hair.
My hips start to move against him without my volition and he groans into my mouth, a deliciously deep reverberation that makes me grind my hips into him even more. He grunts against my lips, finally pulling away and resting his forehead against mine instead, breathing heavily.
“You alright there tiger?” I tease him, threading my fingers through his hair, “Need a breather already?”
“Shut your mouth,” He chuckles, grabbing me around the waist and trying to flip us over so he’s on top.
He greatly underestimates the size of his twin dorm bed when he does so, both of us rolling off the edge and tumbling to the shag carpeted floor beneath us. I expect the mood to be ruined, for him to get up and usher me right out the door because how awkward is this, right? I’m beyond surprised when he starts laughing, both of us splayed flat on our backs and heaves out a sigh as he rolls over to face me again.
“That was pretty smooth of me, eh?” He jokes, “Are you okay? Are you hurt?”
I shake my head, chuckling too, “No I’m okay, just gonna have a massive bruise on my ass most likely.”
He laughs again, finally pulling himself to his feet and offering me a hand to help me up. I’m not sure what I expect past that, maybe a hug to send me on my way now that the atmosphere has completely changed but that tension is still between us, the same tension that’s been building since the moment he said a single word in the supermarket.
The second I’m back on my feet he shoves me onto the bed and I can’t even begin to hide the shock in my features. He’s back on top of me in seconds, his lips pressed to mine and I’m sure the surprised whimper that leaves my mouth fuels his ego to the gods.
“You alright there tiger?” He mocks, and I resist the urge to reach up and slap him.
“Careful.” I quip, pulling away from him to meet his eyes.
“Careful?” He asks, quirking up his eyebrow at me, “I’m sorry are you telling me what to do sweetheart?”
I gulp, the smooth but stern voice he’s using making my thighs quiver. He seems to notice, his eyes darting down between us and a small chuckle escaping his lips. He looks back up at me, his eyes dark and brooding, before they flicker to my hands at my sides. He grabs my left wrist roughly, holding it above my head against the mattress before doing the same to my right arm as well. I’m nearly squirming underneath him, my entire body steaming to the touch as his eyes bore into mine.
“Something wrong, love?” He asks, the condescending tone to his voice making my whole body shake.
“Course not,” I pant, my breath coming out heavier than I anticipated, “Just fuckin peachy over here.”
He chuckles a bit, his grip on my wrists growing tighter, “You’re not very patient, you know that?”
I’m not sure what it is that’s making me writhe the way I am; perhaps it’s the countless months I’ve gone without sex since my last messy breakup, or maybe it’s the way in which this all panned out with a stranger over some fucking underwear, or fuck, maybe it’s just him and the way that cocky smirk on his face makes my insides twist.
“Patience is a virtue,” I say carefully, making sure to keep my tone even, “I’m more about vices.”
His left hand releases my wrist and I prepare myself for his hand reaching where I need him most, sucking in a breath between my teeth and letting my eyes flutter closed but it never comes. My eyes peel back open to see his hand hovering over my neck instead. He meets my eyes before his fingers finally grace the skin of my throat, applying just the slightest bit of pressure almost as if to test the waters.
I’m nearly dizzy as he does so, the temperature in this room suddenly a million degrees. He removes his hand again, the pressure around my throat leaving me and I whimper in distaste, making him chuckle again.
“Poor thing,” He chastises, my legs clenching together on either side of him, “I can’t do it all though, if only there was a way I could hold down both your wrists and choke that pretty neck.”
I watch his hand dig into the pocket of his joggers and once again pull out the thin red lacy fabric of my panties, holding them between us.
“Mind if I use these?” He asks, clearly knowing the answer but wanting to get a reaction out of me anyways.
“Yes, god,” I gulp, “Please.”
He grabs my hands, moving them completely above my head before wrapping the panties around them a few times, tying them together. He tugs on them a bit to make sure they’re pretty secure before looking back down at me, his eyes completely blown out in lust, his pupil swallowing his surrounding iris.
His lips are back on mine in seconds, his now free hands roaming my body before one hand rests on my neck, gripping the sides and applying a bit more pressure than the last time. I whimper into this mouth and curse myself for doing so as soon as my eyes flutter open to see that cocky smirk on his face once again.
“Eager, sweetheart?” He teases, and my hand reaches up to smack him before I remember I’m bound in a pair of my own underwear, “Ah, ah, be a good girl and stay still.”
Hearing the words good girl come out of his mouth makes my entire body squirm and he grins again, that lopsided condescending grin and I know he’s getting off on this, making me writhe underneath him. He leans down to kiss my stomach, hiking my shirt up as he goes before working his way down and tugging my pants down my legs. I hold my breath in anticipation but when I look down the bed to meet his eyes he simply kisses the inside of my thighs, ghosting his mouth over the thin fabric of my panties.
“Fucking please,” I beg, my breath coming out in heaves, “Is this some kind of joke to you?”
“Please what, princess?” He asks, my legs threatening to squeeze his head between them, “Tell me what you want, hm?”
“You cocky bastard,” I huff, my mind getting fuzzier by the second the closer he gets to my center, “You know what I want.”
He stops abruptly, sitting back up from his small assault on my inner thighs, “What did you say, love? Care to repeat that? Couldn’t quite here you down here.”
There’s an edge to his voice, like glass, it cuts right through me and makes my thighs quiver, “N-no,” I stutter, “Didn’t say anything.”
“That’s what I thought,” He grins, leaning back down between my legs, “Now be a good girl and tell me what you want me to do to you.”
I suck in a breath sharply, but I won’t let him know how his words affect me, “Oh daddy,” I mock, rolling my eyes, “Need you so bad.”
He grabs me by the ankles, flipping me onto my stomach and sends an echoing smack to my ass, the stinging sensation that radiates afterwards making my toes curl. He flips me back onto my back, his dangerously dark eyes meeting mine as he spreads my legs apart once again, holding my thighs down against the mattress.
“Want to try that again, princess?”
“Fuck,” I gasp, the edge to his voice making the whispered swear fall from my mouth involuntarily, “Um, yes.”
“Yes what?” He growls, leaning down to hold my jaw in his hand, his eyes drilling into mine waiting for a response.
“Yes daddy.”
“Now you’re getting it, good girl,” He grins, his hand that was gripping my jaw moving to tuck a piece of hair behind my ear, “Now open up,” I oblige, slowly opening my mouth and he pushes his middle and ring finger past my lips. It catches me a bit off guard, but he only nods his head, “Get them nice and wet for me love, don’t want to hurt you.”
He pulls them from my mouth, a small string of saliva connecting them to my lips. He chuckles a bit, clearly getting a kick out of how worked up I am for him before finally pushing my panties to the side and pressing his fingers into me. I instantly turn my head to the side, muffling the moan that escapes my mouth into my pillow. As soon as he realizes what I’m doing he grabs me by the hair, holding my head straight.
“None of that,” He says sternly, “Wanna hear your pretty sounds, babygirl.”
I’m dangerously close to the edge just from the words pouring from his mouth in that accented tone that makes my entire body shiver. That condescending smirk finds its way back to his lips and I know that he can tell I’m close, just teetering on the edge already.
“Needy little thing, are we?” He teases, “Already gonna cum and daddy’s barely touched you yet.”
His words are almost just enough to push me over the edge, but I hold off as much as I can, straining away from his touch as much as I can with my hands bound above my head and his weight on top of me. I feel the particular twist in my stomach, that burning sensation in the very pit of my abdomen just as my eyes squeeze shut and my vision goes white. His fingers work me through it, his mouth finally hovering over where I need him most, sucking my sensitive bud into his mouth and making me shake.
I feel his fingers withdraw from me and suddenly he’s pushing them past my lips once again, but this time I taste myself on them, swirling my tongue around each one to suck them clean. I meet his eyes as he pulls them from my mouth and my hips involuntarily buck up to meet the bulge prominent in his pants.
“Still needy, are we?” He chuckles.
“Please shut up and take your pants off already.” I beg, my hips bucking up to meet him again.
“You see I would but,” He starts, sitting back on his heels, “It seems I don’t have a condom, would you happen to have one?”
“Would I, no, you have got to be fucking kidding me,” I stutter breathlessly, my blood starting to boil in disbelief, “What kind of guy doesn’t keep a pack of rubbers around you idiot?”
“Careful,” He warns, his voice dropping into that deep calculated tone that makes me shiver, “And perhaps a guy that just moved in this week and hasn’t necessarily had buying rubbers on the mind,” He says, “That is until he met a spunky purple haired girl in the supermarket.”
His words make my stomach do a few somersaults, but I don’t let it extinguish the pissed off fire burning in my stomach knowing that I won’t be getting the relief I desperately need right now.
“You’re serious?” I ask, “You don’t have any?”
“Serious, darling,” He chuckles, “But instead of moping about it, you’re going to take what I give you and say thank you daddy when I’m done, understand?”
I nod my head vigorously, despite wanting to do the exact opposite. What kind of hold does that goddamn accent have on me?
“Good,” He smiles, clearly pleased with my response, “And maybe if you’re a good girl next time daddy will remember to hit the store.”
“Next time?” I ask, not filtering the shock from my voice.
He laughs a bit, reaching up to finally untie my hands, “Yes, next time, did you want this to just be a one-time thing, princess?”
I can’t form the words I want to say as I sit up a bit, rubbing my wrists only slightly from the rough fabric of the lace wrapped around them, “I um, I don’t-”
“That’s what I thought,” He smirks, standing from the bed and holding out a hand to me, “Now come on, didn’t you get pizza?”
I smile, taking his hand and starting to stand to my feet, my legs a bit wobbly and I’m thankful for the stability of his arm to lean on.
“Do you have anything to uh,” I start, cringing when I feel the wetness in between my thighs, “Clean up with?”
“Nope,” He says cheerfully, “You keep that pretty mess I made between those thighs, babygirl.”
My knees nearly buckle, and I’m cursing him for his lack of condoms and the ache between my legs as I pull my pants back on, following him to the door to the hall. He stops abruptly just inside the doorway, turning back to meet my eyes.
“What’s my name?” He asks cheekily.
“Harry,” I say confidently, “Why? Are you worried I forgot already?”
He grabs my ass in his hand tightly, squeezing the skin, his voice calculated, “I said, what’s my name?”
I gulp, leaning into his grip on me a bit more as my knees wobble, “Daddy.”
He releases his grip on my ass, giving it a quick smack, “’Atta girl, let’s get some pizza in you so you’re ready for round two,” He grins, throwing his arm around my shoulder and tucking me into his side as we walk down the hall to my room instead, “Maybe after we can hit the store, I seemed to have forgotten to pick something up last time I went.”
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edie-baby · 3 years
baby girls - chapter two | lando norris
Chapter Two: Perhaps
summary: What's the best way to tell the guy you like that you have a kid? Well, lying about it and making him think you're cheating isn't the best tactic, Mila's about to find that out the hard way.
word count: 1650
warnings: swearing, absentee father (the asshole ex has evolved)
last chapter
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Dreaming of a perfect man while on a perfect vacation in the perfect scenery was, well, perfect. Until the dream ended, and Mila was forced back into reality by the wails of her daughter coming from the next room, the heartbreaking sound kicked Mila’s motherly instincts into high gear, her sleep-addled brain coming into a laser sharp focus within a split second.
“Hey baby girl, what’s going on?” Mila spoke, scooping Mahri into her arms with practiced ease. Mahri’s sobs quieted almost instantaneously, her tears still tracking down her face with a vengeance. Mila tried wiping the tears away, but they were replaced just as quickly.
“It’s okay, just breathe bubs. Whatever’s making you upset, we can fix. It’s all good.” Mila whispered, bouncing Mahri around the room as it had calmed her down when she was just a baby.
“I want Daddy.” Mahri cried, and Mila could have collapsed at the weight of the words the toddler had said. There was a large hole in both of their lives in the exact shape and size of Mahri’s father. Once high school sweethearts, now sworn enemies.
As much as Mila tried to block out all thoughts and feelings related to Mahri’s dad, she couldn’t blame the kid for missing a man Mila herself found missing sometimes. Matyas was Mila’s first love, her boyfriend since 8th grade, and her best friend since kindergarten. They had grown up side by side, acknowledging they had crushes on each other in their second year of high school, and having a baby together by the second last.
Matyas and Mila, contrary to most’s predictions, had stayed together through her pregnancy, and even for a while after Mahri was born. Matyas would bring all of Mila’s schoolwork home and help her work through assessments while she was pregnant, and once Mahri was born, they alternated taking days off school to babysit when members of their family couldn’t.
But something Mila had never admitted to others was that Matyas was an asshole, only kicking into higher gear once they had both finished school. Mila had an acceptance letter for university and a part time job lined up, whilst Matyas hadn’t even bothered looking, preferring to use the excuse of ‘I have a child’ to stop him from venturing into the adult world. Despite this, cooking, cleaning, and looking after the baby was Mila’s job, obviously because she was the woman, the mother.
When Mila finally decided to end her toxic relationship with her lifelong best friend, she was villainized for it. Her parents and friends blamed her for tearing her own family apart, whilst her older siblings were more than supportive, having accidentally witnessed Matyas’ less than desirable traits. Up until about six months ago, Matyas would visit regularly, taking Mahri for her swimming classes, and playing with her at the park, occasionally taking her for the day to save Mila some money on daycare.
However, much like any tale of a teenager, Matyas was single and lonely, and a barrier to being in a relationship was the fact that he had become a father at seventeen. It wasn’t exactly a big check mark next to his name, so when he had told Mila he needed to move on, find someone special, she didn’t anticipate that meant moving on from his daughter. Six months with no contact was the longest Mahri had ever gone without seeing her father, and it was the longest Mila had ever gone without seeing him. Mila didn’t have the heart to tell Mahri, who looked at Matyas as though he hung the stars, that her father wanted nothing to do with her anymore. Yet as the days turned to weeks, and the weeks turned to months, Mahri’s cries for her dad became all the more heartbreaking.
“I know, baby girl. But he’s on holiday, remember? He’s having lots of fun in Limbo.” Mila lied, continuing to rock her daughter in her arms, heart feeling heavy as stone at the blatant lies she was forced to tell her daughter just because her ex-boyfriend was a coward.
“I want a new daddy.” Mahri whispered, giving up on keeping her head up, preferring to let it fall heavily onto her mum’s shoulder. Mila couldn’t help but chuckle silently, the unfiltered, mumbled by age, words that her daughter came out with sometimes were what kept Mila going. With a few more bounces, Mila was sure her daughter had fallen back into a deep slumber and moved to lay her back in the small bed, covered with pillows, blankets and stuffed animals.
Mahri’s words echoed in Mila’s head, and as she reached for her phone to send yet another unanswered text to Matyas, Lando’s face appeared on her screen, an incoming FaceTime call that was as daunting as it was exciting. Mila looked over her shoulder, listening for any movement from Mahri before she answered the call, setting her phone against the toaster on the kitchen counter as she began brewing some coffee. It was nearing five in the morning, and knowing she would be usually waking up in an hour and a half meant it was going to be a caffeine fueled day.
“Hey baby boy.” Mila spoke a moment after the call had connected, looking down at the phone to see Lando’s tired face, snuggled up in bed with a small smile on his face. His smile only growing when he heard the fond nickname fall from Mila’s lips.
“Hi love. Why are you making coffee? It’s so late.” Lando mumbled, squinting to get a better look at what Mila was doing in front of him. His eyes devoured her figure, a large tshirt covering the tops of her thighs, and from what he could see, or lack thereof, she wasn’t wearing pants.
“Actually, it’s early. It’s a bit past five at the moment.” Mila replied, giggling at the way Lando seemed entranced by the view of her bare skin, smiling fondly when he snapped out of the trance at the sound of her joy.
“What the fuck are you doing up so early?” Lando almost shrieked, the volume of it causing Mila to startle forward, pressing incessantly at the buttons on her phone to lower the sound, checking over her shoulder paranoid that the gorgeous Brit had woken her barely sleeping baby.
“Oh, sorry. Do you have someone over?” Lando mumbled, looking crestfallen as he recognised the anxious look on Mila’s face. He couldn’t have been so naive to think that a woman as gorgeous as her wouldn’t have company on a Friday night - Saturday morning for her - and it had been about four days since they had spoken, he should have known.
“Uh, kind of. But no, but yes. Fuck.” Mila cursed, trying to find the right way to tell Lando that, yes, indeed she was worried he had woken someone up, but no, it wasn’t the kind of someone he was thinking of. She watched as Lando gulped, his mind spiralling with images of Mila with someone else, and although he had seen it in Austria, it hurt to know that their week together hadn’t meant as much to her as it did him.
“That’s alright. I’ll, um, let you get back to that, I guess. I’m sorry I called.” Lando muttered, moving to end the call when Mila panicked, the thought of hurting the man she was falling in love with had overridden her fears of him freaking out over the fact that she came with a lot more baggage than initially thought.
“I’ll call you later, baby boy, I promise. I want to talk to you, now just isn’t really a good time. I’m sorry.” Mila’s voice was trembling, she could see Lando’s want to get out of the conversation and never speak to her again, and it was the very last thing she wanted.
“It’s fine, you have your own life. We’ll talk soon. Bye.” Lando finished, his voice curt and clipped, but Mila could very clearly see the hurt hidden beneath the thin veil. She felt a piece of her heart break at the sight, knowing she was not only lying to him, but also causing him pain whilst she did so made her question whether it was really worth it hiding the little ball of energy in the next room.
Before Mila could reply, the call cut out, and she was left staring at the photo of herself, Victoria, and the twitch quartet on her lockscreen, something she had changed to remind herself of the amazing week she spent with some new lifelong friends.
Mila unlocked her phone, desperate to get away from the look she and Lando gave each other, preferring to admire her home screen, a photo from hers and Mahri’s most recent adventure to the park, Mahri laughing her ass off at Mila, who was very scaredly looking at the flock of geese running toward them while she took the photo.
Of course she had to give birth to a sadist, and if she was honest, she’d take that over the obvious masochistic trait she had been born with. The conversation with Lando replayed in her mind a million times, part of her wondering why she couldn’t just own the fuck up and tell him she had a kid. It wasn’t like she was telling him she wanted kids with him, or that he already had a kid, fuck if he didn’t want to, she probably wouldn’t introduce him to Mahri for years.
Yes, Mahri was her number one priority, but she couldn’t live her entire life for her child. She was nineteen, a gorgeous woman, and she deserved to be loved. Perhaps she could live her life with her child, and perhaps with someone else too.
But after today? She wasn’t sure she’d get the chance to even try.
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yourdeepestfathoms · 3 years
with this unruly heart of mine
in which we all wish our parents reacted the same way as Alcina does when one of her daughters comes out to her
title is from Unruly Hearts from The Prom because it fit
If love be rough with you, be rough with love. Prick love for pricking, and you beat love down. Give me a case to put my visage in. A visor for a visor. What care I What curious eye doth cote deformities? Here are the beetle brows shall blush for me.
Alcina read that line over and over again, but she still had no idea what the hell any of it really meant. She sighed and leaned back into the cushions of her seat. If she kept getting caught up on the literary meaning of every other paragraph then she would never finish this damned book.
She picked up the teacup sitting on the stand beside her chair and took a long sip. The tea was of sweet cinnamon on her tongue. It left a much better taste in her mouth than the rather gross relationship between Romeo and Juliet in this book. If the short amount of time the two knew each other wasn’t bad enough, the age gap made her teeth bare and nose wrinkle in disgust. What the hell was this William Shakespeare guy thinking when he wrote this?
The soft sound of bare feet padding against hardwood brought her back to the surface of complete awareness, her focus shifting away from the book and to the late-night arrival watching nearby.
A certain fly child stood, arm on the doorway. Her hair was shaggy from seemingly just waking up--or maybe she hadn’t slept at all in the first place. Unruly blonde locks were sticking up in various directions around her head, framing her face like an adolescent lion’s mane. The nightgown she wore was a size too big and drowning her thin frame.
The light from the fireplace made her golden-amber eyes look hollow.
“Yes, dear?”
“May I sit with you?”
“Of course.”
Slower than she’d ever seen her move before, Bela inched her way onto the cushioned chair beside Alcina’s. She pulled her knees up her chest, bare toes poking over the edge of the seat, and Alcina regarded them with a scrunch of her nose.
“What have I told you about going around the castle barefoot?” Alcina chided gently.
Bela didn’t look away from the flickering fire in the fireplace. “I’m sorry, Mother.”
Something was bothering her.
Bela was a rather fickle little thing. Some days, she wanted to tell Alcina everything, every little fact of the new knowledge she had obtained from her books, all the small details of her latest stories or ideas. Other days, she put up walls and gave vague answers to questions prodded into her sensitive skin, curling into herself like a frightened snail afraid of being interrogated. This seemed to be something of the latter, and Alcina made a mental note to tread lightly to avoid upsetting her daughter.
“I don’t understand this at all,” Alcina said, waggling the book in her hands, trying to make small talk with her distressed child. She didn’t want to pry and further put Bela on edge more than she clearly was, but she couldn’t not do something about her bitter mood. What kind of mother would she be if she didn’t at least attempt to help with her kids’ problems?
“I can hardly make heads or tails of anything they’re saying,” she continued, hoping she wasn’t laying it on too thick.
Bela raised her head from her knees slightly. “What book is it?”
“Romeo and Juliet.”
There was a morbid snort. “How coincidental…”
“Nothing.” Bela shook her head. “Lemme see. What part are you at?”
Alina pointed out the current line she had reread at least five times over without being able to discern the Shakespearean into modern-day language. Bela, however, looked it over once, scanned the other pieces of dialogue for context, nodded, then explained, “In this scene, Romeo, Mercutio, and Benvolio are sneaking into a party thrown by the Capulets by wearing masks to disguise themselves. Romeo is upset over Juliet and says he isn’t going to dance. Mercutio then teases him over this and turns all of Romeo’s words into gratuitous sexual metaphors to poke fun at him. Mercutio ends up going on this whole rant about Queen Mab of the fairies, who visits people in their dreams until Romeo and Benvolio cut in to get things back on track. Romeo also kinda foreshadows the entire play at one point. See? Right here: ‘I fear too early, for my mind misgives Some consequence yet hanging in the stars Shall bitterly begin his fearful date With this night’s revels, and expire the term Of a despisèd life closed in my breast By some vile forfeit of untimely death.’ I do believe that is hinting at his eventual fate of death.”
Alcina blinked at her for a moment before smiling fondly and rubbing her head. “Such a smart girl,” she cooed. “I could have never gotten that out of this .”
Bela smiled, but then it quickly disappeared, and she leaned back into her chair, curling up and watching the fire once again.
Now Alcina was really concerned. Bela was never one to let go of praise and affection so easily. Usually, she savored it a bit longer before moving onto something else, but here she was, brushing off Alcina’s words and touch as though they were nothing.
Something was very, very wrong.
However, before she had the chance to take the risk and attempt to ask questions, Bela spoke up.
“Have you ever been in love, Mother?”
Surprised, Alcina asked, “And what brought this up?”
Bela shrugged, not making eye contact. She kept looking at the fire as though she wanted to throw herself into it. Her voice was small, so small. “Just curious.”
“I see,” Alcina nodded. She looked up, thinking for a moment as she wracked her brain of the memories of her past life. “I have been in love before. Many times, actually.”
Bela gave her a curious look, finally pulling her gaze from the flames. “Really?”
“Indeed,” Alcina confirmed. “Though, I do believe that just comes with growing up. You gain lovers, you lose lovers. Some were real, some were fantasies I made up. Some lasted a few days, some a few months, some a few years.” She took a sip of her tea again. “None of them really mattered in the end, though. Clearly.” Another sip.
Bela nodded faintly. “Okay.”
“Have you ever been in love?” Alcina decided to ask.
Strangely, Bela went rigid. Her claws clenched around the sides of her calves as she stared forward with pupils that were constricted into pinpricks. Sweat beaded along the golden crown of her head.
“I-I-- umm…”
Alcina furrowed her eyebrows in worry. She closed Romeo and Juliet with a bookmark to mark her page, then set a hand on Bela’s back. Her daughter was trembling.
“Bela?” Alcina said, keeping her voice soothing and low to avoid setting off the poor girl even further. “Is everything alright? You don’t look well.”
“Yes, yes,” Bela answered her, much too quickly for it to be convincing. “I’m fine.”
“Are you sure?”
Before Alcina could prod further, Bela shot up to her feet. She began to chew on one of her claws, flexing her free hand at her side in visible agitation. Pieces of her skin broke off into flies and buzzed around her head madly. She seemed to be dissociating in panic.
“Bela,” Alcina rose to her feet slowly, not wanting to accidentally frighten her daughter. “Bela, what’s wrong? Are you alright?”
“I’m fine, I’m fine,” Bela said, even when she was so obviously far from fine. Her chest was beginning to heave.
“Darling,” Alcina said, and that seemed to get Bela to crack a bit.
With a tight whimper, Bela shook her head. “Hard-- hard to breathe--”
Instantly, Alcina loosely took Bela by the arms and lowered her to the ground. In the firelight, she could see the pallor of her daughter’s increasing panic as it morphed into a complete attack on her anxiety. Bela grabbed her wrists with her claws dug in for desperate grounding, and Alcina let her, even when it stung her skin. Her comfort was far from important in that moment.
“Alright, honey,” Alcina said. “We’re going to do the thing we’ve been practicing, alright? Do you think you can do it?”
Wordlessly, Bela nodded.
“That’s my strong girl,” Alcina said. “Alright, give me five things you can see.”
“Y-you,” Bela stammered. The words shook when they left her lips. “Your hair’s kinda bushy.”
Alcina rolled her eyes in a good-natured way. “Thank you for pointing that out, Bela.”
Bela’s fight instantly gave in at that and she hunched her shoulders in, looking ashamed. Quick to correct herself, Alcina lifted her chin so they could make eye contact.
“I was only teasing you, honey,” Alcina said. “Keep going.”
Bela nodded. “The fire; it’s really pretty. Your-- your, umm, chair; it looks soft. The book; not the best of Shakespeare’s works. And, ah-- the teacup; it has doves on it.”
“Very good,” Alcina praised. “Four things you can feel.”
“The fire’s-- the fire’s warmth. My heart in-- my heart in my throat. The floor under me; I should have worn socks.”
“I told you,” Alcina cut in playfully.
Bela swallowed thickly. “A-and, umm-- and my anxiety. It’s like a Lycan in my chest.”
Alcina frowned at that but quickly wiped it off her face for now. She stroked Bela’s cheek, gaining a spark of hope when Bela leaned into her hand.
“I feel you, too,” Bela said.
“You only needed to name five, little moth,” Alcina said, bopping her on the nose.
Bela just shrugged.
“But you’re doing so well. Can you give me three things you can hear?”
“My heartbeat in my ears; it sounds like thunder. I don’t like thunder. Umm-- the fire crackling; I like that. And-- and a raven outside. I think that’s Merlin. His cawing is kinda raspier than the other birds’. I think he may have hurt his throat at some point.”
A small smile grew onto Alcina’s lips. She continued caressing Bela’s cheek as she talked to her. “Now two things you can smell.”
“Fear,” Bela said almost instantly. Her nose twitched. “I smell fear.”
Alcina could smell it, too. The thickened dread wafting off of her shaken daughter was acrid, bitter, and unsettling.
“Umm--” Bela’s claws fidgeted, clicking against each other softly. “And your tea. Smells like cinnamon. Cinnamon makes me sneeze.”
“One more. One thing you can taste.”
“Fear?” Alcina echoed, one eyebrow raised. “Again?”
“What does fear taste like?”
Bela stared down at her claws, which she splayed open before herself. “It-- it has a slightly dull metallic taste that’s mixed with urea, I think. Sometimes it tastes like popping a bloody, pus-filled blister in your mouth and squeezing every drop out with your teeth and savoring it on your tongue. Sucking the wound clean and swallowing it down.” She clenched her fists. “But it doesn’t get clean. It doesn’t dry out. The blister just keeps oozing and oozing until all the discharge comes pouring out of your mouth, but even then it doesn’t stop. Because you can’t force it all down. You can’t just swallow and think it’s done. That’s not how anxiety works. It keeps coming, even when you thought it was gone, and it leaves behind this awful flavor of bitter bile. It’s acidic, too, you know? It melts your chest and stomach and makes you feel like you’re sinking in your own skin.” She looked up at Alcina, and her eyes were shiny and blank. “I taste fear, Mother.”
There was silence between them for just a moment. Bela wasn’t looking at Alcina anymore; she seemed to think the floor was very interesting at that moment. Alcina was still considering her daughter’s dark words, replaying them over and over again until the subtle taste of sour gall spread across her tongue. She swallowed it down and winced when it drooled over the back of her throat like rancid molasses.
“You did it, baby,” Alcina finally said, smiling despite her worry, despite the flavor of fear in her mouth. “I’m so proud of you.”
Bela just nodded. Though she was no longer having a panic attack, she didn’t seem any less upset. Alcina considered letting it go, especially after just having calmed her down, but if something was bothering her daughter so much that she couldn’t breathe when she thought about it too hard, she knew she couldn’t just leave it be. It could escalate into something much, much worse, and she knew damn well that Bela was willing to go to such extremes, if her explanation of fear and the way she kept looking at the fire wasn’t enough proof of that.
“Now,” Alcina saw Bela tense, but she plunged anyway. “I need you to tell me what’s bothering you so I can help.”
Bela shook her head with a strangled whimper.  “I can’t tell you.”
“Bela, I’m your mother. You can tell me anything.”
“You’ll hate me.”
“I won’t hate you.”
Bela was quiet. Then, slowly, she dragged her gaze up to Alcina. “Really?”
“Do you promise?”
“I promise, Bela. I would never hate you.”
Bela nodded. “Okay.” Her claws clenched into fists against the floorboards, knuckles shaking and turning white. She took several deep breaths before forcing out, “I-- I don’t-- I don’t like people like that. Like how I’m supposed to.”
Tears flowed freely from Bela’s eyes and she choked on a sob. Her head hung in shame as her entire body quaked. The poor girl looked terrified, and the sight hit Alcina right in the heart--though she didn’t quite get it.
“Thank you for telling me,” she said.
“No, no-- you don’t understand,” Bela’s breath was coming out thin and raspy again. She sat up straight, claws now knotted in her nightgown, tensing and pulling. “I don’t-- I don’t like people, Mama. The way other people do. The way everyone does. I’ve-- I’ve tried, but--” She cut herself off with a whimper, tears pouring down her cheeks.
“What do you mean?” Alcina asked. Trying to discern Bela’s vague words was like trying to discern Shakespearean. “Do you think you can explain it to me, hun? Like you did with the book and the fear. I want to help you.”
Bela sniffled, then nodded. “I-- I, umm-- I don’t feel anything towards people. Like-- like that. Romantically. And sexually.”
Finally, it dawned on Alcina.
“When I read those cheesy romance books Daniela likes, I don’t get the characters’ feelings at all. Just the thought of being in a relationship like that makes me so uncomfortable and I don’t know why, and that scares me, Mama.” Bela continued, her anguish oozing into every word she spoke. “I don’t like the thought of being tied down to someone like that, but it still feels like something has been stolen from me. That promise of a future with true love and marriage and a fairy tale ending that Daniela always talks about is gone, even though I still want it. Or, at least, I think I want it. I don’t know what I want.” She sniffled, looking miserable. “It’s the same for sexual stuff. When I come to scenes with sex in them in books, it makes my skin feel all weird, like severed hands are crawling all over my body. I get embarrassed and awkward and uneasy, and I don’t understand that, either. It just makes me feel so sick to my stomach.”
There was a pause. Bela was taking several shallow breaths and digging her claws into her legs, so Alcina reached out and took one of her hands, stroking her knuckles with her thumbs.
“Breathe, baby,” Alcina murmured. “Breathe.”
“I’ve-- I’ve tried to force myself to be like everyone else before,” Bela said unexpectedly.
Taken aback, Alcina said, “What?”
Bela swallowed thickly. “With-- with a maiden. You know how I am with them- too nice, too polite. I befriended one of them. We were kinda close. After a while, she started making moves on me. I knew what she wanted for so long, but I kept avoiding it because I was uncomfortable or scared. But then I had this revelation: maybe if I did this with her, I would finally feel something! I would be like everyone else! So I did. With her. And I didn’t like it.”
“It hurt,” Bela whispered. “Like I was being scraped raw. Or my body was being turned inside out. I felt so sick. Humiliatingly, I started crying during it, but I don’t think she noticed. If she did, she didn’t stop. Not until she was finished. When she was, I threw up after she left. I was so sore.” Alcina squeezed her hand, and she sucked in a sharp breath, “But-- but I had to have liked it! I got, umm--” Her cheeks began to turn red with embarrassment, though Alcina didn’t blame her. Having to explain your sex life to your mother would be awkward for anyone. “I got…wet. And-- and that happens when you’re aroused! So-- so I do like sexual stuff!”
“Oh, sweetie…” Alcina sighed sadly.
Bela hunched her shoulders in. “R-right?”
“Honey, ‘getting wet’ doesn’t always mean you’re aroused,” Alcina said gently. “Simply viewing something erotic, like a naked woman, for example, could trigger this bodily response. It’s also a way for the vagina to lubricate itself to help dull the pain of penetration. You can be in a sexual situation and be wet, but not want to have sex. That’s completely normal and one hundred percent okay.” She lifted her hands to cup Bela’s cheeks. “Wetness is not an acceptable body language for consent. Who were you trying to convince: the maiden or yourself?”
Bela stared at her for a long moment, eyes wide and damp, breath hitched in the back of her throat. Then, she began shaking her head, pulling her hair, and weeping, “No, no-- I wanted it, I wanted it-- I know I did. I’m normal, I’m normal--”
It was truly heartbreaking to see her child in such a way. Bela seemed downright devastated over her own sexuality, to the point where she thought she was disgusting and unnatural for something that was actually completely normal.
Taking her daughter’s hands to keep her from hurting herself, Alcina went to say something, but Bela cut her off, getting to the words first.
“What’s wrong with me?!” Bela cried. “Why-- why am I like this, Mama? Am I broken? Am I heartless? I-- I love you and Cassandra and Daniela! I love Uncle Karl and Uncle Moreau and Auntie Donna and Angie and the Duke! I love reading and animals and writing, but-- but when I-- when I try to-- when it comes to sex and romance, I--” She finally gave up and sobbed.
“Oh, Bela,” Alcina said sadly. “Oh, my poor, sweet girl…” She pulled Bela into her lap and held her close, rocking her back and forth to help comfort her. Her fingers gently ran through Bela’s messy hair. “Shh, shh… You aren’t broken or heartless, sweetheart. This is an okay thing to feel.”
“You-- you don’t think I’m wrong?”
Alcina’s heart twisted at the way Bela looked up at her to say that, her eyes holding so much sadness and pain. She tucked her daughter’s head back under her chin and tightened the embrace.
“Absolutely not. Do you think you are?”
Bela answered in a strangled whimper. Alcina couldn’t help but wonder what put such a thought in her daughter’s brain--though, this was Bela she was dealing with. her anxiety was a wild, bestial thing that made her worry about the most obscene things.
“Did you really think this would change anything?” Alcina asked. “That I could ever possibly love you any less?”
Bela shrugged weakly.
“I-I just…”
That deep shame from before seemed to return and Bela’s head dipped. Alcina felt like she was going to try and pull away, so she tightened the embrace and used one hand to lift the girl’s chin.
“Hey, hey,” Alcina murmured, brushing away fresh tears on Bela’s cheeks. “There’s absolutely nothing wrong with this, sweetie. There’s nothing wrong with you, either. And if anyone says otherwise, tell me. I’ll eviscerate them.”
That got a tiny, watery giggle out of Bela.
“Don’t be embarrassed,” Alcina went on. “Sex and romantic relationships… They aren’t for everyone. And that’s okay. It certainly doesn’t make you broken or heartless.”
“Hun, look at me. Do I really look like someone who will judge you for being this way?”
Bela shrugged a little. Her little body seemed to have exhausted itself of all its efforts to argue.
Alcina rocked her gently, stroking her hair the way she knew she liked it. “How about I explain something to you, hm?”
Bela looked up at her blearily.
“Your love may not be arousing or romantic, but you want to know what it is like?”
“What?” Bela asked softly.
“Your love is warm and fuzzy, like being wrapped in a blanket during a blizzard. It’s safe and reassuring. Your love is security and shelter. Your love is noticing all the little details, like my bushy hair because it’s late at night or your Uncle Karl’s finger twitching because he’s nervous at the meetings with Mother Miranda but is trying to hide it or Cassandra’s leg bouncing because she’s full of pent up, restless energy. Your love is knowing what makes each of us tick and doing everything in your power to make us feel better when we’re upset. Your love is like the first flower showing up in the snow as winter melts away and the beginning flickers of a tender flame and the gentle fluttering of bird wings.” Alcina let out a soft laugh. “I’m nowhere near as good at details as you are, my darling. But, most importantly, your love is normal and natural and what makes you you. And you shouldn’t have to try and change that for anyone, no matter what.”
Bela stared up at her in silenced awe, tears trickling down her cheeks. Alcina squeezed her reassuringly.
“I want you to know that I’ll always support you, okay?” Alcina said. “I’m always going to be here for you.”
Bela nodded, hiccuping softly. “Thank you, Mama,” she whispered through tiny whimpers. “Thank you. I love you.”
“I love you too, Bela,” Alcina said. She kissed the top of Bela’s head and purred to her softly. “My perfect, perfect girl.”
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qianinterprises · 3 years
Among the Horses {Part One}
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Pairing: farm boy!Jaehyun x female!Reader
Other Characters: OC's, Haechan (sorta, kinda, not really), Renjun (sorta, kinda, not really)
Genre: fluff, angst, country au, farmboys and lady's au, falling in love, slow burn, friends to lovers
Warnings: verbally abusive aunt, yelling, degrading (not the fun kind)
Word Count: 3.8k
Overall Synopsis: Being sent to live with your aunt isn't exactly something wonderful, especially because she's verbally abusive and downright determined to turn you into a "proper lady" who a wealthy man will want to marry. However, perhaps living there won't be so bad. After all, you've got a handsome farm boy teaching you to ride horses.
Part One Synopsis: Arriving at your aunts is very challenging and trying. After being put through the ringer with your attire, you finally get a chance to explore the green world, and spend more time with the farm boy who'd picked you up from the airport.
Author's Notes: So I started this a while ago and didn't really do anything with it, but I love it and I really wanna write more so yeah... Also, I've posted this on a03 as well.
Tagging: @treasuretaeil @hachanbaecon @hwangful
A white, dirty pick-up truck pulled off the main road and onto a long, winding dirt road, leading them closer to a grand house that you had only been to a few times in your life. The place you’d be living for the next year or two.
The truck bumped along the loose gravel, crashing over potholes, sending you bouncing on the very worn cloth of the cab, your eyes glancing worriedly to the male beside you, one of his hands planted firmly on the hard steering wheel, the other loosely placed on the stick shifter in the center of the bench.
“Are you sure the tires won’t… fall off?” your voice was thick and laiden with worry.
He glanced over at you, warm brown eyes gazing intently into yours, the opticals flecked with curiosity and amusement. Embarrassment crept under your skin.
“You haven’t been out here in awhile? Have you miss?” he asked, tone filled with friendly amusement.
You awkwardly scratched at your nose, a bit of a nervous habit she’d picked up over the years.
“No. My parents never had the money to travel.”
Your voice was small, etched in nervousness and anxiety.
He cast you a gentle smile as he pulled the truck around a sharp curve in the road, and there it was.
The house was huge, at least three stories high and stretched across the land it was perched upon. The foundation red brick that looked freshly cleaned (it probably had been), a contrast to the pearly white of the rest of the structure. The curves and contours of the slightly oddly shaped house made it more enchanting and nerve-wracking, especially as you grew closer, tires hitting the smooth cement before your driver moved the shifter and parked the truck.
“Head on in, miss, I’ll get your bags.”
His accent was a combination of Asian mixed with southern, an odd mix that somehow seemed so delicately smooth and perfect, especially the way he drawled over the “r’s”
You’d been stuck in your thoughts, eyes wide as you surveyed the prospects of your new home.
“Right, yes, thank you,” you said softly, moving to get out, the door creaking as it was opened.
Your black, falling apart sneakers hit the tan pavement of the driveway, the hooks of your overalls rattling loosely against your torso as they accommodated your movements; the loose denim legs falling just above your knees as you pushed the dingy door closed.
The male you’d ridden with, Jaehyun, he said his name was, pulled the latch of the truck bed and reached up to grab your mismatched luggage, his sturdy frame pressing into the hot metal of the truck.
“Do you need some help?”
Your voice was small, mixed with worry and hesitation.
You’d do just about anything to prolong the inevitable.
“That’s quite alright, miss,” he began. “You should head on inside. The heat is a harsh place for a lady,” he answered.
You looked down, playing with your fingers, but you didn’t reply. Instead, slowly moving toward the brick steps that would lead to the entrance of the beautiful home.
Anina Lee was a strict lady. She liked things just a certain way and she got them how she wanted. She didn’t tolerate bad behavior or disobedience. And she had a strong dislike for people that got in her way. Thus, she had never been married.
She lived alone, if you count having two live-in maids, a chef, and a stable hand that slept in the barn as living alone.
Alina was your aunt. Your mother’s elder sister who had alienated your mother when she’d married a man of lower class. That same man later had a wife who blessed him with three kids to care for, spending his days fixing the cars of those more fortunate than him, hoping to make a buck for his family.
That’s why you were here. A young girl, coming of age to be married off and starting a family of your very own. Your family couldn’t support you any longer, and as you prepared to move away in hopes of finding some sort of job or a life, your aunt had hastlessly offered to take you in. Your mother had all too happily obliged, hoping her only and eldest daughter would learn a thing or two from the elder woman, maybe turn you into the lady your mother and father had tried for years to make you.
The stainless white door slowly opened and an older woman stood in the frame. She was clearly in her 50s, stress lines drawn thickly in her forehead, wrinkles in the corners of her dull gray eyes, deep lines around her nose and mouth, her neck sagging just a little beneath her sharp jaw. She was a small lady. On first glance one may have a hard time understanding what makes her so fierce. She was small in stature, small in size and in frame, but she had the tongue of a snake, the heart of a lioness, and the skill of a chimp.
“(Y/N)! You’re finally here!”
You stood a good few inches taller than the woman, but that made you more nervous if anything. You made her way up the steps and, as you reached the woman in the door, you were promptly pulled into a proper hug that severely lacked warmth.
“I can’t believe you got on a plane and sat amongst all those people in that ghastly attire. You must change at once!”
The woman’s voice was so shrill it could pierce glass, but you held back the flinch.
“Martha!” the same voice called into the house as she pulled you in, shutting the door and encompassing them in the cool air conditioning.
A larger lady appeared, dressed in stained blue jeans and an ugly yellow shirt.
“Please show my niece to her room and help her change into something more… feminine and lady-like,” her aunt’s voice commanded.
“When you’re finished dear, have Martha show you to my study.”
There was no endearing term in the word “dear.” Simply an icy addition to a perfectly manicured sentence.
You watched your aunts receding form, pencil skirt tight on her legs, black heels sharply hitting the hardwood intimidatingly.
“Come with me, dear. Let’s get you changed,” the larger lady spoke softly.
She was older, maybe 60 or so, her skin dark tan, although you couldn’t tell if it was the sun or her natural skin pigmentation. Her voice was grainy, but soft and endearing. Motherly she’d dare say. And you thought that this woman may actually make living here bearable.
You followed the lady up the grand staircase, up two flights of stairs and down a long hallway until you reached the end. The lady pushed open the thick white door and stepped inside, you following her closely.
Inside, the room was surprisingly rustic. A simple, full-sized bed with an obviously homemade comforter thrown across it. A light gray plush rug beside the bed. The hardwood floors were surprisingly and delightfully bare. One large section of the wall was home to a large bay window that stretched from the ceiling to the plush gray cushion of the bench. There were a few flower paintings and other pointless nicknacks scattered on obsolete surfaces around the room, but you paid no mind to them as your attention was drawn to the lady opening the large mahogany grand dresser and plucking out two cloths.
She unfolded both neatly, placing them on the bed and you sighed. The skirt was long and pleated, patterns of red and white stretched in an annoying kaleidoscope arrangement across the nearly pointless garment and the white shirt appeared to be partly transparent.
“Go ahead and get changed dear, I’ll help you when you finish,” she said kindly and turned her back.
You waited for her to leave the room but it was apparent she had no intention to. Awkwardly, you began unhooking the straps of your overalls, letting the fabric clang to the floor. Your skin heated up, feeling all too exposed before sliding into the skirt, the itchy elastic clinging to your hips uncomfortably. You pulled your stained blue t-shirt off, swapping it for the crisp white one that you feared you’d stain in the next few moments.
The lady turned around, her wide hips bumping into the dresser slightly. The dresser was sturdy enough not to jostle, but it was obvious the corner was sharp and painful. You almost felt bad at the way the lady’s face winced, but it was quickly pushed away as calloused hands began gripping the delicate skin of your arms, squeezing along the skin up your arms.
She tsked and turned around, rummaging through the dresser once again, only to turn around with a black, light cardigan.
You gawked. Why on earth would you wear that atrocious thing in this weather? It was the middle of August! Not December!
“I know. But if your aunt were to see your arms, she’d have a fit. She probably still will,” she said.
You sighed. Your aunt hadn’t changed one bit. Your skin was fragile. The tops of your forearms lightly tanned, a pigment passed on from your father. The rest of your arms and body entirely was light. Lady’s should be gorgeously sunkissed to be beautiful and to be taken seriously.
With a huff, you put on the long black sleeves, the intricately designed cotton draping over your shoulders perfectly. But that didn’t mean it was any more comfortable. You could already feel the added heat seeping onto your skin. You’d be sweaty and uncomfortable soon.
“Now let’s do something about your feet.”
You looked down; your worn socks had holes all through them, mud permanently stained to the sweaty fabric.
Bustling from the room, you were left stunned in the wake of the surprisingly fast woman, watching her round the corner and disappear down the hall to fetch something to apparently “fix your feet.”
You thought you’d do something to speed along the process. The more time spent getting you dressed in these ridiculous clothes, the less time you had to explore the outside world. You made your way to the bay window, taking a seat on the plush cushion that accommodated you nicely. You pressed your back against the edge of the wall and turned your gaze to the picturesque green world filled with surprisingly lush looking grass, dips and hills along the valley, and the tops of trees further off in the distance. All this land was yours for the roaming. You couldn’t wait to get out those doors and go exploring.
The sound of water sloshing in a pot brought your attention back from the window, glancing curiously as the large lady placed the pot down in front of the window.
“Put your feet in.”
You didn’t argue. You were hesitant, but thought better than to argue and have your aunt boil you alive in this pot.
As soon as your dingy, dirty, mud pasted feet hit the water, you hissed. The temperature felt that it could boil the skin right off.
“I’m sorry, I know it’s hot, but your aunt is expecting you down soon and I have to do this as quickly as possible,” the lady said.
Grabbing your left foot, she picked the appendage up from the water along with a suds coated dish sponge and began mercilessly scrubbing away at the tender flesh. You whined and howled, tears pricking to your eyes as your skin was scrubbed and abused by the harsh bristles of the brush. You attempted to yank your foot away, but the tight grip on your ankle prevented much movement. You were stuck suffering as the skin became reddened from the irritation.
As soon as the painful experience came to a close, your now pink feet were dried with a towel before being slid into a pair of eccentrically beaded, golden strapped sandals that accentuated the rest of the over-the-top outfit nicely.
“You seem presentable enough now, although I’m sure the mistress of the house would have a few unkind things to say about your wild mane.”
You tried not to take offense. You liked your hair. It was an untamed mop that curved wildly carefree, blowing in the breeze that picked up the thick tufts.
“Thank you for your help ma’am.”
She bowed at the waist, a kind smile on her lips.
“No need for the ma’am dear. Call me Martha, or Mrs. Rivera if you must.”
And with no more haste, Martha Rivera led you back down the grand staircase to the bottom floor, the tight flats biting at your heels and ankles with every step you took, fighting off the winces that followed. You rounded a few sharp corners, venturing into a large sitting room with an extravagant flat screen high on the wall and couches that looked brand new. Through a dining room, table decorated with a sequined bronze cloth and the finest China you’d ever seen, although that wasn’t really a stretch. Finally, they made it to a large oak door, cracked just enough that you could see your aunt’s silhouette sitting behind an elegant red desk, glasses perched on her nose, pen in hand, eyes married to the computer screen. Mrs. Rivera left you by the door, and you almost spun on your heel and walked away. But of course, that would be too easy.
“Come in child. Stop standing in the doorway.”
Your blood froze in your veins. You pushed the door open and stolled in, tripping over the lion skin rug, stumbling a bit before catching your balance. Harsh wisps of breath rushed past your aunt's lips and the chair creaked as the weight lifted from it.
You straightened your back, staring fearfully into the cold gray eyes that trailed over your face and down your clothes.
The woman began moving slowly around you, manicured nails and boney fingers tracing over the outline of your clothes and jaw, running through your wild mane and down your hands, inspecting the bitten off nails. As she walked, she muttered things like “hair won’t do” and “horrible posture” before she stood back in front of you.
“You simply won’t do,” she said sternly.
The words hit hard. You may have been expecting something like this, but it didn’t make the words hurt any less.
“You look like you’ve been sleeping with the horses. Your nails are pitiful. Your skin is far too light.”
She gripped your jaw, tilting your head up harshly to expose your still slightly chubby neck.
“Can you ride a horse?”
The question was sudden and it caught you off guard, but you answered as quickly as your brain would allow.
“N-no. I’ve never ridden before.”
The woman sighed loudly, hot puffs of air pouring out of her flared nostrils.
“That’ll have to change. Starting tomorrow, you will be taking riding lessons from the stable boy. Every lady should have the basic skills of riding,” her tone was cold and brisk as she looked away and perched back at her desk.
“You’re dismissed. Dinner is at 6. Don’t be late. You may roam the grounds.”
With a wave of her hand, she dismissed her niece and immediately went back to work, not bating another eyelash as you fled hastlessly from the room, your eyes welling with tears as stress and fear washed over you, although more relieved that it was over and you could finally do something for yourself. You’d start by ditching these God forsaken shoes.
You made your way around the back door of the house, more by pure necessity than memory, simply logically thinking the best way around in the expansive flooring. When you made it, a smile broke across your face as you unfastened the painful shoes, kicking them off in a sloppy jumble by the door before opening the heavy door, the heat of the afternoon hitting your face, not that you minded.
As you stepped out, bare feeting meeting hot cement, you stripped the cardigan from your shoulders, draping it over a random, sun baked chair. You tore off through the grass, laughing giddily, breeze blowing wisps of your hair, skirt fluttering delicately over your skin. It would be difficult to do anything in the blasted thing, but you wouldn’t give yourself enough time to strip down into something better, opting to enjoy the last of the day while you could. And you’d start in the bright red barn your eyes immediately fell on.
Making your way through the soft grass that squished under the weight of your feet, you strolled into the half open barn, the soft snorts of animals bringing a smile to your lips. Just because you couldn’t ride, doesn’t mean you didn’t love the animals. You loved horses especially. They were such beautiful and majestic creatures. You’d always wanted a horse, but your family had never been able to afford one. You’d always wanted to ride, and now you could, although you didn’t understand why it was so important to your aunt.
The cool concrete felt rough beneath your feet, stray straws of hay littering the floor. It could have been a picture straight out of one of the Country Living magazines you’d kept hidden away at your parents home.
The first horse you came upon was a tall brown animal, head hung over the stall door, ears perked to attention, eyes trained on the new invader inside the barnhouse. He snorted at you and his hoof hit the barn door lightly in an attempt at getting closer. You stepped closer, slowly offering your hand out, letting the animal sniff searchingly.
“He’s looking for some sugar cubes.”
The voice came out of nowhere, interrupting your serenity, a yelp leaving your lips as your whole body jolted in the sudden fright.
You turned your head to the barn door where your driver was standing, taunt arms crossed over a broad chest, veiled from prying eyes by a lightweight flannel shirt, the sleeves rolled up to the elbows. His long legs were clad in dusty denim, mud and hay from his knees to the tops of the worn work boots.
“I’m sorry. I just like horses-”
“And you thought you’d come visit them?” he finished your sentence.
You immediately began shuffling your feet, eyes turning back to study the fading paint on the stall to keep from facing him.
Heavy footsteps hit the floor as the male moved closer until he was close enough to touch. His large, rough hand gripped your wrist lightly, bringing it up toward him. You let out a little yelp, riddled with confusion and curiosity until three small blocks were placed in your palm.
“Hold your palm out to him and don’t jerk away,” he spoke calmly, slowly urging you.
You nodded, having some sort of unkempt trust in his words as you turned back to the animal and extended your arm, palm flat, cubed sugar offered to the horse, who greedily munched them right out of your hands.
“His name’s Haechan. He’s a bit of a character.”
You nodded, drawing your now horse-slobbered hand away, opting to stroke the animal's fur from his nose to between his eyes.
“That’s an interesting name,” you said.
He hummed behind you and you heard his boots hitting the concrete as he moved away.
“Do you like animals?” he asked.
You spun around, eyes wide and shining.
“Yes! I love them! Sometimes I prefer animals over humans!”
His smile was gentle as he surveyed your physique, a dusty pink tinting his cheeks, although you thought nothing of it.
“Come on, I want to show you something,”he said, walking past you to the opposite exit of the barn.
You followed close behind, curious as to where he was taking her. Your feet fell back onto the grass, the long blades sliding between your toes as you followed in his wake. As they walked, a white picket fence came into view, not far from the barn, but oddly well hidden beneath the crest of a hill rolling through the land. Once you reached the fence, his hands curled around the boards, hoisting himself up, foot balanced on the bottom board as he climbed up, throwing a leg over one side, then the other, and jumping down. You stared at him in awestruck confusion.
“Climb over, I’ll catch you on this side.”
You didn’t know why you blindly trusted him. You didn’t know him from a random stranger in the town, but you complied, placing your foot onto the same board he had, pulling yourself up and swinging a leg over, then another. The skirt snagged in the boards a few times, one of your feet nearly slipping off the boards as you attempted to keep it pushed down. This proved to be more of a challenge as you balanced on your heels, hands clutching the top piece of wood as you contemplated how to get down now. That is, until his arms outstretched, slightly bent at the elbow, fingers parted, palms facing one another, and you knew what he wanted you to do. Taking a deep breath, you pushed off with your left foot, hands releasing your grip on the fence, letting yourself drop, eyes squeezing in slight fear that you’d soon flop hard against the green earth. But when strong hands caught your waist, arms drawing you in, broad chest breaking your fall, you braced herself against him, feet carefully being lowered until they pressed back into the earth.
“See, that wasn’t so bad.”
His teasing tone had you pulling away, glaring playfully at him before turning and pretending to walk away, leaving him in your path.
At least, until you heard a rustling in the long grass inside the fence.
You squeaked as it grew closer taking a step back as your harsh gaze followed the rustling of the grass, positive a snake would wrap itself around your leg as it dug its venomous fangs into your soft flesh.
Needless to say, you were in for quite a shock when the small head of a brown and white calf popped up from the grass.
And you were sinking to your knees.
The calf moved toward your lowered body, sniffing at your arms until you reached out to run a hand down it’s small head and back, cooing quietly, eyes brimming with unfiltered delight as you wrapped your arms around the baby, stroking the fur of its back lovingly.
“This is Renjun. He’s my little cousin's calf.”
You didn’t say anything. You didn’t have to. Your cooes of joy were enough to show every emotion you were currently feeling.
Horrible aunt or not. You could certainly find worse places to be trapped. At least here you had rolling hills of green, beautiful animals to fawn over, and Jaehyun, handsome stableboy who you couldn’t wait to get to know.
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papergirllife · 4 years
Chapter 1
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You don’t know what it’s like to be free, to make your own choices, and live your own life. For your whole life, your parents have been treating you like a puppet on strings, controlling your life to every single detail, as well as ignoring the fact that you have feelings. Other times, when you disobey their wishes, or speak up about your own opinions, they bash you down with words, in other words, psychological abuse, has led you down the long winded road of depression and anxiety. What happens when you meet a man who’s willing to be your guide out of this terrible downpour? Would you give a shot at happily ever after?
big age gap (kinda?)
issues on anxiety
issues on depression (mild)
issues on parental abuse
smut (maybe)
Tag List: @etherealtyjaem​ (lmk if you wanna be on the list)
It has always been like this, being locked up in the study room so you could ‘study’ for hours end, or that’s what they think you’re doing. You studied in an elite academy with your smart cousins, only to have you graduating with average grades, which of course, earned you a harsh scolding from your parents. Now, you’re supposed to be studying business for university, even though you had zero interests in it, the subject is fine, it’s what you’re studying it for that irks you. Your family runs a business in Seoul, but from what you can see by secretly skimming through the files as well as the arguments behind shut doors with your aunts and uncles, things aren’t going as planned.
You don’t have many friends, nor a phone, they took it away from you when you wanted to go out with some friends, claiming that it’s a distraction that should be locked away. You felt like Rapunzel, locked away from the world, they don’t have any love for you, you’re quite sure they don’t, they had once slapped your face ten times when you had a boyfriend behind their backs, and you were 15 for god’s sake, along with other things that you rather not say, you don’t want to relive all those painful memories.
Sometimes you wished you could go back to the time when you were a child, when you were at your grandparents’ in the morning, her warm smile and loving eyes, when you didn’t know what laid ahead. You wish you hadn’t realised that you were being abused, you used to think what you went through was the same for other kids as well, until you talked about it with other people and scared them away from you. The painful memories sinking back in made the words in front of you blurry as you felt tears seeping in your eyes.
It’s deemed as something ridiculous in your family, and that people who are suffering from it are weaklings and don’t deserve anything from this society.
‘Does that mean I’m weak?’
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You never went to therapy nor took any medication for your mental illnesses, and recently the development of anxiety attacks are constantly putting you on edge. You have them at least once a week, sometimes you even had problem breathing, but you couldn’t tell anyone about it, nor anyone would ever listen to your cries of help.
“We’re going to help sell your uncle’s house this Saturday,” your mother said as she was folding the clothes.
“The mansion he recently bought?” you asked, confused as to why he would sell the mansion he was obsessed with just two months ago.
“Yes, he bought that without our permission back then, so now we need to sell it for funds, and you need to be there to entertain the potential buyers, give them a tour around the house and other enquiries. You have to direct them to us if you think they’re truly interested, it’s going to be an open house concept party,” cold, that’s how your mother sounded, her claims of putting family above everything else flying out of the window whenever her demands are not met.
“Okay, is there anything else?” you asked, hoping to be excused as soon as possible.
“No, you can continue your studies in the study room.”
That’s what basic communication is in your life, you tried talking about your interests, your opinions, but they either fall on deaf ears, or you would receive a lecture for having a ‘false perspective’. You’ve given up on talking to them about things that are going in on your life now, they don’t listen anyways.
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The party is filled with old men with their muffin tops waddling around with a wine glass in hand and talking obnoxiously loud, obviously having too much money to go by, looking at how overly filled their bellies are.
You tried hiding away in the house, but your family kept pushing you out to talk to them. Their stares were not intimidating, no, but it made you feel uncomfortable as their gazes linger a bit too long on your legs or anywhere else, and the way they didn’t want to let go after they shook your hand, made your anxiety levels rise to the roof.
You would find random excuses to run away, like going to refill their glass or saying you need to use the loo, your heartbeat going as fast as your legs could take you away from them.
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When you came back out from hiding for the 6th time, both your parents were rushing you to meet someone new.
“He’s a man of great fortune and power, so the chances of him buying this house is high. Don’t try to hide from this one, or you’ll get it when we get home,” your mother warned, her eyes side eying you with daggers.
Your mother’s threat made you sick inside, what are you to them? A scapegoat?
You weren’t paying attention to who or where was she pushing you to, but once you stopped, the man in front of you made your eyes as big as saucers.
‘How is a man like this doing here?’ you thought to yourself.
“Hello Mr Suh, we’re quite busy at the moment with other potential buyers. Why don’t we allow my daughter, Y/N, to show you around?” your mother said, her voice overly sweet, like day old cotton candy.
Once you were in front of him, your parents left. Leaving you helpless as your social anxiety kicks in, your eyes trained on his shoulder, eye contact, especially from this man, made you very nervous.
“C-can I give you a tour?’ you asked, hoping to ditch him halfway.
Johnny looks at the way your eyes avoid his, it wasn’t hard, given how tall he was, there’s just something so intriguing about you, so different from the girls that throw themselves at him with zero doubts.
“Nice to meet you, Y/N. I’m Johnny,” Johnny introduced himself by bending down slightly, a friendly smile on his face, one that you can’t decipher whether he had similar intentions as those nasty old men had.
To say that the tour was horrible would’ve been an understatement, you kept stuttering under his piercing gaze, instead of looking at you like you were his next meal like other potential buyers, Johnny was genuinely listening to what you have to say. You didn’t think the house was any interesting, it was just a bunch of useless expensive things under one roof, like the movie room, the slides at the pool, the ‘mini’ bar. These things weren’t appealing to you, riches are overrated when it becomes too common, like your cousins and their different designs of Birkin bags, you weren’t exactly fond of their favourite alligator skinned ones as well.
Yet Johnny didn’t look at the cliche setting that you are currently presenting, instead his eyes are trained on yours, it wasn’t a scrutinizing gaze like the wives of those perverted men who stared down on you, nor anything that seems predatory, it only held calculation and observance. On the house? It doesn’t seem like it. On you? You can bet this whole house that he’s met women far more beautiful compared to a plain jane like you.
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“T-that’s all for the tour, Mr Suh. Would you want me to direct you to my parents, if you’re interested?” you asked, hoping that you’d get to be alone again.
“Can you take me to the park nearby? I’d like to see the facilities available in this housing area,” he answered smoothly, as if he had calculated every little detail in his life.
You nodded wordlessly at his request, taking him to see the park nearby the house. It was a weird sight, having a man as tall as Johnny towering behind you.
“This is the park,” you pointed stupidly, cursing at yourself, obviously this is the park,  anyone with eyes could tell.
Johnny inhaled the breath of fresh air this area offered, his shoulders not as tensed up after. A smile decorated his handsome face as he turned towards you.
“Let’s sit.”
Johnny directed you to the nearest park bench, his size taking up most of the bench, yet he scoots into himself as you sat down next to him, giving you personal space.
‘Does he think I’m going to lower the price of the house for him? I don’t even know how much they’re selling it for,’ you thought, thinking this man must be mad that an unimportant person like you could negotiate with him.
“I’m going to be honest with you, Y/N. I’m not interested in the house,” Johnny said, breaking the silence.
Your mom isn’t going to be pleased when she hears this, you thought as you bit at your bottom lip, thinking about how harsh is she going to react if she didn’t get a buyer out of this event.
“Thank you for taking your time for considering through out this-
“I’m interested in you.”
Did you hear that correctly or was your mind playing tricks on you?
You stared at Johnny as his hand comes close to your face, he wasn’t pulling you closer, instead his fingers reached out to gently graze the underside of your eyes.
“I can see what you’re hiding,” Johnny said solemnly, his eyes showing you pity.
You quickly took out your compact mirror out of your pocket, checking to see if you did a bad job on the concealer for your puffy eyes today, but it looked fine.
“I used to be involve in theater, and I’ve seen people covering unwanted marks or eye bags on their face many times. It’s not obvious to most people, don’t worry,” Johnny explained.
The touch of his fingertips on your face was filled with warmth, as well as his eyes when he looked at you now, if his eyes were honey you’ll be as addicted as Winnie the Pooh. His touch was quickly gone as it had came, his hand placed back into his lap as he stares ahead.
“I’m not going to assume anything, but from what I can see, I don’t think you deserve to be going through what you’re facing now. And as for your family’s company, it’s not going to last long even if they managed to sell this property out. You’re going to be in a much more disappointing situation when that happens, I’ve been in the business game my whole life, my predictions hardly go astray anymore,” Johnny said without a sliver of judgement, he was just laying out the cards for you to observe.
Johnny reaches for a card in his coat pocket and handed it to you, it was his business card.
“I can take you away from all this chaos raging among your family, if you can call it a family that is. I’ll be seeing you soon, Y/N,” Johnny said before standing up and walking away to the direction where his car awaits, his driver closing his door.
That was most definitely a statement.
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Idea, a group of young human liaisons (late teen/young adult) join the lost light crew and the different crew members essentially adopts them (any bots of your choice)
That's adorable so absolutely yes! I chose the bots I thought most likely to adopt in any capacity.
·Being amongst the tiniest bots on the ship, and having loved human culture whilst never meeting a human, compounds his excitement at their arrival to nearly critical levels. They're so tiny! They can answer all his earth questions! They can go on missions together and he can show them around the galaxy! His first step is to learn how to tell humans apart and to memorize all their names, as well as anything they find important about themselves, so that way they'll feel welcome.
·During this introduction it's revealed these humans are on the younger side, and his reaction immediately becomes one of shock. You're all still little ones?! Not done growing even?! The explanations that human development is quite different fall on deaf audials; he knows what it's like to be small and new in the galaxy, and he won't let anything hurt these protoforms!
·The liaison team now has a permanent guardian, and they quickly learn that his size doesn't tell his full story. Of course, it doesn't hurt that he's still twice the height of the average human, so calling him "tiny" doesn't make much sense to any of them. Being so much taller is something he absolutely adores experiencing for a change, and that combined with his super strength leads to a lot of piggy back rides for the whole crew.
·If anyone, bot or con or whatever, says a mean word to even one of them he's on the warpath. Think you're a big tough guy, huh?! Picking on his little buddies?! Well, he's not gonna give you a chance to pick on somebody your own size! Unless you offer a heartfelt apology, and if the human in question accepts that, then everything is just fine! But he will punch you if he hears this is recurring!
·The various liaisons start referring to him as their "big brother" and once the meaning of that is explained he's absolutely touched. Him? A part of their family? Movie nights henceforth involve him being surrounded by a group of young humans, just chilling around their adoptive older sibling who happens to be six million years old, and should anyone glance at his visor they'll find it absolutely shining in the dim light.
·Having worked with and studied humans of this age group in the past, he's far less upset and far more worried by their arrival, but he pretends he's merely the former. The truth is that he knows their species is especially vulnerable at this age, and getting the rest of the crew to understand that will be an impossible task, even if he asks them to imagine a delicate protoform taking nearly two decades to mature instead of a few hours and to try and comprehend how much trouble that would be.
·His first step is to establish that he's their doctor, one fully capable of handling human medicine, and he quickly catches the rest of his team up to speed. Every medic needs to be able to meet the needs of every crewmember, and these juvenile humans are part of the crew now, as well as their responsibility for the sake of diplomatic relations... Somehow that last part doesn't stress him out in the slightest.
·These humans will quickly find his gruff to be little more than a personality trait. When he's with a patient, specifically one who's a little frightened, his demeanor rapidly softens just as his touch becomes gentle even to a being quite soft and tiny by comparison. For a species not necessarily accustomed to medical care just... whenever they need it, the young liaisons can't help but like him. His reaction to the fact that most humans can't afford medical care is... a very long sigh.
·His attention to these new patients extends well beyond appointment hours, though he does try not to be overbearing. But he just needs to be certain; are they exercising enough? Does the atmosphere of the ship upset their respiratory systems in any way? Is there any chance the modification to the lighting system was ineffective and they're not getting enough vitamin D? Are they eating all their vegetables?!
·It's impossible for the group to ignore the gigantic alien robot very obviously fretting over them like a mother hen, and thus he often gets a "Yes, mom" in response to his queries from them, but in a good natured way. He huffs at first but their genuine appreciation for his efforts is... well, he'd be lying if he said his actions weren't driven by something more than medical duty. Maybe he's the first Cybertronian with a kind of maternal instinct, who knows? What matters is that his "children" are all safe and healthy, and he certainly doesn't start smiling when "Dr. Mom" becomes what he's listed as in their communication contact list.
Ultra Magnus/Minimus Ambus
·Rodimus agreed to this diplomatic mission despite all his warnings (and pleadings) to say no and find some other way to encourage a good relationship between the species. He has experience with humans, specifically of this exact age range, and while that relationship is one he treasures he's not looking to put any humans in potential danger again. He is, of course, duly ignored and the group is brought on board.
·For the sake of fostering a welcoming and structured environment, he memorizes their names in advance and has them all come to his office for an abridged two hour orientation on the ship and its rules. Knowing they have to be on the move often for neurological development is the only reason he doesn't keep them for a proper five hour orientation. It goes relatively well, but he's less distressed by their lack of attention than he is by how intimidating they seem to find him.
·For some reason this bothers him, no matter how fine he is with bots finding him to be frightening, seeing humans flinch from his presence actually hurts him. So he endeavors to be... friendly! If he earned the nickname "Uncle Magnus" with one human, he can do it again! The best strategy he can think of isn't actually that off base; he'll try to mentor them in their individual pursuits. Dropping down in height whenever he can, typically by getting on a knee to ensure he doesn't tower over them, also proves to be a big help.
·Initially he's determined to keep his Minimus self hidden from them completely, down to the very existence of his split identity. It's less about size, as even his most base form still stands well above the tallest liason, than it is about respect. He wants to be an inspiration to these little ones, and Ultra Magnus is obviously the more impressive of the two. It's only once one particularly affectionate liaison gives him a hug, or more accurately an attempt at one around his offered hand, that he feels compelled to reconsider.
·It makes him nervous for weeks, contemplating the potential fallout of being honest with them, and how it could ruin everything... In the end he blames his own moral compass for forcing him to be honest. He gathers the liaisons together and explains the entirety of his identity in detail, taking all of their questions and praying he won't see any kind of disappointment, before finally removing his armor and "introducing" them to Minimus. The reaction is far from negative. There are exclamations of "botception" and "nesting dolls" in the wild surprise that follows, but nothing that could even be interpreted as dissapoint, and in fact the young humans are only that much more amazed by their "Uncle Minimags". It takes everything he is not to cry.
·He knows enough about human culture to have seen that this particular age group tends to party, and is also way more likely to enjoy pop culture, so he's delighted when they join up. Of course he introduces himself, but he doesn't need to mention much more than his bar before he has their full attention and fascination. The Manhattan sized spaceship run by giant alien robots has a bar?! They're all begging to see it and he's so thrilled he forgets he can transform and runs there with them.
·Their amazement only doubles when night comes and they get to see the place in full swing, but he makes sure they're safely seated on the bar itself, to avoid squishing. As always he's able to chat endlessly to these new arrivals, and his knowledge of human culture quite surprises them. Even if there's a fair amount he doesn't know, the fact that he's aware of anything at all shocks them.
·The rush to get him caught up is a shared effort between the liaisons. Does he know what social media is? Would he like to have an account? For once he's the overwhelmed one and he has to work to keep up with everything they give him, but the attention and genuine interest these little humans have in his thoughts and experiences is... it's a good thing he's got some help around the bar to help him stay caught up. Because these little sort of protoforms have convinced him to get Twitter.
·Movie nights become so massive they actually have to consider expanding the bar. Not only are old movies watched, but all the latest releases as well, some as soon as they're in theaters because look they know it's not technically legal but it's promoting good diplomacy so... However, even when he starts serving and mixing human alcohol, he's quite firm on requiring the humans who drink it to be of age. There's still fun drinks for the younger ones though.
·The humans bond with other bots, but as their first contact on the ship and the most fun he's always got a few of them by his side. Maybe he's just better with other species? He doesn't really know or care, but somehow when there's a little moment and they all take a selfie together he just... he just feels not alone. It's something he keeps a little on the down low, but he's a bit too easy to read for the humans not to notice, and since they're good kids they pretend it's a secret that they mean the world to him. On especially rowdy nights they even help clean up, and each human develops their own little nickname for him, making it less like he adopts them and much more like they adopt him.
·Humans come in fun size too? Neat! But he's admittedly a tad curious when their age is explained and he realizes that, in their own super weird alien way, these are still protoforms. Something almost akin to worry flashes in his spark for an instant. Still, he plays it cool when they're brought on board, pretending to be no more interested than any other bot they're introduced to.
·Before he meets them, he's told quite firmly that these humans are to be protected at all costs, and that any behavior seen as antagonizing in the slightest will be punished. He ensures the top bots he's no Decepticon and that squishies aren't on his radar. But he's admittedly a little concerned that they'll notice his... peculiarities. His own species recoils at his appearance, and while he can handle that, getting it from aliens would be unpleasant.
·But there's no such reaction. They ask him his name, share theirs, and react with the same enthusiasm they do to every bot and even ask the same questions. It's pleasantly surprising, until they all get excited upon his description of his alt mode, at which point it's freaking fantastic. It's with pride that he confirms he's the only flying bot on the crew, and when he's immediately corrected by a random passerby, he explains that he meant the only one who could fly worth a damn. He's greeted by a chorus of laughter for his amazing joke and he vows that he'd die for each and every one of these little squishies.
·All it takes is one hint of a request and he's offering to take them all for a lift through the hangar. This is just the beginning of an impossibly interesting friendship. Eventually he just carries them all around in his cockpit whenever they're walking anywhere, or on his shoulders if they won't all fit, and either way there's a row of humans sitting across him. This friendship is why he's so mortified when his identity of an Empurata is accidentally revealed and the questions begin.
·He reluctantly answers and braces for the impending disgust or revulsion to realize he's been mutilated. But it never comes. Instead, there's genuine sympathy and anger on his behalf, and their little hands reach out to comfort him. Initially he can only be awed. How are these little, fragile, and oh so very young protoforms better than so many members of his species?! Does it matter? They shall be called; "The Whirl Scouts", trademark pending. They'll all have to be trained in combat for their own safety, and he will be their mom now, because he won't just die for them he'll kill for them. They're his kids and his family.
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Another chapter of Surprisingly Familiar. Time to write for Grifter again!!!
hermit Tommy au is by @petrichormeraki and @helleborusangel gets tagged in my writing because I can.
Grian groaned as he woke up. It sounded like someone was up pretty early, and based on the fact that he seemed to be the only one in bed, he had a guess as to who it was. He was too tired to look at the time, but either way it was supposed to be the weekend and he wasn’t awake enough to be his normal wake up.
“What’re you doing?” Grian asked tiredly, wrapping himself in the covers more. “Come back to bed. ‘M feelin’ cold.”
Grian was glad to hear footsteps, but then realized they didn’t sound right. He turned in bed to face the source before opening his eyes and then finding himself face to face with the minimalist image of a face with a mustache.
Grian tried to jump back, but that was hard due to still being in bed. He still moved back some, and was able to see the image seemed to belong to a screen that was attached to a robot. “Dad! He’s awake now! I think I scawed him a wittwe!”
Grian didn’t pay attention to any answer as he looked around the room. He was in a large fancy king sized bed in a room that matched it. In other words, this was not his normal bedroom. Grian tried to get up out of the bed, but the robot pushed him back down, being much stronger than him despite being smaller.
As the robot’s hand kept him in bed, Grian started struggling, trying to find some way to escape. He wasn’t going to let himself be stuck in a place like this. If he just had something to use against the robot, maybe he could get out, but his punches and kicks did nothing except leave himself in pain.
“Stowp stwuggwing. You’we gonna huwt youwself awnd Dad’s nowt gonna wike thawt at aww.”
That just made Grian struggle harder. “Well I don’t care! I’d rather not be kidnapped and want to go home. If you want I could just scream bloody murder until someone shows up!”
“Thawt pwobabwy won’t work.”
“What, is that normal here?” Grian asked jokingly, but then was disappointed to see the robot nod. “Oh course it is.”
“If uwu don’t twy weaving, I’m gonna get my Dad. Awnd even if uwu twy, Seftew’s pwobabwy going tuwu stowp uwu.”
“Lovely.” Grian deadpanned, and then the robot left. Despite the warning, Grian still tried to leave, but found his escape blocked by another similar robot, though it was different enough that it couldn’t be the first one again. When it saw Grian, it stared him down until he reluctantly went back to the bed and sat there pouting.
He had to wait a bit while sitting there, lying back down at one point, but eventually the door opened again. Instead of the heavy metallic footsteps of the robot, they sounded much more like a human’s. They cleared their throat to get Grian’s attention, but he wasn’t really in a hurry to give them that. “So, mind telling me what you kidnapped me for?”
“You’re the one who was napping.” The person replied, and Grian’s eyes widened before he sat up. Standing there was himself, well, their face was definitely his. They seemed to be a few inches taller, red sweater replaced by a green tunic shirt, and black wings just barely visible folded up behind their back. “I was just trying to help.”
“What- but- why do you look like-” Grian fumbled out, mind trying to wrap around what he was seeing. “Dad?”
There was silence before the person held in some laughter, well, tried and failed. “No. No I’m definitely not dad. Absolutely not. I mean you’re close I guess, but he’s more blond than mousy brown.”
“But you look like him!” Grian argued. “I mean, he wore green a lot, and he’s got black wings. Wait are you related to him?”
“Yeah. Let’s see. I’ve got a dad and mum, one of which is literally death, I’m a triplet with two brothers, and then we’ve got a younger brother who was really little when I went missing from the rest of my family at the age of seven, living at a high school with a pair of friends, if you can call them that, and just trying to survive.”
“But that’s-” Grian started, before getting cut off.
“The same as you, right?” The person asked, sitting down on the bed. “And the answer of why should be obvious.”
“Are you…? Are you me? Like, me but older and from another dimension or something.”
“Or something. It’s a bit complicated with everything that happened.”
“Okay. And you’ve got robots. Why do they have mustaches?”
“To match their dad.” The person replied.
Grian’s eyes widened. “Wait, Taurtis has a mustache?!”
The other person’s eyes widened. “No. It’s not- I’m not with- Taurtis is…”
“What do you mean you’re not with Taurtis?” Grian asked, now very confused. “Did you break up or something? Or I guess did we break up… this is weird.”
“No. I didn’t break up with him. I… I didn’t want to… he was just…” the other person said, face falling. “When he stopped mo-“ and they cut themselves off. “Ignore that.”
“Were you- is… is Taurtis dead?”
“Uh, no. No he’s not dead. Just…”
“Oh my god…” Grian said, slumping down. “Taurtis…. Taurtis is… h-how did he…?” The person didn’t answer. “What happened to your Taurtis?”
“He and… and my Sam. Well we found something we shouldn’t have, and then I was the one to leave.”
Grian didn’t say anything else, just stayed silent. On one hand, this meant Sam was dead too, so he wouldn’t be causing any problems. But Taurtis. Taurtis was gone and he wasn’t coming back. Wouldn’t come back. Why had he even come to a future as horrible as this? But then he had a thought. “What happened to Taurtis?”
The other him was briefly taken aback by the suddenly serious tone. “I said. Essentially we messed with higher beings that shouldn’t be messed with.”
“Then what.”
“Well, they wanted one of us for something, but they didn’t tell us who or for what. Next thing I know, I’ve got blood on my hands and the other two are dead. I didn’t really get to do anything before I was dragged away.”
Grian nodded, completely quiet. The other Grian almost said something, but the look he was given stopped that. “That didn’t happen yet for me. If I get back, I can stop that, right?”
The other Grian blinked. “I mean, I’m not sure if it would work that way. I mean, I don’t remember getting pulled into the future when I was still in high school.”
“So it could work.”
“If we can get you back to that time, yeah, probably. But that’s if it will even work. I mean, since then I’ve learned magic, but I’ve never been able to really go back in time like that.”
“Well, maybe I should stay with you a bit longer, at least so I could have a chance by knowing what’s supposed to happen.” Grian said, trying to cling onto some sort of hope.” And you wouldn’t lie about it to make me feel better, right?”
“Hey, would I lie to me?” The other Grian said, sounding as genuine as he could muster. “Telling you about it is nicer than actually going through it, so of course I’ll tell you.”
“Thanks. So uh, where are we by the way?” Grian asked, looking around the room.
“We’re sort of in my castle.” Grifter replied. “Welcome to the NSMP!”
Tommy was woken up by someone shaking him awake. He groaned a little, wishing he could stay in bed a bit more, but then he recognized the hands. “Grum? What’s up?”
“Dad’s been kidnapped.” Grum responded, panic in his voice. “I-It was Grifter. He was here and we didn’t know, and now he took Dad away. And then everyone started arguing and you weren’t around so I came looking for you.”
Tommy pulled himself out of bed the rest of the way. “Where’s Jrum? Why isn’t he here too?”
“He’s still with Daddy. He went to get Kokatori, which I think is good since I guess he’s warming up to them.” Grum explained, and Tommy nodded, pulling out his comm and looking at the messages in chat.
“Hey, why the fuck is Grian’s old name in there?” Tommy asked, making Grum shrug. “Well that’s not fucking good. Where’s everyone at?”
“Still over where the party was unless they’ve moved since then.” Grum answered.
“Alright, here, hold this.” Tommy said before putting Tubbee in Grum’s arms and then slinging the robot over his shoulder. “Let’s see if people will tell us shit about what’s going on. Can you message them that we’re on our way?”
Grum said yes and a few moments later Tommy felt his comm buzz, followed by Tubbee buzzing in response and Grum giggling at that. Good. With whatever was going on, it was a good idea to keep traumatized kids distracted. Tommy definitely didn’t know that from experience.
A quick trek through the nether got them back to Aque Town, where everyone was in a bit of a crowd. Tommy set Grum down on a bench nearby before pushing his way through the crowd, though most of the Hermits didn’t really need to pushed aside to let him through, doing it willingly. When he finally reached the center, he frowned upon seeing the group in the middle.
Xisuma and Mumbo were there of course since it involved Grian. Phil and Paul were also there, arguing a bit. Then, there was also someone Tommy didn’t recognize at all, who seemed to just be standing there awkwardly. “Hey, you in the bathrobe. What the fuck’s going on around here?”
Xisuma and Phil each tried to give some sort of explanation to Tommy, but he just stopped them. “Hey! I asked shower boy, not you shits. Obviously he’s important if he’s right here, but no one’s really dealing with him, so you go back to yelling while I give him something to do.”
“We weren’t fucking yelling-” Phil started to say, but then Tommy shushed him.
“Alright, what do you think happened?” Tommy asked the guy in the robe.
“Well, I was asked here by King Soares for some task. I met the local hedgewizard and we proceeded to have a magic duel. To make a long story short, I defended against an attack, the hedgewizard tried to stop my attack, and a Watcher intervened which seemed to cause some sort of issue with the Listener and now he’s gone.”
“Wait, you think Grian was a Listener?” Mumbo spoke up, making the robe man nod.
“Of course. The magic was coming from his direction and matched his magical signature well.”
“Alright, so this is all Grifter’s fault.” Tommy spoke up. “Grifter is like… an evil alternate version of Grian. Grian’s a Watcher while Grifter’s a Listener.”
The hooded man’s eyes widened and he nodded in understanding. To the side, Paul pushed away from Phil. “Wait, this whole time Grian was one of the Watchers here?”
Tommy nodded. “Yeah. His kids are too.” And that seemed to shock Paul more as he went to sit on the ground rather than stand, not trusting his legs.
Before anyone else in the group could say anything, Jrum ran in, holding Kokatori above his head. “The chicken doesn’t know anything which I think is weird!”
“Why the fuck would the chicken know anything?” Tommy asked, a bit confused.
“Because it’s not a chicken.” Phil was the one to speak up, Paul nodding to agree. “The question is how it even got here in the first place, because while it might not know what happened with Grian, any information it’s got could help.”
“You’re not seriously suggesting we interrogate a chicken, right?” Tommy asked, but the serious looks that Paul and Phil and even the magic guy’s faces told him otherwise. “How do you even do that?”
Paul stood back up and cracked his neck, which seemed to actually scare Kokatori. “I’ve got a couple options.” The chicken struggled a bit in Jrum’s arms before Paul grabbed its neck and pulled it out of the bot’s arms. “You want to do this the easy way or the hard way?”
The chicken struggled a bit more before hissing and then shooting something out of its beak. That caught a number of people off guard, but not Paul, even though what vaguely resembled a dart had stuck itself into his neck. “This isn’t gonna get any easier for you. It’s almost night and I think training some kids for their interrogation badges could be a good way to pass the time. Torture too if they don’t have them yet.”
“I’m sorry, do you mean badges as in…?” Tommy asked, trailing off.
“He means boy scouts, yeah.” Cleo was the one to answer, which surprised Tommy. “He’s sort of an honorary troop leader for them.”
“Yeah, the kids love me.” Paul chuckled, then looked around. “By the way, does anyone have any milk? I’m losing feeling in my legs.”
Hoodie went to Paul’s side a moment later and cast a spell, making everyone notice that he had gotten a bit pale after the chicken, or whatever it was, attacked him. “So, If I may ask, what exactly is this creature?” Xisuma spoke up, worried about whatever it was being on his server.
“Cockatrice.” Paul replied. “Belongs to someone I know.”
“I’m guessing that they’re not really a friend of yours, huh?” Tommy asked, earning a nod from the man.
“Yeah. Kokatori’s his main ‘chicken’, which makes it more odd that they’re all the way out here and not with him. How long have they been around Grian?”
“Maybe about two weeks.” Mumbo answered. “Everything was a bit of a mess around here recently. Grum and Jrum got stranded in another world and we had a number of issues getting them back. Somewhere near the end of all that, this chicken, or I guess, this cockatrice, showed up.”
“Good to know. Anyone got questions they want answered?”
“Well, I would say ‘where’s Grian’, but if Grifter is involved, he’s likely in Helscraft.” Mumbo responded. “It still would be nice to know why, though.”
Paul nodded and looked back to the mob. “Well, you heard him. What’s the answer?” And he glared at the cockatrice, which gave a feeble chirp of sorts. “Wrong answer, try again.”
“Wait, you understand it?” Tommy asked, making Paul nod. “How?”
“Deal with them as long as I have and you pick up some things. So, what’s the answer?” And again the cockatrice gave a feeble cluck, though this time with a hiss. “Last chance.” Another hiss, and then Paul sighed. “Alright, so somehow it doesn’t know. Koka was just ordered to keep an eye on this place, so they don’t know what’s going on with Grian.”
“What do you know then?” Tommy asked, getting closer to the mob. “Because I bet you’re not completely fucking clueless.”
Paul nodded. “Nice and to the point, I like it.” The cockatrice clucked and hissed a bit. “Alright, it noticed Grifter lurking around a little bit, but didn’t see him actually doing much because it was around, guess he doesn’t like chickens. Anyway, he was trying to get Grian for something, but for what they don’t know, just something.”
“Well, that’s better than nothing I guess.” Tommy said, and then there were more noises from the cockatrice. “What did that bitch say now?”
“Stuff about Punchwood.” Paul said, a dark look on his face.
“Who the fuck is Punchwood?”
Paul looked up. “You’ve been calling them hels versions? Well, I’m pretty sure he’s mine. I’ve known about him for a long time. He likes to send chickens to spy on me and others and I’ve had to make excuses about him showing up more than once. Technically people know me by either Paul Soares or Pablo Punchwood. That’s because he showed up and made a mess of things. Since then I’ve used the name Pablo Punchwood as a sort of alternate name, and so everyone assumes that the first Pablo to show up was me doing an editing gag as a promotional piece.”
“So your hels version is making a mess out of things?” Phil was the one to speak up this time. “Wait, I half met mine not too long ago and he was death instead of Kristen. Does that mean-” Paul nodded. “Well shit.”
“Well, if we end up dealing with him, we’re gonna need to get prepped.” Paul said, finally letting Kokatori go. It didn’t have freedom for too long though, as almost immediately Jrum grabbed it again. “Phil, Doc and Wels can lead a number of teams to get properly prepped. While I’m sure a number of you can prep well on your own, I don’t really trust you with a team.”
“Hey! That’s- You know that’s fair.” Bdubs was the one to speak up.
“Hoodie, while I’m sure your magic would be helpful, I know we’re going to need it to help Grian and it would also be good to keep this place safe. If anything happens, you have a way to contact us of course.”
“Then I will do what I can to assist those staying behind, sir.”
“Why the fuck do we need to prep?” Tommy spoke up, making people turn to him. “He’s in Helscraft. We know enough people there that are on our side, and more that while they’re not on our side, they hate Grifter more, and right now he’s the problem. Let’s just get over there first before we try figuring things out, especially since they could help us get gear.”
“Tommy, it’s not that simple.” Phil was the one to speak up, but was then cut off again.
“Why not? We just showed up there last time and we were fine.”
“Yeah, because we weren’t going in there alone and weren’t dealing with Grian’s Hels version. I think you saw what he did to the SMP.”
Tommy frowned. “Yeah, because we didn’t know he was gonna show up, but now we do. And sure, we still might need to prepare or whatever, but the more time we take to do that, the more time he has to do whatever the fuck he’s up to.”
“Tommy.” Xisuma was the one to speak up this time. “While I know the past few hours, Paul hasn’t seemed the most trustworthy, the other hermits seem to trust him and he does know what’s going on. None of us know exactly what’s going on here, so preparing in advance for anything is going to be our best bet.”
“I don’t want to waste any fucking time preparing for something that might not even happen!”
“Then let’s try and make it quicker.” Paul spoke up, looking up at the sky where the moon was rising. He put two fingers in his mouth and let out a large sharp whistle. At first, nothing happened, but then there was suddenly a crowd of baby zombies coming over to the group of hermits. A number of the hermits pulled out weapons, ready to fight, Phil also getting out a sword of his own, but Paul just stepped closer to the crowd of zombies and knelt down in front of the one at the front of the group. “Hey Bub.”
“Heya Mister!” The zombie spoke, which caught a few of the hermits off guard. “What’s going on?”
“Well first of all, I heard you got a new member related to Cleo here.” Paul said, gesturing to the zombified hermit.
“Oh yes! He’s already doing a lot! We’re even scheduled to go on a week-long trip to a scout camp to earn plenty of badges and he’s signed up for seven badges!”
Paul chuckled. “Good for him. Say, I’m sure plenty of you guys have your badges already, but I’m dealing with Punchwood again and I’ve got some friends that need to properly gear up.” He said, gesturing to the hermits.
The baby zombie nodded. “Say no more Mister Soares sir! As long as you sign our blue cards, we’re happy to help!”
“Alright.” Paul said, standing back up. “Let’s get to work.”
Perfect Sense looked back and forth between Grifter and the shorter, more angry looking copy of him that was standing to the side. “What. The hell. Is this? I though-!”
Before Sense could say more, Grifter started pulling him into another room. “If you want to shout, let’s go to another room before you accidentally scare someone!”
Sense sputtered at the accusation. “Accidentally scare someone? I wouldn’t do that!” He got out before the door shut behind him and viridian magic appeared around it. “It’s always on purpose!”
Grifter grabbed Sense’s tie and pulled him down into a kiss. “Oh I know, but Grian doesn’t know that.”
Sense looked back to the door. “So that was him. Why is he here and not locked up like he was supposed to be, hmm? You’re just letting him stand there, completely conscious, nothing stopping him from using magic.”
Grifter rocked on his feet. “Well, he actually can’t use magic because he doesn’t know he has any.”
Grifter stopped rocking to look Sense in the eye. “Okay, so I know the plan was to kidnap and trap him, and we still might do that. But stuff happened.”
“And by stuff… you mean?”
“Okay so I get there and they’re having a party for their Grifect because it’s his birthday or something. I think it’s perfect to kidnap him from because the chaos will hide his disappearance. And then I run into a chicken.”
Sense facepalmed. “Oh dear lord, tell me you didn’t.”
“I didn’t! I just hid, no screaming. And that definitely wasn’t a normal chicken. Those eyes weren’t right. But anyway, then I moved and then I saw Punch!” Grifter said, shouting a bit. Sense also was surprised, but before he could comment, Grifter continued. “Apparently it was actually his wels counterpart, which is so much better, and then he messed with things so I couldn’t get Grian because then the chicken was watching him. And that thing scaled a fucking building, it’s not a normal chicken. I mean it’s worse than a blucker.”
“A-alright.” Sense said, just a little bit confused, then he looked back at the door. “But what about Grian?”
“Shit, right. Anyway, follow Tommy because he leaves alone. I try to figure out if he knows anything, but doesn’t look like it. I go back, and then there’s another new guy! He’s got magic shit and I’m pretty sure he’s working with not-Punch and then Grian’s nearby. I’m worried he’s going to do something to Grian so I just try a little spell to maaaaybe leave him unconscious for a day or two or something. But then he reacts and attacks back before I can get the spell out, and then their Scar is doing magic, and then Grian interferes and now poof! He’s a kid! So I dragged him here before anyone could notice and he woke up, saw me, and assumed he’s in the future since I’m also here.”
“So, he doesn’t know who you are?” Sense asked with a slight tilt of his head.
“No! So as far as he knows I’m future him and I know what’s going to happen. I just try to remember what’s different between here and wels based on what he says and it works fine. He has no clue he’s still got Watcher magic because that won’t fucking go away, but I can work with that! If he remembers, we shove him in the Anesi box and take it from there. But for now…”
“What do you need?”
“I need to go threaten some people so they don’t ruin some things. I want you to stay with Grian and get his trust. He’s already influenced into thinking he’ll love you since I do, but still play it a little safe. And if necessary, say that I don’t like to talk about my past too much.”
Sense nodded and the magic was lifted from the door. Grifter opened the door again and grabbed the redstoner’s hand to pull him out. “Feeling calmer now?”
“I… yes. I apologize if I scared you at all.” Sense said before getting an elbow in the ribs for him to be less formal.
“It’s okay.” Grian said, though he didn’t look like he was, still glaring a bit. “So, you’re Sense?”
“Perfect Sense, at your service Grian.” And Sense took Grian’s hand and kissed the back of it.
“Seesee, you’re going to make me jealous of myself.” Grifter said with a little giggle. “And don’t make him uncomfortable with that.”
“N-no. It’s fine.” Grian said, taken aback by what just happened. “Um, should I just go by Xelqua so you can tell us apart?”
“Well, Gri had a nickname some people use. A bit of an inside joke. Of course, people still might call him Grian, so you using Xelqua should be fine.”
“What do they use?” Grian asked, worried about what it might be.
“Grifter. And he’s completely fine with it.”
Grian nodded. “Okay. I just thought it might be something else.”
“It’s not.” Grifter said, teeth gritting slightly. “No one’s used that name in years.”
“Gri, are you-” Sense started, but then Grifter was off. “Well, I suppose he does still have things to do. Why don’t I show you around then?”
Grian looked to where Grifter stormed off before back to Sense. “That sounds good. I’m sure he’ll want some time to himself.”
“I suppose you would know that, wouldn’t you?” Sense said with a smile. “Well then, let me show you around the castle. I’m sure you’ll love it here. By the way, Gri didn’t say, how old are you at this point?”
“Eighteen. I’m legally an adult so you don’t need to baby me. I just got pushed back a few years, I’ve still got more high school to deal with, but I’m hoping I can find a way to graduate early.”
Sense nodded, making sure he was behind Grian so he couldn’t see his smile. “Well, I suppose you’re out of there now. Now I can’t remember if we have any guest rooms available, but if not, we can always add a bed in our own room. It’s large enough for that.”
“That sounds good. I was in there earlier and it did look pretty big.” Grian nodded, oblivious to what exactly he was getting into.
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jekde04 · 4 years
Pairing: Gruvia (Gray Fullbuster & Juvia Lockser)
Fandom: Fairy Tail
Genre: Romance/Family
Word Count: 1,987 words
Summary:  Spending quality time with each other may not be so easy when you have two kids in tow.
You may also read it on FanFiction.net and AO3!
A/N:  This is a response to a couple of Tumblr prompts from @gruviafan-forever: "They're so cute when they're asleep" (fluff 14) & and exhausted parents' kiss (situation kiss 7).  It might not be what you had in mind, but I hope you enjoy it! 😘
And okay, it wasn't how I initially thought this would go, but one thing led to another and here we are... LEMON ALERT! 
Consider yourself warned, hihi.
The moment Juvia's fingers touched his tense, bare shoulders after a particularly difficult mission, kneading his muscles expertly like she had done countless times in the past, he knew he couldn't say no to her. 
And so when she whispered her request in his ear and followed it up with butterfly kisses down his nape, he couldn't help but nod and grunt a short, "Fine," even though he knew it would mess up his carefully planned weekend getaway.
"Juvia is so lucky Gray-sama is so understanding," she whispered thickly in his ear as she nipped it lightly, continuing to massage his shoulders.
"Yeah, yeah. But I don't want to hear any complaints from you," he said, eyes closed and reveling in the feel of his wife's soothing hands.
"Juvia will enjoy it as long as she's with her three favorite people in the world."
"Remind me again what you said about enjoying this trip with these brats?" Gray snickered as he placed his sleeping four-year-old son on the bed and tucked him in.
Juvia rolled her eyes. "Go on, rub it in," she answered, careful not to wake up the two-year-old toddler who had been the source of both their delight and frustration the whole day.
When Gray told her that he got them a two-night reservation at Akane Resort for their five-year wedding anniversary, Juvia jumped to her husband's arms and clung to him in excitement, kissing his face repeatedly. It had been ages since they went on a vacation together, most of their days now filled with taking care of the kids, going to missions, and hanging out with their friends at the guild. 
But Juvia's mood dampened when Gray told her that it was going to be just the two of them, proposing to leave both Greige and Azure to Natsu and Lucy for the meantime. As much as she wanted to spend quality time with her husband, she just couldn't bear the thought of leaving the kids behind. She already had difficulty taking overnight missions; why must she subject herself to more torture when they could just bring the children along?
It took a while for Juvia to convince Gray to make it a family getaway instead of a couple's retreat, but after a soothing massage followed by other stuff she knew her husband loved, Gray finally gave in and agreed to bring the kids with them.
And now, just after the first day of traveling and chasing the kids non-stop at the beach, Juvia kind of regretted it. Not that she would admit it to her gloating husband, though.
"Don't say I didn't warn ya," Gray said after kissing his son's forehead. He then walked towards his wife and sleeping daughter. "They're so cute when they're asleep. If only they just slept the whole day."
"Oh, shut up, Gray-sama," Juvia muttered, still slightly irritated at him. She brushed off her daughter's light blue bangs, leaned in and whispered, "Goodnight, my baby," and kissed her forehead. Gray did the same, kissing his daughter on her chubby cheek.
Juvia walked over to Greige's bed and planted a kiss on his forehead as well, smiling as she did so. Both her children are sweet and well-behaved, but ever since she told them that they were going on a beach vacation for three days, their excitement had been through the roof. 
Greige told his wide-eyed sister what he could remember from their last time at the beach ("You were still inside Mommy's belly Azure, so you won't remember," he had said to her) – the sandcastles he and Daddy made, the sea monsters Mommy created with her water magic, the giant sun setting over the horizon as he sat on Mommy's lap, Daddy's arms wrapped around them both. All these stories made little Azure look forward to the day when she would finally see the beach with her own cobalt eyes.
The minute they stepped foot on the fine white sand, Juvia's usually calm children rushed to the shore like a couple of ignited firecrackers. They could hardly stay still on the blanket Juvia laid out for them, preferring to run around and play on the shallow waters. Gray even had to use his stern Daddy voice so that Greige and Azure would stop squirming as their mother finished applying sunscreen on their pale skin. 
The family spent most of the afternoon at the beach – Juvia teaching Greige how to swim and Gray playfully chasing his giggling daughter as she ran as fast as her plump little legs could carry her. And as the stars started appearing in the darkening sky, it took the couple quite some time before they were able to tear a wailing Azure away from the water, pacifying her with promises that yes, she could play again tomorrow.
Juvia turned off the lights at her children's bedroom, leaving a dim lamp running. She took Gray's outstretched hand and followed him to the door connecting the kids' room to theirs before finally slumping on their queen-sized bed, exhaustion taking over her body.
"Juvia is so tired," she mumbled, eyes closed. She heard the bed creak, feeling her husband crawl on top of her. Slowly opening her eyes, she came face to face with Gray, already half-naked, a smirk on his face.
"Just what I'm afraid of," he said, leaning down and giving her a light peck on the lips. "C'mon Juvs, lie down properly so we can sleep."
"Okay." Juvia crawled to her side of the bed and tucked herself beneath the covers, closing her eyes as she waited for Gray. She heard him turn off their bedroom light and settle beside her, his arm snaking underneath her so she can rest her head on his bare chest.
"Juvia's sorry, Gray-sama," she said as she looked up at him, the light of the bedside lamp illuminating her husband's tired but handsome face. "She knows you really wanted to spend quality time with Juvia, but she insisted on bringing the kids."
"You make it sound like it's a bad thing." Gray kissed her forehead. "It's fine. It's hard for me to leave the kids back home, too. Especially with Flame Brain." 
Juvia smiled. Gray might say those things, but she knew he trusted Natsu with his life.
"Still, Juvia knows Gray-sama wants Juvia all to himself," she whispered as she reached out to him, wrapping her arms around his neck. She closed the distance between them and kissed him gently. 
Gray could feel how tired Juvia was in his arms, but that wouldn't stop him from enjoying her soft lips slowly moving against his. It wasn't as heated as their usual kisses were, but he loved the languid way that Juvia's lips sought his, nipping them as if they had all the time in the world. He brushed his tongue against her lips and Juvia opened her mouth a little more, granting him entry. He deepened the kiss as she leaned back on her pillow, Gray settling on top of her.
"You sure you're tired, love?" Gray asked her between kisses, her soft moans awakening what was inside his boxers.
"A little, but if Gray-sama takes the lead, then Juvia doesn't mind." She tilted her head to the side as Gray left butterfly kisses on the side of her neck.
"But I'm exhausted, too."
"Doesn't seem like it," Juvia said in a low voice as her hand traveled to the growing bulge in his boxers, rubbing it slowly. Gray groaned.
"What can I say? You wash away my tiredness," he answered, one of his hands raising her nightgown to her hips and settling over the wetness between her thighs. Gray smirked as his mouth continued to travel down her collarbone, leaving wet kisses in its wake. "So wet already, Juvia?"
"Ah, Gray-sama... Stop teasing Juvia," she said between purrs, her other hand pulling his boxers off and allowing her to stroke his growing manhood.
Gray gently slipped the straps of Juvia's nightgown from her shoulders, his lips trailing kisses down the valley of her now exposed breasts. His tongue caressed one firm nipple as his hand shoved her panties to the side and rubbed her throbbing center. Feeling her wet enough, he inserted a finger inside her and Juvia cupped a hand on her mouth to keep herself from crying and waking up the kids.
"You taste so good, Juvia," Gray's husky voice echoed in her ears as he sucked Juvia's breasts, his curled fingers pumping inside her. He could feel how close Juvia was to the edge as he felt her walls contract – but he couldn't let her have all the fun. All of a sudden, he withdrew his hand and smirked, earning a groan from a frustrated Juvia.
"Not too fast, love."
In one quick movement, Gray slid Juvia's panties down, leaving it hanging on one of her ankles. He shook off his boxers and threw it to the floor, then positioned himself right at Juvia's entrance, rubbing his tip at her wetness.
"Gray-sama, please," Juvia begged him, and Gray took a moment to take her all in: half-lidded gaze, flushed cheeks, swollen lips, heaving bosom, nightgown pooled at her tummy, creamy thighs spread on either side of his hips, knickers discarded at her foot, essence dripping with want for him. Despite being married for years and having two babies together, Juvia's beauty never failed to mesmerize him – and obviously, make his length stand at attention.
He entered her, slowly easing in as Juvia's legs wrapped around his hips and pushed him deeper. She pulled him down and crashed their lips together, the kisses no longer lazy but full of passion and hunger. Gray started to pump and find his rhythm while Juvia ran her hands through his hair, clasping his locks every time he hit her spot. 
Soon she was moaning his name again and again as he pounded into her fast and deep, and it only took a whisper of, "I love you, Juvia," for her to reach her peak, her walls contracting around him and causing him to follow shortly after. Totally spent, Gray slumped over Juvia, their breaths heavy with pleasure and exhaustion.
"Now I'm really tired," Gray declared a couple of minutes later as he rolled off her to his side of the bed. His eyes remained closed while he continued to catch his breath.
 "Juvia would not have guessed," she said as she giggled and kissed his cheek. She slipped on her nightgown and panties before getting under the covers.
"You started it," he said in a mocking tone.
"Admit it, Gray-sama. You liked it."
He grinned. "Yeah, yeah. No complaints here." Gray gathered Juvia in his arms and kissed her temple, letting her curl up beside him.
"Happy anniversary, Gray-sama," Juvia whispered as she pressed her lips on his cheek. 
He smiled. "Happy anniversary, Juvia."
"You should at least put on some boxers, you know."
"Nah, all the easier for you to grab me in the morning." 
A small hand slapped him on the chest before they drifted off to sleep.
A/N again: It’s my first time writing a lemon! Reviews are super welcome because I kinda wanna write more lemony stuff but I don’t know if it reads cringe-y or whatever. 🙄
Tag list: @shampooneko (Lemme know if you wanna be included 💙)
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hc, maybe even a prediciton of what the future seasons might consist of?? amity HAS to join the emperors coven, like yes she dreamt of it for so long because she was blinded by the false image of strength, justice and power the emperor’s coven convey but ever since she met luz and that whole thing with eda happened it’s just logical that amity’s on luzs and edas side and shares their negative opinion regarding the emperor’s coven. buttt you can’t really say she would be too happy about it? her parents pushed her to join the emperor’s coven ever since she was a little kid, she was put under immense pressure to be perfect, heck she even got tutored by miss lilith clawthorne herself! Her childhood consisted of stress and pressure from her parents, and that stress was now practically pointless because her pseudo-idea of ​​the perfect, fair emperor’s coven turned out to be wrong, rather, there is more to the coven than that, it has a deeper, darker sense. Obviously Amity is going to help Luz and Eda, but i’m positive that her parents aren’t going to be psyched about her abandoning “her” (more like their) dream of a future in the emperor’s coven. That’s where the whole “Amity’s parents aren’t going to accept Luz” thing starts, not because she is a human or “weak” but because she probably keeps Amity from joining the emperor’s coven. Maybe her parents will make her join the coven by force?? and Luz would have to “save her”?? Or which in my opinion is much cooler Amity joins the emperor’s coven by choice, training to take over Lilith’s place and now Eda and Luz got a guy on the inside, kinda like a spy lol. If I remember corretly, Dana did kinda confirm that students have to choose their coven asap after graduating, so I think this hc wouldn’t happen soon. Maybe after a timeskip in Season 3/4/5.., maybe after Luz went back to the human world for a while and comes back to the boiling isles to see that Amity’s joined the emperor’s coven... who knows who knows
Tl;dr: Amity might join the emperor’s coven because her parents made her do it, they seem to be control freaks lol, or because she wants to help Eda and Luz and tries to get all bestie with the emperor’s coven just to spy on them
Heyo friend! I took ages to answer you and I´ m sorry for it, I wanted to save this to ask for a time closer to the S2´s release… and here we are!
I do not have the power to say this is “wrong” or “right”, and besides, you made this guess before any S2 trailers, so I'll try to correlate the (official) info we have by now with your HC ~remember, this is simply my opinion!~:
I believe that Mrs and Mr Blight have greater reasons to want their children in the Emperor's Coven. They're a prosperous family but we didn't know exactly how they profited - until now. If I'm interpreting it right, they're pioneer engineers centred in building - and selling - technologies that enhance the uses of magic in a rather… inorganic way. And you need only a look at the Emperor's coven to know who's their biggest client, and likely, the most influential financier. So, having their kin join the Emperor´s coven is not just a matter of status, but also a guarantee of their commitment to Belos, as well as their own business ~and richness~. And it might be a stretch, but the Blight family could´ve been one of Belos´ earliest allies, helping him build the reputation and providing the material ways of growing his image - and thanks to that, they have this evergreen, business-driven, ideological deal;
And that adds even more to the whole drama of Amity going against her parents expectations (a vital part of her arc, getting free of others expectations and her own fears) and, as you said, Amity´s parents would get mad at Luz - and her friends - for disturbing their life plans. But I do believe that the fact Luz happens to be a human, a “wild” witch, a troublemaker and a user of ancient magic (quite the opposite of their life work, which could lead to discussions about what is obsolete and to what extent technology is a synonymous to progress, etc) contributes to Mr and Mrs Blight´s disaffection towards Luz.
Now that I ´m thinking about it, if there was to be a two-faced spy among the Blights it would be the Twins, not Amity. I´m pretty sure she could take the role, but her strong sense of fairness and her devotion to the people she ~actually~ care for could be critical to her disguise. The Twins, on the other hand, are experts in playing illusions ~literally~. They would do it seamlessly, to the point we would almost believe they're following their parents lead/ support Belos, but a wink from one of them and we´ll know who they're fighting for. I'm not discarding the possibility that they actually serve Belos, either because of their parents, or their own beliefs (Belos can be manipulative), but in the end I believe they will join the Owl House´s crew.
Although it would be suuuper cool to see a future timeline, due to the series size (3 seasons, each with an average of 20 episodes) I'm not entirely sure it will happen. Sure, we had a Swap episode, so rooting for a Future self/Future Traveling plot does not seem so off reality. But then again, a lot can happen in those episodes, so let's keep our fingers crossed! And of course, always root for what is best for the story´s progression!
Those are the points I found. There are more implications here, but one point is true: there will be a lot of drama in the Blights family! Can ´t wait for this weekend!
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wallwriterstuff · 4 years
A Stitch In Time || Alec and Jane and Reader||
Warnings: Mentions of poverty but mostly this is fluff
Word Count: 6429
Summary:  Alec and Jane are...going to school? As if that wasn’t bad enough, they’re constantly pestered by one irritating little human who clearly has no concept of self-preservation. Spending a winter in Forks was not how they had planned the end of their year to go, but winter traditions have changed since they were human, and they find the new ones aren’t all that bad.
It was well known that you didn’t anger the witch twins unless you wanted to die. First, there was Jane, whose temper was as quick to flare as though it were a match being struck. Alec was, in comparison, far calmer in outward appearance while he mentally plotted twenty steps ahead as to how best to exact his revenge for the displeasure caused to him. In both cases the victims of their anger met ruthless ends; it was merely dependent on which witch twin they had pissed off as to how swiftly the end came. With that in mind, one has to question what on Earth Felix and Demetri were thinking when they started sending the twins to school.
When Carlisle had entreated the Volturi to aid them in reclaiming their territory, Aro had agreed without a second thought to “aid an old friend”, as he had put it. None of the guard had any qualms about helping the coven (they had done them no wrong after all even if their way of life was rather strange) but they hadn’t expected it to be such an arduous process. The nomads who had taken over the Olympic Peninsula travelled in the usual small group but Demetri just couldn’t track them. He had caught the tenors yes, but the trail they left just…looped around. Somebody was clearly messing with his gift and enjoying watching him run about in circles, and it was taking a considerable toll on the tracker to try and figure out where the group was at any given time.
They had stayed at the Cullen’s house for the most part, Carlisle and Esme sending them the keys and alarm codes before they had arrived, and once the place was scoped out and found to be clean they had moved in post haste. The place was lavish, large, modern, and it allowed them to live in seclusion and comfort. It became their base of operations as they tried to track down these nomads. They were vicious and killing in droves, drawing attention to themselves and threatening the Cullen’s openly. Demetri was grateful for the encounter that Rosalie had had or else he would have had very little hope of finding a tenor to follow.
Then the Chief of Police had come past.
It was an unusual pattern, not at all a regular patrol route since it took him so far off of the main path, but fate had determined he was going to come their way and spot Alec and Jane just as they were headed back into the house after an afternoon walk. They had ran at a human pace, warning the others as they went, and by the time Police Chief Swan rang the doorbell they all had contacts in and was prepared to greet their unexpected guest. After a lot of explaining they had managed to convince him that they had rented the property while they worked abroad for a short period. Volturi Ltd. Was a legitimate company he could look up after all and the Secretaries were trained in how to handle inquiries into the company from the outside world. The only problem then was Alec and Jane. Despite being a thousand years of age, the twins still looked to be physically 14 at the most. Any self-respecting people would be sending their 14 year olds to school wouldn’t they?
Well, what else could they do at that point?
“Sister.” Alec placed a hand on her shoulder but couldn’t help the way his lips quirked upward in amusement. Her glare was fixated on a boy of small stature, with an ego twice his size. She wasn’t quite using her gift on him yet, but the boy had twitched a bit and was showing obvious signs of distress. Jane broke her gaze, turning to look at Alec with an expression that screamed of displeasure.
“I dislike him immensely.” She deadpanned.
“So I can see.” Alec murmured. They kept their voices so low nobody would hear them, and the teacher was so busy praising the know-it-all bully Jane had had her eye on he doubted she would see he was clearly not playing attention.
“I do not know how much more of this I can take. Ugh, look, Y/N is writing you another note, insufferable little-“
“Alec? Pssst.” your voice was so loud in comparison to theirs. He tried not to sigh, though he found your consistent need to bother them somewhat amusing when he was in better moods. Lucky for you, this moment was one of them. He let you whisper for him once more before he turned, raising an eyebrow at you. You stared ahead robotically, so obviously up to no good it made him wonder how anyone could ever think you innocent in that moment, and slid a piece of paper across the tabletop to him. Alec opened it up with a slight sigh.
Want to play tic-tac-toe with me?
He tilted his head slightly.
“What’s that?” he whispered. Your jaw dropped slightly and you hurriedly took the paper back from him, drawing out a 3x3 grid and drawing a circle on it.
“Noughts and crosses?” you murmured hopefully, wondering if he knew it by another name. Alec stared at the strange design with a furrowed brow.
“I’ve never heard of it.” He said finally, glancing back up towards the front of the room as the teacher asked for contributions to the discussion. You were absolutely screwed. You were still looking at the side of his head.
“I’m sure you know Y/N since you’re so keen to tell Alec all about it. Would you share with the rest of the class?” she asked, her eyebrows raised and expression screaming ‘I caught you’ despite her friendly tone. Alec stifled a laugh, enjoying your obvious discomfort as you stuttered for a response. Jane smothered a smile with her hand, a very human action she had picked up from you but didn’t realise. This was how they spent the majority of their days since they’d started school three weeks ago; lessons were boring and covered topics they already knew, and the children were cruel. Cruelty was nothing new to either of the twins but there had been some small part of them that had hoped that perhaps it would be different this time, that perhaps they were too different now they knew how to blend in better.
Of course, vampire teenagers in an otherwise human class was not going to be as discrete as they liked but there was just something about the twins sharp tongues and apathetic expressions that was not inviting enough for the other children to even pretend to be friendly – that and they were all teenagers in a small town who had grown up in their cliques since birth. Only you had bothered to welcome them with any sort of warm regard, and it was both tiresome and heat warming that at least one of the wretched little humans had tried. By the time they trudged into the cafeteria to sit with a tray of food they wouldn’t touch unless you forced them to, Jane was grinding her teeth in distaste. She was enjoying this even less than Alec was, though he put his twin’s rotten mood down to the need to hunt.
It was nearing December now and the winter months had brought with it even more rain that quickly turned to ice, with cold winds that stung human cheeks. Jane and Alec felt none of it of course but given the way your tray of food nearly toppled on top of the table with the violence of your shivering it was safe to say the humans did. The twins had guessed you weren’t from the richest family in the world, your clothes didn’t have the same labels as the other children did and were sometimes too big or too small, a little tattered or sewn back together with patches or mismatching threads in a shade that was similar, but not exact to the colour of the material.
“Here we go again.” Jane muttered for his ears only. You had sat with them at lunch every day for the past two weeks since you realised they often sat alone. Your wide Y/E/C eyes took them in, teeth chattering.
“How a-are you n-not cold?” you demanded, limbs trembling as you rubbed your hands together furiously in an effort to warm up. Your jacket looked thin, definitely not able to withstand the temperatures that had continued to drop throughout the day. The grey sky was threatening snow. Alec could smell what would be rain but had the fresher, sharper scent snow brought with it.
“Because it isn’t as cold as you think.” Alec answered. Not when your flesh is already frozen he tacked on mentally. You frowned.
“N-not cold? Are you insane?” you shook your head, ignoring your shivers for now to dig into your food. You always ate like you were starving to, and Alec sometimes wondered if you were getting enough to eat at home, but it wasn’t his place to ask. You had a hot chocolate today to, something you had clearly saved up to buy since he remembered you looking rather sad when you read the price beside it on the menu board the other week. It struck him that perhaps your kindness stemmed from your own perceived difference. You weren’t the same as the other children. You worked harder and were quite obviously poorer. Alec and Jane were the strange new kids. In some ways, your trio was perfectly compatible when it came to categorical ostracization.
“Are you?” Jane’s answer was curt but you tilted your head like you were genuinely considering the question.
“My brother says I am.” You shrugged, shovelling another forkful of mac and cheese into your mouth. If it tasted as bad as it looked, Alec pitied you greatly. Jane just blinked, looking slightly surprised.
“You have a brother?” she questioned. You hummed around a mouthful of food.
“He’s older than me, he g-goes to high school.” Your shivering had lessened a little, the food warming you up even if it did little else. The usual silence fell over you all then. You tended to fill the silence when you were done eating, usually with questions about why they weren’t eating and if they were sick, or simply trying to coax more information about where they’d come from out of them. Today the routine was interrupted by the snow Alec had predicted.  
“It’s here! It’s here! The first snowfall!” a young girl yelled, pointing back outside. A cacophony of noise made Alec and Jane cringe, their sensitive ears protesting against the sounds of scraping chairs and shrieking children, a thousand little feet thudding into the tile to reach the snow first as zippers on jackets whizzed up towards chins. Your eyes were sparkling, obvious delight on your face as you worked twice as hard to finish off the last of your mac and cheese. Alec’s eyebrows rose as you turned to your dessert next, the jello cup being ripped open.
“If you eat too fast you’ll make yourself sick.” Alec reminded you. You gulped, almost choking on your jello.
“I’s ‘no’.” your voice came out all garbled but Alec understood the general premise of it, his disapproval at your decision to go outside with the others obvious on his face.
“You were just complaining you were cold.” Jane huffed. You swallowed.
“But it’s the first snow! Come on! Come on you have to come! Please please please please please please please please-“
“My god we’ll follow you!” Jane snapped. You ignored her tone completely and jumped to your feet, whizzing to collect your things and clean up your tray. Alec watched you go with a shake of his head. Humans were such stupid little creatures. He knew you’d be freezing the moment you set foot outside but that didn’t deter you in the slightest. Neither, apparently, did their cold skin. With your warm hands enveloping theirs you dragged the twins outside into the snow. It was something they had seen before of course, but Alec and Jane had the added advantage of having enhanced eyesight. They could see every little snowflake as it fell, all its unique edges and shapes. Your arms flew outward as you span around, giggling all the while as you reached out and tried to catch a snowflake in your palm. Alec tilted his head as he watched you, Jane sighing quietly beside him.
“They seem so happy...they don’t even see the full wonder of the phenomena.” he mused. Jane was watching you with critical eyes, but Alec could see the slightest softening of her expression and guessed she was as fascinated with your reaction as he was. Your hands were far too warm too catch anything of course, the snowflakes melting upon contact with your skin, but your smile never once dropped and you kept trying again and again, your enthusiasm undeterred.
“They’re already shivering, and yet they carry on,” Jane observed, “Their determination is admirable though.” Alec chuckled.
“You almost sound fond.” He teased. She scoffed, shooting him a wry look from the corner of her eye.
“I’m about as fond of any of them as I am of those idiots picking us up later.” She sniffed. Alec had to laugh at that, even as you came running up to them rabbiting about snowmen and snow angels. You were trembling head to foot. With a small sigh, he shrugged out of his jacket and held it towards you. Your eyes widened.
“But y-you’ll g-g-get cold.” You said, teeth gnashing together noisily.
“You are already frozen. Just swap my jacket with yours.” He huffed.
“Y/N.” his voice was curt, no nonsense, the same sort of tone he imagined his mother had once used on him when he was smaller. You obediently took his jacket from him and even though it wasn’t saturated with any sort of human warmth, the wool was thick and you snuggled down into it like it was a lifeline. Your own threadbare denim looked slightly ridiculous on him, too small and the fit all wrong, but Alec didn’t complain once. He held his hand out, knowing it would be cold enough for what he wanted to do, and in one go caught a snowflake he let you inspect to your heart’s desire.
“Softie.” Jane grumbled under her breath. He ignored her. What was the point of making themselves miserable at school? If they had to be here then they should try to make the best of it right? Besides, when you looked at him like that…how could he say no? You invoked some of his oldest, foggiest memories of a wide-eyed Jane staring up at him with awe and admiration, it felt like he was getting a second chance to be the big brother he should have been in that cold, snowy moment.
“Oh Alec! Isn’t it so pretty!” you cried. You can’t even see it he thought incredulously, though he still nodded in agreement. He really hadn’t been expecting you to hug him and he wasn’t quite sure what to do in reply either. Did he hug you back? His arms hesitated, not quite winding around you. His hands were awkwardly left bent outwards as if too touch you would be lethal. His awkward display only made Jane snort, smothering her laughter in her jacket as you bounced back from him and demanded that they all go the Jungle Gym. The bars would surely freeze your fingers and gloves were so slippery not many people were on them today, and those that were quickly disappeared when they saw Alec and Jane coming anyhow.
This was the day Alec blamed for your absence the following week.
You hadn’t bounced in like you usually did, hanging your jacket on the peg beside Jane’s, nor had you wished the teacher good morning when she called your name for the roll call. Truth be told, both twins were rather worried about you when you didn’t show up by the end of first period either, so much so, Alec decided to ask about you. Miss Destiel was a fairly nice woman, strict perhaps but she always found time for her students, so she greeted the two strange newcomers to her class with the same warm smile she gave everyone. Alec didn’t have to be Edward Cullen to know she was probably thinking of several different ways to get them out of her way as quickly as possible despite her friendly demeanour.  
“We want to know if you know where Y/N is.” Jane said, cutting straight to the point. She tilted her head.
“I see. You three are good friends, aren’t you? I see you together at recess a lot. You needn’t worry too much. Her mother called in to tell us she was sick, a little bit of a flu bug they think. She should be back by the end of the week.” Miss Destiel promised them. Alec let his disgust show on his face. A flu bug? Why did humans have to be so weak! It was the cold wasn’t it? It had seeped into your bones and tried to leech the life out of you. Dammit! If only you’d had a better jacket! Or maybe some gloves! Maybe you shouldn’t have been stupid enough to play outside in the snow with them…
You didn’t show up for another four days, and when you did return you drove them half mad with your sniffling and nose blowing and coughing. The other children were giving you dirty looks to, calling you germy and demanding you stay away from them in case you passed on your germs. Alec and Jane were not popular and neither were you, but you did have a few other friends beside them, even those children tried to stay away till you were better, and only one of them was apologetic about it. You were obviously disheartened by the whole affair and prodded at your food with a miserable expression.
“Cheer up, you don’t need to cry in that pie, it smells salty enough already.” Jane’s attempt at comfort was half-hearted at best but Alec was amazed she had even tried at all. You gave her a weak smile.
“I’m not feeling all that hungry.” You mumbled.
“But you always eat,” Alec frowned, “Even when they bring out that awful soggy pizza.”
“S’just the flu.” You sighed.
“Y/N you have to eat.” Alec reprimanded. He really wasn’t sure if you’d make it through the day without a little something in your system and was pleased when you forced down another few bites for him. You glanced at the clock through droopy, watery eyes. You really weren’t ready to come back to school today and it was obvious to both of them.
“I need to go get my medicine from the nurse. I’ll see you in class.” You sniffed, a tickle you tried to clear turning into a coughing spree as you walked away.
“We need to do something.” Jane scowled at her tray.
“We cannot make her better, sister.” Alec pointed out. Jane stared him down for a long moment, and then a smile twitched up her lips.
“Maybe not, but we can stop her getting sick again. Come on, help me.” She ordered. Alec raised his eyebrows but followed her lead, dumping his tray and heading back towards the classroom with her. He stood guard, hearing paper shuffling inside the room as Jane put whatever plan she had into action. He didn’t question it until Friday afternoon rolled around and Miss Destiel decided to read out the names of the secret Santa pairings one more time, at Jane’s request. Next Thursday was the last day of term before the Christmas break started and there would be secret Santa and some choosing time in the afternoon that neither twin was looking forward to.
“Alec and Y/N…huh? Debbie didn’t you have Y/N last time we read out the names?” Miss Destiel looked to the red headed girl for answers, but she just shrugged, uncertain. Alec smiled slightly.
“You switched the papers.” He murmured. Jane hummed, her face the picture of angelic.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about dear brother, but I do have an ideas as to what you could get Y/N if you’re interested.” She was hardly done with her plan just yet though. Demetri wasn’t particularly surprised when the twins came marching towards him; they were often eager to get out of school, but the surprise lay in their demeanours. Usually he could count on a very grumpy Jane and a clearly exasperated Alec, but today they both looked determined. Jane brushed past him with all the regal stature of a woman who knew her self-worth, and Demetri raised an eyebrow slightly as he turned to face Alec.
“We have plans to attend to Demetri. We’re still headed to Port Angeles tonight are we not?” he questioned. Demetri nodded.
“We are, why?”
“We’re going to go earlier than planned. We have secret Santa obligations to fulfil.” He explained, ducking into the car. Demetri looked even more confused at that, but he didn’t dare question either twin as he headed for the driver’s side door. Wasn’t Santa always secret? Had he misunderstood human traditions? He didn’t know and neither Alec nor Jane cared enough to tell him. They were hyper focused now on their plan, a plan they hoped would ensure the health and happiness of the one human being they actually (though they remained very reluctant to admit it) liked. Secrecy was the very nature of their work and yet Alec’s tongue itched whenever he saw you, the secret on the tip of his tongue desperately trying to leap off into the air between you both. Jane struggled too, unable to hide her growing impatience as the week dragged on and your shivers grew worse, your sniffly nose a new, permanent feature on your face.
“Good tidying everyone. Nicky, tell me one thing you’ve learned today?” Miss Destiel snapped Alec out of his daydream and he sat up straighter, wanting to give the appearance of paying attention. Nicky was a smallish boy who had yet to have any sort of growth spurt apparently, all long gangly limbs and braces.
“Erm…After World War 2, they split up Germany and Berlin?” he sounded more like he was guessing than anything else and the twins fought the urge to scoff. How ignorant these little humans were.
“Yes they did! You can go and get your secret Santa present. Can you expand on Nicky’s point somehow Bridget?” Miss Destiel turned to the opposite side of the room now and Alec almost groaned when he realised what she was doing. One by one, they were left to answer questions in order to exit the room, and the process was excruciatingly slow given how stupid the small beings were. By the time the whole affair was over and everyone had a present in front of them, Alec’s fingers were itching at the colourful paper he’d wrapped your present in. Jane had watched multiple youtube videos to get the bow on top just right.
“Miss Destiel can we please give our presents out!” Debbie whined.
“Yeah please?”
“Let us give our presents Miss!”
She held up her hands, waiting for silence, and not until you could have heard a pin drop did she nod and motion for them to get up out of their seats.
You didn’t move.
Alec watched you with a small frown as Jane moved away to find Nicky in the sea of humans. She all but threw the small package at his chest, briefly thanking him in a curt and ice cold voice for the present he gave her in return before she gave him a nod, and the pair drifted with all the grace their vampirism allowed towards you. You only seemed to grow smaller in your seat, some wrinkled looking tissue paper wrapped around a lumpy looking package on your desk in front of you.
“Merry Christmas, Y/N.” Alec held out the parcel in his hand. It looked much neater in comparison, with shiny gold paper and a shimmering, expertly tied black bow. You swallowed, your fists clenching on top of the tabletop as you took a breath and gathered the courage to face him. Your eyes widened slightly.
“It looks so…fancy…” you fretted. Alec frowned, tilting his head.
“It’s just a present.” Alec said. You bit your lip, taking it when he shook it impatiently before you and carefully setting it on your desk like it was made of precious gold. He folded his arms, standing and watching expectantly as your shaky fingers lifted to try and untie the bow. Jane watched in surprise as you reverently unfurled the ribbon from the paper, making sure it didn’t crumple. You were equally as careful with the paper, a sharp exhale escaping you when you pulled it away to reveal the present within.
Your fingers brushed the thick, woolen fabric, shaky and unsure as you carefully unfolded the clothing and stood up to hold it before you. Your wide eyes looked over the shiny black buttons on the coat, your eyes drifting to the hallway where your own, threadbare denim hung still. You hadn’t taken off the hoodie you wore underneath all day in an effort to keep away the chill, but with your new coat you definitely wouldn’t need to wear triple layers just to stay warm anymore. Tears welled in your eyes.
“Is it not to your liking?” Jane asked confusedly.
“I thought you would want to be warmer given the cold weather.” Alec added. Had they got it wrong? Had your denim maybe got sentimental value they’d accidentally besmirched by giving you a new coat? They just wanted you to be warm! They didn’t like seeing you sick and shivering…
“This is expensive. You weren’t supposed to buy expensive things!” You fretted, but your fingers had curled into the fabric like you didn’t want to let go. Alec tilted his head.
“Y/N, this was hardly-“
“I can’t give you mine if you give me this! It looks so stupid and – and – it’s not – it’s not-“
“Y/N,” Alec gripped your shoulders with a troubled frown, “Our parents have more money than they know what to do with, spending a little of it to keep your warm is what we wanted to do for Christmas and we didn’t expect anything in return for it.” He said firmly. You sniffled, looking absolutely overwhelmed at the gesture. Neither twin could fully understand why. Sure, they had guessed you didn’t come from a well-off family but this reaction seemed extreme…then again, they couldn’t really remember what it was like to not have things. They had grown up farming, self-sufficiency meaning anything they didn’t have they grew or harvested to acquire it. Once they were turned, they had access to the Volturi’s vast treasury - money really had no meaning to them anymore.
Your fingers twitched for the lumpy package on the desk and Alec gave you an encouraging nod.
“I…they’re not…I couldn’t buy anything but, I wanted you to be warm to…so…so…” you stumbled over your words, your apparent shyness taking over. Alec and Jane had never known you to be lost for words. You were always chattering away at them, even when they were less than responsive. Jane’s eyebrows rose as you pulled out a second lumpy looking package with her name on, and the twins exchanged a glance as they felt the squishy, thick material through the thin paper. You had ducked your head, cheeks flushed with embarrassment as they pulled away the paper as carefully as they could. If you had been so intent on keeping theirs intact to recycle they would show you the same courtesy.
Alec blinked, and not just because the contacts were irritating his eyes. The thick and squishy material beneath his fingertips turned out to be black and blue, two colours he wore often as part of his charade since he couldn’t wear his guard uniform to school. The stripes of chunky knitting unfolded as he held them out into a long strip, the wool a little scratchy but soft, dense, designed to hold heat. Jane’s own red and black piece tumbled out of the paper towards the floor. They had seen them before of course, but with the slightly uneven width in places and a few missing stitches here and there, these were clearly homemade and not the fancy store bought ones they knew of.
You’d knitted them each a scarf.
He didn’t need it, he didn’t get cold, but Alec carefully wrapped the woolly scarf around his throat anyway. It warmed him in ways he couldn’t explain, his expression softening as he stroked the soft but scratchy material that dangled against his chest. Jane followed his lead, admiring the stitching with awe.
“You made these for us?” she asked. You nodded sheepishly.
“I know they’re not very good but-“
“They’re perfect.” Alec interrupted. Your fingers were still clamped around your new coat and Alec’s eyes rolled, taking it from you to force you into it. Your fingers trailed over the fabric, the buttons, a soft smile lighting up your face.
“Can I really keep it?” you asked quietly.
“Only if we can keep these.” Jane replied. You nodded, more enthusiastic now. Your Y/E/C eyes sparkled as you snuggled down in your new coat. Already Alec could see the colour returning slowly to your cheeks as your temperature rose, and he and Jane shared a nod of approval at the sight – it was a job well done. Alec and jane cared for very few people, none of them human until you came along, actually disappointed when they caught the nomads over Christmas and realised they couldn’t return to school to say goodbye to you properly.  
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You’d pressed the call button hours ago.
When the tightness in your chest had began Tuesday night you were sure it was going to pass. It had rapidly gotten worse however, so much so your daughter had been forced to call an ambulance out to you. The hospital was doing all they could but the place was miserable. Nobody saw you unless it was to do your observations and the food tasted awful. Not that you really had an appetite of course given how weak you felt.
It had been three very long days.
“If you don’t eat, you’ll make yourself sick.” The voice seemed so familiar but you couldn’t quite place it. With a gentle sigh, you turned your head away from the window you were lucky enough to be near and found a young boy watching you, his eyes gentle and sad. Beside him stood an petite blonde girl, both of them with the deepest brown eyes and palest skin you had ever seen. You frowned slightly, the faintest itch in your brain telling you that somehow you knew these children.
“That’s very true young man,” You nodded finally, “Are you visiting someone? I think you have the wrong room.” He nodded slowly.
“We are visiting a friend, I don’t think she knows we’re here.” He said, head tilting. The small girl beside him sighed. You hummed.
“Well you can ask at the desk, they know all the rooms.” You coughed slightly, a bony, age spotted hand reaching for your water. Your mouth felt rather dry, or maybe the room was just warm. You didn’t feel warm though.
“Has nobody come to visit you?” the girl wondered, helping bring the water to your lips. Her touch was gentle against your own but her hands were freezing cold. You shivered involuntarily, sipping at your water in an effort to soothe your throat.
“My daughter and grandkids came yesterday, you don’t have to – to worry about me.” You frowned slightly as you swallowed again. You had found breath a little hard to come by recently and the oxygen running up through your nostrils was hardly any use now. The boy was gentle as he pulled your blanket up around your chest.
“I’m glad, you haven’t been alone. You won’t be now, either.” He promised. Your frown deepened. Why was the room so cold all over a sudden? Why did the lights seem dimmer? You chest rattled slightly as you tried to take in air, the oxygen making you choke a little. The small blonde girl stepped up, pulling a red and black scarf that looked like it had been worn often, the threads worn down. Once it was carefully looped around your throat she stepped back, her cold hand settling in yours while the young boy took the other one. The air was stuffier still, even the breeze from the slightly open window wasn’t helping now, and everything suddenly became so clear. It was like you had previously been sitting surrounded by static.
“Alec…Jane…”your breathed, eyes watering. They looked exactly the same, not a day older than the day they had left. You had been so excited to see them in January when school was finally in session again but they hadn’t been there, they’d moved away again.
“Hello, Y/N. It’s been a long time, old friend.” Alec smiled softly, though his expression remained saddened. Your eyes watered.
“It’s been 70 years.” You rasped.
“78 years, 5 months and 13 days, if you want to be precise.” Jane spoke up. Her voice and her face was as apathetic as you remembered it to be. It was her scarf, she had given you her scarf. 78 years and she still had it. Alec pulled a stack of letters from his pocket, and you recognised the spidery handwriting easily in your bizarre state of clarity. All the letters you had written to Volturi Ltd in the hopesof keeping in contact with your friends. It was Jane who gently wiped away the few tears that spilt down sallow, wrinkled cheeks. You were so old, but they were wondrously young, vibrant in their youth. You wanted to know how, but you sensed somehow you didn’t have the time for the explanations you wanted.
“There were a few important answers we felt we should give you,” Alec said, sitting beside you and opening the first letter, “Firstly, we are well, we are happy and we did miss you to. We miss very few people, it surprised our masters when we requested to come and visit you.” You croaked a laugh. It was hardly surprising from what you remembered of the twins; even your friendship with them was strained at points, but they were hardly palatable to most in your class. Alec continued to scroll through the letters, and you suspected he knew with every answer he and Jane gave you that you were running short on air and time with every word he spoke.
When your lungs were really starting to battle for air you couldn’t quite stop the tears from coming. You wanted more time. You wanted more time with your old friends to try to understand why they left, why they were still so long. Maybe they weren’t even real, but the way their hands felt in yours was so realistic you doubted you could imagine it.
“I…d-don’t want…to go.” You struggled to get the words out, your heart trying to hard and your lungs ready to give up. Even if your mind was desperately pleading with it to hold on your body was clearly ready.
“Sometimes, it is simply our time, little human.” Alec said softly.
“Please don’t think less of us for not calling a nurse or a doctor. We think it’s kinder this way. You’re ready, even if you don’t think you are.” Jane promised, giving your hand the lightest squeeze.
“My g-grandaughters…she’s graduating i-in March…”you whispered. Alec soothingly ran his thumb over the back of your hand.
“She will keep you with her I’m sure…you’re quite difficult to forget, you know,” He smiled gently at you.
“It’s time to sleep now, Y/N.” Jane said. There was a darkness creeping in at the edges of your vision as your heart finally gave way in your chest, and Alec watched as you desperately fought for one last breath, his grip on your hand tightening ever so slightly while the light in your eyes died. Your heart monitor was screaming, the noise was going to attract someone very quickly they were sure, but they had finally gotten the goodbye they had been deprived of all those years ago.
“Will you take your scarf back with you sister?” Alec asked as they stood up and quickly cleaned away the letters and any other trace they had ever been there. Jane paused briefly, staring back at your frail body. You were much older now, still as skinny as they remembered, but any colour was stripped from your hair and replaced with grey. She very gently closed your vacant eyes, unable to keep looking at the empty Y/E/C, and shook her head.
“No, she’s still cold.” She frowned. Alec placed a hand on her shoulder briefly, his ears picking up the sound of feet thudding on the tile outside.
“We need to leave.” He said. Jane nodded her head.
They disappeared as quickly as they came, Demetri waiting for them beside a Sedan with tinted windows. His eyebrows rose ever so slightly as they approached but neither twin said anything, so he didn’t either. He had felt the familiar tenor fade as you passed, he knew what they had come to do now, understood it even. Every winter Alec and Jane had worn those threadbare scarves, even when the wool had faded and it was clearly past the prime of its life. You had made a lasting impression on the witch twins, a friend they had made without any interfering influence from the masters or Chelsea or any other outside force. Alec stared at the hospital getting smaller in the rear view mirror. They wouldn’t go to your funeral, they had said their goodbyes to you today, and until the last thread unravelled, he would always have his scarf to remember you by. You had been stitched into the very fabric of whatever was left of his soul, where you would always be, to keep him warm when his heart threatened to turn cold once more.  
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istoleyourboat · 4 years
Eyes of Gold - Rumpelstiltskin AU
This fic is dedicated to anubis-005 who gave me such a precious fan comic for one of my other fics and now I’m blessed to think about it for the rest of my life.
Nene paced the small room full of straw. Judging from the windows, the descent below was too deadly for her to escape.
Leave it to her father to lie about her ‘ability’ to spin straw into gold.
And leave it to luck to let the lie spread to nobility.
The king separated her from her father and filled a room with straw just for her. He threatened that if she didn’t have an entire room of gold, he would have her head by sunrise.
After seeing that there was no means of escape, she placed herself near the window where she cried underneath the moonlight. Her father was desperate to get money after their mill burned down. As much as Nene hated to lie, scamming a few people was the last resort. She had no idea that a quick scam to get something to eat would turn into a fight for her life.
So she cried and cried and cried till there was no more water in her body.
When a hand offered her a handkerchief, she quickly got to her feet and rubbed at her eyes. “I’m so sorry. I’ll get to work right away, the magic just needed a few tears is all-“
“You can cry magic?” a manly voice asked.
Once Nene opened her eyes, she was met with the sight of a smiling young man her own age. Or what she could guess was her own age, given how he obviously wasn’t human, what with the way he floated and all. He had this ethereal glow to him, which highlighted his handsome features. Though he wasn’t her type, he was undeniably attractive, in a strange otherworldly sort of way. Given his smile, it was as if he already knew her answer.
A bit shaken, she answered, “No. Unfortunately, I can’t at all.”
“Then why were you crying?”
So she explained everything to the strange man. How her father’s mill burned down, how they tried to scam a few people, and what led her to that prison. She even told him how the king would have her and her father’s heads if she didn’t spin all the straw into gold.
He tutted his finger at her. “Hasn’t anyone ever told you not to lie? Really, what a situation you’re in.”
“I know!” Nene exclaimed, a bit irked. “But it’s too late now.” She got back to the spinning wheel and started threading. “Sorry if my tears were too loud. I promise not to bother you again.”
His voice chirped. “You weren’t bothering me.”
Quickly, he floated towards her and whisked her away to the window, pointing to the full moon.
“And you shouldn’t give up so easily. The moon is a portal into my world and when you cried under it, I was able to hear you.” He set her down on her feet. “I could transport gold from my world and bring it here while you throw away the straw.”
“You would do that?” Nene asked graciously. “Oh thank you!”
He halted her for a moment and brought his hand up. “For a price of course. You can’t just get something for free.”
Nene shoved her hands into her dress pockets, patting it down to find something. There was nothing left over from the mill and she had no jewels or riches to give.
“I’m afraid I don’t have anything to give you…” she muttered sheepishly. “I don’t think I have anything you’d want.”
Hanako stepped right in front of her. The click of his boots touching the ground echoed. “Nonsense,” he said. “In fact, what you’ll give me will help seal the deal.”
Her brow quirked. “What would that be?”
“A kiss. To seal the deal, we’ll make a pinky promise.”
“A- A- kiss?” she stuttered. Her face flared up in embarrassment. “Is a kiss really worth a whole room of gold?”
He shrugged. “Who knows? It makes things more interesting don’t you think?” Hanako held out his pinky towards her. “Do we have a deal?”
Although Nene’s instincts screamed at her to not make deals with shady moon men- no matter how handsome they were, a huge part of her felt safe, like she could trust him wholeheartedly.
As she held her pinky out to wrap around his, she looked into his eyes and saw no sign of bad intentions. Magic worked in strange ways… Maybe he was telling the truth. When his pinky grasped onto her own, he bent down and gave her a soft kiss on the lips, sending tremors down her body as she forgot how to breathe.
Parting away from him, she felt empty, tempted to kiss him once again.
“What’s your name?” she asked breathlessly.
Hanako gave a teasing grin.
“Just call me Hanako.”
Hanako did as he promised and kept disappearing in and out of the room. He’d exit out of the window and come back in with bags full of gold earrings, gold bars, and the like. Even if the king was confused by the straw turning into objects, Hanako assured her the king wouldn’t mind. Nene kept throwing straw out the window and every time Hanako came back, they shared many laughs and a few stories to pass the time.
Once Nene threw all the straw out the window, Hanako floated beside her. Hanako started to disappear into thin air as the moonlight faded. Before he left, he gave a kiss to Nene’s hand and laughed at her flustered face. By the time dawn came, the king came in to take in all the wonderful treasure.
“How magnificent!” the king cried out. “This is truly a gift.”
“Thank you,” she bowed. “Now I must check on my father-“
“Nonsense! In fact, I will give you another room filled with straw and you can give me more gold. In return, I’ll give your father a new mill. I’ll let the servants entertain you for a whole day.”
And so Nene was thrust into a whole day of pampering. She ate a wondrous feast as musicians came to play on their lutes and singers came to give their songs. All day long she was treated like a queen as all the servants rushed to her beck in call. By the end of the evening, she was dressed head to toe in rich silks while her hair shone like starlight.
It all would have been in good fun, had the king not been so greedy. Once again, he locked her into another prison. This time, there was even more straw. So much so, it reached the ceiling.
Sighing to herself, she plummeted her body to the window, wishing that she really could spin straw into gold. Hanako was so kind to have helped her. Although she didn’t understand why he’d want a mere kiss and a pinky promise, her heart swelled at his kind gesture. He must’ve been fatigued by the whole ordeal. If there was anything to comfort Nene, it was the fact that her dad was probably living happily at his new mill.
She felt her head lean against someone’s shoulders. When she turned her head, she was delighted to see her friend once more. “Hanako?! What are you doing here?”
“I just wanted to see you,” he said. Taking in all the straw, he whistled. “More straw for gold? What a tyrant.”
Nene hung back her head in defeat. “Yes… But luckily my dad is free and at his new mill. Even if I die tomorrow, at least I’ll die knowing that.”
“Who said you were going to die?” He chuckled. “I certainly won’t let that happen.”
Nene couldn’t contain her shock. “You’re really going to help me? I’m sorry, but I can’t really give you anything. I didn’t take any treasure in here. All I can really give are the clothes off my back.”
“Well if you’re offering~” he teased.
She playfully swatted at him. Over the course of last night, she had learned he was quite a perverted trickster. Between his journey, he’d get her flustered by breathing into her ear and sneaking quick scares. It would’ve been frustrating if he wasn’t so devilishly charming. To tell the truth, she didn’t really mind his advances.
“I’m kidding, I’m kidding,” he joked. “But I do have something I want from you.”
“And what would that be?”
He leaned against her small frame and started to play with her fingers. “I want you to sing me a song. Whichever one you like.”
Nene’s eyes were fixed curiously. The straw had doubled in size and all he wanted was a song?
“Are you really sure a song is worth a room of gold?” Nene asked worriedly.  She felt incredibly guilty for not giving him anything of value. Although she knew that fairies and magic creatures operated by different rules, it still plagued her mind.
To her surprise, he just raised her hand to his lips and kissed it like he had the day before. “Anything from you is more than enough for me.”
Hesitantly, she placed her head against his shoulder and started to prod at his fingers. She sang him a lullaby that her mother sung to her a long time ago, when she was still a little girl who dreamt of leaving the mill. Nene was not like the other trained singers in the king’s court, but Hanako’s eyes drifted happily as they sat by the window, engulfed by shadows of the night sky.
Once her song was finished, he gave her a kind smile, awed by her gentle tune.
With that, the two got back to work as he brought in more gold and she threw out more straw. They laughed and sang till the moon faded out of sight, where Hanako gave another kiss to her hand. However this time, Nene noted, he looked a little sad in his departure.
Like the day before, the king came in and marveled at all the new pieces of gold. He set her out to be pampered once again. Only throughout the whole day, Nene could only think about Hanako and how she would repay his kindness. When the king announced that they would wed after she spun gold that night, Nene actually felt distressed. The king was her usual type, but the threat of her head chopped off made him extremely unattractive. To her surprise, when the marriage was brought up, her mind trailed back to the sweet kiss that she and Hanako shared.
Truly, what a dangerous thought.
Nene sat in the roomful of straw the third night. Thankfully there was less straw than the two previous nights. The king even gave her a little mattress to rest her body. No doubt it was to show her that he could also be ‘kind’ and ‘generous.’
She scoffed at the whole notion. How could he ever think about doing that to someone he’d consider as his future queen. Just as she approached the window, Hanako appeared right before her, as if he had been waiting for her.
“Oh, Hanako! Have you come to help me?”
“I didn’t think that little tyrant would let you off so easily. Is he still threatening to kill you?” He sighed, putting his hands on his hips expectantly.
Nene’s fingers started fumbling with each other. “Well, yes. But he also said that if I get all this straw spun into gold, he’ll make me his queen.” She gazed at him with pleading, innocent eyes. “So please help me…”
Unpleasant silence drifted into the room like a cloud. For the first time, Hanako frowned.
And even stranger, his tone turned gritty and callous. “Ahhh, I see. So even with all the times he’s tried to kill you, made you a near slave, you still want to be with him. Gee, I knew you were a romantic, but never I thought you’d be stupid.”
Her heart constricted and tears pricked the corners of eyes. “It’s not like that’s what I wanted any of this!” she yelled. “How could I deny being his queen? He’ll kill me if I say no. You wouldn’t understand what it’s like to go hungry or beg for some morsels to eat! At least if I say yes, he’ll give me a good life.” She had to turn away from him. If she spoke any more, she’d likely fall apart.
“I suppose I don’t understand.” He sighed defeatedly. “Very well, I’ll give you all the gold you need for your happily ever after.”
Before she could give him her new jewelry as payment, he held his hand up to stop her. “No need,” he said.
With a snap of his fingers, all the straw was replaced by shimmering gold treasures. Stacked high to the ceiling were gilded statues, metal flowers, and twinkling coins. All so beautiful and yet so empty.
She was absolutely dumbfounded. If he could do that all along, why bother to float in and out of the window to see her? Why go through all the trouble?
“Unfortunately, this is the last time I can help you. The people of the other world aren’t too happy about me bringing all this gold,” Hanako said. “I’ll have to spend a few mortal months paying it all back.”
Nene was disappointed to hear the news. All the fun times they shared came to an unsatisfying end. She should have known better than to think a mere kiss and a song were enough. Now poor Hanako would have to pay a price.
Once he faced the window and prepared to float away, Nene hugged him from behind, intent on trapping him there till he heard her pleas.
“You’ve done so much for me Hanako! I’m sorry I was so selfish…” He turned to look her in the eyes, a bit surprised by her apology. “What’s your price?” Nene humbly asked. “Surely I can give you something you’d want!”
He gave her a glance up and down, eyes enticed by her lovely face and soft figure.
It’s all he said before he kissed her. The last thing she could feel was her back hitting the mattress.
When Nene woke up the next morning and gathered her clothes, she found herself missing the warmth of Hanako’s body. The cold stone tower gave off very little heat and the only thing to comfort her was the beat of his heart underneath her ear. As strange as it was, he felt even more human than the king.
Silence was the only noise in the room as the two made themselves presentable. Combing her hair around him has never felt so awkward, nor has it ever felt so lonely. From her left eye she could see his sulking figure and she felt her heart growing sad.
“Hanako, I-“
The door to her prison opened and like every night, Hanako vanished without a trace.
Nene’s marriage to the king was an incredibly unhappy one.
When she gave the excuse that magic could only spin straw into gold three times, he nearly had her head cut off. It was only until his advisors told him it would make him look monstrous to the kingdom that he put that idea to rest.
Their few months together were extremely volatile, with him muttering about how he had no need for her. Still, they were married and as most married couples, they were expecting a child.
But he didn’t so much as bat an eyelash when he found out she gave birth to a girl and not a baby boy.
‘She’s unfit to rule,’ he had said. ‘Name her whatever you want, I don’t care.’
After being so rudely dismissed, Nene could only trudge to her separate room as she held her dear daughter in her arms. The maids and servants gave her looks of pity, knowing all too well how cruel their king could be.
It had been over a month and her daughter still had no name. Nene didn’t have the heart to give her one, too tired and depressed to think about it.
Because the king hadn’t even tried to go near her daughter, he missed out on her adorable yawns and little hiccups. He left all of his parenting duties to Nene and a couple of nannies, who would often coo at the little princess. They cited how she looked an awful like Nene herself, with tufts of cream colored hair and a soft nose, an utterly perfect picture of beauty. She was a child that any parent would be proud to love.
As much as her daughter greatly resembled her, a peculiar thing to note was that her eyes were neither her mother’s shade of ruby red or the king’s deep onyx.  
They were a glimmering shade of gold.
Once again, Nene failed to get her husband to pay attention to her daughter. Setting the baby down in a cradle, Nene tucked her in with a little wolf toy that had amber buttons for eyes while she sang a familiar lullaby. When she was done, she sat in her own lone bed and wiped her tears away furiously. The moonlight that shone over the cradle did very little to comfort her. As strange as it seemed to be upset over a man not paying attention to what should be his daughter, Nene’s heart ached. Now she knew that even if the baby had been bred from his blood or borne from his feathers, she would be treated no differently. Still unloved, still unwanted.
“She’s beautiful,” a voice awed.
Nene gasped and flung her head back. The moonlight had seeped in through the window’s cracks and onto the cradle. Her sleeping baby’s hand was curled around Hanako’s finger. Hanako gave a tiny laugh, fawning over the precious thing. “What a beauty,” he whispered. “She looks just like you.”
When he heard nothing and turned to Nene, his brows creased in worry. “Why are you crying?”
It was hard not to tear up in front of him. Not only was this the first time she had seen him in almost a year, but he had shown more care to her daughter in two minutes than the king had in two months. What should she say? That her marriage was horrible? How she thought of him each time she looked at the moon? How the king’s daughter was actually his?
Instead, she confessed that the king was ashamed of not having a son.
If Hanako was annoyed with her sudden engagement, then he was absolutely furious when he heard the words leave her mouth. “How could a king not notice such a treasure? Not even a whole world of gold is an ounce of what she’s worth.”
Unable to hear anymore, she ran into his arms and cried a year’s load of tears into his shoulder. He hushed her graciously and grazed her cheek with his thumb.
“Oh, Hanako,” she whispered. “He won’t even look at her… And he hates the fact I can’t give him gold anymore. I’m just so miserable here…” Sinking her nose deeper into the crook of his neck, she muttered, “What should I do?”
Hanako took a hold of her small frame and smiled at her, looking even more handsome than the day she lost him. “Don’t worry, Yashiro. I’m going to set things right.” He walked the both of them over to the baby’s cradle. “Just follow my lead.”
The very same night, the king was stupefied to see a man from the moon come to him demanding his firstborn child. Nonchalantly he dismissed Nene’s concern with the wave of his hand. The king didn’t particularly care about Nene’s tears or the advisors warning him about magical creatures, he only paid full attention once Hanako threatened to steal away all his gold.
Hanako rolled his eyes. Of course he would only care about that.
Clearing his throat, Hanako glared down at the king. “Again, your wife promised me her firstborn child the moment I taught her how to spin straw into gold. But now that she’s broken her end of the deal, I’ve opted to take them both and all the gold she’s ever given you.” Hanako smirked viciously. “Unless you can tell me my name within the next hour.”
Making his way to the king, Hanako jutted out one hand. “Do we have a deal?”
The king grew nervous, clinging harder onto his jeweled rings and his throne’s handles. Shakily, he shook Hanako’s hand. As afraid as he was, he was even more afraid of losing all his riches.
Hanako smiled mischievously. ‘Excellent’, he thought.
Once the deal was done, the king ordered everyone in the room to guess the moon man’s name. All the advisors shouted possible names, ranging from Aito to Zenshiro. They used their own names, their family’s names, and even scoured through books to find a name.
As the hour ticked by, Nene and Hanako were elated at the king’s futile efforts. Any minute now and their deal would be done. More than fifty minutes passed by when all the advisors were at their wit’s end, stammering as the king grew more and more frustrated.
Angrily, the king took a hold of Nene’s shoulders and shook her violently. She clung onto the baby as her husband’s voice got louder.
“Tell me! You must know his name!” the king yelled. “How could you not!”
Seething in rage, his fingers started digging deeper into her shoulders. She yelped in pain as the baby started to cry from the motion. “You planned this all along, didn’t you? You planned on stealing my fortune from the very start! You useless piece of-”
The king could not finish his sentence as a fist collided right into his face and sent him flying. His neck nearly collided with the throne’s platform as his nose was painted in scarlet.
Everyone stood in shock as the moon man shook off blood from his knuckle.
“That’s enough,” Hanako grit. “Your time is up.”
With the snap of his fingers, the room started spinning. Everything- even the gold off of their hands and ears, was snatched away, vanishing into thin air.
There was almost nothing left in the throne room besides a few fragments of wood and a couple of fabrics, which scattered along the floor when the wind came.
Fed up with the royal’s nonsense, Hanako sneered at the king’s shock. The lavish room looked nothing more than a pile of shabby dust. Turning to Nene and the baby, his eyes softened.
Gently gathering her up into his arms, no different from how a man would carry his bride, he floated high and above. The moonlight engulfed their bodies while he gave a victorious smirk.
“I’ll be taking my wife and my daughter back.”
With that, he and the miller’s daughter were never seen again.
“So you knew all along…” Nene flushed. Her baby was sleeping once again, this time in a cradle from the other world.
Hanako laughed. “Of course I did.” He laid his chin on top of Nene’s head and held her close with his slender arms. “She has my eyes.”
How he was able to tell, she doesn’t know. Save for her brief cries in the throne room, her baby had been asleep the whole time. But the more she thought about it, the more she realized she didn’t care. If Hanako called her his daughter, then that was all she needed to hear. The memory of his finger engulfed by her infant’s hand was more than enough.
“And you don’t mind?” Nene asked.
You don’t mind having a daughter? You don’t mind me?
Hanako placed a kiss to her temple. “If I did, would I have stolen you away? You can be so silly, Yashiro.”
She could feel his heartbeat right behind her back as they stared down at the infant. Turning around, Nene’s eyes lowered as her smile widened. “Well if that’s the case, then you should be the one to name our daughter. It’s only fair.”
Before he can leap in joy, she pinched his nose and giggled when he winced. “You better make it good though! You know how hard it was to take care of a kid all by yourself? You owe me about nine months of care!”
He chuckled amorously. “Of course, I do,” he teased. “I’ll give you all that and more.”
Bending down to feel the soft texture of his daughter’s cheeks, his eyes came down in bliss. Besides her mother, she was the most beautiful person he had ever seen.
“Mizuki. Let’s call her Mizuki,” he said.
Nene leaned her head against him, happy to have heard such a lovely name. Quite befitting for a daughter of the moon.
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