#the answer btw is that I fucking hate war lmao
moonlightcreek · 2 years
I feel like I gotta say it (no I don’t) but bc I also openly linked my selfshipping stuff to this account. What I share interest here =/= selfshipping. I’m saying it bc I’m rewatching TURN and I’m love Sim.coe again but his actor is in C0/D which also caught my interest.
And I have very political feelings about war and pro American war propaganda. Again— no one’s business but my own on how I consume media but this is just a heads up. Ty!! 💕
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wait what happened with pissditching? im p sure you talked abt them in an ask response but i never understood what happened...
basically pissditching is friends with revengeromance and girlgerard (both of whom i dislike atp*) i said something in the tags of a post abt how i was pissed at revengeromance for something (unrelated) and pissditching found it and lowkey harassed me and several friends over it and said some real fucking weird shit to me so i blocked them (and probably said something snarky abt them on main but i dont really remember)
*i dont personally like these two users bc they (specifically gg) are the forefront of call gerard way nothing but she/her and i think thats fucking weird 🙂 personally. so i have them blocked and don’t interact with anyone around them at all.
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tubbytarchia · 5 months
You don't have to publish this ask but I just need to vent to someone who might understand, cause like, I'm over here like "I don't like fh or scott sorry, I promise though I won't talk about it or maintag just letting you know so you don't waste time since I know there's overlap between us, also I have a lot of interesting ideas about them still but I won't talk or write about them because I know that would make some of you upset and more than anything else I want everyone here to have a fun time and ship and let ship <3" and these unproblematic only fh fans will turn around and be like "oh so you're homophobic? You're the most annoying person on the planet? You're just trying to start a ship war? You're the problem with fandom" like BITCH?! Never met people so determined to make their actually quite comparatively good and healthy fandom toxic
This is where it stops being funny and actually genuinely really upsets me, is that very few people dare to talk about "toxic" Flower Husbands, let alone maintag it (and they should be able to! Because it's not fucking hate? Its valid discussion and expression of opinion that doesn't attack anyone). A few people have been more vocal about it recently and I've seen more people besides you come forth NOW, because you didn't want to upset anyone or get shittalked etc in the past for holding a different opinion to the overwhelming majority. I know people who've joked "am I just insane? Am I just stupid for seeing something here that everybody else is vehemently against?". There's evidently people who have just shut up because otherwise they'll get burned at stake, or they stay in their own little circles
And then a few too many FH posts that dare even imply any negative qualities about FH from a character standpoint get a little bit seen, and suddenly FH tag is full of 10 people defending their ship's honor because how dare you!! The way these people are so fucking volatile about fuck-all upsets me so much. Like, haha, we've been proven right I guess! You DO get burned at stake. These people probably aren't even bothering to read any such FH interpretations if they even SEE any, and don't just see 5 other posts claiming "oh my god can people just shut up about toxic FH and write characters breaking up for NORMAL reasons" (genuinely baffling concern that I've seen like at least 3 times btw??) that just leads them to believe that this is a wide-spread "problem" that needs neutralizing? They take even the thought of such posts as personal attacks that prohibit them from shipping FH for some reason? Like dude I fucking dig FH? Just for not always the same reasons as the majority but I guess I've sinned and shouldn't be allowed to speak lol. And these people don't HAVE to read interpretations they don't like, goddamn, look past?? Block if it hurts you that much?? As you said, the Tumblr traffic fandom is largely really kind and healthy so I can't fathom where the hell these guys come from. And then they proclaim the people who have largely shut up or kept to themselves "the problem", and that's the exact response that has been feared lmao
sorry. Long answer but fuck. I'm so sorry anon. The Flower Husbands scene is truly miserable if you dare think of them as anything other than cuddly and cute and teasing at most. Your interpretation is invalid because. ? homophobia I guess lmao
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*stares very aggressively , I’m foaming from the mouth.*
Howdy-hey! I’m here to pester you abt your works! So I reread “From your memory” and I was like wowza and then I wondered…
What was your inspiration? That concept was just entirely new to me and in the good old year of 2011 I was practically ascending bc I was so invested in the story and it was actually the first fic I ever read from you. (and I fell in love teehee) So what made you write that or inspired yo to do so? Did you have an original storyline that was scrapped, and or changed ?
You don’t have to answer any of this if you don’t want to btw :)
I answer all my asks (eventually lmao) fish! Especially yours!
Long answer under the cut because I'm incapable of giving a short answer. Information about my own fics are constantly on the tip of my tongue ready to be spilled out at their first opportunity, and I'm incapable of resisting.
From Your Memory was actually genuinely inspired by the song mention in the A/N of the first chapter, which is Paramore's Ignorance. This is also where the title comes from.
"I'm not the same kid from your memory Well now I can fend for myself"
I listened to the original and acoustic version on loop. Basically what happened in teenage me's brain did was have an animatic in my head about how this song could figuratively apply to a fanfiction, developed the premise, and went from there.
This is gonna be really funny to explain because there's like legitimate scenes developed around individual lyrics in this song.
Ignorance sounds and sounded a lot to me like a dialogue. It sounded, to me, like one person was saying some parts, and one person was replying in a sort of escalating argument, but at least one party was 'ignorant' (huehuehuehue) of all the details about why they were even fighting in the first place. Based on that premise, the song will (hopefully) make more sense. I'm going to write the lyrics 'assigning' lyrics between two people, and tag them (1) or (2), depending on who I am is talking/replying, with 1 being Zim, and 2 being Gaz. I vividly imagined two people interrupting one another while fighting, hence a lot of the weird breaks.
This is gonna be so convoluted and I'm sorry ahead of time lmao.
Lyric Breakdown
(1) If I'm a bad person— (2) You don't like me (1) Well, I guess I'll make my own way (1) It's a circle, a mean cycle (1) I can't excite you anymore
Just on that dialogue, it's basically like. Zim starts off the story blaming himself for not being there when Gaz was injured, and wars between doing the easiest thing for Gaz, which is to shut up and pretend not to know her, or what he wants, which is to tell her the truth and re-involve himself in her life. Gaz is meanwhile obviously oblivious to his turmoil and is like "why are you even talking to me, you hate me." Zim of course originally chooses to aid her from the sidelines, but he's not happy about it. He essentially is "not allowed" to involve himself in her life anymore.
(1) Where's your gavel? Your jury? (2) What's my offense this time? (1) You're not a judge, but if you're gonna judge me (1) Well, sentence me to another life
Zim's resentment about the situation continues, especially with Dib being irritated about Zim choosing to keep secrets and forcing him to go along with it. Gaz is still like "dude what the fuck is your problem??" while Zim continues to be extra pissy, wishing things were different.
(1) Don't wanna hear your sad songs (1) I don't wanna feel your pain (1) When you swear it's all my fault (1) 'Cause you know we're not the same (no) (2) We're not the same (no) (2) Oh, we're not the same (1) Yeah, the friends who stuck together (1) We wrote our names in blood (1) But I guess you can't accept that the change is good (hey) (2) It's good (hey), it's good
At this point, Zim's dealing with being incapable of helping, desperately wanting to help Gaz, but not actually able to do so. He's just constantly watching her suffer without ever being able to help ease her pain.
Mentally, this was also just more arguing, but with Zim being forced to swallow the fact the meaningful friendship and borderline-relationship he and Gaz had developed is gone, and she's not interested in developing a new one the way he is. Things are different now. They simply aren't friends. He's done nothing for weeks but try to save her life, has had her literal blood on his hands, and now it doesn't even matter. He's got to move on, and he's got to continue to convince Dib that their situation has changed, and his idea is for the better. Lacking context, Gaz meanwhile is like dude take your angst and fuck off. She's also trying to convince herself that whatever is clearly happening behind the scenes, it doesn't matter, and she's better off keeping her head down.
(1) Well, you treat me just like another stranger (1) Well, it's nice to meet you, sir (1) I guess I'll go (1) I'd best be on my way out (2) You treat me just like another stranger (2) Well, it's nice to meet you, sir (2) I guess I'll go (2) I'd best be on my way out
(1) Ignorance is your new best friend (x2)
This is also another parallel back and forth, with Zim still coming to terms with Gaz genuinely not knowing their formerly intense, meaningful relationship. It's more resentment about what he lost. It's meant really sarcastically and snidely. Gaz, for her part, means it really literally. She doesn't have any relationship with Zim aside from 'that guy my brother hates,' and blows him off.
And of course, "ignorance is your new best friend" is pretty straightforward in its meaning. Gaz isn't Zim's best friend anymore, and all she has to keep her company is her new amnesia.
For this next part, queue Membrane (3). The really fun part is after this analysis, if you wanna go back and listen to this song nearly entirely from a Gaz vs Membrane perspective, it also can fit! From a Membrane-centric perspective, if you think of Membrane as he sees himself (aka not in the wrong), needing praise from the public, shrugging off criticism since it's "for the greater good," etc with Gaz (and Dib) shoving back at his preconceptions, it's easy to hear the dialogue. But continuing on, this part was mentally Membrane for me:
(3) This is the best thing that could have happened (3) Any longer and I wouldn't have made it (3) It's not a war, no, it's not a rapture (2) I'm just a person, but you can't take it (2) The same tricks that, that once fooled me (2) They won't get you anywhere (2) I'm not the same kid from your memory (2) Well, now I can fend for myself
This was more later in the story and/or right before Gaz lost her memory during her confrontation with Membrane, where Gaz knows what's going on, and Membrane's trying to convince her to cooperate anyways. Membrane is convinced this isn't something that needs to be difficult, while Gaz is warning him that she's dangerous now, has backup, and isn't going just hand over her independence at his whim.
Further Development
From that context, you can see that the story just kind of happened from there. I filled in the gaps. Why was Zim so mad at Gaz, and why wouldn't she know why he was mad at her? Originally, I wasn't sure who the (3)rd person in the lyrics was that Gaz was fighting with, but to me, it sounded like an authority figure. There's not a lot of those in the IZ universe, let alone one that Gaz would legitimately be threatened by, and eventually, it started to sound like an argument with someone gloating, and then someone who didn't even notice their gloating was actually cruel. They'd also have to be someone who Gaz knew since she was little. Someone she was invested in. Someone exactly like Professor Membrane. But then what would Gaz be arguing with dumb, well-meaning Professor Membrane about?
And thus, a metamorphosis occurred:
Tumblr media
This is a meme I made awhile ago for my Discord friends when we discussing From Your Memory. It also makes me laugh every time I see it because it's really spot on to the vibes.
I started to consider the angle that Membrane was actually the bad guy, which, when you consider how many times 'evil mad scientist who think they're in the right' was fed to kids as a trope (and still is, tbh), it was an easy jump. And THAT was when the story really started kicking in.
This was around the time I started to hear the 'Dib is a clone' theories. If Dib was a clone, why couldn't Gaz be? If you were a scientist whose entire life was dedicated to advancement for the betterment of mankind, why would that just be relegated to advancement in technology? Why wouldn't someone just a liiiiiiittle off find themselves stumbling right into advancing the evolution of mankind as a species, too?
So then Gaz and Dib became experiments. And if you were going to make a boy and a girl, you could argue it'd just be the typical white picket fence dream of having a son and a daughter. But if you're me, and grew up in a religious environment, the creation of a man and woman as a pair sound less like siblings and more like Adam and Eve. And that's where the whole 'Gaz is an angel with wings' things came from.
The origin of evil!Professor Membrane was mostly that I thought that no one would ever see that twist coming, but reading back through it, I can definitely see small-me taking digs at my own super-scientist parent lmao.
Evil Membrane is also so incredibly fun just in and of itself. Professor Membrane is the guy above all guys in Invader Zim. He's respected, well-loved, commanding, imperial in so many ways.
I simultaneously started formulating this idea that Gaz had amnesia to keep her from being too OP and dunking on everyone. So the story pretty much fell into place after that. Obviously, the amnesia had to be caused by Membrane, to reset his 'experiment.' Dib and Gaz, as his own form of Adam and Eve, were abominations. Abominations tend to be malformed in some way, meaning they were imperfect creations. Dib was first, and therefore more of a prototype. It'd explain why he lacked Gaz's powers, why she tended to be smarter, stronger, etc in the show.
I also deeply loved the idea of Zim being in love with Gaz, while Gaz is completely indifferent in a way that was atypical than usual ZAGR stories (including MHNY). Zim wasn't fantasizing for a relationship that could be, but pining for a relationship that had been. It made their will-they-won't-they dynamic painful instead of lovey-dovey-ooey-gooey-sentimental, and ya bitch is always down to mix a good dollop of pain into my stories lmao.
Changes Down the Line
This one I'm gonna preface with to anyone reading this: don't go digging through my reviews. I'm too old and my bones are too tired to stir up shit, or incite drama.
I lost focus/desire to finish this story somewhere around I think when Gaz got kidnapped the first time (ch 19ish). I had a whole (now lost to time/deleted) chapter of her being in a warehouse, losing her shit, and breaking free via her powers.
ORIGINALLY, in a world where that version of the story happened instead of what's published, this was going to lead to Gaz being an actual, active threat to humanity incapable of controlling her powers. There was going to be a scene where Dib has to really debate on killing his own sister, or let her destroy the world in a fit of grief. Zim and Dib turned against one another because of it, with Zim fully willing to let her destroy as much of the Earth as he needs to as long as she stays alive.
It was undecided whether or not I was going to make Gaz kill Membrane, or just get really close. Most of the end of From Your Memory was me winging it and losing steam, so I was going back and forth on it.
However, I did know Dib would eventually manage to get close enough for the 'moment of truth,' so to speak, but find himself unable to actually kill his little sister. That moment of humanity would snap her back to cognizance. She'd realize just how much both Zim and Dib care for her in their individual ways, and sort of collapse. They'd eventually disappear, and the rest of story would play out pretty similarly to the published ending (assuming Membrane didn't die).
This all was scrapped legitimately because of one singular review.
Someone, and I genuinely do not remember who but I vaguely remember getting into it in my A/N's with them a few times, wrote this really rude review about how predictable the story was getting, and wrote out basically that it was obvious that Gaz was about to have a power freakout, how played out that was, blah blah blah. In 2011/2012 however, I was like 15, so instead of rolling my eyes and/or patting myself on the back for leaving enough narrative hints that the entirety of my story could be devised from what was already published, I got really mad lmao.
So in an effort to not be 'predictable' and prove that person 'wrong,' I deleted the entire chapter and rewrote it to what's now ch 20. That whole storyline was gone just cause one review really rubbed me the wrong way on the right day lmao. I think there's even an A/N even at the end of 20 that mentions offhand the scrapped rewrite.
As a reminder, this fic was finished over 10 years ago. I am not interested and would in fact be really irritated by anyone digging up the review to go harass someone who probably isn't even active on fanfiction anymore (I mean god, is anyone? Lmao). But that is what happened, and it is relevant to the question, so there.
Additionally, I was debating on writing out a few prequel chapters and inserting them somewhere in the story. Maybe 1 - 3(?) chapters written out, with a beginning, middle, and end of how Zim and Gaz's relationship developed. Like a lot of small, detailed flashbacks of when Zim first started treating Gaz, some middle bits when they stared falling for one another and really began to allow themselves to lean on one another, and then the final kiss scene, just before Gaz lost her memories.
I don't know quite remember where I intended to put that. I had vague ideas of Gaz being knocked out, those 1 - 3 chapters of flashback, and then her 'waking up' right after she slips into a coma, back in the present. These chapters were never written, partially because I couldn't figure out where to put them, and then by the time I got to scenes that could work for that kind of transition, I was really burning out with the story and just wanted to be done with it.
I think that's everything! Hopefully somewhere in this mess was a cohesive answer that answered your question! If I missed anything specific you were looking for, please let me know, and I'll be happy to answer! <3
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silkiemae · 3 months
The Dawn and its Light by Piper CJ
I cannot express to you how glad I am that this series is over. Like I said when I first read TNAIM, there was a lot of potential initially, but unfortunately, Piper continued to disappoint with every plot twist. Book 3 ends off with Nox & her pals killing Millicent, aka the Hand and the Hammer, who I totally almost just called Pollux. And Amaris and her pals are over killing Queen Moiroi. Who we still have no answers about, btw. I think it's kind of ridiculous that if you want to know what is up with that whole business, you have to buy a special edition of this book just to read a 100-page novella explaining it when it could've been explained in the actual book, but whatever. 
The first 100 pages involve Nox dream walking back and forth between everyone and explaining to them all what happened in the last book. Then she has dream sex with Malik. I hated it. Ash and Tanith also bone, it's also awful. I will say that Piper’s writing has improved a bit. Unfortunately, this was still a slog, especially towards the end, but it was far easier to get through than the last three books. After all the dream conversations and sex, they make the decision to travel to Sulgrave to try and forge peace with them or something despite the fact that Tanith was sent to their continent from Sulgrave to genocide anyone with human/faerie blood. I think it was kind of incredibly stupid to have that knowledge and then decide to make a journey across the Frozen Straits where many people are known to die with next to no supplies but more on that later. 
Before they cross the Straits, they decide someone needs to be left behind to rule over Aubade(but not Ceres' kingdom?). So, who do they choose? Fucking Malik. Despite the fact that Malik is a reever and is meant to be like a witcher and play no part in the king's wars, etc. But it's fine because his girlfriend asked him to do it. So, if you're a Malik fan, I'm sorry to tell you that he gets shelved for 85% of this book. He's left behind while everyone else goes to Sulgrave and only shows up for a few dream convos with Nox. I skimmed the last three chapters, so I don't know if he even shows up then. But he definitely wasn't even there for the final battle...speaking of, there WAS NO FINAL BATTLE. Personally, I think it was dumb as hell to have Nox herself go to Sulgrave especially when she only just conquered these kingdoms and hasn't even had an official coronation or established her power in either place. Like she basically pulled a khaleesi and was like okay you're free from your evil leader now...but I'm going to peace out before I can do anything to help improve your lives. Good luck! This is my friend Malik, he has no idea how to run a kingdom either but don't worry guys, I'm sure you'll be fine. I'm gonna go cross a treacherous frozen landscape even though I'm the only heir to these thrones and hope that I survive!! stupid as fuck lmao. 
There's a point where Tanith uses her demon-controlling ability to summon a bunch of harpies to spread the word of...something. And that's all they do. They never show up again. Also, the northern lights show up, which made me LOL because she keeps just cherry-picking things from other mythologies and tossing them into her fictional world. The northern lights, or aurora borealis, are named that because they were named after the Greek god of the north wind, Borealis and the Roman goddess of the dawn, Aurora. Like, plz, Piper. This would be fine, but this is set in a world where there is literally only one religion, and that’s the All-Mother, so where are we getting these names from? There are mentions of old gods, but they’re never expounded upon. I would love it if she somehow told us a backstory where this used to be our world, but something happened to make it so there's only the religion of the All-Mother or something, idk. If Sulgrave managed to cut itself off from the rest of the continent why do they all have the same religion?? It doesn’t make sense. 
I do like that some things from the older books are making a comeback, like the teleporting carriage the Madame had. (I still want to punch Amaris for being like, ‘Oh, this belonged to the lady who wanted to buy me,’ and then thinks nothing of Nox, as usual. Oh, it’s not like she had to go in your place and be forced into sex slavery or anything, aha) I was initially pumped that they were going to go back to the university(also big LOL there's only one university in the entire continent. apparently very few people get educated in this universe....which makes sense considering they're all so dumb) to get the greenstrike blood to help Tanith(another thing that is hardly explained or utilized) but that was the world's biggest disappointment just like the university plot was in book 2. Amaris went there, overreacted when Gad said they were just fight pals, broke into the room of prophecies from HP, and then magically healed Gadriel’s broken wings, and ran away. It was all just convenience for the plot. It seemed entirely useless. If they’d actually done something of note there, this plot would be so much more exciting, too. I was initially excited to see the potential drama of Amaris and Gadriel returning there, but we didn’t even get that. Instead, Yazlyn goes to negotiate with the university while Amaris and Gadriel make out in the forest. It felt like a complete letdown for some actual interesting tension. Then after this, the three of them have to travel across the frozen straits to meet up with the others in some mysteriously hidden boat. Amaris has to be carried by Gadriel and because he has a magic body-warming ability, they’re relatively comfortable while poor Yazlyn is just SUFFERING. I do understand why she’s so miserable and won’t stop complaining but Piper really has a talent for writing dialogue in the whiniest, most annoying way possible. All I wanted was for Yazlyn to stfu even though I completely get why she’s so angry. 
Eventually, they make it to the boat. Gadriel tells Amaris that Nox getting sold into sex slavery is not her fault. I mean…I’m gonna be real, I disagree. While Amaris may not have used her compulsion on Nox to force her to wait, she did tell Nox to wait for her and gave her the expectation that she would come back for her only to abandon her at the first chance and not even think once about going back for her. Nox could’ve been waiting out there for just a few minutes longer before she was caught and sold to the brothel. So, it’s still Amaris’ fault. And it’s Amaris’ fault for being so self-centered that she never once thought about what might’ve happened to Nox or about getting back to her. If she did think that Nox had escaped, why wouldn’t she ever once think about where Nox was? What she was doing? If she was looking for Amaris? You can’t convince me Amaris doesn’t suck, Piper, I’m sorry. 
So they travel for like two weeks on this frozen lake on a skiff on skates. It’s boring and it sucks, for them and for me. There’s a monster hunting them that only Amaris can see. The part when they dance under the northern lights was hilarious because it says they dance like the man who first discovered fire, so I imagine them all dancing like cavemen. Then their ship gets broken, and they use all their convenient powers to fix the boat(just realized that Malik was likely left behind because he has no powers), and the monster attacks. It’s called an aboriou but I literally kept reading ‘an abortion’. Amaris tells everyone to fly away so she can face the abortion and she’s all like ‘oh no I have no weapons’ apparently forgetting she has a shock wave scream. Gadriel almost drops Ash so he has to set him down and readjust his grip which draws the abortion’s attention and Amaris just keeps flailing her arms like an insignificant ant trying to get the abortion’s attention, apparently forgetting she has a shock wave scream Don’t worry though, she remembers it as soon as Yazlyn gets swatted out of the sky like a fly and Tamlin almost gets eaten. She can apparently punch shock waves into the ground now? I don’t remember her learning that ability but okay. She beats up the monster, Tamlin tames it with her demon controlling ability?(they literally said the abortion isn’t a demon it’s an animal, but okay) and then nox befriends it by giving it all of their food supply. So. Great ruling there nox. 
They get to sulgrave and everyone is shocked when Tamlin turns out to actually be a criminal. They get taken to some Diplomatic hall and talk to these people who are in charge of different territories and they all have special color-coded outfits. Nox and Amaris finally bone, and they have magic communicating flowers in their room that have no on or off button so the poor guy at the front desk probably has to sit there and listen to them boning. 
I need to take a second to mention how uncomfortable the polycule in this story makes me. There’s Amaris who’s apparently in love with Nox, who is also getting head from Malik on the side who is also kind of Amaris’ brother. And then Amaris is in a weird uncomfy BDSM relationship with Gadriel who is also Nox’s cousin. Amaris is the immaculately conceived child of the goddess who was made based on a prayer from Daphne, Nox’s mom—and Nox’s dad, Ceres even says that Amaris is kind of like his daughter. So it’s like…one big weird incest square almost, and I don’t like it. I want poly rep but…not like this lmfao. This makes me uncomfy. Not to mention how Gad literally tells Amaris that he owns her and she belongs to Nox so Amaris is in this really toxic throuple where she’s being shared by two cousins who own her??? Not to mention the super bizarre obsession with Amaris losing her virginity. 
The relationship between Yazlyn and Ryu came out of nowhere. They shared a sort of look that’s supposed to suggest they’re interested in one another and then suddenly like idk a hundred or so pages later we get a POV from Yazlyn where she’s talking about how into Ryu she is and how great their first date was but we missed all of that which I find a huge bummer. For a story that was advertised as a bisexual fantasy I was really expecting to get to read about some actual romantic relationship building between two women. There is honestly none in this series whatsoever. Yes, I know the two lead women are meant to be in love and the main couple of the books but they spent 3/4 books apart and in this one they barely talk. We got more from the relationship between Gadriel and Amaris than any other couple. I can’t relate or empathize to any of these relationships because I didn’t get to experience them blossom at all. It’s just suddenly slapped on the page like oh btw, they’re together and deeply in love now! Am I supposed to be happy for Yazlyn that she's staying behind with Ryu? How can I be when I don't understand why? I never saw any of the things that convinced her to stay. 
Ash risks it all to save Tanith which is the dumbest subplot to me. You cannot make me believe that Ash and Tanith really love each other I’m sorry but you can’t. Ash goes to Tanith’s church to try to like cajole them into releasing Tanith and he’s like ‘she should be proud of me I went to her church for her!’ Like...her church that wants to genocide you but yeah! I will never buy that these two are genuinely in love. Trauma bonded? Okay, maybe. But Tanith literally has changed zero of her opinions about half-faeries, which her boyfriend Ash happens to be. Sorry, but no. 
I don't know how it went from Ash asking the church if he could see Tanith to everyone getting arrested but somehow that happens, and everyone blames Ash. I really wish there would've been more time delving into the church and how it was a cult and shit but...it's not that at all. In fact, it's written in a way that basically makes no one culpable of their shitty racist thoughts. More on that soon...
Meanwhile while everyone is imprisoned by the genocidal church, Gad and Amaris go on a hike up to the winged part of Sulgrave to visit Gad’s parents. The winged fae are called seraphim and are described as dove-winged which confused the shit out of me because don’t Gad and Yazlyn have black feathered wings? Are seraphim specifically white winged? If Gad’s parents are seraphim then why does he have black wings? Also seraphim--another thing cherry picked from yet another religion. really using that folklore degree for good, piper. Anyway, they get to his parents house and they’re not home so Gad immediately is like oh we have a house to ourselves and I can smell that you’re no longer a virgin so let’s fuck(ew)! Amaris is like….I don’t really want to but since I know Gad doesn’t take no for an answer I’ll have to use my safe word but…I’m not gonna do that...instead I’m going to literally fight for my life and make this man best me in battle before we’re allowed to fuck. Then precedes some incredibly rapey quotes. 
her gasps of protest and pressing hands were mere signs of encouragement to the predatory male. For months, he’d stopped her advances. For months, she’d tried and failed to lure him into exactly this moment. The message was clear. This was not her choice; it was his.
Meanwhile, this man is literally beating her up and tying her up not accepting any protests unless they’re accompanied by the word snowbird. I know she was trying to do like some kind of mr and MRS SMITH sexy fight scene but the reason that scene worked is because they’re two people who were in love that were genuinely trying to murder one another. This reads as one person very convincingly trying to get away while the other refuses to let them. Oh and then also when they finally do bone THERE’S NO FOREPLAY. HE JUST GOES STRAIGHT FOR PENETRATION. But the orgasm was so good that her sonic scream shattered all the windows. 
I won’t lie I kind of blacked out most of what happened after this because it was so boring. Somehow Amaris & Gadriel team up with Ryu and some other people from Sulgrave to go rescue everyone. I don’t remember how they got Tanith out but she somehow helps Amaris and Gadriel. Nox does exactly what Amaris did in book one when she called out Moiroi for casting an illusion and calls Daifa out in front of everyone for implanting memories which is why everyone was a racist. Daifa’s response is oh well you’re just a liar and a false queen. Now everyone is fighting. Somehow the abortion showed up to help out too. Nox literally kills Daifa in a fucking dream and that's it. 
Oh, there's a part where they fight the church, one of them telekinetically throws a lot of swords and shit at Tanith and Ash dives in front of the swords to save her but somehow not a single one pierced Tanith(that's not how that would work at all but okay piper, whatever you say). So I'm just imagining the tips of all these swords just embedded in him hahaha. Anyway, Ash dies sacrificing himself for the nazi girlfriend who wanted to genocide him and then gets turned into a fucking GOLD COIN and is never mentioned again. my god. 
The main bad guy is never killed because apparently this is mean to lead into the Villains prequel but...This book feels like it’s the start of a new series, but it’s supposed to be the finale of this series yet it’s got an open-ending to lead into the prequel series of the villains. Which again, if it’s a prequel series it takes place before this series so why did this series need an open-ending unless of course, there’s going to be sequel series to this which if there is I am going to shoot myself. I’m begging you Piper, let Amaris die. She sucks. 
So this book is weird to me because we defeated the big bad in the last book and now there’s a new big bad in this book who never gets defeated so…I’m confused. Like how would this series be finished then. I feel like she’s going to magically be like HAHA SIKE ITS NOT OVER THERES FOUR MORE BOOKS COMING OUT. 
Oh, I do want to mention to any of you who’ve been purchasing the character art of Malik that that shit is traced. Look up the Entertainment Weekly cover of Charlie Hunnam when he was promoting King Arthur. The wrinkles on his shirt, the sword hilt, the placement of his fingers, the wounds on his arms. All of that is traced with a disproportionate head of like Liam Hemsworth slapped on top. Do with that information what you will. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 
And that's all I have to say. Goodbye.
EDIT: Also, what the fuck is the actual relationship between Gadriel and Nox? This book says they were cousins and that Gad's dad was Ceres' brother, which would make him Cere's nephew. The last three books and the novellas say that Gadriel and Ceres were cousins. So which is it??
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ladyimaginarium · 10 months
man ....... my& founders era first generation jinchuriki oc's were literally SOOOOOOO fucking iconic i& CAAAAAAAANT
they rly were iconic plural representation b4 i& even knew i& was a s.ystem. im& so sad i& never got to explore them more but like. i& love them sm. like.
fusa arashi is the first kazekage's bastard daughter by a tribeswoman in the country & grew up on the streets of sunagakure & she made friends with these street dogs that she made her familiars then she had to like. compete with her legitimate siblings to gain her father's affections & she's forced to be the jinchuriki of shukaku against her will to become the country's pride & weapon & she's literally like. 13-14 when all this is happening. a litcheral child. she rly was so iconic. she was called the wild child & then eventually the desert rose. she'd like. never sleep bc shukaku doesnt let her. she'd have all these fancy fuinjutsu & would seal bitches in sandcastles & have all these wack ass wind jutsu strong enough to level small sections of forests ( & a funny scene in my& head is that whenever she sneezes ppl literally get knocked over if they're too close to her lmao ) & have a sense of smell similar to a bloodhound & bc her mother's tribe were expert hunters she'd be insanely good at hunting & tracking people down similar to a sensory nin & she could like absorb things into her skin & she'd have this summoning contract of raccoon dogs & use her dogs from the streets as familiars & her own personal service dogs & use feral taijutsu attacks like a dog would & much like her future successor gaara used her sand as the ultimate defense.
nii tora was a liberator & she was this warrior princess who led her people to safety in the warring era & then allied w/ the senju to take back her lands & now she's the trusted adviser to the raikage & she willingly took on the role of jinchuriki to matatabi. & my girl was going OFF !!!! she was out here w/ the whole claws & everything & spitting out blue fire & just. overall using blue fire techniques that couldn't be put out with water & was one of the fastest kunoichi in the world & was out here being so iconic bc she's litcherally married to ANOTHER jinchuriki the raikage's brother lmaoooo
yuki shiro was out here being a pirate lord & the lastborn son of the first mizukage & a princess from the yuki clan & he was born albino & thus bc of superstition was seen as like. this dark omen by the entire country & this mf..... this mf deadass went up to his father & was like "aiight since y'all fucking HATE ME SO MUCH i'll be your monster" & took the jinchuriki role w/ pride & he was out here killing his siblings in a civil war & raided across the world & he was actually a major key player in the destruction of uzushiogakure aka the reason why kushina, nagato & karin & to an extent naruto himself dont have a country no more. rip btw his partner is another jinchuriki who's nonbinary & they're. super fucking gay together. & like. not only did this mf have ice release but this mf also had coral manipulation techniques & could like. use shell techniques & his skin was TOUGH
terumi akane..... she's a literal bombshell ilhsm. she a baddie that will Never take no for an answer. she was out here being this. like. spy/assassin & was one of the greatest taijutsu practitioners in the world & her era & willingly took the duty of jinchuriki with her adopted brother head on. she was out here with all these insane green fire techniques & could also use lava release but being the jinchuriki of son goku made it that much more crazy powerful & could make magma armor to protect herself & could also use different variants of lava like strong acidic mud to hot molten rocks to quicklime whether corrosive or noncorrosive to vulcanized rubber stuff to melting flames to ashes.... all in HEELS. she really was That Bitch TM
goemon ishimaru is akane's younger adopted brother. he's a hardhead & ngl a fun loving chaotic dumbass but we love him 4 it. he was on a three man team w/ himself, akane & onoki. he was also the physically strongest member of his village. literally the only reason why he took the role of jinchuriki was because his older sister didn't have to feel alone in the world. he had. insanely massive superhuman strength & could use steam techniques from boil release that could give him even more strength that rivals gyuki the 8 tails & he could also use it to burn & melt surroundings & could use steam armor & he also had horns from kokuo if he chose to. so. yeah thats smth lmfao
homatsu mizuto is shiro's enbyfriend. they were a broke ass enby w/ no lands or titles & would always just... wander the docks & watch the ships pass & they were basically shiro's only friend growing up. literally the only reason why they took the place of jinchuriki was because they didn't want shiro to feel alone in the world & the thrill of adventure. literally everybody thought they were insane but shiro liked them so that's all that mattered. they're literally that meme of the stick people killing people brutally & also the other meme of a neurodivergent stickperson jumping off the walls..... yeah. they also helped shiro w/ the destruction of uzushio. they, like utakata, could use bubble techniques & could use acid techniques in both gaseous & liquid forms that could burn through most materials in seconds & could also like develop this mucus that could immobilize its victims & also use poison techniques. we love 2 see it.
tamamushi takiko was actually kakuzu's apprentice. she was sold to a pleasurehouse by broke parents until kakuzu bought her freedom & set her free. the takikage had other plans for her tho... & that involved becoming the jinchuriki of chomei. kakuzu was her only companion. sure he was a grumpy asshat but she didn't mind. but she's. surprisingly still a really sweet person despite everything. she'd have all these insect techniques like developing chitin to be used as lil weapons or surgical threads & develop an exoskeleton as a defense mechanism & be able to use a bifurcated horn when necessary & she could also molt & release pheromones for a variety of different purposes & was immune to diseases & poisons bc of insect immunity & like the bombardier beetle she had this spray technique that while mixing hydrogen peroxide quinone & her own chakra could be fired at enemies that was a scalding 100 degrees celsius & also have the ability to fly w/ these really pretty wings. she was there the day kakuzu tried to assassinate hashirama. she just rly was the sweetest person ever.
otenki b is tora's husband & we love him sm. he was out here being a great father, gladiator, warrior & revolutionary. very few truly knew his real name. he was his brother's right hand man thru & thru & most ppl to this day internally shit themselves even after he's dead. he was out here fighting the uchiha & was just that badass. he took his duty as a jinchuriki w/ pride & was out here doing black lightning techniques & could do all this crazy shit with swords & could do nintaijutsu & could surround himself in black lightning & bc he was gyuki's jinchuriki he could also do insane feats w/ his superhuman strength & also use ink techniques that could be used to create clones or blind enemies.
im& not gonna get into u.zumaki m.ito bc she's. not rly an oc she's a canon character lmfao but...... she was out here w/ chakra chains that could not only pulverize & beat the living shit out of u & would be capable of fighting a bijuu head on but can also bind & nullify ur chakra & the byakugou seal aka the pinnacle of chakra control, slug sage mode that allowed her to use slug senjutsu w/ acid techniques that could melt through rocks, all ur skin, muscle tissues & bones w/ ease & the nine tails chakra mode on top of that...... g-d help everyone.... mom come pick me up im scared lmao
& btw uh. since this is the founders era....... the og nine jinchuriki could use chakra modes willingly & could achieve partial transformation as well as just. full on transformation & merge w/ their tailed beasts so..... rip @ the entire world lmao
do not reblog unless you're a member of our& system.
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anarchy-and-piglins · 3 years
Btw /genq are you a c!dream apologist?
This was a really weird question to get like dsjdhhghfjq what have I possibly posted to give you that impression?? I don’t feel like I post about Dream all that much (unless I’m writing meta about Techno and Dream’s relationship). ANYWAY:
Short answer: no
Long answer: I hate the term apologist with a burning passion and do not trust people who use it unironically because thinking any character could be held to a standard where all their actions are automatically apologized because you like them is super sus. Everybody does good and bad things.
(Using the term jokingly is another matter. I will jokingly claim I’m an emduo apologist because it’s funny and because I love Phil and Techno an unreasonable amount, they’re allowed some war crimes as a treat uwu When it comes to serious meta though, I know they both have flaws and have done things that are Wrong)
I miiiight consider myself a c!Dream sympathizer only in some regards. I’m pretty open about my views on the prison and my belief how no crime justifies violation of basic human rights. What happened in there was just generally fucked up, period. I’m also not a big fan of portraying c!Dream as doing bad things ‘for the lols’ or because he’s ‘just evil’, though that has less to do with my own feelings about his character and more about how this is something directly contradicted both by the lore and the meta. c!Dream has very strong internal motivations for why he commits the atrocities he does, which have convinced him they’re for the nebulous ‘Greater Good’. And that’s what makes him an interesting villain, so I don’t like to see that reduced to ‘c!Dream evil abuser because evil’.
Though the greatest bottom line is I don’t really care too much for c!Dream either way beyond his interactions with Techno because I’m biased lmao ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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facelessxchurch · 3 years
I'm still in awe that Nefarian won that battle tournament thing they played on the SP reddit. Imagine a group of people lackadaisical enough to read this garbage coming to the right conclusion out of nowhere
UGH yeah! That was so frustrating! I mean, I’m happy that Nef got some positive attention for a change, but the write-up of the battles were so unimaginative!
It always was: he wins bc red hand OP. If you’re clever enough you can beat him despite his red hand. It’s powerful, but it still has restrictions in place. Like there can be no barrier between the hand and his victim. Dive behind a wall and the pain cuts off. The red beams seem to be insta-kills, but you can dodge them and stuff like that.
What makes him far more dangerous is how intelligent, unpredictable and versatile he is! I don’t remember that well anymore, but there is an excellent chance I probably compiled this list of Nef’s canon magic bc this pissed me off so much.
For the White Clever VS Nef fight I wrote out all the things he could do to win even if his red hand doesn’t work. What do they do? “haha red hand goes brrr”
Like, why do this tournament/write-up in the first place if you’re going to be lazy about it?
Also, this is probably where this BS opinion comes from, that Nef has to be nerfed bc his hand makes him to OP. Bc they completely overestimate how powerful it is and underestimate pretty much everything else that makes Nef dangerous. Also, looking at all the OP characters SP has, what makes them think Nef is the one that has to be nerfed when fucks like Skulduggery, Valkyrie/Darquesse and Abyssinia are walking around??
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Such a fucking mood!
I think it bothers you bc absolutely everyone always drew Mev dark haired (even before I started drawing him, since I used the others art as reference along with the ‘fake-canon’ pic that used to be posted on the wiki (it was a saturated version of this pic btw) that shows up a lot when you google ‘Mevolent’).
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That’s not  chivalrous, that’s just really fucking weird tbh. I hate how Landy writes phase 2 Mevolent and I especially hated the entire part in Tahil Na Kurge with Val going full on Mary-Sue. 
Mev did have a few good scenes like how he easily he was fighting the assassins even without his magic and how it confirmed my headcanon about him being an agile fighter instead of a tank, since him wearing leather armour instead of metal had already been implying that. But with Mev it always feels a lot like Landy doesn’t know what route to take with him, leading to a very weird and inconsistent characterization. Honestly? I like how the people in the fandom write Mev a lot more (this excludes those that write him as a r*pist btw).
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Be better than Mev and destroy the brain/go sure your overpowered opponent is truly dead. 
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Tbf Darquesse had maincharacter plot armour protecting her, otherwise Mev would have accidentally solved the Prime Dimensions main issue for them.
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Tbf Mev was probably lying through his teeth about wanting peace, just like I’m pretty sure that Mev was lying in KotW when he said he wanted a Truce with the Resistance. One of the few good things to come out of SoW was that it showed what a tricky and cunning bastard Mev is.
He probably prefers to take those in his way out in ways that cannot be traced back to him and replace them with his own people. Or he just wanted the peace so he can more easily get what he needs to bring his Gods back and let them do the killing instead of having his men die. In book 1 Nef mentioned they want to return their Gods so they can ‘cleanse’ the world and rebuild it in their image or something like that.
(I answer on my Mev blog even slower than I answer here, so if you want a quick answer I wouldn’t recommend it.)
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LMAO fat chance. I mean, I’d love to see it, but we both know it’s not gonna happen. We’ll be lucky if Nef doesn’t get ruined further and that’s the best we can hope for tbh.
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You most likely will, yes.
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I can’t believe it took Landy 14 years to come up with a reason why Nef and Skul hate each other and the reason pretty much just boils down to “they just don’t like each other and it got out of hand bc war”.
I’m extra pissed bc that was the exact question I asked him when I stood before him during the 2016 YALC for which my sorry ass flew to England and he couldn’t give me an answer back then. Instead he then told me that he was planning on releasing a secret on his blog each year on the release date of the last SP book and that that would be one of them. Well, that was a fucking lie.
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whatvflaotsurgoat · 4 years
Okay so small ( nvm this turned out a lot longer than I thought lmao ) tangent here but like Obi Wan has to put up with so much fucking shit??!? Like what the hell
I started reading the Clone wars Book two wild space recently and I am a n g r y . The book picks up from the end of Attack of the clones and Anakin is in a medically induced coma because he got fucking decked by dooku and got his hand chopped off. Normal stuff. Anyway, while he’s asleep, Obi Wan, who mind you is also injured and completely exhausted from the battle of geonosis, and who has been pacing like a mother hen over the state of his impulsive padawan, is scolded by Yoda (is this really the right time for this Yoda??) that he let Anakin’s and Padme’s crushes go on for too long and that he has to put an end to it.
So Obi Wan being the dutiful guy he is goes to Padme’s apartment at night to kinda tell them to stop swapping cooties and stuff, but when he gets there Padmé for sum reason just hates him and is angry that she can’t see Anakin, which??? Not his fault but k. Then she proceeds to just full on accuse him of being a terrible friend to his padawan and just overall not understanding shit about anakin even though they legit spent years together while Padmé low key has been his girlfriend for a week now? Idk maybe even less. So I get that Padmé is having a rough time at that moment but like geezuz can you give the guy a break please? So this whole time Obi Wan is kinda just sitting there politely taking it like
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And after Padmé just kinda bashes him for the whole long ass scene (btw if I was in his position, I would have cried at least twenty times over already) They finally get to the point to why he is even there in the first place, and honestly he has the patience of a God for this, tells her in other words that if they will have a relationship they will practically doom the universe and that they should knock it off. She then asked him how is it that he has so little love for Anakin that he is willing to prevent him from happiness. Obes answer to that that he is doing it precisely because he loves him.
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Which, okay... fucking HUGE. Especially for a rule abiding Jedi like Kenobi. But him admitting that doesn’t faze her at all. So yeah Padmé just seems to loathe him in this scene and then when poor tired Obi goes back to Yoda to report on what he just did, Yoda sucker punches his feelings again and hits him with a “ I’m disappointed in you” because he apparently didn’t prevent Anakin from loving a girl?? and I- omfggg leave him aloneeee! Like he just never wins.
Anyway my conclusion is that Obi Wan Kenobi desperately needs a hug
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makeste · 4 years
You’ve been in this fandom longer than I have, when a character dies do people usually spam their tag with celebrations and nasty comments? I’ve only really been part of smaller fandoms before, and those sort of things were considered really rude and like you were looking to upset people, are things more lax in a large fandom like this or do the same rules apply?
okay so I got a few asks more or less to this same effect, warning me to stay out of the BnHA tag right now and such, and here’s the thing. first of all, to answer your question anon, the answer is absolutely yes. fandoms be wildin’ all of the time. the BnHA fandom is actually by and large one of the sanest Large Fandoms out there. really, it is. but fandoms by their nature are filled with people with opinions! and the bigger the fandom, the more people and the more opinions there are. and most of those people will want to talk about their opinions, and share them with other people, and connect with people who are like-minded, and debate with people who are not. and all of that is literally what fandom is about. 
and an unavoidable part of that is that sometimes people are gonna have opinions that you REALLY don’t agree with, and you have to put up with seeing those opinions everywhere (because like it or not, fandom is a public space, and people are allowed to express their own opinions in that space), and it kind of sucks, ngl. but at the same time, it works both ways, and other people might not agree with your opinion either, but you still have the right to express it. that’s just how it goes! and honestly it’s not a bad thing in the long run for people to build up a tolerance to reading views they disagree with. it can make you more open-minded, and it’s a good way to sharpen your critical thinking skills, and just in general it’s not a bad thing to be able to co-exist with other people even though you might have very different points of view.
however! the key thing in all of this that people unfortunately forget sometimes is that fandoms are fiction, whereas the other people you are interacting with are real. and for me personally, I will always prioritize the feelings of real, actual people over the feelings of fictional characters. and what this means is that I honestly do NOT care at all whether or not you hate Gran Torino, or you think Tomura is irredeemable, or you think Bakugou and Endeavor don’t deserve redemption, or you think that a certain ship is toxic, or whatever! I can and will disagree with literally all of those takes, but you have just as much a right to an opinion as I do. and so as long as our disagreements are limited to these entirely fictional matters which literally have no bearing whatsoever on anything in the real world, that is FINE. we are totally cool. you do you, and we can debate these things if you want, but I will do so with respect, and if I’m ever not respectful then by all means please call me out on it.
rather, where I do draw the line is when people start attacking other real-life people over their opinions on fictional characters. “I hate Gran Torino” is one thing. but “anyone who likes Gran Torino is a terrible person" is quite another. and this cuts both ways!! “I don’t agree with villain stans” is one thing, but “villain stans are clowns with no reading comprehension at all” is a totally different take, and the latter is incendiary and condescending and lumps a very large and diverse group of people all together in the same box and very specifically attacks them as individuals, rather than the actual takes. and that, imo, is what makes a fandom start to feel toxic. when people start attacking each other, rather than the opinions they actually disagree with. when people start prioritizing their defense of fictional characters over the real life thinking and feeling human people they’re interacting with.
there’s just no need for that. it’s actually not hard to treat other people with respect. you just have to remember that they’re actual people, which unfortunately is something that we don’t always remember to do when we’re typing out words on the internet. ideas don’t have thoughts and feelings! opinions can take whatever you throw at them, because they are just opinions!! fictional characters could not care less what anyone is saying about them!! they don’t give a fuck!! but sometimes people in fandom do this thing where they identify with an opinion/character/ship so much that they allow attacks on that opinion/character/ship to hurt them personally. and conversely, they dehumanize people with the opposite opinion so much that they become capable of attacking them pretty damn viciously without feeling any remorse about it at all. and that’s when it gets toxic. and unfortunately this is such a commonplace thing that I think we’re all guilty of it sometimes. but basically, this IMO is the true hallmark of toxicity in a fandom. when people stop having respect for other people. when it goes from “this take is dumb” to “these fans are dumb.” because at that point we might as well not even be talking about the fandom anymore. reasonable discussion has left the building and we’re all just standing around throwing shade at each other as if that is ever somehow going to prove any kind of point.
tl;dr the bnha tag is kind of toxic right now, ngl, but not necessarily for the reasons people might assume. however, that being said, I’ve still seen far, far worse in other fandoms, and I think that by and large this one is still doing all right. I have not ever personally interacted with anyone who’s been nasty or rude or insulting towards me in any kind of way even if we disagree on something. fandom can sometimes look more fucked-up looking at it with a wide-angle lens from a distance than it actually is up close. most people are chill. and even if they’re not, you can still be chill to them, and I promise you in the long run that will make your fandom experience better. this isn’t particularly addressed to you btw anon. it really isn’t addressed to anyone! I’m just soapboxing in general. and I will take the BnHA fandom over, say, the Star Wars fandom any day of the week lmao.
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angelicmark · 5 years
pairing: eros!mark x bia!reader
genre: angst, smut, gods/goddesses, fluff
warnings: hand job over clothes, dirty talking. penetration. unprotected sex. riding lmao. he cums inside you btw.
eros is a god of sex, so there is explicit descriptions. bia is cruel in her own way and her thoughts are quite aggressive.
summary: so cold, so heartless; mark is unable to understand why he wants you as bad as he does. especially when you continue to torture him, letting him know just how much you hate him.
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BIA: goddess of force, power, anger.
EROS: god of love, lust, sex.
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you enjoyed this. you enjoyed the pain and the feeling you got seeing your opponent suffer in some way. it was exhilarating, knowing you had such power over the person in front of you who dared to cross you. it was such an amazing feeling.
your face was unreadable, “hello, angel.” your fingers danced across his skin, watching as he shivered in disgust. it made you snort, “you’re here, because?”
you waited patiently for his answer as he caught his breath, “i- i was sent to come get you, via orders from lucas.”
your brows furrow, making you scoff, “my brother, huh?”
the man in front of you only nodded his head, gulping. you just nodded, shoving him away from you and making your way to town. you could care less about anyone that wasn’t family in some way. you had no respect for anyone other than your brother at this point.
“you couldn’t have come yourself? you wanted me to scare the poor boy?” your eyes came across lucas, and he grinned in your direction.
lucas, aka kratos; god of strength. he sure was your brother alright.
“thought i was sending a present your way,” he shrugged his shoulders, making you chuckle a bit.
“what did you need?” you questioned, why in the hell he even sent the messenger.
lucas cleared his throat, “i need you.”
you raised a brow, “for once, you need your little sister?” you smirk, watching as he scoffed at your reply. lucas was always more kind hearted than you, so you were confused why he needed someone as cruel as you to do anything.
“you’re more heartless than me,” he pauses, putting papers away, “and a woman.” you were intrigued now, watching him carefully, “i want you to get mark.”
you almost choked on your spit, looking at him with huge eyes, “the fuck?” you glared at him. mark was eros, the god of love and lust. you were disgusted by the mere thought of even being near him. you had no interest in communicating with him.
“i need his union, Y/N,�� he sighs, “this company isn’t going to go anywhere without him-”
you scoffed, “what? you need his good looks or something?”
“and kind heart,” he narrowed his eyes in your direction. you just smiled.
lucas was running a company for the gods and goddesses, trying to create a strong union of respect in case war was ever to break out. but it seemed lucas was struggling, because even though he was more gentle than you, he was still a god of strength, and he was still related to you.
you roll your eyes, “whatever.”
lucas makes a sound of victory as you walk out, “thank-”
“but i’m doing it my own way,” you smirk.
lucas’ blood runs cold.
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as you stared at mark, you realized just how beautiful he truly was. he was almost ethereal, you were starting to wonder just how often he used that against people. but then he laughed, and you swore you just heard your favorite melody come right out his mouth.
you snort, of course. he was the god of love, someone you could never be in a million years.
you approach him, and he feels your strong energy. he makes eye contact, and you smirk. you could see the way he was looking at you; he was still the god of lust, after all, and you were still a female.
“mark,” you whisper as you reach him, and he looks at you with dark eyes, practically devouring you with his own two eyes. you’d be lying if you said you didn’t enjoy the attention.
“yes, my love?” his voice was deep, but so soft. it was nothing you’ve heard before, and it almost made you sick to your stomach. you could feel anger bubbling up in your stomach, making your eyes a darker shade that could be mistaken as anything, especially in front of a god of lust. you see his lips twitch upwards.
you snarl in his direction, catching him off guard, “i’m not here to fuck you, mark.” your arms are crossed, and you could see the small tint of pink on his cheeks.
even if he was a god of such explicit things, he was so fucking shy. he had such energy of a boy sometimes, it would fool you that he was still a year older than you. you may be a minor goddess, but standing in front of him, you realized you could take him on any day. one look and you’re sure his dick would twitch.
“such a fucking baby boy, aren’t you?” you press a finger under his chin, making him look up at you. this was too damn easy. he lets out a soft sigh, close to a whine but no noise came out. it made you happy with his reactions.
he closes his eyes, “w- what did you want?” he steps out of your reach.
you didn’t like the thought of him stepping away from you, making you even more angry. you growled, “i didn’t say step away from me.” you tilted your head, “you just love pushing my buttons, don’t you?” you emphasize the word ‘love’, knowing damn well his position.
he adverted his gaze from you, “what do you want?” he mumbles.
you huff, letting it slide, knowing you’ll have all the time in the world to mess with him later, “i need you.” you repeat the words lucas had said to you, and you could see he was intrigued by the way his head whipped in your direction. you grinned.
“how so?” he was easing into the conversation.
you step closer, “if you don’t come with me, i’ll force you with me.” you voice was barely above a whisper as you and mark were face to face, his eyes unable to stop looking into your own dangerous eyes. “trust me when i say i have no problem with it.”
“is it lucas?” he questions, glancing down at your lips.
you lick your lips for him, “yeah.”
he squirms, wondering how you could be so tempting, even though you weren’t a goddess of temptation by any means. you were almost the opposite, chasing away every single person who even looked your way. it caught him by surprise by how badly he wanted you at this point.
as you stared at him, you wondered how many people he had been with his whole entire life. he was so elegant, so soft. it made you shiver in disgust by how gentle he was, because compared to you he was softer than velvet, and you were tougher than a rock.
you step back when you see him starting to lean forward, “you don’t seem to get my message,” you spit at him in disgust, “never in a million years would i ever want to be around someone as weak as you. i’m just simply here to bring you with me to lucas. i have no interest in you.”
he gulped, your words seemed to hurt. and you were so twisted, so hot and cold. he knew you enjoyed his pain, he knew just how cruel you were and just how much anger you held in your body. how could he be so fooled?
you were so raw, so unapologetic for your actions. sometimes he envied you and your ways, but he wondered if you ever even felt love. could you even feel an ounce of love? probably not, he thinks.
he just nods his head after a moment, and you smile at him in victory. you won this fight of power, and he knew just how much of an ego boost that was for you. but he could care less at this point. you were so intriguing, and he felt almost determined to know what went on in that mysterious mind of yours.
“good choice,” you grab his hand, leading him into your escort car.
as you both sit in the back, you could feel his eyes studying your every move. he was being very bold, and he knew he was. but he couldn’t help himself. you were something he so badly wanted to touch, but couldn’t. for once, mark was defenseless against a woman. he feared you, even.
the moment you reach lucas, his eyes turn wide as he sees mark standing right beside you. you knew lucas had his doubts, way too many of them in fact, but as he sees mark’s big bright eyes greeting him, he can only smile in delight.
“hello, mark. it’s a pleasure meeting you, finally after countless conversations on the phone,” lucas greets, holding his hand out with warmth.
mark shook his hand, wondering how in the hell he was even slightly related to you. “pleasure is all mine,” mark smiles back.
you scoff, not saying anything as you watch the two males converse. lucas can only talk minor details about where he stands right now, and mark nods his head politely.
“well,” mark clears his throat, glancing at you for a brief moment, “the least i can do is stick around.” mark smiles brightly, “considering your situation, i’ll accept.”
lucas celebrates, throwing his long arms around mark with a loud gasp of happiness. you could tell lucas was pleased as he mouthed a soft ‘thank you’ in your direction while hugging mark tightly. you just rolled your eyes, but you still had a smile on your face. yes, you were a goddess of anger, but seeing your goofy brother happy still brought you some kind of joy. you weren’t undead or completely inhumane.
“you won’t regret this, i promise.” lucas gleams as he pulls back.
mark chuckles, shaking his head softly, “can’t think i will.”
mark looks at you, eyes meeting yours. yeah, he definitely won’t regret this.
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everywhere you went, mark just somehow seemed to be there. you were getting aggravated and annoyed on all kinds of different levels. the black haired boy looked at you with innocent doe eyes, and you were on the verge of screaming at him. he was having the time of his fucking life.
“i don’t know what the hell your problem is,” you rush up to mark, making the annoying boy nervous by your strong energy, “but i’m getting sick of it. everywhere i go, you’re there. it’s like you can sense wherever i am and you have to fucking follow me. jesus fuck, it’s annoying.” you sigh out, “you really need to find someone else to fuck, because i’m not going to.”
he coughs, choking on his spit, eyes wide. “w- what? holy shit, i never-”
you step close to him, your face not even a centimeter apart, “you don’t want to fuck me?”
you were so cruel. you knew he wanted to, so bad. you could practically smell his arousal a mile away. and, worst part is, he know that. he knows that you know how bad he wants you. it was embarrassing, that the god eros was craving someone so cruel, so intentionally cruel.
he only gulps, staring directly into your eyes. your eyes grew dark, and you loved the nervous look on his innocent face. he couldn’t be as innocent as he made himself out to be, there’s no way. he was the god of lust, sex, and love. there were so many more people before you, and apart of you felt sick at the idea of other people touching him that weren’t you. you were angry.
you scoffed, “you can get anyone you want. you’re a god of sex, for fuck sake. i’m nowhere near in your league.”
“what if i only wanted you?” he questioned, his head tilting as he moved even closer. you could feel his breath on your lips.
you raise a brow, “you sure love challenges, don’t you?”
he nods, eager for more of your responses, “for you? of course.” he was whispering his answers, wanting so badly to close the space between the two of you.
you back away, though, depriving him further of your touch. he only wished you would let him pleasure you, let him touch you just once. or have you touch him, how he so badly needed you, wanted you.
“you’re so easy,” you wave him off, walking away from him in a harsh manner. you were so powerful against him, he was intimidated, and yet he needed you more than anyone else. who else made him feel this way? no one. the answer was no one.
“Y/N,” he was breathless, reaching out to grab your arm.
you stopped in your tracks, feeling your whole entire body run cold at the mere touch. no one ever truly dared to touch you first, and you were starting to get pissed. you could feel your body boiling, your face heating up in anger. you yank your hand back, rushing towards him in anger. he backed against the wall, eyes wider than he’d ever had.
“you don’t fucking touch me.” you seethed, “i don’t want your filthy, dirty hands on my body, ever. you’re a disgusting excuse of a god, a fucking whore, a slut. you want my touch that fucking bad, huh?” your hand reaches down to touch his bulge in his pants, and he whimpers at the strong force.
you rub him, watching as he crumbles beneath you, “you’re so pathetic, rutting against my hand like some school boy getting touched for the first time. i thought you were the god of sex? where’s your big boy image now, baby?”
your hand squeezed tighter around him through his pants, and he yelped, his eyes fluttering close, “s-shit, fuck, Y/N..” he was out of breath, unable to keep in his noises. it all felt too much. this was the first time he ever truly felt like he was getting an out of body experience, already so close. “i- i’m gonna fucking cum, gonna cum, gonna.. cum.” he groans.
you smile, but it was a devilish smile, “already? you’re going to stain your jeans, angel. cumming all in them, begging for my touch. you gonna cum for me? me only, right?” you felt possessive of him, your hand quickening up its pace as your hand sneaks beneath his jeans and onto his boxers instead.
his breathing was uneven, his panting and moans louder than ever, “p- please, yes, only you. cum only for you.” his words barely made sense as they rolled off his sweet tongue.
“good boy,” you whisper in his ear, kissing it sweetly. you leaned back, watching as his brows furrow, his jaw tightening.
he could feel his release, coming so soon. “fuck,” he let’s out a long groan as your thumb rubs fast circles against his tip, watching as he crumbles into ecstasy. “fuck, fuck, fuck-”
he cums, his boxers not being able to hold all of it as some of it falls onto your hand. you hum, watching as he cums for you, making you feel so prideful at the sight of the older boy falling apart. he looks so spent, his hips softly rolling and riding out his high until he comes to a complete stop. his eyes are still closed, tears sweetly rolling down his cheeks.
he’s fucking spent.
you pull your hand away, looking at the cum covered fingers, “look, baby.” he opens his eyes slowly, still very hooded. “you made such a mess,” you chuckle, but quickly licking your fingers clean. he groans, feeling his knees buckle in his spot against the wall.
“don’t touch me ever again,” were your final words as you walked out, leaving him breathless, panting, and wanting more.
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as days pass, mark’s eyes were still unable to stay off you. but, this time, you couldn’t blame him. you basically gave him the best hand job he was ever given, and now you’re telling him he can’t touch you? even you were starting to think you were cruel.
but you loved the desperate look in his eyes when he looked at you, practically begging you to let him have you. it made you so prideful, more than usual. and that was such a dangerous thing, in your eyes.
lucas has been keeping mark busy these past few days, torturing him even further as he was unable to constantly see you, and when he did see you it was very brief in a hallway. but his eyes would bore through your skin, making sure you knew he was there, making you feel his gaze.
“can you please quit the teasing already?” you hear a rough, hoarse voice. he sounded weak, desperate.
you turn around from where you were standing in your room, making you smile sweetly, “i’m not your problem solver now. i jacked you off, that should be enough for you. you’re lucky. don’t be so greedy.” you narrowed your eyes, enjoying the way he squirmed under your gaze.
he gulped, “what if i am greedy? what if i can’t get enough of you?”
you tick your tongue, shaking your head as you step close to him, “you’re such a needy boy, and yet you’re older than me. can you believe that?”
you were shorter than him, which made this whole situation more embarrassing for him. you tilted his head towards you, watching as his cheeks flush pink, his eyes turning glossy. you were so tempted to ruin him, watch him fall apart under your touch, and only yours.
“you’re mine, aren’t you?” you whisper, your lips just barely touching his.
he nods, fluttering his eyes close, “yes. all yours.”
just a few weeks ago, you have never imagined yourself in this position, standing so close to mark and almost kissing him on several different occasions. you despised him, but as the days passed by, you couldn’t help but grow somewhat protective over him. if mark wanted you, he had to sell his soul to you. he had to make sure he was to never look at anyone else but you for the rest of his life. he was yours. only yours to play with.
“good boy.”
you press your lips against his, and it’s way too soft for his liking. he wants you as close to him as possible, he wants to feel you. his hands stay by his side, although, unsure about touching you considering last time you told him to never touch you.
you noticed, pulling away from the slow kiss, “if you want to touch me, you can never touch another after me.” your words were so soft, but held so much power.
he shivers in the palm of your hand as you cup his cheek, “i promise, fuck, i promise.”
you lean back, watching as he looks at you with big doe eyes. he was such a sight to see, so pretty, you thought. you run your fingers through his hair, leaning back in to see the way his eyelashes flutter shut again. your lips are back on his again, but so much more rough. and he likes the feeling of having you so close.
your lips work against each other, moving so smoothly. he could feel his chest tightening more and more the longer the two of you kissed. he could feel his soul start leaving his body the more you tugged on his hair. finally gaining courage, he cautiously raises his hands to your hips, pulling your body flush against his.
your brain works on highwire, wondering just how many people he’s had like this before you. you growl in his mouth, anger and possession taking over your body. he pulls back for a breath, and your kisses trail to his jaw and neck, leaving love bites and making sure the world knew he was now claimed. he’s yours.
“such a pretty boy,” you whisper in his ear when he lets out a moan, enjoying the way your lips feel on him, “all for me.”
“only you,” he whispers back, the grip on your hips getting stronger.
you chuckle, leaning back to admire what you’d done. then your face falls, and he starts to worry. you could see the panic in his eyes as you move towards him, backing him up until he reaches the edge of your bed.
“Y/N,” he breathes, his voice already sounding fucked out.
“you’re mine,” you claim, pushing him down so he’s sitting on the bed. you crawl into his lap, his hands instinctively coming to rest on your ass. “no one else can have you. you were made for me, and me alone.”
you roll your hips against him, feeling his hard bulge against your clothed core. he whimpers, his hands getting tighter on you. you were truly going to be the ruin of him, he thought.
you lean up over his lap, making him eagerly try to place you back down on him, “please, don’t leave me like this, don’t-”
“i wasn’t planning on it baby,” you run your fingers through his hair again, seeing his glossy eyes staring up at you was such a powerful feeling. you were suddenly so soft with him, and he whined under you, allowing himself to fall under your power.
your hands go down to his pants, watching his reactions very closely. untying his sweatpants, you drag them down, seeing as he wasn’t wearing any underwear this time. you smirk, raising an eyebrow up at him. he looks at you with shy eyes, occasionally looking around the room as if that was more interesting than you at the moment.
“so dirty,” you hush, leaning in to give him a quick kiss. “do you want me? want to fill me up with your dick and your cum? want to feel my tight walls wrapped around your dick?”
your words were so sinful, he could feel his dick twitching in the air. you chuckled again, looking down at his cock, “looks like he does.”
he nods, “please, please let me feel you. want to fuck you so bad, feel you on top of me, feel your hot heat..”
you couldn’t deny his words did something to you as you try to rub your legs together. he was so good for you, you couldn’t possibly say no now.
you get up from your spot before reaching your arms behind you and unzipping your dress smoothly. he licks his lips as he watches it fall from your body, seeing you completely naked already. you were so fucking beautiful, so soft to the touch.
“do you think you deserve it?” you tilt your head to the side in question, his eyes immediately silently begging you.
he quickly nods, “yes, please, i’ve been so good.”
you move back over his lap, your warm wet heat hovering over his dick, making him whine out a soft please again. his hands were on your hips again when you kiss him again, your tongue capturing his. you had him right where you want him, and you weren’t risking on wasting any second of this.
you rub your folds over his cock, and he lets out a low moan, unashamed of his noises. he was so noisy, a lot more than you thought. he felt so rigid and hot under you, his veins looking like they were about to pop any minute. you grinned that evil grin of yours, and he took it like a good boy. he would take whatever you gave to him.
“do you want me to ride you, baby?” you ask sweetly, adoring the way his eyes gleam under the soft light of the moon.
“please,” he nods, burying his face into your neck as you roll your hips again.
you’re silent, lifting your hips up and grabbing his cock to align him to your entrance. when the tip of his dick rubs against your walls, he whines again. you decided to end his torture, slamming your hips down against his forcefully.
“oh, fuck!” he yells out, his hands gripping your ass so tightly, you’re thinking it might leave marks. not that you mind. “so tight, you’re so tight, so warm, so wet. fuck..” he hums, biting down softly onto your shoulder.
he felt so good, filling you up so nicely. you let out a moan of your own, feeling him so close felt so good, and you felt so damn full. “so good, so full.” you let out, biting on his ear as you start to move your hips.
“fuck,” he curses, “please, keep moving, you feel so fucking good.”
and you do, raising your hips and falling back down with force. he felt like he was on cloud nine, feeling like he could do this for the rest of his life. you ride him, your walls clenching so tightly around his girth, he could easily feel himself cumming already.
“m- might cum, so close.. wanna cum in you,” he mumbles, his fingernails digging into your skin.
your own nails dig into his back as you pick up speed, “want your cum in me so bad, mark. want to feel you fill me up and watch as it drips out of my pussy. come on, baby, you can cum for me, right? you can fill me up to the brim, won’t you?”
he shudders under you, your words having such an effect on him he can feel his climax so soon, “fuck fuck fuck, gonna fucking cum, you’re gonna make me cum.”
you moan at his words, feeling your walls clench around him as well, feeling your own orgasm starting to ripple through your body, “fuck, mark. you’re gonna make me cum too, gonna make me cum all over your cock.”
that sends him tumbling over the edge, moans and groans escaping his lips very loudly as he doesn’t even try to cover them up. feeling him fill you up with his warm cum causes you to burst over, falling into his chest and breathing heavily as you whine out his name. he holds you against him, feeling your walls pulsating against his dick so deliciously as you ride out your highs.
once you’re both done, you sit there for a moment, your breathing settling down. you tug on his hair one last time before leaning back and giving him a soft kiss, praising him for how good he was.
still inside you, he looks up at you with puppy eyes, “am i really yours?”
you laugh a little, kissing his forehead, “all mine.”
you would never let him touch another person that wasn’t you. he was forever yours, and he had no problem being yours. just as much as he was yours, you were his. and you made sure everyone knew that.
he leans his forehead against yours as you finally pull him out of you, both of you gasping at the sensitivity. you lay down together, legs tangled, hearts twined together. mark changed your whole entire world, just by stepping into it.
“i love you,” he whispers.
you look at him, seeing his eyes close as he waits for a response. you smile a little, watching as his breathing starts to slow. never in a million years did you ever expect to say these next words to anyone, yet alone mark. never in a million years have you felt anything besides anger. but as you lay there with him, head on his chest and feeling his soft heartbeat. your mind floods, and your heart swells. because you have found your soul, your other half, your one and only.
“i love you, too, mark.”
and you truly meant it.
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a/n: i hope the ending wasn’t too boring... lmao
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explodingcrayon · 4 years
OKAY here are my Critical Thoughts about TLTTK which I still think is a really good, entertaining show and I kind of want to read the original book now... Obviously there are differences between the two as with any adaptation, but it’s a good story all the same!!
Major spoilers under the cut for the netflix series!!
Alright so my biggest issue is with the last two episodes, mainly with the last episode. Pacing was good the entire show until this last episode where they had to wrap everything up and end it. Which left it feeling like... weird? It felt “complete” but also there was so much that was left just empty?
I wish we had seen more Eviellan stuff (the place, characters from there, the actual conflict that they were suffering, etc.) but I guess I also understand why we didn’t, as Tiuri was the focus of the story? But considering the war was uhhh SIGNIFICANT to them, I wish that wasn’t glossed over as it was the more the story progressed. It kind’a makes me angry the more I think about it tbh LOL
His mom was locked up and that was a big thing in the beginning and then last 5 minutes we’re back home and everyone is being knighted and she’s just okay LMAO We don’t see her being released, reuniting with Tiuri, any moments or nods to Tiuri Sr. ... Idk, she was a tertiary character and that’s why IG
Honestly all the tertiary characters felt so empty at the end of the day LMAO The nobles in particular felt so pointless. Alianor gets caught by Viridian and then she just shows up fine in the epilogue. So like what happened to her??? Did he just knock her out or put her to the side or??? Why was she snooping anyway???? She accomplished nothing and was just sort of ~there~ the whole story. It made it seem like the alliance was going to be a bigger deal and then ended up being 100% irrelevant.
(Also with the alliance... this seemed so backwards??? Viridian, the son that was leading Unauwen’s army and fighting directly for it should have been given the throne, while Iridian was shipped off to ally with Dagonaut??? That makes way more sense??? But also seemed like it was going to be a bigger conflict than it was????? As in it didn’t matter at all????)
Likewise Iridian had no real role outside of his relationship to Alianor and his suspicions of his brother. And considering Alianor herself was p irrelevant in the plot, he could have been fine as a character without her. (And even then, his role in the story was minimal and he felt like milquetoast prince trope)
Bury Your Gays 😒
^But also like REALLY SUPER AVOIDABLE???? AND THAT JUST MAKES IT WORSE??? Tiuri survived with a stab wound for like 2 days at LEAST but Jisuppo dies 30 minutes later??? What, my boy’s not worthy of plot armor 10 minutes before the end??? Hate this shit ldksjfa
TBH I understand why they had to kill off all the coolest characters bc then it leaves Tiuri to be the protagonist, but also please stop killing the cool characters I want to see a story with them in it aaaahhh
I LOVED that we think Viridian is just a power-hungry general-prince until the last moment when we realize like. Oh. He was sent to conquer this other nation and being the one of the front lines with them, he’s pissed over how needless and cruel it is to both the Eviellans and his own soldiers. He wants to put a stop to conflict altogether, albeit in a really terrible way. He genuinely thinks he’s the hero of the story when instead he’s putting himself in the prophecy’s role of villain. That’s!! Super interesting!! He’s still not sympathetic as a villain, but I GET him. ...So it’d be nice if the epilogue had some sort of nod from the surviving King / upcoming prince Iridian that like “damn we fucked up with this whole war, maybe we should work harder to not be asshole monarchs and take care of our people + work towards peace and reparations.” Nope! Nothing of the sort.
In general it feels like there’s no real overarching closure with half the subplots? Mostly the background stuff: the nobles, the war, Lavinia’s road & mom, etc.
Where did Jabroot go???? Was he killed?? Did he get to keep hanging out?? Arrested???
The twist at the end of episode 5 is literally explained with a throwaway exposition line at the start of episode 6. Paraphrased, “So the magic works like this bc of this!” ???? I MEAN GREAT BUT COULD WE NOT GET MORE DETAIL ON THAT SINCE IT’S KIND OF A BIG DEAL??????
I LOVED the twist and HATED it. I loved it bc I genuinely did not see it coming and that is so rare tbh... But I also hated it for a lot of reasons which I will detail below:
1. It feels very like. White Savior area. The deuteragonist white character is literally the shining white light to defeat the darkness when my boy Tiuri has been RIGHT THERE,,, THE WHOLE TIME,,, DOIN’ ALL THE HARD WORK,,, Tiuri was a great MC and hero and he should’ve been the one with the magic, tbh
2a. It’s literally not explained. “So the magic is all around us, it’s not in blood!” Except the people who originated and routinely use the magic say otherwise?? So a 10 yo knows more about it than a civilization and culture that essentially founded it as tradition??? (Who, btw, are the POC versus the White country HMMM)
2b. Okay so even given that,, weirdness,, The magic is something everyone can access, you just Gotta. So you still have to answer what makes Lavinia so special??? Has she always had these powers?? Did they first manifest in the abbey (or the fog leading up to the abbey)??? Why did they manifest?? Is it just through high emotions like she said? Did her mother have magic too?? Where did this come from??
2c. Tiuri DOES have SOME connection to magic, because even as they said, he was hearing voices and such from it... So how is his magic different? How does it work? WAS his birth father a Shaman or was the audience just meant to infer/assume that? His mother seemed to know all about this stuff going on, so??????? I’m????? So many questions?????
NOW I WILL SAY... I did not read the book, or see if this is a book series or just a standalone or anything like that. So I don’t know how the story goes exactly when compared to this Netflix adaptation — how much they changed, or how much they left out. Maybe the denouement and epilogue were more informative than what they had time for in the show. But after some really great episodes leading up to the final culmination...! It kind of left me feeling, “hm :/“
So I still recommend it as a show and form your own opinion (esp if you read the book and have full context to the story)! But those are my hm >:/ gripes with it
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pallas-cat · 5 years
@sharkypink​ lori for the OC ask meme?
@joonboree​ asked:Lori for the OC meme (the things you tag her in are always so funny)
JFHDFD im glad the gremlin provides entertainment :’) they’re a They btw but no worries i’m aware the name can bring confusion
Full Name: Lothair Rosario Marsha Gender and Sexuality: Non-binary and pan (they’d be just as nb and pan as a human btw! it’s not a “nb because alien” kinda thing since they have sisters and brothers) Pronouns: They Ethnicity/Species: Alien from the late planet Arla. It’s heavily based off Central Asia so I suppose it’d be their ethnicity as well. Birthplace and Birthdate: In a planet far far away called Arla, about 25 years ago Guilty Pleasures: Implying they feel shame dad jokes Phobias: They don’t have much in terms of irrational phobias (fire is a very common phobia among their species but they ain’t among those suffering of it) but about 50 PTSD triggers What They Would Be Famous For: they’re already famous in canon gjhsjfhdfa iconic jailbreak, fashion “sense”, being a businessperson doubling as feral clown (and alas the sibling of a famous war criminal now) What They Would Get Arrested For: canonly arrested for smuggling so uh, smuggling, stealing, general con artist business, crimes against abstinence and good taste OC You Ship Them With: razzle dazzle raziel the sexy robot they hook up with and maybe feel feelings for OC Most Likely To Murder Them: i made an absurdly shitty meme to answer this, and out of them all the brother and the fashion police are the highest contenders
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Favorite Movie/Book Genre: Heist movies tbh. Also really stupid comedies and horny TV shows like True Blood Least Favorite Movie/Book Cliche: Drama, serious arthouse films. If it’s black and white they lose interest immediately. EDIT in terms of cliches they like a lot of garbage so idt they’re very picky. they refuse to touch any media mentioning slavery for obvious reasons Talents and/or Powers: on their character sheet they’re a master bullshitter and barterer and their third eye gets them better night vision. Also they’re the hobbit kind of nimble and resilient despite being tiny and having negative body strength Why Someone Might Love Them: i have no idea tbh but no for real they’re funny (WELL MAYBE IDK HOW WELL I CAN WRITE FUNNY LMAO) and the life of the party. feel negative shame and carry themselves with a lot of confidence for someone in their situation. Why Someone Might Hate Them: i mean they’re a professional liar, a capitalist at heart, a capricorn, cold-hearted at many times, sleazy as fuck also kinda talk shit about their home culture a lot. How They Change: man their development is one hell of a ride. they’re definitely more prone to anger and vulnerability than when i first started writing them, also less selfish. Why You Love Them: the most shameless self-indulgent OC i’ve ever made tbh
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aight so I have a lot of (mostly non-positive) thoughts on the new episodes of Doctor Who so lemme rant for a bit because I’ve been wanting to do this for ages.
(if you enjoyed the new episodes and liked the storyline/execution/whatever or you just don’t want to get into The Discourse TM, I wouldn’t recommend reading this post, but do what you want):
This rant is mostly for myself to rant a bit, but also to see if anyone else feels the same way, which, is kind of the point of Tumblr anyway but akshjajsa 
this isn’t an attack on Jodie as the Doctor or a “Chibnall ruined Doctor Who!!!!1″ type of post, but a measured critique on the aspects of the premiere of Series 12 that I really didn’t like.
This is only discourse on Spyfall Part 1 and Part 2, as I haven’t watched Orphan 55 yet.
Here we go.
First things first, the things I actually did like:
I actually only watched a few episodes of Series 11, so I’d just like to note I love Team TARDIS with my whole ass heart ahsjahsja they are great companions and have a great dynamic
I liked the concept of the mission they had to deal with it, even if I didn’t like the execution
Sasha Dhawan was EXCELLENT in this. The way his demeanor changes completely when he stops pretending to be O, his portrayal of the Master, everything about him here was great
The plot twist scene was great. The Doctor’s reaction, the Master’s child-like attitude and excitement, Team Tardis being confused af, it was really good from start to finish and Jodie and Sasha’s acting truly made it click. 
Jodie was also really excellent here btw. The way she portrayed the Doctor’s feeling of being frozen during the reveal scene perfectly, her finally getting to show off the Doctor’s darkness, her dynamics with the Master, her seeing Gallifrey in shambles, etc. She killed it
Ada Lovelace and Noor Inayat Khan were GREAT additions and I kinda wish they were full-time companions lmao. Also I ship Thirteen and Ada a lot tbh
The whole scene with the back-and-forth between the Doctor’s message and Graham and Graham landing the plane was hilarious. Graham used to be my least favorite new companion but I think he’s one of my faves now
Part 2 was overall much more fun than Part 1, and the characters were more entertaining as well
I mentioned this before when talking about Jodie’s acting, but seeing Thirteen finally go dark is great. I’m excited to see where this is heading towards, and from what I’ve seen, it’s gonna cause Team TARDIS some conflict, which was kind of overdue. I just really hope Chibnall can lower his ego and allow other writers to execute these concepts in ways he can’t throughout the series
I was also left genuinely intrigued by the whole Timeless Child thing and am looking forward to that so. Yeah.
Now, what I didn’t like:
First of all, it’s written by Chibnall himself and he’s the only writer. ‘Nuff said
The episode seems to take a bit too long to introduce the characters once more and show their daily lives before we get to the point or even first see the Doctor. Maybe that’s just me but idk
Like I mentioned, I like the potential of this mission. A CSI-esque episode but make it sci-fi/Doctor Who. My problem lies with the execution. It wasn’t a fun storyline, and after the Master reveal, it just feels like it’s sidelined and simply there as “oh look Doctor, you looked away and the Master started using ANOTHER alien race to get your attention AGAIN”. It didn’t feel fun either, since there was just. So much info-dumping and not enough answers. The problem isn’t that it was unoriginal, it’s that it was uninspired and boring
Not to mention the Kasaavin ended up being sidelined so much that everyone was just ??? kind of confused about them. Also I’ve seen some people say they are literally just the Cybermen 2.0 and I kind of agree
I got the vibe that “O” and Yaz were flirting and just. Ew. I do not fuck with that
Part 1 in general just felt completely boring and the storyline was so generic you could replace the conflict with literally anything else and keep the twist and it wouldn’t change a thing lol
Also, as happy as I am that we have a POC incarnation of the Master, I’m...conflicted. I am going to miss Missy a whole lot, and the Master going back to being a man is...kind of boring, but that’s not my issue. I understand that, after what happened with her, Missy might’ve given up on redemption and decided to go back to her old Master-y ways, specially with the whole Timeless Child thing, that was so traumatizing the Master felt obligated to destroy Gallifrey, BUT it feels like it just inutilizes Missy’s entire character arc during Capaldi’s run and introduces a new plot element just to make the Master go back to their old villanous ways. It’s sorta cheap
Speaking of cheap plot elements just introduced to retconn things Moffat did, we’ll get back to Gallifrey later
The scene with the Master telling the Doctor to kneel made me uncomfortable. Having Thirteen be the first female Doctor (and arguably the gayest Doctor at that) and then have the Master, her antagonist, be a man...meh. But then have him tell her to kneel and to essentially humiliate her by telling her to call him “Master”, that had my stomach a bit uneasy. Like, yeah, Simm!Doctor did much worse to Tenth, but the implications are much, much, different in this context. Idk, I personally was left uncomfortable by that scene
The Doctor turning the Master over to the N*zi officers was so, so fcking shitty like. I’m not mad at the Doctor, I’m mad at Chibnall for putting that in the fcking script. WHY DID HE THINK THAT WAS A GOOD IDEA?????
The Doctor wiping Ada and Noor’s memories just felt so...unnecesary. Like, the Doctor has interacted with historical figures in the past and kept their memories intact (Agatha Christie comes to mind as an exception, though that was accidental). And besides, what for? Ada and Noor having memory of what happened interfered with nothing (I might be wrong on this as I kind of erased anything the Doctor said in that scene from my mind involuntarily lmfao but even so, I can’t come up with any good excuses that could be used there anyways, but if I am missing something notify me in the notes) and they don’t seem like the type to tattle about it or smth
Ah, and now we get to Gallifrey, or what I like to call, both the best and the worst example of what a retconn is. Listen, it doesn’t matter whether you liked Moffat and/or his decision to bring back Gallifrey, but you have to agree this is ridiculous. Chibnall didn’t want to have to deal with what Moffat left him with (a restored Gallifrey and the implications of that) so he had The Master just destroy Gallifrey by himself and discarded it like a chess piece, like. Am I the only one legit dumbfounded by this???? First of all, it took the Daleks an entire war to attempt to destroy Gallifrey, and they actually failed in the end, and yet the Master destroys it by himself, no stress. I legit don’t get it. Listen, I have mixed thoughts on Moffat’s decision to do so and I hate Hell Bent as much as the next person, but this is Chibnall discarding yet ANOTHER arc. That’s two arcs in one premiere. Wow. It legit sealed the deal for me that this premiere was a hot mess.
That’s it (that’s it, she says, after writing a whole essay). Again, this is not an attack on Chibnall’s Doctor Who, Jodie as the Doctor or me telling you how to feel about this episode. My opinion seems like an unpopular one from what I’ve seen but I stand by it lol. 
As a closing statement, fingers crossed that Chibnall lets other people write too this series lmfao.
(This is my first indepth critique of anything here so, hum, if you disagree, please be kind akhjahsjahs I doubt this will get much notes anyways but)
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isa-ghost · 6 years
Fuck I don't have any good questions so please just tell me e v e r y t h i n g about their relationship. I have a mighty need for some cute brothers.
This is actually super fucking long so I’m putting a read more LMAO
@septic-dr-schneep, this is actually the bunker!SD timeline as of now (I’ma date this for myself- 1/20/19) if you want to read it too. :3c
@a-septic-mind pls read this you little shit, this is the entire timeline of Shit We’ve Put Jackie And Henrik Through™ so far.
Jackie has made sure to go through anything and everything ever with Henrik since the time he came into existence. There’s very few things he hasn’t been around for and the biggest one of course was August but let’s save that part for a second–
Jackie was extremely relieved when Marvin came into the picture because he wouldn’t be lonely anymore but when Henrik came around? He bawled for hours on and off because he was so happy to have a second little brother. He was hugging Jack constantly and thanking him (Henrik was the first ego Jack made on purpose) and wouldn’t let Henrik go. xD Henrik was super overwhelmed by it of course, because existence was a completely new/very confusing thing to him and on top of this, here’s this giant ball of loud, bouncy, cuddly muscle and energy clinging to him like crazy and crying a lot. After getting used to it though, Jackie’s constant affection made it a ton less stressful to adjust to being an ego and all the trouble that came with that.
Jackie learned German for him, Henrik would draw suit designs for Jackie, and the two would talk about things all day long- mostly Jackie answering whatever questions Henrik had about their souls, their abilities, Jack, other ego-related stuff, etc. They got extremely close extremely fast and the things they’d experience in the future only made that stronger.
Unfortunately they only had roughly a month of happiness after Henrik’s creation before Anti came to be and started the war. They had to move from Ireland (Jack never got the chance to move to Brighton in this AU xD) to Axel Creek in the US and were kept in the Safehouse they live in now to be protected from Anti. As if losing Jack and getting thrown across an entire ocean into a random small town in the middle of a different country wasn’t enough, headcanons finally started growing popular enough to take effect on Henrik… Including the insane doctor ones. His “snapping” fits started up, and he just about almost killed Jackie during the first one.
After going through the initial shock of being attacked by his baby brother, Jackie got Henrik semi-under control and that’s when the two of them had their first dark experience together– Whenever Henrik would snap and go temporarily insane, Jackie would allow him to perform spontaneous surgeries on him. They kept it secret from Marvin (and in the future, from Chase), and although it’s a really twisted way for them to handle something so serious, it actually let them learn almost everything there is to know about Jackie’s body, powers, and how the two effect each other. The only things they haven’t been able to study about Jackie is how his eye-related powers work and how his negativity kryptonite works. From the time they started these snapped surgeries and onward, they grew a trust bond stronger than anything you could imagine.
Once Henrik got the hang of controlling the effects of headcanons, Jackie taught him how to fuse their souls and their fusion Life Saver was first created. LS didn’t handle Henrik’s iffy sanity well, and, well… He’s a handful for the two, but they love their fusion like a semi-murderous, problematic son. xD However, they’d just barely figured out how to control him/keep him stable mentally long enough before they needed to use him in a rescue mission- Anti was trying to take Marvin. In the end, luck wasn’t on their side and Marvin was taken as they were ripped out of their fusion (which left near-deadly damage on their souls and internals). They barely made it home alive and Chase had to rush to save them just in time.
They recovered slowly, but then Summer 2017 crawled around… The community was starting to question Henrik and whether or not he was good. The doubt in his alignment/intentions began to weaken him and he grew sickly and his powers started to fade.
He was severely deteriorated by the time KJSE happened it and there was no way he could’ve possibly fended Anti off and saved Jack at the same time. He was taken by Anti along with Jack and this shattered Jackie and Henrik’s relationship for a while.
Jackie was left to spiral into extreme guilt after it happened because even though he could feel Henrik in serious danger and knew he was weak due to lacking community faith, he didn’t bother racing to the rescue until it was far too late. Not knowing where Henrik was or if he was even alive, he assumed the worst and his mental state crumbled. He isolated himself, stopped hero work for a long time and made himself deathly ill with his negativity kryptonite. Eventually it got so bad, he’d hallucinate Henrik screaming at him for not coming to save him and all sorts of other awful things. It destroyed Jackie’s confidence and triggered his severe sensitivity to failure. Henrik’s first birthday was one of the worst days for him of all…
He spent the next six months driving himself insane with grief to the point where it was hard for Marvin, Chase, or Henrik’s former nurse Dawn to recognize him. Nothing they did helped him or got him to stop all of the habits he’d developed. Eventually he tried looking for Henrik and ended up getting captured by Anti in the process. He was missing for a few days before being found. Little did he know, the person who found him was Dawn’s daughter Isa; and she’d also saved Henrik about a week prior to saving Jackie.
After recovering from the torture Anti had subjected him to over those few days, he and Henrik finally reunited (which did not go smoothly at first because Jackie was 100% convinced Henrik hated him for not coming to his rescue). Things were okay after that… For maybe a month, sadly.
It wasn’t long before Jackie got taken again, this time with Marvin (he escaped Anti after being taken btw xD). The two were missing a long time before Jackie broke out and ran to the bunker for help to save Marvin. They got him home, but in the end, Jackie ended up getting corrupted. The duration of his corruption was an utter nightmare for him and Henrik. Just to name a few things that happened–
Jackie once ran away from the bunker to the Safehouse. Henrik tracked him down and tried to talk him out of his room. The conversation ended up turning into a really sad string of cliff-related metaphors. Said metaphors have stuck with them from this moment all the way to the present.
Henrik had to use Jackie’s trigger of needles to properly activate his power to sonic scream (Anti had given him the power, he didn’t always have it).
Jackie tried making a deal with Anti to guarantee the protection of his brothers and when Henrik found out, he actually tried to outbid him by offering better deals. In the end, they almost royally screwed up and barely go out of it alright.
During a fight after this deal debate, Jackie almost fell off a literal cliff and Henrik caught him before he fell. Sweet, sweet irony…
Henrik detoxed Jackie by faking his death after that fight (at the end of the fight, Anti took control of Jackie and made him hurt Henrik). When Jackie was dragged back to the bunker to be quarantined, Henrik revealed he wasn’t dead and then stabbed himself where Jackie had wounded him and almost bled out. This finished Jackie’s detox.
They barely got a break before Jackie was downed by Anti’s bullshit AGAIN. This time, Anti posted a video of the ONW HQ being blown up and blamed Jackie. The community lost faith in him so rapidly that he deteriorated and fell into a coma. He almost faded and returned to Jack before Chase narrowly managed to save him. Through all of this, Henrik never left his side. Despite being shut down, Jackie could hear everything Henrik was saying… It was Very Upsetting™ to hear, especially since he couldn’t reply or at least comfort Henrik.
For a very long time after waking up and recovering, Jackie refused to sleep or close his eyes at all for that matter and it’s basically been that way since. They haven’t suffered any extreme traumas since Jackie shut down (which happened in March). They just sorta have ups and downs here and there and they spend every night staying up and doing things together be it talking, working, both, or something else. Whenever they’ve had downs, they’ve vented and supported each other through it no matter how long it takes. Recently they’ve actually been the happiest they’ve been in ages. xD
But yeah, I think that’s about every huge important bunker!SuperDrug moment that’s ever happened in the bunker roleplay as of 1/20/19. XD So there ya have it.
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saranel · 7 years
The Last Jedi review, sorta
I don’t think I’ve talked enough (if at all) about what a huge Star Wars nerd I am on this blog, mostly because I didn’t love TFA as much as most people seemed to and I just never joined in the renewed fandom frenzy.
TL;DR on my views on TFA: It was fun enough, some interesting new characters, beautiful visuals, but I’d seen that movie before.  It came out in ‘77 and it was much better then.  Homage is one thing, rip off is completely another.  Mostly, I guess I was just disappointed that they didn’t dare to try and move the universe forward a bit, beyond the already trodden path.
Say what you will about the prequels, but I will always, always maintain there’s nothing wrong with them a better script and director couldn’t fix.  George tries, bless him, but he can’t write dialogue worth a damn.  Not even Meryl Streep could’ve made the line “So love has blinded you” any better than Natalie Portman did, and both she and Hayden have proven themselves to be much better actors than they were in Star Wars.  I’m not bothering with Ewan because he was one of the few really great things about the Prequels. 
That having been said, what George can do is weave a decent background story, and the Prequel Trilogy’s story is much, much richer than the OT’s.  Taking off our nostalgia-colored glasses for a moment, let us be honest: the OT was so successful because it did a very simple thing, and did it well, and had a cast with wonderful chemistry. The story itself is nothing to rave about: just your simple Evil Empire vs Plucky Rebels story.  But the Prequels actually got political and much darker than the OT did, they just did it clumsily.  Still, it was something new in the Star Wars universe and George always tried to expand the known worlds by giving us even small glimpses of other cultures and planets.  Don’t forget that Star Wars was never meant to be high-brow Science Fiction a la Philip Dick, but a space adventure.  This doesn’t mean that the story can’t have nuance, but the point of Star Wars was always to be a fairytale exploration of a fictional galaxy.
Compared to that, the new trilogy seemed extremely lacking to me.  And seeing The Last Jedi a few days ago really cemented that.  Never before have I seen so many things happening in one movie while nothing really happens at all.  It makes Attack of the Clones look interesting in comparison, and that’s saying a lot.  ALSO LUKE, WTF HAS THE MOUSE DONE TO MY SPACE SON, THE FUCKING GALL.
So yes, surprise-surprise, TLJ manages to rip off Empire (with a dash of Battlestar Galactica thrown in for good measure) and does so poorly.  It was not a terrible film by any means, but I honestly thought it was no better than Phantom Menace. And Phantom Menace had the Duel of Fates.  So. 
(okay, to be fair, TLJ didn’t have Jar Jar so that’s one point in its favor)
In a nutshell:
(cut for spoilers)
- Poe.  Poe was good. Moar Poe, there was a serious lack of Poe in TFA and it has been rectified, this was a very good decision. 
- The silent scene.  Y’all know the one.  People in my theater literally gasped in unison.  I was bored outta my skull up until then and as soon as I realized what Holdo was about to do, I sat up, all ‘oshit’ and it was amazing.  Beautifully shot, beautifully clever, and the most badass hero death in the SW universe.  Only comes in second in terms of best scene in the movie because the other one involved a more established and beloved character.
- MY SON LUKE KICKING HIS NEPHEW’S ASS LIKE IT AIN’T NO BIG THANG.  In full disagreement over how shit went down between them in the past, but Luke showing Kylo who’s the most goddamn powerful Jedi in the galaxy (which Luke did canonically become in later years btw) was such a rewarding scene.  Also, he was dressed in black.  Like in ROTJ. Because fuck yeah.
- Rey’s parentage.  Most people probably hated that she’s not a Skywalker but I just... kinda loved the suggestion that she was the Force’s answer to Kylo?  It’s happened before with Anakin, so this isn’t exactly new, and Anakin, too, came from ‘nothing.’ I liked it.  She doesn’t have to have illustrious parentage to be important in the series, and as much as I love my Space Drama Queen clan, it’s time the universe moves on from the Kardashians of the galaxy.
- Luke’s death.  I don’t agree with 99% of what went down with Luke in this trilogy, I think it was deeply out of character, but his ending?  That was spot on.  Did I want more out of his storyline? Obviously, but examined in a vacuum, his ending was beautiful to me.  Especially that last scene.  Best scene in the movie from start to end.
- Yoda manipulating the goddamn heavens to rain thunder upon the ancient tree.  Ilu Yoda
- Leia and Holdo discussing Poe.  This was an A+++ short scene. Get it, ladies.
- Snoke is gone, thank the heavens.  Worst-named villain in movie history, I couldn’t stop laughing every time someone said SUPREME LEADER snoke.
- Luke getting his kicks in that boring-ass island via EXTREME ROD FISHING, lmao the nerd
- So, um... Kylo and Rey?  ....ew? (did they not think Finn and Rey were super cute or)
- So, um... Finn and Rose?  ....ookaaaay? (did they not see Poe biting down on his lip when he saw Finn in his jacket or)
- I don’t really care for ships in this trilogy tbh, whatever.  Guess I’m steering clear from attachment until I know who’s related to whom (THIS IS A DANGEROUS UNIVERSE TO SHIP IN OKAY).  Plus, not really feeling particularly strong toward any couple, just... not Kylo and Rey, ew.
- Rose.  I liked her, but... they hardly gave her anything to do.  That casino storyline was such a mess, made it seem like she was there just to be there.
- Finn’s storyline. Snoozefest.  I like him, but... see above.
- lol wtf happened to Chewie...? He was just... there?
- SPACE-WALKING LEIA.  I’M SORRY, OKAY, I know this scene will be big with many people, and lord knows I wanted to see Space Mom use the Force beyond that Spidey Sense shit, but this was just so dumb. 
- All the ‘humor.’ My god, just... no.  Not every scene needs to be steeped in Whedon-speak, please stahp.  I will admit the first scene got a chuckle out of me, but the rest...
- The ‘plot.’  This was literally an extended car chase scene in space with some Sense8 type shit thrown in. Rey hardly even did any training, ffs.  
- so the force-sensitive member of the trio goes on to be trained by a wise, isolated mentor and finds herself drawn to a place steeped in the dark side and ends up seeing only herself reflected in there, meanwhile the rest of the characters are involved in a chase across the galaxy, running away from the evil empire, and at some point decide to ask for help form a well-known swindler who betrays them and in the end everything seems bleak with just a tiny glimmer of hope. HMMMMMM. HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM. 
- quite frankly, I’m still in shock Rey finished the film with two fully biological arms
- O hei, look, it’s The Salty planet Hoth.  With pod-racing.
- Really? Rey blushing at shirtless Kylo? Really
- The whole damn Casino storyline.  I don’t care if it’s meant to set up something for the last movie (probably not) but it was long, boring, and a clumsily written attempt at a storyline that could’ve been more nuanced and a good addition.
- why did we have to see Luke milk that alien Y
- Leia (and Han in TFA) giving up on her son instead of beating some sense into his ass with a space slipper. Y’ALL KNOW SHE WOULD.  Baaaaad characterization. Space Mom would never.
- Also, fuck whoever decided that Leia, who canonically has the exact same force potential as Luke because they’re twins, never developed her powers beyond Force Sense or whatever.  If you’re not gonna give the woman a lightsaber, at least have her Force Push fools out of her way. 
- Wtf Rey you obliterated that nice alien’s cart and didn’t even apologize they work hard every day you should be ashamed
- why was it meant to be funny when porgs were slapped around wtf
- “what’s that canon?”  “Basically a small death star” kjashKLAFJSHSAJKDFSADFHSAK 
- Kylo. Can he just die, plz, the expanded universe did the Evil Solo son storyline so much better.  Yet another way in which this trilogy is totes an ~*homage*~  No shade on the actor though, he did a great job.  It’s just the violent manchild character I cannot stand.
- So like... we’re never gonna learn what Snoke’s deal was...? Or how he got to Kylo...? ....Okay then.
- This movie was 2 and a half hours long.
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