#btw I just wanted to clear up I don’t hate Padmé
whatvflaotsurgoat · 4 years
Okay so small ( nvm this turned out a lot longer than I thought lmao ) tangent here but like Obi Wan has to put up with so much fucking shit??!? Like what the hell
I started reading the Clone wars Book two wild space recently and I am a n g r y . The book picks up from the end of Attack of the clones and Anakin is in a medically induced coma because he got fucking decked by dooku and got his hand chopped off. Normal stuff. Anyway, while he’s asleep, Obi Wan, who mind you is also injured and completely exhausted from the battle of geonosis, and who has been pacing like a mother hen over the state of his impulsive padawan, is scolded by Yoda (is this really the right time for this Yoda??) that he let Anakin’s and Padme’s crushes go on for too long and that he has to put an end to it.
So Obi Wan being the dutiful guy he is goes to Padme’s apartment at night to kinda tell them to stop swapping cooties and stuff, but when he gets there Padmé for sum reason just hates him and is angry that she can’t see Anakin, which??? Not his fault but k. Then she proceeds to just full on accuse him of being a terrible friend to his padawan and just overall not understanding shit about anakin even though they legit spent years together while Padmé low key has been his girlfriend for a week now? Idk maybe even less. So I get that Padmé is having a rough time at that moment but like geezuz can you give the guy a break please? So this whole time Obi Wan is kinda just sitting there politely taking it like
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And after Padmé just kinda bashes him for the whole long ass scene (btw if I was in his position, I would have cried at least twenty times over already) They finally get to the point to why he is even there in the first place, and honestly he has the patience of a God for this, tells her in other words that if they will have a relationship they will practically doom the universe and that they should knock it off. She then asked him how is it that he has so little love for Anakin that he is willing to prevent him from happiness. Obes answer to that that he is doing it precisely because he loves him.
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Which, okay... fucking HUGE. Especially for a rule abiding Jedi like Kenobi. But him admitting that doesn’t faze her at all. So yeah Padmé just seems to loathe him in this scene and then when poor tired Obi goes back to Yoda to report on what he just did, Yoda sucker punches his feelings again and hits him with a “ I’m disappointed in you” because he apparently didn’t prevent Anakin from loving a girl?? and I- omfggg leave him aloneeee! Like he just never wins.
Anyway my conclusion is that Obi Wan Kenobi desperately needs a hug
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May I ask where you're getting that arranged marriages are common on Naboo? I'm curious, since I haven't seen that anywhere. Is that a headcanon of yours or something you've found? If it's a headcanon of yours I'd love to hear your reasoning for it since, as you say, the two Nabooian marriages we see (three if you include Padmé's) are not arranged. Or if you've already written the headcanon would you mind linking? I'd love to read it.
so it’s actually legends canon that arranged marriages are common on naboo, and cited if you look up jobal and ruwee’s marriage because they were actually originally intended to be an arranged match by their respective mothers, but they fell in love on their own time while ryoo and winama were busy working out the idea / terms of the arrangement, which just worked out better for everyone involved. the idea of them being more common than not is hinted at in legends canon but to my knowledge i don’t believe it’s directly outright stated so that is something that’s like…a combination of inferred from the text and headcanoned by yours truly, you feel me ? and the reasoning for thinking that it’s more common than not is basically that it makes a fuckload of sense to me when you look at it through the eyes of like…padmé’s mentality and psyche ? 
so okay we don’t have a lot to go on for naboo culture ( which btw nabooian is actually a common misconception and not the actual terminology, it’s literally just ‘naboo’ no matter what, the people are not nabooian people, they’re ‘the naboo’ ) other than that they’re really heavily focused on the arts, value purity and innocence above all else, do not have a standing army and do not prize warrior culture, and humans colonized the planet and nearly eradicated the gungans in the process. ( let’s play a game called ‘one of these things is not like the others’. ) everything else is pretty much just inferred, and because padmé is the only main character from this planet other than palpatine and we tend to get more of her viewpoint than his during the films, ( granted, it’s still not a lot that we get from her POV bc lucasfilm hates her and owes me so many apologies and reparations but w/e ) we have to go off what she gives us. the one line that i’ve always cited as my reasoning for about 99% of my personal naboo headcanons is the line from ROTS where she says 
“ anakin, this baby will change our lives. i doubt the queen will continue to allow me to serve in the senate,* and if the council discovers you are the father, you will be expelled from the jedi order. ”
* emphasis mine
so what i found interesting about this was the fact that a baby would force padmé out of the senate, and given that we’re looking at neeyutnee’s rule here, it led me to a specific conclusion, something that is entirely my own headcanon for my portrayal and not to be taken as actual film canon. ( this is a bit of a deviation from your original question here but i’m getting to it in a very roundabout way i promise. ) so it’s been seen from interactions with the former and current queens that jamillia had a very personable and friendly relationship with padmé. jamillia is also the one who asked her to serve in the senate originally. her reign ended shortly after the beginning of the clone wars, and neeyutnee took over for her from there. we don’t know a lot about her in canon, but what we’ve seen of her interactions with padmé in the clone wars are….not great…..and we also know that when the election at the end of the war began, padmé put her public support behind apailana, who was one of the youngest queens ever elected and took office literally weeks before padmé’s death. so. padmé and neeyutnee did not get along. god only knows why. it’s not for me to judge. the point here being that it’s clear neeyutnee would have pulled padmé from the senate if padmé gave birth to a child out of wedlock, which says a lot about naboo culture to me. 
they elect mainly female children to rule their entire planet, they prize innocence and purity, they would’t allow a senator to serve on the senate if she had a child out of wedlock, for me, all signs are pointing towards a very traditional and old fashioned sort of society on naboo, which is something that i’ve always implemented for my own headcanons and for my portrayal. and something that makes perfect sense for the more aristocratic class on a very traditional and old fashioned planet is a history of arranged marriage over what we tend to think of as ‘love matches’. canon supports evidence that they’re at least common on naboo, and with my own personal interpretations of the culture we’ve been given via padmé, i’ve extended that a bit. 
another important note, especially in regards to padmé and the way she views this and the way this has all influenced her, is the fact that in legends canon, she was the one to propose to anakin, not the other way around. padmé holds a lot of stock in marriage, and it actually makes a lot of sense that they rushed into marriage if you look at it with the idea of just how traditional and old fashioned naboo culture is. marriage is important to her, and i’ve always felt like if she and anakin had never fallen in love on varykino and circumstances hadn’t led to the events of their lives together, she very likely would have returned home at some point and asked her parents to look into a match for her, especially given how badly padmé wanted kids and to settle down, but that’s, again, all just personal interpretation.
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