#into it honestly. at least publicly. but i know what they were doing lmao
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wait what happened with pissditching? im p sure you talked abt them in an ask response but i never understood what happened...
basically pissditching is friends with revengeromance and girlgerard (both of whom i dislike atp*) i said something in the tags of a post abt how i was pissed at revengeromance for something (unrelated) and pissditching found it and lowkey harassed me and several friends over it and said some real fucking weird shit to me so i blocked them (and probably said something snarky abt them on main but i dont really remember)
*i dont personally like these two users bc they (specifically gg) are the forefront of call gerard way nothing but she/her and i think thats fucking weird 🙂 personally. so i have them blocked and don’t interact with anyone around them at all.
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hausofanya · 8 months ago
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CONTENT : candy salad relationship trauma dump with everyone’s favorite rich auntie in training! inspired by @bluwavez ofc! i honestly just wanted to jump in on the trend before it fizzles out… lmao. warnings include violence, scamming, manipulation, breaking and entering, and seok dowon being the most despicable person on the planet. lmk if there’s anything i missed. enjoy!
the video opens up to a little bit of a shaky start—the woman on screen fixing her camera to be help up right. cléo hesitates for a moment before offering the camera a smile, bringing a clear bowl in view before shaking it with faux enthusiasm.
“doing this trend because i saw it going around,” she starts as she places the bowl down, crossing her arms behind it. “my manager won’t let me outside so i’m doing this in place of therapy. crazy right? it’s been so long but i’ve still got nightmares about it. but anyway.”
holding up a bag of sour patch kids watermelon, she begins to share. “in 2020, i was introduced to seok dowon by a mutual friend at a party. we talked nearly the whole night if i remember correctly, and admittedly i was hooked from the first moment. he was charming. pretty face, pretty smile, but gave me his undivided attention. it was.. intoxicating.”
cléo rolls her eyes before continuing. “he asked me out a few weeks later and i said yes. snuck out from my dorm, met up with him at a shitty restaurant, and despite being a rising b-list actor, made me pay for my meal.” she snorts, adding, “not that i minded. but when soompi is telling the masses you made millions off your recent film, the least you could do was pay for a meal.”
“long story short, the reason why he didn’t pay is because he owed the owner’s son money. they found out he was there and nearly got his ass beat. not exactly the best first date, hm?” cléo dumps the candy in the bowl, shaking her head. “first red flag!”
“as i’m thinking hard on it, i think he definitely love-bombed me. he would spoil me for days and then ghost me for weeks on end. only being sweet on me if he needed something and then leaving me high and dry when he got what he wanted.” pursing her lips, she sighs before shaking her head. “there was this one incident on my birthday where we’d argue a week before and i was hoping to be cordial for at least those specific 24 hours. but he embarrassed me by standing up and loudly telling everyone that i was pressuring him for sex despite him ‘wanting to wait until we got married’.”
an incredulous laugh leaves her as she remembers the moment, continuing to giggle as she holds up a bag of air head xtremes. “it’s not funny, it really isn’t. it was terrible. and he did at my birthday dinner!”
“as we continued dating, we kept it on the low because netizens are crazy. you get crucified for breathing wrong in this industry. but somehow, every kpop news outlet in the world found out we were dating through a stalker fan who was madly in love with him. that’s how everything was put on blast back in 2021. and to add to the fucking injury, he paid for the photos to be released!” cléo sends a loaded look to the camera as she pulls another bag of candy in view. “blue raspberry sour straws. my favorites!”
“naturally, the company shut down momentarily. cried my skin dry everyday. matching jewelry, sharing clothes, that and the sort. i’m unbearably sappy and a romantic at heart all to my detriment, i know.” holding up a bag of sour haribo gummy bears, she adds, “then a someone got a hold of my personal phone number and sent me death threats claiming to be his ex. if crazy people attract crazy people, what the hell does that say about me? i’m just trying to sing on stage, what the hell… she eventually threatened to leak my number and my family’s numbers if i didn’t publicly break up with him. to which honestly, get a life. if leaking numbers is your greatest achievement in life, you desperately need to invest that energy into a 9-5.”
she wordlessly dumps the bears into the bowl.
“as the hate campaign was growing and ‘the nation’s boyfriend’’s fans all wanted my head on a pike, his chats also get leaked! which would have been fine, chats get leaked all the time. except they weren’t, and it turns out he was scamming women on the down low while calling them cunts and whores and other despicable thing in the book. the ones about me went viral naturally, so i would like to formally introduce myself as ‘the world’s biggest easy-money slut’! amongst other spectacular and riveting reviews.”
shaking a bag of airhead bites into the bowl, she hums softly. “i think in total he scammed me for around a few thousand dollars. not a lot compared to other women, but you know.”
“mind you, as all this information is leaking left and right, he makes no move to contact me. pr is in flames, twitter is permanently deleted off my phone, and i’m about a month or so into my hiatus. deleted his contact, of course. moniqa and xavier made sure of it. and then a random number starts calling me everyday. texts start coming in asking for money. i knew it was him, deleted the contact. but it got so bad i considered changing my number.”
“then he breaks into my apartment!” cléo reveals the next candy with jazz hands, tearing open the bag of sour gummy worms with a thin smile. “i don’t know what i would have done if min and jinnie weren’t there. i don’t know what he would have done if no one was there. long story short, he tried to attack me and got thrown out of the apartment.” tossing the empty bag to the side, she adds with an air of faux amusement, “so now i can’t even relax until i’ve checked the door’s been deadbolted. how fun.”
pausing on a bag of regular sour patch kids, she lights up suddenly. “oh! i forgot to mention my private instagram was leaked. i’ve had that account since high school, i think. so my entire life was on there. nothing scandalous was found, but it was pretty embarrassing. that’s where they found the most evidence of our relationship. sue me for wanting to take pictures of what i thought was a loving relationship.”
“he releases an apology at the end of 2021 when other actors and women started speaking out against him. remember that one? blah blah blah i truly did love you, whatever whatever. and then when netizens rightfully put the flames under his ass, he tried to sue me for defamation. as if i’m the one who put everything on blast! the audacity of this fucking guy. sky high, i tell you.”
her expression softens for a moment, smiling down at the bowl. “at least i had my friends through it all. i thought them disliking him was overprotectiveness. turns out i need to have my prescription checked heavily.”
cléo snorts as she holds up her candy bowl filled with sour goods. “there’s a lot of stuff i’m omitting still. i know, i know. feel free to send hate to that guy for all i care. i hope he rots in deepest fiery bit of hell.”
setting the bowl down, she gives a cute wave to the camera. “i’m gonna go eat this and watch demon slayer now. bye!”
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starstruckodysseys · 8 months ago
20 questions for 20 writers !!
thank u to @localdisasterisk for tagging me in this! i honestly do not know how many writers i follow so um. ill tag my pibe fic besties @wheelsupin-azarathmetrionzinthos @angelwiththeblue-box @fatestitcherr @incorrect-play-it-by-ear and the rest of u can fight amongst yourselves
1. how many works do you have on ao3?
48. i don’t know if its more concerning that almost half of them are from the past five months or that almost half are play it by ear. its the same almost half but still
2. what’s your total ao3 word count?
143,389. woof
3. what fandoms do you write for?
obviously play it by ear. everyone knows that. also d20 occasionally and project sekai. unfortunately
4. what are your top five fics by kudos?
toya and mizuki’s step by step guide to romancing a shinonome — i will be so real with you guys i specifically crafted this one to be popular. and then i fell in love with it along the way. but it did start as a science experiment
let me take you with me (just like this) — WHY. this is my second pjsekai fic and my fourth fic ever posted. it’s not at all reflective of my current style. help
kiss it better — yeah. same issue as the other one. this one’s better though lmao
say you miss me (say you want to kiss me) — honestly? just impressed a honakana fic made it up this high. love my girlies
the moon is crumbling (but that’s okay) — yeah everyone pretend to be surprised the ruikasa fic got this high up. it was a new concept for me, though, so i’m pretty proud of that
5. do you respond to comments?
i used to, but not really anymore unfortunately. to be fair, i will point you all to the fact that most of my recent fics are pibe, and then to the discord where we all scream about them together
6. what is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
i don’t usually. write sad endings. bc i don’t like them. okay that’s not true i just usually don’t. i guess the moon is crumbling?? if i had to choose?? it’s more bittersweet than anything, but people did say they cried, so…
7. what’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
99.9% of my fics are getting together fics. it’s just the same ending a million different ways. you tell me
8. do you get hate on your fics?
not publicly!
9. do you write smut? if so, what kind?
i would simply be too powerful if i could. this is for your safety actually
10. do you write crossovers?
in the sense of characters across universes/media interacting? no. in the sense of “i am going to put my blorbos in every single other setting i slightly enjoy”? absolutely. putting them under a microscope. researching and recording how they react to their surroundings
11. have you ever had a fic stolen?
not to my knowledge!
12. have you ever had a fic translated?
i simply do not think there is a demand for my fics in other languages. not in like a depressing way, it’s just that i’m writing for like five people including myself, so. yknow
13. have you ever co-written a fic before?
no, but if someone wanted to… 👀
14. what’s your all time favorite ship?
i’ve never written for them (yet, at least), but by sheer volume and span of time i have to say souyo persona4. my silly boys. i’ve never scoured the entire tag for a ship multiple times on ao3 like i have for them. i have so many thoughts about them that have never seen the light of day but they exist!!
15. what’s a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
stares awkwardly at feed your anger like fire… i’ve tried!! but it turns out that sometimes you get stuck on clothing designs and stop writing and then lose passion for the project and then stop updating for three years because you were too ambitious and also you hate your old writing style. not that i would know anything about that
16. what are your writing strengths?
i think i’m really good at dialogue, or at least banter. unfortunately this makes me very judgmental but that’s not important. also i can create a vibe well i’ve been told
17. what are your writing weaknesses?
in general? i SUCK at character description, or at least knowing where and when to place it. i also always worry about characterization and if my characters sound too similar
18. thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
i used to read so many fics that centered around using another language (shoutout bmc fandom when i was. in that. a dark period of my life, but alas) and honestly if it’s done well i think it’s cool!! i’m not going to get into the intricacies of bilingualism on account of being an english only speaker but it is rad to me
19. first fandom you wrote for?
wrote for? probably warriors. yes the cats. i had a whole fanfic for my oc. shoutout to… honestly i don’t remember her name but she was a real one! wrote for and posted is another story, by which i mean i don’t remember At All. probably bandori tbh, bc i don’t remember if i posted fanfic on my wattpad
20. favorite fic you’ve written?
either the venn diagram of curses and crushes (which is still my favorite fic title ever) or soaking in the glory. one of them is a 3k word expedition into the play it by ear canon space and the other is a 7k word fever dream i went into a fugue state to write in two days. honorable mention to the like the sweetest cup of chai series which i hold so close to my heart. silliest besties of all time
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philsmeatylegss · 1 year ago
Hiii I just saw a post Abt the v day video and how it's fucked up and such and I was just wondering why? I found it a few years ago but it was just kinda cute tbh what's wrong with it? Lmao I'm definitely a newer phan, I only started really following their stuff in like 2017 so I don't know too much about early dnp lol
Oh fuck I’m old
I think it’s safe enough to finally talk publicly about it.
Basically the vday video was a video Phil made for Dan for Valentine’s Day. He uploaded it privately onto his YouTube channel which Dan had the password to so Dan could see it. At this time, Dan was on vacation (pretty sure in India) and he wouldn’t have been able to see a video of that quality just through text or email. Shitty luck, the same time he privately uploaded it, infamous YouTube glitch happened where all private videos became public. And one of the videos that went public was the v day video.
There’s a lot of jokes about Dan in 2012, but it’s actually really depressing. Dan wasn’t out yet and he had a fuck ton of trauma surrounding his sexuality. 2012 is when dnp started blowing up enough to where they became part of popular early YouTube so people saved the v day video when it was uploaded.
They’ve only addressed it a few times in which they said it was an April Fool’s prank, which obviously doesn’t make sense, but what were they supposed to say? According to legend, people would keep reuploading the video and Phil would spend hours taking them down one by one and it would say “AmazingPhil took down this video for copyrite.”
It was a catalyst to just a really shitty period for dnp. All aggressively heterosexual clips from Dan’s liveshows are my 2012. “FYI I like vagina” is 2012. People were contacting his 14 year old brother to ask about him and Phil. That alone is both fucked up to drag a kid into this, but remember that Dan still wasn’t out to his family. It was probably so fucking terrifying when his YouTube life, especially regarding his sexuality and relationship, clashed with his family life for the first time.
There’s a noticeable difference between their relationship in videos from 2009-2011 and 2012-2015. And it is most likely because dnp blew up pretty big in 2012 and started going from making YouTube videos for fun to doing it as a job with the added pressure of millions watching. And the catalyst, or at least metaphorical catalyst, from the switch between being openly touchy feely giggles to strict, five feet apart mates is considered to be the vday vid.
It was a big problem in the phandom since it was leaked to around 2017ish. A lot of people were circulating it and word was that they were still being taken down years later, implying that Phil was still searching for the video years later.
The phandom used to be primarily 12-16 year olds. And when you’re that age, speaking from experience, you don’t understand the complexities of the situation and just kinda thought “teeheehee phan is real XD.” When in reality, it was a very sensitive and serious thing that wasn’t meant to ever be seen by the public. It’s literally where the cherry lube and kissing at the Manchester Eye reference is from.
Rightfully so, the video became more and more taboo to mention and most people caught on that it was a shitty thing to upload or share it. It used to be really taboo and affectionately was often referred to as “the video that shall not be named.”
It honestly has a backstory that is so story-like that it seems unreal. So much had to happen for it to be leaked and the impact it had on them was so large it’s like a black hole in phandom history.
It’s possible not all of this is accurate, this is just the basic lore of it. So while I don’t think the internet police will drag you to prison for saying you watched the vday video, this is the context behind it. Do with it what you will.
Spending your entire preteen, teen, and now 20s as a phannie will fry your brain in unimaginable ways. I knew this off the top of my head😭
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genericpuff · 2 years ago
Oh, so that's where the whole "Lolita" thing came from... Uh. I can understand the whole tiredness that going down that rabbit whole provoked you, so it's okay if you wanna rest for a while.
On another note, can I say this whole "Dr. Pepper show" comic reeks of mid 2000s weirdly disturbing content? Like, I'm not trying to say all those things back then were bad, but I think you get what I mean when I say that... Yeah, the 2000s were wild times and tons of stuff that shouldn't be normalized or publicly exposed as "okay" were, well, alright.
And I mean, there's nothing wrong with liking or making content with dark topics. But there's just something about the whole "Gothic lolitas" that make me feel uncomfortable. Like, yeah, I know is a fashion style on some areas. But, like, knowing RS particular interpretation of what it is doesn't make me feel any better.
So, uh, when you feel better (and if it's okay), any theories on what the webcomic could have been about? I personally think it may have been straight-up nsfw of, well, whatever the plot of it was. Or maybe another one of those "purity culture deconstructs", idk.
Anywho, thanks for the info from where "usedbandaid" originates. Have a nice rest of the day. And i'm so sorry for whatever horrors you may have witnessed.
haha I'm okay, honestly, it wasn't so much horrifying in the sense of being like, legitimately triggered, it was more so just like ... whoof. I gotta ease up on my own habits because there's nothing here that I need to be seeing LMAO Just kinda makes me feel sorry for myself a little bit for getting sucked into it in the first place but I know it's just my ADHD tendencies to be like "OOH, STUFF??? I WANNA ABSORB ALL THE STUFF" (instead of doing the things I'm supposed to be doing).
Man, if people go on this many rabbitholes to find my old art some day... let me know because I'd genuinely love to see LOL I've lost so many of my old pieces over the years. But I'm sure there's also still plenty of cringe that would make me (⊙x⊙;) So I'll give RS credit there, a lot of that old stuff - especially The Doctor Pepper Show - was made when she was like, 18. I can understand her maybe wanting to disconnect herself from both that comic and her old usernames affiliated with more more fetish-y art. But that's the Internet for you. It's true what they say - anything you post on the Internet is there forever. Even stuff from 20 years ago.
Oh god 2004 was nearly 20 years ago-
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As for The Doctor Pepper Show, there are still pages out there for it that you can find, along with summaries. I think she got about 3 chapters in before she quit doing it (seemed to be due to her going to college around the same time which is like, yeah, valid). Unfortunately so far it seems there isn't a way to get entire chapters to read it at length, but there are some spare pages floating around.
I believe it was about a woman in a neo-Victorian society trying to become a doctor ? (from what I've been told) which is interesting but you can still tell there was a lot of RS' own personal kink stuff going into it. Which is like, fine, more power to her, at the VERY least she was right to put it behind an 18+/R rating back then. But it's wild that she's still doing that sort of thing in a comic that's being marketed to children (LO). Makes me wonder if she'd ever return to it after LO is done, god knows when that day will come though.
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lacomandante · 1 year ago
Tagged in '20 questions for fic writers' by the @chiropteracupola — thank you!!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
4. Very shameful... I have many, many fics started, and so many ideas, but I usually lack the energy to finish them, but slowly work on them. And while I do have a couple that are finished, posting them wouldn't make a ton of sense without prior explanation on a lot of things. So it stays in the vault for now.
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
8,887! I need to publish a fic that's just one word now!
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Primarily Sharpe- but more often I've written for Tolkien, even though I've never published anything publicly to AO3, just tumblr.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
....I don't want to link the first one bc it's embarrassing, but it has 199 kudos.
Home has 34.
Longest Night has 26
And Después de guerra has 19.
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Absolutely- I try to respond to every one I get. It's very rare I get comments for my fics, especially the Sharpe ones, so I treasure them dearly!
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
This is going to sound terrible, but I usually don't write fics with angsty endings!! I always try and end with at least a silver lining. (And at least for Sharpe fics, canon already is pretty depressing, so I like to write happier things lol). I think it would have to be the one where my dúnedain ranger dies at the Battle of the Morannon, being snatched by a fell beast and dropped from a large height.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I think Home. I just love Teresa and Sharpe and Antonia safe and happy and loved 🥺 Though it's been so many years since I wrote it I might have to go back and polish it....
8. Do you get hate on fics?
No, thankfully. But the fear of getting hate is what's prevented me from posting most of my Tolkien ones, I would say.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Yes! I've got one in the works atm that I really like. I'm a sucker for hurt/comfort in general, but honestly, I'm game for any smut. I'm the type of person who writes a 2,000 word blowjob fic thats IMPERATIVE for the character development lmao.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
I don't think I've personally written any fics with crossovers before. I guess like 12 years ago I wrote a Resident Evil/Silent Hill crossover but never got far into it...I posted it to LiveJournal lol. Those were the days.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
No, thank goodness. At least for Sharpe the fandom is so tiny it'd be hard not to notice if someone did lol.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Nope! Though I've considered translating my own into Spanish, I'm not quite proficient as I am in English and it wouldn't be the same.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Almost every single bit of writing for the Sharpe series that isn't posted to AO3 has pretty much been written with @properbastard. Sam and I pretty much every day bounce ideas off of each other and share one brain cell. But she also beta-reads my fics and often helps me when I'm stuck, so even if it's a fic I wrote myself, she's pretty much embedded into it too. And if rping counts as cowriting a fic, then yes, absolutely!
14. What’s your all time favourite ship?
If you're following me and reading this, you probably already know <3
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Personally I try not to think of WIP's that way. I think I have the potential to finish any fic, but I don't want to set myself up for failure by thinking I'll never finish something. Or maybe that's just me being in denial LOL.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I think descriptions and maybe dialogue? I like to describe landscapes and set up scenes so that a nice image is painted and sets the stage for the main characters, so to speak. I also have a decent feel for dialogue, I think. Since I've very rarely written modern fiction, one of the most important aspects of historical fiction is being conscious of how characters speak. What words would they use? Do they shorten sentences, or not? What's their background? Upper class or from the gutter? Do they speak English natively? Can they use this phrase, or is that a modern one? I'm a stickler for it, and if I read a fic where the characters Do Not sound like themselves, I usually have to exit out of it.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Actually writing lmfao. I don't tend to have a lot of confidence with my writing, which is a shame, but I struggle a lot with that and second guess myself on a lot of things. I'm also incredibly slow- I have so many fics on the backburner just chillin' that I get overwhelmed just looking at and then don't do it, despite wanting to. I create a lot of obstacles for myself that I know don't need to be there, but I'm not sure how to get rid of them.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I've done it before! Least not in published fics. For Teresa, since I literally got a Spanish degree because of her, in the past I've incorporated a bit of Spanish into my writing to practice my lessons with her. It was really fun- and honestly, I think it can definitely serve a purpose in a fic- sometimes not knowing what's being said and being forced to extrapolate for yourself through context clues can really put yourself into another characters shoes.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Left 4 Dead. I was hugely into the Valve games, but L4D was my first foray, and probably my biggest and most popular fic. I had quite a few chapters and people really liked it on FF.net, and I would write out the chapters on paper in class, in middle school. I ended up deleting it because I had no idea what to do with it- no plans, no story, just writing as I went. I fondly remember a scene I wrote where Zoey was bleeding out and Nick used a defib on her and it worked <3 oh 13 year old medical knowledge....
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
I can't choose! I think I'm so critical of my writing it's so hard to like anything I write.
I tag @phoenixflames12 @properbastard @conquistadoradelmar @prvtocol and whoever else wants to do it!!
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todayisafridaynight · 2 years ago
A thing I really enjoy about the Arakawas is that--while some say Ichiban and Arakawa actually being blood-related undermines the found family themes--the themes are reinforced in so many different ways and so well. It's exactly like you said, they find one another without even knowing it; I think even Jo took a while to put two and two together, if I remember correctly.
A detail I always come back to is the way that, at least in their teens, Ichi and Masato both resemble the "opposite" dad more than their own; Masato's the clean-cut introvert with the loving father living in relative comfort and Ichi's the scrappy youth with no father, roaming the streets and picking fights for money.
Like I joke about Masato having two brown-haired parents and ending up with black hair and Ichi having (at least one) black-haired, brown-eyed parent and ending up with brown hair and gray eyes, and I know it's genetically possible, but it just works so well. (Also never going to stop thinking about how, initially, the reason Ichi has a punch perm is because he was supposed to be "copying" Arakawa, though that design for Arakawa didn't end up sticking.)
Of course, both of them start to resemble their bio dads more as they age, but still. And I think there's an argument to be made that Masato is purposely designed in a way where both Jo and Arakawa could believably be his biological father, but if I were to go a step further, I think that design sensibility applies in some ways to Ichiban, too.
I'm definitely not a Jo Was Ichiban's Biological Father truther, but I would consider myself a Jo Is Ichiban's Last Remaining "Family" truther. And in forming a "cohesive family unit" that both transcends and demonstrates blood ties, I think the design and writing choices are significant.
I probably wanted to bring it up in the previous ask about Jo and Arakawa's relationship but either forgot or thought it meandered too far, but the way Ichiban says in the epilogue he's "reporting to" Arakawa about Jo's prison sentence, like it's something he should know and would want to know--the fact he even followed the case closely enough to know the sentencing before Nanba told him--is such a big deal to me. Also. When Ichi said "Look, I like this life with Arakawa-san, the captain, and even you!" to Mitsu despite Jo giving him no reason to be happy to have him in his life. OOGH.
I also don't want to (publicly) go off the deep end too much with Y8 and Gaiden speculation, but I of course think it's notable that Jo and Arakawa bookend the voices addressing Ichiban at the start of the Y8 teaser trailer as well.
According to Yokoyama, the lines were all newly-recorded for the trailer, except Arakawa's which is from "a flashback scene" (I haven't had a chance to actually take a listen and verify which one, if it's from Y7). However, I have... no idea what Yokoyama meant when he said (roughly) "Don't miss Sawashiro's line at the start! But there's still a while to go, so we'll see." Yokoyama. Please. What Do You Mean By That. What Will We See.
Honestly, I don't think Arakawa and Ichiban being related by blood undermines the found family aspects of Y7 either. They still exist, especially in Ichiban and his friends. Moreover, I don't think it'd be right just to constrain Y7's themes to 'found family' and to extend the idea to 'familyhood' as a whole: it's fairly apparent a theme in the game is that it shouldn't matter if two people are related by blood, all that matters is the bond between them and the roles they play in each other's lives (as Ichiban asserts at the end of the game not just with Arakawa and Kasuga-san being his dads, but with Masato and how Ichiban saw their brotherhood).
Ichiban and Masato having aspects of both Jo and Arakawa- though blatantly logical in Masato's case- is funny/interesting for Ichiban's (I know I kept joking about teen Ichiban and Jo having the same haircut, so I've definitely noticed at least some parallels between them lmao). To continue, I do agree that even if Jo isn't a great family figure to Ichiban, it's still inarguable he is a part of Ichiban's family and exists as the last connection between Ichiban's life before and after prison, so it's fair he should have some bits of Jo a part of him as well. You mention it later on in this ask so I'll talk a little more about it then, but if the beginning line of LaD8 is anything to go off of, Ichiban doesn't harbor too much bad blood towards Jo anymore. I doubt they'll have a SUPER close relationship (especially with Jo in prison), but I think it's better that way frankly.
To extend on some previous bits of mine, these moments really do help solidify the family dynamic of the Arakawa Family. It might be a tidbit that's occasionally forgotten or overlooked, but Jo has been in Ichi's life just as much as Arakawa was. Evidently, Ichi didn't become attached to Jo like he did to Arakawa, but they've at least co-existed for just shy of a decade together. Especially with Jo being so close to Arakawa himself (never mind being the person Ichiban seems to report the most to), it's going to cause Ichiban to develop SOME kind of bond with him (though that doesn't automatically mean it'll be an amicable one). At the very least, and it might be a side affect of Ichiban's good nature, but it shows a lot that even after Jo was right about to amputate him, Ichiban doesn't harbor any ill will and- at most- just laments how he and Jo don't see eye-to-eye on what it means to be a yakuza. Maybe it's because this probably isn't a first-time occurrence, but coupled with his comment to Mitsuo, it's at least apparent Ichiban is trying to keep the peace between them. Especially when it comes to 'reporting' to Arakawa at the end, there are a few ways to take this activity honestly. It could be that Ichiban's devotion to Arakawa runs deep enough that he's willing to go out of his way to track Jo and keep him posted, but it's much more likely that Ichiban was motivated to keep watch of Jo's case not just for Arakawa's sake, but also for his own personal interest. Again, at this point Ichiban sees Jo as a part of his family despite their rocky relationship: family's a complicated subject anyhow, it's hard to understand why someone should feel inclined to care about someone when they don't give them a fair reason to.
And back to this bit I alluded to earlier, it's so funny you bring this up because I actually planned on talking about Jo's line in the LaD8 trailer the day this ask was sent (and by 'talk about it' I just meant hyping myself up by remembering it existed). I'm 99% certain Jo's line at the start is roughly 'It's been a while, Ichi', suggesting that Ichiban might be visiting him in prison in this potential scene. I don't want to speculate too much either in the case I give anyone a lot of hope, but it's definitely something I'm excited to see come to fruition next year! I'm also curious about the inclusion of Arakawa though. I don't doubt there'll be flashback segments in LaD8 due to the series' love for them, but if there are supposedly new lines, I wonder what those could be..
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seven-snails · 1 month ago
MY FRIEND MORTIS HAS NEVER DONE ANYTHING WRONG IN HER LIFE (<- just finished this week's ave mujica)
honestly i don't think i'll have a ton to say this week, a lot of this was set-up for later plot pay-off with very little of that coming in this episode, but i do have some thoughts i want to get down.
i wasn't entirely sure how serious tomori was going to be in asking sakiko to be in a band again - i still think deep down she kind of knew it wasn't going to happen, but this was obviously an instinctual outcry more than anything, and it's interesting to me how this mode of communication and connection sakiko herself gave to tomori, the only "language" tomori really knows how to speak, is one that no longer reaches sakiko. it's also interesting to me that sakiko has been saving tomori's post-it notes; she's in so much pain, and driving people away and closing herself off, now to mutsumi and mujica as well as crychic's old members, both because she feels like they won't understand (and sometimes genuinely can't, like in mortis' case), and because it hurts so much to have anyone else touch it, but she's so desperately lonely she can't help clinging to what love is extended to her, even when she publicly scorns it, because she's just so in need of an anchor.
i honestly wasn't expecting to see so much of mygo in ave mujica, but i think everything going on with their characters here is fantastic, especially soyo. so much of what we see her do in this episode is because of how her experience as a member of mygo has changed her, things she could never have let or made herself do before, and it's wonderful to see her opening up a little and forgetting to be self-conscious in reaching out to mutsumi and mortis.
speaking of mutsumi and mortis. god. i love that it was seeing raana play guitar, her one real passion, that woke mutsumi back up. and i love the conflict that's developing between the two alters here, because mortis doesn't really understand what mutsumi wants - she herself only wants to take care of mutsumi, to protect her and keep her from burning herself out on sakiko again, but mutsumi is so concerned for sakiko and can't help being drawn back to her, and the idea that she would again confront this person that's only caused her so much pain is one mortis just can't comprehend. i really loved the scene where they were arguing together at ring, i think it was just so carefully executed and it came out great. there's something to be said too for how mutsumi's suffering is so repeatedly commodified: first her despair at the unmasking, when people around her praise her perfectly "emotionless" portrayal of mortis; then after mortis takes over, when all the way to mujica's disbandment she's the star of the show; and now again, people filming her breakdown in front of ring, speculating online about whether it means a comeback for ave mujica. she can't get out from in front of the camera eye, and it almost seems as if everything she does is doomed to be for the entertainment of an audience (woah. meta lmao)
i did like the detail of raana immediately noticing there are two personalities in mutsumi's body (because she's a cat lol), and her bonding with mortis was really cute. nyamu recording at galaxy ramen was another really cute detail, though i'm a little sad we didn't get to see masuki-- hang on. im just realizing nyamu probably heard about galaxy ramen through rei since they're neighbours ���😭
i'm interested in how things are going to develop for umiri from here on out; she's consistently the least developed ave mujica member, and i'd been wondering if she had a personal/emotional reason to be in the band, but it's apparent this was indeed just another gig for her. i really enjoyed taki's question to her, about whether she really cared about mujica, because i think it for the first time caused umiri to have a glimpse of bands as something less mercenary, a place in the world that's your own and worth fighting to hold onto, and i'm curious if this is going to cause her relationship to mujica to wrinkle as the story moves forward.
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starlattethesqueakwal · 10 days ago
(I was looking at the tag out of morbid curiosity and to get some things off my chest so please do not think that I am still in this fandom 100% because I honestly dont want to anymore. Also btw you forgot to censor the penis oops.)
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So let me get this straight...
If a fan has a vc sign something that caters to Vivziepop's interests when signing the porn could easily be something they were pressured into/emotionally didn't want to disappoint said fan making this something that's actually something that could easily become something creepy since it involves sexualizing something they themselves voiced...
They are seen as a "HERO!" or a "TRUE FAN!"
But if someone signs something CONSENSUALLY that has NO CREEPY INTENTIONS WHATSOEVER and CANT have creepy intentions since its not even forcing anything that VIVZIEPOP herself, not the vc, VIVZIEPOP! dislikes, then its seen as "creepy" and "pushing a narrative/boundary." to the level that Vivziepop allows her fandom to push the boundaries of said fan/Limus/ by sending death threats to said fan who wanted the vc sign their work and Vivienne do nothing and I mean NOTHING about it as if she wanted them to do it on purpose or just didnt care as long as she was publicly defended for her actions. 🤢🤮
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What a disgusting person, honestly, and I pray that God will give her the bad karma that she deserves for all that she has hurt.
Fortunately, she has been getting karma for her actions lately as more and more videos pop up about Vivienne Medrano's behavior.
So there is hope. Just know that hope is out there and that you are being heard, at least on Youtube. Your posts are working.
I find it to be disgusting how Vivziepop expects people to see rapists (Stolas, Blitz, Valentino, etc.) as "HOT!" or "SEXY DADDIES!" for being rapists or for how they look. If anything, what would make sense would to show rapists as slobs or unappealing in behavior as they actually are. Not this "DOMMY!" bullshit. Not sexualizing a type of person that has no care for consent of others. Thats disgusting.
Which is, as one of my final statements (for now) about this fandom:
It is NOT ok to like Helluva Boss....
Unless you have a plan on how to go about it.
(Go to the last section in the video for more details. Or watch the whole video if you are interested/need more context.)
Which is why you should use Archive.com to watch/torrent it (its a free show btw so a few views lost wont hurt. Viv is a millionaire so if anything... eat the rich! (Not literally lmao but you get my point.).
2. If you are someone reading this post/reblog who also was addicted to online drama, please step back from the screen and get some fresh air or mediate. Its not worth hurting yourself over online drama by constantly looking at it.
One of the meditations I do is called the "EFT TAPPING" which presses certain pressure points of the body to put yourself at ease.
Its something that has personally put me at ease besides average meditation. So if you have the time and want to give it a try you're more than welcome to. 😊
I also recommend taking a walk outside or in your room.
What I do (which helped me lose 8 pounds in a month) is crunch my legs up like this as I walk for 30 to 50 minutes around my room.
So for those reading this (not just op everyone) do this to relieve stress and help with physical management:
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Walk to one end of the room, put your leg up, and then walk to the other side of the room, then put your leg up again, and repeat this for as long as you feel comfortable doing so. 50 minutes or not.
Dont do it forcefully, just make sure that you do it enough so that you feel a healthy "burn" in your lower body. Any progress, at all, is good progress. Remember that. -and overall, to those reading this, please remember to take care of yourself, especially in our current political climate. You deserve the best. Please care for yourselves while im away ok? Thank you.
Love you Stars! Have a great night!
-Sincerely, Starlight.
It’s really… uhhhh interesting say the least watching Vivziepop dig herself a bigger pit by CONTINUING to argue with her own fans and critics on Bluesky. And it seems to be even WORSE than when she was on twitter. She really needs a social media manager because holy shit, its so bad. She has no concept of when to stop responding, nonetheless does she seem to realize she represents her fandom as its CREATOR, and has already failed by neglecting to address fandom concerns like the blackface Alastors, the Val cosplayers harassing people, Michael’s harassment from a Val cosplayer, and if she really wanted to help try and cease infighting and the fucking suicide rates, the shipping wars. I guarantee if she got off her ass for two seconds to address at least those when they happened and told her fandom to knock it off, she at least would have some credibility in being better than her fandom but she isn’t.
She’s an enabler.
And its only going to continue to get worse with how she continues to pick fights, not listen to any genuine concerns, and enable the fans who put her on god-like status.
She never wants to address ANYTHING bad about Val and here's why
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She loves the character, so anyone who shares the sentiment and gets harassed she will more likely defend before calling out her fans asking VAs to sign porn
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bisluthq · 5 months ago
I saw a member of a subset of Taylor fans say they think Travis will get peoples sexiest man alive award this year as part of the fucking story.. Jason made the top 100 last year, but now I’m curious who you think will get it?
They’ve changed how they pick them and it’s not just who had a big year, so idk. And it’s an election year so I think they’ll be making sure it’s someone very unproblematic or publicly a-political..
I just love this meaningless gossip ijbol. So here are my thoughts:
- Justin Baldoni (IEWU was big and he was all about talking about DV, BUT the cast drama makes it 👀 but I think if there wasn’t on set drama (idk what else to call it but hope I’m not downplaying it), I think he’d be an easy front runner
- Hugh Jackman and Ryan Reynolds have already had it, but I could see Hugh getting it again if they went that way - or giving it to both of them which would be fucking hilarious 🤣 lmao fuck I really want them to do this now!!!!
- new(ish) comers like Glenn Powell and Jeremy Allen White? At least with a fresh face there’s plausible deniability for them being an ass hole if exposed later on lol and they’ve made some cultural impact this year
- post Malone - he’s everywhere and collabs with everyone, known for being super respectful and gentle. And the face tats work with how they’ve finally made an effort to not just have the most white, traditionally conventionally attractive dudes (seriously can’t believe the lack of POC in the past!!) (also face tats isn’t meant as slander to posty, just that he’s his own person yk)
- the dad from bluey. IDC that he’s a cartoon dog, if bono could win woman of the year, cartoon dog can win this (and the drama would be worth it lmao)
- someone old like [redacted] or [redacted] who are beloved and unwell and probably don’t have long left to live 😢
- I don’t think there were any standout men from the Olympics that I can recall? Oh god I fear it could go to Tom cruise now 💀 but I think he’s still seen as too weird to get it again
- I can’t think of a recent redemption story - unless they picked RDJ and he’s had a long redemption story and it’s pretty fucking inspirational how he’s stayed completely sober and took back his career
- Paul mescal would cry and hang up the phone from distress if asked
Any thoughts? I am someone who does not care who is picked, I have no dog in the fight unlike Grammys and Oscar’s, but I really love seeing the reaction to who is picked online lmao. And I’m sorry but the blake Shelton year was so random but the commentary - though mean, which I usually don’t like - was so fucking funny 🤣 like usually it’s ’what Chris pine shouldve got it over Chris E or H’ type comments - that’s the sort of thing I usually enjoy. Then when people make threads like ‘here are the top 10 idris moments to celebrate his win’ and they’re fun. Idk I’m just waiting to get the popcorn for a day or two and then never think about it again 😇
I honestly haven’t thought about this at all but all of these are solid guesses lmao as is Travis. I wanna throw in Adam Brody as a random choice because where I’m on the internet people are going nuts for him and he’s unproblematic as far as I know but maybe TV/Netflix isn’t big enough to get this and also it’s too recent a craze idk??
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lilac-set · 10 months ago
@shenny100 im so sorry, you sent us an ask for an ask game like a month and a half ago, i didnt notice it in the “activity” thing apparently, and only today i was digging through tumblr settings, noticed that an inbox actually exists, and saw your ask. Started answering it, closed it for some reason, and the draft didnt save and now it isnt in our inbox anymore, i dont know what happened
Thanks for the ask!
🍄 how’d you get your system name?
We have a bunch of them honestly, most of which arent public on tumblr, but we’ll talk about them anyway :3 mostly because lilac has the least interesting story, which is simply that we all like lilacs. We do like them a lot though, like a lot a lot, almost to the extent of worshipping them, but not quite (/serious). Its also convenient that lilacs have four petals, and we’re a system of four, so theres that. The “set” aspect comes from the fact that we’re a set of quadruplets. Our discord name is also a flower, im not gonna post it publicly but youre welcome to ask, we chose that flower for the gender vibes. And then our actual irl collective name, not public either, came to be in an interesting way, before we knew we were plural. We chose it in high school, we were changing our first name for gender reasons, and 🪨 made a list of names he liked. The next day i (🔥) found the list, took off the ones i didnt like, and added some others I thought were worth considering. The next day/later the same day (no idea) he looked at the note again and reversed my changes. We went back and forth like this multiple times before either of us realized it was futile, he left a note in the note not to make any permanent changes, to add whatever i want at the bottom but not delete anything, and just reorder the names in order of preference. We would keep the note and keep revisting and reordering them until one consistently floated to the top and wasnt being moved back down, so after a while all four of us had had in opportunity in front to vote on names, changes quit being made, and our name was decided. So thats the name we all collectively and individually went by and continue to go by, we all got attached to it and really identify with it, our individual names that we use are technically middle names so that we could each keep that name as a first name. It was kinda validating, our rationale at the time was just that our preferences must vary depending on our mood or whatever and for some reason we have no recollection of other moods. After we became aware of each other like 5 years later it was immediately apparent what had been going on, but we hadnt really internalized it, ya know? So when we were choosing our individual names we went with the same method, keep an open note and adjust the order every day based on preference, and we were surprised that individually our preferences are consistent lmao
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baekhvuns · 2 years ago
We did it Baek, we beat the MATURE CONTENT allegations! Not sure about this message though 👀 Yes, I'm either meeting idols randomly or missing everything </3
Not being able to see Kai in the MV, fucking jail for everyone!!! I'm glad the comeback seems to be successful despite everything, honestly first Shinee now Exo, good times for the hags! I listened to Baekhyun's debut 10 times in a row to celebrate the anniversary btw!
My overall review of Exist is that I enjoyed the album, I like that it's EASY TO DIGEST, but the songs are catchy enough, I don't go through 100 emotions while listening to it just to end up confused. Anyways, uhmmm what's up with that champagne on the window shield I-?! And Mr Byun being embarrassed for saying sex??? Man, stand up lmao. Ngl, I wish the MV gave a bit more, I also saw people mentioning Suju 😭😭😭😭🔫
So actually some of the past Exo tracks aren't for me, but this album is really sooooolid, it's definitely cohesive sonically, the r&b undertones, THE FUCKING HARMONIES HELLOOOOO EARGASM! But also thematically it's definitely an album made for horny people lmaoooo. I'd have to give it more listens to establish which songs stopd out to me the most, but so far I think Regret It and Private Party are my faves!
Kai is away so Baek is the one serving cunt now?! Who would have thought. Military made Taemin into a bigger baby girl, meanwhile Baek is whoring
Also, let me say I'm so proud of Shinee honestly and the way they can never believe whenever they win, because some fuckass people wanna claim Shinee isn't relevant anymore and they won INKIGAYO!!! TAEMIN DID S CLASS AND HARD CHALLENGE WITH HYUNJIN, HE WENT TO JYP????? Why is he so adventurous all of a sudden
Jamal astrology hoe, pls https://www.pinkvilla.com/entertainment/ncts-jaehyun-to-make-big-screen-debut-with-film-in-6-hours-you-will-die-alongside-park-ju-hyun-kwak-si-yang-1228441 this is the short description 👀 I need more kpop men in unhinged roles, like yeah them playing losers in rom coms is fine but give me something else
Hybe didn't even apologise for the way they treated fans, they justified their actions. Fans were still groped, wtf, sometimes the gender matters, but they were still violated so what difference does it make seriously
So, I'm sure if YSL was in contact with Hwa they'd already invite him somewhere :/ and he'd definitely thank them publicly, but his dedication to get noticed is admirable. Stop because first I saw those sandals on Ten and had to close my eyes and Seonghwa too... Hongjoong's obsession with Olivier Rousteing paid off so fingers crossed, ugh if not I'm personally going to Anthony Vacarello's house ☠
Re: N**m*r: Idk some girlies really love footballers, they have humiliation kink cause I know at least 3 WAG wannabies from London who do that, they don't care those men will cheat on them. They usually just wanna bang and go, lmao kinda respect the hustle, but is it even worth it with some of them... yikes
Omfg no because I saw the Suarez thing and was like HUH, then got confused why RM was posting about it 😭
Baek are you updated on King the Land, because the latest episodes?! They really went for it, it's so cliche idk how it even works, but it does! Do you remember Yoona and Junho dancing to Senorita, because that was an event!!! I also remembered Taeyong and Seulgi and WOW... imagine 4th gen idols doing that ajsvhshajskdavshsjdjd
Insane to think certain idols would be in totally different fields, like business, pilot, chef then tattoo artist, Twitch streamer lmao but here they are in the same fucking group doing aegyo and hip thrusting on stage
Yeah, so I obviously enjoy 4th gen, but 2nd and 3rd gen had the quality, now I see those Tik Tok fucking songs that are under 3 mins and I wanna die!!! Don't wanna be a boomer, easy and fun choreography can be cool, not only for fans to follow, but also idops to perform, but where is the versatility, the creativity...
Shhahdhndjshahhshaaj stop SM people are lurking cause that guy was quick to like Yuta's post?! 😬😬😬😬 and now there are articles about SM being xenophobic <333 like I said, embarrasSMENT... it's a shame they have so many artists I like, because they're literally the worst. And apparently Sungtaro are debuting soon, I will believe it when I see it. Really shitty that they remived Shohei, he's neither in NCT Tokyo nor the other bg :( man is a grown ass adult, let him debut!
Ryan is Ken for life because wtf is he saying?! Margot os serving so many iconic looks during the promo! Btw booked tickets for both Barbie and Oppenheimer on the same day lmaooo it's gonna be a fucking ride
You're right, KQ posted the "apology", not even Ateez's account??? And the apology was too vague imo, again if Indian/South Asian fans want to accept it that's their decision, I'm not saying people should cancel them and send then threats (it's happening and it's so bad), BUT some stans are ok with bare minimum, they just wanna move on... :/ that's what I told my friend, imagine if someone wrote a track called Kimchi Song, Asian people get so much shit for their native food, so it's incredibly insensitive. I don't wanna generalise, but I met so many Korean stans and while some were nice, some are simply crazy and lose their morals over kpop. On the other hand, one thing can tip them off, nothing serious and they can go from loving someone to sending them threats and???
It's a shame none of the members apologised, I like to think they wanted to, but idk. San posted on b.stage I thought he'd mention it, I understand it was his birthday, but... :/ I'm not usually personally affected by most of idols' fuck ups, but it always pisses me off regardless
Exo possible collabs??? Exo on Killing Voice, well they definitely fucking killed :o
Shinee, Teen Top, U-Kiss, Exo, Infinite, what year is this?! Remember when we would get so many 2nd/3rd gen ggs comebacks?! 2021 and 2022 😭😭😭😭
Baek, I got two tattoos during my trip and I already made appointments for two more, so pray for me lmao <333
Did you see model Hwa on the cover?! Sadly I don't have high hopes, because it's Cosmo and they usually have boring shoots, so far they look ok (but their clothes are basically their promo/stage fits? 😬) *sigh* - DV 💖
hello!! i answered this but tumblr glitched and wndfkklwef
We did it Baek, we beat the MATURE CONTENT allegations! Not sure about this message though 👀 Yes, I'm either meeting idols randomly or missing everything </3  /// Not being able to see Kai in the MV, fucking jail for everyone!!! I'm glad the comeback seems to be successful despite everything, honestly first Shinee now Exo, good times for the hags! I listened to Baekhyun's debut 10 times  in a row to celebrate the anniversary btw!
that cream sada is not just about cream soda after all 😀 KAI WOULDVE DEVOURED HE HAS THE FIRST CHORUS TOO 😭😭😭😭 FUCK RAVI, KAI IN A SUIT DOING THAT BODY ROLL WITH HIS GAZE WOULDVE ENDED ME SO BAD FHWJDHWKDHWK im also vv glad it’s successful but sm’s doing everything in their hands to not make it bc what the fuck, all this treatment and everyone still thinking we crazy like ☺️☺️ but this is actually sad. HIS 10TH ANNIVERSARY AND HES A MILLION SELLER AGAIN OH TO BE HIM !!!!!
good times for hags yes!! saw this twt and cried my eyes out rhkwhdwjshkw
sorry what the fuck. u know what i can’t even handle him idk how id handle kai  like ive gone thru theee breakdowns all delulu while wondering why iTS NOT ME WHOS WITH HIM
??? thirty sexy to a new level
i need this man actually
yeah kai possessed him also not kai doing fansigns in the barracks and having men fall for him 😭😭😭
im also vv sorry this is late like idk what happened i met this new person yesterday to do an assignment w my friends and i went home and im immediately sick like i think they hexxed me bc i am SICK 😭😭😭
My overall review of Exist is that I enjoyed the album, I like that it's EASY TO DIGEST, but the songs are catchy enough, I don't go through 100 emotions while listening to it just to end up confused. Anyways, uhmmm what's up with that champagne on the window shield I-?! And Mr Byun being embarrassed for saying sex??? Man, stand up lmao. Ngl, I wish the MV gave a bit more, I also saw people mentioning Suju 😭😭😭😭🔫
I AGREE. I AGREE ITS EASY TO DIGEST ITS EASY TO LISTEN like my ears are not crying im so vv happy w the entire album, i realized many reactio channels said that after heat me out,, it’s so casual r&b like the reactors have grown to love simple music and that song + all the other ones are just so, non fussy??? just straight good music and the choreo??? the best in their career ever. the preciseness??? beat the broken knees allegations 😭😭
cream soda took me three listens to understand and it dawned on me that it’s bc my volume wasn’t up so i listened to it w bass and 😯😯😯 eargasm galore,, it is A HIT. ENTIRE CHORUS BEING A HIGH NOTE, 12/10 OVER FOR EVERYONE EVER FBWKDH ITS SO FUN FUNKY SEXY PERFECT FOR SUMMER AND PARTIES??? vocals wow,,, a new level,,, ur so correct! it didn’t feel confusing but it felt so nice to hear their voices after so long,, THE HARMONIES LIKE???? THE FALSETTO BEING THE ENTIRE CHORUS IS MENTAL PHEWWWW KILL ME SIRE,, champagne on the windshield, u know exactly why 😵‍💫😵‍💫 LMFAOOO NO BC THIS DOES LOOK LIKE THE SUJU MV SHIT THEYRE OLD NOW 😭😭😭ngl me too i wish the mv was just tad bit MORE but i won’t complain bc this mv was filmed on the du of the damn lawsuit so ik none of them said a lot of shit against what to do and what not to 🤚🏻but i think the more i watch it the more i like it,,, cinematography is rly pretty the yellows holds greens purples and reds,,, wow 🫡 very classic, gatsby look just classic exo
just tells me that there’s a lot of incredible music but this talent is 😮‍💨
So actually some of the past Exo tracks aren't for me, but this album is really sooooolid, it's definitely cohesive sonically, the r&b undertones, THE FUCKING HARMONIES HELLOOOOO EARGASM! But also thematically it's definitely an album made for horny people lmaoooo. I'd have to give it more listens to establish which songs stopd out to me the most, but so far I think Regret It and Private Party are my faves!
im going to say U GOTTA RELISTEN TO OBSESSION WND TEMPO IM SORRY I WILL NOT ACCEPT ANY LESS 🔫 OASIS SIGN DAMAGE BUTTERFLY AFFECT YA YA YA??? no ur so right this album is so solid and cohesive in the best way possible,,, like the tracks are so well thought out??? the 90’s, r&b pop and synth pop 😭😭 CRYING IK THOSE PRODUCERS WERE LINING UP TO WORK W RHEM UR RIGHT RHE FUCKINF HARMONIES THE WAY I GET SO GASPY WHEN THEY DO THAT LIKE??? this is exactly what i want from atz so bad 😭😭😭 IT RLY IS FOR HORNY PPL LIKE DO U HEAR THE BED CREAKING NOISES 😭😭😭 PRIVATE PARTY PLS DID U HEAR THE BED CREAK this me listening to it
but like im obsessed w no make up and love fool,,, like what the fuck did they put in THOSE SONGS,,, what an album honestly i am always surprised w them in the best way,, like how can u gag me every bc 😭😭 i am obsessed w cream soda
Kai is away so Baek is the one serving cunt now?! Who would have thought. Military made Taemin into a bigger baby girl, meanwhile Baek is whoring /// Also, let me say I'm so proud of Shinee honestly and the way they can never believe whenever they win, because some fuckass people wanna claim Shinee isn't relevant anymore and they won INKIGAYO!!! TAEMIN DID S CLASS AND HARD CHALLENGE WITH HYUNJIN, HE WENT TO JYP????? Why is he so adventurous all of a sudden
NO BC BAEKHYUN???? WHAT THE FUCK IS HE DOING IM ACTUALLY CRYING,, it’s the way kai left them a mission that they need to DANCE and not embarrass him and they are dancing im so sick the footwork is insane,,, taemin bbygirl meowing and baekhyun’s out here showing nips and tongues 😭😭
Jamal astrology hoe, pls https://www.pinkvilla.com/entertainment/ncts-jaehyun-to-make-big-screen-debut-with-film-in-6-hours-you-will-die-alongside-park-ju-hyun-kwak-si-yang-1228441 this is the short description 👀 I need more kpop men in unhinged roles, like yeah them playing losers in rom coms is fine but give me something else
no bc im very excited to see what he does,, kpop’s actors / drama’s have been really good and exciting,,, i just know he’s gonna be so incredibly hot,, do u ever look at jamal and think he’d fit the twilight role so perfectly
Hybe didn't even apologise for the way they treated fans, they justified their actions. Fans were still groped, wtf, sometimes the gender matters, but they were still violated so what difference does it make seriously
no bc do u rmr the mental health polls hybe did?? fans were groped NEAR the new artists,,, i hope a few ppl sue them bc this is so incredibly wrong???
So, I'm sure if YSL was in contact with Hwa they'd already invite him somewhere :/ and he'd definitely thank them publicly, but his dedication to get noticed is admirable. Stop because first I saw those sandals on Ten and had to close my eyes and Seonghwa too… Hongjoong's obsession with Olivier Rousteing paid off so fingers crossed, ugh if not I'm personally going to Anthony Vacarello's house ☠
yeah!!! :( HIS DEDICATION REALLY IS UP THERE I HOPE THEY LISTEN FOR ONCE,, im sorry like those sandals are so whatsapp mom core 😭😭😭😭 KEEP UR GRIPPERS WITH U PLS WE DONT NEED TO SEE 😭😭 omg hongjoong’s manifestation power must be crazy good for rousteing to fall in love w him like that LMFAOOO ANTHONY ITS ON SIGHT
Re: N*mr: Idk some girlies really love footballers, they have humiliation kink cause I know at least 3 WAG wannabies from London who do that, they don't care those men will cheat on them. They usually just wanna bang and go, lmao kinda respect the hustle, but is it even worth it with some of them… yikes /// Omfg no because I saw the Suarez thing and was like HUH, then got confused why RM was posting about it 😭
NO SRS THIS HUMILIATION KINK IS FBKWHDKWHDKW I RESPECT IT BUT THE WAY I CRINGE FBWMDBKW ou not the wag wannabes u know what yeah i also respect the hustle like u go get that ride and dip w the money <3 no bc srs are they even worth it 😭😭😭 YEAH ME TOO UNTIL IT CLICKED AND MY HEART CAME BACK UP FBWJDHSK also why tf is everyone moving to saudi im actually so disappointed in everyone, losing passion over money 😭😭 LIKE BRO UR IN UR PRIME AND UR GOING INTO A NOWHERE LEAGUE
Baek are you updated on King the Land, because the latest episodes?! They really went for it, it's so cliche idk how it even works, but it does! Do you remember Yoona and Junho dancing to Senorita, because that was an event!!! I also remembered Taeyong and Seulgi and WOW… imagine 4th gen idols doing that ajsvhshajskdavshsjdjd
I AM SO UPDATED!!! I LOOK FORWARD TO EVERY WEEKEND FOR NEW EPS the kiss. the way. he was shaking. 😶😶 crying screaming shitting i need them married. YOONA AND JUNHO WON THE IDAF WAR omf do u rmr the cabi song like that was peak idgaf,,, taecyeon and yoona and then jessica 😭😭😭 taeyong seulgi doing a show together???? 👁👁
Insane to think certain idols would be in totally different fields, like business, pilot, chef then tattoo artist, Twitch streamer lmao but here they are in the same fucking group doing aegyo and hip thrusting on stage /// Yeah, so I obviously enjoy 4th gen, but 2nd and 3rd gen had the quality, now I see those Tik Tok fucking songs that are under 3 mins and I wanna die!!! Don't wanna be a boomer, easy and fun choreography can be cool, not only for fans to follow, but also idops to perform, but where is the versatility, the creativity…
RIGHT LIKE KUN AS A PILOT??? 😭😭😭 so random,,, twitch streamer stOP 😭😭😭 here they are being a slut fbwkdhwk ur right!!! thwy had the quality, everyone was releasing bangers it was crazy but the best time for kpo musically!!! UR RIGHT THE TIKTOK SONGS ARE 😭😭🔫,,, no bc this 100% easy and fun can be cool but not having it fit the music,, new choreo is so underrated these days like all we see his hand moves or straight up gymnastics,, give us good food!!!!
Shhahdhndjshahhshaaj stop SM people are lurking cause that guy was quick to like Yuta's post?! 😬😬😬😬 and now there are articles about SM being xenophobic <333 like I said, embarrasSMENT… it's a shame they have so many artists I like, because they're literally the worst. And apparently Sungtaro are debuting soon, I will believe it when I see it. Really shitty that they remived Shohei, he's neither in NCT Tokyo nor the other bg :( man is a grown ass adult, let him debut!
LMFAOOOO BRMWHDKWHDKW HES ON TWITTER FOR SURE,,, EMBARRASSMENT TRULY,, but honestly is it surprising bc sm’s past treatment with their chinese employers and then doing a law suit on them before leaving,, literally,, the idols are the best part of sm honestly 😭😭 YEAH ???? LIKE JUST PUT THEM IN A GROUP AND DEBUT IT OUT also their new bg having jaejoong dna like sm rly loves him 😭😭
Ryan is Ken for life because wtf is he saying?! Margot os serving so many iconic looks during the promo! Btw booked tickets for both Barbie and Oppenheimer on the same day lmaooo it's gonna be a fucking ride
You're right, KQ posted the "apology", not even Ateez's account??? And the apology was too vague imo, again if Indian/South Asian fans want to accept it that's their decision, I'm not saying people should cancel them and send then threats (it's happening and it's so bad), BUT some stans are ok with bare minimum, they just wanna move on… :/ that's what I told my friend, imagine if someone wrote a track called Kimchi Song, Asian people get so much shit for their native food, so it's incredibly insensitive. I don't wanna generalise, but I met so many Korean stans and while some were nice, some are simply crazy and lose their morals over kpop. On the other hand, one thing can tip them off, nothing serious and they can go from loving someone to sending them threats and???
yeah like the clear difference in followers and posting on the other acc had me side eyeing them,,, was v disappointed that it was yunsanhwa— omg do u rmr lee hyori doing sexy dance on a hindu mantra???? MY JAW WAS ON THE FLOOR HOW DO U BE THIS INSENSITIVE????? yeah ppl wanna move on but i am definitely side eyeing them for a while 🤨 but honestly i expected it, every idol has to do something like this with their whole chest 😭😭😭
It's a shame none of the members apologised, I like to think they wanted to, but idk. San posted on b.stage I thought he'd mention it, I understand it was his birthday, but… :/ I'm not usually personally affected by most of idols' fuck ups, but it always pisses me off regardless
i do too but that ur right that part,,, it always pisses me off when it be the ppl u never expected??? this one rly had me open my eyes a little like 🤚🏻
Exo possible collabs??? Exo on Killing Voice, well they definitely fucking killed :o  /// Shinee, Teen Top, U-Kiss, Exo, Infinite, what year is this?! Remember when we would get so many 2nd/3rd gen ggs comebacks?! 2021 and 2022 😭😭😭😭
possible collabs,,, i need them to collab on a group album more often. THEY RLT DID BUT I WANTED A PT2 BC THERES SO MUCH AND THEM CHOOSING LOVE SHOT OVER TEMPO??? CRAZY.  watching it made me realize how c razy their discography is, hit after hit and wow 🤚🏻 mr kim jongdae rly does it w so much ease, and baekhyun??? he’s a full time flirter, part time idol
I AM SO EXCITED FOR INFINITE LIKE DBWKDHWKHDKW WE SEE IDOL L 😭😭😭 FINALLY AFTER SO LONG CRYING FHWKDHWK hoping this summer brings good songs for everyone esp the 2/3rd gen groups that are coming back, we need that era back!
Baek, I got two tattoos during my trip and I already made appointments for two more, so pray for me lmao <333  /// Did you see model Hwa on the cover?! Sadly I don't have high hopes, because it's Cosmo and they usually have boring shoots, so far they look ok (but their clothes are basically their promo/stage fits? 😬) sigh - DV💖
WE NEED A DOODLE DRAWING OF THEM RIGHT NOW 🔫🔫 I DID SEE MODEL HWA COVER. ITS ALL BLACK AND WHITE BUT I GUESS ITS SOMETHING 😭😭😭 but did u see jeong yunho. why is he so big like that. i went thru a 15 min blankness looking at him
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no cause fbwkdhwk
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jumpdriveproject · 3 months ago
Actually this is a good excuse to give an update for people who havnt kept an eye on the side blog we made.
We have established theres probably like (at least) seven of us but only like 3 or 4 or 5 are really like noticeable in different ways. We uuuusally dont really pay a whole lot of attention to who is "fronting" unless it becomes obvious, which it does sometimes. I like to think people who are paying attention can probably notice too lmao. (This is called being Blended, I think?)
Tbh one of the things we've become a lot more aware of is the amnesia, we forget making certain posts or having conversations a lot of the time depending on whos who. this post might disappear after we wake up tomorrow, who knows.
We've found we tend to switch between "I" and "We" depending on the context cause we tend to not really have a consistent dialogue between ourselves, sometimes one of us is more autonomous, etc, so sometimes its me sometimes its we, yknow. Sorry if it gets confusing but try to keep up.
I'm gonna talk in a way some of us dont like rn (honestly, as myself) but the truth is as I (the me that is currently typing, I'm Eula, Hi, Hello) have become a lot more aware of myself there have been times it has been difficult to not exist publicly as myself. The me that I am now is a different person than the one that was shyly posting with a "#Possibly Plural" tag. In some ways that person wasnt a person, that person was, ironically, a robot. It was our body doing the things it needed to do to stay alive day to day and little else. There were bits and pieces of the rest of us, obviously, but we've started taking the time to understand those distinct pieces, who they are, what they want to be and how they want to live. Hell, the person who made the side blog and started doing the work to understand all this was a different person too, that was mostly Helix we think. (He's usually more in the background tho.)
Lately, as in the past like month, the one of us we considered the "host" has been doing a lot of back-seating and self searching. She used the term "the me that is me" a lot in the beginning but obviously thats a term that means almost nothing in this context. I think she's finally starting to get a grip on the fact she is just like us, another potato in the stew. She isnt the body, she isnt the original, shes just another person. Its been scary for us, but I think its been good. In the early stages she felt like the most "fake" because she wouldnt let herself decide on how she wants to be, instead clinging onto the image and name of the body, but its felt like a self image has been starting to come together, finally, after like, 30 years.
Again, I dont think any of us want to stop being "Jaydee" or complicate the ways (most) people interact with us. But maybe sometimes I/we might want to talk about these things more publicly and shamelessly and maybe I want to say "hey this is ME" and i want people to be okay with that including people that are also me. THATS what I want to bring into 2025. The rest of me might disagree or have their own plans, I dont know right now, but I think most of us will all agree we want to stop feeling bad about being real.
~Eula ♥
2025 is the year of not feeling bad about being plural.
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atopearth · 2 years ago
Court of Darkness Part 11 - Tino (Valentino) Maes Route
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Tino seems like a really nice and gentle guy. Lol at all the bullies becoming soft because Tino's helplessness and tears at having not found Lynt troubles him so🤣 Glad he saved the heroine from them. Aww Lynt is so sweet! He told Tino to look out for the heroine if she ever got into any trouble🥲🥲 Honestly, when Tino said he doesn't know how much help he can be for the heroine but at least he can be a comforting presence by her side when she needs it, it made me want to cry😭😭 I think both me and the heroine really needed that considering how she's stuck in this world alone and getting bullied already😭😭 I think it's really sweet how hard Tino tried to make the heroine trust him and feel comfortable with him, and that he's doing this because he knows how much it means when someone helps you at a time of need since that's what Lynt did for him.
Lmao at Tino praising Lynt and awww, it's so sweet how he bakes all sorts of breads for Lynt because he knows Lynt is too lazy to eat and likes to eat convenient food🤣 I'm always so happy for the heroine that she has Sherry for a friend, otherwise it would be so stressful for her. Honestly, every single time the bullies appear, I get such an urge to just kill them because they're such despicable and disgusting people that only know how to bully people weaker than them. Man, these groupies are so annoying and wish we could get past this already. The audacity of them to so publicly talk down on the heroine and nearly create a scene, ugh. I'm not even kind enough to empathise with them like the heroine by understanding that they feel like their hard work blah blah is taken away because some random appeared. They have no right to bully the heroine like this and no right to think they have the rights to anything the heroine has. Was Tino looking for the heroine in the bushes?! Hahaha, he's so cute. It was nice to see how relieved he was that she was safe. It's sad that Tino felt so bad for not being able to protect the heroine properly from the harassment at the party, but I'm glad the heroine told him that just him rushing there to her aid was enough. Honestly, it's difficult since yeah he's a prince's valet so they should at least be courteous but these girls are monsters so..yeah and Tino is too kind to offend anyone.
I don't know what's the deal with Daan but he's hot🥺 Daan seems nice, I wonder if it's Tino's inferiority that makes him so down since he's from a family of valets and they're basically trained to be ones from when they were children. I couldn't help but smile realising that Tino standing up for the heroine at the party was such a surprise to Daan because it really shows how much he cared for the heroine at that time already. I really like how the heroine speaks up for Tino when he isn't able to because he doesn't feel like he has the right to. Lynt obviously cares about him and his feelings but he's too used to being who he is so he's not the best at being observant of other's feelings. Even though Tino was still left behind by Lynt after expressing his opinion, I think it's probably best for both Lynt and Tino to stop being so mutually reliant on the other for their existences. The heroine and Tino hugging each other are the cutest thing ever btw and I love how their little love is sprouting. When they confessed though~ so cutee! I felt so happy for them. It's sad that Lynt isn't here, but seeing the heroine and Tino bond more is sweet~ Welp, guess Daan really is a jerk. One thing I've been really enjoying about this route is how much the heroine stands up for Tino. He's got low self-esteem because he doesn't feel like he's up to par compared to the other valets in a prestigious family, so it's difficult for him to defend himself knowing he's inadequate, but with the heroine, she has known how great Tino is even before they got together and continues to see how great and considerate he is as a person and as a valet so she'll never let Daan get away with insulting Tino. I think it's sweet how considerate both the heroine and Tino are to each other, maybe to others it might seem too polite, but I really enjoy how they treat each other with respect and acknowledge that they are both their own person. I didn't think the whole thing was going to be so dramatic where Tino would crash the ceremony and steal the bride, I mean Lynt back as his master hahaha. I have no idea what Daan planned to achieve with his silly communication blocks, like what makes him think Lynt wouldn't find out and then kick you off as valet anyway? Sigh, what a waste of a hot guy.
Overall, I quite liked Tino's route. I think I can see why some people don't like him since he doesn't stand up for himself alot of the time and can be "meek" due to the bullying from Daan and just his personality in general, but I think I liked it. We have a lot of cool characters already so I think it's nice to have a guy where the heroine tries her best to protect him and then he grows to become more brave after interacting with her and then finally being able to express his feelings properly. And the thing is, Tino isn't really that "weak" anyway, because even though he can't solve everything properly, he does do his best to protect the heroine when she needs it, and honestly, the heroine is her own person and doesn't back down herself so she really doesn't need to be protected all the time and just really needs his support to make her more confident and not feel alone, and I think that's enough. Personally, I found their relationship courteous but sweet in its' own way, and I loved how her honesty made Tino understand that he can be more honest with himself. I'm sad that they didn't do it though, like whyy not, I like how polite they are with each other but stilllll😢😢
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tomthesoftie · 4 years ago
her hidden crystal tears
❧ synopsis: keeping a relationship under covers isn’t an easy feat. when a popular, successful jock of a college, who has many obsessive fans, dates an average student, they decide that it’s better to keep their relationship secret due to safety reasons, but when the jock starts to become more ignorant of how their s/o is feeling, what might happen to their barely stable relationship?
❧ pairing: jock!tom x fem!reader
❧ genre: angst
❧ warnings: lots of angst (?), petty girl fights technically harassment, crying, pent-up emotions, unhealthy coping
❧ a/n: this is an unedited fic, as always and I didn’t know how to end it because I had two endings in mind. I might write both endings (angst and fluff) or maybe I’ll let you guys suffer lmao I’m kidding I originally was writing a blurb about the reader hiding their emotions/hiding their tears by feigning happiness, but I ended up writing like a 2500+ word fic lmao. also if some shit seems wack, it’s because I posted this on my phone.
alternate fluff ending here: let them flow
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Swerving through the large crowd, you found yourself a seat on the filled bleachers, squeezing to fit in the front rows to spot your boyfriend. Looking about, you located your brunette partner jogging into the field arms raised in the air, pointing towards the crowd you were hidden in. He waved his hand mindlessly, eyes scanning the ocean of screaming schoolmates and “fangirls.” His gaze finally fell on you, and his face lit up, bringing a pink haze to your cheeks as he blew a kiss in your direction. The girls sat beside you screamed out, pretending to catch his kiss and sending one back. 
You and Tom decided to keep your relationship under covers, due to the overly obsessive “fangirls.” Both of you knew it would be the best option to keep you safe. If you were ever injured or threatened by one of his “fangirls,” Tom wouldn’t be able to forgive himself. 
Tom held the leather ball in the crook of his arm, with the other pushing his way through the attacking team. Calculating his success, he dove into a touchdown, scoring him and his team the winning point. 
The anticipating crowd jumped up, cheering loudly and hugging one another, whereas the visitor team’s crowd let out a loud, mutual sigh of disappointment. 
You jumped out of your seat, screaming out your lungs as you stared, wide-eyed, at your beaming boyfriend. His teammates had lifted him into the air, tossing him about. You giggled as he caught your eye, slyly winking at you. 
Lost in your own world, you almost ran down to where Tom was before you saw a hoard of girls jumping and reaching their arms out to grab at him. Frowning, you walked away from the crowd to retreat to the warmth of Tom’s car. 
You scrolled through the collection of images you and Tom had had together, warmly smiling at the memories. You let out a breathy laugh, selecting on one specific memory: Tom’s head laid on your lap, eyes shut, and lips puckered lightly as he let out even breaths. 
The car door beside you opened, shaking you out of your train of thought. 
“Hey,” your eyes were met with the blue pupils you weren’t expecting. 
“Haz?” You looked behind him, hoping to find your beloved boyfriend. 
“Tom — um — he told me to drive you back to the dorms, said he would be heading to the celebratory party,” Harrison explained, eyes shaking with concern and sympathy. 
“Oh, I understand,” your smile not quite making it to your eyes.
“He was being hoarded by his,” Haz hesitates, “fangirls. He didn’t want you to get involved.”
“It’s all good, Hazzy. No need to worry about me,” you let out a feigned laugh. 
You stepped into the warm building, waving Harrison goodbye. Another football victory, same schedule. 
You go to Tom’s game to support and cheer him on, Tom wins, you avoid him, Tom’s “fangirls” hoard him, you wait in Tom’s car, Harrison comes instead of Tom, Harrison brings you back to your dorm while Tom goes to his party, you fall asleep in your own arms: the ‘Tom’s football victory’ schedule, named and created by you. 
To say the least, you weren’t fond of the last half of the schedule. You always were left alone to celebrate Tom’s victory on your own, while Tom was doing who-knows-what at the afterparty. 
In full honesty, you were slowly growing tired of hiding your affection for one another. You didn’t know how much longer you could hold onto this style of dating. If the pair of you were going to date, you would date publicly and however you wanted, whether it meant risking your safety or not. Besides, you weren’t some helpless girl that doesn’t and can’t protect herself.
The next day, you woke up with an aching head and puffy eyes. Groaning, you looked into your mirror located at the corner of your room. You flinched at the sight of your pink, tear-stained cheeks and tangled, mop hair. Pushing yourself off the soft mattress, you stumbled into your bathroom, prepping a warm shower to start your day off fresh.
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With your laptop and notebook resting in your arms, against your chest, you made your way to your next lecture. You walked sluggishly across the large campus, occasionally catching a glimpse of passing football team members. 
A specific group you walked past caught your attention. You saw the familiar brunette curls in your peripheral vision, immediately making you turn your gaze towards it. You saw his warm smile as he chuckled with his group of friends, some of his “fangirls” giggling along with the group. 
There Tom stood, laughing and joking about with his peers, radiating happiness. He was basking in the attention he received from his friends and “fans.” 
You tried to catch his eye, and you swore you did for a split second, but he only walked past you as if you weren’t even there. Not even a hidden smile or wink of acknowledgment was sent your way. 
Your walking came to a stop as you frowned at your boyfriend’s back. You wanted to shout out his name, call for his attention. You wanted to nuzzle into his chest, breathing in his scent. You wanted to look into his chocolate-pooled eyes, see the twinkle of adoration as he stared at you. Nevertheless, you couldn’t. You couldn’t do anything with Tom in public, for you were just another girl on campus, trying to get by, and Tom was the successful jock with a bright future ahead.
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You walked into the large room, taking a seat, conveniently, in front of Tom. This time, you were the one to not spare him a single glance, albeit he probably wasn’t expecting or looking for one. 
You tried your best to listen and focus on the lecture, but the consistent whispers behind your back began to nag at your patience. You leaned your down further into your notes, as if it could fix the slowly kindling fire in you. Checking the clock, you saw that only five minutes of the lecture had passed, and your professor had barely said anything. 
“Five minutes? I swear it felt like half of the lecture had gone by. And the professor. I swear he had just said like tons of important information,” you muttered to yourself under your breath, catching a few students’ gazes. 
You gently pounded a fist into your temple, forcing your attention onto the lined sheets of paper on your desk. You expected to see notes, not illegible scribbles. You silently groaned, switching the sheet for a new, clean page. You took a deep breath and began jotting down the key points of the presentation that was being projected onto the large whiteboard. 
A feminine voice cleared their throat beside you, “Excuse me.”
You looked up from your work, a glare on your face as you were pulled out of your focus once again.
“Can I help you?” You asked, irritated. 
“Uh, yes, you can. You can help me by moving yourself to that seat over there,” she pointed at an empty seat across the room, “and giving this,” she placed her hand on the desk, atop you notes, “seat to me.”
You scoffed, “And why should I?”
“Oh, honey,” you cringed at the nickname, “Tommy, here,” she nodded towards Tom, “shouldn’t have to suffer by looking at your terrible hair. Like, honestly, do you even care for your looks?”
You were practically fuming in your seat, but to avoid trouble, you responded with a monotonous voice, “I’m sure “Tommy” can take care of himself. Spare us both the inconvenience, and go sit yourself on that empty seat because if you couldn’t tell, I’m occupying this spot.”
“Who do you think you are?” She shouted, hand crumpling your notes.
Furrowing your brows, you grabbed at your notes, hoping to spare them.
“Move your ugly ass before I kick you off this seat,” she threatened, pulling you by your hair.
The professor stopped talking, glaring at the pair of you. You took it as a sign to shut up and not fight back.
Fist clenching, nails creating red crescents in your palm, you stood up, pushing the girl off of you, ignoring her gasp. You grabbed your notes and laptop, turning to see if Tom would defend you, but when you saw his passive expression, you let out a quiet laugh of disappointment, carrying yourself to the back of the room. 
For the rest of the class, you stood in the back, writing your notes with blurry, tear-filled vision. Although you were still in shock due to the event that had unfolded minutes into the lecture, you wouldn’t let it falter how you were doing in school. 
As soon as you were dismissed, you bolted out of the room, heading to your safe haven on campus. 
Not many people, if any, knew about the hidden garden located within the campus’s vast park. You had only discovered it by accident when you were a freshman looking for your way around campus. 
The first thought you had when you walked in was that you were transported into a different dimension. Thinking back on it, you were naive to think that, but you were still justified. Anyone would think such a beautiful place couldn’t belong to the aggressivity and rashness of this world. The variant shades of light green and pastel pink flowers growing between the weeds of grass gave the place a heavenly feeling, followed by the mist that sparkled under the sunlight. 
You dropped yourself at the thick tree’s stump, letting your notes and laptop slip out of your grasp. You cried into your knees, pouring out all of your stresses. Your breaths were short and heaved, occasional hiccups bubbling from your lips. Your sobs slowly lulled you closer to sleep, emotional and physical fatigue catching up to you. That is, until you heard the recognizable clang of the door handle hitting against the wooden door.
“Darling,” the accented voice you longed to hear spoke up.
Quickly wiping away your tears and sniffling away any evidence of your sorrow, you stood up, “Tommy!” A feigned smile lay on your supple skin as you ran over to your boyfriend, embracing him in your arms, “What’s up?”
“Are you alright? I’m sorry I didn’t speak up for you during class. I should’ve told that girl to get her hands off you,” he stroked your hair, “She didn’t hurt you, did she?” 
Letting a pained giggle out, you shook your head, “Nope, I’m fine. You know how strong I am.”
“I really, really did want to speak up, but you know that we should keep our relationship under covers, for your sake,” he spoke gently, placing a kiss on your head.
You scowled into his shirt but kept up your cheerful facade, chirping, “Mhm, safety.”
“I knew you’d understand,” he sighed. His hold on you weakened, “I should get going, though. The group will start to wonder where I’ve gone.”
You frowned, pulling away from him.
“Don’t be like that, darling,” he cooed, “I’ll come over tonight. Don’t worry.”
You let out a sarcastic laugh, “Of course, as you always do.”
His brows furrowed at your sudden mood shift, “What are you on, darling?”
“Oh, nothing,” you chirp, hopping back to the tree, collecting your notes and laptop. “Go ahead, meet with your friends. Leave me behind like you always do,” you murmur the last half.
“Love?” His voice neared you, and you barely registered the stray tears betraying you, rolling down your peachy cheeks. 
Quickly bringing up a hand to wipe the wetness away, you keep your back facing Tom.
“Shouldn’t you be going? Don’t want your friends to worry,” you laughed, lightly. A hand placed itself on your shoulder, the sudden contact startling you. “You scared me, Tommy. You shouldn’t do that,” you giggle, hiding your true emotions, “You know how easily scared I am.”
“Darling, can you look at me?” He asked, quietly, concern lacing his tone. 
“What for, Tommy?” You inquired, nervously laughing.
“You’re acting quite… strange,” he explained.
“No need to worry about me, bubs. I’m as peachy as always,” you quipped, shoulders bouncing in emphasis.
“I’m giving you one more chance to turn, or I will do it for you,” he said, sternly. 
You stayed, unmoving, forcing Tom to turn you with his raw strength. At first, you tried to fight it, but you came to the revelation that there was no way you could overpower him.
When you met his warm, liquid eyes, you felt your own tear up, and suddenly, your shoes were an intriguing sight. 
“Baby, please look at me,” he whispered, hands rubbing up and down your arms.
You shook your head in denial, trying to keep your weakness hidden.
“It breaks me to see you this way,” he lifted your face with a finger to your chin. His thumb moved to wipe away your crystal tears.
“Then leave,” you hissed, weakly.
“W-What?” Tom stuttered at the unforeseen reply.
“I’m tired, Tom. I’m tired of hiding, of you ignoring me and me, you. How long are we going to do this? It’s so stupid, all of it,” you dropped your head again, this time of fatigue.
“B-But, you know why we’re doing this-” you cut him off.
“I know, and I can’t help but think that this was a stupid choice,” you motioned between the two of you, “You’re barely around me, and on campus, you don’t even acknowledge me. On the slim chance I do have you to myself, it can only last for so long. At this point, it feels like we’re not even together.”
“I-I don’t understand. What are you trying to say?” Fear filled his eyes as the pit in his stomach became more and more noticeable.
“I think it would be better if-” you stuttered in a breath, “if we took a break.”
“Why? Just because we’re hiding our relationship? You know why I- we chose to keep it secret,” he rushed out his words, hands gripping yours.
“Do I? Do I really? Today was display enough that even though we act like we don’t know each other, I’ll still get harassed by those “fans” of yours. Not to mention, you saw it all unravel, and what did you do? Nothing. There’s no practicality to keeping our relationship hidden because either way, some “fans” will go overboard no matter who the person. Also, I think I showed that I can defend myself from crazy people when I pushed that girl off of me today,” you spoke, ferocity and resentment spurring you on.
“I know I messed up when I didn’t help you, but I thought about our relationship-” you scoffed.
“So what? Even if we weren’t in a relationship, you should’ve helped a girl out. Especially when she’s getting harassed because of you,” you jabbed a finger into his chest.
“Tell me how to make it better. I want to make it better. Don’t end us, please,” he begged, gripping your hand tighter.
“Stop, Tom. I told you that I want to take a break. Besides, it won’t be any different to how our normal relationship is,” you laughed. Pulling your arm out of his grasp, you walked away, “Now, I won’t have to waste any tears on you anymore.”
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kirinda-ondo · 2 years ago
I wanna ask the Fruit Loops! 🗣️🤡🐒💝🎲
O shit all of them?? Hella
🗣️ - How do they handle public speaking?
"A simple task, really! And fun! As if I could pass up the opportunity to have an audience!"
PLEASE let Bragi speak publicly, that means he has an AUDIENCE that is PAYING ATTENTION TO HIM. He would THRIVE.
"U-Um... no. N-No thank you."
Aneas would simply pass away if asked to do any public speaking. Like you might be able to begrudgingly convince him if he can hide in the safety of his sleeves while he does it but even then he would probably be struggling
"Sure! Ain't no big thing! Just... not right now--"
Tomor is usually pretty unbothered so you'd think he'd be fine with a large audience, but a stage comedian he is not. He can kind of make a convincing sounding delivery, but his legs are totally shaking the whole time.
🤡 - What’s something dumb they’re embarrassed about?
"A-As if I'd tell you!"
Bragi once got stuck in a playground tunnel and freaked out so bad he passed out and his friend Maraschi had to call emergency services to remove him and even though he swore her to secrecy she keeps TELLING PEOPLE and they keep LAUGHING AT HIM--
"Mmm... W-Where do I even begin..."
Aneas is honestly embarrassed about his entire existence tbh. Especially his height. He knows everybody loves him being baby-sized but he doesn't WANT to be baby-sized, he wants to be taken SERIOUSLY and reach IMPORTANT SHELVES or HIS WIFE'S FACE without using a step-stool!
"I ain't embarrassed about nothin'! Not when I can just look back and laugh!"
Tomor is not easily embarrassed, but if you were to even remotely imply he was into a certain horrible fish girl he would probably deny it just a little too hard and then have to go and re-evaluate some things and spiral a bit because he doesn't even realize it yet--
🐒 - What’s their favorite animal?
If you put Bragi within 15 feet of any animal he WILL scream and probably die. That being said, he does begrudgingly accept that the starfish is objectively the best animal because by Bragi logic, you get stars when you're good, so to be already born star-shaped means they must be perfect.
"Umm... B-Birds are nice!"
Aneas doesn't want any animals of his own because A) he's afraid he would accidentally kill them, and B) He's worried they would harm his plants. He wouldn't mind some bird-themed knick-knacks tho.
"Spiders are pretty fun, I guess. The reactions to 'em are always pretty funny, anyway--"
Tomor does genuinely think they're neat tho. He doesn't own one, but he knows a lot of spider facts
💝 - What gestures do they really appreciate? How do you get on their good side?
"Getting on my good side isn't all that hard to do, so long as you're nice to me and give me presents~"
Bragi is incredibly attention hungry, so he will gladly accept any and every kind gesture you are willing to give. That said, if you wanna like actually really move him, do or give him something that he's not expecting. He will cry and cherish it forever.
"Y-You don't have to do anything for me... J-Just be nice to Coulie, th-that's all I want."
Aneas doesn't really expect anyone to do anything nice for him ever, so anytime someone does, it's honestly really appreciated, even if it's some grand thing that makes him feel really awkward and uncomfortable. Really all you have to do is be nice, respect his wife, and appreciate his plants.
"I don't need favors, and I don't like havin' a lot of stuff. And I especially don't like feelin' like I owe nobody nothin'. People say they don't tally that kinda thing, but they all secretly do."
The best thing to give Tomor is just your time and hang out, and most importantly, be at least a little fun lmao
🎲 - Pick a random question to answer from this list
O shit uhhh we'll go with:
🤔 - What’s something they’ll never understand?
"I don't understand the fuss about romance! It's stupid and confusing and it takes up too much time that could be better spent on more important things!"
Sometimes Bragi does kind of wonder if he's missing out on something, but then he thinks about it a little more and is like "nah"
"I-I don't understand technology... Th-There's either too many buttons, o-or no buttons at all, a-and I don't get it at all..."
Inside of Aneas is a little old lady and she doesn't know what a Google is, let alone how to use it! Or the toaster for that matter! Thankfully, he doesn't need Google because his wife Coulie knows everything (sincere) (affectionate)
"What's the big deal about mortals? It's always, 'save 'em all!' or 'kill em all!' What's it matter? Sure, they're fun sometimes, but they're just gonna die in a couple decades, so like, who cares?"
Tomor just sees mortals as short-lived novelties, little more than pets or entertainment. This will absolutely not cause any friction in his life whatsoever--
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