#the alt text is a bit much so sorry for that
xceanlynx · 11 months
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Sand & Ray + Pantone colors Only Friends (2023) dir. Jojo Tichakorn & Ninew Pinya
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alikeadis · 1 year
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(red thread of fate - rosebird week 2023)
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magicwhiskers29 · 9 months
Happy final Flora Friday of the year!!!
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Here's a collection of Flora sketches of different designs! In order, there's:
@ballwizard's Gentleman's Teabreak Flora
@deadinsideart's older Flora
@splashzix's NWoS Flora
@the-river-of-light's fancy dress Flora
@shittyclive's Flora with bugs
@magicwhiskers29 (My) Autumn disguise Flora
@magicwhiskers29 (Also my) Older adventurer Flora (new for this, so no link!)
@the-river-of-light's LMJ-era Flora
For a few notes on my new adventurer Flora, this is an idea for her maybe 8-10 years post-UF? She's taken a lot from Emmy, and is now off on her own adventures!
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jinjjayo · 2 days
hey kpop people alt text is for image description. not aesthetic text not video or image source. image description. if your alt text is not image description then Be Quiet
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vlasdygoth · 2 years
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Reworking some of my old designs for my roleswap au... Wizard adaire and Ranger ephrim, the winter newcomers
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suhkusa · 2 months
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PAIRING. Sakusa Kiyoomi x f!Reader
CW. fast paced, fluff with slightest of angst
A/N. alt ending for sakusa lovers (me)
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Sakusa doesn’t know if you remember him. If anything, he would be more surprised if you did remember him. It was just one interaction during your high school years after all. 
“Are you alright?” 
You look up from your seat. You had come to this stupid national volleyball tournament because your friend made you, but she’s off somewhere flirting with a man from another team. You had dozed off and you didn’t even realize Inarizaki was playing their last set of the match. 
Now there was this strange man in a volleyball uniform and a mask in front of you. Oh, he said something to you didn’t he?
“Oh, yeah,” you feel self-conscious under his gaze.
He looks away for a second before looking back at you. 
“Are you from Inarizaki?” 
You nod at his question. You can feel the awkwardness oozing from your presence. You feel sorry you don’t contribute much to the conversation.
“Well if you get bored, Itachiyama’s match starts on court C in like 30 minutes,” he nods his head at you before striding off.
There was something laced in his stern voice that you couldn’t quite put a finger on. Pity? Care? You didn’t really know. 
Ah. You should’ve asked for his name.
It couldn’t be. You couldn’t be. Fate was weird. You’re the girl from the Spring Tournament weren’t you?
“Y/N,” you extend your arm towards him, “Nice to meet you… Sakusa? Right?”
“Yeah, Sakusa,” he takes your hand and gives it a small shake before letting go.
He couldn’t help but watch you as you introduce yourself to every member individually. Couldn’t help how he noticed you tense and hesitated as you got to Atsumu. He tried not to think about it too much.
When you got too drunk and that whole thing with the guy happened at the bar, Sakusa only did what was right. Take care of you and help you.
But you looked ethereal. Honestly. Part of him feels wrong saying that. Even as you lay peacefully sleeping in his own apartment. 
He didn’t want to let himself fall for you. It felt unprofessional, and Sakusa was anything but. But he couldn’t help it.
And so any chance he’d get, he would try to slip himself into your life, little by little. Maybe you’d notice. Or if you didn’t, at least he would still get to spend time with you.
Imagine how excited he was when he found out you played the exact same games as him! 
But then you started to turn a foot towards Atsumu. Even after that fiasco of a yelling-match the two of you had? It stung a bit. He was definitely hurt. So Sakusa decided to distance himself. That was the only thing that he felt like he could do. But if you ever changed your mind, he’d be here. As a friend or whatever you wanted him to be.
Then the two of you took the fall of Atsumu’s actions together. At first he didn’t know that Atsumu was behind all of it, not until you joined a video call and ranted to him about it. He honestly just cared about you and your well-being. 
He was selfish. He was ugly and selfish because he was glad that Atsumu was finally out of your life and the two of you could go back to the way things used to be. 
“Atsumu- I mean Miya came to my house last night,” you say, your voice static-y through the phone.
His heart dropped. What happened? Did he apologize? Did you forgive him?
“Oh,” is all he can manage. 
“What? Oh?” you laugh, “Don’t worry, he just apologized and… And maybe I got emotional but nothing happened, I promise,” he can feel himself sigh in relief at the last bit of your sentence.
“Is that you?” Sakusa asks.
He can hear you struggle a bit, probably grabbing your bags. “Mm, yep,” there’s moving noises.
“Well, you have a safe flight, Y/N. Make sure you text me when you get to your room, okay?” Sakusa is sad. He hopes the two of you can stay in contact. 
“I’ll miss you, Omi,” you say, and he knows you know he hates that nickname. But if it’s you, he’ll let it slide.
“What? Don’t get all sappy on me now,” he says, “I’m going to miss you a lot more, Y/N,”
Sakusa swears he hears you sniffle a bit. 
“A-Alright, I’ll see you soon, Kiyoomi,” you say one last time.
“I’ll see you soon, Y/N,” he mutters, the line going dead soon after.
It’s scary how someone across the world can make you feel so loved. It’s been 2 years since you’ve left Japan. And every day since then, you and Kiyoomi have talked. Texted, called, video chatted, anything and everything.
You’d be lying if you said you weren’t developing a tiny bit of feelings for him. But you couldn’t tell if he felt the same. Tones and emotions are so hard to read through a screen. For all you know, he could be acting as a friend and you’re just reading too much into it.
“I am coming to Japan,” you state, you can hear him shuffling on the other side of the call.
“Mm, hm? What?” he sounds a bit shocked, “for what?”
“The season just ended here, and I don’t really have anything to do. I’ve been homesick for the past 2 years, and I don’t think it’s going away anytime soon. Oh, I’d be there for just a week, though,”
“Ah, I see. Do you already have a place to stay? I can lend you the guest room?”
You think it over, but you don’t think you should consider the feelings you’ve been feeling towards him recently.
“We’ll see, thank you Kiyoomi,”
“Of course. When is your flight back?” 
“Next week,”
Next week became this week. Then this week became today. 
Apparently everyone wanted to come visit Japan because all hotels and motels were booked fully. That’s how you found yourself a taxi ride later in Sakusa Kiyoomi’s guest bedroom.
You had decided to keep your return under the wraps, not wanting any attention or big reactions, or… other people to catch wind. 
It was in the very beginning of your stay back home in Japan that Sakusa Kiyoomi proclaimed his love for you.
“I think I love you. Or well, I do love you, sorry,” he looks like he’s ashamed as the two of you sit in front of his fireplace. 
At first you just stare at him as if you two were sharing a normal conversation. But then the cogs in your brain began to turn. 
“Y-You don’t have to say anything,” he’s freaking out behind those still eyes of his. You can see it, “I’m sorry, let’s just.. let’s just forget about it,
“I love you, too,”
His head snaps towards you, “What?”
You feel tense under his gaze, unsure as to what your next move should be. 
“I- Sorry,” you scoot back, “I really do love you… You’ve been there for me for so long, even when that whole thing with him happened… I’m sorry it feels like it took me so long,”
His warm hand meets under your chin.
“Only forever, idiot,” he smiles at you. “I feel like I’ve known since the day you walked in,”
There’s tears in your eyes because you believe him. He really had been there since the very beginning. 
“Don’t cry,”
“B-But I have to leave in a week and-”
“Then that gives us a whole week to be with one another… if that’s what you want,”
A tear drips down your cheek. “Then we’d have to do long distance and I don’t want you to wait,” you look into his eyes with your glossy ones.
“I’d wait eternity for you, Y/N,” is all he says before dipping his head down to yours and welcoming your lips into his. 
You basically cry into the kiss, until the kiss gets sloppy and you’re coming onto him.
And maybe you gave all of yourself to him that night. And maybe every night after that.
The goodbye is bittersweet. You know the two of you will meet again, but are unsure when. Being deduced to only being able to communicate through your telephone is hard. Especially after all of your feelings were finally let out of the bag. The two of you know your love will keep you guys intertwined until you guys see each other again. 
When that is, is the only thing that’s uncertain.
“Do you still like me?
“I think you know the answer to that, Y/N,” he says sadly, “all too well,”
A sigh escapes your lips.
“You know you shouldn’t, Atsumu,” you say, and it tears his heart apart. He thought this night
would’ve ended differently if he answered that way.
“Y/N, can’t we try again?” he pleads. Atsumu knows he’s beginning to sound desperate, but he can’t lose his grasp on you, not when he just found you again.
“Atsumu… I’m dating Kiyoomi,” 
You can visibly see his heart sink. It looks like he’s trying to find something to say, but all that comes out is silence.
You’re not sure what to do or say, letting the cool air blow against you. The awkward silence is broken when the doors behind you open.
“Ah, Omi,” you turn to face him.
“The guys wanted to take shots, did you want to join?” 
“Sure” you walked towards him before giving Atsumu one last glance back. “Did you want to join us—”
“Yeah- yeah, I’ll be there in a second,” the blonde mumbles.
You nod towards him before you latch onto Sakusa, he welcomes you into a tight hug.
“What were you guys talking about?” he queries.
“Oh, nothing, just… him stuff,” you offer a fake laugh.
“We can talk about it later if you need?”
“Yeah, that’s fine, let’s just get that shot, you deserve it after that win,” you wink at him.
As you walk off before him, Sakusa Kiyoomi gets hit with a wave of realization of how lucky he is to be with you. There’s so many ways this could have turned out, yet you chose him.
He can’t wait for you to come back to Japan, the two of you have been discussing you moving in with him and so much more.
He’s not telling you just yet, but he’s even planning a little trip for your guys’ anniversary. 
Sakusa is going to do everything in his power to make you happy. He’s waited all this time and he’s finally gotten the chance to make you happy.
To love you.
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© all writings belongs to suhkusa 2024. do not repost or change.
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hazshit-hotel-hater · 6 months
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It Had To Be You
Before I get into my big explaining rant, reblogs are very much appreciated! I know this is usually a rant blog but when I spend so long on a drawing I want to have people see it and stare at it like I do LOL
Also for the ALT text, a lot of the details are going to be explained below so if you’d like extra details please read!
So, my designs! I really hate Husk’s design; as in I hate drawing it. It’s too red and tiny for me, Husk is very orange and round to me, he’s like a really chubby cat that you flip over in the bed and smack their belly and kiss em. He also kinda reminds me of Tigerstar from Warriors but like if he was a more morally correct person. Kind of. I removed all of the red from Husk and replaced it with little motifs of orange and brown like in his ears, his eyebrows, wings, and the little patch on his snout. For his wings I tried to base them around a Brown Thrasher because they fit the colour I needed and they’re very defensive birds which is a trait I’d like to see in Husk more. Seeing him protecting others with his wings in Episode 8 was a very cute touch and I want more of that. Oh and the little orange bit on his snout was based on one of my old cats named Whiskey and I thought that was fitting cause yknow. Whiskey. 🥃. Also it’s cute!
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Part of Husk’s orange colouration also falls under some inspiration I received from @bluehazardanonymous whom you may see on my blog again. But they sent me a very interesting colour chart and it made my brain go funny
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Husk’s design has a lot of orange, yellow, and small hints of red like his undone bowtie and hat band/ace of hearts card. The orange for gluttony is mostly related to alcohol and such, meanwhile the yellow in his eyes, shirt patch, and on the button on his hat are to show greed from things like gambling and possible leftovers from being an overlord. I don’t think you can just go from being all powerful to some random bartender and NOT have some kind of thirst for power right???? That also bleeds into the red parts (haha cause blood red) to keep his design on the warm side and have a little bit of anger in there.
His clothes are also supposed to look a bit sloppy and kinda sad cause I mean. He is. But they are also all relatively formal items of clothing. By the way I’m never drawing this guy shirtless, sorry you need to beg and pay for that/j
Now for Angel. With Angel being pink-ish and how I usually draw the rest of Hell, I try to make Hell more gross looking and greenish/sickly, generally unpleasant, so that Angel is more eye catching and pops out more like a celebrity would. A lot of the cast in my head is more orange/maroon coloured, not a lot of pink or salmon colours. Of course pink is under lust on the colour wheel, but I personally don’t like chalking Angel up to just his job, nor do i really like using “true” pink. I always keep him in this range:
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Also that white is not for him it’s for other things, I always make him a cream-ish colour. I like pink with red undertones always, especially for Angel. It shows his job very blatantly if you take a simple glance at him, but if you’re nuts like me and colour pick from these that I use, you’ll see a lot of them are closer to red, rather than the bright pink-ish-purple colour for lust. And also closer to his original more purple design!
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I think it goes without saying that Angel has a lot of pent up anger and frustration that he hides with his persona and humour, and I think trying to show some of that in his colours is a lot more interesting than just haha pink gay spider. I dunno.
Also I thought these little cowlick flip thingies on the side were really cute
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I was originally going to make the sign in the back purple since that’s usually the colour of most XXX signs in Hazbin, but the yellow makes everything else look a lot more dingy and gross while still being bright and I love that. Also the yellow is kind of a shallow jab of my own at the adult entertainment industry, a lot of this stuff is just people being exploited for money but I will go on a tangent about this if I don’t shift topic!! Anyway. A lot of the background isn’t super visible, but based on the colours I was kinda going for a more envy & wrath & greed section of the pride ring. Just seems like a good place to smoke. The rain doesn’t hold much symbolism to it but it is there to make the area seem more unpleasant. Yknow how it rains sometimes and the sewage in the street comes up? Like that.
Im really happy with a bunch of stuff in this art. 10 hours, 184+ layers, and 11751 strokes is probably the most I have ever done for.. anything????? Even if you don’t like the art I hope you appreciate the long rant LOL
Be sure to have a good day and drink something ‼️
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peapodsinspace · 1 month
sorry for not posting art for a minute, but I’ve been working on an au! here’s
Mob Sailor 100
aka mob psycho x sailor moon
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[Image ID in alt text]
I just started watching sailor moon so I doubt this is very accurate, but it’s not really supposed to be!
In this au psychic powers still exist, but they just aren’t as strong on their own! But these gems basically can make them stronger and easier to use!
And you get the gems from a spirit usually, but I imagine you may be able to just stumble across them if you’re lucky
Not all ESPers can use their powers without transforming, but some can! Either way the gems do strengthen powers
Now, I’m gonna do a lil explanation / extra thing/ for all of them under the cut! Just thoughts while designing + story bits (if there’s even a story)
First up: Mob!
I imagine that when mob was very young, he came across / was given one of those gem thingies so he has been able to transform for a very long time!
From what I understand, in sailor moon the girls are destined to be? Anyway, for this au there are people that are basically predisposed to becoming sailors, just like how ESPers are. You just need one of the gems to actually be able to transform.
The plot is basically the same as the normal mob psycho plot, so mob goes to Reigen looking for someone to talk to & becomes his student!
Now, since mob has been able to transform basically all of his life and only certain people can actually become sailors, it makes sense that Ritsu would be one, too! And he gets the gem from dimple. It’s just like when he awakened his powers in canon! Also, Dimple is basically like Luna in this au.
On a design note, I wanted to make him look similar to mob but still contrast him well. Partially because they’re brothers, but also cus they wear the same uniform, so their designs would be similar anyway.
Like mob, Teru also got a gem from a young age! His story is basically the same as his canon one too.
Fun fact: he likes his outfit much more than everyone else likes theirs! Most of them feel at least a little silly after doing a cutesy transformation, but Teru thinks it fits his energy
As far as design notes go, I don’t have much to say other than I just noticed a coloring error on his coat, and his pants are supposed to have pinstripes
Now, this is where it starts getting a little different from canon stories! Shou’s father found several gems, so he took one for himself and saved the others for later. He gave one to shou and some of the other ESPers under his control!
Shou is “sailor cinnamon”, because all of the villains are named sweet things instead of savory/ spicy things! It’s one of the reasons Shou calls himself “sailor hot cinnamon” instead! It’s to try and distance himself from his father / his father’s plot, and also because being called cinnamon makes him feel silly.
Design notes: the lace came to me in a vision so I just had to add it /joking
WAWA!!!!!!!!!!! Okay, so when serizawa was young his powers were very strong, like in canon. So when he met Shou’s dad he got the umbrella to help him feel safe outside of his room, but he was also given a gem!
He’s named “sailor allspice” to match with the sweet theme, but allspice isn’t sweet on its own, it’s just paired with sweet flavors! Sorta like how Shou is just “cinnamon” and not “cinnamon sugar”
Design note would be that there was a period in his designing process where he looked like a cowboy
Last but not least, our favorite “sailor”! Like in canon, Reigen doesn’t have any powers. He fakes a transformation by wearing that outfit under his coat! He ties up the coattails under it to keep them hidden, and keeps his (non magical) gem in his coat pocket.
He does most of his jobs against fake villains! A lot of criminals will try and make it seem like they have powers just to intimidate people! So that’s what Reigen usually deals with!
Here’s a bonus section for dimple! The only thing that I’ve changed about him is that one of his cheek blushes looks like a crescent moon, so he resembles Luna!
Alright!! If you got this far, then thanks so much!!
As always, feel free to send asks about this au! I don’t exactly have a plot going for it, especially since I don’t know much about the actual plot of sailor moon… but still!!
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fivedayriot · 11 months
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+ SS alt designs
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more under the break!! like alot more. sorry for the wall of text 😁🫶
FINALLY. these bitches are finished. (for now...just until i play bomb rush again and get that sickening feeling of wanting to draw them wirh their movestyles again.... stupid baka shiver with their stupid baka bike would kill me to be quite HONEST!!!)
If you dont already know the game, its a successor to jet set radio , and i made the most autistic connection between crew battles and turf wars.
so youre telling me they spray as much area possible with their ink? huh? is that it? and they kick others out of their claimed turf when they win? huh? yeahuh? yeah get splatooned fool.
these are based on their splatoon 3 designs!! but ill tell you what i took 503839 years (im that old btw) to make up marinas design solely bevause of the in game villain in bomb rush being SO TEAM ORDER CODED i could not let go of trying to put marina in her team order fit.
but it ultimately would feel odd to have her be stuck in the past when everyone elses outfits were clearly from the third game. so i gave in today and then it was done in like an hour or two. bit evil to be honest.
please tell me someome else is insane here and played both games and are as equally insane as me. thanks 🫶
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cripplecharacters · 3 months
hello! I'm an artist, and i try to add image descriptions to my art. i see some people adding image id's in the alt text and others adding them below the image- is one better than the other, or is it all up to personal preference? sorry, i know that this blog is focused on writing, but you've spoken about accessibility with images before, so i hope you don't mind me asking
It depends on the individual. Personally, I prefer image descriptions within the post itself (Not in alt text) because Tumblr alt text is a bit glitchy with my screenreader. That said, others do prefer alt text.
In general, I find that the best practice is to do both. It generally doesn't take much space and is as simple as copy/pasting the text.
~ Mod Icarus
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anirritant · 23 days
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uhh here it is!! the alternate scrapped scene of this comic
this is not canon to the au but i wanted to clean it up and post it anyway bc i think it's fun >:)
i made him a bit too unhinged and cruel here so i toned it down a lot. it was too drastic of a tonal clash for the joke i wanted to make, and, i felt like, if alt cresselia is gonna think pmd darkrai is redeemable, i can't really include an instance where he has her by the neck and threatens to kill her. it's a bit much to forgive, even for how i'm characterising her in this au
sorry for the wall of text in this gjsdhfgsjf bro is a professional monologuer
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askfallenroyalty · 5 months
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ok so for more info:
my two programmer friends have just read FR and agreed to help with the game- I feel DOWN is necessary for FR to work -it sets up crucial characterization and plot details that the story needs (at the very least to be set up) and with them helping it's going to turn out as I wanted it.
As mentioned before, I had trouble because I was manually coding the first cutscene (which has music!) and it was. a nightmare. but ToMo actually knows how to do charting for music and so we're rebuilding it to be like??? an ACTUALLY good coded thing that isn't a nightmare??? dang fr this is more than anything i could have dreamed of.
meanwhile, i've been talking with multiple people about the writing (sorry if you reached out and i didn't respond, I've been very anxious about getting help. I'll respond properly soon!) and I hit a breakthrough and its going smoothly now ;v; I hope by the time the side-story is finished, I'll be ready to draw out the chapter for real!
NightFell is still my biggest priority but we've (roughly) hit a milestone that means production on my end can slow down a bit until we finish up some details. which is why I've got so much free time on NF lately! I'm very optimistic for big things from these two projects this year hehe
under the read-more is a transcript of the grey-ed text that i felt was too long for the alt text:
in grey text the following is written: oh my god i'm so sorry i have been trying to get this story to work for so long you have no idea no idea i'ts been so horrible trying to make the game and chp 3 work but now i've got help and they're my awesome friends and i'm cryin happy i just wanna make this thing and make it as good as it can be
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some snippets from the current joyness fic i've been hammering away at 🤭!! i'm expecting the entire thing to clock in between 16 to 18k words so i am sharing just a few bits on account of I Am Impatient. chose ones that are probably the easiest to read out of context lol. alt text under the cut 👍🏾
Snippet 1:
"Well, I just...I was thinking...Joy, do we even deserve to go to Dream Productions?"
Joy's smile shrinks a bit at that. Oh. She didn't like Dream Productions? Well—given how many night shifts they'd shared together (Yep! Anxiety had said. According to the numbers, Sadness only ever shares Dream Duty with you. Uhh...what did you need this for again, Joy?), she figured Sadness would be just as excited...well, maybe everyone else complaining just got to her or something, that's fine, Joy could fix that—
"—Aw, Sadness, look—I promise the vibe's gonna change as soon as we get there! Sure, everyone's been a little crabby, but the car's just a little crammed and the road's just a liiittle bumpy from all the new puberty construction projects—they just need that to wear off a bit! Pluuus, the song's already been helping a lot—here, do you wanna sing along? Eighty-three mem—"
"—No, Joy, like...do we deserve it?"­­
And when Joy frowns at her, confused, she places her hand on top of the one Joy's been restlessly drumming against the seat this whole ride, and goes
Now it's Joy's turn for her face to heat up, apparently. "Wha—" she chokes on that, then shakes her head. "Uh." She looks down at their hands. "Haah?"
Wait—did Sadness actually find out why Joy chose Dream Productions? Well, other than the whole spiel of Yeah, sorry, guys, I did call Imagination Land, and yeah, turns out they're just not letting any visitors in right now—which, aghhh, dagnabit, you know? I'm just as heartbroken as you are that we can't see— eugh—Mount Crushmore, but make do with what you can, right?
"Oh! Uh—welll," she tries again, hoping to play it smooth, "why wouldn't...weeee?" she stretches the word out and winks.
"Um." Sadness just stares blankly back at her. "Well, 'cause we made such a mess last time..."
Snippet 2:
"Whaaat? It's not like I need some big plan! It's—come on, it's Sadness! I spend a lot of time with her already! And besides, it's not like I haven't been patient so far! Like—I know she likes me! She just gets real shy about it! And, well—heheheh, iiiit's kinda cute, you know—? But—" she shakes her head, cheeks growing hot as Disgust raises an eyebrow at that. —Anyways, she just...needs the right moment to be comfortable with it! You know?"
When Disgust frowns this time as she considers that, it looks a bit less judgy than usual. Well—sure, it's still kind of judgy—come on, it's Disgust—but she looks more confused than anything.
"Uhhh, what, so you're telling me that you're—" she points at Joy for emphasis, "—being patient?"And then her face twists into a smirk again."Joy, it��s been months since you told me something was up. I've never seen you be this patient about anything in your life."
"Wha—not true!" Joy shoots back, even though she knows Disgust is just riling her up on purpose at this point. As much as Joy loved teasing her (come on, easy target. All Joy had to do was mention broccoli or boogers and s­he'd all but completely lose it), she was always the one emotion who'd actually, on rare occasions, tease Joy back. And she always managed to say just the right things to get under Joy's skin when she did. Which—well, she guesses it's sweet or something, that they're good enough friends for Disgust to do that, but excuse her if it's a bit hard to get fond over that while her good friend is busy snickering at her.
"Ugh. Whatever," she grumbles. And that only seems to fuel Disgust's satisfaction further, so Joy shakes her head and goes back to smiling. "Okay, fine, yeah! Maybe I'm being a little bit more patient than usual. But that's 'cause Sadness...needs that, you know? And besides, all that dancing around each other's gonna end tonight! Wiiith all of this!" Joy spreads her arms out. "A little change of setting, something special! And, well, considering we're probably the only two out of any of us who actually like Dream Duty, I obviously chose the right place—"
"—So you did lie to us about Imagination Land."
"Uh—" Joy stops short, then chuckles nervously. "Welllll, I know how much you love keeping secrets, so maybeee if you just kept that fun little one between you and me—"
Snippet 3:
Joy reaches back to yank Sadness right up to the front of the door with her. She manages to peer in and catch a glimpse of the rest of her friends watching one of the sets get dressed—but then she gets the door slammed shut on her. She groans.
"Okay, but—there's no way that we're banned! Everyone else got in just fine!"
"Well, frankly, I don't know who thought it was okay for them to get a tour, either. Serves me right for letting the new hires work the call desks. You emotions just think you're all that, huh?" Joy blinks, bewildered, as the Mind Worker jabs a finger at her chest and narrows her eyes. "That orange one's already on thin ice. The sheer level of entitlement to give me her stupid notebook about how she thinks I should run my studio—and now she's trying to spread those pages around to everyone else in there like it's some manifesto—"
"—Ahhh, yeah—Anxiety's...Anxiety's like that," Joy mutters, "buuuut just let us in, and we'll fix that right up!"
Joy winks at Sadness and splits into a grin as the Mind Worker smiles back at the both of them—and then it falters halfway through as she hears the sarcasm dripping from her voice.
"Ohh, sure, right away! Since you two are so great at fixing things, huh? Yep, okay—lemme just pop right over to Administration and toss out your charges for trespassing, disorderly conduct, breaking and entering, destruction of studio property, deliberate dream interference, unlawful release of Subconscious wildlife, and reckless endangerment by clown!" She gulps in a breath of air after running through all of those at once and then scowls. "That last one's new, you know—we had to come up with an entirely new charge just because you two decided to screw up in a way no one's ever screwed up before!"
Joy winces as she feels Sadness shuffle to hide behind her and whimper. She's not taking too kindly to being yelled at. Joy grimaces.
"Umm, so what you're basically saying iiiis, we're special?"
Snippet 4:
The world doesn't quite fade away this time; Joy's still painfully aware of the unintelligible chatter flooding through the halls, the bitter smell of coffee wafting past as drink trays get rushed back and forth. The way the crate is leaned up against the wall, the dream posters look like they're looming right over them when Joy looks up, gigantic and skewed. And when she feels Sadness rest her hand lightly on her arm, Joy feels both giddy and a little smug. Of course this was working! All Sadness needed was a little push—Disgust should've never doubted her. So Joy smiles to herself—then smiles down at Sadness, leans in, and—
"Oh, Joy, this is so sad..."
Joy reels back as Sadness pats her on the arm. "Uh. What?"
"Well, all the dreams are changing..." She sighs and looks back at the wall. The red light from the COMING SOON sign flashing right above the newer posters seems to find its way down to them, somehow. Joy watches as it glints against Sadness' glasses. "And they've torn down your favorite one already..."
Joy slumps a little at that and sighs. Leave it to Sadness to find a problem that wasn't even hers to get miserable over. She rolls her eyes as she nudges Sadness on the shoulder.
"Alright, maybe it's a bit of a bummer, but so what? Pfff, it's not like you liked Fairy Dream Adventure that much," she says with a snort. "You don't have to cry about it."
Sadness rubs at her eyes, the beginnings of her tears falling down her cheeks. "But...but you did...and you cared about it, so...so, if you care about it, then I care about it, and if it makes you sad, it makes me sad..."
"O—Oh," Joy says softly, heat flooding her face. She actually has to look away for a minute at that, stare down at her feet dangling over the crate's edge. Leave it to Sadness to just say the sweetest thing in the world to her like it's nothing.
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ritziez · 14 days
Help me get my phone's screen fixed!!
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HEY UM.. i hate to have 2 ask for more money Again but my phone's screen is getting . kinda busted. i cracked it a few months ago, and I was gonna get it fixed, but since my phone's so new it was gonna be absurdly expensive just for a screen replacement. I decided I'd just wait another year or so to get it repaired, but THEN at some point while it was in my school bag, somebody most likely bumped into it, causing that black spot around the camera to form. It was smaller a couple weeks ago, it's been slowly expanding ever since.
I'd really like to get this fixed before it gets REAL bad, but theres no way my parents can spare the money, it's like 250 bucks at least. I'll be advertising my commissions so I can raise the money myself.
(by the way, the screen isn't ACTUALLY stuck all white like that lol, I just used a blank ibis canvas so that way you could see the cracks and black spot easier.)
Prices and Examples (updated since May) below. Read alt text
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- Your oc's!
- Characters from other media
- Characters in different outfits
- Humans/Humanoid
- Anthro
- Feral (a bit rusty..)
- Object-heads
- Robots!!!
- ANYTHING nsfw. I am a minor.
- Depictions of racism, antisemitism, xenophobia, queerphobia, etc.
- Pedophilia, incest, zoophilia, necrophilia, any other forms of "proshipping."
- Insanely detailed and complicated character designs and backgrounds
- Vehicles (sorry ☹️)
- I am in school with 5 ap classes, I do not have much time to draw during the week. I am looking into changing my classes, but my school won't allow class changes until mid-October. If you cannot stay patient, I highly suggest you do not commission, for both your and my sanity.
- I can only use P@yP@l. I will accept commissions that pay in other currency, but be aware that P@yP@l enforces a transfer fee. I will not force the seller to increase their payment to make up for the fee, since it's a stupid rule anyway.
- DM me to commission. If you'd rather communicate on another platform, let me know. I will send finished commissions via google drive to prevent compression. Feel free to ask any questions when commissioning!
GOAL: 0/250 USD
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infamous-if · 1 year
On theme with the thirst tweet asks how would the ROs react when reading thirst tweets about the mc instead of themselves👀👀👀👀👀👀
I love these sort of "pop culture" scenario asks. I think they're my fav lmao
HMMM I feel like we always need to specify if they're dating or not because the reactions can vary so much omg I'll do if they're dating since people are more interested that!!
Orion: I did say Orion is mildly possessive so I think he'd just be pissed at the thought of anyone but him thinking of MC in that way. "...This is inappropriate. Do they have any personal info on their account?"
Director: "err...why?"
Orion: "I'm going to report them." (he says this completely seriously)
And then he'd save some so he can ask MC later: "Is this what you like? I'll keep that in mind."
Victoria: Victoria is very open and not afraid of speaking about things like this, but when it's someone she likes she can be surprisingly shy. It really depends. I can find her staring at the tweets like "this is what people are saying about MC?" I think she'd want to one-up them and send MC texts of her own. She'd be just a *bit* insecure knowing people see MC the way she sees them, but she'd understand it too. "MC is attractive, I'm not surprised" kind of deal.
G: Would laugh, would agree, and then say some thirsty things of their own. I think they'd just find it all funny and just be like "wait let me take out my phone i want to like this tweet lol"
Sebastian: (nervous/awkward laughter, blushing profusely) "People say this about MC? Don't they know we're together?"
Director: "they don't care about that."
Sebastian would just be scandalized over it, and then be very aware of the content of the tweets and won't be able to stop thinking about MC in that context. Seb isn't a stranger to talking like that though he's pretty much a pro when he's in the mood so he'd test it out and see how MC reacts lmao
August: Probably laugh a little. And then just ask MC directly how MC feels about it. I think they'd actually be smug knowing people think of MC like that and August is the one who MC likes. Though August would wonder what exactly MC likes in terms of...that. IDK August being thirsty is such a funny visual im sorry like they're just so indifferent it would make laugh
Seven: "How did you find my alt account lol"
Seven gets quite embarrassed sometimes, so they'd try to play it off with jokes. But Seven, much like Orion, would ask MC if that's what they like to hear. They would be a bit jealous, but more in a humorous way. I promise, Seven has probably thought much thirstier things about MC than anyone on the internet can think of lmao I can see Seven teasing MC about it but the teasing would just be subtle ways to find how MC feels about all of it.
I just realized this cast is just filled with a bunch of people pleasers (MC pleasers?)...rockstars, amirite
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vclvetfleur · 1 year
Obedient Chapter 6
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roman roy x fem! reader
Summary: You have been spending a lot of time Roman that you finally had time to spend with Jess. You both go out for shopping and invite someone to your dinner plans.
Warnings: veganism, implied addiction problems
Word Count : 4.4K
Notes: So sorry to do this to my meat lovers and dairy lovers, but OC is canonly vegan. It'll be a funny bit later on, but as a vegan I approved it. sorry.
Chapter 6: goodnight texts
You said your goodbyes to Roman for the day, finishing some things off before you left his office. You were just waiting for Jess to finally finish up with Kendall so you could both head out together for the day. You got the text from Jess before heading to the elevator to meet with her. She turned the corner and sped walked over to you, quickly pulling you into an embrace.
“What are you both up to?” Kendall asked in a friendly way. Despite having to deal with Roman being really nasty to him, he was kind of cheery. It could’ve been genuine, but Jess knew that was just the front he put on around everyone to make them think he was stable.
Kendall was anything but stable. He just hid it well enough by being more likable than his siblings and more understanding than his father. He played his cards right and he was strategic. He wanted to gain everyone’s respect and he thought by trying to be the cool guy that he would keep it. He wanted respect, but his need to be liked overpowered his personality entirely.
In reality, Kendall relapsed again a couple weeks ago. After trying to take down Logan and spending hours and hours out of his days to take Logan down, after Shiv’s wedding he completely cowarded to his father again. He was an empty shell of the man he was before.
Worst of all everyone knew he relapsed again. He tried to act as if he had it under control and as if barely anyone knew, but we all saw through it. He was a complete mess. Roman even had to fish him out of trap house after smoking crack with some strangers he found at a bar. Kendall’s addiction turned into a darker turn than it had ever done before. And no one could stop it, no matter how hard they tried. Truth is, Kendall didn’t want to be sober. He just wanted to forget.
He wanted to stop thinking about it.
And being high was the only way to stop it.
But of course, Logan knew and used it to his advantage. It was another play he had on hand to take advantage of his children. He always had some kind of leverage to make them bend at his will. He had a lot, while they had none. It was like playing Monopoly with toddlers for him. Roman’s weird and queer behaviors. His fear of intimacy and the fact the last person he had sex with was the girl who blew Tom, and he couldn’t even manage to even properly do it. And everyone knew. Cause every girlfriend Roman had outted his sexual problems to everyone out of frustration.
Kendall’s intense drug issues and the fact he was too weak to run the company. He couldn’t even properly overthrow his father. Kendall’s whole life was set up for CEO, but Logan wasn’t ever planning to step down, even in death. Kendall was just Logan’s bark dog. He did what he asked in hopes to get the position he’s fought his whole life for. He wanted to be nothing like Logan, but everything like Logan at the same time that he got his weaknesses and strengths. An absent father and backstabbing family member to not just his father, but his siblings too.
And Siobhan. Well, the only thing Logan had against her was she was a woman and a liberal. Two things Logan couldn’t stand. He saw those qualities as weak. Powerless. She was never going to be taken seriously. Cause Logan created an atmosphere in the office that allowed the man at the top to use their power against women. And he gave them the courage to use their manhood to exude that power. Along with his company ATN spewing alt-right propaganda. He knew the company would not take Shiv seriously. They would think she was gonna change too much around there and weren’t going to have ‘creative freedom’, as if Logan wasn’t already feeding them his own agenda.
Reality is he didn’t stand anywhere politically. Just whatever would give him more power and money. Cause whoever got elected did so because of him. He looked for men who were powerful, but also scared of Logan and his power. And he spread an agenda to the American people. Logan knew his influence. And knew none of them could live up to it. Cause they were all too soft, despite fighting to be as aggressive and terrible as him.
Kendall just wanted to be like Logan despite what he said. But also wanted to be liked. He didn’t know which was more important.
Jess felt pity for him. She had seen him go through it. She knew Kendall more than most. He practically treated her like a personal diary.
She just gave him a comforting smile and answered for the both of you. “Well y/n just got her first paycheck and we were gonna go shopping for new office clothes for her. And to get dinner, but don’t be scared to call me if you need me.” She reminded him. He nodded before stepping in the elevator with the two of you. “So-uh-where are you both gonna get dinner?” He asked you both. You looked at Jess, assuming she would know since she was the one that offered. She didn’t think about it though.
Kendall always seemed to be stumbling over his words. It kind of seemed like he over thinks about everything he said. He taught too much about it. “No clue, we were probably gonna grab a table at whatever was near and good enough.” She confessed.  Kendall tried to find of a spot for the two of us before finally coming up with one.
“You both- I think at least- should go to- it’s incredible really, its new- to this place. Uh fuck- what was it called?” he tried to remember. He spent a while before finally remembering the name. He snapped his finger, pointing at us “Boulud Saud!” He seemed so proud of himself for remembering it. He didn’t really remember names of places like that. Just where they were.
“How do you even spell that?” You laughed, pulling it up on your phone. You all left the elevator together, you and Jess heading towards the subways as Kendall seemed to follow.
You unfortunately always had to look up the menu to places. Because you were scared to admit this to Roman, but you were had been vegan for a couple of years now. I know it was truly a crime of humanity and to some people’s culinary experiences, but you were. Kendall tried his best to spell it out before you all just stopped on the street to find it. Unfortunately for you it didn’t work out for you. “I can’t. Sorry.” You apologized to both of them. Jess because you needed to now look for another place and Kendall for wasting his recommendation.
“Uh why?” he asked. He took it as a blow to his personality. As if he messed up already. In his head, you rejected him because you had an issue with him. His fear of being unliked surged up. You took a deep breathe dramatically, putting your wrist over your head, reaching out to Jess. She just giggled, holding back, watching the dramatic scene play out. “Don’t hate me Kendall, but I- I don’t eat meat. Or egg. Or cheese. Or anything with animals. Ugh I’m awful I know.” You whined, hiding your face.
Kendall was just happy enough that you were actually being friendly to him. You didn't dislike him. He really thought you would since you worked with Roman. But you weren’t like everyone in the building. You were like Jess. You weren’t raised with money. You didn’t find a need to pick and play games like everyone. Work was work. And Kendall wasn’t use to it. He was so use to everyone using things against him and using him for their own gain. He just laughed at you. “Wow. I-I-I don’t know if I could forgive something so repulsive” He played along, stuttering over his words as he usually did.
“It’ll be fine Ken, we’ll just go to one of our usual spots.” Jess reassured him. He nodded and figured it was his time to depart from the two of you. A sadness washed over him again. He had to be alone. Alone with whatever he was thinking. With all of his anxieties. Jess saw it. “Unless you don’t mind meeting us for lunch. It’s not really fancy though. It’s just normal people food.” She shrugged. You looked at Jess then Kendall, you weren’t sure why he had to join since you did expect just a day alone with Jess. But you wouldn’t mind it. Just caught off guard.
“No-uh-no-it’s alright, you both just have your-uh-fun girl thing.” He tried to make himself not look pathetic. But he did. That whole family was. It was a tragedy to watch. Almost Shakespearian.
“No come on, is it cause you don’t wanna eat with normal people?” You asked jokingly. He tried to rebuttal, but you caught him off before you could make him more nervous and upset than he was. “We’ll text you the place before we get there. We’ll see you there.” You offered. Jess appreciated how sweet you were being. It was only 40 minutes of your day. You both had the rest of the day to be spend with Jess. You could just end up at Jess’ apartment later.
You waved goodbye to Kendall, locking arms with Jess. You walked your separate ways as you started your day with Jess. You both decided against the subway and walked to Soho instead. It was only a 15 to 20 minute walk, and it was a beautiful day out. A bit chilly, but just chilly enough that it felt nice.
“So you and Roman.” Jess started as if it was going to turn into a talk. “You enjoying the job?” This felt like a trap. Depending on how you answered could cause Jess to have a talk with you and you weren’t sure if you wanted to have one yet.
“Yeah, Roman is actually trying now.” You shrugged. You avoided her looks.
Jess knew you. She knew how to spot certain hints about your life. You spent 2 years together in a dorm room. Jess was 2 years older than you and moved out, but you still hung out after and even spent nights with her after the semester was over. So, you basically lived with her for 3 years, technically, considering all the months you spent with her during your summers and winters off and even after you left college, you spent weeks with her before you got your expenses together. So, if anyone knew you, Jess did.
“I’ve never seen him at work this much. Last time I saw him at work, he came on his window.” She brought up. You stopped, your jaw dropping almost immediately before you slapped your hand over your open mouth. You looked at her, practically screaming WHAT?
“No fucking way!” you hysterically laughed. You needed to make fun of him for that later. Honestly it wasn’t entirely too surprising. You could expect that from him. “I thought that shit would end after leaving minimum wage.” You tried to say your sentence, but you couldn’t stop laughing.
“Nope. Most fucked up, like a month before you got here, Logan pissed in Logans office.” She bit her bottom lip in amusement, trying to keep herself from breaking out laughing on the street.
“SHUT UP! OH M- What the fuck is wrong with this family?” You shook your head. It was the craziest thing you could ever expect. This is like reading stories of what your favorite celebrity used to do when you could get away with terrible shit.
“You don’t even know the beginning of it. It goes so much deeper than that. That was all within a month or two.” She revealed. You practically begged her to tell you more, but she had too much already. If someone were to find out she said anything, she could get in serious trouble. All thanks to the NDA that they were made to sign. You let it go. You didn’t want to press too much.
You and Jess went from luxury store to luxury store to buy you suits and dresses for work. It was so nice to have Jess around. She knew what it was like being like me. She went through the same exact thing when she first got hired. She knew exactly what kind of mistakes to avoid and what to actually buy. Her first mistake was buying something from Zara.
You had been carrying bags throughout each store, not even paying to attention to how much you swiped, cause no matter how much you did swipe, it didn’t decline. How much did you get paid? You decided to check later. Right now, your arms hurt, and you needed to put the bags away. Thankfully Jess’ apartment was only a couple blocks away.
You rushed inside once Jess unlocked the doors and set everything down. “Fucking hell…” You moan, rubbing your wrists. You laid on Jess’ couch before looking at your phone to see texts from Roman. You decided to change his name to Rome. It was better than what he had put in your phone before.
You giggled, immediately texting back since you hadn’t been able to respond the entire time you spent time with Jess. You and Roman were just getting close. It was normal. You both just enjoyed being around each other. That’s all. Jess found you smiling a bit too hard at your phone. You had a certain glow to you. Jess has seen this glow before. Back in college whenever you’d pick your boy of the month. “Ooo who’s that?” She asked, sitting next to you, leaning down to see your phone to only see Roman’s name again. Her face dropped. Someone fucking dig up Jesus Christ or find him immediately cause God is dead.
“Nope. Fuck y/n, this can’t-“ she was way to stunned. You put the phone down and looked up at her.
“Oh calm down, we’re just being friendly.” You reassured her. You sat up, placing your phone face flat. You never did that around her. Only others when you wanted to hide something. But you didn’t do it consciously. It just was a reflex.
“Y/n promise me. You cannot get involved with Roman. I love you way too much for you to go down this path.” Jess held your hands in hers. She noticed the phone. She knew something you didn’t. You thought she was being extremely dramatic. You didn’t have a crush on Roman. He was just nice to be around. Disgusting. But nice. It was fun. You both had fun with each other.
Besides he was your boss. You’re professional. You knew what could happen if you got involved. You already thought about it. You knew a relationship with Roman could never exist unless you wanted to risk your job possibly. You read the contract. It’s not that you’d be terminated, but there were consequences you weren’t willing to take. But it was also about the public scrutiny you weren’t willing to deal with.
“Nothing is gonna happen Jess, he’s Roman. And plus, you know me. I would not ruin a good thing for something so stupid.” You scoffed. “Hey, don’t forget to invite Kendall to dinner.” You reminded. You just needed to find a place that he wasn’t going to be too uncomfortable in. You weren’t sure if he’s eaten anywhere normal before. He probably had $40 appetizers wherever he ate. You both settled on Dirt Candy. It was a restaurant you always wanted to try but couldn’t afford. It was a Michelin star restaurant despite the name and the appearance of the outside of the restaurant. But the fact it had a star was probably enough for Kendall.
You picked your phone back up and continued to respond to Roman, except trying to hide it better. You held back your smiles enough and tried to not stare at it as often. But it didn’t fool Jess, she saw right through your façade.
You were just making stupid jokes and updating each other on what was happening. You told him you had went shopping for clothes earlier.
‘you gonna do a little show for me tomorrow?’
‘can you ever not sexualize everything i do?’
Jess decided to ignore. She trusted your judgement enough, but entirely, but enough.
“Okay he’ll get there by the time we do.” Jess tried to get you organized. You pulled away from the screen and asked her to repeat herself. She sighed and just walked, knowing you’d follow. You grabbed your jacket and followed Jess around as if you were her assistant now. But you had always followed her around realistically. She was like the older sister you wish you had. You admired her. She was the coolest person you knew. There was nothing she could do wrong in your eyes. Except when you argued about mediocre and mundane things. Then she could do a lot wrong.
You got to the restaurant with Jess, waiting for Kendall. You both just got your drinks.
Jess liked spending time with Kendall. Her job was stressful only when Kendall made his life stressful, which he did a lot; especially recently. She felt pity for him. She saw his potential and knew he can make it far if he could just get over his insecurities. He was smart. He knew what he was doing. But his ego was getting in the way of his success. His dad was constantly in his head.
You watched as the tall black haired man walked into the restaurant searching for you both. He noticed the two of you and made his way over. You and Jess got up to greet him was a hug before sitting back down. You waved the waitress down so Kendall could order a drink for himself as well. He got a menu and looked over what to order. But he couldn’t for the life of him settle on anything.
“Uh-hi. So how was your-uhm- what did you guys exactly do?” He asked you both.
“We just went shopping. I needed a wardrobe for work.” You shrugged. You already had your choice set in place. Jess too. You both just waited for Kendall to make a choice. “I’ve honestly been wearing the same button up for the past couple of days. My outside clothes don’t really fit the office.” You shrugged. “I’m shocked you had anything that wasn’t either see through or more than 5 inches of fabric.” Jess overly exaggerated. You mimicked her before flipping her off. “Wow Roman is really rubbing off on you.” She joked.
“How dare you compare me to him?” You let out a gasp. Your lip curled into a smirk, sipping on your drink. “Credit, you knew me before. So, you know for a fact I’ve always acted this way.” You tried to point out, but Jess really wanted to know your feelings for Roman. She tried to see how’d you even react to him being brought up in conversation. But you barely had one. In fact, you tried to even avoid texting him because you wanted to prove it to her. You did not have a crush on Roman Roy.
“Where’d you two meet again?” Kendall interrogated. Everything was usually about him usually. He did love to talk about himself and what he did, but since his life has been crashing down, he had nothing to brag about, nothing to uplift himself.  
“Oh ya, a strip club. Jess was my pimp.” You clearly lied, Jess kicking your foot lightly under the table.
“College.” She corrected you.
“I think Jess is right, Roman is rubbing off on you.” Kendall said with a quickness that apparently the entire Roy family had, as he stood with Jess. You looked at him in shock. “I grew up with him. I should know.” He raised his hands up in defense before bringing the waitress over as he finally settled on something.
“I’m not that bad though. Come on, right?” You asked the two of them as they ignored you to order their food, essentially giving you their answer. They were joking, but they did assume you were acting like Roman purely because of how much times you both spend together. Kendall more so because he didn’t know you before, Jess less because she knew you were always this quick and witty. But she couldn’t help but remind herself of the way you were glued to your phone. She had to see it for herself in person though. How did you act around him? “Oh, screw you both” You huffed, crossing your arms. “You’ve started to act more like Kendall then.” You tried to fire back; your chin raised up. But really Jess hasn’t. She’s just more grown since when you first met.
“How?” Jess asked amused. Kendall leaned in amused as well to hear what you had to say about him.
“Well, you dress nicer now.” You tried to make any point you could. "You're a lot classier." You mocked, flicking your wrist and batting your eyes.
“Yea cause of work.” She corrected you. “Boo try again.”
“Fine uhhhh….” You thought for a while.
“I don’t think she has anything.” Kendall pointed out to Jess. She nodded at him, agreeing as she watched you with amusement as you tried to pull something out of your ass.
“Oh! I know! You’ve been more docile. You’re not a party girl anymore.” You pointed out. But again, you were only pointing out the fact she’s aged and gotten more mature than when you had first met.  “She used to down at least 8 shots a night in college.” You lied to Kendall.
“Kendall parties.” Jess pointed out. Unfortunately for you, you didn’t understand the double meaning.
“Yea at rich people stuff.” You made a point, but you didn’t know Kendall enough to know how he was. I mean just a few weeks ago he was at a club doing coke with his cousin. Well not with. He made his cousin do it. But he had to pretend to be sober in front of everyone, despite everyone knowing that truth.
“No-I don’t- how about one night I’ll show you.” He offered. You raised your eyebrow, wondering if it was really the best idea to do so. “It’ll be a good time. Trust me.” He left the offer on the table for you to take. You looked at Jess, her shrugging at the request.
“Okay. Next time Kendall Roy is going to party, I’ll be there.” You laughed.
Kendall wasn’t as bad as Roman tried to paint him as. You didn’t understand the dynamic they had. You didn’t know where all this resentment came from. Anytime you seen them, they plotted against the other to ruin the other. They seemed to hit a rough patch.
Honestly, the only issue was they had hit was Kendall trying to recruit people to vote Logan out. Roman was supposed to vote for it, with Kendall, but Logan refused to leave the room. It was a sight to be seen. No one had seen Logan so angry before, despite his health not being in the best shape. He threatened to fire whoever voted against him. And he did. He even took Roman to put his hand down before he got the chance to put in his opinions. And Romans eagerness to please his father mixed with fear of his father, he did what he was told.  And Kendall continued to try to ruin the company. He wanted it gone if he couldn’t have it, not even considering his own brother. He said it was because he wanted Logan to step down, but it was only because it wasn’t his. He thought it was his birth right. But after the accident, Kendall was back. But he knew his future with the company was practically nonexistent now that everything transpired. Now Roman was being offered everything he was promised. And the two brothers had no idea, but so was Shiv. Logan was setting them both up as he did with Kendall years ago as a kid.
You just felt sorry for them. They didn’t seem to have a lot of people around them or anyone to fight for them. They were both dealing with their father and decided to turn their issues into a competition rather than seeking refugee within each other.
The Roy family was an American Tragedy.
The three of you spent awhile in the restaurant together, even after eating. When you finished you just ordered dessert and drinks. Jess watched over Kendall though. She did truly worry about him. The three of you actually had a nice time. Kendall was nice. He was a lot more respectful than Roman was. Just not as intense. He had an intensity that was just different from Roman’s. His was more comparable to Logan’s intensity. He was fun, but still very corporate to you. He was always careful of what to say and how to say it. He always wanted to play safe. No wonder Logan set him up for CEO. If you didn’t know any better, you thought Kendall would end up running Waystar one day.
You split up, giving Kendall a hug before leaving him alone. “Don’t forget to invite me to your totally awesome and not uptight rich people party!” You shouted, walking backwards as you cupped your hands around your mouth to amplify the noise. He nodded, putting a thumbs up.
You turned around, walking with Jess. “He’s fun.” You started.
“See, that’s what I’ve been telling you. That’s why I was so upset you’d be Roman’s assistant instead.” She reminded you. If only Jess got to know him, maybe she’d like him better. But there was no changing her mind. She’s seen how Roman has been. Especially to Kendall. Roman was vindictive. He didn’t even feel any sympathy for what Kendall was dealing with, in her eyes. He just did Logans dirty work and pushed him farther down.
You and Jess had just the entire night together before you decided it was time to get home. You were exhausted. You just decided to get an uber, knowing carrying Louis Vuitton and Chanel and other designer bags down your neighborhood at 1 am in the subway wasn’t safe.
You laid on your bed and finally got the courage to look at your bank account. Before you look login to your bank account you saw one last text from Roman.
‘night. see you tomorrow’
You smiled to yourself, powering your phone off for the night.
Note: Sorry about the end of the chapter if it's a little sloppy. I wrote it while half asleep.
Chapter 7
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