#the aftermath is up 2 u 2 decide~
thegengarprincess · 3 months
Baking cookies for my love! , I stir and mix~❣️
Pairing: (❤️💜) Jan Peteh x Nace Jordan (🐈‍⬛💞🐕), (💖💙) Bojan Cvjetićanin x Jure Maček/implied (🎤💕🥁), (🧡🖤) Kris Guštin x Damon Baker/mentioned (👑💗📸)
Warnings: (‼️) minor depictions of a character throwing up off-screen (Bojan fr eats raw cookie dough like the chaotic puppy he is) , RPF! don’t like, don’t read. Just a whole lotta fluff N gay pinning from here on out :3 (❕)
Word count: (👾🗒️) 1.3k/roughly (📝😭)
Tags: (🎁🐱) tooth-rotting fluff/baking as a love language/pinning/very, very gay pinning/author can’t tag to save their life/flour fights/Bojan’s only purpose here is to look pretty and be a lil shit /just two kitties and one puppy being chaotic and in love/Igor being his dad’s no.1 wingman/the inherent eroticism of making bear-shaped cookies for ur crush as a birthday gift/obligatory heart to heart while ur other best friend is throwing up raw cookie dough in the toilet (🍪🧸)
Summery: (🧈💘) Nace’s birthday is only a week away and Jan still hasn’t been able to find a good enough gift for the older bassist that he *just* so happens to have a not so small (read: big fat) crush on, and with the other 3 getting increasingly more sick of both boy’s *obvious* homoerotic pinning, 2 of them decide to help him out a little (🤮😽)~
~ @ * , • > . 🎁 . < • , * @ ~
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• > * . + , ^ ~🐱 ~ ^ , + . * < •
{5 hours prior}
“Why don’t you try baking him some gluten-free cookies or something ”? , Jure suggested — it’d been atlest three hours since band practice ended for the day. But with a certain turtle owning, Pokémon loving, big brown eyed brunette bassists birthday coming up a week from now, one of their guitarists may have had an internal crisis over what to get him which leads the four boys to their current situation. Brainstorming ideas back and forth till something finally clicks. Just like how they’ve always done when it comes to their music…
Except working on a new song or playing around with different beats and cord progressions is currently the last thing on their minds right now. Instead having to help out their permanently tired, cat-like main guitarist who oh so coincidentally had sorta gained a “teeny tiny baby (read: incredibly giant ass ) crush ” on the soon-to-be birthday boy.
“Jure, ur a genius “! , the guitarist in question quipped. Signature smirk tugging at his lips then whipping out his phone and googling the best gluten-free cookie recipes. As the youngest of the three let out a sigh of relief then muttered a quiet “finally ” while jumping off their rehearsal spaces infamously worn-out couch and gently taking his guitar of it’s stand. Their frontman following suit. ”maybe if Janči can get his shit together with Nace by next week, you could finally score a date with Damon ”~ , “yeah yeah, shut up Bojći ”. He shot back playfully, only a slight pink tint dancing across his cheeks from the other’s teasey comment.
{present time}
Plopping a stick of softened butter into one of the many bowls layed out on the counter as another set of hands belonging to their shortest bandmate passed the caster and light brown sugar to Jan for mixing into a large bowl as he began stirring all the dry ingredients together while the older of the two started cracking an egg then stirring it thoroughly till it’d had combined with the butter/sugar mixture. Handing over another set of ingredients and sift to his boyfriend, Bojan attempted dipping his finger into the flour bag then booping Jure’s nose. Electing a giggle out of the taller drummer who retaliated by butterfly kissing Bojan’s nose till a white, powdery mark appeared as the younger flashed his iconic smile from the sudden movement.
One flour fight and change of jeans later, Jan went back to mixing the batter until they were left with a soft, slightly sticky dough for shaping. Hoping they had enough leftover to make bear ears to decorate their confection with, only turning around when they all heard a faint sound of a meow and Bojan cooing over the fluffy creature while simultaneously keeping his little paws from getting prints all over the counter and adorable little head into the butter tub.
While Jure was spooning the dough onto a baking tray and helping Jan mould them into their desired shape, the blonde’s lover sneakily curled his fingers around the rim of the mixing bowl and stole a few bites of the (raw mind you) batter. Sure, he may of eaten more than the recommended amount. BUT it’s not like it’s HIS fault cookie dough is one of the greatest foods ever invented. Only pulling away when their guitarist turned around to check on Igor and give the cat some pets, chin scratches and letting him sniff his dough coated fingers. Until Jure noticed the bowl’s rim was suddenly clean and the only person closest enough to stick a hand in it other than him was Bojan.
“Bojan, did you just eat raw cookie dough straight from the bowl “?-
“Bojćiiiii ”.
“If raw dough isn’t ment to be eaten, they why does it taste so good “!
“I swear if you get sick again, Kris is gonna have to lock you in the apartment so you’ll actually rest for once “-
And as if his friend had been gifted the power to speak anything he merely desired into reality right then and there, Bojan’s face contorted into a grimace and darted to the toilet. After both boys let out equally disgruntled twin sighs, they began placing the batter filled baking trays into the oven and cleaning everything up. (And maybe playing a round or two of rock, paper, scissors to see who’s on dish duty), while Jan kept a watchful eye on the cookies so they wouldn’t burn to bear-shaped crisps. Igor strutting over and sitting next to the dark-brunette guitarist, curiously gazing at the sweet treat rising from the sheer heat his dad’s oven provided.
“What if he doesn’t like them at all “? — the second youngest bandmate spoke all of a sudden. Tone sounding a hybrid between unsure and questioning. Drying the last of the spoon’s and abandoning it on the rack, Jure appeared next to him and crouched down infront of the oven as Igor started pawing at the blonde’s shoes. Staring Jan dead in the eyes while he deadpanned “were talking about the same man who made turtle shaped gingerbread cookies with mini Christmas hats and ugly sweaters on. Why wouldn’t he like them “?!
He asked with a look of “ I knew you weren’t always the most aware, but Jesus fucking Christ “.
Shuffling around to face the other boy, Jure placed both hands on Jan’s shoulder’s with a fond sigh and said matter of factly “have you seen the way Nace looks at you when we’re playing infront of a crowd? Like you literally hung every single star in the sky single-handedly just for him to look up at every night before he goes to bed, or how he smiles when you smile back him, even if it’s only for a couple of minutes ”.
“he’s just doing that to be polite Muca! And knowing him, he’d probably take the cookies and say thank you then flash that stupidly perfect dimpled smile he has then throw them in bin as soon as he get’s inside or he’ll think their stupid but won’t say anything cuz he’s too nice and sweet for his own good or, or “-
“Or he could like them sooo much, he invites you over the next day to say thanks and then kisses you and say’s he loves you like we all know he wants to ”! , a familiar voice chimed in from the bathroom out of the blue. The same voice then resuming the gagging noises and grotesque sounds it’s been making for over an hour now. It’s owners lover rolling his eyes fondly then scrambling to pour a glass of water and hurry upstairs to help their frontman. So much for being the one who’s severely allergic to any sort of health and safety.
The sudden ping of the oven made a beeline straight to Jan’s ear’s, pulling him out of his trance as the Slovene fitted a pair of oven gloves on and gently pulled the tray of cookies out from the machine onto the counter closest to it. Leaving them to cool for a couple of minutes before sticking the pre-made bear ears on and throwing on some finishing touches, finally transporting each one into a box they (read: Jure and Bojan) decorated from head to toe in rainbow confetti, turtle stickers, Pokémon drawings, violet candles and a big purple ribbon neatly wrapped around the box’s lid.
“You think he’ll like them, Igor “? — He whispered to his furry friend who was currently lazing around underneath one of the stools, only getting a slow blink and yawn in return.
“Thought so “…<3
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norrizzandpia · 10 months
IM SO EXCITED FOR THE NEXT PART (if u decide to post it)
Yall ask and yall shall receive! Part 1 link if you need it <3
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But I Need You Now (You Were Never What I Wanted, Part 2) (LN4)
Summary: In the aftermath of Lando and Y/n, Lando makes it his personal mission to show Y/n that it wasn’t fake. Their PR stunt might’ve started out as a lie, but it was love for him and he knows it was for her too.
Note: see what I did with the title… 😏 You were never what I wanted, but I need you now 🤭 also i made this less angsty as an apology again 👹
Y/n goes home for a few days.
The news spreads throughout the paddock like a virus, being whispered in every person’s ear. When it gets back to Lando, he stands in the midst of the chaos in McLaren’s garage.
Jon leaves his hand on Lando’s shoulder in a comforting manner, knowing something happened between them, but not knowing the specific details.
“She left?” He says lowly, voice wavering as he tries to gain control of it.
Jon nods, “I’m afraid so.”
“What about the race?” He asks, hands clenching at his sides.
“She’s having the reserve driver take her place. You know that.” Jon gives him a confused look.
Lando shakes his head, “No, I get that, but how could she just give up on it?”
Jon sighs and Lando can tell his trainer doesn’t want to tell him the next bit of information. He does anyway, “I heard she was pretty distraught after that gala a week ago. Apparently, she was sobbing and the valet had to help her call a cab. She was a mess, I gather, no one knows why.”
I do, he thinks. I know why, Lando thinks.
Lando abandons the conversation, not wanting to hear anymore about the girl he loves.
She plagues his dreams, his nightmares, his delusions, his thoughts, he doesn’t need her to infiltrate his life anymore.
“What’s the problem?” He asks an hour later when Jon treats him like he’s about to have a mental breakdown at any moment.
His trainer eyes him suspiciously, gently, “Nothing,”
Lando groans, arms flying out beside him before smacking down back at his sides, “Jon, cut the bullshit. You’ve been treating me like I’m a fucking baby all day. Why?”
Jon sighs, turning to look at him before grabbing his arm and pulling them out of the garage. Jon forces them into a random hallway always away from the commotion and publicity, looking at Lando softly, “What happened between you and Y/n?”
Suddenly, Lando’s defensive. The mention of her name makes his skin crawl and his heart clench, “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“You two were dating.”
Lando rolls his eyes, “We were not dating. We were a PR stunt. You know that, Jon.”
Jon stares him down, “You two were dating.”
The meaning of his words hits Lando, what Jon truly is trying to address. He’s drowning in the mistakes of his own actions and the love he developed for her, no way to explain his way out of the situation with Jon looking at him knowingly.
He folds his arms over his chest, “Maybe in the end.”
Jon’s face scrunches up in confusion, “In the end? Of course, you were. Did you sleep together?”
“Fuck, no!” Lando yelps, astonishment at Jon’s bluntness, a trait the man has never had when it came to his romantic relationships.
Jon shakes his head, confusion deepening, “Then how the fuck did you two end up where you are? How did you end up in this mess? Which you still have not told me about.”
He sighs, head falling to stare at his shoes, “I fell in love with her. She fell in love with me. Well, at least I think.”
Jon, the man so incredibly lost, looks blankly at Lando, “You fell in love. With Y/n. Y/l/n. The woman you used to absolutely detest. The woman who used to hate your guts. You two fell in love with each other?”
Lando nods, “I know how it sounds, but it happened.”
Jon’s head tilts to the side, “Okay, and what happened the night of the gala?”
Jon sees the shift of Lando’s demeanor, his entire body running cold with images of her walking out on him. The boy’s body running cold, he tries to get through the night that ruined it all, “Everything was fine in the beginning. We were just talking to a bunch of donors. You know, we got so many that night. Anyways, we were at the bar and being stupid as always, getting drunk, when Lu showed up.”
“Lu as is your ex?” Jon clarifies.
Lando nods, “Yeah, so she came up to us and we just got to talking. She mentioned the fact that we still talk.”
Jon’s mouth falls open, “You and Lu still talk?!”
“Not anymore, not after the gala. She basically cut off contact with me because she ‘hated the way it made her feel when she saw the look on Y/n’s face’. But, at that time, we had been. I should’ve told Y/n when we started getting serious, but I didn’t and that came back to bite me in the ass because she was so betrayed, Jon.”
“So, she walked out of the gala because she was angry about you and Lu?”
“Yeah, she basically told me I didn’t care about her in the way she thought I had, which wasn’t true. I told her I loved her and then shit just went completely downhill after that.”
Jon’s hand squeezes Lando’s arm, “You told her you loved her?”
There’s a flash of sadness in Lando’s eyes and Jon knows it’s because of the painful rejection. He’s learning that Y/n might’ve started out as one of the people Lando cared about the least, but she had quickly become the center of his entire world.
“Of course, I did. But, she didn’t believe me. I don’t blame her too! The start of our relationship was built specifically on hatred. We never wanted anything to do with each other and then, all of a sudden, we were kissing and it was feeling like something more.”
A silence passes before Lando whispers, “Sometimes I wish I never would’ve met her.”
Jon chuckles, “You’ve said that before.”
Lando scoffs, “Yeah, but that was because I hated her. This is because I can’t deal with the fact that she left me.”
“Have you tried to talk to her?” Jon inquires, eyes roaming Lando’s face in search of an answer.
“No,” Lando responds, grief and remorse soaking his tone.
“Well, maybe that’s where you need to start.” Jon smiles.
“In order to do what?” Lando’s lost on the insinuation.
“In order to get her back.”
It’s heartbreaking the way Lando stares up at Jon as if he’d just single-handedly restored all senses of hope and happiness into his body, “You think I can do that?”
“I think that you and her loved each other too much to let it go to waste this way.”
Maybe you’re right, he thinks. Maybe I need to find out for myself, he thinks.
Y/n, the girl he hated so much for the love she made him feel, was locked up in her room of her childhood home, information Lando gained from her mother who he had called quietly. It was the first time they had spoken, but it wasn’t the first time she had heard of him. Her daughter had shown up in the middle of the night, sobbing to her over a boy and berating herself for allowing a man to hurt her in the way he had.
However, with the undying kindness Y/n shared, she had patiently heard Lando out as he explained to her the feelings he harbored for her daughter. Strong words of love had persuaded her into giving Lando their address and giving him permission to come. After all, she saw the way her daughter’s Lock Screen lit up with a loving picture of them every time Y/n got a notification. She clocked the picture as the room where Y/n had been hospitalized after her crash, Lando laying on the bed beside her with his arm wrapped safely around her shoulders, a kiss to her cheek as she smiled at the camera.
Bags packed and in hand, Lando stands in front of her house, hood pulled over his head with sunglasses shoved over his eyes. He takes two steps at a time, bypassing multiple steps in the process as he reaches the front door in no time.
Knocking on the wood, Lando waits patiently before the lock is turning and her mother is appearing before him. Dressed in jeans and a sweater, she smiles softly at him, a smile resembling the one Y/n had adorned him with before he made her feel less than the most important person in his life.
“Hi, Ms. Y/l/n. Thank you for this.” He says quietly, not wanting Y/n to hear him and get scared.
She nods at him, opening the door and letting him step in, “As much as you hurt my daughter, I think this space is effecting her worse.”
He lingers in the doorway, nerves getting to him as he stares at the steps in front of him, steps he assumes would lead him to her.
Her mother notices his eyes, “She’s up there if you want to go.”
He takes a step toward them, but takes on back and looks at her with tension in his face, “Do you think she’ll want to see me?”
Her mother’s head moves side to side, “I think, at first, she’ll be mad, but she’ll warm up. I know she still loves you, that’s still there.”
He nods, “What should I say?”
His words relay quietly and her mother lays a hesitant hand on his arm, “Why are you here? Why are you fighting for her?”
His answer comes easily, “Because I love her. Because, after years of hating each other, I realize that I never truly, fully hated her. I hated that she was better than me and the fact that she was winning races more than I was, but I never hated her. I never gave her a chance to show me who she was and it took someone forcing us to be together for me to see how amazing she is. I’m remorseful for that, of course, but I’m happy it happened. If it hadn’t, I wouldn’t have realized the happiness that was standing in front of me all along.”
Her mother smiles brightly at him, “Tell her that.”
The door creaks as Lando pushes it open, head poking in to see her laying with her back to him.
“Mom, can I just have some time alone right now?” Her broken voice whispers, curling further into herself as Lando steps in and closes the door.
He doesn’t say anything, opting to walk over to her bed and sit down. The mattress is larger, putting space between them so he’s not touching her.
“I can hear you breathing. Please leave.” She says again, this time pleading desperately.
Lando exhales before lifting his hand and laying it on her hip, his thumb rubbing soft circles lovingly. He feels her body tense, her head looking down to inspect the fingers wrapped around her skin.
She pulls away quickly, sitting up and whipping her head around to meet his eyes.
“What the fuck are you doing here?! You should be at the race!” She yells at him, shifting farther away from him.
He hates how tired she looks, how puffy her eye bags are from a mixture of exhaustion and tears. His body turns to completely face hers, his leg being pulled onto the bed, “Your mom gave me the address and I got the reserve driver to cover for me.”
Y/n scoffs, “Okay, why would my mother do that?”
“Because she knows I love you.”
Y/n’s eyes glaze over, iciness translating in her every move, “How would she know that?”
“I called her.” He states simply, watching her eyebrows stitch together.
Her head tilts, “How did you get her number?”
“From Nick.”
Y/n body rears back, “My trainer?! You coerced my trainer into giving you my mother’s phone number?! Are you fucking crazy?!”
“For you, yes.” He smiles softly. His comment earns an eye roll.
“Y/n, just listen to me.” He begins, but Y/n raises her hands in objection.
“No, Lando. Leave me alone. I appreciate the effort, but leave.” Her hands push his arms, doing nothing to move him.
He gently takes her hands in his and shifts closer to her, “No. I’m not leaving until you hear what I have to say.”
Knowing how stubborn he is, Y/n sits back and gestures for him to continue.
“When I first met you, I hated the success you had.” He starts.
Y/n laughs, “What a great start!”
“Let me finish.” He states, “I hated the success you had and I was dumb enough, young enough to think that meant I hated you too. So, I spent years resenting everything that had to do with you. I never gave myself one moment to reflect on the reasoning for my dislike of you. If I had, we wouldn’t be here right now. Part of me hates that, hates that I spent so much time treating you in a way you never deserved, but another part of me, the part that has fallen so hard for you, is happy it didn’t. If I had realized that I was just jealous of the race wins you were claiming, I would’ve been cordial with you, never getting close enough to get to know who you are out of the envy I held against you. If it had gone down that way, I would’ve never gotten to meet you. And I mean the person you really are, underneath all the PR trained, guarded skin. I would’ve never fallen in love with you, never experienced you and the happiness you have provided me with. It took us so long to get here, through hurtful insults and screaming matches, I can’t let you slip through my fingers, your love with it, because of my stupid mistakes. I won’t let that happen.”
Y/n stays quiet after he completes his last sentence, staring at him as she decides what she wants to do next.
Softly, she says, “Why didn’t you tell me about Lu?”
He sighs disappointedly, “I don’t know. Truthfully, I didn’t think it meant that much. In my head, I didn’t love her. I was just ending a relationship on good terms. I didn’t think far enough to get to you. I’m sorry for that. If I could go back and sit you down, explain to you what Lu and I were doing, the fact that it meant nothing compared to what I feel towards you, I would. You deserve that conversation. I don’t know if that means anything to you, but I hope it does. She was never going to mean the same thing to me as she had before after I first kissed you. Truthfully, she never did mean the same thing to me as you do. I’ve never felt this way for anyone before.”
Y/n nods slowly, gathering her thoughts, “When did you start loving me? When did it stop being hate? Because that night at the gala, at the end of our conversation, you hated me again.”
Lando shakes his head, “First of all, I didn’t hate you that night. I was just hurt and it translated to something ugly, which I can’t apologize enough for. Second of all, I don’t know when I genuinely started loving you, but I know I realized it when you crashed. When I was running throughout the paddock, I could not get away from the heavy pit in my stomach that only pointed toward one thing, I knew that. I tried to push it away, tried to forget about it, but when I saw you laying there, bandaged and alive, it just hit me. I loved that you were still there, I loved the relief that spread through me, I loved the happiness I felt when I saw you breathing, and, then, I just loved you. It built exactly like that. I was just listing the things, in my head, I adored about the moment in order to get away from the severity of it, and then it was just you. You, you, you, you.”
Y/n’s small smile graces his eyes and he moves closer to her, sitting with his legs folded on the bed and his hands over her thighs. The two of them breathe each other in before Y/n is shuffling closer to him. His arms immediately move from her legs to snake around her torso, folding open his legs and pulling her into him. She lays her shoulder against his chest, her head falling to the side to nuzzle in his neck as her legs spread in front of her, lying over his thigh. She plays with the hem of his hoodie as he kisses her temple, laying his head on top of hers.
“You know, I love you too.” She says into his neck. A warmth spreads through Lando, happiness buzzing all the way down to his toes at her confession.
It’s all he’s ever wanted to hear, “I had an inkling.”
She lightly smacks his stomach, giggling, “Don’t be a smart ass.”
Just as he’s about to rebuttal, his phone begins vibrating harshly in his back pocket. His arm reaches around to pull it out, Jon’s face illuminating the screen.
Y/n laughs, “Can I answer it?”
The idea makes him shine with pride, knowing Jon will be proud to hear Lando’s gotten his girl back. So, he plops the phone in her lap with a smile.
Clicking the green button, Y/n puts it on speaker.
“Lando? Did you get there okay? Have you spoken to her yet?” Jon’s rushed voice says quickly.
Y/n gives Lando a playful look before answering, “He got here okay.”
There’s a silence before Jon is cackling, “AHA! IS HE THERE?! LANDO, I TOLD YOU!”
The couple laughs at his antics, Lando moving closer to the speaker to say, “I’m here and I’m starting to think I should listen to you more.”
There’s shuffling on the other end of the phone before they hear Jon screaming to, what they assume is, the entire McLaren garage, “LANDO AND Y/N, GUYS!”
Again, silence, murmuring even, before the entire room erupts in cheers. Lando can hear it’s just his crew, the group of men knowing how much it stressed Lando out to have her mad at him, the reason she was, they didn’t know.
Y/n and Lando break into tears over their laughter at the men on the other end of the phone. It’s therapeutic to see her laughing in his arms again, a sight Lando didn’t think he would see again.
She’s leaning into him as the men continue to cheer, holding him as her body racks with laughter and all he can do is hold her closer, tighter.
He holds her like she’ll leave him again if he lets go, a thought he knows is so preposterous. Because she’s got her eyes closed, blissed out in his presence and he can see the lines of tension wither away.
She’s safe with him, she shows that through the way she hugs him and softly kisses the side of his neck when he ends the call.
When the noise stops and quietness envelopes them, the couple is left with just each other. He lays them down, her body relaxing into him as she murmurs how much sleep she’s lost over their dispute.
He whispers back, “Go to sleep, then, love. I’ll be here when you wake up.”
He watches her eyes flutter close, her head falling further into the crook of his neck when she crosses the line between consciousness and unconsciousness.
Lando’s not tired, however, only laying down with her because he’s not ready to let her go yet. His eyes wander around her childhood room, pictures of a toddler Y/n winning karting races and different championships. Her toothy grin is a charming sight, a look she hasn’t lost in the years of her growth since then.
After inspecting and finding nothing, but more things to love about her, Lando’s eyes avert back to her sleeping form. He brushes the hair out of her face lightly, pressing a kiss to her forehead before whispering against it, “At first, you weren’t what I wanted, but I absolutely need you now.”
Tags (i forgot to put these lol): @toasttt11 @megumilovesme @the-untamed-soul @evieepepi08 @igotnorrrizz @im-an-overthinker @cxrlha @ssrcsm @landoslover @minkyungseokie @luvrrish @louvpdf @weasleyreidstyles @ushygushybaby @theycallmeahugger @sainzluvrr @itsjustaninchident @gavisuntiedboot @gracielukey @formula1mount @cjjydes282clo @ssararuffoni @aexitizen
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sungbeam · 4 months
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nonidol!jung sungchan x f!reader
at some point beneath the glittering summer sun and along evening tides, you and sungchan tripped over the line drawn in the sand.
▷ genre, warnings. brother's best friend!au, friends-ish 2 lovers, family vacay + sungchan lol, swearing, kissing, fluff, humor, sungchan does go shirtless (it's a beach), mentions of food, mentions of alcohol; lee jeno, sohee, and anton r ur brothers! (so u have the lee last name but u "look more like ur mom"); barely proofread, also im sorry if this is boring my head has not been in the game for Months
▷ word count. 10.0k
DISCLAIMER: i DO NOT actively write for or stan riize; this is literally just a birthday present T-T so if dynamics/personalities aren't right, i literally don't know these guys 💀
a/n: happiest birthday to my beloved soulmate and wife @justalildumpling :')) i hope u like it <3
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OFTEN when you came back home from work, your joints and muscles ached to the point you could barely stand, your hair felt gross on your head, and your eyes stung from dehydration and sleep deprivation. That was the toll of working closing shift at the restaurant you worked at, and had been working at, for the past several years. 
It wasn't out of the ordinary to see the lights in the house still warm and bright when you got home either. Your family was a handful of night owls, not discounting yourself. They had witnessed you in this particular rat-nest dump of a state time and time again, which was why you didn't worry about looking like Death Incarnate. 
Your soul left your body. 
Sitting on your living room couch was not a family member. Though, he might as well have been a part of it from how much you had been seeing him lately. Jung Sungchan was your older brother Jeno's best friend, but Sungchan was in your year rather than Jeno's. The two met via the high school soccer team and had been good friends since. 
Years later, he was sitting on the living room couch, nearing one in the morning, his hair damp from a recent shower, T-shirt sleeves rolled up his shoulders, and his phone paused from the game he was playing. Your brain was too tired to even register the amount of muscle packed onto his arms (what the fuck—). 
“Sorry, did I scare you?” He chuckled sheepishly, reaching up to ruffle his dark hair, grown out slightly. 
“What are you doing here?” You blurted instead. Exhaustion meant that conventional politeness was completely defenestrated. It was one in the morning on a summer night… usually your older brother was out clubbing or drinking (not that you were any different, but you worked quite a bit more nights lately). 
Sungchan's eyes danced up and down your form. “Jeno and I decided we're gonna pull an all-nighter for the road trip in—” He glanced over at his phone, “—seven hours and just knock out in the car. How was work?”
Road trip? Car ride? If you could just make it to the shower… “It was fine. Tiring,” you said with a sigh. You trudged over to the far side of the room, behind Sungchan, into the kitchen. You grabbed a cup to fill with water, then drained it down your throat just as fast as it had been filled. 
With water in your body, your systems were finally coming back online. Road trip. Car ride. Your eyes widened. “Oh my god. I have to pack.”
“You haven't packed yet?” He queried, tone light and teasing as he watched the progression of your panic with amusement. “Even Jeno's packed.”
You sputtered back at him, “Quiet, you!”
Sungchan's warm laugh followed you out into the hallway and all the way to your room. You couldn't understand why your face felt so hot; you should have been too preoccupied to be embarrassed, after all. 
You slammed your bedroom door shut, dragging a hand down your face. You couldn't believe Sungchan just saw your I-just-worked-for-eight-hours-in-customer-service face. Not even some of your closest friends had seen the aftermath of your night shifts at work yet. 
It wasn't every family vacation where a plus-one was invited. Your family tried to set aside time for these trips just for the six of you, but this time was an exception. Somehow—you weren't a part of the delegations—Sungchan was invited on this summer's trip to the coast. Your mom mentioned offhandedly it was because Sungchan “was a nice boy,” or something to that effect. Your family rented out a cabin right along the beach for a week, and the lot of you were going to be stuck in the family minivan for a good eight hours together. 
And if Sungchan was tagging along, that meant you were going to have to fight for the middle row seat or—
“Yn—you’re in the back with Sohee and Anton.”
You came to a screeching halt on your way out of the house, a bucket hat shielding your puffy eyes from the waking world, your duffle strapped over your shoulder. It was seven hours later—an ungodly eight in the morning. “What? Nuh-uh; I don't think so.”
Jeno stood only a few meters ahead of you by the door of the minivan, his hands primed on either side of his hips as if he was the self-proclaimed guardian of the car seating chart. “Well, I said so. Sungchan has longer legs than you—”
“Why don't you sit in the back then?” You shot back with a saccharine sweet smile. You were too tired for this shit. 
Sungchan scratched the side of his head as he walked out of the house to stand by you and join the argument, his flip flops thwacking against the ground. “Uhh, I can sit in the back middle seat. It's cool, dude.”
“Sungchan's too tall for the middle seat,” your dad interjected. He took yours and Sungchan's bags to add to the trunk. “Yn's in the back. Sorry, hon.”
“Dad,” you groaned. 
“You can switch with Jeno half way.”
“Dad!” Jeno squawked this time. 
Your father gave a tired sigh, saying more than he would ever say aloud. “Everyone in the car. Can't you two be like Sohee and Anton? At least they're knocked out.”
“They know they'll be sent to the back without question,” you pointed out as you made your way to the minivan. As you passed by your brother, you sent him a very potent stink eye, then clambered into the back row. 
Like your father had said, your younger brothers, Sohee and Anton, were already dead asleep. Their mouths hung open wide enough to catch any wayward fly with their heads angled back against their neck pillows. You snorted and snapped a photo of them to add to your collection of brotherly blackmail. 
Your mom was settled into the front passenger seat already queuing up driving directions to get to the coast. From your perch in the middle, you had a clear view of her phone screen—seven hours and two minutes. Yay. 
You supposed there wasn't anything too terrible about the middle seat; you were out like a light as soon as the car pulled out of the driveway. 
When you woke up, it was about four hours later, and your parents were having a hushed discussion amongst themselves and Sungchan. A baseball cap had materialized on top of Sungchan's head at some point when you were asleep, and the sleeves of his T-shirt were once again rolled up to expose his muscled shoulders. Did this guy not have a tank top?
“...I like it, at least—well, I don't mind all the extra requirements, and I know it'll help me reach my ultimate end goal, so.”
Your mom let out a hum of approval. “Ah, that's good that you like it. You'll be busy as a nurse.”
Right, Sungchan was in the nursing program. Your brother wasa kinesiology major, and you were going into law. It made for quite the diverse pool in the car. 
You opened your mouth in a yawn and fumbled your hand around your lap for where your earbud had fallen out of your ear, carefully so that you didn't shake off Anton's head on your shoulder. (Oh no, was he drooling?)
“Yn-ah, good morning,” your mother teased quietly. 
You glanced up, eyes going wide when you realized both your mom and Sungchan were now peering back at you. “Morning,” you murmured. Your fingers enclosed around your fallen earbud to tuck it into the case left in the bag at your feet. 
“Sleep well?” Sungchan piped up. There was that twinkle in his eyes, the same one from last night. It made your stomach twist in a way that was more pleasant than not. 
You cleared your throat, unconsciously reaching up to adjust the placement of your bucket hat and praying you didn't look like a sewer rat. “For the most part,” you replied. “How about you?”
He shrugged. “I had a decent power nap. Your mom says you're going into law. That's really cool.”
“Oh,” you blinked. “Thanks. And you're in nursing, right? That's cool, too—super admirable.”
Sungchan's mouth widened into a small grin. “Thanks. It's only our first year, but it feels like so much work already.”
“Right? Tell me about it…”
Less than fifteen minutes later, the family van pulled into the parking lot of a diner off the interstate, exactly halfway through your journey. The seven of you, weary and hungry, filed out of the vehicle and into the establishment. You and your parents slid into one booth, while your brothers and Sungchan occupied the one behind you. 
There was a low-spun fan swirling above your heads, an 80s song you vaguely recognized wafting through the air at a dull decibel. Your phone was stashed away in the bag tucked into your end of the booth seat while you idly sipped on your glass of iced water. 
You jolted at the feeling of something light hitting the back of your head. 
A gasp from behind you. 
You rolled your eyes, twisting around in your seat while picking the wadded up straw wrapper from your hair. “Who did it?” You deadpanned. 
The boys table was filled with sheepish expressions, to their credit. Your younger brothers, who were sitting on the far side facing you, thrusted their fingers in each other's faces in a torrent of blame and accusation. 
“Aish, never mind. I don't care who did it,” you dismissed. Your eyes caught onto Sungchan's. He sat just diagonally to your left and for some reason, his eyes on you made you feel warm. 
You flicked the wrapper back; it hit Anton square in the forehead. Jeno barked out a laugh. 
“Nice shot,” Sungchan nodded, extending his fist to you. 
You couldn't suppress the smile from coming onto your face as you bumped his fist with yours. 
Food arrived swiftly afterward, and it was demolished as quickly as it came. In the sway of a palm tree frond, the seven of you were back in the confines of the family minivan. 
The remainder of the car ride carried over quickly. Though Jeno unhappily sat his ass down in your previous spot with you claiming his from before, he and your other brothers snored away five minutes in. You didn't go back to sleep despite having a full belly and less than five hours of sleep under your belt; you watched the world pass by outside the window in a blur. 
Urban skylines melted into rolling emerald mountains and pastures, sank into palm trees and sandy shores that met a blue horizon as far as the eye could see. 
The beach house your family rented this year was a two story cottage-type. It was small, with only one bedroom and bathroom upstairs, a bathroom downstairs, and a living room and kitchen. The rest was all beach. It was determined that you and your mom would be given the honors of the upstairs bedroom and bathroom, while all the boys piled into the living room. 
Once everyone was settled in, there was little else to do but go make use of your new backyard for the next week. 
“Yn! Come on, slowpoke!” Sohee shouted at you from the shoreline with cupped hands. You saw his bare back as he splashed into the waves after Anton, who was already only a speck in your vision. 
Your bare feet sank into the sand, and you wiggled your toes between the warm grains. Sunshine, glorious and concentrated above the distant horizon, soaked into your skin. Ah, this was the life.
Just as you reached for the hem of your shirt to reveal your bathing suit, you caught movement from the corner of your eye. Jeno and Sungchan were coming onto the beach from the front of the house, a disassembled volleyball net hanging between them. 
Your eyes nearly fell out of your head at the sight of Sungchan's back—
Before Jeno or any of your other brothers or Sungchan could catch you ogling, you gave yourself a nice, mental slap to the face. No more. You needed to stop this. When did you ever look at Sungchan like this?
(You could still remember when he was the gangly kid with the growth spurt trying out for the high school soccer team. He was paired with Jeno to test his potential, and the rest was history.)
Sungchan was the first to spot you as he and Jeno determined a place to set up the net. He beamed boyishly, his chin inclining toward you. “Hey, wanna play?”
Your eyes flickered to the corded necklace hanging from his collar and between his—Yn, shut the fuck up. “Sure,” you said simply, feigning nonchalance. 
If he noticed your wandering eyes, he didn't comment. Instead, he nodded back at you. “Sick.”
You both turned back to your original tasks. Your hands went back to the bottom hem of your shirt to tug it up and off your body. (Maybe you weren't the only one with wandering eyes, though.)
You draped your clothes over the back porch railing and began making your way down to the shoreline. “I'm gonna take a dip and then come back up!” You said to Jeno and Sungchan. 
“Oh, okay—ow!” 
You didn't see nor hear what happened, but when you glanced back, Sungchan had his back turned to you as he furiously rubbed the back of his head, while Jeno smiled innocently. 
Your older brother waved you along. “Carry on!” He said. 
Walking backward for a couple steps, you shot him an incredulous look, then turned around to meet your little brothers in the ocean. Whatever. 
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You had been staring at the wooden ceiling above your head for the past forty-five minutes. Your mom's even breathing and the ocean waves rolling outside the window failed to rock you into unconsciousness. You'd figured the sunlight from this afternoon would have made you tired, or perhaps all the food you ate for dinner, but your eyes continued to stay wide open. 
A quiet sigh fell from your mouth as you rolled over onto your side and gently peeled the covers off. With near silent footsteps across the oak floors, you slipped out of the bedroom and down the stairs. 
The cacophony of combined snoring from all the men in the living room was comparable to the volume of the waves just outside. 
You barely contained your snort of amusement. You didn't worry about waking any of them up as you crossed the living room, full of a smorgasbord of limbs and bodies draped across the large couch sectional and blankets on the floor. 
The back door was left unlatched when you reached its threshold. Outside, moonlight dappled across the calm sea like a sprinkling of diamonds. You slowly pried the door open, freezing. 
You and Sungchan made eye contact from across the back porch. He was perched on the top step, nursing a bottle of beer in his hand. A loose breeze wafted through the strands of his hair. 
“Sorry,” you whispered, moving to retreat back into the house. 
“Oh, no—please.” He patted the empty space next to him on the porch step. 
You blinked, at odds. He was clearly out here for a reason and you'd figured he wanted some space, but if he was inviting you, then… 
You closed the back door behind you and settled beside him, with a comfortable amount of negative space between your bodies. You folded your arms over the tops of your knees and stared out at the midnight horizon. It smelled of salt and sea spray, and the light wind was a refreshing crispiness against the humid evening air. 
“Couldn't sleep?” He murmured, glancing over at you. 
You nodded. “Yeah. You?”
He hummed in response. 
“I'm not surprised,” you said. The corners of your lips curled upward. “I wouldn't be able to sleep amongst my brothers either. Their snoring could wake a bear.”
Sungchan sputtered out a laugh as his eyes crinkled upward and he pressed the back of his knuckles against his mouth. “I wasn't gonna say it, but…”
You shared a grin with him. “I will happily say it for you, dude.” 
His eyes were stunning in this lighting. The moonlight hit his irises at an angle that made them shimmer like a shade of molten copper. He licked his lips, and you saw his eyes dart from your eyes, down a few inches, then further down to the beer bottle in his hands. 
“Oh, uh,” he stammered, tipping the bottle nose in your direction, “want some? I thought the alcohol would help me sleep, but it's not looking awfully promising.”
For a split second, your heart leapt at the thought—your mouth pressed against the place his mouth had been, tasting the place he'd drunk from. 
You dashed the thought from your mind. It couldn't have been so significant as your brain was making it out to be. You were probably just sleep deprived. 
“Thanks,” you said while reaching across the gap to accept it from him. Judging by the weight, it was just about half full, and you took a light swig. 
A drop of liquid dribbled out of the corner of your lips, and you swiped it with the pad of your thumb, sticking the finger into your mouth to suck it off. You passed the bottle back over to him, catching his eyes not looking at yours. 
(The organ in your chest was no longer in your chest. Was it normal for your heart to make a home in your throat instead? Why did he look at you like that?)
“Any reason for not being able to sleep?” You asked him to break the silence. “I mean, besides the symphony my brothers and dad are conducting, of course.”
His eyes shuddered, as if breaking out of a trance. “Oh, uhm—nothing in particular, I guess. Maybe it's just from all the excitement. I think it's usually hard for me to sleep in new places.”
You bobbed your head in understanding. “No, I get that. It takes me a little to get used to new environments, too. I don't know how I would have survived if I was living in the dorms at uni and not at home.” The university you attended was a decent commute from your house, so living on campus was never something you gave much thought to. The idea of living independently appealed to you sometimes, but in general, you didn't have a ton of qualms against your circumstances now. 
“For sure,” Sungchan whistled lowly. He contemplated the opening of his beer bottle, then took a gentle sip of its contents. “Have you made a lot of friends? I feel like it's a lot harder than people make it seem.”
You passed him a curious glance this time. “Some, but it's definitely not as easy as high school. You haven't made a lot of friends?”
“The soccer team, mainly,” he chuckled. “The occasional ally in my classes.”
You let out a bright laugh that made his smile widen. “'Ally?’” You parroted. “What a fun word to call classmates.”
“It's true!” He insisted, chuckling. “Some of these professors are evil, man. Competitive grades? Not a chance,” He scoffed. “We're all in this together, even if the curve is against us.”
You clapped a hand over your mouth to keep from being too loud, but the rolling waves likely covered your noise plenty. Your family were deep sleepers. 
“I just figured that you meet lots of people,” you offered when your mirth died down to a giggle. You toed a pile of sand sitting on the last step of the porch. “Your socials are pretty active,” you said, “but I guess I shouldn't judge a book by its cover.”
“I could say the same about you, Miss Party Girl,” he smirked. “When are you gonna drag me to a rave?”
Heat raced up to your cheeks. “I've only been to one,” you said, rolling your eyes. He'd seen that post? First, the post-work daze, and now, the turnt raver? “I haven't gone to a party in a few weeks 'cause of finals anyway.” 
Now that you thought about it, you'd been so busy as of late, you couldn't even count the amount of outings you'd declined on your two hands. 
“Trust me, I get it.” He raised his hands in an act of surrender, his knees angling toward you. The negative space was suddenly a lot less negative. 
Another tip of his beer bottle; it swapped hands once, twice more. The liquid dribbled smooth down your throat just as Sungchan knocked the rest back. The empty glass made a dull thunk sound as it hit the wooden porch to Sungchan's right. 
“So what I'm getting,” you drawled, mimicking his position by angling your knees toward his. You felt your legs brush—the stimulus sent a jolt down your nerves that warned of addiction and tasted like the forbidden. “Is that you've never been to a rave before?”
Sungchan gave a noncommittal shrug. “Maybe I have.”
You mocked his shrug. “Maybe you have.”
“Or maybe it's just that I haven't gone with you yet.”
Even the waves seemed to quiet for a second. Your heartbeat stuttered in your chest, and you tied down the nervous laugh ready to bubble out of your mouth. You bit your lip and found yourself nodding. “We'd paint the town red, Jung Sungchan,” you murmured. 
There it was again—that flicker of his gaze to some place you both knew crossed a line. It was the beer, was what you were telling yourself. It was the beer. 
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Seagulls surfed the ever-blue sky. Eternal summer could be thought of as a filter of golden, glittery gauze across one's already rose-colored glasses. But summer, truly, was the shade of Jung Sungchan's tank top peeling off his body as he sprinted down the sandbank after your brother, Anton. 
You watched the fabric whip around in the salt breeze before settling into a heap where his footprint melted into the mineral grains. You were giving Sohee the sunscreen spritz-down up on the covered porch, while Jeno barreled down the bank after his friend and brother. 
From behind you came the scratch of the back door sliding open. You and Sohee peered back to where your mom poked her head out. 
She just barely caught her sunglasses in time as they slipped off her head. “Hey, your dad and I are heading out. Watch each other, okay?”
“Got it!” You and Sohee chirped. 
One more nod from your mom, and then she was gone. Your parents were going to take a date into town, just the two of them. That left you and the boys here with the surf and sand—definitely not a terrible compromise. If you wanted, you could probably have the whole house to yourself, anyway. These guys could entertain themselves. 
“Yn! Sohee!” 
Jeno arced one arm up into the sky to beckon you down to the sea, only to get dragged underwater by his two comrades. You and Sohee harked out twin laughs as you watched Jeno fight for his life with limbs flailing and foam flying into the sky. 
You patted Sohee's shoulder as you set the can of sunscreen onto the porch step. “Alrighty, you're good to go, bro.”
“Thanks—race you down!”
“Hey!” Your laughter echoed as you bolted down the sand after him to join the fun. 
As your feet dug into the wet embankment, your palms made purchase against Sohee's shoulders to shove him into the water. A yelp leapt into the air, and you turned away to avoid getting hit in the face with the consequence of your prank. 
“I'm so gonna get you for that!” Sohee spat water out of his mouth, a wicked grin pulling onto his lips. 
“No, you're not, actually!” 
You bolted—well, stomped, your way through the knee-deep water, furiously trying to get away from karma. Water yanked down on your limbs in a forceful coax to give into your punishment, but you were determined. 
You could hear your brothers’ hollers of encouragement: “Get her, Sohee!” and “RUN, YN, RUN!”
Adrenaline pumped through your veins and you pushed your legs harder. 
“I got her!” Wait, was that Sungchan?—
You suddenly felt a pair of hands on either side of your waist—you swore as your legs came out of the water and your world twisted. 
“No, no, no, no, no!” You squawked, squirming wildly in Sungchan's arms as he scooped you into his hold like a bride. (NO. NOT LIKE A BRIDE. WHY DID IT HAVE TO BE A BRIDE?—) One arm cradled your back and the other under your knees, and he laughed—he chuckled—as you attempted to flip yourself out of his grasp. 
“You're not getting out of this, party girl,” he said close to your ear. 
For a heartbeat, you lost your breath at the rasp behind his words and the grin on his face. But a heartbeat was all he needed. 
There was free fall, and then all sound muffled as cold water engulfed your body. You plugged your nose and screwed your eyes shut. You felt your ass hit the sand at the bottom in slow motion, before the air in your lungs began to lift you back up to the surface of the water. 
You broke out with a gasp, hair flipping back as you furiously swiped your hands down your face to get the water out of your eyes. They stung like a bitch, but you could feel the rush of blood in your ears; it was thrilling. 
A hand in your vision enclosed around yours.
“You asshole!” You scowled up at Sungchan from where you knelt, though it was half-hearted. 
He beamed back at you boyishly with damp hair hanging in his eyes and water running down the crevices of his stomach like a goddamn system of canals. “You're a good sport, Yn.”
“I'm really not.”
You had the distinct pleasure of seeing the smile slip off his face before you used his grip on you to yank him into the water. You swallowed a good half pint of saltwater, but the revenge couldn't have been sweeter. 
When Sungchan's head broke the surface, it was followed by a dog-like shake of his head. You laughed to turn away from the spray of water; Sungchan delighted at the sound. 
Amusement still lingered on your lips as your eyes snagged on the piece of seaweed that made its home on his head. You didn't think twice about it before leaning closer to reach it. 
You stepped forward, and—oh boy, was that a mistake. 
You had a front row seat view of a droplet of water slipping down the slope of his nose, the curve of his lips, and the cliff of his chin. You wrestled down a swallow, and pulled the seaweed off his head, flinging it into the water. 
“You had, uhm, a little…”
“Right, thanks—”
You both flinched apart as a man-made wave of water crashed into your sides. “AMBUSH!” Your three brothers declared, springing up out of the water and parading a full-blown attack with all weapons firing. 
You and Sungchan were swift to launch your own counterattack. 
Merriment filled the summer air as much as saltwater embedded into your skin and eyes and mouth. You almost made the mistake of thinking your racing heart was just from the determination to beat your brothers, and not from the guy on your side of the war. The heat was getting to you and the sun was getting to him.  
It was about an hour later that you found yourself lazing upon the slick and smooth plane of a surfboard. The ocean rocked you gently from beneath the board; it had been surprisingly calm all of today. 
At some point, you and the boys established a truce in the Great Water War, mainly because your brothers were hungry and there was a big, juicy watermelon just begging to be cut open and devoured in the house. 
Suffice to say, you let your brothers figure it out. 
Your consciousness faded into the foreground of your mind as a distant sound of splashing neared. You peaked one eye open, lifting the rim of the hat up to see who dared to encroach upon your isle. 
You could recognize Sungchan's mop of hair from a mile away, at this point. You couldn't tell if that was a good or bad thing, but why did it have to be either?
He cropped up right beside you, pushing back his hair to keep the water out of his eyes. “Hi.”
A smile curled onto your lips, teasing. “Hi. Good swim?”
“Good nap?”
“As good as one can be on the open ocean,” you said, shifting the hat up so you could see him better, but keeping your face shaded. “I don't know how dolphins sleep with half their brain on.”
Sungchan's brows rocketed toward his hairline. “They sleep with half their brain on? Crazy.”
“I know. I can't even stay awake with half my brain on.”
You and he shared a laugh, and he set a palm on the board next to your body. “Aw, no,” he assured. “If you've got less than half a brain on at all times, then I've got one brain cell.”
“Joke's on you, half my brain is half a brain cell.”
He wrinkled his nose at you. Cute. “Sweetheart, hate to break it to you, but that's not how brain cells work.”
You nearly fell off the board. “Okay, Mr. Know-it-all, do tell.”
“I'm not about to talk about neurons on my vacation.”
You challenged him with a look. “Overruled, counselor. Answer the question.”
His mouth fell open in a stunned daze, and his reaction made you break face for a moment to laugh. He blinked. “I have to be really honest with you…” Sungchan carded a hand through his hair, then pressed his knuckles to his mouth. “That was really hot.”
Was it suddenly five degrees warmer out here? 
If blood rushing in your ears was akin to the sound of waves crashing, there must have been one hell of a tsunami in your veins right now. 
You sputtered a laugh. “You need to get out of the sun—”
“I'm sorry I said that aloud,” he grimaced sheepishly. 
“Nurse? Nurse!—” You feigned raising your head up to look around for an imaginary nurse in the middle of the ocean. “Oh, right. You are the nurse.”
He groaned, tilting his head back and playfully punching your shoulder. “You're so—”
You howled at the sight of his cheekbones blooming the color of ripe watermelon. “I'm kidding; I'm teasing!”
He sighed, smiling despite the pain etched onto his gorgeous features. “Never living that down, am I?”
You shifted your position to laying on your stomach now, your arms folded beneath your chin. Sungchan carefully turned the surfboard so the tip faced him, and you were trapped in his gaze, head-on. “It was cute,” you consoled. 
“So you think I'm cute?” He cocked a brow. 
“And you think I'm hot.”
He flicked water at you. “Aaand, there it is!” 
You laughed again, delighted at the red lingering on his cheeks and the tips of his ears. God, he was fucking gorgeous. 
A beat passed for a second. Something settled between the two of you, a thing you couldn't yet put a name on, but it had been there since last night. Or maybe it had been there longer, festering in the negative space between you until said space could become something of a memory. 
You weren't sure why he was here—why he'd swum out here to meet you when his best friend was back at the beach house, gorging on watermelon and getting his ass handed to him in Mario Kart by his siblings; why he all of a sudden occupied a part of your mind like the tide creeping up the embankment at four in the afternoon. At first, he was far enough for you to settle into a false sense of security; until all of a sudden, there he was, the foamy waves lapping at your feet and his smile the only thing you could see when you closed your eyes. 
His tongue swiped over his lips and he cleared his throat. “So, uh, watermelon?” That was his original reason for coming out here. (He did volunteer, after all.)
You perked up. “Right, sure. Watermelon.”
“Great.” He broke into a smile, but the corners of it were softer, fonder. You could get used to the look of it. 
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There was this saying—the elephant in the room—but here in the cabin living room, it was definitely more of a blue whale. Just completely out of the water, weighing about thirteen tons, the size of twelve school buses… yeah, that sounded about right. 
“GO FISH!” Anton flung his finger across the circle at Jeno with the glee of a kid on Christmas morning. “Suck it!”
Your mom sent an express glare his way. “Anton.”
Your youngest shrunk down sheepishly. “Sorry, eomma.”
The seven of you were settled in the living space this fine evening with a deck of cards. Your parents were on the couches watching the movie on screen and the game before them, while you, your brothers, and Sungchan huddled around the coffee table playing said game. Sunsoaked and weary, it only took one hearty and filling dinner to perk the lot of you right back up like a field of sunflowers.
“This is a stupid game,” Jeno sulked as he examined his hand of cards. 
“You only say that because you're losing,” you pointed out. “Anyways, Jeno, can I have that three?”
Jeno cut you a glare as the rest of the table rolled into fits of laughter. Your smile was cheeky, reaching out to snatch the three Jeno revealed he had during his turn. 
“That's cold,” Sohee snorted. 
Your eyes darted over to Sungchan opposite you. His eyes were glimmering. “Yeah, I didn't know you had so much ruthlessness in you, Yn.”
“Why do you think she's going into law?” Jeno grunted. Though one card less, it meant that he had one less pair in his finished pile. At this rate, you might win and end up with the most pairs. 
“Guys, it's literally just how you play the game.” You nodded over at Sohee. “Sohee, do you have a jack?”
Your younger brother handed it over without ceremony. “Unfortunately.”
“Anton, do you have an ace?”
He shook his head. “Go fish, noona.”
“See?” You said to the rest of the table, but your eyes went to Sungchan's. “The nature of the game.”
They let you off the hook because you didn't plunder everyone of their cards this round. It continued on with Sohee, then Anton, before landing on Sungchan. 
He made a show of considering his cards, a furrow between his brows. He glanced up at you over the rim of his hand and gestured with a curl of his fingers. “I'd like that ace, Yn.”
“Oooh,” Anton giggled. 
Jeno grinned as you extended the ace across the table to Sungchan. “Karma.”
“Thank you—” his fingers grazed against yours as he plucked the card from your grasp, “—very much.”
You pressed your lips into a small smile, nose wrinkling up at him. You had a few cards left to rid yourself of. 
Your dad cleared his throat as he stood up from the couch to bring his empty bowl to the sink. “By the way, are you kids still going into town tomorrow?”
The five of you exchanged brief eye contact with one another. “Yep.”
The idea had come up during dinner after your parents came back. They'd mentioned a variety of activities and little shops to visit that might be fun for you to see, including a hand churned ice cream shop and a port side arcade building. It would just be the five of you going, while your parents would walk down to the beach trails about a mile from the cabin to go hiking. 
In the morning, you and everyone else in the house took your time getting up and ready for the day. Breakfast was taken together at the table before you split off into your separate parties. 
Jeno took the wheel with Sungchan riding shotgun, and you sat in the middle row with Sohee, while Anton occupied the back. You rolled down your window to rest your chin on the fold of your elbow, your sunglasses slipping down the bridge of your nose as you watched the scenery pass by. 
Right in front of you, Sungchan also had his window rolled down with his arm propped on the lowered sill. He chatted animatedly with Jeno about whatever game he and all three of your brothers were playing this morning, but you could feel his gaze go to his side view mirror more than once. 
The ride was an easy, breezy one. 
The main town center bustled with locals and visitors alike in the late morning. Jeno found free parking about a block away, and the five of you walked over as one big group. 
“Ice cream first!” Anton declared with one arm raised toward the sky. 
“I concur,” you chimed in. You lifted your sunglasses up slightly so you could read the town directory easier. “Seems like we're close by.”
Anton nodded in approval. “Onwards, then.”
You and your youngest brother led the way. The idea of ice cream made your mouth water, especially since you could already feel a bead of sweat dribble down your spine. Why was it so goddamn hot?
The shop was a cute, little building with a pink and white striped awning and a large window in the front that gave visitors a front row view into the ice cream churning experience. You snorted as Anton pressed his nose up against the glass, a wide grin splitting his face. 
“You're scaring the workers, dude,” you jested, tugging your brother along. 
Anton scrunched his nose up at you. “You scare me every morning.”
“Just because you're a wimp when I put toner pads on—hey! Do you want ice cream or not?” You cackled as he attempted to flick you square in the forehead. 
Jeno groaned. “Guys, can we please act normal for once?” He asked as he swung the door open for everyone. 
Sungchan beat you to the punchline, slapping his friend on the back while he ducked inside. “That's rich coming from you, man.”
The squabble was swiftly swept out of your mind when you stepped foot into the shop. You were nearly knocked over from the potency of the sugary waffle cone scent that occupied the room. At the sight of tubs upon tubs of frozen treats kept within the display case, your entire face lit up, eyes going glassy with wonder. “Oh no, too many to choose from,” you gasped, cupping the lower half of your face. 
Sungchan chuckled beside you as he crossed his arms and assessed the dozen options before you. “I didn't know you were such an ice cream fanatic, party girl,” he mused. He glanced over at you with a fond sort of gleam in his eye. 
“Don't even get her started,” Sohee groaned. “She and Anton have a sweet tooth to rival Willy Wonka.”
Anton flagged down one of the workers, having already found his targets to try. He was in here for less than two minutes and was already rattling off the entire menu to the poor girl behind the counter. 
“Tiramisu sounds really good,” you muttered. Your eyes moved slowly from tub to tub. Another gasp flew from your lips, and you clasped a hand on Sungchan's shoulder. “Wait—but strawberry shortcake—hhhhh.” You wrinkled your brows together, lips pressed into a taut line. 
This was not good. 
“You could always get a double scoop,” Sungchan suggested. 
You bobbed your head. “That's true, but I'm just worried I won't be able to finish, y'know.”
“Well, maybe I'll get one of the flavors you want and we can split.” His shrug was all too casual. 
“Yeah, sure,” he said, biting his lip through a smile. 
The organ in your chest gave a hop, skip, and a leap. You weren't sure if it was at the thought of it all working out alright or if it was because of Sungchan's generous gesture. You were telling yourself it was the former, but you could be persuaded it was the latter if given a light shove in that direction. 
When everyone's scoops were paid for, you fell into a loose formation to stroll around town while you finished your treats. 
You and Sungchan were glued to each other's sides out of necessity since you were sharing flavors. Jeno walked on his other side, however, lapping at his cotton candy blue scoop seated upon a throne of waffle cone. The two youngest walked in front, leading you all to wherever they wished to go. 
The town itself was rather quaint when you finally soaked it in. It seemed like the kind of place everyone knew everyone, and if you were new or only visiting, the locals were just as friendly and welcoming. The town center was stocked with anything a resident might need—a small grocer down the street, clothing stores and restaurants lining the boulevard, a newspaper stand at the corner, a laundromat, a hardware store, and more places you were certain you wouldn't be able to see in just one walk. 
As you scooped a bite out of some of the last bits of tiramisu in Sungchan's cup, Jeno was summoned up to his brothers who were debating over which way they should turn next. You and Sungchan lingered behind to finish off the ice cream in your respective cups. 
Just as you slurped up the melted shortcake ice cream at the bottom of yours, your eyes caught onto a storefront behind Sungchan. It was decked out in cliché boho-chic, with braided nets, shells, and sand dollars in the window and over the door frame. The souvenir shop seemed to embody the quintessential tourist trap, and you didn't mind falling into it. 
“—guys, we're gonna go to the arcade now!” Jeno said, beckoning you and Sungchan over. They must have decided on a route then. 
You made your decision. “You guys can go ahead! I'm gonna pop into this place for a second. I promised I'd get my friend Minjeong something.” Minjeong was one of the few close friends you made at university, and though you didn't promise to her face you'd get her something, you were determined to get her a little trinket as a token of your affection. 
“You're gonna go alone?” 
You blinked. “Yeah, I'll just meet you guys at the arcade.” 
Sohee piped up, “But mom said buddy system.” Okay, you should probably honor that, but it wasn't as if the four of you always followed that rule. 
“I'll go with you.”
All eyes went to Sungchan who tossed his empty cup and spoon into the nearby trash can. He gave a nonchalant lift of his shoulders. “I wanted to get my mom something anyway.”
You tilted your head to the side curiously as Jeno narrowed his eyes at Sungchan, like they were communicating telepathically. Odd. 
In fact, you didn't really know what to think about being alone with Sungchan. There was a difference between coincidentally ending up on the porch together or conversing in the ocean away from everyone else, to purposefully breaking off from the group to spend time with each other. 
Then again, he said he was getting something for his mom. That gave a different implication to him volunteering to accompany you. The goal was capitalism, not something forbidden.
Maybe you were thinking about this too much. 
“Okay, fine,” Jeno relented. “We'll meet you at the arcade, but don't take too long or we'll leave without you.”
“Aye-aye,” you teased, raising a hand to wave goodbye to your brothers. “C'mon, Sungchan.”
You dumped your empty ice cream cup and spoon into the trash before slipping inside the souvenir shop with Sungchan following right after you. You lifted your sunglasses up on top of your head, skin prickling with gooseflesh from the draft of air conditioning wafting overhead. A soft-toned acoustic played in the background, accompanied by the cheery greeting of a staff member from behind the register. 
You and Sungchan lifted your hands in warm reply, then disappeared into the aisles to explore. 
Your fingers grazed along the racks of clothes branded with the beach town's name and minimalist artwork; your eyes roamed over the ships displayed in bottles on the walls, the not-for-sale surfboard hung for decor. Like many souvenir shops, there were several turning displays that boasted rows upon rows of themed keychains with specific names engraved into them. 
“I will never find my name amongst these,” Sungchan mused quietly from beside you as the two of you rifled through the surfboards and seashells and sharks. “And yet, I look for the S names all the time.”
“Valid,” you nodded. “Sometimes I can't find my name either, but it's the hope that gets you.”
“And fails you,” he pointed out.
Near the keychain displays stood a tower of hats and head accessories galore. There were crocheted bonnets, straw hats, ball caps, and even headbands. Your expression glittered as you plucked up a headband with twin sunflowers on the top like a pair of antennas. 
After hanging your shades on your shirt color, you donned the headpiece, twirling around to show Sungchan. “Thoughts?” You asked, failing to sweep your grin away. 
Sungchan beamed back at you. “Oh, you're too cute.”
You ignored the heat creeping up the back of your neck to reach for another headband—this time, one topped with red crab claws. Sungchan graciously bowed his head for you to crown him with the piece. 
“Fabulous,” you declared with your hands on your hips. 
He peered into the small mirror to the side of the hat rack. “You think?”
“Of course.” So much so, that you pulled out your phone to snap a picture. You tilted your head toward his to fit both of your faces and headbands in the frame. 
Sungchan peered over your shoulder to take a glimpse at the photos. His tongue was jammed into his cheek, and you could feel his breath along the shell of your ear. “Send me those?”
“I'd need your number first.”
He grinned boyishly, roughing a hand through his hair before taking your phone from you. “You don't even have to ask.”
As he saved his contact information into your phone, you attempted to calm the giddy butterflies in your stomach by peering back into the mirror at the headband on your head. You squished the plush sunflower heads with your fingers, humming thoughtfully. “I low-key wanna buy this.”
He glanced up from your phone before handing it back to you. “If you buy that one, I'll buy this one,” he replied, pointing up at the crab claws on his head. 
“You're such an enabler,” you jested. A beat passed. “Okay, but only if you get it with me.”
“That is what I said,” he chuckled, eyebrows arched. 
The remainder of the time you and Sungchan spent in the shop was mainly to figure out what you would purchase for Minjeong and what Sungchan would buy for his mom. (Mainly, implying that there was still room for shenanigans.) It took a little more than half an hour, but you both emerged from the souvenir shop with a gift bag each, containing your headbands and the baubles bought. 
The arcade was only about a ten minute's walk from your location, so you and Sungchan took your sweet time getting there. As the two of you walked—the backs of your hands grazing against one another, shoulders bumping—you nearly forgot that Sungchan was your brother's good friend. Jeno had never made it a point that you and his friends should never mix, and you knew he could care less about your love life, but this was different. (Was it?) It felt like something that shouldn't happen, and yet, why were you starting to want it so badly?
The outside of the arcade was a cream colored building, much like the others in town, but with large posters on the outside beckoning guests to come in and try their hand. Your brothers texted you to let you know they were in a game of laser tag right now, so that gave you and Sungchan a little more time to yourselves within the arcade. 
“I have an idea!” Sungchan grabbed your free hand and hauled you off toward something in the distance. 
The feeling of your fingers slotting with his had more than just your steps skipping. “Hey, man—you and your long legs need to chill!” You hollered at him through a laugh. 
He sent you a look over his shoulder before stopping at one corner of the arcade. With jazz hands, he presented his marvelous idea. “Ta-da!”
Before you was an all-time classic: Dance Dance Revolution. 
Your eyes widened just as your smile did. “It's like you read my mind,” you marveled. 
The machine was just like the movies with a multicolored screen of bright blues and purples, a platform with two sets of arrows in the floor, and two arched rails at the back for each player to hold onto as they danced the night away. 
Sungchan marched up onto the platform and fished a wadded up paper bill out from his wallet. “Have you played before?”
When the machine devoured his money, the screen leapt to life and blasted its opening music to announce that somebody was willing to step up to the challenge. 
You set your gift bag down at the foot of the platform and climbed up to join him. “I've only seen it done before, but I've always wanted to try it.”
You and he locked eyes, and you were sure the twinkle in his was a reflection of just how excited you were. 
“Well, today is your lucky day, party girl,” he chirped. “Let's see what you've got.”
It didn't take long for you to figure out that “what you've got” was a lot less than whatever Sungchan had. 
You grappled onto the railing behind you tightly as you stomped your feet against the coordinating arrows that flashed on-screen. How long had it been since that fateful first round? Ten minutes? Two days? It was all mashing together. 
“This is unfair; you have longer limbs,” you groaned after missing a few arrows in a row. Why were you so out of breath?
A bead of sweat dribbled down the side of Sungchan's head. It was almost comical how serious you were both taking this game. “I have practice,” he corrected cheekily. 
“Same difference!”
“A master never blames his tools.”
You huffed. “Bullshit.”
At this point, your losses were becoming ridiculous. Desperate times called for desperate measures. 
For a sequence you knew you were going to miss, you leaned over and pinched his side. Sungchan jolted—it did the trick, and he missed the steps. His head whipped over to you, an impish gleam in his irises. 
“Oh ho ho… you wanna play that game?”
You placed your hand on your hip as the round ended. “If I'm gonna lose, might as well go out with a bang.”
His tongue swiped over his lip. “You're on.”
The next round commenced, and adrenaline spiked through you like a spear, more powerful than before. You knew to expect Sungchan's revenge, but you struck first. 
A poke at his side resulted in a tickle at your waist. You returned his parry with a blind poke at his stomach. 
Anticipating his response, you spotted his arm incoming out of your periphery and moved to step out of his reach. Instead of solid platform, however, your breath hitched at the feeling of half your sandal slipping off the edge. 
Sungchan's eyes went wide and his arm instead curled around your waist and hauled you to him. “Shit,” he muttered, “are you okay? Sorry, that was totally my fault.”
Your palms had landed on his chest, your heart rate slowing but not fast enough. All of the excitement in your veins was likely more so from the game itself, and not from almost falling off the platform… and perhaps, another part of it was you realizing just how close you and Sungchan were now. 
You nodded. “Yeah, I'm completely fine; don't even worry about it. And it wasn't your fault—I miscalculated my step and I started it anyway.”
He pressed his lips together. “Still.”
“Nice catch, by the way,” you said quietly. 
You saw his eyes leave your gaze, and this time, you followed in his movements. He ducked his head, almost shyly. “I guess so,” he chuckled. “I'm glad I caught you.”
If anything, your heartbeat was gaining speed again. The hand pressed into your waist was a little more addicting than you would have liked, and his mouth was closer than you thought it had been. 
In the neon glow of the Dance Dance Revolution screen, you and Sungchan leaned toward one another with one aim, and one aim only. 
“Hey guys!” 
You leapt off the dance platform at the same time that Sungchan zipped to his side, gripping the railing with an expression akin to a deer caught in headlights. 
You pressed a hand against your palpitating heart and turned to find all three of your brothers bounding over to where you and Sungchan were. 
“Oh my god,” Anton gasped, “is that DDR?”
It seemed that Anton and Sohee were more focused on the game than yours and Sungchan's compromising position. But Jeno… you noted the suspicious narrowing of his eyes, his arms crossed over his chest…
You swore you and Sungchan swallowed at the same time. 
“Did we interrupt something?” Jeno drawled. 
You and Sungchan looked at each other at your simultaneous answer. Great. That definitely wasn't even more conspicuous or anything. 
Jeno pressed his lips together. “Uh-huh,” he said, unconvinced. “Well, Mom and Dad texted and asked for us to meet them at the house, so we've gotta go.” He lifted the screen of his phone up for you to see. Dear god, you hadn't even realized they'd texted the group chat.
You cleared your throat. “Right.” 
You picked up your gift bag, and your younger brothers immediately flanked you on either side to gush about the game of laser tag they had just partaken in. Though you nodded and engaged in their conversation, your mind was elsewhere. 
Plus, it was hard not to be hyper aware of the fact that Sungchan was now alone to face Jeno somewhere behind you. You were not looking forward to the car ride back.
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There were always some, unspoken fine lines that should not be crossed—at least, purposefully. In retrospect, you knew Jeno didn't care about who you chose to spend your time with, as long as they treated you right. In the same vein, you didn't care much about what he thought when it came to your own decisions, and yet, you found yourself caring a little more because this was one of his friends. Not yours. 
But feelings were feelings… and you were slowly coming to terms with yours. 
It was like déjà vu when you crept down the stairs in the dead of night for the second time this vacation. You simply could not bear staring at that wooden ceiling any longer with your mind reeling from this afternoon's events. 
The living room was yet again a cacophony of light snoring, and you crossed the room toward the back door once more. 
You paused again, the sight of Sungchan's back a familiar one. Instead of sitting on the porch steps, though, he leaned against the railing, gazing out at the dark waves. It was yet another calm night out on the embankment, but the moon tonight was hidden away behind a few wisps of cirrus clouds. 
He glanced over his shoulder at you. “Hey.”
“Hey,” you greeted softly, gently closing the door behind you so you could join him at the railing. It was funny how you both were on the same wavelength. Fate had a funny way of encouraging you.
You and he hadn't properly spoken since the arcade, and Jeno hadn't said a word about it to you either. Dinner had gone on normally enough, so you were unsure of where this all stood. 
“I wanted,” Sungchan began, “to talk to you about something.”
You glanced over at him and found his eyes already on you. “Sure, of course.”
He straightened, gesturing to the sandy beach beyond. “Walk with me?”
You nodded and followed him down the porch steps. Your feet met the cool grains of sand, and a sense of calm seeped into your bones from the bottom up. 
A hand outstretched in your vision, uncertain. You clasped your hand in his palm, and the pair of you began to walk. You couldn't recall whether you began to adore the feeling of your hand wrapped up in his earlier or just now. 
“So…” you trailed off. 
“So,” he picked up. “About earlier today. I wanted to, uhm, make sure we were on the same page about something.” 
He stopped you both when you were a good distance from the house, where the waves slipped along the sand louder than the snores. 
“I had a really fun time with you today,” he said. 
You nodded your head in earnest. “I had a great time with you, too.”
He smiled then, hand letting go of yours to drag over his face. “I'm—I’m happy to hear that,” he replied, and you were sure he was trying to hide his growing giddiness. 
You reached over and gently pried his hands away from his face. “Did Jeno talk to you about today? Did he say anything?” Before he could reply, you added, “Because I know he means well, but who I choose to spend my time with is my decision. If he can't handle us together, then he'll have to learn to suck it up.”
“He did say something to me about it,” Sungchan admitted, “but it was just to make sure I wasn't playing around.” With his hands locked in yours, he gave your palms a reassuring squeeze. “And Yn, I'd like to take you out sometime—properly. No playing around.”
No more toeing the line in the sand. 
Your heart rattled violently in your chest. “I'd really like that.”
His expression melted into something tender, like the dark swirls of molten chocolate in the scoop of tiramisu ice cream. His thumb grazed over the back of your hand. “Okay,” he murmured, barely audible over the soft laps of the waves, “good.”
He considered you for a moment longer, teeth digging into his bottom lip. “I also—I did intend on kissing you earlier today, and I probably should have prefaced it, but—mmmh!”
You looped your arms around his neck and pulled his mouth over to yours. He sank into your hold with a content hum, his hands slipping around your waist to tug you closer to him. You'd never really thought about what kissing Jung Sungchan would be like, but you knew that your imagination couldn't have been better than this. 
When you broke apart with your foreheads pressed against each other and sharing breathing air, you let out a small laugh. The sound coaxed a warm chuckle out of your counterpart. 
“Sorry,” you breathed against his lips, “I probably should have asked first.”
He smiled against you. “You can apologize by kissing me again.”
He most certainly didn't have to tell you twice.
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a/n: pls remember to reblog + comment if u enjoyed! (idek if that was good, im off my Game and off my Rocker dkfnrj)
permanent taglist: @flwoie @vatterie @seomisaho @hqrana @ja4hyvn @outrologist @rikizm @luumiinaa @meosjinn @fluorescentloves @http-gyu @mvvnsseul @kflixnet
521 notes · View notes
fanaticsnail · 2 months
Hey! Hope you’re doing well this fine day~ I had a cute idea if u just wanna hear me rant about it.
So imagine teaching Killer a new pasta recipe whether that is a new sauce or new way to cook it and making it for him and watching him literally LIGHT UP with pure glee over how good it is. I say this as I’ve made my grandma’s spaghetti sauce which is STRAIGHT UP ADDICTING every time I make it and gobble it all up. Like the reader can be like a straw hat or kid pirate who is like hey I have this really yummy pasta recipe if you wanna try and afterwards she keeps on exchanging recipes with Killer and lowkey he in love with her mwahahaha (cause as they say in Princess and the Frog “the quickest way to a man’s heart, is through his stomach”). And she cooks it for him since he is always cooking 🥹🥹🥹
Also! I do have to add how much IM OBSESSED with the recent Hey Doc Drabble. Idk if you saw my tags but man I was GOING THROUGH IT. All the sweet nicknames and just the pure desperation for doc to be okay like 😭😭😭 and POOR HEAT AND BUBBLEGUM LIKE AWWWW I need a part 2 to that or SOMETHING just to see an aftermath if you will. Wire calling them “honey” had me WEAK.
Alright imma head out now, have a marvelous day/night 🏃🏽‍♀️🏃🏽‍♀️🏃🏽‍♀️
How did I miss this 😭. Thank you for your beautiful compliments on the 'Hey Doc' series. It's been an absolute joy to write. Reading through tags and reblogs are my favourite: especially when it's as enthusiastic as yours has been. You're so much fun, and I very much appreciate the time you take to read and go through my silly things. I can't write a full fic, but I hope this little drabble satiates the need of cooking with Killer 🖤.
Masterlist Here
Word Count: mini-fic, just a little one.
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Themes: Killer x reader, fluff, cooking, food, Killer is in awe, you are cooking, and I am hungry.
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The one thing he hasn't managed to perfect is a pure, unadulterated Marinara. Anything to do with crushed tomato he finds too acidic, and over compensates with far too much salt to cut the tannins. He's tried everything: more onion, less herbs, malted brown sugar, refining his own salt by storing sea water on the oven, everything. He just can't seem to get it right.
Killer and pasta: his one weakness.
He would never admit it, but he has been attempting to perfect each recipe he comes upon. Pesto is all made from scratch: crushed fresh basil, the purest of virgin olive oils, a parmesan wheel with crispy salt crystals, oven toasted pine nuts, cloves of bulbed garlic, everything perfected by his skill in his kitchen. His pesto pasta is better than Sanji's, and the curly-browed chef is both impressed and intimidated by it.
Watching from a safe distance as you bounce gleefully within the dominion of the kitchen, he hunches his back and places his whiskered chin over his laced fingertips. He was unsure as to why you offered to cook for the crew, but your enthusiasm had him step aside to watch you work. It was the initial confession of homesickness that did it for him. Knowing food can aid in emotional regulation and comfort, he was more than happy to watch from his position sitting at the kitchen island.
And then the smell hit him.
The sweetness of roasting tomatoes, onion, garlic, and the herbal aromatics of thyme, rosemary and sage. The soft waft had his heart swell and beat in his chest and eyes twinkle in curiousity. Stirring the rotund vegetables in the pot and expertly crushing them with the blunt tip of the wooden spoon had him sit up attentively in his seat, watching you as you attend to the sauce from muscle memory alone.
He was in awe, perplexed, and intrigued.
Each time you would move on to another element of the dish, Killer would move a little closer. Each time your back was turned, he would perch himself just a little more towards the simmering pot. When you moved to the pantry to decide which shape of pasta to begin to boil, you could barely make out the shape of Killer's mask being partially elevated over his lips and nose by one large hand. Using a fresh spoon, he dips it into the sauce and puckers his purple-tinted lips and extends a breath of cool air to stifle the heat.
As soon as the first drops meet his tongue, he can't help the soft moan that escapes him at the flavor. Upon your return with a bag of penne in hand, you are immediately hoisted into the air with Killer's hands beneath your arms. Gently spinning you before placing you on the ground, he claps his arms over your shoulders and leans down closer. The purple hue of his lips is stretched up in a smile, his joy at your sauce immediately having him taken aback and fullfilled in the knowledge that he now has the answer he desperately seeks.
"Teach me. Please."
And who were you to deny him? It was a family recipe, and this crew aboard the Victoria Punk was your new family. Gently raising one of your hands to cup over his on your shoulder, you crinkle your nose at him and nod with a smile to match his own.
"Yes, chef."
Tag list: @mfreedomstuff @daydreamer-in-training @since-im-already-here @gingernut1314 @writingmysanity @sordidmusings @i-am-vita @indydonuts @feral-artistry @the-light-of-star @empirenowmp3 @racfoam @sunflowersatori @carrotsunshine @skullfacedlady
214 notes · View notes
svt-kiki · 1 month
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EP 109 : MT SVT REALITY 2024
2024. pairing. kiki ( fem!oc ) × svt
cw. eng is not my first language, rough writing, no proofread, mentions of alcohol ( i mean it’s ttt so )
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kiki was attacked hugged by mingyu as soon as she entered the lesson room after jeonghan
“what? ...oh, yes,” she said to herself with a chuckle, remembering mingyu was elected as the gose class president in previous episodes ( and carats didn’t miss that he seized the chance to hold her )
then she greeted with the staffs politely as always, wearing a black clop cardigan and a matching color camisole, dark gray pants in a relaxing silhouette, both were soft materials, matching the mt concepts for the day
also wearing glasses ( important )
she just tittered while hoshi, cheol and jeonghan kept adding mingyu’s tasks as the class president
“you guys living to give him a headache for real, arent you.”
she sat on the place nearby the door, then the next thing carats realized was wonwoo silently sitting next to her ( seized the chance guy #2 )
after most of them gathered, she popped up with a question, “isn’t it been a while? doing ttt?”
kiki: i love this content so much :)
wonwoo silently pulled her sleeve and got her closely so that she could join the same car with him
jun: but seriously, do you guys think it is okay? leave the grocery shopping task to us!?
kiki: *stepped ahead, tried to volunteer that she can do instead*
jeonghan, held her from behind and covered her mouth: DON’T
seungkwan: hey! someone is trying to smother the applicant! ㅋㅋ
dino: no, no, hadn’t we strongly agree not to let noona do those things in ttt before?
that’s true, in almost every ttt episodes, she is always willing to do shopping, cook, wash dishes, and clean places aftermath
so boys decided “no more tasks” rules for her, bcs she always doing these tasks not only in the content but on a daily basis
jeonghan: ah i should let her sit in the passenger seat, joshua ain’t do a thing
kiki: well it’s too late for that *comfortable in the backseat*
she just couldn’t stop laughing at how jeonghan introduced the product for ads
kiki: why are u so bad at this
jeonghan: shut up i’m no actor okay
kiki: wait this actually tastes good???
joshua: ahdfsjak
not wonwoo slowly lying down to her lap
they went to the PA for a casual meal
jeonghan: can i have a drink?
kiki: go ahead i’ll drive
[ pretend like the rule never existed ]
jeonghan: *attacked her cutely*
kiki: ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
kiki: i want to eat a popsicle so bad, should i text mingyu?
joshua: if u want i’ll text him instead
kiki: really? like aren't your text piling up?
then every person in the car died
joshua: did u just backstabbed me like that!?
kiki: i'm sorry i didn't intended to ㅋㅋ
she was surprised at how big today’s accommodations were
kiki: staff-nim must struggling to find the places for us every time
[ yes we are ]
jeonghan asked her to play the pool together so she said yes
he laughed about how sometimes he got pissed at how she’s good at everything from the beginning
kiki responded with a serious face, “no, the reason it looks like i’m good at those things is any other pfu boys basically suck at every ball game,” and both burst into laughter
after a while, jun shouted to her from outside, “kiki~! i’ll sing your fav jp song, u wanna join?” so she immediately got outside
[ never miss the opportunity to duet ]
singing i love you by ozaki yutaka with jun, kiki said to him, “we should do the cover of this yk, like officially,” and carats started manifesting in a sec
mingyu: thank god she’s finally here
while naturally helping to prepare the BBQ, kiki looked around and said, “everyone just singing karaoke… i guess we are already at the age now where we need to save our energy for the night…” then died inside
[ blew herself up ]
she’s an honorary member of the low-energy club in the group so
after everyone got at the table and cheered, joshua finally asked her help for his kimchi fried rice which took one eternity
kiki: okay lemme add this- and this- and this spice- yeah now it’s good
[ finally served ]
after playing the games ( she kept losing and got a lil tipsy already ), they cleaned the place for once and shifted to the next game
minghao claimed from the distance that since kiki’s good at playing basketball she should be given a handicap
so she gave a shot from across the pool while everyone watched in silence expecting the miracle but she failed the first attempt
[ miracle is a miracle because it won’t happen easily ]
kiki: what did u expected i'm half drunk
in the ep.3 part, she chilling and half asleep while her roommates mingyu and dokyeom are both hyperactive from early morning
kiki isn’t the type of not good in the morning usually, but this is the day she didn’t need to wake up before 10 am for a long while so she just kept sleeping peacefully, it might be the first time in ttt that she hadn’t get up early than most of them
kiki: wow you actually look like your dad
jeonghan: all of the sudden-?
while seungkwan trying to get on the unicorn float, she was still sleepy but automatily turned on the camera and started recording ( lately posted on weverse ofc )
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an. this is really rough sorry ( almost sucks at this point?¿ ) but it is like a test drive for me before i lost my motivation to write it so here we go. tag list is open, reblog / comments / ask box messages are always appreciated <3
(    📁    )   :   NAVI   :  MASTER LIST     
(    tag list    )   :   @smh-anon @jennwonwoo
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robocoplesb · 1 year
Nikki Sixx x reader Angst where she’s pregnant and he gets upset at her constant mood swings and snaps at her? But doesn’t realize that he sent her into labor because she doesn’t want to tell him
hope u don't get mad, nikki sixx. [1/2]
warnings: fight, pregnancy, labor, insecurities about body and motherhood, bad mood, best friend!heather.
author's note: hi anon! thanks for the request. the moment she starts to go into labor was based on the story my mother told me about my birth (she's okay 😭). i think it's kind of scary, but i like the idea. sorry for the delay, i got so wild when i realized it wasn't turning out the way i wanted it to and i gave up for a few days but i did my best today. i decided to separate it into two chapters, hope you like it. good read<3.
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chapter one
"— two minutes, nikki!”
you heard tommy screaming from the other side of the door. you and nikki were on his dressing room couch for at least 20 minutes, waiting for someone to call your boyfriend to start the show. you were lying on his chest as he ran his fingertips over your belly.
being pregnant was not easy, being pregnant surrounded by mötley crüe was even less. you knew nikki couldn't stop his life for you, yet you were still upset by the miniscule amount of time you spent together, or for the moments together that were interrupted, like now.
when nikki couldn't be with you, heather was. no one but her would dare, so that's where he takes you before going on stage. he helps you to sit on the sofa next to her and then kneeling in front of you. you feel his lips touching your belly and staying there for a few second. nikki knew you didn't want him to go, neither did he.
“— i love you. the show will end soon and i will take care of you at the hotel, hm?” — he chuckled a bit before getting up and kissing your forehead. you laugh a little at the sensation, feeling shy with heather’s presence next to you. “— love u too, nikki.” — you said
he also hugged heather and thanked her before leaving. you could hear some curses coming from mick about how long he took.
you and heather didn't watch the show today. the doctor said that the baby would be born soon, so you limited yourself to the minimum of activities that could make you really agitated. you loved being the band number one fan, but the time you spent with heather in the dressing room was precious. she kinda made you forget how bad you felt about the aftermath of pregnancy.
you loved your daughter, but it was stressful.
you became an extremely needy person in the start of your pregnancy, and over time, realizing that nikki could never do anything about it, you ended up taking it out on him sometimes. there were also times when you felt like you couldn't get out of bed because of the pain, you felt things much more intense and sometimes all you wanted was to cry yourself out.
heather was your best friend, and she understood. she knew what to say and what not to say. she knew when you were acting on impulse and when you were hiding something. she knew how you were being criticized the last few months. you and the boys knew too but nobody wanted to talk about it.
and she also knew how you must have felt when you read all those articles saying you didn't look good and comparing you to nikki exes. stressed.
“— hey princess!” — nikki said as he wrapped his arms around you. he was about to ask you how you were doing when he felt you pushing him away.
“- come on, i’m tired.” — you said in a low tone and followed the path to the parking lot behind the stage. your husband just chased after you, confused by your reaction.
you ignored nikki the whole way to the hotel. refusing the touches or anything he told you, until the boys started laughing at the situation and he just gave up. for the first time there wasn't a crowd of fans waiting for them, they just signed a few autographs and got in.
you went up to the bedroom while nikki said good night. as soon as you sat on the bed, you wanted to cry. a few tears fell when you blinked, but you dried them off when you heard the door open.
“— what the fuck was that?” — nikki started.
"- oh my god...” — you muttered, knowing what was coming. you and nikki had argued before. usually because of you behavior, which caused an argument about nikki's behavior about it, until it became unbearable.
“— that is all? or you want to give another show? really, yn, I've been doing everything to make you comfortable, not to upset you, and yet you keep acting like a bitch.” — he said louder, making you shiver a little.
“— that bitch here is carrying your fucking daughter, motherfucker. can't you have the slightest bit of respect? or am i just a bitch to you, sixx?” — you said as you went to the bathroom, taking off your shoes and coat.
"- respect? you can't even say goodbye to your daughter's uncles and you want to talk about respect? Is this the kind of shit you're going to teach her?”
you stopped at the bathroom door when you heard that. it wasn't exactly what he meant, but it was what you felt, and this was a sensitive topic for you. for nikki too, but did you feel so insecure about it. the creation. you stayed up nights with him talking about how you were afraid of being a bad mother, how you would give anything to know exactly what to do at the right times. you talked about your childhood, and how your biggest fear was putting your daughter through something similar.
“— fuck you, nikki. fuck. you.” — you forced yourself to laugh at that moment “— maybe you should look for someone better for the job, since you're already getting tired of me.”
“— jesus, you're crazy as fuck. are delusions part of it too? or are you just scared?”
"- crazy? i went through eight months with a child inside me. nausea, pain, insomnia. spending all day thinking about this girl's future and blaming myself for not being able to do all this and still not being the perfect woman for you. my husband has been enjoying the rockstar life, being applauded and praised while people hate me more every day. i'm not crazy, nikki, i have limits.”
“—well, me too. and congrats for pushing me to mine. while you complain about the way i manage to keep us both, why don't you worry about making yourself bearable for your daughter, since i'm not being enough either?”
you've never seen nikki scream before. actually, not with you, at least. scared you. your mouth opened but nothing came, you really tried to say something before he opened the door and left the room, but when you heard the door slamming hard, you gave up, letting yourself cry a little.
it was weird. your vision blurred and it was hard to feel when you sat on the floor, just feeling your head banging against the wall.
you closed your eyes and started to feel something running down your legs. at the time, you didn't use logic, feeling like you were going to pass out at any moment and scared of what nikki was going to do outside that room. your low cries turned into screams of pain as you felt something in your stomach.
“— yn?”
you heard someone say. you failed to recognize the voice or who was there, just taking the person's hands and squeezing.
“— n-nikki? nik, come back, please- fuck!” — you screamed again
“— yn, it's me, heather. let's take you to the hospital, okay? vince will look for nikki...”
she must have said something else, but it's not like you could hear her. tommy had you in his arms before your eyes closed, following his wife to their car.
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janeyseymour · 3 months
Love Thy Neighbor, Family Matters- pt 2
Summary: the procedure, and the aftermath.
Part 1.
*full disclosure i wrote most of this hammered, like absolutely obliterated, so it is entirely unedited but. i hope u still love her*
WC: ~2.8k
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“You know we can’t make a baby of our own, right?” Melissa chuckles as you practically pounce on her once you’re parked in your driveway. “That we are indeed lacking a… , and Ellie is inside probably waiting for us to come in and cuddle her.”
You just continue to kiss her hungrily, wherever you can.
“Babe,” your wife hums. “Hun. We- we have to go inside.”
You groan but right yourself as you climb off of her. “Once she’s in bed tonight.”
“Once she’s in bed,” the redhead agrees softly. She kisses you passionately, just once, before climbing out of the car. She makes her way to your side and opens the door for you. The two of you enter the house quietly, and you can hear ‘Inside Out’ playing from your living room. Melissa kicks off her shoes, as do you, before making your way into the house.
The sight before you makes your heart swell. Gerald has his arm around his own wife while Barbara holds your daughter tight in her lap. Ellie is on the verge of sleep as she leans into Barb’s warmth, but her eyes light up when she sees you.
“Hey, Ellie girl,” you say softly as you make your way over to the couch. Melissa follows and takes a seat next to her work wife.
“Were you good for Auntie Barb?” your wife asks as she brushes a few stray hairs out of the girl’s face.
Your daughter hums softly and reaches for you both. “Moms.”
“Someone’s tired,” you chuckle quietly as you take your little girl into your arms and press a few kisses to her face.
“El was perfect as always,” Barbara states. “We had a wonderful dinner before heading down to the park. She was showing us her gymnastics and dance before we decided to come home and watch a movie.”
“That sounds like such a nice night,” you smile. Ellie nods into your neck.
“How was dinner?” the kindergarten teacher asks, a glimmer in her eyes. She knows what Melissa was presenting you with tonight. 
You look at wife with such love in your eyes. “It was perfect.”
Melissa just gives you the same look as she begins to rub slow circles on Ellie’s back. “Dinner with my beautiful wife is always perfect.”
“Your conversation went well?” Barb presses quietly.
“Yes,” the two of you sigh at the same time.
“I’m going to take our little girl up,” you mumble against hair that matches your own. “But feel free to stay for a glass of wine. I’ll be back down in five.”
You whisk Ellie up the steps and tuck her into bed, kissing her forehead as she reaches for one of the many stuffed animals that lays on her bed. You watch her for a few seconds before flicking on her favorite night light and closing the door.
You expect the three adults to be sitting on the couch with glasses of wine, but instead they’re in the kitchen. You make your way in with soft eyes as you see your wife with a bottle hand.
Melissa is just about to pop a bottle of champagne and is telling the Howards how dinner went.
“Does Ellie know?” you ask your wife. You know she tends to run things by the younger girl before approaching you about family decisions like this.
Melissa shakes her head. “I figured we shouldn’t get her hopes up… in case it doesn’t
end up happening.”
“It will,” Gerald states with certainty. “Barbara and I will pray over the two of you, and god will give you another sweet soul to love and cherish for the rest of your days.”
Your wife smiles as she pops the cork and pours the bubbly into four champagne flutes. 
“Enjoy this while you can,” the redhead teases.
You roll your eyes playfully but nod as you kiss her cheek. “Oh, I will. And then for the time that I am carrying our child, I will be forcing you to drink the things that I like so I can live vicariously through you.”
The drinks are passed out, and then there is a small toast and clinking of glasses. Barbara bows her head and prays quickly, and then she smiles. “I just know the lord will give you a beautiful and healthy little babe.”
Melissa just chuckles as she raises a brow at you. “Yeah?”
“You’ll be drinking seltzers for days,” you shrug.
After a few months of monitoring your health and keeping track of your cycle a bit more closely, the day that you go for your first treatment, you once again have Barbara and her husband look after your little girl. She’s a little confused as to why the kindergarten teacher is taking her home after a day of school and not the two of you, but she doesn’t really question it. She’s just excited that she gets to spend time with one of her favorite aunties.
“We’ll come pick you up at Auntie Barb’s,” you promise your daughter as she heads off to her own classroom that morning. “Be good, yes?”
“I always am, Momma!” Ellie tosses over her shoulder as she exits. 
She stops into Melissa’s room on the way down. “Have a good day, Mom. Love you.”
“Love you too, sweetheart,” your wife smiles softly. “Now get to class before I have to call your teacher again and tell her you’re on your way.”
“I’m never late,” the fifth grader giggles.
“It’s never marked as late because Momma or I always call your teacher to let her know you’re on your way.” Green eyes are rolled playfully. “Now get outta here and upstairs.”
“Yes, Sir Mom,” Ellie cheekily turns back around to mock salute her mother. Then she runs off giggling.
The day passes slowly, and you’re not exactly thrilled at how slowly the day seems to go by. But finally, you’re standing outside with Melissa during dismissal, Ellie bounces up to both of you and happily chats your ear off about her day in fifth grade, and then you’re dropping her at Barb’s classroom door.
“We should be able to pick her up by six,” your wife tells her best friend.
The kindergarten teacher just waves you off. “The two of you should take your time. Have dinner.”
Walking into the doctor’s office, Melissa holds your hand and squeezes it as a silent reminder that she is going to be here for you through it all. The procedure is done, you lay there for about half an hour, and then you’re able to head out.
“Do you think it worked?”
“Barb is a straight line to Jesus,” your wife chuckles softly. “If it didn’t, you know that woman will be having a word with God himself. And then, we’ll just keep trying.”
“You would do that?” you ask quietly as you begin to walk hand in hand down the street.
“Of course.” She pulls you in close, wrapping an arm around your waist as you shuffle away from the office. “But for now, let’s just have a nice dinner and try to relax. The doc said low stress, and I intend on keeping you as stress-free as possible.”
“You’ll have a glass of wine for me at dinner?” you chuckle.
Your wife rolls her eyes but nods. “If that’s what you want.”
Two weeks later, Melissa hands you a pregnancy test. With a nervous glance, you head into the bathroom.
You pee on the stick, and then you sit there in absolute silence as you pray that the word ‘positive’ will be staring back at you in five minutes. Melissa keeps your daughter occupied while you sit on the toilet in a puddle of your own sweat and anxiety.
You come out of the bathroom with the stick in your hand, shaking slightly.
“El, can you go pull on your shoes so we can head to the park?” you ask your daughter gently, and the tone in your voice doesn’t tell your wife what the result of the test was.
“We’re going to the park?” your little girl’s eyes light up.
You chuckle softly. “Just like we do almost everyday that we can. Go on now.”
Ellie runs off, and almost immediately Melissa’s hands are in your sweatshirt pocket. She pulls out the test and glances at it. The word negative is staring back at the two of you, and your heart sinks just as it did when your first saw that one word printed so clearly on the digital test.
“It- it didn’t work,” you whisper softly as you look down at your feet. “I’m sorry.”
Warm arms are around your waist. “You have nothing to apologize for at all, mi amore. We’ll try again soon, and we’ll do everything that we can to increase the chances.”
You shrug. “What if it just wasn’t meant to be? I mean… Ellie was a happy accident.”
“We’ll get there,” your wife promises you softly as she leans in to kiss you. “We will.”
You go to respond, but Ellie’s voice floats into the living room. “Moms? Are you coming?”
“We’re coming, lovey,” you call back as evenly as you can. You shove the test back into your pocket. “C’mon. We can’t forget about that little gift from God we have waiting for us.”
That night, Ellie curls up in bed with you, exhausted from running around with her sweet friends at the park. She falls asleep rather quickly, but your mind is racing. Eventually, your wife begins to sing a soft tune in Italian that lulls you to sleep.
When you wake, your daughter is still holding onto you tightly as she sleeps nearly on top of you. Peeling your eyes open, you see that Melissa isn’t next to you. Sundays are days that she usually wakes early and heads to church, and you suppose this time is no different.
Your wife is nearly in tears as she pulls into the parking lot, only to be met with Barbara Howard.
“Melissa!” the kindergarten teacher strides up to the car. “Where’s Ellie with you this morning?”
“I decided to let her sleep in with Y/N,” Melissa mutters quietly. “Y/N needs her little girl right now.”
“And why would that be?” Barb asks.
The redhead looks up to her friend. “The uh, it didn’t work. She ain’t pregnant.”
The devout Christian’s face drops, as does Gerald’s. “She isn’t?”
The redhead just shakes her head. “I came here… to pray.”
Barbara grabs her best friend’s hand and leads her to the back pew. Silently, the three of them bow their heads and pray. They pray for a beautiful life to join the Schemmenti family in the next year. They pray that you will be healthy throughout, and that whatever sweet soul you bring into this world is happy, healthy, and safe. They pray that it doesn’t take too long, because they know that you can become doubtful and insecure. They sit through the sermon, finding peace in what the priest has to say, before they head out.
“Would you care to join us for brunch?” Gerald offers.
But Melissa just shakes her head. “I should probably just head home. Make sure that Ellie and Y/N are doing okay.”
The two of you throw yourselves into being the best parents that you can be for Ellie as a distraction from the failed attempt. If the lord hasn’t gifted you with a baby yet, you might as well be the best mothers that you can be for the little girl that you’re already so blessed to have. 
That is… until two weeks later, when you wake up incredibly nauseated and dizzy on a Saturday- the day that you usually take Ellie out for breakfast, spend the day soaking up the sun at the park, and then Melissa cooks out if it’s a nice enough day.
You think that the spell has passed when it suddenly hits you again, and you bolt to the bathroom.
You’re only in there for about thirty seconds before you feel your wife’s hand on your back, rubbing soothing circles.
With a heavy sigh, once you feel that you’re finished, you flush the toilet and lean back against Melissa.
“That was awful,” you groan.
The redhead just hums and reaches under the sink to grab the mouthwash. She pours a bit in the lid for you to swig.
“I hate throwing up.”
“Hopefully it’s just a quick bug that gets out of your system quickly,” Melissa tells you softly. She kisses your temple. “C’mon, hun. Back to bed for you.”
“But El-”
“Can hang with me today while you rest,” your wife tells you pointedly.
Grumbling about how you’re fine, you stumble your way back into your bedroom and curl up under the blankets, the dizziness still present. Melissa gently lays back down next to you. Her warm arms wrap you up, and you feel her press a quick kiss to the nape of your neck.
You must fall asleep, because the next time you open your eyes, the house is still. Your wife must’ve taken Ellie down to the park. Thank God your nausea has subsided, and you head back into the bathroom.
As you open the drawer to grab your hairbrush, you see one of the unused pregnancy tests. You pull it out and hold it for a few seconds before all but ripping the test from the packaging. 
Five minutes later, the word in big bold letters is staring back at you. Pregnant. In shock, you reach for another. That one also screams the word at you- in less than the five minutes that it’s supposed to.
Y-you’re pregnant. You aren’t sick with a stomach bug. You’re carrying a child. Tears of joy begin to pour down your face as you hold those two sticks.
Melissa. You have to tell Melissa.
But she’s out with Ellie. Immediately, you reach for your phone and dial her number.
“Babe?” she picks up on the second ring. “How are you feelin’ hun?”
“I need you to come home,” you rush out. “Please.”
Melissa stammers out a few syllables before sighing. “Yeah, okay. I’m just gonna drop El with Nonna, and then I’ll-”
“Why is she going to Nonna’s?”
“She called me while we were walking down to the park, and I mentioned you being sick. She said she would whip up something for you and take our girl for the night so I can take care of you.”
“Okay, okay,” you hurry out. “Just… be quick about it, please?”
“Are you really not feeling well?”
“I need my wife, dammit!”
About ten minutes later, you hear the two enter the house. Melissa tells Ellie to pack her bag quickly while she checks on you. You’re back in bed, watching some trash television as you scroll through Amazon to start looking at items you may need for the baby.
She presses a soft kiss to your head as she sets down a mug of peppermint tea for you. “How’re you feelin’, mi amore?”
You just shrug your shoulders as you close out of the shopping app. It takes everything in you to not tell her right now.
“El is packing a bag now, and then I’ll be back to take care of my sickly wife.”
“What did I do to deserve you?” you ask softly as you lean into her touch gently.
“I ask myself that same question about you and Ellie girl every damn day.”
The two head out not much later, and then Melissa is back. She announces her entrance as she kicks her shoes off in the foyer, and then she calls to you that she’s just going to put down the pot of soup that Nonna had made for you.
You leap out of bed, grab the tests, and rush out into the kitchen. Your wife hears you before she sees you, and you all but jump into her arms.
“I see someone is feelin’-” You shove the tests into her hands as soon as she’s put the crockpot on the counter. Her eyes go wide as she looks at them both, and then they fill with tears, much like yours had.
“So, you don’t-”
“I’ve never been so happy to be throwing up!” you giggle.
“Baby, are you- are you serious?” Melissa’s eyes sparkle with happy tears as she looks to you.
“The proof is in the pudding!” you tell her as you wrap your arms around her neck.
She kisses you soundly before pulling back just slightly and wiping away the stray tears that have escaped.
“I’m going to be a mother,” she whispers, and her voice breaks just slightly as her hands wander down to your still flat stomach.
“You already are,” you correct her gently. “To our sweet Ellie girl, and now to this beautiful little baby that will be joining us.”
TAGS: (and let me know if you want to be included!): @schemmentis @thesapphictimelady @marvel210 @itisdoctortoyousir @morgana-larkin @thesamesweetie @doesthatsuggestanythingtoyou @marvels--slut @gwennybriggs @megamultifandomtrashposts @lemz378 @http-sam @melissaschemmentisbranzino @imaginesmultifandoms @sexysapphicshopowner @lilfartbox1 @maybe-a-humanbean @imlike-so-gaydude @sapphicxrat @a-queen-and-her-throne @sunsol-22 @notinmyvocab @melanielaufeyson @dvrkhcld @cosmichymns @sasheemo
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serxinns · 9 months
Yabdere Hawks vs Yandere Aizawa
A/N: Since everyone said yes to the yandere Vs yandere I decided to do it I let my good old friend ash choose and she pick these silly goobers!
(and yes this is apart of the scarlet which reader series)
Aizawa Vs Hawks (Both platonic)
• now Aizawa never liked hawks he thinks he's a bad influence before he met you he thinks he's a bad influence even before he met you now he got someone to prioritize AND knowing that he's obsessed with you as well oh he's going to be angry papa mod
•Hawks Loves to spend time with you wanting to teach you how to fly by using your witch powers he loves to see you smile and pinch your cheeks and hug you but Aizawa would always shoo him away when you and him have a fun time whenever you and hawks hang out he would always try to spam call you to see if you were ok
he notices how Shouta will nonstop call you every time and whenever you pick up he will come you for not picking it up early hawks tried to reassure him that he was alright but was surprised when he threatened Hawks to not go near you he was shocked honestly but was calm reassuring he will but deep down he was pissed
•Aizawa would always make you hang with your classmates more than ever now whenever you're going out to hang with hawks Aizawa would always tell you to bring tokoyami with you
•Hawks would sometimes sneak you out to go have a sibling night playing all the games and joining you if not cheering you on making sure no stranger will talk to you and giving you many prizes and at the end of it all he gives u a keychain of himself and puts you to bed unaware that he was watching you sleep then decided to leave
•Aizawa began to notice some changes about you, how you would sleep in the middle of the class, you would always bring in Hawks merch whether be a key chain or a notebook and would see you having big prizes he got curious so he put a camera in your room when you weren't there and when he found out you were sneaking out oh he was PISSED he grounded you for a month and took away the hawks merch from you and threaten hawks to not interfere with you or he's dead
•When Hawks heard you for grounded he was heart he tried to text you but it seems like Aizawa took that too and when he saw you through your window he saw poor little you crying his little scar was crying ok now he's pissed as well
•and so now there's 2 pissed pros here about to fight to the death needless to say the fight didn't go well and now both are in the hospital
•In the aftermath they still hate each other but they don't fight in front of you whenever Aizawa hugged he glares at Hawks while Hawks deadly glares at him and would brag off each other about who's the best at taking care of you Hawks would be taking selfies of yin and him having fun at different places and would post them publicly (because he knew Aizawa would see it) and Aizawa would give you access to the teacher's lounge and hang have cuddle time after class so you can brag it off to Hawks
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snzhrchy · 2 years
HEYYY:) may I request some Chishiya x reader angst? So reader is like a citizen (queen of diamonds or one with no confirmed face)
So reader and Chishiya dated before the beach burnt, but after it burnt reader mysteriously disappeared.
So Chishiya is going into readers game and when he sees reader he gets all emotional but doesn’t say that, although reader can see through Chishiya.
So when the game gets to the last 2 players (Chishiya and reader) reader decides to sacrifice herself because she wants Chishiya to lead a life outside the borderlands and she can’t bare to see him die.
Extra: Chishiya also gets a little more information about the borderlands thanks to reader maybe?
(I may have already requested this bcuz my hands slipped & I didn’t see if I pressed ask or not. if I did can you reply to this one instead? I’m so sorry lmaoo<3)
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chishiya shuntaro x fem!gamemaster!reader
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summary; chishiya got to a chance to play one last game with you. notes; this concept >> taglist; lmk if u wanna b on it !
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The aftermath of the Ten of Hearts game was enough to make even Chishiya horrified. He could only stare in horror at the burning building in-front of him, knowing that countless lives were taken and brutally murdered there only made him feel worse.
However, what terrified him the most was when he looked over to the surviving members of The Beach, you weren’t there.
He felt his heart caught up in his throat — he looked over to the remaining 40 or so people, scanning each and every one of them carefully. He was hoping you would be hiding amongst the crowd but much to his dismay, he couldn’t find you.
He panicked. It was unlike him to ever be emotional over another person but to know that the only person he ever truly trusted and confided in was taken away from him? He was desperate to find you.
The fact that the so-called “next stage” in the games was about to being only made him more angrier and distressed.
He frantically searched across what he now knew as Shibuya for any sign of you, any sign that you were ever with him but to no luck, he couldn’t.
Once the King of Spades started to attack the unexpecting players, Chishiya’s mind was only focused on your well-being and where you might be. He didn’t dare think of the alternative.
After getting separated from the group, Chishiya searched as much as he could to find you but to no avail. The King unrelentingly shooting players only made him more concerned.
That was, until, he decided to join the Queen of Diamonds game. A small part of him hoped that he might find you playing one of these games.
He wished he was wrong.
As he entered the game, there were 5 more players already present, he was the sixth and final one. He observed the crowd and scanned each player to see if any one of them was you. He was left utterly disappointed.
Once he picked up the phone, the game began.
You walked up to the unfortunate players, introducing yourself as the Queen of Diamonds.
Chishiya's breath hitched. He was in awe. Seeing you there, dressed up in your fanciest clothes with a smile on your face, referring to yourself as a Queen.
He couldn’t believe that he ever fell in love with a game master — he disliked you for playing with his feelings but he hated himself even more for falling for someone like you.
He never was the one for romantic relationships; he despised them. However, he unfortunately fell for you. He knew that the relationship between you two wouldn’t last long because sooner or later, he would’ve broken your heart. What he didn’t expect was that he was the one being betrayed all along.
He had always been calculating; he had always been two steps ahead of everyone. But when he saw you there, he wished his eyes were lying to him. He wished that this was just a cruel lie to mess with him.
Unfortunately, he had to accept the truth that he never truly knew you.
As the game went on, you and him barely contacted as you were more focused on eliminating the other players. Chishiya didn’t say much either.
Until it was only you two left. 'You don't have to act all strong with me, you know. I can see right through you,' you stated with a fake smile plastered over your face.
Did it hurt you to toy with his feelings like that? Of course not. Kuzuryu and Mira had already informed you of what it would've been like at The Beach so you prepared yourself for the worst.
However, a small part of you did feel guilty for ever manipulating and hurting someone like him. You did feel guilty for making him believe something that never truly was there - whether it was the love you showed him or your actuality.
Or was it really all fake? Maybe there were truths hidden in all the romantic gestures you showcased towards him. Maybe, just maybe you did end up falling for him the way you made him believe, maybe.
'What do you mean? I'm not pretending,' he spoke ever so casually though it literally broke him to even make eye-contact with you now. He felt, betrayed, hurt but even after all that. he didn't blame you. He didn't blame you for anything - he blamed himself for ever being so naive.
'Chishiya,' you called out to him, 'I'd like you to know that everything that happened between - at The Beach - was real. Though, I know you don't want to believe it but we both know that the love I felt for you was there.'
'Why are you telling me this now?' He asked, trying hard to stay calm even though your words were breaking him apart slowly but surely. He tried to appear nonchalant and stoic but failed miserably. He loses himself whenever he's with you and to know that you were really his enemy all along only broke him more.
You ignored his question, 'love can get you to do the most dangerous of things - things that you have declared to fear.'
Chishiya was unsure of what you meant by that statement until he looked at the display screen in-front and his eyes widened in realisation of what you meant.
It was your turn to play and consequently, it was your last turn of the final round.
'I truly did have feelings for you; it wasn't fake, it never was,' You spoke as you went ahead to play your last turn and answered it wrong. You made yourself lose, on purpose. It wasn't a fair game but it was a mandatory sacrifice.
'Live a long for me, Chishiya, live a life that you're content with,' you said as you smiled widely at him, awaiting for the moment you'd finally be free.
The laser shot down from the sky, it's crimson light finally allowing you to be free. You weren't scared at all, you were rather content with what you had done. After months of planning skillful and tactical games, resulting in multiple deaths, you finally had a chance to save the life of someone you loved and you gladly took that opportunity.
As your lifeless body collapsed to the floor, Chishiya ran towards it, holding your limp body in his arms as a single tear fell down from his eye.
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kamaluhkhan · 3 months
okay SO ive been thinking about my new luke x poseidon!reader series and ive had some thoughts....read more under the cut + vote for ur preference 🌊
more under the cut!!
option 1 will be within the pjo universe, but with some major changes. for one, reader is the eldest child of poseidon and the hero of the prophecy. there would be no luke betrayal; instead, they grew up together, fought side by side, and had feelings for each other that they'd try to deny. reader left after defeating kronos, started a band (if you read my nemesis!reader series, specifically this chapter, you know the vibes), lost touch with most ppl. a few years later, things go south and she returns to camp half-blood to keep a low profile for the summer. this option would include lots of summer camp fluff + nostalgia, angst about the gods/prophecies, in universe references to events + character cameos. the general dynamic would be luke and reader dealing with the aftermath of the war in completely different ways that cause them to grow apart, and then this summer maybe starting to bridge that gap.
i realize this option leans more towards a camp rock x the summer i turned pretty × percy jackson plot. what i like about it is that i can play around with pjo (and maybe even heroes of olympus 👀) lore, but it's not what i initially had planned and idk how to decide things lol.
also i picture this set in the late 1990s/early 2000s: reader and luke sending texts through flip phones, sharing flannels and graphic tees, burning cds with the newest paramore or green day, etc. im also thinking about that one scene in sea of monsters where percy PRINTS a picture that annabeth sent of her at the golden gate bridge and puts it in his notebook. the equivalent of that would be luke ripping out a magazine article about you and the band and hanging it up next to his bed.
option 2 would be more of a modern au! no demigod lore, and set in 2022/2023. it would essentially be the same as my tsitp series, i would just change the names and adjust a few things, maybe add some fun references where i can. reader would have grown up spending her summers in long island with luke, thalia, percy, and annabeth. she and luke are the oldest. reader is a competitive swimmer in college (that's where the poseidon dna comes in) so drifts away for a few years, while luke is taking on a lot of responsibility as his mom gets sick. after an injury, reader returns to long island for the summer and things get....tense? interesting?
again, this would be very very similar to my conrad fisher series in terms of plot. i think of option 1 as taking the character dynamics of that series (eldest siblings with too much responsibility, childhood friends to strangers to lovers, summer nostalgia) and putting it into a pjo universe, while this one (option 2) is closer to the original plot.
with that said....
++ if u made it this far and read through my ramblings + voted, thank u sm 💓💓
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aphinthestars · 1 month
when u get this, list 5 songs u like to listen to, publish. then, send this ask to 10 of your favorite followers or moots (positivity is cool) 💖
Hi Jelly! I'm so happy to answer this <3
The last year or so I have been listening to mainly songs that have to do with my spidersona or her relationship with Miguel soooo....I'm sorry for the sona infodumping in advance
1- Lavender Haze, I really feel like this is Aph with Miguel at the start of their relationship, specially because people critique her constantly for being with him
2- Dirty Town, I think Aph like me always wanted to escape where she grew up from, for her it was not the city of Nueva Lunaria, just the area she lived in
The next two are back to back in my playlist for Aph's lore so lol
3- The Great War, THIS ONE is definitely the aftermath of Miguel's and Aph's separation/breakup/time apart where Aph joins Miles' side, they had a few days of respite after the fight with the spot where they didn't talk about all the fight but they definitely eventually talked about it and decided to take things slow if they were getting back together
4- Venus Fly Trap, this is when Aph gets a huge confidence boost about her powers, no longer cares what people might be saying about her or rumoring, the society saw her as a bit of a bimbo for a while until she went against Miguel, she wasn't a bimbo she is just loyal to the people that matter to her to a point where it can be seen as being naive against the wrongs that those people make
5- ¿Cómo Pagarte?, I love the notion that these whole song is Aph's and Miguel's vows to each other when they get married it just fits them so perfectly and ties in to everything they had to learn and loose over the years
Spidersona Taglist (It's open in case someone wants in on it lol): @sweetimpurity @sweetimpurityloves @bluemadnessstuff
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yujeong · 6 months
I saw ur post about wanting writing prompts so I thought why not lol. (This is my first time doing this 😅) but I have a few of AUs on my art blog that I would love to see expanded on like my Tall Pete/Short Vegas au, A band au with Vegas being a lead singer and Pete falling in love at first sight, or Pete being Vegas’ personal bodyguard instead of Tankhun’s. So yea if u find any of these interesting I’d love to see ur spin on it
OMG hi! Thank you so much for sending me this, I'm so flattered you thought of asking me to write sth surrounding your AUs ❤️ It kind of feels like the secret Santa event all over again, I love it haha. The timing is actually a little too perfect, because a few weeks ago, I randomly stumbled upon a YouTube short about the side couple in Laws of Attraction and I proceeded to 1. lose my shit, so much so that I decided to start watching the show and 2. write a whole page full of notes about an AU in which Pete is Vegas' bodyguard, based on the pool scene of said short. So, to give a little context: In this alternative universe, Vegas and Gun visit the main family compound for a meeting. At some point, Korn wants to talk to Gun alone, so Vegas goes to the pool area to find Porsche, along with Pete who follows him. Vegas proceeds to flirt with Porsche, as Vegas does, up until Gun suddenly appears and starts yelling at him for unclear reasons. He escalates it when Vegas asks, baffled, why he's being yelled at, by slapping him and putting his head into the pool. Pete normally doesn't intervene when Gun gets violent with Vegas, but his protective instincts here kick in and he stops Gun from literally attempting to kill his own son. As a result, Gun's anger gets redirected at Pete, who gets beaten up in Vegas' stead. The snippet I wrote for you is the aftermath of everything I described above. I hope you like it ❤️ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Silence, occasionally broken by a faint sound that resembled sniffing. Pete couldn’t tell what it was, but in his state he couldn’t really tell where he was either, so he stopped worrying about it. He tried, instead, to remember what had happened that brought him here, wherever “here” was. The last thing he recalled was the feeling of Khun Gun’s shoes digging into his forearms, which he used in his attempt to protect his head from his boss’ repeated, brutal kicks. Khun Gun wasn’t the strongest man Pete had ever met, but there were reasons he always tried to stay on his good side, and his cruelty was one of them. The cruelty that had so many times been directed at his own son. The kind he was eerily familiar with.
Khun Vegas’ face materialized in Pete’s mind. Droplets of water running down his nose, his sharp cheekbones, reaching his neck. His hair wet and disheveled, his chest heaving from the difficulty to breathe after having had his head shoved into the pool. His expression crumbling with worry, something Pete had no logical way of explaining. Fuck, where was he? Pete could only hope Porsche had protected him from his father’s fury afterwards. Khun Gun was unpredictable; he couldn't be trusted to only be satisfied by lashing out at Pete. Pete needed to go find him as soon as possible. Opening his eyes proved to be a challenge. A heavy fog was clouding his vision, and the pain that was engulfing his whole body was preventing him from doing the simplest of movements. He groaned as he shifted his torso in a futile attempt to get up, resulting in a gasp that startled him into opening his eyes to check where it came from. His mouth was hanging open as he took in the image of Khun Vegas staring at him, fidgeting nervously in the chair he was sitting on. His eyes were red around the corners and he looked ghostly pale. Pete’s breath hitched. “Pete… ?” he said, dropping his gaze to the floor. He always did that when he was feeling guilty about something. “Are you... ?” “I’m fine, Khun Vegas,” Pete replied, despite the numbness in his limbs and the headache that was starting to form. “What about you? Are you hurt? Should I take you to the doct-” “We’re at the infirmary, you idiot,” Vegas shouted, interrupting him, but his voice lacked the usual heat. “Stop acting like my bodyguard right now, it pisses me off.” That’s all I know how to be, Pete wanted to tell him, but remained silent. That’s all I’m allowed. He didn’t really mind Khun Vegas’ words. He’d heard worse things over the years, things that should have probably hurt him. Somehow, Pete had the ability to forgive him anything. The atmosphere grew tense between them. Pete had grown used to that, too, but he had never seen Khun Vegas be so self conscious before. He wondered why the sudden change. “I’m not thanking you,” Pete heard him murmur after a few seconds; he uttered the words under his breath, while staring at his feet. If Pete had a better view of his face, he’d argue Khun Vegas was pouting. Pete could only reassure him. “You don’t have to, Khun Vegas. I was simply doing my job.” It had the opposite effect. The creases between his eyebrows deepened as he lifted his head and stared at Pete. Astonished as his mouth was open agape, likely for a retort that never came. Alternatively, he turned his attention to the small table next to Pete’s bed. He stood up and approached it hastily, grabbing something that was resting on top of it, before Pete could take a closer look. “The nurse said you have to take this,” he said and extended his arm at Pete, revealing a small pill. It was probably a standard type of painkiller. Bodyguards never got any special medical treatment, especially those working for the minor family. It wasn’t worth the trouble. Pete tried to lift his hand to take it, but he bitterly realized it was impossible. He winced as he took a look at both of his arms and found them bandaged, smears of purple popping at places his skin was uncovered. He cursed under his breath. “Ah, I’m sorry, Khun Vegas, I’ll just call the-” Cold fingertips pressed on Pete’s chin. They felt even colder on his lips, the pressure just enough to make him open his mouth. The pill slipped between his teeth easily, with the help of a wet tongue he'd never thought he'd get to taste. Hot air hit Pete’s cheeks. His heart was beating rapidly. For a moment, he forgot how to breathe. Water traveled down his throat, taking the pill with it. Pete blinked. His head felt light, his body even lighter. He didn’t know how to describe the feeling, but he didn’t think it was bad. He focused, instead, on Vegas, who was standing above him with an unusual sense of confidence.  “Get well soon. That’s an order.” It was enough to ground Pete back into reality. He was thankful for it.
“Yes, Khun Vegas.” It was only then that Pete noticed how the color returned on Vegas’ face and how his slight trembling seized. “Has Pete woken up yet?” Both of them jumped at the sound of Porsche’s voice. He poked his head into the room, completely oblivious to what had transpired before he showed up. “Oh, he has. How are you feeling?” “Good,” he replied sincerely. The pain didn’t bother him anymore.  A smile spread on his lips as he added, “Khun Vegas just gave me my medicine.” Porsche returned it, though his was more mischievous than playful. “Pete, you should have seen Vegas while he waited for you to wake up. I’ve never seen him crying so hard-” Vegas punched Porsche hard on the shoulder to stop him from talking, which made loud laughter escape Pete’s mouth. It earned him a glare, one of Vegas' serious ones. It'd bring him hell later, but Pete realized he was fine with that.
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booksandpaperss · 2 months
tell me about both of the sskk wips please
I was hoping you’d ask about those <3
for the post singularity sskk:
I was actually planning to straight up gift you this one whenever I got around to finishing it! I imagine it will be a 2-3k type oneshot when it’s finished (unless I get carried away), basically I wanted to explore how I picture their relationship directly after defeating the singularity together. it’s a getting together fic, atsushi pov, and it’s making me feel all soft just thinking abt it LMAO
here’s the summary:
In the aftermath of, well, everything, Atsushi is horrified to find that he no longer hates Akutugawa. Like, at all. 
and a snippet of dialogue bc I’m so niceys to you:
“Why did you hesitate?”  “Are you serious? How was any of what we just did hesitating–” “No, you absolute fool. I mean earlier, when you fought me. You could’ve won, you had a clear shot, but you didn’t take it. Why?”  “...I didn’t realize you remembered any of that.”
for the one where they try to set up skk:
this one would definitely be chaptered, and I actually have the whole thing fully outlined and it’s way more detailed than I remebered making it lolll
it’s in a sort step by step guide type structure, currently titled something along the lines of “atsushi’s harrowing step by step struggle of trying to get his mentor back with his (more or less out of his league and also vaguely terrifying) ex boyfriend”
the concept is mostly crack and humor w some character study mixed in, and despite the premise it’s much more shin soukoku than soukoku focused 🙏 skk is mostly the plot device here and also I wanted sskk to clown on them
here’s the summary:
Dazai’s birthday is coming up, which Atsushi only found out by asking Ranpo mind you, and he really wants to do something nice for his mentor (despite how insufferable he can be). The only problem is that everytime anyone from the ADA actually tries to do something nice for Dazai, or even compliment him, he gets this really strange blank look on his face before either turning around and walking away or just fully ignoring that the gesture even happened. Atsushi is determined though, so he decides he needs to take the indirect approach, and forms a temporary alliance with Akutugawa to help Dazai get back together with his ex from the port mafia that he’s so clearly not over. This… goes about as well as one might expect it too.  Or, the one where Atsushi and Akutagawa, in an attempt to matchmake their emotionally constipated mentors, accidentally matchmake themselves (instead). 
and since the summary is lengthy as it is I technically don’t need to give u a snippet but I will anyway bc I know u are desperate 🫶
Kyouka does a single blink, and then says something even worse, somehow. “Is this about Akutagawa-san?”  “What?” Atsushi nearly pinwheels backwards before he manages to reign himself in (with Kunikida sending him a dirty look), because how did she know? Not that– well yes he was technically thinking about Akutagawa, but it was purely for practical reasons! If he was going to set Dazai up with someone from the port mafia, then he was going to need someone from the port mafia. And it just so happened that Akutagawa was who he most comf– ah, the only person he could feasibly reach out to. Really, Akutagawa was Atsushi’s only option. That was the only reason he was thinking about him at the moment.  
okay I hope that satisfies you for now bc I have no earthly clue when these will actually be out. mwah 🫶🫶
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fic rec friday 21
welcome to the twenty-first fic rec friday! where, on friday, i rec five of my favourite fics.
1. Most Artists are Messy by @shipsgalore
Lance is drawing a complicated flower on the base of Keith’s wrist and it makes his lips pull up into a smile despite the panic. They’re always flowers when it comes to Lance. He uses them in everything he does, and usually doesn’t even know he’s doing it. Keith can count on one hand how many times the doodles on his arms haven’t been of flowers.
i love this one because keith & lance are just blatantly and clearly autistic. it’s wonderful. it’s sweet and fluffy and it’s a modern au, which as y’all know is my jam, and the last few paragraphs do this specific thing with sentiment repetition that genuinely gets to me every time
2. Be Alive With Me Tonight by @caesaria [EXPLICIT] [ABO]
When the Blade of Marmora requests assistance on an information gathering mission, Lance and Keith go undercover as a bonded alpha and omega pair. At first, it seems like this is going to be more like a vacation than a mission – right up until everything falls apart and they realize how unprepared they really are. Now, Lance and Keith have to fight to not only survive, but to make it out together. They’ll have to rely not only on their skills as Paladin, but the bond they’ve created and nurtured between them.
okay i gave this one the explicit warning bc there are chapters that are explicit, but tbh the scenes are skippable if that’s not ur thing. now this fic is an EPIC. truly. its a quarter million words and the plot is breathtaking, the worldbuilding is iconic and the romance is like HOLY SHIT. this is a novel, and better yet its a KLANCE novel, so. highly recommend if you have a day or two to read.
3. roses by @renyoi
Lance is always getting flowers for Keith, so Keith decides to return the favor--with a little help, of course.
written for prompt #4 of klance valentine's week!
keith is hilarious here. just in general but here especially and i love him. he wants to pamper lance so so badly and hes so straightforward and earnest!! and allura’s character in here is also excellent. i will leave u with this one line from the fic that made me laugh it loud: “ The next day, the sun rises to Keith Kogane, dressed all in black (that’s all that was clean, okay?!), loitering around in front of Alluring Blossom, the 5-star-rated “I’ve never had such a delightful bouquet delivered to me in my entire life!” flower shop of a woman named Allura Altea. Keith automatically trusted her because he loves people that also have alliteration in their names. “ king. love him
4. here it comes by rideahorse
Keith watched a lonely droplet of water fall from Lance’s soaked bangs, curving a path over the bridge of his nose and then pooling—almost teasingly so—at the bow of his lips.
“I feel like I won, for some reason,” Lance said quietly.
what have i told yall about fics from 2016!!! this fic made me SMILE and im not usually a fan of like senior year of high school fics but holy shit!! holy SHIT!! this fic had me smiling and kicking my feet and losing my mind. i will leave u with the note i put on my bookmark (spoiler warning):
a couple things: 1. “lance is a bad influence” and “lance is a pretty princess (tm)” are god tier tags so thanks for that 2. keith with a tongue piercing. must i say more. 3. i miss keith gyeong that was an excellent era 4. the couple tattoo moment had me taking a Moment 5. here’s how i imagine the aftermath of this: shiro: i saw u ditched prom. are you okay? keith: yeah actually! lance convinced me that we have to have a wild final night, so we went to a High School Party (tm), i decked a guy for lance and your honour, we panic drove away, went skinny dipping in a pool, got caught, ran away naked for two blocks, went to sonic in another town, got matching tattoos, fucked in the backseat of my car, and watched the sunrise :)) shiro: shiro: shiro: shiro: i’m sorry. what were those last parts keith: yeah i know you really like sunrises we probably should have invited you :// but it was kind of an us thing i’m sure you understand :) shiro: KEITH
anyways i laughed
5. if silence was a song by @angstinspace
“It’s … Your show is on so late at night,” Keith tries to explain, as if Lance didn’t know this already. “I guess I was just wondering why that is.”
A crackling silence answers him, and Keith’s stomach sinks. Did Lance hang up? Keith can’t exactly blame him.
But then he hears Lance make a noise––a short huff of breath that might have been either an impatient sigh or a quiet laugh … Keith has no clue.
“That’s the reason you’re calling? To complain about my time slot?”
or, Keith starts anonymously calling Lance's college radio show and develops an unexpected crush.
@catnippackets did a comic of this i believe, and it literally never leaves my head. yall know the trope where one person gets a phone call and halfway through they sigh wistfully and say “god i wish you were here” and then the other person smiles so viscerally it can be felt through the phone and they say “look behind you” and theyre THERE?????? that makes me lose it every time. i love this fic
that’s it for today!! i’ll see y’all back next friday for the next fic rec post!!!    
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silverjurors · 6 months
So, I wanted to ask, how did Janus lose his eye in ur rewrite/what's ur hc?
(PS. Finals are killing me, send help.)
Hiiii I want you to know that I love this question and I wish you the very best of luck with the results of your final exams (I have mocks soon AAAA) because the education system is hell and I too cannot wait to escape it
Okay. So in my rewrite, Janus lost their eye when they were about 19-ish. I have already said on one of my previous headcannon dumps that they lost it preventing an assassination attempt. This is still true! But here is some elaboration on it and the aftermath that occurs :3
- Yes they lost their eye protecting Zane (Yes I am aware that I base a significant amount of their character around Zane it's the ONLY CANON THING WE KNOW ABOUT THEM OKAY DON'T JUDGE ME)
- Once again, all of this (and by this I mean trauma) is for Zane because they have exactly 3 people they care about and Zane is top of that list
- Zane wasn't actually the target of the assassination attempt (it was Vylad) but they look rlly similar in my re-write so the assassins decided that it would just be easier to try and kill both of them
- These assassins were a small group of premature Shadow Knights who were working as mercenaries that may or may not have been hired by Garte
- Vylad did in fact die (v sad rip Vylad u will be missed bestie) but Zane gets to live and was mostly unharmed because, unlike Vylad's personal Guard who saw Shadow Knights and promptly bailed, Janus has no self preservation instinct and went "OK we fight until either I die or you all die"
- So Janus then proceeded to straight up beast-mode 2 premature Shadow Knights in 1V2 combat and got a poisoned arrow to the eye for their service
- The minute the adrenaline ran out they collapsed because OW
- This did actually put them in a medically induced coma for like two weeks afterwards while they got healed
- Also this did have a slightly weird shift on their biology, like sharper teeth, that definitely has nothing to do with my eventual plan to make Janus a Shadow Knight by my S3 definitely not but that's not relevant so let's just collectively ignore it like they did when they woke up
- Janus spent a good chunk of time afterwards re-learning how to fight and use their swords because their depth perception was terrible
- He also walked into several walls and almost fell down several flights of stairs a few times
- This was the incident that gave them the idea that they can't die
- Which led to reckless behavior when they could finally re-join the battlefield, but it's totally fine because for some reason they seem a lot less affected by pain than they used to be
- Sometimes they have Visions in that eye. They are convinced these are probably PTSD nightmares (they aren't)
- Their eyes also get tired really easily after all that, because ow, so they don't read very much
- Chronic pain. Like, holy shit, so much chronic pain in that eye specifically
Uhhhh that's all I got I think, thank you for the ask I love to talk and never ever shut up <3
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apollotronica · 6 months
APOLLO CAN U TELL ME ABOUR ON E OF UR OCS.. i was thinkin about how hearing u talk ab them kinda inspired me to actually pick my projects back up and also i think they r sick as helll :3 pretty pleaase ? ./NF!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
OKAY SORRY THIS TOOK ME SO LONG TO REPLY I WAS STUCK IN THE LABRYNTH (i couldnt decide which oc to talk about) BUT i relauzed i havent really talkrd about hiiro at all on here :3 EVERYTHING UNDER CUT and ill format it like i formatted the buwan post :3
this hiiro (left image most recent) ignore thr typology on the right its outdated
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fun facts :3
likes: warm cloudy weather, bright lights, computers and technology, large cities, classic literature, anatomy and neurology, strong flavors, squid ink pasta
dislikes: most people, sunny days, manual labor, following orders, bland food, going outside, trains and train stations, getting wet
nationality: japanese
relatives: (adoptive) mother and father, elder sister (pacchi, 2 years older), younger sister (heru, 3 years younger)
early life (sort of???) (cw child injury/neglect, bullying, ableism?)
disclaimer i havent Fully fleshed out its backstory so this will just be a large summary of . stuff that Occured
hiiro and his sisters were put up for adoption almost immediately after heru was born (hiiro being 3, pacchi being 5) and they took turns taking care of her bcuz their parents were too "busy" to hire babysitters. hiiro and pacchi got into a fight while heru (like toddler age atp) tried to break them up. because hiiro has always been quick to anger and sort of physical, when heru tried to intervene his first instinct was to push her as hard as he could while yelling at her to stay out of it, it doesnt involve her . errmm aftermath of that argument was . heru got permenant brain damage and hiiro and pacchis relationship Completely broke apart :[ aww womp womp . Ok fast forward . heru is homeschooled by a tutor and hiiro and pacchi are both in junior high. pacchi is popular and friendly and pretty, but her grades are lacking . hiiro has always been incredibly smart (even though pacchi is 2 years older, he skipped a school year or two and is in her same year), but his social life is miserable . because of his temper and Overall Unfriendliness he was put in separate classes away from his peers where he was the only student under a teacher who didnt care about hiiro or Pretty much anything . it wasnt seen often but when he Was seen he was beat up n bullied relentlessly n followed home , so a lot of the time he spent nights hidden in the school or in damp alleys because he didnt want to lead anyone dangerous back to pacchi and heru . when he Was home pacchi ignored him and heru would try to make conversation but hiiro was Pretty much entirely nonverbal during their school years . at home hiiro drew and wrote and played like anyone else his age but bcuz hiiro looked different and sounded different and acted different it ended up outcast and alienated :[ womp womp
career ??
aaaanyway yada yada hiiro graduates early n basically disappears into researching neurology n brains n Specifically how theyre "programmed" , they end up lowkey kidnapping a couple people to experiment on them w a janky "neuroprogramming" device that, once hes sure is Safe To Use , hiiro uses on itself :3 the way proples brains show up on the device isnt like an mri or anything , the way it shoes up actually Depends on the person so sometimes itll be a short rpg or lines of code or Minesweeper and because hiiro Made the device they can decipher what each brain thing means and collects data based off that . but because what he does is Very illegal the government eventually tracks him down and forces it to work w them or theyll Krill him .
fun facts part Two :3
hiiro has only had alcohol Once and despite being of legal age they were kicked out for looking too young . he cant hold his liquor
he frequents a gaming cafe and knows all the staff by name but is too embarrassed to be seen in front of other people , so it rents out the whole cafe when it wants to go
hiiro has 3 cats and they are all Huge
after he Reappeared hiiro actually reconnected w his sisters and visits them as often as possible . Its not very affectionate at all though
i actually made his voice claim miyashita yuu . the songs where hes louder and yelling r more what i was thinking at the time , but i think miyayuu's soft speaking voice works as well
all the sleeves on their sweaters are slightly tethered and frayed because he fidgets with them while working . the right sleeve is more torn than the left
he doodles in his free time and has posted a couple oneshots on obscure manga forums . they dont keep up with them but one of them ended up getting really popular
hiiro Loves scifi . his entire apartment is decorated in super lame and obscure scifi anime posters and figures
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