#god fic rec friday is so healing 4 me
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autisticlancemcclain · 2 years ago
fic rec friday 21
welcome to the twenty-first fic rec friday! where, on friday, i rec five of my favourite fics.
1. Most Artists are Messy by @shipsgalore
Lance is drawing a complicated flower on the base of Keith’s wrist and it makes his lips pull up into a smile despite the panic. They’re always flowers when it comes to Lance. He uses them in everything he does, and usually doesn’t even know he’s doing it. Keith can count on one hand how many times the doodles on his arms haven’t been of flowers.
i love this one because keith & lance are just blatantly and clearly autistic. it’s wonderful. it’s sweet and fluffy and it’s a modern au, which as y’all know is my jam, and the last few paragraphs do this specific thing with sentiment repetition that genuinely gets to me every time
2. Be Alive With Me Tonight by @caesaria [EXPLICIT] [ABO]
When the Blade of Marmora requests assistance on an information gathering mission, Lance and Keith go undercover as a bonded alpha and omega pair. At first, it seems like this is going to be more like a vacation than a mission – right up until everything falls apart and they realize how unprepared they really are. Now, Lance and Keith have to fight to not only survive, but to make it out together. They’ll have to rely not only on their skills as Paladin, but the bond they’ve created and nurtured between them.
okay i gave this one the explicit warning bc there are chapters that are explicit, but tbh the scenes are skippable if that’s not ur thing. now this fic is an EPIC. truly. its a quarter million words and the plot is breathtaking, the worldbuilding is iconic and the romance is like HOLY SHIT. this is a novel, and better yet its a KLANCE novel, so. highly recommend if you have a day or two to read.
3. roses by @renyoi
Lance is always getting flowers for Keith, so Keith decides to return the favor--with a little help, of course.
written for prompt #4 of klance valentine's week!
keith is hilarious here. just in general but here especially and i love him. he wants to pamper lance so so badly and hes so straightforward and earnest!! and allura’s character in here is also excellent. i will leave u with this one line from the fic that made me laugh it loud: “ The next day, the sun rises to Keith Kogane, dressed all in black (that’s all that was clean, okay?!), loitering around in front of Alluring Blossom, the 5-star-rated “I’ve never had such a delightful bouquet delivered to me in my entire life!” flower shop of a woman named Allura Altea. Keith automatically trusted her because he loves people that also have alliteration in their names. “ king. love him
4. here it comes by rideahorse
Keith watched a lonely droplet of water fall from Lance’s soaked bangs, curving a path over the bridge of his nose and then pooling—almost teasingly so—at the bow of his lips.
“I feel like I won, for some reason,” Lance said quietly.
what have i told yall about fics from 2016!!! this fic made me SMILE and im not usually a fan of like senior year of high school fics but holy shit!! holy SHIT!! this fic had me smiling and kicking my feet and losing my mind. i will leave u with the note i put on my bookmark (spoiler warning):
a couple things: 1. “lance is a bad influence” and “lance is a pretty princess (tm)” are god tier tags so thanks for that 2. keith with a tongue piercing. must i say more. 3. i miss keith gyeong that was an excellent era 4. the couple tattoo moment had me taking a Moment 5. here’s how i imagine the aftermath of this: shiro: i saw u ditched prom. are you okay? keith: yeah actually! lance convinced me that we have to have a wild final night, so we went to a High School Party (tm), i decked a guy for lance and your honour, we panic drove away, went skinny dipping in a pool, got caught, ran away naked for two blocks, went to sonic in another town, got matching tattoos, fucked in the backseat of my car, and watched the sunrise :)) shiro: shiro: shiro: shiro: i’m sorry. what were those last parts keith: yeah i know you really like sunrises we probably should have invited you :// but it was kind of an us thing i’m sure you understand :) shiro: KEITH
anyways i laughed
5. if silence was a song by @angstinspace
“It’s … Your show is on so late at night,” Keith tries to explain, as if Lance didn’t know this already. “I guess I was just wondering why that is.”
A crackling silence answers him, and Keith’s stomach sinks. Did Lance hang up? Keith can’t exactly blame him.
But then he hears Lance make a noise––a short huff of breath that might have been either an impatient sigh or a quiet laugh … Keith has no clue.
“That’s the reason you’re calling? To complain about my time slot?”
or, Keith starts anonymously calling Lance's college radio show and develops an unexpected crush.
@catnippackets did a comic of this i believe, and it literally never leaves my head. yall know the trope where one person gets a phone call and halfway through they sigh wistfully and say “god i wish you were here” and then the other person smiles so viscerally it can be felt through the phone and they say “look behind you” and theyre THERE?????? that makes me lose it every time. i love this fic
that’s it for today!! i’ll see y’all back next friday for the next fic rec post!!!    
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mediumgayitalian · 11 months ago
fic rec friday 8
hi!! welcome to fic rec friday. every week, i pick five fics i have bookmarked and rec them with a little review. check them out!
After The War I Went Back To New York by @buoyantsaturn
now that everyone else has written their three-days fics heres mine
first of all -- hamilton title. giggle was giggled. second of all, will being soft on nico day ONE and nico noticing immediately is so so real. fave solangelo dynamic of all time. this is lichrally one of my top five three days fics bc its such a CLASSIC
2. Bones by @buoyantsaturn
“Did you just throw a handful of bones outside?” she asked carefully. “Yes,” Will answered immediately. “Why was there a pile of bones in here in the first place?”
will being super excited over nico's powers >>>>>> literally EVERYTHING else bc he is a huge massive nerd!!! and will's powers are SO SO SO cool!! and theyre basically the same coin anyway. what is necromancy if not healing magic but goth
3. Sunshine and Daisies by @buoyantsaturn
Whenever Will needed a break from studying, or had spare time between classes, he liked to walk around the city, wandering into random shops and looking around for a little while.
Will wanders into the di Angelo siblings' flower shop.
flower shop fics have a little je ne sais quoi, and oumph, if you will,,, they’re irresistible. also. ALIVE BIANCA???? its nearly impossible to do in canonverse but in au....i do adore. she does indeed deserve to be around to tease the shit out of her dweeb brother. it is ever so lovely to see.
4. Two Minutes for Hooking by @buoyantsaturn
He blinked his eyes open, glaring up at Will. “Who the hell are you?” “I’m the medic you’ve been avoiding every practice,” Will answered. “Who the hell are you?”
I LOVE THIS AU. i think its my fave buoyantsaturn fic tbh. like not to reinforce canadian stereotypes or anything but hockey aus are the BOMB, and short king hockey player nico x absolutely takes no shit will??? immaculate vibes. i adore. i adore so so much. i have literally read this series so often that im reasonably certain i could recite the first 500 words from memory
5. Hey There, Darlin' by @buoyantsaturn
Will was pretty, and Nico was angry about it. He knew he shouldn’t have come here. He knew he should’ve just gone back to his cabin and stayed there until breakfast the next day, but no. He saw a cute boy and had to go after him. Of course he did. And then Will had to act like Nico was some kind of savior during the wars, and he smiled at him. That smile alone was enough to make Nico realize that this trip was a mistake.
first of all -- #everything is the same except will is the epitome and they dont meet until now is THEE most intriguing tag maybe ever, i needed to read no more. second of all -- whipped nico. god hes my favourite. third of all the big house scene made me GIGGLE it was so fun and silly. adore.
thank you for joining me this friday!! happy reading!!
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thetragicallynerdy · 9 months ago
Okie dokie, I ran out of spoons Friday after making this thread on twitter BUT finally have the time to copy it over, here are a bunch of my recs!! I've got an older list of OFMD recs over here (most of which are Jim-centric in some way, several of which are also on this list), but it needs to be updated, so here's some of my favourite TealOranges and Garlic Soup recs!!
Disclaimer: this is by no means all of the TealOranges & Garlic Soup fics I adore, it is merely the ones that I a) already had on a twitter list, b) had in my bookmarks, c) remembered because my memory is terrible. Anyway, here are some fics I love!!
1) Two by the wonderful @nevershootamockingbird!!
Suck the Rot Right Out Of My Bloodstream - Jim/Olu. Post S1, this fic is about Jim on the Kraken's ship. It's beautiful and sad and I fucking adore this fic, it is one of my all-time faves. Jim+Frenchie+Lucius friendship!! Super sad and yet hopeful!!
there's orange juice in the kitchen - this is the sweetest Jim/Olu sick fic, I have read it so many times and will read it many again, it's just lovely and so perfectly Jim/Olu
2) Some Say Its A Blessing by @swallowtailed
Jim/Olu. This is another Post s1/Kraken era fic. Jim and Olu are soulmates who feel each other's pain. The fic explores them meeting, on Stede's ship, post-s1, and reunion. Gorgeous hurt/comfort, lovely imagery, the fic that I like to say made me lay down on my couch because I was Having A Moment.
3) I have two for you by @yerbamansa, all of their fics are amazing but I especially adore their Jim/Olu stuff!!
The Revenge Ranch series - a lovely character-based series where Jim and Olu go out west to work on Stede's farm. Trauma and healing and tenderness.
The Way Things Are Going - God. This fic y'all. It's one of the rare long TealOranges fics, and it's also SO GOOD. Post-apocalyptic, Jim and Oluwande on a roadtrip to save the world (kinda, in a low key way), full of hope and finding new ways of living and lovely Jim/Olu (with hints of Garlic Soup polycule along the way).
4) Another author with two I'm going to rec - @oluwandesorange!! Camp has a ton of amazing tealoranges and garlic soup fics, so here are two of my faves!
All Things Grow, a t4t Jim/Olu 'The Bear' AU. Hot smut and GREAT gender vibes and did you know 'Yes Chef' is a gender-neutral phrase??
Wherever We're Together, That's My Home - a lovely sapphic tealoranges fic. Roommates Jim and Olu, falling together in the best of ways.
5) Yet another author with multiple fics!! @alfalfairy is one of my all-time fav Jim-centric authors, please go scroll through her Ao3 if you haven't before. Three of my faves are:
Drink Of the Feeling Of Quiet Again - this is a post-canon (S1 specifically) fic where Jim returns to St. Augustine to care for aging Nana. Trauma, healing, and gorgeous Jim/Olu. This is one of my favourite OFMD fics.
Till Human Voices Wake Us, And We Drown - this is a series in which Jim is a merperson, but like, the scary kind XD It's SUCH a fucking good series, the installments are all easy reads, highly recommend giving it a try!!!
Bitter Like Whiskey, Sweet Like Wine - A long pre-series fic that follows through into Season 1. Ahhh, I just love this exploration of JIm and Oluwande meeting and falling together. It's not finished, but still well worth the read.
6) Tenderness, Above All by @jackuntiljune
Fuck, this fic is SO GOOD. It's a long plotty hurt/comfort fic that switches between Ed/Stede and Jim/Olu. Hornigold, now a pirate hunter, captures the crew. If you're a whump fan, this is the fic for you!!
7) Make Your Peace With Weariness and Let It Be by @anirondack
@anirondack - this is a stunning Jim character study, starts at their childhood to post-s1. Absolutely gorgeous writing, weaves in catholicism beautifully. Imo, a Jim/Olu must-read. https://archiveofourown.org/works/38584641
8) @anabsolutetwat is another of my fav Jim/Olu writers - go check out C's Ao3 if you haven't!! Two faves are:
How To Get Away With Murder Before Summer Vacation - this is a long modern au where Jim is a highschool teacher who is trying to kill Alfeo de la Vaca. Lovely Jim/Olu relationship.
It Has To Occur Organically - a silly and cute little Jim/Olu in which Jim tries very hard to get Olu to hold a knife between his teeth, like he did in the raid, organically. I love this one, it's peak dumbass Jim Jimenez
9) Be Gay, Do Crime by @ophelia5wims
A heist fic!!! Oceans 8 style, but gayer. This one has a really solid Jim/Olu b-plot, and features amazing badass Jim and sweetheart Olu. I really enjoyed it, it was a lot of fun.
10) Another fav Jim/Olu series is Mintpepper's Oluwande/Jim Collection - 5 fics, has one of my fav Jim smuts of all time, lovely h/c and character studies.
11) orange & teal by @owlinaminor
this is another series! It's an early one in the fandom, and fuck, this series is so so good. Both Jim and Olu POV, I adore how Jim and Olu are written in this series SO much. Canon time period, explores backstory and more.
12) Made A Promise When I Left For The Coast by @aletterinthenameofsanity - this is a very long (40+fics) alt S2/post-s2 Jim/Olu/Archie & Lucius/Izzy/Pete series. I've only read a couple, but what I have read was fantastic. If you're looking for a really meaty series, this is it.
13) Here Be Monsters by @clairegregoryau
This is a really long Ed/Stede centric fic, but it has a fantastic (and substantial) Jim/Olu b-plot. Long and plotty, involving treasure hunting and the siete gallos. Action hero Jim!! Jimenez family secrets!! I listened to the podfic (by kninjaknitter) which was A++
14) La Jayaera by ladymixerlot
Jim/Olu, A Fast and Furious AU, Olu is a private detective and former street car racer hired to investigate Jim's gang. Wonderfully plotty but also character-centric, slow burn galore. I loved this one.
15) Both of Them by @halfeatenmoon
A Jim/Archie smut one!! Jim/Archie fucking after cutting off Izzy's leg. Very hot, very bloody, captures both of them so well.
16) Leda House and the Kraken 'Verse by @dragonmuse
Jim/Olu, the Drag Queen AU. I fucking love this series. It's primarily Stede/Ed and Lucius/Izzy/Pete focused, but gorgeous exploration of other characters. Bring Me A Higher Love, the Jim/Olu backstory one, is my fav.
17) Like Pearls In A Pod by squidcats
Garlic Soup Polycule. Archie and Jim go on a mission to 1) find Zheng a gift 2) stop whoever is making hot topic shirts of Jim's face. It's hilarious and very sweet!
18) Daybreak by QueerCanonCo
A fucking gorgeous Jim/Olu poem, it's a quick read but will linger with you for a long time. Folks who've read my latest fic know I'm a sucker for Oluwande as the sun metaphors, and this poem leans into that BEAUTIFULLY
ALRIGHT that's the end of this first round of recs!! Please expect more recs from me in the future, I am going to be trying to rec at least one new fic that's NOT on this list during the entirety of Garlic Soup Week!!
Other folks, please feel free to add on or self rec, I love learning about new fics I might not've found on ao3 or might have forgotten about!! Aand if you're on this list and I didn't tag you, please let me know and I can do so, it means I couldn't find you XD
It's Fic Rec Friday!! With TealOranges & Garlic Soup Week just around the corner, what are some of your favourite TealOranges and Garlic Soup fics? Let's spread some love for older fics!!
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marigoldbaker · 4 years ago
my top ten calendiles fics (that i wrote)
this rec list took me a solid chunk of time to compile, because my fics are my babies and i honestly wanna throw quite a few of them up here. but EVENTUALLY i stopped being indecisive and finally managed to get this sorted, so here goes! if you wanna read some of my stuff, this is the stuff that i am the most proud of/in love with/would cry if someone asked me leading questions about it + drew me fanart of it. these are not ranked except for the top two, because the first one is my baby and the second one is still very beloved to me.
under the cut, because i have loving commentary!
1. as day follows night (multi-chapter)
Looking for a safe place to stay after her accidental murder of the Deputy Mayor, Faith Lehane allies herself with a mysteriously powerful witch—and stumbles into a fairytale mystery that's bigger than anything she could have anticipated.
(this fic is my goddamn baby. this fic is my C H I L D. this fic is the fic that i took extensive notes for and spent most of my freshman year of college thinking about and ended up as this terrifying love letter to fairy tales and jenny calendar and the complexity of the way she chooses to love people. i love this fic with every fiber of my being and always will.)
2. i still want to be your girl (multi-chapter)
Five years ago, Jenny Calendar ran from Sunnydale and didn't come back. Now, with the First threatening Sunnydale and the Slayer line, she's returned to help stop the apocalypse--but Rupert Giles isn't the man she remembers, and he isn't exactly delighted to have her back in his life again.
(i have a very persistent soft spot for later-seasons giles, but this was one of the few fics where i went “okay but what about battle-hardened jenny” and i’m very proud of the result. it was really fun to think about what might have changed about jenny over the course of five years, and now that i’m thinking about it, i might be really interested in writing a giles pov of this fic at some point? that’s totally a concept to come back to at some point. anyway.)
3. kind of like hydrogen peroxide
Here was the problem: Ripper had no idea how to talk to Jenny without somehow managing to make her want to kill him.
(i do NOT deserve rights if a fic from the ripper au doesn’t make its way onto this list, and this one is my very favorite. i love thinking about dumb teenage giles who pretends to be a rebel but is actually very very soft and very very in love with his equally dumb and genuinely rebellious girlfriend.)
4. spirit-touched
“Thank you, Buffy,” Giles said, “but I would prefer to conduct this research on my own. I’ll be looking into some rather…” He felt himself blushing, and resented it. “Some rather intimate details of ghost-human relations.”
“What does that—oh god, you want to figure out how to have sex with Ms. Calendar,” said Buffy.
(making this the first smutfic i posted was still the most cursed power move i have ever pulled off. anyway that influx of asks in 2016 about ghost jenny and human giles and their sex life inspired this and it ended up being SO funny and SO sweet and i am SO proud of it.)
5. very really married
Giles and Jenny's flights to Sunnydale both stop over in Las Vegas. On the same day. Naturally, a chance encounter leads to a drunken marriage, one that they mutually agree to keep up for appearances.
Which is to say: Giles is going to have to figure out how to hide his fake marriage from his new Slayer (and everyone else) while also hiding his new Slayer from his fake wife (and everyone else). And his complex feelings for Jenny aren't helping anything.
(EVEN NOW, THIS FIC MAKES ME GIGGLE TO THINK ABOUT. i am saving my reread of this particular gem for a rainy day, because it was my love letter to season one and my daydreamy fantasy re: what it would look like if giles and jenny had silly odd-couple energy that really just came from them being fake married and badly hiding it as they fall very deeply in love.)
6. days in goodness spent
This feeling—whatever Giles is feeling—this is bone-deep. He’s never felt it before. He’s been in love before, he’s admired someone before, he’s respected someone before, but this feels like all of those three things held together by something else he can’t quite name. He searches, desperately, for the words that will tell Jenny this, but nothing that has been written can describe the way it feels to be held by her right now.
(In which Rupert Giles gets the chance to fall in love all the way, and it changes him just a little.)
(this one didn’t immediately come to mind when i was drawing up the list, but my brief rereads led me to conclude that it is an underappreciated gem! i’ve written a lot of different takes on giles and jenny’s relationship, but i particularly love calling giles out for idealizing jenny. also i like that this is more abstract than some of my other older pieces, where i really get into the nuts and bolts of wanting to depict Every Single Part of giles and jenny’s relationship trajectory. this one has more fun with the flow of the story.)
7. no one else could heal my pain
“Friday,” Giles echoed.
“Yeah. As an overnight weekend trip to hunt down some books I need.” Ms. Calendar smiled playfully at him. “Isn’t that the kind of thing you’d do for fun anyway?”
(this one was SO recent and SO fun! it’s kind of my love letter to the standalone longfics i consumed voraciously when i was fourteen, because there are some really great older calendiles fics that are just long and winding adventure-y narratives about the two of them goofing off and falling in love. i wanted to echo that here a little bit and it was a delight to write.)
8. myosotis latifolia
Years and years ago, the truth would spill out, and Rupert—in his endless romanticism—would take her hands and tell her she only needed him by her side to feel welcome and loved. But it’s been over a decade since they’ve been that close, and those years have created a distance between them just as insurmountable as the distance between them, now, on the steps leading into his lavish gardens.
(Rupert Giles is an esteemed member of the Watchers' Council, as well as a happily married father. Jenny Calendar knows that that's never been what he wanted.)
(ahaha this one is a big ouch moment but i really love it regardless? i think that giles and jenny are kinda fundamentally incompatible in a lot of ways, and part of the intrigue of their relationship is watching them try and figure out how to compromise and adjust after years of being rigid and inflexible individuals -- giles intellectually, jenny emotionally. so this fic is a lot about that.)
9. the grieving process
After Buffy's death, Giles makes his way to Jenny in LA.
(i don’t know why this one still sticks with me! it just! does! it holds up and i love it and if you wanna read about giles and jenny falling in love in a way that is healthy and authentic without any secrets -- but also obviously very sad -- definitely pick this one up.)
10. decently clothed
“Jenny, are you selecting my wardrobe based solely on what is and isn’t easy to divest me of?”
“…no,” said Jenny.
“That’s not even remotely convincing.”
(i wrote this one during a particularly difficult time in my life, and it was a really special moment for me, because i’d just come out of a period where it had been difficult for me to find the time or emotional energy to write. whenever i return to it, this fic is suffused in that warm and hopeful joy i felt when i posted it and realized that i had not, in fact, lost my touch. so it’s always gonna mean the world to me.
plus it is very silly and sweet! my specialties.)
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atc74 · 7 years ago
Angelina’s Best of December
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So I started doing something new and will be featuring author recs every couple of weeks in addition to this monthly list. I will still be reblogging all those fantastic fics, but now they will be here: @angreadsficsandauthors. 
Please still tag my main blog @atc74.
But send me an ASK and tell me who you think I should read. Who are YOU reading right now? You wanna send me you? DO IT! There is nothing sinful about being proud of yourself!
Hope your holiday season is bright and merry!
Here is what I wrote for y’all this month:
First Christmas (Rob x Reader)
The Convention Connection - Two by Two (TCC Master List) 
You Offering?- a gif drabble for @impalaimagining‘s Girlfriend? series
Indulgence part 1 and Indulgence part 2 (Jensen x Reader smut)
The Grave of Resurrection  (parts 1,2,3) (a Jensen AU mini-series)
Honey Butter (Sam x Reader)
Turning Dreams Into Reality (Rob x Reader request)
Not Once But Twice (Sam x Eileen)
Don’t Say That! (Rob x Me) part of my Say It Like That Series
Procrastinating @itswitchcraft-not-googlemaps (Rob x Reader)
Nov Drabble #23 @iwantthedean (Sam x Reader)
Nov Drabble #21 @iwantthedean (Dean x Reader, friends)
Daddy’s Happy Morning Drink @bringmesomepie56 (Daddy!Dean x Reader)
Better Together @becs-bunker (Jensen x Reader)
Shameless @hannahindie (Dean x Reader)
Nov Drabble #15 @iwantthedean (Dean x Reader)
Petty Arguments @thegreatficmaster (Sam x Reader)
Perplexed @iwriteaboutdean (Jensen x Reader)
What Was That? @not-moose-one-shots (Dean x Reader)
The Green Room Incident @bringmesomepie56 (Jensen x Reader)
Green Eyes @evansrogerskitten (Dean x Reader)
The Way You Look Tonight @hannahindie (Sam x Reader)
Something for Muffin @madamelibrarian (Sam Wesson x Reader)
The Onesie @crispychrissy (Sam x Reader)
Nov Drabble#27 @iwantthedean (Rob x Reader)
Jacks’s Bar: A Prequel @bringmesomepie56 (Jensen x Reader)
Fridays at Jack’s @bringmesomepie56 (Jensen x Reader - see ^^)
Cool If I Come Over @natasha-cole (Rob x Reader)
Rob x Reader Drabble @itswitchcraft-not-googlemaps (Rob x Reader)
Wake Up Call @luci-in-trenchcoats (Sam x Reader) 
Mommy @not-moose-one-shots (Dean x Reader)
The Substitute @luci-in-trenchcoats (Jensen x Reader AU)
Ramble On @crispychrissy (Dean x Reader soulmates)
Homesick @not-moose-one-shots (Daddy!Jared x Daughter!Reader)
Baby Sister @luci-in-trenchcoats (Jensen x Reader)
Nov Drabble #14 @iwantthedean (Dean x Reader)
In My Dreams @becs-bunker (Dean x Reader)
Head High @queen-of-deans-booty (Jared x Reader)
Dean x Reader Drabble @itswitchcraft-not-googlemaps
Never Again @bringmesomepie56 (Dean x Reader)
Nursechester @crispychrissy (Sister!Winchester!Reader, no pairing)
While We Have Time @not-moose-one-shots (Dean x Reader)
Unlovable @winchester-writes (Dean x OC)
#100 Coming Untouched @luci-in-trenchcoats (Dean x Reader)
The Sex Scene @just-a-touch-of-sass-and-fandoms (Jensen/Dean x Reader)
Dean’s Favorite Flannel @deansdirtylittlesecretsblog (Dean x Reader)
Heat Timing @not-moose-one-shots (Jensen x Reader ABO)
Oreos @crispychrissy (Sam x Reader) 
Rob x Reader Drabble @itswitchcraft-not-googlemaps (Rob x Reader)
We Love Anyway @sp-oops (Dean x Reader)
Stuck In The Middle @luci-in-trenchcoats (Sam x Reader x Dean) 
A Heart That’s Been Loved @thing-you-do-with-that-thing (Dean x Reader)
Hell on Earth @deansdirtylittlesecretsblog (Dean x Reader)
She Said You’d Come @bringmesomepie56 (Dean x Reader)
Brother, I’m Right Here @hannahindie (Dean, Sam, brothers only)
Not Possible @teamlara (Dean x Reader) 
If I Could Start Again @hannahindie (Dean Winchester, no pairing)
You’re Better Than This @katymacsupernatural (Sam x Reader)
Goodbyes and Funeral Pyres @hannahindie (no pairing)
General - no real warnings or genre (please read warnings if applicable) 
Candy is Candy @crispychrissy (Sam x Reader, touch of Dean)
Baby @luci-in-trenchcoats (no pairing)
Flash @saxxxology (Sam x Reader AU)
Saving The Winchesters @bringmesomepie56 (Dean x Reader, Crack)
No One Saw That... @luci-in-trenchcoats (Dean x Reader)
Nice To Meet You @impalaimagining (Jensen, Fan!Reader - not a pairing)
Series (most likely a lethal combination of smut, fluff and angst - HEED THE WARNINGS - links will be to the series master list unless noted) I know I have a problem and am following way too many series!
This Is How We Heal @sofreddie (Jared, Reader)
Forward @blacktithe7 Jensen x Reader 
The Fool @whispersandwhiskerburn (Sam x Reader, Dean x Lisa…)
The Wedding Singer @pinknerdpanda and @hannahindie
The Beauty in the Beast @like-a-bag-of-potatoes (Demon Dean x Reader)
Findings @kathaswings (no pairing) 
Lost and Found @crispychrissy (Sam x Reader) COMPLETE
Heart of a Hunter Act III (entire list here) @muchamusedaboutnothing (Dean x Reader) 
Take it All Back @iwantthedean (Jensen x OFC) COMPLETE
Undeniable Heat @katymacsupernatural (Jensen x Reader)
Our Little Secret @sis-tafics (Dean x Reader) 
Define Justice @crispychrissy (Sam x Reader x Ruby)
Homesick (pt 1) @itswitchcraft-not-googlemaps (Rob Benedict x Reader) 
Living Two Lives @imaginesforthose-wholovefandoms (Sister!Winchester Reader)
Wishing, Wanting, Waiting @saxxxology (Sam x Reader) COMPLETE
Slow Fade @trexrambling (Sam x Reader) COMPLETE
Returning to Life @spn-ficfanatic (Dean x Reader) 
Our College Years @thing-you-do-with-that-thing (Jensen x Reader)
Behind Closed Doors @becs-bunker (Janneel x Reader)
The Virgin and the Sex God @anotherwaywardsister (Dean x Reader)
A Different Blend (link to pt 1) @winchesterprincessbride (Sam x Rreader ABO)
Back to School (link to pt 1) @like-a-bag-of-potatoes (Sam x Reader)
Intellectual Porn (link to pt 3) @littlegreenplasticsoldier (Dean x Reader)
Sanity is Relative @just-a-touch-of-sass-and-fandoms & @uttertrash--butlikecutetrash (no pairing)
Thick Thighs Save Lives @anotherwaywardsister (Dean x Reader)
Amazed @not-moose-one-shots (Dean x Reader)
Yes, Sir @evansrogerskitten (John x Reader AU)
Hotel California @katymacsupernatural (Dean x Reader)
The Path Taken @mysupernaturalfics (Jensen x Reader) 
More Than You Bargained For @luci-in-trenchcoats (Jensen x Reader AU) COMPLETE
Twelve Hour Test pt1 -pt2 - pt3 @saxxxology (Soulless!Sam x Reader)  COMPLETE
The Next Best Thing @ilovebeingjoyful (Sam x Reader)  COMPLETE
From Con to Con (pt 1) @nerdyforyourbooks (Rob x Reader)
Into The Mystic @tankcupcakes (Dean x OFC Evelyn)
Emergency Services @mysupernaturalfics (Dean x Reader AU)
You Found Me @impalaimagining (Jensen x Reader)
Promised Land (pt 1) @iwantthedean (Dean x OFC Israel)
Falling (pt 1) @luci-in-trenchcoats (Jensen x Reader)
Wake Up, Sammy (pt 1) @hannahindie (Sam, Dean, Reader-no pairing)
We Need to Talk @unadulteratedstorycollector (Dean x Reader - this is an older series form 2016, but I just discovered it and LOVED IT!).
You’re Home @acreativelydifferentlove (Dean x Reader ABO)
Cherry Stem Knots Saga (link to pt 9) @sunriserose1023 (Dean x Reader AU)
That’s What Friends Are For (pt 1) @natasha-cole (Rob x Reader)
The Contest (pt 1) @winchesterprincessbride (Jared/Sam x Reader/Gemini)
Save Me (pt 1) @your-modern-shakespeare (Dean x Reader AU)
Our Little Family (pt 4) @teamlara (Dean x Reader AU) 
Whatever It Takes (pt 1) @winchesterprincessbride (Dean x Reader ABO AU)
Black Butterflies and Deja Vu @iwriteaboutdean (Jensen x Reader AU)
Keep Her Safe @thegreatficmaster (Dean x Sibling!Reader)
Gypsy Girl (link to pt 1) @wi-deangirl77 (Sam x Reader)
You’re Better Than This (pt 1) @katymacsupernatural (Sam x Reader)
Becoming a Father Overnight @super100012 (Jared x Daughter!Reader)
December Spotlight
What You Wake For by @hannahindie (no pairing) - It took me a moment to realize what was taking place here, once I figured it out, I went back to the beginning and started over. This was so damn well done, I am not even sure I have the words. The narration was spot on (just go with it) and the storytelling was moving. 
Thicker Than Water by @crispychrissy (no pairing) - Even angst can be beautifully written and this is just that. Overcoming any addiction is a battle, and you need people by your side that support you, no matter what. 
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autisticlancemcclain · 2 years ago
fic rec friday 35
welcome to the thirty-fifth fic rec friday! where, on friday, i rec five of my favourite fics.
1. Send Down the Rain by @azapofinspiration
Lance missed rain. As much as he missed his family and his home, he missed rain almost as much.
However, rain has to exist somewhere out in the universe, right? Even if he can't go home, Lance should be able to feel rain and soak it.
Five times Lance tried to find rain and the one time he did
lance should have gotten the rain in canon. he needed that. and god did azap fucking deliver!! this fic is sweet and this fic is sad and this fic is melancholy and this fic makes you want to throw up and this fic makes you feel alive. i fckn love this fic
2. Brawler by @admiralcanthackett [GORE WARNING]
I have no summary for this beyond Lance and Keith get ambushed and Lance is a determined motherfucker who fights dirty. Keith is mildly turned on and largely impressed.
you ever want to see lance, feral, thinking only of protecting his family, rip someone’s throat out with his teeth? no? well, i didnt either, but it turns out that i needed to read it, so. and just to clarify this series isnt just lance going batshit insane, although there is plenty of that, it also has some tender klance gong over trauma so thats fun
3. nobody has to know (nobody but me) by xeah
Lance has a secret, and he’s taking it to the grave –except, he didn’t think the ‘taking it to the grave’ bit would happen quite so soon.
When the team head planetside on a diplomatic mission, Lance can’t decide if he’s ecstatic about it, or about to endure an intense bout of homesickness. Sure, the planet looks cool, the aliens themselves are pretty chill considering they’ve singlehandedly fended off Galra attacks up until now. But thanks to Pidge making the team clocks that run on Earth time, Lance knows that it’s almost his nineteenth birthday.
Yeah, he’s gonna go with the homesickness.
Unfortunately for him, the aliens they visit have two distinct qualities that, in any other circumstance, Lance would find cool; the ability to sense emotions, and the complete inability to keep secrets. That extends to their allies, as well.
He probably would have continued thinking those were pretty amazing skills –until the aliens sense negative emotions between the Paladins, and demand that to secure an alliance, the team must heal the dissent brewing in the fine cracks between each other thanks to the secrets they’re keeping, no matter how trivial.
Yeah. Homesickness probably wasn’t the right way to go.
okay, full disclaimer, this series isnt finished and i doubt it ever will be. HOWEVER. this fic is, and this fic is fucking stellar. magical realism has always been a fave of mine, and of course add vld and klance to that and ill always go feral. if you want to see amazing mcclain family backstory and tension so thick you could gnaw on it, swallow the L and read this fic you’ll only be a litle devastated that you won’t see how the series ends
4. Bruises by @admiralcanthackett
Lance is cornered by a Galra, cut off from the rest of his team. When he hears their disparaging comments, instead of asking for help when he can, he hides how hurt he is. He doesn't want them to think he's anymore useless than he already is.
you can tell that the author was mad when fae wrote this and honestly? yeah. yeah, sometimes u just have to be mad. sometimes thinks go to shit and its everyone’s fault and your pain becomes physical and you just have to grit your teeth and tell everyone to go fuck themselves. thats what lance goes thru here
5. Hybrid by @admiralcanthackett
Lance overhears one of the aliens insulting Keith after a successful mission and loses his temper.
yes another admiral fic but let me live i have always been obsessed with these fics and there are just so MANY of them okay. there will be more. but i like this one bc who doesn tlike protective lance??? who doesnt like keith realising that he’s worthy of being defended??? like cmon now
that’s it for today!! i’ll see y’all back next friday for the next fic rec post!!!
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autisticlancemcclain · 2 years ago
fic rec friday 13
welcome the the tenth fic rec friday! where, on friday, i rec five of my favourite fics.
1. i was always yours (even before you knew it) by paladarns
Lance thought Keith was just an asshole. Lance has always thought of Keith as an asshole, all throughout traveling into space in a large mechanical lion, all throughout bonding moments. All throughout becoming closer as teammates and friends.
Even now, with his hands pinned above his head and Keith’s thighs straddling his waist, Lance thinks Keith is an asshole.
Lance had always thought he could see right through people, but now he’s starting to think he has a bad judgement of people.
---------- a fic in which keith is obvious and lance is a bit of a gay nervous wreck
takes place as if season 1 is the only season to exist but its now years later
so many things to love about this fic. so so many. so i am going to list them. a) secret relationship bc i love that shit and eat it up every time, b) ‘takes place as if season 1 is the only season to exist but its now years later’ -- paladarns my love thank you for this truly excellent description of where i write my fics like 80% of the time. c) keith has game, and d)  HE WAS ALWAYS KEITHS EVEN BEFORE HE KNEW IT IM SOBBING BEST TROPE BEST TROPE
2. Wake Up, Sleephyhead! by @transbakugou
Keith has never loved someone like he loves Lance. Lance is his sun, his stars, his happiness. Their hands fit together like they were created to do nothing but hold each other, and he fits perfectly inside of Lance's arms. But he can never let anyone find out how much he loves this boy, how wholly and endlessly. Who knows what the Galra would do with that kind of information?
One morning, the lie comes crashing down around them.
Maybe it won't be as bad as they feared.
i love gay whipped klance and truly every single fic that has ever been written based on a vine is truly amazing, this fic is no exception. also secret relationship lol i am a sucker
3. Something Secret by @kingswriting
It was funny at first. Their arguments became more banter than actual disagreements, yet the entire team continued to assume they were at each other’s throats.
And Lance knows they’re not. He is fully aware that every sharp word, every sly smirk, every heavy handed push, and everything in between is anything but malicious.
But that doesn’t mean he doesn’t miss the softer side of things.
Or, Lance and Keith are in a secret relationship, but honestly want to omit the 'secret' part.
okay u can always tell what tag im following obsessively at certain times lol. for yall i present yet another secret relationship fic. ahem. this one is cute! banter and flirting and misleading and kisses and GOD its so sweet
4. Things Held Sacred by yarrie
So maybe, just maybe, Pidge was right. Maybe, just maybe, Keith had shot himself in the foot with his first attempt at resolving the blanket-hogging situation, because now Lance seemed to think it was a game and the rules were: steal the blankets, get sex.
To be fair, Keith hadn't exactly been...dissuading him very well.
okay so heres how this works. every fic rec friday so far has been from a specific collection of mine called ‘rereadables’, which was literally started because of this fic. i dont even know what specific part of this fic gets to me so hard, but you know when you read something that makes your stomach go all swoopy? and you can’t stop smiling? thats this fic! i remember i finished it for the first time and then i scrolled right back up to the top and read it again, then again, and again. like i cannot get over this fic. it gives me butterflies every time
5. Communication is key, they say by @ellana17
They already had communication issues before… Or: a malfunction with a healing pod leaves Lance able to speak only Spanish for a few days.
the idea of lance getting stuck in spanish and then almost immediately using that to flirt with keith without him knowing. like. i love that SO much that is quite possibly one of the funniest concepts to exist
that’s it for today!! i’ll see y’all back next friday for the next fic rec post!!!
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