#bc i get to play with pjo/hoo lore much more
kamaluhkhan · 3 days
okay SO ive been thinking about my new luke x poseidon!reader series and ive had some thoughts....read more under the cut + vote for ur preference 🌊
more under the cut!!
option 1 will be within the pjo universe, but with some major changes. for one, reader is the eldest child of poseidon and the hero of the prophecy. there would be no luke betrayal; instead, they grew up together, fought side by side, and had feelings for each other that they'd try to deny. reader left after defeating kronos, started a band (if you read my nemesis!reader series, specifically this chapter, you know the vibes), lost touch with most ppl. a few years later, things go south and she returns to camp half-blood to keep a low profile for the summer. this option would include lots of summer camp fluff + nostalgia, angst about the gods/prophecies, in universe references to events + character cameos. the general dynamic would be luke and reader dealing with the aftermath of the war in completely different ways that cause them to grow apart, and then this summer maybe starting to bridge that gap.
i realize this option leans more towards a camp rock x the summer i turned pretty × percy jackson plot. what i like about it is that i can play around with pjo (and maybe even heroes of olympus 👀) lore, but it's not what i initially had planned and idk how to decide things lol.
also i picture this set in the late 1990s/early 2000s: reader and luke sending texts through flip phones, sharing flannels and graphic tees, burning cds with the newest paramore or green day, etc. im also thinking about that one scene in sea of monsters where percy PRINTS a picture that annabeth sent of her at the golden gate bridge and puts it in his notebook. the equivalent of that would be luke ripping out a magazine article about you and the band and hanging it up next to his bed.
option 2 would be more of a modern au! no demigod lore, and set in 2022/2023. it would essentially be the same as my tsitp series, i would just change the names and adjust a few things, maybe add some fun references where i can. reader would have grown up spending her summers in long island with luke, thalia, percy, and annabeth. she and luke are the oldest. reader is a competitive swimmer in college (that's where the poseidon dna comes in) so drifts away for a few years, while luke is taking on a lot of responsibility as his mom gets sick. after an injury, reader returns to long island for the summer and things get....tense? interesting?
again, this would be very very similar to my conrad fisher series in terms of plot. i think of option 1 as taking the character dynamics of that series (eldest siblings with too much responsibility, childhood friends to strangers to lovers, summer nostalgia) and putting it into a pjo universe, while this one (option 2) is closer to the original plot.
with that said....
++ if u made it this far and read through my ramblings + voted, thank u sm 💓💓
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demons-and-demigods · 3 months
Greetings, my darlings!
You can call me Eliot or Dean ^-^
I made this side blog to post about my spn/pjo crossover au!
This pinned post is gonna be two-fold: basic info abt the au (which I've named the Demons and Demigods Verse) and some basic info abt me!
Behind the Screen:
As I mentioned, you guys can call me Eliot or Dean! My pronouns are they/he and im nonbinary (transmasc) pan ace!
This is a side blog!!!!!!!!!!!! My main is @invalid-author , and I have a couple other side blogs as well. @water-you-doing-bro is my pjo side blog, @pretty-boy-baby-girl is my criminal minds side blog, and @demons-i-get is my spn side blog!
I'd like to keep this blog for just my au, so if you want to talk with me about spn or pjo not related to this au or anything else, please feel free to hop over to the corresponding side blog or my main!!!!!!
I'll come back and edit this if I remember anything else I want to add!!
And now,
Demons and Demigods Background!
Some warnings/preface before I get into the actual au: I have a potty mouth and therefore so do the characters. I love using the fuck word.
As the blog title states, I do put the characters through The Horrors arguably worse than canon. So. Please keep that in mind, also I am a big fan of dark!percy and making demigods a little eldritched (mostly percy tho) so expect a lot of morally gray (at the very least) actions on Percy's part and violence and gore more spn canon level than pjo canon level
Also, I do fuck around with timelines as I wish even if it doesn't make much sense bc I am the god of this world and Chuck's got nothing on me 😈
I make a number of changes to how spn s1 plays out and also smush the entirety of spn seasons 1 , 2, and most of 3 into the ~8-10 months during which hoo takes place. Like I said, I fuck severely with the timelines.
This au starts in the time between tlo and tlh where Percy has just gone missing, and picks up right after the pilot for spn
I haven't made it that far yet, but this au will be Destiel bc I'm down bad <3
Sally is Mary's younger sister. They were always close growing up, and both decided to quit hunting.
Percy is six years younger than Sam! (Sam is 22 in the pilot, and Percy is 16 when he goes missing.)
Percy disappears and Annabeth tells Sally that he's missing right after Jess dies. Oops. (Yes, I know the timelines don't match up but I don't care <3)
Everything else I'll get too into, so I'll post the rest of the set up separately!
I have some scenes fully written for this au and a lot of hand-wavey transition shit written down, too.
I'll work on getting what I've got so far posted over the next couple of days!
As I get stuff posted, I'll tag all fully written scenes with #dndv scenes and anything involving world-building or any kind of lore will be tagged with #dndv lore ! If I get any asks abt the au, they'll be tagged #dndv asks alongside #dean/eliot answers . All posts about the au involving plot or storyline at all will be tagged with #dndv and #demons and demigods verse . Anything like progress updates as I'm working on the next part will be tagged with #dndv behind the scenes
I'll include those tags in this post for ease of use, and if I decide to use other specific tags, I'll add them here as well!
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