#the FIRST THING he did upon meeting lupin was to try to cut his head off
prosepoetryanddrama · 3 months
Sirius Black Faces the Woes of a High School Crush (wolfstar)
Sirius Black made a lot of, often questionable, decisions, but he had never made a more questionable decision in his life than jotting down his name on the sign up sheet for the "Swot Team", also known as Student Council. 
That was the thought running through his brain as he forlornly walked down a corridor in Hogwarts High School. This corridor did not lead to the cafeteria with it's mouth watering pumpkin pastries, nor to the locker rooms for the Gryffindor team, or to the tables near the field outside, where Sirius and his cronies ruled over the peasants, better known as students. 
No, this corridor led to the dreaded room that held Hogwarts Student Council meetings every Friday at lunch. Sirius, of course, spent Fridays normally doing much more interesting things like throwing paper balls at Slytherins or holding court over the team, laughing with James, while also subtly looking around to grab a peek at a flash of tawny hair near the end of lunch break. That last reason was why he was here in the first place. 
Sirius Black was tall and broad and handsome and rich and charming and had never wanted something and not gotten it. Of course, except for Remus Lupin.
It was not that Remus Lupin had rejected Sirius, in fact the two of them had not had more than a handful of conversations, consisting of "good mornings" and "hellos", in the two years that Sirius had known him. No, Remus Lupin had not rejected him, as Sirius Black had not even made a move.
Sirius remembered the first time he had seen him, when Remus had enrolled in Hogwarts, two years ago, having come from some random French school to England with his family.
He had been all cinnamon, soft hair and wide caramel eyes. His body had been all lithe, dressed in a thick sweater, and Sirius had wanted. 
Sirius had, in fact, never wanted anything as bad in his life, as he wanted Remus. Yet, for that exact reason, Sirius did not have him.
No, Sirius did not drive to school in the morning in his ostentatious car with Remus smiling in the passenger seat. Sirius did not make Remus that Chamomile tea with milk and honey that Remus prepared in the cafeteria, sipped delicately in the bleachers, bundled up against that redhead. Sirius did not grab Remus’s hand and interlock with his as he passed by him in the corridor, and he definitely did not cut Remus off as he rambled about his favourite book by pressing his lips to his. No, Sirius did not do any of this, but he yearned to.
For some reason, most likely the universe trying to punish him for being too perfect or some curse placed upon him from that time in third year that he accidentally brushed up against Snape, Sirius could do nothing but stupidly blink or release a string of garbled nonsense, every time he was in the company of Remus Lupin.
Sirius had long accepted this and spent his time watching Remus from afar these last two years. But now, they were in their last year, and Sirius was running out of time. 
That was the thought he held in his head as he reached the door, that when opened, would reveal a room with Remus Lupin in it, and course several other nerds, but they were not important. 
Sirius had one school year left before graduation, before they left Hogwarts and Remus floated away to go be a professor or some other job where he passionately did book people things. One school year before Remus floated away from Sirius, that is if Sirius remained as he was. That is why he had signed up, to finally have an opportunity to be around Remus and slowly worm himself into his heart, and eventually, perhaps other places.
Now was his time to act, and have the chance to perhaps be allowed to exist in Remus’s orbit. Yes, Sirius around Remus was tongue-tied, blustering and red. But he was also Sirius Black and he was brave and confident, and when he wasn’t, he faked it. He was going to get what he wanted, and what he wanted was Remus Lupin 
Hehe this was fun little drabble. If anyone is interested in getting more parts or like an actual story, let me know!
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miloucomehome · 1 year
(so good!!!)
First, first!!
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The moment where Doram and Nozaki try to get Nogi's Face ID at the restaurant was adorably funny.
Also: The Nozaki-Doram-Genghis teamup later? Love it.
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Onto the next stuff in this episode (there's so much. I'm only just touching upon some things)
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Nozaki being written and treated as a very competent state agent makes me happy. He's not hyper-competent, he has "fun", he's not hyper-serious all the time (that shit-eating-"You won't believe the plan I've cooked up heheheheh"-grin he has is golden--he's smart. He'll mess with people if he needs to and shares only the necessary info he has with those he trusts (at the moment). He also revels in messing with people haha. Plus he uses his jovial nature to get on others' good side, but he's sincere when he means it. I'm positive that prior to all this he truly has taken an interest in Nogi and is going to treat him the same way, but with more subtly poking to figure out what's going on
I love Nozaki (and I truly believe that in light of the reveal this week, he found Nogi endearing, was maybe falling for him or just wanting him to be ok idk, and now has to suspect him and truly learn who he is) but now I'm genuinely worried we will lose someone in the main cast by the finale.
(I have become a Nozaki oshi.)
A theory that had been floated about on twitter by multiple viewers in the VIVANT theories tag actually came to be. Multiple people pointed out that when Nogi was waiting outside the Balka International Bank, he was holding what looked like Ali's phone and something else. At first some wondered if it was a portable charger, but were curious when the switch happened. That was all revealed this week and I can't believe how much theorists were on the point trying to figure out what happened.
Nozaki's true past being discovered was more than I expected though. Amnesia, being sucked into the grim world of human trafficking...is this how Nogi F (or B through E) was born?
Finally: I can't tell if Sam was bad or if the CIA was trying to get Ali as an intelligence asset, BUT NOOOO SAM!!!!! NOGI F HOW THE HELL COULD YOU?! I LIKED OUR LUPIN IIIrd FANBOY CIA AGENT.
(that said, this means he met Sam at the Rongaly Military School then?!)
Jamine being some sort of "miracle child"?! Is Sakurai, Nogi's handler? Who's the head of BEPPAN?!
Now we find out that the character with Nino is Nogi's dad?! That he survived?! Nino is some kind of adopted son?! Or did his wife survive and they had another child?! Ali said he didn't meet her, but had seen the photos...but...still
The amount of silent screaming I was doing during the "execution" scene was obscene. I don't think I could've handled another episode 4 type ending. (That said, I think both Nogi F and Kurosue were willing to go all the way and cut the wires if Ali hadn't cooperated)
And I can't be the only one who is having a hard time telling Nogi A from Nogi F. I feel during the "executions", the apology was delivered by Nogi A. I think that in intense moments like the "executions" they both flip between each other, or even that the true Nogi is the one present. Not one or the other.
Nozaki slowly closing in on the TENT-BEPPAN stuff is wonderful to watch. The fact that Nogi Suguru was an officer with the National Police (and not the Prefectural Police) was surprising. Why did he quit? Why go to Balka? Nozaki being with a federal agency will easily be able to access this information now. What he does with the info he does learn will be interesting because at the moment, with the information viewers have from episode 5, it's that Nogi's father left the NPA(?), went to Balka with his wife and son, something happened, his son was kidnapped and trafficked, he changed his name and somehow he created a terrorist group based in Central Asia using his family's crest as its own symbol? I'm curious how the NPA officer-to-mystery-organization-leader thing happened.
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(help this wink after he says "We're Public Security.". helppp!!)
Masato Sakai is a wonderfully talented actor. Episode 5 was an absolute treat of his talents. (Can he get more menacing roles in the future???)
I'm also noticing NogI F's actions and interrogation methods are reminding of an older Masato Sakai drama from 2010 where he led a "double life" (it's nothing like this level) called JOKER: Yurusarezaru Sousakan. In it, by day he's a law-abiding officer of the law and at night he's a bit of a vigilante ala "You have failed this city". There's more to it, but that's all I remember. I couldn't help but feel that as a much more mature actor, Sakai dipped into that a bit.
Speaking of Nogi F, while I understand that what we know of BEPPAN's mission is apparently for the sake of saving the country from a potential attack, it's currently at the "Cool motive, still murder" stage and deeply morally grey. I'd like to know how he came to be paired with Kurosue and if he knows about Nogi F.
Which, from what the lady at the orphanage mentioned, it sounds like Nogi F (or B, C, D or E) have been around since he was a small child....
Anyway. I'm watching Episode 6 after dinner or shortly. Idk. T_T)
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The Werewolf and the Angel Chapter 5- Remus Lupin x OC
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Remus Lupin x Violetta Cook
Description: Violetta brings some treats to Remus then goes to Hogsmeade for a meeting with the Minister of Magic himself.
Word Count: 2.1k
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It had been a particularly bad full moon for the marauders. Of course, Violetta wouldn’t know as Remus had forbidden her from going to the Shrieking Shack with them because of the risk. She didn’t care, as long as she could be there to wait for their return. It was a compromise they could handle, especially since Violetta would get some potions and supplies from Madame Pomfrey so they didn’t have to make the trip.
Unfortunately for her, as well as the guys, Violetta had gotten caught in the boy’s dorm and was escorted back to her room by the Gryffindor Head Boy. The Head Girl of Ravenclaw ended up staying close by so she had no way to sneak out. With great hesitance and some convincing from Gaia, Violetta finally laid down and got some sleep.
She was at the Gryffindor entrance with her almost full hand knitted bag on her shoulder first thing in the morning. After mumbling the password, she bolted upstairs, not sparing a glance to Lily and Marlene. Peter, Sirius and James were standing outside of their room looking exhausted. James perked up upon noticing her and wrapped her in a hug.
“We were wondering where you were,” Sirius said, hugging her once she and James let go. Violetta smiled guiltily.
“I’m sorry, I was waiting but you guys were taking longer than usual. Will Brown saw your door cracked open and went to investigate.” The guys’ moods dampened a bit at the mention of them being late. 
“What happened to you guys?” She asked, noticing that they looked worse than they usually did after a full moon. 
“We don’t know exactly,” James started. “It was worse last night. Moony was more vicious, more hostile.” Violetta’s face morphed from confusion to concern. 
“He passed out as soon as he was human again,” Peter added tiredly. The guys looked solemn, as if they’d been caught with their hand in the cookie jar.
“Has he-” Violetta began, but James seemed to already know what she was about to ask. 
“He woke up ten minutes ago, but he wanted to be alone. I think he’s trying to patch himself off,” he said earnestly. “Maybe you should go help him Birdie.” With a final nod, Violetta walked into the room. 
Sure enough, Remus was hunched over on his bed attempting to rip the bandage wrap with his teeth. He turned to face her after hearing the door open. Her heart almost broke as she noticed new scratches on his face and arms. She couldn’t imagine how many more were under his clothes. 
“Hey Moony,” she spoke softly, not moving yet to see what he wanted. He gave her a weak smile in response.
“Hi Angel,” was all he said. they both knew why she was here, but she thought she would say it anyway, she was never one for long silences.
“Thought you might need some help.” She gestured to his badly wrapped arm and smiled when a quiet laugh came from him. She waited until he gestured her over before actually taking a seat beside him. They sat in silence while she unwrapped his arm and began properly dressing it. Violetta knew better than to ask about last night, he’d start talking when he was ready. And Remus was ready when she began cleaning the fresh scars on his face.
“I guess the moon was just stronger this time around,” he muttered, wincing when she cleaned one of the deeper cuts. She simply hummed in response, waiting for him to go on. 
“It didn’t help that you weren’t here when I woke up,” he added jokingly. Violetta pouted in response, her shoulder slumping. Before she could defend herself he spoke again.
“I know. Will Brown caught you, I heard you telling the guys.” She relaxed when he said that. 
“You’re mean for that. Maybe I shouldn’t give you what’s in my bag,” she teased. Remus’s eyes widened and he glanced behind her, where her bag was laying. How had he not noticed until that point?
“What’s in it?” He asked eagerly, reaching for it. Violetta moved it out of his grasp on the other side of her. 
“Nuh uh, not until we’ve finished with your wounds. They need to be cleaned.” The boy groaned dramatically, resting his forehead on Violetta’s shoulder. 
“Not fair,” he grumbled lazily. She smirked and set her bag on the floor by the bed.
“Not fair indeed, but those are the conditions.” With a little more grumbling, Remus agreed and allowed Violetta to finish dressing his wounds. Once she finished she pulled her bag onto her lap, pulling out several chocolate bars and treats. His eyes lit up like a Christmas tree at the sight and he immediately unwrapped one, tore off a piece and popped it into his mouth. Violetta pulled out a few pieces of saltwater taffy and had some. The two sat there sharing their treats for a few minutes in comfortable silence before a knock was heard at the door. After Remus called an entrance, Sirius popped his head inside.
“Sorry to interrupt you lovebirds, but it’s almost time for class. I have the first shift, remember?” His question was aimed at Violetta. She, Sirius, Peter and James had a routine for days after a full moon. Sirius stayed with Remus for the first three classes of the day, James sat with him during break and lunch (leaving in the middle only momentarily to get them something to eat), Peter sat with him for the three afternoon classes, and Violetta sat with him for any classes afterwards. By that time he’d be feeling well enough to at least go down to the common room and interact with others.
“Oh yeah, thanks Padfoot,” Violetta said as she started to gather their trash. Sirius sat on the bed beside Remus as she grabbed her books. Just before she left, Remus grabbed her hand.
“Hey, you forgot something,” he muttered with a pout. Violetta ran a list through her head before realization struck her.
“Oh! Sorry darling,” she spoke, leaning down to place a kiss on his cheek. A content smile appeared on his smug face making her roll her eyes.
“Have a good day Angel.” She nodded and bid them a quick goodbye before making her way out and down the stairs with James and Peter following her.
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Violetta couldn’t help but smile at the memory that now replayed in her mind as she made her way to Remus’ chambers. It was the morning after the Sirius Black scare and full moon. Violetta, though she knew that Remus was better with his Wolfsbane potion, knew that his side effects were awful and decided to bring him a pick me up. The fact that Snape was substituting for him only served to prove that. 
Once she arrived at his door, she raised a hand and knocked three times. For a moment there was silence on the other side. Violeta began to worry that he was trying to sleep and she was just waking him up. But then she heard movement shortly before he called out. 
“Come in.” The woman wasted no time in walking in, closing the door behind her. The man was laying in bed, but it was obvious that he wasn’t asleep. He looked a little worse for wear, but it wasn’t anything that Violetta hadn’t seen before. His eyes were open and he was staring out the blind-less window across from his bed, though his gaze turned to her when she stepped inside. She watched his eyes widen upon seeing her. 
“Bir- uh, Violetta,” Remus greeted, obviously surprised to see her. “What’re you doing here?” 
“I bring gifts,” she responded simply, holding up her small blue and white tote bag specifically for shopping at Hogsmeade. A small laugh escaped the man’s lips as she walked over and took a seat on his bed. Before she divulged in the contents of the bag she set it aside and took a moment to look him over. 
“How was last night?” She asked gently, pushing some hair out of his face without thinking - like it was the most natural thing in the world for her. It used to be a long time ago, but now Violetta blushed when she realized what she was doing. Remus didn’t seem to mind, however. 
“Same as ever,” he responded with a shrug. “I’m just tired now.” 
“Well, luckily I have the perfect cure for that before you go to sleep,” she said, perking up as she pulled the bag between them. “I’ve Fizzing Whizbees, Fudge Flies, Peppermint Chocolate Toads, Chocoballs, Honeydukes brand chocolate bars and salt water taffy - the taffy is for me though. I would be happy to share with you.”
“No you wouldn’t,” Remus muttered with a fond smile. “Those are your favorite, you never shared them.” 
“Hey, you don’t know,” she said, feigning offense. “I could’ve changed over the last ten years and become more generous with my taffy.” 
“Did you?”
“No,” Violetta grumbled, busying herself by rummaging through the tote. Remus laughed beside her, which admittedly brought a smile to her face as she began pulling out the various treats for him. They unwrapped their own candies and ate in silence. Sure, they probably should’ve been eating real food for breakfast and not chocolate and taffy. But, they were adults and they could make adult decisions about their choice of meals. 
“Professor Dumbledore has asked me to go to the Three Broomsticks with McGonagall when the students head to Hogsmeade,” she mentioned softly. 
“Really?” Remus asked with interest. Violetta nodded. 
“And I heard that the Minister is here,” she added, growing nervous at the thought. If the man wasn’t surprised before, he definitely was now. 
“What for?” 
“I don’t know, but I have a feeling it has to do with Harry. I just know it.” Remus seemed to sense her unease because he gingerly reached his free hand out and rested it over hers. Her eyes met his, and he offered her a small, reassuring smile. 
“Whatever the reason is, I’m sure Harry will be just fine,” he muttered soothingly, then he continued when she still looked hesitant. “Do you want me to go with you?”
“No,” the woman sighed. “Dumbledore wants it to remain secret.”
“And the first thing you did was tell me?” He questioned as his lips quirked up in amusement. Violetta rolled her eyes playfully. 
“What, are you saying I can’t trust you?” She teased. 
“Maybe, maybe not.” That made both of them laugh, then Violetta spared a glance outside. Students were already beginning to line up in the courtyard. 
“I should probably get going,” she sighed, standing up. “Keep my taffy safe?” The question was a joke, and one that lightened the tensions even more. 
“Always,” he responded with a smile before taking her hand in his. “Will you be okay?” 
“I think so,” she decided after a moment of thought. For a moment Remus just stared at her, then ultimately nodded and let go of her hand. Violetta tried not to mourn the loss of warmth and instead wished him goodbye before heading out. 
“Ah, Professor Cook,” Cornelius Fudge greeted from a Ministry provided sled outside the castle, holding out his hand to help her in. “Lovely as always.” 
“You flatter me, sir,” she laughed fakely as she climbed in, desperately trying to conceal her nerves. McGonagall, who also sat in the sled, seemed to notice it anyway because she offered her a comforting smile. Once they were comfortably seated they made polite conversation as they rode towards Hogsmeade.
“Rosmerta, m'dear!” The Minister greeted happily as they pulled up to the Three Broomsticks, where Hagrid was waiting. The half giant opened the door and, unfortunately, ripped it off its hinges with the strength he seemed to frequently forget he had. After apologizing, Hagrid helped the women out and the trio walked up to Madam Rosmerta, who stood outside her establishment. 
“I trust business is good?” Fudge continued politely, earning a sarcastic smile from the woman. 
“It'd be a right sight better if the Ministry wasn't sending Dementors into my pub every other night,” she responded bitterly. 
“We have a killer on the loose,” was the Minister’s response, which shocked Rosmerta. 
“Sirius Black? In Hogsmeade! And what would bring him here?” 
“Harry Potter.”
“Harry Potter!?” Fudge and McGonagall were quick to shush her, then the Minister looked around nervously. Once he was sure no one around them was listening, he jerked his head towards the pub. 
“Come on, inside everyone.” With that, he led McGonagall, Rosmerta and Violetta inside. 
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morporkian-cryptid · 3 years
I love how Goemon's first response to getting yeeted into a parallel universe is to pick a fight with his partners.
"They don't recognize me or remember who I am? SWEET, FREE DUELS!!!"
I love him.
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ohnopoe · 3 years
no goodbyes | remus lupin
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Ship: Remus Lupin x Reader Summary: Leaving Hogwarts and his position as Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher was hard enough, but leaving you was another thing all together Word Count: 1.7k+ Warnings: Self deprecation, a shitty world, and a surprisingly light amount of angst Author’s Note: Gender not specified/gender neutral. This turned out cuter than I expected tbh... This is for the wonderful wednesday writing challenge that @autumnleaves1991-blog and @clydesducktape​ organise! The prompt is linked here because spoilers!
There was something bittersweet about returning home for Remus Lupin.
His family home was small and cramped, but soft and warm, filled with reminders of those who were no longer there. Family, friends, it seemed nothing truly lasted in his life, and that only felt more true as he returned now, before the end of term, before he had intended.
Another job lost to his condition.
Somehow the sting of it didn't cut as deep anymore, but then he'd been dealing with the same prejudice for over twenty-five years now, perhaps he was just getting used to it, he thought with a somewhat amused scoff.
He could understand the letters that had swarmed the school the morning the truth had been revealed, he could understand the fear the student's parents had at the thought of him teaching their children. But that didn't mean it didn't hurt.
And yet, that wasn't anywhere near the most painful part of leaving.
Harry had been disappointed, hell, he looked near heartbroken to see his favourite professor was packing up after all they had gone through in the past few days. And he understood the pain, he really did. The boy had no connection to his parents, and just as he had found two, both were stripped from him.
He would have to try and stay in contact with him, just as soon as he was able to track down Sirius, that is.
The man he had believed capable of betrayal for so many years.
The man he had once called brother, and now- what was he now? Could they go back to the friendship they once had after so much distrust? He could only hope so.
Perhaps there was some good to come from this year after all.
But the moment that thought filled his mind, another face filled his mind.
He had never expected to meet a kindred spirit when he took on the job. He had been determined to keep somewhat to himself, to do his job and make no waves. He hadn't expected you.
The laughter and joy, the late nights that had started out with marking homework together and soon dissolved into simply enjoying one another's company. There was an ease with you that he could not remember ever feeling before.
Even when there was no time, there was still something.
It had started so simply. A book was lent, a note slipped into it. Thoughts shared on a scrap of paper as it was returned.
It soon turned into a pattern.
Books were found with the purpose of being for the other, as you each excitedly awaited the day they would find it back to their gifter's desk, with a simple note which would hint at a long conversation that would come whenever they found the chance.
It was such a soft and gentle thing, and it was yours. 
And then there was the moment, only hours earlier, when you had walked into his office, with his book in hand. Your smile refused to meet your eyes, eyes that seemed to hint at a torrent of emotions that were pulled back. There was so much to say, so much he wished he could say, but how could he?
The truth was out, and it didn't matter that you had been there at his side regardless of the fact you had known from the moment he started working by your side. It didn't matter that you had been there the day after every moon, chocolate and pain potions in your bag as you simply sat with him, reading to him when he wanted company, or working silently at his desk when he needed to rest.
It wasn't just about your beliefs now.
Even if, by some miracle, you felt the same way he did, the world would never allow it. You would receive all the hell and prejudice that he needed to protect you from. His love could never be enough to make up for a world of hate. Could it?
He had held back, trying to appear as though his heart wasn't breaking as he realised this was the end.
There would be no more soft conversations or raucous laughter, no more working together as you each complained about the illegible handwriting of student's work.
This would be the last time you entered his office, as this would be the last time it would be his office. 
And the book in your hands, his book, would be the last one passed between you.
There was a sadness in your gaze as you looked him up and down, taking in each new mark with the same concern you showed every month, and it stole any words from his mind. How could he find something to say when someone as wonderful as you stood before him?
Your mouth had barely opened before a noise startled you both from behind. His classroom room was pushed open in a hurry, and he glanced down at the open map before him to confirm his suspicions. Harry was not about to let him leave that easily either.
Another broken smile filled your features as you turned away from the doorway to face him once more, and then you were walking forwards.
He felt as though he had been hit with the strongest of stunning spells as he simply watched, unable to convince his legs to move, or his arms to wrap you up and hold you against him as he longed to do. No, he simply watched silently as you placed the book down on his desk with a tenderness that seemed to cut through him.
And when your eyes met his, there was so much there, so much hidden in silence, that he never got a chance to explore.
Harry was at the door, and you were retreating already.
He wanted to follow, trapped in your aura, desperate to never leave you. But Harry needed this too, and as you turned to give him a single nod, he did his best to reconcile that this was the only goodbye he would get from the one he loved in secret.
Funny how he hadn't thought to look at the book after that. 
It had gone into his bag almost automatically as he spoke with the desperate boy, but even his subconscious had him holding it carefully, as if somehow he could retain your touch through the book itself.
Now, as he stood with bags in hand in the small cottage of his childhood, it was as though nothing were more important than finding that book and clinging to it.
Clothing and nick nacks were pushed aside as he searched the bag for the precious item, and he sighed with relief as the feel of familiar worn leather touched his skin.
A book on herbology, of all things. 
He hadn't even realised he had it before you had found it upon his shelves, and raised it with a tilted head, silently asking if you could borrow it.
Herbology was never a strength of his, and it turned out you were similarly lacking in talent in that department, yet you had taken it with a smile, soft and gentle. A smile that had him realising he would do anything to ensure that smile existed all the more often.
Now, the odd book seemed to be more important than any other, even if it still made little sense to him.
He couldn't help but treasure it as he ran a hand over the cover, staring at it in wonder.
Had you enjoyed it? Had you found it just as confusing as he had?
Now he would never get the chance to discuss it with you, your meetings abruptly ending with the sudden termination of his position.
He couldn't help but wonder, had you left a note in this book? Perhaps something small, a jest about the author's name fitting the topic suspiciously well.
It was with a certain trepidation that he opened the front cover.
What if there was nothing to be found? What if you had decided that after everything that had happened, you didn't even want to do this? What if that was why you had not said goodbye?
No. He was placed in Gryffindor for a reason, and opening a book was not going to be the thing that stopped him in his tracks.
The cover fell open, and he held his breath as he took in the small post-it note that sat right there, with your familiar script staring back at him.
It was a short note, shorter than most, but even the sight of that had him smiling to himself.
If you want to know my thoughts, you're going to have to meet me at The Leaky Cauldron for lunch the day after school lets out.
I'll understand if you don't want to
The huff of laughter that escaped him almost surprised him. But then, he should have known better than to doubt you. You had made it clear from the start that his condition wasn't something that would ever scare you off, going so far as to threaten him with a hex should he ever imply it again.
He should have known better, should have had faith in you.
Perhaps losing his job wasn't the end of everything, perhaps this was just another chapter in his life, and you would remain a steady character, if he would be lucky enough to keep you as a friend.
The note would be treasured, he knew that even now as he unstuck it from the front page, careful not to crease the proof of your unyielding loyalty.
But as he lifted it he noticed something else.
Light shone through the thin paper from the warmth of the fireplace, hinting at more dark ink on the other side.
There, in a slightly more shaky handwriting, but one that was undeniably still yours, held another message.
P.S. I never told you, but I was falling in love.
For the first time in a long time, Remus Lupin felt excited for the school holidays. The end of term could not come fast enough. After all, he had to discuss some notes shared in a book.
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along-came-atsushi · 4 years
Parallels between 55 Minutes and Dead Apple
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While reading 55 Minutes a while ago, I realized that its story and Dead Apple had some interesting parallels or shared the same ideas.
Looking at certain scenes in the Dead Apple novel, some parallels became even more apparent. Sometimes, even the same or similar words were used.
I don’t think there is a deeper meaning behind this honestly, but I find it interesting to point out nonetheless.
  [Side Note: 55 Minutes was released in 2016, while the novel for the Dead Apple movie was released in 2018. 55 Minutes was written by Asagiri Kafka, while he only collaborated with others for the story of Dead Apple. The novel itself was written by Hiro Iwahata.]
Beware: Major spoilers for 55 Minutes and Dead Apple!
  1.  Weapon or abilities described as red heat or red sphere
55 Minutes: The main threat is a weapon called “The Shell” that upon activating, covers Standard Island and Yokohama in a red heat wave, vaporizing all life:
The sky was dyed red. […] Red. Everything was red—the ocean, the island, even Yokohama at the other end of the horizon.
“That’s the Shell.” The terrorist briskly walked over to Atsushi. “The crimson celestial sphere of annihilation.”
The crimson dome burned like a small star that had fallen upon the earth with an extraordinary amount of heat locked inside. The fiery enclosure rapidly imploded. The heat rushing towards its core.
  Dead Apple: Abilities collected by Shibusawa are described as red crystals. Upon merging two abilities together by Dazai, they turn into a red apple/sphere:
The two lights melted into one and spun until they formed a single sphere. They had produced a single apple—a juicy, poisoned apple red as blood. […]
The apple swelled as it absorbed numerous crystals until the red light became hotter than the surface of hell.
A hellish red light radiated as a violent wind gusted from the giant sphere.
  -> After this Shibusawa gets “killed” by Fyodor, turns into a dragon and releases a red fog that is about to cover the whole earth and turn it into the so-called dead apple.
   2. Allusion to Odasaku and Ango
55 Minutes: It’s been revealed that the Colonel who wanted to activate The Shell was the former mentor of Gide, the leader of Mimic. By activating The Shell, he wanted to state an example and for the truth about Mimic to be revealed. He blames himself for not being able to stop his former subordinates back then. Dazai remembers the Mimic Incident and with it, of course, the painful memories of Odasaku and Ango:
“You won’t find anything,” Dazai suddenly said while turning his gaze out the window. “The Division made sure to completely cover it up. You won’t find any records of their [Mimic] deaths, nor will you even find a single photo accidentally taken of them […]. The Division is good at jobs like that, after all.” […]
But Dazai didn’t say a word as he stared at a point in the sky with an elbow resting on the table. It was as if his eyes weren’t focused on the scenery outside, but were watching vivid memories playing back in his mind.
“I feel bad for the colonel, but there’s no reason to dig up the past and disclose to the public what happened to them,” Dazai revealed in a flat voice. “They died satisfied. Now is their time to rest.”
  -> Even though Ango and Odasaku aren’t directly mentioned, it’s still clear from the context and Dazai’s reaction.
  Dead Apple: Dazai visits the Bar Lupin, the former usual meeting point of him and his two friends:
He was in his usual spot—the seat next to Odasaku’s—and he was talking to the empty space next to him as if Odasaku were still here.
“What’ll we toast to today?”
“You’re not gonna wait for Ango to get here?”
Dazai could practically hear his friend’s voice.
That used to be routine, but now it was all in the past—never to return.
“…Ango isn’t coming,” Dazai replied to Odasaku’s casual remark from years ago. So many things had changed since then. Odasaku was no longer by his side, and Ango didn’t come to this pub anymore. Dazai sat at the counter alone. He was waiting for no one.
  -> Apparently these memories are still so vivid to Dazai that he can play them like a movie in his head, as it is described in both scenes.
   3. Ability/Ability User that is able to absorb other abilities
55 Minutes: Verne’s ability “The Mysterious Island” is revealed to absorb every ability from all the people who have died there. After his own ability took over Verne and transformed into its own lifeform, Gab is still able to do the same:
It was an extremely rare skill. Its range extended across the island he claimed as his domain, and it absorbed all the skills of the people who died there.
Well’s skill wouldn’t allow the same person to return to the past more than once, but if Verne used his skill to keep stealing hers, he would always be using the skill for the first time.
  Dead Apple: Shibusawa collects user’s abilities, once they die in a fight against them, which is similar to absorbing abilities, even though the technique is a little bit different:
“Each one of these is a skill, huh?” Dazai muttered coldly as he looked at the wall. “That’s a huge collection you got yourself.”
The apple appeared in Dazai’s hand and gently rose to the ceiling before stopping. It birthed a skill—an extremely powerful one at that—the ability to absorb.
In other words, Shibusawa was finally able to obtain Dazai’s skill through killing him.
   4. Dazai gets stabbed from behind by the main antagonist
55 Minutes: Dazai gets stabbed by Gab:
Dazai froze as if the rest of his sentence had been plucked clean off. And the tip of a blade was now sticking out of his chest. […] Dazai tried to turn around, but whoever was behind him pushed the knife deeper inside him and twisted it. […] With his arm stuck out, he turned slightly to the side before folding and crumpling to the ground.
  Dead Apple: Dazai gets stabbed by Shibusawa:
Right as Dazai reached for the massive photosphere […] something struck him in the back. […] His eyes opened wide. He could feel a burning pin shoot through his chest. [...]
Standing behind him was Tatsuhiko Shibusawa, […] In his hand was a knife that glowed dully as it pierced Dazai’s back. […] Dazai then collapsed.
   5. Dazai as an obstacle for the main antagonist
55 Minutes: Gab needs to kill Dazai, so that he can’t nullify him with his skill:
Gab’s natural enemy—Dazai—worked at the detective agency. Dazai nullified all skills he touched. […] However, if Dazai was to touch flesh, he [Gab] would cease to exist. […]
For Gab, the threat of Dazai’s skill was equivalent to having a knife shoved into his throat. There was only one way to remove the threat—kill Dazai so that his skill wouldn’t activate.
  Dead Apple: Shibusawa kills Dazai not only to obtain his ability, but also because Dazai had been nullifying his fog:
“There is no next move. I already found the skill I was searching for.” Shibusawa lightly gestured to him with an open hand. “Yours.”
Shibusawa’s eyes gleefully lit up as he gazed down at Dazai on the floor. “From the very start. You were the only one I was after.”
Shibusawa’s fog had the power to separate skills from their owners. Up until now, Dazai’s skill had been nullifying its effect, but it stopped working the moment he died.
   6. Dazai sharing or revealing something about himself to Atsushi
55 Minutes: Dazai says why he wants to kill himself:
“Dazai,” Atsushi said from behind him, “why do you want to kill yourself?” Dazai turned around and looked at Atsushi. It was his usual smile − a cheerful smirk that made him impossible to read. Dazai slightly opened his eyes as if to say, “Oh yeah. I guess I haven’t told you yet.” He grinned and answered:
“Because I        .”
What did Dazai say that day? The more I try to remember, the further these distant memories sink into the glow of the evening sun.
  -> It’s unknown why Atsushi can’t remember Dazai’s answer. Maybe it was too shocking, maybe he simply just didn’t hear it properly. Maybe this whole conversation never happened and it was just a fever dream. For now, it is up to interpretation.
  Dead Apple: Dazai talks about Odasaku and admits he had killed during his mafia time:
“So…” Atsushi spoke up as Dazai idly daydreamed. “Was this someone you used to be in love with, or…?” […]
“…He was a friend of mine,” Dazai added quietly. […] “He’s the reason I quit the Port Mafia and joined the agency. I’d probably still be killing people for the mafia if it wasn’t for him.”
Atsushi was baffled. He had no idea whether that was true. What did Dazai mean by that? Curious, Atsushi turned around to face Dazai, but all he could see was his back.
  -> In both scenes it’s described as Atsushi standing behind Dazai or seeing his back, which could empathize that he can’t see through Dazai or be sure about his true feelings (and in addition every other character in-universe as well as the reader). Furthermore it could also symbolize that Dazai hides his true feelings. This is accompanied by an illustration in the novel. But there is also a scene in the manga where Atsushi thinks about the ADA members with Dazai’s back turned to him:
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   7. Akutagawa as a guidance or motivator for Atsushi
55 Minutes: Atsushi and Akutagawa are both restrained by Gab’s ability and can’t move. Akutagawa already tried to break free, but his ability is physically too thin to cut through Gab’s.
Akutagawa then “kills” Atsushi in order to awaken his tiger power, since the latter doubts himself of being capable enough. Later he assists and assures Atsushi in defeating Gab:
“Tch. Akutagawa clicked his tongue. “Then it appears your fists are the only things that will work.”
He was right. Atsushi’s tiger fists would be big enough to land a blow. But as long as his arms were stuck… […] Atsushi used all the muscle he had to break free, but he still couldn’t pull his body out. He didn’t even budge.
“Do you understand that? There are things I can do that you cannot.” The wind howled. Akutagawa’s dark blade pierced Atsushi’s throat.
A tiger roared. Atsushi responded. […] His body went through an unworldly transformation. He had to move forward. If he didn’t understand, then he had to find out why. […]
“Good,” said a voice. “Now hurry. Do not waste my time, Man-Tiger.
But out of nowhere, a black fabric appeared underneath, stretching from the surface. It became a platform for him [Atsushi] to stand on and support his weight. Quietly looking up at Atsushi from the surface was Akutagawa. His gaze quietly said, “Finish it. Bring him peace.”
  Dead Apple: Akutagawa withholds information to Atsushi on purpose, about why he isn’t able to regain his ability despite having defeated it:
“You fool,” spewed Akutagawa. “Have you seriously not figured it out yet?!” […]
“Akutagawa!” Atsushi screamed in spite of himself. “What’s that supposed to mean?! Answer me!”
But Akutagawa didn’t look back. He simply disappeared into the fog as he headed toward the fortress.
Why…? Why…?! Why am I the only one who doesn’t get it?!
  -> Although it’s noteworthy that Kyouka does the same, with high probability for the same reasons (Atsushi having to figure it out by himself).
   8. Atsushi is forced to kill a dangerous, unnatural existence
This is very interesting in the way it’s been build up in both cases. First the antagonist is described as an existence that is not natural (1), then their motive gets explained (2), Atsushi shows up, saying why their actions are wrong or what he’s about to do (3), and then the deaths of the antagonists are described as some form of salvation (4):
55 Minutes:
(1) The island’s skill rid itself of Verne’s personality and robbed him of his flesh. That was when the living skill Gab was born.
(2) What made him different from Verne was his reason. The guardian of the island, Verne, wanted to save everyone. Gab, on the other hand, didn’t care whether people died.
(3) “But you can’t separate humans and their skills. The reason you want friends is nothing more than a reminder from when you once where human. […]”
(4) Right as his fist was about to connect…
------I owe ya one.
…he heard the young man’s [Verne] voice.
  -> The last stage (4) gets even more underlined with Akutagawa assuring Atsushi by saying “Bring him peace”, as cited above.
  Dead Apple:
(1) Tatsuhiko Shibusawa had been reborn as a skill-like life-form—a divine being that wielded the power of the dragon.
(2) But his wish was still the same. He wanted to drive Atsushi into a corner so he could experience even more pain and torture than he did six years ago. This was a natural conclusion for Shibusawa to reach, for he believed that life was at its strongest and most beautiful when it was being pushed over the edge.
(3) “Here to kill me again, Atsushi Nakajima?” asked Shibusawa. […]
“I’m just sending something back to where it belongs,” he replied.
(4) “…I understand everything now. I know why you’re here, why you appeared before me, and what his words truly meant. You are the angel who will save me…” 
  -> Even before turning into a dragon beast, Shibusawa was already an undead being, and thus an unnatural existence.
   9. Abilities are described as sentient beings or something that can turn against the user
55 Minutes: Gab separated himself from Verne and took over his body:
While traveling into the past, the skill got stronger, transformed, and eventually grew to have a will of its own.
However, Gab’s consciousness was less stable compared with humans.
  Dead Apple: Ability users have their abilities taken away and are forced to fight against them to get them back:
It was Kunikida’s skill, The Matchless Poet. […] He had a good idea how his skill was going to attack, seeing as it was part of him once. He also knew that, unlike his notebook, the phantom’s notebook had the word Compromise written on the cover. A copy of himself that didn’t follow ideals but made compromises was an abomination to Kunikida.
   Lastly, there is also the topic of Dazai set as a motivator for Atsushi and Akutagawa and their bickering about what is right or wrong in regards to him. But since that happens often between them, I didn’t include it here.
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shaynawrites23 · 4 years
For Family Or For Love
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Pairing: adult!Remus Lupin x reader
Word count: 2492
Prompts: “Are you scared of me?” “No. Never.”
“It doesn’t matter what they think. I love you, and that’s what matters.”
Written for @johnmurphyisbisexual’s writing challenge!
Special thanks to @the-moon-and-the-book for both beta reading and coming up with the title!
The heavy door to your private chambers creaked open to reveal the room’s other occupant; your husband, Remus Lupin. He carried an enormous stack of tests to grade in one hand, two cups of coffee in the other, and he held a newspaper clenched between his teeth. He shut the door the same way he opened it; with his foot.
You leapt forward to help him, taking some of the items from where they balanced precariously in his hold, constantly on the verge of falling. He breathed a sigh of thanks, pressing a kiss to your temple as you made your way to the bed.
Upon closer inspection, you realized half the papers he had brought in were actually yours. You taught Herbology and had recently assigned an essay. You hummed in gratitude when Remus handed you a pastry and a couple of colored muggle pens. You knew the older members of the faculty preferred quill and ink, but you chose pens. They were easier to use and much less tedious to maintain.
He smiled softly, humming in acknowledgement as you both sat down to mark papers. The room lapsed into silence, the only sound being the clicking of pens and the occasional mutters of disapproval when either of you saw something you didn’t particularly like.
A tapping on the window broke you out of your concentration. You spun around, eyes searching for the source of the sound when you spotted a small brown owl perched on the windowsill, rapping its beak against the glass.
A messenger owl.
You jumped up, hurrying over to fling open the window and welcome the creature inside. The poor thing was soaked through; it was pouring outside.
“Rem, will you get me a towel for the owl?”
“Sure thing, love.” He disappeared into the adjoining bathroom and emerged moments later with a navy blue towel.
You gently wrapped the owl up in the cloth, hoping it would help the animal get warm and dry.
There was a small cylindrical vessel strapped to the owl’s back, colored a deep red, like the darkest red visible during a sunset. You undid the clasps holding it in place, popping off the cap and peering inside. The case held a sheet of paper, rolled up tightly in order to make it fit.
“Who’s it from?” Remus’s gentle voice inquired.
You didn’t reply immediately, unfurling the note and letting your eyes fly over the words first.
“My parents,” you finally answered. ���They want to have us over for dinner tomorrow evening.”
“That’ll be a welcome distraction from marking papers,” he remarked.
Remus was on relatively good terms with your family. They were somewhat sceptical of his background at first, but decided they would be happy as long as you were. Your father gave a very nervous and jittery Remus his blessing shortly before he proposed, and you had been happily married ever since.
You laughed. “Definitely.”
When you awoke the next morning, your hand searched the bed for Remus, for his warmth. You found nothing. Only when your fingers reached the edge of the bed, the precipice between the sheets and the floor, did you open your eyes.
You blinked blearily, letting your eyes get accustomed to the light entering through the small gap between the curtains. Remus was nowhere to be seen.
Throwing on your robes, you shuffled over to the bathroom and peered inside. Where was he? He was indeed a morning person, but there was no reason for him to be up this early in the weekend.
Your incessant internal questions were soon answered when you heard the telltale creak of the heavy wooden door. Remus entered; you could tell from his hunched shoulders he was deep in thought. The dark circles under his eyes told you he had probably not slept much the past few hours.
“Rem? Remus, is everything all right?” You placed a gentle hand on his shoulder.
He wouldn’t meet your eyes, simply holding up a newspaper and muttering, “See for yourself.”
So you took the paper from him, sitting on the bed as you turned the pages in an attempt to find out what exactly was troubling him so. The sound of the paper crackling under your fingers which usually held so much satisfaction for you, gave you no pleasure this time.
“Oh no.”
You now knew what it was, you knew what had upset him. The fifth page of the paper held a picture of him; it depicted him perfectly, there was no chance of anyone not recognize him. And on the off chance someone didn’t connect the dots, his name was printed right below it. The article revealed his true nature, his lycanthropy, informing everyone who didn’t yet know that Hogwarts’s Defense Against the Dark Arts professor was a werewolf.
You glanced up. Remus stood at the open window, both hands leaning on the windowsill as he looked out over the school grounds. You could tell from his posture he was incredibly worried, and he had every right to be. No one would hire a werewolf, much less send their child to a school which had one employed as a teacher.
“How could this happen?” His voice cracked and you knew he was trying his very best to keep control of his emotions. “We were so careful, how is this possible?”
“I don’t know,” you murmured. “But we’ll handle this the way we always do; together.”
“There’s nothing left to handle.”
“Remus, my love, don’t give up hope. There’s always something. Perhaps my family can help; they have a well-respected name.”
He didn’t reply immediately, instead gazing out over the field where students were playing, studying, or just hanging out.
“They don’t know yet, do they?” It was not a question, more like a statement, as you both knew it to be true.
“They don’t- they didn’t,” you sighed. “But my family knows you. We’re married, for Merlin’s sake. They’re not going to shun you.”
“We shall see about that,” he muttered, straightening up nevertheless. “In the meantime, I should probably have a talk with Minnie. I’ll see you later for lunch?”
You nodded. “As always.”
Fastening your hairpin, you gave yourself a final once over in the mirror. You were dressed to the nines, and yet you wouldn’t classify your attire as too fancy for the occasion. Satisfied with your appearance, you exited the bathroom adjoining your shared bedroom to go look for Remus.
“Rem?” you called. “You ready to go?
You opened the door separating your bedroom from the hallway with its incredibly high ceilings, as could be expected from any old building. Your husband stood outside, leaning against the wall as he waited.
He hummed in confirmation, a soft smile spreading over his face at the sight of you. He reached for your hand, entwining his fingers with yours as he twirled you around slowly, admiration plain in his eyes. Pulling you close, he pressed his lips to yours, gingerly, as though you were the most precious treasure one could possibly imagine.
“Rem!” you laughed, “We have to go! You know my mother hates when we’re late!”
“As my lady wishes.”
With that, he waved his wand and you disapparated, reapparating right outside your parents’ large house. Walking up the cold stone steps, you felt Remus stiffen slightly, and you squeezed his hand. A comforting gesture, one he immediately returned.
The doorbell sounded loudly, chiming once, twice, three times before falling silent. You waited as quick, light footsteps approached, flinging open the door.
“Auntie (y/n)!” the young girl cried, jumping up and down in excitement. It was your young niece Ada, dressed in a pretty pink skirt and with her hair coiffed in cute, bouncy curls. “It’s auntie (y/n)!”
Another set of footsteps approached, slower and calmer than Ada’s. Your mother appeared in the doorway, smiling and greeting you and Remus as she ushered you inside.
“Dinner’s not ready yet,” she remarked casually as she returned to the kitchen, presumably to continue preparing the meal.
Little Ada remained by your side, dragging you by your hand to come look at her latest drawing. Remus still stood in the hall, but the young girl kept you so occupied you could do little more than glance at him every few minutes.
Your father and your brother soon entered, laughing loudly at what must have been an incredibly funny joke.
“Ah, (y/n)!” your father exclaimed when he spotted you sitting in a corner with Ada on your lap and a children’s book in your hand. “I see Ada’s gotten to you already.”
“Yes, she has. I didn’t remember her having this much energy the last time,” you joked, but Ada tugged on your arm to remind you you were supposed to be reading her fairytales.
“Ah, and Remus.” You couldn’t help but notice how much less enthusiastic your father’s greeting was when it was addressed to your husband.
“How’s Edward doing?” your brother cut in. “Not causing too much trouble, I hope?”
Edward was your brother’s eldest child, older than Ava by six years. He started his first year at Hogwarts that year, and your brother was rather anxious about his progress.
“He’s doing very well in his classes,” Remus replied. “Naturally, he’s pulled a couple of pranks here and there, but that is to be expected from such an energetic young lad like him.”
“I see. And no issues with… supernatural creatures?”
Your head snapped up at that. Ada whined for you to continue reading, but you simply told her to wait a moment. You were certain there was a venomous serpent hiding somewhere in your brother’s words, and when it would jump out to ambush you, someone was sure to get hurt.
Remus remained perfectly calm. “None that I am aware of. The boy’s a very talented wizard; he has proven himself very capable of defeating any creature we presented him with.”
Your brother’s eyes narrowed ever so slightly, and as if struck by a lightning bolt of insight, you know this was heading downhill. It was only a matter of moments before he’d attack Remus about his lycanthropy.
You were right.
“Lupin, you’re a danger to the children! It’s not safe for them to be around you.”
“He is not!” you burst out. You stood up and stalked over to them, the fairytale long forgotten.
“He’s a werewolf.” Your brother spoke in the same tone you’d heard him use when explaining things to Ada; things that one would expect to be obvious.
“He’s also a professor, and has been for years. Nothing’s happened.”
“Maybe not yet, but that doesn’t mean it won’t happen.”
Your mother emerged from the kitchen, clearly wondering what on earth was going on. Rather than engage herself in the argument, she stood in the doorway, arms crossed and leaning against the doorframe.
Remus’s hand searched for yours, entwining his fingers with yours as soon as he found it. You noticed your brother’s gaze fly towards the gesture, as if he feared a more nefarious action. But Remus was simply holding your hand, squeezing gently as if to say, ‘calm down, love.’
“(y/n), get away from him.” Your brother’s order hung in the air like a sword dangling above both your heads, waiting to see who would give in first. Your parents seemed to want to intervene, but you could tell they didn’t know what to do.
“Excuse me?!”
“No, I won’t.” You felt like a defiant child arguing with a parent, but that didn’t matter to you. “He’s my husband and I love him. Werewolf or not.”
“It’s okay, darling,” Remus whispered to you, tone low enough that no one else could catch his words.
“What, are you threatening her now?” Your brother was clearly beyond seeing reason, too angry to think logically.
Remus was caught off guard by that accusation, and unfortunately for him, his split second’s hesitation was plain to see. “I merely told her it was okay, that she doesn’t need to fight for my honor.”
“I don’t believe you.”
“I am not in the habit of lying. I am an honest man and am telling the truth.” There was a stark contrast between your brother’s wild accusations and Remus’s calm demeanor. You only hoped it would not simply pour more oil onto the fire.
“You’re a monster,” he finally spat, as if the words themselves were pure poison. “How do we know it’s not only a matter of time before you hurt (y/n)?”
That was a low blow and you all knew it. Your mother gasped, hand flying to her mouth in shock.
“I would never hurt her.”
“Maybe you wouldn’t, but what about the wolf?”
Neither of you could answer that, both fully aware he didn’t have that much control over his other half.
“Please excuse me,” Remus muttered, glancing at your parents before grabbing his coat and leaving the building.
“There. Look what you’ve done. That was low and we all know it,” you seethed.
“(y/n), he’s dangerous! He could kill you!”
“So what? So could any other wizard. So could you, or mom. So could Ada, if she were determined enough.” You crossed your arms as you reached deep inside yourself, attempting to maintain your composure.
“But you can trust we won’t.”
“What? I can trust the same of him. He wouldn’t hurt me, I trust him.”
“So you would trust a wolf not to attack?” Your brother took two steps forward, as if his subconscious wanted to intimidate you into losing the argument. Nice try. You weren’t easily intimidated.
“He’s not a wolf! He’s Remus. My husband.”
You saw the surprise on his face when you emphasized your relationship with Remus, and you took that opportunity to continue.
“Now if you’ll excuse me, I have business to attend to.” With that, you stalked out as well, waiting until you disappeared behind the hedge outside to run after Remus.
He probably heard you coming, because you found him standing around the corner, as if he were waiting. The look in his eyes told you he had probably fought with himself to decide whether or not to wait for you to catch up.
“Rem, please ignore what he said. I know it’s hard, but he’s spewing nonsense.”
“Love, are you scared of me?”
“No. Never.” He had barely gotten his words out before you replied, without a moment’s hesitation.
“Your family seems to think you should be.”
“Remus, it doesn’t matter what they think. I love you, and that’s what matters.”
His eyes glistened with unshed tears. He stepped closer to you, cradling your cheek gently, as if he were afraid you’d shatter like glass if he was just slightly too rough with you.
Leaning in slowly, he captured your lips with his in a sweet kiss. And that alone conveyed all he needed to say.
“I love you too.”
taglist: @the-moon-and-the-book @decalcomanei @emcchi
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theeslytherinslut · 4 years
12 Grimmauld Place (8/?)
Pairings: Sirius Black (post-Azkaban) x reader, Remus Lupin x reader’s brother, Sirius Black x Slytherin!reader
Word Count: 2,130
Warnings: gross imagery
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 9 |
A/N: Next chapter will have the trio! Don’t worry the smut is inbound, I love me a slow burn lol. I have a feeling this will be a fairly long story, possibly pushing 20 chapters cause I’m only just coming up on the storyline I had in mind lmao
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As Snape pushed open the hospital wing doors, the girlish voice you'd heard earlier returned, and this time you were stunned to find it was arguing with Dumbledore. Surely no student in their right mind would argue with Dumbledore.
“I’m afraid that whatever is behind that door doesn’t concern you, Madam Undersecretary,” Dumbledore said serenely. Glancing warily at Sirius, you found him giving you the same look. So it wasn’t a student. You recognized the title as well, possibly from filling out paperwork for work. Work...the Ministry...Sirius Black sitting right next to you, a very much wanted Sirius Black. 
“Sirius, it might be best you transform now." Madame Pomfrey said before you could. Sirius shot her a shocked look, and she shook her head. "Oh, don't look so shocked. Of course I know--and I'm not the only one, you know. Now, go on. I don’t believe that woman is going to be sated by Dumbledore.” 
And sure enough, a second later, the woman pushed open the doors, and Sirius’ hand slipped from yours. Looking over, in Sirius’ spot sat a large black dog, panting slightly. Bewildered, you stared at Sirius’ new form as a small, toad-looking old woman pulled back your separating curtains. 
“What is this?” she hissed, looking to Madame Pomfrey. She was dressed entirely in an alarming shade of pink, which made her resemble a bubblegum ball. Feeling slightly nauseated, you tore your eyes away from her vivid color, but not before noticing her face was also pink in agitation. 
“This is a patient,” Madame Pomfrey responded icily, barely looking up from your leg. Thankfully, it seemed she’d ceased her draining until Sirius was able to support you once more. 
“She isn’t a student, what’s she doing here?” the woman asked, barely looking at you.
“She used to be,” you retorted, stung by the lack of empathy. She seemed not to hear you, but instead stared expectantly at Madame Pomfrey. 
“I shall treat any who seek medical attention, regardless of their status within the school.” Madame Pomfrey said, drawing herself up to her full height. 
“I don’t believe that’s your decision to make, dear.” the woman said in a sickly sweet voice. Your temper flared.
“As Headmaster, I bestow upon Madame Pomfrey the ability to treat whoever she sees fit. So, unless you plan to bodily remove Mrs. Y/L/N, I don’t see why this conversation can’t be continued in a more conducive setting. I do believe we’re keeping Y/N’s wounds from being drained.” Dumbledore said, gesturing down to your leg. “Decaying drought,”
The woman let out a ghastly noise as she looked down, and you rolled your eyes.
“Oh, that’s nice. Really love being gasped at, as if being mauled weren’t enough.” you quipped, unable to hold your tongue. Sirius growled at the woman, and her eyes fell to him.
“There! Now that can’t be sanitary, can it? It’ll have to go,” the woman said, reaching out to pull Sirius from the room. It seemed she was determined to assert some sort of authority over the situation. Sirius growled more loudly and now raised himself to stand on all four legs; whatever dog breed he’d chosen was massive, and he stood almost as tall as she did. Looking at him, he looked truly terrifying. His long fangs glinted in the light pouring in from the massive windows and his hackles were raised as he viciously growled at the squat woman before you. He looked more wolfish than like a dog. 
“I’d advise against that, Madame Undersecretary. I do believe he holds a certain affinity for Y/N. Dragging him from her bedside might not get you the results you so wish to receive.” Dumbledore smiled fondly down at Sirius, who still stood barring his long fangs at the woman. 
“Well,” she gasped, pulling her short, stubby hand from Sirius’ reach. “Cornelius shall be hearing all about this, Dumbledore. I must say it is most unusual for a prior student to be treated by staff during the school year, nevertheless joined by her mangy mutt.”
“I should expect nothing less,” Dumbledore said, serene as ever, “Now, shall we? Unless you wish to see the effects of an expertly made decaying drought on the human body?
She made a face and peered back down at your angry leg, and you were sure to meet her gaze with an icy glare. She cast a look around at the group of you, and you suddenly remembered Remus’ unconscious body in the next compartment. Hoping she wouldn't look around, you held her eyes with a glare. Thankfully, she seemed unable to find anything worth staying for and allowed Dumbledore to sweep her from the room.
Madame Pomfrey let out a string of words that made you proud, and you smiled at a now human Sirius, his hand slipping back in yours.
“That was Dolores Umbridge. Undersecretary to the Minister of Magic, and by all accounts, simply the very worst of humanity.” Sirius explained, absentmindedly running his thumb along the outside of your hand. Madame Pomfrey still bustled about agitatedly, but you knew she’d soon return to you. 
“What’s she doing here? Surely Dumbledore would never hire such a horrible woman?” you asked. It’d been a while since you’d been at Hogwarts, but that you knew.
“Of course not. She was placed here by the Minister. Fudge is becoming intensely paranoid--and about all the wrong things. As I’m sure you’re very much well aware of, he refuses to acknowledge,” and casting a look at Madame Pomfrey, he cut himself off, “You-Know-Who’s return. Instead of dealing with the real enemy--the only true enemy of the whole of the wizarding world--he instead has set his sites on Dumbledore. As I’m sure you’ve read, he’s already got the Daily Prophet to work on subduing and poisoning the public against him and his claims. They’ve even begun to go after Harry now, too. Cowards. Complete and utter sodding tossers, the whole lot of them--”
“Sirius, there are students in here,” Madame Pomfrey hissed, swatting him lightly with an empty medicine bottle.
“Sorry, Poppy. Anyway, Fudge -is so deluded he thinks Dumbledore is using Hogwarts to train up young wizards for a fresh, formidable, wizard army.” Sirius said
“He’s what?!” you laughed, sure he must be exaggerating.
“He’s gone completely round the twist. Thinks Dumbledore’s training up all these children to get them to storm and take over the Ministry. Utterly fuck--sorry, completely nutters. So, he’s placed Umbridge at Hogwarts, fulfilling both the vacant position of Defense Against the Dark Arts and a fiercely loyal mole. Word is he’s working on drawing up the plans to take over the school completely. This just being the first of many steps.” Sirius explained. Madame Pomfrey leaned in and gasped at his story.
“Take over the school? That wretched woman?” she said, holding her hand to her mouth in horror. Sirius nodded grimly, and a look of intensity came over Madame Pomfrey’s features.
“Well, I don’t cave so easily,” she said, sniffing haughtily at the thought of being under Umbridge’s thumb.
“Spoken like a true Gryffindor,” Sirius smiled up at her.
“Gryffindor?” you said, shocked. I mean, it made sense for Madame Pomfrey to attend Hogwarts in her youth, but you’d never really thought about it--much less what house she’d belong in.
“Yes, Gryffindor, but I never let that cloud my judgment, Slytherin,” she sneered playfully at you. You and Sirius let out a laugh, yours dying much quicker as she came back towards you.
“Alright, dear, last one. It looks like his pinky claw didn’t quite reach you,” she said, grimacing as she spoke.
Wrapping my fingers around the bed frame and Sirius’ hand, you nodded. 
And like always, it was hell. Screaming, you tried to quiet yourself, but it was to no avail. Your mouth seemed to have a mind of its own as she worked her way down your leg, pushing out the rotting flesh
“Y/N?!” a voice yelled groggily. Cursing, Sirius slipped from your grasp and disappeared from view. Despite Sirius’ absence, Madame Pomfrey continued. 
“Almost done, ‘few more seconds, dear,” she said.
Casting a look down, your head spun at the image below you. Your limb looked more zombie-like than human. It was a horrible mixture of deep burgundy, black as the infection ran down your leg, and purple from your enlarged veins highlighting here and there.
“Remus! Contain yourself!” Sirius scolded. You knew you should shut your mouth to calm him, but it didn’t seem possible with the imagery added to the sensation. Finally, she stopped, and you fell back against the pillows once more, vision blacking round the edges as you fought to regain your breath. 
Then, what sounded like a dull thud followed by a groan sounded, and Remus burst through the curtains. What he saw brought him to his knees.
“Would you believe me if I told you it’s not as bad as it looks?” you said, trying to force out a laugh. It came out as a strangled cough, though, as your throat was raw from yelling.
“It’ll be alright, Remus. She’ll be fine by this time tomorrow, come on,” Madame Pomfrey fretted over Remus, and you could see her soft spot for your brother remained.
“But...” he trailed off. Words seemed to fail him, and he gestured weakly to your grotesque limb.
“Well, sit down, drink this,” she said, forcing a lavender-colored liquid into his slightly shaking hands. “Calm down, and we’ll explain. If you go roaring off again, I’ll have to knock you out with something much stronger than the last,” she threatened, lowering her eyes at Remus. With a sudden fondness, you remembered her disdain for chaos in her wing.
“Oh, Sirius,” she sighed. He’d just come in clutching a bloody nose, but seemed amused rather than angry.
“Remus!” you said, shocked at your brother.
“It’s quite alright, love. If someone were trying to keep me from you while you were screaming like that, I’d do the same.” Sirius smiled at you. A tingly feeling brewed in your chest at his words. “Excellent right hook, Moony,” he complimented, bowing slightly at his friend.
Tonks followed in soon after, rolling her eyes at the two of them. You met her eyes, and the both of you mouthed ‘men’ at each other whilst shaking your head.
As Remus laughed weakly at Sirius and downed the rest of the liquid, a small boy in scarlet and gold came to collect Tonks. With a wave and a glance back at Remus, she was gone. The effects of the potion were instantaneous; his hands ceased their shaking, he sat up a little straighter and took a deep breath.
“Now, then,” Madame Pomfrey sighed, “Her leg. It seems our favorite furry little friend seemed discontent with the marring effects of his claws alone and dipped them in what we’ve found to be a decaying drought.” 
Bracing yourself for his reaction, you were extremely shocked to find him reasonable still.
“You’ve got Severus making the antidote, then?” Remus asked logically. 
“I’ll take a dozen of whatever that was for later,” you breathed at Madame Pomfrey. Remus was such a reasonable, logical person in every situation, except when it came to you. When it came to you, however, he was much more reminiscent of his wolfish counterpart.
Everyone laughed lightly at your comment, and you sat up slightly, most of the pain fading. 
“So, what now?” I asked.
“Now, dear. You rest. Though, I daresay at some point your friend here will have a trio of visitors,” she said, twinkling at Sirius.
Sirius smiled in realization, and you were happy he got to see his godson early--even if it did take you suffering from a poisonous werewolf attack.
“I’ll be staying, Poppy,” Remus said, pulling up a chair. You opened your mouth to reason with him, but he stopped you by lifting his hands, and you sighed--there was only so much the potion could do.
She cast wary glances at Sirius and Remus.
“You know, I don’t believe there was a single night in which the two of you were in here that didn’t end in various bangs, pop, and screams.” Suddenly, her demeanor was very intense and McGonagall-like. “The first will be tonight. Or you’ll both end up in an empty cot!”
“Poppy, we are adults, you know,” Remus reminded her, smiling lightly.
“Oh, like that ever stopped you lot,” Madame Pomfrey said, giving them each a stern stare as she left.
“We’ll be on our very best behavior, Poppy,” Sirius said solemnly, though the mischievous twinkle in his eyes gave him away.
 “You two will be the death of me,” she sighed, whisking away back to her desk, a concerned look on her face. 
Taglist: @geeksareunique @fredweasleysbitchh @green-intervention @stopbeingcurious @ @blackbirddaredevil23 @pan-pride-12 @deathkat657 @theeicedamericano
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O Children
Minerva couldn’t sleep. Ever since the war had begun, she had become more and more restless in her sleep, increasingly worrying Poppy. Thus, she did not miss a single second of the sharp, rapid, loud knock on the door of their little cottage that sounded at 4 am on that cold November morning. Tightening the string of her checkered green plaid robe, she walked rapidly down the stairs, leaving the vapour of her cup of tea resting on the window sill to god up the window. The lower floor of the house was plunged deep in darkness, the only light coming from the porch lamp whose glow glittered through the door’s coloured glass panels. Gripping her wand tightly, she unlocked the door.
“Albus!” She gasped. “What type of ice cream did I get at Florean’s in Diagon Alleys on August 22nd, 1975?”
Her wand was pointed right at the centre of his chest omnipresent reminder of the war.
“Raspberry sprinkled with rose petals and lavender-infused chocolate topped with almond brittle,” said the old man tiredly.
He looked weary the twinkle in his blue eyes behind his half-moon spectacles dim, long white hair and beard having lost their silvery shine, clothes dusty. It was almost as if more wrinkles had appeared on his face since the last time she had seen him, rendering his face even grimmer, a gloom look stretching across his features.
“What happened?” She asked tightly. “Who…who died?”
Her friend’s silence was unbearable, hanging heavy in the air, announcing in-pendent doom.
“I can’t remain long, I must go and take care of matters, but I assumed you would wish to be notified among the first…”
“Albus. Who. Died?” She repeated.
He sighed.
“Peter Pettigrew and…James and Lily Potter, all murdered by Sirius Black.”
An icy, unpleasant, terrifying wave of cold flooded her veins, disbelief painted on her face. It wasn’t possible.
“No,” she whispered. “There must have been an error. No. Sirius would never do such a thing to James and Lily. They were his best friends. You are wrong.”
The Headmaster watched her with compassion as she muttered “no” under her breath over and over again, refusing to acknowledge the hard and bitter truth. It felt as if the world was spinning at breakneck speed around her, dizzying her. Everything swam before her eyes, blurring and mixing, a kaleidoscopic slush of colours, and numerous seconds passed before Minerva realised that the thin watery veil clouding her gaze was burning hot, unspilt tears. Her grip on the door handle was so tight her knuckles had turned white.
“When? How?…Why?” She breathed raggedly.
“We don’t know exactly,” started Albus gently. “All we know is that Sirius Black was the Potter’s Secret Keeper, he allegedly betrayed them, which led us to believe he reconnected with his family and worked closely with Voldemort. Peter Pettigrew attempted to warn and save Lily and James, and in a fit of madness, Black blew up the street and killed Pettigrew along with thirteen muggles. He was found in a muggle neighbourhood nearby and has since then been arrested and sentenced to Azkaban for life. It was debated whether or not he should receive the Dementor’s kiss, but the judges decided upon a life sentence at Azkaban. I am still waiting for more information, and I will send you the full Order report as soon as it is ready. Members of the Order are of course working on the case along with the Ministry Aurors.”
She watched him tiredly, still refusing to believe him.
“Now, if you will excuse me, Minerva, I unfortunately still have urgent matters to attend to, I cannot remain any longer. I present you my sincerest condolences for your loss, I know that they were all very dear to you, and excellent students. I myself am still quite disbelieving at the situation.”
She looked at him stonily.
“No, you are not,” she thought, but she only asked:
“And Remus? And harry, James’ and Lily’s child?”
“Mr. Lupin hasn’t returned from his mission yet, as for young Harry…I’ve taken care of it
An uneasy feeling overcame her.
“Albus, what did you do?”
The elderly wizard failed to meet her eye.
“I have left him with his last living relatives, the Dursleys. Petunia Dursley was Lily Evans Potter’s sister—“
“I know that, “ snapped Minerva. “What I do not understand is why you thought this was a viable solution. I have met the Dursleys. They are close-minded, rude, and despicable people. They are not a good family or entourage for Harry to grow up in. Petunia Dursley could barely stomach her own sister, I shudder at the thought of how she will treat her nephew. Neither James nor Lily would have wanted this for their son, Albus, I can’t—“
“It does not matter, Minerva,” he cut her off. “While I appreciate your concerns, the matter is sealed and there is nothing to be done now. I have my reasons, and I hope you will trust me as you have done many times before. I wish you a pleasant evening, or well, rather morning I suppose.”
He turned around, his robes sweeping the floor as he walked away until he was nothing but a mere silhouette amongst the shadows, all semblants of warm, glowing light gone.
“Bastard,” seethed the witch after him, before slamming the door shut.
The shock of wood against wood resonated around her in the darkness. She did not know what to do now, what to say, what to think, what to feel. For the first time in years, Minerva was lost. She stood there, back pressed against the hard door, wand held tightly in her wrinkled hand, dark brown hair streaked with gray tumbling down her shoulders, and felt oddly empty, almost numb, as she looked curiously at the single ray of moonlight piercing through the back windows. The old stairs creaked in the far left corner of the living room, and a trembling golden glow filled the lower floor of the white brick cottage. Poppy appeared behind the sofa, gripping her wand whose tip was alight with a soft shine, wrapped in her midnight blue nightgown. She looked weary and pale in the dim light, almost ghost-like, her quivering lip betraying her inner turmoil. Minerva stared at her blankly, as she approached her.
“Minnie,” whispered her wife, kneeling in front of her, placing a soft hand on her wrinkled cheek.
“That’s what they used to call me, James and Sirius, Minnie, mum…they were the only ones who dared to,” she croaked.
“I know,” said Poppy softly, wrapping her arms around her frail shoulders, hugging her tightly. “They were wonderful children and—“
“He killed them,” interrupted Minerva hoarsely. “He killed them…”
She shivered, whether it was coldness or something else, much darker, buried inside of her, she did not know, but she began trembling violently.
“VOLDEMORT KILLED THEM!” She roared, eyes blazing, face red, tears streaming down her cheeks.
“Minerva,” murmured Poppy, chocking on her name, as she held her crying wife in her arms, who shook violently, wracked by uncontrollable sobs.
“He killed them, he killed them, he killed them,” she muttered over and over again, face buried in the crook of Poppy’s neck.
Neither of them had any idea how long they stayed there, on the cold hard floor, leaving against the entrance door of their house. But, soon enough, the morning sun’s first golden rays began filtering through the windows. The sky was beautiful outside, a painted canvas of amber, orange and pink fading into a dark blue in one corner and a clear azure in the other. It was all awfully joyful and pretty, considered the grim circumstances. Exhausted, Poppy got up, and holding Minerva by the elbow, led her to the upholstered burgundy armchair overlooking the small fireplace where coals lay cold and dead amongst the ash. She settled weakly into it, covering herself with a large plaid blanket. She felt nothing, no pain, no sorrow, no joy, nothing. Her mind still hadn’t fully processed the loss, and the first shock of emotions having been evacuated by hours and hours of mourning the dead, she was now empty, hollow.
“Poppy,” she said quietly, taking the small green hand-painted ceramic mug her wife handed her, having come back from the kitchen. “Do you honestly believe, Sirius…”
She stopped, her voice cracking, a shy remnant of the power it used to be.
She took a deep breath in, before trying again.
“Do you think Sirius killed James, Lily, and Peter?” She asked in a small voice,
“Of course not, replied Poppy, taking a sip of her tea. “I don’t believe Sirius would be able to kill someone in the first place, let alone murder his best friends.”
Minerva nodded,
“I do not think so either, but…I don’t know, something is wrong…”
Silence settled in their home, as the birds chirped merrily outside, welcoming the new day with joy and excitement. Suddenly, a loud knock sounded at the kitchen window. Minerva stood up heavily, and leaving her empty teacup on the worktop, she opened it, letting the waiting owl in. Running her hand gently through its glossy tan plumage, she took the newspaper from its claws and slipped five Knuts into the small leather pouch tied at its leg. Big headlines printed in bold black letters glared back at her from the white paper, screaming victory:
“Dark Lord vanquished and gone, for good this time”
“Dark Lord dead: Wizarding Britain celebrates”
“Harry Potter, the young saviour of our world”
She skimmed briefly through the paragraphs, squinting at the fine print, shaking her head slowly.
“Fools,” she thought.
She opened the Daily Prophet to the second page and dropped it in shock when Sirius Black’s desperate face stared back at her from the black and white moving picture. An Auror was restraining him, holding him at wand point, as he desperately attempted to free himself from her iron grip. His face was a mask of pure anguish and misery, as tears ran down his face, his usually lustrous black hair sticking in mangy strands to his skin.
“I’m so sorry.”
He appeared to be mouthing the same three words over and over again.
Above the picture, the headline read:
“Sirius Orion Black: murderer, madman, and traitor”
Facing Poppy who was watching her worriedly, she whispered, voice breaking:
“I must find Remus, now.”
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sorcerersofnyc · 3 years
The Last Thing Left (Zemo x F!Reader) 3/9
If it wasn’t so painfully ironic (and hilarious to watch,) Helmut would find the relationship between Sam and James a little sad.
Ghosts weren’t enough to hold two people together.
While they wait for Torres to locate Donya Madani, Zemo brings Sam and Bucky to the home he once shared with you.
You reunite and he reflects upon his relationship with you (his wife's friend and his friend's wife) and your journey from being people with mutual friends to partners.
Chapter 3: Sam and Bucky try to understand your relationship with Zemo. It isn't complicated, but he remembers a time when things very much were.
Angst, various mentions of death & mourning, Zemo's wife's name is Heike because of comics.  The reader likes waffles (this is a non-negotiable fact)
Note: Main Character is neutral in most regards, but the story was written with my own cultural background in mind. (In other words, I won't say what she looks like but I envision her as being black.)
First Chapter | Previous
A fresh breeze filters in through an open window, swaying the room as Helmut’s words take root.
“Partner?” Sam leans forward in curiosity. “You mean like a life partner or a partner in crime?”
“Yes,” is Helmut’s unhelpful reply. He sends you a conspiratorial smile, one you return with a roll of the eyes.
“Helmut and I are engaged in a… civil partnership,” you explain, “for legal reasons.”
“Amongst other things,” he adds.
“Yes, amongst…other things.” A deep honey-like scent wafts into the room from the kitchen as you share a fleeting glance, a private moment despite the scrutiny of James and Sam. You must have put on a pot of tea.
“That should have been in the reports,” James narrows his eyes and examines the room carefully. “Why doesn’t anyone know about you?” Despite his position on the other wall, he angles his body toward Sam, ready to defend against any traps you might spring.
"Well…" you tilt your head in contemplation, "there was a significant delay in the processing of our paperwork. Nothing was documented until after Helmut’s prosecution."
"How much of a delay are we talking about here?" Sam asks, turning his assessing gaze toward Helmut as if to ask, ‘did you do something?’
"Around—what was it, Helmut? A year and a half?"
"18 months," he agrees. “Our paperwork seemed to have gotten misplaced. It's so difficult to find reliable lawyers these days.”
Sam didn’t seem to believe him.
"I'm his spouse on all official records,” You cut in before either of the two to speak, “but I'm sure you understand why privacy is important to me.” When he testified to his crimes, he made it clear that he had no accomplices and the investigation proved the same. The lawyer ‘misplaced’ the paperwork long enough for public interest in his case to die.
You didn’t need that sort of public scrutiny.
Sam seems to agree.
“We would never compromise your safety,” He assures you. He has his own family, people he loves with targets on their backs. He thinks of them as he addresses you.
The teapot whistles in the background.
“Thank you.” You smile and excuse yourself from the room. “The tea is ready.”
Helmut wants to pull you back to him, but he settles on meeting your gaze as you make a hasty retreat through the archway.
You’re gone all but a few seconds before James begins to speak.
"OK Zemo,” He says, his voice low and threatening, “it's about time you tell us what's going on—your partner? Really?"
"I’ve no reason to lie, James—but perhaps you’re not used to honesty,"
“Not from you," James lurches forward like a beast seeking prey. He glares down at Helmut, a mere arm's length from Helmut’s chair.
Helmut doesn't doubt Jame's violent intent, but he isn't particularly afraid. He settles back in his chair, moves his hands along the length of the arms, and brushes a thumb across the cool metal of the gun strapped beneath.
"Simmer down, Buck.” Sam lifts his hands. “This is weird enough as it is.”
James hesitates but relaxes his defensive stance.
"She doesn't seem to like me and Sam," James continues, reclaiming his position on the wall. “I don’t plan on waking up with a knife in my back.”
“She would never do such a thing, it's far too messy." Unbothered by their altercation, Helmut rises from his chair. He moves toward the bay window and liberates a copy of  Arsène Lupin, gentleman-cambrioleur , from the floating shelf.
Before James can say whatever it is he wants to say,  Sam intervenes once again.
“What I think he means is, 'how do we know we can trust her?'”
"You won't come to harm under her care, you have my word."
His word.
James scoffs at the mere suggestion. Trust isn't something that exists between them and it never would.
But the air is so thick with tension and he can hear the unspoken words that linger in the air: ‘What about your late wife?’
So Helmut flips through the book absentmindedly, stopping at a dog-eared page.
“My companion,” he begins to explain, “she was my wife's dearest friend.” He glances up from the pages of the book to meet Sam’s gaze. “She lost her husband when your friends made Sokovia into a battleground so I found it prudent to ensure her wellbeing.”
They're quiet—finally—and Helmut finds their discomfort pleasing.
Turning his attention back to the book, he reads a line you underlined.
'Quel dommage que je ne sois pas un honnête homme!' What a pity that I am not an honest man!'
“Would you like some honeybush tea?” Your voice cuts through the silence a few moments later. You stop at the threshold and gaze back warily gaze wary.
“I expected Helmut to be alone, but I have other drinks too.”
“The Tea is fine, thank you.” He sets down your beloved book and walks across the room to meet you. Ever so gently, Helmut coaxes the tray from your hand and sets it down on the center table.
“I made lunch as well... si comes ese tipo de cosas .” You mutter, leaving the room once again.
Helmut pours himself a cup before gesturing toward the tray.
"Please, you are guests; have a seat, enjoy some tea." Grabbing the book with one hand, Helmut returns to his favorite chair.
James doesn’t move an inch but Sam takes the seat near the window. His body sinks into the fabric with a sigh.
“Hopefully Torres finds Donya soon. I don’t want to impose for too long.”
“She really is a lovely hostess.” Helmut takes a seat and returns the book. “I intend to enjoy her hospitality while I can.”
At first, living with you was easy; Helmut stayed out of your way, he spent his time conducting research and it was quiet.
But the walls were thin and noise echoed through the open vents—He could hear you crying late at night.
He wanted to help, but he had no temporary comforts to offer. The only thing he had was his anger and his plan. You’d rest easier with the Avengers buried in the ash heap, he told himself. That day, when you hugged him, he felt as though you encroached on something, something that would break if he failed to tread lightly.
When you looked as though you wanted to talk or share a fond memory, he mentioned something about the old-fashioned décor and suggested that you change something. He bought you books from the shops he passed on the streets, jars of pigment, and blocks of clay.
He observed you, found what you liked, and got them for you.
“Thank you,” you’d say with a smile, and that was more than enough for him.
He didn’t expect you to return the favor.
But then you’d do things like make him breakfast (always with black coffee and a side of bacon, his favorite.) You’d buy pillows in the same specific shade of burgundy to accent the walls. You’d leave the paper on the kitchen island and kept a jar of honey with the tea.
And he hated you for that, for doing the things Heike would do, for sharing her habits, humor, and sensibilities.
‘Good morning, Helmut,' you would say in the morning, 'Would you like to visit the market with me?’ or, ‘Helmut, you can’t survive off coffee, aren't you hungry?’
He’d refuse you every time.
It was difficult, disappointing you,  but the thought of enjoying a pleasant breakfast, or taking a stroll through the market hurt even more.
He could still feel their bodies buried beneath his feet.
So he opted for uncomfortable silence, and unsteady peace, the ghosts of your loved ones a wall between you.
Weeks went by and he continued his research. It took a while, but Helmut could see the steps of a plan unfolding in his mind.
He wouldn’t be the one to send the Avengers to their graves, he’d make them kill each other—and for that, he would need the Winter Soldier, James Buchanan Barnes.
So one day, after reading and rereading the S.H.I.E.L.D.  files he managed to decrypt, he told you he was going on a trip.
“There’s business that I need to attend to.”
“You’re leaving?” You looked up from the clay you were molding. It hadn’t yet taken form, just a sad lump of grey. “For how long?”
“Not long.” He promised, “I’ll be back soon.”
But he returned two weeks later.
Exhausted, Helmut had just taken off his shoes when you walked upstairs to meet him, red power on your hands.
“Helmut! Where were you?” You demanded before you took notice of your tone, the accusation present in your voice. You amended your words quickly.  “I was worried... I missed you while you were gone.”
“My apologies,” was his unsatisfactory reply, his back still turned.
When he finally turned to look in your direction, you wore a troubled look upon your face, and the look reminded him of Heike.
It was the worry of a soldier's wife, of someone waiting by the door to greet an unknown future.
“I’m sorry,” he offered, genuinely this time, and placed a hand on your shoulder.
For a moment that you would reject him. He was certain you considered doing just that, but when you didn’t move or knock away his touch, a strange sense of relief filled him.
You sighed.
"When you've gotten settled, come down for dinner.” It was an order, he realized, not a request.
"Of course." An amused smile tugged at his cheeks.
"Where did you go?" You asked, lingering by the door as he set down his bag. He wasn’t dressed for business in his drab gray jacket and worn shoes.
“I visited an auction house out east."
“An auction house?” You tilted your head and assessed his clothing again. “To bid?”
“Not exactly."
Not at all, really.
He tracked down information about an auction where fanatics were gathered to bid on HYDRA paraphernalia. He hoped to find the book that once belonged to the Winter Soldier's handler, but it wasn't didn’t exist amongst the garbage he found there.
The trip hadn't been a complete waste, however. He managed to rid the world of a few dozen agents and others who would support their cause—but he wouldn’t tell you that.
"What I hoped to find wasn't there.” He settled on saying.
“It took you weeks to do that?”
“I needed to visit Berlin as well. My family collected many cars over the generations. I’ll take you to see them one day if you like.”
Helmut had no plans to get you involved in his plan to end the Avengers,  he couldn't. But he remained true to his word and joined you for dinner that night.
He helped you set the table and you ate paprikash (which, he assumed, you made for his benefit more than your own.)
"Ozenik suggested I make it," you explained. "It was never my favorite but it was fun to make."
"You did a good job."
"Thanks...I thought was time to try something new."
He agreed.
You ate dinner together the next night too, and the next, and the next night after that.
Helmut grew to enjoy the time you spent together—it was a pleasant change of pace.
Even so, he had his ‘business’ to attend to. He would still have to leave.
Sometimes he would go for hours, sometimes he’d be gone for days, and sometimes entire weeks would go by and Helmut wouldn't call or even text you.
And you were frustrated.
Once he returned home to find you painting angry red lines across what might have been an abstract swirl of blue and gray.
One evening discovered you rearranged the dining room completely.
Then one day, during dinner, you attempted to bridge the gap between you once again.
"I received a message last night," You began, "a reminder that I purchased tickets to see a play last year.” It was summer, but the season had been unusually rainy, confining you inside for most of the week. “I’d have to travel to see it but it might be fun. Would you like to see it with me?”
"I'll be gone again soon," Helmut told you. “My apologies.”
You frowned.
"I haven't even told you the date. How do you know you’ll be busy?"
"I have plenty of work to keep me busy through the end of the year." His reply hung in the air for what felt like an eternity. He didn’t even bother to look up as he continued. "If you need to travel, I'll speak with Oeznik about arranging that for you."
You looked down at your plate, sighed, and set down your utensils.
"It's fine." You told him, but it wasn't. You were angry at his rejection, at his nonchalance.
"You know...you don't need to force yourself to be here with me, Helmut." You stared directly across the table at him, meeting his gaze. "We don't have to stay together if you don't want to. I have my benefits from the veterans association now so...if there's somewhere else you'd rather be-"
"There isn't." Helmut looked at you, his eyes dark piercing. "How could you think that?"
“How could I not when I never know if you're going off to the market or leaving for weeks?” A dangerous edge crept into your voice and you didn’t bother to amend it. “What sort of 'business' are you conducting? You won't even tell me."
"You don't need to worry," he tried to assure you, but his weak appeal only seemed to make you angrier.
And that anger, your anger,  frustrated him to no end.
Who were you to question what he did with his time?
Heike always understood when he was gone for longer than expected. When he returned, she greeted him with joy and relief, not accusation and scorn.
But you...he didn't know what he expected from you.
You weren’t his wife, you weren’t involved romantically. You weren't even friends, not really.
So really, what tethered him to this place?
What he planned to do was dangerous; he might not even survive. He fulfilled his promise to see after your well-being, did everything he said he'd do, and yet...and yet…
You sighed, huffed really, and gathered your plates quickly.
“I’m trying, I’m really trying but I’m tired, Helmut,” you told him. “You go and move us to this...this ritzy tourist city and what am I supposed to do? Find friends with similar life experiences? I can’t even sleep through the night and you...you just...” You take a breath as you turn away, leaving with your half-eaten plate.
“I don't... I don't fit in here.” You confess resignation carried in your voice. “I don’t think you understand that and I don’t think we’re good for each other either. ” You decided. “We’re too different. I appreciate you trying to help me, I do, but… but maybe I should leave.”
Thanks for reading! You’ve come so far and soon you will be rewarded. Next chapter we’ll see the steps Helmut took to amend your relationship. And in the present timeline, we get to see something super cute (something that involves hand-holding, perhaps?)
Feedback is very much appreciated. Please tell me what you think!
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queenxxxsupreme · 3 years
I was wondering if you could write something with a plus sized reader? It can be any of the witchers and/or Jaskier (although I think esk, lam, & jask would work best). Can be more focused on them finding the reader attractive/hot? I see lots of fics and headcannons abt plus size readers that are all about insecurities and finding the reader beautiful and aethestically pleasing. I'm plus size and I think I am beautiful, just not... attractive. looking hot and looking pretty/beautiful are different. idk if that makes sense I just want someone to think I'm hot. It can be NSFW or funny and fluffy. if you aren't comfortable writing this that's cool too. I just really like your writing. You have created a really welcoming community/page and I felt comfortable enough asking. I appreciate it so much. Thank you. 💜
A/N: I love this ask!!! Though I’m not sure I followed the prompt properly…. :( I wanted to do Lambert very badly which is part of the reason why it took so long to do but I couldn’t make it work with the prompt so I ended up doing Jaskier. I hope you liked it babe!
Warnings: no smut but Jaskier is a cheeky bastard and suggests NSFW 18+ things so if you aren’t into that please don’t read! also mentions of poor self image but Jaskier makes it better
You watched the tailor and seamstress murmur to each other in a language you didn’t understand. The seamstress said something, gesturing to the skirt you wore. Then she looked back at the tailor who shook his head disapprovingly. 
Their eyes seemed to drill holes into you. You suddenly felt so stupid for letting Jaskier talk you into coming to this expensive shop to be professionally fitted for a dress to match his outfit for the gala in two nights. 
But he was just so excited about the gala. It was the first time you’d be meeting the famed Geralt of Rivia as well as a few of Jaskier’s other friends he had met on his journeys with the witcher. 
You felt saddened that he was so eager to take you to the gala. Surely you'd only make him look like a fool in front of his friends and comrades. 
“Dear? Are you listening?” Jaskier placed his hand on the back of your calf as he moved around the stool you were balanced upon. 
You brought your eyes down to him. 
“Hm? Oh, erm, yes. Of course, I-I was.” 
He frowned. 
“No, you’ve got something else on your mind. What is it?”
You shook your head, smoothing out the material to your dress. 
“Nothing, Jask. It’s fine.”
“Tell me, please.” He reached up to take your hand in his, brushing his thumb along your knuckles. 
You kept your eyes on him for a few moments before looking in the direction of the seamstress and tailor. They no longer looked at you but they were still gesturing in your direction. 
“It’s just silly, Jaskier.” You shook your head. 
“You look upset, darling. It’s not silly if it’s upsetting you. Step down for a second, my sweet.” Jaskier held your hand as you stepped down from the stool. He tucked a piece of your hair behind your ear, looking at you with furrowed brows. “Please tell me. Did something happen?”
You shook your head, chewing on the inside of your cheek. 
“Can you understand what they’re saying?”
“Of course.” Jaskier nodded. “They’re talking about putting ruffles in your skirt. Alma thinks a few would be a good idea to add some at the bottom but Derion is completely against the very thought of ruffles.”
You could practically feel the weight lift off of your shoulders. You almost laughed. 
“I know. I don’t think ruffles are a good idea, but Alma is an incredibly talented seamstress. She has an eye for creating beauties. But sadly ruffles will not be happening today.” Jaskier waved the two over. “With all do respect to you, darling Alma, I think we should pass on the ruffles this time.”
“Bastard.” Alma swatted her hand in his direction. 
“Let’s move on from the skirt.” Derion waved his hand dismissively. “For the bust. It’s the most important part. It will take Alma hours to bead together intricate detailing to match your doublet, Master Julian. She needs to know how you’d like it done in order to begin working.” 
“Right.” Jaskier placed his hand on the small of your back. “I’m thinking a rather cheeky neckline. Perhaps an off the shoulder neckline that goes a little deeper than what’s traditionally seen.”
“Jaskier!” Your cheeks flushed as you looked at him. 
“Darling, it will be absolutely fantastic! Show a bit of your chest off! Show everyone how sexy you are.”
“It appears as though you have yet to come to an agreement on a top.” Derion spoke, looking between you two. “When my lady decides on what style of top she’d like, please do let us know. Until then, Alma, let’s continue with the skirt while they chat.” 
You watched the two move towards the desk off to the side of the room. 
“Just picture this, my love.” Jaskier cut you off, his hand leaving your back as he moved to stand in front of you. “The corset is supporting your bust, holding the girls up and putting them on display–,”
“For the entire gala to see?” You widened your eyes. “What are you trying to do? Make your friends think I’m some strumpet?”
“No! No! Of course not! I think you’d look sexy like that.” Jaskier put his hand on your hip. “And the corset will accentuate your figure–,”
“The figure I don’t have.” You turned away from him, making your way towards the chairs that sat near the windows. You were thankful the curtains were drawn. This gave you some privacy from the outside world. 
“What? That’s ridiculous. You have a figure. A marvelous one at that.” Jaskier followed behind you. 
“I have the same figure as an apple, Jaskier. Or a pumkin. Round and-and large and just.... There’s nothing you should be so eager to show off at the gala.” You sat down in one of the seats, your voice quivering as you fought to keep your emotions at bay. 
Jaskier knelt down in front of you, his hands taking yours in his own. His touch, calloused from years of playing instruments, was warm as he gave you a squeeze. 
He didn’t know what to say at first. He was upset with himself for having not noticed that you were uncomfortable earlier. He was upset with himself for making you uncomfortable.
“And don’t- Jaskier, please don’t try to tell me I’m not.” You whispered, unable to meet his gaze as tears blurred your vision. “I know I am. If you deny it, it’ll be like denying that the sky is blue or that-that grass is green.”
Jaskier nodded softly, understanding your words. He let the silence sit between you for a few more moments. He reached up to wipe your cheeks. Then he moved to sit in the seat next to you, keeping your hands in his.
“You know, my favorite shade of blue is just after the sun sets.” He murmured. “It’s dark and it’s ominous, but it’s stunning to see planets begin to show even though the sun hasn’t set yet. It’s like they’re beginning to come out of hiding. And my favorite shade of green is much more specific than that. Do you remember that time we laid in the lupin field just outside of Cintra all day?”
“Of course I remember that.” You sniffled, a little smile coming to your lips. “You read and sang to me all day. It was a beautiful day.”
“That day is my favorite shade of green.” Jaskier rubbed the back of your hand. He leaned in to kiss the corner of your eye. “And that night…. That night was when I realized my favorite shade of blue, you know?”
Your heart began to race a little quicker. That evening in the lupine field had been rather romantic and intimate. It was one of your favorite memories with the bard. 
Jaskier took a deep breath, looking across the room to the seamstress and tailor for a moment to make sure they were occupied with something else. 
“Dear heart, you know I would make sure the dress they create makes you look nothing short of the goddess you are.”
“I-I don’t…. I don’t have that same faith, Jaskier.” You shook your head, looking away from him to one of the paintings on the wall. It was of a beautiful woman in a stunning violet dress. She was thinner than you and the dress she wore made sure to show what curves she had off.
“You don’t have faith in me?” He asked softly.
“I don’t have faith in myself. You keep saying I’m going to look sexy and that you want to put me on display-,”
“Y/N, I was only joking. I’m so sorry if it made you uncomfortable. I meant absolutely no harm by it.” Jaskier put his hand on your knee. “I just- My gods, Y/N. The very idea of you in the dress I envision. Everyone is going to be fucking staring. On second thought, perhaps it wouldn’t be a good idea to put you in a dress similar to that. In the off chance that I’d be able to take my eyes off of you, I’d have to fight anyone who dared to look at you.”
He wore the biggest grin on his lips and you knew he meant well by it. He really did. But your stomach churned at the thought.
“They’ll be staring because I’ll look absolutely ridiculous.” You turned your head away from him. “Ladies like me weren’t made for galas and ballgowns.”
“I happen to think you are perfect for a ballgown, my dear.” He leaned over to kiss your ear. “I know you don’t see it, but you are absolutely sexy. Hell, if I had a say in it, you wouldn’t even be wearing a gown. But there are going to be other people there and I can’t have anyone else seeing your gorgeous body.” 
Your cheeks flushed.
“Can I offer you a little deal? A peace treaty?” Jaskier suggested. You looked at him, meeting his blue gaze. “They have a dress cut similar to the one I’d like to be made for you. Can you try it on for me before we make any decisions today?”
You nodded your head, letting out a little breath. You would at least try it on and let him see how ridiculous you’d look. If you proved him wrong now, maybe he’d listen to you in the future. 
“Will it fit me?”
“They can make it work for you so you can at least get an idea of the style.”
“Excellent.” He gave you a kiss on the temple before going across the room to Alma and Derion. He spoke to them in the language you didn’t know. It was a beautiful language. As he said the words he had the ability to make it sound otherworldly. How could one man, a human no less, make words sound angelic? 
Derion and Alma left the room together. Jaskier clasped his hands behind his back, leaned forward to watch where they had disappeared. Alma returned moments later alone. In her hands she held a dress. 
The dress was dark green but that was all you could tell.
“I’ll give you a moment to get dressed. Take good care of her, Alma.”
“I will. You worry about yourself, Master Julian.” Alma waved him away. 
You wanted to object, to say that you could get dressed by yourself, but you knew very well you wouldn’t be able to. You didn’t want to rip the dress. The material was probably more expensive than you could afford. 
“Take off your dress, darling.” Alma placed the dress over a nearby chair. “I’ll grab pins so that we can pin the dress in place.”
“Pin?” You repeated. “In place?”
“Yes, darling. It wasn’t made for your body. We need to make the dress work for your figure so we do that by manipulating the fabric with pins. Don’t worry, you won’t feel a thing.”
Alma called for Jaskier after the dress was situated properly on you. 
You nervously moved back and forth as you shifted your weight from one foot to the other to get a better look in the mirror. 
The dress fit you decently. It was loose fitting in the chest but Alma fixed that with pins. She pinned a few other spots too but they were in the back so you couldn’t see all that well. 
The material was a beautiful emerald green silk with darker green embroidery around the bust. The off the shoulder neckline wasn’t terribly low in the middle where it dipped down, but it was lower cut than what you would usually wear. 
“Now remember, darling. The corset will be tighter on you and be providing support.” Alma spoke as she moved around the stool you were resting on. 
“My gods, Y/N! I love it!” Jaskier clapped his hands together. “Just wait until we get it in the blue to match my doublet!”
“Alma!” Derion called for Alma. 
Alma excused herself, leaving you alone with Jaskier. 
He moved around the stool, admiring the dress on you. 
“Before I lose myself in my own thoughts, love, what do you think?” Jasier clasped his hands together and held them near his mouth. 
You looked back to the mirror, shifting a little. 
“I don’t…. hate it as much as I thought I would.” You admitted. 
“But do you like it? Are you comfortable with the style? Be completely honest with my, darling. If you aren’t, there is no worry at all! I’ll have them make a style you are comfortable in. I want you to be comfortable first. No matter what you wear you will be absolutely gorgeous and breathtaking and I will be ripping the dress off of you come the end of the night.”
“Jaskier.” You scolded. He gave you a cheeky smile. “I do like the cut and I like the off the shoulder part, but perhaps if we could add sleeves to it?”
“Of course! Oh that would be stunning! I’ll let Alma and Derion know. Anything else you want to add or take away?”
“I don’t think so.” You looked back to the mirror. “I think I’ll like it more once it’s in the blue. I do like the green, but the blue will match your doublet for the gala. And the green makes me sort of feel like a melon.”
Jaskier frowned.
“I wish you’d stop comparing yourself to fruits.” 
“Would you rather a toad? ‘Cause I look like one of those in this dark green too. A rather large toad.”
“If you are a toad, then what would that make me?” He held his hand out for you so he could assist you in stepping down from the stool.
“My pretty princess.” You giggled. 
“Hmm. Well you are the sexiest toad I have ever seen.” He pulled you into his arms. “But I rather like calling you a fruit. You taste just like one-,”
Taglist: @pressedinthepages @mishafaye @whitewolfandthefox @wolfyland07 @belalugosisdead @persephonehemingway @keira-hulmaster @dinonuggs69 @greatestauthorofmygeneration @shadow-hunters-lover @dancingwith-thesunflowers @tedi-fach-las @thecomfortofoldstorries @natkowaa @disasteren @weathervanes-my-oneandlonely @onlyhenrys @wackylurker @criminaly-supernatural @magpie343 @permanently-exhausted-witcher @genderfluid-ho @the-space-between-heartbeats @havenoffandoms @carriebee1 @ger-bearofrivia @naominami @writingawaymylife @reaganjenelle @theawkwardpedestrian @scarlettwitcher @badassspaceprincess @just-a-sad-donut @summersong69 @an--actual--human--disaster @rubyqueen819 @omgkatinka @c-a-v-a-l-r-y @vonxcon @mazakeen @bravelittlesunflower @thereagles @awkward-turtles-world @menalliha @cotton_mo @maan24 @thefirelordm @monkeymo @krenee1drful @nympha-door-a @unadulteratedtreecrusade @Aquarius-pisces-rose @mentallyscreamingsincebirth @fl0ating @sometimesiwrite @you-fxcking-wish-bish @thanks-bruh-for-nothing @maan2442 @thegaydeath @creatingstuffinpeace @wellthisstinks @andyrazzledazzle @ameliasmistake @winterwolf @caraqas @bluscryn @thefirelordm @y-napotat @henrycavillbesty @ta-ka-shi-ma @sulkyshengshou @spaced-out-state @thecollection @mayday1284 @babietrain @wandering-poetess @redneckstrash
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The Great Upheaval of Percy Weasley: Mirrors
Percy Weasley x OC
Summary: Defense Against the Dark Arts takes a turn for the worst.
Warnings: angst, fluff
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mirrors -n- eyes that stare back haunt me, but when you join the reflection becomes clear.
Professor Lupin quickly became Elle’s favorite teacher. It wasn’t difficult when the rest of her favorites had raging flaws.
Professor Sprout was incessantly bubbly. She never had anything bad to say about anyone, ever. And while many students found that to be a blessing, Elle couldn’t stand it. Nothing said lack of a challenge like a teacher who never gave bad marks. Some days she messed up purpose, begging for a snap, but one never came. She was always full of sweet, encouraging words that never seemed to do Elle’s work justice. Her sole saving grace was that she allowed Elle to wander around the greenhouse after hours if only to understand her garden’s magical properties and the way they could be combined and altered.
Professor McGonagall cared far too much for technique and not enough about creativity. The lion for example, a beautiful display of transfiguration and she was being punished for it. Didn’t matter that no one had ever been able to accomplish that as sixth year, all that mattered was that her technique was off.
And it goes without saying Professor Snape hated her. The only teacher who managed to keep her challenged while still allowing for creativity hated her for the color of her tie. It’s not to say that in the beginning she didn’t try to make him love her work, and she had certainly succeeded, but that didn’t stop him from hating her every being.
Professor Lupin was the wonder of all three. Creative, challenging, and without the obsession of technique, plus he didn’t seem to hate anyone. Her certainly tolerated her and her temper towards her partner.
It didn’t matter that Percy kept her company in empty classrooms, she still wanted nothing more than embarrass in front of everyone who dared to watch. And as she walked into class that beautiful Wednesday morning that was all she had on her mind, beating Percy Weasley into the ground while wide blue eyes asked why.
However, that didn’t seem to be the plan for this particular Wednesday.
Desks were pushed to the sides and a large shaking wardrobe sat in the center.
Clouds were covering her Wednesday morning.
Percy fell into place beside her, a single finger drawing down her arm alerting her to his presence. She would have flinched a month ago, but a month ago she didn’t have the Head Boy touching her whenever he got close enough. There was no romance to it, neither them were stupid enough to fall for that, but it certainly was edging on addiction. When she had first suggested it she had assumed it was simply an attempt to keep her mind busy and to relieve herself of the incessant drive to kiss him again.
Instead of relieving she only wanted more, and from the number of times he had dragged her into the Restricted Section of the library he had once dubbed to pure, she was sure he was suffering from the same craving.
His finger never left her arm until Lupin stepped in from his office, and then he was back to being the perfect child. It was a good thing he did too, because when Lupin announced the creature hiding in that wardrobe, she might have ended anyone who touched her.
The dreaded Boggart.
She considered refusing, storming away and hiding until class was over. But that would be defeat, and she would let Percy Weasley face the thing he feared very most if she wasn’t going to do the same. That would be cowardice and just as her tie stated, she was not a coward.
Lupin reminded that it was just for fun, one last go around before he had it destroyed. There would be no grade, it was just a bit of relaxer, he assured them.
Elle felt anything but relaxed.
She made her way as close to the end as she could manage, head held high. She thought she had gotten past the lesson of Boggarts in her third year without a hitch. Quirrell was too much of a coward to bring live creatures into the classroom so it had been nothing more than bookwork and theory. Now the shaking wardrobe was standing before her, mocking her and Percy, who had somehow ended up behind her, was going to see her fail for the first time ever.
She gnawed her black nails as she drew closer to the front, biting off the carefully grown ends. Five people, then three, and then one. It turned into a ghost, and then as she cast the spell is dropped to the floor like a forgotten bedsheet. She closed her eyes and took a step forward, breathing deeply.
The sheet rose, a body forming beneath it and then with familiar fingers, it pulled the sheet away revealing something that was almost a mirror. She looked the way she should have, the way her mother would have liked it. Classic, a beige two-piece set, nude pumps, no eyeliner. She didn’t have braids, her mother hated those too. Instead it was let loose, long curls, she could imagine a ribbon tying them back She was longer, more fluid this way. And her grey eyes, the ones that always stared back at her in the mirror, were looking at her the same way she looked at Percy Weasley. Her mirror’s wand was out before she could react, and she was flying across the classroom into the desks that had been placed against the wall.
That dreaded fear of the what-could-have-beens. A stronger, more respected witch stared down at her, mocking her as she advanced. Elle yanked her wand out.
“R-riddikulus,” she stuttered, but there was no fun idea to trade out for the fear that kept inching closer. And then, out of the corner of her eye she caught sight Percy, watching with something that fell between terror and apt fascination. She uttered the spell again, determined to beat him, but her mirror kept advancing. “Riddikulus, Riddikulus, Riddikulus,” she screamed until someone stepped in front of her.
She thought it was Lupin at first, until her mirror image turned to Percy’s. The Head Boy stared down his mirror, and with only a slight tremor to his voice raised his wand and uttered the magical words. It dashed into a thousand pieces like she wished it had done for her.
Lupin was speaking but she couldn’t hear a thing. The blood rushing through her ears made her dizzy as Percy turned, and without a hint of arrogance helped her to her feet. She stumbled a little, catching his shoulder as she tipped forwards.
He caught his hand on her waist. It slid beneath her robe and to the small of her back, a small comfort.
“Meet me.”
“Anywhere,” she gasped before pulling away and gathering her things. Lupin tried to talk to her, as did Dinah, but all she wanted to do was run, and that’s what she did. She relished in the sounds of her boots hitting the floor, grateful they weren’t heels.
How could she be so stupid?
She could already hear the rumors they would make about her. The first time she had encountered a boggart she had been eleven. She had whispered the same things to herself that they would whisper to each other. It hadn’t attacked her that first time, it hadn’t felt threatened, not when she terrified at the sight of herself climbing out of an old trunk. She thought she had been going crazy, she had cried to Madam Pomfrey for what seemed like hours, unable to articulate the sight. Eventually everything was explained, and she was excused to go to her room, but she had vowed to beat it, whatever it meant, the next she encountered a boggart it was going to be different.
It clearly wasn’t.
She ran a hand over a braid and charged into Moaning Myrtle’s bathroom, throwing her book bag against the wall, and staring into the mirror. That was who she wanted to see, this was her, not that preppy priss who managed to tower over her with a single raised eyebrow.
Her grey eyes were still lined with black liner and her hair was still tied in two long braids. That mirage was just that, an illusion that existed only within her mind. She punched the mirror, watching as it shattered upon impact. Carelessly, she watched her knuckles bleed before whirling around at the sound of a girlish laugh. Myrtle was peering over a stall, resting her head on her folded arms. Couldn’t she leave someone to angst in peace?
“Fuck off.”
“It’s my bathroom,” she reminded indignantly.
“Fine, I’ll leave.” She huffed and gathered the books that had spilled across the floor during her tantrum. Blood soaked onto the pages and she swore violently. Could this day really get any fucking worse? She slammed open the door again, ignoring the whispers of the girls who had watched her enter the bathroom in the first place.
“I’d be scared if I looked like that too,” one whispered and Elle rolled her eyes. Fucking fourth years. She allowed her gaze to meet the girl who had spoke and pulled out her wand.
“Want to say that to my fucking face?” The fourth year squeaked as she advanced. Elle was convinced she would have ruined those gossiping pricks entire week had Percy not walked around the corner looking for her.
“Elle!” She considered ignoring him but decided snogging in some dark corner would be better for her mood than removing femurs from insolent children. She sent them one last fiery glare before stalking towards Weasley.
If he wanted anything other than snog her, she was going to explode.
She followed him silently, itching to get her hands on that cocky ginger. The moment they turned the corner into an empty corridor, she pounced. He pulled her into a broom cupboard, locking it behind them as she attacked him with lustful ferocity. She ripped open his shirt, black nails raking along pale skin.
“Elle, you’re bleeding,” he muttered breathlessly.
“Fuck, sorry,” she swore. Truth be told, she had forgotten the moment he had stepped into view. She pulled out her wand to heal the cuts, but he had already beat her to it. With soft movements the cuts closed, and the stains disappeared until there was no evidence of the injury. She sucked in a deep breath as he watched her, already itching to kiss him again.
“Do you want to talk about it?” he asked as she grabbed him.
“No,” she mumbled against his lips, but he pushed her away, hands pressing against her shoulders. “Percy, I said I don’t want to talk about it.” She leaped forward again, but he shoved her against the wall. A mop or two clattered to the ground at the impact and she swallowed.
“Sorry,” he muttered, loosening his grip. She wished he hadn’t apologized. “It’s just, you’re not the only one who saw yourself today.” Elle blinked as she thought back to the moments when he had stepped in front of her. He had seemed without fear then, but now he was shifting nervously, unable to meet her eyes. She reached out and took his face more tenderly than she had anticipated. Blue met grey and her stomach rolled uncomfortably.
“Thank you,” she muttered before kissing him. That was uncharacteristically tender too. When she pulled away, he was smiling softly. “And I’m sorry I don’t want to talk about it.”
“Elle, I’m not saying you have to. I just want you to know you’re not the only one who had to face yourself today.” Behind sharp eyes, Elle could feel herself welling up. From the first time she had seen herself staring back she had felt like an enigma that couldn’t be solved. She had been a solitary being, but now Percy, who couldn’t be more different was the same. Her stomach turned again, and she nodded, quickly kissing him before he noticed the tears building in her eyes.
This time he didn’t try to push her away but pulled her closer. She dug her fingers through his hair and didn’t hesitate to respond as he wrapped her legs around his waist, pushing her up against the wall. Fingers slipped beneath her skirt, denting soft skin with hunger.
“Fuck,” she growled as he wrapped a braid around his fist, tugging it until her neck was exposed to soft lips and harsh teeth. She grabbed his shoulders, holding on tightly as he almost hesitantly nipped at her pulse. He ran his mouth up her neck and along her jaw, nipping at her ear until she was moaning his name. He found her lips again to quiet her soft whispers, catching the taste of his name leaving her lips. She wrapped her arms around his neck as he lowered her legs, pulling him tighter against her lips.
“Good talk,” he muttered when they pulled away for air and she laughed.
“Excellent talk, best one we’ve had yet.”
“Shall we talk some more?”
“McGonagall’s going to hang us.”
“I’ve already explained it to her. You’ve ran off and I’ve gone to check on you, it’s terribly tragic really,” he whispered, and she grinned before pressing herself against him once more.
“I knew I was snogging a genius.” And then they proceeded to talk much, much more.
Taglist: @andromedasstarship​ @danadeacon​
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onlydreamofmysoul · 4 years
Let Them Eat Cake Part V
Hey guys! Sorry for the delay with this chapter, but this one is a long one so I hope that makes up for it!
Tonight on The Great British Bake Off…
“It’s all burned!”
“Oh my god, I forgot to put them in.”
“It’s all curdled. I don’t know what I’ll do.”
Remus woke up that morning with a bitter taste in his mouth. That was happening a lot lately. He got ready in a series of mechanic motions, showering, dressing, brushing his teeth. He met Lily outside the hotel, and she being the magical being that she was, had a coffee in a take-away cup ready for him.
“Hey,” She said softly. “You ready for today?”
Remus bit the inside of his cheek. “I suppose I’ll have to be.”
Six days earlier...
“Take a walk with me?” Sirius asked and Remus nodded his affirmations. As if he could say no. He followed Sirius out of the tent and they started strolling in the opposite direction of the hotel, avoiding the crowds of the bakers and crew packing up for the day.
“So you made it.” Sirius said after a moment or two of silence. Remus sneaked a peek at the other man out of the corner of his eye.
“Yeah,” He said scratching the back of his neck. “If I had gone home I’m not sure if I ever would have been able to eat chocolate again, and that would be a big problem since I think it’s my main food group.”
Sirius burst out laughing and Remus blushed a little, pleased. They were well out of ear shot of anyone else, almost out of sight too. There was a massive oak tree in the middle of an open field and Sirius stepped onto the grass grinning. 
“C’mere, I found a cool spot.”
Remus bit down a smile as he followed him, taking a breath in when they rounded the wide trunk and found a wide swing hanging from a branch, the trunk of the tree completely shielding them from view.
“This is amazing.” Remus said, reaching out to touch the rope, running his fingers over the wooden planks forming a seat. “When did you find this place?”
Sirius shrugged and sat on one side of it, the swing tilting ever so slightly with the imbalance. “Some time in the first few days.” He patted the space still left open, “You gonna sit?”
“Who else knows about it?” Remus asked, rounding the swing. 
“As far as I know… just me. And now you.”
Remus sat and the ropes evened out again. Remus rocked back and forth on his toes a little, the swing swaying soothingly with him.
“It’s brilliant, I love it.” 
Sirius smiled. “Yeah, I thought you would.”
“Guys! Hang on!” Remus heard but before he had even turned around, someone crashed into him.
“Woah!” He exclaimed, stumbling a little because suddenly he had a bubbly pink haired woman on his back.
“Hi Tonks.” He said laughing, when he had recovered his footing. Tonks wrapped her legs tightly around his waist.
“Don’t let the cardigans fool you,” She said to Lily seriously, “He’s deceptively strong.”
Lily smiled, Peter falling in line with them. “I can see that.”
“Ooh! Bake Off love!” Marlene exclaimed, snapping a couple of pictures of them all together, Tonks still on Remus’ back. “These will be great on Instagram.”
“Oh great, now there’s gonna be theories of us dating.” Remus said dryly,  even though he smiled a little. “What do you think our ship name will be?” 
“Ronks.” Lily snorted and no one could stop themselves from laughing at it.
“Is it bad that I kinda like it?” Tonks said, still giggling. “Like it’s ridiculous but that's why you’ve gotta love it.”
Remus nodded and bumped their hips together playfully. “It’s a perfect fit for a perfect couple.” He teased, then ignored the slight pang in his chest, even at his own words.
“Wait, you guys are dating?” Peter asked, completely bewildered and Remus shot him an incredulous look. 
“Of course we’re not, we’re just joking Pete.”
Tonks gasped, her hand covering her chest. “Are you saying you wouldn’t want to be with me?”
“Of course not my love, we would be spectacular.”
“You can see why I’d get confused,” Peter mumbled to Lily.
“But,” Remus continued, drawing out the word before quickly spitting out the next sentence as he laughed a little. “I’m much to gay for that.”
“Here, here!” Tonks cried and they joked all the way down to the set. “Semi finals next week, I can’t believe we’re here already.”
“Oh my god I’m so not ready to think about that yet.” Lily chimed in, Remus and Peter nodding their agreements.
Remus felt his shoulders tense as they entered the tent, but after a quick glance around, he realised Sirius wasn’t there. He probably shouldn’t be so relieved, he would have to see him eventually so really Remus was just prolonging the inevitable but you can’t blame a guy for wanting to avoid an awkward situation. He stood at his station, but turned around so he was leaning on Lily’s counter as they chatted. He stayed that way until the producers started yelling for everyone to get ready and he turned around. At some point Sirius had come into the room. Remus didn’t meet his gaze.
“Welcome back! This week on The Great British Bake Off… It’s pudding week!”
“For our signature challenge,” Sirius continued, “Our judges have asked that you make a bread and butter pudding.”
“Sounds simple right?.” James grinned. “The catch is, you have to make it with bread you bake yourself.”
“Your time starts now, ready?”
Remus looked away from the head of the tent as quickly as he could, ready to have an excuse to not look at Sirius. Especially Sirius in a leather jacket. He gathered his ingredients and set to work. Bread and butter pudding. That he could do.
Six days earlier...
“So,” Remus said as he swayed them back and forth. “Here we are.”
Sirius smiled. “Here we are.”
Remus bit his lip for a moment trying to figure out what the hell he was supposed to say. So, you like my mouth? You wanted to talk? Do you think about me the same way I think about you?
Instead he blurted out; “What’s your favourite cake?”
Sirius blink then looked at him with this startled but pleased smile. Like he was surprised by the question, but also like he had known Remus’ words before Remus even spoke them.
“Lemon meringue pie.”
“That’s not a cake.”
“But it’s still my favourite.”
Remus pursed his lips to hide his smile. “That's… sweeter than you usually like.” 
Sirius’ small smile grew. “Correct as always. It’s less to do with taste and more to do with memories I guess.”
Remus tilted his head. “Yeah? What memories?”
Sirius laughed a little. “Inquisitive today aren’t we?”
Remus raised an eyebrow. His signature move. “Is there anything else you’d like to talk about?” He asked pointedly.
Sirius looked at him knowingly for a moment, but then shook his head minutely. “James’ mum used to make it every Sunday. She even taught me how, after I’d badger her to make more.”
Remus grinned. “She sounds great.”
“Sirius relaxed a bit, leaning back against the rope and tucking on foot under his knee. If Remus did it, he would have looked ridiculous and would most likely have fallen right off the swing and flat on his face on the ground. But when Sirius did it, the movement retained all the airs Sirius brought to the world, carefree, casual. elegant.
“So, how do you feel after this week?”
Remus groaned. “Can we not talk about Bake Off? I mean I love it and all but I need a break.”
Sirius chuckled. “That’s fair. I suppose I could use one too.”
“Yeah? What’re you gonna do?” Remus asked and it wasn’t until he said it that he realised it sounded almost flirty.
Surprise flickered in Sirius’ grey eyes and his gaze flickered from Remus’ own amber eyes to his lips. Remus tilted his head ever so slightly, tongue wetting his lips a little as his breath hitched and they were both leaning in, closer and closer until-
“-Remus.” Sirius said voice low, jaw clenching even as his eyes stayed trained on Remus’ lips. “We shouldn’t.”
Remus frowned, the spell breaking a little. “What? I don’t understand.”
“We work together.” Sirius said, sitting back once again and turning his head away. “It would be frowned upon.”
Remus looked at him in disbelief. “Who says anyone has to know?”
Sirius tugged on the tie in his hair and the dark waves tumbled down to his shoulders before he ran his fingers through it. “You’re looking strong for winning this thing. I don’t want anyone doubting your integrity.”
Remus shook his head in pure and utter confusion. “But Sirius, you’re not a judge. I don’t think it would even be possible for you to ruin my integrity.”
Sirius just shook his head silently. Throat tight, Remus stood up and took a few steps away. He looked back at Sirius and paused. 
“What about everything you said? Sirius, I know you were flirting with me. And just forty minutes ago you asked me to come here with you. What happened?”
“I remembered.” Sirius said hollowly.
“Remember what?”
But Sirius didn’t answer. Remus waited, but the other man just stood up and walked away. Remus sat back down for a moment and put his head in his hands. How did he get here? This morning he felt sure. Now he felt… well he didn’t know what he felt.
He hung back to give Sirius a head start so there would be no chance of them running into each other. Then Remus stood up and walked back to the hotel. Alone.
“Fucking fuck fuckeroo I’ve fucking burned my freaking bread. Fuck!” Remus said as he pulled the slightly overdone loaf from the oven.
“Hey Remus, want to try again, but like… viewer friendly this time?” Marlene called.
Remus flipped her off but then gave her a thumbs up and went again.
“Oh no! I’ve burned the bread!” He cried and Marlene rolled her eyes. 
“Remus Lupin I’m going to have you fired.”
“Love you too!” He said with a wink before turning back to figure out what the hell he was going to try to do.
“You’re awful.” Lily said to him as she took her own loaves out of the oven.
Remus shot her a wink too. “I know.”
In the end, Remus cut off all the crusts of his bread, knowing that it might slightly impede the structural integrity but at the same time… It was a pudding. They barely have any structure in the first place.
He whipped up his cream and added in some saffron, nutmeg and sugar then began making layers upon layers of bread and cream. He left out any raisins both because he hated them and he knew Dumbledore had a particular aversion to them and well he was willing to do anything to win a little bit of favour. He covered it all with another thick layer of cream, sprinkling the top with extra nutmeg and cinnamon.
He popped it into the oven and set his timer before asking Lily to keep an eye on his station for a moment just in case while he nipped off to the loo.
As soon as he stepped out of the tent they filmed in, he was hit with a wave of cool air and he breathed in gratefully - having several ovens in one space always led to quite a hot temperature in the tent. He splashed some water on his face in the bathroom and rolled back his shoulders. He didn’t know why he felt so… off. Okay he did, and that reason was the notorious Sirius Black, but Remus had decided from the very first day that he wouldn’t let anything get in the way of his baking. And here he was doing exactly that. He squared his shoulders and met his own eyes in the mirror. 
“Get a grip.” He told himself and went back to the tent.
Apparently his little pep talk had absolutely no effect, because after burning his bread, he topped off the baking experience by burning the pudding too. It was beginning to look like another stellar baking week for Remus.
“It’s a bit dark.” McGonagall commented as she dolled out a serving for both herself and Dumbledore.
‘Yeah no shit’ Remus wanted to say. Instead he just nodded his head.
“Even with the cream, the bread is a little dry.” Dumbledore said after taking a bite. Remus clenched his jaw, frustrated with himself. “And it’s a little bitter from being in the oven a nit too long. Overall, not your best work Mr Lupin.”
Remus sat down once more and found himself taking a shaky breath. That was definitely not how he wanted to start this week. He comforted himself by saying that he’d do much better in the other challenges. Nearly everybody else did quite well. The only person worse than Remus was Peter who had somehow, by laws unknown to Remus and possibly to science had managed to have quite a liquid consistency. 
Remus went to lunch a little put-out but chatting with everyone never failed to cheer him up almost instantly.
“They could have drank it with a straw!” Peter moaned, dropping his forehead onto the table. “I don’t even know how! The cream was whipped so well before it all went in the oven!”
“Hard luck mate.” James said, patting Peter on the shoulder as he slid into a seat next to Lily. Remus didn’t miss the way they leaned slightly towards each other. He wondered if their story would end better than his and Sirius’. Even Kingsley had joined them, making Sirius’ absence more stark.
“What’s Twitter up to this week?” Tonks asked, peering over Remus’ shoulder as he pulled the page up. 
“Um, let’s see,” Remus typed in the bake off tag and watched as all the posts rolled up. “They’re still weak for your hair Tonks,” He said and Tonks flicked her hair dramatically in response. “Oh my god there’s a twitter war.”
“Wait what?” Tonks asked, leaning in closer as everyone else gathered around. 
“From the picture of you and me this morning. There’s people shipping you and me versus people shipping me and Sirius.”
“Oh my god, that is comedy gold.” Peter said, oblivious. Remus didn’t know what Sirius had told James, but he suspected SOMETHING from the careful way James controlled his face. 
“I’m just gonna see where Sirius is.” James said as he stood up. “I don’t know what’s taking him so long.”
The pair didn’t return for lunch, the next everyone saw of them was when shooting recommenced. Remus had given himself a mental pep talk as he walked back to his station, consisting purely of ‘Come on Lupin, don’t fuck this up, you can do it’. 
“You ready?” Lily queried as the microphones were put into position.
“Ready as I’ll ever be, you?”
“About the same I’d say.”
“Okay and we’re recording in three, two and one.” Marlene said, pointing her finger towards James and Sirius to indicate that they were rolling.
“Our bakers just faced their signature challenge and while they might not have liked it, I must say, it was my bread and butter!” James opened and Remus covered his mouth with his hand because he refused to have the entire nation know he was even mildly amused by that terrible pun, but Remus really was a sucker for them.
Sirius rolled his eyes playfully. “Oh my god Jamie, that’s bad even for you.”
“I thought that was excellent, thank you very much.”
“I’m choosing to ignore you now.” Sirius bantered. “For our technical challenge, our judges would like you to make six individual sticky toffee puddings, judges, have you got anything to say?”
“Be mindful of your vanilla.” Dumbledore warned and Remus bit the inside of his cheek to stop himself from laughing at the ‘advice’. It was always so vague, they might not bother saying anything at all.
“Alright judges, out you go,” James said ushering the pair out the door.. Sirius faced the bakers and grinned.
“On your marks,”
“Get set,”
Remus turned around to Lily. “Be mindful of your vanilla.” He said in a very serious turn. Lily threw the cloth covering her ingredients at him. All was well.
James swung by Remus’ station a little while later. “How’s it going?”
Remus was just finishing cutting out little circles of parchment paper to line the bottom of the little pots he would bake the puddings in. He had already liberally greased the edges with butter and he just needed to pop the parchment circles in.
“Alright, I haven’t actually done any baking yet.” Remus said laughing. James grabbed the leftover scrap of paper and attempted to make some kind of crown out of it. 
“Here ye, here ye!” Remus joked, noticing half the cameras in the room training on them. 
“I think I should be king of the bake off Remus, what do you think?”
Remus nodded along solemnly/ “Oh yes of course James, your baking skills are incredible.”
“I can bake!” James protested.
“Sure, sure,” Remus teased, beginning to measure ingredients. “But if you’re the king of bake off, who will make all the terrible puns.”
James covered his heart with his hand. “You wound me Remus, truly.”
Remus chucked a date at his head, but James just opened his mouth and caught it.”
Remus burst out laughing. “Okay that was good, you can be the king of bake off now.”
“Why thank you.” James said before heading off to chat to Lily next, still wearing his paper crown. 
Remus turned back to his baking and began mixing ingredients together. He was careful to split the vanilla pod and scrape the seeds into the mix. In the end he was pretty happy with his batter, and poured it carefully into his pots, being careful not to pass the three quarter mark as they would rise in the oven and he didn’t want to have them spill over the edge.
He popped them in the oven and began to start work on the toffee, measuring ingredients as he let the pot heat up. He tossed in the butter and sugar and stirred a little before making a cup of tea. He came back to his toffee-to-be a few minutes later to see he had left it unattended too long and it had all crystallised.
“Fuck!” He said, emptying the contents onto a plate and quickly starting again.
“Oof, they crystallised?” Lily asked, on her tiptoes peering over at Remus’ work.
“Yup. I have just enough time to go again though.”
This time, the devil himself wouldn’t be able to lure Remus away from his bot.
‘A watched pot never boils,’ He thought. “Yeah well a watched pot never burns either.” He muttered, aware that he would probably come across as mildly insane but fuck it.
“Are you talking to yourself?” A lovely lilting voice asked and Remus froze for a moment before continuing to stir.
“Why?” Sirius asked
“Because I’m an excellent conversationalist.”
Remus knew Sirius would be smiling even if he couldn’t see him. He slowly added the cream into his pot, folding it all in nicely.
“Well I can’t refute that statement.” Sirius agreed and Remus almost wanted to tell him to fuck off because even now Sirius was so lovely and Remus wanted to turn and see his smile, except he knew it wouldn’t be the same. It would be purely for the camera and there would be no little sly glances or secret winks and that gorgeous sparkle in his eye would be gone.
Or was it ever even there in the first place?
Remus took the pot off the heat and let it sit for a moment as he took the puddings out of the oven. He set them all on a cooling rack and turned to start taking them out of the pots when he spotted six identical little parchment paper circles sitting on the counter.
“Oh fuck.” He whispered. He never actually put them in the pots. “Oh Christ. Oh for fucks sake.” He said running his fingers through his hair. 
“What’s wrong?” Lily asked, coming over to him and resting her hand on his shoulder.
“I never put the parchment paper in, they’re going to stick to the pot and be ruined.”
“You greased it though didn’t you? That’ll help a lot, there’s still hope yet.” She leaned in close again and whispered, “And if they go to hell you can bump into Peter when we’re putting them on the table and pretend he knocked them over again.”
Remus chuckled and gave her a quick hug. “Thank you, now go away because we don’t need yours ruined too.”
“They’re not ruined!” Lily yelled back at him and Remus smiled as he dug through his cutlery drawer to find the thinnest knife that he could. Biting his lip in concentration he carefully ran the knife along the inside of the pot to loosen the sides, then he flipped it over quickly and gently eased the pudding out. There was a little bit of the tip missing but - it could easily be covered with the toffee so all in all, Remus was actually quite happy. 
“One down, five to go!” He called to Lilly but also for the benighted of Marlene who was hovering nearby, cameras trained on what Remus was doing. 
The second one came out quite well two and Remus was beginning to feel a spark of hope when the third one completely split in half - the top still in the pot.
“Oh shittttttt.” Remus sang to himself, trying not to worry too much. He just kept going, he could assemble that one later. The following three had the exact same result. Marlene was hovering around him, capturing the tension. Remus looked up and stared right into the lens as if he were on The Office and said “I jinxed myself.”
He managed to coax the top halves out of their containers and gently put them back together again. He drizzled a liberal amount of toffee over the tops before having a moment of inspiration. He grabbed the abandoned crystallised toffee and used it to decorate the tops of the puddings before transferring them all to the rectangular plate he’d be presenting them on, adding a little bit of toffee to the plate to help regain any visual aestheticism. 
“Alright bakers!” Sirius called, “Your time is up. Please walk your cakes up to the table at the front of the tent.”
Lily walked up next to Remus and mimed ‘accidentally’ bumping into Peter and Remus snorted as he set his plate down behind his picture.
“You’re insane,” He whispered to her as they sat down on their stools.
“You love me though.” She quipped back and Remus grinned at her before the judges came out.
“Hello again bakers!” Dumbledore greeted. They chorused back a hello and then the judges set to work. The judges actually cringed when they bit into Peter’s dish and on the other side of Remus, Peter was quivering a little.
“Our tip to be mindful with the vanilla went unnoticed with this one it would seem.” McGonagall commented and Remus had to stop himself from looking at Peter to figure out what the hell he did.
“It would appear this person included their vanilla pod.” Dumbledore said, trying to hide his cringe. “For future reference, it’s the seeds inside the pod you eat, not the outside layer.”
Remus knew Peter’s face was bright red without even looking at him, but he didn’t glance to the side for fear of giving away who had actually made the cakes.
Remus’ were up next, McGonagall looking at them cynically. “The presentation is quite lacking I must admit.”
“Yes, they’re a bit messy,” Dumbledore agreed as he cut into one. They each took a bite, nodding solemnly for a moment. “They certainly taste good though.”
McGonagall nodded in agreement and just like that they had moved on to the next person’s work. Remus let out a deep sigh. It wasn’t how he had wanted it to go but… at least they had tasted good. He was still annoyed at himself for forgetting the parchment paper but he had to let it go now.
The  judges were quick to decide this week. With only five contestants left and a tangible need to make it to the semi finals next week, there was a buzz in the air, at least it felt that way to Remus.
Or, it did feel that way until he came second last in the technical and suddenly he was seriously beginning to fear that this time next week, he’d be at home.
Peter came last. Tonks won; Kingsley and Lily filling in the middle spots.
Remus headed back to the hotel, talking quietly to Lily but really just planning his strategy for tomorrow. Considering his recipe. Mentally changing the flavours, then switching them back. The order he would make everything. If he should just head straight to the practice tent and make it one more time. 
Lily wrapped her arm around his waist and leaned her head against him. Remus used to always look at people walking like this and think it must be so incredibly awkward, but this felt natural.
“It’s better to rest now then practice some more. You’re ready.” She said as if she could read his mind. Maybe after five weeks of being together every day, she could.
He smiled and placed a kiss to the top of her head, loving their friendship. “Thanks Lils.”
She peered up at him, those eyes vibrantly green, hidden slightly under her eyelashes. “Wanna make hot chocolate?”
Remus grinned as he put his arm over her shoulders and gave her a grateful squeeze. “That sounds like heaven.”
The next day began with the sunlight filtering slowly through the open windows as Remus got dressed. It was late enough in the year now that he woke up in darkness, but he always liked getting to watch the sun rise so it didn’t bother him. The air was crisp outside when he walked down with Lily and it felt like a new beginning.
“Let’s do this.” Lily said, holding out her fist as they entered the tent and Remus looked at her in mild amusement, but bumped his knuckles against hers lightly.
They set up their stations quietly, not having much to do, Remus just liked it organised slightly differently to the way the cleaning crew left it. Everyone seeped in quietly, the tension from yesterday lingering. 
Marlene announced their start and suddenly they were off, James and Sirius bantering away with a familiar chemistry rarely found between two presenters.
“Welcome back for the showstopper challenge!” James greeted, Sirius grinning at his side. “Today our judges have asked you to reimagine a dish as a trifle.”
Remus remembered the first time he had heard that and thought it was a little weird, but he liked it. Back then he had planned to have a ‘death by chocolate’ theme but he changed his recipe last week. Lily was making a carrot cake creation that looked amazing. Tonks was wowing with a baked Alaska inspired dish. Peter had embraced chocolate chip cookies and they were featuring heavily in his. Kingsley was doing something with a lot of apples but Remus didn’t know many of the specifics. Kingsley wasn’t secretive, but he wasn’t majorly talkative either.
“You know Sirius, I once fought with a man over his multi layered cake,” James was saying vibrantly.
“Is that so?”
“Indeed. However I soon learned he was not to be trifled with.”
The light went out of Sirius’ eyes. “You’re fired.” He said to James in a deadpan voice and the entire tent burst into giggles.
Sirius sighed and turned to everyone. “On your marks, get set, bake!”
“Hey! We’re supposed to say that together!”
“Yeah well I fired you so it’s mine now.”
Remus couldn’t stop himself from chuckling as he set to work. Was he unsure of what was happening between himself and Sirius? Yes. Did he still have feelings for the man? Undoubtedly. 
He immediately set to work making the meringues, those were gonna be hard to get done in time - they took two hours in the oven and then they had to cool down completely before Remus could do anything with them. He whipped the egg whites and sugar on high speed, until there were ‘stiff peaks’, the mixture was lovely and shiny and Remus felt like he was spooning marshmallow into his piping bag.
He made three circles of meringue, all the same size as his trifle dish along with a few little meringue kisses to decorate the top. He popped the trays into the preheated oven and set to work preparing everything else. He turned around to grab a tea towel and his elbow hit a glass bowl on the counter and it fell to the ground, shattering and leaving sparkling shards all over Remus’ station.
“Crap okay, can I get a brush over here please?”
A crew member helped him sweep it up as quickly as possible so he could get back to work. James sidled up to his counter as he started making a lemon curd, a suspicious grin on his face.
“I see you’re having a smashing time.”
Remus looked up from adding the grated lemon rind. “I thought you were fired.”
James just laughed and ruffled Remus’ hair in a way that if anyone else had done it, it would have annoyed Remus, but it was okay from James.
“I’ll let you get back to work.” And then he was off and Remus could once again focus. He looked down into his pot and nearly started to cry. It had curdled. 
He stepped away for a moment, covering his face with his hands as he took a deep breath. It would be okay, he had time to make more. It just seemed like ever since Sirius had walked away a week ago, nothing had gone quite right.
On Monday, the restaurant made a mistake and gave Remus normal pasta, resulting in him being very sick for a while. On Tuesday, a pair of shoes he had long since worn in gave him blisters. Wednesday had him spilling tea all over his special edition book. Thursday he ripped a hole in his favourite cardigan and Friday Sirius walked into a room, saw Remus and immediately left. Saturday had been the signature and technical challenge and now he was here.
He jolted when a hand gingerly reached out and touched his shoulder. Light as a feather at first, barely the brush of fingertips but then the palm of the hand pressed reassuringly into Remus’ skin.
“Re?” Sirius asked. Remus heart soared and shattered at the same time. How was that even possible? 
“I’m fine it’s just a lot today I think.”
“Do you want to step outside for a few?”
Remus shook his head as he turned to face Sirius. “No it’s okay, thanks. I don’t have enough time.”
Sirius’ eyes were conflicted for a moment but the next thing Remus knew, he was being pulled down into a tight hug.
“Sorry,” Sirius mumbled, “I should have asked first, it’s just you looked so upset and-”
“It’s okay.” Remus whispered, his mouth by Sirius’ ear.
He pulled away reluctantly, wanting to stay in the comfort of Sirius’ arms longer but very aware of all the cameras trained on them.
“Thanks,” He mumbled to Sirius, his face flushed. “I should get back to it.”
Sirius nodded and Remus went back to work, the presenter heading off to chat to someone else. Taking another breath, Remus began grating another lemon. It was time to start again.
Assembling the trifle was possibly Remus’ favourite showstopper to put together so far, just because of how simple it was. He placed a meringue disk at the bottom, followed by lemon curd, then repeated it twice, until his top layer was a bright yellow substance. He grinned looking inside the glass dish - he was really glad he chose to pipe the curd in, it made the lines much cleaner.
He placed the meringue kisses on top, then grated chocolate over everything and he finished just as James called time.
Remus watched the judges fall in love with Tonks’ amazing baked Alaska and beamed at the praise for his friend. Lily did very well too. Kingsley had a few problems but overall he seemed quite happy with his baking. Peter’s was only marginally better. And then it was Remus.
He walked up to the table at the front of the room, suddenly very aware of Sirius standing with James to the side of the judges.
“Remind us of what this is inspired by Mr Lupin?” Dumbledore asked as he and McGonagall took in the trifle.
“Lemon meringue.” Remus said, his chest tight.
Sirius’ looked up sharply, meeting his eyes. Remus nodded minutely.
They each took a helpful and took a moment considering the flavours.
“I’m impressed, Mr Lupin.” Dumbledore said. “I was worried the curd would be too wet and dissolve the meringue.”
McGonagall nodded. “Were you not worried that this might be a little simple for a showstopper?”
Remus shook his head. “A classic is a classic for a reason.”
McGonagall graced him with a very rare smile and for the first time this week, Remus felt like he had done something right.
They all sat on the stools a little while later, waiting and waiting and waiting while the judges took the longest time to decide yet this series. Remus knew it was down to Peter and himself. One of them was going home today. Remus just didn’t know who.
Peter had done a little worse than Remus yesterday, but had recovered a lot today. Remus knew he himself had also gained some ground, he just didn’t know if it was enough. He hoped it was. He feared it wasn’t.
James and Sirius emerged first, the judges next, none of their faces giving anything away.
“Today I have the pleasure of announcing star baker.” James said smiling, “For the second week in a row… Tonks!”
Remus grinned and kissed Tonks on the cheek as she was sitting right next to him. Both because he was proud of her but also to mess with Twitter a little bit.
“Sadly, I have the awful job of announcing who’s going home today.” Sirius said, nothing about him giving anything away. Remus’ heart pounded, he could feel his heartbeat in his fingertips. “This person has been a pleasure to work with and we’ll all be very sad to see them leave.”
Remus found breathing a little difficult. Would Sirius just hurry up and say it?
“Leaving us today will be… Peter.”
Down the line a little, Peter’s shoulders slumped and while Remus was disappointed for him, all he could feel was the adrenaline surge now that all the tension had melted away from his body. They all lingered in the tent for a while, congratulating Tonks and giving Peter their commiserations. 
McGonagall came up to Remus at one point and spoke to him quietly. “Not your best week Mr Lupin.”
Remus shook his head. “No.”
McGonagall met his eyes. “You have amazing potential. I’ve seen you do great things, I hope I get to see them again.” She said before slinking back into the crowd. Remus blinked. It was possibly the most reassuring thing he had ever heard about his baking. He wanted to write her words down so he could keep them forever.
He was staying a little while longer.
Remus went straight to his room when he got back to the hotel, skipping the usual gathering they had after finishing filming that week as he was just exhausted after his day. He threw his clothes over the back of a chair in his room to be put away tomorrow and threw on a pair of sweatpants and a hoodie, a thick pair of socks on his feet. He turned off the over head light, flicking on his lamp instead and just about to crawl into bed with his book when he heard the faintest knock on his door.
He frowned, a little wondering who it could be. Lily? No, she would be downstairs talking to James. Not Tonks, her knock was loud and vibrant. Peter was packing-
Remus opened the door and there stood Sirius, who’d also changed into cosier clothes, looking almost lost in the depths of his massive jumper. For the first time since Remus had known him, Sirius looked unsure.
“Can I come in?” He asked softly. Remus bit his lip for a moment before nodding and stepping inside. 
Sirius gazed around his room for a moment, snorting at the clothes thrown haphazardly over the chair.
“You didn’t strike me as messy.” He mused.
Remus blushed. “I’m not, I'm just tired.”
Sirius turned around. “I can go?”
“No it’s alright.” Remus had a feeling that if Sirius didn’t say why he came here now, it would be forever forgotten.
Sirius looked at the ground, scuffing his socked toes on the carpet. “Have you ever read about people I date in the tabloids?”
Remus frowned and quickly ran what information about Sirius he knew through his mind. “No? At least, I don’t think so.”
Sirius smiled ruefully. “That’s because I haven’t dated anyone in a long time. Ever really.”
Remus felt his lips part slightly. “Ever?”
Sirius rolled his eyes. “I mean a little in school but I don’t know if it really counted.” He kept looking at the floor. “I mean, I have flings or whatever but I don’t date. At first I was too preoccupied with building a life away from my family. Then I was so busy, focusing on my career. Then,” His voice grew soft like he was a little embarrassed, “It had been so long I was afraid. I forget sometimes, when I’m with you. But then that day, I remembered.”
Remus didn’t have to ask what day. I remembered. Sirius had said it then too.
And it was so dumb of me but I was afraid of having you.” Sirius finally looked up at Remus. Grey met amber and all was right. “But then today I worried for a moment that I was going to lose you.”
Remus laughed a little wetly. “You make that sound like I nearly died or something.”
“Shut up I’m trying to be romantic!” Sirius protested, but his cheeks were flushed.
“Sorry.” Remus said, but he was smiling faintly. He reached out and brushed Sirius’ fingers with his and Sirius caught his hand and held it.
“But I realised I’m afraid of being with you, but I guess I’m going to have to get used to it, because I’m terrified of being without you.”
Remus swallowed, wetting his lips. “What… Are you.. Wait?”
Sirius nodded. “Yeah.”
A little smile danced on Remus’ lips as he took a step closer and lowered his face down so he could nudge Sirius’ nose with his own. “I guess we can be a little scared together then.”
Sirius’ eyes lit up and Remus was about to kiss him but before he could move, Sirius had surged up and pressed his lips to Remus’.
Remus melted into it, wrapping one arm around Sirius’ waist, the other removing the hair tie from Sirius’ bun to be tossed somewhere that would probably never be found so he could finally tangle his fingers in the inky black strands like he had dreamed about doing so many times.
Sirius kisses were just like his personality. Confident, purposeful, Remus thought as Sirius nipped his bottom lip and Remus opened his mouth for him. Strong. At some point, Remus backed into the bed, his knees giving out so he sat on the edge while Sirius just straddled him, never even breaking away.  The pace was new and thrilling to Remus. A sweet caress of the tongue could lead quickly to a desperate clash of teeth and back again in just a moment. 
“You made lemon meringue.” Sirius murmured against hips lips. Remus grinned and nodded.
“It’s your favourite.”
Sirius pulled away first, his chest heaving and his lips red and swollen, shining from Remus; own saliva. That thought alone had Remus chasing his lips for another taste. Sirius smirked but kissed him sweetly for a minute before pulling away and resting his forehead on Remus’ shoulder. Remus could just see those eyes he loved so much peeking up at him from under his ridiculously long eyelashes.
“So you and me?” Sirius asked. “We’re dating? I didn’t make that up, right?”
Remus beamed and shook his head. “You didn’t make it up.”
“Is it too early to ask to be exclusive? I really have no idea how this works.” Sirius laughed, pressing his face into Remus’ chest. Remus bent so he could nip the curve of his ear gently.
“No,” He murmured, “Well I don’t know how it goes that well either. But it doesn’t feel too early, does it?”
Sirius shook his head before lifting it and coming back to Remus’ level again. “You’re mine.” He breathed, eyes sparkling. He pulled Remus’ bottom lip between his teeth and sucked on it gently. “I must be the luckiest person on the planet.”
Remus kissed him softly, pulling him against his chest. “I think that title is reserved for me.”
Sirius hit his shoulder playfully. “Sap.”
“Hey! You started it!”
Sirius giggled and kissed him again, tugging on Remus’ hair a little before pulling away. 
“I want you.” He whispered, “But I’m tired as hell. Wanna, I don’t know, cuddle and shit?”
Remus smirked, patting Sirius’ thigh lightly so they could climb under the covers. 
“Yeah,” He agreed as he pulled Sirius against his chest once more, tangling their legs together. “Let’s cuddle and shit.”
They fell asleep like that, a jumble of limbs tucked under the warm covers, fitting together like they had been made for each other. Remus had one of the best night’s sleep of his life, even missing the sun rising in the morning.
(But somehow, he didn’t mind).
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halothenthehorns · 3 years
All in the Family
Chapter 133: The Second War Begins
They all found themselves blinking in stark contrast of the lazy morning sun from moments ago to a heavy orb of late afternoon beating down on them all. Alice got a particularly painful landing, smashing face first into something hot and metal, Lily found herself scattered painfully in a pile of woodchips, and Frank was somehow twisted up in a lone swing set, the other already broken. Regulus was perched ungainly on the very highest peak of the playground, the sign visible to him at the end of the road from his view trailing this as Magnolia Park.
Peter, Lupin, and Potter were visible scattered around the street as well, his friend having smacked against the chain link fence and had the mark on his face to prove it. Lupin was still dazedly in the street right in front of where one of those muggle contraptions could run over him, or fly over him if it was anything like Arthur's. Potter was looking curiously around at all the Muggle dwellings, but bypassed them as he ducked his head around the corner and immediately took to his feet, ignoring the bleeding palms of his hands for landing on the sidewalk like that as he called after Sirius. He couldn't see his brother in the alleyway but kept his balance on his wooden perch and tipped his head up to the sun anyways, enjoying the view and thinking to himself for now.
If they'd been born Muggles, would they have ever done something as simple as play at a park together before? He'd never wanted to be one before, it was base traitorous to his species he was sure to even entertain the thought, and besides, those Dursleys proved enough Muggles were no better about being scum than some wizards. What Evans had said still lingered in him though, what he'd give just to play a game at a place like this.
Sirius had been the only one to land in the shade of the alleyway and so was already brushing himself off and back on his feet the fastest, but he could see from his crooked vantage that nobody was dying, not even Regulus who seemed in no danger of falling, so he'd happily kept himself out of the way for now, leaning against the cool wall and wondering if this was the exact spot Harry had once fended off the dementors and gotten his first sight of him so long ago as he still turned everything over while James and Remus quickly joined him anyways.
"I'm fine," he told them both before they could even ask, and he really meant it this time. He told them in detail and made sure to meet both of their eyes as often as he could so they'd believe him, "I'm exhausted, and depressed as hell it came to this, and still pretty pissed all things considered, but we'll be fine."
James only studied him for a moment before relief flooded him and he seemed to take him at word. Remus though was studying him intently, a question on his lips he kept suppressing by pursing them up and glancing guiltily at James.
He had an idea what this was going to be about and so saved Moony the awkwardness of stopping their fooling around before James even did know about it. "Give us a moment, yeah?"
Prongs looked surprised at the dismissal, but not particularly offended, appraising the two for a moment before shrugging and jogging off towards Peter. Sirius watched him go, never having felt more love in his life for his brother, James still trusted him after everything. He met Peter's eyes and flashed him a genuine smile, who'd been standing on the edge of the grass. Sirius couldn't deny he was a bit glad he hadn't come over though, he really was too tired to deal with anything else right now and that swirl of emotions he couldn't avoid when he did head over there after this. He had a lot of cleanup to do.
Surprised, but willing when Remus took his hand and took him deeper into the alley out of sight of the park entirely, they could go no farther back onto the other street from the barrier once more. He braced himself, telling himself he would not hold it against Moony for cutting this off now that he'd had a reality check and that hadn't been helping, so he was fairly surprised when Remus leaned in and kissed him fiercely instead.
Sirius hummed in pleasure at how very alive he felt, the warm bricks on his back, Remus's fingers trailing lightly up his neck and hovering there, pulling him in closer and feeling very secure in how utterly good this still felt. The book finally started though, and the two sprung apart like the guilty party they still were as Evans read The Second War Begins.
"I'm, surprised," Sirius admitted quietly, the burning pain of Harry suffering through the various stages of grief only slightly easier to get through as he rubbed his thumb against Remus's bottom lip in silent question.
"Of course, you idiot," he scoffed in return, before he seemed to check himself and looked at Sirius steadily. "Look, I know we started this for the wrong reasons, but um, I've been wanting to do that this whole time, and I should have, but, I've been a coward. Look, you should know, I-"
"Think we should tell James," Sirius thought he was agreeing. Remus pulled back though and Sirius let his hand fall in surprise as he surmised, "that's, not what you were going to say?" It only just occurred to him he hadn't told Moony of his more recent conviction to even do so and probably should mention it to him first. "I know I said we'd wait until we got out of this mess, but come on Remus. You know he's no more going to be one of those pureblood arseholes who frowns upon shirt-lifters than I am. He should know why we keep buggering off."
"I just, like my business private, you know that," he muttered, no longer looking directly at him.
Sirius flushed and leaned farther into the mortar now with shame, but Remus quickly corrected, "not that I'm accusing- look Sirius let's move past that Snape shit for the last time, honestly. The arsehole is not worth the breath wasted."
"And we'll be discreet," Sirius more than happily agreed, taking Remus's hand and hoping he was caving. "Won't tell anyone else obviously, none of their bloody business, not even Peter if you don't want."
Remus still looked a tad panicked, so Sirius altered, "not next time everyone falls asleep, I'm too exhausted to stay up myself, but the one after that then?" Let him get used to the idea at least beforehand, that felt like a kind compromise anyways.
"Okay," it did seem to ease him up, he released a breath anyways and squeezed Sirius's fingers. He still tensed his shoulders though and looked like he was building himself up to say something, but then leaned in and kissed him again, with somehow even more enthusiasm than before.
He was very convinced Moony was just worried about being caught now, and hadn't the blood left in the right places to worry about such a thing as his fingers frisked lower.
"Down boy," Remus pulled back with a chuckle, leaving Sirius a panting and flustered mess. "Can't stay like this forever now," his smile was odd.
Sirius huffed and glared at the neighboring houses. "Think any of those will open for us? I'd curl up on that grass for a lie down if I wasn't worried Evans would shove those wood chips under my nails, and you know how I'd sleep even better." He still had his hand very suggestively in place.
Remus placed his hands on either side of the wall and pressed their foreheads together but seemed unwilling to do anything else, as if suspended in place. Sirius sighed but finally forced himself to be the one to pull away, ducking under his arm and jogging back out into the street to check himself. Remus already knew it hadn't worked though when he yelled at the top of his lungs, "no bed and breakfast for us, but thanks for stopping to check Evans!"
It was all too easy to picture in his head, Sirius jogging over to James's side like nothing had happened, the two still able to keep each other's spirits up through Harry's miserable coping, as if hoping their laughter would echo through time for him.
'You should have just asked,' Remus continued, accusing himself now that Sirius was long gone and it would be even weirder and more noticeable if he called him back. 'He's not a bloody mind reader!' It did matter to him though, what exactly Sirius wanted to say to James. That the two were just off shagging, or that maybe it was something more? He had time now at least, not much but some to get up the nerve and ask later.
Sirius certainly hadn't made it seem like it was going to be any such thing that full moon day he'd screwed all this up, but things had changed since then. They'd been through a lot dealing with these books and mostly each other, and he was positive enough in the enthusiasm Padfoot still showed just now his reluctance back in the Centaur's home had just been his abysmal way of dealing with this future and shutting down, which Remus should have stepped in and helped him with like Prongs had!
The hell was the matter with him, too cowardly to comfort him when he needed it but dragging him off like this at a convenient time? Or was it all just wistful thinking on his part he could have even made a difference, maybe only James really could have gotten through to him in that moment, it's not like he'd done anyone any good in this future after all.
He knew what a hypocrite he was being too, doing exactly what Sirius just had and trying to put it all off for later and avoid really talking to him. He wouldn't let it build up so bad he'd have a bloody breakdown over it though, he quickly promised himself. He just had to ask, and accept whatever Sirius's answer was, nothing else was required on his part. If Sirius didn't reciprocate he couldn't force anything to happen otherwise regardless.
Pushing himself off the wall and still cursing Prongs for these stupid too-tight pants, he leaned in the shadows for now and watched with a smile as his prediction had been exactly right.
Sirius had gone right over to James, and there was that air around him all the Marauders knew so well as he smiled at his best mate and instigated, "want to play king of the castle?" With his head cocked suspiciously in Regulus's direction.
"I'm game," James promised at once, turning back to Peter and only feeling slightly bad he already forgot whatever he'd been saying about magnolias and their plant properties. "Want to team up with him?" He offered in form of apologizing by letting them play start and including Regulus without protest.
Peter couldn't have looked more surprised if James had just blotted out the sun, but he grinned and said, "yes," at once. Hopping the fence and quickly scaling the playground nearly up to Regulus and explaining quickly while the two were already silently counting down the head-start they'd given.
Lily sighed as Potter began laughing again of all things while Harry was boarding the train once more to a home that didn't want him, now with no options left in the world even if the Order did arrive in some form of collective presence. She finally understood though, watching them play some deranged game that seemed to have no rules as the four shot spells at each other with no clear endgame to her. James Potter, much like his best friend, would never pass up an opportunity for a laugh if it was available, and she was really starting to see how that was okay as she caught herself smiling for the infectious noise and holding off far longer than was needed to on the last sentence as the park teemed with life.
As always, please feel free to guess future chapter locations, as well as what you're looking forward to seeing them react to. I have them all planned out at least in principle, but it'll greatly amuse me  to see your guesses.
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esmealux · 3 years
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The Devil Doesn’t Do Children
Part: 1 / ?
Setting: About a year after 5a
Word count: 3.3K
Rating: T
Warnings: Mention of death/murder (and, quite indirectly, foeticide)
Summary: Chloe is sick and Lucifer puts two and two together (with a little help from Dan).
Author’s note: This is my longest work so far. It was meant to be one long piece, but it ended up being 10.8K (!), so I’ve cut it into three parts. And just because I can’t help myself, there’s already a fourth on the way. Enjoy!
Usually, Lucifer wakes up bathed in golden dawn light and wrapped in the warmth of Chloe’s naked body. If it’s not her raucous snoring or the demanding screeches of her alarm that rouse him from his sleep, it is the press of her soft lips against his neck (or somewhere more south, if he’s particularly lucky, and he often is). But not today. Today he wakes up surrounded by darkness in her much too cold bed, and it’s neither her snores nor her kisses which break off his slumber. It’s the sound of Chewbacca being strangled in her bathroom. 
Or, he realises upon fully awakening, Chloe throwing up.
Alarmed and slightly annoyed that vomit of all things is interrupting his peaceful rest, he sits up in bed and stretches his taut body. Grabbing the nearest phone, he checks the time and groans when it says 05.26. Somewhere in his half-asleep mind, he recalls the Danish saying ‘Før Fanden får sko på’—now officially a synonym for 05.26, he thinks as he gets up and walks to the bathroom door barefoot.
‘Detective?’ he asks in a gruff voice, knocking quietly.
‘Don’t come in,’ she commands before heaving again.
He flinches. ‘Believe me, love, I wasn’t planning on it.’
It’s mostly said in jest, because if she asked him, he would be there by her side in a heartbeat. They’ve been through far too much together to care about the other’s less appetising sides. Besides, it wouldn’t be the first time he sees her ejecting her stomach contents, having once picked her up from an extraordinarily wild Tribe night. At least he won’t have to stick his fingers down her throat this time.
Eventually, there’s an intermission long enough for her to flush, put down the seat and open the door for him. He enters with reluctance, inspecting her warily as she sits on top of the toilet lid, her head in her hands. When she looks up at him, he gasps. ‘Oh, darling, you look positively terrible’—he leans a bit forward, assessing her ashen face—‘Abominable, really.’ Behind the thick mask of nausea and exhaustion, he thinks he sees her glare.
‘Fancy a toothbrush?’ he offers, already walking past her to find one by the sink. A hint of gratitude glints in her matte eyes as he hands it to her along with a glass of water. He smiles at her and leans against the door frame, eventually looking down to appreciate his pedicure as she rinses her mouth. ‘Is pwobably sumthin I ate,’ she mumbles around foam and toothbrush. He cocks his eye and looks up at her, scoffing. ‘You think?’ When he’d locked himself into her flat late last night after hosting an event at Lux, he’d been greeted by the sight of her and her spawn sleeping on the couch, remains of junk food cluttering up the coffee table before them. The logo on the Styrofoam had made him shake his head in disappointment and disgust. He’d cleaned it up and carried the ladies to their beds, but not before ripping one specific menu card off their fridge and tearing it to pieces. ‘I mean, it’s one thing you order garbage for yourself, but must you punish your offspring in the process? I may detest children, but even I think that’s no way to treat a child. Especially Beatrice. You do realise the men’s room at Lux are cleaner than that place, right?’
In response to his question, she pulls the toothbrush out of her mouth, lifts the lid of the toilet and, once again, disgorges her dinner.
‘My point exactly,’ he replies, before crouching down next to her to hold back her hair.
‘Lucifer! Did you make breakfast?!’ The doe-eyed creature shrieks as it appears from its nest, the brown, ungroomed mane falling messily around its head.
‘Good morning to you too, urchin,’ he greets her, looking up from the pot he’s stirring in to give her a half-forced smile as she takes a seat by the counter. He feels a strange itch in his hands to pull out the bar stool for her and help her up (mostly because he can’t be bothered with her tedious jumping), but to his surprise, she climbs the stool with ease—or at least not ungracefully. It tugs at something in his chest the same way it does when he occasionally is compelled to spend time with his nephew, and the babe’s already crawling, or walking, or making sounds that somewhat resemble actual words. For unfathomable reasons, it makes him feel uneasy—but mostly pleased; the sooner they grow up, the sooner they’ll stop being such pains in the-
‘Oh my God, is that bacon? And eggs? And pancakes?!’
He sighs and looks up to chide her for her unjust invocation, but swallows it when he sees her hungry, gleeful eyes. ‘Yes, here. Have some actual food,’ he tells her, nudging the plate and some cutlery in her direction. And some wet wipes, because longer limbs or not, she’s still a sticky child.
‘It’s chocolate chip pancakes!’ she exclaims upon inspecting her breakfast further, as if he didn’t already know. ‘Thank you, Lucifer. You’re the best.’ She’s beaming brightly at him now, and he feels threatened, foreseeing that she, any second, will launch her small body at him and enclose his middle, ruining his Armani suit with her greasy fingers. But she doesn’t. She just sits there and stares at him, her eyes twinkling with an emotion that looks uncannily related to one he has only ever seen in her mother’s eyes.
‘Eh,’ he breathes, his throat tightening. He looks away from her unsettling smiley face and returns his attention to the pot on the stove. ‘Well, it was the least I could do after your supposed caregiver fed you literal poison last night.’
Suddenly reminded of the Detective and her progeny’s shared meal, he turns his head to search the adolescent’s face for any signs of sickness. But she doesn’t look remotely nauseous as she devours her feed like a starving hyena cub. He quirks an eyebrow. ‘I’m guessing from your lupine appetite that you haven’t been praying to the porcelain gods like your mother?’
Beatrice’s brows knit together, her fork pausing mid-air. She (fortunately) swallows her food before she speaks, all joy in her voice suddenly gone, ‘Mom’s sick?’
‘Well, yes, but I’m positive it’ll pass soon. She just needs to… get it out of her system,’ he quickly reassures her, offering her a soft smile. The discomforting concern in the big, brown eyes slowly disappears as absolute delight takes over.
‘Does that mean you’re taking me to school?’ She asks, her small corpus barely able to contain her joy. ‘In your car?!’
He scoffs, feeling attacked. ‘As if I’d ever voluntarily drive your mum’s mind-numbingly boring example of an automobile.’ She grins at that, making a comment about how his is ‘definitely a trazillion times cooler,’ and he smiles at her, smug and victorious. ‘Exactly, child! So, yes, naturally, I will be escorting you in the corvette. But now, march off and get yourself ready while I finish this…’ he pokes around the grey goo in the pot with the wooden spoon, trying not to grimace, ‘oatmeal, for your mother. According to our friend Alexa it’s good for nauseated humans, although I highly doubt it.’
The teenager simply shrugs at that, finishes her breakfast and retreats to her burrow to get dressed. Once the porridge is done, Lucifer pours it in a bowl, puts it on a tray along with a cool glass of coke (also Alexandra’s suggestion) and carries it up to the Detective’s bedroom. He opens the door slowly as to not wake her, but the stubbornest of women is sitting on the edge of the bed, using all strength left in her depleted body to pull on her skinny jeans. Putting down the tray on the nearest surface, he darts over to her with a ‘what in Dad’s name are you doing?!’ and tugs the trousers down her legs and off her. ‘We have to go to work, Lucifer,’ she objects rather weakly, not even trying to put her jeans back on. ‘I have to go to work,’ he corrects her, carefully laying her down once he’s freed both her feet. ‘You, Detective, need to stay here and rest until you can keep it all inside you.’ He senses she’s about to protest again, so he places a kiss on her forehead and assures her, ‘Trust me, dear, everything is taken care of.’ Even as nausea has tinted her face green, she manages to narrow her eyes at him in scepticism. ‘Just promise me you’ll behave,’ she eventually mutters as she gives up and nuzzles into the blankets.
He lightly strokes her shoulder with the back of his fingers and quietly walks out of the room, leaving her with a dramatic sigh and an ‘As you wish.’
Daniel is already at the crime scene when Lucifer arrives after depositing the urchin. He’d thought he’d have to go through an entire day of purgatory—or paperwork, as the Detective pronounces it—and it was only worsened by the fact that he wouldn’t have his partner by his side. If she had been there, he could at least have distracted them both with some suggestive looks here, some subtle touches there, and—when he’d worked her into a frenzy of desire—a coffee break or two in the parking garage. Instead, he’d have to endure the agonising tedium on his own, even as there were, at a minimum, three hell loops he’d rather spend his time in than do paperwork at the precinct all day. But then Miss Lopez had called and informed him they’d got a new case. He’d been absolutely delighted (as delighted as it is allowed when someone has dropped dead), but only until he’d made the mistake of telling her that the Detective was home sick, and she’d said that she would ‘call Espinoza ASAP’ and tell him to meet them at the scene. If he had just kept his mouth shut, he could have got the case all to himself, instead of having Detective Douche tag along.
Taking a deep breath, he checks his cuffs and takes his time approaching the douche in question. ‘Sorry I’m late. Your spawn spent quite some time choosing the right attire,’ Lucifer offers in greeting. Daniel looks him up and down with raised eyebrows, his eyes landing on the perfectly folded crimson pocket square. ‘For a normal school day? Wonder who inspired that kind of vanity in her.’
‘Well, it certainly wasn’t her father,’ Lucifer deadpans and nods towards Daniel’s hoodie/jacket/jeans-combination.
With a humourless laugh and a shake of his head, Dan stuffs his hands in his pockets and turns on his heels to walk up the stairs and into the residential building. After bringing out his flask and taking a long swig, Lucifer follows him.
When they enter the flat, Miss Lopez is leaning over the body with her camera. The sight is oddly welcoming. Comfortably familiar. She’d only come back a week ago after being away for a little over a month, on a much-deserved vacation in New Zealand, and Lucifer had missed her cheerful spirit and their crime scene banter terribly. The latter is, much to Lucifer’s annoyance, cut short today by Daniel ‘Buzz-Kill’ Espinoza’s ‘So, Ella, what can you tell us about the vic?’
It’s a rather uninteresting case; a woman, Laura Greene, 26, has been murdered in her home. Stabbed with a kitchen knife, first in the abdomen, then the chest. No signs of B&E, no signs of struggle. A swift and impulsive act—no doubt a crime of passion according to Ella. The most obvious culprit would be an angered partner, but the roommate, who found the body, tells them the victim wasn’t in a relationship and rarely went on dates or brought anyone home. On top of that, Roomie can’t think of anyone who would hurt dear Laura. And the neighbours are just as useless; one is a deaf elder lady, and the others were chasing the dragon at the time of death. The rest of the floor haven’t heard or noticed anything either. Consequently, they have absolutely nothing once they get to the precinct. Ella goes through evidence and Daniel through piles and piles of papers, leaving Lucifer to stand awkwardly in the corner of Ella’s lab, with no desires to unveil or miscreants to threaten.
As to not die of boredom, he zooms out and lets his mind wander. He’s in the middle of designing a strategy for how to make Chloe finally agree to try the deliciously sinful position he considers one of his favourites when Ella’s frustrated sigh interrupts his planning.
‘Something troubling you, Miss Lopez?’ he asks her, pulling out his flask.
She tells him she has nothing. No match on the fingerprints from the murder weapon, no useful surveillance tapes, no clues at the scene that can tell her the gender, age, or occupation of the murderer. Nada. Just the fact that it was done in a moment of heat.
Before Lucifer can answer, Dan walks in with a puzzled look on his ill-favoured face, his arms filled with highlighted printouts. ‘Could she’ve been pregnant?’
Ella tilts her head. ‘I mean, it’s not impossible, but based on what her roommate told us, I wouldn’t bet my money on it. You know, because our girl Laura had no boy toyz.’
Lucifer can’t hold back a snort. ‘Please, Miss Lopez, all it takes is a boy toy, singular, ten minutes in a bathroom stall and the absence of contraceptives.’
Dan looks at him with disgust and horror before shaking his head and returning his attention to Ella. ‘Well, no,’ he answers her, ignoring Lucifer’s comment entirely, ‘but then I thought about the other thing her roommate said, about Laura throwing up during the past weeks, and I thought-’
‘But Michelle said she thought it was an eating disorder, like Laura’d had before,’ Ella interrupts him, looking to Lucifer for support. He just purses his lips and looks back. Truth be told, when they’d been talking to the roommate, the mentioning of vomit had reminded him of his feeble Detective at home and he’d excused himself to send her a text. He therefore hadn’t heard whatever explanation the woman had offered (nor her arguments for why the victim’s sickness would be relevant to them). Fortunately, Dan answers.
‘Yeah, I know, I thought that too, but then I saw she paid a bill to an OB-GYN earlier this month, and it could just be a gynaecological check-up or something, but then I remembered how badly Chloe suffered from morning sickness when she was pregnant with Trixie, so I…’
Lucifer stops listening as Daniel’s words—one in particular—suddenly whirl around him, loud and ominous. His heart starts pounding faster and his throat goes dry. He instinctively grips the edge of the lab table.
‘Surely there could be other explanations,’ he manages to get out, interrupting his co-workers’ discussion. ‘Food poisoning, for instance.’
Dan and Ella look at him with equally sceptical looks. ‘Not for ten days straight,’ Ella argues.
‘But there is a myriad of reasons for a woman to throw up,’ he defends as he starts frantically googling. ‘Indigestion, stomach bug, chemotherapy, motion sickness… aha, migraine!’
When Lucifer looks up from his phone, Daniel is looking at him like he’s questioning his sanity. Miss Lopez seems concerned too, but more in an ‘dude, you okay?’-way than anything else.
Ella slowly takes her eyes off Lucifer’s face and eyes Dan shortly. ‘Well, we can’t know for sure before we get the final results from the autopsy, but from what Dan has found, she could quite possibly be pregnant.’
‘But,’ Lucifer objects, barely audibly, like someone has knocked the wind out of him, ‘she can’t be.’ He’s staring out into empty air, unwelcome images suddenly flooding his mind, as Daniel and Miss Lopez continue talking. He’s on the verge of what he thinks might be a panic attack when a voice, her voice, drags him out of his own head.
‘Hey guys,’ she greets them. She’s hoarse and looks a little tired, but the green tinge is gone.
‘Detective,’ is what he manages to say back. She looks at him with soft eyes and it’s enough for him to come back to his senses for a moment. Surprised by her presence, he begins to ask, ‘Are you done-’
He was going to say ‘puking your guts out’ but she widens her eyes at him and cuts him off, ‘Having a bad headache? Yes, thank you, Lucifer. I just needed some rest.’
‘Right,’ he mumbles, giving her one slow nod. She walks over to stand close beside him and brushes her fingers against the back of his hand, somehow sensing that he’s tense. 
‘Okay, what have we got?’ She looks to Dan and Ella and lets go of Lucifer’s hand. He instantly misses her touch.
They fill Chloe in, telling her about everything from the lack of leads to small, seemingly insignificant details. When she’s completely up to date, she has that look on her face, eyes slightly narrowed, like she has a (historically, clever) theory.
‘Well,’ she begins, still visibly thinking, ‘it does take two to tango.’ She side-eyes Lucifer, a small smirk playing at the corner of her lips. It’s clear she expects a remark or a praising grin in return, and he tries, but it comes out as a grimace and a strained ‘eh’. She gives him a funny look before continuing her theory, ‘What I mean is, boyfriend or not, there’s still a father out there. Maybe he found out and couldn’t handle the news? Maybe he was married to someone else? Or… he just didn’t want to be a dad?’
Lucifer feels his heartbeat speed up once again. An odd emotion he can’t quite name spreads in his chest. It feels like a disease.
‘Sure seems like motive, but how are we gonna find him?’ Dan asks. Not one second later, Miss Lopez’ ‘found him!’ sounds from where she’s leaning over her computer. ‘Tech just got access to her photos —kinda tricky since she had this super secure lock-’
‘Who is he, Ella?’ Chloe demands.
Ella clicks on the screen and turns the computer around so they can see. ‘The guy’s everywhere in her camera roll. I don’t know, he seems kinda familiar, but-’
‘That’s Max Steinfeld!’ Dan exclaims when he sees the photo. It’s taken in bed, post-orgasm Lucifer would say, judging from the blissful aura. Laura’s got a hand on the man’s chest who, indeed, is the chap who starred on that horrible teenage comedy show and today is trying to redeem himself by doing mediocre action movies and… settling down with Hollywood’s sweetheart. 
‘But he’s dating Simone Riley,’ Lucifer enlightens his colleagues upon his revelation. ‘They’re tying the knot this spring.’
Chloe shoots him a questioning look, and he tells her he got a mani-pedi the other day. She nods her head in understanding.
‘Well, if he’s engaged, he probably wasn’t ecstatic when Laura told him she was pregnant with his baby.’
As she asks Dan to get the actor’s current location all Lucifer can do is stand there and stare at her, as if he might find the answers to the thousands of questions in his head written on the side of her face. But he doesn’t. He only finds the familiar beauty mark, a perfectly pointed eyebrow, and the smooth, marble-like skin of the woman he loves. And it makes him yearn for those answers even more.
Part II  |  Part III  | Part IV (coming soon)
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                                                                                                                                         CHAPTER 1
                                                                                                           The Tragic Beginning
                                                                                                                               It were the last few days of the summer break and everyone at the Potter’s was getting ready. Harry was helping James to pack his things in his trunk. Ginny was busy in the kitchen. Lily and Albus were playing in the hall. Not everyone had changed. Harry was the same, with his green eyes and black hair. Harry had just gained an inch or two after the battle of Hogwarts. He still wore round spectacles and had the lightning-shaped scar on his forehead. Ginny had grown into a beautiful woman. She had cut her hair a little short and her face was still the same. James got his hair and face from Harry. He looked like he was Harry Potter, but from his third year. His eyes though were not like his father. He got the eyes from his uncle and godfather, Ron which were blue. Albus looked like Ginny. He had a little round shape face and got soft cheeks. His eyes though were like his father. He had inherited his father’s green eyes. Lily on the other hand was the only one to have her mother’s red hair. James and Albus, both had black hair like their father. Lily looked a lot like Ginny. She also was round-faced like Ginny and had got her eyes from her mother which were brown. Harry decided to live at Godric’s Hollow after his and Ginny’s marriage. All three of the children were born there. It was around 8 in the night. Everybody was very happy. James who was going to his third year asked his dad, “Dad, what did you do in your third year at Hogwarts?” James always used to ask Harry this question before going to Hogwarts. Harry replied, “In my third year, I found out my Godfather. I heard rumours about him. The rumours that he was trying to kill me. At first, I did not know, how to respond to these rumours. But then another rumour reached me. It was that he was my godfather as well as my parents’ best friend and he betrayed them. I decided to kill him but in the end, I got to know that he was trying to save me. He was trapped in Azkaban for 12 long years. He never tried to escape but after 12 years, he did. He was a very nice man and one of the bravest I knew.” James always used to listen to Harry’s adventures and get fascinated by them. He also used to dream of having the same kind of adventure. After listening intently, James asked “Your godfather means Sirius Black right? I heard that he was not good. My classmates told me he betrayed you.” Harry knew that his sons and daughter were going to be told lies. Lies by all the people around. Harry replied,” Sirius never betrayed me. He was one of the people who protected me.” He then tried to explain to James,” You see James, you are also named after him. Never forget that your name is James Sirius Potter. Never try to do something that would get that name a disgrace.” After hearing this James began to think about his Godfather. His godfather was Ron Weasley. His godfather always sent him gifts from Weasleys’ Wizard Wheezes. How dearly he also loved his godfather. After this, they chit-chatted for a little while and went to sleep. Harry tucked Lily to bed and went to Albus to say goodnight. Albus was looking outside the window. Harry asked Albus,” Hello Albus. What are you looking at?” Albus was looking at the empty house upfront. Albus asked Harry,” Dad, when you got into Hogwarts, what was it like? Did you make a lot of friends? How did you feel to go into an entirely different world?” Harry noticed that his younger son was getting nervous as his magical adventure was about to begin. He told Albus,“ Yes Albus, I did make a lot of friends and most of the ones are still in my contact. Hermione and Ron are your Uncle and Aunt. Neville is your godfather. I have not seen Seamus and Dean recently, but I know they have not forgotten me and as you can see neither have I. You see Albus, you will go into the magical world knowing that there is something that is called magic. I did not know until I was 11. Whatever happens, enjoy yourself at Hogwarts and try to learn as many things as possible. I am sure you will make a great wizard.” On hearing these calm and soothing words of his father, Albus became happy and went to sleep peacefully. Harry then went to sleep where Ginny was waiting for him. Ginny asked,” How was the day at work? Anything new?” Harry replied,” Nothing new. Hermione has told me that she would need a few of the Aurors with her at Azkaban in the next few days. She said she wants to take a look at how the prisoners are kept there and if anything was needed to be done to increase the security.” Ginny was surprised. She never wanted Hermione to go to Azkaban. She considered it too dangerous. Ginny asked,” Have you heard about the missing people in France? I heard Beauxbatons academy’s two students had been kidnapped. What happened?” Harry replied “ The Aurors of France took care about it. We have nothing to worry about. They reported to Hermione and told her that the kidnapping was done by a wizard who was trying to search for some clues. I don’t know much but it has been said that he was practicing dark magic.” Ginny told Harry, “ You know today at work, Rita took another interview. She was asking a 17-year-old about Quidditch and how he developed an interest in it. He came to meet me but upon seeing Rita Skeeter pouncing on him, he went back without even meeting. Rita said that this guy was 16th of the month that she forced to run away.” Harry laughed and after a little chat with Ginny went to sleep.
                                            A new day and a new beginning for Potters. Harry asked for the newspaper and Ginny was busy in the kitchen. Albus gave his dad the newspaper and went to James. James and Albus were going to visit Teddy Lupin, Harry’s godson. He was the son of Remus Lupin and Nymphadora Tonks. Teddy’s real name was Edward Lupin. After the death of his parents, he was raised by his maternal grandmother Andromeda Tonks with help of his godfather, Harry Potter. Harry always loved Ted and treated him in the same way Lupin and Sirius treated him. Ted was always invited at the Potters and Weasleys. He was close to Lily Potter who always supported him. Ted had called all of the Potters at his house to have a little get together. Harry refused as he had to go to work but had agreed to send the children with Ginny and Ron. There was a knock on the door and suddenly everyone became happy. It was none other than Harry’s childhood friend and Ginny’s brother, Ronald Weasley. He had grown into a man and that too a fine one. He had that red hair and a little round face. He was still taller than Harry. With him came his wife and Minister of Magic, Hermione Granger-Weasley. Hermione had grown into a very beautiful woman. She still had her little brownish hair and oval-shaped face. She was smiling and holding presents for each of the three Potter children. She had bought a Remembrall for James. She gave it to James and said,” Now you cannot forget anything. Remember to take this with you always.” She gave Lily a beautiful dress and said,” I bought it for you dear. I thought of it as the best for you.” Lily began dancing and gave Hermione a big hug. And then came a gift for Albus Severus Potter. She had bought an owl for him. It was a snow owl, like Harry’s. Harry had got a snowy owl for his birthday. Hagrid had bought it for him. Hermione asked Harry,” Doesn’t it look like Hedwig?” Harry smiled at her and said,“ Yes.” Albus became very happy. Harry had not bought a pet for him knowing that Hermione was going to buy it for Albus. Hermione told Albus,” Now that you have your owl, you can write to any of us. If you wanted to talk to me, you can send your letter at Ministry and I will make sure I answer you.” Behind them entered their son and daughter. Hugo and Rose Granger-Weasley. Rose looked like Ron. She even had red hair. But she also had Hermione in her. She was sharp and brilliant like her mother. Hugo on the other hand was a photocopy of Ron. He was exact Ron but with neat and trimmed red hair which were a little long too. He was a lot like his father. He was the same age as Lily. All of them had gathered and were waiting at the door when Ginny asked everyone to come in.  The plan was that the kids and Ginny and Ron were going to Ted for the get together while Hermione and Harry would leave for the Ministry. Harry was Head of the Magical Law Enforcement and was one of the best Aurors of the ministry. Hermione on the other hand became the Minister of magic. All of them chatted for a while at Harry’s house and after that, they went to their respective destinations.  Hermione and Harry went to the Ministry. At the Ministry, they were greeted by Neville Longbottom. Neville said,” Good Morning Hermione and Harry. Have you heard about it?” Hermione asked,” Heard about what Neville?” Neville said,” You remember the two students that were kidnapped in France? Well it is revealed that the one who kidnapped the students was not the wizard they caught. They say he was under the Imperius Curse and performed the kidnapping on someone’s orders.” Harry says,” Strange, isn’t it. Why would anyone curse someone to kidnap two children.” “Well, you miss the point Harry” said Neville. He continued,” Those were not just random children. Those two were learning the magic of some other kind. Magic about dark wizards.” Hermione asked,” How can two underage children perform dark magic? It is nearly impossible.” Harry said,” Well anyway if we need to interfere, we should. If you get any news, tell me straight about it. I and Neville will ourselves look into this.” Neville agreed. Hermione said,” If I get any news, I will let you know.” Hermione went into her cabin and Harry and Neville went towards theirs. On their way they were greeted by one of their colleagues, Noah Jonas. Noah Jonas was working under Harry and Neville for the last 3 weeks and they both were impressed by his determination. Noah said,” Have you heard about it?” Harry said,” How come I have been greeted by this same sentence twice since coming to the Ministry?” Neville giggled. Neville said,” About what?” Noah replied,” The number of practitioners of dark magic have increased in the last week. 7 People across the world are sent to Azkaban for a year.” Neville and Harry did not have any idea about who and how many the people but they were aware of the fact that the use of dark magic was significantly increasing. Noah said,” Harry, how many more do you think will go in Azkaban at the end of this month?” Harry replied,” The more, the better. We should increase protection around the city and tell everyone at the Ministry to be alert.” Noah, Harry and Neville were walking towards their respective cabins when they heard an announcement,
Harry left Neville and Noah and went to Hermione. When he entered the cabin, Hermione was carefully examining a sheet of paper. She did not notice that Harry was in the room. Harry called out,” Hermione, what was it that you called me so quickly? Any problem?” Hermione was panicked and showed the letter to Harry. The letter stated,
“ Harry I found this letter lying on my table. I don’t know how it came here and who sent it. But if anyone was going to write the letter to me, why would he or she mention your name? What has it got to do with you?” Hermione asked. Harry said,” This is not about me. The letter stated that Gringotts has something which the writer needs. We can just ask the goblins to tell us and we could just teleport it. It has got to be something valuable right?” Harry was panicking a bit. Hermione said,” We can’t tell goblins to look into the vaults. They won’t as it is known to all that goblins do not touch any of the vaults without permission from the owner of the vault.” Hermione also asked,” It also states that there are children as hostages. What do you think would happen to them if we sent our Aurors?” Harry replied,” Answer to this would be answered at Gringotts. We have to send the best of our Aurors. Me, Neville and Noah would go. You can accompany of you want.” Hermione said,” I can’t come, Harry as I have lots to do. Please go safely and get the children unharmed.” Harry assured her that he would get the children unharmed and told her not to worry too much.
Harry found Neville and Noah and told them what was in the letter. Harry told Neville to guard the entrance to the Diagon Alley and to keep a close a watch on the people coming in and going out. He instructed Noah to guard the rest of the shops and keep looking for children who were not with their parents. Harry himself went into Gringotts and warned the goblins inside that there was going to be a break-in. Harry told that he was an Auror and he had full proof that the bank was going to be robbed. It was five minutes to noon when a boy came in the bank. Harry approached him and asked, “ Who accompanied you, little friend?” The boy remained silent. He was looking very pale. He had blond hair, was skinny and was looking like he was 11 years old. He was a little tall for 11 years of age but seeing him Harry realized that he must not be more than 11. The boy replied,” I came here to open my account. My dad sent me here. He told me to get 500 galleons out. We live at the Leaky Cauldron. We have to pay the bill.” Harry was a bit surprised. Of course, this boy was lying, he thought. He then asked the boy,” Well, then show me your permit and tell me your locker number. I would ask a goblin to do it for you.” Harry waited for the boy’s response. He thought that if the boy disagreed, then he was the one sent to steal something and if he agreed then he would let the boy go. The boy said,” Okay. But I will myself tell the goblin what I want.” Harry agreed. Harry went with the boy and a goblin to his account and got 500 galleons out. Harry thought that he had caught the wrong person and told the boy to go straight to his father.
When he looked at the time in the watch, he saw it was five past noon. He thought that the letter was a prank and nobody was going to steal anything. But as soon as he thought about it, he heard a scream. The scream came from the roof of the Leaky Cauldron. It was a boy’s. Harry, Neville and Noah rushed towards the boy. They heard another scream. All the people in the alley were now rushing towards the scream. When Harry thought that it was too crowded in the street, he apparated straight to the roof of the Leaky Cauldron. He heard another scream from the boy. He went close towards the boy and saw that it was the same boy who took 500 galleons out of the bank. The boy appeared to be terrified. Harry asked the boy,” Hey, hey. Listen to me. Where is your father? Is he here?” The boy was too weak to speak.  Suddenly Noah and Neville came. When Neville examined the boy, he said,” Harry, it was Cruciatus Curse. Someone used the Cruciatus curse on him. Do you know him Harry?” Harry said,” No, I don’t. He came to the bank and said that he wanted money for his father. He had a permit as well as an account at Gringotts. I thought that he needed it.” Noah interrupted,” I am sorry to interrupt but we have to take this boy to St Mungo’s Hospital. He needs immediate treatment.” Harry and Neville agreed. They quickly took him to St Mungo’s and told the doctors that he was affected with Cruciatus Curse. Harry then remembered about the boy mentioned in the letter. He thought that the boy was not dead, but was he the real target? Harry told Neville that he will be going to the Ministry and report Hermione. He immediately apparated to the Ministry. He stood in his cabin and there he saw a letter on his table. He began to read it. It stated that,
Harry froze for a minute. He had done a terrible mistake. Due to his carelessness, someone had been tortured. Harry began to feel guilty. The news spread all over the wizarding world. A boy was tortured in presence of Harry Potter and he could not do anything. Parents of the students were frightened as these incidents took place just six days before the beginning of the new year. Hermione was being questioned in her office by other officials. It was almost six in the evening. Harry was about to leave the Ministry. Hermione approached Harry and they both began to walk away. It was then when Harry felt a shot of pain in his forehead. A feeling which had not occurred to him in the last nineteen years. The feeling of his lightning scar burning. Hermione saw him and he was holding his scar. Hermione gasped. She asked,” When was the last time it hurt?” Harry replied,” When Voldemort was alive.” Hermione and Harry, both understood the seriousness of the situation. If it was anything to do with Voldemort, they had to be extremely careful. One step wrong and everything they stood for would be gone. Hermione and Harry apparated to Harry’s house.
When Hermione and Harry arrived, Ginny was playing with the three kids. But when she saw that Harry was not looking good, she quickly told James to take his siblings and go into his room. James agreed and the kids went to James’ room. Ginny quickly went and told Harry and Hermione to sit. She gave Harry a glass of water. She asked,” What is it? You both looked tired. Especially you Harry.” Hermione replied,” It’s his scar. It burned while we were leaving the Ministry. After nineteen years.” Ginny gasped. She said,” Also I heard about the boy. What is going on? Is it something we should worry about?” Hermione replied,” At the moment, we can’t say anything. But we advise you to be alert. If it is anything about Voldemort, we have to be extremely careful.” Ginny agreed. Harry said,” Hermione, what did the committee ask you? The committee of the Ministers from America?” Hermione replied,” They asked me about the boy and also about you. They said that I should take some steps so that the use of dark magic in Britain would be under control. They all were pretty disappointed.” Harry said,” I expected something like this. Tomorrow I will take most of the Aurors with me and tell them to investigate and find out who was behind the attack. If you want you can keep a handful of Aurors at the Ministry. But tomorrow I am going to find out what happened today. Who did this and why.” Harry’s tone was a frustrated one. Someone had used the Cruciatus Curse on eleven years old and that too in Harry’s presence. Harry was one of the best Aurors and the Head of Magical Law Enforcement. A crime happening in his presence was a disrespectful thing. He was determined to find about it. 
At night, when Harry was about to sleep, Albus came in. Albus asked,” Dad, can we talk?” Seeing his son asking his permission to talk to him made him smile. He said,” Of course, come in.” Albus went and sat beside him. Albus was looking a bit disturbed and Harry noticed it. Harry asked,” What happened Al? You can tell me.” Albus said,” I was just thinking about the boy in news. He was tortured even when you were there. You were not with us. What if tomorrow the one who cursed the boy came to me? Even with you being there he practised the curse. Without you, what would have happened? Or what would happen to me?” Harry realized that his kids were frightened. And who would not be? When you know that your father is one of the best Aurors and a heinous crime takes place with him being there, then you got to worry. Harry said,” See Albus, I was not there to protect that boy, but I will always be here when you need me. I will always be there to protect you. Don’t worry about it too much and now go to sleep. In a few days, you will be in the safest place one can dream of in the Wizarding world. The Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry.” Albus was still not entirely convinced but seeing that his dad was not in the mood of talking about it, he went to sleep. Albus did not sleep that night. He was too frightened to sleep. He thought about the boy and always asked himself the question,’ What if I was at the boy’s place?’. Only the thought made him shiver. He went to Ginny and asked her,” Mom, am I safe? I won’t be harmed, right?” Ginny quickly understood that Albus was frightened. She told him,” Look Albus, I know what happened today is a lot for you, but always remember, your dad and I will always be there to save you. And the school to which you are going will also teach you to defend yourselves against the dark magic. Albus, your dad also does not know how it happened and neither does everyone. Tomorrow your godfather and dad are going to investigate today’s incident. I am sure they will find the culprit and punish him or her. You don’t need to worry about it. Tomorrow you, James and Lily will go to uncle George. Your aunt Angelina is going to make a big feast for everyone. Your dad is not coming because of his work. But I will be there.” Albus felt a little comfort knowing that tomorrow he was going to be amongst ten-twelve people. 
The next day Harry left early and went to Ministry with Neville. They both took more than fifty Aurors with them and started an investigation. Neville asked Bill Weasley that was there any curse on the Gringotts Bank and what were the most important belongings in the bank. Bill Weasley had previously worked as a curse breaker at the bank. Bill stated that the bank held no curse whereas the valuable belongings were something that he never had access to. Neville and Harry thanked him and asked the goblins. But according to the bank, there was no breaking into any account and nothing had been stolen from anybody’s locker. Harry became surprised. He then went to the Leaky Cauldron to ask about the boy. He asked some people there and to his surprise, the boy was not living there and nor did he have a father who asked for 500 galleons. Harry then went to St Mungo’s and asked the doctors about the boy’s condition. The doctor said,” It looks like he was under Imperius Curse for a long time and he injured himself a lot. And if the Cruciatus curse was practised for a little more time, he had would have become paralyzed for the rest of his life. He is paralyzed for now, but within a month or two’s time, he would be fine. And I also think that his memory has been erased. Strong memory charm I must say.” Harry started to worry. All these things did not match. The boy under Imperius Curse and his memory being erased. Nothing was stolen from the Gringotts and no one suspicious stayed at the Leaky Cauldron. Nothing made sense. Harry began to get irritated and that’s when for the second time in nineteen years, his scar hurt. 
Neville and Noah got nothing. Everything was becoming more and more senseless. At first, the letters, then the warning about children and stealing from Gringotts, then a kid screaming and the next day, nothing is to be found. Rita Skeeter wrote in the Daily Prophet,
 Harry was thinking very hard about what was he doing? He knew that people were going to question him but he did not know that they would go to such an extent. His scar was still hurting and he called Neville. He asked,” Any progress?” Neville said,” No. We have not seen any signs of the culprit.” Harry had become frustrated. He thought that only four days were left for the Hogwarts express to depart. He had to do something. Then he realized that if he gets a little vacation, he would be able to work properly. After all his scar was also burning. He decided that he would get a little rest and come back and work with all his might. He told Neville and Noah about his idea. Neville said,” It’s okay Potter. You take a little rest and come back when the kids leave for Hogwarts. Spend some time with them as they would need it the most. They might be frightened.” Harry knew that Albus and Lily were frightened. She never left her mother. Whereas James was hiding his fear. Harry thought that it would be the best time to let everyone at his home feel safe. Even Ginny deserved it. Harry went straight to the Ministry and asked Hermione,” Hermione is it okay if I stay at home for the next four days. I promise after Albus and James go to school I will return to work.” Hermione permitted him and off went Harry. Harry was happy that he got to spend some time with his family.
Harry felt close to his family after a long time. He had not felt like that in a long time. Finally, the day of departure came. Harry, along with his whole family went to the King’s Cross station. Harry told James to go first and then went Ginny and Lily. After that Harry asked Albus,” Come on Al. Got to go.” Albus looked a little nervous. Harry told,” Don’t worry. Trust me and go.” In went Albus and Harry together. Albus got in and got surprised. He had come to this platform before but as James’ brother, not as a student. James never felt like this before. He suddenly began to feel uncomfortable. He thought that if he did not go to Gryffindor, then what would happen? He thought that if he went to Slytherin, what would happen? He became worried. He did not even notice that his shoes came untied. Harry watched his son and went to tie his laces. Albus suddenly noticed Harry and after Harry was finished, asked him,” Dad, what would happen If I go to Slytherin and not Gryffindor?” Harry smiled and replied,” You see, Albus Severus you were named after two headmasters of Hogwarts and one of them was Slytherin and perhaps the bravest man I ever knew.” Albus was still not convinced but knowing that his dad praised someone from Slytherin, he got a little relieved. Harry then said,” Don’t worry. If you don’t want to go to Slytherin you can just tell the hat. It will consider your opinion. It did so with me.” Albus became happy and hugged his father after his encouraging words. Albus then hugged Ginny and kissed her on the cheek and said bye to his parents and Lily. There was his godfather and his godmother, Ron and Hermione. They came to say bye to Albus and also their daughter Rose. Rose and Albus went in together and everybody was happy. Soon the train left.
As soon as the train left, Harry felt immeasurable pain in his scar. His scar was burning like anything. It never hurt that much to him, even when Voldemort was alive. Ron, Ginny and Hermione quickly came to help him. They quickly held him from falling to the ground. Harry was screaming and he felt like his scar was being burnt, hit by lightning and it was held by Voldemort. He screamed and everyone came to him. After that, he fainted. 
When he woke up, it was night and he saw that he was lying on a bed. His scar was still hurting. But he was alright. He was better he felt. When he saw around him, he saw nothing but darkness. He realized it must be quite late. He was not wearing his specs but he saw that he was in a ward where other people are also admitted with him. He saw that someone was lying on a bed next to him. When he put on his specs he saw that it was the boy who was tortured. The boy had lifeless eyes and was looking towards Harry. Harry thought that the Boy needed something and went to him. He went to the boy with a glass of water and sat next to him. He placed his hand on the boy’s. To his surprise, the boy’s hand was cold. The boy looked like he was killed not long ago. Harry’s scar began to hurt again. The pain shot higher and higher. He did not realize that Ginny and Lily were also in the room. And when his pain became unbearable, he called for Ginny. Ginny quickly got up and told him to lie on the bed. He lied but the pain grew stronger. Lily Luna Potter was holding his hand, but he could not feel it as his scar was hurting much more. Suddenly he saw a shadowy figure come with a wand. He did not look Ginny in the eye but when he did, he saw that she was crying. Ginny as well as Lily. Both were looking afraid. Harry attempted to get up but felt like his hands were tied and his scar began to hurt. Harry could not get up and due to his scar’s pain heard very low voices. He heard Ginny say,” You murderer……………. You murderer……….How can you do this…………. He was just a child……….” He heard Lily scream. Lily hid behind Ginny. Ginny said,” I will make you pay for killing J……..” He could not hear the name and his scar began to hurt. It went out of his control. He then heard a faint voice,” Stay away………. I intend no harm to the girl………..” He concentrated and then he heard,” Go away and leave them to me……………….” He heard Ginny complain and saw Lily scream. He then saw two bolts of green light go from the shadowy figure’s wand. He did not see Ginny and Lily and nor was able to see them. He then saw towards the dark figure and saw a green light coming towards him. And when the light him, he felt a shot of pain in his chest and then nothing. Harry Potter was killed that night along with Ginny and Lily Luna Potter. Hermione and Ron came to visit them in the morning and saw the mess. They found four dead bodies. The boy who was tortured, Lily. Ginny and Harry Potter.
                                                                                                CHAPTER TWO
                                                      A hard beginning to the new year
 The previous day, on the Hogwarts express. Albus, Rose and James were sitting in the same cabin. When the train got a little far from the station, James moved to his friends’ cabin. He had told Rose that he was going to move. Rose just sat there and Albus started to follow his brother. On reaching his friends’ cabin, James went in and while closing the door saw his brother. He came out and told his brother,” Look, Albus. You and I may be brothers, but stop bothering me when I am with my friends. Hey, I don’t mean to offend you, but please. Leave me alone.” Albus felt hurt and went to Rose’s cabin. She said,” Got kicked? I knew. But me stopping you and you listening to me was not going to happen so I let you go.” Albus was already hurt and hearing those words from Rose made him sad again. She said,” Hey, Al. I am sorry. I did not mean to offend you. I am sorry.” To this Albus replied,” No one tries to offend me but in the end they always do. I don’t want to talk about it.” She saw that Albus was not in the mood. Then after a while, a boy came into their cabin. He was a little short, had blond hair and was skinny. He wore a black suit and looked like he had come to ask for a date. He also had a bow. He introduced himself,” Hello. I am Scorpius Malfoy. Do you mind If I sit in your cabin?” Albus quickly replied,” No. Absolutely not. Come here, take a seat.” He told Scorpius to sit beside him. When Scorpius sat down, Albus introduced himself,” Hi, I am Albus Severus Potter. And this my dear cousin Rose. Rose Granger-Weasley.” Rose put a hand forward for a handshake. Scorpius took it. Albus asked,” Hey, how come you came to our cabin at this time. I mean, you must have found another cabin at the start of the train. Why are you not in it?” He replied,” Well as you see Potter, I got a cabin. With my dad’s friend’s son. But we didn’t get along well so I decided that moving out might be a better option.” Albus nodded. When they were chatting, they heard an explosion. And the train stopped. Rose quickly saw outside. She saw that they were passing through a pretty deep forest. And now, there was another explosion. This was even bigger than the last one. Everyone was frightened. When the third explosion happened, Albus somehow saw that the explosions were coming from cabins. He had seen a particular cabin move. Albus quickly went outside and was followed by Rose and Scorpius. He thought that he knew which cabin it was and he hoped that he was wrong. Everyone was standing at the entrance of the cabin. Albus pushed his way through and got shocked when he saw what had happened. James was holding the wand and it appeared as if he had used the Cruciatus curse on the boys. He was holding his wand and pointed it at Albus and was about to cast his curse when Professor McGonagall apparated there and rebounded the curse. She sent the curse flying into the forest. She saw that James was under Imperius Curse. She tried to bring him back to his senses but failed. That’s when someone else spoke through him,” Hello Professor. Our first meeting is a pleasant one. I have to finish what he started. After all, I am the one who has to take over after his fall. I was just waiting for the proper opportunity and I got one. I will wipe Mudbloods from our magical society. Half-bloods will be accepted and Pure-bloods will be cherished. I must take over now. I must take over from He-who-must-not-be-named.” After saying these words, James jumped into the forests. Albus screamed,” No!!!No, No. He is my brother. Noooo!!!!!!!!!!!!” He was shocked. Professor McGonagall calmed him down and told Rose to take him to another cabin. Ginny was called. Ginny came and Albus saw her. She quickly went and hugged her. They were still in the Hogwarts express. Ginny, McGonagall, Horace Slughorn and Rubeus Hagrid had been searching for James. Many of the seventh years and Prefects were called as well. Hermione had sent Neville and Noah as well. No one could find James. And after a deep and thorough search of forests, everyone who went to search came by train and told Professor McGonagall that James was nowhere to be found. Suddenly James flew up and was in the air. He said,” Bad times of Hogwarts have begun. Mudbloods will be hurt and Pure-bloods shall be glorified. I will make sure his dream comes true. The one who stands in my way shall meet the fate of this boy. This boy sacrificed himself for mudblood friends. No one can stop me, not even great Harry Potter. I will kill his son, to send him a message that he is no longer strong. I am strong. And not only strong but the strongest. So beware. I am coming.” Saying this, James dropped to the ground. Ginny quickly went to James and saw that James was lying there unconscious. When she went to James, a dark figure came from behind and shot a green light towards James. James was shot by the killing curse. He died on the spot. Enraged, Ginny followed the dark hooded figure. She screamed,” You dirty wizard. How can you kill my son? I will kill you. I will kill you!!!!” She lost herself completely and the dark figure was nowhere to be seen. The Aurors sent by Hermione told McGonagall to take the remaining students to Hogwarts and protect them by using some strong enchantments. Ginny came to Albus and said,” Go to Hogwarts honey. You will be safe there. No one can touch you there. Your father is in hospital for a few days. After he recovers, we will come to meet you.” Albus was shocked. Whatever had happened, was too much for him to take in. It was pretty late in the night. McGonagall said,” All the students shall now be taken to Hogwarts and quickly escorted to some empty rooms. The sorting shall take place tomorrow. We quickly move and upon reaching Hogwarts, all the students will write to their parents what they had seen and what actually happened here. We don’t want your parents to read anything that Rita Skeeter publishes. So quickly, into your cabins.” Albus saw McGonagall was talking with Ginny. Ginny was pretty upset. Albus quickly went and hugged his mother. He told his mother,” Mom, please don’t leave. I am already feeling scared. If you go I will feel unsafe.” Ginny kissed him on his forehead and told him,” Albus, your brother was killed today. He was a brave boy and refused to kill his friends so he acted under someone else’s commands. You should not worry too much about it. I will not tell Lily what happened. And if you don’t write a letter, that’s okay. I know what happened here.” Tears were rolling down her eyes. No grief in the world is bigger than losing your child. Ginny was broken from inside and tried her best to not show it. She then turned to McGonagall. She said,” Professor, you are the strongest witch at Hogwarts I suppose. Please keep my son safe. Do anything to keep him safe. From today, he will be hunted as well, like his father and brother. Please, Professor, teach him to defend himself against strong forces and dark magic from the first year itself. I beg of you.” She joined her hands in front of her and pleaded to her. McGonagall agreed and said,” Don’t worry Ginny. I will have him as my special student and would take his classes myself. Do not worry about him, Ginny. He is now at the safest place in the wizarding world.” Ginny kissed Albus on the cheek and quickly apparated. 
On the rest of the ride, neither did Scorpius nor did Rose talk anything. There were tears in Rose’s eyes and she was quite shaken as well. Scorpius was scared and wanted to go home. On reaching the school, Hagrid came to Albus and gave him a flower to cheer him up. Hagrid knew that one flower was not enough but still he tried. Albus took it and said,” Thanks Hagrid but not now. I know you are trying but it is impossible.” He then gave the flower back to Hagrid and went to Professor McGonagall. She announced,” All the first years tonight will be in dungeons with me. I will be keeping you all company. Rest of the students into their dorms, now.” Everyone obeyed. Beds were quickly put by Professor McGonagall. She told,” Tomorrow you shall be sorted into your houses.” Everyone quickly went to sleep but not Albus. He was still thinking about what happened that day. Then he was woken up by the sounds of footsteps. He turned and saw it was Scorpius. He asked,” Can we talk?” Albus nodded. Scorpius said,” I wanted to say that I am sorry for your brother. It should not have happened like it happened today. Are you alright?” Seeing someone other than family care for him, made him a little satisfied. He said,” Scorpius thank you for your concern but I don’t want to talk about it. Do you mind if I sleep?” Scorpius understood that Albus was still not able to recover. He said,” Alright. See you tomorrow.” Albus nodded and went to sleep. He was woken by Rose in the morning and saw that everyone was awake. Almost everyone. Only Scorpius was left. Rose woke him up too and the three together went to Professor McGonagall. All the first years had to sit at a different table because the sorting ceremony was delayed. While on their way to Professor McGonagall, they were greeted by all of the Weasley cousins. Roxanne Weasley, daughter of George Weasley and Angelina Johnson, was the first to stand. She was in her fifth year. Behind her was her younger brother, Fred Weasley. He was studying in his third year and was of James’ age. Right of Fred was Molly, the elder daughter of Percy Weasley. She was in her sixth year. Besides her was her younger sister, Lucy Weasley. She was in her fourth year. To the left of Fred was Victoire Weasley. She was the eldest among them and was studying in her seventh year. All of them were in Gryffindor. 
Victoire approached Albus. Albus and Rose were totally confused. All of them looked very sad. Victoire held Albus by his shoulder and said,” I am sorry for what happened. At first James and now this. It must be a lot of weight. I know we cannot do anything about your loss but we will always be there with you.” Albus was now getting worried. He wondered what was Victoire talking about. He was about to ask her when Fred spoke. He said,” I am sorry buddy. I know your loss is a lot to deal with. I know that we lost our aunt and uncle, but you lost your parents. I am sorry mate. I really am.” He then went and handed over the Daily Prophet to Albus. Albus began reading it. It stated,
Albus read it and dropped the paper to the ground. Scorpius took the paper and along with Rose read it. They both shook. Albus was not able to digest the fact that his parents were dead. Molly came and hugged him. Soon Victoire also came and hugged him. Everyone hugged him. They stood like that for a moment or two. Then came voice of Professor McGonagall. She said,” I would like Mr. Potter to accompany me to my cabin. We have some people waiting for him.” Everyone understood and let him go. Scorpius stood in distance and watched. Albus was trying very hard to contain his tears but however hard he tried, the harder it was getting for him to contain. Professor McGonagall reached her office and said,” I am sorry for your less Albus. I send my condolences. Your Aunt, Uncle and godfather have come to meet you.” As soon as he went into the room, Hermione hugged him. Hermione said,” I am really sorry.” She was crying. As she bent down and hugged him, he saw upwards and saw that Neville and Ron were also crying. They quickly wept the tears away and Neville said,” I am sorry for your loss Albus. I know how it feels.” Ron said,” I am sorry mate. Albus, I know you must have heard this from everyone but we really are sorry buddy.” Albus was also crying. Hermione said,” Professor, I am sending a few of the Aurors to give protection to Hogwarts. I know that you and the other staff would be able to defend yourselves, but I am going to send them,” Professor McGonagall did not say anything. She nodded. Then Hermione said,” Neville and Jonas are going to go with full force and lots of Veritaserums for investigations. I myself am going to look into this matter.” She sounded anxious. She said,” Harry’s scar was hurting. I think it has to do something with Voldemort. I don’t know for sure, but if it has to do something with him, we all need to stay very alert. I think he has started operating in secret.” Neville said,” Inform all the other Ministries. Inform them to send their forces for investigation. If it is something related to You-know-who, then we are doomed. With Harry and Dumbledore gone, he will stop for nothing.” Ron added,” Hermione, I think the Order should be reformed. We will need maximum help with us.” Professor McGonagall added,” Count all the teachers in. I will make sure everyone is of help.” Albus was looking puzzled. But he did not speak in between. Then Hermione said,” Professor, I want you to take Albus’ classes. I would like him to know some higher knowledge of Defence against Dark Arts.” Professor McGonagall agreed and then Hermione kissed Albus on his forehead and said,” Don’t worry dear. We will find the culprits and give them the punishment they deserve.” Ron said,” Would you like to receive letters from us? As you would not get them.” Neville said,” Don’t worry about that. I would write letters to him.” He then turned to Albus and said,” You would like it won’t you?” Albus nodded. Everyone then hugged him and left. Professor McGonagall was in the room and she said,” Let’s go Potter. I am afraid that you and I would get late for the sorting ceremony.”
All the house students had gathered in the great hall. The Start-of-term feast was also rescheduled. No songs were played as a tribute to Harry Potter. Everyone was silent. The first years were standing in a queue. The names of some students were called. Professor Flitwick was now in charge of this task. He called out,” Cristiano Hughes. Please Mr. Cristiano come quickly.” Cristiano was a skinny boy with black hair. He had freckles all over his face and was a little tall for an eleven year old. He sat on the seat placed there and Professor Flitwick placed the hat on his head. It said,” No chance of going to any other house, Ravenclaw” Ravenclaws clapped and cheered. Then Professor Flitwick called,” Hugh Keane” Hugh was a short kid with curly, brown hair. He was a little chubby and got dimples when he smiled. The hat was placed on his forehead and it said,” Hmm, Slytherin.” All the Slytherins cheered. Afterwards, Rose was called out. She went and the hat was placed on her head. The hat said,” Ugh, Another Weasley. Gryffindor.” The Gryffindors cheered and the Weasley cousins welcomed her. After a few children, it was Scorpius. He was called and the hat was placed on his head. In just about a second it said,” Slytherin.” At last, it was Albus. All the cheering and clapping had stopped. The hall was silent. Then Professor Flitwick said,” Albus Severus Potter.” Albus went and sat on the seat. The hat was placed on his head and it said,” Hmm. Tough choice. Tough indeed. He possesses the qualities of all four houses. Hmm. Where should you go? If in Hufflepuff, you will make a great Headmaster to this school and if Ravenclaw, you can be the Minister. With Gryffindor, you can achieve greatness and the same with Slytherin. Where should I put you.?” Albus was not at all thinking about any particular house. He was just remembering his father. Then suddenly the hat said,” Slytherin.” The Weasley cousins gasped. They had not expected it. All the people in the hall were shocked too. Even James was in Gryffindor. Suddenly all the Slytherins started cheering. They all started clapping and the hat was removed from Albus’ head. He now became confused. Scorpius came to him and said,” You and I are going to have lots of fun.” Albus was not in the mood but smiled at Scorpius. They both then went to the Slytherin table and everyone at the table started shaking their hands with Albus. He was very puzzled. He then saw Professor McGonagall and she smiled. She then said,” Let the feast begin.”
The Slytherin head boy, Mark Zacher lead everyone to the Slytherin common room. He told the first years,” Listen everyone. Our house has not won the house cup in the last seven years. I hope that all of you would give your hundred percent. Please behave yourselves and don’t give the professors any chance to reduce our points.” He then said,” Now everyone, this is the Slytherin common room. On your left, you have the boys dormitory and to your right is the girls. No first-year allowed out of bed after eight at night. Got it?” Everyone said,” Yes.” Then Mark said,” Good, now off you go.” He then called Albus and said,” Hey Albus, can we talk for a second?” Albus nodded. Mark said,” Hey, I am sorry for your parents. I send my condolences.” Albus said nothing. Then Mark said,” It is great to have you in our house. A Potter in Slytherin. Don’t worry. If you have any problem, you can come to me.” Albus said,” Yeah, thanks for the offer. Do you mind If I go now? I have classes to attend.” Albus politely said. Mark got the hint that he was not in a great mood to talk, so he left. Albus went to Scorpius. He stood there and saw that Scorpius taking his books. He quickly went to Scorpius and asked,” What is our first class?” Scorpius replied,” Today, the first is Defence Against Dark Arts. After that Potions and Charms. Then we probably have flying lessons.” Albus asked Scorpius,” Hey, so how do you feel about coming to Slytherin?” Scorpius felt that Albus must be feeling very alone after hearing about his parents. So he said,” Nothing at all. I knew that I was going to be put in Slytherin house. All of my ancestors were in this house. So I knew my destination.” He then asked Albus,” What about you Potter? How do you feel?” Albus thought about how he felt. He did not think about it even once. They were walking towards their class when they met Rose. Albus called out to her,” Hey Rose! How is it in Gryffindor? Everything good?” She was relieved when she saw that Albus was doing fine after hearing the news about his parents. Albus told her,” I know you must be wondering that how come he is happy even after getting the news about his parents. I must move on.” Hearing this she felt a little sad but she was glad that Albus was moving on.
                                                                    CHAPTER 3
                                         GAINING NEW FRIENDS
Albus, Rose and Scorpius were going to their Defence Against the Dark Arts class when they were greeted by Professor Flitwick. He said,” After this lecture, to my office. Immediately.” Rose giggled. Scorpius said,” Great, isn’t it. That we became friends on the first day.” Rose said,” I and Albus were friends since we were one year old. You are the one who has come in middle.” Albus giggled. He then suddenly began to think about his family. He thought that how happy his parents would have been if they knew that he had gained a friend and he also got along well with Rose. He then remembered his mother telling him,” Albus, always remember, your dad and I will always be there to save you.” He felt like his mother was telling him that. Rose and Scorpius were arguing and went ahead while Albus was left back. Rose called him,” Albus! Albus!! Come on quick. Professor Carter is about to begin.” He ran towards them and went into the class. Rose sat with Helen, a friend of hers from Gryffindor. Scorpius and Albus sat together. Professor Carter began,” Hello Students. I am Heaven Carter. You all will call me Professor Carter. I will teach you Defence Against the Dark Arts. Some of you will be needing it more than others so I request them to pay attention.” She taunted Albus as he was talking with Scorpius. Heaven Carter was a young lady and had joined Hogwarts two years earlier. She attended Hogwarts school and was a Gryffindor. She had wavy brownish-black hair, brown eyes and a bony nose. She was skinny but beautiful. She had average height. She was wearing robes and she was head of Gryffindor house. She told Albus,” I heard about your parents and I am sorry about that but that should not distract you from my class Mr. Potter.” She was very clear when she said it and when Albus did not reply, she said,” Good. Let us begin.”
After the Defence Against the Dark Arts class was over, Albus remembered that Professor Flitwick had called him along with Rose and Scorpius. They went to his office and Rose knocked and said,” Can we come in Professor?” Professor Flitwick said,” Ah! The Potter himself. I send my condolences dear boy. But I called you for a different reason.” Scorpius asked,” What is it, Professor?” Flitwick said,” I want you to bring me Bezoars from Professor Slughorn. He is too busy nowadays and does not remember such things. I need it for my purpose and I am sure Professor Slughorn would not mind giving me some. I know that you now have your Potions class. After that you have Charms. So while coming, will you please bring it for me?” Albus replied,” Sure Professor.” Professor Flitwick said,” Then, off you go. And please do not forget it.” All of them took his leave and went to their Potions class where they were greeted by Professor Slughorn. He said,” Ah, three young minds, got late. No worries. I have not started anything yet. Please take your seats.” The three of them sat together and at the end of the class, they went to Slughorn. Rose said,” Excuse me, Professor. Professor Flitwick has asked for some Bezoars for his purpose. He sent us to you to get some.” Slughorn said,” No worries. I might have some extra.” He went to look in his drawers and found a stone-like thing. He then gave it to Rose and said,” This will do it I suppose.” He then said,” Ms. Granger-Weasley and Mr. Malfoy, can you please give me a minute with Mr. Potter.” Scorpius and Rose left. Albus was alone with Horace Slughorn. Professor Slughorn said,” Hello Albus Severus Potter. I am sorry for what has happened to you. Your parents were good people.” Albus sensed that Slughorn was also affected by their death. Albus asked,” Sir, exactly why have you kept me here?” Slughorn said,” I just wished to offer my condolences, my boy. Nothing much.” Albus said,” Professor, may I go now? Professor Flitwick asked for Bezoars and we have to deliver it to him.” Slughorn said,” And I welcome you to the Slytherin house as I am the head of Slytherin house.” Albus said,” Thank You Professor” and left. Scorpius and Rose were waiting for him. Rose said,” What took you so long?” Albus said,” He said that he is the head of the Slytherin house and welcomes me. I suspect that he knew my parents well. I don’t know but I think he did.” Scorpius said,” Guys, sorry to interrupt but we are getting late for Professor Flitwick’s class.” They quickly went to Professor Flitwick’s class and when they reached, Flitwick had already started. Rose, Albus and Scorpius entered and Flitwick said,” Did you get it?” Rose gave him the Bezoar and he said,” Ah! You did my job. Well done young lads, well done. I will include you in my class despite you are late because you did your job pretty well.” They took seats beside one another and listened to the lecture. Finally, the class was over. Rose said,” Now we have a break and after that flying lessons.” 
Scorpius and Albus were enjoying their break when they came in Hagrid’s way. He sad,” Off ya go. Me trying to do some work. Can’t ya see?” Albus and Scorpius saw that Hagrid was lifting a box that appeared pretty heavy. Albus said,” Hagrid, isn’t it. My father told me about you. You are the gatekeeper of Hogwarts.” Hagrid said,” Yea, then what. Me tell ya, get outta my way.” Albus said,” Let me help you.” He pulled out his wand and waved it and said,” Winardium Leviosa.” The box began to levitate in the air. Hagrid said,” Brilliant work kiddo. Brilliant. Now help me, to put it back.” Hagrid told Albus that the box was to be kept near his house. Hagrid said,” Thank ya kiddo. Thank ya. Now off ya go. Ya might have class and me have work.” Scorpius asked,” Hey Hagrid, can we come to your place tomorrow? We want to hang out with someone who knows about the castle.” Hagrid said,” Yea, come tomorrow. At this time. Me will make ya a tea.” Scorpius said,“ Hey let’s go. We have to go to the Quidditch pitch. By the way, that levitating spell was amazing. You learning quick.” Albus laughed and so did Scorpius. They both were greeted by Rose and Helen. Helen was a little chubby and had wavy black hair. She was shorter than Rose. Rose said,” I had been waiting for five minutes. Where were you?” Scorpius said,” Well we were practicing what Professor Flitwick taught us today. I mean Albus was practicing it.” Rose said,” And on what were you practicing?” Albus said,” Hagrid was carrying a huge box from the gate towards his house. We got there in between by mistake and I decided to help him. Scorpius also asked him, whether we can go to Hagrid’s tomorrow. He said yes.” Rose was a little happy that Albus was recovering from the trauma. She replied,” Good, now we have to go. Come on.” They went for their flying lesson. 
Madam Hooch was waiting for everyone. As soon as everyone came, she said,” Good. Everybody, now line up. I have placed the broomsticks on the ground. Stand to the left of it and say, up.” Everyone followed the instructions and got their brooms up. Albus did not get the broom in his first attempt. But on his third try, he got the broom. Madam Hooch told them how to sit on the broom neatly and how to get higher. At the end of the class, she said,” Okay everyone. Listen up. You all shall have your Quidditch selections in the next month. Prepare well.” Everyone said yes and then left. Rose said,” Do you think I will make to the Gryffindor team?” To this, Scorpius replied,” I don’t know. Better take lessons from Albus. He seems to be prepared.” Albus was not in the mood. He remembered how good his mother was at Quidditch before she became a Quidditch journalist. He remembered his uncle telling him that his father was the youngest seeker in the century. He then said,” I am going to go and sleep. I hope that there is nothing more interesting today.” He quickly then went to the Slytherin common room. He saw it carefully. He saw, how it was painted green and silver. He never gave it a thought that he was now a Slytherin. He quickly went to the boys' dormitory and got in his bed. He began thinking about how his family would have reacted if they would have known he was in Slytherin. He knew his father would have said nothing. He thought that his mother would have doubted the sorting hat as all the Weasleys were in Gryffindor and also James Sirius Potter. He mumbled,” I miss you, mum and dad. I miss you.” There were tears in his eyes. He decided that he had to avenge his parents’ death. He had to punish those who murdered his parents. He then decided that he would become the greatest wizard of all time just to avenge his parents. He was determined to fulfil his dream. He then got out of the bed and stared out of the window. He said to himself,” I will become strong. Stronger than any other wizard if needed. I will avenge my mum and dad. I will.” He thought that to make this dream come true, he had to take some special steps. To be extraordinary, he had to do something extraordinary. He then decided to become the best at duelling and potions. He told himself that if he was determined to be great, he had to study. He quickly began studying. He got his books out and started revising what Professor Slughorn, Professor Carter and Professor Flitwick had taught. It had been almost thirty minutes since he started studying, and suddenly Scorpius came to meet him. He said,” Hey Albus. Professor McGonagall is looking for you. In her office.” He became confused but went there.
On reaching Professor McGonagall’s office, he saw that many photo frames hung there. Many of them were empty but whoever were in the frames came and saw Albus. They began whispering among themselves. And surprisingly Albus heard a voice,” Hello, Albus Severus Potter. It is so good to finally see you.” He turned around and saw that it was a man with a very long beard. He immediately knew who was speaking to him. He said,” Greetings Professor. I think that you must be Professor Dumbledore.” To this, Dumbledore replied,” Yes my little friend, I am Albus Dumbledore. I heard about your parents and I am truly sorry for it. What happened to your father is the same that is happening with you. He also did not have parents.” Albus nervously looked down. Dumbledore then said,” Hey, Albus look at me. I always used to think that my biggest achievement was that having a card of myself in the Chocolate frogs.” He then chuckled and stopped for a moment. He then said in a passionate tone,” But now I think that my biggest achievement is that you are named after me.” Albus Severus saw tears in Dumbledore’s eyes. He became surprised. He knew that Dumbledore really meant it. Dumbledore wiped his eyes and smiled at Albus. Albus smiled back at him. Then he heard Professor McGonagall calling,” Talking with Professor Dumbledore I assume.” Albus turned real quick and saw that Professor McGonagall was standing beside him. She said,” Come on now Potter. I have some important work for you.” Dumbledore winked at Albus and Albus smiled warmly and went ahead with McGonagall. Professor McGonagall brought him in the middle of a room where at all four sides, frames of previous headmasters were hung. Albus looked around and gasped. McGonagall said,” Okay now Potter. On your Aunt’s as well as the Minister’s wishes, I will teach you some higher forms of Defence Against the Dark Arts. Do you wish to learn them? I am asking you because I don’t want to pressurize you. If you are feeling down today, we can always start some other day.” Albus thought for a moment. He thought,’ this is the moment. Now I shall begin my conquest to become the best. I swear to become the strongest wizard of all time.’ He then replied,” No Professor. I want to start today. I want to become strong to be able to defend myself.” McGonagall was not at all surprised. She said,” You remind a lot of your father. He was as determined as you if not more. He would have also wanted the same.” Albus smiled at her. She said,” Get ready Potter, I will teach you second-year stuff. How to disarm your opponent.” Albus nodded. Professor McGonagall said,“ Keep your wand at ready. Swing it back and forth and say ‘Expelliarmus’. Understood. ‘Expelliarmus’.” Albus repeated the word first and after understanding the pronunciation clearly, he said,” Professor, I am ready.” She said,” Good now practice it on this.” She made a hand out of thin air holding a wooden stick. She said,” Swing it and aim at the stick. And remember to the say the word clearly.” Albus aimed at the stick and said,” Expelliarmus.” But his aim was not good. He mistakenly aimed at the books kept in McGonagall’s private book stand and the books came out and leapt violently. Professor McGonagall stopped the books from doing any damage with just a wave of her wand and put them back in place. She said,” Concentrate Potter. Aim properly.” This time he aimed properly and hoped that his aim does not go wrong. He then said,” Expelliarmus.” But this time he went backwards and found himself in McGonagall’s chair. She said,” Oh, Potter. What are you doing? You will wreck havoc in my cabin I am sure.” She then helped him get up and said,” Listen Albus. I know it is not easy for any first year old to know the disarming charm. But you have to practice it.” She also asked him,” You want water?” Albus nodded. She picked a glass from her table, pointed her wand at the glass and said,” Aguamenti.” Suddenly the glass filled with water. Albus was fascinated by this magic. McGonagall offered him the glass and he drank it. She then said,” Shall we?” Albus said,” Yes.” He went to a safe distance from the hand and aimed at it. He then swung his wand and said,” Expelliarmus.” The stick flew out of the hand. He became delighted. He asked McGonagall,“ Professor, how did I do?” She replied,” Very good indeed.” She patted him on back and said,” Very good Potter. Just like your parents.” He then asked her,” Professor, may I go now?” She became surprised and said,” Potter, you cannot do this without practice.” Albus said,” But Professor I practiced it just now.” To this Professor, McGonagall replied,” Do not practice something until you get it right. Practice it until you can’t get it wrong.” She then stood like a statue and said,” Now, Potter aim at my wand and disarm me.” Albus said,” Professor but I could mistakenly hurt you.” She smiled and said,” My dear, thank you for caring about this old lady but I am sure I will be able to defend myself if the occasion arises.” She was still smiling at him. Then she said,” Come on. Let us not waste our time.” She stood in a ready position with her wand out. Albus took his place, aimed at McGonagall’s wand and said,” Expelliarmus.” McGonagall’s wand went straight in the air and landed on the ground with a soft bang. She then said,” Accio Wand” and the wand was right in her hand. It came flying. Albus became fascinated by seeing McGonagall’s magic. McGonagall said,” Very well Potter. I think you will be a great duelist. You have that potential.” She was smiling at him when she said those lines. She then brought a chair with her wand and told Albus to sit on it. She went on walking towards her chair and sat on it. When both of them sat on the chair, she said,” Albus I know that you got to know about your parents today, but you seem to be quite normal with it. If you want to share something I will always be there.” She smiled at him. Albus felt truly safe with McGonagall. He said,” Professor, I am having a difficult time with the news that I got today. But I have decided that I will not let that news do anything to me. I will use that for my benefit.” He then said,” Professor, can I go now? My friends must be waiting for me.” She politely said,” Oh yes. You can leave Potter.” Albus went to the door and turned towards McGonagall and asked,” Professor, when will our next class be? I loved it today.” McGonagall had put on her specs. She smiled and said,” Whenever I get some free time, I will arrange it. You will get my message when I do.” Albus smiled and waved at her and she waved back as well.
Albus went straight to the Gryffindor common room. He saw that students were going in and out. He saw Victoire. He called her out,” Hey Victoire. Can you please send Rose out. Tell her that I am calling her.” Victoire nodded. She went in and a couple of minutes later Rose came running. She said,” Hello Albus. I heard from Scorpius that Professor McGonagall called you. Is everything alright?” Albus said,” I will tell you later but first come with me.” He then grabbed her by hand and pulled her towards Slytherin common room. She shouted,” Albus! Albus wait! Please!” Albus stopped in front of the Slytherin common room and said,” Wait here till I get Scorpius.” He went in and within moments came back out. He said,” Come out. I want to show you something.” He was running towards the gardens. Scorpius asked Rose,” Do you have any idea what he is doing?” She said,” I was about to ask you the same.” Both of them followed Albus. They saw that Albus was waiting for them in an open field near the Whomping Willow. Albus said,” Come on. Come fast.” The both of them ran towards him. Albus said,” Okay now listen. Scorpius you have to go a little back and I will practice a spell on you.” Rose said,” Which spell?” He said,” Hey, come on. It is a surprise.” Scorpius did as he was told. He went to a distance and stood there. Albus said,” Now pull your wand out and keep it in the ready position.” Scorpius took his wand and did as Albus told him. Albus then took out his wand, swung it and aimed at Scorpius’ wand and said,” Expeliiarmus.” Scorpius’ wand flew out of his hand and landed somewhere in the grass. Scorpius and Rose were surprised. They did not know how to use a single spell and Albus had already performed two in a day. Scorpius could not see his wand and called Albus and said,” Hey, where is my wand.?” Albus stood there and took a deep breath and pointed his wand towards the direction in which Scorpius’ wand had flown. He then said,” Accio Wand.” Back came Scorpius’ wand to Albus. Rose was dumbstruck. After gaining her senses she asked Albus,” Who taught you these spells?” Albus smiled broadly and said,” Professor McGonagall.” Scorpius came and hugged his friend and said,” Hey buddy, you are great. Three spells in a day. I am impressed.” Soon it began to get dark and all three of them went to their dorms. Albus and Scorpius dropped Rose at the Gryffindor common room and they made their way to the Slytherin common room. Albus seemed happy. Seeing Albus happy, made Scorpius happy. They both went to their dorms and changed and went for dinner. They were not friends with many of the students at Slytherin but they both had each other. They had their dinner and went straight to sleep.
           CHAPTER 4
  All the classes of the day were over. Hagrid was sitting out on a rock near his house. Three figures were approaching him. The three of them were Albus, Scorpius and Rose. They went to Hagrid and greeted him. Hagrid said,” Oh, Albus Severus Potter himself. Come on in, come on.” He called them in and said,” Ya all want tea. Me tea is famous in my house. Although me is the only one who makes it.” He chuckled to himself on his own joke. He asked Albus,” Ya doing okay? Me know what happened with Harry. Me is sorry.” Albus said,” No problem Hagrid. I know that you were a friend of my father’s. He spoke highly of you. I also wish to have that kind of relationship with you.” Hagrid became very happy. He said,” Yea. Me would also love it.” Scorpius introduced himself,” Hello, I am Scorpius. Scorpius Malfoy.” Hagrid suddenly grew suspicious. He said,” Albus what is this Malfoy boy doing here? Hey, you get out of me house. Out!” He began to shout but Albus came in middle. He said,” Hagrid he is my best friend.” Hagrid said,” His father was a trouble. Always got me and Harry in trouble.” Scorpius said,” Hey Hagrid, I am sorry for what my father did. I can’t change what he did, but believe me, I am different.” Hagrid noticed that Scorpius was also going through a lot. He said,” Me is sorry for what me said. You can stay” The four of them chatted for a while. After sometime, the three of them went to the school. Scorpius and Albus went to the Slytherin dormitory while Rose went to the Gryffindor’s. They only enjoyed the time they had in the day. At night, Albus and Scorpius had to come and sleep in the Slytherin dormitory and Rose had to sleep in Gryffindor’s. All of them were happy for the first two weeks. 
Albus was slowly forgetting about his parents’ death. He did not forget it but was ready to live with it. He had told Scorpius about how he would avenge his parents’ death. Scorpius was okay with it as he said that if he would have been in his place, he would have done the same. It was a holiday and the students were allowed to roam within the premises of the school. As it was a holiday, Neville had told Albus that he would come to meet him. Albus was happy that his godfather was coming to school. Albus was practicing the spell,” Expelliarmus” on the rocks. He practiced and Scorpius was watching him. A girl from the Slytherin house became their friend. Her name was Isabell. Everyone called her Bella. She became friends with Albus and Scorpius but never hung out with them much. Rose had also made some friends from Gryffindor house. She still hung with Scorpius and Albus but again, she was a Gryffindor. How could she always hang with two Slytherins? So they both spent most of their time with each other. Without them knowing they had become best friends. Both were there for each other. Even in their studies, they helped each other. Albus had natural talent for Defence against the Dark Arts, Potions and Charms. Scorpius was good at History, Herbology and Potions. They were both great at Potions but Scorpius was the better one. Albus asked Scorpius,” Hey, do you think we will make the team? In Quidditch?” Scorpius replied,” I don’t know about myself but I think you will. The natural talent of course. Your mother was one of the best Quidditch players and your father was a good seeker. I think you are going to make it.” Albus aimed at Scorpius’ wand which he was holding and said,” Expelliarmus.” Scorpius’ wand flew out of his hand. Scorpius said,” You fool. You find it now.” Albus started laughing. He teased Scorpius. Scorpius chased Albus and Albus was running hard. Albus was still laughing. Scorpius was shouting,” You Potter. You wait. I will get you and practice the three unforgivable curses on you. You just wait.” Albus knew that Scorpius could not do even the simple levitating charm and was sure that the threats he gave were truly harmless. They were both running and they bumped into three seventh years of Hufflepuff. The three of them were going for a walk when Albus ran into them. Albus said,” I am sorry. You are not hurt aren’t you?” The three boys appeared as if they were the bullies. The middle one, who Harry had bumped into was big and bulky. He was almost five feet and ten inches tall. The other two were skinnier than him but appeared to be meaner. The boy on the right side said,” Hey boy, can’t you see and run?” Scorpius came when he saw that his friend was on the ground while three bully type people were around him. Albus said,” I am sorry.” The boy in the middle offered a hand to help him get up. Albus took it. The boy said,” You alright?” Albus nodded. The boy at the right said,” By the way, I am Vincent.” He pointed at the boy to the right and said,” He is Chris and the one you bumped into is Robert.” Robert asked,” Who are you?” Albus said,” I am Albus Severus Potter.” He turned around and saw that Scorpius was also besides him. He introduced Scorpius as well,” And this is my friend, Scorpius Malfoy.” The boys said,” Oh you are Albus Severus Potter. You are Lupin’s relative. That means you are our guest.” Albus got puzzled. Robert said,” Hey Albus, your cousin was our senior and was a great Quidditch player. He helped us win our first Quidditch cup of this century. Our house had not won it since 1992. We won it after thirty years and your cousin is the reason we won it. He was a seeker and secured our victory always.” Albus said,” He is not my cousin. He is my father’s godson.” Vincent said,” No worries. He told all the Hufflepuffs before leaving that we should help the Potters and Weasleys. So if you need our help, we will be there.” The three of whom Albus was afraid of were ready to help him. He found it strange. He said,” Ok. Can I go now?” They all nodded. Albus went near the rock on which he was practicing and sat on it. He thought about those boys. He had been afraid of them and they were now ready to help him. As Albus was sitting on the rock, Scorpius said,” Potter. I want my wand.” Albus looked and realized that Scorpius was angry. So he said,” Accio wand.” And back came Scorpius’ wand. He said,” You know I could just practice the Cruciatus Curse on you. Be glad that I don’t know how to use it.” Albus began to laugh. He said,” Cruciatus curse and you? Do you even know how to use a wand? What is its purpose?” Albus was kidding with Scorpius. Scorpius was also in a playful mood. They both were happy and were laughing all the time. 
They both were going at Hagrid’s when Professor Carter spotted them. She was as usual wearing her black robes but this time had a white scarf around her neck. She said,” Professor Slughorn would like to meet the two of you. Now if you would make way for me, I have some important business with Hagrid.” She shoved the two of them and made their way from between them. They unwillingly went to Professor Slughorn. It was not that they did not like Slughorn. They loved him but they wanted to be outside for the whole day. They went to his cabin and saw that there were other students as well. Among them was Rose. She was standing with Helen, her best friend. Albus saw that Bella was there too. There were students from all the houses. Albus, Scorpius and Bella from Slytherin. Rose and Helen and a boy named Jason from Gryffindor. Two girls from Ravenclaw namely Jane and Mia. And a boy and a girl from Hufflepuff. They were Richard and Kendall. Professor Slughorn said,” As now all of you have arrived, I would like to tell you that I arrange a dinner for my favorite students. Previously I arranged it for students above fifth grade only but for the last seven years, I arrange it for first to fourth year students as well. I invite first to fourth year students separately while students from fifth grade and above are invited together.” Albus saw that Richard was yawning. Albus thought of Richard as a Quaffle, because Richard was quite chubby and was a little dark of skin tone. Albus giggled slightly and everyone noticed. Slughorn and everyone was looking right at him. He said,” Sorry Professor but Richard was yawning.” As Albus said this, Scorpius, Rose, Helen and Bella also giggled. Slughorn said,” Did he crack a joke? Quite everyone, please. And no yawning please, Mr. Richard. You will make me laugh as well.” Slughorn then continued,” Back on track, shall we?” Everyone again turned to Slughorn. He explained how he started to invite students to dinner and also told them that dinner was tasty. The house elves at Hogwarts did not make the food as he told a dear friend of his to cook the food and send it there with one of his house elves. He continued to chat for almost half an hour. Then he said,” Enough I guess. So, next Sunday shall we meet?” He asked everyone. Everyone agreed. And then he said,” I hereby announce that you all shall come to my cabin next Sunday and we would have our mini feast.” He then told everyone to leave.
On Albus’ way out, Rose and Helen came to him. Helen said,” Why did you giggle? Tell us the truth. We know that Richard yawning was not the reason.” He said,” I thought of him as a Quaffle. Doesn’t he look like one?” He pointed to him and asked. Everyone giggled. Rose said,” So we will see you tomorrow at the classes. Bye.” They waved at Albus and Scorpius and went to the great hall. Albus and Scorpius went near the forbidden forest. Albus asked,” Hey Scorpius, what kind of animals do you think must be living in there?” Scorpius said,” I don’t know. But I know that Unicorns and Centaurs are living in here.” Albus asked,” Something dangerous?” Scorpius shrugged. Then they saw that Professor Trelawney saw them. She said,” Ah! You must be Harry Potter’s son. The one Professor McGonagall is looking for. You should go in her cabin.” Albus had seen her before but never talked to her. Albus and Scorpius took off and ran straight to McGonagall’s cabin. They knocked on the door and asked if they could come in. McGonagall said,” Ah! Albus, you came quick. It looks like your godfather has something for you.” Albus went in and saw Neville standing with McGonagall. He was smiling at him. Albus quickly went near him and asked,” How are you? I have not heard about you in two weeks. You said you would write, but you don’t.” Neville said, “ I am sorry. Look what I got for you. As a compensation.” He gave Albus a broomstick that was fully wrapped. Scorpius said,” Hey Al, it is a broomstick. Open it.” Albus opened it right there. McGonagall said,” Remember that you are in my office. Try and maintain the cleanliness .” She smiled at Albus. Albus opened it and held it in his hand. Scorpius said,” Albus Severus Potter, you have a firebolt. It is the fastest broom in the world.” Neville bent down and told Albus,” Look Albus, you may have the fastest broom in the world, but it is not the broomstick that matters. The one who rides on it should be good otherwise it is of no use.” He then said,” I heard from Ron that you have interest in Quidditch. I got to know from Professor McGonagall that you are having your selections in the coming weeks. I thought you might need it.” Albus went and hugged his godfather. Neville patted his back and said,” Good luck champ.” Neville then went to Scorpius and said,” You must be Draco’s son. You look like him. Take care.” He then waved to Albus and left. Albus was very excited that he had got the fastest broomstick in the world. Scorpius said,” Hey let me ride on it as well.” Albus said,” Definitely. But after me.” Albus went into the garden and started riding his broomstick. Rose, Helen, Bella and Hugh came to watch him ride. Albus was very good at flying. He always cut past the Castle’s big walls and went to the owlery. He landed there and met his owl, Jimmy. He picked her up and said,” Jimmy, Neville brought me a firebolt. You know what? It is also the fastest broom in the world.” He felt very happy. He dropped Jimmy in her cage and left. He was now flying over the Black Lake. He dropped low, felt the water on his palm and rose to shout,” Whoo-hoo.” He then went flying over the Forbidden Forest. He then made a circle to the castle and came back down where Scorpius was standing. Scorpius and Albus laughed and laughed about it. 
The day of the feast for the first years arrived. The Sunday rose. Until that day, Albus had learnt many different spells from McGonagall. He learnt to produce water from nowhere. In his present charms and Defence Against the Dark Arts, he was doing fine. Flitwick often praised him and gave his example to many. He was determined when it came to studies. He was ready to sacrifice most of his things to become powerful. It was Sunday, so no classes for the day. They were free to hang out. Albus and Scorpius were at Hagrid’s. Albus said,” Hey Hagrid, how is it going?” Hagrid replied,” Me doin’ fine. How about ya?” Albus said,” I am excellent. You know we are going to have a dinner party. Professor Slughorn is giving it for the first years only. To his most brilliant students.” Hagrid said,” Ah! Your father and mother were also frequently invited. Good man Slughorn.” Scorpius said,” Come on Hagrid, give us a party. Why don’t you give us a party? A nice and big feast, for just three of us. Rose will also not be there.” Hagrid said,” Ya, I will. But when you pass out from school. Till then, the house elves will cook for you.” Scorpius sighed and said,” Come on. At least give us a tea party. You don’t even make tea for us.” Hagrid became surprised and said,” Me make tea for ya. Last time me made it, ya wen’ straight to Madam Pomfrey. Only God knows what happened to ya.” Scorpius asked,” That was. Your tea? I thought of it as some potion that was meant for only giants. The only reason I drank it was because you always kept it away from us.” Hagrid and Albus laughed and Albus said,” So Hagrid, make lots and lots of tea for him. So much, that he can swim in it.” Hagrid and Albus laughed. Seeing them, Scorpius too started laughing.
They chatted with Hagrid and left. When they were going in their dorms in the dungeons, Slughorn saw them. He said,” Don’t be late my dear students for our little feast tonight. Remember to come at seven o’clock.” Albus and Scorpius nodded in agreement and smiled. Albus and Scorpius then spent the whole day loitering all around the castle and at six thirty came to their dorms. They changed into good clothes and went to call Rose. They saw Rose and Helen were waiting for them near the Gryffindor common room. Albus said,” Hey, Scorpius do you think you Rose will be on the Gryffindor team?” Scorpius said,” Yes. She would.” Helen said,” I don’t know about her but I am definitely on the team.” Rose said,” None of us is sure if they are on their house teams. Only one and that too Albus can be selected.” She said so because, for the last eight years, no first year was there on any house team. After Harry Potter only three first years managed to get on the team. And all three of them had passed out of Hogwarts. They were on their way to Slughorn’s office when they met Bella. She also joined them. They entered Slughorn’s office and saw that Kendall, Richard, Jason, Jane and Mia were already there. Slughorn was talking with them and when he saw that all the rest of the students came, he said,” Hello and welcome my dear young students. Please take a seat. All of you.” Everybody sat around the table. Slughorn said,” Everybody sat down. Albus looked at Richard. He was wearing brown robes and a sloppy brown hat. Albus was sitting beside Scorpius. Albus shoved him gently and told him softly,” Look at Richard. Looking like a Quaffle ain’t he.?” Scorpius and Albus giggled. The dinner went on with Slughorn enquiring the students about how it was going with the other classes. Finally, after the dinner, he said,” Students, we still have some time left with us. Wouldn’t you all young people like to take a walk with me?” Everybody got puzzled. Slughorn had never asked them for a walk with him. He also said,” Even though it is your choice to come or not, I recommend you to come along. We will go in the Forbidden Forest. We will have some entertainment.” Then again everyone got puzzled. Why did he want to take some first years in the Forbidden Forest? But everyone thought that it would be great as they were never allowed in the forest. Scorpius and Rose hesitated a bit, but on being persuaded by Albus, they agreed. So everyone went out.
When everyone was near the entrance, Hagrid came from his house. He asked Slughorn,” Professor, I thin’ ya should not take students with ya in there. It's dangerous.” Slughorn said,” Ah! Hagrid, don’t worry. I will take care of them when inside. They are all my responsibility now.” Albus and Scorpius were standing at the very end of the line. Hagrid whispered in Albus and Scorpius’ ears,” Be careful ya two. Make sure everyone is safe. Will ya?” Albus and Scorpius nodded. Hagrid went back to his hut after that. Slughorn said,” OK, now follow my lead. Everyone.” Everyone was going inside now. It was pretty dark inside. No one was able to see much. Slughorn said,” Young people, use Lumos.” Everyone got their wands out and said,” Lumos.” Every wand’s tip was now lighted. Bella came to Albus and said,” Can I be with you? I don’t feel good with Jason.” Albus and Scorpius agreed. Soon they were joined by Rose and Helen. There were now two groups, rather than a line. One was with Slughorn and the other, not so behind who were lead by Albus and Scorpius. Suddenly, they heard some noise coming from behind. All of them looked behind. Nothing. They then heard something from front. Again, nothing. After that Scorpius said,” I told you, Albus Severus Potter, that we should not be here. Now see. I am scared.” Albus himself was scared. He said,” Don’t worry. Stick together and move towards Professor Slughorn.” Bella and Helen shouted,” Professor Slughorn? Professor!!!” No reply came. Scorpius started to panic. He told Albus,” Let us go from here. I think I remember from where we came.” He looked backwards and saw that there were many paths. He did not remember from where he came. Rose said,” I knew this was a bad idea.” Bella said,” Come on. Let us find Professor Slughorn. He must know where we are.” As soon as Bella finished they heard a scream not far. They all followed the scream. They saw that Kendall had screamed. Albus quickly went to her and asked her,” What happened Kendall? Is everything alright?” She hid behind Albus and that led Albus to see that Jason, Mia, Jane and Richard were lying on the ground. Professor Slughorn was nowhere to be seen. He asked Kendall,” How did this happen? And where is Professor Slughorn?” She was very terrified. She said,” Shots of light came from woods. And they all fainted.” Albus went down near Jane and checked her breath. He said,” They are just asleep I think.” Everyone was now terrified. Rose said,” Let us go back. I am scared.” Helen said,” Me too. I am never coming in this forest ever again.” Then all of them heard some sounds around them. All of them came close to each other. Albus blew his light from his wand and held it at ready. Scorpius saw something near a tree. He said,” I saw something. It was right there.” Albus said,” I am sending light upwards. Someone will see and will come to save us.” No one said anything. Albus pointed his wand upwards and said,” Periculum.” As he said that, red flash of light went up and burst. Suddenly a Centaur came in and attacked Albus. Albus was not able to see him and the Centaur pushed him. He went backwards and fell. He quickly got up and saw what had attacked it. Everyone screamed when they saw Albus go backwards. Albus was panicking but he still held his wand. The Centaur came in charging at him and he pointed his wand towards it and said,” Petrificus Totalus” The Centaur become immobile and fell. Soon they heard noises of hooves. Soon they saw that they were surrounded by too many Centaurs. They looked like they were angry. Albus quickly went towards Jane, Mia and Richard who were lying helpless. Scorpius and everyone also followed. Albus told Scorpius,” Point your wand in the air and say 'Periculum'. Don’t waste time and do it. Do it multiple times.” Scorpius did as he was told. He pointed his wand towards the sky and said,” Periculum.” He repeated it many times. Soon, two Centaurs attacked from Albus’ direction. He said,” Stupefy.” He stunned both the Centaurs. He then saw logs of woods lying near the Centaurs. He saw it, pointed at them and said,” Incendio.” The wood immediately caught fire. The Centaurs near the wood, got back and started yelling. All the Centaurs went back a little. He then found lots of logs of wood near Jane. He quickly pointed his wand there and said,” Incendio.” As he saw that Centaurs were afraid of fire, he put more and more logs on the fire. All the Centaurs were now yelling. After creating fire at four-five places, he was still panicking. He said,” Everyone, we need to stay here until someone arrives.” As soon as he said that, Professor McGonagall and Professor Carter apparated there. Professor McGonagall said,” Evanesco” and she took Jane, Mia, Richard and Jason with her and vanished. Carter also said the same and took Bella, Helen, Rose and Kendall with her. Only Albus and Scorpius were the ones remaining. Scorpius did not know what to do. A Centaur came charging at Scorpius and Albus pointed his wand towards it and said,” Petrificus Totalus.” The Centaur went down. Professor McGonagall apparated there and she said,” Evanesco” and they all vanished. They appeared in Professor McGonagall’s office. Albus looked around and saw that Jane, Richard, Mia and Jason woke up. He went to them and asked if they were okay. They nodded and Albus then went to Rose. He held her hand and asked her,” Are you alright? You are not hurt right?” He was looking for any injuries that happened to her. He found none and he sighed in relief. Rose hugged him. Professor McGonagall cleared her throat and scolded,” With whom did you go in the Forbidden Forest? Don’t you know that you are not supposed to be in there?” Albus said,” But Professor, Professor Slughorn took us. We did not go voluntarily.” She said,” Oh! So Slughorn took you. But I did not see him there.” Helen quickly said,” Professor he is right. You can even ask Professor Hagrid.” She said,” Oh I will.” Professor Carter apparated there and told McGonagall,” Professor, the fire is extinguished. I believe someone of them set the woods on fire.” She suspiciously looked at everyone. Albus said,” It was me. I lit up the logs of wood. I thought it would keep the Centaurs away.” Carter said,” Don’t you realize that you could have burned the whole forest. And who taught that fire generating spell to you?” McGonagall also asked,” Yes Potter. Who taught you that spell? If gone wrong it would have burned the whole forest. You tell me quick.” Scorpius and others were watching the whole scene. That is when Rose said,” I am sorry for interrupting Professor, but if Albus would have used those spells, we all could have ended in too much danger.” Soon, they heard a knock on the door. McGonagall asked,” Who is it?” Hagrid opened the door and said,” Tis me. Ya gotta come Professor McGonagall. Professor Slughorn is not doin’ good.” Albus ran to him and asked,” Where is he Hagrid?” Hagrid said,” Me bought him to Madam Pomfrey. She said Professor McGonagall should come.” After hearing this, Albus quickly ran to him. Albus thought that Slughorn was severely hurt, as only Slughorn was not in the forest. He ran and went to the hospital wing. He came in without knocking and saw that Slughorn was lying unconscious. He quickly went to Madam Pomfrey and asked,” Madam Pomfrey how is he doing? Is he going to be ok? Tell me Madam Pomfrey please.” Albus was panicked. He liked Slughorn very much. He never showed it openly but deep inside, he knew he cared for Slughorn. Madam Pomfrey said,” You can sit beside him. I will tell all of you when Professor McGonagall arrives.” He went near Slughorn and held his hand. He felt Slughorn’s hands were cold. He whispered,” I should have looked for you. I am sorry Professor, I really am.” McGonagall and Heaven Carter came in along with Scorpius. Scorpius stood near Albus and McGonagall asked Madam Pomfrey,” Madam Pomfrey, what has happened? Is he alright.?” Madam Pomfrey said,” I believe that he was under Imperius Curse. Very strong indeed. He was very tired when Hagrid brought him. Hagrid says he found him lying near the woods that caught fire.” She then added,” I don’t think he will get up any time soon. At least till tomorrow afternoon.” McGonagall said,” Ok! Then that is it. Albus and Scorpius, to your dorms immediately. I want to have a quick word with Heaven and Madam Pomfrey.” They both left and did not talk on the way to their dorms. They quickly went to bed and slept. It had been a long day for them. 
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