#thats my wife your honor and i miss him
itty-bitty-sunshine · 5 months
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Refri belongs to @clovergreensocks but hes my bbygirl and darling wife and i love him
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pedge-page · 2 months
Joel Dealing with Preggo Wife : Smooches
Joel Miller x F!Reader
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Notes: written in honor of the fabulous and fantastic @romanarose birthday today!!! 🎂 I would not be writing Pedro fics if it were not for their fantastic stories that got me hooked so everyone PLEASE wish our lord and Savior the bestest birthdays of all!
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Joel knew pregnancy brain was out of wack when you started slamming the table with a fork and knife at 5pm like a senior citizen demanding dinner.
"I aint got anything you aren't gonna throw up later. We're going out," he states with hands planted on his hips.
"Ooh yay!" You wiggle out of your chair and grab your purse. "Jone's steakhouse?"
"If that's what you want."
"But you have to ALSO want it. Or it feels like you don't want it and makes me feel like I'm dragging--"
"JUST. get in the car, sweetie," he grits with a fake smile, opening the door.
Dinner was good. Steak was solid. You complained it wasn't salty enough even after you dumped the entire shaker onto each slice. But now that both your bellies are full and satisfied, with you rubbing your exceptionally swollen one happily, the drive home was finally peaceful.
Until you kept smacking your lips. The quiet air was filled with schmockschmockschmock sounds from your beautiful but ever so annoying mouth.
Joel clears his throat but keeps his eyes forward and mouth shut. Just gotta get you into bed and it's a sold evening.
He hears you digging in your purse, scavaging deeply for--
"Oh no. Nononononono!" You shriek, hands splitting the seam of the bag open to dump out all its contents on your lap.
"What, what's wrong?"
After clearly seeing all pockets were empty, you shout, "Oh my god noooo! Oh god please don't be happening."
"What you forget your phone? Wallet?" He asks worriedly.
Instead of just outright answering him (because thats just ridiculous) you start panting heavily and tearing up. "I cant live. I need it Joel."
"Need--need what baby? Just tell me, I'll make it right."
But you're too hysterical and hyperventilating  at his brain dead question to give him the answer.
Roll with the punches, Miller. Stay calm. Resolve.
"Okay it's OK probably just sitting on the ground at the restaurant. I'm turning around, okay baby? Please calm down, we're gonna get it back."
Joel explains to the host that you just saw 15 minutes ago that his wife (he gestures to his obviously pregnant and agitated , volcanic explosion of a meltdown wife who's having a panic attack) forgot something and would like to check the table again to find it.
The host rushes the two of you back to the table to avoid mount doom from exploding.
But after thoroughly searching for something that only YOU know what is missing, absolutely nothing comes up around the table that doesn't belong to said restaurant and table.
"What did you lose?" He finally asks hesitantly. It MIGHT help to know. "Phone? Wallet?"
You take a deep breath, eyes swollen and red, cheeks blown warm and shiny with tears as the world crashes around you at the devestating realization that its GONE gone:
You slug your shoulders and tilt your head back to wail in the middle of this albeit emptying restaurant while Joel and everyone pauses to quietly stares at you.
Joel's expression with an edge of disbelief and exhaustion.
He takes you by the hand as you still cry, thanks the host with a wave and gets your fat ass in the truck.
"We got more at home... right?"
"Joel!!" You snap. "If I HAD another one, I'D BE USING IT! I wasn't finished with the last one! Everything will be wrong if I open a new one when I still has the other one every day for 6 months!"
"You've had this one chapstick since I got you pregnant?"
"LIP. MOISTURIZER." You throw yourself back into the comfy seat. "You only like kissing me when it's moist and pleasant and NOW you won't like me--"
"Babe I never even knew you had stuff on--"
"WELL NOW YOU WILL because it won't be on and everything is RUINED! I have to over compensate for your dry peely nasty crunchy flaky dead lips, but now you won't love me and our baby because I won't have silky smooth moist plushy baby girl lips and then my husband won't have juicy sucker's to suck on when we make out and get his fat cock sucked by my once pillowy beautiful lush lippy lips...!" and then you start sobbing again.
He shakes his head. "Listen, how about I get you some more first thing tomorrow morning--"
"Right, tonight. That's what I said." He gulps hard. "And uh, you'll be... coming with me?"
You slowly turn your head and narrow your eyes. He does now see the clock is 8pm, sharply past your self imposed bed time.
"I meant you'll be coming with me... as I drop you off at the house. Then I'll go back out."
You nod as if saying 'that's more like it,' before folding your arms over your chest.
He squeezes his eyes shut and internally rolls them as hard as possible.
The closest 24/7 general store was 10 minutes thankfully. He grabbed a handful of different flavor chapsticks and dumps them on your lap--
"Joel what the FUCK are these."
He growls--not this shit again. He has flashbacks of the taco yackies incident roll through his mind. "YOU ASKED FOR CHAPSTICK! I GOT EXACTLY THAT!"
"Chapstick is a BRAND name. This stuff makes my lips burn and feels even drier. Joel do you SEE my lips!" You point both fingers directly at your mouth and purse out. "DRY. AS. FUCK. these are NOT dick sucking lips.  They will start fucking peeling soon.  and then I don't know if I will be able to kiss my own baby's noggin when she's first born less she be DISGUSTED--"
Hes back in the car before you were even done yelling.
Back at the store. Staring at the wall of different lip care options. This is 10x worse than the tampon and pad aisle. THAT one he's a pro in. Pussy King expert for all its needs. Even shows other women that come back exactly where and what they're looking for. But this shit??
There's so many flavors. Why does the flavor matter? Cherry red, cherry blossom, cherry berry--what the fuck is the difference? One says lip moisturizer, the same one next to it says lip care, then lip cream, lip balm, lip lush, lip lotion... fuck.
He does the sensible thing: pulls one of every single item into his arms, struggling but managing to hold haphazardly close to his chest (the man doesn't get a basket for shit because he only comes on for the exact ONE thing he knows he's getting). When he hobbles to the tired cashier, he leans forwards and dumps it all the counter with a sad smile. A smile of which drops quickly when the total comes to exceed $85.
9:14pm. Could be worse. You're eating a bag of extra salted chips--which he suspects is only going to make the lip situation worse but whatever. One by one, he basketball chucks them into your lap. You inspect each one, scoffing at all the useless flavor ones that just don't work, until finally holding up the vanilla honey extra moistening stick. You rip it from the package, pop the lid off and slather that shit on with a orgasmic groan, rolling your eyes back as it glides over and over your lips repeatedly. You smack them to spread evenly, all shiny and pretty before nodding approval.
Joel sighs and tosses himself on the couch, head first into your lap. You rub his hair and continue watching the TV, gnawing at the chips carefully so as not to ruin your fresh lips, as he falls asleep and snores deeply.
It lasts for a minute before both you and he feel something small against his temple stir in your belly.
He sits up like rocket, and the two of you stare at one another in shock. You both slowly look down at the belly, hands crept over its rounded expanse, and wait.
Then--an almost inperceivable yet delicate tiny kick. The first one.
Neither of you have words as excitement floods your faces.
"See. Even the BABY needs the best kissy lips."
He grabs your face with both hands and smashes his lips onto yours like he's gonna suck your soul away.
When he finally pulls off with a big grin (and you thrown back against the couch with a delirious expression getting oxygen back to your brain while your pussy drips fresh juices onto the couch), he smacks his lips tastily and enjoying the soft, silky, honey sweetness of your lips.
"Oh fuck, that is good."
You grip his shirt and force him back down to make out with you again, falling sideways on the couch as you both hungrily grope each others' bodies.
The next day you find your brand new lip moisturizer missing. It's set in the bathroom vanity, somewhere you did NOT left it. When popping it open, it has suspicious short little whisker hairs stuck to it. You frown but plant it back where you find it, run behind the door, and wait. About 2 minutes later, Joel comes in, searches behind him around the room before sneaking the little stick off the counter and hustling to the bed. He lies on his back, pops it open, and greedily smears it all over, humming contently and whispering "mmm yeaaaahhhh" before smacking his lips and pursing them out.
You fall over giggling in the bathroom at his new found guilty pleasure.
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tremendum · 4 months
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Me and the Devil; iv
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(not my gif)
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previous next series masterlist
word count: 9.5k i think
summary:  "We've always known what the Harkonnens are. And yet, they sent me, happily, to marry the devil. To become one."
warnings: canon-typical violence, blood, incorrect lore probably, brief allusion to blood kink (blink and you miss it), reader has some mommy issues and also some daddy issues, reader is also a bit of a diva buttttt thats ok shes grieving, height difference mention (Paul is taller than reader).
notes: back with chapter four! Thanks so much again you guys for all of the feedback, it's so so appreciated. I'm happy you're liking it!! this is very unedited. lmk what you think :)
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My Dear Niece,
I hope this message finds you in good health and spirits, despite the trying times you have endured. It has been far too long since we last spoke, and I have often found myself thinking of you and wondering how you are faring - but I am hopeful that Caladan will be more forgiving with message deliveries.
First and foremost, allow me to offer my condolences. I cannot begin to imagine the pain and sorrow you must have experienced in the wake of the tragedy that befell your family at the hands of those beasts. To have been thrust into the midst of such turmoil and danger, surrounded by those who brought about such devastation, must have been unimaginably difficult.
I write to you also with a sincere and heartfelt congratulations on your recent betrothal to Paul Atreides. While I understand that this union may have come as a surprise, I have every confidence that you will make a splendid bride and wife. Duke Leto is a noble and honorable man, and I have no doubt that his son is the very same. I know that he will cherish and protect you with all his heart.
Please know that you are not alone in your sorrow, my dear niece. Though distance may separate us, if ever you feel the need for comfort or companionship, know that our home is always open to you. You are welcome to visit whenever you please, and I would be honored to meet your new husband and welcome him into our family.
In the meantime, I hope this message finds you well and brings some small measure of comfort to your troubled heart. You are a strong and resilient woman, my dear, and I have every confidence that you will emerge from this darkness stronger than ever before.
With all my love and affection,
Lady Ginaz
- Message sent to Lady Bourbon from the Lady Ginaz. 10191. Caladan.
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For the second time in his life, Paul is roused by his mother in the dead of the night.
When she insists he follow her, she wears a similarly grave face to the first time - spooked, uneasy. He was not given the grace to even find shoes this time before she grasped his bicep, pulling him along to her own quarters and through a hallway lit only by the full moon outside; Too tired to protest and still yawning at the curling tendrils of slumber, he drags his bare feet along the stone floor. Still blinking sleep from his eyes, a sense of dread fills him when he crosses into the dimly lit chamber at the end of the hall; an ornate chair placed in the center, and on sitting atop it is the imposing figure of the Reverend Mother.
Paul's heart clenches; his eyes are alert immediately.
Their previous encounter; searing pain, the Gom Jabbar - a test of his humanity. He struggles to conceal the rage that simmers beneath the surface, a bitter reminder of what he'd endured - and for no reason.
He should never have told his mother about the dreams.
Already knowing, but needing the affirmation, he clenches his jaw. "What's this?" He turns to ask his mother, whose stare is icy and less fearful than it was those years before. She doesn't respond, only nudges him forward, towards the woman in the center of the room.
As the Reverend Mother's piercing gaze meets his own, Paul squares his shoulders, steeling himself for what is to come; He'll have to tread carefully, lest he betray the depth of his emotions - or the truth about his dreams.
The Reverend Mother speaks, her voice a low, commanding tone that fills the room. "Tell me of your dreams, Paul Atreides," her eyes bore into his own. Paul hesitates for a moment, glaring to his mother- Lady Jessica nods subtly, her expression urging him to speak the truth; Anger courses through him, but he knows there is no choice for him now.
Summoning his courage, Paul begins to recount the vivid images that have haunted his nights.
Leaving out the details he suspects are less...important, he instead focuses on the more foreboding parts; The eerie familiarity of the clearing, the ceremonial sheet spread like a shroud. Ash falling from the sky, the missile streaks in the sky and the burning of the large pine; a shiver runs down his spine - the visions feel like a portent of doom, and it brings him to a hushed quiet.
"I've tried to make sense of them," His voice comes out just as frustrated as he feels, "But they're elusive. Fragmented. She's always there."
It seems he doesn't have to elaborate on who he's talking about - the woman's eyes flash before him from under her thick veil. She says nothing, but a sharp glance from his mother makes him clear his throat, confessing the dream his mother had woke him from not minutes ago.
"And in the last dream," Paul's jaw tightens, the memory of the vision burning bright in his mind, "I saw someone... stabbing me," he confesses, his voice barely above a whisper. "A black-hilted knife, with an engraved blade."
The words hang heavy in the air, sending a ripple of unease through the chamber. Paul can feel the weight of the Reverend Mother's scrutiny, her eyes boring into his soul as if searching for the truth buried within. He's not sure if his mother is making the connection; you've brought that knife with you nearly everywhere since you got it back. To him, it's inevitable.
The Reverend Mother's expression is unreadable as she absorbs his words. Paul braces himself for her response, knowing that what he's revealed may have far-reaching consequences; He cannot afford to hide the visions that plague his mind—not if what you said about Sabberon is true. The Reverend Mother regards him with a penetrating stare. "Interesting," she murmurs. "Your dreams hold great significance, Paul Atreides."
Paul's frustration boils to the surface as he listens to the Reverend Mother's cryptic response; He knows what she is capable of, he knows how powerful the Bene Gesserit are in the galaxy - yet his resentment grows and boils within him. Resisting a snarl, he glares sharply, trying to quell the anger, confusion.
"Significance?" Paul retorts, his voice laced with bitterness. "I will not be a pawn in your schemes," he declares, his voice ringing with conviction. "I am the heir to House Atreides. I will not allow my fate to be dictated by prophecy or visions."
His words echo in the chamber; Lady Jessica places a sharp hand on his shoulder, her sharp inhale bristling the hair on Paul's neck.
Whatever words of anger he was about to say halt on his tongue. Prickles of anger wash over him when he comes out of the quick haze; she dares use the Voice on him, yet again.
Her voice is harsh when it comes, eyes sharp as tiny beads behind the black of her dressing. "You are the heir to a great legacy, but with that inheritance comes duty. Tread carefully, Paul Atreides. The choices you make will shape the fate of many." These words are extremely discomforting; Once again he is filled with the spoilt disdain of their fanatic manipulations.
The Reverend Mother continues, her gaze steady and unwavering. "You possess a strength within you, a strength born of both blood and spirit; but true strength lies not in the wielding of power, but in the mastery of oneself. Trust in your instincts, but do not let them blind you."
He refuses to speak.
His mother is fearful behind him; he can feel it radiating off of her, and it fills him with even more indignation. His eyes pierce through her veil, waiting for her to finish. "You may go." She dismisses, and he has no problem turning heel, walking briskly to the door.
"Not you, Jessica."
Jaw clenching at the tone of disrespect the woman uses towards his mother, he almost turns around; but somewhere in his mind is a hazy insistence from his mother- urging him to leave them. He does, lingering to listen to the hushed whispers behind the closed door for only a moment.
"-with the girl, too.You must ensure they go down the right path."
He doesn't bother to stay and hear the rest of it.
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The clashing of blades chimes in your ears with surprise when you arrive for training in the late morning.
It's more common than not to find Duncan sitting, cleaning blades or stretching when you arrive for lessons, but today, it seems he and Paul are thoroughly engrossed in sparring and don't notice when you enter.
They move with that dance-like rhythm you grew up learning; one then the other - legs lunging, arms parrying and striking. They circle each other with cautious precision; Paul's movements are fluid and graceful, calculated - his proficiency comes as somewhat of a shock to you. With such a lithe, deft body, you'd assumed him little match for someone like Duncan. Perhaps, in your own vain perception, you'd expected him to have been meagerly gifted in the art of fighting, having been so well-endowed in the areas of strategy, politics, governance. Of course, you sigh. He's grown up here on Caladan - a Duke's son, trained to become a fair and mighty ruler one day. You suppose you shouldn't be so surprised, he's trained for it all his whole life.
You're sourly impressed as Paul matches him blow for blow, cheeks dusted with pink, barely a glean of sweat across his furrowed brow. A strike against Duncan hits unblocked; The older man, in turn, lets out a huff of laughter - pride flickers in his eyes as he watches Paul strike again.
It turns your blood to acid as you lean against the doorframe; waiting is becoming quite a drag. Duncan, watching Paul as if he were his own son; anger bites at your heels, pushing down the resentment you harbor. He couldn't have done anything when you were sent to Giedi Prime; rationally, you understand that, but the bitterness lingers, a reminder of the betrayal you felt at being abandoned to your fate years ago. There was a time years ago where you would spar with him like this in the weapons arena on Sabberon during the Harvest season- leaves falling red and yellow from their branches, the smell of roast and cider rising into the air.
Duncan's blade presses to Paul's side in a sudden move. Grunting, Paul can't seem to parry, and the blade is moments away from penetrating the shield and breaking through; God forbid he hurts that precious porcelain skin, You think. Briefly, as you watch the shield flicker red, you wonder how dark Paul's blood would flow. Feyd-Rautha's blood was so dark it was nearly black - a crimson color when it smeared across his skin; a tangy, sharp metallic taste when he'd pressed his bloodied fingers to your lips. You blink your eyes hard, pressing away the urge with a furrowed brow.
Your patience is gone, but luckily, Duncan seems to notice you first.
A spare glance in your direction as you linger in the entryway and he's fumbling - Paul takes the moment to strike, knocking Duncan to the ground with his blade pressed against his throat. Your brows raise.
With a wipe of sweat from his brow, Duncan's eyes skirt to the clock and he huffs, "Sorry, we must've lost track of the time." He mutters, taking Paul's extended hand. Paul nods at you in greeting; you nod back just as terse, ignoring the shocked look on Duncan's face at your appearance.
"It's fine. I believe I'm early." You reason, turning to walk towards the mat, avoiding eye contact. You can feel Duncan's stare on you; since you refused the veil from Hestia this morning, each person has looked at you the same - surprise, intrigue. You have to resist a snarl.
Paul, whose eyes flick to you then towards the weapons table, seems to be the only person this morning who hasn't stared at you as if you'd grown another head - but you're not fooled by his capacity to regard you simply as yourself this morning. Yesterday, he promised to never disrespect you; you suppose in turn, you will never disrespect him. That much will be given. But respecting someone is not the same as enjoying someone's company, and a moment of camaraderie is just a moment of weakness; You know he doesn't want this as much as you don't, but you will have to use this marriage as leverage if you ever want to make sure the Harkonnens stay off of Sabberon. And that means building trust.
Paul looks at you from the corner of his eyes for a moment before beginning to disinfect the blade he'd been using; Reaching to hold it out for you to take, you decline the offer.
Instead, your hand finds the hilt of your own blade, "No, thank you. I prefer to use my own."
Paul's eyes catch and linger on the blade; He blinks those long lashes a few times, as if deep in thought, before nodding. "Of course." He says, voice quiet as he turns. Duncan watches with disinterest, sipping on a cup of water as Paul brushes past you, giving you a tight-lipped, emotionless smile.
It's not until he's gone that you turn your stare to Duncan Idaho.
"He fights like you," You observe, beginning to stretch; if it's instigative, let it be.
Duncan's brow raises, "That's a good thing." He retorts, running a finger over the blade Paul had set down. You roll your eyes, concealing it by unsheathing your blade to begin sharpening it.
You can feel his stare. you know Duncan - he's not going to come out and say it, given how you've received his presence since arriving on Caladan; Instead, you beat him to it, turning to meet his eyes. "Did you expect me to be bald under the veil?" You ask, lifting a brow, "I lived there long enough, didn't I?"
He holds his hands up defensively, "I didn't say anything." He's right; you're acting up. Acting out. Probably both. You send him a look, "You didn't have to." You feel a defensive streak kick in yourself, considering what you'd learned about your own heritage by Paul yesterday. You'd been embarrassed in front of him - not knowing your own House's marriage traditions, or even the correct mourning phases? You looked like a fool.
He shakes his head. "You just... you've gotten older. You look like your mother." A pain that you've been holding down surfaces, striking you in the small gap your wall had built around your heart; guilt of survival, anger at your mother and all she'd done, everything shatters. You glare, throwing your knife onto the table in front of you.
"Don't speak to me of any of them, Duncan Idaho." You snap, eyes burning with emotion. "I was never prepared to be the last Bourbon alive, but now there's nobody left to witness my traditions being broken but myself." You say coldly, "I'm done with the veils and the gowns; I'm barely a Bourbon at all anymore. I didn't even know there were traditions until my betrothed informed me of them." Your voice is venomous; You can tell Duncan is preparing himself for a fight of words and not blades as he walks towards you.
"You've always been a fighter, my lady," Duncan chooses, his tone filled with respect; you can't help but hear the voice of someone who is approaching a cornered hound. "But you don't have to face it all alone."
Astounded, you almost laugh. "Really?" You snap, "Then where were you?"
You knew it would boil over at some point; By the look on his face, he knew it too.
Hands shaking, you take a shaky breath, "I was there with them - with him - for four years. Four years." You say, heart thundering, "Not one single fucking check-in, no visit, nothing. Nobody batted an eye when my messages stopped delivering, when there was never a wedding?"
You're not finished; the floodgates open, you're at your own mercy to stop and you can't help but continue. "-They had to have known what kind of monsters they'd shipped me off to, right? We were allies with the Atreides for centuries; we've always known what the Harkonnens are."
You laugh mirthlessly, "And yet, they sent me, happily, to marry the devil. To become one." You're breathing hard, hands shaking - the room feels hot and you can't seem to catch your breath. "-And I know, Duncan. I know that your hands were tied." You sigh, pressing your hands to your cheeks to soothe the heat. Thankfully, no tears fall. "I don't blame you, really, but- you're the only person left to be angry towards." Your voice cracks as you look down, shame burning on your face.
Duncan's expression softens, his gaze filled with regret and remorse. "I'm sorry for everything you lost, my lady." he says, his voice heavy; You resist the urge to pull him into an embrace, to feel the warmth of someone else and feel safe for the first time in so long. Instead you stand, barren and alone, in the middle of the floor.
"I should have been there for you - they should have, too."
It strikes a bout of guilt in you to make him admit something so ugly when you know he is grieving their loss just as you are. "They should have done something to help you. It's okay to still be angry with them, what they did to you, even if you're mourning them."
His words cut through the haze of anger and pain and you're stuck with an exhaustion - one that comes from the years of neglect and abandonment. You look down at the ground; perhaps it won't hurt to have someone on your side, someone you trust. It's been a dangerous and lonely several years, and you're tired of always trying to watch your own back. Clearing your throat, you nod. "I'm sorry, Duncan." You utter, looking up at him squarely. "I shouldn't have treated you coldly. I haven't been taking this change well at all." You confess.
He gives you a look, shaking his head, "There is nothing for you to apologize for, Little Bourbon." At the shadow of a smile on your face, he grins; He's always known what will cheer you up - tossing you your blade from where it sat on the table, he squares himself. You catch it deftly, rolling your neck and squaring yourself, thankful for the end of such a vulnerable moment.
The sound of footsteps disrupts you. You crane your neck behind you; A soldier walks through the room, but instead of addressing Duncan after bowing to you, he speaks to you.
"My lady." He starts. You raise a brow in question. "The Lady Jessica wishes to speak with you over lunch in her quarters now, if you have a moment."
You grit your teeth, a shot of uncertainty flooding you. You've yet to dine with her on your own yet - something about her sets you on edge, and you'd really prefer to spar to take your mind off of everything.
But you know better than to refuse the lady of the house's wishes.
"And spoil my fun here?" You ask, voice dry. "Alright."
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Lunch is barely picked at before Lady Jessica brings it up.
When she speaks, your eyes meet hers - less stony than usual, she regards you with an interest in her eyes that you've yet to see before. "You were once on the path of the Bene Gesserit," Lady Jessica starts, her voice tinged with empathy; You try to hide the set of your jaw, looking away briefly.
"Circumstances may have led you away, but your training has not been forgotten." She adds. You suspected this would be one of the reasons she called you in. "Yes, my lady," You affirm, setting down your fork; you send her a tight-lipped smile. "I trained when I was younger."
She nods, "Have you considered continuing this path? Honing your skills once more—to strengthen your voice, your intuition, your presence."
You take the moment she gives you to consider it; of course, you've thought of it now and then. But you have, to put it lightly, a very conflicted past with the Sisterhood, one that you prefer not to relive; Your mother's stern visage, relentless training regimens appear in your mind. Countless hours in rigorous physical and mental exercises - pressure to conform to their strict teachings weighing too heavily upon you and all three of your sisters' shoulders.
There's a part of you that can't help the twinge of curiosity that sparks through you; The allure of such an ancient order, unlocking hidden potential, the possibility of power and mastery of certain skills. It sounds glamorous, but you know better- you saw what kind of mistrust it sewed in your own house; The crack between your father and his court on behalf of your mother and the sisterhood, the loss of thousands of years of tradition.
Your lips open, and they feel suddenly very chapped. "I'm... not sure, my lady." You say honestly, blinking down at the unappetizing food below you.
"I understand your hesitations," she continues, voice earnest, "but given the current circumstances, it may be wise to strengthen all of your skills, including those you learned with the Bene Gesserit. It's imperative to ere on the side of caution."
"Circumstances?" You parrot, tilting your head. You know what she's implying; it doesn't ease the suspicion that rises, the feeling that the strings which tie themselves to Lady Jessica's limbs and lips are being pulled from much higher above your head; high enough to have actual, galactic implications. It is keenly upsetting.
"Yes, my dear." She begins, taking a sip of water, back straight; she doesn't bother to elaborate for you, and a tinge of irritation courses through you. "Tell me," She says, stirring the tea in front of her, "Even after your time with the sisterhood, did you ever experience visions? Dreams that stayed with you long after you woke?"
Your throat dries so quick you almost cough. Cheeks heating up, your eyes lock with hers; so it was a look of importance at the strategy council yesterday. It seems Lady Jessica has been keeping close tabs on you, after all. You hope she cannot read your mind thoroughly, for she would likely not enjoy what your dreams entail.
"You seem to already know my answer." You say, voice chilly in the warm room. Lady Jessica's lips press together. "Indeed," she affirms; gentle, yet probing. "But I need to hear it from you."
You pause, grappling with the memories that surge forth at Lady Jessica's inquiry; The dreams, the visions—they haunt you, asleep or awake - and despite your reluctance to acknowledge them, they have persisted, lingering like a shadow upon your consciousness. Swallowing against the dryness of your throat, you gather your thoughts before speaking.
"Yes," you admit, your voice barely above a whisper. "I have."
Lady Jessica nods. "I suspected as much," she murmurs, her eyes reflecting a depth that is distinctly familiar. "These dreams may hold greater significance than you realize, dear. They may be the key to understanding the path that lies before you."
Her words hang in the air, pregnant with meaning and yet still exasperatingly cryptic; You are, in your silence, forced to acknowledge for the first times that these dreams - they are a calling, a beckoning towards something that you cannot ignore. You feel the soreness of your jaw and will your teeth to unclench.
Lady Jessica continues, murmuring your name firmly, "I urge you to consider resuming your training with the Bene Gesserit. Not out of obligation, but out of necessity. In times of uncertainty, it is essential to be prepared."
You meet Lady Jessica's gaze; despite your reservations, despite the ghosts of the past, you know that finding your studies again might be effective; the potential you will have with the skills and power of the Bene Gesserit are undeniable, but the pause you feel is very strong. There is something bizarre about the timing, about the whole interaction. To use raw power is to make yourself infinitely vulnerable to greater powers, you remember your mother saying years ago.
With a nod of affirmation, you square your shoulders. "I will consider it, my lady," you respond, meeting her gaze, "Thank you for your guidance."
Lady Jessica offers you a reassuring smile, one which does little to quell the raging in your stomach.
"You're stronger than you realize, my lady."
.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·..·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·..·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·..·:
It is past dark when Paul finally exits his mother's quarters.
Exhausted and overwhelmed, he lets his feet drag across the floor on his way back, thinking quite fondly of his bed and pillow, of the warmth of his sheets.
His stomach growls - his normally ravenous appetite has eluded him all day since this morning; The visit from the Reverend Mother earlier in the day had left him teetering on the edge. Admittedly, she is as commanding as she is disfavored by Paul; yet it was his mother's reaction that troubles him the most.
The last few hours, sparring on knife skills, were spent tense; He, upon entering the room, had asked nearly immediately what the Reverend Mother had told her when he was dismissed earlier in the morning, yet she remained silent and instructed him not to question it. Whispering, quiet and serious: He would find out in due time.
Lost in thought, Paul quickens his pace, his footsteps echoing down the dimly lit hallway; The weight of dual weapons training today has set his muscles to ache and groan with each step, mind not too far behind body - the sooner he is in bed, the better.
But as he rounds a corner, Paul nearly hits someone - you, in fact.
Blinking in shock, for a moment your eyes meet; nothing happens. You've stepped back slightly, seemingly just as startled as he - you're just perfectly positioned in the hall that the dim lights reflect on your clothes and you look warm, comfortable; So unlike yourself in the daylight.
"Apologies, my lady," Paul offers, his voice tight with tension as he inclines his head in a respectful nod, gaze flickering down the hall you both seemingly planned on walking down. Truthfully, he is not in the mood to speak to anyone, in particular you after the uneasy sight of your knife, hilt catching the reflection of the lights beside you.
You return the gesture, expression signaturely guarded as you mutter, "No harm done, my lord."
He clears his throat; Though your hair looks nice and your skin healthy, you look quite tired - he's not sure when he'll get used to seeing your face.
"I was just heading-" He gestures down the hall, and you nod stiffly, "So was I."
And so you fall into stride alongside him, watching the walls pass as you both take a slower pace than either of you would likely prefer. Perhaps, in an ordinary world, he would feel giddy to walk his prospective wife to her quarters after a long day; but this world is not ordinary, and he's still getting used to treating you as less as a threat and more of an ally.
A large window passes on his right, illuminating your figure in silvery light before hushing you back into the shadows again. He wonders what the moons are like on Sabberon.
He doesn't expect you to speak; in fact, he himself has no plans to. Yet after a few minutes your voice comes hesitantly and with the tranquility of a sleeping cat.
"I had lunch with your mother today."
Alarm bells sound in his head; He certainly did not expect that. When he turns to look at you, he finds you already staring up at him; perhaps you're gaging his reaction to this information - he doesn't try hard to hide his displeasure.
"What did she tell you?" He asks before he can stop himself.
You give him an inquisitive look, lifting a brow. "Why do you assume she had things to tell?" You rebut. His shoulders relax ever so slightly as he sighs, slowing his pace as you near his door.
He doesn't respond, yet something in his features must convince you to start again, to be less facetious in your words; You set your jaw as you look away and back to him.
"She wants me to take up Bene Gesserit training again." You say, eyes narrow as you gaze at him - cold, scrutinizing - perhaps to once again see his reaction. His nostrils flare; This must be what the Reverend Mother instructed his mother to do - to ensure you are going down the right paths. Why though, he is still unsure.
"She asked about your dreams, didn't she?" He asks; this time, it's Paul who watches your face for a reaction - and he gets one. Your eyes blink in shock as you nod stiffly. "Yes, she- how do you know this?" You ask, hand grabbing his elbow as you both slow to a stop.
There's a bout of silence, in which he debates nearly everything; muscles aching, he wishes to just go to sleep - but your eyes hold an alarm in them that makes him hesitate.
Opening his mouth to speak, Paul stares down at you; If what the Reverend Mother was saying is true, then you might truly be as dangerous as he'd thought. But he knows what their order is like - all in the way of maintaining power. A faint echo down the hall of someone makes his eyes snap away from your heavy stare; Perhaps the hallway is not an appropriate place for such a conversation. "We shouldn't be speaking of this here," He glances at you, "Would you come in?" He asks. He opens the door that leads to his quarters. You stare at him for a moment, as if surprised - but with a glance around, it seems you decide the coast is clear, and you slip in past where he holds to door ajar with his arm.
You walk less assured than usual in the unfamiliar territory; he knows you've been active in your time here in the castle, but this is certainly one part of the fort you have not yet seen. A guiding hand presses your back as he quickens his pace, hoping to get this over with swiftly as he leads you to his bed chamber; though your back tenses, you do not push him away.
You repose on the chair but Paul is restless, standing in front of your expectant gaze.
"Paul," You start, leaning forward; It's with a startle that he registers your use of his first name - a tone which provides no warmth but a hint of anxiety as you look up at him. "If we are to do this together, we need to build trust." You start, and he knows you're right. This - marriage, ruling Caladan, representing the House Atreides - and whatever else is to come.
"Just tell me. How concerned do I need to be?" You ask; this was not what he'd thought you would say, and it takes him a second to think of anything to respond with. The truth is a thousand pieces scattered through dust and sand, and he cannot stop slipping through it.
"I don't know." He says, candor dripping through his exasperation. "I was visited by the Reverend Mother this morning." He admits, relief finding his shoulders. If you are to be by his side in the upcoming months, you'll surely learn of all of this sooner or later; It's better to come from him than elsewhere.
Your face darkens slightly at the mention and you raise a brow.
"What did she want with you?" You ask.
"I've been having dreams." He admits to yet another person he'd rather not; "Dreams about... Sabberon. In them, I feel like..." He exhales, "I feel like I have to go there. I'm meant to." He finishes, not wishing to delve any further into what the dreams entail. You look completely shocked, though; ghostly, uneasy.
He has no answers and so instead he tells you most of what he knows; Your expression turns more grim as he continues, describing his interaction with the Reverend Mother that morning. Your eyes flick to his in shock when he mentions the previous meeting with her years prior.
"The Gom Jabbar?" You say suddenly, sitting up straighter. He nods, "Yes. It was a test-"
"-No, I know what it is. I also received it." you swallow, brows furrowing. "But I don't understand why she would give it to you."
A deep, pregnant pause in the room, where Paul debates what he's about to say. Knowledge is a weapon and a burden.
"My mother has trained me in the ways of the Bene Gesserit too."
Your face morphs for only a moment as you stare at him in disbelief. Schooling yourself, you're quieted by this revelation; Paul waits patiently for you to respond. You gather your thoughts within a few moments.
"She warned me," You say, eyes swimming through his; he feels scrutinized under your intense stare. "She said that continuing as Bene Gesserit is not out of obligation but necessity." You add, "That continuing is the key to understanding the path that lies before me. That dreams could have more meaning than we think."
His stomach drops that the phrasing. You must ensure they go down the right path. That manipulative crone; playing you, his mother, and him all as she wants for the benefit of her sisterhood. Fury boils within him, but he knows what you need is an explanation. "There's a prophecy that my mother mentioned to my father once. I was young, eavesdropping-" He shakes off the sly look you give him at this, his cheeks heating up, "- and I didn't hear all of it, but I heard parts."
He's not sure how else to piece it together than to just tell you everything he's thinking. "When the Reverend Mother administered the Gom Jabbar, she told my mother there would be two candidates for something. That I may be one of them. Today, she told me to trust my dreams, that they may be the key to unlocking something important. Which is... troubling."
The bitter laugh you let out surprises him, and he lowers himself to sit on the chaise longue beside yours. "Troubling." You mutter, shaking your head. It's the exact thing Lady Jessica implied with you.
"I'm not sure if it means anything," Your tone suggests otherwise, "but I have also been having dreams about Sabberon." You admit - his eyes snake to yours, hands clenched together; stomach dropping, dread fills him. He worried this, too; having the same dreams, however alike or different they may be, are foreboding.
"-On a mountain I do not recognize. My house has a sacred Pine, you know? It represents the Harvest. I dream that I'm there... with you." You let out a sigh, and Paul swears he hears it shake. "I haven't told anybody, not even your mother." Your eyes are sharp - fearful, he realizes.
For a beat, he feels less alone. Another soul, trapped in this web of visions and politics and power; He's sympathizing with you, a foreign and unexpected emotion. Paul is starting to nurse a sharp headache; closing his eyes, he exhales and nods, "You're there in my dreams, too." He admits.
The two of you sit, then; Paul, slumped with consternation and you, back rigid with stress.
A moment of silence in which Paul is overthinking and you likely are too.
"Do you trust her?" You ask; A foolish thing to ask one of one's mother - yet his hesitation shocks not just you, but himself as well.
He starts hesitantly. "I believe that she loves me and my father, and by extension, she cares for you." He is well-aware of the vagueness behind his words. He licks his lips, "I know that the sisterhood instructed her to have a daughter. But instead, for my father, she bore him a son. The Reverend Mother is still unhappy about it."
You stare, but you say nothing. Uneasy with the intensity of your attention, he plays with a spare thread poking from the chaise longue. "This morning, I overheard the Reverend Mother telling my mother to ensure we are on the right path. Both of us."
You, sharp as ever, nod thoughtfully, "Which is why she decided so abruptly to offer for me to train again."
He nods in affirmation, biting his lip; a bad stress habit, one he got from his father. Your voice is almost dreamy as it comes out, his eyes staring off at the small bull figurine that sits on his table. You ask, "How do we know which path is the right one?"
He laughs bitterly, shaking his head as he stares ahead. He has no clue. "I wish I had an answer," he admits, his voice tinged with frustration. "All we can do is trust our instincts, but even then, there are no guarantees. Not if we don't believe them."
You nod in understanding, a solemn but signature expression painting your features. "It's a heavy burden to bear," you remark softly, your voice echoing his sentiments; Heavy, yes. But you seem used to burdens. "All things are known because we want to believe in them." You say. He perks up, looking at you; That's something his mother has said during skills training training before - but in your voice, now, next to him - it sounds much different.
Weary and exhausted, Paul sighs. "Perhaps if I'd had a sister, this wouldn't be happening."
You snort softly from your nose, a gentle exhale that is becoming quite familiar to his ears. "I had three. They were a handful." You say, hugging yourself.
He hums. For a moment, he can almost picture it; You, ten years smaller, just a young teen - fighting in a snow field with three sisters, a little boy chasing after you. He almost hears your screams when your younger sister jumps into a half-frozen lake, the water green as emeralds against the white fields and evergreens in the distance. The laughter that leaves you as you plunge, dress and all, into the icy depths besides her and pull your sisters with you; Handmaids wearing furs and soldiers boasting roaring wolf armor run to fish you out. They almost feel real. "What was it like, growing up with siblings?" he asks, seeking to reciprocate the gesture of openness that you've surrendered in the dark.
Your demeanor shifts slightly, your guard momentarily lowering as you reflect on your upbringing. "It was...complicated," your voice is contemplative, small. "We were close in some ways, but distant in others. There was always a sense of competition between us even when we were young, especially between me and my sisters. My mother was Bene Gesserit and was very strict."
He's studied so much about Sabberon, learned about your House's old customs and traditions - but yet, he realizes how little he truly knows about you; A pang of guilt washes over him for his previous assumptions and judgments.
Your boots look foreign against the rug on his bed chamber floor as you drag the tip of one. "They were like having built-in friends." You acquiesce, "They made me laugh all the time."
It's hard for Paul to picture you joking or laughing at all. "I don't have siblings," He states - obviously - "but I've always wanted to be a brother."
He knows the bittersweet territory he's crossed, and does not wish to upset you or remind you of all you have lost. But instead, you just send him a kind smile; one that's almost shy. "You'd be a good one." Your eyes are nostalgic and sincere; he has to look away.
Clearing his throat, he notices your hands as they sit in your lap. "It looks better," He says, nodding to your hand, where the sting had been reduced to a mere blemish. You smile, a sheepish thing, but it still brightens Paul's dark room. "I thought you'd been tricking me." You admit, face flushed as he lifts a brow, "Trying to make me look foolish."
He hums at this, tilting his head. "I assumed you'd thought I was trying to poison you." He admits, smiling just as sheepishly. Speaking with you feels surprisingly relieving - perhaps he is more tired than he thought.
"The possibility did cross my mind." Your voice, keenly serious, makes him chuckle slightly. He shakes his head, "I wouldn't have tricked you. I know how bad those crabs sting." He recalls one day lathering the chewed root onto his toe, fighting tears as his father watched with an amused sternness. If you disrespect them, he'd said, they'll disrespect you.
"I was considering amputating my hand before you showed up." Another attempt at a joke, from you? You're opening up; despite himself, he grins. Your eyes are deep - under the dim lighting, they shine in a way he hadn't expected; staring, he loses his track of thought. You seem to have as well, clearing your throat awkwardly.
"Is this your book?" You ask suddenly, rising to pad over towards his bedside, tilting your head to run your spine over the book that sits, embarrassingly, on his bedside table. The Noble Lineage: Exploring the Customs and Cultures of the Houses Major of Landsraad: House Bourbon. He nods, "If you'd like to read it, help yourself."
Craning your neck back you look at him, lifting a brow, "Is it interesting?"
For a second, he stares, unsure what to say - it dawns on him that you're teasing, and he cracks a small smile. Odd as it is to see a woman who was a mere shell open up, he's glad to have the priviledge of your trust, no matter how small or weak it may be.
"Haven't decided yet." He retorts, the feeling foreign.
"Maybe I will borrow it, then." You muse, "Perhaps it'll finally be the thing to lull me to sleep."
He stands to meet you; three steps over and he stands before you, taking in - not for the first time - your height and how your neck moves to look into his eyes. "You should get some rest if you can tonight." He agrees, "We've got to be at the Strategy Council tomorrow morning."
You nod, clearing your throat, "Oh- Yes, apologies." You sigh, "It's been a long day."
He hadn't meant to insinuate you should leave, but as he escorts you to the main hall, his eyes are drooping. Mercifully, though he tries to, you insist he need not walk you to your room.
.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·..·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·..·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·..·:
Alone back in his room, he stares at the book; Despite the barriers that still exist between he and you, there's a shared humanity that binds you together— funny enough that fear and reluctance is the thing that has made him realize such an obvious sentiment. He falls asleep and dreams within minutes.
You return to your chambers, the warmth of the last few minutes wearing off of you slower than molasses.
Alone, you are left with haunting thoughts; What do the Bene Gesserit have in store for you if you do choose to continue? Looming further is the prospect of galactic war should the Harkonnens leverage their petroleum reserves. The implications of you and Paul's shared visions; despite yourself, your cheeks flush with heat - how similar are these dreams of yours...?
And Paul - his eyes are very green.
He keeps his room neater than you'd thought - and with a bit of shock you'd seen all of the books on planets, flora and fauna, biology, culture. You secretly wished you could have observed them all closer - there were ones you've never heard of, and even one that had struck you right in the chest - Giedi Prime. Their culture was horror, after all.
You shake off the warm feeling of conversation - though the subject had left you on edge, it was terribly reassuring to have someone who not only you could speak freely with about your dreams and the Bene Gesserit, but who seems to hold similar opinions as you. Emotional whiplash has given you a staunch headache - you still believe that respecting someone is not the same as enjoying someone's company... but perhaps it doesn't always have to be mutually exclusive.
You sigh, rubbing your eyes; you can't get the smell of his bedroom off your clothes. You change into your robe. Before drifting to sleep, you catch sight of your bureau, the daunting metal that stares at you gleaming from across the room.
Yawning, you pad over to it.
The message remains on your desk, where it's been since being delivered a few days ago. You'd read it already, yes - read, cried, raged, and accepted it. Now, you suppose, it is time to respond. And in due time, it's finished.
My Dearest Aunt Ginaz,
Your letter arrived at a very uncertain time for me and for that, I am profoundly grateful. I apologize for the delayed response, it has been quite an adjustment for me after leaving Giedi Prime; Before that, as you've suspected, my keepers preferred I did not receive or send messages. There wasn't a day that passed where I didn't wish to read them.
For my betrothal to Paul Atreides, your kind words of congratulations reassure me; Truthfully, the prospect of marrying into such a noble family is daunting, yet they have been quick to assure I have felt welcomed. It is a sharp change from my previous engagement.
The loss of my family continues to weigh heavily upon my heart, and there are days when the pain feels unbearable. Yet, every day I am learning to live again. I can walk to the sea - the sea, which I have never before seen in my life. I spend my days educating, training with Swordmaster and your old friend Duncan Idaho, and have begun to sit in on the Duke's Strategy Councils. I believe I will live well here.
The final arraignment at the referendum is nearing, and I wonder if you will be attending alongside Lord Ginaz - Even if you are not able to attend, I will face the challenges that lie ahead knowing I have you on my side.
Your offer of sanctuary is a gift beyond measure, and I cannot express how much it means to me. I long for the day when we can be reunited and I might hear more of your life. In the meantime, know that I am safe and well, and that I carry your love and affection with me always.
With all my gratitude,
Your loving Niece
You almost feel guilty for the lies you've woven through your message - though not explicit, they are little and white and still deceiving. Your mother's bastarded sister, who succeeded your mother's parents when they died, inherited the noble last name as one of her father's dying wishes. They'd had several daughters - all married off to other houses, like your mother - and she had been left to learn to run the Swordmaster School. She now rules over their house with her husband, who took the name Ginaz when they wed.
You smirk, thinking of this: Paul Bourbon - it has a poor ring to it, you decide, wiping away the thought before it can blossom. You blink deliriously, knowing you are in acute need of sleep, and sigh.
You'll have Hestia send the message out in the morning; for now, all you can do is try not to dream as you curl up on your bed, eyes heavy with the weight of the day.
.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·..·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·..·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·..·:
You know you're dreaming this time.
The clouds are too fluffy, sounds muted as if you'd stuffed cotton into your ear canals. The hands that are on you are Paul's, you know this. But you're not embracing, no - there is no pleasure; his hands are slippery against your flesh and you're gasping in pain, gasping for breath. You are bleeding.
Or, is that his blood?
You squint, trying to find the ground, but all you see is the hilt of your nameday blade glinting in the sun, blood dripping from the tip. Who wields it? You let out a short groan, filled with pain - Paul leans against you, his weight heavy. The air is heavy with snow - no, not snow, ash. Ash that rains from the sky in flurries, fighter ships booming above your heads.
Another flash of your knife, this time in a hand. Gasping,Your hand comes away from your own abdomen, tainted black - black as the sun you once lived under.
"Hello?" A fuzzy voice, laced with pain, but you could pick it out of millions. You look into his eyes and see green; hands cup your cheeks, staining handprints over your trembling skin. An explosion somewhere in the distance -
"Paul." You breathe, fear lacing every fiber of you. You're dreaming, you're dreaming. You can't breathe.
But then, Paul's face changes - a sickening recognition flickers over his features when you speak, and something shifts. There is something wrong; He says your name as if he's surprised to see you, as if... as if you were in the wrong dream.
He looks down, as if expecting to see something between the two of you. But with his head tilted down, you squint, just barely making out the glint of another figure; glowing skin, sickeningly pale. A black smile.
There is someone behind Paul, and he is holding your knife.
It has the blood of your husband on it.
.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·..·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·..·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·..·:
follow @tremendumnotifs for updates.
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camryntheking · 2 months
Season 5 reaction
5x01 and Buck and Eddie are already acting like a married couple lmao. But i can understand where the panic attack Eddie had came from. Buck is now just like a concerned husband
5x02 and Clipboard Buck! I love Clipboard Buck! And naturally the way to Buck’s heart is through the kids in his life. He is so precious. And he immediately picked up on Eddie’s panic when Ravi assumed Ana was Eddie’s wife. And then in the firetruck when Buck is talking about the zoo we learn that Buck takes Chris there all the time. Buck is Chris’ dad, and no one can tell me otherwise lol. And Eddie looks so proud. And Bobby is such a dad. Love him. And him and Athena are so cute together
Also, Eddie breaking up with Ana? That scene was also done well. And Eddie acknowledged that he was stringing her along, which is great. Terrible that he did it, but great that he admitted to it
And i just wanna point out that Kenny is such an amazing actor. The emotion he conveys during this whole arc of Maddie leaving is just… whew. 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻. Also, i should have known that Buck knew. I do get Chim’s frustration. The punch shocked me ngl. But, i can see why he did it. I dont think punching was the answer, but like i said. I see why it happened. And naturally Eddie is the one he calls for help the next day. They are husbands your honor
5x05. I LOVE RAVI. “Probie, if you’re gonna vomit do it somewhere else.” “Copy!” *Scurries off.* I love him lmao
And Buck’s panic in 5x06 when he hears the gun shot. He immediately feared that Eddie had been shot again and ran out as fast as he could. And Bobby getting breakfast with Ravi 😭. I love Dad Bobby moments. And speaking of dads, Eddie and Chris 🥹. He loves his kid so much and my heart cant handle it
And Michael wanting to propose to David in 5x08!! The whole montage of the rings and outfits is so funny and i love them so much. And im so happy David said yes!!
The scene in 5x09 where May walks into Bobby and Athena is also fucking hilarious. And Bobby’s little shuffle to the bedroom is just so quirky. And then when he goes “why does this keep happening to you?” Then interrupts Buck and says “No. I’m gonna tell you why.” Bobby is Buck’s dad and i love him so much for it
And later Buck called Eddie out for watching telenovelas and it was so domestic. And Eddie was eating up the drama between Clive and Toni. He just loves it lol. And the episode made me dislike Taylor less. But i really feel like Buck said The Words just cos she did. I dont feel like they were genuine. That might just be me tho
Then in 5x10, Eddie is decorating with Chris and he is just doing as Chris says cos he wants him to be happy and im just melting. This man loves his kid so much and it just makes me so happy. Then Hen’s “baby’s first Christmas” comment to Buck made me chuckle, then I got distracted by the Appa plushie that someone handed Bobby. I love my flying bison sm. And Taylor asked Bobby if Buck would like the sweaters! Everyone knows that Bobby is Buck’s dad! And later Eddie is talking to Buck about Chris’ nightmare. Husbands. They both love their kid so much
Eddie looks so miserable at the beginning of 5x11 ☹️. Baby boy just wants to be fighting fires with his boyfriend. But dinner with Eddie, Chris, Buck, and Taylor kinda surprised me honestly. But ig it makes sense. “You dont need to pretend with me.” Ok. Imma cry now. Thats so sweet wtf. But he misses the 118 and feels left out and i feel for him. Also, drunk Buck is so funny lmao. And Hen is like another sister.
I can understand that Eddie is frustrated that Bobby isn’t letting him back into the 118 yet, but bringing up Bobby’s past like that was totally uncalled for
Im glad that Buck finally told Taylor about the kiss in 5x13, but i didnt even think about how he was kinda trapping her so she couldnt leave, which is. Not great. But i guess they are wanting to work through it so thats good. But the ending with Eddie’s breakdown made me wanna cry. He is going through so much and he wants to get better but he keeps hitting rough patches. But having Buck there to support him and Chris is so sweet and i love that Buck is willing to have those hard convos with Eddie.
And the breakfast scene in 5x14 with Chris and Eddie? These two have a special place in my heart and i cannot handle it lmao. And of course i type that only for it to be a nightmare 😭. But father figure Bobby also has my heart. And the scene with the heart drawings. So domestic
And Karen in 5x15 is so cute. “To catch a thief!” I love her lmao. And Eddie is learning from therapy! Im so proud of him! And Buck was giving total puppy energy during the wedding call. I love him so much.
And in 5x16 Bobby called May his kid!! Excuse me while i cry. And the Eddie/Linda friendship is just so, idk, refreshing? Idk if that is a good word for it but i really like the idea of him being friends with everyone at dispatch. My boy needs to get out there lol. Josh is also such a flustered homosexual and like. Me too. And Eddie was so ready to be back in firefighter mode. Buck being completely clueless about what to not say to a patient then Eddie just. Shaking his head. And May calls Bobby her dad 😭😭😭
5x17: Buck messing with Chris’ dinosaur while Eddie is packing, man there is just something so domestic about it. And the Chim and Hen friendship is so funny i love it so much. And i just really dislike Taylor. Also i know that we call Buck the golden retriever, but Eddie looked like such a kicked puppy when we was talking to his dad. But im glad they had a conversation and they want to do better
5x18: Im glad to see Eddie acknowledging how bottling things up isnt good, even if its in his joking manner. “I dont have your bone structure. I could never pull it off.” Bro im DEAD. Thats so funny to me. And my boy Ravi. Talking about having a partner is about knowing that they will have your back. Buck, takes notes. Cos who’s back did you promise to have? Hmm?? Then Buck talks about partners being at their lowest together and still working together and growing together. If that isnt foreshadowing idk what is. And Eddie is back at the 118!! Obviously i knew it was gonna happen but im still happy
And thats that for season 5! I dont really have any other additional thoughts, just that with things that happened in season 7, it just feels like there was some foreshadowing for Buddie. But i think we all know that
As always, feel free to discuss!
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stanurines1mp · 1 year
Pairing: Byakuya Kuchiki x Fem!Reader
type: angst
an: im back loves! i have also just recently finished Bleach and let's just say I am obsessed! Byakuya is defo my top 5 fav Bleach men and here's a little something about him. he's so smexy i want him to obliterate and desecrate me with Senbonzakura heh. also this angst may not be that angsty idk but yuh lets go. dont forget to follow me on Tumblr and Wattpad. and share or comment :) enjoy!!
warnings: ANGST(heavy on the angst), death, blood, maybe cringy (reader calls him Byakuya-sama bcoz im obsessed w that idea even tho i dont typically write honorifics in my fics), Byakuya lowkey demanding and smexy (highkey smexy). i think thats all. lemme know if i missed anything :)
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As head of the noble Kuchiki clan, Byakuya had his honor to preserve. Nothing and no one will be exempted if they dare taint his pride. With such a responsibility, he knew just as well that he had to live carefully, aware of each action of his in fear of ruining the sacred name bestowed upon him. 
The only time he had ever let himself slip was when meeting his wife, Hisana. But it came to bite him back in the neck with the event of her death. And not fulfilling her dying wish was a taint in his honor. 
He couldn't let that be. 
So despite the objections of others, he sought the young girl called Rukia, only to find her thriving in the Academy. But that was it. 
He wouldn't let anyone or anything else cause him a slip-up.
He wouldn't listen to his emotions. 
Only to his pride and honor as the head of the noble Kuchiki clan. 
That's what he promised himself. 
But even the great Captain Byakuya Kuchiki couldn't foresee the future. 
Maybe if he did, he wouldn't have decided to visit the pond in the Kuchiki mansion's compound on that day. 
But because he couldn't, that's what he did when the morning sun had crept up the Soul Society's horizon. It was his routine, something to keep him in check as if a constant reminder that he was honorably trapped under the duties of the clan. 
He was enjoying nature's morning warmth that relished over his skin. His white scarf wrapped softly around his neck, his hair held up with the kenseikan; all a reminder of his position. 
And as a man with such responsibility, he's made it his duty to be well-informed regarding the staff at the mansion along with his squad members. With such knowledge, he was more than surprised to see your figure by the pond. 
With his past days a routine cycle, he knew that no one would be there. Except on days when the pond demands a cleaning. But when it came to feeding the aquatic creatures, only he was responsible. 
And his surprise didn't just come from seeing your figure perched over the edge. No, it also came from the fact that he had never seen you before. And the fact that you were wearing a black Shihakusho, indicated that you were, in fact, a Soul Reaper. 
If you had business with him, a Captain, it would make sense for you to meet with him at his office. But certainly not the Kuchiki mansion.
So why were you there?
And who were you? 
He knew each and every member of the staff that served his family and he knew each and every member of his squad. 
So, who were you?
Your Reiatsu was average, not showing any signs of danger to him or anyone. You had your Zanpakuto in its case safely by your side. Your hands were knitted together at your back, your eyes almost void as you stared into the pond. 
Your lips were relaxed, your mind focused solely on the peaceful way the fish swam in the water. And he could tell that you weren't aware of your surroundings when he finally made the decision to approach you. 
Remaining his guard at a high level if in any case, you were an enemy infiltrating the clan. Your chest was heaving as you breathed at a calm pace. And for some reason, the fact that you immediately didn't notice him there made him feel rather, awkward. 
For almost all his life, the mere feel of his Reiatsu would gain everyone's focus on him. 
He's never had to make his presence known. 
Still, what choice did he have?
"Who are you?" His words slipped out rather rushingly as if begging to be heard and acknowledged.
And sure enough, it did bring you out of your reverie. Eyes following the voice, you were met with the tall man, his grey eyes narrowed slightly. Realizing the identity of the man, your eyes widened and the upper half of your body immediately lowered into a bow of respect. 
"Captain Kuchiki!" You let out.
"I asked you a question," he simply replied rather coldly. 
"L/N Y/N! I've been assigned to the noble Kuchiki clan!" You informed briefly. 
That's right.
He remembered the head of his staff at the mansion informing him of the new additions. And he remembered reading the names of said staff, thus remembering the name L/N Y/N somewhere in the documents he was given. 
Right, you were meant to be the clan's new caretaker. 
He didn't expect you to be so...
"My job is to serve the Kuchiki clan, Captain!" You added, your body still bent in a bow. 
"Stand up straight," he ordered and you heeded his words. Eyes intimidatingly staring into yours, he said, "As a servant of the Kuchiki clan, you may call me Byakuya." 
No, that was wrong.
What the hell?
It was supposed to be Master Byakuya. 
Not just his given name.
That's much too familiar.
And you realized that with the way your eyes widened again.
"I'm sorry, Byakuya-sama, but I'm not really comfortable with that," you objected politely.
Now it was his turn to be shocked. 
Though his eyes gave very little away. 
At least you were smart enough to understand the difference between you and him. 
"What are you doing here? As a caretaker, you have your own room," he simply let out, barely any emotions following. 
Just as others had said, he indeed was a cold man.
"I was just admiring the scenery, sir. I'm sorry if it's out of line," you said, eyes on the ground. 
He could tell how tense you were at the moment. Gaze glued to the grass-filled lawn, fingers fidgeting over your Shihakusho, and your shoulders were stiff. He supposed it was a greeting lacking warmth. 
"It's alright," he said. "You can stay here."
Your body relaxed almost immediately. He could tell by your sudden confidence to look him in the eyes with the brightest pair of your own. A smile tainted your lips widely, showcasing your happiness.
"Thank you, Byakuya-sama!" 
It was odd but he was fighting the urge to let the small grin creeping up his lips. Too used to his stoic act, he managed through it. And you stood there all the while he fed the fish in his pond, even offering to help him. But he was nowhere near interested to share his routine with anyone. 
Though that soon changed the next morning when he saw you standing by the pond. 
The same manner, the same spot. 
And you were there again, morning after morning after morning. 
You provided him a silent company day after day, he actually found it rather nice. 
And you certainly enjoyed the mornings since you began your duty at the mansion. It was an honor to spend such moments with the head of the clan. 
Since the 6th Division Captain was truly a strong man, he seldom fell victim to any sickness which rendered you useless since that was your job anyway. But when he did get sick, it would affect him terribly. In the past, it's happened before and sure, he'd always fight through it but it would take at least days if not weeks for him to get well. 
That was why he was shocked to hear that he had been healed only overnight.
His eyes had opened to meet the view of his bedroom ceiling. On his right, perched on the floor was his adopted younger sister, Rukia. Her eyes feigned worry but such a sentiment dissipated the moment their eyes met. 
"Brother, you're up," she chirped with relief. 
"What happened?" He softly asked, voice heavy and tired.
"You got sick," the young girl answered.
"How long has it been?" He did not remember spending days lying down, being tended to. 
"You got sick last night. You've been sleeping ever since Ms. L/N healed you. I should go get her," Rukia gasped, her hands about to push herself up but was stopped by Byakuya's fingers wrapped gently around her wrist. She turned, watching with worry as he got up. 
"No need. I'll go find her," he said.
Despite his sister's objections, he went anyway. Searching for you, he walked to the one place he knew he'd find you. 
Just as expected, you were standing by the pond. 
A small smile had been drawn up your lips. It was not one Byakuya was estranged to. He'd seen it on you all too many times. 
But for some reason, he never cared to have it wiped away from his field of vision. 
He approached you and just like that day of your first meeting, you didn't care to notice him. But in contrast to that day, he didn't feel awkward or ashamed to make his presence known. 
"Y/N," he called.
A voice so soft in the light of the darkened sky called upon you, how could you not turn? So you did, met with a rather loose picture of the man you were used to. 
"Byakuya-sama," you softly smiled. "You're up. How do you feel?"
"Different," he answered, hesitant in his own voice as he scanned over his body. "What did you do to me?" 
"I healed you," you frowned, confused at the question. "That's my job, sir."
Your answer was not enough for the man to have his questions satisfied. Taking slow and intimidating strides towards you, your body glued frozen to your spot. But you weren't scared. 
"I rarely get sick. But when I do, it's terrible. It would take days if not weeks to heal me-"
"I know, Byakuya-sama-"
"Don't interrupt me!" He let out sternly but there was a slight hint of childish irritation. 
"I'm sorry, Byakuya-sama," you mumbled gently, gaze falling to the ground while your hands fidget nervously. 
"As I was saying," he continued, using a finger of his to hook under your chin, guiding your gaze to meet his under the starry night. "How did you heal me so fast?" 
"It's my Zanpakuto's ability, sir," you answered promptly. His brows rose questioningly, a look of curiosity obviously flashing through his grey eyes. His lips remained still, the silence an offering for you to answer his silent inquiry. "It's the power to manifest things." 
Processing your words, his mind began to work around to understand them. He got the gist of it but such a power seemed quite rare. He's never heard of anything quite like it. 
"What is the name of your Zanpakuto?" 
"Her name is Amaterasu," you answered with a smile, appreciative of his curiosity. "She's quite powerful but really quite useless in physical combat. If I were to join the Gotei 13, I might be of help in Squad 4 but other than that, I might have some trouble," you sheepishly shrugged.
"You keep referring to your Zanpakuto as her and she as if it was your friend. Why?" His tone sounded both confused and slightly condescending but you took no offence to heart.
You pondered your thoughts. You knew the answer to his question but you weren't sure if it was something you wanted him to know. 
Especially with him just getting better from the sickness, you wouldn't want to trouble him with a sob story of your boring life. And it seemed as though he knew just how your mind works with the way he used his finger to bring your eyes to his again. 
You hadn't even realized how close he had gotten. You wondered if he realized it too or not. Either way, his grey eyes bored deeply into yours, a certain sentiment you weren't sure of its origin taking place in his orbs. 
"I asked you a question, didn't I?" He let out, a slight mix of gentleness and demand swirling behind his tone. 
"R-Right, Byakuya-sama. I'm sorry," you mumbled. "It's because, to me, Amaterasu isn't just a sword," you sighed, eyes painted with nostalgic despair. At this, Byakuya's eyes widened slightly, losing the composure he was strongly holding. "She was my first friend," you said, biting your inner cheek with embarrassment. "I've always been alone but when Amaterasu was first awoken, well," you breathed out softly. "I could always talk to her. Amaterasu isn't just my weapon. She's my friend."
Byakuya watched as your lips gently curl up in an unknowing smile. But he knew that your smile was one different than what he was used to each morning. Tonight, at that moment, your smile had yet to reach your eyes. And your eyes still remained that sullen despair.
"Pathetic, aren't I?" You humorlessly scoffed, tears threatening to flood out of your eyes.
He didn't understand it at the moment or maybe he did but refused to believe it.
Either way, he didn't like that you'd think he'd say such a thing about you.
His hand under your jaw slowly lifted up your face. With your eyes meeting again, you couldn't help but get lost in his eyes. 
The way his grey orbs held a glint of comfort that you were foreign to yet found yourself addicted to. And the way his hair was falling over his complexion, messy yet controlled despite not having his hairpins.
You could only let yourself be engulfed.
Still, you were almost all too aware, sensitive to the skin of his finger that sweetly caressed your cheek, eliminating your fallen tear in one fell swoop.
A small, barely audible gasp escaped your lips, surprised at his action. You wondered if he was aware but it seemed like he was. And maybe, in your heart, you secretly longed for this. For his comfort. For his touch.
Oh, aren't you just head over heels for your superior?
"Show me," he carelessly whispered. Your eyebrows twitched in confusion, allowing him to add, "Show me her ability."
"I'm curious," he simply replied.
"Oh," you let out softly. "Well..."
More than the fact he could sense your hesitation, he could clearly see it. "It's an order," he added, causing you to frown.
"Does that not count as abusing your power?" You let slipped out, only realizing once the question ended. Struck by fear, your hands immediately clasped over your mouth as you gasped. "I'm so sorry, Byakuya-sama!"
You apologized over and over again. The sight of you in such a frenzy amused him. And maybe it was the late night's air or the aftereffects of his sickness but he couldn't hold back the chuckle he let out.
And by whatever God that was listening in to your heart's requests, you thanked them. 
You thanked them for bestowing such a sound upon your ears. 
Sure, your eyes displayed surprise but your heart swelled with warmth as the melody of his chuckle passed by your ears. 
"Why are you so hesitant on heeding my wishes, Y/N-san?" His head was slightly tilted, eyes reached by that barely visible grin that you noticed tickled his skin. 
"I just don't understand what you wish to see, Byakuya-sama," you replied hesitantly. 
"I'm curious at how your Zanpakuto can heal others so quickly," he said simply. 
"Well," you stammered, fingers going to scratch at the back of your neck. "It does not work on myself and I can't heal an injury if there is no injury."
His eyes narrowed as he took in your words, mind turning gears to reach a solution to fulfill his own request. 
Well, no one said Byakuya was a man who easily gave up. 
"I see," he hummed aloud. Shedding no warning, he took a step forward, almost too close in the distance between you two. 
Widening eyes and stammering words, you gasped, "B-Byakuya-sama!"
Lacking any sense of hesitation, Byakuya's right hand held firmly on the hilt of your Zanpakuto. He unsheathed the sharp weapon from the case that hung by your side. 
Too late for objections, the head of the clan slashed his left palm with the blade of your sword. Warm crimson-colored substance began to ooze out, staining the pale skin of his hand, ultimately falling to the ground, drop by drop. 
"H-Have you lost your mind, sir?! This is not funny!" You let out, too shocked to even process his actions. 
"You wanted an injury, now you have an injury," he simply said. Holding out his hand, he casually tipped his head, "Here. Heal me."
"Byakuya-sama!" You frowned. "You're crazy!" 
"Maybe. But you shouldn't let your Master bleed, should you?" He rose a brow daringly, causing you to let out a scoff. 
Letting out a defeated sigh, you took the sword from the man's hands. Gently, you gripped the hilt of the weapon with both your hands. You twisted it so the edge would face downwards as the hilt neared your lips. In a small whisper, you let out its command. 
"Breathe, Amaterasu."
And Byakuya had no idea if he should look at you or your sword. But since this was all happening due to his curiosity, he decided to focus on the Zanpakuto's release. 
He watched as the blade you held slowly dissipated into the light until even the handle was gone. Instead, both your palms were radiating the similar light that he saw earlier. 
And it was like whatever God was there had granted him the slow-moving time to allow him to properly, truly watch you and your Shikai. 
He knew the transformation was anything but slow. 
But it seemed like the process was meant to purposely allow his view of each and every passing second. 
Then, you opened your eyes and directed your palms to his wound. 
As if time was intentionally moving slowly for the moment between you and him, he was intent on watching everything. 
From the way your eyes had been lighted up by the radiance near your palm to the way his wound began to close, flesh regenerating due to the light you let out. 
And soon, it was as if he had never cut himself. 
You clasped your hands together again and closed your eyes for a moment. When they opened, your sword was already back in between your palms. You sighed, inserting it into the case. You looked up at the man, seeing how his eyes scanned intriguingly at his healed palm. 
"It's an amazing power," he murmured, causing your cheeks to flush with heat.
"You didn't have to hurt yourself like that, Byakuya-sama," you lowly let out. 
"I'm sorry for that," he apologized sweetly. "It was the only solution I can think of," he pursed his lips, letting his hand fall to his side. "Can I ask you something?" 
"With such a powerful healing ability, why weren't you assigned as Captain Ukitake's caretaker?"
"You ask me that as if I'm the one who assigned Shinigami to their jobs," you let out, a tone of sass pairing your words. "But, I initially was. Captain Ukitake refused my treatment. He said I'd be better off helping others."
"I see," Byakuya hummed. "In any case, I'd like to thank you."
"Thank me? What for?" 
"You healed me," he said with risen brows as he took your hand in his. "Twice."
And maybe it was the way his voice silkened out of his lips. Or the way his eyes doted into yours under the night's sky. Or the gentleness of his touch on your hand. Or the proximity that you could barely call a gap shared between you two. 
But you couldn't fight the smile creeping onto your lips. 
"Of course! It's my duty to protect you, Byakuya-sama!"
And maybe it was the crease formed under your eyes as you closed them. Or maybe it was the sound of the small giggle you let out as if he had said something amusing. Or maybe it was your smile that showed all kinds of sincerity. 
Either way, he realized something. 
Something about him. 
Something about you. 
It wouldn't be good for him to have fallen for his servant, right?
Well, it didn't matter. 
Because no matter how badly injured he was in battles, Byakuya would refuse wholeheartedly on receiving treatment from the 4th Division. All because he wanted to hurry up home to see you and be healed by you. 
Most of the time, he'd first meet your nagging but then you'd heal him either way. It was such an occurrence that at one point, you had stopped being shy around him. 
Still, it wouldn't be good for him to have fallen for his servant, right?
And regrets would soon fall through on a night that showered the Seireitei with an empty sky. 
Byakuya's eyes immediately shoot open, meeting the view of his bedroom ceiling. His body tensed, chills rushing throughout his skin. His body straightened to sit, his head turned in the direction of the doors. 
A loud commotion was heard from the outside, his eyes widening at the realization of the situation. Standing up, he grabbed his Zanpakuto and slid the doors open. 
He sensed the Spiritual Pressure of the intruder and began to head there. But his heart skipped a beat in panic upon realizing the Reiatsu that accompanied the intruder's. 
Just as his heartbeat increased, so did the pace of his run. And he found himself not too far from your favorite spot, his eyes wide and shocked, frozen by the sight. 
You were holding onto your Zanpakuto fiercely, your stance ready for combat as you swung your sword in an attempt to slash the intruder. And before Byakuya could fulfill his duty as your protector, everything flashed before him all too quickly. 
Maybe he could shrug it off as just a nightmare. 
But how could he? 
When he himself could feel your presence slowly disappearing from him? 
Too caught up in the moment, he hadn't even cared enough to arrest the intruder, only just killing the man on the spot, letting his emotions run free, escaping his pride and honor because that man had tainted his pride. 
He tainted it by stabbing you right in a vital spot, rendering you helpless as you fell to the ground, blood emitted by your coughs and your wounds. 
If only Byakuya was fast enough, he would have stopped the man before you could do anything. If only Byakuya was fast enough, he would have had time to catch you in his arms. 
But he wasn't. 
So he had to pick you up from the ground and lay you over his legs. Your head was placed softly above his palm, your left hand under his on your stomach despite the blood that had stained your skin. 
"Y/N? Y/N!" He called, but you were barely able to open your eyes. 
You fought hard for it. 
To see him. 
Just as you could feel him. 
By his touch. 
By his Reiatsu.
By his soul. 
And by his heart. 
Slowly, your lids fluttered open, allowing him one last view of your eyes. 
"Byakuya-sama," you whispered out, cut off by another blood-emitting cough. 
"Shh, don't move," he cooed, about to stand up but you stopped him. 
"It's too late," you weakly hiccuped. 
His eyebrows were stitched together in a frown before he shook his head. "No-"
"It is and you know it," you breathed out. 
"No," he let out again, firmly. "I refuse-"
"Byakuya-sama, please listen to me for once," you weakly chuckled, your heart hurting each time you moved but it didn't matter. 
You just wanted another moment with the man. 
"You're different than what others had said," you smiled tiredly, a hand slowly going up to caress his cheek while pushing his fallen strands away from his complexion. "People say you're uptight and cold but you're not like that at all, are you?" 
"Please, save your strength-"
"Can you let me talk?" She let out a small chuckle of amusement, a trail of blood leaking out of her lips. "You changed my life, Byakuya-sama."
"I'm sorry," he cried, letting loose that part of himself he's fought so hard to keep inside. 
"Whatever for?" 
His cheeks were tainted, tears embracing the outermost part while his heart felt the twisted pain for the second time again. 
He's felt this before. 
And he swore to never let himself feel it again. 
That's why he refused to feel anything.
Yet somehow you got to him. 
Somehow, you made him feel. 
You made him fall in love again. 
Only to snatch it right out of his hands. 
"How can you still smile?" The question audibly escaped him. 
"Because I'm with you, Byakuya-sama," you softly whispered as you fought the urge to close your eyes. "Thank you so much, Byakuya-sama."
His head lightly shook, his nostrils flaring with that same grief that had once eaten at him. 
"Thank you for keeping me company. With you by my side, I could never feel lonely again."
His eyes fluttered, lips parted emptily, no words able to escape them as his throat itched with pain. 
"Why did you fight, Y/N?" He suddenly asked. "You said it yourself. You're not a good fighter."
"Because," you coughed out, eyes meeting his again with a soft beam. "It is my duty to protect you, Byakuya-sama."
What more could he say?
"Can you, stay here while I look at the scenery?"
A gasp slipped out of him, his eyes flying open to see you looking to your left where the pond remained. Even with the pain he knew you were feeling, you still managed to tingle a small smile on your lips. And though it was small, it reached your eyes. Your saddened yet somehow bright eyes. 
It was that smile of yours.
He remembered when his days got better each morning he'd wake up, a small hint of excitement swarming his heart as he would head to the pond. 
Because then he'd see you. 
And you'd be there. 
As always.
Only always didn't last forever. 
Because you were gone. 
And his mornings were spent alone. 
And he was alone. 
Byakuya Kuchiki was a man of honor. 
But that night stained his honor crimson with the memory of your blood. 
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lovelykhaleesiii · 1 year
My brain must be working over time bc I just thought of an amazing concept (kinda inspired by this amazing fic https://www.tumblr.com/its-actually-minicika/713404663970611200/hi-love-your-works-so-much-cant-wait-for-more?source=share ) 🤭❤❤
Tw - ANGST (cant decide if this will have a good ending or bad ending just yet 🤭) cursing, mentions of self harm (but no act is done!) and thats it ig (its also a greens win au!!!) This will probably have 3 parts!! 😘😌
Alicent plays with her gold rings as Aegon beings talking, smirking to herself. The young Velaryon stood on the ground, her dressed ripped and lip busted. But she wouldn't show no emotion. No fear. No sadness. None.
After a few moments of Aegon talking - to which she had toned him out - he informs her she is to stripped of all titles and publicly declared a Targaryen. A bastard.
Then again, she also technically not a Velaryon either.
Alicent then tells her that she will wed her second son. Aemond. Not can. But will.
She hid her disgusted expression well. But she had - and will always have - a fiery temper.
"I will not." She states harshly.
"You can," Alicent says, "and you will."
Nothing more is said.
There was no argument to be said. The young Velaryon no longer had any friends, family, or even allies at court. Her entire family had been killed. Her baby brother Luke had been swallowed by Aemond's war dragon. Her mother met her end by Aegon's dragon. With her step-father having gone after Aemond for revenge after Luke and him crashing down to the waves, along with her other brother Jace.
She had fought. And hard. Aemond was the one to find her and she had wasted no time in putting a knife to her neck and threateningly to slit her own throat. Telling him that once she dies, put her with the wolves and that they would treat her body more kindly.
She doesn't think they will kill her. Not if they wanted a retaliation. People didn't like Aegon and it showed.
The first couple nights she was locked in a tower like a cliché princess story she had read about, she had woke herself up screaming and drenched in sweat. Which is when she learned Aemond had apparently been by to "check on her" and heard her screaming and crying out. The state of his future wife hurt his heart and it pained him to see her in such a state.
"It's okay," he soothed, "i'm here."
She had reacted by throwing her chalice cup at him. It missed him by an inch but it was the action that had counted. "Get the fuck out! Now!"
Aemond had only gave her a pained look before leaving, closing her door softly, not saying anything.
A mere few hours before the wedding, Aemond had came into the room where you were trying on dresses.
"I like this one," he softly said, running his hands over the lacy green dress which had zigzag ties in the arms and the chest. It was almost too revealing. Of course he had liked it.
"You already killed my family and have me as a prisoner. No need to further humiliate me by putting me in your Hightower green."
Aemond's patients had worn thin. You were difficult. Almost too difficult. "You can't exactly wear the Velaryon blue either, can you?" He snaps back.
She had spotted a knife. Right next to the table. If she wanted to she could take it and take out his other eye. But she had to compose herself. If she wanted to live. If she wanted revenge.
"Of course, my lord."
Once Aemond had left - after agreeing to wear that gods awful green dress - she decided that in order to gain revenge, she would have to play his and his mother little game. Keep Aemond interested. Which meant basically selling herself, her body, and her family's honor to the one-eyed devil himself.
That is what he is. What he will always be.
And if she had to whore herself out to the one-eye prince, then so fucking be it.
She had decided to be a little late to her own wedding, which of course didn't go over well with Alicent or Aemond. She had arrived fashionably late, in a Velaryon blue dress, with her silver rings adorning her fingers. One in particular had been her mothers. It had a black gemstone in it.
"I'm sorry i'm late, dear husband." With those words, Aemond swore he could feel the blood go from his cheeks down to his pants. She then turns to Alicent. "Nice to see you, grandsire."
After the vows, the young Velaryon had opt to kiss Aemond on the kiss instead of the lips. Just to keep him wanting more.
"You can at least try to look more happy," Aemond says.
She closes her eyes, attempting to hide a eye roll. "I fear I am a little tired from all the excitement, dear husband."
Aemond couldn't think on what was going on with his wife. One day she is as cold as ice to him and ignoring him, the next she is throwing things at him and giving him that fiery temper he had oh so adored since they were children. Now she is opening smiling and calling him husband.
He decides to push some more so he takes her hand and lightly squeezes it. The young princess reacts that taking her hand back and sending a glare to him.
As the festivities settled, it was noe time for the bedding ceremony, to which she was absolutely terrified for. But what she didn't know he had spoke to his mother about it so there would be no bedding ceremony.
"I believe we - including me - have scared the poor girl enough. We don't need to humiliate her anymore then she already is."
Alicent thinks for a moment. "If that is what she wants then that is what she gets."
"Thank you, mother."
Going to Aemond and her's now shared chambers, her nerves subsided, especially with the news there would be no bedding ceremony. Not because she isn't a maiden but because she doesn't need any more prying eyes on her then she had for the entirely of her life. But a part of her was still scared of Aegon.
He had chased down her brother and fed him to his dragon. How could she not be?
Aemond had seen her shaking as she worked to undress, which made Aemond stop her.
"Are you scared of me, lady wife?"
She tries to shake her head, to keep up the appearance of the unshakable princess but she couldn't. Now that they were alone, he could easy kill her if he so desired.
"I can tell, you're shaking like a leaf." Aemond grabs her hands into his own, gently kissing them. "You don't need to fear me, my dear lady, I would rather soon die then see you hurt or scared."
this was amazing as always my love, the angst I can just feel it 🥹🥹🥹😭😭😭
Aemond better treat her better!!!!
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Final Fantasy 7 prompts # 73
1. Puppet! Cloud drops out from a random vortex after his master was defeated. Where did he land?
On Sephiroths office desk in Shinra tower of course. Sephiroth poked him with his pen a few times before Cloud woke up.
"Master!" The blond exclaimed as he wrapped the larger man in a hug. Of course. Of freaking course, thats when Genesis barged in with a stack of paperwork tucked under his arm, (not even bothering to knock mind you!) "Ugh, Seph, you are not going to believe-" the redclad figure stopped in his tracks.
"...this isn't what is looks like."
Genesis wiggled his eyebrows suggestivly, "Sure it isn't." And he was back out in the hall without another word. The soft click the door gave seemed much too loud in the silence and only seemed to add to Sephiroths humiliation.
Thus began Cloud following around his "Master" wherever he went while Sephiroth and the SOLDIERS/Turks did everything in their power to stop him, only to fail hilariously or get beaten up by the (comparatively) petite blond for thier efforts
2. The Holy Trinity encounter Winged! Cloud from the future or a parallel dimention or something and instead of viewing him as a monster they think he's an actual angel and treat him accordingly.
3. Cloud had just finished burying a dead chocobo (may she rest in peace) he had found when he heard a twig snap from behind him.
He reached for Tsurugis handle only to pause when he saw a bright yellow ball of plumage peek out from behind a tree. The blond let out a small laugh. That was by far the fluffiest chick he had ever seen, hells, it was a perfect circle/
Cloud reached down and picked up the baby, "Hello there, are you lost?"
"Kweh!" The little circle cried out and Cloud was quickly surrounded by three other chicks, all wild and overly fluffy. He absently wondered if this was a new breed while they preceeded to peck at him with little effect. He just scooped them up and drove them to Bills place after a ruddementry search of the nearby area.
That was the end of it.
Until he woke up the next morning with three of the chicks sleeping on top of him. The blond was baffled and got up to search for the fourth, only to find it perched on Denzels head, shifting its balance as to not fall whenever Denzel began nodding off, threatening to fall asleep and plant his face in his breakfast.
If Cloud took a picture-or a dozen-no one would have to know
4. A mysterious ailment has been effecting all the creatures Hojo created using Jenovas cells causing them to run amok. With Cloud missing and AVALANCHE busy dealing with rampaging monsters, Denzel and Marlene sneak off to search for the missing blond, but will they find him in time? Or will Cloud be in the same state as the others?
5. Reno found Cloud at a mall in some nowhere town dressed as a girl. He was originally planning to use this as blackmail material before Cloud came out to him as trans.
Now Reno goes out with him and helps him keep his cover...while disguised of course. Wouldn't want anyone to recognize him and- by extention- Cloud.
Besides, if anyone did recognize them, Cloud had full permission to blame Reno and let him take the fall for it.
6. The SOLDIERS apparently had a "Chocobo protection squad" when Cloud was a trooper. He had no idea why Reeve had insisted he read this annoyingly thick file on it until he realized half way through the first page that it was about him
He was the "precious cutie chocobo that must be protected from the evils of the world"
Cloud wanted to burn it on principle...but was too curious to stop reading. Apparently most of the members were still alive and it seems he owes them a great deal, so maybe he should take Teef and the kids to visit some of them. Maybe bring gift baskets...
7. Cloud cursed as he stepped on the edge of his cloak, sending him tumbling down from the path and deeper into the cavern.
Cloud picked himself up from the ground, grateful his goggles kept any of the dirt and debris from entering his eyes.
He heard something from behind him and whirled around to slash at them with his dagger...except there was no one there.
Oh no. He looked down at the little creatures, wearing cloaks much like his own, only brown instead of the worn black fabric the professor gave them. The blond looked down sadly at the number tattooed on the back of his hand.
Guess I won't be going to the Reunion after all. Shame. Mother had said Zack would be there as a guest and he really wanted to see him again.
One of the little creatures- Tonberry- mother supplied - was clutching the edge of his cloak and attempting to lead him somewhere.
Did...did this creature think himself one of them?!
Aka Numbered! Cloud! gets adopted by Tonberrys
8. Hojo waking up strapped to one of his own tables with Cloud and Sephiroth standing over him, grinning like mad men.
9. Au where Sephiroth escaped as a child and fled into the wild and was eventually taken in by the "dead" professor Gast and his wife Iflana
He was "never found" by the Turks and eventually grew up to be a bad ass vigilante.
Cloud shared a similar fate but kept running instead of being taken in, eventually becoming a vagabond until the fateful day when their paths crossed and the pull of Reunion drew them together
10. Enraged blue eyes locked on to the blond. It may have been nearly a thousand years since Shinra fell, but he would know that man anywhere.
Not just anyone could have destroyed a corporate entity as powerful as Shinra and in the span of a single month no less! But he didn't care much about that, oh no.
He cared about the fact that this lovely creature killed him and his fellow firsts and then had the audacity to just disappear into the sands of time, stripping materia of its power and somehow causing Gaias mako to sink deep beneath the soil, never to be seen by mere mortals again. After it did, monsters began appearing less and less frequently, until they stopped appearing at all.
With Shinra so thoroughly destroyed and no other sustainable power available, information and records deteriorated, leaving Shinras history spotty at best and non existent at worse (probably didn'thelp that records seemed to conveniently disappear). Now Shinra, monsters and magic are all considered fairytales from a bygone era.
He and the others occasionally visit the lake that was once the city of Midgar to light candles in honor of all they had lost. Like hell he was going to let the blond escape again. Genesis opened his phone and made a call, "Seph, I found him."
11. Cloud meeting Female Sephiroth. Shes rather impressed that he's completely unaffected by the boob window. It had been the death of many men before him, that was for certain.
Too bad he wants to kill her, she has a feeling she would have liked having him around. Maybe she'd introduce him to Angel's puppy? She had the peculiar ability to befriend everyone she met
12. Time traveler Sephiroth saves time traveler Cloud from the labs with Genesis and Angeal.
Cloud is wondering why Sephiroth saved him and what he's planning.
Meanwhile, Gen and Geal are freaking out and asking annoyingly sane questions, like "Who is this guy?", "Why do you seem to know him so well?", and my personal favorite "Why is there a man being held captive in the labs?!"
13. Lab Experiment Cloud au where teenager Cloud barrels into Sephiroth in the middle of escaping the tower and asks if Sephiroth is his dad.
Sephiroth stops functioning and he just stands there frozen in a full battle stance while Genesis fights and subsequently captures the teenager, who he then promptly kidnaps.
Sephiroth bursts into the labs and confronts Hojo, asking if he was a father.
Hojo laughs and says "Of course you are! Do you have any idea how many creatures I've spawned with your DNA?"
Cue Sephs mental breakdown and Genesis's rampage on behalf of his friend.
Angeal does his part by babysitting with some office secretaries
Aka: the trinity raising a broody teen
14. Post OG Nebilheim is super duper haunted and Yuffie is NOT okay with that.
Cloud is even less okay and they talk about it while sitting on the roof of Clouds abandoned house...well, the fake one anyway
15. Everyone gets therapy but its from the perspective of a therapist who is %1000 done with Hojo
Bonus: This is actually questions posed by a friend and it helped spawn number 10.
What would Shinra do if Mako where to suddenly disappear? How would that even happen?
Bonus Bonus: What would be the quickest/ most brutal way to take down Shinra and/or SOLDIER? How would the Firsts feel about being completely owned by a stranger who appeared out of nowhere? (This was also my thinking about 10)
Announcement: Due to lack of interest, list #75 will be the final one. Thank you for reading my ideas. It made me super happy!
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fandom-blackhole · 4 years
thots about how the bucketheads would ask you to marry them and also how they would tell their friends
i feel like paz would literally be running and shouting throughout the covert that you were getting married and you just facepalm in the corner but you secretly love it
Omg the amount I've thought about this, even before this ask...
Din is a soft boy so, he plans everything out and wants everything to be perfect because he loves you and you deserve everything to be perfect. He practices a whole speech and everything. So when the time comes he takes you to a small, uninhabited planet that he stumbled across at one point, that is just covered in beautiful fields of wild flowers and he takes you out on a walk. At one point he stops you and pulls out a blanket and picnic supplies from a bag. He has your favorite foods and he just sits down pulling you down next to him. Then after watching you smile and look around and get excited about everything he has done fore you he just blurts it out, he just totally forgets everything he rehearsed and he just ask, "will you marry me?" And when you say yes, he gets so excited and happy. After that everytime you meet up with friends or someone he always introduce you as his fiance.
Boba just asks you out of the blue one day. Most likely after the two of you just finished up a rough and dirty tumble in the sheets. You have you head on his chest and he is tracing shapes on your shoulder when he just says, "marry me." Not so much a question, more of a statement and you just look up at him shocked, and ask "really?" And he just nods, so you happily press up against him and kiss him lovingly, and say yes when you pull away. Boba isn't one to wait around so the two of you would recite your vows then and there, then he would go another round with you, being slightly softer this time, calling you his wife over and over. Then next day he just starts calling you his little wife, and no one seems suprised, though they may be slightly shocked.
Now Paz. This man has everything set up and planned and has threatened anyone and everyone so they know not to fuck this up, not for him but for you. So when the time comes you wake up in the morning finding Paz missing and a note telling you to head to the kitchen. In the kitchen you find your favorite breakfast, still warm, and another note telling you to eat up before getting ready for the day. You smile and dig in, and after you grab clothes and head to the refresher and take a shower, after your shower you find another note on the mirror telling you to go visit the Armorer. Curiously you walk to the Armorer, and as soon as she sees you she motions you in and hands you a small pendant on a beautiful chain and another note. Inspecting the pendant you find it to be the symbol of Paz's family, smiling and teary eyed you slip it on before reading the note, which starts with an I love you so much mesh'la, before asking you to go to the armory. Once in the armory you glance around and find that no one seems to be there and you don't see another note or anything so you turn to leave only to see Paz down on one knee behind you holding a beautiful and small dagger. Thats when he speaks your name softly before saying, "I love you so much, my heart and soul belong to you and I want to be with no one else. Will you please do me the honor of becoming my riduur?" And all you can do is nod and jump into his arms with tears flowing down your cheeks. Paz picks up and spins you around happily, and after you walk out of the armory you see all the other mandalorians in the covert standing there and Paz just bellows out with absolute glee in his voice, "SHE SAID YES!!" And everyone cheers happily.
I saw something somewhere where it basically showed that some mandalorians propose by gifting there s/o a weapon or by giving them their favorite weapon and im just in love with the idea because its so cute and perfect and sooooo mandalorian....
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(Send me THOTS!!! anything and everything is welcomed!!!)
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leossmoonn · 3 years
ok but imagine stefan as a single dad to twins and you were there mother but something supernatural kills you, and then stefan takes care of your children 🥺
thats so— thanks for making me SAD ANON
nah jk i love this concept
the first few months without you and with just the twins are hard. caroline had to help him a lot with taking care of the twins. (we’ll name ‘em scarlett and sawyer)
stefan was in a deep depression for about a year. you were the love of his life, after all. it wasnt only caroline who helped out, but she volunteered the most out of everybody. it helps that her and (someone from your family side) are the kid’s god parents.
stefan gradually grew out of the depression, finally going to therapy and gaining control of his life. he started to be more involved with his kids, which he felt bad that he had missed like a whole year of their lives, but ever since he got back on his feet, he’s always tried to make up for it. (and hes def done more than enough)
i just imagine the kids asking about you when theyre a little older - like 6 yrs old - and stefan sits them down right before bed and tells them stories about you. like your guys’s first date, how cool and badass you were fighting off supernatural being. how amazing and caring you were. how good of a friend you were. how much he loves you. and he tells scarlett and sawyer bad things about you too, like your flaws and he’s honest bc he wants them to know that you weren’t this perfect person, and that was okay.
he keeps pictures of you and him on his desk, and he hung up every picture of you and the kids that he has. (lets say you died when the kids were like, 2).
he also wears the jacket you gave him everyday. once scarlett is old enough to like start actually caring about jewelry, he gives her your necklace. and with sawyer, he gives him your artwork (lets say you were a very talented painter and musician) and sawyer hangs your work all over his room. sawyer also developed your musical talent and he plays the songs you wrote, honoring you.
stefan turns out to be an amazing father. its definitely not easy, especially when the kids go through their teenage years, but theyre a close-knit family.
and you’re watching from above (like on the other side lol) with lexi everything stefan’s doing. and you’re so so so proud of him and your kids. and stefan definitely knows you’re watching over him :)
oh and stefan definitely like falls in love again and guess who it is? caroline! lol. but the kids already see her as a mother figure and stefan never really had feeling for her until she started helping out and it just developed over time. so they started dating when the kids were in high school (rough transition lol) and the kids were kind of rude to her bc they were loyal to their mom, but stefan sat them down and was like
“look, i’m not gonna say “your mom would want this and whatever” bc i dont know what she would want but, i do know that i have to move on. i love your mother, i’m always going to. no one can beat her, but i think it’s time for me to try and move on. find happiness again and c’mon, you guys love caroline. you two used to calm her mom when you were babies even. so please, respect my decision”
and sawyer agrees, and it takes scarlett a little while to come around but by the time of caroline and stefan’s wedding, she’s so happy for them and loves the two together.
and like i said, youre watching them and youre proud of stefan for moving on. ngl you were kinda hurt but like you knew this day would happen, lets be realistic lol. and you wouldnt have anyone else be stefan’s wife. you know caroline will take care of stefan :)
ahhhh this made me so soft wldkekwebfjr
stefan concepts masterlist
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godspol · 3 years
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@fuckdup YOU KNOW IM GLAD YOU BROUGHT IT UP BC IVE BEEN DYING TO TALK ABT IT FOR A FUCKIN HOT MINUTE!!! im making this into a whole post bc this is what my url is all abt but be aware that i have a very surface level knowledge of astrology and this is all for fun to me lol. also obviously this completely ignores all canon birthdays
anyway okay obviously i think tommy is a pisces and that’s partly bc i like to project on him but also bc he is simply textbook. he’s idealistic, he’s moody, he’s intuitive (“these days people tell me things without even speaking.” “i know, i saw.”), he’s romantic, he’s manipulative, he’s inventive, he’s charismatic......he literally has regular nightmares and visions??? i mean just look at those big blue eyes. he was born on a boat yall. he’s a pisces.
now in the first post i said that lizzie being a cancer was probably just me projecting but now that ive thought about it i know im absolutely right. my girl is a dreamer but jaded, so she’s willing to put up with a lot, but also not afraid to make her boundaries known. she can be willfully naive but is also incredibly intuitive to the situations and people around her. she wants a peace that is always just out of her reach. i know if she could she would go on long night drives that include listening to a cd of solange’s when i get home. i could go on and on bc its just so obvious. also big eyes and wavy hair are cancer traits to me <3
polly is in canon a scorpio & that’s exactly as it should be. ive never met a scorpio i didnt fall madly in love with and shes no exception. she possess all the intuition and romance common of a water sign but like a true scorpio is also intense and elusive and wants control. she knows everything about everyone but is still terribly lonely. also she is undoubtedly the coolest person on screen in every single episode. that’s my scorpio wife your honor.
its almost too obvious that alfie is a leo. not only does he fit the physical constants of most leos i know (broad shoulders, big hair, lots of jewelry and tattoos), but he’s also obviously theatrical and selfish, always needing to be in control/the center of attention and he loves being needed. this man walked up to tommy shelby’s gun and shouted obscenities in his face by way of asking for forgiveness. this man would rather shoot tommy than hear him reveal his true feelings. textbook leo.
ada is so difficult for me bc if im being honest she’s absolutely a sagittarius but i hate those mfers 😭😭 regardless i do think thats the best choice for her beside maybe libra. all sagittarians i know act just like ada - passionate, independent, driven, prone to falling in love but more prone to pistol whipping men who get in their way. very clear boundaries but a poor sense of what’s actually best for her....yeeeaaaah shes a sagittarius alright.
okay the others i havent thought abt in much detail but i still have theories so here they are: arthur is an aries (duh), john is a GEMINI (!!), finn is a taurus, linda is a virgo (!!) michael is a sagittarius or capricorn, esme is a leo or maybe aquarius......if i missed any that yall are wondering abt or if u just disagree please tell me lord knows i wanna speculate with yall lol
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Hope Can’t Fix Everything
Jasper x Human!Reader
Warnings - Angsty, mention of blood
Summary - Jasper finds his mate, but it’s not all perfect.
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Jasper Hale never planned for his life to go this way. He never planned to become a vampire or to live for eternity. But he always went along with it. No matter what fate tossed at him. Because he had hope. Hope guided him through all his years. It lead him to Alice who took him to the Cullens. Hope brought him a undead life he finally could be okay with it. But something was missing. His true love. He saw Emmet and Rose. Carlise and Esme. Edward and Bella. But he still was alone. He couldn't believe it. How could fate screw him over again. But even when it looked like fate forgot him. Alice reminded him to remember to have hope. To trust fate to bring him who he's looking for. And one day it finally died.
"Is this seat taken?"
Jasper's eyes moved from his paper to the person before him. They were beautiful. Absolutely stunning. They have no right to be this perfect.
"Hello?" They ask, "is it taken?"
"Uh no," Jasper says softly, "it's free." They smile lightly.
"Do you mind if I sit there?"
"No... I mean no I don't mind you can sit there," He says panicking lightly. They chuckle.
"You're cute," They say, "my names Y/n L/n. Yours?"
"Jasper Hale," He says softly.
"Jasper Hale," They say, "that is a nice name. You got lucky your parents loved you enough to give you a cool name." He chuckles lightly.
"I like your name," He says.
"Thanks," They say, "I hated it growing up. But it grew on me."
"Alright now that everyone is settled lets get started."
The feeling in Jaspers chest revealed it right away. This was his person. This was his mate. And to think they were just right there. So close. He felt excited for what was to come. But he was also terrified. He knew nothing about this person. But he knew one thing about them. His mate was human. Which made this about a hundred times harder.
When Jas got home that night Alice practically tackled him to the ground.
"Well?!" She exclaims.
"I found them," Jas says, "I found my mate."
The rest of the family looks wide eye at the boy. Happy for him. Sure but confused.
"Slight problem though," He says.
"What type of problem?" Bella asks.
"They are human."
This was something they weren't prepared for. Even after Bella and Edward. They always assumed that Jasper would end up with another vampire. Mostly because of his trouble with humans. But still it's not like he could change it now.
"So their human," Bella says, "so. I was human."
"Yeah Bella is right," Alice says, "they are your mate. You are destined to be together."
"Yeah Jasper," Emmet says, "you've been waiting for them for over a hundred years. I'm sure that a pulse isn't enough to stop you."
Jasper with his families' encouragement suddenly felt a lot better about the situation. He has his mate. The person he is destined to spend the rest of his life with. And they are right here. He'll do this right.
The next day he was waiting for them in his last class. Excitedly watching as they stride across the room to take the seat next to him.
"So why are you taking AP Environmental Science?" They ask Jasper, "what made you choose a class 9 other people choose?"
"I like science," He says, "and I wanted to study something new. What about you?"
"I'm a hippie," They say simply, "metal straws no plastic. Pure vegan." Jaspers smile drops lightly. His mate was a treehugger? He suddenly didn't know about this. "I'm totally kidding. My mom is a Environmental Lawyer and she signed me up for the class." He chuckles lightly.  "This class is a joke. You're lucky you joined halfway through it. Mr. Jones has been making us teach ourself since day one. So that fun little slideshow demonstration yesterday- don't get used to it."
"He doesn't teach?" Jasper asks, "why?"
"He's going through a divorce with his wife who also happens to be the Honors Anatomy Teacher," They explain, "since they filled for the divorce he's just been sitting at his desk sulking."
"Thats a shame," Jasper says.
"Yeah for our ap scores," They chuckle, "but don't worry I'll add you to the class group chat. What is your phone number?"
"Uh here," He says scribbling it down then handing it to them. They smile wide.
"Perfect," They say, "I'll add you to it. You'll get everything you need in it. Plus we have study sessions all the time and you get all the info for it in there."
"Thanks," He says, "thats awful nice of you."
"Anything for my fellow prisoner," They say, "besides without us there is no way you'd pass." Jasper chuckles. His mate moves to open their laptop and start working on something the teacher had sent for them. "So you have a big family?" They ask, "the ones who I always see you with right?"
"Yeah we were all adopted," He explains, "thats why-"
"You guys have people dating each other," They say, "I mean it's the talk of the school. The first interesting thing to happen in Evergreen since our prom queen killed our prom king."
"That happened?" Jasper asks.
"Yeah well that's what everyone thinks happen," They tell him, "I mean they never found a body and well Cassie and her family left town three days after Camden went missing. Anyways it happened a year ago. So now everyone's focus is on you guys. The Cullens."
"We are pretty used to it," He says, "we are a weird family so when we move to a new town we tend to get plenty of attention."
"Do you move a lot?"
"Uh kinda," Jasper answers, "just depends."
"Your dads a doctor right?" They ask, "what causes a doctor to move a lot?"
"We go where they need more doctors," Jasper answers, "apparently you guys were in some pretty desperate need." They chuckle.
"Yeah you can say that," They say, "we have a really small hospital so when Cassie's mom left we were down a doctor. You'd be surprised how bad losing one doctor is in a town like this."
"I can imagine," He says, "I mean it's a pretty big deal when you have one doctor."
"Tell me about it," They say.
The bell for the class rings signaling the end of school. They smile over at Jasper brightly. Then looks down to their phone. Jasper feels his phone buzz in his pocket. He pulls it out and smiles lightly.
Unknown- It's Y/n! Can't wait to get to know you
"If you need anything feel free to text me," They say.
"Hey Y/n lets go!" Some girl calls from the door.
"Yeah alright," They call to their friend then looks back to Jas, "I'll see you around Jasper."
As they move off Rose moves to Jaspers side with a smirk.
"They are cute," Rose says, "you should get on with it."
"Yeah sure," Jas says, "I'm trying okay."
The next couple days it seemed to go smoothly. They'd hang out at school text all night. It felt like everything was going right. So on Friday he decided to step it up a bit.
"Okay do you have any plans for tonight?" Jasper asks them.
"Uh no," Y/n says, "why? Wanna take me out on a date?"
"If you'll have me," He says, "a movie?"
"Sounds great," They say, "got any movie in mind?"
"I was gonna let you pick," He says. They move pulling their phone up. Then nod.
"Alright there is this horror movie called Until Sunrise and apparently its terrible," Y/n tells him, "we have to see it."
"You like horror movies?"
"I love horror movies," They tell him, "even more than that I love terrible horror movies. Ya know the ones that make you question if the writers were on bath salts while making them." He chuckles lightly. "If you don't like horror movies we have other options. But if it's just cause you're scared don't worry you can hold onto me for support."
"No that sounds great," He says, "do you need me to pick you up or do you just want to meet there?"
"We can meet. I'll see you there Jasper."
So he heads home to get ready. Explaining to his family that they were going to a movie. Bella tries to give him some tips for how modern human girls like their dates. Rose immediately tells Bella that Bella has no authority to talk because she was weird.
"I know what girls like-"
"Yeah from like 12 years ago," Rose says, "seriously think about it. Times have changed. Humans have changed since then."
"Okay so just be yourself,"  Alice recommends.
"He can't be himself his mate will run for the hills," Emmet says, "no you've got to be cool."
"Ignore him," Esme says, "just relax. Read the room."
"And remember to breath," Bella adds, "when you stop breathing it freaks people out. And blink."
"I remember to blink," Jasper says.
"No you really don't," Rose says, "so remember to do that."
"You should get going," Alice says, "you don't want to be late."
So He got to his car. As he drove he couldn't help but feel overwhelmingly nervous. What if he messes this up? What if he drives them away? Oh god. Suddenly his didn't know if he could go through with it anymore. But when he saw them sitting outside the theater staring up into the sky waiting patiently.  It all melted away. He climbs from his car heading towards them.
"Hey Y/n," He says.
"Hey Jas," They say, "you look nice."
"Thank you," He says, "you look beautiful." They smile lightly.
"Thank you," They say, "wanna head in?" Jas nods. Y/n moves lacing her fingers in his. The movie is terrible. Honestly. The two end up laughing through most of it. However Jas being able to hold their hand. Cling to them. It makes it the best date he's ever been on. It's one of the only dates he's ever been on.
One date turns to two. Turns into dating. It's going amazing. But he feels guilty.
"You still haven't told them?" Rose asks him carefully, "Jasper you have to tell them."
"I was planning to tell them," Jasper says.
"No you weren't," Edward says.
"Get out of my head Edward," Jasper says at once, "I'm tryin it's just. I don't want to ruin this ya know."
"If you don't tell them then you'll ruin it regardless," Emmet says, "I mean you can't not tell them."
"I know I know," Jasper says, "I'll tell them soon. Tonight. We have a date."
Before they can keep hassling him he leaves to go prepare for his date. His partner had talked him into going swimming in some lake. He didn't really care much for the later but when they suggest skinny dipping well he couldn't exactly say no to that.
He meets his partner at the lake. They are already in the water. Though apparently in a swim suit. They smile widely at Jasper as he makes his way towards them.
"Hey!" They call, "I was gonna wait but the water is really nice."
They move slipping out of the water to meet Jasper. Pulling him into a soft kiss.
"Come on," They say leading him into the water. He tosses aside his shirt then kicks off his jeans. Jumping in the water in his boxers. The vampire is thankful that the lake was shallow. It only went to chest meaning no awkward sinking of being the rock  solid vampire. They pull Jasper into another kiss. "I've missed you," They say as the break the kiss, "I'm not one for teen romance bullshit but... You are different."
"Well we were meant to be," Jasper says, "fate. Right Darlin?"
"Right," They say, "you are so right." They move kissing Jasper's jaw. "You are always talking about Fate. It's like you've been looking for me." They pull away from Jasper to sink into the water. Swimming away from him. Jasper smiles. If only they knew. The two move around the water playfully. He scoops his mate in his arms and playfully dunks them under the water. They come up laughing.
"Oh I'll get you for that Hale!" They scream. They splash the vampire with full force. He seems unfazed so they try again this time jumping on Jaspers back. He moves a little to roughly and knocks them back into the water.  They simply laugh for a second before they make a pained face. Then suddenly the smell of blood fills Jaspers senses. "Oh shit. I think I stepped on glass." Jaspers eyes shift to black. Pain and hunger filling him. His partner climbs from the water gentle moving to their pile of clothes hoping to address the wound. Jasper stares at his mate. Trying to keep himself in the water. Trying to relax. But the smell. The bloodlust rising in his stomach.
He moves towards his partner. Jumping to pin them down. They were shocked. Confused as to why this was happening.
"Jasper what are you doing?" They ask slightly startled. They start to move. But Jaspers firm grasp keeps them pinned down. His mouth opens. His fangs showing clear as day. Y/n tenses looking at her partner in pure terror. He looks like an animal. A monster. "Jas! Jas! What are you doing?!" They are thrashing under him. Trying to push him away. "Jasper get off of me!"
Jasper leans to his mates neck. His teeth scraping lightly.
"Jasper stop! Get off me you're scaring me!"
The boy moves starting to bite but before he can sink his teeth into her he's yanked off. He see's Edward and Emmet holding him back as he growls lightly.
"Jasper! Jasper stop!" Edward yells.
But he doesn't calm down until he sees his mate in Bella's arms sobbing violently. He feels his mates terror. It's suffocating. All his hunger melts into guilt and regret. What did he just do?
"Babe," He says softly. He moves yanking away from the two men.
"Get away from me!" They shout, "I don't want you anywhere near me you freak!"
"Darlin just let me explain-"
"No Jasper we are done!" They shout, "I don't want you anywhere near me."
"Darlin I-"
"You freak!"
Disgust. Thats all that's radiating from them. He watches as Y/n leaves. Bella walking with her. He ruined it. He lost his chance at his mate. He ruined his own life. All his hope for nothing. He could hope that in time they will let him back in but his hope can't fix anything. This time- hope isn't gonna be enough.
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A suggestion/request from @bon-fly
Medieval Au Zukka, I would have added more detail about the other ships but it had already much longer than I anticipated
"What ever could be the problem my lord?" Came the characteristically grumpy voice of Zuko's Dwarflven Mage Toph
He leaned back from his slouched position to look at the blind woman. "It's nothing much really. I Just... I need to summon the southern knights for the Avatar honoring" he gave a sigh
"Then summon them" she said simply while leaning on his throne. There was a few other advisors in the room, none of them were ever expecting Toph's brash behavior towards the king or the fact that he took it. The high elven king never once found his Dwarven mage's behavior to be uncalled for. His reasoning was simple. She was a friend, one which would lay her life down for his just as he would hers.
"Its not that simple Toph, he's going to be with them" Zuko leaned his elbow on the table and pressed his hand to his forehead.
"If I may, My lord, the avatar is technically escorting the knights, not the other way around" advisor Tayko offered
Zuko gave a snort "thats not who I'm worried about Tayko, but I appreciate the sentiment. Its the Cheif's... ehm, son"
"Did he do something wrong my lord?" Tayko asked with narrowed eyes
"More like he did everything right and managed to fluster mister pointy ears" Toph bellowed and Zuko flushed a deep red
"Shut it Toph!" But he laughed with her "she is right though... I'm just, nervous is all, dont worry Tayko, I'll have the letter written by tonight"
Tayko, still being wary of how Toph behaved but understanding that her king was very brash with people who acted out of line, gave a smile "my lord, may I say something?"
Zuko sat straight and looked at her warily "go on Tayko"
"It is to my knowledge that most people don't support miss Toph being here, but I have never seen anyone make you smile as she has," she paused and looked at her hands in her lap "I'm very happy to see you smile again"
"Well, its nice that someone noticed, thank you Tayko" Toph said with a big grin spread from ear to ear across her cheeks. "Now, Zuko has some writing to do, so run along, I will fetch you when it is written"
Not long after Tayko scurried off she was fetched once more and given the letter to send by hawk to summon the southern nights and the avatar. The hawk response came by the next evening when Toph was training Zuko to react faster on both sides, not just his good side. "I know you're not a dwarf but ANYONE can feel the vibrations, and you're clear proof of that" Toph said as she watched the king use his blades and flames to expertly block and deflect each rock sent his way.
"My lord" Tayko spoke suddenly from behind Toph and had a blade fly past her head missing by a good six inches "Eep!" She tensed while he took off his blindfold
"Sorry Tayko, you startled me" Zuko gave a sheepish grin "what did you need?"
"The uh.." she moved away from the wall with a sigh "the Southern Chief sent back, they will be here in three days time. Shall I summon Lady Mai and Ty Lee?"
Zuko gave a huff and slouched his shoulders, his pointed ears slanting downward as well "that would be best, though they won't be happy to be summoned so soon after their honeymoon"
The pair most certainly weren't, the arrival of them was easy to notice because a knife flew past Zuko's head, barely grazing his ear and landed on his throne "ah, Mai, sorry to summon you so early after you two wed, but youre the only ones capable of pulling off a three day party planning."
"You are going to owe use so many fruit tarts!" Mai spoke harshly as she stormed into the room
"Yeah! With rose petals!" Ty Lee backed up her wife with a much softer voice.
Mai smiled softly at Ty Lee and placed a quick kiss to her forehead "thank you darling."
"Of course, you'll have all the reward you like, but we have to prepare for the avatar and Sokka." Zuko said with a wave of his hand.
"You mean the Avatar and the Southern Knights" Mai pointed out
"Thats what I said"
By the time the third day of planning had finished the kingdom was decked out with shimmering blue flowers of all assortments, ribbons and the like were draped around anything that seemed fit to the recently weds.
At high noon Zuko was found with Ming fixing his hair and Ursa helping him with his robes and jewels. "He'll be here soon Mom"
"I know sweetie, but you need not worry, the Avatar will appreciate the festivities you have set out for him and the knights" Ursa reassured her son while tying off the last bit of silk and Ming slid in the metal hold for his hair piece.
"Thats not who he meant lady Ursa" Toph said bluntly. Ursa turned to the blind dwarf behind her who had a soft smile on her face rather than her normal mischief coated expression. "My lord, they've arrived at the gates"
Zuko flushed "lead the way" and she did. She lead him down the many stairs, with his many layers of silk flowing freely behind him. They followed the winding paths of the kingdom streets until they reached the Knights and Avatar. Chief Hakoda and Bato stood with Sokka on their right and Katara on their left with Avatar Aang in the middle. A hobbit at maybe their hips was a humorous sight indeed, but Zuko's focus was on someone else.
Sokka stood in his formal attire, a pale blue high collar robe ending at his shoulders but his arms covered by a a deep blue draping silk over dress connected in the center by a fire opal jewel. Zuko was of course caught staring by the chiefs themselves "ahem, Lord Zuko?" Bato spoke up with a raised brow
"Oh, uh! My apologies, welcome to my kingdom," he turned to look at Aang who smirked when he noticed the flush on Zuko's cheeks "thank you for coming to the honoring Avatar Aang"
"Say, Lord Zuko, Sokka told me about his last trip here.. well, technically he spoke mostly of you, not much variety in his stories I'll tell you tha-!" The small boy was silenced by a hand over his mouth from a flustered Sokka.
The blue eyed boy stammered out a "sorry about him, he loves to blurt things out without thinking them through!"
"Sounds like someone else I know" Katara said with her hand on her hips. From just looking at her ears he could tell that she was a bender, and a powerful one at that. "Sorry about that Zuko, my brother and Aang love getting on eachothers nerves, especially about you" she rolled her eyes
Zuko however was as red as his robes "oh, uh, thats perfectly alright, Toph, would you mind showing them to their quarters?"
Toph gave a laugh "you want a blind dwarf to lead four southern elves and a hobbit to their living quarters?"
"You may be blind but you can easily see, and you know it Toph-" a rock hit the back of his head and he yelped before giving her a pout
"Haaah! Yeah, youre right, but don't you wanna show baby blue to his room?"
Zuko gave a huff "Chief Hakoda, Cheif Bato, Warrior Karata and Avatar Aang please follow Mage Beifong to your living quarters. Warrior Sokka, I need a word with you about that design you sent over last moon, so I will show you to your room"
"Oh, of course" and with that the group left the two man alone to walk to the palace. For a short while they were quiet but Sokka broke the silence by linking arms "so, about those designs, I was thinking we could easily make a cart that didn't need any animal to pul it if we just used"
Zuko didnt hear much besides Sokka's voice, too lost in the fact that he was finally here to understand what the sounds meant together until they made it into the castle and Sokka tugged him into a small broom closet "I know why you actually separated me from the others"
Zuko cleared his throat "im sure you are aware of my reasons, but you did not need to drag me in here, if you were worried about someone catching wind you made the mistake of going into a broom closet with one of my maids already in here" he turned to help her up "sorry miss Jin, I'll give you the day off paid in full"
Zuko then took hold of Sokka's hand and dragged him out of the small room and back to the empty hallway. "Hah, my bad" Sokka said with a small voice crack
"Don't worry about it, thought you shouldn't worry about the staff catching wind of this sort of thing, everyone here adores you, I hope you know that" Zuko chuckled
"What sort of thing?" Sokka feigned innocence and Zuko being ever so gullible fell for it with a flushed face
"Oh! I'm sorry, I just thought that, maybe you had caught onto my affections for you, and reciprocated them. What did you think I-!!" The king didn't have much room to continue his awkward words because Sokka planted a quick kiss to his cheek to silence him
"Of course I do Zuko, and I was only teasing, you really should be better at spotting that with Toph being around you all the time, hah, she plays the- hey! Where are we going?"
Zuko said nothing, and just dragged him to the room he was to be staying in for the week of festivities and slammed the door behind them. "Don't. Don't.... don't tease me about that okay? I'm not entirely used to anyone returning affections since... well" he genstured to his burn scar and damaged ear.
"Oh, oh Zuko no, Zuko I'm sorry, I didnt realize... I'm sorry" Sokka took the shorter elf's face in his hands and forced him to look him in the eyes "Zuko you're beautiful, I can't get over how stunning you looked under the moonlight the first time we met. And what's even more stunning about you is the ability to make a confession walk seem like a diplomatic walk to anyone but the two of us. You really do have a way with words"
Zuko was practically melting in the hands of the southern warrior, "you... you really think that of me?" He asked with a shy softness to his voice.
Sokka couldnt help the fond chuckle "Of course I do Zuko, now, if its not too much, may I give you a real kiss this time?"
All Sokka needed was a small nod and he sealed the distance between them. Every mile, every inch, every millimeter of distance that had ever been between the fire elven king and Southern elven warrior was gone, and all that remained was stars.
The two wed thirteen moons later, with a promise to protect, love, and trust one another in this life and every life that came after.
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hockeysweetheart · 4 years
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Part 6 Of Back To District 12 
Katniss who lost her Husband 3 years ago.. Comes back to District 12. With her 3 Children. She finds out Peeta  Who also Lost his wife  4 years ago came back to District 12 as well. They fall in love again and have bumps along the way… Their life is crazy but they make it work…
Notes: At this point your gonna be like you love to drop a bomb on us don’t you… well it would be a lie if I said no…  
Part 6  The Best Kept Secret
I am here at the hospital with my two healthy babies. The girl with brown hair and blue eyes the boy with blonde hair and grey eyes…
 To say we got here in the nick of time  is an understatement I literally  had to push  with in  2 minutes of arrival… it took me everything to not give birth in the parking lot.  We didn’t even make it to the room until she came out of me… Luckily the hospital knew we wanted to keep this a secret and  closed the door on them. Because one of these babies was coming out of me… 9 minutes later he came out of me…we took pictures and my daughter has a shirt that says I was kept a secret  on her..
My family is the first to visit when we allow visitors.  They walk in and they see him first and are like over joyed My mother asks what is his name I say “ Cooper Rye  Mellark”… Peeta says “ oh we almost forgot his older sister   Gretchen Raine Mellark ”.as  he handed her to prim… the faces on my family is shocked…  Prim says “ How could you keep like something like this quiet”… My mother said “ your kidding no way all my years I thought I could tell when someone was expecting twins.”…. My father says “ two of them no way”… they are all in happy tears… Prim says “they are both beautiful”  My mother said to the nurse who was in the room “ you knew too” with happy tears coming from her eyes. Drew was like “whoa” 
Our next guest is Peetas family his father and two brothers. Peeta hands cooper to Nathan and says “ Nate here is your nephew Cooper ” … “ and Marcus  here is your niece  Gretchen”…Peetas Father  looks at us and says “ no stop you didn’t have twins” Nathan whipping a tear away says “ you guys knew the whole time” Marcus is speechless he only says “ wow” They all give Peeta hugs… 
The next ones who come is Gales family.  Hazzel Posy Vick and Rory. they are all standing in the room we  talked to them a bit when we tell them the baby needs to gets checked out but we ask them to close there eyes  when he comes in and peeta put Cooper in Hazzels hands and The Nurse put   Gretchen in Posy’s…  I say   when they open their eyes  I say “ surprise”  Posy looks down and says “ the baby is wearing pink” then looks at her mothers arms… and is like “ no way!!!” Hazzel is like “ you guys kept this a secret the whole time”… Rory says “ where did you get the second kid from” Vick is so shocked  he just say’s “ oh my god”…. Hazzel asks “ well you shocked us but what are their names?” Peeta tells them “Cooper Rye and   Gretchen Raine ” I tell them “ we named  Gretchen Raine   Her name starts with a G  in honor of Gale.. “ Hazzel cry's”.. our next visitors are Johanna and Haymitch… they come in and see Cooper who Peeta hands to Haymitch and  then says “ Oh I almost forgot his twin sister   Gretchen”  who he hands to Johanna she says “ are you fucking kidding me” then quickly puts a hand on   Gretchen’s ear “ sorry for swearing in front of you” then adds “ it won’t be the last time”… Haymitch holding back tears “ well Katniss you don’t disappoint”. 
Then we have Finnick and Annie who visit us just have them come in. They are both on me  Annie is so shocked she stops in her tracks  “ woah why do you have two”… Finnick who puts up   Gretchen tells her “ see your mommy does have a secret we didn’t know about” then to me “  you two were the only one who knew this no way”. I tell him “ we almost slipped up but no one caught on”. Cora’s family comes in  they see him we Tell him we Named Him Cooper Rye the C  name in honor of  Cora… they cry as they all take turns holding him and Peeta says “ oh and here is his sister   Gretchen Raine” they all do a double take at Peeta and Me  and they are like “ your kidding”..
 Delly and Madge are the next visitors to come in. Delly and Peeta have kept a civil friendship ever since. Madge and I have gotten closer since my arrival back to 12. They walk in and see Cooper are like he’s precious…   Peeta asks “ well have you seen his twin sister” as he hands Gretchen  to Madge… they both are shocked I say surprise Delly for once is speechless  Madge says “ are you serious right now and you both knew” they both are happy for us  a little later on my parents bring the kids over as I will be here for a few days…. And my mother says to them “ want to meet your new brother” as 6 of our children walk into the room…  they all run to me and we have the babies in there  beds but we have covered Gretchen’s up… we get them all to sit on second bed and hand off Cooper to Owen.  and says Everyone will get a chance to hold him… Hold on are we Missing Someone Peeta Says their names the order they are on the bed  We have Owen, Cooper, Ella, Paisley, Noah, Kai and Aubrey… Oh I know who we are missing Coopers twin sister Gretchen   Peeta says as he passes her to Aubrey” They are all like what and excited but we have been teaching them to be quiet  so they cheer quietly.. Because we are in a hospital after all…   Peeta takes a pictures of all our Babies ages 13 to newborn.  All 8 of them… together…
When we go home my house is filled with Little girl stuff as everyone knew were having a boy. But kept her a secret.  Peeta and I walk up the stairs with the twins to the nursery. They are in the bedroom closest to ours… we set them down in their beds.. My family and friends did set up the nursery for Gretchen  as we already did half of it for Cooper… Peeta and I just look at them for a while as they are already Sleeping Peeta puts his arm around my shoulders and I lean in. This is my life now with 8 children.
We are happy they are all doing well we learn to adjust to twins when I tell you have each kid solo it was so much easier the one blessing is for the most part they sleep during the night. Well so I thought Peeta has been getting up for me all this time… I am grateful for that how else am I suppose to not loose my shit every 5 seconds with 8 kids oh wait I don’t They are all good kids but they do fight a lot Peeta and I have been together for over a year now. It does feel like we are married without getting officially Married tho.  When we do it we use   protection because, I am not ready to reproduce anytime soon. 8 kids is plenty… The older kids love their twin siblings.   Peeta and I go on dates but not as Often as the babies can only be away from me for  a small amount of time… Peeta went back to work after a few weeks staying at home helping me with the Babies. Johanna who has moved to 12 now drops by and helps out.  She Picked up the kids from school for us. As Peeta has been busy working. He does work along side his brothers and Rory.  But he doesn’t like to take much time off as in the past year he’s taken plenty of time off… I see in my babies his personality everyday they grow… Peeta comes home everyday after a long day will Play with the children  and take over the babies for me… to give me a bit a of a break he says… We both are tuckered out. I do say hey your working let me wake up for them I am in this house all day… well thats not true I do bring the twins to the bakery with me from time to time. Sometimes they nap upstairs… I get memories of the room when I enter of how Peeta found out I was expecting.  But now it is filled with  a great surprise… They grow everyday too fast for my liking… Peeta does take a few hours off to bring the babies to their appointments… but then is back at work… One Day in the morning after the kids  been dropped off at school, Peeta  is just getting into the bakery now  I get a phone call… Its from the school The Principal Says “ Hello Katniss. We need  you and Peeta to come to the school  immediately….
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thewritingstar · 5 years
Happy Birthday!!
No joke but you’re one of my fav people that I talk to every day and im so happy that i got the chance to be your friend!!
Pairing: Kiribaku (because duh) 
Bakugou could count the amount of people he has ever had a crush on with one hand. And well one finger. At first he found it annoying. How was he suppose to get anything done when the image of a certain someone kept appearing? Maybe it was just that he was constantly around him? That was it. It had to be. 
But slowly he found his mind going back to him over and over. Any time he heard a joke or saw the smallest bit of red, even if it was just a flower or spilt pasta sauce by his mother, he appeared. Focusing was hard because how could you when you wanted to know how those teeth felt against your lips after a hardcore workout and he was so close you could just reach out-
Nope. He couldn’t. 
Being the number one hero was the only goal he had. That was all he saw in his future. The medal of honor around his chest, adoring fans and Deku crying, either from joy or tears of rivalry, which ever came first. But not love. Not a family or a person to come home to after a long mission that wreaked his soul. 
Number one was just that. One and done. Alone. And he was okay with that. 
“When did you know mom was the one?” Bakugou said out of the blue during lunch with his father. 
His dad stopped the food before it reached his lips and his eyes widened as his son opened up. It wasn’t rare since they had that bond but a smile popped onto his face as he realized that his explosive son probably had a crush. 
“Well to be honest, it took awhile.” He stated. “It wasn’t until the fifth time she asked me out that I realized that she was the one.” 
“Wait. Mom asked you out?” 
“Yeah. I was focused on my career during college and didn’t really date but I loved being around her. We were great friends and then slowly I realized that I had mistaken our friendship for love.” 
His son fell silent before returning to his food. “So you’re saying that you were best friends then decided to date? What if it ruined what you had?” 
Masaru thought back to all the friends his son had. He never brought up the topic of dating or crushes and this seemed very out of the ordinary for him. The only person he could think of was Kirishima. He was the only person who had visited their house on multiple occasions without the others following behind. Bakugou had even referred to him as his best friend. 
He hid his smile as he thought of the times when his wife and him first started dating. 
“Well that the thing. I was scared to dip my toes in the water. I was scared that I would lose my best friend and that no matter how hard we tried, we could never turn back.” he took a bite. “however the thought of not discovering what it could be was worse. And I’m glad I did because now i have my best friend and a bratty son.” He smirked.
Bakugou smiled too before getting up. “Thanks dad.” 
“Any time.” 
Bakugou walked to his room contemplating what his dad had said. 
Down in the kitchen his dad picked up the phone. “Honey you are not going to believe this.” 
Summer was almost over. Class 2A or well now 3A was about to start their new school year in less than a week. It had been crazy as everyone was traveling and hanging out with their friends and of course Kirishima made sure that him and his best bro spent time together. 
They were currently hiking on a trail that Bakugou loved to go to. The other times the whole squad joined but after the chat with his dad, the blond needed to get something off his chest. But as they kept walking further out leaving the world behind, he wasn’t sure if he was going to be able to take it. 
“And then Denki chased a rat into a trash can.” Kiri laughed as they paused at the edge of a cliff. He turned and noticed that Bakugou had been quiet the entire story, not even a sly remark or calling someone dumb was said and he noticed that he had spaced out. “Hey bro, you okay?” 
Bakugou was lost in his mind again. “Yeah.” 
But he knew his friend better than that. Kirishima shrugged and sat down, letting his feet dangle over the edge. The sun was almost ready to set and he felt his palms get weird and clammy but he ignored it. Thats what he had been doing for two years. 
Bakugou followed in suit and their shoulders were slightly touching, which made his heart beat faster and it was almost painful. 
“Cant believe we are gonna graduate this year.” Kirishima said in disbelief. “Its crazy how in less than a year, we will be moving on and becoming heroes in no time.” 
Kiri barked out a laugh as he tapped his shoulder against his. “You’ll be number one in no time, im sure of it.” 
“And what about you?” Bakugou asked without facing him. “Where will you be?”
“Hopefully fighting alongside with you.”
And that’s all it took. Bakugou sighed before taking a deep breath. 
“Have you ever considered life along side hero work?”
The red head furrowed his eyebrows. “Like dating?”
“Like dating” He repeated. 
“Didn’t know the great Katsuki Bakugou had any thoughts about that stuff.” He faced him and although his tone was playful, Bakugou didn’t miss the sadness that followed. “I’ve always wondered.” Kirishima said honestly. 
I was scared that I would lose my best friend and that no matter how hard we tried, we could never turn back.
Their eyes met and they were only inches apart. If one of them leaned their noses would brush together. 
“Have you?” He asked as he leaned slightly. “I thought being a hero was all you wanted.”
the thought of not discovering what it could be was worse
Their noses touched. He could practically feel the others breathing pause and when he thought about being a hero again, all he could see was the two of them together. 
“I thought so too.” and he closed the gap as he kissed his best friend slowly. 
The tension that had been building up for two years had dissipated. Every unanswered question that was running through their heads had been answered through that kiss. It was slow and hesitant and Bakugou was scared to know if they he had just dug his grave. 
“Wow.” Kirishima breathed as they pulled away. 
Their foreheads rested together as Kirishima intertwined their fingers and Bakugou let him. 
You would think that all the sass and arrogance that followed the blond would be right here in this moment. That he would be on cloud nine because he had the balls to do something so terrifying but rewarding at the same time. 
But he was breathless and calm. It was an ocean of uncertainty and everything he had every thought about had flown out the window. He was a nervous wreak and Kirishima could see that. 
“Hey.” Kiri whispered. “Its okay to be shy and take it slow. im just happy that we finally got our shit together.” 
A small smile lifted his spirits as the red head kissed his cheek. 
“Im happy too.” 
“Then thats all that matters.” 
They sat and watched the sunset before setting up their tent. Bakugou felt like he could breath and his focus became better as he knew that he was meant to always have his best friend, now boyfriend on his mind.
They laid their sleeping bags right next to each other and Kirishima locked their fingers together before kissing his knuckles. “So when do i get to tell people that I’m dating the future number one hero.” He winked and he smiled as the blush crept on the blonds face. 
Bakugou rolled his eyes before leaning over and kissing him softly. Something that he found out he really liked to do. “Fuck it you can tell them that I’m dating the manliest hero anyone has ever seen.” 
“And here I thought you forgot the cussing and turned soft.” 
“Me soft? Never.” 
“Not even for me?” Kiri jokingly batted his eyelashes. 
They spent the rest of the night chatting like usual, the only difference was their hands were clutched together, promising to never let go. 
Bakugou could count the amount of people he ever fell in love with on one hand, with one finger. And as the years would pass by and their hero ranks would climb. the golden band sitting on his ring finger would state the truth. 
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Meeting and Dating Danny Walker
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(Not my gif)(requested by anonymous/sorry about the wait, I had to get my hands on a copy of the movie)
(We’re just gonna pretend that Evelyn and him never got together, alright? Good. Also I’m not a historic genius so please don’t yell at me if this is factually inaccurate)
- You met Danny when you were stationed at Pearl Harbor as a mechanic. When Danny arrived at the hangar he was surprised to see you there crouched at the side of a plane with tools scattered around you.
- One of his friends caught him watching so he promptly informed him of who you were, making a joke about the two of you having to be “in close proximity”.
- Danny was immediately very nervous, he is so out of his element around new people… well new females, that he isn’t sure exactly what he should do. He stares for a little while longer getting caught by you in the process after which he all but runs out of the room. 
- Every time he sees you in the chow hall or around the base he can’t help but sneak glances at you, so much so that the girls at your table start to take notice. Against your own will you’re led over to the handsome young man catching him completely off guard. 
- Your “friends” introduce you between giggles. Danny can barely look into your eyes; his gaze just stays trained on the floor in front of him as opposed to the swarm of girls before him. He’s extremely uncomfortable but he manages to glance up and nod his head as a greeting complete with a tight lipped awkward little smile. You decide to relieve him of his torture and pull the girls away.
- Once you’re gone he curses at himself for not taking his chance but now that you’ve been “introduced” it becomes his mission to talk to you more. It starts with him greeting you whenever he sees you, then it evolves into mini conversations when you’re waiting in line for meals or working on one of the planes in the hangar, and finally he’s comfortable enough around you to just approach  and talk like friends. 
- You start to fall for Danny and well he’s absolutely in love with you but an army base isn’t the best place to get involved with someone so you try your best to just remain good friends. That goal doesn’t stick around for long after he shyly invites you to “see the harbor at sunset”. 
- Listen I cannot think of a better first date than that so please; if you haven't already, watch that scene, if not the entire movie. It is quite possibly one of the most romantic things I have ever seen. Sorry that I’m cheating you out of a first date and kiss scenario but I don’t want to just rewrite what happens there. 
- Lets just say everything went pretty much the same except you didn’t end up getting fully tangled in the hanging sheets. 
- The next day he asked if you’d be his and you couldn’t help but say yes. The two of you can’t stop smiling for the rest of the day knowing that you’re finally together.
- No matter how much time you spend together he’s always so happy to see you especially when you first start dating. You can see just how much he loves you from the way he reacts to you being near.
- Visiting him at his base whenever you can.
- He gets downright giddy around you, it’s really adorable the way his eyes light up and the way he giggles. He just can’t seem to control himself, he’s just a little boy in love.
- A lot of caressing and nuzzling. He uses any excuse he can to touch you.
- He’s very soft with you.
- You can make him flustered very easily and he doesn’t know how he feels about that fact. His ears will turn red (you can always tell he’s nervous if he touches his ears, it’s a little habit of his), he’ll start to fumble with his words. If you touch his chest you’ll feel his heart pounding.
- Writing letters and notes when you aren’t able to see each other for a while.
- Beach dates.
- Sunbathing together.
- Watching sunsets although he spends a lot of the time just looking at you.
- Cuddling in his car.
- He lets you wear his pilot jacket.
- He thinks it’s cute when you wear his sun glasses. After the first time he saw you wear them he always offers them up to you with this cute little smile on his face. 
- Teasing and joking with each other; your laugh is music to his ears.
- He carries a picture of you on him at all times.
- He sneaks you into his plane for a trip into the sky. He loves being able to impress you and share his love of flying with you.
- Getting to hear the history of places that you pass during your rendezvous in the sky.
- Helping him deal with his past and the trauma his father caused.
- Double dates with Rafe and Evelyn.
- Getting to hear all of his childhood stories. Him and Rafe both like to tell you about all the crazy things they did. 
- Listening to his proud stories of Rafe when he’s M.I.A. 
- Warm hugs.
- Holding hands.
- He’s more than happy to say he loves you pretty early on in the relationship. He’s faced with a lot of danger everyday and he doesn’t want to die without you knowing just how much you mean to him. 
- He’s always ready to defend you honor.
- Nose kisses.
- Fixing his tie when it gets all crooked.
- Tugging him closer by his dog tags.
- He definitely gets jealous and depending on the situation he can either get a little aggressive or just deflate and sink in his seat. 
- His best friends said it: he’s insecure. As much as you tell him that you love him he’s always going to second guess himself.
- And if you do want to keep your relationship a secret from, lets say your supervisors, then he’s going to feel kind awful about it even if he agrees on some level. 
“I just don’t want everybody to know about us.”
“No, no, cause that would be embarrassing right?” 
- Sometimes he’ll just agree with you no matter what he thinks which can be a good thing and a bad thing. He doesn’t want to fight with you but his actions may just lead to the two of you fighting anyway. It’s nothing you can’t resolve quickly and easily but it’s definitely something that will bother you in the moment. But don’t worry, the two of you don’t actually fight or argue all that much. You’re actually on the low side of the spectrum of couples arguing. 
- Sneaking away from the base so that you can spend some alone time together. 
- Being the first one to greet him every time he gets back from flying. 
- He’s always ready to comfort you whenever you’re nervous or scared. Just whenever you need him know that he’ll always be there.
- He needs a kiss a day and thats an order.
- He loves when you touch him, just the softness of your hands and the emotion behind your caresses. 
- Brushing away dirt and grease from his face after a long day at work. 
- You’ll jokingly; and not so jokingly, tell him that he looks good in a wife beater and he’ll shyly chuckle while he tries to play off how happy it made him. 
“Oh really now? Is that all I look good in?”
- He has you kiss his hand or wrist before he goes out flying or takes a trip somewhere. He likes being able to see your lipstick print on him whenever he misses you too much. 
- He likes to lay his head on your chest or in the crook of your neck whenever you cuddle. 
- He’s pretty damn strong and he likes to subtly show it off. Lifting you up with ease when he hugs or kisses you, carrying your bridal style, just happening to be in some state of undress while carrying some heavy box whenever you’re around. 
- Getting gifted little weed like flowers that he’s able to pick for you before he meets you somewhere. Sometimes he’ll get lucky and manage to get away from the station long enough to buy you a proper bouquet. It’s worth the trouble when he gets to see the smile on your face.
- He treats you like you’re the most precious thing in the world. 
- After the war is over the two of you get married; you have kids and live a perfect little life together in a nice rural area. 
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sinerelynarnia · 4 years
Fighters To Lover (4)
~Aaron Pevensie, the sibling who stayed in Narnia, the one who’d rather fight in a war and die with honor then sit in school and learn about a war without fighting in one, infected with a curse, causing her to live forever, becoming the burden to herself and never loving again
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“Your declaring a war?” Glenstorm asked looking around the room, Caspian and I stood beside each other, nervous well Peter, Susan, Edmund and Lucy looked around.
“I think if what i’ve heard it’ll be a good idea, you’ve lived in fear for how many years?” Peter said standing up. “I could prepare a army for you, i’ve done it once before.
I rolled my eyes at sat down, already annoyed at Peter. “McAlester can show you, he’s my most loyal knight, he tells everything about my army,” I said to Peter.
“Okay then, we go to war with the Telmarine, we take the fear away from you Narnia's and everything goes back to normal,” Caspian said sitting down beside me.
“Who are you to tell us what to do, you are one of them!” Glenstorm shouted, I stood up in angry.
“I say what he can tell us!” I shouted back looking at Glenstorm. “Prince Caspian is with us now, and if declaring war on his kingdom doesn’t prove to us all that he isn’t a loyal person then we have a issue!” I declared looking around, Glenstorm stood down. “That’s what I thought,” I huffed sitting back down.
“King Peter, i’ll bring you to our army,” McAlester said standing up, not able to look at me, everyone left the room, including me storming off to my room, annoyed and stressing out.
“These people don’t listen to you when their around do they?” Caspian asked running after me. “I get it, no had listened to me after my father died, I had no one but my professor, he had taught me everything I know.
“Caspian what do you want?” I sharply asked turning around in the safety of my room. “I just would like to just think for a second, i’m responsible for what happens when i’m left to do this all alone again, i’m responsible for all the deaths that will occur,” I cried out tossing my hands on my head.
“Hey hey calm down,” Caspian said walking towards me. “You won’t bare all the responsibility, it was my reason, I started this and I will end it, the deaths will be on me, okay, does that make you feel better?”
“No,” I huffed walking away from Caspian towards my closet and walking in. “You know what would make me feel better,” I heard Caspian hum behind me. “My siblings to know how I feel about them,” I chuckled.
“Dirty dresses, thats cute,” Caspian said walking into my closet, looking at the pile of dresses that laid on my ground, unable to get washed by anyone but me. “All full of blood, aren’t you adventures,” I smiled.
“it wasn’t my fault, Scavengers just don’t listen,” I chuckled picking another gold dress from out of my closet, matching corset. “You should go get ready, we head out in just hours,” I suggested turning around.
“I know,” Caspian said frowning. “At Least I know you’ll be okay,”
“Caspian I live for the war, it’s a passion really,” I said walking towards him. “I’m gonna enjoy this, the rush, well it lasts,” I walked passed him, not getting far enough without being pulled back.
“Thank you for getting the people on my side, even know we’ve known each other for a couple days, you’ve grown on me,” Caspian said making me smile, I shook my head.
“I can’t do this Caspian,” I huffed taking my wrist out of his grip and walking away almost falling.
“Princess Aaron, what's wrong?” Liana called out chasing after me. “Stop running, please,”
“I’m fine, it’s fine,” I cried out turning around. “I’m going to get changes, it’s okay Liana, you have to get the castle ready, please,” I turned back around, running towards the nearest changing room and falling to the ground. 
“Your bardon yourself of love you know,” Aslan said standing infront of me, I didn’t move and stayed laying on the ground. “I see all,”
“Alsan please,” I whispered tossing my head down. “I’m just setting myself up for heartbreak,” I cried out pushing myself off the ground and walking towards the mirror. “I’m better off alone,”  Aslan was gone and my body filled with annoyance once again.
I stripping my robe off, pulling my shirt and leggings off, standing naked again infront of a mirror. I pulled my eyes away, Slipping my corset and dress on, tying up and brushing my hands through my hair.
“Knock knock,” Susan lighty said walking into the room. “Hey sissy,” She smiled, I walked over and wrapped my arms around her.
“A hundred years, you don’t look age over three-hundred,” I smiled letting her go. “Hows London?” I asked, not remembering much about it.
“Lovely, active war and boarding school, top A,” Susan said making me laugh. “Hows Narnia, hows ruling people?”
“Not has fun as you would think,” I chuckled. “People hate me, people love me, it’s never a equal medium,” I had thought of telling Susan about the curses part but pushed it back, knowing the less people that knew, the better,”
“We’re here now, we can help each other, but that’s not why I came in here,” I sighed listening to Susan. “I want you to come back home with us, it’s not the same without someone my age, talking about boys and school,”
“Princess Aaron, you’re wanted at the army stasion,” Liana said standing at the doorway.
“We can talk about this later Susan, but you know my answer,” I whispered walking passed her and following Liana down the stairs. “I think I liked peace and when it was only you and I that talked,”
“You can’t take my steed, it’s mine, there are tons more horses and you can’t have mine!” Caspians voice echoed the castle, I sighed once more and walked around the corner, Peter and Caspian were facing each other.
“I’m king, kings shoulder have the cooler horse!” Peter shouted back, I shook my head.
“It’s a steed Petter, and you have your own horse, Caspian as a right too,” I said walked passed the pair and towards McAlester. “You’ve requests me?” I asked.
“Yes Princess Aaron, we’ve got everything ready, it’s just your command to tell us when to leave,” He paused shifting himself. “The telmarines know about what we’re doing, someone told them, and I wouldn’t be surprised if he did,” I followed McAlesters eyes, looking at Caspian.
“Leave him alone,” I huffed shaking my head. “I trust him with my life, we leave at sunset!” I called out to the room, everyone looked at me, I walked away back up the stairs.
“Wait please Aaron!” Caspian called out, I stopped walking, feeling the walls were slowly closing in on me. “I’m sorry, if I made you feel uncomfortable,”
“Caspian I haven’t felt anything in almost three-hundred years, i’m setting myself up for heartbreak and I can’t do that,” I took a breath, closing my eyes then opening them back up.
“Heartbreak,” Caspian laughed making me cheeks go red, he stopped laughing once he noticed. “You live in your head, you think about the future so much, live out of your head for a day, live in reality,”
“Caspian,” I smiled shaking my head. “Go get ready, i’ll see you later,” I turned away from him walking up the stairs back towards my room to grab what I needed.
“You’ll be keeping me here,” Lucy said sitting on my bed. “I’ll get to be in charge of the castle for the night,” I smiled walking over and bringing Lucy into a hug.
“I’ve missed you,” I whispered holding her tightly. “Don’t be to harsh on my people alright,” I joked letting her go. “I’ve gotten some ice cream in my kitchen, i’m sure if you kind my friend Liana or Nubbles they’ll show you,”
“Thank you Aaron,” Lucy said wrapping her arms around me again. “I’ve missed you around, mom wonders where you’ve went, Peter and Susan just keep her occupied, not letting her worry,”
Our mother always looked different at me, comparing me to a wild animal at sometimes, telling me that I had to act like Susan and Lucy to become a wife one day, part of the reason I had never returned home from Narnia.
“We’re ready to leave, the sun as set,” Caspian said behind me, I stood up and kisses Lucy on her head. “Princesses,” I smiled hearing him say that.
“Yes, i’ve just got to grab something,” I shed walking over to my dresses and pulling out my top drawer, revealing a secret pocket at the bottom. I picked up a little bottle, sticking it to my side, beside my sword. “Lucy you stay safe now, we’ll be back,” I said following Caspian out.
“Are you ready for this?” Caspian asked as we both walked down the stairs. “Princess,” I paused and turned to Caspian.
“I can’t die, I should be asking if you’re ready for this,” I said placing my hands on his shoulders. “I hope your right about this, we’re responsible for what happens,”
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