#that's set right in the tos era
angrycatlovesfandoms · 5 months
I just wrote a thousand words of star trek fanfiction on my phone on a train without puking lets go we win thissss
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omgthatdress · 1 year
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Apparently, Molly is low-key a major gay icon, and honestly, I get it. After all, Molly did *really* like her pretty teacher, Miss Campbell. If you think about it, it makes sense that lot of future lesbians would absolutely love Molly. Most dolls in the 90s were hyper-feminine princess dolls, and Molly was... not. I’d imagine the market for girls who want to play with dolls that aren’t pretty pink princesses is pretty large and the supply is pretty small. Just like there’s plenty of boys out there who want to play with something other than GI Joes. Molly (and AG in general) fits neatly into that market, which I’m sure is why she was so successful.
Last year, with its re-launch of the classic dolls, AG put a post on it’s instagram, “To all the Molly girls in the world, we see you and celebrate you,” which a lot of folks on Twitter took to see as confirmation that Molly was gay. When asked if they just outed Molly, AG gave a very non-committal reply. AG has always had a distinctly feminist slant, but it’s only ever toed the line of actually being LGBT inclusive. So far the only actual inclusion we’ve seen from them is a Girl of the Year with a pair of gay aunts. Even that tiny whiff of queerness was enough to set off a frothing horde of angry conservative moms screaming for a boycott. Since Mattell is only motivated by profit, I doubt we’ll get more representation any time soon, but we can dream.
Anyway, World War II was pretty gay to begin with.
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A lot of historians point to WW2 as the starting point of the modern gay rights movement because before it, you had very many people living on isolated farms and never going very far from home in their lifetimes. With mass recruitment of men into the military, gay servicemen were able to find other men like themselves and build a community. It was much the same way for women who went to work in factories, joined the WAC or WAVES, and joined women’s baseball leagues. That’s right, the league of their own was gay as FUCK.
As far as Molly’s fashion goes, I love her lack of pink. I’m glad there’s a doll out there that isn’t hyper-gendered, and I wish there were more dolls like her out there.
With sweaters coming into fashion in the 1920s and 30s, the sweaters of the 40s started to see more complex and colorful knits coming into style.
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Much of the fashion of this era was dominated by frugality. Europe’s couture houses were shut down, and fabric was rationed. Hems were shortened and baggy cuts and useless frills were done away with. Britain introduced the “Utility Scheme” which hired designers to make chic ensembles using as few resources as possible. Because of this, separates and outfits that could be made with scraps of fabric were very popular, and at-home knitting and sewing continued to be highly popular.
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“After the United States entered World War II in 1941, companies began to experiment with various materials in anticipation of rationing and shortages. This example is a prototype from Nina-Fay Foundations, which uses plastic for closures and stays instead of the usual metal. Although metal was not ultimately rationed, the company was experimenting with alternatives to metal zippers and hooks in the event that it was needed for the war effort.”
(The Met Museum)
Women were taking men’s jobs and taking on masculine roles
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But they were still expected to maintain a certain level of femininity, “To give our boys something to fight for.”
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Because of all of this, the gender politics of the 1940s are really complicated and interesting.
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Whumptober 2023
No. 22 Glass Shard
Pairing: Daryl Dixon x Fem!Reader
Setting: Prison Era
Warnings: Injury, Blood
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“Don’t take it out!” You swatted Daryl’s hands away from a large glass shard protruding from his right side. “You might bleed out. We don’t know if it hit anything vital.” He scowled at you and murmured something you couldn’t hear but dropped his hands to his sides. “Shouldn’t be picking fights.”
“Ain’t pickin’ no fights. We needed the meds n’ we got ‘em.” He snapped, walking toward the bike with his left hand below the injury. 
“Wait a minute! You can’t possibly think you’re driving us back like that!”
He looked at you like you’d sprouted another head. “Why wouldn’ I?”
Lord, give me patience. Don’t give me strength because I’ll kill him. You pinched the bridge of your nose. “You’ve been stabbed, Daryl. You’re bleeding. When someone bleeds a lot, they sometimes pass out. I’d rather not be behind you on a fricking motorcycle if that happens.”
Scowling again. Typical. “Ain’t gon’ pass out. Le’s go.”
You started to follow but decided against it. Appeasing his pride would get you both killed. Planting your feet, you crossed your arms. “No.”
Daryl had thrown his leg over and plopped heavily onto the seat, raising his brows at your brazen refusal. “Wha’?”
“You heard me. I said no.”
“Woman, don’ make me leave ya here.”
“You would never.” Your eyes narrowed in challenge, flickering down toward his boot when he toed up the kickstand. He really would never, right? When he started the engine, you really started to doubt but would not be swayed. He was already pale and sweaty, droplets of blood pooling behind his boot. With a deep breath, you squared your shoulders. Daryl cared about you. You had to believe that he wouldn’t leave you. 
He watched you with a stoic expression, only faltering once you stood straighter. He must look like shit if you wouldn’t trust him to get the both of you home. Lowering the kickstand, he shut off the bike. “Wha’s the plan?”
You blinked at him. 
“Ya let me start up the bike n’ make enough noise ta attract ev’ry walker in there n’ ya didn’t have a plan?” 
“Well I didn’t exactly think you’d try to bully me into letting you kill us, Daryl!” You dropped your arms and looked around while he muttered to himself. You spotted a pick up next to the gate. It must have belonged to the men that attacked you. The driver’s door was still open. Maybe they just happened to leave the keys and you wouldn’t need to hotwire the stupid thing. “Wha’re ya doin’ now?” The archer called after you when you sprinted toward the truck. 
You leaned inside with a spirited ‘yes!’ upon finding the keys in the ignition. Next up: fuel. “Please be enough. Please be enough.” You turned the key and watched the fuel gauge before leaning out. “Will just below half get us back?”
“Should.” He yelled back, getting off the bike. He stumbled but caught himself, leaving your heart hammering. You definitely couldn’t drag him to the passenger side, much less get him in there.
Climbing back out, you jogged over to help him. “Let’s get the bike in the back and I’ll drive, okay.”
Daryl only nodded. You pushed down your concern and opened the tailgate, helping him lift the bike into the back. Damn thing was fucking heavy but if you were hauling it, that was the only way to get it loaded. Panting, you closed it up just in time to see the man beside you sway on his feet. 
“Whoa!” Small hands grabbed his shoulders to steady him. “You okay? You’re looking a little pekid.” He was panting just as hard as you were, which wasn’t a shocker since the two of you just bench pressed a 400 pound bike into the back of a pickup. Probably not the best idea when one of you has a large piece of glass playing poke-the-vital-organ. 
He lifted his hands to gently grab your wrists, lowering your arms from his shoulders. “M’fine. Le’s jus’ get outta ‘ere. We got company.” A nod toward the area behind you had you turn toward the group of walkers approaching. 
“Okay, hop in.” You walked around him but slowed your steps to make sure he made it all the way to the passenger door. Sure, he was using the truck to steady himself the entire way but he finally climbed inside. You quickly slid behind the wheel and started up the engine. Once you pulled out onto the road, a little of the anxiety churning inside your chest dissipated. “We’ll get back just after dark, I think. Get Hershel to take a look at you.”
When he no more than hummed in reply, you glanced over at him. His head was against the window, eyes closed, lips parted to release shallow pants of breath. His skin glistened with sweat while holding a sickly pallor in stark contrast to the dark circles around his eyes. You would bet anything that if you touched his skin, it would be cold.
“Daryl? Daryl, your wound. How’s your wound?” You asked frantically, trying to split your attention between him and the road. 
“S’fine, Y/N. Jus’ drive.” 
“Let me see.” You requested softly, still trying to stay on course. 
“Drive. M’fine.” Daryl replied. He hadn’t opened his eyes at all. 
Mindful that neither of you were wearing seatbelts, you slowed to a stop and turned in the seat, grabbing at him to turn where you could see. He was slow to open his eyes. 
“Knock it off. Why we stopped?” The shove he gave you was gentle but enough to put some space between you. He didn’t expect you to come right back, this time to roughly grab his vest and pull him down across the seat. 
“You pulled it out?!” You yelled, pressing your hand over the steadily bleeding wound. His blood coated the interior of the door, the seat, and had puddled on the floor. “I said not to take it out, Daryl!”
“Didn’.” He replied quietly, sounding more than tired. “Got…got pulled out loadin’ the bike.”
You gaped at him. “And you didn’t think to say something?”
“Didn’ wanna worry ya. ‘Sides, m’fine.” His eyes slowly closed. “Doc’ll fix…me…righ’…”
“Daryl?” You kept one hand on the wound and used the other to shake him. “Daryl?! Goddamnit!” Peeling off your flannel overshirt, you folded it and pressed it against the injury, laying his arm over it to hold it in place. You climbed back behind the wheel, glad to have him lying across the seat so you could check his pulse while you hauled ass back to the prison. 
You found yourself carding your fingers through his hair, stroking his jaw, feeling his pulse, anything that let you know he was right there. His skin was so cold, his breaths so shallow that you could hardly feel the exhale at all. 
When the prison was within sight, you almost didn’t even stop to let them open the gates. 
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Carol found you pacing outside by the picnic benches three hours after you had returned with Daryl. Three hours after you had leapt from the cab of the truck screaming for help. Three hours after you had collapsed to your knees watching Rick and Glenn carry Daryl inside. Three hours after you couldn’t find a pulse.
“He’s alive, Y/N.” The woman said softly. She sat down on top of one of the tables and watched you. You were thankful she had led with that but still couldn’t bring yourself to stop wearing a hole into the concrete. 
“But?” You weren’t naive. There was something more if she wanted to give you the good news first. Wanted you calmer. A very Carol tactic. You loved her for it but couldn’t entertain it. Not now. 
Carol could sense that. “Whatever he was stabbed with nicked his liver. Hershel was able to repair it but there was some internal bleeding. Hey,” she reached out to grab your hand. “He lost a lot of blood so he’s not out of the woods yet but he’s tough.”
“That’s the problem, though, isn’t it?” You laughed wryly. “Everyone thinks he’s invincible, so he feels like he has to be. He didn’t even tell me that he was bleeding out, Carol. He was just gonna sit there and…and…”
“Okay, okay, come here.” Carol pulled you to sit next to her, hugging you tightly. “You’re right. We need to make sure he knows that it’s okay to need help.” Pulling you back by your shoulders, she swept your hair out of your face. “And when he is better, we’ll get to work on that, okay?” You nodded, allowing her to wipe away your tears. “He’ll be okay.”
You sniffled and nodded again, more softly than the first time. “Can I see him?”
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Daryl made it through the night. Hershel had said his chances of a full recovery only increased after that. You hadn’t slept much, but couldn’t bring yourself to close your eyes just yet. So you just sat in a chair by the bunk with your head lying on the mattress by his hand. Your own hand looked so small wrapped around his, your skin so much paler than his tan. You counted any freckles you found on his arm. You even cleaned from underneath his nails. 
Carol eventually came by with two bowls of oatmeal. You thanked her quietly while never raising from your spot. True to form, she came over and kissed the top of your head, giving your shoulder a squeeze. Her dainty hand then on Daryl’s bicep, gently rubbing up to his shoulder and back down before she walked out of the cell. 
Eventually, exhaustion won out. When you opened your eyes again, it was dark inside the cell. An almost burned out candle filled the room with dancing shadows but it was the eyes that reflected the flame that had your attention. 
“Daryl!” You leaned closer, touching his face, his neck, anywhere you could while his eyes followed you. “I’m so glad you’re awake. How are you feeling?”
“Tired.” His voice was rough from sleep and lack of use. He coughed weakly, face scrunching in pain before smoothing out again. “Thirsty.”
“Be right back.” You jogged from the cell to fetch some water and to let Hershel know Daryl had finally awoke. The veterinarian came not long after you had finished settling Daryl against the pillows once he had taken a few sips. 
“Blood pressure is a little lower than I’d like but that’s likely from the blood loss. Everything else looks real good, son.” He patted Daryl’s leg before standing with his crutches. “I’m sure you know you’re benched for a while though.”
“Yeah, figured.” Daryl shrugged a shoulder. He looked as though he could fall back asleep at any given moment. 
“Alright. I’ll check in tomorrow morning. Get some rest.” The older man stopped beside you and added “the both of you.” You gave him a nod and wished him goodnight. 
“Ya okay?” Daryl asked before you could even sit back down. You chose to sit on the edge of the mattress instead of the chair. 
“I’m fine now that I know you’re okay. You scared the hell out of me.”
“I know. M’sorry.” He answered quietly, his gaze falling away from yours. He knew exactly what you weren’t saying. “You should have told me.” 
“Hey.” You reached up to brush his hair away from his face, smiling and letting your hand come to rest on his cheek. “Don’t worry. We will be talking about this but I won’t yell at you until you feel better.”
“S’real comfortin’, Y/N.” His smirk was half-assed at best, either from fatigue or guilt. 
“I know. I have a great bedside manner.” You beamed. Getting to your feet, you moved closer to his own and crawled onto the bed and across his legs to his left side. He turned his head to watch you, each blink lasting longer than the one before it. 
“Guess it ain’t half bad.”
“Oh come on, it’s phenomenal. What other caregiver’s gonna crawl in bed with you and snuggle?”
“Hope ta hell Hershel don’ take notes from ya.”
“He had a hard time with the missing foot but you two looked super cozy when my shift began.” You snorted when he shrugged the shoulder you had cuddled against, jarring you back a little. 
“I can’ stand ya sometimes.”
“Pft, you love me.” You nuzzled your nose against his cheek before kissing it. He huffed a tired laugh and let his eyes drift shut. 
“Eh, I migh’.”
“Wait, what?” You blinked. “You might what? Daryl?” The only replies were his deep, even breaths. You laid your head back against his shoulder and watched him, biting back a wide smile. Now you had even more to talk about. 
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garroth-is-done · 10 days
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Gene A. Santos, Aged 17.
Spiritual Age: 1,017
Pre-Shadow Knight Turning:
A delinquent 17 year old junior at Phoenix Drop High School. Leader of a small gang called “The Shadow Knights”, named after undead knights of the 2nd Ireneian Era. He is largely considered harmless by teachers and students alike, but he has a mean streak a mile wide. Best not get on his bad side.
He wears a low cut black tank top, a white button up, a pair of khakis, a red belt with a custom made belt buckle reading “SK”, and a pair of beat up combat boots (he claims them to be steel toed). His hair and eyes are a dark blue color; he has a large mole on his right cheek, and a hawk moth tattoo on his chest. (No one knows how he got it, but they suspect Sasha Worsham, 16, to have done it) He is scowling at the viewer, best not approach him.
Post-Shadow Knight Turning:
A cold and calculating young man, often found bullying other students; even the ones older than him. He can always be found with his lackeys and “boyfriend”Laurence Zvhal (Aged 15, sophomore), Sasha Worsham (Aged 16, sophomore), and Zenix Argos (Aged 14, freshman). Students will quickly vacate a hallway or room when they see them coming for fear of being beaten up or having their things stolen. Gene himself rarely does more than taunt the target, but he’s been known to get violent if his words don’t do the job.
He suddenly made a complete 180 after missing a week of school right after Halloween. He is always in perfect dress code, minus a black turtle neck underneath his uniform; becoming cadgey and aggressive if someone asks about it. His hair and eyes have also changed color, becoming a dark purple. His skin is much paler, almost grey in appearance, and the mole is now missing from his cheek. His expression seems almost vacant, as if he was miles away from where he is standing. He still looks moments away from lashing out; don’t talk to him.
Shadow Knight Form:
The second most aggressive of the local cryptids that have shown up in Phoenix Drop. It is safe to approach, but be cautious, as it will not attack unless provoked. It has the capability to speak, but not in a language anyone who has encountered it can understand. Unlike “the Avenger” it will not intervene if you are in trouble, instead either watching from the sidelines or even joining in if it’s already in a bad mood. It is currently named and referred to in the media as “The Speaker”.
It wears dark red armor, akin to “The Avenger’s”. It is lined with the same glowing trim mimicking lava, minus a glowing red ring around its throat. Its hair has smoke-like properties, and it is known to entirely encase an area in it to escape from those attempting to document it. It bares a set of forward facing horns (much like a bull’s) and twin tails alight with fire on the ends that it can use to attack. There is glowing red veins sprouting from the glowing ring around its neck; and its eyes are bright red with a yellow sclera. It is smiling and you can hear a feint chuckle emanating from it. Do not engage if possible.
(Part 2 of the “They Aren’t A Myth” AU)
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worflesbian · 1 year
right okay i dont know exactly how persistent an issue this is bc i almost never go into the tags on this website, but even ive noticed this happening so i feel like that’s justification to make a post about it. the whitewashing of julian bashir as an established Thing not just in the fandom but in official merch has been discussed before, but recently i’ve noticed the inverse happening with martok and b’elanna, a white character and a lighter latina character who people seem to often draw darker than they are in canon. and there’s like. a Lot going on there to unpack.
so this video goes into some detail about the racism baked into the origins and design of the klingons in tos, it’s very informative about the anti-asian stereotypes especially in a 60s context but i feel like it doesnt really cover the way that antiblackness becomes a more significant factor in the next gen era so like. if you didn’t know, the majority of the klingon characters in the next gen-ds9-voyager era are either played by actors with dark skin or Very frequently by white actors in heavy dark makeup. if you look up the actors of grilka, alexander, kehleyr, and sirella for example you’ll see what im talking about like the difference is Stark and these are some of the main recurring klingons across both shows. hopefully i do not need to explain why packing white actors in brown makeup to play members of a species characterised as violent, warlike and animalistic is racist. i say hopefully bc who knows with this website. anyway i’d recommend this video for a wider context on the legacy of blackface in tv!
martok is a rare example of a klingon played by a white actor who, as far as i can tell, does not have his skin significantly darkened. so to see him frequently being drawn with darker skin is uh Slightly Concerning given everything in the previous paragraph! ive even seen art where he’s drawn darker than julian in the same post which... anyway im not trying to blanket condemn reinterpreting the design of alien characters in fanart, but i am asking white fans like myself in particular to think critically as to why, out of all the white characters and aliens on ds9, martok is the one you want to do that with.
because b’elanna is not a white character i think its a slightly different situation, but at the same time she does have lighter skin and i have seen fanart of her drawn much much darker and once again, im not condeming it especially in works ive seen which explore the relationship bewteen her latina and klingon identities, but its something white fans need to handle carefully. in the voyager episode Faces where she gets split into a human and klingon version of her (dont have time to unpack all that) you can see the difference in undertones between human b’elanna and klingon b’elanna (also included a pic of regular b’elanna for reference). the brown makeup is obvious here too and if you can see why it might be racist to attribute a person’s rage and violent impulses to a part of themself that is then personified as darker skinned/more brown, then you might also see some of the wider problems going on here and can understand that this is something that demands a lot of thought and consideration.
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i’d like to reiterate that this is a very complex and nuanced issue, especially considering the intersection of fictional race within the setting and the racial biases operating behind the scenes/metatextually, and i’d love to discuss it more (and to cite better sources than youtube videos when i have the time). but for now i’d just like to say yeah just ask yourself what the implications might be to drawing these characters in particular darker than they are in canon, especially if theyre the only characters you do that for, or you’re intentionally contrasting them with other characters (e.g. b/7 fanart) or yk. drawing a white character darker than a character of colour like ive seen people do with julian and martok.
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digitalgirlguide · 9 months
Kimmy’s Digital Diary: I owe it to myself to be the best version of me possible
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‧₊˚ ☁️⋅♡𓂃 ࣪ ִֶָ☾. ‧₊˚ ☁️⋅♡𓂃 ࣪ ִֶָ☾.‧₊˚ ☁️⋅♡𓂃 ࣪ ִֶָ☾.
As we step into the new year of 2024, I think to myself ‘what can I do differently in 2024?’ I’m not one to sit on my hands and wait until a new year started to make changes to my life but I would be lying if I didn't say that the sparkle surrounding the prospect of being an entirely new person in january while reflecting on the year in december didn’t excite me. I’ve been taking my vitamins, getting my ass in the gym, solidifying my beauty routines and trying to become an all around ‘it girl’. BUT it's time to wholeheartedly embrace the essence of the 'it girl era' with even more aggression and tenacity than before. Being mediocre has never been in my cards and I want so much out of this life that I have to do more.
The Enchantment of Your Signature Beauty Routine
The first thing I had to get right was my natural look. My go-to ‘If i have 5 minutes to be outside can I I do it?’ signature makeup look. And this is from someone who just started learning about makeup in 2016…where we did full faces and the thickest eyebrows possible. I had to think about what I wanted my staples to be that would always be in my collection. Now I’m a girl who likes a nice dewy look and whenever I wear makeup people don't even know I’m wearing it!
Think of makeup not merely as a beauty enhancer, but as a canvas for self-expression. Whether you resonate with the 'less is more' philosophy, cherishing a dewy no-makeup makeup look, or you're a glamour enthusiast who wouldn't part with her winged eyeliner for anything, your makeup style is an extension of your identity.
My personal go-tos for my 10 minute routine
Sacha Cosmetics Cream to Powder Foundation- Perfect Spice
e.l.f halow glow liquid filter - 6 tan/deep warm
e.l.f hydrating camo concealer - medium peach
sacha cosmetics powder blush - claret
sacha cosmetics buttercup setting powder
urban decay all nighter
Yet, the magic doesn't end there. Scents have an enchanting ability to stir emotions and weave memories. Do you find joy in the freshness of citrus, the elegance of roses, or does the warm, comforting aroma of vanilla speak to your soul? Discovering your signature scent is like leaving traces of your personal brand in every room you enter.
And do not forget to LAYER YOUR FRAGRANCES GIRL.
From the shower gel, to the body lotion to the perfume combinations. Make sure your notes match to create a custom signature scent that will have everybody asking you what fragrance you’re wearing. But we all know, pretty girls don’t share those combinations.
And then, there's your unique style. Whether it aligns with classic chic, boho vibes, or the boldness of street style, your fashion choices should resonate with your personality and instill a sense of empowerment within you.
You don’t have to conform to Tiktok niches but you can mix and match those styles until you get one that feels authentic to YOU. Remember, it’s better to have your own aesthetic than trying to keep up with trends that don't match your personality.
Goal-Getting: Your Moment is Now
Let's shift gears and talk about pursuing your aspirations with unyielding determination. It's the perfect time to outline major goals for the first quarter of the year. Dreaming of launching your own business? Let's sketch out the plan. Eyeing that well-deserved promotion? Let's craft the path towards it. This is undeniably your year, your time to radiate brilliance. Always remember, every achievement begins with the courage to take that first step.
Here are a few tips to staying on top of your studies in 2024:
Use the pomodoro method - its much easier to break things down into smaller chunks than sitting down for hours studying
Invest in cute study supplies (trust me it makes a difference)
Set a study schedule and stick to it
Practice ‘recall’
Have a study scent - to help with recall. Memories are triggered by scent!
Mind and Body Wellness: Embrace Strength Training and Pilates
Exercise is more than sculpting the perfect physique; it's about decluttering your mind and discovering the incredible strength within. Introducing workouts like strength training and Pilates into your routine can be truly transformative.
Strength training empowers you, fostering a sense of strength and capability, and guess what? It contributes to maintaining a harmonious metabolism. On the other hand, Pilates transcends physical fitness; it's an intricate dance between mind and body. Improving flexibility, posture, and even mental wellness, Pilates is a holistic embrace of your well-being.
Let's get into it, The Action Steps
Here's your glow-up game plan:
Curate a beauty regimen that is an authentic reflection of YOU. Remember, it's not about following trends; it's about celebrating what makes YOU feel stunning.
Chart out ambitious goals for Q1. Break them down into manageable tasks and start the journey towards realizing them. Your dreams are deserving of your pursuit.
Infuse strength training and Pilates into your fitness routine. Your body and mind will express gratitude for the nurturing care.
Remember, the path to becoming the best version of yourself is a steady journey, not a hurried sprint. Take each step with intention, celebrate every small victory, and, most importantly, embrace your unique beauty and strength. Here's to a luminous and confident 2024 ✨
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thevagabondexpress · 10 months
something about star trek that hit me today is the both accuracy and inaccuracy of early trek (thus informing later trek) predictions about Fashion Of The Future. nobody in the '60s imagined the ways in which clothes would slowly get more casual over time. so where they got it wrong is that i never see civilians on set wearing pyjamas. where they got it right is that the uniforms (but especially the tos/discovery/snw-era uniforms) look like they're wearing glorified track suits which is very on point for the direction style has taken over time, looking at how things deformalize from the rococo onwards.
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doctornilaybailey · 2 months
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Varies on her mood, activities, and the season. Typically bohemian/global-inspired and items from global brands, adventurer, vintage, artsy, casual, comfy athletic, dark and light academic, but can also glam it up for the occasion. (As written here, in Nilay's statistics post.)
As mentioned above, Nilay's style could always be described as being bohemian and worldly, adventurer, vintage, artsy, casual, comfy athletic, and academic (light during spring and summer, dark during autumn and winter), and also having the capability to glam up for an occasion, along with stepping outside of her comfort zone. Her style can depend on what she's doing: if she's at work, if she's working out, if she's at home, if she's out and about, if she's exploring; No matter what she's doing, she'll be rather stylish while doing so. Not only that, but Nilay also takes inspiration from her own upbringing and heritage. Essentially, during the summer and how I see her wardrobe, the best way that I can describe her style is "modern-day, real life Princess Jasmine from Disney's Aladdin".
After growing up in Mardin, Türkiye and spending seventeen years living primarily in Cairo, Egypt, Nilay is a desert girl through and through, and that can be seen through her wardrobe. She knows how to dress for warm weather, typically reaching out for her linen and flowy pieces. When she's at work, she'll typically wear a linen pantsuit that's still sophisticated and keeping her cool. Off-work and out-and-about, Nilay will be reaching for her two-piece sets or a flowy dress. Depending on the day and her mood, her colour scheme is either light colours (sky blue, white, tan, yellow) or bright and bold colours (warm tones and jewel tones). She also especially loves patterns and textiles, and will either incorporate it through a pair of Inkkas shoes or like the bottom two-piece set in the graphic. Either way, Nilay's wardrobe is on the colourful side and she loves having fun with her style. Here are some extra outfits that I can see her wearing during summer; All gifs are from ciceklerveyildizlar (here, here, here, and here), whereas the still pics are from the brands she would shop from (from left to right: Wondery [the Isabel 3.0 Pants in Coral and Borrego Trail Crop Tee in Sand; For when she's hiking, rock climbing, camping, etc.] and Sun Bunny Yoga [Sun Print Sports Bra and Leggings, though she would have everything from this brand to be honest]).
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Nilay's shoes of choice during the summer are from Inkkas and Jerusalem Sandals. During work, she'll still wear work-appropriated heels, though she might wear either one of Inkkas booties or slip-ons, depending on the day. Below are her go-tos and favourites.
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No matter the time of year, Nilay's a gold girlie through and through. She absolutely loves the brands Awe Inspired, Common Era, and Temple of the Sun when it comes to jewelry and wears their items throughout the year. Though, items that she could rarely be seen without, are her Magen David necklace, her locket with a picture of her and Eli with the girls and their cats, her Rhiannon necklace from Awe that Eli gave her and has a matching necklace, at least one of the items from Awe's Egyptian collection or CE's Hathsepsut necklace, multiple rings on her fingers, and either an Evil Eye bracelet or ring.
Nilay's dark curls are out in full force throughout the summer. Whether keeping it down completely, in an up-do, or half-up/half-down, summer is her curls time to shine and her straightener is locked away for a few months. To help keep her hair beautiful and protected over the summer, her go-to brands are Joon, Izil Beauty, Fable & Mane, and Saphira Hair. Below are her go-to styles; Gifs are from the same account as the outfit gifs above.
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Aside from work, special occasions, and if she feels like it, Nilay's keeping minimum on makeup during the summer or completely bare face. When she does wear makeup, however, she keeping things light so that she won't risk it melting off throughout the day. She will play up her eyes and lips, liking to add some colour. The first gif up above is a good example for her makeup. She's a lot more bronzy during the summer and is keeping her skin in good condition thanks to Whind Beauty, so she likes to let that be shown off naturally instead of wearing too much makeup. Also, her scent during the summer for the day is Whind's Oud Davana as a base note and then Amber Tangerine as a top note, then for night time she uses Habibi New York's Royal Saffron Oud as a base note and then Whind's Rose Saffron as a top note.
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rosignoelle · 2 years
mckirk rec list
Some of my favourites from this pairing, in order of increasing word count. All of the fics listed here are aos inspired (i’m a total spirk shipper when it comes to tos but mckirk has my heart for the aos).
where i lay my hat
Rating: G
Word Count: 5k
“If Bones wants to spend a ridiculous amount of his own salary keeping an empty apartment, then by all means.”
Jim accidentally moves in with Bones over the course of several shore leaves. The relationship progression is lovely.
and i can lend you all my broken parts that might fit (like this)
Rating: E
Word Count: 17k
“Academy Era. First they fall into bed. Then they fall in love”
A study in intimacy.
Rating: E
Word Count: 22k
“When Leonard shows up at Starfleet Academy, he wonders just how drunk he was when he met with the recruiter. He has no friends, misses his kid, and if drowning his sorrows doesn't kill him, PT will. Then he meets Jim Kirk again.”
This is probably one of my favourite depictions of a character with depression. A little rushed towards the end, but very well written overall.
Better Strangers
Rating: E
Word Count: 23k
“When Leonard McCoy moves to San Francisco it's to start a new life. Something different from his old life. That means putting up with Starfleet policies, combat classes, idiot hospital employees and Jim Kirk.”
Major focus on Bones working as a doctor, which I love, and the characterizations feel spot on! The ending is a little abrupt.
Raring: E (teen until the last chapter)
Word Count: 26k
“Denial or, 5 times Bones touched Jim when he wouldn't know, and one time he did. When Leo bumped into the kid at the bar, he never knew that he'd met the one who would save him from his loneliness.”
This is written in a stream of consciousness style which plays out very well. A very sensual piece.
Old Man and the Enterprise
Rating: M
Word Count: not listed but probably ~30k
“The life and times of James T. Kirk and Leonard H. McCoy; a series of short scenes which start on shore leave and end in the indefinable future.”
This is not a sad fic by any means, but it feels mournful and yearning and lovely. gorgeous allusions to literature throughout.
This Business of Art
Rating: M (maybe T+)
Word Count: 46k
“Art culture modern AU mystery --- “Listen, Jim, I don’t know what you’re trying to do. Whether it’s taking the skeletons out of your closet or resurrecting some lost essence your father possessed…it’s not going to work.” He leveled his gaze upon Jim’s own, “It will only bring about more pain and upset everyone you love while you’re at it.” – the problem was, Jim thought, in this world of art and business who did he love, friend or foe?”
It’s a murder mystery and and art AU all in in one! I adore how this author adapted canon tidbits to their AU. Great use of foreshadowing.
Touch and Go (Right in Front is You)
Rating: M
Word Count: 48k
“Four days. That's now long Leonard had known Jim. Four days and eight train rides, during which they'd shared three thermoses of tea, several pints of beer, a handful of snacks and texts, and a red and white tin of mints that started the whole fucking thing.”
This is a great story— the author lived in the area where the story is set, which contributes to the gorgeous world building. It also has a nice focus on friendship and an ensemble cast!
the violence of comets
Rating: T
Word Count: 57k
“Jim has never once, in his life, believed in love. He wears his bare skin with only his own tattoo circling his ankle as a badge of honor. He meets a man named Leonard McCoy on a shuttle in Riverside, Iowa who believes exactly the opposite.”
A very cute AU with a nice focus on building trust.
Love, Like Ghosts
Rating: E
Word Count: 64k
“This is several stories, not just the story of Jim & Bones' epic romance.
Jim's story. "Most would think defeating the Narada was my greatest triumph, but those closest to me know the truth. The Narada was a distant third. My last Kobayashi Maru comes in second-- and not for the reasons you'd think. The first, well..."
Chris's story. "I reached a certain age and thought I knew exactly who I was and what I wanted out of life. Then I walked into an Iowa bar and realized I wasn't the person I thought I knew. Not even close..."
Leonard's story. "You know that story? the one where Pike meets Kirk and there's mentoring and bonding and they tiptoe through the tulips into happily ever? Well, this ain't it. Dipshit."”
The characters are so wonderfully flawed in this fic, it feels like a psychological piece in the best way.
Rating: M
Word Count: 65k
“Jim and Bones met in high school. music was something they shared from the start. Over the years after they parted ways, they find each other again and again, and wonder if there will ever be some version of the future where the two of them can be together”
This is tagged as a high school au, but is primarily set during adulthood. A great example of non-linear storytelling, and a happy ending guaranteed!
Our Life is Not a Movie or Maybe
Rating: E
Word Count: 70k
“From Variety, June 2008:
Pavel Chekov ("Charlie X") and Gaila ("Bread and Circuses") have joined the cast of small budget drama "That Which Survives," funded by Fleet's indie arm Academy and supervised by Nyota Uhura.The debut feature from longtime script doctor Leonard McCoy, former show runner on sitcom "Three to Tango," centers on a college student coping with his father's terminal cancer. Chekov plays the son, Gaila the nurse. The father is yet to be cast. Also attached are director James T. Kirk and producer Spock, the team behind the blockbuster spy-girl franchise starring Carol Marcus, the latest of which, "A Taste of Armageddon," opened last month. (A modern-day Hollywood AU.)”
The romance definitely takes the back burner here, which suits the realistic vibe of the fic. the storytelling is really well done.
En Promenade
Rating: E
Word Count: 73k
“After three months of weekend bar-hopping and a slow process of elimination -- with finding the right bar, that was, and tragically not discovering who Bones was into -- Jim was starting to narrow it down. Bones was actively scowling less, which seemed like a good sign, but Jim still didn’t quite have it right, and lo, he was determined.”
It’s the dancing fic. One of my all-time favourites, this is an excellent academy-era fic with a plot that manages to be both absolutely insane but incredibly compelling.
Friends with all my Demons
Rating: E
Word Count: 93k
“Someone has to teach Jim Kirk how to take care of himself, ‘cause he sure as hell isn’t picking it up on his own.”
A gorgeous academy-era slow burn, strong focus on medicine and how bones balances being jim’s doctor and his friend which was really nice to read.
Catching Fire (The Firehouse AU)
Rating: E
Word Count: 137k
“21st Century fire department AU. Paramedic Leonard McCoy flees a disastrous break-up in Savannah and ends up working at a fire department in Iowa.”
The character development in this fic is exquisite, and Bones makes for a great unreliable narrator which allows for some great set ups.
Two Men and a Motorbike
Rating: E
Word Count: 150k
Alternate Link AO3 Link
“One of the few constants in James Kirk's life the last three years has been his best friend, Leonard McCoy. After saving Earth from a bunch of crazy time-traveling Romulans, Jim & Bones find out what happens when best friends cross the line between friendship and something more after a late night ride on Jim's motorbike. There are good times and bad times, and times that are just plain complicated.”
A post-Narada academy fic that’s simultaneously a total romp and wonderfully endearing. Also has a 60k sequel with an emotionally mature depiction of two (admittedly fucked up) individuals navigating a romantic relationship.
Rating: E
Word Count: 230k
“The life and times of Leonard H. McCoy MD/PhD … If Leonard McCoy's life could get any fucking weirder, it would be … Jesus, he didn't even want to think what that could possibly mean, because it's already been too fucking weird to make any kind of rational sense. A Starfleet Academy story, set in the ST:XI universe.”
For me this is THE mckirk fic. The storytelling is so seductive. It’s beautifully written and the characters are deeply compelling.
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babischlong-six · 11 months
20 Questions Writer Meme.
tagged by @the-marron <3 Thank you darling <3
How many works do you have on Ao3? Officially? 93. Unofficially, over 120.
What's your total Ao3 word count? 358,732
What fandoms do you write for? Currently Babylon 5, Star Trek (TOS, DS9, ENT), WeiLan Derivs. But there are always more things I get into.
What are your top 5 fics by kudos? Sorry about the blood in your mouth, I wish it was mine. (The Merciless: canon-compliant alternating POV of Jaeho/Hyunsoo's relationship, angst and romance) "Is not general incivility the very essence of love?" (Star Trek DS9: Garak and Bashir discuss Jane Austen and Cardassian flirting, humor) The Admiral (Star Trek TOS: Post-TSFS, Spock grapples with the memories he is regaining, introspective) Desperate Times (Star Trek DS9: Set during "Doctor Bashir, I Presume," Garak and Bashir's relationship develops, romance and angst with a happy ending) hold me tight and never let go (Star Trek ENT: Archer and Shran get it on, but alien biology proves to be an unexpected hurdle in the relationship, sexual humor)
Do you respond to comments? Why/why not? Yes, absolutely. If someone liked my fic enough to tell me about it, I appreciate it! Also a lot of people say interesting or insightful things that I hadn't thought of, or HAD thought of but didn't include, and I'm always down to talk about things I'm interested. It's a great way to make fandom friends!
What is a fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? Oh that's a hard one. I'm an angsty writer tbh. There are a lot of fics I've written where one or more characters die. I think one of them would be the Detecive L/The Rebel crossover - We Both Know How This Ends: where two former spies, who had once placed their hopes in a new, better era, have to live with the truth of what bitter end they have achieved. It's also heavily implied that Lin Nansheng will not be allowed to survive long by the very system he sacrificed everything to help instate.
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? This is also a hard one. Most of my longer fics are angsty. I guess there's Da-ge's Midlife Crisis Boyfriend: a Mo Sanmei/Qiao Yicheng slice-of-life romcom where nothing particularly bad ever happens, and everyone ends up happy together in the end.
Do you get hate on fics? Oh yeah I used to, for sure. Cray-cray shit. But that was more of a fandom issue. I tend to leave fandoms that get toxic, and I'm happy to report that nowadays I no longer do. (niche retro sci fi fandoms my beloved <3)
Do you write smut? If so, what kind? Occasionally. Usually it's either humorous or some kind of character development. Smut is like fight scenes, there's a lot of movement going on, it's hard to keep track of who's doing what with which body part, so I tend to avoid it, but now and then I dabble. I've found that it's easier to write smut when one or both characters is not Human, for whatever reason.
Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written? WeiLan Derivs babeyyy! Yeah, I've written a ton. The craziest one would probably have to be the little one-shot prompt collections I've written about two characters from different fandoms shipped together, but they're played by the same guy.
Have you ever had a fic stolen? I've had concepts and plots stolen, bits of dialogue stolen, and way back in the day, someone re-uploaded my shitty InuYasha fanfic from ff.net to WattPad, but it's been deleted since.
Have you ever had a fic translated? Yeah! A few different ones.
Have you ever co-written a fic before? No. Sometimes I bounce ideas around with someone, or ask for help when I'm stuck. But I'd be curious to try it, if only it wasn't so involving - IRL is a bitch.
What's your all-time favorite ship? Just ONE?? You're kidding, right??? I'm currently obsessed with G'Kar/Londo Mollari from B5, but then there's also Garak/Bashir from DS9, and I can't ever forget Lan Qiren/Wen Ruohan from MDZS, but also ENT's Shran/Archer have a special place in my heart---- [gets shot]
What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will? Oh fuck dude... So many. There are so, so many.
What are your writing strengths? Beyond a shadow of a doubt, dialogue. I just like writing people talking. Everything else is so hard...
What are your writing weaknesses? Run-on sentences. Repeating stuff I already said, even in the same words. Scene blocking. Scene description: I tend to just offer up a paragraph of "where this is happening" and then completely forget where everyone is standing or sitting and what room they're in. I keep having to go back and add characters interacting with their environments between dialogue tags smh...
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic? If it's a language you know? Go for it! If it's a language you don't know, ask someone who speaks the language whether the dialogue sounds insane. You have no idea how many times I stumble across someone having decided to slip in some Russian or Chinese into a character's speech, and it sounds ridiculous, and I have to immediately stop reading because of the cringe (even if it was a good fic up until then!)
First fandom you wrote for? I'm pretty sure it was InuYasha? Maybe Bleach or Naruto? I was 14 and a weeb, for sure tho.
Favorite fic you've written? That's another hard question! Most of the time, I'm pretty neutral on the stuff I've written, unless I actively despise it. For me it's about hearing the characters in my head as I write, rather than even the finished result. I think that's what I tend to mean when I say I'm writing for myself - I'm trying to recapture the feeling of watching or reading that media for the first time, by creating some extension of it in my head, and then bringing it out on "paper." That aside, I've been getting quite a lot of enjoyment out of my Babylon 5 ficlets lately.
'whoever wants to do it, please feel tagged' is a fantastic concept <3 I'll add in: @elemental-queen-writes @hingabee @polkadotcravat @spaceoperajay just for funsies, no pressure <3
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letteredlettered · 2 years
nuSpock oldKirk11 it's been months since i've read "spice" and i am not over it
I will never be over Spice. Best fanfic of all time.
I'm really sad about nuSpock oldKirk11 because I was having so much fun writing it, but then I stalled, and now I can't pick up the momentum again.
The premise was that Spock from the '09 Abrams movie (STXI) ended up in the universe of TOS. The motivation is partly that I just really love Quinto!Spock, but I dislike Pine!Kirk (NOT the fault of Chris Pine, who is great in the role; it's the writing that's the problem). Since I ship Kirk/Spock, this is a bit of a dilemma.
I really just want to read a ton of STXI!Spock/TOS!Kirk fics, but this is hard to find, partly because people love Nimoy; people dislike Shatner; and besides the fact that these are two different universes, TOS takes place at a later time than STXI, so if you really want the STXI-era characters with the TOS-era characters, there is also time travel.
But who cares? I wrote an insane number of words for this fic without even knowing why the time-travel-universe-hopping occurred; I just wanted it really badly.
I also have a chip on my shoulder about Kirk Drift, which is the phenomenon in which people think of the Captain Kirk played by Shatner in the 60s as a brash, reckless, rule-breaking womanizer, when that Kirk is profoundly thoughtful, deliberate, compassionate, respectful of women (though it was made in the 60s, so there is quite a bit of sexism in the show itself), and someone who believes in compromise and peace. The thing is, Pine!Kirk is that brash womanizing captain (and what a blow to our culture it is, that the character invented in the 60s is more progressive than the one created in 2009).
Additionally, STXI sets Kirk and Spock at odds, when what is so central to TOS and to the ship is an eternal relationship of trust, friendship, and respect. So, when I started thinking about that, I realized that if STXI!Spock came to the universe of TOS, he might not actually really trust or like TOS!Kirk, because he doesn't trust or like the Kirk of his own universe--despite the detente Kirk and Spock come to by the end of STXI. This gave me a chance to write TOS!Kirk in stark contrast to STXI!Kirk. In the fic, STXI!Spock is surprised over and over again that Kirk is being so thoughtful and deliberate; that everyone sits around and talks to much and Kirk is such a good captain.
On top of that, Kirk is gentle to Spock and deeply compassionate--partly because the Spock who suffered the events of STXI is much, much sadder than TOS!Spock. (This is partly why I like Quinto!Spock so much; I really love him to be sad and angsty, which Spock is sometimes on TOS, but I want ALL the angst and repression.)
The other difference in STXI!Spock is that he's dating Uhura. It turns out I despise STXI K/S fics in which Spock breaks up with Uhura because it wasn't "meant to be" or because she "doesn't understand him like Kirk does". I think my problem is that Pine!Kirk is so repellent to me that it kind of disgusts me that Spock would give up someone who is smart, sympathetic, capable, responsible, and understanding for someone who is . . . Pine!Kirk. Like, I guess you're attracted to who you're attracted to and you love who you love, and I dislike it when people talk about partners someone "deserves" or who fit together "logically," but just . . . ugh.
So I wanted to write an STXI!Spock who was deeply in love with Uhura. Meanwhile, TOS!Spock and TOS!Uhura seem to friends, but not more, so I liked the idea of STXI!Spock getting to TOS-verse and being devastated not only because he's not in the right universe or time, but also his girlfriend isn't interested in him any more. The idea was that he would eventually fall for TOS!Kirk, but there are . . . a few problems. The Spock I wrote loves his Uhura too much to just take up with someone else, even if I write that he gets stuck in TOS-verse for months. Also, TOS!Kirk is in love with TOS!Spock. TOS!Kirk sees STXI!Spock as vulnerable and alone, and wants to help him, but would never want to take advantage of him--especially when he realizes how much STXI!Spock dislikes the Kirk of his own universe.
So, against all my intentions, if I ever finished it, this story would actually probably be gen. STXI!Spock would gain a different appreciation of Kirk, and if I ever wrote a sequel, STXI!Spock would return to his own universe (very happy to get back to Uhura's arms) and insist--nay, DEMAND--that STXI!Kirk become something better. Probably the only great thing about STXI!Kirk is he really likes to rise to a challenge (and STXI!Kirk really does seem to care about Spock, and I could see him wanting Spock's approval), so I could see STXI!Kirk becoming a different sort of captain because Spock demands it. That would be pretty gen also, but then there could be another story in that series where TOS!Kirk finally gets TOS!Spock back, and TOS!Spock--having spent time in STXI-verse while his counterpart was in TOS-verse--is very, very happy to get back to his own Kirk and his own Enterprise. And TOS!Spock, having met Spock!Prime in STXI-verse, realizes that he doesn't want the life that Spock!Prime had, which was lonely because he never confessed his love to Kirk!Prime. So TOS!Spock confesses to TOS!Kirk and they are very happy, the end.
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quill-pen · 8 months
SOOOOO GIRL, you inspired me with your amazing outfit recs to go perusing, and I had to start an inspo folder for Bess. These gave me SUCH Bess vibes and I had to share:
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Ooh, these are all gorgeous! My turn!
1. I see Bess wearing this the first night she and Wolf are both invited out to Mr. Pippersnipe's dance club. That night in particular is in tribute to the Roaring 20s, so this dress would be right in line. Bess does like to match with the occasion when at all possible. So she's Also got her hair in some swanky 20s style and a cute feathered headband, gloves, and some appropriate jewelry she might have borrowed from Granny.
2. I actually see this as the dress Bess wears for the first New Year's party of FeFe's the girls all attend. She probably gets her first proposed date in that dress. The man isn't Wolf, of course, but he is nice and gentlemanly though and Bess makes a good friend, so it's not a wasted night. And, of course, Bess sets him up with someone else who's perfect for him.🤗
3. This is such a picnic dress. Whether the girls are having a picnic, or she's going with Wolf on one, or the whole Pack is meeting up for a spring or summertime picnic (which are always potluck picnics).
4. Ooh, this looks like a Moonrock dress, specifically the very short era right before Bryant comes back from whatever "trip" he'd been on and is given a position in the hotel and made Bess' boss. Sultry and classy, just like Bess Moonrock should be. And then she gets all sexed up.🙄 Thanks, Asshat.
5. Oh, I saw this one when I was browsing too! Heck, this is just an everyday fit! Baking, cooking, making rounds to check in on some more house-bound neighbors, playing Chinese checkers with Eddie, going shopping, just going to a walk to explore the city a bit more, this dress is up for it all. I can see this being a favorite of hers actually--one of her go-tos, because it's always cute and comfy and makes her feel pretty.
6. Oooh, girl, this dress might be the one Bess wears on that hot date night at Wolf's when he cooks for her and they end up half-naked slow dancing.😏. No wonder he can't keep his hands off her once they get started. That lave design is gorgeous.
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kcscribbler · 10 months
3, 5 and 29 for the writer asks, please!
Ooh, fun! Thank you, anon!
Full Ask List Here
3. What’s your favorite fic that you’ve written?
However Improbable, my Star Trek TOS/ACD Sherlock Holmes crossover written for NaNoWriMo a loooooong time ago.
It was my very first TOS fic (why I chose to do a novel-length crossover as my initiation is anyone's guess), and to this day is still probably the most fun I've had writing anything. I'd like to think I balanced the characterization of both universes fairly well, but the reader is the judge.
Crossovers can be tricky, and they're not for everyone, but I had far too much fun with this one. I will always remember it fondly.
5. What’s a fic idea you’ve had that you will never write?
At one point, I had a Star Trek TOS Alternate Universe series plotted out based on the OG Mission Impossible television show (from the same general time period as TOS, and as fabulous in its own way). The show actually featured Leonard Nimoy for two of the seasons, and it's generally delightful. Much more so than the big-budget films of the same franchise, in my humble opinion. 8/10, would recommend.
(Plot under the cut)
If I remember correctly, the AU started on the premise of Operation-Annihilate going badly wrong (an idea which later morphed into An Equitable Trade, FWIW), whereupon Jim Kirk was quietly discharged from Starfleet service in the ensuing scandal, and Spock basically said live long and fuck off with that and followed him. In this AU, the rest of the crew weren't originally aboard the Enterprise, and were picked up along the way through the ensuing ridiculous adventures across the galaxy, per typical MI format.
I actually had one 'episode' partially written a long time ago, before I got smart enough to back things up online, and lost it in a laptop crash. RIP my most ridiculous idea.
29. Share a bit from a fic you’ll never post OR from a scene that was cut from an already posted fic. (If you don’t have either, just share a random fic idea you have that you don’t plan on getting to.)
This was cut last month from one of my Whumptober fics, as I decided to go a couple different directions with the TOS movie era instead.
“What on earth are you doing.”
Seated on the couch with at least a dozen takeout containers of various shapes and sizes stacked in perfectly neat, consistently spaced rows on the coffee table, Spock raises an eyebrow at him. “It was indeed, on Earth. During our recent sojourn in the Terran past, you informed Dr. Taylor that I found Italian food to be pleasing.”
“…Yes? Is that why you ordered what looks like the entire vegetarian menu from Angelo’s?”
“I must have a full data set in order to confirm a valid hypothesis.”
“Of course.” He doesn’t even bother to hide a smile. “But your face tells me it hasn’t been confirmed.”
“Correct.” Spock looks mildly uneasy about this discrepancy, though he indicates the barely-touched cartons with what looks like resignation. “I admit to feeling a slight sense of disillusionment, in the matter. It would seem that either you were in error, or that my taste for such things has changed during the process of my refusion.”
Jim’s too tired to do this standing up, right now, so he clambers over a hilariously untidy stack of of cartons on the rug (clearly overflow from the table) in order to collapse on the couch as well, exhaling in a long breath of relief at being able to get off his feet for a few minutes.
“I mean, it’s certainly possible your tastes have changed, Spock. But I think it’s more likely that you just haven’t got the right dishes.”
“How precisely is one to know which are ‘right’.”
Jim turns his head, still resting on the back of the couch, and gestures at the pile of cartons. “You like Italian, typically pasta; but you dislike strong garlic flavor. Since garlic is pretty ubiquitous in Italian food, when we order in or go out, we typically ask them to make yours without much of it.”
“Angelo’s has a pumpkin ravioli this time of year that you refuse to admit is your favorite, because favorites are illogical.”
“I did not see this option on the menu.”
“That’s because since it’s seasonal, it’s not on the carryout menu,” he replies. “You’ve complained more than once about having to call and actually talk to someone to order it, instead of using the automated system.”
“I did not recall that detail with any clarity,” Spock admits, looking more downcast than before.
He reaches over to put a steadying hand on Spock’s arm. “You’ve recalled nearly every detail that is important; we can deal with the rest. That’s what I’m here for,” he says quietly.
“I have taken enough advantage of your patience in the matter.”
“Incorrect. You’ve never taken advantage of me or anyone else, that I can recall. I’m not sure it’s even in your nature.”
“That appears to be a highly subjective assessment fueled by an emotional viewpoint.”
“Well, I am an emotional human. So that viewpoint is logical for me.” Seeing Spock’s clearly baffled expression, he hastens to add, “But from the Vulcan viewpoint: I do have all my memories, so I think my opinion should be trusted more than yours in the matter.”
Spock considers this for a moment, and then nods. “That is eminently logical.”
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starlight-shades · 1 year
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tag gamerules: favorite: movie, hobby, animal, character, color, place, season, album, food
movie: I'm one of those people who doesn't have just one favorite anything. But I tend to rewatch Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron every now and then (it was def my fave for a bit when I was a kid). I used to make my dad watch it with me whenever he stayed home to watch me when I was sick.
hobby: Does drawing count when it's what I went to school for? If not, I'll go with reading. Love a good bit of escapism. I love storytelling more generally in all sorts of forms (i.e. movies, TV, games, etc), but reading was definitely what got me started. Recently I've been reading a lot of fanfiction. Last year I kept track of all the books I read and I ended up with the insane number of 534 books read.
animal: I'm a big fan of hyenas. This is another one where I don't have just one favorite, but hyenas are where I'm sitting right now. I think that they're really neat for a variety of reasons. They're matriarchal which is super cool, and they were used in medieval bestiaries as a sort of example of sexual deviance because they were believed to be hermaphroditic (they aren't, the females just have external vaginal canals that look like a penis- it makes giving birth as difficult as you think it does). I think they're a really cool example of how nature doesn't give a fuck about human ideas of how sexual dimorphism (and subsequently gender) should work. I tend to gravitate towards animals that media tends to use as shorthand for evil bc I think it's lazy and irresponsible (I also love sharks).
character: Ghost. I do too much projecting for it not to be him. I'm deep in my COD era (this is a COD blog after all). He's just this big beefy man who is deeply traumatized and has trouble trusting people and developing deep relationships. What's not to love?
color: It's maroon. It is maroon, it has been maroon, it will always be maroon. IDC that I surround myself with pastels. If it has to be one color and not a palette, it's maroon.
place: the aquarium <3. It's just so calming (when the children are not screaming, but we listen to the children scream because they're excited and it's good for them and we're an adult and can wait until they move on so we can watch the fish in the quiet). Every now and then I'll take a day in the middle of the week when school is in session to go to the aquarium or the zoo by myself. I like watching the animals, and I don't feel bad about sitting and drawing them for like 30+ minutes when there aren't any other people who's view I'm blocking.
season: spring. When it's easiest to spend time outside. It's not too hot, and if it's chilly I can throw on a sweater. I like sitting outside in the afternoon sun and reading poetry out loud. Makes me feel like a fairy.
album: star-crossed by Kacey Musgraves. That album came out around the time I had to put down my cat, and I would just listen to it on repeat and cry. It's got a very specific grief+nostalgia combo that really hits me. It's still one of my go-tos when I need a good cry. I have playlists for when I'm happy, but that album has a special place in my heart. 'if this was a movie..' and 'camera roll' are probably my favorite songs off of it.
food: this one is hardest I think. My family is Not Great at expressing feelings, so I ended up with food as a proxy for love and care. And both my parents draw from a pretty diverse set of culinary practices for various reasons, so I've inherited it. When I'm feeling homesick, I'll cook Italian. When I'm sad or missing my brothers, I'll cook Korean. When I miss my mom, I'll make Turkish. As I'm writing this, though, I'm thinking about dumplings.
TY to @soapsdish for the tag. Idk why the formatting did that.
I don't really have any other moots I know well enough to tag, but feel free to do this if you'd like!
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biblioflyer · 1 year
Four episodes into rewatching Season One of Picard: some general thoughts.
As I’ve laid out, this season so far challenges our assumptions about Picard, the character, and the world building of the setting in ways that are discomforting but I am not inclined to dismiss them as invalid or “CW edge” - a sort of snarl word to stand in for angst and oppressive bleakness that mimic the complexities of dark, introspective works such as Breaking Bad or the Ur prestige drama: The Sopranos. 
This is part of a series of essays reevaluating Star Trek Picard and interrogating the widely held fandom criticism that Picard made the Federation into a Dystopia.
Definitely on a rewatch, I am struck by how well suited Picard the character is for this sort of meta-dialogue. And it very much is a meta-dialogue. Picard is a legacy character, a hero from another era where the contrasts between good and bad were sharper and to some extent, the lines of social conflict were drawn in such a way that people who thought they were heroes are now the villains in someone else’s story.
Picard is a great character to represent this because unlike so many other people, when he is put in the position of villain, Picard’s first instinct is to reason and erudite his way out of it, but his second instinct is to listen empathetically. Picard doesn’t begin and end with doubling down. 
Picard is in some sense programmed to seek solutions from within the norms and institutions he is familiar with and comfortable with but season one in particular and to some extent, season three, are teaching him to approach the universe more holistically. Picard is learning to appreciate the limits of power and to recognize that Starfleet is not the right instrument for every problem. More discussion here and here.
I think this is a worthwhile conversation for Star Trek to have. Star Trek is THE science fiction franchise about the virtues of a virtuous institution, an armada of stellar individuals virtuously riding in week after week to save the day upon chrome steeds. Contrast this to Star Wars which has always held institutions, even the Jedi Order itself, in contempt. At best institutions in Star Wars are well intentioned but myopic and prone to being outmaneuvered by opponents who figure out how to weaponize the virtues and proceduralism of the good guys against them. More typically institutions in Star Wars are incompetent and malignant.
That isn’t to say that Star Trek doesn’t question power or is incapable of critiquing its own heroes. A thread from the Star Trek Subreddit catalogs NINE admirals who are villains in just TNG and Insurrection. The list balloons to almost two dozen when TOS, DS9, and the Kelvin timeline are added. Note that this is from 2019 so Discovery and Picard are not included. This also doesn’t include lower ranked villains like Captains, such as Captain Maxwell.
Of course this list does include some explicit subversion of people’s autonomy: alien parasites and such. Others are acting according to their own understanding of what “the good of the many” means. Twice in a hundred years the Federation experiences attempted military coups by those who believe the Federation is too soft to capably deal with its enemies. Admiral Satie was a ferocious defender of the Federation’s ideals as she saw them but in the same way that Senator Joseph MacCarthy was a ferocious defender of American ideals.
Seeing Picard spend four episodes getting dressed down for various oversights is challenging if you’re a longtime fan like me for whom TNG hit at an extremely impressionable time. Yet he consistently models something that I think matters a lot: Picard is defensive but ultimately he is willing to listen and to question his own judgments in good faith. 
That more than anything else answers the anxious question at the heart of every crotchety elder millennial, gen xer, and boomer watching Picard: “is this Star Trek?”
You have to be willing to question your own assumptions about how well you remember TNG or whether you, the audience member, made the characters into superhumans in your memory, but if you can do this, then this is Star Trek.
As to my other research question of “Did Picard make the Federation into a dystopia?” by now I feel like that too is well answered.
The Federation has always had limitations and been far less than omnipotent or omniscient. I think there are specific situations and contexts in which these limitations are being exposed and interrogated that are making some members of the audience extremely touchy because they are more emotionally invested in the idea of a purified, post-material society free of “sin” as it were. A secular Kingdom of God, ruled over by democratically elected, perfectly wise Philosopher Starship Captains.
It's still a pretty awesome place, it's just that everyone is subjectively instead of objectively moral and are merely doing their best rather than having perfect knowledge. Picard’s season one “apology tour” illustrates this nicely. That season three’s Captain Shaw has made some of the best consequentialist arguments of all time while Picard, Riker, Seven etc. take turns arguing for a sense of ethics rooted in the morality of actions themselves also beautifully illustrates that these are not bad people, they’re just people and they are authentically trying to do the right thing.
The Mystery Plot Evolves
If sinking your teeth into the emotional and moral depth is the first reason to rewatch Picard’s first season, grappling with the metaplot is the second. I too fell victim to finding it confusing and irritating the first time through. What I’m seeing now seems to show that it was laid out with more care and just generally less convoluted than I remember. Maybe it's just because I already know the answer now.
The Disordered are an interesting way to introduce the concept of the Admonition and the origins of Zhat Vash’s intense hatred of AI. 
Narek starting to show his dark side in prodding Soji about the inconsistencies in her cover story moves the plot along but also illustrates another reason I’ve just not had much to say about this side of the plot, even though whether or not the mystery makes sense in the end is kind of critical.
The fact of the matter is I hated the romance subplot the first time through and I hate it more knowing that Narek is not a “complex” character, a Romulan protagonist playing the part of antagonist because of corrupting influences. No, he’s a manipulator who is trying to maneuver Soji into putting herself unknowingly in danger. His interest in her secrets is entirely selfish even if raw curiosity is warring with his view of her as a harbinger of doom.
I’ve also been the rebound partner a couple times with people who have come out of relationships defined by nesting dolls of deceit and manipulation. As a consequence, I detest seeing these things on the screen. I can’t do “Reylo” ships or long for the “sad boy” to be fixed. I hate these characters because they inserted poison pills into relationships I found deeply meaningful before those relationships ever began.
So if the next time I address the Romulan snake in the grass, it’s an extended rant don’t be surprised.
Carrying on my Wayward Sons
I’ll close out by saying that I have no idea how much of the season’s script and its developments the actors already had access to or in what order scenes were shot, but the interactions between Raffi and Picard are phenomenal. With the benefit of hindsight and knowing the dark turn of events looming when it's Raffi’s turn to try to reunite with her son, well her trying to talk JL out of going to Vashti just shines all the more.
I think you could read it in a few ways. She clearly already knows why Picard is going to Vashti. On how many levels she knows, it's hard to say. Elnor is the obvious one since she’s only coming along for a ride to Free Cloud to try to talk her own estranged son into letting her back into his life. 
The second is that as much as she’s tried to prepare Picard for the realities of life outside the Federation in a post-Hobus star universe, I suspect deep down she is worried that after having just gotten the old JL back, seeing the poverty and seething resentment will break him all over again.
Finally, recruiting a Sister of Absolute Candor would simply confirm for Raffi that Picard is prepared for saving Soji and confronting Zhat Vash to be a suicide mission. He will not be deterred by danger or reason, and that too represents the high likelihood of losing JL again and in a more final way.
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hello sorry if this question is annoying but I rlly wanna get into star trek but have NO IDEA where to start what should I watch fjdjjrnr
Not annoying at all!! I'll take any opportunity to talk about star trek and I'm glad to help
If you want to start at the very beginning there's of course the Original Series from 1966. This isn't where I started but I like it a lot, although you kind of have to have a love for silly plotlines and really bad effects. It sets up a lot but it's not necessary to watch to understand most later shows.
If TOS is too silly for you I'd recommend starting with the Next Generation! This is what I originally watched, and I think it's a great place to get into the franchise. Like TOS it's very monster-of-the-week, and has it's fair share of silly episodes, but they've figured out what they're doing with scifi a little bit better. In the same era as TNG is Voyager, and Deep Space Nine. These three shows all came out at around the same time and were running together for a few years. I like them all and any of these three is a pretty good place to start honestly, but DS9 has a little bit more of an overarching plotline in the later seasons, which you might not want to get into right away (although, it is a lot of people's favorite series), and Voyager has the characters set very far away from Earth/where most of the known Trek civilizations are, so it's a little more character-based and you learn less about the Federation.
I wouldn't recommend starting with any of the more recent shows, since most of them rely on a previous knowledge of Star Trek. Picard is basically a sequel to Next Generation (though. imo not a very good one), and Strange New Worlds, while the best of the new shows, is set as a prequel to the Original Series. Don't start with Discovery. Not everyone hates it, but it's a very different kind of vibe compared to older Treks. Also don't start with Enterprise. (As for the animated series'- Prodigy and Lower Decks are both widely liked but Prodigy is geared more towards kids, and Lower Decks kind of requires a previous love of Star Trek.
tldr start with the Next Generation, Deep Space Nine, or the Original Series! Whatever you decide to do, welcome, and I hope you enjoy it! Star Trek is my favorite series ever so I hope this helped a bit.
(also, if you watch TOS, watch the movies set after it! There's 6 of them but the first 4 are the best. if you watch TNG there's 4 movies after that as well but First Contact is my favorite of those.)
(There's also the Alternate Original Series movies, from 2009-2016 starring Chris Pine, but these *mostly* don't connect to the main timeline. They're fun to watch anyway.)
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