#that's on brand for tumblr and can stay
whyfish · 2 years
the capitalistic urge to hijack every form of media and communications technology and turn it into a zombified carcass whose only purpose is to serve ads
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lottieratworld · 8 months
im still not gettin out of this chair
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micer2012 · 7 months
a reflection on MatPat's plagiarism
Hello, my name is Della, or micer2012, and 2 years ago Game Theory plagiarized three Tumblr posts of mine, making a video that now holds almost 6 million views.
My posts explaining his plagiarism made their rounds on Reddit, Tumblr and Twitter, but despite the Hermits and Pooka commenting on it (generally in support of me or saying they don’t know enough details about the situation to say either way), MatPat and his team have never owned up to anything, and no mention of my name is present on the video. The one Reddit post they made denying it (which was made before my detailed takedown, which they have never responded to (though the mods on the r/GameTheorists Reddit were kind and made sure it stayed up)) didn’t even mention me by name, just referring to me as “a tumblr user”. (Though one of the screenshotted comments in the body of the post does say my name)
This experience was baffling, but it’s overall had a positive impact on my life. r/Hermitcraft gave me a Golden Apple Award (post of the year, 2021). My inbox was filled with excited fans, wanting to ask me questions or pose their own theories, far more than the hate I got. (Though the hate I got from Game Theory fans was VERY funny. I wondered why none of them gave me shit about saying “MatPat misgendered Evil Xisuma” before realizing none of them read that far into the post.)
And getting on a more personal, and much more important note, I met most of my current online friends through this, including my partner. It helped me grow closer with my irl friends as well and gave me an entertaining story that I tell whenever I have the chance. It was one of the first things in my life that really made me feel like my talents, my autistic hyperfocusing and analyzing of things I love, could be valuable. Useful. Exploitable. It blew my mind that MatPat thought an autistic kid’s ramblings about a Minecraft Youtube joke character were good enough to steal. To put an audible sponsorship on. To get 6 million views off of.
And that’s why I’m writing this post, this update years later. As you might’ve been able to guess, Hbomberguy’s Youtube video on plagiarism reopened this wound. It was really hard for me to sit through, it took days of pausing and taking breaks, because I had experienced everything he was talking about firsthand. 
In my 10 page long takedown post, I wrote about how his rewording of my sentences made him say things that were incorrect, just like Filip did. The content farm production style that made big companies like Cinemassacre take one creator (AVGN/MatPat) and turn him and his content into a brand, a voice that reads out scripts by other people with other opinions/theories, is a history shared with Game Theory. What really hit me was Harris talking about how big creators only do this to people they think they can get away with doing it to. How they view their victims as lesser, as not deserving of their words, repackaging them as their own to give to an audience that can gain from hearing them, but deserves better than to have to listen to the original victim.
That’s the thing, I 100% think a video version of my theory to expose to a bigger community than “Evil Xisuma Fans on Tumblr” is a great idea!! Near the end of the video Harris talks about how video adaptations of things could be a great market, even an accessibility tool, and I completely feel that about my posts. I wrote them quickly assuming the reader was someone well versed on Evil Xisuma lore, after not even watching most of the CarnEvil series, and the diagrams I made to explain them are even less comprehensible. Harris makes a joke that I completely agree with, 
“I’m sure some of my videos would do very well if someone translated them into English.”
I don’t think I would’ve ever made my posts if I didn’t have autism, and a special fixation on Evil Xisuma and Hermitcraft. I made them because I felt the character was being done an injustice, and because I wanted to share with other superfans this theory that might explain it away. I do think that MatPat plagiarizing me was ableist. I used to wonder a lot if this would’ve happened if my posts were articulated better, if they had been peer reviewed, if the posts themselves had been spread to a wider audience before MatPat made his video. At one point when the discourse was fresh (before I had the time to write out my 10 page rebuttal), a bigger YouTuber (100k subs at the time) messaged me and started talking on Discord, interested in possibly making a video on the discourse, but I think my style of typing and general enthusiasm drove him away. You can tell by a single look at my blog (or my original 3 posts!) that I don’t usually type like this. This post you’re reading now has been peer reviewed and edited, and took me hours to format correctly. That video could’ve been huge, the entire outcome of this MatPat situation would probably be much different.
I also used to stress a lot about “being the one who ruined Evil Xisuma’s story”. If you didn’t know, to me S8 Evil Xisuma’s story got wrapped up pretty quickly and unsatisfying (in my personal autistic opinion). (though this might’ve been due to s8 being experimental and ending early with moon big) There was no real culmination of the plot points and arcs going on, and I don’t want to blame myself, but when Xisuma said on stream (when the MatPat thing was first going on) that he didn’t want to focus on the discourse or draw more attention to it, it makes a lot of sense to me that he just wanted to wrap it all up as quickly as possible. For a while I beat myself up about it, of ruining the story of this character I love, but it’s not my fault. If anyone’s, it’s MatPats, but I don’t think it’s useful to just blame someone else. That’s how the story ended up going, and that’s fine. This is Evil Xisuma we’re talking about, their inconsistent lore is what made them such an interesting character. And notably, Pooka made an animation with an awesome culmination of Jeff, the Dreamer, Evil Xisuma, and his own sona’s story, and it makes me so happy to watch. Whatever Pooka does is of course his own choice, but I’m glad he got to give this personal story his own ending (if it is an ending, and not just the start of a new chapter!). 
Typing this all out and getting it off my chest has made me feel a lot better. For a while I wanted to make my OWN video essay about Evil Xisuma’s lore and CarnEvil’s lore, actually going episode by episode to explain it instead of just assuming you knew as much about Evil Xisuma as I did. That idea is still not off the table, but MCYT isn’t something I’m that into right now. Maybe if something else comes out about Evil Xisuma I’ll get back on it, but for now I’m fine with letting that go. But I want to make other videos, share other theories and analysis… if I have the freetime I’d love to make YouTube videos, and if I don’t have the time I’ll continue posting to my tumblr and infodumping to my friends. Apparently my infodumping is valuable enough “content” to steal! Writing this out has made me feel a lot better though, I’m really glad I got it out.
If anyone ever wants to talk to me about the things I’m obsessed with, or reach out to me as a source in a bigger discussion about Game Theory or other channels, my inbox is more than welcome :] Thank you for reading! 
Sincerely, a tumblr user.
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mycherrycola · 1 year
me: * on my way to unfollow the tumblr staff account *
me: * sees that they actually promote original works by their userbase *
me: ok, you can stay... for now... (¬_¬)
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irlcupcake · 3 months
10 of my favorite easy glow up tips! 𐙚 ‧₊˚ ⋅
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get a gua sha!! not expensive at all and made such a difference in my face shape and carving out my cheek bones and jawline. there’s lots of good tutorials on tiktok or youtube!
tea in the morning/night! there’s so many teas to help with different things but my favorite’s are spearmint tea for clearing skin and green tea for reducing bloating.
ice your face! helps SO much with de-puffing and closing up your pores! dipping your face in a bowl with ice water can reduce inflammation, help with acne and reduce oily skin!
make sure to get enough sleep! It’s so easy to stay up scrolling on tumblr until the sun comes up but getting enough sleep is so important mentally and physically!
find a skincare routine that works for you and remember too much skincare can be bad for your skin! my skin was breaking out the worst when i was using a bunch of skincare and It’s cleared so much since i simplified my routine.
use a lash/brow serum! my favorite brand is grande lash and it’s a little pricey but using castor oil works as well and it’s super affordable.
going on walks! I’ve never been a fan of intense exercises and I’m a chronic bed rotter but putting on my favorite hot girl playlist and strutting on the treadmill/sidewalk is genuinely so fun!
rosemary oil for hair growth! my holy grail of hair growth products along with a scalp massager. my whole life my hair grew so slow and since using rosemary oil i have to trim my bangs twice a month sometimes!
i cannot stress this one enough..wear what YOU want! don’t let new trends or judgment from others stop you from embracing your true style. we look our best when we feel most confident!
most importantly ~ take care of yourself! make sure you’re eating enough, drinking water, listening to your body and being gentle with yourself always. improving ourselves can be so fun but make sure it’s not at the expense of your mental health <3
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fuzedatti · 1 month
I was avoiding this ask because so many 𝓯𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝔂 ideas got into my mind, but tumblr doesn't deserve my genious ideas ‼️
Human AM headcanons, in wich he can actually feel (suggestive?)
First of all he would be SUPER overwhelmed by all the new data being blasted into his system.
Like he is shocked. He can barely move the moment he can actually feel the heat, the humidity and the smell of his belly. Maybe his torture was waaaay too much.
AM's android/human body can't physically leave the monolith complex but his brand new nervous system allows him to experience a lot of things at the same time.
And of course, he can’t take his hands out of you.
His little pet, his favorite plaything. Oh how much did he enjoy the first time he could actually smell you. He was disgusted sure, but he loved it.
Also say bye to that straigtjacket, his hands are your new friend.
And he would force you to pet him.
His metal torso is so cold you almost refused to go further but his inhumane strength forced you to stay close.
Nuzzles, nuzzles and nuzzles.
"I WONDER HOW LONG CAN YOU HOLD YOUR BREATH". You look at him in confusion as he took off his faceplate.
Oh shit he does have a mouth. And a decent set of teeth.
He can't talk at all in this state but his tired gaze tells you everything, no turning back now.
Also cats are dead, silly, he will never know what it feels to hold one.
Anyways guys once we reach 10000000 suscribes and we will do part two!!! Dont kiss AM at 3 AM!!! (Gone sexual) /hj
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secondbeatsongs · 2 years
with twitter imploding, people are talking about how much it'll suck to have celebrities and brands on here, but...I think celebrities can exist on tumblr in a healthy way.
because I've already seen it happen.
I don't know if you guys remember, but there used to be a decent number of celebrities on here! I mean, the white house had an official tumblr! so did my local library for some reason! everyone thought tumblr was the place to be!
we had George Takei, Taylor Swift, Lady Gaga, Hayley Williams, Ariana Grande, Dylan Marron, Dante Basco, Rebecca Sugar, John Green, Hannah Hart, Jacksfilms, Daniel Howell, and Ashens to name a few, as well as brand accounts for Doctor Who, Sherlock, Denny's, and so many others.
(Cole Sprouse was even on here, and it was fine. don't act like it wasn't. it was really not a big deal! it was fine!)
there were plenty of celebrities and brands on tumblr a decade ago - and it worked fine when people knew to stay in their lane!
did Obama's official account give a shit when people posted Obamney slash? absolutely not!
did we pay attention to whatever the brand accounts were posting? we did not!
and so we existed pretty well together on this site - because, after all, we don't have to look at anything we don't want to. we can block people. and they can block us. and we can keep posting what we want, no matter what any celebs or brands have to say about it, just like it's always been.
the only thing I think needs to change is, well...hey...remember how I mentioned John Green and Rebecca Sugar up there?
yeah the reason we don't see them on here anymore isn't because tumblr isn't a place they'd thrive - it's because a bunch of assholes harassed them until they left.
and that's not fucking okay.
so look, if you see celebs/brands on here, follow them, or don't! block them and ignore them, or don't!
but if you send threats and harassment to anyone on here, whether it be a celebrity, brand, or average tumblr user, you are the asshole. full stop. sending threats to other people is never okay. never.
and yes, this goes for the corporate accounts too! those are still run by people!
it's somebody's job to run those accounts, and guess what! that poor, probably-underpaid person doesn't deserve to get sent gore and death threats because their job is running a corporate tumblr account!
just, whatever happens when twitter explodes and dies a horrible death, it's gonna be okay. but please be kind. above everything else, please, I am fucking begging you, be kind.
it's really the most important part of thriving here
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magpie-murder · 7 months
it'd be wild if they gave asgard's citizens phones in marvel i bet they'd have the best drama
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👴🏻 is-odin-dead-yet
#date: 2023/11/23 #when will he croak #i've been running this blog for centuries #frigga for allfather #kick the bucket already i'm getting bored of posting here
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⛈️ god-of-thunder
I come to Tumblr with a regretful update. As you may know, my family and our fiercest warriors have been traveling between realms in search of our stolen relics.
While attempting to recover one, my brother lost his life in battle while protecting us. He shielded me with his body. My brother died a hero.
May he reach Folkvangr. My deepest condolences. But I thought Baldur was impervious to all harm...?
⛈️ god-of-thunder
It was Loki. :( I'm devastated.
🐍 magic-theatre
is that all you can muster? "oh." you thought i was dead, and that's it? that's all you have? what do you mean by that? let's talk. :)
⛈️ god-of-thunder
You're alive? Where are you?
⛈️ god-of-thunder
Wait, what happened to @einherjarl? He deactivated?
⛈️ god-of-thunder
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🎨 bragis-apprentice
Just finished custom making this handle
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#metalwork #artists on tumblr #double sided axe #my art
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⚔️ aesir-warrior-tournament
Lady Sif is not one of The Warriors Three. It says it in the name. There are three of them. Not four.
Correct this.
✨️ the-dashingest
I voted for Sif.
🪓 valiant-festivals
I voted for Sif.
🔺️ grim-warrior
I voted for Sif.
✨️ the-dashingest
Wait, Hogun? But you didn't tell us you had a phone?
🔺️ grim-warrior
I don't.
#lady sif propaganda #lightning round #poll reblog #only one more round after this! #i'm so glad lady sif doesn't have tumblr lol #i hope you guys dont mind that a mortal is running this blog btw #i really didnt expect any of you to see this 😬 #and srry for the reblog spam #also hogun lol
1,879 notes
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🐍 magic-theatre
i see your thirst edits, you sick freaks.
#start tagging me in them #and/or sending them to me
689 notes
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⛵️ modern-technologist Follow
umm i'm in ohio to visit my parents and there's like. um . a giant wolf running alongside my car? i'd call animal control but this thing is ginormous and i don't think that would do anything.
it doesnt have a leash or anything (obv its bigger than my car) but it's covered in chains. what do i do??
@identifying-d𝚘gs-in-posts ??
🐕 identifying-dogs-in-posts Follow
Fenrir Lokison?
197 notes
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✨️ the-dashingest
I really don't think Loki is that bad. Sure, he's had a rocky history, but I don't think he's done anything worthy of scorn. Besides, hasn't he just died and come back or something like that, anyway? He has a blank slate, in my book.
#is it just me? #i hear people saying we should banish or kill him #i find that idea preposterous #he's just misunderstood
208 notes
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I'm not going to @ them, but ugh... Someone I'm acquainted with just died in battle, and honestly? I'm so relieved. Is that terrible? Don't answer that, I know that it is. I'll probably delete this in a few hours.
🐍 magic-theatre
that's what you get for vagueing.
cowards don't go to valhalla.
10,560 notes
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🔮 alchemist-aura Follow Sponsored with Blaze 🔥
buy my potions! i'm having a Thor's Day sale! you can get an invisibility concoction for only 3 gold today! cheapest prices in the market! don't let that einar guy force you to pay 230 gold for a wyvern tooth when you can purchase an authentic one HERE from my brand new online shop
#alchemists on tumblr #all natural potions #freelance potion seller #potion grinds #handmade potions #potionmaker #potion seller #invisibility potion #wyvern tooth #einar has competition #stay hustling 💪 #please check out my shop link i worked really hard on it #:) #:))
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samandcolbyownme · 6 months
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Summary: Anon request on tumblr - "love love love your work, some sam x colby x reader smut would be 10/10🙏🏼🙏🏼 no pressure & i have no preference for a plot so you can freestyle :)"
Plot: After an argument with the boyfriend, y/n winds up going to a party with her friends as a pick me up, and let's just say.. she definitely gets picked up.
Warnings: SMUT18+, strong language, arguing, hurtful things being said, mentions of alcohol, reader getting tipsy, mentions of reader cheating on super toxic partner, threesome, unprotected sex, fingering, oral (all), hair pulling, biting, teasing, scratching, general filth
Disclaimer: I DO NOT CONDONE CHEATING and I apologize in advance to any Stephan's that may or may not read this.
Word count: 7.1k | not edited
╔═══━━━─── • ───━━━═══╗
"Why the fuck are you yelling at me?" Your boyfriend yells back from the couch. You hold your ground, "Because that's the only fucking way I can get anything across to you, Stephan."
"You know that's a fucking lie. You can talk to me like a gen-"
You cut him off with a laugh, "I have tried that. Over. And over again, Stephan. But every time I try to talk about the littlest issue, you. Let me repeat that.. You make it into something bigger."
"Bullshit." He scoffs and shakes his head, "Maybe if you didn't have an issue every single day, then maybe I wouldn't get so annoyed."
"Annoyed?" You nod your head, "Alright." You head towards the steps and he stands up, "No.. wait.. y/n.. I di-"
"Don't." You glare at him, "I'll go be less annoying somewhere else."
"Come on, you're overreacting. You know I didn't mean it." He walks towards the steps and you stop halfway up, "I'm sorry that having a girlfriend with needs is a fucking inconvenience to you."
He stares up at you, "Now you're putting words into my mouth."
"It's what you're thinking, though. Right?" You take a step down, "Why don't you think about all the times I shrugged off seeing girls in your phone,. Or the time you got a text message while you were in the shower."
"Those didn't me- I never answered them." He stumbles over his words, "If you want my phone, take it."
You roll your eyes, "Please. Like that will fix that's happening right now."
"What's happening right now?" He questions, "Because right now it seems like you're completely losing it over something that shouldn't even matter."
"But it matters to me, Stephan. It fucking matters to me because with my brand that I'm trying to launch, I need everything to be fucking perfect. You should know that, you've only been with me for how long?"
"So you're pissed at me for a lipstick shade that was a lot pinker than it was supposed to be? Nice." He laughs and sighs, "That's fucking great. I'm getting shit on. Because of a thick liquid you put on your lips. Thats awesome."
"At least you know it was a lot pinker than it should have been." You mumble, turning to finish walking upstairs.
"Y/n. Where are you going?"
You ignore him as you walk into your room, packing a backpack full of stuff. Stephan walks in and stops, "Where are you going?" He walks over, grabbing the strap of your bag, "Y/n. I said whe-"
"I'm going to go stay the night at Shannon's." You snap, stepping back, "If you really need an explanation, I'm going there because she's always been there for me through shit like this."
"Shit like this? So you're leaving me?" He huffs, "Great. That just fucking great."
"I didn't fucking say I was leaving you. I need a night away to cool down and only being around you will just continue to set me off because you piss me off so fucking much sometimes."
He chuckles and moves closer, "You piss me off, too." He grabs your face and tries to kiss you but you push yourself off of him, "Wh- no. We're not doing that."
"I thought that we were-"
You cut him off with a loud, "Oh my god. No." You sling your backpack onto your shoulder and walk over to grab your makeup bag.
Times like these are where you're super glad you haven't moved in with him yet.
You turn to him, "We can talk tomorrow when we're both not so irate with each other."
"Why can't you just go home?" He shakes his head, "I don't understand why you have to go to Shannon's house. Doesn't she have people over like all the time?"
"What does it matter?" You shrug and he scoffs, "I just.. I know how she is and I don't really need you around random men all night, fuck."
You raise your brows, "What the hell does that mean? You don't, need? You don't have a fucking leash on me, Stephan. I'm not a fucking dog." You walk to the door and he reaches out, "No, I'm sorry. That came out wrong."
"It doesn't matter how it came out. You said it. You obviously meant it. It just seems like you can't fucking trust me and I'm honestly starting to get sick of it." You run a hand through your hair, "You're so suffocating at times and I just.. it won't work if you mark down how I fucking breath."
"But I do trust you, and I don't fucking mark down how you breath. That fucking psycho path stalker shit.." His voice softens, "I'm sorry.. can we just- look I do trust you. I just don't trust other men around you."
You laugh, "Yeah. Sure fucking seems like you trust me. I can handle myself. I've been to enough events to know that." You sigh, "I'll just.. I'll talk to you tomorrow because I cannot keep doing this today."
You turn, forcing yourself to ignore his yelling as you make your way out of the house and to your car. You get in, tears immediately falling from your eyes as you call Shannon.
You sniffle, "C-can I come over?"
"Oh my god. Yes of course. What happened?" She asks with concern, "Did he hurt you?"
"No, no. We just got into it again and I told him I needed a night away. He flipped when I told him I was coming to your house. Insisted I just go home basically."
"yeah no. You can most definitely come here." She sighs, "I'm sorry. I know he's your boyfriend, but I genuinely cannot stand the way he treats you."
"I know.." you sigh, trying to calm yourself down as you drive to her house, "I just.. I might just turn my phone off when I get there. I told him I'd talk to him tomorrow so.."
"You know what you need?"
"What?" You rest your head back as you watch the light turn from red to green. She laughs slightly, "A good. Night out. My friend is throwing a party later on, but if you do-"
"Yeah. Yeah, let's do it."
"Yeah? Are you sure?" She asks and you nod to yourself, "Yeah. I need to get drunk and figure out what I want to do."
"Atta girl. Are you almost here?"
"Yeah, I'm pulling into the driveway now." You turn onto the stretch of concrete and drive up to the house, "I'm here."
"Okay. I'll come down." Shannon hangs up and you park, staring at your steering wheel. Your thoughts are racing a mile a minute.
Arguing with yourself about whether or not agreeing to go to this party was a bad idea or not.
A part of you felt guilty because of Stephan, but the other part, the part you knew was right, wanted to go so bad just to spite him.
He couldn't control you.
You were a successful person, with an another and new line of cosmetics coming out. You knew what was right. You just needed that little extra motivation to do it.
You wipe your face and get out, meeting Shannon at the front of your car. She wraps her arms around you, "I'm sorry."
"No. Don't be sorry." You sniffle and lean back, "I know what I need to do."
She nods, "Yeah?"
You laugh slightly, "Yeah. I just need a little help from this thing called.. alcohol."
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·.
"I only grabbed my sweats and stuff. I never kept any nice things at his house." You sit on Shannon's bed and she points to her closet, "Take something of mine."
"Is there a theme?" You ask as you walk over to her closet.
"Just to look as hot as you possibly can." She laughs and you nod, "Well that won't be an issue, now will it?" You move her dresses over and tilt your head at one, "How's this?"
You hold up a solid ruched cami body con dress to your body, "I think this neon green color is gorgeous."  Shannon nods quickly, "Oh hell yes. I'll the pink one."
She glances to your phone, "Your phones going off again." You roll your eyes, walking over to it, "Take a guess."
"Mm. Do I have to?" She sighs, "Want me to answer?"
You shake your head, "No. it fine." You press the green circle and put him on speaker, "Hello."
"So what? It takes five phone calls for you to finally answer?" Stephan says on the other end. You look at Shannon and she shakes her head.
You sigh, "Sorry. Shannon and I were caught up talking. I told you I needed space for a night."
"You could have at least told me you got there okay. Even though you left like you did I still fucking care."
You fight back your laughter and close your eyes, "No. you just like to know where I am all hours of the day."
"Hi Stephan." Shannon waves to the phone and he scoffs, completely ignoring her, "I just like to know that you're safe."
You mock him silently and Shannon covers her mouth to laugh.
"Well, since you must know everything.." you pause looking up at Shannon as you brace yourself for what's to come, "I'm going to a small birthday party with Shannon tonight. It's her cousin's party."
"What? Why do you have to go?" Stephan tries to keep his composure but both you and Shannon know he's about to lose it.
"Because Avery is my friend, too? Why wouldn't I go?" You sit down on the bed and pinch the bridge of your nose, "I grew up with her."
Stephan sighs, "Avery, right."
"I gotta get ready."
"What kind of party is it?" Stephan asks quickly, "Like is it a dinner or an all out rager."
You were getting annoyed, "A small dinner at some place across town. I don't know."
"How don't you know?"
"Because my day consisted of having a screaming match that fried my brain so the remembrance of a birthday party slipped my fucking mind. I gotta go get ready." You hang up before he has any chance to say anything else.
"Look at you go, girl." Shannon smirks and turns to finish curling her hair, "I'm glad you're finally understanding that he doesn't deserve you."
You nod, staring blankly at your phone that's lighting up with text messages, "Yeah.. it's really starting to show."
You take a deep breath, blinking away the tears as you stand up, "I'm so ready to get drunk."
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·.
"This is someone's house!?" You look around, eyes moving up the palm trees that are wrapped in neon pink lights.
"Far from a little restaurant across town, right?" Shannon laughs and you nod, "oh yeah. Stephan will be pissed when he finds out."
"Sucks being lied to right." Shannon looks over at you and you nod, "Sure does." You smile and shake your hair out of your face as you walk through the doors.
Lights are flashing, the music is blasting, and you can tell that it's going to be a night that you hopefully remember.
"Alright. You need to stop thinking.. and start drinking." Shannon grabs your hand and pulls you over to the bar area.
Your eyes move over the bottles of alcohol arranged nicely. You feel someone bump into you and you turn around to find a very familiar blonde standing there pouring himself a drink.
"Sorry. Didn't mean to bump into ya." He smiles and looks up, "Or maybe I did." He shrugs and takes a sip of his drink, "I'm Sam."
You glance down at his extended hand, "As in, ghost hunter Sam?" You tilt your head with a smile as you lay your hand in his.
He nods as you look up at him, "That would be correct. Yes."
You couldn't lie, the glow of the pink neon lights made him even more attractive than you already found him.
"I guess I should tell you my name." You laugh slightly and take your drink from Shannon who wiggles her brows at you before walking off.
"I'm y/n."
He smiles, "It's a pleasure to meet you, y/n."
You can feel your phone vibrating in your purse and you sigh, "Excuse me for a second." You pull your phone out and sigh, "Sorry."
"Work call or something?" Sam leans against the counter and you take a sip of your drink, "Oh god no. More like boyfriend who doesn't understand what I need space means."
Sam takes notice as your phone lights up again, "I'm sorry, I don't mean to pry, but does he not want you here or something?"
You laugh and sigh, "It's kind of a long story, but we've been arguing all day and I made a decision that I need a little boost to go through with."
"You're breaking up with him?" Sam raises his brows and tilts his head, "I mean.. does he deserve it?"
You laugh, "I think so." You look up at Sam, "He's lied to me on multiple occasions and as of right now, well today.. my feelings basically annoy him." You raise your hand, "his words. Not mine."
"Oh yeah, no. He doesn't deserve someone like you." Sam shakes his head, eyes moving up and down your body, "You're way too beautiful to have someone who acts like that. He sounds totally  insecure."
You nod, sipping more of your drink. Then it hits you, "Oh my gosh. I'm so sorry. We just met and I just trauma dumped on you."
He smiles and lays his hand on your arm, "No worries at all." Sam smiles and nods, "I'm going to go find Colby, take him his drink." He picks up the other cup, "We'll see you later, hopefully?"
You nod, clicking the side button of your phone to silence it, "Hopefully." You smile at him, biting the rim or your solo cup as you watch him walk away.
Shannon runs up to you, "Oh my god. You know who that was right?"
You nod, kind of in shock, "Mhm." You look at her, "Sam Golbach, and he hopes to find me later." You smirk and grab her hand, "Let's dance."
You walk with her to the dance floor and suddenly all your problems dissipate.
You no longer feel your phone vibrating in your bag.
You no longer feel the heavy set anger that was settled in your body.
What you feel, is happiness. Hope that your life will get better away from Stephan.
You also feel eyes on you. You normally have eyes on you, considering you're famous in the makeup world, but these eyes, feel different - are different.
You look up, eyes meeting Sam's and you give him a smile. He raises his cup to you slightly, nodding as he bites his bottom lip.
You tap Shannon, "I'm going for another drink." She nods as she continues dancing, "Bring me one!" You nod, walking off of the dance floor and going to the alcohol corner.
You feel a presence walk up on you and you smile slighting thinking it's Sam, but you were wrong.
"Wow, Sam told me you were pretty, but he didn't say this pretty."
You turn, a smile growing on your face as you see Colby, "You must be the other ghost hunter." You laugh slightly as he nods, "Yep. That's me, Colby."
"Y/n." You hold your hand out and Colby takes it, "Nice to meet you, y/n."
They knew who you were, just like you knew who they were.
You sigh, "I'm sorry." You reach into your purse, pulling your phone out and shaking your head as the number of messages you're receiving, keeping going up.
"Everything okay?" Colby turns, leaning against the counter and you nod, "Yes. Well, no.. but it will be." You look up at him, "I don't know if Sam told you, but I kind of trauma dumped on him about my relationship."
"He filled me in. Definitely sounds like he can't fight." Colby chuckles and you raise your brows, "You're not far off with that." You laugh and look back down at your phone.
Where the hell are you? I know you're not at a restaurant across town.
Whose house are you at?
Seriously. Fucking call me.
Y/n. Just call me, please?
So you leave me to go what? Whore around at some big party?
"Apparently I left him to come whore around at some party." You roll your eyes, tossing your phone into your bag, "I just.." you laugh, shaking your head, "I'm not the one who has lied repeatedly. I've missed events because he didn't want me going."
"You deserve time away from yourself and you're a big girl, you can handle yourself." Colby's eyes scan up your body, "He just needs to understand that the way he treats you, will come back to bite him in the ass."
You nod, not really knowing what he means, but you agree, "I've tried telling him that before."
"Maybe.." Colby shrugs, "I don't know.. maybe he just needs a rude awakening.."
You tilt your head, looking up at him, "What do you mean by that?"
Colby chuckles and shakes his head, "We can talk about that later.. do you dance?" You smile, nodding before taking the last gulp of your drink, "Yes, please."
Colby grabs your hand, pulling you to the dance floor. His hands move to your waist as you move your body to the beat of the music.
Little did you know, Sam knew you guys hit it off straight away. He was giving you and Colby time to click.
"Sam isn't going to get mad is he?" You look up at Colby and he tilts his head, giving you a confused look, "Why would he?"
"I don't know.. he told me that he'd find me later and-"
Colby leans in, cutting you off, "Don't worry.. We know how to share, sweetheart."
Your heart skips a beat and that is when you realize what is happening.
And you loved it.
"Oh, I see." You smirk, turning around and his hands pull your ass against his crotch as you grind against him.
Your eyes move through the crowd, landing on Sam's. He smirks and sips his drink as he watches you dance with Colby.
"So.." you turn your head so Colby can hear you. He leans down as you continue talking, "Is this like a normal thing you do?"
Colby shakes his head, "Not even close." He chuckles, moving his head in so his lips are right by your ear, "You're just different, but in such a good way."
You bite your lip, turning around to face him, "Then why don't you go tell Sam to come have a turn."
Colby smirks, eyes scanning over your face as he nods, "I think I will." He squeezes your hips before walking away and Shannon turns around, "Oh fuck, there you are."
She points, "Was that Colby Brock?"
You nod, "Uh huh." You look over your shoulder, smiling when Sam walks up behind you, "And that's Sam."
Shannon smirks, knowing exactly what's going on, "All I'm going to say is.." she turns around, playfully grinding against you as she sings, "Go bad bitch, go bad bitch go."
You smile, turning around to face Sam, "Hey."
He smiles down at you, "You having a good time?" You nod, "The best time I've had in a long time." You wrap your arms around his neck, "But I should break up with my boyfriend, soon."
"Why's that?" He asks with a smirk.
You lean in, "Because I really.. wanna do this." You close the space between the two of you and Sam wraps an arm around your waist, pulling you close to him.
You lean back, smirking up at him as he smiles, "I mean.. you do whatever makes you happy."
You bite your lip, "if I keep doing that, won't that make Colby jealous?" You watch as Sam chuckles, "You'll just have to give him what you give me." He leans in, "Just as long as I can watch."
Wet. Your panties are wet.
"You can do anything you want." You turn around, ass presses against him as he holds you close. Colby is now watching like Sam was, a huge smile across his face that he uses his cup to cover.
Sam and Colby. Two men that you never thought you'd be going home with.
But here you are.
"Whenever you're ready to get out of here, let me know." Sam whispers and you nod, "I just have to go make a phone call, then we're good."
Sam nods, "we'll find you in a little bit then, yeah?"
You nod, "Please do."
Sam walks to Colby and you grab Shannon, "I'm calling Stephan." She nods and links her arm with yours as you walk off the floor.
You make your way outside and pull your phone from your purse, "Oh speak of the fucking devil."
Seeing his name has you instantly heated.
"Straight to the point, babes." Shannon rubs your arm, "I'll be here if you need me."
You answer with a stern, "Hello."
"Where the fuc- why haven't you answered me? Where the hell are you, y/n?" He huffs, "You fucking said you were going to Shannon's, then it was a small birthday party at some restaurant across town and now you're- is that music in the back? Where the fuck are you? Are you not going to answer me? Are we playing this stupid fucking game again?"
"If you would give me a fucking minute to answer instead of just screaming at me, maybe I'll tell you where I'm at." You sigh, shaking your head as you look up at the dark sky, "I'm at a birthday party with Shannon."
"Liar. You're a fucking liar. Charlie sent me screenshots of you with a group of people, so are you going to tell me who that blonde asshole is?"
You laugh, trying not to burst into tears and you turn around, "I genuinely can't do anything anymore, right?”
"You can do what you want, but I thought it was agreed on that you wouldn't party with random guys. Fuck you are literally so stupid when it comes to that."
You clench your fist, all the anger that subsided bubbling back up, "Fuck you. I am not fucking stupid with anything but choosing to stay with you when I should have left at the sign of who you really were. And also, fuck you for treating me like this. I am more than enough. You just continue to make me feel like I'm not. So just fuck you. I'm done."
You turn around, stunned to see Sam and Colby standing with Shannon.
"Oh, and since you asked about the blonde, do you want to know about the dark haired one, too?"
"You have to be fucking kidding me-"
You put him on speaker and all three of them move closer to you to listen, "You're out fucking cheating on me? That is really fucking pathetic. We have one argument and you run to the first dick you see. Nice. I should have known you were that much of a slut-"
Sam grabs the phone, "Yeah first dick that she ran to here, you honest to god need to shut the fuck up and realize that you're the fucking problem."
"no, no. Who the fuck is this?" Stephan laughs, "Of course she can't stick up for herself.”
"I believe she did when she told you that she was done. " Sam holds his ground, "You fucking lost someone good when you made her feel like she wasn't worth it. So that's your fucking loss buddy."
"I swear to god. I'll kick your fucking ass. You hear me? You fucking touch her and I will break every bone in your body you worthless dick." Stephan goes off but you laugh as Colby steps up, "Yeah, second dick she ran to tonight, if you wanna do that to him, you'll have to go through me and I know what you look like. I don't really think you want to risk attempting that."
"You don't know what I'm willing to risk, asshole. What are you guys going to tag team my girlfriend? She must fucking love being ran through. What a fucking whore." Stephan sighs, "Can I just talk to y/n? Please. Y/n. Baby. Please."
You shake your head, turning away from the phone, disgusted with how he can go from calling you horrible things to trying to be sweet.
Shannon steps up, taking the phone from Sam, "Sorry, but I believe you just got broken up with." She hits the red circle and move to hug you, "Are you okay?"
You rest your chin on her shoulder and your eyes move between Sam and Colby, "oh yeah. I'm good."
They smirk at each other and you lean back, "If it's okay, I think I'm just going to.." you subtly nod towards them and Shannon smirks, "As I said, go bad bitch, go bad bitch go."
She turns around, "Take care of her."
They both nod and you take a deep breath as you watch her walk away, "Thank you, for doing that."
"I wasn't going to let him talk to you that way. That was uncalled for on many, many levels." Sam shakes his head, "But at least you won't be cheating on your boyfriend anymore."
Colby chuckles, "Yeah, speaking of. I think you owe me a kiss."
You smirk and tilt your head, "After what just happened, I owe you guys a lot more than a kiss."
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·.
The ride home was quiet as you thought about what just happened.
You were upset about the breakup, you were pretty proud of how you handled it.
You were just more or less thinking about what kind of trending hashtag you'd become on twitter, because if there's pictures of you and Sam, things are going to blow up.
"You alright?" Colby lays his hand on your knee and you look over at him, "Yeah." You laugh slightly, "just thinking.."
"About?" Colby asks but you now have the interests of Sam, too.
"Oh you know. What headlines our names are going to be attached to in the morning." You shrug, "Not that I care, don't get me wrong, I just don't want your names being drug down by whatever Stephan might say."
Sam rolls his eyes, "Please. I'm worth more than his house." He chuckles, "Plus. Who's to say that you didn't break up with him when you left earlier."
You chew on your lip, as you smirk and Colby leans in, tilting your chin up to look at him, "You are too good for him. You definitely dodged a bullet with that asshole."
Your eyes move from his eyes to his lips and you lean in, closing the space and giving him the kiss that you and Sam talked about.
Sam's eyes are fixated on you and Colby slowly making out, "Fuck." His voice is low and Colby leans back, "It's only fair, brother. I got to watch you kiss her."
Sam smirks, sighing as he shakes his head, "No.. I meant that in a good way."
The adrenaline coursing through your veins made you feel like you were buzzing. You were fully aware of what was happening and you were living for it.
Although it wasn't an ethical way of getting over a breakup, you can now admit that you were mentally out of that relationship for weeks.
"We're here." Sam opens the door, walking around to open your door as Colby gets out. You smile, taking his hand as you slide out, "Thank you."
"Alright." Colby shuts his door and nods towards their house, "Let's go have some fun, yeah?"
"Let's do it." Sam leads you up to the door as Colby unlocks it and they both motion for you to go first. You walk in, looking around at their house before you feel hands on your waist.
You look over your shoulder and Sam has his chin rested on your shoulder, "You sure you wanna do this?"
You turn your body, chest against his as your arms slip around his neck, "you have no idea how much I want to do this."
He smirks and nods, "Alright. Follow me." He slides his hand down your arm, interlocking his fingers with yours as he guides you up the stairs.
Your heart was racing, you were kind of anxious because you've never had any kind of sexual relations with two guys at one time.
You didn't know what to expect.
"So what do you want me to do?" You sit on the bed as instructed and they look at each before Colby walks over to you. He kneels down between your knees and gently places his hands on your thigh, "We want you.." his fingers move to the inside of your thighs, "To just lay back, and let us please you."
You bite your lip, nodding slowly as you look up at him, "Okay."
"So go on. Lay back for me sweetheart." Colby grips the end of your dress as you lay back and he pushes it up, "You're so wet."
You lift your hips, pulling your dress up to your hips. You wanted him to touch you. You wanted both of them to touch you.
Colby hooks his fingers into the band of your panties, pulling them down your legs, "The moment I saw you, I couldn't stop thinking of how good you'd taste."
You look down at him, watching as he pushes your legs open and up. You watch in anticipation as he kisses up and down your thighs, whimpering as he bites and sucks tiny marks on to your skin.
"Don't tease her too much, Colbs." Sam chuckles slightly from off to the side, "I think she's been through enough."
You look over at him, only to have your eyes flutter closed as you feel Colby's tongue slips between your folds.
Your hand moves down to lay on his head as you gasp out a slightly loud, "Fuck."
"That's it baby, tell him how good it feels." Sam pulls his lip between his teeth, tilting his head as he watching your body jolt with each nip to your clit.
Your fingers lace in Colby's hair, tugging as your back arches off the bed, "Fuck, yes." You throw your head forward, watching him.
He grips your hips, pulling you close to him and he throws your leg over his shoulder. Your eyes squeeze shut, allowing yourself to be consumed by the pleasure.
You feel the bed dip down by your head and you open your eyes, seeing Sam above you. He runs his hand through your hair, watching your face twist with pleasure.
Colby drops a hand down, sliding two fingers into you. His tongue works your clit as his fingers slip in and out of you, curling at the right moments.
Sam reaches forward, pushing down the top of your dress to reveal your boobs. His hand moves up, giving each boob a slight squeeze before toying with your nipple.
Your eyes roll back, moans leaving your lips in a constant string, "S-so close."
Sam leans down, lips connecting with yours. You reach up with your other hand, lacing those fingers through Sam's hair.
He groans lowly as you pull, leaning back slightly to turn his head so he can watch Colby.
Your hips buck slightly and you dig your foot into his back, "gonna cum." You whimper out, moaning loudly as your back leaves the bed again, "Oh shit."
You clench around Colby's fingers, moaning as he gets you to cum. He pulls his fingers out as you look down at him panting.
He looks up at you with a smirk, "I was right."
You smirk at him, resting your head back to look up at Sam, "I guess it's your turn?" Sam smiles and nods, "I guess it is." He stands up, taking off his shirt before laying down, "Come here, babe." 
You get up, moving to sit next to him. He lays a hand on your thigh, "Come on." You bit your lip as you swing your leg over his body, hovering over his face. He pulls you down and his tongue goes to work. 
Your fingers tangle in his hair as your head falls back, mouth open as you moan, "Fuck. Fuck." You turn your head, looking at Colby who is slowly unbuttoning his shirt, eyes on you. You reach a hand out, indicating that you want him to come closer. 
He smirks as he shrugs his shirt off, making his way over to you. He rests on his knees, watching as your hand moves down his chest and torso, stopping at the top of his pants. He slides a hand up your back, holding you up as Sam works on bringing you to your second orgasm, "That feel good?"
You nod, "Uh huh." Your eyes squeeze shut as you slip your fingers into the band of his pants. He licks his lips, reaching down with his free hand to undo his belt, giving you more room to slip your hand in. 
He groans lowly as you palm him through his boxers, bucking his hips at the feeling of needing more, "Fuck." He slides his hand around, pressing his thumb to your bottom lip, "Bet this pretty little mouth does a good job." 
He watches as you open your mouth, taking his thumb gently between your teeth. Your lips wrap around it and suck, popping off with a smile, "Find out." 
He chuckles and nods, "Don't worry, sweetheart, I will." 
You look down at Sam, whimpering as you grind your hips, "S-shit." You gasp, squeezing your thighs shut slightly, "F-fuck, fuck."
Sam’s hands grip your hips before he tilts his head back, letting out a pleased sigh. You move off of him and turn to Colby, seeing as you’re just going back and forth with them.
But you’re definitely not complaining.
You slide your hands down, undoing his pants. He stares down at you, watching as you tug his dress pants down.
You slide your hands up his thighs, dragging them gently over his bulge before slipping your fingers into the band of his boxers. You pull them down, looking up at him.
He glances at Sam, nodding before stepping down off the bed. You pout slightly and he grips your chin, “Don’t worry. I think you’ll like what’s about to happen.”
He winks and kicks them off before stepping to the bed again, “As you were.” He smirks and you lean down, wrapping a hand around his cock. You lick your lips before leaning in to take the head of his in between them.
You slowly work on taking him in, swirling your tongue as you bob your head to get him wet enough.
You tilt your head, closing your eyes as you moan to the feeling of Sam pushing his cock into you.
Sam’s hands grip your hips, pulling you back to meet his as he thrusts all the way into you.
“Told you you’d like it.” Colby chuckles and lays a hand on your head. You take his cock back into your mouth, moaning around him as Sam starts to slowly thrust in and out.
“Fuck, yeah just like that.” Colby tangles his fingers into your hair, moaning lowly as he watches Sam behind you.
Your eyes roll back and close as you work on getting Colby into your throat. He gasps, “Shit. That a girl, baby.”
Sam groans, “Fuck, you feel so good, y/n.”
You pull off with a gasp as you throw your hips back, “Fuck, fuck.” Your nails dig into Colby’s thigh as you use your other hand to hold you up, “D-don’t stop, Sam..” you moan, “Please.”
Sam grips your hips tighter, keeping the same pace of his thrusts, “C’mon baby. Cum for me.”
You stroke Colby’s cock, slowly as you clench around Sam. You feel that familiar build up and snap, falling forward as Sam fucks you through your high.
Your lips meet the head of Colby’s cock, moaning round him as you take him back in.
Sam pulls out, same as Colby, and they switch spots.
You look up at Sam with a weak smile and he brushes hair from your face, “Taking us so good, baby.” He runs his fingers over your cheek and you close your eyes as Colby slowly slips his cock into you.
You let out a moan, gripping the sheets because the pleasure is about to be overstimulating.
“Are we making you feel good?” Sam bites his lip as you wrap a hand around his cock. You nod, whimpering as Colby starts to thrust, “u-uh huh.”
“Good. Good.” He tilts your chin up to look at him, “You deserve it.” He moves his hand, allowing you to take his cock between your lips.
You flick your tongue over the tip, moaning as Colby’s thrusts aren’t as sweet as Sam’s were.
You work on taking him in, coating him in your saliva as you shut your eyes. You pull off, gasping out, “Sh-it.”
“Cum one more time, baby.” Sam rubs your cheek with his thumb, “with us.”
You nod, leaning forward to take his cock back into your mouth. You moan around him, causing him to gasp and buck his hips.
You push your head down, taking him in fully. He lays a hand on your head, holding it there until you move it back up.
Colby groans, “Fuck, where do you want me to cum?”
You tilt your head back, moaning out as he continues to thrust, “On me.”
Sam watches as you go back to trying to get him off. You reach up, stroking what isn’t in your mouth. He groan, “Fuck, that feels so good.”
Sam grips your hair, pulling slightly as his hips jolt forward, “Almost there, baby. Fuck, keep going.” You continue to bob your head and twist your hand, moaning as you feel Colby pull out, his cum coating your lower back.
Sam moves his hips back, taking his cock into his own hand as he strokes, getting himself to coat your face with his cum.
You collapse on the bed, breathing heavy as the tiredness from everything sets in.
“Here, y/n.” Colby bends down, wiping off your face before standing up to wipe off your back.
“Thank you.” You smile, looking up at him. He bends down, brushing hair from your face, “Sam went to get you clothes. Do you need anything else?”
“Maybe some water.”
He smiles and kisses your head, “I’ll be right back.” You roll over onto your back, slowly sitting up as Sam comes into the room, “I brought you a shirt and pair of sweats or shorts, I didn’t know what you wanted so I brought both.”
You smile, working on sliding your dress down your body, “I hope I didn’t get anything on this. This isn’t my dress.”
Sam chuckles as he hands you the shirt, “We can always wash it for you.”
“Hey, y/n. Your phone was blowing up, I figured I’d bring it up to you.” Colby hands you your phone and you sigh, “Yeah, it’s my ex. He can’t handle the fact that he’s an ex.”
“No, I don’t think he can handle being dumped by y/n y/l/n.” Sam chuckles as he sits next to you, tying the string to his sweats.
“So.. I have to ask.” You toss your phone down, “Was this just a..” you look up at him, “One time thing.. or..” you immediately regretted asking that.
You didn’t want to sound desperate, or anything for that matter.
They shrug and look at each other, “I mean..” Colby starts, “I don’t want it to just be a one time thing..”
“Yeah, I..” Sam chuckles, “You have no idea how long I’ve been waiting for slide into those DM’s of yours.”
You laugh and raise your brows, “No I know what you mean.”
“No way.” Sam gasps, “You were going to slide into mine?”
“Well if you didn’t answer, I was going to slide into Colby’s next.” You joke with a laugh, “I’m kidding.” They laugh and Colby sits down, “We both were fans of you, mainly because of how you are. You’re a successful, powerful woman and that just..” he sighs and shakes his head.
“Gets us going.” Sam picks up, “We’re honestly just amazed by you, and you deserve someone, or you know.. two very handsome ghost hunters to show you that.”
You smile and cover your face, “Oh my gosh.” You look up, “That’s honestly so sweet.. sorry I’m just.. in a little bit of shock still.. I just never pinned myself being in a thruple with Sam and Colby.”
“Well, believe it, baby.” Colby smirks, “Because if you want, you’re our girl, now.”
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·.
Thank you all for reading and being so patient as I work on getting these out. I truly appreciate all the love and support I have received and will continue to receive!
Likes and reblogs are majorly appreciated! 🖤
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felassan · 21 days
EA Press Release. [source link]
"Unite a Team of Heroes to Defeat Rampaging Elven Gods in Dragon Age™: The Veilguard Arriving in Fall 2024 June 09, 2024 Meet the Most Captivating Companions in the Franchise with New Cinematic Trailer; Official Gameplay Reveal with More Game Details Coming Tuesday, June 11 REDWOOD CITY, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Electronic Arts Inc. (NASDAQ: EA) and BioWare premiered a new cinematic trailer showcasing a brand new cast of companions who will join players in their journey through Dragon Age: The Veilguard, an all-new single-player fantasy RPG experience coming to PlayStation®5, Xbox Series X|S and PC in Fall 2024. Dragon Age: The Veilguardbuilds upon the pillars the iconic series is best known for, delivering a bold and heroic adventure guided by rich storytelling, fluid and strategic combat, companions and fellowship, and choices that matter. Tune into the official gameplay reveal of Dragon Age: The Veilguard featuring more than 15 minutes of gameplay from the opening moments of the experience on Tuesday, June 11 at 8:00 a.m. PT at the Dragon Age YouTube channel. In this next chapter of the critically-acclaimed saga, players will step into Dragon Age’snewest fully-customizable hero, Rook, battling on the front lines alongside an extraordinary cast of heroes known as the Veilguard. Fellowship is central to the experience of Dragon Age: The Veilguard, with each companion entering the fray with their own storylines, motivations and skill trees. In this tale that will decide the fate of Thedas forever, Rook must rise up, rally a team and forge relationships to become the unexpected leader others believe in. “Dragon Age: The Veilguardfeatures some of the deepest companion storylines in Dragon Agehistory, navigating romance, tragic loss and complex choices that will affect relationships with players and the fate of The Veilguard,” said John Epler, Creative Director of Dragon Age: The Veilguard. “BioWare’s storytelling roots shine through every chapter of this adventure, and we are incredibly excited for Dragon Age fans as well as those new to the series to experience this crafted, character-driven narrative that is so intertwined with our studio’s DNA.” Each companion in Dragon Age: The Veilguard brings their own expertise to the field of battle, summoning the grit to stand together and face impossible odds. Throughout their adventures, players can mix and match different team combinations of two of the game’s seven total companions at a time, to adapt to certain challenges and link powerful combinations that can turn the tide of any battle. The game’s cast of companions includes: Bellara, a creative and romantic Veil Jumper obsessed with uncovering ancient secrets. Davrin,a bold and charming Grey Warden who has made a name for himself as a monster hunter. Emmrich, a necromancer of Nevarra's Mourn Watch who comes complete with a skeletal assistant, Manfred. Harding, the dwarven scout, returns to the fray as a companion with her big heart, a positive outlook, and a ready bow – as well as unexpected magical powers. Lucanis, a poised & pragmatic assassin who descends from the bloodline of the House of Crows, a criminal organization renowned throughout Thedas. Neve, a cynic fighting for a better future, both as a private detective and a member of Tevinter's rebellious Shadow Dragons. Taash, a dragon hunter allied with the Lords of Fortune who lives for adventure and doesn't mind taking risks. Fans can add Dragon Age: The Veilguardto their wishlists on PlayStation, Xbox and PC via Steam and Epic Games Store. For additional information and to stay up to date on Dragon Age: The Veilguard, visit the official website, like Dragon Ageon Facebook, follow the franchise on Discord, TikTok, Tumblr, Instagram and X (formerly Twitter), and subscribe to its YouTube channel."
[source link]
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olderthannetfic · 3 months
I wonder if people even still understand the difference between a content warning, and a trigger warning. "It's so great for books to have trigger warnings at the front of the book." … I get heart palpitation from the sound of a certain brand of vacuum. It's a trigger for me. I know a friend who's trigger is a certain smell, it's a completely normal smell, but it's a trigger that can cause panic attacks. Stop calling it a trigger warning, because what you're talking about is clearly a content warning.
AO3 figured this out years ago. Rape? Content warning. Major character death? Content warning. Graphic violence? Content warning. It's a CONTENT WARNING, because it warns you of the content you might encounter and might squick you out or otherwise disturb or disgust you. Trigger warning? Do you have any idea how little that'd narrow it down? Someone could be triggered by Christmas music. Some people might be triggered by a certain phrase, even in written form. Some people might be triggered by a name. You literally cannot write a trigger list long enough if you wanted to account for every trigger.
I always think of that one tumblr post where someone shared their triggers that were... like... jello and clear broth or something, and idiots sent them death threats for ~mocking~ the concept of triggers.
(Their list was, of course, the crap you have to eat in the hospital during a long stay.)
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copperbadge · 4 months
Thoughts on Tumblr right now?
Officially I have none; after staff behavior during the dashboard devolution last year, I decided on apathy. My stance on Tumblr as a whole is to block and blacklist the usernames of all staff accounts and refrain from attempting to offer feedback of any kind, simply accepting every new shitty change as the inevitable result of a website in decline. I lowered the amount of content I create on this platform and began exploring alternatives. My feelings have calcified as, essentially, the last paragraph of this post from that time.
Unofficially, if Tumblr goes under because the CEO was wildly and disproportionately upset that a trans woman was funnier than him, I won't even be mad. That's the most on-brand death I could imagine. Implosion from the sheer power of queer shade? Pass the popcorn.
My sympathies are with the trans folk out there getting harassed and then banned for complaining about the harassment, and particularly with Predstrogen, because it's terrifying to have someone with Matt Mullenwe's resources stalking you. I hope everyone stays safe and we find a new and better platform we can all move to. But my hopes and my expectations are very different.
I also hope the next iteration of the Tesla electric truck will come with an optional "covered in hammers" add-on. For a recurring monthly fee, naturally.
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yup-thats-me · 2 months
''stay with me, I don't want you to leave'' — G. Satoru
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pairing: Gojo Satoru x fem!reader
summary: Gojo wants to recreate this cute trend with his cute girlfriend
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Gojo barged into the room, totally disregarding his girlfriend who was silently enjoying her book with a cup of coffee. By this time, Y/n was accustomed to her lover’s antiques.
“What is it now, Gojo?” She sighed, putting the book down.
With a cheeky grin, Gojo handed her a brand-new lipstick that he just got from Dior on his way back from Jujutsu Tech. Taking it back, Y/n looked at him questioningly.
“…Thank you…?”
“Are you not happy? Is the color not to your liking?” Gojo pouted childishly making Y/n giggle. “It's not that, you big baby,” she smiled pecking his lips. “But what’s the occasion?”
It was nothing new for her lover to buy her gifts, considering how much Gojo loved to spoil the people he loved. But this was too sudden— they were not going on a date, and nor was it her birthday, so this must be one of his ploys to do something mischievous—typical Gojo.
“Put it on and kiss me.”
Y/n blinked at her lover a few times. “You want me to kiss you with this on?”
Gojo nodded his head furiously. Giving in, she opened the cap, and with the help of Gojo who held up his phone to help her apply the cosmetic correctly, she kissed him on the cheek.
Thinking it was the end, she attempted to wipe it off with a tissue before Gojo stopped her.
A smile played on Y/n’s lips. “You want me to kiss you again? With the lipstick?”
Gojo again shook his head, This went on for a couple of minutes — she would apply the lipstick, kiss Gojo, apply it, and kiss him. This was getting a little troubling. Don’t get her wrong though. Y/n loves to kiss her boyfriend but she would like to know why this sudden obsession of kissing came over her darling babe.
Before Gojo asked her to kiss him again, Y/n stopped putting the lipstick down. “Babe, I love to kiss you but your face is literally covered in them—” She cut herself off when the realization finally hit her. “Don’t tell me you were recreating that lipstick trend from tiktok?”
Gojo shyly hid his face with his hands while giggling like a two-year-old. His actions made Y/n burst out laughing. Her boyfriend can really be a kid sometimes,
“You could have asked me to do it instead of making this such a suspense, you dummy!”
“But I wanted it to be a surprise”, Gojo finally said and pointed it to the camera he had hidden (don’t ask me how or when) After Y/n calmed down from her giggling hysteria, she spoke. “Do you want me to recreate it properly, this time?”
“You would?’’ Gojo’s bright blue eyes held a light in them.
“Why not? I can’t possibly deny my boyfriend of such an adorable request, now can I?”
It was Gojo’s time to kiss Y/n on the lips.
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do not steal, repost or translate any of my works. all belongs to yup-thats-me on tumblr
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kavaeric · 2 years
Tumblr Field Guide is now available!
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Hi! If you're from Twitter, welcome to the hellsite! I've managed to compile a fairly comprehensive guidebook on the in and outs of Tumblr and its etiquette written by myself and some long-time Tumblr veterans.
When I say "Tumblr veterans", I mean that we've been on this site in some capacity for around 10 years each now, if not more (I myself have been here on and off since around 2011). We're happy to see new people discover the unique nature of what is effectively our digital hometown.
That being said, this unique nature is chalked up to the way that Tumblr has been something of a haven from the corporate and influence-based culture that has seemingly enveloped the rest of the internet. While we're happy to welcome you here, we also wish you respect the fact that this has been a safe haven from corporatisation and influencer culture, and we ask that you help us keep it that way. You can find an explanation on the etiquette and taboos of Tumblr in the guide linked above.
For a summary guide, keep reading...
This place is great if you are an artist, or member of a fandom, or enjoy fanworks or fanart of all kinds, or all of the above. If you identify as any/all of the above, welcome! I do hope you enjoy your stay here.
We, however, are very protective of its "indie" feel and has strived to keep advertisers, "influencer culture", and capitalist interests away.
In a sense, Tumblr takes the well-worn advice of "be your authentic self" and turns it into a moral imperative that is expected of newcomers as well lest you'll be shunned; we don't want the relative safe haven nature of Tumblr, away from corporatisation and influencer culture, to be ruined. Hence, there are a lot of cultural mores, taboos, and expectations that are treated not as polite but as a moral responsibility to ensure the "sanctity" of Tumblr as a space away from said culture of advertisers and influencers.
In short:
Reblog stuff liberally. Don't just focus on posting your own stuff/freeloading, that's just being an arse. You'll also look like a bot. Don't look like a bot.
Don't try to be an influencer, and don't try to peddle. This isn't to say you can't promote your comms or store if you're an indie artist; just again don't be a freeloader or seek attention for its own sake. Help your fellow artists and community members out.
Seriously, reblog stuff, that's the crux of this site's interaction.
Understand the ways in which people comment including commenting in the tags, there's a whole section in the guide dedicated to this.
Don't engage in drama or dunking, leave that shit behind on Twitter, I don't want to see it here.
Absolutely do not engage with brand accounts, not even ironically or to dunk on them or whatever.
Tumblr is otherwise a very cosy and creative space that is at once expansive and rich but also nuanced, social, cooperative, friendly, and intimate. Follow the etiquette and help us protect this space from the onslaught of advertiser interests and infleuncer culture and I'm sure you will have a wonderful time on our happy little hellsite.
And, yes, please read the guide!
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welldrawnfish · 9 months
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Im just a welldrawnfish, so my art can be bad. glub glub glub its amazing a fish like me can even draw My wife is gloating hard rn cause of you tumblr, everywhere else i successfully went unnoticed. but nooo not you. Thank you for the kind words, truely. My anxiety about posting online is truely garbo, like i had a panic attack thinking you all were gonna think i was manipulating you ause i said i was nervous to post and that made me wanna stop posting idk
Heres one of my oc's from a series named Popsicle Girls - Defenders of the Beach They protect the beach from big corpo trying to turn all the restaurants and rides into those stereotypic brand friendly maximized optics kinda thing. As you can see im also good with letters This is seasalt, she was a member of the icecream boys before she realized who she was. She stays pretty distant from the others. I made them to practice learning animation but everytime i try to animate something i have a -panic attack so idfk
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byuntrash101 · 1 year
skinny dipping
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reader x dom!mingi
smut | nsfw | mdni
pink hair!mingi (this is not a drill), gentle dom!mingi, swim team captain!mingi, established relationship, pet names (baby, babygirl, angel), doing the nasty in the university pool, mingi loves eye contact (can't stress this enough), mingi is big, mingi is huge (and he has the b.i.g. package that goes with it), oral (m), deepthroat, praising, facial, cum play
requested | part of my 2023 prompts event [closed]
your boyfriend he is so focussed on training for the upcoming championship he forgot tonight was supposed to be date night but maybe he can make it up to you with a relaxing massage in the pool
[❛ you look good like this. ❜ + ❛ show me how much you missed me. ❜]
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a/n: this for pinkgi you were short lived but you'll never be forgotten <3
“Mister Swim Team” you mumbled to yourself as you punched through the padded sleeves of your winter coat.
“Mister Team Captain” you continued as you grabbed the keys to your dorm room and headed out into the cold snowy campus.
“Mister “always-training”. Mister “i-forgot-i-promised-a-movie-night-to-my-lovely-and-beautiful-and-perfect-girlfriend-that-i-don’t-deserve”
You humed to yourself satisfied with this brand new and suiting title you found for Mingi.
You walked across the campus at night to the university pool. The cold winter discouraging every student to throw parties outside it was pretty quiet. 
When you pushed in the doors the strong smell of chlorine jumped at your throat. This smell was undeniably associated with your boyfriend and you felt an upsurge of irritation at the thought of him happily splashing around in the pool while you waited for hours at your dorm.
You went through the lockers and spotted his clothes hanging on the rack. You kicked your shoes hastily and walked with big strides to the main pool. The whole building was dark, only the emergency lighting was shining on your bare feet and allowed you to navigate the halls.
You walked through the showers and pushed in the double door as you spotted movement in the middle of the big pool lit only with the in-water lamps.
“YA SONG MINGI!!!!” you shouted, conscious he probably had water in his ear up to his thoughtless dumb little brain.
You saw his confused face emerging from the water and you walked to the edge of the pool while he swam to the shallower side. You tapped your bare foot on the wet tiles and crossed your arms on your chest. 
Once he could reached the pool floor and he walked up to you. You tried to concentrate on the way he looked with his dump little swimming goggles and his stupid little swimming cap instead of the perfectly shaped swimmer's ’s body that was gradually peeking out the water, sculpted and defined muscles contracting while water droplets rolled off his perfectly smooth skin.
You gulped as you let your eyes trail down but your eyes snapped back to his face when he stopped. The water leveling with his hips.
“Didn’t you forget about something today?” you started, each syllable dripping with reprimand. He looks back at you confused, his mouth agape which doesn’t miss to infuriate you a little more.
“I’m guessing I did” he says, cracking an apologetic smile and nervously scratching his neck.
“Min!!” you whine while stomping the wet floor in frustration. “You promised me we were going to watch a movie at my dorm tonight” you complained, your angered brows transforming into a disappointed pout.
“No way!” he exclaimed. “Is it thursday already?” he asked, checking the fitbit he had around his wrist.
You stay silent as he slowly realizes he unintentionally stood you up.
“Oh my gosh baby I’m so sorry” he said, taking the goggles off. Eyebrow knitting in regret as he slips the swimming cap off. The pink locks of dampened hair forming little spikes on top of his head as he brushes the stubborn strands out of his eyes. 
The pink hair was the result of a lost bet with Seonghwa. You couldn't blame Seonghwa for picking this cut and color as a punishment. It should have been perfect. This style wouldn't look good on anybody. But of course Song Mingi wasn't anybody. It was supposed to make him look ridiculous but you can’t help to think the expected effect failed miserably. He’s more handsome than ever and that absolutely plays in his favor.
Suddenly his eyes seem to light up. 
“Come in the water with me I’ll make the pool your private spa.” he said with a smile, tapping the surface of the water in an inviting way. But you only sigh.
“I don't have my swimsuit Min” you exhale as you roll your eyes at him.
“So?” he instantly retorts. “It’s just us here. Just take off your clothes and come join me” You squint your eyes, suspicious of the intentions of the pink haired man. 
“Plus, I went to the technical room and upped the temperature. The water is perfect” he throws as a final argument, wiggling his eyebrows. You could really use a nice and stress relieving warm spa to ease up your tensed up and cold muscles… But still what if somebody comes…
“I don’t know Min...”
As if reading your mind, you see him throw something onto the border of the pool, looking closer it appears to be his swimsuit.
“See we’re even now”
When Mingi sees you slip out the padded coat he absolutely beams at you. You don't even take the time to neatly fold your clothes, you just pile them in a corner that seems to be dry and quickly slip in the water before somebody actually sees you. 
As soon as you slip in you sigh in relief. One thing your stupid boyfriend wasn’t is a liar and he didn't play you. The water is indeed  absolutely divine.
“Come here my baby” Mingi opens his arms and you rush to him. Mingi’s large body envelops you completely as he crosses his arms over your stomach planting soft kisses on the crown of your head.
“My adorable baby girl” he whispers as his big warm hands travel up your forearms to land on your shoulders. He started rubbing tight circles at the base of your nape with his thumbs applying just the right amount of pressure to your shoulder blades with his palm, his hands sliding up to your shoulders to gently pinch your trapezius muscles. You sigh in relief, already you feel the tension melting away in the warm water and under Mingi's expert touch.
He repeats the motion again and again until you forget all about why you were mad in the first place, gently letting your body sink back into his broad chest as you could only hear Mingi’s soft breathing, the water gently clapping against the tiled edges of the pool and the soothing buzzing of the water filtration system.
“I’m sorry my angel” he whispers as he gently lays a soft kiss onto the shell of your ear.
“You better be” you respond softly not opening your eyes.
“I am. But I'm glad you’re here with me now” you feel his lips being stretched in a smile. As he kisses down your neck his hands slide down to the small of your back to massage the soft skin there.
“Yes but I really wanted to watch that movie with you” you pouted again as you peeled one eye open.
“We will I promise baby” he keeps on rubbing circles onto your skin below the water level and you sigh again, your eyebrow relaxing on your forehead.
“It’s just that…” you start. “I missed you that's all” you continued.
Mingi hums lips pressed against your skin.
“Is that so?” his hands slipped to your hips as you felt a slight change in his tone. “ How much?” he asked.
“A lot” you want to add more but you’re interrupted when he sinks his sharp teeth into the soft skin of your neck and draws a shaky breath out of you.
“Show me how much you missed me” he whispers in your ear as he rolls his hips, pressing his growing arousal onto your back. You catch your lip between your teeth. 
"I missed you that much" you turn around in his arms and plant an open mouth kiss at the base of his neck. You feel a low vibration erupt from his throat as he leans his head back and sighs deeply. Giving you unlimited access to his heated skin.
The familiar chlorine taste feels your mouth as you press your hardened nipples onto his broad and toned swimmer's chest. His large hands travel down the small of your back to cup your cheeks.
You link your lips to his. Letting him devour you with the burning hunger that you know and love. That consuming passion he had for you.
He gives a squeeze to your ass and you moan into his mouth, guts stirring around in need for him. 
When he parts from you, you whine in regret for the soft cushiony feeling of his plump lips in yours.
"Really baby? Only this much. Looks like you were doing just fine on your own" he whispers in your ear before licking around the shell of it, lifting goosebumps on your skin.
A sharp spark of electricity burns through your core when you spot the teasing smirk of your boyfriend. Mischievous dark eyes challenging you to do more. To go further.
And it works. You forget about your now distant fear of getting caught in the most indecent position in the university pool and push him to the tiled edge. Without even having to tell him he prompts himself up and sits on the flange. 
The raging hard member springs in front of your face. Finally being revealed to your eye, like an offering gifted by the waters and ready for you. You found your place nested between your beautiful boyfriend's ample and muscular thighs. Water droplets trailing down his muscles and making his soft skin glisten under the dim teal blue light of the pool.
You wrapped both hands around the base of his cock and aimed the tip at your lips. As you licked the shiny slit, the taste of chlorine mixed with Mingi’s salty and bitter flavor, making your head spin. It put you in a kind of trance that made your mind blank. Your five senses unable to perceive anything that wasn't him. In this state you were craving, yearning for more of him. You had the irrepressible need to taste more, see more, feel more. 
An indisputable urge that pushed you to wrap your lips around his hot tip and glide your mouth all the way down to his base where your lips met your hands. Earning a guttural groan from the pink haired man as you did so.
"Look at me" he struggled to say as he pushed away a strand of hair that was stuck to your forehead. When your eyes snapped up to meet his he was unrecognizable. The sharp half lidded eyes peering down at you were filled with sin, wet tongue swiping on his bottom lip before biting it down. There was nothing left of the sweet boy that was happily splashing around in the water earlier. 
"You look good like this" he sighed. "So fucking pretty with my cock down your throat" his voice was merely a low rumble at his point. As you felt the tears prickling your eyes you pulled back letting only his tip hang from your lips. 
You pushed your mouth back down on his length, not stopping when you felt his tip hit the back of your throat, diligently pushing it past the first resistance to take him down your throat. The tip laying flat on the back of your tongue lightly triggered your gag reflex and your eyes became slightly watery when you looked back up at Mingi again. He wore the smug grin of satisfaction he always had when you gagged on him.
“Too big for you baby?” he asked wet clumped up hair forming pink spikes on top of his head while droplets of water ran down his long neck. Smug smirk playing on his lips.
You wanted to kick that grin right off his pretty lips and you knew exactly how. A fast and very efficient way. You gave him a hard suck, hollowing your cheeks as you pulled your mouth back on his length. The effect was immediate. Mingi dropped the cocky smile to catch his lower lip between his teeth. Eyebrows meeting on his forehead while he hissed in pleasure. Somehow still managing to hold back a guttural moan. But not for long. You settled a rhythm you knew was deadly, your hand wrapped around his base, accompanying your mouth with every coming and going.
“Fuck baby.” you heard Mingi as you felt his hands holding your wet hair back out the way. “your mouth feels so good” he praised as you saw in your peripheral vision his other hand holding for dear life to the edge of the pool, knuckles turned white, nails clawing at the blue tiles.
You hummed in satisfaction and the vibrations that came along with it rocketed him to the edge a lot sooner than he had hoped. He threw his head back, loud moans and lewd wet sounds echoing in the large empty space.
You persevered with a couple more of the back and forth until you felt him tense his fingers around your locks of hair, holding you back slightly.
“Baby if you don't slow down…” his words got caught in his throat when you popped him out of your mouth. He let out a sigh he didn’t know if it was out of relief or disappointment. But he didn't have time to figure it out because before he realized it you were jerking him off at a rapid pace. Both your hands perfectly gliding around his slick cock, your palm closing at the tip to push more precum out of the seeping slit.
“Fuck yes baby. Like that hmmm” he instructed, lust filled half lidded eyes falling back on you.
“You like it like this?” you asked as you were now the one wearing the cocky smile.
“Yes!! Yes” he hastily responded, big muscular thighs tensing up, jerking his hips in your hands.
You hummed again, rejoicing on the wonderful expressions he was making. Chest and neck almost as pink as his hair, mouth agape and shiny tongue prodding against the corner of his lips.
“I wanna cum on your face” he announced as his fist still around your hair guided your face to be repositioned right under his fat cock. You place yourself to look up at him, still firmly gripping his throbbing cock, working it up and down.
“Keep your eyes open” he instructs. "Keep looking at me. Want you to look at me when I cum for you" The smirk is long gone, a distant memory. The only expression you can read on his face is now need. An incredible urge for you to finish what you started. And so you do.
Mingi’s raspy deep voice goes down even lower and is the first indicator of his incoming orgasm. He grunts and groans as you feel his large and swollen cock twitch uncontrollably in your firm grip. The first shot of cum splits your face right in half. Thick line of cum from lips to forehead. You can't help but swipe your tongue on your lips to harvest his precious nectar. His taste clouding your mind as he continues to paint all over your features. Large thick ropes of scolding hot cum shooting across your face and crashing on your cheeks, lips and even as far as your hair. Until Mingi is completely drained, one last little whimper of satisfaction leaving his lips as he wipes the sensitive tip against your open lips.
“Hmmm so much cum just for me” you coo.
Mingi doesn't peel his eyes off you for a second, the sharp gaze burns holes into you and the smile gradually takes its rightful place back on his lips as he watches you lick yours clean off his nectar, eyes rolling back from the relishing taste. 
“Let’s go back to the dorm and I'll show you how much I missed you.”
a/n: thank you so much for reading! i hoped you liked the pinkgi content! that look wrecked me to the deepest confines of hell and i just HAD to write something. that is what my mind came up with. hope you liked it please leave a comment if you did. any support/feedback is greatly appreciated <3
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