#but today is a brand new day !!
stickynotebirds · 5 months
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328. Eurasian Golden Oriole
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smallsafespace · 6 months
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:0) its a blues clues day
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moeblob · 6 months
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You know, when I kept getting asked "so you didn't ever have severe pains before now?" in the hospital and I kept replying "I have a high pain tolerance" I meant it. However, there is only so much pain my tiny 4'9" body can hold... (aka I am sweating and in agony bc I'm getting told to use LESS severe pain meds so I don't rely on them too much and it is AWFUL)
#moe talks a lot#i was shaking earlier and despite the fact i sound like im gonna cry#and the fact that my mom can pick out im about to cry from pain bc im trying to take less pain meds#LIKE MY MOM IS INSTRUCTING ME TO DO#shes like well why arent you taking any pain meds#BECAUSE THERE ARE TWO AVAILABLE OPTIONS AND ON A SIX HOUR TIMER#i cant take both at once or else what happens to me if i hurt before the six hours is up#i have to manage them in a way that allows me to benefit from both and being told im doing it wrong#after being told well its your fault it got so bad because you never complained about pain before#YEAH NO JOKE? REALLY? I NEVER DID? because everyone acts like im too young to feel that kinda pain#oh youre hurting? just wait until youre older#and its currently agony to breathe again but that i guess is also my fault bc im trying to use pain meds#holy moly i just want to not get dizzy standing up cause wow dang#sure would be nice if the multiple incisions in my stomach didnt THROB every time i sneezed or coughed or cleared my throat#but since i didnt use much pain meds before because i would be mocked for being too much of a baby its like#welp damn now i could really use some and im being called out for being too reliant#anyway time to sleep more because that means im not noticing my pain#im literally smaller than most children and so i do understand my body size makes people worried about the medication intake#but can i please just go a day without being asked how much im taking or when i last took it or if im gonna cry#anyway sorry for the excessive rant today never really had surgery or anything so this is brand spankin new suffering
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toomanywatchers · 3 months
every watcherina today on international www resurrection day (7/5/24)
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smashwolfen · 4 months
Audhhfkfkdhrkfjdjs the con was small but very fun! Was hella nervous being out even with my small amount of dressing up, but a lot of people complimented my mask and my diamond clan sweater(even the strangers on the street well after we left the venue!) and they loved seeing the plushies poking out of my bag matching my mask I HAD A LOT OF FUN AND FEEL LIKE I COULD TOTALLY DO IT AGAIN ELSEWHERES!!!! Once I build up funds to go of course XD
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I didnt spend too too much while there but got some fun lil things!
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I dunno how bud did it but those are wood burned/pressed(?) versions of the pokemon cards, and they were worried doing a random trainer was a bad idea, little did they know ADAMAN WAS THE BEST CHOICE FOR ME PERSONALLY!! Snagged 2 offical pokemon pins because of course, a lil 3D printed fidget spider friend, and a Vivian sticker! My buddy I went with was very much a confidence booster im so glad i went!
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The sweater was made by @cecilioque god thank you so much for making such a perfect sweater to wear to a first con!!!! Nintendo wishes they did it before you ;w;
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artastic-friend · 6 months
All booped out for the day 🐾🐾🐾
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I haven’t had the time or energy to draw much lately but I didn’t wanna end the day without at least one doodle relating to the events of today ^^
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frothing at the fucking mouth over the lil Howdy Approved teaser. what does it mean!!!! im gonna need to make sure im awake for the drop!! that will be tough!
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visceravalentines · 5 months
I know we've reached critical mass with my the passenger obsession bc I'm at the point of thinking my favorite thing about the movie is the hopefulness scattered throughout. the way Randy hopes again and again that Benson won't hurt him and might actually help him. the way Benson hopes he really might be able to save this kid from himself. the point they reach where, just for a little bit, they both hope they have more time. the hopefulness of Randy trying to do the right thing, trying to save everybody. the hope of a little kid who wants to be a giraffe someday. the hardest part of the movie is when everything becomes bleak but it tries, at the very end, to be hopeful again. maybe Randy can still live for both of them, which is all Benson ever hoped for in the first place.
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tetzoro · 3 months
good morning friendz & happy tuesday ! ! i hope today is a great day for everyone ! please remember to do something sweet for yourself because you are doing your best and that’s more than good enough !
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not me curling my laptop charger wire the way you curl band equipment cords HAHAHA god i miss it
#i really said “okay big performance in the city square let's make this work” and i did but absolute fuckery of the manager just made me...#and she also used to complain about being an opening act-- like come on that's a nationally-renowned band and we're not there yet 😭#we used to fight a lot though so ack i really should have taken that as a red flag#but i was 14 and stupid 🤷‍♂️#being solo way better uM i shouldn't say this yet but i got a commission today audhauagah i don't even have a portfolio#fuck guys i'm so so so nervous from big changes in life because uM god i just came from actual hell with various things working to make me#kms#but uH we're uH not too keen on that anymore atm and uH it's probably going to all fuck up after i share that i have good news in life#but yk what#let's keep challenging god#i know he hates me#but we will not be defeated we will strangle him by the tie#AHHHH help me i want to get into music again pls pls pls pls pls#anyway back to my old band manager#she was known for being a shitwad in the scene anyw but i was young and stupid as i sais#and i defended her and rationalized her behavior because “we're friends right”#i'm starting to get why my mom is wary of people i get to know#i'm tbh a fucking idiot i would never admit that elsewhere (nah i do) uM my brain is bouncing off the walls#i took a bargain with 7pm coffee and look where it got me#i was also getting up there in my 5 days of uni absences agsgshags#DOES ANYONE ACTUALLY READ THESE I KINDA HOPE NOW NO ONE DOES#IM KINDA UHHH MY CHILD THERAPIST SAID UNCONVENTIONAL#I THINK SHE MEANT FUCKING CRAZY#sorry#oh yeah i walked tf out the band after that big performance set up just for us because i couldn't keep working with that kind of environment#other bands started flocking to recruit or proxy after i was let go by my famously fucked-up ex-manager LOL#but um i have issues so i'm not among them and i think they get the message tbh#appears and disappears#that is actually my brand
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skinreflectsthesun · 2 months
I’d like to thank the inventor of microfiber washcloths, and at the same time tell the inventor of trim to go fuck themselves 🫠
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barachiki · 1 year
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Moody Vampire Sherlock enjoying a treat!
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sanjoongie · 2 years
FFF~ Day 16
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♡Pairing: Kim Hongjoong x Reader (f) ♡Genre: Smut with no plot :) ♡Au: heroes vs villains, university (the school of good and evil inspired), enemies AND lovers ♡Word Count: 1,903 ♡Warnings: sword fighting, blood, sadism, masochism, cum eating, blood play, weapon play (? hongjoong uses the hilt of a blade to fuck you, yeah), slight breath play, penetrative sex with no barrier, slight degradation kink, slight praise kink, f and m orgasm ♡Rated: 18+ MDNI ♡Masterlist link~ | Previous Day~ Size Kink, PSH | Next Day~ Daddy, JYH ♡Dedication~ @downtoamagicalland & @mejuii the unholy trinity beta team
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You cried out as Hongjoong flashed his fencing sword and you had a wound on your upper arm. 
“Points for Kim Hongjoong,” Jongho said soulessly, turning over the scoreboard.
You narrowed your eyes down at the fencing captain of the Villains as you pushed up your mask. “Don’t get cocky just because you drew first blood.”
Hongjoong lifted his mask, grinning. “I dunno, I kinda like the sound of your outrage that I got in the first hit.”
You wrinkled your nose at him, “Okay, you little sadist, let’s go.”
Your duel continued. You got in your fair share of slashes but Hongjoong was whittling you down. Each strike elicited a yelp from you. Your skin burned and you could feel blood dripping from each wound. The more angry you got, the less coordinated and precise your strikes became. Jongho called the match in Hongjoong’s favor and you threw your sword across the room, almost hitting San before he ducked out of the way.
“Now now, miss heroine, that’s not very ladylike of you,” Hongjoong taunted you.
You made a loud noise of frustration, chucked your mask at Hongjoong, and strode out of the fencing room. You were halfway up the stairs to your dorm when Hongjong caught up with you. He wrapped a hand around your arm to halt your progress and you hissed as he touched a wound. 
“The medical wing isn’t this way,” Hongjoong smirked at you.
“I’m not going to the medical wing, Hongjoong,” You said his name like it was a derogatory term, “Why are you following me anyways?”
“The way you acted back there wasn’t much like a hero. Are you sure you’re on the right side of this school?” Hongjoong goaded you.
You cursed under your breath. “And how does that have anything to do with you?”
Hongjoong looked at you through the fringe of his hair coyly. “I’m looking to write a different kind of story for myself. I think it might start with you.”
You sent a look of disbelief towards him. “Me?!”
Hongjoong’s fingers ruthlessly dug into the wound in your arm and you let out a helpless cry. Hongjoong’s grin was positively evil in response. “See? Aren’t you perfect for me?”
You yanked your arm out of Hongjoong’s grasp. “Go find a thorny vine and sit on it, Hongjoong,” You spat back at him.
Hongjoong didn’t stop you as you stomped up a few more stairs but he did say, “Sounds more like your style. Like a little pain with your pleasure, don’t you, doll?”
That stopped you in your tracks. If anyone from the hero side of the school knew that, you’d be reported or worse, ridiculed. You had a reputation to uphold for your parents and your kingdom. You couldn't have whispers going around the castle about how you liked your sex like you were a villain’s perfect victim.
Your face was stormy as you backtracked and stood face to face with Hongjoong. “You can’t tell anyone,” You hissed.
Hongjoong looked quite pleased with himself. “Oh, I don’t want to tell anyone. As long as you let me take advantage of it.”
It was just like a villain to blackmail a hero. Except…you wanted this. It took everything in you to not vibrate with excitement. Of course, any of your past lovers had been soft and gentle and you had loathed it when all you wanted was a little pain with your pleasure. What Hongjoong was dangling in front of you was the perfect bait to hook you into his story. You knew it was a bad idea. But you couldn't find yourself saying no to it. 
You were stretched out on Hongjoong’s bed, snuck into his dorm under shadows and moonlight. The scratches from Hongjoong’s fencing sword littered your body and Hongjoong was throbbing from the view of you on his satin black sheets. You refused to look him in the eyes, which made him smirk slightly because you were completely naked for him, your legs propped up and spread, arms out and palms down. 
“I can see how wet your pussy is from here,” Hongjoong teased you.
You scoffed. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
Oh, Hongjoong liked that you were playing hard to get even though you were in his room on his bed ready to take his cock. “No?” Hongjoong pulled a dagger from a holster at his ankle and flipped it, holding the blade carefully. 
The bed dipped as he placed his knee down and leaned over to brush the hilt of the dagger down your soaked folds. You bit down on your lip, whimpers falling from them nonetheless. Hongjoong brought the hilt up to his mouth and his tongue flickered over it, tasting the slick. “Yup, wet enough that I bet I could slip right in.”
“Are you going to fuck me or not?” You snarled.
“Patience, doll,” Hongjoong drawled, “Or I might think you’re eager for me.”
Hongjoong sucked on the hilt, cleaning it of your juices and then flipped it again so he was holding the hilt now. He drew the flat of the blade up your calf, along the inside of your thigh, tracing your hip, over your stomach and in between the valley of your breasts. Your breathing had quickened and you felt your lower half tightening in anticipation for what was next. 
He cut a small, shallow line along your collarbone and you whimpered for him. He was now on his hands and knees, hovering over you. His head dipped and his tongue came out to lick along the line of blood there. “Are you trembling for me, doll?” Hongjoong whispered as he kissed up your neck.
“N-no,” You stuttered, revealing that indeed you were.
He discarded the dagger and fluttered his fingers up the outside of your arms, creating goosebumps in their wake. When his hands gripped your upper arms tightly, you cried out for him. “No wonder you let me strike you while we were fighting. You were getting your kicks from the tiny gifts of pain I was giving you. If only I had known how wet you were getting for me, I would have fucked you right then and there.”
Your eyes became fierce. “I don’t fucking think so!”
Hongjoong smiled widely. “You wouldn’t have gotten turned on by the fact that your fellow heroes and the other villains were watching you get pounded into by your rival?”
“Don’t give yourself such a lofty title,” You sneered. “Rival? Don’t make me laugh. You’re just an early chapter in my story, Kim Hongjoong.”
“I’m gonna fuck you now, doll,” Hongjoong leered at your body, lingering on the cuts and on your tits. “I’m going to enjoy it. I’m going to make you addicted to my body and the way I fuck you. And then you’ll become so entwined in my story, they’ll tell all the little heroes about you as a warning to those who stray the path of good.”
With his lower half pushing against your thigh and his arms bracing himself above you, he angled himself against your pussy lips. The head of his cock slid against your folds, covering himself with your slick. And even after that, he swirled the head along your clit, making you cry out. You pushed your lips inwards, refusing to beg for him, but even that told Hongjoong everything.
“Come on now, make some pretty noises for me, miss heroine,” Hongjoong provoked you.
He pushed inside of you, slowly but surely, and that’s when you let out a long, drawn out moan. He stretched you and it felt delicious; that perfect line of pain and pleasure. “Hong-hongjoong,” You whimpered once he was fully inside of you.
“Yes, doll?” He chuckled.
“You better know how to wield your cock just as well as you know how to wield a sword.”
Hongjoong’s face clouded over at the insult before he carefully wiped it from his face. “You’re going to regret that. No one will be able to fuck you like I can.”
Hongjoong enfolded your body with his arms, locking his hands behind your back. He withdrew his hips and then thrusted into your body with the ease of a man who had fucked and fucked well before. You gasped, your breath catching in your throat, but Hongjoong didn’t give you a chance to catch it again. Your legs wrapped around his waist, heels digging into his ass as he fucked you thoroughly. 
With your bodies pressed against each other, and Hongjoong’s hips the only part of your bodies moving, you made all the pretty noises just for him. The surprising part was, Hongjoong also made pretty noises for you. His gasps and grunts filled your ears, along with the way he whispered in your ear just how perfect you were for him. 
“Joong,” You whined, feeling your climax approach quickly.
“Already, doll? You must have denied yourself plenty while you’ve been here. Either that, or the heroes that fucked you couldn't give it to you like I do. Have you been neglected? You poor, poor thing,” Hongjoong mocked you.
“You’re--hnnnnn--you're gonna let me come, right? ” You worried out loud.
Hongjoong chuckled, placing a loud kiss on your neck. “You gonna let me? I want to hear you beg for it, doll.” You whined in frustration and Hongjoong only squeezed you tighter in his arms. “Beg me for it,” He cooed, “Or I’ll fuck you like this all night until you do.”
“Hongjoong, no,” You said in horror.
“Hongjoong, yes,” He cackled in delight, “Go on, beg me.”
“Puh-please let me come, Hongjoong,” You pleaded desperately. Your pride had gone out the window once his dick was inside of you, who were you kidding? “Wanna come on your pretty dick, please. Please, Hongjoong, wanna come with you.”
“All you had to do was ask,” Hongjoong hummed.
He shifted inside of you, changing the angle only slightly but it was everything. He pounded into you and your cries became a crescendo of wild noises as your climax built to its apex. You bit down on his shoulder as you came so hard that you felt like you were going to black out. Hongjoong cried out in pleasure at both the bite and your cunt clenching him and he unloaded inside of you as well. He continued to fuck up into your pussy until you whined and he was done painting your insides with his seed.
Hongjoong pulled out of you, resting on the balls of his feet in front of you on the bed. He turned his head to admire the bite mark on his shoulder and he grinned. “So, you like to reciprocate, it seems.”
You didn’t have words for him, you were too fucked out of your mind to even argue with him. So Hongjoong pulled his sheets over you, appreciating how you looked in his bed. “I’ll wake you up before sunrise, don’t worry, miss heroine. No one will know about this, I’ll keep my promise.”
It wasn’t until Hongjoong climbed into his bed to curl up behind you that his little black heart beat at the noises of content that you made when he wrapped an arm around you and pulled your back to his front. In your sleep, you were quite content to be with him. Hongjoong would take that, for what it was worth.
♡Masterlist link~ | Previous Day~ Size Kink, PSH | Next Day~ Daddy, JYH
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lieutenantlashfaz · 2 months
To be loved is to be changed
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18 years of love
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dragon-doggo · 2 years
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I luv himb
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linusbenjamin · 1 year
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