#that's future diana's problem
britneyshakespeare · 4 months
4:17 AM. Fuck it we ball
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hey-scully-itsme · 1 year
okay so I’m 100% on board with the jokes about how stephen maturin kills a guy with a 'phallic paperweight' because they truly are funny as hell but also I’m fascinated by how the scene actually goes down. Bc he DOESN'T kill the guy with it! he just knocks him out. What he does kill him with is a lancet.
Given that, every other time it comes up, he draws a VERY hard line at using the tools of his trade as a physician to kill, it's actually super relevant to where he's at in that scene and in Fortune of War in general that that's how it goes down. lines are blurring, certainties are being erased, and everything feels out of control. huge fan of how well that scene conveys those ideas.
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halfagone · 9 months
Master List
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Hyperlinks to Major Fics
lex luthor's ascent from supervillainy to fatherhood | lex luthor's guide series - Based on Father-Son Relationships between Lex Luthor and Danny Fenton. [CURRENTLY UNDERGOING MAINTENANCE. ACCESS RESTRICTED]
Off With [the Demon's] Head - The hot mess that is the Al Ghul-Wayne family. Includes: Dad!Danny, Young!Ellie, my OG Danny and Ra's Paradox Fic.
what was lost, found again | lost and found series - Where Danny finds Jason digging his way out of his own grave and brings him home.
down the rabbit hole (goes the throne) - No One Knows AU, Major Canon Divergence. Amity Park has many secrets and Batman Inc. are left to discover them.
bloodlines | born from flesh and bone, clay and stardust series - Danny is the biological son of Diana (Wonder Woman) and Bruce Wayne. A prophecy is involved.
billy batson and the phantom - Adventures of Billy Batson and Danny Fenton. Oh, and Vlad is there too, I guess.
all I am to you is a tragedy, right? - In which a grieving Bruce Wayne brings a Danny Fenton from another universe back with him. This has consequences.
Insomniacs Anonymous - Three-way crossover between DC, Danny Phantom, and Miraculous Ladybug. Social media and chat fic. Now with plot!
pay your dues - An exploration of politics in the Infinite Realms, and the debts that must be paid in full.
weekend wonders - A character study into Stephanie Brown and her resolve as a hero, especially when a close friend comes into suspicion.
present, future, past - Time travel fic in which Bruce falls into the future where everything seems perfect, better than he could have hoped it would be. It doesn't last.
trust no one (trust me) - In a world where the GIW are more competent than in the show, Danny draws some unwanted attention. The people he leaves behind search for him.
bones and all - Inspired by horror films, video games, and fiction. A ghost story set in the DPxDC crossover.
all of this is temporary - Reverse Robins AU, set during Brucequest era. Damian struggles to uphold his father's legacy. Danny intends to make his own legacy.
Other Ongoing Series
Please note that some fics may overlap on more than one series.
Readable Arrangements - Short Works for DPxDC, mainly romance.
It's All About Presentation - A collection of gift fics.
Writing Problems? I Say Writing Solutions - A collections of works from "Who Wrote That?" games.
Martydom - Stories exploring heavy topics, such as gore, violence, etc. Must check tags for each work.
oh, the (in)humanity - Hazmat Suit AU. Now featuring multiple timelines.
Our Gentle Sin - Centered around a romance between a Danny from another universe, where the end of the world has come and gone, and Bruce Wayne who helps him relearn what it means to be human.
Blood is Thicker Than Water, But So Is Ectoplasm - In which Danny is a clone of Batman.
Co-Written Works
Born to Make History | written alongside NightShiftShenanigans (@nightshiftshenanigans) - Patrol Partner Event; No Capes AU, Ice Skating AU, featuring Enemies to Lovers Danny and Jason.
For more completed works and series, explore here:
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strawburry01 · 21 days
Life in Technicolor
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Ford Pines x Fem! Reader
Summary: After the two of you were stuck on opposite sides of the space time continuum for 30 years- how do you go back to normal?
A bunch of little blurbs because people ate that up last time and it's fun-er to write rn :)
Part 1
Part 2
Part 2.5
Part 3
Part 4
Meeting Mabel and Dipper was truly one of the best things that you'd ever experienced. You loved helping Mabel with her endless crafts and hearing all her boy problems (which was a shocking amount and also of shocking severity). You also loved helping Dipper with his research of Gravity Falls under Stan's nose of course. He'd kept your room of video tapes under lock, so when you finally convinced him to open it ("it is MY stuff Stan"), Dipper was on Cloud 9 going through all of your recordings. Most of them were trashed unfortunately after years of dust and sitting, but a few of them actually ran back and played, which excited you both.
One morning you went to the Gravity Falls farmers market only to feel the intense scrutiny of everyone's eyes on you until Susan, still the waitress at the pancake place questioned where you had been for the past couple decades. "Um, vacation?" you had sheepishly answered. It seemed to somehow work.
Mabel, Dipper, and Soos took it upon themselves to catch Ford and you up on all the worldwide events you'd missed. Ford was distraught over Princess Diana's death.
While Ford was often stuck in the basement working on his devices and journals, you liked to stay in the gift shop and help at the register, working on writing down all your time over the past years between customer checking out. Wendy thought you were pretty cool for doing it.
You caught Soos once trying to Sharpie on a similar heart under his own eye once. You slowly closed the door despite not breaking eye contact with him. Neither of you ever brought it up.
Ford and you went stargazing most nights on top of the shack. Stan did do a pretty good job installing a dubious, but stable-ish, balcony.
Stan and you were a little awkward at first, as he didn't know if you'd share his brother's attitude towards him or not. You couldn't handle it anymore and ended up buying him a 6 pack of shitty beer and driving the golf cart in donuts outside in the parking lot until you were both doubled over.
Ford and you held another wedding ceremony. A more proper one this time. Dipper was the ring bearer, with Mabel being the flower girl. She unfortunately picked some of a carnivorous variety that started biting their ankles soon after exchanging "I do's".
Mabel took you and Ford out to try and update your wardrobes since everything was stuck in the 80's. Ford blushed every time you stepped out of the dressing room.
Stan tripped you (accidentally) into the Bottomless Pit and Ford nearly killed him on the spot.
You got dragged into supervising the girls on their quest to get unicorn hair and nearly threw out your back while throwing punches at those bratty horses.
Being old in this world was the hardest thing, but you were glad Ford was there to commiserate with. When you had been here last as spry 30 something year olds and were flung back as 60 something year olds. Most night's you'd stare at yourself in the mirror after brushing your teeth until Ford would get up from bed and wrap his arms around your waist and look into the mirror with you. "Still beautiful" he'd mumble as he'd kiss your shoulder. It wasn't that though. Sometimes you just couldn't recognize yourself. You were supposed to have watched the both of you grow older in this house. Not blast back here after decades apart.
"Do you ever feel like we missed out on all those years?" you'd ask Ford one day. "Perhaps. But all we can do is focus on the future at this point, and at least we have that," he'd answer.
Taglist wooooo:
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lezzballer · 3 months
do you have any girlfriend headcanons for diana?
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Diana Taurasi girlfriend headcanons
(somewhere in the 2008-2012 era)
∞ Diana will flirt with you incessantly for years. But she's very very comfortable with flirty lighthearted friendships that never go anywhere. So she won't do anything to evolve the relationship beyond that. If you want to be with her, you need to be the one to make the first move
∞ Diana loves dates. She loves everything about dates. Beaches, sunsets, picnics, cafes, lounges, restaurants, food, wine, live piano, flowers, jewelry, ambience, architecture. She loves giving and receiving gifts and experiences
∞ Diana will only call you her girlfriend if she's extremely serious about you. All the women she wasn't serious about were just friends to her, not girlfriends. So she hasn't actually had many girlfriends
∞ Because Diana hasn't actually had many girlfriends, she doesn't have much relationship experience. She doesn't really know what she wants or needs from a relationship. All she knows is she wants and needs to be around you 24/7
∞ Diana wants to let you into her whole life. So get ready to spend some time in the Inland Empire
∞ You have to navigate a language barrier to mesh with her family. And you have to make sure her sister adores you. If you can't do that, your relationship with Diana won't last. But Diana is drawn to you because she knows you'll fit in with them. She wouldn't bring you to Chino unless she was sure you belonged with her family
∞ Diana always calls you "my love." Sometimes she'll even call you "mi amor"
∞ Diana looks up to you and admires you and genuinely believes you're way out of her league
∞ When she looks at you, you feel like the most important thing in the world to her. She'll take your hands in hers and give you a look, saying nothing in a way that says everything
∞ She'll say mild flirty things to other women to brighten their day. But that's just talk. It doesn't mean anything to her. She's yours and you trust her.
∞ She's very playful. There are times when she can't say a single serious word. She'll pretend to be a completely different person just for fun. She knows that outsiders project a domineering power-hungry personality onto her. So she likes to act out a parody of the person they think she is. But you know who she really is. The idea that your soft silly self-deprecating woman could ever go through with any interpersonal cruelty is absurd. All you can do is laugh
∞ Diana is a nuzzler. She will nuzzle you whenever and wherever. She'll nuzzle you in the middle of a mundane conversation about nothing in particular. She likes to rest her head on your shoulder and press her face into your neck
∞ Even though Diana's only in her 20s, she already has a litany of chronic health problems. Back problems, skin problems, mental problems. Her entire left hand broke and healed wrong. Her spine is a nightmare. And now that you're her girlfriend, her problems are your problems, too. When you take care of her, it fills her with love and wonder. She's never had a relationship like this
∞ Diana is addicted to basketball. But the moment you have a crisis in your life, she'll leave her team to be by your side. And she'll take care of you the way you take care of her
∞ The challenging thing about being with Diana is her worldview. She believes there's more bad than good in the world. She doesn't believe in miracles and she doesn't believe in the future. The only thing she feels she can rely on in life is the present moment. That makes it difficult to plan a life together. The only way through this is to lead the way and see if she follows you. So far, she's followed you every time.
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puppetwoman17 · 1 year
I’ve been wanting to talk about this but I thought it would sound weird and kinda Mary Sue like! Glad to hear that I’m not the only one.
I’m very adamant on Cap being a pillar in not only the magic community(cause of his Champion role obviously) but the hero community as well. He’s well-known for his heroics and impossible stories about battling sentient worms and being diplomatic with alien dinosaurs.
He’s also loved for the advice he gives. All Billy wants to do is bring smiles to these peoples’ days. He dishes out advice like it’s candy and always sees the good in people. He’s great at looking at situations through multiple viewpoints and understanding everyone’s thought processes. This in particular helps with the Superman and Superboy problem. He tells both of them individually that both of their hardships are valid. Clark is allowed to feel violated because his DNA was stolen and mutated in a way that was against his consent. Connor never asked to be created, always wanting Superman’s love but never receiving it.
They reconcile, and Billy doesn’t think much of it, because it’s what anyone would do, right? No biggie. He even does something similar with Red Arrow, convincing him that he’s not just a clone. He’s his own person. He built his own life. He has his own achievements. He shouldn’t feel bad for any of this because none of it was in his control. And Roy is so damn grateful because it feels like a weight has been taken off his shoulders.
Marvel just shrugs. No biggie.
He talks Leaguers through both personal and professional problems and guides them onto a simple, honest path because adults make everything so damn complicated so why can’t you just sit THE FUCK DOWN—
So he helps with that too. No biggie, right? Just another good deed.
He expands his one-way business to other teams too, like the JSA, the YJ team, the Teen Titans, etc. Spends time with each of them, helps them solve their own problems whether they’re big or small.
No biggie, right?
Fucking. Wrong.
The world of heroes absolutely adores him! The other hero teams look to him like he’s the cool uncle. Despite no one knowing jackshit about his personal life, they trust him wholeheartedly. They know he’s got their back.
That’s actually what hurts, tho. Whenever anyone asks him about his life outside the cape, he gets tongue-tied. Panicked. Silent. Doesn’t say a word until a new topic is brought up and then changes wheels like it’s nothing. It hurts, knowing he doesn’t trust them. They know it’s stupid, he never had obligations to tell them anything about the real him, but it stings. Where does he go when he isn’t Cap? Does he have family? A lover? Hobbies? Pets? Why is he like a brick wall with them? Did they do something wrong?
Things get especially annoying when characters like Booster Gold(from the future) and Doctor Fate(Lord of Order, basically on the same pedestal as the Champion) know his identity and don’t even bother to hide that fact. Leaguers will frequently catch Booster making knowing jabs at the Captain, winking and saying strange things that get the Captain riled up and shaking his head profusely. Nabu is no help either, with Leaguers catching him and Marvel quietly conversing. When someone, say, Barry, shows up, Marvel stops talking.
It fucking hurts. A lot. And Billy doesn’t even notice the looks of jealousy cast at his future teammate and fellow Lord by his coworkers. The YJ team is not taking that shit because that is their den dad. Diana doesn’t appreciate that these strangers know more about her brother than she does. Flash is all confused and slightly annoyed because when are they gonna play another prank on Hal? Is he just gonna keep talking to those weirdos all day? And the next?
Billy’s honestly just happy to be here. He never thought he’d get past the age of ten, so doing all of this, helping these heroes while learning more about himself, is just great. He’s speedrunning his way through every moody, self-righteous, hurt, traumatized hero with no sweat on his back.
So yeah, he is beloved and he doesn’t even know it. You betcha that when Cap’s identity is revealed, everyone goes full mama bear/papa bear/protective older brother or sister on him. No way is he leaving without supervision.
Nabu and Booster are rolling their eyes cause hello? That’s the Champion of Magic. If anything, he’s the one they should be worried about.
Yeah, they are politely asked to leave after that. Anyhow Billy, wanna go get some hot chocolate 😘😍
Excuse the word vomit.
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batbabydamian · 7 months
DC June 2024 Solicitations - Comics Featuring Damian! 🦇
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Written by Chip Zdarsky
Art and Cover by Jorge Jimenez
Variant Covers: Woo-Chul, Homare (1:25), Gabriel Dell'Otto (1:50), Yasmine Putri, Skylar Patridge (DC Pride Variant)
“DARK PRISONS - FINALE” It all comes down to this: Batman versus Batman! With Damian's life - and the future of Gotham - hanging in the balance, nothing can prepare either version of the Dark Knight for what's about to happen!
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Written by Chip Zdarsky
Art by Michele Bandini
Cover by Jorge Jimenez
Variant Covers: Belen Ortega, Dan Panosian (1:25), Steve Lieber (1:50)
“DARK PRISONS - EPILOGUE” When confronted with the totality of your life, and all the choices that led you to where you are, do you build on the ashes, or rise from them? The Batman who is left standing will have to answer this question quickly, as someone is already sifting through those ashes, with an eye toward saving the world!
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Written by Joshua Williamson
Art and Cover by Simone Di Meo
Variant Covers: Gleb Melnikov, Guillem March, Sergio Acuna (1:25)
SHUSH RISES! Man-Bat's plans have been unleashed on Gotham. The only person who can help Batman and Robin save the city is... SHUSH?! Can she set aside her hate for the dynamic duo and help, or will she let her quest for revenge overcome her?
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Written by Juni Ba
Art and Cover by Juni Ba
Variant Cover: Chris Samnee
Jason Todd is the exile prince of Batman's kingdom, stalking Gotham's darkest alleys and eternally turning his face from the light of day-all because he cannot quench the burning flame of anger and retribution that consumes his heart. Can Damian learn from Jason's mistakes? Or is the reflective mask of the Red Hood doomed to be a mirror held up to his own future?
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Written by Tom King
Art and Cover by Daniel Sampere and Belen Ortega (Backup Story)
Variant Covers: Julian Totino Tedesco, Daxiong, Jeff Spokes (1:25), Phil Jimenez (DC Pride Variant)
This cat has claws! Cheetah enters the fray as the Sovereign recruits Diana's greatest foe to deal the killing blow! Meanwhile, the Wonder Girls may have promised their mentor that they'd stay out of her fight, but well-behaved heroes seldom make history. Will they reach Diana before it's too late? Plus, Trinity takes to the skies...literally!
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Written by CRC Payne
Art by Starbite
Cover by Vasco Georgiev
Collecting the finale of season two of the smash-hit WEBTOON series! When your superhero life is just as busy as your personal life, there's never a dull moment in the Bat-Family. Bruce Wayne's young heroes are still learning to fight and live side by side, but they always have each other's backs. Whether it's teaming up to fight a massive villain or a massive head cold, Nightwing, Robin, Oracle, Spoiler, the Signal, and the rest know what it takes to smash that problem in the face! Collecting episodes 98-116 of the massively popular WEBTOON series, optimized for a brand-new reading experience in print!
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Written by Joshua Williamson
Art by Simone Di Meo, Nikola Cizmesija, Mikel Janin
Cover by Simone Di Meo
The Dawn of the Dynamic Duo Isolated from their friends and allies, Batman and Robin have moved into a Gotham City brownstone to rebuild their lives, reconnect with one another, and, of course, fight crime. No sooner do they settle in when they are attacked by their most monstrous villains, led by the mysterious Shush. Whispering from the shadows, she is intent on revenge with a plot to turn one of Batman's greatest assets against him! With his father incapacitated by Shush, can Damian help solve the case before it's too late? Can he survive the tribulations of high school at the same time? A brand-new fun and exciting adventure begins for comics' greatest father-and-son duo, from DC Comics architect Joshua Williamson (The Flash, Knight Terrors) and superstar artist Simone Di Meo (Batman: White Knight Presents: Red Hood)! Collects Batman and Robin #1-6!
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rokishimizu4 · 1 month
A goddess intervention, a goddess’s blessing
(Tomorrow is gonna be a sad day for me. It’s the anniversary of my Grandpa’s passing which is dubbed as ‘Rod’s Day’-it’s the stupidest thing ever and I hate it. So, sorry if this and Superman’s are not happy ones, but I’m still sick and still very feral)
Diana Prince, aka Wonder Woman, usually only prays to her mother for one of two things. One; she misses her and needs womanly advice. Two: She needs her mother’s divine guidance and blessings.
And after learning from Superman, and under the Lasso of Truth, that Luther funded, and many others also funded, a mysterious organization that was not only researching life on other planets, but stories on how life was created on Earth (From MANY mythologies and religious). She knew that she needed help.
She knows that she can never return to her people, nor her home, but she knows that she can still pray to her mother and hope to hear her words once again.
It takes a week of prayer and even a bit of John Constantine’s help, but she finally has a stable, if not weak, connection to her mother and begs for her guidance.
Unfortunately, the laws of the Universe and the rules of the Gods leave very little, or no room at all, for interventions, even if it is playing with the lives of others.
At least until John Constantine begins his own questions and prayers, and try as her and her mother might, he was not going to allow some rouge scientists play God on innocent lives.
He does allow Wonder Woman and her mother a few moments more of conversation, before he leaves to have his own questions answered by other forces unknown to Diana.
”My dear daughter, this is not a war that you can win with a leveled head. Even the most sane of men make sacrifices for fated futures.”
Diana leaves with more questions than answers, but she does her best to heed her mother’s advice as the hours pass with little word from Constantine or the Bat family.
Diana walks the rooftops of Gotham, looking at the stars and listen to the nightlife come and goes. She waits for a sign of danger, or a sign of approval, but none come to her.
She takes a seat on an empty apartment balcony, soon to be joined by Cat Woman, and stays quiet for a moment or two. Just remembering her past and what she had given up for her future. And wonders if her mother was right to sacrifice herself for Diana’s happiness.
“I can see the steam coming out of your ears hun.” Cat Woman teases, but Diana knows that she feels the pressure as well, before continuing, “What dog’s barking up your tree?”
”My mother gave me a warning, but I fear that I’m no closer to the answer than when I first prayed for her guidance.” Diana returns, allowing herself this moment of vulnerability which she has not shared with anyone but her first love.
“Well, I’m heading to Harley’s place later for a girl’s night, maybe clearing your head might get that hairball out of your throat.”
Cue Lightbulb over Diana’s head.
“Yes! She is the ones Gotham rouges turn to for their problems. Including the one that speaks in riddles and the fear scientist! Come! Let us be on our way!”
Cue a very Confused Cat Woman being eagerly dragged towards Harley’s apartment, with her giving Harley a quick heads up to bring her psychological thinking hat along with the booze and food.
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ot3 · 5 months
Why do you find little witch academia better than the owl house? Genuinely curious cuz I really like little witch academia. Hope you have a good day!
I think that akko is a much stronger protagonist than Luz overall because akko I think has more pronounced and consistent flaws to improve upon. I think Luz is really weakly written. I don't find her particularly interesting and I think most of the traits she's given are really shallow.
Additionally I think the core of LWAs narrative is much more strongly and consistently expressed. It's not super complicated - it's just a story about trying to find a balance between preserving tradition and moving into the future. But that tension is also echoed in the main character conflicts, which are akko and diana butting heads + akkos search for chariot
The thing owl house is going for narratively is "it's okay to be different and weird" but. Out of all of the owl house I've watched (which is most of it) that just... doesn't really land... because there's not a ton for it to be in conflict with. I get that the emperor's strict coven system is supposed to be the order and structure that luz and her scrappy crew are ultimately in opposition to but without writing a whole essay here I'll just say I don't think that works the way it needs to.
Additionally Luz is just... not that weird. She's friendly and gets along with most people and doesn't have any massive character flaws. So a story about how Being Different Is Good falls flat with a protagonist this bland. We also don't have any character who is consistently there to represent the Normalcy that luz is supposedly counter to. Amity is introduced in that capacity but they abandon that by episode 7 or whenever it is that they're at the library. Like there's some stuff with edas curse and whatever and with kings whole deal that I guess makes them outcasts in hexside society. But it just all feels kind of not functional in the moment to moment expression of this theme.
I think though the biggest problem with the owl house is that it's not very funny. I wouldn't care nearly as much about the ways the narrative is janky if watching the show was more fun but it's just not particularly entertaining tv. So all of the flaws are on full display since there's nothing to draw attention away from them
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moontrinemars · 2 months
Dhruva as Dhanishtha: The First Fortune is a Red Herring
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To me, it seems Dhanishtha is simultaneously over-hyped and under-valued... It's generally diluted to the fame, wealth, fortune, etc. it's associated with, as if it has no depth and no meaning beyond that. It's associated with the Ashta Vasus for a reason! The life of Dhruva is a good example. It is not necessarily work or labor that brings bounty to Dhruva, but his reclaiming renunciation after experiencing scorn and neglect, at a very young age. His humility as a boy, in sacrificing his birthright for the sake of determining his purpose, and his prostration to the divine after his being denied love and status, these qualities are what leads to his being crowned king as a child, yes, but that's not the actual point of the story. His true reward is being gifted with intrinsic knowledge of/the voice to sing the hymns of Vishnu, and to reach Druvapada, becoming one with the cosmos, out of reach of true destruction even at its most powerful.
Obviously, this is a story about an unusually holy figure, the brightest and healthiest form of Dhanishtha, so we don't expect all natives to reach these spiritual heights, but putting aside the ending for a moment, to look at the beginning and middle, we see depth rarely mentioned when looking into Dhanishtha.
Dhruva is born into privilege, but explicitly made to understand that he is unworthy of this privilege. Thus, he has to retreat from the source of his privilege, he has to fast, he has to devote himself to something higher than his desire for love, comfort, security. Only after giving up, disowning the fortune of a prince, does Vishnu offer him the true, great fortune of the holy figure elevated and eventually deified, a boy-king and a god.
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This speaks to a theme I've seen repeatedly in Dhanishtha natives. Princess Diana was born into a nobility which afforded her the role of wife and mother to future kings, but she had to forgo that role, the security of it, to become the woman sanctified in popular culture to this day. The problem with those lost famous Dhanishtha figures like Diana and Marilyn Monroe and Yoko Ono — and this is particularly true for women — is when their fame or hunger for fame becomes so intense that they no longer have the option of withdrawing, of renunciation. Who with Dhanishtha placements had this result? Well, Princess Diana, Marilyn Monroe, Yoko Ono... and Bob Marley, Sharon Tate, James Dean, Paris Hilton, Jennifer Aniston, Justin Bieber, Kristen Stewart, Mary Queen of Scots, Elvis Presley, Whitney Houston, Ariana Grande, Brad Pitt, Johnny Depp, Arthur Conan Doyle, Jimi Hendrix, Aaliyah, Shia LaBeouf... all of these figures had Dhanishtha placements, and have had their lives, reputations, and properties over-publicized. (This is not a comment on whether any of the listed figures are good or bad people, btw.)
This isn't to say that Dhanishtha is more tragic than another nakshatra, but that an underexplored aspect of Dhanishtha is the need for absense, rest periods, and periodic fasting, whether literal or metaphorical. The sense of rhythm that Dhanishtha is famous for, it isn't just about knowing when to hit, it's about knowing when and how long to wait before you do. That's what rhythm is — not just the beats themselves, but the spaces in between. That's why the happiest and most consistently successful Dhanishtha natives are the ones who don't allow the pressure of the public, those around them, or duties that are attached to supposed fortunes they've received, to overload their plate until they're hitting out of sync, or simply have to stop all together. Whether fast or slow, these natives need discipline in setting and keeping pace.
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The depth to Dhanishtha is that, as with all Dharma-motivated nakshatras, its natives yearn for purpose and meaning — but on a distinctly cosmic scale. They're told and feel that they've been blessed, but to what end? They spend their whole lives trying to figure it out, because it simply isn't enough to have potential, they also have to use it to whatever end makes them matter. It depends on their other placements how this internal struggle manifests, but throughout their lives, yearning for significance permeates everything they feel and do.
And this yearning can propell them to ignore their greatest asset: their sense of timing.
Underdeveloped Dhanishtha natives will use their blessing however they are told to, in the form that's convenient to those around them. They never leave the palace; they stay prince forever, and thus never grow enough to even be a particularly good prince. Natives who do develop somewhat will leave the palace, but they may return after an insufficient amount of time, expecting that their experience of fasting, of loss or struggle, in and of itself, will be enough to enlighten them. Dhanishtha at its truest and most enlightened form will not only fast until they understand hunger, not only fast until they can SEE 'god' — they will fast until they MEET 'god', until Vishnu returns their voice to them, and reserves a place for them in the heavens.
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justjasper · 9 months
do you have any domestic moreid headcanons?
They become fast friends, they hang out a lot, they call each other at odd hours.
Reid gets Morgan into Star Trek by making him watch Deep Space Nine. Morgan would fight god for Captain Sisko.
They fall into bed sometime in season 1, and keep doing so on and off for years while their feelings brew.
Reid wakes up alive after the events of Amplification with Morgan by his bedside, and they have a conversation full off feelings. They become "official" here.
Newly Established
They can both cook; Reid looked after his mother and went to college young, Morgan's dad cooked, and Morgan followed his example.
Nobody proposes moving in together officially, Reid just spends less and less time at his apartment until the lease runs out. He mentions it to Morgan quite matter of factly, and Morgan shrugs, smiles, pulls his pretty boy in for a kiss. "Most of your books are here already."
A morning where they don't have to work goes like this: Morgan gets up early to go for a run with Clooney. By the time he's back, Reid is making is making them breakfast. They eat, and then shower together.
Morgan has a decent vinyl collection and likes to listen to them on chill evenings. Reid is a musical sponge, and if he gets a chance when they're on cases, will seek out record shops for something interesting or rare.
Their favourite takeout is Thai. Reid is one of those "white guy with spice tolerance" outliers.
Well Established
It takes some time for them to switch to using first names in private, Morgan takes significantly longer. It's not a problem, they've known and loved each other a long time with these names. Neither of them shorten each other's names.
Clooney is a K9 dropout, and highly trainable, and Reid teaches him a lot of silly tricks. He likes to show Clooney magic tricks.
One of the properties Morgan buys has a decrepid grand piano in it. He gets it restored for Reid, who's dabble with learning on and off. He plays the piano every day.
Morgan thinks Reid doesn't really believe in marriage as an institution, and is okay with that, they don't have to get married, even if they could. Reid proposes to Morgan one morning in shower.
Reid never gets an official autism dignosis, wanting the plausible deniability while working for the goverment. They talk about it. Morgan starts packing a weighted blanket in his go-bag for him (people often ask why his go back is so heavy).
The Future
They get married once it's legal, a simple ceremony but all their important people are there.
When they leave the BAU it's a joint decision. They're both ready for a new adventure, with less actual threat of bodily harm.
Morgan goes into property full time, flipping houses and rent-to-buying them to local people/families, instead of selling them to landlord who will end up pushing locals out of the area.
Reid goes into research/lecturing.
They move to Chicago to be closer to family. They move Diana to be close them them too.
As Reid gets older, he has to use a cane more. His migranes are mostly under control, but eventually he experiences migralepsy (migraine seizures). The dog they get after Clooney passes becomes Reid's service dog.
The Future (with kid)
Reid carries (he's trans). It's an unplanned pregnancy, but they go for it. Reid is terrible at being pregnant.
They have a daughter they name Sam after Morgan's dad (bc I chose this fanon name years before CM bothered to give Morgan's dad a canon name and I am sticking with it out of spite).
Morgan's sisters teach Reid to do Sam's hair.
Morgan is very involved when sam becomes a Girl Scout, and coaches her softball team.
Reid teaches her piano. They read together every day.
They struggle not to intefer when she's a teen and it becomes apparent the girl she keeps bringing home is her first crush.
They both try so hard to be present, devoted dads that they can can fall into helicopter parent tendencies.
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gentrychild · 10 months
Au- Diana gets a premonitive dream about her baby's future and decides to run away to keep baby Athy safe from Claude.
Oh, I love that one.
1 - During a dream, Diana gets all the spoilers for Lovely Princess and nopes out so hard of the palace that Claude is very surprised when he finds her gone and nowhere to be found in the morning, with a note telling him not to look for her.
2 - Claude doesn't obey her wishes. Claude doesn't only look for her, there is a manhunt for her in the entire empire so I guess Diana spends her eight remaining months of pregnancy abroad. And since I am not interested in an AU where Athanasia is left all alone, I suppose that Diana pulled through but don't ask me how.
3 - Athanasia is still a reincarnator but very relieved to be raised by her beautiful mom and away from the dad that will eventually get her killed. He can have Jeanette as long as she keeps Diana!
4 - The problems start when young Athanasia realizes that Diana and her don't have much money. Maybe there is something else that causes sudden financial strain. In any case, Athanasia somehow gets the ability to create portals early and, what a coincidence, she ends up in a place full of gold trinkets. She pillages the ruby palace for three months until Claude catches her and jumps through her portal.
5 - That's one hell of a way for Diana and Claude to reunite. The first thing Claude does is to point at Baby Athanasia and says "That's a thief!" Diana is very tired.
+1 - Athanasia, despite being an adult, is a little jealous of the time her mother is spending with Claude.
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miami-lolz · 1 year
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In hindsight, this quote hits a lot harder considering “Mortyest Morty” isn’t even his Morty. And he’s not the “Rickest Rick”.
Does not include any spoilers for Season 7.
I feel like this quote is slept on a lot because it makes you wonder if he was even aware of the implications of what he said or if he said it knowing Morty wouldn’t understand. I don’t even think he would want to admit it, but he’s not “The Rickest Rick” mainly because he cares. Specifically, he gives a shit about a Morty that isn’t even his.
It’s shown subtlety throughout the show, like in the Season 1 Finale, Ricksy Business, when Rick got teary-eyed over a slide show showing Morty throughout his life. In A Rickle in Time, where Rick is willing to let himself die to save Morty, his last wish is for Morty to grow up better than him. As jaded and backward as he may show it, Rick definitely cares. Rick has had to switch to multiple universes and watch various versions of his family including his original Diana and Beth die throughout the show. Morty was his only constant, though, and he’s grabbed onto that. But for as much as he cares, Rick has a habit of pushing away, which comes into effect in the later seasons. Morty tries to help and relate to Rick to an extend. He constatly extends a branch to Rick, who almost always puts him down.
However, the more Rick pushes away, the more frustrated Morty gets. He starts calling out Rick on his BS and has even cussed him out several times. He’s threatened to stop going with Rick in the early season, but those were practically mute. Rick could easily force him or make him forget he started refusing. Rick only started taking Morty seriously when he began acting out. The more that Rick pushes back, the more the Prime part of Morty comes out, usually at the expense of anyone around him. I think that is the straw that broke the proverbial camel's back and pushed him to leave in Forgetting Sarick Mortshall with the two crows thing. Something that still upsets Morty if someone mentions it in season 7.
It also makes you think that the reason Morty has gotten progressively more aggressive and violent over these past couple of seasons is that the Prime part of him is getting more prominent. For example, in Edge of Tomorty: Rick Die Rickpeat, Morty got so obsessive over a future that he didn't brutally die; he quickly brushed off Ricks's death. It's somewhat out of character for him, though. He also attacked other soldiers and the general populace, just for him to find out it wasn't really worth much. Rick is getting more combative because he sees that part of Prime in Morty, which scares him. The episode Looks Who’s Purging Now was the starting point for his volatile behavior; Rick seems genuinely shocked and somewhat horrified as Morty's anger problems get the better of him, and he lashes out, killing many people even when they are hiding. Rick lied to Morty because he didn’t want him to know what he could do. Near the end of The Whirly Dirly Conspiracy, Morty threatens Ethan with the machine Summer used after he ghosted her and messed with her body issues. In the after credit scene, we see a deformed Ethan stumbling in pain, implying Morty used the machine on him.
In Promortyus, Morty also showed little remorse for killing off all the aliens and went out of his way to cause damage, though he regretted it once he had to come back. A Rickconvenient Mort, Jerry was genuinely disturbed to hear Morty admit he murdered the Tina-Teers. And during the scene, Morty was extremely brutal. Its not the first time Morty has committed some diabolical crimes for someone he's interested in or generally cares about. In the episode Mort Dinner Rick Andre, his violent streak hits its crescendo. Once he got fed up with the Narnia people, he committed mass genocide out of frustration, and by the end, he didn't show much remorse.
I think the most damning evidence is the episode Rickshank Redemption, where during a stand-off, Morty is so fed up with Rick yelling at him during a standoff that he shoots Rick in the head. Not an arm or leg but in the forehead. He absolutely shot to kill. And yeah, you could say it was a spur-of-the-moment action based on frustration and impulse, but I think that was put in the episode not just a funny bit but a glimpse of what Morty is capable of. It was Morty basically saying "If were all going to die, Ive earned the right to be the one to take you out." There’s something symbolical about Morty killing both his best friend and the person that’s hurt him for years.
Its an interesting dichotomy as Rick seems to be mellowing out; Morty is slowly getting more comfortable with violence and generally more confident with himself. Rick is someone who gives off the bravado of a uncaring, cold hearted galactic criminal. However, the truth is Rick is someone who cares deeply for the people he's close to, and gets no enjoyment out of violence. Morty, on the other hand, is someone who tries to be caring, mercy full and forgiving. That being said, deep down he wants to stop having to constantly take the high road and give back all the pain and abuse he gets from others. These personality traits between the two constantly clash and the longer the live together, the more you see their original persona's corrode.
The season six finale, Ricktional Mortpoon's Rickmas Mortcation, adds to this as Rick compares Morty to a “suicide bomber” because he was reckless and says he gets that from Prime. But C-137 is the only constant in Morty's life. He’s been through multiple universes and timelines but has had the same Rick for most of his life. Most of Morty's issues stem from things he had done or witnessed with Rick C-137. For example, the Vat of Acid Episode is what I would consider Rick at his absolute lowest. It's almost the kinda behavoir you would expect Prime to pull. Messing with Morty's head and killing a bunch of other Mortys just to say, "I told you so." Even going as far as gaslighting him by saying he COULD have listened to Rick tell him how it worked, even though Rick probably wouldn't have told him either way. It caused communication between these two to break down. At that point, you can tell Morty doesn't have much trust or faith in him, and when Rick replaces himself with a robot that treats him just a little bit better, Morty immediately notices. He even thought Rick was messing with him and brought up the vat of acid episode. This is another example of how the Ricks action leaves permeate consequences and effects on Morty. Don't get me wrong, Morty is far from perfect and flawed, but so is Rick. They have real emotions and conflict, and it's these factors that separate them from Prime (at least from the glimpses of him that we have seen)
However, Morty does exhibit certain traits unlike what we've been lead to believe is normal "Morty" behavior. In Rickmurai Jack, Morty tries to lie to Rick and even goes as far as to age himself nearly 40 years to get him to come back. Another example is in The Whirly Dirly Conspiracy, Where Morty coaxes Rick into going on an adventure with Jerry to keep him from committing seppuku, though there's a good chance it was just to get a break from adventures. Rick can’t really blame most of Morty's behavior on Prime because any behavior he picks up past season one is from him and him alone. But even then I don’t doubt that there are behavioral similarities between him and Rick Prime. The Prime universe was everyone’s personality amplified.
Rick almost likes to pretend his the top dog, the Rickest Rick but as few others, including Bird Person and the toxic version of himself, has pointed out, he’s not. He’s highly capable but he’s also vulnerable. Season 6 ended with Rick getting Morty more involved in the search for Prime, forcing him to face the truth of Mortys origin. But regardless one thing is for certain, Morty is really the Mortyest Morty in the finite central curve, and that scares C-137.
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misanocircuit · 7 months
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[pic & Italian-English translation by me! :) in pink it's Vale speaking]
The 125 champion from Brno to the Gazzetta's telephone
Valentino's women
"You're handsome, do you have a girlfriend? What kind of underwear do you wear? Don't cut your hair!"
Many teenager girls wanted to talk to Rossi, asking him some risqué questions. "Want to see me up close? At the Monza Rally or at the Motor Show". Unveiled many curiosities: "My new baby brother has evicted me out of my bed: now I sleep on the sofa". "I've bought the lucky-charm turtle at the supermarket".
The supporters worried for the post-victory hangover. "I'm fine but I had to celebrate, no?". About the future: "I would have stayed in 125 but Aprilia has insisted. In 250 it will be hard to do the same but at least I will be able to sleep more in the morning". And there's who confesses that Rossifumi's joy has been damped by Lady Diana's death and Biaggi.
Valentino is tired and sleepy. The journey from Brno to the Gazzetta's telephone was long and full of insomnia. He faces the telephone with a certain amount of skepticism. But it's the fans, especially many wild young girls, who immediately wake him up.
It's Giulia Vivian, 13 y.o., from Vicenza, to start.
"Valentino, is it really you? Oh mother, what an emotion", little excitement yelps can be heard in the background.
"But, how many of you are there?".
"Four. I'll pass you Alice who's 16".
"That seems already a bit too much".
"Listen Valentino, we would like to know when you're coming here to visit us".
"I just think never. I'll go to Bologna's Motor Show, we could meet there".
"Alright, we are all going to be there with the flags and we will paint our face with your colours".
"Maybe also naked?".
"Naked? We'll see, we love you, you have a beautiful voice".
A rousing 16 y.o. whose name we are going to omitt (you'll immediately understand why...) calls from the Brescia area.
"I was about to give up. I've been trying from an hour and my father wanted me to hang up".
"Such a pain in the ass!" [literally "ball-breaker"; editor's note].
"You're right, but I can't say him that. Is it true that you will race the Monza Rally?".
"Yes, in November, let the ball-breaker bring you there".
"If he doesn't bring me, he'll see".
"Come on the first day, because on the second day I don't know if I still will be in the race".
Then the topic switches on underwear.
"I have a curiosity: what do you usually wear, slips or boxers?".
"What a question... Usually slips. And you?" .
"It depends, on Thursdays I don't wear them".
"Damn!!! Now that I think about it, the rally starts exactly on Thursday".
Francesca Testori, 15 y.o., from Como, is embarrassed.
"Sorry, I'm excited. Although we know eachother: I'm the girl who has come to your house. But you were sleeping".
"Sorry what? I don't know anything about it...".
"Yes, your mother opened the door for me and she told me you were sleeping: you know, I was on holidays in that area. Your mother is kind".
"Yes of course, such a bummer! I sleep too much".
"Listen, I want to know from you how things are with Biaggi, I've heard a lot of stuff".
"I don't like him ("me too", underlines Francesca) but I don't have any problem with him. I simply am not his supporter. Then the "bastard" journalists have exaggerated things, but we did nothing to avoid it. I don't like him... Also sexually".
"I'm Martina...".
"No, Pegoraro, I'm calling from Treviso and I'm 13. I've watched you...".
"Have I been good?".
"Yes, and how are you?" .
"I have a bit of a sore throat".
"It's been half an hour that I've been trying to call: when I heard the phone line was free I felt like if I was fainting. How is Luca doing (the baby brother that mom Stefania has recently gave birth to; Ed.)?".
"He's starting to bother. He used to eat and sleep, now he cries. And then he sleeps in my bed, while I had to move on the sofa. When he was born he weighted 4,2 kilos, he was 1,20 tall and was 42 shoe size. But he's nice".
"I've been in Tavullia two weeks ago, because I was on holidays in the area".
She hesitates.
"Sorry, my belly is trembling for the emotion".
"Don't say it, here there are all of Gazzetta's journalists, like the director and deputy director. Let's do it like this, give me your phone number and I'm going to call you".
From Como calls Giuliana Mossi, 15 y.o.: her start is languid, Valentino immediately becomes attentive.
"You know, I'm friend with Francesca, the girl who came to your house but couldn't see you and so did I...".
"Don't tell me that also this time I was sleeping because otherwise I need to shoot myself".
"No, you weren't there, you were testing at the Mugello circuit".
"Ah, then it's fine. But I bet that you've talked to my mother, nice eh? They all say this, my mom is so cool".
"I wanted to know why you chose the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle as a lucky-charm".
"When I used to race minibikes I saw one on the helmet of another rider. I liked it and I went to the Coop to buy one".
"You're so beautiful, Valentino, sooner or later I'll come by to see you in Tavullia".
"I'm waiting for you".
Another tender call.
"I'm Erica Messena, I'm 17 and I call from Brescia. Do you remember when we have met eachother? You were with Capirossi at Quelli che il calcio [an Italian sport TV show; editor's note], I took you a picture and I wanted to send it to you. I've got the address: I did everything I could to track you down, I even called the Carabinieri [Italian police force; editor's note]".
To Lorenza Gabioli, 16 y.o. from Modena, Valentino entrust the result of a lightning-quick referendum:
"How about I cut my hair?".
"I'm sorry, like this you're stupendous, especially with the pigtail".
"Thanks for the advice".
Anyway there's a shocking news coming: super short hair and breathtaking colour. All to be seen, in Barcelona.
[top right text translation]
The car dealer friend
"Try not to change"
Among the many phonecalls suddenly an imperious voice can be heard from the other side of the phone:
"Here is Tosi Moto from Rimini: you're a monster [it's a compliment; editor's note], many congratulations".
Valentino immediately recognises who's speaking:
"Thanks, Otello".
"No, you're the one who's special — replies the friend, a car dealer who is highly committed in the smaller categories and who has met the new champion when he was a child —. You have a lot of supporters. On Sunday in Misano, for the first final of the Sport Production: we were cheering like crazy just for you. We were 76 people inside a garage in front of the TV. It was 10 minutes before the race and nobody was getting prepared: another while and even the start would have been postponed".
"Keep going like this — adds Otello — and you'll have everyone by your side, because you really represent the sportsmen, the ones who go to race on Sundays to have fun. I've been knowing you since you were a child and I know how many things you could do, how far you could arrive because you got your head straight. The important thing is that you don't let anyone mislead you. Woes".
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Wille will always be a prince (unless fictional Sweden abolishes the monarchy!) but I don't think he will always have to have security. In the real world, Prince Harry lost his right to protective security from the state when he stepped down as a working royal - he took the UK government to court over it (and lost), they told him his only option is to pay for private bodyguards. His mother, Princess Diana, also lost her protective security when she was no longer an HRH, despite being mother to the future King and the most famous woman in the world.
Sweden has less of a celebrity culture than the UK, and less of a problem with paparazzi/tabloid journalism. If people want to write/headcanon a future for Wille where he no longer has security following him everywhere and lives more or less as a fully private citizen, I don't think it's that unrealistic.
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brf-rumortrackinganon · 6 months
I don't necessarily buy into the theory that HnM are behind everything bad that happens to the brf. I've always that TMZ was behind the hospital breach. Simply because they also had that first shot of Catherine with Carol in the car. and then they made that show asking where is Kate, the one that had piers Morgan talking about how skinny she has gotten and that wasn't reflected in the mothers day photo.
Technically, tmz is California based. They have the money and the resources to breach London Clinic. And they had incentive, it was the most trending story at the time.
Lady C actually said this on her show yesterday, that it was "someone from California", and I think she deliberately kept it vague so people would pile on to HnM. My read on lady c is that she is a bullshitter, because nothing she has ever said has been proven to be true, esp regarding HnM. The big reveal she had been teasing since December last year still hasn't happened and March is over.
I agree.
I get that everyone wants to blame everything horrible happening to/in in the BRF on Harry and Meghan but not everything is their fault.
Yes, Harry and Meghan are toxic, both together and separately. Yes, they created problems for the BRF.
But toxic behaviors and toxic personalities also exacerbate problems that already exist. Kicking them out eliminated the problems they caused, but the BRF still has to deal with the pre-existing problems, like
how they engage with and use the media
how they prepare the spares
how the different palaces and teams work together
how they manage the public's expectations with a smaller monarchy
how they manage modern media and modern media concerns
how they manage a smaller workload with more demands
how they reconcile the present and future of monarchy with the monarchy's ugly colonial history
how they treated Diana's ghost/legacy/memory, and now treat Prince Philip's and The Queen's ghosts/legacies/memories
None of those are Harry's and Meghan's faults. Their toxicity amplified these problems, but they did not cause these problems. We need to get out of the mindsight that blames them for everything.
Blame them when they deserve it - like when they complain that no one talks to them or "it didn't have to be this way". Don't blame them when they've had nothing to do with what's happening in the BRF.
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