#that'd also be great
kindlythevoid · 4 months
So say, hypothetically, I have this fic, right? And I've been working on it forever. And I told the people that the official part two would be up sometime in March/April-ish. And we are now well into May. And say, again, hypothetically, that I have about 6-7 chapters finished, out of a planned twenty/twenty-one/twenty-two.
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hauntingsofhouses · 9 months
yall i just KEEP doing back to mizu and taigen's wrestling scene in master eiji's forge and like i know that taigen literally got a boner from it BUT THE THING IS out of all the scenes these two have together, this scene actually has the least sexual tension ?!? cuz like the boner aside, this scene is actually very soft and emotions-driven rather than pure passion or lust.
arguably, a more passionate and sexually-charged scene would be their previous brawl in the snow with the chopsticks, which is tense and angry and also the scene that mizu thinks about when madame kaji talks about being honest with one's innermost desires.
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but THIS scene in the forge? warm colours. their laughter and their smiles that both equally genuine. the WAY taigen looks at mizu in that scene, staring first at her lips, her smile, then looking into her eyes. and you can see by the framing of the scene and the look on his face that he is, for the first time, seeing her eyes as something beautiful rather than off-putting or frightening.
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like before this point he's already come to not only respect mizu as a person and an equal but also admires her as an incredible swordsman and as someone who is kind and honourable* for having saved his life at the expense of her revenge quest. so as of the time of them tussling in the forge, taigen has already put aside his prejudices about mizu's blue eyes and no longer finds them as any cause for disgust. but in this scene he's not just indifferent about her eyes, but attracted too it.
and i'd also like to argue that his boner is not from the physical exertion or the act of wrestling itself, but from the intimacy of a playful spar, enjoying each other's easy company after having established a deep trust with each other (taigen endured torture for mizu and helped defend her from archers in the chasm while mizu saved his life from fowler's castle)
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and all this while in the safety of mizu's childhood home while both of them are still recovering from near-death, amplifying their vulnerability with each other.
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like when was the last time mizu cracked a genuine smile, let alone a laugh that's more than a little wry chuckle?? and for this to happen at such a low point in her life also speaks to the comfort this little friendly spar gives her.
because like, this is after she failed her mission to kill fowler. meanwhile her sword--the embodiment of her soul--is broken, and ringo who is her closest confidant is now angry at her and barely even looks at her. it just further lends to the inherent tenderness and intimacy in this scene. and i just. AHHHH i love them your honour....
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* ALSO as a side note about taigen believing mizu to be honourable: he later realises that this assumption turns out to be quite false when she reveals that she'd not only allowed akemi to be taken away against her will but also has said nothing about fowler's impending attack on edo. also i find it very interesting that out of the two revelations, taigen is less angered by mizu letting akemi being married off (he sighs angrily and marches off saying he has to go to edo to find akemi), but much more angered by mizu's refusal to save the shogun and the shogunate as a whole. this is more proof that taigen's central principles are firmly rooted in the bushido and the concept of honour that comes with that. it's why he lashes out at mizu. because he'd believed mizu to be honourable and righteous, but was proven wrong. that's not to say that taigen is in the right for calling mizu a demon, not by any means. but i just find it a very interesting part of his character and it relates to his relationship and perception of mizu
also while rewatching the episode i found this very funny they just lyin there in the cart like this 🧍🏽‍♂️🧍🏽‍♂️
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groovygrub · 1 month
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mickittotheman · 5 months
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Pipher, M. (1995). Chapter 1: Saplings in the Storm. In Reviving Ophelia: Saving the Selves of Adolescent Girls (pp. 19–23). Ballantine Books.
Debbie pt. 1
(click here for Mandy pt. 1)
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animatedjen · 5 months
wait I am sorry who is Gideon Emery??
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He's the PCAP (Performance Capture) actor for BD-1!
Gideon briefly appears in The Making of Jedi: Fallen Order documentary, and Survivor's lead writer Danny Homan has a great blog post talking about his role on set - like using a nose whistle to help create BD's vocalizations. The animation and sound design teams at Respawn bring BD to life in the final gameplay, but when filming in the volume, Gideon helps give the droid a physical presence as part of the Mantis Crew.
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duriens · 3 months
hear me out. Daniel publishes his book - vampires all over the country want to take both him and louis out - Armand (fresh from his divorce with Louis) sweeps in and starts sticking to Daniel like a leech with the excuse that Daniel is in danger and he feels partly responsible (also he lost the object of his obsession desire and he feels lost, purposeless, who is his God now? which God should Amadeo love now?) so he starts acting as sort of a bodyguard ('chase' part of the book); Daniel is annoyed and worried and ill but also can't really have a voice in the matter cause Armand decided for him (Armand takes care of him even when he doesn't or can't) so when rockstar lestat decides to publish a book he goes to the same man who's already published one about vampires and demands for his truth to be heard (yes it becomes a biography and not an autobiography) ((yes it is STILL an interview with a vampire)) (((yes Daniel has once again an important role in psycholanalyzing and humbling these vampires))) and Armand is ofc very much there cause no way he'd leave his fascinating, ill boy alone with Lestat, he needs to take care of him (and once again overseer lestat's version and make sure he doesn't humiliate him utterly, dear God)
also at some point Louis is there cause, it's a reunion, man. at some other point the vampire Sam shows up
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vonecent · 2 months
I found this weird bug, can anyone help identify it?
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+ wingless pinless version
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> 6h 34m
> I was going to pin a dragonfly to use as reference for pin location and then it ended up only needing six pins for everything so instead I just guessed
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Rewatched The Mighty Ducks trilogy. Have some shitty memes.
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mwagneto · 2 months
i left my phone in my room and picked up an actual physical book and sat down on the balcony and read the whole thing can everyone please be so so proud of me
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oursoundmeansdeath · 1 year
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Philza posted on Instagram with the description "NEW SORRY VIDEO DROPPED “We Survived a Zombie Apocalypse” … this was actually terrifying lmao here’s some behind the scenes photos :)"
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Why is the video so laggy D: I'm sorry gang :( At least the audio is fine
Video Description under cut!
[Video Description: The group is running through a tunnel with Tommy and Charlie chanting, Phil is holding the camera. Ranboo turns towards Phil, causing him to laugh. When they stop chanting, they stop running, and Phil turns the camera towards him for a second, then turns to show the tunnel they just ran down. It goes back to him when he makes a small breathy sound, then the video ends with him turning it to the floor. End VD]
First time making a video description so any comments on that are welcome!
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plounce · 6 months
elle and emmett from the legally blonde musical are one of those m/f couples that i think work best as a woman and a man purely because their relationship and how elle wouldn't stay at harvard for him because she has grown to want true respect & success more than a man she loves' approval/desire is like so important to the themes of the story and it's the whole point and it's part of what makes them so good. on the other hand emmett could be such a hot butch lesbian it's crazy i want to eat drywall when i think about emmett forrest but a butch lesbian BUT it simply would not improve and in fact would detract from the themes of the story. they have to be m/f
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jq37 · 4 months
What is it that the Rat Grinders actually want exactly? Or at least, what does Kipperlilly want since she's the one we know the most about.
At the top of the season it seemed like she wanted to Be The Best at school and Be Recognized in a very Tracy Flick/Sara Berry kind of way and was just going to crazy lengths to get there because this is a world where you help a dragon kidnap girls so you can be Prom Queen and life goes on. But now we know that the Rat Grinders are a part of Porter's larger plan and one of the major steps of that plan is completely abolishing Aguefort as an institution.
It's clear what Porter gets out of this. He gets to be a god and he gets to continue his imperialistic family legacy. And I would maybe get what Kipperlilly would get out of this is she were the Cleric/Paladin of the plan. She'd get to be the new god's champion, like she was gushing to Lucy. That's maybe worth something to an achievement hunting, Type A individual.
But she's not gonna get to be the best student at Aguefort if Aguefort doesn't exist anymore. Hell, Elmville won't really exist anymore. Is Porter planning on opening a new Adventuring School in Rage Elmville and she gets to be the god Principal's pet? Does she think he's gonna make things "fair" for her somehow? How? Retroactively killing her parents? Does she want to use the powers she cheesed from the easy XP he drip fed her to be a renown adventurer? Kinda hard to pull that off when everyone knows you were part of the plan that doomed the town. Maybe she thought they were going to get away with it without being implicated? Does she literally not want anything other than a chance to kill the Bad Kids? Or even pettier, to just to be stronger than Riz? Is that worth it to her? To damn the whole town just so she can say that she beat Riz once? Did she want something concrete at one point but at this point she's just lost in the sauce and doing whatever the next task is without knowing what she'd even do with a victory if she got it? Did she already get what she wanted in the free XP and now she's just paying her end of the bargain?
I'm just very unsure about what her version of a happy ending is here.
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puppetmaster13u · 1 year
Meat Marionette Thoughts: Alfred
So there was already the thought of Alfred's body being in the Hive far longer than the rest because he doesn't need it for a long time. And I am just rotating him now and thinkin about what type of effect that could have on the body. Now @phoenixcatch7 put out the idea of his outfit being similar to a plague doctor's in his flesh-body, which I am just in love with as an entire concept into my head. But there was another where most would think he has tiny wings because they're well, under a feathered cape. But they are not, like I like to think that all of their wings get larger with age. Like Bruce already has a 50' wingspan as an adult, but Alfred is an elder of sorts, one whose body has been directly in the hive growing and mutating for years at this point. So his wings would be massive.
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I think we should give Rise!Casey a little brother named Angel and do something angsty with that
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I just need a whole chapter where Hak is taking a break from the happy hungry bunch and having fun charming people by talking about weapons with the townfolk
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