#that…that all becomes a recipe for…not truly knowing yourself
void-tiger · 2 years
I ship Morpheus!Dream of the Endless x Friendship, platonic sensual intimacy, a good cry and doze, and getting to catch up on media he missed (and realizing Lucienne and his subjects tried fulfilling his domain in his absence the best they could until he could return to them. Dreams and creativity do matter.)
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girlkisser13 · 2 months
being married to bruce wayne would include
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• galas, charities, balls, etc. become more a part of your life than you probably ever wanted them to be.
• once you two officially become a couple, you become gotham’s "it" couple. whether you want to or not.
• in the press, the two of you are often depicted as gotham royalty.
• even before the two of you start dating, you swear you feel someone's presence at night whenever you walk home from work.
• it wasn't until a mugger attempted to steal your purse that you finally learned where that feeling of being watched had been coming from.
• when the dark knight told you to be mindful of your surroundings and to hurry home before swooping away into the night, you could only nod with widened eyes.
• you didn’t say anything until you got home, to be honest, you geeking out: it’s not every day that someone gets to meet "the batman".
• you gleefully call your boyfriend about it. he doesn’t answer it until later, but you can hear a smirk in his voice as he responds to you fangirling.
• eventually, you find out about his identity on accident.
• as expected, you’re a little upset. someone you were romantically involved with was masquerading around town dressed like every night was halloween, getting into dangerous situations.
• after the two of you talk about it, you begin to understand why he does it and while you may not necessarily agree with some of his more controversial methods, you can’t help but feel a sense of pride that he’s putting everything at risk just to make sure what happened to him doesn’t happen to anyone else.
• alfred always reports to you first whenever something happens to bruce, knowing how much he truly means to you.
• you’re the one he listens to the most (even more than alfred) when it comes to what he should be doing whether it be a complicated mission or something as simple as eating a much needed meal.
• most of the time you would find yourself waiting at a restaurant for an hour before he would text you that he can’t make it because he’s being held up.
• when he does show up, he’s late, he looks like a mess, and he greets you with a lop-sided smile and half-lidded eyes. and you melt because you remember that he did choose you and you do love him.
• bruce’s absence is always outweighed by his affection. he loves touching you even if it’s just your shoulders or your fingers or your elbows. he always finds a way to be close to you when you’re together.
• he’s always trying to make up for the lost time with you by getting you expensive gifts and trips, only for you to reassure him that he doesn’t need to do all this.
• you’re always able to tell when he’s had a particularly rough night. his usual silence feels different; heavier.
• he becomes a lot more handsy with you, more affectionate. as if you’re the last flower in a prized garden and he never noticed until now.
• if you’re asleep by the time he gets back, you may get woken up by him caressing your cheek, rubbing a thumb over your hand, or him putting his big arms around you to pull you in close.
• one of your favorite things though is definitely seeing the family. most of the time you see alfred and always try to tease recipes out of him which expertly deflects.
• whenever the bat kids are at the manor, he invites you because they love you and he knows you love them too.
• dick constantly flirts with you and teases you and bruce. you love to play along with him because it makes bruce very uncomfortable.
• he finally proposes to you after three years of the kids telling him to do so. you obviously say yes.
• the two of you decide to have a small, private ceremony at the manor. friends and family only.
• bruce 100% cries as soon as he sees you walk down the aisle in your wedding dress.
• alfred volunteers to be the wedding planner, because he always knew that you would be the future mrs. wayne. <33
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hannieehaee · 9 months
them accidentally ditching you on your bday pt. 2- pu
content: angsty, gender neutral, established relationship, jun's has one brief suggestive mention, fluffy ending, etc.
part 1
wc: 3232
a/n: tysm to everyone who read and enjoyed the whole series <33 it was rlly fun to write angst with a fluffy ending hehe
jun -
against his better judgment, jun sat in silence for a while as he contemplated what to do. you were likely not only mad, but also disappointed at him ditching you like that. except he hadnt meant to! he truly had no idea he would sleep through the entirety of the morning. he had been so excited to spend his favorite day with his favorite person, but now he was left as a complete asshole while you believed him to have carelessly put you aside with no warning
after a few more minutes of self-pitying, he decided to get up. it was better to try and make amends and explain himself than to let even more time pass. he knew you'd be out by the time he arrived to your place, but at least that way he could fix something up for your arrival. he decided against calling you. it didnt feel personal enough, plus, the least he could do was surprise you.
without further thought, jun headed straight to your place, but not before inquiring his mom about a few recipes he knew you liked. his current plan was to make you a romantic dinner upon your return. in order to allow you to enjoy your day in whichever way you wished to, he continued to not contact you with his new plan. he knew it might've been dumb to not even answer the multiple messages you'd left him while he slept, but he wanted to apologize face to face with a romantic gesture.
preparing the meal had been easy enough. he followed it by creating a nice ambience with the lights and a few candles, along with some mellow music and incense. the next step in his plan was to offer you a massage and his wholehearted company for the rest of the night to do whatever you so wished.
luckily for him, your outing did not extend into the night, meaning his meal would become either a brunch or an early dinner. but that didn't matter to him the moment you stepped in and spotted him in suit and tie waiting for you in your apartment, eyes wide as saucers at the unexpected intrusion.
"wait! dont say anything. i rehearsed this, okay? let me say my thing first."
you were already used to his shenanigans, so you gestured at him to continue before voicing any questions.
"i'm so sorry. i know i promised to be here. and i was planning to be here on time! but i, uh, i fell asleep. i know how stupid that sounds, trust me! i didn't plan on this. i was so exhausted and i didnt realize that id sleep through all my alarms and your messages. my phone died last night too, so i didnt even realize you had called me. i'm just ... im sorry. i know im an idiot. please forgive me? i made you a romantic dinner to make up for it! i hope you like it, they're my mom's recipes," he paused for a second before continuing, "i love you! i wanted to spend the whole day with you, i swear. i know it didnt go as planned, but id you let me, id love to spend what remains of it doing whatever you want. im sorry i left you alone. i never meant to."
"junnie ..."
jun immediately noticed your lip begin to stick out in a pout, with watery eyes to match.
"oh, fuck. baby, i'm so sorry," he rushed you into his embrace, "i didnt mean to make you cry! i- how can i make it up to you? i'll do anything, just say the word."
you halted him before he could continue, remaining in his hold but disconnecting yourself enough to look into his eyes.
"no, junnie. it's just ... fuck, im sorry if my texts were harsh. i thought you had just ditched me for no reason. you must've been so exhausted, baby, im sorry. i understand why you weren't here, and ... god, thank you for the dinner. you're so sweet, junnie, im so so-"
"no! dont apologize. you're not allowed to apologize on your birthday. in a perfect world i wouldve made it home and fallen asleep in your arms instead. will you have dinner with me? then i can take you to bed," he interrupted himself upon realizing what he said, "oh, wait! not like that! but well, if you want too ... it's your day, anything you say goes. happy birthday, by the way," he pressed his nose to yours, "i love you."
you couldn't help but giggle at his panicked state, appreciating the sweet words nonetheless.
"thank you, junnie. i love you."
soonyoung -
soonyoung wasn't too sure where he was going.
it's not like be was blackout drunk, he was just drunk. period. he still had some sense of reason. he was almost 85% sure he was in minghao's car. but there was no way to be completely sure from the angle in which he was laying down. that's when his friend decided to inquire his name to check on him, thus confirming soonyoung's current whereabouts. that was also when soonyoung fell right back asleep.
next time he gained consciousness he was being dragged out of the car and being directed to follow minghao. he could recognize his new location anywhere. he was standing right outside your apartment. when you opened the door, he couldnt help but instantly let himself fall atop you, attacking you with a hug as you were forced a few steps back due to his body weight being dropped on you. you held him back, patting his back as you spoke to minghao about something. he wasn't too sure. the familiar scent at the crook of your neck had him too distracted to care.
finally minghao left, allowing you two some alone time. you left him on the couch and got him water, telling him he needed to sober up before you could talk, because apparently you had something to say to him. it was odd. you weren't cooing at him as you usually did. you also weren't stuck to his side, giving him his daily dose of physical affection like he'd always demand. he decided to shrug it off, allowing himself to fall into deep slumber on the uncomfortable space of your couch. he'd figure it out tomorrow.
when tomorrow came, soonyoung was hit with two things. one came after the other.
the first was his headache, which almost went away on its own at the mere aight of the aspirin you had left on the coffee table in front of him. he made a mental note to give you a thank you kiss the moment he saw you.
the next thing he was hit with was realization of how uneven this relationship seemingly was.
as he got up to seek you out, he stopped just before entering your bedroom, realizing you were on a phone call. he didn't mean to eavesdrop, but he was also really nosy by nature, so the math did itself.
"yeah. im sorry for cancelling on you yesterday ... no, i know ... it's not like that .... he just forgot .... yeah ..... he came home drunk .... i dont know. i think i'll just let him figure it out on his own .... i am hurt. we made plans and he just blew me off to drink with his friends, of course im hurt .... i'll just see you tomorrow, i gotta go take care of him .... yeah, i know im an idiot, but i love him .... okay, bye. love you too."
soonyoung could only hear your side of the conversation, but that had been enough for him to clue the pieces together. your birthday was yesterday. which was something he knew, but had completely left his mind at the mention of free drinks with the guys.
after that realization came many others.
you had shown him no type of anger upon his arrival, even making sure take care of him in his drunken state. you had changed him into his pjs as he slept, tucked him into your couch, given him medicine. even after he blew you off. on your birthday. fuck.
he gave himself no time to think before he barged into the room, immediately kneeling in front of you as he grabbed onto your hands. he paid no mind to your shocked state as he started babbling apologies to you.
"im so sorry, i- i dont know how i forgot. baby ... im so fucking sorry. i cant believe you took care of me even after i forgot. you shouldve punished me. you should punish me. i dont deserve you. im so so so sorry. i love you so much, i swear i never meant go forget. im just an idiot. that's not an excuse! you're just too good for me. I'll make it up to you! how can i? anything! please, i love you."
his rambling could only be blamed on his still buzzed state, as that had only been half of his apology. he kept going for ten minutes, allowing you no room to respond. he was surprised when by the end of it you'd instructed him to get up, almost tackling him in a hug as you wrapped your arms around his neck. he might've been an idiot, but he'd accept any affection from you he could get. always.
"soonie ..." you pulled away to look into his eyes, a sweet softness behind them. them you decided to slap his chest, making him wince at the unexpectedness of it, "you fucking idiot! i waited for you all day, and you ditch me for alcohol?"
"baby, i-"
"no! i cant sit through another ten minutes of apologies. im pretty sure you're a little drunk still. i forgive you. but you have a lot of making up to do, understand?"
he felt like a scolded puppy, but agreed regardless, telling you that he would swear off alcohol if that's what it took. he enjoyed your giggle as he suggested ridiculous ways to make it up to you, knowing he'd genuinely do anything to make up for ever making you upset.
minghao -
if he hadn't felt immediate regret the moment the words came out of his mouth, he sure felt it now, hearing you cry through the door to your shared bedroom.
he had no idea what had gotten into him. never had he ever even entertained the idea of disrespecting you like that, much less ever making you cry. he could take his job too seriously sometimes, making him a bit too irritable when his work ethic was questioned in any way. although this was true, he knew it was still just a cheap excuse for his behavior. no matter what had been going through his mind, he knew he had no right to speak to you in the way that he did, dismissing you so coldly on a day that was meant to celebrate you.
he was unsure what to do. he wanted to comfort you so badly, but he knew that he had been the sole cause for your pain. he felt himself get emotional at the mere thought, with your sobs making him weak at the knees in regret. he sat himself down on the other side of the door, knowing from the proximity of your cries that you must've been on the opposite side as well. he kept quiet, simply torturing himself as he heard the love of his life cry because of him. there was only so much he could take, however, before finally interrupting.
"my love ..?"
your cries seized a bit at his interruption, but your sniffles and heavy breath could still be heard, breaking his heart bit by bit.
"angel ... im so sorry ... i- i don't know what came over me. you're right. i should've called you. there is no world in which i wouldnt want to be with you to celebrate the birth of the love of my life. you're my everything. i want to shout it from the rooftops. i want everyone to know who my entire world is; who makes my heart beat," he took a pause to breathe, allowing himself to think of how to properly apologize to you, "i should never speak to you the way i just did, i ... im disgusted with myself. you're the most important thing in my life. being the source of your sadness makes me lose my mind. my one purpose in this life is to love you with all i have. im so sorry ... my love, please dont cry over me. no one deserves your tears."
by the end of his speech you had begun to cry harder, making his heart crumble even more.
"angel ... let me see you, please. i need to hold you, need to- need you in my arms. cant stand not taking away your pain, please, i-"
his words were interrupted by a sudden opening of the door. by the time he'd gotten up, you had already walked further into your room, sitting on the edge of the bed as you made yourself as small as possible, looking down while he approached. he knelt in front of you, grabbing your hands as he held them against his own, kissing at the back of your palms as he professed his love for you once more. he then got up and made it so you'd stand up with him, allowing him to cradle you in his arms.
"please forgive me ... i adore you more than anything."
you finally looked up at him, bloodshot eyes as he looked down at you with both worry and adoration.
"did you mean it? do you really not care to ditch me for your career? did you-"
"no! never. you're everything to me. there's nothing i hold more dear to my heart than your own. i'll never make you cry again. i'll grow old with you and give you nothing but happiness. please, please forgive me."
he knew his words could only get him so far, being fully aware that he had purposely hurt your feelings in the heat of the moment. he simply hoped that this would not cause a strain in your relationship; that you would somehow look past it and give him the forgiveness that he didn't deserve.
his thoughts were fortunately interrupted by a soft meeting of your lips, allowing him to melt into you before you pulled away.
"hao ... i forgive you. i- i never thought you'd just disregard me like that," he physically winced at the thought, "but you've shown me nothing but love and respect otherwise. i understand you were stressed, and i love you, so i forgive you."
"thank you, angel. i'll take tomorrow off, okay? let me keep you all to myself so i can show you how sorry i am; how badly i love you."
he then spent the rest of the night attached to you, waxing poetic at you as he told you of all the plans he had for the two of you tomorrow, even eventually progressing into talking about his night at the fashion show. your enthusiasm at his rambles made him realize how fortunate he was to have you all over again. he made a promise to himself and to you that he'd never lose his temper around you ever again.
chan -
"wait, what? ah! don't hit me!"
"you idiot! you're dating a literal angel and you forget their birthday?! what is wrong with you?"
"it's not today! it's, uh, wait. fuck. today?!"
checking his phone really quickly he realized that today's date was in fact your birthday. he hadn't bothered to write down a reminder for your birthday anywhere, knowing there was absolutely more way he could forget. except that the days had begun to blend together at some point, rendering him into a machine as he just went to his schedules without much thought. what he hadn't accounted for, however, was for your birthday to get lost in the mess also.
chan hadn't planned for his day to go like this. he 100% was not expecting to be berated by seungkwan the moment he stepped foot into the practice room, being scolded over being a careless boyfriend. even as annoyed as he was at his friend, he knew he was right. he hadn't meant to, but ultimately he had forgotten about you. it sucked to think about how he had bid you goodbye just this morning with not a single care in the world, now realizing that you were probably alone and feeling disregarded by him. i mean, for fuck's sakes, he had told you to take the day off a few weeks back. promising a fun afternoon together after he got off work. and now he had completely forgotten about it.
he needed to fix this, and quick.
like any lovesick guy (such as chan, who was immensely down bad for you), he ran to leave practice. he knew soonyoung would have his ass on a silver platter the moment he arrived and noticed chan's absence, but after weighing his options (hurting your feelings vs. being berated by yet another one of his older brothers), he decided you were the clear priority.
ran might've been an overstatement, but he did rush as much as he could. he wanted to account for the extra time he'd need to spend to stop by a flower shop on the way in order to beg for forgiveness in a more heartfelt way.
after picking a bouquet of your favorites, he instructed the driver to take him to your address, which led him to his current predicament as he stood outside your apartment door, breathless due to having ran up the stairs in very dramatic fashion. what could he say? he was just a boy in love.
the moment you opened the door to his knocks, he rushed in, rambling endless apologies to you as he handed you the flowers, professing his love to you while also whining (mostly at himself) that seungkwan of all people had been the one to remind him of the love of his life's special day. it was funny, really, how he didn't seem to run out of words when expressing his regret at his mistake.
you interrupted him halfway through his fourth apology, giggling at his widened eyes. okay, this was not exactly the reaction he was expecting.
"chan! jesus, breathe," you interrupted, "i'm not mad. i mean, i was. but you literally only left an hour ago, i cant believe you're back already."
"i headed back the moment kwan told me. baby. i'm sorry. i had planned to take the day off and surprise you, it just slipped my mind, i swe-"
"chan! it's fine! i'm not- i'm not mad, i promise. the fact that you came back running is so ... it's funny," you giggled again, "but its also very sweet. you have nothing to apologize for, okay? i'm just happy you're here."
he hugged you after that, disregarding the flowers in your hands as he nuzzled his nose into your hair.
"remind me to thank kwannie for reminding my bad, forgetful boyfriend about my birthday."
"yah! you're not allowed to hang out with him anymore, okay? he's a bad influence," he complained against you, enjoying the vibration of your laugh in return.
a/n: sorry some are way angstier than others ;-; i wanted to vary them a little. anyways tysm if u read the entirety of this mini series <3
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senascoop · 13 days
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WELCOME to the DREAMSCAPE MINI ENHYPEN series— a collection of seven unique fanfics that blur the lines between fantasy, crime, comedy, and romance. Each story dives deep into intricate plots, so if you were hoping for simple FLUFF or SMUT, you might want to look elsewhere. But if you're here for thrilling twists, complex characters, and captivating worlds, you've come to the right place! BUCKLE UP; it's going to be a wild ride!
MINORS, please steer clear of the SMUT fanfics. However, don't worry—you’re more than welcome to dive into the fluff stories! They’re just as captivating and enjoyable, offering all the heartwarming moments without the mature content. Enjoy responsibly!
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Heeseung is unexpectedly thrust into the center of a murder investigation, accused of killing an old school friend. The truth, however, runs deeper than it appears, leaving everyone questioning whether he's truly the suspect. Enter you, his defense lawyer, notorious for losing every case you take on. Against all odds, you're handed Heeseung's case, and let’s just say…it’s a recipe for disaster for both of you. As you dig deeper, unraveling layers of deception, you’ll have to confront your own doubts and insecurities. Will you be able to prove Heeseung's innocence, or will this case be another tally in your string of failures?
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Jay was the epitome of a perfect student—charming, intelligent, and utterly dedicated. The only catch? He was a time traveler from the future, marooned in the 20th century and trying to blend in as a normal teenager. When you discovered his secret, you seized the opportunity. You blackmailed him into becoming your personal homework and assignment writer, using his advanced knowledge to help you ace your classes. Jay’s attempts to navigate high school life while fulfilling his unexpected new role provided endless amusement and challenges for both of you.
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It's been five years since you and Jake called it quits, each going your separate ways. Life seemed fine—until the dreaded wedding invitation arrives from an old friend. Reluctantly, you decide to attend, only to find Jake, your ex, waiting there like a storm on the horizon, ready to turn your calm into chaos. With unresolved feelings and past memories looming, the wedding becomes a battlefield of witty exchanges, accidental encounters, and a slow unraveling of what truly ended between you two. Are the winds of change blowing in favor of a second chance, or will they only serve to remind you why you broke up in the first place?
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You’ve always considered yourself a good person—kind, forgiving, and patient. But Sunghoon tested every bit of that. One reckless, drunken drive was all it took for him to flip your life upside down, leaving you temporarily confined to a wheelchair. The inconvenience was more than just physical; it was a wound to your pride and independence. Sunghoon, however, refused to walk away from his mistake. Guilt-ridden and determined to make amends, he became a constant presence in your life—covering your medical bills, offering you emotional support, and sticking around even when you wished he wouldn’t.
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You’ve always believed you were cursed with the "unlucky girl syndrome." From tripping on flat surfaces to losing your keys every other day, it seemed like misfortune followed you everywhere. But was it really a curse, or just bad luck? You never quite figured it out. When a guardian angel was sent from above, you hoped your luck would finally turn around. Instead, you got Sunoo—a messy, clumsy, and utterly unhelpful angel who seemed more like a walking disaster than a divine helper. All you could think of was asking God for a refund, because with Sunoo around, your life was about to get a lot more chaotic… and maybe a little brighter, too.
﹙ 🔥 ﹚ ぃ ──── I KNOW A TRICK TOO!
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There was always something about your quiet, mysterious classmate Jungwon that piqued your curiosity. You couldn't quite put your finger on it—until the day you accidentally peeked into his room and saw him hovering mid-air, surrounded by sparks of electricity. It all made sense then; he wasn't just your average student. Little did he know, you were hiding a secret of your own—one that mirrored his in more ways than one. Two forces of nature, each with powers as different as night and day, destined to collide. As they say, opposites attract, but in your case, they might just ignite.
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Niki was a good guy, no doubt about it. The only problem? He was your phone. How, exactly, did your phone transform into this strikingly handsome guy? It was baffling, frustrating, and, honestly, a bit overwhelming. Here you were, trying to navigate a world where your device had somehow become a charming, infuriatingly attractive human being. And to make matters worse, he was as stubborn and endearing as any person you'd ever met.
Sena’s note: I’m not sure when I'll finish these seven fics, but I hope it’s soon. I’m unsure if anyone will be interested, but this was a preview of what’s coming.
main masterlist.
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honeekyuu · 2 months
take the edge off. [suna rintarou x f!reader] chapter one.
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>>You struggle with your weight and body image, but Suna extensively and thoroughly undoes all the damage done by other guys.
You haven't gotten laid in over a year, and your best friend takes it upon himself to fix that for you.<<
series status: [complete]
masterlist. || next.
a/n: suna has two brain cells that rub together like little housefly hands when it comes to yn and literally at no other point
[feel free to buy me a cup of coffee!]
“You know what’s crazy? I haven’t gotten laid in, like, a year.”
Looking back, there was absolutely no need for you to admit that.
But right now, there’s a bottle of wine in your system, and you’re about halfway through a trashy rom-com on a Friday night. It’s not shy on mature scenes, either, which is why you’d said it, your eyes trained almost wistfully on the screen as the two leads stumble through the girl’s front door together and get straight to business.
And it’s only Suna here, also a bottle of wine deep. He won’t judge you for saying it, not when there’s over ten years of moments far worse than this, very securely tying you two together.
He is, however, far more scandalized by your words than you’d expected.
Suna flies up from his sprawled position on your couch, kicking his legs off the coffee table as he turns toward you.
“I beg your most genuine pardon?” He asks, jaw dropped as he stares. You laugh into your wine glass, incredibly tickled and very tipsy.
“You heard me,” You answer, nodding pathetically. His eyes bug out of his head, and you’re glad he’s intoxicated enough to be reacting to this with his most authentic self, the one that’s kind of an idiot and about 150% more expressive than any of your friends could ever peg him to be. 
“A year ?!” He yells, dragging it out annoyingly. “There’s no fucking way, Y/n. No fucking way.”
“Tell that to my dry spell, Sunarin,” You laugh again, shaking your head. “I’ve gotten to know my fingers and also my vibrator rather intimately.” 
You certainly would not have admitted that while sober, but Suna’s just as gone as you are, not skipping a singular beat as he slumps in place.
“That’s so fucked,” He groans, dropping his head to his hands. “This has to be illegal – this is cruel and unusual punishment. I can’t believe what I’m hearing.”
“Well, believe it,” You snort, pointing at the ongoing sex scene on the TV. “A year without rain, truly.”
“But why ?” He laughs pathetically, shaking his head as he turns fully to you and leans against the side of the couch. “ Why ?” 
“I don’t know-” You shrug, waving your hand over your own body sarcastically. “Maybe it’s got something to do with this?”
You watch as he drags his gaze down the length of your body slowly, following the trail of your hand. He shakes his head afterward, finding your eyes with unspoken confusion.
You scoff, lifting your glass to him in acknowledgement. “That’s funny.”
“What?” He tilts his head. “What’s your body got to do with it?”
You look down at yourself, wondering if you’d magically become attractive overnight. 
No, still the same. Thighs too thick, a tummy that pushes against your clothes and bunches up into little rolls, stretch marks and cellulite and all the lovely things guys hate to look at.
You’d always been a bigger girl. Food had been a happy place, a place of love and care. Ice cream dates with your dad after school, dinners out with your parents on weekends. Standing in your kitchen at the house in Hyogo – the childhood home that had come with the open doors of your neighborhood friends running in and out to play and snack on your mom’s cooking – and learning the family recipes, listening to your mom’s stern but warm guidance as she’d told you ‘ Do it this way instead, don’t add too much salt ’, the crickets buzzing loudly just outside the window.
High school had made food into a more complicated matter, because it had come with girls who’d poke fun at your uniform, bigger than theirs and still tighter than you were comfortable with. It had come with crushes on boys who would only talk to you to get information about other girls, girls who were worth their time. It had come with a strained relationship with your mother’s cooking, once so safe and kind and pure. You’d tried just about every diet known to man, and nothing had ever worked. 
You’re in a place now where you’re just happy to be able to enjoy food to its full extent, whatever the cost. Good food in the body is more healing for the soul than starving and then binging and then starving again, viciously repeated. You fully believe this, and your mental happiness is the best it’s been in a long time, 26 years old and focused only on feeding yourself with good, clean ingredients and going to bed happy. 
But it had taken a lot to get here, and you’re still recovering from the damage.
Luckily, high school hadn’t been all bad. In fact, Inarizaki High had had a weird way of changing your life. Boys and girls, nameless and faceless now, had ignored you and passed you over, only noticing you so they could use you – their personal entertainment, someone had admitted once. 
But they’d also flocked to and thrown themselves at the feet of the most popular boys in school, vying for attention. The Inarizaki High Boys’ Volleyball Club.
The team was nearly legend, despite being just a group of regular teenage boys. Each player had his own group of fans, all unhinged in their own ways. The worst, unsurprisingly, were the girls attached to Miya Atsumu.
When he’d been assigned as your deskmate at the beginning of 2nd year, you’d felt a deep sense of dread. Would he make fun of you, too? If he did it, the entire school would be pelting insults at you by the end of the week. Would his fangirls start targeting you in worse ways, in the bathroom and during lunch?
But he’d been shockingly kind. Not a word uttered about your appearance or the things you’d eat. But not ignoring you like most boys do, not passing over you like he hadn’t even seen you. 
He’d sat down that first day with a bright grin and a hand stuck out in your direction, all but yelling in your ear that it was nice to meet you and asking why he hadn’t met you before, his drawl heavier than your other classmates’ and a bit endearing, even on first meeting.
‘ I’m a bit forgettable ,’ You’d admitted quietly, but he’d just shot you a strange side glance.
‘ Says who? That ain’t nice. ’ 
You hadn’t known what to do with that.
You hadn’t known what to do with any part of Miya Atsumu, really. Not the daily greetings, screeched down the hall the moment he’d see you. Not the notes he’d pass to you during class, badgering you to become the Volleyball Club’s manager so you could become better friends. Not the way he could always kind of tell if you were upset by something someone said, because he would somehow become even louder after the fact, distracting you via sheer ear damage.
Not the way he’d become cold and detached the first time he’d actually witnessed someone bullying you, the way his bright eyes had dulled into nothing and held no guilt as he’d made a girl cry in front of the whole class.
‘ I don’t want to switch seats with you, ’ You’d told her, shaking your head. ‘ This is the one assigned to me- ’
‘ I don’t give a fuck, ’ She’d spit at you, pointing at her own desk, piled high with snacks from the vending machine. ‘ I left you a trail of food, little piggie – go follow it so that I can sit with Atsumu and give him something good to look at- ’
‘ Somethin’ good, huh? ’ He’d materialized just beside you, staring at the girl emptily. You’d almost been scared of the look in his eye. ‘ And who’s s’posed to give me that, you? ’ He’d cast a cursory glance over her, looking entirely unimpressed. ‘ You look like you couldn’t get through a single conversation with me.’
You’d gasped, eyes wide and watching as he’d flopped down into his chair and thrown his legs up on the desk, forcing the girl to scurry back from where she was leaning threateningly over you. He’d hummed, assessing her through narrowed eyes. ‘ You look like an only child. You an only child? You look it- Oh, no, I got it-’ And then he’d clapped, laughing brightly and nudging you, as though you weren’t frozen in shock. ‘ Don’t she kinda look like a girl you wouldn’t introduce t’your parents? Sure as shit not mine, at least.’  
The girl had long started tearing up, the entire room watching in varying degrees of horror as Atsumu had just pulled a wrapped onigiri from his bag and offered it to you. He’d shot the girl a look of disdain when she’d started wailing, because Miya Atsumu was sharing his lunch with you, the girl that was forgettable.
‘ Yer makeup’s running, just so you know, ’ He’d state plainly, pointing up at her. ‘ My mom’s always talkin’ bout gettin’ waterproof shit- ’ He’d turned to you, eyes wide. ‘ You know ‘bout that waterproof stuff? Mascara, er whatever? ’
‘ I-’ You’d shaken your head. ‘ I don’t wear makeup, I don’t know- ’
He’d grinned in your face, eyes beaming in that bright way again, the way that you’d thought was guaranteed. You hadn’t realized how safe you’d found that brightness before now. ‘ You don’t wear makeup?’ He’d leaned back with a smirk, drawing the final line for everyone to hear and making it clear that you were not to be fucked with again. ‘ Naturally pretty, then. That’s how I like my girls. ’ 
The rest of high school had been a surreal experience. 
You were impossible to pass over now, because everyone knew who you were. Girls were still cruel, but only in private, where Atsumu couldn’t see. Boys would still mention your weight, but only the ones who were rejecting your quiet confessions, and even then, they’d tried their best to deliver it politely.
Atsumu had never been more than a friend, of course, but he’d been a good one. The best one, really, considering that not even a few weeks into knowing you, his brother would regularly have to physically tear him away from you so they could make it to practice in time.
‘ I’m talkin’ here, Samu! We’re chattin’! ’ 
‘ Save it, fucker, we got shit to do! ’ 
You’d always found Osamu a bit easier to digest as a personality, and you’d hit it off right away – He’d been reading a magazine about baking when you’d met, and you’d mentioned wanting to try the cake on page 12, because you had the same one at home. He’d taken to you like a baby bird, asking you to try the random rolls and cakes and breads he would make at home. You’d been so shocked the first time he’d shoved a banana roll in your face that you hadn’t thought to consider calories or sugar or carbs or any of it. You’d just taken a bite and then spent the rest of the free hour taste-testing it again and again, using every ounce of your brain power to help him figure out what was perfect and what need improving.
But, if you were honest, you’d been more comfortable in the presence of his twin, in the tornado of genuine and terrifying care that was Atsumu. He’d always been honest and tactless, and – on the days when someone was unfortunate enough to have been caught saying something to you – he was cruel and mean and terrible, brutal without remorse. But he was your first ever best friend, exasperating personality and all.
And the only person worse than Miya Atsumu, really, was Suna Rintarou.
Your lunch breaks, originally alone and then suddenly with Atsumu, were even more suddenly shaken with the introduction of the VBC. To Aran and Kita and – crucially – to Suna, whose snarky demeanor and lack of a social filter was well-known by the time he’d flopped down into the seat in front of yours.
Suna, whose usual reaction to girls approaching him at lunch was to mumble ‘ Fuck off, please ’ lazily, through a mouthful of food and without ever looking up from his phone.
Suna, whose introduction to you had come with him pointing at your chopsticks, halfway to your mouth, and quietly asking ‘ Can I try that ?’ about your mother’s spring rolls. He’d leaned over the moment you’d stuttered a response – taking a huge bite right off of your chopsticks, even though you’d just met the boy 30 seconds prior – and then trading you some of his own mother’s cooking in return, half a rice ball set casually in your container.
Suna, who’d pried your phone from your slightly terrified fingers and entered his number, a steady stream of memes and YouTube videos buzzing in your pocket from that moment on.
Suna Rintarou, who wouldn’t only say something when he’d catch someone else being explicitly rude to you. He’d say something if someone even looked at you the wrong way or whispered to their friend in a way that he didn’t like.
‘ You got a problem? ’
‘ Something you wanna share with the class?’
When he’d come around the corner and find someone making pig noises in your direction or laughing at how your uniform fit-
‘ Were you not loved enough by your mother?’
‘Have you ever thought of seeking professional help?’
And when one boy had pushed at your shoulder – just a prod of his fingers, but rude all the same – you’d felt Suna’s presence more than heard it, a sudden chill hovering at your back.
‘ Apologize – on your knees – before I break that hand.’
The boy had hesitated, but he’d dropped to the floor soon after, because Suna had taken a step toward him. He’d muttered that he was sorry, and then repeated it louder when Suna had crouched beside him and whispered ‘ Again – like you mean it this time’ while smiling down at the hand he’d just threatened to break. 
You’d been properly scared of Suna Rintarou for some time after that.
He’d noticed, his eyes following you in every room you’d walked into, an amused smirk on his lips.
He’d skipped practice one day to walk you home, hands in pockets as he’d trailed after you. No words had been shared, but he’d walked you home the day after, and then again. Atsumu had yelled at him for missing practice on the fourth day, so he’d started showing up in the morning instead, leading you quietly to school.
It had been raining one morning, about a week later, and you’d been rushing around your room to get ready, wondering if Suna would even bother to wait in the rain for you. Wondering when you’d started expecting him to be there. 
You’d looked out the window, almost 45 minutes before you’d usually leave, and found him there. Under an umbrella, leaning on the gate and scrolling through his phone. You’d gasped, scrambling down the stairs with your mismatched pajamas and bedhead and yanking the door open.
‘ Suna Rintarou! ’ You’d scolded, and his head had popped up in surprise. It was the first time you’d properly addressed him during one of these morning walks.
‘ Get your ass in here! ’ 
He’d lifted his brows but listened right away, pocketing his phone and passing through the gate to your front door. Your mother had stuck her head out into the hallway, shocked at your tone.
‘ Who- ’ She’d started, but you’d just gestured in annoyance at the boy standing in your foyer trying to find a place to put his umbrella. You’d snatched it from him and leaned it on the door.
‘ This is Suna. Suna, my mom,’ You’d grumbled, realizing the state of yourself when Suna had just stared at the mess on your head and then pursed his lips to hide a smile.
‘ Oh, the stalker boy! ’ She’d clapped excitedly, and you’d barked out a laugh at Suna’s face of horror.
‘ I-No, I’m not-’ He’d stuttered, and you’d saved him by leading him to the living room.
‘ She’s just messing with you. You sit here and wait while I get ready ,’ You’d pointed at the couch and then disappeared upstairs, hurrying even more than before.
When you’d come back down, your mother had been urging him to the table to eat. He’d followed, clearly feeling out of place. 
You’d eaten with him while your mom had been preparing a second bento, loudly exclaiming from the kitchen that athletes should eat more than three times a day. He’d just smiled gratefully and then eyed you, mumbling ‘ I liked your pajamas’ under his breath and snickering when you’d tried to swing at him from across the table.
It had been monumentally humiliating when, as you were pulling on your shoes, your mother had pulled him aside and very conspicuously thanked him for looking out for you.
‘ You’re such a nice boy, taking care of my girl. Kids can be so mean .’
You’d stood with Suna’s umbrella in hand, glaring at him over your mom’s shoulder, because he’d looked way too pleased with himself. He’d followed you out, forced to run as you’d stalked off into the torrential downpour with his umbrella. He hadn’t said anything for a while, just holding the umbrella and walking beside you for most of the journey. But just as the school had come into view, he’d smirked down at you and said-
‘ You told your mom about me .’
You’d run the rest of the way to school, preferring to sit all day in wet clothes over finishing that conversation. 
You’d been forced after that to get used to Suna’s voice in your living room while you’d dressed for the day, and then the knock on your front door after practice, your mother sending him up to your room to lounge on your floor and copy off your homework. 
You hadn’t been able to get rid of him, and more than ten years had passed just the same, college finding him more often in your dorm room than his own and post-grad life finding the two of you and the Miya twins in Osaka. Atsumu had been recruited to the Black Jackals, and Suna had opened a tattoo shop, practicing on himself through college until his skin had been covered in ink and a deposit had been put down on a small shop space not too far from your apartment. 
You had formed a kind of soul-bond with Osamu over all things food-related, even with your own strained relationship with it, and you’d co-signed on an empty shop across the street from the Jackals’ home gym. You’d opened a cafe on one side, your culinary degree put to use on an extensive knowledge of coffees and teas, and Osamu had set up a bakery on the other side, the two of you decorating cakes and testing recipes for hours after closing time. Your shared shop had seen wild success, both due to your talents and due to being located in a tourist and sports enthusiast hotspot.
You’d each had your various failed relationships throughout the years, Atsumu currently in the midst of a secret situationship with Sakusa Kiyoomi, and Osamu crushing rather pathetically on Hinata Shouyou’s friend Yachi Hitoka, who runs a flower shop down the road. You’d become friends with her, at first to subtly put in a good word for Samu, but now mostly because she’s likely to appear at your counter at least twice a day to hang out and try the special of the day.
Suna had had a few short flings with girls in the area, one a model-beautiful blonde who’d, offhand in the middle of your cafe, offered to be your ‘gym buddy’, should you want one. She’d been dumped on the spot, Suna going so far as to pluck the iced latte from her hand and pour it out inside her purse while holding eye contact with her. 
The girls after her had been equally beautiful, but he’d always find something about them that was unacceptable after a few weeks. This one too loud and bossy, that one too quiet and submissive, the other one too everything , as he’d put it. He’d never been happy with any of them, and you could only watch with bemusement and shake your head, brushing it off as being one of the many things about Suna that you wouldn’t try to understand.
All of your boyfriends – a total of three in the five years you’d all been in Osaka – had similarly found something wrong with you. It had always been the same thing, and you’d known it. You’d known it in the way their eyes would linger on other girls or the way they’d be less affectionate in public, less willing to hold your hand or put their arm around you.
You’d known it in the way Suna had hated every one of them, hands left unshaken during introductions and green eyes watching how you’d interact with them.
You’d always broken things off first, finding it a bit funny that they would get mad at you for it, as though they hadn’t just been swiping on dating apps when they thought you weren’t looking. Always mad at you for putting yourself first, because they thought themselves above you and couldn’t believe you thought you’d find better than them.
That’s why you’re sitting here now, on this Friday night with a bottle of wine in your system, wondering how Suna Rintarou is not understanding why your appearance is the barrier between you and breaking your dry spell. After everything , he’s not understanding.
“Dude, you clearly know what my body has to do with it,” You laugh. “You met my exes.”
“Well, yeah-” He waves you off. “But they were morons, so I don’t count them.”
“I feel like you probably should, since they have the majority opinion on girls like me,” You smile, taking another sip of wine.
Suna laughs, shaking his head. “I don’t think you’ve been fucking with the right dudes, if you think those losers were representative.”
“Do you see guys lining up outside my door?” You offer with a bemused smile. He flops against the couch, sighing.
“I cannot believe it’s been a whole year. There’s no way- Not a single one-night stand?” He tries, almost desperate to figure this out. You just shake your head. “ Why ? Where the hell are you lookin’ for ‘em?”
You laugh wholly, reaching to put your glass down and turn back to the movie. “It’s fine, dude. I was just making a passing comment-”
“Nuh-uh-” He crosses his arms over his chest, nearly pouting. “We gotta get you laid. I’ve become invested in this.”
You roll your eyes good-naturedly, ignoring him. He nudges you with his foot. 
“Let’s find you someone at Miya’s party.”
You groan, laughing a bit. The Black Jackals had recently had a home game, one where they’d positively obliterated the opposite team and subsequently sent hundreds of cheering fans into your shop after the match. Atsumu had invited a hoard of people to his penthouse to celebrate tomorrow night. You’d already planned to try finding someone, but it’s a bit worrying that Suna’s involved now.
“Okay, you don’t have to get so invested. I’ll try tomorrow, I promise.”
“Nope, I’m invested. This is happening. You’re getting laid tomorrow – it’s been decreed.” 
You salute him lazily, mumbling ‘ If you say so’ and going back to the movie.
When Suna picks you up the next night, he’s frowning down at you.
“What is this, what are you wearing?”
You’re taken aback, looking down at yourself. You’d chosen a cute red dress and thrown a cardigan over it – you look fine.
“What about it?”
“No, no, no-” He marches into your apartment, hands on your shoulders as he leads you to your room. “What is this nice girl shit? Take this off-” He pushes your cardigan off your shoulders, wrestling you out of it. 
You cross your arms right away, a bit self-conscious. It’s a dress with thin straps, and you’re not happy with how your arms look in it. “I wanna wear something over it, though.”
“Oh, that’s fine, sure,” He starts, poking his head into your closet and knocking clothes around. “Except that this is a party, not a church retreat. You’re not wearing the sweater or the dress.”
“But this is my best-” You start, but Suna’s seeing something all the way in the back and reaching for it, eyes bright.
“A- ha! ” 
You groan, because he’s pulling out the single sleeveless dress you own. It’s a body-hugging, little black number, one that you’d bought online when you’d been feeling particularly confident. It still has the tag on it.
“I dunno, Suna-”
“Just put it on and lemme see,” He thrusts it at you, and then he’s gone, leaving you with an outfit you would never have chosen.
You put it on, staring into your mirror with a grimace. The dress is too tight – your hips are too wide, your thighs too on display. Your boobs are too big, making the material stick to your chest in a way you don’t like.
“I don’t know,” You call. “I don’t like it.” You start to reach for the zipper to remove it, since you have no intention of showing Suna. But he’s bursting into the room, a loud ‘ I’m coming in-’ warning you with enough time to not unzip the dress.
He stops short, a pair of black heels swinging from his fingers – apparently, he’d been digging through your collection of shoes at the door for good ones. They dangle at his side, his eyes trained on your body. You watch in the mirror as he drags his eyes down the length of you and then back up, his lips parted in a way you don’t understand.
When he meets your eyes, he snapping his mouth shut and swallowing, ears turning a bit red. You frown, taking it to mean that he’s seeing too much. 
“Okay,” You sigh, turning to usher him back out. He blinks rapidly and backs up. “Go. I’ll find something else.”
“What?” He stops, not letting you push him anymore. “No, you’re wearing that.”
“Suna-” You laugh, planting your hands on his chest and trying to get him out. “I look ridiculous.”
“No, you don’t.” He shakes his head, steady against you. “You’re wearing that. You look really good.”
You blink, confused. “What? Did you see what I saw?”
“I saw the exact same thing you saw. You’re wearing that.”
“Dude, no-”
“Yes-” He cuts you short, rounding you and pushing you out toward the living room. You shake your head, trying and failing to go back. “Stop arguing with me.” He puts the heels in your hand and disappears to the table for your purse. You stand in front of the mirror by the door, turning this way and that to look at yourself. You don’t see what he’s talking about.
He comes to stand behind you, and you examine him, too. He’s got on black jeans and a silver belt, with a black tee tucked into his pants and a thin chain hanging loosely around his neck. There’s a long-sleeve shirt thrown over it, and his lip ring and heavily pierced ears glint in the light. His hair hangs low over his eyes, and he lifts a hand to push it back. He’s wearing a silver bracelet you’d gotten him a few years ago for Christmas, your matching one sitting in your jewelry box.
He looks really fucking good.
You sigh angrily. “I cannot be seen with you.”
He just lifts a brow. “Problem?”
You examine him again, pointing at his reflection. “Take your top shirt off. Lessen the whole… punk-rock, skater-boy vibe, please.”
He grins, handing your purse over and then stripping, the long-sleeve tossed carelessly toward your couch.
You roll your eyes. His black tee is tight on his biceps, and all his tattoos are on display. 
“That’s great. That’s really great.”
“What?” He laughs, and you just shake your head, bending down to put your heels on.
“You look like an entire meal, feeding women everywhere, and I look like a sausage roll.”
He doesn’t answer, and you glance at the mirror, finding his eyes trained very obviously on how you’re bent in front of him, both eyebrows lifted just slightly.
“Are you staring at my ass?”
“Huh?” He jumps, blinking. “What’d you say? Sausage roll?”
You stand, leveling him with an empty glare. “Don’t force yourself, Sweetheart. I committed to the outfit already.” 
He shakes his head, looking a bit dazed. “I have no idea what you’re talking about. But you most certainly don’t look like a sausage roll.” He follows after you as you turn off the lights and leave the apartment, waiting behind you while you lock the door. “ Like a present that desperately needs unwrapping, maybe ,” He mumbles under his breath.
You pause, key in the door, and look over your shoulder at him with a brow raised in amusement. “What are you doing, Suna?”
He blinks lazily at you. “Honestly? Regretting that dress.”
You roll your eyes and pull the key from the lock, following him down the hall to the elevator while he shakes his head with a small sigh.
“Whatever. What time should we come back?”
He laughs, hitting the button on elevator panel that’ll lead to his car. “I thought we agreed. Not until you’ve been fucked stupid.”
You can’t help the laugh that bubbles out of you at his wording. “I think that was just you decreeing things. I’m a bit more realistic.” You smile mockingly up at him, and he nudges you as you walk through the parking garage. 
“You’ll find someone.”
You start to argue, but you see where he’s parked, and you’re not happy.
“You didn’t bring your car.” 
He leads you toward his motorcycle, tossing you a curious look over his shoulder. “Nope. Bike’s easier to park on the street.”
You gesture down at yourself angrily, snatching up the helmet he’s handing you. “I cannot sit on a motorcycle with my legs spread in this dress.”
He smiles, glancing down at your thighs. “Why? Not wearing anything under?”
You smack him with the helmet. He just throws a leg over the bike and holds a hand out for you. You do your best not to flash him as you hike a leg over the seat behind him. 
Suna waits for you to adjust and re-adjust the dress until you’re sure you won’t be giving anyone a show on the way there. But when you put on the helmet and pat his shoulders to signal that you’re ready, he reaches back and wraps both hands around your thighs, dragging you closer to his back. You scream, slapping his hands, but he just pulls your arms around his waist.
“Gotta make sure you’re safe and sound,” He says, muffled through his helmet, but you can still hear the laugh in his voice.
“I hate you,” You state loudly. He just kicks the bike into life with a snicker.
The ride to Atsumu’s penthouse is a nightmare of checking your dress at red lights and praying no one’s seeing anything. By the time you get there, you’re stressed.
“What’d I tell you?” Suna asks, sliding into a narrow parking spot right outside Atsumu’s building. “Easier parking.”
“I hate you,” You repeat, letting him help you awkwardly off the bike and immediately fixing everything. He pulls the helmet gently off of you and brushes your hair out of your face. And then he smiles lazily.
“You’re so getting laid tonight. I can feel it.”
You don’t bother responding, just following him into the lobby. The front desk girl waves you through, recognizing you. Her eyes trail down your body, eyebrows raised, and you’re immediately self-conscious. But she leans over the desk, calling out as you’re reaching the elevator.
“You look really pretty!”
You blink, looking back and then up at Suna. “She talking to me or you?”
“You,” He laughs. “Definitely you.”
“Oh-” The elevator dings, signaling Atsumu’s arrival to get you up to the penthouse with his key, but you’re calling back to the girl with an awkward laugh as the doors open. “Thank you!”
“Hey- Holy shit- ”
You turn, finding Atsumu inside the elevator, staring at you with comically wide eyes and a dropped jaw. He stares so long that the elevator doors close between you, and he’s rushing to open it again. You give him a weird look. 
He shoots you a look of disbelief. “What d’ya mean, ‘ what ’? Look at you!”
You follow Suna into the elevator, mumbling, “I regret buying this dress.”
Suna shakes his head, leaning back against the wall and addressing Atsumu. “She won’t listen to me about the dress.”
Atsumu’s still staring. “What’re you tryna do, get laid?”
Suna looks at you with lifted brows and a pleased grin. “See? He gets it.”
“Damn, if Omi ‘n I weren’t-” Atsumu shakes his head, whistling. “You’d have trouble gettin’ rid of me.”
You flush, crossing your arms over your middle. “Tsumu… I really don’t look bad?”
“No way ,” He laughs, still staring. “I might go break up with ‘im, honestly.”
You laugh, face warm as you stare down at your feet. Suna scoffs beside you. 
“Oh, sure, believe him but not me.” He smiles when you nudge him, and then he claps once. “Okay, here’s the plan. We cannot be seen together.”
You furrow a brow. You’d only been joking earlier. “Why?”
“Because-” He gestures down at your outfit. “- you came to get laid, and sticking to me all night will obviously mess that up.”
“But-” You don’t like not being able to stick to Suna – and, by that logic, Atsumu or Osamu – when you feel this vulnerable.
Suna shakes his head. “Nope. You gotta put yourself out there. Find someone you like and seduce him until you’re getting dragged into one of Miya’s spare rooms.” He points at you, eyes sharp. “Don’t leave with him, though. I don’t need you getting murdered.”
Atsumu nods along, finally peeling his eyes off of you to stare at the panel. You’re almost at the top. “Got lots of ‘em, spare rooms. Use one.”
You swallow nervously, watching the last two floors tick away. Suna pats you on the shoulder.
“You got this. Don’t come find me until you’re done.”
The doors open, leading straight into Atsumu’s living room.
You’re forced to wave goodbye to your safety net – he sends you off with a wink and a mouthed ‘ You look good ’. You square your shoulders and shake out your nerves, heading to the kitchen.
After finding a drink, you wander into the living room. Suna’s on one of the couches, talking to Bokuto. Atsumu’s sitting a friendly distance from Sakusa, looking like he very much wants to be in the man’s lap instead.
You see Osamu near the window, talking to someone you don’t know but looking across the room. You follow it, finding Yachi and Hinata, and make a beeline straight for her. 
“Hi!” You say, and they both turn to look at you. Hinata flushes upon seeing your dress, and Yachi squeals as you sit beside her.
“You look so good, Y/n!” The younger woman hugs you tight, and you flush.
“Thanks… I’m really out of my element here,” You laugh, greeting Hinata. “Hi, Shouyou.”
“H-Hey-” He coughs. “You look really nice.”
You warm again, wondering if maybe you really don’t look half bad. “Thanks! You look good, too.” You point at his arms, seeing that he’s built some more muscle since you’d last seen him. “You really bulked up.”
He’s as red as his hair, eyes flicking to your thighs and then away. Your phone buzzes in your purse, and you peek at it.
[10:22 PM]
Sunarin : believe me yet?
You find him, seeing that he’s flicking his brows and glancing toward Hinata. You roll your eyes with a smile and start to put your phone away, but it buzzes again.
Sunarin: you got the poor guy stressed out
Sunarin: look at him
You glance at Hinata out of the corner of your eye. Yachi’s talking to him about something, and he’s nodding and giving the appropriate number of ‘ Uh-huh ’s, but his eyes are drifting toward you repeatedly, gaze on your thighs and chest and hips before he’s remembering to keep his eyes on Yachi. He shifts, swallowing hard and blinking rapidly.
Your stomach flips when you realize that Hinata really is checking you out.
Would you sleep with Hinata? You really like him as a person, and you trust him enough. But you’re not sure that sleeping with any of your friends’ friends is a good idea, in case things get weird. But – on the other hand – you do trust the people that you’ve gotten to know over the years, the Black Jackals all great guys. You don’t know if you’re ready to try to snag some guy you don’t know at all – that’s more likely to end badly. 
You sigh, taking a sip of your drink. You just got here. You should wait it out, test all the waters and see what calls to you. Hinata’s very cute, but you shouldn’t jump his bones just because he’s giving you attention.
He’s a friend , you remind yourself. And the party’s just starting.
You talk to Yachi and Hinata for a long while, and – when Osamu finally builds the courage to cross the room and engage Yachi in conversation – you’re left with Hinata. You fall into easy conversation with him for almost an hour, laughing and smiling and leaning against him when your head starts to get a little fuzzy. He cracks jokes and tells stories excitedly and asks about your shop and life, and you feel incredibly fond of him.
So fond, in fact, that you’ve unconsciously decided that Hinata’s not the right guy for this. You really do like him, and you really do like the energy you have together, but that makes a one-night stand with him incredibly unappealing. You’re not desperate enough to risk the friendship you seem to be solidifying with him right now.
So when you glance up and find that Kageyama Tobio has arrived and is glancing awkwardly at Hinata while he talks to Atsumu, you smile at the ginger next to you.
“You shouldn’t let me keep you, Shou,” You say, and he smiles at the nickname. “I’m sure there’s someone here who you’d have a better time with.”
He furrows a brow, so you tilt your head in Kageyama’s direction. When he sees his old friend standing there, he swallows and flushes.
“Mm-” He laughs, shaking his head and looking down at his lap. “I don’t know.”
“I do,” You nudge him. “Go.”
He eyes you, seeing that you seem set on not letting things between you go anywhere. And then he nods, snaking an arm around you and pressing a kiss to your cheek. “Okay, fine. But I better hear about whose heart you break tonight.”
You laugh, squeezing his arm as he goes. And then you sigh, a bit resigned. It was the best choice, you know it.
Your phone buzzes.
[12:11 AM]
You snort into your cup, eyeing him. He’s still on that couch, but he’s not speaking to anyone, just staring at his phone and glaring at you when he sees you looking.
Sunarin: he was ready to risk it all for you bro
You shake your head.
You: hes my friend, i couldnt do it
Sunarin: you wont fuck a friend?? thats like 85% of the ppl here!!
Sunarin: christ,,,, okay get back out there, soldier
Sunarin: I expect to walk past one of these rooms in the next hour and hear you having the time of your life
You: youre so heinous
You stand, heading toward the kitchen for another drink. You feel Suna watching you, but when you glance at him, he’s scrolling on his phone and ignoring everyone who approaches him. You text him when you get to the kitchen, head down.
You: should we just go? 
You: i dont wanna keep you waiting
Sunarin: i mean this in the nicest way possible
Sunarin: stop being stupid
Sunarin: bc i will block you
You: hello??
Sunarin: idgaf how long i sit here
Sunarin: find a man and fuck him
Sunarin: that is your assignment
You: sir yes sir
You look up, intending to scan the room for your liquor of choice. Instead, standing in the corner by the other doorway, in a group of four guys, is one of the most attractive men you’ve ever seen. You have no clue who he is, but he’s got dark hair and a cool smile and piercings, and you are utterly stopped in your tracks.
He catches it, glancing over at you and nodding in greeting. You smile tightly and move to the counter, pouring out the first thing you can find. You text Suna discreetly, something incredibly elegant.
The counter where you stand is actually a bar with beams on the side, so the living room is entirely visible from here. You see Suna perk up, his head lifting as he peers over someone’s head to meet your eyes. He glances over your shoulder at the group, but you go back to pouring your drink while you calm your nerves, so you don’t see his reaction.
There’s fervent whispering behind you, and then footsteps. You spot three of the guys passing into the living room, so you glance back. 
The beautiful man is still leaning against the opposite counter, but he’s got his phone out, invested in something he’s looking at. You see the three guys looking generally in your direction, and you wonder if maybe they’ve left their friend here on purpose. You glance at him again and then steel your nerves, turning carefully.
“Whatcha drinking?” 
The guy’s eyes flick to yours, his brow lifting. He lowers his phone but doesn’t put it away, and he smiles at you. “Rum and coke. You?”
“Uhm-” You laugh. “I have no idea. I think there’s tequila in it.”
He grins easy. “Oof. Tequila always gets me. Kinda scared of it.”
You smile into your cup as you take a sip. 
Across the room, Suna watches you talk to a guy he doesn’t recognize. There’s a weird feeling in his chest, the kind of bad feeling he’d always get around your exes. He watches the group of guys that have just come out, seeing that they’re eyeing you and whispering. 
Then one laughs, and he knows this isn’t good.
He stands, moving toward Atsumu without taking his eyes off of you. You’ve stepped a little closer to the guy, and Suna feels his heart hurt a bit. You’re putting yourself out there, and the guy you’re doing it with is bad news.
“Miya,” He says, cutting Atsumu off where he is struggling to keep a good distance between himself and Sakusa. The blond looks up, clearly drunk.
“Who are those guys?” He points with his cup, and Atsumu stands, squinting.
“Oh, I dunno. I think they’re friends of Bo’s.” Atsumu points toward Bokuto, who’s telling a story excitedly to a large group of people. “You know how he is. Always meetin’ people and makin’ friends. I let them up like 20 minutes ago, maybe?”
Suna swallows, watching how the guy you talk to lifts a brow at you. You must have tried to say something flirty, but he’s not taking it well. He’s starting to look like he’s looking down on you. 
Atsumu hums, seeing it, too. “Want me to go over there?” His voice is clearer than it had been a minute ago.
“No, I got it.” Suna’s gone before he finishes the sentence, moving quickly.
Atsumu watches him go and then finds his brother in the crowd, sitting with Yachi. Samu’s looking over his shoulder, trailing after Suna, and then he turns. The brothers lock eyes, sharing a knowing smirk. Samu just shrugs, and Atsumu shrugs back.
Whatever Suna’s about to do, there’s no stopping it.
In the kitchen, you realize that this guy’s resolutely uninterested in you when a girl comes into the room and his attention is entirely gone. 
You look, seeing that this unassuming girl is exactly what you’d expected. You glance at the guy again, finding a hungry gaze that trails over her body. Your stomach drops a bit, and you look over your shoulder toward his friends. 
They’re standing at the bar, peeking at you and snickering to each other.
You stare down into your cup, wondering when you’d let your guard down. 
It hurts a little more than expected.
You smile up at the guy one last time, raising your cup to him.
“It was good to meet you.”
“Uh-huh,” He mutters, not listening. You blink and turn away, heading to leave. You can’t help but look at the girl as you go, seeing how beautiful she is. She looks up, smiling kindly at you, and you smile back. She seems sweet.
You go to pass her, leaving the way you came in.
You jump, turning back. Suna’s standing at the other door, by the guy you’d been talking to, his face relaxed but his eyes sharp. Only now do you realize they kind of look alike.
What is he doing?
“There you are,” He smiles easily, stepping into the room. 
“I’ve been looking for you all night.”
The guy looks between you and Suna. You look between him and Suna. The girl leaves with her drink, entirely unaware.
“Oh… Really?” You look out toward the living room, finding the other guys also watching Suna with confusion.
“Yeah. I was hoping you’d come,” He replies easily, stepping toward you. 
His eyes flick down toward a spot on the floor that’s closer to him, and you drift there, eyeing him. He moves around you and reaches for a bottle on the counter, pouring himself a drink. He offers it to you, too. 
You watch him glance over your shoulder at the group of guys, and you realize he’d turned you around and put himself in view of them. So they could see him.
“Sure,” You say, curious to see where this goes, and tilt your cup toward him. “Thanks, Suna.”
“Rin,” He responds, tilting his head to smile down at you, flirty and cheeky in a way you’d never seen from him. “You can call me Rin.” 
You almost snort. “Okay. Rin.”
“I missed you last weekend,” Suna says, making a point to drag his eyes down the length of your body before he takes a sip of his drink.
You lift a brow, smirking up at him. He’s the only one who can see the teasing look you give him before you respond, playing into his game.
“Really? I couldn’t tell by the five missed calls. I was sleeping, by the way. It was one in the morning.”
He smiles at your line, and you can tell it’s genuine. He shrugs, holding eye contact and leaning in a little. “What can I say? I know what I like.”
“What you like…” You smile down into your cup, nodding. “And what would that be, Rin ?”
“Well-” He swallows, running his tongue over his bottom lip as he eyes you. “This dress, for one.” And then he slides his free hand over your waist, playing with the material. “It looks really good on you.”
His eyes have darkened by the time you meet them again, and it makes you a little nervous to realize that you’re unsure if it’s real or not. Your mind flashes to how he’d watched you bend over in front of your mirror earlier. Your fingers start to tingle.
Someone comes in behind you, and you use it as an excuse to look away from Suna and glance over your shoulder. The guy you’d been talking to is still there, but he’s got his eyes on your dress, interest lingering around your thighs.
You quirk a brow and turn back to Suna, feeling annoyed that this guy had only found you worth looking at once another guy had. Suna eyes you briefly, and you read the expression.
Want me to leave you with him?
He doesn’t look happy about the idea – you’re not happy about the idea – but you can tell he’s hesitating to continue, because the guy is paying you attention now.
He must not realize that you’d lost interest in that guy the moment his gaze had drifted. It’s Suna’s attention you’re nervous about now.
Still, you know that he’d only come to show that group of guys that you’re worth considering, so you tamper the feeling and lean into his game again.
You step close to him, watching how his eyes light up a bit, and slide a hand over his bicep. You make a point to trace the outline of one of his tattoos there, watching with a smile as goosebumps form wherever you scratch your nail gently against his skin.
“Is there something you wanted, Rin?” You look up at him through your eyelashes when you ask, wide and innocent.
You see the exact moment that something changes.
Suna’s eyes widen marginally and drop to your lips, green eyes heavy on you as he pulls his lip ring between his teeth and plays with it. His hand tightens on your waist, fingers pressing into your lower back and pulling you toward him.
“Just…” His gaze flicks between your mouth and your eyes. “Wanted to see if we could make up for lost time. Maybe somewhere more private?”
Suna Rintarou means to pull you into one of Atsumu’s spare rooms. 
You blink, a sudden flush rising on your cheeks as your stomach flips. You squeeze his bicep, anchoring yourself to him. He just stares at your mouth.
You nod after a moment, poking your tongue out to wet your lips. He watches it. “Okay… That sounds good.” 
His eyes snap to yours, suddenly filled with something that hadn’t been there before. When he sets his cup on the counter and steps around you, hand finding yours and pulling you after him, you realize it’s urgency. You barely manage to put your drink down without spilling it. 
All four guys watch you get dragged out of the room and toward an open door not even 15 feet away. 
You have absolutely no idea what’s about to happen. 
You step into the room, closing the door with your free hand. “What are we-”
Suna spins, planting both hands on your hips and pinning you hard against the door. You gasp, eyes wide, and he lifts one hand and sets it on the door next to your head. 
“I want to kiss you,” He says bluntly, breathing out hard. “Do you want to kiss me?”
You blink, lips parted, searching his face. You only find heat in his eyes, and it makes a spot under your navel tingle. 
Do you want to kiss him?
“Yes,” You whisper, nodding shallowly. “Yeah-Yes.”
He breathes slowly, eyes dropping to your mouth. 
There’s a moment of nothing, one where all you can hear is the muffled music and laughter through the door, the space between you and Suna Rintarou completely silent.
And then he’s surging forward.
You cannot, for the life of you, understand why you hadn’t thought of doing this before.
He pushes his lips against yours with force, full and impatient. You throw your arms around his neck, angling your head. The hand he has on the door comes to cup the back of your head, holding you tight against him, and you card your fingers through the hair at the nape of his neck, scratching your nails against his scalp.
Suna pulls back with a sharp inhale, his mouth hovering over yours. You blink hazily, your head fuzzy and warm.
“ Oh… ” You mumble. 
“ More? ” He breathes, sounding just as shaken. The hand on your lower back pulls you flush against him, and you feel something pressing against your thigh. Your skin hums with anticipation, and you nod, your eyes still half-closed.
“More’s good…” 
Your back hits the door and your hair’s being tangled around his fingers, head pulled to the side as his mouth finds your throat. The ring on his lip is cold between your flushed skin and the burn of his mouth, and his tongue passing over your pulse as he nips at the spot has a weak whimper falling past your lips.
“ Louder ,” He murmurs, the vibration echoing through your throat and down to your toes. He sucks harder on the spot just under your jaw, and you moan properly and in his ear. “Good, just like that,” He bites down and then swipes his tongue over it, soothing and warm. “Want them to hear you.”
Your heart pounds, and you cling to his shoulders, letting out a noise of confusion. 
“You know exactly who.”
You remember that you’d just been talking to some other guy, that his friends had been making fun of you. 
You’d already forgotten.
“Why do you-” You gasp, shuddering when he pulls your hips toward him, pressing his own against you. He’s hard– He’s already hard, and you haven’t done anything. You swallow hard, your mouth suddenly dry. “Why do you want them to…”
Suna suckles at a spot under your ear before lifting his head and planting his lips on yours. His hand leaves the safety of your waist and slips up past your ribs. You push your chest out, silently urging him to keep going.
“I want them to-” He swears under his breath as his hand closes around your breast, fingers kneading gently. He kisses you hard. “-know what they’re missing. How badly they fucked up.” 
You’re out of breath when he pulls away, and you circle your arms tightly around his neck so you can lift onto your tiptoes and kiss him again. He touches you urgently, thumb brushing over your nipple once and then again when you mewl into his mouth. He drops his lips to your throat again, freeing you to make as much noise as you need.
You sigh loudly, because his other hand is falling to your waist and tugging at your dress. The material slides up your body, exposing your thighs and then even more to him. He leaves it around your hips, fingertips dancing down to your panties. 
“Can I-” He hooks two fingers into the band, mouth hot on your skin as he heaves out an unsteady breath. You nod furiously, not a single thought of how you look or feel passing through your head. Not a single thought that he might not want this, because you can feel so plainly against your bare thigh that he does. 
Later, you won’t be able to name a single other time you hadn’t been self-conscious in the exact same situation with different men.
He tugs your panties unceremoniously down to your thighs, fingers trembling just slightly when he presses them against your inner thigh. You whimper as he pushes your thighs apart, cold air rushing against your core and sending a jolt of realization through you. 
You haven’t been touched by someone else in over a year.
“Wait, Suna-” Your protest is muffled against his lips. “I’m not gonna-I won’t last long-”
“Good,” He breathes, tugging your bottom lip between his teeth briefly. “Fucking good . I don’t want you to last-” He pushes his mouth to a million different places in quick succession, almost like he’s losing his mind just as fast as you are. His fingers hover between your thighs, cold against your heated skin. “Just want you to come, just to take the edge off.” He kisses you forcefully and murmurs against your lips. “ Just want you to come for me .”
He pulls away just in time for a moan to fall past your lips, ringing through the room. It’s embarrassing how loud it is, how desperately you’d reacted to his words alone. But Suna just smiles breathlessly down at you, face open and honest and eyes gleaming with a wicked anticipation that makes you tremble a bit.
He’s still holding eye contact when he presses against your core, his two middle fingers sliding through your folds.
You gasp so loud that it spills into a moan, and your head falls back against the door with a hard thump , his name ripped from your throat in something close to a scream.
“ Suna- ”
“ Fuck, ” He groans, dropping his head to your shoulder and sliding his fingers against you again. “Fuck, you feel so good-”
“S-Suna-” You cry again, fisting the sleeves of his t-shirt with white knuckles. “Oh, my God-”
He latches onto the crook of your neck, kissing and sucking the skin there as he swipes the pads of his fingers against your clit. “Don’t call me Su- fuck -” He cuts short, because your hips are moving on their own, rocking against his fingers. The tip of his middle finger catches on your entrance, and you gasp loudly, pushing your chest against his as you stare up at the ceiling with wide eyes. 
You don’t understand. You don’t understand why this feels so good, why you can’t get this feeling on your own. Why the thought that the man doing this to you is Suna Rintarou makes your nerves tumble and twist and tug at the coil that’s warping under your navel, under his touch. You hadn’t thought to want him before, not really, because he’s Suna . Your Sunarin, your piece of home.
And he’s making you feel something no one before him ever had.
You don’t think you can come back from this.
All rational thought flies from your mind when Suna brushes his middle finger against your entrance again, with purpose this time. You gasp, clinging tight.
“ Su- ” He shoves his mouth against yours, murmuring his own name, murmuring ‘ Rin, call me Rin’ against you, suckling on your bottom lip. He pulls away to watch you again, to find your eyes like he had last time.
And then he pushes his finger into you, slowly and then all at once.
“ Oh, ” You gasp, your eyelids fluttering. “Rin- ” 
He pulls out, crooking his finger, and then slides back in, nodding as his palm slaps against your clit. “ ‘s good, baby ,” He mumbles, burying his head into the crook of your neck. “ Again, just like that .” 
You think the scream of his name when he slams his fingers into you repeatedly is loud enough to be heard over the whole party. He laughs against your throat, humming, and pushes a second finger in, drawing another moan out of you as his fingers reach places that yours never can. “That’s it, let them hear you.” 
The coil in your navel twists viciously when something cold and metal slides against your thighs with each thrust of his fingers into you, because you’re realizing that it’s the bracelet – the bracelet that you’d given him those handful of years ago, the friendship bracelet that you have in your jewelry box at home.
You don’t think your past self would ever believe this is where that bracelet is now.
Suna pants against your skin, still rock hard against your thigh. “Let them hear how good I make you feel ,” He breathes, and your heart skips, that coil yanking.
“Oh, I’m gonna-” You gasp, fumbling to tug at his shirt, to tell him. He lifts his head to look at you.
And then he promptly yanks his fingers out of you.
You jerk at the feeling, and your heart sinks as your orgasm starts to fade. All you can do is stare up at him with wide eyes, the disappointment written all over your face, because you don’t know what you did to deserve that.
It turns quickly to confusion when Suna spins you around, and suddenly your face is pressed against the door, hips pulled out toward him. You gasp, planting your hands on the door to steady yourself, your face rushed with heat at being bent over in front of him.
That moment in front of your mirror had not prepared you for this.
“Please-can I-” He asks, the clink of his belt and then the zipper of his jeans loud as he yanks on it, and you nod against the door.
“Yes, yes please,” You beg, pushing your hips back more.
“ Shit ,” He swears under his breath. “I wanna do this better-” You jump when something hot brushes between your thighs, something hot and incredibly hard. “-Later, when we get home, I wanna-” He pushes the head of his cock gently through your folds, and his groan mixes with the choked moan you let out against the door. 
“Just wanna get you off once before we go, just wanna make you come once around me,” He finally gets out, hissed through his teeth as he guides himself to your entrance. “‘s that okay? Can I?”
You whimper loudly, nodding again and throwing his own words back at him, desperate and begging. 
“ T-Take the edge-jus’ to take the edge off- ” You stutter through it, your heart doing leaps and your nerves on fire. You push your hips back against him, whining when he brushes against you again.
Suna groans, and he pushes his hand against the door by your face as he drops his forehead to your shoulder, that bracelet staring you dead in the eye.
“Fuck ,” He whispers, shaking his head. “Fuck , Y/n. You-” 
He slips the head of his cock past your entrance, sliding into you slowly. 
You stop being able to feel your legs.
Suna moans your name, low and in your ear, and your eyes roll back into your head at the sound.
Why had you gone so long without hearing him say your name like that?
“ Rin ,” You whimper, and he presses a kiss to a spot behind your ear.
“You’re driving me insane,” He murmurs. “Why didn’t you believe me earlier? Why couldn’t you believe me? Can’t you see now how badly I want you?” He starts to pant in your ear, because he’s drawing his hips back with a hiss and then pushing back in slowly. “Fuck, you’re too-” 
You suck in a breath when his fingers find your clit, his hips stilling. You moan, feeling yourself clench around him. Feeling, for the first time in a year, truly full in the way that you’d craved. 
You clench around him again, and he groans into your neck.
“You’re gonna make me come if you don’t stop doing that,” He pleads, breathing hard against your ear.
“ Why won’t you move ?” You whine, unable to help it.
He chuckles, pressing a kiss to your skin. “You want the romantic answer or the realistic one?”
You can’t help but giggle, because he’s making a stupid, Suna-flavored joke in a moment like this. “The romantic one.”
You feel him smile wide, even as the pads of his fingers slide against your clit, the little bundle of nerves that makes you twitch. 
“I just wanna get you off, I don’t care about myself right now.,” He tries, laughing a little. “It doesn’t matter – all that matters is you, and I can get you off just like this.” He circles your clit again, and your laugh is breathy and sensitive.
“And the realistic one?” You smile when he bites down on your shoulder briefly.
“You’re so tight that it actually hurt when I tried to move,” He explains, and you clench unintentionally. “Come on , Y/n, don’t do this-” He swipes his fingers against you faster now, trying to get you close.
It doesn’t take long, not with Suna’s fingers on the most sensitive part of your body. Not with him buried inside you, throbbing and twitching with every whine and moan that falls past your lips. Not with his mouth pressed to your ear, his breath sending shivers down your spine and his quiet groans making your toes curl.
“ Come on, baby, ” He whispers, pushing his fingertips against you. “ Let me take the edge off, just like you said. Let me do this for you. ” 
Your moan comes out as more of a sob, and your eyes feel a bit wet. The coil in your navel tightens and pulls with every word.
“ Come around me, Y/n. I wanna feel it– I wanna feel you- ”
You gasp, your nails scratching against the door as your fingers curl into fists, and your voice is clear and sharp for the first time in a while. “Su-Suna, I’m-”
-close, I’m close-
“Fuck, I think I am, too-” He admits, even though he hasn’t moved an inch. He shudders against you, breath shaky. “You first, so I can pull out-”
“ Mm-mm- ” You protest. “ ‘s safe, ‘s fine, I’m- ”
You don’t have the time or energy to explain that you’ve been on birth control for years, but it doesn’t matter, because he groans. He understands. 
“Are you sure-” He chokes, and you hear a low whine in his throat. The sound pushes you to the edge, and you teeter there, sobbing.
“ Please, please, I’m-Suna- ” 
You gasp sharply, because he’s lifting his chest off your back and straightening you up, pulling your back against him. He clamps his hand down tight over your mouth, turning your head so you’re forced to look up into his eyes.
“ This one’s mine ,” He breathes, his fingers swiping viciously against you as he holds that cursed eye contact. “ No one hears this but me .”
The coil snaps, and your eyes roll back in your head.
Your vision goes white, and your ears ring, the sound deafening as your body jerks, your fingers scratching and digging into his arms for stability. You feel the scream in your throat, but you don’t hear it, can’t hear anything except the low, muffled groan Suna presses into the side of your head. He twitches inside you, and then you’re warm as he comes, filling you in a way that steals the last gasp of breath from your lungs.
He holds you tight until you both come down, arms wrapped around you. The hand on your mouth falls, curling around the side of your head and cradling you against him. The shuddering breaths you let out mix with his, and he sets his mouth on yours, unable to put the effort into kissing you properly. 
After a moment, your arms fall limp, dropping away from him, and your head slumps against his shoulder. He slides carefully out of you, holding you steady when you whimper and sway a bit. Then he reaches down, tugging your panties back up your legs and fixing your dress. 
You turn in place, forehead pressed to his chest, and straighten him out with your eyes half-closed. He shivers when you wrap your fingers around him and tuck him back into his pants, and his hand cradles your neck, a kiss pressed to the top of your head while you button and zip his jeans.
When you lift your head to look at him, there’s no need to ask him to kiss you. He drops his head without a word, lips just as soft on yours as they’d been the first time. 
“How you feel?” He asks, quiet against your mouth.
“Boneless, ” You say right away, and he smiles against you before pulling away.
“ Boneless, or tired ?” He prompts.
You shake your head. You don’t feel tired at all, your nerves still humming under your skin. “Just boneless.”
“Then,” He starts. “Can you find your bones on the way down to my bike?”
There’s a jolt in your body when you realize what he’s saying. That he’s taking you home.
“Yeah, I-” You swallow, meeting his eyes.
He doesn’t look tired, either.
“I think I can manage that,” You whisper, staring up at him.
A grin spreads across his face, wicked and terrifying in the way that only he is.
“I’m ready when you are,” is all he says.
You cling to him as he leads you out of the room and to the elevator, unable to process anything but him. Unable to process the way Hinata whispers ‘ Heartbreaker ’ warmly to you as you pass, or the way the twins give you matching grins of pride when you find them across the room. Definitely not the guy that you’d tried talking to, staring down at you when Suna shoves past him and all but carries you into the elevator.
All you can do is hold tight to him and trust that he’ll get you back to his place. 
He kisses the spot under your ear when the elevator reaches the first floor.
“Come on,” He mumbles against your skin as the doors slide open. “I still gotta fuck you stupid.”
Your face burns as he drags you out of Atsumu’s building and to his bike, unable to imagine how what had just happened doesn’t count as fucking you stupid.
What’ve you just gotten yourself into?
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candycandy00 · 11 months
The Doll House - A Geto Suguru x Reader Fanfic Part 2
You sell yourself to a brothel to feed your family and Geto Suguru is in charge of training you to be the perfect submissive sex doll. 
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
Read Toji’s Part Here!
Read Nanami’s Part Here!
Read Sukuna’s Part Here!
Read Gojo’s Part Here!
Read Choso’s Part Here!
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AU! Each trainer will get their own story! This is Geto’s. I’m not sure how many parts it will have. If you’d like to be tagged in future parts, let me know! You must be an adult to be tagged! Any feedback whatsoever is adored!
Smut. 18+. Dubcon. Submission. Extreme humiliation. Voyeurism. Light degradation. Masturbation. Oral sex. Deep throating. Fingering. Public nudity. Lots of implied stuff with the other trainers. This is the “meet all the trainers” part. Divider by @benkeibear!
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Suguru awakens to find his new doll in his bed, curled up to him in her sleep, her soft naked body warm against his. He raises up and looks at her sleeping face, already feeling guilty for the things he’ll be doing to her today. 
It was her bad luck that he was the only available trainer when she arrived. Well, better him than Sukuna he supposed, but she truly is a bad match for him. She’s naturally very shy and sensitive, making his humiliation-based training particularly hard for her. 
He doesn’t want to hurt her. He doesn’t want to hurt anyone, but preparing her for her life as a doll is the kindest thing he can do for her now that she’s already signed the contract. Without proper training and preparation, the next ten years will be hell for her. 
The early days of training are critical. It’s when boundaries and trust are established. One of the main elements of his style of training is building trust. She has to trust her master, to believe her master won’t hurt her, to look to her master for safety. Only then can she fully submit and give herself completely. 
To facilitate this, Suguru insists his doll remain naked during the training. Part of it is the humiliation angle, but more important is establishing for the doll that she can be totally vulnerable with him, and that he will protect her even when she has literally no other barrier against the rest of the world. And to drive that point home, he has to parade her around the house, letting the other trainers leer at her, but not allowing anyone to touch her. A couple of the trainers help him out with this, pretending to be more threatening than they actually are just so that he can appear more protective. 
She’s going to hate that. She’s probably going to cry. Fuck, why would a sweet young virgin like her come here in the first place? What was she thinking? She mentioned taking care of her family. He supposes that was a good enough reason if they were desperate, but it still bothers him. 
He climbs out of bed and stretches, then looks at her again. He’s already crossed a line he, as a trainer, shouldn’t have crossed. For his particular training, he never allows a doll to sleep in his bed with him. He’s supposed to be firm, unyielding, uncaring. In the past, if he’s shown even the smallest amount of compassion, it’s led to dolls becoming emotionally attached to him. That’s the cruelest thing that could happen to a doll, because they can’t stay with him. 
So when he senses that a doll might be developing feelings for him, he begins treating them more roughly, more coldly, and that usually nips the problem in the bud. 
But on the very first night, he let her sleep in his bed? Is he going mad? That’s a recipe for disaster and he knows it. So today, he won’t give an inch. He’ll be hard and cold as stone, to establish that all important boundary. 
You wake up shivering. It takes you a moment to remember where you are, and your body subconsciously rolls over toward the other side of the bed, seeking warmth where it found some last night. But the bed is empty. As your mind clears, you realize the covers have been pulled away and you’re lying there in Suguru’s bed, naked, with nothing to cover you. 
Sitting up, you rub your eyes and look at the man standing at the foot of the bed, staring at you. Suguru looks perfect of course, every glossy hair in place, the loose clothing somehow looking sexy on him. You sigh as you try to smooth your hair out with your hands.
“Get up,” he says, and you immediately notice that his tone is a bit sharper than it was yesterday. “There’s a hairbrush in the bathroom you can use. Make yourself presentable so you don’t embarrass me in front of the other trainers.”
It takes every ounce of willpower you possess to resist giving him a look and pointing out that he’s not the one who’s going to be embarrassed. Instead you silently crawl out of his bed and head for the bathroom, very conscious of the fact that he’s watching your every move. 
When it’s time to leave his room, your heart starts hammering wildly again. You’re actually going to walk through this house completely naked. Everyone is going to see everything you have. You feel your face heating up and tears threatening to drip from your eyes. 
“Let’s get a few things straight,” Suguru says before he opens the door. “Do not try to cover yourself. Do not turn your back to anyone who approaches you. Do not try to hide behind me. The other trainers will likely see you. They might even stop to look at you more closely. But they aren’t allowed to touch you. If one of them tries, tell me immediately.”
You nod, feeling numb as a few stray tears leak down your face. 
“Answer properly.”
You look up at him. “Yes, Master Suguru.”
“Let’s go have breakfast then,” he says, and you feel a little sad that he’s seemingly stopped patting your head and smiling at you. 
Those thoughts evaporate as you take your first steps out of his room. The hallway is empty now, but you know you could run into someone at any moment. And there’s no doubt there will be people in the dining hall. 
You walk behind Suguru, looking at the floor, trying to pretend this isn’t happening. But as you start to pass by a particular door, it suddenly swings open and a tall, muscular man with black hair steps out. He has a scar on the corner of his mouth, and looks a little rough around the edges, but he’s undeniably handsome. He’s pulling a rather tight fitting shirt over his head as he says, “Hey, Geto, do you know what they’re serving for-“
He stops mid sentence when he notices you. He glances at Suguru, then his sharp green eyes focus on you. “This your new doll?” 
“Of course,” Suguru says. It’s pretty obvious. 
The man’s eyes slowly move up and down your body, making your skin flush all over. “Got a good one this time,” he says, and he actually licks his lips! 
You can do nothing but stand there, letting him look at you. You wish Suguru would move on already. 
Just then a feminine voice calls out from inside the room the man just opened. “Tojiiiii~ come back to bed!”
He turns his face toward the voice. “I’ll be right back. Gonna grab us some breakfast!”
A second later, a woman appears at the door. You notice two things immediately. One, she’s completely naked, like you, and two, she’s beautiful. She hooks one arm around the man she called Toji’s waist and says, “The only breakfast I want is your cock.”
Toji grins down at her. “You had my cock for breakfast yesterday. And for lunch. And dinner. And a midnight snack.”
She giggles, seeming completely unbothered by the fact that both you and Suguru are witnessing this exchange. You wish you had her confidence. 
Toji playfully slaps her bare ass. “You have to eat some real food or you might start losing weight,” he says with a laugh. “And then what am gonna hold onto while I’m pounding that pussy?”
She gives him a pouty look, but says, “Okay, but hurry back! I get lonely without you!”
Toji gives her a wave as he jogs down the hall, leaving the woman standing naked at the door. She looks at Suguru and says, “You two wanna come in?”
Your heart nearly stops. Are you going to be having orgies? With Suguru, this woman, and Toji?
But Suguru simply smiles at her and says, “I appreciate the offer, but I’ll have to pass.”
The woman shrugs and closes the door, leaving you alone in the hallway with your trainer. 
You hate to admit it, but the bizarre show you just saw makes you feel a little better. The woman in the room certainly didn’t mind being naked in front of other trainers. Maybe that was just normal around here. 
As the two of you move further down the hall, you’re startled by loud, desperate screaming coming from one of the closed rooms. You nearly jump out of your skin, reflexively grabbing Suguru’s arm. You release it quickly, thinking this might be against his rules, but he pulls you closer to himself and puts an arm around you. 
“It’s okay,” he tells you, “that’s just Sukuna’s room. Be thankful you didn’t get stuck with him.”
As you listen to the screams, you honestly can’t tell if they’re cries of agony or ecstasy. Maybe it’s both. “What’s he doing to her?” you ask, clinging to Suguru’s side. 
He looks genuinely disturbed as he says, “I don’t want to know.”
Once you move far enough away that you can’t hear the screams anymore, Suguru separates from you. It’s a cold, empty feeling and you hate it, but you know you can’t cling to him forever. 
You finally reach the dining hall, and your entire body goes rigid when you see that there are more people in here, more people that will see you naked. You quickly spot Toji standing at a long table full of food. He’s balancing two plates on his arm as he fills them with food. Aside from him, there are three couples. 
At a table close by, reading a newspaper, there’s a blonde man wearing strange glasses. He’s dressed in a very dapper style, with a button down shirt and a tie. Sitting in his lap is a pretty woman wearing a pale pink sundress that appears to be way too short for her. She has a pink bow in her hair, and she’s giggling like a school girl despite clearly being in her mid 20’s. You can’t hear what they’re talking about, but the man seems calm and collected while the woman seems slightly nervous as she fidgets in his lap, eating bites of food off the single plate sitting in front of them. 
Further into the room, you’re surprised to see a woman sitting on a table instead of in a chair. She’s wearing black leather boots that reach her thighs, and sitting in a chair in front of her, between her legs, is a pale young man with his hair pulled into two short ponytails, one on each side of his head. He’s holding a plate of food in one hand and feeding the woman with the other. 
“I didn’t know one of the trainers is a woman,” you say. 
Suguru laughs. “Oh, she’s not a trainer. The guy feeding her is. He trains dominant women.”
You can’t help staring at them, thinking to yourself that this woman got lucky. She gets to boss her trainer around? Sounds like a dream come true. 
Of these two couples, the men don’t so much as glance up at you, as if you don’t even exist. The women look at you briefly, seem uninterested, and return their focus to their trainers. 
But the third and final couple is a different story. Sitting in a chair at a table close by is a tall, impossibly beautiful man with white hair and sunglasses. Kneeling at his feet is a cute young woman who looks around your age. She’s technically clothed, but you’re not sure who should be more embarrassed, you or her. 
The “outfit” she’s wearing consists of what looks like bra and panties, each with black fur trim. The bra is so tiny that it barely covers her nipples, and the panties have a hole cut into the back so that a long furry black tail can hang out through them. It takes you a moment of staring to realize the tail is connected to something that’s literally stuck into her ass. You squirm at the thought. The woman can’t sit normally, it would be impossible, so she’s forced to kneel awkwardly on the floor in front of her trainer, who is pouring food into the palm of his hand and holding it down for her to eat, her pink tongue darting out to lick his hand. 
Suguru directs you to a chair and tells you to sit. You’re grateful to have the table in front of you, covering your lower half. 
“Wait right here, I’ll get us some food,” he says. 
You look at him with pleading eyes. “You’re going to leave me here?”
“I’m just going up to that table,” he says, pointing to the table full of food. “I’ll just be a moment.”
You hate the idea of being left alone, naked, in a room with strangers, but what choice do you have? You nod and then watch Suguru as he walks across the room. With every step he walks away, you feel more and more vulnerable. 
A few seconds after Suguru leaves, the white haired man stands up from his chair and walks toward you. That’s when you notice the bright pink leash attached to a matching collar around his doll’s neck, as she crawls on hands and knees beside him. You find yourself feeling even more sorry for her than you do for yourself. 
The white haired man stands right beside you and lowers his sunglasses, looking at you with eerie blue eyes. “Wow, you’re a cutie,” he says. “I bet you’d look great in a leash.”
You shrink away from him automatically. There’s something unsettling about him even though he’s every bit as beautiful as Suguru. He reaches one hand toward you, grinning as he says, “I bet you’re soft too…”
You draw back, closing your eyes and calling out, “Master Suguru!”
When you open your eyes, Suguru is standing between you and the other trainer, grabbing the arm of the white haired man. “Yo, Satoru,” Suguru says in a pleasant voice. “I see you’ve met my doll. You can look, but if you touch her, we’ll have a problem.”
There’s an edge to Suguru’s voice as he says that last part, a darkness in his eyes. The man he called Satoru backs away, slipping his arm from Suguru’s grip. 
“Oh, don’t be stingy, Suguru! I always offer to let you fuck my dolls!”
Suguru frowns at him. “And I always tell you that’s inappropriate for the training.”
Satoru laughs. “Don’t be such a stick in the mud! Kitty here said you have a pretty face. She said she’s fine with you doing whatever you want with her! Right, Kitty?” He jerks the leash, pulling his doll’s face up to look at Suguru. She looks like she’s definitely not fine with it, but she nods anyway. 
“No thanks,” Suguru says. “I don’t enjoy making dolls cry.”
Satoru looks at him curiously. “But they’re so cute when they cry!”
Suguru shakes his head. “You stick to your training style, I’ll stick to mine.”
After Satoru and his doll return to their table, Suguru sits down beside you and spreads out a couple of plates filled with delicious looking food. “Eat up,” he says. “You’ll need your strength.”
With zero hesitation, you begin eating, trying several different foods and loving all of them.  When you cram a large bite of waffles into your mouth, you can’t suppress a small squeal of delight. You’ve never eaten something so tasty before!
Then you remember where you are, who you’re sitting next to, and you look up at your trainer. He’s wearing a smile while he watches you eat, occasionally taking bites of his own food. There’s something warm about his expression that makes you blush. 
You glance around the dining hall. Toji has already left, carrying plates of food back to his room like a waiter, but someone else has appeared, moving along the length of the food table, filling a single plate. The man has a contradictory appearance. He has several black lines tattooed on his face and what’s visible of the rest of his body, and shocking pink hair. These wild traits are contrasted sharply with his surprisingly refined, elegant mannerisms. He’s wearing a silk robe, open at the chest to reveal more tattoos on his impressively muscular torso. But he carries himself like royalty. 
The man takes his plate, mostly full of various breakfast meats, and sits down at a table across the room. He looks up, seemingly notices you staring at him, and flashes you a grin full of teeth that are entirely too sharp. You flinch and look away from him, automatically clutching Suguru’s sleeve. 
“What’s the matter?” Suguru asks, then sees the tattooed man. “Oh, that’s Sukuna.”
You don’t dare look at the man again, so you stare at your plate. “The one who tortures his doll?”
“Well, I don’t know if his training includes actual torture, but I do know he does something very cruel to his dolls.”
You look at Suguru, waiting for him to go on. 
He avoids your gaze, picking at the food in front of him. “He lets his dolls get attached to him. In fact I think he encourages it. We never see the dolls he trains until they’re being sold to new owners. At that point they’re always making a scene, crying, begging to stay with him… it’s a mess. And Sukuna just stands there laughing, as if the whole thing is amusing.”
You chance another glance at Sukuna, then quickly look away. “Why would they want to stay with someone who hurts them?”
Suguru still doesn’t look at you as he answers. “You’d be surprised what people can be conditioned to enjoy. Look at Satoru’s doll. She’s almost as new as you are, so right now her training probably feels unbearable. But by the end, she’ll adore being treated like a pet.”
You’re quiet for a moment, then you ask him, “Will I enjoy being embarrassed and bossed around?”
He finally looks at you. “If I do my job correctly, yes.”
It hits you then, the truth of all this training. Suguru is training you to not just endure being treated this way, but to enjoy it. To love it. Because if you don’t, then you’re going to be absolutely miserable when you’re being treated this way by your eventual owner. You stare at him, suddenly feeling affection for him that goes beyond being physically attracted to his beauty. 
You blurt out a quiet, “Thank you,” and Suguru looks down at you with a surprised expression. 
As you finish eating, you look at the trainers again. Why is it that every single one of them is absurdly good looking? Maybe it’s a blessing. After all it’s easier to have sex with people you find attractive. But then again, maybe it’s a curse, because it’s way too easy to fall in love with men like these. And even you understand why that would be a terrible thing. 
When you get back to Suguru’s room, he wants to work on your training right away. He makes you masturbate in front of him again, which is somehow worse this time. Maybe it’s because you’re starting to like him, but doing insanely embarrassing things while he watches intently just makes you want to disappear. You try to stick to his rules, asking for his permission to cum and looking him in the eyes while you do it. 
After you’re finished, you expect to have to suck his cock again, but instead he motions toward his bed and says, “Climb on, but stay on your hands and knees.”
“Yes, Master Suguru,” you reply, getting onto the bed in the position he wants. 
You feel the bed shift as he gets on the mattress behind you, then you feel his hands on your thighs, pulling your knees widely apart. “Ah!” you cry out, realizing that your pussy is drenched and dripping from just cumming minutes ago, and it’s going to spill all over his fancy covers. 
You start to turn your head to look back at him, but his voice suddenly says, “Face forward. Don’t look back.”
Then, you feel his fingers on the flesh of your folds, opening you. A shudder ripples through you, being touched by him in this way for the first time. But it’s also, like usual, extremely embarrassing. He’s prying open and examining your messy, leaking cunt, and you can only whimper in response. When one of his fingers, or maybe his thumb, grazes over your clit, you gasp, holding the breath in your chest for a few seconds before remembering to breathe again. 
Suguru stares at the spread open pussy in front of him, and wants to absolutely destroy it. 
His new doll is clearly in distress. She’s embarrassed, of course. He’d purposely made her pleasure herself first so that she’d be soaking wet, her own cum dripping down her thighs. But at the same time, she clearly wants him to touch her. As his fingers brush over her already sensitive and swollen clit, he can see her hole clenching around nothing. 
“Are you really a virgin?” he asks. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen a virgin dripping so much before.”
She stiffens, her whole body going rigid. “Yes,” she murmurs, her voice quiet. 
“Answer in complete sentences.”
She hesitates, her body trembling now. “Yes, I’m really… a virgin… Master Suguru.”
He’s stroking her clit with circular motions, and she’s making cute little breathy moans. “I noticed you don’t finger yourself when you masturbate,” he says. “You only rub your clit. Why?”
Her skin is flushed, as if her whole body is blushing. “I’m… scared to… ahh…do that…”
“Scared to put your finger inside?” he asks, and at the same moment, edges one finger into her clenching hole, just up to the second knuckle. Her entire body jolts, and she makes a terrified yelping sound as she pulls away, off his finger. 
He sighs. “You panic when I even start to put one finger in? How are you going to handle a cock?”
She’s quiet for a moment, save for her rapid breathing. “I don’t know,” she finally says, and from the sound of her voice, she’s holding back tears. 
He puts his hands gently on her hips and scoots her back to him. “Did it hurt?”
“No. It just scared me.”
Suguru begins lightly stroking her clit again. “Let’s try it again, okay? I promise I won’t hurt you.”
There’s a moment of hesitation, then he hears her shaky voice say, “Okay.”
He eases his finger into her again, not deep enough to hurt, just barely enough for her to feel something inside her and clench around it. Her breath hitches as he gently pushes it in and out, never going deeper than that second knuckle, not wanting to scare her again. “How does that feel?” he asks her. 
She’s making those little moans again. “It feels… good… so good, Master Suguru.”
He uses the fingers on his other hand to rub her clit, and her legs quiver, barely holding her up. “M-may I please… cum… Master?”
“Hmm, I need to think about it,” he says teasingly, slowing down his strokes. 
“Please, Master Suguru,” she says, her hands gripping the covers. “It feels too good! I can’t hold back!”
He removes his finger completely and stops stroking her clit, giving her a moment to regain control. But the sudden loss of pleasure makes her whine. She pants for a moment, her pussy clenching air, arousal sliding down her thighs. 
Fuck, he wants to shove his dick all the way in on the first thrust. 
“Master Suguru?” she asks, her voice small and hesitant. 
He resumes his earlier motions as he says, “Yes?”
“Are you… going to have sex with me now?”
He blinks. He wasn’t expecting that question. “Do you want me to?”
She doesn’t respond, so he presses his finger just slightly further in. “Answer.”
“Y-yes! I… ahh… want you to… Master Suguru,” she gasps out the words, then says,  “May I please cum now?”
“Why do you want me to?” he asks, ignoring her pleas, still stroking her. 
Again, she doesn’t reply, only moans her sweet cries. 
He leans over her, putting his mouth close to her ear, and says, “Answer and I’ll let you cum.”
She shudders, her whole body trembling. “Because… you won’t hurt me.”
He draws back, staring at her soft, delicate form. “You can cum now,” he tells her, and she does. He watches her body spasm, her pussy clamp down on his finger as she moans loudly. And then she collapses on his bed, her face buried in his pillows. 
“I won’t fuck you tonight,” he says. “I don’t think you’re ready for that right now.”
She turns her face to look up at him, her eyes glossy and shimmering with unspilled tears, her face red from exertion and embarrassment. God, he wants to fuck her virgin pussy into oblivion. 
But he can’t. Not tonight. Maybe not ever. 
He hasn’t told the owner about his new doll being a virgin. If he does, he knows what will happen. He’ll be told to leave her “unspoiled” so that whoever her owner is will get the privilege of deflowering her. A fully trained virgin doll? It’s such a rarity that it’s almost unheard of. If a virgin ends up as a doll, it’s almost always on the direct market, not from a training establishment like this one. Because who could imagine a doll going through the training process without losing her virginity? And women who ended up at the Doll House were generally a bit older than the “barely legal” dolls who were often sold directly by their greedy families. 
Suguru is torn about what to do. On one hand, her value will double if the owner finds out she’s a virgin, and Suguru’s commission will be greatly increased. On the other hand, sending her out as a virgin doll would be cruel. She’d be totally unprepared for one of the biggest aspects of being a doll, not to mention the fact that he doesn’t know who her owner will be, what sort of person will be taking her first time. It could be a sadistic monster who would enjoy being as rough as possible on her. 
And then there’s the other reason he’s hesitant to pop her cherry. Being her first lover is a sure fire way to make her develop an emotional attachment to him, and he can’t allow that. And if he’s being totally honest with himself? He’s afraid he’ll develop an attachment to her. 
So for now, he’s holding back until he can decide what to do, even though he’s been imagining her tight little pussy stuffed full of his cock all day. He’s hard as a rock right now after watching her cum twice, so he pulls his erection out of his pants and looks at her. 
“You’ve been neglecting Master Cock all day,” he says, smiling at her and lightly stroking himself. 
A smile dances at the edge of her lips, but doesn’t fully spread across her face. She slides out of bed and to her knees in front of him. “I’m so sorry, Master Cock,” she says, looking at his shaft as she takes over stroking duties.
Her hands are soft and warm, still a little unsure in their movements, but she’s learning fast. She runs her tongue up and down the length before taking the entire thing in her mouth, part of him literally going down her tight, wet throat. She pulls back to breathe and to use her tongue to lap at his leaking tip. 
He doesn’t have to give her directions this time. She’s using her whole mouth, tongue and lips and throat, to pleasure him. She’s taking him in so deep that she’s occasionally gagging, as if she can’t get enough of his cock, as if she worships it. 
His eyes are glued to her. She looks so fucking pretty on her knees between his legs, choking on his cock. But he thinks she might be even prettier with that cute face covered in his cum. 
She can tell he’s close, from the way his dick is twitching in her mouth or from the quiet moans he’s trying to suppress, he’s not sure. But she pulls back and looks up at him with the sweetest expression as she says, “May I please have your cum, Master Suguru?”
He’d much rather be shooting it into her womb, but painting her face with it is the next best thing. She opens her mouth and extends her tongue, and he lets his cum shoot out across her nose, in her mouth, over one eye, splattering her cheeks and chin. 
It seems that she didn’t expect that. She probably thought he’d cum on her tongue again, but she’s handling it well. No panicking or trying to immediately wipe it off. Instead she looks up at him. “Is it okay if I clean my face, Master Suguru?”
He tilts his head to the side, letting the small front strand of hair fall over one eye. “Oh? After I went to the trouble of making you so pretty? I thought you’d at least keep it on until after lunch.”
There’s finally a spark of alarm in her eyes, but before she can say anything, he laughs. “I’m just joking. You can go wash your face in the bathroom.”
“Thank you, Master Suguru!” 
He watches her get to her feet and step lightly into the bathroom, then sighs to himself. He’d planned to be a little harder on her today, but he just can’t bring himself to be too cold or cruel to her. She has a glow to her that he can’t diminish. At least for now. 
But this situation can’t last forever. He’ll have to make some important decisions, and make them soon. For her sake as well as his. 
Tag List:
@suguguro @kaedear @onyxsphynx @poopoobuttsy @butterskyy @collectionofdolls @akaotv
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Great teen talk overall, but honestly I was particularly interested in what Matt had to say about where Lincoln is at right now (and that we might get a better glimpse into this next episode? Which has me both nervous and excited but I'm trying not to think about it *too* much cause I'm already super nervous about how things are gonna pan out for the twins next episode).
It all tracks- Lincoln's increasingly nihilistic view of the world impeding on his ability to feel much of anything but nevertheless caring about how *his friends* are feeling and what they want. Being too deep in a dissociative state to process his own grief (and everything else) but caring that *Normal* is sad and doing what he can to help him.
I think Lincoln is a funny and incredibly fascinating character because if you look at his words, honestly no one can deliver a blow like Lincoln- a trademark of his brutal honesty, and in most stark contrast to Normal's "toxic positivity", neither being inherently better or worse than the other just inverted, and reflective of different values (something something cheerkicks is doomed by the narrative they should kiss etc. etc. not what the post is about). Conversely, if you look at Lincoln's actions (and Lincoln is, at his heart, an action-oriented character), truly nobody is putting their ass on the line for the people around them quite like Linc is. I've stated on several occasions that I believe Lincoln is the most selfless of the teens, and I stand by this, but this is a virtue as much as it as a flaw. It's heroic, to put yourself in a line of fire to save your friend's dad, or impale your leg on a candy cane twice to get an anchor, or hug your friend to show them you care even if it literally winds up killing you- but it also reflects self-preservation instincts that somehow manage to be even weaker than those of the guy who tried to throw himself out of a building thinking that a parachute would save him (god I love Taylor).
Lincoln cares immensely about his friends (despite his growing numbness to the world around him), but dangerously little about himself and what becomes of his own life. As a less dire example, "Apollo Four Teens" acts as a great demonstration of how Lincoln will stretch himself thin for everyone around him until there's nothing left, but forgets in the process to stop and register his own emotions and tend to his own needs. Combine this with Lincoln's perpetual "keep calm and roll with the punches" attitude towards the nonstop bullshit the teens have gone through over the course of the season, including an extensive list of unresolved issues related to Grant (which by now I've outlined fairly thoroughly), and you have a serious recipe for disaster. Characters like Normal and Scary are, relatively speaking, pretty obvious and emotive with respect to their pain, even when they are trying not to be. This is good, since it makes it easier for other characters to recognize that they need help in the first place and try to look out for them (they may not always know how to do so correctly, but the intent is there). Lincoln, in contrast, shuts down and becomes less emotive in response to his own pain (in a manner that is somewhat similar to Darryl, more similar to Glenn, and of course most similar to Grant, but ultimately different from all of them), silently building his walls up higher and higher but being no safer for it. It is partially for this reason that other characters very rarely think to check in on Linc and see how he's doing (Taylor to his credit tried after the titanic episode, but that got interrupted, and Grant does also try but- much like his own dad with him- fails to meet his son halfway in being honest and vulnerable and hence fails to make any progress), leaving him to mostly suffer in silence perhaps without even truly realizing it himself.
I guess the gist of what I'm saying is, Lincoln is in deep water, all of this has been a long time coming, and if nobody does anything about it soon... (Metaphorically-speaking of course-) that boy is going to drown.
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punkpandapatrixk · 1 year
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🥧The Love You Spiritually Deserve ♦︎ Timeless Pick A Card
‘Why do nice people choose the wrong people to date?’
We accept the love we think we deserve.’
‘Can we make them know that they deserve more?’
‘We can try.’
– Charlie asking his teacher in The Perks of Being a Wallflower
SONG for all piles: Coming Home by NCT U
MOVIE for all piles: My Week with Marilyn (2011)
[PAC Masterlist] [Part 2] [Part 3]
[Patreon] [Paid Readings]
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There is a very special behind-the-scene for this PAC on Patreon. If you’re already subscribed, don’t forget to check the full post ^o^v
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Pile 1 – A Love that Helps You Remember How Precious of a Darling You Are
VIBE: Promise by Jimin
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to be in Love with the right person – 2 of Wands
The moment your sweet, sweet Heart recognises the person who’s right for you, baby, it’s all calm sunshine in your world🌤This person has a most peculiar ability to bring back nostalgic senses and memories of what you used to enjoy as a child. These are your Heart’s most honest desires that you might’ve suppressed or avoided to some extent, in exchange for being practical. You live in a world that’s given you reasons to abandon your own dreams in order to become practical and a responsible member of society. In many ways, I see you’ve tried to fit in and follow the expectations of a normal society.
But when you come in touch with the essence of this person who’s just right for you, everything changes. Suddenly, the scales blinding your eyes fall off and now you see the real colours of the world—your world. Literally this person brought your world back from the dead. Something about them rejuvenates your faith in the world you’re innately able to create for yourself. And just like that, you gradually move towards changing small aspects of your everyday Life to manifest a world of your dreams~🌷
You may return to old hobbies—perhaps resume your old piano lessons; you open up your dusty rice cooker recipe books (LOL) and start cooking again; you start singing again or you may finally join that ballet class you’ve always wanted to do when you were a child, irrespective of your age now. This person who’s just the right person for you is truly an angelic Human whose essence brings back peace of mind, Love (first and foremost for yourself), serenity, clarity, and most importantly, a hunger for Life and its endless possibilities🎋
the spiritual Home in your heart – 4 of Cups
I sense that your Soul is incredibly sensitive. You’ve probably come from other realms where the inhabitants are peaceful, and I feel strongly that you’ve often been gardeners and carers of animals in those other lives heheh You’re so spiritually in tune with the moods and sorrows of not only the people around you but also the world in general. You’re the type of person who sees a world that needs healing. You see a world needing more kindness, alas, your Kindness was taken advantage of and spat on. Then you decided to hide away and avoid people as much as possible.
Do you feel like you enjoy the company of animals, plants, and rocks more than Humans? Yeah, you can sense the spirit of non-Human creatures and you find non-Humans to be the gentlest, most understanding creatures. I think you should like to watch Studio Ghibli’s My Neighbour Totoro🐼I personally think you’re the type that would find comfort in a lot of Miyazaki Hayao’s movies because they depict the innocence of children and how they see the world with an eye for adventure. As flawed as they can be, characters in Miyazaki’s movies are understandably human and you desperately want to believe in a world that’s more forgiving like that.
Due to the nature of your emotions, you’ve often had these ebbs and flows of faith in your ability to manifest a world of kindness and gentleness that you’ve always envisioned for yourself. It’s like a painful tug o’ war between your faith in yourself and the world’s pressure for you to conform. But trust me, anybody who makes you question your values, dreams, visions, missions, and goals, are not your people. The right person(s) for you is someone whose heart is so kind and wide that in their embrace you are reminded of everything good that you deserve to see manifest in your own Universe.
up your Self-Love game! – 9 of Pentacles Rx
Ooh, I know you can’t stop admiring this person’s remarkably gorgeous smile~ But do you have any semblance of an idea why your Soul finds them so irresistibly attractive? Your person who lights up your dark horizon is a freaking multitalented King or Queen whose thirst for Life inspires a hidden courage buried deep within your psyche. When you look at them or hear their stories, you can’t help but notice that this is also a flawed human who’s beautifully aware of their own failings and shortcomings, but they work really hard at becoming a nobler version of themselves. A more astonishing expression of what’s truly good about them as a human being, in spite of everything.
Whereas you’ve tried to build an independent Life away from most Humans, this person helps you see that there is still good in trying to believe in Humanity. That there is still hope because after all the world is so big and there are many people in it. I have a feeling your person is able to hold such a positive outlook because they’ve been blessed enough with good company, maybe good family, too. So they naturally have this ability to balance the way they perceive bad people in the world.
I think their people are going to be your people as well. Their friends and family are going to admire you so much and be grateful that you’ve appeared in the Life of your person and even theirs. They are glad you’ve found each other, like they really think you’re good for each other as you’re able to hold Light for each other. You literally heal each other. Your person’s people, too, are going to see you for all the good that you are. A union with this person and their friends and family is going to remind you what a precious and talented darling you really are🧸
remembering your innate goodness – Red Magus (Edward Kelly)
loving yourself as an act of rebellion – Priestess of Prosperity
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Pile 2 – A Love that Honours Your Innocent Rose-Tinted Glasses
VIBE: OMG by NewJeans
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to be in Love with the right person – Knight of Cups
When your gentle Heart rests in the embrace of the person who’s right for you, you will know, this is a Soulmate. There’s no other explanation. You feel a strong sense of nostalgia, as if having known this person in another dimension. And when you recognise each other, it feels like, ‘Oh hey! I know you! Hmm…’ and your conversation flows so naturally as if catching up with an old, old soul friend~
Being with this person, you want to cuddle all the time. But not the oddly lustful or desperately clingy type. No, no, baby, this is pure, innocent, childlike Love. When your heart is attracted to the person whose Soul resembles your own, it’s pure bliss, comfort, safety. I think you’ll want to have a home with this person. You’ll want to build a home with them that reminds you both of the Home World your Souls came from. It’ll be a lot of fun! Because the person who’s just right for you also has the same fairy-like mind, sense and perception as you.
And holy cow you know what that means—this is someone who’s just as sensitive and considerate as you. They will really honour your rose-tinted glasses and not make you feel infantilised for the innocence you’ve worked hard to maintain. This is someone sweet, gentle, soft-spoken, incredibly polite accompanied by an out-of-place sense of humour, and a little awkward from time to time… depending on situation, I guess🦄
To be in love with the right person… you finally feel truly, genuinely seen for the first time. It feels cosy to not have to explain yourself exhaustively with words that often fail your true meaning🦦
the spiritual Home in your heart – Page of Wands Rx
Unlike most people, you’re not super ambitious or even industrious about most things. Others may perceive you as ‘lazy’ but the truth is you’re an Old Soul that remembers a time when human beings were able to live at a more comfortable pace. You can’t really bring yourself to fit in this new pace—the modern pace—because you think it’s silly that people rush to their graveyards without even stopping to smell the roses. And you want to smell those roses, all the time, you want to always be aware of all the roses and jasmines and lilies.
You can’t think of another way of living your Life. You’re quite stubborn about it because you believe in your own mindset. You’re actually a lot stronger than you may think. If there’s one thing you’re ambitious about, it is to maintain a world of your own aesthetic. I think you’re someone who’s deep down super aware of your birth right to live in a world of beauty. Sometimes you get confused about this whole endeavour because you feel like an alien in this strange world. But one way or another, you hold on to your own values and I think that’s super admirable.
Some of you who are younger may struggle a little bit with boundaries because you’re too kind. You’re really soft, gentle, compassionate and have an ability to welcome anybody who’s tired and weary. But often, people who are hurting and confused about their own place in the world could turn super spiteful towards those who are working on their own dream lives that do not agree with the convention. You really need to be careful with those whose envy has the potential to seep into your morphogenetic field and ruin your manifestations!
You can be super kind and still say no to those whose presence could jeopardise your peace of mind, OK? Also, I think you’ll really find respite in this beautiful playlist on YT, ‘Nakamura Yuriko Songs I Love’, when you feel a bit weary of people~
up your Self-Love game! – 6 of Cups Rx
So first of all, your generosity has a tendency of making you reminisce about the past. You sometimes miss the people who used to be there for you. This could be friends or family members. For some of you, this could even be a past significant other. You have a habit of romanticising pleasant memories you had with people whom you used to care about. This could lead you to a dangerous path of self-sabotage. You may want to sometimes text or call people who genuinely aren’t even deserving of your kindness, gentleness, or care.
To protect yourself, have the courage to completely and utterly burn the bridges to those you know are only acting as parasites in your Life. The way I see it, there really aren’t that many people who can fully understand and accept you the way your Soul Family does. So wait for them and make space for only them. And so, to make space for them, you need to vacant those who don’t belong! Blood is thicker than water? Bullshit. Soul is stronger than blood!
My advice to you is to get a pet instead so you have a company upon whom you can pour your nurture. I know you are somebody who likes to nurture and care for another being. So, this is the best course of action if you haven’t met anybody from your Soul Group🥰If not a pet, a plant works, too. Depends on what you like, really. All in all, know that you are deserving of good company that truly honours your kindness and wouldn’t take advantage of that softness.
remembering your innate goodness – Silver Astronomer (Galileo Galilei)
loving yourself as an act of rebellion – Priestess of Innocence
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Pile 3 – A Love that’s Grateful for the Fact You Were Born At All
VIBE: Kazamidori (Weather Vane) by Sakamoto Maaya
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to be in Love with the right person – XI Justice Rx
Okay, you’re totally an Old Soul with an important mission, babe. I’m pretty sure you already know this. If you aren’t that aware of it yet, I’m still sure you’ve always had this feeling like you were born for a greater purpose. Like, no matter what, you just know somebody sent you here to do something amazing… but what exactly? Dunno. You’re just haunted by this feeling of having your time on Earth… timed. ‘I’ve got to hurry!’ So you scurry.
I think you’ve felt incredibly lonely for the most part of your Life on Earth. You’re an alien—actually, you’re an astronaut. Deep inside your psyche, you’ve always had this debilitating realisation of having been torn apart from your real Family. You know that your family on Earth is not your real Family. You don’t even look like them, you feel. All your wants and even value system as a person, not a single thing matches theirs. You’ve always dreamt of travelling the world over to search for your people. Doesn’t matter where; they must be somewhere. Just not anywhere near here.
Of all the piles, yours talks the most about having gone through a massive spiritual purging. At some point in Life you have or will experience this. Like a phoenix dying to itself and be reborn out of its own ashes transforming into something greater than all it’s ever been in the past. When you finally accept your magic—that you’re magic—you realise that you’ve always needed to be your own first love. The day you have/had this epiphany and come to love yourself absolutely fully is/was the day you realise that everything in the world will always be alright so long as you believe in yourself🐾
the spiritual Home in your heart – King of Cups Rx
I think you’re someone who easily falls in love with attractive people, passionate people, kindhearted people, dazzling people, generous people, talented people, and all that stuff. But… that’s all really child’s play. Puppy love, if you wanna be cute. Summer crushes, if you’re casual as fuck. But the truth is, deep, deep, deep, fucking deep somewhere in the most secret corner of your Heart, there is an essence of someone whom you’re meant to reunite with in this incarnation. Damn, you made a promise, OK? That you wouldn’t ever be, EVER, serious with anybody who’s not this person💍
Dang, the day you were born into this world, you were already married🤪You had been proposed to in the spirit realm🎎It simply wouldn’t work if it’s not your person😗And for that, I hope you honour this Love that you’re carrying in your Heart and work on your spiritual development or something, until Destiny (that tricky bitch) unites you both in the physical realm. Babe! It’s worth the wait! This is the ONLY Human on Earth who knows how to embrace all of you with all of the Love you’re so spiritually deserving🥺
A small percentage of you choosing this pile, I feel quite strongly, could decide to become a monk, nun, or any other type of a celibate person who has no business being in a romantic relationship or a sexual union with another living being. This deep Love that you carry around in your Heart is all that fuels you until the day you depart from this world. You’re deeply aware of how short a Human’s existence is and you’re looking forward ever so to the day you breathe your last breath and return to your One & Only who’s always been watching over you from the Higher Realms🎐
up your Self-Love game! – 7 of Wands Rx
With all of the above said, whichever group you resonate with, all of you choosing this pile are, again, haunted by the same feeling of needing to save the world. In a manner of speaking, because you’re an astronaut, it’s true you came here for an important Soul Mission, and for that you could ruminate too much about ways you can develop yourself to ready yourself for the world stage when the time is right. But that’s actually counterintuitive and could make your whole Earth experience miserable.
I know you find it immensely difficult to be Human… even just operating with a Human flesh bag is painful enough. Some of you may even have a chronic illness that’s constantly giving you bodily aches or that you find controlling your movements quite challenging. Perhaps issues with developmental disabilities, reduced/low dexterity, immune system diseases, dyslexia, ADHD, autism (varying spectrum), gender dysphoria, and all sorts of compatibility issues that could make Life on Earth quite unbearable to some.
Compatibility issues here means that your Soul can’t quite adapt to your Earthly body because you’re too advanced or that your Soul originates from a much purer state of being that the tragic density of this dirty Human World causes immense pressure on your whole mental and physical being. And for that, you could struggle a lot with constantly wanting to leave soon. As a way to numb yourself, you could fall into a tendency of wanting to always, constantly, tirelessly, unceasingly working on something, on yourself, as if scurrying for ways to die sooner.
But… babe… you have a place in this world. Slow down a little, allow yourself to breathe, and let the Spirit of the Planet speak its thanks and admiration for all you’ve done for Her.
remembering your innate goodness – Gold Physician (Hippocrates)
loving yourself as an act of rebellion – Priestess of Clarity
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[PAC Masterlist] [Part 2] [Part 3]
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eds6ngel · 1 year
pumpkin muffins ๋࣭ ⭑๋࣭༄˚ ༘ ೀ⋆。˚
eddie munson x fem!reader
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summary: to celebrate the new season, you and eddie decide to tackle baking some pumpkin mufffins!
warnings: fem!reader. pet names (babe, baby, my love). established relationship. food mentions and eating. swearing. no use of y/n. just domestic sweetness and fluffiness. also, reassurance from eddie <3 [1.5k].
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“Okay, so we need one and three-quarter cups of all-purpose flour.”
Fall. The leaves were turning orange, days were growing shorter, and the weather was becoming colder. And what better way to celebrate the new season than appropriately making a pumpkin-based treat?
Bowls and utensils were spread out the small kitchen of the Forest Hills trailer. Making do with the space provided, Eddie grumbles, searching for the required product. He holds it by his face, giving you a confused look as you line the baking tray with twelve cupcake cases.
Knowing what he was asking purely by his expression, you nod, “That’s the one! Now, put one and three-quarter cups of it into that massive bowl there.”
Eddie stands there in confusion, looking around as if to search for the required “cup.” If he was being honest with himself, he had no clue what you were talking about.
He was usually the one to rest whilst you relaxed into the kitchen of his home, hair pinned up in a pink claw-grip, a matching-coloured apron, looking all pretty and dainty, something he admired as you hummed along to the radio you usually turned on whilst baking.
Spraying the cupcake cases with a non-stick lining, Eddie opens up a cupboard, pulling out the Garfield mug of Wayne’s.
“Hey, hey! What are you doing?” you ask softly, a gentle hand placed on his shoulder.
“You said one and three-quarter cups.”
You giggle, the boy truly inexperienced in the baking world. You turn behind you, grabbing the cup collection pinned together around a hook, “These are cups, baby. Measuring cups, not mugs.”
He purses his lips together, staring into the decorated cat’s black eyes, “Oh… I thought you meant a cup as in, y’know, a Cup of Joe.”
You hold in your laugh, a slight smile faltering on your lips as you press them to his cheek, “No, baby. These things. Just do one full cup, a half and then a quarter.”
The cups plop gently into his hands, Eddie reading the engrained lettering into the black coating. Meanwhile, you set the baking tray off to the side, beginning to combine the wet ingredients into a bowl.
One cup into the large bowl and Eddie is distracted. He just can’t keep his eyes off of you, looking all pretty, face scrunched up as you read the measurements on the side of the jug, milk splashing onto the worktop as you wipe it away effortlessly.
“How’s that flour coming on, handsome?”
Your voice snaps him out of his gaze, him stuttering, “Uh, yeah… Yeah, it’s great. Going great.”
He can feel your presence by his side, a tender kiss pressed to his bicep as your hands rubs up and down along his spine. It’s comforting.
“Okay,” you pass over a teaspoon, “One teaspoon of baking soda next!”
Without a second thought, he presses a quick kiss to your lips, hand naturally cupping your cheek, a hand-printed flour stain now left on it. In response, you dip your hand into the bag, placing your hand on his left cheek. “There. Now we match.”
God, you were just fucking adorable.
With your flour-printed cheeks, Eddie continues adding in the dry ingredients with a helping hand from yourself, passing him each ingredient as he needed it, the torn-out recipe now by his side.
Bringing over your medium bowl, you mix the wet and dry ingredients, folding them together softly with your wooden spoon, Eddie’s face nuzzled into your shoulder, hands resting on your waist.
Simple romantic gestures like that had become so natural between the two of you. Whether it’d be Eddie’s head leaning into your neck, hair tickling the side of your face, or your hand delicately stroking along the centre of his back, you just felt at peace. At home.
You place a delicate kiss to his forehead, hair pulled out of his face, something you had to convince him to do, teaching him the safeties of baking. “Time to pour the mixture into the cases.”
“Mmm,” he hums, sloppily placing several kisses alongside your neck before parting from you, grabbing the bowl in his large hands and tipping them in. However, the mixture decides to not be on his side for the day, falling outside of the cases. “Oh shit, shit!”
You giggle, helping your boyfriend out as he continues to struggle, grabbing your wooden spoon and rescuing the spilt mixture. However, as you point the wooden spoon towards his direction, some of the mixture flicks off the end, landing directly on the tip of his nose.
You cover your mouth at the occurrence, the laughs slipping from your lips, “Oh my God! I’m so sorry, baby.”
Yet, Eddie doesn’t seem to mind, a glint of mischievousness in his eyes as he grabs the wooden spoon from your hand, wiping the remaining mixture onto your own nose. “And now we match again.”
You shake your head, attending back to the muffin mixture. After many more spillages and kisses, the muffins are in the oven, baking away for twenty minutes.
In complete silence, minus the hum of the oven, Eddie is sat on top of the counter, you standing between his legs as your head is tucked into his chest, his lips leaving a trail of soft kisses along your scalp.
Leaning up slightly, Eddie’s rough thumbs part the back of your hair, the man humming as he notices a new, unique feature about you, “You know you have a freckle back here?”
Your face is scrunched up in confusion as you lift your head, “Really?”
“Mhmm,” he replies, “Makes you all the more prettier.”
You can’t help but blush at his words. No matter how long you’ve been together, his compliments still make your cheeks light up like a fire, the pink hue gracing them.
“I mean, I would take a photo to show you, but that means letting go of you, and I don’t plan on doing that until the timer goes off.”
“Mmm, me neither. It’s cosy here.”
He can feel your nails scratching up and down his back, the gesture feeling so incredibly good. “Yeah?” he questions with a lopsided smile, grabbing your face in his palms, your eyes connecting, “Nice and warm for you?”
You nod, closing your eyes and wrapping your arms fully around his back, falling back into his cosy chest. Eddie parts different sections of your hair, tenderly placing soft kisses alongside each line.
However, the sound of the timer beeping violently at the two of you raises your attentions. Eddie groaning at the intrusion, you move away from him, grabbing a mit and lifting the baking tray from the oven. The smell of pumpkin invades both of your senses, you placing the tray onto the worktop.
“Five minutes, baby. Then, we can taste our delicious creation.”
He chuckles, cupping your face once more, “I think you mean your delicious creation. I merely threw things into a bowl.”
You scrunch up your face into the cutest anger Eddie had ever seen. How did he get so lucky?
“And did I not do the same? How dare you not give yourself credit, my love.”
His lips attach softly to the creases in your forehead, “Darlin’, you found the recipe from some old ass cookbook, did the entirety of the wet ingredients yourself, and practically told me how to do the dry ingredients. It’s 100% on you, and you know this. What did I tell you about giving yourself more credit?”
You huff, arms flailing up in the air, “I know… I just like to see other people succeed! I like to make others feel as if they’ve been helpful and done a good job.”
You feel his thumb tenderly stroke across the apple of your right cheek, “I know, baby. But, you need to start including yourself in that too, okay? If you need a motivator to do so, just think that I would absolutely love it if you gave yourself credit where credit is due, okay?”
You nod slowly, Eddie’s toothy grin showing as your lips connect, his soft as they move against your own. As you part, your foreheads touch, “You’re talented, baby. You deserve to acknowledge that.”
“Okay,” you quietly reply, before leaning back and smirking, “Would my love like to try my amazing talent?”
Pointing over to the muffins, Eddie carefully picks one up, unwrapping it, waiting for you to do the same.
He lifts an eyebrow, asking, “Ready?”
You nod in response, both of you simultaneously biting into the soft treat, a collection of moans and hums echoing at the deliciousness of the dessert.
“Babe, that tastes fucking incredible. Oh my God.”
You look up at him, Eddie munching further into the pumpkin muffin, basking in its tastiness.
And maybe he was right. Maybe you did deserve more credit. Because if it makes him happy, that is all that matters.
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sorry for being so inactive! i'm currently doing film & tv at uni and it's super time-consuming and stressful! also, trying to explore london where i can <3 i'm always here to support other's fics though ♡
taglist: @cosmorant @jesssssmaybankk @tlclick73
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sadclowncentral · 7 months
Sorry if this is a weird question, and if that's the case you can absolutely not answer, but how do you cope with having multiple full-time jobs and still having energy outside of work? Feels a bit like I'm dying of exhaustion every day over here lol
I've been ruminating for a few days on this ask because truly I struggle with this more than I want to admit. My jobs rarely leave me with energy outside of work, and I have gone through times in the last two years where working and sleeping were the only possibilities, and it sucks, and it is kind of embarrassing, but I have also found some ways to mitigate it even slightly which I am more than happy to share:
1. Schedule fun times (yikes)
It was a harrowing realization that I need to schedule hang outs and self care just like every meeting - weeks in advance, colour coded in both the calendar and the to do list - but since I started doing it, my success rate has skyrocketed. You either die a type b or live long enough to become a type a i guess
2. Bring your fun to work day
I will suggest anything that's fun to me as a work activity. I like drawing so you KNOW the ministry is littered with illustrations. My PowerPoints create envy across departments. I scout the world of my office for ways to have fun and I am not embarrassed to say so. I'm funmaxxing the grind. So what
3. Everyone is depressed bitch
Acknowledge that everyone your age is looking at their fifty-year olds in their work life with white-hot envy (WHEN THE FUCK DO YOU HAVE TIME TO GARDEN) and that the loss of agency that comes with starting your career is normal and sad, but also means that...
4. Let's get some fruit
...you gotta stop thinking in old time frames of friendship expectations. people you haven't talked to for eight months will not be mad about your absence as they are stressed and hobbyless as well and will instead REJOICE at a scheduled hangout. I have friends I see once a year we love each other. no one is mad and everyone is stressed tf out LET'S HANG
5. Win the war not the fight
hey. listen to me. this isn't easy. it sucks coming home and feeling like having no agency left. and it's hard to break that cycle of exhaustion, and I fail all the time, when is the last time i saw the sun, oh god oh no my twenties. and if you feel like that is necessary in the time you are in, that is respectable. don't be mean to yourself for being stuck in a system that tries to squeeze all the energy out of you like a grape of some sort. you just gotta make sure you don't FORGET that you are a fully formed person with hobbies in another life. buy that plane model kit. bookmark that recipe. join that knitting group. i know you dont have time and energy. but your future self will thank you for paving the way.
I hope these are helpful. don't forget to have fun and be yourself. godspeed
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claimedcrossbows · 1 year
Served! Sanji x Fem!Reader pt. 3 (Finale?)
Anime Spoilers/Foreshadowing
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It took a while gathering all of the ingredients and of course teaching Sanji how to prepare the dish, but you were once again surprised with how fast he picked up on things, maybe even a little bit jealous, but of course you’d never tell him that.
“How did you learn these recipes?” He asked while mixing the soup until all of the ingredients were combined and ready to stew.
You sighed, “My grandmother owned this restaurant and happened to be one of those individuals that never quite trusted doctors you know? And after the passing of my mother all faith in doctors went out the window and she decided to make her own medicines, which through lots of trial and error actually turned out to do wonders. Next thing she knew sailors of all sorts were coming to the restaurant just for her healing recipes ,which of course made business boom.” You explained.
Sanji continued the soup but his focus was completely locked onto you as you talked.
“Eventually she started researching numerous other recipes that she heard whispers about from many people passing through and as I got older she eventually taught those recipes to me in hopes that I would not only become a great chef, but a great healer as well and of course always look out for my sister.” You explained.
Sanji gives you a warm smile, “Well you seem to be a great big sister, she couldn’t stop boasting about how amazing you were as she assisted me.” He revealed.
You smile at that, “I’m sure she thinks i’m a pain at times, but it’s all for her benefit, all we have is each other.” You say as a sad smile glosses over your lips.
You both fall into a silence as the aroma of the soup begins to fill the room in a way that immediately relaxes you, it reminds you so much of her.
“What about you, Why is a cook as good as you on a pirate ship?” You asked curiously.
He gently laughs, “It’s a long story, but to cut it short, I want to find the All Blue.” He says simply as he sets a timer for the soup and sits himself by you on the counter.
Your eyes widen at this, you had heard that name many times from your grandmother, you were convinced that if she hadn’t had to raise you and your sister, she probably would’ve set out to find it herself.
“You think it’s real?” You ask genuinely.
“It has to be.” He says.
“You sound like my grandmother, she always told me tales about a exotic sea filled with all sorts of sea life, weeds, plants..truly a cooks paradise.” You smiled remembering her enthusiasm.
“And i’m going to find it.” Sanji says sounding self assured, something you noticed he was quite often.
“Well, I wish you the best of luck..but I found it’s best not to get your hopes up on things, that will save you a lot of heartache.” You advised.
“Speaking from experience?” He questions gently not wanting to pry but ever so curious.
“My Grandmother tried her best to save my mother, in the end, nothing she did worked, and she couldn’t set out to sea to find the all blue, so not everyone dreams get fulfilled right?” You say.
“What’s your dream?” He asks his gaze lingering.
“Well right now it’s to get this soup done so your hungry captain can leave my restaurant.” You say bluntly.
Sanji laughs, “Fair, but really what is it?”
Your about to respond but your sister comes in hurriedly, “Y/N, another letters arrived, I think it’s from him again.” She says frowningly.
You sigh opening the letter giving it a quick scan before tearing it right down the middle.
“Everything okay?” Sanji questions.
You shrug, “It’s nothing, anyway this soup should be ready in a few hours i’m going to the study, make sure you give it a stir every once in a while.” You say lifting yourself off the counter and walking upstairs to your study leaving your sister and Sanji by themselves.
You sighed looking over numerous papers on your desk and you groaned clutching your head at the ever forming headache that was approaching.
A knock on your door once again snapped you out of your thoughts as you yelled for whoever it was to come in.
To your surprise you saw your little sister, “Y/n, thought I should tell you the soup is ready, Sanji wanted to know was there any particular way he should serve it to his friend?” She asks you.
“Add in a pinch of chili flakes, it’ll help that lady sweat out that fever.” You advise.
Your sister nods and goes to leave before stopping, “Was the letter from earlier him?” She asks hesistantly.
You look up at her and nod, “Yes, but not to worry it’s fine.” You say smoothily, even though your head ache was at full spin.
She observes your desk of papers and frowns, “Are those all bills..?” She hesistantly asks.
“And a sprinkle of shut off notices.” You mutter.
“Y/N, maybe I should reply back to him if it help-”
You slam a hand directly on the table, it’s sound reverbing and echoing though the walls, causing your sister to flinch back. “Absolutely not, I said I have this handled, besides with our new ranking in the papers by the critic i’m sure business will pick up again soon.” You explained.
“But this guy sounds very rich and I hear he’s sailing close by I mean would it hurt to at least hear what he says?” Your sister meakly asks.
You scoff, “Marigold, do you want to be a chef?” You ask her plainly and bluntly searching her taken aback face as you stand and approach her.
“You know I want nothing else-” ”Then act like it, and trust me when I say I have everything handled-”
“Yeah you keep saying that, but Y/N you can’t do everything by yourself-”
“I’m not,I have you don’t I?” You ask.
Your sister shoots you an unreadable blank stare her head facing down as she speaks lowly, “All i’m saying is maybe accepting this man’s proposal wouldn’t be such a bad thing..” She breathes.
You freeze at this, “Are you trying to become a bride?” You say baffled at your sisters sudden attitude, for as long as you could remember your sister did nothing but exclaim about being a chef like your Grandma, absolutely swearing off any type of boy that came her way, saying she had no time to be someone’s housewife, but now she was staring at you with the most crestfallen of faces, all passion deprived of those youthful and ambitious eyes that helped you get out of bed in the morning to face another day, because you wanted nothing more than to help her anyway you could.
“All i’m saying is maybe i’m not cut out to be a chef..I mean I did give you all food poisoning right?” She says her shifting to one of accusation and anger.
“How did you-”
“You weren’t gonna tell me were you?” She cuts you off.
“Marigold your young and you make mistakes-”
“Food posioning an entire staff and my own sister is not a mistake any chef worth knowing should make!” She bites back her voice shaky as tears slowly start to cascade down her face.
Your own anger immerges, “You are not running off to some strange rich man, and you are not quitting this restaurant.” Your tone trembly as you fiercely raised your voice.
She says nothing.
“Do I make myself clear?” You bite.
“I said, DO I MAKE MYSELF CLEAR?” You bite again.
She nods.
“Good, now go tell Sanji what I told you.” You say brushing past her to open the door to usher her out, but once again your stunned to see someone already at the door.
“Sanji.” You breathe.
“Uh..I heard yelling so I came up..” He says looking at the two of you.
Between your angered expression and your sisters tear stained face, you could only imagine the sight the two of you were.
“Well..” You breathe trying to regain your composure, “Did you hear the part about the chili flakes?”
He says nothing, but nods looking worriedly between the two of you.
“Well good, get to it then, best to serve that soup while it’s still piping hot.” You say walking past him before any of them could utter a reply.
A few days later the energetic and very strange Straw Hat Crew was ready to make its departure as your soup had managed to help their friend Nami enough so that they could reach the drum kingdom for further medical assistance.
“THANK YOU SO MUCH CROCK POT LADY FOR SAVING NAMI!” Luffy yells engulfing you in a giant hug that nearly cracked your bones.
“Would you get off her!?” Sanji yells kicking him off of you.
He gets flown off you and you let out a big exhale happy to be able breathe again.
Sanji laughs lightly, “I apologize again for him.” He says softly.
You shake your head, “Eh, he’s kind of rubbed off on me, plus he’s eaten all the leftovers so we haven’t wasted any food.” You shrug.
“Yeah we definitely don’t have to worry about wasting food with Luffy around.”He agrees.
You laugh but smiles warmly, “Well I wish your friend the best of luck I hope she feels better.”
He returns the smile but you could see a certain unease on his face, “Thank you, really for everything, If there’s anything I can do to repay you in the future, if you need any help-”
“Have you been talking to my sister?” You sigh, “We don’t need any help, but thanks for the offer.” You say shutting him down completely.
“I didn’t mean to eavesdrop, but it didn’t sound like everything was okay..” He says.
“Financial troubles go hand and hand with restaurants, i’m sure Zeff’s told you that, but thanks to you with this new great review of us in the paper, i’m sure business will pick up soon.”
He looks at you uncertainly but nods anyway, “Well madam, I wish you the best of luck as well someone as beautiful as you shouldn’t have to frown so much.” his tone sincere as he shoots you a playful wink.
“Alright Casanova.” You say rolling your eyes, “I think your captain’s waiting for you.” You say pointing to Luffy looking over at the both of you from the ship.
“SANJI we got to go!” Luffy yells.
“COMING!” Sanji yells back as he turns back to you.
“Well I guess this is farewell.” He says giving you another one of his shiny smiles that reminded you very much of early morning sunrises.
You nod but then remember, “Oh wait, I actually have a parting gift for you.” You say reaching into your rucksacks pocket.
“But you already saved Nami?” He asked confused.
“Yeah, but your going after the all blue right?” You ask.
He nods.
“Well take these with you.” You say handing him a bunch of books, he observes them and quickly realizes what they were, his heart rate picking up as he looks back up at you with a look that almost makes your heart skip a beat as well.
“Are these..?” He says in disbelief.
“My grandmothers healing recipes.” You answered.
He looks beyond bemused as he quickly shakes his head, “ Darling, I cannot possibly accept this, don’t you need them?” He asks.
You shake your head, “I have those in particular memorized by heart, so I figured you can use them on your journey to find the all blue with your friends, but I am going to want those back someday, preferably after you find the all blue and give me some of those rare ingredients.” You cheekily smile.
He’s speechless, “Well how will I find you?”
“Ah, that’s an easy one, here.” You say handing him a blank piece of paper.
“What is it?” He questions looking at it.
“A vivre card, my vivre card in particular so where ever you are in the world, if you wish to seek me out, it’ll point you to where I am.” You explain.
He gently tucks the card in with the recipe books and gently but firmly grasps both of your hands bringing them up to his lips in a gentle kiss that causes you to faintly blush.
“You sure you don’t specialize in desserts with how incredibly sweet you are?” He asks.
You scoff, “Get out of here love cook.”
He smiles mischievously but lets your hands go, “I’ll find it, and bring you back many ingredients, then we’ll cook a great feast together.” He affirms.
You nod feeling a bit mischievous yourself, knowing what you were about to say would get a rise out of the blonde, “Cool, it’s a date.” You say.
He stiffens so much that you swear he turned into a mannequin.
“SANJJIII COME ON!” Luffy yells his arms suddenly stretching from the ship all the way to Sanji, wrapping his arms around him and pulling him onto the already sailing ship.
You laugh as you hear Usopp exclaim, “He’s frozen!!”
“How about I Slice the shock out of him!” Zoro deviously says.
“NO!” Both Luffy and Usopp yell.
You shake your head laughing as watch their ship sail further and further not knowing when or if you’d ever see Sanji again, but you held your optimism as you waved them off.
Your suddenly thrown out of your thoughts by a sudden presence behind you, one you hated and have only recently come to fear.
“Did you get the letter?” A deep voice asks behind you.
You frown.
“Yes, and I tossed it in the trash where it belongs, you can’t have my sister.” You say determinedly.
A hearty laugh errupts behind you, “That’s fine, but you need my help don’t you?” He reminds. “I mean how else will you ever be able to keep this restaurant?” He asks.
Your frown only deepens.
“What do you suggest then?” You ask shakily a feeling of dread encapsulating you in a way you hadn’t experienced since your mother died.
“You take her place of course, become my bride.” The mans mischievious dark tone sends chills up your spine.
You shake your head, “Look, I already gave the chef my vivre card like you asked in the letter, why on earth do I have to marry you?!” You spit back.
“Because my dear, I have a good feeling that that Luffy kid is going to lead me directly to the One Piece, and when that time comes, I’m going to need all my bargaining chips, wait don't tell me you actually fell for that pervy cook? He questions sadistically.
“No.. I just don't wanna be a pawn in whatever game your playing.” You hiss.
“No my dear, you of all people should know, your worth so much more than that, you know with all that marijoise blood running through your veins.” He laughs.
You grit your teeth,”Do NOT mention those demons.” You say darkly.
“Okay okay, relax darling, just follow me and I promise you, your sister and restaurant will be in great hands.” He says triumphantly as his rough hand brushes your cheek.
“And why should I trust you?” You say shakily.
You watch as smile widens into one that very much resmebled a cheshire cat.
“Why?” He laughs darkly as a choir of laughs suddenly echo around you as the man’s pirate crew suddenly stands behind him tenfold.
Your heart races not have even sense them approaching.
Your eyes shift back onto him.
He pauses in laughing his face suddenly going completely stoic.
“Because I’m Blackbeard.”
Oooh bet you didn't see that coming!! Hey guys so this is the final part of the Served mini story!! I hope you all enjoyed it!! So depending on how well this part does I might turn this into a series!! But I thought this would be a good place to leave it on for now.. ;)
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can i pamper yves? yes or no. honest question. i get spontaneous bursts of energy to care for someone, but i mostly just would like to show how i care even if it’s probably not as sufficient as him in this relationship. i would probably feel bad to just take all of the love and not give any back. i would draw him and make playlists and probably shittily made food for him that i think he would like. maybe i write in a journal about silly little observations about him that i find endearing and gift it to him later on. i know he doesn’t like surprises, but i would do small ones just for him. i want to show that i care!!! (and not overstep any boundaries.)
also, how does he feel about us mast of bating ? occasionally. rarely i get the urge. i think there can be health benefits to it. 🤷‍♀️
- 🌷
You're more likely to get Yves to initiate sexual intercourse with you if you pamper him without expecting anything in return.
He treats masturbation as something normal and mundane. To him, it's no different than how you would watch TV at a certain time. He would record it and take notes, observe everything from every angle but he derives no sexual arousal from this. Only contentment that he gets to see another part of you. He just likes watching you under a microscope and recording your every move, every behavior and every thought.
He would appreciate everything you described, especially when it doesn't take away his role as the main caregiver in the relationship. And you are truly spoiling him by giving him such precious data about yourself to fill his information vault.
In exchange for every unique drawing you give him, Yves would shower you with more affection. Spoiling you rotten for doing that to him first; with these he can identify your average stroke strength and depth. He also loves how you depict him too, Yves will never turn down materials that show how you perceive the world no matter how trivial or repetitive.
He would spend hours listening and analyzing the playlist you made him, discerning patterns and beats, why did you choose these songs for him? Why is it every third song is in the hip hop category? Do you actually like these songs or does it simply remind you of him? Are you relating to any of the lyrics?
Yves would definitely appreciate the food although he doesn't eat much. However, it's the process you took to make it that interests him way more. Whose recipe are you using? How do you crack the eggs? In what way do you stir? Could you multitask? When faced between tending to a boiling kettle and a bubbling pot, which would you turn off first? Why do you think he might like this dish of yours?
The one he would love the most and become giggly, overcome by cuteness aggression is your journal that you would have given him. It shows him your world. Much, much more of your world. He wants to know what interests you, how you experience different things and what catches your attention.
On the day he receives this journal, he would feign ignorance. But he is actually trying extremely hard not to shake out of excitement. Upon explaining what it is, Yves will pick you up and twirl you around joyfully. Praising you for giving him such a wonderful, beautiful gift. Loving you up and down as a reward. Gently nibbling your cheeks to try and satisfy some of that urge to squeeze the adorableness out of you.
He will be on cloud 9 for the next few weeks. You would notice that he's clingier and a lot more affectionate towards you than usual. Sometimes even to a nauseating degree, but he just couldn't help himself. He adores you, he reveres you. This is such an amazing feeling, he also wanted you to experience this too. And he does it by manipulating the environment and drugging you to feel this euphoria.
So, as long as he is in this state, you will be too. The glee and happiness you will feel are indescribable, it transcends language and actions. It's something unearthly. You feel free and giddy all the time, excited for everything that is going to happen.
Yves is actually very easy to please and pamper. He especially loves things that serve as major enrichment in his mind enclosure. Yves's scientific, analytic, mathematical brain needs something to chew on, and it will eat up anything about you. The most delicious feast for his thinker is information that you've willingly given up to him. That is why he worships the journal very much.
Nothing is a surprise for him, really. He already knows and predicted what you're going to do. It's the intent and effort you put into this that gets him hot and bothered under the collar, that gets his heart swelling out of pure adoration for you. The fact that you cared, walked the talk and paid attention aroused him greatly and is one of the very few things that would get him tight in the pants.
He is delighted to feel valued. And you may see these as small gestures, but to Yves, they're grandiose displays and declarations of love, not even the most romantic and strongest gods can compete. It makes Yves swoon over how much romance and sweetness you could possibly express to him.
So in short, yes. You can pamper Yves. Not by copying what he does to you, but by willingly giving up data about yourself. Data that was never seen or obtainable before. Precious, precious data.
Because he is the caregiver, and not you. The 'pampering' he will appreciate the most are those that could help him take care of you better.
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borathae · 2 years
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↳ Index [Day 29 - Waxplay]
Pairing: OGC!couple
Kinks: Dom!Jungkook with so much *spice*, sub!Reader, waxplay, doggy style, tattoos & piercings, blindfold, sensory play, leather handcuffs, praise, body worship, nipple massage, dirty talk, vaginal fingering, edging, strength kink, tears, squirting, facial, cum swallowing, the aftercare!!, jungkook needs to calm down like seriously good sir stop being so hot wtf, he is both gentle and rough and i *screeches*
Wordcount: 8k
a/n: he makes me *throws chair against wall* you know? ogc koo once again deserves the world and a good fuck, no joke 🧡
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If there was one thing about your relationship with Jungkook that was awesome, it was the fact that you never stopped discovering new things together. May it be new recipes to try out or new ideas for your weekly dates, new places to go to or new kinks to try in the bedroom. You never ran out of new experiences. Truly, life with your husband never becomes boring. Just last week, you tried surfing for the first time and loved it a lot. You were just a little clumsy at first while Jungkook learned how to do it within ten minutes. He is talented like that. Another time you tried out the most delicious baked brie bites for dinner. You ended up dancing in the kitchen to random upbeat songs while the food was in the oven. That was still back when you were living up north in your little cabin.
You sometimes missed that life. The cabin was so cozy and you had the loveliest four seasons. The winters you had during that time will always stay in your memories and especially the Christmas party you had with all your friends. You miss the cabin when you think back to those times.
You wouldn’t change that life with your current life however. You dreamt of owning a house by the coast ever since you were a kid. You always imagined yourself all alone in that house, until Jungkook came along and you built your dream life with him brick by brick. The walls may have had a phase of shakiness for a few months in the beginning of construction, but this has been so long ago that those cracks have long been repaired and taken care of. You don’t really think about those times these days. They don’t even seem real to you anymore.
How could they? When life with Jungkook was all you ever dreamt of and more.
Jungkook is holding you close, rocking his hips against your thigh while his lips were on your neck. He kisses it slowly, having his eyes closed. You have your eyes closed as well, moaning softly as a slow R&B song on the bluetooth speaker controls the tempo. You have the windows open so you can still hear the occasional call of a seagull flying by. His kisses feel so good, wrapping your body into the warmest blanket of shivers and tingles. His hand is traveling up and down your torso, making your skin prickle wherever he touches you.
The sunset is the most golden of oranges tonight, soaking the world in its colours. The air smells like fresh ocean and the sweet smell of your husband. You know you can only smell the second scent because he was so close to you.
You two had a glass of red wine after the fanciest dinner ever. It was homemade pizza but you made them look like hearts, which made it fancy. Bam wanted to snatch a piece until you very firmly told him to behave. He then behaved like the well-trained puppy the two of you raise him as, lounging by your feet as you ate and chatted about your days. Bam is already in his crate by now, sleeping soundly because he had a long day of running around the garden, sniffing Jungkook’s feet (he has that peculiar habit lately) and playing fetch with you on the beach. It was Jungkook’s turn to do Bam’s evening routine and while he was busy with taking care of your furry son, you prepared a little surprise in the bedroom.
It was you. You were the surprise. Dressed in Jungkook favourite negligee and wearing fine jewelry solely so he could take them off of you. Then you pressed play on your favourite playlist and waited for him to return. Jungkook called the playlist “smexy time” and till this day the name makes you chuckle.
“No way, darling”, Jungkook gasped once he returned and then hurried to where you were standing on the balcony just to take you into his arms for a deep kiss, “you look so fucking beautiful. I can’t believe you’re real.”
“Do you like it?” you asked him.
“I love it”, he answered you and then he picked you up just to twirl you until you were squeaking in laughter.
He set you down afterwards, “dance with me, my love”, he whispered.
“How long?” you asked him.
“Until the sun set behind the horizon”, he answered you and together you fell into a slow, oh so touchy dance.
Lips followed the rhythm of your hearts, tongues danced with each other, hands ran over the other’s body in exploration and the deepest gazes were exchanged. Laughter filled the night and whispers of innocent adoration met the other’s ears answered by an equally as lovely whisper.
And while you didn’t expect Jungkook to react to your outfit with such romance in his heart, you didn’t complain. If there is one thing your husband is good at, besides being the best person ever, it has to be being romantic. You always joke that he is the most hopeless romantic ever to which he always answers you with “how can I be hopeless when I found you?”
Jungkook lifts his lips from your neck, kissing the shell of your ear instead.
“The sun’s almost set”, he whispers, sending shivers down your spine because it felt so good to have him whisper against your ear.
“I know”, you breathe.
“I want to treat you like a queen tonight”, he says and sighs as he takes your earlobe between his lips to nibble on it softly.
“Aren’t you always treating me like one?”
Jungkook chuckles, trailing his kisses to your cheek.
“Fine, then I wanna treat you like a goddess”, he says, making you giggle.
“You’re such a sweet talker.” Your gazes meet. You reach up, running your fingers through his long, fluffy hair. He has the prettiest eyes in that light. “I love that so much.”
Jungkook smiles, eyes lighting up in fondness.
“Are you still into the idea?” he asks you.
“Yes. You?”
“Yeah, my cock’s really hard though.”
“I didn’t even notice”, you tease him with sarcasm in your voice, tensing your thigh where his hard dick is currently resting.
Jungkook chuckles, “you know I can’t help it. You’re the sexiest woman ever. Especially in that negligee”, he says, running his hand along the curves of your waist.
You chase his touch with a fluttering heart, fingers falling from his hair to instead hook them in the straps of your dress. Jungkook watches you carefully, hand lingering on your hip to massage it slowly. His breathing is quickened, his pupils dilated.
“You’re so hot”, he whispers, eyes following your fingers as they tug down the straps. More and more of your chest gets exposed until finally your breasts reveal themselves to his eyes, “shit baby”, Jungkook gasps, gulping hungrily, “are your tits getting prettier day by day? What the hell? How are you so beautiful?”
"You think so?" 
"Of course I do. You’re so goddamn gorgeous." 
Spurred on by his praise, you arch your back to get the negligee more down your body. Jungkook takes over for you when you have reached your hips. He pulls the dress down your legs, placing it on the bed afterwards. Then he reaches for the leather handcuffs you laid out as part of your surprise. He tangles them from his fingers, eyes gleaming playfully.
“Still wanna be my prisoner?” he asks you.
You present your wrists to him, “why don’t you find out?”
Jungkook gets back on bed, leaving two loving kisses on each of your inner thighs and three up your tummy. He leaves out your breasts on purpose, riling you up by whispering a sweet praise which made his breath swirl over your sensitive nipple.
“You tease”, you whine.
“Mhm, yeah”, he agrees, taking your hands to pin them above your head. His knees are on each side of your hips, his long hair is hanging into his eyes. He is smiling, caressing your wrists. His strong fingers are around them, holding them in place, “I’ve got you now”, he rasps.
“You do”, you whisper.
“Now, can you be my good girl and keep your hands just like this?”
You nod your head.
“That’s my girl”, he say, eyes softening in fondness.
You gaze at his body as he works. Black boxers and no shirt. He had a shirt on once, but took it off after you ended up stumbling back into the bedroom, making out and groping each other needily. The shirt left his body the moment he laid you down in the soft sheets of your bed. It is now lying forgotten on the floor.
The light of the setting sun has changed from golden orange to pinkish red. It really brings out his tattoos. Jungkook extended his sleeves last month, so now he has tattoos spanning over his shoulders as well. They reach just about enough of his chest to make them look so incredibly sexy. He is seriously the most handsome man in existence.
“How do you feel?” Jungkook asks, having finished securing the handcuffs around your wrists.
“Good. It’s comfortable.”
“That’s good to hear. You know what to say when it starts to hurt.”
Jungkook smiles, running his fingertips down your arms.
“Good girl”, he praises, leaning down to kiss your forehead.
“Koo”, you whisper, feeling dizzy. He is so gentle. It’s driving you insane.
“Relax now sweetie, I’m getting the candle.”
“And the blindfold”, you remind him.
“Of course, how could I forget?” he says in a chuckle, giving your cheek a soft pinch before climbing off of you to strut to the bedside table where a candle is burning. It was a candle especially made for waxplay and you asked Jungkook if he wanted to try out this kink tonight.
“Okay damn”, Jungkook laughed back then, having to sit down at the edge of the bed, “that is. Phew.”
“Is that okay?” you asked him, sitting down next to him. You placed your hand on his back, rubbing it soothingly, “this was obviously just an idea. If you’re not in the mood for it, we don’t have to do it.”
“No, no I am. I am. I’m just”, he exhaled sharply, “this is like so hot. I’m a weak man, you can’t tell me that so casually.”
You snickered and leaned in to kiss his shoulder. “So was that a yes? Wanna explore it together, baby?”
Jungkook looked at your lips, “yeah, I do. Wanna explore it with you”, he whispered and leaned in to finally kiss you. And the rest is known already.
Jungkook returns to you, placing the blindfold on your tummy for now. He is sitting on the bed next to you cross-legged, looking into the now blown out candle.
“What’s wrong?” you ask him, using your abs to sit yourself up. Your tied wrists you keep resting on your lap for now.
“Did you ever, like, get wax poured on your body?” he asks, studying your features.
You shake your head.
“And you trust me to do that to you?”
“Kookie, I trusted you to choke me again after what happened, didn’t I?”
He nods his head.
“So what more do you need to know that I trust you blindly?” you say, picking up the blindfold with just a little bit of struggle, “quite literally tonight.”
“I know you’re trying to be funny right now, but I kinda wanna cry”, he confesses and pouts, sagging his shoulders, “I’m so thankful for you.”
“Aww Kookie, you’re so cute. Don’t cry”, you say.
“I can’t help it. I’m such a sap”, he says and rubs at his eyes, “okay, okay I’m good. I’m good again”, he mumbles and straightens his back. He is so cute.
He scoots closer, draping an arm around you behind your back. Like this your arm is touching his chest. He leans in, stubbing you with his nose until you tilt your head. His kiss is so close to reach, just one little movement and you could have it.
“I wanted to say something sexy right now, but all I’m thinking about is the fact that I haven’t done this either and I’m nervous”, he whispers, cracking you up.
“It’s okay, we’ll take it slow.”
“Mhm yeah, that sounds like a plan”, he smiles, pecking your lips before sitting back to look into the candle.
“Okay let’s try it”, he says, tilting it over his own wrist.
“What are you doing?” you ask him.
“Trying it on me first in case it’s too hot. I don’t wanna hurt you."
"Oh? So it’s better if you hurt yourself?"
"I can take it, I’m a big boy." 
You snort, "fine, but do it carefully.”
“I am”, he says and finally tilts the candle. “Oh”, Jungkook lets out, wiggling his fingers as a reaction to the wax hitting his skin.
“It stings a little, but I really like it.”
“Can I?” you ask him.
“Yeah. Where?”
“I don’t know, uhm. Arm?”
Jungkook takes your tied hands and pulls them to him so he has a nice surface of your arm to pour the wax on, “I'll do it now.”
Jungkook tilts the candle. The wax hits your skin. Hot and sharp. That's how it feels.
“Ah, oh. Okay”, you let out a breathy laugh, “I didn’t expect it to feel like that.”
“Is it too much?” Jungkook asks worriedly, “see? That’s why I wanted to be first, because I knew this would happen. Now you’re hurt and-“ 
“Kook”, you stop his whining by kissing his lips. 
Jungkook exhales shakily, eyes fluttering closed and fingers closing around your hands. 
“I'm okay”, you whisper, “you don’t have to worry, I’m a big girl too.”
Jungkook lets out a breathy chuckle, “fuck, sorry. I'm always such a nervous mess with stuff that could potentially hurt you. You know me, I’d have to murder myself if I ever hurt you. Like not in a suicidal way but a revenge kinda way.”
“I know”, you giggle, pecking his lips, “you're so dramatic, please don’t murder yourself.” 
Jungkook peels his eyes open, gazing at you. You do the same.
“Do you wanna do more?” you ask him. 
“Only if you want to.”
“I do.”
Jungkook smiles shyly, “then I wanna do more.” 
He giggles, “oh god. I haven't said that in ages, have I?”
“Hehe yeah”, you giggle, scrunching your nose up.
Jungkook does the same before leaning in and claiming your lips in a sweet kiss. One you retort happily, scooting closer to him just to get more. 
"I'm so excited", you mumble between kisses.
"Me too", he answers you, breaking the kiss to look, “I just realised that I tied up your hands wrong. You wanted to be on your tummy, didn’t you?”
“Yeah, why?”
“You can’t do that like that”, he says, “wait, I’ll fix it”, he adds and sets the candle aside. He lights it again to make sure more wax can be collected, then hurries back to you. He climbs on bed behind you, wrapping his arms around you to reach your wrists.
“Fuck, that’s nice”, you whisper, resting your head back against him. His chest feels so strong like that, his arms are cradling you so nicely.
Jungkook hums softly, kissing your shoulder.
“That’s it baby, lean into me. I’ve got you”, he whispers, opening the metal clip of the chain keeping your wrists together. He takes your hands and then guides them behind your back, “I’ve got you all to me”, he adds before chuckling playfully.
“Yeah”, you sigh, squirming on the sheets. It’s so nice to be his prisoner. He’s the most amazing captor. You hope he’ll never release you again.
The clip closes, Jungkook snatches the blindfold from your lap. Then he runs his hands up your arms until he reaches your shoulders. He massages them for a little, lips dancing over your neck slowly.
“I’ll put the blindfold on now, yeah?” he whispers.
“Yes, please do it”, you sigh, gasping when Jungkook places the soft fabric over your eyes. He guides it to the back of your head, closing it carefully.
“Too tight?”
“A little, yeah.”
Jungkook fixes it, “better?”
“Yes, that’s good. I really like it.”
“Me too”, he says, kissing the back of your head, “you look so pretty like that.”
“God Koo, I’m so wet”, you confess, rubbing your thighs together, “you feel so good.”
“You too sweetie, you make me so hard”, he whispers, pressing a loving kiss to your shoulder, “do you wanna lie on your tummy now, mhm?”
“Yeah I do.”
“That’s my girl. Come, I’ll help you.”
With Jungkook’s gentle hands you lie down on your stomach successfully. He even makes sure that your hair doesn’t tickle you and that your neck is relaxed.
“How are you feeling?” he asks.
“Good. I’m comfy. Thank you, Koo.”
“That’s good to hear”, he says, letting his eyes travel down your body, “okay but look at you. You’re a literal goddess”, he gasps, running his hands down your back.
“Fuck”, you whisper under your breath, parting your legs needily. He’s got you so riled up without actually having done much. Jungkook’s just that good. He knows exactly what to do or say to get you all hot and bothered.
“I’ll get the candle and then we can start, yeah?”
“Just hurry up, god, you tease.”
Jungkook chuckles.
“I see someone’s getting impatient”, he says, giving your butt a soft spank, “naughty girl.”
“Urgh just do it, you doofus”, you groan, rolling your eyes mentally.
Jungkook snickers. He loves teasing you so much. You are always so cute when you pretend to be annoyed by it.
He crawls off the bed afterwards to get the candle.
You listen to him, shivering in excitement. You can hear his steps, when he blows out the candle and then feel the mattress dent beside you. His hand touches your upper back, making you gasp softly. It feels so warm now that all you can concentrate on is your sense of touch. You squirm, thighs pressing together in search for friction.
He chuckles, letting you know that he is watching you squeeze your legs together and therefore figured you out.
“I bet your pussy’s so wet, isn’t she, sweetie?” he rasps.
“Please Koo”, you plead, “don’t tease me.”
“I’m not”, he says in a snicker.
“Okay, okay. Fine”, he laughs, “I’m already starting.”
He lifts the candle over your back, keeping it on your shoulder area.
“I’ll tilt it now, yeah?” Jungkook makes sure.
“Yeah, tilt it”, you say, waiting for the burn with held breath. 
Jungkook is holding his breath as well, tilting the candle as slowly as possible. The wax drips down in three dots, making you gasp and for Jungkook to remove it quickly.
“Too hot?” he asks, watching you writhe on the mattress.
You groan, trying oh so hard to wiggle your shoulder.
“Baby, please say something. Did I hurt you?” Jungkook insists, voice shaking in emotion.
“No, it really surprised me”, you say, “do it again please.”
"Okay, but not much", he says, moving the candle over your back again to tilt it. 
The first drip makes you groan and wiggle, the second drip makes you gasp and by the time Jungkook let the third droplet fall on your shoulder blade you are moaning. 
The burn is sharp and only really lasts a second before dying down as a numb, bearable pinch. It feels so intense now that you can’t see what he is doing.
“How is that?” he asks you, letting a fourth droplet land on your skin.
“It's, ah, it’s good”, you rasp, “more.”
Jungkook tilts the candle, finally allowing for more wax to pour on you. He moved the candle further into the middle of your back for it, making you arch in surprise.
“Holy fuck”, you gasp, clenching your hands into fists at the intense yet addicting sting. You can feel it spread all over your skin. It cools down slowly, keeping the burn going for oh so long.
“Was that too much?” he sounds so nervous again.
“No, it wasn’t. Please just…” you sigh, “...continue. I'll tell you if it gets too much.”
"I'm sorry, I know the constant questions are a mood killer. I'm really nervous”, he says, "sorry", he adds in a whisper.
"Kook", you say, flip your head so you face him, "don’t apologize for that. I'm sorry if I made it sound as if I was annoyed by it. I just want you to have fun and not worry so much about whether you're doing good or not, you know?" 
"Yeah I know. I do. I'm having lots of fun. The wax looks really sexy on your skin", he says, touching the drying wax right between your shoulder blades. 
You sigh, chasing him happily.
"Feels good, Koo", you tell him in hopes that this would help him relax. 
"It feels really good", he agrees, "it's still so warm. Does it really not hurt?" 
“It didn’t hurt you, did it?”
“No but I'm a pain slut, I like it", he says, cracking you up.
"I like it too, doofus", you giggle, nuzzling into the sheets comfortably, "so please more. Wanna be covered in it." 
"Okay, okay. I’ll do it for a little while and you tell me if it gets too much, yeah?" 
"Sounds like a plan."
Jungkook leans down to kiss your marked back, straightening up afterwards.
“I love you, sweetie.”
“I love you too, Koo.”
He guides the candle to your other shoulder blade, stopping when he is right above where your upper arm begins. He tilts it, making you gasp shakily as a good amount of wax drips onto you.  
You can feel the warmth run down your arm. It is sharp at first before turning into an intense prickling. You really hope for more. 
"This is so hot”, Jungkook murmurs, voice raspy as he keeps it low. Tonight is a secret between you and him. He doesn’t want to ruin it by talking too loudly. 
Jungkook guides the candle along your arm, leaving a trail of wax on it. The handcuffs jingle as you squirm, your throat produces the neediest moan. Quite frankly, it’s helping him get into the mood more and more. You are so reactive. It’s so hot.
"You're doing so well", he begins to feel confident, you know that he does because praise begins to come natural to him, "you look so pretty with the wax down your arm." 
"Koo, don’t stop", you beg, waiting for the next pour with a racing heart. You don’t know where he will place it next and it is this uncertainty which ruins you in the best way possible.
The burn comes on your right arm, starting on your shoulder before stretching all the way down to your wrist.
“It's so hot”, you croak, “feels so good. Please Koo, don’t stop.”
“I have to wait for more wax to melt”, he says, placing the candle on the nightstand and lighting it anew for now, “but that’s okay, yeah? We're still gonna have fun, right?”
He places his hands on your upper back, running his thumbs along your muscles in a slow massage. He leans down, lips brushing your ear.
"We don’t need wax to have fun, do we? I just gotta touch the right spots and you're more melted than the wax."
"You're getting cocky", you sigh, shivering like crazy because of his whispers.
"Yeah and you're into that." 
"Tzt", you click your tongue, "whatever."
Jungkook chuckles, kissing down the side of your neck until he has your shoulder under his lips. He kisses the little drops of wax he left, making you sigh and tingle. 
And while he kisses you, his thumbs trace the outline of the big patch of wax he left in the middle of your back. The skin around it feels hotter than the rest of your body.
“You’re the prettiest woman, baby”, he praises, having the biggest heart eyes as he looks at your marked body. The wax is white once it dries. Jungkook thinks that it looks so good on your skin. Also maybe that it looks as if he nutted all over your back, but he keeps that thought to himself for now. It’s a really hot thought though, riling him up to the point where he has to fight the urge to take your helpless body and fuck you until you’re unable to speak. Consensually obviously.
You squirm and mewl for him. His fingers are dancing down your torso. It tickles so much. You hope he doesn’t ever stop.
Jungkook places his hand on your inner thigh, watching in delight how you part your legs in reaction. He can’t see your pussy from where he is sitting, but he knows that she must be dripping. You are panting like crazy.
“More”, you whisper, squirming desperately.
Jungkook hums and finally knows it’s safe to move. He slips his hand between your legs, running two of his tattooed fingers through your swollen folds.
“Fuck, oh god, Koo”, you keen, body trembling. You didn’t think he would actually go through with it. You are burning up. The touch feels so good.
“You’re fucking soaked”, he rasps, “fucking hell baby, you’re seriously so wet”, he says, sliding his fingers into your pussy.
“Ah Koo”, you moan, fingers closing in a desperate fist as he stuffs you with his fingers. It doesn’t hurt at all. On the contrary, it feels like heaven.
“Slid right in. Fuck baby, your pussy’s so greedy”, he teases, fucking his fingers in and out of you slowly. It makes the wettest of sounds, riling you up so much. He is right. You sound so wet. Fuck, you didn’t think it would be that much already.
“Koo please”, you mewl.
Jungkook leans down, kissing the edge of the dried wax patch in the middle of your back. And while he worships your marks, his fingers keep moving in you, making the sweetest love to you.
Honestly, he’s got you so needy that it only really takes him a few minutes before you are moving your body in that distinct way you always do before a good orgasm. Jungkook is kissing up and down your spine when you begin squirming, lifting his lips to sneak a glance up at your face.
You’ve got your lips parted, letting out the softest and neediest moans ever. You look as if you are in heaven (you are). You are so ready to cum. His fingers are fucking you so good.
Jungkook feels you clench around him and he knows it’s now or never. He pulls out.
“No”, you gasp loudly, hips shooting off the mattress in an attempt to get him back inside.
Jungkook laughs, pinning them back down.
“Why???” you whine, squirming under his strong grasp.
“More wax has melted”, he says nonchalantly.
“Oh god”, you whimper, “why would you do that to me?”
He chuckles deeply, “because I can.”
And with that, he abandons your terribly weak body on the bed to fetch the candle again.
You feel so betrayed. He edged you. You were so ready to cum around his fingers and now he edged you. Oh it hurts. Your pussy feels so empty now that you don’t have his fingers inside you anymore.
You can hear him blow the candle out and then hurry back to bed.
The mattress dents beside your thighs and a second later, you feel his weight on the back of them. He squeezes your thighs together, using barely any strength for it as you are way too weak.
You whimper, trying to fight the handcuffs. All that squeezing he is forcing you to do is keeping your pussy sensitive. It’s not enough to bring you over the edge, but just enough to remind you that you are abysmally horny right now.
He grips your tied hands and moves them aside to expose your entire ass to him. He rubs his palm up and down on it, sending electricity through your veins. 
"You've got the best ass", he whispers.
All you can really do is whimper and mewl. Also fight for air. Oh it’s so hard to breathe.
“Take a breath for me, sweetie” he says and you try to obey as best as possible. Again, breathing is so hard when he’s got you so good.
Sharp, hot pain hits your left buttock.
“Ah fuck!” you yelp, twitching like crazy.
“Okay that was fucking hot. Baby….are you okay?” he rasps, eyes glued to the big patch of wax he left on your ass.
“This, this just- ah-ah”, you shudder, having to almost sob afterwards. This just felt as if he spanked you, except that the burn lingers longer and goes oh so much deeper. You want more 
“That was so hot, seriously”, he says, placing his hand on the wax stain, “fuck, you’re burning up there.”
“Koo please”, you whimper, finally spilling tears, “please, please.”
“What do you want?”
“You’re a fucking goddess”, he rasps, speaking in his native dialect. There it is. The telltale sign that he’s turned on to the brim. That deep, raspy almost lulled voice only comes out when the sex hits just right for him.
The wax hits your other side, forcing your body to flinch in reaction and for your throat to produce the most desperate of moans.
“Fuck, that’s hot”, Jungkook presses out, watching the wax spread over your ass. Some of it even manages to run down your hips, most definitely covering the sheets. He can’t bother to think about the clean up though, all that really matters is how much you are squirming.
He tilts the candle again and uses up the last of the melted wax to cover the middle of your butt, completing the picture that way.
You whimper and flinch, hands clenching into fists and arms tensing as you are trying to fight the restraints.
“How does that feel? You’re squirming so fucking much”, Jungkook asks, placing the candle on the bed for now.
“Like, like you spanked me b-but then it burns longer”, you stutter and sob softly, “Koo I wanna cum.”
“Fuck baby, you’re driving me insane”, he croaks, digging his thumbs into your lower back to massage it desperately, “my cock’s seriously so fucking hard.”
“Koo, please can I cum?”
“Are you even listening to what I tell you?” he asks.
You shake your head, “please”, you beg, lifting your hips only to get them slammed back down into the sheets.
“Stay down”, he growls, tattooed fingers holding you hostage strongly, “I should actually spank you for you not listening to me. I’m talking to you and all you’re thinking about is cumming?” he spits, scrambling your horny little brain. He’s so hot when he pretends to be mad at you for disobeying.
“Koo please”, you mewl, fighting the restraints desperately.
Jungkook gets off your thighs and then off the bed.
“Koo?” you gasp, head shooting up in fear, “Koo where are you?”
He is as silent as the night. You can’t hear where he went.
“Koo please where are you?”
The floorboards croak on your left side. You turn your head to it, listening with bated breath. It was just once and now it’s silent again. Your heart is pounding. 
“Koo please say something”, you beg, shivering like crazy. He’s left you all alone. You feel so destroyed. It’s like he edged you again without having to touch you. You want him back with you, “please I’m begging you, where are you?”
Nothing. Did he leave the room?
“Jungkook?” you whisper, having to whimper and squirm your hips, “please come back.”
Hands grab your ankles all of sudden, surprising you so much that you squeal. In one harsh tug, they managed to tug your weak body all the way down the mattress.
“Ah”, you moan. Jungkook’s back. You happily let him grip your arms and force you to straighten up until he can wrap his strong arms around your waist. He travels one of his hands up between your tits until he can rest it on your throat. His lips press themselves against your neck, he moans as he inhales your scent. He releases his air by growling deeply, lips coming to brush against your ear.
“You were so fucking cute right now. Did you seriously think I’ll leave you when you’re such a fucking mess, mhm?”
You can only make a sound for him. You solely stay up like that because he’s holding you. Without his support you would have already collapsed. Just imagining Jungkook standing at the foot end of the bed, watching you squirm and beg for him is ruining you. Judging by his now exposed boner grinding against your back, he also used the time to get naked. Did he touch himself while you were squirming?
“You can feel, can’t you?”
You nod your head as best as possible.
“It’s so hard for you, baby”, Jungkook rasps, resting his chin on your shoulder, “your tits look so fucking empty, don’t you think?”
“W-what do you mean?” you croak out.
“That”, he says and then the burning sensation of wax dripping onto your chest follows.
“Ah”, the sound is high-pitched and broken. You arch your back, trying to flee but he presses you back into him with his strong arm.
“Just like that”, he whispers, guiding the candle to your other breast to let wax drip down on it. He was ready for your attempt to flee this time around, pressing you into his chest. It makes his muscles tense and flex and for your back to grind against his pierced nipples. Jungkook moans in bliss, eyelids fluttering. That shit feels so good.
“Please”, you squeak out.
“Wanna take it slower again, mhm?” he asks, "I know I've been a little rough with you, haven’t I?"
"No slow", you shake your head, “more please.”
“Fuck baby, so hot”, Jungkook rasps, tilting the candle over your other breast. He feels confident to let a good amount of wax drip onto you.
“Ah, ah, wait ah”, you stutter, writhing desperately.
“I’m stopping”, he says, lifting the candle, “does it hurt? Should I take it off?”
“No, I just”, you take a shaky breath, pressing yourself closer to him, “I wanna cum. It feels so good on my nipple.”
“Fuck”, he exhales, eyes flitting down to your nipple. He didn’t even realise that the wax got all over it. Now it’s covered in a slowly drying layer of white wax, “you’re right, it’s all over your nipple. Holy shit, that’s so hot. How did that feel?”
“Intense. Really, really hot”, you say and then retort to keening, rubbing yourself against him desperately, “please make me cum, please.”
Jungkook growls quietly, you can feel it vibrate against your back. He gives your waist a soft squeeze, rolling his hips into you and therefore grinding his cock against you.
“You’re making me weak”, he says, kissing your shoulder, “not yet, “he says afterwards, “I wanna cover your other side too.”
“Koo please”, you beg weakly, head falling against him as you completely give up. You just wanna cum. Everything feels so intense. His hot, naked skin, his cock against you, his strong hold, the hardness of his nipple piercings, his kisses and the still drying wax on your tits. You can’t handle much more. You just want to cum.
Jungkook tilts the candle over your naked breast, letting the wax run down your skin. The sound you let out goes straight to his cock. You don’t even sound like his normally always so collected wife anymore. Your voice is all frail and high-pitched and your body’s trembling so much. You are also so heated up, skin covered in a layer of sweat. It’s running down along the lines of your tattoos. Jungkook swears, you’ve never been sexier before.
“Please”, you beg, fighting your restraints again which results in your fingertips brushing over his cock.
Jungkook moans throatily, lifting the candle and gathering your newly marked tit between his fingers. He holds it, letting it sit in his palm as the wax dries slowly.
“It’s covering my hand too, baby”, he lulls, “it’s so hot. Fuck, that must feel so good on your nipple. Mhm?”
You nod your head weakly. You are trying to touch his cock again. Maybe if you jerk him off, he’ll finally let you cum. Your nipples are pulsating. They are so sensitive, it’s unbelievable. The wax bordered almost too much on them and now you are suffering the consequences in the form of a dizzy head and a heavily leaking pussy aching for a stuffing.
“Of course it does”, Jungkook rasps and does the unthinkable of taking your nipple between his fingers to massage it. The wax is still wet enough that it smears between his fingers and your oversensitive nipple, adding a layer of unbearable to the massage which you weren’t ready for.
“Seriously”, you croak, collapsing for just a second and then Jungkook is holding you upright again.
“Don’t give up on me, sweetie”, he coos, rolling your nipple between his fingers.
“I wanna”, you croak, soaking your blindfold with your tears.
Jungkook chuckles, kissing your shoulder, “I’ve got you baby, you can’t give up yet.”
“Please”, you are trying to touch his cock again, barely managing to do it.
“Mhhm cute”, he purrs, releasing your nipple to instead place his hand on the back of your head, “you’re so needy”, he taunts and then pushes you down.
You let it happen gladly, moaning loudly when Jungkook presses your head into the sheets, keeping your hips up with his right arm still around your waist. You can feel the wax on your ass crack because of it.
He lets go of your head, placing his hand on your covered ass. He traces the cracks in the wax, grabbing his cock with his unoccupied hand.
“Don’t think I didn’t notice you trying to touch my cock”, he says, placing his heavy length on your ass to grind it against the wax.
You can barely feel the contact because of it, whining for more instantly.
“I’m so big tonight, baby. It’s reaching you all the way to here”, he says, showing you the spot on your lower back.
You sob, sticking your ass out in hopes he understands.
“Wanna have it, mhm?”
You wiggle your ass and let out a needy sob.
“Then say it.”
“Please feed me cock, Koo”, you beg without hesitation.
“There we go. You sound so sweet when you’re cock needy”, he coos, rewarding you by stuffing you with his big, girthy length.
It makes the wettest, nastiest squelching sound as he fills you up, forcing so much of your juices out of you that it’s dripping onto the sheets.
“Shit baby, it’s like a whole lube bottle exploded inside you”, Jungkook gets out and groans, eyes focused on his cock, “you’re so wet.”
You can only moan and sob happily, feeling your entire body spiral out of control now that you finally have his cock. The emptiness is finally gone. You have Koo’s cock. This is the best thing ever.
Jungkook fucks you slow at first so he can see how he is shaping your pussy. His cock is all wet and white from your juices. Your pussy is so swollen and pretty.
“You’re creaming my cock, baby. That’s so fucking hot ”, he rasps and then he begins to pick up speed.
He makes sure that you feel each one of his thrusts. Hard and deep. It forces your ass to slam against his body and for the wax to crack more and more. Jungkook fucks you right through it, nails digging into your hips from gripping you so hard. He can feel the wax brittle off your ass, but he doesn’t care. You are trembling and writhing in the distinct way you do when your orgasm is close and this time around he doesn’t want to stop. He knew that you wouldn’t last long. You are so desperate that Jungkook is surprised at how long you are able to hold out. He expected you to cum the moment he sticks his dick inside.
“You’re making me cum”, you choke out and sob loudly, fighting the restraints, “please Koo I’ll do anything.”
“Say thank you.”
“Thank you Koo. Thank you”, you squeak, tightening around his cock more and more.
Jungkook deepens his thrusts, grinding his teeth because that makes his balls slap against your clit. You twitch and sob each time that happens, creaming his cock without an end in sight.
“For what? Mhm?” he challenges, staring down at your face. The blindfold is soaked in your tears. It’s so hot to him.
“For your cock! Thank you for your cock, Koo”, you wail, “please mercy.”
“Fucking shit, you’re so hot”, Jungkook growls, feeling himself tense as well. You are begging so sweetly. He abandons one side of your hips to connect his fingers with your clit, “cum. now”, he growls demandingly, making you scream up with just one swirl.
Jungkook is happy for your house at the moment. Just imagining that you guys would still be living in your first flat with all those neighbours surrounding you, is giving him the shivers. They would probably think that he is murdering you.
“Jesus fuck, keep screaming like that. That’s so fucking hot”, he talks you through your orgasm, cock throbbing like crazy.
“Harder”, you beg.
Jungkook obeys, putting his all into his thrusts. Fast, rough, deep. He shakes your entire body because of it. You bite the sheets, muffling some of your screams with it. But not much. He’s making you cum so fucking hard that you can already feel a new wave of electricity built up. And you know for a fact that it’s going to make you squirt.
It happens three strokes later, bursting out of you with such strength that it covers the floor and most of Jungkook’s lower body.
“Shit sweetie”, Jungkook’s hips stutter, “holy fuck, I’m gonna cum. That’s so hot. Keep squirting baby, that’s my girl.”
And yet he still makes sure you get the best out of your high, rubbing your clit just how you need it and fucking your g-spot just how you crave it.
You collapse after your high finally stops shaking you, forcing his cock to slip out of you therefore edging him right before he could release.
You didn’t even notice it happening until you hear Jungkook let out a little sob.
“I was so ready to nut in you”, he whines, “fuck baby, this just hurt”, he croaks and then the distinct sound of him jerking off like a madman fills your ears, “fucking shit you edged me like crazy, fucking holy shit this was the worst”, he chants, tugging on his cock angrily.
You use whatever magical strength suddenly possesses you to flip yourself onto your back and then sit up. You seriously don’t know how you even managed to do that because you feel dead. Maybe it was the insatiable desire to be kinky with him that helped you.
You tilt your head and open your mouth to stick your tongue out as far as possible.
“Shit yes”, Jungkook growls and then his tattooed fingers tangle themselves in your hair at the back of your head. He holds you strongly, keeping your head his willing hostage.
You moan loudly, arching your back to show off your waxed covered tits to him. Jungkook lets out a guttural moan, hand twisting around his tip.
“I’m fucking cumming”, he presses out, shooting his cum all over tongue a second later, “uuurgh fuuuuck”, he groans, brows furrowed and lips curled back to show off his grinding teeth. His fingers tug on your hair more, tilting your head back further. He covers parts of your blindfold as well, cursing in the heaviest dialect you ever heard him speak in.
You welcome his every drop with a needy moan, feeling in heaven. His cum is so hot tonight. It must be because he’s especially horny.
Jungkook finishes off in seven aggressive strokes and then he lets his cock drop, riding out his afterglow by spanking your face with his dick.
You mewl, squirming needily. It’s so hot.
“Good job”, he lulls, spanking your tongue twice, “swallow.”
You obey gladly, swallowing all the cum you had on your tongue.
“Good girl”, he praises, “clean.”
You know what to do, sticking your tongue out to clean his cock off all the cum he smeared all over it. Jungkook is holding your head the entire time, purring deeply and with his eyelids barely staying open. That’s the type of overstimulation he fucking loves. Just about bordering too much. It’s the best shit.
“You’re doing such a good job”, he praises, guiding a still dirty spot to your tongue so you can clean it off.
You do so with a happy mewl, swallowing his creamy cum gladly. He tastes so good.
“There we go, all done”, Jungkook says and leans down to kiss your forehead, “you just did the best job”, he whispers, kissing your lips next.
His tenderness brings tears to your eyes. All of the tension is finally falling off of you. You are crumbling and you need him to hold you when it happens.
“Koo”, you choke out, sniffling like crazy.
“I’m here”, he says, moving without hesitation to take you atop his lap and into his arms. He’s brought you into this state a hundred times before, so he knows exactly what to do.
He opens the clasp on the handcuffs. Your arms are around his waist instantly.
Then he tugs the blindfold off as best as possible. Your face is hidden in the crook of his neck instantly, your happy little sobs are muffled by the position.
Jungkook knows that you need that right now. You always get like that when the sex was way too good and he managed to get you so deep into subspace that only crying makes coming back to reality easier to bear.
“I’m here my darling, I’m right here with you”, he soothes you, rubbing your back.
He knows that you aren’t upset or sad or in pain. You sound different when you are. This right here is relief, happiness and a well deserved release of tension. He knows that it is because you let out little giggles between loud sobs, “I’m right here with you baby, right here. I’m keeping you safe, my baby. Hear me? Nothing can hurt you.”
“Koo I love you”, you sob, hugging him tighter.
“I love you too my love”, he promises you, rubbing your upper back slowly, “you did so well tonight. I’m so proud of you, sweetie. So, so proud.”
You lift your head, revealing the utter ruined state you are in to him. Jungkook simply smiles and cups your cheek. You lean into him instantly, teary eyes barely staying open.
“Thank you”, you whisper, hiccupping in order not to sob again.
“No, thank you”, he says, “you’re such a good girl. I can’t believe that I’m lucky enough to have you.”
You giggle, nuzzling your face into his palm. Jungkook is melting on the spot.
“You are so cute”, he says.
“Koo, I’m safe”, you whisper cutely and then you fall around his neck, growing oh so small and tiny on his lap as complete comfort overtakes you.
“Yes my sweetie, you are safe”, he whispers, cradling you against his strong chest with the intent of never ever letting you go again.
He will carry you to the bathroom later and there he will run you a hot bath. He will clean the wax off of you and praise you for being his good girl. And later he will hold you until you fall asleep in one of his shirts.
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vahalia-cress · 1 month
⸸ Ilyon Asoh ⸸
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Violence/Tenderness: DAY 2 @daily-writing-challenge
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Violent lands wrought with countless years of tribal wars and strife. Such was the way of Tural and its inhabitants, older rather than newer. It had only come to know peace within the past 80 years during Gulool Ja Ja who sought to unite the people of Tural as a nation. And it stood, thriving even, to this day when he was setting his Promises out into the world to partake in their Rite of Succession. They considered it a pilgrimage where Vahalia was from, and the two weren’t too far off from one another in their respective purposes. It was never about the end but the journeys in between.
Vahalia had felt that nostalgia pluck at her memory bank, as she sat before the fire watching it crackle and flickler within the night air. A little over a decade ago it had been her, two others and their mentor traveling around the world taking up odd jobs on the side of their studies as Magi. It felt like a lifetime ago, she was a different person then than she was now, perhaps all roads eventually led her to this very place.
This journey.
Light golden eyes cut towards the two sleeping figures in their sleeping rolls. Cordelia and Wren were seemingly well protected as Vahalia and Castien had taken the first watch.
They had boarded the dirigibles into Yak’T’el taking their mounts with them and settled for the evening just at the outskirts of the Village of Ilyon Asoh beside the biggest tree they could find to shield them from the gentle tapping of rain they had felt prior in their travels.
A soft ruffle of the Chocobo feathers came and once more the large, geared, and armored avians adjusted back into their comforts. Castien came into few and placed the foul she had procured along the triad of sticks she had prepared prior, “Enough for the evening and morning.” she commented, dusting off her hands and exhaling as she took a load off alongside the trunk of the tree beside Vahalia.
“I take it you’ve pinned down a good idea of the land? You’ve been gone for a while.”
“Bought a few maps in Iq Br’aax, I couldn’t say no to a good start, it’ll benefit my maps later when I piece it all together,” Castien replied and she dug into her pack beside her to pull out a sketchbook and a charcoal pencil, already doodling away.
“Have you always had a fondness for cartography and art?”
“Not always but it was all I had. I didn’t have my mother around and ended up in an orphanage before I was six years old. We couldn’t afford much there so I would sometimes find scraps of paper on the ground or get pieces of scrolls from the kitchen staff after they were done with their recipes. I used to use the soot from the fireplaces after the fires died down in the mornings and I would find an interest in creating images that way. When I could afford my first paintset I was drawn to landscapes and the people.” Castien chuckled as she looked sidelong to Vahalia, “S’pose that does that to a person when you’re locked up and don’t go far. When you become your own person you sort of just want to see everything and know everything around you. I always found it…calming.”
A low hum emitted from Vahalia as she eyed the sketchbook, hardly seeing anything to truly judge what was within but she had seen Castien’s work before, plenty of times even commissioning her and buying her maps, especially when it came to her first purchasing ships for trade. There was very little to scrutinize however, she did find familiar ground with the prospect of something beautiful coming from the depths of depression and longing, abandonment and trauma.
Tenderly Vahalia’s lips curled into a subtle smile – it wasn’t perfect but it remained all the same, “you made something of yourself despite the things baring your way. I admire that.”
“Thank you.” Castien tilted her head and smirked in Vahalia’s direction.
“Some people are the prize, some are the punishment.” she retorted quietly and she slowly returned her gaze to the flickering fire before them.
“And which do you consider yourself, Vahalia?”
“That depends on who you ask.” Lady Cress’s gentle smile eventually twitched into a bit of a smirk. She was both hellfire and holy water, what you drank depended on how you treated her.
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buckyscombatboots · 2 years
I Wanna Be Yours❦
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Part 1: Snap out of it
Part 2: Arabella - Coming soon
One stop off of heaven masterlist
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Warnings: Angst, infidelity, reader is the side piece, hurt, brief mentions of childhood friend!Bucky, no happy ending (sort of), reader is used, no aftercare, all hurt no comfort, p in v, rough sex, hate sex, doggy style, hair pulling, slapping, biting, allusions to reader being infertile (can be ignored :))
Nicknames: My girl, whore, slut, Sweetheart, buttercup
WC: 4K
The Happier version: My Girl -Coming soon
A/N: This is the angstier version of the fic ‘My Girl’ and is the actually original version of the fic and more truly embodies what I was feeling when writing them both.
A/N: Ive been gone for a really long time (like almost 3 months) and I’m really sorry I’ve been extremely busy, because as a lot of you know I’m doing a PhD right now. Anyway, this is part of a series that I’ll hopefully finish when I’m not so busy. I also have a few requests to finish. Love y’all 💕
༻𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 𝐓𝐚𝐠 𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭🎀༺
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You both laid in the middle of the hotel bed, your head nuzzled into Bucky’s chest as you held him tight, taking in the smell of him like it was the last time you’d ever be able to. Your mind burned as you broke down every note of his scent; Magnolia, vanilla, leather and petrichor. You chanted it like a recipe in your head, begging yourself not to forget it. Just in case you ever had to recreate it when he was gone, it was inevitable after all—It was reality, this world you had both created in this room was no longer tangible. Someone was going to find out, or they had already—and to make him keep risking it, running around with you at night. It couldn’t continue, the thought of it ending made your throat tighten and a smell similar to pva glue fill your nose. It burnt as you blinked the tears back. Even as you squeezed him tighter, closer, it felt like he drifted further and further away; you could just feel it. He was distancing himself from you mentally and now physically, to make it more bearable for you both; so that he could lessen the pain, but little did he know the more he moved away the more it hurt, the more your heart shattered into tiny, little pieces that you’d inevitably be left alone to pick up. You wondered if you’d ever be able to repair your heart, or if it had shattered so much into such minuscule pieces that trying would be futile.
You had one final night with him and here you were, spending it cuddling him trying to suppress your tears. You didn’t want to see the pity in his eyes if you shattered, if you showed how much this little love affair truly meant to you. You loved putting up the tough, emotionless bitch act but you couldn’t. Not now. Not if it meant letting him go, never feeling his rough hands trace your every curve, never having him to kiss every scar, never being able to hear his deep, silky voice. You didn’t give a shit about the sex, no matter how mind blowing it was. You just wanted him to stay, you’d become celibate if it meant he’d stay. You’d do anything. But you weren’t “his girl” no matter how many times he whispered it to you softly or made you scream it as he fucked you. You just weren’t his. Not in the eyes of the law and not in the eyes of any of your guy’s friends. She was and you hated her for it, you hated the nice girl who brought you ‘Welcome home’ cookies, who comforted you when you were crying, despite not know you were mourning your chance with her husband, the sweet, beautiful, perfect girl that would one day give Bucky the sweet, beautiful, perfect family he’d always dreamed of. You hated that you hated her, it felt immoral, this all felt immoral. But she had what you wanted; him. She had him wrapped around her tiny, wicked…pretty, well manicured finger, it was wrong of you to force him into this—Bucky had always been weak to you and you used that against him. You made him cheat, but deep down you knew a part of him liked it. He was just like you after all, he was broken and a collector—but instead of things you both collected bits and pieces of others and saved them up inside you, it’s what made you both feel whole.
His arm that had been laying flat under your head shifted, he ran his fingers through your hair, rubbing slowly circles on your scalp, caressing the base of your skull with his warm palm. His touch was too much, you didn’t deserve it. That’s what broke you. The burning in your nose got too much; tears began to stream from your eyes like water from a broken faucet and the knot straining in your throat gave way to heavy sobs as you scrunched the material of his shirt in your fingers “What’s wrong sugar?” He asked indifferently, but you couldn’t answer. The embarrassment from letting your walls finally fall in front of him and the pity you had for yourself, that you detested, jammed your throat. You tried to open you mouth to speak, to tell him it was nothing or that you’d had an awful day at work, you’d always been quite sensitive, he knew that, so the excuse of being yelled at in front of everyone at work would probably work, but no matter how much you tried to summon the words you couldn’t speak. The frustration just made it worse, the warmth from your emotional outburst and his natural heat made it hard to breathe. You pushed away from him, finally distancing yourself. But the implications of your action just intensified your blubbering, you felt like a child as you collapsed in front of him.
Bucky pulled you closer even as you tried to fight him off. You kept your face hidden behind your hair, but he started to peel it away from your damp cheeks. “There we go I can see you now.” He let out a halfhearted nervous laugh, smiling. His smile. Your chest tightened painfully, even through your drowned vision, the full intensity of his welcoming smile hit you like a pile of bricks. “What’s wrong, sugar pea? You can tell me, it’s just us.”
“I can’t- can’t tell you”
“Why not? We’ve know each other since we were kids, you can tell me anything.”
“You’re gonna- you’re gonna hate me.”
“I could never hate you. I’ve seen do a bunch of things and I’ve never once hated you.”
“I’m in love with you.” You blurted, your hands scrambled to your mouth covering it in fear of more words spilling out unchecked. The room fell silent and you heard Bucky’s breathing stop short. You’d ruined everything. Your whole chest ached as your heart beat ramped up, slamming against your rib cage, your ears ringing as the precious Eden you’d created with him began to crumble and rot. Neither of you said a word for what felt like forever, then he slowly pushed you away from him and he rose from the bed slipping on his shoes. “Wait, no don’t leave please.”
“You just had to go ruin it didn’t you? It’s like your specialty.” He turned to you sweeping his hand through the air as he spoke “ Y/N professional ruiner.” He scoffed as he returned to tying his laces “I mean God! You had one job! And it was to lay there and not talk, but you just had to open your mouth.” Every single poisonous word that fell from his tongue knived you.
You held onto his back trying to pull him back into bed “No please, please don’t leave me!” You cried, hardening your grip as he tried to stand.
“You’re so pathetically lonely, you always have been.” Bucky pushed you into the bed, holding your hands above your head as he glared down at you “You’re just like a dog you know that? A creature that can’t survive without its master. That’s what you’ve made me isn’t it? Your master. Well I can’t be anymore, the little doggy needs to realise that she can’t keep forcing people to be in her life, dragging people into her misery!” As he berated you you sobbed, trying to turn away from his scrutinising, to cover your ears. He was right, you were dragging him down into your misery. You were pathetic. You were harming him and his life by existing. “You know what? How about, as a parting gift, we do it one final time? Give the bitch what she wants? Would that make you happy? Would it finally fill that gaping hole inside of you?”
You nodded tearfully, gnawing down on your bottom lip to stop sobbing. It didn’t stop anything. In fact it just made the helpless feeling inside you fester.
He began tearing your clothes off, tugging at your shirt harshly making it catch your ear as he yanked. You resisted the urge to yelp, you didn’t want to anger him further. He tossed it carelessly and gave you a light slap on your cheek before squeezing your face in the palm of his hand. “You’re so pretty when you cry.” He let out a dark chuckle as he scrunched your face “You are pathetic aren’t you? I can’t believe it took me this long to realise just how pathetic you truly are. You can take off your skirt can’t you?” You whine out a yes and start to undo your skirt, but your eyes are drawn to Bucky undressing above you. You watch the muscle under his slightly tanned skin stretching and tensing as he removes his clothes. Once he was nude he looked down at you expectantly, catching your wander gaze with a stern scowl “Why are you still wearing clothes? I just told you to take your skirt off. Do it.” You scrambled to unzip your skirt, fiddling with the zipper. Bucky tutted, grabbing the sides of the fabric and tearing it apart “Simple.”
More tears filled your eyes as he yanked off your panties. You closed your eyes and thought back to the other times you were together in different hotels, how gentle he was as he stroked the soft flesh of your thigh and nibbled at your skin, whispering promises and praise as he approached your core. He’d stretch and tease you till you begged him for more and even then he’d be so very careful as he entered, pressing his skin against yours as much as possible just to feel even closer to you.
A searing pain shot through your scalp, making your eye shoot open, as he pulled your hair wrapped around his strong vibranium fingers “Face down, ass in the air.”
“Aren’t you going to prep me first?” You asked sheepishly, your voice not going above a whisper.
“Why the fuck- No. Just do what I told you to do. I’m hard, I want to fuck you.” He scoffed, clearly tired with your constant hesitations and questions.
Hesitantly you sat up and presented yourself to him, hoovering your face above the pillows. He pushed your head down, your heart jumped, fear blooming in your chest; for a brief moment you thought he was going to suffocate you, the reminisce of his smell on the pillows filling your lungs. He released your head, you lifted your face from the pillow slightly “Stay down.” He ordered sternly, sounding bored as his dripping tip pressed against your entrance. You did as he said, lowering your cheek back down on the cheap fabric of the pillow case; you began fiddling with the cream coloured fitted sheet, rubbing the fabric between the tips of you fingers. Waiting. Then you felt him push into you, a searing, stretching pain tingling through every fibre of your being as his thick shaft parted your walls. You weren’t as wet as usual, you weren’t as ready as usual, you were afraid of him in this moment. More afraid than you’d ever been in your life. “Fucking tight. God no wonder I keep coming back to you, it’s this pussy. It’s like silk.” He sheathed fully inside of you, ramming his weeping tip against your cervix.
“Ow! Buck, slow. P-please.” You requested timidly, stuttering out the last part fearfully, feeling a sense of uneasiness churn your insides.
He guffawed in response, leaning his head down to rest against your arched spine. Warm puffs of air made your hairs stand on end as he laughed at your request. Finally he rose back up, swiping a tear from the corner of his eye “Last time I checked whores don’t have much of a say in how their clients fuck them. Lay there and look pretty, moan for me, scream for me, but for fucksake whatever you do just don’t talk. You’re driving me crazy.” He pulled out in one Swift motion before slamming himself back inside, relishing in the cry that left your lips “I’m gonna use your little slut hole and you’re gonna thank me for it aren't you?” His voice deepened as he asked, changing his pace from long and brutal to shallow and fast. When you didn’t answer he slapped your ass harshly and clawed at your back leaving painful, searing red streaks “I said. You’re going to thank me, aren’t you.”
You choked on your tears as you answered, managing to croak out a very quiet “yes, Bucky.” Before burying your face back into the pillow in embarrassment from the sound of how ruined your own voice sounded. You took a deep breath in, taking in the lingering scent of Bucky’s cologne. Magnolia, vanilla, leather and petrichor. You chanted the list of fragrances, hoping it would carry you away to a better time. But the sound of his grunting, the sound of his skin colliding with yours and the painful, heavy sadness weighing on your head was too much for you to think back to the past. You were trapped here, under him as he ruthlessly pounded into you.
You felt his once loving cool, metal hand snake around your throat squeezing tightly, you began to choke spit flying from your mouth onto the already tear dampened white pillows “The one good thing about you is you feel so much better than her and you let me do whatever I want to you. You let me choke you.” Bucky gave your throat two strong squeezes before removing his hand to allow you to breathe “she- ah squeezing again? God I’m gonna miss this tight cunt. She’s so vanilla, only missionary, no blowjobs and I practically have to beg her to let me eat her out. But you, you’re a little whore, you'll do anything as long as I pump you full of my cock.” As he finished talking Bucky slammed his hips into your ass, watching it jiggle at the force. He craned his neck down and bit the supple flesh, grinding his teeth and licking the mark before returning to his thrusts, slapping your ass just to hear you yelp. You squeezed him even tighter every time he slapped your ass and with each moan and cry your voice sounded more and more ruined, you hated that even when he was treating you like dirt your body responded to him and he could draw this much pleasure from you.
The gradual heat that had been rising within you was becoming unbearable and the moans you have been trying to silence we’re now impossible to silence “That’s it. Scream for me.” A deep, guttural moan escaped from his open mouth, his hand on your hip growing stronger, to the point that you could feel bruises sprouting “Fuck. So close. So goddamn close, I need you to milk me with you tight hole.” Bucky’s metal hand moved away from you head and slipped underneath you, gathering your slick and fiddling with your clit with his thumb.
“Ahh! So good! So good, Buck!” His hand that was holding your hips buried itself in your hair before he yanked it at. You screamed in response to the burning in your scalp
“I said no talking you fucking whore!” You sniffled in response, feeling your release draw nearer. You pushed back against him choking out a moan as you came on his cock, your walls pulsing and squeezing around his twitching length. Bucky rammed into you a few more time with uncoordinated thrust, believing out a loud “Fuck!” As he painted your walls white. A whimper crawled from your throat as he pulled out; you could feel his seed leaking out of you. Bucky flopped down on the bed next to you pulling a few tissues from the bedside table to clean himself. An awkward silence permeated through the room. Not once after having sex with Bucky did you feel dirty, but today you did. You felt an indescribable urge to get home and scrub yourself till your skin bleed to even hope to remove the icky, gross feeling spread across your skin.
Slowly you lifted your head from the pillow and carefully laid down on your back, wincing as you reddened bottom came in contact with the quilt. You laid there staring at ceiling, tears making your vision swim. Bucky’s rough hand entwined with yours; he squeezed your hand twice and swiped the pad of his thumb across your knuckles tenderly “She’s pregnant. I thought I should tell you. She's gonna give me that family I’d always dreamed of.” The words that were crawling up your throat died, you died. Your body went rigid at the word, pregnant. Of course she was pregnant. The word made you sick, it made you jealous, it made you a crucible of contempt boiling over a bunsen flame—you were going to explode. “We'll, aren't you going to say anything? I’ve been wanting this for a long time. I thought you’d at least be happy for me.”
“Congratulations.” The voice that came out didn’t sound like you, It sounded robotic, metallic and forced. But that was all you could manage, if you said anymore you might snap and strangle him or go kill her. You hated yourself for hating her. But it didn’t make the nagging belief in the back of your mind that it should have been you. That it was destined to be you. He was yours, you were his. It was meant to be you at the altar, meant to be you telling funny stories at your wedding about how you were childhood friends that went to high school and college together, who both had brewing feelings that you both kept suppressed and when you finally both got the courage to confess you had to move for work, but destiny made it so you would both reunite and jump at the chance to confess. It was meant to be you.
“Thanks.” His tone was bitter “ I can stay a bit longer, but I’ll have to leave soon. She’s waiting for me after all.” He cuddled you close, stroking your hair, probably imagining you were her. Had he imagined you were her this whole time? Was it that painful for him to fuck you?
The amount of thoughts racing in your head made you want to step outside into the chilly night air to cool down, but now was your final chance to be with him and you weren’t going to waste it. You ran you hands across the corded muscle of his back, drawing soothing circles just like he used to do for you when you couldn’t sleep. When sleep made your eyelids heavy you barely put up a fight, you welcomed sleep with open arms, you wanted to be freed from the bleak, harsh reality and enter into a dream world where she was you. Yeah that sounded good.
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“Bucky?” You called groggily. There was no reply. You crawled over to his side of the bed, it was still warm, and peered over the edge. His shoes were gone and so were his clothes. You laid back on the bed, your eyes catching sight of a torn bit of paper. You grabbed the paper and unfolded it, your hands trembling as you read it ‘I don’t want to see you anymore, please don’t bother my family. - James’ You read the words over and over praying they would change into another message, but it didn’t work. It only made the pang in your chest throb. You scrunched it in your hand as you curled up into a ball trying to disappear as you soaked up the shadow of his body heat, the memories of him that were lingering in that shadow—high school when he sat with you behind the bleachers in the rain and gave you his varsity jacket to warm you up “I’m your portable heater at this point.” He jested, letting out his signature low husky laugh that made you melt, college when he held you from behind as you cried into your pillow about your college senior boyfriend who dumped you, because he was graduating; you could still feel the phantom of Bucky’s warmth whenever you were sad thanks to that day. The day he stroked your hair and whispered into your ear that “He didn’t deserve you.” And that he’d “never make you feel like this.” Well he had so many times, he was right now. But it hurt even more now, it was over for good. You’d lost him, you were too many years too late and now you were just clutching to fleeting memories, but God if the feelings didn’t sting every time you thought about him. It was hard not to, he’d dominated every significant moment of your life. But now you were barred from his perfect little family.
Slowly you unscrunched yourself from the ball you’d folded yourself into, spreading your body out like a starfish drying out on the beach. Your throat was scratchy from crying and your eyes were heavy and swollen. Everything hurt, but simultaneously you were so numb.
You thought of showering, you thought of searching through your bag for some pain meds, you thought of driving your car off the bridge back to the city. You thought a lot, as you laid there staring at the yellowed patches on the popcorn ceiling from water damage.
You thought so much and so hard that you didn’t even notice you’d started crying, again, you were drowning in your emotions. You were huddled in a lifeboat slowly filling with water, with no sight of land. You were waiting for him to save you, but he wasn’t coming back “I wanna be yours. Just wanna be…”
A disembodied voice continued “Yours. Secrets I have held in my heart, are harder to hide than I thought.” The sweet sound of the man’s singing stops “I thought we were gonna sing together, sweetheart.” There was a soft knocking on the wall next to your head “No more crying okay? Guy was a dick anyway.”
“Who are you?” You questioned, sitting up and pressing your ear against the paper thin wall
“A person who’s also been left out to dry, a person who also needs someone to stop me from drowning. If you want some comfort I can come over; we can just lay here, Y/N.” The way he said your name brought back so many memories, you knew who he was
“Ari?” You asked hesitantly, the man who Bucky said didn’t deserve you all the way back in college was on the other side of the wall. He’d listened to everything. You wanted to evaporate.
The door knob of your room jiggled and then the door creaked open. In the doorway was Ari, droplets of rain trickling down his skin. He dipped his head down so he didn’t hit it as he entered your room, his brown hair was a bit longer than it was in college, his beard a bit fuller, he was much more muscular and his chest was more hairy; but for the most part he was the same, he even still had the same crotchety, yet solemn look on his face “Hiya, Sunshine.” His voice was low and soothing, as if you were the finest China that he was worried about shattering. He closed the door gently and walked over to the side of the bed, crouching down to try to make his bearish figure smaller and less daunting “Long time no see. didn’t think the next time I’d see you would be in a shoddy motel, but life is nothing if not unpredictable, right?”
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Tag list: @alina02 @winterslove1917 @unabashed-lover-of-fictional-men @petesey @getwellsoontana @feyfantome @alexxavicry @ashenc-blog @floral-recs @addie5587483 @flamefoxxrecs @adoreyouusugar @teambarnes72 @wintasssoldier @gryffindorqueensworld @aerangi @taramaria @inlovewithremusjohnlupin @teddybearsgrr @raajali3 @godesslaura @alma13-blog @cevansgurl @sojuxxi @aerangi @itwillgetbetter @bean-is-reading @emi11ie @cjand10 @sweetwrathoflilith @royalwriteroftheuniverse
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ughgoaway · 9 months
Dying to know what you would write for y/n’s first Mother’s Day with Matty and Annie
this is so so interesting to think about!!!!
so I think for the first mothers Day when you're with matty, nothing out of the ordinary happens. or nothing out of the ordinary happens to you anyway.
you ask matty a few days before how Annie feels about it, and he casually says, "Oh, she doesn't really mind. she knows it's coming, and to her, it's just another day!" So you treat it like that too.
you don't go out of your way to comment on it or make a big deal. You just get on with your day! the same cannot be said for matty...
he doesn't think Annie feels any way about it, seemingly like her normal bubbly self. But just as he's taking her to bed- she says something.
he feels strange the whole day. this is the first time he's had a girlfriend that annie knows about, and it's an actual serious relationship.
he knows it's way too soon, and you're not Annie's mum, but it kind of feels like you are?? and he's not sure how to feel.
"Did you have a good Mother's Day, Daddy?"
matty pauses and looks at Annie confused before slowly saying, "... yes, I did, sweetheart. why do you ask?"
"You were being weird around y/n allllllll day," Annie answers, organising her toys carefully as she speaks.
matty decided not to share this internal monologue with Annie and simply said, "Oh. I didn't mean to be. I'm just worried about you i think munchkin"
had he been? matty thought he'd been pretty normal, casual, and cool. but if Annie had noticed- he definitely had not been.
fuck he hope you didn't notice (you didn't, too distracted by trying a new banana bread recipe lol)
"Why?" Annie said with a scrunched up face, matty had to stifle a laugh at her confused face.
"I know it must be hard on days like this because your mummy isn't in our lives. I just want to make sure my best girl is okay. " matty strokes Annie's head as she lies down to sleep.
"I'm fine, Daddy." she says nonchalantly, "Plus, y/n is like my mummy now anyway, so maybe next year we can all have fun"
with that, she drifts off, leaving matty in stunned silence. he truly is just 👁👄👁 for 10 minutes.
he doesn't mention it to you, but he does think about it INTENSELY.
now cut to a few years later, you and matty are going strong (perhaps even engaged...) and it's rolling up to mothers Day again.
and this year- you both feel odd.
you really had become Annie's mum. you sent out family cards from the 3 of you, you go to her parent's evenings (when you can slip away from doing them yourself lol) and you have lived with them for a while.
you do everything for Annie and love her endlessly. She feels like your own child.
matty stirs awake and sees you lying there, voice heavy with sleep he asks, "Are you alright, baby? why are you awake?"
so you bring it up to matty.
One night, you're lying in bed awake, and it's far too late, but you're just staring at the ceiling.
in your sleep deprived state, you don't hesitate to get straight to the point, "Am I Annie's mum?"
Well... that was NOT what matty was expecting to hear. this wasn't a topic he thought he'd be tackling at 3am on a Wednesday but, fuck it! here he goes.
"...what brought this up, babe?" matty asks tentatively, pulling you into his chest. you rest your head on him and sigh heavily before speaking.
"Um... I think that really depends on how you and annie feel. from my perspective? yes?" matty sounds unsure as he speaks, feeling like he's walking on egg shells
"I don't wanna scare you or anything, but you are practically her mum." matty pauses for a reply, but you stay silent, the only audible noise being your joint breathing.
"I don't know, with mothers Day coming up, it's just been on my mind. I feel like a mother, I act like a mother, and I do everything a mother does. but am I a mum? I didn't give birth to her, and I wasn't here from the start, so it feels selfish to call myself one and-"
matty shushes you and cuts off your rant before it goes too far, "its not selfish, sweetheart - it's realistic." matty pauses and takes a breath before continuing.
"If it helps, Annie said you were already her mum that very first mothers Day you spent with us. so I wouldn't think too deeply about it. " he shrugs as he speaks and turns the bedside lamp off.
matty had assumed this would calm you - it did not.
"Don't worry about it, babe. I'll do it," matty says, bringing you back down and wrapping the duvet around the two of you.
"WHAT." You pull up and look at matty wide-eyed, leaning over him and flicking the light back on
he looks back confused, and you really have to take a moment to realise hes not being intentionally dumb.
"Why did you only just decide to tell me this??? it's been years, Matthew!!! oh god, this changes everything. I have to talk to her about it. fucking hell-"
so he did! it was the day before mothers Day, and you were out shopping with charli. she needed a new dress for a fancy date george was talking her on, and you were more than happy to help!
"of course"
Annie was peacefully sat on the sofa watching high school musical 2 with mayhem. He was peacefully snoring in her lap as she sang along to fabulous (the best hsm movie and the best song, btw)
"So... Annie, how are you..."
fuck. Why would he ask that?? what a shit way to start.
Annie pauses and looks at matty weirdly before responding, "okay i think?"
"Good, good... can we talk?"
"Do you want to do anything for mothers Day this year? for y/n, i mean. not me or anything. that would be weird." matty stops himself going off on a tangent and coughs awkwardly and waits for a response.
Annie pauses the movie and nods tentatively, matty sits next to her and can't help but jump straight in.
his nerves were ruining any chance at a coherent thought.
5 seconds feels like 5 hours, but he couldn't be more relieved when she excitedly says, "Yes!!! oh, please, can we!?! I want to get her flowers and chocolates!!"
matty sighs a breath of relief and nods. He grabs his keys and says, "Definitely. let's go to tesco then, cmon!"
the next morning, matty is up early... suspiciously early.
you wake up to whispered voices and hear a tray clanging slightly,
annie and matty saying "surprise!!" wakes you up fully, and you are shocked to see them with a tray of pancakes, coffee, and a bouquet of flowers.
immediately you tear up, but you have to ask to make sure you're not misinterpreting this.
"Oh wow! what's all this???" You say sitting up as matty puts the tray next to you on the bed.
"Happy mothers Day!!!" squeals Annie excitedly, "Dad said I was finally allowed to give you presents today!" she smiles big as she finishes, almost looks anxious awaiting your response.
tears start rolling down your cheeks, and you pull Annie in, squeezing her so tight she loses all the air in her lungs.
"Oh, Annie. thank you so so much. I love you, sweetheart." You pull back and wipe your tears, and Annie can't look happier, gummy smile and bright eyes staring back at you.
shyly, she says, "You're welcome. i love you too"
"You want to share my pancakes, sweet girl?" You ask, already cutting it up for the two of you.
"yes!!!" Annie says bouncing on the bed.
matty might as well not be there, but that is honestly exactly how he wanted to feel.
you don't need him. you're Annie's parent now too.
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