#that’s what i’ve been doing this whole time
swordy-da-goat · 2 days
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Here’s my DnD character, Milk Bucket, a human skeleton artificer (battlesmith) whose steel defender is a 0-4-4 Standard Gauge Forney. A steam locomotive engineer cursed into a skeleton and craves for any calcium high foods (like milk).
The best character I have ever made.
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jupiterpilgrim · 2 days
SEX CAGE - A Certain Kind of Freedom
Kwon Eunbi x male reader
word count: 14K
part 1
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Eunbi and Somi are lounging on the couch, comfortably wrapped in the delicious art of gossip — the kind of conversation that could fuel hours of free entertainment, without the need for Netflix or Wi-Fi. Eunbi grabs another cookie, chewing slowly as Somi talks with the passion of someone who just watched the latest episode of a dramatic reality show.
"You heard the latest about Mina, right?" Somi starts, her voice full of that conspiratorial tone only someone who truly revels in other people's misfortunes can master.
Eunbi raises an eyebrow, with the moderate interest of someone who knows this is going to be good. "Oh, Mina, the embodiment of perfection... at least according to herself."
Somi nearly chokes with laughter. "Yes! And can you believe her boyfriend dumped her to date her younger sister?!" She drops the news as if she’s revealing the biggest scandal of the week, which, for their circle, might just be.
Eunbi stifles a laugh, which turns into a rather sadistic smile. "Of course, because obviously the only way to escape that arrogance was... to dive headfirst into an even bigger mess. Congrats to him for making the dumbest choice available."
Somi slaps Eunbi’s arm, laughing. "The worst part is, apparently the sister thought it was cute that he tattooed her name on his arm. Cheap tattoo, mind you. And, of course, she fell for him right then and there. Because nothing says 'I love you' like a bad tattoo."
Eunbi grimaces, shaking her head. "A name tattoo is like signing a contract with disaster. But hey, everyone does what they can with the little brain they have, right?"
They burst into laughter again, the kind of shared humor only longtime friends can appreciate — especially when they’re mocking someone they never really liked. The sound echoes through the apartment, and for a moment, it’s almost like they’re back in the days when their biggest worry was deciding which nail polish to wear that week.
Somi finally catches her breath and looks at Eunbi with a softer expression. “But seriously... you’re glowing, you know? You’ve got such amazing energy! Way different from the last time we talked, when you were, like, at rock bottom with the whole unemployment thing.”
Eunbi feels her stomach churn slightly. Ah, rock bottom. What dark times those were (three months ago). Until she turned things around, of course, but by means Somi can’t — and shouldn’t — know about. Eunbi plays with her hair, as if she can brush away the discomfort with the gesture. “Ah, you know... things have gotten better. Lucky for me, my roommate is super smart.”
Somi narrows her eyes, curious. “Smart how? Did he help you get a new job or something?”
Eunbi tries not to sweat. She can’t exactly admit that her current 'job' involves cameras, masks, and an eager audience hungry for more content. So, the lie flows, smooth as oil. “Oh, you know, he’s into all that nerdy stuff. Investments, bitcoins, NFTs... those complicated things only weirdos understand. He’s been covering the bills for now.”
Somi looks at Eunbi, genuinely impressed. “Wow, you really lucked out! A rich nerdy roommate. Sounds like one of those cliché romances.”
Eunbi lets out a nervous smile. “Yeah, it was a good roll of the dice.” Before Somi can start connecting dots or asking more complicated questions, Eunbi quickly decides to steer the conversation in a different direction. “But enough about that. Now that I have more time, I’m thinking of going back to the gym. What do you think about us going together? Like, a triumphant return to the fitness life.”
Somi almost spills her tea in excitement. “You? The gym? I’m shocked!! But seriously, that’s awesome! What gave you the sudden motivation?”
Eunbi smiles, satisfied to have shifted the topic to safer ground. “Oh, you know... health, staying in shape, that kind of thing. And now that I’ve got more free time, I’ve got no excuses, right?”
Of course, the real reason for the new gym routine was less noble and more... vain. Keeping that ‘porn goddess body’ requires work, after all. The cameras don’t lie, but they definitely have their preferences. And Eunbi was determined to live up to those expectations — hers, the fans’, and anyone else willing to pay to watch.
Somi gets excited about the idea, clapping her hands animatedly. “I LOVE this! Finally, a gym buddy! We can even take those post-workout selfies, you know? Like, ‘no pain, no gain.’ It’s going to be great!”
Eunbi laughs, already picturing herself doing squats while Somi films her for Instagram. “It’ll be fun. My goal will be to get abs like yours.”
The conversation flows smoothly, with occasional laughs and sharp gossip, until the apartment door opens and you walk in, as usual, a bit clumsy, unaware that you’re interrupting the gathering. Somi turns her head to look at you, surprised but with her usual friendly, easy smile.
“Hey! Long time no see!” She gets up to greet you while you try to force a tired smile and give her a quick hug. Not that you don’t like Somi; she’s great, really, but she always brings this certain energy that leaves you feeling slightly... drained. The kind of person who could empty the battery of an entire room just by showing up.
“How’s it going?” you ask, trying to be polite as you prepare to escape to your room.
Somi responds with the same enthusiasm as always. “Everything’s great! And you? I haven’t seen you in ages!”
“Ah, I’m good too. Make yourselves at home, don’t mind me, I’m just heading to my cave,” you say, and with that, you finally make your way to your room.
Barely closing the door, Somi, who never misses an opportunity, turns to Eunbi with a curious gleam in her eye.
“So, has he been bringing a lot of girls around here?”
Eunbi lets out a theatrical sigh, as if the question were more ridiculous than it actually was. “Thank God, no. He’s always been pretty chill, actually. More of a stay-at-home, play-video-games type than the ‘hook up with everyone’ kind.”
Somi crosses her arms, a thoughtful expression on her face. “Really? That’s funny. He’s cute. And I always thought cute guys were taken. What a waste.”
Eunbi tries to keep her composure, but something about Somi finding you cute bothers her. Not that she’s jealous. Obviously not! But hearing Somi compliment you... well, let’s just say it’s irritating. “Yeah, he’s cute. But anyway, back to the topic... the gym, right? I think I’ll start tomorrow.”
“Great! The gym I go to is amazing, you’ll love it.”
Eunbi smiles, satisfied with the sudden shift in conversation, and decides to change the course even further.
"By the way, I’ve always wanted to ask you something, Somi... have you ever been with a girl?"
Somi almost breaks the cookie she was about to eat. She blinks, processing the question. “Uh... like, kissed?”
Eunbi shrugs. “Kissed, hooked up, anything. Has it ever happened?”
Somi, still a bit taken aback, furrows her brow. “Ah, kissing, sure. Everyone’s kissed a friend after a few drinks, right? It’s like a friendship ritual.”
Eunbi lets out a little laugh. “So, just a kiss then? Nothing more?”
Now, Somi’s completely intrigued. She places her teacup carefully on the coffee table, as if she’s about to disarm a bomb. “Well... I’ve never slept with a girl, if that’s what you’re asking.”
Eunbi continues to probe. “And... would you try it?”
She pauses, looking at Eunbi more intently now, as if trying to catch the hidden subtext in the question. Then, connecting some dots, maybe a bit hastily, she smiles slightly. “Wait... are you suggesting that—”
But before Somi can finish her sentence, Eunbi waves her hand, as if shooing away a bunch of unwanted thoughts. “No, no! Nothing like that. I’m not suggesting anything. I was just curious.”
Somi laughs, but there’s a faint thread of tension in the air now, something light, something that wasn’t there before. “Oh, okay. Because, you know, I wouldn’t judge if you were thinking about it. I mean, you’re gorgeous, I’m gorgeous... It wouldn’t exactly be a tragedy.”
Eunbi gives a short, controlled laugh, like someone who needs to keep the train on the tracks. “I know, but that’s not it. I was just asking.”
Somi relaxes, but the mischievous look doesn’t fade. “Ah, got it. Just checking if the hot friend’s into girl-on-girl stuff. Sure, makes sense. Now tell me, what about you? Ever been with a girl?”
“Well... like you, I’ve kissed some friends a few times, you know, those party moments when everyone’s drunk and hyped. But I never... went beyond that, you know?”
Somi puts on a fake dramatic act, clutching her chest like she's deeply offended. "What? You've kissed other friends but never me? And here I thought our friendship was special!"
Eunbi, with the calm of someone who always has an answer ready, shrugs. "Well, we could change that right now, if you want."
Somi raises an eyebrow, surprised, but a smile begins to form on her lips. "Are you serious?"
Eunbi simply nods. "Why not? Friends do these things, right?"
If this were a book, this would be the moment when the reader holds their breath, eagerly anticipating what's next.
Then, without much fuss, Somi gives a mischievous smile, and they both lean forward until their lips touch in a quick, simple kiss. No drama, no complications. Just a brief moment, but with an underlying tension neither of them will admit to.
When they pull away, Eunbi smiles like she just checked off something from her to-do list.
"There. Now you're part of the exclusive group of friends I've kissed."
Somi laughs, raising her cup of tea. "Wow, what an honor. Let's toast to that."
Eunbi raises hers too, a satisfied smile playing on her lips. "To open friendships."
They clink their cups, the sound echoing through the room, and the atmosphere relaxes again, as if nothing unusual just happened.
[12:03 AM]
Yujin: Heyyyy Rubydden! 🖤✨ Saw your sextape, girl, you SLAYED! Congrats!
[12:07 AM]
Rubydden: Omg, thanksss! I was so nervous, you have no idea 😳
[12:08 AM]
Yujin: Nervous? Pff, no way. You looked super natural. You’ve got that je ne sais quoi. Like... I dunno, a mix of dominatrix and Instagram fairy, you know?
[12:09 AM]
Rubydden: 😂😂 What a description! Now I gotta add that to my bio. But seriously, I loved what you do too. I watched some of your vids and I was like... wow ❤️🔥
[12:11 AM]
Yujin: Some? Haha, liar, bet you binged them all 😏
[12:15 AM]
Rubydden: Well... maybe five or six 😅
[10:35 AM]
Yujin: Look, I'm gonna be blunt... I got off to your titjob. That was AVN Awards level 🥵💦
[10:36 AM]
Rubydden: 😳 Omg! Wasn’t expecting that. Now I’m blushing
[10:37 AM]
Yujin: You're a goddess, Rubydden. That close-up on your boobs... girl, perfection!!
[10:38 AM]
Rubydden: Haha, I thought the same about you when I saw that video of you making yourself squirt... hard to forget
[10:39 AM]
Yujin: Haha perfect! But seriously, that titjob you did... I had to grab a vibrator because it was sooo hot 🔥
[10:40 AM]
Rubydden: OMG, really?! I'm feeling flattered now 🙈
[10:41 AM]
Yujin: Of course!! I’m not gonna lie, you and your guy have crazy chemistry. Ever tried a threesome?
[10:42 AM]
Rubydden: Never tried, actually. But I've always been curious... 🤔 Why, got something in mind?
[10:44 AM]
Yujin: Girl, if you haven't tried it, you're missing out, seriously. I've done it a few times and, for real, it’s amazing. Now, imagine this: me, you, and your guy in a video. It'd break the internet!!
[10:46 AM]
Rubydden: Wow... That definitely sounds like something to think about. I guess I'd have to talk to him first, right?
[10:47 AM]
Yujin: For sure, for sure! But think about it seriously, okay? We could make something super sensual, something that would drive the audience wild. Plus, it’d be a lot of fun 😉
[10:49 AM]
Rubydden: Haha, gosh, I'm nervous just thinking about it. But I won’t lie... the idea is tempting
[10:50 AM]
Yujin: Trust me, girl. It’s gonna be an experience you won’t forget. And, obviously, who could forget you after that?
You’re sitting in Eunbi’s room, her laptop open on the desk in front of you, your eyes skimming over the messages again and again. That dialogue on the screen doesn’t just surprise you, it throws you into a world you didn’t even know existed a few months ago.
A threesome?
Eunbi, standing beside you, looks at you like she’s already made up her mind. To her, this is just another chance to go viral again. "So?" she says, tapping your shoulder lightly, a carefree smile on her face. "What do you think?"
You swallow hard, the words getting stuck in your throat. "I... I don’t know what to say."
She frowns a little, but still in a playful way, like she’s hearing someone complain about being hot in the summer. "Oh, you never know what to say. Relax. It’s not that complicated." And then, with a twinkle in her eye: "Yujin's hot, right? And she's got millions of followers. If we do this, it’s gonna be huge. Like, huge."
"It’s not that," you mumble, trying to form something coherent, but all logic seems to slip away from you like sand through your fingers. "I mean, it’s just... all of this... it’s so new."
She lets out a soft laugh, like she was expecting exactly that. "Of course it’s new. I still remember us sitting on the couch freaking out, thinking we’d get evicted from our apartment. Everything’s happening so fast, but look where we are now!" She picks up her phone, scrolling through Yujin’s photo gallery, clearly much more comfortable with the idea than you are.
"But I don’t even... know if I want to do this," you admit, trying to understand why your voice sounds so small in this conversation when you should be shouting HEY, I LOVE YOU, CAN WE TALK ABOUT US?!
"It’s okay to not want to... right now," she replies, still half-distracted as she shows you another picture of Yujin, this one even more provocative. "But seriously, look at this. Us and her? It’s gonna break the internet. And you’d be the luckiest guy in the world." She says it like she’s pitching the latest smartphone, full of perks and no downsides.
"I’m not sure ‘lucky’ is the word I’d use," you laugh awkwardly. How do you explain that, in your head, luck would be getting to take her out to dinner, with no cameras or masks in the way?
She frowns, clearly not understanding why you’re not jumping at the idea. "Okay, then what’s the problem?"
Inside, the knot of emotions keeps growing. You’re still trying to process the fact that you’re falling for your best friend. The girl you’ve always shared everything with, who stood by your side through the tough early days of adulthood. You two share something special... but she doesn’t seem to see it the same way. She’s caught up in the work, the followers, the rising fame.
And you?
You’re caught up in the feeling of falling in love with someone who might only see you as a tool for her career.
You open your mouth to say something, but nothing comes out, and all you can manage is a frustrated sigh.
"I’ll... think about it, okay?"
She gives you a quick hug, like you’ve just agreed to go to her Barbie-themed party. "Relax, it’s gonna be amazing, you’ll see. We’re doing so well! Maybe, when things calm down, we can even take a trip, just the two of us. What do you think?"
You allow yourself a small smile.
A trip, just the two of you?
That sounds almost... romantic.
"Yeah... that sounds nice."
"Yes! I was thinking maybe the Swiss Alps, how about that? Us in a cozy little cabin, snow falling outside, a fireplace burning... perfect, right?" She looks at you, her eyes shining with the idea. For a brief moment, you imagine the two of you together, far away from everything, just enjoying each other’s company. Damn, that would be perfect.
But, of course, Eunbi continues: "And we could shoot a video there! Imagine, us having sex in front of the fireplace, with the snow falling outside... it’d go viral."
You roll your eyes and take a deep breath. Of course.
Because in the end, that’s what it all boils down to. The romance fades faster than your desire to keep this conversation going.
You're lying on the couch, engrossed in your book, when you hear the apartment door open. Eunbi had gone out to pick up a package, and you were already used to her dramatic entrances. But the excitement with which she bursts through the door this time makes you suspicious of what on earth is in that box. It could contain anything from a toaster to a new vibrator powerful enough to emit sound waves detectable by a hydrophone at the bottom of the ocean.
“So, what’d you get this time?” you ask without looking up from your book.
“Oh, you'll find out soon enough,” she replies in a voice full of secrets.
You raise an eyebrow but go back to your book. “Right. Whatever it is, I hope it doesn’t explode.”
She disappears into the bedroom, and for a second, everything returns to normal. You almost convince yourself it’s nothing to worry about… until hours later, when another door opens again, this time with the subtlety of a hurricane. And who enters the room is… well, Eunbi, but a version of her that looks like she just walked out of a weird fanfic written by someone with way too much time on their hands.
She’s wearing a schoolgirl skirt that honestly makes you question the sanity of fashion designers and a baby tee she probably last wore many years ago.
You look at her, half incredulous, half amused, and can’t help but laugh. “Okay, what the hell is that?”
Eunbi spins around like a runway model, making the skirt dangerously twirl. “My new costume! For the next video, obviously.”
You tilt your head, a bit cynical. “What video?”
“I mean, our video,” she corrects. “We’re gonna do a roleplay. I’m the younger sister, and you’re the older brother.”
You frown.
“Wait, what?”
But she moves closer, sitting beside you, her hand strategically landing on your thigh. And it’s that kind of hand slide that makes your neurons scream to ignore it, but of course, your body had already betrayed you the second she walked into the room in that… outfit. Now you start to understand that the mysterious box might have had something to do with this transformation.
“I’m going to be your stepsister,” she begins, while her fingers trace slow circles on your leg, “and our parents aren’t home... and I want to show you something. Something I just discovered, you know, like… sex.”
“Oh, sure. Sex,” you say, as if it’s the most revolutionary concept you’ve ever heard. “Because that’s what every little sister does, right?”
She either ignores the sarcasm or just doesn’t care. “Exactly! Oh, and of course, it won't be anything too scripted, we'll just feel the vibe and improvise. It’s going to be our best video yet. It’ll have that… forbidden touch, you know?”
You lean back on the bed, trying to figure out a way out of this. “So… like… can I finish my book first?”
Her eyes gleam with pure determination as she leans in closer, her hand now dangerously high on your thigh. “You can finish later. This will be quick.”
You had spent the last few days deciding that, no, this was too much, that you weren’t going to have sex with Eunbi just to create content anymore. Boundaries, you told yourself. Self-respect. You were more than that, right? You were going to set limits, be firm...
But now, with her hand so close to something that does not respect any rational decision, those words start to feel distant.
Then she delivers the final blow, the argument that should be illegal in any discussion. “And, look, it’ll be my first anal. You’ll get to fuck my ass. And, to make it better, I’ll let you come inside.”
Your synapses short-circuit. All those mature reflections about feelings and dignity… vanish. The decision you had sworn to keep firm just... dies. Just like that.
Her hand is already on your cock, and of course, it’s already rock-hard. Not that you have much of a choice at this point. Your body had already made the decision for you.
“It’ll be fun,” she says with a slight tease, her fingers now playing with your erection. “And I promise I’ll make you feel... very good.”
You try, by some miracle, to keep your composure. “Okay, but... shouldn’t we have, like, talked about this first?”
She looks at you with an expression that clearly says: Are we really having this conversation right now? “The only thing we need to talk about is how much you want to fuck my ass.”
You let out a sigh—whether of surrender, desire, or just because you’re an idiot, you’re not sure.
But deep down, you knew you were defeated the moment she walked into the room wearing that damned skirt.
Of all the absurd decisions you’ve made, this is probably the most obvious one. With your mind utterly overwhelmed by a mix of desire and confusion, you heard yourself saying yes before you had time to process anything more rational—like, for instance, no.
Eunbi smiles as if she's about to invite you to play house, but a version that would never be allowed on any playground. She bounces off the mattress, as if the thrill of seeing you sink into this pit of poor decisions is a small personal victory, and rushes to the bedroom. You hear the sound of boxes being rummaged through. She comes back with a mask and the camera. Your camera, which, let’s be honest, she practically stole from you a long time ago.
"Here," she says, handing you the equipment with a sparkle in her eyes. "Now I’m going to redo the entrance," she continues, already in full actress mode, putting the mask on, "but this time, you’re going to be my older brother, and I’ll be your... well, you already know."
You sigh, half-amused, half-resigned, but lie down on the bed as instructed, slightly frustrated to give up something important to do... this—and yes, you did consider finishing that book important—but, if we're being honest, resisting Eunbi was like trying to hold water in your hands.
You turn on the TV, something generic is on, maybe a show about giant cakes, which, of course, doesn’t match what’s about to happen. You press the record button on the camera.
And this is how it begins:
The bedroom door opens, and there she is, the personification of every possible cliché of fantasies that shouldn’t exist. A schoolgirl skirt that’s way too short, a baby tee that only someone with questionable taste would consider appropriate for anyone past puberty, and a walk that was almost a caricature. But the strangest thing was how much she had changed. It wasn’t just the outfit. It was everything: the posture, the gestures, even the expression on her face. When she approaches and says, “Hey, big brother,” the voice is so sweet it’s almost sickening.
Pure poisoned sugar.
You glance at her as she sits at the edge of the bed, the camera strategically positioned to film from the neck down, focusing on that damned tight baby tee that accentuates her breasts. “Hey,” you reply, casually.
“Parents are gone,” she announces, sitting beside you on the bed. You mutter something vague in response, more focused on surviving the scene than keeping up the act.
“Remember what dad said before he left?” she asks, with that voice that sounds like it’s meant to sell children’s toys or, in this case, sell the idea of something entirely different.
You nod absentmindedly. “Sure, take care of the house. And you.”
She smiles. But it’s not an innocent smile.
No, definitely not.
"Exactly. And I was thinking… shouldn’t you, like, take care of me now?"
“Hmm, take care of you... how?”
She smiles again, and the insinuation in her voice is so heavy it could sink a ship. "I discovered something. Something people do to feel good. And I think we should try it."
You try to fake indifference, which, of course, doesn’t help at all. "Oh yeah? What’s that?"
She leans in a little more, almost whispering. "The man puts the, um, what’s it called? Penis! That’s it! The man puts the penis into... the vagina... I think that’s it. He puts the penis in the woman’s vagina. That makes them feel good." She pauses, watching your reaction. “I want to try that with you.”
You almost choke on your own saliva.
"What? Who told you that?"
She shrugs, like it’s the most normal thing in the world. "Saw it on the internet."
Ah, of course. The internet. The vast well of wisdom and depravity.
Before you could come up with a reasonable excuse to cut this strange performance—something like ‘I can’t do this, sorry’ or ‘please, I just want to finish my book’—her hand was already on your cock. And, to be fair, that’s exactly what your brain didn’t need at that moment.
“Hey, what are you doing now?” you ask, more because you felt you should say something than because you really wanted an answer.
“Let me see your dick, brother,” she said, as if asking to see the TV remote. “Please, please, please!”
"I can't show you that," you retorted, in vain.
She frowned, but in a mischievous way. “I’ll show you what’s under my panties if you show me your dick.”
And, of course, her next move was to part her leg and lift her skirt, revealing the most enticing panties anyone could imagine—pink, with little animal prints, the full provocation package.
Your self-control—or what was left of it—flew out the window. She kept pressing on your dick over your pants, and finally, you gave in. "Alright, alright."
Eunbi took on the role with an almost disturbing enthusiasm. When you finally gave in and let her pull down your pants, her eyes lit up with exaggerated curiosity, as if she was dealing with something mysterious, incomprehensible, and worthy of scientific study. She looked at your cock like it was a particularly intriguing puzzle—one to be solved not with logic, but with her hands.
"Wow..." she murmured, her words filled with rehearsed admiration. Her fingertips brushed against the warm skin, exploring as if it was the first time she had ever touched a cock. She giggled and, with a touch that was almost innocent (if it weren’t so provocative), started handling it like she was investigating the workings of a new toy.
“It’s... so big!” The words came out with an overly exaggerated tone of surprise.
You tried to maintain some semblance of indifference, but it was like trying to keep a dam intact in the middle of a hurricane. "Careful there," you said, your voice already tense, feeling every light touch as if your cock was now in the hands of an inexperienced mechanic unsure of how to proceed.
She used both hands, holding it with a curiosity that seemed clumsy but intentionally sensual. “Why is it like this? Like, hard... but the skin’s soft at the same time?” The question was so simple, almost comical in its innocence, that you couldn’t hold back a nervous laugh.
“That’s how it works,” you muttered, the effort to keep your head in the game becoming harder as her hands slid more confidently. She squeezed a little more, testing different ways to hold it, as if searching for the perfect grip, her short nails brushing the sensitive skin in a way that made you squirm.
“And these balls down here?” She looked at them with genuine curiosity, playing with your balls, her gaze still so inquisitive that it almost made you laugh again. “What are they for? Do they get hard too?”
“No...” you took a deep breath, trying to explain without completely losing your composure. “I mean, they can get a little hard when they’re full... They’re… sensitive , just... don’t mess with them too much.”
She laughed, clearly amused by the reaction she was provoking. Her touch grew bolder as she became more familiar with what she was doing, running her hands along the entire length, holding your balls with a mix of care and silly curiosity, like she was weighing something valuable. “Oh, so the balls are sensitive...” she teased, laughing mischievously. "I’ll be careful."
She wasn’t, of course. Her touch, though clumsy for the character, was becoming more precise, more intentional. She knew exactly what she was doing, even if the role demanded a forced innocence.
"Can I... try something?" she asked, lying under your legs, her face so close to your dick that you could feel her warm breath on the tip.
"Try what?"
It was an unnecessary question because the answer was already written between the two of you in bold letters. She knew. You knew. Everyone—including the audience watching this later—knew.
“Can I... lick it?” she asked with the same sweetness as someone asking to taste a piece of candy. She tilted her head, her eyes big and bright behind the mask, and without waiting for an answer, lowered her head and gave a timid lick, almost as if she was testing the taste.
You took a deep breath, your muscles tensing involuntarily. "Go ahead..."
She started licking with small, experimental touches, giggling with each new move as if she was genuinely enjoying herself. "It tastes kind of... salty," she commented, like she was talking about a new gourmet ice cream. She laughed again, licking once more, this time with more intention, running her tongue from the base to the tip with an almost disturbing concentration. "Is that good for you?"
"Fuck yes," you responded, trying to control the moan already escaping your throat.
“Then I’ll keep going...” she murmured, smiling satisfied with herself, like a good sister just wanting to make her older brother feel good.
Her movements were a strange, seductive mix of rehearsed hesitation and almost genuine curiosity. The tip of her tongue traced small lines along your skin, up and down, almost like she was discovering a new flavor. She giggled between licks, which for some reason only made the situation hotter. With each touch, the heat in your body intensified.
“You really like this, huh?” she asked with a feigned innocence that you knew was part of the act, but it didn’t make the situation any less provocative. The way she spoke, as if asking an everyday question, contrasted deliciously with the explicit nature of what she was doing.
You let out a low moan, struggling to maintain some control over the situation. “It’s... incredible,” you replied, your voice already shaky.
She paused for a moment, her eyes shining with interest, as if analyzing the situation from a new angle. “So... if this makes you feel so good, what’s the best part?” The question came with that unsettling curiosity of wanting to learn more, wanting to be better at making her brother happy.
You try to stay focused, fighting the urge to just drop the camera and use both hands to make her gag on your dick. But no, she wanted it to be a game, she wanted it slow—you both had roles to play. "The tip," you said, vaguely pointing to the most sensitive part of your dick. “The tip is... where you should focus more.”
Eunbi raised an eyebrow, amusement clear on her face. "The tip?" She looked at your dick with the same exaggerated fascination, her lips moving slowly as she considered the new challenge. "Okay, big brother... If that’s what will make you feel better."
She leaned her head closer, her gaze fixed on the tip of your dick, like she was about to solve a Rubik’s cube. And then, with calculated slowness, she wrapped her lips around the head, giving a light suck, as if tasting something for the first time.
You couldn’t hold back the moan that escaped your lips. The touch of her soft lips, combined with the light pressure of the suction, was simply electrifying. And she seemed to love the reaction she provoked, laughing softly as she continued, her movements increasing in intensity.
“Like this, is it good?” she asked, her voice slightly muffled, as she kept the tip of your dick in her mouth. With each word, the vibration made you lose more and more control.
"Keep going... just like that... it's really good," you managed to say, the words escaping with difficulty. She gave a low, satisfied laugh before going back to what she was doing, now using her tongue to explore the tip with even more curiosity. She swirls her tongue in slow, teasing circles, gently increasing the pressure before relaxing, repeating the motion as if she's experiencing something new each time.
"It's kind of weird," she says suddenly, pulling her mouth away for a second to catch her breath but keeping her hand firmly around your cock, playing with the base like it's something she just learned to use. "But in a good way, you know? Like... kind of funny."
"There's nothing funny about this," you say, almost laughing but trying to keep your composure. "Just... keep doing what you were doing."
She smiles, that mischievous smile that shows she knows exactly what she's doing. "Okay, okay... I'll be a good sister, I promise." And with that, she puts the tip of your cock back in her mouth, now with more determination, sucking with a steady rhythm that makes your whole body react.
You and the camera watch everything, your mind torn between the rising lust and the surrealness of the situation. The way she slips into the role, playing with the idea of being a little sister "discovering" something so dangerous and exciting, only heightens the effect. She sucks the tip with absurd concentration, as if each movement were a new step in a forbidden game.
She pulls the cock out of her mouth again, her hands still busy, and looks at you, eyes gleaming with excitement that comes more from the game than the act itself. "Do you want me to keep going like this? Or should I do something else? I... I can learn quickly, you know."
"So, remember the balls? You can suck them too. I’ll like that a lot."
"You said they’re sensitive, right?" Her voice has that exaggerated tone of curiosity, like she's playing a little sister who wants to learn everything, absolutely everything. "What do I do with these... little balls?"
You, already sunk into the role she’s forcing on you, struggle to keep your voice steady. "Yeah... yes. They’re... sensitive. You can... suck them too. But, carefully."
She raises an eyebrow, clearly amused. "Suck? Like I did with your cock?"
You nod, the words almost slipping. "Yes. But... slower, okay?"
"Mmm, got it!" she murmurs in a devilishly sweet voice. "I'll take care of you, just like you take care of me."
She lowers her head further, moving slowly down to your balls, as if she’s deliberating her next move. She gives them another lick, experimental and almost casual, like she’s licking a popsicle in front of the TV on a Saturday afternoon, and not your body.
"Like this?" Her voice is loaded with fake innocence, but the mischievous smile on her lips leaves no doubt that Eunbi knows exactly what she’s doing. "Or should I be a bit... more careful?"
You swallow hard. "That’s it, just… a little slower..."
She giggles again, that light laugh that makes it seem like you’re really playing make-believe. But, obviously, what she’s doing is far from that. She tilts her head more and begins licking your balls slowly, this time without hesitation, but still with that touch of exaggerated curiosity.
"It's funny," she comments between licks. "I didn’t know they could get harder." With each word, she lets her tongue glide smoothly over the sensitive skin, teasing in a way that makes everything feel like one big game.
You can barely think of a coherent response. "Yeah... the more you play with the balls, the 'harder' they get," is all you can say, trying to maintain some control while her head moves between the base of your cock and your balls, like she’s deciding which part she likes best.
Then she looks up again, as if a brilliant idea just struck her. "What if I suck it all at once? Do you think I can fit it all in my mouth?"
"Yes... go ahead, try..."
And she does, enveloping your balls with her mouth slowly and carefully, almost with that rehearsed sweetness, like an obedient little sister.
"Am I doing well?" she asks in that sweet little voice, her words muffled as she continues playing with your balls, moving her head side to side, as if she’s, once again, testing the limits of what she can do.
You almost laugh, but it’s a forced laugh, the kind you make when you’ve been taken to a place where reason was lost long ago. "You’re such a good girl!"
She smiles, satisfied. "I want to be the best little sister in the world!"
"Okay, if you really want to be the best little sister in the world, then do as you promised and show me what’s under your panties, alright?" you ask, knowing it’s best to stop for now, or the video will end in just a blowjob.
She obediently stands up, unbuttoning her skirt with deliberate slowness, almost ceremoniously. You get rid of your pants and boxers for good and sit on the edge of the bed. She lets the fabric slide down her thighs to the floor, revealing pink panties. It doesn’t help that she seems genuinely excited about it, like she’s playing with something her parents didn’t allow.
"Do you like it?" she asks, turning slightly to show off the pink panties decorated with little animals and bows on the sides.
You clear your throat, trying to keep your composure, which is a colossal challenge considering the scene. "It’s... yeah, it’s nice."
"Nice?" She pretends to be offended, crossing her arms over her chest. "These panties are cute. I chose them especially for my brother." She emphasizes the ‘brother’ with a tone that should be sweet but only manages to sound dangerously suggestive.
"Sure, sure," you reply, looking away for a second, as if that would help you escape the trap. "Cute."
With an even wider smile, she slowly lowers her panties, revealing her already wet pussy. The ‘little stepsister’ looks at you with a rehearsed expression of pure innocence. "Huh? Why... is it so wet?"
You take a deep breath, knowing that any answer to that question will only dig you deeper. But like any protagonist in a story who’s clearly made the worst decision, you answer: "It’s because... you like me. Your body reacts like that when you... really like someone."
She ponders for a second, as if she’s considering this revelation for the first time. "Ah... that makes sense. I do really like you, you know?"
"Yeah... I like you a lot too," you murmur, as if that would help keep things within some kind of boundary.
"So," she continues, her eyes fixed on yours, "what do we do now, brother? How are you going to take care of me?"
You try to keep your voice calm, even though you know it’s quickly becoming impossible. "Why don’t you start... touching your pussy? Slowly. Just to see how it feels."
She seems surprised, but excited by the suggestion. Slowly, her fingers begin to descend, gliding over her soft skin until they reach her wet pussy. And the moans start, first light, then becoming continuous, accompanied by a smile that drives you crazy.
"Like this?" she asks, her voice dripping with fake sweetness.
"Yes, exactly like that," you reply, your voice a little rougher than you’d like, slowly stroking your cock while you film and watch the scene.
She continues, her fingers still timid, almost hesitant, like she’s discovering a new toy and doesn’t know exactly how to use it. She bites her lower lip, clearly enjoying her own curiosity, but you notice that something... is missing.
"No, no... this way it won’t be as good," you say, trying to sound instructional, which is a colossal challenge given the situation. "Let me show you a better way."
She stops, her eyes blinking at you with a mix of surprise and excitement. "Show me? Like... you’re going to teach me, big brother?" She smiles like she’s learning to do homework, except the ‘lesson’ at hand is far from academic.
"Yes... that’s it, I’ll show you. Trust me. Lie down on my bed and open your legs."
You stand up as she does what you asked, her legs slowly spreading to give you full access. With a sigh, you slide your hand between her thighs, your fingers lightly brushing her warm, damp pussy.
She trembles slightly at the touch, letting out a soft moan. "What are you going to do...?"
"Just relax, okay? You'll feel much more pleasure that way," you respond, still in 'older brother instructing' mode, because somehow that twisted logic makes sense right now.
Your fingers find her clit, and you start making slow circles, pressing just the right way—the way you know will make her writhe with pleasure. And, as expected, her moans intensify, her hips moving involuntarily against your hand.
"Ah... this is... so much better," she whispers, her eyes half-closed, her voice now more drawn out, almost surprised at the intensity of what she's feeling. "This feels so good, you're making me feel so good!" She arches her back, getting more lost in the touch, her hands squeezing her breasts, still covered by the baby tee, her moans echoing through the room. "This... this is incredible," she breathes between sighs. "Do it again, brother. Do it like that."
You comply, your fingers now firmer, exploring the small spasms of her body, each touch precise to make her feel more, to make her moan louder. Her breathing becomes ragged, her hands gripping the sheets tightly, and for a moment, the absurd theatrics of the situation disappear, replaced by a raw, physical connection.
"You like that, don’t you?" you ask, knowing the answer is obvious.
"I love it... Mmm, I didn't know I could feel this way." she replies, her voice broken. "You're... you're the best brother I could ever have."
Your fingers move faster now, firm and precise, playing her body like an instrument, each stroke making her tremble. She's gasping, eyes closed, writhing beneath you, her hips rising and falling against your hand. It's a hypnotic sight—almost like watching a chaotic dance, where her body is the instrument, and you, the conductor.
"Ah... brother, I... I’m feeling something strange..." she murmurs, her voice hoarse, almost trembling.
You smile, keeping your tone calm, as if you've been through this before. "It's normal... just relax and let it happen. It'll feel good, trust me."
She lets out a long, nearly broken moan as her body begins to lose control, her muscles contracting involuntarily around your hand. The camera is focused on her movements, capturing every contortion, every muffled moan, as if it were the final piece of a banned masterpiece in several countries.
"Ah, ah... I can't... Oooh..." She begins to beg, her words dissolving into pure sound, as your fingers continue, relentless, pressing and circling, giving no reprieve.
"That's it, let it out... it'll feel good, just let it all out." You encourage her, your voice soft, almost paternal, a sharp irony considering the context.
And then, it happens. She arches sharply, her body trembling violently, and you feel her wet heat spill over your hand. She comes with a scream that echoes through the room, her moans transforming into a primal sound, pure instinct and release. You keep playing her, extending the moment until the last spasm fades.
The camera captures everything—the unbridled pleasure, the ecstasy etched into every curve of her body. Every tremor and sigh are recorded.
When she finally collapses on the bed, exhausted, her breathing uneven, you gently pull your fingers away, bringing your soaked hand up to the camera lens for a close-up.
"Good job, little sister," you say, a hint of teasing in your voice. She just giggles, exhausted but satisfied, her body still trembling with the last traces of pleasure.
"I knew I could trust you," she murmurs, eyes closed, a satisfied smile on her lips.
"But we're not done yet," you say. "I want you to get on all fours for me, I'll show you something.”
Eunbi eagerly complies, lying face down with that almost naive obedience, arching her back with the precision of someone who's done this before. And you, in the role of the responsible older brother, observe and film.
"Now open that ass," you say, giving her a light slap that makes her skin ripple, and without question, she pulls her small hands to spread her cheeks, revealing her tight little asshole and wet pussy, everything perfectly exposed.
You run your fingers over her pussy, wetting them carefully, like you're preparing for a sacred ritual. Then you slide the wet finger down to her tight little asshole. She shifts a bit but stays in position, letting out a low moan as you finally push the finger inside.
"This little ass is precious, you know?" you say, almost in a teacherly tone as your finger slowly explores. "No one else can play with it but me. Just me."
She moans again, a sound mixed with pleasure and a promise about to be made. "I know, brother. It’s yours... only yours."
Her voice sounds sweet, almost begging for more, and you increase the pressure with your finger, pushing a little deeper, testing how far you can go. She arches her back even more, as if trying to make your job easier, offering her body.
"Good to know you understand," you tease, and she murmurs something in agreement. "Because if anyone else tries, there’s going to be a problem, understood?"
She bites her lip, her fingers still holding her cheeks apart. "I promise, brother... it’s only yours."
You smile, satisfied with her promise. "That’s how I like it."
Eunbi remains there, face down, obedient, her hands gripping her cheeks firmly, opening herself to you as if this were the natural purpose of her existence. Her breathing is heavy but eager as your fingers explore, playing with the tight little asshole still learning what it means to belong to someone. You feel the heat of her skin, and the way she trembles with each of your movements makes it clear that despite everything, she's enjoying it.
"Good girl," you say in a tone of approval that sounds almost paternal, moving your finger with more determination now, circling slowly before pressing in again. She lets out a shaky sigh, biting her lip and closing her eyes as if trying to focus on anything other than the pleasurable discomfort you're causing.
"It... it hurts," she admits in a trembling voice, as if revealing a secret, but then immediately moans again, that strange mix of pain and desire. "But it feels good..." She arches her back a little more, as if to encourage you, even as her body struggles to adjust to the new sensation.
You chuckle, pleased with her progress. Then you wet your fingers more in her pussy.
"It’s going to hurt a bit at first," you admit, moving the wet finger more slowly now, just to test her limits. "But don’t worry. Soon enough your little ass will get used to it." The promise is made in a reassuring tone.
Eunbi lets out a louder moan as you penetrate a little deeper, her fingers gripping her cheeks tighter as if trying to steady herself. She moves, arching her back into an even more inviting angle, legs slightly apart. "You... you think?" Her voice is a mix of insecurity and excitement, almost as if she's asking for more.
"I know," you respond, soaking in the confidence of the role, moving your finger with more rhythm, teasing her. "You're a good girl, and good girls always learn fast."
She moans again, her face buried in the mattress, but her arched back continues offering everything you've asked for and more. "I'm gonna... I'm gonna be a good girl for you, brother. I promise..."
You pause for a moment, your fingers still wet from the recent exploration. Eunbi—or, for the purposes of this performance, your ‘stepsister’—breathes deeply, still arched, her body tense with anticipation. The atmosphere is thick, and for a brief second, you just stand there, silently absorbing every almost imperceptible tremor running down her spine. The camera, your silent partner, focuses on every nuance of her expression, every shiver.
“It’s time for you to find out what you’ve been wanting, princess,” you say.
“Please… put your cock in me.”
"Say please," you respond, your voice low, so heavy with desire you barely recognize it. "Be a good girl and ask politely."
Eunbi, ever the meticulous actress, turns her face toward you, her wide eyes behind the mask with an innocence that only exists in fiction—those big eyes, the kind that say ‘I’m pure, I swear,’ even when nothing happening in the room suggests anything remotely innocent. Her breathing is fast, like a theater student at the peak of their dramatic performance.
"Please..." Her voice is a fragile whisper, but sweet, carefully rehearsed to sound vulnerable. "Please, brother... I want you to put your thick cock inside my tight little pussy."
Ah, there it is. The final barrier collapsed with the weight of a house of cards pushed by a breeze. You can’t help but smile—not that the camera can catch it—as you adjust your position with the precision of a watchmaker fine-tuning a delicate gear. The heat emanating from her body is magical, and when you finally penetrate her, slowly, each inch is consumed by her pussy, which wraps around you with a softness that defies reality.
She lets out a moan—the kind of sound that floats between pleasure and surprise, as if she’s being taken into unknown territory while, at the same time, exactly where she wanted to be. "Like that... like that... please," she moans, her voice strained, fingers gripping the sheets as if she’s on the brink of an existential revelation and only the sheets can keep her from being pulled into the abyss.
You start to move, oscillating between slow and deliberate, savoring the moment like you’re tasting the finest wine in the world, while she whispers sweet words between moans.
“Yeah, good girl!” you say softly.
The pace increases, the sound of bodies colliding echoes through the room, and as Eunbi arches her back, moaning for more with an almost religious fervor, you feel like you’re in control of not just her, but the entire scene.
You begin to pick up the pace, your movements gaining a life of their own. Beneath you, Eunbi is moaning non-stop, each sound a bit louder, a bit more desperate. Then, with the precision of a medieval archer hitting the bullseye, your hand comes down fast and firm on her ass.
The slap echoes through the room like an unexpected sound. The impact is immediate: her skin turns a reddish hue, the contrast clear and satisfying against her pale skin. Eunbi lets out a moan that’s half pain, half pleasure—the kind of sound that makes you want to repeat the action just to hear it again.
"More," she moans, her eyes half-closed, her voice muffled by the sheets, as if talking to herself but at the same time asking directly for you. "Please, spank me more, brother!!”
Ah, how could you resist such a polite request? Your hand comes down again, harder this time, leaving another red mark, and her body writhes in pleasure. You begin to alternate between thrusts and slaps, creating a symphony of pleasure and impact that seems to defy the basic rules of decency.
"You like that, don't you?" you say, your voice thick with provocation, as your hand meets her ass again and again, each slap resonating like a gong in a distant temple—or, in this case, the perfect sound of approval for what you two are doing.
"Yes!" she moans, the words coming out in broken breaths, "please... don’t stop!" She raises her hips higher, almost begging for more, and you, always generous, don’t disappoint.
Another slap. Harder. Her body reacts instantly, and the moans turn into something almost primal, as if she’s surrendering completely to the sensation.
"You’re a good girl, baby," you say. "But good girls need to be reminded who’s in control."
She only moans in response, her breathing ragged, her body completely given over to the moment. And, of course, you're more than willing to keep claiming territory, with each slap and thrust taking both of you closer to an inevitable climax.
You stop for a moment, feeling the sweat drip down your forehead, looking at Eunbi and the red marks you left on her buttocks.
“Now, be a good girl and ride me,” you say. “You’re going to like this position, I promise.”
You pause the recording.
Eunbi, obedient and eager as always, pulls away from you, giving you room to lie down on the bed. And then, with a grace that would make any mythological goddess jealous, she positions herself over you. For a brief second, your eyes meet hers, and there’s that exchange of complicity. That look that says: ‘Yes, we know exactly what we’re doing.’
You resume recording.
She lowers herself onto your cock, with a slowness that’s almost torturous, but at the same time, delicious. With every inch she takes in, you feel her warmth enveloping you, the tightness that almost defies logic. She moans softly, adjusting her body, and starts to move. Slow at first, learning the right rhythm.
But, of course, that doesn’t last long.
Soon, she’s riding with more intensity, picking up the pace. Her breasts bounce under the tight baby tee, and then, with a swift movement, she pulls the fabric up, revealing her large breasts that now move freely to the rhythm of her ride.
You can’t resist – who could? – and zoom in on her breasts. Her moans, the bouncing breasts, the hips moving up and down with precision. The camera can barely keep up, but you’re not exactly thinking about perfect angles right now.
This is living art, and you’re documenting every second as best you can.
“You’re doing so well, baby,” you say, half to her, half to the video. “Keep going, my good girl.”
Eunbi bites her lip, increasing the pace even more, and the room is filled with sounds – the bed creaking, her moans getting louder, the slap of bodies meeting. Your fingers grip her waist, helping to guide her, but the truth is, she’s in control for now.
And honestly, you’re not complaining.
She tilts her head back, eyes closed, her whole body focused on the frenzied movement. “Do you like watching me like this?” she asks between moans, with that completely calculated innocence, knowing exactly the effect her words have.
“You have no idea,” you reply, your voice hoarse, as you keep filming, knowing this recording will be something people will want to watch – many times.
The way she moves, even as her body consumes you inch by inch, is a balance between the innocent and the forbidden, as if she’s trying to convince you that she really is a good girl, only with a very, very fertile imagination.
“Please, brother...” she murmurs, almost in a whisper, leaning forward. The words come out in a sweet tone, with a hint of hesitation, as if testing the limits of roleplay with each syllable. “Do you think I’m being a good girl... for you?”
You smile, unable to hold back the sadistic pleasure that surfaces with the question. Your hand moves up her thigh, squeezing firmly. “You’re doing very well, little sister,” you reply. “But good girls can do better. Come on, show me how much you want to be the best.”
She bites her lip, her eyes sparkling with a mix of excitement and nervousness – part of the act, of course, but brilliantly performed. “I... I can do better,” she says, trying her best to sound shy, as if begging for your approval. “I promise I can be the best little sister for you. Just... let me show you.”
And then, she lifts herself again and starts moving with more intensity, speeding up as her hands rest on your abs for balance. Her moans grow louder, almost stuttered, but she keeps the sweetness in her voice. “This feels so good... do you like seeing me like this, brother?” She asks, as if genuinely concerned about your verdict.
You don’t answer immediately, just watching her with that calculated expression. “You haven’t convinced me yet,” you finally say, your words sharp. “Good girls need to try harder. If you want to be my favorite, you’re going to have to work for it.”
Her eyes widen in mock concern, her breathing coming in heavier pants as her effort increases. She leans forward, her hair falling around her face as she continues to ride you, her movements becoming more intense, and the steady pace she maintains pushes you over the edge. “Brother... I’m trying,” she says between moans, her voice tinged with a mixture of effort and supposed innocence, as if the simple act of continuing is proof of her dedication. “Are you... are you enjoying it? Am I being a good girl right now?”
Your smile widens, seeing how far she’s willing to go to keep the fantasy alive. “You’re almost there, baby,” you reply with a superior tone, enjoying the power of the moment. “But good girls don’t just try. They give it their all. Show me how much you want this.”
She lets out a small moan, her eyes filled with an intensity that seemed to be growing with each movement. “I… I can do more,” she murmurs, picking up speed, her thighs now pressed against your body, rising and falling at an almost frantic pace. Her breasts bounce with the force of her ride, and her lips tremble with the effort, but she keeps going, determined.
“That’s it,” you murmur, your eyes locked on hers as you watch the hypnotic sway of her exposed breasts. “Good girl. Keep it up. Do it right!"
She bites her lip hard, clearly struggling to please you, her hands gripping your shoulders tightly as she picks up the pace even more. “I… I’m doing this for you, brother,” she moans, her voice sweet and broken, feigning complete devotion. “I want you to love me. I want to be your favorite girl. Please… love me…”
You grip her waist, helping to guide her movements. Her body moves down harder, with more determination. “If you keep it up, I might just love you,” you tease, tightening your grip. “But only if you really try. Go on, faster. Show me how much you want to be my good girl.”
She obeys, her moans louder now, mixed with panting breaths. “I’ll be… I promise,” she barely manages to say between her rapid movements. “I’ll be your good girl. The best one ever. I swear!”
“Then make me cum,” you say, your voice low and controlled, but full of expectation. “Only good girls know how to do this. Will you make it, little sister? Will you show me that you deserve it?”
She responds with only a strangled moan: “I- I w-will!”
“Then turn over,” you demand, your voice low but full of command. She stops riding you slowly, a smile on her lips, as if she’s been waiting for this order all along. She carefully turns her body, now facing away from you, her ass sticking up in a way that leaves her completely exposed. “Now you’re going to let me play with your asshole.”
"Brother... you're going to take care of me, right? Mommy and daddy said you needed to take care of me."
"Of course I'll take care of you. But now you're going to let me play with your asshole." You take your cock in one hand, holding it tight like a guide. "Come on."
She hesitates for a second, biting her lip with a hint of insecurity—not of the Eunbi you know, but of the character she's playing. "B-But... what are you going to do there, brother? You shouldn't..."
"Trust me," you murmur, almost out of patience now. "You're going to like it, it's going to make you feel really, really good."
She lets out a small moan, leaning forward, and you start to press in slowly. Entry is difficult—the pink ring of muscle resists at first, tight and almost impenetrable, as if her body is trying to say no while her mind and desire say otherwise.
"It's too tight..." she murmurs, her voice full of feigned nervousness, part of the act. But at the same time, there's something real in that sound, the little tremor in her voice as she tries to adjust herself... It's Eunbi's first anal too, not just the character's. "Do you think it'll really fit, brother?"
"It will fit," you say, your voice low, controlled, with a promise of pleasure behind it. "Just relax. You trust your brother, don't you?"
She nods, inch by inch, you feel her body giving in. The initial resistance gives way to a delicious pressure when it finally goes in. She lets out a loud moan, surprised.
“Mmm, brother… this… this is so different.” Her voice sounds vulnerable, almost shy, as she begins to move slightly, trying to get used to the intrusion.
“You’re being a good girl,” you reply, controlling the pace, thrusting in and out slowly. “You’ll like it more as you keep going.” And with each movement, each slow thrust, she begins to loosen up, her moans getting louder, her body adjusting to the pleasure.
“Come on, brother… take care of me,” she whispers.
“You’re making me so proud, baby. Your ass is perfect.”
“Ooohh, brother…” She lets out a long sigh, trying to adjust, moving her hips slightly, exploring the new sensation. “Why does this… feel so wrong, yet so good?” Her voice is of calculated innocence that drives you wilder with each passing moment.
“It’s because… sometimes, the best things are the ones we shouldn’t do,” you reply, controlling your tone to keep your character, even though the pleasure is almost knocking you over. You push deeper, feeling her insane grip. “And you’ve always been a curious girl, right? Wanting to try everything…”
She lets out a little laugh, although the tension is still there, hidden beneath the surface. “I am curious, yes, brother… I want to learn everything from you.” Then, she starts moving again, slowly at first, moving up and down hesitantly. “Do you think… I’m a good girl for wanting this?”
You can’t keep calm any longer. Her words, that sweet tone mixed with boldness, are destroying you inside. “You’re the best girl, the hottest, the most obedient,” you reply, your voice husky with desire as you hold her hips tightly to help her keep the rhythm.
“So, I’m going to make my big brother happy,” she murmurs, and with that, she starts riding you harder, her movements more confident now, her hesitation disappearing with each passing second. Each time she goes down, you feel the crushing pressure and heat, a tightness that makes you see stars. Eunbi’s moans are getting louder and louder, and beyond the character, you know how much she’s enjoying this.
“That’s it, like that,” you encourage, your hands now squeezing her ass. “Keep going, baby… show your brother how much you want to make him happy.”
Eunbi arches her back, throwing her hips back with more desire, the sound of their skin slapping against each other echoing through the room. “I’m going to… I’m going to take care of you,” she moans, between giggles, clearly enjoying the role. “But you have to take care of me too, okay? Because I’m just your little stepsister… I can’t do everything on my own…”
Her answer is almost fatal to your sanity. You pull her hips harder, helping her to go all the way down, feeling the overwhelming pleasure consume you. “I’ll take care of you,” you promise, without even thinking about the words. “I’ll teach you everything.”
She speeds up her movements, and now the room is filled with the sounds of her body against yours, her moans getting louder, more desperate. “Brother…” she begins, her voice filled with a mix of pleasure and excitement, “I think... I think I’m really enjoying this. You like being in my tight ass, don’t you?”
You almost laugh at her brazenness, but the pleasure is too much. “I love it,” you reply, feeling the urgency take over. “You’re being so good to me. Now, let me fill you with pleasure... until you can’t take it anymore.”
Eunbi continues riding, her movements now more desperate, her face clearly torn between keeping character and giving herself completely to the pleasure. “Aaaah, brother… You'll fill my ass with your cum, right? Because... you promised to take care of me.”
Her head tilts back a little, a mischievous smile lighting up her face, but her moans cut off any possible response. You’re close, so close that words no longer make sense, but the roleplay is still in the air, and you know Eunbi is going to push all the way in.
“I’m gonna… I’m gonna make you cum so much, big brother. Because you’re the best brother in the world,” she moans, grinding harder, and you feel like you won’t last much longer.
“You’re going to make your brother so happy… now, get on all fours because your brother is close… I’m gonna fuck your ass until I cum.”
Eunbi lets out a short laugh, her breathing still ragged from the effort and pleasure. She slides out of you slowly, almost provocatively, and you can see how much her asshole has already opened up with your cock. When she finally stands up, she throws that playful look over her shoulder, biting her lip as if she knows exactly what she's doing.
“On all fours?” She asks, with false innocence, as she positions herself on the bed. “Do you want your sister to be like this, brother? Do you want to fill my tight asshole with your milk?”
The answer doesn't need to be verbalized — your body already speaks for you. She leans on the bed, sticking her ass up, her back arched perfectly, offering everything provocatively. The ridiculously short baby tee remains raised, her heavy breasts hanging from her body.
“You know how to obey, don't you? Good girl…”
Without further hesitation, you stand behind her, your hand running down her body, exploring the perfect curve of her hips and the pulsing heat of her skin. The camera is well positioned, capturing every angle of the final moment. Her pussy is wet, swollen with excitement, but it’s her asshole that you want now, and she knows it. Your firm hand positions itself on her ass cheeks, slowly spreading her, revealing the tight little hole that barely hides how much she enjoyed every second of it.
“Are you ready, little sister? Because now I’m going to put everything in you… and I won’t stop until I cum deep inside your ass.”
She looks back, smiling. “I trust you, brother. Do whatever you want with me.”
With that, you line up your hard cock against her narrow entrance and begin to thrust. It’s still tight, incredibly tight, and the initial resistance only makes the pleasure more intense. Eunbi lets out a muffled moan as the head of your cock finally enters, her body adjusting to the size with a mix of discomfort and pleasure.
“Ah... like that,” she moans. “My asshole is burning so much... but it’s so good.”
You push deeper, inch by inch, until you’re completely inside. The pressure is unbearable, the heat and firmness of Eunbi’s asshole squeezing you in an overwhelming way. With your hand firmly placed on her hip, you begin to push slowly, feeling her tight asshole slowly give way.
The camera focuses on this movement, of course, because, after all, the show is for the audience.
Eunbi lets out a moan, something between surprise and pleasure. “Mmm, you are so big, brother,” she murmurs, her voice cracking with the effort of keeping the role.
You go deeper, the camera recording every movement, every inch. “It's because good girls deserve big cocks,” you tease, thrusting harder now, each thrust eliciting a louder moan from her.
“I am,” she replies between gasps. “A good girl... just for you.”
The moans grow louder as you pick up the pace, fucking her ass with increasing force. The camera shakes a little in your hand, but it’s capturing everything, every detail of Eunbi’s masked expression as she grips the sheets, her fingers digging into the fabric.
As the pace intensifies, the tension in the room builds to a breaking point, and you feel the inevitable wave of pleasure about to spill over. Eunbi is panting, her moans turning into excited whispers. Your free hand grips her ass cheek tightly, keeping her open, and her tight asshole wraps around your cock like a hot trap. You know you’re close to the end, and the thought of it only increases the urgency.
"You... are going to take it all, aren't you?" The question comes out almost like a command, her voice hoarse with pleasure. The camera, forgotten for a second, shakes slightly in her hand, but it's still capturing everything.
"Yes, yes!!" she gasps, her eyes rolling back in their sockets, something the camera unfortunately doesn't capture. "I'm going to take it all! I want... I want you to fill my ass, please! ‘Cause I'm your good girl... your favorite stepsister."
Every word, spoken in that sweet, lustful voice, only makes you harder, closer to climax. You grip her hips and thrust hard, each thrust sinking deeper, every inch of your cock being devoured by that unbearable tightness.
"You like your brother's cock, don't you?" Her voice is deep now, full of the energy of someone who knows she's in control. "Tell me. Tell me what you want!"
“I... I love it!!,” she moans, her voice cracking with pleasure, as if she were about to come undone right there. “I want you to cum inside... please, make me yours, for real... Cum inside your sister!”
And that’s what pushes you over the edge.
With one last thrust, you sink your cock all the way in, feeling her body tremble with the impact. The heat begins to spread inside her, the cum spurting with an almost unbearable intensity, filling the tight little asshole of the “little stepsister” who is moaning in pleasure beneath you.
“Mmm... Fuck! Do you feel it, baby?” you tease, thrusting hard as the last hot spurt of cum floods her. “This is what you wanted, right? To be a good girl for your brother.”
She lets out a long moan, her shoulders shaking, her legs weak with pleasure. “Yes, baby… Mmm, I'm feeling all your cum deep inside me!”
You stay inside her for a few more seconds, feeling the heat of her body and the involuntary squeeze of her ass around your cock. Eunbi takes a deep breath, her moans now fading, but the satisfied smile still on her face.
"You made me feel so special," she murmurs, still in the role. "Now I'm your favorite little girl, right? Because I'm the only one who gets your cum."
You pant, lost in pleasure, your eyes closed as you answer: "It's always been you, baby... always you."
You're still breathing heavily, like you just ran a marathon, but your mind has already switched into content production mode — the ship had already sunk, so might as well make this worth something.
With the camera still in hand, you lean in for a better shot.
“Alright, show me the result,” you say bluntly, pointing the camera at the target.
Eunbi moves slowly, resting her elbows on the mattress, her legs still trembling a bit, and with a satisfied smile on her face, she spreads her cheeks with her hands, fully opening the angle for the lens.
“Is this good?” she asks with that fake sweetness you now recognize as part of the performance, but it still works anyway.
“Perfect,” you reply, adjusting the focus, the lens capturing every detail. She spreads her ass slightly, and the cum inside slowly drips out, a bright white line lazily descending, as if it knows it's the star of the show.
“Now look at the camera, baby,” you ask, while she turns her head back, her masked eyes meeting the lens with that look of pure satisfaction. “Tell them what just happened.”
Eunbi, without hesitation, slips into the sweet and innocent tone of her role, “Look what he did to me... filled my little ass with cum.” She giggles, and it's genuine, mixed with that post-climax thrill. “I guess you really like me, huh, bro?”
“Of course I do,” you say, more as part of the act than anything else.
But deep down, there’s something there that isn’t just performance.
“Now rub it a little,” you ask. Eunbi giggles, and you help her, pulling one of her cheeks while she starts rubbing a finger around the entrance, mixing your semen with her juice.
“See that, bro?” she asks with an adorable giggle, “Now I’m all dirty because of you!”
The camera focuses on the scene as you let out a tired but satisfied moan. “I can see that, princess. You got really messy.”
She keeps playing with her fingers, spreading the remnants of your load provocatively, knowing exactly how to play to the lens. “And now, what are you gonna do to me? You left my little ass all wrecked, it’s burning a lot…”
You pretend to think, but the answer is obvious. “Well, I guess now I need to take care of you, don’t I?”
“With love?” she asks, voice full of tenderness.
“With a lot of love,” you reply.
The camera finally shuts off with that classic final beep, like it’s exhausted too. You let out a sigh, while Eunbi, still catching her breath, stands up and removes the mask.
"Yeah, game over," you say, placing the camera on the desk. The vibe shifts instantly. The heavy air from the scene disappears, and the apartment feels normal again, like it had been put in studio mode for a brief moment.
Eunbi stretches her arms like she’s just woken up from a nap, then extends a hand toward you. You high-five, like two classmates finishing a school project instead of… well, what you just did.
“We did good,” she says with a tired but satisfied smile. “Teamwork was solid.”
“Yeah, it was,” you respond, still trying to process it all. “You okay? I mean... because of, you know...”
She laughs, shaking her head. “The anal? Oh, I should have used the fucking lube. But I’m fine. It stings a little, but it'll pass," she explains, as if she’s talking about a mild sunburn.
You’re not sure if you should feel relieved or admire how casually she handles it. Before you can overthink it, Eunbi suddenly turns and hugs you. The warmth of her body against yours is almost comforting, even with sweat still drying on your skin. “Seriously, thanks for doing this with me,” she murmurs, her voice soft, almost vulnerable.
You stand there, a bit awkward, but aware that this moment matters. “It was kinda… weird, right?”
She pulls back just enough to meet your eyes, chuckling lightly. “Weird? Of course it was weird. But, like, in a funny way. It was a little bizarre at first, but then it was just… getting into character. In the end, we just… made it work.” She shrugs, and the gesture is so typical of her—practical, lighthearted, never taking things too seriously.
“Next time,” she says, pulling off her tight baby tee, “I’ll pick something less... out of the comfort zone.”
She laughs and casually grabs her panties and skirt from the floor.
You watch as she straightens up and walks toward the bedroom door, already slipping back into her natural self, as if the scene had just been a quick detour from routine.
“Wanna shower with me?” she asks, with no malice, just a simple invitation after a particularly exhausting marathon.
You hesitate, a second that feels like forever. The temptation to give in once more is strong. It’d be so easy to say 'yes,' to go with the flow. But you shake your head, declining. "I'll go later... I need to make the bed."
She raises an eyebrow, surprised by the refusal, but doesn’t push. “Alright,” she says with an easy smile, already heading for the shower. But before she crosses the door, she turns, like she’s about to say something important. You even brace yourself, expecting some post-scene revelation, some deep reflection.
“Feel like pizza tonight?” she asks, with not a trace of tension or seriousness.
“Yeah… I guess,” you reply vaguely, still trying to keep up with how quickly she shifts gears.
And then it’s just you and the messy bed. The camera’s still there, the sheets that need fixing, but what really needs fixing is your head. You wish you hadn’t agreed to film. Hadn’t let her hands on your skin convince you again. But how do you resist Eunbi when, with that smile and a promise, she makes everything seem like one big fun game, a fantasy that’s too easy to fall into?
Except while she can turn off the character with a snap and get back to her practical life, you’re stuck. Because it’s not the role that’s messing with your head, it’s what’s behind it. It’s what you feel for her, something you know shouldn’t exist and that Eunbi clearly doesn’t share. To her, it’s work, pleasure, about views and clicks. And sure, who would turn down being the lucky partner in a porn video with Eunbi?
But at the end of the day, is that all you are? You sigh, trying to focus on fixing the bed, while inside, the knot tightens.
It’s a cloudy morning, with that fine misty rain that barely gets you wet but can soak you through if you stand still for two minutes. You’re sitting on the edge of the bed, tying the laces on your running shoes. Running is something you used to do every day, a habit you let go of for some reason that now escapes you. But today is different. You’ve decided to start running again because, as always, it helps organize the mental chaos that has become your life lately.
As you pass through the hallway, Eunbi’s bedroom door is half-open. You think about closing it to keep the warmth in, but a glow from inside stops you. It’s the light from her laptop. You hesitate, but of course, your curiosity wins. You peek in as casually as possible, and there she is: Eunbi, sleeping in a way that’s both adorable and awkward, with the laptop still on beside her, like it fell asleep with her, exhausted from hours of work. Or from whatever she spent the night editing.
You can’t help it. In fact, it’s impossible to resist. Seeing her sleep so peacefully stirs something in you, only making the mess in your head worse. Why does she have to be so… Eunbi? You walk over, switch off the laptop that’s still open on the OnlyFans homepage, with the notification icon showing +99 interactions. You close the lid carefully and place it on the desk. Then, you adjust the blankets that are haphazardly draped over her.
She stirs a bit but doesn’t wake up.
You start running in the park, with that light rain and cold wind cutting across your face—the kind of weather the meteorologists would call 'uncomfortable,' but you would call 'perfect for clearing your head.' Each step on the wet pavement echoes in your ears. With every breath, your chest tightens, not just from the cold, but because the only thing more intense than the physical effort is the whirlwind of thoughts now screaming in your mind.
Eunbi. Always her. Like a beautiful shadow you can’t shake. The images from last night, the mask, the dirty talk, the way she always seems to know exactly how to melt any resistance you try to build up. You almost laugh, bitterly, realizing just how pathetic it is to be stuck in this cycle.
Fuck, the truth is you’ve been hopelessly in love with her for a while now. Of course, you have, but the problem isn’t knowing it—it’s figuring out what to do about it. You’re running, trying to escape the reality that no matter how much you love Eunbi, she seems to be in a completely different universe. A universe where she can suggest absurd things, like some ridiculous roleplay or a threesome, while you, the idiot, are more worried about the color of the blanket you adjusted for her earlier.
Sweat drips down your forehead, mixing with the rain. You pick up the pace, trying to turn this confusion into clarity. You can’t keep living on this emotional rollercoaster. Every time she involves you, you convince yourself it’s just your body being used as a tool, just another role to play to help her grow in this obscure niche.
But with every touch, every smile, your mind whispers: What if it’s not?
What if, somehow, she’s just as lost in this as you are?
Maybe if you finally tell her how you feel, the pieces will fall into place. She could leave this life of videos, masks, and scripts behind. It would be a release for both of you. And then, you could have something normal. A real relationship. One that doesn’t involve cameras and personas. The idea starts to take shape, becoming clearer with every mile you run. You love Eunbi. Simple. And you need to tell her. Simple as that.
Well, in theory.
The park is empty, except for a few brave souls who also thought running in the cold was a fantastic idea. You run one more lap, your body asking for rest, but your mind now buzzing with purpose. When you get back to the apartment, you’ll tell her. Direct and honest.
Then your phone vibrates. You slow down, your shoes hitting the wet ground more softly as you pull out your phone. A message. It’s from your friend. I think it worked, he writes. Your heart races in a different way this time. HR liked her profile. I think they’re gonna make an offer, man. Stay tuned. You almost slip on the path, coming to a sudden stop.
What worked? Oh, right. The plan.
The plan you secretly put together.
The job opening at the company where your friend works, in the marketing department.
The one where you secretly submitted Eunbi’s LinkedIn profile, trying to give her a chance to get out of this crazy content creator life.
Looks like the damn universe is finally working in your favor.
You find yourself smiling like an idiot.
‘It worked.’
She could have a normal life, away from the cameras, and you could start fresh together.
You barely even feel the fatigue anymore.
Now there’s only one thing left: the conversation with Eunbi.
Because, of course, confessing your feelings to a woman you see every day, who sleeps in the room next to yours, with whom you’ve been through situations that would challenge any definition of ‘strange,’ should be easy, right?
You take a deep breath.
No, it won’t be easy.
But it’ll be worth it.
Eunbi is in the kitchen, still looking half-asleep as she holds a cup of coffee. The dim light from the cloudy morning mixes with the cold glow of her phone screen, which she scrolls through lazily with her thumb. The coffee—a blend of ‘I need to wake up’ and’ 'I’m not sure this will help’—warms her hands, but her mind is far from awake. Her reflection on social media, though, is wide awake.
With an automatic gesture, she opens the comment tab on the latest video. It’s the new roleplay video you and she recorded the day before. The video had already racked up an impressive number of views. She sighs, taking a sip as she reads through the comments. It’s the usual mix of praise, teasing, and, of course, the kind of absurdity only the internet can provide.
"Little sis, you drove me crazy today!"
Eunbi lets out a muffled laugh. "Little sis" was probably the mildest term she came across in that sea of comments.
She quickly types a reply:
"Careful, or 'big brother' will get you too! 😘"
"I wish I were your blood brother, damn, just to make it all wrong!! I'd sneak into your room every night after our parents were asleep so we could 'play' together 😈"
Who knew people could take a weird fantasy and make it even more bizarre and unsettling?
"You need therapy, darling, but thanks for the love 🙂"
"The way you bit your lip... it made me... lose my mind."
Ah yes, the detail-oriented observers. They're always around.
"Glad I could help!!"
And then comes the classic:
"Step on me more, mommy!!!"
This time, she laughed out loud. What kind of twisted logic was this?
'Mommy' in a little sister video?
"Sweetie, pick a fantasy. I can't be your little sis AND your mommy at the same time 😅"
"Just show your face already, everyone knows you're hot"
She paused for a second. That comment felt like a jab somewhere inside her. Her face was the last piece she kept hidden, the final wall of protection between Eunbi and the world she had chosen to explore.
She took another sip of coffee as the comments kept popping up on the screen. The amount of absurdity was always a surprise, even for her. But the show had to go on, and responding was an important part of ‘engagement’.
Ah, the wonderful engagement.
"You’re my muse. One day, I’ll marry you!"
She rolled her eyes but kept a polite tone in her reply:
"Glad to inspire... but let’s start with something simpler, like not marrying strangers from the internet.
Kisses 😘"
Next comment.
"I'd give anything to be that tight top on your massive tits 😊"
Eunbi nearly dropped her phone from laughing so hard. What kind of fetish was this now? She took a deep breath before typing:
"Well, it’s actually a baby tee, but I guess clothes live too dull a life for anyone to want to be one. But who am I to judge your dreams?"
Another one popped up right after.
"Hey sis, how about teaching me in person? I’ve got so much to learn... 😏"
Ah, the ever-eager students. She rolled her eyes again, smiling slightly.
"You can learn a lot on your own with a good imagination!"
"You should make a video stepping on Legos barefoot. I bet that would be amazing!!!"
What? Where did these people come from? She bit her lip, trying to hold back laughter as she typed her reply:
"I try to keep my videos at an entertainment level, not torture 🥰 But I appreciate the creativity!"
"It’s obvious you only do this because you love being a slut, I can see it in your expression, even with the mask 🔥 I’m already your number one fan."
Her smile faltered a little. A mix of praise and silent invasion that left her with a mild discomfort.
"Glad you enjoyed the content! Loving what I do is essential. But don’t get too carried away, alright?"
She gave one last glance at the rising view and like counts, but the comments started to lose their charm.
And that’s when the ping of a LinkedIn notification appeared at the top of the screen. An app she had basically forgotten she had installed since the last time she used it was to block an annoying old guy who was pestering her.
She reads the message:
Subject: Job Opportunity - Marketing Department.
Dear Kwon Eunbi,
We are pleased to inform you that your profile has caught the attention of our Marketing Department. After a brief review, we would like to invite you to participate in the selection process for the position of Marketing Analyst.
- Development of communication and digital marketing strategies;
- Analysis of KPIs and market trends;
- Collaboration with creative teams and planning advertising campaigns;
- Bachelor’s degree in Marketing or related fields;
- Previous experience managing digital campaigns;
- Competitive salary;
- Health and dental plan;
- Flexibility for hybrid work (remote);
We look forward to your response to schedule an interview.
She almost spits out her coffee.
What the hell is this?!
For a second, everything seemed to make sense, as if the universe was aligning the stars to give her a 'respectable' way out.
But only for a second.
In truth, it felt like the damn universe was conspiring against her.
The thought of waking up early every day, dressing like an executive, sitting in a cubicle, and smiling at people she probably couldn’t stand while doing mechanical tasks...
“No, no, no. No way,” she says aloud in the empty apartment as anxiety starts to tighten around her. And the strangest part is that she feels... bad. Bad for not wanting it. Bad for thinking she should want it.
She takes a deep breath, trying to calm her mind. Maybe she should, right? Maybe being ‘normal’ would be easier. Maybe this whole video thing is just a phase. She looks at her coffee, as if it held the answers, but it only reflected her face back at her. She gulps the rest down, trying to swallow the lump in her throat.
On the one hand, the college-era Eunbi would’ve jumped for joy at this message. A great job in her field, something ‘respectable’ career-wise; it doesn’t get much better than that.
Well, to be fair, it wasn’t exactly her big dream, but who, after all, dreams of spreadsheets and endless emails? But now, the idea of a normal life, with bosses, deadlines, and white collars, suffocates her more than any corset in a photoshoot. She’s thinking about how good it felt to leave all that behind, how much she loved the freedom she had now.
Sure, she graduated, but that’s not what she wants.
Not anymore.
On the other hand, something inside her hesitated to accept that she didn’t want this opportunity. It was like there was a younger version of her somewhere, screaming in panic: "You can’t be serious, right? Turning down a job like that to... keep being a virtual slut? You’re definitely not me..." And that little voice it's annoying because it hit on an uncomfortable truth. She had, at some point, carved out a different path. A temporary one. And now, this path it's leading her into the unknown, and this offer it's like a way back to her old life.
Monotonous, but dignified.
Difficult, but without exposure.
The safe choice or the leap into the abyss.
College-era Eunbi would say being stuck in an absurd dilemma like this was insane. But the Eunbi of today knows that 'conventional' career isn’t for her.
"This is my life now," she murmurs to herself. Creating adult content wasn’t just a choice; it was her choice. And not only is she going to keep doing it — she’s going all in!
Showing her face.
Now that would be a bold move.
No more masks.
The real Eunbi for the world.
She only has one small obstacle ahead: you. She needs to tell you. Explain how things were about to change. Show you that, even though she once said this was temporary, she’s rediscovered herself and finally found something she’s good at and willing to put her effort into.
She sighs and thinks about the conversation she’ll have. Knowing you, it’s going to be a tough one. You’ll definitely want to argue, try to convince her to take the more traditional route, thinking you’re protecting her. But it’s her life, her body, her decisions.
And if she’s going all in, she has to start by being honest.
When you get back, she’ll lay it all out. In the meantime, she stretches, still feeling the weight of the job offer, and tries to imagine the look on your face when she explains her plans.
You come back from the run looking like a drowned rat, which, considering the weather outside, is a reasonably accurate description. Your shoes make that annoying sponge sound as you walk across the room, and Eunbi is there, sitting on the couch, sipping coffee like she’s contemplating the meaning of life—or more realistically, deciding what her next big revelation of the morning is going to be.
“Good morning,” you mutter, trying to sound nonchalant.
“Good morning...” she replies. You look away as if you have something really important to do—like grab a towel.
The bathroom is a good place to rehearse difficult conversations, so you do that while you dry off, but the words still sound wrong in your head. It’s not like there’s a manual on how to confess to your best friend that you’re in love with her after you’ve filmed sex videos together.
It would be helpful if there was.
After grabbing a coffee and taking a sip, bracing yourself for the bomb you’re about to drop, you walk back to the living room. Eunbi is still there, but now you’re looking at each other like two actors who know the big scene is coming, but neither wants to be the first to step on stage.
“We need to talk,” you both say at the same time, which would be funny if it weren’t an absolutely terrible moment for comedy.
“You first,” you say, trying to sound generous.
“No… you, please,” she insists.
“Okay,” you sigh, sitting down on the couch, already feeling the weight of what’s about to happen. The words gather in your throat, like a rescue team about to jump out of a helicopter. “Look, what I’m about to say isn’t easy. In fact, it’s pretty hard. And it could... well, it could change our friendship. Maybe forever.”
Eunbi nods, encouraging you, though her expression clearly says, ‘I know this is big, but I’m going to pretend I’m calm.’
“I love you,” you finally say, the words coming out stronger than you expected. “And no, it’s not just a friend thing. I’m in love with you, and I’ve been feeling this for a while. Since... since we started filming together, actually. Every time we did a scene, something inside me got more confused, like the fake sex was revealing real feelings.”
Eunbi looks at you, surprised, but she doesn’t interrupt, so you keep going. “I thought it was temporary, something that would go away over time, but it only got stronger. And honestly, I can’t keep going like this, pretending nothing’s changed, because it has. I’m in love with you, for real. I want to be with you. Not just filming together, but... living with you, as a couple. I want us to be real.”
You take a deep breath, feeling some of the tension release from your chest, but vulnerability quickly takes its place. Eunbi looks at you, her eyes slightly teary, and then, before anything else, she says, “I’m sorry.”
“Sorry?” you repeat, confused.
“For making you film all of this with me. I didn’t know what you were going through. I had no idea it was hurting you inside. If I’d known...” She pauses, trying to find the right words, but they seem as hard for her as they were for you. “I would’ve stopped.”
You shake your head, almost laughing, but not in a happy way. “No, you don’t have to apologize. What matters is now, and now is that... I’m being honest. I love you.”
She smiles, that smile you know so well, but now it seems different, softer, more... meaningful. “I like you too. A lot. And I’m not just saying that because you confessed. It’s weird, you know? I’ve been in relationships before, but it was never like this. We have this... bond, this connection I’ve never had with anyone. And I think, actually, I’ve always felt something for you, I just didn’t know exactly what it was. Now I do.”
She pauses, wiping away a solitary tear that escaped despite her efforts. “I want this too. I want to be with you. For real. I can’t imagine being with anyone else. We’ve spent so much time together, it... feels right. It feels like it’s how it’s supposed to be.”
You feel your heart leap in your chest. It’s surreal, all of this.
“So... I guess we’re together,” she says, still smiling, and this time you feel like the smile is for you, and only you.
“Finally,” you say, half-joking, but it’s an undeniable truth.
Still in the high of the magical moment, your heart beating faster than usual for all the right reasons, you decide now is the perfect moment to drop your second bomb.
“Oh, there’s one more thing,” you say, smiling like someone who just found a lost bill in their coat pocket. “Great news, actually. My friend messaged me. The company where he works loved your profile!! You might be getting a job offer soon!”
You wait for a scream of happiness, a tight hug, or even an improvised celebratory dance, but none of that happens. Eunbi doesn’t react the way you imagined. In fact, she seems to have frozen in place, as if someone hit the pause button on real life.
“So it was you?” she asks, her voice suddenly cold.
“Me?” you repeat, having no idea where this is coming from. “Me what?”
She sighs, like someone on the verge of losing their patience. “I got a job offer on LinkedIn.”
You blink, absorbing the information, and then smile widely. “Oh, so it worked! That’s great! I mean, now you have a chance to get out of this life... right?” But Eunbi’s expression, far from joyful, is one of... anger? Something between irritation and deep disappointment starts to form in her eyes.
“Why the hell did you do that?” she asks, her tone more like a police interrogation than a simple question.
You’re stunned, you feel like you’ve just been slapped in the face. “What? I was trying to help. I just wanted what’s best for you!”
“I didn’t ask for your help,” she fires back, her tone growing harsher, like someone who’s been holding something in for a long time and finally let it out.
The ground starts to shift beneath your feet, the romantic and peaceful moment now turning into an unexpected storm. “Drop the pride, Eunbi,” you say, trying to maintain control of the situation. “This is your chance to get out of this life. You don’t have to keep doing... you know, what you’re doing now. And now that we’re on the same page, that you feel something for me too, we can be a real couple. Isn’t that what you want?”
She looks at you for a long, silent moment, as if she’s trying to decide if you’re really as clueless as you seem or if you’re just pretending not to understand what’s happening.
“This has nothing to do with pride,” she says, finally, with a calm that’s more frightening than any scream. “That job offer... it made me feel like crap! It made me rethink everything. Who I am, what I want... And you just... don’t get it.”
You really don’t get it.
Of all the scenarios that ran through your head, this one didn’t even come close to showing up. “I don’t understand. You wanted a stable job in your field, didn’t you?”
She shakes her head, exasperated. “I thought I did. I mean, that was the initial plan when I got fired from my last job. But... I can’t. I don’t want to... What I’m trying to tell you is that I’m not going to take that job.”
The silence that follows is so heavy you can almost hear the sound of raindrops hitting the window.
“So, what are you going to do?” you ask, your voice quieter than you expected.
Eunbi looks you in the eye, and suddenly, the full weight of what she’s about to say appears in her expression. “I’m going to keep doing what I do. I’m going to be an adult content creator, but this time, I’m going all in. No more anonymity. I’m going to show my face. That’s what I’ve decided. This is going to be my life now.”
It’s at that moment that your brain, which had been busy processing the joy of the love confession, just stops working.
This wasn’t in the script.
She was supposed to be happy about the job, you were supposed to be celebrating and planning a future as a normal couple.
Not this...
“You... you want to keep doing this?” you ask, incredulity leaking into every word.
She looks at you with a mix of sadness and determination. “Yes. I want to keep doing it. I want people to see me. I want to keep doing what I do. I love it. And if you’re going to be with me, you’re going to have to accept all of that too.”
The words echo in the room. You stand there, looking at her, trying to fit the pieces of this emotional puzzle that, until seconds ago, was a beautiful, simple picture of a future together. Now, it feels more like one of those abstract paintings people pretend to understand.
She takes a deep breath, and you can tell that the emotion is about to overflow. "Look... I really love you. Truly. And if you want, I'll be the happiest woman in the world by your side. But—" she pauses, the word hanging in the air like a sword about to fall, "if you want to be with me, you’re going to have to accept this Eunbi. The Eunbi you see now, who does what she does. And the weight that comes with it."
Silence. You hear your heart pounding in your chest, so loud it's a wonder Eunbi can't hear it too. The world feels like it’s moving in slow motion, the time between blinks stretching out as if the master of time himself is waiting to see what you’ll say. But what can you say? You’re still processing everything. The confession, the proposal, the fact that she wants to continue in this career—and wants you to be a part of it.
"You... you want to... keep going?" The question comes out hesitantly. You can hardly believe you're asking it. The shock is a physical thing, sitting between you like a third person in the room.
Eunbi, her eyes already shining with tears she’s trying so hard to hold back, nods. "Yes. I want to keep going. I want people to see me. I want to keep doing what I do. I love it. And if you’re going to be with me, you’ll have to accept all of that too."
The tears finally fall, one after the other, as if gravity had won the battle she was trying to fight. You watch, unsure if what you’re feeling is fear, sadness, or some strange sense of relief.
Maybe all of it at once.
She continues, her voice now shaky but still steady. “You can think it over, if you want. This is serious. Our parents are going to find out sooner or later. You know the kind of exposure we’ll face... that I’ll face. And if you’re with me, we’ll be facing that together.”
Eunbi looks directly at you, the intensity in her eyes almost painful. “You warned me about this before. You’ve always worried about me. But if you stay with me now, there’s no going back. People we know might find out, they might see. Are you really willing to risk everything because of me?”
Another pause. This time, it’s not dramatic. It’s just a simple pause, where your mind, suddenly overwhelmed by all these emotions, finds a small space of clarity.
And in that space, the decision that seemed so complicated just moments ago suddenly makes sense.
“Yes,” you say, the word leaving your mouth with a calmness that surprises even you. Eunbi’s eyes widen, as if she isn’t sure she heard you right.
“I accept,” you continue, firmly. "I accept you as you are. If this is what you want to do with your life, then that’s fine by me. I’ll be by your side, no matter what."
She stands there, looking at you like you're some kind of alien that just landed on Earth. And then the tears she was holding back finally fall. But this time, they aren’t tears of sadness or anger. They’re something completely different. Relief, maybe. Or raw happiness, the kind you rarely see.
“Are you sure?” she asks, between sobs. "I... I mean, this won’t be easy! You can think about it more. You can really consider what you’re accepting, what it’s going to mean for you, for us."
You give her that half-smile, the one you know always made her feel safe. "Eunbi," you say, calmly, "I’ve already thought about it. I accept the risk, the exposure. I accept you... As long as I’m with you, it’s all okay."
And with that, she falls apart. Not in a sad or uncontrolled way, but in a beautiful, genuine way. She starts crying, but they’re tears of gratitude, of love, of everything she’s held inside for so long.
You step closer and wrap your arms around her, as if trying to protect her from the whole world. She cries into your chest, her words lost between sobs. You kiss the top of her head, taking in the familiar scent of the shampoo she always uses.
"I love you so much," she says through her tears, her voice muffled against you.
"I love you too," you reply, with a sincerity that fills her up from the inside. “We’re in this together.”
And then, there, in the midst of tears, hugs, and confessions, the world seems to align again. The mess it was before starts to make sense.
Okay, maybe it’s not a fairy tale, but who needs a fairy tale ending when you can have something this real, this alive, this raw, this imperfect and yet, somehow, so absolutely perfect?
And for the first time in a long while, you feel like you’re exactly where you’re meant to be.
With her.
[Rubydden] Three minutes ago
This month, we’re going to skyrocket the quality of our content!!
And to kick things off: FACE REVEAL!!🔥🥳
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alotofpockets · 2 days
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Co-captains | Leah Williamson x Lionesses!Reader
Where your teammates try to get you with someone at the World Cup to make Leah jealous
Woso masterlist | Words: 1.7k
While representing your country was always an honour, especially at the World Cup, it felt different this time around. Ever since you were thirteen you had represented England with your best friend Leah, but this year she wouldn’t be there with you.
Leah had done her ACL a few months before the World Cup, everyone was devastated for her. The injury in itself was horrible, but to have it happen right before a big tournament like the World Cup made it even worse. 
Besides being best friends, you had also been co-captains for your country the past couple of years. Doing this tournament without her felt wrong, but you knew you had to step up and make her proud.
The team had definitely noticed your mood during your training sessions in Australia. You were very grateful to be a part of the team, but not having Leah there to do it with you kept playing over and over in your head. 
“Missing Leah?” Keira asked as she sat down next to you in the hotel lobby. “Yeah, I wish she was here with us.” A playful smirk formed on Keira’s face. “What?” You asked with your brows furrowed. “Oh nothing, but if I were you I’d turn around.” You had no idea what was going on, but you turned around like she said.
“Lee!” You quickly stood up when you saw your best friend walk through the doors. “You’re here!” With a couple steps you had reached her and wrapped your arms around her. “I’m here.” She whispered. 
“I can’t believe you’re really here.” You hadn’t smiled this much since you had gotten to Australia. “You didn’t think I was gonna sit this one out completely, did you?” 
You let Leah greet the rest of the girls, and hugged her brother Jacob who had been filming the whole thing. “Jakey, I saw you a few days ago, how could you not have told me?” The first day you had landed in Australia, you had gone to visit Leah’s brother. The two of you had talked about the World Cup, and Leah’s wellbeing, and yet he hadn’t said a word about this surprise. He playfully shrugs his shoulders. “What would have been the fun in ruining the surprise?”
The rest of the day was filled with laughter and excitement. Leah joined you at training, while she wasn’t playing, she was a captain at heart and had plenty to say to prepare her team for the upcoming games.
After training you all gathered in the common room of the hotel, you sat down between Ella and Jordan. The room filled with a mix of conversations about everything and nothing. Leah was sitting across the room from you, and every now and again your eyes would fall on her. A small smile playing at your lips when she would look your way as well.
“Look at them,” Alessia said softly enough for only Ella to hear. “They’re such idiots.” Ella followed her best friend’s eyes between you and Leah, “Completely clueless.” Alessia nodded in agreement, “We’ve really got to do something about that.”
An idea formed in Ella’s mind and a smirk grew on her face. “I’ve got an idea.” She turned back towards you. She spoke loud enough for all of the team to hear this time. “So, y/n, it’s been ages since you’ve been on a date, hasn’t it?”
The question took you off guard, seemingly coming out of nowhere. “Eh, I guess so. What does that have to do with anything?” You felt watched by everyone on the team and suddenly you grew nervous.
“Oh, I was just thinking that we could help you out. There are so many good looking players at this tournament, there must be one that has caught your eye, right?” Your cheeks flushed as the intensity of the eyes on you grew stronger. “Oh, eh, I don’t know. I’ve just been focussed on football.”
Your eyes darted to Leah, silently asking for help. She was sitting back in her chair, looking nonchalantly, but for a second you thought you saw a flicker of sadness in her eyes. Before you could think about it further Jordan chimed in on the conversation. 
“Oh come on, there must be someone. Name one player you think is fit.” You felt put on the spot, so you named the first player that came to mind. “Oh eh, maybe Alexia Putellas, she’s a very talented player.”
The team erupted in laughter at how you were still choosing to look at this through football lenses. Only one person wasn’t laughing, and that was Leah. Her jaw was clenched as she looked at you, but it went unnoticed by you. 
“I can definitely set you up with Alexia. In fact, I can call her right now!” Keira joined in on the fun. “No! Please don’t do that.” You didn’t like the turn this was taking. “Oh I won’t then, someone else maybe?”
Everyone on the team joined in on calling out names. Raso? Rölfo? Kaneryd? Bonmatí? Kennedy? Sonnet? Fleming? 
Leah sat watching the scene unfold unamused. Her arms were crossed and her expression had turned into a frown. Everyone was enjoying getting a reaction out of you by listing every player they could think of, so they hadn’t noticed the change in her demeanour, until she stood up abruptly. Her chair loudly clattering against the floor.
The room went fully silent. No more names being thrown around, and no more laughter. “I eh, I’m gonna go check on her.” You stood up and followed in the direction Leah took off in. 
“Lee, what’s wrong?” You say as you reach her about to open her hotel room. She huffed and walked into the room, just before the door closed behind her, you managed to slip through. 
“Nothing, go meet up with any one of those people the girls mention. Go out, have fun.” Your brow furrowed, “Lee, I don’t know what’s going on. But-” She cut you off before you could continue telling her that you never said you wanted to meet up with those people, that it was just coming from your teammates. 
“I can’t deal with listening to you potentially being with any one of those people. I don’t wanna hear who you think is good looking or fit. I don’t want to hear it because… because I want you to think of me that way.” The last part of her sentence was barely above a whisper.
You stood there, too stunned to get out any words. Leah figured she had put it on the table now, so she might as well continue what she just started. "I like you. I like you more than just my best friend. More than I ever thought I would. I didn’t realise it until I heard you talk about other girls that way.” She looked up at you nervously. 
“Well, I was going to say that I didn’t talk about any of the people that way, and that it was only the girls doing so. And honestly the reason for that is because I only have eyes for you Leah. I like you too, I have for a long time.”
“You do?” Your smile grew, “Yes, you dummy. I’ve been a total grump without you here. You are the only person that I want. I don’t care about any other players going into this competition, it’s always been you.”
Leah stood up quickly and moved towards you. “I am so happy to hear you say that.” She said with her face mere inches away from yours. One look at her lips and then quickly diverting your eyes back to hers, was enough for Leah to lean in and connect your lips. 
The kiss was short and sweet. It was everything you had hoped it would be and more. “Will you be my girlfriend?” Leah asked as soon as you pulled away from the kiss. “Definitely.” You said with a big smile.
“Can we go back down and show the girls everything is alright?” You asked shyly, not wanting to make Leah feel bad for walking out on everyone the way that she did. “Only if we can tell them that they can stop trying to match you up with someone.” You chuckled at her request. “Deal.” 
As you wanted back to the girls, Leah took ahold of your hand and gave it a soft squeeze. You couldn’t believe that she was your girlfriend, but you knew that with Leah by your side everything was going to be great.
The atmosphere in the common room shifted the second the both of you walked in. The team had been quietly speculating about what had happened, and if they had taken things too far. 
As soon as they looked at your intertwined hands, the speculation started back up again, this time in the direction of did this actually work? 
“Everything alright?” Keira asked with a knowing smile. Leah glanced at you and squeezed your hand once more. “Yeah, everything is more than alright.” She pulled you a little closer. “You can stop matchmaking, I’m taking her out tomorrow morning.” 
The room filled with cheers and laughter. A few of the girls high fived each other. “Finally, I thought we were going to have to lift every player in the tournament before the two of you finally got together.” Ella says dramatically, earning a laugh from the whole group, including you and Leah.
The teasing of the girls didn’t stop, but this time around it felt different. Leah’s arm was wrapped around your shoulder, with her thumb lightly caressing your arm. 
You still had the tournament ahead of you, but tonight had given you a bit of extra encouragement to perform better than you had ever done before. You felt ready to take on the world and make Leah proud.
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brunchable · 2 days
How's retirement, Bucky? | Bucky Barnes x f!reader.
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Pairings: Bucky Barnes x f!reader
Themes: Funny. Bucky trying to find things to do to kill time, while also being a menace to Y/N and the neighbours. Prequel to 'Ouch, My face.'
Summary: Bucky decides to retire and leave the super hero world behind, but now he doesn't know how to be normal citizen.
A/N: Just another scenario tha rudely popped into my head. . .
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Bucky Barnes was retired.
It still felt strange, even after months of settling into a life of quiet mornings and unhurried afternoons. He had fought in wars, spent decades as an agent of chaos, and dedicated years to redemption and healing. Now, here he was—waking up whenever he pleased, making breakfast in a house that didn’t have bullet-proof glass windows or a panic room, and trying to figure out what to do with the rest of his day.
Today, like most others, started off simple enough: a run through the neighbourhood, a cup of coffee, and a lazy scan of the news. He’d even managed to fix the leaky faucet that had been bothering you for weeks, earning a soft kiss on the cheek as a reward.
But then… the day stretched on. There were no missions, no tactical planning, no world to save. Just the quiet ticking of the clock and the gentle hum of suburban life around him.
So, Bucky set his sights on something—or rather, someone—far more interesting: annoying you.
And thus began the saga of Bucky Barnes’ Retirement Phases.
Phase 1: The Handyman Hero Phase
Duration: One Month
Bucky started off strong, becoming the ultimate handyman of the household. Everything was fair game for improvement. Leaky faucets, creaky floorboards, wobbly shelves—if there was a screw to tighten, Bucky was on it like a well-oiled machine.
“Bucky, what are you doing?” you asked one morning, sipping your coffee as you watched him carefully measuring the distance between each picture frame on the living room wall.
“Making sure they’re exactly one inch apart,” he said without looking up, his voice deadly serious.
“Because last night, I noticed this one—” he pointed to a frame on the far left “—was slightly off-center, and it’s been bothering me ever since.”
You blinked. “Bucky, it’s fine.”
“It’s not fine, Y/N. It’s one and a quarter inch apart. Do you know what happens when things aren’t balanced?” He gave you a haunted look, as if you’d just suggested destabilizing the world order.
“Chaos,” you muttered.
Within weeks, Bucky had rebuilt half the house, repainted the walls (twice), and installed a state-of-the-art security system that even Tony Stark would envy. You came home one day to find the couch moved three inches to the left, the coffee table completely gone (“I dismantled it; we don’t need it”), and Bucky seriously contemplating whether the kitchen would look better with marble or granite countertops.
“Bucky,” you said slowly, trying to remain calm, “I’m begging you—stop fixing things.”
He blinked at you. “What do you want me to do then?”
You panicked. “Anything. Just—find a hobby!”
He gave a solemn nod, as if you’d just entrusted him with a new mission. “Okay. A hobby. Got it.”
You breathed a sigh of relief. If only you’d known what was coming next.
Phase 2: The Google Scholar Phase
Duration: Two Weeks
With his newfound free time, Bucky discovered the internet. And when Bucky Barnes discovers the internet, chaos ensues.
It started innocently enough. You’d come home to find him glued to his laptop, his brows furrowed in concentration.
“What are you doing?” you asked, setting down your bag.
“Research,” he said ominously, fingers flying over the keys.
“Research on… what?”
He glanced up, his eyes wide. “Did you know sharks have been around longer than trees?”
“And that banana slugs can grow up to 9 inches long?” He leaned forward, voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper. “There’s a whole website dedicated to weird animal facts. I’ve been reading for hours.”
And so, you were subjected to two weeks of nonstop trivia.
“Hey, Y/N!” he’d shout from the kitchen. “Did you know an octopus has three hearts?”
Or: “Did you know cows have best friends?”
And: “Do you want to hear about the deepest point in the ocean?”
“Not really—”
“It’s called the Mariana Trench, and it’s seven miles down!”
You tried banning Wikipedia, but he just switched to obscure forums. You blocked YouTube, and he found a random chicken fact blog. The worst part? He’d share his newfound knowledge with anyone who’d listen.
“I’m calling Sam,” you muttered one evening after hearing Bucky recite the entire history of the humble potato to the mailman. “You need social intervention.”
Phase 3: The Home Décor Perfectionist Phase
Duration: Two Exasperating Weeks
Denied access to his newfound internet pursuits, Bucky turned to interior design. You were caught off guard one Saturday morning when he asked, “What do you think of paisley?”
“What’s a paisley?”
“Pattern. I’m thinking of reupholstering the couch.”
“Bucky, no—”
Too late. Within days, every room was a different colour. You came home to find polka-dotted curtains in the bathroom, and he’d somehow managed to install a chandelier in the laundry room.
“Bucky, why is there a 10-foot mirror in the hallway?”
“It makes the space feel bigger.”
“Bucky, this is a two-bedroom house!”
He paused, squinting at the living room wall. “I think the polka dots need to go.”
You nearly wept with relief when he announced he was moving on to the garden.
Phase 4: The Amateur Detective Phase
Duration: One Overly Suspicious Month
After redecorating the entire house, Bucky set his sights on the neighborhood.
“Y/N, did you see that guy across the street?” he whispered one morning, peering through the blinds with a pair of binoculars.
“That’s Mr. Henderson. He’s eighty-five.”
“Yeah, and he’s up to something. No one goes to the mailbox that often.”
“Maybe he likes getting his mail?”
“I’m telling you, something’s not right.” He tapped the binoculars. “I’m gonna get to the bottom of it.”
And so began Operation: Neighborhood Watch. Every delivery truck was scrutinised. Every dog walker received a full background check. The poor Girl Scouts who came to sell cookies left looking slightly shell-shocked.
The Girl Scout Incident: When Bucky Barnes Met Thin Mints
The Girl Scout incident started out innocent enough—just a kid selling cookies to the neighborhood. But when Bucky Barnes answered the door, things took a turn.
It was a sunny Saturday morning. You were in the kitchen, enjoying a rare moment of peace, when you heard the doorbell ring. Before you could even get up to check, Bucky’s voice echoed from the living room.
“I got it!” he called out, already making his way to the front door.
Curious, you peeked around the corner just in time to see him open it. Standing on the porch was a sweet-looking little girl, no more than nine or ten, decked out in her green uniform, clutching a clipboard and flashing a bright, eager smile.
“Hi, mister!” she chirped, clearly undeterred by the stern look on Bucky’s face. “Would you like to buy some Girl Scout cookies today?”
You watched as Bucky’s expression softened just a bit, his head tilting to the side in confusion.
“Cookies?” he repeated, as if she’d just offered him nuclear launch codes.
“Yep!” She held up a laminated chart with pictures of the various cookies, pointing to each one with a tiny, rainbow-colored pen. “We have Thin Mints, Tagalongs, Samoas—uh, I mean, Caramel deLites—”
He squinted at the chart, clearly trying to make sense of it all. “Why would you need to sell cookies?”
You nearly face-palmed. Oh no.
The girl’s enthusiasm didn’t waver. “It’s a fundraiser! To support our troop activities and trips.”
“Fundraiser?” Bucky’s voice dropped suspiciously. “Who’s your troop leader?”
The girl blinked, a little taken aback. “Uh, Mrs. Patterson?”
“Uh-huh. And how many boxes of these so-called ‘cookies’ are you supposed to sell?”
Her smile wavered just a fraction. “Um, as many as possible?”
Bucky crossed his arms, leaning against the doorframe. “And where does all this money go?”
“Bucky—” you tried to interrupt, stepping forward, but he held up a hand without looking back, eyes still locked on the bewildered Girl Scout.
“It goes to our troop!” she answered nervously, glancing down at her clipboard as if for reassurance. “For badges and supplies and—”
“Supplies,” Bucky echoed, his tone suddenly sharp. “What kind of supplies?”
“Uh… arts and crafts…?” she stammered, clearly starting to get uncomfortable.
“Arts and crafts?” He leaned in, dropping his voice to a low, conspiratorial whisper. “Or something else?”
You saw the poor girl’s eyes widen, her grip tightening on her clipboard as if she was contemplating using it as a shield.
“Bucky, stop,” you hissed, stepping forward to intervene. But he was on a roll now.
“Who gets the money, huh?” He narrowed his eyes, peering down at her like she was an enemy combatant. “Do you get it?
“Or does it go to some mysterious ‘troop leader’ who’s hiding behind a desk somewhere, raking in profits from innocent cookie sales?”
“M-Mister, it’s just cookies,” she squeaked, glancing nervously at the boxes stacked beside her. “We just wanna go camping this summer.”
“Camping?” he repeated slowly, as if tasting the word. “And what kind of ‘camping’ are we talking about here? Deep-woods recon training? SERE training?”
The girl blinked up at him, clearly having no idea what he was talking about.
“Bucky, she’s nine!” you practically shouted, rushing over to save the poor child from what was rapidly escalating into a full-blown interrogation.
“But Y/N, this could be—”
“It’s not a conspiracy, Bucky!” you snapped, turning to the girl and giving her what you hoped was a reassuring smile. “Sweetie, how much for a box of Thin Mints?”
“Uh… f-five dollars?” she stammered, still eyeing Bucky like he might suddenly sprout fangs.
You reached for your wallet, pulling out a ten-dollar bill and handing it to her. “Keep the change.”
“Thank you, ma’am!” she squeaked, stuffing the money into her pouch with trembling hands.
You shot Bucky a glare. “Apologize.”
He crossed his arms, looking mulish. “But—”
He let out a sigh, running a hand through his hair. “Fine. Uh… sorry… for, um… asking about your troop leader and, uh… the money laundering?”
The girl blinked up at him, clearly not following.
“Bucky!” you hissed, elbowing him sharply.
“I mean, sorry for… for… being weird,” he mumbled, shoving his hands into his pockets.
The girl gave a hesitant nod, glancing back at her stack of cookies. “Um… would you like another box, mister?”
Bucky frowned thoughtfully. “Maybe. Which one’s the best?”
“Bucky—” you started, but he was already leaning down, listening intently as the girl launched into a detailed explanation of the flavour profiles of Samoas versus Tagalongs.
Twenty minutes later, Bucky was the proud owner of a dozen boxes of Girl Scout cookies, which the girl somehow managed to upsell him into buying. The look of relief on her face as she walked away was palpable.
You turned to Bucky, hands on your hips. “Really, Buck?”
“What?” he said defensively, clutching his armful of cookies. “I needed to make sure it was legit!”
“Uh-huh. And that’s why we now have enough cookies to feed an army?”
He shrugged, looking entirely too pleased with himself. “I guess I got carried away.”
“Just… try not to scare any more children, okay?”
“Hey, I was just being thorough,” he muttered, glancing down at the boxes. “Besides… these ‘Samoas’ are actually pretty good.”
You shook your head, laughing despite yourself. Because only Bucky Barnes could turn a simple cookie sale into a full-scale interrogation—and then end up buying out the entire stock.
“Whatever you say, Bucky. Whatever you say.”
He gave you a sheepish grin, holding up a box of Thin Mints. “Want one?”
“Sure,” you sighed, reaching out to grab a cookie. Because, at the end of the day, this was Bucky Barnes: ex-assassin, super-soldier, and now… terrifyingly dedicated Girl Scout cookie connoisseur.
The Girl Scout incident, unfortunately, didn’t mark the end of Bucky’s neighbourhood watch endeavours.
“Hey, Y/N, that’s the third day in a row Mrs. Higginson has gone jogging past our house,” Bucky muttered a few days later, scribbling furiously in his notebook.
You glanced over from your spot on the couch, raising an eyebrow. “Uh-huh,” you replied absently, already wondering if now would be a good time to text Steve for a little ‘rescue mission.’ “Maybe she likes jogging?”
“Nah,” he said, shaking his head. “It’s not natural. It’s a cover for something. Probably espionage.”
“Bucky, she’s seventy.”
“Exactly. No one that age moves like that. She’s gotta be a retired agent.”
“Or she’s trying to stay in shape?”
“Or she’s spying on us.” He narrowed his eyes, peering through the blinds. “Maybe she’s HYDRA.”
“Bucky, she brought us homemade banana bread last week.”
“Which tasted suspiciously good,” he muttered darkly, tapping his pen against his chin. “I’m keeping an eye on her.”
It didn’t stop there. He began obsessively tracking patterns—when neighbors took out their trash, when they left for work, who picked up their mail first thing in the morning. His conspiracy board rivaled the one you’d seen at S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters, complete with photos, string, and a suspiciously large map of the neighborhood.
“Y/N, I need to talk to you.”
You blinked, looking up from your book. “What’s up, Buck?”
He leaned in, his voice low and serious. “Did you know Mrs. Patterson’s dog peed on our lawn three times this week?”
“And Mr. Thompson left his house twice yesterday. Twice.”
“…is that a crime?”
“Yes. Who leaves the house twice in one day? He’s clearly up to something.”
“Like… groceries?”
Bucky frowned. “No. Something bigger. I saw him walking to his car, get this—without any bags.”
“Maybe he forgot something?”
He shook his head, eyes narrowed. “It’s a diversion tactic. I’m keeping a close watch on him.”
“Please don’t tell me you’re stalking the neighbours.”
“Of course not!” He paused. “I’m… observing. For science.”
“For science?”
“Okay, Buck. I’m putting my foot down,” you finally managed. “You need to stop this. The neighbours think we’re crazy. You’re scaring the kids and… the mailman won’t come to the door anymore.”
Bucky looked genuinely confused. “Why not?”
“Because you interrogated him about his route last week!”
“He was being shady!”
“He’s a mailman!”
There was a long pause as you stared each other down, Bucky looking defiant and you looking exhausted. Finally, you sighed and ran a hand through your hair.
“Buck… I know retirement is hard. But you need a new outlet. Maybe something a little less—”
“Paranoid?” he offered, raising an eyebrow.
“Yeah. And a little less terrifying for the neighbours.”
He sighed deeply, like you’d just asked him to hang up his shield all over again. “I was just… trying to be useful.”
Your heart softened immediately. Because that was what it all boiled down to, wasn’t it? The man who’d spent his life fighting wars and doing battle against his own mind was now left trying to figure out how to fit into a world that no longer needed him to save it.
You walked over, placing your hands on his shoulders and giving him a soft smile. “You’re always useful, Buck. Even if you’re not interrogating the mailman about federal postal regulations or… spying on seventy-year-old retirees.”
He snorted, shaking his head. “I might’ve gone a little overboard, huh?”
“A little,” you agreed with a grin. “Maybe you should find something else to watch over.”
“Like what?” he asked, looking genuinely curious.
You bit your lip, thinking. “I don’t know… Maybe get a pet? You could… I don’t know, babysit a cat or something.”
Bucky blinked at you. Then his eyes lit up like you’d just handed him the Holy Grail of retirement activities.
“A cat,” he murmured slowly, as if testing the word. “A cat.”
“Yes, a cat,” you repeated cautiously, wondering if you’d just unleashed some new kind of havoc on the house. “You could train it to… I don’t know, not scratch the furniture or something.”
“Or… I could train it to keep an eye on the pigeons,” he muttered to himself, looking thoughtful.
“Wait, what?”
But Bucky had already gone inside, the gears in his mind clearly turning. You shook your head, deciding to let him have this one. After all, how much trouble could he really get into with a cat?
Phase 5: The Pet Phase (aka Operation: Find a Feline Friend)
Duration: Ongoing, with Fur Everywhere
You didn’t think he’d take it seriously. Until you came home the next day to find Bucky sitting cross-legged on the living room floor, a small, white ball of fluff curled up in his lap.
“This is Alpine,” he announced proudly.
You stared at the kitten, then at Bucky, then back at the kitten. “Bucky, what… why…?”
“You said get a pet,” he said, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. “So I did.”
And that’s how Alpine, the grumpy old woman in a cat’s body, became part of your household. Bucky spent weeks trying to train him (“Sit, Alpine! Sit! … Okay, fine, just glare at me, that works too.”), set up elaborate obstacle courses (“Alpine, jump! No, don’t walk away—okay, you know what, just do your thing”), and spoiled her rotten with toys and treats.
With each phase, Bucky’s retirement became a new adventure. And while it drove you absolutely crazy at times, you couldn’t help but smile when you saw Bucky lying on the couch, Alpine curled up on his chest, both looking completely content.
“Retirement isn’t so bad, huh?” you teased one evening, curling up beside him.
He hummed thoughtfully, scratching behind Alpine’s ears. “I don’t know… I think I could use a new project.”
You groaned, but your groan turned into a laugh when he grinned at you, his eyes sparkling with mischief.
“Oh no,” you said, narrowing your eyes. “No more projects, Barnes. You’ve nearly redecorated us out of house and home, scared the mailman half to death, and—”
“Don’t forget the gourmet cookies,” he interjected with a cheeky smile.
You shot him a playful glare. “I’m trying to forget the cookies, thank you.”
“Aw, come on. I think I finally got the recipe down. I’ll just try one more—”
“No!” you practically shouted, your voice echoing through the living room. Alpine, unbothered, merely lifted her head, gave you both a disinterested look, and went back to napping.
Bucky chuckled, holding up his hands in mock surrender. “Okay, okay. No more cookies. No more redecorating. No more… scaring the Girl Scouts.”
“Or spying on the neighbors.”
“Or spying on the neighbors,” he agreed, still looking a little too amused for your liking.
You sighed, leaning back into the couch and resting your head on his shoulder. “You know, most people take up hobbies like gardening or painting in retirement.”
Bucky nodded thoughtfully. “Yeah, but those aren’t as exciting.”
“They’re not supposed to be exciting. They’re supposed to be calm. That’s the whole point of retirement, Buck.”
He glanced down at you, his gaze softening. “You really think I’m the ‘calm’ type, doll?”
You snorted. “No, not really. But it would be nice if, just once, I didn’t come home to find you plotting to build a moat around the house.”
“Moats are an excellent defense mechanism,” he said matter-of-factly. “But okay, I get it. I’ll tone it down.”
You gave him a skeptical look. “You promise?”
“Scout’s honor,” he said, holding up his right hand. The glint in his eye, however, told you he was already planning something new.
“What?” he asked, all innocence. “You don’t trust me?”
“Not for a second.”
He chuckled, then pressed a gentle kiss to your temple. “Alright, no more projects. I’ll just focus on Alpine. She’s a full-time job anyway.”
You glanced at the cat, who was now sprawled out like she owned the place. “You’ve turned her into a diva, you know.”
“He’s just refined,” Bucky said defensively. “He’s got standards.”
“Uh-huh. Like the way he refuses to eat unless you hand-feed her?”
“Refined,” Bucky insisted.
“And how she sleeps on your side of the bed and shoves you off with her tiny, evil paws?”
“And how she sits on the counter staring at you like she’s plotting your demise?”
You shook your head, laughing softly. “You’ve created a monster, Bucky.”
“Eh,” he said with a shrug, smirking down at you. “I’ve handled worse monsters. She’s a good one. Besides,” he added, scratching Alpine’s head fondly, “she’s family.”
Your heart softened at his words, and you smiled up at him. “Yeah, I guess she is.”
There was a comfortable silence as you both sat there, content in the peaceful moment.
Then Bucky cleared his throat, and you glanced up to see him shifting slightly, like he was working up the nerve to say something.
“So… I was thinking…” he began slowly.
“No, no, hear me out,” he said quickly, raising his hands as if to ward off your incoming refusal. “What if we… I dunno… made a baby?”
You blinked, certain you hadn’t heard him correctly. “What?”
“A baby,” he repeated, his voice steady, though there was a telltale blush creeping up his neck. “You know, a little human—our human. Someone we can train to take over the world… or at least keep me entertained.”
Your jaw dropped open. “You want to have a baby—because you’re bored?”
Bucky gave you a sheepish grin. “I mean, I was thinking it could be a good project… long-term investment… future troublemaker…”
“Bucky,” you interrupted, placing your hands on his shoulders and staring at him, bewildered. “Are you seriously suggesting having a child like it’s another DIY project?”
He shrugged, looking as nonchalant as ever, but his eyes were soft and serious. “Maybe. But I was also thinking it’d be nice to have something, or someone, that’s just… ours. A mix of you and me. Something that isn’t tied to the past, or fighting, or… all the other stuff.”
You stared at him, trying to wrap your mind around the sudden turn the conversation had taken. “You really want a baby, Bucky?”
He nodded slowly, reaching out to tuck a strand of hair behind your ear. “Yeah. I do. Don’t get me wrong, Alpine’s great and all, but…” He sighed, his smile turning tender. “I just think it’d be amazing to have something more. I’ve spent so much of my life taking orders or fighting ghosts. But starting a family with you? That’s something I get to build. Something that’s ours.”
You bit your lip, heart swelling at his words. Despite the completely unromantic way he’d suggested it, there was sincerity in his gaze, a yearning for something deeper than fixing leaky faucets or buying out the Girl Scouts’ entire cookie stock.
“And you think you’d be a good dad?” you teased, raising an eyebrow.
“Please,” he scoffed, pulling you closer and pressing a kiss to your forehead. “I’d be the best damn dad. I’d teach our kid how to throw a proper punch by age five, dismantle a toaster by six—”
You laughed, shaking your head. “So, what you’re saying is… you want to raise a tiny super-soldier?”
His grin widened. “Hell yeah.”
“Bucky, we are not turning our child into a mini-Winter Soldier.”
He pouted dramatically. “Not even a little bit?”
“Not even a little bit,” you affirmed with a chuckle. You leaned in, resting your forehead against his. “But… maybe we could talk about it. You know, actually talk. Not just… plan a tactical baby mission.”
Bucky’s eyes softened as he brushed his thumb along your cheek. “Yeah. We can talk about it.” He paused, then added with a mischievous glint, “After we practice a little more.”
You rolled your eyes but couldn’t help the smile tugging at your lips. “Oh my God, Bucky.”
“What?” he asked innocently, his grin widening. “Practice makes perfect, right?”
You shook your head, letting out a breathy laugh. “You’re incorrigible.”
“And you love me for it,” he murmured, leaning in to capture your lips in a soft, lingering kiss.
“Yeah,” you whispered when he pulled away, your heart fluttering in your chest. “I do.”
You glanced down at Alpine, who was still sprawled across Bucky’s lap, looking utterly uninterested in the conversation. A baby. You hadn’t really thought about it seriously before, but now that Bucky had put the idea in your head… you couldn’t help but wonder.
There was a brief pause as Bucky gazed at you, his expression growing thoughtful. “You know,” he began quietly, “after that whole Girl Scout cookie fiasco… I kinda started thinking… I’d really like to have a daughter.”
You blinked at him, surprised. “A daughter?”
“Yeah,” he murmured, his voice softening. “That kid was just so… brave, you know? Standing there, staring me down even though I was being a total idiot. It reminded me of you—fierce and unafraid. I couldn’t stop thinking… what if we had a daughter like that? Strong, smart, and completely capable of putting me in my place when I get out of line.”
You felt your heart clench at his words, his quiet admission making your chest ache. “You want a little girl because she’d keep you in check?”
“That,” he said, smiling softly, “and I think I’d like the challenge. I’ve spent so much of my life dealing with people who only saw me as a weapon. I just… want to prove that I can be something else. That I can be gentle… and kind… and love someone unconditionally. The way I love you.”
You reached up, cupping his face gently. “Bucky, you don’t have to prove anything to anyone.”
“I know,” he murmured, his gaze warm and intense. “But I still want to try. And I want to be the kind of dad who isn’t just a protector, but a friend. Someone who’d sit through endless tea parties and help her build pillow forts… and buy all the Girl Scout cookies she wants without scaring anyone.”
You laughed softly, tears stinging your eyes at the picture he painted. “You’d be a great dad, Bucky.”
“Yeah?” he asked, his voice low and hopeful.
“Yeah,” you whispered, smiling up at him.
There was another beat of silence before Bucky leaned in, his breath warm against your ear as he whispered, “So… when do we start?”
You felt your cheeks heat, a mix of laughter and surprise bubbling up in your chest. “Bucky!”
“What?” he asked, his smile as innocent as ever. “I’m just asking. I mean, you know I’m a man of action. Gotta have a timeline.”
“Oh my God,” you muttered, burying your face in your hands as Bucky laughed softly, his arms wrapping around you.
“Okay, okay,” he murmured, pressing a kiss to your hair. “No rush. We’ll take it one day at a time, sweetheart. But just know… I’m ready whenever you are.”
And somehow, you knew this next phase—whatever it looked like—was going to be the best one yet.
× × × ×
Ten months later
The soft glow of the nightlight bathed the nursery in a warm, golden hue, casting gentle shadows on the pale blue walls. The room was still, save for the quiet creak of the rocking chair as Bucky swayed back and forth, holding the tiniest bundle of joy in his strong, yet tender arms.
His daughter, barely a week old, was nestled against his chest, her small, delicate breaths in sync with the steady rhythm of his own. Her tiny fist curled around the fabric of his shirt, as if she knew just how safe and loved she was in her daddy's arms.
Bucky hummed quietly, the familiar melody of an old lullaby drifting into the air. It was a song his mother used to sing to him when he was no older than his sweet little girl was now. The words came softly, almost whispered, as if they were sacred—meant only for his daughter.
“Darling, you're my bloodYou have my heartbeatYou have my heartbeat, beating loud,”
His voice was gruff, yet softened by emotion as he sang, the gentle rocking lulling his daughter further into her peaceful slumber. His fingers brushed through her soft, downy hair as he looked down at her with nothing short of awe. How had he, of all people, gotten so lucky?
He had been through so much darkness in his life—seen and done things he would never be able to forget—but here, in this quiet moment, everything seemed to fade away. The world outside could wait. Right now, his whole universe was cradled in his arms, and for the first time in a long time, Bucky Barnes felt at peace.
Unbeknownst to him, you stood at the door, your heart swelling at the sight before you. You had come to check on them both, worried that Bucky might need help with the baby. But when you saw him there, rocking your little girl and singing so sweetly, you couldn’t bring yourself to interrupt.
A soft smile tugged at your lips as you leaned against the doorframe, content to watch the love of your life in this vulnerable, beautiful moment. 
Bucky was a natural, even if he didn’t believe it. You had seen the worry in his eyes when you first brought your daughter home—the fear that he wouldn’t be good enough, that he wouldn’t know what to do. But here he was, proving himself wrong in the most heart-melting way possible.
The lullaby continued, each note filled with so much love it made your eyes mist over.
"You are my lighthouseA peak of light from the dark cloudsI've lived under my whole life. . .And there's nothing I won't do for you."
Bucky’s voice cracked just a little on the last line, overcome with emotion as he gazed down at his daughter and carefully wiped his tears away. 
She had his eyes—bright and full of wonder, even when they were closed in slumber. He couldn’t help but trace the delicate features of her face with his gaze, committing every tiny detail to memory.
Finally, you couldn’t resist any longer. You stepped into the room quietly, not wanting to startle him. Bucky looked up, surprise flickering across his face when he saw you standing there. His expression softened when he realised you had been watching him.
“How long have you been standing there?” he asked, his voice low so as not to wake the baby.
“Long enough,” you replied, your smile widening as you walked over to him.
Bucky blushed, a sheepish grin tugging at his lips. “I’m not exactly a professional.”
“I beg to differ, I think you’re the best dad in the world.” you whispered, leaning down to press a soft kiss to his temple. 
Bucky’s heart swelled at your words. He never imagined he would be here—sitting in a nursery, holding his newborn daughter while the love of his life stood beside him, calling him the best dad in the world. It still felt like a dream.
“She’s so small,” he murmured, looking back down at the baby. “So fragile. I didn’t think…I didn’t think I could love someone I barely knew this much.”
Your hand gently rested on his shoulder as you gazed down at your daughter. “You’ve got a big heart, James. I always knew you’d be amazing as a father.”
He glanced up at you, eyes soft and full of affection. “You’re the amazing one.”
You reached out to gently stroke the baby’s cheek, and Bucky leaned into your touch, feeling more complete than he ever thought possible.
“I never thought I’d have this,” he admitted after a long silence, his voice barely above a whisper. “A family. A reason to feel…whole again.”
You knelt down beside him, resting your head against his shoulder. “You deserve it, Bucky. You deserve all the happiness in the world.”
Bucky kissed the top of youe head, holding you close as he continued to rock your daughter. The world outside could be chaotic and unforgiving, but in this room, in this moment, everything was perfect.
× × × ×
Baby at six months
The house was peaceful, the late afternoon sun casting a warm glow through the windows. You were out running errands, leaving Bucky home with their now six-month-old daughter, who was currently kicking her chubby little legs and babbling on her playmat. Her eyes sparkled with curiosity as she reached for her favorite stuffed bear, the one Bucky had given her the day she was born.
Bucky sat beside her, legs crossed, watching her every move like she was the most fascinating thing on the planet. He leaned down, his voice dropping to a playful whisper. 
“You know, blossom,” he began, glancing over his shoulder dramatically as if checking to make sure Y/N wasn’t around. “Your mom thinks she’s the boss.”
Their daughter let out a high-pitched squeal, and Bucky grinned. 
“Right? Can you believe it?” he continued, keeping his voice low as if sharing the biggest secret in the world. “She thinks she’s in charge around here. But between you and me, we know the truth.”
His little girl giggled again, her tiny hands grasping at the air as if she was agreeing with him.
“See, you and I?” Bucky said, tapping his finger gently on her nose, “We’re a team. We know how to get things done. I mean, just look at us—surviving nap time, figuring out how to stack those weird little ring toys, and we don’t even need to look at the instructions. Meanwhile, your mom still thinks I can’t fold laundry properly.”
He paused for dramatic effect, raising his brows. “Can you believe that? Laundry. I fought in World War II, and she’s worried I’ll mess up the towels.”
His daughter let out a delighted shriek, her little legs kicking excitedly. Bucky reached over and tickled her belly gently, making her burst into even more giggles.
“Oh, yeah, I know you think it’s funny,” Bucky chuckled. “But trust me, your mom’s got some pretty high laundry standards. I tried to fold one towel, just one, and she came over with this look like I’d committed a crime. 'Bucky, that’s not how you fold them!' she said. And I’m standing there like, ‘It’s a towel, not a top-secret mission.’”
He leaned in closer, as if telling her something top-secret. “She doesn’t know this, but I might’ve folded them wrong on purpose so I wouldn’t have to do it anymore.”
His daughter cooed, her tiny hand reaching out to grab his finger, which she promptly brought to her mouth to chew on. Bucky let her, his heart melting at the sight. She was his little sidekick, always hanging on his every word, even if she didn’t fully understand yet.
“And don’t even get me started on the bedtime routine,” Bucky continued, shaking his head in mock exasperation. “Your mom’s got this whole plan—bath, story, lights out. Meanwhile, you and me? We’ve got a better plan. We chill, we rock, maybe sing a little. You get all cozy, and bam—out like a light.”
“Bababababa,” His daughter babbled something back at him, her little voice full of enthusiasm, and Bucky nodded seriously. 
“Exactly. That’s what I’ve been saying. We’ve got this figured out.”
He scooped her up from the mat and held her close, her head resting comfortably against his chest as he walked them over to the couch. He sat down, cradling her in his arms, and continued his lighthearted rant.
“And the thing is, she’s always right, which drives me crazy. Like, the other day, she told me you were gonna try to crawl soon. I thought, ‘Nah, she’s too young.’ But then what happens? Two days later, you’re scooting around like you’ve got places to be. I swear, your mom’s a psychic or something.”
Bucky gazed down at his daughter, who was now looking up at him with those wide blue eyes that never failed to melt his heart. She let out a happy gurgle, and Bucky chuckled softly, leaning down to press a kiss to her forehead.
“You know I’m just kidding, right? Your mom’s the best. She takes care of both of us.” He sighed, feeling a rush of affection as he thought about Y/N. “Don’t tell her, but I’m pretty lucky to have her. She keeps me in line.”
Just then, the sound of the front door opening echoed through the house, and Bucky’s head shot up in mock panic.
“Uh-oh,” he whispered to his daughter, his eyes wide with exaggerated worry. “The boss is back. Don’t say anything.”
You appeared in the doorway, raising an eyebrow as you saw Bucky and the baby cozied up on the couch. “What are you two up to?” you asked, a knowing smile on your lips.
Bucky gave you his most innocent look, bouncing your daughter gently in his arms. “Oh, nothing. Just hanging out with my best girl here. Right, darling?”
The baby let out a little squeal, clearly delighted by the attention.
“Mmhmm,” You said, stepping closer and giving Bucky a playful look. “You haven’t been filling her head with nonsense, have you?”
“Me? Never,” Bucky replied, trying to keep a straight face. “We were just talking about how great you are. Isn’t that right, kiddo?”
Bianca, oblivious to the conversation, giggled and reached for you, and took her from Bucky’s arms and gave her a kiss on the cheek.
“Well, if she grows up thinking she’s in charge, I’ll know who to blame,” You teased, casting a glance at Bucky.
He grinned, leaning back on the couch. “Hey, she’s gotta learn from the best.”
You smiled, shaking your head in mock defeat. “You’re lucky she likes you so much.”
Bucky stood and wrapped his arms around you, resting his chin on your shoulder as you both looked down at your little girl, now happily nestled between you. “I’m lucky to have both of you,” he murmured softly, kissing the side of your head.
And in that moment, with his two favorite girls in his arms, Bucky couldn’t imagine a better kind of luck.
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mygnolia · 2 days
eavesdroppin.' - where atsumu can't help but hear about your crush on him.
(700wc) “____, please, for the love of god, shut up about him, if you talk about his piss blonde head again i will deflate the volleyball the team signed and stomp all over it,” akaashi complains, shooting you a very tired and very defeated look. 
“no- but you don’t get it! he’s just so…he’s so dreamy,” you sigh, unknowingly smiling at the mere mention of his achievements, “and confident in his serves. do you see the way he’s been ranked number one for such a long time now?” you bury your face into your hands, so absolutely enamored with the black jackals setter that you don’t know what to do with yourself. 
“i’ve heard the whole spiel about this so many times already,” your friend gives up on trying to see from your point of view if you’re going to keep hiding the crush that every knew atsumu reciprocated already. 
“but you have to tell me how i can get closer to him!” you almost whine, shaking your friend back and forth. “if i can’t even become friends with him and we’re literally friend’s with bo? ‘kaashi, that looks horrible for me.” 
“uh huh. and when did i care?” 
“you’re such a bad friend. can’t even help me score a date with a man i’m hopelessly pining over.”
“you’re right about the down bad part,” akaashi deadpans, sighing and flipping through his most recent release of zom’bish. “i’ve said this already- just take him here, to onigiri miya.” 
“but he’s used to that! I can’t have him see his brother with me!” you gesture discretely at the kitchen, where osamu was busying himself with orders.
your friend rolls his eyes and looks up at you. “what’s so bad with him seeing you and his brother?” 
“I..”the words die on your tongue, no excuses left to give. “it would be bad. for me. because like—he’s already been there a billion times and probably tried everything on that goddamn menu!” 
atsumu nodded to himself from where he sat. he did know the whole menu.
“how about this,” your friend starts, and you get your hopes up because akaashi keiji has always been a genius plan-maker. “you ask him out first.”
okay, maybe not. 
akaashi continues,“how about you ask him out instead of telling me about how excited he is on court and how good his sets look and how perfect he is at everything and see how things go from there.” you shake your head furiously, immediately rejecting his offer, and the man grumbles, thinking back to high-school, “you never played against him in court, that’s probably why you like him so much.”
“he was good in high school. a bit more reckless. but still good.” you remember. “you have to help me.” you pause. “give me a reason not to like him.” 
“he’s egotistical.” akaashi responds immediately. 
“he’s not! he’s competent,” you replace without missing a beat, “so he has a right to think he’s good at volleyball when he really is one of the best.” 
“he’s dramatic.” 
“it’s more like a good dramatic. like, i wouldn’t want to be around a brick wall all day.” 
“then ask him out.”
“okay," you blurt.
akaashi almost sighs in relief. “you will?” 
you wince at the sudden predicament you found yourself in, but after hearing how happy akaashi was, you figured it wouldn't hurt.
“only if you promise to send me the next chapter of zom’bish to me. early.” the manga artist groans. it’s almost like he knew that you were going to do something at a price. 
“okay, fine. ask him out. right now.” 
“not-not right now!” you defend, eyes widening in horror.
he shrugs, and tells you, “right now, or i’m telling you about your ridiculous and unimportant feelings for him.” 
“they’re not ridiculous! or unimportant!”
“uh huh.” he agrees unconvincingly, “whatever, i’m leaving. next time, be more careful about where you talk about him.” 
you frown, confused as you pocket the bill he places on the table, and you continue to stay confused when he turns around to seat behind him. “all yours, miya.” 
your heart drops six feet under when atsumu turns to grins at you, taking your friend’s abandoned seat as he peels off his sunglasses and hat. 
“i heard everythin’, ya’know," and the setter leans over to put his white cap on your head, running a hand through his hair. "couldn't help eavesdroppin.' "
singlehandedly might revive my insanity for atsumu can you tell i like confident men lol...
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magicbystarlight · 20 hours
Favorite Dress
Aemond Targaryen x Wife! Reader
Warnings: 18+, nipple play, mentions of public sex/nudity, body changes from pregnancy, simp Aemond. Minors DNI.
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“You do not look bad,” your husband said as you raised a skeptical brow at her in the mirror. It had been nearly three years since you’d last worn the dress. Your body had changed much since then, thanks mostly to the two children you’d carried in those years. While it still fit with a few adjustments along the waist, there was not much material that could be added to the bust.
“I look as if I’ve taken a position in a pleasure house.”
He did not disagree. “You would be paid very handsomely.”
You huffed and turned back to him. “I cannot go out like this. I know it was your favorite, but it is simply too small now.”
He hummed. A finger caressed the excessive cleavage. “I think it is lovelier than before. I shall be the envy of all when they see what beauty our children have given you.”
“Aemond, I am serious! They threaten to liberate themselves at the slightest movement. All shall know what color dots their center if I dance at all.”
His lips curled into a smirk. In but a breath’s time, he’d lifted your breasts. The sudden coolness peaked your nipples. Your husband leaned forward and one in his mouth. His tongue rolled the sensitive skin before he sucked the pebbled skin. Fingers pinched and pulled at the other.
“I shall have a new dress made,” he conceded with a soft bite. “But for this evening, dear wife, this is what you will wear. And if these,” his thumbs ran over your nipples, “should become free while you frolic about, I cannot be held accountable if the whole party bears witness to us making another child.”
A/N: A fun little drabble
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theshift · 2 days
The Halloween Party Part 1
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Nate and his friends never planned on getting body suits. It all started as a prank—something fun to shake up their usual routine. The four of them had been close since college, and every year they threw a big Halloween party, trying to outdo the last. But this year, the competition was different.
It was Kyle’s idea to look for something new. He had always been the thinker, the one who researched every little detail, and while searching online for costumes, he came across an ad. The website was weird, with a retro, almost haunted house vibe. The tagline read, "Become anyone you want this Halloween. Live the fantasy, but beware what you wish for."
It seemed like a joke.
Nate was skeptical when Kyle showed him the site during their usual Thursday night hangout at the local bar. The other guys laughed it off, but Kyle, always the one to overthink things, insisted they at least check it out.
“Come on, what’s the harm?” Kyle said, leaning over his beer. “The reviews say it’s legit. People are calling it the best Halloween costume ever.”
“I don’t know, man,” Jack said, rubbing the back of his neck. “Feels... sketchy. What if this thing is some weird scam?”
“I’m with Jack,” Adam chimed in. “This is how we end up on some horror show. Dudes buy cursed costumes online, end up possessed. I’ve seen it a hundred times.”
But Kyle was persistent. “Look, even if it’s fake, it’ll be fun. It’s like, what, fifty bucks a suit? We’ve spent more on dumber stuff.”
Nate, who always loved a good laugh, finally agreed. “Alright, let’s do it. But if this turns out to be one of those cheap rubber things, I’m never letting you live it down.”
So they each picked a suit from the site’s gallery. The options were simple—choose a body, become that person for a night. The only thing that bothered Nate was the little disclaimer at the bottom of the page: "These are more than just costumes. Wear at your own risk."
But who reads disclaimers seriously, right?
This wasn’t just about the Halloween party—it was about outdoing themselves. Each of them had something to prove. Nate loved being the center of attention and always felt the pressure to keep things fun and spontaneous. Kyle, ever the planner, wanted to prove he could find something new and exciting, a challenge that no one else could top. Jack was the protector of the group, usually calm and steady, but deep down he liked to be part of the action. And Adam? Well, Adam lived for moments like this, where they could push boundaries and laugh about it later. They were all looking for a thrill, a way to break the routine.
But beneath all the excitement, there was something more. Nate couldn’t admit it, but part of him wanted to see what it would be like to be someone else—anyone other than the carefree guy he pretended to be. And then there was Kyle. His crush on Kyle wasn’t new, but it was something he kept buried deep, hidden behind jokes and sarcasm. Maybe this night, behind the mask of someone else, he’d finally be free to feel whatever he wanted without consequence.
The group wasn’t just donning costumes; they were chasing after their own hidden desires, looking for a way to be something more, something different.
The suits offered that chance.
Nate stood in front of the mirror, the body suit draped across his bed like a shed skin, waiting for him to step inside. He didn’t know what to expect—none of them did—but the whole idea seemed ridiculous enough to be fun. He ran a hand through his messy hair, looking down at the suit again. It looked so realistic, more like someone peeled a real person’s body off than a Halloween costume.
The group chat was already buzzing.
Kyle: You guys putting your suits on yet? I look ridiculous.Adam: Can’t be worse than what I’ll look like. Nate, you got yours on?
Nate grinned, feeling a flicker of excitement. He grabbed the suit and held it up. It was heavier than he expected, the material feeling warm and soft, almost like real skin. The face was that of a handsome mixed-race man, with dark brown skin, sharp cheekbones, and a long, thick beard. Nate hesitated for just a moment before unzipping the back and slipping one foot inside.
The sensation was… surreal.
The suit gripped his body, clinging to him as if it were alive. As he pulled it up over his legs, his calves and thighs expanded, muscles growing beneath the suit's surface. His breath hitched as the transformation crawled higher, his torso broadening as his abs tightened and his chest filled out, pushing against the form-fitting suit. His skin darkened, warmth radiating through his body like the suit was seeping into him. Nate flexed his hands as the material stretched over his fingers, watching his pale skin turn rich brown.
It felt... right.
His reflection in the mirror was almost complete, but there was something so strange about seeing a different face staring back at him. With a deep breath, he lifted the suit's face over his own, feeling the cool, smooth material mold to his features. He pressed the edges down until they sealed seamlessly, his hair tucking itself under the suit. The sensation of the beard growing out felt like a soft tickle, but when he ran his hands over it, it felt real, thick and textured under his touch.For a moment, Nate stared at the stranger in the mirror—a tall, muscular man with rich brown skin, thick facial hair, and dark eyes that didn’t look like his own. It was unsettling. The small voice in his head whispered, This isn’t you.
He pushed it aside and snapped a selfie, sending it to the group chat.
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Nate: Damn, look at me. Didn’t know I’d look this good in a beard. Kyle: Bro, you look amazing. Adam: Wtf, man, I look like a bouncer at some underground club.
Nate chuckled as the next image came in.
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Kyle had turned into an early 40s white man with a thick, grizzled beard, his face rugged like he’d just come off the farm. He wore a plaid shirt and denim overalls. Nate felt a familiar flutter in his chest, but quickly buried it. He didn’t need his crush on Kyle surfacing right now, especially not tonight.
Then came Jack’s picture. He looked like an army soldier, all serious jawline and military cut, his posture straight and intimidating.
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Jack:This is... different. I’m jacked, though. Adam:You’re always jacked, man. Nate:How about you, Adam? Show us.
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A moment later, Adam sent his photo, but instead of the serious picture they expected, he was lounging in a jacuzzi with bubbles everywhere. The sight of him, a massive Middle Eastern man, submerged in foam with a serious look on his face, took everyone by surprise. His caption read:
Adam: Just out here living my best life.
Nate burst out laughing, sending a quick reply.
Nate: Bro, you're out of pocket for this one.Kyle: Seriously, man? We’re over here getting ready and you’re in a damn bubble bath?Jack: What even is this?
Adam responded with a crying laughing emoji, clearly loving the attention. The mood in the group chat was light and playful as the rest of them fired off jokes.
Adam: I figured if I’m gonna look like a bouncer, I might as well relax before we host the party tonight. Kyle: Yeah, well, you’re gonna need it once we see you in person. This is weird through text.
Nate grinned at his phone, the playful banter easing the nervous excitement that had been building up since they put on the suits. This was exactly why they were doing it—to have fun, to laugh, to push the limits of a normal Halloween night.
But deep down, Nate couldn’t shake the feeling that this night was about to take them somewhere unexpected.
Nate grinned and grabbed his jacket, adjusting to his new body. The sensation of his muscles stretching under his clothes felt so foreign, like wearing a costume that hugged too tight, but the more he moved, the more it felt natural.
The four friends finally gathered near the entrance of their own house, standing in a small circle as guests mingled around them. The decorations were set, the music was pumping, and their costumes—no, their new bodies—were getting plenty of attention.
Nate’s breath caught for a moment when he saw Kyle up close—he looked like a rugged outdoorsman, the kind of man who could chop wood and build a house with his bare hands. Nate’s heart beat faster, but he quickly pushed it down, smirking instead.
“Damn, look at us,” Nate said, trying to sound casual. “We actually look good, and no one’s going to recognize us.”
Kyle laughed, a deep, hearty sound that wasn’t like his usual voice. “Yeah, speak for yourself. I look like I should be herding cattle.”
“You look like you should be running a militia,” Adam chimed in, his voice gruffer now, fitting his massive new form. He flexed, showing off his biceps. “What about Jack over there? Dude looks like he’s fresh out of basic training.”
Jack shrugged, crossing his arms over his chest. “I’m not complaining. Could get used to this.”
The party buzzed with energy as people moved through the dimly lit house, the pulsing music providing a backdrop for conversation, laughter, and the occasional scream from a well-timed prank. But for Nate, it all faded into the background as he stood next to Kyle, catching glances he couldn’t quite control.
Kyle leaned in a little closer, his now broader frame brushing against Nate’s arm as he scanned the room, eyes sharp and focused in a way that made Nate’s pulse quicken. There was something different about Kyle tonight. He’d always been the calm, steady one of the group, but the way he carried himself now felt different—bolder, more confident. Nate couldn’t tell if it was the suit or something else, but it made it hard to focus on anything but the heat between them.
“You alright?” Kyle asked, his voice now a low, gravelly rumble. “You’re quieter than usual.”
Nate forced a laugh, hoping it sounded casual enough. “Yeah, just… taking it all in. You really pull off the farmer thing, man.”
Kyle smirked, the corner of his mouth lifting in a way that sent a flutter through Nate’s stomach. “Thanks. You’re not looking so bad yourself.” He gave Nate a slow once-over, his gaze lingering just a bit too long, and Nate could feel the tension humming in the air between them.
There was something about the way Kyle was looking at him that Nate couldn’t ignore. It wasn’t just the costume. It was the confidence, the way he stood, how close he leaned in when he spoke, like the space between them was shrinking.
“You know,” Kyle said, his voice softer now, almost teasing, “I never thought I’d say this, but you make that beard work. I don’t even recognize you.”
Nate’s breath hitched, and he couldn’t help but feel the flush of heat rising to his cheeks. He wanted to play it cool, but something about the suit made it harder to hold back. The part of him that was always cautious, always afraid of saying the wrong thing, seemed quieter tonight.
“Yeah?” Nate replied, his voice a bit lower than usual. He felt bolder, more in control of the words leaving his mouth. “I could say the same about you. You’ve got this whole… rugged thing going on.”
Kyle’s eyes flashed with something unreadable, but Nate caught the small smile tugging at his lips. “You’re not the only one thinking that.”
There was a pause, the kind that felt loaded, the kind that stretched just a second too long, and Nate wasn’t sure whether it was the tension between them or the transformation creeping in, but he found himself stepping closer, his body moving before his mind could catch up.
“Wanna go upstairs?” Nate asked, his voice more confident than he felt.
Kyle raised an eyebrow, his smirk deepening. “Lead the way.”
They moved through the party, brushing past costumes and decorations, heading upward to Nate’s room. Nate felt hyper-aware of every step, the weight of Kyle’s presence just behind him.
Once inside Kyle and Nate each sat across each other on Nate’s bed. Kyle tilting his head, studying Nate with a gaze that felt heavy and searching. “You’ve been different tonight,” he said, his voice quieter now. “Not just the suit… but you.”
Nate’s heart raced, and for the first time, he didn’t want to dodge the truth. He didn’t want to push the feeling down or hide it behind a joke. The suit had stripped away that fear, made him feel more like himself—like he didn’t have to hide.
“Yeah,” Nate admitted, his voice soft but steady. “Maybe it’s the suit… or maybe it’s just easier to say things when you feel like you’re someone else.”
Kyle’s eyes flickered with understanding, his gaze dropping to Nate’s lips for a fraction of a second before meeting his eyes again. “I know what you mean.”
The moment lingered between them, the pull undeniable now. Nate’s hand twitched at his side, tempted to close the gap. Kyle’s breath was steady, his gaze intense, but there was a softness in his eyes that Nate hadn’t seen before. It was a side of Kyle that was new—less controlled, more open.
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And then, as if the suit had emboldened him beyond reason, Nate reached out, his fingers pulling Kyle’s head for a warm and passionate kiss. They kissed passionately for a couple minutes, savoring the moment while they each explored their new bodies. Nate with his new hands reached down Kyle's crotch as he could feel his bulge starting to poke his leg. “I can help with that,” Nate boomed in his new voice. Kyle without hesitation unbuckled his pants and pulled out his new girthy cock. Nate immediately got to action as he used all his might to savor Kyle’s cock slide down his throat. “Ahhh fuck man.. I think I’m about to…” Kyle’s voice trailed off as he moaned in ecstasy. Nate felt the gush of cum rush through his mouth, some of the juice landing on Nate's long beard. Afterward, Nate got up to clean himself in the bathroom, glancing at his reflection in the mirror. He chuckled, running his fingers through his new, thick beard. “Might need to trim this thing,” he said, half-joking. “Can’t be catching strays like that.”
From the bed, Kyle laughed, watching Nate with a playful glint in his eyes. He admired Nate’s transformed physique. “Yeah, but you’re pulling it off,” Kyle teased, still lying comfortably on Nate’s bed. “You know I see something else poking out from over here too….” Kyle added. Nate couldn’t help but smile to himself.
Nate sauntered over to the small couch in the corner of his room, sitting down with an exaggerated sense of swagger, spreading his arms along the backrest. He leaned back, eyes half-lidded, giving Kyle a knowing smirk. The suit had him feeling powerful—more than just physically, but in the way he spoke and carried himself, like a man who was in complete control of any room he walked into.
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"Y’know," Nate began, his voice deeper, smoother, as if he was slipping into a role, "I don’t think I’ve ever felt more... in charge." He chuckled low, staring at Kyle like he was inviting him into the performance. “Feels like I could get used to this. Big man, big beard—what do you think? Call me the boss around here?”
Kyle raised an eyebrow, smirking back, intrigued by Nate's sudden shift in attitude. “I gotta see it to believe it.”
Nate leaned forward, his grin widening, clearly enjoying the persona he was building. “Oh, I’m just getting started, let me show you then.” He gestured toward Kyle with a lazy flick of his hand. “All right, farmer boy… come on and get on your boss’s lap.”
Its spooky season everyone, wrote this on a whim. Not sure where it will lead. If you have any idea or other ideas you want to see shoot me a DM. - The Shift
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russo-woso · 9 hours
Adventures | Leah Williamson x singer!reader
Request | Masterlist | prompt list
Part two for biggest fan.
A/N wrote most of this and forgot to save it 😭😭
Warning talks of miscarriage, pregnancy, morning sickness
Summary You and Leah start a family
Since the end of your tour, you and Leah had been desperate to start the course of IVF.
Having a family had been in yours and Leah visions for years, both of you wanting to have a family of your own.
So when you approached a fertility clinic and they explained the procedure, you were ecstatic.
You and Leah would potentially have a baby within the next year.
The process started the week following the appointment.
Leah had an egg retrieval procedure.
You stayed by her side the whole time, holding her hand tightly.
The following steps were far too scientific for you to understand.
Then came the final moment.
The embryo transfer.
Similarly what you did to Leah, she held your hand through the procedure, kissing your forehead every so often.
You both walked out the hospital, smiling at the thought of what nine months from now might look like.
The 29th of March held so many memories.
It was one of the best days of the year.
On that day, you get to celebrate your girl.
Over the years, you’d gone all out for Leah birthday, wearing to spoil her the best you could.
You’d wake up early, make her breakfast, bring it to her in bed.
But this year was different.
This year, you still woke up early, but with a sudden wave of nausea.
You jumped up from bed, trying your hardest to not wake Leah, and ran to the bathroom.
You barely made it before throwing your head in the toilet.
You felt Leah’s hand on your back, rubbing it comfortingly as you continued to throw up.
Once you’d finished, you sat back against the wall, Leah coming to sit down next to you.
“I’m so sorry, le. This isn’t how today was supposed to start. I was gonna make you breakfast and now—” You said, tears welling in your eyes.
“—Baby, hey, it’s okay. Don’t cry. As long as I’m with you, it’s perfect. Look, I’ll go down and make some breakfast and bring it upstairs.” Leah told you and you weakly nodded.
Leah left the bathroom soon after to go make pancakes.
As you were getting up, your eyes focused on a small box on top of the cabinet.
You picked the box up, taking a test out and unwrapping it.
You quickly took it, setting it down on the bathroom counter.
You wanted Leah to be with you when you looked, but you didn’t want her to be upset on her birthday if it was negative.
It was still a few days early to take the test.
The doctors recommended at least three weeks and it had only been two and a half but you were certain.
You hadn’t realised how much time had gone by until Leah walked upstairs with two plates of pancakes in her hands.
You walked over to the bed, getting comfy before Leah handed you breakfast.
Lying in bed next to you, Leah looked cautiously over to you.
“Baby, have you taken a test yet?” Leah asked
“I’ve just taken one. I haven’t looked yet. I wanted you to be there.” You explained and Leah took your hand in hers. “I don’t want you to be disappointed on your birthday if it’s negative.”
“Y/N, I don’t care if it’s negative, baby. It’s okay if this time hasn’t worked, it’s the first time. We can try again. Well go look after breakfast, okay?”
You nodded, Leah pressing a kiss to your cheek.
It had been a while and you and Leah still hadn’t looked at the test.
It wasn’t until you went through to the bathroom, that you decided to call Leah through to do it.
Leah wrapped an arm around you, her hand rubbing up and down your side.
“Remember, it doesn’t matter if it’s positive or negative.” Leah reminded you, kissing your temple.
“3, 2, 1…” you both counted, before flipping the test.
You mouths dropped as you read the word on it.
“You’re pregnant, baby!” Leah exclaimed, picking you up and twirling you.
“We’re gonna have a baby.” You smiled, leaning in to kiss Leah.
“This is the best birthday ever. I love you so much.”
“Le! Come here!” You exclaimed, Leah running through to the living room where you were sat.
“What? Is something wrong?” Leah asked, panicked.
“They kicked. I definitely just felt a kick. Come.” You told her, grabbing her hand and resting it on your now 18 week bump.
“Come on, bubba. Kick for mummy.” Leah whispered, rubbing your bump.
As she finished her words, a small kick was felt.
Leah gleamed up at you, the most biggest smile on her face.
“Did you feel it?”
She nodded quickly, going back to focus on your bump.
Every time Leah spoke to your baby, they kicked.
And every time they didn’t kick, Leah would wait until they did.
Leah stayed there for at least an hour, just talking to your baby.
Christmas was your favourite time of the year.
The aesthetics, the weather, the fact you got to spend time with loved ones.
It all just made you happy.
This year though, was quite the opposite.
Yes, the aesthetics hadn’t changed, and the weather remained the same and you still got to spend time with family.
But this year, you were nine months pregnant.
You have been trying to induce yourself into labour for the past week.
You’d spent hours bouncing up and down on the yoga ball.
You’d gone on several walks, curb walking, hoping that it could help.
Long story short, it didn’t. Because you’re sat here on the morning of Christmas Eve still nine months pregnant.
“Le, please come tell your daughter to just come already.” You sighed, flopping against the sofa, exhausted because you’d had to stand for more than five minutes.
“Hi, bubba.” Leah began, lying in between your legs, her head resting on the side of your bump. “Me and mama really want to meet you. Come on, bubba. I know you’re comfy in there, but you have to come meet us.”
Your baby girl just responded with a hard kick to your bladder.
“I need to go to the toilet now.” You groaned, Leah helping you up as you waddled to the toilet. “Fuck. Leah!”
Leah ran through to the hallway, seeing you standing there, holding your bump as you looked down to a puddle on the floor.
“Baby time?” Leah questioned, a panicked look on her face.
“Baby time.” You confirmed
Leah started running round like a headless chicken.
Running upstairs to get the bag, then running to get the car seat, then into the bedroom to get you some spare clothes.
“Le, baby, we’ve still got plenty of time. Calm down. Let’s put on a movie, I’ll go get changed.” You told her, pressing a kiss to her cheek before grabbing the clothes from her.
The rest of the morning went quite quickly. Your contractions were now six minutes apart.
Leah had been so good, rubbing your back, getting you whatever you needed.
It was at 1 o’clock when you finally made your way to hospital.
The journey there seemed to take forever.
Leah’s hand rested on your thigh the whole time, squeezing it gently every now and then.
Due to yours and Leah’s fame and recognition within the world, you’d gone through the whole process and pregnancy at a private hospital.
Arriving at the hospital, Leah helped you get out the car, taking the bags in her hand and guiding you to the hospital.
At this point, you’d been in labour for five hours and were sure that you were beginning the later stages of labour.
The contractions were now excruciating, making you double over in pain each time a contraction hit.
The nurse guided you to a room, where a birthing pool was in the corner.
You’d asked for a birthing pool, still making your mind up whether or not to give birth in it.
The nurse checked you over, telling you and Leah that you were already eight centimetres dilated.
“Two more centimetres away from meeting her, baby.” Leah said, kissing your temple as a huge smile took over her face.
You breathed a sigh of relief, only a bit more longer of this left.
Over the next hour, you decided you’d like to give the birthing pool a try.
Leah ran a hot soothing temperature and helped you in.
She massaged your back and you breathed in the gas and air the doctors gave you.
When you arrived at the hospital, you were already too dilated for the epidural so you had to go with gas and air instead.
“Le, I think it’s time. I need to push.” You told her, already out of breath from active labour.
Leah got up quickly, pressing the button on the side of the bed.
Within seconds, the nurses were there.
They went through everything with you before telling you to push.
You gripped Leah’s hand as you pushed.
You’re sure you heard a bone crack, but Leah insisted she was fine.
“You’re doing so well, baby.” Leah whispered against your temple.
“It hurts so bad, le.”
“I know, love. I’m sorry.” Leah said, taking a piece of sweat drenched hair from your face.
After what must have been fifteen minutes of gruelling pushing, there was still no sign of your daughter.
“I can’t do it.” You sobbed, throwing your head back after pushing.
The nurses shot Leah a look.
“Try get in the pool with her. It may relax her.” One of them told Leah and Leah nodded straight away.
You relaxed against Leah’s chest, Leah’s arms wrapping round you as you held onto them.
“A bit more, baby. I promise.”
You pushed, your teeth gritted as you sued all your power.
Leah whispered inspirational words as you pushed.
“I can see her head. Keep pushing.”
“Her heads nearly out, love. I can see her.” Leah said, her voice breaking as her emotions got to her.
“One more big push.” The nurse stated and you pushed, the last of your energy being poured into this push. “She’s here! Well done mama.”
Your daughter was placed on your chest, small cries escaping her mouth.
“She’s here, baby. You did it.” Leah cried, placing her hand on the back of your baby girl.
You rubbed your daughters back, before looking at Leah.
She had the biggest smile on her face, tears rolling down her cheeks.
“I’m so proud of you.”
You smiled at her in response, too exhausted to speak.
You stared at your daughter, her eyebrows furrowed exactly like Leah’s.
She had small tuffs of blonde hair along with blue eyes, the exact shade of Leah’s.
“She looks like you. Look, exactly the same eyebrows.” You said, smiling at Leah.
“Hey!” Leah exclaimed quietly, clearly joking.
“Mum, would you like to cut the cord?” The nurse questioned Leah who nodded straight away.
She was handed a pair of scissors, being guided on where to cut it.
Your daughter was taken from you to get checked over whilst you pushed the placenta out.
The nurses helped you get to the bed, Leah walking towards you a few seconds later with your baby girl swaddled in her arms.
“She weighed 7 pound 1, and she’s perfect.” Leah told you, sitting on the side of the bed as you both looked at your newborn.
“She is perfect.” You agreed
“We love you so much, Olive Cassandra Williamson ”
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wolverigrl · 3 days
I'm going through a similar situation, so maybe it will help me having a little more confidence in myself. Also shout out to my bf always late. ✌🏻 (If you read this babe, I love you)
Hugh x younger reader (30s-50s). The reader traveled out of the US for her friend's b-day and asked Hugh to be her partner. He senses her nervousness and asks her why, she confesses that there will be other people who made fun of her/weren't real friends with her and he makes sure his girl has the perfect outfit and shows her how beautiful she is when she's wearing her self confidence. Everyone at the party looks at her realizing they were messing with the wrong girl.
The Right Kind of Confidence
Hugh Jackman x f!reader
A/N: You are all beautiful and enough. This world needs more of you, sweet souls. Never ever forget this! xx
Warnings: mentions of past bullying, maybe some angst, cheesy
It all started with an innocent text. Or at least, that’s how I tried to rationalize it.
I’d been invited to my old friend Emily’s birthday party in London - she’d relocated there a few years back. It was supposed to be a fun, carefree getaway, a chance to reconnect with old friends. But when the invite arrived, nestled deep in the email chain, I couldn’t shake the creeping dread.
Along with me, there were others on the guest list - people I hadn’t seen in years. People who had once made high school and college more difficult than it needed to be. The thought of facing them again sent a cold shiver through me.
Still, I knew I couldn’t skip Emily’s big day. She’d been a real friend through thick and thin, and I’d promised myself I wouldn’t let the bad memories dictate how I lived my life.
So, I sent that text to Hugh, feeling a bit ridiculous.
Y/N: Hii❤️ I’ve got an invite to a birthday party in London. Any chance you’d want to come with me?
I hit send before I could second-guess myself. It was the first time I’d asked him to travel for something personal, not work-related or vacation-focused. Hugh had always been the kind of guy who loved adventure, but I wasn’t sure if "be my emotional support at a party full of people who once bullied me" counted as an adventure.
My phone buzzed just minutes later. Hugh’s name lit up the screen.
HUGH: London? I’ve always got time for that. When do we leave? ;)❤️
The sigh of relief I let out could have been heard across the street. I grinned down at the phone, a warmth spreading through me that had nothing to do with the cup of coffee in my hands.
The days leading up to the trip passed in a blur of planning, nerves, and packing. Hugh handled everything with his usual calm, even helping me pick out a dress for the party - a gorgeous satin piece that made me feel like I was ready for the red carpet, even if my stomach was in knots over the thought of facing those old 'friends' again.
When the day finally came, Hugh and I met at the airport. His easygoing nature had a calming effect on me, even as I lugged my suitcase through the busy terminal, the excitement of the trip warring with the old insecurities gnawing at my mind.
"You ready for London?" Hugh asked, pulling me in for a quick hug before we went through security. He had a sparkle in his eyes, like the trip was going to be nothing but fun for him.
I tried to return his smile, but I could feel my nerves creeping back.
"Yeah, definitely. Just didn't thought of seeing some of the people again. It’s bringing back all kinds of old memories."
Hugh furrowed his brow, clearly picking up on the shift in my mood. He placed a hand on my shoulder, giving it a reassuring squeeze.
"We don’t have to go, you know. If this is going to make you uncomfortable, just say the word."
I shook my head quickly, not wanting to back out now.
"No, I want to go. I just don’t want to spend the whole trip in my head worrying about it."
His expression softened, and he looked at me like he was trying to figure out exactly what to say to make me feel better.
"Well if anyone has a problem with you, they’re the ones who need to grow up."
I smiled, feeling some of the tension ease out of my shoulders. "Thanks, Hugh. I don’t know what I was thinking asking you to come along on this, but I’m really glad you did."
"Are you kidding? A trip to London with you? I’d never pass that up!" he said, his voice light but sincere.
By the time we landed in London, the nerves had faded somewhat, replaced by excitement. We checked into the hotel, and as I watched the city’s skyline from our room, I felt the promise of a good trip begin to settle in my bones. With Hugh here, maybe this would be the perfect opportunity to prove to myself that the past didn’t hold any power over me anymore.
I stood in front of the mirror, adjusting the hem of my dress for what felt like the hundredth time. It was a soft satin, flowing in all the right places, hugging my body just right. By any other measure, it was perfect. But tonight, I felt like it wasn’t enough - like I wasn’t enough.
"Everything okay in there?" Hugh’s deep voice filtered in from the hotel room’s balcony, where he was enjoying the sunset. I could hear the lilt of concern, even through the casual tone.
"Yeah!" I called back, trying to steady my nerves. "Just finishing up."
I stared at my reflection, hoping my face didn’t betray the knot of anxiety in my stomach. It had been years since I’d seen some of these people - people who had, at best, pretended to be friends. At worst, they’d made me the butt of their jokes when they thought I wasn’t looking.
They’d perfected the art of making someone feel invisible, but always in a way that you couldn’t call out.
Now, I was about to walk back into that. The only difference? This time, I wasn’t alone. I had Hugh by my side.
As much as I wanted to believe I’d outgrown that insecure version of myself, she was clawing her way back up to the surface, reminding me of every cruel laugh, every dismissive glance.
The door creaked as Hugh stepped inside, making his way toward me. I looked up at him in the mirror, catching his reflection as he leaned against the doorway, arms crossed, an amused smile playing at his lips. He looked effortlessly handsome with his salt and pepper beard and his dark suit with the shirt open at the collar. Just the right mix of casual and polished.
The sight of him should have been enough to calm me down, but instead, my stomach twisted tighter.
"You look gorgeous." he said, pushing off from the door and coming up behind me, his hands settling gently on my hips. He pressed a soft kiss to my temple, his warm breath brushing against my skin.
"So why do you look like you’re about to faint?"
I let out a shaky laugh, avoiding his eyes in the mirror. "I'm fine, really. Just it’s been a while since I’ve seen these people."
He raised an eyebrow, his hands still resting firmly on my hips. "And that’s what’s bothering you?"
I sighed, feeling the weight of it all pressing down. There was no point in pretending with Hugh. He could always see through me.
"There are people coming tonight who weren’t exactly nice to me. A lot of them didn’t even pretend to be my friends."
I admitted, my voice quieter than I intended. "I know I shouldn’t care, but it’s hard to shake that feeling. What if I’m just setting myself up for more of the same?"
Hugh’s grip tightened slightly on my hips, grounding me in the present.
"Hey.." he said softly, turning me around to face him. His gaze was steady, comforting.
"You’re not that person anymore. And they sure as hell don’t get to make you feel like you are."
I tried to smile, but the anxiety still gnawed at me.
"I know, I just… I want to walk in there feeling confident, like I belong."
He tilted his head, a thoughtful look crossing his face.
"You’re worried about confidence? With the way you look right now?" His eyes traveled over me appreciatively, and for a second, the knot in my stomach loosened.
"Love, you look stunning! You’ve got nothing to prove."
I let out another nervous laugh, though this time it was more from the warmth his words brought.
"Easy for you to say. You’re Hugh Jackman. You were voted the sexiest man alive in 2008. You could wear a garbage bag and people would still be tripping over themselves to tell you how amazing you are."
He laughed, stepping closer, his hand sliding up to cup my cheek.
"Okay, first of all, I’d rock that garbage bag!" He winked, making me smile. "But second - this isn’t about them. This is about you."
I felt his thumb gently brush my cheek as his voice softened.
"I’ve seen you, y/n. I’ve seen the way you handle people, the way you carry yourself. You’ve got more strength in you than they ever gave you credit for. They were wrong to underestimate you."
I looked into his eyes, my heart starting to slow, the tension easing out of my shoulders.
"But what if they try making me feel like that person again?"
Hugh smiled, a slow, confident curve of his lips as he pulled me closer, his forehead resting against mine. "They can try." he murmured. "But tonight, you’ve got something they never had - you know exactly who you are."
His words wrapped around me like a warm blanket, steadying the whirlwind in my chest. "And if that’s not enough." he added, his voice teasing now.
"I’ll be there, by your side, reminding them of what a mistake they made messing with you."
I laughed, the sound more genuine this time, and leaned into his chest.
"Thank you."
He kissed the top of my head before stepping back to get a better look at me.
"But there’s just one thing missing."
He turned, heading toward his suitcase on the bed, and after a moment, he pulled out a small, velvet box. My heart skipped a beat, and I glanced at him, confused. We weren’t doing that. Were we?
Hugh chuckled when he saw my expression. "Relax. It’s not what you think."
He opened the box to reveal a delicate pair of earrings, simple yet elegant, catching the light in a way that made them sparkle like stars.
"These.." he said softly, stepping forward and taking one out. "Are for you.”
I blinked, feeling a lump form in my throat. "Hugh, they’re beautiful!"
He grinned as he gently hooked the earring onto my ear.
"I know you don’t need them to look beautiful, but consider them a little extra sparkle to remind you just how stunning you are - inside and out."
I swallowed the sudden emotion welling up inside me as he fastened the other earring. When he was done, I looked back in the mirror, and something had shifted. The dress that had felt just right now seemed to gleam with confidence. The earrings shimmered against my skin, catching the light, but it was Hugh’s words that had truly made me feel different.
I turned to face him, my heart swelling. "How do you always know exactly what to say?"
Hugh smiled, his hands resting on my shoulders.
"It’s easy when you mean every word." He leaned down, his lips brushing mine in a tender kiss.
His words sent a warmth flooding through me, melting away the last of my doubts. I looked up into his eyes, and for a moment, I could see what he saw - a woman who had grown, who had strength. The kind of person who didn’t need the approval of people who had never truly known her in the first place.
"Now, come on." he said, stepping back with a grin. "Let’s get ready to knock ’em dead!"
As we arrived at the party, I could feel that familiar tightness creeping into my chest again, but Hugh’s hand was warm and steady around mine. The moment we walked in, eyes turned in our direction. I could feel the weight of their stares, but instead of shrinking away, I stood taller.
Conversations paused, glances exchanged. The people who had once dismissed me or whispered behind my back were now watching with something resembling disbelief, but not for the reasons they used to. They were seeing someone different now - someone who had grown, evolved, and walked into that room with self-assurance that couldn’t be ignored.
Hugh stayed close, his presence solid and reassuring. But it wasn’t him they were looking at.
It was me.
Emily rushed over, beaming from ear to ear, pulling me into a tight hug.
"You made it! And you brought Hugh!"
"Of course!" I smiled, hugging her back. "Happy birthday, Em!"
We navigated through the crowd, making small talk with the birthday girl, my real friends, and slowly, I realized, it didn’t matter what those other people thought. I felt good. I felt powerful. Hugh had been right - I didn’t need to prove anything to anyone.
I caught sight of one of the girls from the past - the one who had always been the ringleader of the snide comments, the icy looks. She smiled at me now, but it was different. She was clearly taken aback, unsure of how to react.
I smiled back, polite but distant, and kept walking, letting that version of me - the one they used to push around - fade away for good.
We spent the rest of the night laughing, and enjoying the party, but through it all, Hugh never left my side. Every time I caught a glimpse of myself in a reflection, I saw it - not just the earrings, the dress, or even him at my side - but the confidence I had found within.
By the time we left, the air between us was lighter, free from the weight of those past insecurities. As we stepped out into the cool night, I turned to Hugh, wrapping my arms around his waist.
"You really did give me the best gift tonight." I said softly, looking up at him.
Hugh smiled, brushing a strand of hair from my face. "What’s that?"
"You made me see myself the way you see me."
He kissed me then, slow and deep, his arms wrapping tighter around me as if to remind me that no matter what, I was enough. I always had been.
"You’re incredible, love." he whispered against my lips. "Never forget that."
And with him by my side, I knew I never would.
Tags: @angelofthorr @haytchee
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withercat1 · 3 days
Some observations about Mouthwashing
Spoilers ahead!
Ok so this game has got me so hyperfixated that I’m using Tumblr for the first time in like a year just to keep a tab with the Mouthwashing hashtag open so I can refresh it throughout the day and see what people are posting. That and my tab full of Danny AOD gifs. Anyway.
So I wanted to share some things I’ve noticed because I haven’t seen anyone else mention them and I want to seem smart and observant.
First off is the name Curly. Like it’s kind of a weird name. It’s unclear whether this is his first or last name because the writing on his id card is so burned and so cursive. It is worth noting that Curly is an actual name, meaning “strong man” or “great strength”. What stands out to me though, is that Laika, the dog who was sent into space, was actually named Kudrayavka originally, which means “Little Curly” (and a little fun fact, Laika means “barker”). Thematically, both of these make sense. I don’t know which one was intentional, if either. It’s entirely possible Curly as a name is a reference, or just a name the devs liked.
Secondly, Anya’s design is based off of Shelley Duvall in The Shining, most recognizable to most people for the scene where she’s hiding in the bathroom while Johnny breaks down the door. That being her most iconic scene really reminds me of Anya’s deal with doors, being unable to lock the door to her quarters, and then locking herself in medical while the others try to get her out.
Thirdly, and the one I find most interesting, is one of the videos that plays on the tv after the storage room is opened. It’s about atoms, and states that atoms make up everything, like shoes, and ships, and sealing wax, and cabbages, and kings. I don’t know if this video was chosen by the devs specifically for this quote, but for the purposes of my rambling I’m going to assume it was. This quote is a direct reference to The Walrus and the Carpenter, a poem by Lewis Carroll.
The poem is hyperlinked above (hopefully, Idrk how to use Tumblr), but I just want to post the segment that the quote from the video comes from.
“The time has come,' the Walrus said,
      To talk of many things:
Of shoes — and ships — and sealing-wax —
      Of cabbages — and kings —
And why the sea is boiling hot —
      And whether pigs have wings.'”
To briefly summarize the whole poem, though I highly recommend reading it for yourself as well because it’s really good, the Walrus and the Carpenter come across a group of oysters and ask them to join them for a walk. The oysters do, and the Walrus and the Carpenter walk with then a bit, before finally stopping, where the lines above happen. Right after this, the oysters ask to take a break, and the Walrus and the Carpenter agree to let them have the break - because they plan on eating the oysters. “And why the sea is boiling hot,” I believe, refers to the oysters being boiled in order to prepare them for consumption.
The Walrus says he pities the oysters, and wipes his tears away, while actively partaking in the consumption of the oysters. The poem ends with a statement that all of the oysters have been devoured.
So! Let’s focus on the Walrus here. Someone who leads innocents astray, boils/cooks them, and then eats them, all the while crying about how awful it is while doing nothing to abstain from eating them. Sound familiar? Sound like that guy we all hate? Little bit! I don’t know if it was an intentional bit of symbolism or not, but it’s super big brained if it was.
That’s all for now but I’m sure I’ll think of some more things later. I love this game. If u made it this far I really appreciate it, feel free to comment and let me know what you think
Also let me know how to tag a post as spoilers properly, I seriously do not use this site
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tteotlma · 2 days
Dialed In
phone sex - foreplay - dystopian
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Deadpool/Reader (3.3kw)
a/n: KINKTOBER DAY THREEEEEEE -- i wanna explore w more characters so if you have any suggestions let me know. i liked writing w deadpool (it was my first time)
tw: 18+ MDNI, sexual content, strong language, adult humor, dystopian themes, violence, phone sex, masturbation, graphic dirty talk, intimate photographs, crude humor, isolation, separation, anxiety
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The world has currently gone to hell, overrun by rogue AI and corrupt government forces, forcing many to isolate and go into hiding. Being Wade’s “Sexy Pants Love Nugget” (as he likes to put it) comes with perks. When everything went to shit Wade made sure to keep you safe in some surprise underground bunker he had. 
“Oh, this?” Wade gestures around the bunker. “It’s my secret underground love lair.” He says turning to you. You only blink back at him, a small smirk tugging at the corner of your lips.
“Okay, fine,” he huffs, clearly upset you won’t play along, but he gets it—whole world potentially ending and everything. “But it is my secret underground lair. Every superhero—or, anti-hero, in my case—needs one. Sure, Batman has his cave, Tony Stark has his fancy mansion, but me,” he thumbs his chest with a grin. 
“I’ve got a bunker, baby. Way cooler.” He winks playfully, grabbing your hand and leading you to the slightly crusty-looking sofa pressed against the wall.
“People thought I was nuts, but I planned for this whole dystopian thing ages ago. Call it my ‘just-in-case-the-world-goes-to-shit-and-I-need-to-hide-out-with-my-favorite-person’ bunker.” He gestures toward the kitchen. “Stocked with essentials: Raisin Bran, chimichangas, and—wait for it—pajama onesies. We’ve got a blue unicorn, a white one, a purple one, and a whole collection of Hello Kitty undies. Oh! And the entire Golden Girls DVD box set,” he adds, pointing at a dresser stacked with DVDs and an old TV stand.
He then gestures proudly to the back wall, packed with an insane amount of weaponry. “We’ve got bean bags, grenades, Korth Super Sport Revolvers, Wilson Combat EDC X9s, Beretta 92FS Fusions…” 
“Okay, I get it—you’ve got a lot of guns, babe,” you cut in, scanning the dimly lit space. It's rough, but you can tell he tried to make it somewhat livable.
“Thank you! I could’ve gone on forever.” He drapes an arm around your shoulders and walks you over to an area closed off by a curtain. With a flourish, he pulls it back, and your heart melts. “I-it’s not exactly home, but…”
You see that Wade has recreated your shared bed from home—favorite blankets, pillows, and even the sheets you love so much. The walls are decorated with photos of the two of you, Polaroids capturing goofy selfies and candid moments.
“Wade, are those my tits?!” you screech, pointing at a very questionable Polaroid.
“Whoops! No idea how that got there,” he says, ripping it off the wall and shoving it into his back pocket. “Let’s replace it.” He grabs another photo and sticks it up—a shot of his bare dick. 
“Half-mast,” he says with a smirk, patting the photo. “So you don’t miss me when I’m gone.” With that, he dramatically flops onto the bed, blankets billowing up around him.
“What do you mean, ‘when you’re gone?’” you ask, your voice softening as you slide onto the bed next to him, immediately resting your head on his chest. His arm wraps around you instinctively, pulling you closer in that familiar, protective way. Beneath the layers of humor and bravado, there’s always been something deeper with Wade—something he doesn’t say out loud.
He hesitates for a moment, his usual playful banter faltering. “Oh, you know... just in case I have to run out and save the world or do something *really* heroic, like buying more chimichangas. Super serious stuff.” His voice lightens, but you can tell there’s more beneath the surface, the words left unsaid.
You gently trace your fingers over the zipper of his hoodie, feeling the rise and fall of his chest beneath you. “Wade...”
He sighs, the weight of the moment catching up to him. “Look, babe. We both know the world’s gone to hell. I mean, have you seen outside? It’s a total dumpster fire out there.” His fingers absentmindedly play with a strand of your hair as he talks. “And in my line of work, well, there’s a pretty high chance I’ll have to go out there, guns blazing, and… you know, maybe not come back. But don’t worry, I’ll leave you the last chimichanga. It’ll probably be stale, but hey, it’s the thought that counts, right?”
You roll your eyes at his attempt to make light of the situation, but there’s a knot tightening in your chest. “You’re not going anywhere without me,” you mumble into his suit, holding him tighter. The idea of losing Wade, even in this chaotic, end-of-the-world scenario, is a thought you don’t want to entertain.
“Aw, babe, you know I’d never leave you behind. I mean, who else would make sure I don’t do something stupid like try to fight a sentient toaster again? You’re basically my safety net.” He grins, trying to break the tension, but his eyes give him away—there’s a flicker of something more vulnerable there.
The space around you, dimly lit by the flickering lights of the bunker, feels oddly intimate in this moment. You look around at the effort he’s put into this hideaway—the mismatched sheets that remind you of home, the Polaroids plastered on the walls, capturing your life together. Even the ridiculous weapons display on the far wall feels like an odd testament to how much he wants to protect you, how much he’s planned for every possible disaster.
“I didn’t just build this bunker for me, you know,” Wade murmurs, his voice unusually soft. “It was always about you. Us. I didn’t want to drag you into all my… crazy, but look at us now. Dystopian lovebirds, right?” He chuckles, but there’s a certain warmth behind his words.
You look up at him, meeting his eyes. “You’re not going anywhere. We’ll figure it out together—whatever ‘saving the world’ means today.” You reach up, cupping his face, feeling the rough texture of his skin beneath your fingertips, a reminder of all he’s been through. All the battles, the scars, and the fact that despite everything, he’s still here with you.
Wade gazes at you for a long moment, his usual bravado melting away as he leans in, pressing a soft kiss to your forehead. “You’re too good for me, you know that?” he says, his voice barely a whisper.
You smirk. “Maybe. But you’ve got great taste in blankets,” you tease, pulling the fluffy fabric around you both, cocooning yourselves in warmth.
He chuckles, his arm tightening around you as he settles back into the pillows. “Damn straight. If the world’s gonna end, at least we’ll be cozy, right?” There’s a brief pause before he adds, almost as an afterthought, “Also, not to brag, but I do look fantastic in a unicorn onesie.”
You burst out laughing, the heaviness of the conversation lifting just a little, and Wade grins, clearly proud of himself for making you laugh.
“Okay, okay,” you say between giggles, “but seriously, we’re sticking together, right? No going off and playing hero without me.”
He nods, his expression softening as he strokes your hair. “You got it, babe. No solo hero gigs. We’re in this whole ‘dystopia survival’ thing together.” 
You let out a content sigh, resting your head back on his chest as his heartbeat thrums steadily beneath you. “Good,” you whisper, closing your eyes and savoring the moment of peace. Despite the world falling apart outside, in this little bunker, wrapped up with Wade, you feel safe.
“Besides,” he adds, his voice back to its usual playful tone, “how could I possibly leave when you’ve got a *killer* set of boobs and a healthy appreciation for my half-mast photos? I’d be an idiot.”
You groan, smacking his chest lightly, but you’re smiling, and that’s all Wade wants right now. “You’re impossible,” you mutter, but your heart is light again.
“And yet, you love me,” he quips, leaning down to kiss you on the top of your head. “So, unicorn onesie or Hello Kitty undies tomorrow? Gotta plan for our next ‘post-apocalyptic fashion show.’” You laugh but don’t say anything, instead just toying with the fabric on his chest. 
As you both lay there, wrapped up in the makeshift comfort of the bunker, the moment feels almost peaceful. But deep down, you know it’s only temporary. The world outside is falling apart, and Wade—despite all his jokes and deflections—has his part to play in it. 
“Hey, babe…” Wade’s voice cuts through the quiet, a note of seriousness creeping back in. “About that whole ‘not going anywhere without you’ thing?” His hand absentmindedly traces patterns on your back as he speaks.
You tense, instinctively knowing where this is going. You lift your head, looking up at him, your face inches from his. “Wade…”
“I know, I know,” he says quickly, trying to keep it light. “But, I gotta head out for a bit. You know, just a quick, heroic, ‘save the day’ kinda thing. Be back in a jiffy.” He tries to throw in a wink, but there’s something in his eyes that betrays the attempt at humor. 
“How long?” you ask, trying to keep your voice steady, but it’s hard not to feel the weight of the moment.
“Not long. A few days, tops,” he replies, sitting up and gently pulling you with him. “Just gotta check in with some ‘less friendly’ neighbors, make sure the whole ‘end of the world’ thing doesn’t get even worse.” His hand moves to your cheek, his thumb brushing softly over your skin. “But don’t worry, I’ve got a plan.”
“You always have a plan,” you say with a half-smile, trying to sound reassuring.
“Damn right I do,” Wade grins, but it’s softer this time. He pulls you in for a kiss, lingering just a little longer than usual. When he pulls back, his eyes are serious again. “Hey, I’ll call. Every night. Promise.”
You nod, trying to push down the unease rising in your chest. “You better.”
He kisses you once more, then with a quick, exaggerated salute, he hops off the bed, grabbing his weapons and gear in a flurry of movement. “I’ll be back before you know it. Save me some of those Raisin Bran boxes, will ya? Don’t go hogging all the cereal.”
With one last glance back at you, he’s out the door, leaving you alone in the dimly lit bunker.
A Few Days Later
The first few days without Wade pass slowly, the silence in the bunker oppressive without his constant banter and chaos to fill it. You’ve been waiting for his calls, clinging to the brief moments of contact, even if all you get is his voice crackling over the speaker.
And then tonight—finally—your phone buzzes. You grab it immediately, heart skipping a beat when you see his name flash across the screen. You pick up, the sound of his voice instantly soothing the tension you didn’t realize you’d been carrying.
“Hey there, hot stuff,” he purrs through the line, his voice lower and rougher than usual. “Miss me?”
“Maybe a little,” you tease, leaning back against the pillows, letting the warmth of his voice wash over you. “How’s the whole ‘saving the world’ thing going?”
“Ugh, overrated. Lots of running, shooting, not nearly enough hot dog carts. But let’s not talk about that. What’re you wearing?” His voice dips into that playful, flirtatious tone, and you can practically hear the smirk through the phone.
“Wade,” you roll your eyes, but a smile tugs at your lips. “I’m literally in one of your Hello Kitty onesies.”
There’s a pause, then a low, appreciative whistle. “Now that’s a visual. Wish I could see it, babe.” His voice deepens, taking on that familiar, sultry edge. “But I guess we’ll have to get creative, huh?”
Your pulse quickens at the change in his tone, warmth spreading through you as the playful conversation takes a turn. “Oh yeah? What exactly do you have in mind, Wade?”
“Well,” he drawls slowly, “I may not be there in person, but I’m pretty sure I can still make you squirm. What do you say we have a little fun, babe? You, me, and a whole lot of imagination…”
The spark between you flares to life, and as his voice wraps around you, you find yourself sinking into the moment, ready to close the distance between you—if only for a little while.
Your heart races as Wade’s voice lingers on the line, playful yet dark, and you can already tell where this is headed. The tension between you two, even across a phone, is undeniable.
“So, babe,” Wade purrs, his voice low and suggestive, “tell me… are you touching yourself yet?”
You can’t help but laugh softly at his directness. “Already jumping to the good part, huh?”
“Well, time’s a-tickin’ and I’ve got bullets to dodge, but I always make time for you. Besides,” his tone dips, slow and deliberate, “if I were there right now, I’d already have my hands all over you.”
Your breath catches a little, the way he says it making your pulse quicken. You lean back against the pillows, the soft fabric of the onesie brushing against your skin, but your thoughts are far from the cute outfit.
“Oh yeah? What exactly would you do, Wade?” you ask, your voice dropping a little, wanting to draw out the game just a bit longer.
His low chuckle vibrates through the phone. “First, I’d unzip that onesie of yours, real slow, because damn, I bet you look so sexy in it. I’d start at the top, pull that zipper down until it’s just barely clinging to your shoulders. I wanna see that skin, baby.”
You bite your lip, following his lead, your fingers trailing down the zipper of the onesie just as he describes. The fabric parts, revealing your chest, and even though Wade isn’t here, the image he’s painting is so vivid, it feels like he is.
“Are you doing it?” he asks, his voice husky with need. “Tell me what you’re feeling, babe. I wanna hear you.”
“I am,” you murmur, your voice soft, already feeling your body respond to his words. “The onesie’s almost off… feels good.”
“Mmm, I bet it does,” Wade groans through the line. “Now slide that thing off your shoulders, let it fall down your arms. God, I wish I was there, helping you out of it. I’d be kissing every inch of that skin, so fucking slow.”
You slip the onesie off, letting it pool around your waist as your fingers graze your bare skin. The way Wade’s voice dips into that raw, hungry tone sends a thrill through you, and you close your eyes, imagining him there, hovering above you, his rough hands tracing over your body.
“Are you touching yourself yet?” His voice takes on that teasing lilt again. “I need details, babe. Don’t leave me hanging.”
Your hand moves instinctively, trailing over your breasts, feeling your skin warm under your own touch. “Yeah, Wade,” you whisper, your breath a little shaky. “I’m touching myself.”
“Fuck,” he growls. “You know what I’d be doing right now? I’d be right there, kissing your neck, working my way down to those perfect tits. I’d take my time, sucking on those nipples until you’re begging for more.”
A soft moan escapes you, and you know he heard it because his laughter on the other end of the line is thick with satisfaction. “There’s my girl,” he breathes. “God, I love making you squirm. Are you wet for me yet?”
Your body reacts to the words, the heat spreading through you. “Yeah… I am.”
“Good,” Wade says, his voice low and gravelly. “Now, slip your hand between those legs. I want you to touch yourself the way I would. Make it slow, babe. Imagine it’s my fingers on you, working you just the way you like it.”s
You do as he says, your hand slipping lower, your body already aching for more. His words, that deep, dirty tone, only fuel the fire burning inside you.
“Fuck, babe, you have no idea how bad I want to be there. I’d have you spread out on that bed, legs wide open for me. I’d start by teasing you, just like this… soft touches, barely there, making you crave it until you can’t take it anymore.”
Your breath hitches as your fingers move, mimicking his words, teasing yourself, and imagining his hands instead of yours. The tension coils tighter with each movement.
“Wade,” you whisper, your voice trembling with need, “I need more.”
“Oh, you need more?” His voice is all taunting pleasure. “You gotta tell me, babe. Tell me exactly what you want.”
“I want you inside me,” you breathe, the words slipping out before you can stop them, your body already on fire.
“Fuck,” he groans, and you can practically hear him adjusting himself on the other end of the line. “God, I’d slide into you so slow. You’d feel every inch of me, stretching you, filling you up. I’d make you scream my name, babe.”
You moan softly, your fingers pressing deeper, following the rhythm he’s setting, your mind lost in the fantasy of him inside you.
“You close, babe?” Wade’s voice is hoarse, filled with desire. “I wanna hear you come. I wanna hear you fall apart for me.”
You’re right on the edge, the heat pooling low in your belly, your body tightening with every stroke, every dirty word falling from his lips. “I’m so close,” you gasp, your voice breathless, trembling.
“Good girl,” he growls, his voice dark and commanding. “Come for me, baby. Let go. I wanna hear every fucking sound you make.”
And that’s all it takes. Your body shudders as the release washes over you, your moans filling the quiet of the bunker as you ride out the waves of pleasure, your fingers slowing, your breath coming in ragged gasps.
“Fuck, that was hot,” Wade groans through the phone, clearly turned on by the sounds of your pleasure. “God, I wish I was there to see that. You’re so fucking sexy, babe.”
You lie there, spent and flushed, the heat still lingering in your veins, your chest rising and falling with the aftershocks of the orgasm. “Wade,” you murmur, smiling despite the exhaustion. “That was…”
“Epic? Mind-blowing? Something you’ll want to do again tomorrow night?” he offers with a chuckle, his tone lighter now but still thick with affection.
You laugh softly, shaking your head. “All of the above.”
“Good,” he says, the smirk evident in his voice. “Now get some rest, babe. I’ll be back soon. And then we can pick up where we left off… in person.”
You can’t help but grin, already looking forward to it. “You better come back in one piece.”
“I’ll try my best,” he teases. “But if not, I’ll always have my half-mast pic to keep you company.”
“But you know I need more,” you tease, a playful edge in your voice.
There’s a brief pause on the other end of the line, then Wade’s voice drops, lower and rougher. “Oh, trust me, babe. When I get back, you’re getting all of me. No holding back.”
You can’t help but smile, your heart warming at the promise in his tone. “I’ll hold you to that.”
“Good,” he purrs, “because I plan on giving you a lot more than just pictures when I’m done here. Stay safe, babe. I’ll be back before you know it.”
“Stay safe, Wade,” you reply softly, feeling the warmth of his words even through the distance.
“I will. Now get some sleep… and dream of me.” There’s a pause, followed by a mischievous laugh. “And maybe that half-mast pic.”
You laugh softly, feeling lighter despite the ache of him being away. “Goodnight, Wade.”
“Night, babe,” he says, his voice soft and sincere for a moment before the line goes quiet. “My Sweet Sexy Apocalypse Babycakes.”
As the phone call ends, you lay there, staring up at the ceiling, already counting down the hours until he returns. The world outside may be falling apart, but somehow, in moments like this, it feels a little less daunting.
a/n: i luv feedback (GIVE IT TO ME)
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starimusprime · 22 hours
ok ok!! ya got me to start a talkin!! ok so anyways im not much of a storyteller but my hc is post movie so big fat spoilers on the way
anyway, elitas been like SUPER clingy to optimus after she gives him the lil pep talk
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peep the images. constantly being by his side. heck, even CHOOSING to run ACROSS the battlefield to be next to him
so oppys like “hmm, she DOES know what she’s doing and i do need someone who’s more experienced in leading.”
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yea THAT scene (her flustered “who me 🥺??” will forever be living rent free in my mind)
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(ew wips)
optimus: Well, I’ve been thinking of another promotion; With the Quintessons still at large, there’s a chance they’ll have my head. I’m needing a bodyguard. Someone by my side 24/7 to ensure I don’t make “stupid decisions”
(im terrible at writing dialogue dont bully me 😔👊🏽)
so elita sees this as an opportunity. Which yknow, her whole character arc was her wanting to prove herself and all.
especially now bc she feels SO SO guilty that she couldn’t save optimus, or stop Megatron in time :((
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(adding to this hc she does cling to his left arm after the events(tm)
Oh yea and oppy now lives in the tower as he is now The Leader Of Cybertron
he moves most of his pals in their too (jazz, B, WheelJack, Arcee etc.)
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(nother wip)
he wants elita in HIS quarters bc shes his bodyguard. so of course he’s gonna need her berth closest to him
(Perhaps 2 ppl 1 bed trope teehee 🤭)
anyway. das my 2 cents. i hope that helped in anyway for prompts. again i aint much of a storyteller but i have concepts!!
I need to break this down into a summary of my favorite points because WHAT THIS IS SO GOOD!
Clingy Elita. Makes sense, especially her tendency to be on his left. Launchpad for tension, perhaps Optimus starting to wonder if she’s okay because she’s being overprotective even for a bodyguard.
Optimus seeking leadership advice from Elita since she was the captain of his mining team and he’s never been in an authoritative role for anyone ever. Builds trust, confidence, and mutual respect between them. Beautiful.
Mutual subconscious pining revealed through Elita’s desire to prove herself via protecting and advising Optimus and through Optimus’ desire to station her as close to him as possible at all times, maybe because he is as afraid of losing her as she’s afraid of losing him (again). Did I mention mutual pining? 🤌
Optimus not just taking over Sentinel’s tower (does anyone know its official name?) but sharing it as a sort of headquarters with his Autobot High Command. Love exploring the facets of his being that separates him from mecha like Sentinel, selflessness being one of the biggest differences.
Thank you so much Munejewels I am eating this up for dessert tonight and will use it as inspiration to produce a banquet for my fellow Optimus Prime X Bodyguard Elita fans
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bakugotrashpanda · 2 days
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Off the Clock (18+)
Dabi x F!Reader Word Count: 700 !!: sex, light choking
A/N: a small expansion of what I posted yesterday
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You only have a short break.
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Dabi’s hands paw at your clothes the moment you walk into the backroom. It takes him seconds to have your blouse over your head and your skirt bunched around your hips. The poor excuse of a uniform barely holds up against Dabi’s rough treatment — at least one of your shirt buttons flies off into the unknown. 
“You’re not supposed to be back here,” you gasp out as his mouth latches onto your neck. Teeth graze skin and send a shiver down your spine. Your body melts against his as Dabi sucks harshly, renewing the nearly faded bruise that sits just above the collar of your shirt.
Asshole always remembers to leave a visible mark on you – claims it’s so you’ll think of him when you have to cover it up.
He ruts against you, his thigh parting yours. “Look at what you do to me.” The length of his cock rubs against your thigh. Heat pools in your lower abdomen.
You lick your lips in anticipation. “I’ll take what I can get.
With one swift movement, he lifts you onto a nearby table. Your coworkers' water bottles and whatever else left there before their shifts all pushed to the side. “I’ll give you the whole damn thing.”
He rips your panties off. Overeager eyes hone in on you bare and exposed. The shitty lighting winks off his piercings as he frees himself from his pants. There’s almost a pause as he lines himself up with your entrance. Bracing himself? One last clear-minded thought before he gives into you?
“God your cunt is so wet,” he groans as he sinks into you. The stretch is almost too much. Each piercing adds to the sensation and you mentally count each one as it slides in. 
Two… half way there.
Three… there’s no way there’s more, he’s already filling you up so much. 
Four. The last one in, you can feel his cock twitch when your walls flutter around him. 
“Please,” you whimper and try to move under his grip. The hands on your hips tighten. 
“Stop,” he growls. Punctuating the thought with a hard thrust, you gasp at the sudden movement but keep still beneath him. “You’re so fucking tight and I need to be in you for as long as possible.”
Turquoise eyes blaze with lust above you and you can see him fighting for control. He gives a couple short thrusts, testing his resolve.
“But…” your voice trails off and you clamp down around him. His pupils blow wide open and he stills inside you. Nails embed into the soft flesh of your hips and thighs. “My break is half over, and I want you to finish in me.”
“Brat,” he growls. “I’ve been watching you shake your ass in this tiny uniform. Flirting with every patron.” Each sentence is punctuated with a snap of his hips. “And all I wanted to do was bend you over a table and take you in front of everyone.”
Your legs wrap around his hips, securing you against Dabi. His hands roughly rove up your body and settle, one on your breast and another around your neck. 
“I’d let you do it,” you pant, “Fuck me. Out there. Where they can all see.” The hand around your throat loosens slightly as an exhilarated grin spreads across Dabi’s face. The pressure returns and he fucks you in earnest. Skin slapping skin fills the small room. 
Your brain, starting to feel like it’s wrapped in cotton, barely registers Dabi’s hips speeding up to the point where it’s animalistic fucking fueled by need and desire. His length fills you completely with each stroke and brings stars to your eyes. 
“Dabi,” you beg, “Need it. Need you t’ fill me!” And that’s all it takes for his hips to stutter against you. Warmth, followed by Dabi’s cock throbbing, fills your lower core. 
Murmured praises are pressed into your skin as Dabi comes down from it all. With a groan, he pulls out of you and tucks himself back into his pants. Your panties disappear into his back pocket, and he helps you up into a sitting position. 
“Next time,” he says and smooths your skirt down, but not before the tips of his fingers brush your leaking cunt.  “I will fuck you out there.”
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jjunieworld · 3 hours
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❝ 𝗶𝗻 𝘄𝗵𝗶𝗰𝗵 𓈓 𝗒𝗈𝗎 𝗅𝖾𝗍 𝗒𝗈𝗎𝗋 𝗏𝖺𝗆𝗉𝗂𝗋𝖾 𝖻𝗈𝗒𝖿𝗋𝗂𝖾𝗇𝖽 𝗍𝖺𝗄𝖾 𝗍𝗁𝖾 𝖿𝗂𝗋𝗌𝗍 𝖻𝗂𝗍𝖾.
p ‎⸝⸝⸝ 엔하이픈 hyung line 𝑥 fem!reader ꔛ g ‎⸝⸝⸝ vampire au, vampire!enha, established relationship, suggestive ── blood, biting, dry humping, kissing, skinship ╱ ❨ 𝓂.list ❩
✉️ ⦂ happy spooky month hehe!! i lovee vampires!!!! expect a lot more vampire stuff since it seems you guys want it based on this poll! i think it would be fun to do a part two where they turn her into a vampire (>人<) enjoy!!
͏ ͏ ͏͏ ͏ ͏͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏͏ ͏ ͏͏  ͏ ͏  ︵͡   𝙖𝙡𝙡 𝙛𝙚𝙚𝙙𝙗𝙖𝙘𝙠 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙧𝙚𝙗𝙡𝙤𝙜𝙨 𝙖𝙧𝙚 𝙬𝙚𝙡𝙘𝙤𝙢𝙚 (⌒‿⌒)♡
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it was an hour until dawn and your boyfriend still wasn’t home. worry etched at the corners of your being and you paced around your shared apartment in wait. you had been blowing up his phone for the past three hours to no avail and you were sick with worry that something might’ve happened to him. just when you were about to go out into the night and find him yourself, he and jake busted through your front door—heeseung completely bloodied.
“oh my god!” you exclaimed as you rushed towards them, helping jake carry heeseung to the couch. “what happened?! where have you been? i’ve been calling you for hours!” the words flew out your mouth a mile a minute and you couldn’t stop them.
heeseung groaned with pain from all the cuts and wounds he had. “werewolves…” he trailed off hoarsely as you lifted off his shirt to inspect the damage.
“he got attacked on the way home,” jake said, and you could tell the guilt was eating him alive. there wasn’t a scratch on him. “i literally only left him alone for a minute—one minute, and i come back outside to see wolves on top of him.”
you raced to the kitchen and put some paper towels under the water at the sink. “it’s okay, jake, it wasn’t your fault,” you reassured. you came back to the two of them and handed jake the wet towels. “all that matters is that he’s alive.”
“not technically,” heeseung joked before going into a fit of coughs. you and jake glared at him.
you pulled up the sleeve of your shirt and held it at his mouth. “drink,” you said firmly. it was the only way to insure his wounds healed. jake began wiping the blood off of him.
heeseung pushed your arm away a little, shaking his head. “i-i can’t—”
“drink,” you and jake demanded at the same time and you pressed your arm against his mouth. cautiously, heeseung grabbed your arm with his hands, darting you a hesitant look. you watched as his fangs elongated and caught the light before sinking down into your skin.
you winced as your eyes traveled down to his bloodied torso. one by one, the wounds started to close and heal and heeseung eyes got more red. you started to feel lightheaded and stumbled towards heeseung, nearly falling over. he immediately let go of your arm and steadied you. “i’ll get more towels,” jake murmured.
“don’t scare me like that again,” you spoke, sitting down next to heeseung on the couch. he smiled at you, mouth covered in blood, “i’m sorry, i don’t plan on getting attacked by werewolves again.” you playfully nudged him, the two of you laughing.
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𓏲 𖧷ˊ JAY
you always thought there was something a little weird about your boyfriend. how you could really only see him when the the last ray of sun dropped below the horizon, how sometimes his eyes would look more of a garnet color than brown, how cold he always was, and even sometimes how his teeth seemed sharper than the average person’s.
he would have an excuse for all of it. he’s night owl, he spends his whole day working so he can only see you at night, the light is playing a trick on your eyes, he’s always been this cold, or his teeth are just more pointier than the average. but still, something didn’t sit right with you.
you remembered the night you were cooking dinner together and the blade you were cutting veggies with just so happened to accidentally slice a bit of your finger. “oh!” you gasped, pulling your finger close to you as droplets of blood formed at the cut. you turned to jay and noticed his weird behavior, assuming it was worry. “don’t worry, it’s nothing serious!” you reassured.
jay quickly excused himself to the bathroom and didn’t come out until you wound was all cleaned and wrapped up.
it was little things such as that that had pointed you in the direction of something else—something… supernatural. you had to test your theory, so you decided to plan a little vacation for the two of you and begged for weeks for jay to say yes, and he finally relented.
he seemed a little moody and there was bags under his eyes like he hasn’t slept a wink since you started begging him to join you. and now that you were looking, his eyes were definitely a garnet color. you pulled him in for a kiss and subtly pushed your tongue past his lips. sharpness.
you only had one more test to do to truly confirm your suspicions.
a loud, and slightly painful, gasp ripped from your throat as blood poured down your arm. jay rushed in the kitchen, fast as lightning and his eyes widened at the scene. you looked at him with furrowed brows, trying to keep the smirk off your face at the way his eyes grew a more darker red.
without even thinking, and before you could even blink, jay’s mouth was on your arm. your blood covered his mouth and dripped down his chin as he lapped all of it up. your eyes widened and you finally let the smile form on your face. “i knew it!” you said, victorious.
jay’s eyes darted up to yours and you watched them slowly lighten to more of a scarlet. he removed his mouth from your arm, the wound somehow sealed, and knitted his brows together. “how did you find out?”
“well, besides the obvious?” you joked while motioning to all of the blood. “you didn’t hide it that well.”
“so this was all part of your plan?” jay asked. you nodded smugly. jay hummed, lifting your arm towards his mouth. “i see,” he said before sinking his teeth back into your skin.
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𓏲 𖧷ˊ JAKE
you were so irresistible to jake—so alluring. he just couldn’t get enough of you.
your lips moved in sync and he couldn’t help but try to pull you as close as he could just to get more. you hummed a little and pushed away from him and jake remembered that you still, in fact, needed to breathe. he removed his hand from the back of your head, pupils blown wide and no doubt the dark red he was accustomed to having every time he was in your presence.
inhaling deeply, you whimpered slightly as jake’s lips attached to your neck, right where the thumping of your heart could be felt and the best source of your blood ran through. you knew jake was always careful, especially with you, but no matter how many times you told him that it was okay to take a little bite, he wouldn’t.
“it’s bad enough already being near you,” he said, “i can barely control myself as it is.”
now it seems he was fighting his primal urges hard. you felt the slight prick of his fangs against your skin as his kisses on your neck turned to slight nips. he pushed your chest into his and you could feel him inhale deeply.
“it’s okay,” you muttered lowly, still catching your breath.
jake pulled back and you say his scarlet eyes, seemingly darker than they were moments before. he shook his head slightly. you nodded more and guided his head back to your neck. “it is,” you reassured.
you inhaled, preparing yourself for the sharp pain that you expected his fangs piercing into your skin would have. once they did, you let out a gasp. jake held you tightly, lapping at the blood pouring from your neck. you felt his tongue lick every drop, leaving none to spare.
before he could get too carried away, jake pulled back, his mouth and chin dripping. “see,” you smiled. “i told you it would be okay.”
“no,” jake murmured, licking his lips. “cause now that i’ve had a taste, i’m never gonna be able to get enough.”
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you were awoken by the presence of something standing over you, making fear creep deep into your beating heart. you reached over to the other side of the bed. when you felt the empty bed you cracked your eyes open, confused. very slowly, you turned towards where you felt the presence near the side of the bed.
above you, with wide eyes so red they were borderline black, stood your trembling boyfriend as he stared down at you. your brows drew together as you blinked a couple times. he looked pale and almost sickly. the hollows of his cheeks were more prominent and when he licked his dry lips you saw the white of his fangs. immediately, you could tell that he hasn’t been feeding like he said he was. “sunghoon?” you meekly asked, eyes widening at the state of him.
you reached out to touch his hand and in a flash he was flying across the room, back pressed hard against the wall of your shared bedroom. you sighed softly, “why didn’t you tell me you haven’t been feeding?” sunghoon remained silent as he tried to not let his primal nature overcome him and devour you. you sighed again.
pushing the covers off of you, you scoot towards the end of the bed and sunghoon tried to push himself farther into the wall. you pulled down the sleeve of your nightgown off your shoulder and fully expose your neck to him. “here… drink,” you say softly.
his scarlet eyes are more visible as the moonlight shines onto him. there’s slight veins under his eyes that appear at your request and his mouth opens, tongue dancing across his long and sharp fangs. ultimately, sunghoon turns his head and shakes it a little, his gaze finally tearing away from you.
you lean closer to him. “drink,” you demand more firmly and his eyes snaps to yours. “it’s okay,” you add, “you won’t hurt me, i know it.”
relentlessly, sunghoon takes hesitant steps towards you, his eyes hyper-focused on your neck and the delicious blood pumping through your veins. sunghoon cups your face gently with his cold hands and his eyes dart to yours. you give him a slight nod of reassurance. sunghoon then buries his face into the crook of your neck, his nose rubbing up your neck and sending a chill down your spine.
sunghoon pressed a chaste kiss to your neck before you felt his fangs bite into you. a gasp leaves your parted lips and your eyes flutter closed. sunghoon has never fed from you before, but you think you could get use to the feeling as pure bliss overwhelms your senses. you start to feel your body go numb as he laps at the blood trailing down your neck. sunghoon holds you tightly to his chest as he makes sure he gets every last drop he possibly can.
when he’s finished, you feel limp and your eyes are barely open. sunghoon lays you back onto the bed and kisses at your neck again before surfacing from your neck to assess the damage. his mouth is messy and red with your blood, the liquid dripping down his neck as he licks his lips. “better?” you ask him woozily, your eyes closing fully as sleep tries to whisk you away.
“better,” sunghoon replies, and you feel his arms hook under your back and legs before you’re falling into a deep sleep.
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∿ [ continue on to . . . masterlist , taglist , request ] ︵͡   𝙖𝙡𝙡 𝙛𝙚𝙚𝙙𝙗𝙖𝙘𝙠 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙧𝙚𝙗𝙡𝙤𝙜𝙨 𝙖𝙧𝙚 𝙬𝙚𝙡𝙘𝙤𝙢𝙚 (⌒‿⌒)♡
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© jjunieworld - all rights reserved. do not repost on any social media sites, translate, or modify any of my works.
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v4mp-reads · 2 days
Good Day or Evening. Can you do a request of a Jealous Rhea Ripley X Fem Reader Where reader is apart of Judgement Day but is also Married to Rhea but due to storyline is dating Damian Priest and During a Promo Damian and Reader are being all cuddly and sweet to eachother making Rhea jealous so she ends up confronting Damian backstage so Reader takes her to the locker and reassuring her with sweet words Hugs and kisses. Thank you.
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The shadow of fear
Rhea Ripley x fem! reader
Song fic using " I love you " by Billie eilish
I think this ended up way more sad than the requester wanted. oh well! (A good amount of this story will be told from rheas pov)
As i stand in the back with the judgment day, I know that todays storyline involved a lot on me and Damien, im not to happy about it, but it gets a raise out of the fans, so i just deal with it. Rhea has been a bit distant lately, i don’t really know why, but I’ll try to talk to her.
“Rhea, my love! Hi!” I said in my normal upbeat tone, “Hey y/n” she said, she never really calls me y/n so it caught me off guard. “ are you okay?” I asked as i plopped next to her on the couch, “I’m fine, love. Are you ready for tonight?” She asked I could tell that something was bothering her but I didn’t want to push her before her matches tonight and i know this promo is going to piss her off even more, I’ve talked to the GM about changing the storyline, but they continue to say “its just a storyline and the fans love you two” and I can’t fight with them, wrestling is my passion, and its how i pay our bills.
**small time skip**
I stand backstage with Damien standing in front of me, all i can think about is “ I don’t even know if that’s pg” as his hands snake around my waist.
“Ya’know y/n, people talk..about us” Damian said his face close to mine, it almost makes me want to cringe, it was horrible in everyway, but, for the screen.
I lean closer putting my hands on his chest and looking up at him, “ let them talk,” i take a small pause “ because..we know what’s real and what’s not” I say with a small smirk, as i continue to let my hands Rome his body. “You enjoy playing with fire, dont you y/n.” He said pulling me softly against the wall. I feel the eyes burining into my back and i know who they belong to, but I can’t do anything about it, and I worry’s me, i know this isn’t easy for her to watch at all. I move my hands up to his chin slowly “ Maybe i do, maybe i want to burned” I say, i know the part that is next is going to be the worst, as i watch him lean closer to me, i know what im going to have to do , i soft,y close my eyes as he lays a soft kiss on my lips, its nothing like rheas, not comforting, not gentle, not wanted.
**rheas pov**
I had to sit and watch that whole promo..i had to watch my best friend on and off screen kiss my girlfriend and the rage running through my body. I make my way to the locker room, and from there i guess things start to clearly get worse. I see y/n and Damian giggling about the dumb promo, his hand on her shoulder, normally this would be fine, lighthearted actions, but i knew better than that, “hey..” i let out a small huff, “Hi, how are you? “ Damien said moving away from y/n “im good, tired, but good” i lied, and i know y/n noticed, but I didn’t really have time to deal with her drama.,
But that all changed when she looked at me, this look wasn’t nor,al.. loveless, i dont know.. and as soon as Damian walked out the door, it was like a rush of emotion fell over me.
“Are you enjoying it?:” i yelled slightly. Her head turned quickly. “What..? Rhea why would you say that?” She looked at me a hurt expression on her face, she sat on the arm of the couch.
“Tell me I’ve been lied to?” I said softly, i feel the tears fall from my eyes, “rhea… baby, my love its all part of the show, i swear.. i promise” She said as she moved closer to me, tho i just kinda pushed myself away from her, how does someone show so much emotion, so much..lust, when they are just faking it? I put my head in my hands. “ rhea! I’m being honest with you. I dont know why you’re thinking this!?” Y/n yelled at me, she never yells, this just makes the frustration overcome the sadness for a minute “Maybe wont you take it back?” I yelled back. “ say you where trying to make me ‘laugh’” my voice cracked a bit “Do you know what its like watching the love of you life with someone else, do you know what its like to see you two interact with eachother, how your constantly touching eachother, constantly kissing eachother!” I ramble out trying to push down the pain “Rhea, its just an act..” she said, she reached out for my hand but I quickly pulls away..”I can’t help i feel this way..it eats every part of me..”
as this argument clearly goes nowhere, its getting more heated, we are both at the point of standing and almost yelling.. this causes the anger to slowly melt into sadness.
“I love you.., and i dont want to” I said, and her face whent pale, i felt so bad i knew i needed to explain to her. the tears instantly start falling, messing up my makeup im sure. “ I love you y/n so much, so so much, but this dumb being with my best friend on screen shit is breaking my heart.i can’t stand it anymore y/n, I Hate that im like this y/n i hate that im jealous, i hate that im so upset, im sorry that I love you so much” i say as tears pour from my eyes
*y/ns pov*
“I’m sorry that i love you so much” she said.. that i love you so much.. this hurt, i needed her to know, “My love..” i say as i stepped closer to her, she once more tried to step away from me, but I wouldn’t allow that’s not this time, i grabbed her hands “Rhea, hey, listen to me my love, please..” she stopped trying to get away from me, but wouldn’t look me in my eyes, “my love, can you look at me as well?” She looked up making eye contact with me, her eyes all red and puffy, it pained me to see her like this, “ my love. I can’t escape the way, I love you.” I spoke softy, “ i honestly hate the promos, I’ve talked to the GM 100 times, and they wont listen to me, i couldn’t leave you, i could never love anyone more than I love you.” I softly smile at her. The look on her face tells me she needs a bit more reassurance “ no matter what dumb script i have to follow, or what i do infrount of that camera, i only want you” i told her, her grip tightened around me.
I pulled her into a hug, softly running my hands through her hair, “i love you, and i dont want this to come between us," I spoke softly. "I can't help the way I love you" she said with a small smile dang hugged me tighter "I'm sorry I let this get to me"
THANK you for reading
Xoxo. V.4mp.
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taisgf · 1 day
can you write about reader rescuing abby and lev after sb ^^
A/N: gn!reader. violence, soft!abby, established abby x reader, reader is quite sarcastic.. fluff, hurt/comfort. In this fic she doesn’t get on the boat to the island, she’s just chillin on the beach ig?? First req yayayay!!! ily anon
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SUMMARY: After weeks of grueling torture at the hands of the rattlers and a brutal encounter with Ellie, Abby couldn’t be happier to hear your voice. AKA: saving Abby and Lev after Santa Barbara
The air is thick with the ocean’s salt, though it does little to cleanse the taste of metallic blood in Abby’s mouth that lingers after the fight with Ellie. She was long gone- disappeared, her figure vanished into the seemingly endless night.
Abby can feel the sand against her palms, Lev’s head suspended on her lap. She had been able to relocate maybe 150 meters up the beach before collapsing near a mound of sand and weeds, her legs numb, her whole body weak. Abby looks up at the sky- a thick haze of cloud covering everything. No sun. No sky. Just.. grey. She rests her head against the sand, sighing as she looks down at Lev, a hand weakly stroking his forehead.
She can hear the sound of footsteps against the sand, soft, tentative. A pit forms in her gut- maybe Ellie had changed her mind. Maybe it was a Rattler. Maybe-
“Abby?” She hears you call.
Her head whips in your direction, scanning your face. Her eyes meet yours. All she can do is say your name, weakly trying to stand, holding Lev in her arms.
“Hey. Hey.” You assure, immediately jogging over to Abby and placing a hand on her shoulder, scanning her and Lev’s injuries.
“I’ve got you. It’s okay. Christ, Abby-“ You sigh, a mix of relief, longing and pain.
“(Y/N).” Abby says again, her voice hoarse and raspy. She leans to press her forehead against yours, her stance wobbly at best. You let it linger for a second- a hand coming to hold her jaw and press a kiss to her dry, chapped lips. You look down at Lev, running a hand over his head soothingly. The kid's out- cold.
You take Lev into your arms, and wrapping one around Abby’s shoulder to support her. “Come on,” you coax. Abby nods, resting her weight against you as you walk. You think back to when you were separated nearly a month ago- what Abby had said to you.
“Go. We’ll meet you at Catalina, okay? Don’t worry. We can handle ourselves.”
You remember getting there maybe a week and a half ago- no Abby, no Lev. A week at Catalina, still nothing. Two weeks. Now you’re here- finding her washed up on some beach, completely wrecked after days of searching.
You look them over again as you walk, and give Abby a half-smile. "You two look rough."
Abby huffs a weak laugh, leaning heavily on you as you drag her and Lev towards the shack you found earlier—a shabby fisherman's hut, long abandoned but still standing strong. You had prepared it as best as you could in the short time you had, but it would have to do.
You guide them to the old hut, flicking on a lantern and lighting a candle. Abby collapses onto the makeshift bed with a groan, scanning the place. “You really know how to spoil a girl, don’t you?”
“I try,” you quip, grabbing your med kit as you sit on the edge of Abby's bed. You don't miss the way her hand subconsciously grips your thigh, a familiar act of comfort for the two of you. "-And I like the new hair. Really frames your face."
"Shut up." She rasps, hissing as she fully relaxes into the old mattress.
As you start cleaning Abby’s wounds, you can’t help but smirk. “You know, I was expecting some sort of big, romantic reunion. Maybe some flowers, even a ‘missed you, babe,’ or something.”
Abby chuckles, wincing as you apply antiseptic to a nasty gash on her side. “Sorry to disappoint.”
"Forgiven, for now. I don't hate this, it makes me feel important. If I didn't know better, I'd say you and Lev need me right now. Maybe this could be our new thing.”
She leans back, closing her eyes for a moment. “Wouldn’t have it any other way.”
You turn your gaze to Lev, who lies on the other mattress near Abby's; feeling his forehead with the back of your palm, a concerned gaze lingering in your eyes.
Abby watches you, her eyes soft. “I’m serious, though,” she says quietly. “I thought I wouldn't get to see you again for a second there.”
You glance at her, face softening. “Please, you’re not that easy to shake. I’ve tried.”
A small smile tugs at Abby’s lips. “Lucky me.”
"...You know I never would have stopped looking for you two, right? Not for a second. I'm serious, Abs. I love you. You two are everything to me." You affirm, this time with an audibly more serious yet tender tone.
"Yeah. I know," Abby says gently, her eyes scanning your face, taking in every single detail. "I love you too. As does Lev."
“Damn right,” you hum, finishing up the bandaging on her side. “Now, try not to get into any more fights for the next, I don’t know, twelve hours? Maybe even twenty-four? I hear it’s good for your health, or something.”
Abby groans, but there’s softness in her eyes and humor in her words as she looks up at you. “I’ll see what I can do.”
You plop down beside her with an exaggerated sigh, pulling her closer. “Good, because I’m not dragging your ass off another beach anytime soon.”
Abby lets out a real laugh this time, resting her head against your shoulder and pressing a few kisses to your skin. “Deal.”
And for now, that’s enough.
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