simsdynastytree · 2 months
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Hey, Simmer!
You weren't expecting and we have a surprise!
Today we are opening the doors of our site to everyone ✨
I invite you and your dynasties to settle in our cozy house called Sims Dynasty Tree💜
I really hope you all enjoy it, we've tried hard.
🎁 In gratitude for such a long wait, we have made for you a promo code SDTSTART , which will allow you to buy an unlimited premium subscription for the price of a yearly subscription. The promo code will be valid until 10.09.24. So, let's all go to the website and click ❤️ CREATE YOUR DYNASTY TREE
💜 The mobile version is not ready yet, it will be later on
💜 There is a limitation on downloading the archive with the tree from the PlumTreeApp site, our guys are actively solving it, if you have faced this problem, please write to us and we will solve it together.
💜 If you have any questions, please write to our Support, we are always here to help 💜
Many improvements are still to come, but there is no strength to wait any longer, so…. Welcome 💜
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blackpanda-ts4 · 6 days
My dynasty finally found it's place!
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And this became possible thanks to SimsDynastyTree!!! • Since I have been using the Figma template for my dynasty tree for a long time, first of all I would like to note the intuitive, responsive, concise and easy-to-learn interface of the site (those who also used Figma will understand me);
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• I was very pleased with the interface of the tree itself, which is made in the style of The Sims 4. Thanks to this, the tree does not look "foreign", and perfectly combines with the game itself, complementing it;
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• Despite the fact that the appearance of the tree is close in design to what we are used to seeing in the game, there are many customization options on the site: background, icons with characters, relationship lines and even the icon of the heir display - all this can be customized to your liking from the blanks proposed by the developers. By combining these blanks with each other, you can create a truly unique style for your tree;
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• Special attention should be paid to the icons of relationships and life forms, which were hand-drawn by the project designer. They fit perfectly into the game style, although they differ from those icons that are presented in the game;
• PHOTO GALLERY! You can create your own photo gallery for EACH character in the tree and add a description to each photo. Saving a character's memories of places and events that are important to him is now easier than ever;
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• In addition, the character card contains special slots for portraits corresponding to each life stage (from newborn to elder). I need this function like no other - I really like to watch my dynasties grow up and change;
• As a user, I was very pleased that the Sims DynastyTree development team does not stand still, but constantly develops its project, improving the functionality of the tree.
• And it's free! Of course, you can buy a subscription to open additional customization options, but the main functionality of the tree is absolutely free.
• Summarizing all of the above, I can say with confidence that, whether you are hardcore dynasty player or, like me, humble owner of a small family that has only three generations, SimsDynastyTree can become a worthy repository of memories of the time spent with your characters.
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amynriel · 1 month
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Привет всем! Ещё никогда я не была благодарна за то, что выставляла сюда отчёты о взрослении детей. И сбылась моя мечта. Я сделала семейное древо поколений эльфийских детей. Это было очень мотивирующее, куча приятных воспоминаний и интерестностей. Оно не идеально, но основная ветка прослеживается. Так что делюсь! С нетерпением жду деревьев от любимых авторов за историями персонажей которых я слежу!
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simsdynastytree · 21 days
Hello everyone.
The first review of our site from a blogger appeared on YouTube today. I thank the wonderful Simphora for the video about our site.
Pour a cup of tea and run along and watch 💕
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simsdynastytree · 6 months
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Hi everyone!
My name is Anastasia and I love playing The Sims. I love developing my dynasty, watching the generations change and displaying it all in a family tree.
When the news broke that PlumTreeApp, the site where simmers create dynasty trees, was shutting down, the event was a big upset for me. How do you store your characters' history now? Where do I transfer my tree to? Many questions popped into my head, and there were so few answers …
After a bit of thinking, I decided to develop my own service for creating family trees from The Sims ❤️
Next, everything spun. Idea, design development, drafting of technical specifications, search for programmers. And now we are already actively working on the creation of the site and I want to share the process of its development with you ❤️
It is important for me to create the most convenient, beautiful and unique service for users. Our website is now open for registration, but development of the core functionality is still underway
Share this channel with your friends, participate in discussions - let's create history and sims tree together 💫
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simsdynastytree · 8 days
Update 1.2
Hi everyone ✨
Good news post! Dropped off some of the promised update to the site:
⭐️ New types of relationships between characters. There are twice as many of them! The icons look beautiful and changes are quick and easy.
⭐️ Added chat with technical support. If you have any questions, now you can quickly contact us directly on the site.
⭐️ Fixed bugs: fixed the sequence of additional fields after saving, eliminated “twitching” of the character avatar on the tree when changing the heir icon.
Thank you all for the feedback, together we make the site better and better! 💜
🎁 Due to the fact that the payment system had a glitch recently, we decided to extend the promotion for purchasing an unlimited (forever) subscription to the site - promo code SDTSTART . Thank you to everyone who supports us, it helps us to develop the site and make it better, as well as to please you with new useful features 💜
If you have problems with payment, write us and we will try to help you! 🌳CREATE DYNASTY TREE🌳
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simsdynastytree · 17 days
Sims Dynasty Tree Site News
Hi, everyone ✨
I have a little bit of news for you. Today our developers started working on a few new features you've been waiting for:
⭐The ability to add already created characters repeatedly to the tree. ⭐The new relationship types we shared recently. ⭐Small improvements to functionality that already works.
I myself, like you, am looking forward to these updates, because they're really needed. But we'll have to wait a little longer 💜
🎁 Just a reminder that purchasing an unlimited (forever) subscription to the site is still possible - promo code SDTSTART . Thank you to everyone who supports us, it helps us to develop the site and make it better, and to please you with new useful features 💜 💜
Thank you for your patience and support! CREATE YOUR DYNASTY TREE
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simsdynastytree · 1 month
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Hello everyone! 💕
Our site is up and running, but it's a work in progress. Soon we will release a small but important update with fixes. I will tell you about all the changes separately 😊
In the meantime, let's take a look at what the designer and I have been working on again. User feedback showed that we needed to expand the relationship statuses, so the other day we started rendering them. In the process, it occurred to us to add a few more options….. and now we have a lot of them, and they are really diverse. I'm sharing a small portion of them with you✨ 🎁 Just a reminder that we have an ongoing promotion to buy an unlimited (forever) subscription - promo code SDTSTART . Thank you to everyone who supports us, it helps us to develop the site and make it better, as well as to please you with new useful features 💜
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simsdynastytree · 3 months
Hello, simmers!
I'd like to share with you in today's video our developments in terms of building a tree, namely I will show you in detail how to add partners on the tree.
The way of adding partners is different from what we are used to seeing before. The reason we came to it is to be able to make the tree more flexible. Now, if you need it and the story in your game requires it, you can even add partners for partners on the tree (I thought for a long time how to write it more clearly, but I couldn't find a more precise and beautiful description😂).
Yes, the realization took us a while, but the result really pleases me and I do not regret that we took such a difficult path. I hope you will like our idea as well.
We have already done that when pointing at the children, his parents are highlighted. We just need to tweak the location of the partners a little bit.
Enjoy your viewing ✨
P.S. I really apologize for my emphasis on the video, but I really wanted to record a video with voiceover to explain everything in more detail to you 🙏
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simsdynastytree · 1 month
Sul-sul, dear simmer!
I think everyone wants to make the dynasty tree of their favorite characters beautiful and unique. And here is good news - on our Sims Dynasty Tree website we have such an opportunity. We have a wide range of options for customizing the tree, but today I want to talk about one of them - it is to create a gradient background for the dynasty tree.
So, what do we need to do to create a gradient background? Step 1: Go to the "Tree Editor" of the tree you want and on the right side of the panel find the "Tree Style" button. Click it.
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Step 2. In the window that appears, select the most recent option "Background".
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Step 3. Next, in the list that appears, scroll down to the bottom to "Color Palette".
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Step 4. Choose the second option of filling the background and customize it for yourself. You can choose any desired number of gradient colors, arrange them in a different sequence, adjust each color, as well as the direction of the background.
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This feature is available by subscription. In honor of the opening of our site is now a promotion - with the promo code SDTSTART you can buy a subscription FOREVER for the price of a yearly subscription. Register on our site and create beauty💕
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simsdynastytree · 2 months
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And these are the trees that have already taken up residence on our site. I'm excited!💕
All the trees are unique: each one has its own construction that tells the story of each family, has its own beautiful background and avatar.
Sims Dynasty Tree is:
✨ unique tree design ✨ beautiful icons of relationships and occult life forms drawn by the designer ✨ wide possibilities of tree customization ✨ detailed character description in the card ✨ "about the author" and "about the dynasty" cards ✨as well as a nice design and interface of the site, made in the style of the game
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simsdynastytree · 4 months
Hello dear simmer💕
Yes, it's been a long time since I've been in touch. But here I am and I'm in a hurry to share with you a video that will tell you about one feature of our site. Today you will see the character card for the first time and dive into the sim's photo gallery in more detail.
It's nice to know that what was conceived a few months ago has been implemented and works as it should👏 yay, I'm happy
Let's go add pics of my character 😍
✨ By the way, on the tree you can see how the heiress of my dynasty is marked - only one option is shown✨
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simsdynastytree · 6 months
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Sul-Sul, dear simmer!
Today I want to tell you what we have come up with for our website.
I'll start with the design. For the basis of the site design we took the style of The Sims 4. All the buttons, pop-ups and color - everything looks so native and familiar. I am sure that thanks to this all Simmers will feel comfortable to use our service. To the game style we added modernity and minimalism - it turned out to be our unique design, which still does not leave me indifferent. I am so much in love with it and I hope you will like it too.
We started developing the website right after we found out about the closure of PlumTreeApp. We didn't want to rush and show users a raw product. We thought through every user move, every UI button, every element on the tree. I wanted the site to be user-friendly so people wouldn't waste their time trying to figure out where to click, how to create a character on the tree, or how to delete. So my development team wrote the code of the site from scratch so that we could make everything as correct and convenient as possible. Whatever we get out of it, I'm thrilled with it.
The tree of our dynasties will now also be different from what you are used to seeing on the PlumTreeApp website. For example, I really wanted to be able to indicate the parents of the partners on the tree. Wouldn't you agree that this is very important for the history of the dynasty? And we did it! The guys spent a whole month writing the tree code to make this feature work. Yes, it's a long time... But the result amazed me! I'm very happy.
Also now in the tree you can mark the heir of the dynasty, change the shapes of the avatars of sims on the tree, add photos, show the occultness of the character and much more. All of this was drawn by our designer and it turned out just great.
Thank you for reading me. I appreciate you going to our site and signing up. I will be sure to let you know about the launch of the site here. If you have any questions or suggestions, you can always message me and I'll get back to you.
See you soon!
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simsdynastytree · 6 months
Occult characters on the Dynasty tree from The Sims
Sul-sul, simmers! Do you have any occult characters in your dynasty? Among our Russian-speaking subscribers we have met huge dynasties of witches, werewolves, vampires - the stories of such dynasties are really very interesting and fascinating. At the stage of developing the concept of our tree, we immediately decided that occult characters simply need to be labeled somehow on the tree. But how to do it so that it would be informative and beautiful at the same time? To help us came the character card, where we already have a section "A form of life" with different types of occult characters. In this list I have included life forms from The Sims 2, The Sims 3 and The Sims 4.
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When you select the desired life form from this item, the corresponding icon will appear on the tree.
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All icons of occult life forms were drawn by our designer and in my opinion they turned out great.
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simsdynastytree · 5 months
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Hello my dear simmers💜
I am often asked the question - When is the release of the site already? 😩😀
I understand your desire to use the site sooner rather than later, and my team and I share that feeling. That's why I'm writing a post with a news summary so you can understand how things are progressing for us.
✨Not long ago our website became available in English and now simmers from all over the world can register with us. From the beginning, I wanted simmers to have a hand in creating the site. And we seem to be doing a great job at it…..
At the moment when we needed a translation, our favorite Origamika group came to the rescue, which deals with translations of mods for the Russian sims community.
✨Our team has been actively working on the tree algorithm for the last month. Even though you can't see the result now, but there is really a lot done. We initially went the hard way, realizing the construction of the tree different from PlumTreeApp, we try to make it as convenient and understandable as possible, so a lot of effort and time is invested here. Now we are moving to the second stage of work with the tree, and it will be the final one.
✨I have also started to create a large video review of the site, where I will tell and show in detail how everything works
The launch is just around the corner. I believe in our team and I am grateful to everyone who is waiting and supporting our project💜
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simsdynastytree · 5 days
Sims Dynasty Tree Site Review
There's a new review of our site from @solitasims4 😍
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