#sims 4 family tree
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soffiisims · 8 months ago
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Family tree in 1313
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simsdynastytree · 11 months ago
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Hi everyone!
My name is Anastasia and I love playing The Sims. I love developing my dynasty, watching the generations change and displaying it all in a family tree.
When the news broke that PlumTreeApp, the site where simmers create dynasty trees, was shutting down, the event was a big upset for me. How do you store your characters' history now? Where do I transfer my tree to? Many questions popped into my head, and there were so few answers …
After a bit of thinking, I decided to develop my own service for creating family trees from The Sims ❤️
Next, everything spun. Idea, design development, drafting of technical specifications, search for programmers. And now we are already actively working on the creation of the site and I want to share the process of its development with you ❤️
It is important for me to create the most convenient, beautiful and unique service for users. Our website is now open for registration, but development of the core functionality is still underway
Share this channel with your friends, participate in discussions - let's create history and sims tree together 💫
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plumbob-soup · 3 months ago
My updated legacy Family Tree ✨️
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accomplisheddoubt · 11 months ago
Legendary Legacy Update
After 18 completed generations in a save file that started as a completely blank save taking one family from The Stone Age to 2000s. I found myself ready to begin a new chapter.
Through Family Echo I captured every single sim born into my family tree (pleasant to look at, not so fun to stay on top of). Here is the link to the family tree.
And with that, I leave this save file behind for a brand new Lepacy save taking generations 19 - 50 through every expansion, game, and stuff pack (that's where we are up to in packs currently anyway). This family tree will be far less extravagant as I will only be tracking each sim until they are no longer in my active household. At a certain point, tracking more than that becomes more work than fun. You can follow the current family tree here.
And lastly, here is my google sheet I use to track all accomplishments, careers, skills, etc as I aim to experience everything the game has to offer on my way to achieving a legendary legacy. And my google document I use to outline goals, etc per generation.
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banana-sims · 1 year ago
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The Bennett Legacy - update post!   
Hi! This is where I'm going to update stats for my legacy :) I'll also periodically update the family tree as seen above!
I'm currently on generation three, playing with Romeo as my heir (he's like 25 years old right now). It took me forever to decide who to choose but I've realized I love his little family so much that I can't resist.
I'm going to do a bunch of posts about everyone and everything that's happened to catch you up, plus you'll get a much better look at them :)
Friend of the Animals, Bodybuilder, Extreme Sports Enthusiast, Painter Extraordinaire (G3), Musical Genius, Bestselling Author, Master Actor, Master Maker, Lady of the Knits (G1), Successful Lineage (G2), Big Happy Family (G2), Super Parent (G2), Master Chef, Master Mixologist, Fabulously Wealthy, Mansion Baron, Renaissance Sim, Nerd Brain, Computer Whiz, Archaeology Scholar, Academic (G2), Serial Romantic, Soulmate (G3), City Native, Beach Life, Mt. Komorebi Sightseer, Freelance Botanist, The Curator, Angling Ace, Outdoor Enthusiast, Jungle Explorer, Eco Innovator (G1), Country Caretaker, Joke Star, Party Animal, Friend of the World (G2), World-Famous Celebrity, Inner Peace, Self-Care Specialist, Zen Guru
Artistic Prodigy (G3), Rambunctious Scamp, Social Butterfly, Whiz Kid, Mind and Body, Playtime Captain, Creative Genius
Drama Llama, Goal Oriented, Live Fast, Admired Icon
actor, astronaut, athlete, business, civil designer (G1), conservationist, critic, culinary, detective, doctor, education (G2), engineer, entertainer (G1), freelance writer, freelance programmer, freelance artist, freelance fashion photographer, gardener, law, painter, politician (G2), scientist, social media, secret agent, style influencer, tech guru, writer, salaryperson, interior decorator, any part time job
own/run a vet clinic, own/run a retail store, own/run a restaurant
Art History, Biology, Communications, Computer Science, Culinary Arts (G3), Drama, Economics, Fine Art (G2), History, Language and Literature, Physics, Psychology (G2), any distinguished degree (G2)
Brindleton Bay (G1), Britechester (G2), Copperdale, Del Sol Valley, Evergreen Harbour (G2), Henford-on-Bagley, Mt. Komorebi, Newcrest, Oasis Springs, San Myshuno, Sulani, Tartosa, Willow Creek (G2), Windenburg
ambitious, cheerful (G1), childish, clumsy, creative (G3), genius, gloomy, goofball, high maintenance, hot-headed, romantic, self-assured (G1), squeamish, unflirty, art lover, bookworm (G2), dance machine, foodie (G3), geek, loves outdoors (G1), maker, music lover (G1), recycle disciple, active, adventurous (G1), child of the islands, child of the ocean, freegan, glutton, green fiend, lazy, materialistic, neat (G2), overachiever, perfectionist, slob, vegetarian (G2), animal enthusiast, bro, cat lover (G3), dog lover, family-oriented (G2), good (G2), hates children, insider, jealous, loner, loyal (G3), noncommittal, outgoing, party animal, proper, self-absorbed, snob, socially awkward
toddler angelic trait (G3), toddler charmer trait, toddler clingy trait (G2), toddler fussy trait, toddler independent trait, toddler inquisitive trait (G3), toddler silly trait (G4), toddler wild trait (G3)
infant cautious trait (G4), infant sensitive trait, infant calm trait, infant intense trait, infant wiggly trait, infant sunny trait
good manners trait (G2), bad manners trait, responsible trait (G2), irresponsible trait, mediator trait (G2), argumentative trait, compassionate trait (G3), insensitive trait, emotional control trait (G3), uncontrolled emotions trait
charisma (G2), comedy, cooking (G1), fishing, fitness (G2), gardening, gourmet cooking (G1), guitar, handiness (G1), logic (G1), mischief, mixology, painting (G3), piano (G1), photography (G2), programming, rocket science, video gaming, violin, writing, herbalism, baking (G3), wellness, DJ mixing, singing, dancing (G2), bowling, parenting (G2), veterinarian, pet training, archaeology, selvadoradian culture, flower arranging, acting, media production, robotics, research & debate (G2), fabrication, juice fizzing, knitting (G1), rock climbing, skiing, snowboarding, cross-stitch, entrepreneur
male heir (G2), single mom/dad heir, blended family (kids from both previous partners), queer heir (G2), have 1 kid in the generation, have 2 kids in the generation (G1), have 3 kids in the generation, have 4 kids in the generation (G2), have 5 kids in the generation, have twins (G1), have triplets, adopt a child (G2), one night stand pregnancy, broken engagement, marry a childhood friend, marry a coworker, marry someone who was once your enemy/rival, marry someone famous, never get married, have a cat (G1), have a dog (G1), have kittens/puppies
Extra things/collections
live in a tiny home, live off-the-grid for a season, live in an apartment (G2), live in a 3-storey home (G2), live on a farm, sell craftables on plopsy (G1), make/sell candles, have bees/sell honey, craft/sell fizzy juice, reach 5-star reputation for odd jobs
have a child do scouts, have a child do drama club, compete in E-Sports, compete in soccer, join cheer team, join chess team, join computer team, join football team
omiscan treasures and omiscan artifacts collections, city posters collection, snow globes collection, feathers collection, seashells collection, postcards collection, elements collection, mysims trophies collection
GEN 1 FOUNDER - Willa Bennett - Adventurous, Loves Outdoors, Self-Assured / Eco Innovator + Lady of the Knits
SPOUSE - Damon Napier - Music Lover, Self-Assured, Cheerful / Friend of the Animals
Living in: Brindleton Bay
CHILD #1 - Lyra Bennett - Creative, Foodie, Goofball / Musical Genius
CHILD #2 - Dawson Bennett - Cheerful, Neat, Bookworm / Academic
GEN 2 HEIR - Dawson Bennett - Cheerful, Neat, Bookworm / Academic
SPOUSE - Jack Sanders - Good, Family-Oriented, Vegetarian / Friend of the World
Living in: Britechester, Evergreen Harbour, Willow Creek
CHILD #1 - Nora Bennett - Bookworm, Unflirty, Hot-Headed / Renaissance Sim
CHILD #2 - Romeo Bennett - Neat, Loyal, Foodie / Soulmate
CHILD #3 - Bea Bennett - Animal Enthusiast, Cheerful, Dance Machine / Friend of the World
CHILD #4 - Sage Bennett - Goofball, Genius / Musical Genius
GEN 3 HEIR - Romeo Bennett - Neat, Loyal, Foodie / Soulmate
SPOUSE - Makenzie Thompson - Creative, Vegetarian, Cat Lover / Painter Extraordinaire
Living in: Willow Creek
CHILD #1 - Felix Bennett - ?? / ??
If you want to play like this yourself, the template and info is all here!
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sim-berry · 1 year ago
Not sure how many Simmers know this, but the Plum Tree App (family tree maker for Sims) is shutting down :(
(click to enlarge)
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(Note: many people reported having issues downloading their tree)
I don't know if the creator has a tumblr, but I want him to know how much the app has been helpful to me and so many others. I'm so glad he's starting a new chapter in life and wish his growing family the best💗
In the meantime, here are some other family tree apps that people are suggesting on Reddit (r/thesims):
My Family Tree
Family Echo (currently working on moving my Berry family here)
Hopefully this information was helpful!
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someplumberrys · 1 year ago
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I saw other people's family trees and wanted to make my own for the Berria family since Plum Tree App is gonna be shutting down.
Key is below
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All icons are from TheSimKid
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sarcasticratsims · 2 months ago
Millionth try at making a family tree...
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I'm cooking something up but I gotta get their CAS pix to make it more cohesive
Anyways, for those seeing this...check out the most recent ep if you haven't already 😌
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mamomare · 2 years ago
Ultimate Decades Challenge - 1360s - 1370s
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* TW: This post contains a plotline that includes babies and mothers who died during childbirth.
A decade that began in tragedy, ended in tragedy. The one thing we did not want to happen, happened. Our poor, dear Marsilia died giving birth to her one and only son - the current heir to the Brooker legacy. Although devastated, Norman did eventually remarry and hope lives on in his three young children. The end of the decade saw the death of one of his twins, and the restart of the 100 Year War. But luckily, this female dominant family only lost Michael Wright to conscription. So we must soldier on, as we have always done, into the 1370s!
Births [5] 1360 - Terric Brooker  1364 - Alaric Smith  1365 - Gerard Wright  1365 - Osanna Brooker 1368 - Hilda Brooker  1368 - Hammond Brooker Marriages [3] 1362 - Norman and Estrilda Brooker 1363 - Andrew and Eva Smith 1363 - Michael and Ivett Wright
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Deaths  1360 - Marsilia Brooker (Childbirth) 1363 - Peter Hurst (Dysentery) 1365 - Constantine Fletcher (Pneumonia) 1369 - Hilda Brooker (Starvation) * Babies that never were: Robert Clifford, Rocalin Brooker, Isabella Brooker, Arnold Wright
Family Tree in 1370s
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Brooker and Sons Once again, I won’t include any screenshots of the family farm, as it hasn’t changed much... for now!
Our main family are starting to amass quite a bit of wealth. This decade, they opened up a retail store “Brooker and Sons” to sell their products. 
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As they have become more wealthy, I think the next generation will move up into the “Merchants” social class. I will make the heir focus more on a specific trade and sell whatever he makes in the retail store. I think it’s also about time that the main family home gets a complete re-do, as they move up in the world.  Ultimate Decades Challenge was created by Morbid Gamer.
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getlikeaura · 4 months ago
My current sim family tree
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I'm 7 generations in which is the longest legacy file I've done lol. I usually quit after 3. Basically I have my sims marry an anime man lol. I don't make the anime men in my tree so I'm not claiming them. However, the other sims are mine !
If you'd like a more in depth view, this is a link to my sim tree, it's currently up to date as of 11/1/2024
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booyahblue · 1 year ago
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Slowly getting my family tree moved from the Plum Tree App Website to the My Family Tree Software.
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Still need to add photos to a lot of people and add their information in.
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King Cohen’s family line
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soffiisims · 3 months ago
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Family tree in 1318
See it bigger in here!
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eljeebee · 1 year ago
The Plum Tree App is shutting down.
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To any of you who are using Plum Tree App to keep track of generations of their sim families, you should back up your files now. It won't shut down yet as said above, as we will be given enough time to back up our trees.
I'm currently looking for alternatives, I've seen Famiy Echo (free) and Kintree (also free, but UI friendly, very simple), and another which is My Family Tree (an offline program for Windows).
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simplywhytney · 8 months ago
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I decided to make a family tree! I'll try to keep it up to date here. You can also zoom in on the link. Not sure if I'll add more detail later.
Thought I'd also share how old everyone is, roughly, at the moment.
Joseph, Sr. & Penelope died as elders. I can't remember how old they were, but natural deaths either way.
Joe, departed the save at around 50. He and Luna were the same age and she is now 51. About a year has passed. Carmen is 23, Tre is almost 18, Maren is almost 16. Juli is about 2 months having just entered the infant stage. Aleah, Juli's mom, is older than Tre; she's 19 going on 20.
Phillip is 44 and his wife Catherine is 41. Cole is 22; Melinda is going on 17; and Rami just turned 6. Cole & Melinda's mom, Sharon, is 43.
Ashley is Phillip's twin, she is also 44. Her husband Orange is 40. Scott is almost 11 and Miles is 4.5.
Finally the baby of the siblings, John. There was a twenty year age difference between Joe and John, who is now 31. Nara is 32, Nick is just over 9, and Lexi is almost 7.5.
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oswanily · 1 year ago
I put the BACC tree in Family Echo but it didn't import the pictures with it... oh well. All the BACC people have links on my gameplay page, and if you want info on the few other people on the tree feel free to ask!
I might post screenshots of the My Family Tree version from time to time, since that has pictures (and I'll probably forget to update Family Echo...)
Also, I do have a UDC tree too on My Family Tree. You'll see it in a few years. The pictures are already queued.
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themurasakifamily · 2 years ago
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So this family tree of the Murasaki Family is a massive project I have worked on for years. I finally feel good about sharing it, by that I mean I finally feel confident I am not going to make any more Mursaki family members...for now. truthfully, I still have some members in the earlier years that technically COULD pump out a whole other lineage, but I think for now this ridiculous large family is enough. I know it's hard to read, the actually file size is like 5000x3000 so there isn't really a way to upload something that big to tumblr. Luckily all these members will eventually have their own family bio cards, but at least you can get a visual of what the family looks like.
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