#that was mean i love her dearly she’s not that clingy
livvyofthelake · 1 year
yes girl don’t ever start your day. eat your first food at 9:30pm and it’s just a yogurt and pop tarts… slay
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Mammon propaganda:
“He was done dirty in the first round, I hope he wins this time because he deserves it 
First of all, he hates you at the start but then he starts to like you but he exclaimed his hate too much at the start so he can't admit it 
Everyone knows that he likes MC, even his little D (who are demons familiars) thinks that they should date 
He is a classic tsundere but doesn't actually hurt you like other tsunderes but he is so bad at hiding his feelings that everyone is just ignores it 
He is the avatar of greed, meaning he is clingy which may be a turn away for some people but he cares for you so so much 
He has never turned into his demon form to hurt you (Asmo hasn't but he has tried to seduce you with his power)
Don't get me started on his story cards, he literally is so cute
He wants to be a mentor to Luke, like Lucifer was to him, he is only mean to Luke because he wants Luke to learn about how life isn't all sunshine and rainbows
He is also so hot, he is a bisexual panic 
He is bullied by his brothers but he cares for them so so much despite their bullying
I am so in love with him and have written so many fics about him 
Anyway, I'm going to stop here because otherwise I'll be here all day”
“First friend, first pact, practically the MC's first everything, he is a major Tsundere, he holds my heart hostage, I just want to smooch him, he and MC share a room, he is such a cute little bab, he does bully Luke (a child) but it's revealed that he just wants to show Luke that the world isn't all sunshine and rainbows and want help him figure things out
He is the cutest little guy, he cares for his brother 
His sin is greed so he does steal things from people but since lesson 1 he hasn't stolen anything from MC 
He wrote a song to propose 
Sure he is clingy but in a good way
He is so cute 
He adopted a child, which he had to leave in the care of witches and willingly let's the witches extort him 
There is so much that I can say about him but 1. Spoilers and 2. I don't think you want to read that much”
First person we're able to properly romance in game. AND FOR GOOD REASON. He's had MCs back from the beginning, hes the one real one in the game. He's always trying to protect us and its so nice. Puppy boy. He's so me as well??? Like he's such a doting boyfriend it's literally so cute. When MC had to go back up to Earth, he kept breaking the rotating schedule in order to call us more. He always gets MC gifts (avatar of greed love language being gift giving im gonna collapse) and he just drops the most romantic lines out of nowhere??? Like sir are you trying to give me a heart attack. He's the secretly traumatized comic relief. He has ADHD. He's canonically queer (MC doesnt have a set gender). He even likes Head pats. Vote Mammon.”
Jaehee propaganda:
“only female love interest in MM, not included in the first round for SOME REASON, you literally go off and live your coffee shop au with her at the end of her route.”
“My lesbian wife. Open a bakery with her after convincing her that she doesn't have to give up her happiness to make money. She can pursue her passions. Also her backstory is so sad and I just wanna hug and kiss her and throw hands at her "family" for making her feel like she does. Also the Valentine's dlc, you get locked in the back of the bakery with her and... Yeah that's my wife. I love her dearly. Also can we just acknowledge that she's like the only path that involves almost none of the dramatic death defying nonsense. You're just gay and in love and it's beautiful”
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chuuyrr · 1 year
I'm not sure if you're taking asks right now so feel free to ignore this. I'd like to request the Fushiguro! Child in the BSD universe where she gets sick so when her powers go wonky and instead of her going to other universes they all come to her universe instead(the JJK universe). The PM, ADA gets to meet Gojo and the Gang hehe. This is kinda inspired by me having a cold right now and having nobody around to talk with lol
scarlet witch! baby fushiguro! reader takes the port mafia and the armed detective agency to the jujutsu kaisen universe
jujutsu kaisen x reader x bungo stray dogs
masterlist of the series
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╰➤ CW(s): quite the literal bungo stray dogs and jujutsu kaisen, fluff/comfort, kinda ooc but i tried 😭
╰➤ PAIRING(s): platonic! jujutsu kaisen (gojo & megumi only) + bungo stray dogs (port mafia & ADA) x child! reader
before you read: hi, in case you're new, you're megumi's younger half-sibling, and while you don't have cursed energy, you do have scarlet witch's powers and abilities! aside from that, as a special scarlet witch variant, you also have the ability to travel across the multiverse. how chaotic! furthermore, like your half-brother megumi, you are being cared for by gojo satoru, who also serves as your adoptive father. for more info, please see the masterlist.
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being sick was one thing, but having your chaos magic go crazy was quite another.
you weren't even aware of it since you were in bed, sick with a feverish cold, caged up in your room with gojo and megumi who had just gone there only to leave again, failing to get you to eat as much as they wanted you to, which was natural.
you were breathing in and out with your eyes closed, trying relax while coughing a little from the cold, and as you lay in bed, feeling completely miserable, your fingers were subconsciously interlocking and locking.
your powers were working their magic, and the next thing you knew, your beloved family figures from the world of gifted detectives and mafiosos had been taken and dragged into your world in a snap of a finger.
as soon as you heard the sound, you instantly opened your eyes and sat up, and a soft gasp escaped your lips at the sight.
chuuya was face planted on the floor, letting out screams while rolling his r's in annoyance with dazai sitting on top of him, but kunikida, yosano, ranpo, kyouka, kenji, and fukuzawa, and even akutagawa, were either on their bums or feet, but it was clear that they didn't end up falling badly from the red portal present on your ceiling like chuuya, dazai, and atsushi.
"g-guys?" you squeak out, immediately catching their attention as your eyes lit up.
"[name]-chan!" cried dazai, only to let out a dramatic gasp when he noticed a cold gel patch on your forehead and how feverish you looked.
with that, dazai shoved chuuya aside as if he wasn't the one sitting on him in the first place when they were carried across the multiverse by some mysterious red power, and ran to your side, without caring where he was right now.
you extended your arms and hands towards dazai, a clingy expression over your sleepy and blurry eyes from being unwell, needing a cuddle as you whined gently at him, "dazai-nii!"
dazai sat by your side on the bed and hugged you dearly, holding you against his chest and stroking his fingers through your hair, hushing you softly yet comfortingly.
"shh, it's okay, my sweet little [name]-chan. dazai's here. in fact, we're all here.. and it appears to be because of you," dazai said softly, staring at the armed detective agency and port mafias you dragged along with him, all of whom he knows mean a lot to you as your loved ones.
everyone was staring at how dazai comforted you while you were obviously sick, and while akutagawa and chuuya were taken aback by this oddly softer and sweeter side of dazai, they gradually realized where they were, given the amount of plushies, children toys, and books in shelves, and cute decorations in the room, which was enough to tell that it was yours.
"yeah, this is definitely [name]-chan's room.." atsushi stated the obvious, a little smile tugging on his lips as he observed the quantity of hello kitty stickers on your wardrobe and drawers, as well as the stuffies you had, recognizing a few that dazai had gotten you back at home.
"and we're definitely in her universe this time," ranpo added, opening his eyes to reveal a pair of emerald irises and a serious expression that quickly changed, "which also means we've just traveled across the multiverse like our little [name]-chan! isn't that just fascinating?!"
"that's a very nice way to put it.. ranpo-san.." kunikida's sweat dropped as he folded his arms.
"it's still a wonder though.. all of us really traveled across the multiverse.." fukuzawa murmured, still in awe of that very fact.
"how does the brat even do it?" akutagawa sighed sharply, coughing a little as he straightened up and dusted off his clothes with his hands, "it felt like living through a lifetime of everything as we passed through those universes in a flash."
"i agree with him, i honestly feel a little sick.." kenji stated, scratching the back of his head, but still holding a bright smile nonetheless.
"speaking of sick, the chibi is sick too," chuuya exclaimed, his gaze softening at sight of you in dazai's embrace and holding onto him almost for dear life, "probably more than you, kiddo."
yosano was the first to rush to your side besides dazai and chuuya, the doctor in her and their maternal instincts kicking in.
"can i see her for a bit?" she requested softly yet severely as she stared at dazai.
"shh, it's okay, [name]-chan. auntie yosano just needs to check on you a bit," dazai nodded his head and gently pulled you away from him to let yosano check you, hushing you sweetly as you whined softly.
with that, yosano pressed her hand against your neck, face, and forehead, "hmm.. she's shivering a bit. chills it seems from her cold."
"damn, and even in [name]'s current state, she managed to use her abilities to get all of us here," chuuya commented, his eyes wide with amazement and true awe.
"[name]-chan's ability probably got wonky that brought us here out of pure instinct," kyouka softly murmured, to which ranpo pouted at as he claimed that was his line.
a knock rang in your bedroom door while you were being surrounded by your loved ones from another universe, prompting the armed detective agency and port mafia members you dragged in to tense up, especially dazai, who practically hugged you tighter out of protective instinct.
"kikufuku? are you awake?"
they all froze at that.
"shit, someone's at the fucking door," cursed chuuya as he stated the obvious.
"let's just knock out whoever's at the door," said akutagawa who was already activating rashomon.
"dad, i'm awake!" you exclaimed, causing everyone in your bedroom to stiffen up once more, despite dazai shushing you and instantly covering your mouth.
as soon as the door opened, a white-haired man in a tight black shirt and slacks entered, wearing black round sunglasses and carrying a medicine, water, and a bowl of soup in his arms, together with a spiky-haired boy.
the black tendrils of akutagawa's coat were already in the air, ready to attack with atsushi shaking his head at him, chuuya glowing red with crossed arms while the others remained relatively quiet, ranpo, fukuzawa, kyouka, kenji, and yosano unaffected.
there was a pin drop silent for a brief second as everyone stared off at gojo and megumi.
and that was until megumi did his handsigns and brought out his demon dogs into your bedroom, with gojo immediately dropping everything to the floor at the sight of this many strangers in your bedroom (it was also a wonder how they all managed to fit inside too), especially with an unfamiliar young man with unkempt brown hair and brown coat being in bed with you, as well as the one with ginger-hair and a hat as you tugged on his sleeve to make him sit by you too.
"what are all of you doing in my daughter's bedroom?!" cried out gojo, dazai's eyes widening to find you suddenly gone from his embrace and now in the embrace of the white-haired man who had already taken off his glasses with his free hand outstretched, ready to attack with the intention of protecting you.
'blue eyes with the speed of a blink of an eye,' dazai thought, staring at the man holding you in his arms. there was no doubt about it.
"calm down. we're not here to hurt your daughter," fukuzawa immediately stepped in both on the behalf of the armed detective agency and port mafia members in the room.
"you heard the boss, mister. we know [name]-chan!" ranpo backed up fukuzawa with a rather casual and enthusiastic response, very much unfazed at the tension in the air.
"these people know you, [name]?" questioned megumi as he glanced at you, then at gojo, who continued to hold you in his embrace.
"they're the ones i go to when you guys aren't around," you explained to your half elder brother, whining softly and squirming in gojo's grip, "now, put me dooown! they're not stranger dangers!"
you leapt to your feet as soon as gojo placed you down on the floor, clinging to dazai, who had already gotten out of your bed and was standing near chuuya.
gojo and megumi looked surprised as you hugged dazai's pant leg in the same manner you hugged gojo and occasionally your uncle nanami or your half older brother megumi.
a soft smile tugged on dazai's lips as he picked you up and carried you in his embrace, quietly smiling as he caressed the back of your head and allowed you wrap your tiny arms around his neck.
"you can't hurt dazai-nii and his friends!" you continued to speak as you turned your head towards gojo while letting dazai carry you.
"dazai-nii?" both gojo and megumi glanced at each other as they both uttered it unison.
"then that means.." gojo's words trailed off as he glanced at dazai, who happened to be quite as tall as him, before returning his focus to you, "you have a lot of explaining to do right here and now, [name]."
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you were back in your bed after a long time of explaining, sitting up straight while gojo fed you spoonfuls of a new batch of soup, his eyes narrowing slightly at the sight of dazai and, well, chuuya on the other side of your bed, given how you refused to let them leave your side while you ate.
even megumi was cautious, especially when it came to akutagawa. he still had his demon dogs out and ready to attack them all.
fukuzawa, yosano, ranpo, and kunikida were seated on the little stools in the middle of your room, with ranpo fiddling with the tea cups and kettle toy on the mini table, and kenji and kyouka checking out your toys and other things.
the tension in the air was palpable, given that the majority of them were cautious of gojo's six blue eyes and his ability to move so swiftly that he could whisk you away from dazai and chuuya in the blink of an eye.
your father was no joke, and your older brother, megumi, was most likely as well, but you were entirely unaware of all of this and continued eating the soup that gojo fed you fairly gleefully now that the armed detective agency and port mafia were in your room with you.
"so, just to clarify things," began gojo, sitting back up and placing the now-empty bowl on your nightstand while opening your medicine with the spoon you used to eat, "all of you came from another universe, and you,"
dazai merely smiled at gojo as he pointed a spoon at him and spoke, "apparently you're [name]'s closest guardian, the one she tells me that resembles like me, dazai osamu."
"and all of those guys are your colleagues, including that guy over there who looks like nanamin with that old man being your boss," gojo said, to which ranpo snickered, fukuzawa's sweat fell, yosano merely gazed at, kyouka and kenji nodded, and kunikida looked perplexed.
"and you two," gojo said, pointing his spoon at chuuya, who simply arched a brow at him and said, "now, what?" with akutagawa glaring daggers at him.
"you guys are from the mafia and you're familiar with [name]?" gojo pointed out with narrowed eyes.
just as akutagawa was ready to dispute and say something unpleasant, chuuya interrupted him and spoke to gojo on their behalf, saying, "just so you know, we do not involve the chibi in our line of work. in fact, she stays very much out of it, if that's what you're worried about."
"chuuya's right, gojo-kun," dazai said with gojo already raising a brow at him, "we understand who and what [name]-chan is and how terribly young she is given her age, and just as powerful her special ability, err, abilities are, we make sure to keep her safe and that she is fed!"
"the armed detective agency ensures that [name]-chan is well taken care of, especially by dazai-san and the president," atsushi added, "in fact, the detective agency serves as her other home in another universe."
gojo's stern expression softened as he sighs deeply and shakes his head, "i see."
with that, gojo immediately lost the protective-father act and clasped his hands together, "well, that's settles it. i'm fine with it."
you then happily raised your arms in the air to celebrate, and croaked out a tiny sweet, "yay!"
"just like that?!" megumi cried out in disbelief.
"well, why else would they all be here saying all of that when it's not?" gojo raised a brow at megumi before laughing softly, "you know, thinking about it, these guys do kind of.. resemble us. take that kunikida-guy for example, doesn't he remind you of nanamin? or how that atsushi-guy acts like itadori-kun too?"
"that's not the point here!" megumi scoffed with a nerve protuded on his temple.
"and he acts like dazai," kunikida muttered his breath at the mention of him, shaking his head.
"aish, calm down, megumi-kun," gojo sighed as he began pouring some medicine in the spoon before turning towards you, gently nudging you to open your mouth to feed it to you, "if they had already wanted to hurt [name], they would have already. in fact, it was something i was already anticipating when i saw them in the room, especially with mister no-eyebrows over there. he kind of acts like you, by the way," gojo stated the last part, pointing at akutagawa.
"hey, watch your tongue or i'll cut you up!" akutagawa scowled at gojo at that.
"see?" gojo stifled a laugh at the threat, "he's so much like you back when you were little and [name]-chan was still a wee little baby."
megumi sighed deeply, shaking his head at gojo, "but still.."
gojo merely grins at megumi, then back at you, leaning down to kiss the top of your head, "and besides, you know it yourself, megumi-kun. the second i find out that they have hurt [name], i won't hesitate to infinite void them up."
following that, chuuya, akutagawa, dazai, and even fukuzawa tense up a little at the abrupt change in manner that gojo now displayed, which was terrifyingly similar to dazai.
"that being said, it will be fine. i'm the strongest, and i can hurt them ten times over."
however, dazai simply laughed, causing gojo's tone and eyes to soften once again. he knows about gojo satoru, the limitless jujutsu sorcerer whom is considered the strongest in the world you resided in, and that's becayse you told dazai everything, from who your father was and what he was like to what he was capable of.
"don't worry, gojo-kun, rest assured that [name]-chan is in safe hands, and you know, we'll get along just fine," dazai said before giggling at you, "right, little bella?"
"mhm!" you happily hummed with a nod.
gojo stared at dazai at that, and it didn't take long for a smile to tug on his lips, it was almost mischievous yet similar to dazai.
"i have a bad feeling about this," muttered kunikida, causing chuuya to look up at him.
"you know what? i agree with you on that."
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[ author's notes ! hi, tysm requesting and i hope this writing of mine sufficed to make you feel well. hope you're feeling better :) sadly, i wasn't able to write for the other characters, and only did gojo and megumi meeting them. ngl i feel like my writing for scarlet witch! baby fushiguro! reader is a tad rusty (which is why i kinda hate my writing for this one, felt like i didn't do the request, err, suggestion, justice) given how i haven't writen for it in such a long time. the request for it is closed, but i just couldn’t help myself to write it down and see what i can do !! much much love from me to those who read until the very end, and yeah, reblogs are appreciated !! ]
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[ join my taglist, perhaps ? @anonymousewrites @magpiemissy @anqelically @96jnie @lovesick-fairy @soleelia @irethepotato @nianre @xingqiusliegee @lenasvoid @bloobewy @achlysyo @youdidntseemehere21 ]
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puffein · 11 months
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summary: wanda's abrupt change in attitude marked the beginning of an unrepairable disaster. pairings: wanda maximoff x fem!reader warnings: angst, profanities, insults, mean wanda word count: 1117 a/n: my personal fave chapter...!
series masterlist playlist!
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New Brunswick, New Jersey
Early-July 2022
Thomas Christopher Greene once stated in a book, "Time can be slowed if you live deliberately. If you stop and watch sunsets. If you spend time sitting on porches listening to the woods. If you give in to the reality of the seasons." 
But right now, time doesn't slow down for you as you sit hours and hours long on the window ledge of your best friend's dorm living room. You can feel the hardness of the wall right at your back, your knees pulled up tightly on your chest, arms wrapped loosely around it.
You gave in to the reality of the season though, summer nights are always wonderful for some people, however, these past summer nights have not been made for you as you have spent them waiting patiently for a certain someone to arrive safely in the comforts of their room. 
Your hair shifts lightly with the swift motions of your head turning upon hearing the quiet sound of keys and profanities right behind the door. 
Altering your body out of the ledge soundlessly, you mutter, "Where were you?" 
"Jesus, you scared me." Wanda's soft voice echoes throughout her dorm, clearly having the knowledge that her loud voice wouldn't wake up her already sleeping roommate. 
She huffs out, slender fingers going through her unruly hair, "You're here again?"
You watch her quietly, nodding your head in resignation as you walk past her, "Just wanted to see if you arrived safely." you say.
Wanda. Wanda has been doing this for the past months. Going out late, going home late. Missing your friendly dates, the sitcom days, the months of months plans the both of you made last year was now forgotten, thrown out like a piece of antique.
Useless and vintage.
You didn't know what changed.
"I'm not a child, you know." she harshly replies, accent coming out strong and venomous. You halted your steps, shoulders tense at the voice she was using at you.
"You don't have to go here, bother Darcy, and wait for me to arrive like some obsessed best friend who can't seem to live without hanging out with me. Stop being so clingy."
"I just wanted to see if you arrived safely," she mocked, her phony voice skirting around the corners of your breaking heart. "Bullshit. We both know you're just afraid to be alone. Well, guess what Y/N, I am sick of that. I am sick of you."
Ever felt like someone stabbing you right in your chest, okay, wrong. This doesn't feel like stabbing to you, this felt like a bomb going off, and the pieces of your heart fly in different directions and it doesn't stop there. The pain continues on as someone's pair of hands and feet crush every tiny piece laying steadily on the floor.
That pair of hands and feet are Wanda's.
"You're not gonna say anything?" she says exasperatedly, face warp in aggravation as she stares at your back.
You have many things to say to her. Many unsaid things that you know will go deaf in her perfectly working ears. You want to say how she's been a shitty best friend ever since she met that dude at a party, how you are grasping at that tiny piece of friendship that you knew is being broken piece by piece as the time goes by, how when you look at her, you don't see her, you see a stranger living in the body of your best friend. Of the one you dearly love so much you would go into deeper depths just to see her happy.
You wanted to say that but instead, you utter these words, "What do you want me to say?"
Wanda groans, "Anything! Just— I don't know, say something." she says desperately, trying to make you understand something that you clearly can't comprehend.
"I'm gonna go." You take a step forward, towards the door only to be stopped by her tight grip on your arm.
"You can't just go."
"Wanda, I can't fucking understand you right now. Are you drunk? Are you high?" you snapped at her, voice in an edge as you turn to stare right at her face. 
She opens her mouth to say something but you are clearly not done with your words.
"What do you want me to fucking say? That you've been such a bitch lately? That, what, the old woman I met on the bus weeks ago felt more like a best friend than you ever did for these past months? What do you want me to fucking say?" you finally declare, your brows furrowed, jaw tense with fist clenched tightly against your palm. 
Wanda loosens the grip on your arm as she drinks in every word you have said to her. Not wanting to stare longer at the realization that is coming to her face, your back faces her again as your hand clutches the doorknob and latches it open for you to walk away.
"Y/N, wait—"
You whip your body fast to glower at her, "No, you listen. I fucking don't know what has gotten into you to treat me like this. We were doing fine then I just woke up with you ignoring me. I did this because I care and the friendship I have with you matters."
The timbres of your voice quiver, undertones of heartache can be heard in the staggering of your hardened voice, "But fucking shit, Wanda. You could've just told me you're tired of being in this friendship. I would have respected that, you don't have to make me feel so worthless."
Watching the light trembles of her lips and the brave step she took closer to you, you can see the morphing of hurt flashing right at her face. You're confused. She intentionally spurted those words at you, how come she has the guts to look so anguished?
"Y/N, I just—"
But you are already walking away, time slowing down with your breathing rigid and labored. Your steps are filled with regret at how you have thrown those words at her. You didn't mean it, as much as you want to mourn for whatever has gone downhill for the both of you, what you have said to her was the truth and you didn't really care right now as you are greeted with a magnificent vision of the sun slowly rising for the world to see. 
Funny, you should have listened to Thomas Greene and spent your time sitting on porches listening to the sound of the woods instead of waiting till the sun rises just to make sure your best friend arrived safely.
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general masterlist ◄ ►
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—୧ taglist: @esposadejoyhuerta @sokovianbaby @vivs46 @kyaraderuwez
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colourstreakgryffin · 11 months
I have a request to make. Yandere obanai vs yandere mitsuri vs yandere shinobu, with a darling reader with a pet anaconda (who is also quite the cuddle bug)also the anacondas name is noodle.
Happily will do this idea! It actually sounds somewhat cute so let’s find out what will happen with these three! A little short but that’s okay, I assume!
Lol. This picture is the only thing I can find for these three!
Yandere! Romantic! KNY Hashira Scenarios: Iguro Obanai vs Kanroji Mitsuri vs Kocho Shinobu
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What a absolute disaster pitting these three together is. Obanai is hostile, Shinobu is dangerous and Mitsuri is passive-aggressive! So every scenario ends in a vicarious fight that could shake the ground
All three fall for you very close to one another, and find out each other’s feelings for you when they notice the lovestruck glares directed at you during one of the many Hashira gatherings. This triggers the Yandere corruption and it gets worse with the rivalry growing alongside it
Obanai is the first one to find out how about your pet. A big emerald-palette anaconda named “Noodle” by stalking you from your window. Mitsuri learns about Noodle by getting invited into your house and Shinobu learns about Noodle last when you ask for medicines useable on snakes
Obanai knows his snakes very well so he offers you snake care advice as Shinobu and Mitsuri angrily glare at him for winning over your attention so easily. He has the biggest advantage over the two girls, for his knowledge on snakes
Though, all three are very jealous of Noodle for the way you admire and love him. Why does that stupid serpent get your affection?! They are also very jealous of each other
All three love you dearly so they’d never try kill Noodle at all and will always run up to you to give whatever you want for Noodle or for yourself but they all wish they could get rid of Noodle without hurting your feelings
Overall. They argue and fight basically constantly over who can touch you and/or take care of Noodle for you. You do notice how bad it gets from behind closed doors, but you just hope it doesn’t have anything to do with you
Shinobu may or may not put coma-inducing serum in your beloved Noodle’s food to make you come to her for medical care. Mitsuri and Obanai get furious over the situation as they both know that Shinobu is the reason Noodle is hurt and she is hurting you for her own selfish infuriation
Mitsuri is a lot closer to you then she is to Noodle but she is very good at handling the heavy snake as if he weighs nothing to her. Obanai and Shinobu get jealous at the way you coo happily at her and Noodle cuddling
All three are very invasive and clingy, grabbing onto random parts of you whenever they can, bickering and swiping at each other so they’ll back off. It never ends until you get up and walk away, but that doesn’t mean they won’t follow you like a group of ravage fans to a Popstar
You having Noodle isn’t a favourite for Yandere Obanai, Mitsuri and Shinobu but your happiness is very important to them so they don’t really mind that much. Tho, the main problem is the rivalry the trio have against each other
All three are very manipulative, all emotionally. Shinobu tries to directly trick you into thinking the other two are liars, Obanai uses old fashion gaslighting until you think he is the only safe one whilst Mitsuri simply lies about what those two do with a few crocodile tears so you’ll sympathise with her
Won’t deny. Obanai would most likely work hard to invent a new form for Serpent Breathing, mimicking Noodle and other anacondas to try impress you
“Noodle’s a anaconda, my lov— Dokusha. He has very specific requirements for temperatures, try maintaining the cage in 60 to 70 percent humidity with periodic spikes near 100 percent— hm? Don’t thank me, we’re… friends”
“Heeeey! Dokusha! Look! Wanna see something cool! I’m gonna go play with Noodle! Are you ready— Oh! No, don’t worry! He isn’t heavy at all! He’s fine, I’d you want me to, I’ll gladly do it! Anything for you— because it’s fun!”
“Oh my, Dokusha. Noodle likes a bit tuckered out? What is the problem? He… he won’t wake up? Well, that sounds like a good thing— a simply horrible thing! I’ll try figure out what’s wrong, okay! You can rely on me”
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jaays-moon · 4 months
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heeseung x reader (afab) genre: friends to lovers, conducting a seance, spooOooky, friends having fun!! synopsis: what is better than a sleepover after the dreadful exams? a game of calling ghosts at a sleepover! where y/n and her friends play the game of seance with candles. word count: 2.6K 🖤🖤 DISCLAIMER‼️ i do not intend make fun of the practice or anyone who believes in such things. this story is purely for entertainment. continue reading....༉‧₊˚🕯️🖤❀༉‧₊˚.
"dude we are still having the sleepover right?" hearing heeseung's voice over the phone was just the moral boost i needed to protect myself from the eventual bed rot.
"yeah... we do, don't we..." however, nothing could stop me from the self-loathing that ensued after our exam results were published.
"y/n are you still sad about your grades? dude... you literally topped the class. so what jay beat you to rank 1, you know that nerdball is always trying to one up you."
ha...was it that evident in my voice "no, haha no its... ugh you know what, yeah i am upset. LIKE HE LITERALLY TOLD ME HE DIDN'T DO WELL IN PHYSICS, BUT THAT HOE??? this is why i hate toppers."
"oh? is it so?"
JAY??? what- omg did hee just put me on a three way call??
"HEE?" what is this guy doing. gosh way to go. he sure does know how to put me on the spot!
"no bestie it is I. the topper. you know you should actually let me know how crude your true intent is. and here i thought you were a friend."
"oh well good cause i can't be friends with LIARS! i wasn't the one who pretended to not know about the exam and then proceed to get an A! that is actually being an asshole. also that you never told me about getting tutored by jake."
"wait what you were getting tutored by jake? is this how you steal peoples friends jay?"
*the line cuts and the doorbell rings*
who could that be?
"hee?" "yes? who else? its time for the sleepover girl?"
"its 7 o' clock in the evening heeseung, who comes this early anyways-" i mean how does it even matter to scold him cause either ways, he barges into the house.
"well technically i do live here. its like my second home. do you need to take permission to enter your own house love?" of course. the only reason why i am friends with hee. he is unapologetically himself. it puts me at ease to have a person who thinks of me so dearly. or thinks of my home so dearly...
"ok fyi i also sent the invite in the gc"
"oh i know, jay is on the way with jake, maybe after he beats him up tho."
i chuckle at the thought of those two bickering. obviously jake hadn't told me anything about tutoring. it was just fun to watch them bicker after all! "and for you, i also invited leah over." a wicked grin decorates my face as i watch hee's jaw drop and eyes go wide in horror.
"Y/N??? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO what? why? how could you do this to me? YOU ARE VERY AWARE OF HOW CLINGY SHE IS WITH ME. she is like obsessed with me or something! please no y/n. i am so sorry!! Y/N"
"hee be nice! she is my friend! and everyone has tiny crushes. she just likes you a bit. as the good friend that i am, i am just helping her out! she also has something planned for the night. she was recommending some game? i don't know."
*bell rings*
"i guess that must be the two actual friends of mine. the ones who TRULY care for me!" i chuckle as i approach the door.
however nobody stands as i open the door. i look outside to check my surroundings but it is as quiet as a night full of mysteries could be. the sudden noise of thunder fills the ambience as it starts pouring heavily. i shriek as i run back into the house, locking the door. "hee...?" i look over the kitchen counter, the sofa, and knock on the bathroom doors he doesn't respond. "ugh where did this kid go? hee, hees- AHHHHHH!
something black just covers my eyes from the back as a scream for my life. "geez, if you didn't know how to defend yourself, you sure can make a serial killer go deaf. you know you should audition for those roles of screamers in the slasher thrillers."
"HEESEUNG! NOT FUNNY. I WAS SO SCARED!" "aww pookie was scared" "ew-" but his warm hug makes up for it. as the cold from the rain starts creeping into the room, heeseung offers me his jacket.
"what about you?" "don't worry. you will be warm and smell nice in it." he adds on with a wink. this guy. my laughs cover how blown out my pupils look. it isn't fair. how he gets to have this effect on me. i mean we are friends but moments like these, make me question otherwise. why can't i reciprocate the flirtations? why am i defeated dumb by this gorgeous guy?
"ok leah justed texted me. jay is picking her up" "you text leah?" "sometimes, when i think my charm is wearing off." "you are such an asshole! i am going to tell her." "no you won't." "and why is that?" "cause you care about me. cause, you like me." a grin of victory. i wave my hand to dismiss the words thrown out in air. is it that simple for him?
☆ ★ ✮ ★ ☆
our boisterous laugh fills my apartment. if it weren't for these people i genuinely wouldn't make it through college. but as we talk, as we laugh, heeseung keeps falling all over me.
"HEESEUNG WHY DO YOU HAVE A SERIOUS CASE OF IJBOLITIS YOU WILL SQUISH Y/N." jay's boisterous accusation fills the room when jake ends up becoming a water fountain spitting out the cola he was drinking. "omg y'all!! now i need to get tissues" shaking my head isn't enough for the amount of chaos these people cause.
was i saying something about them saving me throughout college? never mind that, it is in direct proportion to the headache they give me. stealing glance from hee i move towards the kitchen "y/n could you also get...um..five! yes five candles!" "candles? for what leah?" "remember?! i told you we have to play a game. i mean we are done watching a movie. it is raining outside. IT IS 3 AM! this is the perfect time to have a seance!" "ah what now?"
"a seance jake. wouldn't have expected you to know however." "please do explain jAy. wHat is a sEanCe"
"well you see in ancient times-"
"it is a ghost calling game!"
"it is NOT a game leahhh." wow... i have never seen jay pout?
"wellllllll none of us are mediums."
"what would you know baby i could be a medium?"
"BABY??" "BABY?" "you both-"
"what y/n? as if you aren't hiding something?! *giggling* you and hee... aren't you also dating? you may not tell your dear friend-"
"what? no no you have it wrong leah. y/n and i. i would never date her. we can never date. we are friends. right y/n? y/n-"
i rush to the kitchen as soon as possible. i have nothing to do with that conversation. i should have known. it was just heeseung being heeseung. he is just nice to everyone. it shouldn't mean anything that the way he looks at me is any different. it was just my perception. it was my fault i thought that heeseung could love me any more than a friend. it should have been me who answered that. of course. like he said we could never date. why would he date me. why would i date him. why am i hurt-
"y/n? why did you leave like that?"
as i feel my throat burning at the familiar sound. my eyes are about to spill the truth. "didn't leah ask to get the candles though? why are you worried." as i shove past him in my annoyance which almost turned into guilt. reaching up to open the cabinet heeseung comes closer, hovering over me to reach the matchbox. "y/n" oh i know that timbre of his voice. the low, soothing tone, prying to know if i am hurt. i am not. definitely. "what?" "i am supposed to ask you that. i know you have something on your mind. i mean i know you were trying to set me up with your friend-" oh. he wasn't even thinking about me. good lord. this is pathetic. i am pathetic. "no i wasn't worried about that. matter of fact i wasn't worried at all. first you three way call jay to "prank" me. and now you think i am unlovable. pick a side lee heeseung. do you even care or not."
"woah. government name... if i didn't know you better, i would say you are mad right now." "that is the point heeseung. you don't. know. me." "baby-" "DO NOT CALL ME THAT!" as i push him back to the kitchen island i feel his round eyes on me filled with concern and guilt. i am unable to pull him back before he bumps into the glass as it shatters to the floor.
"ayo? what happened-" jake's concerned voice broke both of us from the intense glare we shared.
"DID THE GLASS JUST BREAK? LEAH BABY! ISN'T THIS A BAD OMEN. WE SHOULDN'T BE DOING THIS!" "jay.... baby relax it didn't fall on it's own."
"ew, get a room." leah rolls her eyes as she speaks "i guess heeseung bumped into it. right?" "yeah. that is exactly what happened."
☆ ★ ✮ ★ ☆
"so that is basically it. we hold each other's hands and ask if any spirit is out there who wants to contact us. and i know how hard it is for us to remain silent, calm and composed we HAVE to. the candles will flicker and we can then start asking questions! only ask yes or no questions. also, no questions about death, money or future! ok y/n babe light the candles in the center please!!"
as leah instructs all of us we get into position. i immediately scurried next to leah's side and held her hand as we all sat down. i could sense heeseung's intense stare on me but for the sake of my sanity, i choose to ignore him like all my problems in life. didn't know he would someday fall on that list. am i being dramatic? maybe. i am just a girl! 🫧𓇼𓏲*ੈ✩‧₊˚🎀
"wow that is cool and everything but, sorry y/n i don't want to hold sweaty ass palms?" "excuse ME-" "i said what i said!" jake dashes of to sit next to jay who was happily seated next to his gf. this jake had one job. heeseung awkwardly shifts to sit next to me. my hands go cold with the tight feeling in the pit of my stomach. i try to be extremely nonchalant about it. but in the shuffle i almost skid on the stupid floor which makes him snort. i look up to squint at him but it elicits only a response of a smirk from him. oh.
"oh also if the candle assigned to each of us flickers then it is a yes and if all the candles remain still. well, a no." "aw babeee you are learning so well!" "the best is teaching me" as jay shoots a wink at his partner we all physically groan with jake audibly gagging. well this is going to be fun...
☆ ★ ✮ ★ ☆
as the rounds went by the questions became stupider. you would think that all of us had a collective braincell count of negative 5.
"am I the smartest in this group"
" *cough* nO *cough* "
"shut up jake!"
"whaaaat it wasn't me :("
this is what i missed the most, laughing, having fun with your friends. i also long back started to feel at ease with hee's warm hands melting into mine. i had gone overboard with my feelings and it wasn't fair to hee or me... i just had made assumptions. i wished to clear the air. as my other friends continued to bicker i turned towards hee.
"hee...i am sorry for pushing you earlier. i just... it did sting when you said you would NEVER date me. i mean i am not that bad of a person am i" i laugh trying to cover the underlying connotations of my ask. " *chuckles* im sorry y/n. it was actually on me that i assumed you would be averse to dating ME. i mean who would want to date their friends, right?" his response caught me off guard so did his tone. he ended the question with some unsaid hope. i tried to decipher what he meant while trying to study his eyes. his eyes were locked into mine the similar way. trying to uncover the surface and delve deeper.
"i guess there are two other love birds here!" leah's voice broke us from a trance like state. " ahha leah. so its my turn? ok i would like to ask whether i will be rich- "HEE DO YOU WANT TO DIE LEAH JUST SAID NO QUESTIONS ABOUT MONEY!!!" " well...if it means it will be in your arms-"
"ohh my godddddd"
"i think i just barfed in my mouth-"
"YOU are actually the perpetrator of such CRIME!"
no amount of eye rolls can save the redness that creeps into my face. this guy- but this time i try to play along. "well why are you trying to be like romeo-juliet, when we can be hee-y/n alive and happy." i add on a wink feeling extra feisty.
the silence which fills the room could be cut through with a knife. i was about to back track when hee's jaw dropped like never before and a howling laughter ensued.
"oh heeseung she DEVOURED YOU SO BAD!!"
"damn y/n should flirt more often!!"
hee was just as dumbfounded as i was at my response.
"oh yeah? are you sure y/n. don't make promises you can't keep." his voice dropped to a soothing volume. his head tilted with the slightest smolder in his eyes. not to overpowering. just enough to hypnotize, mesmerize. as he turned towards the the candle circle his voice become bold and clear.
"dear spirit just y/n like me?" is he for real!!?? did he just ask that in front of... at that moment it felt as all the air in the room had left. a chill ran through my spine. i could see my friends start to feel uneasy as it seemed something, or someBODY else had joined our little gathering. i could see leah's face drop as she held my hand's tighter than usual. even jake and jay feel completely silent with the ambience in the air which dropped the temperature.
" ok... um so heeseung your candle isn't flickering-"
"but baby look... y/n's candle is flickering."
it felt like time had stopped. the room felt eerily filled with various other auras. feeling intensified. the tension was rising. as if as an instinct i held onto hee's hand tighter than before. from my periphery i noticed him glance towards me. he reciprocated.
"ok that is enough, thank you spirit for joining us." leah broke the tension as she blew out the candles and all of us sighed. as if everyone was holding their breathe expecting the worse.
all of us looked at each other. "ok... well the spirit didn't have to expose me like that..." everyone started giggling. this experience was something else.
"so you do like me?"
"well we all knew that before you two idiots knew."
"for once I agree with jake. you both are so blind, imagine, a LITERAL SPIRIT had to come and expose y'all."
"wellll THIS WAS FUN. and, i beg you y/n. NEVER second guess MY intuition. mwah mwah. you both are soooo adorbs!!"
and all i and hee could do in laugh and fall in for each other all over again.
omg this was long af😭😭 i had so many doubts and second thoughts with this buttttt, i hope you like it‼️‼️ please do show support and love by reblogging🖤and sending in asks in the mailbox💌thank you ‧₊˚🖇️✩ ₊˚🎧⊹♡
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nakimesbiwa · 9 months
Mitsuri and Obanai yandere headcanons
PLS THEY ARE SO HOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mitsuri Yandere headcanons
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Doesn't like to see people get closer to you! BAM they're dead the next day!
If she has the courage to be friends with you; She will cling to you a lot watching people everywhere.
Watched you from afar. You don't know that Mitsuri is planning your future with her
Well the plan goes faster when she finds out you love her! She will feel really happy. Blushing a lot!
When she kidnapped you she was weirdly very nice to you! Food, hugs, and kisses!
She will not isolate you in her room. You can play games and make food.
KINDA forces things onto you. Like cuddling with her on your first day being here.
With all you can do here's what you can't; Go outside, call anyone, and DON'T go in the basement. Very easy rules! Right?...
If you escape; She will let your first one slide. But the second one she will guilt-trip you to make you feel bad for her and not to escape again. Like "Y/n! I'm trying my best and you escape me Why?" Or "I thought you loved me?"
But If you don't escape and be loyal to her she will trust you more letting you go outside with her or yourself!
She loves you too much to harm/hurt you!
Finally, names such as; love dear/dearly, sweetheart, and baby.
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Obanai yandere headcanons
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Spys on you like a pro like really...He's just too good at it.
I bet he knows it wrong but cares about you and your safety
OKAY. Imagine this; You and Obanai have set to be partners for a project Obanai is really excited to spend time with you. After finishing your project you get hit with a hammer or whatever. SO AY.
Obanai really likes you and that says a lot you know woman. No one is stopping him from kidnapping you NO ONE.
You will have no relationship with other people. Obanai has already claimed you as his.
When you are kidnapped he will erm...Kinda? But not rarely in fact he doesn't want to hurt you at all reminds him of his past (if I'm saying it right) I change my mind he isn't going to harm you.
If you escape well you almost can't but I'm not sure...The snake (not down there) scares the shit out of you all the time
But if you stay loyal he will get all clingy to not wanting to lose you and be lovely to you giving you your fav foods, clothes, etc!
Believes in trust. You can go on night walks with him or just sit outside his house he loves it and he listens to you when you talk.
Names; Dear, def love. or just any silly name that he comes to. But he calls you a snake when you have silly arguments.
side-eyes anyone who looks at you, bad, good, lovely. Talks random shit to you in your ear.
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I have many ideas for Obanai...I MEAN I WAS GOING SOME WHERE..
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azurelyy · 1 year
For the character ask thing: Shikamaru, since I think he's one of your favorites.
Hi, sweetie! Thanks for the ask. You do know me well because I love this man.
1: sexuality headcanon
I have several… LMAO. I’m sorry, but he’s hot and I think about him a lot, okay? Don’t judge me!
He’s a switch with a preference for being in control (basically he’s a power bottom if he is bottoming)
He has a massive cock
Pillow talk is when he will be the most vulnerable with his partner
He lost his virginity before the War Arc
He will complain about it, but he secretly has a Daddy Kink and gets visibly turned on when his partner uses the phrase
He loves brats
#1 Fan of Face Sitting. He will be your chair 🪑
2: otp
ShikaIno! I’ve talked about them to death, so I won’t go too in-depth again but just know I love them dearly and really wish they were canon.
3: brotp
Naruto and Shikamaru! Their bromance is adorable. I love how Shikamaru has always stood up for Naruto!
4: notp
ShikaSaku. I just… why? I do not think they would work out lol. Sakura is honestly pretty clingy as we have seen and I don’t see Shikamaru really tolerating that well. On the flip side, as much as I love him, I don’t think Shikamaru would be able to provide Sakura with the attention and emotional support that she needs. Also, he can be pretty sarcastic and I just don’t think that sense of humor jives with Sakura lmao.
5: first headcanon that pops into my head
Shikamaru has only used a bong once and he refuses to do it again because afterwards he just sat on the floor talking to Akumaru while shushing everyone that got near them. He almost got into a fist fight with Kiba because Shikamaru refused to give Akumaru back to him… he only smokes joints or vapes now.
6: favorite line from this character
“Laziness is the mother of all bad habits, but ultimately she is a mother and we should respect her."
7: one way in which I relate to this character
His sense of humor. This bastard is so fucking snarky and sarcastic… just like me muahahah
8: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character
I mean, let’s be real… he is kind of misogynistic 😭😭😭. I still love you, Shika… just be better.
9: cinnamon roll or problematic fave?
He’s a problematic fave. This man has issues lol, but that’s why I love him.
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going-outside-enjoyer · 10 months
A long and slightly agressive post on why Hinomori Shiho is the best character in Project Sekai: Colorful stage!
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I. She has the best vocals
Anyone who listened to her singing knows this. Her voice is objectively pretty. Shootout to Nakashima Yuki (her voice actor), if I had this voice I would never shut up.
Exemples of her mind-blowing covers:
And my personnal favorite:
Seriously people who don't like her voice are NOT to be trusted. And they have no taste.
Just look at her!
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Shiho's cards are always wonderful. Not once did she get an ugly card. Not even a mid one.
III. She is very well-written
And by that I mean she has a great personnality, with her qualities and flaws, her personnal problems that can make her relatable (I kin her personally).
"BuT sHe' S sO CoLd-HeArTeD aNd ShE hAtEs ShIzUkU-" No. You missed the point. She loves her sister and her friend dearly but just doesn't express it much. In these 4komas she does tho!
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You can see she's happy to be here even though she looks annoyed at first
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Here she straight up says "thank you, you're the best sister that I could ever have"
Plus, setting boundaries is completely fine! It's okay to not be comfortable with being followed and cuddled all the time. Shizuku is very clingy after all. Shiho sets those boundaries a bit harshly, so I would say they're bot a bit in the wrong.
IV. I don't care what everyone says, she was very cute as a child
She may look a tiny bit goofy in this card,
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but it's not that bad, and honestly every character looks a bit goofy as a child.
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(Sorry for the bad quality) I think she looks very cute in this!
V. Bass player=cool as fuck
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It can't be denied. Shiho is not only the best, but the coolest character in Project Sekai.
And last but not least...
VI. She's a furry
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I wasted 1 hour and 30 minutes of my life making this but it was worth it.
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heecase · 1 year
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Midnight Rain Chapter 3:Deceitful Truths
Synopsis: You've always been a planner. You had your whole life planned out, but Heeseung breaking up with you for a chance to become an idol wasn't apart of your plan. So now you're stuck with supporting him from afar. Until a college boy sweeps you off your feet. Everything was supposed to be perfect. Then why were you still yearning for your first love? Pairing: Idol! Heeseung x Fem! Reader; Nonidol! Yeonjun x Fem! Reader Word Count: 3.1k Genre: Angst Warnings: Heartbreak; Lying; Cheating; Arguing; Toxic Relationships; Domestic Violence; Physical Violence; Blood and Bruises mentioned; Gaslighting;
A/n: The story is all fiction, please don't take any depictions of the boys to heart. I love them all dearly and their personalities are only meant to progress the story. Any feedback is welcomed! Please enjoy~
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“Are you sure about this?” Heeseung asked for the umpteenth time, as he fiddled with his hands. Heeseung and Chaewon have been discussing her master plan on how to get you to break off your engagement with Yeonjun for the past few weeks. At first he was confident and willing to do what it takes, but he was starting to have doubts.
“If I wasn’t then why would I be doing this?” Chaewon sighed, looking at him through her computer screen. “Look, Y/n is very good at putting on a brave face but I can tell when she’s not okay and I’m tired of sitting around while she keeps getting screwed over by him.”
“What do you mean?” His doe eyes saddened at the mention of your fiance. Should he be surprised though? It’s been years, of course you would move on.
“Well to put it bluntly, He’s a piece of trash that should’ve been thrown out years ago.” Her eyes darken as she continues. “I’m convinced he’s been gaslighting her into stay with him because he knows how important her life goals are to her. But he’s been cheating on her and I have proof. She’s stubborn but she’s not stupid enough to stay with him once she sees the pictures that I have. There’s no way he’ll be able to talk himself out of this again. So that’s when you’re going to make an appearance back into her life. Start slow, just be her friend. Be there for her and don’t expect anything more. Once she’s ready, she’ll come back to you. I’m positive about it.” She smiled as his eyes shined with hope.
“I hurt her so much when I left, I’m terrified that she still hates me because of that. I mean she did run away from me at that party.” He signed, running a hand through his hair.
“Listen, she was upset when you left but she never held it against you. She never hated you. I never knew why but all throughout college, I would occasionally catch her watching content from your group in the living room of our apartment. She would always have something with you on, when she was stressed or going through a hard time. She said that you guys gave her comfort and made her laugh when she thought she couldn’t anymore.” She reassured him. “I think she ran away from you because she was scared. She is still in a relationship, so she doesn’t want to cause any trouble.”
“I guess that’s a valid reason.” He pouted.
“Hey don’t be upset. If we stick to my plan, she’ll be back with you in no time.”
“How are you so confident about this?”
“Because I know her like the back of my hand and I only want what’s best for her.” She looked down at her phone to see an excited text from you. Something about Yeonjun and dinner, but she didn’t really pay attention. She was glad you’ve been feeling better in your relationship but that didn’t change the fact that Yeonjun was trash and it’s about time she did something about it.
After the argument with Yeonjun the other week, he’s been nothing but caring and attentive towards you. Almost like he felt guilty about the whole thing. Yes, he’s been a little more clingy and overbearing but it’s been a while since it felt like you mattered to him, like he was prioritizing you over everything else. It was odd at first but you can’t say you didn’t like the attention. So in return, you decided you wanted to surprise him with a special dinner. You were going to cook all of his favorite foods and tell him how much you appreciate and love him. You’ve been thinking about doing this for a while and today is finally the day. You got permission to leave work early and you even stopped at the grocery store on the way home, just to make sure all the ingredients were fresh. 
You hummed a tune to yourself as you made your way through the lobby and into the elevator. As the elevator stopped on your floor, you pulled your phone out to text Yeonjun about tonight. You wanted to surprise him but that also means he has to come home in time for dinner, so it was best to give him a little heads up. Satisfied with your text hinting at what you had planned for tonight, you walked down the hallway towards your apartment. 
“What the hell is going on?!” You scream as you open the front door and the scene of Yeonjun kissing another girl comes into view. “Are you fucking cheating on me again?!”
“Y/n, baby, it’s not what it looks like!” He yelled, pushing the girl off of him.
“Get out!” You pointed towards the door behind you. “Now! Get the fuck out of my house!” The scared girl grabbed her bag and ran out without a word.
“Y/n, listen to me! It’s not what you think!” He pleaded, trying to slowly make his way to you.
“What the fuck are you talking about?! You lied to me. You’ve been cheating on me this whole time haven’t you?” Tears started rolling down your face and you tried to turn your head so he couldn’t see. Chaewon was right. You are fucking stupid.
“No! I didn’t lie to you, everything I told you was the truth! I didn’t invite her over here. She came on her own and forced herself onto me! I told her I have a fiance but she didn’t back off.” His words came out rushed but it didn’t matter if you caught them or not because you were sick of listening to his lies.
“Fuck you!” You threw the grocery bags at him, making all the ingredients scatter across the floor. “ I’m sick of this. I’m sick of you!” You took your engagement ring off and threw it at his chest. “We’re done. I never want to see your face again.”
“Can you stop being such a bitch for once?” He sighed, picking the ring up. “Did you ever stop to think that maybe shit like this happened because it was all your fault? You’re the one who lies to me. You’re the one who’s always been selfish.”
“What the fuck are you talking about?! I literally just caught you making out with another girl in our kitchen! How am I the selfish one? I gave you everything and this is what I got in return?” You yelled at him. 
“Fine, I’ll admit it, I cheated but don’t act like you're so innocent. Don’t think I haven’t noticed how you’ve started to emotionally distance yourself from me. We’ve been together for years, Y/n and you’ve never made me feel like you loved me.” He sighed, feeling insecure about the following words. “I know you’re in love with that guy you’re always watching on youtube and the way you look at him makes me sick. Do you think it’s easy watching the girl I love look at someone else with so much love in her eyes? You have never even tried to look at me like that and you wanna know the worst part? I’m right here. I’m right in front of you, and I’ve been here, every single fucking day for almost 5 years and all you’ve done is make me feel inferior to him.” He pointed an accusatory finger towards you.
“What are you talking about?! If you really loved me, then why would you cheat on me? Fuck, if you were able to make me feel half as loved as he does then maybe I would have looked at you like that.” You scoffed, wiping angrily at your cheeks.
“Are you serious? You think I didn’t try? I tried so fucking hard to make you love me, but you just wouldn’t. Do you think he loves you? Then where is he? Why isn’t he here with you right now? You need to wake the fuck up and realize that saying I love you and all that shit is just a part of his job. He doesn’t know you exist, to him you’re just another delusional fangirl.” He said through gritted teeth. The comparison was only making him angrier.
“It doesn’t matter if he knows me or not, he's a better man than you’ll ever be. At least he’s not a cheating bastard.” You said darkly, shaking your head.
“You’re so fucking stupid! I really thought getting engaged would fix everything. I thought that if we got married you would finally see how much I love you and then he wouldn’t be on your mind anymore. But I was wrong.” He sighed, brushing a hand through his hair.
“Maybe he wouldn’t be on my mind as much if you hadn’t made me feel so fucking alone. We live together. We see each other every single fucking day and I’ve never felt more alone in my life. I feel like decoration in this house. You only pay attention to me when you want something and every time I need something it becomes a chore. You tried to show me how much you love me?” You scoffed at him. “You’ve only made me feel like a burden to you. If shit didn’t go down like it did after we graduated, then I don’t think you would still be with me at all.” You cried, finally getting the weight off your chest.
“What the fuck are you talking about? What do you want me to do? What more can I do to prove to you that I do love you?” He tugged at the root of his hair in frustration.
“It’s already too late. There’s nothing more you can do to change my mind. Right now, I want you to leave this fucking house and never show your face in front of me again.” You tried to sound strong but your wavering voice was betraying you. His demeanor was changing, he was slowly losing control of his composure and that was never a good thing. Usually your fights never get this far because one of you would walk away first. But this time was different, you were determined to end things and if he walked away, he would be accepting it and he couldn’t do that. Not now. Not ever.
“No, we are not breaking up. We’re going to fix this. You can’t leave me. I won’t let you.” He walked closer to you, pinning you against the wall.
“We can’t fix this. I don’t want to fix this fucked up relationship anymore. I’m done trying. I’m done with you.” You stared into his eyes hoping you could convince him but all you could see were eyes filled with rage.
“No. You’ll be dead before I let you go.” He grabbed your arm as you tried to escape from between him and the wall.
“Let go of me you fucker!” You struggled against his strong grip. There was no way you would be able to win if it’s a battle of strength, so you had to play dirty and bite down on his hand to make him let go.
“You bitch!” The sting hit you before you were able to register what was going on. Your hand came up to coddle your bruised cheek as you stared at him with tears in your eyes. “Baby I didn’t mean to do that. It was a mistake.” Realizing what he just did, he tried to reach out to you, to comfort you, but you shook your head and tried to scoot backwards, creating distance.
“S-stay back.” You warned but it was useless as he continued to advance. He grabbed both of your arms, making you struggle against him.
“Baby, please stop fighting me!” He yelled as he shook your body. His nails were digging into your arms leaving bruises on your soft skin. 
“Yeonjun let me go! You’re hurting me! Help! Someone please-” When you started yelling for help, he slapped you again. This time you felt a warm liquid on your lip. Licking the liquid, you realized your lip was bleeding. 
“You see. This is what happens when you don’t listen to me. I don’t want to hurt you but you’re making it very difficult not to.” Terror flashed before your eyes as you felt his hand in your hair. You yelled out in pain as he started dragging you to the living room by your hair, and only let go once he threw you onto the sofa. You let out a whimper as you nursed your aching head.
“Now, are we going to talk this through like adults?” He sighed. You have to get away from him. You have to run, but he’s stronger and faster than you. He would catch you before you even make it out the front door at this rate. “Y/n! Are you listening to me?” You nodded, but you weren’t listening to him at all. As he started to pace back and forth, you tried to glance around the room, when he wasn’t looking, to search for an object you can attack with. Your eyes land on the vase of flowers that he got for you last week, when he grabs you by the chin to make you look into his eyes. 
“You seem distracted baby. Maybe we should just call it a night and we can talk about this tomorrow when we both have a clear head.” He stroked your cheek and you tried your best to not lean away from his touch. He’s gone completely psycho and if you do anything to trigger his anger again, you might not make it out of here tonight. So you’ll have to beat him at his own game.
“I was just looking at the pretty flowers you got me.” You tried to sooth his anger. “I’m sorry for being so mean to you. You’re right, I should’ve just listened to you from the beginning.” You caressed his face, while biting down on your inner cheek to stop your hands from shaking.
“Exactly, now you get it. But it’s okay. We all make mistakes. I still love you.” He leaned down and pressed his lips to yours. You kiss him back but your eyes don’t close. You reach one hand up to the back of his neck, making him sit on the couch with you as you deepen the kiss and force him to lean towards the vase. You reached your free hand out until the object was within reach, but he caught onto what you were doing and he threw his arm out to knock the vase off the table, smashing it in the process.
“I’m disappointed in you baby. I thought we were finally on the same page.” He sighed again before grabbing you by the throat, smashing your body into the couch. He started to choke you as you struggled underneath him. “If I can’t have you. No one can.” His grip tightened even more as his eyes turned dark. He was gone. Blinded by his own rage and insecurities. You flung your arms out, trying to reach anything. As your hand was able to wrap around a remote on the coffee table, you quickly smashed it against his head, making him stagger backwards in pain.
You took a second to gasp for air before rushing towards the front door. “Y/n, get back here!” You could hear Yeonjun’s voice from behind you as you ran to the elevator. You pushed the down button and turned to see him already catching up to you. You can’t let him catch you or else you don’t know what else will happen. As you run to the emergency exit, you feel his hand grab a chunk of your hair as he pulls you backwards into his arms. Panic sets in and you throw your hands up, scratching at any part of him you could reach. Once your nails make contact with his cheek, you hear him yell out in pain, letting you go to nurse his wound. You took the opportunity to open the emergency exit and quickly made your way down the stairs. Fumbling slightly, you’re able to make it down a flight or two before you hear him coming after you. Your breathing was heavy and you felt like your legs would collapse from under you as they shake but the fear in your heart was overpowering all of your other senses. You just kept running. Once you made it to the lobby, you quickly rounded the corner towards the maintenance office. You pressed your back to the wall as you heard the door to the emergency exit open. You pressed your hand over your mouth to muffle your breathing as you pray Yeonjun doesn’t find you.
“Fuck, which way did she go?” You heard him say before faint footsteps were heard going away from you.
You kept the hand over your mouth as you peeked around the corner to see that he was indeed gone. For now. You tried to catch your breath but the adrenaline was making it hard. Your hands were trembling and your heart was pounding in your chest. What are you going to do now? You can’t go back upstairs because what if he comes back. You don’t doubt his ability to break down the front door if it means to get to you. He’s probably already on his way to Chaewon’s right now to look for you so you can’t go to her. You should go to the police but you don’t think they’ll believe you and if they end up calling him in then you’re more fucked. Your parents lived overseas so you can’t go to them, plus you didn’t want them to worry. Fuck, you were out of options. Maybe one of your other friends can let you stay with them until he calms down.
You pull your phone out of your pocket to scroll through your contacts. You didn’t have any friends that you could ask for a favor in a time like this and you mentally cursed yourself for being so introverted throughout university. You were close to tears when your finger stopped on Heeseung’s name. There’s no way he would have the same number from high school right? But he was your last hope, so you pressed the call button. The constant ringing heightened your anxiety. If the phone is ringing it means the number is still active but what if it doesn’t belong to him anymore? You chewed on the inside of your cheek as you waited for the call to eventually disconnect.
“Y/n?” Heeseung’s voice came from the other line. You felt a wave of relief wash over you as you let out a shaky breath.
“Heeseung, I need you.”
Taglist: @nobodyshallenter @sunsunl0ver @huening-ly @qeen123
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mari-lair · 2 years
quick question
if, hypothetically, teru and akane became official boyfriends for a while now and then the grim reaper arc happened (tho minus for the aoikane attempting to kiss part? and teru just interrupted their hugging and emotional conversation?)
i just wonder how terukane would act differently i guess? like would teru mostly stand closely next to akane and sometimes glare(?) at aoi for hurting his bf that badly? and then would akane feel so betrayed that teru didn't tell him about how aoi can't go with them to the near shore since she's dead? would their relationship be strained after the severance but started to mend it during that terukane chapter?
just a hypothetical question
That’s such an interesting question!
I think a lot would be different in the reaper arc if terukane was established. Akane would likely know of his boyfriend patrol in obon and go to him for help, since nene also trusts Teru at this point in the manga, there wouldn't be any protest. They would go with him and very likely 'rescue' Aoi while still on No.6 boundary. 
But, let’s suppose, hypothetically speaking, that Akane doesn’t know his boyfriend is doing patrol, so he still follows Nene to the elevator and gets betrayed by Aoi. I wonder how she would trick him into being stabbed? She might still kiss him (?) but I don’t think so, that scene is full of romance in canon, from the way Akane holds her and she cradles his cheeks, to how he looks at her... Akane wouldn’t let that vibe happen if he was already happily dating Teru.
Using Teru as a distraction might work though, so let's suppose Aoi found something to say that would shock Akane enough to be stabbed, if that happens, I personally don’t think he would drag her to hell? Cause Akane is a romantic fool, he wanted to die with her, he couldn’t let go of his love. While I have no doubt he would still dearly love his best friend, I don’t think he would be able to focus only on her, it wouldn't be an all consuming love. He might get up from pure drive like  “I can’t die yet, Teru wouldn’t like that. But I won't let go of you either. Ever.” and try to knock Aoi out and drag her back to school somehow. He got stabbed tho, so he will faint from blood lost, get smacked by No.6 if he find a way not to... Regardless, he would fail.
But, hypothetically speaking, if he still dragged Aoi to ‘hell’ and Teru saved them, there would be more difference in Akane’s behavior than Teru, cause in canon Akane was genuinely surprised to be rescued, he respected teru but didn’t consider him a person that would go to the depts of the far chore to rescue others, even if he already knew Teru was an exorcist and this is technically his job, so his view on Teru went up in that arc. In this AU they are dating, he wouldn’t be surprised teru is a genuinely good person at his core, he would be expecting to see his boyfriend, openly delighted to see him! It will be kisses as a greeting and a fond 'took ya long enough'
Teru would be more gentle with Akane, poke the wound with his hand instead of his sword, like "you're getting blood on me" and offer his help to climb the rocky terrain. Akane will keep an eye on Aoi since she is his bff and they just had a heart-to-heart (plus the whole supernatural thing is new to her), but he won't be as clingy. At least not with her. Teru will offer to carry him and Akane will go “i’m fine, i can walk by myself” but still lean on him for support when there aren't any monsters to be slayed around.
I can’t picture Teru giving Aoi-chan side glares. He can tell Aoi regrets her actions, and he trusts Akane’s judgment, if Akane forgives Aoi, clearly happy to have worked through some of her problems, Teru won’t hold it against her (It's not like teru isn't familiar with hurting akane when he doesn't know how to handle his issues/stress even if he never went as far as to stab him). Teru also knows she will be left behind on the far shore all alone so he isn’t going to be mean to her, his attitude toward her is similar to normal.
They would still fight when Akane realizes Aoi was left behind, it will be strained but not break, cause Akane does want comfort, and while his trust was betrayed, he can see teru was right to keep the info to himself, if he had said the truth, Akane would have just panic but have no solution to offer.
the "arcade date" chap will annoy/hurt Akane greatly, cause dates with Teru are very rare (busy bastard) and this would put a somber undertone to an activity he usually really treasures. But I think the 'date' with nene's third wheeling would already be enough to smooth the strain of their relationship, cause Akane is ridiculously forgiving to those he love. When they get to the terukane chapter they are already good.
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loosesodamarble · 2 years
The Elf Family
The next family I shall introduce to you is Patry's. The family isn't the most cohesive but Patry loves each of his children dearly. His kids are: Avery, Elfrieda, and Alfred.
Avery Patrison
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His name means “ruler of elves” in Old French. He… doesn’t quite live up to that name though.
Age: 17
Birthday: June 16.
Magic Attribute: Wind/Spear. He has two attributes from being a half-elf.
Appearance: He's got pure white hair like his father's, which he style in a half-ponytail style. His eyes are green, just like his mother's according to Patry.
Personality: Avery is a relaxed young man. More often than not, he is seen with a serene smile on his face. Even in high stakes and dangerous situations, he can keep a cool head, focusing on what he can do in response rather than things that have already happened and are out of his control. He's also quite thoughtful of his loved ones. If you are friends with him, he probably knows things about that you might not even realize about yourself. He trains hard with his magic and so is confident in his abilities. He knows he can't afford to doubt himself as he has a big uphill battle to face when it comes to be accepted into human society. As relaxed as he is though, Avery is also a little on the clingy side. Growing up largely isolated in Elysia, it makes him anxious to be away from friends when he finally makes some.
The story behind Avery’s birth: Patry wanted to have children and start a family (also to rebuild the elf population) but due to not having a romantic partner, he looked for another way to have kids. Avery's mother was someone from a surrogacy service, nothing more than an egg donor. The lack of emotional connection made Patry not want to use a surrogacy service afterwards.
Avery is good friends with Alistar (@lyranova's oc), Lukian (@sailor-muno's oc), and Aecor. He's got a tense rivalry with Caelum. He's not on good terms with Dusk and Vivian despite being friends with Dawn.
When Avery turns 15, he decides to join Clover's Magic Knights. He takes residence with House Vangeance and joins the Golden Dawn squad (thanks in part to William pulling some strings...).
Avery is well-liked by birds but any other kind of animal hates his guts for seemingly no reason. He and William bond over this. Alistar is less than pleased though.
Avery visits Spade Kingdom to have King Yuno teach him Wind Magic. Bell isn’t keen on the teacher-student dynamic since she worries that Yuno will hand her off to Avery in the future.
Elfrieda Patridottir
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Her name is Germanic and means “elf strength.”
Age: 11
Birthday: April 7.
Magic Attribute: Fire/Archery. Being a half-elf has given her two attributes.
Appearance: She's got her father's silky, white hair. As a child, she wears it semi-long with little braids made from her bangs. She cuts her hair to a cute, sporty pixie cut when she's older. Her eyes are a bright pink which are from her mother.
Personality: Elfrieda is a real go-getter and can come up with clever ideas. She loves a good challenge and is always trying new things. Her imagination runs wild and she loves to chase after it. If she thinks unicorns exist, she will look for proof. It takes her a while to give up on an endeavor. And when she fails at something, she will need space to, very angrily, vent. Her Fire Magic got to her head some would say. She will make Rube Goldberg machines in her free time, she's that smart and bored. Elfrieda is the type of person that loves to be hands on. She’s not one for just watching things happen. Getting involved is her instinct. Elfrieda is also very supportive of her loved ones. She will be someone's hype girl if they need it, or even just want it. She’s got a temper and can get in over her head more often than not.
The story behind Elfrieda’s birth: Elfrieda’s mother is supposedly a worker at a bar that Rhya and Patry used to frequent. The woman became privy to the elf situation via Patry’s drunk rambles about wanting a baby sibling for his firstborn but not wanting to “use the same method as before.” She was bored and since she never planned on getting married, offered to be Patry’s baby mama. Unfortunately, when other regulars at the bar found out about the arrangement, she was fired for being a “whore.” Patry, with help from William, helped the woman get a new place of work lined up but the whole situation soured her opinion of Patry and as soon as Elfrieda was born, all contact was cut. Elfrieda doesn’t know the history of her birth (yet) and if she were to find out, she would probably try to burn down her mom’s old workplace in retaliation.
Elfrieda's best friend is Aimee. She's met Eirlys and receives books from the older girl but other than that, they're not close. She looks up to Ann for her intelligence and knows Jesse through Aimee.
Elfrieda doesn’t like how lazy Rhya is given the man’s intelligence. She’s always giving him attitude while being a sweet angel to Fana and Vetto.
Elfrieda eventually moves into Clover permanently and become a magic item inventor.
Of all of Patry's children, Elfrieda has the worst relationship with the Vermillion family as she has claimed that she will fight Fuegoleon to "take back" Salamander. It’s wasn’t anything malicious but the proclamation wasn’t taken well.
Alfred Cunningham
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His name means “elf counsel” from Germanic roots.
Age: 9
Birthday: October 1.
Magic Attribute: Sword/Shield. Let's just say Patry had a moment when Alfred's magic manifested.
Appearance: Pure white hair and golden eyes, just like his father. Or perhaps like Licht... Unlike the silky texture of Patry's hair, Alfred's is soft and fluffy, which comes from Andrea.
Personality: Alfred is a forgiving, friendly, and lighthearted person. He sees the best in people and can accept nearly everyone. Mostly because he knows how bad people can be through his father's history. Alfred thinks he can't really judge because his family's history is so complicated. He’s prone to accidents, mostly due to his love for adventure getting the better of him often. As good as he is, Afred does have a major flaw. He doesn’t like thinking about unpleasant or complicated things, pessimism is a no-no to him. And thus, he will willingly turn a blind eye to problems so his optimistic worldview doesn't have to be challenged.
The story behind Alfred’s birth: Alfred's mother is a woman by the name of Andrea Cunningham. Andrea was being forced into an arranged marriage and when she ran out of her house after an argument with her parents, she ran into Patry who was in the city to visit William. Andrea, so fed up with her situation, vented to Patry out of nowhere and he agreed to duel her suitor to earn her freedom. Patry was successful and Andrea became a free woman. Andrea offered anything in gratitude and Patry explained his desire to rebuild the elf tribe. Andrea agreed to have Patry’s child on the conditions that she was free to travel the world and could visit Elysia whenever she pleased, as she was still against being kept in one place but didn’t mind having the child as it was ultimately her choice. Patry and Andrea don’t love each other per se but they are on good terms. Alfred was even allowed to travel with his mother for a few months, that’s how much Patry trusts Andrea.
Alfred's best friend in the whole world is Naru; they're friendly rivals. He's friends with Jesse too and the two of them bond over the weird stories behind their births. He's not friendly with Ferro, it's a strong dislike between them.
Alfred will eventually become the leader of the elf tribe, he needs to grow into the role.
He once had a small crush on Filomina but her turning down his first proposal outright ended that pretty soundly.
He sometimes uses shields made from his magic to surf down hils (yeah BotW reference here). Patry panics whenever he catches Alfred doing this.
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berrymoos · 2 years
if you had to choose,
baby jonny and max duo or mike and max duo???
because both are so cute(and chaotic) and i’m having a hard time choosing because i don’t think jonny likes mike, little or not:>
he saw mike being a meanie to nancy one day and ever since he doesn’t like him, no matter how many times nancy tries to convince him mike isn’t mean he was just having a bad episode and took it out on nancy but nope, he was mean to momma so he can’t play with him ever(`Д´)
so mike sits max down one day and tells it to her straight
“ me or jonny? who’s it gonna be?”
and she doesn’t know what to do because she loves both of them and she likes playing with jonny and being cuddle buddies, but she also likes matching with mike and terrorizing the party
“ i dunno, why can’t i have both?”
“ because you can’t!”
“ why not?”
this just continues until a cg breaks them up since they’ll go all day if someone doesn’t stop them:>
IF I HAD TO CHOOSE?? HOTLIIIINE UR EVIIIL I CAN'T CHOOOOSE ヽ(`д´;)/ i need one to fall back on depending on if im in a cuddly mood or a chaos mood!!! ˚‧º·(˚ ˃̣̣̥⌓˂̣̣̥ )‧º·˚ but hsvdiebdsn imagine jonny being extra cuddly with nancy whenever mike, big or little, is around. mike's trying to talk to her & jonny abandons whatever he's doing to hug her close n pout glare at mike: "my mama."
"jonny, he was just asking me–"
"my mama!"
n mike backs off like "alright, sorry; i'll go ask someone else." mike initially thinks he's just being clingy but after seeing literally everyone else interact with nancy without jonny fervently stating she's his mama, not theirs, he realizes that is ... not the case (´⌒`;)
(i find it funny u say jonny doesn't like mike tho, bc me & @jjtheresidentbaby have a concept where those two play the same three games together all the time & max is SOOO TIRED of it, the fact they play nothing else & everyone is okay w it drives her MAD!! she's so TIRED of saving ducky & mr rabbit from a block tower, PLEASE can they just go outside!!!)
but anyways ,,, i CANNOT choose!! baby jonny & max r the cutest little cuddle buddy, whisper-shout duo, but mikey & maxie are just CHAOS, running around driving everyone insane with their antics!! they're special in their own unique ways ... so NO, hotline, i will NOT choose and i don't wanna p(╬ Ò ‸ Ó)q /lh
BUT! they're definitely has been a time where jonny, max, & mike are all little together bc of sleepovers with the gang, & mike n jonny are trying to pretty much hog max all to themselves like she's a type of toy HEIEHEKE ,, jonny's tugging one arm bc he's in a cuddly coloring mood & mike is on the other arm trying to get her to partake in the perfect prank for dustin & lucas!!
"maxiiie! wanna color 3:"
"nuh-uh! maaax, i gotsa prank idea! c'mooon!!"
"noooo, color!"
"no! prank!"
nancy and el have to physically separate the two from max bc they can see she's two more "prank-color"s and arm tugs away from screaming at them both 😭 she loves them both dearly but MAN they were getting annoying (∩´﹏`∩)
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lorirwritesfanfic · 2 years
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I posted 1,567 times in 2022
119 posts created (8%)
1,448 posts reblogged (92%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,555 of my posts in 2022
Only 1% of my posts had no tags
#a little self reblog 😉 - 152 posts
#fanfiction - 136 posts
#choicesjanuary2022 - 121 posts
#choicesmonthlychallenge - 99 posts
#comment reblog - 80 posts
#lorirwritesfanfic - 77 posts
#playchoices - 59 posts
#the royal romance - 55 posts
#choices fanart - 51 posts
#blog updates - 50 posts
Longest Tag: 138 characters
#but i know that if i start playing it i'll get sucked into that fake perfect world and ignore that i have to eat/sleep/shower/pay bills 😅
My Top Posts in 2022:
Because Of Him
Author's note: I wrote this in one sitting! Yes, that's all my notes are about. (sorry, it's been a few weeks since the last time I finished and posted a story.)
[Original characters are creations of this author. The others are owned by Pixelberry Studios]
Book: Perfect Match
Characters: Sloane Washington, Hayden Young, F!MC (Natasha Park)
Rating: G
Word count: 928
Reading time: 4 min
Summary: An incident reminds Sloane of how much Hayden (and Dipper) mean to her.
Based on the prompt: @sloanewashingtonappreciationweek​ day three: friendships
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Sloane's left knee bounces up and down as she sits on the waiting room of the veterinary hospital they always take Dipper. She always told herself she's more of a cat person, but things slowly changed when she became Hayden's handler and she had to adopt a dog for him.
The idea of getting an animal so loud, clingy and with a potential to destroy her apartment was daunting, but sacrifices had to be made. Back then, she had no idea she would come to love Hayden as dearly as she would love a younger brother or how much Dipper would grow on her. But most of all, she didn't expect to feel so emotional when it comes to either of them.
She glanced around the room, then at her wristwatch, and chewed on a nail, knee bouncing frantically. Why is it taking so long?
Just then, Natasha's beaming face pops on the screen of her phone. Then she realizes it isn't her phone. But given how hectic the night was, it doesn't surprise her that she ended up switching phones with Hayden by accident.
"Hey, Natasha..."
"Sloane? Hey! Khaan dropped by to give back your phone. He said Hamza found it on the floor of his car."
"I didn't realize I didn't have it with me until now... but thanks... How's everything there?"
"Everyone left. I just finished cleaning everything with Nadia and she went home now. Where's Hayden?"
"He went out for coffee."
"Any news on Dipper?"
"She's on a surgery right now."
"Oh... I didn't know it was that bad..."
"It kinda is..."
A brief silence settles between them.
"I'm so sorry, Sloane..."
"It's not your fault, Natasha."
"But it happened because of me."
"It's nobody's fault. You couldn't have known Dipper was going to eat your slice of cake when you left and all of us got distracted."
"Yeah... I guess..."
"Everything is going to be fine. We just have to—" Sloane trails off when the veterinarian and Hayden walk into the waiting room.
"What is it?"
"Hayden and Dipper's vet are back."
"Oh! Is the surgery over?"
"Maybe? I don't know..."
"Go ask them! I'll wait here."
Sloane puts her phone in her jacket pocket as she stands up meet them. Much to her relief, Hayden smiles when the vet puts the fourteen carat diamond ring in his palm.
"Here you go, Mr. Young."
See the full post
26 notes - Posted February 13, 2022
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Kenna Rys moodboard for @choicesaprilchallenge day one: The Crown & The Flame
36 notes - Posted April 2, 2022
Author's note: Guess who’s finally posting a For The World To Know chapter? 😁 Took me three years to get this story unstuck, so please be kind to me if you decide to comment. [Original characters are creations of this author. The others are owned by Pixelberry Studios]
Book: The Royal Romance - Book Three
Characters: Liam Rys, MC (Jade), Madeleine Amaranth, Regina Rys
Pairing: Liam Rys x MC (Jade)
Rating: T
Word count: 4887
Reading time: ~20min
Summary: As the wedding approaches, Jade will struggle with the compromises she will have to make to become Liam’s wife.
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Jade walked down the hallway leading to the main lounge of the palace, where she would decide the final details of her wedding. Though she wasn't looking forward to meeting Regina and Madeleine, any moment with her fiancé to talk about the future was still worth it. The thought of having cake and making the last adjustments about the ceremony and reception with her betrothed felt like paradise for her. Even if the other people there wouldn't allow them to enjoy this little piece of heaven for too long.
Her eyes sparkled with joy as she spotted Liam by the door talking on the phone. With a wide smile, the duchess approached her fiancé and encircled her arms around his strong frame, resting her head on his back.
"My apologies, sir, but I have a meeting to attend. Have a good day," Liam hung up, lifted Jade's hands to his lips, kissed her knuckles and turned around to gaze at her.
"You didn't have to hang up, Li. I could've waited until you finished the call."
"I could never leave my queen waiting," he said, kissing her forehead. "Are you ready for the last meeting?"
"No..." She made a face, making him chuckle. "I know what you're thinking, but it's not because it's a meeting with Madeleine and Regina. It's the last meeting."
Liam cupped her face, caressing her cheek gently. "Are you concerned about anything, my love? Are you having second thoughts?"
"No! I have no doubts about what I want. I was just thinking about our wedding. Time flew by us lately."
"Both of us are busier now, my love," Liam explained. "And I have a feeling our lives will get more hectic as the wedding approaches."
"I feel like we only see each other at courtly functions or formal meetings." Jade frowned. "We barely had any time alone this week."
"I did notice that. In that spirit, I'd like you to join me for lunch. We'll have plenty of time to talk in private. Maybe even kiss and do other things as well," he whispered as one hand rested on the small of her back.
"I'd like that. But we can start the kissing part now," the duchess suggested with a mischievous smile.
"You make a fair point as usual, my queen."
With that, Liam pulled her closer and leaned in, pressing his lips on hers. Jade tugged on his jacket and deepened the kiss. For a moment, time seemed to stand still for the two of them. But as heat began to spread within her, he pulled away.
"We should get in now," the monarch whispered, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.
"Five more minutes?" Jade looked at the King with her best smile and pleading eyes.
"We can't keep Madeleine and Regina waiting forever."
"Are you sure?"
He chuckled softly, but shook his head.
She made a face that quickly dissolved by her fiancé as he kissed her cheek a few times before they walked into the private lounge.
As the guards opened the doors for the two of them, Queen Mother Regina gave the couple a subtle glare as she sipped her tea. Madeleine looked at her golden wrist watch then reached for her tablet.
"It took long enough for the two of you to arrive." Madeleine raised an eyebrow as the couple sat on the loveseat across from her.
"My apologies, Madeleine. Though our wedding ceremony is important to us, my role as the monarch of this country and Jade's new obligations as ruler of Valtoria also demand our attention," Liam explained.
"Of course, Your Majesty," the countess replied, looking down at her tablet.
Jade glanced at her fiancé with her eyes widened, who replied with a smile and a wink.
"We're eleven minutes late, so let's not waste another moment," Queen Mother said as she signaled for the maids to serve them tea. "Shall we take a look at the menu options once again?"
Liam and Jade nodded.
See the full post
42 notes - Posted September 16, 2022
Author's note: Late submission to day two of KLAW and day eight Royal n Noble April Tea Party. Sorry, I got a cruel disease that doesn't allow me to write much. [Original characters are creations of this author. The others are owned by Pixelberry Studios]
Book: The Royal Romance
Pairing: Liam Rys x MC (Jade)
Rating: M
Word count: 434
Reading time: 2 min
Summary: "Uneasy is the head that wears the crown."¹
Based on the prompts: @kingliamappreciationweek​​ - day two: Liam the King / @choicesaprilchallenge​ - The Royal Romance/Masquerade/Heir: The Rys
Warning: This piece contains adult material (brief mention of sexual assault attempt) that may be disturbing/offensive for some people. Reader discretion is advised.
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The crowd rose to their feet when Liam walked towards the middle of the ballroom, where a platform and the throne were placed for the coronation of the future king. Wearing the royal cape and the crown he used as a prince for the last time, the young prince carried the royal scepter in one hand and the orb in the other and took his place before King Constantine so the coronation could start.
To all onlookers, it was a mystery yet not a surprise that the crown prince remained calm and solemnly took his vows, pledging himself to the service of ruling Cornodia. After the scandal that exposed the suitor believed to be the prince's favorite, anyone else in shoes would've stuttered, tripped in the middle of the room or panicked. But not him. Prince Liam wasn't the firstborn, but more than anyone else in the royal family, he was the perfect image of poise, strength and stability, traits all citizens agreed the kingdom needed.
The audience, however, often failed to see the man behind the stoic mask. While he pretended to be unaffected by the previous events of the night, deep within himself, he was hurting. His heart ached. He knew it was all a ruse. He knew about the broken lock of Jade's door. He knew that a man he once saw as a friend forced himself upon the woman he'd choose as his queen. He knew she wasn't approved by royal advisors and many would benefit from her downfall.
What the people failed to see is that he also knew her. He knew her intentions, her dreams, what she wanted out of life, and what she wanted from him. And this is precisely why it was so hard for him to stand there, become king and choose someone else when every part of him ached for her.
All his life had been planned out by others. He had accepted his fate. But now that he knew what love felt like, he was no longer the same. He was so close to having so much more than he ever hoped for and it slipped through his fingers like water. How could he keep going?
As the monarch's crown was placed on his head, he recalled a moment he had with her. She mentioned how the crown looked heavy in pictures and he explained the meaning behind its heaviness. Wearing the crown came with big responsibilities and he understood that much from a very young age. What he didn't know was how uneasy he would feel when that moment came at last.
¹ Shakespeare, William. Henry IV, Part II. 1600
44 notes - Posted April 18, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
I say ignorance is bliss, but when I see someone so ignorant to the point they don't know who to vote for today when the choices are a man that made Brazil the 6th most powerful economy in the 00's and a troglodyte that publicly mocked the people dying from COVID-19, I'm like
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47 notes - Posted October 30, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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fumikomiyasaki · 2 years
Carol & Damián
Kisses with meaning
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She was a little nervous approaching Damián on this event... sure she loved him dearly but these kisses allowed her feelings to be on full display and she didn’t want to seem weird or make him think she is too clingy... still she made her way to his dorm and shortly asked him to come with her.
“Mi Amor, you needed me?”
“You know what kind of event is going on today right... I wanted to give you the kisses you deserve.”
He showed her a soft smile and sat back on the bed behind him so she could reach him everywhere. She took a deep breath before starting to think about what to do. And then she gave him her kisses, from the Fingertips, to the knees and stomach, the palm of his hand, his nose and then his lips lastly.... making him smile at her with a blush.
“I am glad you care about me this much, Mi Amor but... I can’t except all this without giving you some back.”
“Ahh...” Feeling some kisses back from him, loving yet soft, kissing most of the same spot as her as well as adding a neck and kiss over her chest... made her a red mess that melted in his arms... somewhat feeling overwhelmed yet very happy by each of them... smiling happily and in the end pulling him closer with the lip kiss.
“I... am so glad to have you in my life... Mi Corazón.”
“I feel the same about you Mi Amor... would you mind if I can keep you a little more for now.”
“Of course... I will love to give you any affection and touches  I can.”
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artekai · 2 years
OH I wanna know the answer to so many of these.. but especially 1, 2, 4, 23, and 24! ╰(*°▽°*)╯
Thanks a lot, Leel!! :D Sorry for taking so long to get to these, I got busy with stuff and ended up clocking out for the day haha but! I'm finally here now :')
1. Your first OC ever?
Ahh, counting or not counting the childhood pretend play ones? 🤔 I described one of those here once so I won't count them this time lol. That would make my first human OC a one-dimensional self-insert I'd rather not acknowledge lol. And my first fandomless OCs were, iirc, a group of demigod siblings, I think. The ones I personally would consider my first proper OCs were this really clueless guy with medium powers and his ghost girlfriend with no social skills, haha. Those were a funny couple.
2. Do you have a personal favourite among your OCs?
Oh, Kai, my dearly beloved 🥰🥰🥰 No question 🥺
4. A character you rarely talk about?
Ahh, there's a bunch of OCs I wanna give more love to, I just don't know what to say about them 👉👈
There's two in particular (Sunne and a vampire OC that I've not completely settled on a name for) that make appearances in the RTC AU, so I really wanna work some more on that and give those two a bit of the spotlight they deserve :3
But, for now, I'll give you a little introduction to Sunne! :D Her pronouns are she/they and she's a bright, fun-loving demon with a bad case of Evil Boredom. They're chill and friendly and humans are like funny little creatures to them :) And they're hopelessly in love with a certain angel 🥰
23. Introduce OC that has changed from your first idea concerning what the character would be like?
Fross has changed so much it surprises me. I've definitely fumbled a lot trying to make sense of his character, taking the main character traits I started with and trying to piece them together and explain them in the setting and it's a whole thing 😩 If he's ever OOC, don't worry about that, people change a lot in a thousand years :')
OG Fross was definitely a lot less mean, a lot less apathetic, and a lot more normal. I think the main things about him that survived were that he's heads over heels for Kai, he's super clingy and jealous (I remember thinking "wow, he's even clingier than Kai!" lol), he can't defend himself to save his life, he's picky, he doesn't like admitting he's wrong, and he really really really wants to get stabbed by Kai.
And it's frustrating because I still don't feel like I have a consistent enough characterization for him, and every time I think I've found the key that holds it all together it's not enough 😔 But I do like what I have going on with him! To me, just the fact that shipping him with someone other than Kai is a possibility that makes sense, and that I can imagine how he would interact with other characters, makes me go "oh, he's come so far" :') His first defined character trait was "in love with Kai," so it's saying a lot!
The main defining factor for the path he took as a character was probably becoming a Zenith. I really wonder who he would've become if I had made him Carja or Quen instead 🤔 My guess is he'd be nicer and less morally bankrupt. At least I wouldn't think about the Zeniths nearly as much as I do lmfao 😭
24. If you could meet one OC of yours, who would it be and why?
Not to be bisexual but I would let Dailah experiment on me 😳
For real though, Kai is definitely the strongest contender 👉👈 Dailah comes in second, haha. But I would love to meet any of them!!! :D Except Rae. They're scary :(
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