peopleinahurry · 3 years
Feminism isn’t about choice. The problem isn’t whether to eat apples or oranges in your cage, it’s the cage.
Millie Migritte.
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peopleinahurry · 3 years
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peopleinahurry · 3 years
30 seconds of scrolling through Chrissy bimbo tiktok girls twitter makes me wish i had Fiona Apple on speed dial... there’s no hope for us it feels like sometimes
i try to be understanding and sympathetic (in a right wing women by dworkin way) towards women who promote patriarchy but sometimes i have to draw the line. it's unacceptable that being a "bimbo" is being marketed as "empowering" to gen z. i truly can't find any sympathy for women who promote an idea so misogynistic, capitalist, and degrading. my thoughts are summed up by these tweets.
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peopleinahurry · 3 years
If I put all the energy and time I spend thinking about men into a hobby or work I would be unbelievably good at it already smh
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peopleinahurry · 3 years
u know what i constantly think about
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peopleinahurry · 3 years
I love when women are like “you must be ugly to be so anti hookup culture and anti plastic surgery and anti makeup” Good try but i’m sorry i’m one of the few women that’s just straight up not going to work on. I have swaggering gorilla dick confidence and you cannot shame me back into line. You’re just going to have to shoot me
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peopleinahurry · 3 years
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thread from ContrarianQuinn on Twitter about her experience in the sex industry, you can read the rest here
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peopleinahurry · 4 years
The switch from the Paris Hilton era of beauty standards to the kardashian era of beauty standards gave me whiplash. It’s so fucked up that the expectations for women’s bodies change like clothing trends, but men have literally always had the same beauty standards basically. When I was 13, women were supposed to be stick thin and have no hips, and two years later we were supposed to be “slim thick” and it literally changes like every ten years. It’s an impossible game - if you were super hot in 2006, then it was physiologically impossibly for you to be super hot in 2016 because it required different fucking bone structure. All men are ever required to do to meet current beauty standards is be kinda tall (but wasn’t Tom cruise the “sexiest man alive” at one point?) and be in shape. Always. That’s it. A man who was considered hot a thousand years ago would still be hot! But women are supposed to radically change ourselves every decade, if we want to be beautiful. Fuck that.
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peopleinahurry · 4 years
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peopleinahurry · 4 years
sometimes I hate how much modern clothing is determined to show women’s bodies
like if it’s not skimpy, it’s skin-tight- leggings, skinny jeans, bodycon dresses, etc.
doing historical costuming has made me hyper-aware of just how “on display” my body is when I’m wearing normal modern outfits, and it affects my behavior. don’t bend over to pick things up at work because men will stare at your ass. sit differently so you don’t show stomach rolls. a guy running a pop-up stand next to my shop commented so much on how I had “great legs” that I didn’t wear leggings and skirts- one of my favorite winter outfit combinations -for the rest of the season
there’s a certain freedom in medium-to-long skirts and skirt supports, I find: the freedom to define what people see of my body. men won’t stop being creepy no matter what women wear, but I like that kind of dramatic body re-framing. you don’t get to see my legs and hips, Creepy Guys. you get to see a massive bell skirt, or a bustle, or an upended trumpet flower shape. my body is to be seen only by those I’ve chosen to trust, not the world at large
of course, empowerment is different for different women. some feel comfortable and powerful showing as much of their shape as possible, and I applaud them in doing exactly that. what pisses me off is the pressure from the fashion industry for all of us to be empowered by the same thing…a thing that just so happens to tie in with the diet industry and the cosmetics industry. it’s easier to sell the idea that you have to be hairless and smooth and thin and blemish-free when it’s all on display
sometimes I just wish I could go about in a hoop skirt and a t-shirt that says “fuck off” in delicate script
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peopleinahurry · 4 years
I know Tumblr will probably hate me for saying this, but not reading books written by male authors purely because they’re male is sexist as fuck.
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peopleinahurry · 4 years
When I was little my mom’s meatloaf was my favorite food. But ONLY her meatloaf. I didn’t like anyone else’s, and she told me that she would teach me how to make it when I was older. And when I was like 19? She finally taught me, but she told me never to tell anyone else and I was like weird but okay
Anyway, she was super fucking homophobic and abusive to me when I told her I was gay, so here’s the recipe
4-6 lbs of Hamburger/turkey burger
1 pk onion soup mix OR ranch mix
1 TBs ketchup
1 Tbs spicy brown mustard,
1 Tbs bbq sauce
1 Tbs steak sauce
1 egg
mix, shape into a loaf in a big pan, and bake at 350 for 2 hrs (maybe 2 and a half if you’re feeling dangerous)
You can get almost all of these ingredients at the dollar store, and have leftovers if it’s just you. The leftovers make great tacos if (taco seasoning is also like a dollar). Enjoy your revenge loaf
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peopleinahurry · 4 years
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peopleinahurry · 4 years
Men who refrain from misogynistic comments until a woman does something rude or immoral or mean are in fact regular old misogynists! Actually, a lot of the time those men’s passion arises primarily not from condemnation of her actions, but from EXCITEMENT at getting to express their misogyny in an “acceptable” format. Well guess what asshole, anyone with a brain can see through your bullshit, and I personally hate you.
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peopleinahurry · 4 years
Please, I see all this talk about moving in silence, and almost immediately after all the cats are out of the bag.
I cannot say this kindly, SHUT UP. We don’t need to know every aspect of your life. We don’t need to know what your plans are KEEP IT TO YOURSELF.
People are ruthless. No matter how happy they say they are, they will ALWAYS be jealous of your success. Especially if you’re doing better than them. All anyone ever wants to be is on top. They will try and tear you down. The smartest decision is to keep your life hidden.
By doing so, you can celebrate your wins in peace, along with recovering from your loses in peace.
It’s exhausting to listen to people’s lives, I frankly don’t like talking about my plans because I would rather not spoil it.
Rather than having someone spoil your future because they knew your next move, why not have them marvel at how you’ve pulled it off?
My best advice is to MOVE IN SILENCE.
We do not need to know what your plans are
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peopleinahurry · 4 years
“The most dangerous thing a woman can possess is self-worth. Liking her own body, trusting her own instincts, valuing her own time and company, thinking she’s interesting and special, entering business and personal relationships based only on mutual benefit and respect. Sometimes this leads to advertisers having no idea how to corner us. If we don’t hate ourselves, how will we know what to buy? Sometimes self-worth leads to violence against us. Sometimes, though, self-worth sets us free.”
— Margaret Lyons, The Find Yourself Beauty of Shrill (via howtofightloneliness)
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peopleinahurry · 4 years
Random Fact #1,077
Men between the ages of 20 and 29.7 father 39% of babies born to 15-year-old teen moms.
Yet despite grown men fathering a significant portion of children born to teens, society presents underage teens as the problem rather than the adults who commit statutory rape.
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