#avery patrison
loosesodamarble · 2 years
The Elf Family
The next family I shall introduce to you is Patry's. The family isn't the most cohesive but Patry loves each of his children dearly. His kids are: Avery, Elfrieda, and Alfred.
Avery Patrison
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His name means “ruler of elves” in Old French. He… doesn’t quite live up to that name though.
Age: 17
Birthday: June 16.
Magic Attribute: Wind/Spear. He has two attributes from being a half-elf.
Appearance: He's got pure white hair like his father's, which he style in a half-ponytail style. His eyes are green, just like his mother's according to Patry.
Personality: Avery is a relaxed young man. More often than not, he is seen with a serene smile on his face. Even in high stakes and dangerous situations, he can keep a cool head, focusing on what he can do in response rather than things that have already happened and are out of his control. He's also quite thoughtful of his loved ones. If you are friends with him, he probably knows things about that you might not even realize about yourself. He trains hard with his magic and so is confident in his abilities. He knows he can't afford to doubt himself as he has a big uphill battle to face when it comes to be accepted into human society. As relaxed as he is though, Avery is also a little on the clingy side. Growing up largely isolated in Elysia, it makes him anxious to be away from friends when he finally makes some.
The story behind Avery’s birth: Patry wanted to have children and start a family (also to rebuild the elf population) but due to not having a romantic partner, he looked for another way to have kids. Avery's mother was someone from a surrogacy service, nothing more than an egg donor. The lack of emotional connection made Patry not want to use a surrogacy service afterwards.
Avery is good friends with Alistar (@lyranova's oc), Lukian (@sailor-muno's oc), and Aecor. He's got a tense rivalry with Caelum. He's not on good terms with Dusk and Vivian despite being friends with Dawn.
When Avery turns 15, he decides to join Clover's Magic Knights. He takes residence with House Vangeance and joins the Golden Dawn squad (thanks in part to William pulling some strings...).
Avery is well-liked by birds but any other kind of animal hates his guts for seemingly no reason. He and William bond over this. Alistar is less than pleased though.
Avery visits Spade Kingdom to have King Yuno teach him Wind Magic. Bell isn’t keen on the teacher-student dynamic since she worries that Yuno will hand her off to Avery in the future.
Elfrieda Patridottir
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Her name is Germanic and means “elf strength.”
Age: 11
Birthday: April 7.
Magic Attribute: Fire/Archery. Being a half-elf has given her two attributes.
Appearance: She's got her father's silky, white hair. As a child, she wears it semi-long with little braids made from her bangs. She cuts her hair to a cute, sporty pixie cut when she's older. Her eyes are a bright pink which are from her mother.
Personality: Elfrieda is a real go-getter and can come up with clever ideas. She loves a good challenge and is always trying new things. Her imagination runs wild and she loves to chase after it. If she thinks unicorns exist, she will look for proof. It takes her a while to give up on an endeavor. And when she fails at something, she will need space to, very angrily, vent. Her Fire Magic got to her head some would say. She will make Rube Goldberg machines in her free time, she's that smart and bored. Elfrieda is the type of person that loves to be hands on. She’s not one for just watching things happen. Getting involved is her instinct. Elfrieda is also very supportive of her loved ones. She will be someone's hype girl if they need it, or even just want it. She’s got a temper and can get in over her head more often than not.
The story behind Elfrieda’s birth: Elfrieda’s mother is supposedly a worker at a bar that Rhya and Patry used to frequent. The woman became privy to the elf situation via Patry’s drunk rambles about wanting a baby sibling for his firstborn but not wanting to “use the same method as before.” She was bored and since she never planned on getting married, offered to be Patry’s baby mama. Unfortunately, when other regulars at the bar found out about the arrangement, she was fired for being a “whore.” Patry, with help from William, helped the woman get a new place of work lined up but the whole situation soured her opinion of Patry and as soon as Elfrieda was born, all contact was cut. Elfrieda doesn’t know the history of her birth (yet) and if she were to find out, she would probably try to burn down her mom’s old workplace in retaliation.
Elfrieda's best friend is Aimee. She's met Eirlys and receives books from the older girl but other than that, they're not close. She looks up to Ann for her intelligence and knows Jesse through Aimee.
Elfrieda doesn’t like how lazy Rhya is given the man’s intelligence. She’s always giving him attitude while being a sweet angel to Fana and Vetto.
Elfrieda eventually moves into Clover permanently and become a magic item inventor.
Of all of Patry's children, Elfrieda has the worst relationship with the Vermillion family as she has claimed that she will fight Fuegoleon to "take back" Salamander. It’s wasn’t anything malicious but the proclamation wasn’t taken well.
Alfred Cunningham
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His name means “elf counsel” from Germanic roots.
Age: 9
Birthday: October 1.
Magic Attribute: Sword/Shield. Let's just say Patry had a moment when Alfred's magic manifested.
Appearance: Pure white hair and golden eyes, just like his father. Or perhaps like Licht... Unlike the silky texture of Patry's hair, Alfred's is soft and fluffy, which comes from Andrea.
Personality: Alfred is a forgiving, friendly, and lighthearted person. He sees the best in people and can accept nearly everyone. Mostly because he knows how bad people can be through his father's history. Alfred thinks he can't really judge because his family's history is so complicated. He’s prone to accidents, mostly due to his love for adventure getting the better of him often. As good as he is, Afred does have a major flaw. He doesn’t like thinking about unpleasant or complicated things, pessimism is a no-no to him. And thus, he will willingly turn a blind eye to problems so his optimistic worldview doesn't have to be challenged.
The story behind Alfred’s birth: Alfred's mother is a woman by the name of Andrea Cunningham. Andrea was being forced into an arranged marriage and when she ran out of her house after an argument with her parents, she ran into Patry who was in the city to visit William. Andrea, so fed up with her situation, vented to Patry out of nowhere and he agreed to duel her suitor to earn her freedom. Patry was successful and Andrea became a free woman. Andrea offered anything in gratitude and Patry explained his desire to rebuild the elf tribe. Andrea agreed to have Patry’s child on the conditions that she was free to travel the world and could visit Elysia whenever she pleased, as she was still against being kept in one place but didn’t mind having the child as it was ultimately her choice. Patry and Andrea don’t love each other per se but they are on good terms. Alfred was even allowed to travel with his mother for a few months, that’s how much Patry trusts Andrea.
Alfred's best friend in the whole world is Naru; they're friendly rivals. He's friends with Jesse too and the two of them bond over the weird stories behind their births. He's not friendly with Ferro, it's a strong dislike between them.
Alfred will eventually become the leader of the elf tribe, he needs to grow into the role.
He once had a small crush on Filomina but her turning down his first proposal outright ended that pretty soundly.
He sometimes uses shields made from his magic to surf down hils (yeah BotW reference here). Patry panics whenever he catches Alfred doing this.
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lyranova · 3 years
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At 19 At 24
Basic Information:
Name: Alistar Vangeance
Age: 19-28
Birthday: January 25th
Blood Type: O
Love Interest: Hikari Yami (or Sukehiro 😆)
Birthplace: Clover Kingdom
Current Location: Clover Kingdom
Affinity: World Plant Magic
Height: 5’7” or 172cm
Build: Average and Lean
Eye Color: Blue
Hair: Short, White, messy like his mothers. At 24 he let’s it grow out longer and keeps it in a messy bun (think Eren Yeager 😆)
Clothing: A Golden Dawn uniform, but he usually wears the short cape instead of the longer one until he gets older.
Alistar is a soft spoken young man who loves plants and wildlife, he tends to keep to himself unless he knows you well. He is very polite like his father, but he can be a bit mischievous like his mother. He tends to get quite a few admirers for his looks, both in the form of Magic Knights and civilians, but he doesn’t really notice them until someone points it out and gets quite shy whenever someone does. He is very close to his Aunt’s and Uncle’s as well as to Hikari Yami and Leon and Cyraleona Vermillion, and Avery Patrison since they’re all around the same age. He is also very close to some of the younger kids such as Vivian Faust and Miku Grinberryall. The younger kids call him the ‘father’ or ‘older brother’ friend of the group since he tries to take care of them and keep them all in line.
Varies in each AU
• Is an only child
• Is terrified of birds
• Likes being around Hikari, Leon, Cyraleona, and Avery. Sometimes Josslyn as well.
•Has a younger half-brother named Jayle in the White Clover AU
• Has a younger brother named Sebastian, and three younger sisters named Daisy, Sunni, and Mavis in the “Zera Lives!AU”.
•Loves making puns
• Has a fierce temper that is rarely seen
• Has a crush on Hikari
• Prefers being at the Golden Dawn base
• His favorite flowers are Spider Lilies
Taglist: @eme-eleff @crazyclownthanos @jovialnoise (because you said I was gonna make you simp for him hehe)
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