#that was a genuinely uncomfortable sequence
carol looks like ur granny but she will describe a scenario to u that is SO SCARY 👀👀
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squipedmew · 8 months
Finished entry 65.
I’m going to need 2-3 business days to recover
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soapyghostie · 7 months
I love all these slasher posts✨ especially the Sawyer brothers ones ❤ can you do one where when sleeping on their bed their S/O literally falls off in the middle of their sleep and what their reactions will be?😭 idk why i feel like that would be hilarious <3
Here’s the request I promised y’all earlier. Another one that’s been in my inbox for months. Enjoy!
Bubba Sawyer
Bubba is a heavy sleeper: working all those long hard hours in that Texas heat results in extreme exhaustion for him by the end of the day. Once Bubba is asleep, he initially doesn’t even notice when you, unknowingly due to you also being asleep, roll off the bed onto the floor. 
When he eventually wakes up and feels that your side of the bed is empty, Bubba panics through squeals of distress, thinking something terrible has happened to you. He’ll scramble out of bed to end up finding you fast asleep on the floor. This makes Bubba feel so much better, knowing you're okay. However, sleeping on the floor just won’t due and he must get you back on the comfy bed so you can get more comfortable rest. 
Bubba bends down to pick your sleeping form off of the floor and back onto the bed. Then he rearranges the bed around you, ensuring there’s plenty of space between the both of you (just in case he accidentally pumps you off), fashioning a makeshift barrier of pillows to prevent you from rolling off. Bubba will also wrap your sleeping form in one of his homemade blankets he crafted in his freetime when doing one of his “hobbies.”
When he’s satisfied with tucking you back in, Bubba will crawl back into bed and drape an arm around your figure to secure you from rolling off the bed again. From that night forward, Bubba will train himself to become a light sleeper, allowing him to become subconsciously aware of your movements to prevent you from falling off the bed again. 
Nubbins Sawyer
Nubbins would initially sleep through your unfortunate sequence of events of you falling off the bed until he hears a loud thump. He’ll wake up to the sound, sitting up abruptly, blinking in confusion before realizing you're nowhere on the bed anymore and breaking into a mischievous grin. 
Nubbins will pull out his camera and start taking pictures of your limp sleeping form twisted in the weirdest and uncomfortable sleeping possible you’d ever see. Once he had his fun, he’ll shake you awake as hard as he can, ending with you probably getting angry at him and chewing him out for waking you up. When you realize you are laying on the floor, Nubbins will most likely start teasing you with playful remarks, joking about your “gravity-defying escape” from the bed. 
However, underneath the playful banter, Nubbins is genuinely worried about you, checking to make sure you didn’t hurt yourself on the way down to the floor. He’ll even offer to help you get back onto the bed. Nubbins will also use this opportunity to recount some bizarre bedtime stories of his brothers to lighten up the mood, helping you forget the initial embarrassment of your fall. His laughter will echo through the room as he regales you with tales of sleepwalking or bed-flipping mishaps from his experiences. 
Once you're all tucked in, Nubbins will settle back into bed, cuddling up to you with a twinkle in his eye and that goofy grin he always has, ready to take more peculiar adventures with you tomorrow. 
ChopTop Sawyer
ChopTop jolts awake to the sound of your body hitting the floor almost immediately, his wild hair standing on head as he assesses the situation. When he realizes you fell off the bed, rather than showing immediate concern, ChopTop will burst into a fit of laughter, finding the situation highly amusing and entertaining. 
You’ll wake up to him right next to you poking you. Once ChopTop notices that you're awake, he’ll start teasing the hell out of you, making crude dark and twisted jokes. He’s trying to push you over the edge to try and get a reaction out of you. It’s like him encouraging you to punch him at this point: I wouldn’t blame you if you did though. 
Deep down, he would be worried about you. ChopTop checks you for any bruises or injuries while making more jokes showing both concern and amusement. He’s really trying to hide that softer side of himself that he has for you. He needs to be manly and not all soft and mushy like a little girl. God Damnit (Y/N)! 
Once he knows you're alright and don’t have any sort of injury, ChopTop will go back to his normal self and brush off any sort of concern he had for you. He’ll even suggest turning the accident into a funny story, weaving a narrative about the legendary “bed diver” in his signature storytelling style. His laughter lingers in the air as he gently helps you back up into the bed. Is that a hint of nervousness that I hear in that laugh ChopTop? As you both settle back down, he will continue to try and entertain you with bizarre anecdotes and offbeat humor as he wraps a protective arm around you as you fall soundly to sleep. wink
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 1 year
May I please have a Wally with a reader that is somehow sentient and aware with knowing they've somehow got stuck in this tv show and are heavely aware Wally has something to do with it?
So they're extra closed up about themselves, stay home a lot to avoid the puppets in overly social gathering (like they can handle two or three of them but not all at once as it's too overwhelming with happy shizzles and stuff), yet that doesn't mean they don't talk at all to them. They don't keep their mouth shut either when something's bothering them, like when they get annoyed when Wally stares too long at them and makes a comment about it or genuinely admit they dislike Home with how disturbing it seems to them.
Wally somehow doesn't mind as he's genuinely interested in them and wants to become their friend as best as possible, not for any reason with manipulation, just pure friendly business. But as the reader knows he's the main star of the show they're forced to play in, they know the camera follows him almost always, thus they avoid him like the plague which causes a cat and mouse play between you two. Wally trying to get closer to you with perhaps making paintings and gifts for you while you just casually dip out of there while somehow looking like you don't hate him.
(It would be even funnier if you somehow became the second favorite character of the show as you stand out a lot with your attitude and being the only human being there, perhaps even attracting teens to watch the show with your remarks at the puppets for a certain someone not even having a nose or eyebrows and your monotone voice singing and having no energy with dancing once you somehow get stuck in a song sequence with the others (kind of like red guy from dhmis)
Funny thing is, sadly for Wally, is that you get along well with Frank and Eddie as they're the more calm ones, Eddie still joyfull a lot, but more calmer than Julie and Howdy perhaps are.
So there's Wally, staring with the most confused and slight jealous eyes as he watches you joke around and actually smile with the duo/couple(?) while you always give him a frown that's somehow even deeper than Franks.
Sorry for the slight ramble and long explanation (I'm a fanfic writer myself), just wanted to give a summary of how I see it and wondering how you'd think this would work out.
Btw, reader doesn't hate Wally, they're just warry and uncomfortable with his stares and Home in general, and with the knowledge that's he's one of the reasons they're stuck here. They soften up to him a little eventually, like letting him hug them shortly or talking more casual with him, but no way he ever sees them entering his house.
This was so long I'm so sorry.
Anyway, have a great day/night!
Oh don't worry I think this is a great idea! I like how fleshed-out it is!
You have only spent a week in the neighborhood...before realizing something was terribly, terribly wrong with the world surrounding you.
At first, this place seemed like nothing but sunshine and rainbows--full of fun, joy, color, and friendship. A place that one could only dream of living in all their life, free of worry or strife.
It felt comforting and safe, so when you started having these weird feelings that not everything was as it seemed..you figured you were just nervous about settling into a new place.
But when the folks here asked where you were from, you'd end up drawing a blank...starting to question where you really did come from. So you'd simply tell them you're just "out of town" and leave it at that, although you always sounded uncertain about it.
And there's something else that was especially peculiar: every activity the neighbors did almost always stopped at the end of the day. It seemed strange to you since there's plenty of things you could do. Like campfires or stargazing!
So one evening, you asked all of your neighbors why they rarely hung out during the night, and they had relatively normal responses: Eddie says it's tricky to deliver mail at nighttime; Howdy was too tired from working at the bugdega all day; Barnaby and Sally had to plan their next stunts, tricks, and plays; Julie and Frank wanted to get their "beauty sleep"; and Poppy needed to take care of things back at the barn.
All seemed to be perfectly reasonable answers...
Until you got to Wally.
He looked as though he was ready to respond...only to fall quiet and stare off into space, as though he was in another world. But the fact that his pupils seemed to dilate gave you the chills for some reason, and you calmly tried snapping him out of his trance.
Then he did, and quietly said something about Home "disliking" it whenever he stays out too late. And he bid you goodnight before leaving.
That exchange was the moment you realized something was very off about him beyond his staring habits. It's like he didn't know exactly what to say.
As if...it's such an unusual question for him, but normal to you.
And out of nowhere, the truth hit you like a truck:
This whole place was just one big TV show, with all of you trapped inside as the unwitting stars who were meant to follow certain "scripts" during your daily interactions.
You don't know how or why you knew that, but it became clearer when you constantly got the feeling that your movements were being watched.
You could sense eyes on you even when you were alone.
And sometimes you'd hear indistinguishable voices of adults and children alike while you slept, unable to discern whether they were merely in your dream or existed in reality. It must have been the former, considering none of the other neighbors said they heard anything.
To you, these people...these "viewers", sounded like they were in a faraway land--an unreachable place where you couldn't call out to them for answers no matter how hard you tried.
You knew nothing about them, but they knew everything about you.
Your character had become so fascinating to them from the moment you arrived in the humble neighborhood. You've actually become the second favorite almost instantly, given the uniqueness you've brought to the colorful cast as a human merely wearing an average-sized costume.
They've observed that your personality makes you relatable to young teens, attracting them to the show. Many of them got some chuckles out of your dry and semi-self aware humor (in that you'd joke about how Wally's missing his eyebrows and nose when everybody else has them). It was an immediate hit.
Even when you got pulled into some silly musical number with the rest of the gang, you just spoke in monotone and put lackluster energy into dancing when the camera panned over to you--much to the dismay of your "neighbors".
The viewers just couldn't get enough of you. They adored you.
And they can't stop watching.
You, on the other hand, weren't aware that you were so popular...and quite frankly, you didn't want to be. It terrified you.
So for a while, to protect your own sanity, you began attending less and less social events, not wanting to overwhelm yourself. You've declined invitations to Sally's and Barnaby's shows, which made you feel kinda bad..but you were just so fearful of everything at the time.
Were any of them aware of their circumstances, too?
You had no idea, and it would probably make you sound like a crazy person if you told them how you really felt.
The only other person to show any sort of "deviance" was...Wally himself.
You didn't know why, but you felt like he had something to do with the situation you're in. Especially given his odd response to you that evening and the fact that...he just apparently loved to stare so much, watching you just like the audience did.
It didn't help that whenever you talked to him or he tried approaching you, you got the chilling feeling that you were being perceived by the audience--as if somebody was holding a camera over your shoulder, wanting to capture every moment the "main character" spent with you.
You'd prefer to spend as little time in the spotlight as possible.
However, being anxious about this world didn't mean you weren't a bit mouthy towards other things you disliked. You were known for being blunt and sometimes a "realist", shrugging of whatever crocodile tears the others may give you just for the crime of being honest and true to yourself.
So yes...you'd always call out Wally if he was staring at you for a prolonged period of time, or if he tried persuading you to say hello to Home if you happened to pass by the sentient house.
Your response? Straight up "no thank you, it creeps me out and I don't like how its window-eye things are looking at me."
The audience may laugh, but it's the truth.
That building scares you.
Despite all of this, though...Wally didn't seem to bothered by it. He likened your sarcastic quips to Frank's, so that was never an issue with him. If anything, he was genuinely trying to help you feel right at home in the neighborhood, hoping to become a friend you could trust and rely on if you needed anything.
It'll just take you a bit more time to adjust, and that's alright!
Sure, maybe his stares were strange to you and Home was well...Home. He understood why those things might seem scary to a new neighbor.
But then again, that's how everybody else acted when he first met them, and now they were all good friends!
He's sure you'll fit right in and find true happiness here. So he made it his mission to befriend you without coming on too strongly, inviting you to quiet picnics and painting lessons, calling you on the phone, and even showing up at your doorstep with gifts.
He even made sure to tell his neighbors to give you space, though he was really hoping you'd stop being afraid of him the longer you spent around him alone.
But while you accepted his presents and showed up to his invites...you just couldn't let your guard down around him. You never looked happy or relaxed, and didn't stay long, usually cutting your time together short under the guise that you forgot to do something important and had to leave now.
Your latest excuse was that you forgot to "walk your fish" even though you owned no such pet. You were a terrible liar, but Wally believed you anyways.
He was a patient man, so he'll wait how ever long it took to befriend you.
"Alright, Home..today I'm gonna gift [y/n] my finest work thus far! Do you think they'll like it?"
Pausing, Wally listened for the creaks of approval and squeaks of reassurances, smiling when he heard them, although Home noted something else.
"Haha..you're right. Silly me. It needs more time to dry..or else the paint will just smudge and make it a not-so-nice gift. Sorry, I'm just excited, is all.." He chuckled awkwardly.
After setting the canvas back on the easel, he wandered over to the window and peered outside, humming a small tune to himself as he rested his arms on the sill.
It took him all day and all night to paint the perfect picture of your favorite animal---which he learned about from an off-handed comment you made a few days ago. His memory was sharp, remembering all the details about the creature, and he believed you'll love what he created as a result!
Surely now you'll see that he's not all that bad. Otherwise he'd be lost on how to convince you.
However, he noticed a rather...surprising sight from across the street, one that even Home had to confirm was happening so he didn't think he was going crazy.
You were actually out and about, having a casual chat with Frank, asking how he got together with Eddie before bumping into said mailman on the sidewalk.
Wally couldn't make out what any of you three were discussing, but Eddie must have said something humorous, as it made Frank groan and hide his blushing face. And you just chuckled and shook your head, patting the latter's back sympathetically.
He felt his heart sink.
You were talking to the couple--joking around, smiling, and genuinely enjoying their company. As if you've known them all your life.
Yet anytime he's even near you in any capacity, he's met with frowns deeper than Frank's and constant excuses to get away from him. Like he was some kind of pest or scary monster.
He didn't understand what he was doing wrong.
Of course, he's happy you're getting along with some of the neighbors, no longer being so shut-in...but it hurt to know he's still stuck struggling, literally begging you to be his friend.
"..no, Home. I'm not jealous. What gives you that idea?"
Swallowing the lump in his throat, Wally looked back at the easel, sighing. Part of him wanted to just throw the whole canvas out the window, but....he shook off the feeling, forcing a smile.
He wanted you to have it, even if you didn't like him that much.
So when he saw you finally parting ways with Eddie and Frank, he decided to head over to your house about an hour later, assuming you were gonna be there and needed to recharge from socializing.
He put on his best cardigan and made sure his hair was neat before heading out the door with the small canvas tucked under his arm, covered by a protective sheet. He wouldn't wanna spoil the surprise for you, after all..even if you anticipated it being yet another painting.
For some reason, the sky was grayer than usual today..meaning it's probably gonna rain on his parade.
But he didn't let that deter him.
After arriving to your house, he knocked three times, in a certain rhythm that you've distinctively recognized as him being at the door.
But he was surprised when you opened it right away. "Oh heya, Wally. What's up?"
"Ohh nothing much, neighbor." He chuckled. "May I..come in? I promise I won't stay long-"
"It's cool. It looks like it's gonna rain anyways. Wouldn't wanna ruin your "beautiful" hair now, huh?" With a coy smirk, you let him come inside the house, shutting the door behind you as you turned around to see what be brought you this time.
He looked shocked, almost, standing there like a fish out of water. You invited him in without hesitation...though he tried not getting his hopes up too high.
You're just trying to be polite. In a few minutes you're gonna kick him out for some silly reason.
Shifting your gaze away from his uncomfortable stare, you looked at the painting in his hands, tilting your head. "I guess that's for me.."
Nodding, Wally handed you the canvas, watching you remove the small sheet to see it was a painting of your favorite animal. Your eyes lit up, impressed by the amount of details that went into this one, before looking back up at him. "Wow, man..this is....awesome. How long did it take you?"
"Not very long!" He suddenly chirped, hands clasped together with excitement. "I just hope it fits nicely in your collection! A-Assuming....you...have one...that is..."
Bit by bit, his words began to fall flat with uncertainty, before he completely dropped the act, shoulders slumped.
Why did he bother trying anymore? What was the point?
You noticed his odd mood shift. "Wally? What's wrong?"
"..nothing, neighbor.." Sighing, he hung his head low, a cloud of doom and gloom manifesting over him as he shuffled towards the door. He felt like going back to Home and curling up in a corner somewhere. "I'll...see you later-"
He stopped and looked over his shoulder, still feeling quite depressed but willing to listen to whatever you wanted to say.
You set the painting on a nearby table, approaching him with your heart constrained with guilt. "Look, Wally..I know you think I hate you or something, but...that's not true."
"It...isn't?" He blinked.
"I'm sorry if I gave you that impression. There's just been...a lot of my mind lately. Things I can't really talk about just yet..I-I don't know. It's hard to explain. But the point is...I really do wanna be your friend. I guess I'm just...a very "guarded" person if that makes sense."
Although Wally was staring at you yet again, you didn't break eye contact, wanting him to know you're being genuine here. "I don't open up easy, but I know you've...helped me a lot, and I appreciate that. I do keep your paintings and I do feel bad for being a jerk to you sometimes. So...think you can forgive me? I'll even allow this if you want."
When he saw you open your arms up to him, he was frozen for a few long moments, astonishment written all over his face.
He just...didn't know what to say. Not only did you actually like his company, but....
He was allowed to hug you??
"..c'mon, pal. My arms are kinda getting tired." You awkwardly smiled, although you blinked as he suddenly latched onto you, letting out a few sniffles.
He wanted to sob so badly, but knew that wouldn't be very "neighborly" of him.
Yet you heard how he sounded, and felt guilty for treating him as some bad guy...when really he didn't seem malicious at all. You wanted to believe he had good intentions.
Whether or not he also knew the truth behind this place...that didn't matter right now.
He just wanted to be your friend.
You'll never be happy if you kept being so afraid of him all the time. That wasn't any life to live, even if you're unsure of whether this was your only life or not.
But you let him hug you anyways, patting his back.
"Th-This is very nice of you, neighbor. I forgive you." He mumbled, cheek squished against your shoulder as he clung to you tightly, never wanting to let go-
"Thanks......okay, you can let go now."
"..o-oh! Right, sorry." Reluctantly, Wally let you go, rubbing his eyes before dusting off his cardigan, breathing a sigh of relief. "Whew! I'm glad we're on better terms now. But...if I may ask..what changed?"
"Ah, well..I was talking with Frank and Eddie earlier..and I asked them about you."
"Huh....?" He pointed to himself, raising an invisible eyebrow. "Me..?"
"Yeah. Since they're more chill than most of the people here, I feel like I can be myself around them." You explained. "Howdy and Julie are kinda too loud for me, so...yeah. Those guys pushed me to reach out to you and try to make this friendship work...instead of the other way around."
'So...that's what they were talking about..' He realized, though he beamed anyways, happy you took their advice.
"Well that's great! I think we'll become great friends, [y/n]!" Smiling, he offered his hand to you, and you shook it as a way of saying you're both willing to start over.
"I..think so, too, Wally." You smiled back, feeling this huge weight being lifted off your shoulders.
"So...do you wanna come visit Home when the weather clears?"
"...I'll pass. But I'll wave to 'em from afar if that's okay."
"It's fine by me, neighbor."
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peachi-blossom · 4 months
My thoughts on Hazbin Hotel as a non HH fan
Originally, I was just here to watch people criticizing Hazbin Hotel. But when the recent controversies came in, I feel like I have to step into the fandom rabbit hole.
As a non Hazbin Hotel fan, I've watched the pilot, read the prequel comics, watched the ADDICT music video, and finally the show itself. (I've watched the show on March 15th.)
NOTE: I didn't watch the show on TV so I watched it on a pirated website instead and read the transcript because no way am I watching this in front of my parents, my siblings, or Grandma. This is my personal opinion on the show.
Pilot: So Hell is basically Earth except it's painted red and inhabited by demons. The background has too much red, but not as bad that it makes my eyes bleed. I don't like how the female characters have the same color scheme except Vaggie and Niffty (pilot only). For example, Charlie, Katie Killjoy, and Cherri Bomb. The only two funny parts of the pilot is when the top hat demon says "Wow! That was s***!" after Charlie sings Inside of Every Demon is a Rainbow and when Angel pokes his head in as Vaggie is giving Alastor a warning. I didn't like the daddy joke. It just sounded bad. Also, why is there a joke about harlequin babies?
Prequel comics that are no longer canon: Basically the prequel comics focuses on Angel Dust and Alastor.
For Dirty Healings, it shows how Angel Dust first met Charlie and Vaggie. I knew that Vaggie's name was named after a uh, you know. Ugh… Why did Vivienne Medrano had to name her that? Also I hate Valentino.
As for A Day In The After Life, it just shows why Alastor is the most feared demon in Hell. Also he swears after seeing Vox.
ADDICT music video: I genuinely have no thoughts on this music video. I think this was just bait for the SA and CSA victims. Sorry for those who like the MV.
Episode 1: This is worse than the pilot. I did NOT like the beginning part. It's biblically inaccurate for multiple reasons, but I feel like a few people only talk about this one thing. Sin didn't exist until Adam and Eve ate the fruit of knowledge of good and evil. Not only that, but it's also misogynistic too because it was just Eve who ate it. What makes it misogynistic is that it implies that all women would have to bear the sins of Eve ALONE. There's rampant swearing and sex jokes. Also, isn't Archangel Michael supposed to be the leader of the Army of God? Anyways I'm siding with the angels.
Episode 2: The red is so bright that it hurts my eyes. It doesn't help the fact that Alastor blends in the background. Oh yeah, when Vox tells Sir Pentious to kill himself, it made me feel sad because it reminded me of the Shay incident. The time when the stans drove Shay to kill themself because they were uncomfortable with the large age gap of HuskerDust.
Episode 3: Why? Why is there a BDSM sex dungeon?! I know that was Angel's idea, but still. Why?! I seriously have no words. When Zestial says "What troubles thou?" I was like "Huh?". It should be "What troubles thee?". I think his Old English has grammatical errors. The Egg Boiz, Carmilla, and Zestial are bearable because they never said a swear word. Off topic, but Velvette's swirl streaks on her hair makes me think of a swirl ice cream.
Episode 4: Before the show came out, I saw SlayQueenArt's post on Twitter (X) that says Vivienne Medrano hired Raphielle II, aka R2ninjaturtle, who has a rape fetish and isn't a SA victim. As someone who is formerly addicted to porn, this episode is insulting on so many levels. I didn't watch the whole Poison sequence because of that. And don't get me started on Loser Baby. I hate this song so much. It felt like it is blaming on SA and CSA victims for being SA'd. Like it is blaming me for being addicted to porn on and off when I was EIGHT. I know there are some victims who like episode 4 so I will leave them alone. I seriously hate how Charlie behaves like a toddler at the end. No grown adult should behave like a toddler like she did because being raped isn't a silly thing to cry over. Like, hello? She is the supposed to be the main character. Oh yeah, there was NO warning for the episode when the show premiered and it triggered the victims who watched it. SA and CSA victims are not losers. Former porn addicts are not losers. Nobody is a loser. I am NOT a loser.
Episode 5: Wow, Vivienne Medrano really turned Lucifer into King George from Veggietales. I guess this is what happens when King George gave in into his obsession with rubber ducks. I didn't like Hell's Greatest Dad because of the unnecessary rivalry between Lucifer and Alastor, but at least Mimzy ended the song. Oh boy, this is where I hate Alastor now. No really, he is Vivienne Medrano's first edgelord oc. He has gone full edgelord and is basically a Bill Cipher wannabe now. His full demon form is not even scary compared to Bill's final form. He no longer stands out from the main cast even if he rarely swears. Mimzy is basically the embodiment of the hooked nose stereotype. Wow, the embodiment of a Jew stereotype. How racist.
Episode 6: That was an absolute slap in the face at SA and CSA victims and me when Sir Pentious got SA'd! Seriously, Vivienne Medrano doesn't even care for the victims at this point! What's worse is that he is based off of her old ex-friend, DollCreep. Why did she whitewashed St. Peter?! I know there are white Jews, but he was born in ancient Israel so I wouldn't think he'll be looking like a white man with blonde hair and blue eyes. How come angels don't know how souls get to Heaven?! We got the Ten Commandments! We got Jesus Christ who took our place to die for our sins so we wouldn't have to bear these sins! Emily and Sera are bearable because you know. I hate how Niffty is being treated like a child when she's NOT. What's worse is that Niffty is supposed to be Japanese because of how people INFANTILIZED Asian people, especially women.
Episode 7: My issue with Out for Love is that when Carmilla tells Vaggie that she should fight for love and not for vengeance. Well, Vaggie always fight for love and never for vengeance. In Whatever it Takes, she literally says that she'll always protect Charlie. Where is the vengeance in that? That is poor character writing. Rosie is basically the blood libel stereotype where the Jews are cannibals. Again, that's just racist against Jews.
Episode 8: I thought the finale was pointless because there were no stakes and Sir Pentious' heroic sacrifice was comically anti-climatic. Like, why did Sir Pentious's so called friends cared about him when they didn't help him at ALL in episode 6?! I'm not a fan of the CherriSnake ship because Cherri only becomes interested in him because he has two "joysticks". Not to mention he kissed her without consent and she thinks it's hot after that. The problem with More Than Anything (Reprise) is that Vaggie reassures Charlie that she changed many lives, but she only changed one. I'm so glad Adam defeated Alastor first. There is absolutely no way Lucifer slept with Eve. Oof for Lute and Adam. You both fought well until the end.
The character designs are awful. Every male character basically looks like The Once-ler from The Lorax 2012 movie except for Adam (I know Alastor doesn't have a top hat, but still gives off the vibes. Zestial is more Burtonesque.). Not to mention they are all skinny twigs except for Adam (I think). The female characters in Hell have the same color scheme except Vaggie (again). For example, Charlie, Katie Killjoy, Mimzy (though her dress is a little darker), Cherri Bomb, and Niffty (show only). They have too much pinks, reds, yellows, whites, and blacks. I love pink, but this is too much. What's worse is that they blend in the background and again it hurts my eyes. There is NO color variety and I feel like my eyes are burning.
That's my thoughts on the show.
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bumblingest-bee · 4 months
just saw assassins at my local community theatre!!! and i thought my fellow assassins fans would like to hear about it bc it was genuinely wonderful.
before the show started there was a medley of classic american showtunes about optimism and dreams playing somewhat creepily as everyone came in
the set used strips of draped fabric that looked like they came from a huge american flag to create a simple but effective circus-tent vibe. there were sideshow style posters up for things like "DEAD PRESIDENT FROM THE GRAVE" and "THE ELECTRIC CHAIR LADY!"
the proprietor was impeccably cast. handsome as hell with a big all-american tv show host smile and nothing behind the eyes.
the presidents were represented by the ensemble holding up photos of said presidents, which led to a hilarious moment after unworthy of your love where hinckley is converged upon by a multitude of ronald reagans chanting "there you go again! there you go again!" which incidentally is a scene from my nightmares
some of the standouts in the cast were czolgosz, who delivered the single best version of the bottle monologue i've ever heard, and byck, who was frighteningly believable and intense. guiteau was also very funny with impeccable comic timing and delivery
the balladeer can only be described as an elderly butch lesbian dressed as a cowboy. she was delightful and had a gorgeous powerful voice, however they only changed the keys of some of the songs for her! half the time she was singing so low it was hardly audible. nonetheless she was great and i want to shake the hand of whoever cast her. and she played her own guitar!!
fromme and moore were hilarious together. i loved them both but i thought the angle that the actress playing squeaky went for resulted in losing some of the vulnerability that makes her character compelling. otherwise they were just a brilliant duo and got the comedic nuances that a lot of other actors miss
the only gripe i really had was with booth, who (although he had the PERFECT voice, genuinely really really impressive) i thought at first was playing it too foppish and goofy to really pull off the gravitas that sells the show in the final sequence. and yet he came through in the end! i was so relieved when he pulled off the book depository scene.
which leads me to their oswald. he brought something i think a lot of actors don't, which is the fact that oswald's a little bit unhinged already. like this guy walked onstage, scrawny and shifty-eyed and nervous, with his ribs literally showing through his t-shirt, and i immediately was able to believe that this is someone so miserable and down on his luck that he's willing to kill for a scrap of attention or admiration. he was so intense and unnervingly hyperactive that it got uncomfortable to watch (which is a good thing in assassins).
i don't know if it was the small space of the theatre or just the fact that i was experiencing it live for the first time, but everything from another national anthem to the end was so emotionally raw and intense that it was overwhelming. i thought that since i know the show so well it would lose the ability to chill me. it didn't. i felt every single moment of that show and it was wonderful.
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kazz-brekker · 2 months
hotd episode 6 thoughts
boy oh boy this episode was so full of many delicious character moments, i feel very well fed
aemond really was in his best goth villain era tonight, honestly good for him!
i have never seen tyland lannister look more uncomfortable than he did with aemond looming over him lmao
i enjoyed the scene where aemond is firing alicent from the council while also simultaneously holding her hand in place so she'll keep touching his face…tasty tasty family issues
loved that song that the dragonkeepers were singing while summoning seasmoke, it was a very cool detail
also, it was really fun seeing seasmoke again, especially since he's grown bigger since we last saw laenor riding him
man, aegon and rhaenyra really need to put out an ad in the paper for new members of the kingsguard and the queensguard, those guys are dropping like flies
ever since daemon's visions at harrenhal started i really hoped that we would get to see viserys since so many of daemon's issues stem from being cast aside as heir by his brother so i'm SO pleased we got those scenes, it was a present Just For Me
daemon bro stop threatening simon strong he's a nice old man who's done literally nothing bad to you
greatly enjoying this dynamic of daemon and his new bestie the weird witch who may or may not be psychologically tormenting him with visions of his past mistakes and issues
genuinely alys is my favorite new character this season, she's so fun and i just adore her scenes
madam sylvi, dyana, and ulf getting together to bitch about the food shortages…the greens better look out the smallfolk are unionizing
i am getting the sense that aemond and madame sylvi had a…less than amicable end to their working relationship
aemond tormenting aegon in his sickbed really made me go c'mon dude haven't you made him suffer enough, leave him ALONE!
from rhaena's scenes in the vale it appears that they've cut the character of nettles and give rhaena her storyline instead. not sure how i feel about this…i'm all for rhaena getting more to do but nettles is also an interesting character in her own right
knowing alyn and addam's parentage going into the show i suspected that alyn shaves his head because he inherited the velaryon white hair and i was pleased to see i was right
baby stormcloud is so cute! but holy shit my the pit of my stomach really dropped when jeyne arryn mentioned the ship the gay abandon. my fellow book readers, i am full of dread!
i really liked the scene between gwayne and alicent, since he wasn't in the first season it's interesting to see how their relationship with each other and otto has been affected by that huge distance
i kind of miss otto, i hope he comes back by the end of the season
daeron mention! facts about daeron! a personality! never thought i'd see the day!
one of my favorite hobbies is being emo about scenes of alicent physically putting herself between her children and physical harm so i liked her and helaena fleeing from the riot together
that scene with larys and aegon was sooooooo interesting, there's definitely some manipulation/attempts to curry favor coming from larys, but i also hadn't considered that he might now feel some genuine solidarity with aegon after his injuries and can speak frankly about his disability and offer advice
i have been waiting since daemon got to harrenhal and began being tormented for him to have a breakdown and start crying so i was quite pleased when that happened :)
knowing that seasmoke is chasing after addam because he wants him to be his rider made that whole sequence really funny to me
i have often blogged about how daemon and rhaenyra each have what the other one wants (freedom and patriarchal status vs. viserys's love and position as his heir) so it was super fun for me to hear rhaenyra actually verbalize that
i have been super into queer readings of this show since the beginning and all season whenever rhaenyra and mysaria interact i've been like "hmm…are they flirting…" but i truly did not expect them to actually kiss. rhaenyra targaryen canonically queer! on my tv screen! never thought i would see the day!
crazy to think that we only have 2 episodes of this season left after this, can't wait to see what unhinged drama still awaits us
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aangarchy · 6 months
Things about the Netflix Live Action that I personally loved
I know i've been pretty negative about Natla in general, so to make up for that: here's a post about everything that i loved!
Dallas Liu and Gordon Cormier's casting. Those two were really good, and while Gordon definitely had some "kid actor" moments, he only has room for growth and i truly believe he'll continue to be the perfect Aang (in looks and general energy, not writing lol)
The scene where the watertribe is staring over an unconscious Aang going "is he dead? What's the mark on his head?" it rlly made me giggle
A bunch of Ian Ousley's jokes were funny. Not all, but a bunch.
Maria Zhang, she also truly was a perfect Suki, i loved her performance and she's just so beautiful in general
Cabbage merchant
The costumes generally stayed true to the original, and while some looked a bit clunky or too clean they were overall really nice
Zuko and Aang's chat after the blue spirit story, it was a very good addition and Dallas and Gordon have great chemistry
Zuko's crew on the ship being the 41st division, aka the soldiers he saved from getting sacrificed by speaking out
Cabbage. Merchant.
June. I have no notes on her and i wished they utilized her more. I know she's coming back in s3 (i hope... *narrows eyes at netflix*) but i still feel like we didn't get enough of her yet
The change in June flirting with Iroh instead of Iroh being a little creepy towards her. You can shout double standards but this definitely felt less uncomfortable
The music
The set design when they weren't using greenscreen was genuinely very good
Casting for the mechanist and Teo was immaculate
Oma and Shu being lesbians
The whole blue spirit sequence
Cabbage Merchant
Yue's character in this version of the story (not her hair though god forbid)
The leaves from the vines motif in the flashback for Lu Ten's funeral, and the song returning when Iroh goes with Zuko on the boat. Got me crying on a saturday afternoon
Lizzy Yu. I know there was rlly no reason for Azula's character to be there yet but i liked Lizzy's performance even though her writing was OOC
The design for the physical weapons like Sokka's club and boomerang, Suki's fans and Jet's hook swords was really nice
The makeup for the Kyoshi warriors was fantastic
Daddy Dae Kim
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buffkitties · 6 days
It kind of makes me want to see a scenario where a post-game Komaeda that's come to a self-realization that he really doesn't like the inequality of their world at all, finally calls his classmates out on how they treated him. Pointing out that if it really bothered them so much to hear him talk about himself being their inferior, then why did they act like he was beneath them. It's honestly depressing just how meanspirited everything outside of the OVA is to him. Like you really do get the impression when he walks back into class that they would have been relieved to learn he'd perished in that desert.
Also on the topic of the Reserve Course, there's something else that really bugs the shit out of me about DR3. The continued use of featureless models for them. Like it made sense in Hinata's Chapter 3 dream sequence, because he wanted to stand out from talentless people. But in a story where they're front and center, and a major event involves them being brainwashed into committing an involuntary mass-suicide? Seriously undermines the horror and tragedy of the whole thing.
It actually made me appreciate this one scene in a fic I read somewhere (that I can't remember the name of), where Hinata has a nightmare vision of the Reserve Course. Who call him out on the fact that he was no different from the rest of them, and could have just as easily have died alongside them. Yet he barely remembers any of them besides Natsumi and Sato.
God, yeah. It also really bugs me how unfazed by the whole thing they made Hinata seem, especially since he joined the Kamukura Project because of the Natsumi and Sato situation in the first place. Once again, it feels like they've completely thrown Hinata's trauma away, just like they did with the apparent "merge" of him and Izuru Kamukura, despite that just being his alias and there being no point in the story which implies it wasn't just him before DR3. He was just one lucky person to survive the mass suicide because he joined the project. Otherwise, he would've been dead alongside everybody else. Not to mention that they completely missed out on the opportunity to write a survivor's guilt for him since he was one of the indirect causes of the situation.
Also ! Komaeda does feel bothered by how he's treated by everyone. A lot of the time, he implies or outright states that he doesn't understand why he's so hated and misunderstood, and even gets upset when he thinks about Hinata hating him, too. He genuinely doesn't see what's wrong with the way he talks because it's the truth, and they should feel happy to have that privilege, so he assumes that he's treated badly precisely because of talent, and that it's because he's worthless compared to them (aka how talentless people get treated too). While he doesn't realise that it's because he mentioned they're privileged that they're offended because people who are privileged hate being reminded of it, he does see that talent affects how they're acting towards him. It's also just a case of he's bothered by it, but he can't really do anything about it in a society where ultimates have all the power. Still, he does always step in if they cross a line towards anybody or make them uncomfortable, and he can stand up for himself if he sees a reason to. Usually, he just brushes their comments towards himself off or sees them as a fact rather than personal insult, too.
Edit: I agree on the featurless models. It made the reserve course feel insignificant and like the event didn't matter at all because they're not even portrayed as people, just something in the background.
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thoseyoulove · 13 days
Hello,Can you rank your Armand favorite relationshipw and why ? (I just love reading opinions , nothing serious)
Fistly, thank you for the question! I get sometimes sending messages can be uncomfortable and you may not receive the nicest answers, but you don't need to explain yourself. Whether is a fun or serious question, asking my opinion or sharing your own: I LOVE talking about this universe and always welcome it.
Anyway, now to ranking!
P.S. This is long and contain spoilers. These opinions are based on the sequence from The Vampire Lestat to The Vampire Armand and aren't necessarily permanent.
Lesmand / Armandstat
Favorite relationship on the books as a whole for basically three reasons: it's always interesting (even on its smallest moments), they are deeply mirrored so it provides a compelling dynamic and is often intense. They are two sides of the same coin and parallel one another so much in terms of personalities and experiences. From their first interaction, it already seemed that they knew each other their whole lives because they could read one another like an open book. There is this mix of unconscious, but immediate recognition, understanding, curiosity, care, attraction, insecurity, fear, anger and frustration because they're the only ones that fully get each other. It's one thing to know someone for what they share or you observe, but you only fully comprehend somebody when you have a lot in common like they do. Still, that's terrifying because you're completely bare, vulnerable and forced to confront stuff you want to run away from. They have a lot of sharp dialogue and arguments where they throw the hardest truths on the other's face and they know how to push each other's buttons from day one. Yet, the fascination, affection and protection are still there and they always stay somewhat close. And that results in a lot of first class tension: what brings both together also pulls them apart and they're often fighting so many conflicting emotions (as a duo and individuals) because they keep going back and forth. Obviously, they're far from perfect and have both tremendously hurt one another verbally, physically and with Claudia's death (which Armand's is responsible for). But even then, they were never enemies or rivals. I get why people would use such words, but I think they would need to hate or wish bad things for each other to be classified as such and that's never happened. Even if they did something to give that impression, it wasn't genuine and they made themselves suffer in the process too. There was definitely hate for words said and things done, but for the person it was always love. Through the good, the bad, the ugly and the complicated. This dynamic defies definitions and there aren't enough words in any language I know to fully and precisely categorize or desxribe even it. For better or worse, they're on a league of their own and I've never seen anything like it on books, movies or TV shows.
2. Armand x Bianca
I love Bianca. She's been such a great addition and it's a breath of fresh air whenever she appears. It was so satisfying to see them being friends, connecting and Armand having something that was entirely his own without Marius being involved (though considering the pattern of this book, it will probably change). I also enjoy the fact they met and bonded as humans, you know? There's something lovely and unique about it since most pairings had one or both parties already being a vampire on their first encounter. And another sweet thing is that even centuries later Armand still emphasizes how he'll never forget her. They have become really special to me.
3. Armand & Riccardo
Usually relationships where one is a small or Marius is somewhat involved don't work for me, but that's an exception. Riccardo isn't as developed as Armand and part of this (creepy) palazzo where Marius keeps several teenagers/children in, but you do know enough to grow attached to him. Actually, given the situation these boys are in, I ended up caring about the ones who don't even have a name. And despite the proximity Marius has to them, the kids have friendships of their own. Obviously, this isn't the healthiest environment and they all deserved better, but I'm so glad they had each other and a sense of family (specially because some of them don't even remember their own relatives well anymore). That brings me some kind of comfort. There are these moments when Armand gets emotional thinking about how much he loves them all and would die for them and when he almost does and they're all (with Bianca) crying and Armand is surprised by their reactions because they loved him so much... It really moved me So, I adore them.
4. Armandiel
The Devil's Minion chapter is one of my top favorite pieces of The Queen of the Damned. Its best aspect is seeing Armand on his self-discovery journey and how Daniel was just patient and supportive. And that's so important, because a big part of Armand's characterization is how he has no sense of identity. He's gone through so much trauma since early and formative years and always adapted to please others or even make out alive. This made him lose key parts of his memory and every sense of self and he definitely needed that. So, to see Daniel not tell him what to do, but instead let him try new stuff, see what he loved or not, on his own terms and pace and Daniel just going along with him... It was wonderful. The only downsides is that I believe Daniel deserved more individual development and it was rushed. Twelve years deserved more chapters, probably books plural. That said, I bet the show will take its strong points and only elevate their story. And I can't wait because I've already lost my mind with them on season 2 (they have my favorite scene on the show, by the way).
Honorable mentions:
Armand & Benji + Sybelle
Haven't seen a lot of them, but Armand opened his book saying he was full of love and excitedly talking about these children he took in. There's also this moment he asked David if he liked his kids and he just sounded like a proud dad. It was adorable. I'm definitely looking forward to seeing more of them.
Armand & his family
There's been very little of them and I doubt there will be more, so I can't talk about their relationship per se, but the chapter they say goodbye is devastating and beautiful. Those recent posts of me losing my mind were because of it. I've never cried so much with art and rarely cried like that even in real life. It was an experience I'd never had before and an emotion I didn't know was humanly possible. I was mentally, emotionally and spiritually touched to the point of exhaustion. It's been the best part of The Vampire Armand, if not of the whole chronicles. And it will stick with me forever.
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thescreaminghat · 8 months
so i watched suzume. . .
And it was good—the animators, vas, musicians, and other talented people who worked on this film deserve so much praise for their work.
On the other hand (and this is a purely personal exercise that isn't meant to detract from Makoto Shinkai's vision for the piece), I think the overall theme of the film might have been better served if the story centered on the ups and downs of Suzume's relationship with her aunt Tamaki, rather than Souta.
Suzume is very much a story about grief—set against the tragedy of the 2011 tohoku earthquake, Suzume's personal struggle with the loss of her mother is arguably our entryway into understanding how this tragedy continues to shape the relationship between Japan’s very geography, its history, and its people.  
I believe that central to this narrative focus is Suzume’s complicated relationship with Tamaki, her mother’s sister, who raised Suzume for much of her life after the loss of Suzume's mother. For me, one of the most important moments of Suzume and Tamaki’s relationship is shown at the climax of their disagreements with each other. After being Suzume's sudden departure from their small town (partially out of that rebellious teenage desire to not be "suffocated" by Tamaki's presence; we'll get to Souta’s role in this later) and Tamaki's understandable worry about Suzume's wellbeing (which leads her to embark on a wild goose chase after Suzume, though we’re not shown much of Tamaki’s personal journey), Tamaki yells at Suzume while the two are at a rest stop with Souta’s friend Serizawa. Tamaki bitterly states that raising Suzume after her sister's death had been a suffocating burden on her as well, as she couldn't find love and live the life that she had wanted because of her responsibility. This leads Suzume to shrink back in disbelief, as she recalls a pivotal memory where, after wandering in a snowstorm in search of her mother (and encountering the Ever After), she is found by Tamaki, who cries and affirms that Suzume will always be her daughter. It's a heartbreaking scene. We can empathize with both characters—Suzume is closer in age to most viewers, and we know that she doesn’t really hate her aunt’s presence, as the stress of her chase after Daijin and Souta’s temporary “demise” has whittled away at her emotions. Similarly, we can imagine that Tamaki herself likely hasn't overcome her grief at losing her sister, and that her outburst wasn’t truly genuine—she does love Suzume, but she wants her adoptive daughter to understand the sacrifices she had made, because she had no one else to confide in or rely on. We anticipate that this is the emotional crux of the movie, showing the relationship of a surrogate mother to a child who has gone through deep, unresolved trauma, now burdened with the consequences arising from the "imbalances" of the spirit world, itself a metaphor for the turbulence of living and of losing.
. . .and then the movie doesn't do anything with this scene. It's suddenly cut short with the random appearance of the keystone Sadaijin, and any lingering tension from that scene is resolved offscreen, with Tamaki and Suzume regaining each other's trust in the next scene. It feels unearned and deeply unsatisfying, especially when the emotional core of the film then gets transplanted onto Suzume's emotional relationship with Souta, a college-aged man whom she has known for less than a week (Suzume, by the way, is in high school, and even if they don’t “get together” in the movie, it makes me a bit uncomfortable seeing someone who is implied to be in their twenties being the implied romantic interest for a seventeen-year-old).
So, I thought, what if the movie kept its cast of characters, and the general sequence of events, but instead of Souta being the one cursed by Daijin to be the keystone (an act that initiates the film's events), it was Tamaki? This is going to be broken up into a few reblogs since it's too long for one post, but here's how I would structure it. (Part 1 of 2, and with a lot of my own hc interactions)
The beginning of the film can stay the same, including Souta's appearance. however, the driving force for Suzume to go to the isolated spot where the first door is located is an argument with Tamaki, rather than her implied curiosity regarding Souta. Perhaps, in this fight, we see bits of Tamaki's personality that may come across as "suffocating" to a teenager, even if she meant well.
Suzume, bothered by Tamaki's presence and the dream that she had of wandering through the Ever After, goes to this isolated spot to get away from everything, which is where she encounters the door and Daijin. Perhaps she's sulking a bit, and makes some sarcastic remark about someone like Souta being able to travel (something that would show her interest in leaving the small town she currently lives in). She then opens the door, Daijin escapes, and she goes about her day as in the film, until the worm appears above the skyline.
She then runs back to the door, where she encounters Souta again. They close the door, and Souta explains what he does and what the door represents. She brings Souta back to their house for medical treatment (except without any of the weird romantic tension between them), and they begin talking about Suzume’s life (perhaps about her room, the chair, and her dreams, as Suzume imagines the kinds of dangers—and thrills—that come with Souta’s position as a Closer).
This is where Tamaki comes back into the story. Tamaki, returning early to check on Suzume and encountering Suzume and Souta together, thinks the worst and begins to berate Suzume. They get into another argument, with Souta trying to calm the two down. Suzume, already stressed from the day's events, wishes that she can be "free" of Tamaki.
This is when Daijin appears on the windowsill, shit-eating grin and all, and says something along the lines of "Ok, Suzume. I can do that—because you're just like me." And then Tamaki is suddenly turned into a chair.
The same chaos ensues, with Tamaki, Souta, and Suzume chasing after Daijin until they get on the ferry. This is where Souta can give some more exposition, saying that he's never encountered this before, while encouraging Tamaki and Suzume to try and come together as he figures the whole thing out. Perhaps this is also the time where we get more information about Souta's personal life (in this version, it is information about his desire to become a teacher, as well as info about his relationship with his own mother, who was killed during a dangerous mission she took on as a Closer.)
The trio continue chasing after Daijin, with the group splitting up by necessity (thus allowing Tamaki and Suzume to have more screentime together). Specifically, Souta finds out that another door is opening off the path of travel they are taking after Daijin, and he instructs Tamaki and Suzume to continue their journey while he takes care of the other door. Before he leaves, he gives Suzume another key he keeps in his possession, which he reveals belonged to his mother.
Suzume and Tamaki continue onwards and meet Chika, the girl on the motorcycle. Suzume and Tamaki then cooperate in closing the door opened by Daijin. In this version, I think it would be interesting if Daijin is actually actively opening doors, not simply leading the pair to doors that are about to open. This serves as a huge bonding moment for Suzume and Tamaki, as they previously couldn’t go a day without arguing over the best way to do things.
Suzume and Tamaki stay at Chika's place (and have the downtime with Chika that is shown in the movie), except Suzume's dialogue with Tamaki consists of her confessing that she is jealous of Chika's independence and the bustling atmosphere at Chika's home. Tamaki is initially angered by this, but gradually calms down in her “chair corner” as she sees Suzume and Chika having fun, perhaps even reminding Tamaki of her own childhood with her sister.
When Tamaki falls asleep, she sees visions of her sister, which both frightens and immobilizes her (i.e. literally her survivor’s guilt “anchoring” her in place). This is meant to replace how Souta gradually descends into his “death” when he sleeps.
Suzume and Tamaki head off and are picked up by Rumi, the mother who works at the hostess bar. Initially, Tamaki whispers to Suzume that she doesn’t want Suzume hitchhiking with a stranger, but Suzume tells her that sometimes they need to rely on others to get by. The same comedy shenanigans with Rumi’s children can be kept in—I think it’s more fitting that Tamaki plays the role of the “toy chair that can speak” in order to keep the children entertained, because she probably, after all, raised Suzume on similar silly stories.
Suzume and Tamaki run to the abandoned fairgrounds to close the other door when the worm appears. I think this scene becomes more impactful when Tamaki is the chair and not Souta, as her decision to save Suzume from falling from the Ferris wheel and letting Daijin go would highlight her parental worry for Suzume, though perhaps this isn’t fully realized by Suzume in the midst of her adrenaline rush. Suzume, however, does look upon the fairground as a place that she wants to go to with Tamaki, when all of this is over, though she keeps this to herself.
Suzume, watching Rumi work her shift as a hostess, comes to appreciate the struggles of being a mother more. Similarly, Tamaki wants to connect with Rumi as a peer, but is limited by her chair form. Seeing Suzume bond with Rumi makes Tamaki want to be there for Suzume, as she sees Suzume slowly maturing into her own person. However, neither Suzume nor Tamaki feel ready to fully open up about these nuanced feelings, as they fall instead into a comical back-and-forth when they’re alone.
Suzume and Tamaki manage to get to Tokyo, where they meet up with Souta. He tells them that he’s been doing whatever research he can to try and figure out how to break Tamaki’s curse. This is where he can explain the keystone lore to Suzume and Tamaki.
The giant worm starts appearing over the city. Tamaki insists that Suzume get out of Tokyo. Souta agrees, and tells Suzume and Tamaki to leave, stating that he can handle the worm himself. Suzume refuses, stating that she’s not going to let anyone else die—the “else” implying that she too still feels survivor’s guilt over her mother’s death.
Despite Souta’s attempts at reasoning with her, Suzume is adamant on staying—Daijin appears and mocks her, telling her that she only knows how to let her aunt dictate how she lives. Suzume rushes ahead without Souta and Tamaki. Tamaki and Souta chase after Suzume, with Tamaki yelling at Suzume again, calling her “rash”, "always making her worry and chase after her," and “thinking and behaving like a child”.
Perhaps Suzume covers her ears, as Tamaki’s words begin to blend into Daijin’s laughter as he scrambles towards the worm. Perhaps Suzume screams out loud, screaming that she felt as though Tamaki had never believed in her, that even when an entire city is threatened, Tamaki cares only about herself, and knows only how to chastise and suffocate Suzume. This shocks Tamaki, but before she can respond, the trio are shot up to the worm’s back, and Souta attempts to seal the worm. However, Daijin interferes and Souta is injured. Suzume then tries to grab Daijin, only for Daijin to purr contentedly and state that he understands what Suzume is feeling—that is why Tamaki will now be the keystone, and both of them can be free.
Suzume turns to Tamaki, only to find that she is unresponsive. Ice is forming around her, as Suzume’s words echo over and over in her mind. Perhaps Tamaki then screams in grief as she sinks deeper into her regret and memories of her sister—that is when we get her screams about how much she had sacrificed for Suzume, and how much happiness Suzume took from her (basically what she said during the rest stop confrontation).
(pt 1 end)
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“The titan said Belos is evil tho! Are you stupid the show said he was evil!”“Masha said lil’ bro just got jelly that his brother got a girlfriend! He doesn’t have depth and his ending was supposed to be unsatisfying!”“But James Ironwood losing his arm is supposed to represent him losing his humanity”“Jason Rose said that James could’ve always become evil and sided with Salem”“They literally called him genocide general!”“But in this Q&A they said the puppies survived they just lost their laser powers! And in the tie-in material, they showed everyone was fine! You just hate Starco!”“The show/tie-in material/a fucking Q&A said blah blah blah!”These arguments are shit. TOH- “God says witches are evil so it is his duty to kill them!” is a pretty horrible justification for killing someone except when the titan says it to Luz. I don’t think Luz is in the wrong for killing Belos, he was a genocidal maniac and child abuser and genuinely irredeemable- nobody who hates the ending of The Owl House complains about Belos being irredeemable, they complain about the show flopping the cult critical message, how hunter’s possession felt like needless shock value, the show not properly setting up the collector or how the coven system/conformitorium’s writing is a mess or how Eda becoming a teacher makes as much sense as Toph becoming a cop and you can go ‘but the show said-’ what the show said had unfortunate implications, was uncomfortable to abuse survivors, and I can’t forgive the ass-pullery of the trailer-bait nightmare sequence or how in the hexside crew became irrelevant! When people complain about how Belos was handled nobody complains about him not getting a redemption arc- they complain that hunter should’ve been there to see belos die or how they hate Luz’s power up. RWBY -James Ironwood’s and Penny’s character arcs and deaths felt so ableist it’s actually uncomfortable to watch, I have ASD my sister, and like half of the people I know have PTSD, I don’t know any amputees but I’ve seen plenty making noise about how shit the writing was. Good, they should be mad! The show’s message about prosthetics/amputations was toxic! Not mention for all the hopeful messages Team RWBY screams at the top of their lungs about trust they knowingly broke Ironwood’s trust for very poorly defined reasons! while I do think ruthless pragmatism is a bad thing, team RWBY offered no alternatives, he wasn’t a villain- he was facing an ethical dilemma and got fucked over. And SVTFOE- I shouldn’t have to buy tie-in materials to understand the show- tie-in material should be a bonus not a supplement or requirement, I Don’t have to buy the ATLA comics inorder to understand the show, I don’t have to read all of Lord Of The Rings to understand the movies. It doesn’t matter how the show was supposed to be interpreted or how the audience is supposed to feel, and It’s perfectly valid for the audience not to care about damage control spinoffs (cough cough Steven Universe) or Q&A’s or whatever. I’ll admit sometimes the audience is fucking stupid and completely media illiterate but can we stop acting like anyone who doesn’t blindly consume product and go with what the writers said are stupid? I know im not articulating this well but I’m pissy rn and I’m having trouble deconstructing whats wrong with those kind of arguments but god there is so much wrong with these arguements
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princeasimdiya12 · 6 months
Bucchigiri Finale Thoughts
So I watched Episode 12 earlier today and had some time to think things over. And unfortunately, I realized that I didn't like this episode very much. Granted there are a good amount of moments that I did enjoy and contributed well to the main themes of the series. But there were too many moments that I felt undercut my enjoyment of the show. So fair warning, a lot of what I have to say is fairly critical and kinda negative. If you agree or disagree with anything I've said here, feel free to reblog this with your own comments. And if you're not into negativity, feel free to ignore this.
But I will start by mentioning the things I did like.
Just like everyone and their gyoza-making mothers, I loved the final fight scenes. The choreography was well executed and I thought the animation was top notch, both when it came to Senya vs Ichiya and Arajin vs Matakara. I really liked how in depth they went with the fighting sequences and the dark colors fit really well with the tone of the drama of the scene. The emotional range between the fighters felt incredible; the actors truly gave it their all when going about their fights.
And the part with Arajin mustering the power to save Matakara was beautifully done. I was in awe when Arajin brought up how Matakara became the very monster he tried desperately to destroy which really got a crack on his defenses. The sequence of Arajin reaching out to Matakara's inner child to help him out of his despair was gorgeous. Especially since Ara-chan used the Friendship Stone both to help the inner child and later when telling his old friend that he's not alone anymore. That was really great and genuine character growth, especially since Arajin accepted that he was in the wrong for leaving him all the time.
And as I mentioned in an earlier post, I did love the first scene with Arajin meeting Matakara for the first time. But as a twist, it was Arajin who was inspired by Matakara's dedication to being a Honki Person and volunteered himself to train alongside his new friend. That was a great twist and it adds new depths to how Arajin was actually inspiried by his old friend and not the other way around like we believed for so long.
So those were the parts that I genuinely enjoyed. Now for the parts I didn't really like..
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On one hand, while it is nice that Zabu wasn't brutally beaten to subconsciousness, I do kiinda wish that he did have to be hospitalized. It just feels so off-putting how he's relatively okay despite being brutally mauled by Matakara only a few hours ago. Especially since Marito and Kenichirou wound up in the hospital after losing to Matakara. Plus I feel like it undercuts the drama and severity of the situation by having Zabu be fine enough to look for Matakara. It doesn't help that he and Komao don't really do much apart from running around trying to find their friend.
Also, I hope I'm not the only one but did anyone else feel uncomfortable with this scene?
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I understand that Mahoro did it in a desperate bid to bring her brother back but the way she described Kenichirou here was just... gross.
Not insane, not weird, not quirky, not even ridiculous.
It was just gross for me to see her dehumanize one of the few dark skinned characters on the show. Even if he's not black/black coded, it still rubs me the wrong way that she would say those things so casually. Especially since Japan can be really casual when it comes to making racist/offensive remarks to brown skinned people in it's media. Plus there are tons of other ways she could have referred to him without calling him a gorilla. Like meathead, blockhead, oaf, ogre. Any other insult could have worked and been more acceptable than the ape insult. And it's unfortunately consistent since she did call him a gorilla during the Gang War Arc.
And then there's this part...
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I don't know if it was Mahoro's doing or if that's what the original nurses did, but it was just uncalled for. Both for the unspoken racism and for how it doesn't even apply to Kenichirou's character. Out of the three banchos, he's always been the least violent and was always shown to be tranquil and easy to work with, unlike Marito and Akutaro who were more unhinged, wild and violent in comparison. There shouldn't be any reason for him to behave so violently that the staff would resort to shackling him like an animal. Especially given how defeated he looked when Matakara beat him in a fight.
Another reason why I dislike this scene is because the characters involved (Mahoro, Marito, Kenichirou) do nothing to contribute to the final duel between Arajin and Matakara. None of these characters actually show up until the end when Matakara apologizes to everyone. You could have made it so that during the apology scenes, the two gang leaders could have shown up while covered in bandages or crutches. There really isn't a need to show us Marito waking up since we could get that later on in the end with Matakara apologizing to Siguma Squad.
The same can be argued for Zabu, Komao, Outa, Jabashiri and Hagure. Even though they spend most of their time hunting down Matakara and Arajin, they don't exactly contribute to the final duel or offer any words to the main heroes. They just show up and the duo resolve their problem like nothing.
Regarding Ichiya's secret of him dying, while it's not the worst reason for him to be so insistent on fighting Senya, I do wish there was more build up or at least some hints to it. It just feels like a random reason for why Ichiya developed his grudge against Senya. It's not the worst reason and it does make sense for why he wanted to die like a Honki Person instead of to a random illness, it just leaves a bad taste to how it happened to him out of randomness.
And wow, Arajin is never going to overcome the internet hating him for being a perverted simp mc.
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In a way, it makes some sense since Arajin's character arc was never about respecting women or learning that there's other ways to be a man apart from stealing a girl's virginity. That was never the focus as the story wanted him to confront his mistake of abandoning his old friend and not running away from his problems. That said, this still won't look good for him since fans are going to be turned off of Bucchigiri because of his perversions and how the show doesn't encourage him to change.
And as I've come to realize, the show itself doesn't seem to mind with the characters not growing out of their negative vices. A critique I have is that the show doesn't go out of it's way to challenge the beliefs of these characters or push them to grow into better people. Arajin is perfectly okay with being rude to everyone while pursuing a girl just so he can lose his virginity to her, Mahoro continues to lust over her older brother and has no interest in anything else, Marito is still a bloodthirsty bad boy who lives and breathes fighting, Kenichirou doesn't mind repeating high school as long as he gets to run Minato Kai, even Yayako prefers to act like a bubbly airhead rather then act like a responsible and respectful adult. And even with Matakara's corruption arc, he doesn't really recognize how harmful his idolization of Arajin was since the focus was more on his loneliness and trauma of being alone. Maybe because I'm spoiled by Mob Psycho 100, but it saddens me to see how these characters don't grow into better people or make an effort to change themselves. Especially since there can be potential for all of them.
And while I'm glad that Arajin and Matakara were able to become friends again, it feels like a letdown that there's no build up to it. It just rushes straight to them becoming friends again without acknowledging their negative attributes. Th same with puppy boy getting everyone to just accept him with no repercussions or consequences. It feels like letdown as there were no serious consequences for his actions. Like he could just go on a despair-induced rampage again and they'll just keep accepting him. On paper it's rather wholesome, but it does feel contrived if everything just works out without problems or how Matakara doesn't need to work hard to earn their forgiveness. That would have been for a greater character moment and to show Matakara taking responsibility for his actions. But we never see Matakara doing that and him being accepted by the gang feels rather hollow. It's technically nice that he has his friends back and that SS won't have his heart on a stick, but it feels hollow.
Speaking of taking non-responsibilities and being accepted by the gangs, Akutaro is now back with the NG Boys and they're accepting of him?
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I really do wish we could have had a scene that explains how the heck he was able to win back his old gang despite them professing that they weren't going to let him beat them around like before. It just feels offputting that Akutaro is back in charge and has their respect with zero explanation or even any build up to it. He spent all his time trying out different jobs and activities but nothing to suggest that he wants to go back to his old club again.
Not to mention that this is still bad news for Minato Kai since Akutaro still has his hatred for Kenichirou and still longs to destroy him. And given how he also hasn't grown out of his negative vices, it's more than likely he'll come up with a new plan to destroy them albeit a different approach. Though the other gangs will be aware of him trying to wreak havoc on them again, I sincerely doubt that that'll stop Akutaro from having his revenge. And with the NG Boys and Girls behind his back, he definitely has a shot at it.
Then there's the resolution with the Nyan Nyaight Love segment. While it was endearing with the Receptionist wanting to help out the Customer, I'm just trying to wrap around the logic behind the Receptionist accepting him again.
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It doesn't make sense to me how he'd be accepting of the guy who abducted one of your prized cats, lose her, and then just welcome him back with another cat. It's setting up a cycle for the Customer to fall in love with a new cat only for him to become obsessed with her and then try to steal the cat out of "love". And while the show focuses on him learning to lose his shame of visiting NNL, it doesn't try to challenge his dependency on cats for company along with his hostile jealousy.
Is the Receptionist aware of this potential problem and how it can happen again to another cat? Is the manager of NNL willing to accept the Customer again along with the risk of jeopardizing his business? I can't imagine how difficult it must be to promote a cat only to lose it because of a depressed nutjob.
Also, to the anon who was grossed out by Arajin's mom, I'd like to give a complete apology to you for refuting your claims. Because this...
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This was not necessary.
I mean, it is interesting to know that Marito shows attraction to girls/women which gives more depth to his character. And while it is weird for him to hit on an older women, it's still technically okay since it is normal for teens/youth to show attraction to adults that catch their interest.
But what isn't okay is Yayako's reaction to his attention.
Again, she is a grown woman getting over excited because a teenage boy is trying to hit on her. And she's okay with this? Like ma'am, not only is that concerning because of the blatant age differences but you're also a married woman (according to the additional info). How are you so lenient with being hit on by a guy who could pass for your son? Like really? I used to think of Yayako as a quirky, wholesome woman who needed to not let her son treat her like trash. But now I'm seriously questioning her values and how she treats everything in her life like a soap opera.
In regards to Mitsukuni being in a coma and waking up, it was... okay. Like I'm happy that Matakara will get his big brother back and they'll be able to move into an apartment like they wanted to. But I feel that the reveal of him being in a coma undercut alot of the emotional turmoil Matakara went through. I don't know, it just feels rather hollow knowing that Mitsukuni was always there and was going to make it out alive while his little brother was running around like a war machine. It's conflicting in all honesty.
But what isn't conflicting was how much I really didn't care much for Senya returning in the last shot. I wasn't moved by Senya showing up in the last scene or how Arajin secretly missed him. Maybe it's because of how Arajin constantly yelled at him or acted like he didn't care. And while he does care in his own way, I just felt disinterested in the reunion and I had no strong emotions of Senya returning. It doesn't help that the part with Senya and Ichiya "leaving" didn't really have alot of emotional depth to make the reunion more impactful. Senya not coming back would not have me upset.
And those would be my thoughts on the final episode. For those who stuck around to read all of this, I thank you for doing so. And to those that stuck around, I apologize for the excessive negativity. And like I mentioned above, you're more than welcome to reblog this with your thoughts and whether you agreed, disagreed or have something to say regarding my post.
Thank you all for taking the time to read this along with my other posts for this ridiculous show. Your feedback means alot to me and I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!
Nana na na, Nana na na, Nana na na na na...
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Did Silver kill Flint?
I keep seeing cold ass takes in the Black Sails side of tumblr that make my blood boil.
Look, I got into Black Sails in 2017, three weeks after the finale aired. Back then, there seemed to be an understanding that the "Silver killed Flint" interpretation was just a fringe theory from straight people made uncomfortable by the queer lead getting a happy ending. Personally, it was my first encounter with the phrase "unbury your gays" (having learnt "bury your gays" a year earlier with The 100). It seemed to be generally accepted that Flint lived, and that this was the whole point.
Now, it would appear that a shift has happened in the fandom, where the idea of Silver killing Flint is no longer treated as a theory by straight weirdos but as a canon, onscreen event, and these posts come from queer fans. It seems to come from younger fans who were about 12 or 13 in 2017. It's so mindboggling to me.
The arguments for this Silver-Killed-Flint thing is usually the same two: birds flying away and Silver's men turning around in the forest, as in reaction to a noise, which is interpreted as a gunshot.
Like, I'm just elaborating on a rant I sent to my friends earlier today here but, if Silver killed Flint, then :
Why would we be shown an entire sequence with one of Silver's henchmen looking for Thomas where he is?
If Thomas and Flint are dead, why aren't we shown their deaths? It's an actual rule in cinema that a character whose death isn't shown on screen isn't dead, a rule that the show does follow (we see Billy's funeral but not his corpse). Besides, Black Sails doesn't shy away from showing death on screen, even for main characters. Then, why not show how Thomas died instead of telling us? Why not show us Silver shooting Flint? The writers trust their viewers to understand the pattern, and understand that the reason we do not see their deaths is because they aren't dead.
Why would Silver bring up Thomas to Flint if he'd planned on killing him? Or if, as I've also seen it said, it was just a lie he made on the spot for Madi ?
And talking about Madi, I've seen A LOT of people saying she would never forgive Silver. And to that I genuinely have to ask, have you seen their last appearence in the show? I dont mean their argument in the cabin, I mean the scene where Silver sits on top of a hill and turns around to find Madi waiting for him on the path. I mean the scene where he walks towards her and she waits for him. So, my question here, if she wasn't gonna forgive Silver, why is she waiting for him on that hill? Nevermind the fact that Treasure Island's Long John Silver is in a relationship with a Black woman (I've seen posts saying that could be Max, and really wtf??), what is the point of showing us this scene if she's not gonna forgive him? Why not stop their arc at the cabin where she sends him away?
At the time when Black Sails' finale aired, Supernatural was still queerbaiting its audience, and Sherlock ended in a fucking shitshow. People were throwing fits over Bill Potts, Doctor Who's first ever onscreen lesbian companion because she was a lesbian with a masculine name. A year before that, The 100, a very popular tv show at the time, had just killed it's only lesbian character and faced so much uproar and backlash for it. (That was my entry into the LGBT+ community, by the way : the first character to make me think I might actually like women getting killed on screen two scenes after having had sex with the female lead). Sense8's two-hour long finale and Love, Simon wouldn't air for another year.
So yeah, if you weren't into queer media back in 2017 (and omg I sound like such an old twat), I don't think you can understand just how important that ending, with Flint being reunited with the love of his life after so much pain and loss, was.
If your interpretation of Black Sails is that the events of Treasure Island happened the way the book tells you, then I'm sorry to tell you this but you completely missed the point of the show.
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b000mbayah · 2 years
yandere aespa reaction to you confessing to them?👁👁
Sure thing anon :)
Requested: Yes
Word count: 4,309
Warnings: None?
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Karina has spent the last eight months contemplating your relationship status. Sure, you are far closer than she could have ever comprehended the first time she saw you- but now that all just seems like some distant dream she has already surpassed. She very clearly remembers how beautiful you looked the first time you met as friends, how kind you were to her- all of these only fueled the fire she had already started for herself and eventually, that small fire on the tip of her match stick had grown into a full on bonfire. That day she'll treasure forever, like a sacred secret.
But now, seeing you standing at her front door through the small peep hole, she's more confused than ever- despite the overwhelming feeling of lush swirling around inside of her like a whirlpool. Without hesitation, she unlocked her front door, reeling the slab back from the frame to reveal a very bashful you. You shifted uncomfortably, shifting from one leg to the other with your hands held out in front of you. If Karina didn’t know you- and she thanks the lords that she does every day- then she would’ve guessed you were some shy girl scout… just without the uniform.
“Y/n? What are you doing?” She inquired, feeling somewhat conflicted by your sudden appearance. Your mouth only opened and closed though, resembling that of a fish. You looked lost, confused, but most concerning of all, you looked troubled.
"Come in, please" Stepping aside, she opened the door further. When you walked past her, she could basically feel the uncertainty radiating from you like a batch of heavy nuclear waste. To this, she frowned, following after you with many thoughts racing through her mind.
Once you both found a comfortable seat in her living room, she'd smile lightly as you only breathed in a sequence to calm yourself down.
"We need to talk"
Karina had almost instantly gulped, feeling a thick lump form in her throat at the sound of your roughed voice. It felt heavy, yet light, much like a buoy that just sat stationary within her tightening throat. She'd eye you carefully, noticing the poorly covered bags under your eyes and the small shake of your hands. Have you not slept?
"What's wrong? You look like you haven't slept, no offence"
Then it was your turn to pause as you looked down into your lap, bouncing your knee nervously. "That's because I haven't," you dryly admitted as Karina had cautiously moved closer, scooting over to your side. Her eyes felt heavy upon your skin, dangerous almost, like a wolf in sheep's clothing. "I've been thinking about someone… someone really close to me and I think I've come to the realisation that I- that I like them...?"
Karina leaned back lightly, feeling her world shatter in more ways than one. Her heart had plummeted into a pit of self-pity and jealousy while her brain worked hard at your words. You like someone? She's not an idiot, you could've said love. Or are you uncertain? Is there still that small slither of hope for her? She'll make the cut, she'll just have to expand the horizon no matter the cost if it means being with you.
"You like them?" Karina repeated half your words, throat still tight like a squeezed towel. You only sheepishly nodded though, eyes fixated on her and her reaction, and what you got was far from what you expected. You expected a little support for your love life, for her to seem genuinely happy about your choice, but how could you see that when you hadn't told her who "they" were.
"Yeah, very much so"
"Who are they?" Upon hearing her words, you flinch. It was so quick you were certain she hadn't noticed it, but she did and her dark eyebrows shot together, slightly creasing the skin between them.
"They're the most amazing person. They're cute, they're responsible, and they have manners like no other gentlewoman I've ever met" you silently bite at your lower lip, feeling your teeth sink painfully into the skin, but you needed a distraction from the jaded look on Karina's face and pain was the perfect volunteer.
"They sound nice" Karina resorted, gazing down to her own hands as they shook under the extreme condition of jealousy and fitted rage. "Their name?"
You gulped, fidgeting uncomfortably in your seat. Her reaction wasn't sitting well with you and your heart. She seemed almost violent with her wording, and you could tell she was ready to punch a hole through the wall if needed.
"Their name?"
You and Karina were close, friendship wise and physically. Your knees were close to brushing each other, and your shoulders so close you could feel the warmth emitting from her body. But what you have with her is special, like a shared star. It's the most precious and dearest thing you've ever had a grasp on and you're afraid if you say the wrong words- or do the wrong thing- she'll be out of your life forever. That star would then be a fragment of what once was a beating heart, now set to rest like a fatal pet upon its funeral bed.
But you have to take that leap in life sometimes. That's what makes life, life.
With one deep breath, you open your mouth, and the name almost falls crooked upon your tongue. You could feel your mouth go stale as your body tensed up. Never have you felt more afraid of rejection than you do right now.
But then the name crawled into her ears for her brain to process and her heart to examine. Her brain had broken the name up for a thorough inspection, diving deep for further inspections in the name and if it were truly hers or some misheard piece of information. So she needed clarification.
You bit your lip even harder, finally drawing a drizzle of shiny blood as you nodded, repeating yourself.
It was spontaneous, the way she gripped your shoulders and kissed you hard. Yet, despite the kiss being needy, it felt far from it. The kiss you shared was passionate and most certainly possessive on her behalf.
There was a dominance in the way she pulled you impossibly closer till you were just mesh in her lap, moulding clay within her fingers.
And then she pulled away, cheeks flushed and eyes darting around your strawberry face.
"I like you too"
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You had ironically met at a coffee shop, like all cliché love stories. Giselle was a first-time customer who quickly grew accustomed to the heavy scent of coffee grains and the sight of natural hues. Wooden planks lined dividers and eco-friendly plants lined certain countertops.
But the place was deceiving.
The welcoming atmosphere was the polar opposite to what actually awaited her at the counter. You were calm and collected, just like the building itself. But what had made you so different was the way you made her feel.
Because while the building made her feel at home, you made her feel… different. You made her feel as if a dozen batches of nestled butterflies were hatching, making her insides flutter and tingle in a delectable way. You made her feel as if she was the only person in the room, that you were solely here for just her and her order. And so, because of this, she freshened her face with the brightest smile she could conduct before she set for the lingering line.
Giselle distinctively remembers how long the queue time felt. She remembers how she prayed that you would be the one to take her order with your monotone apron and pinned back hair. You looked stunning, even with the restricted view created by the heads of the incompetent infront of her.
There was just something fulfilling in the way you dashed around the area, informing your coworkers of the orders being made as transactions went through. You were just stunning.
So, it was no surprise that when you called upon the next customer in line, Giselle had practically thrown herself a small celebration within her mind. And of course, your voice was tender, and of course, you were polite. But your eyes? They seemed to be the most desirable feature upon you. They sparkled under the fluorescent lights, shining like a clean mirror as Giselle could practically see her giddy reflection within them. Your eyes seemingly controlled Giselle in ways she never thought to be possible.
When you finally called her name for her collection, Giselle had never been so in love with her own name. There was just something in the way you said it- how it lightly trespassed upon your tongue like a sin.
The cup felt warm between her fingers and palm, warming the appendages as she read over her own name repeatedly while taking small sips and obvious glances your way. It would be an absolute dream if you just locked eyes one more time.
And so she visited more often than not. Giselle would make an appearance before work, during her lunch breaks, after work. It was as if a day was never truly complete without visiting you- without stalking you.
Eventually, however, the font of her name was accompanied by the small doodle of whatever you pleased: a star, a smiley face… a heart… These made her smile like some love-drunk teenager all over again.
And not before long, you added another something else, changing everything all together as you instead put a small note, each one differing from the last. They were only little sentences like "How are you?" Or "Have a good day!". But each one held a firmer grip on her heart, and soon enough, it became far more addictive than any type of alcohol or drug or coffee, for you were her new addiction.
However, there was one issue. You've never actually exchanged any other words except for "the usual?" And "please". She could sense the mutual respect as one of the establishments highest paying customers at this point. But surely you weren't doing it just because of that? She's never seen you write on anyone else's cup the way you do for her. She's never seen you even remotely smile at any other customer the way you do for her.
So why must she feel so glum when she received a cup with nothing? There was just a blank spot on the sticker where her name- her doodle- her note was supposed to be? She would've taken anything, but nothing? That just seems too harsh to just suddenly stop.
Her head was too far up in the clouds to realise the shitty customer pestering you the entire time you were making her usual drink. So when she finally screwed her head back into place and took into account the situation, to say she was ready for murder was an understatement.
Giselle would unknowingly want this lady to bleed, to cry at her lack of mercy as she'd just slowly edge her towards death before aiding her to health, only to do it all again.
It was sick, but Giselle quite frankly couldn't care less about that. She cared more about getting her note and dealing with that woman (albeit at a later date).
So, with her bag flung over her barely exposed shoulder, she strode towards the till, where you were being harassed and humiliated for your "mistake" of an order.
It wasn't until she was basically standing side by side with the woman of many problems that you had noticed Giselle, turning to look at her apologetically as she just gave you a reassuring smile.
"Excuse me?" Giselle begins, interrupting the rampaging bull beside her as she squeezed into the conversation like it was a heated hot tub. "You uh- you forgot my note" She sheepishly held up her cup of steaming contents, her fingers wrapped around its curved frame delicately.
You only blinked at her, face slightly scrunched, but soon a smile grew before her eyes. She did that? Giselle had actually made you smile? If only you knew how many fantasies you were making come true with just the smile and light eye contact. "Ouh, I did? I'm sorry. Please, let me fix that?"
You held your hand out, sleeves rolled up to your elbows as your hand flexed slightly. To this, Giselle only blushed, handing you her cup as the woman before her scoffed in annoyance.
"So she gets a replacement!?"
"Oh, I'm not getting a replacement" Giselle smiled a crooked grin at the woman beside her.
"Here you go," you smiled, placing the black marker pen back down on the counter as you handed Giselle her drink once again. "Please enjoy" You gave her a half smile this time, blushing lightly as your fingers brushed against each other- there was no way you hadn't felt that too!
But deciding to question it later, Giselle took one last look at the rude customer, eyeing her up and down to get one last good look at her before turning on her heel to sit down at her designated booth once again.
With a hopeful sigh, Giselle took a small sip of her drink, finally deciding to look down and read the note you had just put on there.
There laid the arrangement of four simple words. Each one held value within the context of the small note, but the overall value was enough to send her heart flipping and somersaulting in pure ecstasy.
"Go out with me?"
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It was destined from the very beginning- or so that's what Winter told herself every night. Every night, she spent alone in her room, cramped up into the corner of her bed- draped in different sheets and blankets as she just drew all things to do with you.
She'd draw your name in pretty pinks and emboid the empty surroundings with carefully drawn-out hearts and clouds. There would often be pages found with repetitive contents. Like pages of both your initials, conjoint by a single plus symbol.
But these were just silly little drawings, things little children would do to pair themselves up with their crushes within their innocent minds. But Winter wasn't a child anymore. She's an adult with "normal" adult thoughts and desires. And so she had a special book, one of carefully executed photos of you to accompany a timeline of your day. She'd have notes of all your dislikes and likes, all your hobbies and fears, all your friends and enemies. The list extends past half the book with information written in extreme detail.
Darkness seemingly seeps into the material of the pages as the photographs and facts near the back pages. She'd have pictures of you with your friends. She'd have you surrounded in hearts while all your friends have ink scribbled across them in ways that represent the fate they'll meet one day.
One friend would have no eyes, while another had their mouth slit to the tip of their cheek bones. One has their stomach ripped open with drawn on organs, and the other simply had a cloud of ink engulfing the entirety of their head.
However, these photos never did her any justice, they were just little flashy tropes she could hug at night- pretending you were there with her instead of a book she cherishes as if it were you.
Winter would often find herself waking up in a sour mood because of this, eventually leading to her doing even more stalking.
How could something go from being so sweet and childish-like, to morbid and sadistic? The answer? Winter. Winter was exactly that.
When you first met a few months back, it was by complete accident. You had body slammed her while playing a game of complex frisbee with your friends in the park.
She remembers so clearly how cute you looked- all dumbfounded with your mouth hung ajar. Your eyebrows were furrowed into a straight line, eyes slightly widened as your face changed to the hue of roses.
You looked perfect.
So flushed for her and her only. Now she wants that again, and she wants that forever. She knew there was no way this was a coincidence. It was destiny to her.
So she made it her duty to follow you, "coincidently" meeting you in random locations till you were close enough to actually just talk like friends, and eventually, you considered her one.
She was invited to your outings, but she only went for you- acting as if she was happy to be company for your other friends as well.
She'd hesitantly put on a laugh and smile for the sake of being close to you, pretending to care when one of your friends get broken up with- or when one of them gets fired from their job
Fortunately, though, it eventually paid off. Eventually, you had invited her to a day out with just the two of you.
And obviously, she couldn't reject the opportunity.
So she found herself here, sitting on a bench in the middle of the exact same park you first met as you simply enjoy the silence with each other.
She stares at you while you stare at the natural surroundings that greet you in a whimsical trance. The birds sing happily, and the distant disturbing hum of a car makes itself present.
It was explosive, how you quickly slurred out words, but Winter understood. "You see that spot?' You ask, raising a finger to an empty patch on the field with a small smile gracing your lips.
"It's where we met," you add, looking at Winter as she just grins. You remembered? You cared enough to pay attention? She just assumed you were so caught up in looking at her that you wouldn't have noticed.
"Yeah, I suppose it is," Winter nodded, looking back over to the patch of grass.
"I prefer this so much more," you happily sighed out, relaxing into the bench's structure as your hands delved deep into your hoodie pockets.
"Prefer what so much more?"
"I prefer this, just hanging out with you and not being in a group twenty-four seven"
To this, Winter silently questioned why, thoughts of all sorts rushing through her already congested mind. "Any particular reason why?" You almost crippled into a ball at her words, but she was eager to know, and her heart got the best of her tongue.
"What do you mean? How could I not enjoy hanging out with the kindest person I know. And on top of that, she's smart and so, so attractive," you goofily smile, earning a small push out of both embarrassment and overall shyness.
"Anyone would be lucky to date you," you almost whisper, frowning slightly to yourself. But Winter caught that, now mirroring your saddened expression with a hollowed heart.
"Why would you think that, Y/n?"
"Because you're this amazing person. You're far too extraordinary to just be some fling or a one-time purpose girlfriend - you're you! You're understanding, you're responsible, you're lovable. Do you understand how hard it is to come across someone like you in this modern society we've constructed? It's like a septillion to one!"
"Y/n?" Winter reached out, holding your wrist to help calm you down.
"I love you!" You suddenly blurt out amongst the waffling of your rambles, causing you to slam your mouth shut, now embarrassed and fearful for the outcome.
However, the outcome was far from what you expected when you saw that same stupid grin again- the one she does without any particular reason.
"I- I"
"You love me?" Winter grumbled, eying you half suspiciously, but she couldn't stop the smokey pink from spreading across her now flushed face.
It seems that Winter was the one to trip and stumble this time, figuratively body slamming you this time with that flushed look.
"You don't have to love me back. That was a mistake"
"No, you said it for a reason, and I refuse to let that slide as some mistake. Y/n, I love you too. I just didn't know how to say it before. And we were always just around your friends"
"Then I'll fix that. If you're uncomfortable, then I'll do more dates like these ones with just us"
"Dates? This is a date"
You hum. "No! I mean, I wouldn't object to the idea at all, but I feel like I could do better than this for a first date, can I show you?"
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Your first encounter wasn't exactly the most ideal, but it was perfect for Ningning. She felt as if you had stolen her heart when you walked out the shop, committing a crime that she honestly didn't care much about- but that never stopped her from playing cops and robbers with you.
She'd happily gather intel on you, noting it all down as she dreamily stared at you through your open window or from another booth in a café you visit on the regular.
She'd be so far in her state of delusional mind that her quickly developed obsession would stem out into a more physical form. She'd have an "evidence" board with pictures of you pinned up, reasons, and witness statements from herself to "help" her case.
This was either just some wacky fantasy, or she genuinely believed this to keep herself away from the truth of her yandere-like behaviour.
Either way, it wasn't exactly the most efficient way of "gathering intel" so she went undercover as the girl you met just the other week and not this fake cop she's made herself to be.
However, one thing leads to another, and months later, she's found laying on your bed with you. Despite the countless encounters you've both had since that "undercover" mission. She has yet to make any further status updates as all she's been able to think about was how attractive you look no matter the circumstance.
Her feelings had gotten the best of her and the whole "Cop Vs. Criminal" plot had fallen through the floor at this point. Over the course of your time spent together, she's come more and more to terms with her ways, understanding what's happening.
But it's not like she can stop it, she's far past that point, so the only thing she can do is continue to just be your friend. She'd have to sit by your side as you enjoy silly little dates that aren't with her, go on stunning vacations around the world with someone who's not her and grow old with some other person who's not her.
She still has a fight in her, though, so why was she thinking these things to herself? Why was she suddenly so defeated in the name of love- something she feels so strongly about?
Maybe it was the way you complained about love, like it would never come your way, like Ningning hadn't in front of you this whole time?
Whatever it was, it was diminishing her own perspective- and her ability to push through a tough crowd because she knew you'd never feel the same- even if she had kidnapped you and forced you to at least try and love her.
"Do you love anyone?"
Ningning choked on her pringles, eyes tightly closing as she coughed furiously into her fisted palm.
Does she love anyone?
When your hand made contact with her back, she felt that same shock of ecstatic she normally does as you try your hardest to fix the issue you have created. After some time, her coughing subsides, and the only thing left between you is the haunting word of "love"
"Do I love someone?" Ningning asked, almost unsure if her ears were deceiving her, but your nod told her enough. "I uhm.." she hesitated, scared to reveal anymore than she already had, thinking back to her makeshift evidence board and old high-school files she had stolen.
Now love just seems like too vague of a word… obsessed is a better suited pick.
"I do," her voice was meek out of fear as she searched your eyes, throat scratched and burning from the choke you unwillingly placed upon her.
One eyebrow rose above the other as a grin quickly spread its way across your face, your look almost demanding "Who"
"I'm not telling you that!" she laughed, still eyeing you cautiously in fear of exposing herself. "Do you have a crush, Y/n?"
"I do indeed" your grin only seems to widen as a pit suddenly spawns inside of Ningnings stomach. "I have an idea! If you tell me yours, I'll tell you mine?"
"No way!" You roll your eyes at the girl, shaking your head as your grin slips away. "How about you tell me yours, then I'll tell you mine," Ningning requested, flipping the entirety of your offer to benefit and favour her.
You hummed. And then you spoke.
"Sure, why not?" You shrugged, leaning in closer to the smaller girl, leaving an excruciatingly painful gap between you both.
"I love you"
Ningning tensed up like a cat in fear, her back stiffened, and her eyes locked onto your own as the words bounced around inside of her head. "You love me?" She repeated, sounding unsure before repeating it again and again until the words just felt natural and light upon her tongue.
"Is this real?"
You only laughed, smacking her shoulder lightly "one hundred and one percent." You smiled as Ningning only swooned, giving you a quick peck on the lips.
"I love you too!"
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dabilove27 · 9 months
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Character: Joey Wheeler
Warnings: 18+ MDNI, Public masturbation, Male Masturbation, Joey is depicted as 21+, Not Beta'd. If I missed anything let me know!
Word Count: 1.4k
A/N: Hello hello! So this is a bit different from what I normally do so please excuse it if it's horrific. This comes from a lovely requester who wishes to remain anonymous. Here is the request: "For my request, can you write a oneshot featuring Joey Wheeler (aged up) but with public nudity please? In the story, he gets the idea to try walking through downtown Domino City late at night wearing nothing but his birthday suit. You can decide on where he'd go, but I'd like it if Joey was focused on walking through without anyone catching him also masturbating/cumming along the way." I hope you like it!!
other a/n: my dumbass had to keep editing this aye aye aye
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Joey perceived himself as a daring risk-taker, always ready to face danger with no second thoughts. As he entered adulthood following high school, he remained labeled as reckless by others. However, as Joey entered his early adult years, he carried a secret within him. His constant drive to push his boundaries led to a diminished excitement for ordinary experiences.
Joey was uncertain about the process through which he realized that this was his area of expertise.
It started on a scorching summer day when he set out for the pool unaccompanied. The sparkling sun drenched the area in a golden light, its rays softly brushing against his skin. Lacking ambitious aspirations, he merely craved the soothing comfort of the sun. Strangely, not a single person was there on this beautiful summer day.
Rather than going into the bathroom to change, Joey took a risk and changed right there, in the open air. A powerful voice of persuasion boldly called to him. A combination of fear and excitement filled him as he removed his clothes.
Joey's heart throbbed as he rapidly stripped off his shirt and shorts, attempting to be swift and unnoticeable. A surge of adrenaline washed over him as he reveled in the thrill of engaging in forbidden activities. The voice he heard in his head gave him confidence that he would go unnoticed.
After changing and getting into his swim trunks, Joey felt sweat rolling down his forehead. With a nervous glance, he quickly checked to see if anyone had caught sight of his unconventional actions. The pool remained quiet, with no one in sight.
Despite feeling uncomfortable and always being concerned about getting caught, Joey found a sense of liberation. Being bound by societal expectations had been his reality, but this rebellious act briefly liberated him. His inner voice muttered words of encouragement, compelling him to embrace his genuine self.
With a surge of confidence, Joey descended to the pool, prepared to express his true self. With the weight of secrecy gone, he felt a newfound sense of empowerment. He finally accepted that the little voice in his head had been right all along. He was ready to face the consequences of his actions, knowing that he wouldn't be discovered.
As Joey leapt into the invigorating pool, he could feel a surge of courage and determination propelling him forward. The voice in his head had become a powerful force, motivating him to break free from societal conventions and embrace his true identity. From that moment forward, he embraced the voice that resonates deep within him, promising to follow its guidance as it led him towards a life of genuine purpose.
It was a sequence of events that led Joey down an unexpected path, eventually resulting in him finding refuge in an alley where he could savor the refreshing coolness of the evening air in Domino City.
Something had unexpectedly motivated him that evening, which led to his actions. The voice he heard at the pool years ago might have caused this sensation. In a swift motion, he untangled himself from his jeans and allowed them to cascade down, landing softly on the earth, all while the crisp air of early fall danced teasingly across his legs.
A surge of adrenaline coursed through Joey, making his heart pound. Intensifying the sensation, the cool air sent shivers down his spine. A surge of electricity seemed to have sparked his senses, awakening every nerve ending in his body.
With his jeans pooled around his ankles, Joey stood there, overwhelmed by the weight of his past and the uncertainty of his future. The memory of that voice, from two years ago, lingered in his thoughts, urging him to heed his gut feelings, abandon the ordinary, and embrace the unexplored.
As the city lights shone brightly, the alley came to life, with long shadows that waltzed gracefully across the brick walls. Excitement and a touch of anxiety made Joey's legs tremble as he stood there, bare-skinned. The sensation of the crisp air on his skin was both invigorating and unsettling, a physical manifestation of his decision to step outside his comfort zone.
Joey's inhibitions gradually faded away with every passing moment, leaving him with a fresh feeling of liberation. Allowing himself a moment to take a deep breath, he embraced the coolness of the evening air that entered his lungs, providing an additional boost of invigoration. By placing his jeans on the ground, he metaphorically shed the weight of societal expectations, visually expressing his yearning to embrace the uncharted path that lies ahead.
In the alley, Joey's veins pulsed with a wave of courage and determination. The chilly wind acted as a catalyst, igniting his spirit and increasing his curiosity. Wasting no time, he took off his shirt and boxers. Aware of his vulnerability, he realized that this moment held the potential for self-reinvention and the revelation of his deepest desires.
As the days grew shorter and autumn arrived, the gentle breeze continued to brush against his legs, as if inviting him to embark on fresh adventures and explore his true self. Joey closed his eyes, fully immersing himself in the sensation, and silently vowed to obey the persistent voice that had haunted him for years. With a fresh perspective on life, he courageously moved ahead, leaving his clothes and venturing into the unknown, fully prepared to embrace whatever came his way.
A refreshing coolness fills the air. The gentle wind rustles through the trees, creating a soothing melody. With the perfect weather in place, Joey's plan is ready for success. Domino City holds no secrets for him, as he is intimately familiar with its every corner and neighborhood. It's the prime spot to begin his voyeuristic quest, where he can surreptitiously observe the unfolding scenes around him.
Joey leisurely starts his stroll, thoroughly enjoying the sensation of the wind against his bare skin, while he meanders towards the pathway that encircles the deserted lake. The rush he feels from the anticipation of being caught pushes him onwards, compelling him to stay watchful for any sudden nocturnal wanderers that may cross his path.
Even though ten minutes had elapsed, Joey had encountered no one at all. Not discouraged, he persisted through the eerie stillness of the night, cautiously navigating around abandoned vehicles, his heart racing with every step. The expectation of a potential individual inside the car caused an adrenaline rush, leading to unpredictable bodily responses. Sensing the need for haste, he hastily sought sanctuary in an industrial area, desperately yearning for a moment of relaxation.
Eventually, he finds the perfect hiding spot concealed behind a tall oak tree, where the moonlight filters through the leaves. With a careful balance of openness and seclusion, the environment allows Joey to explore his desires freely without worrying about unwanted attention. Deliberately, he reaches down, his hand encountering the velvety texture and warmth of his manhood, causing a tingle of anticipation to travel down his back. While he strokes back and forth, a euphoric symphony escapes his mouth, blending with the gentle rustle of leaves and the distant chirping of birds, forming a seductive melody in the embrace of nature.
With each stroke, Joey could see the pearlescent pre-cum glistening on the tip of his cock, heightening his pleasure. With each movement, a cacophony of loud, wet sounds filled the surrounding space. Lost in the sensation, he couldn't help but moan audibly as his hand traced the contours of his firm stomach.
Sensing the release was imminent, Joey quickened his pace, eager to reach it. His forehead and chest glistened with perspiration as small beads of sweat formed in response to the heat.
With each moan, Joey became less and less hesitant.
Joey firmly gripped his hands around his throbbing member, his fingers tightly encasing the pulsating shaft. His moans grew more intense and resonated throughout the room with every powerful thrust. The air carried a distinct scent of longing, blending with the intoxicating aroma of sweat. His lips, slightly parted, released a series of breathy exclamations, punctuated by the occasional whispered “oh fuck.”
Joey couldn’t hold it anymore and a sudden exclamation escaped his lips, “Ah, F-Fuck!” To ease himself, he expelled a significant load onto the grass, feeling a sense of relief wash over him.
Before finally going back to get his clothes, Joey lingers for a while, savoring the moment with a hint of reluctance.
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