#that so nothing bad happens
villainessbian · 11 months
"I'm your arch's nemesis"
Normal people: what? that doesn't sound right, don't you mean-
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skogensro · 15 days
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accidental post-war movie night sleepover
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artisfaction · 4 months
This shoot is fantastic, it looks like a still from a Wes Anderson film.
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So I couldn't help myself. Tadda:
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gotham-snark · 5 months
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Damian's had a rough time lately 😨 go hurt some bad guys with your dad
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lieu-rey · 7 months
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first meeting
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idliketobeatree · 3 months
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i'm living the dream, in the dream, i'm buried alive two bed grave, one bath, car in the drive mirrored covered windows block the light feeding back reflection distorts life cut connection — jesca hoop
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littlefankingdom · 15 days
I feel like everytime the batkids are together in the comics and Bruce tells them to not do something, just after he left, Dick turns to his siblings to be like "So, what we do here is never listen to B. So we are going to do it." and one of them will be like "This is not going to end well.", and they follow Dick in the danger Bruce told them to stay away from.
It's incredible how Bruce still trust Dick SO MUCH when he is pulling this bs ALL THE TIME.
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moonmarbled · 4 months
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isolabellz · 8 months
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in another life
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echoes-of-the-unknown · 3 months
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These guys practically drew themselves being too sweet for words
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medblackcoffee · 4 months
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Yuuji is def the type of guy to surprise Megumi with flowers constantly and Megumi hates it (he loves it)
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leol · 4 months
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logan 2017 movie canon divergent au kinda.. kurt deus ex machina, everybody lives, happy family = profit
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aediondraws · 6 months
the Magnus Protocol Character Designs
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these are just my current headcanons, as well as some things I've seen from others. idk who came up with the Sam amputee hc but I rlly fwi! These aren't final, so feel free to tell me your hcs in the comments, I'd love to hear about them!!
Colin, Lena & Celia are next, and if i find the time I'll try to work on some others like Bonzo etc.
Some details:
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lovealwayssay · 5 months
I would pay an ungodly amount of money for a Supernatural finale where Dean rescues Cas from the Empty and tells him he loves him too, Eileen comes back to be with Sam, and Jack chooses to live with the four of them in the bunker as a happy family.
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>be a webcomic
>decent popularity and critical support from the fans at the start
>immediate drop in quality over next bunch of updates
>fans hate it
>gets so bad writers and artists are harassed to the point of leaving the team
>endless controversies between writers acting shitty on their personal Twitter account to fans to accusing discord mods of being 4Chan nazis
>comic loses half its funding 8 months in
>bimonthly updates 4 months in return to the sluggish once a month updates from the start
>pause 14 months into the comic’s intended 5 year run.
>announce a month later indefinite hiatus
>be almost 4 year anniversary of the webcomic’s start, 17 days away to be exact
>drop 4 DOZEN pages
>new director
>new writers union
>new EVERYTHING even the title of the comic changed
>the “it’s so over” from the fandom supercharges back into “we are so fucking back”
>its name is enough to scare half this website into shock
>look at tags
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