#that shit was crazy i was just a like. theatre kid and close with my family lmao
txicgf · 10 months
forever thinking about coming home from 7th grade at the ripe old age of twelve to getting accused of incest and vaguely saying i was racist for liking hamilton at the time (???) bc i was associated with my sibling on the Internet™
0 notes
im-getting-help · 3 months
What if theater kid Felix obsessed with musicals and theater hater Oliver.
Ollie can appreciate classics like Romeo and Juliet or Hamlet, he read the scripts even, but he finds the staging and theatrical language annoying, even though he never actually saw a play that is not the shitty ones of his highschool.
Somehow in Oxford, he is dragged(let's say Farleigh (?) to see a performance by theater/film students, that is where he sees Felix perform, and he is good at it, and his voice while he sings its beautiful and he can't help himself but fall inlove instantly.
Sorry I'm obsessed with theatre and I need Felix to be too
Theater kid Felix is canon, sorry atheists.
Oliver is literally Paul from TGWDLM, he doesn't hate musicals, he just thinks hating musicals is part of his identity/personality and won't let go.
He actually watched a fair amount of musical movies and he's in love with Emma Felix, a theater "kid?". He knows the lyrics of some songs from musicals and always has an excuse like "I watched it cause a friend told me it was good..." or "the song is everywhere, I can't help to know the lyrics." or my favorite "I watched it just to be sure I hated it."
"I don't like musical theater, I just like Felix" that's what he says to himself every time he buys another ticket.
Oliver sits as close as he can get to the front row and he only watches Felix. When Felix isn't on stage he watches the props, the makeup, the costuming, the wigs, oh the wigs are fun if you're close to the stage, he tries to find where they hide the box for the microphones.
But, whenever Felix is back he can't take his eyes off him.
" 'why don't you take a picture, it'll last longer'... but what if they catch me taking pictures and ask me to leave?Better wait until the play is over, maybe then I can ask him for a picture? would that be wierd? God, i can't cry now, we're not even close to that scene..."
What about Felix?
Well, Oliver isn't really that crazy. Felix is impressively talented.
When you see him entering the stage the first thing you think is 'oh, that's the cute one' and then he starts singing, and you think 'oh, he's pretty good', then he gets you to laugh and you think 'oh, he's good', then he delivers a great dramatic line and you think 'shit, he is good', and then... then he starts dancing and now you're pissed.
He's good looking, knows how to sing, act AND dance? a triple threat with beautiful hazel eyes and over 5'4? are you kidding me?
Sir James paid for the best professors, instructors and coaches. Music theory and singing lessons monday and wednesday, theater classes tuesday, wednesday and saturday and dancing classes thursday and friday. Sunday he rested, then again, monday, almost at the same time as the sun went up he waked up, honey and ginger tea and the staff could hear the vocal warm ups traveling the old hallways of the mansion.
Felix loved it, even when he was exhausted, and he had almost no social life outside of other performers, he loved the arts. He loved when he learned how to properly sustain and do a good legato, or actually using the diaphragm and not the throat to sing staccato, better yet when he stopped hurting after rehearsal. He loved when his professor cried through one of his soliloquies, and when he cried while doing the soliloquy. He was actually so relieved when he finally learned how to lift her partner without digging his thumbs into her abdomen, and he loved it when she and the coach congratulated him for it.
Felix liked to rehearse, learn his lines, practice the lyrics, harmonizing with his partner and trying the costumes. But most of all, he just loved being part of the plays. When the play was over and he snapped out of the character, when he saw the public applauding them, that's when he knew he chose right.
"Hey Fee, who's that guy with the baby blue eyes? a new fan?"
"Huh? Who?"
"The guy? ...short, dark hair, clear blue eyes and glasses, looks kinda nerdy. He's here almost every night, near the front row, I thought you knew him."
"Uhm... no?"
"No? he comes just to see you, it's so obvious, he only pays attention to you."
"I have no idea who you're talking about."
"Look for him the next function, he's always near the front".
♡ ♡
"We go to the same college, how come we never crossed paths before?"
"You're probably always around the plaza, I'm on the bodleian"
"Fucking nerds! we hated you guys!"
"We hated ourselves!"
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Part 7 of Vegas AU!! It's so long but I'm so excited for you all to meet Charlie!! This is my first ever OC character I hope I did them justice 🤞 and apologies for being late it's Neil Gaiman's fault. I did have my weekend of editing planned out until he ripped out my heart and stomped on it so I spent last weekend as a burrito instead, sorry.
Part 1 -- Part 2 -- Part 3 -- Part 4 -- Part 5 -- Part 6
Eddie insisted they drop the car off at the hotel and walk to the parlour instead. Not that Steve minded, Eddie had assured them it wasn't far and although the streets were busy, the night air was cool and with Eddie by his side everything seemed kinda magical; almost like anything was possible.
Robin was already back to her usual self, chattering away with Chrissy. He couldn't hear what they were talking about precisely, but it was happy chatter filled with gasps and laughter, so he figured it wasn't for him to worry about. Chris was more than refreshed from her nap and seemed pretty relaxed again as she practically dragged Robin giddily down the sidewalk, fingers entwined and arms swinging adorably.
Steve couldn't help but smile at them, and Eddie seemed equally endeared, grinning fondly as he linked his pinkie with Steve's as they strolled along after their best friends. A street performer was playing a gentle tune on an acoustic guitar, the shop lights were casting a warm glow over the street and the scent of Italian spices were floating out of one of the restaurants as they passed by, all leading to this romantic air that felt more like Paris than Vegas.
The bubble was quickly broken by a group of dudes across the street heading in the opposite direction, whooping and hollering a chorus of "Vegas!" Eddie snorted derisively at the display, making Steve giggle. God, as if I was one of them! The jocks hadn’t seemed to have received the memo to grow the hell up, somehow still stuck in the delusion that because they were someone in high school that the world owed them a favour.
Steve had a feeling Eddie would’ve despised him in high school, and quite right, too. Nothing about Eddie screamed ex-jock, in fact Steve would put money on him being anything but. Not that he was sure what he could've been precisely. A band geek, maybe? Eddie knew a lot about instruments, chatted easily with Robin when she'd brought it up, but hadn't mentioned being in marching band himself.
Steve supposed he could’ve been a nerd, he knew Eddie was crazy smart, he easily kept up with other people even when Steve himself got entirely lost. And Steve could so easily picture it too, Eddie with cropped curls, big glasses and a bow tie. It was an adorable picture, but unlikely. No, Steve swinging closer to him being a theatre kid, especially given his and Chrissy's little display in the desert. Either that or maybe he'd been on the debate team, knowing a lot about everything and impassioned speeches were something they were good at.
He was distracted from his spiralling thoughts when Eddie bumped his shoulder playfully, "Whatcha thinkin' 'bout?" Eddie asked.
Steve glanced over, enjoying the sparkle in his eyes and the gentle smile gracing his face, "Who you were in high school. I'm torn between theatre or debate club?" Steve said softly, because the more he thought about it the more he swung towards theatre, but he hoped he wasn't way off, he didn't want to insult him.
Eddie let out a self-deprecating sigh, his expression shuttering, "Couldn't be more wrong, I'm afraid. I did help with staging a couple times, but I was- uh- well, I wasn't exactly liked in high school," Eddie admitted forlornly.
Steve's internal panic fell quickly from shit I've insulted him to huh? "Really?" Steve asked disbelievingly. Because surely not! Who wouldn't like Eddie?
"Yeah, nah, I was just the school freak. Eddie "The Freak" Munson. That was me for five years," Eddie muttered at the floor, like he was ashamed, like that was anything close to who he was.
Steve felt anger rise up his throat, the urge to protect Eddie putting his shackles up. He desperately wanted to go back to that time and place and make anyone who wanted to call Eddie that say it to his face, make his King Steve persona useful for something, make them apologise and grovel for ever making Eddie feel like he was anything less than the incredible man he was. 
Steve stopped in his tracks to breathe through the sudden fury sitting in his chest. Chrissy and Robin were already waiting for them at the end of the street, a few more minutes wouldn't hurt. Eddie had stopped a pace or two away, still staring at the ground, still feeling the pain and humiliation those bastards had put him through for five years. But it was as though the rest of the world had melted away as Steve dragged Eddie to him by the hand, lifting his chin with gentle fingers and cupping his face; feeling simultaneously like he was holding something as exquisite as a butterfly and as substantial as the whole damn world.
"Eddie," Steve spoke softly, waiting for Eddie to look at him instead of over his shoulder, "Baby. That's not who you are! I didn't know you then, but I guarantee that's never been you! You are so much more than those small-minded, dickless, hopeless nobodies could ever even hope to comprehend! You're Eddie Munson! You're amazing!" Steve told him fiercely.
And if Steve wasn't in love before, seeing the adorable shade of crimson Eddie had gone and the bashful smile affixed to his face made Steve want to reach into his chest, pull out his beating heart and place it into Eddie's precious hands.
Their moment was quickly interrupted by his best friend, "Oi! Dingus and Dorkus!" Robin yelled from the corner, drawing both of their attention, "Less romancing, more moving, we haven't got all day!" she called, only half joking.
Eddie’s grin turned mischievous as he grabbed one of Steve's hands that were still dangling in mid-air and pulled him into a run to catch up with the girls, laughing like a little kid the whole way. Robin rolled her eyes as he and Eddie scampered passed them, dashing further down the road and skidding to a halt outside an inconspicuous shopfront; Chrissy and Robin skipping leisurely after them.
The four of them gathered on the pavement outside of Clarke's, it was a pretty indistinct store, only distinguishable from the surrounding shops in that the windows were covered with white film and the name was written calligraphy style, black lettering on a plain white background. 
Eddie and Chris shared a look Steve couldn't quite decipher before Eddie took him by the hand and dragged him through the front door. The bell that jingled as they entered had barely finished tinkling before the person behind the counter came flying at them, "Eddieeee!" they exclaimed, throwing themselves into Eddie's open arms. 
Steve could only stand there gawking at whoever the hell had just thrown themselves at his husband; trying desperately to push down the irritation he felt prickling his skin as they held Eddie longer than was strictly friendly. It didn’t help that they were gorgeous, tall and slim with an awesome purple mohawk, dressed casually in Converse, daisy dukes and a tie-dye vest that had “they/them” tagged all over it. And it really didn’t help that they were covered in tattoos, not just a few like Eddie, they probably had hundreds, every inch of skin he could see was covered in a multitude of different coloured inks.
Eddie had caught them easily and had wrapped them tightly in his arms, exclaiming, "Charlieeeeeeee! How're you?" he asked, squeezing Charlie tighter.
Steve wasn't jealous, he wasn't. That clawing, gnawing, burning sensation in his chest was just from fast food and a short burst of exercise. Steve tried to avert his eyes as Charlie pulled back, cupping Eddie's jaw in the same way Steve had just done to him not five minutes before, and he felt more than saw Robin reach for his hand, letting her touch soothe him.
"I'm good, I'm good, but how are you?” Charlie asked, tucking a piece of Eddie’s hair behind his ear, “Jeff said I might see you," they added, tilting their head with genuine concern. 
And the thing was, Charlie seemed lovely, very compassionate and very concerned. Steve really was trying his hardest not to hate them, but he couldn't help feeling the desire to put himself in between them. To take Charlie's hands off of Eddie because it felt like someone had walked into his house and had started randomly touching his stuff; because Eddie felt like his and as much as he was trying to swallow that feeling down into the depths where it belonged, he could feel his hands unintentionally clenching, squeezing Robin’s hand tightly. He could feel his spine straightening and his shoulders squaring, like he'd come up against a bear instead of someone Eddie knew, and Steve had to consciously roll his shoulders, trying desperately to fight the overreaction.
Eddie didn't say anything in reply, but something on his face must draw Charlie's attention away from Eddie and to the group at large because Charlie let go of Eddie altogether and looked over at the girls, grinning fondly at Chris when he caught her eye. Then Charlie looked over at Steve, eyeing him like a cat, sizing him up before Charlie's smile turned a little lecherous, "Oh, but you got right back on the horse, didn't you?” Charlie said to Eddie approvingly, “Who's this pretty thing?” they asked, coming towards Steve, hands outstretched like a kid in a toy shop about to start picking up all the dolls.
Except Eddie stepped quickly into Steve's space, batting Charlie's hands away, "Hands off my husband, Kohl!" Eddie didn't sound mean per se, but there was a definite warning in his tone. Oh! That's hot!
Charlie baulked, eyes going wide in disbelief, "Your husband?!"
Eddie nodded decisively, "My husband," he confirmed. Charlie's face went through a multitude of expressions before settling on something that looked almost like pride. It seemed to spur Eddie on, he preened and wrapped an arm around Steve's waist, physically pulling him into their conversation, "Stevie, Sweetheart, my cousin, Charlie Clarke. Char, this is my better half, Steve Harrington," Eddie introduced.
Steve’s brain was short-circuiting. Eddie’s cousin, he’d been possessive over his cousin hugging him! God, I’m too tired for this. Luckily for Steve, autopilot took over, his stiff upbringing coming in handy for something as he shook Charlie's hand cordially, but he'd apparently married into a family of huggers because the two cousins laughed as Charlie threw their arms around Steve’s shoulders, squeezing him tight. 
It'd been a while since Steve had felt so fucking stupid, in reality he had no right to be possessive over anything Eddie did, they were only technically married after all and just because they were continuing to have fun didn’t mean that he had a right to overreact like that. 
Yet at the same time he couldn’t control that buoyant feeling, realising Eddie had chosen to introduce him to his family when he could’ve called Charlie and asked for a recommendation for Robin, or just taken her to any parlour on the strip, but Eddie had chosen to bring them to family. To his cousin who was proud of Eddie, and accepting of the fact that Eddie had got married, hadn’t even asked for details just threw their arms around Steve like he was one of them now. And god did it feel good to be introduced to someone as not only Eddie's husband but his better half. Which given half a chance was a title Steve'd happily wear proudly for the rest of his life.
A vision of them having a reception, Eddie walking him around the room introducing Steve as his husband to all his relatives, Steve doing the same with Eddie, popped unbidden into Steve's mind. Oh, Christ! I absolutely cannot think about that!
Releasing Steve with a genuine smile and patting Eddie affectionately on the cheek, Charlie chortled, "Well, he couldn't be your worse half could he!" they teased.
Eddie rolled his eyes playfully, nudging Steve with his elbow bringing him in on the joke, "Kohl's still bitter about being replaced," he taunted, winking at Steve conspiratorially.
Charlie scoffed, "I think you'll find, I replaced you with Vegas!" they jibed, making Eddie laugh heartily. Feigning pushing Charlie away as they kissed Eddie affectionately on the forehead, before wandering off to wrap Chris in a hug, "Chris! How're you, kitten?"
Chrissy beamed at Charlie, kissing them on the cheek, "I'm good, darling, I'm having the best time!" she told Charlie realising them and tugging Robin closer by the hand, "This is Robin, she'd like something done if you've got the time?" Chrissy asked so sweetly, Steve wondered how anyone could ever say no to her.
Charlie puffed out a breath in mock consideration, "For my favourite girl's girl?" they asked, rubbing their chin and looking Robin up and down, quickly caving from the facade, "I've got all the time in the world," Charlie added, already flipping the sign on the door from Open to Closed, flicking the lock, "Come on out back, tell me everything!" they said as the girls followed Charlie behind the counter through the open door into the backroom; Chrissy chatting away about their day, leaving Steve and Eddie truly alone for the first time since that morning.
Steve suddenly felt nauseous, he wasn’t sure whether it was the butterflies that’d suddenly sprung to life in his stomach or the worry that maybe somehow Eddie had sensed his reaction to Charlie, that maybe he’d be in trouble for being jealous. And the longer the moment lasted the two of them just staring at one another the more unsure Steve became, he wrung his hands, no longer knowing what to do with them.
He wanted to draw Eddie to him, put his hands all over him, like he was desperate just to touch him. And he hadn't ever felt like that, like he couldn't focus, couldn't control himself, like he wanted to be a giant, so he could keep Eddie in his pocket, like he wanted to shrink himself down, so he could live in Eddie's so he would never not be touching him.
His racing thoughts were staring to make him panic, he could feel his breaths getting short and faster but Eddie, his calming, steady Eddie just looked at him so softly like he was thoroughly endeared, pulled Steve into his arms in one swift motion and kissed him so soundly that every thought flitting around his head just floated away until there was nothing but the pressure of Eddie's lips, the smell of fading sunscreen, mixed with cologne and the underlying something that was just Eddie, and the fizzling excited feeling in Steve's sternum he felt every time their lips were locked.
It felt like they spent forever and barely any time at all in each other's embrace before Robin calling their names eventually broke through into Steve's consciousness, making him reluctantly pull away. Not that he could leave the safe little bubble Eddie had created for them right away. Steve had to rest his forehead against Eddie's to keep the connection for a few seconds longer, just to keep him close, to keep breathing him in while he got a hold of enough of his bearings to function. Eddie hummed quietly to himself, softly pecking Steve’s lips once more before taking his hand and leading him into the back room.
Robin snorted when they entered, and he couldn’t exactly blame her. It seemed he’d somehow managed to pull all of Eddie’s hair free of its tie and his lips, although kiss swollen, were pulled tightly into a sunny smile. "When you two are quite finished," Robin chastised with a raised eyebrow. Steve knew she was joking with them, but he couldn’t help the immediate rush of guilt he felt.
This was supposed to be their holiday together, supposed to be her special trip, her special day, yet he was wrapped up in someone he was stupidly desperately in love with and considering the chances of him ever seeing Eddie again as soon as they all went home were pretty slim, he felt terrible that he’d stopped focusing on his best friend.
Eddie didn’t seem too bothered, in fact he seemed more amused than anything, "I'm sorry Bobs, I just can't get enough," he purred, laughing raucously when she mimed gagging, turning back to the book in her lap with a roll of her eyes.
Charlie pressed a drink into their hands with a gentle "here you go" before flopping down next to the girls on the comfortable looking sofa. Robin was flicking through a stack of books filled with drawings, Chrissy pressed tightly to her side, looking over her shoulder. Eddie put his glass down on the coffee table and sat in the lazyboy next to his cousin, effortlessly pulling Steve into his lap, tucking his chin over his shoulder and wrapping his arms around his waist. It’d stopped surprising Steve that Eddie just did things like that, but he was thankful for his dexterity that he’d managed not to spill liquid all over the tiled floor in the process.
Steve placed his glass on his knee, watching Robin flick through the images, wondering what she’d pick. He half expected the cousins to start up a conversation and was trying to give them as much privacy as possible, so they could talk, even if it was only small talk. 
Steve didn’t have cousins of his own, but Tommy had had three. They weren’t very close, but that was unsurprising he supposed given they lived on the other side of the country and only really saw each other every couple of years for family get together’s. Steve had been allowed to go to one once when Tommy’s gran had died. It had devastated Tommy, and Steve had only been allowed to be at the funeral to keep Tommy from crying and embarrassing the family. Apparently, 10 was too old to cry when you lost the only adult who'd ever really loved you.
He’d met Tommy’s cousins at the wake, and they were awful. The things they’d said to Tommy were way out of line and whether it was because they were grieving or just because that’s who they were Steve didn’t know; honestly he didn’t care, he was just glad when Tommy never spoke to them again. And he'd always thought that if that was what cousins did to each other, he was glad he'd never had any of his own.
Except neither cousin said anything, they just stared at each other for a while and then Charlie asked, "So, I hear you're from Hawkins?"
Steve pulled his eyes from where they’d glazed over watching the pages of the book flick, to Charlie. It was obviously aimed at him, and although they had asked almost conversationally, there was a fierceness in their eyes and a definite tone. Steve knew the beginnings of a grilling when he heard it, and he was suddenly glad for Eddie's proximity, especially when he wrapped his arms instinctively tighter around his waist.
Max had been the last person to give him the “what are your intentions” talk. It’d hurt mainly because he had thought she'd liked him, and he knew she'd hated Billy, especially after the incident with Lucas. He couldn’t afford to think about that now, if he had any hopes of making this work past this holiday, he had to make a good impression. And that was a thought that only continued to make him more nervous, the thought of fucking this up for good was unbearable, his heart rate kicking up and his mouth going impossibly dry.
He was so nervous he could only nod his affirmation, barely even registering the telltale smell that it wasn't water in his glass as he took a large swig, only realising that it was neat vodka when he choked as it burned down his gullet. Jesus Christ!
Eddie smacked Charlie's shin with the back of his hand while he rubbed soothing circles on Steve's back, "Jesus H Christ! Warn a person, Kohl! You mean bastard!" Eddie chastised, leaning forward to check Steve wasn't dying as he hacked up a lung, tears blurring his vision as he tried to breathe.
Charlie sprang off the couch, "Come now, Bear," they said, quickly crossing the room in two strides, "You know better than anyone that my fathers' were married long before I came along," Charlie quipped, pulling a bottle of water out of one of the cupboards and handing it to Steve with a whispered "Sorry, honey. Are you alright?" joining Eddie in rubbing his back gently, "Plus, I didn't hear you warn him either!" they said to Eddie accusingly.
Eddie sucked in a breath, no doubt ready to retort when Chrissy interrupted, "My darlings, are you fighting? You know how Pa hates it when you fight." Chris spoke softly and sweetly, but something about the way she said it made sure both cousins were quick to back down.
Eddie sighed heavily, back to fussing over Steve as Charlie sat back down on the sofa, making a point to look anywhere but at their cousin. A heavy quiet settled over the group, the only sounds in the room coming from the rustle of turning pages and the quiet music playing on a radio in the corner of the room; Endless Love sounding out of the tiny speaker. 
Steve inadvertently caught Eddie's eye as he fretted over him, brushing Steve's hair back away from his forehead and combing his fingers through the hairs at the back of his neck, and the look in his eyes was enough to take Steve's breath away. Eddie was looking at him with such a deep intensity, Steve felt like he was being sucked into a vortex. Becoming almost overwhelming when Eddie started mouthing the lyrics, it felt like Eddie was the one saying the words, like he could possibly mean them and Steve felt it for a second, his own feelings mirrored back at him in Eddie's gaze.
But then Robin accidentally kicked the coffee table, swearing loudly and rubbing her foot, effectively snapping their attention to her and breaking the moment like popping a bubble. Chrissy carefully pushed the table away from Robin with her foot, effectively covering the sound as Steve gulped audibly.
He began purposefully glancing around the room as the song switched to Let's Stay Together, he knew he'd give himself away if he looked back at Eddie. Knew he'd be able to see Steve's true desires if their eyes met and something about Eddie seeing how deep the well of affection Steve felt for him went terrified the living crap out of him. And honestly, he wasn't sure his heart would survive it, if he saw and heard it reflected back from Eddie, and then he never saw him again. Steve knew it'd destroy him, there'd be nothing of him left for Robin to piece back together. 
For the first time since hearing Eddie sing in his shower, Steve wished he'd stop when Eddie started crooning the words under his breath into Steve's shoulder where he'd pressed his face against him. Steve felt panic rising back up his throat, constricting his chest, and he knew he needed to focus on something else before he lost it completely. 
He'd never been in a tattoo parlour before, it was a brand new experience he could throw all his attention at, and he'd never been more thankful. He had nothing to compare it to, but Clarke's seemed nice, white tiled floors that sparkled just so in the overhead lighting, but he knew a cursory glance wouldn't be enough to hold his attention enough to drag his anxiety back to neutral, so he began counting things trying to quell the emotions filling him and slow his rapidly beating heart. 
Ten spotlights in the ceiling, nine bottles of something lined up on the counter against the wall, eight leaves on the potted plant in the corner, seven business cards on the pin board, six framed paintings, five hooks on the key hook by the backdoor, four different coloured painted walls, three workstations with comfortable looking black chairs like what you'd find at the dentist, two magazines on the coffee table and one tattoo artist, watching Steve intently.
Before Charlie had a chance to ask, Steve took in the thousands of photos of different body parts adorned with pretty patterns and colours all over the walls that threw a question blindly into his mind, "Did you do all of these?" he asked gruffly, his throat still not quite recovered, both from choking and the lump that had formed no matter how much he tried not to listen to Eddie, indicating the wall behind Charlie's head with a tilt of his own.
He cleared his throat inconspicuously, knowing he'd hit the jackpot question when Charlie's face split into a manic grin, almost the exact same look Robin had whenever someone asked her about her theories; ecstatically animated with sparkling eyes, like you could see the words being formed behind them.
"Not all, no, but I've done the majority. There's two other artists working here, but I've been here the longest," Charlie told him, glancing proudly around the room, calming Steve somewhat, "Do you have any?" Charlie enquired, giving Steve their undivided attention, clearly genuinely interested in the answer.
Steve shook his head, "Me? No. They're beautiful. I love Eddie's but erm..." and Steve realised he was about to say his parents wouldn't allow it, like they had any control over his life and he was so sick of having thoughts like that. He knew it was way past time he learned that he liked what he liked, and his parents would always be indifferent to it regardless of what he did, there was just no pleasing them. So if he liked tattoos, if having one was what he wanted, that was for him to decide; there was no right or wrong that would suddenly win their affections.
Luckily, Steve was saved from elaborating by Robin’s excited gasp as she pointed to a picture in the book she was flicking through, "That one! That's it! Can I have this one, Charlie?" she asked excitedly, bouncing up and down in her seat like a kid on the way to the seaside.
Steve clambered out of Eddie's lap, so they could all gather around the book, looking down at the page of drawings, "They're adorable, babe!" Chrissy declared joyfully, and she was right; it was a simple design, a little upside-down teardrop with giant eyes, the human depiction of an alien's head, but it was very cute.
Charlie grinned at Robin, "Perfect! You want colour or just as they are?" they asked, getting off the sofa and heading across the room towards one of the stations.
Robin didn't even hesitate, "Just as they are!" she decreed, jumping up and practically dancing around the room.
Somehow, the book had ended up in Chrissy’s lap, who was staring at the little picture with such adoration Steve wondered if you could force something into existence by pure thought alone. Luckily, Robin stopped moving long enough to notice, kneeling in front of Chrissy and looking up at her through her lashes, "Why don't you get one too?" Robin asked coyly.
The look of awe Chrissy was directing at his best friend nearly knocked him off his feet, "Really?" Chrissy asked with heartbreaking disbelief in her voice.
Except Robin panicked and suddenly second-guessed herself, she started backtracking, babbling, "Yeah, I mean, if you want. You don't have to, don't feel like you've got to. I just thought it'd be nice, y'know? And you seemed to like it, you said they were cute, but that doesn't mean you'd want them forever, right? Maybe you could get something different? Maybe we could all get one? Just like a souvenir?"
It'd been a long time since Steve had seen someone look at Robin like that, like she was the miracle Steve knew her to be. Chrissy was misty-eyed, her smile stretched so far across her face, Steve worried it might split in two. She looked like all her dreams had come true, and maybe they had; he knew all he'd wanted growing up was for someone to say yes to something he actually wanted.
"Bobbie!" Steve interrupted gently, nodding his head towards Chrissy, successfully redirecting Robin's attention away from her internal panic. The two girls beamed brightly at one another as Robin knelt up, crowding into Chrissy’s space; Chris nodding tearfully like she’d just accepted a marriage proposal instead of an invitation for a matching tattoo. Steve could stop himself from smiling affectionately at them, "That's a brilliant idea, if it's okay with Charlie?" he asked, turning purposefully away from the girls, giving them a moment of privacy.
Charlie grinned from their station, where they were busy getting set up, "This is my joy, doll, the more, the merrier!" they said affectionately, patting the chair, inviting Robin to come and sit.
“Yes! So we’re all getting one, right?” Robin asked, giving Steve a quick squeeze around the middle as she passed him.
Steve planted a kiss on the top of her head before she let go, “If you’re sure?” he asked, asking with his eyes as well as his mouth as she backed away from him towards Charlie, just to make sure she hadn’t backed herself into a corner, but she seemed pretty certain and who was he to deny her anything after he’d essentially ruined their platonic couples getaway by falling in love.
Chrissy sat with Robin while Charlie worked, holding her hand and talking her through it, even though it took surprisingly less time than Steve assumed it would. The radio in the corner only had time to play a few songs that he barely had time to register as he watched Robin intently, making sure she wasn't in too much pain or panicking, but she was fine, she was happy. When Charlie sat back with a satisfied grin and a questioning eyebrow, Robin looked down at the little alien looking up at her from her finger and grinned even as tears sprung into her eyes, sliding quickly down her cheeks.
It was so unlike her. Steve had always been a total wreck, a good song, a sad movie, he cried but not Robin; she was always the one making fun of him. This was unprecedented, and he didn’t really know what else to do other than to spring up and wrap his arms around her shoulders, pressing his face into her hair even as she insisted she was fine.
Robin put up with his fussing for a whole minute before she was patting his arm and trying to wriggle out of his grasp, “Honestly, dingus. I’m just… so happy. Look,” she said, wiggling her finger at Steve and laughing wetly.
He didn’t really want to leave her side, but Chrissy was trying her best not to crowd into them, even though Steve could tell she wanted to and when Eddie patted the sofa next to him softly, he knew he was right. Knew that from that moment on he wouldn’t always have to be the one to protect Robin. Knew that he’d find it hard to move over and let someone else help when he’d been the one doing it for so long, but that it was something he was going to have to wrap his head around.
He wandered melancholically back to the couch, letting Eddie wrap him in his arms listening to the rumble in his chest as he sang softly along with the songs coming from the radio, watching as Robin slid out of the chair and into Chrissy’s embrace, excitedly showing her her finger and seeing Chrissy mirror her excitement back.
Charlie did a bit of cleaning and tidying while the girls chatted before patting the chair again, and after asking Robin another twenty times if she was sure she wanted them to have matching tattoos, Chrissy sat for hers. 
Steve couldn't help but admire her strength because she barely even flinched as Charlie pierced her skin. Robin had tried to be brave, but he’d recognised the signs she was trying not to show, the same signs from when she’d lay in agony on the couch once a month and Steve wouldn’t even need to ask, he’d just get the heat pad and, depending on the weather, either the rocky road ice cream or a hazelnut hot chocolate.
Chrissy didn’t even seem to notice and his admiration for her must shine through because Eddie pressed his face into his jaw, "This isn't her first," he whispered into Steve's ear. And it's not that it surprises him exactly, he just never would've guessed, but maybe having Eddie as a best friend taught her things he's yet to learn.
Steve hummed, pushing Eddie back into the sofa, so he could snuggle into Eddie's side. He felt safe, tucked under Eddie’s chin with his arms securely wrapped around him to feel the pain he was feeling for his younger self. He so wished he'd known the four of them when he was a teenager, wished he'd had the chance to be himself sooner, wished he was as sure of himself as Chrissy was. 
Unfortunately, Eddie mistook his clinginess as nervousness, muttering in his ear, "You don't have to get one, if you don't want. I won't either, and then it'll just be a thing for them-"
"It's not that. I want to. I do," Steve interrupted quietly, "It's just... I realised earlier that the only reason I've never done a lot of things I want to do is that I'm still fearful of disappointing my parents, even though they're already disappointed and there won’t be anything I can ever do to change that. I just want to be more like Chrissy, she's living her life for herself, y'know?" he admitted, surprised at how good it felt to let that out.
Eddie nodded solemnly, pulling him closer and bringing one hand up, fingers splayed in the hair at the back of his head, "She wasn't always this way," Eddie muttered, playing absentmindedly with the strands, "It takes practice and good people around you who are ready to really see you and what you want and remind you it's okay to take it. I was as lucky to find her, as you were to find Robin, and we're both luckier still to have found you two," Eddie mumbled, placing a kiss into Steve's hair.
Eddie sighed heavily, "My dad wasn't a good man, but my uncle was. He realised I was in a bad place. Always getting into fights at school, no friends, no family. When my dad first went to prison, my uncle stayed with me at my dads, until I came home from school one day black and blue and on the edge of tears. He cleaned me up and calmed me down, and then he sat with me and asked me what I wanted. Asked me if I could live anywhere in the world, where would I want to live. And when I said I just wanted to live with him, he literally just picked me up and took me to live with his family."
He huffed wistfully, "They cleared out their office, so I could have my own room in their home, even though both Charlie and I said we'd be fine sharing. They made me feel so welcome and honestly, for years, I felt so left out because Charlie called Wayne dad, but I felt like I couldn't even though I wanted to more than anything. And then I met Chris, her stepdad was the one to rescue her, from her mother of all people, but she always called him dad. One day I asked her why, and she said to me, "Moms and dads aren't the people who give you life, they're the ones who raise you, who show up for you and love you no matter what"."
Both Chrissy and Robin were chatting vibrantly with Charlie, so they hadn't heard Eddie’s mumbled story, nor the sob that hiccuped out of Steve's chest, even though he had been trying his hardest to focus on their smiles in order to quell the flood roaring through him. Eddie tightened his grip, rubbing his thumb soothingly along Steve's ribs. His story was as beautiful as Eddie himself, and Steve knew deep down that he was right, that you can't live your life for people who never bothered to love you enough to even be classed as your parents. 
Not when he had Hop and Claudia, who actually deserved the titles. They’d been taking care of him in the way his parents should’ve for as long as he could remember. They were the ones who loved him, who showed up for him, who he called when he had a bad day, who he knew he could rely on no matter what, who dropped everything to be at his side whenever he needed them.
He was lucky to have them, Claud was the one who fussed and coddled and cared; icing wounds, forcing him to eat home-cooked meals, doling out endless affection and letting him get away with murder. And Hop, well he’d come into his life on the day he needed a dad the most and honestly Steve wasn’t sure where he’d be if he hadn’t. Not that it had stopped Steve from putting the man through hell. Steve hadn’t wanted to, not really, he was just young and rebellious and angry, and he’d needed an outlet for that.
But Hop saw him and continued to see him, no matter how many times Steve acted out or tried to brush him off. Hop always stood there and took whatever Steve threw at him, calm and steady most of the time and even the times when Steve pushed too hard and Hop stormed off, he always came back. And although he might not have been the best at saying it, or showing it in any of the traditional ways, Steve knew Hop loved him. He was more of a dad than his own had ever been.
Admittedly, Hop was a little miffed when Steve came out, not because Steve was bi but because Steve had hidden the fact that the real reason he had moved to Indy was to be with Billy, to really be with him in a way they couldn't be in Hawkins. Except all Billy did was drag him out to Indy, continue to ignore and neglect him and make Steve feel like it was his fault he was acting that way, when in reality he was just cheating on Steve with just about anything with a pulse.
So yeah, Hop had been a little miffed but only because he hadn't been able to stop his boy from getting his heart broken, hadn't been able to give Billy a shovel talk so genuinely terrifying he wouldn't have dared to treat Steve that way, hadn't been able to do what he did best, which was protect his kids from harm, even if the only harm was heartbreak.
The Billy Incident had led to their agreement, anyone getting past the third date came to dinner with Hop, so they could be sized up and terrified before Steve had the chance to fall too hard and get his heart broken by someone just wanting to mess him around. And thinking about it, Steve was a little scared of what Hop's reaction was going to be when he found out Steve was already in deep; not that he thought Hop would be mad with him, just that he might be disappointed, which somehow seemed worse.
Steve wondered if Eddie's uncle would be equally unimpressed. If Eddie called him dad now. If his uncle knew how much Eddie loved and respected him. Not that he had time to ask because Charlie had finished with Chrissy and the cleaning and was in the process of calling Steve over, until Robin took one look at him, red-eyed and uncurling himself from Eddie's side and dragged him unceremoniously out of the room with an “excuse us” so she could check in with him.
She of course went on a minutes long rant, reminding him he didn't have to do anything he didn't want to, taking no interruptions, so Steve could explain that his being upset had nothing to do with a tattoo. When she did finally let him get a word in edgeways, he only had to say the word parents before she was nodding sagely, she might not understand exactly, but she saw the way his biological parents were with him in comparison to the way Hop and Claud treated him. She had once jokingly asked him if he was too old to be emancipated and adopted, and honestly, Steve kinda wished he wasn't too old for that.
By the time he’d convinced Robin that he was okay, Eddie already had his tattoo done like she'd ordered with a bark at them as she'd marched Steve out. He was sad he’d missed his opportunity to sit by Eddie’s side as the girls had got to, but he could hope he’d get another chance some other time. Steve sheepishly clambered into the chair next to Charlie, feeling excited and nervous all at once. 
Everyone's eyes were on him, and he didn't want to be the wuss of the group, but Charlie was great, keeping him distracted with easy conversation, "So, you're from Hawkins, right? Did you go to Hawkins Middle?" It sounded a lot less like the Spanish Inquisition this time, more like curiosity, even if it was oddly specific for someone who grew up a few towns over. Steve happily hummed his affirmation, trying his hardest not to speak, so he wouldn't shout "OW!" like he wanted to, but then Charlie looked up at him, a truly mischievous smile spread across their face, "Taught by Mr Clarke?" they asked, eyes gleaming.
Steve's brows drew together because yeah he was, but how did-? "Oh my god! Your dad is Scott Clarke?" Steve yelled in astonishment as it all fell into place.
"The one and only!" Charlie proclaimed, laughing merrily and bending back over his finger, getting back to work.
And what the actual hell because Steve had grown up hearing stories of Mr Clarke's kids, Eddie and Charlie. Steve had spent a year looking forward to Monday mornings because Scott would be so excited to tell his students all about his weekend and all the weird and wonderful things he and his family had got up to.
Honestly, Steve had always been envious that they spent time doing things together, even if some of the stuff was weird as hell, like deconstructing and rebuilding the TV for fun. And Mr Clarke was the best teacher Steve had ever had, he was so caring and supportive and obliging, and had the patience of a saint, for those few middle school years all Steve wished for for Christmas was for his parents to be more like him.
Then, when Steve had become the kids' official babysitter, he'd really got to know Scott and he'd talk so proudly about his son's band, always inviting Steve to concerts, but heavy metal wasn't cool enough for King Steve and when he'd started up with Billy, he'd declared it lame, so Steve never went. But to think that maybe if he'd gone, he might have met Eddie all those years ago and neither of them would've had to suffer heartbreak and terrible partners.
Steve was broken from his musings by Charlie announcing "ta-da" and when he looked down, there was a little alien staring cutely back up at him. A souvenir. A reminder. An unspoken bond. Something they shared that'd outlive all of them. He'd never been happier with anything in his life.
The first words out of his mouth weren't the "thank you" he'd intended, but "Corroded Coffin" which snapped everyone's attention from Charlie's work to Steve.
"What did you say?" Chrissy asked breathlessly.
Steve shrugged, "Corroded Coffin. Scott, Mr Clarke, he talked endlessly about camping trips and hiking trails and a garage filled with, what I always imagined being absolute chaos, but knowing the way he kept his classroom was probably as neat as a pin. And then years later, I babysat kids in his AV club, and we'd chat, he told me about his kids band, Corroded Coffin," he admitted, refraining from imitating their dad.
"He talked about us?" Charlie asked, looking a little misty-eyed over at Eddie, who looked a little tearful himself.
Steve smiled wistfully at the memory, "All the time! We all knew stories about you two. The time you got stuck up a tree was a particular favourite," Steve informed them, making Chrissy cackle and Eddie and Charlie look varying degrees of offended.
"We weren't stuck!" Eddie yelled indignantly.
Steve couldn't help the giggle that crawled up his throat, "No? So Scott didn't have to call the fire brigade?" he asked faux innocently, sending the girls into hysterics.
Charlie found the funny side when Eddie blushed deeply, "Actually, I got down by myself eventually, Eddie was the one clinging to the trunk, wailing," they added, Chrissy flopping onto the couch, so she could roll around laughing.
Steve couldn't help feeling endeared by Eddie's pout as he muttered under his breath that it was Charlie's fault they were up the tree in the first place. Steve pulled him to him by his belt loop wrapping his arm around his waist and resting his head against his stomach and mumbling "You're so cute!" Eddie brushing his fingers through Steve's hair.
When Charlie had finished giggling, they called them all over so the four of them could put their matching fingers next to one another on the counter, Charlie using a Polaroid camera to snap a photograph for the wall. Charlie then proceeded to wrap up their tattooed fingers to keep them safe, giving Steve and Robin detailed instructions on how to care for their new tattoo.
They unfortunately didn't get to stay with Charlie much longer, they'd gone back to the sofa to chat some more when two of Charlie's colleagues, Tee and Bee, arrived. They were surprised to find the parlour so full on a random Wednesday night, but they were excited to meet Charlie's big brother.
Except after two more vodkas, Eddie decided when he heard You're The First, The Last, My Everything coming through the radio speaker, it was time to serenade Steve again, which after three vodkas Steve was absolutely fine with; Charlie on the other hand was just embarrassed to be the sibling of someone who considered "that" dancing.
They were promptly shooed out of the backroom and after a round of hugs and kisses, with many promises to see each other again soon, the two couples took a tipsy stroll back to their hotel, hollering loudly into the night.
my beautiful tag list @estrellami-1 @gregre369 @adhdsummer @nerdfighteratheart @anaibis @hbyrde36 @dolphincliffs @marinarasarah @deadflowercollector @lunabookworm @a-couchpotato @wonderland-girl143-blog @ddharrington @abstractnaturaldisaster @lololol-1234 feel free to lmk if you want removing 💖
Part 8
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daydreamerwonderkid · 4 months
Jason Todd
Send Me a Character Ask Game
First impression: I don't really remember what my first impression of Jason was. I think I knew he was the Red Hood first before I knew about him being the second Robin or how he died in the first place. I do remember reading A Death in the Family and feeling gutted at how brutal his death was. I think I just felt bad for him tbh :/
Impression now: I support all of Jason's right and wrongs. Especially his wrongs XD
Idk how to put it properly, but I think what I find most appealing about Jason as a character is just how fucking messy all of his relationships are. It's hard not to sympathize with his trauma and I do think he's right to be furious with Bruce and about what happened to him. I honestly cannot blame him in the least for the sheer amount of hurt and distrust he feels towards Bruce and the rest of the Batfam. To me, it makes perfect sense why he acts the way he does.
At the same time, I really wanna shake him like a maraca and get him some therapy STAT XD
Ultimately, I just want to see Jason happy. I dunno what form that should take or if Jason would ever allow himself to be happy in the first place. But I genuinely think he deserves some peace after everything he's been through.
Favorite moment: The entirety of Under the Red Hood is a fucking treat to me because Jason is 19 fucking years old and he manages to pull off every part of his elaborate af scheme. Motherfucker drove Black Mask crazy enough to the point to break the Joker out of Arkham. He planted a bomb on the Batmobile by slow crawling towards it for over an hour. He completely dismantled Black Mask's operations like it was joke and made himself a genuine threat to both Batman and all of Crime Alley/Gotham. Fucking iconic.
Idea for a story: *sobs in mountain of unfinished WIPs*
Favorite relationship: I know there are a lot of mixed opinions on this, but I do love his relationship with both version of the Outlaws. The writing wasn't always the best, but I like the idea of Jason having his own crew and getting up to their own chaotic shenanigans. He genuinely needs more friends who get him.
I also love his complicated/messy af relationship with Bruce. What can I say? I love drama and I love especially flawed characters desperate to fix their broken relationship, but both are completely at a loss at how to even start. Good shit.
Oh, and his relationship with Dick is great. I love how close they eventually get as brothers and how Dick doesn't hesitate to believe Jason when he says he isn't involved or didn't start shit to begin with. I also enjoy it when they fight, ngl. Gotta love me some quality depictions of the Cain instinct XD
Favorite headcanon: Jason being a theatre kid/literature nerd. Mostly because I also love the theatre and classic lit as well :3
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thatstonedwriter · 1 month
hello!! since requests are open i'd love to request a ship for the boys <3
i'm a bi & ace jewish brazilian girl, currently in college in the us, majoring in theatre & minoring in translation (i want to be a musical theatre actress and/or playwright and/or translator). i'm 1.72m tall, have long brown hair that i've never dyed (i start thinking about it but chicken out), and no tattoos but very clear ideas of what i'd like to do if i ever got one. fluent in portuguese & english, currently learning french, and i have a life objective to become a polyglot (4+ languages!!).
i'm in love with theatre, literary analysis, linguistics, music, writing, and art in general — will absolutely ramble about anything i am interested in, and also might have strong opinions on stuff that maybe i didn't need to have a strong opinion on 💀 i can get a bit combative about that at times... i definitely take as my biggest skill, besides singing and acting which are quite literally my intended job, eloquence and just my way with words (toxic trait is believing i'd talk my way out of a murder fr fr). friends that know me more recently would even say i'm an extrovert because of that, but honestly i am a pile of nerves of an introvert with social anxiety that simply loves yapping and putting on a show. most notable quirk/habit might be how precise i always am with finding the right words because i simply cannot leave an opening for misinterpretation (and that's on anxiety and a suspicion of undiagnosed adhd oops); that might lead me to be a bit picky (for the lack of a better word), specific, and/or literal with the words other people use as well.
other tidbits: i can't cook for shit, i love cats (i have a rescue named lily) but also like dogs a lot, i love kids and have been told i'm good with them. i'm crazy lucky for some reason and i love crime comedy movies. i'm almost always writing or thinking about writing but i can't ever finish a project (and you may have realized now i write too much). i love arts & crafts & other manual activities, i do knot friendship bracelets to de-stress. my default hangout with anyone ever is grabbing coffee. i'm also pretty proud of my music taste — from alt rock to 20s-40s music, love curating the vibes and i'm a bit of a playlist freak. also i would 100% show brazilian music (mostly rock and mpb, brazilian popular music) to whoever i'm paired with 💥🇧🇷
hope this was good to write with and not too much oops 💀 and thank you so much in advance!! <3
A/n- Hello, and thank you for requesting! I'm so excited to write for a fellow theatre/language nerd! I wish you luck in school, and with your goals of writing and learning more languages. All of that is super impressive! Lots of love to you (and your cat omg give Lily plenty of hugs)
I'm pretty sure this is the first matchup I've ever done, so I hope you enjoy!
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I ship you with...
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Your affinity with language and theatrics is what initially caught Kimiko's attention! With how much she appreciates art and music, your singing and acting is such an inspiration for her to express herself.
In the beginning, Kimiko had been incredibly cautious and closed off. When Butcher or M.M would talk shit, you and Frenchie would be the first ones to her defense. Your combative nature is inspiring to Kimiko- she loves how opinionated you are, and how willing you are to stand up for what you believe in.
I’d say one of the first things that got the two of you to bond is making friendship bracelets together. It started out with Kimiko watching you de-stress after a particularly rough encounter with a Supe. The repetitive motion seemed to steady your shaking hands, and Kimiko couldn’t help but wonder if making bracelets with you would help with her own stress and anxiety- after that, it's history
Kimiko's mutism definitely doesn't stop her from joining in the conversation. She began teaching you sign language not long after Frenchie. He would help give you additional lessons/practice.
I would imagine you pick up on Kimiko's SL pretty quickly, given your proficiency with language, but even if it took you a while, Kimiko just appreciates the effort and compassion, not to mention how clear and precise you are with your wording- A refreshing change to The Boys never really saying what they mean.
Your shy nature makes Kimiko pretty protective of you. Even knowing how combative you can be, Kimiko prefers to back you up, no matter what. Every time you say something, Kimiko signs either agreeing with you or emphasizing your point.
I think Kimiko would ask you to dance and sing with/for her all the time. She loves the variety of music you listen to, and can't get enough of your voice. Teach her some new dance moves and she'll be so happy
Dates between the two of you either consist of staying in and watching movies or going to get a quick coffee (you two have snuck out with Frenchie on more than one occasion, to M. M.'s dismay)
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Bonus Ship- Frenchie!
It was honestly a tough tossup between Frenchie and Kimiko so I thought I'd add Frenchie in as a bonus, I hope that's alright
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Obviously he'd love how passionate and skilled you are when it comes to language- absolutely helps teach you French.
Like Kimiko, Frenchie loves how artistically inclined you are. He'll join in singing and dancing with you, all in good fun. He's probably high as a Kite, so you can expect him to be a bit unsteady on his feet, but the enthusiasm is there
You're gonna get this dude hooked on Brazilian music. His taste is so varied that I think he'd have a great time being introduced to all of your music- even if he doesn't love it, he appreciates you sharing part of your life with him
Frenchie is more than happy to cook for you and teach you if you're interested- but mainly enjoys being able to take care of you, even if its something as small as making you breakfast
Bonus! You and Frenchie/Kimiko more than likely bring at least one stray cat back to the hideout- and no one is allowed to say shit about it or Kimiko breaks their arms
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mysteryofvampires · 23 days
The character headcanon generator and the heirs of the night characters:
(Let's see how this will turn out...)
(Also a few just in modern AU)
Alisa could easily survive the Hunger Games (yes I can see this. I mean, she's the chosen one hello? )
Alisa is awful with kids (this isn't accurate in my opinion. She's such a loving and kind person and also gets along with pretty anyone so..)
Alisa is a cat person (yess just yes. She is black cat and Lars is golden retriever. Taking no critism on this)
Lars crushed a riding lawn mower into his fence (Oh yess! That's the chaotic shit he would totally do!!!)
Lars cracks his knuckles very loudly ( hmhm...maybe just to annoy people but this suits him)
Lars desperatley needs a hug but doesn't know it and refuses to ask for one (if this doesn't characterize him than what does?)
Ivy is a theatre kid (so accurate!!)
Ivy tells dad jokes (also canon! She makes the dumbest jokes but still everyone laughs because they're all idiots)
Ivy has a low alcohol tolerance (yes. She literally Passes out after half a glas)
Inger makes your mom jokes ( well...could be but Idk really if that's truly a thing with her)
Inger steals other people's clothes (when people are Ivy then yes)
Inger is very willing to eat inedible things (No. In my head she's a picky eater)
Fanny likes being alone (No! She's the biggest extrovert out there!!)
Fanny had an emo phase (Nah she would be the bully who makes fun of the emos let's be fr)
Fanny cringes at their middle school year book photo (Also rather no...she has the self confidence of a princess, but...maybe?)
Malcolm only speaks in meme refrences (Hm...yes. Behind that serious facade of his he's a chronically online dumbass)
Malcolm doesn't own a single pair of matching socks. (Also yes, he's chaotic as hell.)
Malcolm has a Roblox account (He's addictet to the game but doesn't admit it so yes)
Tammo does not know how to read. (YESSS!! Just think about the potential this brings. Him struggling with keeping up in theoratical lessons in class and the other heirs finding out and helping him through reading to him. Also maybe a bit of angst because Dame Elina hates having an heir without the ability to read. ) Anyone want a fanfic like this?
Tammo has an incredible long-term memory but an awful short-term memory. (Oh yes! He remembers everything from years ago but can't remember what he wore yesterday)
Tammo watched the sonic movie. (Not only this but it's his favourite)
If someone they knew commited a crime, Joanne would cover for them. (She loves her friends sm, so yes. )
Joanne needs a nightlight to sleep. (Such a cute headcanon for a cute character!! Yess!!)
Joanne has a mary sue oc. (I mean that girl is about 12 right?? Who didn't in that age?)
Luciano sleeps in until noon. (In canon he is annoyed by Alisa who wakes him uo early so pretty sure this is accurate)
Luciano gets bullied on roblox. (By Malcolm?)
Luciano has fallen asleep at their desk while working in the middle of the night. (No. He loves his sleep too much to work over bed time)
Seamour likes to eat straight coffee beans. (Yes. He's a bit crazy)
Seamour is the gay cousin. (In my head he's gay so yes. )
If Seamour likes someone, they will give them a pretty rock. (Headcanon accepted)
Nicu hates being alone. (No he's an introverted king)
Nicu listens to 80s music. (He's a vintage girlie confirmed. )
If the sorce media was a musical, Nicu would be the one character that asks why everyone is singing. ( I mean he's the only human in a vampire friend group, so definitely yes!!) Also this is so funny!
Bonus: Hindrik and Karen
Hindrik gets into Twitter discourse.
Hindrik is a very good singer. (In the book he actually is I think!!)
Hindrik bites their nails. (Because Alisa and Tammo are stressing him out and he worries about them)
Karen is afraid to close their eyes in the shower. (Maybe because she has to keep her eyes on little Lars who Plans the next huge prank on her???)
Karen killed Princess Diana. (Haha slay queen)
Karen is an oldest child.
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binsito · 1 year
don't be shy gurlll !!! >_<
Share your dream with us (ofc only if you're not uncomfortable)
AJGSAHV its gonna make no sense bc it was lowkey wacky but basically i was at a skzcon but it was rlly weird cuz it was like a theatre and it was very small but the seats were choral risers??? ( those thingies people that sing in choirs stand on idfk) and i had a different spot than my friends so i got separated from them but like i couldnt find a spot so i stood in the back and skz was doing solo stages, so while one member went they sat in the crowd in the back where i was for some fucking reason..
seungmin sat next to me and started making small talk cuz i guess he thought i was chill and we were lowkey vibing like it was pretty fun i enjoyed talking to dream seungmin BUT THEN. chan went on stage to perform and he was singing some crazy ass 80s love song and was serenading the crowd and he caught my eye and idk how this is possible again my dream was lowkey wacky but he starts basically directing the song at me and he comes close to cup my face and whisper something (i cant remember exactly what he said but it was crazy) and i didnt know what to do but i was literally melting and i reached a hand up to touch his side and bring him closer which he welcomed.. so we were like just touching and feeling each other while he sang to me and by this point i was literally floating bc i kid you not i could feel his warmth and his touch bro it felt so goddamn real .. like i could literally smell him.. i literally inhaled his fucking perfume
so then he finished his stage and went to sit where we all were except he sat further down the aisle by himself, so i scooted over to be with him and he started holding my hand and touching my thigh, not quite sure why there was also a blanket over us but i digress.. he got handsy so quick and i was letting him play with me but i had hella butterflies in my stomach and his fingertips were so gentle like they were ghosting my skin and he was lowkey teasing me
i think he mightve also kissed me at one point and i started to palm him through his pants just to tease him back.. bruh I COULD LITERALLY FEEL HIS MONSTER COCK IMSO???1/1/1 LIKE I COULD LITERALLY FEEL HOW HARD HIS DICK WAS THROUGH THE FABRIC OF HIS PANTS 😅😅😅 so he took it out of his pants and i gave it a few squeezes and he was like “am i gonna see you at another stop? and i was like “oh definitely..” and he was like “perfect.. i’ll be looking forward to that." which by the way this is wild as fuck bc technically we were in a crowd of people, just down the aisle from other skz members but whatever silly ass dream! okay exhibitionist kink! but shit idk why chan wanted me so bad but he was ready to risk it all for us to fuck i guess !
but when i tell you i could literally smell, touch, feel, TASTE this man.. it was too fucking real like i could feel his breath on my cheek and his rough hands and shit.. it was a bit wild. i fucking woke up IN HEAT bc wym my dream was so fucking realistic (in the sense that my senses were able to actually feel things) that i could deadass feel the contact of skin to skin between us. like WYM I FELT DREAM CHANS MASSIVE GINORMOUS DELICIOUS COCK?//// it was so heavy and nice and very very pretty .. i wish i kept dreaming but i got up bc i needed to piss so bad but just imagine if i had dreamt longer.. idk why the universe let me experience such a thing but thanks now i know what chan's cock feels like, i appreciate it! 😁😁
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traumagenica · 6 months
listen i love my dad and i know he does his best okay. but the way he treated me like a son my entire childhood right up until puberty started and then immediately rejected me was really fucking hard. it actually fucked me up a lot. it hurt. it still hurts. i remember the way he yelled at me when he saw my first used pad in the trash because "you're supposed to wrap that shit up, i don't wanna see or touch that!" i think it was the first time i ever felt ashamed of puberty. i remember him remarking on how much i was eating, but no longer in a positive light, talking about a healthy appetite- in a "you're gonna get fat if you keep that up" way. i think it was the first time i was ashamed of my eating habits; i went vegetarian soon after. i remember how he threw a tantrum when i decided to quit sports in high school and focus on theatre (because the coach was really mean and the girls kept sexually harassing me) - the rant was about the waste of money, "because why did i even bother buying you equipment you're not going to use?", neglecting the fact i'd already worn it out to bits over the years and that i still wanted to go outside and play catch with him. but i knew what it was really about- he was losing me, he thought. he didn't care that i still wanted to practice, that i still wanted to play catch with him. we never did play catch again. i remember him refusing to look at me if i wore something he felt was too revealing, i remember how upset he got when i wore heels and was suddenly taller than him, i remember how mad he got the first time he saw me leaving for work as a waitress wearing red lipstick, i remember i remember i remember.
i'd been ready to come out, then. or so i thought. but feeling my father's rejection - followed closely by my uncles, my grandfather - made me second-guess that. he clearly didn't want a son in me anymore- he was already looking to my brother for that, waiting for him to come into his own masculinity as he grew up, seeing the start of it somewhere in his boyish little face. no, he wanted me to be his daughter now - now, when i was finally ready to give up the word, when i was finally ready to be his actual son - but without his support, or my grandfather's, or my uncles', or my community as a whole's... in addition to the fact that my mother had always always always wanted a girly girl... i fawned. i femininized. if everyone was going to treat me like a girl now because my body was changing in ways i didn't even like, against my will, then fine. i'd be a girl. i'd be a daughter. and i'd be the best daughter. because i don't just have a brother - i have a sister too. one my father was not allowed to be there for due to extremely messy circumstances and a crazy ex-wife - one he was looking for me to replace now, instead. and i've essentially been trying to do that since middle school, only really starting to be my true self again years after i left home. no longer trying to be the stand-in kid. no longer trying to be a double-sided cardboard replicate of what a son or daughter should be. just being me, no matter what that is. which at this point seems to be just. me. there's male, there's female, there's son, there's daughter, and then there's me. not quite either. just some kid.
don't get me wrong, i'm glad he's closer with my brother and that they actually get along now cause for a while there they were having their own problems too. and i know he has trauma around father-daughter stuff thanks to how things went down with my sister, i get it. but the way he 180'd on me during such a difficult time in my life... i really needed my dad. and i didn't feel like i could talk to him. i barely felt like i was allowed to exist around him. i hated asking him for anything because it felt like he got angry every time i opened my mouth. there was a while there, before i left home, where i really thought my dad hated me. and though i know he doesn't and never did now, it did do lasting damage.
i think the worst part of it all, though, is i can't talk to him about any of this. his own mental health is too fragile. my choices are to tell him how he fucked me up and watch him tank himself with guilt, or never say a word and let him keep the solace that comes with knowing he did mostly right by at least one of his kids. no matter what, i'll be in pain, too. and if there's one thing i learned, it's to suffer in silence.
yes, daddy, i'll wear a modest dress under my graduation gown so you can be proud as you watch me take my diploma - even though i know you're imagining my sister in my place.
yes, daddy, i'll be the perfect bride so you can be proud walking me down the aisle - even though i know you're wishing it was my sister instead.
and yes, daddy, i'll be the perfect mother someday so you can be proud as you watch me care for my children - even though you wish it was my sister and her child you're watching instead.
yes, daddy, i'll go fishing with you because my brother doesn't like it, and i'll accept that i'm just your stand-in son - for the day, this time, not for good. i know
yes, daddy, i'll help you put up that shelf - but only my brother isn't around to help instead. i know tomorrow you'll ask him instead.
yes, daddy, i understand my place - i'm your golden child, but only until one of the others wants your attention.
yes, daddy, i understand - you weren't looking for me to be your son or your daughter. you just wanted me to be your validation.
yes, daddy, i'll validate you - i'll always be there. always smiling. always waiting for someone else to mess up so i can take their place again.
always waiting for you to want me again.
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misticloyal · 2 years
Shadowpeach HC’s
These were part of a bigger post but then I noticed how skewed they were to include Macaque and Wu Kong lmao
I have also developed a crippling addiction to angst of these two soo...,,, (These ones are fucked: CW for toaster bath mentions + SH) 
Jesus Christ I didn’t think LMK monks could make me get on the same angst level as actual Tommy Exile shit from DSMP lore lmao
- Monkey King and Macaque play each other in Xian Qi ALL THE TIME and they’re both extremely good since they both had experiences leading actual war troops.
Occasionally they’ll get caught up in a really intense game and someone would enter the room just to feel the tension of two superpowers going at it. MK likes to watch them though and they teach him how to play it eventually
- Macaque is a theatre kid and used to put on plays for Monkey King’s generals when they all lived on Flower Fruit Mountain
Continuation: People assume that Macaque is the only theatre kid, but they seem to forget that Su Kong also exists in that category. After he got ahold of what was going on he’d demand to be able to participate and so they’d act out and voice plays for ‘show nights’ as the monkeys called them.
When they eventually meet again in the airship they host a ‘show’ called “Shows first take”. This is when MK or Mei get an episode of a show and let Macaque and Wu Kong voice over all the lines in one take- they saw Snapcube’s dubs and said “hey we can do that 🤨” and then they did.
- Monkey King likes Peach chips, and Macaque likes Plantain chips
- As kids Wu Kong and Macaque both loves stealing juice boxes from local grocery stores
Not only that but the concept of juice just being sold was revolutionary to them.
“You’re telling me I don’t have to squeeze oranges until my hands are orange?!”
“No- Wu Kong you don’t understand, they made orange juice without pulp”
- Both Wu Kong and Macaque have never worn sneakers a DAY in their lives so the only thing they’ll wear that's close to shoes is sandals. (No socks either they hate those)
- Macaque can purr and Sun Wu Kong cannot
- I mentioned in one of my posts about Shadowpeach constantly dreaming about them apologizing to each other and becoming friends and now I raise you this: 
When they actually did apologize and agree to be civil for the sake of LBD fucking shit up, neither of them cried and they didn’t even hug or anything which is weird because they DID have a super emotional talk about how they need to get their shit together and everything. 
However, they both started bawling the following night when they decided to watch a movie about space together. They’re emotionally constipated and for some reason hearing some guy talk about black holes and the vastness of the universe really did it for them ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 
After that they always kept an eye on one another so they don’t accidentally disappear from the other’s view for too long
- Monkey King’s stupid automated cardboard cut-outs have a sensor installed to sense if macaque is near it, and if he is the speaker will say 
“Everyone thinks my favorite fruit is peaches, but my second favorite is mangoes :D”
- Macaque used to deal with Wu Kong’s bullshit for a long time, so one day close to when he joined the “Find the Samadhi Fire Club” Monkey King is like- OFF THE WALLS BATSHIT CRAZY (he didn’t take his meds *Wheeze*) and the gang has absolutely no fucking idea how to control him.
Macaque walks into the room, calls in Wu Kong to spar w/ him and they watch all of the *hyper-ness* melt away in the easy push and pull they have when they practice. They never let Macaque be out of the house when Monkey King goes hyper mode now.
- Macaque does the sweetest things for Wu Kong without saying it out-loud.
He leaves reminders when he knows the other’ll forget to do something.
Makes sure to leave Wu Kong the peaches from the fruit bowl
He’ll talk to MK and propose a day off from training when he knows both Wu Kong and his successor need a break
He indulges Wu Kong’s word vomit about some random shit because he knows it’s been so long since he trusted anyone long enough to let loose around them
When MK’s training with Monkey King, he prepares a selection of small first aid in case one of them gets hurt
He leaves him flowers made of shadows so they don’t wilt
Angst- One Last CW ok nice awesome;; anyway
- Macaque learned how to smoke his problems away and since he’s immortal he just has to recycle his lungs every so often because hundreds of years of smoking really does a number on ya o77
He listens to Minecraft Music* he pirated because he is a menace to society and smokes a whole fucking pack above the cloud line on really bad days 
*For anyone who cares, Macaque’s favorite song is Excuse and that is not up for debate
Also once YouTube auto played this song next and Mr emo monkey had a little itty bitty breakdown- mama was crying WATERFALLS
- Macaque never can listen to music above 15% if he uses headphones because his eardrums would start to rupture
HOWEVER if something really fucking bad happened he’d bump it up to 20%for ✨escapism✨ resolving that he’ll just fix his bleeding ears later
- One time MK made a joke that Macaque would totally make and it distracted Monkey King so bad that MK actually landed a hit on him that was pretty respectable
- Wu Kong holds himself at night to try and pretend he’s not alone
- They just.,,, they hurt inside. Both of them. A lot.
- Sandy can see people’s aura and the first time he saw Macaque he was rooted to the spot because the only other person he’s seen carry this much hurt  is Wu Kong himself
- Wu Kong curls up in a ball in an effort to hide from all the things he knows he fucked up (Him and Mac’s relationship, being a mentor to MK, getting attached to Tripitaka and the rest of the JTTW crew, lying abt certain things abt the Samadhi fire, etc.)
- OHHH FUCK THIS ONE’S SO SAD- I- I CAN’T- Wu Kong tries to replicate the feeling of the circlet in anyway he can whenever he screws something up, it started with large things like neglecting MK and ignoring Mei trying to tell him to man up for his mistakes and then it built up to anything minor in the slightest
God I fucking hate that stupid circlet it’s literally so fucking dumb I hate it the only thing that mounts up to this type of loathing is LBD’s bullshitery in cannon jfccccc
Like- Holy shit Wu Kong’s in the kitchen, drops a bowl by accident and freezes
HHHHHHHhhH- and then he starts justifying to himself why it was okay that he did that- it was an accident- accidents happen- but what if the bowl was expensive- it’s fine he can fix it- everything fine- 100% fine he’ll take care of it
And the whole time there’s not a single person in the kitchen so he’s just sitting in the middle of an empty kitchen mumbling to himself and clutching his head like the circlet is there
- Macaque has a mural of the JTTW gang and one can see over the years how his feelings went from denial to anger to depression because at first the only noticeable marks were Tripitaka’s face being chiseled right out of the wall. 
Then, scratches appeared all over the mural including Zhu Ba Jie, Sha Wu Jing, and Sun Wu Kong and finally; A huge red X was hastily drawn over the Monkey King, then scribbled over, then drawn again...Macaque’s still conflicted about it and sometimes just sits there with a wet sponge in his paw debating whether or not the X deserves to be there
- Contrary to popular belief Macaque actually HATES caffeine. Why? Caffeine is a stimulant. Alcohol is a depressant. One of them won’t cause him to gain hope about fixing things between him and Wu Kong. 
One of them won’t make him go to Flower Fruit Mountain and embarrass himself in front of Wu Kong’s subjects because the golden monkey wasn’t even THERE he was gone on some sort of errand and all of his pathetic (they weren’t really, Macaque loved them) subjects watched him cry to himself.
- Once Macaque and Wu Kong had their falling out, Macaque refused to call Wu Kong anything but 大圣 because that's all he was to him now. Some random deity with too much power. Some random deity that was stupid, and beautiful, but stubborn and just not for Macaque. 
(Wu Kong’s reaction to this was anger- he was so angry that Macaque had decided for him when his name started to mean nothing. But obviously he didn’t do anything because he was a pussy; and Macaque didn’t stick to the name-boycott for long because as soon as MK is added into the mix the name Wu Kong comes back instantly)
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dream smp high school au and what they'd teach:
i had to get it out of my system but i'm so happy with how these turned out
mr notfound: engineering (the engineering teacher never really teaches and kinda sits in his office but the entire school simps for him so there's always a teacher hanging with him. his curriculum is free form and an easy A but genuinely pretty damn fun)
mr. nap: gym (hes the nice gym teacher who says screw the pacer test and rope climbing and you guys just play basketball after running like 2 laps. he's super gullible and will let anyone sit out for any semblance of pain. that is until the film teacher comes into the gym, then he's a tryhard beating freshman up to make layups on lowered hoops)
mr. wastaken: physics (the coolest class that always does crazy expiriments with large falling objects and questionable usage of dry ice, people always think his experiments are fake but he'll be the first to give a class long lecture on why every single piece of his work is 100% accurate. there was this one incident when he used the engineering teacher to explain torque and it ended with mr. notfound being caught in his arms. there's pictures but he still denys it.)
mr. blade: advanced english lit (mr. blade has no time for freshmen and if he does like a frosh into his class they've gotta he the damn best. his class is based on old literature analysis and storytelling. his favorite unit being greek mythology. most of his assignments aren't just boring essays or stressful discussion. no one truly knows what mr. blades class is like until you've taken it, they're often heard chanting "blood for the blood god" before exams but the principal is yet to do anything about it.)
mr. awsamdude: comp sci/coding (sam is the teacher everyone adores, there's usually at least two people crying in his office before and after school but he always knows what will cheer them up! he tries to work closely with mr. notfound but he's busy with the physics prof so sam has gotten really close with his TA tubbo. they do all kinds of coding competitions and his class is known to be a safe haven for students of all kinds- "coding is for everyone!" he always chants)
ms. nihachu: art (known for the classroom with the best vibes niki insists on dropping the ms. and formalitys. she's the teacher with lofi playing and bean bags and couches in her beautifully decorated classroom. she has an open classroom meaning anyone can come in anytime and she is dedicated to making sure no one eats lunch alone. a couple times a year she goes on a huge rant about loving oneself and the value of not judging others, needless to say everyone adores her - especially the theatre kids as her class is constantly helping them with set design)
mr. soot: music/theatre (does he have a degree? unknown. does he teach anything besides music? couldnt tell ya. mr soot roams the halls during class hours that aren't his one choir period; popping into various classes to pretend to be a student or just all around goof off. his theatre program however, one of the best. he makes the most extravagant plays and musicals with barely any budget. after his show goes on he goes dark for like 2 weeks straight "recuperating" but no one questions because that kind of genius needs resting)
mr. frost: math (ant and red would TOTALLY teach math together and it would be so cute everyone would see them walk in and out of school together and ship them and their classroom would be a safe space for people to come out or even just hangout. ant would be a crazy good teacher who is understanding and not one of those asshole math teachers. he's the one everyone always wants to have haha)
mr. jacobs: film/freshman history (mr jacobs is the freshman heartthrob and senior best friend. he teaches film as history, film as lit, and frosh history - basically the easiest classes, but he makes them the most fun. in his lit classes they watch cartoons and search for literature similarities or historical evidence. in his history classes he goes on grand lectures often standing on tables to reenact his favorite history moments. occasionally he brings in his friends to re create a massive fight in front of all the history classes, it's scuffed but everyone always looks forward to them)
ms. puffy: head counselor (ms puffy is the sweetest soul and often is helping students with everything from their personal lives to college. she assigns the TA's and classrooms and works closely with mr minecraft to make the school as conducive of a learning environment as possible.)
mr. minecraft: the principal, the big man himself, mr fuckin minecraft. (he constantly looks sleep deprived and exhausted but he loves the students and teachers with his whole heart. he takes no shit from annoying parents or asshole students and is known to ban the entitled cruel students from all his favorite teachers classes, leaving them with the worst teachers. usually he can be found telling dream he can't have more money for explosives, begging wilbur to sleep and rest, and telling techno he's gonna have to teach a english 9 class eventually. that and dealing with his new TA's.)
our lovely teacher assistants:
ranboo: english TA (thought he was gonna get art with niki but puffy out him with the blade. originally he was terrified but he's growing on mr. blade with his deep analytical thoughts and similar dry humor. granted- he does have the most work of all the TA's because mr. blade makes him grade all the multiple choice tests, but he's really starting to love the english classroom.)
tubbo: comp sci TA (tubbo had been begging to be sam's TA since freshman year where he took almost all the coding classes in one year. plus, the computer science room is right next to the physics room in the science wing so he can pop over and see tommy all the time. tubbo and sam stay in the computer lab way later than philza should allow but they've made magnificent codes for the school. everytime tubbo points out he's graduating soon sam starts to tear up, but he knows tubbos gonna do big things, he's just gonna miss his goofy TA.)
tommy: physics TA (the pounding philza got on his office door when tommy didn't get wilbur was ground shaking. puffy and philza calmly explained that tommy has a knack for physics if he would just focus and genuinely learn from dream. "big D" as tommy calls him, wasnt jazzed either. their year as TA and teacher started rocky but dream would come to realize that tommy is more talented than he lets on and after speaking to wilbur and puffy he realized there was a damn good reason he was given tommy. he took it upon himself to turn tommy into the best student he could be. and tommy isn't one to back down from a fight. little did he know this year would be the best year yet.)
i'm so happy with this and i actually think i might expand it idkkkk :)))
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4dtk · 3 years
pas de deux — gojo satoru
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pas de deux [pa•de•de] (french, literally “step of two”), a dance duet. 
summary: striving to become a principal dancer, you’re unaware of the curious blue eyes from across the studio, only knowing of his reputation from rumours. when you have to shadow your seniors to learn a principal role and meet the infamous gojo satoru, what happens then?
word count: 11k lmfao
genre: a bit of angst, mostly fluff
a/n: gojo brainrot done. sorry this took so long lol i’m not used to writing long fics but i’m glad i did bc this is acts also as a place for me to dump my passion of ballet aha :”)
playlist here! most of them are classical pieces and a bit of ballet class music, i hope you don’t mind uwu. personally, i’d recommend watching (before or after the fic doesn’t matter hahah) the crazy talented marianela nuñez and vadim muntagirov in the pas de deux that i reference a lot in this fic. they’re my absolute favourite! (´・ᴗ・ ` )
tags: @fiona782​
it was unconventional to see a ballerino don white hair during rehearsals, let alone in a company; the familiar head of white whizzes through the studio like an angel of the night, with graceful moves and powerful jumps to match those of a faerie's seamless manoeuvers through her flowers.
that was only expected out of a principal anyway.
gojo satoru, a principal dancer of the six eyes theatre. they were part of the three prominent companies that carried the ballet world and industry. behind all the glimmer and glitz lay hours of endless rehearsals and worn-out pointe shoes, as well as smiles behind kitri's fans or even the emotional miming from giselle.
he was untouchable, a leading face that carried the ballets he starred in with immense skill and an aura admired by everyone. anyone lucky to score a pas de deux with him would be torn between a world of conflict. those soft eyes that looked down at you with love were solely meant to portray siegfried's ardour for odette and nothing else.
you sigh, eyeing the confident man giving his all in the company class, no doubt hyping himself up for tonight's last show. you couldn't fall behind, either, knowing your performance was monitored way more now that you were considered amongst the directors to be promoted to principal.
"next group, pay attention, loves!" the teacher for the morning caught your attention, letting the chattering group in front head out first before the next group of dancers took their turn. 
dancing was all you could remember, taking up most of your life even when you were a kid. through competitions and gruelling schedules, you managed to land in the six eyes theatre. sure, it wasn't as popular as the zen'in company or the kamo national ballet but, it still held up a wicked reputation, partially thanks to gojo satoru. 
your feet naturally hail your command, placing it behind the other in a curtsey to thank the instructor for the morning class as you stretch your feet in some simple pointe repertoire. 
"nervous about your posting, (y/n)?" nobara asks, rolling the arch of her feet back and forth with a tennis ball.
you shrugged, "in a way, yeah. i'm getting observed on mainly every move that i make."
the smile your best friend gives you calms you down, at least. megumi chipped in, "hey, you'll become one of the best principals around, i know it."
"yeah! and we'll go to your shows, no matter wha... oh, right, we're first soloists," itadori trails off. 
you laugh, settling down to wipe the sweat from your brow. however, there's an uncharacteristic silence when you start to remove your pointe shoes.
"what if i do become principal? i'll miss you guys like hell." you mutter, rubbing off the skin peeling from your toes. removing the tape and toepads, you sigh again even after nobara lands a hand on your arm.
"stop sighing, you idiot, the company's small. sure, you'll have extended rehearsals, and i will now have to deal with yuji's noisy ass, but i doubt we're going to be separated like oil and water." 
you roll your eyes, chuckling a little through glossy eyes, "true. it's just that we've always been together, through the competitions where we met and going up the ranks. hell, i wouldn't even imagine all of us becoming first soloists when we entered six eyes."
megumi raises an eyebrow, "are you underestimating us?" 
putting your fingers together, you offer a sheepish smile, "just a little."
"and now you're going to become a principal, (y/n). we all know you put yourself to crazy standards that you always reach, maybe even higher than that. you're going to kill it as a principal, i'm sure."
thankful to nobara for the little speech, you pat her arm gently, easing into a stretch to prevent any tensing up later in an afternoon class. 
"(y/n), they're coming over, look sharp," itadori notifies you, turning to the barre to do his own stretching as your friends busy themselves with their phones.
you take another curtsey at your instructor, along with the director of six eyes, masamichi yaga.
why... was he here now?
"(y/n), love, we'll need to talk to you about something. would you mind coming to the office later on? just before the company's afternoon class at 2 would be good."
you were at a loss for words.
was i already raised to principal? no... they wouldn't promote someone who's only danced her first soloist role a couple of times. were they going to remove me for consideration? maybe they found a better dancer to monitor?
"it's nothing terrible, (y/n), i promise." with a smile, masamichi walks away, not before patting your shoulder for reassurance.
the next few hours go by in a flash: eating lunch, lazing around in the studio, filming some tiktoks and then getting ready for another class took up most of your time that you didn't get to ponder over the office visit.
so you were definitely surprised to see gojo satoru himself, a shit-eating grin on his face once he hears you enter. he lays back on both arms to welcome the first soloist, you. 
you curtseyed again to ms ieiri and masamichi. before you got to gojo, however, he held a hand up before standing up himself to bow. you let out a small smile as the familiar step led you to curtsey on the other foot.
it left a weird feeling in your bones to greet a principal dancer, but you two weren't all that close, anyway. plus, curtseying was basic courtesy in the company, where actions spoke louder than a "good morning" or a "thank you".
"nice to see you, (y/n). miss nitta, as you know," masamichi gestured to your teacher and then to the white-haired man, whose beauty never fails to amaze you, as cliche as it sounds, "and gojo satoru." 
"nice to finally talk to you, miss (y/n)," he nods his head, wearing an attractive smile that had you sucking in a breath. you could only manage a smile at the moment, brought back to reality when masamichi's firm voice resonates in the office.
"you've done a tremendous job these past few months, love. we've been watching your roles this season, hopping from one position to the other with no problem at all. i'm sure you were informed that you were being considered to be principal..." you leaned forward in anticipation, "...although you'd have to let your skill shine through more before we promote you to principal any time soon."
bummer, but it's nothing you can't handle.
"we do have something to ask of you, however. your potential is clearly set in the right place, and your talent and determination are not lost. we want you to shadow and learn the repertoire of shoko ieiri and gojo satoru while they rehearse for the next season's premiere."
nevermind, it might actually be something you can't handle.
masamichi only lets out a knowing smile. "are you up for the challenge, (y/n)? you'll get to learn and watch how principals rehearse, act and mime out the story in the hands of ballet masters and mistresses like kiyotaka ijichi and mei mei and even tengen hoshi." 
your fingers dug into your thigh at the well-known names, always seeing them in the corridors but never knew how they taught or conducted rehearsals. this was your chance.
"of course, director masamichi. i'd be honoured to observe and shadow the company's principal dancers, let alone miss shoko ieiri and mr gojo satoru here. their chemistry onstage is honestly unmatched!"
okay, shut up, (y/n). you're laying your fangirling thoughts on the actual director of six eyes theatre. a simple yes would've sufficed.
"great! you start tomorrow. skip the afternoon class and come straight to the studio on the ground floor. we'll be expecting you."
you couldn't help the grin that appears on your face this time, passing a bow to everyone in the room before curtseying and almost exclaiming a "thank you!"
once you're out of the professional eye, you have a little celebratory dance outside the office, immediately fishing out your phone to text the trio. 
"a...ah! gojo senpai!" you take a step back in instinct, the tall principal looming over you with nothing but an intimidating air around him.
however, nothing screams intimidating on his face, as he shoots you a polite smile and a hand to get introductions out of the way.
all you can think about is his large hand enveloping yours while he tells you his name. you're stuck in a trance, locked on his eyes cut off by the black of his sunglasses. 
how would those hands feel on my hips when he's lifting me? or maybe we'd engage in a kiss in romeo and juliet...? are we doing r&j for the next season's shows?
"uh- yes, nice to meet you too, senpai! i-"
"call me gojo, (y/n)."
you're at a loss for words, the man knowing he's left you speechless with the way he's smirking off into the other direction. you manage to get the prodigy out of your head, willing yourself to get to the company class as soon as possible. since your distraction was gone and the air cleared of any tension, you were able to hear the voices in the office.
"are you sure about this, nitta? we can't have any more dancers off their game just because they were enamoured with satoru to the point of confessing their love to him. every time we get first soloists and principals to pair with him, something always comes up."
"i'm sure, director. (y/n)'s mettle and focus on her roles are strong, and her skills are off the charts. if anything happens, we'll just pair her with another principal, like kento or something." masamichi sounded unconvinced, grunting as their footsteps increased in volume.
company class! company class!
you slipped into the studio just in time to avoid nitta and masamichi, carrying your things as you looked for the trio.
"(y/n)!" yuji catches your attention, although a little too loudly for your liking. you were left to greet the other dancers on the way to their corner, dumping your bag with much more exasperation than you expected.
"what's wrong?" megumi asks, doing some plies at the bar to warm up his feet and muscles.
"i think i should text y'all instead. let's wait for after the show tonight."
you get three nods from the trio in reply, dropping into some simple stretches as the next instructor takes over. at least gojo wasn't here...
the applause was deafening as you take your bow, thanking the audiences from the balcony and stalls as you gestured to your pas de deux partner, megumi. putting your hand in front of your heart was a big thing to do, giving thanks to one of your best friends and partners for a fun pair such as bluebird and princess florine. 
as you walked back to join the other dancers, the principal roles were taking their bows with no doubt roars and cheers from the audience from yet another electrifying performance from the golden pair as princess aurora and prince florimund: gojo and ieiri. 
as ieiri led the conductor on stage, he was the last to thank the audience, bringing the heart of the ballet to life with the score of tchaikovsky's sleeping beauty. 
with one last bow, the curtain closes, leaving you to let loose from the rigid position you were used to. 
"we're done!" you laugh, hugging megumi as nobara and itadori squeeze their way through the many dancers on stage. the two convey their compliments, prompting you to nudge the two on their puss-in-boots and white cat roles. the two then freeze up, staring at something that was approaching from behind.
"miss (y/n)-" gojo bows, interrupted by ieiri as she crashes into you with a hug.
"oh man, (y/n) you were great out there!" you grin, embracing her as tight as she did. 
"thank you, senpai," you were practically beaming, thankful she still remembered you after being promoted to principal years ago. it was hard to communicate and talk when she had so much going on, a natural dancer who rose up the ranks fast with her hard work. 
ieiri formed herself up into a refined dancer that you wouldn't think she was the young girl at your studio trying on pointe shoes for the first time years ago when you were a kid.
that was if you didn't know her personally, of course. 
"here, first position, just like that!" the curious girl interacted with the kids outside a smaller studio, teaching them the various positions that at least a grade two or three class would use.
she picked up pointe work fast, obviously guided by the mentors at the school with nights of rehearsal and decision making whether she wanted to pursue this professionally.
"oh shush, you, you don't have to call me senpai, see you tomorrow (y/n)!"
ieiri bids you goodbye, no doubt to talk to the choreographers and director. gojo follow suit shortly after your exchange, not before taking your hand to plant a kiss on it.
you retract almost immediately after his lips descend on your skin, the area hot from the lighting, your sweat and your feelings.
nobara tsked, "what's his deal?" you let out a shaky sigh and shrug, hooking an arm around megumi's as you went around to mingle with the dancers.
[nobara is typing...]
you're to shadow gojo-senpai and shoko-senpai?! no way???!?!1/!?!?
[itadori is typing...]
no way, that's so cool! 
what was he like? was he in the office that day?
[(y/n) is typing...]
yeah, he was. not gonna lie, a bit cocky... kinda overheard that partners throw themselves at him sometimes too, which makes it a bit troublesome, lol.
and yes, kugisaki i'll need to observe them starting tomorrow. i cant come for the company class :(
[megumi is typing...]
Then what about Shoko-senpai?
you shake your head even though no one could see you, the forgotten tv series playing in the background while you text your friends instead.
[(y/n) is typing...]
she's too good for him, i think. they're long time friends too, but i'm not sure if any feelings blossomed since then tho
[nobara is typing...]
you don't like him, do you? i know you dont like guys that are full of themselves, altho that man rlly is that attractive .......
[itadori is typing...]
LMAOO whos the smitten one now
nobara sends a vibe check sticker, the one with both hands outstretched with a threatening stare into the screen. 
[nobara is typing...]
i'll kill you tomorrow, yuji itadori.
[itadori is typing...]
you'd have to reach my height first, loser
[nobara is typing...]
i'll kick your shins, thats what!!!!!! 
you roll your eyes as the two of them get into another friendly banter, leaving the group chat to blow up in messages as you switch off the neglected tv. 
there's a silence that feels almost too foreign, contrasting to the fact that you enjoyed silences daily. it felt criminal, almost, to be in such a quiet space with no one to fill in the gaps.
you look to your black and white poster for some clarity, the young boy standing at 16 with a softness in his eyes and a lengthened extension that conveyed his love of ballet to you.
you never knew who was the boy, getting a poster shoved into your hands in a hurry when you and your mom bought tickets to the local ballet competition. you never questioned the poster, nor had you caught the boy in the midst of his variation either, settling for a theory that his performance had already passed the day before.
"how do you think it's going to go down tomorrow?" you mumble to no one in particular, tossing and turning in your sheets that didn't quell your worries no matter how much you thrashed.
the dreamless slumber welcomes you into its arms almost immediately, although the morning after was the opposite.
"shit, shit, shit," was your mantra, jumping from place to place in your small apartment to get the things you needed for class. you manage to catch the bus in time, heading straight to the studio with no cup of tea in your hand as usual. 
"(y/n)!" nobara grins, seeing you stumble through the door just as everyone finishes their individual warmups. the instructor greets everyone, eager to get into the class as soon as possible.
the thought of the rehearsal shook you up more than you thought it would, leaving you to let out nervous breaths that got worse by the time that class ended. 
ieiri didn't miss the way you'd wipe your hands on your tights in worry, going over the steps more than you usually would. you had a killer memory, but it seemed that today that that ability had melted away at the sight of gojo.
"wish me luck, guys," you muttered, hurriedly packing up your things before heading off yourself. the trio only could give you a small smile, knowing you had wanted time to yourself to calm your nerves.
you had always done this for the many shows you starred in: the music and positions mimicking a recording. it was as clear as day when it replayed in your head, the different orchestral parts and the dynamic changes you apply to your steps to give the best performance, for performing your best was all that mattered. the trio understood instantly, always sending you off on your memory replay with an encouraging smile.
well, almost, for you didn't even know what the rehearsal entailed or what piece they would be dancing to.
"hi," your voice appeared meek in the big studio, the only three people there slowly getting warmed up to each other. your feet carried you into a curtsey.
"ah, mei mei-sensei! miss shoko and mr gojo," you acknowledged their presence, placing your things down right where you stood.
"let's begin then, shall we? for this is a gala event, the pas de deux couple will only be performing the entree and the adagio parts. there might be the possibility you two would have to rehearse your individual variations and the coda. still, the organisers haven't gotten back to us on the duration we'll be on stage for. with the switching in and out of the different repertoire, this year should align with don quixote. before we start, i wish that everyone is honest with each other; that way, we can learn from different views."
don quixote?! you hold in your excitement at the revelation, thinking back to the fiery portrayals of kitri and lively spanish music to pair with it. your excitement was on cloud nine while by fifteen minutes, your feet and body were seemingly screaming at you to take a break.
to say it was tiring was an understatement, at the very least. you were to only shadow ieiri's parts, and the absence of a male partner proved challenging when you were the first soloist mirroring a principal and her partner.
"(y/n) should try too, of course! come, come," mei mei beckons you over from where you went over the steps, fingers fidgeting with the waistband of the sheer skirt you'd just bought a few days ago.
"i trust that you are familiar with the wedding PDD, (y/n)?" mei mei asks.
you nod eagerly, not missing the way ieiri beams at your enthusiasm. 
"good. we'll just try this part on your own. remember to keep yourself lifted and trust your partner," mei mei eyes you while gojo was already getting comfortable with a hand on your back, "would you like to try it without the music first?"
you nod cautiously. you take note of the way it burns like fire, the contact of his skin on yours. oh god, you wished you had wiped the sweat from it, although the other didn't seem to mind it due to the many partners he's worked with before.
with a quick glance, you snuck a look at the tall dancer, never much prepared for the striking blue of his eyes. however, this time, the cheeky gojo appeared to be kept under wraps, bringing forth a more solemn and nervous exterior. he did seem different and quiet, even catching the attention of mei mei-sensei and ieiri herself. they opted not to say anything.
nevertheless, the two of you narrate the lifts and steps, mixing in the counts with the french vocabulary that stuck with you throughout the years. you were surprised at how much leeway gojo had provided you, allowing you to move freely while bringing you back effortlessly for the couple work.
a smile formed on your face at the flow of your steps as the music plays seamlessly in your mind with how much you've watched different renditions of the wedding pas de deux.
"with the music now, my dears."
ieiri shoots you a thumbs-up, noticeably more tired than you, as she massages the bottom of her feet with calculated force.
the piano starts as the pas de deux passes by smoothly with minimal mishaps, save for some off balances here and there. as always, your hand tingles when it comes in contact with the principal's, willing the quick heartbeats away by thinking of his cocky smirk the other day. with the easy beginning completed, the lifts were now appearing more often.
"hold your body up during the fish dive (y/n), hold your back and position!" gojo stumbles a bit at your mistake, but for the second time around, you manage to get it, coming up from the tricky step into a beautiful arabesque. 
a hasty nod, and you're off, pulling away from gojo a tad bit quicker than how you wanted to initiate it. he's taken by surprise at your change of personality, wondering where the flustered soloist had gone to previously. with the same corrections directed at you, mei mei gives you a "good job" before bringing ieiri back in.
"we'll cap you two's pas de deux at that point before the turns. ieiri, you ready to get back into it?" she hesitantly nods, albeit more relaxed than the earlier exchange.
the music starts again, and this time, you manage to gape at the couple's artistry, weaving over and under to fit the delicate notes of minkus' score. with the many turns and tour en l'airs, it now came to the difficult part of the pas de deux: where the woman will wind their hand around the man's single finger, engaging in two turns connected only by that single contact point.
they complete it easily, leaving ieiri to then balance en pointe with one leg suspended in the air. the two repeat it again with no problem, except for the fatigue seeping through their faces at a few moments in time.
as the music reaches its climax, so does the movements with increasing pirouettes and lifts. their chests heave with exhaustion, but their smiles showed that they were satisfied with the run.
it was hard to believe that gojo and ieiri only started to rehearsed this a few weeks ago, especially since these were leading roles with a reasonably complex pas de deux to pair with. nothing seemed to faze them as they received the feedback from mei mei, nor did they have trouble correcting the lift that had gone wrong earlier or the balance that ieiri fell out of.
so this was what it meant to be a principal.
"(y/n)! any feedback that you'd like to give to the two?"
"h..huh, me? i'm not sure if it'd be helpful to-"
"nonsense, hit us, (y/n). rehearsals are always a place for feedback," ieiri grins, taking your hand to bring you closer to the three of them.
"well, i think... i'll comment on the repeated melody where you'll go from the turns into the attitude balance is where it's a bit difficult. since gojo-senpai is tall, he might've put his hand a little too high. i mean, of course, lifting up is ideal, but ieiri-senpai might have some trouble balancing because of that."
they wordlessly try it out without the music, noting how gojo places his hand at a lower height for ieiri. it might've felt foreign, but it looked a tad bit better to you, with a better centre of gravity and stability. 
"yeah! like that!" a smile dons your face, "does it feel better, senpai?"
"tons," gojo simply states, almost too eagerly as blue eyes uncharacteristically boring into yours. opposed to the quick glances he always gave you along the corridor or within classes, this one was a strange, longing one. ieiri's voice snaps you out of the spell, almost not wanting to leave his stare.
"way better, thank you (y/n)," she pats your arm before turning to the sound of mei mei's voice.
"alright, beautiful legs and extensions, but we still have a lot to work on, as well as getting (y/n) accustomed to more pas de deux and principal work. would you like to stay on (y/n)?"
you admired your own determination, but sometimes it was better to take a break. having just attempted the coda, you could already feel blisters forming due to your prolonged use of pointe shoes. with a breath, you let gojo complete his pirouettes, restraining the sigh coming from your lips at the perfect revolutions and momentum he had going.
a little more, and you were close to catching a breath, finishing off a quadruple pirouette and tour en l'air with gojo's help. with a slight stumble, you let out a startled laugh before taking your last step with a knee to the floor. with palm outstretched, the piano does a trill before ending off on a chord.
out of the corner of your eye, you spot gojo smiling down at you, a beam that doesn't come often with how much confidence he carries around the company. 
ieiri applauds first, followed by mei mei's impressed smile.
"you execute your fouettes well, (y/n)," you bow your head in thanks, brought up unconsciously with gojo's hand as it stays linked in yours. 
"thank you, mei mei-sensei. i'm just glad to have tried it out; the don Q coda is one of my favourites," you gush, "the costumes, the music is just everything."
"to dance with your partner is one thing, but the connection is another. translate the story of the elation of kitri - her father finally gives his blessing for their wedding, and she's excited to the moon. basilio is marrying the girl of his dreams. know what and who you're dancing for." mei mei speaks over the music easily, giving pointers they go over the steps like always.
"i know it's just an empty stage. there's no set, no scene to show the joy all around the cast, but you still are dancing as kitri and basilio," mei mei says after, "let's try again with (y/n)."
rehearsals carried on like this, day after day. some days longer than the other, and on others, you were paired with another first soloist. however, he wasn't tasked with shadowing the couple every day, so the pas de deux was left to you to master. 
as you wipe your sweat, ieiri waves her towel in front of you, "wanna have lunch with us?"
"i don't want to intrude-" 
"it's gojo's treat," ieiri whispers, "plus he doesn't treat people often."
"is he okay with me coming alo-" she pulls on you, leaving you no choice but to pack your things hurriedly.
"(y/n)'s coming, yea?" ieiri mumbles quickly, hooking her arm around yours in a hassle as you try to keep your things from falling out of your bag.
"i'd like that." gojo says to no one, finally catching up to you two after switching off the studio lights.
"whaaaat, you're leaving so fast?" you pout, eyeing ieiri's neat tray of finished food as gojo lets her pass through in the booth.
"i'm sorry you have to stay here with this dumbass (y/n), but i have a date with the orthopaedic today," ieiri groans.
"like an actual date?" gojo jokes.
"no," she rolls her eyes, "my muscles are acting up a little lately. plus, my arch hurts more often than it usually does. it's best to just check it out, i guess. but yeah, an actual date would be nice, too."
you shrug, "eh, hard to come by when you're a busy ballet dancer in a company. bye, senpai!" you and gojo wave to her as she leaves the diner, now coming to terms with the fact that you were alone with the charming dancer, as much as you hated to admit it.
with his perfect hair and long eyelashes and the enchanting smirk he always seems to wear. not to mention the sheer strength in his leaps in contrast to the delicate grip on your waist-
"thinking about me, love? of course you are."
"what? no!" you stiffen, the blush on your cheeks immediately giving away your thoughts.
"for the record, i've thought of you, too," gojo drops a bomb, leaning over the table to plant a gentle kiss upon your cheek before leaving the booth in a hurry. 
you were thankful that he was gone, at least and thankful for the empty diner, leaving you to melt in a puddle of confusion and warmth. 
just like the first rehearsal, your cheeks feel hot, as does your body. the place where his lips touched seemed to burn a hole through, your gaping mouth failing to close even after a minute of staring into nothing.
fishing out your phone was the first thing your mind sought out from the endless thoughts in your head.
nobara, nobara, nobara... gotta find her contact..!
[nobara is typing...]
he WHAT???!??@
"ieiri-senpai, what's a pas de deux to you?" you mumble after rehearsals one day, picking at the tape stuck in between your toes.
"it would have to be what mei mei said, definitely. she still says the same exact thing till today: dance and connection are two different things. and it can't go to the point where two different stories are being told by the male and female dancer. you'll need to go into pas de deux work with a mindset that you come in a pair. every correction and every emotion needs to be felt by both parties for it to reach the audiences."  
"what about you?" the question catches you by surprise, resorting to humming as you think of the answer.
"it's something along the lines of your answer and mei mei-sensei's definition. you'd have to be on the same wavelength as your partner. every extension that appears or a gentle port de bras is meant to show the character's personality. you'd also have to think of the context of the ballet, i guess," you stop yourself, looking at gojo as he finishes a tour en l'air en passe. three revolutions and you realise that a. you're staring and b. you were talking way too much.
"sorry! i'm rambling again," you splutter, going back to your original task of taking out the tape from your toes.
ieiri giggles, "no, no! ramble all you want. i love listening to my juniors talk about how much they love ballet."
"sleeping beauty, just like the show a week ago, is set in the royal court, so it's hard to show aurora's personality. she's a little playful and young, although it's hard to slip that in when the wedding pas de deux for that is so grand. and then you'll compare it to the black swan in swan lake, where it's also in a royal court, but odile's the one deceiving siegfried, so there's an opportunity to include some side-eyeing in it. i personally love zenaida's version," you trailed off, "i mean, of course, there's also-"
"then what about odette?" gojo shouts across the studio, with his hands on his hips. the white of his hair matched the pureness of odette's tutu, something you always wished to wear and dance and master when you got accepted into six eyes theatre.
"don't mind him-"
your words take precedence without effort, "with the white swan, odette has to show the struggle of her spell with the frantic miming that she has to do. 'i'm the queen of the swans, rothbart the bastard turned me into a swan' and so on and so forth. because she's a swan, she has to imitate the gentle way that swans move, along with the technical challenges of the pas de deux. she's very soft and fragile, and the violin makes it all the better in showing the shyness and fear in odette."
two pairs of eyes stare at you curiously as the male's smirk leaves you to break into a nervous laugh as you fidget with your fingers. 
"sorry, i'm talking a lot. too much. do carry on with your jumps," a small apologetic smile appears on your face, failing to note gojo's hesitation to move from his spot and his interest in the way you can talk endlessly about the art.
gojo's smirk merges into a smile even when he accomplishes the many pirouettes demanded of him. he'd want to hear it from your lips next time when you're wrapped up in each other.
"don't you think he's a little bit too confident for his own good?" nobara whispers to you. with rehearsals off for a few days, you were able to see your best friends again, munching up the calories lost from the afternoon class. 
"yeah... for all we know, he might be stumbling around in rehearsals and picking up girls," megumi muttered.
you rolled your eyes, "he's... not like that, guys. he is confident in class and seems a bit cocky, but that's because he really does live up to his name."
"we might not know much, either. (y/n) has been in rehearsals with the guy. he's probably more focused when there are lesser people in the room," yuji chats through his food, gaining disgusted looks from the three of you when lettuce and chicken litter the table.
"well... don't go falling for the guy, yeah? i've beaten up too many exes in the past," megumi tsked, devouring the salad bowl in front of him.
"yeah, but i didn't ask you to, plus you'd do it anyway. didn't even have to ask," you grin, leaning back in your chair triumphantly.
"if i beat up gojo-senpai, i'll probably get jailed."
you and yuji stifle a laugh at his comment, but nobara doesn't seem impressed with the joke, instead focused more on you and your reactions. 
you weren't actually developing feelings... right?
the memory and kiss linger in your mind like a stubborn stain, not forgetting the intense stare nobara had given you before you said goodbye to the three. a vibration from your phone snaps you out of the daze, opening your chat group to answer your friends. 
[nobara is typing...]
how was rehearsal today?!???! we jsut finished class
also it's been so long since we saw u :(
[(y/n) is typing...]
so good as always is that even a question luv xx
theyre both so talented as individuals as they r in a pdd... it was rlly insightful too!
gojo-senpai kept staring at me today for some reason tho. he felt different today, a little more reserved and whatnot
[megumi is typing...]
Maybe he felt intimidated by your skill lol
"i'll take my leave first, (y/n)! i've got an errand to run. mei mei's accompanying me," ieiri grins, bringing you into a sweat-filled hug. she's used to soaked leotards, even if the grimace on your end doesn't go unnoticed by the principal.
she lets out a chuckle, "you'll get used to mixed sweat and whatnot, (y/n). see ya!"
curtseying comes easy, bidding goodbye to the principal and the ballet mistress.
you were ready to go back to the conversation on your phone, although a call of your name distracted you from the conversation.
"yes...? gojo?" you mumbled, the last name feeling foreign on your lips without the honorific at the back. you put your phone away as the studio immediately diminishes in size, seemingly putting the two of you in a tight space with nowhere to go. it certainly felt like it, with the wordless prompt of his hand.
"try the pas de deux with me," gojo proposes, pulling up a piano rendition of the score on spotify. it wasn't hard to spot the mischievous sparkle in his eye, along with the attractive grin plastered on his face.
the studio appeared calmer now that ieiri and mei mei had left, yet the conflict in your mind was loud and unwelcomed. it felt like a battle between the angel and the devil, and you were sure the devil was nobara herself, screeching at you to remind you of the shit-ton amount of conceitedness he had.
"are we allowed to? don't other people need to use the studio?" you mumble, standing up with the help of gojo nevertheless.
you're playing right into his hand, yet you took it anyway.
he waves a hand, "it's fine; you do know the pas de deux, don't you? we didn't go over it together much, but i'm sure the past rehearsals served you well."
the beginning was refined, having done it earlier with mei mei's help. it was mostly the only thing the two of you went over when mei mei was around, leaving the more complicated parts to ieiri. the fish dive comes naturally this time, imagining the glowing lights and the striking wedding tutu that kitri sports in the third act. 
there are howls of laughter at the many mishaps after that. knowing you hadn't rehearsed any of it with your partner, nor with the music before, it was only fair that accidents were to happen.
"no, no, if you let me go, i will kill you- ah! gojo!" you threaten, but it's lost in your mouth as he spins you way too many times, letting a loud shriek escape your mouth.
from a failed pirouette to a fish dive where he almost dropped you (he didn't), the laughter spilling from yours and his lips weren't common in a company class with everyone trying to dance their best.
"hey, hey, lay off the hair!" gojo quips, catching your off-balanced pirouette with a secure hand on the waist. you went along with the music, anyway, giving your exaggerated interpretation of kitri just as the music builds up. that earns a laugh from him, skillfully guiding you through even with the light banter in the room
"here it comes," he mutters to you, feeling the support of gojo's hands on yours as he pushes you off the complete the double attitude turn before hearing a loud ‘thwap!’.
"fuck, sorry! oh my god," you apologise, retracting your leg almost immediately after the collision.
"ah, shit," gojo exclaims, rubbing the side of his thigh as he brings you down gently. there's a frown on his face as you take a peek at the place you hit, the only thoughts running through your head being the articles or scandals you might be caught in.
(y/n) attempting to harm six eyes theatre's golden principal dancer? (y/n)'s downfall full of jealousy? (y/n) and the infamous gojo caught in a fight?
a giggle gets you out of the trenches, hands revealed like a finished magician's act. 
"i was kidding; that didn't hurt one bit," gojo jokes, hands naturally reaching forward to place them on your hips, "loosen up a bit, (y/n)."
"i am loose!" your mouth falls into a straight line, "shit that sounded bad, didn't it?" bursting into laughter, your head falls onto his shoulder as your hand reaches up to grasp at his forearm before recovering from the unexpected joke.
as the pas de deux fades off into nothing, only your breaths could be heard in the large studio, blending with the cold air of the air-conditioning and the hot breaths coming from your mouths. strings play softly from the phone, but all you can hear is the echo of the familiar melody as if it was being played in an auditorium. 
gojo gives you a gentle smile that you reciprocate, stuck in that annoying hypnotisation of his blue eyes and the same soft look he gives you whenever you aren't looking. 
you were looking now, though, and you'd like it even better if time stood still for you to savour this moment.
"would you like to go on a date with me (y/n)?"
there it was, the million-dollar question. it wasn't like you imagined this every night before you slept or whether he'd perform a flashy proposal to ask you out.
but even then, you thought back to the smirks he directed at every other dancer, you thought back to the conversation in masamichi's office, you thought back to nobara's advice.
"surely you're not thinking of getting wooed by gojo satoru, are you? it's dangerous, (y/n), i'm sure you know that."
"fuck, i know! but then he kisses my cheek that one time and everything feels right again. he jokes with me in rehearsals and nudges me when mei mei-sensei compliments me. he treats me to lunch and looks at me with so much passion i almost want to believe it. these past weeks of rehearsals have taught me well in dance, but i'm sure it's making my love life miserable with how much he looks at me and then goes back to flirting with the other dancers."
"i'm sorry, i can't, gojo."
you make haste with the way you're scurrying out of the studio, breaking into a jog to make sure he doesn't catch after you.
you should've said yes, right? with how much he's been building up the courage these past few weeks, careful not to let ieiri spot his sneaky glances. even the kiss on your cheek left his heart pumping long after he's left the diner. 
all that to leave him in the dust.
gojo lays in bed that day, eyes fully open as he struggles to get some rest, unaware of the similar turmoil you were going through. the dancer managed to sleep after innumerable amounts of overthinking, departing from consciousness with thoughts of you, just like he always has.
there weren't any tears involved on your end, save for some of the glossy looks you've given your black and white poster as you played with your pillowcase in anxiety. 
you dreaded the next rehearsal, knowing you had to face gojo sooner or later, especially with how you reacted to his question.
"mei mei-sensei, gojo," his name was muttered instead, embarrassed with the way you rushed out of the studio the previous day. mei mei looks between the two of you, clapping her hands together to get your attention.
"ieiri pulled a nerve around her arch, which was why we've been going to the orthopaedic more often. it's a minor injury, and she's resting right now, so we'll have to work with the two of you first. we'll stop at where we always do but feel free to continue if you feel comfortable."
great. it had to be on a day where i couldn't possibly face gojo.
he says nothing at that, both you and the pianist unsure of whether you were to continue.
gojo was still in his a game, hitting every leap and lifting you without much struggle. you, not so much, as the words you said to him replayed in your head like a broken record.
you fell off your balances, you couldn't portray kitri well, you felt the weight of your body get heavier with each repeated thought of the day before. hell, even your practice tutu felt heavy. 
he sighs again for the umpteenth time as the music stops, the two of you receiving the same criticism from the previous run. mei mei tries her best to be polite, although you can tell she's losing her patience as well.
"(y/n)? what's gotten into you? i understand every dancer has their bad days, but today appears terrible with the silent treatment you two are giving each other."
you swallow at the question, taking a shaky breath before opening your mouth. you look to gojo for help, but his eyes evade yours by looking at the floor with arms crossed. his head whips toward you with your following words.
"he asked me... on a date. i rejected him, rushed out the studio," you mutter, tracing the fabric of the tutu hanging on your hips.
"you asked her out on a date?" mei mei states in disbelief, looking at the ballerino with a face full of perplexity. 
"yeah, i did, and i would do it again," the last whisper is lost to you, unable to hear because of the distance between you and him.
"wh- why? what's wrong with that?" you ask mei mei-sensei, yet again being pulled in by the sky blue of his eyes before looking to the ballet mistress.
"mei mei-"
"gojo never asks anyone out. ever. i'm sure you're the first one."
you can see gojo deflate at that at the corner of your eye, shoulders sagging forward in defeat while mei mei takes the chance to leave for you to sort things out. 
"what...?" was the only thing you could muster, eyes following your instructor as she exits the space.
"you two are dismissed for now. talk to him about it and resolve your problem," she waves a hand at you, the tension growing by the second as she's entirely out of the studio.
"gojo?" you ask cautiously, stepping up to him to pull him from the position he was in.
"you believe the rumours, the articles, don't you?" he says, completely unrelated to the situation at hand. the look he gives you was something you couldn't figure out, snatching his arm out of your grip as he puts some distance between the two of you. 
"you think i'm some cocky bitch who's just strutting around the company, free to do my own thing?" the other says it in a quiet tone, but it didn't make it less menacing than if he were to shout it. 
"do you think i enjoy the way the female dancers throw themselves at me when i'm trying to focus on my mistakes and corrections? you think i enjoy the annoying ass articles written about me?"
with each question, gojo doesn't fail to intimidate you, taking a step each time until you're cornered against the barre. those questions are left unanswered as gojo's eyes bore into yours, losing its usual spark when he glances at you during the pas de deux or when he's laughing at a joke you made over lunch.
"do you think i enjoy being talked about every. single. time?! when i'm passing in the corridors, in masamichi's office, in the company classes, among the little trio you have going on. when i asked you out, it was because i genuinely felt that i could connect to you: with no wrong assumptions or bad impressions," gojo runs a hand through his sweaty hair, the frustrated emotions he felt seeping through into his speech.
"...everything felt so fake to me while getting to know you were the only real thing i could cherish when i get to hold you during the pas de deux, or when my lips landed on your cheek. it was the only real thing that brought on your blush that i imagine your lips on mine way too much."
you chose to ignore the way your heart flutters at the confession, staring up at him with apparent conflict on your face.
"then why can't you just ignore them? i'd expect someone like you to not give a shit about what people think," you whisper.
"you got to know the wrong gojo, then. just like right now, i can't face what others have to murmur around about me."
"right now...?" you caught onto his words fast, your eyes immediately spotting the curious faces of both your friends and a few other dancers fighting for a spot to watch you two through the studio door's glass.
"c'mon, pack up, let's not talk here," gojo states. within seconds, the two of you were out the door with your hand clasped in his. you were quick on your feet to leave the premises, naturally following gojo's lead to an unknown building. 
letting go of his hand, you explore the space, taking note of every tiny little thing that made the apartment his own.
"sorry for the mess. i live alone and hardly clean the apartment." the nervousness from the studio stayed, the other opting to remain at the doorway in worry. the silence in the apartment grows, your eyes now trained to the floor as gojo suddenly speaks up.
"i couldn't ignore them, (y/n). their expectations disguised as gossip and rumours allowed me to perform properly. i was afraid of disappointment, of getting ridiculed if i were to make mistakes on stage. any slip-up was seen by the company's sponsors, critics, everyone. their eyes were always on me, and i could never let myself get eaten up by the articles." 
"the industry is filled with competition and talent. anyone can replace anyone at any given time; you'd have to have a mind of steel to not get affected by every little thing!"
his eyes meet the back of your head, the fatigue leaking through the lines of his eyes and face. as you turn around, you meet his exhausted ones, and, step by step, you approach the man.
"i can't say i have that mind of steel that i mentioned. i hardly come close to it, (y/n). i'm happy with the company, i'm content with my place, and i'm terribly in love with ballet, but... i'm so tired, really."
your expression of unsaid pity was all you could offer, bringing gojo into a hug as he wrapped his arms around you. the way he relaxed told you of the safe space you provided, while his tight, squeezing arms showed he hasn't embraced in a long time.
a minute or two passes, relishing in the now comfortable silence as the other collects himself. 
"i'm laying everything on you, fuck, i'm sorry."
you shake your head into his chest, "don't apologise, you idiot. i should be the one saying sorry for rushing off like that," pulling away, you were heartbroken to see the shine of his tears waiting to cascade down his cheeks.
"i'm sorry i ran off. i was afraid, for a different reason. my rational side always protects my heart, knowing i've had bad experiences with friends and connections. if i couldn't sustain a friendship, who was i to jump into a relationship?" you hand trails to his nape to mindlessly play with the hair there as a form of habit with your own hair.
"it was brave of you, putting yourself out so vulnerably when i only looked at the surface of what you were. i'm sure it felt like those weeks of getting to know each other meant something to you, and i threw it away in fear that you'd leave me after a few months."
"so please don't apologise, i'm sorry i ever made you feel like shit because i didn't know about the weight on your shoulders."
a smile graces your face, the hand on his nape going back to his cheek.
"and stop crying; it doesn't make your eyes look good," you whisper, wiping the tears before they fall as gojo lets out a chuckle.
"you think my eyes look good?" 
you roll your eyes, "god, who wouldn't? it's like looking at the sky and the ocean all at the same time. and when you stare at me? i always have trouble looking away from you because of how striking they are."
"are they now?" distracted from the emotional vomit earlier, he grins at your description of him. you're lucky to have your hands on his cheeks just so you can feel the effect you have on him every time you offer a compliment.
"are you done complimenting me?"
"i've only commented on your eyes, though. would you like me to continue?"
"i think you should kiss me first."
you're taken aback by gojo's boldness, a surprised expression appearing at the question. the way he looks at you beats the gazes through the mirror as he warms up and the look of interest over his bowl of miso soup. it beats the glances at you during the company classes and the short, fleeting glimpses as you move together during the pas de deux. it beats every single one that your head descends back into his chest, shy at the look of adoration he was giving you.
"can i really?" you whisper in his shirt, refusing to look up even when he pulls away from your embarrassment.
as his arms unwind themselves from your middle, he crouches down to reach your eye and bring you back from a world of uneasy firsts.
"is it your first?"
this was when gojo satoru was at his rawest, with his hands cupped around your cheeks in the slowly darkening apartment as he prepares himself to kiss you.
"it is."
gojo says nothing after that, the moment of silence feeling like forever before his lips meet yours. the sunset coming in from his windows hits at the right time, because then you'd be able to point at it and describe the colours you feel when his mouth moves against yours. you'd be able to sense your heart pumping and blood flowing more clearly than when you've just finished a demanding combination of steps when he encircles his arms around you to bring you closer.
without choreographed steps, nothing feels more fitting than a kiss full of passion that isn't in a pas de deux. ironically, it was the ones you enjoyed more, more than the kisses in romeo & juliet or in manon.
oxygen becomes scarce, then, prompting you to break away from gojo just as your heart fills up with joy, way more than you can fathom.
you crash your lips into his again, now catching him off-guard. he melts into it with no problem, a laugh spilling from his lips at your eagerness.
"i like you a lot, tons, (y/n). i don't say this often, but i like you."
"it's too early to say it's love, right? because i think i like you too, a lot, tons."
you agreed to keep it under wraps for now, with you planning to leave half n' hour later to avoid suspicion. the dancer sacrificed his Z's so you could catch them instead, although you continued to lay awake in his bed watching the white-haired man get ready. 
"are you sure the floor wasn't uncomfortable? you could've just used your own bed, y'know."
he only shakes his head, "'s okay. my back was acting up, anyway. it was basically free therapy."
you laugh at that, now sitting up fully to admire gojo's physique. with how affectionate and sweet he is behind closed doors, you swore that he was a different man. he shoots you a finger gun and a wink, knowing the way he's got you wrapped around his finger.
"see you later," gojo whispers, landing a peck on you before taking off on his own. it wasn't long before you had to get up, taking in the room and its decorative spaces. he has ballet posters and photos of his friends; he even had a diffuser.
a yawn takes over you as your hands land on the shirt on you.
fuck, you didn't have anything clean to wear. gojo had provided you with a shirt and pants from his wardrobe yesterday, rejecting his briefs with a laugh. with no bra, you decided to just use a spare leotard you keep in your bag, settling for the clothes gojo had lent you the day before.
the theatre felt different when you entered, heading straight for the studio to avoid any more prying eyes from the younger dancers. 
"hey," you say, rubbing at your eyes to the trio warming up their feet.
nobara gasps, grasping at your hand immediately to pull you down onto the floor.
"are you good?" she mumbles, staring at your face for any signs of hurt or crying.
"do i need to beat him up?" megumi challenges, flexing his bicep as a joke, "i've been working out more."
"i'll go tell him off for you, (y/n)!" yuji grins, preparing to quite literally stand up to head over to the other corner of the room.
"no! i mean, yes, i'm good. please don't beat him up, and... sit down, yuji." you sigh. 
"nothing... happened, guys. i know what it looked like in the studio yesterday but there wasn't any catfights or physical fights," you pause, looking at megumi, your hands instinctively going to the pouch where you kept your shoes, "we figured out our problem and solved it, that's all."
"so why are you wearing his shirt, then?" nobara shoots without hesitation, causing you to halt your movements for a bit. beside you, you can hear yuji choking on his water. 
"i... we.. uhm," you trail off, trying to find the right words to fill in the gaps of your explanation. your eyes flit around the room before landing on gojo's, finding that his were already fixed on you.
"uh... yeah... we cleared up our differences and talked a bit," you mutter, lips breaking into a smile before you break eye contact with him. the trio stay dumbfounded at your word vomit, witnessing the exchange with the principal dancer with puzzlement. 
"oh my god, did you guys fuck?" nobara whispers.
"what? no!" you laugh, whacking her shoulder as you stood up to loosen up your feet, preparing for the class conducted by masamichi himself today.
"i'll explain everything when i get back home, okay?" you say to the three of them, stuck in a side hug with nobara as her arm stay loosely wrapped around your waist.
they can only offer you their  nods, bidding you goodbye with a slight wave.
as you enter the same rehearsal studio, there's only a single lone dancer in it, stretching over in a middle split as he scrolls on his phone mindlessly.
"hey," you call out to gojo, setting your bag of things down while you run up to him. he stands up instantly, pulling you into an embrace that shocks you with the sheer force of it.
"did you already miss me? that's fast."
he mumbles into your hair, "mhmm... shut up, please."
you laugh at that, recovering from the hug despite the other's protests.
"c'mon, i need to warm up, plus we're supposed to keep this a secret, right?"
gojo whines but lets you go anyway, but not before he plants a kiss on your hand as he lets you do your own thing. the next set of footsteps catch you in surprise, eyes widening at her presence when you run up to her in excitement.
"ieiri-senpai! are you feeling better?" you ask, peeking around at her feet, where she limped on earlier.
"yes, i am, (y/n)," she pats your head and realises your choice of clothing. you noticed her smirk, but before you could counter her question, she beats you to it, "and... i've seen that the dumbass finally made a move."
there's no denying the blush that makes its way onto your cheeks, seemingly oblivious to the stares from everyone when in reality, they were curious to know of what happened the day before.
"yeah, i guess he did," you sigh dreamily, giving off your feelings as ieiri could only smile at your situation.
mei mei enters the room with authority, making you perk up at her words as she walks to the centre of the barre with purpose.
"i trust that you've solved everything, yes? because you two have been quite the talk around the studio," mei mei states, braiding her hair into a side braid as ieiri takes a seat.
"i took her hand to get away from the crowd, sensei. if anything, i should be blamed for engaging in contact that might've given off the assumption that we were dating," gojo steps up.
"but you are dating, aren't you?" mei mei grins, putting on her shoes.
"i..." you tried to speak, but gojo interrupts you before then.
"only if she'll have me, then yes, we are."
you fight back a smile, stepping forward to catch his hand in yours. he's shaking, not at all the confident gojo satoru that you've become so accustomed to.
"yes," your single affirmation holds so much weight, looking up at him with as much joy as he did with you in the morning.
"okay, good! i've gone through enough of gojo staring at you from across the room. let's continue," mei mei casually says, "i'm sure (y/n) has heard the news, yes?"
she's quick to pull you out of your thoughts of gojo looking at you during rehearsals with the question of the news that left you texting the trio at 1am.
[nitta-sensei is typing...]
(y/n)? do you have a minute to spare?
[(y/n) is typing...]
yes sensei?
what seems to be the...
you're cut off by the abrupt phone call as gojo brushes his teeth, speaking to you, though incoherently, through the foam and lather in his mouth.
"yes, nitta-sensei? what is it?"
"i'm sorry for conveying this news over the phone, and i was too excited to wait until the next day. you might or might not like it, but... you're to replace ieiri in the gala event for now." by now, gojo had stopped brushing due to your lack in reply.
he peeks his head out of the bathroom as nitta continues, "she has to heed her orthopaedic's advice and take a break for now, but since you've been shadowing the two for a good amount of time, masamichi thinks its best you take up the role of the female part."
your jaw stays dropped even after nitta says her goodbyes, the phone lit up due to your shock. 
"(y/n)? what happened?"
"i'm going to be dancing with you, gojo," you say quietly, "i'm dancing the pas de deux with you!" 
you bow your head in acknowledgement, "yes, i have." 
ieiri sees the hesitation since now the original dancer was seated in front of you. she shoots you a double thumbs-up as motivation while mei mei briefs you on the gala like she did with the couple at the start.
it's short, and within the next moment, you're already flying through the sky with gojo's help. the steps start to become more apparent and distinct to you, letting the pianist lead the way as the lifts and pair work merge together like a seamless thread.
mei mei is firm in her teaching, knowing your weaknesses and strengths by heart with the past rehearsals that she's done. stopping the two of you before letting ieiri take over was routine, but for now, ieiri contributes with her wisdom from the chair instead. 
the rehearsal progresses slowly, opting instead to complete it bit by bit as the weeks turn into days and the days turn into hours. you had to take extra care of your feet, icing them and making sure your blisters don't distract you as rehearsals extend longer to ensure your best performance.
when you had your own commitments, your best friends had theirs, fulfilling principal or first soloist roles just for the gala. there was hardly any time for you to see the trio, but you made up with late facetime calls and online dinners with them.
even with the distance in the company class, gojo never fails to make it up to you with kisses under the moonlight as you watch video after video on don quixote, although taking a specific liking to the pairing of nuñez and muntagirov. 
"you ready?" gojo lets out a nervous breath, already hearing the chatter of the gala attendees behind the curtains. beside you, other dancers are warming up for their own parts. some were doing a solo while others were doing a pas de deux like you were, but nonetheless, everyone gathered here was to share the love for ballet.
"hell no, i'm shaking," you laugh, playing with the elastic that was to go over your middle finger. a beautiful, white tutu was tailored just for you with minor tweaks from ieiri's tutu while they were in the midst of completing it. to honour and perform the role of kitri gave you immense joy and excitement, even though you were jittery at the responsibility passed on to you.
"how are you doing?" nobara asks, making you jump at the sudden voice. she lets out a giggle, "sorry."
 "i'm... very nervous. is that even a question?" you ask her, holding onto her exposed shoulder a little too tightly. she dons a breathtaking, flowy costume with puffy sleeves and intricate detail. at the same time, yuji was suited up as nobara's partner in a pair of yellow tights, completing the couple look in the comedy-filled la fille mal gardée.
"oi, hot pants, come here! my partner's here finally after taming his hair," nobara jokes, pulling yuji over. they lean into each other's sides naturally, posing with peace signs and big smiles that they were asked to convey to the audience.
"good luck out there," megumi catches your attention, awkward as can be, as he pulls you in for a hug. his pas de deux partner is smiling at you beside him, taking your hand in hers.
"your rehearsals with gojo-senpai are incredible, (y/n)-senpai! all the best for your performance later," she bows, clearly relieved at saying the things she wanted to say.
"all the best for your le corsaire, too," you grin, waving them off excitedly before joining your basilio at the hip.
"you'll do great out there, trust me," gojo places a peck on your temple, holding you close by the waist as you warm up together. there's shared laughter between the two of you, exchanging jokes to calm your nerves and keep your mind moving. with the rush hour backstage, it was imminent that the show was starting soon, the many dancers continuing their warmup without trouble.
only you seemed to be on edge, performing as the first couple of the night for a role you've always loved and adored while watching from the balcony of auditoriums.
"i will. we will." you nod, hands twined with the other's as the curtains make their way up.
"breathe. we'll nail this like we always do," gojo kisses your linked hands, staring down at you with those same eyes you fell in love with. a smile replaced what you couldn't say out loud, bumping your head into his chest as an affectionate gesture, "let's go."
among the cheers and blinding lights, you could only focus on gojo's hand on the small of your back as he led you out. with practised steps, nothing could faze you except, maybe, his dazzling smile and the gentle eyes he has on you for the whole pas de deux.
living the life of an innkeeper's daughter was what you had to portray. while your 'father' was hesitant at first, he's finally given you the blessing to marry your lover, basilio. the glimmering tutu and effortless partnership was only half the job done, and for the radiant smile you had on at the moment, you hoped at least ieiri and mei mei would be proud of the story you were telling together with gojo.
the feeling from rehearsals is amplified on stage, with the orchestra's power and the costumes, providing you with a feeling like no other. and as gojo approaches with a flawless tour en l'air, you realise that with how much work you put in behind the scenes, the result always pays off. 
as gojo has his hands on your waist, twirling you around like nothing in a quadruple pirouette, you realise that every step was made possible with the help of ieiri and mei mei and your best friends and lastly, gojo satoru.
the golden, treasured prodigy which you somehow managed to develop feelings for. the talented principal who whines when you won't refuse to give him affection and the once-cocky individual who softens just at the sight of you.
and as the music reaches the end, you want nothing more than to stay in this pas de deux with gojo satoru, in a dance of two.
you end off on an incredible note, chest heaving from the demanding technicalities of the pas de deux. nevertheless, your brain shuts out the thunderous applause, with some imparting you with their standing ovations and others who decided to scream 'bravo!' at the stage.
gojo offers a grin, bringing you close with a hand as you thank the audience with endless curtseys. bowing to your partner was next, thanking him for the interminable rehearsals and that hectic day of emotion from the studio right up to his home.
you almost practically run backstage with the adrenaline flowing through your body, the next act already on stage for the gala. 
"oh my god, oh my god!" you whisper-shout in pure glee, hugging gojo close the moment you were out of view of the audience.
"you did it."
"we did it," you reassure, pulling from the embrace to smile up at him. you could feel the dancers' eyes around you, not knowing whether they should look to you or to look away.
his voice snaps you out of your thoughts, "'s okay, let them look. i don't mind it when i'm with you."
"just to confirm, we... shouldn't kiss, right?" you mumble, but you inch closer to his lips anyway.
"no... i don't think we should," gojo grins, indulging you in the very kiss you've waited for, knowing that right now, it wasn't the stage lights, nor was it the general heat after completing a difficult pas de deux.
it's as if the world gave you rose-tinted glasses, because that was all you could recognise now as gojo pulls you from backstage with your hand tightly locked onto his. he wasn't the six eyes theatre's prized principal, he was just gojo as you run past the many costumes being hung with the click-clacking of your pointe shoes.
you could compare it, almost, to running across a field with a billowing dress behind you, but alas, you were satisfied with being his kitri. for when she and basilio have a life of marriage ahead of them, you and gojo satoru have nothing but longing glances and shared laughter over your stumbling slip-ups in the studio as you tackle one act after the next.
the pas de deux was a connection and a story, and the both of you were just starting out yours. 
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foli-vora · 3 years
Well deserved! You are so kind to us and an amazing writer!
I'd like to request, if it's possible, 24 with Frankie. Smut-ish please?
Thanks, babe!! 🙌🏻😘😘❤
HELLO SWEET THING! YOU ARE GORGEOUS, THANK YOU SO MUCH! I also got your other ask so thank you for adding that! Hope you enjoy, angel! Thank you for your love 💗
24—whispering in their ear, lips touching their skin
Pairing: Frankie Morales x f!reader
Warnings: swearing, SMUTISH 18+ ONLY, Francisco being a Menace™️, bit of dirty talk, mention of masturbation, a single spank
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It was a drag. The movie wasn’t as good as he was hoping it would be, as fun as the trailer made it look it would be, and he found his attention falling from the theatre screen more often than not. You seemed happy when he would gaze at you, though, so it wasn’t a complete and total loss.
You didn’t find the amount of explosions and car chases ridiculous, you didn’t snort at the incorrect use of weapons or find the storyline overused and cheesy, and so he endured... for a little while, anyway.
“Babe,” he whispers, head rolling to look at you.
Your head turns, but your gaze remains fixed on the screen, the explosion playing out reflecting in your eyes. “What?”
“This is shit.”
“This was your choice, Francisco.”
“I’m bored.”
You laugh quietly, sipping softly from your soda. He moves to nuzzle into your throat, moustache tickling the skin of your jaw as he presses kisses below your ear.
“Whatever you’re thinking—stop it.” You chide softly with a grin, elbowing him over the arm rest. You feel a hand creep along your thigh, fingers firm as they dance towards the hem of your dress, and giggle quietly. “Francisco, we are in a movie theatre.”
“I’m just leaving my hand right here.” He shrugs innocently, letting his head drop onto your shoulder as his hand rests on the top of your thigh, palm searing in the chill of the room.
You know what he’s doing. His hands drive you crazy, and he knows it. He watches you start to fidget and the way you squirm on the seat, desperate to move his hand just that little bit higher. He doesn’t let your movements change where his hand sits, and he fights the grin threatening to break out when he hears your little whimper.
It doesn’t take long until you crack.
“Please touch me.”
He gasps quietly, face morphing into faux shock. The familiar twinkle of mischief shining in his eyes does nothing to stop the flood of heat pooling in your core and you wiggle closer to him, desperate to have him trace along your covered slit to feel what he’s doing to you.
“We’re in a move theatre, babe.” He says seriously, lips twitching at the corners.
“Shut up. Please, Frankie? You’re so close… just a little further.” You whine into his neck, hips shifting on the soft cushion. Your nose traces the shell of his ear before you teasingly bite and pull at his lobe, his fingers briefly digging into the flesh of your thigh.
“I’m so wet for you, baby. You drive me so fucking crazy. Please—”
His free hand moves for the popcorn, and he chews deliberately slowly before rolling his head to look at you, a smile curling his lips at your desperation. “You can wait.”
“Maybe I can’t.” You murmur softly into his ear, fingers dancing along the skin of his forearm and down to where his hand sits on your thigh.
Goosebumps rise along his skin as your lips brush over his ear, and he watches as you pry your dress out of the way to dance over his fingers, humming lowly as you dip between them to feel the skin of your thigh.
“Maybe I should just go to the bathroom, I’d hate to interrupt your movie after all. Would you be able to focus, baby? Would you be able to watch this knowing I was somewhere with my fingers in my pussy? Knowing I was making myself cum without you around? I could probably do it better anyway—”
He stands abruptly, uncaring as he knocks half the popcorn to floor. He’d feel bad for the poor kid having to clean it up if he wasn’t so distracted by the way you looked so fucking proud of yourself.
“We passed a store room—”
He scoffs darkly, slapping your ass harshly as you walk quickly in front of him. “You’d better pray you make it there.”
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Bashful and Beautiful (Adam Sackler x Reader)
Summary: You take some time to admire your boyfriend Adam. (Yes this is me just writing some self-soothing Sackler Appreciation) 
Warnings: Some smutty language but no acts 
Words: 1,296
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This. Fucking. Sucks
You closed your laptop, finally free from the studying you had been doing, and crawled back on the sofa to lie down. Not too long after your brain started to get foggy with falling asleep you hear keys in the lock behind you; your eyelids flutter open in the darkness of your blanket fort. You hear the scrape of the door being opened and there is a few seconds of rustling and heavy steps before you hear an inquisitive voice “Hey doll?” You peek out from under the grey fluffy blanket that was currently draped dramatically over every inch of you.  Adams eyebrows were raised over concerned eyes. “It’s done” you nodded towards to the laptop on the table before burrowing back under your blanket. He dropped down to a crouch and rubbed his hand smoothly up and down what he presumes is your leg “That’s great kid” “Its shit” you grumble, muffled beneath miles of fluff. He chuckles before hooking his fingers over the edge and pulling it down to see your pouty face looking back at him “But it’s done” he reminds you.
“Come up, get up” he says jumping to his feet. “No” you tried pulling the blanket back up but he caught it just in time “Up!” “No!” you retorted, before you had time to continue your well thought out argument for why hiding under this blanket for the rest of time was the best idea you’ve ever had it was whipped from your body. Cold air rushes over your exposed areas of skin and you whine dramatically. Adam cackles before hooking one arm under your legs and the other wrestled under your head and shoulders before hauling you into his arms. You squeal clutching handfuls of his t-shirt in order to feel steady. He drops himself into one of the chairs that was pushed out from the dining table with a grunt and shuffles you into a comfortable position on his lap. “Better” he says with a grin.  
You snuggle yourself into his body as best you can, feeling the solid warmth of his chest underneath you, one hand curled up in his t-shirt and the other at the back of his neck. He was right, this was better. “What do you want to eat?” he asked after a few moments silence, you looked up at the clock on the wall and flinched at the time – not realising how long you’d been practically face first in your laptop. Turning your head slightly you softly bite his neck “You”. He chuckles and swats your back lightly “Actual food please kid” “Tacos please” you mutter into his skin, biting his neck again. He shakes you off his lap and onto your feet rubbing his neck with a smile “and you call me the gremlin”
You move yourself into your own seat as you watch him crash about the kitchen to begin dinner. Leaning your elbows on the cold wood of the table you admire the muscles of his back and his legs in those jeans he barely ever takes off whilst also barely wearing them as the always button hangs open and they sit slack on his hips. But mostly you admire this man, just him.
When you’d met him he was just this weird guy your friend from the theatre introduced you too – a guy who said nothing most of the time and yet every time he opened his mouth it was always wholly strange and amusing. The way he phrased things, like the thoughts in his head always bypassed his filter, and the way he smiled when he said something that made most people cringe with disgust except for a few (mostly just you) who laughed. He was unique and, at the time you thought, quite simple in his ways. But over time that changed – he started insisting on taking you for coffee every time you came by the theatre. At first you thought it was just as a thank you for appreciating his ridiculous, unabashed and quite frankly gross comments but eventually you realised that this big lumbering man had a bit of a thing for you. Slowly, over many cups of coffee, you learned more about the man behind the mask. The mask of seemingly uncaring and unashamed behaviour hid a complex man with stories, rivers of feelings and an unusual outlook that could keep you enraptured for hours. “You’re brilliant” you’d burst out one day after he’d finished one of his pseudo-speeches about something he’d read in the newspaper earlier that day that had riled him up from the second he read it. You watched as this overconfident man blushed and almost tried to bury himself in his seat. That was another thing you learned - Adam Sackler was as a paradox. He was someone who could simultaneously run his mouth with the unfiltered filth that occupied his mind whispering about how he wanted to tease your tight little pussy until you begged for him in the middle of a grocery store to blushing at the simplest of compliments. He could spew every fantasy going whilst he fucked you but afterwards as you lay by his side commenting about how beautiful the galaxy of freckles on his back is he would bury his face in the pillow and let out an embarrassed groan before looking at you with the sweetest, shyest face.
He was wonderful, crazy and yours. He’d made it clear that when he committed he did it with every part of his soul and he was right – when he was in he was IN. You lived in fear that one day he would grow bored of you and find someone new. His mind always moved at a million miles an hour and you wondered if someday he’d think you can no longer keep up. You’d heard the stories about his ‘mistakes’ with Hannah, Jessa and everyone that came before you because Ray couldn’t keep a damn thing to himself. But the Adam in those stories felt like a boy and the person in your life was a man. A man who had learned and grew beyond all expectations of him. A man who was yours, wholeheartedly.
He turned around mid-chop of an onion almost as if he could sense your eyes on him. “Like what you see kid?” he smirked before dropping the knife and pushing his jeans from his hips letting them drop to the floor. He kicked them off his feet like a child trying to rid themselves of a jumper, all dramatic movements and grunting, before turning back to you with a smile. “Always” you laugh. You slid out of your seat, crossing the space in a few steps before slinking your arms around his waist from the back. Placing kisses to that wonderful galaxy that spread across his expansive back. “But your ass wasn’t what I was looking at you lunatic” you leaned back and smacked his butt. He gave you that signature cackle once again as he resumed cutting onions “Well you couldn’t see my dick from where I was stood so what kid? You day-dreaming about my shoulders again?” “I’m never telling you anything ever again” you rested your forehead against his shoulder blade rolling your eyes “I was just admiring you. Just you” You placed a soft kiss matter of factly to his skin and headed for the bathroom, presuming you could get a quick shower in before dinner would be ready. You needed to wash off the groggy feeling that still weighed down your muscles. Before you closed the bathroom door behind you you took a second to look back at Adam, he caught your eye and you couldn’t help but smile - ah there is my bashful boy.
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ratcandy · 2 years
Do you know how you could make a good characterization of the personality of the characters of ahit for fanfics? I'm planning to make a fanfic but it always gives me that fear that that I can't write the personalities well and they feel silly or OOC 😔
ALRIGHT I've been thinking about this ask since I saw it sometime earlier this morning. And my answer is sorta complicated to bear with me here.
To start with, I just wanna mention that I totally feel/felt this when I started writing fanfics. Actually, I refused to write fanfiction for the longest time purely out of fear over getting characterization wrong. The whole entire idea of writing a character slightly off made me paranoid, and I... honestly still get this sometimes, but not nearly as much. Shit's scary, and it made me so anxious to post fics every time in case some little thing wasn't in-character enough.
But I really, really would not worry yourself too much about this. It's a lot of unnecessary stress. How you characterize should work and make sense to you, and while you'll never fit everyone's individual views on that character, you should have fun, and not stress over something like that.
But, still. To answer your question:
If you'd like to get down-pat how a character is so you can figure out how to write them, it'll come down to a lot of studying dialogue and actions of characters. Picking apart tone and intention and body language and all that fun stuff. Actual hell sometimes but also if you want it to be as close to canon as possible, that's the way to go.
For instance, when I write Cooking Cat, I listened to audio of her voicelines over and over and over again, picking out little ways she spoke and then connecting that with her body language (she uses a lot of fast hand movements while she speaks, for instance). Her voice is light and comfortable, approachable, sweet, etc etc. She sounds like she's talking to a child when she speaks, which she is, and that helps a lot in getting a more maternal feel from her when compared to other characters.
She's also southern. So make sure ya know your southern dialect if you wanna go real hard into it lmao.
Mafia Boss, on the other hand, is incredibly bombastic and loud and I feel bad for his voice actor because this man yells so much his throat has to feel like hell. Also the fact his boss battle takes place in a theatre gave me a lot to work with, as there's a lot to take away from that and what it could mean for his character, even if it's never really touched on in canon. Even as a jar, he's incredibly expressive and constantly moving and STUPID dramatic, so that just worked out for me in how I wanted to write him! Bombastic and egotistical ("The most powerful man you will ever witness" sir you got beat up by a child w/ an umbrella.. to the point u exploded..) and so over the top dramatic it's almost comical.
And that's the thing, honestly! Taking small little elements and just going crazy with what it could mean. Just running with what makes sense to you.
When it comes to AHIT specifically, you have quite a lot of freedom in how you portray characterization for just about anyone; fanon and canon are very separated from each other, and most people don't really notice a difference. I wouldn't worry too much about sticking too firmly to one characterization or another.
Especially in the sense that. if you ask "how do you characterize xyz" to any other person in this fandom, you'll get a different answer every time. Some people prefer Beta Conductor since he actually acts like a grandpa and isn't a self-centered asshat. Other people prefer writing Conductor along the lines of canon and just making him shouty and awful and mean to Hat Kid. It's entirely up to you.
Honestly, AHIT itself is very silly . Writing dialogue for fics of this game has always been fun for me, because they're incredibly silly. The game handles itself in a light-hearted way, despite implications in plot, so I wouldn't worry about being silly funny goofy if you want too!
TL;DR: AHIT characters all boast very exaggerated personalities, and fanon and canon separate so hard they're practically not the same thing anymore. I wouldn't worry too much about writing a personality "correctly," as different views of a character will appeal to different people. Just write what makes sense to you! That's what I do! N I hope this all made sense it's been a very long day for me ahdksjghksjh I dunno how coherent I am
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the-fiction-witch · 4 years
NSFW 100 Benny Watts
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1. What's the dirtiest thought you've ever had about a total stranger? I don't know, I don't think about strangers all that often I'm usually busy, I think the worst would just be when I kinda get the thought In my head of, Hu. I'd fuck that.
2. Do you prefer sex at night, in the morning, mid-afternoon, or NOW? At night, when the work is done fkr the day, dinners done, and we can go to bed and fuck for a while and go right to sleep after, that's a good evening.
3. What's your favourite way to be seduced? I think we both know it's when people play with my hair, I don't know why, the come here eyes don't do anything, hinting doesn't do anything, you start playing with my hair I'm literally hard in my pants within seconds.
4. What's the dirtiest fantasy you've had at work? That's a good question. Probably just fantasying about beating my aponent and then taking them back to the hotel room and raw fucking them bent over the table, or likewise them beating me and taking me back to the room and riding on my dick for several hours. Either is good.
5. How would you dominate your boss sexually if given the chance? I am my own boss I guess. But if we are saying the people I play against are co workers then yes. Yes I would.
6. What do you do when you get horny in public? It depends why I'm horny. If I'm horny for an actual reason then I'll have to go see who it was causing it, but if it's just like a random everyday boner then no I ignore it, people can't see it though my jeans, can they? If they can great the can look at my dick and be jealous.
7. Have you ever masturbated in a public bathroom? No. I don't masturbate a whole lot and never in public mostly because... Have you seen male public bathrooms? That shit is gross!
8. What's the weirdest thing you've thought about while touching yourself? Chess. Whenever I do actually masturbate it's usually at night, when I'm alone, my works done and I can't get to sleep so I yeah I mess around a little usually while going over chess games in my head, I don't need to imagine anything when I do it I just do it, the touching on its own gets me horny enough, so my head just does it own thing and I usually just think about chess plays.
9. What's the strangest prop you've used to get yourself off? Well pillows. I think that's it pillows and my hand. Or Beth harmon, I'm kidding Beth's great.
10. Do you remember the first time you felt aroused? No I don't. I don't think I ever like had a moment of Hu Im aroused, it just started happening and eventually I noticed to be fair I have been in a constant mood of I wanna fuck things since I was like fourteen. Not sure why? Maybe I'm just really horny and refuse to deal with it?
11. Who gave you your first orgasm? Now that depends because I did it alot in my sleep when I was younger, but the first actual time when I was fully awake and aware what I was doing it was probably Ali, a girl who used to work up at the bar down the street from my apartment, I was having a drink after a championship one or the few times I'd been in there even if the first few times I was underage, and we got talking about this and that and... We went to the bathrooms together, I miss ali, not for the sex but she was always so nice to me. Still I have a better girl now.
12. Do you remember what that first orgasm felt like? Fucking amazing! And now... Now I have a problem because now I wanna do it all the time.
13. Have you ever had sex with someone whose name you never knew? A few times, hotels after championships, airports and the like, I've picked up the odd girl or too I didn't know but it's fine. I think I picked up someone's wife at a competition once?
14. What's your favourite thing about a quickie? How simple it is. With a quickie both people involved know what this is, we both just wanna fuck and get our release so it's very much a simple understanding, sometimes you have sex with people and they assume that means you give a shit? It doesn't we fucked doesn't mean I like you, it means I was horny, you where horny and now it's over.
15. What the most sexually daring thing you've ever done? Airplane sex! That was intense because those bathrooms are not sound proof in the slightest, you have to be dead silent or everyone can hear you fucking your girlfriend.
16. Have you ever fantasized about fucking one of your teachers? Maybe... when I was a lot younger
17. Do you ever mentally strip strangers just for kicks? Sometimes depends on the stranger, but more often people I know, like people I've had sex with before or you know my girlfriend, but to be fair I'm never not mentally undressing y/n?
18. And then imagine, in dirty detail, what it would be like to fuck them? Sometimes, again much more likely people I know and alot less now I have y/n, before her yeah pretty much everyone but now I'll strip some people in my head every so often but only imagine y/n.
19. Have you ever kissed someone of the same sex? Yeah, many times, towens is a great kisser, also gives amazing blow jobs.
20. What inspires you to make the first move? Ask them! Literally I do not get all the hinting and the cute eyes and shit just.mm you want to fuck me just ask me to have sex! It's just that simple. Why does it need to be complicated.
21. In your opinion, what does it mean to be good in bed? Making it good for you but also for your partner people forget about that sometimes you not just in it for you they want some too don't be a ick and just get yourself off, you have to make it good for them too, that and consent is important, not just to start the sex but also during, you don't know if she likes spanking, you don't know of she wants like her hair pulled or her boobs felt ext. Ask don't just do it.
22. Have you ever cheated on a boyfriend or girlfriend because you just couldn't help yourself? .... Yes. But it was always in relationships that weren't all that serious, or where fairly open anyway, I cheated on beth do I care? No! Because she fucked harry so I kinda think that's fair? It's only in that kinda situation but if I hadn't I would have my sweet y/n, and I'll never cheat on her.
23. Have you ever pushed the boundaries of fidelity to the brink and then retreated just for the rush? No.. that just seems weird.
24. Do you have a go-to masturbation fantasy?
I do not have a go to fantasy, except maybe my little kitten snuggling up with me
25. What kind of porn turns you on?
Not a lot really, because porn isn't... that great at the moment I do not have time do go to like the weird little theatre's that play them, the best bet really is things like hustler and various magazines you can pick up in newsagents... which I admit I am partial too having a flip though sometimes.
26. Have you ever had sex with your eyes closed?
No always open
27. Have you ever blindfolded or handcuffed your partner?
Many times yes, But I have found I much rather be handcuffed, I like when y/n handcuffs me to our bed, I like blindfolding her though, maybe handcuffing her too.
28. Does naughty talk get you aroused?
Sometimes, depends what's said
29. Are you sure about that, my dirty little forest nymph of a sex god?
Yeah? How about we go handcuff you to our bed sugar and see how much whispering in your ear you can take before your dripping for me?
30. What's the dirtiest thing someone's ever said to you during sex?
"Benny, I want you to fuck me Hard! and when we're done don't pull out I want us to fall asleep with you inside me so tomorrow we can fuck again without you ever leaving me, so You can be inside me all night long"
Yeah... that was hot. to be fair I did eat her out and edge her for like half an hour so, I don't blame my kitten for going a little cock crazy.
31. Have you ever watched another couple get it on without them knowing?
Once. Okay if you have sex by a pool you have to accept there might be people in here hotel rooms who overlook the pool who can see you!
32. Have you ever watched another couple have sex with their permission?
Does three ways count? because for some of that I was watching Beth and Clio have sex so...  yes?
33. How would you respond if a couple approached you to be their "third"?
Depends who it was? Towens and his boyfriend? yes! Beth and Clio? Yes! Beth and Jolene? Yes! Harry and Beth... Eh I'd think about it? But I guess nowadays We'd be the dirty couple asking for a third? won't we kitten?
34. What's the most flattering thing someone's said about your naked body?
"so Perfect I wish I could have you inside me forever"
35. When's the last time you had a vivid sex dream?
I do not
36. What do you think an orgy would be like?
Ummm very very fun. Would you like that kitten? a nice hotel room? all our chess friends? and getting everyone to have a nice orgy? Well I'd be happy to it would be fun, but... you know I don't share kitten.
37. Have you ever propositioned a total stranger?
Yes many times
38. What does your ideal one-night stand look like?
Uhh maybe a drink, some good sex and then get up in the morning maybe a little spooning, maybe round two if they want to, cup of coffee then fuck off out my house I got shit to do.
39. How long does it take you to get yourself off, on average?
Myself? Uhh About ten minuets? with y/n well usual a good half hour but sometimes my little kitten's mean to me
40. What's the weirdest thing that turns you on?
Hair. Playing with my hair. I don't get why I  get hard for it but I do? and... when y/n sticks her tounge out again no clue why just whenever I see her do it it means she being a little brat. Or if she does it unintentionally I can't help looking at it thinking how dirty that tounge of her's has been...
41. Have you ever had a naughty dream about a close friend or family member?
42. Have you ever woken up humping your pillow?
Not woke up humping it. I have been spooning it a lot, and been humping it the previous night but no never woke up humping it
43. When's the last time you orgasmed in your sleep?
Ohh god years ago, I don't do that anymore, well I did actually not so long ago but that wasn't me that was my kitten who was too impatient for me to wake up
44. What's the most embarrassing thing that's happened to you while hooking up?
Moaning the wrong name... yeah I did not live that down. I'm sorry towens! you look a lot like harry from the back, you two have similar hair... and similar asses.
45. Do you like touching yourself in front of the people you sleep with?
Many many times! y/n likes to watch me, but she always strips for me or touches herself too so I've got something nice to watch
46. What's the dirtiest text you've ever sent or received?
Y/n sent me some polaroid's of herself in a park, in a sundress and... nothing else, and I mean nothing, Yellow sundress, striped thigh high socks and nothing... no bra, no panties, fuck I'm getting hard just thinking about those pictures.
I think it was then I really did realize, yeah I love this girl, and I'm going to marry her!
47. Do you prefer professional or amateur porn?
Both are good, they have there draw backs but more likely amateur because I like my kitten.
48. What's your favourite blowjob technique?
Tounge! Need I repeat my weird like of tounges but... when she's licking and swirling it around fuck! I get loud! and god it makes me cum quick.
49. If you had to pick, would you be a dominatrix or a submissive?
Noooo! don't make a me choose!
But I love when my kitten handcuffs me and rides me till she's satisfied!
and I also love bending her over the table and ordering her to cum!
I can't choose! there both soo good...
I guess if I had to. Dominate but only because It's slightly more options of stuff to do and because I like calling her kitten.  
50. Is there anything you won't do in bed?
anything with like piss and shit can fuck right off I don't know how anyone is into that! but anything else in the world my kitten want's she can have it just not that.
51. What's your dirtiest sexual fantasy?
Its kinda something I really really want but also really don't want, I like the idea of it but it would be horrible. I kinda have a fantasy about Y/n, inviting some... friends over, and letting them all... have there fun with me? literally like tie me to the bed, y/n, beth, clio, jolene, really anyone else towen's too if he's down, just everyone can just use me as a literally cock slave and I would be so fucking happy I would let everyone fuck me!
But that would not go well, I can't stay hard that long, and the girls would fight, and... it wouldn't be good.
so other then that... Ummmm I wanna take y/n to central park! in that sundress.. see how long we can last before I bend her over and fuck my little kitten.
52. How many people have you slept with?
I have stopped counting.
53. Where's the weirdest place you've had sex?
A Plane bathroom? bar bathroom? that time we did it in a pool? I don't know I've had sex lots of weird places?
54. What's your favourite part of Y/n's body?
Her tounge she knows how much I like it . Her pussy, Ummm her pussy's so sweet I could eat my little kittens pussy for hours, and it feels so good around me I mean I fucked her and never ever want another girl ever again, she turned me! someone who fucked around for fun into a one girl guy would would never dream of cheating on my sweet little wifey.
55. Have you ever had anal sex?
Yes, many times, It's the one thing about being in a committed relationship that I miss being with a girl, I miss anal. But I'm sure we could get a toy so she can still do it.
56. If you could choose what Y/n was wearing right now, what would you choose?
Sundress! I love her little sundress! and nothing else.
57. Where on your body is your favourite place to be touched?
hair... Or my hips, I love when she touches my hips
58. If you could have sex anywhere in the world, where would it be?
Anywhere I don't care.
59. When did you first had sex?
I was sixteen, and it was a bar bathroom. But it was amazing!
60. What's the best sex you've ever had?
The first time I had sex with y/n, the first time that we actually had sex we were in a little hotel in Cali, and it was amazing! she was so amazing, I'd never felt so good in my life!
61. What's your favourite position?
I love from the side, its so good when it's an early morning or, if we're both a little lazy, we start off spooning then have a few kisses and then after a couple of minuets she's screaming for me.
62. Have you ever been caught having sex?
Weirdly never,
63. Do you watch porn?
No! it's hard to find the places, and there always full of perverts.
64. What kind of porn do you watch?
I look at magazines. Or my little kitten. Oohhh we could make a porno?
65. How often do you masturbate?
Not very often, once a month maybe
66. Name a sex position you'd like to try?
I want to try a weird like upside down thing
67. Do you prefer to give or receive?
Give! I love hearing her scream! I love when she does it took but I like taking care of her better.
68. Have you ever been skinny dipping?
Many times, I wish we could more often but it's going to one of the warmer places becuase... new York is too fucking cold for that shit! but last time we where in paris in the summer we went skinny dipping and it's so fun, unfortunately it doesn't last long because one of us breaks and just has sex.
69. What's the most sex you've had in a day?
Oohh I think four times, i do not have the like replenishment ability to do anymore then that.
70. Are you loud or quiet during sex?
Loud! I know I'm loud but I like her to know how good she's making me feel, besides' she's louder.
71. Have you ever tried using food during foreplay?
No, that seems... sticky.
72. What's the first thing that sexually attracts you to someone?
Voice, and looks I guess.
73. Would you say you have any fetishes?
I like calling y/n kitten, and I love torturing her!
74. When it comes to BDSM, how far have you gone/would go?
I think I've probably gone... very very far.
75. What's your favourite toy?
well my little kitten is my toy. But I do enjoy this little toy we got recently that turns me into a little vibrator for her, i like it because well it makes me hard as fuck and she likes it because I slightly vibrate inside her, and it rubs on her clit for me which Is good because sometimes my hands are... preoccupied.
76. Do you ever read erotic fiction?
I've read stories people send into magazines about fucking stewardesses and hotel maids? does that count?
77. Have you joined the mile high club?
Yes I have, I think by now I'm probably like a platinum member?
78. Do you think you could take off Y/n underwear with no hands?
Yes I can. I have tried. Many times. but I can't anymore... my kitten doesn't bother with panties anymore
79. Would you say you're kinky?
Do. do I need to answer this question or does everything else here answer that enough?
80. Do you enjoy shower sex?
Not really no. The water never stays hot, the shower spray means one of you is always cold, it's weirdly dry, it's hard to get the angle, it's just way more trouble then it's worth, I'll wait and just cuddle her in the shower then bend her over the bathtub before she puts her towel on. but! Bath sex? I like.
81. Where's the weirdest place you've ever masturbated?
I don't really do it anywhere then my bed, or the shower.
82. Do you like to be spanked?
Yes I do, It's amazing! I like it a lot. and I also like doing it.
83. Have you ever fantasised about someone else during sex?
Not really,
84. If y/n caught you masturbating, would you stop or would you finish?
I would let her watch of course and likely ask her to give me something to watch
85. Have you ever had an inappropriate crush?
Not really I guess.
86. Have you ever cried or fallen asleep during sex?
Falling asleep afterwards is just a habit, but I have cried several times usually when it feels so amazing your eyes water.
87. Do you prefer eye contact or not during sex?
Eye contact is so good!
88. Do you like to kiss during sex?
sometimes, it depends what position as much as I love kissing during sex but some positions it just didn't really work
89. Do you get tired after sex?
Very I want a nap afterwards.
90. How many positions do you think you've tried?
I think we have tried most of them
91. What's the longest you've ever gone without sex?
About six months I guess, I don't know I don't really pay attention
92. How high is your sex drive?
Fairly high
93. What's a surefire way to turn you on?
Ask me for sex? or wear the sundress!
94. Sex with lights on or lights off?
Lights on! I can't be trying to work in the fucking dark.
95. Do you like dirty talk?
Very very much so
96. Do you prefer one night stands or longer-term sexual partners?
I used to really like one night stands, I liked just the hello, fuck goodbye element to it. but Now I have y/n I'm happy with long term and I don't ever want anyone else.
97. Do you prefer to be on top or bottom?
I like both. Don't make me choose!
98.Rough or romantic?
I guess both we are rough but it's in a romantic way
99. Quickie or marathon session?
I love quickies, allows us to get on with other things later in the day, but one night a week we have a nice long marathon session with the toys, and the handcuffs.
100. What's the best thing about our sex life?
I love how kinky and how rough we can get, but it's because we used to miss each other so badly back when we were long distance,  it became out release and to show each other just how bad we had missed one another, but it feels so good and its so amazing to make you feel so good and that you make me feel so good, I'll never need anyone else for the rest of my life now I've got you, I mean you literally made me cry it felt so good the first time we had sex, all your sexy little pictures and letter when we were apart, even if we do go a little crazy on each other sometimes,  I really do love you kitten more then anything, and I can't wait for us to get married, and for our honeymoon.
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thejadecount · 3 years
Reverse! Wirt Headcanons:
So I’ve seen like one post about Reverse! Wirt and reverse Pinescone and how he’s a tall, messy crackhead theatre kid
And I would like to add my own
(I may have done this before and accidentally deleted the post idk I thought I did this once but I couldn’t find the post so if I did do this before someone tell me)
I’m also gonna do one for Fight! Wirt
Because if there’s a Rev! Wirt, there’s one for Fight Falls
His poetry is good, but not the slow, romantic gentle kind normal Wirt likes. His is more sensual, visual the kind to start a hook up. Like you better watch out for poetry man or before you know it you’ll be in his bed
He regularly reads and quotes Shakespeare and no Romeo and Juliet isn’t his favorite (it’s his second favorite)
His favorite is A Midsummer Night’s Dream because crazy witch and fairy shit just happens in it and he loves it.
He has a habit of running his fingers through his hair when he’s nervous and usually doesn’t do this in front of people which is why his hair is constantly messy
He constantly flirts with Mason but it either fails to land everytime or he just flats out ignores it
He likes to dramatically spread himself on those long velvet chairs when he’s upset
He definitely spoils himself during Mason’s parties and uses the “I-know-the-rich-guy” advantages to their full extent
He (this is going with a Will Cipher Headcanon I mentioned sometime ago) definitely knows Will is a masochist and Mason has no clue and just finds it really fucking funny and regularly congratulates Will
He likes gossiping with Rev! Mabel a lot.
Abstract art. Museums, making his own, he likes it. It’s chaotic, colorful, and random. Perfect.
Whereas Wirt is naturally more romantic and sexually awkward, it’s the total opposite. He can get laid whenever he wants with whoever he wants, but the moment he gets romantically close to someone he panics.
He’s an expert on tropes and cliches, and can quote any vine from memory. Anyone who has had a good 10 minute conversation with him where he’s not flirting with you can vouch, he is a fucking meme dispenser.
Mason and Will always fret over his messiness and he knows he’s messy and half of it is just because he knows it ticks them all off and he enjoys every second of it
He and Bill would be best friends though—gay wingmen. They would regularly complain and whine about their Dippers if they met.
Never give him those long stripes of streamers. Don’t even think about duct tape. You don’t want to know the damage he can do with glue involved.
He and Regular Mabel would also be best friends.
He enjoys the sweetest and coldest tea ever! He will physically cringe at the smell of coffee get that shit away from him.
He’s very flexible. Very flexible. And yeah, good for in bed but what he does to stretch is the TRUE HORROR.
Y’know silk dancing? Where people wrap themselves on a long strand of silk really high in the air? It’s like pole dancing but with silk. I don’t know if it’s supposed to be erotic like pole dancing, but I just think it’s pretty cool and elegant, so yeah. He can do that.
You also know acrobats and all those stunts Zendaya pulls of during that song Rewirte the Stars from the Greatest Showman (which I think is a great movie, great music) with all the ropes and the hoop and stuff? He also can do that.
Someone do an animatic of him and Reverse Dipper with that song. I would, but as I mentioned several times before, I can’t draw worth shit.
You know those white silk shirts with low v-necks and very loose and float long sleeves? He’s almost never seen without one. His addiction had become an urban myth. No one can figure out if he has several of the same shirt or constantly washes that one, not even Will the demon. No one knows and no will ever know.
One that ominous note, y’all reblog this with your own headcanons
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