#that it was just v disjointed
satsumadraws · 2 years
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sorry about their first divorce but the delivery of these lines made me LOSE iT
[ID: a digital, six panel comic of Arthur Lester from Malevolent. He has fair skin, brown hair, and golden eyes, which mostly point toward the middle distance directly in front of him. The early panels depict concentration on his face, which gradually morphs into glee by the end. Throughout the comic, he feels along a curved stone wall with his right hand as he says:
“OK... This... goes around here. The-- ah! I know where this is! This is below the-- this is the lighthouse basement! HAhaha! Fuck you.”
In the final panel, he has made a fist, which he presses triumphantly against the wall beside him. /end ID]
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tarmac-rat · 9 months
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Cyberpunk 2077 // Fredrik Backman // William Bouguereau with a quote by Richard Siken // chloe moriondo // Gang of Youths // Carl Goos with lyrics from 'Hadestown' // Hannah Tinti
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patrocles · 1 month
the more i think abt the eddie/kim/marisol storyline on the weewoo show, the more i just hate it on a pure storytelling standpoint
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byanyan · 3 months
...staring at my drafts and realizing i should perhaps consider pausing on answering ask prompts to start getting caught back up on those instead bc the number is back in the 40s & i just found a starter i completely forgot about bc it got lost on the second page :x
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neodarkdark · 11 months
A text that Blanc (@twilighttheater) once received from an at-the-time unknown number (though the sender was quickly identified):
[txt]: They are gonna grow So so big and Strong my beautiful beautiful children and they will exact holy judgment on the unrighteous
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moodr1ng · 1 year
something so sexy abt men who are super passionate abt history but in a normal and cool way. every time i meet/watch vids from a dude who is just like enthusiastically rly into history (esp dudes who love specific stuff like fashion history or like, specific times and places and culture) and who is also not weird about it and cares about accuracy and nuance i get a lil crush abt it.. id like to be one of those dudes but its hard to get into history on your own
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twistedsickopath · 1 year
visit my new tag #ellis's adventures in late capitalism customer service and predatory business practices for highly entertaining accounts of my experiences dealing with any kind of company's or government's wonderful treatment of their obviously very strongly valued customers and their very astronomically high quality offered services
#psalms#a new tag for any rant posts like the last one i just made or the one from a few weeks ago about the fun of cancelling a subscription#under the influence of current day late capitalism business management practices#truly makes me feel seen and cared for as a client i promise you#10/10 customer service would recommend if you want to have a laff at how hilariously atrocious someone is at doing their job#or at how fucking deluisonal companies and businesses can be when faced with even a little bit of notoriety#and dont even get me started about government offered services and how much i love having to get anything from them#quebec's gubbermint cant even make a website that doesnt look like it's still the year 2005 and whose menus make any kind of sense#like yall trying to find information about anything on a gov site is a lost cause both in the case of qc and canada#both official government sites couldn't be more confusing and disjointed and info couldn't be any harder to access if it was on purpose#their websites are so so so badly made that it's almost fucking hilarious#i have never felt frustration such as when we were working on my wife's immigration papers and had to find answers on the CIA's website#canadian immigration agency you know that cia not... you get it#maybe put some of those tax dollars you love allocating to military budgets à la con into making yourself an usable website you fucks#maybe with some of the money you're not actually fixing roads and schools and hospitals with you could hire a web developer#anyways#im v mad w the state of things tonite :)#ellis's adventures in late capitalism customer service and predatory business practices
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merps · 2 years
reminder for ppl to tag unreality when applicable
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also to pass along my fresh knowledge, the other day i mentioned never having been aware of anyone having any full records of a christmas extravaganza, but while digging around last night i discovered a trader who listed a performance of the 2019 12th / Twelfth annual show under Concerts they had (which was a separate category from Audio or Video so i hardly know which) naturally ft. show antagonist wrole cyril von miserthorpe....Of Interest but also it’s like okay that whole world of buying & trading is just not in reach so can’t get that excited. unlike being me at 5am and finding this slideshow of only just over a dozen pics and discovering one features will roland uncle peenie sexy backup dancer man before me. feeling god in this delaware ruby tuesdays tonight. belly button puppet show puppeteer wrole also coming out of nowhere when you know you aren’t guaranteed Any appearances, much less particularly vivacious and/or sensual ones, and i will gladly relish endless [more uncle peenie christmas around the world sequence] videos anytime
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whimsicalcotton · 3 months
Howdy, it’s been a hot minute since my last review! Life happens, as it does. Hope you’re doing alright, sending my support and care. Always a pleasure seeing you on my dash. I’m back after rereading Chapter 2 (finally lol). Here’s my live commentary on it :]. The song you picked the chapter title from is also a certified banger btw, TIL what disinter means. Also I couldn’t help myself and read Chapter 5 as soon as you posted it, let me just say I HAVE SO MANY THOUGHTS, all of them are the good kind of excruciating. But Chapter 2 time first!! Sorry not sorry(?), this review’s even longer.
Nightmare sequence opening let’s gooooo. Max talking to Victoria during the Vortex Club party each repeat, always reassuring yet blaming herself for that single mistake she made once (which was the smart option given her limited information at the time) and always prevented afterwards hits a certain way. And you just know Victoria’s becoming less abrasive mostly due to the increasing levels of car crash fucked up Max is looking and acting like. But hey, at least she gets to wake up in a cuddle pile. Describing sleeping amberprice as a pair of koalas is so big brained of you honestly. “Her joints are sort of creaky, sort of crunchy, and very unwilling to listen to her.” Same Max, same. Her standards for what makes an injury worth worrying over is so funny because it only applies to herself and I know she’d start freaking out the second Chloe gets a paper cut. She’d be all: “Is he bothering you, queen?” (he being an innocent, inanimate roll of film). Nothing, not even anxiety over the impending and looming future, is worse than looking at one’s reflection. Again, same Max, same. Out of the way popular fanon fursona backed up by canon evidence (deer), Max’s true inner self represented by an animal is a raccoon with hypothermia and rabies <333. The similarities are astonishing. A) Bags under her eyes so big they’re banned from airplanes as carry ons, B) Legitimately keeping the option of running into the woods as a not so distant backup plan, and C) Feral. 
Newton’s law of inertia, Sisyphus, and Orpheus walk into a bar, and Max Caulfield walks out. She’s completely right to be worried about Chloe tripping down the stairs, considering that’s what almost happened at the end of the previous chapter lol. Rachel sums up how everyone is feeling about Max rn: “You’re fucking nuts”. I’m so normal about her mentally comparing them to Chloe’s parents and having an instance of genuine, unadulterated happiness from it. Rachel and Chloe both getting embarrassed is so cute. The way you describe Max here, “Liquid sunlight shot straight through her veins, strawberry lightning fizzling through each strained, twitching muscle of her heart.” SO GOOD BRO THE IMAGERY. Also the line right afterwards, “Happiness is foreign to her at this point, and therefore just as likely to cloud her judgement as carnal anxiety or blind anguish.” Emotions come preinstalled when you’re born and are a vital component of the human condition Max plsss. But her rewinding anyway to savor the ephemeral moment until her nose bleeds is perfect. While Max cares more about Rachel’s sweater getting blood on it than where the blood is coming from, at least Chloe has a good retort when she points out the sweater isn’t what’s bleeding. Max confirming her nosebleeds have been happening for a while now must have fired off every one of Chloe’s concern receptors since it certainly wasn’t a childhood phenomenon. “Max has to be careful, or she'll be tempted to stop and stare forever.” Her resolution to stop, not for herself, but to simply take in Chloe and Rachel, just for a little while, has got me shaking my fists in the air. And right after Rachel says she never left too RAHHHHH, APF SAVE ME!! *proceeds to get hit by the emotional equivalent of an eighteen-wheeler, flattened via steamroller, and then scraped up by a rusty snow plow*.
Rachel’s being observant enough for all three of them. “'I know what you did last summer' stare” LMAO. Maybe a concussion would fix Max idk. Can’t say it would hurt at this point :p. Describing your emergency surgery situation as a debacle sure is a word choice Rachel. “Seriously, what kind of fucked up serial killer bullshit?” I’m pretty sure some permutation of that sentence left my mouth several times in increasing frequency when I first played LiS even though I knew what was going to happen haha. That moment Rachel realizes Max, illogically as it seems, was the one who saved her was very well done. I’m loving the comparisons to a bloodied hare Max is evoking in everyone, because I think it provides something important. I’m not sure if I’m wording this well, but the symbolism gives a layer of abstraction, in a way? Both Rachel and Chloe are viewing Max’s damage as a result of cruel nature, something occurring to a hapless creature. Even as the former is getting more suspicious. But Max knows it’s due to her deliberate choice of throwing herself repeatedly at her and everyone else’s problems. IDK, the juxtaposition is just really interesting to me!! “The name rolls off her tongue like molten ore, white-hot richness scorching down her jaw and branding her indebted to its owner.” The amberfield of it all… And Max accepting the cigarette afterwards while Chloe is left gawking ARGHHH. “...sotto voce, a sentiment simmering and secretive…” The alliteration, I love alliteration! Rachel’s biggest fear being permanently separated from Chloe, even more so than dying, and never having the chance to see her again *insert Kermit jumping off building superimposed over BtS after credits scene here*. Yeah the astrology girl comparing her gf to celestial bodies, in both brilliance and importance alike, got to me. Max saying she picked up the word hella from a friend I’m literally crawling up my walls.
Chloe my pathetic little meow meow, “...what lanky skeeve of a hipster does Chloe have to punch out for giving the girl her first cigarette?” I have some bad news to break to you. Ofc David spills the beans -_-. All things considered, Chloe is doing an amazing job at keeping calm until Max’s lichtenberg scar jumpscares her. “She just needs to know what the fuck is going on so she can figure out how to help.” But it’s the one thing she can’t possibly help with without sending Max into a spiral of anxiety. Max believing she’s a bigger cause of strife for Chloe than mf Mark “I drug and photograph teenage girls” Jefferson has me losing my mind. Also Chloe acknowledging what she would’ve given for an apology before Max stumbled back into her life, but now that she has there’s nothing she wants less makes me feel some kind of way (heartbroken, I’m feeling heartbroken). Max berating herself out loud with such vitriol is just so :(. “Instead, she falls back on tried and true reassurance from their younger days, familiar words bubbling up from somewhere far brighter than here and now.” Now I’m imagining younger pricefield and my eyes are sweating while I’m writhing on the floor. I understand Max’s mom is in the right here as a concerned parent whose child might as well have gone missing, but woooo you go Max you curse her out for trying to yank you away woooo. “Please stay out of trouble while I'm gone.” It’s the Magic School Bus Theme Song, “With the Price? No way!”
If you couldn’t tell from my absolute monster of a ramble, this chapter is fantastic. I’ve reread it multiple times, and my review is little more than a 1,000 word proofread version of me screaming into a pillow. Thanks for writing, seriously.
!!! hello anon!! always nice to see you too ^^
first off another round of thank you thank you thank yous bc i love your commentary so much and i'm glad you found me on here so i can have the full screaming into a pillow experience bc it's The Best. like seriously i've always wanted to write fic good enough to have ppl rambling and sdjfhgsjd it makes me so happy <3 so thank you anon i appreciate you so much jsyk. i shall be patiently (very very excitedly) awaiting your ch.5 commentary also 👀👀👀
i also learned what disinter means from this song lolol. i have like. at least 3 more TRAILS songs on my playlist for this AU bc i am out of control. here is another one that i think you would also enjoy (read: foam at the mouth over bc oh the pricefield of it all)
"Newton’s law of inertia, Sisyphus, and Orpheus walk into a bar, and Max Caulfield walks out." obsessed w this actually. so true bestie <3 <3 <3 also also now you have me thinking about the inertia/orpheus combo; the tendency of one looking back to keep looking back. ouuughgh
funfact Max's running off into the woods 'plan' is a reference to how i very first wrote/planned this AU waayyyy way back in 2017ish. in that version she didn't let amberprice look after her At All and just fucked off into the woods immediately after the semi-accidental meeting chloe in the parking lot. not sure where the hell i was going w that draft and the doc is lost to the ages so ig we'll never know lol. oh well i'm def more happy with how it is now anyways
''RAHHHHH, APF SAVE ME!! *proceeds to get hit by the emotional equivalent of an eighteen-wheeler, flattened via steamroller, and then scraped up by a rusty snow plow*.'' <<< unironically my favorite emotion to cause via fic. also what i feel while i'm writing shfgshfgj
"Now I’m imagining younger pricefield and my eyes are sweating while I’m writhing on the floor." yessss join me. join me in the baby pricefield headcanons that seem innocent and chill but actually hurt like a bitch <3 i am suffering torments of my own design <3
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vesseloftherevolution · 8 months
Having just finished reading 1599: A Year in the Life of Shakespeare by James Shapiro, I am very much struck by how often the historical context of a period leaks into whatever one is writing, no matter how distant the subject matter may seem.
For example, Shakespeare was writing Henry the Fifth during the Earl of Essex’s unfortunate Irish campaign, during which he was utterly defeated, and achieved little else apart from creating many of his followers as knights. Ireland itself doesn’t feature much in Henry the Fifth - the only real example being in the Act V Chorus - but the concerns of warfare and the muster of men is very much part of the play.
With various of my own writing projects, I’m wondering how much of my current historical context I am putting into my own works: - the Covid pandemic, Brexit, the Ukraine wars and more.
Even if someone is writing a fantasy adventure, or a historical fiction crime novel, contemporary obsessions and context always find their way in. It is interesting to consider if a text should be read in context, as is currently the trend, or on its own. Work for its own sake against work cited in historical context is an interesting clash of my favourite areas of interest, and something I should like to explore more, if I ever find time in my very busy schedule to write about it.
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murdrdocs · 8 months
mike having a wet dream next to you. (17+)
he’d drifted away in the night, just enough space between you two for you not to be able to feel him. still, you hear his sounds as clear as day.
at first, you think it’s a nightmare. the soft moans, whines bled into them to the point where they’re almost indistinguishable. you turn to face him, pout on your lips, your eyes still heavy from the slumber you’d accidentally awoken from.
for a second, you try to decide between waking him up or letting him be. but in your mind, it’s a nightmare, and you know how vivid mikes dreams can be.
you turn around, starting to lift a hand to push mikes curls back, the easiest way to wake him without startling him. but then he moans out your name, just a tiny grumble but it’s clear, every syllable meeting your ears.
and that’s when you realize it’s a wet dream instead. you don’t know if you’d been oblivious to his gyrating hips, blinded by your worries, but with your newly discovered information it’s practically all you notice. hips bucking at air, and when you lift the blanket, positioning your body to let the streetlight shine on mikes bottom half, you see a tent formed in his basketball shorts.
he stirs for a second, and you stiffen, afraid you’d awakened him with your movement. but he simply rolls to his back, groaning out your name with the movement. his arm throws above his heads the other slung across his torso, and his shirt has lifted at this point, giving you a peek at his v-line.
the sound he makes sounds pathetic, it makes you pity him, especially whenever his back arches with it. your pout deepens to a frown, thinking about how he has resorted to dreaming about you, when the real thing is right next to him. your pity only multiplies whenever he winces, a cracked “ah” slipping past his lips.
he’d talked in his sleep many times before, simple sentences that were more often than not jumbles of words that made absolutely no sense. sometimes, you tried to decipher them in the morning for fun, putting together your gathered words from the night with his disjointed memory of his dreams.
but now, his words make perfect sense. a plea, familiar to your ears but in this context that make your stomach stir.
“baby, please.”
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ddejavvu · 1 year
okay so this may be very weird….? but like i have this EXACT IDEA but i can’t seem to write it out, so..
like imagine sitting next to hotch on the plane ride home from a v/ tiring case and falling asleep on his shoulder or something really sweet and everyone sees it but hotch just covers her up and stuff and then like it’s super cute and soft and akjeiwwbjrrnb yk?
It's not weird that Aaron is listening to your breathing more than he's paying attention to the papers in his hands. Okay? It's normal. Because- because the slow rise and fall of your chest while you melt like putty into the seat behind you is soothing, and the soft puffs of air that hit his arm are a constant reminder that you're safe, that you made it out alive.
Sometimes he needs to be reminded of the simple things in life, like sleepy sighs and fluttering lashes.
As his eyes scan a particular line three times over, taking in a few disjointed words each time, there's an uptick in your breathing. You inhale, slow and long, muscles tensing as you shift in your seat. Apparently the awkward angle that your neck was bent at became uncomfortable for you, and Aaron's shoulder seems like the better alternative.
Without ever opening your eyes you tip sideways, your subconscious seeking warmth and stability. When your head lands on Aaron's shoulder you let out another one of your snoozy sighs, that has Aaron's heart liquifying in his chest and dripping down through his ribs, insides all gooey and warm.
Derek snickers, whipping out his phone, "Busted. Think she'll pay me to delete this?"
"At least twenty bucks," Rossi nods, eyes glimmering with amusement, "But send a copy to Penelope first, she'll back it up."
"Blackmail," JJ chimes, sing-song-y from her seat, and Aaron is quick to move before the shutter of Derek's camera snaps.
"Don't take pictures of her while she's sleeping," He hovers a large, rough hand over your face, shielding your serene expression from their prying eyes, "That's what stalkers do."
"I'm not a stalker," Derek groans, "I'm an opportunist. I see good blackmail material, I take it."
"Leave her alone." Aaron tries shifting his focus back to his work, but his hand still hovers over your face, "She's resting. And you should, too, I need you in an hour early tomorrow to sign off on paperwork from the Mayberry case."
"Oh, now that's not cool." Derek frowns at Aaron, "I take a quick pic of you and your lil' work wife, and you make me come in early?"
"Hardass," Rossi laments, sipping from his glass.
"Quiet," Aaron commands, brow dipping in worry when you begin shifting against him from all of the noise, "If you wake her up, that's two hours early, both of you."
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danytherelentless · 9 months
A Heartfelt Goodbye
Eddard Stark x fem!reader
summary: after his wife's recent passing, Lord Stark is looking for a governess to raise his children
warnings! smut, cunniligus, p in v, pre-marital sex (big deal in Westeros), asoiaf typical sexism (if you squint)
word count: 3k
note: please forgive me if there are any mistakes or it appears a little disjointed, the editing was shaky at best
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It was more than a year after the loss of his wife that he decided to take on a governess for his children.
He had refused marriage so soon after, and did not think he would ever take a wife again, and had not wanted to have a governess raise his children for it felt an insult to Cat, yet Maester Luwin had been advising him that his children would need such guidance in their lives, especially with them all being so young, and Eddard had finally relented.
He mulled over the options of Northern ladies for some time before deciding upon you. He'd never met you before, but he had known your father, brothers and some of your cousins. Your father had been one of his greatest and truest advisors during Robert's Rebellion, your elder brother one of his friends as well, and he remembers hearing much of you then, though you'd been younger at the time. Patient, caring and wise as a child. Surely you remained so as an adult? You were also unmarried which meant you had no other obligations nor children of your own to tend to. So he sent the letter to your Lord father asking if you would be suited and able to fill such a position in his household.
He received response soon enough and it was settled upon that you would be arriving to Winterfell within the next few weeks.
Your smile was the first thing he noticed upon meeting you, a kind and gentle thing which warmed him to you almost immediately.
"My Lord," you greeted with a curtsy after you had dismounted to stand next to your father and brother who had led you here.
"My Lady. I am thankful you have taken upon this position."
"It is a great honour, my lord. One I hope I shall be able to fulfil."
Robb was the most reluctant of his children to you, though that was expected and understandable as the eldest. His youngest three, however, were instantly enamoured with you, even baby Bran. But it was Jon which made him realise you were perfect for the role whom you treated well as any of his other children.
It took some time of course for the new dynamic to settle, for you to become comfortable with his children and vise-versa, but eventually, even Robb warmed to you. Even Ned himself found that he enjoyed your company. You had to ability to always make him feel at ease or give him the perfect advice for whatever situation he was put in.
He began to fall for you, which felt inevitable given how lovely you were. But he could not help the vicious guilt which he felt. It felt wrong, no matter how much time passed since Cat's passing, it still felt like a great insult to her memory, and to your own honour, though he never acted on his own feelings.
At least not until Robert called upon him when Balon Greyjoy rebelled against the crown.
He sat in the Godswood, the night before he would leave in contemplation. Many of his bannerman had gathered already at Winterfell with more on their way straight to White Harbour. He did not want to die so soon, though that was something he expected just as he had during Robert's Rebellion when he rode away from Riverrun, yet this time it felt so much closer to him. He couldn't bare the thought of Robb being made Lord so young, of his grief. Of the struggle and strife which he would face and the deceit he would no doubt face in spite of his youth. The idea of his little lady Sansa, or his wild little she-wolf Arya not remembering his face as they grew. Of baby Bram not having so much as a memory of him to place to his name.
He thought of you, of never seeing you again, of never confessing the feelings held within his heart. Though his guilt remained to an extent not as it once had, the idea of never getting to tell you made his heart ache something fierce. It overwhelmed any guilt he was feeling.
"My lord," your voice snapped him from his glum pondering.
"My lady. The hour is quite late, the air cold," he could barely see you in the darkness, the only light emitting from the lantern in your hand and the one sitting near his feet.
"I was worried for you," you confessed.
It was a normal thing to worry about. He was beneath no assumption that you felt the same as he, but he knew that you viewed him as a friend for you often spent hours drinking, exchanging stories and laughing well into late evenings together. So much so that he’d had to quietly had to expel rumours amongst the staff to the best of his ability, hoping you had not heard of them. He knew that it was a sign of the impropriety of your relationship, but he just couldn’t bring himself to stop.
"I'll be back soon enough," he found himself reassuring you.
He watches as you walk closer to him, "may I sit?"
"Of course," he spoke embarrassingly quickly.
You took your seat on the tangled roots at his side, shivering slightly as you burrowed closer into your cloak.
"You really shouldn't be out here, my lady. You may catch a chill," he voiced his concern.
"And neither should you. What sort of a friend would I be if I allowed you to wallow out here all alone?" there was teasing in your voice. He found a smile growing across his face.
He looked to you then. You looked truly beautiful in the low light of the flickering lanterns, shadows cast across your face. You seemed quite sad, though he could see a longing in your eyes has he stared at you.
He felt something get trapped in his throat, unable to say anything as he looked upon you. There was a vulnerability which always clung to you, in the way you smiled so freely, the way you spoke so kindly and could be so forgiving. He saw that in you now. Something raw. He craved it, craved you, craved you near him, in his arms. He felt a stirring in the pit of his stomach.
He craved you, completely and utterly. Entirely vulnerable, bare flesh beneath him, moaning for him. His name, not his title, he loved it when you said his name. Not Eddard, just Ned. He wanted to hear it. Now.
He kissed you instead, a hand on your cheek pulling you close to him. Regret flooded him immediately.
"I'm so sorry," he apologised, pulling away, yanking his hand from your flesh, suddenly feeling quite sick. Barely a moment of your lips on his, so sweet and true. The taste turned to ash on his tongue, however.
"That was dishonourable of me, my lady. Forgive me please. I lost myself."
"No," you grabbed at his forearm and moved closer, you leg leaning into his own, "I... I don't mind."
He looks to you then, a goddess at his side. Meant to be worshipped. It was fitting you were both sat beneath a Weirwood tree.
He feels your delicate hand upon his bearded jaw and he allows you to pull him to you, eyes closing as your lips are joined with his.
He can tell you're inexperienced, but he relishes in it. It has been so long since he'd had any company, and he wanted this. With the thought of possible death so close, he could hardly deny himself you, especially if you wanted him too.
He part from you, breathless, "I want you."
He hadn't quite meant to just blurt it out so bluntly, but can't bring himself to want to take it back. It is his truth, after all. And in this moment, it would be wrong for him to not tell you.
You seem shocked for a moment.
"I want you too," you admitted.
His heart stops for a split second before he crashes his mouth back on yours, your tongues tangling together in some dance.
He kisses you for what feels like hours before he remembers you are out in the cold, and then he guides you back to the keep and to your chambers. The walk is silent and you bump into no one, though guards trail you both outside the keep and through some of the hallways.
He is about to part ways with you and leave for his own when you grab his wrist.
"Wait. Why don't you join me?"
Your cheeks are beautifully flushed, and he can hardly refuse such a welcome invitation, though his honour is screaming at him to stop. His desires simply win over, he is a weak man for you.
He undresses you slowly, pulling away your cloak, helping you unlace your dress as you exchange kisses. You help him with his own layers, and soon you are both bare as the day you were born. He looks upon your beauty, across your smooth skin, your breasts, the mound of hair between your legs. He feels his mouth water. He would turn you around and simply sit gazing upon your naked flesh for hours, studying you like a tome of history.
He lays you down upon furs and kisses down your neck, sucking a bruise some too dark into the flesh which he may regret some the next day should he notice, yet he cannot help himself as he listens to your sweet sighs and feels were hands caressing his arms then his chest.
His lips continue down your body, sucking and licking at your breasts and listening to the melodic sounds you bless him with, hands pawing at your thighs as he further parts them. He kisses down you stomach, beneath your bellybutton and then your naval, before finding his place between your legs, eyes upon your cunt, so close to him and oh so delectable.
"What are you..." your sentence is broken by a surprised and quiet moan as his tongue parts your folds and tastes your sweetness. He licks and sucks at you observing each reaction from his place which he could. Every twitch which you body made and every sound which left your lips. Ned took one of your thighs in his hold and brought it up over his shoulder. His nose is buried in the mount of hair above your cunt as he sucks on that bundle he knows will have you see stars.
You moan and gasp, legs tensing around his head and fingers tugging at his dark hair. He cannot help but groan into you, grinding down into your sheets to attempt to relieve the ache in his cock. He resists the urge to fist his cock in hand by instead pushing a finger inside of you, curling it upwards to feel that spongy spot. You are tight and warm and so so wet. He savors every moment of it.
He curls a second finger inside of you, listening to you high keening whimpers and stretches you wider, and then a third.
"Ned!" your fingers tighten and tug harshly at his hair, and his eyes roll to the back of his head as he feels your body tensing as you climax on his fingers. He licks some of it up before he finds himself too impatient to see your face again. He hopes he will be able to do this again so that he may taste you for longer.
You are worn, face etched with sweet ecstasy. He kisses you with your own taste on his tongue, an action which should disgust you, yet you answer with fervour, a laziness to your motions. You wrap your arms around his neck pulling him into you, deepening the kiss even further till your tongue is again in his mouth.
One of your arms caresses down his body as your lips part, your eyes hooded, breathing erratic. Your hand trails over his hip before it wraps around his hard cock.
He thrusts forwards as your fist closes around his tip, jerking downwards experimentally. He wraps his own hand over you guiding it up and down as he would his own in the privacy of his own chambers on lonely nights.
He guides himself within your hand to your cunt, nudging it over your nub, toward your sopping hole.
The thought suddenly hit him hard and fast. So suddenly he jerked back slightly from your touch.
"What... what is it?" you looked concerned, eyes wide, braided hair mussed.
"I shouldn't be doing this, it's wrong." It was dishonourable and an insult to such a fine lady as yourself for him to be debasing you so. You weren't married, after all. Not yet, he thought. He could see you at his side as his wife. But you were not his wife now, and you may never be his wife.
"No, no, no! Please, take me," eyes blown wide, cheeks flushed and chest heaving with each breath you take as you tug him down so gently, "if you'll have me?" His chest clenched at such tender words.
With you begging him so sweetly, he could not resist, though there was a part of him still demanding he stop now, for this was wrong. Yet it was drowned by his raging desire which he had harboured for for so long.
He takes his position once more over you, between your thighs, and pushes himself inside of you slowly and carefully. His eyes nearly roll to the back of his skull at feeling such pleasure, and he nearly thrusts into you as a wild man would, but he resists easily enough for he knew it would cause you harm. He listened as you groaned and your face tugged into a discomforted expression, he felt himself stopping then, ready to pull out should you change you mind.
"Just slowly. Be gentle with me, please," your hands grabbed onto his shoulders, you knees farther parting to allow him better access.
He moves his hips so slowly at first, thrusts shallow and experimental, before his lips captured yours in a passionate flurry of movements. You were so warm, so wet. He knew you were most likely a virgin, a lady such as yourself. That thought only made his feel more hungry for you.
His movements continued as a slow and steady pace, before you whined prettily into his mouth and grabbed at his hip.
"You can move more," you spoke, breathless as he parted from you.
He obliged, building up his pace, pulling one of your legs up and around his waist as his thrusts became deeper and faster with each moan that left you mouth.
He could not tear his eyes away from you, from your sweat slick brow, your squeezed shut eyes and 'o' parted lips. He felt his own release build, but wanted you to finish at least once more for him, so he brought one hand between you and felt for you nub and began to rub at it, listening and watching your reaction as to what was best.
You tightened further around him, legs squeezing at his sides as you came for a second time. He could no sooner hold onto himself and buried his face in your neck and lost himself to you, thrusting without abandon as he chased after his own climax.
He came with a low groan, sucking kisses into your neck, filling you with his seed so deeply that for a moment, he prayed it would take, the thought of seeing you with child so tantalising.
He stayed within you for a few moments, perhaps even minutes, catching his breath and listening to yours.
He presses a tender kiss to your brow before pulling his softened cock from you with a wince. He was unable to look away as he sat up and eventually saw some of jus seed dribble out of you. He had to supress a groan.
"I'm sorry," he eventually broke the silence.
"Whatever for?"
He looked back at you, a goddess much to perfect for someone such as himself, worth more than ten of him, "for dishonouring you, my lady. I would have wed you before bedding you, yet I have not."
"I don't expect you to wed me, my lord," you admitted.
"Please don't call me that now. I have no right to any title after the disservice I have given you," for even thinking of getting her with child.
"You haven't. I wanted to be with you, just as much. I hope you don't think any less of me for it."
"No, I do not."
"Then we are simply two friends having a long and heartfelt goodbye," your smile is sad and small, not one of any joy or happiness.
"Is that all you view me as? Your friend?" he found himself speaking before he could stop, pulling on his underclothes.
"No, no. I... I feel for you. In my heart. I..." you paused and he looked at you, "I have come to love you, Ned. For not only the just and honourable Lord which you are, but for the loving father, and kind man. I enjoy the companionship you have offered me in the time which I have known you, and I have desired more of you for some time now."
He found himself dropping his breeches from hand and returning to your bed where you sat looking at him.
"It is fine should you not feel the same--"
"I do," he interrupted, bringing his hand to your cheek, "I love you."
You leaned into him, smile broadening across your face.
"I will wed you upon my return, my lady. I swear it to you."
He kisses you once more, a deep and long kiss filled with his love, before dressing and bidding you goodnight, feeling wrong to leave you after you had shared something so intimate with him.
Despite himself, despite leaving for war and having bedded you, confessed his love and swore to marry you though he may not even live to see you again after tomorrow, he sleeps well and peacefully that night.
He wed you the same day of his return.
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comments are looked upon fondly here so don't be a stranger ;)
(please no negativity, my heart can't take it. I am a delicate soul)
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turbulentscrawl · 7 months
Identity(V) Headcanons: Frederick Kreiburg
Frederick's headcanons got a little more...medical than some of the others I've done so far. I'm no expert in this stuff, but I do my best to be comprehensible and respectful where certain disorders have to be mentioned. As always, hope you guys like it!
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-Ashes of Memory states that Frederick was diagnosed with ‘psychasthenia’ at some point in his childhood, but this isn’t used as a diagnosis in modern medicine. Instead, it’s a term used to describe a collection of symptoms commonly associated with disorders like OCD. It includes anxiety, obsession, compulsions, depersonalization, nervous ticks, and can even affect one’s memory.
-Personally, I also think he has synesthesia. Frederick mentions colors in relation to music a lot (especially gold), and while this could just be something relating to his other condition, I prefer to take it as literal. It’s part of the reason he was enamored after hearing his father play, why he obsessed with music. Frederick grew up in an onslaught of overwhelming chaos, colors bursting and fading wildly across his senses incomprehensible in his day to day, enhancing his anxiety…but when the recital started there was only the song. One symphony of sound and color, appearing before him in a long, unbroken stream. It was peaceful. And he became obsessed with that peace.
-This also explains his “un-Kreiburg-like skills.” His music is not like what the rest of his family composes because he’s writing it to suit both sound and color. He can perfectly identify pitch and can play most songs entirely “by ear” after hearing them only once or twice, but he’s obsessed with the stream of colors keeping a certain rhythm to them, which doesn’t always lend itself to “traditional” Kreiburg music.
-Frederick’s personality is very affected by the above struggles/disorders. He’s a very kind person at his core, as well as very earnest, but he is plagued by fear, anxiety, and extreme self-criticism. He becomes overwhelmed easily. He is entirely aware of all his struggles, his failures, and wrestles every day with the knowledge that he’s a disappointment to his family. Sometimes his situation brings him to tears, sometimes to destructive wrath.
-Frederick has come to accept his need for appearances, that people mostly like him because of his looks and his familial relations. But on his worst days he can’t even rely on that much because his communication begins to break down. His speech becomes disjointed and frantic, he’s tense and twitchy, a look of horror sinks deep into his face. To protect what remains of his reputation, he hides away during these times.
-When he is with people, he behaves as a gentleman should, albeit a reclusive one. He’s terrified of being judged further, but craves understanding and praise, so he maintains personal distance while remaining remarkably enthusiastic about musical discussion. He’s never told anyone but his family about his diagnosis or his synesthesia. They are both sources of shame for him.
-When at his most anxious, he has a tendency to pull at his hair. Whole clumps of his long hair have been lost to the worst of his fits. He’s not particularly sensitive about any resulting bald spots on his scalp, but he does try to cover them with his normal ponytail style because he knows they would affect people’s attraction to him.
-He despises the sound of dogs barking. Which is a shame, because he does like dogs. Their barking is just burry, red fireworks right in the middle of his vision. It always startles him and makes it impossible to do or focus on anything.
-His love language is Gift Giving, and the “gifts” he gives are, predictably, usually songs. It’s his primary skill, of course, so as far as Frederick is concerned, he has nothing else worth offering besides music made in the name of his loved one. He’d be devastated if these musical gifts weren’t appreciated; Frederick can’t take much more rejection. His favorites Love Languages to receive are Word of Affirmation and Acts of Service. He’s secretly a bit desperate for praise, and any actions you take to support his work or help improve his reputation as a musician are better than gold.
-He likes to match his clothes to the primary colors he sees in the songs he’s performing. During his recitals, he changes coats often.
-He’s a picky eater with a powerful sweet tooth. If he could have it his way, he’d subsist mostly on desserts.
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ghoultrifle · 7 months
There's a First Time For Everything Chapter 3 - Pleasure As It Was Intended
WC: 5k
Previously on FTFE: Dewdrop wants to try penetration. He has a few toys in mind but struggles to get the courage to buy them, fearing it will invalidate his gender. With Rain's support, he finally purchases the toys.
Summary: The toys arrive and Dewdrop gets to work, after a quick hyping up from Swiss
Notes: I am incredibly proud of this chapter and hope you all like it as much as I do. It's my first time writing porn with feelings so please hype me up :')
CWs: Sexual content, toys, gender dysphoria
And a big thanks to @v-ternus for being my sounding board <3
Read below the cut or on AO3
Dewdrop hears a knock, a brief rap on his bedroom door. He glances at the clock that sits crooked above his desk, mail time, he thinks. Peering through the peephole he can see Special walking away, making his way through the ghoul dorms, stopping occasionally to drop a parcel.
A small, nondescript box sits outside Dewdrop’s door. Imposing, menacing. It’s been carelessly thrown to the ground, evidenced by the rugged angle it sits at. He’s… angry. Angry that it’s been treated with such disregard; the contents of what must be assumed by Special to be another bong, or perhaps a new outfit, merely chucked outside his door like it has no significance to the fire ghoul.
The parcel quickly finds its way inside Dew’s room as he removes it from the doorstep with the same care as one might handle a bomb. He treats it like it’s a feral cat, holding it by the scruff of its neck lest it bite him. Inside the box, as far as Dewdrop’s concerned, are the items that determine if he’s worthy as a ghoul. That if they don’t end up inside him by the end of the day, he’ll be a failure.
Dewdrop decides he won’t let it get on top of him, he can’t afford to, doesn’t quite trust himself to sit alone all day with the parcel. So he throws himself into his duties. A couple of hours with Mount helping him re-pot his ever-growing plants. Lunch with Cirrus, Dewdrop laying in her lap as they watch some shitty reality show.
He spends the afternoon with Swiss, supposedly for band practice, but that never happens when it’s just the two of them scheduled. Sure, they do some practise but it’s mostly Dew dicking around with his guitar as Swiss vocalises with the disjointed sounds. They’ve been at it for a few hours when Dewdrop’s mind fades back to the parcel, still unwrapped, waiting for him on his bed.
“Howdoyouusesextoys?” Dewdrop blurts out.
Swiss isn’t sure he heard right, there’s no way Dewdrop doesn’t have a kinky treasure trove full of toys. “Woah woah slow down cowboy! What did you say?”
He’s met with another mumbled string of sounds that vaguely sounds like it mentions toys. It’s Dewdrop’s demeanour that leaves Swiss worried, though. The ghoul that minutes ago he was having to wrestle the guitar off as he played some shitty meme song, now taking shaky, uneven breaths and avoiding eye contact like Swiss is Medusa.
“Hey, droplet, I’m not teasing you, I just need to hear what you said… I can’t help you if I don’t know what you want,” Dewdrop opens his eyes, tries to take deep breaths. But deep breaths don’t help when it feels like he’s suffocating. He feels a grounding palm smooth over his stubble, sees those big golden eyes shining back with nothing but love for him, he remembers why he chose Swiss.
He inhales, looking away briefly to ask, “Bought sex toys for Rain to use on me. Dunno what to expect, I guess. Thought you might know,” the room is still as both ghouls take in what Dewdrop just said, before he remembers to clarify, “They’re uh internal toys like dildos ‘n vibrators ‘n shit. I’ve never put anything up there before, figured a whore like you would’ve though,” he chuckles, trying to lighten the mood as Swiss stares on in a mixture of confusion and offence.
“Ohh I see, come to the resident slut for advice? Well you’ve come to the right place. Whatcha worried about? We both know Rain’s been around, it’s not like he doesn’t know what to do.”
“No, I know Rain’s gonna be fine with it, it’s me that’s worried. What if it feels weird or if it hurts or if I like it so much I detransition?”
“What if?” Swiss poses, something Dewdrop hadn’t considered, what if? “You and I know full well Rain won’t do anything if you’re not enjoying it.”
“Swiss!” Dewdrop groans in frustration, dragging out the ‘s’ at the end of his name, “I just wanna, you know,” he motions vaguely at nothing with his hands, “get some pointers, some tips?”
“Well you’re right, they do have tips!” They both laugh at Swiss’ poor attempt at humour, “I do faintly remember the first time I used a dildo, if you wanna know about that?” he asks. It’s becoming clearer that Dewdrop just wants assurance that it’s going to be alright, even though he knows in his heart that it will be. The multi ghoul receives a sheepish nod in return.
“Alright, well I was on my own so all I had was ‘ol faithful to warm me up, get me nice and open,” he smirks, doing jazz hands showcasing his thick fingers, “I really took my time getting myself nice and wet. I was pre-T so there wasn’t much to get hold of but I did the best I could, really stroking myself until I was basically leaking. Then I just lubed Glenda up and put her in, wasn't much resistance. I played aroun-”
“Hold up, your dildo’s named Glenda?!”
Swiss scoffs, “What about it? I’m not the one that’s too scared to put Glenda in my pussy,” it’s all in good humour, they both know it. And hearing about Swiss talk so honestly about it has put Dewdrop at ease. He feels like he can laugh now, like he can breathe again, deep breaths full of all life has to offer. “Anyway, I played around with the angles until it hit that fucking dynamite spot, you’ll know it when you hit it,” Swiss promises, a smile creeping across his face as he reminisces, “and the rest was history. A lil bit of thrusting here and some stroking there and I came so hard I cried,” he deadpans, as if he’s not recounting a story of him masturbating.
“Seriously, spitfire, you’ll love it, I’m sure,” and it’s all Dewdrop can do to pray to Satan below that Swiss is right.
Dinner runs without a hitch, Dewdrop eats a respectable amount for a guy so nervous about his imminent gut-rearranging. And more importantly, he thinks he’s managed to keep it a secret, Rain still doesn’t know the toys have arrived. The water ghoul is living in blissful ignorance to the sweet, tender sex that will follow their usual post-dinner makeout session. That for the first time, Dewdrop will be an active recipient of pleasure, and he’ll enjoy it; at least that’s what he hopes.
It starts as it does most nights, Rain playing footsie with Dewdrop, sliding his scaly foot up and down the fire ghoul’s shin, making those dumb heart eyes at him. Dewdrop swears if Rain was a cartoon, his eyes would spend half the time booming out from their sockets in adoration for his mate, it’s endearing really. Following their adolescent flirting, Rain excuses the pair of them from the already emptying table; if the way Aurora looks at Cumulus is anything to go by, they’re not the only ones with evening plans.
They get as far as the dorm corridor before Dewdrop boxes Rain against the cold, stone wall. The taller ghoul freezes, a forward move from Dewdrop. He can’t quite bring himself to move when Dew begins to mouth at his neck, angling for Rain to bend down and kiss him. Instead he basks in the heat on his jaw as Dewdrop sinks his teeth into Rain’s pale flesh. He moans and the vibrations in his throat only further encourage the shorter ghoul.
“What’s gotten into you, spitfire? Normally you can at least wait until we’re back at yours,” Rain asks as he brings a hand down to knead at Dewdrop’s barely-there ass.
Between sucking and bruising the ghoul’s neck, Dewdrop speaks up, “Hyping myself up.”
“Toys,” Dewdrop whispers, seductive yet laced with a tinge of worry.
Before leaving that morning, Dewdrop had the foresight to at least unpackage and clean the toys, even he was smart enough to know that cleaning toys is a real mood killer, especially for a ghoul already on edge about the whole thing. If there was anything that Dewdrop could prepare for in advance, he was going to do it.
So, laying bare to the world on his bedside table were the toys, sitting proud. Rain didn’t notice them immediately, too focused on the fire ghoul attached to his neck, trying to manoeuvre them into Dewdrop’s room without either of them tripping or stepping on each other. They catch his eye as his mate backs him up towards the bed until his knees give, ungracefully stumbling onto the mattress. Hurried hands fly between them to undress each other. Dewdrop’s fingers filled with nervous energy, struggling with his jeans and Rain, the ever helpful boyfriend gently undoing the button and sliding them down, taking in Dewdrop’s form, just a binder and boxer briefs now. “Fuck he’s handsome,” Rain thinks, verbalising his thoughts to the grinning ghoul above him.
“Wanna use ‘em on me? Was thinking get the dildo out the way tonight?”
“Fuck can’t wait baby, gonna make you feel so good. How do you want to do this?”
Dewdrop answers with a gentle push to Rain’s shoulders, settling him down in the middle of the bed before shedding his underwear and climbing atop the water ghoul, back to chest. The weight of Dewdrop is really nothing to complain about, spread over Rain’s body, it’s barely uncomfortable, more of a weighted blanket if he had to compare it. Besides, if it’s what his droplet wants, he’ll be damned if he doesn’t give him exactly that.
With him, Dewdrop brings the toys, laying them carefully by Rain’s hip alongside a bottle of lube. Once settled, he takes a moment. What for, he isn’t really sure. Maybe to calm himself down, but he feels an odd sense of relief, of readiness. He isn’t scared anymore. He wants it to happen, he’s excited even. Perhaps that’s why he’s slowed down, to appreciate and bask in the feeling.
As he lays on Rain, his golden hair resting perfectly on the water ghoul’s neck, Rain lifts his head up to meet Dewdrop’s scalp pressing long kisses into it. “So proud of you baby,” he whispers between them, hand idly thumbing the silicone toy by his side. Rain was truly happy with the idea that Dewdrop would never try penetration, he was content to live out their lives as they were. With that, he could sense Dewdrop’s hesitation, how he became disengaged during sex if Rain’s hand ever veered too low. But the way he acted didn’t seem to be fear, no, Dewdrop’s face would turn pensive, as if he were pondering what if? A poignant question the fire ghoul now knew the answer to. Well perhaps not the answer, but he’s certain he’s explored his feelings enough to know he wants it and he wants it now.
The binder still clinging to his chest is becoming uncomfortable at best with how Dewdrop’s sweating at Rain’s sweet words of encouragement and that familiar cold hand roaming his stomach. It’s itchy and riding up at the bottom but he doesn’t care, he’s too caught up in the moment, something he doesn’t think he’s ever experienced. To not be hyper aware of every sensation but instead to be dialled in on a specific feeling, it’s bliss.
Against him, Dewdrop can feel Rain pulsing, leaking onto the small tuft of hair at the small of his back. It feels odd, to be the one selflessly experiencing pleasure, Rain gladly putting aside his own needs in favour of pleasing his mate.
“My sweet baby boy, I can feel you leaking, may I?” Rain asks, bringing deft fingers to Dewdrop’s entrance, hovering, waiting for permission. Dewdrop need only bring his hand over Rain’s before the water ghoul gently swipes over his folds, bringing his slick-soaked hand to his mouth. “Oh Dewdrop you taste divine. Thank you for sharing this part of you with me.”
It’s not even an attempt at dirty talk but it makes Dewdrop’s stomach jump nonetheless. He’s finally starting to believe Rain loves him as he is. While Rain is preoccupied salivating over the taste of the fire ghoul, Dewdrop flicks open the cap on the lube as he squirts a generous amount onto the head of the light purple toy
“Would you do the honour?” Dewdrop asks weakly, offering the slicked up toy to the water ghoul.
“Want to let you have this moment Dewdrop,” Rain replies, this is Dewdrop’s journey, he’s just along for the ride. Dewdrop teases his entrance, letting the purple head get even wetter as he drags it along his folds, collecting slick as small whines escape his lips. It once again surprises him how at ease he feels. After years of turmoil, worrying that he’s faking it all, he’s never felt as sure of his identity as he does in this moment.
“Whenever you’re ready droplet”, Rain coos, placing chaste kisses on Dewdrop’s neck. And with that Dew pushes in, slowly but steadily moving the toy until his hand lies flush with his skin. It’s an odd feeling, a completely new, foreign sensation but it doesn’t feel wrong. Far from it. It brings with it an overwhelming sense of familiarity too, an instinctual need. He knows exactly what to do. It’s not rocket science, Dewdrop knows this, but he’s still taken aback by just how easy it feels. It’s with that realisation he cautiously begins to pump the cock in and out of his dripping cunt.
As Dewdrop lay atop Rain, knees bent and feet planted on the mattress, the fire ghoul finds a respectable rhythm, butterflies in his stomach every time he thrusts the silicone deep inside him. He can’t believe he’s put it off for so long, denying himself divine pleasure. Filling the room along with the slick sounds of Dewdrop fucking himself are the sweet words of encouragement spilling from Rain’s lips like a burst dam.
“So proud of you, droplet, can hear just how much you like it.”
“That’s it, keep going, fuckkkk just like that.”
“Feel how hard you’re making me? Shit- that’s all you, spitfire. You and your insatiable body, such a good boy.”
The words imprint themselves on Dewdrop’s brain, burned in forever. Rain’s not telling him how pretty he is or groping his chest, he’s appreciating Dewdrop for exactly who he is, a man. And for once, he’s not jealous that Rain has a dick, doesn’t spite him for it. Because he, too, is experiencing pleasure and he got it all wrong, he doesn’t need a penis for that. Sure it would be nice but right now he feels pretty fucking incredible. Rain’s words have such an effect on Dewdrop that he’s becoming too worked up to keep a steady rhythm, the stimulation is too much to concentrate on keeping it going. He crooks his head back, asking silently, and Rain just knows what he wants.
The dildo changes hands, Rain now in charge of Dewdrop’s pleasure, entrusted with making the fire ghoul feel good, and boy does he deliver. Pressing pretty kisses to Dewdrop’s neck, his hand fumbles for the toy. The transition is near seamless and Dew melts. It felt good before but shit Rain knows what he’s doing, angling it just right to make Dewdrop cry out a choked moan- Swiss was right, Dew did know when he hit that spot. The spot that makes his stomach churn in the best way as he listens to the slick nosies and the sound of Rain’s skin slapping against his inner thigh as he pumps Dewdrop full.
He’s writhing on Rain’s tense body now, hips canting towards the stimulation, rocking into the water ghoul’s cock, smearing pre against the small of his back. Dewdrop can’t bring himself to care about the torture he must be inflicting upon his mate. He’s been so selfless all these years, he’s giving himself tonight to be completely selfish about his needs.
His orgasm starts to build and he vocalises, “Oh fuck I- I think I’m close fuck please don’t stop. Please. Keep going. Fuck. Rain. Ah. Keep-” Rain shushes him to give his permission. Not that Dewdrop needed it, but to let the fire ghoul know Rain’s not going anywhere.
“Lean into it darling, let go for me. Such a good boy, taking it so well. So proud of you, baby,” and with those words Dewdrop is clenching around the toy as his cunt spasms and he whines high and reedy, uncaring about pitching his voice lower, he doesn’t need to perform for anyone, not right now, anyway. Rain can feel Dewdrop’s release coating the toy in such copious amounts it’s running off and onto the water ghoul’s digits. 
Dripping onto his balls, Rain can feel just how wet Dewdrop is as slick gushes out of his hole. Rain wants nothing more than to gather his boy’s slick and jack himself to an almighty climax, but not tonight. There’ll be plenty of nights for that to happen. Tonight is all about Dewdrop. Rain would truly be happy to never cum again if it meant Dewdrop could finally live in pleasure instead of pain. Rain’s had his good times, he’s lived his life; Dewdrop’s is only just starting.
Dewdrop’s still in a state of awe. He did it. He got off. On just internal stimulation. A feat he truly never believed he’d be able to do, despite his years-long curiosity about it (okay, the base of the dildo relentlessly hitting his clit might have been part of it, but still, it’s all connected, right?). As he comes down from the first high of the night, Rain babbles nothing but praise, eager for his love not to drop after such an intense high. He knows how easy it would be- post nut clarity is no joke and Dewdrop’s worked himself up about this so much, it wouldn’t take a lot for him to spiral. To feel that shame creeping up, enveloping him in a thick coat of inescapable humiliation at him, a man, enjoying being fucked like a woman. So Rain doesn’t let it happen, showering him with enough praise to make anyone blush, rocking his dick against Dewdrop every so often to remind him that he’s desirable.
Hair sticks to Dewdrop’s face as he pants, still overcome with euphoria from the intensity of his orgasm. He suddenly feels himself clenching around nothing, opening his eyes to see the toy in Rain’s hand. Fuck- it’s dripping in cum and oh Rain’s bringing it up towards them, past Dewdrop’s face and he’s moaning as he takes it hungrily in his mouth, to the hilt, moaning into it. “Wanted to test the theory it taste even sweeter after the event, my love,”
“And…?” Dewdrop probes.
“What do you think, droplet?” The water ghoul smirks, brining the toy to Dewdrop’s swollen lips, “See for yourself.”
A tentative tongue makes its way to the tip of the dildo giving an exploratory lick. It’s not nice per se but there’s something about being able to taste his own release that makes it that much nicer. Still, he’s not sure it tastes divine but perhaps Rain is really that in love with him.
“Ready for round two?” Dewdrop questioned, a grin adorning his blissed out face.
“Fuck- really? Anything for you, Dewdrop. How do you want it? Want me to pump you full again, or I could eat you out? Perhaps you-”
“-m not ready for you to touch me there yet I don’t think, sorry,” he blurts out and Rain’s heart sinks. Not at Dewdrop’s sentiment but that he feels sorry for it.
“My spitfire, that’s more than okay. You don’t ever have to be ready, this is already more than I ever imagined we’d do together. Satan, I’m so lucky to have you. Want to try the vibe instead?”
And just like that, Dewdrop’s inspecting the vibrator, hands travelling over the plane of the toy, feeling the ridges before testing the mechanism. Slowly twisting the dial at the bottom, wondering if it’s broken until- buzz. It’s intense, the blood being drained from his fingers as the toy throbs in his hand.
“Easy, Dewbug, we’ll start off slow and build up to that. Trust me, I know what I’m doing,” and Dewdrop does trust him. It’s finally sinking in that Rain truly does have Dewdrop’s best interests at heart.
Dewdrop spreads his legs once more, cool air hitting his clit despite it being almost hidden beneath his curls. He clenches on instinct, cringing when he feels another glob of his release make its way to the pool collecting on Rain’s lithe body. It surprises him. He doesn’t feel disgust or shame at his body’s response to the fucking incredible action of Rain’s hand, he feels proud he was able to cum for Rain, to be a good boy.
“Fuck baby, still leaking, huh? So good for me,” Rain whispers.
With that, Dewdrop hears the familiar rumble of the vibrator. A sleek, black thing, phallic in size but not in aesthetic. The mechanical whir fills the room, though it’s not as overbearing as when Dewdrop cranked the dial all the way, it’s a more subtle hum.
Rain hesitates, bringing a hand up to rest on Dewdrop’s stomach, “Droplet, can I touch you?” he asks.
“You just fucked me silly with a dildo, of course you can do it with the vibe,” Dewdrop replies, enamoured by his mate but slightly confused nonetheless.
“I mean- your uhm chest, Dewdrop. Want to feel your heart beat as I take you apart.”
He ponders, the purr of the motor a backdrop to his thoughts. It’s not like Rain would see his chest, or even really feel it, hidden behind the thick wall of his binder. And thinking about it, even if he did, Dewdrop’s not sure he’d mind. Rain’s carved out their time together as a place for Dewdrop to truly be himself. The offer has always been there to not bind, to raise his voice back to its natural pitch, Rain made it unequivocally clear that he doesn’t mind. But Dewdrop always has, until now.
A small nod accompanied with a hushed yes is all Rain needs to start. After years of spending almost every waking moment together, Rain knows when his mate is being sincere. Enthusiastic consent is the only consent is a great general rule but their connection goes deeper. The non-verbal signs, the way Dewdrop’s breathing steadies when he feels safe and his eyes search for Rain’s to ground himself. The way his eyes scrunch and his lips curl up almost imperceptibly when he’s around Rain. It’s not apprehension, it’s nervous excitement about experiencing yet another new sensation, even if it is through the plate of his binder. And Dewdrop knows Rain would never go further than he wants, not without explicitly asking. So he lies there safe in the knowledge that creeping fingers won’t find their way under the hem of his binder, but will freely roam atop it, mapping out Dewdrop’s contours.
Whimpers accompany Rain’s renewed movement, vibrator making feather light touches to Dewdrop’s dick as his other hand plants itself over the fire ghoul’s chest, the wide span covering him almost entirely. It’s like being jacked off by The Flash, the plastic beating down on his clit with an unrelenting pace while Rain keeps his hand steady, letting the toy do all the work. Moans fill the room as Dewdrop squirms atop Rain.
“Does it feel good, baby? Yeah? Keep making those noises for me, fuck.”
All the apprehension, the years of turmoil, only for Dewdrop to be a whimpering, writhing mess within an hour of getting his (and Rain’s) hands on himself. It’s funny really, in hindsight. And he’s glad he can finally indulge himself in these fantasies, that his mind allows him to enjoy himself.
With that thought, Rain’s deft hand cranks the dial, the buzz turning to a roar as the vibrator near shakes under Rain’s digits. Bringing it back down to Dewdrop’s clit, the fire ghoul shouts, “Oh fuck Rainy- shit- I- awgh- so much- I,” he’s trembling under Rain’s touch, hips bucking into the vibe, desperate to get off on the stimulation that’s both far too much and not enough.
The hand on Dewdrop’s chest begins to roam, firm touches tracing his body, committing it to memory. The first time of many, Rain’s sure, if the wanton moans leaving Dewdrop’s lips are any measure to go by. His hands brush over the light smattering of hair on Dew’s stomach and Satan below Rain wants to worship Dewdrop’s body forever, remind him each and every time just how fucking hot he is. It would be an endless back and forth of Rain smothering him in compliments and Dewdrop not believing a word. But perhaps with enough time, he’d come around.
Rain’s hands continue their ministrations as the squirming ghoul above him becomes louder with each circle of the vibrator around his dick. The water ghoul is just about to check in when Dewdrop interrupts him, “Close! Ah- shit- I’m about to cum- please- don’t stop- just like th- ahh fuck,” he hisses. It only spurs Rain on, increasing the pressure and finally turning the vibe up to the maximum intensity. Drawing circles around his clit, occasionally dipping below to gather Dewdrop’s pre and cum from his first orgasm. The slick noises that fill the room, combined with the insane amount of stimulation Dewdrop’s receiving, have him spilling almost instantly with a cry, “-m cumming, fuck Rainy thankyouthankyouthankyou fucking ahh.”
A minute passes, at most, before Rain is turning down the dial and smoothing his hand over Dewdrop’s binder, fixing it’s twisted state on his chest. Sure that his mate is finally satiated, now is definitely the time to make sure his mental state doesn’t drop in that post-orgasm haze. Cum-drunk is the best way to describe Dew, a wide smile on his face, eyes barely open, and chest heaving as he recovers from one of, if not the most, intense orgasms of his life.
“How are you feeling, droplet? You were so good, took it all so well.”
“I feel… like I want to go again. Want you to fill me up, fuck, that was so hot. I think I said it a moment ago but thank you for indulging me Rainy, there’s no one I’d rather pump me with a toy,” he finishes with a kiss blown to his mate.
Rain giggles at Dew’s sentiment, ever the romantic, “Maybe not tonight, sweetheart, already gone stiff, not sure I could guide you through another orgasm. And wouldn’t want you getting greedy, hmm?” He jokes.
Stiff, Dewdrop thinks, shifting in place to confirm his suspicion, shit he’s still hard. “Wait, don’t you want to get off? Only feels right after what you gave me.”
“I’ll be fine, handsome, there’s always tomorrow.”
An idea worms its way inside Dewdrop’s mind, “We could use the vibe, could jack you off, make you fuck my fist?”
And how could Rain so no to his puppy-eyed boyfriend and his incredulously horny suggestion. Dewdrop sits up, kneeling over Rain’s legs. Vibrator in hand, he starts it up and closes his fist around Rain’s weeping cock. Rain shudders at the sensation, at finally having something more than the friction against the small of Dewdrop’s back. It’s intense, the fire ghoul wasting no time in jacking the vibe up to the maximum setting, hell bent on just getting Rain off, and he isn’t complaining. “Oh Dewdrop I love you so much, fuck- don’t know what I’d do without you in my life- ahhh keep going, ‘m already close,”
“Aww baby, can’t keep going just a little longer? No? I don’t blame you, the show I put on was fucking hot, wasn’t it?” 
All Rain can do is nod fervently in response to Dewdrop’s questions. His ruddy head sliding through the fire ghoul’s slick hand, sliding up against the hard plastic of the vibrator. The mix of hot and cold drives him crazy as he utters more confessions of love to his mate. It’s not like it’s the first time he’s said it, but it feels so much more real, knowing he’s seen this vulnerable side of Dewdrop. The smaller ghoul always feared that if he let this side of himself be seen, he’d be left, upset and alone for eternity. Seeing that Rain still loves him after tonight, well fuck if that doesn’t encourage him to make Rain scream his name.
“Wanna hear you,” he mutters.
“Oh yeah, baby? What do you want to hear? You’re being such a good boy for me, gonna bust all over your hand.”
“Want you to say my name,” Dewdrop says, unsure if it’s a question or a statement, but Rain knows exactly what to do.
Dewdrop braces himself on Rain’s chest and the heat of his palm pushes Rain over the edge, “Oh Dew, fuck you treat me so well my Dewdrop, I fucking love you, don’t you ever forget it,” he cries out to anyone who could be listening, and he’s sure there are people getting their fix on the sounds emanating from the room. Dewdrop keeps his hand steady as ever, watching Rain’s cock spurt thick white ropes, seemingly endlessly, twitching as the water ghoul cants his hips with an ever waning intensity.
“Fuck, I love you too, Rain.”
And Dewdrop means it with no hesitation. He’s not sure any other person could have made tonight as incredible as Rain has. He’ll never understand what he did for Satan to reward him like this, but he doesn’t need to know, just having Rain is enough.
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