#that is honestly pretty well recieved (and i HEAR is getting turned into a movie) is so stupid and ridiculous
dizzybevvie · 1 year
Doctor Green Hunter, 35, musky, a flask of scotch heavy in his pocket seems moments away from a divorce. Interior: Ambulance.
dr Green Hunter: im so tired
patient: Youre talkin about tired??? im dying over here!!!
Dr green hunter: keep your hand on your wound, man.
Dr Green Hunter looks over to his bow. it hangs next to his steth- stetho-cope.
dr green hunter: who will i be today
please sign back by the end of the week
yours in casting
Airry Pearry
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dorefasolsido · 7 months
38. Should've done this at the beginning of the year, but anyway...
What Happened In the Past Year???
How many relationships were you in?
None. I don't think I'm a relationship person at all.
What did you do for Valentine's day?
I don't really remember nor do I celebrate it. I think that was a day after I came back from Germany, so probably just adjusting to life back here.
Did you recieve your driver's license?
Lol no, I actually renewed it. It's been 10 years since I got it.
Did you graduate high school?
Nope. Did that in 2014.
Did you graduate college?
Not that either. Done with college in 2020.
Did you move out on your own?
I'm already more or less moved out on my own.
Did you get arrested?
Did you get a speeding ticket?
What was the best thing you got for Christmas?
I don't actually remember what I got. Tbh, we don't really exchange gifts on Christmas here, we do it for New Year's sometimes and sometimes not even then.
Did you fall in love?
Did you become an aunt or an uncle?
Kind of, just not directly. Two of my cousins had babies in 2023.
Did you have a baby?
Absolutely not.
Did you get engaged?
Did you get married?
Did someone close to you die?
Luckily, no.
How many funerals did you go to?
How many weddings?
No weddings either.
Did you turn 18?
Nope. I turned 28 ;-;
Did you turn 21?
Did you turn 30?
Thankfully no, but it's coming.
Did you have a car accident?
Were you old enough to vote this year?
Yes, and I did.
How many jobs did you have throughout the year?
Hmm, I switched from my old job to a better one and had 2-3 extra gigs on top. Ugh, but I seriously need a break from all the work.
Did you get a new pet?
No new ones.
Did you get cheated on?
Did you cheat on someone?
Did you start at a new school?
Did you make any new friends?
Not friends, but I met quite a few new people.
Did you get a new car?
Yes, actually. Well, it's not new, but I finally got my parents' old car so now I can drive instead of always using public transport which largely sucks. I got it at the very end of the year, in December, so it's still all pretty fresh.
Did you drastically change your hairstyle?
Yes, I cut my very long hair very short. And at the beginning of the year I accidentally dyed it black so had to bleach it again to dye it purple. Quite a few changes lol
Did you go out of the country?
Yup, a few times.
Did you keep your last New Year's resolution?
I never make those.
What was the best movie you saw in theaters?
Hmm, I think I only saw Barbie and Oppenheimer, so in that case I pick Barbie. I really enjoyed it, and I really loved how it was basically this huge event we all participated in.
What was the best book you read?
I'm not sure when I read Sayaka Murata's Earthlings and Convenience Store Woman, but those two books changed my outlook on everything.
What was your greatest accomplishment?
Translating a book. I'm really glad that happened, but I guess it's a testament to my deteriorating mental health that I didn't feel nearly as proud and happy about it as I thought I would when I saw it published. Mila from 2/3 years ago would be so thrilled. And I am, just, I don't know, 2023 wasn't my year.
What was the best cd released this year?
CD? Well if you mean album, personally, Jimin's Face was my favourite, along with Agust D's D-Day.
Did you get a new tattoo?
No, but I am seriously considering it.
A new piercing?
Yup, in September.
Are you still dating the same person you dated at the start of the year?
Yes, which is no one.
The Lasts of the Past
How old were you on your last birthday?
Who was the last person to tell you "I love you"?
I don't even know. I don't hear that very often.
Who was the last person you spoke to in person?
My mum.
Who was your last missed call?
Idk, some unknown number.
Who was your last phone call to?
My mum a few days ago before I came to visit.
What was the last movie you watched?
I honestly don't know.
The last song you heard?
Parabola by Tool in the car. That's the one I remember, though I might have heard others in the meantime.
The last book you read?
Battle Royal by Koushun Takami.
The last place you went?
For a walk and to a cafe.
The last time you cut your hair?
I think it was in November?
The color of the last shirt your wore?
The last person you hugged?
My mum's friend as a greeting.
The last thing you bought?
Uhh, I honestly can't remember now. But this reminds me I have to buy those absolutely delicious noodles soon.
The last time you went to the doctor?
A super long time ago. Like, years ago.
The last time you went swimming?
I believe last summer.
The last game you played?
Witcher 2, probably.
The last person's house you went to?
Hmm, I can't remember last time I visited someone's home tbh.
The last un-related guy you hung out with?
Probably my friend's boyfriend. We all hung out together.
The last un-related girl you hung out with?
My classmates from my German classes.
The last family member you hung out with?
The last movie you saw in theaters?
I genuinely can't remember now, but I should see Dune soon.
The last time you went to Walmart?
No Walmarts here.
The last time you went to Burger King?
Also no Burger Kings... I think.
The last time you went on vacation?
In November, and I desperately need another one.
The last restaurant you went to?
Moon sushi.
The last thing you ate?
The last thing you drank?
The Firsts of the New Year
Who was the first person you kissed?
No one.
Who was the first person you told "I love you" to?
Also no one.
Who was the first person you spoke to?
Idk, I was with my friends and sister, so one of them.
Who was your first phone call to/from?
I'm not sure, maybe my parents.
Where was the first place you went?
Home from the club I was celebrating in.
What was the first thing you bought?
No clue.
Who was the first person to wish you "Happy New Year!"?
My sister.
What was the first thing you ate?
Chicken from this one place near my flat next morning.
The first thing you drank?
Cola, cause I was drinking Cola whole night. Designated driver lol
What color was the first shirt you wore?
What were the first shoes you wore?
My black boots.
What was the first electronic (not computer or cell) device you used?
I really don't know.
What was the first movie you watched?
No clue.
What was the first song you heard?
Whichever song the band we went to see was playing next.
Who was the first girl you hung out with?
My friends and my sister.
Who was the first guy?
My friend's boyfriend. 
The first relative?
My sister.
What was the first thing you did when it became the new year?
Yelled "Happy New Year!" and hugged my sister.
What the Future Year Has In Store
What are you most looking forward to in the New Year?
Concerts, mostly. Hopefully I will plan a good trip or two as well. And idk, tbh I don't look forward to all that much, 2023 left me feeling pretty meh and 2024 didn't have a promising start at all.
But I am making some necessary changes, so we'll see how that goes.
Are you getting married this year?
Are you expecting a child?
Definitely not.
Will you be getting a new job?
I don't have such plans, but who knows what the future holds.
Will you be starting a new school?
I'm thinking of finding a language school that offers Japanese once I'm done with German.
Will you be moving to a new place?
Will you get your driver's license this year?
No, I have it already.
Will you turn 18?
Way past that sadly.
Will you turn 21?
And that.
Will you turn 25?
And that.
Will you turn 30?
Not yet.
Will you turn 40?
Are you going on a vacation this year?
I am planning to, yes. I already feel that I'm going to lose my mind if I don't go anywhere soon.
What movie are you most looking forward to coming out this year?
I'm not sure, maybe Dune?
What book?
None specific, I just want to finally get through more of my list.
What music album?
Hobi's Hope on the Street and whatever Jin releases!
Do you expect to find love this year?
Definitely not.
Did you make a New Year's resolution?
Not really, but there are things I want to do. I just don't want to call them New Year's resolutions because I know for a fact I wouldn't be able to stick to them then.
Have you kept it so far?
Refer to above.
Will you be going to a wedding this year?
Maybe? I have no idea yet.
Will you get a new car?
Not anytime soon, I think.
Will you buy a house this year?
Lol no.
Do you expect to be with the same person at the end of the year?
Not exactly the same, no. Even if changes are small, I don't think I'm exactly the same at the end of each year.
Are you starting the year off single?
As always.
What do you most want to happen this year?
I want my mental health to improve, that's probably number one thing.
What are you most excited about this year?
Concerts I'm going to.
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aetheternity · 3 years
My wifey, my best friend
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Synopsis: Draken knew two things in his life for sure. One, that his best friend was a virgin and two, that he had a thing for his best girl. So he decides to kill two birds with one stone. 
Disclaimer: Fem reader, Unprotected sex, kinda not really a threesome, Oral sex (m recieving), and voyeurism are all present in this. (Minors dni) 
It wasn’t hard to see. Draken’s girl had always been a sight for every man’s eyes. Even before they’d gotten together. She got attention for the way she presented herself, her face, her body and overall just how chill of a person she was. Because while she looked mean (and honestly she could be at times). She was always ready to defend anyone in her squad. 
And very often that meant Mikey. Which Draken had always been thankful for seeing as once he had the help he didn’t know how he’d done it by himself for so long. But he didn’t miss how much quicker his girlfriend got violent when it came to Mikey and vise versa. Didn't miss the prolonged smiling between them or the way they were somehow always touching.
Didn’t matter how much she’d deny it when he’d call her out. Her eye roll adorable despite the clear deception behind her words. The flush of her cheeks, dilated pupils and nervous laughter all giving her away. She wasn’t just into Draken.
She was into Mikey too. She just didn’t seem to see what he saw.  
At first it had been a bit of a sore subject filling his brain. His girl and his friend had the same feelings for each other? Well he knew you wouldn’t cheat on him, you’d always been such a sappy romantic. Crying over love stories you’d read online and forcing him to watch movies that were far too long for just a stupid kiss at the end. 
And he knew without a shadow of a doubt that Mikey wasn’t a concern. But every time he saw you two together it seemed as though you’d gotten even closer than the last time. Which eventually became the basis for a plan. 
“Hey.” Draken’s braid hung down the back of your couch as he called to you where you stood in the kitchen filling a big bowl with an assortment of chips and popcorn. 
“Hey.” You mimic his deep voice with a giggle coming over and setting the bowl in his lap. 
“Did you have fun with Mikey today?” He asked pressing a light kiss to your forehead. 
“Yup. Me, Mikey, and Emma had a lovely day out today.” You tossed a kernel of popcorn into your mouth with a snicker. 
“Don’t be like that. You know I’m not asking because I'm jealous.” His hair tickled the side of your face as he leaned in closer brushing stray strands of hair back from your cheeks. 
“No no, I know Ken Ken.” 
His breath flushed over your cheeks and nose when you met his eyes. You brushed your fingertips up the side of his head to trace his tattoo. His hands meeting your waist, fingers threading over the small of your back while he kissed you. And you returned the affection with every bit of eagerness that flooded your body. 
“What do you have going on Saturday?” He asked as he pulled away 
Your smile was warm, eyes practically twinkling as you said, “I don’t know whatever you’re doing I guess.” 
“You, me, Mikey, Mario Kart.” He suggests 
“That sounds so fun.” You place a kernel of popcorn on his tongue before turning to flip on the movie pulled up on the DVD player. 
“What is this?” Draken grumbled over the snack in his mouth. His demeanor quickly shifting. 
“I told you I was finally gonna show you The Notebook tonight.” You replied and Draken resisted his urge to groan as you cuddled up to his side fishing a couple chips out of the bowl still in his lap.
Saturday morning Draken had arrived at your house at eleven am. He’d set everything up. You thought Mikey was coming at one but Draken had told him eleven knowing that he probably wouldn’t actually get there till twelve.
He’d helped you carry the bulky consoles and teased you all morning just so he could get you here. Right now at 11:45 am, your ass pressed between his bare thighs, socked feet tickling his bare knees, with your panties hanging off one foot as you worked your body up and down his length. The steady claps of your skin meeting creating a beautiful noise that bounced off the drab paint job in your living room. 
His name left your lips with a chorus of pleas. Pleas for his attention to your clit. Pleas for his thrusts to be harder. All greedy and messy while you gripped his shoulders tight for some form of stability. 
“Come on Darling, you can do it.” He replies thickly, the fingers he has sinking into the smooth flesh of your back hurt but the tighter it gets the more he’s enjoying it. “You’re doing so well.” He groans 
He slips a hand under your tee shirt looking for a better angle. His thighs spread and just for a couple seconds he indulges his good girl a little more. Feeds into your anxious cries as you whine about needing your orgasm so bad. Cock brushing against your cervix while you greedily weep for more.  
“Take it then.” He tells you breathily, head tilted back to show off the bob of his adam’s apple. His groans a little deeper as you work him up so close. Cunt squeezing so perfectly around him. Strands of his hair stuck to his forehead from the accumulation of sweat. “I want you to make yourself cum, Darling.” 
Your fingers twist into his shirt at every slam of his hips. Wandering hands drifting up to cup your breasts through your bra before coming back down to your hips.
You clearly can’t hear it. Too lost in bliss but the subtle click of the door opening and closing isn’t lost on Draken at all. He never stops feeding you his cock though. Not as the taps of footsteps get louder, not as the pounding in his chest gets a little harder and not even when Mikey is standing right in front of the two of you. 
“Name, Ken ch-” 
Mikey freezes and your eyes fly open thrashing around to grab the blanket at the end of the couch to cover your lower half. “Oh my god Mikey!” Mikey stays quiet though his eyes grow dark, lips parted as he stares at the two of you. “Mikey, I thought you weren’t coming till one..” You huff, hand over your forehead and eyelids as you clutch the blanket a little tighter with one hand. 
“Are you saying you’re upset that he’s here early?” Two sets of eyes fall on Draken. He has yet to let go of your hips as you sit in his lap still fully seated on his dick with his best friend standing only a couple feet away. 
“Not this again Ken..” Your words drift away as the palm of his thumb slips beneath the blanket to slide smoothly over your swollen clit. Surprisingly Mikey doesn’t make a move to leave. Feet seemingly stuck in their current position. 
He leans toward your ear though it's still loud enough for Mikey to hear. “Are you trying to tell me you didn’t squeeze my cock when Mikey walked in? Are you saying you don't like his eyes on you while I make you a mess?” 
“Wha.. Ke-” A breathy gasp leaves your lips. 
“What do you think you’re doing?” Mikey finally finds his voice though it lacks the malice he usual manages to possess. 
"You might as well stay while we finish. She's almost done."
Draken spreads your thighs with one arm pulling one of your ankles up till it’s resting partially against his shoulder and partially against the back of the couch. Slowly but surely the blanket begins to slip off your lower half exposing you slightly to Mikey. With your other leg resting against his; he thrust into you so deep that it creates a noticeable bulge in your stomach for just a split second.
A couple whimpers flutter off your lips and you try to slightly steady yourself as Draken guides his length into you without even the slightest hesitation. The couch shudders with loud creaks as if it's protesting the rough pace Draken has set never taking his eyes off a still shocked Mikey.
"Have you ever thought of fucking her like this?" Draken asks his voice husky and thick over your moans.
You're almost unabashed in the way you look over to Mikey with tears welling against the corners of your eyes. Thigh tensing with every rough pound of Draken's hips.
"K-ken.." You try only to gasp. It makes Mikey's hand fly to his tee shirt trying his best to cover what was so obviously growing right before you and Draken's eyes.
"I want to watch as Mikey fucks you." Draken finally admits. "Would you want that darling? Want Mikey to pound your pretty pussy like I always do?"
"Mm close.." You cry, lips trembling and wet as you throw your head back. Your fingers twist in Draken's shirt, leg twitching awkwardly by his head.
Mikey's lips hang open. His breathing raspy as your whole body tremors. You lean forward in Draken's grasp pushing him even deeper inside you as you cry over and over, "M' cumming K-ken.."
Draken lets his head fall back against the couch as you milk him while you're trapped in your own euphoria. His dick twitching through the intense groans you pull from his chest. When he's finished he places a gentle hand on your stomach.
"Will you take care of Mikey now?" He lifts your body off of him, placing you next to him.
"You want me to fuck your girlfriend? Have you lost it?" Mikey asks, cheeks stained a bright pink.
"Yeah, I'm giving you permission to show, Name a good time while I watch."
Mikey looks over to you. Slowly but surely you extend your hand to him looking at Draken for any bit of hesitation on his part. He hesitants and then his sandals are clicking against the hardwood as Draken motions for him to get between your legs. Mikey's eyes wide with attention as he stares down at you, hands stiff at his sides.
You look to Draken again who's pulled off his shirt by this point; laying back against the couch to rub his softened cock back to life. "Kiss him." Draken nods to Mikey who's basically stone at this point.
"C-can I?" You sit up pressing your hands to his cheeks immediately delighted by the strands of hair delicately brushing against the knuckles of your fingers.
When you lean into him, he presses forward. Hands reaching for the back of the couch for support. His lips are cold. Not at all what you'd thought they'd be. Hesitant, a little shaky and over all cute.
You couldn't help but trace the shape with your tongue. They were smaller than Draken's that part was obvious and more gentle too as though he was scared he could hurt you from just a small kiss. When you pushed him a little further coaxing his lips apart he conceded for you. With a heavy breath he slid one hand down to your face, Adam's apple bobbing where you could see it through your peripherals.
When your tongue slid into his mouth he took a deep breath cautious as you prodded forward with your tongue. And just as soon you were pulling away.
Draken added pressure to his tip with his thumb before sliding his hand back down his shaft in a smooth motion. "Take her shirt off." He instructed
Not only were Mikey's lips cold but his fingertips were also slightly cold as they slipped under your shirt with shaky hands. When you reached for Mikey's shirt Draken tsked,
"Be careful with him. He's still a virgin."
Mikey gritted his teeth in Draken's direction but ultimately said nothing. Weirdly enough that information broke the tension still present in your shoulders.
"Aw Mikey that's ok." He raised his arms as you slipped his dark blue shirt over his elbows, allowing it to join your already discarded clothes in the growing pile.
Though a part of you was slightly curious about whether or not it was by his own choice. With a bit more confidence now you slid your back up the couch a bit pulling Mikey in by the hem of his shorts. Without a second thought you reached behind your back to discard your bra bringing Mikey's free hands up to massage your breasts.
The little gasp he let out was so endearing, eyes clouded with tenderness and lust. Draken snickered at his end of the couch, "How's it feel to touch boobs for the first time?"
"Shut up." Mikey grunted
With your guidance he gingerly twisted and pulled at your taut nipples earning a sweet gasp as a reward. Meanwhile your hands curved up and down his physique, enamored by the touch his abs had just beneath your finger tips. So rough yet smooth and soft as they expanded and contracted for each of his breaths.
Not wanting to waste a second more you gestured to the band of Mikey's shorts, "Is this ok?" And once he nodded you pulled the string loose letting them fall to the ground with his boxers soon following.
Unsurprisingly he was smaller than Draken but he was thicker than you'd imagined. Pretty in both size and color with a much more rounded tip than Draken.
You looked up to Mikey's face. His attention elsewhere as you wrapped a warm hand around the base of his cock. "It's so pretty." You mumbled with a giggle when that gorgeous pink took full color against his cheeks. "I want to put it in my mouth. Can I?"
The bob of Mikey's Adam's apple didn't go unnoticed by you. The way sweat was already starting to appear on his forehead making you smile as he silently moved his hips closer to your mouth.
The hiss that slipped past his lips when you pressed your tongue to his tip and circled it gathering the precum sliding down was precious. And it dawned on you as if you hadn't remembered before that this was Mikey's first blow job.
The famous Mikey was getting his first right here and now. It pushed you further, you left wet open mouthed kisses all over his shaft before letting every sweet inch of him into your mouth. Delicately and steadily over his shaft till you were kissing his pelvic bone.
Never in all the years you had known Mikey had you ever seen him be so cute. His mouth was open for every panting breath he could muster trying and failing to catch his breath. His cheeks an even deeper pink than before and his eyes shut impossibly tight.
He reached out for the back of the sofa as you slowly pulled your mouth back before edging him all the way down your throat again.
"Oh God.." He choked out
Draken's laugh was boisterous the hand that was on his cock now slapped over his mouth as he tried to contain himself. "Darling you can't see from this angle but his face is perfect." He grins
You know it's bad when the only response Mikey gives to this is a loud gasp. His nails digging into the cushions behind you with a heavy grunt.
Draken leaned forward twisting his fingers into your hair gently to guide your head back and forth a little faster. "You look gorgeous, keep going."
Mikey's whimpers fill your ears and spit trickles over your lips. Your tongue swirling over the prominent veins at the base of his cock as you work him up with just your mouth. Curses flying off his lips at an exponentially higher rate.
"Doesn't she have such an amazing mouth?" Draken groaned hand resuming its earlier work.
Mikey could only hum lost in bliss with each thrust of his hips. He managed to angle himself deeper down your throat, reaching out to card strands of your hair back as well as he pushes his cock as far as it could go.
"Shit.. sh-it I think I'm gonna.."
Draken pulled your lips off surprisingly harshly. Fingers still deep in your hair as he guided your thighs open for Mikey. Cum from Draken's earlier orgasm still stained your thighs as Draken pushed Mikey forward by the small of his back.
The angle was kind of weird, especially for a first time but it did help Mikey align better and slowly but surely he was pushing inside. The fill of his cock pressing inside of you left you feeling a bit dazed and your eyes fluttered close. Nails finding purchase on his shoulder blades.
His forehead soon met yours, hitched breaths from his lips flush against your face. "Shit.." He heaved almost breathless.
"Yeah she'll do that to you." Draken grinned. You couldn't tell if it was your heartbeat or his pounding in your ear but you soon regained enough consciousness to wrap your legs around his waist.
"You ok?" He asked, eyelids fluttering open.
"Yeah. Feels good." You reply with a concentrated breath.
Mikey's hand slammed down against the couch cushion as he slowly began to move sucked in by your warm cunt. Every inch of his dick snug inside you. In a way that was so different from the earlier feeling of your mouth.
"Mikey.." You huffed trying not to lose it completely whenever he bottomed out. He wasn't long enough to touch your cervix but every inch of him was so obviously present inside you. Grazing your walls like they were built just for his cock.
"Angle your hips to the right a little." You could hear Draken's voice. All deep and husky like it always got when he was in the mood.
Mikey did as he was told, adjusting his hips till his dick perfectly pressed into your g-spot. You couldn't help it now your head falling back and your thighs shaking when he thrusted right into that spot.
"God.. f-uck.." Mikey grunted
"You're doing so well.." You mewled brushing his blond hair back where it was starting to stick to his face. "It feels.. s'good.."
Your thighs tensed as he started to speed up a tremble setting in his shoulders. You already knew what that meant. Bringing a hand under his chin to pull his lips into yours. The sounds of both Mikey and Draken settling in your ears as you felt the beginnings of the coil tightening in your stomach.
"Mm gonna cum.." Mikey moaned
The feeling of his cock twitching inside of you had you gripping him like a lifeline and he did the same. His arms wrapped around your waist as he emptied himself inside your fluttering walls.
"Oh God.." You sighed
His body continued to tremble, eyes far gone as you held his face to look at him. "You ok?" You giggled, still attempting to catch your breath.
"Draken was right about your pussy." Mikey grins
"Oh my God you told the guys?!" You pick up a pillow next to you chucking it at your boyfriend.
"I only told Mikey that part." Draken replies catching the flying projectile. "Hurry up and finish. This shits getting painful."
"Finish?" You're cut off by Mikey slowly pressing all the way back inside you. "You didn't get to cum." He whispers into your ear. His knee slides onto the couch next to you, guiding your hips against his cock.
Your head banging against the cushions behind you with each of his rough thrusts. Breaths short where they're falling off your lips. You don't miss the way Mikey's eyes clench shut, the way his teeth ungrit trying and failing to keep his noises quiet.
Your once messy and now unruly and missmanaged hair slips from the tie you'd once used to hold it. Strands falling over your face and into your eyes and collecting with the sweat present on every inch of your face.
Draken's groan came from the pits of his throat as he squeezed the tip of his cock in his fist. "I'm gonna cum." He warned, warmth spread through your stomach as you watched the tensing of his body soon followed by his thick cum shooting up only to return to earth. Coating his fists in liquid.
His dark eyes shut as he breathed through his orgasm with a deep sigh.
You cursed under your breath issuing your own word of warning as your thighs clenched around Mikey's waist. "Don't stop.." You pleaded, hands heavy on Mikey's shoulders as you pulled his body closer.
"I won't."
The coil in your stomach soon settled as your release coated Mikey's pelvic region slicking his cock as you cried out. A sense of familiarity soon falling over you as you watched the same build of intensity forming in Mikey.
The roll of Mikey's eyes utterly intoxicating as his hips stuttered forward with a breathy moan for the first bit of his orgasm. Sweat trickled down his forehead, his own hair a complete mess as he released deep inside of you completely losing control of his hips.
"Fuck Mikey.."
Mikey finally pulled out leaving his cum to ooze out of your used pussy as Draken stood from the end of the couch, heading for the kitchen.
"Where are you going?" You asked
"We need chips right? For Mario kart?" Draken called
"Yay we're still playing!" Mikey bounces like he's not still completely naked and didn't just finish fucking you.
"Of course we're still playing. That was the whole point of today." Draken replies
"You don't want to shower first?" You gesture to his cum covered chest and thighs.
"Like all together?" Mikey asks
"Nevermind let's just play."
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captain-jensen · 4 years
Good Kisser, Bad Kisser
Chris Evans x Reader (smut)
Summary: You and Chris reminisce about a time when you were co-stars and things get heated
Authors note: I’ve seen comments about Chris possibly being a bad kisser based on watching him in movies and it inspired me
Warnings: 18+, unprotected sex (don’t be dumb),smut, manhandling kink, tiny bit of degradation, oral (m+f recieving),
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        After grabbing a bottle of your favourite wine and some thai food you stand knocking on Chris’ front door. The door flings open and there he stands in a simple pair of sweats and a hoodie. “Finally! I’m starving, give me that” he rips the food out of your hands and makes a run for it towards the kitchen island. 
“Hi Chris! Good to see you too, it’s been a while” You say to yourself slightly annoyed that he hadn’t even thought to greet you. Nevertheless, you make your way inside and open your wine. After handing you a plate and a fork Chris pulls you into a tight hug. 
“Hey Y/N, it has been a while and I’ve missed you” He says, insinuating that he heard your sly comment at the door. You just giggle a bit and hug him back just as tightly. You guys separate and make your plates, opting to eat at the table. “So, how was filming?” he asks.
“It was good, nothing super special if I’m being honest though. The cast and crew were kind of boring and I didn’t even make any new friends” You respond forlornly. 
“Awe that’s the worst. To be fair though, I think I set the bar too high in terms of fun co-stars” He says with a cocky grin. 
“Well you’re not entirely wrong. I think you were the last real friend I’ve made on a set”
“It’s probably because I was the best kisser you’ve ever acted with” He claims, obviously deciding to stick with the prideful theme of jokes tonight. You can’t help but burst out laughing at this claim. Sure he wasn’t a horrible kisser but he wasn’t exactly the best either. Chris watches in bewilderment. “I’m sorry, did I say something funny?” he asks in mock exasperation. 
“Chris c’mon” you say through your de-escalating laughter. 
“No, what? What was so funny?”
“I just thought you were joking”
“Oh so you’re saying I wasn’t a good kisser?” 
“I mean I don’t really know about best but I’m not saying you were terrible” You try to defend yourself. 
“Well I guess that was a while ago. I mean we were in our 20s then. We’ve both changed a lot”
“Yeah you’re probably right. I’m sorry for laughing. I know I probably wasn’t the best either” you say. Now feeling bad because you might have actually hurt his feelings. 
“I don’t know. I thought you were pretty good” he responds shyly, not taking his eyes off of his food. 
“Well now I just feel bad” You say laughing.
“You don’t have to feel bad. I know for a fact I’ve gotten better since then”
“Well good for you then” you respond humorously.
“It’s just too bad that that’s your memory of me” he almost sounds actually sad. 
“It’s ok. I’m not exactly friends with you for your kissing ability. So it’s all good”
“It’s not all good. Let me show you that I’ve gotten better” He proposes.
“Um, what?” you ask taken aback. 
“Let me prove to you that I’m a good kisser now” he says again matter of factly. Clearly not understanding what has you so worked up. 
“Chris I’m not that worried about it believe me. I’m fine with the memory I have.” you say, trying to see if he was serious about this. 
“Well I’m not ok with it.” He definitely sounds serious. He stands up and walks toward you. He motions for you to stand, and despite your brains best efforts, your body obeys. He’s already standing so close to you, chest to chest. You apprehensively look up to him and see he’s already staring at you attentively. You glance at his lips quickly, and as soon as your eyes meet his again, his lips make contact with yours. This is undeniably a much different kiss than the one you had shared when you were basically kids. His lips move fervently across yours as he tilts his head and grabs the side of your face, deepening the kiss intensely. You can’t prevent the small whine that escapes the back of your throat, just like he can’t control the tightness of his sweats. He presses into you more, letting you feel every inch of him. Your hands move from their place on his arms to wind around the back of his neck. Grabbing the little hairs at the back of his head you subconsciously give a little tug and he groans deeply into your mouth, making your legs quiver. He guides you to the couch by your waist and sits you on his lap. You can feel his hands everywhere, roaming your body while his heat seeps into you and his mouth explores your chest. You moan and instinctively grind into his center. He rids you of your shirt and you do the same to him. His lips are around one of your nipples, one hand one one breast, and the other hand on your backside, gripping tightly. It’s like he’s scared you could be ripped from his arms as any second. You kiss behind his ear, finding his sweet spot making him release a guttural moan that shakes you to your core. After hearing that you’re sure he can feel your arousal seeping through your pants into his lap. It’s then though that you pull away to ask “Chris are you sure? I mean, you aren’t just trying to prove a point right?”.
“Baby I’ve honestly been thinking about this moment all these years”, he leans in close to your ear so you can feel his breath against your ear, making a shiver run down your spine. “I’ve always dreamt about how you’d feel against me like this, how I’d feel inside of you, how I’d feel tasting you”, in the midst of his beautiful speech, he catches you off guard and flips you on the couch so that you’re slightly angled off the couch. He kneels on the ground as he kisses his way down your body slowly. When he reaches the waistband of your pants he plants a dark mark on your skin, claiming you. He leaves trails of smaller marks down your thighs as he works your pants off. The slight bruising feeling of his bites matched with the roughness of his beard makes for a downright sinful feeling, matched by a sinful moan. He works his way back up your bare legs to your naked center. Placing small pecks mixed with small licks to your core he makes you a whimpering mess before he fully delves into your folds. He’s drinking you like a man who has been deprived of water his whole life. When he introduces a couple of fingers into your throbbing hole you fully lose it, coming undone within a matter of minutes. 
   Since you’ve fully turned into jelly around him, he effortlessly carries you to the bedroom, all but throwing you on the mattress. “Sorry to break it to you, but playtime is over now honey” you shudder at his words. You watch helplessly as he rids himself of his remaining clothes. As he goes to grab a condom, you stop him. “Just wait” You say, practically begging to taste him on your tongue. You pull yourself to a sitting position on the bed as he stands tall at the edge, already almost fully hard. You grab his length and stroke it a few times before giving him the same treatment of a small kiss at his tip and small licks to the underside of his shaft. His breathing becomes laboured as he watches you in awe when you take him into your mouth fully for the first time. You relax your throat and breath through your nose as you feel him hit the back of your throat. When you hollow your cheeks and moan around him he lets out a beautiful and deep moan. You work him for bit longer with a combination of your hand and mouth before he’s ripping you off of his cock and throwing you back on the bed. You gasp as your back hits the sheets but then you’re quickly being flipped over onto your stomach and he pulls your hips up. He’s working you like a doll, and you’ve never loved anything more. You feel him press himself against your back and say sensually but still firmly in your ear “I said playtime is over” you feel him rub his tip up and down your folds, collecting your arousal on his tip before he enters you. He wastes no time fully sheathing himself inside of you. He gives you but a second to adjust to him before his thrusting into you at an easy pace. Feeling every inch of him enter you again and again at such an agonizing speed starts to get to you and he notices you moving yourself against his shaft. “I had no idea you were so greedy baby. You’re having a hard time being patient aren’t you?” he asks in a demeaning tone. All you can do is mutter a pathetic little “please” while still trying to up the ante. He gets the hint and decides to give you what you want. Chris starts to move at a speed unlike anything you’ve had before. You’re certain your eyes roll to the back of your head while he pounds you endlessly into the mattress. You barely have the power to say “I’m cumming” by the time the wave hits you. All you can do is mix your obscene moan with the slapping and wet noises coming from between your bodies. Not long after hearing you and feeling you clench around him, Chris spills inside you with a groan of your name, which is almost enough to throw you again. He collapses onto your back, trying with all his might to keep his weight on his arms. You both stay like that for a second, with heaving breaths, sweaty skin, and rosy cheeks. When he finally exits you, you turn around to face him one his back. His one arm covers his eyes as he gives a light giggle and says “We completely forgot the condom”.
“Well technically you forgot the condom. But it’s ok, I’m on birth control” you slyly respond. 
“Well thank god for that, because I don’t think I could have stopped if the fate of the world depended on it” you both let out a chuckle as he pulls you into his side. “So?” he asks gazing down at you with post-orgasm bliss.
“So what?” you ask, still trying to gain back the ability to think straight.
“Have I gotten better at kissing?”
“Yeah, you could say that” You respond nonchalantly, peaking at him through one eye. 
“Well I’ve got all the time in the world to keep proving it to you” He says before getting up to get a cloth to clean you both up. As you watch him walk away you can’t help but think about what the rest of your nights are going to look like now. 
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butwhyduh · 4 years
Fit to be Tied
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Jason Todd x reader
Warning: Christmas? And the f word.
Christmas series 2
Jason didn’t pay much attention to holidays. Nope. That was for the living. He didn’t have much of need for it. But he did know that Christmas was quiet and New Years was busy for patrol. He guessed everyone ate Christmas dinner and and then got bored of playing nice. Or maybe that just wanted to start the new year with a big ass bang. Who knows?
Even when he was a kid, he didn’t celebrate the holidays. Too poor, mom too lost in drugs, and dad? Well fuck him. He was a piece of shit when he was around.
Jason kicked a beer can out of his way into the pile of trash on the sidewalk. They didn’t get the trash again this week it looked like. Daddy Bruce could play bat but couldn’t throw his money around enough to keep trash from piling on the street.
It was fine. He had more important things to do anyways. He had to buy a Christmas present. He didn’t care for the holidays but the sweet girl he had at home was a doll and fuck, if she didn’t deserve something. So Jason went down to the local pawn shop. Usually not a problem but it was 2 AM. Not exactly prime business hours.
So yes, Red Hood was breaking into a pawn shop to get a bracelet. He was leaving cash, $20 over the cost too. It was something you had seen earlier in the week and had admired. Gems of some kind shaped to look like a butterfly. You’d taken a minute longer to stare at it.
He left as quick as he came. And it wasn’t long until he was opening the window of your apartment dressed in street clothes. You were asleep. Jason had used the excuse of patrol to get out. But in the early morning hours of Christmas, he wanted to wake you.
“Princess,” he said gently. You moved a little before opening your eyes. You smiled up at him. Fuck, he didn’t deserve the way you looked at him. Your eyes looked so innocent and sweet. You never looked at him like he scared you.
“Jaybird, what’s going on?”
“I got you something for Christmas and it’s technically Christmas..” he said pulling out the box. You sat up, curious.
“It’s Christmas Eve. You got me something? I didn’t think we were- I didn’t get anything. I couldn’t-“ you said turning red. Money was too tight to consider it. The fact that the heat was still on this late in the month was a Christmas miracle.
“No no. It’s fine. Just being here is enough for me. I’ve never really celebrated Christmas anyways,” Jason said pushing the box in your hand. You held the box before kissing him.
You opened the box to see the bracelet you had been looking at the pawn shop. You smiled and stared at the pretty little butterfly. Jason watched you carefully for a reaction. He’d never admit it but he was more nervous now than fighting on the street.
“You saw me looking at it. I didn’t think you’d notice,” you murmured softly as you picked it up. Jason took it and wrapped it around your wrist. He clasped it on and you looked at it, moving your wrist in the light.
“Thank you. It’s beautiful,” you said quietly looking at it. You had a little grin on your face. Jason smiled. That’s the look he wanted. That little bit of happiness that you showed when you were really pleased. He intertwined his fingers in yours.
“Princess, you’re so cold,” Jason said with a frown. He could feel it colder outside but now that he was getting used to the temperature, it wasn’t warm as it should be.
“The heater was acting up again so I turned it down. The blankets are plenty warm,” you said and his heart all but broke. There was no way he was going to let you be cold all winter because the landlord wouldn’t fix things. He might pay this guy a visit. You sensed his anger.
“It’s okay, Jay. Come lay with me and get warm,” you said taking his hands. He let you pull him into bed. He kicked off his pants and shoes and laid on his side. You curled into him as a little spoon. His long big frame all but engulfed you. It always felt to protective. If he was holding you, he knew you were safe. Jason ran his fingers along your bracelet soft as his rough fingers could.
“You’re so good to me,” you said softly and his heart clenched again. Fuck, if you knew all the bad he did. His messed up past. He thought you would have run away when you first learned he was Red Hood but no, you had been kind.
“Naw, Princess you deserve more then this shitty place,” he said, and for the first time, he felt a little bad about giving all of his trust fund to the soup kitchen he would visit as a kid. A little would have been nice to get a better place for you. But he had been making a ton crushing the drug trade at the time and didn’t have a girl back home when he did it. He couldn’t be as reckless now.
You turned in his arms to look in his blue eyes. He has such an intense look on his face that you frowned. “Jaybird, what’s wrong?”
“Nothing,” he said pulling his face back to normal. “Just thinking. I wanna move you to a better place, a safer place than this,” he said running his thumb across your cheeks. You grasped his wrist and leaned into his touch. Jason would sometimes get like that. Thinking you deserved better. And you humored him even though you wouldn’t even know what to do with wealth.
“We’re moving. Soon. I’m promising now,” he said thinking about the painful conversation he was going to have with Bruce. His adoptive father he hadn’t even told you about. Bruce would do just about anything Jason asked. Probably the guilt of letting him die.
“But Jay, we’d miss the water that went from boiling to freezing at random. And I’m not sure if I can sleep without Mr and Mrs Jancowski having sex every Tuesday at 2 AM,” you said with a smile. He kissed you to shut you up. You were joking but each one felt like a little knife in his guilt. You pulled him over you and the thought of money troubles faded from your mind.
Jason woke before you and watched you sleep. You laid on his chest with your hand in his hair and your soft breath on his throat. The bracelet was still on your wrist. You looked so peaceful, trusted him while you slept. Jason carefully grabbed his phone and texted Alfred. He’d also have to tell you about his adoptive family. His very famous adoptive family.
He threaded his fingers in your hand that was flung across his waist. You began to stir. Jason moved hair from your face and you blinked to see his pale blue eyes watching you.
“Morning, Princess,” he said with a rough morning voice. You smiled.
“Morning, Jaybird.”
“I’ve got something to tell you,” he started. “I want you to meet my family tonight.”
“Tonight? Your family? I thought your parents...” you trailed off.
“I was adopted. I never told you because I don’t have the best relationship with them. But I think it’s time for you to meet them. I’ve got to tell you something else,” he said and you could hear his heart beat quicker as you laid on him.
“My adoptive father is Bruce Wayne.”
“You’re shitting me.”
“Nope. And tonight I’m taking you to meet him. And my adoptive siblings.”
“You aren’t joking,” you said sitting up. Jason sat up too.
“I’m not. I’m kinda the... black sheep of the family. He adopted me when I was 12. I was trying to boost the wheels from the b- Bentley he was driving,” Jason corrected. It was one thing to tell you he was Red Hood. He couldn’t say Bruce Wayne was Batman.
“Wow. I- wow. Okay. That’s a lot to take in. Also on brand to be honest,” you said and he smiled and shrugged.
“Wait. What the fuck do you wear to the freaking Wayne manor for Christmas Eve?” You said a little panicky.
“Whatever you want. It’s just family,” he said with a sideways smile.
“Oh no. I can’t go to freaking Wayne Manor in a Kmart sweater,” you said quickly.
“You can wear,” he said hopping out of bed. He dug way in the back of his closet for a pretty red sweater that was slightly oversized. “This. Should fit fine. Pretty expensive too.”
“Where the hell did you get that?”
“I’ve had it for year and it definitely doesn’t fit now,” Jason said with a laugh. “Try it on.”
The weather sucked. Freaking sleet that threatened everything it touched. You were grateful it wasn’t a night of Jason patrolling. This meant taking your car instead of Jason’s motorcycle. Your car was at least 15 years old and you called it Frankenstein because of all the repairs done over the years.
The radio skipped as Jason drove over a speed bump by Wayne Manor and you burst out laughing. Jason looked at you from the side.
“It’s not that funny,” he said. “What’s up?”
“My car is trash, I’m wearing your old sweater, and we’re late. If you weren’t the black sheep before, bringing me home, you will be now,” you said. He grabbed your hand and parked in front of a random house.
“I’ve been the black sheep since I was a kid and you aren’t going to change any thing for the worse. Trust me. In fact they’ll probably think you’re too good for me,” Jason said with a dry chuckle. “So don’t worry about anything. Except making room for pudding. I know it sounds weird,” he said starting to drive again. “But it’s the best part of Christmas.”
Wayne Manor was huge. You knew that. You’d even seen it on tv. But to see it in front of you was honestly terrifying, especially in the nasty weather. You almost hoped Jason was playing some weird elaborate joke and was going to drive on by but he knew the passcode to the gate. He drove in the covered drop off spot by the front door and parked. You both quickly ran in the building.
The front entry was breathtaking. A gigantic Christmas tree and a full staircase decked out in garland like a Hallmark movie. It was like a magazine. In fact, it was in the Christmas episode of Gotham Life the year before.
You gripped Jason’s hand tightly as you walked down the hall. Your shoes sounded unnaturally loud and you had the urge to quiet them like it was a library. Jason pulled you to the doorway of a dinning room full of people settling to eat. Jadon cleared his throat.
“Master Jason! You made it,” Alfred said excitedly. “I recieved your message but it’s been many years. Sit. Sit.”
“Glad you could come,” Jason’s brother Dick said with a grin. He looked at you in curious excitement. You looked down at some kind of mushroom soup placed in front of you. Everyone else was dressed so nicely and ate so perfectly. It was intimidating.
“Yeah, it’s Christmas,” Jason said shrugging. He gave Dick a look that said don’t ask. It didn’t take much for Dick to drop it because he seemed incredibly distracted. You spent most of the meal trying to keep up on conversations you clearly didn’t understand while trying food you’ve never seen before. You could barely remember everyone you were introduced to. One of Jason’s sister(s?) gave you a big hug along with everyone else when she arrived. You couldn’t tell anyone what was even said after the meal. Or so you thought.
Until right across from you, Dick proposes to his girlfriend. He stuttered around before finally asking. “Will you marry me? Oh god, I have a ring,” he said producing one. Everyone watched as she stared in the box.
“Will I marry you?” She asked faintly and you worried she’d say no. How terrible would it be??
“Please say something,” he pleaded and you could tell the man was practically in pain before she said yes. They kissed, the family applauded, and champagne was served.
Jason watched you from the corner of his eyes. How did you react to this? What did you think? You didn’t look jealous or anything. It made Jason think of marriage. He hadn’t before. He’d thought about moving into something more permanent but marriage. He’d never thought about marriage as his future, ever. Of course when you die at 16 and come back with a vengeance, love is low on the priority list.
“Jaybird, you there,” you asked slightly tapping his shoulder. He blinked and looked at you.
“Yeah, I’m here. Just in my head,” he said and you nodded. He’d do that sometimes.
“The party is moving to the parlor,” you said quietly in a proper rich Gothamite voice and Jason huffed before covering his smiling mouth with a nose rub. The rest of the group was moving ahead of you. Dick and his new fiancé were retiring for the night.
“I’m never going to hear the end of it, am I?”
“I’m so sorry, dearest. I can’t understand you with a silver spoon in your mouth,” you laughed. Jason rolled his eyes before guiding your shoulders towards the door. You heard a soft laugh behind you and you turned to see Tim’s girlfriend smiling.
“Sorry to interrupt but I’ve got to use that on Tim,” she said grabbing her coat and walking out.
After making sure you were cool with hanging with Tim’s girlfriend and their adoptive sister Cass, Jason and Tim started a very competitive game of pool. You couldn’t help but look at things that cost more than you’ve ever even seen. The chess set Damian and his girlfriend were playing with probably cost more than your car.
But it was Christmas and you tried to push your insecurities aside. It was a fun evening. A glass of wine you kept sipping on helped as well.
After a while Bruce announced that the roads were too bad and that no one was leaving. Jason clenched his jaw for a second before looking at you and relaxing. He didn’t want to stay but he wasn’t risking your health in any way. Instead he focused on the game.
“So if I win,” Jason said a full hour later. By this time, Damian’s girlfriend had fallen asleep on his shoulder. Your eyes felt a little heavy as well. “I get the penthouse.”
“Sure Jay. That’s Bruce’s. But I’m willing to gamble it,” Tim said throwing his hands up at the ridiculousness.
“I accept terms,” Bruce said. Both boys looked at him surprised. “Whoever wins gets the penthouse.”
You turned quickly to watch the game. Okay, is that a normal thing for them? To bet property. The look on everyone’s face said that no it wasn’t normal.
Jason was excellent at pool. It was a common for you both to go down to the pool hall and play some games. Jason would occasionally make some money playing and he did often as a kid. It was also a way to waste time when your mom was throwing beers back like a fish, like Jason’s mother did. Tim didn’t stand a chance. He wasn’t as good and looked almost like he was in pain occasionally. But maybe it wasn’t a real competition? Maybe Bruce was trying to give Jason something he’d always want to but didn’t know how. Jason easily won the game.
“So the penthouse is mine?” Jason asked. Bruce nodded and shrugged. Tim softly coughed in his hand. Your heart raced. They couldn’t be serious.
“If you’ll live in it,” Bruce said. Damian was carefully carrying his girlfriend upstairs.
“Deal,” Jason says quickly.
“Deal,” Bruce said looking quiet pleased. Was this his plan all along?
“I guess, deal?” Tim said confused. “Though you should owe me. You’re the one that got me shot.”
Your brain broke. He was shot? And it was Jason’s fault?
“What?! You got him shot?” Tim’s girlfriend asked loudly. Tim blanched.
“Not my fault.”
“Literally your fault,” Tim countered.
“What did you do?” You asked looking at him suspiciously. He offered you a sheepish smile.
“I might have said ‘what are you gonna do, shoot us?’ I meant me. Not Tim! He also has a bulletproof suit,” Jason said. Tim must be a vigilante too. You glared at Jason.
“That’s not in the report,” Bruce said with his eyes narrowing.
“Good night everybody. Merry Christmas,” Jason said pulling you from the room and up to his childhood room.
“You’re in so much trouble,” you said and he grinned.
“I’ll deal with it tomorrow. How do you feel about a penthouse? Better than our current place hu?” Jason said pulling you close. You felt dizzy at the idea.
“Seriously? We can’t afford it,” you said trying to stay grounded. It was too good to be true. Things like that didn’t happen to people like you.
“I think I know a guy who can keep the lights on,” he joked and you gave him a serious look. “Don’t worry about it. Just enjoy the idea of constant hot water. Lights never going off,” Jason said pushing you towards the bed. “No one can hear me make you scream.”
“Tempting. Very tempting,” you said and of fucking course it was. A safe beautiful clean penthouse over your trashy scary apartment wasn’t even a contest. Jason pushed you on the bed and hovered over you.
“What are you doing,” you asked flushed but still encouraging him. It was still his dad’s house and he was getting handsy.
“Trying to have sex with my girlfriend on my old bed like every guy ever has dreamed of,” Jason said. He nipped at your throat. You gasped.
“Got to be quiet, Princess,” he whispered and you pulled him down to kiss more.
The next morning you woke to an empty bed. You fixed your hair as best you could and threw on Jason’s sweatshirt before going downstairs. You caught a glimpse of the kitchen as Bruce slowly slid a set of keys Jason’s way before taking a long drink from his coffee. “I’m glad you made home for Christmas this year, Jason.” The penthouse.
“Morning,” Bruce said to you nodding before leaving the room. Jason was alone in the kitchen but you could hear others in the breakfast nook a door over.
“Keys,” Jason said showing you. “And no lecture.”
You gave him a hug and looked at the shiny metal keys. It would be a while before you could handle the idea of a freaking penthouse being yours. “But you should get something for Tim. You did get him shot.”
“Let him shoot me?”
“Jason, no.”
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callistolivia · 4 years
The Moon; Showing Love/Needing Love
 The Moon is a vital component to our personalities. It can show us how we go about showing love for others (and ourselves) and in what aspects we need love. Within the birth chart, positive interchanges between the Moon and personal planets can demonstrate a healthy and developed Moon sign; this is especially true with positive interchanges to Venus. These individuals hold special value in showing love and comfort for others and themselves. We can see a similar outcome in synastry charts when one individual’s Moon has positive interchanges with the other person’s Sun, Moon, or Venus. A positive interchange between one person’s Sun and another person’s Moon demonstrates the most natural compatibility two people could have. These relationships often have the most ease because one individual’s core or character (Sun) aids and uplifts the other’s needs (Moon). Similarly, compatibility between two Moons represents ease in a relationship as two people share like-minded needs; Positive Moon and Venus interchanges in synastry demonstrate ease in understanding and fulfilling another person’s needs.
Aries Moon
How they show love: An Aries’ innate curiosity is their not-so-subtle way of demonstrating love. Aries will go out of their way to spend time with the people they love and actively display interest in them. They can be very passionate and excitable around those they love, like every friend or loved one is another log in their firepit. Aries can also frustratingly push for activity with their loved ones, such as new experiences. They are very impatient and forceful towards the people they care about, but it is simply because they’d love to see them on the same level of hype as they are. Aries’ also demonstrate their love by confidence boosting or role modeling their energy.
What they need: Aries really need patience from others to feel loved and understood; they know they can be frustrating, but they will appreciate those who bare with them. They also really need someone to match their energy or someone to validate their energy; someone to riot with, or someone who is willing to understand their riot. Calming an Aries storm is a plus in their world too.
Taurus Moon
How they show love: A Taurus’ love language tend to fall in line with physical touch and specific acts of service. While physical touch is more obvious (hugs, kisses, cuddles, etc.), acts of service tends to play out in a very background kind of way. Taurus Moon individual’s can quietly carry an entire family’s burden on their backs and be a sanctuary of security and comfort. All who they love the dearest is their babies in their mind. They go out of their way to nurture the emotional well-being of others. In their network of love, they work the hardest and serve their own plate last.
What they need: Physical touch and outlets to relax. The fixed signs, such as Taurus, are guilty of holding onto emotional tension which then turns into physical tension. They need to be shown that they too can be cradled into someone’s arms and melt away. Taurus love massages, dedicated time to rest, and having some of the workload taken off of them. Good food doesn’t hurt also!
Gemini Moon
How they show love: Geminis are the spending quality time type. They can ease away tensions and anxieties with their ability to distract. Gemini Moons have an abundant presence, so while they can lead conversations, they can also direct comfortable silences too. They are great at reading the room and they are perceptive of the technicalities of others needs. With their cooled approach, they will rationalize and come up with creative ways to aid these needs. Their mental toolbox is chalked-full of ideas; “maybe you need to look at it from this perspective,” “I have just the movie for this,” “let’s go for a walk and talk it out!”
What they need: Their chilled exterior can often hide lots of inner anxieties. They really need someone to listen to their tangents. They also really need someone to tell them not to over rationalize their feelings, “you’re just feeling like this, there doesn’t need to be a because, and that’s okay.” They need people to spend their abundant, emotional energies with; vent about it, joke about it, etc.
Cancer Moon
How they show love: Cancers are very protective of their emotional world, so opening that world up to someone is their way of demonstrating love. Emotional vulnerability portrays their deepest act of sincerity. A Cancer’s innate mothering qualities is another way they demonstrate love. They want to create security for their loved ones as well as encourage personal growth. They reassure loved ones directly that their love is unconditional and uncircumstantial. Cancers are very sentimental about physical togetherness, so quality face-to-face time is an important aspect to how they show love.
What they need: Cancers need that natural nurturing quality returned. As much as they want to create security and comfort for their loved ones, they too need others to shield for them. Cancers need to be shown that they are safe; one can do this by dedicating time spent with a Cancer, perhaps inviting them over to your home or spending time at home in a familiar environment. 
Leo Moon
How they show love: Leos are known for praise and thoughtfulness. Leos like showing love through acknowledging others accomplishments that have been forgotten or overlooked. Leos are great at figuring out what is important to others and demonstrating praise, approval, and confidence building language. Leos can also be very thoughtful; they aren’t the “gift-giving” type, though when they find things that remind them of their dearest companions and loved ones, they will go out of their way to give gifts with special meaning. Similar to how a cat chooses whose lap to curl up in, Leos also show love by making one feel “chosen.”
What they need: Leos need verbal and physical praise. Leos find themselves in situations of self-doubt when without reminders of affirmation. Compliments, advice, pats on the back, and encouragement are a few ways to demonstrate affirmation. When in doubt though, a long hug goes a long way with Leos. 
Virgo Moon
How they show love: Virgos choose their words carefully and eloquently and this is how we can acknowledge their way of showing love. Though they are not one of the outright expressive Moon signs such as Cancer, they’ll know exactly what to say or write to make someone feel loved. Though cliché for a Virgo, acts of service is also their way of demonstrating care. They don’t mind doing the small things just to make someone’s life a little easier. Virgos also love leaving things better than when they first found them; physical improvements equate to mental improvements. Virgos also have a tendency of checking in with their loved ones; “have you eaten the right food today?,” “a shower might make you feel better,” “did you get enough fresh air today?,” etc.
What they need: Virgos need acknowledgement that they are doing enough. There is a major tendency towards inadequacy and guilt when they feel like they aren’t doing the right things or enough things. Virgos need reminders of what they’ve accomplished and improvements they’ve made thus far. Remedy their nerves with tea and quality time; nothing can make a Virgo feel more loved than showing them life can be simple.
Libra Moon
How they show love: Libras really set aside their own emotional needs for others; they would much rather please others than have to deal with their emotional world. They graciously give and bend their energy to their loved ones to promote harmony and contentment in their lives; “how can I make them feel comfortable?,” “how can I make them feel wanted?,” how can I make them feel luxurious?” They can be zealous in their efforts to beautify the world around their loved ones. Libras are absolutely the gift-giving type and they don’t need an occasion for it either. They enjoy surprising their loved ones and spoiling them when they can. 
What they need: Libras need to see gratitude for their efforts. Libra Moons live in an emotional world best described as “I don’t know,” so words of affirmation from their loved ones is very important. They also genuinely like hearing what you want from them as they are eager to please. Give Libras decisiveness and they will feel loved. 
Scorpio Moon
How they show love: A Scorpio demonstrates love with extreme obviousness and intensity. Their love is the smothering kind. Since Scorpios like control over their emotional world, the love they give, and the love they recieve, they use many modes of love languages. Physical and emotional intensity are the most obvious. They have an aggressive neediness for their loved ones; if they need you, they won’t beat around the bush about it, they will go and get you. Scorpios demonstrate the peak of their love when they reveal secrets and create or bond over a secret with another. 
What they need: Scorpios really need vulnerability from others. A lot of that “control-freak” persona Scorpio holds is from fear. By actively creating an environment of trust for them, they will feel loved and like they have a special bond. Scorpios really need emotional intimacy. Scorpios can also feel loved by others who give them a sense of purpose. 
Sagittarius Moon
How they show love: Sagittarius’ best demonstrate love through offering experiences. New experiences, trips, and special outings are a few ways Sagis’ try to ignite the light in another’s eyes. They acknowledge the special bonds formed through experiences or shared learnings. Sagittarius’ will go out of there way to place that booking, whether it be a concert, a campsite, hotel, or a niche workshop. Don’t feel like leaving the house? Sagis’ can get pretty creative around the house too; crafting, new recipes to try, documentaries to stream, new hobbies to take up. Honestly, don’t even be surprised if your Sagittarius brings home a tattoo gun one day. Sagittarius’ love through excitement.
What they need: Sagittarius’ really need mutual excitement and enthusiasm. They find comfort in those who truly listen to their philosophies and laugh at their jokes. Sagittarius’ really need to feel like they are a part of something, so family-like networks are also very important to their well-being despite being considered one of the more “flighty” or independent signs. An ear from many can make a Sagi’ feel truly loved.
Capricorn Moon
How they show love: Capricorns are not always direct in expressing love, but you can really tell one loves you when you are including in their life plans and goals. Capricorns have an innate need to control, so they often express love through being a providing or protective figure in their loved one’s lives. They provide a backbone or structure to their loved ones that would be extremely noticeable if they weren’t around. Capricorns also tend to provide guidance and mentorship to demonstrate care. Capricorns can be quite stingy as well, so if one spends their money on you, it says a lot!
What they need: They need people who can show them the more direct and vulnerable forms of love. They really need intense physical and emotional care; those who can introduce them to these realms of love. Saturn energy can make a person very structured and rigid so they need a good dose of warmth in their life to feel loved.
Aquarius Moon
How they show love: Without trines or sextiles, Aquarius’ showing love can be very subtle, hence why this placement is infamously known for being “unemotional.” However, Aquarius’ are fantastic lovers; they often demonstrate love through validation. Aquarius’ have a keen idea of what it’s like to be misunderstood so they’re the ones who are best at making others feel like they’re not a black sheep. They have a “being weird is okay” mentality when the focus isn’t on themselves, so if an Aquarius validates your off-beatness, it most definitely means they love you.
What they need: Aquarius’ really need validation in return for the validation they’re known for giving. Relatability is one way of demonstrating validity. Similar to Taurus and the other Fixed signs, their emotional tension leads to physical crystallization. Creating outlets to release their emotional tension as well as physical touch to aid the built-up tension are two of Aquarius’ biggest needs.
Pisces Moon
How they show love: Pisces have a large capacity to love and they demonstrate this through empathy and their fully immersed listening. They want to help their loved ones through giving advice, relating, or just lending their ear. Pisces are sensitive and openly vulnerable about how they are feelings and this is in hopes that others will relate and connect to them through this. Pisces are always the ones to step into the uncharted territories of the emotional world, leading others behind them; comforting, helping, teaching. 
What they need: Pisces really need guidance and clarity. They feel loved when someone is guiding them and giving them definitive truth to how they are feeling. Pisces can often get mixed up about their own feelings, so the ones who really look out for them, Pisces will remember and cherish. Those who show a willingness to connect also make Pisces feel loved; Pisces would absolutely be enthralled by a nap buddy or meditation partner.
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sakurology · 4 years
Tetsuro Kuroo: NSFW Alphabet
Since I got at least THREE separate requests for this as a part of my 200 event (and I’m literally 1 away from 300???? how???), I’ve decided to add these gems as an XXXtra Special (laugh with me) piece to celebrate! Thank you SO much for following and enjoying my work! ❤️You can find the full alphabet prompt list here. Creds to @fairy-tail-babes​ for creating it! 
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𝔄 = 𝔄𝔣𝔱𝔢𝔯𝔠𝔞𝔯𝔢
He’s the sweetest after he’s gone particularly hard on you. He loves to baby you, telling you how good you were for him. He also won’t let you go anywhere by yourself- he insists on carrying you wherever you want to go in the house. He also always has your favorite food or snack ready to go, and always lets you pick the movie.
𝔅 = 𝔅𝔬𝔡𝔶 𝔓𝔞𝔯𝔱
He fixates on the faces you make. Particularly the look in your eyes. Your expression tells him how he’s making you feel, and he’s an expert at reading you. He likes to stare into your eyes while you have sex, and always encourages you to keep your eyes open and look back at him.
ℭ = ℭ𝔲𝔪
Oh he likes to cum in your mouth- no, he LOVES it. Kuroo has an oral fixation, so he likes to see himself drip onto your tongue as he towers over you while you’re on your knees.
𝔇 = 𝔇𝔦𝔯𝔱𝔶 𝔖𝔢𝔠𝔯𝔢𝔱
He hasn’t gotten it done because he’s scared you won’t like it, but he’s seriously considered getting his dick pierced. He doesn’t want to bring it up because he’s thorouhgly convinced you’d hate it.
𝔈 = 𝔈𝔵𝔭𝔢𝔯𝔦𝔢𝔫𝔠𝔢
He knows a lot. Not necesarily from his OWN experience, but simply because he’s a smarty pants. He will literally research things you bring up, finding the best products or methods to make your experience the most pleasurable possible.  this is the one good thing abiut him being a fckn nerd...
𝔉 = 𝔉𝔞𝔳𝔬𝔯𝔦𝔱𝔢 𝔓𝔬𝔰𝔦𝔱𝔦𝔬𝔫
I truly don’t think he has one! He likes anything that makes him look strong/sexy and that’s everything.... have you seen his abs/arms/back?!?! But I will say he is a VERY visual lover, so he does enjoy positioning you in front of a mirror and having the both of you watch him take you.
𝔊 = 𝔊𝔬𝔬𝔣𝔶
He laughs at you struggling against him. He thinks its funny that you think you stand a chance against him, when you both know you’re completely at his mercy.
ℌ = ℌ𝔞𝔦𝔯
He’s pretty well groomed. The carpet definitely matches the drapes. He doesn’t shave, but instead he opts to trim every once in awhile when he feels like its a little overgrown. But what’s important is that its clean. He’s very particular about that.
ℑ = ℑ𝔫𝔱𝔦𝔪𝔞𝔠𝔶
There are cute moments with Kuroo where he totally breaks out of the dom role he plays so well. Times where he’s actually very soft with you, and will just pause to say “wow, you are really the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.”
excuse me while I cry about it 
𝔍 = 𝔍𝔞𝔠𝔨 𝔒𝔣𝔣
HE SENDS YOU VIDEOS WHEN HE DOES! The sneaky fuck will do so in his office or car, and send you the video like “thinking of you. <3″ He always cuts the video off right before he cums though, or even worse, he’ll angle the camera up to his face so you can watch his eyes flutter closed- then he’ll look directly into the camera and wink, knowing he denied you of EXACTLY what you wanted to see.
𝔎 = 𝔎𝔦𝔫𝔨
Ok so I’m gonna list a few and just... let you do what you will with them 👀:
Praise (giving)
Brat Taming/Degradation/Light exhibitionism (these all go hand in hand)
We ALL know he has a daddy kink too come on
𝔏 = 𝔏𝔬𝔠𝔞𝔱𝔦𝔬𝔫
He’ll have you wherever he can for a quickie, but the real fun is always in your home. Obviously your bedroom, but Kuroo is also very fond of shower sex, especially early in the morning. For him, its better than coffee at waking him up. 
𝔐 = 𝔐𝔬𝔱𝔦𝔳𝔞𝔱𝔦𝔬𝔫
He loves to hear you beg for him. Knowing he’s the only one you call out for in that way drives him wild. He also likes to see you make a mess on his cock, its his reassurance that he makes you feel just that good.
𝔑 = 𝔑𝔬!
Kuroo is posessive, so there’s no way he’s allowing anyone else into your sex life. He might joke about showing his friends your sextapes, but in reality, he would probably murder anyone who looked at you like that besides him.
𝔒 = 𝔒𝔯𝔞𝔩
Loves to give and loves to receive. Prefers to recieve though, because he likes watching you get really into sucking him off. Also likes to fuck your face.
𝔓 = 𝔓𝔞𝔠𝔢
This is a toss up. It really does depend on his mood. He loves to tease though, so this fucker likes a good, lingering slow burn when he’s fucking you on a normal day. He’ll alternate between slow/shallow and slow/deep, just until you’re absolutely begging him. then he’ll pick it up and start pounding into you. However, if he’s had a particularly stressful day, he will take it out on you in the bedroom... not that you mind. 
𝔔 = 𝔔𝔲𝔦𝔠𝔨𝔦𝔢
He uses them as foreplay. He’ll bend you over his office deck and get you craving him, but he’ll thrust so shallowly that you’re grinding against him for more- only for him to bring a hand to your ass and then whisper “When we get home, you’re all mine.” Which in turn only makes you want him more.
ℜ = ℜ𝔦𝔰𝔨
He’s definitely someone who is down  to experiment. He wants to try just about anything you bring up, so that he knows what makes you feel good, and more importantly, what makes you tick. For him, understanding what you like is like understanding your deepest thoughts. 
𝔖 = 𝔖𝔱𝔞𝔪𝔦𝔫𝔞
He can definitely go rounds. He takes ‘all night’ literally, and will not be finished until he knows you are ABSOLUTELY fucked out and can’t take it anymore. Even then, he’ll give you maybe 30 minutes to recover ??? if he’s being nice that night. But then he’s just right back in your guts like nothing happened. 
𝔗 = 𝔗𝔬𝔶
Yes. He got you a special toy that was basically a silicone mold of HIS dick for when you’re not together... a true king.
𝔘 = 𝔘𝔫𝔣𝔞𝔦𝔯
Of course Kuroo is a tease. It’s his life blood. He’s naturally someone who likes to get a rise out of people to push them to be better- and you’re no exception. He always likes to put you in ‘compromising’ positions around his friends and then play it off like you’re the instigator.
“Oh y/n I know you want it right now, but baby, everyone is here- we must wait until we’re home okay?”
What a JERK iloveitplease
𝔙 = 𝔙𝔬𝔩𝔲𝔪𝔢
Oh. My. God. So, he doesn’t necesarily moan a lot, but when he does, he tries his hardest to muffle them by breathing in sharply, or catching them in his throat. But he is someone who grunts and swears a lot. And yes 300% to dirty talk and pet names. Chibi-Chan is undeniably canon.
𝔚 = 𝔚𝔦𝔩𝔡 ℭ𝔞𝔯𝔡
He has the MOST FIRE sex playlist. I just know it. He has such a wide taste in music, so he can set the mood at any time just right. Its always playing “on accident” the moment you two are together- Kuroo calls it a sign.
𝔛 = 𝔛 ℜ𝔞𝔶
This took me like 30 minutes to fully fantasize about and explain 
KUROO HAS A PRETTY DICK HE IS A PRETTY DICK CLUB CARDHOLDER. It’s not super thick, but it’s long. I’d actually say he’s a realistic 8incher. Please kill me with it. He’s also definitely a shower- so what he has is only enhanced when he’s hard. His dick also flushes against the fabric of whatever pants/shorts he wears, so you’re constantly caught staring, not that he minds- he loves the attention, and the thought of always being on your mind.
𝔜= 𝔜𝔢𝔞𝔯𝔫𝔦𝔫𝔤
I would say he has a relatively normal to high sex drive- When he wants you, he wants you, and he won’t leave it alone until he gets you. He’s definitely the type to remind you how much he wants you all day long in an effort to rush you home from your errands or workday. He’s very good at making it known that he’s in the mood for you and you only
ℨ = ℨ𝔷𝔷
Kuroo... Doesn’t sleep at all? I see him as a night owl anyway, so he’s never really tired. He would honestly rather just admire you as you sleep. That’s how he knows he did a good job.
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intheseautumnhands · 3 years
Sorting The Last 5 Years
Hello I’m back with yet more tiny fandom sorting because I have Thoughts and also, Feelings. Let’s talk about The Last 5 Years, which has ranked consistently among my favorite all-time musicals for so very, very long, and has such great characters for dissecting.
First some brief housekeeping: This is based specifically off the script for the stage show, and the cast recording version by Norbert Leo Butz and Sherie Rene Scott in 2002. I have not been lucky enough to see this live. I also promise no consistency with the movie because I just... nope, sorry, don’t like it. I think I remember things being consistent enough that this’d probably be good for both, but I’m not gonna try to include movie-based thoughts.
Second: I am not purposefully getting into the great “who was at fault” debate but I think my thoughts on them as characters makes it clear that I think both of them have flaws, and that while Jamie crossed a lot more lines at the end, neither of them are blameless for the relationship’s issues. SHC is always kinda YMMV, but even moreso than usually, if you’re really biased towards one side or the other, we probably read these characters very differently. Which is cool and I’d love to hear other opinions! But I will not be surprised if we disagree somewhere along the line.
I’m going to do this slightly different than usual -- since we’ve only got two characters to talk about, and I want to discuss how their houses bounce off each other, I’m going to go by house instead of discussing by character. In addition, I’m going to go Secondary first, because I have a lot I want to say about their Primaries.
In his second song of the show, Jamie tells us exactly how he approaches life: 
But I say no, no, whatever I do I barrel on through, and I don’t complain No matter what I try, I’m flying full speed ahead.... Things might get bumpy, but Some people analyze every details Some people stall when they can’t see the trail Some people freeze out of fear that they’ll fail But I keep rolling on
If I had to pull out one singular moment to crystallize how he approaches things, that’d be it. Jamie doesn’t bother to stop and consider or change his approach. He sees what he wants, and he goes for it, and he’s lucky enough that that works out really, really well for him. And even when it’s a response to hardship, that’s still his approach. Just look at I Could Never Rescue You: so we could fight, or we could wait, or I could go. He decides there’s nothing else worth trying, calls someone else to help him leave, and goes.
Even when it’s not the best idea right now, when tempering what he has to say might help him get what he wants (If I Didn’t Believe In You) he doesn’t do it.  Jamie charges, he’s stubborn, he’s set on what he wants -- he’s a pretty intense Lion, in other words.
Cathy tries to go after what she wants, too, but she ends up with several more obstacles in her way. While a lot of that is luck of the draw, she’s also a little more hesitant overall. Look at her running internal monologue throughout Climbing Uphill, second-guessing every decision (why’d I pick these shoes, why’d I pick this song, why’d I pick this career).  In The Schmuel Song Jamie alludes to the same hesitance: maybe it’s just that you’re afraid to go out onto a limb(-o-vitch), maybe your heart’s completely swayed but your head can’t follow through.
She comes off as having that preparedness of a foundational Secondary -- I don’t see any hints of the breathless charge and certainty of a Lion, or the adaptability of a Snake. I honestly think either Bird or Badger would be suitable for her, and could easily be played into in either direction depending on small acting choices.
Absent of other interpretations, I’m going to lean Bird, off that line from Jamie above and some of the little nuances of Sherie’s performances. There’s a lot of frustration that this all isn’t coming more easily that, while it probably has a lot to do with how easily things have come to Jamie, also leans me away from Badger a little bit; but she’s clearly not unwilling to put in the work, and I could absolutely see that interpretation working just as well.
Interestingly, Cathy is outright stated as having the traditional Snake-y trait: don’t you think that now’s a good time to be the ambitious freak you are? That’s not why I’m going to say that Cathy’s a Snake Primary, and Jamie’s clearly got ambitions too, but it does make me smile a little.
Loyalist Cathy’s earliest (timeline-wise) songs are so full of Snake wrap-myself-up-in-my-favorite-person sentiments and lines. Goodbye until tomorrow, goodbye until the rest of my life, and I have been waiting, I have been waiting for you. You don’t have to change a thing, just stay with me. I want you and you and nothing but you, miles and piles of you. I don’t mean to put on any pressure, but I know when a thing is right. Once Jamie’s in her life, that’s it, he’s a priority. It is heartbreaking to go back over this show and realize how much more of what Cathy says is directly about Jamie than the other way around.
Even later on, after we get the first tiny signs of tension, it’s still there. In The Next Ten Minutes: I don’t know why people run, I don’t know why things fall through, I don’t know how anybody survives in this life without someone like you. I could protect and preserve, I could say no and good bye -- but why, Jamie, why? In Summer in Ohio: I found my guiding light, I tell the stars each night, look at me, look at him -- son of a bitch, I guess I’m doing something right.
It’s not even the first time she’s done this. In I Can Do Better Than That, she talks about a previous relationship in the same terms: I gave up my life for the better part of a year. When Cathy gets serious about someone, she makes them her priority,
And that’s what she gets, until that’s all she has, and she lashes out with the exact same thing she wanted at the beginning: you and you, and nothing but you, miles and piles of you. And I don’t think it’s because she didn’t actually want it. It’s because she thought it would be less one-sided.
Because idealist Jamie does put her high in his priorities, but he doesn’t put her first in the same, fixated way. Jamie’s instinctual and set-on-his-decisions Lion Primary chafes against Cathy’s expectation that he’ll put her above what he wants, fed into by that charging, bold instinct from his Secondary.
Which is not to say that Cathy isn’t important to Jamie. But the downfall in their relationship is that what that looks like is so different between the two of them, and they never figure out how to meet middle ground. They’re both unreliable, biased narrators in this story, and neither of them see what the other needs.
A while back, I talked about how different Primaries love. Jamie and Cathy could be case studies in what I said there, and especially in how that love can go bad.
Lion Jamie sees that they both have big dreams, and encourages Cathy to push her way forward on her dreams: Shouldn’t I want the world to see the brilliant girl who inspired me?... Stop temping, and go and be happy! He uses the thing that is most important to him -- his writing -- to encourage her, show her that he sees her hesitance and he believes in her. And when they’re having problems, he puts the blame on how her dreams are going first: Is it just that you’re disappointed to be touring again for the summer? Did you think this would all be much easier than it’s turned out to be?
And that’s where we get, I think, one of the biggest highlights of how they misunderstand each other: If I’m cheering on your side, Cathy, why can’t you support mine? Cathy feels unsupported, Cathy feels like everything has become all about Jamie -- but Jamie feels the same way. The kind of support they need is different, and neither of them see it.
(Even at the height of their love story, the one moment they’re at the same page, The Next Ten Minutes, it says so much to me that Jamie keeps getting these lines about a bigger picture that he and Cathy are just part of: there are so many dreams I need to see with you -- not dreams about them, dreams they can see come true together. I will never change the world, until, I do.)
And Jamie withdraws, and takes her more and more for granted, and steamrolls over her both accidentally -- A Part of That, and Cathy’s fierce declaration of I will not be the girl who gets asked how it feels to be trotting along at the genius’ heels getting disproven in front of her eyes -- and then purposefully, when he decides it’s time to stop trying.
Meanwhile, Snake Cathy sees that as the betrayal. She puts him first, makes him the priority, and when she doesn’t get that in return, she sees it as everything being about Jamie instead of the balance being equal. Fed into by her own ambitions going unfulfilled despite her own best efforts, she clings tighter, until he feels suffocated by it: all that I ask for is one little corner, one private room at the back of my heart, tell her I found one, she sends out battalions to claim it and blow it apart.
Until Jamie leaves, and Cathy is left bitter by it: Jamie is probably feeling just fine. Jamie decides it’s his right to decide. Run away, like it’s simple, like it’s right. Because to her steady, solid foundational Secondary and person-focused Snake, Jamie’s impulsive choice and quick action is cowardice at best, proof he doesn’t care as much at worst.
In summary:
Cathy Hiatt is a Snake Primary/foundational Secondary, either works with the text, but based on OCR, likely Bird.
Jamie Wellerstein is a Double Lion.
And Cathy’s person-first version of support VS Jamie’s dreams-first version of support, and their lack of understanding what each other is trying to provide and needs to recieve, is the entire crux of why their relationship fails, with some help from their uneven amounts of luck in their dream careers.
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obeyme-sinners · 4 years
Love languages with the boys (pt 1)
Okay so I've been thinking about love languages a lot recently and I have now officially allocated like two notebook pages writing out their lists in colorful pen to pass the time so I thought that I would go through with my 3am thought of writing out actual full headcanons for them! I’ll do the undateables in a third part as well 👀 but for this one we got the three oldest brothers!
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
His top love language is definitely acts of service. This guy is so stressed out all the time, if he wasn't a demon his hair would be white at this point. So really anything you do for him is really really appreciated - be it just tidying up his desk while he deals with shenanigans, helping him wrangle his brothers in whatever chaos they've started. Give him a massage, really, his back is probably made of knots at this point
Below acts that is quality time and physical touch. He knows he spends a lot of time cooped up in his room and office working on his infinite stack of paperwork and he doesn't mean to ignore you in any capacity but... Damn, there's so much work. So if you just want to hang out with him, work on your own stuff and just chill for a while close enough to brush against him and remind him of your presence and remind him to rest his eyes at least every few hours he would love that. And really, no matter how much he brushes off Diavolo's praise I'm sure he just craves the attention of someone he feels is more sincere....
His lowest love language is receiving gifts. It doesn't mean that he doesn't appreciate the things you give him! He actually love getting little thoughtful presents from you, or if you stop by his room or office with a cup of coffee and a snack for him. He's just a sucker for people really showing their dedication through the time they spend helping him the most.
When expressing his love, I think Lucifer really uh... Does his best with the constraints that he has on him between his brothers and Diavolo. His top two ways of showing affection is physical touch and quality time. Really diverting his attention wholly onto you for as long as he can give, and when he can't just focus on you he likes to have you close when he can, still. He'll invite you to sit with him while he's working, pull you into his lap and just hold you there with his head on your shoulder. Might make a joke about having you proofread his writing even though we all know it's flawless
His mid-range is acts of service and words of affirmation - he's very selective with his words at times (outside of "good girl/boy" and such things) and again. He's busy almost all the time. It's hard for him to really do much for you that he isn't already doing, seeing as he's one of your guardians.
Again, his lowest is gifting. If he notices that you're really eyeing something he'll probably snag it while you're not looking and give it to you for a special occasion, but he doesn't see a lot of merit in giving a lot of gifts (though that might change if you really enjoy receiving gifts. He can't resist delivering even small baubles and trinkets if they'll make you smile for him)
Top two are words of affirmation and receiving gifts, absolutely. God, he just needs someone to tell him how good and precious he is, because boy has his brothers' bullying gotten to him, no matter how used to it he's gotten. Hearing how much you love him or just how much you enjoy hanging out with him will make him combust on the spot. And really, receiving gifts is pretty obvious for the Avatar of Greed, and he'll write it off as such... Internally though, he's glowing each time he gets something from you, proving that you have been thinking about him even in the little amount of time that you spend apart.
Next two are quality time and physical touch! He may deny it but Mammon's favorite place is draped over your lap, your hand in his hair as you watch movies together. He just wants to be the one to have your time and affection, he wants to feel close to you for as long as you'll let him. He’s also totally down to just hang out in your room, propped up against your shoulder or just laying on opposite sides of the couch with your ankles brushing while you’re both just doing your own thing. Just as long as he can feel your presence next to him.
His bottom language is acts of service. Not that he won't appreciate you doing stuff for him, but y'know... He just has other things that he wants from you.
When he's giving his kinds of love, Mammon's top go-to's are quality time and physical touch. Sometimes it just kinda feels like the only thing that he really can give you when he's broke 70% of the time, and... Y'know, he's always craving you and your undivided attention. He just wants to be close to you at all times, wrapping his pinky around yours when you're walking or putting a leg over your lap when sitting on the couch/your bed together. He's just super touchy-feely when he really falls hard for someone.
Next are acts of service and gifting! Honestly this stuff is partially mostly because he just wants to hear you praise him, he wants to know he did good and make sure that he got you that you really want/like. Like, he'll practically vibrate out of his boots if he knows that you really like the gift that he got. He might not give you gifts often, but when he does it’s usually a special occasion that he wanted to make extra special by giving you something from the “Avatar of Greed himself”.
His last love language when he’s giving is uh... pretty obviously words of affirmation. It’s not like he doesn’t love you and all, he really, really does - he’s just bad with words, and he gets flustered, and then he just ends up saying the opposite of what he means and he messes it all up. Especially when you’re around other people. When you two are alone he’s better at it, when he knows he can be more vulnerable and soft with you, but generally his words all end up going out the window anyway so he can show you just how much he cares for you.
Okay so his firm top love languages are acts of service and words of affirmation. Like, he will absolutely adore you if you go out of your way to do even little things for him so that he has more time to get back to his video games and his animes and such. Like, he’s always feeling kind of rushed trying to get through all the content that he’s missing out on normally, so when he’s given more responsibilities on top of that it just turns him into a mess. And when he can tell you about all the stuff that he’s been playing and watching, he’s ecstatic to know if you’re actually interested in what he has to say. No one really gives him the time of day most of the time, so he might be pretty shy and cut himself off in the beginning, but show some interest in what he’s talking about, tell him to continue and he will rant to you for hours.
His kinda mid-range is quality time and gift giving. He’s pretty used to spending time on his own and he doesn’t really always feel the need to change that. Not that he doesn’t like spending time with you! He’s just used to the solitude of his room - if you want to join him, please feel free to, just remember to knock before coming in. He’s also totally down to consider you gaming with him quality time, and that’s a huge upside to him. And gift giving would be one of his top ones, but the boy is so desperately picky about what he considers the best of anything that he kinda feels bad about it.
His bottom is pretty obviously physical touch. Again, not like he doesn’t like having you around, but he’s... picky with it. He doesn’t like being distracted from his games, but if you want to just put your head in his lap and mess around on your phone while he’s doing so that’s fine. During movie nights and marathons he’ll most likely be holding you close - but he does have his days where he just doesn’t want to get too close to anyone. You’ll always be welcome to come hang out in his room with him, though, as long as you respect his space on those days.
Okay so this was actually pretty hard to figure out, bUT- Leviathan’s top love language when he’s showing his care to someone is quality time. When he really wants to show that he cares, he’ll be the one extending invitations to hang out instead of vice versa. He will also be giving a lot of gifts, and though they’ll probably be revolving around the things that are mutual interests between the two of you, he’ll make sure that anything that he gets for you is the absolute best quality possible, even if he has to pull a few strings for it.
His mid-tier languages are physical touch and words of affirmation. He might be awkward with it, but being comfortable enough to actually reach out to you and just kind of make sure you’re there means a lot to him. And as for his version of words of affirmation... prepare yourself for so many references and inside jokes. Anything that he’s sure only you and him will understand will get thrown in there, and surprisingly enough he can actually get super sappy when he wants to be - though you’ll both probably be blushing by the end of it. When he is feeling in the mood for actually showing his appreciation in words, it turns into a little bit of a rant/speech and he can’t stop himself (until whenever you decide to kiss him, at least)
His last one is acts of service. Not that he won’t do something if you ask nicely - but c’mon, he has so many things to do, so many things to keep up on. He has a hard time tearing himself away from all that, but if you do really need help with something, look no further. He’ll give you a hand... in just a moment.
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har-rison-s · 5 years
losers stick together
request: Stan x reader cute domestic fluff with kids and happiness and stan doesn’t d** and they get a visit from the losers and it’s just soft fluff because i miss my baby and he deserved the world and more but didn’t get it and iM BITTER😭thanks lovely your stan work is honestly the best i’ve seen
A/N: This made my heart combust over and over osdjfsdhfbsdhfbsdh. CUTE to say the least omgoodness. I miss him, too, so bad :((( it hurts physically. I'm bitter!!!!!! King, how could you!!! Thank you. I tried my best with this to do justice to Stan and his life and his character. Originally, by the book, none of the Losers can have kids. But since this is a fix-it and fuck-cannon fic, we ignoring that!!! Happy reading!
warnings: cuteness, fluffiness, emotions, you really might cry. I did. Also, this is quite long. Enjoy!
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“Pick them up at five? You know my boss will murder me.” He tries to convince her, clearly stressed. Stanley huffs, looking at the clock. His lunch break is ending soon.
“He will not, baby! He loves you and can excuse this one time, alright?” She responds and he sighs. There's no response from Stan for a while. She takes that as a no. “Fine! I'll pick them up.” She gives in and can hear Stanley laughing into the phone. “But there's one thing you have to do for me, then. You know which one.” She teases.
“Oh, no. Please, pick something else.” He begs her, but now she laughs. “I'll—I'll paint your nails! Anything but watching that movie.”
“How dare you speak like that about my favorite thing in the whole world!” She exclaims in a theatrical voice. 
“Please. Don't the painted nails sound nice?” Stan presses. She groans, but says nothing for a little while.
“Alright, fine. That's only because your friends are coming.” Y/N clarifies and Stanley chuckles. 
“My one free pass! Yes!” He cheers. “I'll see you at six, then.” 
“Yes, my love. See you at six.” She responds with a loving smile that turns her voice full of love, too. “I love you.”
“And I love you more.” He states it as a fact before ending the call. “Oh, goodness, am I ready for this?” Stanley asks himself. 
He got a call last night from one of his best friends, Ben Hanscom. They had quite the open conversation, Stanley putting Ben on speaker as both their wives listened. Ben threw the idea of all the Losers meeting up and Y/N said they could do it at their house, the Uris household. The rest were ecstatic about the idea and Ben said he'll call up the rest of their friends to notify about this spontanious plan. They settled for half past seven, which is in only five and a half hours.
Y/N has never met Stanley's childhood friends. She heard the whole story about them when one of them, Mike Hanlon, called up Stanley while he was on vacation with Y/N and the kids. Said there was an emergency and that he needed to come home. But he couldn't. He'd finally found something good in his life, he finally had someone (now more than one) worth living for and they were together on a well-deserved vacation. Stanley couldn't leave, and Mike understood. 
He's nervous about whether she'll like them, whether they'll like her. How the kids will react to his friends. Would they be scared at first? No, they'll be fine. A four year old and an eight year old aren't that afraid anymore. But what happens when Richie starts joking around? Oh, no. He's always been the joker kind, but what really loosens him up is alcohol, and with that in his system, Richie Tozier is unstoppable.
Stan decides to hope for the best and not let his nerves eat him up. He's going to see his friends! After all this time. And he was the second one after Mike who remembers everything best. He's missed them so much. At times, he could feel a physical ache in his chest just because of how much he misses his friends. Now he's about to see them in a little less than six hours. He can't wait.
Seven-fifteen. The food is ready, the table is set, the kids... are not dressed.
“Nathaniel! Come back here to Daddy.” Stan calls out, exhasparated. He holds his son's jeans in his hands, sitting down on his bed, head in hands, as well. He's been trying to get his son to calm down for at least half an hour now. He just won't. “You can't sit at a dinner with no pants, buddy.” He tries to make a point.
But Nathaniel only giggles and gets up in his in-door swing and starts swinging. Stanley sighs, clearly on the verge of giving up, but upon looking really into what his son is doing, gets an idea.
“You wanna swing? Alright, let's swing.” He says and stands up, walking over to his on and his swing. Nathaniel giggles. Stanley gently pushes the swing so Nathaniel would swing higher and watches with a mischievous smile as he does. When Nathaniel's gone quite high on the swings and has been swinging for a few minutes, at least, Stanley grabs his son and, using the swing's advantage, slips the jeans up the little boy's legs.
He squeals and laughs, pretending that it tickles him. They both are laughing, and Y/N can't tell who's laughing harder as she watches the whole ordeal from the other end of the hallway. She's even filming it on her phone, Stanley notices. 
“Oh, come on! A way to torture your poor husband even more!” He calls out, but means no harm. All three of them are laughing. Stanley takes Nathaniel out of the swings, the little boy squealing more, and puts him down on the ground. “You naughty little thing!” He says to his son and pinches his nose gently. It only makes him laugh more, and he runs back to his bed. “Now put on your socks, you little maniac.” Stanley tells his son, pointing a finger at him. Nathaniel points one right back, which makes Stan smile.
He sighs as he stands up and pushes past the swings. Y/N goes back into the kitchen to finish the starters she began to make before hearing the mess of a situation in the hallway.
Stanley knocks on his daughter's door, which is partly closed, and recieves a quiet “come in” in response. “How's my little princess?” He asks, opening the door wider and walking into her room. Little Louise is sitting in front of her vanity, her fingers working on tearing up her braids. Stanley smiles wide, pushes his glasses further up his nose. Partly making sure he's not dreaming of such a beautiful daughter. “Why are you taking those out?” He asks.
Stanley walks over to where his daughter is sitting and kneels in front of her. She looks at him. “I wanted curly hair just like yours, Daddy.” She tells him and Stan smiles even wider. She pulls on one of the curls that hang over his forehead. “But my hair is just like Mommy's.” Louise then says with a frown.
“Aw, don't fret, princess. When you'll grow older, it will be just like mine.” Stanley tells her. “I promise.” He adds and winks at his daughter. She smiles. “Are you excited?”
“I think you're excited, Daddy.” She says when she's turned back to look at her reflection in the mirror. 
“What makes you think that?” 
“Well, I think that when I'm going to be old and meet the friends I have now, I'd be excited, too.” She tells him. Her statement makes Stanley double over with laughter. Louise doesn't really understand what her father's laughing at, but she smiles.
“So I'm old?” He finally asks. “Baby, 40 years old does not mean I'm old.”
“Yeah, but you're old-er.” She points out. She's finished with her braids and shakes her head a little so that all the hair would go back in place. Stanley watches with the most loving eyes he's ever layed upon someone. Louise stands up from the bench and Stanley finally gets to see how she's dressed. 
“You look so pretty, my little princess.” He tells her. Louise reaches out to take her father's hands and he lets her, gladly. “When did mommy buy you this dress? I don't think I've seen one so beautiful before.” 
“Today, while we were walking home.” Louise tells him. “That's why we were a bit late.” Stanley chuckles. “You look nice, too, Daddy.” 
Stanley can admit that he's blushing. “Thanks, angel.” 
The doorbell rings for the first time that evening. Stanley jumps a little because it was so sudden. Out of instinct, he looks behind him and then back at Louise. 
“Wanna go meet my friends?” He asks her and she nods with a smile. Stanley stands up and lets go of only one of Louise's hands, holding the other tight in his own. 
They walk into the hallway and Nathaniel joins them from his room, having heard the doorbell, too. He takes Stanley's other hand, though he is shorter than Louise and has to reach higher than his sister does. 
Y/N has already opened the front door of their house when the rest of the Uris family stand in the living room. “Hi!” She greets whoever is at the door. Stan would have liked to have a surprise about who's at the door first, but hearing the cheery voice of Beverly Marsh and the, apparently, deep rumble of Ben Hanscom gave the surprise away. Another voice joins in on the greetings. Is that the Richie Tozier?
Stanley fights the emotional tears that prick his eyes. He really hadn't prepared for this moment. The moment he meets his friends. His children would be much confused if they saw their dad crying and having no explanation for it. So he only grasps their little hands tighter and braces himself to see the first two friends of the evening. 
“You must be Y/N.” Beverly says and the two women embrace. “So glad to meet Stan's wife.”
“I would say we've heard a lot about you, but we've actually heard nothing.” Richie says and the four people laugh. “I'm Richie.”
“I could tell.” Y/N says, nodding. “And you're Beverly and Ben. So good to have you guys over. You're the first ones.” She says. “Come in, come in. He's already waiting for you.”
“Too anxious to meet us first, I bet.” Ben says and the voice grow louder as they near the kitchen and living room. “Left you to the task.” Y/N only laughs at Ben's statement. 
Beverly and Y/N exchange small banter about what the three have brought with them, flowers, gifts, dessert, wine. But Stan doesn't hear anything when he sees Ben and Richie entering the living room. The world stops.
“Stanley!” Richie's the first to speak and he wants to run up to his long-lost best friend. But he stops once he sees two little children at each of his side. “Kids!” Is all he can get out in surprise. Ben laughs. Stanley smiles. 
Stanley lets go of his kids' hands and runs up to his best friends, doing what they all want to do. “Ben.” He greets the man first. He cannot believe what he looks like now. And is that really Ben or someone else who's pretending to be him? 
“Stan the man.” Ben responds. Their embrace is tight and means everything to both of them. Stanley closes his eyes, savouring the moment. “So good to see you, buddy.”
“You, too, Ben.” Stanley responds. “But is this really you? You've changed so much...” He says after the two have pulled apart. “You look like Captain America or something.” 
The men laugh. “I couldn't believe it, either, at first.” Richie says. Stan looks at him and immediately hugs him, almost making them both fall over. 
“Richie!” Stanley cries. His best friend. His best, best, best. His first friend, who at first he couldn't believe he could stand enough to befriend. Stanley lets himself cry with no shame, tears pouring down his cheeks and onto Richie's back.
“It's so good to see you, Stan.” Richie admits and sniffs, as well. Ben pats both their backs, wanting to join in on the hug. But he decides to make aquintance with Stanley's kids.
“Hi there.” Ben says after squatting down to their level. “I'm Ben. One of your dad's friends.” He reaches out his hand for them to shake. The little girl does it first, then her brother. Nathaniel has grown shy all of a sudden. “What are your names?”
“I'm Louise. My brother's name is Nathaniel.” The daughter speaks first, as well. Ben smiles. “It's nice to meet you, Ben.”
“Rich, where's Eddie? Is he not coming? Has something happened?” Stanley questions, eyes showing worry. Eddie was always where Richie was and it's so strange to see one without the other. 
“No, no, everything's fine with him now. He'll be a bit late because of a doctor's appointment.” Richie explains. “We've got a lot to tell you, pal.” He refers to what Stanley 'missed out on', the result of Mike Hanlon's call. Stanley frowns at Richie's words. Are they mad at him for not coming when Mike called?
“Stanley, honey.” Beverly says before Uris can ask anymore questions. She embraces him and then pulls away, taking his face between her hands and looking at Stanley closely. “I'm so glad you're safe and... here.” She says, and it confuses Stan. “Your eyes have gotten darker, Stanley.” She points out. “They used to be in the color of acorns.” Stanley smiles. 
“Gosh, it's so great to see you guys.” He admits and wipes his fallen tears. “After all these years.” Another doorbell ring. “I'll get that.” Stanley volunteers and walks through the kitchen, passing his wife. He looks at her and wants to say something, but she reads his mind before he can.
“Go get your friends.” She says, telling him with her eyes that she'll stay with the children and his already arrived friends. Stan nods and before he can get the door, Y/N kisses him sweetly as a confirmation of what she just told him. 
Stanley opens the door and is greeted by the rest of the Losers. Looks like Kaspbrak won't be so late, after all. 
“Stanley!” The three men cry out of happiness in unison. Although Bill, as always, stutters his name. They all embrace together in a group hug, patting backs and vocalising their gladness of seeing each other. They don't ever want to let go of each other.
“So glad to see you, man. I can't believe we're all here, in one piece.”
“A seventh-piece, Eddie. You're still the same, Uris. Haven't changed a bit.”
“We're s-so glad you're he-here, Stan.”
“What do you mean? You're the ones that came over.” Stanley laughs, but it's followed by a silence. “Come on, come inside. What are we waiting for?” Stanley opens the door wide enough for his three friends to come through. They've each got a bag with them. 
Stanley watches his friends. How they've changed, how they've aged. How different they look. But at the same time, nothing's different about them. At the very same moment, they're the same kids he remembers 27 years ago in the meadow by the river. 
“Put the bags on the counter for now.” Stanley suggests, sensing his friends' question already in the air. “Dinner's already on the table.” He announces and leads Eddie, Bill and Mike into the living room from the ktichen. 
“Hey!” The rest of the losers cheer upon seeing their three friends arrived. Everyone cheers. The Losers club embrace and laugh and smile. Everyone's smiling and happy and content and excited. Stanley thinks, I've never felt happier in my life. Only if you count out the birth of his two children and his wedding, that is. But this moment is so much like the mentioned ones. 
Stanley's broken out of his trance of happiness and watching his friends converse when little Louise runs up to him. He looks down at her with the happiest face she's ever seen on her Daddy. She stretches out her arms towards him, a sign for him to take her up, and he does.
He picks her up and situates Louise on his hip, her arms going around his neck to hold onto. “Are you happy, Daddy?” She asks and Stanley sobs, tears once again streaming in rivers down his face. 
“Yes, princess, I'm very happy.” He answers and rests his own head against Louise's. She touches his cheeks with her small hands and wipes the fallen tears from her father's cheeks. Stanley looks at her as she does so, very happy and so emotional in the exact moment. 
“Stan, you old lady, the food's growing cold!” Richie calls out to his friend, and everyone chuckles while there's a quiet “Beep-beep, Richie” from one of the Losers. Stan then looks into the living room and sees all his friends and his wife have sat down at the table.
Richie sits next to Eddie, but the comedian is already making banter with young Nathaniel to his right. Beverly across Tozier, next to Ben who's talking with his old pal Bill. The empty seat next to Beverly is meant for Louise, and she hurries to claim it, climbing down from her father's embrace. Mike sits across Bill and Y/N has sat at the end of the table where her children sit. Stanley walks over to the table and sits down at his rightful place at the other end of the table, his wife straight ahead of him.
His best friends are looking at him with cheerful and bright faces. Hopeful, excited, glad, loving... Happy. Stanley gives them a smile, the best and prettiest he can. They're all here, together in his family's house, sitting at his table. All united. Friends again.
“A toast?” Y/N proposes, raising an eyebrow and smiling at her husband. Stanley nods and sniffs. The Losers and the Urises all raise a glass, the kids' glasses filled with black currant juice so that they wouldn't be left out, and hold them in the air as Stanley starts to speak.
“I... I didn't prepare anything.” He admits and his friends understand. How could he be prepared for this wonderful, breathtaking event ever in his life? “I honestly never thought I'd see you guys again. I never thought I'd see something like this in my whole life.” Stanley says. “Never thought this day would come. But I so hoped. And I missed all of you so much.” His wife offers Stanley a comforting smile, an encouraging one, as well. She sees how happy and thankful he is to be once again with his childhood friends. Maybe she doesn't know it, but Y/N sees how much they mean to him, how much they have always meant to him.
“I presumed, realistically, that something must have happened to each of us. That maybe we'd truly never see each other again. Never be the Losers Club again. Never see each of us grow up and do what we always wanted to, make our childhood dreams come true. Maybe I was just... afraid that something might happen to us, and I believed it.
“But I realised with time that you cannot believe in fear. It's fictional and, quite frankly, a disease. If you live your life in fear, you don't get to have the things we all have now. At least the things I do have.” He adds and his friends all laugh. “So, I propose a toast to us all. Grown-up Losers. A toast to see each other as often as possible and keep the bond stronger than ever.” Stanley finishes and needs to wipe his nose again. “To the Losers Club! And the big family we grow to be!” 
“To The Losers Club and the big family we grow to be!” Everyone repeats and clinks their glasses together. Together is what they were made to be.
Permanent taglist:  @gabiatthedisco​ @v0idbella @inlovewithmiddleagedcelebs @works-of-fanfiction @destiel-stucky4ever-loki-queen @stfxlou @ur-gunna-h8-ths@empressdreams @betweenloveandfire @but-legendsneverdie @deardeacy @thewinchesterchronicles @mavieesttriste16 @mrsmazzello @benhardyseyes @langdonzvoid@intrrverted @the-freak-cassie-131
Stanley Uris tag-list: @nightbu-g
Part Two? Multiple parts?
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sinforamin · 4 years
1-35 😌
You b a s t a r d
I absolutely don’t have to answer any of these but since I’m NICE I will commit to all of them
1. Why does tickling matter so much to you?
Touch is a huge, huge part of intimacy, romantic and platonic. Obviously tickling is a kink for me, but soft intimacy is something I don’t think I’ve ever really had growing up or in other relationships. I guess with the more touch I feel I can give and receive, the more I can really feel at home with people
2. Would you tell your S/O about your love for tickles? How would you start that conversation?
It’s already been done! In the past, I’ve tried easing them into it by incorporating it extremely lightly in some level of intimacy, with varying degrees of success. Say that you enjoy it, that it makes you happy, and see how they feel about it. Always make sure they feel comfortable along the way
3. What is your greatest fear involving tickling?
I guess that no one would really want to have me as their ler/lee. Self-deprecating thoughts of feeling unlovable or unattractive make this difficult, but I try to trust how others feel rather than how I feel about myself.
4. Do you have a favorite place to be tickled/to tickle? If so, how would you want that spot tickled/to tickle that spot?
I love tickling hips/thighs/tummy. Just gotta...wrap my arms around you from behind and lightly tap around there while I nom on your neck. That’s the dream
5. What “type” (or “types”) of Ticklee/Tickler/Switch are you? (Goofy? Sadistic? Ruthless? Shy? Etc.)
All of the above, depending on who I’m with! I think my default is starting out goofy and light, then switch over to being a soft, gentle dom/ler or a cruel, sadistic ler, depending on the lee’s preference. 
I think I’m pretty shy as a lee, but I really only become lee if I choose to. If I really wanted to, I could easily switch into ler mode and overpower you, so watch out :) (BUT if I happen to choose to be lee I will be shy and soft and you’re not allowed to tease/praise me cause that’s meaN)
6. Describe your laughter/the sound of laughter you crave to hear.
Classified :) (also I crave everyone’s laughter, even silent laughter is wonderful to me)
7. Do your friends know about your love for tickles? If so, how did they react? If not, what’s holding you back?
One particular friend group knows! We took turns around the group chat figuring each other out, but they didn’t get to me at the time. When we were hanging out irl, they asked me right after one couple was tickling each other and had to escape. I told them and they were slightly mortified but we all laughed about it later.
8. What do you wish you could change about the Tickle Community?
Less drama more pajama, it’s a bit cliquey and I kinda wanna befriend everybody!!! But that’s okay it’s kinda bound to happen with any community at some point
9. Who is someone in the Tickle Community you admire or wish you could get to know better?
I absolutely admire @twordish she is such a sweet, kind soul, and is super fun and easy to be around which is a TREASURE for someone as socially awkward as me
10. Do you have a favorite tickling scene from a movie/book/TV show/fanfic/etc.?
I think the one that stuck with me the most was that one episode of My Life As a Teenage Robot with the nerve implants
11. Favorite memory involving tickling?
Any intimate moment with tickling involved! They’re few and far between so I cherish them, and hope for more in the future
12. Who is one person you would love to tickle/tickle you the most out of EVERYONE in the world (real or fiction)?
In general: I’d vastly prefer to have my close friend to tickle/tickle me. It’s just a whole different experience with people you trust. As far as celebrities go, idk I never had a fantasy with anyone in mind. Maybe Gal Gadot? She’s absolutely gorgeous and soft and bubbly at times and that one post of her tickling people may or may not send me
13. What is the most important thing to know about tickling/being tickled?
It’s all about the bond you can make with each other through the tickling. Get to know their body, get comfy, and have fun
14. How does tickling affect your relationship with others (family, friends, lovers, companions, etc.)?
I mean it doesn’t really involve anyone other than community friends, or my SO and such. Some of my irl friends know about it but they’re chill, otherwise nothing really happens. Other than the fact that I h a t e being tickled by family/strangers and I feel gross and die inside
15. If you could create any kind of tickle invention, what would you create?
Uh a machine that teleports people from the community to you. Ok but for real, any machine with automatic tickling would probably be cool to use as a supplemental tool
16. If you had the choice: Would you choose to be ticklish or not ticklish at all? Why?
Tickling is a key part of me and my identity at this point, so I think I’d would keep my sensitivity! Maybe if I were younger, I would have changed that, but I’ve come to love that part of me.
17. What would be your most ideal tickling scenario?
Classified :)
18. Do you enjoy bondage/restraints/etc.? Why or why not? (And if you do prefer them: Which is your favorite way/position of being restrained or restraining someone else?)
Fun fact: I’ve never been in restraints/had someone in restraints before! Do I want both? Y e s because limiting that control is exhillirating to me and I absolutely need to try it
19. Do you enjoy tickle tools? Why or why not? (And if you do prefer them: Which is your favorite tickle tool AND on which ticklish area(s)?)
Hands will always beat any tool in my opinion. I guess makeup brushes and feathers are nice, but it’s not always effective. With fingers, well, I get to touch and be touched and that’s heaven and hell. 
Areas? Classified :)
20. What is your greatest hope involving tickling?
I guess that there’s just...more of it in my life. It’s been pretty bare bones and I’m constantly in the mood to toche
21. If you could give one message to the entire Tickle Community, what would it be?
Chill tf........
22. The BEST thing about the Tickle Community is…
the fact that absolutely everyone is touch starved and I’ve never related more to that in my life
23. What makes tickling so unique from other forms of touch?
It’s electric, wicked, and intense from the very start, from its lightest form to the heaviest petting. Really, tickling is about the surprise, and the cognitive dissonance from the comfort and tension of the touch. 
Touching can get to you with time. Kisses and soft worship can get to you with time. Pain can get to you with time. But tickling? It’s already there. It was over for you from the start. Good luck :)
24. If you could have the ability to tickle yourself to the point of laughter, would you?
I guess? Part of what makes tickling so special to me is the touch of someone else, but I think if it can mimic that briefly, sure why not
25. Do you prefer gang tickling or one-Ler-one-Lee tickling? Why? (And if gang tickling: How many Ler’s and Lee’s is “ideal?”)
I’ve never experienced or been a part of gang tickling, but honestly it sounds dope and a good experience overall. How many? Top secret classified :)))
26. For TICKLER’s: What is the most important message you want to get across to your Lee/Lee’s by tickling them?
I’ve got you, love. No need to run, even if every nerve in your body is telling you to do so. I’m here. Don’t worry, give all control over your body to me. Soon, you won’t really have a choice.
27. What makes tickling so addictive?
I get to toch, mmmmmm
28. What kind of tickles do you prefer giving/recieving? (Silly, intense, sexy, gentle, etc.) Why?
Gentle, soft tickles that seemingly never end :) because it’s... n i c e :))))
29. (Feel free to omit if uncomfortable answering.) What ticklish spots/tools/methods of tickling/etc. are OFF-LIMITS for you? Why?
Depends on the person! The closer I am with them, and depending on what’s established beforehand, the more I am comfortable with. Just get to know me, and then we can figure that out! Don’t worry I’m friendly and more than slightly awkward
30. What about tickling makes you the most embarrassed/flustered?
Uhh the fact that cute people are touching you and making you happy and giggly wow fuck off
31. Who do you think you could beat in a tickle fight from the Tickle Community?
Quite a few, but 100% the tiny baby @beegonethots you try to talk the talk but you’ve got nothing when you get teased even the slightest bit (: watch your neck
32. How would you react if you were suddenly approached by someone in the Tickle Community? AND/OR: How would you approach someone that you suddenly knew was in the Tickle Community?
Suddenly? I can’t help but imagine them doing:
Me: You do?
Them: *shows me my tumblr*
Me: Ahhhh, you do
BUT FOR REAL I would probably message them on tumblr first so I don’t accidentally stalk them, and try to talk things through.
33. How would you best tease someone else (self tickles, waving tickle tools, saying “tickle,” tickling them in public, wearing tickle-spot-revealing clothing, etc.) from the Tickle Community?
If I were physically with them I would obviously tickle them in public, but otherwise I try my best at using my words to create a story in their head that they can’t get out. Gotta make sure I give the right details of exactly what I want to do to them and how, step by step
34. Best song to tickle/be tickled to?
Uh I don’t have anything in mind, so let’s go with Under My Skin by Jukebox the Ghost
35. How do you feel when tickling/being tickled?
The happiest I could possibly be. But you didn’t hear that from me
Thanks for the ask bastard I’ll get you later <3
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otome--fantasy · 5 years
Of Demons and Dragons
Ikemen Sengoku Imagine: Being able to turn into a dragon
Warnings: Swearing,detailed descriptions of panic/anxiety, I tried to follow the prologue as closely as possible, but obviously some things are different - some dialogue has changed, and some isn't there at all. Dragon shenanigans were kept to a minimum....sort of, can't have everyone finding out in the first part now can we? If this turns into a series it will probably be an amalgamation of all the routes put together and some of my own imagination.
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You awake in the Sengoku period, confused as to how you had gone from standing infront of a monument to laying in a burning building. Had someone drugged you? Was it that weird science guy? It would have had to be, he was the only one there with you. All you remember was standing infront of the monument and then- nothing. You attempt to sit up with a light groan at the sudden headache you apparently have, and look around to take in your surroundings. A gasp is caught in your throat when you realize you're in a burning building.
"Oh!" You can barely hear your own shocked voice over the sound of crackling flames, there's a man with a sword is standing over one who appears to be asleep. The confusion, the fear, the shock, and now the anger, it all becomes too much for you when the figure raises the sword above his head. Before you know it, your line of sight becomes elevated, the sound of fabric tearing to pieces fills your ears, and an absolutely ghastly growl rumbles through your throat and escapes your snarling maw. The man who was standing whips around. It's night and the dancing flames appear to make his face warp constantly in the darkness, had you not just turned you would have found his face frightening, but in your dragon form you felt safer. The reflection of the inferno dances in your eyes, making them appear as if they are glowing, "Demon...!"
That's all the mystery man needs to flee the scene of the crime before another growl leaves your throat. You huffed, snorting as you watched the black figure disappear through the flames, before the warmth around you appears to grow more intense. You glance around and realize the flames are quickly closing in around you, and without hesitation you jump for the man, grab him and the blanket covering him, and take off a safe distance above the flames before diving to the secure ground below. With a quick assessment, you're able to verify that there is no one around to see you, before you close your eyes, take a deep breath in, calm your mind -you feel the elevation of your head lowering- deep breath out, and you open your eyes to find you are smaller now, back to being a human, and bare. You wrap the large blanket around you, before you look down at the man you just saved who is surprisingly still asleep.
You hear faint voices to your general left, though they are so far you can't quite make out what they're saying. Slowly you bend down and begin to shake the man and when his eyes shoot open, you're once again surprised though now that you think about it all that must have jostled him from his deep sleep, at least a bit. His piercing mahogany eyes turn to look at you, and for a moment he seems to be scrutinizing you for waking him up, "Who are you?"
His gaze shifted to the building burning to the ground behind you, "Ah," you must have somehow managed to drag him to safety.
"Someone-" he cut you of before you could get more than a word out.
"Someone tried to do away with me while I slept?" You were honestly surprised he came to such a conclusion instead of assuming the fire was an accident, or perhaps he had been fighting the man with the sword and was knocked unconscious by him? You nodded, "Yes."
"Audacious, but foolish." Well you wouldn't have called it foolish seeing as, if you hadn't been there, he would have been dead, "You there, woman, let go of me."
"Oh sorry," You hadn't realized you were still holding on to him till he said something and pulled your hands back. The strange man sat up and you stood, taking a couple steps back to give him some space, "You saved me, yes?" All you could do was nod as he looked you over. You hadn't sustained any burns, and you clung to that blanket rather tightly- telling him you may not have much underneath.
"You may be some girl the monks snuck in for amusement," excuse you? "But I owe you my thanks."
You resisted the urge to bite his head off, "Sorry, I must have missed all the amused monks while I dragged your unconscious body out of a burning building, but your welcome anyways." You asshole.
"Besides," you looked back to the building before returning your gaze to him, "I don't even know how I got in there." Though you had your suspicions. You took in what he was wearing. He wasn't wearing the normal night attire one would assume someone who was sleeping would wear. He looked like a samurai from a movie that takes place in the old days, but it was easy to tell his clothes weren't replicas, and the sword at his side was definitely real. You could dismiss the lack of night attire due to the fact that he may have been fighting that other man before being knocked unconscious, but that didn't make his garb any less odd.
"What are you staring at? Surely you know who I am?" You didn't hold back your deadpan expression this time, he didn't look like any famous actor or star you cared about, so why would you recognize him, "No, actually, I don't."
"You saved me without knowing who I am? Not expecting reward or favor?" He glared back at you, suspicion creeping into his mind. Should you not have been a decent person? "So be it." He smirked in an amused manner that was really starting to grate your nerves, "I am the man who will rule all under the sun-"
"Actually, I dont want to know," he was cocky and full of him self, and after experiencing it and his rudeness, you were just about done with him.
"What? You're a curious one, woman. No one has ever spoken so impudently to me before-"
"I honestly don't care." You could hear the voices from before getting louder or maybe closer, and deduced that you should probably take your leave. You were about to do just that when the man before you let out a laugh, "You intrigue me, which is almost as worthy of praise as saving my life."
Does this guy ever stop monologue-ing?
"I am the lord of Azuchi Castle and Daimyo of Owari, Nobunaga Oda."
You bristled at this, and turned towards the building to study its appearance more closely. The words "Hono-ji" engeraved on the pillars assured you that this was the famous temple you had read about, "What year is it?" You asked sternly, no longer in the mood for any of this guys goading.
"It's 1582, why?"
You didn't answer, just shook your head disbelievingly before you took a couple more steps back, "No."
You refused to believe it, this had to be some kind of social experiment prank or something. Just as you were about to storm off a man dressed in white and purple on horseback appeared.
"Who is that?" You still wore a bit of a hostile look on your face, and that combined with you standing over Nobunaga -who was still sitting on the ground- was a pretty damning sight.
The man in question quickly hopped off his horse and swiftly drew is sword to point it at you.
"What are you doing here?"
You could feel your teeth sharpening behind your pursed lips, your vision seemed to become enhanced, and a low growl that neither of the men seemed to hear bubbled in the back of your throat, but you didn't shift.
"And where is Hideyoshi?"
"Lord Hideyoshi sent me ahead," Mitsunari went to help Nobunaga up with his sword still pointed at you, "He should be here shortly." Once his leader was up, he backed away, pulling the raven hard man with him before using himself to shield him from you, "We recieved information about an assasination attempt," he looked to the burning temple behind you before his accusing eyes snapped back to you, "It appears to have been true."
Nobunaga was quick to squash what Mitsunari was suspecting with a strong and commanding voice, "This is not my would-be assassin, Mitsunari, this woman has saved me."
The man with the drawn sword studied you before turning back to his lord, as if to ask for clarification. Nobunaga sighed, "She dragged me out of the burning building."
"All by herself?" He seemed to not believe that a woman could pull a grown man from the upper floors, down the stairs, and out of a burning building. And technically he would be correct in terms of that's not how you did it, but these men didn't need to know that.
With a nod from the raven haired man, Mitsunari put his sword away, "Thank you miss...?" He once again looked to Nobunaga who had now moved to stand beside his vassal, "She has yet to introduce herself to me."
You stood your ground, not so much as giving a polite bow when you gave them your name. Mitsunari seemed a bit in awe - having never met a woman with so much confidence, and Nobunaga nearly smirked at your tenacity before he decided it was time to remind you of a womans place in this world, "You cheeky woman, you do not even bow to the lord of this land?"
No, you don't bow to anyone. Your abilities were a wonderful confidence booster in that -if you wanted to, you could kick their asses right here, right now, "You haven't given me reason to bow to you, you might be 'Lord' of this land, but you hold no rank over me- I. Am. Not. One of your subordinates."
His amused expression turned sharp and he glared at you. Had looks been able to kill, surely his eyes would have pierced you like knives- but they couldn't kill, and you weren't just your everyday meek woman that a man like him must have been used to seeing. So you glared right back.
"Please this is on me," Mitsunari was now playing referee as he held his hands out between the two if you, "It was rude of me not to introduce myself first." He looked towards you, placing the hand directed at you over his chest while the other remained extended towards Nobunaga, "My name is Mitsunari Ishida." He bowed slightly to you in the form of a head nod, "I serve at the side if Lord Hideyoshi, Lord Nobunaga's right-hand man."
Your glare faded and you could feel your teeth receding back to normal and your body language relaxed, though you remained vigilant, "Nice to meet you," you gave a polite nod back.
"I cannot thank you enough for protecting our lord's life."
"It's fine," you broke eye contact with Mitsunari to glance at Nobunaga, who's stance had also relaxed, before returning them to the silver-haired man, "though he is kinda' making me regret it."
"Please, do not take it to heart!" He smiled gently at you, "And pardon me, " his voice turned a bit unsure, "but you do not appear to be a nun, and your uh," he looked at the blanket questioningly, "dress is unusual. Are you from abroad?"
"You could say that." Perhaps now was not the best time to tell them you were from a different time period. You were sassy, smart mouthed, fearless or stupid -whatever they chose to see your brashness as- and you showed animosity upon introduction. They might think you're crazy if they didn't already.
"Perhaps we should take you to get cleaned up?" Mitsunari began to lead the both of you back to their camp and it wasn't till then you relized that your skin was covered in ashes and soot, "I would appreciate that."
Mitsunari reached for the saddle bag as they walked and pulled out an extra set of robes that would undoubtedly fit you a few sizes too big. You took them anyways with a polite smile, "Thank you," and before you knew it, the three of you were at camp. Nobunaga's men crowded he and Mitsunari, happy to see they were okay. Luckily for you, you were able to squeeze past and sneak into a vacant tent to quickly change your attire.
Once you stepped out, the group had dispersed and Mitsunari once again approached you to guide you to the center of camp where a warm camp fire and some sitting logs waited for you, "Wait right here," he urged you to sit, "I'll bring you a warm cup of good, clean was water to clear your throat."
The fire and smoke honestly hadn't bothered you, I mean you were a dragon. You watched Mitsunari walk off, staring into space till a familiar voice snapped you out of your thoughts, "You clean up well."
You snorted and turned to look at Nobunaga, the glare from earlier returning to your face as you did not appreciate the way he was eyeing you, "Tch," you propped your elbows on your knees, looked back in the general direction Mitsunari had disappeared, and used your hands to support your head as you hunched over in defeat at once again having to share space with this man, "Gee, you sure do know how to compliment a lady."
"My lord." You perked up when someone parted the curtain and entered the camp, but you quickly deflated again as it wasn't Mitsunari. Great, another new face, "I see you are well."
"Mitsuhide?" Nobunaga's attention was no longer on you, but you quickly followed his gaze at the mention of yet another name you had heard about. You watched him like a hawk, surely he wouldn't do anything stupid in the middle if a camp full of soldiers loyal to the man you were currently sitting next to, but it didn't hurt to people watch.
"I hurried when I heard about the attack, but it seems there was nothing for me to worry about."
"You worry?" Nobunaga chuckled at that, "I have never even seen you break a sweat."
You rolled your eyes, about to drown out their banter before another person emerged from behind the curtain, "Lord Nobunaga! Are you injured?"
You raised a brow at this mother hen.
"Hideyoshi. The only injury I suffered is to my pride in letting my assailant escape."
And zoning out again.
"And what of her?" You looked at Hideyoshi in time to see him motion to you, "Leave her be," Nobunaga waved you off, as he told his right hand your name, "Oh and she saved my life."
"You saved Nobunaga's life...?" Mitsuhide sounded as if he didn't believe the tale, "And you're such a slender thing. But it appears your courage makes up for it."
You glared at the white-haired man, and were about to stand when Nobunaga grabbed you by the back of your robes and pulled you back down to sit, "Yes, she is a bit of a fireball."
"Mitsuhide, what are you doing here?"
You huffed and zoned out again. You didn't have time for any of this, you had to figure out how to get back home. If you could get back home. You ended up back in time, surely there had to be a way back to the present.
"Stop being evasive," you zoned back in when Hideyoshi raised his voice, "Confess!" And saw him grip his sword, "If I find out you played any part in this attack on our lord, Mitsuhide, I'll show you no mercy."
"It wasn't him," you piped up from your seat next to the man in charge. The bickering men turned to look at you questioningly, "Sure, let's not ask the person who was there if they saw anything," you leaned back, propping your hands up on the edge of the log you were sitting on to keep upright, "Let's instead just point fingers and make false accusations."
You shrugged, "I caught a glimpse of the man who attacked Nobu- your Lord Nobunaga," more like you stared him down and put the fear of god in him but again, they don't need to know that, "and Mitsuhide's silhouette is all wrong."
"Stay out if this," Hideyoshi scolded you like you were the one behaving like a child, "We'll settle things with you later, and learn why you've schemed to get so close to Lord Nobunaga."
"Excuse you!" You shot up off your seat this time and stormed up to the both of them before Nobunaga had the chance to grab you again, "I am not scheming to get close to him! If I wanted him dead I could have just left him to die in that fire," you felt your canines poking your lip and huffed, before forcing yourself to calm down by crossing your arms and turning away from them, "Your boss sleeps like the dead anyways."
"Enough, all of you," Nobunaga stood up this time, "Reguardless of what brings Mitsuhide here, I am alive and well."
Hideyoshi's attention left you and Mitsuhide to look at Nobunaga as he addressed the three of you, "My apologies, Lord Nobunaga," Hideyoshi released his grip on his sword and relaxed a bit.
"Hideyoshi, Mitsuhide, leave us. I have something to discuss with our newest acquaintance." The raven haird war lord waved off the other two causing them to step aside as he approached you, "Your sharp tongue and brash nature aside, you saved my life."
You raised a brow and held back a small growl.
"I'm intrigued by you. You're a woman who carries fortunes favor, of that I am certain."
You resisted rolling your eyes at this, luck had nothing to do with you both making it out of that burning temple, "To be fair, I would argue that-"
Nobunaga didn't allow you to finish as he quickly grasped your arm, pulled you towards him, and then slid a hand around your waist to draw you even closer, "How would you like to rule at my side?"
Your head whipped back, your brows furrowed, and the rest of your face scrunched up slightly like you smelled something awful, "What?" You grabbed the hand that was still around your waist and pulled it off to give yourself enough space to rip out of his grasp, "Hell no!" You dropped his hand and took a couple more steps back till your were comfortable with the distance between the two of you.
"What?" Nobunaga seemed a bit perplexed as to why your would turn down such an offer.
You looked around you and noticed everyone's eyes were on you and you shook your head, exclaming, "You all are crazy," before you made a break for it. You found yourself once again scared, confused, and overwhelmed with the situation at hand. Your heart was pounding both from you running out of the small camp and from adrenaline that was now coursing through you veins. Your chest felt tight, and you had to fight to keep control of yourself.
As you entered the woods your vision shifted, and suddenly things were a lot clearer - as opposed to everything being dark, blury, and dimly lit by the moonlight, everything looked bright, vibrant and crisp. It was like someone put a photo editing filter over your eyes and turned up the brightness, saturation, and clarity, but that's just what happenes when the dragon in you was trying to take hold of the steering wheel. The sudden shift only served to make you more disoriented. Everything seemed like it was popping out at you, and you had no choice but to stop once you reached a clearing.
'Calm down, calm down.' You took a deep breath and paced yourself to a slow walk around the forest clearing as your thoughts attempted to calm you, 'You're fine, you're fine.'
Though you paused in the center when your breath was stolen from you and you felt your teeth poke the inside of your mouth, 'No,' deep breath in, close your eyes- the cold chill of the air seemed to no longer nip at your skin, 'Not now, not now- we're fine,' deep breath out, the chill returned, you opened your eyes. Everything looked much more dull. You didn't hear the soft chime of bells in the wind or the quiet sound of dried leaves crunching under someone's feet, you were too busy fighting the change. Normally the transition happened smoothly, and when you wanted it to happen or let it happen, you could hardly notice a change, but when you were fighting it as hard as you were, the shift could be a bit traumatic.
"Young lady."
Damn it, can't you ever catch a break?!
"What are you doing out in the woods this late at night?"
A low growl bubbled at the back of your throat as you whipped around to see who had been following you, 'A monk?' You were thrown off enough for your small fit of anger to disappear.
"I am called Kennyo, and I am a traveling monk. Perhaps I can be of assistance to you?"
"No thanks," you replied sharply. He was giving you the heebie jeebies. The look in his eyes didn't seem right, and the scar across his face told you he was a survivor, but of what, and at what cost? He took a long stride towards you and you had only been able to take a couple small steps back, before he placed a hand on your shoulder, "You should return home quickly, Demons lurk in these woods at night."
Fuck that, fuck him, fuck this place, and fuck who/whatever brought you here! You wordlessly slapped his hand away before darting into the woods again. Your frantic run triggering yet another flare up, one that you were unaware of as iridescent scales seemed to coat your skin and protect you from any scrapes and cuts you would have otherwise recieved from the foliage around you. You looked back for a split second to see if you were being followed, and the slight break in attention at where you were headed was all that was needed to hinder you unable to see the quickly approaching cliff - till a sixth sense told you to stop.
"Watch out!" Your body jerked to an abrupt halt and your feet kicked up a large cloud of dust, however, just as you stopped the ground came loose from underneath you. "Woah, hey!"
Had your reflexes not been fast enough you would have surely fallen to your death, but luckily, you managed to whip your body around fast enough to grab hold of the sturdier ground. Another man, who looked vaguely familiar, came to your aid and swiftly grabbed your hand before pulling you up, "I was trying to tell you there was a cliff, what are you deaf?!"
You aided him and pulled yourself up the rest of the way before quickly snapping at him, "Sorry, I was busy running for my life!"
He attempted to help you stand, but you were determined to do so on your own. You sighed as you got to your feet and dusted yourself, before this stranger leaded you away from the edge.
"Besides, I would have been fine," you sighed.
"Yeah, you certainly looked fine, dangling from the side of a cliff and holding on for dear life."
You couldn't argue with that standpoint, less you wished to raise suspicion, so you merely pouted, "Thanks, I guess..."
Deciding to brush off the attitude, he merely shook his head and continued to lead you away from the cliff, "It's fine."
"What's this Yuki?"
Your head snapped up in the direction of another voice as a taller silhouette walked out from the bushes, "We've been here ten minutes and you've already found yourself a girl?"
"Dont tease me, Lord Shingen. She almost plummeted to her death."
You 'humfed' at how they seemed to make light of your situation and stubbornly turned your head away from them, till 'Yuki' got your attention again, "What even were you doing running around the forest this late at night?" You didn't respond and merely eyed him.
"Hmm. Smoke from Honno-ji, and a woman all alone at night." You looked towards Shingen as he spoke, "Perhaps you're a ghost?" You scoffed. "Though you're the most beautiful ghost I have ever seen."
Close by like a hair, "No." With your senses on high alert, you looked towards the foliage where two other men were about to emerge from, "Your ability to spew-up cheap pickup lines never ceases to amaze me."
"I just call it like I see it, Kenshin."
"You there," the man next to Kenshin called your attention, "Could you step into the light? Thank you."
"What?" You gave him an odd look before he grabbed you with a slender hand and drew you out into the moonlight. You audibly hissed at being touched without your permission and just missed slapping his hand when he released you.
"What a fine piece of work." Your glare only deepened. You would rather face the war lords you just left to these flirty travelers, "Sorry," Shingen interjected, "I laid eyes on this angelic treasure first."
"We can share," the unnamed stranger argued, "Art is to be loved and shared by all-"
You promptly shoved past the both of them, causing them to be caught off guard by your physical strength as you actually managed to make them both stumble slightly, "Excuse you!"
The more dainty of the two gently clasped your hand, "Would you be interested in exchanging the kimono you're wearing with one from my collection?"
"For the last time Yoshimoto-" Ah, so he does have a name, "Women are not pieces of art, so get your hands off her would you?!" You aided Yuki in snatching your kimono away from Yoshimoto and huffed, before walking to stand behind Yuki to put some kind of barrier between you and them.
"My lords," you bristled and whipped around at the sound of another new voice, "I've returned. Nobunaga's forces have extinguished the fires at Honno-ji."
You eyed him quizzically, this one looked and sounded familiar though it was hard to tell with the black mask covering half his face. "Thank goodness they did." Yoshimoto was the first to respond, "That temple houses many treasures. I fear for the fire damage."
He was dressed in tight fitted layers of clothing with interchanging patterns of camouflage, and solid black and dark greens, but it was the glasses that made you suspicious. "Thank you for your investigation," Kenshin nodded in approval, "So I presume Nobunaga is alive then?"
"He's got the devil's luck," Shingen crossed his arms and shook his head disbelievingly.
"Or he is the Devil," Yuki jested.
You had been studying the ninja the entire time - his hidden facial structure, the shape of his body, his eyes, his smell, but it wasn't till you swiftly moved towards him and walked around him much like a predator would circle its prey, that he looked towards you. A look of recognition passed his face, "You-!"
You stopped in your motions, eyes so sharp they could kill a man, "I know you," it was more a statement than a question.
"We happened to run into her here," Kenshin informed his vassel as he watched the exchange, "Do you indeed know this woman?"
"No," the ninja tried to quickly take back his words, "She must be mistaken. Though I spotted a village on the way here. She must be from there. I'll escort her home."
He gave you little to no time to argue as he walked behind you, placed his hands on your shoulders and steered you back into the forest.
"Moving quick, aren't you, Sasuke? You and Yoshimoto both. Give the rest of us a chance, will you?" Sasuke paused to look back at the others, "Lord Shingen please, you and the others should return to the city," he left no more room for commentary as he continued to push you into the woods.
Once you were deep enough, you went off, "You!" You whipped around and pointed a finger in his face, "Did you have something to do with this?!"
"What?" He was caught off guard.
"This!" You motioned to the world around you, giving him your back for a split second before turning back around with different colored eyes contracted into slits, and snarled, "All of this!"
He backed off, his ears catching the creature-like noise you just made. He thought that hiss he heard earlier was just from some animal in the woods, but now there was no mistaking it, it had come from you, "Did you bring me here on purpose?!"
"W-what?" You stormed toward him, and he backed up till he hit a tree when his eyes caught the sight of your teeth sharpening into points. He was a well trained ninja, but his training had not prepared him for seeing someone morph into a monster before his very eyes- at least not into the kind you were.
"I said."
There was a loud, low pitched thump from behind you, and for a brief moment Sasuke tore his eyes away to look, only to be met with the sight of a long, pearlescent, scaly tail.
"Did you." He looked back at you, but your face was no longer that of a human woman, it was instead a scaled beast with an elongated muzzle, and horns that may have better been described as antlers.
"Bring me here." He had to crane his head upwards to keep eye contact with you as your head raised up into the sky due to your neck having grown in length. He looked down for a split second to examine the rest of your body. The kimono, being a more loose fitting garb, seemed to have untied and merely slid off your body. You were indeed no longer human, but were instead a long serpent-like creature on four legs with a long voluminous mane running down your spine. A dragon.
"On purpose!" You roared to forcibly call his attention back to your face, and he did so without hesitation.
"You recognize me?" He lowered his mask and you hissed, "You can hide your face but not your smell."
How are you talking without moving your mouth?!
"You're that scientist I met at the monument," your head lulled from side to side, only causing Sasuke to want to disappear into the tree bark behind him, "How did we get here, in the past, and why are you dressed like a ninja?"
"Please could you just," he boldly placed a hand on the bridge of your snout and lightly pushed you back, "I need space."
You growled but did so, backing off a bit so Sasuke could pull himself off from against the tree and walk to the side of you by a couple steps, "It's best if I start from the beginning- My name is Sasuke. And just like you I come from the present- or future, rather." You snarled, wanting him to get to the point.
"Right, right sorry-" he fumbled with his words, to give you an explanation in layman's terms, "Basically, that lightning strike that almost hit us caused a spacetime warp and sent us into the past." You merely stared at him for a second, and he caught on to what you wanted when you appeared to be studying his clothing and intensified your glare. He backed up a couple steps, "W-we entered the wormhole at the same time. However, for reasons unknown, I arrived 4 years prior to you, and in that time I've equipped myself with the skills necessary to make myself a viable asset- both for my safety and employment."
With that you huffed and backed off him, giving the ninja some breathing room, "You believe me?" Of course it was the truth, but there was no way of knowing if the travel had somehow warped your way of thinking.
"You just watched me turn into a dragon before your eyes, and you're going to ask me if I think time travel is possible?"
"Fair point," he wasn't going to bother correcting you on the smaller details, less he wish to get bit, scratched, or barbecued- whatever it was you were able to do in this form. Sasuke flinched as you let out a long deep breath, before shifting back to normal human. Your dragon scales stood up on end, much like a dogs fur would if it had its hackles raised, before they simply just dispersed in a puff and floated up into the air like a hoard of migrating butterflies, only to disappear into a dust that reflected the moonlight. He looked back down at you as your scales disappeared into the night, and immediately regretted his decision. You were completely nude.
"I'm so sorry!" He covering his eyes, causing his glasses to push up higher against his face before he turned around and gave you his back. You simply blinked and picked up the robes that had been gifted to you by Mitsunari and redressed, "You can look now."
Sasuke peaked slightly through his hands and feigned a cough when he saw you were indeed completely dressed again, "Yes well...I have devised a way to predict when these wormholes will appear, it is why I was at the monument that night- to see if my hypothesis was correct."
"Sounds great, so when's our next ticket home?" You didn't bother pretending to be excited. You felt like he got you into this mess, so he should get you out of it.
"That I do not know-"
You growled.
"Yet!" He raised his hands up in a reflexive effort to calm you, "I was only able to predict the wormhole that got us here three months in advance and I have yet to find any evidence of another one appearing anytime soon."
You calmed as he gave you an explanation. Sounded reasonable enough.
You perked when you heard your name being called, and your gave a sharp look in the direction it had come from, before pushing Sasuke into the foliage in the opposite direction, "Keep in touch," you stated simply before turning your back to him and returning to the center of the small clearing.
"Where are you? Come out!" You recognized Hideyoshi's voice. You heard a simple rustle of leaves before silence, and you assumed that, just like that, Sasuke had disappeared into the night.
You remained in the clearing till the sound of galloping horses got closer, "There you are!" You looked first at Hideyoshi, then to the person who had accompanied him, before looking back at the chestnut-haired warlord, "I searched the whole forest for you."
You tilted your head innocently though your voice still showed your distrust of them, "How sweet-"
"Hiding yourself from Lord Nobunaga for no reason what so ever," he began to berate you, "How insolent can you get?"
"I wasn't hiding," you corrected, "I was running, and I didn't ask for you to come find me."
The man on the other horse laughed at this, gaining your attention. He was another raven haired man, dressed in blues, blacks, and gold, with an eye patch over his right eye, "What a stalwart lass indeed. I have no doubt you are the woman who defied Lord Nobunaga."
"Oh, you're making me blush," you said sarcastically, "Are you someone else I'm supposed to recognize?"
The one eyed man snickered and extended a hand to reach for you, "I'd be pleased if you did, but now's not the best time to talk."
You stepped back out of his reach, only to bump into Hideyoshi's horse. The animal did not move but you whipped around see what it was you bumped into and the answer made you back up again towards the strange pirate man.
"Hey!" He grabbed a hold of your arm and pulled you up, "let me go!" You bared your teeth at him as he tucked you snugly against his chest so you sat sideways between him and the horses neck.
"Oh put the fangs away, I'm Masamune Date. Remember it, lass."
You subconsciously raised your hand to feel your teeth, worried for a moment that your fangs were indeed showing before your attention went to Hideyoshi as he spoke, "Masamune is head if the noble Date family of Oshu. He's also allied with Lord Nobunaga, so show some respect."
You rolled your eyes, "It's a pleasure, can you put me down now?"
"Settle down, you'll spook the horse," you captor smirked down at you. Oh you were going to do a lot more than spook the horse if he didn't let you go. Your brief moment of silence is all he needed to urge the horse to go forward with a snap of the reins and a shout.
"Hey wait!" Horseback riding was not something you were accustomed to, normally if you wanted to get around you either walked or flew, you didn't even like taxis or buses - too small and they made you claustrophobic.
"Dont loose her, Masamune!"
"I won't," he adjusted you so you were tucked more tightly against him, "Hold on tight," as the horses speed picked up, you didn't need to be told twice to hold on and you clung to the one eyed warlord like a frightened cat.
You all rode through the night and after some time you grew bored of clinging for dear life, so you adjusted your sitting position and held on to the horses mane. You enjoyed the wind that blew past you, and if you closed your eyes you could almost pretend you were flying- almost, had riding a galloping horse not been so rough.
When you arrived at your destination you were in awe of the structure before you- it was like a fortress, a city, and a castle all rolled into one.
"We're here," Masamune announced, "Azuchi Castle, home of the Oda forces." You looked around in awe. This place looked like you had jumped right into a movie set. "Don't show yourself to Lord Nobunaga like that, you look like a gaping frog."
Stupid Hideyoshi. You promptly snapped your mouth shut in favor of gritting your teeth and shooting him a glare. "So your a morning person," Masamune speaking into your ear sent a surprised shock down you spine, "I'll be sure to keep that in mind."
"Oh buzz off!" You had completely forgotten he was still holding you, but you took the opportunity to slap him in the chest.
"Oh? But I quite like where you are right now."
"Masamune-" Hideyoshi reprimanded his fellow warlord, "Nobunaga has taken an interest in her, so keep your hands off."
"Listen you two-" you were cut off by the sound of squealing women.
"Hideyoshi! Welcome back!"
"Over here Hideyoshi!"
"Oh Masamune, you're dashing as ever! Who's your friend?"
You growled slightly at being noticed and subconsciously hid your face in Masamune's chest. Surely you hadn't thought you could hide in plain view, but you really didn't want this interaction to happen - you were tired, agitated, and not in the mood for having to deal with so many people at once.
"Oh! Is she shy?!" One of them gushed and brought her hands to her chest.
"More like antisocial," Hideyoshi took a quiet jab at you with a small chuckle before dismounting his horse and walking towards the crowd of women. Masamune laughed at your behest, and you peaked your head out slightly to watch, before sticking your tongue out at Hidayoshi for a brief moment. You half hoped the group was as viscous as the girls back in your time could get, and that he would simply just disappear into the crowd, but of course we can't all get what we want.
"I've told you there's no need to come all the way to the gate for me. What about your work?" Hideyoshi's tone with then was vastly different compared to the way he addressed you.
"I finished early so I could see you when you come back," one of the women replied. You groaned and rolled your eyes in an exhausted manor before burrowing your face back in Masamune's chest - an action that was met by another laugh, "Jealous, lass?"
You scoffed, "Annoyed," you crossed your arms, which looked a bit silly with you hiding your face so determinedly, "Don't like large group interactions."
"Welcome back, Lord Hideyoshi, Lord Masamune," you visibly perked up at the sound if Mitsunari's voice.
'Sweet angel from up above, get me out of here!'
"Even Ieyasu came out to say hi. That's rare." You hadn't noticed the man standing a bit behind Mitsunari in the shadows, "Ieyasu?"
"Right there," Masamune wrapped a hand around your shoulder as he pointed at the man with his other hand, he was fair skinned, and blond, with green eyes, and wore clothes in varying hues of yellow and orange, "That sourpuss next to Mitsunari. You should take this chance to say hi." Masamune then released you and dismounted the horse, before offering a hand to help you down. You examined him for a moment, deciding that he may be flirty, but he's not so bad before you took his hand and allowed him to aid you. Besides, you can't stay prickly for long if you're going to be staying here for an indefinite amount of time. Masamune took your hand and stepped forward, giving you the opportunity to place your hands on his shoulders before his made their way to your waist to pick you up and place you firmly on the ground.
"Thank you." You gave a polite nod to him before making your way towards Mitsunari and Ieyasu. Masamune merely nodded in response, not quite sure how to handle your rapid changes in demeanor. First you had the temper of the Devil, then you acted all shy and timid around that group of girls, and now you seemed so polite and regal as you passed he and Hideyoshi.
You held your head high, back straight, arms held together infront of you so your hands were hidden under the long loose sleeves, and walked heel-toe, making it seem as though you were gliding as opposed to walking. You gave Mitsunari a small soft smile, aside from that small hiccup during your first encounter, he had been the only one who was nice to you.
"Mitsunari," you greeted.
"I have been expecting your arrival, Milady." He greeted you back with a smile of his own. You opened you mouth to speak when Ieyasu interrupted.
"She looks pitiful," he spoke over you with a disapproving frown, as if whatever it was you were about to say wasn't important.
You looked at him through the corner of your eye and your sass reared its prickly little head again, "You should watch your nasty attitude, or it'll rot whatever beauty you have left," you turned up your nose at him, "However little that may be." Surely with an attitude like that his beauty was only superficial. Granted, you hadn't been the nicest since you got here, but you think you deserved a free pass having been ripped away from your life and thrown into the Sengoku period by a random wormhole.
"Both of you!" Hideyoshi came up from behind you to reprimand you both, "That is no way to greet someone, can't you at least give eachother a smile?"
"Can he?" Masamune followed close behind, "I'm not sure I've seen him do it." You huffed, "Well I was being nice, and giving them both a smile- he started it."
"How mature-" Ieyasu attempted to jab back till he snapped his mouth shut to bite back a fit of laughs, "S-stop it!" Hideyoshi and Masamune were attempting to tickle the blond, and it worked till he managed to wiggle out of their grasp, "You're both just annoying me!"
You tilted you head curiously at the display before you, till Mitsunari came around behind you and spoke to you in a low voice, "Like Lord Masamune and Lord Hideyoshi, Lord Ieyasu is allied with Lord Nobunaga." You turned to look at him, "Like the others, he came as soon as he heard there was an assasination attempt." That explained a lot.
"Everyone!" Mitsunari broke away from you to stand in the middle of the small group you and the other warlords had formed, "Shall we save the happy reunion until after our new arrivals get some rest?"
"Save yourself, Mitsunari. I'm not remotely happy about any of this." Well at least you could agree with Ieyasu about one thing.
"Oh. My apologies," the confused silver haired warlord attempted to clarify, "Then lets simply not stand around and talk outside," Mitsunari turned around to look at you, "Milady, the room you will be staying in is already prepared." Wonderful, "Please get some rest."
Mitsunari was kind enough to lead you through Azuchi Castle to your room, while the others broke off to take care of business. You were surprised when he opened a pair of sliding doors to bring your room into view- it was small, yet spacious, though that probably had to do with the fact that the furniture was not as large or clunky as some of the furnishings from your time could get. Everything was simple in shape, held a classic antique look, and was still extravagant, reminding you once more that this was the Castle of a very successful warlord.
"This room is yours to use as you like," Mitsunari gestured for you to walk in and have a look around, which you so gladly did, "I hope it's enough for you."
You blinked in amazement as you took in the finer details, slowly spinning around as you studied the room in its entirety. The lavish artistry that covered the more solid walls and the cieling, the care that went into the placement of everything, "It's more than I could've asked for." You turned to look at Mitsunari an excited smile on your face, "And you don't have to address me so formally."
"But you are a Lady, and Lord Nobunaga's savior. I couldn't possibly-" you cut him off with a wave of your hand, "Fancy titles mean nothing to me, just a means of establishing hierarchy. Which I also don't care for."
"Then I agree, on the condition that you stay as familiar with me, is that all right?" He gave a friendly smile, one that you returned, "A wonderful idea," he made you feel so happy. Must be his calm and upbeat aura.
"Thank you," he nodded gratefully, "Now take your leisure. Someone will come fetch you soon." Mitsunari gave one last smile before turning to exit the room, and close the sliding doors behind him.
You briefly wondered when you would receive word from Sasuke about a way home. What would the signs be that a new wormhole was approaching? How would he get in touch with you? With a sigh, you decided it best not to spoil your moment of piece by stressing yourself out. It was then that you noticed two other large sliding doors towards the back of your room, opposite to the entrance. Another room? You made your way over to the doors and slowly opened them. A balcony? You smiled widely, happy you would have quick access to the outside world incase you wished to take a midnight flight. Again you paused in thought, wondering how long it would take for someone to come get you, perhaps you could shift and stretch yourself out to relax. Was this room even big enough? You closed the balcony doors and glanced around your quarters, taking a mental note of how big you thought it was. The cieling seemed pretty high, and the parameter of the room itself seemed wide enough - save for the furniture, which again, didn't take up much space anyways.
You sat down on the sleeping mat in the center of your room, crossing your legs before loosening the ties on your kimono, closing your eyes, and breathing deeply. The shift was quick and effortless, no struggle or pain, with the only sign of it being a small thump on the wall from your body hitting it. You opened your eyes and looked around, the room seemed a lot smaller now, with the sound of your horns scraping the cieling reaching your ears. You glanced up and huffed - your antler-like horns would scuff and scratch the cieling, leaveing grooves if you moved in almost any direction, and that was with your head tucked firmly against you as you rested it in your back. Your long body seemed to wrap around the room at least three times, and you were a bit snug to say the least, and you couldn't see the floor at all beneath you. Your form practically took up the entire room. The tip of your tail flicked up and down, much like the tail of a cat in contemplation and a deep guttural rumble came from your throat, 'So much for stretching out...'
Your thoughts were interrupted by a small knock on one of the cieling panels and you looked up wide-eyed, worried that this was the moment you would be found out. Thankfully, you were only met face to snout with Sasuke, "Excuse me-" he froze, looking at you wide-eyed, "You seem packed in here like a sardine," he jested, earning a small grumble from you.
You attempted to shift and get into a more comfortable position to look at him, but your horns thumped against the cieling tiles and startled you with the volume of noise it made. Sasuke also momentarily freaked out, trying to move out of the way so's not to get impaled and nearly fell backwards deeper into the cieling, "Shh! No don't move!" He spoke as quietly as possible while also trying to be sure you would hear him. You promptly froze at his words.
"Why don't you just turn back?"
You looked up at him with a subtle glare and he remembered what happened back in the forest, "R-right, sorry."
"Did you follow me here?" You were quick to change the subject for his own comfort. "Yes," his demeanor effortlessly shifted back to professional, "I hid myself when those men arrived and followed your trail."
"Glad you did," your tail thumped once, "I had been wondering how you would get in contact with me."
He nodded, "Yes, I've also pieced together much of what's happened to you since you got here by watching you. You've gotten yourself into some trouble."
You scoffed, "Its nothing I can't handle, I assure you." What problem couldn't be solved by setting it on fire? Probably a lot of them, but if anyone tried to hurt you it wasn't exactly like your were the helpless dame the Oda forces believed you to be, "Besides, I'm sure you've been through your fair share of trouble," you chuckled. There was a moment of silence, "Sorry," Sasuke exhaled stiffly, "I'm still trying to come to terms with..." he looked at your body spread all around the room before his gaze went back to look you in the eyes, "all this."
You chuffed, "It's fine. Any news about our way home?" He shook his head dejectedly, "Not yet, I just wanted to be sure you would be alright here though," he placed a hand over his chest, "Sould you ever feel unsafe, please, just let me know and I will see what I can do to get you out of here."
"Oh please," you stubbornly looked away, "these men are many things- rude, bold, and flirty, but a threat I think not."
"Please don't forget," Sasuke warned you, "these are warlords miss, and while I don't question whatever power you may have, they shouldn't be taken lightly either."
"Duly noted-" your conversation was cut short by the sound of steps just outside your door.
"I'll be in touch," Sasuke quickly stated before closing the panel he had been speaking through. There was a knock at your door, to which you quickly responded, "I'm not decent!"
You wiggled your tail and cracked open the balcony doors before shifting back into a human, with your dragon form disintegrating into a horde of fluttering scales again, just as it had done in the forest, and they flowed out the open door to follow the wind before disappearing into a cloud of glittery dust. You hastily threw on the kimono you were wearing earlier before rushing to the door with a hand keeping the robe-like garb shut, "Can I help you-" you opened the sliding door out into the hall, "Mitsuhide?"
"I see you weren't able to get away from Nobunaga after all." You stared at him blankly, "He's calling for you," the white haired man continued, "Nobunaga that is. He wants to see you."
You nodded in response, "Give me a moment to better dress myself then," you shut the door without giving him a chance to respond, before walking over to the discarded pile of clothes in the center of the room. It took little time for you to get redressed, though to be honest you probably hadn't put everything on perfectly, but you didn't care. "Okay," you opened the door once again to follow Mitsuhide out and allowed him to lead you to wherever Nobunaga was.
You took this time to examine the interior of the building, making sure to try and memorize anything special that may better help you learn your way around, "You'll damage them if you continue to hold them so tightly."
You raised a brow inquisitively at him till he reached for your hand and pulled it up. You hadn't noticed you were squeezing them so tightly. Probably a nervous tick of some sort from your mind being cluttered with so many thoughts. Your mind went blank when he pulled your hand up and kissed the back of it,'Excuse me?'
"Trying to calm you down," he looked at you through his lashes and smiled mischievously before gently releasing you hand. Okay, but there were many other ways to do it that weren't that, "Well it didn't work, if anything you made it worse."
"Forgive me."
'Fuck you.' The two of you continued down the many halls and corridors, till you reached a pair of giant sliding doors. Mitsuhide didn't waste time opening the doors, "You kept me waiting," you recognized Nobunaga's voice from the otherside of the room. However, he was not the one to catch your attention first. The first thing your eyes were drawn to was the two rows that were formed to either side of him by the other warlords. Seems like they were having a meeting, "Dont just stand there," Nobunaga interrupted your thoughts, "Approach me."
You looked at Nobunaga with sharp eyes before walking towards him. There was a sitting mat a few feet in front of him, but you didn't sit, even when the raven haired man gestured for you to do so. He merely chuckled at your resilience and raised a hand when Hideyoshi moved to use force, "You are a stubborn one."
"Thank you," you crossed your arms, "Even at home, I bowed to no man." Nobunaga waved off your explanation, "You will reside in this castle," his statement was final, "and while you do so, you will give your service to me."
"I think you misunderstand, my shows of rejection, I'm not playing hard to get, I'm giving you a clear 'No'."
"Details, details, none of that matters to me. All you meed to say is 'Yes'," he didn't seem like he was budging, and for a second you thought about what would happen if you were to run again. I mean- theoretically speaking, they probably wouldn't be able to catch you. But you didn't want to spend your indefinite amount of time here on the constant run or being hunted. And if you ran and kept up your appearance as a normal human, what would he do then? Lock you in a dungeon? You sighed in an agitated manor, and you could have sworn you saw a smile begin to tug at the corners of Nobunaga's mouth as you begrudgingly took your seat on the mat infront of him, "Fine, but just for the sake of knowing what I'm getting into, how exactly am I supposed to serve you?"
"Your only duty," he grabbed your wrist before you could even register what was happening and pulled you closer to him, "is to stay nearby. That is what I need of you. You will be my lucky charm as I unify this nation and all that lies beyond." Ah yes, this again.
"You want me around because you think I'm lucky," you tried not to snicker. "Yes," he didn't seem to be joking, infact he was comically serious, "And don't fear. You shall be known as a princess from afar and will be treated as such. Spend your days on makeup, or cards and games if it suits you." Well now that couldn't be so bad. You would never admit it outloud, but dragons could be overwhelmingly vein creatures and it would help if you had someone to help tend to you. Of course, you wouldn't tell them about your....affliction, but the knowledge of having someone at your beck and call was nice it would help out a lot. You glance around the council room to gauge everyone's reactions, before returning your gaze to Nobunaga, "I have a few demands."
"Name them," Nobunaga seemed pleased, though the look disappeared from his face for a fraction of a second when you managed to easily yank your hand away - nearly making him fall forward in the process. "I am to have free roam of the castle, and the city," from the corner of your eye, Hideyoshi looked like he was about to protest, "But if we are to go along with the guise of you as a princess," Nobunaga interjected, "You will need a guard, and a curfew." Of course this guard probably served as more of a spy than anything else, and the curfew could be easily worked around... Fair and easy to deal with, "Fine, I'll accept the guard and the curfew. I assume this castle has a garden?" The raven haired leader nodded, "I can go there at anytime I please, even at night."
"Ridiculous!" Hideyoshi didn't like the idea of you sneaking around the castle at night, you merely shrugged, "Assign two guards, a day shift and a night shift one- I'll even accept only being able to go from my room to the garden and back if I must," you remained relaxed in your seat. Nobunaga nodded, "Then those will be your restrictions as far as that goes, and you shall come whenever I call."
You held back a growl, "Fair enough," you held your hand out for a shake, and Nobunaga looked at it like it was an odd gesture. He was aware of what it was, but was perplexed as to why you were doing it, "Where I'm from, a hand shake is both a friendly gesture, and a means of symbolizing a mutual agreement between two parties- think of it as a pinky promise, but for adults." Nobunaga chuckled and nodded, you certainly didn't handle yourself like the women of his time but it only made you more intriguing to him. He extended a hand out and shook your hand before you both pulled them back to your lap.
Masamune was holding back a fit of giggles the entire time as he leaned over to Hideyoshi, "I can't believe she just bargained with Lord Nobunaga. Though her requests seem trivial I'm sure that they aren't as simple as she made them seem." Hideyoshi hands balled into fists, he was sure Masamune hadn't ment it to sound the way it did, but it got him thinking, "Lord Nobunaga, I would like to volunteer as her Guard during her outings around town." You glanced at him through the corner if your eye, damn, had it been someone who wasn't in this room they might have been easy to loose or scare off. Nobunaga glanced at him with a raised brow, "Hideyoshi?" Before Nobunaga could object to having his right hand reduced to princess babysitter, you interjected while staring the brunette in the eye, "It doesn't matter who the guard is, if Hideyoshi wants to do it, then let him," you turned your gaze back to the warlord infront of you.
"So she's just going to live here and do nothing," Ieyasu tsked, "How could this waif possibly be of any use?" You opened you mouth to retort before you were cut off by Hideyoshi, "It's Lord Nobunaga's decision, Ieyasu. Hold your tongue," finally! Some traction! "Though," Hideyoshi continued, "only time will tell if we can trust her." That was fair enough, you already figured that was the reason why Hideyoshi volunteered to be your guard- or why they bothered giving you a guard at all. So someone could keep tabs on you.
While you were lost in thought, Nobunaga had taken the liberty of taking a hold of your chin between his index finger and thumb and lifted it slightly, making you look at him in the eye. You were caught off guard to say the least, manners were going to be something you were determined to teach this man, "I plan on taking very good care of you, my princess." Your eyes flickered for a split second at his declaration - changing from their normal round pupils and ordinary iris coloration to the thin slits and vibrant hues of your dragon form, before reverting back to normal. He thought it had been a trick of the light, "You can look" you smacked his hand away, "but don't touch."
Nobunaga chuckled at your response, but Hideyoshi wasn't laughing, "You!" He called out before lunging at you, "how dare you be so rude to Lord Nobunaga!" You quickly shifted from sitting to a crouching position, but luckily for the both of you, Masamune and Mitsunari held Hideyoshi back, "Now you've done it, lass! Best apologize to Hideyoshi!" You watched the three men struggle and huffed, stubbornly looking away, "I thought being offended for other people was a trait exclusive to my generation."
"That's enough," Nobunaga's voice cut through the commotion. Hideyoshi lowered his fighting stance on command, and Masamune and Mitsunari returned to their seats as soon as they were sure Hideyoshi's threat had passed, "The next time you raise a hand towards Lord Nobunaga-" Hideyoshi warned.
"You'll what?!" You snarled at him with a snap of your teeth. "I will cut you down where you stand," Hideyoshi threateningly got in your face, but you stood your ground, "I'd like to see you try."
"I said enough," Nobunaga's words once again cut through the commotion and silenced the both of you, "My apologies, my Lord," Hideyoshi submissively bowed to him, an action you did not follow and only responded with a simple, "Sorry." This was going to be a long stay....
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everlastingdreams · 5 years
Lucifer Morningstar x Reader : Invidia  Chapter 3
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Summary:  Maze sends you on a date with another guy to help you forget about your feelings for Lucifer. Lucifer soon starts to act stranger than usual.
Chapter: 3 / 4
Trigger Warning: None I think.
Word Count:  2307 words
“Maze !" Lucifer's voice filled the empty club. Maze looked up from the glass she was drying off. She let out a sigh, she had spent eons around Lucifer and knew but all too well that he was in a bad mood by the sound of his voice. Lucifer walked up to her "Why didn't you tell me that you send Detective (l/n) on a date with some.. some.." Maze quirked a brow and hid her amusement "You mean Mike ?" He looked away as if the name was a slap to the face "Yes! I mean him." She clicked her tongue "Figured you wouldn't care." Lucifer looked at her, insulted. "Not care ? Of course I wish to know if the detective shows interest in that..that.." he swallowed his words. Maze looked at him questioningly, as if she didn't know what he was speaking of. He noticed her look "That schmuck !" She let out a chuckle at that "He's pretty nice. Sadly." she shrugged her shoulders. "Does this amuse you ? Why would you set her up with a stranger ?” Lucifer didn't understand Maze's reason.
She scoffed “Really ?” she put her hands on the counter and leaned toward him “Maybe because you were too busy paying attention to others instead of paying some attention to her.”
He narrowed his eyes at her, confusion washed over his face “What's that supposed to mean ?”
She rolled her eyes at her old friend, how could he possibly be this blind ? “All I'm saying is that she looked like she could use some fun with someone who wouldn't be afraid to show her his true feelings. In time.”
Lucifer leaned back as he processed the information “Am I correct to believe that you know where he is taking her tonight ?”
Maze avoided his stare “Just a restaurant.”
She clenched her jaw “Fine. I'll tell you.”
OooooOOOoOOoOOOoo oo o O o o oo O o oo o O oo o O o oO  o  O o o  Oo o  o Oo
The restaurant Mike had chosen was an up-market one. You had glanced at the prices on the menu once and swallowed. You weren't used to this kind of place. Your eyes wandered over the place, seeing people in far more fancier clothes then the dress you were wearing. You ignored the feeling of not belonging there and tried to make a conversation with your date, who seemed to be almost as nervous as you.
“You look very beautiful.” He smiled shyly.
Heat rose to your cheeks. It was nice to hear it, especially after all the trouble you had had with choosing what to wear. "Thank you. You look great too. I like your tie." You told him honestly. He brushed a hand over his tie when you mentioned it “Thank you.”
"I feel like I should apologize for my friend's behaviour back at my place. He can be a bit.. eccentric." you explained. You were used to Lucifer's Luciferness but it must have been uncomfortable to him. Lucifer had reacted strange to Mike, even somewhat hostile. Mike chuckled "It's alright, no harm done. I meet a lot of 'eccentric' people on the job. It's nothing new to me." He took a sip of his drink. You had almost forgotten that he was a lawyer "Maze told me you were a lawyer, is that correct ?" He nodded in confirmation "That's right. I work with a rather large firm. Lots of employees, helping people fast in an effective way is our goal." “That's great actually. It's nice to know that people can recieve the help they need faster now.” you knew that sometimes people had to wait for a lawyer, which caused delays in your investigations more then once. "When Maze asked me to take you out, I wasn't expecting someone like you." He confessed. "Someone like me ?" "Yeah, I mean.. normal." He clarrified. You understood what he meant, he probably didn't expect Maze to be friends with someone like you.
A laugh escaped you “Yeah, Maze and I are pretty different. We have a different view on a lot of things but that also what I like about her. There's a good heart burried under all that.. anger.”
Mike smiled at you “ There's layers to everyone of us. So, (y/n), what do you do for a living ? Maze hasn't actually supplied information to me about you other then your name and address.” he placed his elbows on the table as he watched you.
“Well, this is a suprise !” a voice suddenly sounded loudly.
You almost thought you had imagined it, that this was just your nerves getting the best of you.
Mike looked to the side where Lucifer was now standing. Mike's smile fell the moment he saw him.
Like everyone else you had stressed over anything that could go wrong on the date. Not having a click, him not looking like the picture Maze had shown you, or him being a serial killer. The usual stuff. The last thing you expected was the guy, whom you had strong feelings for, showing up at the same restaurant where you were eating with your date to forget your feelings for said guy.
You couldn't believe this was happening, why was this happening ? What did you do so wrong in your life that this is your punishment ?
“I didn't know you two were coming here tonight as well, I myself come here often.” He raised his hand and waved a waiter over. “Would you be so kind as to bring an extra chair, please ?”
“Of course Mister Morningstar, right away.” the waiter hurried to retrieve another chair.
It all went so fast that it left you no time to protest. It didn't help that you were looking at the whole situation as if it was an awkward scene in a movie.
“I hope I'm not interupting anything here.” he points between you and Mike as he took place on the chair the waiter had brought him “You look bored, so I guess not.” he says as he looks at you for a moment. Your mouth fell open in shock, you couldn't believe he just said that. IN FRONT OF YOUR DATE.
Mike's eyes darted between you and Lucifer, before he cleared his throat.
You could almost see the alarm bells ringing above the three of you. You rather roughly grabbed Lucifer's arm and pulled him to you so you could whisper “What are you doing ??” in his ear.
He seemed a little taken aback by your reaction but recovered quick enough “I believed it to be a good moment to get to know Mickey. See if he is indeed worthy of your time.” he said so Mike could hear as well.
“It's Mike.” Mike corrected him, you could see his jaw clench. But Lucifer spoke so Mike's voice almost tuned out “Tell me Mickey. Do you often help murderers walk free ?”
Mike's eyes darted between you and Lucifer's quickly. You stared at Lucifer with your mouth open, what the hell was happening ?
“My name is Mike. Not Mickey.” Mike ignored Lucifer's question. You could seem him getting more annoyed with each passing second, you couldn't blame him. You wanted to strangle Lucifer at this point.
“Right... because you see, it would be ironic, considering Detective (L/N) spends her days trying to put them behind bars. Where they belong.”
You closed your eyes and counted to ten, trying to stay calm before you spoke “Lucifer !”
Mike looked at you suprised before turning to Lucifer “It's alright, (y/n).” he told you “Everyone has a constitutional right to be represented by an attorney. So, yes, I have defended people who commited murder.”
Lucifer looked at him with a shit-eating grin “I believe that if they are guilty, they should be punished. And that's what I do." Mike raised his brows and let out a scoff "Sorry, but are you a judge or something ?" Lucifer arched a brow and stared him down "Something.”
You bit the inside of your cheek in anger “Lucifer, stop.” you said through gritted teeth.
Lucifer looked at you oddly, due to your change in voice “No worried Detective I was just-” he tried in his silky voice.
“Leaving.” you finished his sentence for him.
His mouth fell open in shock “ But-”
“Bye.” you glared at him. You were shocked and hurt at how he had just invaded your date.
Lucifer looked at you for another moment, you refused to look at him. You didn't want to look at him right now, not after how awfully rude he had been.
“Right...” his grin dissapeared from his face as he stood up and left the place.
You didn't understand why this happened, and now you were left to clean up the mess Lucifer had made with Mike.
The morning after the date, you were still fuming with anger as you made yourself some fresh orange juice. It was a good way to get rid of some anger as you squeezed them out.
Lucifer had managed to embarrass you, he had done so in the past but not like this. Not directly aimed at you. This felt personal, and it made it just that much worse.
A knock on the door brought you out of your thoughts. You put the glass pitcher on the table and made your way to the door.
You opened it and Lucifer's smiled at you widely as if he had forgotten his attitude from yesterday.
He opened his mouth to speak.
You slammed the door shut before he could bring a word out.
“Detective ?!” Lucifer called out through the door. You pinched the bridge of your nose and groaned. You opened the door again, maybe he wanted to apologize.
"(y/n)! You're home ! Excellent !" He clapped his hands together. You arched a brow "Where else would I be Lucifer ?" "I thought perhaps you had spend the night somewhere else." He said as he walked past you inside "But don't worry. I am sure the right man will walk into your life-" You stared at him as he walked inside "What ? Lucifer..." He turned around to face you, confussion now spreading on his face too "What ?" "The date last night.. he was fun." You clarified. “Even if we were interupted.” you added to make him realise that you hadn't forgotten. Lucifer's smile disappeared instantly "But you're here.." You scoffed "The fact that the date went well doesn't mean that I am going to sleep with the guy right away. I get that some people do but it's just not ...me"
He sighed and shrugged his shoulders as he mumbled “Guess the poor sod wasn't so interesting after all.”
You shook your head in disbelieve when you heard him say it before you mumbled “What ?”
He turns to you again nonchalantly “Well, I mean he must not have made a memorable impression on you then.”
You scoffed at his answer, looking away from him “Okay.” you clicked your tongue. Lucifer was being an ass now, you looked at your fridge before you gave him a innocent smile. “Do you want something to drink ? How about some bourbon ?”
The playful smile returned on his face as he took a step closer to you “Oh, that sounds lovely.” he said in his smooth silky voice.
You walked and grabbed the bottle of bourbon and poured out a glass for him “Ice ?” you asked in your sweetest voice.
He looked you up and down and smirked “Yes, please.”
You chuked a bunch of ice cubes in the glass before you walked to him. You held the glass out for him but as he reached for it you pulled your hand back and brought it to your lips. You only took a small sip of it, testing if it was cold enough.
Lucifer's eyes filled with delight “Aren't you a little devil.”
You took a step closer to him, a smile dancing around your lips “You're not the only one who knows how to have fun Lucifer.” you said seductively.
His eyes went from your eyes to your lips, his smirk growing wider as he leaned closer.
The moment he was close enough, you poured the glass filled with ice cold bourbon over his head.
“Bloody hell !!!” he stepped back from you and you could see him shudder. You burst into laughter at his reaction. He looked so offended “ (y/n) !”
You watched as he tried to dry his face with his sleeves, which was useless as his whole jacket looked soaked, before walking to your door and opening it. "Goodbye, Lucifer." he hadn't even bothered to apologize for his behavior from last night, and he was already starting to behave shitty again.  
"What ?" His eyes darted between you and the door "Really ?!"
You arched a brow, giving him a look that made it clear to him that you weren't kidding. “I don't know what's going on with you..” you were dissapointed “but as long as you continue to act like an ass, I'd rather not have you here..”
You hated to do this, Lucifer wasn't just the person you loved but also your friend. But you knew that if you didn't stop him now, he'd get worse.
You could see the sadness in his eyes and the hurt expression on his face, it just made this harder to do.
He stepped close to you “(y/n)..”
You didn't look him in the eyes “Please, just...” you shook your head.
Lucifer didn't say another word and walked out the door. You managed to close the door before you drew a shuddering breath.
Taglist for this story, please let me know if you want to be added to the list :) :
@anushay1998 @geesshoku  @alfabravo666
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taelarity-btstrash · 6 years
Not home
"Where's tae?"
Everyone paused and looked up from their breakfast to their leader.
"Is taetae still sleeping?" Asked hoseok. It was pretty early and their day-off, so it wouldn't be a surprise if taehyung is still sleeping.
jimin, who had a piece of bacon in his mouth, said
"Oh maybe he's still meeting with his new members"
Jin choked on his water and started coughing. Yoongi was looking at jimin with wide eyes. Jimin turned to his Hobi hyung and jungkook, they both had similar reactions.
Namjoon stared at jimin with akin to disbelief in his eyes.
He was about to say something to jimin, when jimin understood what has caused his hyungs to act this way.
"No no no, I meant to say his new drama members, you know the new drama he signed. He was supposed to meet with them to discuss the script or something." He said all this so quickly while frantically moving his hands in all directions. Jimin took a deep breath and continued.
" you guys misunderstood so quickly. Why would you even think that tae would leave us. Geez."
Yoongi had overcame his earlier state of bewilderment and was now staring at his dongsaeng with narrowed eyes. He wasn't angry at jimin and jimin knew it.
"Didn't Tae went to this meeting yesterday, if I remember correctly he went out right after lunch. He told jin hyung that he will be back some time after dinner." Suga turned to jin for confirmation and started talking again after receiving a nod from the eldest.
" did he went out again this morning then?"
Jin who now had grasped at the situation was also not pleased and said " he didn't came back yesterday night,did he? And we were so tired yesterday that no one thought to call him to make sure he's back safely."
" Don't tell me he found a friend again and had a sleepover or something?" Jimin groaned.
Jungkook who was quiet till now spoke, " I thought hyungs told him after last time to never accept offers so easily."
"He's tae, he will never refuse offers to hang out with friends" sighed Hobi.
Namjoon by now had his phone out and was calling taehyung. He had told the kid many times that he shouldn't stay overnight at anyone's without informing him or the other members or their manager.
He's the leader. He's responsible for each of them. So when one of them is out of his sights and he have no knowledge of their whereabouts, he worries. He cares for his members a lot.
Namjoon cursed inwardly, "it's ringing but he's not picking up"
Suga called their manager which proved futile as he had no idea where taehyung is. Their manager said that he will call the people tae met yesterday to ask if they know anything and also said that the members should not panic.
Namjoon was still trying to connect to tae. It connected at his fourth try.
"Kim taeyung, where the hell are you?"
"Umm sorry, but it's not tae. He's still sleeping"
instead of taehyung's deep apologetic voice, namjoon heard a stranger.
"And who are you? Why is tae with you?" Namjoon's voice was cold. He's a very sweet person in reality but when it comes to the safely of his members, he is very cautious.
Others also caught up that someone else is with their tae who has picked up the call.
Suga was trying hard not to snatch the phone from joon and give a piece of his mind to the one who is on the phone. But he held back knowing that namjoon has it undercontrol and he believes in his leader and dongsaeng.
'It's park soe joon, tae is at my place. We came here to watch movies yesterday night but fell alseep. I guess we were pretty tired. Your call woke me up.'
"Oh soe joon sunbaenim it's you. Is it alright if I come to your place to retrieve tae. Tae has a schedule which he has to follow. We are pretty busy today"
Suga frowned, park soe joon, as in one of tae's hwarang hyung. He doesn't really like it when tae neglect his members in favor of his hwarang hyungs.
Jimin had similar thoughts running inside his head.
Whenever a member starts spending more time with some other person, members think that the person is trying to seperate them. Even when they know that it isn't true they can't help but be possessive of each other.
"Oh is that so, I didn't know that tae was busy. But he looks really tired. Are you sure he can't take the day-off. I am free today, I can look after him."
Namjoon is having a hard time staying polite. He's relived that tae is with soe joon and not with anyone they don't know. But he still want him back in the arms of the members.
" no he can't. Please tell me your address so I can take taehyung back."
After getting the address he hanged up. Even though they all eating Their breakfast they were attentive to what was going on in that phone conversation.
"Rapmon hyung , I am coming with you too." Namjoon was about to reject the maknae's offer but his pleading bunny eyes and jin's voice made him weak.
"Yaa, namjoon-ah take kookie with you. He really wants to go and yoongi too, I guess."
Suga nodded. Of course he will go, he can forsake his laziness for one day if it is for one of his dongsaeng.
Jungkook rang the bell to soejoon's apartment. It was an expensive looking apartment, In a really nice neighbourhood.
Soon the door opened and park hyungsik who looked as if he just woke up, greeted them with a sleepy welcoming smile. They all bowed to him and he returned the gesture.
Namjoon was the one to shatter the silence and said , "oh I didn't know you were here as well hyungsik sunbaenim."
Hyungsik opened the door wide for the three of them to enter as he spoke "i came a few hours ago after soejoon told me that tae is here. You guys are so busy nowadays that we couldn't get to hang out with our favorite dongsaeng for so long. Oh And congrats on winning the top social artist 2 years in row."
They reached the living room where it was a mess, pillows blankets, bed sheets were all around the room.
And there was tae sleeping under many layers of sheets, looking absolutely adorable.
Honestly, the room looks so fluffy and comfortable that they can't blame taetae to sleep so long.
As soon as jungkookie saw tae he went up to him and tried to wake his hyung up.
"Taehyungie hyung, wake up. Cmon wake up and let's go home." He tried shaking him. "Taetae hyung, taetae hyung"
Jungkook looked back at his suga hyung, "Suga hyung he's not waking up. Please wake him up."
Right then soejoon entered the living room. "I tried to wake him up but he didn't budge. That's why I was telling to give him a day off. He can just spend the day here, even hyungsik is here now."
Suga and namjoon frowned. Not liking the idea of their taetae spending a day away from them when he can be with the members at their Dorm.
Suga had enough, he told jungkook to step away and let him try. "Kim taeyung, are you gonna wake up right now or not" he said in his 'i am your hyung listen to me' voice.
Tae can't not listen to his suga hyung.
Taehyung fidgeted a little and whined "but hyung am sleepy"
Yoongi smiled. So cute. But he refrained from showing how cute he finds his dongsaeng and continued in a scolding voice.
"You can sleep back at the Dorm all you want "
Tae whined again but started sitting up, his eyes still closed.
Jungkook was quick in throwing a hand over his hyung's shoulder and supporting him in standing up. He smiled when he herd a quiet "thanks kookie"
"Let's go" said namjoon. They all started towards the front door. Jungkook and taehyung at the rear. Hyungsik came to them , "let's hangout again when your free " Then looked in soejoon's direction "and you please try not to forget about me when you and tae meet up, I always get left behind." He pouted and ruffled tae's hair.
laughed and tae giggled sleepily. "Yes hyungie, I'll always call you first if we hangout. Love ya"
Jungkook didn't want to interrupt but he also didn't want his V hyung to hang out with them more. He glared at hyungsik who took a few steps back unconsciously as he was at the recieving end of an intense death glare. After recieving the satisfying reaction Jungkook started walking faster, following his hyungs closely.
They were out of the door and were going towards their car, where their driver is waiting.
Namjoon's phone rang. "Yes jin hyung, yeah we are coming back now. ...yes he's alright, just. Very sleepy.... yeah I am sure he's sorry for worrying you... tell jimin not to worry that much tae is back with us ....yeah yeah ok hyung....no tell hoseok he shouldn't make so much noise I can't. Hear anything else....*chuckles* ok ok. "
He hung up.
Taehyung slept the whole ride, head resting on his namjoon hyung's shoulder.
Just before reaching the Dorm, namjoon woke tae up.
" Taehyungie we are home, wake up." While Shaking taehyung gently.
"Joonie hyung? Already? " but he woke up without any further prodding and nagging from his hyungs and maknae.
When they entered the Dorm, everyone was in the living room. Taehyung threw himself on the comfortable couch where hoseok was sitting. Jimin was sprawled out on the floor, busy with his phone. Jin was also on the floor besides jimin, just he was sitting more elegantly rather than sprawled out like a puppy.
Suga settled himself on the other couch and looked ready to sleep while jungkook laid down on the floor with his head on jin's lap. Namjoon just sighed and sat beside Hobi while pulling taehyung's legs on his lap.
Taehyung was about to be pulled in the land of dreams but jin's voice pulled him back.
"So taehyung-ah, please share with us your reasons for not coming home last night."
"Taehyung gulped. "Umm. Ah I. .. jin hyung, just ..un you, when I was coming home, I bumped into soejoon hyung, he was going home from his set which was real close to mine. So um ya, we decided to watch movies at his place and I fell asleep. Sorry." Taehyung looked at every member and said "sorry hyungs and jungkookie, I didn't mean to worry you guys but I forgot to inform you that I will be a little late."
Jin sighed looking at the sincere apologetic look in taehyung's eyes. He really can't stay mad at this kid, or any bangtan kid for that matter.
"Tae we have told you many times that you shouldn't accept offers to hang out so easily. You can get caught in a ridiculous and unreasonable scandal, people out there will not care that you are innocent. They will do everything they can to defame you. And more importantly don't make friends so easily, everyone knows us now , They will try to use your fame for themselves " Lectured suga.
"But hyung it was just soejoon hyung and hyungie" shot back tae. His eyes teary.He didn't like to be Lectured. But he gets Lectured the most out of the younger ones.
Yoongi sighed. He didn't like to scold tae but it's important for them. He calmed his nerves and continued more quietly than before.
"Listen tae, its alrigh (no its not) this time because it was them, but what if you befriend someone who isn't a sincere friend, who wants to use you. I really not like to scold you. But If something like that happens than you will only get hurt." He finished with a sad tone.
Tae sniffed and went to hug his yoongi hyung tightly."I will try not disappoint you all again"
Yoongi embraced him back and runs his fingers through the younger's hair in a soothing manner. "It's alright we are not mad anymore. We just care about you. We all love you. Remember that tae. Now get off. I have done enough sweet talk to last about a month."
Taehyung grinned and hugged him more tightly.
Everyone just laughed at this.
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- Modaspooky
Kotoko Utsugi This child gets you to make the cutest costume (at least in her own personal opinion) which was a light pink princess dress, and put her hair all nice. She was the absolute pinnacle of sweet and classy, and then this happened but we’ll get to that in a second.
The two of you walked around your block, feeling like normal kids for once. She had been clad in her little outfit, while you wore a zombie costume that Kotoko couldn’t help but scoff at. The two of you seemed like polar opposites just by your costumes alone, but despite your differences the two of you were actually really great siblings and friends so going together today by yourselves was quite fun. 
Door to door the both of you did your rounds, calling out ‘trick or treat’ to each person who had answered their door. Then you came up to a house decorated by only a pumpkin with a candle in its mouth, the two of you were hesitant as you were unsure that this house was taking trick or treaters. However you both decided to go, knocking on the door and waiting for a moment the door opened to reveal an older woman with curlers in her hair. She looked irritated. 
“Trick or treat!” The two of you said happily, despite the fact that you had this weird feeling in your stomach. 
The woman dropped a piece of non-name brand candy into your little sister’s bag, only scoffing at you as if your existence had been a bother to her. “Aren’t you a little too old for trick or treating?” She asked you in a condescending voice, as if she were one to judge despite her current appearance. 
You were taken aback by her blunt remark, your eyes darted from the woman and back to your little sister’s head. “I’m taking my little sister out so I wanted to dress up to...” You trailed off while putting your bag close to your chest, not wanting to get into a big argument in-front of Kotoko. 
The woman rolled her eyes at your attempt to keep the peace, but before she could say another word a sudden stomp on the ground caught both of your attentions. “Maybe you should knock it off with that attitude, Miss Lady, because as I see it. It isn’t very cute.” Kotoko said, you could hear the bitterness in her voice but it quickly changed. “So please give my big sib the candy and we’ll be on our way!” 
“Just go, here’s your stupid candy.” The woman told you, dropping a piece of candy on the floor for you to pick up. “Freeloader.” She muttered under her breath before closing the door. 
As the two of you walked out of the driveway, Kotoko knocked over the jack-o-lantern when you passed by it causing it to make a comical ‘splat’ noise.
Nagisa Shingetsu Buttoning up the cape to his costume, the blue haired boy turned his attention towards you. His older sibling, that was making him participate in Halloween rather than his normal activities. He was impressed you were able to convince your parents to give you time off, but that didn’t mean he wanted to join in on this ‘false holiday’. 
“Why do we have to do this again?” He asked you, his eyes momentarily widening when you hugged him tightly. The buttons of your wolf costume digging into his back when he recieved your embrace. 
“Because Nag-i-sa, we never get to celebrate any holidays and this is the only one where Mom and Dad don’t even have to participate.” You hummed, sensing his annoyance with both your hug and sense of reasoning. 
“What if I really don’t want to?” He asked you, his serious demeanor still holding up well. It caused a small frown to come to your face, you hated that he had gotten his childhood ripped from him at such a young age. You couldn’t even try to regain some of that innocence back. 
“Please do it, for your big sibling who only wants you to have fun.” You were on your knees now, lip sticking out dramatically as you begged at his feet. At first he was frustrated but after a moment you had tricked him into believing your act. 
“Alright I get it, let’s go.” Nagisa sighed, putting the bag over his shoulder like a woman would a purse. It got a small laugh out of you, but you happily led him on to your next point of interest. 
Once you got to one of the neighborhoods that participating in halloween, you could see it was crawling with other kids causing Nagisa to cross his arms and give you a look. “It’ll be fine.” You assured him, gently taking his hand into yours as you led your little brother up the concrete path to one of the larger houses. 
This was when you realized he didn’t even know what he was doing, he just awkwardly stood there while you said trick or treat to the person who had been sitting at the door. You felt your hand go up to your face. “I apologize Sir, this is the first time my little brother has gone out for Halloween.” The man nodded patiently as you lowered Nagisa’s hand that held the bag. “See? Open it up.” You explained to him, and he followed your movements. “Now, ask the man ‘trick or treat’.”
Nagisa gave you a small side-glare that was unnoticeable to anyone other than you. “This is stupid...” He muttered under his breath as he took a step up. “Trick or treat?”
Monaca Towa The absolute Queen of Halloween, with her cute costume and equally adorably decorated wheelchair (that you decorated for her yourself, and you’re quite proud of how it turned out) it isn’t hard for her to get a lot of candy just after the first couple of houses. 
You always went into the richest neighborhoods that gave out the good full-sized name-brand candy bars, since you rather did live in a neighborhood like that anyway it wasn’t that big of a deal to the two of you.
Plus the both of you were practically the children of the city, so that was only a bonus for the two of you to get more candy from all the sucker adults that wanted to suck up to your father by just assuming you’d tell him about them, and honestly you were perfectly fine with that.
This year was no different, as you pushed her up the driveway to each-and-every house and watched as the candy had been practically stacked into her bag. “Thank you!” She said happily as you two left the scene, she always made sure that she was very polite. 
You had a run in with a couple of teenagers who hadn’t been dressed up at all and had their backpacks opened and turned around on their chest, but you were able to get away from them rather quickly. Even if Monaca had tried to get you to stop, since she was determined to do something to them. You feared to know what she had in mind.
After you had made your rounds and the four sacks that you had brought back to your house each time had been full, you let out a long breath which allowed you to see your breath in the cold weather. “Wanna go get some cocoa?” You asked her, leaning against her chair tiredly, your feet hurt from all the walking but you were more than happy as long as your sister had a good time. 
“That sounds like fun, meow.” Monaca agreed, feeling you begin to push her to the both of you’s favorite little diner that would serve breakfast foods and hot chocolate even at late hours. 
Masaru Daimon While Monaca is the number one ruler of Halloween, Masaru is surely a close second. Of course he can’t rely on simply his cute looks in order for you both to get a complete sugar rush. (and possibly be the only food you’ll eat for a while, especially if you got caught doing the underhanded tricks that you often pull...).
The both of you always wore homemade costumes, making masks out of old paper plates and using whatever fabric you could find. More often than not the two of you would end up being made-up superheros, purely for the reason that they were one of the easier costumes to make. 
When you went out you decided not to go in your own neighborhood but rather all the way across town, this was a yearly thing since if you ever got caught there was a smaller chance of your father knowing about it. 
It was in a neighborhood close to his school, so you ran into a few of his friends once but ended up going separate ways quickly after... That’s when it began, the night of mischief. 
Over the years both of you have become quite sneaky when going about, well just about anything. So it was pretty easy to nab a bunch of candy out of people’s buckets for Masaru while they handed you candy, or sometimes just completely cut out the bottom of the bucket and the entire batch of candy would simply fall into the bag without them even noticing until the two of you were long gone. 
Once you were all done you’d go home and hide your bags under your beds, not before having a large candy eating fest outside the nearest gas station. 
Jataro Kemuri “Are you sure I have to wear a costume? Mom says I’m scary just the way I am now, so I can just go out with my mask...” Jataro had been trying to convince you before even began to make his costume. Honestly, it was sad that this had been the exact same conversation every year. 
It really hurt you to hear him say things like that, but you had to go along with it and simply buy yourself your own costume. You decided to go as your favorite character from one of your top three movies, mainly because it was on clearance so it was cheaper. 
Despite the somewhat depressing conversation that always took place a couple of weeks before the ‘big night’, the Halloweens the two of you spent together had always been pretty special for the both of you. 
People would always compliment his mask or mistake if for being from some television show, but Jataro really didn’t mind all of that. He even didn’t seem to mind being out in public, which normally was really hard for him to do. 
He wasn’t as much for candy than most kids were, but he was always super glad when he found sour candies in his bag at the end of the night or the two of you would end up trading candies with one another. 
That was another thing you’d do, since you Mom always had some big party to go to on Halloween (or any holiday, really) the two of you were able to just dump all of the candy onto the living room floor and begin to trade with each-other while some goofy horror movies from the early television days played on your television at two o’clock in the morning. 
It was rare you’d ever get sleep either, since the both of you had always ended up high on a sugar rush. 
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honeylikewords · 7 years
DO YOU HAVE ANY HCS FOR GRIFF????? this naughty boy has been on my mind a lot
i’m going to go stream of consciousness here, and flesh out griff in toto, so gear up kids
1. his name’s not actually griff. this is canon because baby’s isn’t baby, doc’s isn’t doc, buddy’s isn’t buddy, darling isn’t darling, etc. i hc that griff’s name is actually something super embarrassing and over the top: i picked montague. monty for short. he HATES it. he HATES being called monty/montague/etc and decided to be “griff”, a short, punchy, “manly” name. he chose “griff” when he was younger, probably around ten-ish, because kids made fun of him for having an “old man” name and he was FUCKIN’ SICK OF IT.
2. everyone’s got a job they do when they’re not heisting. what’s griff’s, you ask? he runs a deli. he really does. it just makes the fact that his knuckle tattoos say “sandwich” all the better. he operates it as a front, but he’s also pretty damn passionate about his meats and which cuts are best cooked which ways and he can made a very fine pastrami on rye, i’ll tell ya.
3. griff is a really, really bad flirt. not as in a notorious flirt, but he’s bad at it. like, really bad. he tries to keep up his “scary guy��� persona that he uses during heists, but... turns out the girl he likes doesn’t respond well to that. in fact, he scared her off instead of turning her on. he felt so bad about it that he started watching romcoms and really latched onto hugh jackman movies, because hugh’s a big, scaryish lookin’ guy, but he manages to be soft and approachable. griff picks up some tips from hugh’s movies and tries them out next time he sees the girl of his affections, and it turns out she very much appreciates recieving flowers and compliments more than she appreciates implications about him taking her on the “best ride of her life”.
4. he didn’t finish high school. dropped out at 16. he hated it and has always had enough street smarts to keep him in the green, but he’s not even got a GED. he doesn’t like being told what to do, EVER, so he was always rowdy and troublesome in class, and frequently got into fights with the other kids.
5. griff more than definitely owns a motorcycle. he feels like a badass when he rides it, and he does look pretty cool. pretty darn cool.
6. he has to be careful about what pet names he calls his girl, because baby’s taken and he honestly has to ban the use of “baby”, “buddy”, and “darling” around the house because they’re too connotated for him. every time he hears them he thinks about his “coworkers” and, frankly, he’d rather not think about those guys when he’s trying to kiss his lady love. instead, he calls her very original names like “sugarplum”, “honeypie”, “kitty whiskers”, “sugar snap pea”, “my gerorgia peach”- anything that cannot and will not be taken as a crime codename. 
7. griff actually is a pretty good dancer. he’s got a solid sense of beat, timing, rhythm, and has some surprisingly fluid movements. that being said, he doesn’t dance very often, and when he does, it’s at the behest of his sweetie. he likes to stick close to her and effectively just dances up on her, feeling her close to him, moving in time with her, and it’s just about them, together. more often than not when they dance, it leads to a whole lot of kissing.
8. griff is still in contact with his parents, who are both very old and very oblivious to their son’s ne’er-do-well activities. he loves them very much and they love him too, and he visits them when he can. his mom pinches his cheeks and calls him her “little monty”, and his dad asks him if he’s found a steady job. he always tells his dad that he’s more than comfortable, and that his income is fine. the two of them also ask about his tattoos, and he always answers that it’s not important.
9. he’s always had a fantasy of buying an old sailing ship, like a real spanish galleon, and just sailing away. maybe he’d have a crew, maybe not. the dream changes depending on the mood he’s in. some days he imagines himself as a pirate king with a crew of seadogs by his side, and some days he sees just himself on the open blue ocean, alone and finally getting some goddamn peace and quiet. after he met his girl, though, he started imagining the two of them together, standing on the deck, counting stars and reveling in the world they’ve made.
10. tbh griff’s got a bit of a pirate fantasy all around. he’s more than once asked his girl to play along and pretend to be a wench he’s kidnapped but has fallen in love with- her in a blousy dress, clinging to him and proclaiming that though he’s noting but a dirty cur of a pirate, she loves him! and he, her roguish pirate king, fallen for a land maid like her... it’s cheesy and laughable but very sweet, too, and she loves to indulge him. besides, it’s actually kinda fun to see him get so into it. and he makes it worth her while.
11. sidenote, though he’s hated the name all his life, griff lets his girl call him “monty”. she thinks it’s a cute name and he doesn’t like the idea of lying to her, honestly. so she’s one of the only people in the world to use his real name, and he knows he’s in deep shit when he hears her snap out “MONTAGUE.” it’s also a symbolic gesture of letting her into his family, since only his parents call him by his name, and she’s part of that world, now. it was jarring to hear “monty” at first, but he came to love it because she made it her own, and it was like their own little secret.
that’s just a few but Good Grief i could go on. please let me. i’m dying out here
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