#v centric
blorbocedes · 2 months
I’ve never seen this interaction before wtf😭. So Max puts a sticker on Lando and then manhandles him so he DOESN’T get suspicious? Which tells us that a couple of totally normal in any other circumstance shoulder pats would be weird for them but manhandling is the NORM!? Ok. I see you norstappen.
max manhandling lando? likely thing for him to be doing...
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14dayswithyou · 4 months
cw: domestic comfort fic with Moth (written for @z-shalltear <3)
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Your voice comes out soft — dulcet — so as to not startle your partner who was nestled deep within the fluffiness of your pillows, plushies, and blankets. Nothing but a faint light from their phone illuminates their face, but it disappears the moment their eyes fall on you. Giving you a soft smile, you watch as Moth sits up and offers you their undivided attention.
"I thought you'd be asleep by now." You return their smile in kind, though your shoulders can't help but slump even further from the fatigue that was slowly creeping up on you. "It's nearly three a.m." 
"I could say the same about you." Despite the playful glint in their eyes, Moth's voice is just as gentle as yours — much like the way they scoot back and lift the blankets to make room for you. An invitation, should you choose to accept it. "....Hey, y'okay?"
At their words, your resolve crumbles and your posture falters. You honestly weren't expecting to be met with concern — all you wanted to do was sleep away the problems and stress you've been dealing with lately — but it was nice to know that someone cared enough for your well-being to show genuine interest. And so, with a weak and weary sigh, you timidly walk over to Moth and settle into the space they once occupied in the bed.
It was still warm, comforting, and smelling faintly of something that reminded you of home.
"Mm. Just... tired, I guess." Once you're settled, you feel the blankets shift around your body before they're draped over your shoulders and tucked underneath your side. "Tired of everything."
"...Are you up for some cuddling?" your lover's voice comes from somewhere behind you. It was nice how Moth always seemed to ask for permission before touching you — lest it made you feel uncomfortable somehow.
So with a slight nod, you lean back into their embrace the moment you feel their arms circle around your body and rest underneath your chest. Your partner's chin soon draws near after a beat of silence; carefully tucking itself into the crown of your head to simply breathe in your scent.
...It seems you brought just as much comfort to Moth as they did to you.
"You feel like talking about it too?" Even though you felt safe in Moth's embrace to express what was on your mind, they still left enough room for you to decline. "Or... You can just tell me about your day instead? It doesn't have to be anything exciting. If you want, I can talk about mine."
Deciding you like the idea of having your lover's low, soft voice fill the silence; you offer yet another soft nod and gently rest your hands atop theirs. Unknowingly, your fingers brush against the silly little bow ring you gifted them upon a whim and it sends Moth's heart fluttering.
"Where to start... Well, I found this new anime recently — you might like it, actually." You felt them hum against your hair, "The premise looks really promising. It's about this isekaied retail worker who's been facing a lot of hardships in a brand new world, but despite everything they're going through, they keep persisting."
Moth pulls you closer to their side and gives you a soft squeeze.
"They... Okay, this miiiight sound cheesy, but— they remind me a lot of you. Very hardworking, supportive, resilient." You could almost feel Moth's smile grow as they continued, "Kind, helpful, determined. Now that I think about it, that character might just be a direct rip-off of you. Hey, do you think we could sue?"
An unflattering snort escapes the confines of your mouth at Moth's words, and you can't help but find yourself going along with it. "Pfft— You want to sue a giant production company?"
"Why not! Think of all the money we'd get once we win." Moth's head drops to the back of your neck now, holding you close as they continue talking. "Heh, we'd probably have enough to take a trip to Japan. Would you... Would you like that? It doesn't have to be Japan— anywhere is fine if it's with you, even if it's just to the city or back to Corland Bay."
"...You want to take a trip together?"
"Yeah! It'd be good for us, I think." If you focus hard enough, you'd be able to feel Moth place a chaste kiss against the clothed space between your shoulder blades. "We'd get a nice change of pace... and you won't be stressed out as much."
"—I don't mind taking care of everything." All of a sudden, they sound serious. "Tell me when you can get some time off from work, and I'll plan everything. You won't have to worry about a thing!"
Moth's real name slips from your lips with ease.
Without missing a beat, you turn around until you're facing your beloved partner and rest your forehead against theirs — careful not to bump them with your nose. Soft, hazel eyes peer back at you, and before you can stop yourself, you lean in for a kiss.
Warmth and mirth flood your senses as Moth reciprocates with the same amount of tenderness, and for a brief moment in time, everything feels peaceful. Surrounded by nothing but pure love and adoration, you let your walls crumble down and let the light in. And just like a moth to a flame, your partner effortlessly gravitates towards you.
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diastruction · 4 months
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THEMM🤍🤍 A rendered shot from my Eternal Dream animatic<3
Here is the link if you’re interested in watching it hehe,, I made it V centered because the song is mostly hers imo anYWAY HOPE YALL LIKE IT AAAHH
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rainswept · 1 year
you ask for Fontaine brain rot/reqs, I deliver.
So idk if you've done the recent archon quest and lyney/lynette story quest so if you haven;t be careful caus i will be spoling !
That part where Lyney is freaking out over Freminet and Lynette had me SCREAMING especially since ive done their story quest AND ALSO FRIENDSHIP 10 LYNEY SO I HAVE THE LORE AND IT HURTS SM but I won't spoil all that for u-
so anyways, i started thinking, imagine Lyney has a lover who's been with the siblings for years (and also works for Arlecchino) and is considered another sibling by Lynette and Freminet. They were also diving with Freminet when they encountered water from the primordial sea
now imagine clorinde can only take one person with her at a time when she pulls them back, and she saves Freminet first, later going back for Lyney's s/o
Eventually Freminet wakes up like he does in the quest, but the reader just.. doesn't. Hours pass and the siblings are freaking tf out because they don't want to lose anyone.
(now I can't decide if I crave angst or if I want to comfort my babies so ill give my headcanons for both shiguegoe)
angst: Lyney's lover keeps deteriorating, parts of them gradually turning blue and quite literally withering away (caus you know the water and the dissapearances- yeah-) and the siblings can do nothing but watch
Lynette shuts down more frequently and for longer periods, not even saying anything to Lyney
Freminet blames himself for not noticing sooner, for not getting them out sooner
And then there's Lyney.. he blames himself for not only putting his siblings in danger, but losing his lover...
He sits by their bed watching as they wither away, holding their hand. He knows Father will be upset by his lack of comitment to the mission but he can't bring himself to care
The day they pass, no one says a word. They continue with their mission, report to Father, go on with their Fontainian lives until they're alone and they cry. they cry and scream and curse whatever archons or god's are listening.
After days of not waking up, they finally open their eyes.
Lyney is fretting over them asking if they know where they are, who he is, what happened etc
now to throw in a tidbit of angst, what if they awoke with some disability? like they cant see anymore, they can't hear properly, cant walk properly etc
Lyney and Freminet would devasted because they blame themselves. Lynette would be quick to remind her brothers at least everyone is alive.
It'd be bad because with a disability, they can't work for Father anymore, or at least not the way they used to
AHHEOGUHEOG im stuck in a neverending brain rot my guy
Anyways. I was actually going to request for you to write your own take on this but you don't have to if you dont want- even just hearing your take would be nice lmao
also if its ok i reallly wanna be mutuals! I just found you blog and im obssesed!! I really wanna be friends<3
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NO BECAUSE I SCREECHED SO LOUD MULTIPLE TIMES READING THIS !! THANK U SO MUCH YES OFC I WANNA BE MUTUALS/FRIENDS!! genuinely absolutely made my day to have u ask that oh my god??
also don’t worry about spoiling anything for me, i’ve read every little bit of lyney/lynette/freminet lore out there 😭 and i’ve done all of the new fontaine archon quests already (i need help. it’s okay though!)
as for angst — u know me so well already this is my forte. cracks knuckles here i go
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freminet feels as if something is off.
already beginning to panic, he turns to you in a hurry. the water swishes in his ears. when you meet his gaze, wide-eyed, the gut ‘feeling’ turns into a full-blown punch to it. oh, now he realizes; he can’t breathe. his heart’s racing, chest tightening and throat feeling as if it’s closing up.
you reach out, and exchanging unspoken words, you two turn around and make to retrace your patterns with haste. hand in hand, you race against frittered time; but even your best efforts are not enough, and the both of you are forced to acknowledge it when freminet’s vision begins to turn spotty.
he got in the water first; he’s gone before you are. his body floats limp beside you as you drag him along through the water, even as the surroundings grow hazy for you, too. a cold tingle runs up your spine as you consider the possibility; is this the end?
(when you had left for the pipes, the most you had exchanged with lyney was a quick kiss on the cheek as a goodbye. that wouldn’t do.)
but even as you try desperately to cling to life .. the “sea” is a cruel thing, and it does not care for your mortal frivolities. (a proper goodbye? .. foolish.) with cold, disorienting water enveloping your senses from all sides, your only grounding thing being freminet’s (rapidly cooling) fingers against yours — it didn’t take long before you succumbed to the “sea”, too.
(your last thought as the world went dark was “i’m sorry.”)
(even in your barely conscious state, you feel another wave of panic surge through you when freminet’s fingers slip away from yours — but you don’t have enough energy to hold on.)
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reader lives:
the incessant thrum of the water rushing through pipes rattled in your ears. your whole body was sore, weak and tired; and all of your limbs felt like lead attached to you via shoddy workmanship. your head hurt like hell, and what’s worse is that the moment you opened your eyes, you were immediately met with the sight of the three people you cherished most.
first, there was freminet, who was sitting on the bed opposite to yours. his posture fixes from a slouch into proper the moment he spots you, perhaps in.. excitement? shock? you weren’t sure. his eyes lit up, though.
second, there was lynette. she was .. a bit more on edge than usual. that was .. to be expected, of course, but really. you were out for.. what, an hour or two? come on, all four of you put yourselves in danger all the time. what was different about this?
(what was different was the fact that you were not out for an hour or two. no, make that days. they were sure to remind you of this.)
then, there was lyney. for him, the world seemed to stop.
lyney, who was pacing the room in sheer desperation. he walked and walked, boots timed and in tune with the clocks and dripping water from the pipes. in his nervousness, he had unwittingly created a quite fitting melody.
(the only sounds once he ceases walking are the clocks and the water dripping from the pipes.)
lyney, who had rushed to your bedside the moment he had noticed you were up. he looked exhausted, but the second you were awake the mask was .. attempted .. to be put back on. however .. it didn’t take someone as observant as you, or even one who knew him so well, to notice that it was placed crooked.
(how absurd he looked, trying to put on a front everyone in the room knew was one.)
why, even, you would have bet that it could’ve been surmised by a child. once again, emphasis on ‘you would have’, for there was no time for thinking about that when he rushed to your bedside and enveloped you into an embrace. you didn’t miss the way his fingers grasped at the back of your shirt in downright desperation.
(in clear, bold letters, it reads; “if nothing else, please let this be real.”)
he slots himself beside you and, wordlessly, holds you close. he doesn’t need words — neither of you do. this is enough.
lynette and freminet looked on, neither of them opening their mouths when lyney buries his face into the crook of your neck and stays there for just a bit too long. he doesn’t cry. instead, he whispers shakily against your skin; “i thought i’d lost you.”
(the only sounds once he ceases speaking are the clocks and the water dripping from the pipes.
(no one speaks up just yet.)
(the only sounds in the room are the clocks and the water dripping from the pipes.)
(you’re starting to think those were the only sounds ever there.)
when he finally pulls away, you notice he’s fixed his mask. lyney now smiles, and the shake in his voice is gone; but you know it’s not all better, not when he refuses to leave the infirmary even after sigewinne and the traveler inquire. you know it’s not all better, not when the four of you are alone again. lyney sits beside you on the bed, refusing to so much as stand up (he doesn’t want to let go of your hand. you don’t comment on it, but his fingers are still shaky as he holds onto yours like they’re a lifeline.)
you don’t exchange as much as a single word after that. you just bask in each other’s presence, apologies and pleas and “i love you” shared during every lingering glance between everyone in the room.
the four of you don’t need words. this is enough.
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reader dies:
seven mistakes went unnoticed. seven signs went unfollowed. seven things (and five people) went wrong that day.
one: freminet.
it was entirely freminet’s fault, he thinks, it was. if only he had gotten you out of there in time. no — he shouldn’t have even brought you. he sits on the infirmary bed opposite to yours, knees pulled up to his chest, and he clutches pers with a death grip. he dips his head in such a way that his face is hidden with his hair; he doesn’t want to let lyney and lynette see him in this state. they have enough to deal with.
two: the primordial sea.
but they were bound to notice eventually, right?
“it was entirely the primordial sea’s fault,” lynette would remind, hand on freminet’s shoulder. “it wasn’t yours.”
the primordial sea. the cold and vicious waters were such a contrast to those he held so dear; what was typically calming and merciful turned to something suffocating and terrifying. but that didn’t change the fact that it was an inanimate thing.
he drops pers at the contact; it clatters to the floor; he looks down, wide-eyed and apologetic; he reaches down to pick it up. lynette does not put her hand on his shoulder again.
three: wriothesley.
“it was entirely wriothesley’s fault,” lyney wants to scream. he’s frantic, pacing the infirmary and voice cracking every time he speaks. lynette and freminet have seldom seen him so panicked. he needs to do something, he needs— he can’t. he can’t leave. once he gets his hands on wriothesley, he swears he’ll—
four: clorinde.
it was entirely clorinde’s fault. it was entirely her choice to pick only one of you to save. no one can bring themselves to be upset at her, for she did try to save both of you. but the realization slowly dawns upon the three children of the house of the hearth still with a steady heartbeat; it was either going to be you or freminet.
they realize this at different times. every time they do, they exchange a silent, quick glance.
freminet would’ve gladly given up his life. lyney and lynette, however .. they would not have been able to choose.
five: the gods.
it was entirely the gods’ fault. curse the gods, lyney thinks. he’s still pacing the room, and while he never put much stock in the divine, he was practically yelling at them now. he knew it wasn’t logical. but he needed something. what was the point of a god if not to help their people? what was the point of a god if just to watch people suffer like it’s an opera?
was she here now? was she watching? was this a “twist” for her? did she delight in this?
six: lyney.
it was entirely lyney’s fault. he shouldn’t have let you or freminet go. he shouldn’t have. he shouldn’t have let wriothesley play him like he was a deck of cards in his hands. this was all his fault. all his fault. he knew of the prophecy, dedicated his whole life to it — and yet hadn’t managed to save you from its clutches?
seven: you.
in truth — it was no one’s fault. but lyney is still pacing the room, breathing getting heavier and more rapid every time he steals a glance at you. lynette’s eyes still trace his every move, conveniently ignoring the sight of you as best she could; and freminet still has his face buried in his knees as to not look at your decaying body.
none of them can deal with the fact that it was simply an accident. no one meant for this to happen — there was no one to blame.
they needed someone to blame.
so each and every one of them blamed themselves. as lyney’s fingers grasped your cold ones, he squeezed them softly even as they began to turn blue beneath his grasp. he couldn’t bare to let you go.
and after three long days, the sun rose to find your bed empty where you had laid. you were nowhere to be found. for a moment, lyney’s heart practically leapt out of his chest, wondering .. did you get up?
but as he rushes to the bedside, his face falls. he should’ve known not to get his hopes up.
the blankets were damp where you had laid, soaked with water just as the stage in the opera epiclese had been.
lyney didn’t cry, nor did lynette or freminet.
they didn’t exchange so much as a word the day you died.
instead, they put their aching hearts and empty souls into the mission at hand. they worked twice as hard to distract themselves, and they provided excellent results for “father” — but they had barely worked together to do so.
they exchanged cold words and they held each other at night, when the pain became too much — because as much as they tried to pretend like nothing happened, that was a lie, just as the rest of their existence — but there was no mistaking it. they were now divided.
there was always you. and now there wasn’t.
lynette was the one who informed “father” of your .. whereabouts. lyney couldn’t bring himself to.
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mitamicah · 9 months
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Bunny boy Kris Guštin ^V^ 🐇
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shrikeseams · 2 months
What do you think of Findis's birth?
The firstborn of Indis/Finwe
Maybe they were glad she is a girl, so not much of a threat to Feanor's heirship
Her name is their shipname. Straight up their shipname
Must have been wild, the pressure
Anon, I must admit that I rarely consider Findis at all.
I do have a vague (and second- or third-hand) impression that one of Finwe's rationales to remarry was because he had a son but no daughters. And based on that I would project at least Feanor's emotional trajectory as:
All-consuming bitterness about them having any children, cognitively because they bought their child with Miriel's live and subconsciously because if Finwe can replace Miriel then logic dictates that Feanor himself is replaceable-- and then
The kind of bitterness that'a self-loathing he can't even look at head-on, because Indis survives and what does that say about Feanor, about Miriel-- and then
Thank goodness it's a girl and Finwe finally has his daughter and there's no need for them to have more kids. Feanor can share with a (half) sister. That's bearable. That's limited. He can work with a sister. Maybe some day he could love a--
And the Indis announces her second pregnancy. 🙃
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presidential--suite · 6 months
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daekiyu · 2 years
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"...because, then, you and I get to go to hell together, and I get to spend eternity with you, tormenting you!"
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wordy-little-witch · 2 months
Silly incorrect quotes bc I am a trash mammal and I need serotonin, Cross Guild Poly with queen platonic Shuggy
Mihawk: hm.
Buggy: hm? What's up, Hawky?
Mihawk: it's nothing. Merely pricked my finger on a thorn
Buggy, setting aside his book: oh! Here- *he pulls out a handkerchief, knotted to a line of others, and cleans the hand and applies a bandaid* and the finishing touch! *he kisses the bandage*
Mihawk: .... why did you do that?
Buggy, smiling faintly: just something captain, Rayleigh and their wife used to do for Shanks 'n I as wee lads. Kisses make booboos better, Mama Rouge used to say. A-anyway, sorry, just... didn't think.
Things go quiet for a time before they part ways. Later on...
Mihawk: Crocodile, I require your assistance
Crocodile: I already told you I will not give you an extension on your eyeliner budget-
Mihawk: no, punch me in the face
Mihawk: lips, preferably.
Crocodile: why do I always fall for the batshit ones-
Buggy, half drunk: -and it's really a wild thing to insinuate that he wasn't a progressive novelist in the first place! It's like comparing peaches to pomegranates! Both are good, but they're only tangentially related and you HAVE to take the situation into account, and this motherfucker has the audacity to tell me I'm trying to "make everything needlessly gay" like SIR WHAT THE FRESH FUCK-?
Crocodile: What is he even talking about.
Mihawk, nursing his third glass of wine, face mask and robe in place: the homoerotic subtext between two fictional characters in a fantasy novel from well over thirty years ago.
Crocodile: why haven't you shut him up then
Mihawk, sipping elegantly: because he's right and should say it. I ship Bagginshield too.
Crocodile, exhausted by his nerds: I know several languages and this is none of them.
Shanks, still on the Oro: oh my gosh do you like like Buggy??
Mihawk, sitting next to him in bandages following his most recent challenge to Rayleigh: what? Do not be ridiculous. I merely find him appropriate company. It is not as if I find my thoughts plagued by him in the night.
Several hours later...
Mihawk, wide awake in his hammock, circus music and flashes of blue and blobs of red playing in his head: .... oh son of a-
Crocodile, staring into the camera like in the office: if I had a nickel for every time I found myself enamored by an idiot, I'd have three nickels. It isn't a lot, but it would go towards my therapy bills. Something must be wrong with me.
Crocodile : What are you writing?
Mihawk: The government wants to know what kind of weapons we have in the house. I'm letting them know it's private information.
Buggy, looking over Mihawk's shoulder: This just says 'fuck around and find out' in calligraphy.
Mihawk: We can’t tell you because you’re not a member of the club.
Buggy: What club?
Crocodile : The hating Buggy club.
Buggy: …The fuck? I should be the leader of that club!
Buggy: I just found out that humans are capable of fitting a light bulb into their mouth with ease but can’t take it out without shattering it, and now I have to physically restrain myself from putting a light bulb in my mouth
Crocodile: why would you-
Mihawk: the forbidden gumball
Crocodile: NO
Buggy: Being half asleep and feeling someone gently plant a kiss on your forehead is one of the purest kinds of love in the world.
Mihawk: Unless you're home alone.
Buggy: Hoodie pockets are so great. I can fit like three sandwiches and a grenade in there and my hands are still warm.
Buggy, dressed like a sexy nun: Forgive me Father, for I have sinny-sin-sinned.
Mihawk, sighing as he pinches the bridge of his nose: why do I attempt anything with you
Crocodile : Mihawk, my old friend!
Mihawk: I think you tried to kill me at some point.
Crocodile : That was obviously just my way of getting to know you.
Mihawk: Happy Scorpio season. If you have to burn a bridge, do it safely!
Buggy: With NAPALM.
Buggy: *slams books down in front of Crocodile*
Buggy: Boil up some Mountain Dew. It’s gonna be a long night.
Crocodile: You could have said literally anything else.
Buggy: Cauldron boil and cauldron bubble, Baja Blast to fuel my trouble.
Crocodile: I’m going to just stop challenging you when you say random shit. I won’t win. I realize this now.
Buggy, pulling up with heart shaped sunglasses: Hello, McDonald's, I would like to purchase 130 chicken nuggets. Prepare yourselves.
Mihawk: *yawns*
Buggy: Yeah, being that pretty must be tiring.
Mihawk: Then you must be exhuasted.
Crocodile: Will you two shut up? Some of us are running a multilevel marketing scheme - I mean. A business.
Mihawk, winedrunk off his ass: You want to know why people are so afraid of clowns? Well you know what people say about how their feet aren't the only thing that's big? And how people who drive really big cars have small dicks? Well clowns are out there with their big feet and tiny cars...
Crocodile: oh by the Seas you have a point. The Fool could be packing some serious business in that suspiciously large and baggy pillowcase. We must look into this further.
Mihawk: yes of course. We must know thy enemy.
Crocodile: indeed. And furthermore we must know what secrets and strengths the Guild may leverage. This is for the company, truly.
Alvida, who just wanted to eat her salad in peace:
Buggy: What, in the name of sanity, have you got on your head?
Crocodile : It's a fez, I wear a fez now. Fezzes are cool.
Mihawk: *snatches the fez, throws it in the air*
Buggy: *shoots it*
Buggy: Arson? Oh, you mean "crime brûlée". Gyahahahaha-
Mihawk+Crocodile, internally: gods he is so stupid. I need him carnally
Mihawk: Buggy just threw a tantrum about a chair.
Mihawk: I just won Buggy Tantrum Bingo.
Crocodile: fuck I was so close...
Crocodile : I baked you a pie!
Buggy: Really?! What flavor?
Crocodile: *pulls itemize bill out of the pie* DEBT!!!
Mihawk: While you were caught up in your heterosexuality, I studied the way of the blade!
Buggy: I am not a whore, and, not that I’ve done the math, but, if I were, I’d be the super classy kind that gets flown to Dubai to stay in an underwater hotel.
Crocodile : I'm not creepy.
Crocodile : I'm petty.
Crocodile : There's a difference, ya' know.
Shanks: Do you guys hear something?
Buggy: I hear the sound of you shutting the fuck up.
Buggy: Ugh, crushes are so dumb.
Shanks: I know. Whenever I’m near the person I like I just start acting stupid.
Buggy: But you’re always acting stupid?
Shanks: ...
Shanks: Yeah, don’t think about that too hard.
Buggy, turning to Shanks: Stop calling yourself hot, the only thing you can turn on is the microwave.
Buggy: Name a more iconic duo than my crippling fear of abandonment and my anxiety. I’ll wait.
Shanks: You and me!
Buggy: *tearing up* Ok.
Shanks: That’s the key slice of truth we need to complete the entire truth pie.
Buggy: Ooh, can we get some actual pie?
Shanks: I like the way you think.
Buggy: I want to kiss you.
Shanks, not paying attention: What?
Buggy: I said if you die, I wont miss you.
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sidewalkchemistry · 1 year
@/going.zero.waste on Instagram
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kuroosdarling · 1 year
hello friendz !! i am packing my bags and moving to @tetzoro !!! please come join me if ya want ^_^
back to navi.
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dailybloopy · 11 months
If you are interested, I wrote a big Reddit post about Blue Poison, trying to assemble all of her archive files and on-screen appearances to form the most complete picture of her that I could. https://www.reddit.com/r/arknights/comments/17abqp0/taking_a_long_look_at_blue_poison/
link !!
oooo this is super cool thank you for sharing !! ( ´ ▽`)
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worfianism · 1 year
Listen whoever decided to pair up La'an and an alternate version of Jim Kirk in a romcom style classic time travel episode actually galaxy brained. Freaking great episode.
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echo-goes-aaa · 2 months
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toaster-fire-art · 1 month
I discovered that I really like laying out my canvases in a way that makes me feel like i have a sketchbook, and I went a little crazy since this spread is one of uh 3.
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I know the full image is not going to be good quality at all but oh well
I'm about to be crazy busy with life and I wanted to post since I've been drawing a lot, even if its almost exclusively OC stuff. I might post them individually who knows, maybe I'll lore dump or just let it be puzzle pieces for people to guess at if they're so keen
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girlboyzone · 6 months
would it be chill and awesome if i talked ab asmp and sunshipverse more again for a bit . would u guys be cool w that
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