#that being fanfics and also gravity falls but also fanfics as a way to explore fandom BUT also fandom as a way to explore literature and
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quickfixinator · 13 days ago
Hiii!!! You mentioned in your reblog "jersey boy", while talking about fanfics including mullet Stan and old ford. Can I PLEASE get a link? I need fanfics with them. please. You'll save a life if you do, or if you have any other interesting reccomendaitons [excited][excited][excited]
HOLY shit I have waited for this day for my entire life YES absolutely here are a few I love with my heart and soul, the first one is mullet stan & old ford, the rest are mostly just good fic recs with brief descriptions, title, author, & word count guestimations.
I typically read longer, multi chapter works, but there are a few on here that are one shots, or are so close to being one shots that I consider them that in my head. for the most part (in this fandom at least) I don't read anything that's below 5k unless someone really twists my arm into it, so these are mostly going to be decently large time commitments but very, very good stories.
this is mullet stan & old ford, but also old stan & nearly-paranoid ford pines: (Stan Overboard, itS_JuSt_a_thought, approaching 100k I think?) https://archiveofourown.org/works/59722483/chapters/152329459
sea grunks, absolutely gut wrenching. I've gone back and reread the end a minimum of four times: (Fisherman's Knot, scribefindegil, just over 100k) https://archiveofourown.org/works/6179098/chapters/14157307
gravity falls retelling but the best version of it I've ever seen. this fic is a commitment, but this fic is worth it. it will take up more space in your head than you're likely going to want to give it: (Knowing Me, Knowing You, f_imaginings, hit 1,000,000+ words the day after christmas. I would know, I was there. wonderful little (Big) christmas gift.) https://archiveofourown.org/works/9529949/chapters/21548483
paranoid ford & mullet stan. what could go wrong? (so, so much.): (Monster Hearts, gen_is_gone, 50k~ & there's another part when you finish getting destroyed by this one) https://archiveofourown.org/works/61267219/chapters/156583162
am obligatory jersey boy by fordtato mention: https://archiveofourown.org/works/6885211/chapters/15708244
mullet stan & paranoid ford battling the devil (their communication issuses) this is also the best time loop fic I've ever read, and I read Knowing Me, Knowing You, in a week. that is to say I read a lot and I read often. so to be the best time loop fic I've ever read, is really, really hard feat to accomplish. that being said, this fic did do that so: (Déjà Vu, interlude, I don't remember this one being very long, but it is a gut punch) https://archiveofourown.org/works/27586903/chapters/67484779
actually destructive I'll just let you know that now: (Bait & Switch, underwater_owl, multi chapter, there's a series for it on AO3 with NSFW sections that aren't in the work & an additional part that is in progress) https://archiveofourown.org/works/58728250/chapters/149654767
baby stan twins. they make me want to bawl so hard: (The Effigy and the Inferno, Pokimoko, multi chapter, not super long) https://archiveofourown.org/works/60958624/chapters/155724274
have you ever considered the ship of theseus. what if the ship of theseus was a man. does that idea make you want to hurl? I'm a big fan of when people drive a stake right through the heart of stanford pines. really big fan of that: (To Make This Man of Me, mikripetra, one shot) https://archiveofourown.org/works/62754457
what if the stan twins met in the multiverse and shared a drink? surely that wouldn't hurt. surely not: (What's Almost Familiar, Fangirlwriting, one shot) https://archiveofourown.org/works/58904062
I know a lot of these are not mullet stan & old ford (there's one! please don't kill me! if you know of any others PLEASE let me know I would love to see them.) but these are some of my personal favourites. I'm a sucker for a story with a good sibling dynamic in it, so buckle up, grab your tissues and settle in for probably over a weeks worth of fic recs, if you read anything like I do.
also I am so sorry if I've managed to screw up the formating on this, I am on my phone OR if the captions contain a level of inaccuracy to them, this is a collection I have curated since the start of august and I've never compiled them like this before so I am working on some moderately old memories. forgive me in advance for any errors.
anyway, please take these, share them with your friends, leave the authors a whole hell of a lot of love because they are fantastic and I don't think they'll ever know just how much time I spend thinking about their fics.
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shanklin · 6 days ago
Okay but for the sad relavitvity au,
I’m incredibly interested in Stan closing himself off, emotionally from Ford, Mabel and Dipper.
He’s a kid who’s hurt, and his life is a mess,
I think Mabel and Dipper would feel extremely guilty about what they unknowingly taught Stan.
There’s lasting consequences, and the damage has been done.
And trust definitely has to rebuilt.
ALSO CARYN!! I wonder if she’s sees what has become of her son, her son who looks back at her with jaded eyes, shaped by the world that hurt him.
Does Stan after he murders Filbrick, live on the streets for a while? Does he meet Rico?
How angsty can we make this? Hehehehhehe!
Selfish Shellfish AU - Masterpost
"There’s lasting consequences, and the damage has been done."
I definitely agree with you there. 
And even without the extra baggage of them teaching Stan the exact wrong lessons, Stan would be an absolute mess after years alone with Filbrick. 
Stan would’ve still at least tried to downplay it, maybe only opening up to Ford.
But as it is now? He’s sure they would agree with Filbricks methods and even welcome them. It was all for Stan's benefit after all. He needs a strong guiding hand and lots of discipline.
[Dipper and Mabel of course have no clue what's actually going on and make it worse by believing Filbrick and having next no actual communication with Stan]
Shameless Plug for @emiliens fic where this whole miscommunication mess is written out perfectly
If they were to find Stan and get him back, they would need so much therapy to get through this.
But who needs therapy. We’re in fanfic land! Drama and Angst is the only way to move forward ♡.
Stan would just have them make an appointment and never show up and Mabel and Dipper would still need some time before they realise they should probably try therapy as well.
Uhh, what if they realise they fucked up in letting Stan stay alone with Filbrick and not checking up on him, but they still have no clue that their whole shtick about projecting themselves on the younger twins is the root cause as to why Stan never reached out. Not even to Ford.
Hell, maybe they mess up again and accidentally blame Stan for not asking his friends for help.
Stan just stares at them blankly and leaves the room.
He barely talks to and avoids them. 
They think he's annoyed at them for trying to help and apologize. And that's quite rude actually. They're doing their best! 
[Or maybe they just can’t deal with all the guilt right and want it all to be better immediately, not realising there is no quick fix for something this broken.]
Stan of course doesn’t want to be a bother. He’s also scared of messing up and has no idea what to do with himself. The flashbacks and nightmares he hides from everyone are eating him alive.
And he’s angry all the time. Angry at his father, his family, the world, but he’s not allowed to be angry at home. He mustn’t lash out or shout or punch. The last time he did that it ended with a dead father and a murder investigation. So he goes outside and gets himself into fights. 
Being beaten up and sore all over, now that’s the only therapy Stand needs! It’s the only thing that helps him fall asleep these days. He needs to be punished for what he’s done and how he’s behaving. And if Mabel and Dipper won’t do it, Stan has to do it for them. So he keeps getting into fights and doesn’t dodge as many hits as he could.
[All of this would also be so fun to explore in a version where Filbrick is just in a coma, Stan is not suspected of anything and he’s only in Gravity Falls until Filbrick leaves the hospital. Stan has an undetermined deadline and somehow that deadline feels more literal than it should.]
"ALSO CARYN!! I wonder if she’s sees what has become of her son, her son who looks back at her with jaded eyes, shaped by the world that hurt him."
As for Caryn… I’m always a bit annoyed when there is yet another fictional Mom who is perfect and just loves her children and her hugs can make anything magically better ♡. I want more bad or flawed mothers in fiction. But dear Caryn just had to be the only person in canon who asked “What about Stanley?” and actually came to his funeral so I can’t have her be too awful. Unfortunately :(
She was left with a choice during the divorce proceedings. Either take Shermie or Stanley. 
She chose Shermie. Stan wasn’t surprised. No one ever chooses Stan. He wouldn’t chose himself either. And his little brother needs their mother more than he does. Stan will be fine and they can still talk over the phone.
Only Caryn never calls or at least that’s what Filbrick tells Stanley. Phone privileges are to be earned and Stan is very bad at being good enough to warrant those.
Caryn on the other hand choses to believe Filbrick when he tells her that Stan doesn’t want to talk with her anymore. She did leave him behind after all. And when she hears from Ford that Stan didn’t want to meet him either, it just proves her right.
She refuses to consider the alternative that Filbrick is isolating her little free spirit and forbidding him to see his loved ones.
So she lies to herself that Stan’s just a teenage boy going through a phase and puts all her effort into raising Shermie right instead.
When it all comes crashing down and they find Stanley and take him back to Gravity Falls she rushes to meet him and is horrified by what she finds.
He just stares at her blankly and won’t lift his arms when she moves in for a hug.
That's not her Stanley! That’s an impostor. He’s possessed. WHAT HAS HE DONE TO STANLEY!
Long story short: She’s not taking it well, leaves Gravity Falls and is in denial for a while longer until it hits her just how much she’s really been lying to herself all these years 👍
"Does Stan after he murders Filbrick, live on the streets for a while? Does he meet Rico?"
There are so many different things as to how it could go for Stan after he runs away. 
Will he get a break and find himself some good old found family? 
Will he embrace the criminal life? Will he get forced into it? 
Join a biker gang? 
Get captured and go to prison where he starts drawing comics again and becomes a best selling comic book artist? 
Will he be a drug runner for Rico as a necessity to survive and replace one awful father figure with another? 
Or is Rico an evil drug lord but also a fantastic father who loves and supports his newly adopted son very much and Stan will see Ford again when they both accidentally get assigned the same room at West Coast Tech?
Will it all go more or less like it did in canon and Stan receives a postcard over a decade later asking him to please come because Ford built a doomsday device and needs someone to hide his journal?
Or will Ford go investigate and find signs of supernatural interference at their home. As a result he obsesses about solving the mystery and becomes a world renowned private detective specialising in the occult with the goal of finding his brother and clearing his name. But as the years go by the evidence against Stanley Pines becomes more and more damning, Ford has to struggle with the fact that maybe Stan really went dark and joined the very thing Ford is trying to fight against. Or maybe nothing is as black and white as Ford's triangular partner wants him to believe. <- that one is just my pitch for a TV spin off series 
What I’m trying to say is, please don’t make me choose just one idea XD. Tell me yours if you have one! 
How angsty can we make this? Hehehehhehe!
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sweettjrose · 1 year ago
I really really like your writing and style of narrative (I am still reading your detective Mickey one, I am interested!), I have always wanted to write my stories and OC stuff like that , but it never turns out good.
Anyway, my question is if you any inspirations or reference when it comes to writing, and if so, what are them?
Thank you so much!!! 💕💕💕
It warms my heart so much to see so many people like my story and get invested. I always wanted to get into fanfic writing, but could never imagine seeing so many positive reactions. I worked really hard and I can't wait to share more of what I have planned for this series.
As for your question, it is a simple question, but I actually have a complicated answer lol. Because even though I am writing fanfiction, I feel like a lot of my inspiration comes from things outside of just writing such as tv shows, games, comics, movies, etc. There are so many stories that had such an impact on me like Undertale, Deltarune, Mob Psycho 100, Avatar: The Last Airbender, Gravity Falls, Pokémon Black/White, Steven Universe, Gurren Lagann, Kung Fu Panda, Bojack Horseman, The Great Mouse Detective, Beauty and the Beast (Tbh Disney movies in general), and so much more. I've always wanted to write something just as emotionally impactful and compelling as they were to me. I feel like I daydream of cool moments as well as fun story ideas but never really put them on paper. But one day, while hyper-fixated on Mickey Mouse, I couldn't take only thinking anymore and I decided to just start writing them down and that is how I got my start.
What has also helped is following other creators that have been making their own wonderful stories also based on characters in the whole "Mickey and Friends"-verse. I've been following "Everything is Blue", an incredible story that tackles the relationships that Bud Flud had before he became the Liquidator by @trishabeakens . I also love the amazing duckverse comics by @modmad that do such a brilliant job giving Magica De Spell and Gladstone Gander so much depth with beautiful illustrations. Also, my friend @skullsemi makes many terrific comics about her "The Backup Detectives" AU that explores Mickey, Donald, Goofy, Oswald, Clarabelle, and everyone in such a fun role, and even other people started to add their own take to their AU. That isn't even everyone. Just seeing so many people share their own fantastic work and take on these characters or any other characters are really big inspiration when it comes to getting the push to make my own stuff.
However, I can't talk about inspiration and references and not bring up all of the "Mickey and Friends" media that is the root of my story. The animated shorts, "The Three Musketeers", "The Three Caballeros", "The Goofy Movie", Ducktales 2017, "The Prince and the Pauper", "The Christmas Carol", the comics (Gottfredson, Barks, Rosa, Nucci, Topolino, etc.), Darkwing Duck, and just so much more have all been key references when writing my fanfiction series. Some of the inspiration is obvious such as "Mickey Mouse Outwits the Phantom Blot" for the Pilot. But it is more than that. It is also the feel that all of these stories give. What I like about all of these stories is how well they can balance a fun cartoony comedic vibe, but also have strong emotional moments. In "The Goofy Movie" you can have a musical number where people dance on cars in the same movie where two adults have a serious conversation about trust and the best way to parent a child. That is what I am trying to catch in my story. And now that I think about it a lot of the previous stuff I mentioned in the paragraph above also have a pretty similar balance. I think there is something about being able to be goofy but also sincere that speaks to me. The idea of exploring the tough parts of life, but still holding onto hope and having fun along the way. It is genuine. I want to be genuine.
I know you mentioned earlier about how you don't think you're writing is good. I haven't seen it (mostly because I don't know who you are lol), but I think you are being a bit hard on yourself. The fact that you are writing is better than doing nothing and I would say just write what you want to. Write what you enjoy and find fun. Write what gets you to actually write. Because if I could be honest, I am really writing mostly for me. This is something I've been wanting to do forever and I am having so much fun.
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akahael · 8 months ago
GAHHHH It's been so much time since someone tagged me in something like this!!! Thank you @one-silly-cart00nist !!! Bestie indeed :DDD 💖💥
Last Song:
This song has been repeating in my head for weeks. Maybe months? Chappell Roan is absolutely ICONIC and her voice and this song make my bones tremble idk how to explain!!?
Also a honor mention:
I know this might not resonate with everyone in here because it's in spanish but ☝️ another masterpiece and another incredible singer. This song gets me crying every💥 time💥
Fave place:
My computer? Lol- Probably any big city with tons of street commerce. I love exploring the capital with my irl friends when I get the chance (Getting robbed is part of the experience); and in general places where I can see people's small business too, like cons!!!
Fave book:
I have always been a fanfiction boy I'm sorry... I don't know many "actual" books... But back in school "Fahrenheit 451" didn't let me sleep lol. It's about a biopolitical government who demands the firefighters no longer stop fires, but start them, by burning books (books are illegal)
It's pretty cool, but if I'm allowed to talk about my favorite fan-fiction, I HAVE to say, "Markdoka Magica!" by @bonkerbuster69 on A03 LIKE. THE MOST BEAUTIFUL THING I HAVE READ?!?! IT MADE ME CRYYYYYY!!!!!!! It's about Mark discovering and accepting herself as a trans girl SNIFF SNIFF everyone should read it 😭😭😭
And in second place there's "The perks of being in love" (orphan_account) which is a 2015 fanfic on AO3 about Wirt (Over the Garden Wall) and Dipper (Gravity Falls) and their slow burn romance in highschool GAHH the corniest thing but it low-key made me realize I was on the ace spectrum AND high key was the start of my love for poetry so it kinda had a big impact on my life LMAOO
As for books again, I will say "Dear Evan Hansen" too but just because there isn't a space for "favorite musical" heh
Fave movie:
I don't watch many movies either lol but I have to say Luca (yes, the one from pixar). It brings me the biggest sensation of comfort any sort of media has ever made me feel, and I had a bigg hyperfixation with it for over two years so yeah. It's special.
Honorable mention to The Bad Guys too (I'm not a furry I swear (?))
Fave show:
OHOHOHO!!!! I wouldn't know... Both Gravity Falls and Over the Garden Wall fight for the first place with fists and teeth. Every time a hyperfixation is over I just go back to them
That's in general. Currently tho, of course I'm OBSESSED with Craig of the Creek and especially the Elders, 1. for the comfort sensation it gives, 2. It's surprisingly funny and 3. The way they approach certain, more serious topics in a friendly way for kids. I love to see it with my lil sister and she loves the show too.
Honorable mentions again to The Eltingville Club pilot, Fired on Mars, Total Drama Island (SPECIFICALLY the 2023 reboot) andddd Edd Ed n Eddy which I still haven't finished but I HAVE to lol
Fave food:
ErMmM I'll tag @twuizzy just if you want to do it pal!!!! :D
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spop-romanticizes-abuse · 2 years ago
Hi! Thanks for answering my question. I think that putting Catra’s redemption arc in the last season was a bad idea because she was just too far gone after the world-destroying portal scheme. This was more like a bait to make the audience keep watching and waiting for her turning point to become a new member of the Rebellion, even if she did too little to showcase growth and remorse towards the people she hurt in the end.
If a redemption arc is what they wanted to portray why not doing it at the start of the show? Like, Catra humors Adora in joining the princesses as a way to get as far away from Shadow Weaver who only wants Adora and is using Catra for that. So it would mean disobeying SW together and maybe Catra can prove Adora wrong about the princesses because of her own biases against them. But with time she acknowledges and comes to terms with her actions that supported the Horde and how wrong it was, that she was not only a victim of it but also becoming as terrible as SW. She struggles to make friends beyond Adora, rebuild her self-worth as her own person, and be the kind of friend Adora deserves. Also, this is something I saw in some fanfics, maybe trying to explore her origins or if there are more people like her.
Another option that is more about self-discovery than redemption is to make her accept Scorpia’s offer of defecting from the Horde and becoming the leader of the Crimson Waste. Make a name for herself and learn to be her own person, find her path, a purpose that is not connected to surpassing or defeating Adora, or prove herself to SW. Of course, this would mean being a neutral party in the war. She won't be helping Adora nor stopping the Horde but she won't be trying to kill her or her friends, nor creating plans to destroy the Rebellion.
i agree with that, they could have redeemed her early on in the series. both of your ideas could have been the better way to handle catra's arc. but i also don't think her "going too far" was the problem. anyone can redeem themselves regardless of how heinous their actions were. redemption is about improvement, not forgiveness. however the more you corrupt your character, the more effort needs to be put in their redemption arc.
for example, a character who is just a petty bully or a popular mean girl does not need a super drawn out redemption arc. which is why most people were satisfied with pacifica's one-episode arc in gravity falls, because she really didn't do much other than occasionally make fun of mabel and her friends. she was a minor inconvenience, at best.
however, if you are writing a villain and you want them to be as threatening and heartless as possible, you need to be willing to write the consequences of their actions. you need to give their victims time to forgive them and you need to show the character feeling actual guilt and trying to make up for everything they did. you can't just make a character do the most destructive shit imaginable and just be like "it's okay, they're better now". even worse in catra's case, because she doesn't change. it almost feels like catra just did all of this so adora would be in her control again, so that she can continue to manipulate and abuse adora.
anyway, my concerns with catra's arc is summarized in this masterpiece of a video. thank you.
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skcolicity · 1 year ago
I just watched the live action Little Mermaid...
and I think it has surpassed the animated version as my favorite of all time. Let me explain.
The Little Mermaid animated movie is/was my favorite Disney movie growing up. it's the movie I've seen the most times in my life, with Lion King probably coming in second. I lived in a family/community that had rules that were strict, and I never felt I really belonged. I always wanted to collect experiences, something I still do to this day. the only thing I want out of life is to travel all over and discover new places and people and feel wonder and indulge my curiosity, find new obsessions. it's why I tend to fall deeply in love with stories and shows, why I read and write fanfic, to explore more of these worlds in my mind. I eventually left that world of strict rules and dogma and found the love of my life who let me be who I really am, who encouraged me to explore every part of me as a person. I think that's why Little Mermaid has always resonated with me. (Also, I love the songs.) The animated version will always have a place in my heart.
But the live action version.... man.... it took all the really great moments in the original and translated them almost word for word, beat for beat, like the entire beginning sequence, the first scene between Ariel and Ursula, the blue lagoon scene, and so many more. It was *chef's kiss* perfect.
And then, they took some parts that in retrospect are kinda weak, in comparison, and made them BETTER. They made Eric a much more interesting character with an interesting backstory. They took tiny little moments from the original and expanded it, like his reluctance to be a king in the traditional way, like giving his wanderlust a greater motivation, being a different kind of leader. His goal in life is much more than finding the perfect girl, it's building a better, more connected world for the family he became a part of.
The first time Ariel sees him on the ship, they made that more impactful in the live action version. It was clear and palpable that she was seeing a kindred spirit in him, something made even more powerful when she found his room of knick knacks. The entire sequence in that room of Eric teaching her all kinds of things is something I don't think we really see in the animated version. It's seeing how well they fit together, like they're made for each other, they get each other at a deep level. And she taught him things he never knew, lighting him up with wonder.
Speaking of wonder, I really loved how much time they spent on Ariel's wonder of the human world on their day out. Halle did such an amazing job expressing that curiosity and wonder with her bright eyes and innocent expression. She really is the perfect casting for Ariel. She has such a sweet smile.
Ugh this movie made me so emotional. It definitely tapped into a younger me and made me feel all my feelings. It brought me on a journey and gave me so much more than I expected, so much more than the animated version did. It's better than the original, and I don't regret saying so.
Also, that new song that Ariel sings about gravity? AMAZING.
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car9723-t · 2 years ago
"Why Didn't We Think of That?!" - Tracey and Quattro
Spoiler Alert of Paper Clones Vs. the Multiverse of Madness by TheoryOfWeirdness
Spoiler Alert of Cloning Pains by Milky Boy Blue
Spoiler Alert of Gravity Falls
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Yet another adaptation of well-written one-shot fanfic - it means it needs an explantion with spoilers!
There are a couple of fanfic writers from Gravity Falls fanbase I like and have a good realtionship with. Both explored characters in their own interesting ways with quality stories, and they managed to do a collaboration work. Milky Boy Blue wrote his own take on the second summer in Gravity Falls, Oregon, and there was a story titled Cloning Pains involving with paper clones such as Tracey and Quattro, as well as a couple of new ones like Wendy Two (a paper clone Wendy made in order to avoid from bring grounded) an Armbel (a paper arm Mabel made with a magic copier to demonstrate how it works in front of Soos). In the end, they found they were making troubles to their respective creators, deciding to leave their home dimension as they got themselves laminated with Ford's almost-indestructible laminator. As a collaboration, Theory wrote the afterwards where they met a cosmic entity during these laminated four paper clones' dimensional adventures - and ultimately gave Armbel a full-fledged body made of paper.
This one is motivated by a part of the oneshot I mentioned above; Armbel asked a cosmic entity give her a body with fifteen-year-old body. In this story, that shocked Tracey and Quattro since they couldn't think of such an idea, as she explained that she decided to take advantage of being a teenager without herself backfired by disadvantages. It was quite an enjoyable challenge to visualize Armbel with full-fledged paper vessel based on the description - to understand the difference between teal and turquoise, decide what items and details to give, and such.
I began with researching color palettes involving with teal and how to write letters on sweaters, to define the mental image I could imagine from the written format. Then I agonized over details such as skirts - I tried to avoid making her merely a stretched version of a preteen one. Meaning I tested some changes to minor details, such as deciding on a type of skirt. I also considered some alterations such as giving her boots or long socks instead of leggings, and even the length of the leggings itself as well as patterns to use. But in the end, I kept the overall familiarity instead of making a big change.
But, I think I can be proud of...I managed to make Armbel semi-decent in overall. At least make her look likeable. And not making her too skinny - considering Mabel's appetite and how energetic & strong she was in twelve, I don't think she wouldn't be too skinny.  Yeah, that's something.
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curedeity · 2 years ago
It’s anniversary day!!!!!!!!!! It’s anniversary day!!!!!!! Gonna put a readmore here because its gonna be a long post.
If I’m being honest, I’m struggling to feel like celebrating today. While this year has been amazing, its also taught me that I’m not ready for a lot of things, and these last few months especially I’ve struggled to be happy with what I create.
But I don’t want that to stop me from celebrating what I’ve already accomplished, because my god, I have fucking written!
So, to start, just wanna shoutout all the friends I’ve made over the past year! Yall are amazing, awesome, incredible, showstopping---I’ve learned the wonders of online friendship, at long last.
Second, I wanna shoutout Bladies Week! This was an event week I hosted celebrating the women of beyblade, and I wanna thank everyone who participated with me! That week was... rough... but seeing other people contribute was the highlight of it, every time! If you havent checked out the bladiesweek tag to see that art, I dunno what to tell you, it’s amazing! The fact anyone else participated with me is something I cherish
Third, I wanna mention Fanfic Friday! It’s a weekly event each Friday where I draw art of other beyblade fanfics, and everyone is welcome to participate by doing the same or going and commenting on a fic! I have lots of ideas to continue with for this day, and I’ve been really enjoying it!
On that note, it’s onto the main event! Fanfic!
As of two years on ao3, I have 471,878 published words. Just so you understand, 50,000 words counts as a novella for nanowrimo, I have written a whole lot. A loooooot. It’s kinda incomprehensible to me, tbh.
I have 115 published fics total.
55 of those fics are Beyblade fics. I’m going to be honest, I probably need to create a collection for some of my shorter fics, just so people dont get the wrong impression of what I normally publish. The length of my fics has gone up the past year, by quite a lot, and there are tons of fics from this year I can shout. The Hikaru’s Adoption Agenda series was all this year, and I also have last years Mayblade that still falls in. I would like to specifically shoutout my Bladies Week submissions though, specifically Hikaru’s, Mei-Mei’s, Sophie’s, and Ren and Maru’s.
Aquario’s Cracked Fist is 3,142 words long, and Hikaru’s focus fic. Hikaru was probably the character I was most comfortable writing, and it shows in the ideas I’ll explore with her. I don’t know how to describe this fic without some spoilers, but it focuses on Hikaru’s trauma and how violence intersects with her thoughts.
When We All Fall is 6,036 words long, and it’s Mei-Mei’s focus fic. Honestly, the premise of this fic is super simple: I throw Mei-Mei off a cliff. It’s hopefully structured a bit like a shonen episode, where we focus on one hurt character having to survive alone and make their way back to the group. I really enjoyed drawing on those structures and tropes to write a story centered around Mei-Mei! 
Cetus Bouquet is 8,337 words long, and Sophie’s focus fic. This fic is about me trying to narratively write all the things I get to learn in gender studies classes. I’m just quite proud of the dynamics I wrote in this fic. Sophie is a very charismatic character to write, in a way, she has this sort of gravity and confidence that I wanna explore more.
Stolen Rivalry is 9,018 words long and the fic focused on Maru and Ren. This fic honors my brand of “why don’t I try to narrativize the sexist attitude of the show and my critique of it.” Focusing on Shogun Steel, I really tried to dig into how this show makes me feel, as a woman, and how Ren and Mau would react to the sexism Ren constantly experiences. You don’t need to read any other fic I’ve written to understand it, and it only deals with the first half of Shogun Steel (up to Ren vs Takanosuke actually, but you wont be fully pissed at the show until Ren vs Sakyo).
Beyblade is probably my main fandom at this point, and I’m very proud of so, so, so many of the works I’ve written for it. I have... a lot to say about future fanfics for this fandom, but right now, I’m going to celebrate what I’ve done.
Onto Pretty Cure, my other main fandom! I have 20 Precure fics written in total, and most of them focus on Futari Wa. I’m always happy to have a Precure fanfic idea, the reception I receive is always quite nice, but I wanna focus on my big project in that fandom right now.
Watashi Wa Pretty Cure! Seed is a Futari Wa spinoff focusing on Misumi Ryota (Nagisa’s little sibling) and is probably a fancure season at this point. It’s about Ryota becoming a Pretty Cure, discovering her gender, and having to care about life. It currently has 3 published chapters (I’m halfway through writing the fourth) at 20,909 words.
I’d just like to thank the warm reception this series has received, from the art and designs I made to the fic itself. Its really hard to get people interested in a fancure series, I think, so I’m very grateful to all the attention my series has gotten, and I hope I don’t disappoint!
I don’t have many published Madoka Magica fics, only 4, but that’s because Madoka Magica fics are some of my favorites and hardest to write. I really try to lean into stylism in these fics, and I want them to present an idea.
Once I Was Her was probably my favorite fic to write in this fandom, coming in at 3,553 words. It’s a post-rebellion Madoka focused fic dealing with the possible fallout of her tearing. I’m still so proud whenever I think of this fic, being able to actually stretch my wings as a writer always makes me feel good.
Also, quick apology to the Winx Fandom.... I’m sorry I do wanna finish Daphne’s Ascension! Someday, probably.
But, basically, I’ve really doubled down on my fanfic writing this year, and I’m so proud of a lot of the pieces I’ve put out. I’m really glad I came back to fanfic, as it gives me a new way to interact with the fandoms I’m in and contribute. I hope you’ve all enjoyed reading my fanfic, because getting to know people like my fanfic... well... it means a lot. I love getting to see that people like something I’ve done.
Thank you if you read all this self-indulgent post, art will be coming soon, I’ll try to finish up a fanfic for today, and thanks for sticking around! I’m honestly surprised any non-beyblade follower stuck around after the ask games-
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opinated-user · 3 years ago
Hey Lily recently had a round-trip podcast about the Owl house season 2 episodes. It'll take me too much time to tell about all the nonsense that was there, but if you want to get more whining about hunter and how he steals screen time from other characters you can check. The video is so bad that it actually good
well, i do need to have something to listen to while i do my chores so let's go:
separate tides:
good: i really did enjoyed the input of ginger, which was a surprise to me but because i never saw her analyzing a show before. i wonder if those are all her own thoughts that she developed on her own or it was part of a set script that LO had? either way, her parts are the most enjoyable if not for anything else because she's very fair and appreciates the visual aspect of this visual media. it would make sense for her as an artist to actually appreciate the collor pallete, something that usually feels lacking when LO's analyzing something on her own. bad: MO barely had a word in between ginger and LO talking. the comment about how “luz’s being punished for existing and puts herself in danger when she doesn’t need to” feel more flavor of LO refusing to engage with conflict at all. she specifically talking about “edgy fanfic writers who never grow up from edgy fanfic writers” is so painfully unaware considering that she keeps making contrive and unnecesary scenarios on her own fanwork just for the “melodrama”. LO gets very weirdly personal and gross about Dana, it reminds to how she ended up screaming how much of a creep rebecca sugar is on her one and only relevant video. apparently the only time that LO enjoyed hunter was on this first episode because he was just fun and then, when they actually explored him as a character, “suck all the personality out of him”. he was a fun character on that episode and they bring out a character from kingdom heart that was a more fun villain for comparison. ginger thinks this is something that happens on fanfiction a lot, where you don’t know “how to have a traumatized character that is also fun. Hunter is a wasteland of trauma.” the worse: ginger and LO going on a tangent about how people shouldn’t share their trauma through fiction is deeply upsetting. they all three laugh way too hard about how lilith had sex with hottie.
escaping expulsión:
good: LO admits finally that LO’s a protagonist of color that doesn’t get overshadowed by other character. you’d never know reading her posts. bad: LO thinks Luz lost her charm when she stopped being happy go lucky. worse: a tangent about how both LO and ginger do not understand the role of executive on shows. they both make it seem like dealing with executive is as easy as tell them no but that’s not how it goes for a lot of creators.
Echoes of the past: good: short. bad: they all bash fans for having fun fan theories about the connection between owl house and gravity falls. hunter and luz are at their best when they’re “fun”, but fans can’t have fun on their own. worse: ginger keeps doing something to her mic that sounds like she’s rubbing her hands all over it. keeping up a-fear-ances: good: also short. MO actually manages to get more than a full sentences in
bad: MO calls Steven universe ubermench worse:? through the looking glass ruins: good: they talk positively about Gus.
bad: anytime they say “this was overshawowed by this” they mean that the fandom gave more attention to one thing over the other. on this case, gus “of course” was overshadowed by the lumity b plot and the writers should have predicted this somehow. worse: Lo saying that the writers are out of touch because we only know that Luz is latina through an interview wich is just wrong, her name is a spanish name and her mom speaks to her in spanish on the very first episode. if you didn’t catch that she was latina from that moment forwards that’s not the fault of the show. LO might have a tendency of using Spanish names on characters just to make them more “interesting” but not everyone is like that. we didn’t know from where her family comes from and they could have done more to explore that on the show (like how they did on amphibia), but we knew that she was hispanic since the very start of the show. I also don’t understand how exploring gus’s issues and trauma is good, but doing that for hunter and luz is bad. It’s such an arbitrary standard.
Hunting palismen:
good: LO actually liked Hunter up until his mask was off and he had a tooth gap because apparently people were going to like him the wrong way or something. bad: LO complains about hunter being shipped with characters he interact with on the show. worse: hunter is boring. Ginger goes on a gross tangent about how 14-15 (the actual demographic for this show) are going to like hunter and they should have better taste than that. maybe we shouldn’t be shaming 14-15 little girls for having crushes on fictional boys. LO claims that she writes Alaina better than how Dana writes hunter because she has more ideas for cool stuff for Alaina to do. LO admits to only writing fanfic, not reading it and she uses as some kind of flex. eda’s requiem: good: they like Raine and gush over them. they enjoyed Darius too. bad: LO ships Darius and Eberwolf, calling it “finally some good monsterfuckery.” i don’t think Eberwolf’s age is brought up or confirmed anywhere. on the wiki for him he’s describe as having a “child size”… he’s a feral loli and LO just ship him with Darius. worse: MO makes a very loud snort that i did not love to have on my earphones. she comments on how she was the one editing the other podcast so i think she edited this one too? that’s three hours and a half of final result so i can only assume that at leas it was four hours originally that MO had to go through to piece what was important and what wasn’t, if not more. LO, pay MO. please. 200 for editing four hours of content is cruel.
Knock knock knocking on hoory’s door
good: generally positive review. LO and ginger gush about the plot and Eda’s harpy form. bad: LO trashes the fans for having fun theorizing again and “people always makes their gay character hot and steamy”, which is… something coming from her. worse: MO makes a joke about how she’d have found funny the break scene. LO: “what are you like this, mIkay?” MO: “i don’t know, please fix me.” LO:”that’s not my job to fix you, that’s why i paid the therapist for.” MO: “fair enough”. LO: “this’s the woman i married to, everybody.” MO: “no take backsies”. eclipse lake: good: generally poisitive reviw. I do like their reasoning for the worst vilains ever being “just some guy” since it makes the monster more human and also makes the audience think about the possibility of them becoming monster. It’s a good insight that LO’ll never apply in real life but it’s a good point her. bad: MO references the pose of Amity that she stole without credit for a piece of art as the only time she liked hunter on the episode.  MO has the most positive things to say about hunter overall.
worse: LO and Ginger both thinks the color pallete of Hunter is awful. yesterday’s lie: good: LO loves this episode. they compare the camp that Camilla was going to send luz to one about teaching neurodivergent kids coping mechanism, which is an interesting point i haven’t seen a lot of people make. she and ginger agree that Luz’s decision to be with eda was selfish and she’d have probably have a good time on the camp with other kids like her, as Vee in fact did. i still can’t comprehend how they got that from what little we could see about the camp but they missed luz being latina. bad: trashing hunter even thought he is not even on this episode. worse: trashing people who ship hunter with anyone. LO, someone who claims to have had covid twice already, “i think i had covid recently because i had a lot of gas and i heard that happens to people who have covid”. i think she just self reported. follies at the cover’s day parade:
good: MO likes Snapdragon, at least a more fun villain “in comparison to hunter”.
bad: more trashing hunter. a thing that’s quickly standing up for me here is that MO doesn’t really have a lot of opinions about hunter or doesn’t express them as strongly as ginger or LO. she doesn’t even agree when they talk about him with as much enthusiasm as LO does when ginger goes on another tangent about how boring he is. worse: something about the seth that made FG that i didn’t catch and i don’t want to hear again to descipher.
Elsewhere and elsewhen
good: short. bad: they all three missed the point that Belos already knew Lilith and knew that she needed her so that’s the reason why only Lilith was allowed to keep her palisman.
Worse: “at the end of the series luz is going to call eda the spanish word for step mom”. Madrastra. idk, something about that comment from LO rubs me the wrong way.
Any sport in a storm good: they liked willow and her team. bad: more hunter trashing and bashing of fans who ship hunter with characters he interacts with, unlike what happens with every other character on any other property ever. “hunter fans are the worst, literally the fucking worst”. Huntlow is a bad ship but willow and Skara would have been better because… LO: “hunter stand are violently antisemitic because of this one anonnymous message i got, on top of being violently racist, violently homophobic”. MO: “reylos never went everywhere, they evolved, they’re spreading”. more folder for my theory that LO’s dislike of hunter is projection from her previous hate of Kylo ren. worse: they blame hunter for not breaking years long of grooming and brainwashing fast enough until Steve said something, which was to set Steve up too. they also missed that hunter thinks everything he’s making the team is normal because that’s how he was raised to think normal was like and could only break that delusion when someone who also went trhough it all said that no, it’ not normal and it’s very bad. “this episode would have been better without hunter on it”.”how in five seconds Steve is a better character than you, stupid piece of wood”. reaching out good: they like alador and how the writers handled her relationship with Amity. bad: LO: “On su it was never going to work because it was made by someone who thinks blood is thicker than water”. SU was raised by three gems who aren’t related to him and they’re the main focus of the show but sure. the first time ever that LO catches herself bringing SU too much but only to say that sugar “doesn’t know what she thinks she knows.” worse: LO’s grossly personal about Dana and slips another comment about Sugar being racist. LO: “dramatic shows are not very popular.” them’s the breaks, kid good: generally positive review. bad: trashing on Dana for supposedly having hunter as her favourite character. hunter is not even on this episode. worse: they all keep shipping Darius and Eberwolf, the feral loli. LO doesn’t think that there’s any need for especulation on the show so there shouldn’t be any theorist on the fandom.
Hollow mind: good: MO talking about Belos until both ginger and LO drag hunter into it. bad: LO: “the worst episode of the fucking show.” worse: LO’s angry that hunter still hasn’t perfectly broken through years of grooming soon enough. all three of them miss the point that this is a show for kids so some thing need to be spelled out, like the theory that belos was phillip.
Edge of the world: good: generally positive review. short. LO gushes over a VA and they liked the writing on this episode. bad: they don’t like or care about the Collector, which they use to trash people who were theorizing about him. worse: labrynth runner good: short. they gushed over gus and the evil covenant head leader. bad: “hunter go, away” being literally the first words about this episode that they pronounce. “it’s not helped by the fact that Dana just had to put hunter here for no reason. you could remove hunter from the episode”. ginger: “Dana, you’re an idiot, don’t put hunter into episode where he doesn’t belong. but also if you’re on the hunter fans who’s saying what a good episode: smacking you, biting you and killing you.” we talked a lot about LO’s dislike of hunter but ginger’s the one who keep surprising with how agressive she’s about her dislike of hunter. a lot of her opinions too are almost verbatin the ones LO had on her blog. do they just happened to agree with each other a lot or someone’s copying someone else? considering LO’s history of plagiarizing and copying others without credit, it’s likely she heard ginger express such feelings and then repeated them but i don’t actually know. she sounds legitimately mad and i understand as little the why from her as i don’t understand it when it comes from LO alone. LO: “there’s no way that Gus wouldn’t know to differentiate a illusion of willow”. the point of that scene was to showcase that gus is still basically just a kid and because of that he’s very naive. that’s actually the perfect contrast to hunter who was raised expecting a stab on the back from everyone. the point of hunter being there was tos ay there needs to be an actual balance between the two postures to have a healthy life. this episode could not have worked as it did without hunter… which later sets up hunter being there for the final battle so that luz can try to be a hero on her own, a very common thing between hero characters. Lo: “you know, i don’t say this about a lot of characters but hunter is a mary sue.” i thought mary sue was a purely misogynistic insullt?
Lo: “i feel like Dana would be one of the producers and writers there is if she examined these problems that she definitely has” LO: “we only find out that Luz is afrolatina on a podcast and i hate when people do that”. ignores that she constantly gives details about her own characters through tumblr posts that almost never made it to the final product anyway. ginger: “hunter is unnecesary for the plot”. Without hunter we wouldn’t know about unity day plan. we as the audience hear about it from the collector on a flashback involving hunter. later hunter is the one to inform everyone at school and people believe him because he was the golden guard. they wouldn’t have believed luz the same way because she’s just another student like them and she didn’t had any evidence. LO: “Dana, i know you don’t have perspective because you’re one of them but hunter fans are a loud minority” LO: “they infantilize gus so fucking quickly”. did LO forgot that gus is 12? she seems constantly surprised that gus doesn’t know everything already. LO: “what the hunter stans ultimately is just a straight ship between two white people”. o titan where art though good: they gushed over Steve and King. they liked the plot with luz and eda. bad: MO: “bleached kylo ren”. confirmation that i was right. hunter is not even on this episode. worse: coulds on the horizon good: they gush first over how evil Odalia is. they liked luz and willow’s new outfits. bad: ginger: “willow is evolving to her pilot form” LO: “just don’t get the pixie cut.” worse: king’s tide good: they don’t trash hunter immediately and instead talk about how luz defeat belos. MO has been the one making the best commentary about Belos overall and now they do like the collector because of how powerful he is. bad: except LO who thinks he is badly written. LO doesn’t understand that Luz trying to sacrifice herself is her again trying to be a hero because that’s what hero characters are. they’re selfless by nature. a very common character arch for heroes is to find the point in which they can be selfless but not lose themselves. Luz still hasn’t come to that point. It’s called a character arch for a reason. worse: LO compares Luz putting herself on danger with how she wrote Alaina having suicide tendencies… something we all know for a fact was a poor rewrite that never was fully integrated on the story even to this day. she's using again her star wars fanfiction as proof that she's a better writer than the professional cartoon creator.
conclusion: good: short. ginger has a lot of positive comments. bad: LO: "i think this season would have been a lot better if they had kept lilith as the head of the coven". worse: LO: "i know we're all being very charitable to Dana but we need to adress that the fandom has a white favoritism problem and so does Dana, she's making actively worse and so i feel someone needs to tell her to stop." i don't disagree that there's racism in fandom (there's racism everywhere) but LO's not helping by dragging the white boy every chance she has for breathing. or by pretending to be cherokee without being claimed by the nation. or ignoring black people who talk to her about she makes them uncomfortable. or ignoring the native people who speak about she makes a mockery of their culture. or finding out about stereotypes or tropes regarding fictional black women only after she had already used the race of her OC as a shield. actions speak louder than words, LO. you can gush about gus all day long but you still need to treat other people better. LO: "if i had a show the first thing i'd do would be to hire sensitivity writers." just like you did hire a sensitive reader to write alaina. LO: "people ask me what i'd do if allie was included on the star wars universe and i always tell the first thing i'd do is hire six sensitivity readers because i don't trust myself and then other six to just do it better." i don't believe a single word of this. nobody asked that.
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definitelynotkatesblog · 5 years ago
Beg ∣ Spencer Reid x Fem! Reader
A/N: Hi, friends! This is my first time writing a fanfic piece, so of course it had to be for my love, Dr. Spencer Reid! This literally started out as a blurb in the notes app in my phone of maybe.... one line of dialogue?
Also, I am ready and willing to receive feedback! Please enjoy! 
If this opening scene was in a movie, the opening lines of Me & Mr. Jones by Amy Winehouse would be playing.
Nobody stands
In between me and my man
Me and Mr. Jones
(Me and Mr. Jones)
What kind of fuckery is this?
Category: Smut (and some cuteness at the end)
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Fem! Reader
Warnings: Cursing, Dom!Spencer, PostPrison!Spencer, bondage, unprotected penetrative sex, con/non con, safe word mention (not used, just mentioned), mention of overstimulation, orgasm denial, forced orgasms, indication of sub-drop? (then after care).
Word count: 3.0k 
Prison had changed Spencer. Obviously. Your once timid, tightly wound, germaphobe genius was now eerily patient, quicker to react, and able to eat in group settings with less hesitation. He was also more dominant with you in and out of the bedroom- just more assertive in general. Even his coworkers at the BAU mentioned his demeanor had changed when working on cases.
You had assumed it was due to him not feeling in control for those months he was property of the prison, and needing to exert his control in other aspects once he could eat and sleep on his own schedule. 
Before Spencer had gone away, your sex life was great- he was always sweet and attentive but rough when he needed to be. It was a mirror of his personality. 
Though you’d never know the extent of what happened in those concrete walls- and you’d never actually say this to Spencer- you weren’t terribly upset about the changes that resulted in the man who came out on the other end.
This man was more primally need-driven, more calloused and hungry than the Spencer you knew before. His words became fewer while his actions spoke volumes. He devoured you like you were his last meal on earth every time his hands were on you, like he was afraid this time might be the last time you two would be together. 
 His hands were more strong and confident with his touches, his mouth and movements more sure. Gone were the hesitant questions asked by fingers skimmed lightly over skin, and here to stay were imprints left from sure grips, unafraid to show signs of possession. 
His hunger and drive, these new deeper and darker urges had also allowed you to come out of your sex-shell. You weren’t afraid to ask for things that you feared my have intimidated Spencer before. There wasn’t anything you couldn’t ask for and nothing he wouldn’t do to you, for you. Did it make sense to trust him more now that he’d gone to prison?
You knew his newfound desires could be a sense of shame for him, but you wouldn’t let them be. If anything, you wanted him to be the one he explored them with more than anything. 
You rose to the challenge and arrived on the other side victorious- usually in a sweaty heap of bliss.
Murder in your eyes, you watched him cross the room to fasten your wrist in the restraint dangling from the bedpost. 
Once he was satisfied you wouldn’t be able to move from your slightly spread eagle position, he rounded the corner back to the foot of the bed, leaning forward to place his palms on the soft duvet, just staring. 
“Comfortable?” he asked nonchalantly, like he was asking about the fucking weather. 
You tried to lunge forward, but the restraints at your wrists quickly snapped you back, reminding you of what a not great idea that was. The fabric stuffed in your mouth as a makeshift gag caught most of the profanities you spat at him and turned them into nonsense. 
He chuckled and shook his head, “Glad to hear it.”
You could feel the heat rising in your cheeks, the rise and fall of your chest quickening as you realized the gravity of the situation- you really couldn’t get out of these restraints. And you really weren’t sure if you wanted to. 
“Do you know why I like when you’re tied up?”
Attempting to keep your face as stoic as possible, you offered no reaction and turned your head away from him, opting to look at the artwork on the wall instead. 
“Because when you’re tied up, you can’t get in my way of taking what I want.” His voice was level and low, speaking matter of factly. 
At this statement, you couldn’t help but throw him an incredulous look and an over-the-top eye roll.  
“And you can’t stop me from fucking you and making you cum as many times as it takes to break you,” he continued. 
The idea of that kind of delirious pleasure instantly caused a pool of heat to flood your lower belly, spreading through your veins. 
He made his way around to the side of the bed, watching your face with a thoughtful expression. 
His hand caressed the side of your face, cupping your cheek before forming a strong grip on your jaw. You tried keeping your face turned away, but were quickly humbled by the sharp turn of his wrist. 
Your eyes searched his, trying to determine how much truth there was in his statements. 
“Do you remember your safe words?” he asked softly. 
You nod, flexing your wrists against their restraints, and mumble around the fabric in your mouth. “Yeyow ng wed” you sighed, feigning annoyance. 
“Good. And if your mouth is full?” he prompted. 
You rolled your eyes, crossing your fingers for ‘yellow’ and snapping them for ‘red’. 
He hummed and left his position at your side and returned to the foot of the bed, content with your answers.
He crawled up on the bed and pulled your legs towards opposite sides of the bed with enough room between them for him to sit on his knees. 
You watched as he brought a hitachi wand from behind his back and place it in your line of sight. Your eyes narrowed, trying to unravel his plan. 
Suddenly his words made a lot more sense- You can’t get in the way. Make you cum as many times as I want. 
His finger traced the line between your clit and quickly dampening entrance, teasing with the lightest amount of pressure.
Your hips involuntarily made almost indiscernible movements to increase the friction, but with each movement, he would stop his ministrations and scold you with a ‘tsk tsk’.
His thumb found its way to your clit, drawing slow languid circles through the thin fabric. You tried your best to appear unbothered, but the fabric in your mouth wasn’t doing enough to stifle the whimpers slipping from your throat. 
“I bet if I checked right now, you’d be a wet fucking mess. Is that right?”
Even though you’d been betrayed by your body, you opted to test your luck with shaking your head no. 
“Hmmmm, see, I don’t think that’s quite right.”
His hands found their way to the edges of your panties and dragged them down your hips, thighs, knees and eventually off your body. 
Suddenly feeling very exposed, you pressed your knees together in an attempt to salvage your remaining dignity- well, what was left, after being bound to a fucking bed. 
He shook his head and placed a hand on each knee and forced them apart, staring at the apex of your thighs. His tongue poked out and made a quick sweep of his lower lip.
You knew, you just fucking knew you were in fact a wet mess, despite your best efforts to resist being turned on by the nonchalant, condescending, cocky fucking asshole he was being. 
He half smiled and chuckled, looking back up at your face. 
“Oh baby, was I right.” With that, he took a single finger and collected evidence of your arousal and brought it up to your eye level as proof. 
Without breaking eye contact, he popped the finger into his mouth, making a show of swirling his tongue around it, hollowing his cheeks, and slowly pulling it out of his mouth with a slight moan. 
Your eyes narrowed, a mixture of humiliation and raw attraction driving a fire to ignite and course through your veins. 
“God, you taste so fucking good.” he said slowly, emphasizing each word. 
Quickly returning his hand between your thighs, he dipped inside for a moment with one finger before adding another. 
The intrusion was dreadfully delicious, your hips bucking in an attempt to ride his fingers. An involuntary moan escaped your throat, muffled by the gag. 
Spencer started lazily thrusting into you, curling his fingers to meet just the right spot every time. The slow pace was agonizing- your head falling back, begging the gods above for him to grant you some sort of mercy. 
 Your head fell forward with a drawn out groan. Every time you tried to created more speed or friction, he would slow down or stop completely. 
You let out a frustrated whine, knitting your brows together to convey your displeasure with the pace he’d chosen.
Without warning, Spencer ’s fingers started plunging into you at a brutal pace, eliciting a surprised squeak and heavy pants from your lips. 
The muscles in your core tightened, your wrists pulling against the restraints as the breathy pants became moans of anticipation. 
The slow burn in your core continued to build, rushing to beat him before he decided to stop again.Your walls began convulsing around his fingers, indicating your impending orgasm.
Then, just as quickly as his fingers were there, they weren’t. Your eyes shot open, immediately searching for his. 
“Oh, did you think I was going to let you cum that easily?”
If looks could kill, he’d be one dead motherfucker. 
“I don’t think you deserve to cum yet, baby. I don’t think you want it bad enough”
Spencer’s other hand came to rest just above your mound, applying pressure on your lower belly while his thumb started circling your clit once more.
Between the deep pressure, stimulation on your clit and his relentless fingers fucking you blind, you were about to explode. Silent sobs left your chest, no air in your lungs made for a hard time breathing.
“I want to hear you beg me to fuck you” he said, his voice low and dark.
Reaching up, he removed the fabric from your mouth, tossing it to the side. 
“Fuck you,” you spat. Knuckle deep or not, there was no way you were giving in to him.
Arching an eyebrow he shook his head, reaching to his side, pulling something white into the space between his knees.
Your eyes widened at the hitachi wand in front of him, then darted to his face in an attempt to find any indication of his intention.
He climbed off the bed to remove his pajama pants. From your compromised position you had the perfect eye line to watch his dick strain against the waistband of his pants before springing free. 
Your bottom lip found itself between your teeth as a means of controlling the drool pooling in your mouth. Spencer’s laugh drew your eyes up his body until your eyes met. 
Pumping his fist a few times over his already hard cock, he climbed back onto the bed and towards you, gathering some of your wetness with the tip of his cock before positioning himself to enter you. 
Before he moved, a wicked grin flashed across his face as he reached for the wand and turned it on to its first setting, pressing it gently to the top of the hood of your clit. The introduction of the direct stimulation on your clit made every muscle in your body tense, white hot adrenaline coursing through your veins.
His thumb guided him to realign with your entrance, and he wasted no time with teasing. He quickly sheathed himself inside of you, now pressing the wand’s vibrations head deeper into your folds. 
God you wanted to fucking scream, but all that came out was a whorish moan. Your hands instinctively made a move to remove the source of the overstimulation, but were quickly reminded that wouldn’t be possible by the strain against your wrists. 
Your walls tightened around him, encouraging him to bottom out with each thrust. His aggression and moans mixed with curses let you know he was thoroughly enjoying himself. 
“Should I let you cum too?” 
His relentless thrusts did not show signs of slowing, and his clenched jaw and flared nostrils made him look, well... criminal. 
A quick flick of his wrist caused the wand to hit a sweet spot- eliciting a squeal. He pressed the buzzing head harder against the spot, wiggling it ever so slightly. Your hands formed fists as your head thrashed to the side, craning your neck- your breath hitched and came in short, shallow breaths as your body prepared to be pushed over the edge into bliss. 
That was, until Spencer removed the wand from its promising position, tossing it onto the bed beside your leg. The sound of buzzing against the sheets was dull in the background as your head swam at the loss.
In a swift motion, his arms hooked under your knees and pulled your bottom closer to the edge of the bed as far as your wrist restraints would let you. A surprised squeak left your lips as his hands positioned your ankles by his ears. 
This new position allowed him deeper access, hitting your cervix with each thrust. This new sensation caused your head to fall back against the pillow and eyes to squeeze shut. 
Quickly grabbing the wand from beside him, he matched the movement of the wand with the patterns of his thrusts, making it difficult to tell where the pleasure started and ended.
“Please please please I want to so bad,” you begged, “Oh my god, please!”
“Hmmm, want to or need to?” he asked quickly, chasing his own orgasm.  
“FUCK, need! I need to! Please I need to cum, please Spencer!”
“Cum.” It was one word, but enough to be your undoing. 
Your walls clenched around him as your hips buckled against the head of the wand. 
Your heels dug into his shoulders beneath you, arching your back off the sheets as he buried himself deeper into you. 
Air burned your lungs as they tried to force enough oxygen in between pants, a moan ripping the rest of the air from your chest. The waves crashed into you, over and over making up for lost time. 
Fire raced through your veins, curling your toes and causing your hands to form shaking fists in their tethered positions. You cried out senselessly for him to stop. 
“Good girl,” he cooed. “One more.”
You shook your head vigorously, unable to even able to wrap your head around cumming again.
“Yes,” he said. There was no room or invitation for argument. 
Voiceless pants left your throat, your mouth dry from gasping for air.
Your eyes begged Spencer to give you just a moment to breathe, which he promptly ignored. 
Setting the wand to its next highest setting, Spencer’s thrusts found a faster pace. 
His name came out between mangled moans and broken sobs. 
“Cum for me baby, come on,” he forced out between clenched teeth. You knew he had to be close too.
Your second orgasm tacked on to the tail end of the first and possessed your body with more power than you thought possible. The vibrations racked through your body leaving flames in its wake until you couldn’t register your body as your own anymore.
The feeling of Spencer throbbing inside of you, emptying himself only added to the pleasure, your walls continuing to milk him. 
Involuntary sobs escaped your lips as you came down, Spencer’s thrusts slowing, the wand returned to its lowest setting-allowing you to ride the rest of your wave down to planet Earth. 
Watching your chest heave, gasping for more air, he removed the wand from your clit and slowly withdrew himself from you.
Sweat glistened on your forehead, your cheeks flushed and hair disheveled, now dripping a mixture of your releases.  
“God you’re so fucking beautiful” he murmured, kissing the inside of your calf before gently removing your ankles from his shoulders and placing them on the bed. 
After a few moments, an overwhelming wave of emotion crashed over your body causing tears to spring to your eyes. Your lip quivered, but you bit it between your teeth in an attempt to collect yourself. 
“Shh shh shh,” he said, quickly undoing the restraints at your wrists and pulling a blanket from the foot of the bed around you. He sat on the bed and pulled you into his chest, his legs around your body with your legs thrown over one of his, gently rocking the both of you. 
“You did so good, baby. So good,” he said kissing the top of your head. 
You didn’t have any witty or snarky remarks for him. The hot tears slid down your cheeks as you pulled the edges of the blanket tighter around your body. 
His hand rubbed big, soothing circles into your back while he tucked your head under his chin. 
You pushed the blanket off your shoulders, needing to be closer to him than you currently were. He watched you turn and straddle his waist, wrapping your legs around his torso and your arms around his neck- grabbing your opposite elbows to bury your face in his neck. 
He let you settle before wrapping his arms around your back, hugging you closer to his chest. 
“I’m so proud of you,” he said matter of factly between dropping kisses on the top of your head. 
You hummed in response, too tired for real words. 
He held you for a few more minutes, rubbing your back with small circles and offering praise. 
“Do you want to take a now bath, baby?”
You grumbled a sound of protest into his neck and felt his body shake with a laugh. 
You always wanted to take a bath, baths with Spencer were your favorite thing. But at this moment you were blissfully content and unwilling to move. 
He pulled you two apart for a moment to look at your face. Brushing a few strands of hair behind your ear, he inspected your face for any residual tears.
 Your eyes met his and found a softness in his eyes you didn’t think was possible from the man who had just teased, edged and fucked you so thoroughly. 
“Five more minutes,” he conceded, kissing your forehead. 
You nodded and nestled back into your spot, pressing your lips into the side of his neck.
Tell me all about it!
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stonesparrow · 4 years ago
Bird’s Writing Ideas
Summaries of some of the dcst AUs and other fanfic concepts I’m “working on,” or at least just have a google doc going for. Feel free to send me an ask if you want to hear more about any of them :P
No Stone Wars AU
Terrible name, yes, so sometimes I call this the “Delayed Lions AU.” I am not good at titling things. It’s an AU where Yuzuriha was successfully brought back to camp and revived instead of Tsukasa, and then the lions show up. Working together though, our heroes do manage to scare the lions away for the time being, and Tsukasa doesn’t end up getting revived until way later. Essentially it’s an excuse for me to write a civilization-building story where Senku carries out his plans as he intended before the whole Stone Wars shenanigans happened. Senku does still find Ishigami Village (he has to go to Hakone eventually to collect sulfur) but he’s not nearly as concerned about, ya know, getting murdered. Could be really boring for some people, but like I’ve said I LOVE the civilization building parts of DCST and this is my jam. I did way too much math for this one.
Fem! Senku AU
Exactly what it says on the tin. Tentatively titled “Ishigami Senku: Girl Genius.” I’ve left it ambiguous so far whether Senku is cis or trans, but either way this one is great for exploring how Senku’s decisions and character (and those around her) might be affected by Senku being a girl. For instance, this Senku is more used to being underestimated and patronized than canon Senku and has a slight compulsion to wanting to prove herself, which is in conflict with her desire to surge ahead without caring about what others think of her. Her hair also obeys gravity a little more and she wears it in a ponytail, and she’s a little closer to Yuzuriha than in canon (though Taiju is still her oldest and best friend). I’ve had a few problems with hashing out the plot for this one since I don’t want it to perfectly match canon but I also want it to keep some key story nodes, and the butterfly effect makes it tend to veer wildly off into various directions.
Mermaids AU(s)
I have like, three of these because I couldn’t decide how to go about it and just wanted to write something with mermaids. I like fantasy.
 Senku and Taiju are young mermen living in an underwater kingdom, and Senku’s fascinated with the above world, spending his days studying humans and their inventions and trying to come up with something that could allow him to go on land. But then one day something turns the whole Sea Kingdom into stone statues, and it’s up to Senku to venture out into the human world in search of a cure. Lower on my interest scale because most of the story wouldn’t take place among the mermaids.
Inspired by ao3 user Luki’s story Flock where soon after revival petrified humans sprout wings. In this case though, Senku realizes that he’s somehow becoming partially aquatic, only instead of being full on mermanified he ends up more like...mermaids in the Sims 3? Where he has to stay constantly hydrated to survive and his legs turn into a tail when submerged in water. I like this one a lot, actually.
H2O: Just Add Water AU. There was this Australian tv show I used to watch at my friend’s house when we were like...seven, about these three girls who after a strange encounter realized that ten seconds after coming in contact with water, they would turn into mermaids. I’ve tweaked that concept a lot but basically this AU is Senku, Taiju, and Yuzuriha taking the place of the three main characters, and also they’re in Japan instead of Australia, for obvious reasons. 
A Single Act of Kindness
AU where 12 year old Tsukasa is rescued from the old man on the beach by another, friendlier old man, one with grey hair with dark tips and red eyes. That’s it, that’s the whole concept. Probably gonna be a oneshot.
Future/Next Gen
Not an AU, but basically a bunch of (very theoretical and self indulgent) ideas I have about the Kingdom of Science post defeating Why-man. All of them stem from a concept I had where Senku finds a protege in Taiju and Yuzuriha’s third oldest child, a girl named Yurika (which is a legitimate girls’ name but Senku was the one who named her and meant it to sound like Eureka! on purpose, as if saying he wished for her to have a life full of discovery. He’ll deny thinking that much about it though). Most of the stories I have in this concept are about Yurika’s teen years, with Senku in his forties.
Suika in Wonderland
Just a funny idea I had where Suika falls asleep to Ukyo telling her an “old British children’s story,” one summer afternoon and finds herself in a strange world where a lot of the bizarre individuals she meets look oddly like some of her friends.
Recently I did a little speculative thing for this in this post, and I liked it enough to write it down into a more fully fleshed out concept. Story 1 is going to be about Ryusui growing up in the Northern Water Tribe and him meeting the Gaang when they arrive at the end of Book 1, while Story 2 is going to be about Senku and his friends uncovering the Dai Li conspiracy in Ba Sing Se and teaming up with the Gang when they arrive in Book 2. Story 3...well I’d like to do something regarding the Fire Nation characters, so maybe something to do with Amaryllis.
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rinharu-purple · 4 years ago
Fridays are for Fanfics: “Water”
First fanfic, actually not NSFW-but there is no way of knowing for sure nowadays.
Word count: 1500-ish
Pairing: Gavin x Reader 
Guest: MC
Date: When the Galaxy Falls
What am I doing in this place at this particular moment?
It's too loud in here... I can't bear to hear the chants and yells of the night. Somebody must be celebrating something... A birthday? A victory? Maybe a ball? Me? I am not in the mood for partying.
But why couldn't I just sleep?
I just want to sleep.
I was lost in these thoughts as the door of the lounge opened in a rush, giving me a startle. Who comes here at this hour of the day anyway? Two figures enter my line of sight, appear to be mining their own business, concentrating on each other only and not taking the slightest notice of me. Which suits me fine cuz' I have no reservations of not minding mine today.
One of the figures shakes and stirs, holding on to the other figure as they struggle with standing up straight. They look like wrestling, all entangled in each other. One of them is pulling the shirt of the other, the ripping sounds send waves of echo in the empty lounge. There are only two of them, and yet their heavy breathing vacuums the whole oxygen in the room, even I feel like my particles are being sucked by their gravity. Such an intense atmosphere. Can't help but watch their movements, their heads, their fingertips, their legs rubbing against each other and their breaths... Lots and lots of breaths, moans.
At this moment the more stable figure, turned his head, locking his eyes straight at me, throwing me an intimidating glare. It almost freezes me into ice.
- "am I... in trouble?"
These two figures turn around and start moving in my direction, now stopped their entanglement, stirring up my compounds. I am in this place all alone with them. The chants and yells from the other side of the door surpress any sound emerging in here.
The figure, whose glare is locked on me also draws my attention, since I have never seen the color of amber so vivid, so scorching in my life! It's as if it builds a whirlpool and you dive right in involuntarily.
Right at this moment, he reaches his hand towards me... Oh no!
I just wanted it to be a still night. I wanted to sleep, left alone, in my personal quietness. But what was that in this tone of amber that formed large sparkles of bubbles on my surface? My curiosity is aroused, but also something else...
While I was lost in my thoughts, I came to realize that I was already held by the waist and being carried up.
- "Wait a minute! What is happening?"
The figure with the color of amber was already pulling me closer to him, why is that I can't move? I was stuck in some kind of barrier and he was holding me tightly all the while pulling me in closer and closer. Tighter, closer, tighter, closer. The sinking oxygen level in me leaves me gasping for air. Now I am getting heated up almost to the point of boiling. I've never changes from icy to steamy in such short time. It's as if I can't recognize myself. A rush of unfamiliar thought and feelings surround me, sliding through gaps in between his knuckles, penetrating my compounds.
A pair of pinkish curves start appearing bigger and bigger in front of me... But why am I getting all carbonated all of a sudden? I must be indeed in trouble . These pair of lips are within my reach, there is nowhere to go but forward, I close my eyes... Cannot struggle. I am at the point of no return...
The first contact with those lips leave me no room for alert, trying to fight, but they are inviting me so softly and warm, that I cannot dare fighting them. Mmm... They are really soft just the bottom lip feels a little chappy, so I can't help but the rub myself against it instinctively. I feel like I am the first droplets of rain falling on the arid desert surface after a thousand year drought, it gives me a weird kind of satisfaction. Those lips truly are nice to touch...
Not being able to surpress my excitement for exploring further, I move towards his tongue that stings me at first... Mmm... Tastes like chilli, he must have had spicy food earlier. Despite the spice, the tongue is smooth with playful curves, now that I have more room to explore, I start wandering around his mouth, leaving no spot. It is tought that certain areas of the tongue sense certain tastes, but it's a myth. The tongue can sense any tast at any spot, so I make sure to leave my trace all around it. Now that I know he has been longing for the refreshment I can give him, I am determined to give him my everything, leaving nothing behind. He deserved the freshness of all waterfalls, rivers, glaziers and I can offer him.
Once my thirst for exploration and his initial need for refreshment on his tongue is stilled, I start traveling downwards, I want to sink into his innersides, want to know more all the while see more sides of him. I pass through his Adam's apple, forcing it to move up and down as I make my way through, the thought tempts my mind for a split second if I should give him a choke, a primal instinct temptation, but decide not to. I don't have time to waste, I have a certain destination to reach. I came so far and by every passing moment with him, I want more.
A gust of wind passes me through. He is breathing, such a hot mess of air! It's as though no mass of water could help cooling off this heatwave. No wonder he's been longing for my presence and grabbed me by the waist the way he did earlier. His actions start making sense all of a sudden. I get angry at myself for a slip second for falling too easily into this man. Another sentence finds its way out of me after this internal rebuke.
- "Don't worry, I'm here." Can he even hear me?
I reach his lungs, and can't help but stop and stare at their up and down movements. Watch as the air fills them with all its might, giving him a tender kiss of life, leaving only for a single moment, then coming right away back, filling him again. I can't help but think that he has a special bond with the air, it's as if his whole being is in tune with this element. It occurs to me as though air can fill up his whole body. I wish I were air. Is this...jealousy ? Weird. I am only here as a guest and I know very well that I won't be staying here for long. He just needs me at this moment to help him lower his temperature, it's scorching hot in this particular area. I want to...
His heartbeats are steady and yet extremely powerful, pumping his blood like a well engineered machine. "Such a big heart", I think to myself. I wish I could know, what kind of feelings roam in this mass of pure muscle, what causes those feelings this heart to beat faster, what...
The beats are getting faster and faster, now that I think about it, my surroundings are heated up too, he is certainly feeling something now, what could that be?
His lungs join this spontaneous philharmonic concert as the melody goes fortissimo. Is he having trouble to breathe? Is he having trouble? Am I causing this? Was I still for too long that I am intoxicating him? It is scorching hot in his blood. His whole body is reacting to something, or... Someone?
A name!
A name, but what is it?
His lungs, his heart, his blood, they are all singing a song, the songs name is... What is the name of this beautiful song? It only has one word, his whole body is chanting along with this one word in a choir. Such a lovely melody!
I start humming along with the song, with each time saying this name out loud, I feel as though I am becoming a part of him, I join his fluids, I mix myself into his blood, I can feel myself running along his heart, his strong arms, his fingertips, the hills and valleys of his abs, down to his Adonis muscle. The further I ride the flow of his blood the more euphoric I get. It is as if I've been fed with the strongest aphrodisiac, I am filled with a strong desire, I am on fire and I burn alongside with him! During this ritual like singing and dancing I start losing my consciousness as if he would rip me of my essence, as if he would absorb me, welcoming me to be a part of his.
The brulant yearning in his crotch is the last thing I feel of him, with the determined throbbing, and aching and pleading for attention. It looks like an unhinged animal bound in chains, dying to be set free! Such strong surge of emotions, what a memory, what a night!
I can't help but think to myself:
_" What an awesome man"
I open my eyes, shaken by the powerful aftereffects of the lucid dream I just had. Can still feel the dense set of emotions I felt during this dream. The sensation doesn't leave my body easily, but when my heart rate starts to stabilize I can't help, but to wish for a split second that I were water.
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sundove88 · 4 years ago
1-A And The Beast (MHA Beauty And The Beast AU Fanfic) Chapter Three: The West Wing
Inspired by the Gravity Falls Beauty And The Beast AU made by @artsycrapfromsai
“Man, dinner was so good.” Mineta said as he patted his tummy, which was quite full from all the dishes and sweets he had eaten at the table. “It’s our first time in an enchanted castle like this. Mind to give us a tour?” Todoroki said.
 “Of course! I know everything there is to know.” Mr. Aizawa said as he hopped off the dinner table and into the Great Hall. As Mr. Aizawa led the friends down the Hallway of Paintings, he showed them the various paintings of gorgeous landscapes, with a young man or woman in the picture, doing a pose that matched their surroundings.
 “Don’t they look extra cool?” said Present Mic as he gazed at a picture of a beautiful young boy named Mirio, who was on a motorbike in the painting. “It sure does. Looks like the ones from my house.” Momo said, staring up. But as they went further, they came to a stairway with elegant designs. “Where does that lead to?” Izuku asked out of curiosity.
Turns out, it was the West Wing and no one was even allowed up there. So, when Present Mic and Mr. Aizawa got into another one of their heated arguments, the friends did what best friends always do- go and explore the West Wing.
“Should we open the door?” asked Denki cautiously. “Yeah, yeah. We should.” Kirishima replied, with him and Izuku opening the giant doors to the room. 
But upon opening the door to the West Wing, the entirety of the room was a mess! “It’s even messier than MY room!” Bakugo said as he and the others traversed the messy area.
Tattered drapery and furniture were everywhere, the mount of a stag had fallen down, and even the bed was a wreck. “Looks as if someone definitely doesn’t clean their room.” Mina Ashido said, examining the damage. 
“Looks like someone also doesn’t care about the paintings.” Todoroki said, attempting to put the painting back together without avail. The only thing in the room that was intact was a hero’s guidebook under glass, in tip top condition.
 “No way! This is a Hero’s Guidebook- and it’s in perfect condition!” Izuku cried, taking off the glass case and opening the book. “But how’s it in perfect condition with no rips or tears?” Uraraka asked curiously. “And it writes itself!” Izuku cried happily. 
Hello. The book said. “Lemme see!” Bakugo said, taking the book. But just as he was about to turn the page... the Beast stormed in, grabbing the book! 
“AAAHHH!” Everyone cried at the same time while All Might put the book under its glass case. “Why did you come here?” All Might said. “Look. We’re sorry!” Todoroki replied. “I warned you kids never to come here! You could’ve hurt or killed her!” All Might yelled. “We’re sorry. We didn’t mean any harm!” Izuku countered. “But who’s her?” Melissa questioned. 
“DO YOU KIDS REALIZE WHAT YOU COULD HAVE DONE?!?!” All Might Roared. “Stop!” Bakugo said as All Might started to destroy things. “GET OUT!” All Might cried as he destroyed a table. “GEEEEEEET OOOOOOOOOUUUUUUTTTTTT!!!!!” He roared, shaking the entire place and forcing the kids to run.
 “Promise or no promise, we aren’t staying here for long!” Fumikage Tokoyami said, as he and his friends grabbed their coats and scrambled out the door.
Upon getting onto Majesty, the kids headed into the forest so they could get away from the Beast’s horrible temper, with Izuku leading the way. “Ever get that feeling you’re being watched?” Aoyama asked as they trudged deeper. 
“Oh no, wolves!” Tenya Iida cried. He was right. A pack of vicious wolves had surrounded them like buzzards circling their prey.  “RUUUUN!” Mineta yelled as he ran for his life.
The others followed him, trying to outrun the vicious wolves, all the while screaming like bloodless cowards. “AAAAAAAAHHHHHHH! HHHEEEEEEEEEEEELLLLLLPPPPPP!” Everyone cried as they ran through the forest, trying to outrun the pack with as much stamina as they had.
But the wolves got Majesty’s reins tangled in some tree branches- throwing Izuku and everyone else off! Bakugo tried to make some explosions to scare off the wolves, Momo created a staff to fight off the pack, and Koji Koda tried talking to them, but whatever method they tried, the wolves always outnumbered them.
 “Somebody help uuuuuuuuussssss!” Uraraka yelled. At that moment, All Might burst into the clearing, using the power of One For All to drive the wolves away, while getting many scratches in the process. “Mr. All Might!” Melissa gasped.
The wolves ripped and tore at his fur, and scratched and clawed. But soon, the wolves ran away, and everyone breathed a huge sigh of relief. But All Might was seriously hurt from the fight against the wolves, and collapsed in the snow.
 “Don’t worry, buddy. We’re gonna get you back to the castle so you can feel all better.” Uraraka said, using her gravity powers to lift All Might onto Majesty so they could take him back to U. A. Castle. 
Near the fireplace, the friends were helping All Might clean his wounds. Kirishima and half of the friends were supporting All Might, while Izuku, Bakugo, Uraraka, and Todoroki cleaned his wounds. 
“Would you refrain from doing that? That’s gross.” Shoji requested All Might to stop licking his wounds. “Hold still, buddy.” Izuku said as he applied the hot water to All Might, causing him to roar. 
“That hurts!” He cried, causing the enchanted objects to flee in terror. “If you, like, hold still, it wouldn’t hurt that much!” Izuku said as he put aloe vera onto the wounds. “Well, if you kids hadn’t run away, this wouldn’t have happened.” said All Might.
 “If you hadn’t scared the living daylights out of us, we wouldn’t have run away!” Bakugo replied. All Might thought for a moment, then said, “Well, you kiddos shouldn’t have been in the West Wing!” 
“Well, buddy, you’ve gotta chill out and control your temper!” Todoroki asked. “Now hold still, for this might sting a bit.” Uraraka said as she applied the towel with aloe vera onto the wounds.
 “By the way- thank you for saving our butts.” replied Mineta, his eyes sparkling. “You’re absolutely welcome.” All Might replied. He had never heard that in his life before. 
Meanwhile, at the village tavern, Overhaul, Dabi, Shigaraki, and Toga were blabbering with Monsieur Stain from the Home For The Reality Challenged to declare Inko insane- unless she agreed to become Chisaki’s bride!
Just then, an old man came into the tavern, begging for a bite to eat. The villagers shook their heads, but Toga gave the rest of her sandwich to the man, which he gladly ate.
Suddenly, in a puff of smoke, the man revealed himself to be All For One, the sorcerer who cursed All Might! “So, what can I do for you?” he asked in an evil sounding voice. 
“We’re going to declare Inko insane- and lock her up in the Home For The Reality Challenged! Or marry her.” Overhaul explained. “Yes, but I also have another thing in mind- to destroy Nana Shimura and make the curse permanent.” All For One said, describing his plans. 
“You’ve got yourself a deal, then!” Overhaul said as he shook hands with All For One. Now that Overhaul had the evil All For One on his side, he would be unstoppable...
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infriga · 5 years ago
Writer tag game
I was tagged by @novantinuum !
Author Name: I’m Infriga on tumblr but I go by Ppleater on AO3 because it’s a username I liked to use in the past lol.
Fandom(s) you write for: Steven Universe, Gravity Falls, and in the past I’ve also written one or two things for Red vs Blue, Gintama, Chuck, Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicles, and SGA. Most of my older stuff is on FFN, where it will stay because it’s old and embarrassing lol. I want to write a One Piece fic some day but christ is it a hard fandom to write for. There are so many puzzle pieces and moving parts and layers to everything in the OP world that anything bigger than a oneshot is daunting. Also Luffy’s mind is an enigma so I can only imagine how difficult he’d be to write.
Where you post: AO3. I used to post on FFN years ago, but not anymore because let’s be honest, ffn kinda sucks in comparison.
Most popular one-shot: My RvB fic I guess. The long cliched title is Five Times Tucker Knew Church Was a Robot, And One Time He Forgot That Church Was Still Human. It’s not all that popular, but it got more attention than any of my older oneshots on FFN haha.
Most popular multi-chapter: My Gravity Falls fic about kid Stan and paranoid Ford, 1 Step Forward, 20 Years Back. It was my first multichapter fic, and boy was I floored by the response it got!
Favorite story you wrote: I’m really bad at picking favourites! I like both my GF fic 1 Step Forward, 20 Years Back, and my Steven Universe fic Aid to Navigation at the moment. They’re both more recent fics and I feel like I’ve shown the most improvement in writing both of them, which is part of why i like them more, but I like them both for different reasons so I can’t really choose between them.
Story you were nervous to post: Man I’m nervous posting everything I write lol. I guess I tend to be more nervous about my hurt/comfort stuff for some reason? Especially the hurt parts. Like the chapter where Stan gets thrown down the stairs by Bill in my GF fic, or the upcoming chapter 5 in my SU fic. I really enjoy writing that sort of stuff, and I love reading it even more, so I’m always a little like >:3c but I can be a wee bit sensitive about stuff I get really into writing because I’m invested in it so I’m also a little like <:3c every time, you know? Still, if there’s one thing I’ve learned by getting more involved in fandoms is that it can be worth it to just put stuff out there and own it even when I’m nervous about it, so I usually just force myself to press the post button before I can chicken out. It’s worked out pretty well for me so far.
How do you choose your titles? I’ve developed 2 main methods which, funnily enough, I used for my two recent multichapter fics.
Method 1 involves word play, such as using a pun or a saying that fits one of the themes of my fic, and I adjust it as needed it to match the story. I felt like the saying “1 step forward, 2 steps back” fit the whole portal confrontation in general, and Stan getting turned into a kid involves taking some pretty literal steps backwards, so I changed it to 20 years back to give it a de-aging spin and make it even more of a play on words. That one admittedly came pretty easy to me. I also came up with more puns,wordplay, and jokes for the chapter names to match.
Method 2 involves using symbolism. I like to figure out something I feel would be symbolic of my fic and I look for interesting and relevant terminology or topics related to whatever that symbol is. In Aid to Navigation I settled on lighthouses as the symbolic element because I felt it suited Steven’s character, since he lives on a beach, helps guide people, and literally glows. An aid to navigation is basically any structure that helps ships navigate on the ocean, which includes lighthouses in particular, and it felt really suitable for Steven’s character and the themes of the fic. Other terminology that popped up and caught my interest while looking into stuff related to lighthouses ended up serving as inspiration for the chapter names and some of the story progression.
Of course, sometimes a title just pops into my head automatically and I end up liking it right away, but that’s pretty rare lol.
How many of your stories are complete? 2 on AO3, my RvB oneshot and my GF fic, and an extra 7 oldy moldy ones on FFN which are all oneshots. I technically write more now than I used to, but while my word count has rised drastically the number of individual fics I’ve written isn’t too high yet. I just found I enjoy writing longer multichapter fics a lot.
In progress: Just Aid to Navigation at the moment. I’m the kind of person who usually likes to finish a writing project before moving to a new one.
Coming soon:
I’ve tried coming up with future projects but honestly it seems like I tend to just be sort of... Gripped with a sudden idea that just feels right. I always have tons of concepts I like, but most never actually become anything. Only a few strike me as something that I really want to turn into a story right away. I might make a series of connected oneshots for Aid to Navigation involving interactions and scenes that I couldn’t fit in due to there not being enough time to explore every character the way I wanted (like I wanted to write a scene with Lars and Steven for example, but it didn’t seem to fit anywhere), but beyond that I have no idea what I’ll end up writing.
Upcoming story you’re most excited to write: Do upcoming chapters of a current fic count? The chapters I felt most excited to write for Aid to Navigation are the next one which is already finished and awaiting the accompanying picture, titled “Red Sector”, and the following one after that, which will be titled “Leading Lights”. All I’ll say about them is that both types of lights serve as warnings.
Top five favorite authors:
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I like so many damnit, it’s hard to choose!
I’ve loved everything I’ve read by @novantinuum
I’ve bookmarked a lot of GF fics by @impishnature
Same with @fanfoolishness and their SU fics
One Piece fics by @taizi are my favourites in the fandom
There’s probably more people I’m forgetting and if that’s the case I’m sorry and I love you all, but if anyone wants to see more authors I’ve read stuff by I have fic rec/fic recs/fanfic rec/fanfic recs tags (wish I could remember which one I use at a given time so I wasn’t so inconsistent about it otl. Someday when xkit is working again I’ll try to organise them better). Also I have like, 400+ bookmarks on AO3 that you can look through as well.
Tagging: Uh, I tag all the writers I mentioned above I guess, if they want to do it and if they haven’t done it already!
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pandirpus · 5 years ago
Fanfic Writer Game
tagged by @ssjumi <3
How would you describe your fanfic style?  somehow both short and concise, but at the same also way too lavish with seriously just too many words. sentences are brimming with too many adjectives and too many verbs. too many commas too, but that’s just a German disease. characters are always unreliable narrators and a lot is left to interpretation. also there’s a frankly suspicious amount of focus on heartbeat, blood and throats and the act of breathing because i can’t be stopped.
What tropes would you never use? .idk i think i could make most things work for me? especially if i don’t usually enjoy a thing, figuring out a way in which i’d like it is a nice challenge. also it really depends on the pairing - different ships make me appreciate different tropes <3
What tropes do you ALWAYS use? 
i feel like ALL my fics feature at least three of these:
characters (esp if they are prideful and cling onto being in control) being vulnerable and emotionally raw
characters being attracted to/desiring either unhealthy, potentially dangerous or very strange things
characters very consensually engaging in very unwise (sexual) behavior
mixing of violence and sensuality/pleasure
substance abuse
characters being fucked up but not realizing how messed up they are.
basically it’s all characters not able to properly self-reflect engaging in different flavors of self-destructive behavior dsfklfk i’m honestly such a one-trick-pony. 
if it’s not about self-destructive bullshit, it’s always about character being ridiculous about navigating a relationship and dealing with feelings, and unusual kinds of intimacy - i love writing a lot about consensual possession / merged identities because wow, that immense level of intimacy??? unmatched.
Where do you write? mainly ao3 - especially after my last account got deleted, i learned my lesson to never archive anything on tumblr. i still have a bunch of fics on livejournal though, and i have an abandoned ff.net account that i’ve forgotten the password for. when i still wrote in german, i uploaded my fics on animexx, of course. bless animexx.
How many names do you write under? Why? just pandir because it’s more convenient and i want people to be able to find me <3
What’s your usual rating level? Teen or Mature, sometimes because of the themes and injuries or violence, sometimes because of smut, sometimes both.
First fandom you wrote for? i think my first attempt at writing a story was a lord of the rings sequel which i wrote one or two pages of before immediately getting stuck because i had no plot and no clue what i wanted out of it lmao 
the first fandom i posted fic online for was yu-gi-oh!  How long did you read fics before you started writing them? i did read some lotr fic before getting the idea of writing one, it was probably the same year though, possibly the same month, i barely remember
Do you usually write chapter fics or one shots? oneshots. most ideas i have are just oneshot material because i never come up with a plot, i always just want to explore a scenario. also i just love oneshots as a writing format so much? i barely ever read multi-chapter fics because oneshots are just what my brain wants.
Your fandoms: rn it’s better call saul as you might have noticed orz i think all in all, i’ve written fic for almost two dozen fandoms, but i wrote the most fics for yu-gi-oh, gravity falls, dragon age II, ace attorney: apollo justice, metal gear solid 3 and the amazing spider-man (solely because i was obsessed with electro/harry). Tagging @sm-victories @seraphtrevs @seanfiction @antarestyl @the-parallax-of-rain @vefanyar @carabas and every single fic writer out there who wants to do this <3 
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sunbird-tells-stories · 6 years ago
What are your headcanons for Omi, Clay, and Raimundo in reference to MW? If you don't get the chance to fit everything into your story, would you consider writing one-shots to go along with it? What was your inspiration for writing MW, aside from wanting a Jack Spicer redemption? What's your writing process? How long have you been writing? Are there other fandoms you're into besides XS?
This is going to get LONG and I don’t want to split it up because internet is bad here so apologies In advance but here we go:
What are your headcanons for Omi, Clay, and Raimundo in reference to MW?
I’ll start writing them and posting them as soon as I finish answering this one. It might take a bit, but you’ll see them up in a few hours or so.
Believe it or not those headcanons help me a lot when it comes to figuring out characters. So thanks for asking! I appreciate it.
If you don't get the chance to fit everything into your story, would you consider writing one-shots to go along with it?
Hell. Yes.
There is SO much I want to do. I want to write about how each Dragon found their element. I want to write ALL OF THE SHIP FUEL for Jack x Jermaine x Timber. I want to write about them having little mini episodic breather adventures in lots of different countries and cities, I’m talking Mumbai, St Petersburg, Venice, Paris, Capetown, Aguascalientes, Melbourne, everywhere! And maybe run ins with villains, for no reason. I want to write about them teaching each other about their strengths, like Jack explaining science to Jermaine and Timber or Timber teaching them two city boys how to fish and forage for food.
Also more moments of Jermaine reigning these two natural disasters in and teaching them how to be actual people. Because that’s always fun.
I want to write little moments between characters in Team Xiaolin during their quest to track down Team Spicer and I want to write moments between Seon Yeong, Rai and Kim as a trio. I want to write post-MW! Fics between characters and how they learn and grow after the events of the story - especially Kimiko and Timber as total opposites and the only two girls on the team. And I really want to write a ‘beach episode’ where Jack, Jermaine and Timber just end up warping to a tropical area and just have fun for once.
I want to write solo fics about Jack and Jermaine and their personal struggles as they grow up with their own troubles prior to MW!
And a part of me really, really wants to start posting a mini fic about Timber’s life in Silent Harbor, to show her slow, sad descent into the troubled teen she has now become and as a build up to the events of Chapter 6 of MW! where she runs into Jack for the first time. It would be SO spoiler-y though.
There’s a lot that might not fit in MW! And I would definitely write a bunch of mini stories. I don’t know who would be interested in reading all of that, but I might do it just to brainstorm ideas and explore character interactions.
What was your inspiration for writing MW, aside from wanting a Jack Spicer redemption?
I’ve been wanting to tell a XS story since I was a kid! This show was my everything! The characters were my everything. And even now it holds a special place in my heart. So the drive to write something for this fandom has always been there.
As for MW! itself....I’ve always had a fondness for Jack Spicer. I’ve always wanted him to find some semblance of happiness and have someone there so he’s not alone. And a long time ago, that someone became Timber.
But Timber wasn’t who she is today. She was Latina, and Californian, and a bubbly pink ray of sunshine and positivity. And Jack had a crush on her and she was his bestie and she was essentially an overly competent sidekick for him and then Clay had a crush on her and she was the Dragon Of Wood and Jack was the Dragon Of Metal and he was going to sell his soul to the Heylin side to finally earn Chase’s approval and she was gonna save him from himself...well, you get the picture. And I liked her a lot, and I still miss that version of her sometimes, but...she wasn’t interesting enough. And there wasn’t really a story there. At least not much of one. What was there could have been interesting on its own, but it was pretty self indulgent and I don’t think anyone besides me would have enjoyed reading it. And that’s no fun.
Then I had the idea to somehow bind Timber, an innocent civilian girl, to Jack through magic by having her make the idiotic mistake of betting herself in a Showdown with him over a Wu that was hers and then lose, and then essentially being dragged along on all of his adventures and slowly becoming friends with him while hilarity ensues. Then I had the idea to make a game breaking Wu that just...caused trouble. And the story then became about Jack accidentally dragging a civilian girl along on a warpy portally adventure with that Wu and run into all these villains as they become friends.
But when I did this, it didn’t feel balanced. I had someone on the Heylin side and I had someone who was Neutral. So then I needed someone as a buffer between Jack and Timber so they didn’t kill each other and to represent the side of Good aka someone who was Xiaolin.
And then Jermaine came along!
And as I developed the story more, I realized I wanted to tell something serious, and have all the characters grow and play off of each other and talk about the XS universe and answer questions and give everyone this big, long journey and great trial and give Jack actual character development and actual friends/love interests and have someone from Chinese Mythology be the Xiaolin’s ultimate adversary and Jack’s final test of character. And along the way, MW! was born.
And I’m really grateful for that.
What's your writing process?
Usually first I write up a few ideas of what I want to happen, like the general flow of the chapter. Then I make a chronological skeleton of dialogue, and I tweak it until I’m satisfied. Then I write the rest of the stuff like actions and descriptions.
One of my flaws is being redundant. Another is being overly wordy. So after I write it all out, I try to trim it down and tweak it as best as I can until these flaws are no more (I sometimes skip stuff) and then I just play around with the chapter until it feels right. It has to strike an emotional chord with me and get me excited to write it before I publish it. If I don’t feel that spark, it doesn’t go up.
I had a few people in the fandom volunteer to be beta readers, but my chapters are so long...so right now it’s just a couple of my closest friends who are looking at it, the main one being my friend CVD, who also wants to be a writer. She’s got a good eye for what does and doesn’t belong and I’m forever thankful. My other two, Trinket and Papillion, look over it and help let me know how they feel about things so they’re also a big help. So shoutout to you guys!
And then after all that noise, my stuff goes up.
However, my older chapters could use one final spellcheck and revision so I’ll eventually go back and polish those up a bit. Typos man. Typos....
A lot of times I’ll also take breaks to do some research and find inspiration music. Honestly there are days where I can’t figure a character or a scene out until I find JUST the right song for inspiration. And since a lot of characters in my fic are from a different country and cultural background than mine, I’ll do plenty of research to try to stay true to who they are. I’m doing a lot of research on the Bedouin tribe and its history and looking for a lot of pretty Middle Eastern music right now, for example. YouTube is a great resource for these things! Bless the internet!
How long have you been writing?
Since forever! I’ve always been making up stories in my head! And they’d get elaborate too! I’ve built so many worlds and characters just by playing around as a little kid, I can’t even begin where to start talking about them all. As I grew, I started to write them down and now I want to get serious about it! Besides Monkey Wrench!, I want to write a fanfic for the Ducktales 2017 fandom and the Black Butler fandom, and I have two original novel ideas I want to write out and get published. It’s my dream to make stories that other people love and that inspire others to learn, write, make stuff and have adventures and stuff. Literally my dream is to make stories that get a buttload Of fanart and cosplays and fanfic and just...move the world for the better somehow. That is my highest goal rn. Being a published and famous author.
Are there other fandoms you're into besides XS?
Hell yeah! Although I do tend to have periods where I hyper fixate on one at a time. Besides Xiaolin Showdown, I also like Gravity Falls, Storm Hawks, Steven Universe, Star vs The Forces Of Evil, and Ducktales 2017. There were a lot more in the past, such as Teen Titans, King Falls AM, The Boondocks, and Samurai Champloo, but I haven’t been very active in those fandoms as of late.
I really need to get into Tangled: The Series, OK KO, Victor and Valentino, and Craig Of the Creek. They all look phenomenal, I just don’t have time to get into them all yet.
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